#it takes maybe 5 bar meetups for that to happen
mariatesstruther · 9 months
okay hear me out modern au where Tommy and Maria first meet in a club in their 20s and they bump into each other while dancing and just start dancing together and they just hit it off but in the end they both forget to give each other their numbers so both of them go back to the same club the next week to hopefully meet each other again (also Tess and Maria definitely go clubbing together because I love them as best friends)
cowboy!!!! yes yes YES i LOVE this. and u could extend this meet-cute into like a whole thing where tommy and maria keep trying to meet at the club and exchange information, but something gets in the way everytime!!!! kid emergency!!! bar fight!!! cocaine bear on the loose!!! zombie apocalypse—who knows????
im thinking the first time, tess drags maria to a bar she likes because she’s been trying to get the attention of this hot dilfy guy at the bar, but he’s always tailing along with his friend. by tess’s design, maria and tommy meet and and hit it off and dance (to maria maria by santana) the night away. they fall in love and decide they want to go home together, so maria goes to the bathroom—but joel randomly comes up and is like “tommy, hey sorry selena’s mom called, sarah had a nightmare and she wants us both to pick her up, we gotta go” and in true miller dad-uncle panic they BOLT. by the time maria comes back, tess is like “idk dude, mine got a call so they had to go. seemed like an emergency. bummer” and they assume thats that
on the flip side: everythings okay with sarah, but after tommy and joel tuck her in tommy’s suddenly just like “fuck—fuck!!!!!” and joels like “what? what???” and he’s like “i didn’t get her number :(:(:(:( fuck” and so joel’s like “it’s okay, i see her friend there all the time” and so tommy’s like “omg :D do you have her friends number?” “well… no” “joel… what the fuck man.” so they make a plan to go back next week with the hopes of at least seeing tess and getting maria’s number from there—tommy also wants to get tess’s number for joel, but he doesn’t need to know that
little do THEY know, tess and maria are already plotting for next weekend. they show up to that bar looking fine as FUCK—they quite literally turn heads walking through the door. of course the miller brothers are there, sitting in a booth all the way in the back and waiting, making eyes. tess and maria are not shy, so they start making their way over. unfortunately, some drunk asshole decides to try to get handsy with tess on her way there—which results in her punching him in the face, which results in him trying to punch her in the face. she dodges, of course, but it starts a full-on bar brawl that the miller boys jump into without hesitation (joel manages to tackle and land a few good ones on og drunk asshole too so. slay.). none of them get arrested or anything, but they definitely don’t get eachother numbers on account of joel and tommy having to duck the cops
so i guess they gotta keep trying ;)
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junkdyke · 1 year
That Time I Hooked Up With A Tumblr Mutual
Ok. Let me start by saying this is not a callout post, and this should be read as a humorous story, with some takeaway lessons at the end. Please enjoy my story of my weird ass encounter with a Tumblr mutual.
Part 1: The Backstory
Alight so boom. I had just returned home from a trip where I met a different Tumblr mutual. That trip was great but didn't end up going to plan, so long story short, ya girl was horny. I had never really had a one-night-stand or sought out a solely sexual hookup, so I started thinking maybe I could try it out, see how I like it. And through the sheer power of manifestation, that opportunity presented itself.
I was scrolling Tumblr and one of my mutuals posted asking if anyone was in (my area) and wanted to hang out. Mind you, I have never spoken to this mutual before. No DMs, maybe like 1 or 2 comments through tags and that's it. But, most of my moots are far as fuck, so when I saw she was near me I was like oh ayo, I'm free! Why not, I had nothing else going on! So I reply, and she DMs me.
So she introduces herself, we'll call her Chicle for reasons I'll get to later in the story lmao. Anyway, she gushes a little bit, saying she's been too shy to DM me and that I'm a really cool tattoo artist mutual, I say she's cute and seems cool, and she asks if I've ever been to this particular mall. I say I have and if she wants to cruise the mall with me. She says yeah I'd love to cruise the mall and "if I like her vibe, then maybe we can do something more fun." I say I'm down, she gives me her number.
So here is what I'm envisioning. We'll meet up at the mall, walk around and talk, get to know each other, have some laughs, get a snack, it was a Friday so maybe we could go out to like a bar or go dancing, and then maybe after that, possibly make-out or even have sex! I am not opposed to having sex after a first date if I'm really vibing with the person and if we've been talking for a bit before. Girls, this is not what happened.
Part 2: The Meeting
I get ready, and I drive to the mall. I park, we text on where to meetup and I head over to the Gamestop. I see her at the counter, go up and I'm like "are you buying Pokemon cards?" She starts laughing, she says "I didn't want you to see this!" I'm laughing, I told her it's cute, she finishes paying and we walk around. Cute start and thennnn it all starts to go downhill from here.
As we are walking out of the Gamestop, a minute and thirty seconds into meeting this stranger, she wraps her arm, not around my waist...but around my ass. And pulls me close. I'm instantly uncomfortable by how close this gesture is. She starts cooing in my ear about how she's "so glad I'm not a catfish" and "if I like her vibe because she really likes mine". We met not even 5 minutes ago, I have not had time to evaluate any vibes! But anyway! She asks if she wants smoke 🍃 so I agree, and we go outside, right across from where we just were.
I get to take like 1 hit from this pen, she then steps close to me and says "I'm so glad you're real" kisses me and squeezes my ass. I again feel the need to emphasize that at this point, it has still been less than 5 minutes since we've met, and we have exchanged about 10 messages only a couple hours prior. This is a stranger to me. ANYWAY.
We go back inside, she asks if I wanna walk around, I agree. We chat for a short bit of time, before we go to the food court. I wasn't hungry, so she got some food and we sat and talked. I had made some mention about my past and she wanted to know more so I'm like "okay, I'll give you my lore while you eat" so I basically tell Chicle my life story. Afterwards, we go to walk around more and I start trying to ask her questions so I can get to know her more. It becomes very apparent that she is not interested in getting to know each other lmao. I ask what she does for work, and what she's interested in, and she tells me she's interested in getting into (something animation related) and i'm like "oh ayo, that aligns with what I do" and start trying to get more info cause i'm curious, annd I get just the shortest fucking answers. Ok.
She ends up making a comment about how I'm probably more experienced than her, and I'm like "oh really? Well how many people have you been with?" and Chicle asks "are we counting online?" Now, there is nothing necessarily wrong with this...but it does become more clear on just how "online" this person is. Anyway, she has only been with a few people, never had a partner. It becomes very clear as to why she may have never had a partner.
Part 3: Inappropriate Behavior
We are walking around the mall, stopping in a few stores to look at stuff. Chicle is walking next to me and I am still trying to invoke conversation. But Chicle is not interested in conversation, because instead, she is deliberately and blatantly staring directly at my tits. What I mean is, mid-walking, she is at my side, craning her head to the side to make it incredibly clear that that is what she is doing. I straight up ask "are you...staring at my tits?" she confirms as such, and says something about her being a dog. The dog thing will come up again.
Chicle is at different points, holding me, kissing me, and saying various suggestive things. She grabs me and whispers in my ear "do you want to go back to my room" and I nervous laugh and say "uhhh, we'll see!" At another point, she says "you're so small, you want me to manhandle you and throw you around?" and I again nervous laugh. We're like in Hot Topic, and she start trying to makeout with me and grabbing my ass and says "you're making me so hard"(we'll put a pin in that) and I push her away and say "not in public". I can do a little PDA but this is a lot, and at this point I have known her for about 40 minutes, maybe an hour.
Continuing on, as we're walking through this crowded mall, she drapes her arm over my shoulder and starts grabbing my boob and trying to pinch my nipples, which I immediately pull away from and again say "not in public". Chicle again says "do you wanna get out of here and go back to my room" and I'm questioning what exactly she means, because the phrasing is a little weird. "what do you mean 'your room'?" and she says "I have a hotel room" so I'm a little confused cause I thought she lived in the area. She does.
"i got us a room"
Ya'll, this bitch preemptively booked a MOTEL ROOM without even asking me.
At this point, she has asked multiple times and each time I nervous laughed and said "haha maybe, we'll see, ehhh we'll see" To any normal person, my body language was extremely clear that I was uncomfortable. And again this is not a callout post, she is not a bad person, and everything that ultimately happened, I did consent to. But I will not sugarcoat the fact that this behavior was definitely inappropriate harassment, and there was absolutely some pressuring with the continuous asking. But as I mulled it over, there were 2 reasons I ultimately decided to agree and meet her at that motel.
I was craving intimacy
I had never done something like this before so..fuck it, let's do it for the plot.
And so, she gave me the address, we got in our respective cars, and we met at the motel.
Part 4: The Motel
We go to the room, put our stuff down, and I go to use the restroom. I'm thinking "oh shit, this is weird but alright, let's see what happens"
I come out of the restroom, wash my hands, and she comes over and we start kissing. Already it's fucking weird because the way she is kissing me is so goddamn fast, it's like someone inhaling a meal because they think it's gonna run away from them. Now idk about ya'll, but I like a slow, deep kiss. So already it's a mismatch, but whatever. She lifts me onto the sink, despite the weird kissing, it's hot. She has some really minty gum in her mouth, hence the name Chicle. Put a pin in that.
After a bit, we go to the bed, and I keep saying "how did you get me here" because honestly, I'm not fully comfortable, it's just a weird situation for me and I'm surprised I agree to it. But agree to it I did, so we get on the bed, and keep going. Now, even though she does not have much experience, she's not bad! But...I can tell there's certain things she's doing that I've seen. Or rather, read. Whew lad.
As we're getting into it, my clothes are coming off, she's saying "You're my favorite Tumblr mutual. I can't believe this is what my favorite Tumblr mutual is into." I don't even really know what to say to this because quite frankly, mentioning social media in bed in any capacity is kinda fucking cringe. But it just gets worse.
So, she's spitting on my pussy. And I, personally, have a strong aversion to spit. It's something that I tell anyone that is a potential sexual partner, but it this case, we obviously did not have a prior talk about our sexual boundaries. In this case, I'm like "okay whatever as long as it's just there" but I quickly say "hey uh, just please don't do that in my mouth or i'll throw up" lmao. She's like "Oh okay sorry sorry". But then at some point, without warning she smacks the FUCK out of my pussy, and I'm so taken aback I immediately say "UH DON'T DO THAT" and she again apologizes and says
"Oh sorry, you know I had to try that one. Like that Tumblr post, you know the one."
Ya'll, everything this bitch is doing, she is referencing posts from Tumblr. She is referencing the sexy fantasy butch/femme text posts from Tumblr and she is referencing them out loud. In the middle of real life sex.
She goes on to reference more posts, and the worst part is I know exactly the one's she's talking about. "Mutuals to lezz out with" etc etc, it's so fucking cringe, and she tells me about how she started wearing more of a certain article of clothing after I reblogged a picture of her in it and how embarrassed she is to admit that (I thought that was kinda cute actually) anyway
She's still going way too fast with like all her movements, I tell her to slow down and relax and I think at this point I mention how she did not have to do all that PDA shit from before. She says "well you know, on my Tumblr I do say I'm a dog" and then uh, she starts barking. 💀 literally starts going "woof, woof" and I tell her to s t o p. Jesus fucking christ.
Anyway, after mentioning Tumblr and calling me her favorite Tumblr mutual way too many fucking times, I'm on top of her. Mind you, this whole time, I'm kinda in and out dissociating, just due to how not fully comfortable I am with this. But ya know, I'm still going for it. Her shirts off, she has really cute boobs, and then I notice a really fucking huge bulge in her pants. And I fully dissociate. Not gonna lie, I started feeling really panicky, because straight up, I was not prepared for this. Physically, I'm still touching her, but my mind is fully disconnected, and I'm thinking "oh fuck. When she said 'you're making me so hard' was she being literal? I don't know if I'm comfortable with this. Should I tell her I want to stop? But I don't wanna hurt her feelings. Should I just take it? Well no, I don't really want to...maybe I'll just say 'hey is it cool if I don't touch it?' I mean, she's cute so ehhhhh let's just see what happens!" SO. We continue on.
We flip and she's now on top of me. She references another fucking Tumblr post, and says "do you wanna suck on this lesbian cock?", unzips her pants and pulls out...this MASSIVE transparent strap on. And I'm like oh, it was fake LMAO. Then I say "...yeah, so that's not going in me"
She ends up taking it off, I don't even know how the fuck she hid it in her jeans that entire time, and we continue on. Around this point, I'm starting to feel pretty spent, she did some other things like opening up my pussy to stare at it and describe the color, whatever, I'm kinda done and I just wanna cuddle. So we cuddle for a bit and again, it's physically nice but it's just so weird because she is SUCH a stranger to me that I can't get fully comfortable. She starts trying to start up again and I'm just not really in the mood anymore. She keeps playing with my nipples and typically whenever I'm touched in a way I'm not digging, I'll just take their hand and move it away as a silent but pretty clear way to indicate "no". But uh, I had to do that like 4 times with her before I verbally say "hey, please stop" and her response is "why" 💀 like wdym "why" bitch, cause i said so. I'm kinda surprised by this response so I start to say "Uhhhh, it's...kinda specific" and she goes "oh okay, sorry sorry".
So, honestly, I kinda just wanna go home but I don't wanna be mean and just take off. But there's also no way in hell I'm sleeping over in this motel room. So, I suggest we go out and maybe go to a club or something and she's like "uh, no. I don't like going out" 💀 like damn, maybe you should spend less time on FUCKING TUMBLR AND TRY GOING OUT IRL but whatever, instead we just go get food and bring it back to the room.
Part 5: What Could Have Been
We got some burgers, and she wants to open the Pokemon cards. We do, that's fun and cute, and she asks if I wanna keep some of the stickers that came in one of the packs.
Then she tells me that she had went to the library and checked out a book on tattoos since "she knows I'm a tattoo artist, and thought we could flip through it together." And I genuinely think this is such a cute fucking gesture, I think it's really sweet, and it frustrates the fuck out of me because of what this could have been.
I told her that she did not have to do all the PDA, it was a lot and it was excessive. She is not apologetic about it, and says that the reason she was like that was because "she needed me to know what her intentions were and that this was not just a 'friendly' meeting." so I reiterate that she did not have to do ALL OF THAT just for me to know that. And she just insists that in the past, girls have treated her like just a "bestie" so she needed to get her point across. Now call me old fashioned, but you could have just verbally fucking communicated "hey, i'm really attracted to you" and I would have caught the fucking drift. But okay!!
She asks me if I have any knives because I guess femmes tend to have a knife collection. I say no. And she fucking pulls out this huge ass lethal switchblade thing and is like "this is mine!" and i'm like oh god, this is it, I'm gonna fucking die in this motel room. But she doesn't kill me, she just shows me the cool knife and then puts it away. I have known this person for like 4 hours.
So, we flip through the book, and it's funny and cute, but she keeps trying to kiss me and instigate, and i'm just not interested, I just wanna flip through the book and go the fuck home. And that's pretty much what happens, we finish, I'm like "aight, ima head out" but
before i do
we end up making out again and then I think she was helping me put my shoes on?? she's on her knees in front of me and...she asks me to spit in her mouth. Once again, I have a major aversion to spit and i really, truly, do not want to spit in her mouth. But she says please...so I do like a half assed spit and hope it's good enough. She asks me to try again....so I get an accumulation and spit in her mouth, and she swallows it and i am so so sad about it 😭 and I finish getting my shit and I go the FUCK HOME.
Now here is what frustrates me about all this. Physically? This girl is extremely my type. I like the way she dresses, she has really nice arms, she has a cute face, she's really fucking attractive. She's interested in getting into the animation industry, which I'm currently also working on getting into as well. We could have talked about that and really had a cool discussion on what kind of projects she wants to do and what style she works in. She likes video games, we could have talked more about what games we like. She got this tattoo book because she knows I'm a tattoo artist, and I think that's really fucking cute. There's so many non-sexual aspects that could have made this a real fucking date where I got to know this person, and feel comfortable, and then we could have had really great sex because straight up, the girl was good. She may have learned it from Tumblr, and some of it was weird, but for the most part? She was damn good, especially for only having limited experience. This could have turned into something real! But NO. Chicle, instead, wanted to grope my tits in front of families an hour into meeting me, and made no effort to really let me get to know her in any capacity whatsoever! And it's not like she wanted this to be just a one-night-stand, because she had told me she was looking for a gf and asked me what I was looking for!
It just could have been so much better than this weird ass situation. And after the fact, she texted me and I answered a couple times, but when the following morning she said something to the effect of "it felt so good having you on my lap" I just never answered. Because prior to this, there was absolutely no established relationship, friendship or otherwise. And I could not see anything moving forward, because we couldn't backtrack into the aforementioned "could have been". I considered communicating how I didn't actually feel super comfortable with how things went, but I ultimately just decided to not reply. Shitty on my part, but again, there was no prior anything. And we just never spoke again, we remained mutuals, and so I never talked about this because uh, obviously she would see it. But since she blocked me, heyho now you all get the story!
Part 6: Epilogue
Now, the reason I decided to call her Chicle (Spanish for Gum)
So, while the nice minty gum was a nice gesture, her spitting that gum juice all over my vagina resulted in me getting a yeast infection💀 No more hookups.
So what lessons did we learn!
It's important to talk about sexual boundaries before having sex with someone!
Internet fantasy is not real life! Don't just do shit because you read about it in a fucking internet post or saw it in porn! (Especially when that person doesn't even make those kinds of posts, i don't reblog most of those for a reason)
Don't chew gum before going down on someone
Communication overall is really important for setting up any foundation, even if it is just a one-night hookup!
(yes this is ok the RB cause I spent forever writing this and I do genuinely think it's a very funny story. Sometimes ya just gotta do things for the plot so you get a good story out of it. No regrets, and my pussy is all healed up lmao)
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artaefact · 4 years
bakery 1995.
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—wordcount: 14.7k+
—genre: angst, fluff, romance, baker!jimin, bakery cafe au, childhood friends-to-lovers au
—pairing: park jimin x f reader ft. bestfriend!jungkook
—rating: pg-15
—warnings: age gap (jimin is 4-5 years older), brief mention of physical assault, memory loss, overprotective parents, some intended grammatical mistakes, swearings, y/n is dragged into jungkook’s shenanigans
—summary: After returning from college for summer break, you got yourself a part time job to keep yourself busy. However, things go way too unexpectedly and you find yourself unraveling your forgotten past.
author’s note: this is for @btswritingcafe promptly yours event !! i tweaked the prompt a bit, so hopefully no one would get confused! happy reading ♡
Prompt: “Person A once had a major childhood crush on Person B. Fast forward to college where Person A is convinced it was nothing but temporary, that is until they return home for summer break to find Person B back after being gone for several years. Turns out, they weren’t such temporary feelings.”
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© artaefact/eunoiabliss 2020. All rights reserved. Copying, reposting, translating, and modifying in any platform or by any means is NOT permitted.
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It’s nice to know that no matter how judgemental the world can be, pigeons would never judge you. Despite the clear contrast between yourself and the asphalt pathway, they would not hesitate to excrete waste on either of them and can’t even be bothered by the possible consequences.
Staring at the dropping on your jacket sleeve, you exhale loudly while rummaging your pocket for a kleenex.
‘Out of all the places where their shit could have landed on, it had to be MY jacket,’ you grumble to yourself.
Reaching towards the bakery in the area, you hope they still have some cinnamon rolls you have been craving for. You can already imagine yourself humming in delight as the sweetness spreads across your taste buds and—
“You have got to be kidding me.”
The cashier attendee bows apologetically at you. “We’re so sorry, all the cinnamon rolls are sold out for today.”
Today must be the worst day to date in your entire years of existence. How on earth can a bakery run out of cinnamon rolls?
Groaning internally, you trudge out of the, now, third bakery that has sold out their cinnamon rolls.
Bad luck seems to follow you throughout the day. Is it because you went out of the house while your parents were in the middle of nagging you? For the last few days after you came back home for summer break, they have been constantly nagging you and you would kill to have an hour of peace and quiet.
Mindlessly, you whip up your phone and search up on Google while you walk to the nearby bus station, typing in the search bar — is it bad luck if a bird pooped on you?
Biting your lower lip, you press on the first link that appears on the screen.
Bird poop may be a sign of hope in disguise, you read. Snorting in incredulity, you scroll through the webpage.
It can’t be good luck.
You are not the type to believe in superstitions, however, besides getting pooped on, you dropped your phone on the pavement of the sidewalk just before you reached the first bakery, an hour ago. This resulted in the annoying crack of the screen right in the middle of it. Not only that, the sole of your right tennis shoes came off halfway which hindered you from walking properly and made you look like someone who hurt their leg.
Having had enough for today, you decide to go back home. Until a pastel pink store, right across the street, catches your attention with its aesthetic-looking door.
What’s this? A new—
A dramatic gasp escapes your lips after reading the name of the store, earning confused stares from nearby people. But you couldn’t care less.
Maybe Lady Luck does still care about you.
As soon as the pedestrian light turns green, you excitedly run, no, shuffle through the zebra-cross, reaching the newly-opened bakery.
My last hope is here. Please, let there be—
The interior of the bakery exudes a welcoming vibe, with the color of pale pink being the dominant over the whole place. Basically, it's a place where those Instagram models would kill to take their pictures at. However, it’s not the interior itself that your focus locks on. When the smell of freshly baked goods wafts into your nose, your eyes zero themselves on the various types of pastries that line the display counter, covered in glass domes. And there it is.
“Yes!” You squeal, grabbing the bakery tray to fill it as much as you’d like.
When you place the filled tray in the cash register counter, the cashier comments, “Woah, that’s a lot.”
If it is a normal day, you would have waved it off. However, unfortunately for the guy, it isn’t a normal day for you, after the constant annoying incidents that happened to you earlier. The comment snaps the last thread of patience you have for the day and sadly, targets the person in front of you. “I think you should mind your own—”
You take your thoughts back. Lady Luck is not on your side nor is the universe. They must be having fun, playing pranks on you so much today.
Your words cease immediately at his sheepish yet attractive smile.
“I-I’m sorry,” you stammer. “Just having a really bad day and I—”
“No! That’s okay.” The guy grins at you, eyes turning into crescent moons. “I’m the one who should be sorry, I just said the first thing that came up in my mind.”
“I suck at starting conversations,” he says, sheepishly. “It’s a skill I’m planning to improve.”
Blinking twice, you manage to smile back at him, most probably just a cringed expression. “Well, um, good luck with that.”
As soon as he hands you the paper bag, you dash out of the bakery, not once looking back.
Your cheeks feel hot during the whole trip back home, every time you remember what happened, you would mentally kick yourself.
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
Eating the warm cinnamon rolls is a blessing and a curse.
You have never tasted such heavenly flavour before, all your worries and exhaustion seem to fade away. This brings you to freeze in the realisation that you’ll want, no, need to go back to that bakery to buy those delicious rolls again. Meaning, you’ll see that cute guy whom you snapped at earlier, again.
His friendly eye-smile burns deep in your mind. But you can’t shrug off the sense of familiarity of his face and his voice…
Have I met him before?
Once you reach home, body aching and tired, you take a quick shower before digging into the rolls. Clicking your tongue, you continue to munch on the rolls in your room while your thoughts pull you in deep.
The sudden knock on your door, however, brings you back to the present. Groaning loudly, you stand up from your padded window seat.
“Who is it?”
“It’s Jungkook.”
“What the hell are you doing here?” Your mouth agape at the sudden visit from your best friend. “Didn’t you say you won’t see me at all until break is over?”
“I might have changed my mind. I was very bored at home.” He enters your room, plopping on your beanbag. “So, now I am bored as hell and— Did you buy food without telling me?”
You met him during freshman year and you both hit it off quite quickly, you might add. After constantly pairing up together in projects, college project meetups gradually turned into hangouts.
“Says the one who claims to see my face every day makes him sick.” You roll your eyes at his dramatic ass, you go back to the window seat, crossing your legs. “It wasn’t planned, okay? I just got back home like thirty minutes ago.”
“But still you nearly finished everything without leaving me much!” He bit your last half-finished roll, letting out a noise of approval. “Which bakery did you buy it from?”
“It’s a new one. I never saw it before we went to college.”
“You should bring me there soon.”
“Nu-uh,” you refuse. “You can go yourself. I am not stepping a foot inside that place any longer.”
“What? Why not?”
“I may have embarrassed myself in front of the worker there.” Then you tell him what happened earlier.
Jungkook shakes his head in pity. “My poor Y/N, how do you always embarrass yourself when I’m not around? How would you survive in this world without me?”
Snorting at his words, you lean against the pillows on your back. “You’re the lucky one to have someone like me as his best friend. Anyways, how about that job I’m looking for?”
“Oh!” Jungkook’s eyes lit up. “Right, I was about to tell you! My friend is looking for a part-timer for his cafe.”
“Hmm, that sounds…”
Jungkook answers, “Boring? I know you’re looking for something much more exciting and—”
Narrowing your stare at Jungkook’s obvious judgmental face, you cut him off. “It sounds perfect, actually.”
Sighing, Jungkook whips up his phone. “You better bring me leftovers every time you get off work. I’ll bring you to his cafe tomorrow.”
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“You’re kidding me.”
“What? Why?”
“You little shit—” You smack his arm.
“Ow! Stop that, woman! I thought you said—”
“This is a fucking bakery, dumbass!” You hiss at him.
Jungkook gapes at you. “It’s a bakery cafe, what’s the difference?”
“It’s different! I can’t go back in there!” You whine in embarrassment.
“Wait— So this is the bakery where you embarrassed yourself?”
Nodding wordlessly, you exhale before catching Jungkook failing to stifle his laughter. “Shouldn’t be too big of a problem. He’s nice, Y/N.”
“And I told him you were coming…” Jungkook scratches the back of his head.
After contemplating for a while, you decided to gather your courage and enter the sweet-smelling bakery with Jungkook.
Too late to go back now. It was either this or staying bored at home for the rest of the summer break, facing your parents’ look of disapproval at your lack of daily activities, or to be more exact productivity.
The cute guy just finished placing cakes inside the glass displays on the counter, then his gaze shifts to where you and Jungkook are standing.
“Jungkook!” The cute guy’s brown hair is slicked back as he takes off his baker’s hat, approaching your best friend.
“It’s been so long, Hyung!” Jungkook greets back with a hug, smiling from ear to ear. “And wow—” His eyes skim through the pastel-themed cafe. “You finally opened your own cafe.”
Watching them interacting is a foreign sight to you. It’s a rare right to see Jungkook, the usually shy one, so friendly and comfortable around the cute guy.
If you’re lucky enough, maybe the cute guy won’t remember you and—
“Ah! Miss Cinnamon Rolls!”
Scratch that. Of course, he still remembers you.
“I didn’t know you were looking for a job.” His eye smile lands on you finally and your throat dries up.
Jungkook fails to hold back his laughter. “Miss Cinnamon Rolls? Just how much did you buy last time?”
After sending a brief glare at your best friend, you introduce yourself to the cute guy, “Y/N.”
As soon as your name slips past your lips, the cute guy freezes momentarily, eyes widening a fraction. “Y/N?”
You nod slowly.
“Uh,” He fumbles. “Jimin. Park Jimin.”
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
“So, this is the kitchen area. We need to get the place ready by 8:30. Can you come by at 6 the latest?”
You nod at his question.
“We have a different menu each day. It will take some time for you to learn everything. But don’t worry I’ll teach everything you need to know.” He shoots you a smile, sending your heart to slightly flutter as you fiddle with your fingers.
Thank goodness Jungkook has left. Or else you’d never hear the end of his teasing or knowing smirk.
“I’m starting with bread and cakes these past few days before I open up the cafe section.”
For the rest of the day, Jimin spends his time letting you know everything about how the bakery runs whenever there are no customers. Even gracing you with two pieces of freshly-baked cinnamon rolls which made your cheeks burn in embarrassment at the memory of your first encounter.
“Go ahead, enjoy it,” Jimin shoots you a knowing grin.
Muttering a quiet ‘okay’, you take the first bite — holding a delighted groan at the sweetness that bursts through your tastebuds.
Propping his chin on his hand, he stares at you in amusement. “You must really like cinnamon rolls, huh?”
“They’re my comfort food,” you admit after swallowing down a piece. “My late grandmother used to make a lot of rolls at home.”
“I see… Well, have you ever baked before, Y/N?”
“The basic stuff like chocolate chip cookies…”
“Oh, that’s great—”
You added quickly, “But I nearly burned down Jungkook’s kitchen, though. He banned me from the kitchen ever since.”
A surprised laugh escapes the man’s lips which you don’t mind hearing more often, especially if you are the one behind it.
“At least the cookies still turned out great. It was a bit on the burnt side but still good… Crispy and crunchy.” You nervously chuckle. “But I swear, I’m not that bad if you provide a clear recipe!”
Still giggling, Jimin leans forward on his seat. “I can teach you everything you need to know. The basic stuff on baking and then there would be clear recipes I can provide you.”
Your eyes lighten up at that. “Yes! I’ll try my best.”
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Arriving at the bakery at 6 am sharp, the next day — your official first day at work — Jimin can be seen moving back and forth from the small window opening connecting the kitchen and the bakery itself, already busy in the kitchen.
The smell of his work wafts through the entire bakery, indicating that he has been there for quite some time. Once you enter the kitchen, your mouth waters instinctively at the smell and sight of freshly-baked breads on the counter.
“How can I help?” From observing the finished baked goods, your eyes shift curiously at some ingredients — eggs, chocolate chips, sugar, flour — on the kitchen counter while you tighten the knot of your apron.
“You’re going to bake some chocolate chip cookies.” Jimin places a tray full of another different set of bread near the first one through the window. “So, go ahead, preheat the oven first.”
Following his instruction, you move towards one of the ovens. “Um…”
The corner of his lips quirks up at your obvious confusion before he chimes on how hot the oven should be set on.
With a brief nod, you turn on the oven. “Is this a test to see how far my baking skills go?” When you take a glimpse of the honey-haired man, he returns it with an amused grin of his own.
“Bingo.” Jimin’s smile is boyish and carefree and his eyes become crescent moons.
In other words, it made your heart race. However, you dismiss such unprofessional thoughts quickly before blood rises to your cheeks.
Clearing your throat, you move to the counter and start mixing the necessary ingredients altogether and set the dough on the baking tray. When the oven is preheated, you bring the tray towards it only to realise your mistake too late: not opening the oven first.
“Let me help,” Jimin says softly, opening the oven deftly.
“T-Thanks...” you mumble, concentrating on the task at hand.
Time passes quickly, before you know it, the oven makes a soft ‘ting’ sound. Opening it, the sweet smell wafts through the kitchen.
“I did it!” you say, excitedly placing the hot tray on the marble counter.
“But the final test is how the cookies taste.”
You watch in nervous anticipation as Jimin pops one of the cookies into his mouth. Not a moment later, he lets out a surprised sound.
“This is really good, Y/N. You do have the talent to bake.”
You beam at his words.
“Since that’s all set, I believe we still have other kinds of pastries to prepare for the day. I have all the recipes prepared for you here.” He motions to the notebook on the counter — you flip through it, astonished at all the recipes.
“Are these your own personalised recipes?”
Nodding, Jimin shoots you a grin. “I’ve always loved baking and there are some ways to make things with their own unique taste.”
The rest of the upcoming hour, you and Jimin were busy baking with Jimin instructing and giving you pointers. At some point, you even talked about anything and everything, as if you both have known each other all your life while you both work.
You have to admit, you find it really enjoyable. When the bakery closes, you sit quietly on one of the empty tables near the cashier after Jimin tells you to wait.
Mindlessly flipping through his recipe notebook, your attention soon shifts to Jimin himself with a steaming cup in his hold.
“Here.” He sets the cup in front of you.
You look at him quizzically before he motions for you to try.
“I’m opening the cafe part next week,” Jimin says. “Thought you can be the first to judge my caramel macchiato.”
“That’s a lot of caramel in one drink…” For a few moments, you observe the steaming coffee, froth decorates the top of it with drizzles of caramel in patterns of criss-cross nearly covering most of the foam itself. “Why caramel macchiato, though?”
“I thought you’d—” He clears his throat. “So many people really love caramel macchiato. So, I thought I’d go with this one for you to try first.”
Bringing the cup carefully to your lips, you take a sip of the beverage. The texture of the coffee is so smooth and the slight bitterness spreads through your taste buds and down your throat. Then you taste the caramel, letting out a delighted surprise when you find caramel bits inside the beverage.
Jimin keeps his stare on you, one hand supporting his chin and his eyes unreadable.
“What is it?” You ask, after downing the drink.
He blinks as if he was lost in his own thoughts. “Uh, how is it?”
“It’s very good.”
“Do you like coffee?” He asks.
Nodding, you tell him you loved to steal your mom’s coffee when you were younger. “There used to be a cafe near my place. I used to go there frequently during my high school years.”
Jimin briefly stills at yours words. “Do you... Still go there?”
You shake your head. “It was closed two years ago unfortunately.”
“Hmm, that’s a shame. I would’ve wanted to try the coffee there.”
Chuckling at his words, your mind takes you back to your high school days. “It was really good.”
Humming to yourself, you continue to flip through the pages of Jimin’s recipe notebook. “What’s this?” You stop at one page, pointing at a child’s drawing on his recipe notebook. “Did you draw it when you were younger?”
“It’s a shooting star.” Jimin answers. “And, no. I didn’t.”
“Oh? Sister? Brother?”
“I don’t have a sister and my brother just does not have the artistic skill to draw that,” he laughs. “It was someone from my past. Someone who is precious to me.”
“Oh…” Noticing his faraway gaze on the notebook, you sense it is a sensitive topic. “Why a shooting star though?”
“It represents hopes and wishes, according to her.” His smile turns nostalgic. “I was having a hard time back then. But this girl,” he chuckles as if in disbelief. “— just straight up grabbed my notebook and drew a shooting star on it, saying I should wish on this star since seeing a shooting star is not that common here.”
There’s something sad but warm in Jimin’s tone as he talks about this girl. You can only assume that this girl is not in his life anymore. Or even in this world.
“I see…”
“As ridiculous as it sounds, I actually did it. Very frequently in all honesty. Whenever I’m having a hard time, I’d wish upon that star.”
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
A week passes quickly and just like a normal day, you arrive back home just a quarter past eight. Tugging off your shoes near the doorway, you hear your dad calling from the living room.
“Yes?” Mindlessly, you step into the living room only to meet the stern glare from him.
“Where were you?” Your dad asks. “Do you have any idea what time it is now?”
“It’s around eight...”
“And your curfew?”
Furrowing your brows, you gape, “I thought that was back in high school.”
“That still applies until now. I expect you to come back before seven.” Then he repeats his question, “Where were you?”
“From my new part-time place.” You answer. “I thought I told you about it.”
“If you want a job, you can intern in the company for the summer,” your dad sighs. “There’s no need for part-time jobs.”
You should have known it would last just three days before you are missing your university life, or to be more specific living alone. With the constant nagging from your parents, you crave for silence for a period of time. One thing you have been missing quite badly you have to admit, which is why you took the job in the bakery. Away from the scrutinising stares of your parents.
Here it goes again.
“I don’t think I’m ready to start there, Dad,” you exhale. “I want to do other things while I can.”
The same topic, the same debate you’d try to avoid as much as possible ever since you arrived back home for the summer. That was why you’d try to find something else to do. You always wanted to try a new hobby over the holidays. Now, with the excess amount of time in your hands, you are able to try.
That is why you opt for the part time job Jungkook found — working in the bakery.
“This isn’t going to work if you get home after your curfew, Y/N. You know how dangerous it is if you come home late.”
“I’m an adult now,” you reply, exasperatedly. “I can take care—”
“Things can get unpredictable, Y/N. It’s better that you’re safe than sorry.”
“Dad, when will you stop reminding me of that?” You groan in annoyance. “I don’t even remember how the accident happened.”
“The more reason for you to be cautious!”
Exasperated, you storm up to your room and carelessly throw your bag on the side of your bed. Laying on your back, you stare at the ceiling as your thoughts muddle when you try to think of what happened.
All you remember back then is that you woke up in the hospital, met with the worried gaze of your parents as soon as you got your consciousness back. However, they never tell or fill you in on what happened.
Gradually, your eyelids grow heavier — exhausted from the day and the burst of negative emotions over the argument you had earlier. Thus, you succumb to sleep. However, your mind takes you elsewhere.
Everything is dark.
With your own ragged breathing, you struggle to keep yourself as quiet as possible, biting down a hiss from the sting of your scraped knees. Tears pool in your eyes as you wait, hidden behind one of the playground’s slides and out of sight of any possible passerby.
There are no memories of what happened beforehand. All you know is to stay there and wait.
Peeking out of your hiding place, the figure draws closer calling your name in another hushed whisper.
But you knew this voice. So, you whispered back, “Here...” As soon as you get out of your hiding place, a warm embrace envelops your small frame.
“We’re okay, everything’s okay. I’ve lost them. We’re safe now,” he whispers, stroking your head softly while your fists clench on his shirt.
Not a moment later, your tears start to fall and you sob into his shirt. He tightens his hold on you, one hand on the back of your head as he repeatedly whispers, “It’s okay, I’m here.”
“I’m here...” His voice then seems to echo and your surrounding becomes a blur.
When you open your eyes, you realise you’re back in your room yet there are stray tears in your eyes. Sitting up on your bed, you take a few deep breaths to calm yourself.
Was that a memory…?
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“Have a good day.” You bid the last customer of the day farewell and once they leave, your cheeks droop into a frown. With a sigh, you walk out of the cashier register place towards the front door, turning the ‘Open’ plate to ‘Close’.
The dream you had last night still felt so vivid that you considered it was a flashback of your memory loss. You wanted to ask your parents about it. However, yesterday’s conflict was still fresh. You were sure they would dismiss it.
After cleaning up the counters of the bakery café and mopping the floors, you trudge into the break room, sitting down on one of its chairs as you wait for Jimin’s return from his “errand”.
Your mind takes you back to the dream where someone was hugging you tight.
Who was it? you wonder. In the back of your mind, somehow you never felt his warmth among your high school friends. The guy who was holding you is just different.
You are so deep in your thoughts that you didn’t realise Jimin entering until he brings something right in front of your face. “What—”
“Hot chocolate,” he answers, softly. “You seem distracted today, I thought this might cheer you up.”
Taking the steaming cup from him, you mutter your thanks before breathing in the sweet smell, blowing softly on the beverage. “That was fast.”
“Wait, did you go out to buy this?” You lift the warm cup of hot chocolate.
Jimin lets out an embarrassed chuckle. “I wanted to make you one. Until I realised that the ingredients are finished. So, I had to run out.”
“You didn’t have to, you know…”
“I know. But I wanted to anyway.”
Your eyes look down, can’t help feeling touched by his sweet gesture as you fight back to keep yourself from blushing.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He must have noticed the change of your expression before he says quickly, “Only if you’re comfortable, of course! I just thought talking about what’s on your mind can ease you. At least a bit.”
Blinking your eyes twice, a chuckle escapes your lips. “I guess so.”
“That’s your first smile today.”
You raise a brow at him.
“Your first real smile, I mean. Your cheekbones do not have much tension if you’re genuinely happy whereas if you fake a smile, it seems more like you’re cringing. Like our first encounter.” He chuckles, meaningfully.
“I’m sorry...” you mumble, eyes glancing down at the steaming hot chocolate on your lap.
“That’s fine,” he says easily. “Everyone has their bad days.”
You smile slightly at his words. “Had a fight with my parents last night.”
Jimin stays quiet, still listening to you.
“They are always so protective when it comes to me. Maybe a bit too much at times. I’m a grown adult for fuck’s sake.” Another sigh escapes your lips before taking a sip of the hot chocolate. “My dad especially. He made it sound like a big deal when I came home around eight. I’m just frustrated at this.”
“Have you talked to him about it?”
You nod in response.
“Was there something that made your dad feel that way?”
“I...” You blink. “I guess it’s because that one time I ended up in the hospital?”
“You did?”
You nod. “A few years ago, I had an accident.”
Jimin stiffens at your words. “Oh?”
“But it was nothing. I didn’t even remember what happened in all honesty.”
He stutters, “W-What?”
“I lost my memories. I had no recall of the accident at all.” Eyes training blankly on your front, focusing on nothing as you dive back into your memories. “My parents told me there is nothing to worry about and my memories would come back gradually. They never filled me in on what happened too.”
The corner of his lips soon quirks up slightly, his expression wistful. “Maybe they wouldn’t want you to be traumatised by what happened. It’s already fortunate enough for you to be able to recover from your head injury.”
“Yeah... I guess so,” you mumble.
However, since that incident you can’t deny the feeling of something missing since a chunk of your life has been cut off. No memories of the accident have returned even after years. Recovering from the head injury—
“Wait—” Head snapping to face Jimin. “How did you know I had a head injury?”
Jimin blinks repeatedly, as if your words just sink in. “Ah! I mean isn’t it a head injury? You lost your memories after all.” An awkward laugh escapes his lips. “Usually, people who lost their memories have head injuries, right?”
“Well, yeah...”
“Anyways, finish the hot chocolate and you should head home before your parents—”
Suddenly, a wave of deja vu washes over you. Snapping your gaze from the hot chocolate in your hands, you look at Jimin as your brain starts to grow fuzzy at the familiarity of Jimin’s words.
“Jimin...” you begin.
“Have we ever met before I started working here?”
“You mean the first time you came into this bakery?”
You shake your head. “No, even before that. Did we know each other?”
A surprised glint appears in his eyes before it dissipates as quick as it appears. “I don’t think so…?”
“Maybe we’ve just ran into each other at some point in town. But I don’t think we ever knew each other.”
“I see...” Disappointment floods through you at his words.
Right, you thought to yourself. If he was a close friend he would have recognised you instantly when you came to his bakery.
“Oh, look at the time.” Jimin stands up. “You need to be home before dark, right?”
“It’s not a big deal—”
He shakes his head. “It’s alright. You’ve finished cleaning today. I just need to close up and check the supplies.”
“But—” Your words die in your throat when Jimin pats your head.
“You’ve worked hard today,” he grins at you.
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
“I’m home,” you call out to no one in particular before you hear your mother from the kitchen.
Once you reach the kitchen, your mother turns her head to see you. “Help me set the table, dinner’s almost ready.”
Nodding, you follow suit. “Where’s Dad?”
“Your father is still caught in a meeting. He’ll be home late.”
“I see,” you mutter, placing the silverwares on the table.
“How’s work?” your mother asks. “You’re home earlier than usual.”
“It’s great,” you answer. “The boss lets me off early.”
And you continue to talk about your day. From helping Jimin bake cakes and bread early in the morning, serving customers coffee and desserts, cleaning up the whole place, and enjoying the hot chocolate Jimin bought you earlier.
“He sounds like a nice guy,” your mom muses when you both sit at the dinner table.
“He is.” A smile appears on your face, remembering his sweet gesture and warm presence. Then your mind shifts to the conversation you had earlier, and what has been bothering you lately. “Mom?”
“Five years ago, how did I end up in the hospital?”
Your mother noticeably stiffens at your question, ceases digging through her plate of food.
“You and Dad never filled me in. You both kept on saying that my memories will return eventually… Until now actually.” You let out a breath. “I think I’m old enough to know what really happened.”
Letting out a deep breath herself, your mother puts down her fork. “What do you remember?”
“I was at a playground and hiding… Then there’s someone who came to find me.” Met with silence from your mother, you continue, “Was it one of my friends?”
Shaking her head, your mother answers, “It wasn’t any of your high school friends.”
“Then who…?”
“You never mentioned his name. But you’d always talk about him back then.” Your mother sighs. “Go through the attic when you’re having a day off. You’ll find some of your old stuff I hid there. Make sure your father is not home.”
Standing up, you want to go there at once. However, your mother stops you. “Y/N, listen to me. Whatever you find there, if you… If anything hurts or feels just too much, I want you to stop, alright? You’re a grown adult and I trust you’ll prioritise your own health.”
Nodding wordlessly, you finish the remaining food on your plate.
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[ when you were fifteen years old: after the incident ]
When the dismissal bell rings, some students instantly scramble from their desks, some stretch lazily on their seats and have conversations with others.
“Hey, Y/N.” One of your classmates calls you, a smile etched on her face. “So glad to have you back.”
“Yeah! This sem has been a pain in the ass. You’ll get through it in a breeze!” Another classmate adds.
You respond with a grateful smile of your own before packing up your things.
It hasn’t been that long since you were released from the hospital. You have persistently insisted your parents to let you go back to school and they finally relented after you promised them that you’ll go straight back home and to not strain yourself after dismissing your parents’ idea of hiring a driver.
Today is your first day back. Your friends greeted you excitedly when you stepped into the classroom. Even those who you recall never talked much with you greeted you with a ‘Hi’.
Walking mindlessly through the streets of your neighbourhood, your legs take you to a cafe as you recognise the familiar scent of coffee.
Tilting your head in confusion, you stare at the cafe building in shades of black and brown.
What exactly are you doing here?
There were no planned meetups with your friends, yet, your body seems to find its way here. Fishing out your phone, you scan through the past messages to double check any planned hangouts.
It’s a Wednesday.
With the curiosity nagging inside you, you search for Beomgyu’s contact.
[ 4:05 PM ] You: beomie, do you know the cafe near my place?
[ 4:05 PM ] Beomgyu: i guess?? Every wednesday you'd always go there for no apparent reason at all. When i wanted to tag along you’d always give me the devil eye :(
[ 4:05 PM ] You: oh… that’s… well, sorry lol. Do u wanna come here?
[ 4:06 PM ] Beomgyu: wait, r u srs ???
[ 4:06 PM ] You: i mean if u’re not busy and i think getting coffee and hanging in the cafe would be good.
[ 4:07 PM ] Beomgyu: i'd never thought this day would come :’) i’ll be there in 10.
Chuckling at your friend’s response, you place your phone back into your pocket. Exhaling, you enter the cafe and make your way towards the cashier register.
“Welcome, what would you like for today?” The person smiles at you.
“Caramel macchiato, please.”
She nods, typing in your order. “That will be four dollars.”
After exchanging your payment with a receipt, you wait at an empty table for two near the window. Something about this familiar place, however, feels off. Like there is something missing that you can’t seem to put your finger on.
Your thoughts are cut off when someone takes the seat across from you. “Why are you so deep in thought?”
Beomgyu stares at you quizzically as you blink in realisation. “Uh…”
He narrows his stare at you suspiciously before shifting his gaze around the cafe. “So, what is it that kept you going here?”
You shake your head in response. “I have no idea either. Honestly, I have this gut feeling to come here when I passed by earlier.”
“Hmm, maybe the coffee?” Beomgyu watches one of the waitresses bringing your orders, placing it on your table.
Sighing, you stare at the steaming cup with caramel drizzles on the foam for a few moments. Then you bring the cup to your lips to take a sip.
“Argh, why is this bitter?” Scrunching your nose, you motion towards the waitress for extra caramel.
“Did… Your taste buds change too? You said the caramel macchiato here is perfect.”
A snort escapes you as you drizzle more caramel into the coffee. “I got hit in the damn head, Beomie. It doesn’t change my taste buds.”
He shrugs. “Well, who knows. I never knew you like caramel that much.”
You freeze momentarily.
“Y/N? You okay?” Beomgyu waves a hand in front of your face.
“Y-yeah, I just…”
“You just…?”
Shaking your head once more, you whisper, “It’s nothing…” But your eyes scan through the busy workers in the cafe.
Deep inside, you had an inkling that the coffee here isn’t your sole reason for coming here.
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
Turns out you were right.
Once when you came into the cafe on another Wednesday, you sat at your usual place after ordering your usual drink.
“Oh, my dear, you’re finally back,” someone says.
Blinking, your gaze snaps to the elder woman — maybe around her mid fifties — and you give her a small smile before asking, “Do I know you...?”
It was her turn to look confused at your words.
“I’m really sorry for not recognising!” You grow flustered at your words. “I lost my memory in an accident a few months ago...”
“Oh, that’s awful!” The lady — a regular customer, you assume — gasps. “So that’s why you don’t frequent this cafe anymore. The young man looked so heartbroken before he quit his job—”
“Young man?”
“The barista, dear,” the lady replies. “You used to come here and meet him. I had to shush the both of you every time to not disturb the other customers.”
“I... Was he from my school?”
The lady shakes her head. “I don’t think so. He never wore a uniform like yours.”
“Do you know his name?”
The lady shakes her head once more. “His name was Park. Probably that’s his last name. At least that’s what is written on his name tag.”
And you internally groan. There are thousands of people with that last name.
“Do you know where he’s gone?”
“I’m afraid no, my dear. I heard he quit the job suddenly.”
Sighing, you thanked the lady before heading out of the cafe with your shoulders dropping in defeat.
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The trapdoor makes a loud creaking sound when you lift it up, indicating that it hasn’t been used for a very long time. Slipping the key back to your back pocket, you step up further on the ladder with the trap door laying on another side as you go through it while the floorboards creak underneath your weight.
It didn’t take you long to locate your old things. Scanning through the boxes, you find one doodled in various flowers and rainbows with your name written on it as well.
With a grunt, you lift up the dusty box, bringing it down to the floor with a thud which causes you to cough at the flying dust. In an attempt to swat the dust away, you wave your hand in front of you. Still coughing uncontrollably with your eyes watering. After your cough ceases, you crouch and open the box. A few notebooks can be found inside along with some old dolls from your childhood.
You vaguely remember the locked diary you liked to write in about your day and its pale pink cover which was covered in sparkling stickers you used to be obsessed with.
Digging further through the books, you finally found it — the possible answer to your lost memories — with a small key dangling on the lock.
Climbing down from the attic, you made your way to your room while fumbling with the lock and key of your old diary. After successfully unlocking it, you take a seat on your padded window sill, flipping through the yellowing pages.
The first page was clearly written by you. Your old handwriting and your name. The first entry you wrote dates back to a decade ago.
Your fingers twitch at how cringe-y most of the entries are. Yet, at the same time you find it endearing how you used to write about your day. The good, the bad, and the normal things — appreciating just to be able to experience and get through them.
The last of your entries date back to months before the incident when you were fifteen. Probably because you decided that you were too old to write diaries any longer.
Recalling how you’d always visit the cafe every Wednesday, you skim through Wednesday entries. However one particular name seems to stand out in those entries.
“Mochi?” You flip from one entry to another. Who the hell is that?
Deciding to get to the bottom of this, you search for the earliest entry that you can find — nine years ago.
I met the hot choco guy again, today. I’m feeling so happy!!! He is so nice. why can’t any of the boys in my school be like him????
Hot... Choco? Furrowing your brows, you skip to the next Wednesday entry.
i am feeling so happy that mama brought me to the cafe last last week!!! she do not let me drink the coffee drink, so Mochi give me hot choco! i think it’s the best BEST drink EVER!!!
“How the hell did hot choco guy turn into Mochi?” you mumble to yourself, flipping through your diary to the next Wednesday entry.
Mochi teached me how to do math!!! It was so fun! But when Teacher Lee teaches me, it’s always boring. How did Mochi make math fun??? I wish he go to my school instead and teach me math :(
You internally cringe at your younger self. Exhaling, you press your temple in disbelief.
This whole diary of your younger self is basically gushing over this hot-choco-turned-Mochi guy as you flip through other pages. However, you stop at a certain entry.
Today… Is a very bad day. But Mochi suddenly makes it better.
Glancing at the date — it was the day your grandmother passed away.
He promises to make me cinnamon rolls whenever i tell him to! Just like Grannie… I’m sorry, Diary. I don’t think i can write more today. I just hope tomorrow will be a better day.
“Mochi…” you mumble repeatedly with furrowing brows and the name seems to trigger your brain to relive some memories.
“I’m calling you Mochi!” You hear your own twelve-year old voice. Yelping, your diary lands on the floor with a small thud.
“No!” Another voice rings in your head — familiar and warm. “That’s a really uncool nickname.”
“But you look like a mochi! And it’s not uncool! I think it’s really cute!”
Blinking, your mind brings you back to reality. Reaching down for your diary, you freeze momentarily before clutching your head. For a moment, your heart stops when your gaze lands on your diary’s open page — a drawing of a familiar shooting star.
Mochi is… Jimin?
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
[ when you were twelve ]
When another sigh escaped his lips, you glanced up from your math workbook — his face can only be described as perturbed. With no hesitance, you quietly pushed the last cookie on your plate to him, earning his glassy stare as it shifted from his notebook that’s lying open on the table.
He blinked a few times before clearing his throat. “Why didn’t you finish that? Do you want to bring it home?”
You shook your head, heat tinging your cheeks. “It’s for you. You look like you need it.”
“It’s caramel cookies.”
Nodding, you mumbled, “You said eating it can comfort people.”
The boy stared at you for a moment longer — recalling the time when you had a bad day and he gave you that, then he chuckled. “I guess I did.”
Pursing your lips, you nodded again. “I can order hot chocolate for you too.”
He reached for the last cookie, finally a small smile you have awaited appearing on his face. “This is enough, Y/N. I really appreciate it. Thanks.”
You beamed at his words, then you extended one hand to take his notebook and draw a shooting star on the page it was opened on.
“We can’t really see shooting stars in here,” you explain, pushing his notebook back to him. “So, whenever you’re having a hard time, wish on this shooting star! It represents hopes and wishes!”
“What that’s—” He stopped himself. Letting out a sigh, he found himself nodding despite how ridiculously endearing the idea was. “Alright. I will.”
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The blare of your alarm jolts you awake. Groaning, you grab your phone, turning off the alarm when you realise you have to go to work. You can’t find it in yourself to see Jimin today. Not after finding out that he was, is, part of your missing childhood memories.
Your gaze lands on the diary, laying open on your window sill. As you read more and more of your diary entries, Mochi being Jimin just makes sense. You remember how he went out of his way just to buy you hot chocolate when you were having a bad day — just like in the past.
After all this time, Jimin is actually part of, no, in most of your childhood life.
And he denied it.
You continuously drift back to that one question. Why did he deny it when you asked him? Don’t people usually love to get reacquainted with their childhood friends?
Sighing, you message Jimin listlessly, telling him you aren’t feeling well before you turn off your phone completely. You don’t think you can handle interacting more with him.
Hours passed, when someone barges in your room. “Y/N!”
Peeking out from your blanket, you glare at your best friend. “What the fuck, Kook?”
“Jimin told me you aren’t feeling well. So, I came to check up on you.”
“Okay, you did. Now, go back home.”
Without responding, he opens the curtain in your room, letting in the piercing sunlight and you let out an annoyed ‘tsk’.
Should have known your best friend isn’t going to let this go easily.
“What’s wrong with you? You’ve been off the whole weekend. You may be able to trick Jimin but you can’t trick me.”
Still burying yourself under your blanket, the bed dips on your friend’s weight as he waits for your response. But you keep your silence, trying your best to even your breathing. You’ve cried enough after all.
“Hmm?” Jungkook stands up. “What’s this? Your diary?”
Abruptly, you fling yourself off the bed and grab your diary from his clutches.
“Go home, Jungkook. I’m not in the mood to deal with this.”
“You know I won’t until you tell me what’s going on.”
“I’m just...” Your shoulders droop in defeat. “Why?”
“Why what?”
You hate crying in front of anyone. But it’s as if a dam broke, your tears do not stop falling while you babble, “Why did he pretend to not know me? Why did he deny? Why—”
Jungkook blinks repeatedly at your sudden change. “W-wait! Why are you crying? I don’t under—”
“Park Jimin!” Your sudden outburst flusters him further. “The guy who you’re friends with and who you recommended for me to work with! That’s who!”
“He‘s Mochi.”
Jungkook looks dumbfounded for a moment before your words register inside his head. “M-Mochi?”
Like a petulant child, you climb on your bed once more and hide your diary beneath your pillow. “Leave me alone, Kook.”
With a defeated sigh, Jungkook trudges out of your room, leaving you once again drowning in your thoughts.
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
Jimin has always loved mornings, especially when he is able to quietly bake on what most people would call ungodly hours. There is something enjoyable about being fully awake during this time when no sounds of passing vehicles can distract him, making him feel at ease.
He had started appreciating the little things in life when you — who once stared up at him with curious eyes, expression lightening up when he made a cup of hot chocolate for you — taught him to.
Chuckling to himself, his mind drifts back to the time you first entered his bakery. Gods, he should have known it was you. But you were so different, he could hardly comprehend how much you had grown.
Gone was your happy-go-lucky self. He was stunned when you suddenly snapped at him. Your younger self would probably respond with a smile and drone on about how much you love cinnamon rolls. For a second, his heart had hoped. Maybe you remembered him after all these years?
Yet that hope dissipated in an instant when you merely apologised and ran out. Moreover, you didn’t return to his bakery after buying the cinnamon rolls, he thought he had screwed things up by attempting to start a conversation with you. Or maybe that person wasn’t really you. Just someone who looks a lot like you. He still had his suspicions after all.
However, his suspicions were gone the moment you introduced yourself, leaving him speechless. Jimin would be lying if he said he didn’t hope — at least for a bit — that you would remember him when he mentioned his name.
That was why the moment you appeared once more to work as a part-timer, he was ecstatic. No words can explain it.
He started to look forward to work every day — coming to his own bakery to see you even when you didn’t remember him, but he would still gladly take whatever he can to be around you.
Once he sets the tray of unbaked cinnamon rolls into the oven, his phone buzzes. As soon as he reads the text, his heart drops a little.
[ 7:08 AM ] You: Sorry, I cant come to work today. Not feeling well.
He types, ‘That’s okay. get well soon, y/n :)’
But it left undelivered. Did your phone die? He wonders.
Jimin can’t help shake the weird feeling bubbling inside. So, he messages Jungkook.
[ 7:15 AM ] Jimin: y/n isn’t feeling well today. do u mind checking up on her ???
But of course, Jungkook didn’t read the message until a few hours later. That boy enjoys gaming all night.
[ 12:03 PM ] Jungkook: what?
[ 12:03 PM ] Jungkook: for real ?? since when does she get sick? that girl has a fucking high immunity. she never even once got a cold during the semester
Jimin furrowed his brows at that.
[ 12:04 PM ] Jimin: still, go check up on her pls. she’s ur friend too
[ 12:04 PM ] Jungkook: yeah, omw
It hasn’t even been an hour later when Jungkook rushes into the bakery — earning surprised and curious glances from the customers who were chattering among themselves. “Hyung—“ he catches his breath as he stands in front of the counter. “I think you need to fix—“ Huff. “—I mean go to Y/N’s house yourself.
Jimin blinks in confusion.
“You... You’re Mochi, aren’t you?”
At the mention of that name, blood drains from Jimin’s face instantly.
She remembers...?
“How did you—”
“What matters is, you need to fix it, hyung. You’re the only one who can. She’s not herself, right now. I've known her for a few years and it takes a lot for her to react like this. So, please, you should talk about it.”
“Okay,” Jimin breathes out. “Do you mind closing the cafe once the customers are all done?”
Jungkook nods. “Yeah, just go to her, hyung. I’ll handle everything here.”
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[ when you were fifteen: before the accident ]
“I wish you can teach me math all the time, Mochi,” you giggle, leaning back on the cafe chair. “Everything is easier when you explain it.”
Jimin chuckles at that. “I’m pretty sure you’re the one not paying attention in class.”
Shaking your head rapidly, you deny, “Of course I paid attention! It’s just... I don’t know… It was really boring when my teacher was teaching. He just drones on and on without stopping.”
With an amused hum, Jimin stands up. “I’ll get ready to leave. I’ll walk you home.”
After a few minutes, you head out of the cafe with Jimin behind you. Shivering against the cool night air, you draw closer to the boy. Instinctively, Jimin offers you his open hand which you accepted with no hesitance.
Little did he know, every time he does this, it makes your heart beat a little faster at the way your hand fits well in his. And you savour it.
The build up of feelings has been going on for a while now. Maybe a few months. You’ve developed a crush on him. Like, how can you not? Jimin possesses charming qualities that no one else has. Not to mention how kind and warm of a person he is.
Meetings in the cafe had you wishing they were dates instead. And you had to let him know.
And tell him you did.
He blinks at first, words sinking into him. Mochi, I think I like you. Like, really, really like you.
His cheeks are pink, you weren’t sure if it's from the cold or his embarrassment.
“I’m sorry.”
Of course. What were you expecting? He only sees you as a little sister.
“No, that’s okay,” you reply quickly, but your heart drops. “It’s just… You know, I wanted to tell you know because you’re really cool, Mochi.”
“Y/N… Listen, this is not a good time—” Abruptly, he stops, catching your wrist on his. “I want you to hide in the playground.”
“Hide, please. I will explain everything later.”
You want to run away from him. But the pleading look on his face makes you listen.
“There he is!” You hear an unfamiliar shout.
Cursing under his breath, Jimin quickly pushes you under the slide. “Wait here.”
With your own ragged breathing, you struggle to keep yourself as quiet as possible, biting down a hiss from the sting of your scraped knees. Tears pool in your eyes as you wait, hidden behind one of the playground’s slides and out of sight of any possible passerby.
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
[ Present time ]
Jimin reaches your house, his heart beating fast against his chest with a box of cinnamon rolls in hand.
You are home alone and Jungkook has left the door unlocked.
Letting himself in, Jimin glances around. Everything still looks the same as back then. He went to your house once to tutor you. And he still can remember that day clearly.
Climbing up the stairs, he reaches your room. With shaking hands, he knocks on the door.
A moment or two passes then your door opens. Jimin braces for the anger you’d throw at him.
But nothing comes.
You merely stand there, eyes glassy as they lock on his.
“Y/N...” He mutters, torn between to reach out or not. But you leave the door open as you sit on your bed. Jimin enters your familiar room, still surprised at how it still looks the same. And his eyes fall on a notebook — the notebook you never let him read — on the table.
“Why are you here?” you ask, voice trembling.
“I wanted to check up on you—”
Jimin knows at once what you are asking.
He approaches you sitting on the edge of the bed. He kneels down, peering up with those chocolate eyes of his to meet your downcast stare — like those times when he wants to talk to you and you refuse to look at him.
“Do… Do you still remember me?” Your voice barely comes out as a whisper.
“Y/N…” The lack of surprise in his voice answers it. He still remembers you as you recall the once shocked expression on his face when you first introduce yourself. Now, it all made sense.
“W-Why didn’t you tell me?” A sob escapes your lips. “Do you not want me to remember—”
He shakes his head, denying it quickly. “No! Of course not. I just… I was ecstatic actually when it was you who came to work for me.”
“But why didn’t you tell me?” Voice cracking. “You knew me—”
Clearly in conflict, he sighs, “I don’t want you to remember your traumatic memories… Remembering me might cause you more pain.”
“But it didn’t. Those memories, from what I can remember there’s nothing—”
“That’s what your parents told me, Y/N.”
Eyes widening, you gape at him as tears cascade down your face.
“You were seriously injured back then. The doctor said it will be best for you to let your own memories come to you in their own time. And I had to leave this place... I came by after your operation and... I wanted to say goodbye but I was told it was best to not see you any longer to prevent anymore distress—”
“But you are important to me!” You cut him off. Then turning quieter, “You are important to me…”  You say between sobs.
Covering your eyes with your hand, you whimper when Jimin engulfs you in a hug. “I’m sorry…” He murmurs, caressing your head. “I’m so sorry…”
His heart breaks at your current state, tightening his hold on you, who’s crying into his chest. Years of buried regret and longing resurface. He had envisioned many times on how you would remember him. But he fails to realise how much it can hurt you when your memories return. If only he can turn back time, he will take that chance to save you from the misery of your memory loss.
Yet, all he can do now is to hold you close, begging you for forgiveness and hope that you’d let him stay by your side.
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“So, let me get this straight, you—” Jungkook points his straw at you. “—and Jimin hyung were childhood friends—” He pierces the plastic cover of his milk tea. “—and he used to tutor you in a cafe.”
Nodding, you purse your lips and enjoy your own drink.
You had taken a few days off after the reconciliation to collect your thoughts and confront your parents about what had happened. They have come into terms with their protectiveness of you staying out very late. And you have managed to convince them to let you stay out late as long as you let them know.
You were planning to stay in bed all day if it wasn’t for Jungkook who barged into your room like he owns the place, after he claimed that Jimin lets him off from work early — which you doubt honestly, it’s more of Jungkook escaping from work — and decided to drag you to the nearest milk tea shop.
“Is something weird?” you blurt out.
“Did you by any chance, I don’t know...” Jungkook mutters. “Have feelings for each other?”
You nearly choke on your tapioca pearl and rapidly you shake your head. “No! That’s—”
Jungkook narrows his stare at you, sipping his drink as you continue to blabber, “I mean, I knew him since I was like, what? Twelve? He never sees me that way.”
“Maybe he didn’t back then.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I mean both of you are adults now. Aren’t things different?”
You snort at his words. “He always sees the little girl in me, Jungkook. So, please, don’t make things weird, alright? I can literally see your head gearing.”
Jungkook lets out a sigh. “Alright, if you say so. But how about you?”
Sipping your drink, you lift a brow at him.
“Do you like him?”
“Of course, I do.”
“I meant like, like him.”
“Kookie, what are you? Five?”
He snorts at your response. “Five heads taller than you—” Your glare shuts him up. “Okay, but do you see him as someone special?”
An exasperated sigh escapes your lips. “Why are we discussing this? We’re just friends. Who coincidentally are childhood friends as well.”
“You sure?”
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you sigh once more. “What are you expecting me to say?”
“What do you think of him?”
Almost at once, the words flow easily out of your mouth. “He’s a caring person and he knows how to comfort someone when they’re having a bad day.”
“You mean, he knows how to comfort you when you’re having a bad day yourself,” Jungkook chuckles.
You blink at that.
“Look, I’m not implying anything but he was worried as hell when I told him about you the other day. Even nearly left his bakery without supervision. That’s when yours truly—” He points at himself. “—came in.”
And the question that swims in the back of your mind disappears. “So, it is you, you overgrown rabbit. You told him about me—”
“Well, you can’t blame me. You should be thanking me instead. It’s because of me you both finally reconciled. Admit it, you’re happy — happier, in fact.”
And you can’t deny it. Jungkook has been one of those people who’d look out for you. Yes, even when he can be a pain in the ass sometimes, or just loves to hear the “piping hot” tea of what’s happening in your life.
Sighing in defeat, you murmur, “Even if I do like him...” You shake your head. “No, it shouldn’t even matter in the first place.”
Noticing your shuttering expression, Jungkook thankfully does not press the subject further. Nor does he question why. And you are grateful for him.
“Interesting. So, you do like him.”
Scratch that, your best friend is still a pain in the ass.
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
Standing in front of the bakery cafe, you released a deep breath.
Through the glass door, Jungkook is helping out at the cashier counter, serving beverages and desserts to dine-in customers. However, Jimin is nowhere in sight.
Releasing a deep breath, the bell of the door rings which signals your entrance. Jungkook notices you at once before he points to the kitchen.
You rush inside — stopping abruptly a few steps away from him — now, regarding the man differently. He was the boy who has been your comfort for so many occasions after all.
Jimin is icing cupcakes, his eyes focusing on his task and you can’t help but smile at the sight.
With your memories — of kindness, warmth, and friendship — now fully returned, you remember how you were always enamoured watching Jimin work. You’d watch him make drinks in the cafe when you had no homework to do. You’d sit at the bar, munching on cookies-of-the-day as your eyes followed Jimin’s movements.
A few moments pass, Jimin’s gaze shifts to you briefly and double-takes. He curses under his breath, cupcake slipping from his grip — icing spilling on the marble counter. “Hey, you’re back—” He quickly grabs a cloth and wipes off the cream before he turns to face you properly, grinning from ear-to-ear. “—you didn’t tell me you’re coming in today.”
He opens his arms and your legs move of its own accord, following your instinct as you close the distance between you and him — wrapping your arms around his waist.
You weren’t surprised at how your younger self used to have a big fat crush on him. He was and always will still be your Mochi. The guy who treated you to your favourite sweets, who knows how you like your caramel macchiato the best, and who never fails to put butterflies in your stomach.
Breathing his sweet scent, you remember the time you’d ask him for hugs whenever you were down and your younger self had even claimed once that his hugs were magical as it was written in your diary. To quote it, “Mochi gives the BEST BEST hugs in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD”.
“Your hugs…” you mumble, eyes closed. “They’re still the best…”
Jimin merely tightens his hold on you. That is until a force — appearing in the form of Jeon Jungkook — shatters the serene atmosphere, bringing you back to reality. “Hyung! Oh—”
Abruptly, you both pull away from each other. Jungkook stands awkwardly, shifting his weight from one leg to another.
“What is it?” Jimin breaks the silence, composed as ever.
“Uh, need more cupcakes. The ones on the display are finished…”
“Right,” Jimin turns to you. “Y/N, can you help me ice the rest of the cupcakes?”
Nodding, you turn to the employee’s room, putting your things in the locker and grabbing an apron.
Hugging Jimin seems so natural that you fail to consider how weird it looks to the people around you. Jungkook’s awkward silence proves that.
Your thoughts are swimming in confusion. And once again those butterflies appear in your stomach. Fanning your heated cheeks with your hands, you take a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm your racing heart.
Your childhood crush is gone. You’re just happy to have Mochi back in your life. That’s all. That should be all.
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One afternoon, you mindlessly clean up the kitchen. Due to the public holiday, the bakery is closing earlier, and your thoughts have drifted back to the past.
You remember the night of the incident when Jimin walked you home after he had lost those men who chased after him. He stopped you for a moment, breaking the silence. “You okay?” Warm concern lacing his tone.
Jaw clenching, you mumbled. “Just a scratch.” Reluctant to give him any longer response.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn't have shoved you harshly before.” He crouched, inspecting your knees before he peered up to meet your stare.
“It’s fine.”
When you were just a few blocks away from home, Jimin broke the silence. “Listen Y/N—” His footsteps faltered as he reached to touch your shoulder. “—about earlier, I think you shouldn’t have feelings for me, I—”
Abruptly, you pulled your hand away from his, hurt consuming you. “I shouldn’t have feelings for you?”
You wished Jimin had forgotten your spontaneous confession as he nodded, hesitantly.
“Well, I can’t control my feelings. So, just let it be. It’ll be fine.” You glanced at him before walking faster.
The rest of the trip home was tense, full of unanswered questions. Who were those men? Why did they chase after Jimin? Is it really that bad to have feelings for him? Who gave him the right to dictate your feelings?
You felt so childish back then. Recalling the memories makes you cringe at your younger self for overreacting. But you suppose it’s normal for a fifteen year-old girl. And you were able to sense that Jimin wanted to ease the tense atmosphere. But you were too hurt to even give him a chance. You needed time to process what happened that day.
However, one minute Jimin had stopped you again, desperate to appease you. And the next minute, someone ran towards him with a bat in hand. It’s as if time slowed down, you moved before a harsh impact landed on you.
Your mind brings you back to reality, and instinctively you touch the part where your head was struck with your free hand.
“Y/N? Are you done cleaning up?”
Jimin’s voice startles you and you nearly drop the mop’s handle from your grasp.
“Yes,” you manage to say. And somehow you can’t look at him in the eye.
“What’s wrong?” Out of instinct, he cups your face to look at you in the eye. And hell, your heartbeat gradually increases as you can smell the sweet scent of bread from him along with a tinge of his cinnamon scent.
Mind blanking out at the close proximity, the only intelligible response you can say is, uhhh. Your grip on the mop handle tightens as your palm grows clammy.
He’s gorgeous. That’s one thing for sure.
“Hey, why are you blushing?”
Blinking rapidly, you watch his eyes turn into those crescent moons and a giggle escapes his lips as he pulls away, grabbing the mop from your hold.
“I’ll put this back. You nearly snapped it in half, you know.”
“Yeah,” you nod, mind whirling and you blabber the first thing in your mind. “I have a pet fish.”
Realising how random you sounded, you clear your throat. “I just remember I had to come home early today, since Mr. Goldy is waiting for me.”
“Ooh, that’s—”
But you’ve run for the lockers, quickly changing out of your work attire.
“Thanks for today, Mochi. See you tomorrow!” You say and run out of the bakery without sparing him another glance.
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
“What are you exactly doing here?”
Unflinching, you answer your best friend monotonously, “Buying a fish.”
“You don’t have a tank at home.”
“Exactly, that’s why I’m looking for one now.”
“But why?”
“Why not?”
Jungkook lets out a sigh. “You’ve been acting weird all week, Y/N.”
You ignore his words, eyes scanning through the fishes of different colours and kinds.
“Oh! These ones are pretty.” Jungkook comments, earning your attention.
“Excuse me?” You call one of the workers there. “I was wondering if this fish is suitable for beginners.”
The worker nods, smiling. “Yes, these are what we call the Betta fish. Their scales are beautiful and they are also easy to take care of. Would you like to purchase them?”
You respond with a brief ‘yes’.
“Now, all you need is a tank,” Jungkook says.
“We provide delivery services for the tank. I’d recommend buying this one.” The worker points at one of the tanks. “In the meantime, you can purchase the fishbowl for now.”
And with that you have a new pet fish and a brand new fish bowl in hand — specifically Jungkook’s, because you gotta put those muscles into good use — and you head back home. On the way back, Jungkook suddenly clears his throat. “So… What’s up with you?”
“Let me summarise what just happened,” he says. “I had the day off today, and suddenly you called me to meet you in a fish store, and you have been acting all weird and somehow out of all the nice shades of blue fishes in the tank, you chose the ugly yellow—”
You kick his shin in retaliation. “It’s not yellow, it’s gold, dumbass. How dare you say that in front of Lady Goldilocks.”
“Oh, wow, now it even has a name.” Jungkook rolls his eyes. “I seriously can’t believe you chose this one out of all the other colours. It reminds me of Jimin hyung—” And he gapes at you. “No way. Is it because he likes this colour?”
You blink in realisation. Jimin does like this colour.
“Okay, ‘fess up. What’s up with you?”
You let out a defeated sigh. “I like him.”
Jungkook looks unamused.
“I mean like, like him. And I need to get over him.”
Jungkook furrows his brows. “Why would Hyung want that?””
“I shouldn’t like him, Kook. He told me once and, I don’t know, I just can’t control my feelings. I don’t want to lose him again and I’m scared that he’ll be gone if he knows—”
“Wait, wait, wait—” Jungkook grasps your shoulder with his free hand. “—I can understand what you’re feeling, Y/N. How about let me prove to you that Jimin won’t be gone even when you have feelings for him?”
“I swear, Jeon Jungkook, if you utter a single word about this conversation—”
“No!” He denies repeatedly. “I won’t. Promise. I can prove it to you another way. Don’t worry.”
“Okay, then. How?”
“I have a plan. To take the title as your number one best friend once and for all—”
“Who says you are even at the top?”
“Aren’t I? You told me once.” Jungkook fishes his phone out of his jacket, taps a few times on his screen before he shows you a video of your drunk self a few months ago after exam week.
“Kookieee, I think you’re my number one best friend! So proud to have someone like you in my life—”
You try to reach for his phone, cheeks burning in embarrassment, as you shoot him the nastiest glare you can muster. However, Jungkook being Jungkook merely cackles at that. Your voice from the video still continues, “—you’re like Mochi—” Your present self tenses at that.
“Who’s Mochi?” Jungkook asked curiously in the video.
“Shhhhh… We don’t speak of that name here, m’kay? Mochi is gone. So you are best friend number one!”
Jungkook stops the video, tucking his phone back to his pocket. “I asked you once who Mochi was when you were sober. But you didn’t remember back then. So I never asked again until you mentioned the name ‘Mochi’ once more a few days ago.”
Gaping, you stop walking as the stunned silence falls over you.
“I think your subconscious had always known about him. And it shows how special he is to you.” When you’re about to deny that, Jungkook shushes you. “Don’t try to deny, Y/N. Even before you knew he was Mochi you already liked him.”
“I hate that you’re starting to look like a rooster. Were you always this cocky?”
Your best friend merely shrugs. “So, here’s the plan. As I was saying, with my ‘number one best friend’ title under threat, we’re going to demote Jimin as your boyfriend! It’s a win-win situation!”
“What? I never even asked for him to be my boyfriend but wait— Don’t you mean promote?”
“Y/N, as much as I love your dumb ass, you tend to be quite demanding with people. Hopefully, he knows how to handle your present self.”
“Jeon Jungkook, please don’t make me regret this.”
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A few days after the conversation with Jungkook, the boy gets to work as fast as possible, and by work, it means work to get on Jimin’s nerves instead of actually being helpful in the cafe.
Jungkook has become noticeably clingy, or overall, just more touchy with you. It’s not like it’s anything new in all honesty. Throughout college, the relationship between the both of you is purely platonic. Your other college friends knew this and seeing the both of you cuddle wouldn’t be a strange sight. Jimin, however, isn’t one of your college friends and Jungkook seems to have taken advantage of this. Thus, he begins to work in the bakery almost every day, claiming just to see you.
At first Jimin showed no reaction since Jungkook is a good friend of his. But he has grown visibly irritated lately while Jungkook revels in pressing the older one’s buttons further.
“Can you please stop invading my personal space?”
“But it’s not going to work if I don’t— Oof!” You shove him away before going back to your task — placing the cupcakes on the display tray — annoyance building up at Jungkook’s disruptions.
“I’m going to file a restraining order on you at this rate.”
He huffs, moving towards you once more. “Don’t you want to prove that Jimin is going to be pissed if he sees me being affectionate to you?”
You shake your head. “I just want to work in peace.”
“Hmph. You’re no fun.”
“Cuz you’re the one not working.”
“Hey, I’m helping here voluntarily.”
You ignore his words, focusing on your task while Jungkook starts whining for you to give him attention. “Kook, I fucking swear if you don’t get your hands off—”
Jimin’s voice rings “Y/N, are the cupcakes...” He trails as soon as he enters the kitchen, freezing at the sight of Jungkook wrapping his arms around your waist, snuggling his dumb head on the crook of your neck.
“He’s going to rage,” Jungkook whispers, laughing softly.
“Uh, Jungkook can I talk to you?” Jimin asks, eyes noticeably narrowing as his tone tenses.
“Finally,” Jungkook mutters under his breath, before he lets go of you and faces Jimin. “Sure, Hyung.”
You take that cue to leave, bringing the freshly iced cupcakes to the display counter, leaving Jungkook and Jimin alone in the kitchen.
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
“What’s been going on with you lately? You come here to work everyday but all I can see is you busy flirting with Y/N.” Jimin throws the younger one an unamused glare.
Jungkook answers easily, “I do my job, Hyung. And so what if I do flirt with Y/N?”
“You can’t,” Jimin blurts out, earning a questioning look from Jungkook. “You just can’t.”
“Why can’t I?”
“Do you like Y/N?”
“Of course, she’s my best friend.”
Jimin shoots Jungkook another unamused look at his answer.
“I’m going to tell her how I feel in three days,” Jungkook continues.
Jimin’s stomach drops at that statement. However, at the same time the urge to let you know how he truly feels increases. But the thought of the impending rejection after hurting you and causing your memory loss makes him think twice.
Maybe Jungkook deserves you more than him — he can protect and support you while Jimin has failed.
With a shaky breath, Jimin mutters, “Take care of her, alright?”
Obviously, his response catches Jungkook off guard. “What?”
“Take good care of Y/N, JK. I’m seriously counting on you.”
“Wait—“ Jungkook looks downright flustered at the unexpected response. “Hyung, wait.”
“What?” Now it’s Jimin’s turn to be confused.
Jungkook clears his throat. “Just give me an honest answer, hyung. No lies.”
A pause.
“Do you like Y/N? As in more than friends?”
Jimin nods without hesitance.
Jungkook mumbles something under his breath that Jimin is sure it sounds like, freaking idiots.
“Go tell her how you feel, Hyung. And tell her as soon as possible.”
“But you—”
“It’s to push you to confess to her. I don’t see Y/N that way.” Jungkook sighs. “Honestly, what would the both of you be without me?”
Jimin stands in the kitchen, speechless, as Jungkook continues to ramble how significant his role is in between your relationship and how you and Jimin owe him so much.
“So, yes, go tell her how you feel, hyung. She’ll listen to whatever you’ll say.”
With a newfound resolve, hope sparks in Jimin’s heart. “I will.”
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To say that Jimin is nervous would be an understatement. He had barely slept a wink last night, thinking of all the words and how he would explain why he had left so suddenly and confess his feelings to you. Jungkook has been a supportive friend, even if he does push Jimin’s buttons along the way. However, Jimin knows that it was his own way of showing encouragement.
You are cleaning the rest of the tables of the cafe and Jimin can’t take his eyes off you, staring at you through the small window opening between the kitchen and the counter area.
“Are we done for today, Mochi?” Your voice snaps him out of his daydream.
“Yeah!” Jimin continues to wipe the kitchen counter quickly, replying almost too enthusiastically before he clears his throat. “Do you have plans tonight, Y/N?”
You enter the kitchen and once again Jimin’s heartbeat rises. “Nope. I’m going straight back home after this. Lady Goldilocks is waiting for me.”
Lady Goldilocks. Jimin chuckles at the mention of your fish’s name. He wonders if one day he’s able to see the pet fish for himself. He had asked what happened to Mr Goldy and you had become flustered at that since you didn’t know the fish was female. So, now, you have changed the fish’s name. Yet, somehow Jimin got an inkling that there is more to the story. He had asked Jungkook — to which the boy had valiantly refused to utter a word about it and had babbled, “Huh? Fish? What fish? Is that for dinner?”
Once the both of you finished closing up the bakery cafe, Jimin taps on your shoulder before you had the chance to go back home.
“May I walk you home?”
You blink, processing his words then nodding rapidly. “S-Sure.”
Jimin smiles warmly at you. It’s easy in fact. Just being in your presence always brings happiness into his heart. You had grown into an amazing person and even more attractive.
Something about you had always captivated Jimin since the first time you met him in the cafe where he used to do his part time work. Your curious eyes were always following him as he took the customers’ orders and honestly, it was very endearing.
Comfortable silence falls upon you both, walking through the asphalt pathway and naturally, Jimin opens his palms, extending it towards you.
You stare at that for a moment and clasp his hand with yours. Jimin weaves your fingers together, bringing you closer to him as you continue to walk back home.
“Do you mind if we take a little detour?”
You nod at his words.
Once Jimin reaches the destination, he can sense your eyes glance curiously at the empty hill. He pulls you up onto the top of the hill, sitting down on the grass while he pats the space next to him and you follow suit.
“Look up,” Jimin whispers, and you did.
A quiet gasp escapes your lips at the sight of twinkling stars that scatters across the dark sky.
“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” Jimin voices out. “Someone made me realise how beautiful the stars are…” He falters. “A-And she had never left my mind all those years. One of my deepest regrets is that I wasn’t able to say goodbye when I had to leave.”
You hear his words, yet you stay silent — an encouragement for him to continue to speak what’s on his mind.
“My family was in a difficult financial position back then and my dad had done things I wasn’t proud of…” Jimin’s eyes turn glassy and faraway, even when he sets his gaze up. “And one of them is that he had made a deal with loan sharks without the guarantee of paying them back… And of course, they were angry.”
He pauses, taking a deep breath.
“I once thought that probably I could still stay here back then. Even more so when I met you. But I was wrong. Those men started to chase after me and because of that, you—” He shudders. “—got injured. And that night my parents had made plans to leave without me and my brother knowing.”
He turns to look at you. “I never got to apologise to you for causing that. I should be the one to protect you but… I failed. For that, I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“Jimin…” You say softly. “It’s not your fault. I was the one who jumped in front of you when the man came after you. It’s my own choice because you are special to me.”
“But I could have—”
You shush him with a pointer finger in front of his lips for a few moments. “You don’t have to be sorry anymore, Mochi. It’s not your fault. And what matters now is to focus on the present and look to the future, right?”
He nods, emotions swimming inside his chocolate eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“I thought—”
“For telling you that you shouldn’t have feelings for me.”
And you lapse into silence. He remembers…?
“I hate that that has hurt you. I shouldn’t have said that. But I was happy but desperate too since my family—”
“What do you see me as, now?”
He blinks. All the practiced words on how he would tell you his feelings dissipate from his mind as he blankly stares at you. “I… I like you.” His voice grows quieter. “More than friends…”
“And if I said you shouldn’t have feelings for me?”
A flash of hurt crosses his eyes briefly. But he answers, nonetheless, “I would do what you want.”
“So, you reciprocate my feelings now?”
“I like you too. More than friends. In fact, I think my feelings have grown for you ever since I found out you’re Mochi.”
It takes a few moments for Jimin to process your words. He gapes, mouth opening and closing.
“You are resembling Lady Goldilocks right now.”
Your cheeks flush. “Lady Goldilocks is a Betta fish. She was the golden one in a tank full of her blue siblings. Jungkook tried persuading me to choose the blue ones since they were more attractive to look at. But all I could see is the gold one since it reminded me of you.”
“I like golden colours…” Jimin mumbles in realisation.
“Exactly,” you let out a sheepish laugh, eyes turning to look back up into the sky. Before Jimin can respond, your eyes brighten up. “Look! A shooting star!”
Jimin snaps his gaze up as well.
“Hurry, make a wish!” You then close your eyes, smiling from ear-to-ear. Jimin follows suit, making his own wish.
As soon as you both finish making your wishes, you turn to face him once more.
“Are you still sorry for saying that to me?”
Jimin nods, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. Hell, he thinks he would always regret hurting you that time.
“I know how you can make it up to me then.”
“Kiss me.”
“W-What?” He splutters.
“Unless you don’t want—“ Yet, your words die on your throat as Jimin moves closer to you, eliminating the distance between you both as he cups your face just like that time in the bakery.
Without another word, he leans down, pressing his lips on yours softly while you place your hands on top of his before he presses further, brows furrowing as he kisses you fervently. For the time being, all that matters is just you and him. He caresses your cheeks and you run your hands down to wrap around his waist until you can feel his heart beating against his chest.
After pulling away — both of you catching your breaths — Jimin presses his forehead against yours, running his thumb over your lips while you were unable to open your eyes for a few moments at the burst of emotions that is coursing through you.
“I’ve imagined this moment so many times,” he admits. “My wish finally came true.” And you smile at that.
“My wish also came true because of you, Mochi...”
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
Sitting on one of the tables, your eyes can’t take themselves off Jimin as he serves customers. Today is your day off and you decided to pay him a visit in the bakery.
“You’re drooling.”
Your gaze snaps up to your best friend who sits across you after placing a cinnamon roll on the table for you. Jungkook continues, “I swear I’m going to vomit one of these days if I see you or Jimin hyung throwing each other— what was that called? It’s an old term— Oh! Goo-goo eyes one more time.”
“Shut up, Jeon. I’m not.” You reach for the roll, taking a bite.
He rolls his eyes. “Yeah right, you basically either stare at him like he placed stars in the sky or like you want to tear off his clothes—”
You choke on the roll, quickly reaching for your glass of water before you throw your napkin at his face. Jungkook cackles at that before he resumes his act, sighing. “This is a mistake. I shouldn’t have intervened. I didn’t know you’d be like this. My best friend is so uncool now.”
“Y/N is what?” You perk up at Jimin’s voice.
“Whipped,” Jungkook mutters before he takes his cue to leave. He stands up, passing by Jimin after shooting the older one a teasing glance.
Jimin sits across from you, and he instinctively reaches for your hand on the table. “How was your day?” And you swear you can hear Jungkook making a gagging sound amidst the chatter of the customers.
“Good. I finished my chores at home earlier today. So, I thought I would come visit.”
Minutes pass by quickly as you chatter with Jimin. He had almost forgotten to go back to work until Jungkook reminded him. When it is time to close up the bakery, you watch him wash the remaining mixing bowls while perching on one of the cleaned counters of the kitchen.
“You know, I could use some help,” Jimin teases, drying his hands on his apron.
A smile curls up on the corner of your lips, eyes following his movements — drawing closer to where you are. “Well, I think you got it all handled, Mochi.”
Once he reaches you, he pulls you to wrap your legs around his waist while your arms rest on his shoulders — encircling around his neck. You both stare at each other and he pushes a strand of stray hair away from your face, tucking it behind an ear while his other hand settles on your waist.
“Sometimes, I still can’t believe that you’re really here with me,” You admit. “Just like a sweet dream.”
Jimin shakes his head. “It’s not, Y/N...” He leans to give you a chaste kiss. “... we’ll make up for the lost time we didn’t spend together.”
He softly smiles at you. “Promise.”
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author’s note: this was originally intended to be posted on jimin’s birthday but well i decided to add more stuff in it. thus, i am late alskflsdda so yes, i hope you guys enjoy this fic and feedbacks are always appreciated !! thank you for reading ♡
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writercole · 4 years
About A Girl
A/N: After this drabble, I’m going to be posting once a week - Thursdays - instead of every other day. Just remember - I love you guys and I wouldn’t be doing this without you. (this work is my own, no reposting, heed all warnings, don’t be a dick.)
Summary: Just a simple conversation between two brothers. Third person POV
Warnings: None? Some angst. Emotional weirdness because it is Dean we’re talking about.
Credit: @cajunquandary​ who gave me some seriously good ideas about Sam being pious regarding Dean’s promiscuity. @firefly-graphics​ for the divider. GIF credit under gif.
Series Masterlist | Previous
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Dean walked into the bar, scanning for his brother. It was always easy to spot him as he towered over everyone in a crowd. The bar wasn't busy, just a few patrons at the bar and one booth occupied. It was still early for their Friday drink meetup, so Dean grabbed a spot at the bar and ordered a beer. He had barely taken a drink when Sam joined him, ordering a beer from the bartender as well, looking like he just came from the office. 
“Hey, Sammy. How was your week?” Dean inquired when Sam sat down.
“Oh it was interesting for sure. And very long. Not really something I can really talk about, though. How about yours?” Sam replied quickly.
Dean sipped his beer before sighing deeply. “Weird. So you know how I’ve had that friends with benefits thing going on?”
“Uh, which one? Don’t you have like 5?”
“What? No. Maybe. Shut up,” Dean quipped, finishing his beer and ordering a whiskey, earning an eye roll from Sam that Dean ignored. The conversation they were going to have required something much stronger than a beer.
After taking his first sip of whiskey, Dean continued. “Yeah, I had a few lined up but I’ve basically cut down to just one. This girl is amazing. I think...I think I want to be exclusive with her. But I don’t know how to broach the subject. I mean, I barely even know her. I took her -”
"Wait a minute. You. You want to be exclusive? Are you running a fever? Have you been taken over? Is this an 'Invasion of the Bodysnatchers' kind of thing?" Sam interrupted, joking at his brother’s ineptitude.
"Dude, I'm trying to be serious here. Could you at least cut me some slack?"
"I'm sorry. Mr. 'No Chick Flick Moments' himself is telling me he wants to settle down. Dude, you’ve never had less than 3 different girls a week, almost exclusively one night stands from random bars. Lisa was your only serious girlfriend.  I've got to make sure this is for real."
"Yeah, we can’t all have perfect relationships all the time. You’ve had what, 2 girlfriends? Eileen in high school and Jess? I know what you’re saying, man. I know. But it's different with her. I think about her all the time. The thought of her with some other guy, or even some other girl, pisses me off. I never expected to be the jealous type. Especially when it’s two chicks, but here I am. Then this week she tells me that something happened to her over the weekend and I just want to murder whoever hurt her."
"Dean, it sounds like you're in love with her," Sam commented.
"Wha- in love? No. Maybe? Man, shut up," was Dean’s response. 
But those words from his brother got him thinking. Did he love her? He never felt like this before. Not even with Lisa, and they were together for almost 2 years. He was so far outside of his comfort zone, and the agreement they had set. 
"Look, all I'm saying is think about it. And maybe talk to her? And if you do go exclusive, I’d like to meet her."
"Alright. Fine. I'll think about it," Dean conceded. 
The pair chatted for about an hour, about work, family, and other news before Dean decided to call it a night. 
"I'm gonna head out. It's been a long week and I have plans tomorrow."
"Yeah I get that. See you Sunday?"
"You got it, Father Winchester."
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Next Chapter
A/N Post: Yes, the Priest!Sam and the previous Dean chapters are the same universe! I hope my sleight of hand was unnoticed. This is part 5 of a series called Saints and Sinners. I hope you’re enjoying reading this as much as I’m enjoying writing it. This reveal was planned halfway through the first Priest!Sam bit. I hope you guys stick around. It’s gonna be a ride. But remember, weekly on Thursdays from now on. At least you have a bit of time to come to terms with the twist. I’ll drop the masterlist tomorrow for you guys to catch up!
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spirit-shroud · 3 years
what are some roles that have been largely changed for cityrune? since you said queen was an influencer now :]
hi ty for asking me im vibrating. havent gotten to talk about this au now for three years and now that chapter 2 is like real and this time i can like........draw occasionally and i have more understanding of nuance...... [grips table] [screams]
this isnt quite what you asked but heres what's everyone from chapter 1 has been Up To with a little bit of context (and under a read more bc it got LENGTHY):
kris - professional stay at home teen (they live w/ asgore n help run the flower shop sometimes. this decision was entirely bc i dont like toriel). was wrongly diagnosed w Sudden Soul Rejection when they were incredibly young and given an experimental transplanted soul as a replacement. it works for them fine, give or take having to see gaster once a month for checkups. but sometimes the soul makes them skittish n decides they're going to sit in front of the pc and play 30 consecutive hours of a certain simulation game and not even let them drown people in the pool. if it were entirely up to them, they'd be like. passing out on the sofa to documentaries about bigfoot. or practicing cool knife tricks to impress their friends at their next tabletop meetup
- EDITED IN: the soul is kind of their friend. they are wearing a hypothetical get along shirt. most of the time, they agree on actions and things to do. tends to refer to themself + their soul as we/us which originally was just something they did in their head but they kept slipping in speech/text n just became a Thing of how they talk. switches to 'I/Me' whenever smth is wrong.
- also edited in: they believe the soul they have is their original soul bc nobody has told them otherwise. whenever theyre like 'oh yeah we think about our soul n view it as a separate entity to us like. all the time. it likes to hurt if we make too many choices it doesn't seem to like and kind of forces us to be a toned down version of what we want to be but thats just how souls are haha' and everyone is like.... 'Hey Kris That's Really Not How It Is.' theyre like. 'huh. gonna ignore that for now' - this was going to be a plot point
toriel - head of H0MEWOR1D (H01)'s department of education; kind of lost her roots as a simple math teacher as she was pushed into a lot of power she didn't even really seek out. divorced asgore over some miscommunications in their relationship; also loosely as a result of grief from asriel's death
asgore - the same. runs a lil flower/gift shop. people come in more to talk with him than to buy flowers most of the time, though
asriel Flowey - he's back in flower form, thanks to the government an accident. causes a lot of technology glitches wherever he goes, and wants revenge. isn't sure how to go about it. asriel "died" around 8 years before the story takes place and kris still misses him and refuses to even THINK about even the IDEA of calling someone their sibling after what happened, just in case it somehow happens a second time
susie - more of the same really. she spends most of her time either at grillby's (she's sort of become his assistant n helps with opening/closing. it just happened) or getting into low-stakes trouble w/ kris
noelle - she's in the city's equivalent of college and shes so tired. shes So Abysmally Tired n got kinda pushed 2 follow in her mom's footsteps. she's rarely around anymore except through text or on monsters & mages (dnd) night. (however.........she will come back w/ a long break n hang out w everyone again)
berdly - tbh i didnt even consider berdly when i made the au initially. idk what he's doing. probably in a similar situation to noelle??? canonically got kicked out of the M&M group due to clashes w/ other players but lurks in their group chat to posts memes sometimes
didnt rly think of any other of kris' classmates (+ their families) after ch1 and probably will continue to not, until chs 3-5 come out and i gotta whip up roles and histories for like. a lotta guys all of a sudden. i also forgot about noelle's parents
sans - runs a convenience store that everyone kind of thinks is a front, but also it has really cheap snacks and the local teens make a point of stopping there after school. so essentially, more of the same papyrus - similar to ut. is a very polite and sweet boy but you'll know when he's coming
grillby - he's back. he runs a bar like back in ut but the cozy vibes and weird-for-a-bar hours keep attracting kids who need parents, so half of his menu is comprised of overly sweet mocktails. usually only frequented by monsters
QC - same as usual. has a "rivalry" with grillbz but, theyre besties and have a book club
mettaton - he's real and he's back. he's similar to how he is back in ut w/ his EX body. likes to hang out at grillby's and talk to unsuspecting fans. has a show for everything
napstablook - similar to how they are in ut. helps mtt with making music sometimes. doesn't leave the house too often, but spends a lot of time posting on undernet
undyne - unfortunately. more of the same. she is a cop in the monster district. i am also upset by this but couldn't think of anything better for her
alphys - a doctor studying under dr. gaster in the hopes she'll one day take over his research. she spends most of her time as a nurse with a bigger title, though, and blocks out the weirdness of her job with anime.
gaster - weird guy. H01's top soul researcher and resident House wannabe. trying to manufacture the ultimate soul that can be controlled with simple internal switches, but so far he's only had 1 (very limited) success with a certain human. monsters just melt, and darkners just sorta......get weird... he's onto Something, though.
ralsei - lonely boy with some very strange hobbies. popular on UnderNet for poetry, baking videos, and general cryptid vibe. is the DM for the monsters & mages group (also seems to think everything is actually very fine in H01 when it is very much not)
lancer - about the same. professional Round Boy. lives w/ rouxls full time. follows susie around like a lost puppy and calls himself her "underling."
rouxls - runs a hotel/casino kind of deal where the objective Bad Guys hang out, and usually ends up doing any of the spade king's paperwork.
spade king - mafia godfather. kind of a dick. don't play cards with him
seam - works with the spade king as his right hand cat more or less because they have for a lot of years and are in that 'sunk cost fallacy' zone. thinks of retiring to a quiet life in the monster section of town like, daily
jevil - used to work with the spade king, but got imprisoned for Crimes. got weird after The Accident (separate from asriel's accident)
temmies (all) - dont really get mentioned except offhandedly but they run the monster space station. so far, are the only monsters who have ever been to space.
as far as chapter 2 goes:
yeah i dont have much so far for characters. in the original version of the au i accidentally made darkners as a whole just kinda..... not great? like all sorts of weird organized crime ties n sort of going out of their way to be A Problem to the city (not even in like. a revolution way. in a working against them but with the same goals kinda way). with the whole context it worked At The Time, bc i just had the spade king to look to as a villain, and also in this au the darkners are just trying to survive a world that ultimately was not built for them (that humans think they own, and monsters sort of... seeing this and wondering what it'll mean for them whichever one wins), but w/ new info abt how the dark world works n more guys to work with i want to kind of. edit the vibe a bit. like yea darkners will ultimately do whatever it takes to take over H01, but maybe in a better way than like. idk. all this. it doesnt have to be peaceful or anything it just has to be more adaptable as we meet more kinds of darkners
however yeah i thought up 'queen as some sort of childless mommy blogger/influencer' and that completely revived all memory i had of this au. she should be on mtt's talkshow. also she sells collectible wine glasses w/ her likeness
spamton is another one of gaster's failed soul experiments, but he hasn't melted yet, and seems............fine? sort of. so he hasn't gotten decommissioned yet. he does want to give you malware tho. hot monster singles in your area n all that
im blanking on the rest of the guys but i hope any of this was comprehensible
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Not Nineteen Forever (2) (Branjie/Scyvie)- Ortega
a/n: first off thank you to everyone who’s liked, reblogged, put something cute in their tags, dm’d or sent feedback to me/to AQ about this! it completely warms my heart and motivates me SO MUCH so thank you. in this chapter Scarlet gets a shock, someone gets a new groupchat nickname, and things are revealed during pres. as always send lovely things here or to my blog @artificialortega, and enjoy the quick updates while i’m still not at work!
Trigger Warning: alcohol. standard procedure xo
Summary: Brooke, Yvie and Nina are three flatmates who forged a friendship in their first year of university and picked up some other waifs and strays along the way. Now in their final year, there are feelings that need to be unravelled and confessions to be made whilst navigating drunk nights, hungover mornings, takeaways, group chats, library meetups, cafe gossiping, and the small matter of getting a degree.
Scarlet stood in the street, silent, breathing heavily, and absolutely frozen to the spot. She had felt the coin drop from her hand and hit the pavement, but whether that had been seconds ago or minutes ago she couldn’t tell. All that was running through her mind was one single thought, one single number, and no matter how much her eyes darted across the small rectangle of paper it didn’t seem to change.
Five thousand.
She looked again- top left hand corner, top middle, dead middle.
Five thousand.
Scarlet took one deep breath in then held it tightly in her chest before releasing it. Selfishly, she reminded herself that it wasn’t that much money, in the grand scheme of things. Some people would get paid that a month eventually in life. But Scarlet was a student- a philosophy student at that, who wouldn’t get paid shit when she graduated and had absolutely zero job prospects.
Five thousand was big.
She never bought scratchcards. It was a whimsical purchase, along with a granola bar and a bottle of chocolate milk on her way to a lecture, but there was no fucking way that was happening now, not while she had a card in her hand that entitled her to be the proud owner of five thousand whole pounds.
Part of her panicked. Part of her didn’t know what the hell to do with all this money. She completely and utterly was not in any way used to it. She was still thinking and in a complete daze when she walked back into the shop and handed the shopkeeper the card wordlessly. Confused, the man looked at it for a moment then laughed.
“I can’t cash that here,” he chuckled, handing it back to Scarlet. “Can only give you up to one hundred. You need to phone them.”
“Oh,” she laughed, uncomfortable and embarrassed, thanking the man as she took the card and left. Once outside, she turned it over, found the phone number she needed to call, and in a matter of minutes, her NatWest banking app now read: £4985.55 (she had previously been in her overdraft).
So what the hell did she do now?
As if on cue, her phone hummed in her jacket pocket. Bringing it out to look at, she saw the group chat already exploding with messages.
Dave the Laugh: anyone down for lunch near the lib in 5?
Cananana Canadada hey hey hey bingo: Yes please. Can we go Liezen?
Kim Kardashian-West: i’m eating the most disappointing sandwich of my life in a staffroom where no other teacher is talking to me! i <3 placement!
Plastique Bague: Nina :(
Plastique Bague: I’d be down for Liezen in 5! Me n Brooke will be there after this lecture
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: Biiiiiitch so sad i’m missing this!!!!!! don’t have too much fun without me xo
Scarlet paused for a moment, her thumbs hovering over the phone screen. It would probably make her feel better, going to see the girls, and Yvie would be there too. Her heart gave a little jolt as she typed her own reply.
used Tampon: Can I come too??
There was a small pause in the chat, as if everybody was looking at each other with concern despite all being in separate places. Squeezing her eyes shut, Scarlet tried to push out the spiral of her thoughts to a secret, Scarlet-less group chat the girls had without her. It wasn’t that she felt insecure in her friendship group, it was just that sometimes she felt like the odd one out, that sometimes they were only friends with her for pity, that they secretly joked about her behind her back.
That was insecurity. She’d just defined insecurity.
Sighing, she looked down at her phone again and her heart soared.
Cananana Canadada hey hey hey bingo: No sorry it’s a No Scarlet Allowed event xo
Dave the Laugh: Brooke i’m evicting u
Dave the Laugh: ofc u can join, u don’t need to ask bitch!!
Brooke’s comment completely ignored, Scarlet cheerfully made her way through the park that separated all the city’s student-land flats and the main campus, where the cafe they visited so often lay just on the outside of. She didn’t care even if the others hadn’t wanted her to join- Yvie had, and that was what mattered.
Scarlet had a weird relationship with Yvie, different to ones that she had with the rest of her friends. Whenever she saw her, she always felt like she needed to look her best or be acting nonchalant and cool, despite the fact Scarlet couldn’t be either of those things to save herself. If Yvie’s body was having a rough day and was being particularly unkind to her, Scarlet would worry and fuss, and ask Yvie if she needed anything to the point where the other girl sometimes got annoyed at her. She couldn’t help herself- the thought of Yvie being in pain was so horrible to her, cutting through her and making her fret. Sometimes Scarlet felt she couldn’t respond to or take part in any of the friendly shade or roastings that Yvie threw her way, because maybe Yvie would see that as flirting, and that would be weird. They were just friends, after all, Scarlet reminded herself with a nod. It was just…a different type of friendship than the ones she had with the others. But it was still a friendship.
Arriving at the cafe, she scanned the room and found Yvie, Plastique and Brooke Lynn sitting around a booth. Scarlet found her heart giving a jump when she saw the seat next to Yvie was free and she walked towards the table happily, sliding into the free seat and greeting everyone.
“Hey, boo,” Yvie smiled, scooting up so that Scarlet had more room.
“Oh she’s here, guys. We need to stop talking about her now,” Brooke said dryly and sipped her coffee, her tone of voice giving absolutely nothing away. Scarlet’s mouth fell open, confused.
Plastique burst out laughing as Brooke winced in pain, Scarlet feeling the motion of a leg kicking out from beside her.
“She’s fucking with you, Scarlet, don’t worry,” Plastique smiled sweetly, Scarlet grateful for the sympathy. Brooke and Yvie appeared to be locked in an aggressive staring contest, so Scarlet spoke in an effort to break it.
“How’ve your days all been?” she asked lightly, picking up the menu and giving it a flippant scan before deciding she’d order what she always did.
“Boring. I got up and went to the gym, we had a 9am-” Plastique gestured between herself and Brooke. “- and then a tutorial, and now we’re here. We made a really good effort to get some work done in the library though. We spent a whole…what was it, ten? Five minutes in there?”
“Um sorry, I would’ve happily stayed and done work but Miss I-Need-Food-Or-I’ll-Die dragged me out here,” Brooke cast an incredulous glance at her friend. Plastique shrugged.
“Guilty,” she said, before sipping at an orange juice she had in front of her.
“How’s your day been, Scarlet?” Yvie asked, her head leaning on her hand in an effort to face her.
Scarlet considered her options as quickly as she could in the two second time gap she had in which to answer. She could tell the girls about the scratchcard, or she could just…not. As mean as it sounded, she’d heard about people’s friends changing when they’d had a lottery win, and not necessarily for the better. Okay, it was only five thousand (only? ONLY?) but it was still probably more money than any of them had ever had at uni, and Scarlet still didn’t really know what she was going to do with it all. Looking in Yvie’s eyes, she was struck with a pang of guilt for what she was about to say.
“Uh, alright. I got up kinda late. I’m actually supposed to have a lecture just now, but I blew it off. Balsamic tomatoes were calling me,” she shrugged, pleased when both Yvie and Brooke laughed. As the waiter arrived to take their order, Scarlet let out a sigh of relief she didn’t know she’d been holding. She hadn’t known lying would come this easily to her. Well- technically she hadn’t lied. She hadn’t not told them about the scratchcard. She just…happened to omit it from the recount of her day.
As the waiter moved away from their table, the conversation turned to a night out that Vanessa’s flat was apparently hosting pres for this evening. Scarlet felt a pang of envy. She wished she had the sort of flatmates that were all so close and hosted things together, but instead she was stuck in a two bed with a girl she’d found on SpareRooms who inexplicably hated her. She longed to be the flat that everyone would come to for chilled times, like Brooke, Yvie and Nina, or the flat that hosted crazy parties like Vanessa, Silky and Akeria. At the very least, she wished she had Plastique’s excuse to not host anything- her incredibly rich and successful Mum had simply bought her a beautiful flat in the nicest part of town, which she shared with her friend from school. Scarlet’s mouse-infested two bed was a million miles away.
“I don’t know, Yvie, we’ve only got three weeks until showcase,” Brooke sighed, hands around her cup of coffee. Yvie waved a dismissive hand.
“Shut up with these excuses already. Plastique, you’ll come because you can’t stop yourself from drinking anything with an alcohol content higher than 3% and Brooke, you’ll come because it’s Vanjie.”
“And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Brooke asked pointedly, fixing her gaze on Yvie. The other girl laughed.
“It means you want to bone,” Yvie explained, scrunching up her face with a laugh as she made a snipping motion with her fingers.
“BOOOOOOONE?!” Plastique impersonated, causing Scarlet and Yvie to burst out laughing.
“Fuck you all. It’s not like that at all,” Brooke rolled her eyes, unamused. Scarlet felt for the girl. In the time she’d been part of the friendship group, she knew that Brooke pined for Vanessa but also that Vanessa crushed on Brooke with exactly the same intensity, Vanessa often confiding things to Scarlet in the Philosophy lectures they were in together. Scarlet had told Yvie all of this, and Yvie, naturally, told Brooke time and time again how much Vanessa liked her, but never told Brooke how she knew (a gesture, Scarlet always thought, that was sweet of her as it protected her from any fallout of Vanessa finding out that Scarlet had told Yvie).
“I think it’s sweet,” Scarlet chimed in, her stomach spasming as Brooke fixed her with an unimpressed gaze. “You know. That you’re waiting to tell her until you’re sure she likes you too. I feel like I would do the same.”
To Scarlet’s relief, Brooke pulled a smug smile and gestured across the table to Scarlet. “See? She knows.”
Yvie frowned at Scarlet, drumming her fingers against the table. “So you would wait as long as she has to tell someone you liked them?”
Scarlet found her words catching in her throat. For some reason, Brooke laughed.
“Girl. Shut up.”
“What?!” Yvie exclaimed. “It’s just interesting!”
“Interesting in what way?” Plastique asked, her face expressionless and a quick knowing look passing between her and Brooke before the waiter arrived with their food (scrambled eggs, avocado and tomatoes with balsamic on sourdough for Scarlet, bacon roll for Yvie, raisin granola with strawberry jam for Plastique and a chocolate and hazelnut croissant for Brooke) and the conversation was forgotten about. The chat then turned into uni moaning, deadline stressing and tutor bitching, something Scarlet was glad about. She’d just completed her first Philosophy essay of the year and she desperately wanted to impress her tutor after achieving good marks last year, so she vented to the girls about her worries.
“None of you will believe the conversation we had with Silky when we were at the pub the other night,” Yvie began, Scarlet already laughing as she’d heard this story before. “So she got this essay back and her tutor gave her like…52 or fifty something, it was a low mark at least. And Silk starts going off like ‘Well! I know it was a good essay! It don’t matter! I’ll just do another one!’. Like…! I had to be like 'Well it kinda does matter, bitch, it’s your whole fucking degree!’”
The girls at the table howled with laughter, glad of a cautionary tale and a distraction from their own performance at uni.
“I worry about Silky sometimes,” Brooke frowned, peeling off a small bit of her croissant and eating it.
“Silky will be fine,” Plastique reassured her through her last mouthful of granola. “At the very least she’ll get a job for a local paper and she’ll get paid to write controversial opinion pieces all day.”
“Ugh, let’s not talk about grad jobs,” Scarlet sighed, the thought of having to find something to do once she finished uni making her heart palpitate. Yvie smiled, reaching out and taking Scarlet’s hand.
“You’ll be fine. It’s these two you’ve gotta worry about.”
“Oh, thanks so much,” Brooke Lynn folded her arms together and narrowed her eyes at her flatmate.
“Well. More Brooke than Plastique. She’s always got the option of living at home and getting spoiled for the rest of her life.”
“Getting suffocated, you mean,” Plastique pouted, leaning back in her seat.
“What are you going to do after you graduate?” Scarlet asked Yvie, at once interested. Yvie tilted her head and thought.
“Forensics. Or actually, I’d quite like to work at a mortuary. Something with dead bodies,” she shrugged, Plastique wrinkling her nose.
“You’re a spooky bitch,” she recoiled, Yvie laughing in that deep, Disney-Villan way that Scarlet secretly loved.
“And what, bitch? And what? Anyway,” she took a sip of her diet coke. “I don’t need to worry about jobs yet. That goes for all of us. We don’t need to think about that shit til January.”
“It’s already October!” Scarlet cried, her eyes wide and fearful. Yvie, she noted, had still not let go of her hand, as she gave it a squeeze and laughed.
“Guys, let’s not be dramatic, we will all be fine,” Brooke shook her head, finishing the last of her croissant. Her comment stung Scarlet a little and she shrank back in her chair, suddenly inhibited and self-conscious.
“Well, this was lovely but we’d better get to the lib,” Plastique shrugged, pulling out her purse. Scarlet had a sudden thought. Maybe the others would start to warm up to her if she took care of the financial aspect of friendship every now and then. A lunch here, a round of drinks there. If she started to show some generosity, then maybe the girls would start to like her more.
“Hey, I’ll treat us!” she smiled, causing all three girls to whip round and stare at Scarlet as if she had sprouted an extra head. She immediately regretted her decision. Was this too suspicious? She gave a fake laugh. “My Mum sent me some money earlier this week and said to treat me and some friends to dinner. It’s not dinner, but it’s close enough?”
To her relief, Brooke and Plastique raised their eyebrows and shrugged. Brooke sent her a warm smile from across the table. “Well lucky us! Thanks, Scarlet. That’s cute.”
Scarlet cast a glance to the girl beside her and saw Yvie looking at her with intrigue, her face deep in thought. Buoyed by Plastique and Brooke’s kindness, she stuck her tongue out at her.
“Well am I going halfers with you, then?”
Yvie relaxed, giving a laugh and pushing Scarlet a little. “Oh my God, no, I’ll take what I can get of course. Thanks, baby.”
Scarlet’s heart gave a little explosion. This was a pet name she hadn’t heard from Yvie before, and she would be lying if she said it didn’t make her skin prickle and her blood feel hot in her veins. She wished she could stop smiling, but found herself unable to.
Scarlet paid and the girls all filed out of the cafe, saying goodbye with tight hugs and cheek kisses and promises to see each other later at the pres that Vanjie was hosting. When Brooke and Plastique said goodbye to her, Scarlet could have sworn their smiles were wider than usual, and she was sure that Yvie had hugged her extra tight. Scarlet was so happy that she headed straight into town, treating herself to a new outfit for the night ahead from a shop she would never usually even set foot into. She was in the changing rooms trying it on when the group chat went off again.
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: Mine tonight, who’s coming!
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: EXCUSE ME
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: OURS
Kim Kardashian-West: Me!!!!!! #tgif
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: they know wtf i mean
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: sorry i have other plans with more important friends who i don’t live with
Cananana Canadada hey hey hey bingo: My God your…so unfunny…it pains me physically
Kim Kardashian-West: *you’re
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: *you’re
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: *YOU’RE
Plastique Bague: i’m coming
Cananana Canadada hey hey hey bingo: I’m not coming any mose
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: PLASTIQUE!!!!!! you ruined it lmao
Plastique Bague: fuck u too Brooke
Plastique Bague: oh lol sorry
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Who’s mose.
Kim Kardashian-West: Tell me why I find mose so funny
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: MOSE ADDFGGHLL
Plastique Bague: oh my god mose
Cananana Canadada hey hey hey bingo: guys oh my god a bitch makes a typo!!
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE set the nickname for Brooke Lynn Hytes to mose.
mose: I hate you all so much
Plastique Bague: IM DYING
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: actually fuck this has killed me off
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: VANJIE IM HAVING AN ASTHMA ATTACK!!!!!! MOSE!!!!!!
Dave the Laugh: mose lmao
Dave the Laugh: anyway i’m coming tonight
Dave the Laugh: Scarlet said she was coming at lunch
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Omg. does this mean we have a full squad?
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: this NEVER happens
mose: I’m still not coming
mose: I’m being cyberbullied
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: you are so coming bitchhhh
Scarlet noted the plethora of heart emojis Vanessa tacked on to the end of her message to Brooke before sending hers, still confident from her lunch with the girls and the short, gold dress she was looking at herself in the mirror in.
used Tampon: I’m coming so we OFFICIALLY have a full squad ladies!!
used Tampon: Well. If mose is coming xo
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: SCARLET HAHAHAHA
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Scarlet i swear that’s the funniest uv ever been
Plastique Bague: Ahahahaha WOOO!! Yaaaas to full squad!!
Kim Kardashian-West: Mose will be there if i have to drag her there!! Yay Scarlet!!!
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: Brooky if u come i’ll give you a big cuddle!
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Anna ou-
mose: I don’t like that threat
mose: See you all later, I’ll be their
Plastique Bague: *there
used Tampon: *there
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: *there
Kim Kardashian-West: *there
mose: FUCK YOU ALL!!!!!!
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: *THERE
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: *there assddffghjkkl love u Brooke xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
After a little shopping trip, a nap, a small, solo getting-ready party and absolutely no uni work, Scarlet found herself in a taxi on her way to Vanessa’s flat, fiddling with the hem of her new dress that popped out from under her parka and wondering to herself if it was too short. She had bought the biggest bottle of gin she could find in the supermarket, not thinking twice about dropping £40 on it, and a small half bottle of tequila. Tonight would be a big one if she had anything to do with it. Scarlet was excited- she hated always being that person that had to borrow money for the entry fee, the only person who couldn’t buy drinks for everyone in the club, the person that got bought pity shots because she couldn’t afford a drink. Tonight, things would be different.
She arrived at the girls’ flat and pressed the buzzer, the music from Akeria’s room pouring out of the second-floor window already. Scarlet wasn’t that late- Vanessa had said 9 and it was only half past, but already she could hear the girls upstairs drunkenly singing along to Pitbull. There was suddenly a loud buzz from the intercom and Scarlet found the front door swinging open. She jogged up the stairs, taking them two at a time in her white trainers, and was greeted with a tight hug from Akeria, whose eyes were already considerably glassy. Scarlet was led through to Akeria’s huge, fairy-lights-and-mirrors covered room, where a huge cheer went up from the girls inside at her arrival. Plastique, Nina and Brooke Lynn were all sat on the edge of Akeria’s huge bed, and Silky and Vanessa were on the worn, purple carpet beside them, making a semicircle. Yvie was sat on the small sofa opposite the bed, dressed in a black lace jumpsuit that caused Scarlet’s pulse to race. Smiling and raising up the bottle of gin from her bag, Scarlet laughed as another cheer exploded in the room. She stepped carefully over the dwindling pack of cards that formed a circle around a pint glass full of a liquid that looked absolutely vile, and sat on the sofa beside Yvie, shrugging her jacket off.
“Hey,” Yvie smiled, flipping her septum piercing in and out of her nose absent-mindedly. “You look nice. I like this.”
Scarlet felt her cheeks heat up as Yvie momentarily touched her bare thigh, fiddling with the material at the hem of Scarlet’s dress. Scarlet rolled her shoulders back and flipped some of her hair over one. “Thanks! Just got it today. You look so good!”
“God, this old thing?” Yvie put a hand to her chest and laughed, Scarlet joining in until Akeria squashed herself down on the sofa beside her.
“Thanks for stealing my space,” she said unamused and giving Scarlet a quick once-over with her eyes. “Here, I got you a glass.”
Scarlet thanked her and poured herself out a measure of gin and lemonade which was approximately 40% gin and 60% mixer. She watched as Vanjie pulled out a card from the deck and a huge roar went up from the girls, a King staring back at the girl’s disappointed face.
“Aw, fuck my life!”
“Get it down, girl!” Yvie laughed, delighting in the other girl’s anguish.
“Vanjie, I’ll drink half if you really don’t want to,” came Brooke’s voice, the groans of objection from the other girls almost making Scarlet miss the grateful smile that Vanjie shot Brooke’s way.
“Um, no the fuck you won’t, bitch!” Yvie piped up again, outraged.
“Yeah this ain’t fuckin’ I’m A Celebrity, drink the damn thing!” Silky all but screamed, the girls chanting as Vanjie raised the glass to her lips and tilted it, some of whatever was in it dripping down her chin and spilling onto her black vinyl skirt. In under ten seconds, the glass was empty and the room was cheering, Vanjie giving a triumphant smile and wiping at her mouth with a somewhat flailing arm.
“Okay, next game!” Plastique demanded, thumping her knees.  
“Question game,” Nina said instantly in a monotone voice, some girls cheering and some girls groaning. Scarlet’s heart dropped.
“Noo, please! Last time we played this I got my chat nickname, and it’s fucking horrific.”
“What, when you had to tell everyone that you were the one who left the used tampon in our toilet?” Yvie laughed, and Scarlet felt herself blush to the roots of her hair.
“It wouldn’t flush!! And I wasn’t about to leave it lying at the top of your bin, was I?!” she cried, Yvie laughing and pulling her into her side for a hug. Scarlet supposed the embarrassment was worth it.
“Okay, no tampon-themed questions, guys,” Akeria laughed, the others muttering a laugh around her. “Remember, if you stumble, you answer and drink, if it’s a shit question, you answer and drink-”
“Akeria! We’re in third year! We know how the fuck the game works!” Brooke exclaimed, the other girl narrowing her eyes at her.
“I’m out to get you now, bitch,” she said forebodingly, Yvie “oooooh”-ing spookily beside Scarlet and making her laugh. “Who’s starting?”
“Me!” Silky yelled, and launched into her first question before anyone could object. “Akeria, who was the last person you fucked?”
“Nina, have you ever got with a stranger in the club?” she immediately fired across the room, the other girl’s face dropping in surprise.
“Vanjie, where’s the worst place you’ve had sex?”
“Plastique, would you ever go there with Ariel?” she yelled, her face relaxing in relief that the heat was off her. Plastique, who had been taking a drink at the time, choked, and a chorus of cheers went up as the girls realised she’d have to answer. Scarlet felt for Plastique as a red prickly heat began to spread across her chest and neck.
“I mean,” she began, her voice suddenly quiet. “I guess? Like maybe it would be weird but…whatever. Yes. It’d be fun, and we wouldn’t be awkward about it the next day. And I wouldn’t have to do the walk of shame. I’d just go across the hall to my own room. So it’s convenient.“
“So the fact that she’s hot just doesn’t come into it?” Brooke deadpanned, a bomb of laughter exploding in the room and Brooke receiving an elbow in the ribs for her trouble. Scarlet could relax for the small amount of time the game wasn’t being played. She always lived in terrible fear that someone would bring up the weird sort of relationship that she and Yvie had, and she really didn’t want to have to address it. Finishing her drink, Plastique began again.
“Nina, what’s the biggest dick you’ve ever taken?”
“Brooke, anal: thoughts?”
Brooke laughed as she attempted to get her question out. “Scarlet, have you ever had inappropriate thoughts about someone in this room?”
FUCK. “Akeria, what’s the youngest you’d ever go?”
“Plastique, have you ever done speed?”
“Yvie, what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever masturbated with?”
“The hell?” Yvie scrunched up her face and laughed, before moving on quickly. “Brooke, if you could fuck anyone in this room, who would it be?”
Scarlet’s mouth dropped open as she watched Brooke’s face turn white. “Silky, um…uh…oh, fuck! I had one!”
The room descended into chaos as everyone realised Brooke would have to answer the question. Scarlet jumped as she suddenly felt Yvie lean in to her side and whisper in her ear.
“How many times do we have to play this game at pres before Brooke answers with Vanessa? She has to at some point, right?”
Scarlet laughed and sat forward eagerly to hear Brooke’s answer, noticing Vanjie looking at her intently out of the corner of her eye.
“Um…” Brooke began, then laughed and took Nina’s hand. “I’m going to say Nina. Because she would make you a cup of tea afterwards and breakfast in the morning, and really what more would you want?”  
Scarlet didn’t miss the way Vanjie’s smile turned into a fake one and something shut down behind her eyes. With a pang of empathy, she narrowed her eyes at Brooke and shook her head. “Shit answer!”
Brooke and Nina fixed their surprised gazes on Scarlet as the other girls laughed and some of them agreed. Nina raised her eyebrows in mock-offence. “Scarlet, I’m offended! Are you saying I would be a shit fuck!”
Scarlet felt panic rise in her chest. “No, I-”
Nina burst out laughing. “I’m only kidding, you’re right, it was a shit answer.”
Scarlet joined in with the laughter and shouts that filled the room, confidence spiking again. Brooke soon started the game once more. As things progressed, the girls got more and more drunk and more and more loud, and Scarlet’s gin and tequila got passed around the room, everyone appreciative of free alcohol. As they drank more, Scarlet felt herself and Yvie grow closer together on the sofa until she was practically in the other girl’s lap. The only problem was, as everyone drank more, they all became less on the ball with coming up with questions rapidly.
“Akeria, how do you really feel about Silky?”
“Plastique, what’s your net worth?”
“Scarlet, gaaah, have you ever had a sexy dream about someone in this room?”
“Silky, have you ever farted in bed?”
“Oh my God, y'all nasty! Yvie, have you ever fantasised about anyone in this room?”
“Nina, where was the last time that you…I mean, when was the last place…god damn it!” Yvie exclaimed, jeers filling the room as Yvie blushed uncharacteristically. Scarlet’s interest was piqued. With a small jab of annoyance, she’d wished that Silky had asked who Yvie had fantasised about, but then she’d maybe get an answer she didn’t want to hear.
“Um. Yeah. Obviously! I mean, haven’t we all?” Yvie shrugged, trying to play the question off casually. Scarlet felt her heart speed up in her chest. Akeria raised an eyebrow and leaned back against the arm of the sofa.
“Haven’t we all imagined ourselves in a sexual situation with one of our friends? I don’t think you’re gonna like the answer to that,” she chuckled, Plastique howling with laughter.
“Unless your name’s Brooke or Vanessa,” Yvie shrugged, the girls all descending into screeches of laughter, Silky’s being the loudest as she got up from the floor and started jumping on an unimpressed Akeria’s bed. Scarlet looked at Brooke, who was eyeing Yvie darkly with a tight smile on her face. Yvie cleared her throat beside Scarlet, her eyes expressing regret as if she’d gone too far. Changing the subject, she asked the next question. “Uh, Akeria, what’s your body count?”
“Nina, what’s going on with you and Monet from your course?”
“Ah, oh, um,” Nina began, flustered. She shut her eyes tightly. “Brooke, what’s the dirtiest text you’ve ever sent?”
“Plastique, how many nudes have you sent?”
“Vanjie, who’s the most fuckable person in this room?”
Vanjie screwed up her face and gestured in disbelief. “Shit question, bitch.”
Shouts of objection filled the room. Vanessa put her hands out in front of herself in protest.
“Now, now, now, wait a damn minute! It’s only shit because there’s an obvious answer,” she shrugged, taking a sip of Scarlet’s gin that she’d mixed with her Fanta. As everybody waited with baited breath, she rolled her eyes. “Brooke Lynn. Duh.”
As if it was Wembley Stadium at full time, the room exploded with cheers and roars, and Scarlet doubled over giggling. Brooke was laughing but her face had gone beetroot red, and Vanjie was smiling, pleased she’d elicited such a reaction. Scarlet felt herself fall into Yvie’s side as she laughed. This was great! She was having such a good time!  
There was a sudden three bangs on the front door out in the hall, silencing the room and making Scarlet jump. Many of the girls giggled anxiously as Akeria threw her hands up and shook her head.
“Nope! No, I got the last three, I am not getting this one as well.”
“Bitch! Lemme at ‘em,” Silky exclaimed, getting up from her position on the floor. There was silence in which some of the girls (mostly Plastique) made inappropriate comments to try and get everyone to laugh, while they listened through the door to Silky, Vanessa and Akeria’s upstairs neighbour rant and rave about how he had work in the morning, and how this was the fourth time in two weeks, and how next time it would be the police that would get called. As she giggled, Scarlet felt Yvie take her hand and squeeze it, the other girl laughing evilly under her breath and making her laugh even more.
Fuck. Scarlet was beginning to realise her friendship with Yvie wasn’t strictly a friendship anymore.
The bang from the front door caused everyone to jump, and Silky was back in the room almost as quickly as she’d left.
“RIGHT bitches, c’mon, you heard the man, drink up, move, move, move!”
And with that, Scarlet tugged Yvie up from her position on the sofa, ready for the night that lay ahead and all the regrets and consequences that could accompany it.
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The Pitted Olive, part 7
fandom: Stony (Steve x Tony)
universe: Drag Queen!AU (Tony Stark as a drag queen)
summary: Tony hosts a meeting for his drag queen friends and Steve hangs out with his mom, deciding to share some big news with her.
length: 4 850 words
disclaimer: this fic is written strictly for entertainment. I am not a specialist on drag and my whole knowledge comes from mainstream media. if there is something you will find incorrect or offensive in any way, there is always an option to contact me and politely voice your thoughts instead of flaming. thanks!
a/n: LONG TIME NO SEE, RIGHT? I admit, I got a bit lost with this series... also I wasn’t so sure if I liked the direction this story was heading, buuut then decided that this topic can’t be avoided and is a big part of every lgbt+ person’s life. also, I do enjoy a bit of drama. and there is no better month to be back with this series than pride month! hope you will enjoy this update!
The Pitted Olive, part 7
(part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6)
Steve usually didn't need a lot of sleep. Five, six hours of rest were pretty standard for him and plenty to let him function through the whole day. Maybe it was that yesterday, he and Tony had decided to stay late at the Pitted Olive, prolonging their stay to see Tootsie's rock performance and Arrow's new juggling routine and he indulged more in the Long Island Ice tea than his body was used to, that the next morning it was exceptionally hard to get up from bed. He just wished to stay in, wrapped in warm covers and softness, and let his body decide when it wanted to wake up, instead of his always disciplined mind telling him that it was way past his usual sleep hours. He heard Tony woke up some time ago, but his boyfriend remained tactful and quiet and didn't want to disturb the blond, and moved swiftly and unnoticeable. Steve had moments of wakening up and nodding off, always feeling Tony's presence somewhere close, without being able to pinpoint exactly where he was, but it was enough to keep him calm and deep in sleep.
Until this one moment.
Steve was still wrapped in blissful sleep when he felt it. The dip of the bed, the thigh pressing against his leg, radiating characteristic heat. Someone looking at his face and leaning in, soft breathing hearable in the quiet surroundings. Steve thought that wakening up by a kiss was a quite good scenario, a scenario he would happily follow. It just wasn't this scenario.
One sharp tug and pinch at his eyebrow and Steve's eyes sprung open, his hands moving to cover his face and press to the hurt skin.
"Got you, you little bastard."
"What the-" Steve focused his eyes and saw Tony looming over him, a satisfied smile spread over his boyfriend's lips. Steve continued to massage his brow, not understanding what just happened and why he was insulted as the first thing after wakening up. "Tony, what the fuck-"
"Show me," Tony demanded instead, pushing Steve's hands away and cupping his chin, eyes sharp and analyzing while he was looking at his face. "Oh, yeah, much better. That hair was driving me crazy. Although, you could use a little more plucking on the left side."
And then Steve saw it. In his free hand, Tony was holding tweezers, the torture device getting too close for Steve to feel comfortable.
"No!" Steve yelled out, grabbing at Tony's wrists and trying to pull his boyfriend to himself and trap under and Tony was successfully not letting him.
"But your eyebrows are uneven!"
"And?! Do you think I care?"
"I care! Just let me- just a bit- hold still!"
"No, it hurts!"
"Oh, don't be a baby!"
Steve opened his mouth to say something back when while during wrestling with Tony something caught his attention. He looked at his own hands and let go of Tony for closer inspection, brunet immediately taking the opportunity to launch another attack of the tweezers and Steve temporarily knocked him to the side, hearing a yelp of protest. He rolled on his stomach for further protection and examined his hands closer. The nails, usually clipped pretty short for comfort, were filed into a perfect oval shape, cuticles were pushed back and there was a light coat of sheen nail polish on each nail. His hands also felt a lot smoother, with no rough edges, just as if someone massaged a heck lot of hand cream into the skin.
"Did you give me a manicure while I was sleeping?" Steve asked, eyes glued to hands that didn't look anymore like the ones he remembered having.
"Uh, yeah. Hope you don't mind, I was bored," Tony said, flopping on his side and coming closer to look at his work. "Turned out great, right?" he asked, some proud note making its way into his voice.
It was a change for sure. Steve turned his hands and looked at the fronts and bottoms, quite liking what he was seeing. Who would have thought that hands could look so nice?
"Um, yeah."
"Glad you like it," Tony smiled, "I tried to give you a pedicure too, but you kept kicking me away whenever I touched your feet. As for someone who is such a heavy sleeper, you can get very squeamish when it comes to your feet."
Steve just laughed in an embarrassed way. Somethings were better left without an explanation.
"Hey, baby, hold still," Tony whispered, placing a hand under Steve's chin and turning his face to his. Steve saw tweezers getting closer and his skin immediately started to crawl.
"I said hold still!"
"You hold still!"
Some kicking, some wrestling, and some mutual screaming later, Steve managed to press Tony down into the covers and trap him in, taking the torture tool out of his hands.
"AHA!" Steve called in triumph, holding the tweezers. "Let's see how you like it!" he said with an evil grin, leaning in and planning to make Tony taste his own medicine.
"Go ahead," Tony invited, smiling back. Steve intended to, but… The evil grin disappeared and was replaced by a more and more confused look as he was examining Tony's face. Eyebrows in a neat shape, no strand hairs. Smooth cheeks, the goatee trimmed to a perfect length. In a desperate, completely dirty move, Steve even looked for nose hair, but those were also properly taken care of.
"See?" Tony smiled wider, pointing at his face, and spreading his fingers. "Flawless," he said, making a clicking sound with his tongue.
Flawless indeed. Even Tony's skin looked smooth and plump, and maybe Steve should reconsider his statement on not letting Tony massage tsubaki oil into his face every evening, unlike Tony did.
"AH!" Tony yelled out when two hands shot under his arms and wriggled fingers into the, of course, smooth armpits, tickling viciously. "Stoop!" he managed to choke out before frantic laughter started to spill out. "You whihihiiill give mehehehee wrinklehehehes!"
Steve only smiled again, thinking that Tony's laugh lines were so fetching and that there was nothing wrong in making them a bit deeper.
"I need you out of the house."
"Huh?" Steve looked up from his bowl of sugar frosted cereal. They had such a lazy, long morning changing into afternoon, that none of them felt like preparing a proper breakfast, settling on Tony's secret stash and choosing something to go with the already lazy day. They even stayed in bed, getting crumbs all over the bedding. "You are kicking me out?"
Tony giggled, holding a cup with coffee in one hand, and blueberry pop tart in the other leisurely leaned against the bed frame. "Just temporarily. My girls are coming over and I think you will get bored."
"Girls?" Steve asked, spooning the soggy cereal into his mouth.
"Other drag queens. We have those meetups to discuss makeup, dress designs…" Tony's voice faltered as almost ending the sentence before he continued. "Current love affairs…"
Steve didn't answer at first, the edge of the bowl pressed to his lips as he slurped out the sweetened milk. When he looked at Tony, he had milk mustache on his upper lip and smiled teasingly. "Oh? So you will talk about me behind my back?"
"Only if you leave," Tony said, sounding humored by his young lover's playful behavior. "It is not fun to gossip about you while you are here."
"So, who is coming?" Steve asked, trying to keep his curiosity at minimum, and not be too noisy what exactly Tony would say about him.
"Girls from the Olive, so, Tootsie and Arrow, my friend from a different drag queen bar, Lady Mint -"
"Bucky is coming over?" Steve asked, putting the bowl aside. Somehow he couldn't picture his friend discussing material for dresses and lipstick colors.
"He is," Tony confirmed, finishing the pop tart and putting his empty mug aside, "but not for your lame bro time, but for my fabulous girls time."
Steve laughed at the word choice. "If it is that fabulous, maybe I will stay?"
"You are welcomed to, if you want to," Tony shrugged, "just a fair warning, we will probably put you into a dress and makeup-"
"I am out," Steve said without any hesitation, wriggling out of the covers and standing up.
"Ah, Steve, wait!"
"Uhhmm, before you go, could you help me with something?" Tony asked in a sultry voice, sitting up and smoothening hands over the covers in a slow, long move, until he was laying flat on his belly, legs crossed delicately in the ankles. Eyes having that helpless, pleading look that made Steve feel weak in the knees immediately. It was almost hypnotizing.
"Yeah, sure," Steve assured breathlessly, focusing back on his gorgeous boyfriend. Whatever it was, he would be happy to assist.
Tony smiled, slow and beautiful before he rolled to the edge of the bed and pulled out a shoe box from underneath. He took the lid off and Steve saw a pair of black pumps, made from shiny faux leather, on an extremely high and slim heel, in Tony's size. Steve's breath immediately quickened. He and Red Velvet made out a couple of times, but fooling around with Tony while he was wearing only parts of his female side's wardrobe, was a new level of excitement.
Tony took out one pump and ran his fingers over the shiny surface, and Steve saw the red sole of the boot. Then he took out the other one and held both of them in one hand.
"Can you break those in for me?" Tony asked sweetly, reaching the pumps in Steve's direction.
Steve froze, his brain registering the words, breaking them apart and putting together again. Break in. Black pumps. Him.
"What?!" Steve asked, and it came out harsher than he wished it did.
"Pleaaase?" Tony whined, putting his hands together in a pleading gesture, the pumps bumping into each other with a soft sound. "I need them for my nearest show and it will take ages before I break them in, with your shoe size it will just take a day-"
"Nu-uh. Your shoes, your problem," Steve said firmly, more than sure that he would break a leg minutes after putting the shoes one.
"Oh, come on! Please? Pleease? I promise to leave your eyebrows alone!"
"I said no, Tony!"
And chaos started anew.
Ultimately, Steve decided to stay, not because he wanted to be a part of the drag queens meeting, but because Tony batted his long eyelashes at him and asked for help with preparing some snacks, because he forgot to order catering and serving drag queens cheesy puffs and carbonated drinks Tony's pantry had plenty off, seemed just wrong. Steve made a quick round to the nearest grocery shop and came back hauling bags with fresh veggies and rice paper for spring rolls and veggie platters, and followed the very specific instructions Tony had given him what kind of cheeses and fruits to buy for a more decadent cheese board. In the meantime, Tony gave his living space a quick clean, all the time wearing the black pumps, which was very, very distractive for Steve, who had almost cut his finger off while he was dicing the cheese into bite-sized pieces. So, they decided to switch. Literally.
Time was passing, and soon the first guests started to show up.
"Honey?!" Tony called from the kitchen table, arranging the fresh veggies around the homemade dips, when the doorbell rang, "can you get that?"
Steve grunted, closing the door to the closet, just in time finishing the vacuuming. "Really, Tony?" he called back, his feet tired enough as it was.
"Please? You are closer to the door," Tony reasoned and while it was true, Steve grunted again, knowing that his boyfriend just wanted to torment him more. Dragging one foot at a time and walking in slow, wobbly steps, Steve had made it to the door, just in time as the person on the other side started to rattle on the doorknob impatiently.
"Coming, coming!" Steve opened the door, seeing Bucky, holding a bottle of sparkling wine and six pack of beer.
"Hey, Steve!" Bucky grinned at his friend, tilting his head up and creasing his eyebrows. "Huh, I thought you were smaller."
"Who is that?"
"It is Buck!" Steve called, motioning for Bucky to come in and taking steps back, the clicking sound drawing Bucky's attention to his feet.
"What-" Bucky burst into laughter, seeing Steve's feet squeezed into two sizes too small pumps.
"Ah, my daughter!" Tony called playfully, coming out of the kitchen and joining them. "Air kisses!" he said and him and still laughing Bucky leaned closer to each other, smooching the air around their cheeks with an exaggerated 'muah' sounds. "I think you can take them off now, Steve," Tony said, turning to his boyfriend.
"Finally!" Steve breathed out, happily kicking off the pumps, his face saying pure relief. Tony slid his feet into the shoes and did a short test walk, before smiling wide.
"Perfect. Thanks, honey!"
"Beer?" still chuckling Bucky offered to Steve, holding the six pack and encouraging Steve to take a one. "You seem like you need a one, pal."
Steve couldn't agree more.
The place was getting crowded and more lively, as more drag queens started to appear. Tony's friend showed up next, boy name Bruce, drag queen name Lady Mint, who worked downtown and was a type of drag queen Tony referred to as a comedy queen, meaning exaggerated makeup and a witty, observant sense of humor. Bruce as a person seemed like a nice guy, a bit distant and in his own world, but Steve could picture that drag brought out a new side in him. Arrow showed fashionably late, carrying a stack of fashion magazines and fabric samples, the most invested into the costume design world of all queens.
It was loud and joyful and Steve was having fun.
"So, let me put it straight," Steve started sipping his beer when the party started for good.
"Ha! Straight!" Arrow hollered, swirling prosecco in her tall glass. "Your boyfriend is so cute, Red."
"I know," Tony beamed proudly and Steve continued.
"You are the multitalented one," he pointed out to Arrow, meaning her talent for designing clothes and nearly circus acts on stage, and Arrow held her chin proudly, "you are the funny one," he turned to Lady Mint, "and you are the pretty one," Steve ended on Red and then turned to Tootsie. "And that makes you-?"
"The alcoholic one!" Tootsie exclaimed, holding her beer can high, the rest of her sisters joining in a cheer.
"And Mint is not only the funny one, but she also has Ph.D. in nuclear physics and biochemistry," Red said and Steve whistled quietly, because, well that was impressive.
Mint smiled gratefully at her sister, and Steve had to add that she was also the modest of the group. "Red is also an academic."
"Oh, please," Red waved her hand dismissively, "I just have some doctorates, but I still chose to spend my days fixing the world's most respected car brands," she said, trying to brush it off as it was nothing, but there was some smug note in her voice she didn't try to hide.
"And I can burp out the alphabet," Tootsie bragged and Steve laughed together with everyone and heard Lady Mint turning to Tootsie and asking if she ever thought about doing a comedy routine.
Steve felt really good and maybe he would extend his stay, but then the hour for him to leave came.
"Hey, I will be going," Steve said, taking Red by the elbow and interrupting the discussion over a fashion magazine and material samples about if Red could pull off a dress with an open leg or not.
"Huh? Why?" Red asked, genuinely surprised. She thought Steve was enjoying himself. "Are you still worried we will put you in drag? Don't worry, we won't-"
"We won't?" Arrow asked, lifting her head up from the magazine, sounding disappointed.
"No amount of makeup will help that face," Tootsie grumbled out, teasing her friend, and Lady Mint snorted so hard, the prosecco came out through her nose and more laughter followed.
"Add that to your act, Minty!"
Someone called but Steve and Red already walked away from the chaos, Red watching Steve taking his jacket.
"You are welcomed to stay," Red said, sounding minimally hurt.
"I know, and I would love to," Steve replied, pulling his shoes on and smooching Velvet's forehead. "I just made plans earlier. Promised my mom to drop in for dinner, didn't see her in a while."
"Oh," Red blinked in surprise. That was a sweet surprise. "Uh, then say hello to Sarah from me," she smiled, her voice sounding a little odd as if hiding something, but Steve didn't notice.
"I will. Will see you tomorrow, okay?" Steve said, leaning in for a proper kiss. "Bye gu- girls!" he called in general direction of the gathering, hearing a collective bye in return.
"Bye," Red said with a soft smile, closing the door behind her boyfriend. She waited a bit at the door, in case if Steve would forget something, but he didn't come back. Before chaos could start again, Red turned to her sisters and daughter with a serious face and a burning question. "Okay, ladies, real talk time!" she called, clapping in her hands for attention and waited for all to focus on her. "What do you think of Steve?"
"Oh, he is gorg!"
"Seems like a decent guy."
"You can do better than that punk!"
Red just smiled and sipped her sparkling wine, hearing the collective thought exchange about her boyfriend. Except for Bucky's half-hearted remarks, everything was positive.
"It isn't important what we think, though," Arrow said, flipping a page in the magazine, "what is important is what you think. So?"
Everyone turned to her, waiting for the moment of truth. Red looked down, thinking about the last months with Steve. Steve was kind and honest and sweet. He had some hidden heat in himself and a lot of passion. But most importantly, he seemed to love both sides of him, equally fascinated by Red Velvet as by Tony Stark. Tony felt safe and loved and pampered, but Steve also wasn't afraid to give him a piece of his mind when needed. It was very rare to find a person like that.
"I like him," Red finally said, "a lot. I think I really like him."
Arrow hummed in agreement, Lady Mint smiled, glad for her sister finding happiness, and it was again Tootsie who had to spoil it all.
"Please don't tell me that my best friend will become my new dad, I won't handle it."
And just like that it became loud and cheerful again, and Red was outvoted on if she would look good in an open leg dress, but she could definitely wear a body tight dress with a slit in the back going all the way down because her bubble butt was one of her greatest features.
"Hey, ma!"
"Stevie!" Sarah brightened as soon as Steve walked into his childhood home. She went to greet her son, her voice becoming stern suddenly. "Did you wipe your shoes on the doormat?"
"Yes, ma'am," Steve nodded with a grin. Somethings don't change, no matter how old you get.
"That's my boy," Sarah praised and Steve leaned his head for a hello kiss on his cheek. "Go wash your hands before dinner."
"You need any help, ma?" Steve called after Sarah and took his shoes off, as the woman already moved back into the kitchen.
"No, just hurry up, before soup gets cold!"
Steve smiled to himself. Really, some things never change.
While Sarah was putting finishing touches on the mashed potatoes, Steve slowly finished a plate of tomato soup with noodles. His mom remembered that he wasn't a fan of the acidity in tomatoes and added a generous splash of sweet cream, making it smoother for the palate. With time, Steve's taste changed and he was better at handling more sour flavors, but still, the gesture was sweet and the soup tasted like his childhood. They didn't talk much, but the silence around them was so comforting and Steve just soaked in the serene atmosphere, feeling like a kid again.
"Ready. Eat up," Sarah smiled, putting in front of Steve a plate with a huge scoop of mashed potatoes and a generous portion of beef tips, all smothered with dark and shiny sauce. Delicious, homemade food.
"Thanks, ma," Steve smiled, taking his fork and watching his mom reaching her hand for his empty soup plate. "Please, ma. Leave it, I will clean later. Sit with me for a while."
Sarah seemed surprised, but smiled in the end, accepting the invitation. "I will just get us something to drink," she said, and Steve huffed a bit, wishing for his mom to finally sit down with him and rest. He kept his eyes fixed on his mom as she brewed tea for herself and poured a tall glass of lemonade for him, and Steve saw that there was something different about his mom, but he couldn't exactly point what. Chewing slowly on his food and savoring the taste, Steve kept thinking about what could have changed. His mom was always a beautiful woman, but she valued hard work over looks and as a nurse spent most of her days caring for others than for herself. Hair always tied in a low ponytail, almost no makeup, maybe for some people it was bland and boring, for Steve it was modest and natural. And now… Sarah's complexion seemed glowing, her pale skin having a healthy shine, hair seeming somehow thicker and brighter. When Sarah finally sat down across her son and smiled at him, Steve noticed that she was wearing mascara and had subtly contoured eyebrows, which gave definition to her whole face.
"Hey, ma," Steve said, taking a piece of the tender beef and mushroom on his fork and into his mouth. "You look different."
"What do you mean, dear?" Sarah asked, taking a sip of her tea. That drew Steve's attention to her hands which also changed, not calloused anymore after long hours from working, but smooth and soft, nails in neat, oval shape and coated with sheen nail polish. Just like Steve's were.
"I don't know," Steve said mysteriously, "but you look nice. Is there a reason you got all dolled up?" he asked playfully.
Sarah laughed embarrassedly, something Steve inherited from her. "So, you noticed, huh?" she asked back, looking down at her knees with a small smile. "I am just trying something new."
Steve nodded, silently chewing on the piece of meat. Since his dad died, years ago, he saw his mom closing in, struggling to find a place for herself. If a bit of makeup was what she needed to feel better, Steve supported that wholeheartedly.
"It is all thanks to your friend."
"Mhuh?" Steve said with a mouthful of potatoes, almost dropping his fork. "Dohny?"
"Dear, please," Sarah said in a petulant voice and Steve swallowed his food properly, before speaking again.
"Ma, did you mean Tony?" he asked, wiping his mouth with his sleeve which earned him another stern look.
"Yes, Tony," Sarah confirmed, meaningfully sliding a napkin closer to her son. "I bumped into him some time ago, and I asked him some more about skincare because the facial mask he recommended worked so well. Since then we stay in touch," she said and Steve could only listen and force his mouth to stay shut. He didn't know that Tony kept in touch with his mom. "It was his idea for me to start applying some makeup again and he recommended me a really good beautician and manicurist. My friends started to notice the change too, they say I look ten years younger," she laughed warmly.
"You always looked young, ma," Steve quickly cut in, meaning every word.
"That's sweet of you. Are you ready for dessert? Made your favorite," Sarah smiled, standing up and heading to the counter.
Steve bit his lower lip. Why Tony didn't tell him about being in touch with his mom? Was it because of the last time and the freakout he had when his mom saw him and Tony together, and Steve started to panic that she might suspect something? Seemed so… And Steve felt really bad, that he was ready to kiss Tony in front of strangers and basketball teams, but felt too guilty to hold his boyfriend's hand in front of his own mother. And Sarah seemed to get along well with Tony… And…
"Tadaaah!" Sarah exclaimed playfully, putting in front of Steve a perfect slice of a perfect apple pie. "Hope you still like it."
Steve loved it. But somethings he loved more. Someone.
"Ma… Please, sit down."
Sarah looked alarmed at the sudden change of tone and the serious look on her boy's face.
"I need to tell you something," Steve continued, trying to keep the trembling out of his voice. Now or never.
Sarah sat down, her face clouding with worry.
The apple pie had to wait.
It was late evening when Tony had just finished putting the leftover veggies into the fridge and straightened up, stretching his spine out. He could call the drag queens meeting a success, but he also felt so tired. He smiled when he saw a torn out page from the fashion magazine stuck to his fridge with a magnet, a ruby red maxi dress with an open back presented on a model and Arrow's print next to it.
'Think about it! Just lower!'
Tony chuckled, looking at the design. He would never walk out on the stage in a dress that showed his ass crack. Showing to Steve like that in the privacy of his home, was a totally different story… He took the page with himself and went to the bedroom, thinking that maybe he would try some new facial mask and take an extra long bath. He just finished changing into his tiny bathrobe, when he noticed his phone vibrating on the nightstand and Steve's photo flashing on the screen. Tony accepted the call, already smiling to the thought that Steve was so sweet and called him just to wish him a good night.
"Hi, honey! Did you miss me already?" Tony asked in a flirty tone, waiting for a reply that didn't come. "Uh… hello? Steve?" Tony tried again. There was some uneven breath on the other side, and before Tony could panic, Steve finally spoke in a hollow voice.
"I told my mom."
"Told your mom wha-" Tony's voice got stuck when he realized what Steve meant. Sarah was a sweet lady, but hearing that your child was gay was probably never easy, even for the most loving parents. Tony really feared what he might hear next. "Oh, sweetheart…" he started in a voice so compassionate, the only answer he heard was a chocked out sob, Steve tried to hold in. "What happened?" Tony asked, not hearing the answer, just the sound of a car zooming past. "Wait… Steve, where are you?"
More silence. Tony could almost feel how tormented Steve was.
"Steve. Where the hell are you?" Tony asked, growing more and more worried. He heard enough of heartbreaking coming out stories and he would never live it down if Steve would become one of them.
"I am in front of your building."
"What-" Tony immediately got up from bed, running to the window, hoping to see his boyfriend. It turned dark already and he didn't see much. "I am coming for you, stay where you are."
"Stay where you are," Tony ordered, ending the connection. He didn't care to change and only wrapped a coat around himself and slipped bare feet into a pair of sneakers, not wanting to waste any time. He grabbed his keys and his phone, just in case, and ran down the stairs, ignoring the elevator and finding it too slow in such an urgent situation.
"Steve!" Tony busted out of the building, running into the street and looking around the sidewalk, searching and hoping. He saw Steve where he said he was, just on the other side of the street. No wonder Tony didn't spot him at first. Tony crossed the street and stopped in front of his boyfriend and the sight was breaking his heart. Who knew for how long Steve had been standing like that. His cheeks were flushed from cold, eyes glossy and tired, and he still kept his phone pressed to his ear, listening to the silence.
"Honey… Come on, let's go. Please," Tony reached his hand for Steve's cold one, and gently tugged him over and together, step by step, they walked back into the building and back to Tony's apartment.
<– previous part ….. next part —> 
Bruce’s drag name was created by a dear friend of mine @steve-sketchbooks. thanks for your love for this story!
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@destiel-is-classic, @prithvik , @azurixx ,  @mangakats, @mystey-writes,@w1nters-stark, gloriousmarvellokiturtle, @the-pop-culture-geek
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financiallymint · 6 years
How to Network Like a BOSS
You don’t need to become a networking expert or a social butterfly who knows everyone and their business idea. You don’t have to be at every event and follow up on every business card you get. Go a few times a month, practice your social skills, meet interesting people and listen to their ideas. You never know what the next one could bring – an internship? A job? A business partner? A generous millionaire? You won’t know until you GO.
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What do I mean by networking
Nope, networking is not connecting your computer to a network (to the guy who looked at me strangely after I told him I went to ‘networking events’).
If you’ve never been to a networking event let me explain a bit how they usually work: a company/organisation/person organises an event in a small or large room (depending on how many people are expected). Sometimes there’s food and drinks, sometimes you need to wear a badge with your name on it and sometimes it’s very chill and it’s happening at a bar.
People arrive at the designated place, walk around, pick on a bit of food and… start talking. Yep, that’s what adults do nowadays.
But it can get pretty interesting; there’s often a speaker who comes up half an hour later to talk about a cool startup they’re working on or some nice advice for the newbies. People think, ask questions, and then continue talking to each other. Doesn’t sound very exciting? We’ll get onto that in a minute.
Networking is essentially how adults get to meet new and interesting people: exchanging business information with other professionals. But the thing that makes it different to simply throwing a bunch of strangers in the same room is the fact that all these people came because they wanted to. Many times someone comes with a business idea, or is looking for business ideas. Maybe they are looking for a co-founder, or someone to help them out with a project. They come here seeking opportunities and new contacts, and it’s that attitude that can make networking events quite inspiring and worth your time.
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Why should I network in college?
College is an amazing place to make friends. You’re all thrown into this kind of bigger version of high school and you all are hoping to leave it with a degree and a bright future. It’s those years in the middle including crazy parties, strange lecturers and nights before exams that makes you bond with the other students around you. These will be friends for life, friends with whom you can talk about anything and do anything, and that makes them very special.
But here I’m not talking about making friends, I’m talking about making professional friends: people who could actively help you with your ideas, questions and thoughts. People who want to hear your ambitions and give you advice, people who might take it themselves.
By meeting these different kinds of people you are forcing yourself out of your comfort zone: getting out of your usual group means you get to see a different perspective to the issue you’re working on. Not only that, but many networking events have people from all backgrounds: startup founders, business professionals, gurus who’ve done it all, etc. These events are a mixture of different talents, all of them with a person who has something to say.
As a college student, this can be great. Even if you’re not working on your next business idea, networking is a great place to seek opportunities: someone looking to hire an intern, someone looking to collab or simply someone who has an interesting thought. And since in college we’re young and we’re learning, why not fill that sponge up a bit more and learn some more.
Think of the well-known quote: ‘it’s not what you know, but who you know’. These events are a great place to work on the ‘who you know’ part. And it’s not about just making contacts, it truly is about making friends. The key to networking effectively is turning those contacts into friends; building trust-based relationships and learning how to work together. More on that below.
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How to become a pro
So now you’re convinced that you need to start networking. Where to get started?
1. Research
Does your university offer networking events? Are there any opportunities or events where ‘professionals’ get together and talk? This could be with keynote speaker or a workshop. Either way, that’s a networking event.
If not, turn to the outside world. Eventbrite and Meetup are my go-to to find networking events and cool conferences. I check them once a week and register ahead of time if there’s one that intrigues me. Usually if they have the term ‘networking’ in them, it means it’s a networking event (surprising I know).
2. Make sure it’s not a pitch
Advice from someone with networking experience: you don’t want to be wasting your time. What do I mean by a pitch? Basically a company that starts off with a nice inspiring talk and finishes off trying to sell you something. Many times there’s no networking at all. Be especially careful with MLM pitches: they try to convince you that you’re starting your own business when actually you’re doing all the work and getting 20% of the profits.
Here are a few signs it’s a pitch:
Someone invited you to the event, telling you this is a very exciting opportunity
But for some reason they never say the name of the company or what the talk is about
The presentation is all about how amazing the organisation is and the actual product is mentioned briefly at the end
They won’t stop saying ‘this is a great opportunity’
It’s purely profit based – they don’t actually care whether the product is vegan, environmentally friendly or farts rainbows, they just want you to buy and pitch others.
3. GO
Doesn’t matter if you’re alone, just go. Actually going alone is even better: you really have to force yourself to talk to others and get out of your comfort zone. I know it’s nerve racking: there’s tons of strangers around and YOU have to go talk to them! How does that even work? Practice my friend, practice.
4. Talk
Assess the room around you: is there anyone standing on their own? Go talk to them. If there isn’t, join a random group and be like ‘Can I join you guys?’. Relax and get to know the people around you. Many will be in the same position: trying to make conversation with complete strangers. After the initial introduction comes the usual question ‘So what do you do?’. There you can awe them away with the fact that you’re a college student and you’re here to meet interesting people. Then ask them the same question. Ta-da, conversation.
The important part here is to show that you’re human: ask questions, pay attention, offer advice. Make a connection with them, show them that you have a lot to offer and are willing to learn. Once you prove them that you’re willing to collaborate, then the opportunities will come.
As the conversation evolves more questions and interesting issues will come to mind and you might find a golden nugget. If it starts getting awkward or boring, simply say you’re off ‘to get some tea/beer/coffee’ and move onto the next person (preferably after getting your beverage). And that’s it. The key to networking well is to be relaxed and not take it too seriously: you’re just here to observe, meet some interesting people and find opportunities.
5. Follow-up
As I said before, the secret to effective networking is turning your contacts into friends. How do you do this? By making sure to follow up. You’ll probably end up with a huge collection of business cards; keep them (you could always create a collage). Met someone who especially interested you? Send them an email asking how they’re doing. People love being noticed and remembered – by putting in the initial effort you show that you care.
6. Practice
The first few events may be awkward and you may be nervous. But it really does get easier with practice.
At the beginning, all I could do was talk to one or two people at a time, and immediately go quiet if more people joined. Slowly and steadily, I gained confidence and was able to talk to a few people at once. Now I’m at the point where I can speak in pretty large groups about my ‘business idea’ AND look everyone in the eye (not easy). This means I get everyone’s full attention and concentration, and therefore more people have something interesting to add. And the weirdest part: I’m starting to enjoy it.
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You don’t need to become a networking expert or a social butterfly who knows everyone and their business idea. You don’t have to be at every event and follow up on every business card you get. Go a few times a month, practice your social skills, meet interesting people and listen to their ideas. You never know what the next one could bring – an internship? A job? A business partner? A generous millionaire? You won’t know until you GO.
Read more like this over at Financially Mint
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highwiredazeken · 3 years
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American Teeth is the sonic alter ego of Elijah Noll, who collaborates alongside producer Colin Brittain (All Time Low, A Day To Remember, ONE OK ROCK, Papa Roach) and this meeting of the minds has resulted in quite a journey into the realm of pop punk and beyond. Hailing from Portland, Maine but currently based in Los Angeles, American Teeth recently signed to Fearless Records and plan to release his debut album later this year.  With singles such as Barred Out and One Of These Days already making a lasting impression on all types of music fans, American Teeth is slated to open the Aftershock Music Festival in Sacramento and has other live shows in the works as well.  Highwire Daze recently interviewed Elijah Noll find out a whole lot more about the up and coming American Teeth and their absolutely exhilarating, imaginative songs!  Read on…
Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in American Teeth and how long you’ve been doing this project. I am the singer, writer, co-producer of American Teeth. I started the project – we’re coming up on two years in June actually. So, it’s a fairly new project that came out of a session that I had with my now frequent collaborator Colin Brittain – who’s a great producer. We had a session with Munky from KORN actually – that was kind of put together and we really ended up hitting it off the two of us and started writing songs for fun – and that’s kind of how it all started.
How did you wind up signing with Fearless Records? That was after a couple of different meetings – Colin and I together ended up going around meeting a couple of different record labels – Fearless was one of them. Colin actually knew Andy Serrao the President of the label – so we ended up popping in there after one of our meetings in the area out here in LA.
You’re originally from Portland, Maine. What was the music scene like in Portland, Maine and were you involved with any bands up there? The music scene was definitely small. I was more involved as a fan of the emo scene up in the area. I don’t know if you know the band Sparks The Rescue – I went to some of their shows. We had a few venues like The State Theater. The Cumberland County Civic Center was kind of like our arena-type venue. I specifically remember seeing My Chemical Romance and Green Day there, which were pretty pivotal moments for me at the time. I used to play mostly house parties in kid’s basements and stuff like that. I definitely didn’t explode on the Portland, Maine scene. I was more kind of a fan within the scene.
And now you’re all the way across the country in Los Angeles which has a legendary music scene. What did you think of the music scene out here prior to the pandemic? I think that it’s actually growing because of the ability to connect virtually and all of that. I feel like people are just more driven to connect whether it’s through Zoom or Facetime. You could just do a quick meetup to see if it’s worth working together. It’s different than when shows are happening, but I do a lot of stuff on the writing side of the music scene out here, so I’ve been able to really connect with a lot of people – not only in Los Angeles but all over via Zoom. I’ve personally found that my network has expanded pretty quickly throughout this strange time.
What has it been like to write and release new music for American Teeth in the middle of a pandemic and all this social unrest in the world? It’s definitely helped fuel my creativity and the creation process around that. As far as releasing, it’s been interesting because it’s really kind of this thing where you’re putting it out and you don’t get to go play it live like you usually would. Like you’re just putting it out there. I’m focusing more on getting the song out and really making sure that I’m creating visuals that match the story I’m trying to tell or the vibe that I want people to feel. And I’ve been getting into TikTok too which has been an interesting journey.
Let’s talk about your new song One Of These Days and what inspired the lyrics for you. That song is essentially about acceptance honestly. It’s about waking up and just feeling terrible right off the bat. A lot of times when I’m feeling down or I’m going through a bad day, I’ll try to deny that that’s happening, or try to convince myself “It’s fine. I’ll be fine…” and just push through. But I found recently with some trial and error that sometimes often when you just accept that you’re having a shitty day, and allow yourself to feel that, you can move past it quicker. It’s really kind of the meaning behind the whole thing – let go and accept that you’re having a shitty day – and by doing that, most of the time you’ll be able to move forward that way.
You have another song called Barred Out that you did with Twin XL – Cameron Walker who used to be in Weatherstar and The Ready Set. How did that collaboration come about, and tell me a little about that song? Yeah, that was a fun one! That one came out of a co-writing session that we had with Cameron. I brought him in with the intention of doing some stuff for American Teeth. And while we were writing, he was singing the pre-chorus part that he’s featured on. Colin and I heard him singing on it and he just killed that performance of it! I got up on the mic and sang the same thing, and it just didn’t feel the same. There was something about his take that felt really natural and perfect for it. And we told him if you want to be on this track, it would be a great way to cross our worlds. And he was down and that’s how it all kind of came together. It was pretty natural.
You also did something with the band Dreamers called Still Not Dead. Tell me how that came about. That was actually another situation where there was another co-writing situation with Nick from Dreamers and I and Colin. That day the intent was to do a Dreamers song, so I wasn’t intending on being on the song. But it was the day a little over a year ago that Kobe Bryant passed away – and Nick had just gotten back from a trip from his hometown in Seattle – unfortunately one of his childhood friends had committed suicide, so he was coming back from that funeral. It was really a dark day for everybody in general. I’ve had plenty of loss and death in my life, including my dad when I was like 12 – and a lot of family members over the years. So, we just kind of decided that we were going to write a song about how we were feeling in that moment. It was kind of like glaringly obvious that that’s what we needed to get out. So, we kind of each told our story about our experiences with death and loss – and wanted to put a bit of a spin on it that was hopeful in a way – like a celebration of life amongst all of the loss.
Your producer Colin Brittain – he’s worked with bands such as All Time Low, Papa Roach, 5 Seconds Of Summer – the list is crazy! What is it like working with him? It’s really fun – we have a good thing. He’s so incredible. His track record shows how talented he is. I think that when you bring both of our talents together, we have something that I feel is really unique – and we just have so much fun creating together.
Providing live shows actually start to happen, what are you looking forward to the most about your appearance at Aftershock later in the year? It looks like you’re playing the same day as My Chemical Romance… Yeah, it’s crazy man! It’s a dream honestly. I think about Aftershock frequently, and I can’t wait. Performing is my all-time favorite piece of music, and being an artist I just can’t wait to jump around on a festival stage. It’s going to be so amazing!
If you could open for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why? I would say that number one would be The 1975. I’m a really big fan of that band, and I think the band has really developed this awesome fan base that I would really love to perform for. My Chemical Romance is one of them, but I happen to be technically opening the stage for them, so that’s going to be Step 1. Step 2 would definitely be being a direct opener on a My Chemical Romance tour. That would be just completely insane. I’m a big fan of Gerard Way and his artistry and his creativity – and I just think that would be so cool!
If the music of American Teeth was a donut, what kind would it be and why? Oh, that’s a good question because I love donuts. This isn’t my favorite donut, but I think this represents us the best – a rainbow sprinkle chocolate donut. The sprinkles for me represent the many colors – the many dimensions of the sound that American Teeth has. And maybe it has a soft cream filling because the music a lot of times has a hard outer shell, but there’s a softness and warmth in the middle.
What do you hope the rest of 2021 brings for American Teeth? A lot more live shows – I want to manifest that now. More live opportunities and the ability to connect with real people in person – and to meet new people that way. An album is happening this year, and that’s exciting. And I’m also experimenting with some visual stuff with creating little, short films and things around the music – so definitely more of that as well.
(Interview by Ken Morton)
American Teeth on Facebook
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drink-n-watch · 6 years
I’ve actually been trying to put together a top list of anime bars more or less since I started this blog but, these are surprisingly rare. Maybe this has to do with the fact that anime protagonists are usually too young to drink but even in grittier dramas, it’s not a location that features very prominently.  How does Durarara! not have a main bar location?
On the other hand, there are tons of video game bars for some reason….
In any case it took me quite a while to compile this list and I’m not sure I would really frequent most of them. I think there’s a real imaginary market for anime speakeasies. Once I finally isekai myself into an anime world, first thing I’m doing is getting my alcohol permit. I know there’s in fact an Isekai Izakaya anime happening right now that most likely features a bar but I haven’t seen it yet…
keeping the booze behind glass…tha seems like asking for trouble
5. Cerotto’s Bar – 91 days
Understandably, as this is a prohibition era story, actual bars will be few, but I think 91 days could have used a few more speakeasies. The one actual bar we did see more than once was Cerotto’s. As it was depressingly empty in most instances I wouldn’t exactly call it inviting and you have a 50/50 chance of getting shot while enjoying your drinks, but you know what they say…beggars can’t be choosers.
With a bit a sprucing up, maybe a coat of paint and a few less murders, I bet the place could really cheer up! As it is though, it squeaks by on the only virtue of actually being a bar. 
4. Bar Lupin – Bungo Stray Dogs
Yet another back-alley mafia bar, this one at least has that old school heavy charm of rich dark woodwork and overstuffed leather chairs. This is exactly the type of place you would expect successful mob bosses to frequent. The lights are dim, people keep to themselves, and the long, narrow layout offers few hiding spots.
Featured only in the flashback opening arc of season 2, this unassuming drinking spot offers shots in tumblers with those enormous round ice spheres that betray more profits than one would assume. I wouldn’t be surprised that some high stakes gambling is taking place in a secret back room.
Extra ints for being based on an actual real life bar that looks almost exactly like the anime version and where I desperately want to go!
3. The FamiRes – Cheer Boys
One of the things I remember best about Cheer Boys is their frequent meetups at a local family restaurant. Ok so this is technically not a bar per say but it is a restaurant that serves alcohol and will apparently let you get drunk without having to order food while talking about your cheerleading team. Also – all bars should serve noodles. Like drunken soba is the BEST!
I just really love this place. If I lived close by I would be in there twice a week. There’s something just so cozy about the unpretentious family restaurant atmosphere. I’m also OK with bars the get filled with cheerleaders in general.
2. No Rest – Love is like a cocktail
This bar doesn’t in fact feature much in the anime since Sora doesn’t seem to still be working there but we do get to see it in the last few episodes and it looks nice. Not too big or crowded. It has just enough room to feel homey but not cramped. Also, there’s a sofa to sleep off any excesses of alcohol enthusiasm you may have which is always a big plus.
Most importantly though, there’s a nice bartender. There’s a certain mystique that surrounds bartending, they are part performer, part host, part mixologist and part psychologist. I must say, in my experience, bartenders have mostly been bored men and women who would quietly bring a drink and occasionally smile for tips rather than the borderline magical creatures portrayed in movies. This said, although you can have a good bar without a special bartender, a great bartender will bring it to the next level.
Sora is sweet, attentive and apparently not in any hurry to cut anyone of. What more can a girl ask for?
Honorable Mentions
  The Bar From the Eccentric Family,
We see this bar a couple of times throughout season 1 and it actually looks great. Generously stocked shelves with a wide variety of alcohols, a nice tanuki bartender, happily ruckus patrons.. This is, no matter how much I searched, I couldn’t find the name of it which leads me to believe it did not have a big impact on most viewers.
  Various – Bebop
Cowboy Bebop actually features a number of bars in it’s single season but I found none of them to be present enough to get their own entry. The two I remember best are Rester House which doubled as a pleasant music venue and looked like a fun place to spend a Saturday night and Looser Bar, which has a wonderful name and is your typical hole in the wall dive bar. I know there were at least two more. Impressive for a single show.
  Crossroads – Persona 5
The crossroads in one of your job options in the game. I’m not sure if it has/will be shon at all in the anime which is why it hasn’t been included on the list but it would be if for nothing else than the wonderful owner. One of my all time favorite bosses.
  Sake Lake – Natsume
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that Yokai enjoy a stiff drink. The mythical Sake Lake is mentioned several times throughout the series with a mix of wonder and awe, but we have never actually seen it and so I’m dubious about it’s existence. That doesn’t mean I’m not considering booking a flight to Japan to go look for myself.
1.Quindecim – Death Parade
Not only do you have high class uniquely crafted cocktails and every bar game ever created at your disposal, but this bar can apparently become whatever you want. Well not: YOU, anything the bartender wants.
Fact is, if I have to go, I would like to go to a bar. I would be the one guy who realizes they’re dead, shrugs their shoulders and orders another drink. They’ll have to throw me out of the place or else I am perfectly satisfied on spending eternity there.
Also, the Memento Mori seems interesting. Maybe a little too flowery for me but I’ve actually been trying out Elderflower Liqueur in cocktails and it’s often intriguing. I’m also curious about the white cranberry juice.
So there you have it. I’m not too thrilled by the fact that you could get killed by going to two of these bars and another won’t even let you in until you get killed… Help me out guys, there must be better options out there! Which is your favorite anime drinking spot?
  Top 5 Anime Drinking Spots I’ve actually been trying to put together a top list of anime bars more or less since I started this blog but, these are surprisingly rare.
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selinavizari · 7 years
Hotel Encounter
Sexy Encounter with Taron in NYC hotel after meeting at a party. 3,105 word count. Mature Content. ****This is my first fan fic post. Ah! I’m a little nervous, haha, :3*****
I can’t believe this is actually happening. Don’t fuck this up. Be cool. Be cool. Be cool. That became my mantra as I brushed my hair, placed it into a loose bun. Frantically, I stare close into the mirror and grumbled at my features. What am I going to do with you? The eyebags. A lovely acne breakout. Eyebrows are trash. I take a deep breath, crack my knuckles, raise my eyebrow and give the mirror a sly smirk. Let’s get to work, shall we? Can’t keep Taron waiting. 2 hours. I have 2 hours to make myself drop dead gorgeous and ooze glamor. Now was my chance to make the impression of a lifetime. His (chiseled) jaw has to drop.
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We’ve met before this fateful evening. A friend of a friend who has heavy-weight contacts in Hollywood introduced us at soiree in NYC. Oh, I wish you could have seen how cool I played it! Despite the fact that Eggsy was just my phone wallpaper last month. We had a conversation about film-making. He was endearing, every smile was genuine and I could see how passionate he is about his work. Time flew as we chatted. I gave him my card and left an open invitation… if he was ever in New York that could should give me a call. Immediately after this chance encounter, I called my sister and gushed about every detail. His cologne, biceps, everything. She burned with envy! Then storytime was over and I moved on. That was 3 months ago. Tonight I received a facetime from an unsaved number. My eyebrows furrowed and I rolled my eyes. Who the fuck is this? I angle the phone so that my forehead and eyes could only be seen by whoever made the call. When I saw who it was… my heart sank, butterflies began to float in my belly and sweat started forming on my back. HE REMEMBERED ME. “H-h-hi T-t-taron! Nice of you to reach out to me!” I started nervously rushing my hands through my hair and realized that my voice was way too loud. He replies in that wonderful melodic accent, “You’ve been on my mind lately, love. I’m in NY and I’d like to hang out with you a lil bit. I can send you the directions to the hotel I’m staying at. What you think?” My eyes widened and I froze like a deer caught in headlights. His eyes squinted with frustration. “Are you there? Fuckin’ Apple! I betta not be losing connection -” I snapped back to reality and responded like I reading off of cue cards, “Of course! I’d love to spend time with you. It’s going to take a few moments for me to ready.” “Oh darling, I completely understand. I coming straight out of the blue with this rendezvous. Can you be here by 7?” Oh shit it’s 5. “Of course! I’ll see you soon, Taron.” “Bye- bye!” He gave a big ole toothy grin. Facetime Call Ended.
In a blur, I ready myself for this meetup. my hair is now freshly flat-ironed. My skin radiant courtesy of my previous trip to Sephora. A rouge lip and smoky eye shadow. I’m wearing my best form-fitting high rise black denim skinny jeans that makes my ass look out of this galaxy. A white v neck cotton shirt tucked in carefully. A nice dose of cleavage never hurt. I stare down at my toes and wonder what kind of shoes should I wear as I dig into my closet. This was an emergency. I need the big guns. The Red Bottom Christian Louboutins. Yes, yes and more yes. Almost ready. Rummaging through the jackets I came across my Bad Bitch Motorcycle Leather Jacket. “Oh this would do just fine.” I take a look at my floor length mirror, strutted like a supermodel towards it and plant a kiss on it. I posed my body to check out every angle. Bitch, you are so ready for this. He won’t know what hit him.
I’m so not ready for this. This thought kept creeping into my thoughts as I sat in the uber. We were arriving in 5 minutes and it finally dawned on me. This is first time you’re going to be in a room alone with him. What the fuck am I going to say? I didn’t think this through at all. What if I say something weird? What if he gets bored with me? I’m starting to lost in my doubt and insecurity. “This is it, right?” I was jolted by the driver’s inquiry. “Yeah, yeah it is!” I climbed out of the vehicle and hurried towards the entrance. The heels clacked loudly on the marble flooring. It made me feel like everyone was staring. I shuffled my feet nervously as I stood in the lobby waiting to speak to the hotel clerk. The clerk was slim, tall elderly man who had a vacant stare. The name tag said Gary. When it was my turn to speak my voice raised a few octaves. “Hello Gary, I’m here to visit Taron Egerton.” The man grimaced, leafed through a book, called a number and spoke, “A young lady by the name of….” he absently gestures towards me with his long skeleton like fingers. “My name is Y/N!”  “Her name is Y/N and she’s hear to visit.” Taron continues to speak. “Mhm. Mhm. Okay, Mr. Egerton. She’ll be up in a few moments.” Gary hangs up. “Room 805. Eighth floor, of course” “Yeaaah, I get it. Thanks” I roll my eyes at his rudeness and start to walk towards to elevator. When I go inside, I’m startled to be confronted by reflection. I sassily stick my tongue out. Hey cutie. I could feel the elevator gently ascend my eyes glanced up towards blinking floor numbers. My stomach started to feel tight. Too late to back out now, right? The Eighth Floor. I’ve arrived. I strutted, switching my hips down the hallway toward Taron’s room. Here we go. I knocked on the door. Pause. Ten long seconds pass by. The doorknob turns and Taron reveals himself.. He was wearing a black linen shirt. The first two buttons are undone. His sleeves are rolled up revealing his muscular forearms. Those relaxed dark denim jeans are looking damn good on him. I quickly glanced all the way down and noticed he was barefoot. I felt overdressed in these flashy heels. “Come in! Come in!” His hands reached for mine as he closed the door shut. The sudden gentle grip of his strong, warm hand caught me off guard. He lead me into the room which was top-notch. “My God! You look stunning!” I blushed and ran my hands through my hair nervously. “Oh Taron! You embarrass me.” 
“I’m sorry… but I calls it as I sees it.” He murmured as eyes glazed over my figure. He suddenly asked cheerfully, “Would you like a drink? We’ve got sparkling water, apple cider, a bottle of pinot grigio…” 
“A glass of pinot grigio sounds fabulous to me.” Lord knows I needed something to calm my nerves. “Anything for the lady.” He winked and hopped over to the bar. I stole glances of him. Watched him scurry around for a glass. He held it up to the light to check for any water spots. “It’s so nice to see you, Y/N. I loved talking about films with you. So insightful.” 
“Wow, thanks. I try my best.” I looked downward to avert his gaze. Then he swiftly grabbed the wine bottle opener and attempted to get it open. He struggled and then chuckled as I was watched him utterly amused. I walked towards the bar, leaned over and rested my head on my hand. “Need any help? All those muscles and you can’t get this little bottom open. What a shame!” He let out a chuckle and nodded his head. “You're right, dear. I’ve been defeated. Pinot Grigio 1 Taron 0.” 
“May I?” I pointed towards to the bottle. “By all means!” He bowed his head and side stepped. I took off my jacket in a over the top manner as if I were a Vegas magician and proceeded to open it with complete ease. Taron was my adoring audience member and began to clap, “Bravo! Bravo! I think I can handle pouring it into the glass.” 
“You sure about that?” I teased. He fake pouted. “Duh! I can do that. I’m a big boy now.” I laughed at how childish he made his voice. His boyishness was endearing. He poured my glass and then poured himself one.
I mentioned the rude hotel clerk. Taron frowned, “Oh yeah that guy’s dick. I don’t know what his problem is. How dare he talk to a lovely lady like yourself in that manner. The man must be blind.” He shook his head. I couldn’t quite wrap my head around the idea that he sincerely found me attractive. He caught the sour look in my expression. “You think I’m lying or somethin’?” The tone in his voice was that of disbelief. “Noooo… I’m just not good with compliments. Modesty is a curse, you know?” I shrugged my shoulders.
“You really didn’t have to do all of that.” He gestures his hands towards my face. My eyes lowered and I felt exposed. He sensed that I might have been offended. “Oh no no no! I’m just saying I was perfectly okay with the girl who answered the video call. This is nice too.” He stared down into his drink and sipped gingerly waiting for my response.
 “ ...Well thanks. I do appreciate that. All of this” I circled my hand around my face, “...makes me feel good, maybe sexy even.” He raised his eyebrow, tilted his head and gave a sly smirk. Suspicion entered my voice.”...what? What are you thinking?” 
“Oh nothing really. I’m just imagining you trying to achieve this look in such a short time!” “What can I say? I wanted to impress you....” Fuck, why did I say that. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. He rolled his eyes, “I’m nobody! I wanted to impress you and I showed up to the door like a barefoot child with this unbuttoned wrinkled shirt while you came in like the real movie star.” We laughed. Trying to impress me? Holy. Shit. This just took an interesting turn. “Do you want to take this bottle to the sofa? This stool is hurting my arse.” I giggled and swiftly turned around to take a quick look at the white 3-seater. “Sure, why not?” Hell yeah I do. I took off those heels and let my feet sink into the thick, lush carpet. “Now I understand why you stayed barefoot. This feels amazing!” 
“Look at you getting comfy! Atta girl!” He seemed pleased. I plopped on the left end and him on the right. We both brought up our feet up so we could curl up nicely. “This is nice.” I said softly, and stared into his eyes. We locked eyes for more than a few seconds. It was a pleasing silence. Not strange at all. I sipped some more. We ended up chatting about our upbringing, and silly childhood memories. The intimacy was lovely. Talking to him felt natural. The conversation became a bit more explicit as we began to discuss our first sexual experiences in teenage years. I expressed my displeasure at how horrible my first time was. Taron shook his head in disgust. “A man should always take time to know a woman’s body and what she wants.” 
“Agreed! Some of these idiots couldn’t find the clitoris even it smacked them dead in the face.” He nearly choked on his wine from laughter. “You’re too funny! I swear. But you’re right though.”
“Mhm!” I nodded. “It’s tough being a straight woman I tell ya.”
“Would you experiment with women to see what it’s like?” 
“Hmmmmm…” I took a deep sip of wine. Taron’s hands shot up in the air “...and that’s a YES! Nice. You are unbelievably sexy, you know that? I don’t care what you say. You’re not going play modest tonight!” He wagged his finger at me disapprovingly.  “Okay! Okay! I’m...hot. You satisfied?” I leaned my head back pretending to be irritated. He couldn’t mask the lust in his eyes. “...Not yet.” He bit his lip. “I have a question for you.”
“Go for it.” 
“You say that you’ve had awful experiences with men. How do you think I’d measure up?” Oh. My. God.  My face burned. My nether regions began to throb. “Hmmm…” I began to examine my manicured nails, acting as if I was really deliberating. “Well…” I noticed he was hanging on my every word… just waiting for his green light. He hadn’t moved from his spot. I gave him a response, “I don’t know. But I’d love to find out…” My breathing grew heavier.
He climbed over me and kissed me softly, I kissed him right back. Our mouths began to open and our  tongues were massaging each other. All of those intruding insecure thoughts melted away. This was now and I wanted every inch of him. I began undoing his shirt and my impatience got the best of me and I tored it off. The buttons flew off. He kept kissing me and growled in my ear, “Oh! Is that how much you want it. Okay.” He swiftly unhooked my bra and lift my white shirt over my head revealing my breasts. He began flicking his tongue on my nipple and massaging my other breast. I groaned audibly. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter. He kissed all over my abdomen. He yanked off my jeans and underwear. The cool air of the room made me shiver. I watched him intently with my mouth slightly agape. He spread my legs and started to place his finger inside of me. “Oh my…” He licked his lips lasciviously. “You are very, very wet. Just how I like it.” His finger slowly went in and out and I gasped. “That feels so fucking good.” He nodded. “Wonderful...”  He placed two fingers and angled it so that it hit my G-spot. “Oh my...Ah!” I moaned uncontrollably. I involuntarily tried to close my legs. He firmly kept them apart. I didn’t want him to stop. He kept my legs spread. He leaned down and kissed my abdomen and planted a gentle kiss on my clit. It drove me mad. I threw my head back in anticipation to what I was in store for. He took the tip his stiff tongue and licked slowly. My eyes rolled back. He gently pulled back the hood so he can stimulate me the most. He started going to work. Flicking his tongue wildly. My back arching and my toes were curling. I couldn’t take it. I was going to come. I was getting so fucking close. He suddenly stopped and lifted his head, “Y/N would you say that I found your clitoris?” He acted as he was genuinely puzzled and needed guidance. “HA! Are you kidding me?!” I slapped my hand on my forehead in utter disbelief. “Yes! Taron! Yes! You are too hilarious. You ridiculous, beautiful man!” 
“I shall continue.” He winked at me and picked up exactly where he left off. I gently ran my hands through his hair. My orgasm started building up again and he didn’t stop while I was shaking uncontrollably. I was out of breath. Taron sat up and I noticed his raging erection in his jeans. I sat up, reached over and grabbed his crotch, “I think I can help you with that.” He sat back down on the sofa, “Pretty please, love.” I smiled and pulled down his zipper. He wiggled out of his jeans. I pulled down his briefs and I started stroking him softly. He let out a moan. My mouth made its way down. I started bobbing up and down, with increasing speed. “Yeeeesss, just like that. Just like that. Mmm…” I could taste his pre cum. I used my tongue to lick the tip and go all the way down shaft. He was much bigger than I thought and I started to rub my clit. It was still swollen and wet from juices. He took my head and guided me up and down. He got harder and harder. I was pretty sure he was going to come but then he lifted my head to kiss me. He whispered. “Get up. I want to fuck you so badly.” He turned me around, bent me over the sofa, and slipped his hard dick inside of me. He thrusted hard and I cried out. “Oh Taron! Yes! Please don’t stop. Fuck me hard just like that.” He kept on. He slapped my ass, firmly grasped my hair and continued to fuck me until I could barely breathe. I could hear how my ass slapped against him and how he grunted. “You like this, Y/N? Tell me you love it” He breathed into my ear. “Oh my god fuck yes!” I screamed. “I’m gonna come!” 
“Yes, Come! I wanna make you come again!” He started thrusting faster. I swore I saw stars. An orgasm rocked through my body. I almost went limp. He pulled out, pulled me over his shoulder, marched over to his bed and threw me down. This was exhilarating. I don’t know how much more I can take. He spread my legs and licked my clit some more. I was on cloud nine. He then lifted my legs up as far as he could and  plunged himself inside of me until he knew he was about to come. His body glistened with sweat and his eyes were wild with lust. He pulled out and came all over my breasts and I surprised him by blowing him again. He threw his head back in ecstasy as I slowly came to a stop. He slumped into the bed and I laid next to him. He reached over his night stand, grabbed a few tissues and wiped me down. Made sure it was all off of me. I noticed all of our clothes were strewn on the floor. We laid down together. I’m curled underneath his arm and studied his chest heave. Instinctively, I laid my hand there. His hands ended up playing with my hair. He took a deep breath, slowly opened his eyes and groggily said, “...Your makeup didn’t budge. Not even a little. Amazing.” I let out a dry laugh. I didn’t want this night to ever end.
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lifesobeautiful · 6 years
25 Ways to Find a Date Offline
Everyone seems to be trying out online dating these days. With how common it is, you might think that it’s an easy process. The truth, however, is that online dating isn’t always ideal. Apart from the risk it poses to your security, you can also end up feeling disappointed and frustrated.
If you want to avoid those things, you should probably consider dating offline.
But first, let’s review a few tips to make it work.
Have a simple goal of making new friends. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Seek to find a great friend and see where things lead.
Commit to saying “Hi” first. Don’t be shy. Perhaps set a goal of saying hi to 5 people a day. Start with one a day and then work your way up.
Smile and have fun. Everyone looks better with a smile.
Be open to meeting new people- anywhere and everywhere.
Always be dressed and groomed to meet new people even if you’re just running out to get milk. You just may meet that someone special in the dairy isle!
Be interested in others and ask lots of questions.
Don’t be afraid of rejection. You’ve got nothing to lose!! What’s the worst that could happen? Someone will laugh at you? That’s hardly likely. And even if they do, who cares! Just say “Next!” and move on!
Go slow for safety and success. Never rush into anything. Go slow.
Check out these conversation starters from Searchwarp and Suite 101.
Now that we got that out of the way, here are the best ways to find an online date:
Host a “White Elephant” party for singles
The idea is everyone who is invited must bring a single friend, preferably of the opposite sex. You can also have each invited person invite 5 other people to increase the numbers for your party.
Join a social/singles group in your area
Check the newspaper, yellow pages or online.
Start a social/singles group in your area
If you don’t have one in your area or want something different, start your own. Start small and build. It can even become a business down the line if you have success and decide to charge dues.
Ideas for events for your group:
Themed parties
Sports events, like ski trips or baseball games
Meet and greets with a speaker of interest
Find singles magazines or newsletters in your area
Join their mailing lists and see if you can find anyone who interests you.
Check the “Local Happenings” section of your newspaper
Clip out the events that interest you and go. Bring a friend or go solo, but just remember to meet at least one new person when you go!
Take your dog or other pet to a dog/pet park
You can also search for pet meetups online according to dog breed or really any other interest you may have. Other places to use your pet as a lure: main street shopping areas, fairgrounds, and outdoor sporting events.
The ‘Ole Meat Market
Yes, you can meet someone in a bar. People do it everyday. Is it the best place? Maybe not, but you shouldn’t rule out any place where there is opportunity.
Join a club in an area that interests you such as astronomy, public speaking, gardening, books, or whatever. Check Google, local bulletin boards, or your local paper for ideas.
Take an adult education class in something that interests you
You’ll be surprised at the people you’ll meet there.
Go shopping in the opposite sex’s department
Ask a stranger for help in shopping for your relative.
Browse bookstores, libraries, and video stores
Go in the sections that interest you. Ask someone their opinion and see what develops!
Attend trade shows, conventions, specialty sales, and auctions for things that interest you.
It is the perfect place to talk to new people because that’s what it’s all about!
Your workplace
First know your employer’s dating policies and always use discretion. Many people have met their mate this way. Maybe it will happen for you, too.
Attend an event of another department. Let select co-workers know that you are looking. Maybe they will know someone you’d like to meet.
After hours shopping
Grocery shopping, the hardware store, and the like can be great places to meet someone just like you. If you’re shopping after 5pm or on a Saturday pay attention to check out more than just the produce and then take some action by saying hi and asking a question.
Attend a singles dating event
It can’t hurt. Bring a friend if you need a little confidence boost.
Go to those weddings, reunions, and other such events that you’ve been invited to.
Fight the urge to say “Ugh. Oh no.” Go. Have fun. Talk to people and see what happens.
Volunteer for a group or an area of interest for which you have a passion
What better way to meet someone that may be compatible with you? Looking for people in your area of interest is one way to make sure you end up with someone who has the same passion as you.
Attend art gallery and museum openings and functions
Culture, creativity, and dating potential, oh my!
Join a professional organization
And when you do, be sure to go to events and maybe volunteer to help out with some of them. Working on projects with others is a great way to get to know some new people.
Join a health club or a casual sports group
This includes softball leagues, golf, ski clubs, sailing, etc. And don’t rule out groups just because you’ve never done it before. If you’ve always wanted to learn how to sail, then join a group and learn. There’s always room for newbies.
Consider a singles vacation trip. There are many organization including Club Med that organize trips to any and all destinations you can imagine. Search the newspaper or online.
Spiritual groups
If you belong to a religious group, see if they have any groups that interest you. If they don’t maybe you could start one and then advertise it in their weekly bulletin or newsletter.
Music and Theater
Go see a band, a play, the orchestra or an opera. Expand your cultural horizons or simply go for some head banging. Just remember to meet some new people.
Attend a free seminar
Many businesses present free seminars to gain new clients such as brokerage firms, home improvement stores, and technology stores. Go get some learning and chat to some fellow attendees.
A little help from your friends and beyond
If you’re really looking, put the word out to a lot of people that you are open to introductions or invitations to events to meet people. Hand out your card with your number and email. Tell people what you are looking for. Then let it sit. If you do this consistently, you’re sure to end up with some dates.
What do you think is the best way to meet someone? What is your favorite conversation starter? What’s the craziest story you know of a couple and how they met?
Please share in the comments!
Written by K. Stone, author of Life Learning Today, a blog about daily life improvements. Popular articles are How to Write a Book in 60 Days or Less and Should You Start Your Own Work at Home Business?
The post 25 Ways to Find a Date Offline appeared first on Dumb Little Man.
This article was first shared from Dumb Little Man
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coin-news-blog · 5 years
3-Day Japan Bitcoin Cash Survival Challenge
New Post has been published on https://coinmakers.tech/news/3-day-japan-bitcoin-cash-survival-challenge
3-Day Japan Bitcoin Cash Survival Challenge
3-Day Japan Bitcoin Cash Survival Challenge
Among cryptocurrency enthusiasts, Tokyo is often mentioned as one of the most crypto-friendly cities in the world. Recently, it has especially become known for Bitcoin Cash (BCH) adoption, which is a cryptocurrency that has the characteristics of the original Bitcoin (BTC), as intended by the mysterious creator Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin Cash is meant to be used as cash for daily transactions, while Bitcoin (BTC) is not as useful as before with its high transaction fees, etc.
Three Days Subsisting on BCH
The Bitcoin Cash community in Tokyo is growing. I am an organizer of the Bitcoin Cash Meetup which currently has 1,500+ members. We meet up every Wednesday in Tokyo. I am also a Community Manager at Bitcoin.com and Satoshi’s Angels helping with the community’s growth and adoption of Bitcoin Cash.
Tokyo Survival Channel challenged me to survive 24 hours in Tokyo with only Bitcoin Cash (BCH) — no fiat currency. This was their rule:
All of the things you buy must be paid with BCH, or BCH converted into some kind of e-money. No “fiat” (=Japanese yen) can be used during the challenge. Have a normal city life in Tokyo.
I told them that it would probably be easy to do this, so they upped the challenge to 3 days/72 hours instead. I wasn’t sure if I could really get through 3 whole days without using any fiat currency, but I decided to take the challenge anyway.
Summary of my challenge
Crypto Survival Challenge: Day 1
Crypto Survival Challenge: Day 2
Crypto Survival Challenge: Day 3
Can you Enjoy Tokyo with Only Bitcoin Cash?
Crypto Survival Challenge: Day 1
Monday, August 26th
I didn’t want to mistakenly use fiat (Japanese yen), because it’s easy to do, so I decided to hide my fiat and credit cards in the closet, so I couldn’t touch them. I loaded my Bitcoin.com mobile wallet with 1 BCH (about 32,000 yen worth). My wallet was very lean (in a good way)! I started to feel a bit nervous unexpectedly thinking to myself “Can I really survive without fiat for 3 whole days?”
Lunch at Dot RAW
I started with lunch. I was in the mood for something healthy, so I went to Dot RAW to have their all-you-can-eat salad, soup and deli (3 kinds of dishes) for 1,100 yen. They also have smoothies so I ordered a tropical green smoothie for 800 yen, too. Maybe that was too many vegetables. I paid with BCH from my mobile BCH wallet directly.
Cost: 1,900 yen
Coffee at Gluten-Free T’s Kitchen
Gluten-Free T’s Kitchen across from Tokyo Midtown is popular for visitors who are looking for gluten-free food in Japan. I feel vegetarian/vegan or gluten-free restaurants are still hard to find in Japan. This cafe also makes desserts that taste so good you can’t tell that they’re gluten-free.
Cost: 500 yen
Chocolate snack at Family Mart
You’re probably thinking, “Wait, I can use cryptocurrency at a convenience store?”
The answer is, yes you can! But indirectly. This is how I did it:
A Japanese exchange Decurret has just released a cool service that lets users charge some of the most popular e-money cards/wallets such as Rakuten Edy, Nanaco, and Au wallet with certain cryptocurrencies (BCH, BTC, LTC, and XRP). Here is their press release for the service.
Being able to top-up these popular e-money cards means you can shop at 400,000+ shops for Edy, 490,000 + shops for Nanaco, and Au wallet can be used for places that accept Visa or Mastercard, so that’s a lot of shops. Opening an account with an exchange takes some time, so asking a friend to buy you “gift points” might be another easy option. Edy and Nanaco are charged with gift points.
Cost: 108 yen
Printing at 7 Eleven
I had to print something, so I went to 7-Eleven and used the printer with a Nanaco card which was topped-up using BCH through Decurret. Being able to use a printer with cryptocurrency even indirectly was a very cool experience for me.
Cost: 660 yen
A Quick Drink at MEZZO
You think night clubbing or going to a bar in Tokyo is too expensive? Mezzo is located right by Roppongi Crossing, with a great atmosphere and professional, friendly staff. Their drinks and most of the food are 500 yen (less than 5 U.S. dollars). They accept BCH directly from your BCH wallets.
Cost: 500 yen
Bitcoin Cash IPA and Pizza for Dinner at Two Dogs Taproom
Two Dogs Taproom has been a long-time Bitcoin supporter going back to 2013. They accept BCH and BTC now, directly from your Bitcoin wallets.
They also make Bitcoin Cash branded IPA, which is their best seller. Don’t forget to try Coinspice pizza, which is sponsored by crypto news outlet. If you pay with BCH, you get Bitcoin Cash IPA for a happy-hour price. Even though they accept Bitcoin (BTC) as well, I chose to use BCH because it’s much cheaper to use. When I paid the bill with BCH, I spent 0.08 yen which is less than one-tenth of a penny, but if I used BTC, I would have paid 100–200 yen on top of my bill. Two Dogs’ owner told me that nobody really pays with BTC anymore because of its high fees.
Tipping in Japan isn’t common, but it’s fun to tip staff in BCH, so I added another 300 yen on top of my bill.
Cost with tip: 3,350 yen
A Drink at Jokers
The night club Jokers is about 20 steps away from Two Dogs Taproom. They accept BCH directly from your BCH wallets.
Cost: 1,000 yen
Late Night Curry at CoCo ICHIBANYA (Spicy level 4 🔥🔥🔥🔥)
It was almost 1:30 a.m. and I was getting hungry again… In the late hours of the night, the choices are more limited for a good meal if you want to buy with bitcoin cash (BCH) directly, so I decided to use one of those cards that I topped up with BCH using Decurrent. I ordered a takeout “Summer Chicken Curry” from CoCo Ichibanya with Edy.
Cost: 985 yen
Day 1 Recap
In the morning I was a bit worried if I would be able to survive with no fiat for 72 hours, but by the end of the day, I realized there are so many places that I can spend cryptocurrency directly and indirectly.
No Fiat 72 Hrs Challenge in Tokyo Day 1 Results🗼 1. Healthy lunch & smoothie at Dot RAW 2. Coffee at Gluten Free T’s Cafe 3. Quick drink at MEZZO 4. BCH IPA & pizza for dinner at Two Dogs 5. Drink at a night club “Jokers” …and more! All paid in #BCH😎@_tokyochallenge https://t.co/MbJEo6M3Oq pic.twitter.com/8I03jbp4he
— Akane Yokoo (@YokooAkane) August 26, 2019
Crypto Survival Challenge: Day 2
Tuesday, August 27
I was still full from the late night curry from yesterday, so I skipped breakfast.
Iced Coffee from Family Mart
I need some coffee in the morning, so I went to Family Mart and paid for an iced coffee with Edy. Nice and easy!
Cost: 100 yen
Lunch at Gusto
I had lunch with my non-crypto job colleagues.
I told them that I couldn’t use fiat, so we decided to go somewhere that accepts Edy or Nanaco. They think I’m a weird Bitcoin nerd who can’t stop talking about Bitcoin all the time, but they’re nice enough to bear with me. We decided to go to Gusto, which is a family restaurant chain in Japan that accepts Edy.
When we were about to order food, however, the waiter told me they only accepted Edy through a QR code. Since I have an iPhone I couldn’t install the Edy app, and Gusto didn’t accept the Edy card. I challenged this situation by convincing one of my colleagues to accept BCH for me so she could pay on my behalf with JPY. The peer-to-peer exchange of Bitcoin was made in a few seconds. I had a hamburger and salad.
Cost: 1,023 yen
Hot Coffee from Natural Lawson
Lawson accepts Edy.
I love Natural Lawson because they have so many kinds of high-quality products including organic wine, coffee, snacks, vegetables, etc., in addition to daily essentials all convenience stores have. They even sell organic natto.
Cost: 100 yen
Cake at Dean & Deluca – 583 yen
After work, I was craving something sweet. I stopped by Dean & Deluca at Tokyo Midtown for a delicious looking piece of cake. They accepted Edy.
Note: If you want to exclusively spend BCH for desserts, places I mentioned before like Gluten Free T’s Kitchen and Dot RAW serve desserts as well.
Dean & Deluca
Cake at Dean & Deluca
They accept Eddy payment.
Paid with Eddy!
Cost: 583 yen
3 pairs of socks at UNIQLO
Time for a little shopping.
I went to UNIQLO and purchased 3 pairs of socks. They accept Edy!
Cost: 1,069 yen
Passed by Matsuya
Hmm, I guess they don’t accept Edy or Nanaco…
Bottled Water from Mini Stop
I was thirsty, so bought a bottle of water from Mini Stop, which is another chain of convenience stores, with Edy.
Cost: 91 yen
Eye Drops from Drug Store Matsumoto Kiyoshi
I remembered that I needed to buy eye drops, so I bought a bottle at Matsumoto Kiyoshi, which is probably the largest drug store chain in Japan. They accept Edy.
Side Note: I heard Japanese eye-drops are popular souvenirs among some people.
Cost: 198 yen
Train Fare – 195 yen x 2 = 390 yen
So here came the big challenge — how could I pay for transportation with cryptocurrency?
Decurret’s president hinted this year that they’re thinking about adding crypto for charging Suica, which is one of the two major digital money cards used for transportation issued by JR East. Unfortunately, it hasn’t happened yet, so what to do? I couldn’t think of an easy way to get around this challenge. Asking a random stranger to purchase a ticket and I will pay them BCH did not sound like an easy or fun thing to do. I asked a friend to buy and charge PASMO for me after sending him 4,000 yen worth BCH. I have not touched fiat so far.
Spanish Dinner at La Cocina De Gaston in Nihonbashi – 3,000 yen
Had a nice red wine, delicious tapas plate, and peppermint tea and paella for dinner. They accept BCH directly from your BCH wallet.
Book at Book 1st
I bought a Japanese book about blockchain technology at Book 1st using a Nanaco card!
Side note: “Digital Gold” by Nathaniel Popper is a recommended book if you want to hear an interesting history of Bitcoin.
Cost: 1,998 yen
Don Quijote
Don Quijote is like Walmart. They have all kinds of things from daily consumables to party items, electronics, etc. I often recommend this place for souvenir shopping for my foreign friends who are visiting Japan. I bought a green tea flavored chocolate snack.
They accept Rakuten Edy.
Cost: 149 yen
Frozen Strawberry Margarita at Wall Street House
Wall Street House is located next to Two Dogs Taproom and Jokers in Roppongi’s “BCH District,” where there are about 6 BCH-friendly shops on one block.
The bar is great for a quick drink after dinner. From the counter table, you can enjoy the busy streets of Roppongi while you enjoy your cocktail.
They also offer 200-yen discount if you pay for a drink with BCH.
Cost with discount: 1,000 yen
Window Shopping at Luxury Watch and Jewelry YUKIZAKI – 0 yen
Yukizaki, a luxury watch and jewelry company that has more than 15 shops in Japan, accepts BCH as payment. While it’s too much money for this challenge, it would be hard to pass up if I needed a new watch.
Some of the photos for #TokyoChallenge No Fiat 72 Hours Survival Day 2😋 https://t.co/e3aCcsREr2 pic.twitter.com/TtTmHPsiPn
— Akane Yokoo (@YokooAkane) August 27, 2019
Crypto Survival Challenge: Day 3
Wednesday, August 28th
I worked from home in the morning, and I didn’t want to leave the house but I was hungry. It would have been nice if I could use crypto to get food delivered with services like Uber Eats. This is something that is definitely missing.
Lunch at Downtown B’s Indian Kitchen – 1,000 yen
This pop looking place is actually an authentic Indian curry restaurant. Downtown B’s uses good ingredients to make delicate-tasting curry, which is not spicy.
I ordered a “Grill Lunch Set” that comes with tandoori chicken and a drink.
The Menu
Grill Lunch Set – 1,000 yen
BCH accepted!
Cost: 1,000 yen
Taxi from Roppongi to Ebisu
I was running late for my hair cut appointment, so I decided to take a taxi. They accepted Edy.
Note: Some taxis only take cash (fiat) so when you get in be sure to ask them what they accept.
Cost: 1,850 yen
Haircut and Treatment at Hair Salon Mint
I was running late for my appointment at the hair salon Mint, which is one of the few salons that accept BCH directly.
The friendly owner and staff gave me a very warm welcome. Their salon has a spa-style room where they give a variety of hair treatment services. Just hearing about the spa menu made me feel relaxed.
Getting new hair cut
Paid with BCH
After a haircut, they gave me an herbal scalp cleansing and moisturizing hair treatment followed by a neck and shoulder massage — I was completely relaxed. I’d like to come back here for more spa treatments soon. The total bill was 10,220 yen but I got 20% referral discount.
Cost with referral discount: 8,170 yen
Drinks at Bar BASHI in Ebisu
BASHI is a nice cozy bar that started accepting BCH in August 2019. The Bitcoin Cash Meetup that I help coordinate met on day three of my challenge. We welcomed 20 people and discussed topics ranging from basic information on Bitcoin Cash to recent progress on BCH development, etc. It’s a very friendly community in Tokyo, so please join us if you love Bitcoin!
A quick view of tonight’s Tokyo #BitcoinCash (#BCH) meetup at the new venue BASHI in Ebisu! https://t.co/ZkG5E4Fl6e pic.twitter.com/HAdzVBhIIr
— Akane Yokoo (@YokooAkane) August 28, 2019
Cost: 2,900 yen
Drinks at Sheesha Bar No.5
After lots of talking and laughing, I headed to Sheesha bar No.5 with a friend.
We ordered 2 drinks and one sheesha (guava and strawberry flavor). This place accepts BCH directly.
Karaoke is included. They have a great view from the windows. Very Tokyo-ish. There’s also 500 yen per person table charge.
Cost (for 2): 5,500 yen
Cookies from Daily Yamazaki (Convenience Store)
The 72-hour challenge was almost over… I celebrated it with a small bag of chocolate-covered cookies (Takenoko no sato) from the convenience store Daily Yamazaki.
Cost: 140 yen
Daily Yamazaki, one of the famous Japanese Convenience store
Takenoko no Yama! Popular snack.
Can you Enjoy Tokyo with Only Bitcoin Cash?
I’d say living on bitcoin cash for three days is doable, and there are a lot of ways you can use bitcoin cash in Tokyo directly and indirectly. You can easily find restaurants, nightclubs, and bars (some have karaoke inside) that accept BCH directly, but you will have a hard time using transportation, postal and delivery services, etc. with cryptocurrency.
Also, I’d like to talk about the “hidden costs”. As much as these e-money cards are useful, paying with cryptocurrencies directly instead of going through these services is much better in the bigger picture. If you send BCH directly to a shop, for example, there is almost no fee for you or the shop, while if you pay with a credit card or e-money card, shops are charged 3–5% for the payment service even if it’s free for you to use those services. And the irony is that most shops reflect this fee in the product prices so that they don’t loose money, which means us consumers are indirectly “paying the price” for these expensive payment service fees. There is a reason why cost-efficient businesses like Saizeria (family restaurant) don’t accept e-money card payments.
Credit card services, e-money cards, or fiat are probably here to stay for longer than we think, and there are benefits from using those forms of money, too during the transition. There are many other merchants I wanted to introduce but three days was too short for that. You can find recommended shops that accept BCH directly here at Bitcoin.jp.
Enjoy Tokyo with Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and let us know your fun experience!
More Tips for Travelers
Opening an account with a Japanese crypto exchange locally is probably unrealistic. So if you need to change your BCH to cash (fiat/Japanese Yen), using services like Local Bitcoin as it does not require registration or ID may be helpful.
If you need more info about spending BCH in Japan, feel free to visit the local Tokyo meetup that’s held every Wednesday night. We’re sure you’ll find lots of useful information and make good connections about cryptocurrencies or Japanese culture from the participants.
If you are a foreigner visiting Japan and you’d like to use an e-money card with BCH, nanaco might be the easiest of all three. I recommend asking a friend to top it up for you beforehand if you live abroad. It takes a few days until you can receive Nanaco points.
If you are a ramen fan, there are two ramen shops (named Ramen Jinanbou) that are very good in Nogata that accept BCH directly. I highly recommend it. Don’t forget to check out Hatano Chiropractic, which is only 1–2 minutes away from Ramen Jinanbou.
I definitely recommend bringing fiat if you want to travel in the countryside. You will be shocked to find that some of the old shops and hotels do not even accept credit cards yet.
How to find stores and restaurants that accept Cryptocurrency: Go to Marco Coino. They keep the most updated info about shops that accept Crypto payment.
Source: news.bitcoin
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yumenosakiacademy · 5 years
metr0con 2019 friday diary
Cosplayed/breakfast/snack: same as thursday diary
For future me only. preferred that you dont read this, thanks. 
Okay so we arrived at like, 10:23 or abt that time so i had some time before my first panel so i just kinda walked around. i dont think anything happened around that time, sorry. my memory of today is a lil bit hazy at parts. but while on the escalator, i looked over at registration n saw creeper print and a yellow crown n the person rly looked like king gavin n i openly Gasped but i couldnt get to them obviously but i was like gjhnsmjgh hh.
then, i went to the yoi panel! uhm.. not much to comment on for this panel, sorry. there was a viktor, yuri, and yurio! i remember there was a personality swap ask and for part of the panel, they all had switched jackets because of a dare.
next was the oh-shc panel! the honey was rly cute n gave a lot of hugs to a lot of the audience members n they were such sute hugs gjhnsm.. like the ones where u semi-leap at a person n hug em w slight movement it was so cute. kyoya said his entire budget book he brought was all for tamaki’s expenses and tamaki proposed to haruhi as a dare but earlier in the panel he was imagining outloud him n haruhi’s wedding gjhnsm
after that, i couldve went to the grav!ity falls panel or the bn-ha one, but since the bn-ha one was in the same room as the previous two, i just decided to stay in my seat for that one. the todoroki n kirishima came in late w starbucks which todoroki says was paid for by endeavor bc he had his dad’s credit card n he actually gave out 2 fake paper credit cards to ppl. aizawa got asked what the dumbest thing he’s gotten asked by one of his students n he said it was “whats your quirk, aizawa?” n todoroki said “it’s not ‘is mayonaise an instrument’? then there was other stuff n they played Sentences and i suggested the scenario “furry convention” after someone suggested todoroki and izuku. ALSO!!! i won the raffle for a bn-ha poster! it was drawn by the uraraka that was one of the panelists n it looks so good ;w; dunno where im gonna put it.. but as my first fanmade print (that’s not my hs wall scroll, which was officially licensed), ill cherish it.
after that i had time to walk! i saw a bunch of id0lish cosplayers! the id0lish7 ones in the dream journey outfits n the 2 trigger members i saw were in similar outfits? i forgot the name for them. anyway! i saw a gentaro n took their pic n they were like “i hav a dice n ramuda somewhere around here.. we’re fl!ng posse” so i wndered around the dealers room n eventually found the dice n ramuda together n took their pic too! thn i kept wanderin n i!! found the king gavin n i was like “are you cosplaying king gavin” n they were like “yea!” n i was!! so happy!!! n they turned to their friend n they were like “see you shouldve stayed in costume! [turns 2 me] they were mad k!ng ryan up until a lil while ago; they changed” but anyway i took their pic n they were talking abt how it feels kinda odd to come to terms w the fact theyre cosplaying minecraft n how they saw a minecraft person earlier n thought abt talking to them but it’s different bc it’s ach!evement hunter so they dont kno the full picture. i saw a corrin w arei button!! which was exciting. also met a nico who said they were gonna b arashi that day but didnt wanna contour but theyre gonna b her tomorrow!! DURING THIS TIME i also saw an adachi body pillow at an artist’s booth n im.. gjhnskm....... i wanted it...... i later found out it was $60 tho so. ;w; i met a sougo n tamaki n i asked if i could take their pic n they said yea, just give em a sec, n the sougo was like “r u cosplayin tsukasa??” n i said yep n they were like do u wanna b in our mv?” n i thought it was a whole event thing n i was like “oh. id hav to check my schedule i might b busy but” n they were talking abt how we (me, the luka next to them, n the kaito next to luka) would just do like steps to the side by following sougos lead n i was confused n repeated myself but the sougo was like “oh, no no it’s right now” n so i did that w them while the tamaki filmed n unfortunately i 4got to ask their instagrams so idk where the vid is but w/e. the sougo told me abt an id0lish meetup at 5 pm, too, out on the docks. 
the h!veswap panel was p funny! an eridan n feferi in the audience were also entertaining, esp during the improve games. i remember someone asked lanque “what r ur fashion tips?” n lanque was like “...Dont Bother” n joey was confused by troll stuff n i asked daraya what her fav punk band was n she was like “we only listen to the grubbles. have u heard em?” n i was like “i.. actually havent heard the full album yet so i guess not?” but as im typing this i think i actually have?/ oops. anyway a lot happened but it’s rly hate so im gonna.... move on. im typing this paragraph last bc i 4got to type it lmao.
a ruby and dia complimented my nails! then i saw a doppo!! they were apparently the reo i took a pic of yesterday. they said their jakurai was still getting ready. 
i tried to go to the grav!ty falls party but it was just one girl as mabel making the audience do games for prizes that were rly boring like decoding n stuff so i left after abt 15 minutes n went walking again. i had 2 hrs to walk now.
i went downstairs after walkina round the dealers room n there was!! a bloody banquet rei and koga!!! they were so pretty.. i was intimidated kinda but i managed to approach them n we talked abt rei’s rei itabag n koga’s goro itabag n rei said they once spent $150 dollars in rei merch in one sitting on yahoo auctions whoa. they were rly cool tho! we talked for a few minutes. later, i also saw another hypm!c group of MTR + ramuda n took their pics n the ramuda was like “ur sign omg. wait r u tsukasa??” n i said yep n we got excited abt ES n the jakurai told me theres an ES meetup tomorrow at 1 pm!! unfortunately, i hav a panel (2, actually, but i can only choose 1) that is at that time so idk if ill go... esp since it’ll prob only b a few ppl n im not the type of person to make friends anyway, yknow? ....anyway! the hifumi game me a lil clear heart tin w tiny fake yellow flowers n a piece of paper that said: “thank u, prince/princess! -hifumi [doodle of 2 champagne glasses]” n thats.. so cute. i gave them a lollipop in return. little while later, met another jakurai! i think we also talked abt ens-tars!! cant remember a lot of it tho gomen. then a lil while later, i saw the kakeru cosplayer i had heard abt on twitter! they were manning an art booth. i was like “are you cosplaying kakeru?” n they were like “yea!” n i took their pic n i was like “i didnt think id rly find k!npri cosplayers here aa” n the kakeru went “FINALLY i can use one of these!” n handed me a lil kakeru sticker they drew n i was like “his fumb bg pink jacket.. it makes him look like a Shrimp” n we both laughed n they showed me the k!npri stuff on their table n a joji on the other side of their display that looked like he was behind bars bc the display thingy and a jin hanging from one of the bars. they (the kakeru n the person they were with) were like “we kept seeing you walk by w ur sign n we were like ‘i hope they find leo!’” (both days, bc the other person asked if i was tsukasa yesterday) n i showed them my yug!oh card that’s an obscure reference to a tsukasa cg! n i talked to them a lil bit abt ens-tars but i cant remember a lot gahh!! and while i was standing there, a honoka came up and asked for my photo n i was like “ANOTHER ES FAN??” n i talked to them for a sec n forgot to put up my prop for the photo at first gjhnsm but that was cool!!  oh, the honoka also asked me if i liked anzu n i was like “she’s super cute in the anime”
after that i tried to go to the fru!ts basket panel but im only 6 eps in the remake anime n they had almost all the characters n i didnt understand a lot of the questions bc i hadnt seen much of the show so.. then after only a few minutes of q+a they started up trivis so i left n just walked around the dealers room. it was during this time that my crown fell off (SECOND DAY IN A ROW) n i searched the whole dealers room but couldnt find it?? ghh..
ANYWAY i found another ramuda w a jakurai n the ramuda liked my sign too n they were like “ur tsukasa!” n i went yep n they saw the buttons ns tuff on my bag n all my keychains n they were like ‘oh, sry” n i was like “no no, it’s okay, u can go thru all the keychains on my backpack i hav A Lot” n i pointed out chiaki as my best boy n mika as my 2nd fav n they said they cosplay hakaze. at some point, i played drops on my flip phone i think bc ramuda was saying smth pertaining to drops?? mayb not. but i played it n jakurai was like “oh god i hav to hear it hre too..” (in-character, i think) n i spotted another ramud in the distand n asked them to wtch my stuff while i took the ramudas pic so i went over n the person next to them had an arashi plush!e n we both squealed (i think. i did tho, Loudly.)
after this i just wandered n i danced on the dance floor! chacha slide, cupid shuffle, n time warp iirc! def time warp tho. also to some 80s song n some guy not in cosplay spun me around nt ried to swing dance we me but he was completely leading it n i didnt kno what to do!! after that i saw a tumblr/con friend while on my way to the yoi panel!!
then the yoi panel was actually p funny! a lot of questions abt yurio’s parents being viktor and yuri and yuri n viktor slowdanced to an edd sheeran song n otabek showed off their muscles (like, flexed their arms in their tank top) n yuri kept dramatically thwipping open their rainbow fan esp in responses to gay asks. at one point, someone asked abt yaois n a mom who was attending w their preteen or teen child was like “whats yaoi?” n the ppl behind her were like “i dont wanna b the one to do this..” n ppl told the mom n the mom to their teen/preteen kid was like “what are u watching? where? is it okay? is it on tv?” n the kid was responding to ehr questions but i couldnt hear them gjhnsm. yurio did a dance to a song n after that, we all danced to cupid shuffle n wobble n then i stopped but others did the time warp too. oh! also i answered a trivia question right (”who’s yuri’s best friend?” “pichit”) and got an utapr! keychain/strap! it’s reiji in a glitter thing. none of the other stuff there aside from some yoi straps was my fandoms so i saw utapr! n went for it.
then the bnh-a pj party! ...uh. the original panelists never showed up so random bn-ha cosplayers (and their non-cn.ha-cosplaying friends) tred to host the panel but everythign was hectic and loud n unfocused n a wreck but i noticed a ramuda n a hifumi i hadnt taken a pic of yet in the corner of the room (there were no chairs) so i eventually got annoyed/bored n went over to ask for a pic but ended up asking to sit w them (i walked over, put my sign down, n went “i said Fuck leo rights n higumi was like “that chara is familiar..” n i said leo from ES n they were like “oh i watched p 1 of that” n i was like “ep 2, this unday. stan ryuseitai”) n i ended up talking to them abt hypm!c n cosplay stuff n i talked a bit abt ens-tars and we all agreed that stella n papillion Slap on the new album. n ramuda said they were cosplaying as a prom!sed neverland haracter tomorrow n recommended it to me n i was like “oh im watching fru!ts basket rn tho” n the hifumi said they were too n the ramuda was like “do u kno the horse one in fru!ts basket? My Horse Boyfriend....” (the game. i think that was the name) so i showed them the hypm!c ask blog where they draw some of the charcaters as horses n the other characters as cowboys n the ramuda showed me the pics that r on their swear jar (photshopped pics of kinako w long legs in stockings+heels) n id0lish memes n it was all chill!! i played drops for them on my phone too. someone came over n went “if u can type w those nails, ur a god[dess]” n i said i could w Only my nails n they said i was like a god[dess] hehe. the higumi said they should make a tumblr n i heard them muttering “should i put 14 on here?” n ramuda went “well i mean, you Are 14-” n i went “ur 14?” n they nodded n i asked the ramuda how old They were n they said 14 n i was like “oh my god.. yallre babies..... gjhnsmk im 18.” n the ramuda crawled back a bit n they were like “18??” n the hifumi was like “u look so young tho whoa! rly?” n i was like “yea i look p young.. ive been compared to a freshman b4..... n yea i graduated like 2 months ago” n the hifumi was like “congratulations :o”
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Dating After Divorce: 10-Step Survival Guide to Getting Back Out There
Dating after divorce can seem scary. Not only are you worried about being hurt again, but you’ve also got to navigate completely new worlds (online dating) and communication styles (texting).
You may feel completely out of practice, especially if you haven’t dated since you were in your 20s.
And yet, as scary as dating after divorce may sound, you’re also kind of excited about first kisses and butterflies in your stomach.
I’m here to be your personal guide to getting back to dating after a long hiatus.
The Perks of Dating After Divorce
What’s so bad about getting some kissing practice in?
There are a lot of really wonderful benefits to dating later in life. Your life is more together and established, and you probably know more about what you want out of life and love than you did years ago.
You get to fall in love again (or maybe for the first time).  If you struggled with your marriage and then divorce, it may be hard for you to remember what it’s like to fall in love. Those early days of falling head over heels are the best! Your brain is flooded with a delicious cocktail of hormones and chemicals that make you feel amazing. The world is bright and shiny. Everything is wonderful. If it’s been decades since you felt that, you’re in for a real treat.
Also, with dating after divorce, you can learn to trust again. I don’t know what your marriage was like, but many of the women in their 40s, 50s, or older that I have coached were betrayed in their marriages and found that they couldn’t trust their husbands. I don’t want that to limit you moving forward. Yes, some men are pigs, but there are so many men out there that are perfectly trustworthy, and you will learn that trust is a key component in love.
If you’ve spent decades taking care of your husband and maybe kids, you may not feel sexy and confident. Dating after divorce is your opportunity to take a note from Stella and get your groove back! That might involve a new haircut, flattering clothing, or even traveling on your own (hey, give Jamaica a try!). You can feel years younger simply by putting focus on how you look and feel.
You’ll also get to meet interesting men. Being married to the same guy for decades means you’re used to one kind of man, but once you start dating, you’ll meet men from every walk of life. Maybe your ex was a nature phobe; you might enjoy dating an outdoorsy guy. Or maybe your ex was a no-nonsense engineer; why not go out with an emotional artist for a change?
And last but not least: another perk of dating after divorce is getting to have sex! Again, every marriage is different, but many divorced women I know look back and can’t think of the last time they either had sex…or had good sex. Being with someone new (especially that you don’t have a complicated history with) can open the door to new and wonderful sexual experiences.
Your Step-by-Step Dating After Divorce Survival Guide
Getting back into dating will look different for every woman. Your history can’t help but impact how you move into future relationships. You may find it easy or really difficult to make yourself vulnerable with someone new. The key is to just let your experience come as it will and don’t compare yourself to anyone else.
Here are some tips that I have seen work for divorced women once they’re ready to start dating again.
Step 1: Take Your Time
I can’t stress this enough: don’t rush this. Depending on what you went through with your divorce, as well as how long ago it was, you may need months or even years to heal from it. Take care of yourself in every way; your friends may tell you that the best thing you can do to get over one guy is to — ahem — get under someone else. That’s such silly advice. It only forces you to start dating (or having sex) before you’re ready, and it sure isn’t fair to the guy who hopes this will turn into something when you’re just out for a little rebound action.
You need to ensure that you make time and space to grieve the end of your marriage. You might be hurt, apathetic, shell-shocked, or bitter after what you’ve gone through. That’s not the place you want to be in when you start dating someone new.
And yes, you may want to rush the process and get back to feeling good, but let me tell you: nothing good will come out of trying to hurry through the grieving process.
The right time to start dating after divorce is when you truly feel healed from what you’ve been through and start feeling genuine curiosity about what it would be like to be with someone new. Don’t listen to anyone else about when you should be ready. You’ll know when you are.
Step 2: Know What You’re Looking For
Like I said: dating when you’re older is better than in your 20s because you’re more sure of who you are and what you want. You may not have given it much thought, so spend some time considering the qualities you want in a man. Write them down.
Doing so can help you really zero in on characteristics that balance your own personality. And yes, you’ll be able to figure out what you want by looking at what you didn’t like about your ex. Maybe he traveled for work every week, and now you want someone who’s here more. Maybe your ex had trouble expressing emotions, so you want someone who communicates them easily.
You can get detailed and think about physical characteristics you want (tall, dark, and handsome) or even what his hobbies or job are, but focus mainly on his personality and qualities because they’re more important. You might be shocked to find that you’re compatible with a Harley-riding tattooed man 10 years older than you…who happens to be the most sensitive and caring man you’ve ever met. Be open!
Step 3: Find Your Sexy Confidence
Before you can feel attractive and appealing to someone else, you’ve got to feel that way about yourself. Take an assessment: where is your confidence right now? Many women suffer a setback in their confidence levels because of a bad marriage or divorce, and it can take work to get yours back.
It will take time. Surround yourself with positive friends who are quick to tell you how fabulous you are. Practice self-care: if getting your nails done makes you feel sexy, isn’t it worth the investment? Buy a new style of clothes. Try a new color or pattern. Get your hair highlighted.
Read empowering books and articles; you can find inspiration from others who have been down this same path who are now leading the lives they were meant to lead. Or join a Sexy Confidence webinar!
Your path to sexy confidence will be unlike any other woman’s. Find what makes you feel good, inside and out, and nurture that feeling.
Step 4: Open Your Eyes to Possibilities
Once you shift your thinking from focusing on all the pain you’ve gone through to being curious about your future and potential love that can (and will) come into your life, you should start seeing opportunities to meet people every day. When you were married, you might not have thought twice about chatting with an attractive man in line waiting for coffee, but now it’s different. You might have friends who know single men that they are eager for you to meet. A meetup group you participate in might be ripe for the picking. Even going to get a drink at a bar with friends can be an opportunity to meet a man.
As part of your practice for dating after divorce, I encourage you to start by simply talking to men as often as possible. You don’t have to necessarily flirt with them (that’s the next phase), but just get used to engaging in conversation with someone of the opposite sex. Your recent interactions with men may have been limited to your husband (arguing constantly) or coworkers, so this will be a bit unfamiliar territory at first.
After you gain confidence in chatting, challenge yourself to flirt with someone you find attractive. It doesn’t have to result in a date or even an exchange of numbers! You just need to reactivate your flirting muscle. If you’re funny, tell a joke. Compliment him. Comment on the long wait for coffee. Above all, smile!
Step 5: Try Online Dating
Online dating can give you a boost of confidence.
If you meet someone in person, great. But many women find that online dating not only opens up their options but it’s also a good way to practice interacting with a guy.
Start with a reputable dating site or app. I know many women who have had success on Bumble, OKCupid, and Match. There are also newer apps like Hinge and Coffee Meets Bagel that you might want to check out. Just pick one or two, or you’ll easily let online dating run your life! Also, many guys are on more than one site, so don’t worry that you’re missing out if you’re just on a few sites.
The hardest thing for many people is writing their profiles. How can you talk about yourself in just a few sentences and come off as intelligent and appealing? If you don’t know where to start, ask a friend what you should include in your profile. Pick photos that make you feel attractive for your profile.
Most dating apps let you specify exactly what you’re looking for in a man, from his age and location to more granular details like income and whether he wants kids or not. Use those filters…but also be open to men that don’t necessarily fit what you think you’re looking for.
The key to success with online dating is keeping it light. Have no expectations. At the very least, you’ll get practice texting or talking to a man (an entire art form in and of itself). At best, you’ll end up on a few dates…or even in a relationship with someone you met online!
Step 6: Go on Your First Date
Whether you meet someone online, through a setup, or in a coffee shop, it’s now time for your first post-divorce date! It’s perfectly natural for you to be nervous, but if you focus on just having fun and not trying to find Mr. Right, you’ll have a better time.
As far as what you wear for the date: aim for comfort over sexiness. You need to feel good in the clothes you wear, not try to attract a man with a low-cut blouse. Trust me: if you feel good in the clothes, you likely look good in them too, and he will notice!
If the idea of a typical dinner date sends you into paralysis, suggest something more off-the-wall like a hike or breakfast date.
A safety tip from me to you: meet the guy on your first date at the venue rather than letting him pick you up. You just can’t be too careful these days, and since you don’t know if you’ll want to go out with this man again or not, it’s better for you to not reveal where you live before you even meet him for the first time.
While you’re on the date, try to relax and just enjoy the conversation. Assess the guy while you’re at it: does he make you laugh? Do you enjoy his company? Do you want to see him again? The more dates you go on, the easier it will be for you to determine whether this guy has potential or not. And give him at least a second date: some men are (understandably) nervous on a first date, just like you! On a second date, they’ll be more at ease.
Step 7: Measure Him Against Your List
Make sure he measures up against what you want!
After the date, spend more time assessing this man’s potential. Think back to that list you made about what you want.
Did this guy have what you’re looking for? If not, don’t settle! If he hits all the physical attributes you want (works out, has a full head of hair) but none of the personal qualities you’re looking for (he’s kind of a jerk), then move on.
Realize that you might not get everything on your list, but the bottom line is: you should enjoy his company and want to spend more time with him. That’s pretty easy to figure out.
Step 8: Work to Let Go of Past Pain
Sometimes you can’t know until you start dating after divorce whether your past trauma and mistrust will rear its ugly head. It’s okay if it does, but you need to work through this and learn to let it go.
Realize this guy isn’t the one that hurt you. You can’t assume that just because he has something in common with your ex (he’s male), that he will hurt you too. Be willing to trust again. Yes, that will take time, but the more dates you go on, the easier it will become. You don’t need to jump into a relationship right away once you start dating, so just give yourself some freedom to date multiple people and find your footing again.
Step 9: Be a Good Partner
Once you find a man that you enjoy spending time with, make sure you’re giving as much as you’re getting so that he wants to be with you as much as you do him.
Reach out to him as much as he does you. If he texts every morning to see how your day is going, be the one to initiate the text (or call) in the evening.
Pay for dates sometimes (or at least offer to). But know that this is tricky territory: 76% of men say they feel guilty if they don’t pay for a date, but 64% want a woman to contribute to the bill for a date. It never hurts to offer!
You can also be a good partner by asking him questions. Engage with him. If he told you last week that he was waiting to hear back about a job interview, make sure to follow up to see if he got the new job. Show that you’re actively interested in him and his world.
Step 10: Learn How to Find Love Again
Love is out there. You just have to believe it.
It may not happen today…or tomorrow…but you will find love again. I promise you that.
However… you have to be open to love to find it. If you keep telling yourself that love doesn’t exist…
…that you are unloveable…
…that your ex was the best man that you’ll ever find…
…then it will be that much harder for you to fall in love again. But it’s all a mind game! If you don’t believe you’ll find a man to love…you probably won’t. But if you keep a positive and open attitude about it, you absolutely will.
It may take some time to convince yourself that it will happen, so just say to yourself every single day: “I will find love again.” Look yourself in the mirror every morning and say it. It may sound silly, but positive affirmations have been scientifically proven to drive results!
You’re at the beginning of your next journey in life. You’ve already gotten through the hard stuff — struggling through a marriage that was not meant to be and then going through a  divorce that may have not been amicable. You’ve taken the time to heal your heart and now you’re ready for the next adventure: dating after divorce!
Stick with it. Like anything, it may take practice to get good at it, and you may have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your Prince Charming (at least you get a lot of kissing practice in!).  But I assure you that when you least expect it, you’ll stumble onto love and be glad you followed this path.
Finding love doesn’t have to suck. It helps to have resources like my free training specifically designed for women in their 40s, 50s, 60s, or older who are dating after divorce. In it, I compile years of research collected from my thousands of clients who I have helped empower to find true love. What are you waiting for? Sign up today and start dating with confidence.
The post Dating After Divorce: 10-Step Survival Guide to Getting Back Out There appeared first on Sexy Confidence. from Meet Positives SM Feed 3 https://ift.tt/2IoB8kW via IFTTT
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Dating After Divorce: 10-Step Survival Guide to Getting Back Out There
Dating after divorce can seem scary. Not only are you worried about being hurt again, but you’ve also got to navigate completely new worlds (online dating) and communication styles (texting).
You may feel completely out of practice, especially if you haven’t dated since you were in your 20s.
And yet, as scary as dating after divorce may sound, you’re also kind of excited about first kisses and butterflies in your stomach.
I’m here to be your personal guide to getting back to dating after a long hiatus.
The Perks of Dating After Divorce
What’s so bad about getting some kissing practice in?
There are a lot of really wonderful benefits to dating later in life. Your life is more together and established, and you probably know more about what you want out of life and love than you did years ago.
You get to fall in love again (or maybe for the first time).  If you struggled with your marriage and then divorce, it may be hard for you to remember what it’s like to fall in love. Those early days of falling head over heels are the best! Your brain is flooded with a delicious cocktail of hormones and chemicals that make you feel amazing. The world is bright and shiny. Everything is wonderful. If it’s been decades since you felt that, you’re in for a real treat.
Also, with dating after divorce, you can learn to trust again. I don’t know what your marriage was like, but many of the women in their 40s, 50s, or older that I have coached were betrayed in their marriages and found that they couldn’t trust their husbands. I don’t want that to limit you moving forward. Yes, some men are pigs, but there are so many men out there that are perfectly trustworthy, and you will learn that trust is a key component in love.
If you’ve spent decades taking care of your husband and maybe kids, you may not feel sexy and confident. Dating after divorce is your opportunity to take a note from Stella and get your groove back! That might involve a new haircut, flattering clothing, or even traveling on your own (hey, give Jamaica a try!). You can feel years younger simply by putting focus on how you look and feel.
You’ll also get to meet interesting men. Being married to the same guy for decades means you’re used to one kind of man, but once you start dating, you’ll meet men from every walk of life. Maybe your ex was a nature phobe; you might enjoy dating an outdoorsy guy. Or maybe your ex was a no-nonsense engineer; why not go out with an emotional artist for a change?
And last but not least: another perk of dating after divorce is getting to have sex! Again, every marriage is different, but many divorced women I know look back and can’t think of the last time they either had sex…or had good sex. Being with someone new (especially that you don’t have a complicated history with) can open the door to new and wonderful sexual experiences.
Your Step-by-Step Dating After Divorce Survival Guide
Getting back into dating will look different for every woman. Your history can’t help but impact how you move into future relationships. You may find it easy or really difficult to make yourself vulnerable with someone new. The key is to just let your experience come as it will and don’t compare yourself to anyone else.
Here are some tips that I have seen work for divorced women once they’re ready to start dating again.
Step 1: Take Your Time
I can’t stress this enough: don’t rush this. Depending on what you went through with your divorce, as well as how long ago it was, you may need months or even years to heal from it. Take care of yourself in every way; your friends may tell you that the best thing you can do to get over one guy is to — ahem — get under someone else. That’s such silly advice. It only forces you to start dating (or having sex) before you’re ready, and it sure isn’t fair to the guy who hopes this will turn into something when you’re just out for a little rebound action.
You need to ensure that you make time and space to grieve the end of your marriage. You might be hurt, apathetic, shell-shocked, or bitter after what you’ve gone through. That’s not the place you want to be in when you start dating someone new.
And yes, you may want to rush the process and get back to feeling good, but let me tell you: nothing good will come out of trying to hurry through the grieving process.
The right time to start dating after divorce is when you truly feel healed from what you’ve been through and start feeling genuine curiosity about what it would be like to be with someone new. Don’t listen to anyone else about when you should be ready. You’ll know when you are.
Step 2: Know What You’re Looking For
Like I said: dating when you’re older is better than in your 20s because you’re more sure of who you are and what you want. You may not have given it much thought, so spend some time considering the qualities you want in a man. Write them down.
Doing so can help you really zero in on characteristics that balance your own personality. And yes, you’ll be able to figure out what you want by looking at what you didn’t like about your ex. Maybe he traveled for work every week, and now you want someone who’s here more. Maybe your ex had trouble expressing emotions, so you want someone who communicates them easily.
You can get detailed and think about physical characteristics you want (tall, dark, and handsome) or even what his hobbies or job are, but focus mainly on his personality and qualities because they’re more important. You might be shocked to find that you’re compatible with a Harley-riding tattooed man 10 years older than you…who happens to be the most sensitive and caring man you’ve ever met. Be open!
Step 3: Find Your Sexy Confidence
Before you can feel attractive and appealing to someone else, you’ve got to feel that way about yourself. Take an assessment: where is your confidence right now? Many women suffer a setback in their confidence levels because of a bad marriage or divorce, and it can take work to get yours back.
It will take time. Surround yourself with positive friends who are quick to tell you how fabulous you are. Practice self-care: if getting your nails done makes you feel sexy, isn’t it worth the investment? Buy a new style of clothes. Try a new color or pattern. Get your hair highlighted.
Read empowering books and articles; you can find inspiration from others who have been down this same path who are now leading the lives they were meant to lead. Or join a Sexy Confidence webinar!
Your path to sexy confidence will be unlike any other woman’s. Find what makes you feel good, inside and out, and nurture that feeling.
Step 4: Open Your Eyes to Possibilities
Once you shift your thinking from focusing on all the pain you’ve gone through to being curious about your future and potential love that can (and will) come into your life, you should start seeing opportunities to meet people every day. When you were married, you might not have thought twice about chatting with an attractive man in line waiting for coffee, but now it’s different. You might have friends who know single men that they are eager for you to meet. A meetup group you participate in might be ripe for the picking. Even going to get a drink at a bar with friends can be an opportunity to meet a man.
As part of your practice for dating after divorce, I encourage you to start by simply talking to men as often as possible. You don’t have to necessarily flirt with them (that’s the next phase), but just get used to engaging in conversation with someone of the opposite sex. Your recent interactions with men may have been limited to your husband (arguing constantly) or coworkers, so this will be a bit unfamiliar territory at first.
After you gain confidence in chatting, challenge yourself to flirt with someone you find attractive. It doesn’t have to result in a date or even an exchange of numbers! You just need to reactivate your flirting muscle. If you’re funny, tell a joke. Compliment him. Comment on the long wait for coffee. Above all, smile!
Step 5: Try Online Dating
Online dating can give you a boost of confidence.
If you meet someone in person, great. But many women find that online dating not only opens up their options but it’s also a good way to practice interacting with a guy.
Start with a reputable dating site or app. I know many women who have had success on Bumble, OKCupid, and Match. There are also newer apps like Hinge and Coffee Meets Bagel that you might want to check out. Just pick one or two, or you’ll easily let online dating run your life! Also, many guys are on more than one site, so don’t worry that you’re missing out if you’re just on a few sites.
The hardest thing for many people is writing their profiles. How can you talk about yourself in just a few sentences and come off as intelligent and appealing? If you don’t know where to start, ask a friend what you should include in your profile. Pick photos that make you feel attractive for your profile.
Most dating apps let you specify exactly what you’re looking for in a man, from his age and location to more granular details like income and whether he wants kids or not. Use those filters…but also be open to men that don’t necessarily fit what you think you’re looking for.
The key to success with online dating is keeping it light. Have no expectations. At the very least, you’ll get practice texting or talking to a man (an entire art form in and of itself). At best, you’ll end up on a few dates…or even in a relationship with someone you met online!
Step 6: Go on Your First Date
Whether you meet someone online, through a setup, or in a coffee shop, it’s now time for your first post-divorce date! It’s perfectly natural for you to be nervous, but if you focus on just having fun and not trying to find Mr. Right, you’ll have a better time.
As far as what you wear for the date: aim for comfort over sexiness. You need to feel good in the clothes you wear, not try to attract a man with a low-cut blouse. Trust me: if you feel good in the clothes, you likely look good in them too, and he will notice!
If the idea of a typical dinner date sends you into paralysis, suggest something more off-the-wall like a hike or breakfast date.
A safety tip from me to you: meet the guy on your first date at the venue rather than letting him pick you up. You just can’t be too careful these days, and since you don’t know if you’ll want to go out with this man again or not, it’s better for you to not reveal where you live before you even meet him for the first time.
While you’re on the date, try to relax and just enjoy the conversation. Assess the guy while you’re at it: does he make you laugh? Do you enjoy his company? Do you want to see him again? The more dates you go on, the easier it will be for you to determine whether this guy has potential or not. And give him at least a second date: some men are (understandably) nervous on a first date, just like you! On a second date, they’ll be more at ease.
Step 7: Measure Him Against Your List
Make sure he measures up against what you want!
After the date, spend more time assessing this man’s potential. Think back to that list you made about what you want.
Did this guy have what you’re looking for? If not, don’t settle! If he hits all the physical attributes you want (works out, has a full head of hair) but none of the personal qualities you’re looking for (he’s kind of a jerk), then move on.
Realize that you might not get everything on your list, but the bottom line is: you should enjoy his company and want to spend more time with him. That’s pretty easy to figure out.
Step 8: Work to Let Go of Past Pain
Sometimes you can’t know until you start dating after divorce whether your past trauma and mistrust will rear its ugly head. It’s okay if it does, but you need to work through this and learn to let it go.
Realize this guy isn’t the one that hurt you. You can’t assume that just because he has something in common with your ex (he’s male), that he will hurt you too. Be willing to trust again. Yes, that will take time, but the more dates you go on, the easier it will become. You don’t need to jump into a relationship right away once you start dating, so just give yourself some freedom to date multiple people and find your footing again.
Step 9: Be a Good Partner
Once you find a man that you enjoy spending time with, make sure you’re giving as much as you’re getting so that he wants to be with you as much as you do him.
Reach out to him as much as he does you. If he texts every morning to see how your day is going, be the one to initiate the text (or call) in the evening.
Pay for dates sometimes (or at least offer to). But know that this is tricky territory: 76% of men say they feel guilty if they don’t pay for a date, but 64% want a woman to contribute to the bill for a date. It never hurts to offer!
You can also be a good partner by asking him questions. Engage with him. If he told you last week that he was waiting to hear back about a job interview, make sure to follow up to see if he got the new job. Show that you’re actively interested in him and his world.
Step 10: Learn How to Find Love Again
Love is out there. You just have to believe it.
It may not happen today…or tomorrow…but you will find love again. I promise you that.
However… you have to be open to love to find it. If you keep telling yourself that love doesn’t exist…
…that you are unloveable…
…that your ex was the best man that you’ll ever find…
…then it will be that much harder for you to fall in love again. But it’s all a mind game! If you don’t believe you’ll find a man to love…you probably won’t. But if you keep a positive and open attitude about it, you absolutely will.
It may take some time to convince yourself that it will happen, so just say to yourself every single day: “I will find love again.” Look yourself in the mirror every morning and say it. It may sound silly, but positive affirmations have been scientifically proven to drive results!
You’re at the beginning of your next journey in life. You’ve already gotten through the hard stuff — struggling through a marriage that was not meant to be and then going through a  divorce that may have not been amicable. You’ve taken the time to heal your heart and now you’re ready for the next adventure: dating after divorce!
Stick with it. Like anything, it may take practice to get good at it, and you may have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your Prince Charming (at least you get a lot of kissing practice in!).  But I assure you that when you least expect it, you’ll stumble onto love and be glad you followed this path.
Finding love doesn’t have to suck. It helps to have resources like my free training specifically designed for women in their 40s, 50s, 60s, or older who are dating after divorce. In it, I compile years of research collected from my thousands of clients who I have helped empower to find true love. What are you waiting for? Sign up today and start dating with confidence.
The post Dating After Divorce: 10-Step Survival Guide to Getting Back Out There appeared first on Sexy Confidence. from Meet Positives SM Feed https://ift.tt/2IoB8kW via IFTTT
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