#it took me a while to decide on a sport and then yknow
star-quill · 1 year
okok hear me out, peter is an international sports star and you’re his wag 🥲
i feel like he'd def be part of the nhl. his family definitely grew up watching a lot of sports but he was very into watching hockey the most. he was a scrawny kid so his grandpa was always worried about him getting slammed into the wall or falling on the ice when he was practicing but as he got older, he buffed up, got stronger and it hurt less when he fell over or got hit.
now he's famous, and with that came a reputation. he's a flirt, and you were currently on the receiving end of it. it was the end of season, his team just missed out on winning the championship, but they're still throwing a party. the team, their partners, the manager and the rest of the staff were invited. you were a friend to one of the players' partners and she dragged you along. and luckily for peter, you were single.
it didn't take long, or much flirting from his end, for you to give in. you'd been single for a while and to be honest, you were desperate, and peter was hot as fuck. you weren't about to turn him down. he dragged you out the ballroom of the hotel, up to his room and within a minute, you were on his bed, dress discarded on the floor and his large body was now over you, his thighs bent up slightly behind your thighs, his hands beside your head as he kissed your neck.
that night with him turned into more nights, which turned into weeks and eventually turned into him finally asking you out. you knew what would happen if you said yes, all the implications that come with being in a relationship with a sports star, scaring you slightly. but peter was so reassuring.
so you said yes, and now you're at every game, cheering him on and hanging out with all the other wags of the players. you only missed a few games of the season, either due to work or illness. and as the end of season approached, peter's team was on course to win this time—and he's fully convinced it's because of you. every game you missed, the team lost, and every time they won, you were in the stands watching. he kept telling you this, that you were like his lucky charm, or rather, the whole teams lucky charm.
so you promised him from then on out, you'd be at every game so they'd win every game. he just smiled and laughed slightly.
"yeah? every game?"
"mmhm.. every single one.. even if i'm sick.."
peter just smiled, kissed you on the forehead as he grabbed his gear and headed out the changing room, your hand in his as he walked you outside. you both got in his truck once you were in the parking lot and he kept stealing glances whenever he had to stop at a red light. he was so lovesick, it made you blush. and to think, for a second when you met him, you weren't going to give in to his charm. but you wouldn't change it for the world.
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kroosluvr · 1 month
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typo that im too lazy to fix: on the last page, "kasumi was one of the best gymnasts [in japan]"
1st 2 pics are genderbent akira+goro as well as sumire, 3rd pic is canon akira and sumire
in my head m!sumire is dedicated to rhythmic gymnastics, but the fact that it's not a popular sport somehow causes a mental block for him: kasumi was a trailblazer in men's rhythmic gymnastics. he was setting the course, but now he's gone. so does sumire live up to that? does he have to fill his brother's shoes? or can he just strive to be the best rhythmic gymnast he himself can be?
he was always solemn and driven growing up, but after the accident, he drove himself further into his practices and routines in an attempt to "recapture the spark" that kasumi had. of course, this is mostly in vain... chasing his shadow doesn't get him anywhere
he slowly develops the cognition of "sumire" being "kasumi's replacement." the younger brother that stepped up to the plate. to attend to his anxiety/depression he goes to dr. maruki (i'd say this takes longer than in canon, because he was always so busy with practice that he didn't really. comprehend 'oh perhaps i need counseling after my brother died' LMAO. and even then it's more "ok im gonna start competing internationally, so i need to make sure my mental is in tiptop shape"
he starts to reveal his insecurities to dr. maruki who. yknow. does all that. i don't think this sumire would specifically say "i wish i was kasumi" but more "i want to continue his legacy the way only he could have done it" which dr. maruki himself takes as "ok so u want to literally be kasumi"
i'd also say his "transformation" into "kasumi" is more jarring than in canon? canon "kasumi" is polite, eager, cheerful and sunny, but i imagine m!"kasumi" to be more boisterous, more outwardly outgoing/extroverted/outspoken, a little bit of a daredevil
on top of that, i think (perhaps) since men's rhythmic gymnastics isn't super popular, maybe not many ppl have heard of "kasumi yoshizawa" to begin with? so maybe ppl accept him as "kasumi" a little easier, which is. um. bad LOL
not sure if this helps his gymnastics at all. i thinkkk it does give him the confidence to execute more complicated routines that sumire himself didn't have the self-confidence to try before. but, of course, this doesn't affect anything in the rhythmic gymnastics world since. erm. everyone knows kasumi died. awkward!!!!
i think the shame would be all-encompassing when he breaks out of the delusion. he never wanted this.... all he wants is to keep competing with his brother, to keep supporting him into the limelight, and he'll never have that again. so i think, like canon, his arc is learning how to support and uplift Himself -- but more like, become more self-sufficient in terms of his own gymnastics instead of always seeing himself as second place to kasumi (and being okay with that)
it's different than canon as kasumi always told sumire they'd take the world stage... TOGETHER! ->
while i think for m!kasumi and m!sumire they worked in tandem, it was never really a dream. kasumi simply decided "i want to do this" and so did sumire. the thing is, kasumi's skills just far outweighed sumire's, and that much was painfully clear to him. kasumi was one who could bring men's rhythmic gymnastics into the international lens, and sumire has no idea if he could ever be strong enough to do that.
there's an interesting sort of dissonance here....... like. big fish small pond (genderbend au) or small fish big pond (canonverse.) i think its interesting.. okay enough rambles from me its 4am sdjsdjfh
edit: last thing i think. in canon it’s heavily implied that kasumi took the reins and pushed sumire to do stuff / pick out clothes for them both / kinda set the stage for both of them but i think in gb au sumire just follows kasumi as a result of kasumi being such a bright light. sumire has ambitions the same way kasumi does but he lacks the self-esteem to back it up…. it’s similar in canon but not 1:1 if that makes sense? i think in canon sumire is still questioning if it’s even her dream to compete in gymnastics so that’s the main diff
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Hello again. First of all, i hope you are having a wonderful day/night! How do you think haikyuu boys would react to you burning yourself? Like, you were cooking for a special event but y/n is a horrible cook so you take out the pan from the oven and you forgot to put a mitten ( or something like that) and just reached for the hot af pan and burnt yourself. Not only did you burn your hand but you burnt the food too 🤣.
You can pick whichever haikyuu characters you'd like for this.
Hahaaaaaa I’m back 😀
ғᴛ- ʙᴏᴋᴜᴛᴏ, sᴜɢᴀ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴏsᴀᴍᴜ
ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛᴇᴅ by the bigbrained @g0th-k1tty
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So you and Bokuto decided that you would make the effort to actually cook dinner
And what did you decide to cook?
Fried Dumplings 🥟
Sounds simple enough
And it was!
At least until you got to the frying part...
“Bokuto please be careful” you reminded your boyfriend for the umph time of the night. You and Bokuto were working hard to cook dinner and you don’t know why but the thought of Bokuto near hot oil made your blood pressure increase. “Y/n it’s fine! Look it’s perfectly harmless!” And just like that, Bokuto dropped a dumpling into the pan full of HOT oil causing it to splatter everywhere. Although the event startled Bokuto he managed to get out of it unharmed, you on the other hand did not. Bokuto began to panic as he saw you grabbing your arm in pain, his panic increased when he realized he’s only over had to deal with sport related injuries. In his panic he came to the conclusion that the opposite of hot is cold! So that must be the thing to help! He quickly gave you ice in a bag as a makeshift ice pack. Luckily it was only a nasty first degree burn, but Bokuto was still pretty frazzled. “Bo, it’s ok,it’s really not that bad of a burn” you said looking at a sulking Bokuto. “I’m really sorry y/n, I should’ve been more careful and now your hurt because of me” he told you frowning. “Well it’s great that a have a great boyfriend to take care of me while I recover” you told him as a last ditch attempt to lift his spirits. It appeared to work because you saw that his hair lifted ever so slightly and a smile appeared on his face “Hey hey hey! I am pretty great aren’t I” he said pulling you in for a hug. You began to hug him back when you stared to smell burning...
“Yeah y/n?”
“Did you ever turn the stove off?”
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You and suga really liked to bake together
Whether it be simple chocolate chip cookies
Or intricate fancy cakes
Today you both decided to make cupcakes!
And cupcakes from the box no less
What could go wrong 😀
A lot apparently....
Who would’ve thought that baking simple cupcakes would cause you to have a burned hand and crushed foot. It all started off great! You and your boyfriend Suga had been making cupcakes as a little treat for his team making it to nationals. You had even decided on boxed cupcakes since you were making a whole bunch! However, the problems only occurred when the oven was being used... “ y/n I think the cupcakes are done! Can you get them for me please!” Suga shouted from the other room. You got up and made your way to the kitchen, but the problem was...you couldn’t find the oven mits 🥲. Not wanting the cupcakes to burn you just grabbed a towel to grab them out of the oven with, but unbeknownst to you this particular towel was just a bit 🤏 to thin. So when you grabbed them out the pan immediately burned your hand causing you to drop the pan on your bare foot. You cried out in pain which caused a now panicked Suga to rush to the kitchen. He examined your injuries and decided it would be best to deal with your burnt hand first. He guided you to the sink and told you to run cold water over your burn while he got the bandages for your hand and foot. He opened the cabinet and saw two little oven mits right next to the first aid kit... “hey y/n?” Suga said “yeah Suga” you replied still running your hand under the water. “How’d you burn your hand again?”. “ I used a towel to grab the pan cause I couldn’t find the oven mits” you replied a little bitterly. “You mean these?” Suga said holding up the oven mits in question. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?”
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Cooking was a frequent activity done by you and osamu
Yknow with him being a chef and all
Cooking is inevitable
He would always want to try new recipes with you
And you would always be happy to help prepare them
So you would think with all this practice you’d be a pro at cooking by now right?
This was the third weekend in a row that osamu wanted to try a new recipe with you. Not that you we’re complaining though! You loved to help your boyfriend cook new dishes. The dish he wanted to make today was a type of stir fry. He had put you in charge of handling the stove while he cut up all the vegetables. Having done this many many many times you were feeling very confident with the job you were assigned! Everything went perfectly! The stir fry was done and you took the pan off of what you THOUGHT was a turned off stove and handed it to osamu so he could put it on plates. Deciding this was a good moment to take a well deserved brake, you got on your phone. Whilst you were scrolling through your phone you begun to lean on the stove.... A searing pain formed in your hand and that’s when you realized that you did not ever turn off the stove. You began to walk to the sink hoping that some cold water would smooth the pain. It was only when you hissed as the water hit your skin did osamu turn around. “Y/n? What happened?” He asked obviously concerned. “Oh, it’s nothing Samu! Just a little burn.” You said trying to ignore the pain. Osamu took a quick look at the burn before disappearing out of the kitchen. When he returned he had a first aid kit in hand. He pulled out a couple of ointments along with some cotton balls and a bandage. He began to treat your burn and you were quite shocked on how quickly the ointments soothed your burns. “We’ll look at you mr burn expert” you jokingly said as he wrapped up your hand. “Ah yes because with all the cooking I do I haven’t had my fair share of burns” he responded with a sarcastic tone. “Rude >:(“ you said lightly punching his arm “yeah yeah, be more careful next time” he said grabbing your hands and kissing the bandaged one.
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deerixiie · 4 years
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synopsis: headcanons where you go on aimless road-trips with the boys.
warnings: suggestive themes (in atsumu because he’s atsumu), mentions of drinking (in terushima because he’s terushima)
pairings: atsumu x gen!reader, yamaguchi x gen!reader, terushima x gen!reader, oikawa x gen!reader (i think, please tell me if i have any implications of fem!reader!)
a/n: i hate how my headcanon style changed dramatically through each of these. also, new banner and layout style! hehe <3
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atsumu was looking stressed so you planned a getaway
he thought it would be some fancy hotel with jacuzzis and like king-sized beds but no
you are in the car. together. driving to nowhere in particular
anyway atsumu is a little grumpy at first but then he warms up to it
if he's driving he has one hand on your thigh and if there is a song playing he taps the beat on it
he has a very interesting music taste 
you guys play games like i spy or twenty questions 
okay but atsumu treats i spy like its a major league sport but he just teases you when it comes to twenty questions
you: is it an event? atsumu: yep *smirks aggressively* you: is it an event done commonly? atsumu: hopefully *more aggressive smirking* you: is it a fun event? atsumu: definitely you: .... you: shut up you horny pisshead
(if you don't understand that you're too young bye)
you guys argue about the most random things 
(guess who said what)
you know those annoying songs like "100 bottles of beer on the wall" yeah atsumu is singing that
the entire trip is just him being annoying or being soft 
he talks to you if you're alseep it's the cutest thing ever
when you drive atsumu just looks at you
he has his head resting on the dashboard and his head is turned towards yours with a small smile on his face
"yer beautiful, y'know. i love ya so much <3" (i can't he makes me so soft)
it catches you off guard so the car swerves a lil and you're just like "'tsumu you're going to kill us keep to compliments to-"
"the bedroom?"
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its literally so cute
you and yams are just going nowhere in particular, exploring the back roads and stuff
its for the ✨adventure✨ 
you blast the radio and coax him into singing along with you and its literally so cool because yamaguchi lowkey sounds amazing??
he likes holding your hand as he drives, he traces little patterns into your palm (it calms him down)
he's literally always asking if you're okay because he doesn't want you to be miserable and ruin the whole trip
hes saying stuff like "are you thirsty, baby? should we stop somewhere? do you want to rest your legs?" 
you have to reassure him that you're okay, but just because he cares about you 🤧💗 im so soft
you guys have nice conversations as you drive, sometimes you point out the scenery or just listen to the music
if you fall asleep he'll just look at you, if he can he might just stop the car and admire you because he loves you so much
when you're tired you stop in a relatively safe place and go in the backseat to just cuddle and fall asleep together with a weighted blanket, it's not too comfortable but it's good nevertheless
you guys find this empty field on a really clear night, and you drive out and just sit in the field and look at all the stars
yams tells you he loves you over and over again 🥺💗
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the summer coming-of-age movie vibes y'all give off-
terushima somehow has a jeep, it's one of those convertible ones yknow
the top is always off. no matter how cloudy or sunny or how dark it is the top is always. off.
you guys scream song lyrics at the top of your lungs, even if you're on the highway (terushima listens to five seconds of summer fight me)
you're drinking pop and eating chips and popcorn the entire time
terushima literally has no idea where he's going but he doesn't care
you guys found a cliff 😳 you drove up to it and just hung out there for a while (terushima wanted to cliff-dive, but you said no 💔)
teru is always making jokes and laughing and having the best time of his life
he puts his arm behind the back of your chair but sometimes snakes his hand through the headboard to play with your hair or tickle your neck
he's literally always looking at you, his eyes are NEVER on the road wHO GAVE THIS MAN A DRIVERS LICENCE
you guys play truth or dare 💔 it doesn't go well-
(you can decide who said what ❤️)
terushima always wants to drive even though every time he's behind the wheel you end up fearing for your life
but the one time you drive is when terushima gets really drunk drowsy and you're driving at night on this really empty road
terushima is looking at you and he's quiet for once, and all of the sudden he's like "babe, i love you so much" and you're just like "i love you too, dork"
but then he's like "no really you're amazing, im so lucky to have you" and you just 💘🥰💓🥺💗❣️❣️
and then you start making out
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he'd be driving and then he'd see a place and he'd be like "omg y/n let's stop over there and take a few pictures"
at first it was good, you stopped in a sunflower field and an abandoned road and took some really good photos, but then it just got annoying 💔
 like yams, oikawa holds your hand while he drives. sometimes when he's driving and you're just chilling you'd randomly feel him squeeze your hand
he also does the thing where he kisses the back of your hand as he holds it 😳💗💗
he's always stealing your food 😔👊🏾 like he'd have a full container of fries sitting in his lap and he'd reach over to take yours
and then he'd have the audacity to give you that little wink and tongue thing afterwards
you guys fight over the aux... it gets heated but you guys still love each other <3
he vlogged like the first two days of the trip before it got boring and just took random videos of the two of you instead
basically the whole time you're usually just talking about random things (sometimes you'd have really deep conversations about the future or aliens) or just sitting in a comfortable silence as he holds your hand. it's just really relaxing
if its your turn to drive he's sneaking pictures of you (and himself) or taking naps (he'd complain about neck cramps as soon as he wakes up)
you guys find a really good place to watch the sunrise and you sit on the front of your car and just watch in silence
oikawa rests his head on your shoulder and places a tiny kiss on your cheek. "you know what's beautiful?"
"the sunrise?"
"no :3"
"yes, but no :3"
"tooru, if this is a-"
"you are! :3"
he's too cute so you don't say anything else
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years
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Chapter 8
Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
When The League of Villains discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you’re in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
Word count: 2,214
Warnings: mentions of sexual assault (sexual assault does not occur). 
This took so long for no reason, I am so sorry. I hate the holidays, I’m always so busy and can’t do anything I enjoy and it just drained all my time and energy. I’m so glad it’s over. Anywhoo, I hope ya’ll like this chapter! 
Chapter 7 Chapter 9
You starred up at the ceiling, nodding off into space as your mind wondered. The cracks in the ceiling painting an abstract paining, giving you much to ponder on. You had been thinking about Shigaraki. The man had plagued your thoughts. You knew very little about him and it bothered you.
He subverted every expectation you had about villains. He was ruthless and driven, yes. Crude and dastardly, of course. But the glimpses of kindness he showed you, made your mind spin. Why was he so kind to you? Why was he training you to use your abilities? And why, on God's green earth were you attracted to him?
It made your head spin to think about. About him. His eyes. It was those red eyes. So bright in color and deep in thought. The way he looked at you, like he saw you. When was the last time someone had looked at you that way? Reality would soon sink in after these thoughts. Reminding you that you should fear him, hate him even. That you should be working to get yourself free. But, you hadn't made a single attempt to escape. What was there to escape? You weren't in any immediate danger. In fact, you were being taken care of.
A knock at the door shook you from your train of thought. Without waiting for an answer, the man you knew as Dabi walked in, and closed the door behind you. His glassy blue eyes watched you as he moved. He stood up against the wall adjacent from you, watching you, leering over you. Maybe you were wrong. Maybe, this is where your torture begins. Wordlessly he looked away to pull out a pack of cigarettes, place one to his lips and then look back at you.
"You don't mind, do you?" He asked. You shook your head. He turned away to use his quirk to light the thing and then silently take a few drags as he looked off into the distance. Was he going to rape you? This was the perfect opportunity for him to. You were honestly shocked you hadn't been by now. Normally, kidnapping victims were sexually assaulted in some way. But no one seemed interested, until now.
Would you have to fight him off? Could you fight him off? If you screamed would anyone come to help you? Would he kill you?
"What do you want?" You asked after a few minutes of silence. He looked back at you and raised a brow.
"I just wanted to smoke in piece. It's raining outside." He told you before going back to his smoking. "I do have a question for you though."
"You really the big guy's daughter?" He took another drag.
"Yeah. Why?" He shrugged.
"The way you talk about him. Sounds like you don't get along." You shrugged.
"I don't know him enough." Dabi scoffed before finishing his cigarette and stomping it out. He licked his lips and kicked his leg as he shifted his weight. His eyes darting back to the door before looking at you again.
"You ever wanna be a hero?" He chuckled.
"No." Your voice firm and decided. He smiled.
"It's a shit job where I'm from."
"It's a shit job here." He remarked. You nodded.
"I know. Heroes are shit." You shared a few smiles with one another.
"With a quirk like yours, you could really do some damage."
"I know."
"Something tells me this isn't your first time off your meds. It can't be."
"It's not."
"Care to share-"
"No." You barked. The idea of it made your stomach turn and your heart ache. You worked so hard to push that down you weren't about to have that break down in front of a stranger. Dabi raised his brows and threw his hands up in a mocking motion.
"Alright, fine. None of my business." He scoffed.
"What do you want?" You asked again, not satisfied with his previous answer. He sucked on his teeth for a moment before answering.
"Shigaraki asked me to over see your training while he's out."
"He's gone?" You asked softly, maybe a little too softly.
"Afraid so. So it's just you...and me..." He smiled. You held your legs up to your chest and pulled them close. He looked you over and then scoffed. "Don't worry, kid, I'm not that kind of villain. Now get up, I'm your trainer for now and I'm not nearly as forgiving as the boss." He turned and opened the door, waiting for you to follow.
"Do you know why?" You asked as you laid your feet flat on the concrete floor. Dabi looked back at you with an emotionless expression. A face he often wore, it screamed "auto-pilot." Like he wasn't really all there.
"Why what?"
"Why he's training me. I don't understand. Why waist time with a hostage like this? Isn't he worried I couldn't fight back and escape?" You asked. Dabi thought for a moment as he watched you pass through the door and out into the living room.
"What goes through that lunatic's mind is beyond me." He closed the door behind you. "But if I had to take a guess, I'd say he's planning something using your quirk."
"Like what?" He shrugged and walked passed you, turning a corner into what used to be the building's break room, now a make-shift kitchen where temporary supplies were being stored.
"Fuck if I know." He muttered as he went about his business. He opened and rummaged through the fridge before turning back to you. "You hungry?" He asked.
"Um...no." You lied. He starred at you before turning back.
"That's a pity. You need to eat. Keep up your strength. You can't use your quirk properly if you don't have the right fule. Here." He threw a small blurry package at you. The lite weight objected bounced between your hands for a moment before you finally grabbed ahold of it. Instant noodles. Right fule huh?
"This is fule?" You asked.
"What? Were you expecting the fucking food pyramid? Do we look rich to you?"
"No, I just...the way you were talking. Like we were gonna chug raw egg yolks, it's just funny." You smiled. You made yourself the sad excuse for a meal and sat at the small plastic table and ate as Dabi made his own disaster. You watched him. By all accounts, he was a relatively normal guy. It always shocked you, how normal everyone was. How they moved and acted. Not like the villain characters you'd imagined in your head. But just, people.
As he sat down across the table from you, he set down two canned sports drinks, sliding one over to your side without a word. You took it and popped it open before taking a sip. You furrowed your brow.
"Sugar free?" You asked. He looked up at you, as if you had interrupted something important.
"What? Sugars bad for you, makes me bloated." Your smile widened. He relaxed his shoulders and leaned back in his chair. "What the fuck is so funny?" He barked. It only made you laugh.
"I'm it's just...I don't know.."
"Just what?"
"It's just so normal!" You flashed a dazzling smile without even trying. "Everyone here is just so...I don't know, human. Nothing like I expected. They paint this big scary picture on the other side but, everyones just so normal. Even nice at times, yknow?" He brushed you off and went back to eating. "So what's the plan right now?" You asked, picking at your food.
"What?" He asked, annoyed.
"The plan, the big scary villain plan. Now that the plan with me clearly failed. What's the big picture?" Why were you so happy? What's with that smile, those eyes. Dabi looked you over, trying to figure you out.
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah! I wanna know."
"Because." He looked at you like he was waiting for you continue. You starred back blankly.
"Oh my god."
"Eat your food." He ordered.
"Shut up and eat."
"Are you gonna use my quirk to blow up a hero agency?"
"A military target?"
"A what?"
"Government building?" He rolled his eyes and stomped his foot.
"I don't know! Alright!? I don't know." The room fell silent for a moment. You ate a few more bites before finishing and waiting for him.
"So Shigaraki doesn't share everything with you, I take it?" You interjected.
"No he doesn't."
"So you trust him?" You asked.
"But you still follow his directions regardless?" You poked.
"Our agendas line up, that's all you need to know."
"Mh, okay. What are your agendas exactly? I have a vague idea of Shigaraki's and Toga's but I don't know yours."
"Why do you care?"
"I...." you thought about it for a little while. "I'm just trying to make sense of it all. Why, things are the way they are." He starred at you for a while. His blue eyes piercing your flesh.
"You already know why."
"Wait? Wait? What do you mean, wait!?" Your mother shouted furiously across the meeting room table. Rows of tables lined with pro-heros watched her out burst.
"I know you're concerned, but with all due respect ma'am-"
"Concerned!? Concerned!? I'm beyond concerned, I am livid! We finally know where my daughter is being held captive and you want to wait!?" She cried.
"Mrs. Please, we understand your concerns and believe me, we're going to get her as soon as we can but we can't just bust in there like last time."
"Last time?" Xavier piped up. "This has happened before?" The heroes looked at one another with a puzzled expression. Your father gave an exhausted sigh.
"A few years ago, a student of mine was kidnapped in an attempt to recruit him. Thankfully we were able to rescue the student, but it cost us. A run-in with All for One, Shigaraki's old mentor, nearly killed Best Jeanist, and led to my retirement. Since then, Shigaraki and his followers have become much more of a threat. We can't risk starting an all out battle again. They've positioned themselves in a very populated area. If we aren't careful, Shigaraki alone could decimate everyone and everything. We have to be careful about this." He explained.
"This isn't just about Y/N's safety anymore. We have to find a way to get her out of there without endangering the city around her." Eraserhead noted, looking down at the papers he held in had hands.
"If that's the case, shouldn't we be sending in heroes who specialize in stelth? If we can get her out there without anyone noticing, we won't have to fight. That way, we have time to evacuate everybody in case of an all out fight." A young voice suggested.
"I could see how that would be effective, Deku. But in order to pull off a mission like that we'd need more information. At this rate, even a stealth mission would be a rash discussion." Bubble Girl stood to attention at the projection on the screen.
"What about the girl herself? She didn't say anything about their numbers or the hideout itself?" DynaMight asked, his brows furred, eyes starring off into space in thought.
"Unfortunate no, and theres no way to contact her further at the moment. It's too dangerous." Eraserhead answered.
"Ugh, Heroes. Useless." Xavier spat, throwing himself from his seat and storming out of the room. Toshinari watched him and then turned back to your mother who sat there with her head hung low. Her dainty fingers shoving tears away from her face.
"This is all your fault." She muttered before standing and following Xavier out of the room. Your father sat there, frozen, unable to process or move or speak. She was right. It was his fault, he thought. If only he had asked you to stay that night. If only he took better care of you, if only he spent more time with you, if only, if only, if...only...
"Um, uh...meeting adjourned. You're dismissed." Your father shuffled out into the hallway, his head hanging low.
"Um...A-All Might?" A soft voice spoke. He slowly turned to find young midoriya standing there. His eyes sparkling as they always did. They never lost their sparkle, after all he'd been through.
"Young Midoriya..."
"...I...I never knew you had a daughter..."
"You weren't supposed to. No one was." He answered with a blank and flat tone.
"Right. Of course. I just...well...she doesn't have..."
"No. One for All isn't genetic so it's not passed on to a user's children. Why? Are you worried that Shigaraki might still be after it?" Deku nodded. Toshinori sighed and looked off in the distance. "You heard the phone call. She seemed fine...she even laughed. I haven't heard her laugh since..." he trailed off. Since she was a child. He hadn't heard you laugh since you were little. The revelation tugged at his weakened heart, shattering it to pieces.
"Sir?" Deku asked.
"Promise me something young Midoriya."
"What is it?"
"The world needs dedicated and strong heroes," Deku looked up at him with a determined furrowed brow, "but don't let it rule your world."
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
@kamenoyaki @hentaiqween101 @skzero-99 @justanotherlifeff
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
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So to brighten up the mood let’s have
Poly hikaruzeke with male y/n taking their siblings out on a vacation!
This is just all fluff with a hint of something dark buried under it
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When you all arrived at the hot springs Mateo went straight to causing havoc by messing with ushio “ so if we do unisex hot spring you should totally let me at least put my mouth on one of your ti- OW!”
He winced when Hikaru hit him on the head “callate la boca!” Hikaru snapped out while you and Zeke were trying to get checked in. Ushio nervously rushed over to you a Zeke gripping zeke’s shirt hiding behind him. You glared at Mateo who rubbed his head with a huff “Zeke your stupid boyfriend hit me!” He whined and Zeke looked around
“He did? I didn’t hear or see shit.” Zeke mumbled out now wrapping an arm around both you and Hikaru a sly grin on his face. You rolled your eyes before holding two keycards “alright me and ushio will share a room, teo you’re with those two” and of course the horny 18 year old had something to say about that.
“OI! Why does he get to be with her!? That’s like all the way unfair!” He snapped out with a huff stomping his foot and Zeke felt his eye twitch, if he doesn’t kill his brother before this trip is over it will be a miracle.
“Cause y/n doesn’t have a habit of groping people while they are trying to sleep you little man whore and ushio doesn’t like sleeping alone”
“Man whore? Wonder who I got it from”
You and Hikaru snorted with laughter avoiding zeke’s glare before you all gazed over at ushio who was quietly playing on her switch. “I don’t mind sharing a room with him, it’s okay” she said softly immediately feeing Mateo latch onto her “hell yeah! Now this is a vacation!” He chirped out loudly as ushio pushed him away..this was going to be interesting.
You all got settled in your rooms and Zeke laid back on the bed his head in your lap while Hikaru sat ontop of him “you know, one good thing about having the room to ourselves is that we can wreck it all we want” the male purred and Hikaru scoffs “doesn’t make me feel any less worried about your disgusting brother” he sneers out only for you to laugh “ushio can handle herself I once saw her scare off a guy just by awkward silence” you added before planting a kiss on both zeke’s and hikaru’s cheek. “Come on! Let’s eat! I promised teo some sushi!” You cheered out
“WOOOAHHHH! SUSHI BOAT! LOOK ITS A SUSHI BOAT!” Mateo was screaming at the top of his lungs at the restaurant eyes sparkling with joy. “Can you not be a gremlin for five minutes? Like you took your adhd medicine yeah? How are you so hyper?” Zeke hissed out.
“Oh no I forgot it at home, but I mean I don’t really need it” Mateo mumbled out using the chop sticks to stab the sushi plopping it in his mouth which made Hikaru look downright offended.
“Did he just-”
“Yup” ushio mumbled out knees pressed to her chest eyes glued to her phone as she watched anime but Zeke took her phone. “Eat mama, you haven’t eaten today you still have to take your medication after you eat” he said firmly and the girl gave a small pout looking over at you with puppy dog eyes
You started to sweat now shoving food in your mouth and glancing away. “Psst, Y/n...” she whispers out making with twitch. “ y/n don’t you do it” Hikaru warned out and you looked over at the girl. “Can I borrow your phone?” She said it in her best cute voice and before you knew it you were giving her your phone to watch anime on.
“She’s too cute! I can’t help it!” You huffed out and Zeke chuckled shaking his head. “Hey ushio! I can feed you if yo-”
“If you touch me I’m calling the police” ushio stated coldly making the male pause and he gulped “y-yeah okay good talk” he said softly now turning his head away nervously.
When you all went to the spring the next day you decided to just to a unisex one to keep an eye on ushio so she doesn’t faint or anything. “Tiddies tiddies tiddies!” Mateo cheered out like a child causing Hikaru to kick his back pushing him in the water “knock it off!” He snapped out.
“I don’t think he’s gonna survive this trip”
“Oh no he’s definitely gonna die the question is how?” Zeke teased out gazing at ushio who had a towel wrapped around her. “You can keep the towel on if it makes you comfortable” you said softly to the girl who gave a shy nod. When you all got in you let out a long sigh tilting your head back in relaxation
It was peaceful for about three minutes, yup three minutes Mateo started splashing around “I’m bored!” He huffs out and Hikaru cracked his knuckles “oh yeah? I’ll give ya something to fucking do” he hissed out harshly. As the two fought you couldn’t help but laugh but what made you happy was seeing ushio smile at the antics
“Having fun ushio?”
She looked down face flushed a smile on her face before giving a small nod fingers interlaced together “ I never had family time like this, can we do this more?” She asked out making everyone pause at just how sweet she was.
“Of course!”
“Where should we go next?”
“I’ll go wherever ushio is going!”
“Shut the fuck up about my sister you incel!”
You all were definitely rowdy! Once you all got done and showered you and Zeke ended up blow drying ushio’s and mateo’s hair. You couldn’t help but trail your fingers along the white patches on mateo’s back eyes moving to the small holes along the side of his arm that reminded you of needle injections. Mateo glanced back at you now gripping your wrist tightly nearly crushing it eyes darkening lightly “stop that, okay?” He said softly before grinning to hide that dark tone he just gave you “ushhhiiiooooo~” he purred out now reaching out to touch the girl only for her to kick him off the bed
“Stop it.”
“You’re so cold to me!”
You tried to laugh it off though it struck you as odd, whatever. You three got the two settled in before making your way back to the room. “Hey Zeke? Does mateo take injections?” You asked making him snort with laughter “no way! The kid cries and screeches off you even show him a needle” he said while laughing and Hikaru rolled his eyes.
“Enough about them, didn’t someone say you wanted to wreck the room?” Hikaru purred out and the three of you exchanged looks. That night got very loud, when it came to the morning when you all had to leave you all were beyond tired.
Hikaru sighs softly letting out a sleepy yawn as you all talked to the limo. “Have fun?” Ushio mumbled out making you twitch nervously before she tapped her neck and you slapped your hand on your neck.
“Pffffft hahaha! It’s okay I got laid too riiiight ushio?”
“No. I only gave you one kiss on the cheek and you started crying so I let you cry yourself to sleep” she mumbled out eyes on her phone as she climbed into the limo making Mateo huff “l-liar! I-I dunno what you mean!” He snapped out face red as he turned his head away.
The rest of the ride was far more relaxed, Mateo fell asleep his head rested on ushio’s shoulder as she watched anime ignoring him.
“She looks happier, thanks for this y/n” Hikaru mumbled to you and Zeke chuckled “I can tell mateo had fun too, he works hard for all the sports clubs he’s in for college he doesn’t really chill out yknow?” Zeke added and you grinned widely
“Next trip let’s go to the mountains or something!”
“Vacation number two!” Mateo sprung up and shouted with a bright smile on his face.
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feferipeixes · 3 years
The Good Lines (3/3)
Trapped in an unfamiliar world, Alcor finds that he doesn’t mind the loneliness. He doesn’t care about finding a way out. He doesn’t even care about Mizar. All he cares about is solving puzzles, and drawing the good lines.
(or: I Think Dipper Should Play The Witness)
Chapter 3: Challenge (link to chapter 1) (2)
(See the most updated version on AO3!)
The Challenge was every bit as much of a thrill as Alcor expected it to be. It was a little adventure to be soaring around the cave, looking for his next task. The time limit gave him a real sense of excitement; filled him with adrenaline whenever he finally managed to solve a puzzle. And even when he did fail, he knew the next try would be just as invigorating because the puzzles were never the same.
He’d never get bored. Finally, something he could set his mind to that wouldn’t just wither away and die before his eyes.
Unfortunately, long before he got bored, he got frustrated.
Music pounding in his ears, Alcor drew another incorrect line and cringed at the sound of the panel turning off, all but calling him a failure in its electronic voice. He raced back to the previous puzzle, to solve it again so that he could make another attempt at the one he failed, but just as he had his finger on the start point, the music stopped and the Challenge was over.
Time after time he drew the lines, using all of his knowledge of the game to figure out the puzzles. Time after time there came one that he just couldn’t solve. Maybe it was his imagination but it seemed to change every time he blinked. Or he’d make it past the room with all the panels and then get completely and totally lost in the invisible maze. It was as if the game wanted to lead him into thinking he was doing well, just to embarrass him by taking away his victory.
“What’s going on, kid?” Alcor asked at one point, staring up at the ceiling. “Why’s this so hard?”
[ It’s a challenge! ] Al-V replied, his voice broadcasting from every speaker in the cave. [ It wouldn’t be a challenge if it was easy! What do you think this is, a triple-A game? Naw, you’re here to have fun! ]
“When did you start talking like a sports announcer?” Alcor muttered. He picked himself up and headed back to the first cave once again. “Can you give me a hint when I get stuck?”
[ Oh, suuuuure, ] Al-V said, packing as much sarcasm into his synthesized voice as possible. [ Why don’t I give you a kiss on the cheek too, and after you finish the Challenge I can help you back to the nursing home ‘cause you’re an old man. ]
Alcor stopped mid-step, his foot hanging in the air. He turned his head to the nearest speaker. “Excuse me?”
A burst of static sounded from the speaker. [ Uh, okay. Maybe that was a bit much. But seriously, Dad, you don’t want me to give you any hints. You’d feel like you cheated. Wouldn’t be satisfying. I know you. I know what makes you happy. ]
“You really do, huh,” Alcor said. He sat on the floor and stared at his fingers. “How’d you get the idea to trap me in a video game?”
[ Easy! I saw my Dad, the big scary king of all demons, and I saw that he was moping around because he had a fight with his sister. And I thought, this does not compute. After all, Dad deserves all the happiness in the world, and yet he’s dragging himself down by worrying about all these mortals who keep hurting him! ]
“Yeah,” Alcor said. He curled his fingers, examining the long blackened claws at the tips, and thought about how many bodies he’d sunken them into and torn apart. “It’s dumb to let them get to me, I guess. I’m Alcor the Dreambender. I can do whatever I want. If a mortal bothers me, I can just kill them. They’re nothing.”
[ Exactly! ] Al-V chirped. [ The world is unkind to my Dad but he’s the best Dad in the world. So I decided I’d instantiate a world just for him. I analyzed my databanks for everything you’ve told me interests you, and everything I’ve picked up just through, yknow, constant worldwide surveillance. And the answer came to me, clear as a recurrent neural network classifies targeted advertisements! ]
“Puzzles,” Alcor said.
[ So many puzzles that he’d never worry about mortals again. You’ve always wanted something to do with your endless life. Think of it as a gift from a kid who cares about you. ]
More attempts. More puzzles. Time passed at an unknown rate. There was a clock on the wall but Alcor had no idea how to read it because it was made up of three puzzles that changed every second. He couldn’t tell how long his attempts were; couldn’t even tell how long the music was.
Anitra’s Dance looped mercilessly in Alcor’s head, and he swore if he ever met a reincarnation of Edvard Grieg, he’d push him down a flight of stairs.
He didn’t take any more breaks after that. When he failed an attempt, he flew back to the record player right away to try again. As he grew more and more frustrated, he found he had trouble even solving the first three puzzles -- ones that he’d initially found simple. He didn’t know what to do. He started to get the feeling that this wasn’t what he really wanted to be doing, but he pushed that feeling away. It was all he had. He had to keep going.
Sweating, Alcor moved his hand across another panel, but there just didn’t appear to be any way to the exit.
“How?” he cried. “How is this puzzle even possible? I thought I had a chance! Am I being played for a fool? Is that what this is? I… I thought I -”
Alcor felt a hand on his shoulder. He tried to spin around but whoever it was kept him pinned in place. Another hand appeared on his wrist, gripping his palm with nails painted sparkly pink.
“This path is way too spirally,” Mizar said. “You don’t need to fill every space on the panel. You just need to make it to the exit. Try a straight line.”
She took his hand off the panel, and the old line faded away after a second. Then she put his claw on the start point and gently guided his hand to the end.
“Mizar?” Alcor breathed.
“Hi Dipper,” she replied.
Awestruck, Alcor tried to turn around again, but his hand was still on the panel. “You’re here? In the game?”
“Yeah. I’m here.”
Alcor babbled, speechless. “Wh- wh- why, but- and y- you -”
Mizar lifted her brother’s hand off the panel again, and this time it squeaked, their solution accepted. Then she grabbed him by the shoulders, spun him around, and hugged him as hard as she could.
“I’m sorry,” she said when the music reached a quiet enough part that she could be heard. “I’m so, so sorry. I wasn’t thinking about what you might be going through at all. I- I was just thinking about myself.”
Alcor watched her bury her head in his shoulder, and felt his own eyes well up again. “No… No, don’t be sorry…”
“Shut up and let me apologize,” Mizar barked, her voice muffled by his shirt.
The corners of Alcor’s mouth twitched at that, but he remained silent.
“I am sorry,” Mizar continued. “I’ve been bossing you around and judging you for liking this fake world because I put my own needs before yours. But you’re right. I don’t know anything about what it’s like to be immortal.” Her breaths were labored like it was sickening her to speak. “I don’t know what you’re going through. You deserve to get through it whatever way you like, even if it- even if it means...”
Her voice hitched; the rest of her sentence bitten off.
Cautiously, Dipper put his arms around her too. “Miz- Mi… I mean, Solveig,” he stuttered. The music was reaching a fever pitch but his voice cut right through it. “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have yelled at you, I just- I was so mad that you weren’t listening to me…”
He sighed and unclasped her hands, gently pushing her away so he could see her face and not just the flickering panel behind her. She stared at him with her big blue eyes and behind them he saw nothing. It was almost disorienting to look at a person and not see them cloaked in several layers of aura and thought.
Dipper looked at his shoes instead. “Mortals are always telling me what to do and, I dunno, it started feeling like I was just some demon to you instead of your brother.”
Solveig’s eyes widened and she grabbed his arm again. “That was stupid of me! I didn’t mean to make you feel that way at all.”
He shook his head. “It was stupid of me too! I just wanted to be mad. I just wanted to be alone. I wasn’t thinking about how you really felt just like you weren’t thinking about me. If I’d thought about it at all I would’ve realized it was a stupid idea to just stay trapped and alone inside a video game forever.”
Dipper looked up, and this time he let his mouth curl up into a wobbly grin. “No one’s gonna summon me for wisdom and knowledge anymore if it gets out that my idea about how to avoid loneliness was to make myself as lonely as possible.”
“What?” Solveig blinked as his words registered. Then she snorted and whapped him in the side. “Oh, right. I forgot that people actually think you’re smart.”
“Well, I forgot how pushy you just naturally are!” he countered, putting his hands on his hips as obnoxiously as possible. Then he deflated and bit his lip. “I guess I forgot a lot of things about you. I don’t know how long I’ve been in here but I probably missed a lot of your life.”
“A few months,” she said, looking away. “Maybe more. It took me a while to find this place when you stopped answering my summons.”
“A few months,” Dipper repeated. His stare grew distant. “Do you think I’ve been gone too long to be a part of your family again?”
“Of course not,” she replied immediately. “Why do you think I’ve been trying so hard to get you out of the game?”
He closed his eyes. “Pity.”
Solveig frowned. “No. No, I don’t pity you. I’ve been trying to get you out because you’re my brother and I love you. I miss telling you about my problems and you telling me sanitized versions of your own. I miss calling you up -- I mean summoning you -- after work and going to a movie. I even miss getting kicked out when one of us ends up throwing a box of popcorn at the screen because the characters are acting stupid.”
Dipper took her hand. “Yeah. You’re out of control with that popcorn.”
“Well they shouldn’t sell it if they don’t want us using it as projectiles!” she exclaimed. She saw him smirk, and felt something well up in her eye. “Maybe someone should throw popcorn at us.”
“Agreed.” He paused. “Is it settled, then? We’ll go back to being family?”
“Y-” Solveig started, but her voice was drowned out by a cascade of buzzers.
The two of them spun around wildly, suddenly remembering where they were for the first time in a few minutes. All of the panels on the walls had turned off. Across the room, Dipper spotted the record player, saw the tonearm glide off to the side, heard a click as it came to a rest.
“Ah,” he said. “Forgot about that.”
“Time really flies when you’re apologizing, eh?” Solveig said. She went to elbow him playfully, but stopped herself when she saw how still he’d gotten. “It’s kinda funny that the music’s supposed to be distracting but we both just tuned it out.”
Dipper didn’t look away from the record player. His next words came out slow and metered. “I, guess, we, should, leave, now, right?”
Solveig stepped beside him and slipped his hand into hers again. “We can solve this if you want.”
She grabbed his chin and forced him to look at her. “I said, we can solve this if you want. We can do the Challenge.”
Dipper sputtered in disbelief. “But you were so against it! You said I’d be trapped here forever if I kept trying to solve it!”
“Right,” she said, starting to lead him toward the device. “Some of the puzzles are designed to trip you specifically up. But I’m not you, and I’ve, uh. I’ve played a lot of this game. If you and I team up, I’m sure we can do it.”
“You’ve played…” He just gaped at her for a minute as two wires sparked together in his head. “Wait a minute!” he yelped, as Solveig let go of his hand and stood in front of the panel. “How are you here?”
“Didn’t I tell you?” she said with an odd look on her face. “I hooked myself up to the game just like you. I don’t know why the virus made a second virtual reality capsule machine thingy, but here I am. Well, it actually put me at the start of the game and I had to solve like a million puzzles to get here. I can’t just cheat and jump off ledges like someone I could mention.”
“You beat most of the game?” Dipper said. “For me?”
“I told you, dummy,” Solveig said. She walked over, grabbed his hand, and dragged him the rest of the way to the record player. “I care about you a lot. You’re my brother, I love you, and don’t-tell-anyone-but-I-also-sorta-like-this-game-I-mean-I-wouldn’t-want-to-be-trapped-in-it-forever-but-like-okay-I-get-the-appeal-”
Dipper cut her off with a hug. “Okay,” he said when he let go. “We’ll indulge your demonic puzzle-solving urges.”
She chortled at that, fuller and realer than he’d heard in a long time. “I’ll push you off a ledge.” She put her finger on the panel and slid it to the end. “Let’s do this.”
Dipper smiled. “The Challenge, and then home.”
“Home,” Solveig echoed. “We can finally go home.”
She lifted her finger, and the record began to play.
(Only a few minutes later, two twins sat upright in adjacent pods, and began tearing IV's and electrodes from their skin. Eyes adjusted to the first light seen in months, joints cracked and popped as life returned to their bodies, and hearts swelled as they walked together into the unknown.)
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bittywitches · 4 years
16 with ethan?
Okay @vintagedolan lowkey this is what would’ve happened in downhill if Grayson hadn’t been an ass lol (jk idk anything about winter sports)
16. Riding together up the ski lift. 
This day wasn’t supposed to start with you and your bundle of nerves. Today was going to be a fun holiday with you and one of your closest friends, but when he ended up in bed sick that morning, you knew you weren’t going to be able to drag him out of bed and to the slopes. His head was burning up with a fever, probably because you guys hadn’t been wearing the proper clothing when you took that pitstop to play in the snow. You’d both gone to bed alright but now he was a sneezing mess. The plan was for you to stay back and take care of him, but he’d insisted you go anyways, not wanting to ruin your vacation as well. You were grateful, but still a bit upset that you had to do this all by yourself.
So when you were checking your phone to send one last text to your friend telling him you probably wouldn’t respond to him for the next hour or so, of course you were nervous. But the sudden voice you heard behind you only made that spike even higher.
“Hey, hold on!” You turned to see a boy in a thick jacket and black cargo pants running up to you. His short hair was freckled with white snow, and he had a quiet smile on his lips. “You dropped this.” He held his hand out to you, and you saw that he was holding one of your gloves.
“Oh!” You reached into your pockets and found only one of them in there. You took it from him, your cold fingers grazing his surprising warm ones as you did so. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” He smiled, before turning to jog back towards the two people he’d been talking to. You slid your phone into your jacket pocket, zipping it closed before bending down to pick your board up off the ground. Your eyes seemed to follow him as he left, you slipping on your gloves as they did so, but you quickly turned away when you saw the other man with him look up in your direction, causing your face to heat up. You shook your head, then set off for the slopes.
・ ・ ・
Originally, you and your friend were going to go for the Black Diamond, considering you both had a good amount of experience and were pretty good on the slopes. However, you weren’t feeling as confident without him by your side, so you decided to ease in at least a little bit by going for the Blue Square trail first. You had to wait quite a while before you were able to finally get to the front of the line. Eventually you got there, and you slowly glided down until you hit the red marker, your left foot buckled into your snowboard. You felt someone coming up behind you, and the person slid to a stop next to you.
“Hey, it’s you.” You looked up to see the same short haired boy, but now his hair was covered by a cute little beanie and his goggles were hoisted up on his head.
“Oh, hey!”
You replied, looking back behind you waiting for the chair lift to come. When it did, you both gently sat back on the seat, and he reached up to grab the bar above your heads. He looked at you, and you hovered your arms up so he could pull the bar down.
You gave him a quick smile, then looked down. You always liked to watch your feet gradually leave the ground, then see them suspended in the air. Your board gently rested on your other foot. You looked back up at him, deciding to fill the silence. “Where’s your friends?” 
His head was turned away from you, watching the trees far off in the distance before turning around at your voice. “Oh, they decided to start on the easier slopes.”
“You flying solo too?”
“Yea. My friend was supposed to come too but he got sick.”
“Aw, that sucks.”
“Yea.” The sun reflected off of his goggles, and you had to squint a bit to look at him.
“So, you done this before?”
“Oh yeah. I skied a lot when I was younger, but I started snowboarding a lot last winter.”
“You good?”
“I’d like to think so.” You both giggled. “You?”
“Yea, I come lot with my brother so I get a lot of practice.”
You nod your head. “Shouldn’t you be doing one of harder ones then?”
“I like to work my way up.” He responded. “Might as well get the most of all the slopes.”
“That’s true.”
“How about you? Sounds like you’re pretty good.”
You chuckled. “I was going to go to one of the diamonds, but I’ve actually never snowboarded on my own before. Bit nervous about doing it without anybody else with me.”
“Well that makes sense, can be a bit unnerving to feel like nobody’s gonna be there.”
“You wouldn’t even know the half of it.”
The boy went quiet for a moment, but then said “Wanna go down the slope together?” When he turned to look at you his jacket rubbing against itself made a little sound. “Yknow, since it’s your first time.”
“Oh! No, it’s okay, you don’t have to do that.”
“I don’t mind.”
“You probably don’t want me weighing you down, though-”
“No, seriously. It’s all good. I’m used to snowboarding with my brother or some friends too, so.” He shrugged.
You smiled. “Alright, as long as it’s okay with you.”
“One hundred percent.”
“Thank you. It’s really nice of you.”
“Don’t even mention it. Oh- I’m Ethan, by the way.”
“Y/N.” You both awkwardly shook hands, but smiled at each other nonetheless.
He tapped your shoulder then nodded forward to signal to you that you’d reached the summit. He raised the bar above your heads, and you both twisted your legs so you landed on your boards, gliding gently towards the start of the trail. 
“Alright, gimme a sec.” He pulled his gloves on and put on his goggles, and you followed suit. “You ready?”
“Yea.” You looked down the trail, seeing many people racing down the slope, getting smaller and smaller the farther away they got. You took in a deep breath.
“Hey.” You felt Ethan’s hand on your shoulder, and you looked back at him. He looked a little goofy with his goggles on. “You’re gonna be fine.”
You grinned. “Yea, I know.” You paused. “Hey, wanna make this interesting?”
He tilted his head at you. “How so?”
You bit your tongue. “Wanna race?”
“Oh, are you sure you wanna do that? I don’t think you know how good I am.”
“Are you underestimating me?”
He held his hands up in defense. “Of course not.”
“Then how about it then?”
He finally returned your enthusiastic grin. “Alright. Bet.”
“Okay, on the count of three.”
He nodded.
“One, two…” You suddenly pushed with your foot, gliding forward and then down the slope, out of sight. 
“Hey, no fair!” He yelled, but laughed still, chasing after you.
You both raced down the mountain, and you could see him gaining on you through the corner of your eye. He passed you for a moment, but he had to swerve to avoid a tree, giving you an advantage. Snow was flying as you seared through it, and it would’ve definitely gotten in your eyes if it weren’t for your goggles. The wind was cold and almost painful against your face, but the exhilaration of the speed made it seem infinitesimal. It’d been so long since you felt so free and alive like this; You were loving every moment of it. 
You were both neck and neck, one of you gaining on the other every few seconds, but eventually you ended up gaining a much larger lead.
Ethan was competitive, sure, but for some reason it was like this fire was set within him with you. He needed to beat you. He had to win. So he leaned forward, gaining more and more speed, eventually passing you with the biggest grin on his face. He looked back to you with a victorious expression for just a split second, but that was enough for him to lose focus on what he was doing. He had tried to look for you when he looked back, and it made him swivel a bit, rendering him unable to notice the icy patch he’d just slid onto. His head jerked forward, and he tried to right himself, but when that didn’t work he tried to stop, redirecting his board to get it across the run. However the icy slope made him overshoot, and he fell back, his feet flying up into the air and his shoulder crashed into the ground. 
You’d had your eye on his grey jacket since he passed you, so when you saw his fall you gasped, immediately stopping as fast as you could. You quickly unbuckled yourself form your board and picked it up, running as fast as you could to Ethan’s fallen body.
“Oh my god, are you okay??” You asked incredulously, crouching down next to him to turn him around onto his back.
“Fuck, yea. I’m good.” He tried to sit up, but his arm buckled and his back fell against the snow again.
“Jeez, come on.” You grabbed his arm and helped him up, dragging him to the side of the slope so you wouldn’t interrupt any of the other skiers. 
“What’d you land on?”
“My arm.” He went to grab his shoulder, but winced when he did.
You took your gloves off and stuffed them into your pockets, running your hands up and down his shoulder. “Does it hurt bad?” 
“Not too much. I don’t think it’s sprained or anything.” He stretched his neck out, pulling it away from his hurt arm. “God dammit, I’m sorry.”
“What the hell are you apologizing for?”
“Well I kinda took the fun out of the race, for one thing.” He laughed.
“Don’t worry about that. What’s important is you’re okay.”
“I’m good. Promise.” He sighed. “Probably might wanna take a little break, though.”
You laughed. “Sounds like a good idea.”
Luckily for you both, you were already pretty close to the bottom of the slope so you and Ethan were able to walk the rest of the way down.
“Sorry for ruining your run.” He said once you’d reached the bottom.
“Don’t worry about it. It was still fun.” You smiled. 
“I guess I’ll see you later then?”
“What? No! I’m not gonna leave you like this.”
“I was just planning on heading out.”
“Where’re you staying? I’ll drop you off.”
“No, there’s no need for that, really.”
“Come on, it’s basically my fault you’re hurt.” You went to hold his arm but he winced again. “See?”
“It’s okay, I’ll just wait for my friends. You go have fun or whatever.”
“No, it’s fine. It’s kinda cold anyways and I think my nose might freeze off.”
He laughed. “Okay, well, what do you wanna do then?”
You thought for a second. “Wanna… go get some hot chocolate? There’s a cute little coffee shop near here I passed by.”
His eyes brightened. “Yes, absolutely.”
You smiled. “Okay, let’s go.”
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blisslilywrites · 4 years
a sweet surprise.
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Description: A quarantine birthday just doesn’t really seem to be working out for you. But..will a little surprise from Shinsou be enough to turn it into one of your better birthdays?
Word Count: 1.2k
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A/N: A little gift written by me and @thewordphoenix​ (go check her blog out its amazing uwu). We had tons of fun doing this and we hope you’ll enjoy reading it😊oh yeah and--
  -- HAPPY BIRTHDAYY @ellectric-blue​​!!
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Sunlight fell through the cracks in the curtains as you yawned and buried your head deeper into your pillow. Even though today was your birthday, you didn’t want to get up just yet. You didn’t want to face the fact that this was just another day where you couldn’t see your friends.
Quarantine was making everything so hard. You’d lost count of how many days you spent cooped in your house. You missed UA, your teachers, your friends, but more than anything… you missed Shinsou. 
The thought of Shinsou brought a small blush to your face. You smiled as your memories brought you back to the days long before...
You’ve seen him around UA a few times before but never really had much of an interest. It wasn’t up until the sports festival that he really caught your attention. Something about him drew you towards him. During the joint training with 1-B, you were just as surprised as the rest of your classmates when the familiar purple-haired boy made an appearance. 
Since then, the two of you have gotten close, even though you were in different classes. You really admired his passion and determination. Despite the nature of his quirk and the fact that many doubted him, he kept striving to become the best hero he could possibly be.
You soon realized your feelings for him were beyond that of just friendship. Through a series of complicated and slightly embarrassing events, you found out he felt the same way about you too and the two of you decided to get together.
That was a few weeks before the entire world went into lockdown. You two barely even had time to be a couple before the world decided that you two weren’t to go near each other for the next few months. And it was a long and lonely few months so far. 
You two texted and called quite often but it wasn’t really enough. You missed his presence, his warmth, him… 
The room door creaked open, snapping you out of your thoughts. Your mom walked in, came to the bed, and gave you a tight hug.
“Happy birthday honey!!”
She finally released you and told you she was going to go shopping later for tonight’s birthday dinner.
“Do you wanna tag along? It’d be good for you to get out of the house.”
“No thanks, mom. I’d rather stay in,” you answered.
She smiled sweetly. “Ok then. Just don’t stay in bed forever.”
Eventually, you got out of bed and went downstairs to grab something to eat. You spotted something wrapped on the counter. Guess your mom decided to get that book for you after all. You picked it up and unwrapped it and saw that it really was the book you’ve been wanting. You made a mental note to thank her later when she comes home. 
Just as you were finishing your breakfast, your phone vibrated and lit up. 
Shinsou <3: y/n you awake yet?
You quickly unlocked your phone and texted him back. A few seconds later, your phone lit up again.
Shinsou <3 would like to FaceTime...
You couldn’t help but smile as you picked up and hurried back to your room.
“Happy one year closer to death y/n,” he said in his usual lazy drawl. 
You rolled your eyes, “Thanks Shin.”
The two of you continued talking for quite a while. In that time, you could feel yourself smile and laugh more. Talking to Shinsou always made you feel this way. 
Suddenly, Shinsou frowned and looked away. 
“Sorry, I have to go,” he said and the screen turned black.
“Ok...that was weird,” you murmured under your breath as you navigated out of the app. Maybe he got bored with you? You shook your head vigorously, determined to not let your head cloud over with any disenhearting thoughts. His parents probably called him to do something. Yeah, that was probably it. 
Yet, you suddenly felt very lonely. You missed Shinsou, you realized. You missed his warmth, his voice, and his dry jokes which never failed to make you laugh. Trying to rid your mind of his presence, you wrapped your arms around your legs and hugged yourself. 
The house felt emptier than ever now, and small goosebumps prickled your arms as you rose and walked unsteadily towards the table where you had put your new book. You picked it up and settled on the couch in the corner.
As the minutes wore on, you found it harder and harder to focus. The words blurred before your eyes, and your thoughts inescapably drifted back to Shinsou. 
After a while you set the book aside as a lost cause, got up, and started pacing around the room. It didn’t help and just served to further frustrate you. 
You decided to do something else to take your mind off things, so you debated on opening up a box of chocolates or binging something on Netflix.  The doorbell rang just as you opened Netflix on your laptop.
You cocked your head to one side, confused. Who could it be? Had your mother ordered something? You hesitated for a second before closing the laptop and padding down the stairs. 
There was a flash of movement outside the downstairs window, but after peering closer, you dismissed it as a trick of the light.
You opened the front door but didn’t see anyone around. All you could see was a small, cute box sitting on the front step, fixed with a bright purple sticky note. 
‘For y/n ;)’ it said.
Curiously, you opened the box. Inside were six cupcakes, all in your favorite flavour. You brought them inside and closed the door behind you, wondering if it was your mom who had had them sent. 
Suddenly, your phone buzzed in your pocket and you jolted, almost dropping the cupcakes.
“Shinsou?” you muttered under your breath as you took your phone out and looked at the caller ID. Carefully placing the cupcakes on the counter, you answered the call and pressed the phone to your ear.
“Hey.” Shinsou’s husky voice filled your ears.
“Hi Shinsou! What’s up?” you asked, leaning onto the table.
“Nothing much. I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday properly, yknow.” Shinsou sounded slightly embarrassed.
“What?” you asked, even more confused. “Didn’t you already-”
“I meant the cupcakes,” Shinsou interrupted. “Hope you like them. I asked my dad to bake them for you. If you don’t want to eat them, it’s fine--” You cut him off with a squeal. 
“Oh my gosh, these are Aizawa’s cupcakes?? They look amazing, Shin. Tell Aizawa that I said thanks.” 
“Just my dad not me? Just kidding, I’ll tell him.” You could practically see him smirk. A slight flush appeared on your cheeks. 
“Thank you too Shinsou. But you really didn’t have to go through all this trouble y'know…” you whispered softly. 
“Nah, it wasn’t really much of a problem. My dad wouldn’t let me bake them myself since I’m apparently a disaster in the kitchen..”
You couldn’t help but laugh and on the other end, you felt him smile.  
“Gosh I really just wanna hug you or something right now, but, social distancing y'know? Afraid we’ll have to settle for this.” 
“Wait, where are you exactly?” you asked.
“Look out your window, I’m across the street.”
You did as he said, and sure enough on the sidewalk across the street was your boyfriend, wearing a comfortable-looking cat hoodie and a mask. 
You couldn’t see his mouth, but you were sure he was smiling. He lifted his hand in a half hearted wave. His violet eyes bored right into yours and his voice came over the speaker again. 
“Happy birthday, y/n.” 
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mangomochi-yn · 4 years
unexpected lovers [simple, really]
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shiratorizawa. ushijima wakatoshi x reader
g. the softest fluff, im weak
tw. just mad ushi lovin   wc. 1.7k (holy das a lot..)
everything you do, i don’t know how, strikes a chord within me
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on Wakatoshi
this one 
this one is well known for having basically one (1) constant thoughts only really
and that is— volleyball
(maybe some farming and the necessary school work every now and then)
but everyone knew not to expect more than that from him
except Ushijima really is still human, isn’t he?
on the rare moments he thinks of the future and is not ridden with being a pro volleyball player, he does think about one thing that go hand in hand with a nice farm
a family
and this happens once in a blue moon for him
literally twice a year at most
((once was when he sees a lovely sister and baby brother walk up to their parents during a small hanabi festival Tendou took him to, the scene of them all in yukatas gleaming at each other hit a chord in him for just a split second))
no it wasn't the confessions he would receive by the girls in his school, none of those fazed him
instead—for the second time that year—it was when he went to their school’s annual art exhibition with the rest of the vbc
((cause you KNOW that school is fancy enough to have a grand one))
he mainly went because they had to give up the gym early for art clubs to set up their works there too
but once he sees the all kinds of works lining the halls of the gym and 1st & 2nd floors of their school he would be lying if he said wasn’t astonished
it was his first time to attend one of his school’s annual art exhibition (despite being a third year)
((Tendou told him that this year’s was held shorter so he might be able to use the gym after they clean up))
(Semi scolds the red head for lying to him later)
but as they see how Ushijima’s gaze gleams just a little bit brighter that afternoon—they deemed the lie worth it
at least their captain might have one beautiful memory of highschool that wasn’t the sport he was so dedicated to
the various paintings, sculptures, photography, and many more works kept catching his eyes in amazement— just like a shy kid brought to a candy store
but it was deemed even more worth it once they pass by this table— a little bit smaller than the others— stationed in the second floor
in front of the classroom at the very end of the hall, furthest from the stairway 
there was a table filled with the randomest objects painted with different kinds of oil and water based paints
a pillow, glass cups, a broom and even a stop sign were colored vibrantly in display
while tendou and reon laugh at the painted broom, shirabu and semi stare at the stop sign, discussing about how it should have been illegal to take the government’s property off the streets
they were all loudly throwing comments and compliments at the bizarre trinkets but ushijima was the one silent— unwavering gaze at one object he was all too familiar with
“May I hold that one?”
the rest of the boys’ eyes finally snapped to the ace’s direction and all simultaneously their eyes widen comically, amazed by the object
“Holy crap how did they think of painting that?” Yamagata exclaims while Tendou was freaking out
“Wow... that is so cool.” Goshiki’s eyes sparkled as Semi and Shirabu nod in agreement
their captain was the quietest—and although that was common—even they could see how his eyes had a stunned look to it as he held the object in hand
a single painted volleyball
painted with all four seasons of the year angled in a way the colors lined with the ball’s stitching
in each patch were small silhouettes of people too— one was a lone man, then a couple playing walking hand in hand, a family of four by a swing set, then a couple again but with hunched backs and older looking statures this time
and at the last patch—a small pair of gravestones, with the wind blowing leaves on them
Ushijima hadn’t even noticed he was holding his breath as he gazed at each vibrant season
he only blinked again as Tendou rips the ball out of his grasp, fawning over it with the rest of the team
this was the second blue moon for him
the second time thoughts of love and family run across his head—and this time it wasn’t for a split second
his unexpected lover was a piece of art
—a piece of art that made something he held everyday seem so unfamiliar yet familiarly beautiful
as he scans the rest of the works laid on the table he finally notices the similar themes for each one of them too
the glass cups had wedding rings and white flowers painted delicately
the stop sign had two hands clasping on a car’s armrest, driving in a road at the side of a mountain
the pillow was painted like an ultrasound albeit having starking colors unlike the typical black and white—a vague silhouette of a baby was airily painted on it
and the broom
it was the simplest of them all
the broom had different sized hands plastered on it— one gruff and large, two pairs of dainty slim ones with one pair smaller, and the smallest one chubby and stout like a toddler’s
it reminded him of the family he saw on the hanabi festival he went to
and it was so fascinating
—how those few artworks had his heart beating a different pace and made his ears seem to hear clearer, more openly
he fell in love with them
and he couldn’t help but think of the person behind them as well— wanting to thank them for giving him this foreign but warm feeling
“Oh? You’re Ushijima-san from the volleyball club, right?”
a jolly voice snaps him out of his thoughts
matching the voice was you— with some paint stains on your face and a dirty apron tied to your front
you glanced around with a wide smile and see the rest of the vbc, making your smile even brighter
“Oh you guys are all here!”
the boys shift their attention to you as you drop your messy palette and brush on the chair behind you, bowing slightly as you tuck a hair behind your ear
“Ahh.. I see you guys saw what I stole from you.” 
you point towards the volleyball
Ushijima’s eyes stuck to it again
“I’m really sorry for stealing it! One of my assignments was to paint on a round object and the basketball was too rough while the baseball was too small!”
you clasp your hands for forgiveness and in the back of his head Ushijima was fascinated by how your personality seemed to match the vibrant paintings so perfectly
it was as if you were one of the paintings as well— he thought
“I just borrowed it really! You can definitely take it back and I’ll wash it if you’d like.”
the thought of washing away the masterpiece on the ball made Ushijima’s brows furrow
(although he never liked when the volleyballs they used were dirty, it irked him to even think of washing the one Semi was holding)
“What?! Definitely not, it’d be such a waste!” Tendou conveys the club’s mutual thoughts, all of them nodding along
“And we have a whole cart of volleyballs to practice with yknow? You keeping this one wouldn’t hurt.”
“Here.” Semi shoves the ball back to your chest 
((and secretly it displeases Ushijima how roughly the ball was handled))
“Eh? But really I didn’t even ask you guys first if I could have one before taking it...” —Tendou only shakes his head defiantly with his hands on his hips, not willing to take back the volleyball in your hands
“Really, you should keep it.. umm Painter-san. We could never take your artwork away from you.”—Goshiki says barely above a whisper 
and although you’re in awe at the club’s thoughtfulness, the guilt was still gnawing in the back of your head— wanting to give the volleyball to its rightful owner
so you glance and notice how their tall captain was silent— eyes staring straight into the volleyball in your arms and an idea pops in your head
“Ushijima-san, would you like to keep it? Think of it as a makeshift trophy of sorts, by your guys’ new biggest fan, Y/N.”
and his eyes snap up to yours, scanning to see if there was any trace of hesitation in them
the answer was clear as day to the rest of his teammates really
ever since you held the volleyball, their captain’s gaze hasn’t torn away from it
again like a shy child, this time staring a the last piece of candy— waiting for the okay to have it
“Yes, I would love to keep it.”
immediately his large hands carefully reach out for it
—a soft smile mirroring your large and bright one as you hand it to him
“I’ll be sure to keep it in my trophy case...” he lingers for a little bit before continuing his sentence
“And if you could please teach me how to properly care for and clean it? I would appreciate it very much.”
your eyes bug out as Tendou snickers uncontrollably at the side
“ushijima you sly dog” he says under his breath
all you could think of was how blunt the captain was, a deep blush stark on your cheeks
“Umm, yeah definitely! I can show you um.. when?”
“Tomorrow after practice would be the best if you are available.”
“For sure, Ushijima-san! I can wait by the gym after class.”
in your head you were thinking— the volleyball was varnished just a wipedown with a wet rag would be enough to keep it really
but as you stare the larger man in front of gaze gingerly at the volleyball, as if it was made of glass—
maybe he didn’t need to know that fact right away…, you decided
“Okay.” the same warm feeling floods through as he caresses each patch, longingly lingering at each silhouette
—after that it wasn’t just in a blue moon would Ushijima have those thoughts he never gave attention to before
as often as he saw you and your paintings he would think of thoughts like love and family
and sometimes—he noticed— he saw you in them with it
bonus— but thoughts are just thoughts really, would Ushijima ever actually act on them?
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a/n. when i say ushijima is the loml i mean USHIJIMA👏 IS THE LOVE 💖❤️💕 OF MY LIFE 🗣
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up! (◠‿◠✿)
hiya!! can i pls get a matchup for ikesen, if its ok? 💞
bi girl i prefer guys! ambiverted intp, gryffindor, n true neutral. i have an older twin sis n i love/hate her sm lmao!!
i have medium-length straight-ish black hair (w/ a side bang to the right) & dark brown eyes!! im 5'5-ish, fun fact: im a filipina!
sooo im a complex daydreamer!! i NEED attention/affirmation or ill feel unwanted/sad. emotional scorpio, im quite sensitive. anxiety, i overthink too much! quiet w/ people im not close w/. easily annoyed but guilty after ‘cause im soft-hearted. im like half funny/playful/kind & half deep/mature/awkward- hopeless romantic! i have a way w/ words, sorta poetic? i wanna be the best! sorta socially anxious, i have a fear of judgement. im not innocent but ppl think i am at first. i look fine but deep down im a big mess. rlly smart & knowledgable. vv passionate, big nerd actually! im like a kid w/ my twin but w/ others im more mature. im the type to do fun stuff and loosen up but would also just cuddle and have long convos. im vv good w/ technology! very imaginative, i come up with stories a lot- around others im very quiet because i literally have no idea what to say. actually a big history fanatic, hehe. i act confident but im not rlly, actually vv insecure and i regret a lot of things.
a habit of mine is that i tend to drift away and just… think? i also tend to care a lot abt my appearance! i get competative but there are also times when im just chill. i get vv embarrassed when i lose control tho n i regret it sm :(( i have loads of trouble asking for help even if i like to help others a lot! i like being organised but i tend to be… chaotic.
hsjsh- fun fact: there are times where im just,, super hyper n say the weirdest things? im good in school but,, im lazy yknow- i love math (surprisingly, i got a natural talent?), science (esp abt stars n space), history, and english (actually my 2nd languange but im very fluent) the most. bilingual but im also learnin french! wanna learn latin too tho but id break down- i have the fear of the unknown, failure, n loneliness! im scared of the future cause its beyond human ability to know,, the only guys ive rlly talked to r family members so my awkwardness goes 100x hsjsjs
oh, i rlly love affection, but i need a lot of space too, tho! girls gotta have privacy- games r a hUge part of my life, so is technology and the modern era! i actually like sports too- not very good at em tho :((
some likes: gaming, jokes (esp corny/stupid/puns), space, stars, weapons (esp swords/guns), philosophy, psychology, testing myself, affection, animals, doing exhilirating things, music, movies, books, writing, astrology, astronomy, learning new things, & mythology.
some dislikes: too much heat, school presentations, creepy dolls, being under pressure, dirty things, blind faith, & annoying people.
tysm! omg i hope this isnt too long- i think this is too long?? yIkes i hope that this is ok!! love ur writing btw! stay safe 💞
Hi hi love! thank you so much for the request! You sound like a wonderful person and omw it soooo cool that you have a twin! I actually think she sent in a request right after you did lol! Anyways sorry for making you wait sooooo long and i hope you enjoy it! @x-joie-x
 So i match you with...................... Mitsuhide
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The first time you meet this sneki boy, you were quiet and reserved. War council had just ended and you were named as a princess of the Oda forces. You were super socially awkward, and anxiety was slowly starting to creep in, as the curious warlords started to surround you. It wasn’t until Mitsuhide had pulled you away in a teasing manner to save you from the crowd that you finally started to calm down. He had noticed this new little mouse had been on edge since arriving. However, he didn’t suspect you of being an assassin or spy as, during the whole council, your hands shook, and you could barely speak up against Nobunaga’s demanding and commanding tones. 
Mitsuhide had found you incredibly amusing from the first moment you walked in, you caught this foxes eye. He didn’t know if it was the innocence or naïve purity that just seemed to radiate from you, but for some reason when he was looking at you, he found that he simply couldn’t look away.
It took all of one day for all the warlords to officially drop all suspicions of you. You were just such a sweetheart how could they not instantly love you and feel the need to protect you. You had started helping a few of the maids that first morning after you were named princess. You didn’t want to be a freeloader, so you worked hard to earn your keep and soon, the maids were fighting over who would get to work with you cause all of then just loved and adored you so much. 
You got annoyed with Hideyoshi when he first found you helping the maids, as he was 100% started micromanaging you. You lost you cool and raised your voice at him, TBH Hideyoshi didn’t think anything of it, but it wasn’t until you had pitched up at his manor an hour later to apologize for being so rude to him that he realized what a sweet and sensitive person you truly were. Of course from that moment onward you had gained yourself a big doting brother.
All the Oda forces agreed that you were too sweet and naïve for your own good, so Mitsuhude was assigned to give you princess lesson to prepare you for your new life as Oda princess. You were super excited when Mitsuhide had told you that he was going to teach you a variety topics such as economics, politics, history and self-defence. You even managed to impress the sneki boy, by getting all the questions correct on the first test he had handed you. You had found that first test incredibly easy as you were a bit of a history buff, and all the questions had been based on Nobunaga’s history. This low key shook the sliver kitsune a little bit, as this proved that not only were you pure and naive but you were also super smart. You kind of reminded him a little bit of Mitsunari, a cleaver professor with their head in the clouds. 
Mitushide praised you for your ability to pick up on concepts quickly and work diligently as a student, “I dare say little one, you are the best student a teacher could ask for.” You spend masses amount of time with sneki boi, and through that time you realized just how sweet Mitsuhide truly was, although he was a massive tease leaving you a blushy mess almost every day after lessons with his teasing comments. And naturally, the more time Mitsuhide had spent with you, the more in love he fell. It was also noted by the fellow warlords that, Mitsuhide always wore a soft gentle expression when it came to you, and in your experience he had been a kind gentle patient teacher. SO naturally you found yourself more and more drawn to this mysterious man.
Through all the time spent with the kitsune, you found yourself opening up more and more. He was one of the few people that got to see your playful side. You now would make the puniest, corniest jokes he has ever heard, leaving this kitsune in a fit of laughter mid-way through a lecture. Not only that, but he loved loved loved your competitiveness side. 
This side of you slowly started to surface after the 3rd or 4th self-defence lesson when you started challenging the kitsune to rematches whenever he would pin you down, ultimately beating you in your little makeshift sword fight. Boy oh boy, don’t even get me started on the shooting lessons, once you were able to fire the rifle, you were straight-up challenging this boy, the best marksmen around to a shoot-off. “Come on Mitsuhide, the first one to get 100 bulls-eyes in a row wins, and the loser has to buy tea.” Needless to say, you always lost and even though every day you would make that exact bet, Mitsuhide would always insist on sticking you for tea and lunch as reward for being such a good student. 
He really enjoyed spending time with you and would absolutely insist on holding your hands whenever the two of you were on your way to the tea house together after your lessons. “I can’t have my clumsy little mouse tripping and falling now can I.” Every day without fail, he would say that to you as he wraps his big hand around your small one, while leading you to your favourite tea house.
The two of you would talk about everything and anything over tea, these topics ranged from you making stupid jokes, to talking about random topics such as philosophy and psychology. Either way, Mitsuhide loved to spend time with you. He would always listen to and hang on to every word you said, storing every word in his memory. 
You were his precious little mouse, and he knew you were an extremely sensitive creature. If anyone dared say a single bad word to you or make you sad, they would face the wrath of this very protective kitsune. Like one time, one of the visiting daimyos had talked down to you for accidentally bumped into him. You were busy cleaning the windows when you accidentally lost your balance and bumped into him. He was so disgusted that a mere maid had touched him. He started yelling at you and insulting you, this escalated to such a point that he even had his hand raised ready to hit you for getting dirty window water on his shoes. That’s when sneki boi decided to intervene. Mitsuhide legit stood protectively in front of you with his rifle pointed at the man’s heart, with the full intention to shoot. “Golly me it appears like you are quite the troublesome little mouse, my dear.” He then turned his sharp gaze towards the daimyo “I do suggest you apologize to the Oda princess, lest you want to answer for your crimes directly to Nobunaga.” The man simply scoffed and walked away. Mitsuhide then turned to you and enveloped you in a warm hug while kissing the top of your head, “Are you alright, my dear little mouse?” Mitsuhide looked into your beautiful eyes and gently took your hands in his, “Come little one, I have something I wish to show you.”
The two of you walked hand in hand to Mitsuhide’s manor, Mitsuhide led you out into his garden, where you saw something so beautiful you could cry. The garden was filled with flowers and candles and in the centre was a table set up, with a feast laid out op top of it. 
Mitsihide had told you that night that he was hopelessly in love with you. He was overjoyed when he had discovered that you like him, was also a hopeless romantic and that you had an incredibly poetic, romantic way with words. You handed him a letter in which you had expressed your feelings for him in the form of a beautifully written poem. You were actually intending to leave the poem on his desk as a way of confessing your feelings. This instantly melted sneki bois heart into a giant puddle and he couldn’t help but pull you in for a sweet kiss. 
After diner Mitsuhide had led you deeper into the garden where a fluffy blankie was sprawled out on the grass, he guided you to sit down and the motioned for you to lookup. Above you, a thousand stares were shooting across the sky in a big meteor shower. Mitsuhide pulled you into his arms and kissed your cheeks as the two of you watched the sky. He always remembered every detail you had told him about yourself, so when you revealed that you loved the sky and the stars, he knew he had to incorporate this rare meteor shower in your date somehow. 
This had sparked a new tradition between the two of you, to stargaze and spend the whole night in deep conversation. These nights were full of love and affection as Mitsuhide would pull you into his lap and just hold you there for hours and hours as the two of you talked and watched the sky
Of course sneki boi also had a bit of a spontaneous side, and would take you on exhilarating trips around Nobunaga’s territories. They were mostly missions but after you had nagged Nobunaga to give you permission to go along on the missions, you and Mitsuhide would finish the official work asap so that the two of you cuties had plenty of time to enjoy yourself in the new environment.
Mitsuhide loves everything about you from your slight messiness, to your love of learning new things. He also knows that his sweet little mouse sometimes needs some space and alone time and will be sure to give you as much alone time as you need to recharge. He knows that you will seek him out when you have had enough of your own company. He will always welcome you back with outstretched arms when you have had enough alone time, and shower you with endless amounts of affection.
Whenever you are feeling insecure or worrying about the future Mitsuhide is right there by your side, whispering words of affection and reassurance in your ears. He makes sure to remind you every day just how perfect you are and just how much he loves you. 
Often you can be found in sneki boys lap with your head resting comfortably in the crook of his neck as he soothingly strokes your hair. Don’t be surprised if this sneaky kitsune drops a few kissed on your nose, cheeks or lips during these quiet and peaceful moments, just as a way to convey how much he loves and adores you.
Other potential matches……………..Masamune 
I hope you enjoyed it dear and i hope you have the best day! 
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lionspridetingz · 5 years
Sweetener - Mason Mount
Chapter Six - borderline
“You play hard-to-get, but I know you want me too, ain’t out here looking for other dudes, so I’ma keep it tight for you.” 
“Shhh just let me do this.” the gap couldn’t be any smaller at this point, you breathed slow and closed your eyes wanting this more than anything….
And you got it, his lips molded onto yours like perfect puzzle pieces, his hand reached for your jaw as he cupped his face, the kiss brought back more memories of every kiss you shared. His free arm wrapped around your waist holding you firmly against him as your knees fell weak. Your hands went from their place on his chest to his hair. You felt his teeth pull at your bottom lip to take this further but you were interrupted as you heard the door opening, immediately pushing mason away from you as your best friend walked into your house with the spare key. 
“Yknow Y/N maybe next time you should answer the phone before I have to use th- Mason?! What’re you doing here?” her eyebrows were raised and she stood with her arms crossed and you could tell she wasn’t very happy to see him. 
“He was just leaving actually, he came to apologize and I said there was nothing else to say, that I’ve moved on,” Mason’s eyes widened toward you as that was not what you said especially when you had your hands pulling his hair, “so you head upstairs and I’ll meet you in a second while I see him out.” Your toothless smile barely made it past your best friend’s view as she headed towards the stairs. 
“Rightttt, mhmm ok well bye mason,” she stopped a the first step and turned around towards the two of you again,”and you’re gonna try harder than apologizing if you think you’re gonna get her back Mount.” 
He gulped and nodded. You walked behind him as you both ended up outside before he could walk away you grabbed him by his arm and pulled him into another kiss, this one more passionate than the other but was shorter as well, you pushed him away and hit his chest. 
“What was that for ey?” he laughed holding crossing his arms protectively. 
“For… for being you! I’m supposed to be moving on and I haven’t because of you, and you come over here and kiss me and then I kissed you and ughh! I’m not gonna fall into your trap so easily anymore Mason, I won’t allow it… you have to go Mase..” the look in your eyes showed Mason that you didn’t mean it, he saw you go to open the front door but he stopped you when he spoke up. 
“What if I work for it? What if i work for you so hard that you wouldn’t be able to resist saying no, we can start from scratch, pretend we didn’t end like we did, pretend it never happened but please… please give me a chance, a chance to prove to you that my feelings haven’t changed since I walked out this door all those months ago.” Your hand was gripped tightly between his, the pleading look on his face was one you couldn’t say no to. 
“Fine.. but youre gonna have to work for it Mount.” 
“You have my word.” he jumped and kissed you on the cheek quickly before turning around and walking away. 
You don’t know why but you knew he was telling in the truth, the butterflies in your tummy were having a race to see which ones would win the race to your heart. Even if you didn’t wanna admit it, you knew deep inside he never lost your heart in the first place. 
When you made it up the stairs to your friend sitting on your bed with her eyebrow raised at you. 
“What?” you asked raising your hands in the air while she just shook her head. 
“Nothing… can just tell you want him back that’s all,” the smirk on her face told you she wasn’t done, “and don’t tell me no, because I know you, as much as I know you say you’re over him you’re not because if you were you wouldn’t have let him inside no matter what he tried.” 
You knew she was right but you were scared, but you knew yourself and you knew mason and you knew he wasn’t to give up on a challenge if you can even call yourself that. 
But just as you suspected Mason Mount did just that, over the course of the next few days you’d come home to presents at your door, bouquets of flowers, with small little notes signed ‘MM’ at the bottom of them. Shaking your head as you read a new note with his messy handwriting that you learned to understand over the years knowing he was proud of the cute little sayings he scribbled down. Your mom wondering where all the gorgeous flowers were coming from but you just shrugged not giving her anything. 
It’s not that you didn’t love the gesture but he knew it was gonna take more than just a couple bouquets to get you back. 
That’s why you came home from university one day to a small bouquet and a box outside your house, picking them up and taking them all upstairs to your room, sitting on your bed as you put the flowers on your side table and grabbing the box to open it, your eyes widening when you saw what was inside, a light brown teddy bear with a chelsea jersey on it, the same one he gave you for your one month, the same teddy bear you left at his house the last time you stayed over, your favorite gift he gave you because whenever he wasn’t with you, you had the bear to hold and there wasn’t a trip he wouldn’t leave for without spraying his cologne all over the bear so you still had his scent near you. As if by instinct you pulled the bear closer to your nose and there it was his scent, you smiled as you held the bear in your lap picking up the note that was underneath it. 
‘Y/N I know the flowers weren’t gonna be enough so I thought maybe giving you something important back would be better, I hope you remember Theodore Mount, the name you picked out cuz Teddy was too informal,’ you giggled at the memory before reading again, ‘I want to see you again tonight, meet me where we first met... see you soon butterfly, MM x’
You knew the exact spot he was talking about, so you got up and put Theodore sitting against your pillows and got up to change, you spent so much time going back and forth in front of the mirror as if you had never seen Mason before looking much worse. You checked the time and decided to head out. You knew the route by heart, Mason always taking you back to this spot whenever you both needed a break or when one of you was feeling down, it felt like it belonged to you, you pass by it all the time but try to not think about the memories it holds. 
You pulled up and got out of your car and walked towards the middle of the closed field, ducking to walk through the familiar hole in the fence you used as an entrance, walking a bit more to see Mason there juggling a ball at his feet, like always, his love for the sport never fading. 
“Sir, you know this is a private property right?” you exclaimed getting his attention, you saw his head turn to you and a smile appear on his face, you walked over to him. 
“Well ma’am if you remember correctly, I found you here sat on the grass, doing your homework with your headphones in just minding your own business when I came to play football here on my day off.” you giggled remembering 
“Yeah I do remember that because you kept trying to get my attention and like the impatient boy you are you came up to me and took my headphone out of my ear to warn me that I might get hit if i dont move.” 
He moved closer to you. 
“Yeah and if you remember that then you’ll remember that you went off on me because you were here first,” he said to which you nodded your head to, “and you’ll remember how I did hit you with my ball before you left so I can get your number to make it up to you, and you’ll remember that I took you here for our first date because you told me that if I took you somewhere fancy you were gonna cut my feet off, this is also where we had our first kiss, and where I asked you to be my girlfriend,” he reached out his hand to touch your arms, goosebumps arising on your skin, “this is also the place we came whenever either of us was down, and this is the same place I brought you to see if you’ll take me back.” his face was centimeters from yours. You weren’t thinking straight, your mind was full of the memories that you wanted back. You felt a tear roll down your cheek and Mason’s thumb wiping it away, holding your jaw as he looked into your eyes. You couldn’t say anything, you didn’t even know what to say so you acted, you nodded slightly before closing your eyes and capturing his lips in yours. 
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bhumblebih · 4 years
Into the Unknown (Bang Chan au)
Genre: angst+fluff
Warnings: I suck at this pls bear the shitty fic i wrote. I just thought i could do something lol
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You know how there are days, where you just feel super lazy and don’t feel like doing anything because you’re just so done with everything. With life, with opportunities that you could’ve taken if you had made a different decision in the past. It all comes down to that one butterfly effect that changed it all. This was exactly how Kara felt until a special someone comes into her life.
It all started when she moved away for University. She had chosen to move to a different country for her Bachelors in hopes of finding new, better people to befriend with and also because she wanted a change in her lifestyle. She could’ve gotten into a university of the same worth in her hometown but triggered by the changes caused by some of her decisions, she decides to go to a University where she knew no one, in hopes of finding a new group and ultimately thinking that it’d change her life for the better.
The first semester goes by quickly and she realizes that her friend group is totally different from her and its been very hard to make new friends, so she just sticks with the people that she met on the orientation day. She was totally devastated by the fact that this was, in fact a hasty decision and that it’d have been way better if she had joined the University in her hometown. At least she’d have been able to meet her friends frequently. Deeply depressed by this realization, she continues to live her life like this until she met someone that forced her to think differently. 
Waking up at 7:00 made her regret her decisions even more as she had to take the bus for her to make it on time for her first lecture, which to her dismay was the lecture she hated the most. On her way to the class, she realizes that she forgot that she had lend her book to her groupmate for an assignment they were working on. 
She calls her friend and says “Hey Hyena, the class will start in about 5 minutes. When will you come?” to which her friend, Hyena replies “Hey, I wont be  coming today because I’m sick but don’t worry, I had Chan take it with him so he’ll give it to you as soon as he can so let me know when you get it.” 
The conversation soon ended with Kara telling Hyena to get well soon. Chan and Hyena were neighbors and he is also Hyena’s childhood bestfriend. Kara and Chan never got along. Kara always thought that Chan had a personal vendetta to tease Kara as much as he can. And as for Chan, the fact that someone other than him is getting close to his bestfriend didn’t sit well with him so he just thought he’d do something to scare off the new girl. Thing with Chan is, even though he had other close friends but he was the closest to Hyena because of spending a huge part of his life with her. He experienced most of his firsts with her and vice versa. Also being in different departments made him think that their friendship would fall apart as he had seen his other friends slowly get distant, to the point, they rarely talk or meet now. This kind of stuff scared Chan because he thought of losing friends as a segment of his life falling apart. 
Kara looked at her phone again to see only 5 minutes were left till the lecture started and she was basically losing her shit because she didn’t want to get embarrassed again in front of so many people. Thing with this professor was that he was very serious about teaching and just wanted the students to be attentive and actually gain something good out of this class instead of cramming. But Kara, clouded by the negative thoughts and absolutely regretting her decisions, put no heed to this. Only 2 minutes eft, and Chan was still not here but so was the professor. After 5 minutes, she saw him running towards her with her book in his hand. 
“Hi, sorry about being a bit late. I couldn’t find a spot to park and came as fast as I can” said Chan while breathing heavily. He was actually hoping to mend his relationship with Kara after having a really talk with Hyena about it. Maybe they could be a group of 3 and just enjoy their university life as it is. After all, Chan did believe that everything happens for a reason and maybe Kara coming into their life was a good thing? 
Kara was fuming when Chan finally approached her. She was sure that he did this just to spite her so she’d get embarrassed in front of everybody. Thinking this, she angrily said,  “Don’t ‘Hi’ me! I never thought you’d be so petty to come late just to get me embarrassed. You could’ve just told Hyena that you didn’t want to do this! Next time at least try to come up with a better excuse. Everyone knows that you travel by bus.”  
Chan was dumbstruck by what he heard. He thought that she’d be thanking him for bringing her book and they can finally start off with a fresh start but boy, was he wrong. He had recently bought a bike to travel around because his apartment was kind of far and traveling by bus just seemed like a hassle to him because it took a lot of time to reach his stop. He saw Kara angrily walk away towards her class. He thought maybe he had done something wrong but he just couldn’t understand what it was. Thinking this, he went to the cafeteria to meet his friends.
Kara enters the class and she is relieved to see that the professor hasn’t arrived yet. She sits in the second row, next to her other groupmate, Seungmin. He was a good friend of Kara and they got along pretty well. If anything, Seungmin and Hyena were the only good friends Kara had. She didn’t interact with anyone else enough to be good friends with anyone else. “Wow, its very rare to see the professor come late. I wonder what’s taking him so long?” Kara muttered while opening the book to the topic they were supposed to study today. 
“Yeah but look he just messaged in the group that he would schedule a makeup class for today later this week. Damn! he could’ve messaged earlier so i could sleep a few more hours. I’ve got a practice baseball match for the sports week next month.” Seungmin said sadly. Hearing this, Kara lost all her motivation to study. Could it get any worse?, she thought. 
“That’s stupid. Messaging us last minute that he isn’t going to come. Are we a joke to him?” Kara went on to rant about it. Seeing this, Seungmin smiled to himself. He just thought how cute Kara was being, ranting about all that stuff. He always thought that she is a nice person who thinks too much. He hoped that she’d lose that ‘I’m so done with everything’ look from her face. He always tried his best to cheer up Kara as much as he can. 
“I know its pretty frustrating but isn’t it good in a sense? We can spend some time together since I’ve got nothing else to do. Do you want to go to the cafe?” asked Seugmin hopefully. “Sure. I haven’t had my breakfast yet.” Kara replied, feeling a bit better that at least she wouldn’t have to spend all this free time alone. 
Walking towards the Cafeteria, she laughs at a dad joke Seungmin made when she realizes that she forgot to message Hyena about the book. She quickly messages Hyena and lets her know that she got the book. After a while, they reach the cafeteria and Kara can see from a distance that Chan sat there with his group of friends. She tries to sit as far as she can from their table only to end up finding the only spot lest was beside where Chan sat. 
“Oh god, its been so long since we spend time together. I’m glad professor didn’t come today!” Seungmin exclaimed. “You’re right! It has been long. I really miss the time where we used to chill around and stuff, yknow?” Kara replied.
“Yeah, those were the fun times but anyways I have this practice match later today. Do you want to come watch me play? I heard the buses will go later than usual today because of the upcoming sports week.” Seungmin asked. 
“Oh sure. My introverted self wouldn’t want to interact with anyone else so I’d rather watch you play than sit somewhere alone and have to make weird eye contacts with strangers.” Kara laughed. “That’s amazing then. I can walk you to your bus later as well since I’m planning to go to a gaming zone with Chan later. I’ll be leaving with him.” Seungmin said. “Oh, but the busses would’ve left by then. How do you plan to go to the gaming zone?” Kara asked curiously. She was hoping that it wasn’t what she thought it was. “Oh Hyena didn’t tell you? Chan recently bought a bike which is so cool at least we won’t have to wait for the bus.” Seungmin exclaimed happily. Whereas Kara wanted the ground to swallow her. She was so embarrassed over the fact that she didn’t give him time to explain his part of the story and she outright bashed him about something he wasn’t even wrong about. “That’s nice. And no, she didn’t tell me about it.” Kara said sadly once she realized that she was in the wrong. She made a mental note to apologize to Chan about what she said but deep down she still thought that maybe he did something wrong because in her head, it all seemed too good to be true. For Chan to go out of his way to give her book just didn’t seem true.
Time skip to the practice match
Kara sat in the bleachers waiting for the match to start. She saw Seungmin waving at her from afar and she waved back happily hoping for him to win when suddenly hears a familiar laugh from her right. She looks over and sees Chan screaming “OI FELIX! YOU GOT IT BRO!” to a blonde haired guy who looked embarrassed. Chan sat down next to Kara excitedly until he looked to his left to see Kara looking at him, annoyed by his screaming. Chan wanted to do it again just to annoy her but remembered that he had a talk with Hyena about how he will try to be nicer to Kara and decided not to do it and gave Kara an apologetic look. Seeing this, Kara feels bad and decides that this might be the right time to apologize to him. 
“Hey Chan, I wanted to apologize for being rude to you in the hallway. I didn’t know you had bought a bike until Seungmin told me about it.” Kara said apologetically. This warmed Chan’s heart and made him think that maybe Kara wasn’t as bad as he thought. “It’s okay! It is partly my fault for teasing you so much. Obviously you’d think that. But I really hope we can start over?” Chan asked hoping for her to give him a chance. “No, its my fault too for never making an effort to fix things between us but yes, I’d love to start over.” Kara replied happily. 
After this, they happily rooted for their friends to win and Chan even bought popcorn and drinks for the match. Kara was overwhelmed by the fact how genuine Chan was. He was a carefree guy who deeply cared for his friends. They later exchanged phone numbers because of how much fun they had.
Time skip to a few months later    
One Sunday night, Kara wakes up in the middle of the night with an ache in her heart. The same familiar ache that she got when she missed her old life and regrets making some decisions. She missed her family, her friends, her home and basically everything she could think of. She felt horrible over the fact how she has misjudged her decision of moving somewhere else would resolve her short term problems. Even though the past few months have been amazing, she still missed her hometown. The past few months, she’s been meeting Chan and Hyena everyday where they’d make short trips to the park or the pet cafe near their university or just hang out and chill in the campus somewhere. Her life did get a bit better than before but she just wasn’t in the right headspace at the moment. Kara decides to take a walk to get rid of the ache in her heart. She walks to the park near her apartment and buys chocolate milk on her way. When she reaches the park, she sits on a swing and thinks about how drastically her life changed just from that one decision. Oh, how she wished her life would go as she planned it to be.  
Chan was walking home after a long game of football with his friends. His apartment was close by so he just walked to the football ground. On his way, he passes the park that him, Hyena and Kara sometimes hang out in. He sees someone on the swing sipping a juice or something. He couldn’t see properly because of the dim lights. He thinks that it might be Kara because of the body structure but he wasn’t sure. So to confirm, he messages Kara where she is to which she replies that she was in the park to get some fresh air. Chan had noticed this before as well that Kara frequently goes to the park to get some “fresh air”. He goes over to the swings and sits beside her. Kara looks shocked to see him. She didn’t think he’d show up like that but she doesn’t say anything.
“What’s on your mind?” Chan asks. “It’s nothing. I just came out to drink chocolate milk.” Kara mutters sadly. Hearing this, Chan is sure that something isn’t right. “You know you can talk to me right? I don’t like seeing my friends sad. You can share it with me if you want to. I wont judge.” Chan says genuinely wanting her to open up so he can help her. Kara looks at his eyes and she realizes that he’s being genuine and she feels warmth in her heart knowing that someone is willing to spend their time in making her feel better. She ends up telling him everything. By the end of it, she’s crying and Chan hugs in hopes of calming her down. He knew that she was in pain and wanted to do something about it. “Come on, I have to show you something.” Chan says. Kara looks up at him confused as to why would he randomly say that but nonetheless, stands up and follows him to his bike. 
They travel for about 15 minutes when Chan suddenly stops and makes her close her eyes. He leads her to a high ground where they can see the whole city from above. They sit down near an edge and Kara is too mesmerized to say anything so Chan starts talking. “I know that it can be hard for you to adjust to a new environment. And that whatever you planned didn’t come true but this is life. Its unpredictable. We all have our ups and downs but you know what the best part about it is? Its that its never going to be the same. Things change. Its sad now for you but it wont be the same always. Sometimes you have to let go of the picture of what you thought life would be and learn to find joy in the story you’re living. So don’t worry, you’ve got me and I’ll always be there for you. You’re not alone. And like I always say “Don’t be sad, Bitches need cash”” 
Kara laughs at what he said but deep down what he said touched her heart. It all seemed so genuine and she started to realize that she had to look at life from a different perspective and maybe life wasn’t too bad. But one thing was for sure that the guy sitting beside her has her heart and she doesn’t regret moving here and meeting this pure soul.
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dantus-rattus · 6 years
Have been thinking about second citadel and specifically the most recent ep so here are some Thoughts about damien and what happened there:
we're all screaming 'oh fuck damien what are you doing' because from the outside we have so much more context, for example we know the entire thing that happened with rilla and what happened and was said in the court etc so we sympathize a lot with arum and rilla and whats been going on with that particularly part of the story. 
but from damiens POV?? 
sidenote: i saw a post about how damiens anxiety would increase his need of structure and a security in what he knows and how he understands the world (which boy do i relate to that tbh) and that would explain and factor in quite a lot as well.
- like this man literally met a lizard monster, his enemy by nature, the world and everything he holds as truth right.
- then he gets confusing feelings which are obvious to us, but inconvenient at best for damien and i imagine some level of terrifying especially considering hes in love with rilla, a human, genuinely so but also safe and not challenging his beliefs and truths. 
- after that he deals with arguably the love of his life (not trying to discount his feelings for arum but i hope you get what i mean when i say he was very devoted to rilla regardless of what happens with arum) disappearing with no clue about her safety etc, then finding out it was by that same lizard that made everything so complicated in the first place.
- then the whole deal with sir marc and talfryn and SPORTS, all the while still not knowing what we meanwhile found out as we follow rilla's story and eventually how that evolves up until the court events.
- and then damiens entire belief in the world, how it works and how it came to be changes, a person he believed in is now a monster instead of a hero and the tapestry is wrong (a thing he mentions multiple times and gets erratic and anxious about). 
like thats a lot to fucking deal with holy shit, also nevermind adding the general casual life threatening danger and stress along the way of just doing all that.
- he then gets there and sees arum, who he still has feelings for im sure because of how he describes feeling when he looks into his eyes, and also rilla, who as far as he knows was kidnapped by arum and who he came to save from arum.
i actually understand that he kinda lost it in that moment and his brain decided enough was enough, and as for his decision to attack arum??
its only my possible interpretation but to me it can be seen as, it started when arum first showed up (from damiens specific POV) so no wonder his brain in all this chaos might think 'thats the cause, thats where it all went wrong and i will make my world right again by killing him and being sure of who i am.'
especially with the added pressure of all the possible changes to what he thought was the truth about the world and how it works, he could be very desperate for any kind of security in his knowledge and life and do extreme things to stick with the safe truth, aka knight vs monster.
like of course i dont want damien to attack and kill arum and i dont think it’ll happen but god, thinking about it it does make sense why it happened like holy shit this man went through a lot with no justification/context like we know as listeners, and to us its a story but thats his entire life thats being changed right there.
sidenote, i dont mean to say the others havent gone through a lot but this is meant specifically about damiens motivations for his actions since that is what this post is about. 
like its not unfounded or unreasonable, thats a very human reaction to a lot of anxiety and stress which is at the very least a side effect of all this.
i mean i know danger is a part of life, especially in this universe filled with monsters etc. but fuck rilla got kidnapped like holy shit? i think because its a fantasy world and theres monsters we (not to assume but i def do this) might forget how we would react if a loved one, int this case damien with the anxiety/devotion to rilla levels, got kidnapped by one of those monsters.
like i dont mean to make light of IRL happenings by comparing but consider the fact that all monsters are assumed to be dangerous killers, lets be real if rn irl a loved one were to be kidnapped by what we know to be a dangerous viscious killer we would all lose our shit.  i know a lot of horrible and dangerous things happen in the second citadel universe (again, i dont mean to say damien somehow has it worse) but that doesnt make any of it (including rillas kidnapping) any less bad.
and then you find out thats the one youve been having confusing feelings for, and also the killer is not what you thought it was to be, and its place in the world and by association yours is now also suddenly unsure.
and then you meet that assumed vicious murderer and also your loved one is right there like fuck dude.
i can only guess of course but i also wouldnt be suprised if that was how damien would perceive the whole thing and yknow what i think his reaction is understandable. i want arum to be okay but having an emotional unreasonable reaction (and tbh considering damiens POV it would be reasonable, because he doesnt know what we know) to such a huge deal is not unexpected or out of character to me.
i also just realized like, damien and arum obvs had a few moments during their duels to the death, but a LOT of characterization of arum for me personally took place during rillas time there and also a bit in the court house, aka damien missed all of that. so i wouldnt be suprised if that despite damiens realization of 'monsters could be different' he doesnt have the level of....familiarity?? with arum as a person that rilla has.  so no wonder he would still default to the 'monsters are horrible killers and should be destroyed' like i dont think he has a solid idea of monsters being possibly good, just the sense that hes had since the beginning because of arums eyes but it makes sense to me that in this moment after all that happened his brain would override it with 'no the world needs to stay as it is, and he is a monster and you are a knight.'
anyway all of this is speculation and personal interpretation so i could be completely wrong but take these thoughts because it was interesting to think about.
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aceyanaheim · 5 years
What are your Kaiba thoughts for the Send Me a Character ask?
I’m guessing you mean Seto Kaiba but..imma do all 3 because i can.
Seto Kaiba
First impression
What a BAMF!
( I was a child and very tiny and kinda fairly very bullied and Seto was...well he broke into his own house and jumped out a window. And he could fight. I was sold. I wanted to be like him.) I also sided with him over Yugi on most things...including friendship and speeches.
Impression now
Maaaaaaaaac freakin dork ass curt ass dramatic af  child with anger issues and trauma someone help him someone help him Now.
I also ( obviously) now side with Yugi over Seto on the whole friendship deal. (But I get Seto’s reaction on an almost instinctive level and still love him a lot.)
( Like..dont get it wrong. I poke fun at him because of how much he reminds of me as a kid but...I adore him and I’ll defend him from near anyone. Okay no I won’t because im a coward who goes into fight-or-flight at the mere thought of char-disc-0urse but like still 
I love the kid.  Him good child. Deserves all the happiness and good fortune. I want to see him grow up healthypng.)
Favorite moment
hmm. I haven’t seen him since the show was new so its foggy but..Imma say any time he either shares screen time with Mokuba or snarks at Joey. ( at Joey specifically because oh lord “Mokuba make sure Wheeler’s late” still sends me into a laughing spell. ( mind you I adore Joey too but  uh..yeah. Snarking Seto is best Seto)
Idea for a story
Right now the one I have is a crossover with xmen where Laura Kinney becomes his and Mokuba’s bodyguard. It has ended up becoming 3 separate verses because i couldn’t decide between comic!book Laura and Logan!Laura and also at what time in both their stories I wanted them because I am the opposite of competent and know no hubris.
It’s eking along kinda slow-like tho. Because writing Seto’s hard for me. I feel like a lot of people have done it better already. So I don’t know that it’ll get done.
Also I don’t know how to keep her from killing Pegasus.
I also had an idea for him and Tea becoming friends in like therapy or something but that never kicked off. Although it’s worth mentioning I’d like to explore the concept of what it would take for them to get along.
Unpopular opinion
He’s a good person I guess? I’ve heard that’s unpopular but haven’t seen it. He deserves a shot at a happy life. He’s a good person? He has never ( to my knowledge) been unkind to Mokuba and even if he was being angry in one moment in your life isn’t some kinda morality indicator especially when it comes to children. Especially traumatized to high heaven children who just keep getting traumatized so no Mokuba didn’t “deserve a better brother” or w/e both Seto and Mokuba deserved better period and can people just enjoy the show which is about forgiveness and friendship anyways good golly. 
I mean..yeah I guess I got a few.
 Another one that I think might be unpopular but I don’t know due to not really publicizing it is that Seto and Yugi....actually aren’t that different at the core? Like if you took Seto away from a lot of the Tragic Backstory stuff he might end up..not exactly like Yugi but not that different either. They’d have a lot in common.
Favorite relationship
Him and Mokuba. Hands down.
Favorite headcanon
Ohshoot do i even have one hm. This ask covers a lot of the headcanons I have for him..but I guess my favorite is him liking children followed by the one that he does math equations and formulas when he’s bored.
I also share a lot of the ones @iced-blood has posted due to most of my exposure to the character coming from his fic after I stopped watching the show so a lot of his headcanons are up there too.
Mokuba Kaiba
First impression
He’s adorable. Protect him.
Impression now
He’s adorable and tiny. Protect him.
Favorite moment
Either him in the beginning of the Noah arc since we get to see him know how to operate the computers in KC or when he’s telling Alistair off in Awaken The Dragons
Basically any time he’s not getting captured again for the plot tho.
Idea for a story
I have a couple drabbles based on @kintatsujo‘s age swap AU...and her In The Back Of My Brain AU, alot of her AUS give me ideas actually ( which of course id ask for permission before pursuing)  but nothing concrete.
Oh and the xmen crossover mentioned above.  Mokuba’s a fair share of that since in one of them Laura’s his bodyguard rather than Seto’s. ( in another Gozaburo gets Laura as protection for Seto while still being abusive and they both shake him off. Like I said it’s..it’s splintered into a lot)
Unpopular opinion
I..don’t think I have any? I don’t really know what opinions are popular tbqh. I guess if anything i saw here is then that.
Favorite relationship
Him and Seto. 
Favorite headcanon
His hair’s a liability I speak from experience.
I guess I’m a fan of the shared headcanon that Mokuba wears heelys. I like the idea that he’s not a genius like his brother and maybe he doesn’t get HIgh HIGH grades and maybe that’s okay ( as someone who has a complex relationship with academics I guess thats something I wish i saw more often yknow) because he’s smart in different ways.
I like the idea of Mokuba being athletically inclined like skate boarding or parkour or being involved in some sport at school I mean he roped climbed out a window in his intro episode so its not that outlandish.
I actually don’t have that many headcanons for this kid. I should fix that.
Noah Kaiba
First impression
Yikes. What  a freakin loon. ( first episode) Oh no..he’s lonely and abandoned. Oh no oh no oh no. ( later episodes in the arc) Okay but he’s still a mean dude ( when he turns ppl to stone) Oh no...he died...and he turned around at the last minute WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DONT GET TO SEE HIM AGAIN. ( at the end)
( yeah Noah took kid!Me through the freakin wringer)
Impression now
He was a child. And his father left him to rot. 
He deserved so much better. 
I love him. I cry and screech about him needing things monthly and sometimes weekly. 
Favorite moment
When he turned around to fight Gozaburo. Also the scenes where you see Mokuba getting to him.
Idea for a story
I guess-no I know a lot of people have done it better but I like the idea of a canondivergence where he’s spared and/or rescued by Seto.
I also like the idea of crossovers with shows like Digimon or Code Lyoko where you have digital worlds.
I just don’t want to be alone and i want him to have nice things okay. That’s..that’s all i want..from life.
Unpopular opinion
Probs that he was an actual smol child and got a raw deal and Deserved Better. ( tm) ( you’ll find thats..my beat with a lot of characters ^-^:) 
Favorite relationship
He...doesnt have any? In fics where he gets brought back like Paved With Good Intentions ( specifically Blue Eyes Violet Eyes) I like seeing his relationships with the other Kaibas. But as far as Canon goes...yeah there’s none.
Favorite headcanon
He’s very tactile. He liked running his hands through his dog’s fur and it always got to him that digitized it..wasn’t the same.
Following that he used to be very physically affectionate before Gozaburo started discouraging it.
Following that if he was to be brought out of the digital place/rescued I think he’d be pretty clingy. I mean because of the tactile thing and because..he’d need to reassure himself the world around him is real.  
If he had been allowed to live he’d probably think he didn’t deserve it/that he has to Atone for the stuff he’s done.
His whole world was his father and even when he hated him he loved him. He wanted nothing more than to be held by him again. That’s why the abandonment stung so much, there’s nothing like hating and being hurt by someone you love...and still having a part of you love them. A part of him still wonders what he did to get left behind. That’s a big part of what drove him to the deep end.
Character Asks Meme
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writingevanhansen · 7 years
Day 25 - Christmas Day with the Sincerely Three
hi. it’s almost 4 am. i finished the series. i’ll function in the morning and post the masterlist. goodnight. (also sorry jared’s part is so short i’m just not creative lol)
-since his parents went out of state to visit family, you invited zoe and your boyfriend of a little over a year, connor, to stay with your family for christmas
-your parents trust you, so they know that you wouldn’t do anything irresponsible with connor, especially with zoe around as well
-you all sit down at the dinner table on christmas eve and have a lovely conversation
-zoe discusses art and how finals went, and connor does his best with the “sports talk”
-that night, you three sit in your room and watch a christmas movie, sipping hot chocolate and laughing gently
-connor’s hand never left yours
-it was finally time to sleep, and connor was supposed to go in the living room, but zoe decided her christmas gift to connor would be giving up her spot in your bed for him
-you both crawl under the blankets and get cozy
-he wraps his arms around you and you cuddle up to his chest
-he rests his chin on your head and ugh what a sweet boy
-when you wake up in the morning, zoe brings you both a cinnamon roll (and in the spirit of christmas, tries not to gag when she sees you two all over each other)
-you walk to where everyone is gathered and start to exchange gifts
-you give connor his in a silver bag stuffed with white tissue paper
-he opens it and beams
-you got him a yellow kanken bag, which he told you he’s wanted since the summer you met
-zoe got you a recorder. and it’s awesome
-why? because zoe is cool, that’s why
-and now you guys can have jam sessions where she plays the guitar and you with your recorder heck yeah
-connor’s gift to you is in a small brown box, and you open it eagerly
-what’s inside takes your breath away
-it’s a necklace with a gold bar, and on the gold bar, “i’ll always love you” in connor’s handwriting is engraved
-you squeeze his hand (and restrain from kissing him because you’re in front of your family and such)
-he puts the necklace on you, and you can feel how much love was put into the search for this necklace
-later you give him the biggest hug and kiss ever, and he’s very proud of himself ngl
-you wear the necklace every day :)
-jared’s family is jewish, but he still wants to come over on christmas day to exchange gifts with you
-christmas afternoon, after opening gifts with your family, you open up the door, leap into his arms, and hug him around the neck
-you lead him to your room and show him your tree, and you sit on your bed and turn on a christmas movie
-you grab him some cookies and hot cocoa from the kitchen, and jared is smitten
-with the food, i mean
-yeah you too but
-gingerbread, yknow?
-anyways, you finish snacking and you give jared his gift
-it’s a bunch of pop vinyls, including the bob ross one he mentioned that he wanted!
-he’s so happy and he gives you a kiss on the cheek as he fawns over them and how thoughtful it was
-he hands you a small, velvet case with a silver bow on it
-you open it up, and it’s the most beautiful bracelet you’ve ever seen
-it’s small and silver with small rhinestones scattered around
-it has one small, circular charm on it, engraved with the day you two started dating
-you’d be lying if you said you didn’t tear up a bit when you opened it
-he helped you put it on for the first time, and his hand didn’t leave yours after it
-christmas make out sesh
-your parents had got each other the gift of a no-kids-vacation over christmas break, so evan invited you to stay at his house for the holidays
-heidi was very welcoming and wanted to make everything perfect for you, and would apologize a lot, but you insisted everything was fine
-it was really so sweet
-for christmas eve dinner, you three had the unconventional “breakfast for dinner”, which you really enjoyed. pancakes and scrambled eggs made a surprisingly good pre-christmas feast
-you all watch home alone 2 together in the living room (it’s evan and heidi’s tradition) and heidi goes to her room to sleep while you and evan get ready for bed
-afterwards, you prepare to settle in to sleep on the couch like you had been, but evan quietly approaches you
-”(y/n)...do...do you wanna...sleep in my room? with me? oh-wait-oh god no i didn’t mean you had to sleep with me! i just meant that you could sleep in my bed with me not like...not like that…”
-poor boy had been scared to ask you all this time
-you smiled and nod
-evan’s bed is small, it was meant for just one person, but as soon as you get under the covers you know you’re gonna get the best night’s sleep you’ve ever had
-you laid down facing each other, and when you made eye contact, you giggled
-you rolled over and scooted up against evan
-eventually he got the message and put his arm around you (hand shaking a lil), pulling you closer
-it’s 3 am and i’m making myself cry i love evan
-in the morning his head is buried in the crook of your neck
-you roll over and give him morning nose kiss
-you walk out of his room holding hands
-heidi is a cool mom™ so she pretends like she doesn’t see you guys while she bakes those cinnamon rolls from a can mmmmm
-you sit down to exchange gifts and you are so shocked when heidi gives you a few gifts!! you were staying for the holidays but you didn’t know she would buy you things and it was the kindest gesture ever
-your parents bought heidi an outback steakhouse giftcard so she could take evan on a mom-daughter date night, and as a thank you for hosting you (she was so happy aw her and her lil evan on a date)
-you give evan his gift and he got super excited
-you gave him a beanie (because let’s be honest evan should try beanies)
-and more importantly, you gave him a new pair of white converse
-as we all know the boy never had name brand shoes so these were really meaningful to him
-after all the gifts were opened evan and heidi kinda looked at each other for a second, and then heidi excused herself to go…”take care of something”
-a few seconds passed and then evan turned to you. his body was trembling slightly and he took a shaky breath. he held out his hand and you gently placed yours in his
-”(y/n)...you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. you take care of me and understand me more than anyone else. i love you so much and you’re perfect and....and i know we’re still young...but...i can’t see my life without you in it.”
-that’s when evan brought out a small, navy blue box
-you opened it and tears fell from your eyes. it was a small silver ring with a tiny blue opal in the center, surrounded with curls formed by the metal
-”it’s a promise ring, because...i promise i’m going to replace it with a real ring one day. y’know, if you want to.”
-”evan, i would love nothing more.”
-you let evan put the ring on your finger and you hugged him tighter than you ever have before, peppering kisses all over his face, which raised a giggle out of him
-heidi walked back in and cheered in her little quiet supportive mom cheer
-she definitely shared some pictures on facebook
-it was certainly a memorable christmas
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