#it took so many wishes to get him!!
pachimation · 2 years
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a little congratulatory drawing for finally (finally) nabbing this stupid little bard guy and his stupidly good crowd control
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einaudis · 2 months
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rickybaby · 6 days
Genuine question as I am curious — I know it’s pretty obvious with his expressions/ body language that Daniel seemed shy/insecure(?) about having his braces, but has he ever outright said anything about feeling that way with them? Just out of curiosity as I am new around here!
“I feel very different in terms of looks. Fortunately, experience also bought me better looks. I’m not really too fond of showing people photos of me when I was younger”
#well he doesn’t exactly say he was self-conscious of his braces but he was definitely very self-conscious about how he looked#it’s always very interesting to me the way Daniel talks about his younger self#it’s so different from how other f1 drivers talk about their early days#he’s so self-critical of younger him that I wish he was a bit more forgiving of younger him#the way he’s admitted he was never a standout talent during his karting days#that he was so hesitant to get involved in battles that his dad got mad at him#the way on the gypsy tales podcast he talks about Motocross riders being fearless and how he doesn’t have that until jase interrupts him -#to say how how mad he is because just a few days ago he was throwing a car around on a street circuit at some 300kph#the way in this video with will he describes himself walking into the paddock like a ‘headless chick’#the way he has said so many times he was scared to move away from home. how uncertain he was he would ever succeed#and then that one video towards the end of 2022 when he says ‘I was just Daniel then’ in reference to his younger self#like he has such a distinct way of looking at his younger self. like he views that part of him almost as a separate entity from the him now#and I guess that’s because it took a lot of work and years to build that confidence of becoming Daniel ricciardo#a confidence he got as he managed to survive the shark tank of the red bull junior academy#a confidence he got from beating his 4x wdc teammate. from winning the most insane races#and that confidence then getting completely decimated in the space of a few months in 2022#and even now the more he says he is confident you can still see that tiny hesitancy#how every time he gets a good result you see how he yearns to lean back into his confident Daniel schtick#and he may just completely embrace it soon anyway <3#daniel ricciardo#anon ask
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acediee · 1 year
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Revenge's consequence
Based off Granblue Fantasy Jamil SSR fate episode! I still love that fate episode very much 🥲
This took an extremely long time compared to my other pieces 🙈 I initially painted this maybe half a year ago in hopes of making it extra fancy? But it was so hefty I lost momentum... Progress shots below!
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literallyfault · 2 months
i have so many things to say but at the same time i am speechless. i've been sobbing and crying for the whole day straight. i have never thought a day would happen when i would feel this way because of a person i have never even known in real live the only regret i will have is that i didn't have a chance to meet him in person and just say "thank you. for inspiration. for dreams. for everything". i wish i did discover them much earlier but alas.
Reita, my dearest, may you rest in peace 💔 you will rock forever 🔥
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tamagotchikgs · 16 days
honestly i wish i could meet up w online friends but i am so filled w terror that my anxiety would make me so offputting and hateable instantly n then i wouldnt have any friends left HBJJBA,,,,, like,,, i cannot express just how bad my anxiety is between my avpd and never learning how 2 mask my autism i am probably the most naturally unlikeable person in existence n then id have to live w that maybe if i had just figured out how to fix myself first and make myself perfect n palatable then i wouldnt hav fucked it up like every other interaction irl
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#i have literally never made a friend irl#and i am being genuine#i am a certified loser#the only friends i ever had were from a young age just . playdated and then we stayed in contact but never really were actual friends#everyone else is just like. why doesnt IT talk.......... or ur so funny..(freak)#like i dont do anything BAD but i . dont know how to hold a lot of conversations#or i say things too bluntly (not mean but just unexpected i guess?)#and it makes people laugh but. at me#not . like in a fun way#i always stuck to the fact i could b funny at least but then i never actually made friends because none of them actually liked me they just#liked how weird n awkward i was & how fun it was to make fun of me w their actual friends#they included me in some things but it was always just 2 watch my reaction#i spent so many years in relationships like that#i always ended up in one no matter where i went#i always just told myself if i just wait eventually someone will come along who i can actually get along w#but then whenever there was someone theyd just. leave eventually#because the only place i had 2 meet people was church like. programs?#youth group n etc#and more recently i think everyone just kinda accepts im the quiet one#so they dont talk to me#n i dont know how to start conversations so i dont talk 2 them#honestly thats why i appreciated that one guy from the youth connections program#he still always talked 2 me and included me but not in a forceful way#he took no as an answer#n he was cool#he was such an open n funky guy i wish i couldve talked to him more#because even tho he did make an effort i was still so awkward n scared i didnt talk much#he was super into helping animals n stuff n everyone made fun of him for that n i felt bad because i think thats the coolest shit#but i never got a chance 2 say it because how shutdown w anxiety i get
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dnangelic · 6 months
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anytime i think about panelset i cry btw
#*・゚⊰ 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒. ⊱ ✦ › OUT.#UUUU TOWA UUUU ARGENTINE#THEY'RE SO RESPECTFUL THEY'RE SO GRATEFUL TO HIM.#TO DARK. TO THE FIGUREHEAD. TO THEIR LUCIFER. THE EXALTED. NOBLE HALF OF THE KOKUYOKU#GUY WHO'S BEEN ALONE AND IN EXCRUCIATING PAIN FOR 2000 YEARS STILL DESPERATELY TRYING TO DO SOMETHING RIGHT FOR THE OTHER ARTWORKS#NO MATTER WHAT IT TOOK!!! TRYING TO MAKE UP FOR HIS OWN CREATION AND EXISTENCE!!#clinging to love and meaning no matter his own inherent lack of feeling!!!! doing what he wants n what feels RIGHT#even as krad tells him over and over he could just ignore it all and get away without blame or responsibility!!!#'just let [everyone] die' how could he possibly do that???? how could he possibly?? when manisumea helped him then was destroyed for it??#the instant he fell into betrayal against the hikari- fury and sorrow and his own tearful sense of betrayal too!!!#it's just the way i knoOOOW dark wished he could refuse it. esp since they've broken at this point#or the way he's just absolutely not used to it. the slightest kindness. anyone's /gratefulness/#rather than ignorant admiration or criminal cursing like the rest of azumano's populace#all these arts never even once being told they were important by anybody. except the niwa family#dark who always has so many troubles -saying- it and practically never does. but works the hardest#flings himself immediately and consistently into the most danger for anyone and anything he wants to protect#KINDNESS SOWN AMONG THE MEEK IS HARVESTED IN CRISIS!!!#power of love and friendship wins and explodes the enemy. GOD BLESS#the completed kokuyoku too always makes me think of the phrase 'love laying sorrow/hatred to rest'#it's heartbreaking for daisuke but for dark it's his penultimate moment. it really is#there's SO MUCH GOING ONNNNN UAAAAAA -goes to bed-#if i think about how in the published volumes dark actually starts cracking and breaking I'LL CRY.......... NOT MY HOT TOPIC EMO#HES MY BEST FRIEND </3#reference.
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calenhads · 1 year
episode review i am never going to recover from this
#meaghan talks#tlou hbo#tlou hbo spoilers#full review i still don't really care about kathleen like i get what they were trying to do and i think she's very sabinacore#but ultimately i didn't care all that much about her story or her brother because i just did not have enough time with her#on one hand i love her bc like. look at her. but also i don't actually care all that much#i joke about the silver fox but idc about him either#i don't even know his name#i liked seeing the ish stuff underground but i do kind of wish we had gotten expanded lore on that bc i thought his whole deal was cool#ONTO THE GOOD PARTS#ellie and sam. full stop i loved their interactions and bonding over the comics they had read#and playing soccer. and sam laughing and henry saying he hadn't heard that in a while. literally heartbreaking#the acting was incredible and there were so many moments where i had to face that in a lot of ways henry isn't all that old#in so many ways he's also just a kid forced to pick up a burden that was far too heavy for him and either sink or swim#and i think joel sees that in a lot of their interactions but he doesn't really know what to do with it#and god. ellie trying to cure sam. trying to stay awake with him through the night. but inevitably falling asleep.#that ellie and joel took precious time and energy and properly buried them.#and ellie wrote i'm sorry on sam's notepad. that's when the tears actually started and i just had to sit there like!!! cool!! awesome!!#AND WE GET TOMMY NEXT EPISODE!!!!!
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
au where majima fly kicks the doc for having the gall of getting romantically involved with a patient. thats a break of the medical code of ethics bro.
NO DUDE TRULY TRULY I SAID THAT /IMMEDIATELY/ WHEN I GOT TO THAT POINT IN 0!! I quite literally like. Live messaged my friend my whole playthrough and I just said "UM? That's unethical as all shit what the fuck?" Like Makoto is recovering from a gunshot wound, regaining her vision and she's just lost her brother- and here's this little doctor who is almost certainly at least a good few years if not maybe a decade older saying he's in love with his patient? Nah. Wack. Someone smack him or I will.
Also a tiny detail that makes me even sadder is that Makoto tells Majima when she's massaging him 18 years later that not even her husband knows that story, I.e the story of what happened to her- and I know the writers at rgg probably weren't thinking too deeply about it but to me that detail is heartbreaking because that means Makoto has carried this big, tragic history around on her shoulders in silence all this time- not even her husband knows... That's just why I can't agree with everyone who says Makoto got a happy ending. She lost everyone, every single person dear to her and not only that, but she can't even share the full truth of it with anyone.
And then on Majima's front, I can't even be truly mad at him for this because it just shows how low his self worth is- Any random civilian is more worthy and safe for Makoto than he is, so he'll stiffen his upper lip, tell the guy to hurry up and admit his feelings and quietly walk away into the street, his heart in shreds because, again, Makoto deserves better than him. And surely a doctor is better than him? It's a respectful profession- A profession of good men, men not like him. so sure this random doctor who is claiming to be in love with his traumatised patient must be better for Makoto than he ever could be... Oh Majima, I don't know if should kick you or kiss you.
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cerealbishh · 2 years
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"I saw today how much it bothers Jake to see us talking. It's- it's over the line. Yeah, you and- and me, while you're seeing Jake... It's over the line."
"Oh... you don't wanna see me at all?"
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wannabe-all · 1 year
City people long for the countryside and green in such a cute way, they lay on the grass in parks with their little blankets, the sunbathe there, the sit under the shadow of a big tree, go in walks in the park, the park is always full, all of them are no matter the area, people are touching nature constantly, the plants are on the window or on a small terrace where their pots barely fit, there are countless flower shops and decorations with plants both real and plastic.
As obvious and stupid this may sound for people living in the city it actually surprised me when I went to the capital, in all green areas with grass there was someone laying there like a lizard catching the good hours of sun in the morning. I live in a small town, few people and surrounded by nature, it's not exactly green and grassy and field like but I can sure take of my shoes when I go on walks and go barefoot without any concern, I can sit on any rock I want and under any tree, I know their names and species and some of their history. I know the places that hold water and where they are, I know where rabbits, snakes and foxes live. I see them everyday. People in the city don't, they don't know how that feels on a daily basis, they seek nature because they lack it, I seek the noise and activity of the city because I lack it too, but when it becomes too much I can go back home where the air is clean and my dog is fat and my other dog jumps off the most ridiculously high and dangerous places and lands perfectly, where everything is dusty and the almond trees are growing their gorgeous slick leaves and fuzzy fruits. Where do they go when life is too much? Does the grass make them feel connected to their own nature?
Does it hurt when they go back home after the park closes?
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
Boys were invented for me to chase around the nightmare woods with a big knife and blunderbuss
#Yakzua loveblog#oh kiryu ... really want to see how fast a guy can run in the darkness and how many scrapes he will accumulate just from being scared#lets roleplay bloodborne youll go crazy and lose your humanity and i spray your flesh everywhere with a hacksaw till you die#i was gonna be like guess who this post is about then i took a sip of diet coke and realised how good it was. like i wish i had a lemon at#my mercy so i can cut a slice and drop it into my coke ... this would taste so good with a lemon#literally want someone to run and i chase them like a serial killer it would be so good for the both of us if i let him get a little furthe#and then when he thinks hes safe he crouches behind a rock and then i blow a hole into the stone beside his head and he feels the shot#explode over his face and he reels back blind and in pain and crawls away and i grab another fistful of gravel to reload#i chase him till he doesnt want to run anymore he collapses on his stomach wheezing and then i come out into the clearing and aim my gun at#him and he grabs it by the barrel and wrenches it out of my hand and it overbalances me and i fall hard on my side and he gets on top of me#but i whip my knife out and stick it in his flank and he yowls and we roll again and when im on top i twist it as i pull it out and then#slam it down on his face and he redirects my strike with the back of his fist and my knife lands in the dirt beside his head and he#attempts to throw me off while im pinning his shoulder to the ground and i use the motion to pull my blade out the soft dirt and#drive it into his ear but he kicks me away and the knife misses and swipes under his chin instead barely an inch from his throat and hes#taking the opportunity to roll to his feet while im on the ground disoriented and he gets on top of me again and i take another swipe at#his chest but he grabs my hand and twists it and im forced to drop the knife and we're both panting like hell and hes holding my wrists#above my head and we're really close breathing on each others faces then we start making out sloppy style and on the train ride back i tell#him that a small blunderbuss is called a dragon and he says hm ... pretty cool
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here's the answer to your jersey rabbit hole in case you haven't already come across it! credit to the random kraken discord person for digging this up & also that #2 wasn't assigned to anyone that year (sorry about the lack of narrative ://)
twitter. com/ HockeyHallFame/status/ 1611497346944143361
bless you 😭😭 and the kraken discord for figuring this out. as per the official HHOF, matty was wearing a previously unworn 1996 team canada world juniors jersey
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#bless you thank you i’m 🥰🥰🥰 you found out!!! and told me!!!!! 😭😭😭 also pshhhh there is boundless narrative you don’t have to be sorry#no narrative you say? matty the specialest boy who took a trip to the HHOF and ASKED PERMISSION to get a ‘vintage’ unworn jersey for a bet#and they said YES? i am unhinged enough i can spin a narrative about it & also: love that he now gets to be in the hhof for a weird sex bet.#liv in the replies#matty beniers#seattle kraken#like matty how did you know that this was an option? who did you ask and they were like ‘just go to the HHOF archives and ask’ ????#instead of just wearing one of your teammate’s old jerseys? did none of them have them anymore? did too many of them have them? was it just#ebby & matty in the bet? how far in advance did matty have to get permission & did he specifically ask for an unworn one if yes why & why 96#canada did win gold in 1996 & it was right before (excluding forgettable gold in 97) a very long drought which. i don’t think matty is that#clever or petty but i consistently remind myself he was pre-med &has brain cells so he could be betting on canada downfall. gold & then bust#i’m gonna stop myself right in the tracks here because i got this & was like oh i can be normal now i know (proceeds to not be normal)#@the post i just saw that was like ‘oh maybe it’s jamie oleksiak’s 2012 wjc jersey! he wore no.2’ wrong sorry but THANKS FOR A NEW NARRATIVE#matty can’t ask jamie for his jersey he’s too shy but he does have a giant crush and therefore: you wear a no. 2 jersey no one ELSE has worn#so that it can’t be a message to them but you CAN wear it to practice & show jamie oleksiak that you’re wearing his number in honor of him#& could he raw you pretty please. matty this is a fantastic con I’ve invented for you also big rig? fantastic taste wishing you all the luck
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thought about billford for too long and now eldritch horrors give me gender envy. what the fuck
#not gonna type out the lengthy train of thought that led me here#but I was thinking about how many wildly different origins one could think of for bill since theres so little info about it in canon#and a backstory I thought up which is no more plausible than almost anything else is...#...bill not innately having a million powers like seeing through eyes and visiting dreams and stuff. him starting out as Just Some Guy#bill being born with nothing notable about him except his power-hungry ambitions#which is fun because of the sort-of-ford-parallels#the thirst for greatness that is shared between them.#and the only big difference is ford not being willing to intentionally harm people to accomplish his dreams#but bill. bill is willing to burn his whole home dimension to the ground if it means he gets one step closer to#being the most powerful being in the multiverse#and once he gains enough power that he knows without a doubt that he is capable of taking over everything. he begins his quest to do that#its like. a backstory where bill starts out as a 2D triangle#without so much as the ability to comprehend the 3rd dimension. no powers no nothing#but over time he seeks out really powerful things such as time wishes and eldritch beings willing to share secrets etc#and makes himself more and more powerful and eldritch . to the point where he is unrecognizable to himself.#he holds the form of a triangle because its familiar to him. but his true form is formless and indescribable. a huge amalgamation#an amalgamation of so many different parts he added to himself over time that hes long since lost track of how many alterations hes made#he went from a 2d being to one that can see into infinite dimensions and timelines and minds#and at some point he grew powerful enough that some meddling being took notice of him. maybe the axolotl.#and this being decided bill was too dangerous to be able to freely access the whole multiverse. not with the kind of ambitions he has#so this being cursed bill to only be able to exist in his physical form in the nightmare realm. he has access to infinite dreamscapes#infinite eyes he can see out of. infinite knowledge in some senses of the word. and he can never USE all this power for what he GOT it for#it drives him up the goddamn Wall. and with so much time on his hands he plots how to escape.#he narrows down the dimension with the highest chance of successfully freeing him.#and he does the math for making a portal that can let him through without the curse applying to it#tags essay#this still doesn't explain how I got from there to Gender Envy but I'm not typing it all out. have this bill backstory I made up instead.
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vancilart · 2 years
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39. jaw kissies & 29. giggly kissies
huddled up in some hidden nook
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jackalhadrurusluvr · 1 month
“ok last week sucked total ass but this weeks gonna be ok” (my cat gets out because someone left the door open) (i know for a fact it was not me!!! because i was putting groceries away by the time everyone else got in the house!!!!!!)
update he came home everyone cheer goodnight.
#he has always been a little escape artist#and ik plenty of cats are indoor-outdoor but i don’t approve of that for so many reasons#and he’s old he’s almost 10 and there’s a bunch of other stray cats that live here#and we don’t live far from a major street#and he’s a black cat and it’s nighttime so even though i walked around the neighborhood and called for him#it is virtually impossible for me to spot him#he doesn’t know i will take him outside! i hold him and as long as he doesn’t try to escape we look outside together#i want to get him a harness!! i want to let him experience the outside!!#but it has to be safe and controlled and i have no idea where he is or how long he’s been gone#if anything happens to that cat. like it won’t even just be me who’s strongly affected#he was my grandmothers cat and she moved into a home and so we took him in and she loves that cat more than anything#i wish people would just. do simple things!!!!!!!#close the door!!!!!!!!!! put the lids back on things!!!!! be conciouscious of the world around you!!!!!!!!!!#i was having a decent time too. drawing was going good. what did i do to deserve sooo many bad things happening#man who’s hanging on by a thread when there has been sharp objects pressing against the thread every single day#if anything happens to that cat. like genuinely.#im sorry for ever complaining about cleaning your litter please please come back buddy#why must i be tested like this what does the world want from me
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