#it was cheap old stuff not good old stuff
wombywoo · 1 day
armor and wardrobe <3
thank you <33
armor: What kind of armor does your OC wear? Is it well kept? Bonus: where does it come from? Is there a story behind it?
Ok, so I do have some thoughts about an experimental armor that our boys would wear--a fullbody suit made from a durable, cut-resistant fabric (to keep those fangs away). Quinn's would be designed to mute his heartbeat while wearing it, covering his whole body and head (with some sort of cool mask). Vince's would complement his enhanced abilities, flexible enough to facilitate his speed and strength, and to protect him from sunlight (also a cool mask). Coincidentally, this new armor is being produced by a subsidiary of Quinn's horrible ex's private security company...interesting. I'll probably come up with a prototype at some point...
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
Quinn doesn't have a very extensive wardrobe--mostly basic items that he tries to get a lot of use out of. He's got a few decent pairs of jeans, some older than others. If some of his shirts get too worn (or bloodied), he usually just replaces them with a cheap variety pack. Every once in a while, he'll buy something more expensive, but a lot of his clothes are more practical. I don't think he'd make an effort to mend his clothing either--just scrap 'em and replace as needed.
Vincent is the opposite--he has a large variety of clothing, as he likes to keep his vintage items from previous decades. He's grown fond of certain styles, even if they're outdated, and swears that they'll come back into fashion eventually. Lots of outerwear--leather, wool overcoats, old flight jackets. He's also partial to sweaters. While he can afford and does frequently buy new clothing, he tries to get as much use out of his items as possible. That being said, he likes to keep up to date, so he'll often splurge on some fancy items each year. As for mending, he's pretty good at keeping his stuff in decent condition, and is more than capable of sewing up a loose button or fixing a tear.
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bismuth-209 · 1 day
thoughts on the series 14 finale?
oh man. i loved this season. i really did. and for it to just end like this..
i think there's a good chance the Doctor is lying about some things because not everything adds up
like. Death times Death equals life was corny and i didn't love it but i'm willing to accept that's how it genuinely resolved. i have some doubts about the effectiveness of death by time vortex when that didn't kill him before.
but whatever. keep the option open for Sutekh 3 if you want and otherwise maintain that killed him
okay. so. Sutekh pretty much instakilled the whole earth. i'm guessing by the scene on that other planet that it doesn't have to affect a whole planet at once but considering everyone we saw in London died pretty instantly and the tardis has landed in the UK around the 2020s a LOT i . i think Louise Miller dead as a doornail OR he's kept her alive / she managed to not die because people were,, curious about her? and in that case. i feel he would've been able to tell who she was .
they imply Ruby's bio mum is alive right? SO WHY DOESN'T HE KNOW WHO SHE IS . why does he keep the doctor and ruby alive to figure it out
other things that make NO fucking sense if Louise Miller, regular human woman, is Ruby's mum:
her walking straight and upright and all of that when dropping Ruby off as a FIFTEEN year old who probably had zero medical assistance GIVING BIRTH about 10 hours prior
her having a cape instead of like. a regular hoodie or whatever. maybe she was going through a goth phase
the doctor was THERE when she was pointing. they do like a line about "well why was she pointing at you" "she wasn't pointing at me, she was pointing at the sign" okay but like. it's not like he was invisible though
YOU KNOW WHAT WASN'T THERE IN ANY OF THE PREVIOUS SHOTS OF THE SCENE? the fucking sign!! it MATERIALISED when the doctor said it was there
there is, of course, no way for anyone, save for maybe the Doctor, who was there, to know that she "pointed at the sign" to name her baby Ruby. and the Doctor clearly didn't catch on
the snow!! the snow materializing
the song in Ruby's heart thing that the Maestro is confused by
the memory changing
the doctor crying in the opening scene to church on ruby road when he knows who the mum is, but later not crying when he doesn't know who she is
the ambulance being unable to find any relatives for Ruby even though her parents did give DNA samples in 2046 (although maybe the ambulance was looking for currently alive relatives in which case, fair)
other things that make no sense that aren't directly related to Ruby's mum situation
"the one who waits is almost here" says the maestro. yea he's on a street a couple blocks away. kinda just sitting there though
metal becoming rare and precious in a post-death world. like, i would understand if wood and wool and such were deteriorating on account of having been alive or something . but metal? why would it be difficult to find metal?? the scene slapped though
why was the time window only responsive to Ruby, as well as colonel Chidozie only responding to her
the tardis being there at the church a second time but invisible?
Sutekh letting himself be dragged along with the rope
the stuff with Mrs Flood didn't make sense either but that's forgiven on account of they didn't pretend that made sense
i really hope there's more to some of what was "resolved" this episode because this ending felt cheap and kinda like .
so i like the message of "it's actually the unimportant that are important" but it felt kinda insulting to pull that after the whole season has been saying Ruby's bio mum and Ruby were important and unique, not just like. in the minds of the Doctor and Ruby but also tangibly in the world around them, like with the snow.
the reunion scene with Ruby and Louise was adorable though. it almost made me okay with the whole thing
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chalkrub · 7 months
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art trade from toyhouse - love this funny evil guy
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dollsahoy · 7 months
sometimes wonder if people consider that, decades ago, the "cheapest" and "lowest quality" stuff generally cost more (adjusted) and was higher quality than the cheapest, lowest quality stuff available now
(I said generally)
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altschmerzes · 1 year
here’s another thought i have on the finale which isn’t very high stakes but has been driving me Fucking Nuts:
re: the fight between jamie and roy about keeley. i thought it was stupid and lazy writing that did a disservice to everything else that dynamic was and encompassed. there was so much more there and THAT was how we closed it out eh? like kudos to her for going ‘uh, no’ and kicking them out, that was a good call, but the whole thing sucked so bad generally and wasted time we could’ve spent doing literally anything other than the most cliche, juvenile, classic ‘women are a prize for men to fight over’ thing. however what’s annoying me even more is the way people who DID like it are responding to people who didn’t.
i keep seeing people be like “ACTUALLY them fighting over her was fine and normal youre all just babies who can’t handle that sometimes people REGRESS and sometimes people are MEAN and UNFAIR and UNKIND” and it’s like nah man it’s because they avoided doing this shit entirely for three fucking years and then were like do you want the cliche love triangle bullshit you dodged the whole time heaped on you at the last second when it makes the least sense? sure, here you go!
is it regression if it’s something they never did in the first place? i think not! and characters can be mean and unfair and cruel and whatever and it’s not the end of the world, i actually think it’s very interesting, and THAT’S not the part i find out of character, it’s that they literally never did this before and now after EVERYTHING else, after how clear it was how gravely fucking serious jamie was about the video leak, this is the kind of shit they’re throwing at each other about this? after repeatedly subverting expectations of classic love triangle nonsense? it’s tired and it’s lazy and it’s the cheapest option and nobody is gonna be able to change my mind by telling me i just don’t understand that People Can Be Unfair Sometimes.
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Obligatory fancier outfit that must be present anytime I post outfits 
#self#fantasy costume#If I had the money for a custom tailored fantasy-ish victorian-ish suit instead of piecing together random thrift store items with like walm#rt halloween costume type jackets and stuff..#unstoppable.....#I would actually lean more straight up historical with my wardrobe it's just that everything I own basically is thrifted aside from a very#small portion of things (like usually socks for example I get from ebay. wigs from ebay. things that it's hard to find in thrift stores. etc#) and I rarely ever find stuff like that at the bins. Your closest bet is like. hopeing that the week you come in just so happens to also be#a week that a church costume department recently donated a bunch of old stuff. but I just haven't really had much luck finding like fancy ve#sts and suit coats and cloaks or like tunics and etc. etc.#Styles like mori kei or cult party kei are pretty accessible and easy for places like the bins (where youre usually digging through piles of#curtains and fabric scraps and doilies anyway). but finding like.. a straight up tudor england costume or something is . VERY rare#Sometimes you do find halloween costumes. Or like. stuff that's clearly like cheap 'Goth' stuff from shein or aliexpress that someone has do#nated and they can be a LITTLE okay in terms of usable for costumes. But you rarely find actual good quality stuff. obviously because like#real very good quality historical costumes are expensive and most people aren't just like 'yeah dump it off to goodwill' lol#In an ideal world though I would have fancy top hats and neck ruffles and stuff .. know this ghhjbhj#Lack of that will not stop me from taking picturesin basically the same outfit 6000 times though. My one single silky black vest and#one of the two solitary ruffly neck shirts I have every been able to find.#Pointy-ish little boots that I put with everything even thogugh they look terrible up close because they're literally like over 10 yrs old#I bought them so long ago and the black fake leather lining is like peeling off of the outside#ANYWAY#he's back again... the same little generic like elf vampire ruffle shirt with vest look.. might as well be the same guy#I support him and his dumbass disintegrating shoes anyway
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bmpmp3 · 4 months
thank god for indie devs making like tiny little maximum 10 megabyte freeware games on itchio keeping the art of filesize optimization alive. ASSET REUSE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#im watching a video about wario land music -> 'the bizarre music and sound design of wario land 4' by geno7#good video so far! i like this guys stuff. he talked a bit about how they did some of the sound effects for warios voice#a very like. chopped and remixed sample style of doing his vocal lines. which is very cool 1) because it saves a bit of#precious space on that gba cartridge BUT ALSO 2) it just sounds cool and interesting stylistically#and man sometimes trying to keep a file size down really does give way for some really interesting stuff#on my own personal interests in games i ADORE rpg makers rtp and how people can find creative uses for it#i love that a bunch of games can draw from the same asset pool as one install on ur computer#no bloating your hardrive with a bunch of copies of the same assets - its just already here!#and from a developers perspective i love when they reuse old assets from other games in new weird ways#some small visual novel companies will reuse backgrounds and other assets#altho i dont mind a bit of bloat with VNs since a big draw can be the big pretty images and big pretty sounds#but its still cool when people find ways to get creative with space saving. and from a players perspective its also nice#space is cheap nowadays. but its not Free. we can swallow terabytes whole with micro sds and everything#but a lot of players dont get the chance or ability to upgrade their internal memory that often. so i think being considerate of filesize i#very important. and thats not even getting into the download bandwidth limits - a lot of people all across north america can only get like#internet from 1 provider and that 1 provider often likes to upcharge and limit shit because they can#we might live in a future where a lot of powerful technology exists. but access to that tech is another story#so remember the filesize. remember the filesize.#dies in your arms
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fauna-and-floraa · 7 months
Getting into skz was a bad idea because I've always had a penchant for collecting things, ESPECIALLY different variations of the same thing... and boy, does this album have different variations of the same thing.
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stellaluna33 · 9 months
popping into people's asks this morning!
do you already have a fancy dress for your upcoming birthday party?!
I... have finally ordered the FABRIC (a silver-grey rayon velvet) for the dress for my birthday party. 😂. I dithered for a while because I couldn't make up my mind how many yards to get, haha. It's a fairly simple construction, though, so it shouldn't take too long (she says. 😅). The nice thing about it being a fantasy culture is that I can pretty much make it look however I want. So, I'm borrowing design elements/construction techniques from a variety of different ancient or traditional garments that mostly involve draping large pieces of fabric, haha! So the design is part Greek chiton, part kaftan, part Medieval European surcote... It's actually from a design I drew about 20 years ago for an illustration of Arwen, based on Tolkien's description of her at Elrond's feast in the Fellowship of the Ring. (I am being super insufferable and pedantic and insisting that the aesthetics of this party are based solely on the BOOK descriptions and not the movies. 😆. I love the movies! But their interpretation is only one of many possible interpretations and I have my OWN ideas about what things looked like, haha) The only part I probably won't be able to pull off is the belt of silver leaves. 😔 I made one in college and it was super pretty, but the only medium I had access to was silvertone "embossing metal," which is basically very heavy aluminum foil... So the belt was sadly very fragile and had to be thrown out years ago. I have definite ideas about how I would do it all over again, but sadly neither the time nor the funds to pull it off. 😆 Ah, well!
But I CAN use the cloak I made years ago (the old gown doesn't fit me anymore)! It's a dusky silvery lavender velvet, the color of a purple twilight sky (a similar color to Arwen's cloak in the movies), lined with a silvery faux silk, and has a voluminous hood. It was one of the first things I ever sewed by myself, and I remember cutting it out on the floor of the house I grew up in and asking my neighbor across the street to teach me how to use their sewing machine. 🥺 Aw! I'm feeling emotional about it now! 😂
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guinevereslancelot · 14 days
so proud of myself for putting a big part of my last paycheck in my savings like an adult but now im gonna spend all my savings like an idiot 😵‍💫
#i mean i am paying cash for my first vehicle which is like...adulting pro level but....at what cost (the price) 😭#also its a very cheap rusty old car tbh but i need a truck for the farm basically#so even tho i could keep driving my dad's car to work since he works from home it makes sense#especially bc its three people sharing that car with me and my brother#and my little brother is a full time student w no job so im the full time employed one so i should be the one to get a car#but i was determined to not take out a loan so its not a super nice car#but i'm buying it from a friend of my mom at a steal basically#like who sells a decent working car for 1500 anymore#but thats literally my entire savings so.... 😬#no car payment tho which will be nice but aaaaaaaaa#and im worried its kind of a junky car and will need tons of repaira all the time and not be reliable#but my commute is really short and i never drive anywhere besides work which is good for an unreliable car#im not convinced its a great investment to put all my savings into an unreliable vehicle but my parents told me its a good investment so#😬👍#adulting yayyyyy#i am getting paid this friday tho so my savings wont be so alarmingly empty for long#but i have other big expenses so im stressed#however it is a nice christmassy red pickup truck which is good for a christmas tree farm#but last payday i was like why do i have so little money in my savings thats dumb and not very grown up im gonna put as much as i can spare#then a week later withdrew almost all of it for the car 🤡#possibly a stupid decision#but maybe a great one idk#and it saves my parents having to buy a trailer for my mom's car for farm stuff so they're gifting me $300 towards it#and it will be satisfying to buy it outright and have no debt on it#but oof it hurts so much to make big purchases#i've never spent this much money except on tuition#i dont know that its specially unreliable i just know its got rust and duct tape and they're selling it bc they'd rather have a car payment#bc they put more money into it than its worth#but its got new tires and brakes and passed inspection somehow with the rust sooo? maybe its not as bad as it looks 😂
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teakoodrawz · 2 months
Cap'n : *sigh...*
Sweet : what?
Cap'n : nothing..
Sweet : you don't like the food?
Cap'n : I love the pepper steak and mashed potatoes with wine like it's one of the classic expensive food! but ironically I miss eating rice with only sugar so much right now.
Sweet : ????@%^&!%&&*(#&(?!!?!?
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hmm I may have won some old trek zines on ebay, for very cheap 👀
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obsession is a kirk-focused zine, otherwhere otherwhen a k/s au zine, and plak tow a gen newsletter zine
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shower-phantom-ideas · 8 months
If I never post here again after the 27th just know I died this is middle of the woods back waters air bnb
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ayyponine · 8 months
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free MoMu entry was great actually thanks
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alukaforyou · 1 year
Damn, you good?
no im pissed off just listening to this person backseat drive thru the tattoo process
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Got home last night so exhausted I fell asleep face down fully clothed at like 9pm, woke up this morning to Alfie having been awake and stressing and dissocisting for 3 hours
They had a big meltdown which pushed me into a little one, but we managed to talk through it. They're really stressed about money (we're not quite in the danger zone yet but like...I'll most likely be asking for help in the next few days) and about how messy the flat is so I've made a little checklist breaking each room into Tasks and we've agreed we're both gonna go off and dona room for an hour or so and then swap to see if we can spot anything the other missed, then take a break and repeat for each room so I think having that structure is helping them
We're both taking a lil time to chill out first which is very funny to me bc I can hear drilling noises coming from the office which as we all know are the sounds of Bab Enrichment
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