#it was cute they still send reinforcements though
rhysiedarling · 1 year
Do you guys think about how we were lowkey robbed of a romajuliette back in action scene or is it just me?
Like I understand where Rosalind is coming from and why she prevented them from coming back but I ALSO REALLY WANT TO SEE THEM KICK SOME ASS
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dumb-ghost-child · 1 year
Humans are weird: lifespan
Clara had known the mission was a bad idea. That guess was reinforced when the ship crashed. The other members of her little crew had died on impact, but she’d only been injured. From her guess it was just a few broken or otherwise messed up bones- annoying, yes, but not irreparable. She’d tried communicating with her crew, sending out transmissions and mentally screaming for Indigo, but nothing came to her rescue.
By some miracle, the air was breathable. The climate was on the warmer side, reminding her of the Caribbeans. It was quite nice, and if it weren’t for the three moons, binary star system, and the lavender sky, she would’ve been able to believe this was in a familiar system.
She stumbled out of the ship, swearing to herself when she saw what a wreck it was; there was no way she’d be getting back into the air with that.
Instead, she looked around. It appeared that she’d landed in a field of sorts- on the horizon she saw what appeared to be a civilization, maybe a town, and around her were tall trees that had pear-like fruits on them. A quick scan said they were edible, so she grabbed one. It was perfectly at her shoulder level, which she appreciated. The fruit was tasty, reminding her of earth’s apples or the kalrin-fruits Indigo had introduced to her.
It took a few minutes, but soon Clara had made herself a splint for her broken arm and gathered what she could from the ship’s remains.
She was about to make her way towards the town when she heard a strange chittering noise behind her. The translator didn’t pick it up, which either meant this was an undiscovered language or it was broken- it was really a 50/50 chance. Turning around, she saw a small creature, maybe reaching up to her knees, chittering at her. It seemed to be a bit scared, but still interested. It gestured for her to follow it, which she did, being led to another small town. All around her were the little creatures, rushing about, some coming up to her. They were cute, in a way, with mint-green skin, four arms, fur down their backs, six large eyes- well, she assumed they were eyes- and a bipedal walking pattern. They led her to a building with what appeared to be a collapsed roof, which only reached up to her head. Easily enough she fixed it, and the creatures seemed happy, surrounding her and making those same chittering noises, much more happy-sounding this time.
The Chiri, as Clara called them, were a fascinating civilization. They had a complex language of clicks, chirps, and assorted chittering sounds that took Clara a while to learn properly. Their planet was far faster than earth, one of earth’s weeks was the equivalent of a month for them, and an earth month was the equivalent of a year. Most Chiri only lived for a few of their years, but their lives were filled with celebration. It felt like every week Clara got invited to a new celebration- either a wedding, a coming of age, a new harvest, or even a funeral. Even though Clara took only around six months to fully recover, by that point she had become known as a Chiri guardian. She’d been on the planet for a number of their years, becoming a guardian figure. Where her ship had crashed was turned into a shrine of sorts, new towns being built around it. In exchange, Clara protected them, guided them, and shared her knowledge with them. She’d even learned their language to the point where it was as fluent as any other, even without her translator, which she was fairly certain had broken.
The Chiri had given Clara a new name that they called her, Xi-Rai’du. Most of the children knew her as Xixi.
Clara trusted her friends, they’d taken her in and healed her. They felt like family just as much as her crew on the ship did. Despite their short lives, the Chiri were a people who valued learning. They passed down stories from generation to generation, and Clara would help to remember them as well. She taught them to write, transcribing their stories.
One of the young rushed towards Clara, a little girl who had only recently become old enough to talk. “Xixi! Xixi! There you are!” The little one, her name Si’ra, reached out her four arms for Clara to lift her up, making a high-pitched noise that was roughly the same as a laugh. “The celebration was about to start without you, come! Dari and Lixai want you there!”
Clara nodded, smiling. Dari and Lixai were getting married, and Clara didn’t want to miss out. Still carrying Si’ra, Clara made her way towards the town.
All around the town were banners decorated in vibrant colors, flowers in every windowsill and a clear trail of petals leading to where the wedding would take place. Clara had always loved the Chiri’s celebrations, they were all filled with laugher, music, dancing and festivities that could go for days. As soon as Clara showed up, she was surrounded by lively music, cheers from the Chiri who’d arrived for the celebration, and the greeting of Dari and Lixai, both wearing gorgeous formal attire. Clara bowed to them, smiling as she let Si’ra down, watching her rush towards the other children to join in there game.
“Lady Xi-Rai’du, welcome.” Lixai spoke first, joy clear in all six of her eyes.
Clara shook her head, “Today isn’t a day for celebrating me, it’s for you two.” She gestured to the crowd, “They’re all here for you- so go, celebrate! You’ve earned it.”
Lixai and Dari smiled, taking Clara’s hand and leading her into the crowd.
The wedding was a joyous one, and Clara couldn’t help but feel incredibly proud of Lixai and Dari. Weddings were a major event for both humans and chiri, although the chiri certainly had a more lively celebration all the way through.
The next day, Clara went to the cave where the Chiri kept murals of all their major events. She smiled as she looked, seeing paintings of herself defending the town from wild beasts, celebrating amongst them, and even when she’d first arrived, now over a year ago.
Deep down though, she knew couldn’t stay. Her crew still needed her, and she knew the Chiri had to grow into a full civilization on their own. She was torn out of her mind though when she heard what sounded like screams outside. Sa’ri rushed in, panicked. “Xixi! Help! There are- there’s something outside!”
Clara, admittedly, panicked. She picked Sa’ri up again, letting the girl lead her out. As soon as she left she saw the cause of the panic. In the sky above was a ship. Her ship.
As soon as it landed, Clara put herself between the ship and the Chiri. She faced the panicked crowd, trying to keep order. “All of you! Please, calm down. These newcomers mean no harm.”
The Chiri trusted her, more or less calming down. Clara sighed in relief, facing the ship as the bridge lowered. What she saw surprised her- another human.
It took a moment for Clara to realize they were speaking English- she’d become so used to hearing the chiri’s language of chirps and squeaks- but when she registered what they were saying she almost laughed. It was a declaration of peace, saying they were only doing a recovery mission. Apparently they’d finally gotten the distress signal Clara had sent when she first was crashing, tracing it back to her.
Clara approached the ship, Sa’ri in her arms, and faced the stranger.
“If you’re looking for the recon group that was sent out here a little over a year ago..” she sighed, “I’m all that’s left. I’ve been living on this planet for the past year, and the civilization you see have helped me. They nursed me back to health, gave me a place to stay, and trusted me.” Behind her were the people who she’d protected for what were generations to them. “My name is Clara.. but it is also Xi-Rai’du, and these are the chiri.”
The human seemed shocked, but they didn’t do anything agressive.
“The crew thought you’d died..” they muttered, “they hired me as a replacement. How are you even alive?!”
She couldn’t help but laugh, “I told you. The chiri took me in, and the planet’s atmosphere is breathable.” she put Sa’ri down, and she hugged my leg before running back to her family, as though sensing that this would be the last time she saw her. “I assume you’re here to bring me back now that you know I’m alive?”
They nodded, gesturing for Clara to follow them.
“Just give me a second,” Clara turned to face the Chiri, bowing to them and switching back to their language. “Thank you, all of you. Now I must leave.. but I will return. Reach for the stars, and perhaps we will meet in the cosmos one day.”
The chiri seemed to understand, solemnly accepting that their guardian was leaving.
“Xixi!” Sa’ri called up from the crowd, “I’ll find you again, I promise!”
She turned, nodding to the fellow human. “Bring me back onto the ship.”
Maybe, just maybe, part of the reason she’d turned was because she wanted to hide the tears forming in the corners of her eyes. But when she returned onto the ship, Clara was reminded of where she belonged, amongst her family in the stars. The chiri had been kind, but she had to go. Besides, when Indigo saw her again, xir expression just about made all of the time away worth it.
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switchypanic · 7 months
If it doesn't distract from your writing cuz I want that huskerdust, what is each sinner's style of teasing? and what teasing are they very suspectible to?
Ever the sweetheart, Charlie is more likely to compliment and coo over you than actually tease you. However, if she knows that you like it, she's going to point it out SO OFTEN while she's tickling you into a giggling stupor.
Not a huge teaser unless she's with Charlie, tending to simply comment about a lee's sweet spots or reinforce how much they deserve their wrecking (looking at you, Angel and Alastor). However, she is far more likely to be all playful and cute when Charlie is her lee.
Angel Dust
THE MASTER OF TEASING! He will pull out every technique in the book until he finds what works for his individual lee, then capitalizes on it. For example, Husk nearly COMBUSTS at compliments, so he makes sure to sprinkle plenty of them in during his wreckings.
If you thought Angel was bad, Alastor is arguably WORSE! He loves to croon into your ear about how cute your laugh is, how sensitive a spot seems to be, how much you are obviously enjoying yourself. He's not big on baby talk, though, so the most you'll get is the occasional "kitchie kitchie koo" from him.
"Oooh, you like this, huh? Can't say I'm surprised; you're fuckin' obvious about it, kid. Now, let's see what happens if I tickle riiiight here." Enough said.
Only uses two teasing styles; baby talk and squealing over your reactions. She tends to alternate between the two are random while tickling you to pieces.
Sir Pentious
On the off chance his own teases don't send him into a lee mood, this boy is STILL a little awkward about it at first. However, once he settles more into his ler mood, expect him to pull out a lot of "coochie coo" type stuff and potentially some nursery rhymes (once used the Itsy Bitsy Spider on Angel and nearly killed him in the process).
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Hullooo if you are still requests can i ask for a dramatic fight into lets make out afterwards in secret please
Have a nice day night and i love your writing 💖💖
“Do you have a visual?” The hero panted so hard they thought they were going to throw up.
“No,” they wheezed into their communicator, clawing their weapon. They felt like they would lose their voice and consciousness sooner than anticipated. “I have nothing.”
“Fine. Keep going,” their superior ordered, cutting the line quickly. Of course the hero had been in the field countless times. They were experienced more than most heroes. But they had underestimated the villain. The villain they usually bickered and flirted with.
They hadn’t known that their favourite conversationist was also this strong. What a terrible way to find out.
Obviously, the villain was an asshole and the hero did not like them. But they had to admit that there was more to them than the label villain.
The hero wasn’t terribly hurt — not yet — but they could tell it was only a question of time. There was no reinforcement. Their enemy was ruthless. They were completely alone. It was unfair in a sense but the hero also knew their duties. They couldn’t complain now, they knew what it was.
When they finally found the courage to leave their hideout, they wanted to gulp at the plain sight of the city’s district. Ash was in the air, smoke rose from the buildings, cars were afire.
It was like the whole city was dipped into fog.
And they couldn’t even last a second without being attacked.
It knocked the air out of their lungs right away when the villain managed to kick them to the ground. The hero rasped out of pain, holding the pulsing side of their torso the villain had violated.
“They’re sending the pretty ones now, are they?” the villain purred lovingly as they loomed over them. “What a waste.”
“I’m gonna—” a cough “—stop you.”
“Cute.” They bent down, wiping a bit of blood from the hero’s cheek. “I’d like to see you tr—”
It wasn’t the hero’s best idea but it was worth a shot. They were exhausted. They couldn’t fight ten different villains in one week anymore. They didn’t like working without seeing the end of their shift.
So they grabbed the villain. Yanked them on top of them. And kissed them.
When they thought about this moment the following weeks, the embarrassing realisation conjured that they might have done it because they were lonely and touch-starved. They hadn’t held another human in months. They felt so pathetic.
It came as a surprise though how quickly the villain was willing to drop their violent behaviour. At first they were evidently confused, moaning some blurred version of the hero’s name into their enemy’s mouth but still being inexplicably compliant.
They let them kiss them more times than innocence should allow. It was way too intimate to be just a distraction. Maybe the hero didn’t want this to be true but they truly needed this. They needed contact, they needed a pause.
The hero could feel their cheeks burn.
However, a sharp pain shot right through them when the villain grabbed the side of the hero’s stomach they had kicked.
Instantly, the hero tensed and hissed as their enemy’s fingertips ghosted over the forming bruises.
“Fuck—” They accidentally bit into the villain’s bottom lip and they dreaded everything might be over soon and they would actually not get out of this alive. But the villain only grinned.
“You’re adorable.” They squeezed the hero’s flesh again, shooting nausea through their enemy’s entire body. “So cute when you squirm.”
“Asshole,” the hero hissed but it only made the villain hum contently. When they went in for another kiss, they were gentler, avoiding the hero’s stomach and concentrating on their throat.
“You got stronger,” the hero whispered. The villain was on the best track to suck some hickeys into the hero’s skin. It was insane how all of this had happened so fast. In one moment the hero was close to death and now…
“Maybe,” they murmured. “Maybe I did.”
Their hand closed around the hero’s throat gently, holding them in place without much force. It was farcical how good the villain was at what they were doing. They must’ve had a lot of lovers.
The hero felt a bit helpless with a thought like that ghosting around the back of their mind.
“Is it a new strategy?” the hero asked, rather out of breath.
“Don’t fucking do this,” the villain warned softly. Their voice was deep enough to send a shiver down the hero’s spine. “Don’t try to get information out of me now. My brain isn’t working very well and I love this moment way too much to let it be ruined by you.”
The hero blinked.
When their enemy didn’t answer, the villain looked up.
“Got it, love?” they asked.
“Yes — yes, of course.”
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hakubunii · 1 year
Hi stinky! Welcome back omg it’s been actual years you goof. Anyways, what are some HC for the Baka Trio and a tiny gf??
First off, hi smelly! I’m so glad you asked ab this bc I love the idea of any of them having a tiny gf. I am a bit rusty but still have so many ideas, so bear with me!!
Heisuke- People already tease Heisuke for his size, “people” being Sanosuke and Shinpachi. I think he’s be kind of insecure if his gf was taller than him but I don’t think that’s gonna change anything about how much he loves her at all. I just wanted to clear that out of the way. Heisuke would enjoy it, feeling kind of dependable for her when she asks him to reach things she can’t. He can only do this to a certain extent, so she’s gotta wait for reinforcements to come and get something down for her. If she were like a head shorter than him, he’d probably show off all the places he could reach to her, milking her impressed responses and words of gratitude until someone bursts his bubble lmao. He’d sulk about it for a while, his face red from embarrassment, until she reassured him that he’s still super cool and handsome to her no matter what his height is. Also, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the ladies are really feeling the short kings right now. All and all, he’d like to show off for her, taking advantage of their height difference to make himself look cool.
Sanosuke- I don’t think Sanosuke would care all too much. I think what matters to him is if his lady is happy and spending time when she can with him. He also is, like, aiming to marry and have kids, so I think he wouldn’t care as long as they were serious about being with him. I do think he’d find a small gf to be very cute and would maybe feel a more intense need to take care of and protect his partner.
Shinpachi- Dude, he’d think his gf was the cutest no matter what but he probably wouldn’t want a lady friend who was taller than him because of some dumb masculinity reasons. Honestly though? There is a chance he could be into it with enough time. (“Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.”) Anyways, I do think that’d an itsy bitsy teeny weeny little gf would probably freak him out. He’s a big dude in more ways than one and can be a bit brutish at times. I can see him worrying that he’d hurt her in some way whether it be during intimacy, simply falling on her, or just like losing her in crowds. This becomes such a worry when they go out, he asks to carries her on his shoulders- this being a good way to showcase his amazing strength and rippling muscles anyway.
Thank you for sending in your request. Please send in your opinions, more requests, and anything else you can think of!
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livil589 · 4 months
Movie Night-Mouse Honrada x fem!reader
Warnings: none, just a bunch of fluff!
Cracking the door to Mouse's room you saw your girlfriend sitting at her computer, fully absorbed in whatever was on her computer computer. 
“Hey, baby. SpookySpaghetti..again?” You asked, making her look away from the screen for a second as you gave her a knowing look.
“Yeah, there's so much Archie Waters content. I can barely keep up.”
Her fascination with the creepy website was clear-it also had you slightly worried since she's started to spend all of her time on it. Mouse continues to scroll, stopping when she feels you press a kiss to her cheek, closing her laptop before spinning her chair around so she's facing you. 
“Well..I got us tickets to go see a movie. I thought we could make it a date because we haven't really gone out much lately since..” 
You didn't want to bring up ‘A’, the whole thing was still a sensitive topic and all you wanted was to have a nice night. No creepy stalkers, no SpookySpaghetti, and no distractions. Just you, Mouse and a movie night with lots of popcorn and candy. 
The smile that light up her face when you showed her the tickets you'd managed to convince Tabby to discount made your heart flutter. She'd been talking about seeing a movie for weeks and now that you weren't scared for your lives you had gone and got two tickets to a movie you knew she'd love as a surprise.You chuckled when she threw her arms around you.
“Are those for..oh my god! I can't believe you got tickets!” 
“they are! I know you were talking about seeing a movie but there wasn't really a good time and-”
Your rant was cut off by soft lips crashing against yours and you couldn't help but smile into the kiss, wrapping your arms around her waist as you kissed back. When she pulled away the smile on her face was infectious, your own lips splitting into a wide grin. 
“Y/n…It's perfect, your perfect. Now, lead the way, babe.” Mouse motioned for you to lead the way to your car, grabbing your hand as the two of you made your way out of her house. 
The Orpheum was filled with people when you arrived. Walking through the door, Mouse's hand in yours, a voice caught your attention. 
“Y/n! Mouse!” Tabby waved the both of you over, grabbing a bucket and cups. 
“Hey Tabs!”
Mouse headed to the counter, you right behind her as you rest an arm around her waist, which Tabby immediately notices. The curly haired girl shoots you a look before speaking. 
“So that's what those tickets were for, y/n came in the other day. I didn't know you two were together.”
“Oh, yeah, I guess we haven't told many people,” you said, watching how Mouse's face flushes with color and she melts into you.
"Well, you guys are absolutely cute together! Here your popcorn and drinks. Have fun!” Tabby winks as you grab the popcorn, handing Mouse her drink. 
“Thanks Tabby, we definitely will,” Mouse shoots back, a tinge of redness creeping into her cheeks. 
After getting the popcorn, and drinks along with her favorite candy you both settled into the theater as the movie started. You ended up missing most of the movie-not that you cared, because you spent the entire time admiring your girlfriend.
The way her eyes would light up.
How she gripped your hand when she got excited.
Joy practically radiated from her and her expression was free. You could see how happy she was to be able to do things like a normal teen, not having to sneak out or fight her moms on the fact that she should be able to go out. It made your heart melt, you really, truly loved her. Even though you haven't exchanged ‘I love you's’ you knew how you felt. 
“Thank you, for all of this..for making me feel like a normal person.” Her lips grazed your ear as she whispered, sending a shiver through you. 
“You are normal, baby, plus seeing you like this, so happy just reinforces how much I love you. “
“You love me?”
Her eyes shone with emotion as you met them. You gravitated closer to her, your lips almost meeting. “I love you, Mouse, so much.” 
“Y/n…I love you too.” 
You pulled her into a slow but intense kiss, lips slotting together as you savored the taste of her lipgloss. Pulling away, breathless you realized the credits were rolling. 
“why don't we get outta here?” 
“sounds perfect, y/n” 
A/n: soo I finally posted again!! I hope you enjoy reading this little self indulgent drabble! I'm a little rusty since i havent written in a while but oh wel, If you guys wanna request anything my asks are always open!!
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cospinol · 7 months
*extremely* important moment in kingdom this week. Miss koku’ou…
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choosing which units to send support to based only on how handsome their commanders are… she’s just like me for real. also we get to see the boy she’s favouring from an additional angle lol, he’s only in one panel in the manga so this is new…
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appropriate attention given to the absolute most important scene of the episode, thank you. though of course this whole sequence is really about ki sui’s big entrance…
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well, we missed out on the money shot of him taking this guy’s head (to balance it out we got… an added visual in the bit before their duel where this jobber thought he was going to get to take koku’ou to bed after he won lol…) but still he’s here to make his big splash entrance, and playing the rigan card immediately ;^; just as a reminder that we’ll certainly get at the very least the beginning of The Tragedy Of Ki Sui in next week’s episode, since this episode ends with a kyou kai check-in, finally..
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a rare, rare sighting of her with her hair down!!!! despite Everything she is cute.
also cute is ten defending sensei’s honour over on the river bank
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…and taking at least a little credit for herself, though. she’s earned it!
as with the first segment of the river venture we got last week, this part is just a nice, wholesome Hi Shin Unit Good Time which is both nice as always in its own right and extra juicy since we’re now closer than ever to.. the events in the villages of the koku you hills. i really love that this arc goes out of its way to reinforce that the way shin does things in his own right *does* work and he *does* get results just to make that rug-pull hurt even more; shin’s not *wrong* about the way he does things…
relatedly, i wanted to share this cover from the river chapter we covered this week ;^;
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sweetest boy in the world!!!
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falsenote · 1 year
ok finally one good update that you can put a read more on posts in the app like you don't need to see this yessss
anyway i watched la piscine and face to face yesterday bc i had a realization recently that when i was binge watching the romy filmography and during that i've read her biography it really made me lose all motivation to watch la piscine in particular so i skipped just that one and when i was doing the same w the gian maria filmography and read his bio also the same thing happened w face to face jsvshwnjs. and it was such a funny connection to make so i was like what if... i watched these after all, back to back, even though i still don't care about either films? like the line of thought was that bc of this experiment it would make the films at least a little bit interesting. like two negatives making a positive. well did the films turn out to be good? no they were fucking annoying i was right all along. was making myself watch two films that i was sure i would hate, funny? yes a bit.
although they varied a little like w face to face i knew it'd be a blatant didactic eye rolling moment and in the first place i didn't want to watch bc in the bio they say almost a comical amount of times how much he hated doing these westerns and i was like fine fine i won't watch any more of them then. on this note there's almost something sad about reading the letterboxd reviews calling this his best performance but what can you do. and well the film in question was not very good yes. rather annoying i would argue. the way it was put together was kind of sending me like the unbelievable dialogue, gian maria blue eyes moment (i was very hurt by that) tomas milian in an absurd wig leading the people out of the desert jshzvsubsjzjsjs uh purgatory city? random sex crazed underage girl who i think was supposed to be the mary magdalene of the group?gian maria fascist speech? him eating those weird little outfits up? so it had the potential to be trashy fun but it was too much of a mess that it became kind of a drag. but i won't lie looking back it's almost a fun film in its own bizarre way. in a sense a two star classic
but what was more enraging actually was la piscine bc i was expecting a lot of bad things (namely the presence of the lead actor in question hence my reason for not watching it before. like i really don't care to see them together. at least in christine there was jean claude brialy camping it up and in the assassination of... uh. there was richard burton also. camping it up. anyway.) but the final straw was not giving romy enough screen time like are we out of our minds. like yes the (barely existent) plot was annoying, the characters made no sense, the dialogue was verging on terrible, i only care about 2 people out of the 4 in here, but i suspected all that. and to think even in her limited screentime she tried her best and there is that confrontation at dinner scene where i was like yesss finally go give us everything queen but then we're back to alain delon staring at nothing with a nondescript expression. maurice ronet at least tried to do something, i like his performances and he had a good chemistry w romy in all their films. but people always have to hype up untalented people so tragic. and like it's literally miserable that this is one of romy's more famous roles like this is not all that she can give.... the people need to wake up. eh. also i really don't get why this film has so many remakes like what reason is there to watch besides the cast (ehhh) and the late 60s vibes. well one star for romy being cute but otherwise this was. torturous!
all in all wasn't really worth it that much but at least it reinforced in me what i already knew. and we must take all the little scraps of entertainment while we can i suppose. this was me to myself while watching these
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aito-mation · 1 year
forgive me if the question was rhetorical, but in totk link doesn't have to dress up as a girl to get in gerudo town anymore. i dont think the gerudo that sells you the girl outfit is seen in the game this time? not to my knowledge, anyways. link is recognised in gerudo town as the dude who saved everyone and is a close friend of riju's, and so is the only man allowed in. i haven't even seen the girl outfit in totk, but maybe thats just me, so take it with a pinch of salt
unfortunately though, there is a larger presence of creeps trying to get in? theres a guise of "haha we're just trying to do business with them!" thats obviously fake, but im not quite sure what their intentions are but its just a bit uncomfortable to include tbh. one is seen actually inside gerudo town, sneaking around and afraid of getting caught.
the slightly good news is that theres a pretty feminine outfit link can wear without any of the bizzare implications or orientalism. its just a cute outfit with a nice status boost (to my understanding) & theres a larger presence of darker skinned/black coded hylians that aren't exoticised like the gerudo are. bare minimum but i guess we can take what we're given
i really wish that nintendo would be normal about the gerudo and stuff (even giving the other races a little big of language so the gerudo dont seem so Other when they say voe/vai/savaaq etc) but alas, baby steps i guess
the question wasnt rhetorical i have seen one single person on twitter bring up that the orientalist outfit was removed, but they didnt comment on the gerudo’s depiction at all n i saw no other mention of it anywhere, thank u for sending this.
it doesnt sound like they actually fixed the transphobia tho, bc theyre still doing a “girls only” “only guy allowed” cisnormative type shit. “creepy guys” “dressing like women” to access “women’s spaces” is transphobic Period. doesnt matter what the in-universe lore is yknow ?? the real world anti-trans rhetoric rn is at an all time high, its unconscionable to include anything like that.
like doesnt anyone else remember how they intentionally made link androgynous in oot ?? hes not a “strong hero guy” archetype, but a lot of my problem w that is based in the fandom n is a whole other post. idc if link has a “feminine” outfit option bc that just gives the fans i was criticizing the opportunity to further sexualize him. literally the tweet i mentioned, that said they removed the orientalist outfit, comments on links “sexy” outfit he can wear instead. GAG !
also the idea of “baby steps” is for individual people, not international megacorporations bringing in 12 BILLION dollars a year. you Dont need to “take what u can get” u need to not buy games from a demonstratably racist company, and clearly say that the reason is bc they keep including racism in their games. japan as a country needs to address the racism rampant in their media more, n the media companies-especially when they go international-need to recognize the need for awareness. how dare they b antiblack in games they r selling to black people ! how dare they b colorist in games they r marketing in brown ass countries. n its not like black n brown ppl dont live in japan, bc they do n they experience racism constantly ! japan likes to try and separate itself from the rest of asia n in doing so reinforces existing stereotypes about other asians, particularly southwest asians n other asians who tend to have darker skin. japan has a huge colorism problem n that cant b ignored w any of nintendo’s games bc they always put it front n fucking center. the new pokemon games were racist, the fucking kirby game was racist !! nintendo Cannot get a nostalgia pass anymore. theyre not ur friend, n theyre certainly not mine.
tears of the kingdom made 10 million dollars in three days. nintendo is not hurting bc people r rightfully pointing out that they Have to do better. but theyve been actively getting worse, not just in what they put in their games, but in the way they openly mistreat their staff. not to mention putting gary bowser in indentured servitude for having the audacity to try and preserve game history w emulation. nintendo execs have gone on the record saying they dont care if games get wiped off the face of the earth, lost to history. the consumers have to put in the work bc nintendo Will Not.
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
Be My Favorite Ep 11
Last Week: Pear was too decent for anyone in this show, Kwan finally figured out Not is the worst, Kawi and Pisaeng did the do.
This week: my frustration with tumblr is reaching a boiling point, I don't know why I'm even bothering with this when literally no one will even see it. But I truck on because at this point it's habit.
Oh interesting, parent meeting about the kiddos. I wonder sometimes if the reason that PIsaeng and Pear were getting married in an alt timeline (at least one of them) is because of these two, but at least in the current one they both seem fairly willing to let their kids be.
And once again, Pear is way nicer than I would be. Mom was selfish. The end. I do get feeling trapped by a life you don't want, but did she not make the decision to be married and have a child? And then she made that child suffer so that she could go off and achieve her dreams, and then had the gall to thank her, to not apologize or appear to feel any remorse for just exiting her life.
But it's probably better for Pear in the long run if she can let go of the bitterness. So for her sake, I'm glad.
Kwan just delete those pics and move on, babe. Not's not worth all this.
So I guess they were going for nerves last week. Clumsily done. So tired of the blushing maiden thing in general, honestly. Can we please retire it forever along with the crazy ex faen trope? Can we please, please, please stop sending the message that one person in the relationship has to be shy and reserved and scared of sex while the other pushes them forward? It's so fucking detrimental, and it just feeds into this idea that to be a "good" girl (or the bottom in BL, because it's always the bottom isn't it? sigh) you can't actually desire sex, can't want it, or you can want it but you also have to pretend not to because good girls don't (but I do). And I'm so so tired of it. SO tired. People have enough hang ups about sex all on their own without media reinforcing this bullshit.
Last week I said that I would hesitantly trust this show with an asexual storyline. I want to take that back now. My trust is revoked, you couldn't handle it properly, show. There's literally nothing wrong with being hesitant about sleeping with someone for the first time (or not wanting to sleep with anyone at all), but there's a way to do it and this show...did not.
Well that theory that the old man is future!Kawi is certainly looking more correct. How else would he know to show up and scold him.
I know how you can get rich, Kawi. Be Pisaeng's sugar baby.
Okay sir, hush your face about in-depth analysis. I am feeling very called out right now.
Yesss thank you dude. It's like with dad. Kawi couldn't prevent his death because he was always going to go. Dad's death is a fixed point. But what Kawi could do - what he finally did do - was fix his relationship with him. He opened up, he told his dad he loves him, he did the work.
Alrighty so we're flashbacking through the rest of college now? This is weird, especially after going through everything else so slowly (if they fast fowarded through a Not redemption I will throw the most massive fit (and for once be glad for this stupid shadowban, since then no one will see the massive tantrum)). If you've done all you meant to why are you not going back to the future (heh) Kawi?
Why is he still asking this question?
And now we're montaging through living together. This ep is turning into the Oprah of montages - and you get a montage! And you get a montage. This makes me more certain than ever that Pisaeng has been doing his own time traveling. The domesticity is cute though.
Pear and Kwan arrived to Christmas together! Still shipping it even though I know it won't come true. Sigh. At least Not isn't at the table. For a hot second I thought he was, that Pear was hugging him, and I almost lost it. But nope, it was Kawi lol. I was about to throw down with this show.
Do NOT test me show I am not in the mood.
Fifteenth time's the charm, eh, Pearmei? Granted it's not like you know that since you don't remember all the timelines, but still.
Me the second I see Pisaeng pulling out those pills: are they gonna kill him off? Would they do that?
Why is this where my brain goes? I mean, it was instant. Just, BOOM are they killing Pisaeng.
Ah, the good old wipe them down when they're sick trope. Good times.
"Do you think I'll die?" Pffft, me and Pisaeng are on the same wavelength. But also maybe don't tease Kawi like that the dude has several issues around his loved ones dying okay. Don't make him pull out that music box, Pisaeng.
HAHAHA is that the first grey hair oh noooo! Fun fact: my sis found her first one when she was like 22. She was not best pleased.
Oh no all this joking about Pisaeng dying but is it going to be Kawi instead? And why do I keep expecting death? People get ill, self.
Ugh, yes, the harsh realities of having no rights regarding the partner you've lived with for years - rights that would be given by default to a straight couple. God I hate it, but I'm happy to see this drum being banged. Because it should be.
Poor Pisaeng. So maybe he didn't travel in time before, but he sure as hell is going to now, because I think Kawi is actually going to die. Or Pisaeng is going to be so terrified of it happening that he can't help himself. But to change it or to make sure it never happens by cutting himself off from Kawi before it can? And then staying in the closet, going abroad, marrying Pear?
Because I truly think that he'd lock them all into a shitty future just to save Kawi's life.
Well at least he tells Kawi what happened.
Have to say, the end part saved this ep for me. I don't know if it's just that I'm already kind of pissed off (thanks tumblr!) or if this ep just started off rough, but I was not feeling it at the beginning. I really want to like this show all the way through. Please don't screw it up in the final hour. Please.
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iviarellereads · 1 year
Harrow the Ninth, Chapter 49
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For detail on The Locked Tomb coverage and the index, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Slashed Ninth House icon) In which an epic battle is fought.
"I am the Emperor's Hand; do not thou persist in this combat; matchless am I with the long blade--"
As Ortus recites his epic poem, Harrow defends against the Sleeper long enough to summon the spirit of Mathias Nonius, the subject of the poem, from the River. He actually manages to stop the Sleeper's bullets, though he's confused as to why he's speaking in verse,(1) then disables her gun. They spar for some more pages, during which Harrow wishes her Griddle were there even though even she wouldn't be able to really provide a running commentary on the fight. The space actually starts to warp under the stress of the struggle for power. Eventually Nonius wins, and the Sleeper appears to die. Cautiously, Harrow approaches and removes her mask. She recognizes the poster from the shuttle with Corona and Judith, but otherwise has no idea who she is, though there's something familiar about the brow and jaw.(2) She finds a dogtag that reads "AWAKE".(3)
Abigail confirms that Harrow is no longer haunted by the Sleeper, but she may still have a footing on the mortal side of things. Also, the bubble is starting to strain too far, it's undergone too many transformations. Nonius asks leave of Harrow to join the Lyctor, the Saint of Duty, Nonius's rival and ally, fighting alone in the River. Besides the realization that Nonius really DID fight a Lyctor in his time, Harrow realizes that things have gone horribly wrong. If Duty is fighting alone then he's already dead. Nigenad and Protesilaus say they'll go too, with Pro quoting from some of his own poetry to reinforce the point.(4) Marta joins them because of the unwritten Cohort rule: "Chickenshits don't get beer". Abigail sends them to where they need to be, and then…
Harrow asks Abigail what's next. Abigail says Harrow can either go to the River, or go home. Harrow can't go back and risk killing Gideon, but Magnus drives the point home that Harrow can't be a mausoleum to her cav forever. Harrow finally decides she must go home to her body.(5) Magnus asks Harrow to pass along that Jeanne wanted to say hi to Gideon. Abigail and Magnus dismiss themselves, but Dulcinea stays behind, to tell Harrow something.(6)
(1) The power of belief is the power of the River bubble. He believes that he has been elevated, so of course he has the power to deflect the evil bullets the Sleeper has believed into existence. However, Ortus's poem was what summoned him, with Abigail's power of belief in turn, and perhaps it's their belief in the poetry that influence Nonius's speech in turn, the way Harrow's party's collective belief strain the bubble's sense of reality in competition with the Sleeper's as the fight goes on. (2) Hmm, so someone high up in the BOE, enough to get posters of her likeness. Is this who's been thinking those thoughts Harrow keeps picking up on? And, I suppose it's lucky that Harrow's remembered Gideon, so doesn't react now with her aneurysm bursting, the way she did when she saw the poster in the living realm… (3) That's a funny word to find on a dogtag in a dream. (4) Two things. One, Ortus and Pro would be absolutely unbearable to spend time with together. Two, the verse Pro quotes has 14 syllables, which is, of course, divisible by 7, so he likely writes, as Ortus does, in a number of poetic feet that matches his House. I just think it's a cute touch. (5) Considering Harrow got stuck and literally couldn't go back at the beginning of this sequence, I'm not sure that's going to be as easy as it sounds. (6) What in all the worlds could Dulcie have to say? Find out in a future instalment!
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eolewyn1010 · 2 years
Dracula's ship has arrived, which... causes Jack to go philosophical on trancendentalism. Okay then. They all are a bit shaken by the notion that it's time for action now, but I hate how Mina's reaction is described. "[S]he folded her hands meekly and looked up in prayer." Can I please get back my self-confident kickass hypercompetent lady instead of this meek little mouse reverently expecting van Hellstoker's orders and blessings? Jonathan is still wallowing in his current bout of psychopathy (defined by an inclination to violence and a lack of empathy and remorse; in case my cute widdle anon with the poor manners comes over, it should be clear what I'm talking about) and honestly, dude should get over it. He's not even the fighter guy of the posse; Quincey is. Mina gets a little back into action as The Train Fiend, informing us which train will bring them to their destination because these guys are a bunch of morons and will wait till the next day so Dracula gets a chance to get away even though they had weeks to await him in the exact place where shit is going down as they had actually planned to corner him on the ship. Plot-induced idiocy makes me salty.
Van Hellstoker takes a dump on Eastern-European punctuality and then bosses the dude squad around, losing basic grammar between two sentences again and making me wonder if whoever created the character of Yoda read Dracula before. Mina is, amazingly, feeling alright. Van Hellstoker and Jack finally realize that it might be because Dracula was hypnotizing her to work as his cover and now has cut her loose to skedaddle in peace, but communication is still for losers, so they don't share with the class. Van Hellstoker reinforces that bullshit about Dracula having a "child-brain" (the implications are still gross) and their superior "man-brains", too. *cough cough* Sure. And how Mina has a brain like a man. Oh, sexism, you again! Didn't miss you. Then van Hellstoker sends me reeling when one of his convoluted comparisons ends up with "The Ugly Duckling". I... sure hope that the "my friend Hans Andersen" was just a figure of speech, because not only is he twenty years late to have known H. C. Andersen in person (not to speak of befriending him), but also willy-nilly meshing up a Dane and a pseudo-Dutch German guy would be really a new peak in Stoker's track record. Onward.
Van Hellstoker gets in this gemstone: "Be not afraid; John and I know. I do in any case, and shall tell you if you are right. Speak, without fear!" Maybe a religious reference to start off because Stoker is weird on top of self-important, but within three sentences, he insults Jack, condescends to Mina, gives her his fucking permission to speak and makes clear that she needs his confirmation on whether or not what she says is right. I've rarely been so over a fictional character before. When he finally, finally gets to the point, Mina gets her turn in fantasizing what "science" of the time knows of the mind of a criminal and so on, and how she can use the blood bond to spy on him again. Van Hellstoker talks at length again, but I think he mainly recaps what Mina just said. And also reassures us that if she's free of Dracula's force of will, she'll go to the Count of van Hellstoker's volition. Not of her own. Charming.
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redflannelsheets · 10 months
Now I’m just reblogging other things I want to show you here, too, haha. Give me enough time and I’ll probably be reblogging the ridiculous things too, though I still do that on my first tumblr. I remember way back in the day when you started following it and I didn’t know why you were so interested, but at that time I was still in this place where I thought you couldn’t possibly like me, not for real, but that was low self-esteem talking. Do you know how much you made me believe in myself simply by liking me? I asked you like three years ago if you liked me, and you wrote me the loveliest response, ending with that you liked me the most, and I cried. I also laughed because of course your grandmother gets top billing, I love that she’s your favorite person. I would hope I come in second to such a remarkable woman.
Time works strangely for me. Every yesterday is the fresh imprint of some fond memory or another of you, of us. I still feel so close to you. I wake up and there you are on my mind. I don’t know how other people get emotional distance from things. All time exists at once for me. I’m actually afraid I might start processing things like “normal” people and forget all of the warmth and joy I had with you. Little conversations and those silly cartoon us-es in the chat and walls of text and cute selfies of you and laying in my bed bathed in the glow of my phone screen reading the sweetest words I’ve ever been told. I cried once when you said I eased your anxiety. I didn’t know how to respond to it properly and I’m afraid you thought I was being dismissive, but even now it’s one of the most precious compliments I’ve ever received.
I miss all those speech-to-text rambles you used to send when you were still on the other coast. You said once you just liked telling me things and I wish I’d told you how much I loved you telling me things, except I was still in that place where I thought I should cover my feelings with some kind of veil, lest I scare you off with the intensity of me.
I had a nightmare last night and you were in it somewhere around the edges and I woke up wondering if I would ever tell you about any of my dreams again. I’m afraid that you hate me. I’m afraid that you hate yourself. I’m afraid of all of the things I don’t know. I know, I said in a previous letter-to-nowhere here that I can’t be afraid of what I don’t know but fuck it, I’m a human being, and we’re all wavy-gravy-loosey-goosey creatures. There is consistency—that I like you, that i love you, that I miss you above all else I have ever lost, including my mother—but in your silence I waver on other things sometimes. I’m not giving up the self-esteem, though. You can’t blame me for believing in how rad I am after your constant reinforcement! I know I’m pretty great, not just because you believe in me, but because that belief allowed me to consider that maybe other people don’t think I’m so bad either. I don’t say “I’m pretty great” lightly—it took me a long time to get here and it definitely flickered off and on when you left. But I embrace it now. I am pretty great, though not better than anyone else. I’m not sitting on a high horse looking down on others. But I’m not awful, either. I’m not a bad no-good person. I’ve made dodgy decisions due to my own cowardice, but I’m determined not to make those mistakes again. I learn by committing errors, whether it’s with Duolingo or my heart. I will never accept a place in the shadows again. I will never enable anyone to skirt the truth again. Unfortunately with you it probably means I’ll never get another chance to prove myself, but at least I know I learned a lesson, no matter how sad it makes me.
Where was I going with any of this? I don’t know. I hope you’re having a good day. I hope the inspiration flows and the words come to you as you need them. I hope that your favorite podcasts are keeping you good company. I hope that you are having nice dinners and enjoying the laughter of your friends.
I love you. So much.
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minseologs · 11 months
Talk about me
Send “Talk About Me” to overhear a conversation between my muse and someone else (can be a side character, in their canon, or a just random person) about your muse. @petricur
"Go on and play, baby. Not too rough with others and what else?" She crouches down to the child's height, engaging in positive reinforcements to enhance his critical thinking. "In mommy's--"
"--in mommy's sight..!" Jinwoo gleefully responds, though too excited to focus what was promised. Minseo gives him a rough cheek kiss out of cuteness before seeing a man nearby the children's play area that piqued her curiosity.
"Who's that? I haven't seen him around." Her voice inquires to her secretary with eyes still on him. He was surrounded by other people that appeared to scan the building's need to be renovated.
"Ah- that's Yohan, our new co-director for the project. He's in graphic design so you don't usually see him outside his department. Maybe he's scoping out spaces for the artwork?"
The Chois have a long standing record of donating large amounts to charities that share their same value. It would require one family representative to overlook operations and make sure requests are made as per request. Today was her turn, but had never truly met anyone outside the higher-ups that always surrounded her.
"Is he single?" She jokes with a serious tone. Her secretary was nervous, knowing no one ever says no to a Choi. Minseo senses nervousness and chuckles to ease the tension.
"Im going to assume, no?"
"I'm sorry Miss Choi, I actually don't know..."
Jinwoo's call distracts her momentarily, waving back to his mother before she does the same. Truthfully, Minseo thought he was good looking, but knowing her background and things to consider before entering the family, she subjected herself to reject the idea of ever even approaching this man.
"Such a shame. A face like that wont like someone like me, I bet."
Tumblr media
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secretxxpaladaiseu · 1 year
send SWOONED for a scene from my muse's past in which they were infatuated with someone [ Kwangsun ]
University. It was a time where you got to experience adult life within a sort of bubble. Well, if you were fortunate enough like Kwangsun was, you got to live in a small bubble. He was only in his first year, and still hadn't settled on a major yet. He was filling the year with basic classes until he could decide. Kwangsun was very lucky, since all he had to worry about was university. His parents took care of his apartment, and even gave him an allowance each month to live off of. A very gracious allowance at that.
After the first month, Kwangsun was starting to get to know more of his schoolmates. While he wasn't a social butterfly, he was still a fairly social young man and enjoyed getting to know the people around him. While he wasn't volunteering study groups, he was able to round up a good group of people to head to a local cafe or diner just to relax and enjoy each others company. There wasn't a certain 'type' of people he attracted, nor was there a 'type' he tried to avoid. He could find good company with seemingly anyone, and he had quickly gained the reputation as someone who never judged anyone else.
There was one girl that had been joining the groups as of lately, and Kwangsun absolutely took notice of her. She was wonderful on the eyes, he had to admit it.
Bora. Her name was Park Bora. She kept her hair somewhat short, barely letting the jet black strands reach past her shoulders. Usually, it was tied up in a ponytail or bun, with a pencil and pen sticking out. Her favorite color seemed to be yellow, as she often wore clothes and shoes that featured different shades of the color. Her backpack was also a checkerboard of yellow and black, with different pins and patches all over it. Bora was preparing to become an art major, but was in her first year like Kwangsun. He even found out that she attended an all girls highschool just down the street from the school he attended, yet they had never crossed paths until now.
As time passed, he found himself enjoying the little meetups even more when Bora would show up. There was something about her that made him feel better, and he couldn't help but to smile everytime he saw her. He didn't completely realize it at first, but he was falling for her. She was his first crush, and he had started to confide in his closest friends that discovery.
Even with their encouragement, though, he just couldn't bring himself to ask her out on a proper date. Not for a lack of trying, but he would freeze up everytime. It was the classic scene from dramas and movies, where he would end up asking her about something else instead. It was a silly, rather cute scene that played out again and again until the end of the year.
What was a cute should've-been-couple had to come to an end when the middle of summer came around. Bora had gotten accepted to a proper art school instead of a generalized university, and she was transferring. Kwangsun didn't bother hiding his sadness, but he wasn't heartbroken. While he was upset that he might not see her again, he was excited for her, too. She was getting the chance to properly chase her dreams. To be upset about something like that would have been selfish, and completely out of character for Kwangsun. Not even his friends were surprised at how he acted. He wasn't known for being a selfish man by any measure, and this only reinforced that.
There was one night where he did cry over her. He had been drinking with a few friends and gotten carried away. Still, he didn't once say he wished she would change her mind. Even through his tears from the pain that he finally allowed his heart to feel, he didn't wish her to stay.
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embossross · 2 years
hi! finally had the time to sit down and send an ask for the recent chap of dotgitm!! i woke up that morning and was vv happy that it updated bc i’m loving it so far!
first, i was honestly a bit surprised that the fic is moving at a fast pace - i’m not sure why i thought it’d be a slowburn but nvm! i had to go back a few times to make sure i didn’t skip anything but nope! i kinda like how the scenes were a written in smaller parts - but are just as packed! and it’s slow enough that we really see how rin and yosuke’s (is it yosuke? im not sure, sorry!) relationship progresses! they already felt super close n familiar with each other in that first scene, it was so good!!! sigh ,,,, he’s such a perfect dom! and i find it really funny how in the beginning, rin said that there’d be no way ran would ever meet his girlfriend-but-not-girlfriend - but still invited her over for the new years dinner 🥹 the whole encounter was so sweet!!!! it also shows how rin is slowly letting her into his life and heart little by little.
speaking of ran though - i’m very eager to hear about his story in that universe! it made me a bit sad actually:( miki seemed like she meant a lot to him. ill be so ready for them once the story is out!!
“”Rindou thinks Naoto has a fat hard-on for you but knows better than to say so. It will only make you angry, and you are cuter when you smile.”” rin is falling SO HARD AHAH he’s adorable! and it’s so cute how it’s mentioned more than once that he loves to listen to her talk and ramble - and how he’d do a lot to see her smiling! 🥺
“ Making you happy is addictive but also reciprocal. Without seeming to try, you make him happy too.” this has to be one of my favorite lines !! totally not crying !! nope! + “you are giggling madly, and he wishes he was there with you to sweep you up in the circle of his arms and swing you”” oh man my heart. this is really bringing out the inner romantic side of me fr.
there are so many parts that made me laugh out loud - the bonten banter, YN calling rindou a squirtle, ran stealing a duck (?? WHAT 😭😭) but yeah! thank you so much for updating!! i hope you had a good thanksgiving!!! 💓 - jay, aka @/tetsutits!
you're literally so nice💕 i appreciate all the thought you put into these stories and how you share it with me. it's so fun to talk to you about these things🥰
i have literally so much to say in response to this so adding a read more!
i think chapter 1 gave the impression of a slow burn because they barely talk. i had to make a decision after writing that chapter if this was going to be a 2-shot that just shows some romantic moments, or if i'm willing to truly plot out a story to convey what i wanted, and once i decided the latter, we had to get things moving and fast! because all of this is just groundwork to the real plot of the story, which is coming soon in the 2nd half of the story.
i have never written vignette style before, so super glad that you liked it! i think the writing in those parts are my fave (i was reading a lot of poetry during that writing period), but it requires like you say a different approach to time and showing a relationship rather than these big, messy dialogues that i usually do like in chapter 2 - we just don't have time for it in this story.
of all the couples i am writing (or plan to), these are the 2 i think of as soulmates, so the instant connection allows me to get the love rolling and fast. i think it also moves so quickly because reader represents something that rindou wants outside of just herself and her company, so he's falling hard for the entire package and experience of being in love, which is self-reinforcing.
& reader's name would be Yasuko :)
when i first planned out in the belly of the beast, i imagined a scenario where each woman in the series starts snitching on bonten to the police and what their partner would do, and i decided only 3 would really stand by their woman in that case: 1) koko because he would be halfway around the world with his offshore account money before bonten even knew what happened; 2) mikey because no one could overrule him and he'd not let his girlfriend go that easy; and 3) ran, who would expect to die for the betrayal but not be able to resist showing up for miki and her family if she needed him. everyone else - even rindou for yasuko - would probably have to sit back as what happened happened because they either wouldn't have the power to stop it (takeomi for his wife), wouldn't care (wakasa), or would feel so betrayed they wouldn't be seeing clearly (rindou) ((also in rindou's case, ran would be whispering in his ear because he wouldn't want rindou to go on a suicide mission over this even though ran would do exactly that if the situation was reversed.))
i'm intimidated to write what i have in mind for ran/miki, because i think to do it justice it needs to be one very aggressive one-shot, more of a novella (like 25k words in one chapter), which will take a lot of focus. but i hope to get there because i have an angsty story to tell with them. working title is 'ran's no good horrible bad day' lol
and seriously love squealing over your favorite lines with you! rindou's pov is so romantic it's so different to write!
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