#it was in an order of 6 different cups and they were the only group that perished
paranoidgemsbok · 1 year
isopod bins seem to be a lot like aquariums in that its not that you should START with a huge bin, but the bigger the bin the more stable it is.  like my big bins do not need as much hydration maintenance as the medium ones, the moss and dirt is just able to hold on to more dampness for longer because theres more moss and dirt!
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heavyhitterheaux · 3 months
Shoot Your Shot Part 1
Bayou Barbie Meets the Hometown Hero
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Synopsis: When you are playing a game in Louisville a certain person in the audience couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Not wanting the opportunity to pass him by, he quickly makes it his goal to grab your attention before the night is over
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Basketball Player!Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
A sigh of relief finally escaped you as you lifted your arms in order to shoot a three pointer and successfully scored making your team win the game. You were currently in Louisville going against the Cardinals and as good as a team that they were, tonight you had proved to be better.
Currently, you played for LSU in the position of point guard on a full scholarship and you were in your sophomore year. Even though you grew up in Maryland, this was the only school that you had your eyes set on for as long as you could remember. 
Your teammates quickly crowded around you and embraced you as the buzzer went off signaling the end of the game. 
As you walked off the court, different people were congratulating all of you, but all you wanted to do was get food, go back to your hotel and sleep all weekend until you boarded a plane to go back to Louisiana.
Studying for your midterms would also be thrown in there somewhere.
But it was Friday night and more than likely your teammates were not about to let that happen.
You quickly showered and got dressed, but as you were putting on your shoes, one of your best friends, Kelsey, sat down next to you and simply eyed you.
She played center and towered over you at 6’4 even though you were 6 feet yourself. 
“Why are you just staring at me you little weirdo?” You asked when she finally caught your eye.
“Uhh did you see your boyfriend staring at you tonight?”
“Who?!? Me and Tristan broke up so what in the world is your ass talking about? Was he here?!”
“Not him! Jack Harlow!”
“Girl, what?! Now, I know you’ve lost your mind.”
The entire team knew how big of a crush you had on him and would tease you about it all the time, and you would constantly be fighting for your life in the group chat. Kelsey had actually gotten you tickets for your birthday to see him in concert before.
Multiple times.
“He was staring at you the entire time!”
“Uh, because he was watching us play?” You responded as you put your curly hair up in a bun on top of your head.
“Nah, not us, YOU!”
“I second that!” Screamed Ebony from across the room, but you just looked at the both of them dumbfounded.
“If you two say so, now I’m hungry so where are we about to go and eat?”
“Zombie taco, I think we should be able to walk to it from here. I looked it up before we even got here."
The restaurant wasn’t far from the arena and you and a few of your teammates walked a few streets over. As you were all standing in line, your other best friend Briana pinched you and told you to look to your left.
“Ow! What the hell Bree?!”
“Your husband is over there and so is his fine ass best friend Urban. I’d do anything to kiss those lips of his.”
“First, he’s my boyfriend and now he’s my husband? I’m going to need for the two of you to make up your mind!”
“He obviously wants you since he keeps staring at you.”
“Everyone stares at me. I’m used to it. I’m tall.” You replied while shrugging. 
“Bitch, we’re all tall! You’re actually one of the shortest ones on the team!” Kelsey quickly said and all you did was roll your eyes and playfully push her.
You were the last to order and as you went to take out your card to pay, the girl at the cash register quickly shook her head.
“No need, someone already paid for your food for you.”
Kelsey and Briana heard this and you quickly looked over at them to see them both smirking.
“It wasn’t us. We’re broke college students, bitch.” Briana said while taking a swig of water from her courtesy cup that she had gotten and all you could do was laugh.
“I got you when I make it to the WNBA.” Kelsey added and you just smiled at the cashier.
“Do you mind me asking who paid for me?”
“Dude with the curly hair sitting in the corner. I think you already know his name.” She replied as she smiled at you.
You looked in the direction where she pointed and of course, she was pointing to no one other than Jack himself and your eyes went wide.
“We told you.” Was all Briana said as the three of you waited for your food. 
“I hear wedding bells and Harlow babies in the future.”
“I will make you walk back to our apartment.”
The three of you found a table not too far from where Jack was sitting and Kelsey and Briana sat on one side making it so you actually ended up facing him and you quickly rolled your eyes at the two of them.
“You two get on my nerves.”
“We just want to see this love connection unfold. Don’t be mad at us!”
“I’m not mad at all, but come on. He’s tall himself, what does he need with a tall girl too?”
“You’re a catch and I’m going to need for you to stop talking about yourself that way.”
“I’ve hardly met any guys who want to date tall girls. Tristan doesn’t count because that relationship was a dumpster fire on wheels.”
“The team celebrated when you dropped him.”
“Come on, he treated you like shit. You deserve happiness and we can’t understand why you of all people can’t see that. You have the biggest heart and we’re tired of seeing you get hurt. Take a chance with him because his number will definitely be in your phone by the time we leave. Mark my words.”
“Bree, unhand my nacho before I stab you with my fork. If you wanted some, you should have gotten some.” You responded as you avoided what she had said before. The thing is that you knew that she was right, but now that basketball and school took up most of your time, doing anything else with you was like pulling teeth.
“Didn’t I tell you I was a broke college student?”
You wanted to thank Jack, but didn’t want to interrupt him with his friends, however Kelsey and Briana could tell you were trying to make your way out the door before saying anything to him and they weren’t having it.
“Nope, come on. Let’s go right now!” Kelsey said as she tugged at your arm.
“What?! No!”
Before you knew it all three of you were in front of Jack, Urban, Clay, Ace, Sunni, Cope, and Nemo with you in the middle and Kelsey and Briana on each side.
“Hey! Our best friend just wanted to say thank you for paying for her food. Right, Y/N?” Briana said and you quickly smiled at him.
“Yeah, thank you. I appreciate it.” You quietly said and Jack couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“Anytime, pretty girl. You three played a hell of a game tonight.” Jack answered and you could feel yourself getting hot.
“Well we have no choice when we have a captain as good as she is. We have to do our best to keep up with her.” Kelsey said while looking over at you.
“Well, Y/N, I want to be able to keep up with you too, so put your number in my phone if you’re up for it.” Jack replied while handing you his phone and you quickly took it. You already knew Kelsey and Briana were internally screaming and you wouldn’t hear the end of this for weeks.
As you finished putting your number in, you quickly handed him back his phone.
“You doing anything tomorrow?” He asked and you started to answer, but Kelsey quickly cut you off.
“Being with…”
“NO! SHE’S FREE! Pick her up at 8! We’ll send you the address. Come on Y/N!” Kelsey said as she pushed both you and Briana out of the door. 
“See you then gorgeous.”
“Okay, can’t wait.”
When the three of you got outside, you all looked at each other before collectively screaming.
“Bitch! What did we tell you?!”
“Okay, I admit you two were right because a lot of times yall aren’t.”
“That was one time on the sociology final. You aren’t going to keep hanging that over my head, Y/N! That was freshman year!”
“I- you know what Kelsey, I forgive you for that. Even though that was just literally last semester.” You said while laughing.
“Oh shit, I can’t wait to pick out your outfit!”
“Uh oh.”
“Uh oh, what?!”
“I don’t have anything to wear!”
“Uhh? You literally look like a model out of your uniform, how do you not have anything to wear?”
“All of my cute clothes are at our apartment… In LOUISIANA!” 
“It’s okay. I have my credit card my parents gave me for emergencies. I think it's almost maxed out, but there should be enough for us to get you something.”
“This is a fashion emergency so tomorrow we’re going shopping to get you ready for your date with Jack Harlow.” 
Suddenly you had stopped walking and when they both noticed that you were behind them instead of beside them, they looked at you concerned.
“Y/N? Everything okay?”
“Did he just call me pretty girl or was I imagining that?”
“You definitely didn't imagine it. He wants to get to know the bayou barbie for himself.” 
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nobody-nexus · 11 months
TADC Incorrect Quotes
(With have Ragatha/Pomni, Jax/Zooble if you squint, and maybe like ONE Jax/Bubble for shits and giggles)
Ragatha: As your best friend— Gangle: Zooble's my best friend? Ragatha, holding a knife: As your best friend—
Ragatha: Pomni is at that very special age where an adult only has one thing on their mind Caine: Boys? Pomni: Homicide
Pomni: You know what? When I join this friend group, I thought you guys would be dealing with my bullshit Caine, Zooble and Kinger continue screaming about mold water Pomni: Not the other way around! Bubble: I dunno, sounds like you need to drink the mold water :)
Gangle: How do Zooble and Jax usually get out of these messes? Ragatha: They don't. They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out
Ragatha: Just be careful, Pomni! Pomni, heading out the door: I'm always careful, Ragatha! Pomni: It's everything around me that's careless
Caine: I truly believe that water can solve all your problems! Gangle: Weight loss? Drink water Ragatha: Clear skin? Drink water Jax: Want to get rid of someone? Drown them.
Zooble: Hold on, I can explain Caine: Really? Can you now? Zooble: I can if you give me a minute to think of a convincing lie
Caine: You have to apologize to them Jax Jax: Fine! But I must warn you that this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you fell in love with!
Gangle: I came out here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now
Ragatha: Do you guys ever have a civilized conversation that doesn't require insulting each other every time you get a chance? Zooble: No. Jax: No. Ragatha: Didn't think so
Pomni: Hostage or not, sometimes it’s nice being held Ragatha: Are you okay
Zooble: When I get Doordash I order 20 Cheeseburgers at a time and heat them up throughout the week so that I don’t have to pay the delivery fee multiple times Ragatha: I hope you understand how food poisoning works Zooble: I hope food poisoning understands how I work. I never met a burger I couldn’t eat
Ragatha: Wake me up- Pomni: Before you go go Gangle: When September ends Caine: WAKE ME UP INSIDE
Ragatha, smugly, after security arrives to escort Jax and Pomni out: So, do you wanna walk out of here or do you wanna be carried out? Jax, in defeat: Let’s go Pomni: Wait. Jax: What? Pomni: I’d kinda like to be carried out...
Gangle: We have fun, don’t we, Pomni? Pomni: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life
Kinger: Hey Ragatha? Ragatha: Yeah? Kinger: What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or false? Ragatha: Ragatha: ...What.
Jax: How high are you? Pomni: Mm, I don’t know how to say it in feet. Zooble: No, he's asking what drugs are you on Pomni: Oh, antidepressants, why?
Caine: It is 6:09 . Caine: I am wondering why I’m still alive. Caine: Send Wendy’s. Pomni: The whole restaurant?!
Zooble: I’m the smartest person in this group.... Jax: Really? Then why is your hand stuck in a vending machine? Zooble: I paid for my Mars Bar, I’m getting my Mars Bar.
Pomni: Which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water?? Jax: Y- you were putting it in cold water?? Zooble: Pomni. Answer the question, Pomni. Pomni: Yeah??? I thought people just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process. didn't realize there was an actual reason. Pomni: Plus, you think I have the patience to boil water? Jax: You don't have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes?? Zooble: Why are you putting it in the microwave to boil it? Jax: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove? Zooble: It takes less than a minute. Jax: Is your stovetop powered by the f#%king sun??? Zooble: How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove? Jax: Like seven minutes?? Gangle: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in like 2 minutes... less than that if you use a saucepan! Zooble: Why are you putting the whole mug on the stove?? On medium heat?? Gangle? Your stove is enchanted! Pomni: Every single person here is a f#%king lunatic. Ragatha: Do none of you own a f#%king kettle?
Gangle: Guess what I'm about to get! Jax: On my nerves.
Zooble: Jax has discovered "deez nuts" jokes and it's all they say now. Everything is deez nuts. They simply can't stop. Zooble: I asked Jax where he learned that joke. He made me promise him wouldn't get in trouble if he told me. I agreed. Zooble: So, he leans in and whispers, "deez nuts."
Pomni: HELP! I TOLD RAGATHA I'D COOK DINNER TONIGHT BUT I CAN'T COOK! Jax, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Jax: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter A. Ragatha: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory Pomni: F$%k you.
Zooble: New challenge! Don't say stupid sh!t for 24 hours!
Pomni: Coca Cola is a health potion, Pepsi is a mana potion Ragatha, amused: What’s grape soda? Pomni: It’s f#%king purple baby!!!
Zooble: It doesn’t have a bone Jax: Then why is it called a boner?
Pomni: Can I get a waffle? Caine and Bubble: *fighting and yelling at each other* Pomni: Can I p l e a s e get a waffle?
Jax: I committed all 7 deadly sins in 30 minutes Zooble: Wow, I've gotta hear this Jax: I was angry and envious of my neighbor, so I lazily seduced his wife and ate all his groceries and didn't share Ragatha: You forgot pride Jax: No, I'm pretty proud of this
Ragatha, trying to be cute: WOW, Pomni, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How AWFULLY lewd of you. Pomni, confused: We literally slept together yesterday? Ragatha: Eh- sweetie no that's not-
Caine: Can we talk about that mass email you sent? Pomni: Why? It was important Caine: All it says is, "I'm back on my sh!t". Jax, shrugging: The people need to know
Jax: We’re getting married, bitches! Bubble: And we're about to make it everybody else's problem
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slutforsnow · 8 months
His Sunflower
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I'm on a roll 🕺
Tw/CW: drugging, sexual implications, mentions of violence, murder mention, scars, blackout, vomit
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On the way to Clemensia's party, Sunni kept the tension in the car light by rambling about whatever was running through her pretty little head. Talking about anything from art, to video games, to food. Sej and Coryo didn't mind, as it kept them distracted. They occasionally engaged in conversation with Sunni, only to quickly stop when Festus interjected.
Coryo's eyes were staring into the back of Festus' head, and if looks could kill Festus would've dropped dead the first moment he saw him after Sunni revealed they were together.
When the group arrived and Festus parked his car, he led Sunni into Clemensia's estate, where she stared up in awe, talking excitedly while Festus had a hand on waist. Sej and Coryo got out of the car, glaring at Festus.
"I brought my pocket knife, so if I need to, just let me know," Coryo mumbled to Sej as they walked up the steps, earning a hit to the chest.
"No!" He hissed, earning an eye roll from the blonde. "No murder again! The judge let you off the first time because you hadn't been diagnosed with I.E.D. yet and you were ordered to get court-mandaged therapy!"
"Damn, Sejanus, you're no fun," He grumbled as the two followed Festus and Sunni inside.
Inside of the estate, there were hundreds of students talking, dancing, some drinking alcohol, others doing drugs to let loose, making out, or doing whatever else. The lights were blinding and changing between a bunch of different colours as all kinds of music artists played on the speakers.
Sunni was eating a sugar cookie by Festus near a wall, trying not to feel uncomfortable by everyone else doing things she was taught not to do.
"It's kind weird... seeing everyone drinking alcohol," She whispered to Festus, finishing her sugar cookie.
"Oh, come on, baby, it's fine. C'mon it'll be fun," Festus encouraged, pouring Sunni a cup of whiskey. She shook her head, covering her nose with her hand.
"Nuh-uh, I refuse to try and drink until I'm 21," She refused, earning an exasperated groan from him. He downed what he poured, rolling his eyes.
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An hour passed, and by then, Sunni was in the middle of the dance floor, giggling up a storm as Festus had his hands a little too low on her as they danced to some popular song. His hands danced on her hips, and he was murmuring soft nothings in her ear that were lost on her due to the music.
Sunni was leaning into his touch, laughing and tossing her head back into his touch, feeling his thing against her back.
Sejanus and Coryo hated the sight as they mingled with the crowd. They had everything set up, and soon, it would be known to the entire grade what Festus was really like behind all that fucking charm and flirtatious attempts.
Then it happened.
The lights turned on, and Sunni was covered in a bunch of different foods. Then laughter erupted.
Sunni felt tears erupt in her eyes.
"And, THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is how you embarrass a naive little bitch!" A loud voice boomed in the room which was followed by laughter.
Sunni brought a hand up to her head as she felt two pairs of hands pulled her up. She blinked a few time, trying to focus on Festus.
"Fes..? Why did you do that?" She asked, not realizing tears were rolling down her cheeks.
"Oh, because I can! I had to embarrass you and your pathetic District mind!!" He replied, grinning maliciously.
"Why?" She asked stumbling, and feeling a familiar warmth embrace her.
"Because I can't believe how stupid you were to believe that I love you!!"
"You... you don't...?" She asked. Sunni started to cry harder. How could she be so stupid? Why didn't she believe Sejanus? Why hadn't she trusted him?
"No, you fucking moron!"
Sunni started getting dizzy and she felt sick. She placed a hand on her stomach, feeling warm until vomit spewed from her face, earning groans of disgust from their classmates.
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The next morning, Sunni groaned feeling the sun's rays on her face. She slowly opened her eyes, her eyes slowly scanning around the room. She was home?
She blinked a few more time, focusing on the figure who was seemingly asleep in a chair next to her bed.
"Cori...?" She mumbled, furrowing her brows a tad.
"Mornin', Sunshine," Coryo greeted, opening his eyes and sitting up. He reached over, brushing a lock of hair out of her sleepy face. She smiled a little at his touch, leaning into him. She was usually always warm, so his cold touch was a nice change to have against her body.
"Wha' happened...?" She asked. He grimaced, the events of last night came flooding back. Sunni's eyes soon noticed the bandages on Coryo's hands.
"Coryo, your hands-"
"I'll be fine, princess. You rest up, I'll go let Sej know you're awake and we'll bring you breakfast before we tell you what happened last night," He told her, gently cupping her face in his hand.
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Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings @nowitsmissing
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k-rising · 1 year
ENHYPEN's group dynamic (tarot reading)
DISCLAIMER: This tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only.
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how's their overall dynamic?
king of pentacles (rx) + ace of cups + the world + 5 of cups + page of pentacles (rx) + 7 of wands + 2 of pentacles + 6 of wands (rx) + 3 of wands + knight of cups (rx)
the group could get along better, but there are still some issues to be resolved...
the members care more about money and greed than improving their group dynamic. I feel that they do not have enough creative freedom and when it's time to work, it's very likely that many discussions arise.
they are aware that if there's will there would be more harmony and they would work better, but it seems that there is no will for this to happen. I feel that there are many things that still couldn't be resolved; there's a lot of resentment in this reading.
the boys suffered a lot to be where they are now, especially in their trainee days and in i-land. I feel that most of them were affected so much by that time of their lives that it's difficult for them to forget everything they went through. I also feel that some of them wanted to debut with certain people, but they couldn't make it or there are also some of the members that were not happy with the group. some of them may have lost enthusiasm for working as a group. they do have big dreams, but they're not inspired or hopeful that the group will achieve all of the things that they hope to achieve.
although they're successful and will be even more successful in the future, I feel that the feeling of competition will continue to be present... I mean competition between groups, not between members.
it seems that it's very common for many changes to occur in the group, but it seems that one particular member does not like this at all. it seems that one of them is the one who is most affected by the constant imbalance of the group.
it's sad to say this, but I think most of the members doubt their own abilities. I also feel like there's a giant lack of recognition here that that's what affects them the most. I have the feeling that they lack a lot of support, I mean... nobody compliments them for their hard work and this causes them to have low self-esteem :( despite all this, they are optimistic and don't give up. they know that if they work hard they will get what they want.
in order for the group dynamic to improve, they have to stop being so cold and support each other. they have to stop being impulsive and they have to learn to control their emotions. complimenting others for the progress they make is highly valued. they have to let go of their ego and their competitive side and become more empathetic; they have to learn to care about each other.
how does each of the boys feel about the group?
the empress + 4 of pentacles (rx) + the moon
heeseung ⇢ this guy tends to idealize and imagine a group dynamic that doesn't exist, simply because he's afraid things will get worse.
although I feel that heeseung really cares for the members, I also think that he's clinging to them because he's afraid that the group will disband and he will have to work alone... that terrifies him.
we all know this man is very talented, but heeseung himself doesn't think the same way :(
4 of cups + 10 of wands + king of cups (rx)
jay ⇢ jay isn't happy with the group dynamic, but knows how to separate work from his relationships.
this guy doesn't feel comfortable with the group, not because he doesn't feel included, but simply because their personalities are different. however, it should be said that this man tends to ignore the nice things they achieve as a group out of mere stubbornness 💀. sometimes he thinks that the only one who takes work seriously is him and sometimes he takes charge of things that later end up stressing him out.
jay finds that sometimes the work environment can be very bad and there's often a lot of manipulation involved.
to sum up, he thinks that the group dynamic is toxic af lmao
the tower + 9 of pentacles + 6 of wands (rx)
jake ⇢ at first jake thought the group dynamic was good, but suddenly one day he didn't think that anymore. something happened that made him change his mind.
regarding work, while he is proud of how he has progressed over the years, he would also like to receive compliments from his members. jake's needing that approval from his teammates, but he wouldn't be getting it, which sometimes causes him to question his abilities.
10 of wands (rx) + 5 of swords (rx) + temperance
sunghoon ⇢ this dude doesn't trust the other members very much and considers it very difficult to delegate, because of their egos.
however, sunghoon wants this to stop and is trying to find meaning in his work, trying to be patient and balance things out. sunghoon is tired of arguing and wants to improve the relationship he has with certain members.
the lovers + page of swords + 2 of swords
sunoo ⇢ well, he's the only one who is satisfied with the group cksngkd
sunoo thinks that even though they have different personalities, they complement each other well. he feels comfortable with his members and he considers that he formed a deep emotional bond with them.
sunoo loves to talk and share his opinions with his members. he also finds interesting the way some of them think. there's a lot of mental stimulation here! this also applies to work. however, many times this ends in arguments... but sunoo likes this to happen, because he considers communication important, even when he disagrees with some opinions.
ace of pentacles + 10 of swords (rx) + the tower
jungwon ⇢ at first, jungwon was very excited about the group. he was relieved that he was finally going to debut and was optimistic about enhypen's future. being chosen to be part of the group made him recover his self-confidence and, little by little, he began to heal from everything he could have experienced in the past.
however, not everything was rosy. it seems that jungwon has drastically changed his mind about the group. something in particular happened here… I feel it's because of the way each of them work.
justice + 4 of cups + 5 of cups
niki ⇢ niki is going through more or less the same thing as jay: even though enhypen is doing well and its opening a lot of paths for him, niki ignores all of that and only sees the negative side of things. maybe this is because he isn't getting the things he wants or he doesn't like the way he gets those things.
regarding the relationship he has with his members, there's a lot of resentment here. niki doesn't feel comfortable with some of his teemmates and he treats them with apathy and, what's more, I feel that he has something personal with one of them.
this reading makes a lot of emphasis on karma and pain. I've just heard "be responsible of your actions." like I said before, there's a lot of resentment in this reading.
regarding the last card, I have 2 theories about it: 1) niki feels sad because he misses his family or 2) he may be very affected by the type of relationship he has with that specific member. however, the card indicates that there's still a chance to solve that situation.
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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wheneclipsefalls · 2 years
Ma Neteyam pt.7
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Explicit, Minors do not interact
 Part 6, Part 8
Summary: Neteyam can only put off his desires for so long.
Warnings: smut, mxm anal, explicit, power imbalance, stockholm syndrome, dirty talk, abo universe, daddy kink, swearing, angst, etc.
A/N: This chapter is long! I got pretty carried away but I’m happy with how it turned out. Thanks for patiently waiting on this one
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“Eat up baby, you’re gonna need it.” Neteyam’s eyes snapped up from the plate of fish presented to the alpha’s expression, confused by the heartier breakfast. 
“Why?” The omega questioned, nervously watching Kxolo take his seat next to him. 
“It’s a surprise.” Kxolo wrapped one arm around Neteyam’s waist to easily pull him against his side. There was a giddy grin etched into the Olo’eyktan’s expression that made Neteyam suspicious. He was not sure whether or not he should be excited for the ‘surprise’ or wary of it. For all he knew, it could simply be a continuation of the activities from the day before. However, Neteyam couldn’t help but feel an unnatural thrill at the possibility of the latter. 
As they ate, Neteyam caught the look that Kxolo gave Tamil which was quickly reciprocated with a subtle nod. For the rest of the meal, the boy tried to pay extra close to their conversation and body language, searching for anything else that would hint at the surprise. He still wasn’t sure he trusted the three of them together, especially Pulo. 
Neteyam had lost his taste for surprises a long time ago from growing up with his younger brother. When Lo’ak had a ‘surprise’ it usually meant he had a problem that he was about to drag Neteyam into. He still remembered the spanking he received after helping, or rather begging Lo’ak not to, catch a palulukan at 13. Both boys could barely sit for a week after the disaster. 
“I don’t get a hint?” Neteyam innocently batted his eyelashes at the older male for good measure. The efforts were seemingly wasted as the alpha simply laughed and planted a kiss on his forehead. 
“Patience, ma Neteyam.” Neteyam wiggled his toes against the dirt, trying to distract himself from the rush that soared through his body at the intimate nickname. His omega senses had been responsive all morning, preening at every praise and touch Kxolo gave. 
When breakfast finally finished, the alpha disappeared with the Pulo and Tamil, promising to be back in a few minutes for his surprise. Vamai happily agreed to stay with Neteyam as they waited. The boy groaned at her persistence in keeping his eyes closed. He hissed and tried to shrug her off as her small hands cupped around his eyes, but to no avail. 
“Vamai, quit it. I’ll keep them closed, I promise.” Neteyam shifted between his feet, fighting every urge that told him to peek. Vamai was giggling, forcefully positioning him into the right spot to stand. Her giddy did little to put the boy at ease, wondering what sort of mischief the group had cooked up behind his back. For all he knew, it could be Kxolo served on a silver plate and the girl would be ecstatic to aid in his embarrassment. 
“As my friend, I do feel like you have some obligation to warn me if this little surprise is my demise.” His ears twitched, picking up on every noise reverberating. Only Vamai’s pacing footsteps could be heard. 
“You and I have very different definitions of friendship duties, Neteyam.” She laughed, shoving his shoulder playfully. With his eyes closed, the push sent the other omega back a few steps blindly trying to regain his footing. 
Neteyam’s tail shot up on high alert at the sound of a distant screech. Vamai was quick to palm over his ears in order to dampen the noises.
“Vamai, stop!” He attempted to pry the girl off again but the matter was useless as her hands always returned. Although not able to block every sound, his hearing was muffled enough to be confused as to what was occurring around him. 
Once the commotion had settled he felt her fingers leave his ears. 
“You can open your eyes now, baby.” Kxolo called a few yards in front of him. 
Neteyam wearily peeked them open, braced for any type of scene to unfold before him. His eyes were instantly caught by the swirling colors of brown, green, and blue he could recognize anywhere. 
“Surprise!” Kxolo beamed, gesturing to the ikran. The creature immediately went to snap at the hand, causing the alpha to draw back quickly. A loud laugh slipped through Neteyam’s lips as he observed the scene. Over five Na’vi males tried to hold down the restless ikran. 
“Azer!” Neteyam bounded for the ikran that screeched in earnest at the familiar na’vi. 
The mighty creature instantly calmed as Neteyam ran his hand along Azer’s head and neck. Kxolo watched from the sidelines proudly as he observed the boy’s tearful eyes and wide grin. He watched the way Neteyam calmed the ikran with such gentleness and intimacy, it was obvious the two knew each other well. Even Tamil let a small smile form, seeing Neteyam so ecstatic. 
“But how did you…and when..” The omega sputtered out, only barely glancing up from Azer occasionally. Kxolo motioned for the others to be dismissed before hesitantly walking toward the ikran and omega. Azer watched the male cautiously with keen precision. Kxolo was careful to not make any sudden movements. 
“I guess you could say your dad and I came to some kind of agreement.” Neteyam’s head snapped up at the comment with furrowed eyebrows. 
“And what agreement would that be?”
“That we both want you to be happy.” Kxolo stated simply. The Sully boy scrunched his nose back at the male, unconvinced.
“Oh really? It was that simple.” His tone dripped in sarcasm. Neteyam had to pull Azer’s head back from trying to snap at the alpha again. Finally going around the ikran’s head, Kxolo was able to face Neteyam properly. 
“Simple is not how I would describe it, but I can be very persuasive as you know.” Neteyam rolled his eyes at the wink Kxolo sent him. Crossing his arms, the taller male continued. “Obviously relations between Toruk Makto and I are…strained to say the least. However, he did not do this for me. He did it for you. We both figured you deserve to have a friend from home with you.”
“Oh.” It was all Neteyam could get out as a large lump began to form in his throat. Tears strained against the back of his eyes, but he fought them off, trying to look past the male’s broad shoulder instead of at his eyes. He subconsciously laid his head against Azer’s, taking in the information. 
“Well I uh don’t know what to say…t-thank you.” Neteyam felt foolish and ungrateful letting out that excuse of a thank you, but it was all he could get out without giving away his surging emotions. 
“Of course. Anything to see you smile.” Neteyam's eyes finally locked on the male’s face to find a warm smile overtaking his countenance. There was something so sincere in that gaze, Neteyam couldn’t look away. 
It felt naive and wrong to admit, but for the first time, Neteyam believed him. He considered the idea that perhaps in his own way, Kxolo truly did want to make him happy. His heart beat heavily in his chest at the thought. Neteyam couldn’t tell if the soothing circles he ran along Azer’s skin were meant to calm the ikran or himself. 
The omega softly shook his head as if to shake the train of thought out too. 
“I guess I know now why there were so many messages being sent back and forth.” Neteyam weakly laughed.
“True, a great deal of them have been to arrange this. Now you see why I break my back to keep you out of those meetings.” Kxolo teased, affectionately brushing his knuckles along the boy’s cheek. He admired the way it lightly dusted pink at the action. 
Azer made another pass at the male, Kxolo flinching out of the way just in time. Neteyam was quick to calm him down with soothing strokes and coos. 
“I don’t think he likes me very much.” Kxolo chuckled deeply. 
“Well Azer is very sensitive. He doesn’t like to be touched by strangers, it frightens him.” The ikran finally tore its predatory glare from the Olo’eyktan to focus on Neteyam. 
“An understatement if you ask me. He fought tooth and nail the entire way from the Hallelujah mountains. Your mother was the only one he took kindly to.” Kxolo instantly felt a pang of regret as Neteyam’s doe eyes looked up at him with a glimmer of hope. Silence was all it took for the omega to realize it was falsely fortified. Taking in a deep breath he turned back to the Olo’eyktan. 
“Let me guess, there are rules.” Neteyam strained his voice deeper in an attempt to imitate the Olo’eyktan. 
“A month here and that is the best you can do? That was weak, little one.” Kxolo mocked, crossing his arms over his chest. Neteyam felt the immature urge to stick his tongue out at the alpha in response but figured it would only result in being teased more. “But since you bring it up, yes there will be some rules.” 
“Naturally, since I know how much you enjoy establishing them.” Neteyam teased but a sudden nervousness made him switch back to focusing on Azer, in fear of maybe pushing the alpha too hard. 
“What I enjoy is not having to chase after your ass through the forest so you don’t hurt yourself.” The tone was still light and teasing as Kxolo raised an eyebrow but there was a hidden sternness to it. An unspoken message that the only danger in Neteyam running away was not him actually escaping but rather hurting himself in the process of trying. 
“For now I only want you flying when I am with you. And I need you to let me lead the way. I don’t want you getting lost again.” Neteyam suppressed the urge to roll his eyes at the male. He was certain he would have never gotten lost if he had an aerial view from his ikran the whole time. 
“Is that it?” He questioned, trying to keep the annoyance from slipping into his tone. 
“Stay close. Wander off and I’ll have you back in thirty seconds.” Kxolo promised, sending him another wink. 
“I’d like to see you try.” Neteyam murmured under his breath once Kxolo’s back was turned. Whether or not the alpha heard the remark, he didn’t say anything. 
A distinct yipping sound echoed across the trees as Kxolo called for his own ikran. Within seconds a creature with mighty wings adorned in mixtures of yellow and blue was swooping down towards them. Azer hissed at the ikran Kxolo was calming while backing away from the pair. Neteyam did his best to keep him placid with reassuring pets and sounds. 
“You’ve met Eyvu before, although not officially.” Kxolo gestured to the female ikran eating the fruit from his hand, unbothered by Azer’s show of aggression. “I have the rest of the day blocked off so, it's just you and me baby boy.” 
“Where are we going?” Neteyam watched the edges of the alpha’s lips turn up slightly in an effort to suppress a grin. He shifted back and forth between his feet once again cautious of the plans Kxolo could have made for the two of them.
“That is for me to know and you to find out.” Without waiting for a response, the Olo’eyktan turned to grab several items from the large satchel attached to Eyvu. Neteyam instantly recognized his battle band in one of the male’s hands.  
 The omega rolled his eyes as Kxolo insisted on fitting the band around the boy’s waist himself, another excuse to fondle him. Regardless, his body perked up at the touch, leaning into every swipe or drag of the fingers against his torso. 
Kxolo gave a crooked smile while showing Neteyam’s rider's mask pinched between his thumb and finger. Neteyam didn’t protest when the male carefully settled it around his head and forehead, shifting it back and forth until it was in place perfectly. 
Instead of falling away, Kxolo’s hands settled themselves on each side of Neteyam’s face. Thumbs running along the boy’s cheek bones, Kxolo leaned in slowly till their noses nudged against one another. The air left Neteyam’s chest as he was pulled into a deep kiss. 
A shiver from his head to toes rushed through his body, prompting the omega to rise on the balls of his feet in order to reach the male easier. His hands naturally found their way to Kxolo’s shoulders, savoring the feel of the muscular expanse of the muscles and smooth azure skin against his fingertips. Their tongues swirled lazily, only occasionally breaking away for small spurts of air. The feeling of warm large hands encompassing his head as Kxolo maneuvered it in whatever direction, sparked a warmth in his stomach that couldn’t be explained. 
Neteyam gasped for air once they pulled away, faces still only inches apart. A delicate kiss was placed atop the boy’s nose, causing his eyelashes to flutter close momentarily. A loose free smile graced Kxolo’s lips. That touch of sincere happiness was back in those golden orbs, almost childlike. Neteyam marveled at the contrast it was to the mighty Olo’eyktan role Kxolo usually maintained. 
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. You just looked too beautiful.” The air was caught in Neteyam’s throat as his brain went blank, looking for a response. There was not much time for one to be given as one last kiss was pecked onto his cheek before the towering male was turning around and heading back to the other ikran. 
He shifted the mask idly, looking for something to do with his hands. It wasn’t until Azer had nudged his shoulder that Neteyam remembered what they were there for and finally connected the tsaheylu. A heavy sigh worked its way through his body as he was once again able to feel every pulse and heartbeat of his friend. Their breathing synced into a slow hum that was bubbling with strength and excitement. The omega could tell that Azer knew they were about to fly together again.
Boarding Azer again felt as natural as breathing, but as they took off, he could feel the extra strain in his muscles. His thighs tensed and shook from not being in proper use for so long, but Neteyam diligently shifted and clung until he was appropriately in position to ride properly. 
The wind picked and crashed into his face as they raced upwards and out of the treeline after the ikran ahead. His stomach lurched at the dramatic pull of gravity from their vertical ascend against it. It wasn’t until they had leveled out once more that Neteyam was able to focus on anything besides clinging to the creature. 
For the first time in weeks the horizon was in clear view. The endless blur of orange and yellow scraped across in the distance, another reminder of how infinite the world could be. Gliding through the open air, Neteyam could hardly breath, taking in the vastness of skyscraping trees intertwined that flowed into bodies of water rushing into one another. Ikrans decorated the skies in clusters as they freely danced through the empty space. 
It was like seeing it for the first time. 
Although more harsh and unyielding at the speed, Neteyam swore the air felt crystalline pure in comparison. His lungs filled deeply, basking in the smell of pine and sunshine. Panning the distance, Neteyam caught sight of Kxolo watching him from the right. He had forgotten the alpha was even there, but the older male was content to patiently glide beside as Neteyam had his moment. 
“Follow me.” He called before banking to the right. Neteyam shifted his grip on Azer before swinging them in the direction of his mate. 
It only took a few minutes of following the alpha calmly for Neteyam to feel Azer’s impatience at the speed. They both yearned for sharper turns, fast uptakes, and winding paths that would leave one's head spinning. 
Neteyam swirled them into an aerial spin, hands holding on for dear life as toes gripped the ends of the saddle. Adrenaline mixed with pure ecstasy raced through his veins with every twist. A scream ripped its way through his throat as they continued their way through the air, completely weightless. 
A sharp cry to their left startled Neteyam into finally looking over and seeing Kxolo bumping alongside them. Azer let out an aggressive cry, going to snap at the other ikran but Neteyam swiftly swerved them away in time. Kxolo burst into a laugh before jetting down into a spiral descent. 
Neteyam followed without hesitation. The speed along with the spinning made it near impossible to tell when the world was right side up. Only streaks of color could be interpreted as they continued to cut down through the air at great speeds. The omega could hear the alpha’s own cries and yips of glee beside them. 
Neteyam and Kxolo leisurely took the path towards their destination, oftentimes going off to explore certain parts of the forest unseen to Neteyam or race each other to designated tree lines. The omega’s heart soared at the taste of true freedom. 
He would no longer be prisoned to the grounds covered by trees that dwarfed him and blocked the sunrise. Neteyam didn’t realize how much he truly yearned for flying until it had been taken away. It reminded him of the first time he rode Azer after completing his iknimaya. Their first ride together was clumsy  and uncoordinated but nothing could beat the awe and rush of adrenaline that came from swimming through the clouds. He was invincible. The world was below him and Neteyam lived among the stars. 
His body became quicker to respond to the changing sharp angles and turns as he clung to the ikran. The glides became smoother as the muscle memory snapped into place and Neteyam was able to chase the horizon without a single thought. Azer and Neteyam moved as one, inseparable in body and mind. 
“Keep up, little one.” Kxolo yelled over his shoulder teasingly. The alpha swerved to glide behind the backside of the roaring waterfall with ease. Neteyam struggled slightly to get them into position to do the same but found his way nonetheless. He couldn’t keep the grin from his face and laugh from lips as the thundering water crashed close enough to mist their bodies completely. 
Any sense of time slipped between Neteyam’s fingertips as the pair continued to ride till his thighs were on fire. At some point the omega knew they were flying in circles, putting off reaching their final destination, but he couldn’t care less. It was the most he had felt like himself since arriving to the clan. 
When they finally perched along a cliffside covered in thick grass and small budding flowers, Neteyam’s legs wobbled beneath him as he dismounted. He brushed along the ikran’s neck, calming the exhausted animal down before going to stretch his own limbs out. Every part of his body ached from holding the crouched position over Azer but the pain was welcomed with the knowledge that it had come from doing something he loved. 
“I thought I lost you there for a minute.” Kxolo called while taking out a blanket from the pack on Eyvu. Neteyam rolled his eyes and snorted at the teasing.
“As if. I was riding your ass the whole time. If I weren’t rusty from my month hiatus we would have been a speck in the horizon to you.” Neteyam pushed the mask off of his head to see the alpha’s expression better. An amused demeanor was all he found as Kxolo finished laying the blanket out and sauntered over to the smaller male. 
“Hmm arrogance suits you well, my love.” As usual, Kxolo took liberties in invading Neteyam’s personal space at the first chance possible. “And so does flying. You were beautiful out there.”
Large hands casually grasped at Neteyam’s hips, bringing him in closer. 
“You weren’t too bad yourself.” The omega muttered, unsure of where to rest his hands at such close proximity. He flinched as small circles were traced over the matching hickeys on his hips. 
“Generous of you.” The older male chuckled before intertwining their fingers and pulled Neteyam towards the laid out blanket. Neteyam sat obediently as he watched Kxolo carry over an arrangement of carefully packed fruits, berries, nuts, and dried meat. 
The alpha confidently settled himself behind Neteyam with a leg on either side of the boy. He didn’t question the older male when he removed both of their battled bands and placed them to the side. The intimate position had the omega squirming slightly but when one large hand gently pushed against his chest to urge him to lean back, Neteyam caught a whiff of Kxolo’s overpowering scent and every muscle in his body relaxed. He could no longer remember why he would want to move in the first place as his omega hindbrain sang praises of approval and relief at the feeling of the alpha cuddling him close. 
Neteyam obediently opened his mouth as different pieces of fruit were hand fed to him. His mind was already drifting off into its own world, too tired to care or even notice the intimate act. His eyes lazily followed the soaring patterns created by wild ikrans drifting through the clouds. The omega basked in the silence and reprieve the lookout point brought. 
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Kxolo asked, putting another piece of fruit in front of the boy’s lips. Neteyam quietly chewed, trying to think of some response. 
“Did you see my family when you picked up Azer?” 
“Pulo led a small group to meet them and bring him over last night. I was a little preoccupied.” He could feel the male's lips pulled into a smirk as they leaned down to brush against his cheek. “That reminds me,” Kxolo shuffled behind him, pulling a few small objects out of the satchel. Neteyam turned around to face the alpha, sitting on his knees.
“These are for you.” Placed in his hands were colorful bracelets of different patterns and designs. He ran the beads between his fingers, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “I’m told they are from one of your sisters.” 
Neteyam perked up, remembering the bracelets that his parents had mentioned Tuk making for him.
“Tuk was there?” He began to more closely observe each and every bracelet, impressed by the complexity and clean construction his youngest sister was able to execute. 
“She was there alright and according to Pulo, the most intimidating child he had ever met. She made him promise to get these delivered to you in one piece followed by some very creative threats.” Neteyam laughed loudly at the mental image of tiny Tuk pointing her finger angrily while growling out demands and threats at the grown alpha. He couldn’t help but be proud of his sister’s passion. 
“That sounds like her.” His grin spread from ear to ear as he continued to admire the bracelets, unaware of Kxolo fondly watching him. “She gets very serious about her projects. I almost lost my title of favorite brother to Lo’ak once because I accidentally snapped one of her necklaces.I had to give her rides on Azer for a whole week to make it up to her.” He chuckled. 
“I’m sure that secured your title permanently.” Kxolo listened intently, happy to hear the boy babble about his family. Truly just content to hear Neteyam talk about anything that brought him joy. 
“Well that’s not even half the stuff Tuk has dragged me into. Last year she became obsessed with the idea of princesses. They’re a Sky People thing, like a Tsahik in rank I guess but they just dance in these giant dresses with sparkly hats on their heads.” 
Wrinkles formed between Kxolo’s eyebrows as he tried to understand the weird Sky People custom Neteyam described. The omega gave a small laugh at his expression, waving his hand to show the definition didn’t really matter. 
“Anyways, she spent weeks creating these makeshift tiaras, the sparkly hats, out of twigs, beads, shells, anything she could get her hands on. Dragged Kiri, Lo’ak and I into having a tea party. It’s just sitting around drinking stuff with these ridiculous head pieces on. Lo’ak found some lame excuse to bail and Kiri was called to the healer’s tent so I was the only one left to be tormented by her for three long hours.” He secured an orange and purple bracelet around one wrist while continuing. Kxolo held in a coo at the idea of sweet patient Neteyam grumbling with a cup in hand and sparkly headpiece on for hours in order to entertain the girl. 
“Unfortunately, a few of the other warriors walked by during this escapade. Tuk was more than happy to explain what we were doing and for months I had the nickname ‘Princess Neteyam’. It took Lo’ak punching one alpha in the nose after using it for the trend to finally die off.” Finally finishing the story, Neteyam’s cheeks started to burn red as he realized how much rambling he had done to the alpha, and with an embarrassing story nonetheless. 
“She is lucky to have such a caring older brother like you, sweet one.” Kxolo purred, thumbing at the ebbing red spreading across the boy’s cheek bones. 
“I don’t know why I told you all that.” His eyes averted from the Olo’eyktan’s gaze down to the remaining bracelets still in his lap. 
“I like your stories, baby.” Kxolo assured. “Were you teased often by other warriors?” Neteyam knew that the older male was really asking about alphas in particular. He knew better than to let Kxolo in on all the courting, teasing, and flirting he had endured from other alphas in the clan. Yet somehow, the words slipped out. 
“Well being a male omega always comes with a certain amount of unwanted attention.” Something dark flickered in the Olo’eyktan’s eyes. Neteyam mentally cursed at himself, trying to figure out why he had said anything at all when he knew it was a bad idea. 
“Like what?” Kxolo maintained his casual posture and nonchalant voice, but that hard steel in his eyes did not vanish and Neteyam knew he had stepped into dangerous territory. Alphas were known to be territorial and possessive, something Kxolo had already established several times in their relationship. The last thing he needed was for the Olo’eyktan to hunt down the silly boys that had chased him back home. Lo’ak had already done too much of that for Neteyam’s liking. 
“Oh it’s nothing. Yum fish, did you want some?” Neteyam reached for the small basket of fish, desperately trying to steer the conversation in a different direction. 
“Neteyam.” Kxolo drawled. Intense eyes bore into the side of Neteyam’s skull as he fiddled with the fish. 
“You know I caught a fish just like this when I was little. It was pretty impressive for an eight year old.” His mind scrambled for any information that could permanently keep them off the topic of persistent alphas. 
“You didn’t answer my question, little one.” The words were on the verge of a deep growl and Neteyam’s heart rate sped up at the tone. A sudden urge to tell the alpha everything bubbled to the surface but the omega swallowed it down. 
“Sure I did. Yovo?” Neteyam held out the purple fruit in offering. Kxolo slowly grabbed the fruit from his grasp and laid it to the side, eyes never leaving the omega before him. 
“Is there something you don’t want to tell me, little one?” Finally making eye contact with those golden orbs, Neteyam found it nearly impossible not to say something in response. 
“It really is nothing. Just a few silly alphas that had a hard time taking no for an answer. Had to get a little creative in shaking them off, but it was fine. My dad and Lo’ak were pretty stern with some of them.” The confession spilled out messily, almost against his will, but Neteyam did his best to remain aloof, picking at the fish in front of him. 
The pheromones drifting from the alpha were slowly shifting into ones of lethal anger, so Neteyam decided to try a new strategy. Shuffling on his knees, the boy hesitantly straddled one of Kxolo’s outstretched thighs. He did his best to flutter his lashes innocently at the male while holding up a piece of yovo in front of Kxolo’s lips. Sharp eyes watched the boy warily. 
“Here, I’ll feed you.” His lips cracked into a nervous smile. 
Long fingers wrapped around his small wrist, lowering it from the Olo’eyktan’s lips. 
“Shake them how?” Kxolo’s jaw clenched, as the intoxicating pheromones rolled off of him in waves towards Neteyam. The boy bit his lip to stop himself from continuing on and making things worse, but there was a little voice in the back of his head that was getting progressively louder. A voice that begged for him to tell the alpha what he wanted to know. To give in and spill any and every secret he ever had. 
“Just some silly ways I got some of them to stop following me around after asking didn’t work.”
“So they stalked you.” Neteyam’s chest tightened at the rumbling voice. 
“Well I wouldn’t call it that necessa-”
“Did they touch you?” A fire seethed in those golden eyes and Neteyam felt drunk off of the possessive tone that fell over him. It took serious effort to not present his neck to Kxolo submissively. 
“N-no not really. I don’t see why you care so much anyways.” Neteyam knew it was the wrong thing to say the second the words left his mouth. 
An arm of iron steel wrapped around the omega’s back, pulling him further up Kxolo’s thigh until they were chest to chest. Neteyam whimpered at the friction of the movement, the coil of arousal already forming. His chin was pinched tightly between the alpha’s thumb and finger, forcing the nervous omega to maintain eye contact. 
A looming intensity settled over Kxolo’s features, a burning fire that could not be tamed. The musky scent encasing Neteyam’s senses had his head spinning, staring dumbly up at the male. The boy’s fingers gripped at the beads adorning the alpha’s neck, looking for something to grasp on to. 
“I care because you are my omega, my mate. And it is my job as your alpha to protect you. Nobody touches what is mine.” The deep rumble of assertions were laced with dark threads of promises. Promises to own. Promises to protect. Promises to kill threats, if necessary. 
Shaky breaths slipped through Neteyam’s lips. His thoughts felt like a tangled mess of string, with no beginning or end, no sense in any of it. All that he could focus on was the pure power and dominance radiating from the alpha, his alpha. 
“I am always going to look after you, baby boy. I take my responsibilities very seriously and you are my utmost priority.” Neteyam preened at the affirmations. His fingers happily slipped behind Kxolo’s heads to begin playing with the braids happily. He caught the corner of the Olo’eyktan’s lips twitching upwards almost into a smile before disappearing. 
“Neteyam,” The omega’s eyes snapped back into focus from their wandering along Kxolo’s broad shoulders. “If anyone ever touches you or makes you feel uncomfortable in any way, I need you to come directly to me. You tell me what happened, and I will take care of it.” An ominous ambiguity lay around the definition of taking care of it, but Neteyam didn’t dwell on it. “Can you promise me that, baby?” 
The back of Kxolo’s knuckles tenderly traced his cheekbones. Shivers traveled down Neteyam’s spine as he nodded. 
“Use your words, baby boy.” He commanded gently. 
“I promise.” Neteyam whispered, causing a grin to slowly return to Kxolo’s face. 
“Good boy.” He praised the omega. Neteyam held in a whimper at the words as slick began to leak out onto Kxolo’s thigh. 
A strong grip around the back of his neck pulled the boy into a slow heated kiss. His fingers held onto the braids for dear life as his hips accidentally rutted against the Olo’eyktan’s thigh again. His head was already starting to turn fuzzy but Neteyam knew there was one thing he had to do before losing himself to the pleasure. Kxolo let out an unsatisfied grunt when Neteyam pulled himself out of the kiss with some force. The grip remained but the alpha didn’t try to pull him back in. 
“Kxolo?” He hesitantly whispered. 
“Yes baby?” Kxolo watched the boy’s expression vigilantly. 
“L-last night when we were…together,” Neteyam gulped, willing himself to spit the words out he had been holding in all day. “Why didn’t you take my virginity?” Kxolo repositioned his hand from Neteyam’s neck to instead run soothing strokes through the boy’s braids.
“Take,” He hummed. “Precisely because of that. I don’t want to take your virginity, Neteyam. I wait for the day that you give it to me. Last night you were in no position to do so, completely overtaken by your desire. I wasn’t about to do something that would have you singing praises one night and hating me the next.” 
The explanation made sense, was even thoughtful, but a part of Neteyam’s heart sank. He knew convincing the other male wasn’t going to be easy, but the boy knew what he wanted. He knew what he needed, what he thought of every night he closed his eyes to sleep. 
“I’m giving it to you now.” There was a silence as Kxolo’s eyes closed and he took a deep breath. Neteyam recognized it as the same expression his father wore when trying to hold his temper back, praying to Eywa for strength, but Kxolo was praying to control something else.  
“It is a dangerous thing to tease me, baby boy.” Neteyam was instantly shaking his head, shuffling further up the alpha’s thigh. 
“I’m not.” Kxolo’s  jaw clenched at the words, eyes roaming up and down Neteyam’s form slowly. 
“I only have so much self control, Neteyam. Do not say this to me, unless you are committed to following through. I will not wake up to a bratty omega that regrets giving in. Do you understand?” The coil wound tighter and tighter in Neteyam’s core at the words. He knew then more than ever that he wanted the male. He wanted to give everything over to the Olo’eyktan till all of his worries were illegible words drifting at the back of his mind. 
“I know what I’m saying.” Neteyam smoothed his fingers along the expanse of Kxolo’s shoulders, relishing the dip and curve of the strong muscles. “I’ve wanted you, needed you, for a long time.” He laid opened mouthed kisses along the older male’s neck, avoiding the thick beaded choker. “It’s the only thing that runs through my head at night when you're pressed up against me, or when I wake up and I’m drowned in your scent.” He squeaked as the arm around his back yanked him up against the alpha till they were chest to chest. “Please help me, alpha.”
Kxolo gently shifted his hand to encase Neteyam’s neck, forcing the boy to look upwards at him. The other hand went to claw and squeeze at the boy’s ass mercilessly. More slick was released and Neteyam was suddenly desperate for the friction against Kxolo’s thigh. Despite this, he didn’t move, didn’t dare breathe. He was pinned by the dilated pupils staring back at him, swimming with primal desire. 
“If you want this, you are going to promise me something, baby boy.” 
“Anything.” he breathed. 
“Promise me that tomorrow when your head is out of the clouds and you remember what we have done, you will not be upset with me. Promise me that this is more than just your hormones talking.” Dull fingernails dug into Neteyam’s plush ass cheek and he whimpered at the sensation. 
“I promise, Kxolo.” The crooked smile that slowly seeped its way across Kxolo’s face had Neteyam shifting uncomfortably under his loincloth. Anticipation was steadily creeping in the pit of his stomach. 
The hand around his neck dragged down the boy’s torso, never missing a chance to land a quick flick against a nipple until it circled around to his back and gripped the other cheek. Neteyam let out pitiful little whimpers as Kxolo palmed both cheeks and spread them apart slowly. Despite the bands still securing his loincloth in place, Neteyam could feel the soft breeze against his wet hole. He had never felt so vulnerable and naked, and yet never more aroused. 
Hot breath tickled his ear as the alpha leaned in close to it. 
“Are you ready to be mine, baby boy?” Neteyam’s own fingernails dug slightly into those broad shoulders as the familiar haze began to overtake his train of thought. 
“Yes daddy!” He cried out as one finger skated against his rim. 
“You have all the right answers today, don’t you?” Kxolo chuckled. One hand on the boy’s hip and the other still digging into one cheek, Kxolo began to move Neteyam back and forth across his thigh. 
The friction was sweet torture as his stiff cock dragged along the smooth skin. Kxolo’s hands pressed him down harder, insisting on Neteyam letting his whole body weight be pressed down against his stripped thigh. The omega yearned to remove the piece of fabric separating his cock from the flexing muscles. Neteyam’s whimpers into the crook of Kxolo’s neck finally caught the male’s attention. 
“Don’t pout, pretty thing. Daddy’s trying to get you ready for him.” He smirked at Neteyam’s increasing ruts against his thigh, aching for any type of pressure. His smile, however, dropped when the omega halted the movement to reach for his loincloth and begin taking it off. “Nuh-uh baby boy, not yet.” He demanded. 
Neteyam sent pleading eyes at the male, but obeyed anyways. He rutted against the exposed thigh until there was leaking precum staining his loincloth. No matter how hard he tried to buck or how many different patterns he tried, it was never enough to get him close to the edge, only enough sensation to have him aching for more focused attention. 
The omega tried to distract himself by laying kisses along the column of Kxolo’s throat, progressively getting more annoyed at the beads blocking his path. The distraction was only effective for so long as Neteyam could already feel the cut of the woven blanket into his knees as he rocked himself back and forth. 
“Daddy please! I need more, need you closer!” Neteyam could practically feel the waves of approval in the pheromones that drifted from the alpha. Before he could ask again he was pushed flat on his back with Kxolo watching on his knees from the side. 
Neteyam reached a hand for the male, but was shushed gently as he repositioned himself to straddle the omega’s knees. Seeking some sort of contact, Neteyam was finally able to locate a hand and intertwine their fingers together. His tail wrapped around the forearm too for good measure. 
Devious eyes peered up at Neteyam as Kxolo bent down towards his clothed crotch. The omega was unable to look away as the Olo’eyktan placed an intentional kiss on top of his bulge, then licking over the precum spot darkening the loincloth. Neteyam could feel himself getting more and more anxious as he was teased relentlessly. 
Kxolo swiftly moved his head along the top of the loincloth until reaching one of the straps holding it on. He stared back at the whimpering omega with glee as he carefully used his teeth to latch onto the strap. Using that grip, he tugged it slowly down Neteyam’s leg, loincloth following reluctantly in the process. Goosebumps bloomed across the azure skin as the sharp edges of Kxolo’s teeth grazed his limb consequently. 
Halfway down the boy’s thigh, Kxolo grinned slightly as the hard little cock slapped against Neteyam’s stomach. When he had finally managed to get the fabric down to the boy’s ankles and off, Neteyam was panting heavily and squeezing his hand till there was little circulation. 
He ran the side of one finger up the length of Neteyam’s cock, lightly swirling around the head once reaching the top. It twitched and leaked shamelessly as Kxolo teased along it with feather light touches. 
“Don’t be mean.” Neteyam complained, hips shuffling to escape the teasing. 
“Am I not allowed to admire my omega’s little cock?” Kxolo mocked. Neteyam let out another loud groan as the alpha swiped his thumb over the head harshly with a squeeze. “So pretty.” He cooed. 
Watching from lidded eyes, Neteyam drank in the sight of Kxolo hungrily. A white heat ran through his veins, screaming at the omega to fulfill every dirty desire. His heart rate sped up as he remembered what it felt like to trace along the lines and curves of the larger male’s torso. He began to salivate at the idea of following them with his tongue instead. 
Tired of speculating, Neteyam quickly pushed himself up until he was back to straddling Kxolo. Their lips attached automatically as the Olo’eyktan gripped the smaller body against his forcefully. The kiss quickly turned into a mess of tongue and teeth. Neteyam’s own canines scraped along Kxolo’s bottom lip. The licks and kisses began to trail away from the alpha’s lips and towards the male’s right ear. He ran his tongue down the side of Kxolo’s neck, alternating with wet kisses. The scent was intoxicating, pushing Neteyam to travel further and further down the expanse of skin. 
Kxolo watched in pleasure and amusement as Neteyam separated them enough to duck his head down to the male’s chest. Small hands fervently danced across the male’s lower abs and sides. Tongue and teeth scraped along his pecs before settling against a spot next to Kxolo’s collarbone. Lust filled eyes twitched upwards at Kxolo before Neteyam latched onto the spot. 
A small groan left the alpha’s throat in surprise. Neteyam sucked the patch of skin zealously trying to leave a hickey. A primal urge to mark the alpha as his own just like he had done for him. 
“There you go, baby boy. Such a good boy marking your alpha.” Kxolo growled at the slight pain radiating from the spot. 
Neteyam pulled off with a messy smile, fingertips running along the small mark already forming. The heat inside of him burned brighter at the praises that so easily fell from the Olo’eyktan’s lips. Hastily placed kisses ran down Kxolo’s chest and abs in celebration. 
Kxolo massaged and dug into the curve of Neteyam’s ass, letting the boy explore and mouth at his body freely. He allowed himself to bask in the feeling of the inexperienced tongue and fingers desperately searching him. His cock was already on the verge of bursting out of his loincloth, but Kxolo yearned to slow down time as much as possible. He was in no rush to subdue Neteyam’s oral fixation.
Sharp tugs to his loincloth snapped Kxolo out of his blissful trance. He fought back a laugh as he watched Neteyam angrily yank at the straps, unable to pull it off with Kxolo sitting down. He watched the omega’s frustrated expression with pinched eyebrows and lips formed into an adorable pout. It wasn’t until Neteyam refocused that expression up at the alpha that he decided to have mercy on the boy and remove his loincloth for him. 
Kxolo jolted drastically as warm lips wrapped around his cock within seconds of the cloth falling away. He watched in awe as Neteyam intently tried to fit the large member into his mouth, whining when he was only able to fit it halfway down. The sound sent vibrations through his cock that had him twitching and groaning in delight. 
Animalistic desires surged through Kxolo’s thoughts at the sight. His pretty little omega, desperately sucking at his cock, poor little thing barely able to handle it but gagging earnestly on it anyways. An oral fixation indeed. 
“Missed me that much, huh?” He breathlessly laughed. He fought back the urge to buck into Neteyam’s warm mouth, but as the suckling and gagging continued, it became progressively more difficult to hold back. 
Trails of saliva coated the corners of Neteyam’s outstretched lips. His eyes were glossy but determined as they went back and forth between focusing, squeezing shut in frustration and blinking up at Kxolo. His lower abs tightened in anticipation of the impending orgasm coming his way. There was only so much self control he had left before his instincts would take over. 
“Keep going like that and you’ll have me cuming down your throat.” Kxolo warned. 
To his surprise, Neteyam moaned sweetly at the words. Looking down at those eyes it was obvious the boy was somewhere far away, completely lost in the primal desires his omega screamed for. It was Kxolo’s last tipping point.
“You want that, baby? Want daddy to fuck his cum down your throat?” Neteyam did his best to nod without letting the cock fall out of his aching mouth. 
Kxolo used both hands to gather Neteyam’s braids and cue into a makeshift ponytail. He swirled it around one wrist before gripping the gathered hair tightly. Satisfied with the makeshift handle, he gave the boy one last warning. “Remember what I said about breathing through your nose.” 
He guided the boy down his cock before harshly tugging his hair up till Neteyam’s lips were just around his head. This pattern continued, long strokes as the omega became closer and closer to taking in all of his alpha’s cock. The boy would choke and gag as the head and part of the shaft would hit the back of his throat. Despite these struggles he continued to suck and hollow his cheeks in effort to reach his goal.
The pace slowly turned brutal as Kxolo manhandled the boy’s head up and down, chasing his own high. He did his best to check on the boy throughout but there was little need as Neteyam continued to moan and slick could be seen coating the boy’s thighs from where Kxolo sat. 
Deep growls and groans filled the air with Neteyam’s wet noises and whimpers. The alpha could feel his high reaching quickly as his cock was squeezed tightly by his mate’s little mouth. The golden eyes blinking back at him in search of approval set him on the edge. It wasn't until a small hand came to fondle his balls that Kxolo lost it. 
“Neteyam!” he growled as stars clouded his vision. The omega sputtered and choked at the feeling of warm cum down his throat but this time he didn’t pull off. Kxol drunkenly watched his omega suckle down the sperm. 
Finally down from his high, Kxolo released the boy’s hair and gently slid his sensitive cock out of his mouth. Neteyam’s chest rose and fell quickly as he gasped for air. There was an unmistakable smile forming along his panting lips. 
“You ok, baby boy?” Face still a mess of spit and dribbling cum, Neteyam pulled them into a passionate kiss. Kxolo laughed between their lips before grabbing him by the waist and deepening it. 
“Swear your mouth was made for me, baby. It was made for daddy’s cock wasn’t it?” Neteyam nodded eagerly. His hips began to move against Kxolo’s pelvis seeking friction for his erect cock. 
“N-need your cock i-inside daddy!” Neteyam’s voice was barely a raspy moan from the ache in his throat. The sound had the alpha moving into action immediately. 
The world spun as Neteyam was pushed back onto the ground with his ankles held together in one hand that pushed them up towards his ears. His hole fluttered against the cool air, wet and desperate for attention. His toes wiggled in anticipation as he strained to see the alpha from the otherside of his upturned legs. A disappointed whine cut off his train of thought at the feeling of a finger being pushed in, instead of what he really wanted. 
“Have to stretch you out first, baby. Try to be patient.” Neteyam tried to focus on the soothing rumble in that voice. He could feel himself practically ripping holes into the blanket as he gripped the material with both hands. 
Minutes felt like hours as the Olo’eyktan thoroughly added finger after finger, swirling, twisting and scissoring to ensure he was being stretched properly. The pleasure was undeniable but Neteyam couldn’t help but feel as if it was not enough, not when he had been promised to be filled. 
Twisting to one way, Neteyam was finally able to catch a glance at the concentrated Olo’eyktan. A prideful smirk made its way across his face as he noticed the alpha was already back to full mass. He bit his lip at the sight. 
“What did I say about being patient?” Kxolo raised his eyebrow at the boy.
“I am being patient.” Neteyam innocently whined. 
“Then stop,” The three fingers jammed against his g-spot abruptly. “Tempting me with that lip bite.” A silent scream had Neteyam’s mouth wide open as Kxolo continued to massage and rub that special spot. “You know how I feel about that.” 
“I’m gonna cum!” Neteyam blurted out.
“Won’t be the last time today.” The promise had Neteyam shaking as the orgasm ripped through him. His stomach became painted in ropes of cum as the fingers continued to ride him through the high. Finally opening his eyes, Neteyam blinked at the mischievous alpha smirking back at him. 
“Feeling a little more patient now?”
“Asshole.” Neteyam muttered, earning himself a sharp spank to the ass. 
Still sensitive but aching for more, Neteyam’s suspended legs began to tremble as Kxolo pushed his thumb past the rim. Kxolo watched in smug fascination as the tight rim of muscles began to stretch and form around his fingers. He eased the whimpering omega with soft coos and kisses to the bottom of his thighs periodically, promising he would have his cock soon. 
Finally when his hole was relaxed enough and Kxolo couldn’t hold himself back anymore, he repositioned Neteyam to get him ready. The boy’s small body was pliant as he parted those legs to place them on either side of him, bent at the knees. His heart warmed at the sight of Neteyam’s tail naturally wrapping itself around Kxolo’s thigh. 
“So pretty.” Kxolo murmured with a soft kiss to the winking hole. 
“Please please please Kxolo.” Sitting up to face Kxolo, sparkling eyes on the brink of tears blinked back at him. Kxolo’s breath caught at the sight. His pretty Neteyam. 
One hand lined up his cock to the entrance while the other pulled the omega into a deep kiss. It was interrupted as the head of his cock just barely breached the ring of muscles. Neteyam sharply took in a breath. 
“Relax for me, baby. That’s it. Good boy.” Kxolo tenderly brushed the hair from Neteyam’s sweaty forehead. Inch by inch slowly pushing into the tight heat, it took great effort to keep his own voice even at the sensation. It took every fiber of self control to keep himself from plunging in mercilessly. 
His pelvis finally met the curve of Neteyam’s ass. The omega’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, breathing intensifying at the full feeling. It was unlike anything he had felt before. So many nights imagining and yet nothing could prepare him for it. The burning stretch had him caught in a limbo between pleasure and pain. 
“Great Mother! You are so tight, Neteyam.” Kxolo growled into the smaller boy’s neck in between kisses. “How’s my baby? You doing alright?” 
“So big.” Neteyam cried, shifting slightly on the cock. Kxolo fingers dug into one of the soft thighs, holding himself back from moving. 
“I know, baby boy. You are taking Daddy’s cock so well, so tight for me.” The burning slowly began to fade. Neteyam found himself restless, squeezing around the cock in efforts for more. 
“Shit, Neteyam! Careful there.” 
“Need you to move now!” He whined, bucking his hips back against the alpha’s pelvis. Kxolo let out a string of curses before complying. 
He slid out slightly, savoring in the tight walls that held him inside mercilessly. Every drag sent white hot pleasure through the alpha’s veins, barely able to move with the way his omega’s hole hungrily sucked him in. Neteyam on the other hand was already incoherently begging for more, faster, harder, deeper.
“Careful what you wish for.” The alpha growled before pulling completely out and slamming back into the hilt without pause. Neteyam screamed at the sensation. His hands clawed Kxolo’s shoulders to pull himself up. 
He repeated the movement again and again until Neteyam was letting out scream and whimpers at every thrust. Kxolo couldn’t keep in his own groans as the tight heat sucked him in effortlessly. 
“Yes yes YES!” Neteyam screamed into the male’s shoulder. 
“Found it.” Kxol smirked as he teased around that spot with his thrusts, only then to randomly hit against it at full force. The teasing had Neteyam fully shifting himself onto Kxolo’s lap, looking for some sort of control. 
“Wanna ride you daddy.” He whimpered. Kxolo lovingly kissed along the boy’s neck, nodding at him to continue. He steadied the hesitant omega with hands to his hips, guiding him up and down. 
Neteyam intertwined his fingers through the beaded choker around Kxolo’s neck, using it as a grip. With every thrust, Kxolo found new places to kiss and praise within his reach. Little love bites littered the side of Neteyam’s neck down to his jetting collarbones. 
Kxolo took in every sight, touch, and sound and committed it to memory. He reveled in the feeling of Neteyam’s small body finally wrapped in his arms, no space between their bodies, perfectly together in one. He ingrained the sounds of those whimpers into his brain, noticing every hitch of breath or cut up exhale the boy breathed. This was where he belonged. This was where Neteyam was meant to be. 
A sharp tug accompanied by a sounding snap brought him back to reality. Beads were falling everywhere between their bodies, his necklace split to one side. A glance to Neteyam’s hands still grasping strings and beads, had the alpha chuckling, realizing he had broken the choker once used as a handle. 
“S-sorry.” Neteyam barely got the words out as he struggled to maintain the bouncing motion in pace. 
“I think I like it better like this anyways.” He laughed, reassuring his mate. “Why don’t you let me take over, hm?” Neteyam nodded, eyes barely peeking through the lids. 
Kxolo pulled out carefully, cooing as Neteyam whimpered at the loss. He flipped the omega over on this stomach with knees underneath him to prop his ass up. He wasted no time in re-entering the boy from behind. Neteyam hiccuped and cried in pleasure as he was filled once more. The new angle had the alpha able to fuck into him deeper than before, reaching the boy’s g spot head on.
“I know baby, I know.” He grunted as Neteyam began to let the tears freely roll down his cheeks. The pleasure was overwhelming, it sucked the very breath from his lungs. A firm hand pressed against his lower back till Neteyam was bowing back into a provocative arch. A warm chuckle had him looking back in confusion at the alpha.
“Maybe I’ll have some yovo after all.” Kxolo teased, gesturing to the purple fruit that rubbed off onto Neteyam’s back from laying down across their picnic spread. Kxolo picked up the pace, jackhammering into the little hole. 
The flat of his tongue ran from the base of Neteyam’s spine to the bottom of his upturned ear. He delighted at the shivers and goosebumps that speckled across Neteyam’s skin at the act. He liked his lips and hummed at the sweet taste before repeating the action. Between licking off the fruit juice the Olo’eyktan would look down at where their bodies connected, watching the omega’s ass bounce against his pelvic bone. 
“So good so good sogoodsogood.” Neteyam screamed weakly, underneath the larger male. Kxolo continued to sink into the boy harder, shooting for the little spot that made him see stars. 
“I know, baby boy. Feels so good. You are being so perfect for me. So fucking beautiful!” The older male growled, rutting his cock faster into the boy’s hole till there were red marks forming along the cheeks where his pelvis was hitting. “Are you gonna cum pretty boy?” 
Neteyam nodded hastily against the woven blanket. He reached his hand back blindly searching for contact. Kxolo understood instantly and instead pulled the boy up until his back was flush against the Olo’eyktan’s chest. Neteyam nestled easily into the form with his head thrown back against the older male’s shoulder. The two intertwined hands, laying them across the omega’s bulging stomach. 
Neteyam unlatched one hand in order to reach for his own leaking cock. Kxolo quickly slapped the hand away sternly. He went to complain until the Olo’eyktan’s own hand reached around to wrap firmly around his length. 
“That’s mine.” The reverberating growl made Neteyam’s toes curl in pleasure. 
The brutal pounding from behind and strokes to his cock had the omega shaking from the intense stimulation. He was barely able to tell left from right. Every stroke brought him closer and closer to his release. Barely a breath away from pure ecstasy. 
“So beautiful on my cock, Ma Neteyam.” The orgasm ripped through Neteyam fiercely. His hole squeezed harshly around the older male’s cock causing a loud groan to leave his lips. He held the boy, continuing the rhythm, as the omega’s body shook and convulsed. 
“Good boy, cuming for daddy.” He purred, hips zealously snapping into him in order to push himself over his own edge. One final squeeze around him had the man growling as his own release spilled into the smaller male’s hole. 
“Love you so much, Teyam.” He moaned euphorically. 
Neteyam’s muscles felt powerless as he lay there, completely lost in the post orgasm haze. Kxolo continued to affectionately pet the boy’s soft skin, whispering praises into his ear. Eventually, keeping his eyelids open was too much for Neteyam and he drifted seamlessly into a deep slumber. 
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Neteyam napped for over an hour, head laid happily on Kxolo's lap. The Olo’eyktan was impressed to find the boy stir not even once as he cleaned the cum off of both their bodies with a wet rag. He stroked longer fingers across the boy’s sides sweetly as Neteyam slumbered deeply in the setting sunlight. 
When Neteyam finally woke, the two found that he was in no state to ride on his own. The boy could barely walk, let alone crouch over Azer to fly. Instead, he watched as Kxolo packed up their things and then joined him atop of Eyvu. The omega snuggled close into the Olo’eyktan’s large frame, seeking refuge from the cold wind whipping across his skin. 
When they finally landed in the village, Azer trailing behind, Vamai was the first to greet them. She ran towards the two dismounting from around the corner. She watched as Neteyam was carefully helped down from the Ikran’s back. Her eyes landed on the broken necklace around her Olo’eyktan’s neck and the two’s messy hair. A knowing smirk stretched across her lips as devious eyes sparkled in the night. 
“Welcome back. You two seemed to have a lot of fun.” The Olo’eyktan rolled his eyes at the girl's insinuation. Neteyam was too exhausted to register what she was saying, let alone care what it meant. 
“Nice to see you too, Vamai.” Kxolo politely nodded at the omega. Neteyam snuggled against the taller male’s side, daydreaming about their hammock at home. 
“Hi Neteyam.” She happily chirped, leaning towards the boy to get his attention. His eyes reluctantly focused on the familiar figure before humming out a ‘hello’. Kxolo cut in before the frolicsome girl could tease his mate anymore. 
“Vamai, do me a favor and make sure to let Epok know we made it back safely.” He requested. Vamai raised an eyebrow back at the Olo’eyktan.
“Why me?” Neteyam tuned in to the conversation, sensing the weird atmosphere around it. 
“I figured you are going to see him tonight, are you not?” Kxolo fought that smirk tugging at his lips as he watched the girl squirm. “I know how much you two enjoy your time together.” 
Vamai’s lips formed into a thin line, trying to keep her composure at being caught. Knowing when to cut her losses, she quickly agreed and scrambled off into the bushes. 
“What was that about?” Neteyam questioned. Kxolo finally finished taking the pack off of Eyvu and setting it to the side. 
“Time for bed, baby boy.” He simply stated before carrying Neteyam bridal style to their hammock. 
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“And I found these purple rocks by the lake that are Neteyam’s favorite color! I think I can weave them into a necklace. Kiri said she might know how.” Tuk babbled in excitement while gesturing to her older sister. 
Lo’ak rolled his eyes at the display. It bugged him to no end how optimistic Tuk was being about the whole situation. He figured, however, there was nothing more he could expect from a little girl. He could feel his father’s warning glare flash in his direction before returning his focus back onto his youngest daughter. 
“I’m sure he would love that, babygirl.” He hummed before handing Neytiri a plate of fish. Tuk smiled softly at her parents' approval as she continued to eat dinner. 
“How are you planning on getting it to him? It’s not like that skxawng is letting us visit Neteyam.” Lo’ak gritted through his teeth. 
“I already sent five bracelets over, Lo’ak.” Tuk proudly stated, lifting her head high. 
“Oh yeah and how do you know they are actually going to give them to him? We have no idea if they are allowing mail to come through.” 
“Lo’ak.” Jake growled at his son, but Tuk continued anyway.
“Trust me, that ugly man knows better than to defy me.” There was a devious spark in those eyes that had both parents giving their youngest an inquisitive side eye. 
“Don’t get your hopes up.” Lo’ak muttered, once again picking at the fish. 
“Lo’ak, that’s enough.” Neytiri hissed, sending him a death glare. 
“You’ve been so mean since Neteyam left.” Tuk complained, crossing her arms over her chest. “Nete always played with me-”
“Yeah well I’m not Neteyam!” He bursted out, rising to his feet. “And I have more important things to do than playing mermaids with you.” 
“That’s it! Get your ass outside, now.” A deadly fire raged in that tone as Jake pointed at the tent door. Lo’ak happily obliged, not wanting to face Tuk’s hurt expression. He knew the words were out of line, but he could feel the stress getting to him and sometimes it came out in ways that caused collateral damage. He promised himself that he would apologize to her later, maybe find a few of her favorite flowers to smooth things over. 
He could feel his father’s heavy footsteps behind him. Once out of hearing range he turned to face the fuming man. 
“You need to be careful how you speak to your sister.” Jake crossed his arms, the picture of discipline and structure. He knew that look and figured there was no point in arguing when his father was in that mode. 
“I know, I’m sorry sir.” He mumbled with a clenched jaw. 
Jake let out a long exhale. His fingers went to pinch at the crease between his eyebrows in stress. 
“I know that you miss him, we all do, but right now we need to stick together. We need to be there for one another.” Jake tried his best to let the words come off more gentle and patient. It was times like these that he wondered if it was better to send Neytiri out for this talk instead. 
Lo’ak tried to keep a stoic expression as his fist clenched behind his back. How could they stick together when Neteyam was clearly gone. Sullys stick together, but somehow it was ok that Neteyam was left behind? ‘Taken’ Lo’ak reminded himself. That bastard alpha took his brother.
He swallowed down the rage in order to keep his composure. Lo’ak couldn’t have his parents suspecting another attempt. He needed to play his cards carefully, perfectly. Amnu had already agreed to cover for him so that his parents wouldn’t bat an eye at his disappearance tomorrow night. He knew the other alpha agreed partly out of hopes of courting Neteyam when he got back home, but Lo’ak didn’t care if he had to take care of that problem in the future. His first priority had to be bringing Neteyam home. 
“Your mother and I are doing everything we can to deal with the situation.” Jake continued. 
The equipment was ready and packed. He knew how to attach it to his ikran without weighing her down too much. 
“Hell, everyone is doing what they can to figure out how to get him back without a war.”
He knew the way to the other village. Lo’ak had memorized the path Azer and the other ikrans had taken. The Sully boy knew how to recognize an Olo’eyktan’s tent from a regular one. Neteyam was sure to be there. 
“But I need you to trust us.” Jake finished. He blinked down at his son, trying to make out whether or not the boy was really listening. “Are we clear on that, Lo’ak?” 
“Yes sir.” Lo’ak habitually responded. He schooled his features into one of understanding and patience. Jake seemed happy enough with the response and motioned for them to return to dinner. 
Lo’ak let out a quiet sigh.
In a little more than twenty four hours, Neteyam would be home.
Taglist: @perfectprofessorloverapricot​
149 notes · View notes
alyjojo · 6 months
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Current Karmic Connection ❤️‍🩹 March 2024 - Pisces
Character Card: The Dancer
Who are they: 3 Wands
Your relationship with them: Page of Cups
What you’re learning from them: The Fool
What they’re learning from you: Queen of Pentacles
Future potential: 6 Pentacles
Overall Energy: King of Cups rev
Well, you have a beautiful energy, even though this has probably been very painful to experience. This is probably an ex with 7th House and there’s a focus on the past with Cancer here. This person broke your heart, either because of the separation necessary, someone may have cheated, or King of Cups rev can be someone extremely emotional (you or them), or extremely manipulative. The Dancer and The Fool here shows that having had this experience caused you to shed your skin, and all of the people pleasing energy along with it, you’re not hiding yourself anymore. 4 Cups at the bottom, clarifying the King, this is someone you endlessly tried to please, who could never be pleased. Read it again 💯 There’s nothing you could have done differently. They’re unhappy, with or without you, that’s their personality. This may have been someone that was critical of all your ways of being *your fucking self*. Nitpicky, criticizing, why do you wear that, this sucks, that sucks, why do you like xyz, laaame, *condescending remark*, like shut the fuck up honestly. Right? Or The Dancer wouldn’t be here. The Fool wouldn’t be here. You had to let this go and completely start over - away from this person, in order to grow into yourself, allowing in people who actually get you. You may have stopped doing things you love in order to try and please this person, whether conscious or not, they were manipulating you into feeling not good enough, and they had to go. Some of you are in the process of doing that right now.
They seem to be waiting around on you, expecting you to apologize to them, *expecting* you to make things right with them. That hasn’t happened, obviously, you haven’t said a word to this person. Or perhaps what they expected in the past is not how things went, this could be past energy for some. They take no accountability, but would probably say the same about you, 8 Swords at the bottom is not speaking but it’s also self sabotage, victim mentality, and this person has an arrogant air about them. Like you owe them something. Your energy though 🥺 The relationship between you now, Page of Cups & Queen of Cups. Most of you love yourself, you’re filling your own cups, expressing the things you love in whatever way you want to do that, being your amazing selves and fk this person. Bottom of the deck shows you now mirroring that same 4 Cups energy. They didn’t care? Neither do you 💯 Not anymore. Opportunities were missed, apologies didn’t come, and you aren’t even bothered because you’re doing what you love and feeling more *yourself* than ever before 💙
There are some of you where an apology is coming, or has, they may try to make it right. This is the group where Gift applies, Justice shows they’re trying to make up for shitty behavior in the past. If you’re still in contact, you could share children/a child. If no apology comes, you could simply forgive them and move on with your life, because you want to or have to, you’re confident in who you are now. What you’re learning from them is also amazing, your reading is my favorite and I’ve only done two. The Fool shows you being excited for a new journey, you can see limitless potential in multiple avenues, and the world is your oyster. 6 Wands on the bottom, you know you can win at anything you apply yourself to, you have faith that things are going to work out for you now, because you’re on your spiritual path and you know nothing that truly aligns with you is going to deny you. I’m feeling like you haven’t lost yet, anything you’ve touched since this separation is like God allowing you to turn things into gold, you’re not sitting around sad. You’re taking a chance and living your best life! Or will. Probably experimenting in multiple areas as well, trying all of the things you’ve never even tried, you’re up for anything.
They’re learning you don’t actually need them, you’ve got this, which hits hard because they’re stuck, they thought you were stuck too. Queen of Pentacles manages 10 Pentacles, she’s got this 💯 Whether it’s kids, domestic concerns, a career, talking on the phone and making lunches at the same time, this Queen handles everything and makes it look easy. You may have started a business, or are very career focused right now. They may pay close attention to how you handle money, because you’re pretty thrifty and still comfortable, there’s a hint of jealousy with this person. Like how dare you be happy without them, just moving on and not talking to them anymore. If they ran out and got another person, they could know that pissed you off and you refuse to speak to them anymore, you gave up. That could be switched too. You’re also showing them about their shitty attitude & negative perceptions or judgements of things, and how that sabotages them & their relationships, probably more than just yours. Because here you are, doing your thing, all of the things they secretly grudge against and judge like some miserable betch, and you’re happy ☀️ Can’t be too bad right? It burrrnnnsss them, and idk if they’ll admit it out loud, but they’re having to look at themselves and all of their stupid little judgements because of how brightly you’re shining.
Long term potential being a gift, you have a gift in the oracles too, for someone it’s literal. Some tangible sort of “apology” or offer, they want to make the relationship stable and happy, though time will inevitably pass between you with Wheel of Fortune. Things change, you’ve changed. Is it manipulation or not - that’s why you hesitate. Could be. For some this has already happened, and for others it will later on. 6 Pentacles is equal give and take, whether money, effort, love, friendship, support, whatever. If they want it, they need to give it, and it’s possible if fixing this is what you want - assuming time has passed. If not, it will be necessary to move on and go with the flow of your own life. If it’s meant to be it will be, that’s literally the message they’re giving. Some will and some won’t, it’s not your problem and there’s nothing you can do. Some, probably most of you will learn your lessons and ultimately be better people for your next relationships. Or for each other, in the case you try to reunite. More stable, happier, and more secure in yourselves and how you relate to others. This relationship/issue had a purpose, even if it was painful to experience/lose 💙 If nothing else, anyone else that tries you with this energy will immediately be sent packing & that’s a good thing, it’s not for you.
Zodiac Messages:
Jupiter - Cancer - 7th House
- The granting of intuition to protect balance.
- Blessings from attitudes from the past about cooperation.
- Good fortune resulting from the history of your partner/s.
Hesitation 🤨
Decision - Confusion - Worry
Gift 🎁
Souvenir - Promotion - Delight
Cancer ♋️ on King of Cups rev could literally be a Cancer for someone. They or you could have romantic or imaginative ideals or have opened the floodgates for these sorts of thoughts, daydreams, and possibilities to come into your world. Like if both of you lived in a box, you both unlocked each other’s deepest hopes, dreams, and imagination. Without the hurt, or grudges held on either side, both of you were inspired by each other, and what you want.
Guitar 🎸 and Pink Treble Clef 🎼 on The Fool is clearly music and taking a chance in a new direction. Somehow this is music related, could be concerts, could be part of a business you’re starting (or they are), someone here may be a musician and the other person inspired their deepest heartbreak tracks. Anything hobby related if not music, but for someone it’s definitely music. Trying new things.
Angel 👼 on Wheel of Fortune and Jupiter, Spirit had me move the Jupiter card even. You’re co-ruled by Jupiter, and as such are divinely protected by Spirit and your angels/ancestors. Jupiter brings blessings, “gifts”, good fortune and luck, this is showing you have nothing to worry about. If you feel like you’ve lost something, it’s coming back tenfold, any lessons will eventually bring blessings and that seems to be what’s coming, nothing but the good stuff after this is conquered 👍
Signs you may be dealing with:
Aries, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn & Pisces
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akwardlyuncool · 8 months
Class Favorites: The "I'll Have What He's Having" DougDoug Food Challenge.
*Disclaimer and apologies to DougDoug:
I didn't watch his official run, but I've seen at least 5 or 6+ different groups do the challenge (full VOD's over here), I've read his rules on X, listened to people reference run and was overall invested in this silliness. That being said, I wanted to link his video first cause he deserves the props and his run is what you should look at if you're "serious" about doing the challenge.
The "Essential" Challenge Rules:
So basically you and 3 of your friends, so 4 humans total, get like 4 or 6 hours to go to 10 fast food places (drive-thru only) and order the same exact meal that the car in front of you just ordered and finish it, drinks and condiments included. 1 of the restaurants has to be KFC, there can only be 1 official drink spot and 2 official dessert places. Oh and you can't, like my dad likes to say "call Earl." Also I don't think it was official, but it probably was and if it wasn't it should have been, no car watching, as in don't try and to scam the system by scoping cars before you get in line.
Now Let's Rank A Few:
I was only gonna throw up links to my favorite runs, but in the process of doing that I've decided to rank them. Note, this won't be the leader-board ranking, just a rank based on my personal enjoyment and how annoyed I got when teams did ish they didn't have to do, like eat everything before going to the next spot or when they didn't eat the condiments. For everyone else's sake, I'm only gonna link the "condensed" versions because if you happen to be remotely interested, I'm not gonna make you watch multiple 5/6 hour long VOD's, even though I think they're better. (It was a hyper-focus, leave me alone.) Also this is not something to be taken supper seriously, any commentary I have is not that deep, but I am right lol.
Ludwig with The Yard Podcast
I had such a good time watching them test their limits, with some wanting to quit after 1 coffee and then thinking you got this when you're 2 seconds from calling it on a quarter pounder. I feel like when I say I want bro content, this is what I mean.
Blau & Friends
Blau is diabetic so their run was just fun to watch, because of that being being the case. (Don't worry too hard, he was monitoring his insulin and doing what he needed to do to be safe the whole time.)
Fear & Podcast Ft. Nadre and CarolineKwan
This was the first one I watched and how I really got into following the madness. Don't get cocky right away and don't think that the healthy or vegan options will necessarily be your friend. In this challenge, no is really your friend cause all of them could surprise you with a super sized, family meal.
Agents Of Chaos
From what I remember they just had a solid run and I want to give them props for that.
Mayor Wertz & Friends
Their run was as little annoying cause if I'm remembering correctly they were car watching and forcing themselves to finish the meal before they could go to the next place. I just wanted to scream at them "N0" and "YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THAT," every couple minutes. There was also a Pup Cup involved in this one, so they get content points there.
Wubby & Friends
Probably my least favorite just based on the vibes of the group and if I'd watch them again, but they did have heart. Honestly though, it's been so long since I watched all of these, so last might be too strong and Mayor Wertz team might need to be dropped down, just because of how annoyed I was while watching.
This was just something I was so into this last year and without going into the valid critiques of over-consumption, I genuinely enjoy this kind of foolishness. Like this kind of silliness is what I'm referencing when I say I want something that doesn't matter, but that I can also be the judge of cause I'll watch every other one and become the expert.
PS: As I'm writing this, I'm literally watching another run of the challenge and I'm so annoyed cause they used Kody Ko as the run example and he didn't do it right! For anyone who hops in on this in 2024 lol, Kody Ko's run shouldn't be the run you watch because they didn't finish their drinks and he called Earl, which technically ends your run. (Yes I'm looking at you JC.) Also to the person on YouTube who told me to chill because I pointed these things out, that was me be chill-ish lol.
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trishkenafer · 1 year
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On this journey of the subject Entrepreneurial Mind, I learn various concepts and skills related to entrepreneurship and develop a mindset not only in business but also in the process of identifying, creating, and seeking opportunities to start a business venture. As students, we need to learn how to recognize market gaps, conduct research or interviews, and evaluate the feasibility of potential business ideas. I thought this subject was easy, but we also need to involve analyzing, understanding industry needs, understanding customer needs, and assessing. This subject requires us to be open-minded, explore different perspectives, and embrace unconventional ideas.
Our instructor in entrepreneurial mind tasked us with problem-solving about the situation of our society in terms of education, transportation, agriculture, and climate change. By the members of 6, we will conduct interviews in the following categories I mentioned above and then give a solution or intervention about their problems. As we walked around the university, we planned to interview about transportation and education. At first, we interviewed the rela drivers, who belong to transportation. The problems of the rela drivers are the price of gasoline, the safety of the students, the number of passengers, and no proper payment. So, our group agreed to choose "no proper payment". Our intervention is that we will make an offline application called Easy Pay. But unfortunately, we have not succeeded because our intervention is not visible. So, our group proceeded to education, in which we interviewed some of the students, and mostly their problems were printing, food, poor signal, and water safety at the university.
After the interview, we carefully analyze the answers of the interviewees, and then our group decides that we focus on the problem of the students about the water safety of the university. Some students here at the university are not capable of drinking water from the faucet, and we also have a friend who is sick because he drinks the water from the faucet. That’s why our intervention is to put water vendo/s in the university, which means the water we used is distilled and safe. Our water vendo/s is different from others because we used cups instead of cellophane. By dropping your coins into the hole, you will get your water, and we will also get our income. I have learned that having an entrepreneurial mind goes beyond simply starting a business or being an entrepreneur. It is a way of thinking and approaching life with a mindset that is focused on innovation, problem-solving, and taking calculated risks. One of the most personal lessons I learned was the importance of embracing failure and seeing it as a learning opportunity. That is why we came up with our second option, which is "quick sip water." By reevaluating our failure as a stepping stone to success, it becomes easier for us to bounce back, learn, and adapt new strategies to our next plan. I also learned about the importance of cooperation and thinking outside the box. In order to be successful as an entrepreneur.
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
My Only Girl
Summary: request! Reader has to decide between keeping her secret and saving the man she loves. In the end, it's not a hard choice.
Warnings: violence/blood
Word count: 3370
a/n: I really enjoyed writing this one! I put a screen shot of the request at the end just because I didn’t want to give away the whole story :)
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You never would have guessed that today would change everything. It started the same as any other Thursday. 
You were seated at your desk right outside of Tony’s main office working on his schedule for two weeks from now. Your music was playing softly through your earbuds causing you to bob your head as you read email after email. 
Suddenly, a Starbucks cup appeared in front of your face, a metal hand wrapped around the cup. 
You swiftly pulled the earbuds from your ears, turning in your chair to greet Bucky with a hug. 
“Hi.” You whispered into his chest during your hug. “You are truly a gift.” You smiled, taking the cup with your go to order. You press a quick kiss to his lips only to be pulled back in for a deeper kiss by Bucky. 
“Y/N, do you know when my next press conference is?” Tony asked, walking out of his office while still looking down at his tablet. 
Bucky let you pull back from him just far enough to answer Tony. “Next Thursday. You wanted to announce the new post-mission protocol for ‘Damage Control’.” You chuckled at the title, knowing Pepper was still trying to talk him into changing it. 
“Right! Thank you.” He finally looks up, taking in the sight of you in Bucky’s arms. “Barnes! Let her work.” He nearly whined, playing up the annoyance. 
“I will.” Tony leveled him with a pointed glare, looking between you and your computer. “I will! I just wanted to say good morning to my best girl.”
You scrunched your nose at the term of endearment, leaning farther back from Bucky to look in his eyes.
“You don’t like being my best girl?” He sounded genuinely concerned, earning a small chuckle from you. 
“I like being your only girl. Best implies that there are others, and though I would love to be the best of them, I don’t want there to be others.” You nodded your head resolutely, taking on a serious expression. 
“Please, you’ve had this man wrapped around your finger from the second he saw you.” Tony scoffed. 
“He’s right, doll. And you are my only girl. I love you.” Bucky pressed a quick kiss to your lips, letting you remove yourself from his arms to continue working. 
“I love you too. See you for lunch?” He nodded as he walked backwards to the elevator, keeping his eyes on yours until the doors closed.
“Wrapped around your finger, I swear.” Tony laughed when you glared at him, retreating back into his office to make some phone calls. 
Sometimes it’s really easy to pinpoint the exact moment everything went to shit. This was one of those times. 
22 minutes before you were due to meet Bucky for lunch, the red emergency lights started flashing with an accompanying alarm blaring in your ears. 
Friday announced “The compound is under attack, enacting lockdown protocol.”
“Shit.” Lockdown meant you needed to use specific codes to get into or out of any room. It definitely makes your life harder. 
Tony left to meet Pepper 15 minutes ago, so to your knowledge you were the only one on this floor. 
Glancing up and down the hall to double check, you swiftly enter Tony’s office, pulling up the security footage to see who you’re dealing with. Three different sides of the compound are surrounded by mercenaries clad in black fighting gear. 
You watch the screens, contemplating the best course of action to subtly help when one of the mercenaries pulls out a missile launcher. He aims it quickly, firing into the side of the building. 
You feel the walls shake as you watch part of the wall collapse, giving them an opening to enter the compound through. 
“Shit.” You run from Tony’s office, heading for the action without another thought even though this is definitely the biggest problem you’ve ever helped them with. 
You phase through the walls, doing your best to make sure nobody will see you when you come out on the other side of the wall. If all goes well, you’ll be back at your desk before anyone even notices you were gone. 
Your powers are a secret, even from the team. The powers that be, meaning your boss, don’t want the Avengers knowing they have an Angel on their side. It took you enough negotiating to get yourself assigned to this “project”, you were willing to do it without telling anyone that you are a angel. 
You basically had to beg your boss to let the Avengers be the people you watched over. Typically, angels are assigned to help those who can’t help themselves. Your logic for this assignment was that keeping the Avengers safe would, in turn, protect millions of other people. 
The one stipulation you faced when finally being assigned the the Avengers, was that you couldn’t tell them what you are.
At first, You had no problem keeping the secret. Being Tony’s assistant hardly meant spending ample time with everyone. You didn’t need to befriend them to keep them safe. At least, that’s what you kept telling yourself. 
Overtime, Tony broke down your walls. He convinced you to go to one of his galas, ultimately starting your demise. One look at Bucky had your heart soaring. Not telling him the truth has been eating away at you ever since he first asked you to get dinner with him. 
You pushed your guilt to the back of your mind, refocusing on getting closer to the attackers so you could figure out what to do. 
Typically, you use your powers to slightly change the path of bullets or hold off a bomb for a few extra seconds. It gives the team enough time to escape, not necessary unscathed, but with recoverable injuries. Plus, it keeps your powers hidden. 
It’s hard enough to hack into the video feed from various super suits without alerting anyone, you were definitely concerned about how to keep your powers hidden while using them so close to everyone. 
You skid to a stop just around the corner, listening as two of the mercenaries instruct the others. 
“Split up. You know who we’re looking for. If you find him, report in. First priority is getting out of here with him alive. All else fails, kill him.”
Immediately, you’re mind jumped to Bucky. Of course, Hydra scrum could be looking for anyone to use as a weapon, but Bucky made the most sense. When would they finally realize they can’t control him anymore?
You used your powers to confuse the men, making it look like whatever blueprints they studied were outdated. It would hopefully give everyone else enough time to get here and fight them off. 
You hid in a closet when you heard people approaching from behind you. 
“Sam, find Wanda and get to the east side. Nat and I will handle these guys.” 
You relaxed at the sound of Steve’s voice, waiting for the group to disperse before sliding out of the closet.
You ran back through the compound, heading for the lab. It was the closest place for you to retreat to in order to look through the security cameras again. 
“Friday, give me a rundown of what’s happening please.” You looked between the screens, intently listening to the AI’s voice. 
“The east side is being secured by Ms. Maximoff and Mr. Wilson. Based on projected outcomes, they will have everything under control in 7 minutes. Captain Rogers and Ms. Romanoff are fighting on the south side, near the blast sight. They will have the area secure in 6 minutes.”
You nodded, following along as you looked between the cameras. 
“The west side is secure. Mr. Stark and Mr. Barton have cleared the area and are holding off any additional attacks.”
“Good. Where’s Bucky?” You looked between the cameras, but couldn’t find him. 
“Sergeant Barnes is on the roof, engaged in hand to hand.”
“What the hell is he doing on the roof?” You panicked, clicking between camera angles until you could see him. 
There were ten Hydra agents on the roof, surrounding Bucky as he did his best to fight them off. 
“How did he get singled out so fast?” You mumbled to yourself, trying to think of a plan. They had Bucky backed up to the edge of the roof, slowly pushing him further and further. 
You could see what was about to happen nearly in slow motion. You acted quickly, not thinking about keeping your secret, but rather solely focused on helping Bucky. 
You broke through the window in the lab, wings appearing on your back as you flew to him. Just as you arrived, one of the agents shot him three times, propelling him backwards off the roof. Sending a shockwave over the roof, you knocked out the remaining agents as you dove, hurtling through the air to catch Bucky before he hit the ground. 
You grabbed him around the waist, lugging his body through the air with some difficulty. It wasn’t the most convenient position, plus you were slightly rusty from hiding your wings for so long. 
“Doll?” Bucky questioned, glancing at you through fluttering eyelids. “I knew you were my angel.” He whispered before his eyes fell closed, the blood loss getting to him. 
You swung around the building, re-entering through the broken lab window and laying Bucky on the lab bench. 
“Lifting lockdown protocol.” Friday announced, the noise barely registering in your ears. 
“Ms. L/N, Captain Rogers is requesting a check in from everyone on the team, would you like me to update him on yours and the Sergeant’s situation.” Friday asked. 
“Yeah, go ahead.” You muttered, not really paying attention to the question as you did your best to slow the bleeding. You haven’t tried healing anyone in years, so it was taking more effort than it should for you to fix this. 
You closed your eyes, hands hovering over Bucky’s body. Your wings were still present, although no longer fully extended. 
You channelled everything you could into healing Bucky’s wounds, drowning out any outside interference. Your hands began to glow, a warm golden light surrounding Bucky’s body as his bullet wounds healed. 
A few minutes passed as his wounds fully healed. You nearly collapsed from the relief of seeing him no longer bleeding out. His color was returning to normal, heartbeat speeding back up. 
“Y/N?” You jumped at the noise, turning around to see nearly the entire team staring at you. 
Your eyes went wide, hand still clutching Bucky’s as you stuttered in an attempt to come up with an explanation. 
“You have wings.” Wanda pointed out the obvious, everyone still wearing matching expressions of shock. 
You looked over your shoulder, nearly surprised by their presence on your back yourself. You had been so focused on healing Bucky, you forgot to hide them again. 
“Your hands were glowing.” Sam’s brow furrowed, looking between you and Bucky. 
You nodded, still unsure of what to say. 
Suddenly Steve barged into the room, unaware of the tension. He ran right for Bucky, yelling for someone to get a medic. 
“Why are you all just standing there? Friday said he was shot! Three times! Get a medic!” He looked at everyone in a panic before turning to look for wounds on Bucky. 
His brow furrowed as he tried to find any of the bullet wounds. “Wha- Where are the bullet wounds... He’s covered in blood, but not bleeding? Even we can’t heal that fast, what’s going on?” Steve turns back to the team, mouth slightly agape. 
They all point to you. 
Slowly, Steve turns finally noticing your presence. “Y/N?” He looks between the team and you again, a double take so fast it would have been funny if not for the situation. 
“You have wings?” He says it with much more confusion than Wanda’s point blank statement. 
You nod, voice still eluding you. You finally manage to get the wings to disappear. 
“Care to explain...” Tony asks, pointing to where your wings just were, your hands, and Bucky, “All of that?” 
Before you can reply, Bucky jolts awake with a groan. 
“What the hell?” He looks around the lab, taking everyone’s confused faces. Even Nat looks surprised. “How did I get here?” He rubs his abdomen, slightly sore from the bullets. 
Everyone shakes their heads, looking to you for answers. 
“Y/N?” He turns to you, hand squeezing yours slightly. “You were an angel. I thought I was dying...” He trailed off, trying to makes sense of everything in his head. 
“An angel?” Steve balks. Everyone else nods, various expressions of understanding on their faces. 
“I mean, that makes sense.” Nat chimes in, ready to accept it. “Wouldn’t be the weirdest thing that ever happened.”
“What?” Bucky asks, sitting up on the counter. “She’s not actually an angel. I just saw that as my... I don’t know, dying wish?” His face scrunched in confusion, trying to make sense of what he saw. 
“Well, I’m not dying and I saw the wings. And the glowing hands.” Clint speaks up, turning all eyes back to you. 
A voice in your head is suddenly booming. Your hands fly up to the sides of your head, trying to dull the ache of the screaming voice in your mind.
“Y/N L/N, you have broken the only rule bestowed upon you. According to contract 71, you are no longer permitted to enter the Angel Realm. Any attempts to return here will result in termination of your capabilities. Misuse of your capabilities on Earth or any other planet will result in termination of your capabilities.” Your boss’s voice was instantly recognizable. 
You didn’t notice the team crowding around you while you doubled over in pain, rubbing your temples as the message repeated. 
“Ugh, why did you have to say it twice?” You suddenly stared up at the sky, annoyed with the whole system. 
“Um, who said what twice?” Banner finally entered the lab, having been avoiding any anger inducing scenarios. 
Before anyone could jump in with what little knowledge they had, you started talking. 
“My Boss.” You winced, looking at Tony as he raised a brow. “My other boss... well, I guess not anymore. My former other boss.”
“Which is...” Tony gestured for you to continue. 
“Maybe you should all sit down, this could take a while...” 
Everyone followed as you lead them to the kitchen and living room. 
“Okay, I’ll just jump into I guess.” You took a deep breath, looking around the room at everyone’s curious and slightly impatient expressions. 
“I’m an angel.” You nodded, trying to reassure yourself that it was okay to say out loud. 
“Yeah, and? We figured that one out fifteen minutes ago.” Tony huffed, wanting more information. 
“Four years ago, I found out about the Avengers.” You looked at all of them, nervous for their reactions. “Angels are supposed to protect those who can’t help themselves, but I wanted to protect you all.”
“Why?” Steve asked, eying you curiously. 
“Would you all stop interrupting and let her explain!” Wanda whisper yelled, gesturing for you to continue. 
“It’s a valid question. Um, I guess I just thought you all put your lives on the line to help everyone else and I wanted to do what I could to help you. I convinced my former boss to let me come here. I told her protecting you guys would protect all the people you were bound to save, and that’s a lot of people.”
Everyone nodded, seemingly taking in the information. 
“I wanted to tell you. I really did, but it was my only rule. I wasn’t allowed to.” You nervously wrung your hands together, biting your lip as everyone took in the information. 
“That’s why it’s former boss?” Nat questioned. 
“Yes. She fired me?” It was a question to your own ears. “I’ve never heard of an angel being fired before. That kinda sucks.” Everyone chuckled at that. 
“And that was why you doubled over in pain in the lab?” Bucky questioned, concern in his voice. 
You nodded. “Yeah, she has a habit of yelling in my head. And she always says everything twice.” You glared at the ceiling again, knowing she had probably moved on from you already. 
“You’re not mad?” You looked back at Bucky, practically forgetting about everyone else in the room. 
“You caught me after I was shot off of a building and then healed my three bullet wounds. I think you’ve made up for the secret.” Bucky smiled, pulling you into his lap for a hug. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.” 
You nearly burst into tears at the relief you were feeling. “Oh thank God.” You squeezed him as tight as you thought he could handle, needing to feel him close to your for a second. 
You then turned to face the rest of the team, giving them an equally nervous look. “Are you guys mad?”
“Well, I didn’t get any magic healing.” Sam huffed, a smile on his face. 
“Nobody flew me around the compound.” Tony added on. 
“But, you can fly?” You gave him a confused expression. 
“Dammit” Tony muttered, thinking on his feet. “Tell you what, tell me what else you can do and we’ll call it even.”
“Deal... Maybe we can meet back here in half an hour?” You looked at their bruised and bloody bodies. “You all look like you could use a shower, and I for one would love to get this blood off me.” You gestured to the blood covering your jeans and shirt.
A half hour later, you were back in the living room. Tony ordered pizza, everyone crowding around the coffee tables and couches. 
“Alright. Get to it!” Tony called out, excitement clear in his voice. 
You stood up, turning to face the crowd. “Well, you know about the wings.” Your wings extended from your back with a woosh, spreading out before settling in a resting position. 
You heard various mutterings as everyone took in your wings in their full glory. You then floated slightly above the floor, wings gently flapping to keep you suspended. 
“How’s it feel birdman, her wings are part of her.” Bucky jested at Sam, a proud smile on his face.
“Yeah, well mine are bulletproof.” Sam sneered, a smile on his face. 
“Actually,” you winced, “Mine can be bulletproof. Basically, I can do whatever I want, but only for short periods of time. Like if someone surprise shot me, it would hurt. But if I was prepared, it would bounce off.”
“Wow.” Steve looked at you, a mixture of surprise and wonder in his eyes. 
“Um, I can also walk through walls, create shockwaves, move things with my mind, hack into any computer- although it takes some actual knowledge to not leave a trail... I mean, I’m pretty strong, but I don’t have much training for fighting hand to hand or anything. Oh, and mind manipulation? Not like mind control or anything, that is definitely frowned upon. Just... like earlier I made the Hydra agents forget the blueprints so they wouldn’t be able to get around the compound as quickly.” 
Everyone jumped in with questions. You answered every single one, talking well into the night. You did your best to give examples of your powers, like moving the rubble around to fix the giant hole in the south side of the compound. 
After a few hours, Bucky cut in. “Guys, she’ll still be here tomorrow. Wait, you will still be here, right?” He looked at you in a panic.
“Yes, unless you all want me gone, I’m here to stay.” You smile at them. 
“Good. Now as I was saying, she’ll be here tomorrow. Ask her the rest of your questions then. Hell, make a list if you want. Just let me take my best girl to bed.” Bucky pulled you up from the couch, leading you out of the room. 
“Goodnight!” You called back to the team before turning to Bucky. “What did I say about being your best girl?” You playfully hit his side. 
He pulled you into his arms, hugging you while you waited for the elevator. “I’m sorry. My only girl.”
“That’s better.”
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Permanent taglist:
@averyhotchner @jesuswasnotawhiteman
620 notes · View notes
soulmate-game · 3 years
Harley's Plea for Help ch. 6
Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 Ch5 Ch6-- you are here
Yet another night of barely any sleep, but this time Marinette didn’t have the coffee-angel Red Robin at her rescue. No, instead she had to go completely uncaffeinated until she and her class got to Wayne Enterprises. Madame Mendelieve could only sigh as she watched Marinette scamper off to the café as soon as they made it past the initial security of the building. A couple of her classmates chuckled or snorted at her familiar behavior.
It was the same barista at the register as before, but this time Marinette felt too tired to properly order or be adventurous in looking for new flavors.
“I feel like death. I don’t care if it tastes like pure bean oil today. Flavors will take away from the amount of coffee you can shove in one cup, right?”
The poor barista blinked, eyeing the deep bags forming under the poor girl’s eyes. She sighed. “I had hope yesterday that you were just a normal caffeine addict. Now I see we actually have a second Mister Drake,” she said it as if she was mourning at Marinette’s grave before poking a few buttons on her touchscreen order station and turning her head. “One Insomniac CEO, but not for the boss!” She called out. The barista making the drinks paused for a second with wide eyes.
“We have another one?!” He asked, shocked. “Piece of advice?” He turned to Marinette. “Get some sleep.”
“Sleep is for the dead,” Marinette deadpanned back. “I got stuff I need to do today.”
The guy just shook his head and sighed, making the drink as Marinette paid and left a good tip. The drink came out fairly quickly, and everyone behind the counter stopped for a moment to stare as she gulped down the hot drink with no concern for her tongue or throat. A satisfied sound left her as she finally pulled away from the cup.
“This is really good!” She complimented, turning to the Baristas with a still-tired smile. It would take a minute or two for the coffee to have full effect, but she already felt better. “A little too bitter for my usual tastes, but perfect for days like today. Thanks!” She waved at them before turning around and seeing that her class was already gone again. Before she could fully process that though, a hand slapped down onto her head and ruffled her hair.
Surprised (really, not a lot of people could sneak up on her anymore. Just how tired was she?) she let out a high pitched squeal.
“You’re a good kid,” the soft, slightly scratchy voice that said that made Marinette’s shoulders drop and eyes widen. Tilting her head back she was greeted with the widely-grinning face of Jason Todd. He was once again in the uniform of a security guard.
“Wha— Uh,” Marinette couldn’t quite find the right words right away. She was too stunned. Jason just chuckled, jerking his head to indicate the same door her class had gone through the day before and leading the way over there. Marinette scrambled to catch up.
Once they were far away enough from prying eyes and ears, Marinette cleared her throat.
“Um,” she started. “Did… I mean, do you..?”
“Yeah, our mutual friends had a chat with me last night,” he confirmed casually. He sent her a meaningful look even though his grin never left his face. “Like I said; you’re a good kid. And I’m not goin’ anywhere. You’re not responsible for the things your parents have done, you know.”
The girl at his side hummed noncommittally, not fully convinced but also not wanting to argue.
“You’re not,” he repeated firmly, stopping in the middle of the side-hallway. They could see her class at the other end getting checked in, but didn’t make a move to join them yet. “I mean it. The stuff that happened to me, none of that was you. Hell, you were a little kid back then. And there’s nothing you could have done to stop it, either. I’m not gonna hold anything against you just because you’re his child. You didn’t ask to be,” he shrugged. “Besides, I get it. Biological relation doesn’t equal family. Trust me,” his grin was gone and a tired one replaced it. “I know that better than most people.”
The pigtailed girl could only gulp, taking a deep breath as she forced down the tears that wanted to bubble up. She had had this conversation with Adrien a few times, but even then she had been convinced that he just didn’t understand. He was just being nice. But this— Jason’s words were more valuable than gold to her. He had no reason to be nice, so it had to be at least partially sincere.
“Thanks,” she whispered once she was positive she wasn’t going to break. She lifted her cup up and took a long sip of her coffee. The slight burn against her tongue helped ground her. “That means more than you know.”
Jason chuckled. “Nah. The fact that you stood up for me to the Bat,” his grin returned to his face full blast, making dimples appear on his cheeks. “Now that, you have no idea how much that means to me. You must have some serious guts to lecture that guy, too. Is it too late to adopt you for myself?”
That tore a quick laugh out of her, making her classmate’s head whip over to the opposite end of the hallway where she and Jason were. She quickly quieted herself, but her eyes danced with amusement as she looked up at Jason. “You’re too young to be my parent anyway, but I wouldn’t say no to a brother,” she joked. Jason’s eyes sparkled.
“Good, exactly what I was aiming for!” He slipped a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to her. “That’s my number. Call me if you ever need anything, got it?” He turned to resume leading her back to her class and she quickly slipped the paper into her pocket before anyone saw and got the wrong idea. “And I mean anything.”
Marinette just smiled and nodded. By then, they were close enough for Alya to smirk and ask; “What took ya so long, girl?”
“Oh,” Marinette shuffled a little on her feet before an observation gave her a last minute idea and she straightened up with a wide smile. “We just got distracted talking about motorcycles!”
Jason’s eyebrows raised for a quick second before he settled his expression again and played along. He had figured that not many people knew about her biological family. That part made sense. But she had been a total mess just the day before when she had tried to lie about Paris’ little villain problem in front of Bruce. How was she able to actually come up with a good lie this time around, when she had been just as much put on the spot? He wondered to himself about what was different about this situation to allow her to lie more easily. Maybe Bruce not being there was part of it— she seemed easily flustered by famous people.
Think of the devil, because no sooner had that thought finished developing in Jason’s mind before Bruce Wayne walked into the hallway with a paparazzi-ready smile. Jason rolled his eyes and sunk to the back of the group silently, sinking back into his job and keeping an eye on their surroundings. He listened as Alya laughed softly and elbowed Marinette even as the group turned their attention to Bruce.
“You and your bikes,” Alya teased. “If someone knew enough about motorcycles, I bet you’d marry them on the spot.”
“Nah,” Marinette whispered back. “If they gave me a really nice one though? That’s marriage potential for sure.”
The two girls laughed for a second before focusing back on the tour. Adrien wasted no time making his way to Marinette’s side, silent questions in his eyes. Jason watched with interest as the two seemed to silently communicate with one another. It was obvious that Adrien was calling her lie, and Marinette was essentially silently telling him that she would explain later. It was so seamless and subtle that if Jason hadn’t been extremely familiar with that kind of communication already, he wouldn’t have noticed it. Once again his eyebrows rose a tick on his forehead, and he made a mental note of the interaction. That kind of silent conversation wasn’t an easy thing to do with people. It was most commonly seen in married or otherwise long-term couples, childhood friends, family, or hero partners. The childhood friends and family sections were already ruled out from their background check on her and Harley herself had mentioned that even though Marinette had once crushed on Adrien, she had unofficially adopted the boy as her brother since then. Though, their time as close friends was only documented as having lasted about a year. That wasn’t quite enough time for that sort of effortless silent communication to be possible.
Of course, Jason had his suspicions already. But there was no rush, either. The Clown was on the move and more important to focus on for now. He could focus on the puzzle that was Marinette and Adrien later.
Bruce took over the tour as he had the day before, and the class was instantly riveted once again. If the fact that they were being led through the building by the very man who owned it wasn’t awesome enough to get everyone’s full attention, the man’s personality was. He came off a little carefree and very kind, but there was an obvious undercurrent of just how much he loved his company that showed that he did take it and his job seriously. Just, not too seriously either. And he interjected everywhere he could with personal stories and anecdotes and little bits of his family history that the normal tour guides might not have known. It was not long after he announced that he was going to take them to a lower lab set aside specifically for their class’ tour, so that they could do their first interactive activity, that jason found the opportunity to sidle up next to Marinette on the opposite side from where Adrien walked alongside her.
“So,” he said casually. “How’d you know I ride a motorcycle?” he smirked to show he wasn’t upset as he looked down at her curiously. Marinette blinked, taking her attention away from Bruce to look over at Jason. Once his words registered, she smiled widely and pointed to one of his pockets. The corners of his bike gloves flopped over the edge.
“I noticed those. I figured you’d have a negative reaction that might give us away if my lie was too off the mark, and I do have a habit of saying stupid things if I don’t have a clue or something to play off of. I also had to make it believable for the class, and they all know that my Nonna has played a huge part in my love for motorcycles. I plan on getting a license to drive one when I turn sixteen later this year,” she told him softly. “I tend to gush whenever I see a cool bike, so I knew they wouldn’t question it.”
Jason huffed a little bit of laughter under his breath. It was like the trope of a character looking at random items in the room to come up with a fake name, but somehow it had actually worked for her. She was quick-witted and clever, he had to admit. And observant.
“I was running late, so I must have left them in my pocket when I was changing,” he admitted, unbothered. “Ah, here we are,” he nodded to return the two teen’s (he had noticed Adrien paying close attention as he and Marinette had their conversation) attention back to the tour. Bruce opened the door for the class with a flourish, gesturing for everyone to go in.
“Since these first few days are going to be tours and lessons about working in general, your first activity of your trip is to solve various problems we’ve given you based on real situations that WE employees have been in before. Split up into groups, and choose a table. Each table has a different problem covering a different industry. Reporting, Science— specifically research and development, business management, and entertainment…”
“It’s straight,” Adrien assured her, trying to keep himself from laughing as Marinette straightened his tie for the millionth time. “I promise. And you look fantastic.”
Marinette stepped back, nodding at Adrien’s appearance in approval. “I know. We both look great, but…” she fidgeted and then stepped forward to go right back to over-straightening his tie. Adrien snorted, grabbing her hands before she could touch the poor thing again and lowering her arms to her sides.
“Calm down. Like you said, we both look great. You don’t have a single hair out of place, the outfits you made us look amazing, and my tie is at a perfect ninety degree angle to my collar. Take the model’s word for it,” he teased with a lopsided grin. “We look ready for the front cover of a magazine. So just take a deep breath, because we should get down to the lobby soon to wait for the ride he’s sending for us.”
“Right,” Marinette nodded. She followed his advice and took a deep breath. Once she was suitably calmed, she opened her eyes and nodded at him. Adrien smiled and held out his arm, making Marinette snort as she took hold of it gently and let him lead her to the elevator.
Bruce had not specified whether the dinner was going to be casual or formal, but with the fact that his kids were going to be present and it was at his own house, Marinette had a feeling it was going to be more of a casual thing than if they had went out to a fancy restaurant with a black tie dress code. At the same time, this was the Wayne manor they were talking about. She didn’t want to be underdressed, either. Not to mention that it was her design skills that had played a huge part in her winning the contest in the first place, so she felt like she had to show her work again to prove that they had chosen the right person.
A playful wolf whistle greeted the two of them when they got down to the lobby. Alya was, to no one’s surprise, the perpetrator. She stood in the lobby with Alix, Nino, and Max, who all had known about the dinner and agreed to be there to see the two of them off and put Marinette’s worries to rest. The four of them jogged over, Alix smiling and adding her own soft whistle of appreciation.
“You guys look great,” the short skater assured them, taking the time to skate slow circles around them to make sure that nothing was wrong with their outfits. “I think you’ve outdone yourself, Mari! Very cool.”
Alya nodded eagerly, bouncing in place with a wide, beaming smile on her face. “Ah! The both of you look ready to kick ass and woo rich people!” she added. Max pushed his glasses up on his nose with a small grin.
“There is a ninety-five percent chance of your work impressing all of the Waynes,” he said in his own version of encouragement.
“You guys got this!” Nino shot them a thumbs up. “They beat me to all the stuff I wanted to say.”
Marinette beamed, laughing along with her friends as she allowed herself to relax a little. Adrien’s outfit was of her own making, a subtle way for him to rebel since his father had sent him with his own Gabriel brand suit should an appropriate opportunity to wear it come up. Adrien had no plans of ever putting his father’s suit on his body. In an effort to spice up formal men’s wear a bit without making the whole thing white and silver like Gabriel wanted, Marinette had made him a classic silk shirt in black, with short sleeves that fell at that perfect halfway point between his elbow and shoulder. The sleeves had thick cuffs in a dark forest green, with decorative straight stitches on the seams in a bright magenta pink thread. On top of that was a corset-style sleeveless vest with a deep V. The majority of the vest was the same black as the shirt, but with dark green hand-stitched swirls that were just barely bright enough to be contrasted against the black. It created a very subtle pattern that would be hard to see in the wrong lighting, but would make it look that much more expensive and elaborate in the right lighting. The lapel of the vest was in the same dark forest green as the cuffs of his shirt, with a few decorative swirls embroidered on the very corners. The piping of the corset-vest made three curved lines on either side of his waist, curling from mid-rib cage to his waist. It gave him a slightly more feminine twist to his outfit, making his waist look smaller even though it wasn’t actually pulled very tight on him— it was mostly the illusion made by the piping rather than the actual tightness of the garment. The two outside piping lines were done in a magenta pink, while the middle piping line was once again in dark forest green. Unlike most corset-style vests, this one had no buttons or zipper on the front at all. Instead, it was closed only by corset lacing in the back, the laces done in such a dark shade of green that it was almost black, while the eyelets that the laces were threaded through were that same magenta pink as the piping and decorative stitches elsewhere on the outfit. The tie that Marinette had spent so long making sure was straight was almost entirely soft lace, but it was layered in such a way with layers of sheer green and pink lace that it looked like it was a constant swirl of the two colors. If someone got close enough to see the pattern of the lace tie, they would notice that it was a pattern of cats chasing a butterfly.
Underneath the artistic top of the outfit were black dress pants, once again with thick forest-green cuffs on the bottoms. But instead of the decorative stitching, the pant legs flared a bit at the ankles for just a little extra drama. Magenta-pink Oxfords peeked out of the wide cuffs. The green detailing made Adrien’s eyes pop, while the pink accents gave his boyish charm a little more of a feminine touch that almost seemed to highlight his naturally sensitive and charming nature.
In contrast, Marinette wore a sleeveless pink pantsuit. It was the same shade as the pink accents in Adrien’s outfit, and had a built-in corset as well that went only around her natural waist. The corset boning on Marinette was a solid black, while the rest was just the same base pink as the majority of the suit. The black of the boning seemed to flow downwards, changing from boning into thick hand-embroidery in thread of the exact same black. The embroidery flowed down the sides of both legs, in the shape of tree branches and apple blossoms. Pale green accents in the form of swirls at her high neckline and a pale green lace capelet that was the only thing covering her shoulders helped tie her outfit in with Adrien’s. She also wore pale green low kitten heels and her black hair up in a braided bun. With how her pant legs were form-hugging until they flared out slightly at the heel, and the lack of sleeves exposed her toned arms and shoulders and emphasized her strength there without making her look unbalanced or too masculine for the rest of the outfit’s style, she looked ready to rock the business world. Her bright blue eyes clashed with the green details of the outfit just enough to bring attention to them, assuring that people who met her eyes would not be able to easily look away.
The quick snap of a phone’s flash went off, drawing everyone’s attention to Madame Bustier. She was beaming at all of them, and had just taken a picture of her two students all dressed up. She waved her phone happily. “I’m sending this picture to the both of you. I’m so proud of you guys!” she gushed.
Marinette and Adrien both blushed deep red, shifting in their spots. They were confident in their looks, and Adrien was just as proud of his pseudo-sister, but neither of them was very good at handling so much positive attention aimed only at them. Especially not from their extremely sincere friends and teacher.
“Miss Dupain-Cheng?” An older gentleman with a British accent turned everyone’s attention to him. The first thing Marinette thought was that he had kind eyes. He also had soft wisps of white hair on his head, carefully trimmed and slicked back. Of course, Marinette and Adrien also couldn’t miss the high quality and perfect press of his carefully maintained suit. Once he had shown all the proper credentials to Madame Bustier, he introduced himself to the two well-dressed teens with a shallow bow. “I am Alfred Pennyworth, the butler for Wayne Manor. I am to escort the both of you there for supper tonight.”
“Oh! Thank you so much, Monsieur Pennyworth,” Marinette said, walking up and shaking his hand. Adrien was right by her side the whole time, matching her smile watt for watt and shaking Alfred’s hand with just as much enthusiasm.
“Yeah, thank you for having us over. I know it was technically Bruce who invited Marinette, but you’re probably the one that has to do all the work. So, thank you. We really appreciate it,” he told the man sincerely. Alfred’s answering smile was soft, almost fond.
“Yes, I admit I am in charge of most of the work for tonight. But you shouldn’t worry, it’s no different from any other day at the manor,” he said lightheartedly, a little bit of good natured snark shining through his otherwise proper behavior— “Every last one of the Waynes would die in less than a week without me to keep everything in order,” he joked. “Allow me to lead you to the car.”
Marinette and Adrien followed behind Alfred. She didn’t know if it was the calming aura he put off, or if it was the gentle way his eyes sparkled that made her want to look after him. But whatever it was, she found herself wanting to protect this kind old man already. Which is why her eyebrows slightly pinched together. Before climbing inside the luxurious town car he had brought for them, she couldn’t help but turn to Alfred and ask;
“I hope you aren’t overworked. I don’t want to overstep, Monsieur, but isn’t the Wayne family rather large for one person to look after on their own?”
Alfred laughed gently at that, his eyes once again softening. “Do not worry about me, Miss Dupain-Cheng. They are family to me. And though, yes, you are correct in assuming they are a handful, they are also wonderful people. They help me where they can, but taking care of themselves is not their forte. Being able to do that for them is my greatest joy.”
The wrinkles in Marinette’s brow smoothed out and she smiled. “That’s so sweet. You’re making me want to meet them all even more.”
Something about that twinkle in Alfred’s eye made her feel like he was laughing at some joke she didn’t hear. “I’m sure all of you will get along swimmingly.”
Alfred had barely opened the manor’s doors to let Marinette and Adrien inside before the chaos started. Or rather, before they were let in on it— it seemed as if the chaos had already been going on for a while.
Jason skidded across the floor in a mad dash, having to grasp the doorframe he was running out of so that he could turn the corner sharply and veer towards them.
“Tell them, Marinette! I found you first, you’re my sister now, don’t fall for any of their Jedi mind tricks!”
Marinette just blinked, a little caught off guard. It hadn’t exactly sunk into her head until right that moment that ‘Wayne Family dinner’ would include Jason. Her mind was still catching up to the fact that she was seeing him out of his security guard uniform for the first time. He wasn’t dressed up at all, in a well-loved brown leather jacket over a white shirt and dark wash jeans. He still had his motorcycle gloves on. Marinette looked down at first herself, then Adrien.
“Are we overdressed?” She asked with a grimace. Jason huffed.
“Of course not, you guys look amazing! But seriously, tell them that I claimed you as my sister first and none of them are half as cool as me.”
Marinette and Adrien traded glances before laughing together.
“If we’re being technical here,” Adrien drawled mischievously as he straightened out his vest. “I met Marinette first, and she adopted me as her brother long before we met any of you,” he pointed out with a sharp grin.
“Ha!” a younger man laughed pointedly, following after Jason. The newcomer was dressed more formally, in a dress shirt under a very luxurious looking burgundy designer sweater. Under that, he wore black perfectly-pressed slacks and nondescript oxfords. His collar showed signs of housing a tie earlier, but he had clearly taken it off sometime earlier. His hair hung slightly long, framing his face with two long locks while the back of his hair slightly stuck up in all directions in natural tufted curls. Like Jason, his hair was jet black and he had bright blue eyes. He was also about half Jason’s size, much shorter and leaner than his adoptive brother. “He’s got you there, idiot,” he snarked smugly at Jason before turning to the two guests. “Miss Dupain-Cheng, Mister Agreste. I’m Tim Drake-Wayne, it’s nice to finally meet both of you,” he introduced himself as he walked over to shake their hands. “And your outfits are amazing! Did you make them, Miss Dupain-Cheng?”
“Marinette,” she corrected with a lopsided grin. “My last name is a mouthful, and I prefer to just go by Marinette anyway. And yes, I made both of these outfits before we left Paris,” she admitted, trying her best to seem professional. She had already ruined her chances of that with Bruce and Jason, but this time she was prepared!
“They are just as impressive as the rest of your work that I’ve seen. And call me Tim, it’s only fair,” and then he smiled.
Damn his boyish grin. He wasn’t someone Marinette had a crush on— he wasn’t her type— but damn he was unfairly charismatic and charming. His smile temporarily short circuited her brain. That was exactly the kind of boyish smile that had started her crush on Adrien, and that she was unfairly weak for. Now she felt a deep-seated urge to protect this boy and his smile or so help her, someone would be sent to the ER if he was hurt and it wasn’t gonna be her. And she didn’t try to dissuade herself from that strong protective urge, her mother had already assured her that all the Waynes were trustworthy and that Tim in particular shared a lot of her bad habits. She could allow this little bit of vulnerability. Hopefully.
“... I’ve only known you for two minutes, but if anything happened to you I would kill everyone in this room and then myself,” she breathed. Adrien elbowed her hard, making her yelp.
“You said that out loud Mari,” he deadpanned. A deep flush immediately came over her face, and she covered her mouth with both hands.
“Oh shit. I’m so sorry— but you— just forget I said anything. Please!”
Tim was visibly shocked, his eyes wide and mouth agape. Jason snorted, overcoming his own brief moment of shock pretty easily.
“Careful there,” Jason chided good-heartedly. His gaze met Marinette’s with a slight weight in it though. “You barely know the guy. He’ll annoy you out of your mind soon enough.”
Marinette caught the hint, wincing and changing the subject. Jason could see that she had done exactly as her mother had warned— she had gotten attached to Tim almost immediately. And while he wanted to believe Marinette when she said that the same wouldn’t happen with Joker, that she was not going to repeat her mother’s mistakes…
He couldn’t help but worry. Joker was a slippery bastard, and good at getting past people’s defenses.
Tim eventually led them all to the dining room, where several people were already sat waiting for them.
“We decided it would be best if we didn’t all swarm you at the door,” Tim explained, grinning at her kindly. “Take a seat wherever you want, Alfred is probably going to be done with dinner soon.”
Marinette and Adrien both nodded, going to sit by each other’s side. Adrien put his hand on her knee when they sat down, and traded a meaningful look with her.
“Calm down,” he whispered. “We’re not in Paris. And if you slip, I’ll catch you. Promise.”
Marinette’s shoulders relaxed a little. Yeah, she could trust Adrien to make sure she didn’t slip up too much. Get too careless. He’d watch her back like she did for him. She’d be okay. They’d both be okay.
“Thanks, Adrien. I needed that.”
Permanent tag list:
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nymphbnny · 3 years
perfect strangers
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part one; part two; part three
genre: nsfw // fluff
pairings: jean kirschtein x female reader
word count: 4k
tags/warnings: slow burn (?), penetrative sex, dom jean, praising kink, slight breeding kink, oral sex (male receiving), fluff, confessions, cute jean (yes this needs a warning) cheesiness.
synopsis: you discover something jean has been keeping for himself and it ends up adding all the puzzle pieces together.
a.n: i don’t usually add songs for you to listen to while reading my work, but if you want to get in the mood stream Last Days Of Summer by Summer Walker. thank me later.
i would also like to add that this was meant to be a short series. i got other fan-fiction ideas and need to answer some of your requests. also, i know this part is kind of cheesy but jean is a big softie i can’t help it.
“Connie, what’s taking you so long?” I yelled from our porch, swirling my car keys around my finger. I heard more shuffling coming from our apartment before Connie rushed out, Jean following him, throwing his hoodie on, covering the shirt that was squeezing his muscles.
“I was looking for my dab pen,” he took a hit and blew the smoke in my face. I coughed pushing his shoulder making him miss the step and almost colliding with the ground. I snickered and walked past Jean to my car door before he grabbed my arm and pushed me back.
“Passenger seat babe.” he looked down at me with his lazy smile. I scoffed swatting his arm away, only to be lifted from the ground. “Jean you prick!” I yelled moving my legs around.
“And I’m the kid.” Connie laughed getting in the backseat, clearly not suspicious of his homie’s behavior. I sighed getting into the passenger seat and crossed my arms.
Jean mirrored my action, before cussing, as he felt squeezed by how tiny the space was. “Damn aren’t you a small thing?” he teased backing up the seat so he could feel more comfortable. He smacked my thigh making my eyes widen. I looked down to see him holding out his hand, motioning me to give him the keys. I rolled my eyes and slammed them down his hand. He chuckled before shaking his head and mumbled something underneath his breath.
He wrapped his arm around my seat, tilting his head backward, putting the car in reverse, and slowly drove back. He winked at me before he shifted gears. The car ride was basically Connie singing out loud to songs and Jean casually joining in, their interaction reminding me of Hitch and I.
After what happened last night, I texted the girls’ group chat and told them everything that happened and how Jean was suddenly becoming more and more possessive which was honestly uncalled for. If I want to overthink it, he was always somewhat flirtier with me than he was with any girl when we used to hang out back in the day. However, Sasha and Mikasa didn’t elaborate much into it as they told me to shrug it off, whilst Hitch was rather excited about me having a ‘sneaky link’.
And honestly, I’d be lying if I said he didn’t turn me on… I mean look at him. He’s at least 6 feet tall with sexy sleeve tattoos and a gorgeous mullet. His stubble fit him perfectly and his jaw was sharp. He looked so different and delicious.
“We’re here!” Connie shouted into my ear, shaking me off of my thoughts. Jean had already parked and was taking his seatbelt off. I followed his gesture and got out of the car, carefully closing the door behind me, Connie already outside taking a few hits of his dab pen. Our gaze locked, his lips instantly forming into a smile as he threw his arm around my shoulders and brought my head closer to his lips, kissing my temple. I grinned wrapping my hand around his torso and leaned my head on his shoulder.
I was lucky to have a brother like him. He always made sure I was okay and had everything I need and wanted. He was my support system and I couldn’t ask for more. “All good?” he mumbled, tilting his slightly towards Jean who was typing something on his phone, probably waiting for us before going into the diner.
I nodded and he squeezed my arm. “Come on, let’s go inside, the weather is chilly today.” Jean held the door open as we walked in and spotted an empty table. It was connected to a couch, two other chairs placed on the opposite side of the table.
I sat on the couch, my back relaxing into the soft red leather, before feeling the seat dip next to me. I tilted my head, only to be met with Jean’s cocky expression. Connie managed to sit on one of the chairs and tapped his fingers on the wooden table. “Y’all in the mood for burger and fries?”
“Yeah, I’m fucking starving,” Jean stated leaning back into his seat, spreading his legs. I nodded and took out my phone from my pocket setting it on the table. We called over for the waitress and placed our orders. “I forgot to ask you, how are your studies going y/n?” he added, dropping his head on his fist that rested against the wood and looked at me. Connie rested his elbows on the table, intrigued by the conversation.
“I’m doing good actually. I still have some things to get done and I’ll finally have some free time for myself. I honestly can’t wait until I’m done with this semester. It’s so tough and for what.” I whined, dropping my head against my crossed arms. His hand wrapped around my shoulder and pushed me towards him, my head colliding with his chest. Taken off guard, my arms wrapped around his torso. “Aw, come on you’ll do great, you got nothing to worry about.” he patted my head and gently stroked my hair. I blushed at his move, my stomach forming a knot. He was being extremely soft and gentle and I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't surprising.
“Here you go.” the waitress cheered placing our food down. She eyed Jean before averting her gaze from him as he pushed me closer to him, my head closer to his chest. I breathed into his cologne and managed to hear his heartbeat. Fast. His heart was beating so fucking fast.
Connie didn’t seem to mind as he laughed at his phone before turning it to Jean, showing him the picture of a half-naked model showing off her ass, a man who looked to be her boyfriend standing next to her. “Baldie I’m still here.” I scrunched my face. “Although the dude is kinda hot,” I added. Once the following words left my lips, Jean’s hand swiftly moved down my ass to grab it, making me slightly jump. I looked up to see him glaring down at me then looked back at Connie’s phone. Did this just happen?
“Doesn’t she have a boyfriend?” He cocked his eyebrow making Connie roll his eyes. “Man you used to like it when I showed you pictures like that." he shook his head locking his phone. He stayed silent for a few seconds before pointing at Jean with a big grin. "Oh my god, you are seeing someone!” he whispered.
I removed myself from Jean’s grasp and adjusted my clothes as I dived into my food, enjoying the warm feeling down my throat. “Nah dude, although I must admit that I've been thinking nonstop about someone lately,” he confessed taking a bite of his burger, Connie doing vulgar movements with his hands before he did the same.
“Jesus Connie,” I whined throwing a fried potato at him. “We’re eating.”
“Um, excuse me?” He scoffed as Jean laughed, muttering a small 'here we go', obviously aware of what my brother was about to say next. “The Jean Kirschtein I know doesn’t catch feelings. This dude is a damn sex machine. Which I can relate to but you know what I’m saying." he raised his hands up. "Now tell me, who got you so wrapped around their fingers you can’t even flirt with other women now?” He paused before adding, “ And don’t think I forgot how you pushed off that girl who tried to grind on you two days ago at the club.” I frowned, all of this not making any sense to me. How could he be sleeping with me but seeing someone else at the same time?
I felt sick, my fingers dropping the sauce I was about to pour on my fries as I excused myself to the bathroom. I made my way into the small area and looked at my reflection. I felt dirty. I felt used. Was I going to wreck a whole relationship? Or whatever he calls it.
The door swung open minutes after, revealing Jean. He had a serious expression on his face as he approached me, my ass now pressed against the sink, his tall frame towering me.
“Why’d you leave?” he questioned moving my hair from my face, cupping my cheeks. “I wanted to wash my hands,” I replied trying to free myself from his grasp but miserably failed. I frowned as I tried to push him away again, but his hands grabbed my wrists holding them down. “I don’t believe you, I think you got jealous,” he smirked, his lips inches away from mine. I glared at him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction he was seeking.
“Jean let me go. Someone might walk in and Connie is waiting for us outside, also, the food won’t stay hot for long and I want to-“
“I was talking about you silly.” he interrupted me, his thumb now rubbing my bottom lip. “You’re so fucking gorgeous it’s unreal,” he mumbled. “Can I kiss you?”
What was happening… I stared into his eyes that were focusing on my lips. Could he be telling the truth? What if he just wants to get in my- oh wait, he already did… Fuck that was so overwhelming.
“Jean I don’t think it’s a good idea-“
“Yes or no?” I thought for a moment before softly nodding. “I need to hear it.”
“I want you to kiss me…” I whispered almost as if I didn’t want anyone to hear me, including him. I’ve always felt different around Jean and I never knew why, at least until now. He smiled lifting my head up with his finger under my chin, his lips resting against mine gently. My hands gripped onto his hoodie, kissing him with much passion.
I felt safe. I felt good. I felt content.
“You got my heart working overtime, y/n.” he confessed. I wasn’t able to process everything as it all felt like a fever dream. What if I just wake up and it turns out to be a dream. Did he just confess that he likes me in a diner’s restroom? My heart was beating so fast, my thoughts furiously rushing through my brain.
After Jean left to study in France, we never kept in touch. It is true that we used to be friends because of his friendship with Connie and it always felt different from my other friendships with other men like Eren or Reiner, but the distance and the lack of communication turned us into strangers and killed the ‘connection’ that was bonding us. I thought it was just a tiny teenage crush, but ever since he came back, everything returned to the way it used to be.
“Connie is probably getting worried about me.” I said making him let go of my grasp, his eyes still holding the same expression as before. I made my way out of the restrooms and slid my hands into my pockets. “Hey, I was about to follow you, you good?”
“Absolutely.” I smiled at him and sat back down taking small bites of my food.
“Y/n, you know you can talk to me about anything right?” he took a sip of his soda looking at me worryingly. “Of course, I’m fine really.” I reached out to squeeze his hand. A few minutes went by and Jean was back on the table with us. We jumped from a conversation to another, casually laughing as we brought back the old days.
Connie proposed to drive back and we didn’t mind since we both fell full from the food. Jean sat in the passenger seat as I lead down on the backseat, texting the girls every single detail of what happened today. It didn’t take them long to start bombarding me with replies.
‘Holy fuck he said what now? He’s fucking WHIPPED.’
‘I did hear him saying something about a girl when we hung out with Connie four days ago but I would have never thought that it would be about you…’
Seriously Sasha? I sighed and locked my phone dropping it on my chest. It didn’t take us long to arrive at the apartment we were now sharing with him.
I dropped on my bed, stripped down naked as my blanket was the only material covering me. I thought about what Jean told me back in that diner. I sighed closing my eyes. As I was almost about to fall asleep, my phone chimed on my nightstand.
I reached out to grab it, the message showing on my lock-screen making me open wildly my eyes.
you up? if you are, can i come into ur room?
I hesitated, my fingers hovering over my keyboard, occasionally typing something then deleting it.
why? wassup?
It didn’t take him long to text me back.
i can’t sleep and i want to talk to you
I sighed typing a simple ‘okay’ and got up to put a shirt on. I heard a light knock on my door as I slid on the fabric, my hand reaching out to turn the doorknob.
“Hi,” I stepped aside, indicating him to come in before carefully closing the door. He sat on my bed and tapped on the mattress. I sat next to him and waited for him to talk about whatever he’s been wanting to get off his chest.
“About what I said earlier, uhm,” he cleared his throat.
“If you’re here to say that you didn’t mean it, you could have said it over text.” I assumed raising my eyebrow. It wouldn’t be the first time something like that happened to me and I wasn’t in the mood to deal with any bullshit, especially after getting my feelings mixed up. If he was about to mess around, I should do the same and ignore whatever I was feeling, hoping it would fade away over time.
“No, why would I do that?” he frowned and looked at me weirdly. Oh well, spoke too soon I guess. “I just wanted to make sure I didn’t make you uncomfortable. Listen y/n,” he paused searching for the words. “I don’t want you to think I’m doing this to get laid. We made an agreement and if I just wanted to have sex with you I wouldn’t have said anything about well, liking you.”
I stayed silent waiting for him to finish. The moonlight was the only source of light in the room as it peeked through my window. It was quite peaceful. “I think, no, I know I’ve liked you for a while. I never acted on it because your brother once threatened me jokingly about messing me up if I hurt you, and regarding the person I used to be, I would have most probably ended up hurting you and because of that, I decided to sleep on whatever I was feeling and hoped I'd move on from it. But holy fuck you and grew into such a smart and beautiful woman, I couldn’t help but let my feelings for you emerge again.” He cupped my cheek with his hand bringing me closer.
Fucking hell someone pinch me right now, I must be dreaming.
“However if you don’t like me back, or don’t want to hook up with me anymore, I’d totally understand.” I stared at him as I felt like I was looking at a different person. Now I get why Connie was so surprised when he heard Jean talking like that back at the diner. That wasn’t the Jean I was used to, or at least the Jean he became when he left for college. I wasn’t familiar with this new character development if I might call it.
“Why… why are you telling me all of this now?” I whispered, shifting in my seat to sit closer to him, our knees slightly brushing against each other. He brought his hand around the nape of my neck and pulled me closer to him. “You got my mind going crazy.” and with that, I pressed my lips against his, instantly feeling his lips kiss me back.
I straddled his lap and slid my tongue between his lips, our kiss sloppy and slow. His hands moved down to grip my ass, pushing me further to him, my bare cunt brushing against the soft fabric of his shorts. A moan escaped my lips as he gripped the hem of my shirt, lifting it, my nipples exposed to the chilly air. "Wait..." I pulled away and rested my hands on his chest. "We're gonna have to tell Connie."
He smiled and reached out to kiss me again. "First thing tomorrow. I don't think your brother is that oblivious anyway." he chuckled and squeezed my hips. I laughed, bringing his face closer to mine kissing him gently.
Our make-out session became more urgent ad rushed. Jean lied back, his hands resting on my waist as I took off my shirt. His hands reached out to grab my breast, fondling it with his big hand. My hips moved against him, the feeling of wanting to be filled by him becoming unshakeable. Removing myself off his hips, I crawled down and pulled down his sweats along with his briefs, his erection slapping against his stomach. I smirked at him as I began pumping his length, soft groans escaping his lips. I swirled my tongue over his tip and slit before sliding him down my throat, coating him with my spit. "Shit," his hips bucked forward, his cock going deeper down my throat. I started bobbing my head, my tongue running over his underside, feeling the pulsation of his prominent vein. Our eyes locked, his mouth agape and his chest slightly rising from his deep breathing. His hand fell on his eyes as he threw his head back, his fat cock now throbbing.
“Y/n, ah, fuck-“ he hissed grabbing a fistful of my hair and guided my head. I knew he was close and it made me wet as well. My fingers were already rubbing circles on my sensitive bud, my climax as close as his. I removed his dick from my mouth and straddled his lap. I aligned him to my entrance and slowly sunk onto him, sighs leaving both of our lips.
He felt insanely deep within me, his size stretching perfectly. I rested my hands on his chest as I ground on him, his hand lacing around my neck to bring me closer to him, his lips capturing mine in a passionate kiss. His tongue slipped in my mouth as his hand made their way to my ass, squeezing my cheeks and moving me upwards. I moaned into his mouth, my nipples brushing against his chest. I sat back up, my hands prompted back on his chest as I bounced my ass on him.
“Ride my cock baby just like that.” he moaned out. We were both already close to our orgasm, the sensitivity sending us off the edge. “You ride me so good, but-“ he sat up pushing me off him. “I want to fuck it in you,” he smirked pulling me off the bed and walking me to the wall, my back pressed against it. He wrapped his arms underneath my thighs and lifted me up, my legs snaking around him.
“Now stay quiet while I stuff you eh?” he breathed, pushing his tip inside me before thrusting his hips forward, almost hitting my cervix. My face hid in the crook of his neck, doing my best to silence my moans. My back moved against the cold wall, his whimpers and moans growing louder in my ear.
I shut my eyes close when he began rolling his hips faster, my orgasm rushing through my body. “Jean…” I whimpered tugging on his hair, my heels digging in his back. My arm was wrapped underneath his, my fingers scratching his back. I clenched around him making him hiss and fuck me harder, indicating that he was also close to reaching his climax.
“You wanna come with me?” I nodded staring at him with half-lidded eyes. “Yeah…” I mumbled out, biting down on my lower lip to keep quiet. “Yeah?” he mocked with a smirk before he started kissing my neck, occasionally leaving small bites next to my collarbone.
I wrapped my arms tighter around him, my thighs shaking as my orgasm ripped through me. He quickly followed ropes of cum shooting inside me. He whimpered, stroking himself a little bit more before pulling out and carefully putting me down. As soon as my feet touched the floor, his semen began leaking out of my opening down my leg.
“Well shit better clean that.” he ran his fingers up my legs before pushing his cum back in me making me gasp. “You’re good now,” he smirked before lifting me off again, this time in bridal style as he walked me to the bed, carefully putting me down. “I would’ve loved to shower with you,” he stroked my cheek, his body hovering over me. “But I don’t want your brother walking in on us like that. At least not before I tell him everything.” he poked my nose before kissing my forehead.
I nodded my head, smiling at him. “I like you so fucking much,” he admitted once again, this time his lips kissing mine.
“I like you too.” he cocked an eyebrow at my confession. “I knew it,” he whispered and kissed my cheek.
“Uhh, back the fuck up.” Connie pointed at Jean who was wrapping his arm around me in the kitchen. “You two like each other?” he waved his finger between us before stuffing his fork in his mouth again. I nodded and pushed myself closer to Jean. “Oh no.” he groaned pushing himself off his stool.
“No no no no no…” he repeated in annoyance as he walked past us. I frowned, turning to see him throwing himself on the couch. He threw his head back, another groan leaving his lips as he ran his hands us his face.
“I thought you’d be happy for me, what’s-“
“You had sex while I was in here?” he accused us dramatically in a high-pitched voice, faking his tears. Jean instantly laughed at his friend’s accusation. I let out a sigh of relief and shook my head before laughing at Connie who was fake gagging.
“We only did it the night you saw us together.” I played off. Connie gave me a ‘you think I’m stupid’ look and sighed.
“It was an everyday thing.” Jean corrected making me elbow his waist. He winced pinching my hip earning another hit. “Seriously man?” Connie whined. I mean, at least he wasn’t mad about us liking each other. The only thing that irked him, which is by the way overdramatized and ends up being one of his silly plays, is the fact that I had sex with him when he was sound asleep.
Connie sighed, his annoyed expression turning into a sly one. “I knew you two were fucking!” he laughed sticking his tongue out and clapping his hands. “Now that I’m positive that my sister got cuffed by someone I trust, I can finally sleep in peace.” I rolled my eyes before raising my hand to smack him but Jean pulled me closer to him making it impossible for me to move.
I looked up only to be met with his browns orbs already looking down at me with pure adoration. I could tell he was going to be one of the best things that have ever happened to me and I couldn’t be more thankful. Connie was still talking but I didn’t hear a word he said. Instead, I buried my face into his red hoodie and held him tightly. Who would have thought that my insignificant crush would actually make me feel so lucky?
“-she was and still is everything I’ve always wanted.” I heard him say before kissing my forehead.
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earlgreymon · 2 years
hot summer night
🍶 miyako + iori // [day 6] exam (challenge) - for @digiweek 2022 for this day, i'm trying to write about that one dynamic (and perhaps two characters) i rarely wrote about. this fic was tricky to write and i even finished this the last one among all the digiweek contents i created. but that's what this day is about, right? and frankly i'm happy with the result! this fic was inspired by this fanart. the first time i saw it, i knew i had to write about iori accompanying drunk miyako someday. this fic sets before kizuna and before miyako left for spain. idk why i remembered miyako having an exchange program instead of being a full-time student in barcelona. let's just assume it that way in this case, and sorry if i was wrong. at least i correctly implied miyako as a gemini (this is canon fyi). also, no, this is not a romance fic between those two, even though it has hot in the title (sorry i'm on title block so i only snatched one of the script's song titles). there's a minor kenyako, though. happy reading!
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Iori found Miyako in front of his cram school that night in June, looking very standout with her purple strands and cherry-tinted lips. It was easy to be in the limelight when you wore makeup and shirts with striking colours among students with crumpled uniforms and weary faces after studying for the whole day.
Her high-pitched voice didn’t sound like a mature college woman, however.
Iori sighed, getting a second-hand embarrassment because everyone’s attention diverted to him after she echoed his name. He proceeded to walk out and approached her, asking the obvious, “Miyako-san, what are you doing here?”
“Meanie. Is that something appropriate to greet to your senpai?” Miyako pouted for a second before returning to her jolly mood. “I happen to be around so I figure I can ask you to accompany me for a dinner.”
He glanced at her feet and atop of her head, only to find something was missing. “Where is Hawkmon?”
“Oh, I told Hawkmon to fly to your house with some food from my konbini. Armadimon is home, ne?” she responded. “Come on, Iori-kun. It’s been a long time since we had fun just the two of us. Isn’t this a perfect time now that I’m going to leave next week and the others are too busy with their freshmen stuff?”
It was not a bad idea at all. He initially planned to grab a takeaway because his mother and grandfather were out of town, but now with Armadimon’s dinner settled, he didn’t have to worry about his partner starving alone.
He just didn’t know that Miyako also had her own plan of ordering a bottle of sake right when they just stepped inside the yatai tent.
Iori took a seat beside her, eyeing her ever so cautiously. He remembered the day Miyako turned twenty last May, and she decided to celebrate it by secretly grabbing a can of beer from her store. She posted its photo in their group chat, prompting joyous reactions from Mimi and Taichi, in addition to a jealous wail from Daisuke. Miyako then seemed to embark on her personal adulthood venture, trying different types of liquor ever since.
 “…you do understand that I am still a minor, don’t you?” he said as he watched her pouring the sake into a cup.
“And why do you think that will stop me? It’s not like I’m asking you to drink along.”
“Just because I’m younger than you, that doesn’t mean I cannot tell you off.”
“Well, can you?”
He could, for real. He just chose not to.
Miyako then chuckled. “Don’t worry. It’s because you’re with me that I have to drink more responsibly. What will people say if they see a high schooler carrying a drunk woman home?” She took her first shot and whooped right after her cup was empty. “Ahh, this is sooo good! You’re going to love this once you turn legal.”
“To be honest, I cannot see myself drinking even when I reach the right age.”
“Aw, what a shame. I look forward to coming back here and sharing sake with you.”
He pondered, sipping his ice tea. “Well, perhaps I can make an exception for you.”
“Right? I don’t think lawyers can survive without attending nomikai,” Miyako instigated as she snatched the first fresh-grilled yakitori from their plate. “Speaking of which, is that what you really want to aim for? Go to law school and become an attorney?”
“That’s the plan for now,” Iori also grabbed a negima but did not bite into it before he finished with his answer. “I know it’s hard to enter a law school, so that’s why I sign up for cram school as early as possible.”
“Yeah, but I just—” Miyako sighed. “I don’t want you to keep studying and let your youth pass without having fun. You’re only in high school once, so do something crazy. Skip a class, have some dates, go on a summer vacation with your friends….”
Iori paused, looking at his faint reflection on the glass.
“I am having fun,” he continued. “I have a great time battling monsters and saving the world. It makes me realise that I want to fight for the right thing and help people to get out of iniquity. And I believe becoming a lawyer is a good way to accomplish that.”
He was aware of how idealistic he sounded just then. If he was with other people, they would certainly be laughing at his words, telling him that the world was too cruel of a place for justice to prevail and he should just stick to a dream that was more within his proximity.
But he wasn’t with other people right now. He was with Miyako, who cracked a smile while looking at him with proud glimmering behind her spectacles.
“That’s just really you,” she said. “I know you’re a good kid the moment I laid my eyes on you. And I hope you know that I’m always rooting for you, no matter what. After all, I’m the big sis who just loves my reliable Iori-kun a bit too much!”
And that was when Iori couldn’t help but giggle. He was used to people calling him mature even when he was a little boy, but once he wore the high school uniform and felt a lump growing in his throat, it was still surreal for him how he really reached the age of adolescence. That was why he was glad to have Miyako around because she was a constant reminder of how he would still be someone’s little brother.
Her phone suddenly vibrated above the table, and as she picked up to see what was on the screen, Iori noticed her face getting a bit red. Somehow, he reckoned it wasn’t because of the sake, yet he didn’t want to pry further so he chose another topic. “How’s your departure preparation?”
“No hay problema! I’m leaving on Wednesday’s noon, though, so I guess you can’t set me off to the airport.”
“Ne, sorry for that.” It was rather unfortunate for him that Miyako chose to fly to Barcelona instead of using the Digital Gate for the sake of enjoying that wanderlust feeling. Iori started to consider whether this would be the right time to skip a class just like she advised just now. “Is there anything I can help with?”
“Hmm. Just promise me to pick up when I video-call you,” she said before quickly adding, “oh, oh, I know! You can visit me during your summer break. Ask Ken and the others to join too!”
Just like that, he easily solved the puzzle. “Ichijouji-san?”
“Ah, yes! He’s helping me learn Spanish even though he’s busy with college,” Miyako responded, and Iori could hear her voice turn jovial at once. “He even texted me just now to check my progress. I think I should go meet him tomorrow.”
There was something stirring inside him that he tried to brush off by picking up another skewer. However, it was obvious he didn’t sound so thrilled when he blurted out, “Oh.”
And Miyako caught his reaction with pleasure. “I thought you no longer hate him.”
“I don’t hate him.”
“Are you jealous, then?”
But boy, did he never stray too far from the truth.
After all, he was a little brother who just cared about his big sis a bit too much.
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hispipsqueak · 4 years
A Workplace Affair
Kei Tsukishima x F!Reader - NSFW
Summary: As the new tour guide at the Sendai Museum and presenter of their space exhibit, you have to work closely with the head of the dinosaur exhibit. Can you and Tsukishima learn to put aside your differences or are you going to have to work things out a different way?
Word Count: 3781
A/N: AHHHH. I put my soul into this piece I swear. As you know, Tsukishima is the absolute love of my life and I actually based this piece on this lovely commission from @/novaasoph on Instagram! I spent so long looking up dinosaur facts and the dress in the picture and story is actually a dress I own. Yes this is EXTREMELY self-indulgent, but I tried to make it as inclusive as possible because WE ALL NEED TO BE RAILED BY TSUKISHIMA IN A CLOSET OKAY?? As always likes and reblogs are hella appreciated 💕
TW: unprotected sex, enemies to lovers, slight public sex, oral sex (m receiving), workplace sex, my simping for Kei is v apparent
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Here you were, a fresh-faced college graduate. After years of grueling nights spent studying and pulling all nighters to reach your goals, you had finally landed the job of your dreams working for the Sendai museum. The museum had hired you for their new Space exhibit and you would be one of their lead tour guides. The man who hired you, your new boss technically, had been desperate. The museum was preparing for an onslaught of tours now that the space exhibit was open. As Mr. Hashimoto excitedly explained, “Kids love space and dinosaurs and we finally got them both! Now we just need a good tour guide!” Mr. Hashimoto was an older grandfatherly type man, with large glasses, and a bushy grey mustache. Immediately you felt comfortable and warm from his friendliness.
He led you through a short tour of the museum, finally stopping at the last and largest exhibit, a cheery green sign declaring it the “Dinosaur Zone!”. You were in awe over the large T.Rex skeleton in the center of the room. 
“It’s beautiful!” You excitedly turned to Mr. Hashimoto.
He smiled at you, his eyes crinkling. 
“It really is, isn’t it? One of our prized displays. And of course, here comes the man of the hour.” He gestured toward a tall man walking towards the two of you.
The man was tall, at least 6 feet. His hair was blonde with a slight curl near his ears. He wore black half-rim glasses and his eyes were a bright golden hue. You could tell through his suit he was toned and muscular. His white button up was fitted very well against his broad chest and you felt your body heat up. Whoever this man of the hour was, he was HOT.
And the hot guy was staring at you, clearly annoyed.
“Miss Y/N, this is Mr. Kei Tsukishima, the “Dino Man”, if you will. He used to run the tours on this end, and now works more on the exhibit handling. If you need to know anything about this area, he will be your go-to!” Mr. Hashimoto chuckled. 
You extended your hand happily and after a beat, Tsukishima shook your hand. His hand engulfed yours in size and you felt a shiver run down your spine.
“Since you are new here, Tsukishima will be assisting you on running the tours, at least in this area. You two will be spending a lot of time together, so I suggest getting to know each other well!” He clapped you both on the shoulder and walked away. You saw Tsukishima stiffen and you were slightly disappointed when he began heading back toward his office, leaving you alone.
“Um, Tsukishima!” You called out, your voice echoing in the empty room. The blonde turned back, an eyebrow raised. You waited for him to respond but when he was silent, you spoke again.
“Uh...I look forward to working with you!” You smiled. He stared at you blankly and gave the briefest nod, before turning back around and walking away.
Well...that was...terrible.
Feeling dejected, you headed back to grab your bag and head home. You heard a door close in the distance. What you didn’t see was Kei with his back pressed against it, face red with a blush.
“As you can see here, these guys were pretty ferocious. I mean look at how big they were!” You stretched your arms out exaggeratedly, earning a loud laugh from the children you were currently leading on a tour. A few of the kids also started stretching their arms, growling at each other and laughing. You smiled, before hearing Tsukishima clear his throat.
“Well...ferocious if you were a tree. That’s an Aralosaurus. They were herbivores. Meaning they only ate plants.” Tsukishima gave you a pointed look, the ghost of a smirk dancing on his lips. You could feel your face heat up and turned around to face the children.
“Either way, it’s a pretty scary guy, I think!” You said smiling at the kids. You were determined to not lose your cool in front of the group you were leading. 
“Actually, they were pretty docile creatures. They used this bulge to blow air out and scare predators away, but they weren’t a ‘scary guy’ as you so eloquently put it”. Tsukishima interjected.
You could feel your eyes about to roll back into your skull and you forced your smile to remain cheerful. 
“Thank you so much for the information, Mr. Tsukishima. Or as we call him around here, Dino Boy!” You gave a fake laugh, feeling satisfied at the little crease appearing between his eyebrows as he gritted his teeth. You directed the children to the interactive sandbox where they could dig for plastic fossils. As the kids excitedly grabbed their buckets and shovels, you took a much needed mental break. Your exhibit was last, as the kids needed to burn out their excitement before the planetarium show and the dino exhibit usually tuckered them out well enough.
Lost in thought, you didn’t hear Tsukishima walk toward you. He stopped right next to you, his shoulder practically touching yours.
“Dino boy, really? That’s what we are going with today?” he muttered as the two of you watched the kids dig in the sandbox. You smirked and turned to face him.
“At least I don’t spend all day correcting people.” 
“Well if you actually researched anything for your job instead of acting like a child, I wouldn’t have to correct you.” He looked at you with a withering stare. You felt yourself crumble inside. Tsukishima’s gaze could kill a man, but fuck if you weren’t going down without a fight.
The two of you held similar arguments every day. Whether it was an incorrect fact, going down the wrong “order” of displays, heck even the way you wore your badge, Tsukishima was there with a snide comment and you were sick of it.
“So I don’t know every little thing to know about dinosaurs. There are better ways to correct people you know!” You let out a short huff, before turning your head to walk back to the group. You could feel his gaze on you and you held your head high as you led the children to the space exhibit. As you began to talk about the galaxies, out of the corner of your eye you saw Tsukishima walk into the room and find a seat near the back.
Curious, as he usually didn’t interact with you outside of annoying corrections in the dinosaur exhibit. You chose to ignore him and kept talking, getting more excited as you explained the Milky Way galaxy and described the show you would put on for the tour group. You started the exhibit and sat down in your usual seat, which happened to be next to Tsukishima. 
As the lights dimmed and the stars began to display on the arched ceiling, you could feel how close you actually were to Tsukishima. Your arms were nearly touching and you became very aware of how your heartbeat began to race. You attempted to focus on the program, as the built in narrator discussed the difference between the planets. You turned to sneak a look at the man next to you and found him already looking back at you. Your breath caught in your throat. His expression was unreadable but he didn’t look angry. His honey colored eyes were fixated on you and you felt your body tremble.
Before you could process what any of this meant, the narration stopped and you jumped up. 
“As the video discussed, the planets fall into multiple categories! The cool thing about that is that even though we perceive them as something solid and perfectly round similar to basketballs, some of them are gas giants...”
You continued on, feeling only slightly disappointed as you watched Tsukishima sneak back out the door.
“Are you kidding me, Tsukishima?” you shouted. You were standing in the break room, hands on your hips. He was standing in front of you a white mug in his hand, with his eyebrow raised.
“What are you even talking about?” He looked almost bored with the whole interaction as he poured coffee into his cup.
“Somehow all of my mugs are on the tallest shelf. The shelf only YOU can reach.” You glared at him.
He placed his mug down on the countertop and turned to you, lazily.
“Why on earth would I do that?” His eyes narrowed and a smirk crossed his face. 
You crossed your arms. 
“I don’t know, because you are just a giant bully?” Your eyes lowered and before he could react you grabbed his cup of coffee and stalked off. 
“What is the matter with you?!” Tsukishima yelled from his office, his voice echoing in the empty exhibit hall. The next tour wasn’t for a couple of hours.
You gently placed the box of files you were carrying on the cart in front of you. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t follow?” You looked up at him with false innocence in your eyes. 
“Why are all my pens now pink sparkle gel pens???!” He shouted at you, a fluffy topped pink pen in his hand.
Your eyes widened in mock surprise. 
“Now Tsukki, why on Earth would I do that?” You turned to push the cart and ran right into Mr. Hashimoto, who cleared his throat, smiling at the two of you.
“Now I am always one for inter-office tomfoolery, but the two of you are going a little overboard. So unless morale improves around here, I may have to take drastic action.” He kept the smile on his face but there was a warning look in his eyes. You both gulped. 
“Sorry, Mr. Hashimoto. This will never happen again.” Tsukishima was the first to speak. You bowed your head in agreement and Hashimoto, satisfied with your responses, walked away. You turned to walk away back to your cart before Tsukishima grabbed you by the wrist, and dragged you into a tiny storage room.
“Look, I know you despise me but I am not going to lose my job to some little girl in a stupid dress.” He hissed at you.
You looked down at your dress. It was dark blue with galaxies and planets patterned all over, quite fitting for your job actually. 
“Shut up, dino boy. My dress isn’t stupid! And I am not going to lose my job to some mean schoolyard bully.” You raised your hand to flick his forehead, and he grabbed your wrist, pushing you against the wall.
“You need to learn some manners, little girl.” His voice dropped to a dangerously low whisper, and the two of you glared at each other. He was so close to you, his chest nearly touching yours and you felt your blush creep up as his brilliant eyes pierced into you.
You felt the heat pool between your legs and you squeezed your thighs together. The shadow of a smile passed over his face.
“Don’t tell me you’re turned on right now.” He said, letting out a soft mocking laugh. You gritted your teeth.
“Of course not, asshole. You’re the one who dragged me into a closet and are now pressing yourself against me, perv.” You spat back.
The sound of voices interrupted your argument and Tsukishima quickly clapped a hand over your mouth. The two of you being caught in this position regardless of the reason would be a terrible look for both of you. Your eyes widened and you held your breath until the voices outside the door faded away.
He slowly pulled his hand away and the two of you looked at each other. Before either of you could think, his lips were against yours, pressing you into the wall of the storage room.
His hand cupped your face as he deepened the kiss and you fell back, letting him take charge. He tasted like peppermint tea and citrus and you felt dizzy from the overwhelming sensations. You wrapped your arms around him, running your fingers through the curly hair behind his ears, gently tugging to pull him closer towards you. 
He let out a low groan into your mouth, and you nibbled on his lower lip. He had one hand tangled in your hair and the other was making its way down your body, pulling down the strap of your dress. His kisses moved lower, soft lips pressing down your neck. He sucked a mark into your skin, grazing his teeth over the spot before soothing it with his tongue. You closed your eyes, arching your back away from the wall.
“Fuck...you know how long I’ve wanted to do this?” He whispered into your skin, before kissing your collarbone. Your skin intoxicated him and he needed more of you in every way.
You breathed out a sigh, “Could have fooled me.”
He pressed his forehead to yours, gazing into your eyes.
“You’re annoying, childish, ridiculous, absolutely over-the-top stubborn. And fucking gorgeous. You don’t know shit about dinosaurs, and yet you can make dead stars seem like the most interesting thing in the universe. You captivate the room when you walk through the door and I’ve been in love with you since the day we met.”
This time it was you who kissed him, your tongues exploring each other's mouths. His hand slipped under your lab coat and tugged slightly on the zipper of your dress, waiting for confirmation. You moaned into his mouth and he dragged the zipper down slowly, his fingertips brushing your spine. You slid your hand to his chest, unbuttoning his shirt. You could feel the muscles and ran your fingers over his abs, chiseled from years of athleticism.
He shrugged off his jacket and loosened his tie, as you let your dress pool to the floor. His eyes roamed your body, wanting to claim every inch of it as his. You were ethereal and Tsukishima had the urge to worship all of you. 
You looked up at him, eyes shining brightly even in the dimly lit room.  He placed a finger under your chin, tilting your face up to his.
You giggled, and pressed a kiss to his neck, leaving a mark from your lipstick. He leaned back against the wall as you kissed down his chest, leaving a trail of cherry red over his porcelain skin. Soon you were on your knees, running your fingers over his soft happy trail before undoing his belt. Slowly, you slid down his slacks, noticing the dark stain of precum on his navy boxers. You pressed a kiss on each side of his abs, in the indentations of his V line. You ran your nails over the head of his erection, teasing him. He let out a soft hiss and you grinned. Perhaps another time, you would have spent all day teasing him, his whimpers like music to your ears.
But today, you were in a time crunch.
Using two fingers, you tugged down the elastic waistband of his boxers, freeing his cock.
It was beautiful, just like the man it belonged to. Long and slender, with the prettiest pink tip, dotted with a slick bead of precome. 
You gave kitten licks to the tip, savoring his taste. Tsukishima threw his head back biting his lip. He needed more of your mouth and you were oh so happy to please.
Taking his length in your mouth, you deepthroated him, pressing your nose to the base, and felt the soft curly blond hairs tickle your skin.
Tsukishima's eyes rolled back as you began to suck him down, your throat clenching around his cock. His hands gripped your hair almost painfully, though it only added to your excitement.
You bobbed on his cock, pulling it nearly all the way out of your warm mouth before forcing it back down your throat. Swirling your tongue around the head with each thrust. You looked up at him, your eyes brimming with tears.
"Fuck you look so beautiful wrapped around my cock like that. I just wanna ruin you, pretty girl."
He started face-fucking you, slowly at first but when he felt no resistance from you, he began to speed up. His fingers grasped your hair, forcing his cock deeper down your throat with each thrust. Your tears fell freely now and you could see red smears of your lipstick decorating his shaft.
You moaned around him, your face wet with spit and tears and you could only imagine how wrecked you looked. Tsukishima let out a string of curses under his breath, jerking his hips upward to meet your mouth.
"Shit, fuck, just like that, baby. Fuck yes just like that…fuck gonna cum, gonna cum…" His eyes were screwed shut and you could see the blush enveloping his face, small drops of sweat running down. You forced yourself to take him as deep as possible, gagging on his cock.
With a loud moan, Tsukishima exploded inside your mouth. You could feel the hot ropes of cum sliding down your throat and you whimpered as you swallowed all of him down. 
You finally released him from your lips, strings of saliva connecting you to his cock. He pulled you up, pressing a kiss to you. 
"Fuck that was incredible." He whispered, wiping the smeared mess off your face. You felt something poking your thigh and realized he was still hard.
He looked at you and chuckled.
"Yeah turns out being an athlete gives you stamina." he said teasingly before pushing you up against the wall. “Don’t tell me you think I’m done with you yet.”
His fingers slid down your body, roughly tugging down your bra. He buried his face in your chest, biting and sucking on your tits, grazing over the hardened buds with his teeth. While he busied his mouth, his hands continued down, circling the wetness on your panties.
“You want this, pretty girl? You this wet for me?”  he whispered, before easing a finger into your soaking hole. You threw your head back. His fingers were long and slender and hit the deepest parts of you. He began to roll his thumb over your clit softly, listening to your quiet moans. He pressed another finger inside you, fucking you on them in preparation for his cock. Your arousal dripped down his wrist and his mouth watered thinking of your taste. Soon, he wanted to bury himself between your thighs, making you cream on his tongue over and over. But that would have to wait.
“Fuck...Tsukishima...I need, I need your cock. Please, please, please.” you panted, almost like a prayer.
“Say my name, pretty girl. Tell me who’s cock you need. Do that for me baby.” He grinned, working a third finger into you.
“Fuck...Kei...please, please Kei. Fuck me. Need your cock, Kei.” You pleaded, your body ablaze with your imminent high.
“Such a good girl.” He smirked, before pulling his fingers out abruptly. You whined as you clenched around nothing, but not for long as he pressed his cock to your entrance.
“Look at me.” He demanded. You looked up at him. Your hair and makeup were ruined, your eyes lidded with desire. Your lips were puffy and parted, whimpers of his name falling from your lips like a mantra as you begged for him. You were so goddamn beautiful.
He gripped your thighs, spreading you open, and slammed himself inside you. You swore you could feel the walls behind you shake. He pistoned his cock in and out of you, each thrust hitting deeper spots. You felt like you were breaking in half and coming together at the same time. 
“Fuck Kei!!! Feels so fucking good.” You cried into his neck. You could taste the sweat on his skin as he gave all of himself to you.
“So tight, pretty girl. So fucking tight. God you’re so fucking perfect.” He panted into your hair, as he dug his fingertips into your plush thighs. 
Your eyes rolled back, stars dancing in your vision. Your cunt clamped down around him, squeezing around his cock tightly. His balls slapped against your ass as he buried himself deeper and deeper into you. You were rapidly approaching your climax, each thrust taking you higher and higher.
Kei bit down on your shoulder, his movements sloppier as he neared his own release. You could feel his body tense, his shoulder muscles flexing under your fingers. 
“Cum with me, please y/n. Please pretty girl, cum with me.” He groaned into your ear, and his voice sent you over the edge.
“Oh god, fuck….Kei!” You screamed, and he quickly swallowed your shouts with a kiss. You could feel his cock twitch inside you, unloading streams of cum as your pussy milked every last drop from him. Your combined juices coated the tops of your thighs and you held each other for dear life, both of you gasping for air.
Your legs threatened to give out underneath you and he held you closer, pressing soft kisses to your hair, whispering inaudible words of praise. Your body melted in his touch and the two of you stood there for what felt like hours, but must have only been minutes.
Your phone chimed from the pocket of your labcoat, drawing the both of you from your post-coital haze.
“Shit, tour in twenty minutes.” The two of you scrambled to get dressed and you checked your face in your phone camera.
“Fuck I can’t give a tour looking like this!” You panicked, wiping furiously at your face. Tsukishima laughed, before producing a box of tissues from a shelf behind you. 
“I’ll grab some water, though I must say it’s a damn shame since you look so beautifully fucked out.” He teased, before adjusting his tie and walking out. He returned quickly with a water bottle  and you attempted to make yourself somewhat presentable, to his sarcastic yet sweet commentary.
As the two of you prepared to leave the room, he glanced down at you. 
“So, dinner tonight?”
You grinned. 
“Sure Dino Boy.”
The two of you left the room as nonchalantly as possible, though still a little disheveled from dressing in a dark closet. A booming voice rang out.
“There you two are! Your tour is just about to start, Y/N!” Mr. Hashimoto motioned for you to head to greet the group. As you walked away (and Kei attempted to not stare at your ass), Mr. Hashimoto turned to Kei.
“You know, Mr. Tsukishima. Red is quite a good look for you.” 
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alyjojo · 2 years
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February 🐉 2023 Monthly - Pisces
Whole of your energy: Knight of Wands
You seem to be spontaneously taking action in confronting someone that’s hurt you, but you’ve held back from. Probably in order to keep the peace and maintain a good relationship. You’re not about drama, but things do need to be discussed and you seem to be the one initiating a conversation.
What’s going on in February:
7 Cups:
You could’ve stopped talking to this person because you didn’t have any other choice, they were angry or being drama in some way, and you just kinda stepped aside, stayed quiet and supported them from the sidelines. This is probably a friend, as 3 Cups would indicate. You’ve waited for whatever the problem was to blow over, so you could speak your mind…in a more peaceful way, or to a more receptive audience anyway.
6 Swords:
Moving away from the drama, The Moon shows you may be very unclear as to what fully happened in the first place, you saw drama and bowed out altogether. Or someone else did. I don’t see a fight between you, maybe between a group you’re involved in or two friends of yours at odds with each other. This is an “in the middle” vibe.
The Sun:
You want to bring light to this issue and maybe heal some connections between family or friends, whoever had the drama. Queen of Wands could be a fire sign, or it can be you showing initiative and taking the lead in these matters. There’s a justified apology that sets things right again, whether to or from you.
4 Swords rev:
You and this person/people will be healing a situation that’s been weighing heavily on you, or at least you’re in the beginning stages of it. So the act of whatever this is, it’s impulsively decided, but it’s working out for the best.
8 Wands:
These are the messages the two/more of you are sending back to each other, just laying it all out there. What caused sadness, what makes you feel defensive, what hurt you, and them too. You could be defending your decision to leave them behind for awhile if they were being combative or drama in your life, you had to do what you had to do. Or they did. Either way there’s progress in a stale situation or relationship, and that’s a positive thing.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Leo, Sagittarius, Cancer, Libra & Scorpio
Oracles: ✨
42 Joy 🎉
We are created in joy. The balance of energy and higher vibrations brings us closer to divine love - pure joy. Joy can be a destination, but it can also be the vehicle that you use to get to that destination. Faith, grace, gratitude, and love all merge together, at different times and in different amounts, to create joy. There is love, growth, tears, change, and self-realization in this card. This card portends a happy and joyous time.
We enter into February as:
Canary Yellow 🐤
“If you talk and do not do, you are like the Canary in his cage; beautiful but useless.”
It is suggested that you move beyond what you believe to be right and accept what is. You may not be doing your true calling. Are you living in a fantasy that you would rather pretend with? This is your opportunity to do it, or let it go. Others will soon see what you are either hiding or denying. Time to wake up or you may find yourself quite embarrassed when your true motive is revealed. Like Canary - he would rather impress than do! Be careful of working too much and neglecting the reality of your life. Do not be the person who feels that he or she will never receive what they are entitled to, and it is easier to pretend that everything is fine. Canary indicates that things are in place for miracles to happen, but they may not if you dissipate your energy. Things are built up in our minds and we are imprisoned by the story we tell about what we are doing. Do not take yourself or the project you speak of so seriously any longer. Stop and consider if you intend on doing what you say, or if you are only talking.
This is a card of realizing we own nothing. We are given inspiration from above, if we dissipate our gifts than we are not fulfilling our promise to Spirit. If you resist your voice, why have one? What in your heart do you know you could do “if you wanted to”?
What is to be learned in February:
Grass 🌱:
“Your message to others is best expressed by being uniquely you.”
The time is right for you to move on from anything holding you back from full self-expression. You are being told to break away. Be different. Be unique. It is time to grow! It could be time to plan a change of scenery. Take a tour, go to a spa, get into shape, visit a foreign place, learn a new skill, depart from the mundane. Take the chance you’ve always wanted to. Most importantly, grow. This is an indication you also need to become more in touch with your spiritual side. You’ve strayed from your inner voice, Spirit invites you back. It is time for your personal growth.
Green may be a lucky color 💚
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vidalinav · 4 years
Because You’re an Asshole (One-shot)
Contains ACOSF Spoilers. 
Look, Cassian needs to drink some respect Nesta Archeron juice (as they all do). I hope to god he gains some perspective in this book, and he doesn’t continue this stupidity of reducing Nesta to butchery status. (Raises glass) Here’s hoping this lug nut starts making an effort. But this fic is purely self-indulgent because well... I’m the fic writer. So I can do what I want. 
Summary: Nesta rejects Cassian in front of the Inner Circle (Takes place in my head a couple of months after first 6 chapters)
Nesta wouldn’t say she had changed much, but to her sister and their group of friends she’d say she might as well have been a different person. For they pretended not to stare as she arrived with Cassian in tow. Some extraterrestrial creature in the middle of a restaurant.
She greeted the owner, Sevenda, lifting her lips into a polite smile and nodding when she caught Nesta’s gaze.
“Hello, sweet girl,” The female gushed, “I didn’t think you were helping out today... please don’t tell me one of the others conned you into taking their shift.”
Nesta shook her head shyly as Cassian told the female they were meeting the rest of them for a late dinner. Sevenda kissed him on the cheek, and Nesta wondered how one person could show so much affection when she could barely muster a proper laugh.
Truthfully, the only reason she made it to this dinner at all was because Bryaxis had asked her to. He’d been in the middle of telling her how the stars moved on an axis, and how the shadows were often wandering souls. He had so many stories to tell in that dark place in the library, but he’d wanted stories too. He was persistent, pushy…persuasive and Nesta could not let down her new friend when all he wanted to do was know about the outside world.
Nesta knew enough about being ostracized. She felt for the monster for she was a monster too. Cast away to the darkened ends of the library.  
But, Nesta wanted this night to be over. She’d promised Bryaxis ten minutes and ten minutes only. She could survive that long on fake grins.  
She tried not to sigh audibly as Sevenda showed them to the table, where the others already sat. Laughing loudly... then quieting to silence as they neared.
Nesta should have felt offended. But she couldn’t find it in herself to care too much.
The night would be over soon enough anyways.
True, Amren had visited her in the library just last week and they’d been cordial. She saw Mor on a regular basis to winnow to Windhaven, and Azriel was always there. It seemed odd to her now that they stared as if she were someone new. Someone they didn’t know at all.
Perhaps, though, it was because she’d agreed to come in the first place and when she did, she’d allowed Cassian to accompany her there. Though she suspected the offer was more because they were all still wary of her change, her calmness.
Nesta wouldn’t have called it that herself.
She hadn’t stopped being angry, she’d been born angry. Raged and kicked her way to this world.
Nesta just merely stopped... fighting back.
There was a peace in that, she supposed. Even if the thought sometimes made her want to hurt something and then herself for letting it happen.
Most of the time she was just detached enough to smile when someone called her name and when they left she’d go back to staring off into space, the dust like hidden galaxies floating through the filtered sunlight. It was what Nesta liked about the library in truth. That most didn’t bother her when she’d looked out the array of windows, up on those tall ladders, ready to see Velaris in a tiny frame.
In this way, the world was a lot smaller than she’d realized.
Less frightening.
And because the world was less frightening, the people in it, too, were less mean. She’d wandered after her workday, tired, but with a furious curiosity for more, like a hunger she couldn’t satisfy, and she’d ended up here. At Sevenda’s--the female greeting her and offering her a meal, even when Nesta told her she didn’t have the money to pay.
On the house then, the female said.
It was the best meal she’d ever had and Nesta had come back every time she could. Helping with the books, with inventory, while the owner patted her on the shoulder, her cheek, and brought her something new to try. Like a doting grandmother.
It felt odd, she thought seeing the rest in a large booth to the wall. This place, too, did not belong to her...
“No need to order,” the female proclaimed, “I know what you all like.”
Nesta waited for Cassian to scooch into the booth before she sat on the outskirts. Easy access to the door. Easy to leave.
But the others didn’t bother her much. Distantly, as if Nesta was not in the room, she could hear their voices begin again. To each other of course. Never to her. Though she’d accepted it long ago that she would never be what they wanted. They would never be what she needed.  
Cassian laughed. The sound hurting her ears. He never laughed like that with her. Nesta supposed she wasn’t that funny… and she wasn’t really his friend.
Instead, Nesta looked to the restaurant. Alive in all it’s glory. Loud and bright. She looked to the waitstaff. Most of them she’d met already, worked with some of them, and they smiled or waved when they saw her. Nesta lifted her hand to greet them, too.
One of the girls, Amina, brought out waters for the table.
Amina grinned when she saw her there.
But she did not leave when the cups had been set. Instead, she lingered, lowering her voice and leaning  towards her. “We’re going to the symphony tomorrow if you want to come.”
“And you must come,” Sevenda said, coming from behind with a plate of appetizers in her hand. Something to tide them over.  
Nesta blinked at the two females, unsure of what to say—what to do.
“I’ve never been to symphony before,” Nesta answered.
Sevenda set the bread in the middle of the table, and then raised a hand to her chest dramatically. “You’ll just adore it. Grand tales, handsome males, intriguing music all around. Perhaps, I’ll gather more of the staff and we’ll make a whole day of it.”
Nesta shook her head, waving her hands slightly. “You’re pretty busy, you don’t have to—”
“Nonsense, sweet girl,” She said, raising a hand to Nesta’s cheek. She could feel the warmth on her face. “Nobody would be too busy for you.”
Nesta smiled at that, a testament to how much she had changed that she’d allowed the touch and a triumph at how Nesta felt something other than nothing at all.
“I’ll be right back,” Sevenda noted chipperly. “Eat some bread.”
As the female left, Nesta didn’t want to look at the rest of the group, didn’t want to see how they would judge her, didn’t want to see if she cared or not. They’d meant to heal her. Did they think they were successful?
Cassian gazed down at her, his eyes uncommonly fond. All Nesta thought was that she was probably not embarrassing any longer.
She wondered if seeing her tolerated by others made him realize that she was tolerable.
Because, Nesta had not been tolerable to him this morning.
“You know, we can go to the symphony,” Cassian suggested, the apples of his cheeks blooming a dust of red. Nesta’s brows furrowed at the words. Her lips tilting down into an expression that might have been quizzical. "Some time... together I mean.”
Nesta looked at the others, but it seemed they were trying not to snicker, or they were too curious at what she would do. Rhysand tried to hide his smirk, Azriel held onto the bridge of his nose, Mor raised a brow as if she couldn’t believe what she was hearing, Amren took a sip of wine, rolling her eyes, and Feyre... well Feyre looked to her.
Say something, her eyes seemed to say.
But Nesta went to gaze at the people around her, happy and conversing at their own tables. The noise a rum drum lur of heartbeats and shouts and quiet whispers of some things she’d never be able to listen to even if she tried to read their lips.
This was... life, she thought. A cacophony of angry yells and laughter.
She’d almost forgotten what it sounded like...
But it wasn’t because of him that she could now recognize the notes. A song Nesta desperately wanted to hear. It wasn’t because of them at this table... and Nesta wondered what made Cassian suggest this. In front of his friends.
Did he think she would not easily reject him?
Didn’t he know she was a private person?
“Cassian, what’s my favorite color?”
He simply blinked, surprised by her words. She waited for his answer, but it never came.  
Nesta continued.
“What’s my favorite drink?” She asked.
Still Cassian said nothing.
“What time do I usually get up in the morning? It’s certainly not the time I’m forced to train with you.”
Cassian didn’t answer and instead of it making her angry, it just made her irrevocably sad.
“How about... my favorite book?”
“You’ve read so many how could you choose,” he said. Nesta huffed a laugh.
She’d read the same book for the past three months because she couldn’t stand to open a new one. There was something about the familiarity that comforted her and the thought of meeting new characters, entering new worlds scared her for reasons she was only beginning to understand. That book had been sitting in the living room every morning. Every night.
Nesta leaned forward, her cheek resting on her palm. The action made her breasts push up in her dress and she noticed the way his eyes lingered on them.
“No?” She asked, somberly, shaking her head. “How about the food I hate. The thing I’m most scared of.  Excited about... Nothing?”
Nesta waved her hand, her voice growing louder, “I mean I know you know how little I eat, how bad I fight, how much weight I’ve lost. You’re very good about reminding me. But do you know... where I even go in the evenings?”
She looked down wrinkling her nose as she huffed a laugh, “You know I get nightmares every night... you must hear them in that room above mine.” She pointed to Azriel. “He does. He asked me about them once. I think I told him some lie or another... but have you ever asked? Have you even asked how I’ve been doing? How I feel? You certainly didn’t ask whether I wanted to train with you but of course that was settled fairly quickly.”  
She took a deep breath, waiting for him to speak but he didn’t. Nesta fiddled with her napkin, unfolding it and then looked to the ceiling. She could see the dust float around the rounded lights.
“You know I hate to do this in front of your friends,” She lifted a hand in their direction, looking to Cassian once more. “I’m sure they have such high opinions of you. Their opinions of me, of course, are already very low. A bitch, I’m assuming is what I’ll be called today. Probably, to make your pride feel a little bit better. A little less wounded... Maybe they’ll believe it themselves too, because well,” Nesta shrugged, “the evidence is already there. It’s the nature of the circumstances I suppose.”
“It’s rather funny I think,” though Nesta didn’t laugh. “You don’t know anything about me. You want to go on a date?”
She lifted her hands up. Innocence personified. “I mean I’m assuming that what’s you meant by us going together to the symphony. We’re clearly not close enough to presume a casual friendly outing and everyone in this room and their mothers know we have some sort of history or they wouldn’t ask about it every time they see me or whisper it when they see us together.”
She smiled, her cheeks straining from the pull. “But for all that history... you know nothing about me. Instead, you have confused your emotions for ‘I’m sure she’s such a good fuck.’ Was it the boobs, the ass? The face maybe? I get that all the time.” Nesta gestured to the room around them, aware that she was making a scene, “Ask anyone of these males who’ve slept with me, I’m sure you’ll find one at any given moment...”
She clasped her hands together, crossing her legs as if she were holding a business meeting. Nesta raised a shoulder. “But at least they didn’t pretend. When they wanted to sleep with me, well... they just said they wanted to sleep with me. Unfortunately, if that’s what you want, you’ll have to buy me a drink first because I’ll have to be much drunker than this.”
Nesta leaned back in her seat. She couldn’t stop fidgeting, like the adrenaline had made her want to fight. She inhaled audibly, a low sound, exhaling lightly.
Cassian looked ashamed.
She tilted her head at that expression, feeling much calmer already.
“Look. As much I hate to admit this, a strict routine has done me some good. Maybe that’s why I can speak these words so truthfully,” Nesta said, her voice casual. “But do not ever think I have forgotten that I am as much a prisoner in my own body that I am in the House of Wind. I have little choice in anything regarding my life, even before this war. But this... I can choose this.”
Nesta refused to look at the rest of them as she lifted a hand to her neck, rubbing the muscle, suddenly tired and achy. “Not only have you bombarded my life in ways I didn’t expect nor ask for, you consistently touch me without my permission, get into my space when I am uncomfortable, push me when I am irritated. Why would I want to go out with you—A male who does not respect me?”
“I hope you didn’t think that me healing or whatever you called it,” She gestured away, “meant we’d be together... Time has already changed, unfortunately. Without us knowing it has slipped us by. Drifted right through our fingers...” She took a breath, staring at the lights on the ceiling. “We’re different people now...”
Nesta looked him straight in the eyes. Willed him to listen to her, really listen. “I won’t wait 500 years for you. I want more.” She shrugged, the light of Cassian’s eyes dimming. “I want better.”
She picked up her things, piling the plates and cup on top of each other. Making sure the napkin was neatly folded. Nesta swallowed, the heaviness setting in. She peered up at Cassian, his hair wild, stray pieces falling out from the leather band. His eyes bright and a hollow amber. “I want you to know that it isn’t because you’re a bastard. I’m sure you’ll think that when you go over this conversation later. But I’m not rejecting you because you’re a bastard... It’s because you’re an asshole.”
Nesta stood up to leave, but Cassian grabbed her hand. She peered down at him. He’d always been taller than her. It seemed odd to see him so small.
“What about me? You don’t know anything about me either.”
Nesta laughed, a small, short sound. “Your favorite color is red.”
Mor’s favorite color, too.
“Your favorite food? Stew, because it reminds you of Illyria. You’re scared of thunder, because it makes you think of your wings being shredded, or at least that’s what you told Azriel when you didn’t think I was paying attention. You like to drink whiskey when something bad happens, but rum when you're celebrating, and you have nightmares too. I suspect they’re probably the same as mine.”
She smiled at him, a melancholic tilt of her lips for those bittersweet memories—for those bittersweet dreams. Cassian looked dejected and she wanted to smooth away the lines with her fingers, but she’d been hurt for far too long from far too many people who’d promised they protect her, so Nesta clenched her fists instead.
“I’m glad we had this chat today.” She looked around the table, grimacing as she tried to smile. The others looked to her as if they were seeing her for the first time. This girl who’d calmy told the commander to go fuck himself. “Please don’t invite me to anymore of these.”
And with that Nesta left, nodding a farewell to Sevenda, coming out with a large tray of food. Two minutes and she was already making her way out the door.  
You know these really make me feel better about everything I have to process. But I am so tired, because I can’t sleep waiting for this book. So is this fic good? I don’t know. I can barely read it through.  
But I keep ranting, like everyday. 
So, one rant=one mini fic 
lol so now I have to go write the Nesta sticks up for Cassian fic (which is different than I think you’ll think it is) My work performance is really going to go down this week. But at least this one is uwu status (i.e. fluff--mostly)
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