#it was very intentional
onjapiii-39 · 8 months
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I realized I never posted my full Ryo design here LMFAO, here's my little guy
Same thing as with my Keving design, you can use it just remember to credit me if you do so!
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theradicalace · 1 year
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“Lose it all, get it back twice in a night
Hard headed I’m nice with the dice”
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druid-for-hire · 2 years
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[image id: a four-page comic. it is titled "immortality” after the poem by clare harner (more popularly known as “do not stand at my grave and weep”). the first page shows paleontologists digging up fossils at a dig. it reads, “do not stand at my grave and weep. i am not there. i do not sleep.” page two features several prehistoric creatures living in the wild. not featured but notable, each have modern descendants: horses, cetaceans, horsetail plants, and crocodilians. it reads, “i am a thousand winds that blow. i am the diamond glints on snow. i am the sunlight on ripened grain. i am the gentle autumn rain.” the third page shows archaeopteryx in the treetops and the skies, then a modern museum-goer reading the placard on a fossil display. it reads, “when you awaken in the morning’s hush, i am the swift uplifting rush, of quiet birds in circled flight. i am the soft stars that shine at night. do not stand at my grave and cry.” the fourth page shows a chicken in a field. it reads, “i am not there. i did not die” / end id]
a comic i made in about 15 hours for my school’s comic anthology. the theme was “evolution”
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iamgoingtoscreamstuff · 2 months
Chapter one
By the breath of the dawn of the seven and hundredth year of the reign of the counsel,
 A great evil shall bloom from the shadows. 
Hellfire and destruction shall reign
When the flames are fanned, who shall protect the land?
 Past and present blurred, an evil never deterred. 
A light from the darkness will spring.
The counsel will once again be king.
One born to face the shadow, power in their veins to break the chains. 
Remedy and wrong intertwined to form a single vine. 
Stephigenie sat quietly at the mat. Her breakfast had been left untouched, the warmth long gone. She felt a little guilty about leaving it on the kitchen island, but between the seven of them, someone would eat it. Her stomach rolled as the smell of the sweat soaked mat filled her nostrils. She’d gotten up early to get in one last training session, determined to make the best of her time, but now-  just the sight of the mat made her ill. Stretching her limbs slowly she took shuddering breaths in anticipation of her sister’s arrival. 
You are going to win this match. 
You’ve trained so hard for so long, there’s no way you won’t win. 
Footsteps thudded down the hall as her brothers gave chase in a wild frenzy. 
“Only if you catch me!” Kastor’s voice taunted from his first place position. His hand was held high above his head, waving Pollux’s phone mockingly. Pollux took advantage of his gloating to launch himself at Kastor and pry the phone away. He got up calmly, waving to Stephigenie through the door frame. 
“ Morning Ephi,” He says smoothly, taking a swing from his water bottle, “ You ready for today?” 
She nodded softly as she stood up slowly to start her warm up. Seemingly satisfied with her non verbal answer, he wandered off, kicking Kastor in the leg as he passed. Kastor scowled as she laughed and slammed the door to the dojo. She quit laughing at her brother to work to match her breathing in time with her exercises again. How dare they break her concentration. Her mind slowly cleared as she made her way through the movements. 
Losers don’t wake up early to train. 
And here you are. 
Just make a plan and stick to it. 
You can’t fail if you stick to a plan. 
The door flung open as her oldest sister waltzed in. 
“Ohhh early morning training huh? Usually just me in here this early.” She punched at the air for a moment before patting Stephigenie’s head. “ If anyone is mean I’ll punch them for you, yeah? Don’t worry, it’ll be a good match.”
“Thanks Alekto.” She mumbled, making her way to the middle of the mat. She loved the sentiment, she really did, but she could handle herself. Fifteen was more than old enough for her siblings to stop babying her. She didn't need to be treated like a baby just because she was the youngest. 
Her sister seemed to read her mind as she did a few jumping jacks to warm herself up before striking a dramatic pose. 
“Stephigenie Hall,” Her sister boomed in a fake announcer voice, “ Are you ready?”
She steadied her footing before nodding her head, gritting her jaw as Alekto got herself into position. 
“Good.” She paused for a moment, her face twisted in a stern expression, “ No magic of any kind is allowed. I’ll be able to tell if you slow down time to save yourself time. You always get that stupid look on your face.” 
Alekto didn’t give any warning before flinging herself at Stephigenie, arms pulled back in  for a more powerful punch. Stehpigenie froze as she watched Alekto’s fist get closer. She needed to move, but she felt frozen. She squawked as her face erupted in pain. Alekto didn’t stop, pulling her arm back again and aiming for her stomach. She grit her teeth again and braced herself for the punch. It was too late for her to dodge anyway. 
She grunted as Alekto’s fist made contact with her stomach, rolling on the ground to soften the blow and dodge her next attack. She shot up as Alekto stalked toward her, jabbing her elbow in between her sister’s ribs. She stumbled back as Stephigenie balled her fist again and punched her squarely in the stomach. 
“Finally found your fire?” Alekto grunted out, bouncing on her feet slightly as she studied Stephigenie. 
She didn't say a word as she raced forward, pushing herself into the air, her muscle memory taking over. She twisted herself in midair and popped her leg out, aiming for her sister’s side. Her shin burned as she rapidly brought it down over Alekto’s middle. She staggered back after a few hits and braced herself for the counter attack. 
Alekto moved faster than she could comprehend and plunged her fist into the soft skin where Stephigenie’s kidney sat. She gasped and clenched her middle, staggering back slightly. 
“Low blow dude.” She managed, her arm tightening around her side. 
“They won’t let you go down easy.” Alekto shrugged, “ But I think you did pretty well all things considered. You held your own and landed a few hits, so a win in my books.” 
“You let me land those hits.” She grumbled, sinking down to the mat in defeat. 
“Maybe,” She shrugged again, “ Maybe not. I guess we’ll never know.” 
She flashed Stephigenie a winning smile before tapping her over the head. 
“Remember to eat today.” 
She rolled her eyes before laughing.  She nodded dramatically, putting her hand over her chest and pouting her lips. 
“Anything for you dear sister.” She said in a mock British accent.
“Yes, yes love, just looking out for you.” Alekto responded in an equally bad British accent. 
They burst into laughter as Stephanie walked out of the dojo. It was times like this she didn’t mind being the baby as much. 
Her door opened with a creak and she made her way to her bed. She flopped onto her mattress and screamed into her pillow. Getting up early to train was starting to seem like it might have been the greatest idea. She’d been awake for two hours now. A small training session, a shower, and a solid ten minutes picking out her outfit, and it somehow still wasn't time for school. She screamed into the pillow again, hoping to scream away her anxiety. Instead, she just made a wet spot on her pillow. Gross. She debated speeding up the time around her to her match, but then she’d be exhausted by the time her match finally rolled around. It was all stupid. 
She sat up and looked over to her mirror. Her hair was a mess. Curls stuck out at odd angles, sticking up and out in a bizarre pattern. She really should have tied her hair up better before she went to bed last night.  She sighed and grabbed a spray bottle, wetting her hair.
 Usually doing her hair was a chore, but today, it just felt nice to do something normal instead of focusing on the match she was destined to be a part of. She de-tangangled her hair carefully and then sat on her bed again, grabbing her phone and texting Alekto. 
Her sister walked in moments later and motioned to the seat in front of the mirror. 
“What do you want today?” She asked, grabbing gel and brush. 
“French braids?” she ventured, shoving her phone under her sister's face, a picture of exactly how she wanted them pulled up. 
Alekto nodded and pulled her hair into two rows of braids, leaving two thin strands in the front to frame her face. Stephigenie sat quietly as her sister worked. Her mind traveled to the match and she twitched uncomfortably. She’d never fought in a match before. Sure she’d fought against her siblings, but she’d only ever gone against them or her mom. And they always went soft on her. She had no idea what a real fight would be like. Her stomach shifted uncomfortably as she imagined her doom. 
Her brain scrambled to find a way out of the match before her sister finished her hair. She made a show of clutching at her stomach. She curled her legs to her chest and made a small gagging noise. Her sister looked at her reflection strangely before continuing her braiding.
 As soon as she finished tying the small elastic into her hair, Stephigenie shot up and ran to the bathroom.  She shoved her fingers into her throat to make herself gag and forced up the meager breakfast she had eaten. It was mostly water and a little bit of bile, but she’d thrown up and that was enough. Resisting the urge to wipe away the line of spittle down her chin, she shuffled out of the bathroom and made her way to her mother’s room. 
Her parents didn’t sleep together. Her friends said it was weird that her mom has her own room, but she didn’t think so. She had been made purposefully, with intention and careful planning, in a lab. Her parents were the best of the best brought together by necessity to raise five children meant to save the world. She didn't have a normal conception, so it was only natural for her to have an abnormal childhood.
Her parents liked to pretend that their life was normal, but no child spent their free time honing their knife wielding skills. Probably. Her friends were all children of the counsel, also highly trained in combative skills and receiving the best education. No one really had a normal childhood. 
But even compared to her friends, her life was odd. She spent every waking moment training. Her parents had signed her up for two sports a semester, as well as enrolling her in two additional combat training courses outside of school taught ones. 
She liked the hustle of her life though. Having a moment to herself always brought her back to the prophecy. She was made to be a savior of the world, but she couldn’t even handle a simple kickboxing match. It was pathetic. 
She hesitated outside of her mother’s door, shifting her feet uncomfortably before turning around and heading to the kitchen. If she bailed out now she would just have to fight someone else another time. She wiped the bile from her chin and sat down at the kitchen island. Kastor was sitting on his phone, Pollux in the corner busy chugging the last of the chocolate milk. 
“HEY!”  She screamed, launching herself at him, “ Mom said I could have the rest!” 
He held the jug above his head and slapped her away. He lifted the jug to his lips again and swallowed all but a drop. 
“Oh sorry I didn’t know. Here ya go.” He said smiling as he handed her the empty jug. 
She swatted at his face and screamed for her mom. Evylen walked in seconds after she had screamed and gave them both a look. Pollux quickly apologized and told her that he’d pick up a new jug after school. She nodded approvingly and grabbed a mug from the cabinet. Her face pursed as she looked around the kitchen. 
“Where’s Jason?” 
“They went to school early today.” Kastor supplied, “ Something about Aneas needing help on a project.”
Evylen nodded. 
“Be ready to leave for school in ten minutes.” 
Hums of acknowledgement filled the room as Stephegenie got up to grab her bags.
No getting out of the match now.
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catmask · 1 year
does anyone have like an anti aesthetic. like something you look at and can recognize as a complete fashion/interior design/artistic movement and understand it but it makes you shudder seeing it. i am not talking like “its morally bad” “its poorly structured” like just sheerly devoid of joy for you actually invites a repulse response.
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
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bg3 x taskmaster filed under 'things that are funny to me and nobody else'
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havanillas · 18 days
had a long week so i made fluff to decompress
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tawnysoup · 4 months
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(You nod furiously.)
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0fps · 4 months
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Jiyan, leader of the Midnight Rangers, acts with swift and resolute righteousness. He possesses the formidable ability to conjure a powerful Qingloong from the winds, making him invincible on the battlefield.
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rendevok · 3 months
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Act I ~ The Prince
A tapestry for Let No One Sleep by @azalawa-scroggs on ao3
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the-crooked-library · 6 months
so within the universe of Dune, gender roles abide by a rigid false dichotomy created by the bene gesserit - men lead the noble houses, while the women may join their order, and the powers of both are kept intentionally separate. at the same time, the plot demonstrates repeatedly that the role of paul atreides as a character is that of the border between the concepts juxtaposed within dichotomies: he is both an outerworlder and fremen, both harkonnen and atreides, both a duke and a disciple of the bene gesserit.
as such, it follows that within the in-universe gender structure, he occupies the roles of both male and female, thus being functionally and societally nonbinary. in this essay, i will -
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cthulhum · 5 months
does anyone realize how crazy it is to have the actor of a mostly headcanoned queer ship say the fans were never crazy and they were right all along after 10+ years of everyone just absolutely going nuts over the said queerbaited ship
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deadbaguette · 5 days
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Dear children of Priam, were you doomed all along?
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technically-human · 2 months
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St. Hilarion's ghost story
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nezhanetwork · 10 months
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all the words i couldn't say to you, oh, the damage i have wrought
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bluejaywuzhere · 1 month
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Minecraft is doing Bdubs dirty 😭🤣😭
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