#it would be better if they liked each other for a long time and saw this as an opportunity to say how they feel
nayedoll · 2 days
Do or drink
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joost klein x reader
summary : you and joost dislike each other before an unexpected kiss during a ‘do or drink’ game makes you rethink your feelings.
warnings : kind of enemies to lovers, mostly fluff, smut(?) if you squint A LOT.
“You know what, i’m gonna say it.” your friend jokingly said. “I think you and Joost would make a good couple if you stopped acting like babies” she added and hid behind your other friend as you grabbed a pillow and threw it at her.
“Oh my god, do not ever say that again” you yelled and they laughed at your exaggerated reaction.
“No but why do you guys hate each other sooo much to begin with?!” your friend asked and that caught you off guard.
In complete honesty, there was no reason for your shared hatred with Joost. From the first moment you were introduced to him, you had made your resentment for him very clear, responding sarcastically and rolling your eyes to everything he said. But he wasn’t any better himself. The memory of him straight up ignoring your offer for a handshake still got to you, revitalizing your distaste for him.
Eventually your friends accepted your rivalry, as it wasn’t affecting the rest of them, even making it an inside joke. Ironically enough, you spent most of your time with Joost during friends gatherings, the two of you always bickering about the littlest things. In a way you found it fun, often teasing him out of boredom and vice versa. Besides there was an undeniable attraction for one another, one that none of you were ready to admit yet.
However, things slightly changed when your half-drunk friend got the idea to play ‘do or drink’ at a house party. Naturally as the game progressed and you all got more drunk, the questions became wilder.
“Y/n” your friend said with a smirk and you jokingly sighed worried about what would follow.
“I dare you to kiss Joost” she said and all your friends started laughing and staring intently between the two of you. You turned to look at Joost who was staring right back at you grinning.
“So?” your friend insisted and you felt your cheeks burn, thankful that the blush on them could be justified by all the drinks you’d had.
“Oh don’t push her. I’m probably her first” Joost teased, smiling even brighter when he saw how furious his comment had made you.
“No I’ll do it” you responded and he nodded satisfied. You got up to sit next to him on the couch before he brought you to his lap without warning.
“Ready?” he asked with a smug expression.
“Shut up” you whispered and leaned in to kiss him. Your mouths collided passionately, both of you getting carried away and forgetting about all your friends watching. One of your hands started playing with his hair as you felt his hands moving to your ass. Your kiss was quickly interrupted by Apson telling you to get a room. As your friends moved on with the game, you got off Joost’s lap now sitting awkwardly next to him, not saying a word.
Things remained awkward between you and Joost for some time. The kiss had brought out newfound feelings for him, leaving you confused and constantly longing for his touch. You went from arguing non-stop to barely making eye contact in hopes that he wouldn’t notice you blush, though you knew that at some point you’d have to confront him.
After a few days, you found yourself at your apartment’s rooftop with Joost and a few more friends, drinking and chatting. The sun was about to set, offering a beautiful view of Amsterdam in red and yellow hues. You kept glancing at Joost a couple times as the light breeze made his blonde hair messy. You couldn’t help but think how his hair would look waking up next to him as the warm sun rays caress his face.
“I’m so bored” your friend’s voice interrupted your thoughts bringing you back to reality.
“Does anyone wanna go clubbing tonight pretty please?” she added dragging the sound of the last word to convince everyone. Your friends agreed, never turning down an opportunity to party and drink. Your friend turned to you giving you doe eyes.
“I’m not in the mood” you said laughing and she rolled her eyes in response.
“Joost?” she asked and you awaited his answer anxiously.
“Uhh, I don’t feel like going out either” he looked at you at the last word with a subtle smile, the nicest he’d ever given you.
“Whatever” your friend mumbled as she and the rest got up and quickly left to get ready.
All that remained now was an uncomfortable silence that made you realize you’d never been left alone with Joost in the two years you had known him.
“Want a cigarette?” he asked breaking the silence. You turned your gaze to him and nodded as he inched closer to you. The sudden proximity between you caused your cheeks to burn, your knees slightly touching. As he passed you a cigarette, his fingers brushed yours sending shivers down your spine and you heard him laugh to himself.
“What?” you smiled and he took a drag before turning to look at you.
“Nothing, I just never thought we would be smoking together on a roof top” he admitted and you chuckled at the irony.
“Neither did I” you replied admiring what was left of the sunset in front of you. The small moment of bonding between you gave you enough courage to speak again.
“Can I ask you something?” you said and he nodded softly.
“When we…” you trailed off trying to think of a way to say what you wanted. “When we um- kissed” you continued, noticing the slight smirk on his lips at the mention of you kissing, “did you like it?”.
He stayed quiet for a moment and you internally slapped yourself from the embarrassment of the situation.
“Yeah” he finally answered and you bit your lip trying to fight back a smile. He noticed you avoiding eye contact and chuckled.
“You’re really cute when you get shy, y’know?” he lightly brushed your hair out of the way as you turned to look at him, the blush on your cheeks definitely visible now. His eyes flicked back and forth between your eyes and lips as he brought his hand on your cheek softly caressing it with his thumb.
“Kiss me” you muttered and he obliged, crashing his lips with yours. He slowly lied down to the ground, bringing you on top of him, your legs straddling him. You slowly started grinding down on his thigh, the sensation making you moan into the kiss.
He smiled and pulled away, placing small kisses on your neck and biting there. His hand that was previously on your hair moved towards your inner thigh at an excruciatingly slow speed that made you whine.
“Please” you mumbled and he laughed.
“Never thought you’d be begging me” he whispered in your ear and continued sucking on your neck, as he lifted your skirt and put his hand near your panties.
Suddenly, he removed his hand and pulled back from your neck causing you to whine in confusion.
“What?” you asked clearly annoyed.
“I’m sorry” he said and put his hands on your waist holding you in place. “I just don’t want to rush things” he kissed your forehead and you smiled at the thought of him wanting to take things slow, finding it cute.
“Is this you punishing me for being a bitch for two years straight?” you joked and he pulled you into a sweet embrace.
The sky was dark by now with many stars shining above you as you cuddled. You slowly drifted off to sleep listening to the sound of his heartbeat and the distant music coming from the city’s night life. Joost placed a peck on your hair before also falling asleep.
“Goodnight mijn meisje”
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st4rtar0t · 2 days
Describing your love trope with your future spouse as a writer
Pick a picture
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Pictures belong to their rightful owners, I only own the content of this post.
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Picture 1
Arranged blind date
I stared at my reflection, the dress clinging to my frame in a way that was both flattering and unfamiliar. It had been months since I’d worn anything other than sweatpants and old t-shirts. My heart pounded as I thought about the evening ahead. What had I let Emma talk me into?
“Trust me, y/n,” she had said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “You deserve someone who treats you right. This guy is perfect for you.”
I wanted to believe her. After all, Emma knew me better than anyone. She had seen me through the worst of my relationship with Adam, watched as I shrank into myself, convinced I was unworthy of love and respect. She had been my rock when I finally walked away.
Now, she was determined to help me move on, even if it meant dragging me into the world of blind dates.
“You look stunning,” Emma said, stepping into my bedroom. Her smile was warm and reassuring. “And you’ll be fine. Just be yourself.”
I nodded, trying to steady my breathing. “What if he’s... I don’t know, another Adam?”
Emma shook her head firmly. “He’s not. Trust me. I’ve known him for years. He’s kind, funny, and he’s been through his own share of heartbreak. You two will understand each other.”
Taking a deep breath, I followed Emma out the door and into her car. As she drove, I gazed out the window, my mind a swirl of anxiety and hope. The city lights blurred past, a cacophony of life that felt distant and unreal.
We arrived at the restaurant, a cozy little place with warm lighting and the comforting aroma of home-cooked meals. Emma squeezed my hand. “He’s waiting at table five. Go on, I’ll be right here if you need me.”
I hesitated, then nodded. “Okay. Here goes nothing.”
As I approached table five, I saw him. He was looking down at his menu, but there was something about him that immediately put me at ease. He had an air of quiet confidence, and when he looked up and our eyes met, he smiled. It was a smile that reached his eyes, genuine and warm.
“y/n?” he asked, standing up and offering his hand.
I took it, surprised by how natural it felt. “Yes. And you must be Michael.”
He nodded, his grip gentle yet reassuring. “It’s really nice to meet you. Emma’s told me a lot about you.”
I laughed nervously, taking my seat. “All good things, I hope.”
“Only the best,” he said, his eyes twinkling with kindness. “She’s very fond of you.”
As we started talking, I found myself relaxing. Michael was easy to talk to, his sense of humor lightening the mood. He shared stories about his work as a graphic designer, his passion for painting, and his dog, Max, who sounded like a real character.
“So, Emma tells me you’re quite the photographer,” he said, his tone genuinely interested.
I blushed slightly. “I dabble. It’s just a hobby, really.”
“From what I hear, you’re pretty talented,” he replied. “Maybe you could show me some of your work sometime?”
I nodded, feeling a warmth spread through me that I hadn’t felt in a long time. “I’d like that.”
The evening passed in a blur of laughter and easy conversation. For the first time in what felt like forever, I was enjoying myself. Michael was attentive, respectful, and genuinely interested in what I had to say. It was a stark contrast to the indifference and criticism I had grown accustomed to with Adam.
As we said our goodbyes, Michael looked at me with a hopeful expression. “I had a great time tonight, y/n. Can we do this again sometime?”
I smiled, feeling a lightness in my heart. “I’d like that very much, Michael.”
As I walked back to Emma, who was waiting with a knowing smile, I realized something. Maybe, just maybe, I was ready to open my heart again. And maybe this time, I’d find the love and respect I truly deserved.
Emma hugged me as soon as I reached her. “See? Told you it would be fine.”
I hugged her back, gratitude welling up in my chest. “Thank you, Emma. For everything.”
She grinned. “That’s what friends are for.”
And for the first time in a long while, I felt hopeful about the future.
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Picture 2
Friends to lovers
I stood outside y/n’s apartment, nervously shifting from one foot to the other. The city was quiet tonight, the streetlights casting a warm glow on the sidewalk. I had been here countless times, but tonight felt different. Tonight, everything was about to change.
Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door. Almost immediately, I heard her footsteps approaching. The door swung open, and there she was, her smile lighting up the entire hallway.
“Hey! Come on in,” she said, stepping aside to let me pass.
I walked in, my heart pounding in my chest. “Hey, y/n. Thanks for having me over.”
We settled on her couch, the same spot where we’d shared countless conversations, laughter, and even tears over the years. She handed me a cup of tea, her eyes sparkling with the warmth I had come to cherish.
“So, what’s up?” she asked, taking a sip of her own tea. “You sounded a bit urgent on the phone.”
I looked at her, really looked at her, and realized just how much she meant to me. Her kindness, her strength, her infectious laugh—all the little things that made her who she was. It hit me like a tidal wave. I was in love with her. I always have been.
“y/n, there’s something I need to tell you,” I began, my voice trembling slightly.
She set her cup down, her expression turning serious. “What is it? You know you can tell me anything.”
I took a deep breath, gathering my courage. “y/n, you’ve been my best friend for as long as I can remember. You’ve been there for me through everything, and I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
She smiled, reaching out to squeeze my hand. “I am your best friend. I will always be there for you no matter what happens. Now tell me, what is bothering you?”
I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of the moment. “But that’s the thing. I don��t just see you as my best friend anymore. Somewhere along the way, my feelings changed. I’ve fallen in love with you.”
Her eyes widened, and for a moment, there was a silence that felt like an eternity. My heart was in my throat, fear and hope battling within me.
“oh…” she whispered, her voice barely audible.
I pressed on, needing her to understand. “I know this might come as a shock, and I don’t want to ruin what we have. But I had to tell you. I can’t keep pretending that what I feel for you is just friendship.”
Her eyes searched mine, and I saw tears forming. Panic surged through me. Had I made a terrible mistake?
But then she smiled, a radiant, beautiful smile that took my breath away. “I’ve been waiting for you to say that for so long.”
Relief washed over me like a flood. “You... you have?”
She nodded, tears spilling over her cheeks. “I’ve loved you for years. I was just too scared to tell you. I didn’t want to risk losing you.”
I reached out, brushing a tear from her cheek. “You’ll never lose me, y/n. You’re everything to me.”
She leaned into my touch, her eyes filled with love and vulnerability. “I love you.”
The words were like music to my ears. I pulled her into my arms, holding her tightly. “I love you too, y/n. More than you’ll ever know.”
We sat there, wrapped in each other’s embrace, the world outside fading away. All that mattered was this moment, the love we had finally confessed, and the promise of a future together.
As I held her, I realized something. Love had been right in front of me all along, in the form of my best friend. And now that I had found it, I was never letting go.
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Picture 3
Opposites attract
I watched him from across the room, the way he moved with such effortless grace and confidence. The party was in full swing, laughter and chatter filling the air, but all I could focus on was Ethan. He was the epitome of extroversion, charming everyone around him with his easy smile and quick wit.
I, on the other hand, was more comfortable in the shadows, observing rather than participating. I preferred a good book to a loud party, a quiet evening at home to a night out on the town. Yet, here I was, drawn to someone who was my complete opposite in every way.
Ethan caught my eye and waved, making his way over to me. My heart skipped a beat, a mixture of excitement and nervousness swirling inside me.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said, his voice warm and inviting. “Why are you hiding over here all alone?”
I shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. “Just taking a break from all the excitement.”
He laughed, a rich, contagious sound. “You know, you’re the only person I know who comes to a party to take a break from it.”
I smiled, feeling a little more at ease. “Well, someone has to keep an eye on things from the sidelines.”
“Mind if I join you?” he asked, his eyes twinkling with that mischievous spark I was starting to adore.
“Sure,” I said, surprised by how much I wanted him to stay.
We sat down on the edge of the patio, the cool night air a welcome contrast to the warmth of the crowded house. For a moment, we just sat in comfortable silence, the sounds of the party fading into the background.
“You know, Y/N,” Ethan said, breaking the silence. “I’ve always admired how you can just... be. You don’t need all this noise and attention to feel happy.”
I looked at him, surprised by his honesty. “And I’ve always admired how you can light up a room just by walking into it. You make everything look so easy.”
He smiled, a softer, more genuine smile than I’d seen before. “It’s not always as easy as it looks. Sometimes, it feels like I’m just playing a role. But with you... I feel like I can be myself.”
My heart swelled at his words. “I feel the same way, Ethan. With you, I don’t feel like I have to hide.”
We continued talking, sharing pieces of ourselves we hadn’t revealed to anyone else. I told him about my love for painting, how it was my way of expressing emotions I couldn’t put into words. He opened up about his fear of being alone, how he surrounded himself with people to avoid facing his own insecurities.
As the night wore on, I found myself drawn to him in ways I hadn’t expected. Despite our differences, or maybe because of them, we fit together in a way that felt right. His outgoing nature balanced my introversion, his confidence bolstered my shyness, and his warmth melted my reservations.
Ethan reached out, taking my hand in his. His touch was gentle, yet it sent a jolt of electricity through me. “Y/N, I know we’re different, but I can’t help how I feel. Being with you makes me want to be better, to be more.”
I looked into his eyes, seeing the vulnerability and sincerity there. “I feel the same way, Ethan. You make me feel... alive, like anything is possible.”
He leaned in closer, his gaze never leaving mine. “So, what do you say we give this a try? Us, I mean. I know it won’t always be easy, but I think it could be something amazing.”
I smiled, my heart full of hope and excitement. “I’d like that, Ethan. I’d like that a lot.”
As he pulled me into a gentle embrace, I realized that sometimes, the most unexpected connections can be the most beautiful. Despite our differences, or maybe because of them, we were falling for each other, and I couldn’t wait to see where this journey would take us.
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keigosdear · 16 hours
{bad idea... right? - kuroo t.}
yes I know that he’s my ex, but can’t two people reconnect?//…I just tripped and fell into his bed.
kuroo x fem!reader smut. exes to lovers. 18+ MDNI please.
in which you and your ex "reconnect" after almost half a year apart, but with so many unresolved feelings, it'll either end up being the best or worst idea you've ever had.
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warnings: fem!reader, no physical description (aside from specific genitalia ofc). university setting. smut, mentions of alcohol/getting drunk but no drunk sex, lots of feelings/kinda mutual pining. praise kink, a little bit of voice kink, very brief jealous reader, cunnilingus, body worship, teasing, lots of pet names in lieu of y/n, soft dom!kuroo and sub!reader, very. very. soft, kinda emotional sex, aftercare and fluff towards the end. porn with a bit of plot/build up. this fic is my baby.
a trope I never thought I'd write plus a genre I've never written before? apparently so. it's my first time writing smut, so constructive criticism is welcomed, being rude is not. can you believe I started this over the summer ‘23 and I'm only posting it now?
and lmk if I need to add anything else to the warnings :)
divider credit to: @/cafekitsune
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this truly had the potential to be one of your worst ideas yet.
you weren't even going to be at this damn party to begin with, but your friend finally convinced you to go with her after a week of wearing you down.
"it'll be fun, c'mon!" she begged.
the only reason you didn't want to go was because you were finally done with your first semester of classes and wanted to wind down in peace, not at a crowded house party filled with loud music and sweaty drunk university students.
but of course you relented when she pulled out the puppy dog eyes and played the "but we haven't hung out in months, I miss you!" card.
so there you were by the snacks and refreshments table, dressed up and nursing a drink, talking and laughing with your friends. truthfully, you were having a better time than you thought you would and figured that you had almost a month before classes started back up again to relax.
"soooo? has anyone caught your eye yet?" multiple faces focused their attention on you.
you knew part of the reason your friend had insisted on you going with her was to help you meet someone. she'd never admit it, but it was pretty obvious with the way she was pointing out people left and right, making note of how attractive they were. at one point she had even "accidentally" pushed you into one of her targets, which had made for some very awkward small-talk on your end with someone you had zero interest in and some giggling from her.
it's not that you were opposed to the idea of finding someone, but in all honesty, no one had caught your eye. recently you had gotten out of a long long term relationship, and starting over after that just seemed so... unappealing to you.
it also seemed unfair to start anything new when you were very much not over him. breaking up in the middle of the semester had made it really easy for you to push down any emotions and throw yourself into your studies. but it didn't change the fact that you missed him. even now, the party acted as a good distraction for you.
or so you thought.
you were about to respond when your phone buzzed. you looked down and your heart leapt into your throat when you saw the contact name.
it felt strange seeing it as "kuroo" rather than some version of his given name or a pet name. once you hit the one minute mark of just staring at the text notification in shock, your friend peeked over your shoulder and gasped a little.
"you didn't block him?!"
you snatched your phone out of her hand after she stole it to show your group of friends.
"why would I? it's not like we hate each other."
and it was true- you both ended amicably (though very reluctantly). you only ever wanted the best for each other, and while it was sad, you realized that at this point in your lives with how busy you both were, you weren't able to offer that anymore.
you’d rather this than end things resenting each other.
still, it was a hard pill to swallow, so for now you were just holding it on your tongue, letting the bitter taste of the coating settle instead.
she frowned. "well yeah, but-"
you cut her off before she could bring up the very emotions you were ignoring in that moment and shoved your phone back in your pocket. "c'mon, let's go dance!"
later, though, when you excused yourself to the bathroom, the first thing you did was down your second drink and read the text.
do you want to come over?
you stared at the messages for another minute, reading and re-reading them over and over again before sighing. being with him for years meant you knew him like the back of your hand, and he wasn't one for casual hook ups or one night stands. you hadn't even heard from him in a few months- this was the first bit of contact you'd had with him since you cleaned out your drawer of clothes at his place.
which meant he was either drunk and missing you or someone was playing a prank and you'd just end up a fool.
seriously weighing the options in front of you, trying not to let your emotions overpower your decision making, you attempted to think about the long term consequences of going over.
no matter how you spun it, it sounded like a bad idea. even if he did send the texts, there was no guarantee he wanted anything out of it.
but you were too tipsy for logic at that point in the night, and if you were being honest with yourself, you were in need of some excitement.
I'll send my new address.
wait, he moved?
despite being together for so long, the two of you never ended up living together, opting for dorms and student houses with friends. still, you did spend a lot of time at his old place, and before the breakup you had even talked about the possibility of moving in together after the current school year was done.
you didn't linger on the sour feelings that brought up and instead decided to let your friends know you were leaving. when they asked where you were going, you spun some lie about not feeling well and wanting to head home before you got worse. you didn't really care if they believed you or not.
checking the address he had sent you once more, you made your way out of the house and were pleasantly surprised to realize it wasn't that far of a walk, especially since you were wearing uncomfortable party shoes.
you sipped on the bottle of water you swiped form the refreshment table and tried to sober up a bit more before seeing him. you weren't a hundred percent sure what would happen once you got there, but it was a good idea to be prepared for anything.
eventually you made it up to his apartment, which was in another student housing building off campus, bigger than his old place, and took a moment to compose yourself.
there was still time to turn back and make an excuse for why you bailed.
there was still time to think it through.
there was still time to save yourself from the possibility of more pain.
you took a deep breath and knocked on the door anyway.
not even five seconds later, the door was opening and you were face to face with your ex boyfriend.
you took him in for the first time in months- really took him in. sure, you'd seen his instagram posts since breaking up, but you could only zoom in so far on those. and fine, maybe your friends had tried to set you up with people they had deemed "much hotter", but you never saw the appeal. you couldn't even remember any of their faces in that moment, because kuroo was right there.
his hair was the same as always, slightly messier than usual, exactly how it looked whenever he (or you) would run his hands through it on a particularly stressful day.
had he been stressed about the text? did he regret it?
he was dressed somewhat casually, in a dark red shirt you recognized as part of a birthday gift you gave him one year (you had always liked the colour red on him). he was wearing black sweatpants and his socks were mismatched.
everything about him was familiar, and you hated the way a feeling of ease settled over you when he finished his own analysis of you and gave a boyish, almost giddy grin. "hi."
his voice was warm and gave you butterflies. there was an undertone of excitement in his greeting and it quelled your worries about him regretting the texts.
you decided to smile back, though somewhat shyly (which you inwardly scolded yourself for), and spoke up. "hi."
he didn't let the silence that followed settle into awkwardness. he opened the door a bit wider, and welcomed you in. ever the gentleman, he took your coat and and helped you balance as you took your shoes off. you tried to ignore how warm and gentle his touch was, how it made you immediately crave more.
you made your way into the living room and took everything in. there were empty cans and shot glasses littered across the room, mostly concentrated on the coffee table. you thought you heard him swear under his breath when he looked at the mess as well.
"did you have a party?" you asked, now close enough to smell a bit of alcohol on him.
he shook his head and looked a bit embarrassed. "ah, no..." he rubbed a hand over the back of his neck and sighed. "my roommates went out with some friends tonight and decided to pre-game here. I went back to my room before they left because I didn't feel like drinking too much and assumed they'd clean up a bit..."
you nodded in understanding. "wishful thinking, huh?"
he chuckled. "yeah, guess so," he said, then gestured to an empty spot on the couch. "sit, I'll just get some of this out of the way quickly."
"oh, I can help-" you tried to offer but he waved you off.
"don't worry about it. I'm the one who invited you into a sloppy apartment, you shouldn't have to clean up a mess that isn't yours."
you snorted and watched as he shoved a ton of cans into the decorative waste bin by the sofa and took some glasses to the sink in the kitchen. "says the one who's cleaning up a mess that isn't his."
you heard him laugh at your words and the butterflies erupted in your stomach again. you hadn't realized how much you missed that sound. suddenly your mind wandered back to the reason behind his invitation. you'd be alone tonight?
once he returned from the kitchen and sat down next to you, you talked for a bit. he caught you up on the moving situation (him and a few friends found an opening for the second semester, so they decided to jump on it and try to stay until grad, hopefully. he made a joke about trying to make friends with the landlord). you listened closely, trying not to make it obvious you were hanging off his every word.
when he was done, you caught him up on your life and how you were at a party when he texted. he apologized for interrupting and you told him a little too fast not to be, which he seemed pleased with.
after a while, he asked if you wanted to watch a movie. you agreed, though you were starting to get impatient. you knew he wasn't the type of guy to ever expect anything from anyone, but the curiosity was eating you alive. you couldn't help but finally ask him about it halfway through the movie.
"hey... why did you invite me tonight?"
he didn't seem surprised by your question, which told you he was probably expecting it. (it was silly of you to think he couldn't tell when something was on your mind after years together and only months apart.)
he took a deep breath in and looked down at his lap. while he didn't look outwardly nervous, you knew him well enough to know what his tells were. he picked at a thread on his pants, trying to compose himself before dropping the bomb.
"because I missed you." he looked you in the eye and then continued. "a lot. and you can take that however you'd like. I'll let you decide."
you blinked at him. he'd let you decide? the way he said it implied that he missed you, missed you. not just missed having you in his life, not just as a friend- he missed you.
you would be nothing but a liar if you said you hadn't missed him too. and you knew that the feeling of security and familiarity you experienced earlier wasn't just nostalgia or your own unresolved feelings. if that were the case, you wouldn't be feeling this comfortable on the couch with him. you wouldn't be able to pretend things were normal between you as easily as you had been all night.
kuroo still very much felt like home, and you didn't want to let him go ever again. there was only one way for you to take his declaration.
"can I..." you looked into his eyes and tried not to drown in them. "can I kiss you?"
he looked relieved at your words and eagerly nodded. "please."
you leaned forward and feverishly crashed your lips against his as soon as the word left his mouth. he raised one hand to cup your cheek and pulled you closer to him by your thigh with the other, not once breaking away from you.
soon you were straddling his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck, quiet noises releasing into the air around you both. you moved a hand up the back of his neck, into his hair, and he groaned slightly into your mouth.
you giggled into the kiss, happy to see you still knew what got him going.
as if either of you could forget- it was muscle memory at that point. just like you'd never forget how to ride a bike, you'd never forget how to make the other feel good.
eventually you both had to pull away and fill your lungs again, but you were close enough that your foreheads touched and your breaths mixed.
it was quiet aside from some light panting, so you decided to break that silence with a confession of your own. "I missed you too, tetsurou. so much."
now, you weren't sure if it was what you said or how you said it, but as soon as the words left your mouth, you felt something hard pressing against the area between your legs and gasped a little.
your eyes opened and you pulled your face away just enough to look at him properly. your eyes met his and his face was tinged pink. "I- I'm sorry... we don't... if you don't want to..." he mumbled, not sure how to gage your reaction to this sudden development.
you kissed him again, softer this time to reassure him, and smiled a bit when you pulled away. "I want to, tetsu."
he let out a relieved sigh and smiled at you in turn, then glanced over at the door. "I have no idea when they'll be back... do you want to continue this in my room?" his eyes slowly and hopefully made their way back to yours.
you nodded and squealed a bit when he suddenly scooped you up in his arms, smile growing wider as he made his way to his bedroom.
and that’s how you got here- cutting to when he gently sets you down on the bed, and you scoot back a bit to lay down comfortably. quickly following, his body covers yours and he begins kissing you again.
your arms instinctively move, one wrapping around his broad shoulders, the other cupping his cheek as you move your lips against his. his own hands, now free due to the fact that he’s propped up on one of his forearms, caress your waist and the the top of your head respectively.
after a few minutes of him focusing on your lips, he starts making his way down your neck. they’re feather light kisses at first to make you giggle, but eventually he finds the sensitive spot he always loved to mark up and the sweet sounds turn into shallow, shuddery breaths.
you whine as soon as he starts sucking on it and you bring your hand up from his cheek to his hair. "mmn... tetsu..."
he pulls away just enough so that you can still feel his lips against your flesh as he trails them up your neck to hover just over your ear. "you have no idea," he breathes out, voice low and far more erotic than you think he intended, "how much I've missed this."
you shudder and turn your face away at the tingly sensation, but the hand on your waist darts up to tilt your chin back in his direction. one thing you always appreciated about kuroo was how tenderly he handled you, no matter the tone of your late night endeavors. he was always gentle with you- not in a way that made you feel fragile, but rather in a way that told you he truly cared for you, treasured you, adored you.
the idea that this is still the case turns you on even more and makes your brain go a bit fuzzy.
when your eyes met his once more, you could see that adoration pooling in them. “look at me, sweetheart.”
you nodd slightly in his firm, yet still very soft grasp and keep your eyes trained on his. you could feel yourself getting wet as they trail over your face, and you swear your entire body feels warm as he gives you a rare type of smile only reserved for times like these.
he leans in to kiss you again and his hand moves from your face to toy with the lower hem of your dress. “you look absolutely gorgeous in this, baby, but do you think can we take it off?” he’s still speaking in the low, sultry tone that always drives you wild- you’re certain that you’d do anything he asked of you with that voice.
you sit up a little and move to unzip the dress, but he takes your hands and gives you a look. “ah ah- let me, pretty girl, you don’t have to move a muscle.”
it’s almost jarring how easily you both fall back into it. as soon as your dress is off, his shirt follows and he’s back to hovering over you. it really feels as though no time has passed since your last time with him.
just more proof that this is right.
he wastes no time in ridding you of your bra and himself of his shirt before pushing you back down onto the bed.
the room is once again filled with sounds of soft moans and gasps as he kisses your chest and takes one of your nipples into his mouth. he alternates between swirling his tongue around it and sucking. kuroo didn’t let your other breast go unattended for long, though, as he begins teasing the hardened bud with his fingers.
“aah, tetsu… please…” you gasped out.
the man on top of you chuckles, and in between switching sides he looks at you from under his eyelashes. “still so sensitive, hm? it’s cute.”
you resist the urge to hide your face and instead opt for throwing your head back when he suddenly sucks on the other nipple.
heat continues to build inside of you until he eventually he trails his kisses down the valley of your breasts, across your ribcage and down to your tummy. he spends a little extra time there, and you have to gently tug on his hair and whine about him taking too long for him to break away from your skin.
“let me worship you, angel. missed your body so much.” his voice is barely audible, the words murmured as though he was in a trance. you feel your pussy clench around nothing at his confession and bite back a whimper.
his lips curl upwards while pressed against your stomach and his eyes flicker up to meet yours. “keep your eyes on me, baby. don’t ever want to be away from you again,” he commands.
he rests his chin on your pubic bone and traces the elastic band of your panties with two familiar fingers. “you wore my favourite.”
heat rushes to your face and you do turn away this time, but he makes a disapproving noise you’re all too familiar with. “sweetheart, what did I just tell you?”
you bite your lip and force your eyes back to his.
he rewards you with a tender kiss to your belly and a “there’s a good girl, knew she was in there…” before he pulls your panties off.
you grow nervous, though you know you don’t need to be with him, and close your legs. his eyes soften significantly at the action. you're not sure why exactly the nerves get to you now of all times, especially considering how much you like his stricter side, but they do and he sees it.
he drops the strict act and rubs reassuring circles to your inner thigh. you've always preferred your softer sessions, anyway. “hey, it’s alright. I’m gonna take good care of you… missed my girl so much, just want to make you feel good, okay? we’ll save that for another time. it’s just you and me now, baby.”
you nod and a wave of calm washes over you at the reassurance. you let him pry your legs apart and gasp as he dives in.
he starts with wet kisses working their way up your thighs, to your slit and then up to your clit before he takes the bud into his mouth and sucks on it. you let out a soft moan and buck your hips into his face.
"mmn," he pulls away for a second and holds your hips down. "don't thrash, princess, just let me do all the work."
and he does. once he really gets into the groove of eating you out, you're a mess on his bed- legs shaking over his shoulders, cunt clenching around his tongue and whimpering out little thank you's when he makes you cum for the first time that night.
but he doesn't stop there. "tastes so good, baby, need more," he says in between licking your juices from your folds. "c’mon, just one more. you can do it," he picks up the pace again, and before you know it you're begging for more, too.
"tetsu- ah~!" you moan when he exchanges licking for sucking on your still sensitive clit again. you feel like you're on fire as he draws you closer and closer to reaching your second high.
you tangle your hands in his hair and he groans, sending vibrations throughout your core. you cry out and arch off the bed, spilling into his mouth.
this time when he pulls away, he slithers back up your body and kisses you. "see how good you taste, baby? best in the world, haven't I always told you that?"
your stomach twists from the praise and you turn your head to the side bashfully, trying to stabilize your breathing. he holds himself up above you and strokes your cheek with his knuckles, watching you fondly. it does nothing but make you more dizzy with affection.
when you've calmed down enough, he whispers "do you still want to-"
"yes." you cut him off and he chuckles.
"okay baby," he crawls off of you and reaches for his nightstand. he opens the drawer and-
your stomach sinks when you see an open box of condoms. the thought of him being with other girls makes you feel green with envy which you suppose isn’t fair considering you’ve been broken up for months, but you’re still a little fuzzy and too high on your own emotions right now to care.
he looks between you and the box and immediately catches on when an unexpected tear falls from your eye.
“oh, baby no-“ he takes one from the box and quickly returns to your side. “I haven’t been using these,” he cups your face and strokes his thumb under your eye.
“you haven’t?” you sniffle and he shakes his head right away.
you pout. “but then-”
kuroo cuts you off with a roll of his eyes. “one of my roommates got them for me as a joke for my birthday. I only opened them because he kept asking to borrow them.”
you digest his words and slowly look up at him. he’s already looking at you and you can’t keep your eyes from watering some more. the thought of him being intimate with someone new when you’ve spent the past few months rejecting everyone your friends forced your way.
“I haven’t even looked at anyone else since we broke up,” he murmurs against your hairline. “missed you too much.”
you nod, finding no traces of dishonesty on his features. “I haven’t been with anyone either… I wasn’t over you. I didn’t want to be,” you admit, voice soft.
he smiles and presses kisses from your scalp down to your cheeks. “such a sweet girl I have, hm? how about you help me out here?”
he tugs off his sweats and your attention is drawn to the tent his boxers. you bite your lip and reach for the band but he takes your hand and places the condom on your palm.
you blink up at him, confused. “you don’t want me to-“
he shakes his head and tugs his boxers down. his cock springs free and you gasp a little at the sight of his tip- red and smeared with pre-cum.
“no, angel, I need to be inside of you. just help me put it on.”
you make quick work of tearing the wrapper off and rolling the condom over his length. he groans at the feeling of your knuckles grazing his skin, but as soon as you pull away he’s flipping you on your back and lining himself up against your entrance.
he knocks his forehead against yours. “ready, baby?”
you nod and wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer. he leans down for a kiss and slowly pushes into you as your lips connect.
you whine a little at the stretch and he pauses everything. “you’re okay,” he reassures you, giving you time to adjust.
you nod when you feel ready for him to keep going and he bottoms out with a strangled moan. “you’re unreal, you know that?”
his praise pulls a giggle from your throat but it quickly turns into a breathy sigh when he starts moving.
he starts off slow, but soon enough you’re both lost in the moment and his pace picks up. within the next few minutes, his room is filled with sounds of pleasure and sweet words exchanged between lovers.
“you’re perfect,” he says, angling his lips closer to your ear. his hips stutter when you clamp around him at his words.
his thrusts reach deep enough to get you crying out for him. “tetsu, faster! please!”
“ah- there’s a good girl, love hearing you beg for more.” he nibbles the spot just below your ear, soothing it with his tongue.
“I love you,” you whimper, nails digging into his shoulders.
kuroo groans at the sensation and goes a bit harder. “you needed this just as bad as I did, hm? it’s okay, I’ve got you now, pretty girl. just relax.”
you hide your face in his neck and try to stifle your moans, but he doesn’t appreciate that one bit. “stop that, let me hear you,” he commands and you immediately pull your head back.
he grins down at you and kisses your nose. “sound so pretty when you’re falling apart on my cock, you know better than to hide those noises from me.”
you nod and find yourself unable to look away from his face, as if you were in a trance. he’s absolutely gorgeous on top of you- why would you want to look away?
“you close, baby?” he asks after your walls tighten even more.
“mmhm,” you whimper and lean up for a kiss.
“me too,” he whispers and tugs one of your hands away from his shoulder. he intertwines your fingers and presses is above your head against the pillow. “needed this just as badly as I did, hm? it’s okay, I’ve got you, baby.”
doing so good for me.
you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.
you feel so fucking good, princess.
all of his praise sent shockwaves throughout your body and soon enough you’re tipping over the edge. your back is arched, head thrown back and a loud cry of his name is drawn from you as you cum for the second time.
he follows soon after and you feel his whole body shudder when he spills into his condom.
your breaths mix together as you both come down from your highs. it’s quiet for a few moments before he carefully pulls out and disposes of the soiled contraceptive in the trash next to his bed. he rolls back into bed, facing you.
he strokes your cheek with his knuckles and smiles at you when you open your eyes and turn to face him as well. “hi pretty girl, you okay?”
you take a deep breath and curl into his chest. you still feel slightly too light and any thoughts not related to him are muddled. you’re overcome with an intense wave of affection for him.
he must notice, because when you manage to peek up at him again, he snorts. “yeah, I don’t know what I was expecting.”
he knows better than to try and leave the bed right away (memories of you whining and clinging to him when he did attempt it early on in your relationship flash through his mind and he smiles), so instead he wraps his arms around you and presses kisses to your hairline.
you savour the familiar feeling of being wrapped in his arms and nuzzle into his bare chest. the most comfortable feeling in the world.
eventually he does get up to grab a damp cloth and some water, and he informs you that you can use his bathroom for whatever you need.
you’re both following the same routine you had when you were together as if you hadn’t broken up at all.
now that you’ve regained some clarity, you start to worry about what exactly that means.
you’ve both admitted to missing each other like crazy, but you assume you’ll need to have a serious conversation with kuroo about whether or not you should get back together.
you ponder over this on his bed for a bit longer before he interrupts your thoughts. “we don’t have to talk about it right now,” he starts. “we can talk about it tomorrow morning if you would prefer, but…”
he pauses like he’s not sure if he should continue. you nod encouragingly, curious as to where this is going (thought you think you know). “but I meant absolutely everything I said tonight. um, before and while we were… uh. busy.”
you giggle a little at his shy demeanour before considering the weight of his words. “we could talk about it tomorrow morning, but I think we both already know what we want from this right?”
he doesn’t need to nod, but he does anyway. “I definitely have an answer already.”
you knock your forehead against his. “so… are we officially back together then?”
he offers you the widest grin he’s thrown your way all night. “I think we are, sweetheart. We’ll make it work this time, I promise.”
“I promise,” you repeat.
the rest of the night is spent cuddling under covers, sharing kisses and secrets you’ve missed out on sharing these past few months.
“I love you,” you say, before you finally drift off for the night.
you don’t hear him, but he’s quick to return the sentiment. “I love you too.”
the following morning, you wake up to your phone ringing. you groan when you see it’s your friend and realize you never texted her back last night to tell her you’re okay.
you look over at kuroo, still sound asleep beside you, and answer as quietly as possible. “hello?”
“oh thank goodness you’re alright, why weren’t you picking up? we all called you a million times!”
you check and see a ton of missed calls from more of your friends who saw you leave the party last night. “I’m sorry, I was asleep,” you say sincerely, only twisting the truth a little bit.
you feel slightly bad about it, you mentally promise her to tell her everything later.
before she can respond, your boyfriend sits up (when did he even wake up?) and says into the phone, “sorry, it’s my fault. but I promise I took good care of her,” he smirks at you.
you flinch when she shrieks into your ear. “YOU WERE WITH KUROO?!”
glaring at him, he snickers and takes the phone from you. “she’ll call you back later, we’re still catching up.”
“no, wait-“ he hangs up the phone and tosses it onto his sheets.
you pout at him. “tetsu, c’mon.”
he kisses your cheek. “I really didn’t meant for it to come off as rude, I swear. I just wanted a relaxing morning with you before you have to leave.”
you sigh and fall back into the soft comfort of his pillows. “it’s okay,” you say. “I really didn’t feel like giving her the rundown first thing in the morning, anyway. you really tired me out last night,” you peer up at him.
he laughs. “oh really? we’ve gotta build up your stamina again, pretty girl. I wasn’t lying-“ he crawls over and hovers a few inches above you. “we still have a lot of catching up to do.”
you mentally pat yourself on the back for answering his texts. definitely not your worst idea.
I swear I’ll get better at writing smut, folks 🫡
but for my first time writing it, I don’t think it’s horrible. if the ending feels a bit rushed, it’s because I’ve literally had this sitting in my drafts since miss olivia rodrigo released the music video for this song last august and I wanted it out 🙃.
tagging @nyctophilicroses bc I remember you commented on the original post I made asking abt exes to lovers with kuroo 🥹
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vikkirosko · 2 days
Hello, I would like Stolas, Fizz, Sir Pentious and Asmodeus to hear someone telling their fem s/o that he is not the right person for her, saying things like "you are making yourself suffer", "come on don't be silly" and " There's something wrong with this man", but S/O says he's the most incredible boyfriend she could have.
Headcanons Not the right person
🐍Sir Pentious x fem!Reader 🎩
Sir Pentious was nervous from the very beginning of your relationship. He was worried that at some point you'd realize that he wasn't the one you really needed. He often had such thoughts. He didn't think he was good enough for you, and when he caught you talking to your friend one day, his fear only got stronger
He accidentally overheard your friend trying to convince you to leave him, claiming that you were doing something stupid. Your friend's words made him freeze. He himself often thought that someone stronger, more determined would have been better suited for you, but for some reason you chose him. He still did not understand what exactly was the reason for this
He wanted to go to his room, but when he heard your voice, he froze. You told your friend that Sir Pentious is the best guy you could ever have and that you love him very much, and if your friend is not satisfied with something, he can tell you about it to your face. You were determined and you weren't going to let anyone be rude about him
Sir Pentious quickly went to his room, where he gave free rein to his embarrassment. He was happy that you protected him. His cheeks were burning and he was genuinely glad that you said that about him. He was happy that you loved him so much and it was mutual
🦉 Stolas x fem!Reader 🎩
Stolas was happy when you started dating. He had a person who genuinely loved him and it was mutual. Stolas was so happy for the first time in a long time, but sometimes he was overcome with anxiety that it would all turn out to be a dream. He knew that some of your friends were against your relationship and he was afraid that at some point you would also decide that he was not the one you needed
When your friend came to visit you, Stolas wanted to show himself as a hospitable host. He made the tea himself and wanted to take it to you and your friend, but he heard your friend tell you that you had better end your relationship with Stolas, because there was clearly something wrong with him. Because of these words, he did not dare to take a step, let alone show his presence. He could feel his elated mood starting to fade. Stolas wanted to leave, but when he heard your voice he froze
You told your friend that Stolas is the most wonderful person you've ever met. You loved him sincerely and you didn't care that someone might think that you weren't right for each other. Your words made him cheer up and he walked into the room with his head held high. He saw your friend hurry away and Stolas would be lying if he said he was sorry about it
Stolas was happy. Your words have given him confidence and his fear has decreased. You wouldn't say such words in jest, which allowed him to feel confident in himself. It seemed to him that nothing could destroy your love
🐓 Asmodeus x fem!Reader 💕
When you and Asmodeus started dating, you agreed not to advertise it and not to expose your relationship to the public. He knew that you only told your friend and Ozzie was fine with that. He suspected that your friend was against your relationship, but his suspicions were finally confirmed when he heard you talking on speakerphone with your friend
He heard your friend asking you to break off your relationship with Ozzie, arguing that a relationship with him would only hurt you. Although for the rest of us, Asmodeus was someone who despised romantic relationships, but he sincerely loved you. He didn't want you to feel bad about your relationship, and because of your friend's words, Ozzie got worried. He wanted to leave, but when he heard your voice, he stopped, hoping to hear that you weren't uncomfortable around him
You said that your friend is talking nonsense and that you are happy with Ozzie. You loved him and he was the most wonderful person you could have met in your life. You weren't going to break up with him and you didn't care what others thought, even if your friends were against it. You loved him and you were really happy with him
You didn't know that Asmodeus had heard your conversation, so you didn't think that you were the reason for his good mood. He was happy that you loved him so much and intended to make sure that you never had any reason to be disappointed in your relationship
🎪 Fizzarolli x fem!Reader 💟
For many, Fizzarolli was a popular clown, but for you, he was the one you loved. You knew what he was like off stage, but others didn't know about it, including your friends. Because of this, Fizz has felt the disapproving stares of your friends several times. He understood the reason for this, but tried not to think about it. He hoped that your feelings for him would not weaken and nothing would interfere with your relationship
You agreed to meet after he finished work, so he went to meet you in a great mood. However, when he was almost there, he heard the voice of one of your friends. Looking out a little, he saw you and your friend talking about something. Fizzarolli listened and realized that your friend was trying to convince you to end your relationship with Fizz, arguing that you would be unhappy in this relationship. He knew about the attitude of your friends towards him, but he didn't think that one of them would decide to directly tell you about it
He felt anxious listening to your conversation. Fizzarolli understood the reason for your friend's concern, but he did not know what you would answer. However, your answer made him smile. You stated that you were happy with Fizz and you weren't going to end your relationship. You left your friend in a bad mood, but after meeting Fizzarolli, your mood lifted
Fizzarolli was genuinely happy about how confident you were in your relationship. He intended to make sure that you would continue to be happy with him. It was really important to him
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strawb3rrystar · 3 days
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x GN! Reader
Warnings: Dry humping, They both cum in their uniforms, Switch! Draco & Reader Maybe some wrong information about Death Eaters? Idk I tried
Word count: 1,430
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You knew today would be a good day when your boyfriend invited you to his dorm after classes. Though everyone seemed to hate Draco, he was never as much of an asshole to you as everyone else. In your head he was the perfect partner. Defending you if someone dare talk shit about you, helping you in potions, studying together.
Well, you thought he was perfect. But then you walked into his dorm, and saw him with his sleeves rolled up. Which would be hot, if you hadn't seen that on his arm. Something that people only talk about, but never see in their entire lives.
Once he notices you standing there, he then realizes what you saw. His Death Eater mark. He also noticed the way you backed ever so slightly away from him. A look of panic crosses his face.
"Do not tell anyone. You got that..?"
You nod your head in response. Draco takes in a breath, sitting down at his desk. After rolling down his sleeve he gestures you over and you comply.
"You know, I don’t understand how people could not like you. From what I have seen you are very clever. I have seen you do so many spells the first time you did them. It’s impressive. You have never failed a class, you aren’t a bully, not mean…"
Draco has a look of pain on his face. Why the hell is he telling you this? He can’t help himself, that's why, he loves you too much. He can't lose you.
"Okay.. is that all supposed to add up to something?"
He groans in annoyance. Draco looks at you, his eyes full of pain, shame and..fear?
"I’m trying to be nice! You should appreciate these compliments. But, you're right….I just..need you to do me a favor. Don’t say anything about my…my.."
Draco’s breath hitches. He looks at you with sad, but pleading eyes. You tilt your head slightly, raising your eyebrow a little.
"Death Eater mark?"
“Yes. That. Just pretend you never saw it, okay?”
Draco’s voice is almost a whisper at this point, he quickly looks to the side, avoiding eye contact completely.
"You have my word. But, can you tell me about it? I've never seen one before."
Draco looks into your eyes for a long while. You’ve never seen him this vulnerable before. He takes a deep breath and rolls his sleeve up, showing the death eater mark once again.
"It’s a symbol for the Dark Lord and it marks everyone who is apart of the Death Eaters. The mark links us all together."
You look on, fascinated by the concept.
"You're all linked together? Wow."
Draco rolls his sleeve back down, hiding the mark once again.
"Unfortunately yes. It makes it easy to call on any Death Eater at a moments notice. The mark is also a symbol of his ownership of us all.."
You look at him with sympathy following his response. Draco’s eyes widened in disbelief. Why did he feel better that you were showing him sympathy? His face held a level of pain, fear and…trust?
"That's terrible. No one should have to go through that."
At hearing that Draco’s eye’s flicker with shock and..hope. His face is now one of complete vulnerabilities. You’ve never seen it before, but it looks like he is about to cry. You immediately wrap your arms around him, squeezing him tight. And Draco’s eyes widened as you wrap your arms around him. No one had comforted him, ever. He slowly wrapped his arms back around you, pulling you closer to him.
"I…I don’t know what to say…."
"You don't have to say anything."
Draco lays his chin on your shoulder. He felt himself relaxing as you held each other. It felt…so right. He then lifts his chin up and moves his head so his lips are next to your ear.
"Please, never tell anyone what you saw…or what we talked about."
"I won't, I promise."
That was all Draco needed to hear. He cupped your cheek in his hand and began to lean in and then, without thinking, pressed his lips onto yours. He pulled you closer, his hand on the back of your neck. The kiss was so heated and hungry. You kissed back, your hands finding his shoulders.
Draco deepened the kiss, he grabbed your hip and picked you up, placing you on his lap without stopping the kiss. He then grabbed the back of your head and began to nibble at your bottom lip. You part your lips in response, a soft moan leaving them.
He let out a small groan and slipped his tongue in your mouth, beginning to explore all around your mouth while grabbing your thigh. He could feel himself giving in to whatever was happening between the both of you. A whimper escapes your lips as you run your fingers through his hair. Draco groaned as you raked your fingers through his hair. He pulled you closer to him, grabbing your hip so you were pushed up right against him, slowly rocking his hips up into you.
"Fuck, you’re driving me crazy…"
Draco could feel himself shudder after he said that. He gripped your hips and pushed them down again, rolling his own up into you. Some more moans escape your lips as you paw at his shirt. You slowly try to move your hips as well, wanting more friction.
"This needs to be off."
Draco moves one of his hands from your waist and starts to unbutton your shirt. You comply and take off your shirt, tossing it to the ground. He moves his head back up as you take off your shirt and moans at the sight of you.
"You look so good…"
"Thank you."
Your eyes close for a second at the amount of pleasure you were feeling grinding into him. He moves his hands up from your hips then gently grabs your chin and turns your head to look at him.
"Keep those pretty eyes open, sweetheart."
"Sorry. It feels too good."
You reply when you open your eyes back up. Draco groans again at your words and he cups your cheek with one hand.
"Don’t apologize, just…just keep moaning for me."
You nod your head, desperately rolling your hips against him, his name leaving your lips. The rolling of your hips causes him to moan lowly against your jaw. Your moans persist as you grow closer to cumming. Draco moves his hand down from your cheek and grabs your hip as he continues to grind up against you.
"You are so perfect."
He whispers in your ear, and moans again, feeling himself getting close to the edge. Your head falls back as the intense rush of pleasure courses through your body. Draco takes this opportunity and kisses your exposed neck, savoring the moment. His chest is rising and falling, his groans are getting more frequent.
"You’re gonna make me…make me…"
Draco’s breath hitches again as he tries to form words. His hips are moving against you faster and faster.
"Yeah... Can we.. cum together..?"
You grab onto his shoulders, bouncing up and down a little. Draco moans, his body shuddering a bit at your words.
"Yes…yes we can sweetheart…yes…"
He’s almost begging at this point. His hips can’t seem to stop moving. The amount of friction between them caused their bodies to heat up, sweat painting their skin. Their bodies grind together, moans and grunts leaving mouths every few seconds as they both approach the edge. Draco pushes your hips down hard one last time as he shudders, his head falls forward onto your shoulder as he finishes. His moans and grunts are loud and hot, his breaths are quick and deep. You follow soon after your eyes rolls back as tears prick the corners of them.
Draco pants, leaning his cheek against your shoulder. You feel his chest rising and falling as he tries to steady his breathing, his breaths are hot against your ear.
"You’re…you’re amazing.."
Draco pants as he places a kiss on your shoulder. His arms have made their way around you, wrapped you up into a tight embrace, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist.
"So.. so are you.."
Draco turns his head and places a kiss onto your neck. He pulls away and looks up, locking eyes with you. He runs a hand over your cheek, then over your collarbone and up to your shoulder. He holds you close then captures your lips in a passion filled kiss. Knowing that you weren't leaving his dorm anytime soon.
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Star's notes -> Sorry if this is terrible, I didn't really proof read it.
(Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @elmolovesw33d @helendeath | Join the taglist
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 days
Treat You Better
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Synopsis: You are Urban's godsister and have been in Jack’s life ever since he was six years old. Urban would always mention how you were off limits, but it didn't stop Jack’s feelings for you. When your boyfriend cheats on you for the second time, Jack is determined to prove to you that he can treat you better than he ever did.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Do not engage if underage
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Jack was growing more worried by the second as he peered over at you next to him with tears still streaming down your face. This had been going on for the past hour and a half with you showing up on his doorstep at one in the morning. You still hadn’t said a word and Jack couldn't figure out for the life of him what could have happened in a matter of fifteen minutes after all of you had gone home from being out the majority of the day for you to come to him crying.
“Baby girl? You’ve been crying for almost two hours. Are you going to tell me what happened?”
All he got in response were sniffles as you held out your hand and he quickly put another kleenex in it so that you would be able to wipe your face.
That was when he decided to call Urban if you weren’t going to talk.
The two of you would talk a lot seeing as though you have always been close. You were Urban’s godsister, but Urban simply saw you as his sister since 85% of the time when you two were growing up, you would be around each other. Your parents often traveled for work, so you spent a lot of time in Louisville with Urban and the rest of his friends.
Once Jack’s career started to take off, Urban was always with him, but since he is extremely protective over you, right along with Jack and the rest of Private Garden, Jack decided that you should be his “personal assistant” even though all you really did was travel with them and helped out when it was needed. A lot of Jack’s fans thought that the two of you were in a secret relationship or were friends with benefits, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth. But if it was left up to Jack, the two of you would be in a relationship at this very moment. Jack has always had the biggest crush on you, but refrained from making a move since Urban has said time and time again how you were off limits.
So, what did he do?
Watch on the sidelines how your boyfriends would treat you like shit and when your heart got broken, he was the one to pick up the pieces. He knew you deserved better than that and would honestly do anything to be able to show you. He knew that he could treat you better than any of your boyfriends have and was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to pursue it.
He knew that Urban was going to be pissed at him, but he would just have to deal with it. For the time being, he spent time with other women for simply a distraction in order to take his mind off of you. But, it never lasted long and by the end of the night, you would be slowly creeping back into his thoughts.
“Y/N, either you tell me or I’m calling Urb.” Jack said while looking at you anticipating some type of reaction, but he got absolutely nothing.
“You have to meet me halfway here. I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s happening.”
All you did was give him more sniffles in response as you laid your head in his lap and attempted to drift off to sleep.
So, he knew the next step was to call Urban.
“We have a situation.” Jack answered as he looked down to see you now wide awake and scrolling on your phone.
“Oh shit, what is it?”
“What’s wrong?!?”
“She showed up on my doorstep fifteen minutes after we left crying. She’s been crying for almost two hours and hasn’t said a word.”
All Urban did was sigh in response.
“I'm on my way.”
20 minutes later, you still hadn't said a word as you now helped yourself to Jack’s pantry full of snacks. He simply sat at the island in the kitchen watching you as you opened a bag of doritos. You heard the front door and knew that Urban would soon be making an appearance but all you did was continue to eat chips and poured yourself a glass of Arizona iced tea that Jack kept in his house specifically for you.
“Y/N….” You heard Urban say as you sat next to Jack.
He got nothing in response and sighed.
“This has been going on for two hours.” Jack told him as you had now laid your head on his shoulder and started to once again scroll through your phone when Urban snatched it away from you which led you to pout and immediately try to grab for it.
“No. I'm not giving it back until you talk.” Urban said, leading you to roll your eyes and sigh.
“He cheated on me. Now give me my phone back.” You answered and tried to grab for it again, but Urban put it further out of your reach.
“I…. Not again.” Jack said as he sighed and shook his head and Urban looked at him dumbfounded.
“What do you mean not again!?”
“He did it before and I only told Jack because I knew you already didn't like him and didn't want me to date him. And when I told him we were in a different country so he couldn't do anything.”
“I'm beating his ass.” Urban muttered as he started to get up from the island, but you immediately stopped him by moving to grab his hand.
“No! absolutely not!”
“Why’d you tell us if you didn’t want us to beat his ass? He CHEATED on you. I’ve never liked his ass anyway. My instincts were right from the beginning.”
“I just want to sleep and not think about it. I broke up with him and it's over and done with.”
“Can we drop this? I'm tired and don't we have to be up at like nine in the morning?” You asked as you got up from the island.
“We could have been asleep if you would have said what happened from the beginning.” Urban said and all you did was roll your eyes.
“Jack, can I sleep here? I need to borrow a shirt. Second drawer?” You asked as you made your way towards the steps knowing that he wasn't going to say no since this happened often.
“Not you inviting yourself over and then now taking over this man's bed and clothes.” Urban said and you simply shrugged.
“Jack loves me and lets me do whatever I want. Not my fault the bed in the guest room is so comfy.”
“Have at it, but you owe us breakfast for all this.” Jack said as he put your cup that you used in the dishwasher and put the chips back in the pantry while you snatched your phone from Urban.
“Sure, sure.”
Once upstairs, you heard the front door open indicating that Urban had left and you went to Jack’s dresser and opened the second drawer grabbing one of his shirts and quickly changed into it before making your way down the hall to the guest room. When you got settled, you were scrolling on Instagram since you weren't tired when a text from Jack came through on your phone.
Favorite White Boy 💖- You deserved better than him and the way that he treated you. I'm always going to be here for you and just want you to be happy. But the offer still stands if you want me and Urb to kick his ass
You- I love you bunches. I'll be okay, promise. At this point, he's not even worth it.
Favorite White Boy 💖- I love you back tenfold. Get some sleep so you have enough energy later to deal with me bothering you
You- I don't think there's enough energy in the world for that
Favorite White Boy 💖- 🙄
Over the next several weeks, your ex-boyfriend had been blowing up your phone non-stop and Jack saw how frustrated it made you and quickly made a point to grab your phone and block his number and questioned why you hadn't done it already.
But that was when you had an idea.
“Jack, you know how you're my favorite person in the world?” You asked while batting your eyelashes and he just looked at you and laughed.
“What is it this time?”
“I need you to pretend to be in a relationship with me to make him jealous.”
“Wait, what?” Jack was taken aback because that was the last thing that he expected that you would ask him. How was he supposed to pretend to be in a relationship with you when he was actually in love with you and wanted for this to become reality?
“I just don't feel like he's going to leave me alone unless he sees me with someone else. And you're the perfect person for it. People already think that we're in a relationship anyway. I can’t even tell you how many times that people ask me that when I go out by myself.”
“That's what restraining orders are for, stink.”
“Jack, please? I need you to make this work.”
“And what are we supposed to tell Urban? You know he will lose his shit.” Not that he cared at that point even though that was his best friend.
“We aren't telling him anything. I have an entire plan to make this work.”
“Sweetheart, that's…”
“Just trust me on this.”
“And Urb is still going to ask questions.”
“Just let me worry about him. So your answer is yes?”
Jack sat there for a minute as he looked at you and sighed.
“I feel like this is going to end up coming to bite me in the ass, but okay.”
“You always say that you would do anything for me!”
“Not you trying to guilt trip me.” Jack replied as he laughed and shook his head.
“It's what I'm good at.” You said while shrugging.
“But if we want to make this believable, we need to go all in.”
“What do you mean?”
“Get your phone and open the camera.”
You followed directions and was caught off guard as Jack kissed your cheek and realizing that this was what he was talking about, you quickly snapped the photo.
But you also couldn't help the intense amount of butterflies that had erupted in your stomach.
“Damn, we cute. Okay send this to him. Making this my contact photo too.” Jack said as he stole your phone and opened it up to your contacts to see that your ex had in fact been messaging you multiple times since you broke up with him.
“He's a pathetic piece of shit, but it's his loss. You're mine now. Well at least for the time being.” Jack said as he winked at you and handed you your phone back.
If only this could be real was the only thing he thought as you took your phone back.
“Uh, shouldn't you mention this to Neelam? I don’t want her bombarding me.” You asked as you placed it back down on the table as you saw yet another Instagram notification.
“It’s only for a little while, right? I don’t think we need to.”
Weeks had gone by when you decided to actually post a picture on social media because your ex boyfriend didn't seem to be understanding that you weren't taking him back. You were out of chances and fucks to give and he needed to deal with the consequences of his actions.
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Liked by jackharlow, shloob_, neelamthadhani, taylorrooks, saweetie, claybornharlow, and 971 others
y/n: nothing compares to those late nights with him 💕
urbanwyatt: WHO IS THIS?
saweetie: 👀👀👀
urbanwyatt: answer your phone, NEOW
Comments on this post have been limited
After you posted the picture, Urban had been blowing up your phone trying to figure out who the mystery man was, but you honestly didn’t know what to tell him. You and Jack had taken it a few days ago when you had gone on a late night food run and the kicker is the fact that your ex was still blowing up your phone despite you posting pictures of you and Jack on a weekly basis. Now as for Urban, you guess he was confused because the only other pictures you posted would be on your close friends story that he didn't know existed because you blocked him from seeing certain ones not being in the mood to give him an explanation. Now you didn't care.
However, you weren’t sure if you just wanted to come clean altogether and tell him that this was all fake in order to get back at your ex, simply because you were starting to feel things for Jack as much as you wanted to deny it. No, not starting to, they've been there.
You weren’t even sure if you could call this a fake relationship anymore.
The stolen glances
The brushing of fingertips against each other’s skin
The late night phone calls and good morning texts (sometimes Jack would even facetime you before he started his day in order to hear your voice)
The kisses that Jack would give you on your cheek that were dangerously close to your mouth
You were honestly scared of what Urban was going to think, but you had to remember that you weren’t a little girl anymore that he always had to protect. Your judge of character had obviously failed you in the past, but this was different.
Jack was different.
You wanted this and you wanted Jack. All you could do was hope that he felt the same.
The two of you had always spent time together, but even more so now that Jack was back in Louisville trying to plan for Gazebo Fest and you were helping him with some ideas and different things that he should include for the entire weekend. The two of you had been brainstorming well into the night when Jack noticed that it was around three in the morning. The texts from Urban had gone unanswered and you decided to text him back when you woke up later in the day. 
“I didn’t even realize what time it was. You want to pick this back up later?” Jack asked as he got up from the couch and stretched. It took everything in you not to stare as his hoodie lifted up and you could see a peek of his happy trail.
“That’s fine, do you remember where I put my keys?”
“Now what makes you think that I’m going to have you leave by yourself at this time of night?”
“It’s morning, Jackman.” You replied as you got up yourself to stretch and laughed.
“You know what I mean. Just sleep upstairs with me. Well not with me… I….”
“Yes, I got it.” You said as you laughed from Jack turning a bright shade of red.
Oh, how much you did want that to become a reality.
“Did you ever respond to Urb?”
“No, I’ll do it later. Sleep is more important right now.” You replied as you headed up the stairs first with Jack slowly coming up behind you. He was doing everything in his power to not stare at your ass in your leggings, but was failing miserably. Since he was so close to you, he could tell that you weren’t wearing anything underneath them and the thoughts that were running through his mind were quickly silenced when you spoke up.
“Gazebo fest is going to be amazing and I’m so happy that you’re doing it. I can tell that your heart is in this and I’m going to do anything I can to help you.” You confessed as you made your way into Jack’s bedroom and made a beeline for the second drawer.
“Thank you, I always appreciate you helping me. And I need to make you your own drawer for when you come over here. I think a pair of your shorts are in there too.”
“Well, I mean I do live here when I’m not with Urban so it’s only right.” You replied as you found the shorts and the t-shirt that you were looking for.
“Okay, Harlow, to be continued later.” You said as you reached up to kiss his cheek and your arms immediately went around his neck. He returned the hug as he squeezed you tightly and kissed the top of your head.
“Goodnight princess.”
Tossing and turning in your sleep and waking up every few minutes, you couldn’t get comfortable and knew that getting any type of rest was not going to be a reality but when it started to thunder and lightning outside that took the cake. Ever since you were small, you were terrified of them and although you've gotten better since you've gotten older, a lot of the time you still found yourself going into Urban's room.
So, your next best solution was to go and bother Jack.
However, once you opened the bedroom door in order to go to him, he was standing in front of it looking as if he was about to knock.
“I was coming to get you because I know that you don’t like thunderstorms and I wanted to talk to you about something. I can’t wait any longer.”
“Umm, okay.” You quietly said as he grabbed your hand and led you back to his bedroom, once inside, you stood with your back against the wall near the door suddenly becoming nervous.
“What did you want to talk to me about?”
“I can’t do this anymore.” Jack blurted out, but it didn’t come out higher than a whisper.
“Can’t do what, bubs? What’s wrong?”
“Pretend to be in a relationship with you when I’m completely in love with you and have been for the longest time. I just….”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“From the time we were younger Urban has always said how you were off limits, so all I did was distract myself and fill the void with talking to other girls even though you were the only one I wanted. If you don’t feel the same way….”
“Who said that I didn’t feel the same way?”
“Oh, you do?”
“I see the way that you treat me and the people around you and I just want a relationship like that. Someone to love me, which I already know you do. Listen to my dreams and my fears, remember my favorite color and what I want to order from my favorite fast food place, falling asleep on the phone with each other, being able to satisfy me because he definitely couldn't do any of those things despite how long we were together.”
Jack was quiet as he thought about what you had just confessed to him.
“I promise if you give me the chance that I’m not going to waste it. Let me show you how you deserve to be treated.” He said as he stepped closer to you. You felt as if your voice was going to fail you so all you did was nod your head.
“But for now, why don't you let me take care of that for you?” Jack asked as he stroked your face.
Your heartbeat increased as you had suddenly become nervous. I mean this was Jack that we were talking about and you had been around him since you were six years old. But now almost 20 years later, you saw him in a different light than before and that was terrifying. Terrifying because the feelings that you were having weren't supposed to be happening and yet they were, making you more nervous. So nervous in fact that you still hadn’t answered Jack’s question.
“Y/N, sweetheart you haven't answered my question.” Jack asked again as he leaned down to kiss the shell of your ear as you were pinned against him and the wall.
Jack then placed a finger underneath your chin to lift your head so that he could see your face.
“I…” You started to say, but you stopped yourself.
“You told me how he never satisfied you as long as you two were together and you have someone in front of you at this very moment that wants to make you feel good and do everything that he didn't. Are you going to let me?” He asked as he searched your eyes for an answer. When he still didn't get one, he leaned down and softly met his lips with yours and your heart fluttered as you slowly kissed him back.
“This might not be your first time, but it's your first time with me and I promise to take my time with you. I don't plan on this being the last time it happens either.” Jack whispered in your ear as his right hand snaked underneath the back of your shirt and unclasped your bra in one swift movement.
Since Jack had you pinned against the wall, his right hand reached up to massage your breast as his other hand made its way lower to cup your ass.
“You never gave me an answer, Y/N. I want you squirming underneath me, begging me to let you cum.” Jack had now moved his attention to focus on your neck as he tilted your head to the side and kissed upward starting from your collar bone. As he made his way higher, he softly bit down on your warm skin and soothed it by gently sucking on that same spot which led to a moan escaping your lips.
If this was your reaction when he had barely touched you, you knew that you were going to be in for it when he had you underneath of him.
“Yes.” Was all you had the strength to breathe out as Jack smirked before kissing the side of your mouth.
You gently pushed Jack away from you as you gathered the material of the bottom of your shirt in your hands and gently moved it up over your head. Since your bra was already loose by Jack’s doing, it simply fell from your shoulders and landed at your feet.
Capturing you in a kiss, Jack’s hand slipped into your shorts and discovered that you weren't wearing anything underneath. He gently grazed his fingers over your folds as you were growing wetter by each second that was passing. 
Soon he began to kiss down your neck and made a trail down your entire body until he was on his knees in front of you. Hooking his thumbs in each side of your shorts, he slowly pulled them down and tossed them behind him.
“I need to taste you. Spread those legs for me.”
An opportunity didn't present itself to do as you were instructed by Jack and he slowly spread your legs himself as he placed one of them on his shoulder and took one long painfully slow lick across your folds earning a moan from you.
He slowly licked again and you couldn't help but to grab a fistful of his curly hair as he continued to use his mouth to pleasure you.
“You taste so good, baby. Keep still for me.”
As difficult as it was, you tried your best as you felt one of his fingers slip inside you. He was moving painfully slow as you bucked your hips towards him, but all he did was keep the pace the same.
“Be patient, princess. I want to take my time with you and we have all night. There's no rush.” Jack said as he lightly kissed the inside of your thigh and his mouth immediately attached back to you.
A minute later, you were caught off guard as Jack moved your other leg to be placed on his other shoulder and was now holding you up against the wall. 
“You taste so good, baby. Just like I knew you would.”
You glanced down to see your juices all over Jack's face as you let spit dribble from your mouth and onto your chest to immediately begin pulling and massaging your nipples. You had gotten them pierced a few weeks ago and they were still a little sore, but the sensation and pleasure that it gave you led to you throwing your head back and continuing to do it as you planned on cumming all over Jack’s face.
He looked up and saw you with your head thrown back, eyes closed and letting out soft moans which was music to his ears. He was getting bricked up by the second as he watched you and planned on putting you in every position that he possibly could before both of you tapped out.
Since Jack had been enjoying his view in front of him, he decided to step it up a bit and now put all of his attention onto your clit knowing that you would soon come undone in front of him.
As soon as he began to suck on it, you loudly gasped as your hands went back into Jack's Hair to pull him even closer if that was possible.
“Oh, fuck. Baby stay right there. Shit, that feels so good.” You breathed out as Jack began to suck harder, making you squirm.
However, there was nowhere to go seeing as Jack was holding you in place making sure that you would stay where he wanted you.
A string of curse words erupted from your mouth as you finally came all over Jack’s face, but that didn't stop him from still eating you out and keeping a tight hold on your legs.
“You gonna cum all over my face again? Hmm, baby?” Jack asked and he got a nod in response as your juices once again made its way onto his face.
Your breathing was erratic as Jack was now kissing along the insides of your thighs again in order to give you a chance to catch your breath.
Once you did, your hands cupped his face as he set you back down on your feet and immediately brought him down into a kiss as your hand snuck underneath his shirt and your nails were scratching along his abs.
“Now why am I the only one without clothes on?” You playfully asked him and in response his shirt was now on the floor.
“We can't have that, now can we?” Jack asked as you shook your head no and he grabbed your hand to lead you to the bed. Once in front of it, he backed the two of you up until your legs had made contact with it and kissed you before he gently laid you down.
“Move to the top of the bed for me.” Jack said as his shorts and boxer briefs came off in one swift movement.
Your eyes went wide as you saw how big he was and he slowly began stroking himself as he peered down at you.
There was no way that you were backing out now.
Jack was admiring you as you began to notice the precum leaking from the tip and your mouth instantly watered.
“You're so beautiful, baby. You ready for me?”
Thinking that a simple nod would do, that was your response as Jack shook his head.
“Need to hear you say it.”
“Yes, what?”
“I'm ready for you.”
Smirking, Jack climbed on top of you and began nipping and kissing at your skin making the river in between your thighs increase.
“Still sore?” He asked as he began playing with your breasts and you let out a quiet yes, but at the same time gently moved his head lower to take one of them in his mouth.
He lightly sucked going back and forth between both of them as he had inserted two of his fingers in you in order to get you ready for him. 
You were caught off guard as he slipped himself inside you and captured you in a kiss at the same time earning a gasp to escape from your lips.
As he slowly moved in and out of you, his mouth found its way back to your breast as he sucked harder and bit down on the sensitive skin making you gasp.
Your arms immediately went around his neck as he increased his pace and his hold on your hips became tighter.
That was probably going to leave a bruise, but you were entirely in too much pleasure to care.
“Jack…” You softly said as you tried to reach down to massage your clit. 
He gently pushed your hand away and he stopped mid stroke to peer down at you.
“That's my job, baby all I want you to do is cum for me. Put your legs on my shoulders.”
“I… I'm not that flexible.”
“Trust me, yes you are. And didn't I just have them on my shoulders a little while ago?” Jack replied to you as your legs were actually now behind your head as he pushed them forward and resumed pleasuring you.
“How good am I making you feel, baby? I need to hear it.”
“So good, so so good.”
“Better than touching yourself as you thought about me? Because I know you have.”
“You imagined me eating you out, sucking on that clit and giving you this dick? Because I know I have thought about having you underneath me moaning my name.”
“Mmm hmm, baby don't stop.”
“I don't plan on it, look at that pretty pussy creaming for me.”
Jack quickly slid out of you and took a long lick across your folds as you whimpered underneath him. He stayed there for a few more minutes before sliding himself back into you earning a moan to escape from both of your mouths.
That was when your phone started ringing on Jack's bedside table and promptly told you to ignore it as he saw you look in that direction.
“Ignore it, baby.”
“What if it's Important?” You asked as Jack grabbed it before you could to see who it was.
“Only important thing right now is me making you cum, but if you insist.”
He quickly answered it by putting it on speaker phone as he smirked.
“Y/N? Hello?”
You recognized that voice of being your ex-boyfriend's and had no idea on why he would be calling you and you were obviously too focused on Jack to respond. You had blocked him when you first broke up with him so had no idea how the call even went through.
That was when Jack increased his pace once more earning a loud moan to escape your lips.
“Hmm, Jack, baby don't stop, don't stop. I'm almost there.”
“Then cum for me. Cum all over my dick.”
Your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks as you yelled his name and Jack hit his peak soon after you did. As he was peppering kisses along your entire body, he grabbed your phone that he had put beside you and spoke, surprised that he hadn’t hung up yet.
“Do me a favor, Matt and don’t call my girlfriend’s phone again.”
Jack tossed your phone to the side as he leaned down to place several kisses on your lips which you gladly accepted and once you two broke apart, Jack promptly laid his head on your chest as you ran your fingers through his hair.
The two of you listened to each other’s breathing before Jack attempted to get up, but was pulled back by you.
“I’m coming right back, I promise.”
You nodded your head as he made his way into the bathroom and emerged with a warm wet cloth to wipe you off. Once he was finished, he put it in the hamper to lay back down next to you. Picking up his phone and glancing at the time, it was close to five in the morning and neither of you had been to sleep.
“Princess, it’s almost five in the morning and we need to go to sleep.” 
You moved to lay on his chest as his arms wrapped around you before answering him.
“It’s Saturday.”
“Fine, I’m ordering your french toast, but after that we’re sleeping.”
Every Saturday since the two of you were thirteen, you and Jack would always get french toast whether it was his mom making it or going out to a restaurant to get it.
As Jack picked his phone back up to order breakfast for the two of you, you suddenly had a realization.
“I can’t believe you answered my phone.”
“I had to let him know that you were spoken for.”
It was around noon when Jack heard a knock on the door waking him up out of his sleep. He glanced down at you to see that you were fast asleep on his chest and not wanting to disturb you, he slowly moved you over in the hopes of not waking you up and found some shorts for him to put on.
He made his way downstairs and opened the door to see Urban staring at him with a pissed off look on his face.
“Where the hell is Y/N? And why aren’t you two answering your phones?” Urban asked as he brushed past him and went into the living room.
“She’s sleeping. We were up until like five in the morning planning for Gazebo Fest so she just stayed over.”
Urban was quiet for a second and then put two and two together.
“You two have been spending a lot of time with each other.”
Oh, shit was the first thing Jack thought as those words left Urban’s mouth.
“Uh yeah? We always do.” Jack answered, trying to downplay it.
“Like more than usual. You were the one she posted on her instagram, aren’t you?”
“We just went out for food, it was no big deal so why are you trying to make it one?”
“I’ve said it from day one that she is off limits because I know how yall are.”
“Urb, here me out. Why are you so against this? I like Y/N and I'm 98% sure that she likes me back and I'm good enough for her! I'm not like these other dudes out here that don't deserve her. I know and you do too that I'm going to treat her like she deserves.” Jack expressed as he pleaded his case. He knew that it would eventually come down to this. He wasn’t quite ready to fully tell Urban that the two of you were in fact together. 
"You are literally the biggest WHORE that I know of. Ain't no way in HELL. She's been off limits from the beginning and you know that."
"Look who's talking! We're adults now and she can decide for herself who she wants to date." Jack quickly shot back looking at his best friend in disbelief.
"Her track record says otherwise. She's my godsister and I'm going to do what I need to do in order to protect her."
"But from me? Protect her from me? Do you hear yourself right now? So you’re going to shelter her for the rest of her life?”
"Especially from you. I've seen your track record too with relationships and she's not someone that you hit it and quit it. And I’m not sheltering her. I’m protecting her from no good assholes.” Urban replied, keeping his voice low in the hopes that you wouldn't hear him.
"I'm not going to do that with her and did you low key just call me an asshole? You know how important she is to me!” Jack was now fuming and shaking his head at him in disbelief.
"Like I said. She's my baby sister and I said no. I don't give a fuck about how you feel. End of discussion.”
“The fuck it is. We can agree to disagree.”
As Urban was getting ready to respond, you walked in the room beaming, wearing Jack’s clothes and holding Jack’s dog CoCo in your arms.
“Jack Jack, are we ready to go? I still need to find something to wear though.” You asked as you scratched behind her ears.
“Where are you two going?” Urban asked while getting a slight attitude.
“Jack promised me an ice cream date with just the two of us. Since we couldn't do it yesterday.” You responded and Urban shot Jack the evil eye while all he did was come closer to you.
“Are you two okay? You both look tense.” You asked looking at both of their faces and Urban couldn't help but to blurt it out.
“I don't want you dating Jack.” Was all he said and you looked at him dumbfounded.
“Well Urby, that isn't for you to decide. I can date whoever I want. But I would at least think that you would approve of me dating your best friend.”
“I don't want you to get hurt.”
“Jack would never hurt me in a million years and you need to get that through your head and get over it. We mean a lot to each other and I would think that you would be happy. You don't want to see me happy?”
“Yes! Of course I do, but…”
“But what, Urban?”
“He thinks that I'm going to use you essentially and when I get what I want, leave you high and dry. Oh and also said that I'm the biggest whore he knows.” Jack finally spoke up and you looked at Urban who simply shrugged.
“I've seen him do it countless times before and he's not a relationship type of guy.”
“Urban, I love you with all of my heart, but until I ask you for your opinion, stay out of my love life. I am tired of you coddling me like I can't take care of myself. I'm not a baby anymore.”
“Fine, but when he cheats on you and breaks your heart remember that I warned you. Oh, and don't come crying to me because all I'm going to do is say I told you so.” Urban replied as he walked away bumping Jack’s shoulder on purpose but he decided to ignore him.
“Nope, don't want to hear it.”
“Enjoy your date.”
As he walked off, you turned back to Jack Who could tell that you were clearly upset.
“Just give him some time. He'll come around.” Jack told you as he kissed your forehead, but he wasn't quite sure if he believed those words himself.
Urban was avoiding Jack as well as you at all costs unless it was absolutely necessary. You were starting to feel guilty and you felt as if this entire thing was your fault and the last thing that you wanted to do was come between them. Gazebo Fest was approaching fast, and you knew deep down that Jack wanted Urban there, but because of what was currently happening, you highly doubt that it would happen unless you gave him a little push. 
After a few weeks of pleading, Urban finally agreed to go out to lunch with you, but made it clear that Jack was in fact not invited. This was your opportunity to fix what was going on between the two of them.
You and Urban were sitting across from each other scanning over the menu when he was the first to speak.
“Y/N, out with it. I know you’re here to convince me to talk to him, but I still don’t want to.”
“Urby, Jack has been your best friend since forever and you are being a little dramatic and acting like a diva. I love you and I love him and we are in a relationship together because we make each other happy. Will you please just talk to him?”
“Urban! He needs you.”
“There are a lot of things that I can fix for him, but trying to fill the void of his best friend is not one of them. Gazebo is literally next weekend and he needs you to be there and support him.”
“Yeah, support him as he went behind my back and fucked my little sister?”
You sighed and massaged your temples because you were getting absolutely nowhere with him.
“If I knew that you were going to be this much of an asshole when I finally got with the person that I wanted to be with, I would have never done it. I don’t want to come in between the two of you so I’m going to break up with him. Have fun supporting two broken hearted people because you couldn’t stand them to be happy. I’m leaving.”
“Y/N, baby girl, hold on.” Urban said as he grabbed your hand from across the table, but quickly snatched it back. 
“No, you’ve made your opinion known and I hear you loud and clear.”
Getting up from the table, you made your way outside to Jack’s Jeep and climbed in making your way back to his house.
You weren’t going to break up with Jack, but needed something to get a reaction out of Urban to make him show up next weekend.
One thing that Urban did not want to deal with was a broken hearted Jack. He’s gone through it too many times and he sat there with his thoughts running a mile a minute as he weighed the pros and cons of the two of you being in a relationship with each other. 
He wanted for you to be happy as well as his best friend so who was he to get in the way of it?
The following weekend, Jack couldn’t contain his excitement as the weekend for Gazebo Fest was finally here. Although Urban hadn’t reached out to him, he was still going to try and make the best of it with the support of his family and other friends and of course having you by his side was a plus.
The two of you were holding hands as you walked side by side behind the Gazebo stage when you caught the sight of Urban out of the corner of your eye. Jack was talking to Vince Staples and didn’t realize that he was there until he turned his head and saw him and you saw his eyes light up making a small smile grow on your face. While Vince went to get ready for his set, Urban came over to the two of you and Jack immediately embraced him as he let your hand go.
When they broke apart, Urban shoved his hands in his pockets and had a solemn look on his face.
“I’ve been an asshole to both of you and I’m sorry. You are two of the most important people in my life and if this is what you two want to do then I’ll support it.” He said as you also hugged him and he kissed your forehead.
“About time you came to your senses.” You replied when you moved away from him and pinched his cheek earning him to swat your hand away.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Jack asked, wanting another confirmation and Urban slowly nodded his head.
“I hope you two didn’t think that you were getting rid of me that easily.”
“Our next step was to kidnap you in the middle of the night and hide your weed.” You blurted out which instantly made Jack laugh as Urban rolled his eyes.
“Hold on, wait a minute. I thought you told me that you were breaking up with Jack because you didn’t want to come in between us?” Urban asked as Jack’s eyes went wide.
“Urban, I literally only told you that to guilt trip you and get you to show up today and look, it worked! Oh look at that Mama Maggie is here! Bye!” You said as you started to run after her.
“Y/N! GET BACK HERE! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THAT PART OF THE PLAN!” Jack exclaimed as you got further and further away from him. 
When the two of them were by themselves, Urban took this as an opportunity.
“Look, I know that you’re going to take care of her but I will seriously cut your dick off if you hurt her. Best friend or not, your ass is grass and I’m the lawnmower.” Urban said as he looked over at you talking to Maggie and Brian.
“Hmm, what kind of ring do you think she wants?” Jack asked as he followed his gaze. 
“RING? What?! The two of you have been dating for six minutes and twenty five seconds!”
“I’m thinking princess cut.”
“Look as long as I’m the best man.”
“Y/N might want you in her bridal party so we probably have to rock, paper, scissors for it.”
“I… seriously?”
“But on a real note, I’m happy you came. I really needed you.”
“And that’s exactly what Y/N told me.”
“I can’t explain it, Urb but she makes me better and makes me want to be better.”
“That’s just the type of person she is and I’m happy that she’s with you.”
“Oh, this might be TMI, but her ex called when we were….”
“Ew, spare me the details please if this is going where I think it is.”
“Right, but I answered and all he heard was her moaning my name as she came and I told him not to call my girlfriend’s phone again.”
“I thought I said spare me the details? But I know you gagged his ass.”
Making your way back over to them, you hugged Jack and then reached up to kiss him.
“Gag me with a spoon.”
“Urban, you approved this so get over it!” 
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e-dubbc11 · 3 days
For a summer activity, how about Billy and you in battle of the water guns. It would give Billy a chance to do things he never got to do as a kid. 🩶🩷
My dear sweet Katherine,
Thank you so much for participating in my summer sleepover, for reading my fics and for being such a good friend to me. I love you to pieces and I hope you like what I did. I wasn’t exactly sure if you just wanted a moodboard or a fic so I just did both for you. I hope you like it! 💜
Splish Splash
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: Couple of swear words, fluffy bunnies and unicorns, smooches
Word Count: 1.1K-ish
Summary: You surprise Billy at work and help each other cool off with something fun.
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
The walk through the park to get to his office wasn’t necessary but you couldn’t resist on a day like today. The fluffy white clouds were latched to a sky that seemed unending and behind those cotton-like clouds, the early afternoon sky was the brightest of blues.
You could feel the sweat gathering at your hairline and at the back of your neck and beads of perspiration slowly trickled down your chest and disappeared behind the V in your crisp white t-shirt.
You wanted to surprise your boyfriend Billy with something fun.
Briefly, you glanced down into your purse to make sure you had packed them. You couldn’t help yourself when you saw those cheap little plastic water pistols in the window of the toy shop on your way home from work last night. This will be a fun surprise for Billy.
You pictured his childlike smile, the smile that would don his face every time he was able to do something he never got to do as a kid. His childhood and innocence taken from him so abruptly, forcing him to grow up when he wasn’t ready to and to constantly look over his shoulder is something no child should ever have to go through.
And there was nothing you wouldn’t do to help him cope with that.
With each long stride along the sidewalk path was a step closer to getting to see that perfect Billy Russo smile which made your heart soar and flutter with excitement.
Fresh cut blades of grass looked soft as silk and the myriad of scents from the summer flowers floated through the air above their petals which were as soft as satin. The sweet aroma of the summer air was the work of the honeybees that were dancing from flower to flower and they continued to hum at a very low frequency, almost hypnotizing you as you walked.
On their break, construction workers wiped the sweat from their brow as they hid under the trees to escape the heat. Park benches lined with well-dressed people, eating their lunches and letting the sun kiss the high points of their faces before they had to go back to work.
You were getting close to Anvil so you texted Frank. You had given him a heads up about what you planned on doing when Billy was finished with his meeting with Homeland Security.
Please tell me he’s not back yet.
You texted.
Frank’s reply came quickly.
Not yet, kid. You got time and one of those water guns better be for me.
He said with a laughing emoji next to it.
Of course I have one for you too! Be there soon!
Outside Billy’s office was a small table for papers and forms that needed his signature but today there was only one piece of paper that read…
“Choose your weapon, soldier. XO”
And you left three water guns on top of the paper, already filled and ready to go.
You waited patiently under his desk for him to walk through the door. His voice carried into his office, complaining to others about the heat, and to not disturb him until after lunch.
Grabbing the door handle, you heard him pause as he read the piece of paper on the table and if you knew Billy at all, you knew he would take two of the three water guns, leaving one behind for Frank’s taking.
The office door opened slowly but only a little bit, you knew he was sweeping the room for you. Then you heard his firm silvery voice.
“You in here, sweet girl? Come out, come out, wherever you are, my love. I know you’re here somewhere.” He said.
You could tell he was smiling.
Carefully and slowly, you pushed the chair away from the desk and peeked above the large wooden desk plane. You took a blind shot in his direction and hit him in the hand with a stream of water.
Not wanting him to get too close so you would be trapped under the desk, you popped out from under the desk and started shooting but so did he. Every shot he took, he hit you somewhere.
The ice cold water actually felt refreshing as it splashed against your warm skin. Billy’s dress shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, his arms were outstretched as he continued to shoot in your direction.
Suddenly, Billy felt cold water hit him in the back.
“Ah, SHIT!” He exclaimed.
Frank had a wide grin stretched across his mouth as he yelled out, “You shoulda been watchin’ your six, Bill!”
And he let out a laugh.
Billy had two guns so he could shoot at you and Frank at the same time.
“Billy Russo, I knew you would take two of them!” You said with a laugh.
And there it was, that childlike smile you had waited all morning to see, it finally happened. Water from your pistol hit him in the face and water from Frank’s left water marks on his dress shirt.
“Well, I’m outta ammo and I gotta get back to work. You two kids have fun.” Said Frank, shutting the door behind him.
With your arms outstretched, you aimed your water gun at Billy.
“Hands up, lieutenant.” You said with a sly smile.
Raising his hands, Billy let the water guns dangle from his forefingers by the triggers.
“Two against one is hardly fair, baby.” He said with a devilish grin.
You started to walk toward him.
“But you had two guns, handsome.” You stated.
Still smiling, he hung his head in defeat.
“You’re not wrong, beautiful. How ‘bout you come claim your prize.” Said Billy, playfully.
You both dropped your water guns on the floor as he cupped your cheeks and claimed your lips like it had been weeks since he had seen you last.
The bristles of his beard gently scraped against your soft cheeks as his tongue parted your lips, gaining access to your mouth so it could entangle with yours. Smiling against your mouth, his kisses were hungry as they moved up and down the sides of your neck.
“Y/n, my love, you always seem to know exactly what I need at the right time, don’t you.” He said. “Thank you, sweet girl.”
Billy never talked a lot about his childhood. He hated it, made him angry, but out of everyone, he chose to talk about it with you.
“You’re welcome, Billy.” You replied, along with a gentle kiss on his cheek.
The bad memories had been replaced with good ones, like today, and they’re memories he’ll never forget. You strived to give Billy the experiences he missed out on when he was young. In your eyes, he’ll always be good enough and he never failed to thank you every single day for telling him that.
Tag List: @wheresthesunshinesblog @idaoftheburningmind @rafaelakelley @snowkestrel @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialend @nutmeg17 @rosaleenablack @vaguekayla @qu1etwolf @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @aoi-targaryen
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @ittybxttykxttytxtty @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @mrsbillyrusso
If you’d like to be added (or removed from) my tag list(s) for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again.
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hawo! i saw ur post about the xreader thing and uh… i go by she/her, im a stem girlie if that helps, i like arts and volleyball, i used to game a lot but im trying to lessen it cuz its becoming a bad habit, i like reading and music too, and i bake/cook when im not feeling lazy or am particularly stressed about something, and i guess im pretty quiet? like, i come off as intimidating to a lot of people but im literally just generally anxious 😭 i get hyperfixated on random stuff and get distracted easily + find studying very very super hard and boring but am in honors somehow. i care a lot about my family but i have trouble forming connections outside of childhood friends and stuff, thats the gist of me. i would love headcanons with kageyama or kenma! (maybe both if ure generous? or sugawara or tsukki work too idk choosing a haikyuu fave is impossible)
Kageyama & Kenma x F!reader
warnings: none!
girl u are very relatable (anxious, easily distracted, hiperfixated, arts & stem people rise up) and im also very much a kageyama kinda guy lets be friends LMFAO /hj
Kageyama Tobio:
oh my guy is also very much someone who gets very hyperfixated on stuff, chances are once u become close enough, both of you would start rambling/infodumping onto each other and would accidentally get into whatever the other one is hyperfixated on lmfao. like one day you'd come up to him and just ramble for 15 mins about some historical event and next day he would call you at 2am and go "GIRL THATS NOT EVEN THE FULL STORY GUESS WHAT I LEARNT ABOUT THAT" and viceversa.
since both of you are on the quieter side, chances are you might not speak every single day, but whenever you do speak, you could spend hours doing nothing but that. he's a very pleasant person to have long talks with and he would always be super interested in whatever you talk to him about
he's dumb as bricks when it comes to school stuff and struggles to study as much as you– but since you get good grades, he would come to you for help. which would lead to VERY chaotic but thoroughly enjoyable studying sessions lol.
he would always be so eager to play volleyball with you, regardless of how good you are. if you're on a lower level than him, he would tease you about it but also be very patient and explain everything to you a thousand times if need be (in his own way of course, which would probably include at least a few insults each time, but it's all in good nature)
he would very much enjoy just watching you draw/paint in silence or while listening to music. he finds it fascinating & very calming
he would go ABSOLUTELY WILD if you ever paint/draw a portrait of him. im talking like "weak to the knees, teary eyes & needs at least 1-5 business days to process it" type of emotional
Kozume Kenma:
oh girl he would be TERRIBLE for your gaming addiction lmfao
however!! if you are motivated enough to get better with that, you would probably try to get him to form healthier habits too and he would resist, but ultimately try to listen to you.
you would both probably spend hours straight just enjoying each other's company, not really talking that much, just doing your own thing (him gaming & you painting/reading etc)
he would be so shy whenever he includes you in streams and people say you two look cute together
whenever he's tired but still wants to spend time with you, he would love laying down with his head on your lap while you read for him and play with his hair
his way of showing affection would be to ask you to play his new fav videogame with him, or join him in streams, or send you playlists with music he thinks you would like
he would also play songs you like on the background of his treams and get fricking demonetized all the time because of it, but he still does it
he also tries to comission you to make his pfps/headers and pics for streams (he would get so shy and happy when you say that yes, boyfriend privileges include free drawings, indeed)
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sk1l-exe · 10 hours
I’m working on something that’s been taking forever and I feel like I’ve ghosted y’all, so here’s some headcannons in the meantime :]
Beware, these are very specific. I’ve had these floating around in my head for a long time 😭
- Darry 100% loves baking, I feel like this has to be kind of obvious because he’s the one that always makes chocolate cake but I think he LOVES it with a passion and would do it more if he had the time.
- Steve had never celebrated his birthday until he met Soda. His dad never cared and he didn’t really bring the topic up much until Soda asked what he did on his birthdays. The answer was that he’d usually just be alone and eventually get wasted and regret it the next day once he got his hands on alcohol. After that Soda always dragged him over to his house so the Curtis’ and Co. could celebrate his birthday.
- Two-bit has naturally curly hair, he just puts so much gel in it that no one would know. He unironically looks like Ronald McDonald with his natural hair.
- Darry likes gardening, whether it’s vegetables or flowers he enjoys the idea of nurturing something because he feels he doesn’t do a good job with the gang. There’s an old abandoned greenhouse that he made into his own garden that he visits each day after work to water and prune. No one questions why he’s covered in dirt when he gets home because roofing houses isn’t necessarily the cleanest job in the world.
- Soda and Darry tan really well, Pony on the other hand fries very quickly in the sun. When he inevitably gets burnt and puts aloe on he somehow always manages to get stuck to a blanket and someone has to peel it off of him.
- The Shepard’s are amazing dancers. When Curly and Angela were younger Tim would dance with them and teach them what he knew. Tim had learned what he knew from his mother, who died when he was 10. Although he didn’t exactly remember being taught, he just knew how to do these beautiful dances. One day he figured out his mother used to dance professionally, so he put two and two together and realized she must have taught him.
- Paul didn’t want to stop being friends with Darry when they graduated, but his father forced him to by threatening to hurt his mother. Eventually Paul began to resent Darry for this, which led to the misconception that he’d just stopped being friends with him because they couldn’t go to college together.
- Also, Darry and Paul’s mom—Lina—used to bake together whenever Paul’s dad was away because of work. Darry saw her as an aunt and she was the first person he wanted to see after his parents died but couldn’t.
- Buck dyes his hair random colors habitually. One week it’s baby pink and the next it’s deep green. He strangely looks good with every color.
- Tim and Dally had their first kiss while in the middle of fighting each other. It wasn’t the most romantic first kiss but it got the point across. Tim broke three of Dally’s ribs and Dally managed to break Tim’s nose and split his lip. Their love is sometimes shown through aggression, but rarely now that they understand the other better.
- Two-bit and Marcia are platonic besties. Most people assume they’re dating, but in reality they’re just pulling the biggest, most elaborate prank on everybody. They dance with each other and share clothes but they never consider the other as a romantic option, just another clown to have fun with.
- Cherry didn’t move on after Bob’s death for a year. She loved him even though he wasn’t the best person. Eventually she realized that she can move on without feeling like she’s somehow disrespecting his memory.
- I might have mentioned this before but Angela paints Tim and Curly’s nails. Sometimes she’s able to get other people too, like Dally, Buck, and Two-bit. She always picks the colors that match them perfectly, they’re always complemented by anyone who notices.
- Randy leaves fresh flowers at Paul’s grave each day, sometimes running into Cherry. He missed him, but acknowledges that he’s a better person now that he’s gone.
- Evie makes handmade jewelry, it’s something she does to calm down. Steve loves what she makes and if he notices she’s having a particularly bad day he gets the gang to wear the ones she stress makes. She used to be embarrassed but after seeing everyone wearing something of hers she feels pride. She wants to be a jewelry designer but knows she can’t do it (she does, eventually).
- In a universe where Johnny and Dally die, Darry has children named after them. He has a biological son named Johnny and an adopted daughter that everyone calls Dallas because she’s from Dallas, Texas (her name is actually Logan). Both act exactly like their namesake.
- Pony and Johnny bring random animals home at least once a week. Possums, turtles, lizards, kittens, anything he can find. Darry always feels bad telling them no, but he makes sure the animals go to a wildlife center.
- Steve is surprisingly good at math. If he applied himself he could get a scholarship, but it isn’t what he wants. He wants to open a car shop with Soda.
- Pony and Soda like to watch the sunset together, meanwhile Darry starts watching the sunrise before he goes to work because he’s never home to watch the sunset with his brothers. Sometimes one of the gang is awake and joins him, it’s one of the most peaceful moments of their day.
That’s all for now, I might make a more less lighthearted version of this later?? If you guys wanna hear me ramble more??
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darcytaylor · 3 days
My thoughts on Season 3 of Bridgerton
I have been trying to word exactly how I feel about Season 3 of Bridgerton.
From reading what other people have said it seems like there are mixed reviews.
I will say this right now - I really did enjoy my time watching it. I think Nicola and Luke did a great job at portraying Penelope and Colin.
I think part 1 and part 2 have completely different vibes and I can see why they accepted the 2 part release. It gave the viewers more time to digest everything and to appreciate the first 4 episodes.
But I also think (for that very reason) it hindered the season as a whole because it seemed to me that I was watching 2 different seasons of Bridgerton. They left the rom-com elements in part 1 and didn't look back, and went straight for drama. (I do love some drama in a television show though)
Maybe if it was released all together it would have flowed a bit better because I wouldn't have been searching for the rom-com lightheartedness, that I saw in part 1. I would have accepted that the drama was about to happen and happy to say goodbye to the rom-com vibes.
Having been able sit with part 1 for so long and really appreciate all that the first 4 episodes had to offer, part 2 seemed to be a bit confusing.
One of my favourite parts of part 2 were the moments that Colin was angry at Penelope. I think Luke did a fantastic job at portraying someone who was in love and angry at the same time. I said this before and I'll say it again, his eye/face acting is on point!
Nicola and Luke had mentioned before that Penelope and Colin finally open all of themselves to each other, that's how they were able to make their relationship work and become partners.
I loved seeing them not be ashamed to confess their love with each other, it was heartwarming seeing Penelope take of her shield and not hide. That was the main take-away from part 2, Penelope revealing all sides of herself, to everyone around her.
She spent her whole life in the shadows and she was now stepping "into the light". That is why it had to be Penelope confessing she was Lady Whistledown, unlike in the books. That is why they needed to reveal she was Lady Whistledown to the Ton.
Whistledown was her shield that protected her, but she completely stripped that away and let herself protect herself. It was beautiful to watch and Nicola smashed it.
Do I think that some of the background stories were a bit dragged out? Yes. I don't think they needed all of the threesome scenes of Benedict. I didn't mind him becoming more aware of himself and having the threesome. I think most of us were waiting since Season 1 to finally see it happen! But I think they showed 1 scene too many of it and it became tiresome, it didn't feel like it was enhancing his story/character, by the last threesome scene.
I really loved the direction they took for Francesca. You can see that she walks to the beat of her own drum. She is guarded but at the same time so open. If that makes sense. I think that her season will be one to look out for, for sure! Especially since we now know that her story will have the LGBTQ+ storyline. Mikaela Stirling! YES! It actually made me gasp and smile when watching them introduce her.
As for the Eloise storyline, I think Claudia did a fantastic job at portraying hurt and love and wanting the best for people even if you are mad at them. I love the fact that it took so long for Eloise to begin to forgive Penelope. It seemed more real that way.
I know people didn't love the way that she befriended Cressida and how she seemed to listen to her. But she needed that friendship to understand why her friendship with Penelope was special. To see how a person can be the way they are because of the people who raised them. To see that bad people can do good things and good people can do bad things.
So my final thoughts, I loved the season as a whole. It made me smile, laugh, be angry, hopeful, cry. It did everything I would want a television show to do.
Were there some issues. Of course. There really aren't a lot of television shows that I would say are perfect (I have 1 but I'm not going there).
I look forward to watching more seasons and to see what ALL of the actors do in the meantime.
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petew21-blog · 20 hours
The curse of Hecatoncheires
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Zayn shouted at us: "All is set guys. Let's get to the table"
Me:"Can't we just play Dungeons and Dragons just as we always do? This seems complicated. It will take us much more time to learn that then playing"
Zayn:"No, we're gonna play this. It's basically a modified version of what we always play. But much more fun."
Alex:"Ok, let's play before the weekend ends. I really wanna do something fun instead of just sitting here."
Zayn:"Oh, you're gonna have enough of fun today.
Ground rules:
We play the story just as we always do
The dice is a way of deciding conflict. But in this game you're not playing against the game. You're playing against each other.
The conflict can be won by throwing a higher number then the other. If you throw a higher number you win what the other person bet in that round"
Me:"Bet? We're gonna bet? With what? We don't have anything."
Zayn:"Actually you do. You have your bodies, your body parts. You can bet them. And the winner has 3 options a) keep your part he won over you, b) swap his part he bet with you or c) donate a part to someone else"
Jordan:"Zayn, this has to be one of the worst game ideas you ever had. Not only it's complicated, but we're just gonna pretend that our parts are not ours but belong to someone else?"
We all started laughing except for Zayn. He was serious. He then threw a cube on the table. It was the same as ourselves we usually played with. But this one glowed.
Zayn:"I see the explaining of rules will be better to do during the game. Right?"
We started the game. Each of us had to bet a part of our bodies.
I bet my feet, Zayn his thumb, Alex wanted to bet his head but Zayn advsied him not to, so he bet his arm. And Jordan wanted to boycot the game as always so he bet his dick.
We play for some time like always. But then me and Jordan stepped on the first fighting platform. Zayn:"Ok, Jordan. It's your time to choose your oponent"
Jordan:"I choose you (he pointed at me). I want your smell feet haha" He then threw the dice with number 15. Fuck I have to throw higher than that. The chances aren't that big tho. I threw the dice and saw the number 7.
Jordan:"Haha. I win your feet!"
Zayn:"Ok now you get to choose a/b/c. A is keeping it, b is swapping it and c is giving it to someone else."
Jordan:"Fine. We'll I'm going with option a. I want to have extra feet."
Suddenly the cube shined brightly. Me and Jordan screamed in pain. I looked down and saw my shoes fall off. Jordan was screaming horribly. He threw always his shoes. His socks ripped and at the same place where his feet grew, another pair grew out. Oddly familiar pair. Jordan looked down in shock.
Jordan:"What the fuck!!! Zayn what the hell is this?! What did you do?"
Zayn:"I already told you the rules. So this is the first option. I wanted to make our game a bit more special, cause I noticed how you guys grew more bored each game we played. So this should be more fun"
Alex:"This shit is incredible" he touched my feet on Jordan's body. I could still feel them a bit but I couldn't move them. Jordan was speechles and touched them too.
Jordan:"Holy shit dude. I have two pairs of feet. I have your feet man! Wow. They're really big. And really smelly. Have you washed them recently?"
Me:"Hey! Of course I did. I just... sweat a lot. It's a condition. I can't help it."
Zayn:"Ok, you have to pick another betting part and then we can continue"
I picked my dick just as Jordan has.
We proceeded and then Alex got in a duel with Zayn. Alex won.
Alex:"Ok, so... I don't want to be a freak like Jordan. I want to swap our two parts"
They also screamed. Alex's arm disappeared and now instead of it only Zayn's thumb was visible. Zayn's arm now instead of his thumb grew out another arm. It was massively long
Alex:"Zayn, but you said we would swap the parts. I just wanted your thumb instead of mine not this shit. I look like a freak. And so do you..."
Zayn:"Well those were the rules. If you want to swap the identical part and not the one that was threw in as a bet, you have to say so. Ok my new part to bet is my index finger"
Alex:"Bet something meaningful atleast. You now have my arm to bet"
Zayn:"Ok, you're right. I bet my feet."
Alex:"Ok, I bet my whole leg, cause I don't want this game to last the whole day"
We continued. I couldn't really get of the chair without my feet. "Guys I'm gonna have to pee sooner or later. Some of you might help me."
Zayn;"Don't worry about it. We'll help you out somehow."
Now it was my time to battle someone. I picked Jordan and won. "I want to swap our dicks."
Jordan stood up screaming as his dick disappeared. He looked down and my own emerged. I looked down as well and saw his in the place where mine was."
Jordan:"Did you do this on purpose? I have to pee now dude."
Me:"Haha, yeah I did. I wanted to know if it would work."
Jordan ran (or limped with his new set of feet) to the bathroom and locked himself in:"Play without me. I'll be back soon"
We played the story for a while without any conflict, but now we had to wait for Jordan to come out. He really took some time in there.
He got out of the bathroom sweaty, smiling and with his shirt tucked behind his shorts
Me:"Dude, don't tell me you have..."
Jordan:"Hell yes I did. And I must say you have a magnificent dick. The cum shot on the wall is the biggest proof of it."
Me:"You're disgusting Jordan. What if I did the same?"
Jordan:"Don't act like you don't want to right now."
Zayn:"Guys, let's play, you can get even in another way."
Me:"Jordan, don't be a pussy and bet something big this time."
Jordan:"Fine I bet my lower body half, dick excluded. I'm keeping yours for a while"
Me:"Don't be a bitch. I bet my whole body without my head... And Jordan's dick"
Jordan:"Fine, well so do I."
Alex and Zayn just observed amused. We continued.
Now Alex dueled me. I lost. Jesus no...
Alex pitied me I think, but maybe missed his arm. "I want your body you betted to be swapped with mine."
I now had feet again, but lost an arm in the process. I could feel Alex's muscular body form under my clothes. I used my remaining hand and trailed the abs under my shirt and the beautiful pecs. Then I flexed his biceps"
Alex:"Enjoying it huh?"
Me:"Dude, I never knew it feels so good to be this tight"
Jordan threw the dice and this time - number 20
Zayn:"Shit. I thought it would take some more time before I had to explain this one. Ok, so now we all are under the curse of Hecatoncheires."
Me:"What's that?"
Zayn:"It's a beast from greek mythology with hunderds of heads, hands and legs"
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Alex:"So what does that mean for us?"
Zayn:"You now have to throw 15 or above to not be cursed."
Jordan:"What happens if we fail?"
Zayn:"Well... let's play and see shall we?" Zayn diverted from the question
Zayn threw 15, lucky guy. Alex threw 5 so he was doomed. Jordan threw 19. It was my turn now. Fuck 2
Zayn:"Ok, guys. You now have to go next to each other. And hug"
We did so. Nothing happened at first, but now we were both stuck. We couldn't move from each other. We were merging. I just watched as Jordan's horrified face ran from the room and Zayn went to get him.
But me and Alex were still merging. Now our body had a massive chest made out of our two harlves. My other parts were moved to the left side while Alex's moved to the right.
We were left with one extra pair of lehs without feet and only one extra arm and a thumb next to my arm.
Our dicks grew out right next to each other.
I couldn't look at Alex. He was directly next to my head. Limiting to see. We tried to get to the mirror. But our movement was really unorganised. We eventually got there to see what kind of a monster we became.
What caught my attention was our new combined crotch
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The lines of two dicks were clearly visible
I took my only arm and with my hand I grabbed our crotch
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Alex:"What are you doing man? That's my dick!"
Me:"I'm sorry Alex, but that's our dicks right now. I can feel both of them"
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We both put our hands on them. We both could feel every part of our merged bodies. But I could control only the left part and Alex controled the right side of our body.
Alex:"Well, shitting is gonna be interesting"
I could feel we were both horny. I was a bit more because of the fact that the dick on my side was actually Alex's and Alex now had Jordan's
I unzipped our jeans. Alex gave me an approving smile. I lowered to jeans to see the new creation now
Alex:"I can't believe Jordan's dick is bigger than mine. I always thought he was small."
Me:"Well yours isn't fully hard yet, so don't worry."
I grabbed his dick and started jerking it. So did Alex, but he was jerking Jordan's dick. The whole time we were moaning in sync as we both felt the same. We knew how the other one felt. And in sync we shot loads from our dicks"
Just as we finished Zayn and Jordan came back into the room
Jordan realising that it's his dick that Alex was now holding got angry and went towards UA
Zayn:"Wait, Jordan you can't touch them!"
Jordan ran straight to us and probably wanted to scream something but ended up being absorbed into us. The pain started again. Jordan now emerged between us. New arms grew out, new legs, my dick in the middle and Jordan's head right between us
Zayn:"That's what I was trying to tell you. It's called a curse for a reason
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Our new body was now a mix of hands everywhere trying to feel everything. Jordan was still screaming. But me and Alex knew that it was the first massive wave of all our feelings combined. The more people were part of our body the more pleasure we had. It was ecstatic and overwhelming.
Alex:"Come on Zayn. Join us"
Zayn:"I would, honestly. But someone has to reverse this"
We sat down next to the table to continue playing. I now controled an Jordans left arm and Alex controlled his right one. Jordan was now trapped until we were joined by another person.
Zayn kept playing. Quite nervous from what he caused. He finished the game out of fear as he watched us enjoy the senses of our combined body
The game ended but nothing happened. We didn't care. We were now feeling amazing. All three of us.
Zayn:"I... I don't know what happened. I thought it would all revert back to normal."
We stood up and slowly crept behind Zayn reading the manual to the dice
Me:"Oh don't worry about that. We can sort this out tommorow"
Alex:"What a great game you set up for us"
Jordan:"Truly one of the best. And you didn't even get to enjoy it enough"
Me:"I think you should relax now."
We got really close and Zayn probably got suspicious, but it was too late for him. I grabbed his arm and that was all that was needed for him to merge into us.
Zayn:"Oh god, this really feels amazing. We can feel everything multiplied"
Hecatoncheire:"We are amazing. We love our body. We are Hecatoncheire! And we need more beautiful bodies to join us!"
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nucleo-bang-tan · 2 days
Grayscale Pt.3 | JJK
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Pairing/s: Jungkook X Reader, Cha Eunwoo X Reader
Rating/s: No detailed explicit content, but wouldn't recommend it for minors.
Genre: Cheating AU, highschool sweethearts, first love, Moving On AU
Word Count: 3.1 k
Warning/s: OC talks to Jungkook, a bit possessive Jungkook, healing, closure, PDA, adopting, pregnancy.
A/N: Not proofread!!! Please leave comments, I would love to hear from you guys. Critique my writing and tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, really appreciate it.
Series Masterlist
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
The act of letting someone sucks your life away. Seeing Jungkook again for the divorce was harder than you thought.
Even though he wanted to, he never begged you again to take him back. Both of you knew, clinging onto each other would cause more pain than healing.
"That's not how you play the game! You're cheating." You giggled.
Eunwoo could feel his heart flutter at you being happy, your eyes crinkling into crescents. This was the first time he saw you so cheerful after the incident. He couldn't help but wonder what made Jungkook hurt such a genuine and kind soul.
"I'm not gonna win against you if I don't cheat." He teased.
"So you admit it!" You hit his arm playfully.
"Hey now, violence is not the answer."
There was a moment of laughter followed by silence before you spoke up, "Call me sappy, but I'm going to miss you. Like a lot."
"1 month, huh? I think you can handle it." He said, brushing his hair back.
You couldn't help but well up at the thought of him leaving for that long, "You're supposed to say 'I'm gonna miss you too' dumbass."
He sighed, "Thank you..."
"I should do the thanking here." You chuckled, looking at him nervously.
"Thank you for not laughing at me being a loser at games..." He took your hand in his, "...thank you for being my friend."
His unfeigned tone made you cry out. He knew it was coming, he had to go on his business trip real soon. But he had a few months, which he decided to spend consoling you.
Like he did now, he wrapped his arms around you, letting you cry on his chest, tears staining his shirt.
Jungkook and Gaeul left you with serious trust issues. But Eunwoo never left any corners for you to not trust him. It was as if you trusted no one but him.
Your parents, as expected, had the phrase, 'i told you so' written on their faces. They were never happy with your relationship, always hoping you'd marry a guy of their choice. You wondered if that would have been better.
Jungkook's parents visited you a day before your legal seperation. His father went as far as to threaten you to not break off the marriage. It would damage his reputation as a CEO.
Eunwoo politely yet sternly told them to leave and held you as you cried for an hour after that.
Your nights were sleepless. You had been with Jungkook for so long, that you couldn't sleep without his presence. Eunwoo would sacrifice his sleep to sing and hum for you as you tried to sleep.
Most of his attempts would go to vain but he still kept humming for you.
"I-I don't want you to go."
"I have to, Y/n." He hugged you tighter.
Maybe this wasn't the right time to tell you what he thought about you. But this was the only time he had. You were left broken after what Jungkook did, and Eunwoo didn't want risk your comfort and trust in him.
But he had to tell you.
"Y/n... I-"
You pull back to look at him, eyes red with the tears shed, "Eunwoo?"
How he wished it was him instead of Jungkook. How he wished Jungkook would have never met you, then you'd find a real man (Eunwoo) to cherish you.
He remembered the first time he saw you in college, stumbling in late to a lecture because you were messing around with Jungkook. Your hair a bit unkempt but nothing too wild.
He remembered how you sat beside him and he couldn't help but ask you your name. The two of you immediately clicked.
He remembered how his stomach dropped when he heard you had a boyfriend. He was still extremely close to you, despite you already having Gaeul as your 'best friend.'
He remembered the night where he actually fell for you. The night where your friends left to explore a foreign city you visited. Gaeul and Jungkook took advantage of the situation and went missing as well. You and Eunwoo were left alone. Both of you sat in the pool of the hotel, looked at the stars and talked about everything. Until you fell asleep and Jungkook came to carry you back to your room.
He remembered how he felt light headed when Jungkook asked him to plan a proposal for you. But he still smiled and decided to help him. Atleast you were happy, he thought.
He took a deep breath, "I like you. Heck, I may even be in love with you. Please don't take this the wrong way but... I've had feelings for you ever since we first met. I'm not pressuring you or-"
You cut him off with a smile, "Eunwoo, it's okay. I know."
"I wish I could stop myself but- wait. You know?"
You nod, slightly laughing at his nervous state, "I know, Eunwoo. I've always known. But I need time to get over...you know."
"Yes...yes! I don't care if you don't feel the same way, I just had to let you know how I felt."
You wipe your cheeks with your sleeve, "I don't want you to wait for me, I don't know when I'll move on from him, or if I even will move on."
Eunwoo gently wiped away a lingering tear from your cheek, his touch soft and reassuring. "I'll wait for you, Y/n. No matter how long it takes. You deserve to heal at your own pace."
You gave him a small, grateful smile, "Thank you, Eunwoo. That means more to me than you'll ever know."
"Did you get everything?" You asked.
"Calm down, I'll be alright. But you're the one who needs to take care." He held your hand in his, rubbing the back of it with his thumb to warm you up a bit.
It was already time for him to go. So, you along with a few of your friends were here on a chilly morning to bid him farewell.
After sharing a few hugs, he finally approached you for a hug, to which you responded by jumping onto him making him stumble back a bit.
You hugged him tightly, burying your face in his chest, taking in his scent. You laughed, "Who said I wasn't going to tease your loser ass?"
Eunwoo couldn't help but hug you tighter. He couldn't do it again for another month, he tried to memorize every soft detail of your embrace.
It didn't take long for your laughter to seize. A person caught your attention. He stood there with a long trench coat and every recognisable characteristics covered except his puffy eyes. The sight of him brought an unexpected surge of emotions. You hadn't anticipated seeing him here, especially not today.
What was he doing at the airport?
"Y/n, you're crying. Are you okay?" Eunwoo asked being concerned. He followed your line of sight and realised who caught your attention.
You didn't even realise you were crying until Eunwoo pointed it out. Jungkook stood at a fair distance. You noticed he was alone.
The two of you just stared at each other, you didn't want to talk to him and he understood that.
You felt a warm hand on your cheek. Eunwoo turned your head to look at him.
"It's okay. It's going to be okay." The approaching panic attack you felt was suddenly subdued with his words.
He leaned in to kiss your tear-stained cheek. He looked straight in your eyes when he said, "I love you. Believe me on that, yeah?"
"P-Please be safe." You tried your best not to look at your ex-husband; you focused your eyes onto the man in front of you.
"I'll see you soon." He held you in his arms one last time, only to let go hesitantly. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Jungkook looked at you and Eunwoo, he had no right to be angry, he had no right to want to kick Eunwoo in the balls. He chuckled bitterly at his own thoughts.
Jungkook didn't know why you were here, he didn't know how you noticed him in a crowded space. He swallowed thickly and maybe it was the fact that he just wanted to disappear from your sight, but he turned around and decided to quickly walk away with his luggage.
He initially walked briskly but he resorted to running a few seconds in. His empty stomach didn't take him very far though; he stumbled and fell onto his knees in a scarcely crowded area of the airport.
Seeing you happy brought all the memories flush back to him. Your touch, your voice, your smile, your eyes, you was all he could think of. He doubled over in pain, quietly sobbing into his palms, his luggage laying beside him. Crying had become a second nature by now.
It clawed him from inside, you were his and only his but he knew he could no longer have you. He wanted to bawl out loud, beg you to start everything over again, but he had promised himself to stay away from you.
Fate had other plans though, he was returning to Seoul from his hometown when he saw you with Eunwoo and a bunch of close friends. The ones who used to his friends as well.
Jungkook looked at his shaky palms which were wet from his tears. He had good friends, a good work-life balance, and the best of all, he had you. But now his colleagues and employees were doubting his abilities due to his bad performance at work.
He'd never be present at his office after the divorce. One would always find him at his house or at the gym, jabbing the life out of the punching bag till he fainted.
It took him 15 minutes to realise it was extremely chilly at the airport, he decided to gather himself and sit in the car. Sure, he couldn't stop crying, but atleast he could smell the vanilla scented car freshner you had bought.
He leaned his head back, his nose taking in your favourite scent.
A knock on the window startled him. It was as if he was dreaming, and he probably was. Because it was you.
You opened the car door and got in the passenger's seat, "Glad to know you still kept the car freshner."
Now, Jungkook didn't have any issues with breathing, ever. But today, his lungs stopped working. It was you. You were in his car, but why?
You looked like you had been crying as well but at the moment, you were neither sad nor happy, you just looked pissed.
You sighed, "Did you eat today?"
The question was so simple, so casual. But it hit something inside Jungkook's heart. He leaned down towards you, as if bowing to you and let his tears flow.
"I asked you something..." You said, trying to be cold. He looked you in the eyes and shook his head.
He didn't want to put you in a position where you had to take him back, but he still took your hands in his, "I was such-"
He was cut off by you repelling from his touch, "Please don't touch me, Jungkook. I'm not here to forgive you."
"O-oh, I'm so fucking sorry." He sniffed.
"You look awful."
"You look beautiful, as always." He said sincerely, making you blush a bit.
"I'm here because I care for you. Don't get the wrong idea but, I don't think I'll ever stop caring for you, Jungkook. Why aren't you looking after yourself?"
Jungkook was flustered by your suddeness. He had expected you to have moved on by now. But the fact that you were crying a while ago and you were here, in his car, said otherwise.
"It just isn't the same." He croaked out.
"Ofcourse it isn't, Jungkook. I wonder why."
"Y/n, I know you hate me, I know you don't want me anymore. But I don't want you to be kind to me." He closed his eyes, "Please curse at me, hit me, let it out. It's just me."
"It's not just you. I don't know you. You're a stranger to me." You said coldly.
Jungkook didn't answer, it was more like he couldn't answer. He looked down at his palm, which weren't shaky anymore. It was you who calmed him down.
You sigh, "I assume you have been talking to Gaeul?"
"I haven't, I don't even intend to."
"I called her a couple of months ago. She was livid at you. Said she'll slap you the next time she sees you." You chuckled, "She told me a lot about how you guys began and stuff. But it was the last time I'll ever talk to her."
He wiped his runny nose, "I guess you know about the time I threw her out of our house."
"Your... your house."
"Right, my house." He corrected himself.
After a moment of silence, Jungkook raised his head to look at you. He saw the love of his life looking outside the window. You looked as beautiful as the day he asked you out, if not more.
"Y/n, I-I love you."
You turned towards him to see a man who used to be the love of your life. He looked barely alive, barely living. Yet, somehow, his eyes were as pretty as always. But they didn't hold the universe you saw around a decade ago. They were just pretty eyes.
"You know there's a theory, if you stop loving someone, it means you never loved them in the first place. Love can never go away.
I probably won't ever stop loving you. But I don't want you, Jungkook. I've moved on."
"I-I know, I understand." Even though he knew, there was a huge part of him that wanted you to come back. That wanted you all to himself.
"Would you have kept the affair going if I never found out?" You asked.
"No, no! I wanted to stop, I promise. It started as a way for stress relief when you weren't available, but then..."
You scoff, "Then what, Jungkook? You loved to cheat on me, is it? You just loved to humiliate me? Makes sense."
Your tone didn't sound like yourself. You've never talked to Jungkook in this way, but then again, you couldn't keep it in anymore.
"Y/n, please, trust me. I've never wanted anyone but you. I've never loved her, I've never enjoyed the sex more. I just... don't know."
"You just loved the thrill of it all, didn't you. Cheating on your girlfriend, then on your fucking wife. How fucking far were you willing to go for sex?" A single tear rolled down your cheek.
Jungkook wished he could say otherwise. He wished he would've thought with his heart rather than his dick. All he could do was mutter sorry's.
"I forgive you, Jungkook." You said looking away.
His breath hitched as he heard the words come out of your mouth.
"I forgive you. The only thing you can do for me is take care of yourself and move on."
"I-I don't think I can." He sobbed, his stomach did flips that made him nauseous.
You finally touched him and intertwined your fingers with his, it was familiar but it didn't feel like home anymore.
"Cook for yourself, eat better, yeah?" You smiled.
"I can't do this without you, Y/n."
"You can, I know you can."
"I can't, I fucking can't. Please..."
You slowly let go of his hand as he kept saying 'no'.
"I'm sorry, baby." You whispered, "I have to leave."
You opened the car door and got out. Jungkook wished he could see you clearly, but his vision was blurred. You waved a final goodbye and gently closed the door.
As he saw you walk away, he noticed you took the car freshner with you, a subtle way to let him move on.
"Eunwoo!" You rushed over to him and captured him in an embrace. He twirled you around as you both laughed.
His month long business trip had already ended and he had just returned to Seoul.
He let you down and spoke, "How have you-"
He was cut off by you pulling him extremely close to you face. Your noses were touching and lips only a few millimetres away.
Eunwoo's eyes widened. He was definitely dreaming. Or did the plane crash on his way back and he was in heaven?
"I've not done this before but..." You said softly, "Would you go out with me?"
"I think you know what I'll say to that." He closed the distance between your lips.
It was like the two of you were alone at the airport. The nasty glares from strangers didn't exist, nor did any other problem in the world.
Eunwoo would be happy even if the world ended this very moment. But then again, he wouldn't get to love you enough.
Jungkook exhaled softly as he blinked his eyes, trying to wake up. He slowly pushed himself up and sat against the headboard.
He shivered, ofcourse. It was too cold without you. It had been 5 years already but no morning went without a thought of you.
As an unhealthy daily habit, he took his phone from the side table. Instinctively, his thumb went to Instagram to stalk you. His eyebrows furrowed realising you changed your profile picture.
This didn't seem right to him. Why was Eunwoo holding you like that? He decided to check your feed. Something wasn't right. There was a recent post from you.
A post announcing your pregnancy.
It took him a full minute to process what was happening. You were having a baby, with someone that wasn't him.
He blinked back his tears, reading the caption, 'You're gonna be the best father.' with a photo of Eunwoo holding your slightly large belly.
He reminded himself, there was more to live for. He should've moved on by now but he simply couldn't. His thoughts were so loud that he couldn't hear small footsteps. The person climbed onto the bed and peeked into his phone.
"Is that mommy?" He asked making Jungkook snap out of it.
"Ah, Jaehyun." He took the 7 year old in his arms.
"Isn't that mommy, daddy?" The child persisted.
"No, Jaehyun. She's just a woman I love."
"So, she's mommy?"
He sighed. How would he explain this to a 7 year old? Jungkook didn't want to bluntly tell him that he was adopted and didn't have a mother.
"Let's go for a walk with Bam. I'll tell you everything about the most beautiful woman I've ever met."
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beskarandblasters · 17 hours
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Stonecatcher - Chapter Six: Wild Women Don't Get the Blues
Din Djarin x F!Reader
Series Masterlist | Din Djarin Masterlist | Series Playlist Artwork: The Lovers by René Magritte Gif: @cherubispunk
Series summary: You’re an arms dealer living on Dantooine when you cross paths with an up-and-coming bounty hunter. What starts as a business relationship quickly becomes more. How long can you bury your emotions and be a stonecatcher for someone else before you finally snap?
Series warnings: instant smut but slow burn romantically, angst, use of Mando’a words/phrases, no use of y/n
Chapter summary: A challenge and a heartbreaking revelation. Word count: 2.2k
Chapter warnings: masturbation, sex toys, drinking, creepy guy at a cantina, angst
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You’re going to do something different. You’re not going to have sex with Mando. Since you last saw him a week and a half ago you’ve done nothing but seethe. How dare he say those words to you? How dare he leave you there crying at your kitchen table? Especially after sharing such an intimate moment.
You’ve been thinking a lot about what Sulee said. She might be right, at least partially. You can’t cut him off as a customer. If he values your business at all he’ll have no problem just being a regular customer and nothing more. 
At least that’s what you hope. 
Mando shows up a few hours later. Kham looks at you with uneasy eyes, almost as if he’s silently asking whether he should stay or go. Normally he goes. He knows the routine. But for the past week and a half, you’ve been on edge, growing visibly tense whenever he would mention the word Mando. 
It’s the three of you in your basement. Mando’s combing through blasters and rifles without a care in the world. You exchange glances with Kham, eyes flickering up towards the stairs, trying to indicate he can go. He takes the hint and leaves, stopping at the top step and saying, “Well, it was nice seeing you, Mando.”
“It was nice to see you, too,” he responds, not bothering to turn and look at him. 
Kham mutters something under his breath but you can’t quite catch what he’s saying. And with that, he’s gone. It’s just you and Mando in your basement, awkwardness hangs heavy in the air, at least on your part. How can he continue on like everything’s normal? 
“You know the drill,” you start, voice coming out small and weak. “Leave a list of what you’re getting.” You finish out your declaration strong, gearing up to deny him sex when he joins you upstairs. 
But the house is suffocating you. The walls feel like they’re closing in, every room a reminder of each time you had sex. Whether it was in the front room, in your bedroom, in the refresher, or over the kitchen sink— Maker, you had sex everywhere. 
You burst through the back door and sit in the grass, letting the gentle breeze kiss your skin. Your mind wanders, replaying every time you see Mando in your head. Sure, they were intimate acts but they were missing real intimacy behind the movement. After a while, you sense his presence towering over you. His shadow crisscrosses with yours. 
“Are you coming back inside?”
“No,” you say, not looking at him. 
“But what about…”
He doesn’t have to say what he’s referring to but you’d like it if he did. 
“Not today.”
“I’m not feeling well.”
“Okay. I left the credits on the table. Feel better soon.”
He walks away and it’s only then that you turn and look at him. His cape catches the gentle breeze, moving with the wind as he leaves your backyard, diving headfirst into the bustling streets of Casia. 
Today marks a new era— no more sex with Mando. 
Three weeks have passed and he’s shown up three times since you rejected him. Each time he’s tried to start something, whether it’s a hand on your waist or pushing you up against a wall. You look away, anywhere other than his visor, making up whatever lie you’re going with that time. 
“I have a meeting to get to.” 
“I have a headache.” 
“I’m on my period.”
Your period. You figured that would warn him off better than any other excuse but he just replied, “So? Is that supposed to gross me out?” 
And for some reason, that made your tummy flutter. But it doesn’t matter. You rejected him all the same. 
“My cramps are really bad.” 
“Alright. See you next week.”
Maker, you’re going crazy. But at the end of the day, you can’t help but admire your own self-restraint. Rejecting his sexy voice, his intimidating glare, and the expert use of his hands is not for the faint of heart. 
You can go three weeks without having sex with Mando, sure. But you can’t go three weeks without coming. And your hand just isn’t cutting it anymore. 
Then an idea crosses your mind. 
Kham’s getting ready to head out on a supply run to Coruscant when it hits you– tag along this time. 
“Hey, Kham?”
“Do you mind if I tag along this time?”
“No, not at all. But aren’t you worried about if… he stops by?”
He nods.
“Screw him,” you say with a laugh. 
The supply run to Coruscant is pleasant. It was nice getting off of Dantooine for once and catching up with Sid. On the way to Coruscant, you went over your numbers for the past few weeks and decided to give Kham a raise, which is well deserved considering how often he goes on supply runs for you. 
When you landed at the docking yard, you told Kham that he could handle the supply run while you had some… personal shopping to do. You bought a simple, gray dildo at the sex shop in the lower levels, along with a bottle of lube. And with that, you walked back to Sid’s ship feeling like you’re in control of the Mando situation for once. 
It’s the next night and you’re home, lying in bed. You think of Mando as you slide the lubricated toy in and out of you. Your eyes close and you picture him, guiding you through it as you pleasure yourself. 
But then— footsteps. They draw closer and closer, followed by a familiar modulated voice. You glance at the clock on your nightstand but regardless of what time it is exactly it doesn’t matter. It’s the middle of the night. What is he doing showing up now? 
“Sorry to stop by so late. Ran into a few bandits on the outskirts of town and now I need to restock. They did a number on me.”
For a man of few words he isn’t shutting up for once. You freeze, hoping he’ll do what he normally does and rummage through your shit in the basement. 
But the footsteps draw closer and as hard as you try to scramble upright, he catches you in the act. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Nothing,” you quickly say, sitting up.
He sits at the foot of the bed and gently coaxes you back down while his other hand spreads your thighs apart. 
“What’s this?”
“...A toy.”
“Tell me, ruusaan, is it better than me?”
“That’s right,” he tuts, cocking his helmet to the side. 
He reaches for the toy and thrusts it in and out of you, lowering his helmet to hover just inches above your face. You can’t bring yourself to gaze into his visor so instead of looking away you close your eyes. 
“Open those pretty eyes,” he says sternly, grabbing your chin. 
You open your eyes and meet the intense stare of his visor, quivering underneath him as he reminds you, “I own every inch of you.”
“Yes, Mando,” you squeak, voice growing to a higher pitch as he brings you to the edge of orgasm. 
Like waves crashing on the shore, like a volcano erupting, like a flower blooming, you cum. Your cunt clenches the toy as you look directly at Mando. It’s not like you have another choice, his grip on your chin is so tight, reminding you that he owns you. 
But if he owns you, why won’t he love you?
Once you’re done coming he pulls out the toy and sets it on the bed, swiftly standing up and placing his hands on his belt. 
“I’m going downstairs,” he says plainly, turning and leaving your room, leaving you there; a wet and shivering mess. 
Typical Mando.
You get up and pull on a robe, meeting him downstairs as he thumbs through your stock. It throws you off not following your typical routine. But as he basically cleans your inventory out, you ask him, “Do you need… anything else?”
You hope he’ll catch your drift although you’re silently cursing yourself for crawling back to him, wanting sex again. But his answer shocks you.
“Not tonight,” he shrugs, walking over to you with his purchases. He hands you a fistful of credits, more than enough for what he took. It always is. And then he heads up the stairs, turning and looking at you on the top step.
“Good night, ruusaan.”
And then he’s gone. 
You can’t get mad that he said no to sex. But you can hyper-fixate on the reason why. 
Do you not do it for him anymore? Does he have someone else who satisfies his needs? How long until he finds someone else with better prices? Someone who’s in a better location? Someone who puts out?
Stop. You’re getting irrational. Go to bed. 
You schlep up the stairs and crawl into bed, trying your best to fall asleep. But your thoughts are plagued with your worst nightmare. 
You spend the next week internally sulking. But in the wake of your feelings, you decide you need a pick-me-up, in the form of a night at the cantina. You know that tonight is the time Mando typically stops by but you don’t know if you should care or not. His actions and his words don’t match. And you’re sick of giving yourself to him time after time all for him to disregard you and your feelings. You’re still mad at yourself for even offering sex and almost breaking your streak last week. How could you be so stupid? Catching the blues for a man who dishes out nothing but mixed signals. A man who does nothing but use you. 
You’ve got a lot of reevaluation to do but tonight you’re tossing your feelings aside, burying them down with alcohol, and having a good time. 
Sheva’s working tonight, like always; with the growth of Casia it seems like all you two do is work. But you’ll settle for seeing her at work rather than not seeing her at all. 
You’re sitting at the bar, nursing your third round of revnog. You’ve spent the night making small talk, chatting with some of your regular customers. Sheva comes over to say something to you but she stops mid-sentence, looking past your head. You turn and follow her gaze, eyes landing on none other than Mando. 
He comes directly over to you, hand resting on his belt as per usual. 
“How’d you know to find me here?”
“Where else would you be if you’re not at home?”
“You went to my house first?”
“Mhm. I need to buy more supplies.”
“Well…” you start, trailing off and eyeing the room. Maybe it’s the revnog talking but all you want most is to make him jealous. “I’m not ready to go home yet,” you declare, standing up and scanning the room again for your pawn in this game. 
Almost everyone here is with someone already but a lone stranger in a booth catches your eye. He’s a bit… shady looking. He’s tall and his smirk is unsettling. His hair, long and greasy, is tied back into a messy ponytail, exposing his five o’clock shadow on his face. 
…You suppose he’ll do. 
You walk over to his booth and sweetly ask, “Is this seat taken?” gesturing to the empty seat across from him. 
“Yes…” he starts, leaning back and patting on his lap, “But this one isn’t.” 
“Okay,” you fake giggle, sitting gingerly on his lap. Maker, he smells…
You glance over at Mando, trying not to make what you’re doing any more obvious. You’re hoping he’ll cause a scene. You’re hoping for a fight as terrible as that sounds. 
But you don’t get it. 
Instead, Mando shakes his head and leaves, much to your chagrin. 
“Would you excuse me?” you say to the stranger, swiftly getting out of the booth and heading outside, not bothering to wait for a response. “Are you kidding me?!” you say, storming out of the cantina after him. The cool nighttime air sobers you up a bit. Now you’re ready to start a fight. 
“What?” he asks, not even phased. He’s still walking away and at this point, you’re chasing him down the street. 
“Why didn’t you care?”
“About what?”
“About the other guys in the cantina.”
“Why would I?”
A thought crosses your mind. It’s impossible to ignore.
What if you were right? What if… there’s someone else? 
That can’t be. You would know if there’s someone else, right?
But then what he said to you that one fateful day crosses your mind. 
You don’t know me. You don’t know anything about me. You don’t even know my name. 
That’s all true. He could have some wife or girlfriend out there in a part of the galaxy you’ve never heard of. Maybe that’s where he spends all his free time. Maybe that’s why he’s so reluctant to be affectionate with you. Maybe you’re the someone else. 
“You weren’t jealous?”
“Is there… someone else?”
He stops walking and turns to face you. He gets impossibly close, his visor practically burning a hole into you as he delivers the most devastating thing he could possibly say. 
“You would have to be someone for there to be someone else.” 
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Fic notifs: @beskarandblastersfics
Dividers: @saradika-graphics
Tag list: @wannab-urs @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @clawdee @schnarfer @djarins-cyare @chiyo13 @burntheedges @littlegrungegirlaf @freelancearsonist @survivingandenduring @pedrostories
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babygirlboeser · 2 days
okay what do you think each of their love languages would be
- luke anon
OOOOH this is fun. can u have multiple? i don’t really know a lot about the different love languages but i’m gonna try bcuz i love this question.
rempe is definitely physical touch. loves loves loves holding you. loves your morning cuddles. loves random nap cuddles. loves having you lay on his chest while u fall asleep. always has a hand on ur thigh in the car. just always needs to be close to u🥲🥲🥲 if he’s had a rough day the one thing that always makes him feel better is laying his head on your chest and listening to your heartbeat while you play with his hair and kiss his head, mumbling sweet nothings to him. he’s a big teddy bear and needs his cuddles and kisses :(
bedsy is a bit of everything? as for what he needs from you, i feel like words of affirmation is his main love language. random compliments and praise from you make him so happy. he gets all cute and blushy and gets butterflies when you compliment him or praise him (especially during sexy times. he can be SO blushy and shy) kind words, communication, approval and support from you are what make him feel appreciated and supported and cared for. it also makes him really happy when you come to his games, knowing that you’re there supporting him makes him feel loved. your relationship means the world to him, and his career is also so important to him and he really appreciates reassurance that you support him, and are sticking by him no matter what. as for how he shows his love, he’s an awkward lil guy and doesn’t always know how to express his feelings verbally so acts of service is a big thing for him. doing whatever random little things he can to help you out and show you he cares. he’s also big on physical touch, you both feel so safe and loved when you’re wrapped up in each others arms. every night you cuddle so close and give each other lots of sweet little kisses. it’s a way you can both show your love without having to say anything.
arty is quality time. he loves taking you on dates, trying new hobbies with you, learning new things together or teaching each other random stuff, just any way that he can spend time with you really. he’s generally a quiet guy but once you get closer and he gets more comfortable he’ll open up, and he loves how you two can just talk for hours on end, giving each other undivided attention. whether it’s deep conversations or just whatever random crap comes to mind, he loves that you actually want to listen to him ramble, spend time with him, and pay him attention. he loves the sound of your voice and would love learning new things about you. this man would just never get tired of your company and adores spending time with you. sometimes you don’t even have to interact, even just being together at home while you read or watch tv or cuddle or whatever makes him happy. he just wants to be near you. he’s a quiet shy lil guy, and just being together in comfortable silence can make him so happy. he just likes being close to his girl. i feel like he would also get you gifts all the time to show his love, if he ever saw some random little thing he thought you might like, he would buy it. it makes you so happy, just the fact that he looked at something and immediately thought of you and thought ‘she would like this’ warms your heart. also a touch of words of affirmation for him. after a loss everyone wants to blame the goalie, and he worries that you’ll be disappointed in him. you like to have him snuggle up to you or lay his head on your chest while you play with his hair and tell him you’ll always be proud of him as long as he’s trying his best, which you know he always is. you could never be disappointed in him and it hurts your heart that he even thinks like that.
vange is quality time. you would plan the cutest little dates together, go new places together, etc. he would just love spending time with you and trying new things. one of your fave things to do is cook together and try new recipes even if you fail, you guys would be laughing so hard and making such a mess and it would be so fun. he also loves when you travel with him on away games because he gets so excited to drag you around showing you his favourite places in every city.
(sorry this took a while to post i wrote half of it then accidentally forgot about it for like 4 hours)
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falaihullo · 14 hours
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LH44 x Reader
-pretending he doesn’t own his Monaco home
Warning: shitty writing and rushed since I’m at work
I’ll fix it when I get home
Was supposed to just be a simple hook up, that’s all. Following him around the world was simply because they were just friends before this mistake. Not y/ns words but his words, the next morning exactly. Y/n knew she had feelings for Lewis but never got the chance to act on them so she hid them.
The Monaco sun coming through the curtains of the hotel room Y/n happened to be staying in. Feeling a weight on her stomach she looked over to see a shirtless Lewis. Laying there for a minute thinking about what happened last night.
They were at the club drinking nonstop, dancing together with their bodies pressed against each other, then kissing each other in the elevator like the kisses were air, suddenly in his room stripping clothes off each other.
The movement of his arm breaks Y/N out of her thoughts. “Fuck” he says rubbing his face.
“Yeah” she mumbles shifting upwards, Lewis following same movements but with sheets to her chest.
“This was a mistake” he mutters grabbing his phone checking social media to make sure no one saw.
“Mh” was the only response she could from feeling like he’s sticking pins in her chest.
Moving to the side of the bed, she grabs her shirt that was on the ground to get dressed. The faster she’s out of there, the better.
“No one posted anything about us being together since it’s a normal occurrence” he says still on his phone. Holding my heels and phone in one hand as I open the door to leave.
“I’ll see you later?” He questions looking up at her as she pauses facing the door.
“Probably” she says weakly before making her way to where she was staying, thankfully only a floor below.
That had been over 2 months ago and basically the last time they spoke. Lewis tried to reach out for her to join him during races again like nothing happened. At first she contemplated whether that would be good for her, ultimately deciding that it was a bad idea. She was going to stay in paris away from him for as long as possible. The no contact will cause her to lose feelings…or she hoped. Seeing paparazzi catching Lewis making out with another woman dug the knife even deeper.
“Y/n, get dressed” Lily says walking in her apartment.
“No, why?” She stubbornly said still watching the show playing.
“Because you been here moping around for the past week. Let’s go party, you never get to see me now that you stopped traveling with…” she trails off
“I’m not moping, just don’t have the energy to party now”
“Sounds like moping to me, let’s go now” she demands turning off the show. Y/n rolls her eyes but does as she’s told.
“Look hot” Lily yells from the other room.
Lilymhe story
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Caption: guys help I lost Y/n in the club
LewisHamilton replied: what club are you even at??
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Caption: Nvm found her…
Danielricciardo: 10/10 would do it again
Story Seen by LewisHamilton
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Liked by LandoNorris, DanielRicciardo, Lilymhe, and 1,800,540 others
I don’t remember who I kissed but would do it again
Lilymhe: I don’t remember either but crying cause it wasn’t me
-Alex_Albon: uh hello?
-Lilymhe: not about you
-y/nofficial: not about you, go away
-alex_albon: wow that’s…insane
Danielricciardo: I think we were at the same club…
-y/nofficial: wait really, I barely remember last night
-danielricciardo: and it was me you kissed…
-y/nofficial: omg Danny I’m sorry 😭
-Danielricciardo: you’re a good kisser so that makes up for it.
Liked by Y/nofficial
User2: lewy/n gang how we feeling
-user3: love doesn’t exist
Looking at Danny’s comment the night comes back to her.
“Y/n! It’s been a while” Danny says over the music hugging her
“Danny omg yes” she says leaning into his hug
“Where you’ve been? We all miss you.” He asks letting go slightly to look down at her
“Oh yeah kinda fell out with Lewis” she says looking away.
“Wait…you had a crush on him though” he says confused.
“Yeah, well mistakes happened, his words not mine. But we don’t talk and he was seen kissing someone.”
“Let’s take a picture together…kissing. You know to show him what he’s missing”
“That’s insane…let’s do it” she says turning to Lily who’s witnessing the exchange. Pulling out her phone she hands it over to Lily who knows what to do.
It’s not long that her doorbell is going off cause the slight headache to get worse. Groaning she gets the door not looking into the peephole being surprised by Lewis standing in front of her.
“Oh dang what are you doing here” rubbing her forehead to calm the headache down. Moving aside to allow him in.
“You’ve been avoiding me then I see you kissed Daniel”
“Oh” all she can come up with
“That’s all? No explanation?” He says sitting on her couch.
“Fine you want an explanation!” She groans crossing her arms over her chest before continuing, “I had feelings for you, we hooked up and you said it was a mistake so I distanced myself then you were seen kissing someone.”
“What?” He whispers looking down.
“Yeah everyone else knew about the feelings, including Danny. So he kissed me to get back at you” she finished explaining while staring at his shocked state.
“You had feelings?”
“Yup” she says monotonously.
“I fucked up” he says to himself
“Yeah you did.” She says sitting down next to him but still far enough he doesn’t touch her.
“I’m sorry”
“It’s whatever” she says looking forward at the turned off tv.
“No, no it’s not” he sighs looking at the side of her face. Putting his hand under her chin he forces her to look at him. “I love you so much and I’ve known it but was scared to say anything” leaning towards her, he gently presses his lips to hers. Not a second goes by and she kisses back.
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rampantram · 1 day
So this was kinda off the top of my head but here’s a story for you featuring Barrett and Leshy, wholesome ending included.
Again…it happened again, it wasn’t hard to imagine but for it happen all at once…call it bad luck. Well no time to waist, it was time to call in the cavalry. At least it’s just one baby they’d have to look after this time, the twins were spending the day with the other twins…Aym and Baal yes those were their names. Sozo wasn’t sure what to make of them accept the fact they were excellent fighters and survivalists, they also seemed very taken to Narinder for some odd reason. Either way he was just thankful the Lamb’s older children were away…but that was left with a small issue.
“Which one of you is going to look after the infant?”
The four bishops stood there, staring at the doctor for what seemed like an eternity…well for only a minute before eyes fell on Leshy who…oddly was silent. However this didn’t stop Sozo from approaching the worm in question.
“Leshy, you’ll be looking after Barrett. The rest of your siblings will help me with the recovery for the lamb and their spouses.”
“An you automatically decide to-“ before Leshy could finish the infant was placed in his arms, Sozo didn’t have time to argue; not with three sick people on hand. He turned but already he could feel everyone leaving him alone…with…the baby.
Well…not like he had a choice and it wasn’t a secret he liked his new niece. He just hated the fact they were being pushed on to him out of the blue, but he relented and walked outside with the little one. Fresh air would do them both good, it also gave him a chance to get a good ‘look’ at his new niece.
“So Barrett’s yer name, cute.” Leshy chuckled, he held the tiny infant up. Though his sight was bad he could make out some details.
Like the fact she was fluffy, squishy, had a ‘sleepy’ expression compared to her older siblings. He almost busted out laughing, recalling when Belle and Beau were born. How Beau had the same glower as Narinder while Belle sported a smile like the lamb. But this little one, they had a face identical to Ewe…especially when they pout.
“Oh yeah, ya got yer ma’s face. Wonder what yer gonna act like when you get big, maybe yer gonna be a spitting image of yer mom in looks and brain.” Leshy chuckled, gently pulling the little one back into a gentle hug. “So what are we gonna do, yer too small to play the games Belle likes. Doubt you’ll understand half the stories Beau likes to read, so tour it is!”
Leshy pulled out a long cloth, he had to give credit where credit was due. The mothers in the cult knew how to handle their babies, especially when working. He and Escher often saw mothers make harnesses out of old strips of cloth so they carry their babies on their backs. Though for this little tour of the cult grounds Leshy opted to tie the cloth into a ‘sling’ in front of him to hold the little bundle.
First place, the farmland, the one place Leshy enjoyed just as much as Escher and playing with the other children. They walked around the Camellia patches, past the pumpkins that looked ready to harvest, past the radishes an made their way to the store house. All while he pointed out each plant to her and explained what they were.
“Those are pumpkins, an those are radishes those grow very fast. Over there are my personal favorite, Camellias. They can be used for medicine, rituals and yer mama makes them into make up that drives your dad and baba crazy sometimes. I like to eat them the way they are, they’re tasty that way!”
Barrett blinked her eyes at the strange red blossoms around her, she watched as Leshy plucked one an shoved it into his maw. “Mm, yeah they’re not as good as the ones from Darkwood but they do in a pinch.”
Leshy took a few more and popped them into his mouth before walking on…pausing when he had a fun idea pop into his mind.
Well they were feeling better after two servings of Camellia tea and rest, though Ewe was more concerned on where her youngest was…poor thing was so out of it she didn’t realize Leshy had left with their youngest, Sozo had left with the others to give them some time to properly rest. She trusts Leshy there wasn’t a question but she was just worried on how her little infant was getting along without-
She blinked….there in the doorway was…a tall figure…with little Barrett sitting atop of it, it looked like a creature- oh wait that was Leshy.
“I am here to steal your soul oh wicked creatures!~”
The Ewe blinked, her hand raised to cover the budding smile forming on her lips. Her beloveds were still asleep, she debated whether to wake them up to see this but decided against it as the ‘creature’ approached…but kept a slight distance.
“If you wish toooo be spaaaared you must give me cookies!~”
The moment the ‘creature’ lifted its baggy limbs and wiggled them the laughing started, it just looked so silly, the oversized rob, her little baby sitting on top of a slightly visible green head and a oddly familiar voice trying to sound scary coming from the inside of the robe.
The Ewe held back a giggle and leaned back against her pillow with a contented smile. “An what if I refuse oh ‘scary beast’?”
It was then the act was dropped as Leshy proceeded to take little Barrett off his head along with the oversized robe. “Awe so we can’t scam you out of any treats huh?”
“Nope.” Said the Ewe, she blinked watching as Leshy placed little Barrett in the handmade sling along his chest. “Leshy…whats that?”
“This? It’s something the other cult moms do, mostly out in the fields. When their picking the food they have the kids on their backs but sometimes when their resting they have the kids in front ya know?”
Ewe blinked. “Can you show me?”
“Sure….on a condition.” Leshy had an evil grin on his face, at first the Ewe felt weary but..she answered. “A…what would that condition be?”
“You gotta make Narinder and The Lamb carry the baby like this for a whole day, deal?” Well…Ewe wasn’t expecting ‘that’ for a condition but she smiled. Her beloved Lamb and Narinder wouldn’t say no to this.
I hope you like it.
THIS - YOUU………… 🥺
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Thank you so much - this took me so long to read cuz I kept reading over each paragraph multiple times before moving on!! 😂
I truly love this, I’m going to come back and read it again and again and again. Thank you again for taking the time to write this~! 💕✨
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