#it would be extremely rude to do that
llamagoddessofficial · 11 months
Siren au! Instead of meeting in a aquarium like usual, what happens if they meet MC on a stranded boat. Maybe there was a shipwreck and she’s on a life raft, maybe on a piece of wreckage?
ohoOOOOOOO she's trapped in one of those rinky-dink life rafts with nothing but a tarp over the top to protect herself from the sun and rain, and a few day's worth of provisions.
What shall she do...
Sans: He's the first to find her, adrift in the middle of the ocean, with nothing but her raft and rations. Encountering a siren is scary enough on a big boat, let alone in a tiny little raft with nothing to defend herself. She's forced to watch a monster stalking her as she drifts alone in the endless ocean.
... But for some reason... he doesn't eat her. When he finally does approach the boat, he talks to her- despite the frightening look in his eyelights he's strangely approachable. And after that, he starts bringing her supplies. Though she still finds his mannerisms eerie, she's not exactly going to turn down his help... he brings fish, turtles, edible seaweed, birds he snatches off the water's surface, plastic bottles for collecting rainwater. If she can't bring herself to kill something he does it for her. He gives her endless survival tools- and in return, she indulges in his obvious desperation for someone to talk to.
She'd rather the crazy siren wants to help her, after all.
Red: She loves when Red shows up.
Again, at first, she was terrified when a massive shark siren started stalking up to her raft. She very nearly called out for Sans. But then Red popped up, put his arm over the edge of her boat- and he started flirting. She was so shocked that it genuinely made her laugh... something she thought she'd forgotten how to do, considering what she's going through. He regularly appears to just crack jokes, call her cute, and ask her about her life on land- she never would've thought a siren could be so funny. Now, when she hears that familiar "heya, pretty pearl~", she really can't help but light up.
He's clear that he's there to flirt, to play, to have a bit of fun. His easygoing aura keeps her sane... sometimes, it almost feels like he talks to her just to keep her from going mad.
Sans and Red clearly don't like each other. They both want to be her favourite, and they're both territorial. But when they fight, it really frightens her; she retreats into the raft and covers it with the tarp, refusing to come out for hours.
So they behave... just for her.
Skull: He only comes at night, when the darkness is absolute.
She hears the sound of him approaching. His tentacles twisting in the water. She lays flat on her back in the boat, hidden from view under the tarp, terror gripping her entire body. He knows she's there. She hears something brush against the hull, she hears something tapping a repeating rhythm just inches from her face, she feels when he grips the raft and her entire world instantly seems so fragile. She sees light, colourful glows creeping up from the other side of the raft edge... though her curiosity whispers at her to just look once, to see where the light is coming from, her terror keeps her absolutely stone still every night.
She doesn't know why he doesn't just tip the boat, he's clearly capable of it. She doesn't know why he never reaches into the raft, only remaining outside. Maybe he's playing with her. She doesn't know why he seems to like to hum to her, quietly...
... And she doesn't know why he's always gone by sunrise.
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beaft · 8 months
Not to be all Old Man Yells At Cloud, but when did it become so widely accepted for people to just. Not wear headphones in public? It's rare now for me to take the train or bus without someone blasting music or broadcasting their TikTok feed to the entire carriage. Is this getting more common or am I just getting grumpier?
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anormalkidingotham · 2 months
so i have two bosses and they're currently fighting about if we should keep delivering food to the joker because he never tips and always threatens the drivers (at least two have already gone missing after bringing him food) but he might try to get revenge if we blacklist him
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sysig · 6 months
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Haha, this Winterkov stuff is fun- where did all these other feelings come from (Patreon)
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songofwizardry · 3 months
ok SO I have recently become incredibly obsessed with the game Gubbins (if you have not tried it you SHOULD it’s fun) and I keep making my little postcards (you can make little pictures with the words you make that day) and I think they’re incredibly funny, SO: here you go, my favourites, with titles.
1 this one is called “my friend is a Druid”
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2 this one is called “wearing a crop top” (my partner made this one I can’t take credit)
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3 this one is called “archive of our own dot org”
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4 this one is called “I don’t have daddy issues”
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5 this one is called “good sex”
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6 and finally, this one is called “a life motto”
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ruinikaido · 4 months
i wish i was as social i make myself out to be irl, more social than the average awkward inept tumblr user is still not social enough
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cookinguptales · 1 month
aw, I got a piss on the poor addition to that story I told about that dinner with my parents. that's tumblr for you, I guess.
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augustsails · 7 months
I think my advisor is so neurotypical she cannot even fathom other people not being as neurotypical as her. Because why is she mad at me for doing exactly what I was supposed to do? I just didn’t tell her I had done it because she never asked, I was supposed to just know?? That she wanted me to tell her I did it?? So now I have to do it again and she’s giving the subtle ‘you fucked up’ vibes when I literally did exactly what she told me to do!
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living with people who Walk Extremely Fast while needing time alone in the shared house spaces to do your basic selfcare/starting-the-day routines + having Trauma around being seen even fucking existing in shared spaces, including a long-ongoing and hefty dose of it from said people themselves, is a living hell actually. especially when they insist on constantly leaving doors wide open that would normally mitigate the house being a fucking panopticon and also give you like two seconds' warning that they're entering the space so you can brace yourself or leave. Hate
#moogletalks#me: starves myself for hours; takes my medication extremely late; and spends 90% of my time trapped in my bed with my health deteriorating#while waiting for people to Fucking Go Somewhere Else and Stay There for Like 20 Fucking Minutes Jesus Christ#me: finally either musters myself to tiptoe out and quietly go about my business because i thought they found somewhere else to be#or just fucking gives up and braces myself for sandpaper to my triggers + probably filling the Flip Out and Abuse Moogle meter a little more#housemates: GOD YOU'RE SO FUCKING LAZY RUDE AND SELFISH YOU JUST WANT TO HOG THE COMMON AREAS AND HAVE EVERY LITTLE THING HOW YOU WANT IT#YOU'RE COLD AND UNFRIENDLY AND ONLY WANT TO LIVE HERE LIKE A LEECH BECAUSE YOU STAY IN YOUR ROOM ALL THE TIME#BUT ALSO I HATE SEEING YOUR FACE AROUND AND YOU DON'T SPEND EVERY MOMENT I CAN SEE YOU ENTERTAINING ME OR BEING ''PRODUCTIVE''#[MULTI-HOUR SCREAMING MATCH AND THREATENING TO MAKE YOU HOMELESS BECAUSE YOU HAD THE UPPITYBITCH AUDACITY TO ASK ME TO TURN A LIGHT OFF WHEN#I LEAVE A ROOM OR MAKE A LIST OF CHORES OR STOP TURNING THE THERMOSTAT TWO DEGREES PAST WHAT YOU CAN TOLERATE]#it's like fucking clockwork and i'm sick of it and when the people involved walk like they're training for the fucking olympics#and constantly remove or invade every single way for you to avoid them the tiniest fucking bit#it makes things a hundred thousand times more stressful!!!!!!!#and i KNOW most of these people would be doing the exact same thing with my bedroom if it was even slightly more socially acceptable#they would be straight up taking the bathroom door off its hinges so they can repeatedly walk in and out while you're trying to take a shit#it is a hundred thousand fucking percent a control thing and i hate it i hate it go AWAY. GO AWAY GO AWAY GO AWAY#abuse cw#ableism cw#venting cw#food insecurity cw#housing insecurity cw#traumatag#adventures in mental illness
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piningprecussionist · 5 months
i know you dont know all these people but press is acting strange
you can check it out if you want
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... huh. It's an interesting, if concerning, first impression, I suppose... Hope he's alright?
Nice poem though.
Is the incorrect their intentional?
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abluescarfonwaston · 2 years
Miles turn. He gets transformed into a child. 3 maybe 4? Maybe older- oh it's so hard to tell.
He moves to push Kay out of the way. Shield her. He succeeds. She's left terrified that he's disappeared until the bundle of clothes shifts. She grabs the bundle and hauls ass out of there.
He's tiny. Most people are at that age probably. He trails behind her and holds her skirt to avoid getting separated but won't say a word to her. Won't look her in the eye no matter what she says. Just occasionally taps her leg. Tap tap tap. He is super cute though.
She brings him to Gumshoe who Immediately is like CHILD!!!! A PROSECUTOR EDGEWORTH CHILD! Collapses in a pool of tears when Miles Actively moves away and hides from him.
Shields! He'll know what to do. They track him down while continuing to collect clues. Miles is dragged along (as Prosecutor Edgeworth would want!) And his unique perspective (so short) helps them track down the bad guys.
When they find Shields Miles beelines Right for him. Hides his face in his pantleg. Tapping on it. Motions for his hat, and promptly sticks his entire face in it.
"... Got a headache there Miles?" A nod. "I bet we can fix that. But first do you want a hug?"
Shields is reduced to investigating one handed. Even once the kids Advil kicks in he still has to hold Miles hand.
Miles doodles dino feet on a photograph and Everything comes together all at once. They praise him So much for it. He mostly looks confused and uncomfortable.
At the end of the night they run into Wright having just sacrificed his wallet to the Fey stomachs. Shields is so grateful to have his hand back he doesn't even notice for a hot minute.
Miles is a barnacle on Phoenix. Tap tap taps his leg. Phoenix looks So confused until the weirdness snaps into place.
"Oh. Sure Miles. We can go home now."
When Phoenix holds Miles proper from in his arms that night he thanks him. Tap tap tap. For teaching him one of his family signs.
I would like to go home now. I would like to leave.
Thanks him for trusting him with that.
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callingcxrd · 6 months
God okay I don't normally complain about petty fandom problems or whatever but I just got a poll from a tag on my dash on if two characters are dating that literally one of them canonically HATES and is outright extremely rude to the other who did nothing and it overwhelmingly voted they were. This is not a cutesy baby and a tsundere one of them is just fucking awful to them for no reason YOU GUYS HAVE TO STOP CARING ABOUT CHARACTERS JUST BECAUSE YOU DECIDED THEY SHOULD BE SHIPPED TOGETHER
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vaugarde · 9 months
trying to look for a job relating to writing on handshake but its all AI training bullshit *family guy death pose*
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u know i’m not sure if it’s because i read the series pretty young but i never got into percabeth even though i like their characters and enjoyed the narrative of them growing up and getting together !🫣 i think it works for the story but i don’t have any strong feelings abt it
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#the shark is 2 soften the blow. in fact the shark is saying this not me he is speaking thru me. i am merely a vessel#i do not have a single pjo ship. the characters get together and i go ah. that makes sense <3#actually wait sometimes i say no <3 hashtag free leo from rr and hazel too#also. i will die on the hill that jason/leo works better than their canon ships#apparently i do have opinions 😳#i do think percabeth is super cute but i think reading it back when romance in books kind of annoyed me made me not get the hype#like if i had the patience to reread the first series now i would probably be a lot more into it#i think i was more invested in the trio than in their individual relationships with each other#grover percy and annabeth was soooo cuuuute i miss them#also seeing people hate rachel for being a girl with a crush made me super annoyed! she’s just existing omg 😭#i kinda made me :/ at the percabeth shippers for a bit#annabeth was so rude in that situation and she was supposed to be! she’s growing up and trying 2 be her best self but she has flaws too#she has a lot of flaws and that makes her interesting but not Correct#tbh percabeth was the only option story wise but i don’t think rachel/percy is an extremely offensive concept#i do recognize that the way her character was treated is a product of That Time when it was cooler to hate girls 🥲#i hope she’ll get a lot more love in the new show and people will acknowledge her as more than a home wrecker or whatever#🎵​that one sabrina carpenter song i watched in target🎵#(all because i liked a boy or smth?)#yo that song looks so funny because her background dancers are almost all woc#which is good great excellent But idk it looks hilarious when these girls are kicking and bullying the cute white blonde girl 😭😭#obviously i feel for her but the visual of it is unintentionally hilarious#if you read my tags you may be entitled to financial compensation#i talked enough on tumblr for today byeee
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actually, no. you know what? i am so sick of this “marinette is just a friend” bs. okay. cool. adrien said she was just a friend a few times. whatever. it’s not that big of a deal and everyone in the mlb fandom like. hyperfixates on that??? idc if it’s a “just a joke” because it’s utterly ridiculous at this point. i have literally seen people go on heated rants about how stupid or clueless adrien was during the umbrella scene because he called mari just a friend. are you kidding me??? y’all are really going to take away that moment for him? he just made like his first ever friend in nino and when he called her a friend, he looked so excited because this boy has only ever had one friend before. of course he’s going to call mari just a friend because he just met her and the only time she’s actually spoken to him outside of the suit at this point is to yell at him like... y’all...
and this is not me hating on mari because i love her so so so much. i just hate how passionate and heated fans get about this. i mean... y’all... adrien didn’t even think mari liked him??? like, in puppeteer two, he is literally upset because he came to the conclusion that mari hates him. also, of course he’s not like in love with or crushing on her when she’s barely spoken actual sentences to him! again, not me hating on mari and her nerves because like i get it, it’s hard. and also this is like adrien’s first time interacting with people as peers, so 1. of course romance is not his main priority 2. he doesn’t understand social cues or situations very well At All which is made abundantly clear in the show 3. i don’t... i don’t think adrien knows what affection is??? i mean, he’s definitely learned some over the course of the show, but he’s used to a neglectful / abusive father, his stoic assistant, his bodyguard who doesn’t really talk like at all, chloé being chloé, and hoards of fans declaring that they’re in love with him, hanging all over him, acting like he’s a shiny thing rather than a person, etc... so like. how is adrien supposed to actually comprehend that mari likes him???
and okay no my last point: so so so sick of the double standard. i have seen countless people rant and rave and scream and shout about how stupid adrien is for not returning mari’s feelings or knowing he has a crush on her and then these same people will turn around and berate chat noir and say things like “gosh ladybug isn’t obligated to return his feelings:/” like... hELLO??? why is ladybug not obligated while adrien is??? it’s ridiculous and disgusting and i’m so so so tired of “just a friend” jokes on tumblr, in art, in fics, in youtube compilations... like... can’t we be normal about this? and i don’t mean normal as in “casually enjoy” i mean normal as in can we stop being so aggressive and harsh and hostile towards literal fourteen year olds my God they’re children they’re allowed to make mistakes and mess up and my God the way y’all talk about lila is disgusting, too like i hate her but i don’t want her tortured and killed??? and the way people characterize the classmates as physically and verbally assaulting mari because of lila??? like... my God they would never??? they would all honestly side with mari chameleon is a bad episode and is poorly written and everyone is out of character please use your critical thinking skills and understand that chat noir is not harassing ladybug anymore than mari may be harassing adrien (aka they are not harassing each other at all my God) and stop insulting and demonizing fourteen year olds so your otp can get together thanks
#i have. feelings.#sorry y'all#this may be harsh but i am so beyond sick of it#i've been going through the classmates tag on ao3 and filtered out all the s.alt fics for all the characters and the majority of the fics#i'm seeing are aggressive lila takedown fics or like unproperly tagged s.alt fics#where the classmates are still rude and aggressive and bully mari when even lila doesn't really bully mari that badly??? like yes it is#awful that she tried to get her expelled and lied a bit about her but lila has never been physical nor tried to kill mari and nor would any#of the classmates actually turn against her like. they may disagree with her or think she may be acting on her crush and yes lila did#threaten mari in the bathroom but like... what has she done since then? try to get her expelled and then... nothing. like. this is Not me#saying not to take bullying seriously but people take it to the extreme with lila and how she treats mari in fics and i am so so so sick of#it!!! i just want to read mlb classmate fics where they're all silly and being teenagers without mari being unreasonably and uncanonically#bullied and without the tags 'alya/adrien/classmate redemption' HELLO??? WHY DO THEY NEED TO BE REDEEMED??? THEY AREN'T VILLAINS??? THEY ARE#FOURTEEN??? as a rule of thumb i refuse to read fics with those tags like sorry but if you tag fics like that then you obviously don't know#the characters. i'm sorry if this sounds mean or harsh it's just exhausting trying to find fun or sweet or found family mlb fics because so#many of them are so negative and ooc and involve like extreme hatred towards fourteen year old fictional children... like... how do we not#see the problem with that??? like... am i overreacting??? please someone tell me they agree with me!!! i've been working on this really#stressful assignment that determines whether i graduate my future career and also costs three hundred dollars to take so i've been really#stressed and every time i try and take an mb fic break i end up more stressed because the fandom is so cruel to children ahhhhhhhh#okay i am. done. maybe i'll delete this later... i just need to see if someone agrees with me because i am. :))) on the verge of losing it#lol#mlb
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toiletpotato · 1 year
the casting directors of The Wiz and Wicked have an opportunity to do the most thing imaginable
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