#it would be so funny if this because one of those reblog chains
hiro-doodlez · 1 year
Rating all of my mental illnesses!!
Anxiety- I'm scared. 0/10
Depressions- IM SAD. -18738292/10
DPDR- i am robot. I here? Where? Me what? 1/10
Homosexuality- 10/10 /j
This is a new reblog challenge. Rate your brain uhohs!!!
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blackkatdraws2 · 4 months
I'm involved in a Stanley Reblog Chain and put effort into these drawings so I'll post them here too.
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[The other characters belong to insomniphic / beartitled / and marionette-j2x]
[Just me rambling underneath!] ↓
Tumblr has a tag limit and it grates my nerves to no end to know that I can't ramble as much as I'd like to...
Stanley and the bad bitch he pulled by being a loser. Imagine having a hot babe deform reality just to be together with you because he sensed you were feeling lonely without him. [WHEN IS IT MY TURN?!]
It's funny because with the general vibe of their AU, it would make sense for him to show up in the most flashy but also unnerving way possible. The Narrator's [Black's] arrival has to grab people's eyes since attention and views are what he's all about.
I wasn't sure what type of characterization they had so I just played it safe and [tried to] draw how my characters would respond instead of blindly guessing how the others would talk or act around each other. [My Stanley is antisocial and an anxiety-ridden freak.]
Also, I've been wondering what their height differences actually were when I saw my Stanley have to look up at Marionette's Narrator [since this guy is pretty damn tall] so I did a bit of digging and this was what I found.
I had a lot of fun making this by the way. It's been a while since I've participated in any Reblog Chains that involved character interactions and making comics, so it's a real throwback to when I first started posting TSP art in 2023.
Stanley here is an absolute social shutoff teehee, but he does talk back when talked to. His responses usually leave no openings to continue the conversation though. He's the type of guy to stay on the corner and watch everyone else.
As for the Narrator [Black] he's a bit strange. He's proper in public, but he doesn't think the other people are special [or not as special as he is at least]. He just doesn't care to be honest, he keeps to himself [along with Stanley] and that's it. It's a miracle for Stanley to have even pulled somebody like Black considering their personalities are the type to clash with one another. [They love each other though, genuinely. Despite how deranged they can be towards each other sometimes, that development took a long time to be nurtured into something healthier for those two.]
Also, 4th wall breaking in action!!!!!!!!!!!
Black didn't want to interrupt this comic since it was made for Stanley but after the other three came in he lost reservations and came in as well.
[Copy and Pasting the tags of my other post because I am NOT re-writing all of this...]
These two would probably just stay in their own spot [somewhere quiet and more alone]. This place is a bit too crowded for their liking. But I would be very happy to jump on any opportunity to make my guys interact with the others!!!!! Don't be afraid to throw a bone [prompt] for me to bite on, okay?
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pawl3ss · 18 days
I came here to be a hater and hate on the minecraft movie trailer.
Get ready because this is probably the longest and the most autistic post ive made so far
I wont talk about the weird cgi and how unprofessional it looks but about how inaccurate the trailer is because it pisses me off and I have to be a nerd about it <3
ALSO IM NOT SURE IF TUMBLR WILL LET ME POST ALL OF THIS IN ONE POST so if it doesnt ill reblog with the rest <:3
first of all, those are NOT minecraft mountains.
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Yes such seeds exist and you can find smt like that super easily in the game but it does NOT look so blocky
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It should be a bit more smooth like here ⬆️
Next, what the fuck happened to the flowers.
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Alot of the plants, trees, etc look like a disrespectful rip off of minecraft
Talking about plants, the trees are a big wtf
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On the first pic you can see the log is SO THIN. LIKE THINNER THAN A TOOTHPICK. In the second you can see it is thicker, but because the block that fell out is so Itty bitty, you have to make the tree thinner.
The tree is as wide as the players, and when the block falls out its bigger than whatever the fuck this is. Yes I understand they have to carry the blocks and they can't make it too big, but you know what's a good solution? - make the blocks bigger when they fall out, but make them shrink when they get close/get put into a chest or inventory. SO EASY
Also I know you can find pink sheep naturally in the game, but oh come on.
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You want to show how sPeCiAl the characters are and that they're sOoOoOo special they found a pink sheep on their spawn but oh my God you could have just let it be a normal sheep.
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and why is the creeper so, fluffy. Creepers are NOT made out of fur they are made of what alot of minecraft players suspect rotten skin like zombies or a skin-alike material, but it is NOT fur.
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Also, *wrong buzzer sound* llamas don’t just spawn naturally. Unless theres a wandering trader (or however theyre called in english) they aren’t able to spawn just like that. They also usually have the carpet on their back.
EDIT: TURNS OUT THEY DO SPAWN NATURALLY IN MOUNTAIN BIOMES. still the Llama being here looks like they just put her there to try and "be funny" ykwim?
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I also wanted to also say, this one character I feel that they're gonna be the most stereotypical, annoying one out of the whole movie and my ears hurt just looking at them
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I wanted to say that the portal shouldn't be blue but like. Only the nether portal is purple, it's unknown how other portals look so... yeah
But still wtf is this cube??? What's the fuck are you holding young man???
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Also, talking about mobs, piglins dont look like that, they dont have red light in their eyes, they dont have those drum-things because THEY DONT EVEN EXIST IN MINECRAFT which i will get to latur. They aren’t able to build like that, they aren’t able to get wood for trapdoors and for the fences and iron for the chains. Also they do not even know how to craft, they probably domt even know what a crafting table is. And ghasts also aren’t able to be in the overworld. I understand that theyre invading the land ans taking over but still Like Cmon >:(
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I also wanted to say that this is not how nether looks but like. It does a bit, like where the piglins usually spawn ykwim? so ill give them that, the nether looks alr
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Anyway TALKING ABOUT THINGS THAT DONT EXIST IN MINECRAFT: whatever this is, it isnt craftable in minecraft, unless there are mods installed. But the „mods” excuse can be used for everything in this post. It was the first thing i saw that pissed me off so badly that i had to make this post because like JUST USE ALL THE STUFF THAT THE ORIGINAL FRANCHISE HAS TO OFFER! NORMAL BUCKETS WOULD PROBABLY WORK JUST FINE!
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Last but not least, if you think those two are the same character ive got some bad news for you buddy.
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At least dye his beard brown. At least get the colours right. Please.
I think i mentioned everything i wanted. Lets hope the movie will get fixed or will turn out to be at least a bit better.
Thank you for letting me get nerdy about it <3
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pinkthrone445 · 11 months
"A Blessing from God"
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender: hurt, very fluff.
Warnlings : (+18) strong words, mention of sex, vulgar language, homophobic coments, church talking and mention of God.
Summary:Melissa decides to accompany Barbara to church one day, she never thought she would find the love of her life there. When she realizes that the priest, meaning, your father, is homophobic, treats you badly and hurts you , decides to defend you from him and take care of you.
-"Come on! come with me to church, I always ask you and you never go! The other day you said you'd be willing to kill for me, so come on, come on Melissa, you'll have a good time, I promise."- Barbara begged her friend for the tenth time in the same day and the redhead looked at her seriously, taking off her glasses and putting aside the notes she was reviewing
-"Barbara, killing someone is easier for me than going to church for the first time in ten years, plus I have a feeling that if I go to church, the moment I set foot inside, I'll set myself on fire or be struck by lightning and I'm too beautiful to die" -The redhead commented, laughing at the sight of her friend's face
-"Please Melissa, my husband won't be able to attend and I don't want to go alone, plus it's not a reunion thing, it's just a day of recreation in the church park, there will be food, games and music. Please think of it as a return for that time I threatened a church member because you asked me to do so to get funds for the school"-The brunette looked at her earnestly, and she sighed
-"Okay, I'll go with you, but only because I love you and because there's food, but if they try to do a group hug or want us to sing together, I'll leave," Melissa said and her friend clapped her hands excitedly
-"Perfect! I'll be waiting for you on Saturday! Really, thank you Melissa, I appreciate it so much" - The eldest replied and the redhead waved her off with her hand.
When Saturday arrived, Melissa tried to think of an excuse not to go, it's not that she didn't believe in God, her house had a couple of crosses and she wore a chain with one around her neck every day, even her family was very religious. Her faith wasn't the problem, she just didn't like going to church, she found it tedious, God was everywhere all the time, not limited to one place.
The redhead sighed, honking her horn at her friend's house and waiting for her to come out so she could drive to church. When they arrived, the two friends were a great contrast, Melissa was serious and frowning without greeting almost anyone, Barbara was smiling from ear to ear waving and talking to everyone. The eldest was very happy to be able to share this with her friend, she liked to be with her and share aspects of her life, especially those that were happy occasions like that one.
After having greeted almost everyone, along with Melissa's complaints about so many people who wated to hug her, they went to the appetizer table. While they were choosing what to eat, something, or rather someone, caught the redhead's attention. A young woman in her twenties something or thirties in a flower dress was teaching and playing with some little kids. The children looked at her adoringly, following and paying close attention to what the girl told them, she smiled the hole time looking at them with great tenderness and exaggerated her expressions to make the children laugh and keep their attention, she even made funny voices and that made the redhead laugh when she heard her talking. The children were entranced by the woman who was teaching them, and Melissa was in the same state, unable to take her eyes off the young woman, she had never seen someone who looked so angelic, even the sunlight seemed to go from her hand every time she moved, accompanying her in every step she took to establish her beautiful smile. Apparently, Melissa had stared at the young lady so much, that she had felt it and looked up scanning the crowd looking for someone, a small smile appeared on the lips of the youngest when she saw the redhead looking at her, she barely nodded her head in greeting, to return her attention to the children. So bewitched was the red-haired woman watching her that she didn't hear the five times her friend called her name, it wasn't until the older one gently tapped her arm that Melissa came back to reality
-"Where were you? I lost you for a moment, I was talking to you and you didn't listen to me"-Melissa turned to see her friend smiling like a fool
-"I was in paradise, I believe the spirit of god came into me and blessed me with a beautiful vision"-Melissa spoke jokingly- "What did you need?"
-"I was telling you that there was going to be a talent show, in case you wanted to go and see"- the eldest spoke and her friend nodded accompanying her to the stage that people had set up in the middle of the venue. As they watched the various "talents," children dancing, groups playing instruments, some comedies, and a puppet show, Melissa couldn't avoid her eyes from wonder off to the woman she'd seen before, who was closer to her than before, because she was also watching the talent show with the children. A particularly horrible singer made Melissa look back at the stage with a disgusted face, her friend laughed at the sight of her
-"I know, he sings horribly, and yet every year he comes back on stage to sing... Years ago, when the pastor's daughter showed up to sing, no one else did it because no one could compete with her, that young woman was a blessing for the ears, everyone always knew that she was the guaranteed winner, no one could overshadow her. But since she no longer performs, many dream of singing like she did..."-Barbara commented, and Melissa looked at her curiously
-"What happened to the pastor's daughter? Why doesn't she sing anymore?" - The red-haired woman asked and followed with her gaze where her friend was pointing, she was surprised to see that she was pointing to the young woman who had caught her attention since she first saw her-"Is that the pastor's daughter?" - She asked and her friend nodded sighing
-"That young woman has been through a lot, she was dating another woman from the church, when her girlfriend cheated on her and she found out, she broke up with her girlfriend, but the girlfriend got angry and told the pastor that they had been a couple for a while. The pastor couldn't bear to have a lesbian daughter so he began to punish her for her 'sin', forbade her to sing in the band where the young woman was, forbade her to participate in the church choir and removed her from all activities where there were other women. He only lets her work taking care of the children, otherwise she has to be by his side all the time... Her mother abandoned her when she was little because she couldn't stand her father anymore, her grandmother took care of her but since she passed away two years ago, she has been alone with him, suffering how he punishes her only because of her sexual orientation. He's a good man to others, but he treats her like garbage. I tried to do something for her, but since he's the pastor, they didn't pay much attention to me. In addition, the other elders and members of the church treat her like the plague because they also think that she is a sinner, as if they were not worse, cheating on their partners, having lovers and stealing money from the church..."-Her friend spoke without holding her tongue, used to speaking freely with her friend. Melissa listened very carefully to everything the eldest said about the pastor's daughter.
-"Let's say hello to her, so you can introduce her to me formally and she doesn't feel left out because some people don't greet her because of who she is" - Melissa commented and her friend agreed by walking next to the young woman
-"Good morning (Y/N)" - Barbara said, catching your attention, making you turn around smiling kindly
-"A good morning indeed dear Barbara, how are you? How is your family?" -You asked sincerely and looked at the redhead too - "Good day for you too, it's nice to see new faces here" - You said smiling at her and Melissa was convinced that miracles did exist, miracle was to see you smile
-"The family is fine, my husband had to work and that's why he didn't come, but I brought a friend to keep me company"-said the eldest waiting her friend to introduce herself, but Melissa was too dumb looking at you to interpret the situation
-"I guess you're Melissa Schemmenti, Barbara talks a lot about you, she always tells me stories from school that make me laugh, I like you even though I didn't know you before"-you replied sincerely smiling and the redhead laughed silly listening to you and clarified her voice
-"I hope she only told you the good things, a pleasure to meet you"-She kissed your cheeks in greeting and made you blush a little
-"Sadly she only told me the good things, although I still think the bad things are more fun to hear" - you replied and the redhead laughed loudly, she didn't waited that answer from you
-"Do you have time? Because I have a lot of funny stories to tell you then..." - She smiled seductively and you couldn't help but see from the corner of your eye how your father approached, making you tense, the eldest saw your change of attitude and turned to find a tall man, dressed in a suit, looking at you with seriousness, without a doubt it was your father, the pastor.
-"Good morning ladies, daughter"-greeted the man, you and Barbara returned the greeting but Melissa didn't, she just looked at him seriously.-"I couldn't help but come to say hello to the new face, it would be nice to see you again in the church, it always makes us happy to have new people" - your father commented and Melissa nodded looking at him with superiority
-"Don't worry, you will definitely see me again, I found something in your congregation that caught my attention enough to keep coming" - commented the redhead with a double meaning looking at you out of the corner of her eye, your father didn't notice thinking she was talking about the church, but Barbara and you did, making you blush, you apologize to them and walked away to continue taking care of the children. The redhead couldn't get another chance to talk to you that day.
Melissa went to church several weeks in a row after that interaction, enduring the pastor's tedious sermons, only to see you for a few minutes and talk to you. Her friend Barbara was happy to spend more time with her friend, even though she knew the true purpose of why she was going to church.
Seeing the redhead so regularly, you began to take a liking to her, she always spoke to you affectionately and made you laugh with her unexpected comments. You never imagined her as a religious woman, but you were happy to see her go to church every week. After talking to her so much, the two exchanged cell phone numbers to, according to her, "make an arrangement to go out so she could tell you more funny anecdotes".
After a couple of casual 'dates' (they weren't dates, but they weren't outings like you used to have with your friends either) you ended up going to school on open house day, Melissa invited you to hang out since according to her, many parents never attended those hours, so it would be a good time to distract yourself and laugh for a while. After you had made a homemade pizza, you went to the school to visit her. You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw a familiar face when you passed Barbara, who looked at you in surprise to see you there. After explaining to the eldest that her friend had invited you, she explained where the redhead was and you went in search of her.
You spent the whole night with her, eating, chatting, taking a tour of the school and her classroom, even playing poker together. Melissa had so many more entertaining and funny stories, you could spend hours listening to her. Unfortunately you had such a good time with her that time was always short, it was never enough. Before you knew it it was time to go home, without much encouragement you said goodbye to her and left.
Melissa was gathering her last belongings when her friend Barbara entered the room, a small laugh escaped the older one when she saw how the redhead smiled, whenever she saw you she smiled much more than usual, even her mood was better
-"Someone's happy... It had never occurred to me that you would invite her here, it's one thing to go to church to see her, but it's another thing to invite her to your work and introduce it to all your colleagues..." - the eldest commented and Melissa raised her shoulders smiling
-"We've become good friends over the past few months, I like her company, she is funny, she is nice to be around, she..."-she started talking without thinking and smiling like a fool thinking about you
-"I think you don't just like her company, I think you like her... Could it be that Melissa Schemmenti is in love with the pastor's daughter?" - The older one joked and Melissa just laughed
-"Don't talk nonsense Barbara, let's go or they're going to close the school with us inside" - The redhead said and walked into the parking lot with her
-"Since you're such good 'friends', did she tell you that tomorrow is her birthday?" - Barbara asked and the redhead denied -"they are going to celebrate it in a restaurant, you should come with me, I'm sure it will make her very happy to see you there"-The redhead nodded excitedly but couldn't help the pain she felt at having to find out from someone else that it was your birthday and that you weren't the one who invited her.
The next day, the red-haired woman dressed in her finest clothes and went to the address her friend gave. It was a very fine restaurant and with almost all the tables occupied, in one of them, there was you, your father, a girl with a baby that she didn't know and some people from the church, Barbara hadn't arrived yet. At the end of the table sat your father and next to him you, with a very serious face and she saw that you were uncomfortable, whenever he was close to you, you looked uncomfortable.
Melissa came to your side smiling and hugging you from behind, she hoped that it would make you happy to see her, but you only looked surprised and a little sad
-"Melissa... What are you doing here?" - You whispered and didn't hug her back, that hurt a little bit but she didn't let it show
-"Barbara told me that today was your birthday, since you never told me or invited me, I thought I would surprise you" - commented the redhead seeing how your eyes were a little watery-"Doesn't it make you happy that I'm here?"- she asked with pain in her voice
-"It's not that, I'm happy to see you" - you replied quickly-"it's just that..."
-"Melissa!" - Your father interrupted you to greet the redhead, who barely looked at him, she didn't like your father and she didn't do anything to hide it-"It's good to see you here, I asked my daughter who she wanted to see on her birthday but she didn't tell me anyone, so I invited who I thought she would want to see, sorry for not thinking of you."-Your father said in a kind tone that hid contempt
-"I didn't tell you anyone because I didn't want to celebrate... And you came up with the idea of inviting my ex with his partner and his son, among people I barely talked to...Thank you for that, father"-You commented sarcastically, you weren't in a good mood, you hated your birthday, and your father knew it
-"I invited more people, but they didn't want to come because they know what you're... And I only invited her because I thought she would be a good influence to you, you used to be very good "friends" and she is now with a man, I invited her to see if her way of being sticks with you"-He commented defiantly and you sighed, it was too early on the night and there were too many people to argue so you just put your head down, there was no point in responding to that comment. Melissa stood between you and your father, acting as a human shield with her body, preventing your father from looking at you
-"Really? Is the woman who not only had sex outside of marriage, but committed adultery and cheated, a good example? A woman whose only reason to confess her sin is that she couldn't abort that child because she realized too late that she was pregnant of her lover , that's your good example? I knew you were homophobic but not an idiot and a moron too-Melissa said angrily and turned to look at you, but you were no longer behind her, you were no longer in the restaurant. After searching for you for a few minutes, she found you outside the restaurant hugging yourself because of how cold the night had gotten. She carefully walked over and pulled her leather jacket over your shoulders
-"hey... Are you okay honey?"- She asked with real concern and saw that you were crying when you turned to look at her
-"I wanted you here... I wanted to spend my birthday with you, you're probably the only person I want to spend it with... But I didn't invite you because I knew this was going to happen, I hate celebrating my birthday, I don't have anyone to spend it with, I don't have my mother, I don't have my friends anymore and thanks to my father no one from the church wants to be seen with me. I hate my birthday because since my grandmother died, there is nothing about this date that makes me happy, there is no one to celebrate with me, celebrate me. This date is only useful to tell me everything I've been doing wrong all the years of my life. I didn't invite you because I feel like you're the only good thing left in my life and I didn't want to ruin that by getting you together with my father"-You sighed in pain and teary eyes, immediately the redhead hugged you to her chest, hiding you in her embrace
-"I'm sorry sweetheart, I didn't know, you don't deserve any of this, your father doesn't deserve to have you" - she whispered and kissed the crown of your head-"I've got an idea. What if we leave right now? We're already outside..."-she smiled
-"Where? What about my dad" - You asked just walking away from her so you could see her face but still hugging her
-"He can suck it, let's go home, I can cook for you, maybe gnocchi, I remember you telling me it was your favorite food when your grandmother cooked for you. We can watch a movie. If you want we can invite Barbara and the guys from school, you know they love you, maybe put a karaoke on TV and sing a little, I also have ice cream at home. What do you think?-The redhead asked with a big smile looking into your eyes, she wanted to do everything to make you happy. Without you being able to think or process what you were doing, you kissed her. No one had ever cared enough about you to defend you from your father and take care of you as she did. The redhead was shocked and stood still, causing you to pull away in embarrassment. Even if she didn't reciprocate the kiss, she did grab your waist tighter
-"I'm so sorry Mel, I don't know what got hold of me, I wasn't thinking clearly... I'm sorry..." -You murmured quickly and she caressed your cheek affectionately
-"Don't apologize sweetheart, you didn't do anything wrong, but is better if we go home, then we can give each other as many kisses as you want, but not here because your father can come out at any moment to yell at us, and I don't know if this time I will be able to contain my desire to hit him"-The redhead spoke in her strong Phili accent and you nodded as you got into her car.
After a short trip, the two arrived at Melissa's house. You really appreciated what she was doing for you, she was a woman who was very protective of her personal space and didn't invite just anyone to her home, you felt privileged to be there. While she was cooking, you looked at the pictures that were all over the house, she looked so happy in all of them, even the ones where she was fighting with her sister. Your body jumped a little when you felt the redhead hug you from behind, she ran her hands around your waist and rested them on your abdomen, resting her head on your shoulder
-"The food is almost done" - she whispered in your ear, you smiled and relaxed in her arms leaning more against the woman's body - "How are you feeling? Do you want me to invite the others?" - she asked softly and you shook your head
-"No, I just want to be with you, if that's okay with you. I'm calmer now, I feel relaxed and safe..." You commented sincerely, and the redhead smiled as she heard you.
-"It's your special day, we'll do everything you want"-the eldest whispered and kissed your cheek, carefully, she reached into her pocket and took out a small delicately wrapped package and put it in your hands-"happy birthday darling" - you smiled looking at her and when you opened it, you found a chain with a gold cross, you looked at the woman's neck and saw that she was missing her cross, the gift was her necklace, the one she wore every day and that you always admired because of how delicate it looked. You examined the gift, you saw that it was engraved "God loves you just as you are." You smiled more with your eyes a little watery
-"It's beautiful"-You whispered smiling, she took it out of your hands and placed it on your neck gently, giving you a small kiss on your lips, barely noticeable but it made you blush
-"Now you'll have something to remind you of me and remind you that there's nothing wrong with you, you're perfect" - she whispered and kissed your forehead, her thumb wiping a small tear that run down your cheek, then she hugged your waist-"Now let's eat before it gets cold"
Carefully and still hugging you, she led you into the kitchen and made you sit on the counter while she put a large portion of gnocchi on a plate with a great amount of cheese. Delicately she spread your legs and positioned herself in the middle with the plate in hand, with the fork, pricked a couple of potato doughnuts, blew them and put them in your mouth for you to eat, it was fucking delicious. You stayed like that for a long time, the two eating from the same plate in comfortable silence while looking at each other adoringly.
When you finished, Mel put the plate on the counter and took your hand gently caressing it
-"Would you like us to take a bath together? Maybe watch a movie in bed together after that..." - she whispered and kissed your hand-" or do you want to do it alone?... "
-"I would like do it with you"-You answered just in a whisper and she nodded going up the stairs with you and guiding you to the bathroom of the room, once there, she began to undress after having filled the bathtub. For your part, the only thing you could do was admire her, she was a beautiful woman and her body was too, her body was not like a young woman's, it was the body of a experienced lady, some marks here and some there, but that only made her more perfect. Melissa turned to see if you were undressing, but when she saw how you looked at her, a shiver ran through her body, you didn't look at her with lust, you looked at her with all the love in the world, as if she were the most beautiful woman in the whole universe. Carefully she came over and hugged you by the waist making you come out of your trance, delicately she put her hands under your blouse and helped you undress, then together you got into the bathtub, she behind and you in front of her, resting your back on her chest and closing your eyes. Not a word was shared, but it wasn't necessary at all. Mel carefully stroked your hair, massaging and washing it, kissing your shoulder every now and then
-"Mel?" - Your voice broke the comfortable silence, she hummed encouraging you to continue. You turned your head sideways to look at her out of the corner of your eye, and she smiled- "Why do you do all this?... The food, letting me come to your house, confronting my father, the necklace, the bath, the affection?..."
-"Because you deserve it, you deserve to be celebrated and happy, you deserve to feel loved, you deserve all the love..."-The redhead took your cheek and caressed it- "You deserve to be happy and I want to be one of the reasons that make you smile" - She smiled looking into your eyes and kissed you gently, as if you had all the time in the world, as if nothing and no one else existed. She kissed you like if you were all she needed to live. You had a long time kissing and enjoying each other's company, until the water got cold and you had to get out. Melissa carefully dried your body and then gave you one of her squared shirts to wear to sleep. Together you lay on the bed and you snuggled up on her chest to watch a movie, before you knew it, you had already fallen asleep while she was hugging you and playing with your hair. The best birthday of your life.
The next morning, you woke up late and Melissa was no longer in bed, you carefully went down watching her make breakfast while she hummed a song, you carefully hugged her from behind and rested your head on her back, the redhead smiled and turned to hug you against her chest kissing the crown of your head, the aroma of food and her perfume relaxed you more
-"I don't think I've ever slept so relaxed and peaceful in my life, I feel safe when you're near me" you murmured and kissed her lips softly
-"I'm glad to hear that... By the way, you look beautiful in my shirt" - she commented and you laughed against her lips-"We need to have breakfast quickly tho, I have one more birthday surprise" - she murmured smiling and you frowned
-"Another? You've already given me a gift and done a lot for me, I don't want anything else" - you replied and she made you sit at the table serving you a plate
-"Believe me, you want to see this gift" - she whispered with a knowing smile. After you had breakfast, you changed and went out to where the redhead had planned, she didn't want to give you any clues. She parked at the church and that confused you
-"Mel, I don't want to go to church today, I know it's Sunday but I don't want to cross paths with my father... Not after he saw me go with you last night, a woman he noticed I was attracted to. He will put us to shame."-You whispered and watched as the redhead opened your door, reaching out for you to take her hand
-"Do you trust me?" -She asked and you nodded taking her hand and getting out of the car -"Then come on, I promise not to leave you alone and if you feel bad, we can leave."
The two of you walked through the doors, seeing how your father was already on stage. After welcoming everyone, he said something that left you frozen
-"Since today, I will step down from my position as priest, I have not fulfilled my duties as a loving father or as a loving guide of this church, for which I ask forgiveness. So I'll be replaced by a new priest..."-After he had finished introducing the new priest, he stepped off the platform and walked over to you, his hands in a fist and his teeth clenched. Never in your life did you imagine that your father would leave his position, much less admit in front of everyone, what a bad father he had been. He would have preferred you to disappear than leave his position and lose his influence. You knew he didn't feel any real regrets from his heart, but it was progress anyway.
From one second to the next, your father was in front of you, watching Melissa hold your hand. He glared at the redhead angrily
-"Are you happy? I did everything you said..." - He muttered under his breath
-"Almost, you need to sincerely apologize to your daughter" - The older woman commented authoritatively
-"I'm..." - Your father started to speak but gritted his teeth as Melissa hugged you around the waist, he shook his head and narrowed his eyes looking at you -"My daughter, what are you doing? Think things through, I already told you that if you start dating her or any other woman, I don't want you to go back home or to church, you'll become a bad influence, a bad person if you do this. You won't go to heaven, please think about it... You don't want God to stop loving you, huh?"-You sighed listening to him, it was always the same, manipulative shit to make you feel bad about yourself.
-"Okay, that's enough" - Melissa stopped him - "I see you're not going to apologize, so say goodbye to your position forever, also to all your 'powerful friends' and to your reputation, I'll make sure you don't get taken back in any church around the world. If your daughter wants to go back to church, she can do so, but you can't. Oh! And your daughter isn't coming home anymore, you know why? 'Cause she's going to move in with me and we'll have a lot of lesbian sex all day long"-The redhead said, facing your father. The color left the man's face, Melissa knew something you didn't, something that could ruin your father's reputation and life forever. He no longer had power over you, which made you feel relief and proudly stick out your chest
-"You know what dad? I may no be the best person, but I'm far from the worst. All my life you made me feel ashamed of myself, you made me feel that because I loved someone different that what you wanted, I didn't deserve to be loved by God or anyone else. I'd rather go to hell for having loved than for having hated like you hate me. I hope that now that you've lost your position, you really see what people think of you... I hope you change your horrible way of being, because you do have things to change, things that should make you ashamed, but I have nothing to be ashamed of. Thanks to Melissa I saw that, because she really loves me, not like you, who only pretended to show me affection when there were people around. Good luck living alone, you don't even know how to make toast... And one more thing, I want this to be the last thing you remember about me"-You commented and kissed the redhead very passionately and then walked out of the church hugging Mel.
When you two got in the car, the adrenaline left your body and you started laughing nervously
-"You threatened a priest, my father, for me?"- you asked looking at Mel and she nodded as she drove-"What if you go to hell?"
-"I had already earned my place in hell years ago, but I'd better make sure of it by defending my favorite girl from her abusive father" - Melissa smiled and placed one of her hands on your thigh while still driving
-"Thanks for that... For all of the things that you have done for me... But Mel, it is true that I have a place to stay with you? - You asked barely audible and she nodded
-"Yeah hon, we're going to go get your stuff right now" - she smiled as she stopped at a traffic light and gave you a peck on your lips- "I've already experienced once what it's like to sleep next to you, I'm not going to let you go... Also, we have to inspect every corner of the house together, if you know what I mean..."-she said with double meaning and laughed at your face , ypu were exited and very eager. This woman turned your life upside down from one moment to the next. From the first time you saw her, she was a true blessing for your life.
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blue-disco-lights · 1 month
✨ Weekly Tag Wednesday ✨
Thank you so much for tagging me - love this one! (i love them all actually) @jrooc
@stocious @michellemisfit @doshiart @mybrainismelted @mmmichyyy
@sgtmickeyslaughter @gallapiech @suzy-queued @spookygingerr @roryonic
Name and A03 handle: Julia, Blue_Disco_Lights
Current Location: my dining table - my work is hybrid, so this (suprisingly uncomfortable setup) is my desk twice a week.
Favourite picrew: I never really wore my space buns this high, maybe a bit lower… also the jewelry is a Chain Mickey homage obviously.
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What's one thing you want in a picrew? I love a creative background and good sweater options. If left to my own devices, I’d be in a hoodie all the time, but it’s nice to spice things up!
Favourite thing you’ve created (or seen created) for the fandom? Hard to choose! it's a tie between some @galladrabbles and these @gallacrafts.
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Why is it your favourite? I’ve been knitting since I was a kid but never really got beyond the scarf phase lol - and Season 1 Not-a-booty-call/“Whatever, see ya” Mickey wore that green scarf and I knew I had to recreate it. The t-shirt is me attempting to draw for the tomato theme and I just think it would be so funny if Ian actually wore this outside.
Did it come easily or was it hard to create? For the scarf, it was all about finding the right yarn and also that cute patch that just appeared out of nowhere at the craft store. Drawing is hard because i don't know how 😆
Last ao3 fic you commented on? It was either on Shame-proof written by @ms-moonlight-inn and @notherenewjersey or A Song Only You Can Hear by @suzy-queued - both so good!
Biggest WIP heartache you’ve ever experienced? I’m usually OK with WIPs taking a while, truly… but oh man, I’ll copy @jrooc's answer and say Things Beyond Mistake by grayola. What a STUNNING work and we’re left just aching for what happens for those two. My second is Elevator Music by gallavichsecurity- another beautifully written one that I hope will continue one day. 
Favourite trope or head cannon you like included in a fanfic? I love enemies to lovers, the slower the burn the better 🫠🔥 . I’ve yelled about loving road trip plots a lot, so I loved Highway of Hedonism  by @roryonic (w/ beautiful art by @gallapiech).
Least favourite? I’ve never gravitated to mpreg   
Secret or surprising kink or trope? Never even knew A/B/O was a thing until i got here - hello! Same goes for Whump - once it clicked that it was an actual genre, it was like oh wow, i think i’ve been into this my whole life lol.
Describe how you feel after you’ve created something new? Er, shocked quite honestly. When I see that I actually have multiple things posted on AO3 I do wonder who that person is??
Top hype man you have that always helps you get across the finish line: There are so many hype people i want to thank in my writing journey - your amazing comments & reblogs really made me feel like a writer! (which was a little shocking - so please know they went a long way 💕) @gallawitchxx @energievie @creepkinginc @jrooc @michellemisfit @palepinkgoat @gillyp @suzy-queued @ian-galagher @sweetbee78 @francesrose3 - and special shout out to @mybrainismelted for being an amazing sounding board and co-conspirator on Gallavich Summer Camp among other things!
It's been a bad day, you turn to the fandom and you _____? Hang out on Discord and Tumblr, and fall into one of the very many tabs I have open. Currently it’s You’ll Never See Us Again by @spoonfulstar - and omggggg.
If you're tagged in this post and haven't made one of these yet - this is your official invite!
tagging in @lingy910y @deedala @heymrspatel @atthedugouts @wehangout
@lupeloto @sisitrip @sandrashaine @shippergirl121fic @stocious
@jessij1997 @sickness-health-all-that-shit @thisdivorce @sam-loves-seb @samantitheos
@mickeyheartian @mickeym4ndy @callivich @transsexual-dandelions @nymacron
@rororowyourboat18 @transmurderbug @bawlbrayker @i-think-you-mean-reduction @gallavichsuperfan
@runawaybrainsc @too-schoolforcool @darlingian @thepupperino @celestialmickey
@crossmydna @spacerockwriting @catgrassplantdad @look-i-love-u @silvanshadow
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krakenartificer · 1 year
Basics of Tumblr-based memetics for reddit refugees
When people arrive at Tumblr, they are generally unsure about how to handle themselves. The buttons are easy enough (I mean, the UI sucks, but it's 2023, we're all used to sucky UIs by now, so....), but what are the social implications of each one? What does a reblog mean?
This is very difficult to explain to people for whom this is their first social media site, or are arriving here from (eg) Facebook. But for this round of refugees, from Reddit specifically, I actually can explain. Because!...
....As you have no doubt noticed ....
.... in a world where we all use 4 websites, and each of them consists of content screenshotted from the other 3....
...there is not an equal distribution of who's making content and who's copying it. Facebook generates almost none of the content for other websites; Twitter generates some; but nearly all of the content on the modern internet is generate on Reddit or on Tumblr.
There is a reason for this: all "web 2.0" sites have the ability to generate new memes, and new variants on those memes. But only Reddit and Tumblr have an evolutionary pressure that forces those memes through a natural-selection process. On Reddit, that pressure is applied by the voting system: if an addition to a post doesn't get enough upvotes, it's hidden from view, which means it has limited ability to affect the next generation of posts.
On Tumblr, the equivalent evolutionary pressure is applied by reblogs: each version of a post, each set of additions, is seen in proportion to how many people reblog it, and thus cause other people to see it. Lack of reblogs -> lack of visibility -> limited ability to affect the next generation of posts.
So with that in mind, let's look at some nuances that are specific to the Tumblr ecosystem.
1) Reblogs are direct visibility; upvotes are indirect
On Reddit, when you upvote something, it's a signal to the algorithm that -- in your opinion -- this thing is useful/valuable/funny or in some other way worthwhile. The algorithm takes that into account along with everyone else's votes, time since it was posted, and so on, and makes a decision about what to show by default vs what to hide by default, and how to sort things. Upvoting does affect visibility, but it's only one factor.
Whereas on Tumblr, reblogging puts the post on your followers' dashboards directly (assuming your followers have chronological order turned on, which most of them probably do because fuck corporate decisions about what I should and shouldn't see). One reblog = one post on everyone's dashboard; it's as simple as that.
Reblogging is therefore a much stronger evolutionary boost than upvoting is.
2) Likes have very little impact on visibility
Most people have "based on your likes" turned off. Even for those that keep it on, it doesn't affect what other people see, it only gives Tumblr some idea of what you might like to see. Of course behind the scenes that's somehow accomplished with some kind of correlation coefficient about which posts are most likely to be "liked" by the same person, and in that sense a "like" on this post increases the likelihood that someone else who has "liked" other posts that you have "liked" will see this post as well, but it's a very tenuous and wispy impact,.
Liking is therefore a much weaker evolutionary boost than upvoting is, and should be considered more along the lines of a high-five, or a hug, or a "I would give you gold for this if I could afford any" comment.
(Also, you cannot "like" only one section of a post. When you "like", the notification goes to everyone in the chain, from OP to the latest reblog. If you wish to give specific high-fives, the mechanism you're looking for is replies.)
3) Replies have no impact on visibility one way or the other.
Only OP gets notifications for replies, but you can tag people in the reply to notify them. This is the place for "@most-recent-commenter I would give you gold if I could" or for tagging a friend that you think would enjoy the post.
So, with the underlying mechanics of the ecosystem out of the way, let's look at
memetic engineering
There are two ways you can add your thoughts/ideas/opinions/snarky commentary to a post: in the text of the post, or in the tags.
a digression on tags
Tags -- of course -- can theoretically be used to organize content, although if we're being completely honest here, they're not ... great. for that. Tags can be handy as a textual handle to simplify your google search when you use an external search engine to search your own tumblr blog, but their use as an archival tool is mediocre at best. Likewise, no matter what the Tumblr UI says in the tag section, they're not gonna be that helpful in allowing people to find your content.
Tags can also, as sometimes they do on Twitter or Instagram, provide context to a post. This is less important here, since without a character limit there's no need to trim down your commentary and trust #wgastrike2023 to fill in the missing details, but it can be very handy when you're trying to determine whether this "Bruce and his buddies" post is talking about The Hulk or about Batman, or whether this thread is dissing Harry Potter, Harry Styles, or Harry Prince of Wales.
Tags are also very handy for allowing people to continue following you even when there's some sort of interest incompatibility. If you love spiders -- especially pictures of spiders -- and I'm arachnophobic, then I'm probably not going to be able to keep following you, no matter how excellent your Anarchist Star Wars takes are. But if you love pictures of spiders and you tag every single one of them #spiders, then I can block that tag and still keep following you. Similarly, a temporary block on #The Witcher Spoilers can allow the fandom to all discuss a new episode at whatever time they're able to watch it, without having to completely avoid online spaces in the meantime.
And finally, tags can, and are, used for commentary that you don't want to put in the main post. Where that line is -- what to put in the post and what to put in tags -- is something you'll have to decide for yourself as you get experience, but as a general rule, the post is for something that you believe contributes to the memetic fitness of this post, and the tags are for things that you believe are not necessarily of memetic value. Additions to the post are integrated into the DNA, and will be passed on with subsequent reblogs; tags are only added to your instantiation of the post, and will not be included on future reblogs (unless the person who reblogs it from you is on iOS Tumblr Mobile app and hasn't adjusted their settings, in which case it'll go into their tags... but at any rate it'll die out in a generation or two.) This feature makes it good for adding meta-commentary that will be interesting/funny/valuable to your immediate circle of friends, but won't be useful to the population as a whole -- it allows you to be as snarky, in-joke-y, and obscure as you'd like, without having to spend any of your mental RAM calculating what will and won't have an impact on your Brand as an Influencer.
There is no easy mechanism for people to see your follower count. There are many easy mechanisms for people to make it impossible to see their follower count. No one cares about how many followers you have or how far your "influence" spreads. No one is going to offer you a Tumblr sponsorship deal.
However, for assorted underlying-code reasons, Tumblr blogs are disproportionately useful for manipulating search engines. So.... we have an ongoing problem with SEO scum making a whole bunch of bots and using reblogs etc to generate fake signals to Google.
The combination of those two things leads to a general Tumblr tradition of Block Bots On Sight. The extra followers aren't helping you, and the mere fact of their existence is hurting all of us. If you've seen people strongly urging you to change your profile picture, add a bio, and reblog a couple things, that's why -- because we don't want you to get caught in the crossfire of our ongoing guerilla warfare.
Other Notes
One of the places that Reddit is much better than Tumblr is in the viewing of an entire memetic population as a whole: you just look at a post, scroll through the page, and Reddit helpfully shows you want you want to see, and hides what you don't.
On Tumblr, each memetic variation is functionally an entirely separate entity. This is great for memetic diversity, but it means there's a LOT of duplication, and it means there's really no good way to get all the variants together. The closest you can get is to "check the notes" -- click on that number at the bottom left of a post, and look through the replies, reblogs, and tags. Those are in chronological order and in no way threaded, so it's not very useful, but it is what we've got.
Let's see ...
One thing Tumblr does much better than Reddit is the ability (because of aforementioned fragmentation) to have an arbitrary number of any fandom. No more "Well I don't like the takes in r/polyamory but it's the only place where I can talk about it so idk" ... nope! Here we can have as many Spider-Man fandoms as there are Spider-Man fans. Really like someone's headcanons? Follow them! Really dislike someone's OTP? Unfollow them! Really hate someone's take on your favorite character? Block them! This is a fabulous feature of Tumblr and I encourage you to take advantage of it.
tags can be 140 characters, but they can't contain double quotes (") or commas (,) because those are delimiter characters and Tumblr will break your tag at those points in the string
If you think someone has mis-judged the value of their tags, you can copy them from their post and paste them into the main comment of your reblog. This is known as the tags "passing peer review". Copy-paste is preferred to screenshotting for accessibility reasons (and also the fact that sometimes Tumblr just doesn't feel like loading pictures), and it's considered polite to credit the person whose tags you promoted.
Contrariwise, if you think they mis-judged the value of their comment, you can go back to the person they reblogged from, and reblog without their addition. Tumblr made this harder recently, but I have confidence that we'll defeat them eventually.
I know that I said reblogs are much stronger than upvotes, but when you've got infinite monkeys generating infinite reblog streams, it all gets lost in the noise. Reblog anything and everything you feel like upvoting -- if people don’t want to be subjected to a bunch of random shit that lights up the dopamine receptors in your brain, they shouldn’t be following you on Tumblr.
IDK what to tell you about Tumblr polls. We're just like this 🤷‍♂️
That's all I can think of. Deities bless and keep you for seeing a problem in our online ecosystem and actually doing something about it. Looking forward to seeing what we can do together.
(Author's Note: All statements about how Tumblr works ("works") are as of 14 June 2023. God only knows what changes staff will have rolled out by time time you read this)
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cerberuscaeli · 1 year
Short Resident Evil 2 drabble with RE2R Leon in mind. Like, I always wondered why they didn't just climb over the fence but then the game would be very short and not having 2 runs.
Contains grammar en spelling mistakes. Written on phone. Will fix those later.
Comments and reblogs are appreciated. <3
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"Leon!" You called out to the blond as you made your way to the fence that blocked your way from getting to the police station.
Leon quickly darted down the iron stairs as he rushed towards you. "Hey." He greeted you with a small smile. "Hi." You responded with a smile of your own.
"Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine, managed to get here, so yeah." You nodded your head. "What about you?" You returned the question. "Just hanging in here." He chuckled. "You're not hurt?" He asked, his blue eyes filling with worry as he let his eyes run over you.
"No, I'm fine." You responded. The whole conversation was a bit awkward, which was a funny contrast with the situation the both of you were in and how your conversations usually weren't awkward at all. But well, this wasn't an usual situation anyways.
"I guess you don't have a key in one of your pouches?" You asked, pointing at the pouches hanging around his hips. "No, sorry." He apologized as you nodded once more. "The main entrance is blocked so I don't really know if there is another way in," Leon explained sheepishly.
You lifted up your head and looked around, thinking of a plan on how to get in, but when you brought your head back to the fence, an idea popped up. "I can try to climb-" Your words got cut off when the fire alarm started to go off, making you realize that it was because of the helicopter flying into the building.
"Shit." You cursed as you could hear the zombies snarling and growling. The sirens attracted the attention of the zombies near you. "Guess it's dinner time," Leon muttered as you glared at him.
"Hey, Lee." You started, pulling his attention back to you. "Try to cover me so I can climb over the fence." You stated, patting the metal fence. "I'm not sure if I can shoot them from here." He said, voice slightly wavering with doubt.
"Just...try." You pressed on before moving your hands up and placing your feet one for one on the fence. Putting the tips of your shoes in the holes as you started to pull yourself up.
"Hurry." Leon tried to usher you on as you tried to move faster. The zombies now reaching the fence as they either tried to grab Leon or tried to grab your legs.
You puffed out a breath of relief when you finally reached the top and swayed one of your legs over the bar to the other side. "Ha! Take that suckers!" You smirked proudly as you looked down at the zombies that once used to be humans living their life.
You pulled your leg over the bar before jumping down, Leon quickly placed his hands on your waist to prevent you from stumbling. "Guess I did find a way in." You chuckled, a slightly amused grin forming on your lips.
"Let's get moving," Leon stated as he cut the chain that blocked your way. The two of you headed back inside to continue to find a way out of this hell hole, but this time now together.
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witchthewriter · 7 months
𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐈𝐀𝐅 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞
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From the lovely @agameofclothes. I thought I'd give it a crack - if anyone wants to reblog with their answers or make a separate post is all good! I would love to see your answers!
𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦? 
I have no idea, honestly. Probably wouldn't be from one of the big Houses :'). Let's just say that I'm one of the main characters ... so I'd want to be from House Targaryen, a long lost cousin.
𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟓 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 (𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐛, 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐲, 𝐉𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐲, 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧, 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐬) 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫? 
... None. They're terrible for the role as leader. They're all ... old mean men. Except for Renly and Joffrey. Renly is young and quite hopeful but has no ambition. Joffrey is young and awful.
However, if I were asked who I was loyal to - I would just say whoever, depends on where I am.
𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫? 
Cannot and will not choose just one. I love Sansa Stark so much. Her character development is absolutely admirable. From being a close-minded, manipulated young girl, to an adult who knows how the world works. It's amazing.
Dany Targaryen is the main character in both the books and tv series for me. She's the most interesting. From practically being a slave herself, she turned herself into a loved Khaleesi, and worked her way up from there.
𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤? 
A Dance with Dragons. Characters have already been fleshed out, and now it's very plot driven.
𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬? 
Okay so I found this here. Looking it up, somewhere it says it's semi-canon. But I believe it's real and I fcken love it.
House Plumm - Come Try Me
𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡, 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐒𝐞𝐚? 
Well, with the South being Beyond the Wall and the North being cold as fck. I choose across the Narrow Sea.
𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝? 
Dany deserves it and I genuinely think she should sit on the Irone Throne. Not because her ancestors created the title and united the lands, but because she has known pain, she wants people to be free -not to be slaves. She wants to liberate.
𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐲𝐝𝐨𝐠, 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐝, 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫, 𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲, 𝐍𝐲𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚 𝐨𝐫 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭? 
GHOST! He is the MOST loyal?
𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡? 
Abso-fucking-lutely not. It's full of awful men???
𝐌𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫? 
Like the other question; I couldn't pick one favourite character, so I definitely can't choose just one I dislike. And so this will be in bullet form:
Obviously Ramsay, what an awful dickhead.
Joffrey, the little shit.
In the book, Euron Greyjoy is a big big bad. Very scary. Cruel. Not like in the show where he's kind of funny and amusing. No, Euron in the books is a villain villain.
The Mountain? Disgusting.
Walder Grey and all those who participated in the awful act of the Red Wedding. Terrible.
𝐊𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐢 𝐨𝐫 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧? 
Both... but her true name is: Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains.
If it means for me, than I would rather be a Queen than a Khaleesi. I want a pretty crown and to have influence over the whole realm ... (I'm very humble...)
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬? 
...dragons. I think that's pretty obvious... Imagine being a descendant of Old Valyria and being able to BOND with a DRAGON. A freaking DRAGON. A beast that would have your back no matter what???
𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐠𝐨𝐝(𝐬) 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨? 
The Old Gods of the Forest.
To me, a witch, this religion relies on believing in the world around you.
An excerpt from the GOT wiki page: "nameless spirits of each tree, rock, and stream worshipped by the Children of the Forest and later by the First Men."
It seems the most pagan-like, and I would be very comfortable with following this religion.
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lunarthecorvus · 3 days
yes soc is awesome im on like a 3rd reread rn
actually i came here because of that asks reblog thingie to ask you something like what's your fav colour or shir
okay you gotta tell me your fav scene. also did you read the books or watched the show
Heyy! First I have to apologise for being so late with this- I can be good at answering asks or just awful at answering them on time-
I have read the books and watched the show. I watched the show first then got hyperfixated on the crows and needed to consume the books so I listened to the audiobooks! I adore the audiobooks and all the voices BUT I have a complaint about the pronunciation of words being different each time I heard them- even the same voice actors would pronounce the same word differently ahsha
Show wise I have quite a few favourite scenes and one of them is the one where all the crows (minus Matthias </3) were in that cafe discussing plans. Another one is the one where Jesper says that Jes means Suli for friendship, I loved the moment where the train expolded, the irony was just funny and I loved Jesper in that scene.
The scene where we had Inej, Zoya and Nina is the same frame was perfectt. Alina telling the Darkling she can deal with it hersekf and handle the people coming after her, also her killing the Darkling was amazing because I despise that creepy man. Inej doing the cool jump and slicing the shadow demon, iconnn. Honestly I almost wrote about that whole scene, I just love it all.
Seeing Kaz, Jesper and Nikolai be in the same room (the scene where Jesper and Kaz are arrested), I also loved.
Ooo and the scene where Inej is surrounded and goes 'the question is will I waste my prayers tonight after gutting you all' that was INEJ FUCKING GHAFA, shes so powerfulll. Then her and Nina interacting (I know not for long but stilll) and Nina speaking Suli, YESS. I wish that scene was longer.
Book wise, I could go on forever and in more detail about but I don't want this to be too long, so if you want to know more about why I love these scenes, feel to send an ask and i might get to it this year hopefully ahhsdh-
Inej being injured in the ship and Nina taking care of her. Just reading Nina care for Inej and them just being best friends and just talking was so nice to read, those girls deserve the worlddd, also their friendship means so much to mee.
Jesper and Wylan when they're breaking the chain because thats when I really realised how much I loved book!wesper and them interacting was so niceee. Also we just got see more of a newer side of Wylan and Jesper, it's one of my favouritee wesper scenee.
Kaz and Inej 'I would come for you' scene, when I tell you I was shocked at this scene, two people guarded like those two. Especially admitting that he would come for her not matter what was happening to either of them, he would come for herrr.
I was going to include just one but the other scene is the scene where Kaz says is my tie straight and Inej laughs, its them being in love and just being soft for a moment AHHHH, then when she goes to her parents and when she goes 'her heart was a river and it carried her to the sea', the fact that she gets to reunte with her parents hunt slavers and work with Kaz to take them down on land sometimes as well, JUST I LOVE HER and am happy for her. Her saying she thinks he's worth saving AAAAA.
Honourary mention is when she said the 'I will have you without armour or I will not have you at all' she set boundries as she should despite the fact that she knew she had feelings for him and wasn't willing to throw her life away and basically said that he needs to be willing to work on himself, Y E S.
Matthias and Nina, the kiss scene where he spins her around, I SQUEALED when I read that. I adore them both and was so happy when they actually finally broke down all the tensity and gave innn.
Nina being on Parem, I know that its sad because of what it did to her BUT she was just so powerful and commanding in that scene I just ahhhhhh love it. Also I love how Nina just manages to flirt her way through stuff and is an incredible spy, NINAAAA, shes so impressive
Wylan, ooo this one, its when Wylan was first disguised as Kuwei and watched his dad be fine with killing him, as well as just being face to face with his abusive piece of shit father. As someone who has/had a Dad like that when I heard that I was so FREAKING PROUD of him, he was face to face and watched his father do that and managed to boast to him about knowing he'd that and fooling him, Y E S. I was so impressed and knew the strength it would take to even face him, I'm still so proud of him to this
Inej, there are so many scenes but one is the 'when the world owed you nothing, you demanded something of it anyway.' just hit the feels, she's writing her own fate after other people writing it for her and knowing that unlike Dunyasha she didn't have some special protection when she was taken, but she will hold herself up because she has survived and she is INEJ GHAFA. Another scene like this I loved was the incinerator scene because it felt so just AHHH, she finally chose that she was going to survive and finally live, it just hitss. And she released she was going to do it herself and not for work for anybody and help people like her.
There are so many more Inej scenes but this post is already too long that I don't want to make it so much longer, I wanted to include scenes for Kaz, Jesper and Matthias but I saw this post was just so long so for now I'm ending it here, if you want me to write about those scenes just send me another ask about it and I'll include them :)
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amethystfairy1 · 9 months
I'm absolutely giddy, giggling, kicking my feet. I'm SO happy you liked my writing :))) I almost didn't post it but my lil sister convinced me to lol. It was a fun challenge bc I usually write in first person present, but I've now found I really like third person past too. also idk where to respond to your reply, whether reblogging your reblog (reblog inception) or dms or what, so you get an ask bc that's the simplest for me :P
also it's so funny that you were inspired by my writing, which was inspired by your writing (again, inception). We can have an endless chain of inspiration at this rate. the "you've got me invested and it's MY AU!" has got me cackling XD. I wasn't originally gonna write a part 2, but Tango explaining the rune trigger whilst Zed listens in horror has got the ideas rolling... *laughs in angst and trauma*
I do have one question, tho: I mentioned banks bc I figured Zed wouldn't carry his vast fortunes around with him just in case he gets robbed, but are there banks in this world, or something similar to them? my only other thought was that the adventurer's guild might have some sort of credit system across the continent, but Zed isn't an adventurer so that doesn't make too much sense. if there aren't any, well... we may just have to have Gem kindly go ask for his stuff back. After all, how is he to repair her sword without his tools? >:]
uhhh anyways... that's all. inspiration upon ye (aka YES WRITE MORE I LITERALLY LIVE OFF THE STUFF--) *scuttles away*
Asks work! I loved it! I’m so very glad your sister convinced you to post it! And that we’ve entered a circuit of inspiration-ception! 😆
I am so incredibly delighted that I’ve gotten you to start writing a part 2! No pressure or hurry with it of course, writing is as writing does, but please know that I am very excited to see the angst and trauma of which you laugh concerning Tango explaining the rune trigger to Zed because that is just perfect.
As for the fortune thing…Zed does have a line of credit through both the adventurers guild and the mercenary guild, and for him the adventurer guild would basically serve as his bank! Even still, he probably did have a good bit of valuable stuff on him, not to mention his redstone wagon being very valuable, so yeah…Gem might need to go kindly ask for some stuff back, and you’re right! He doesn’t have his tools! Can’t fix her sword without those! 😆
I’m off to work on more for Traveling Thieves, so the inspiration is indeed upon me! Thanks again for the incredible writing, I hope the inspiration keeps going for you as well! 💖
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greenelectricsky · 1 year
Hi everyone! I'm GreenElectricSky and this is my blog, mainly about Cats. Also my earlier posts about flowers and every other stuff I liked are here. Now, what is not related to Cats will be published/rebloged on another blog :) Because it's become problematic I also made a blog only for my fanfiction and Cats Scenes, so if you like to see them go to @moonyskyallthetime :)
Those are my main OCs:
Cysiek and TuśTuś:
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Cysiek is more my OC when TuśTuś is more my catsona, as they are more similar to me:) They are Tugger and Munku's twins.
My Cats Scenes are tagged #i think im funny. I'm doing them almost daily from 12.07.2023, so it's a solid number now :) Also, now they are linked together, so have fun. And my writing is tagged "my writing" ;) It can happen I post here links to my other fiction too.
Although, because it was a problem a few times, I want to say one thing loud and clear: PERSONALLY I DON'T SHIP INCEST AND CHILD/ADULT. It doesn't mean YOU can't - if you like it, it's your fun, not mine, and definitely I don't judge you because of that! If I ship someone you think they are siblings or kittens, in MY headcanon they are NOT. (I have a lot of ships, so when I write tuggerstrap they aren't brothers - funny thing here. I know Cats from 1998, film and other shows, and I never saw them as a brothers. Only after I joined here I was enlighted that some people see them like this. So stop telling me it's disgusting, this ship lives in my head longer than some of you! - but when I write tuggoffelees, then yes, there is a big chance Tugger and Munku are brothers, etc.) I hope it's clear now :)
This blog is LGBTQIA+ friendly. It's also friendly to everyone who behave respectfully to others. I don't want to be part of any kind of war in fandom, I'm too old and peaceful for this shit. Pro-shippers, shippers, non-shippers are welcomed here.
I hope we all can have fun together, be fans and show our love for Cats in every form we like!
If you want to ask, then ask, I would love to respond to your questions. Also about my OCs to Cats (TuśTuś, Cysiek, Mirage, FinFun, FanFanGrace, Cream, Tango, Papyrus, Sky, Silenia, Jemmysweets, Adonis, Star, Sun, Moon, Shyny, Haze, Oranglow, SpicyJuice, Amberlina, FlowerFlow, EarthyRose, HoneyTrap, AlmonDisco, Vanilliarity, Bumblee, Tikku. More about them here) or any other things you like. If you want to just be friends I also love to know you better, start a talk, don't be shy :) But please, don't send me anons with luck chains or other things like "and tag another ten mutuals/blogs" because it's... Creepy? From anon I can take the real question because someone can want to know but is shy or something, I can understand that. Chains only from not anons, please :)
P.S. My pronouns are they/them here, he/him. Please, not girl, she/her!!!
P.S.II (08.12.2023) I wanted to do something for less appreciated pairings/ships, other relationships too and started to do it in my advent calendar (now with tag #advent calendar and #cats advent calendar). If you want something with them or any other pairings/ships I didn't write send me a prompt, ship and tag (or at last two of them) and you get something! HERE (another update 16.04.24, 16.02.24, 07.01.24, 28.12.23, 25.12.2023) is a list of pairings/ships/ and other kinds of relationships (with tags) I'm making (here or somewhere else like my published/no published fanfiction). If there isn't your ship - don't worry, I can write it too and even add it to that list :) One thing - I'm not doing abusive/toxic relationships, because... well, because just no.
2023! Achievements!!!!!
Lovies!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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swearyshera · 1 year
Dear Gods, they're both desaturated... Way to hurt us. If I didn't know how it ended... oh dear... Anyway, I'm dropping in just to... offer you an egg in this trying time, or something... I really do think that some of your ask-ers lately are asking things of you above your pay-grade. Perhaps I am one of them? There's the usual fandom-fighting about the redeemability of Hordak that I thought was resolved ages ago with people just hanging out on their respective sides of the fandom. There's religion-rankling of the type that feels to me like it would be better discussed on people's on blogs and/or on various reblog chains by people familiar with the culture / subcultures and imagery rather than coming to the part funny / part pain abridged series blog that was trying to go for a more generalized approach and stay out of controversy. And I am glad that you took a more generalized approach with Prime, too. You could have easily played up the (canonical) Evangeli-speak and did a straight-up "Religion Bad!" thing with him which would have felt very tired to those of us who've seen it in many shows and stories before.. It also would have been alienating to the few (all one?) of us in this fandom who deconstructed their previous Christian religion thoroughly and ditched all organization and dogma but somehow didn't land on atheism as their personal answer? Your version of Prime feels much more like a generalized patriarchy, the general social expectations of the binaries and hierarchies. (In other words, I didn't even know who Andrew Tate was before the fight with Greta Thunberg or Ben Shapiro until he started setting Barbies on fire and your take on Prime gives me those kind of vibes - the vibe of the insecure, pathetic "manly-man" who must control the narrative but never will. Something like that. It really makes me feel like diversity of thought and life will win in the end.
I just like to add that little extra bit of hurt!
And I'm always happy to discuss my interpretations and what I have or haven't done, but sometimes there's things that I just have to stand up and say "I didn't know enough about this to do it right, so I didn't".
You've pretty much got my reasons spot on for not going full-on 'Prime as a preacher' - and i very much considered it. When it comes to religion, it's not always 'anti-religious atheism' vs 'super controlling oppressive religion' - there's a great majority of people for whom religion is a driver for good things in their life, and I don't want them to feel like their faith is collateral damage in my attacking a particular type of religion.
I think having Prime as a massive homophobe was a better choice narratively anyway. With the central story revolving around a couple of lesbians, it makes sense that he would be the antithesis to that. There's also an element of misogyny and general assholery that comes into it as well, but for the most part, Prime is someone who's hellbent on getting rid of queer people. And that is something that, horrifyingly, seems to be seeping into the real world too - some of the stuff I've had Prime see seemed so far-fetched at the time, but then you start seeing the same kind of rhetoric happening for real. It's terrifying, but I want to keep those parallels because, just like Adora, we will not be defeated by that. We won't be erased, because we are going to win out against hatred, just as Etheria will!
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spilledmilkfkdies · 1 year
duman vs kalshare
This one goes out to the people who weren't there during the great YouTube comment battle, allow me to set the stage for you:
All the way back in December of 2021 I was just existing on YT, looking at a couple videos, whatever- When suddenly, in a random comment section I came across the question that started it all. If Duman and Kalshara were to fight, who would win? And because I was about as normal as I am now, very extremely normal, I just. Jumped in there. Which I actually don't do, usually. Commenting stresses me out and ''arguments'' even more so.
I said Duman would win ofc. No surprises there. Now I will admit I literally just went "Duman." and dipped, I was satisfied with that at the time. I think a couple of people did the same thing, actually? Just a short chain of "Duman", it was kinda funny. Then the person started their defense, something along the lines of: "Kalshare has fairy magic and wild magic, that's more than Duman." And I'm not 100% proud of this response, but basically I just went "nuh uh"?? Like yeah it's more in the sense that. Those are two things. But is it more in terms of strength? 2021 me didn't think so. And lowkey I still don't.
Is it my bias against season 7? Maybe.
But did Kalshara still have her fairy powers when she went full wild magic? Idk!! If she did, she'd still wouldn't have finished/graduated fairy school?? I'd argue still being part fairy would put her at more of a disadvantage tbh, because y'know. Trained fairy hunter who is immune to fairy magic. Which is a point that was brought up to the commenter, Duman can't be hurt by 'lesser fairy magic', as mean as that might sound. The Winx themselves needed a specific transformation to start doing damage to the Black Circle, ignoring how some people feel about that, it was a thing. We told them that. Kalshara isn't a Believix fairy so her being a fairy would not help.
Besties. When I tell you their response will be engraved into my mind forever. "We never saw her transform so we don't know if she is." SORRY lemme just-
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I don't even feel like explaining why that's a deranged take, so I'm not gonna. I'll just move on to my next point.
This might be because I don't really respect wild magic as a whole, but what it looks like is just. Transforming into animals and creatures. Which? Slay ig. But it seems that's where the limit is. Animals and creatures. Duman is shown to also be able to transform into people and fucking WATER on top of animal and creatures. It's his preference rather than his limit. We don't really know where his actual limit is and S4 didn't bother giving a clear answer. Just kinda killed him off. That whole thing also vague in the show.
Anyway, we went back and forth for a bit, didn't come to an agreement or anything whatever. I ended up finding this person in other comment sections after this as well! Asking the same question. One comment section being. My own. Under my Duman VA video. I think the original comment section was blocked because the video got marked as for kids, but I may have some screenshots laying around that I'll add in a reblog if I find them. I do have this response to one of her comments that I decided not to interact with:
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Because spoken like an individual that doesn't value their two turtles.
Remember besties, one of these villains had to be DESTROYED, the other fell down a hole, was declared dead and never seen again. Things to think about. I know I think about it. Sometimes. Because I'm normal.
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legofiction · 6 months
Which are you fav lca episodes?
Oh my this is a long answer also I don’t know most of the names (those I do I will say) so it’ll be mainly descriptions of the episode so spoilers warning to those who haven’t finished it
Starting the list strong with the Harl Hubbs introductory episode
Tippy Doreman (going to be honest I wish it was Doorman instead I can explain but I won’t here) introductory episode
Duke Detain introductory episode
Fraya McCloud introductory episode
Buster Lloyd introductory episode (I just love the introductory episodes)
The one where Wheelie had to pretend to not be a skate boarder because he thought his dad would hate him (reminds me of pretending to be cis straight because both my parents would hate me)
Poppy Star introductory episode
The one where Tippy, Wexler, Ravenhurst, Riviara, Captain Momentus, and Harl are in space and Tippy reveals he was the master criminal
The Christmas episode where Duke goes to Sinclair’s Christmas party
The episode which was 50% Harl and Tippy space shenanigans and 50% everyone panicking because the door of doors is going to land on the old dynamite storage facility and that would blow up the city
Stunt troupe introductory episode (it was really funny when the troupe were trying to impress Maddy and Billy and they weren’t impressed in the slightest because of all the stuff that goes on)
The episode where Westbrooke W. Sleet was filming a documentary on Fendrich
The episode where Billy’s mom Ann does a race with Tread
Miden Fleshure (the episode where Shirley, Harl, Tread, Cluster, and Jowls were trying to stop Fendrich and his goons from taking the hidden treasure)
Tiny Carol (the episode where mayor Fleck was looking after Maddy)
The man with no name with a name (Snake Rattler introductory episode)
Ave Empire introductory episode
The episode where Sleet and his camera guy were trying to find the standing cow of the highlands (or maybe lowlands)
Daisy chain gang (the episode where Daisy, Snake, Harl and Sinclair stop Fendrich and his goons from stealing the deed to the city and then Daisy blows it up)
Duke time (the episode where Duke accidentally runs over Frankie’s painting for his grandma due to the fact he had no sleep because he was taking everyone’s shifts so he was forced to take a day off)
The episode where Gabby, Tippy, Allen, and Duke were completing to be the person to go to space
And I think that’s it but I’ll reblog this with an update if I think of any more
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helenarlett-rex · 3 months
So I took sort of an extended break from all social media for a while after RL was getting to be too stressful for me. I was still checking in here and there periodically but for the most part I wasn't here or anywhere else. It was for my own health. And coming back now feels like,
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With all the crap that's been happening here on tumblr it's kind of sad but understandable to come back and see so many of the people I knew and interacted with regularly are no longer here. And I'm going to miss them a lot. I don't think anyone who had been with me from the beginning is still here. But that isn't to say I don't still see a handful of my mutuals still here and it's great to see you all. Hi everyone! Thanks for still existing!
But that said, I feel like maybe it's time to start over and rebuild. And I don't mean start over as in somewhere else... More like, reintroduce myself as I go about rebuilding my online presence. So let's start with that. A reintroduction.
My name is Helen Arlet. (Although my full title is, Her Grace The Reverend Dr. Helen Arlet, Duke of Merania, PhD. Yes... It's all legal... I have a title of nobility, a doctorate in metaphysics, and an ordination.) I'm an AMAB Demigirl so my pronouns are she/they. I'm a Gray Asexual. I'm also a self-published author of adult literature most popular within the Furry and Vore communities. You can find some of my books for sale on Amazon but my free content (which actually makes up the bulk of my work at this point) can be found on my eka's account, here...
I'm a furry myself, with my primary fursona being that of a T-Rex, although I do have sort of a "secret sona" that may come to light at some point... Because I often stay very in character when I post I have been mistaken as otherkin before, but so as not to give that community a bad name, I would like to point out that I am not... as far as I know... I am however quite friendly with the otherkin community and love chatting or hanging out with them when I can.
I'm also an old-school punk with very left leaning ideals. I'm... not young... I mean, come on, I'm literally a dinosaur... T-Rex... Rawr! But I'm stuck in that weird area where my status as a gray muzzle in the Furry community is debatable. I have been on tumblr since the beginning though and they still haven't managed to get rid of me. But I am old enough to have actually been a punk in the 80s. A very young one at the time, but I was... and still am...
I had been a librarian for the last decade, but recently lost that job about a year and a half ago when my old boss retired and was replaced by a narcissistic sociopath. And I don't use those terms lightly. I do mean that in the clinical sense... She fired me along with anyone else who was perceived to be a threat to her position, had been there longer than her, knew more than her, was queer, was disabled, or she believed had insulted her in some way. I now work at a used video game store. I won't name it, but it's the second biggest chain of used video game stores behind Game Stop.
And in most recent developments, I now own a partial fursuit, (of my secret sona) and I have finally managed to become a total affront to the church by achieving the status of Ordained Minister, making me one of the very few in my state who will actually perform LGBT+ weddings. Suck it.
Things I will post on this account:
Furry stuff
Vore related content
LGBT+ stuff
Random reblogs of stuff I find funny or politically important
Posts related to my writing, including links to stories themselves
Answers to any questions I get asked
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So please feel free to talk to me if you want. I'm always happy to talk. (Or silently stalk my account and just reblog things you like without ever saying anything to me. You could to that too...) Or even tag me in stuff you want me to see and I'll probably reblog it.
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morroodle · 2 years
Morrotober Overview
October is over and morrotober is done! I actually made it all the way through without missing a single day (I swapped 2 days because I have a terrible concept of time but that dosent count). I'm so proud of myself. I've tried an October drawing challenge year after year but I always gave up and burned out after the first week so this is a huge accomplishment.
I'm not quite sure what made this year different but there are a few things I think might have helped:
Morro is my blorbo and ninjago is my hyperfixation. I'm already obsessed and thinking about it daily so this wasnt too different
I gave myself flexibility. Even though I ended up doing one for every day I never was going to force myself to do so, I had the freedom to skip a day if I didn't want to do it.
Flexibility pt. 2: I didn't make a full drawing every day. I allowed myself to put in as much or as little effort as I wanted which removed some of the pressure and worked better with my schedule
Now for some fun stuff! A recap of the art I made this month and my thoughts on some of the peices.
My favorite peice: day 29 - au/the movie
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This was so much fun and I'm so happy with how it turned out. I couldn't decide on one au to draw since I have so many and keep making them so I just did a bunch! (Copy paste my best friend) I've had a bunch of ideas for designs bounching around for a while and getting to draw a handful of them with less effort than a full drawing which is great for my mental health. Honestly I liked making this and the results so much that I'm probably gonna do more of these with more designs.
Least favorite: day 1 - torment/chains
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A dissapointing start to the challenge but luckily things only went uphill from here. The reason i dont like it is because this is one of those instances where the idea I have in my head is above my skill level. Additionally this is one of the ones that took the longest which is extra dissapointing considering I don't even like the result. I am proud of the hands though!
Most effort: day 14 - crew
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I am NOT used to doing more than like 2 characters in one drawing and this was a challenge. Figuring out a pose for all of them was hard and I had to get creative with Wrayth cause he came last. I originally wanted to put a ghost dragon behind them too but that was just more effort and time than I had. Funny story about this one actually! I completed the base sketch for 3/5 of the characters but then my computer got fucky and I had to restart it. I saved the drawing but when I tried to open it I got the dreaded clip studio Unsupported File Format and had to restart ;-; I spent like half an hour trying to restore but had to give up in the end and restart.
Least effort: day 23 - memories
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Little guy. Tiny dude. Took like 5 minutes and I love it. I didn't realize just how small I made him until I got a reblog saying they couldn't find him.
Most popular: day 5 - rope
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Would have liked for some of my other drawings to get some of the attention this one got but honestly I'm not suprised it got so popular. It's a masterpiece.
Least popular: day 12 - underwater/submarine
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Guess people don't want morro to be destinkified
Extra: day 6 - skeleton
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This dude literally showed up on google?? I made that???? The funny part is the link dosent even lead to my blog or tumblr
Additional notes: wait what am I supposed to do now?? I think I forgot how to have free time?? For an entire month it's just been school eat sleep and morrotober but now it's over I don't know what to do with myself. A
Did I enjoy this? Yes. Will I do it again next year? Who fucking knows. Anyway back to my normal bs
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