#it would make sense if the angel was the same being in both undertale and deltarune
rosehippiefield · 6 months
I saw somebody has done Yttd cast in Undertale before but I want to share some ideas about which Yttd character could act as which Undertale character. Of course, there's too many monsters so this is mainly about bosses and minibosses. Also this is long and yttd characters are sometimes repeated as they can serve several roles.
Sara is great for the role of Frisk simply because she has capacity both for sparing and killing. Goddess of Victory or Angel of Death, who will she choose to be? And without a doubt Sara is DETERMINED (Or there's another variant, Kanna, a kind child that will find approach to everybody. However, I don't see anybody trying to kill her there, as well as her even having a thought about killing.)
Kai can be Toriel for several reasons: he is housemaker, he is tied to Sara, so in this AU he can become her guardian for some time. Moreover, Kai has notable bond with Q-Taro and Gashu, both of which could fit Asgore. Imagine him betraying Asunaro and making sure humans survive. Or arguing with Q-Taro about morals.
Depending on the story Shin could match Napstablook when he's being his meek shy self. Just listening to music, not feeling up to anything, creating akward situations and lying on the floor. I can picture him doing it. Additionally, Ranmaru has similar vibe. Not the type to communicate with many, true introvert with deep insecurities... Why not?
Keiji is definitely Sans and I can't see it otherwise (well there could be other options but still I love Keiji as Sans). He is constantly tired, a bit lazy, has a fair share of mysteries, same ambience I would say. Keiji loves pushing responsibility onto Sara due to his trauma and consequent self-hate, Sans does nothing in genocide until the very end wheт majority is dead. Plus who is better to judge our protagonist than a policeman?
Joe is Papyrus, I don't make the rules... Well, Gin could act as Papurus as well, but let's at first talk about Joe. He is nice and funny, he befriends Sara easily, he literally can't kill her. He can have a brotherly relationship with Keiji considering "Mr. Policeman is Joe's dad" theory. The only downside is Papyrus can be killed and I don't see Sara killing her bestie in any way, even for survival. Maybe he is a doll and no longer a human?..
As to Gin, he is better as Monster kid in my mind. Curious, energetic teenager that admires strong, reliable and absolutely cool Reko (who's Undyne). Gin really trusts Sara, he is naїve to the point of believing her even in genocide route. Or maybe an annoing dog is also appliable, as Gin's stims include barking (and his desing, his Meow chan that is allegedly a dog) and the dogsong is perfect theme for Gin.
So, Reko as Undyne. Strong in every sense, fighting for her people's sake, brave, plays piano... Not to mention her relationship with Nao-the-Alphys. The thing is, would Reko kill a human for her people? Maybe not, she is quite kind. Especially if said human is Sara. Unless there is some misunderstanding... (I actually would argue Sara is a better fit for Undyne as she is samurai woman fighter type and she can be colder).
I haven't mention dummies before, but I totally picture Anzu as Temmie. Cute, sweet, funny, just good old Temmie.
I nerly forgot about Mad Dummy! In my book Ranger fits the bill here: an artifitial being that is really jealous of humans and hates them for it. He's sarcastic, extremelly rude, ready to kill. Also imagine that in the Ruins we encounter Dummy of Sei that Kai is keeping due to grief and memories, but now it ends up here as Ranger with consciousness but no soul.
Then we move to Hotland. Nao is a good Alphys in my book: a bit dependent, insecure, still striving to become better. Plus I want to give Mishima a Gaster role, so they share connection. (On the second thought, Safalin would make a compelling Alphys as well: she is actually a scientist, she has far more self-deprication as crying doll, she has many sceletons in the closet with questionable experiments).
There's little info on Gaster as well as on Mishima. Royal scientist whose genuis was unparalleled and that fell in lava (burning again?). Though Meister, whose role is still unclear, may look more like Gaster and have the same air of mystery.
For Muffet there are two worthy candidates: Mai and Maple. Both are acquainted with cuisine, both are extra sweet with their words, I think both can be persuasive about the product (it's Mai's profession, and you can't refuse to drink tea in disscussion room so Maple's capable of it as well). And of course you should never underestimate either of girls.
Mettaton... the star of the show, daring, flashy, attractive... Alice was in the band, his desing (in usual sprites just hair) is quite colorful, not to mention his physique, so why not? That would mean interesting relationship with Reko, who's his neighbor. Plus he could be a doll as Mettaton is an artifitially created robot. Maybe Nao/Safalin/whoever's Alphys created him to help Reko, they reconciled and Alice found his own path.
We are nearing the end. Asgore is morally gray character who killed children, regrets it but ready to repeat the deed for the sake of his country. As was mentioned previosly, either Q-Taro or Gashu could fit his role: Q-Taro because of appearance, kindhearted nature but ability to commit not the most ethical actions. I can also insert joke about killing kids (no matter how you interpret Q-Taro's words in the first main game, part of fandom will bring it up). Gashu had done even more morally reprehensible things for his "community" Asunaro. Plus, Gashu literally had a foster child that died (Sei, Ranger's inspiration).
I didn't mention Flowey because his story blossoms only in the end and depending on the person I replace him with the story becomes drastically different. The first one is Shin because firstly, I am biased toward him, secondly, Asriel essentially is bound to return to his flower form (kind of 0% to be truly happy), thirdly, they were both inicially kinder and due to horrible circumstances became worse. But yet they can become better. Moreover, roses. Maybe Kanna here was killed, and from sheer grief Shin turned into a rose? Alternatively, Ranger matches as well: he can't feel positive emotions just as Flowey doesn't feel them (I don't remember specifics but something along these lines). Plus, Sei was killed being a small kid just like Asriel and he has familial connections to Kai-the-Toriel and Gashu-the-Asgore (this sounds extra weird, nobody here is shipped of course. Just in case).
What about the souls and remaining dead people? I think some of the dead could be these souls: Kurumada as Bravery (he is boxer and this soul has gloves), Megumi or Mr. Policeman as Justice (police is supposed to make sure justice prevails), Hayasaka as Perseverance (he looks a bit nerdy and has glasses), Hinako as... Patience? (the real one), Kanna if dead can definitely be Kindness, Kugie as Integrity? Honestly, we know little about these guys so the arrangement can vary a lot.
Finaly, Chara. Maybe I'll do their character an injustice, but imagine them as Midori. When Frisk Sara is in the end of genocide, she sees Midori, a demon that is resurrected by her cruelty. He enjoyed every bit of it. Plus, then dynamic Chara Midori and Asriel Shin becomes quite intriguing (and messed up). Or maybe Kanna could be Chara as well, a kid that met a friend (or foster brother. Oh even a real one) in the underground and then died.
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hyposwapgreen · 3 months
Hyposwap Green: Swapping the Kids
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Welcome to Hyposwap Green! A slowly ongoing project of both the mildly artistic and majorly imaginative varieties. It’s an original (somewhat) take on Underswap, inspired both by p0pc0rnprince’s “canonswap” that started it all, various fandom interpretations, and my own thoughts on the matter.
I think it is only apt to start with Undertale’s big trio: the Kids!
In Canonswap, Asriel is swapped with Monster Kid while Chara is swapped with Frisk. While I think the Chara-Frisk swap makes sense, I don’t particularly care for Monster Kid, and think it would be much more interesting for the Kids to be swapped with each other instead. So!
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The most recently fallen human in the Underground, Chara takes Frisk's place as the playable protagonist.
They have an unfortunate home life which led them to run away from their family. Armed with whatever supplies they could save money for and scrounge up from the house and various dumpsters, as well as a single woodcarving knife, Chara left for Mt. Ebott with the hope that they'd be lost forever: not dead, but undiscoverable, leading an idyllic and isolated life in the forest for the rest of their days. That did not happen. Chara tripped and fell into a hole instead, landing in the Underground as the first human since Frisk's death.
Yeah! The first! In Hyposwap Green, Chara is the second fallen human and the first human SOUL. I think it fits with the general "swap" fuckery that goes on in Underswap AUs, plus it puts a different spin on the situation that Chara will find themself in.
Chara's somewhat brutal upbringing made them especially prone to violence as a means of self-protection. They want to learn what being happy feels like and live in peace, and if the monsters want to kill them that badly, well, they're not going to make it easy for them! As Chara is the second human, the death of Frisk and Asriel is still fresh in the monsters' eyes and SOULs, so they tend to be more vicious towards Chara than they are to Frisk in Undertale. As a character, Chara would retaliate in kind, attacking with the INTENT to win (kill) and get out, finally able to live a happy life (they hope). Chara is DETERMINED as hell to get their happy ending. While naturally leaning towards a somewhat violent Neutral and possibly leaning to Genocide, Chara can be persuaded towards Pacifism by....
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Asriel is the angel on Chara's shoulder--a fitting swap for Chara themself! HSG Frisk and Asriel died much in the same way that UT Chara and Asriel did, but instead of becoming a flower, Asriel became the ghost haunting the narrative. Except instead of being a Demon of the Genocide timeline, Asriel is the Angel of the True Pacifist Route, giving Chara various pointers in dialogue boxes and whispering in their ear to not fight, please.
Asriel realizes that because Chara is the second human and there is not an abundance of people falling into the Underground, Chara will most likely have to kill Asgore or Toriel to be able to cross the barrier and leave. He hopes in part that by teaching Chara that monsters are good, just hurt and wounded and struggling to hold onto hope, they will find a home Underground, with their friends (and newfound family).
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Frisk takes UT Asriel's role as Flowey the Flower, but Chara's role as the first fallen human and Asgore and Toriel's adoptive child. In HSG, Frisk was very fascinated by the Underground when they had fallen in, especially the more magical aspects. Their favorite region by far was Waterfall, where they and Asriel would often go to sing to the echo flowers to the tune of the rushing water, weaving eerie yet soothing lullabies that filled Waterfall's caverns with gentle noise. Asgore ended up making a little echo flower garden in the New Home Castle where the royal family lived, which Frisk was very attentive to. They and Asriel would put on performances and "talent shows" for their parents, using the echo flowers as a choir.
I imagine that instead of the "Chara's Creepy Smile" tape in the True Lab, the player would find a cassette of a creepy lullaby Frisk would have the echo flowers sing for Asriel--perhaps about their plans on how to free the monsters and destroy the barrier.
The flower on Frisk's head and what I wrote so far makes the next part of their design very obvious; instead of being a golden Flowey the Flower, Frisk the Flower is instead an echo flower! Inspired by the fandom sometimes interpreting Frisk as mute or autistic nonverbal/semi-verbal (or both!), Frisk the Flowey would only be able of communicating through echolalia, a speech quirk that can be found in some autistics! They can only repeat what had once been spoken around them, withn the same inflection, tone of voice, and same voice wholesale! In the game, this would look like switching fonts (when using the skelebros' speech) as well as discordant and constantly-changing "voice dings".
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I don't have much to say besides the fact that the colors are of the human kids are inspired/based on the inverted colors of their clothing. I prefer darker, more desaturated tones, so Chara's inverted colors and Asriel's natural colors got strongly muted to fit with the vibe I was going for. Asriel's inverted coloring is included mostly just to fill that space...
Frisk went through more changes. I based their skintone off of the inverted blue of their romper (that's what they're wearing in my drawing, anyhow!) but a little desaturated, but the rest of their clothing is colored mostly just to match Asriel. I want for most if not all of the monsters to have some green element in their clothing (it's Hyposwap Green after all), but I also found it cute how UT Chara and Asriel wore matching shirts. Chara likely borrowed Asriel's clothing. I wanted to make Frisk match Asriel, since they were now the adoptive sibling stealing their brother's clothes. I made their clothes a bit dark though, so to help the siblings match, Asriel's shorts are the same dark green as most of Frisk's romper.
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Crossover Ships: Henroin x Lucifer & Rose x Adam (2024)
[Note: might need to click on the drawing on top to make it bigger so it can be viewed better. also please don't reblog this without permission.]
Credit for Undertale goes to Toby Fox
Credit for Hazbin Hotel goes to Vivienne “Vivziepop” Medrano
Credit for Red Vs Blue goes to Rooster Teeth
Credit for Steven Universe goes to Rebecca Sugar
Credit for Grim Tales From Down Below goes to Bleedman & Their Team
I had to have the bigger version of the ship drawing between Henroin x Lucifer, be in a different drawing, but also make the one in the other one much smaller...also that drawing was at first going to be just the different flags but I wanted to add a bit more to it.
and yeah I know there is a reason I drew that whole Henroin x Lucifer in the first place, and it was thanks to a fan series I had watched...now they got me hooked.
not everyone has to take the whole Rose x Adam too seriously.
also if you look closely, you can see that Chara is crying even with a smile on their face. Charlie is winking at Vaggie, so the only ones that are romantically ship in the drawings are Charlie x Vaggie...
and Charlie's Dad & Angel's Dad.
as well as a bit of Rose x Adam, which once again no one has to take that too seriously, I'm not sure if there be that many people that would end up liking the idea of those two being ship together and that's okay. and there is a reason why Adam's eyes, are pink.
also even though I still suspect I might be Intersex, but I still think I shouldn't fully call myself one even if some stuff makes me expect I might be one of the types.
I also suspect that I may have been Demiromantic before but had no clue about it, even with the whole bad luck with some ex-boyfriends that were just online...and I'm fine not trying to look for one at the moment and don't mind being both Aroaceflux and Fictoromantic...
having crushes on some characters from favorite series either it be a video game or comic or movie or show, is for the best for me at the moment...and yeah I can still have crushes...I know that my crush on Garrus Vakarian may have cooled down a bit, there can be different levels of crushes and some can become bigger than most.
also there can be different types of someone's romantic identity, like if they feel more or less Aromantic on some days or feel more of it on other days...oh yeah, and I made a type of updated version of a flag that is suppose to have a Rose with Wings...
it doesn't really have anything to do with gender identity or romantic identity...anyway I'm going to hurry up and post this up...
also it might not make sense for some to be well both Aroflux and Fictoromantic, but maybe some would understand, I just don't know how many would...anyway hopefully I wont run into the same problem I did some days ago or even today, I think it really did put a little bit of stress on me...I was already having trouble sleeping and it would of been nice if I felt a bit tired much earlier and then I could of posted what I wanted to post on Tumblr much later.
but I'm sure there has been many others who had trouble sleeping.
anyway before I go to sleep, I'm going to do something first...
I might be a little tired at the moment, but I still can take care of one more thing before I head to bed...and anyway if I'm not back on tomorrow to talk more about the whole Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Theory about Soul-Partner Contracts, well in a Part 2 version of it.
I will try for the day after tomorrow or in a few days, but I hope I can find the time to come back on tomorrow to make part 2 of that theory and check out some more stuff on here. :)
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skellfamily · 3 years
I have a couple other Deltarune theories, one about Kris and one about the Angel. they aren’t connected to each other but I’ll just put em together in one post
My idea about Kris is that they were originally created to be a vessel, just like the vessel we create at the beginning of Deltarune. I first began thinking about this when I pondered what happened to Kris’s soul; after all, the red SOUL in Deltarune is not theirs. It is yours, the Player’s. When the heart materializes in the beginning, Gaster takes it to mean he’s connected with you. When the heart shatters, he asks if you wish to continue. At the end of chapter 1, Kris tears the SOUL out of their body, where we can still control/move it in the cage.
So what happened to Kris’s soul then? Well, what if they never had one in the first place? And then I realized - what if they’re a vessel?
The vessel we made was presumably going to be soulless. After all, a vessel is a hollow container used to hold something - we would insert our SOUL into the vessel to pilot it. If Kris was made to be a vessel as well, it would make sense for them to not have a SOUL of their own.
Speaking of the vessel we made - it’s interesting how all the choices look very similar to Kris. They’re basically just tiny variations on Kris’s design
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Their faces are blank. Kris, meanwhile, always has a flat expression on their face with their eyes remaining hidden (except that moment at the very end of course). Then there’s this description of Kris:
LV1 Human Body contains a human SOUL.
It’s a very clinical way of describing them. Kris is a body that contains a human SOUL (which is not theirs) - in other words, that sounds a lot like a vessel. An empty container for our SOUL. So was Kris originally a body without a soul?
Kris being a vessel could explain a lot of things regarding them. Like, you know how their room is bland and empty?
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Some people take this to indicate favoritism on Toriel’s part for Asriel. But what if it’s actually a reflection of Kris’s personality? It could mean that Kris doesn’t have many strong interests or skills or desires. Kris is also seen as a weird loner by the other townspeople and when they become more talkative due to the Player’s influence, it’s commented upon as being out of character.
And while the vessels would probably be fairly blank slates, we do give them a few traits like a "gift" (of mind, voice, etc.), favorite type of food, etc. So even without a soul of their own, they could still have a sense of individuality. After all, not having a soul in Undertale doesn't necessarily mean someone is totally empty, it means they lack certain traits. Kris obviously is their own person, with a mind of their own and capable of complex feelings (perhaps that’s the reason they came to reject being a vessel).
It could help explain why Kris is so similar to both Chara and Frisk - Gaster may have based Kris on the two humans he is familiar with or intentionally created them to be an amalgam of Undertale's humans.
If Kris is a vessel, then why did Gaster have us make another one? I have a couple of ideas. Maybe Kris was always simply a ‘test’ vessel. 
Or Gaster really did want Kris to be the vessel but Kris grew beyond their purpose and became too willful to be a ‘good’ vessel. There's a good chance that the ending of chapter 1 wasn't the first time they had torn out the SOUL and thrown it into that birdcage, considering the red stain on the carpet near it and the narration that the cage has seen many crashes. If that happened multiple times, Gaster would presumably abandon the idea of using Kris and attempt to start fresh with a new vessel (though for whatever reason, the Player's soul ends up in them anyway).
(the implication that Kris has been possessed before is interesting by itself; obviously we/the Player aren’t doing it since that was the first time we arrived in Deltarune. was Gaster making artificial red SOULs and giving them to Kris? was he at first attempting to try to do...whatever it is that he’s hoping to accomplish without our help? or were those just test runs?)
Or, maybe Kris’s purpose is to be 'the human' of the game, to be adopted by the Dreemurrs? If Chara or Frisk don't end up with the monsters in the Deltarune verse for whatever reason, maybe Gaster needed a presence similar to theirs, someone else to fulfill that role? So he made Kris for that reason.
My other theory is a small one about the Angel. I’ve seen a lot of speculation on the identity of the Angel; I believe that at least in Deltarune, the Angel is us, The Player. Father Alvin says:
* Let the Angel's power light your way.
And in Deltarune, what are savepoints associated with? Power, shining within you. They are also bright white lights, “The light only you can see.” 
The Dark Fountain is called “holy” and the name of the track that plays when standing in front of it is “THE HOLY.” Our soul, the red heart, is what can seal/close a Dark Fountain. There’s a light vs. dark contrast, too - the Angel’s divine light vs. ‘the holy’ Dark Fountain 
When our SOUL enters the Fountain, it changes from being colorful to being white like the savepoints and the music that plays during is called “Your Power”
The Angel is worshiped in Deltarune, too. What better way to describe the Player than as essentially a god in the UT/DR universes? We are incredibly powerful beings who can control others, remake everything on a whim, come back as many times as we want, etc.
I’ve touched upon a similar idea in another post, but if the Angel = the Player, then that means that the three heroes banishing “the Angel’s heaven” will be destroying our heaven. Does that mean getting rid of us and our influence in the universe is the ultimate goal? 
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my-name-is-dre · 3 years
Mettaton is a False Prophet [OLD THEORY]
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To start things off and make sure we have a reference, we need to list off the eerie yet superficial similarities between Mettaton and Asriel:
They both have multiple forms, with Mettaton having his normal form at the beginning, his EX form during his fight, and his NEO form in the No Mercy run. Asriel has his flower form throughout most of the game, his child form at the end of the True Pacifist run, and his “God of Hyperdeath” form also at the end of the True Pacifist run.
This is a minor detail, but they both possess the power to change the application’s name, with Mettaton turning it to “Undertale The Musical” during the track Oh! One True Love and Flowey turning it into “Floweytale” during his boss fight at the end of a neutral run. With the ability to change meta elements like this being traditionally associated with possessing determination in fan theories, we can conclude that there’s a case of overlap here. Another minor detail is that they’re the only two characters who can audibly speak, with Flowey’s creepy “that’s a wonderful idea!” and Mettaton’s famous “oh yes!”
One big similarity is that they’re both products of Alphys, with Mettaton being an attempt to purposefully enfuse a monster soul into an inanimate robot initially with the purpose of being efficient at killing humans, while Flowey was an incident caused by injecting determination into an inanimate object that had the remnants of a monster soul within it.
This is a bit of a stretch, but both characters are artificially inserted into your journey in an attempt to please an ulterior motive, with Flowey enacting his agency at the level equivalent of a player to toy with the same experiences and reconnect with whom he believes to be Chara while Mettaton was conscripted by Alphys to set up an elaborate stage play where she can rescue from him to feel better about herself, acting only at the level of agency as a monster.
The biggest emotional similarity is that both possess a mournful attitude towards a lost sibling, with Asriel on an endless quest of ironic spite against Chara for severing their old friendship by dying while Mettaton leaves Napstablook behind to pursue hedonistic dreams of fame and beauty, destroying the potential they had as a performance duo. Both rectify the holes these relationships left in them, with Asriel destroying the very thing that led to Chara’s death and Mettaton humbling himself reconnecting with Napstablook.
Goal-wise, they both obsess over humans but for very different reasons: Asriel has an obsession with only one human, and the reasons for this are very deep-seated and personal. Mettaton’s obsession however is more vain and is concerned with growing his audience beyond the borders of the Underground and being seen as a sort of vanguard for monsterkind among humanity. Or more insidiously, he feels as if he can assimilate into them. Both seek a form of transcendence that comes with obtaining a human soul: Asriel, as Flowey, seeks one so he can restore a bit of what he lost when he became a flower. Mettaton wants one again for vain reasons; those being to deprive Asgore of the opportunity and claim the title of the “Savior of the Underground” to himself.
Despite this being the most superficial similarity, it’s likely the most important: Both of their ‘ultimate’ forms—Mettaton NEO and God of Hyperdeath—have some interesting similarities between their designs. The most obvious is that they have these large wings jutting out, with Asriel’s having intricate color patterns while Mettaton’s flash between a brighter and darker shade of grey. Other similarities include excessively large shoulder blades and heart patterns on the chest area that are also shared with Undyne the Undying, indicating that this design motif is a trend among all major bosses considered to possess determination. Finally, this form also vaguely resembles the Delta Rune symbol, which I will elaborate on what they mean later. Despite all of this, it’s mainly the wings that are the contentious point of comparison, which I’ll get into later.
Lastly, they both seek a form of integration outside of themselves, with Asriel seeking once again the fusion of their soul with Chara’s, while Mettaton seeks total unification of their soul with their new body, and this is represented in the designs of their ultimate forms, with Mettaton’s ensignia featuring two hearts (one empty and one a monster soul) opposing each other, while Asriel’s features an empty soul within another empty soul. This is likely a metaphor that, despite all of the power he possesses, he’s still empty because he doesn’t have his friend with him. Conversely, this can apply to how Mettaton, despite achieving everything he basically dreamed of (as written in his diaries), feels empty because he abandoned Napstablook.
We’re finally done with comparisons to lay down the evidence for the main point. Now, we’ll get onto the Deltarune prophecy and what it means:
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As most of you probably know, the Delta Rune is an emblem that represents the Kingdom of Monsters and is seen on the garments of every Boss Monster. In Waterfall, there are glyphs that describe a prophecy: “The Angel… The One Who Has Seen The Surface… They will return. And the underground will go empty.” If you ask Gerson to elaborate on what this means, he says that some monsters believe that this refers to a bleaker outlook: That the angel prophesied is actually a harbinger of death, and that this freedom actually refers to death.
If you connect the dots, you end up with two conflictingly obvious solutions: The first is that the player is the prophesied angel who appropriately fits both outlooks, being able to destroy the barrier and free monsterkind or free them mortally by attempting to slaughter all of them. However, another conclusion that can be drawn is that the angel prophesied is actually Asriel, and that you’re merely a vessel for his unwitting divine plan. While both are valid interpretations, the second is far more relevant to my point.
Also mentioned in those glyphs is the fact that not a single human soul was taken in the war between humans and monsters, alongside this is the missed opportunity to uncover that one can achieve godhood if they combine a human and monster’s souls. This implies a type of dualism as to whether or not the angel symbolizes the player or Asriel, as it’s more accurate to say that both the player and Asriel—the fusion of their souls—is the angel. This makes sense in both the contexts of the True Pacifist and No Mercy runs (and technically neutral), as both are attempts by Asriel to integrate with Chara again, with the former favoring Asriel’s determination while the latter favoring the player’s.
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Now, what if I told you that Mettaton’s character in the story is his attempt to fulfill this prophecy artificially, thus making a false prophet of himself?
It seems hard to believe at first, but considering all the weird similarities between the staging and capabilities of both Asriel and Mettaton, it seems to imply that there’s some similarities between them in the context of the fate of monsterkind. Not only is it common knowledge among all monsters to speak of the prophecy, we also know Mettaton grew up in Waterfall alongside Napstablook and Shyren, meaning that this prophecy could’ve had more meaning to him specifically.
Now, it’s unknown whether or not the intentions to save monsterkind came about because of his hubris or because they were suggested to him by some higher command like Asgore, but considering that he states directly that he wants to kill you to prevent Asgore from taking your soul, it implies that Mettaton’s attempt at fulfilling the Delta Rune prophecy is entirely selfish.
One point of evidence in the camp that Mettaton was intentionally made to fulfill the Delta Rune prophecy is that Mettaton was made to impress Asgore according to Catty and Bratty. If this is true, then his position as a celebrity implies that he was made to be a beacon of hope that could be predictably grown and made to accomplish a purpose that fulfilled everyone’s collective desire. But the hair covering his right eye and its further concealment in his NEO form tells that, if he was created to fulfill the prophecy, then he wasn’t finished for this task and still required further tinkering from Alphys.
It may be entirely coincidental that Mettaton’s motivations as a character parallel and complement Asriel’s, but I find that hard to believe especially given the similarities of being separated from a lost sibling, seeking an integration of souls that’ll grant extraordinary power to embrace humanity to a degree, and possessing soulless objects. What I think really drives it home for me is the similarities between Mettaton NEO and the God of Hyperdeath, both of which are depicted as being angelic with prominent wings, which I’ll go on record to state are the only two boss fights in the game that feature wings prominently.
If Asriel is fulfilled as the angel of death, then the depiction of Mettaton NEO is given a newfound authenticity as he serves as the image of a guardian angel meant to stop you in a place where there is nobody to onlook, forcing him to act in authentic spirit. He now has the duty of protecting both monsterkind and humankind from you, even if he utterly fails at it.
One thing that’s hard to answer is how Mettaton is able to perform actions that imply metatextual awareness of the game and other similar actions Flowey does despite never being implied or hinted at possessing determination. Does this imply that, like Flowey, the process of integrating monster souls into inanimate objects grants them some form of determination? If so, it would grant greater proof as to why Mettaton has such a vested interest in fulfilling the Delta Rune prophecy beyond merely hearing about it. Yet, we know from the True Lab logs that Flowey was injected with determination while there’s no such implication that the same was done with Mettaton. However, we can gather from Napstablook being able to avoid being absorbed into Flowey as he transforms into Asriel that ghosts, as a type of monster, are seemingly immune to things other monsters aren’t. Perhaps this implies that they have metatextual powers like monsters with determination?
Now, here comes the really fun (and fortunately last) part where I draw parallels between these characters and the real-world mythology that may have inspired them:
Now, it’s a factoid among some that Asriel’s name may be inspired by Azrael, who is described as the angel of death in Judaism and Islam, and as part of that title, he separated souls from their bodies. His appearance has been described as being cosmically large, having an insurmountable amount of wings, and possessing a body formed of an amount of eyes and tongues representing every human being. Right away, we can see parallels to the God of Hyperdeath, who also has very large wings that appear to project a cosmic pattern within them. While its appearance may not correspond literally, he is a being composed of every human and monster soul in the Underground, eerily matching the description. Not to mention that Asriel absorbed Chara’s soul into them, equivalent to Azrael’s job of severing souls from their bodies.
Another factoid is that Metaton’s name is possibly inspired by Metatron, another angel of Judaism that, unlike Azrael, isn’t found in the Tanakh but is mentioned briefly in the Talmud. He has a similar job to Azrael in that he records the sins and merits of men, similar to how Azrael was able to see which names were blessed or damned. However, Metatron holds an even more lofty title in Kabbalistic mysticism as God’s mediator between men, being described as one “whose name is like that of his master”, even going as far as to be called “the lesser YHWH.” This is obviously a heretical dualistic proclivity in an otherwise monotheistic Judaism. Further, Metatron is related to Enoch, being described in Jewish apocrypha as the name Metatron used to have before he was transformed into an angel. Now, for all of that backstory, it parallels to Mettaton specifically in transformation: It seems as if Mettaton’s obsession with human reciprocation and the very humanoid appearance of his EX form imply that he wants to integrate into humanity similar to how Enoch entered angeldom.
The hot topic is whether or not Metatron’s power compared to that of God given the texts stating he was a secondary power in heaven with YHWH, but the answer most Rabbinistic scholars give is that he obviously wasn’t despite that it was written that all other angels bowed before him. However, this idea of there being dual power in Heaven is what later laid the groundwork for understanding the nature of Christ in Christianity. But in most Jewish sects, this doesn’t fly and is seen as a dualistic heresy, implying that there’s a falseness to Metatron’s power. Just like how there is a falseness to Mettaton’s power and intentions in all runs of the game. Another neat thing to note is that, as part of accepting Metatron as a real angel, one believes that any time a human believes God has directly spoken to them, it’s actually Metatron acting as his vessel. Perhaps this is parallel with how Mettaton is the voice of the Underground and it’s desire to be free despite himself possessing relatively lacking power?
The angel required a fusion of both a monster and human soul, and while Mettaton is the fusion between a monster soul and a soulless object akin to Flowey, it wasn’t enough to fulfill the role of the angel, falling short of his lofty dreams of being a savior. However, this disillusionment isn’t cruel, especially when you spare Mettaton and he receives a call from Napstablook (implied) that reminds him of his importance to monsterkind, making him reconsider his lofty ambitions to appeal to humanity. This is telling Mettaton that he is not a mediator between monster and humankind that he thought of himself as, for he never had the ability to combine both human and monster soul like Asriel. Perhaps he had the determination to be able to foresee the realization of the prophecy but not enough to put it into effect?
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That’s just about everything I have to potentially support this theory, including referents to Jewish mythology. I firmly believe that Mettaton’s presence in the story was to serve as a false prophet to fulfill the prophecy of the Delta Rune, and that explains why his character and origin is so similar to that of Flowey.
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ahyacinthblossom · 3 years
So... about the Titans (chapter 2 spoilers)
Aight I already did a whole text post about Gaster so I wanna talk about the Titans now and their significance in the story. I think it goes without saying that these beings are going to serve as major enemies later on, maybe even the final bosses of the game. First off, let’s discuss some popular theories that have been thrown around by various people. 1. The Titans are just “adults” and the Roaring is just cleaning up the area where the Dark Fountains are located and removing all the inhabitants to whatever place they came from. How does this make any sense at all??? The Titans being just adult Lightners would make no sense, as the Darkners viewed ALL Lightners as gods to serve. Not just the adults but all of them. This theory is not one that can be easily backed up by much. Plus, Kris opening up a fountain in their bedroom would have inadvertently caused the Roaring if this were true, as it’s likely Toriel and other adults from the Light World will be joining the adventures in the Dark World in the next chapter. I think that Kris may end up jumpstarting the Roaring somehow, just not in THAT way. 2. Ralsei is a titan. Ok, I gotta be honest, this one might be true. Ralsei does say that he takes shape from the Fountain, which lines up with the way he describes the Titans. This could be furthered by the fact that the eye symbols we see on the main titan in the vision of the Roaring are the same ones that exist on the cliff walls in Ralsei’s Dark World. This could be the body of a deceased Titan, maybe from a previous Roaring that Ralsei somehow survived. If he himself was indeed a Titan, it wouldn’t really make sense for him to be worried about the Roaring, you’d think he’d be excited if he was truly one of them. But, maybe he is in fact a Titan who rebelled against his mission and stopped the previous Roaring from occurring by sealing the main Titan in his Dark World. Or, maybe he was merely a survivor, a Darkner who’s family was murdered by the Titans. In any case, I’m not one to immediately jump to the “Ralsei is evil” theory but I think it’s possible he could be a Titan. Maybe. 3. My personal theory (and Gaster’s possible connection with and plan for the Titans) So, the eyes on the cliffs in the Dark World are probably connected to the Titans. I think that entire area might be the corpse of one of the Titans. Maybe a sleeping one and not a dead one, who knows. In any case, I think the reason Gaster’s involved in all of this is purely to find a new body for himself. He’s been trapped between existence and non-existence, simultaneously existing in and outside of both Deltarune and Undertale’s stories at the same time. He was shattered across time and space, and he’s probably looking for a temporary vessel until he can achieve his grand plan, finding a new, stronger body for himself. I brought up in my last big text post that I think he might want to assemble himself as a Titan or maybe possess one, which honestly might be a stretch but eh. He’s fighting for control over Kris to use them as a way of opening Fountains and bring about the Roaring. We, the player, are fighting over control with Gaster. Now, it’s been implied that we’re not the good guy in this scenario either. In fact it’s heavily implied that we are the Angel that needs to be banished according to the Prophecy. It’s easy to assume that when Kris takes out their soul and is limping around, that it’s THEM in control of their body. Just Kris, no one else. But I think that’s not the case, I think when they move like that and open Fountains, it’s Gaster controlling them. It’s an elaborate game of chess, except in this case we’re fighting over the same exact piece. The Knight. Dark vs Light. It’s the struggle of chaos vs order, but when both extremes overtake the other, it causes the balance to be disrupted. The times we see Kris acting outside any influence from us or Gaster are times like when they yell after the fight with Spamton. They are obviously showing strong emotions whenever puppets or strings are brought up, hinting at the fact they are aware of the struggle that is happening around them.  The Roaring is the triumph of the Dark World over the Light World. It’s the opposite of what will happen with the Angel’s Heaven, which is probably something we, the player, would bring about if we had total control over Kris. Ralsei brings up both sides of the prophecy, but he didn’t tell us everything in one story, leading many to believe he’s hiding stuff from us. I don’t think this is necessarily the case. He MAY be aware of the player controlling Kris, but I don’t think his intentions are evil. I do think there will be more than one ending to this, either the Darkness prevails and we get the Roaring, or the Angel’s Heaven prevails and we have to engage in some fight against the Heroes of Light. Either way, it’s gonna be one hell of a climactic showdown, and Gaster is probably going to play some role in it no matter what happens. Honestly I just wrote all this because I want the final boss to be a giant twisted multi-armed Gaster titan.
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brandstifter-sys · 3 years
Carry On
Five Times Remus Swept Virgil Off His Feet (and One Time Virgil Returned the Favor)
That's a FOB title if I ever saw one
Word Count: 2927                          (Ao3)
Characters: all sides
Pairing: Dukexiety
Rating: T
Warnings: self-doubt, sex mention, swearing, mild gore mention, undertale references, dc comics references, charlie the unicorn references
inspired by @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes‘ post linked here
Sans. Virgil truly hated this battle, but he was set on finishing this run to get to the true ending the next time around. Too bad he was getting his ass handed to him by a punny pile of bones!
He growled to himself as his fingers frantically danced over the keys. He didn't care if anyone came into the common area while he was there, he couldn't afford the stress from his room and everyone knew to stay away from him or else.
Remus was not one of those sides who did what he was supposed to do all the time. So when he popped up in the common area, he didn't think twice about lounging on the couch next to his favorite emo.
"Oh come on!" Virgil snapped at his computer as he lost again. He clawed at his hair and let out a long, agonized groan before flopping back on the couch. His hands were shaking and his heart was racing. He was one more loss away from committing murder.
"Uh oh!" Remus giggled and got up. He closed the laptop and grinned at Virgil as the emo tried to murder him with his eyes.
"What do you want?"
"Me? Well I have to make a delivery to the Grand Duke of the Imagination! And you have what I need!" Remus hummed and wiggled his shoulders. Virgil scowled and crossed his arms.
"What are you talking about?" he huffed, ignoring the mischievous twinkle in Remus' eyes. That was a mistake!
Remus swooped down and scooped him up bridal style, laughing at Virgil flailing in his arms and squawking like a gull. He would never drop him out of nowhere! Silly emo could trust him!
"I'm taking you to the Grand Duke so he can spoil you and cheer you up! By any means necessary!" Remus purred and winked, bringing a delightful blush to Virgil's face.
"What the hell?"
"You are my damsel in distress and I don't even have to slay a monster to make sure you're okay—unless you want me to, there's definitely a monster I want to see, in your—"
"No. I am so done with monsters today. Don't even make that joke. Just do what you were planning," Virgil huffed and averted his gaze, no longer squirming to get away. Remus could live with that as long as he could keep holding this tall drink of water!
Remus was just polishing his morning star when he decided it was a good time to harass his brother and talk about the only thing they seemed to agree on: butts!
He appeared in the common area to the sound of a Disney movie, it would have been perfect, but Roman was not alone on the couch. Oh no, he could clearly distinguish a mop of purple hair next to the prince’s own preened locks. Neither one seemed to notice the duke looming behind them, which was good. Surprising Roman was way too much fun!
“How can you claim this isn’t romantic and charming?!” Roman grumbled as Prince Philip and Briar Rose began to dance and sing in the forest. Virgil snorted and shook his head.
“There’s nothing more romantic than a total stranger in his 20s swooping in and interrupting a 16 year old girl’s furry fantasy without an introduction or asking,” Virgil droned sarcastically. He snickered at the offended gasp that came out of the prince’s mouth and shifted in his seat.
“You wanna pause this and grab some popcorn? My leg fell asleep.”
Before Roman could move Remus struck.
“Hello there! The angel from my nightmares, the shadow in the background of the morgue!” he sang and scooped Virgil into his arms, twirling around with the brightest grin imaginable. Virgil squeaked and clung to him, more out of surprise than fear. He should have seen it coming.
“I think my point stands,” Roman teased, smirking at the pair like a cheshire cat. Virgil shot him a death glare, daring him to say anything more while Remus giggled impishly between verses.
“Perhaps you should take care of that leg and we can continue later. I would hate to rob you of a moment like this!” the prince continued, making Virgil flush and plot his end. Remus laughed and brushed Roman off.
“Looks like I’m the dashing heroic prince today! Better luck next time Hoe-man!” he sang and sunk out for some much needed cuddles. Roman rolled his eyes, ignoring the sleight in favor of appreciating how cute those two could be. Plus he could rewatch his movie without critique!
Virgil was exhausted. After a long study session for the next video, making sure that Logan knew his lines and keeping Janus from making them take a break, all he wanted to do was fall into a coma. But he was still in the common area and he would have company if he didn't move, but that meant moving. He drooped, letting his limbs hang off the couch, wishing he had the energy.
That was a mistake, and he knew that he would regret it. Especially when something slimy glided up the back of his hand.
"Gross," he grumbled, not bothering to look at the culprit. Remus giggled and licked his hand again before kissing it. He got off the floor and on one knee, smiling at his emo.
"You know you love me!" he teased and brought Virgil's hand to his lips again, "You're like my personal damsel in distress and I just love saving you and making you feel like a princess!"
"I'm not a damsel, just tired. Can I take a nap in peace?"
"Not out here, Scare Bear! You know it gets crazy with the others around!" Remus giggled and scooped him up without any struggle.
"If you take me to your dungeon to do horrible things to me in my sleep, make sure I have both kidneys intact."
"No promises, Charlie!" Remus teased and resituated Virgil so he could rest his head on his shoulder, "But I can promise you a comfy bed and the best snuggle buddy ever!"
"You're bringing Winary? Hellhounds don't make for great cuddles. They stink of brimstone," Virgil mumbled against his neck.
"Nope! You get to cuddle with a stinky dukey!" Remus countered and walked towards his room with his precious cargo.
"I'd rather cuddle with you," Virge mumbled and curled into Remus' chest.
"But I am a stinky dukey!" he said, fighting back the urge to squeal. Virgil huffed and wrapped his arms around Remus.
"I like your scent. It's comforting, like a puppy that likes mud."
"You Sir are exhausted!" Remus declared, "And you are taking a long nap with me so you can get that snark back!"
"You better be there when I wake up," Virge answered, barely able to keep his eyes open. Remus was happy and he was sure to be there the whole time.
"Virgil, you can't just call Remus every time something mildly inconvenient happens. He's not your footman," Janus huffed as Virgil curled into himself. He was going to summon Remus for a good reason. It wasn't his fault that the duke showed up every time he stubbed his toe!
"I know that, Snake-face," he huffed, "I don't actually summon him when they happen. He just knows."
"And you do nothing to stop him. It's not good for you to be dependent on him for everything. There's a fine line between self-care and sinking into bad habits."
"I'm not sinking into bad habits, Janus. I'm fine with being toted around if it makes him feel like he's being heroic instead of a villain."
Janus sighed and shook his head. Virgil had a point, Remus needed to feel wanted and needed. And who better to provide that for him than Virgil? Remus adored him!
"And I want him to show up right now," Virgil mumbled and hugged his knees. His skin was crawling and he was freezing. Was it too selfish for him to want to have Remus hold him and keep him close? Was he taking advantage of Remus wanting to be someone's hero? Was he even good enough to get that kind of attention from the duke?
"Remus!" Janus called out, rather than sit by and watch Virgil spiral. He sank out at the same time Remus appeared.
Remus got one look at Virgil and immediately pulled him into his arms. Virgil melted into him and let out a contented sigh.
"Scare Bear!" Remus cheered and spun on his heels, "My spider sense was tingling! What's wrong, Bitter Sweetie?"
"I just need some creature contact," Virgil grumbled, "and you're the most comfortable creature I know."
"So no slaying your demons or disemboweling anyone?" Remus giggled and dropped Virgil on the couch before flopping on him. Virgil shifted and wrapped his arms around Remus' waist.
"Nah, just don't leave. I need a Cuddlefish."
"And you got me for as long you want!" Remus giggled and nestled his head under Virgil's chin.
"You're gonna be here for a while," Virge hummed and soaked in the warmth Remus provided.
"I don't mind," Remus said, "I like it here!" And that was an understatement.
Remus was just going to the kitchen for a snack—he had some prairie oysters with his name on them! But he paused in the middle of the hallway when he saw Virgil on a step ladder, painting a wrought iron fence mural over his door. He was so focused, so pretty, Remus had to stare.
"You know, creeping on someone who's on a ladder is considered a bad idea."
"Do I look like the guy who has good ideas?"
"No, I should know better, you like me."
"No talking bad about yourself!" Remus growled and loomed closer.
"Oh, that's not what I meant. I mean you like the one guy who can kick your ass and you keep calling him a damsel. Last I checked, I saved you from the Dragon Witch twice this week alone."
"It was hot!" Remus agreed as Virge bent over to get more paint on his brush, carefully holding onto the wall, "But that doesn't mean you can't be a damsel too! You're like Dick Grayson—perfectly capable of kicking ass, but also very much in need of some saving every so often! Plus I think you'd make those shorts look good! Almost as good as I'd look getting into them!" Virgil jolted away from Remus as he was getting up again and lost his balance.
It felt like forever, falling backwards with nothing to grab onto. He was sure the impact would be annoying, but not terrible. If he were any higher up his instincts could have easily taken over and he wouldn't land on his back. But that impact never came. Instead he landed in a pair of strong arms.
"I knew you'd fall for me and my feral mojo!" Remus giggled down at him. Virgil stared at him for a second before swiping his paintbrush over Remus' nose.
"Sure, Puppy, you tell yourself that," Virgil said with a smirk, "It's not at all because you had the audacity to call me Dick Grayson when I'm more of a Jason Todd."
"You're more of a hottie who needs to snuggle with me after that kind of fall!"
"You really need to consider just asking like a normal person," Virgil jeered and kissed his cheek.
"Why would you ever consider that? Boring! You need some excitement in your life and that's where I come in!"
"I thought you came in—"
"Dirty jokes are my job!"
"I thought you came in like Peter Parker on a wrecking ball. Chaotically trying to save me from every mild inconvenience," Virge reiterated and wrapped his arms around Remus' shoulders before kissing his cheek again. Remus was a happy boy.
And then...
It was just perfect! Remus was so excited to finally have a gift for Patton that he would like! He appeared in the common area in the kitchen, just out of sight of the duo watching Looney Toons. Patton and Virgil were in for a treat!
He set Fluffy on the floor and motioned towards the couch. The little thing sprinted off in a pale pink blur and Remus waited for the cooing and squealing from Patton.
His heart shattered when all he heard were horrified screams coming from the father figure. He sank out to his room and fought the urge to cry. Fluffy would be able to get back to the Imagination without him.
Virgil paused the show and watched Patton scoop up the hairless cat with tears in his eyes.
"Look Virgil!" he cheered and held up the cat like she was Simba, "A kitty I can pet!" Virgil blinked twice, confused as to how a cat found her way into the commons. That's when he spotted the green collar around her neck and the silver tag hanging from it.
"Can I keep her Virge?" Patton pleaded as Virgil checked the tag. He had a hunch that Fluffy was meant to be with Patton.
"You're asking me?" he jeered and got up, "Let's find the guy who made her and ask him. I'm pretty sure Remus set her loose to find you."
"Remus? He made this little angel?" Patton gasped and cuddled her to his chest. She purred and kneaded his hoodie, getting him to squeal again.
"I'll go get him, and let you two get to know each other," Virgil said with a half-smile. Patton beamed and him and sat on the couch, cuddling his new best friend. Virgil sank out before the cuteness became sickening.
But any mushy feelings faded when he appeared in Remus' room. Amid the weapon racks and canopic jars, Remus was curled up on his bed, hiding his head between his knees.
"Octopuppy?" Virgil asked softly and sat next to Remus. The duke looked up at him with his makeup running down his cheeks.
"Scare Bear?"
"What's wrong?" he asked and brushed a stray piece of hair from Remus' face. Remus shook his head and let out a ragged sigh.
"I can't make anything good."
"Your dog is not gonna be happy to hear that."
"She's a hellhound with three heads. She's not good or normal. But she's a good girl," Remus grumbled and wiped his eyes. He was not about to cry again. Virgil coaxed Remus into his lap and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"What makes you think you can't make anything good?"
"I made a cat for Daddykins and I really tried to make her perfect for him. But he screamed at the sight of her. You know, you were there," he pouted and hid his face in Virgil's hoodie. Virgil pouted and held him closer.
"Can I show you something?" he whispered, "Something that can prove you can make something good."
Remus nodded and clung to Virgil as he stood. The emo cradled him to his chest and smiled down at him.
"Looks like you're my damsel this time," he teased and sank out, adoring the blush that crossed Remus' face.
They appeared in the common area kitchen to the sounds of giggles and cooing. Remus looked to Virgil for answers only to get a smirk in return.
"Hey Pat!" Virgil called out and carried Remus into the next room. Patton was curled up in his hoodie, using the string to play with Fluffy. Remus had never seen him so genuinely happy.
"Virge!" he cheered, only to coo at the sight of the gruesome twosome.
"I found Remus, so go ahead and ask."
"Remus, can I keep Fluffy? Please? I'll take good care of her! I promise!"
"I made her for you, so yeah, of course you can," Remus answered, completely stunned. Virgil knew that tone all too well. He had only a matter of seconds before a tsunami of feelings crashed over the duke. He would need cuddles.
"Thank you so much Remus!" Patton squealed and hugged Fluffy, "I'm gonna show her my room!" He sank out, leaving the pair to claim the couch.
"You good, Pup?" Virgil asked and hugged the duke, leaning into the cushions. Remus nodded and nuzzled into his chest.
"Good, because right now you're stuck cuddling with me until my legs fall asleep," Virgil mused and kissed his head. Remus shuddered and his breathing hitched.
"I did good," he whimpered, "I finally did a good and made a good thing."
"Finally? Remus, you make a good thing every day—you make me feel loved. You're my knight in slimy armor."
"That's just cuz I love you."
"I love you too, and I think it's only fair that I get to be your dark knight for a while. Because it's okay to need a little help, even if you don't think you deserve it."
"Who taught you that psychiatry crap?" Remus pouted and hid his face in Virgil's hoodie so no one would see him crying.
"You might know him, he's a wily little imp with a lot of passion, a flair for the dramatic, and macabre tastes. He's a handsome sweetheart and don't even get me started on his butt."
"He sounds like a pain in the neck!" Remus giggled.
"Only if he bites," Virgil snickered, "and he's my hero. So don't you dare try to talk shit about the Grand Duke of the Imagination."
Remus giggled and clung to him. He couldn't ask for a better boyfriend and he was pretty sure he didn't want to either.
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starlightshore · 4 years
undertale theory: Red Souls are unnatural, it’s the Angel’s Power. Chara may have had a Golden Soul
Please read my previous theory post on DT not being the red soul if you haven’t already. tldr; the color gold is repeatedly shown as the color for determination, in the saves, the golden flowers, the heart locket. I ended that post with a discussion on what Red could be, since it’s not determination. I had trouble because it’d have to fit both the pacifist and no-mercy endings equally.
My answer is Red = Power, Gold = Determination. Chara had a Gold Soul that turned into a Red Soul.
Ok, how did I get there? So like, here’s my Tea. SAVE points clearly come in two colors at the very least. The Red soul in UT and DR have the colors gold and white respectively. The first is Determination, the second The Angel’s Power. Why did I say the Angel’s power?
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(photo ID: A screenshot of Deltarune, Father Alvin speaks to Kris. He says: “Let the Angel’s power light your way.” end description.)
Let’s buckle up. This is another long one.
I don’t think I need to explain player theory, do I? Yes? I’ll be quick. The combo of a few things. Firstly in this interview Toby explained that:
“I will say that basically, what you're seeing here is not the world of UNDERTALE.“
“...To rephrase that, DELTARUNE's world is a different one. With different characters, that have lived different lives."
Next, there’s Toriel only using fire magic in UT but not in her home in DR. Monsters have graves instead of performing their dust spreading traditions in UT. Humans aren’t feared for their powerful souls while monsters are seen as fragile.
Why bring this up? We don’t know if humans naturally have souls in DR. I’d even argue because souls are the culmination of your entire being, and as it exists as something you use to navigate DR and control Kris + friends with, I’d argue it represents YOU solely.
“At the start of ??????, Kris is a LV1 Human. ‘Body contains a human SOUL.'”
Either the red soul is Kris’ soul changed Red, or it’s a foreign entity taking over their body. I don’t know which fits better, because with the first is the vibe I get from us taking Kris’ previous SAVE point. This action can symbolically represent us taking over their literal body and soul here. Obviously, the red soul put into Kris has to be either Kris’ old soul taken over or brand new, as the description says there’s only A SOUL. Singular.
Now, back to the Angel being connected to the Player. As other smarter people have said, this is the song track that plays when the soul is used to close the Dark Fountain. Simply called, “Your Power.”
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(photo ID: Another Deltarune screenshot. Kris and Susie standing at the Dark Fountain, the Red Soul floating upwards to close it. end description)
With the combo of that and SAVEs being the “power of x”, a literal shining light of power, I feel it’s safe to connect all of these together. The Red Soul is You, the player, you use your the emotion of Power to bend time and control Kris. It is “Your Power” through the Soul that you can leave the darkworld. I’d argue that both the Red Soul and the white light are the same Power by all of these being used for both the SAVE point and the red soul.
Now, you could say that this could just be separate from the Red Soul like how Determination is. After all, all humans have determination. Power being the SAVE power in DR doesn’t mean the Red soul also means power. Kris even used the SAVE point before your control, and if you’re the Angel and it’s your light, how come they had it before you came?
Well, to that, I’d argue while we’re the Angel, we might not be the true true Angel. Kris was possessed with the Red Soul before we got there. Gaster had to make or at least connect to the Red Soul at the Vessel creation scene. All these connected themes tie you to the control of the player to the red soul and the word “power.”
More evidence, simply put by Chara in the No-Mercy Run:
“Greetings. I am Thank you.Your power awakened me from death. My 'human soul. 'My 'determination.' They were not mine, but YOURS.”
There are three things Chara says here. Your Power, Your Soul, Your Determination. They’re separated. They’re different things.
“ Why was I brought back to life? You. With your guidance. I realized the purpose of my reincarnation. Power. “
Here’s more emphasis on the word Power and it’s connection to You, the player. Chara is being literal here, your red soul brought them back from the dead.
We know for a fact that Chara’s soul was red at least when they died. The coffin, painted with a red soul, is described with: “ * (It's as comfortable as it  looks.) “” And with the artificial nature of Gaster calling onto You to control Kris, I wouldn’t say it’s that far fetched that he’s the reason Chara’s soul color is red now. They lied in the same time period, as Chara had lived in New Home and Gaster lived in Hotland. It’s been a long time since Gaster was the scientist.
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(photo ID: Screenshot of Undertale, Frisk stands in front of Gaster Follower #1, a greyscale Goner monster of the orange monster in Hotland. They say: “It makes sense why ASGORE took so long to hire a new Royal Scientist.” end description.)
The game repetitively mentions that Chara died a long time ago.
“ * You're not actually (player name) , are you?* (player name)'s been gone for  a long time. “
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that they’re both described this way. At the very least, it’s not a stretch they’d been at the same time period, and had interacted. As Asgore’s trusted royal scientist, tasked with likely trying to find a way to free monsterkind without killing Chara, would of had to studied their soul. And with his very direct connection of connecting to the Player’s Red Soul in DR? It’s Gaster’s doing that they’re red.
We know either Kris didn’t have a Soul or their soul turned red. We see the Red Soul change colors in battle, so we know it’s possible. If it’s the player’s connection that’s brought Chara back, and you play through Chara who influences Frisk, that’s all Red Soul work. Gaster is likely the reason Chara is back from the dead and that we can play Undertale. Bam.
and here’s my last piece of evidence that Chara and Frisk by extension aren’t natural reds either:
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(photo ID: The Undertale collector’s edition has a golden heart shaped locket with the deltarune symbol on it’s face. Next to it, a small art booklet with the word “Undertale(tm).” In the logo is a red heart. Below the logo is a gold soul, and below that Frisk falling into a patch of golden flowers. End description)
The locket is Gold. The soul is gold here. Now, maybe it’s only not Red because the art is in sepia gold tones, but the logo still has a red heart. I wouldn’t put it past Toby to have made this as a hint.
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and again, there’s no red flower. Only Gold.
(also i am aware someone else has made a similar “red is not natural” soul color theory recently, but I only saw that when researching this and I feel I’m having more to say than just that here so it’s fine? I hope?)
anyway, tldr; the word power is both used to describe the Red Soul and the white SAVE power, it’s heavily connected to the Angel’s power and light. Gaster’s influence in this artificial soul can imply the Red color is unnatural, and he could very well have given Chara this soul color as they lived in the same place/time period and had the means/job to do so.
also anyway I think a Gold Soul would be cute as hell and a cool concept, please feel free to use it. I love to see it
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underfell-crystal · 3 years
Stayed up til 3 am writing the first chapter of one of my books.... IT'S HERE!! Since I didn't realize you had to wait like a week to start writing in AO3, I'll be posting the chapters of both stories on tumblr for now.
I do not own any of the characters other than Crystal (kid with the white hair)! I'll probably write another chapter tomorrow while the brain juices are still flowing, so stay tuned!
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A long time ago, monsters and humans lived in harmony. One day, war broke out between the two races. In the end, the humans were victorious, and the monsters were sealed underground by a powerful spell, and have remained there for many years.
StoryGlitch was another UnderTale AU. It's core premise, as described by it's creator, was very similar to the original universe, but instead of the Determination Soul being the Angel, it was the Integrity Soul, which belonged to a little girl by the name of Crystal. She was meant to fall in place of Frisk. However... that never happened.
Crys woke up to the same thing as she usually did on Saturday mornings- her mother calling for her on the other side of her bedroom door with the smell of pancakes and bacon wafting through the air. She yawned, rolling over and snuggling back into her ocean-blue comforter as her mother's footsteps receded down the hall, still not quite ready to get up despite slowly being coaxed out of her drowsy state by the scent of perfectly cooked food.
Like clockwork, Crys' mother came back five minutes later and called for her again. This time, Crys sat up and rubbed her eyes, reluctantly sliding out of bed and padding down the hall to the kitchen, where a stack of pancakes loaded with syrup with a side of crispy bacon were waiting for her. She clambered onto one of the stools seated at the kitchen island and picked up her fork, eagerly digging into the soft, buttery pancakes. Her mother went through her Saturday routine of brewing herself a coffee, making a list of things she would need from the grocery store, and putting away the breakfast ingredients before finally sitting down to eat with Crys.
"Crys, honey, slow down. Nobody's taking your pancakes away from you."
Crys nodded in reply and slowed down a bit, if only to appease her mother. She swung her legs beneath the counter as she ate, and eventually her mother cleared both their plates and sent Crys up to her room to get dressed for their trip to the grocery store. Her mother had already picked out a cute, soft pink romper with a pink bow to match, which Crys absolutely adored. She loved decorating her plain white hair with colorful or interesting-looking things. While her single blue streak was better than ordinary plain white, she still preferred to wear little hair accessories. When her mother called for her again, Crys dashed from her room to the front door, allowing her mother to put her shoes onto her little feet. Her mother ushered her into their white car, and soon they were on their way to the grocery store.
The trip to the grocery store was uneventful, and so was the actual shopping. Her mother allowed Crys to get a single round, chocolate candy for behaving through the whole experience, which she enjoyed wholeheartedly the moment she was buckled into her booster seat. Her mother started driving home, and all was normal for a couple minutes. Then the world came to a halt, and Crys was thrown forward in her seat. She looked up at her mother to see what the cause of the sudden stop was, only to see a man standing in front of a white.... something. It definitely wasn't natural, being all cubey and stuff.
Crys' mother swore under her breath, and Crys reminded her "Swear jar."
Her mother, oddly, didn't seem to hear her, and instead threw open her door and jumped out. She pulled open Crys' door and quickly unbuckled her. As Crys was picked up and taken into her mother's arms, she saw blue strings wrapping around a man and a woman strolling down the street. Two glowing things appeared in front of them, and the strings wrapped around them. As Crys' mother started running, Crys could hear the screams of more people.
Crys didn't understand. Why was her mother crying? What happened to the man and lady? She tried to ask her mother, but her mother ignored her questions and kept running. Crys looked over her mother's shoulder and saw the strange man running after them. His skin was completely black, and his wide, yellow grin was visible even from where Crys was being held. He had blue strings attached to his fingers, and suddenly, the strings were there, wrapped around her and her mother's glowing things. Her mother clutched her tightly, begging and screaming at the man to stop as he slowly advanced towards them, grin widening as the strings around the glowing things squeezed.
At first, Crys didn't feel anything at all. Just the confusion and vague fear she felt from seeing her mother so distressed. Then the pain started. Crys had never experienced anything NEAR the level of pain that came from the blue heart in front of her. Falling down the stairs, skinning both her knees, and breaking her arm were incomparable to the absolute agony she felt as the strings squeezed the blue heart in front of her tightly. The sounds of the world became muffled, and she could only stare at the heart as it began to crack. Crys was vaguely aware of her mother screaming, and of the strange man laughing. She could also hear someone else's screams, and it took a moment for her mind to register that they were hers.
Then the heart broke in half, and Crys was plunged into darkness.
Dark... and cold... so cold....
There was something golden... she reached out and touched it. Suddenly she was back in the car, exactly when the man first appeared. Again, her mother swore, and grabbed Crys, running from the man. Again they were caught. Again the pain started. Again, she watched her blue heart snap in half.
Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. AgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgainAgain.
She felt herself take longer and longer to find the golden thing each time her blue heart was broken. She could barely sense the glow. She pressed her hand against the golden thing again, and again she was back in the car. Again, her mother grabbed her and ran. Again, the strange man caught them. Again, the pain started. But this time, as her soul began to break, Crys could feel something snap inside of her. White rectangles surrounded her body, and the strange man loosened his strings a little, staring at her, dumbfounded, as she struggled against his strings, more and more white particles appearing around her. Then, with a final scream of pain, Crys disappeared from the man's clutches, his strings grasping at nothing.
She vaguely felt herself land on something cold and soft as she ran away from the strange man. She tried to get up, but her body wouldn't cooperate. She screamed for help. But nobody came. She tried to look at her surroundings, but her vision was blurry with exhaustion. A few minutes later, she closed her eyes, her world slowly going silent as she faded out of consciousness.
~~~Chapter One: That's New~~~
Crys awoke to something delicious-smelling, along with what she faintly recognized as mustard. She sat up and realized she was on a green sofa, a thick red blanket draped over her. She looked down at herself and realized she was wearing an oversized red sweater that easily went down to her knees. She wondered where her jumper had gone, but that thought was quickly abandoned when someone walked into the room from what she assumed to be the kitchen. Only it wasn't a person. It was a SKELETON, with pearly white sharp teeth, with the exception of a single gold tooth, red eyes, and it was wearing a black coat and a similar red sweater to the one she was wearing. It seemed surprised to see her awake. It rumbled lowly, and she realized after a moment that it was actually speaking to her.
"-d? Kid? Uh, can ya hear me?"
The skeleton sounded vaguely male, with an accent like the cashier who told Crys he was from New York. Crys could only stare at the enormous monster before her.
"Uh, kiddo? Why ya lookin' at me like I'm a ghost?"
The skeleton chuckled. He seemed nervous. Crys was taken aback. What did this monster have to be nervous about? She opened her mouth to speak, but only a coughing fit came out. The skeleton quickly moved closer, and Crys flinched away. He stopped about a foot away and slowly held out his hand. Crys looked at his hand and realized he was holding a glass of water. He didn't move his hand any closer, so she reached out with trembling fingers and took it. She raised the glass to her mouth and gulped it down greedily, momentarily forgetting about the monster watching her as the thirst she hadn't even realized she had was partially quenched.
She looked up at the skeleton and tentatively held out the empty glass, whispering, "More? Please?"
The skeleton rumbled again (was that his laugh?) and took the glass, retreating back to the kitchen. While he was gone, Crys took the opportunity to look around the place she was in. It seemed to be an ordinary home. There was even a TV. There were stairs nestled against a wall leading up to a second floor as well, and Crys could see the tops of two doors behind the railing. The walls looked like they had seen quite a few fights, based on the scorch marks and holes in them.
Crys' attention was drawn away from the upstairs of the house as the skeleton shuffled out of the kitchen, holding the refilled glass. Crys didn't shy away this time when he came close, and she took the glass again, drinking more slowly and observing the skeleton over the rim of the glass with large, dark blue eyes. The skeleton sat down in front of her, now eye level with her. Crys drew her knees up to her chest and tucked the blanket around her legs, remembering that this was an actual monster that was likely going to eat her, judging by the very pointy teeth he had. Nevertheless, she swallowed another gulp of water and croaked, "W... Who are you...?"
The skeleton bared his teeth at her (or was that a smile?) and held out his hand for her to shake.
"The name's Sans, kiddo. Sans the Skeleton."
Crys slowly reached out and grabbed the skeleton's hand, when a loud farting noise interrupted the quiet. Crys stared at the skeleton, in shock. He snickered.
"Heheh.... the ol' whoopee cushion in the hand trick. It's always funny."
Crys startled herself with her own peal of laughter. At the sound of her joy, the skeleton visibly relaxed, shoulders slumping and releasing tension Crys hadn't even noticed he was carrying. He grinned at her.
"So, kiddo.... What's yer name?"
Crys hesitated, still unsure. After all, this was something that wasn't supposed to be real. Sans sensed her reluctance, and offered a smaller, less threatening smile.
"'S ok, kid, I don't bite."
".... Crys.... my name's Crys..."
Sans smiled a bit wider. "That's a nice name."
Crys smiled at him, his compliment lowering her wariness a bit more. Sans gave her a concerned look.
"So, uh.... what were ya doin' out in the snow all by yerself?"
Crys shrugged. Sans continued.
"And how didja get here without goin' through the Ruins?"
Sans nodded. "It's where all the humans came out of. Ya just sorta... poofed into existence in the middle of Snowdin Forest."
Crys shrugged agin, feeling nervousness coil around her heart, although she didn't know why. Sans sighed, seeming irritated. "Alright kid, I get that ya might not wanna talk about it, but I seriously need to know how ya got here."
Crys felt the familiar sense of slipping away as she did when she first started escaping the strange man. Sans didn't seem to notice her unease.
"Yer lucky I got to ya in time... ya might have frozen to death a few minutes later, or been attacked by another monster wanderin' through the forest."
Panic started to swell in her gut. She saw the familiar white particles at the edge of her vision, and Sans stopped talking, looking at her oddly. Crys curled up beneath the red blanket, letting out a choked sob.
"I-I don't know! I... I don't know how- how I got here!!"
Sans looked alarmed. "Woah, woah, kid! It's okay! Calm down!"
His words did nothing to soothe her rising anxiety. She let out another sob, hiding her face beneath the blanket. A moment later, the blanket was pulled down from her head, and she felt something begin stroking her hair. She looked up and realized the skeleton was running his oddly human-feeling bone-fingers through her hair. He seemed embarrassed, but also lost on what to do. The stroking was actually quite comforting, and after a few minutes, Crys saw the white in her vision fade away, leaving her an unobserved view of Sans' face, especially his sharp teeth. He pulled his hand away from her head and cleared his throat (how?), looking abashed.
"Heh.... sorry I spooked ya, kiddo... I didn't mean ta."
"It's okay," Crys murmured. She got the feeling he really hadn't meant to.
Sans stood up. He smiled at her again.
"Wanna have a hot cat, kiddo?"
Crys tilted her head in confusion. "What's a hot cat?"
Sans chuckled. "'S like what you humans call a hot dog. Only it's a cat."
Crys was intrigued by this new animal-themed food, and swung her legs off the couch and stood up. Immediately, the room tilted around her, and she fell to the side. Sans, thankfully, caught her before she could hit the ground and scooped her up, enveloping her in his arms. He smelled like mustard, and his jacket was warm and soft. Crys couldn't help but snuggle into his jacket. He let out a low, rumbly laugh that shook her bones.
"Don't fall asleep now, babybones. You still gotta eat."
Crys closed her eyes anyway, and slipped into a dreamless sleep.
~Feel free to ask questions and voice your thoughts about the story in my ask box! Goodbye my gems!~
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Friendly Encounters- Chapter Three
𝒮𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎: A friend challenges you to go out of your comfort zone and talk to one of the cute boys at the café. However, after attempting to flirt with one of them, they reveal that they are in a relationship with each other. It’s fine, though, because you’re all friends now!
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𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒: Romance
𝑅𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔: Fluff
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: Mentions of sex, language, mature themes, mostly safe but not suitable for young audiences below the age of 16, and binge eating if you are easily triggered by that.
𝒲𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈: 5.8k+
𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔: Jimin x Yoongi x Reader
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“My boyfriend actually called me his wife today.” “Oh yeah, well mine already proposed to me, that’s right, five years since we've started dating!”
“Oh, Lyric, you’re lucky. My boyfriend only ever invited me to his family’s tree trimming party and we got blessings from all of his great-aunts, uncles, and other relatives. His parents even call me their future daughter.” You roll your eyes at how unrelenting these girls are. They won’t even stop talking about boys for one second and you’ve been at this sleepover for five hours. It’s supposed to be the last sleepover of the decade as seniors, for everyone since you and this tiny group started planning in the seventh grade. Just because you’re all girls doesn’t mean boys are the only thing you have to talk about! It’s not an obligation. This isn’t a disney movie where the prince is going to marry the princess at the end, it’s real life and everyone is too fucking clingy to realize it. 
“Can we not talk about boys tonight?” You finally ask out loud, earning a gasp from everyone in the vicinity, including Bae, who happens to be a lesbian. Even she was enjoying the boy talk. 
“Why? That’s literally what sleepovers are about.” Your other friend, Joy points out. You sigh in frustration, falling back on the carpeted floor while hugging your soft ladybug plushie.
“Looks like someone’s having a bit of drama, we heard from Jessica. Now, tell mama River what’s really going on.” You take in a deep breath before slowly explaining your situation with the boys.
“And these boys are a gay couple?” Bae asks in a questioning tone.
“They are! But...after a certain encounter, I’m not really sure what to think. They’re older, and in love with each other, but I feel like I’m just intruding at times, you know?” Another girl that goes by the name of “Temoshika-san,” which is her japanese name nods in agreement, holding out a tray of foods for you to snack on.
“Eat. I binge whenever I’m stressed.” She says after you take a tiny bag of doritos. 
“Hon..I’m gonna say something but I don’t think you’re going to like it.” Your most sensible friend, Toriel (oh yes I named her after an undertale character) says after a long moment of silence. 
“Shoot. I’ve already made plans with them for next week to see a concert so there’s nothing that can surprise me now.” You bite your lips. It’s been an entire month since that day when Yoongi demanded you to lick ice cream off his boyfriend’s cheek and things escalated from there. 
You didn’t have sex, but it was a close call. Your heart almost ran away from you. Yet, they don’t bring it up, so it’s safe to assume that they felt nothing from that encounter. 
Maybe Jimin didn’t anyways. Or maybe he was feeling just as horny as you! Who knows? No guy has ever looked at you that way before, so you wouldn’t even know.
“I think that both of these boys might be catching feelings for you. But they’ve probably never had feelings for a girl before, so they don’t know how to go about it.” Her theory makes sense. Suddenly, all of the pieces click in your mind.
“You’re a genius, Toriel!” You give her a hug before whipping out your phone to text Jimin. Right on cue, you get a text! But you’re surprised to see that it's not from Jimin.
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“Damn, that's some cold shit right there. I didn’t know what you did to piss him off so much.” Bae chuckles at your misery as you put your phone away.
“Wanna spill the details?” A girl by the name of Cleo asks. You roll your eyes.
“It was just Yoongi. He said he and Jimin wanted to talk to me. As if things haven’t been awkward enough.” You feel like you’re walking on eggshells with the two, as you’ve stopped hugging Jimin for longer than 10 seconds. 
And you’ve stopped your musical obsessions with Yoongi as well, keeping the fangirling to a bare minimum. You just want everything to go back to normal, so you can continue onto your adult life without holding on so much to the past. And they aren’t the only things bothering you, but Jungkook has been desperately trying to fix your relationship.
Jasmine won’t so much as breathe in your direction, as she doesn’t need you anymore. She has everything. The popular clique, a hot boyfriend, and perfect grades. She isn’t bothering you at all, but you are tempted to scream in her face about keeping her boy toy in control. He keeps wandering out of her lane and onto yours. Which you think you can use to your advantage.
It’s not like you’re going to sleep with him or anything, you just think it’s the perfect opportunity to take back what was rightfully yours. And in this case, Jungkook is the perfect trophy. You don’t like objectifying people, but at this point you don’t even care if he used your name to impress a couple of underclassmen, you feel honored, actually, but you don’t actually care about him. He kissed you too, while he was dating her. That’s a sign that things aren’t looking too good for them. 
Who are you kidding?! You should let them go. As if you have the balls to actually sneak around Jasmine’s back and snatch her boyfriend from her.
“Girl, just talk to them. I advise you to tell them as soon as possible what type of feelings you may or may not have for them. It’s gonna be okay.” Toriel pats your back as you recover from the growing anxiousness in your gut. Something tells you, everything is not going to be okay.
“Moving onto our next sleepover activity….horror stories!” 
                         ༻• The Next Day, At Your House •༺
You sneak into your home early in the morning, around 7 or 8, to be exact, hoping that Jimin and Yoongi were away at work. Your mom is already gone, as she texted you that she would be going on a business trip this particular week. The slumber party kept you awake all night, and the girls had really scary stories to share so you weren’t exactly calm...even now you are on edge as Jimin frightens you from behind.
“Hi.” You jump back, startled because of how quiet and swiftly he came up from behind you.
“H-hey. I thought I was home alone.” He gives you a sweet smile, the same comforting grin you saw that day in the cafe after you almost embarrassed yourself while asking for his number. Those were the good times, when you didn’t know what you were getting yourself into. A friendship with anyone of the opposite sex is complicated, after all. You convinced yourself of this since Yoongi and Jimin are 100% gay and show no signs of any lust or extra thirst after you but you still had awkward tension. Hell, even now after Jimin walked up from behind you like that, you still have a strange feeling in your gut.
“You thought wrong! Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about
 how you almost peed your pants after I gave you a scare.” The mood is mellow, and you’re both comfortable around each other. Maybe Yoongi was the problem. But you don’t want to upset Jimin, as he’s your best friend at the moment and he’s been for you a lot more than anyone has been in the last decade.
“So, what’d I miss?” You ask, leaning in to give your best friend a hug. You inhale his strawberry-fresh scent, a little bit in awe as you’ve never gotten a waft of a nice-smelling boy. Jimin is an angel, a perfect exception. You hope you can find a man who’s as caring and attentive as he is, in the future.
“Yoongi and I have been thinking a lot about you recently, mainly how you opened up to the two of us about your life and leaned on us so easily, really it was crazy how you trusted us so easily when you barely knew either one of us,” You laugh sheepishly, mentally scolding yourself for being so childish in the first place. “But it was so admirable. And we thought, we could do the same for you. So you can learn more about the kind of people we are. We don’t like looking back on the past, but there are some parts that we just can’t leave behind. Like for example, our two exes,” At first, you think little of this. ‘He must mean the people that he and Yoongi dated before they found each other.’ That was your first thought. Just like he’s reading your mind, he answers your question, “We’re open to polyamory.” Your mouth drops to an “o” shape, and then you rack your brain for the correct answers.
You got nothing. You have no clue what the fuck a polyamory is.
“What’s that?” He chuckles at your innocence just as his boyfriend comes down the stairs.
“Hey, Yoongz, wanna explain what polyamory is to our good friend here?” You look up at the older man with curious eyes. You want to know.
“Multiple people in a relationship. Basically, Jimin and I used to invite over two other guys and we used to go on dates and do other stuff but it was really chill, nothing too serious.” You gawk as the two lean into each other for a kiss and then Jimin crawls into Yoongi’s lap before turning his head to stare at you. Two pairs of eyes are just on you, and you feel so vulnerable with all the attention on you.
“Anyways, I wanted to mainly apologize for what happened that night with the ice cream. You looked like you were enjoying yourself, and I thought I was too, until I realized I was gay. I just needed a reminder, I guess. So I thank you,” You don’t know whether you should laugh or cry, Yoongi’s expression was hard to read.
“Hyung...why do you gotta do her like that?” Jimin’s words throw you off guard. “You know what, instead of beating around the bush, I’ll just tell you: I’m bi, Yoongi was pan when I met him.” He rolls his eyes at the boy.
“Wait, didn’t you say you came out to your parents?” You ask curiously.
“I did. As gay, but then I ended up having a one night stand with a woman and after that I realized I liked both.” You take in the information very well, not letting it affect you one bit. “You know what, I’ll let you two figure out your shit…” You give Jimin a panicked look before turning to Yoongi with a fake smile plastered on your face.
“I don’t care what your sexuality is,” Your statement throws him off guard as his eyes widen quickly. “I just know what I felt was real. There was a weird connection, a moment where I wanted to kiss you.” He coughs before spreading his legs on the couch and putting his hands in his lap. You’re not gonna lie, he looks hot.
“Then why didn’t you?” You let out a small giggle before realizing that he’s completely serious.
“Because you and Jimin are dating...and I don’t like cheating.” He crosses his arms, this time scooting in closer to you. 
“But we were both there, and the vibes were all right.” You feel a slight pressure on your inner thigh when you realize that Yoongi is touching you. His hands are wandering up your thigh in broad daylight. You luckily have a blanket covering you, but the look of fear on your face is a dead giveaway.
“It’s because you wimped out.”
“You should’ve just done it anyways. I probably would’ve kissed you back.” He starts kneading your thigh, giving you an almost-massage, and just as you’re about to let out a moan, Jimin comes back, holding a bowl of popcorn and setting it down on the coffee table.
“Surprise movie night...er day.” He sits next to you, oblivious to what his boyfriend is doing. You glare at Yoongi when you feel his fingers pulling your leggings down and they wander into your panties. You’re damp. Completely soaked because of this stupid man that you’re attracted to and the fact that you basically just confessed to him. He smirks when he sees your eyes roll back in your head when he reaches your g-spot, thrusting his fingers in and out of you at a fast pace. You cling to him, pretending that you’re simply cuddling him as Jimin’s eyes stay trained on the screen, but you fail horribly at keeping things discreet when you moan into his ears. The movie blasts at a loud volume, so the speakers drain out your groans as Yoongi drives you to an orgasm.
“Come for me, babe. Don’t want Jiminie to see, is that right?” Yoongi knows the boy would probably just join in if he actually noticed. He still manages to upset you, as with all your might, you try not to scream from pleasure.
“Yoongi, I’m gonna come.” You bury your face in his shoulder, letting out the softest but sexiest moan he’s ever heard, as his fingers twist inside of you and you climax right then and there. He leans in and finally, you get a taste of his sweet lips. 
“Let’s continue this later?” He whispers to you, winking at Jimin as you sink into his arms, panting heavily and recovering from your intense orgasm. And yes, the boy knows what his boyfriend was doing under the blanket the entire time. 
After the movie, you quickly run upstairs to take a shower. You didn’t expect to get fingered on your couch. You didn’t think Yoongi would actually kiss you. And you certainly didn’t think things were going to return to normal ever again. They already had girls. How many did they date in the past? Obviously having a third partner didn’t work out for either of them so what difference would it make if you were part of the equation? You step out of the shower to find Jimin in your bedroom, playing games on his phone as he waits for you. You clench your towel, a light blush dusting your cheeks as you step into your bedroom, closing the door.
“Hey! I wanted to see what you might be wearing to the concert, have you picked out an outfit?” You walk past him, motioning him to come to your closet as your finger picks and chooses the cute dress you found at the mall.
“This one.” You can see his eyes lighting up at the thought of you wearing that dress, but then his gaze darkens when he imagines you out of it. Speaking of...there was only a thin towel wrapped around your body, even then it wasn’t enough to stop his imagination. You have nice boobs, can you blame the poor guy?!
“Nice choice. I’ll just uh...step out so you can get dressed.” Also known as code red: he has a boner. You quickly throw on some shorts and a sweatshirt, as you don’t dress modestly at home. You check yourself in the mirror, making sure it’s not too much in case the boys feel uneasy. 
Today’s a slow day. You finish up your homework before making your way to the kitchen for an evening snack. It’s only 5:00, yet you’re starving. What you see next surprises you, as Yoongi is on the counter while Jimin kisses him breathlessly. How do people kiss so long without breaking for air? As you observe, Jimin breaks the kiss, smiling at you as his boyfriend turns to look at you as well.
“Come here, darling.” Your feet are jello as you stumble to the two, trying to ignore the way Yoongi’s bulge is sticking straight up as Jimin’s hands are on either side of him.
“Wh-what?” You blush, unable to help yourself as the blue haired god in front of you looks so good. “I like your hair.” You whisper quietly.
“Thanks, although I’ve had this hairstyle for a while,” He removes his arms from his boyfriend, putting his attention on you. “Now, you’ve been a dirty girl, fooling around with my boyfriend when I’m not looking, is that right?” You swear if you weren’t holding onto the counter you would’ve fainted.
“What? Cat got your tongue? You have quite a mouth on you when my fingers are buried in your pussy but you can’t say a word when my boyfriend asks you a perfectly valid question?” You’re shocked, frozen, freezing. 
“Answer me, sweetie. Did you like it when he fingered you earlier?” You blush and nod, evading his gaze. “Look at me when I talk to you, Y/N.” When he says your name you look up, your eyes meeting his as you do. Five seconds barely pass when he smashes his lips against yours, in a desperate manner. Yoongi’s just watching, patiently waiting for you to break the kiss so he can continue the conversation.
“Y/N, we need to be honest with you. We’ve...taken a liking to you.” You don’t know how to process this information. But Jimin’s look of pleading is enough. They both want you.
“So please, will you consider joining our relationship?” You purse your lips. Every fibre of your body is screaming yes, but your mind is telling you to be reasonable, and think through this. You don’t need this right now in your life. You’ll hold them back, they’ll hurt you later, this is setting yourself up for failure.
Yet you want it so bad.
“Can I think about it? Please?” You don’t want to reject them right away.
“Of course. Take your time.” Jimin takes Yoongi’s hand before leading him to the couch. You hope they won’t ask you before the concert.
                                        ༻• At the Concert •༺
You couldn’t believe your eyes. The men brought you to a freaking J-hope concert. Not just anyone but the J-hope. He’s the most popular solo act on the planet. After he broke up with his boy band BTB, he went all crazy and started rapping about sex, and fame, and real life issues. Everyone loves him.
Including your two friends who dated him back before he was famous.
Yeah, they have a history together.
“You like it so far?” Jimin asks, leaning in while cracking open a can of pepsi.
“Are you kidding? You got premium seats to see the J-hope?” He gives you a cheeky grin before turning to Yoongi and conversing with him. You can’t seem to take your eyes off the two of them, even if you are at a J-hope concert. You feel lucky enough to be breathing the same air as him, but it’s thanks to the couple sitting beside you. Not to mention...they even dated him at some point.
“This last song goes out to two dear exes of mine…” You thought you imagined it, but he seemed to look up at your row, as if he was staring straight at Yoonmin.
“Last summer when you told me you weren’t feeling well, I thought it was just a little bump in the road, But now I know, It was all because of her, Ohhh my love, How I loved you way back then, But I was too blind to see, You really didn’t care at all,”
You don’t know how to react. Should you clap? Or laugh, or cry? It sounds like whoever he’s singing about cheated on him...with a girl.
“Now I don't care, it's all choices by my fate,  so we're here, Look ahead,  The way is shinin’, Keep Going Now,”
The song suddenly gets more upbeat and then the crowd goes crazy as he has an outfit change with a snap. Also, this man is glowing. The lights are perfectly bouncing off his slightly tanned skin, making him appear more heavenly. God, how did they live through this?
“That’s My Ego!” He sings the chorus cheerfully before finishing off and then fireworks light up the night sky, making some audience members cry. Jimin and Yoongi are both staring at you, though, as you watch with wonder. You look so innocent, and you’re so small...the two of them are already whipped for you, can’t you see that? Oh wait, you do.
“Is there something on my face?” You ask them, and they simply smile at you. As if that wasn’t heart-melting enough.
“Nothing. Let’s go backstage.” You blush as they both take either of your hands, leading you out of the crowded stadium so that you can visit J-Hope backstage. You were about to meet a celebrity, while being held by two guys that confessed their feelings to you just a few hours ago! As if things couldn’t get any better.
“J-HOOOOOPE!!!” Yoongi grins, throwing his arms around the celebrity as he walks into the room.
“Hey Suga. OH JEMIN!” Jimin and J-Hope share a handshake before hugging as well, and then he turns to you.
“Who is this beauty?” He turns to look at you, kissing your palm softly in greeting.
“Y/N.” You answer him, trying to conceal your uwus.
“Wow. You’re even more perfect than how they described you. You know, I’ve never seen them like someone more than they like you.” He whispers into your ears. You’re a little bit distracted by the fact that an IDOL is whispering in your ears right now. His breath smells so good. His sweat smells expensive, though.
“Y-you really think?” You ask.
“I know so.”
“Okay, if you’re done hitting on our friend, how about you tell us what you’ve been up to?” J-Hope holds up a finger, revealing the engagement ring to all of you.
“Who…?” J-Hope blushes before turning to his mirror.
“Remember that one producer? The girl who was older than me by 10 years or something?” Everyone nods, except you, who has no idea what’s going on.
“Turns out she was my soulmate all along. She proposed to me, and we’re getting married next month.” 
“Oh, that’s wonderful!” You clap for him as the two men beside you look at you with love in their eyes.
“I’m so excited. She’s just a bucket of sunshine. Oh shoot, I’m almost late for the wine tasting. Bye guys.” We wave as the celebrity packs up his things for the day. “So, it looks like you guys lowered your standards for me.” “Oh, stop, he wasn’t even well-known when we met. And now, we’ve all moved on. The three of us are together and that’s what matters.” Yoongi cuts you off before you even start. When you get home, you’re less than amused that your mother is getting ready for the stupid marriage meeting in her room. She ushers you to change, greeting the boys but whisking you away from them just as quickly. You wave goodbye to them, in a dreary mood. “Remember to behave, poise and manners, Y/N. You want to look like a good wife.” “I don’t want to get married. I’m only 18, ma.” She brushes your hair, looking at you with teary eyes. “Your dad wants you to. And he gets what he wants. No matter what.” You sob the entire car ride, your father didn’t even bother coming home as the purpose of this stupid meeting was to make himself look good. You look up to see that the boy before you is an overgrown specimen of child. Not even a man, but just a buff baby. “Hi, how old are you?” You ask politely. The boy lowers his eyes. You already know where this is going even though you’ve barely said a few words. “15, you have nice tits.” You’re in shock, uncomfortable, lonely, and worst of all, your mom won’t even look at you. Your dad presents you like a trophy and then forces you to tell the other parents about your academic achievements before forcing you to sit down. You want to cry. But you don’t. Instead, you call Jimin. “Hey, what’s up? Is the dinner going well?” Your voice starts breaking before you even talk, making you suck in deep breaths before looking out the bathroom window. “No, Jimin. I can’t stay here. They’re gonna force me to marry a 15 year old that just said my boobs look nice. I have to get away, do you guys think you can get me away from my parents? I’m 18, so they can’t legally do anything about it.” You hear him talking to someone in the background, presumably Yoongi.
“It’s me, Jimin just told me...I’m so sorry. All of that is awful, but is running away really going to solve anything? I know things seem bad now, but wait until your mom knows about us, I’m sure she’ll be accepting.” Yoongi sounds confident in himself, so you don’t feel like putting him down.
“Her, maybe. But not my dad. He’ll disown me.”
“Y/N, you are no object. They can’t just marry you off to anyone. And if they do, we’ll make sure it doesn’t happen. You should be allowed the choice of marrying someone you love.” You frown, seeing the tears falling out of your eyes.
“I’ll go out with you.”
                                       ═══ 🅣🅘🅜🅔🅢🅚🅘🅟 ═══
Your first date is at the cafe where it all started. The boys make sure to take time off at the same time so your schedules match up. It’s not the most conventional date, as the three of you start discussing where you’ll move in together after you run away from home.
Your dad hasn’t even spoken more than a couple sentences to you. Wow, so caring. You have no reason to stay with them anymore, as he literally forces you to go to stupid dinner parties and sets you up with boys that are too young for you. Even a 12 year old, like what the fuck?
“How was dinner last night?” Jimin asks. You roll your eyes.
“Horrible, as always. These boys are nightmares. I feel bad for their future partners.” You comment.
“Who cares? It’s just dinner. And you’re dating us now. Talk to us, babe.” You like being called “babe.” Especially when Yoongi says it, because he’s just so closed off to everyone else.
“Do you like it when he calls you baby? Because I’m pretty sure he likes it too.” Jimin giggles. Being with your best friend is really no different, except now you can kiss and hug and show affection romantically. He’s just a lot more cuddly with you. And Yoongi doesn’t mind it one bit.
He actually sometimes joins in, hugging you and Jimin lovingly. He’s so protective of you two. You love it.
And they’ve started picking you up after school, to take you out so you can be away from your house for a bit. But at the end of the day, you can always count on crawling into bed with them and dreaming your troubles away. You’ve been sleeping better with them cuddling right next to you. 
Sneaking into bed with them has become a habit of yours, and you especially don’t make it clear around your dad that you have feelings for them. Although, lately everything has been striking a nerve. He often calls you to awkward dinner parties and you can’t do anything about it.
Even your boyfriends agree that it’s a bit too much. So much, that one day, Jimin decides to suggest something crazy.
“Let’s make your dad think that you’re ruined.” This catches yours and Yoongi’s attention.
“What? What the hell are you going on about, Jimin?” Uh-oh, when Yoongi uses that tone and says his name like that, you know someone’s in trouble.
“I’m saying that we make her dad think she lost her virginity.” You cross your arms, gasping as Yoongi shields your face with his arms protectively.
“What are you saying? That’s absurd. Her father is already strict as is with us living here, everytime he sees us he crinkles his nose even more. We repulse him, Jimin. What makes you think that we aren’t gonna tick him off even more?” Yoongi makes a good point. Your father was very strict, and homophobic. Perfect traditional 1800s father of the year.
“He’s here because he wants to see his little girl get engaged, right? Well, what if she brought the engagement to him? Have him walk in on one of us sharing a moment with her and then having her dad say she has to marry us?!” You’re baffled. You didn’t think your boyfriend was that dense. 
“Idiot, he would probably disown her. And also, no. Maybe not marriage, he might just throw her out of the house altogether.” While you’re busy planning, what you fail to recognize is that your father leaves town again. He’s flying away, and you had no knowledge of it until your mother called you and you saw his packed suitcases as he hugged you goodbye. Looks like the meetings have come to an end.
“Jimin!!! Yoongi!!!! Come downstairs, I need to talk to you two about something.” My mother calls out to them.
“What?” Yoongi is the first to make his way down the stairs, avoiding eye contact with you.
“I’ve noticed the way you two have been interacting with my daughter as of late. The deep stares of longing everytime we sit on the couch and watch t.v together, the smiles of adoration that you only have reserved for special people, heck, even once I saw you holding her hands like she would disappear if you let go,” You can hear the nervous gulps come from the two men as they stare directly at your mom. This can’t be good. “You both have crushes on her, right?” Their eyes widen.
“What? No, I’m dating Yoongi-Boongi. My heart belongs to him and only him.” Jimin says a bit too quickly, making your mom raise her eyebrow in question.
“Your daughter is very pretty, I’ll give you that much, but I’m dating Jimin.” She clicks her tongue, not fully believing them.
“I know what it looks like when boys have a crush on a girl, seeing the way you act around her. So how about you tell me the truth straight to my face?” Jimin is the first to break under her intense stare.
“Fine, you caught me. I like her, okay?!” He says, blushing a brilliant shade of pink. When your mother sees that Yoongi’s expression is indifferent, she narrows her eyes at him.
“You know, don’t you?” He doesn’t say a word, instead taking your arm and pulling you beside him.
“Ma’am, I would like to get your permission to be your daughter’s boyfriend….along with Jiminie.” Considering you were secretly dating for weeks, now seems like the perfect time to ask. Go Yoongi!
“Yes, of course you can date her. You both are so caring and kind and I can’t imagine anyone more fit for the job….even though I didn’t expect two guys. It may be a little strange but I trust that you know your boundaries.” They nod, each of them hugging you tightly and giggling like children.
“We’ll make sure to treat our girlfriend with kindness and respect.” With Yoongi’s gummy smile, your heart melts. You really, really like him.
“You better, or else you’ve got another thing coming.” Your mother’s gaze is threatening enough, as the two men stiffen their backs and stand up straight.
“Loosen up, she’s just kidding. Right, ma?” She nods, laughing happily as she sees her ships coming to life before her eyes. She’s always wanted her daughter to be happy, instead of subjecting her to a life of unhappy arranged marriage. She wants to give her everything she didn’t have as a child.
“Yup. But seriously, break her heart and you’re dead.”
That night your mom leaves for work. She didn’t tell you, but you really noticed when you called out for her and she didn’t answer back, only leaving a text on her phone that she would be late. You knew this meant you were home alone with your extremely attractive boyfriends again for the second time this month. 
You’re excited, but nervous. The last time the three of you were in the house like this, they made out in front of you and then made you extremely horny. Now, you could only imagine what would happen with the three of you in an actual relationship.
“Y/N, come watch netflix with us!” Jimin calls you to his room, and your eyes widen. You’ve been in their room before, but never totally alone. Your mom or dad would be in the house, but now you’re stuck with these two. 
“What are we watching?” You penguin-walk to Yoongi, who hoists you up onto the giant bed. Immediately you fall back from the weight of his knees forming a little disbalance on the mattress. It’s just a tiny ditch. 
“I thought you were gonna fall, be careful.” He lightly scolds you, before sitting back and getting cozy with Jimin as you stay in the middle, right between them.
“You guys are so warm.” You inhale their scents, taking in their musk and surprisingly sweet cologne. The strawberry scent must be coming from Jimin. The axe must be from Yoongi. Either way, you’re comfortable.
“No, you are.” Jimin pulls you in between his legs, peppering kisses all over your neck. Normally, you’d be turned on in the situation, but it’s completely innocent. You giggle as he tickles you with his faded blue hair and then you both get lost in each other’s eyes. You love his crescent shaped eyes, how he is a perfect mix of masculine and feminine, breaking all traditional roles of what it means to be a man in the modern world of 2020. If anything, his soft features are what makes him more “manly.” There’s no correct answer. He’s perfect the way he is, and you love the way his lips form a tiny pout, even when he’s happy.
“Just kiss already.” You both look over at Yoongi, who is more concerned with the movie playing on the screen than his two partners sharing a moment right next to him. You give Jimin a look as he leans in and finally closes the gap between you two.
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annaraebananawriter · 4 years
Day 3: Meeting
Yellow everyone! Day 3 of ErrorDream Week, hosted by @errorxdream, here we go! This one is shorted than the other two, but I do love how it turned out.
ALSO! Yes, all the prompts for this week are connected in one big story. Soooo…if you missed it, you might want to read Day 2 to understand everything in this one!
Fandom: Undertale, but specifically Dreamtale and Errortale
Characters: Dream (Who belongs to Joku) and Error (Who belongs to CQ)
Pairings: Pre-ErrorDream/Insomnia
Warnings: None, I don’t think so. Let me know!
Word Count: 1600
They didn't run into each other for about a month after that.
They never told their friends anything, as they felt they just wouldn't understand.
Error and Dream did a lot of thinking in that month.
That was why, Error decided to kidnap Dream.
Dream had been walking through the forest of Underswap, when strings wrapped around him tightly—not light enough to hurt, just so that he wouldn't slip. He looked down, getting a glimpse of the blue things, right before he was pulled backwards.
The only reason he didn't really panic was that he now knew who had taken him.
He stopped moving beside Error's chair, where the Destroyer himself was sat upon. The strings sat him down on the floor next to the chair, making sure he was comfortable before retreating and disappearing into nothing. Dream blinked for a bit, hesitant to move. He glanced over to Error, who was gazing ahead of him, stiff, like he was trying not to look at Dream.
(Honestly, that stung a bit, but it was fine. He shouldn't control what Error felt)
Dream opened his mouth to ask what he was doing here, when Error held up a hand in his direction, scowling. "No, shush. I know what you're going to ask, and you're here because I decided that I should show you the greatest show of all time. You remember me talking about it, right?"
"Of course!" Dream really did. He had been amazed at the time because he didn't know that Error had been so attached to something, like any other person. After all, he was the Destroyer, who could feel nothing but hate and rage, right?
Error's mouth twitched and Dream just knew that he was fighting back a smile or a smirk. "Good, wonderful; then, we'll start." He snapped his fingers and a small portal appeared in front of Dream, dropping some popcorn and a drink. A glance at Error showed that he had some snacks as well.
A portal opening up in front of them drew Dream's attention away from Error. A scene started in it, and it got Dream hooked from the first minute. He had to admit, it was a pretty good show, although he probably wouldn't love it with the enthusiasm that Error does. He more so loved the reactions the Destroyer had at certain scenes. But he did like the show.
Eventually, Error opened up aa portal beneath Dream without saying anything and the guardian yelped as he landed in some snow. A look around revealed he was back where he had been before Error had taken him.
He smiled slightly, not at all upset at what had just happened. He stood up, brushed some snow off of him, and made his way back to Blue's while wondering faintly if there would be any more of these 'kidnappings'.
Dream had been right in his wonderings. Once a week, without fail, Error would pull him away from whatever it was he would be doing, so that they could watch Undernovela together. The guardian had to admit, he did love these meetings. But really, who doesn't like spending time with the person they loved?
One time, Error accidentally put Dream down next to him on his chair. They had both tenses when they realized that this wasn't the seating arrangement from before. They didn't change it, though. Dream was respectful of Error's haphephobia and so it was fine, this new arrangement.
They had been doing this for about three months, when Error decided to spice things up a bit. Dream had prepared himself for another watching of Undernovela when the strings wrapped around him, but instead of the white of the Anti-Void, he had appeared by the cliffs of Outertale.
He blinked in confusion, his gaze roaming from star to star. They were pretty, very pretty. But he didn't understand why he was here. Error had been the one to take him, right? It wasn't another person deciding to kidnap him for real? His gaze landed on the Destroyer in question, who was sitting by the edge, staring up at the stars with a peaceful look on his face.
Dream stared.
He couldn't help it! How could someone not star when faced with someone so beautiful? They must be blind if they didn't. Really, though, the stars illuminated Error in the most perfect way. Dream knew that he would never hold a candle to how beautiful Error was.
"I decided to switch things up a bit." He heard Error say, the Destroyer turning to look at him. The peaceful look hadn't gone away, luckily, as that made his eyes the way they were meant to be. Hate and rage tainted that look most of the time, but here the colours shown as they're supposed to. Dream tuned back in as Error continued. "Is that alright?"
Dream blinked hard, trying to focus. "I-it's perfect!" He stuttered out, a light-yellow blush on his cheeks, quickly walking up to Error and sitting beside him, like he assumed that Error wanted him to. He folded his hands in his lap.
Then, the most magical thing happened.
Error laughed.
Error laughed and Dream froze, gaze snapping over to him. He stared. The laugh wasn't glitching like his voice usually was. The laugh was pure and deep and just...wonderful. It was a laugh that dream thought everyone should have, but also wished they never got, because only Error could pull it off.
His blushed deepened, beginning to glow. Dream quickly turned his head before Error noticed his staring. He put his hands on his cheeks to try and quell the glowing and hide it from the other.
The Destroyer did not need to know how he felt; it would only complicate things!
Stars...did he have it bad...
Another month later, and Error decided to bring Dream while the guardian had been asleep. It wasn't his fault that he didn't know Dream's sleep schedule, so don't even start. He had assumed that Dream was always alert and ready, so what if he had forgotten that people needed sleep?
But he will relent that maybe he should've guessed it when Dream fell asleep in the middle of an episode, tipping over and leaning against Error's shoulder.
Error tensed. He felt himself begin to glitch, but to his surprise, they retreated before they could be made an issue. He blinked in surprise. That...wasn't normal. It had never happened before. The glitches were supposed to hurt when in contact with someone; they were supposed to burn. So, why did they stop?
His glazed lowered to the guardian sleeping against him.
It had something to do with Dream, but what?
He stared. He looked back. Nothing stood out. Dream was always kind and respectful not to touch him, and the reason that he was now was nothing he could fault him for. He should've seen that Dream was tired, even though the other had never complained. He frowned slightly; he should talk to Dream about that. That wasn't healthy, even he knew that.
But despite that, nothing else stood out.
It had nothing to do with Dream's kindness and big heart, which was honestly mind-blowing and made an instinct rise up in him, something that told him to protect that heart of anything that sought to destroy it. He admired Dream for being able to show that much kindness, even to someone who tried to kill him, like his brother.
It had nothing to do with Dream's smile. The smile that he was sure only angels or pure people could have. It just made sense that was. He loved it when Dream smiled like that, it made him feel special, as he never saw it directed to anyone else; all the rest could never hold a candle to that smile.
It had nothing to do with Dream's laugh. The laugh that felt like a piece of music all to itself. Nothing would ever be able to give him the same level of satisfaction as saying something and making that laugh appear did. It just wasn't possible!
It had nothing to do with Dream's appearance in general. When they had been in Outertale, Error had glanced over and had his breath taken from him at the sight that was before him. Dream was beautiful; the way the stars glowed against his yellow and blue palette, the light dusting of yellow across his cheeks, the way his eyes glowed like a little golden flame...it was all so perfect.
Nothing stood out about all of that that—
Error blinked, confusion filling him. There was something off about all of that. It seemed like a normal thing to do, normal things to think about someone. But something told him there was a bit more to it.
He thought and thought.
Whenever he thought these things, or even saw them in Dream, he felt all warm and fuzzy. Like happiness, but different. There was something more to it. Something itched at the back of his mind and he recalled something he had overheard. A random person (he had never learned their name) had been gushing about their lover to their friend, describing everything they found cute or wonderful and how it made them feel.
...now that he thought about it, everything they described that they felt, was what he felt when Dream did all those things he listed above...
Why...if he didn't know any better, he'd say he was in love with Dream!
Oh no.
101 notes · View notes
undertalethingies · 4 years
The Angel
In Undertale, there exists a prophecy. This prophecy drives most of the plot and is responsible for the deaths of Chara and Asriel, which is one of the story’s driving conflicts and possibly the most important thing that ever takes place off-screen.
The prophecy is thus:
The Angel… The One Who Has Seen The Surface… They will return. And the underground will go empty.
We encounter mentions of this prophecy throughout the game, in notable locations such as the game over screen, the glyphs in Waterfall, and Gerson’s shop. (Gerson’s shop is where we’re told of the more violent interpretation)
There are two major ways the prophecy is interpreted in Undertale, and they correspond with the two major routes, True Pacifist and Genocide. One interpretation states that the Angel will free the monsters, breaking the barrier and emptying the underground that way. The other is that the Angel will empty the underground by killing all the monsters, “freeing” them from their mortality.
Betcha can’t guess which is which.
Before the events of the game, Chara was thought to be the Angel, as they were a human from the surface. Judging by some of the accounts of their death, it seems likely that this is what motivated them to attempt to break the barrier by any means necessary.
It’s plausible that consecutive humans were also treated as possible Angels, but it seems somewhat unlikely, since Asgore ordered their deaths.
(Though it is a possibility that the more violent interpretation of the prophecy gained ground after a violent human, since Gerson says that it’s only been on the rise recently)
Something notable is that the prophecy is only fulfilled on the True Pacifist and Genocide routes, and never on Neutral paths.
Now, all this is well and good, but there’s a burning question we’re left with after the game is finished.
The prophecy has been fulfilled, so who is the Angel?
At first glance, it seems obvious that it would be Frisk, since they’re the protagonist. Frisk is who we follow through the Underground, who we guide on a journey of magic and friendship and spaghetti, and it feels almost ridiculous to say that the Angel is anyone else.
This doesn’t hold up to closer inspection, however, due to how the prophecy is worded. Specifically, it says that the Angel will “return”, and Frisk has no way to have previously visited the underground. 
While it’s possible to justify this in various ways, I think it best to move on to other candidates for the Angel.
The next obvious choice is Asriel. While he spends most of the game merely being vaguely annoying, he takes on a much more major role before each ending, even going so far as to steal the human SOULs for himself on every route but Genocide. He’s also directly responsible for breaking the barrier for a True Pacifist ending, which is a solid commendation for “Angel” status. Not to mention, he actually has been to the surface previously, when he absorbed Chara’s SOUL after they committed suicide.
There are flaws with him too, however. For one, his “return” doesn’t really line up with the events of the plot. Rather, he returns seemingly between Frisk and the previous human, controls the timeline for an unknown amount of time (or well, “time”), and then eventually Frisk falls, which is the catalyst for the plot. On a related note, though he’s seemingly exhausted just about every possible ending for his own shenanigans, he insinuates that he was never able to break the barrier or acquire the six human SOULs without Frisk’s assistance. As a third reason why he’s probably not the Angel, he doesn’t actually live to see the ending of a genocide route, instead being killed before Chara appears and erases the world.
None of these explicitly disprove the idea of him being the Angel, but like Frisk, something about it just doesn’t gel right.
So who does this leave? Who’s seen the surface and returned?
I suppose you could argue for Toriel, Asgore, or Gerson, who are all implied to be older than the barrier, but this returns the question of how they would be “returning” when presumably they’d never entered the underground until being trapped there.
You might be able to make an argument for Sans or Papyrus, since not much is known about them, and their past is deliberately mysterious, but this ends up being little more than wild speculation, which I usually prefer not to touch. The same goes for Gaster.
But if it’s not any of these characters, who could it be?
Ladies, gentlemen, and esteemed personages of indeterminate gender, may I present to you…
Chara Dreemurr.
Chara is an enigma. Nothing on the level of Gaster and his followers, of course, but for such a major character, we know almost nothing about them. Even their name is subject to the whims of the player.
As I mentioned earlier, Chara was thought to be the Angel while they were alive.
They fit the criteria, after all. 
We know they lived with the Dreemurrs for some time underground before their death, and that they’ve seen the surface both when they lived there and when they gave their SOUL to Asriel in an attempt to free monster kind.
Their “return”, of course, would refer to one of the lines they say at the end of a Genocide run.
“Your power awakened me from death”
This lines up with the start of the game, too, rather than being an unknown amount of time before it, like Asriel.
Now, everyone knows you can’t have a Genocide run without Chara. It’s well known that they appear at the end and erase everything, whether or not the player agrees.
You can’t have a True Pacifist run without Chara though, either. You see, after you SAVE the monsters who have turned into lost SOULs during Asriel’s fight, you’re told that you have to SAVE him, as well. When you attempt to do so, though, instead of reminding him of the memories you’ve made together, (of which there aren’t any) a cutscene of Chara’s life with the Dreemurrs plays.
This cutscene didn’t come from nowhere. Technically, it’s possible for it to have come from Asriel, but it seems unlikely, since he’s fighting you. What makes more sense, (to me at least) is that these memories come from Chara.
In conclusion, Chara appears to be the most likely candidate for the Angel, on both major runs.
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Helluva Boss Theory: Asmodeus/Ozzie Is A Erodere
first before I get into the whole Ozzie talk....
I want to say that I’m pretty sure Soursweet from EQG is a Dorodere....if you think the Equestria Girls Movie and the Episode she appears in, she is sweet one minute but sour the next, so it might be possible she is a Dorodere.
not sure if it would be true, but some info says that Octavia from Helluva Boss, is a Kuudere. well her and Gaz Membrane from Invader Zim.
they might be right about Frisk from Undertale being a Kuudere.
and it would seem that Kris from Deltarune is a Kuudere as well.
I wonder if I might be slightly Kuudere as well, then again maybe not... it would seem that Loona from Helluva Boss is a Darudere and also a Tsundere, and well so is Sans from Undertale.
oh and Susie from Deltarune...and Vaggie from Hazbin Hotel, she is listed as a Tsundere.
Sugarcoat from EQG is listed as a Tsundere, and so are Ember, Smolder and Gallus from MLPFIM.
and we know that Tsunderplane is a Tsundere from Undertale, and I guess they would be right to have Undyne as a Tsundere as well...
there is also something called a Yottadere, and Verosika Mayday from Helluva Boss is listed as one of them....
which given the info about a Yottadere, it would make sense. O_O
anyway now for the talk about Asmodeus from Helluva Boss,
it would make sense if Ozzie from Helluva Boss, was a Erodere....
and with how he is with Fizzy, he is SO a Erodere.
even if I did see his name listed as a Erodere, it would make sense to add him into that list....because he just seems like a Erodere to me.
also if some info about Asmodeus is true (not talking about the Helluva Boss version) that he fell in love with Sarah, and killed any man who married her....
wouldn’t that make him like a Erodere and Yandere all in one...?
would the same thing be with most Ficto Versions of Asmodeus,
where they could end up being a Erodere and Yandere.
would the Casino Cups version of him being a Erodere and a Yandere....?
 anyway I think it would make sense that Ozzie from Helluva Boss, is a Erodere.
even if he might try to hide his love for Fizzy, the fans could pretty much see him being all worried for him when he got hurt.
who you think your fooling, Ozzie can’t fool those who have seen that episode.
and now, I’m pretty sure he is a Erodere.
it be the best day ever if they called him that in the canon.
the song that would fit any Fico-Version of Ozzie, including both the Helluva Boss and Casino Cups versions (I love the Cuphead AU) 
would be 10 Things I Hate About you (by Leah Kate)
and yeah, I’m listening to that song right now.
plus it does remind me of Ozzie, both from Helluva Boss and Cuphead AU.
guess it is weird for me to think that song just fits somehow....
I think the song Stronger/What Doesn't Kill You (by Kelly Clarkson), would fit my feelings about Archangel Raphael.
and it be a while, probably a VERY long while before I decide to remove that restraining order, like even if he can be in the same house as me, like if he were in the living room and I am in the room that I am in right now.
he isn’t allowed to come too close to me, I have a reason why I prayed for that restraining order before.
I don’t mind his ficto-counterparts.
if it is true that he pulls pranks at times, he needs to learn there is a time and place for them, and NOT to cross certain lines where it can cause someone to be heartbroken and go into tears.
I would still rather go live with The Goddess, and well if some info is true that she is like technically the Grandmother of The Nephilim, that could be the case of her being the Grandmother of Earth Angels, who have a Half-Angel Soul.
once again, I don’t work the same way as some Earth Angels.
and I know I’m a Defective Earth Angel, for all I know it could be have to do with my soul being born on Earth instead, if some info I asked about my soul’s birth is true.....yeah I had asked my pendulum about it before.
also you know how Asmodeus has that nickname Ozzie, and well I still think he is a Erodere.....which is kind of really REALLY adorable.
if well the Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel version of Satan ever appears in either of the two shows in the future.
is it weird for the nickname “Stan” to be used, just like how the name Sans is hidden in Steven Quartz Universe.
the same can be for Stan in Satan.
I’m weird and I couldn’t help but notice that while thinking about well, that weird thought.....I mean Asmodeus from Helluva Boss has the nickname Ozzie.
also I couldn’t help but have the weird thought, that Discord could be like Mother Nature’s Son, there was a episode on some hours or so ago that had to do with the Smurfs, and it is like a old episode.
before Discord from MLPFIM was even born.
the clouds were pink, and there was chaos when the Smurflings tried to use Mother Nature’s Magic.
so what if it turned out that Discord’s Mommy was Mother Nature, maybe not the one from The Smurfs, but some version of her that is from the My Little Pony Universe.
and when she accidentally did some chaos magic, which is part of her Mother Nature Magic, Discord ended up being born.
that would mean that the Spirit of Harmony, would be Mother Nature’s child as well....but not all fans have to agree with that theory.
one of the weirdest thoughts I had is that if the Moon Goddess, was someone’s Grandmother....that she would be like a Moonmaw.
you know like combining Moon and Mamaw together into one....
I called one of my Grandmother’s by “Mamaw” and well there is “Papaw” for Grandfather.....and if I knew or met any of their siblings...
like I think one of them had a brother, I could of called them Grunkle.
but anyway the whole Moon and Mamaw put together, is like Moonmaw.
yes I know it is a very weird thought, like if  a Moon Goddess turned out to be one of your Grandmothers, like from Soul Genetics.
and she be like your Moonmaw.
I am the living embodiment of weird....and some might be that way as well.
then again the whole “Moonmaw” could be used on someone like Moon Butterfly, if Star and Marco have kids together, then their kids could call her Moonmaw, which would confuse her until it is explained to her.
Moondrop from FNAF-SB wouldn’t be a Moonmaw, he would be like a Moonmy
like pronounced like Moon-Mommy put together.
so you don’t pronounce the “my” part like words “my or myself.”
anyway some fans of Helluva Boss, who might of looked up Erodere and what it means, might start to view Ozzie as a Erodere.
cause I can’t be the only fan who started to see him as a Erodere.
he just seems like one from the way he acted when Fizzy got hurt.
wouldn’t be surprised if some fans would end up teasing him in some fan art about him being a Erodere.
but it’s possible that not all fans would do that, just some percent of them.
plus it is possible that I’m not the first to notice that Ozzie is a Erodere.
some fans before me, might of notice he is one.
Ozzie should be added to the list of those who are Erodere on that one wikia that has different characters and what type of dere they are.
my fan headcanon is that Ozzie from Helluva Boss, is a Erodere and became that way when he met Fizzy.
even if those two are jerks, it might be hard to hate them, when they act too cute and adorable with each other....
seriously, the cuteness of Ozzie x Fizzy would be too much and I wouldn’t be surprised if some Imps have wrote fan fics or drew fan art about those two within the Helluva Boss Universe.
like it could be a counterpart from Real Life Fans making fan art, fan comics and fan fics of them being all cute together.
well Fizzy might dislike obsessive fans, but wonder how he would feel about it being about him being with Ozzie in a romantic way.
and if that one guy who had too many Robotic Fizzarolli, tries anything like trying to woo the real Fizzy while he is next to Ozzie.
in theory, some of the Imps who are Hardcore Ozzie x Fizzy shippers,
might get really mad at that guy and lunge at him and scream at him and tell him to stay away from their OTP.
to Fizzy, one thing coming out of that, would be he wouldn’t have to worry about that guy for a very long while.
and don’t know when that episode in Season 2 is going to be, you know like the one with the news paper that was shown in one of the sneak peak trailers...
that had to do with Ozzie and Fizzy....
but it will be worth the wait, just like how it was worth the wait to see the episode where Blitz, Stolas and Fizzarolli were Small Bean Cinnamon Rolls.
Stella was most likely a Sour Lemon Cupcake when she was a child....
if it were possible, I would punch Stolas’s Dad and protect Small Bean Stolas.
and yeah it would seem that the whole Stolas and Stella being in a arranged marriage, is canon.
so fans guessed right about that.
the one good thing that came out of that union, was Octavia.
who might of really been in the dark about the fact that her parents NEVER really loved each other, and it’s possible that Stolas and Stella had to hide it from her, and that moment with Octavia and Stolas in one episode, did hint about Stolas and Stella never really loving each other.
and if it was one sided, it would of been on Stella’s side.
I mean it’s not like she is secretly a Tsundere and Yandere.
 like she bad mouths him, and possibly has been known to beat him or slap him around a lot.
so her having a side to her where she does actually loves him, and is a Tsundere about it, well that might not be possibly true in the canon.
and if she was a Tsundere, she would be so in the Fanon.
 it’s not like Stella is going to have a episode where there is a flash back where shows her childhood and shows that she started to be a Tsundere the moment she met her betrothed Stolas.
 I mean she could of let the divorce happen, and not try to have Striker go after his life....which if she was hurt by it, and not just for image sake.
wouldn’t that mean that she truly did love Stolas, even if he didn’t love her in the same way back, and when she isn’t bad mouthing him or mistreating him.
she is secretly being a Tsundere...?
well I guess we will see if it is true, if Stella did have feelings for Stolas but it might be possible she NEVER did and only cared about power and her image.
 even if cheating isn’t okay, but Stolas was unhappy and I guess he could of had the divorce happen before the affair.
I wonder if Stella’s brother Andy would end up taking her side about it....
it be interesting if it turned out that Stella’s brother was Moxxie’s Ex-Boyfriend.
I know that “Andy” isn’t Stella’s brother’s name, but calling him “Andy” is more of a nickname for him....you know by fans, even if I might be the only one who is calling him that right now....it’s a nickname that fits.
anyway with every show or cartoon or movie, you will find out that even some of the characters in them will be a different type of dere.
Millie from Helluva Boss would be a Yandere of course.
and I’m still going to view Ozzie being a Erodere, because of his cute side that he shows when he got worried for Fizzy who got hurt in the episode that they appeared in.
 not everyone has to agree about that, not even about the whole Soursweet from Equestria Girls being a Dorodere.
but it would make sense if she was a Dorodere.
anyway I’m going to post that FNAF Theory next....it’s in drawing form, and it’s okay that not all fans agree that it could possible be true.
also for those who ship Ozzie x Fizzy together, after seeing that episode that they appear in...it’s okay that not all of you agree that Ozzie is a Erodere, it’s okay that it’s only me and a few others who view Ozzie being a Erodere.                                                        
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shazos · 5 years
Undertale/Deltarune Theory: The Two Angels of The Prophecy
Since I’ve been playing Deltarune as of late, I thought I would share some very compelling details I’ve noticed in game that have been rolling around in my mind lately...
 This is a theory pertaining both Undertale AND Deltarune, because I found connections between both of them interestingly enough. To start my theory off: I will begin with the very prominent theme in Deltarune of religion. There appears to be a strange emphasis on how religious the home town of Deltarune is, with everyone worshipping some deity called “The Angel.”
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  It seems to be done in such a manner, that it is building up that the town is worshipping some false God of sorts. The town itself feels very…off. A very ominous vibe to it, especially with the very creepy bunker to the south of town as well.
The question is.. who is this Angel..? To answer this question, we will have to dig deeper. Another notable theme in Deltarune, is that many items found in the Light World—represent places and people in the Dark World. It mirrors it, essentially.
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In the light world school closet, the cards on the floor represent the card suite inhabitants/card castle. The plush doll represents Seam, etc. Additionally, the red horns in Kris’s house could symbolically represent Ralsei’s presence, with his little red horns. 
However... even more interesting enough, is that in the town hospital can be found two angel dolls. One— that was made by Kris and Asriel, where they “wasted the whole time making big wings for it.”
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 And the other, which was made by Noelle and her friend—looked like a typical angel doll, only “it’s lack of facial features was unsettling.” 
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This appears to be clear symbolism for two different characters/angels... but whom? The first one, I believe matches the description of Asriel’s final form in Undertale perfectly: it has a rather disproportionate body, with huge over-sized, magnificent wings. 
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Additionally, Asriel’s final form matches up with the Deltarune of Gerson’s prophecy, with each part of his angel body aligning with the runes. Gerson also mentions an Angel in his prophecy, saying that it will free everyone from the underground—which Asriel does at the end of Undertale, with the power of the seven souls. 
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Then... who is the second angel, who is symbolically represented in the hospital? An angel we haven’t seen yet, but likely will at the end of Deltarune. Based off the evidence/implications given, I believe it is Gaster. 
To begin, the second angel doll is described with a lack of features that makes it unsettling—which is very reminiscent of Gaster. 
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To build upon this, the angel of Undertale—Asriel— plays a focal point in Undertale’s story. He is not shown until the very end of the game, with the true ending, and is very mysterious at first. On top of this, many.. many songs in Undertale have the leitmotifs of Asriel’s theme: HIS theme. 
Meanwhile, Deltarunes soundtrack is heavily focused around Lietmotifs of Gasters theme, with the intro song being called ANOTHER HIM... Another angel, if you will. This implies that he is going to play a heavy role in the story, which is very much seen on the surface level of Deltarune—with the involvement of the “strange knight” as well as the subtext with Jevils backstory, having met a man that made his vision of the world grow “Darker, yet darker” and made him go insane, as told by the tale Seam the shopkeeper tells the protagonist. 
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Additionally, the very first castle we see in the game--(not card castle, mind you) has wings on it... much akin to an angel’s, and is spewing a dark fountain forth from it. 
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At the end of the chapter of Deltarune, Susie shows clear concern that they did not get rid of the right fountain. One fountain—the original, brought the dark world its life. The other, an unnatural source of darkness to upset the balance. And Ralsei, strangely enough, eagerly directed Kris to get rid of the Card Castle fountain—not the one coming from the Angel’s castle. The Angel’s Castle is also an empty kingdom, with no subjects.. except Ralsei. 
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But who is the king? Nobody knows… And a very foreboding music plays in the castle town, adding to the mystery of it. Ralsei, who is quite suspicious enough as it is, (might go into this further in another theory later) will not let Kris inside the castle, stating that Kris must save the world/complete the prophecy first... and then they can come back. Ralsei acts very nervous and distraught when Kris keeps trying to enter the castle, and blocks him from going in. He then shuts Kris out of the kingdom gates, barring him off from going back inside--sinisterly enough. 
Additionally, the plot of Deltarune is based off the prophecy, to “banish the Angels heaven”. This makes the Angel seem like a very malicious figure...but why? What are the Angels motives, and what is the “Angels heaven..?” Well, if you talk to Gerson in Undertale, he says an interesting bit of dialogue that could be interpreted a bit differently with my context/point of view. One could argue that he is talking about “the angel of hyper death”, Asriel, when he says the Angel of death, but I believe it not to be the case. 
Gerson states the following: 
“Lately, the people have been taking a bleaker outlook…callin that winged circle the “Angel of Death”. 
A harbringer of destruction, and waitin to “free” us from this mortal realm…”
This seems like a much more sinister view of the Angel, and not like Asriel. Even though Asriel is very threatening, he is still pure of heart, and ends up saving all of Monsterkind in the end. The second angel however? Wants to “free” every one, and brings destruction in his wake. In Deltarune, we see much destruction and chaos being brought about by a strange “knight”, who appeared one day to take over the card kingdom and beyond, using the Chaos King to help him assert control. 
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Seam also mentions that he hasn’t seen this much chaos, since the incident that occurred with Jevil—which implies that the stranger and the strange mysterious knight are one and the same. So, what then is the meaning of “free us from this mortal realm…?”, from Gerson’s prophecy of the second angel? Well, interestingly enough: in Deltarune Jevil mentions this line of dialogue in his boss fight, which lines up perfectly with Gerson’s dark prophecy:
This is extremely significant, because Jevil was made aware by the Knight that the world is only a game, and that he can become “free” by ignoring the rules of the game, if you will—to become sentient of the game itself. This matches up perfectly with Gaster: who after being shattered across time and space by falling into his creation, became aware that the world was all just a game. 
So why usurp the Dark World? Presumably, to make everyone aware that it is all just a game: to save them, from being stuck forever without choice. To make them free…done in a very twisted way of course, taking over the kingdom, locking up the rulers and all.
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So why do this? After all he was a former scientist of Asgore’s in Undertale. This is where the symbolism comes in, that I noticed. Gaster seems to be a “fallen angel” of sorts. He was driven into madness after “falling” into his creation— after messing with the balance of things. What that is exactly, is unknown at this time. But it is implied that he discovered the presence of timelines, and tried to figure out how to manipulate them. 
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This in a sense, was an act against nature/trying to defy god by trying to figure out the interworking’s of the world’s universe. 
Additionally, in Deltarune there is a repeated theme of a “shining light” that guides you—where you save your Soul at. In the bible, the fallen angel Lucifer, who defied God, is likewise represented with a “shining light”. In the files, Gaster is also associated with the number 666—which aligns with the prophecy of him being a dark, fallen angel. 
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One could even argue his font/name Wingdings is symbolic, from the wing in the name. It isn’t a stretch to say that Toby got some inspiration from the Bible--he has gotten many inspirations from Undertale from various sources, including Asriel’s symbolism from a Hebrew god/demon named Azrael.
To add unto this theory that links both Asriel and Gaster together as being both angels, is that both were striken by tragedy. Asriel was killed at a very young age, and is forever stuck in an endless purgatory in the body of a flower. Meanwhile, Gaster was forgotten by everyone, including the ones he held closest, and was shattered across time and space. Both characters are implied to have been driven to madness because of this, but with Asriel having a bit more heart/sympathy to him in the very end, (due to having the power of the human Souls to feel compassion again) and freeing all of monsterkind out of a deep care for Frisk.
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 Gaster on the other hand…? Seems to be a lot more unforgiving, and much more threatening, seen by his heavily implied actions in Deltarune, taking over kingdoms without mercy, and establishing his power in the Dark World. 
Another notable feature between the two characters, is that they both have black markings on their faces, stretching down from their eyes—(Asriel’s markings are seen during his final boss fight.) What are these? Well…one datamined detail (sourced from the Deltarune reddit) from Deltarune might be the answer to this question.
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Both Asriel and Gaster have gone through incredible suffering, so this “pain” could have essentially manifested into the black markings, similar to tears. In the beginning of Deltarune, with the player’s encounter with the narrator/ Gaster, (or at the very least heavily implied...he speaks in the exact same manner) he asks the player what their favorite food is. Two answers, that immediately stand out as strange and bizarre—are pain, and cold—which at first glance is just an off the wall comment/dialogue option, but upon second glance gives us a window into what he has gone through—painful suffering, much like Asriel did, on a plane of existence where they could do nothing. Both characters also have committed horrible actions, due to their fall into madness, (Asriel as Flowey, being stuck in a soulless vessel for ages,) and Gaster, due to existential madness from realizing the entire world is just a game, presumably overthrew an entire kingdom to “free” everyone.
 (Almost forgot--) Additionally, another piece of dialogue which links together the Knight and the Angel being one and the same—is a dialogue seen from the Chaos King/Spade King himself. During the battle with him—he mentions multiple times how he obeys the word of the Knight, and with him he shall make a “new world out of Holy Shadows”, which backs up my theory even more, that the folks of the Light world are worshiping a false idol, a dark angel to destroy them all.
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Sound familiar...?
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I believe this is made all the more likely with Undertale being a mirror to Deltarune and vice versa—it would make all the more sense that each game would have an Angel character, considering each deals with a prophecy containing the Deltarune. One Angel of Light, and one of Dark.
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EDIT: Here are some additional findings that make this come all together even more.
*In Undertale, every zone’s monsters reflect the boss monster of the area. (The monsters in Alphys zone are all anime related. The ones in Undyne’s zone are all muscular/into piano like her, etc...) the only area in the game that doesn’t make sense is Mettaton’s zone in the Core. The mobs don’t suit him at all: except when you realize that he wasn’t meant to be the true boss of the Core in the first place, since Alphys made him. If Gaster hadn’t died/become shattered across time and space, he would have been the likely boss monster of that area. What is notable, is that all of the enemies of the Core are primarily knights, mad, some of them use crosses as attacks, have wings, one of them uses a “Morningstar” as a weapon, (possible reference to Lucifer Morningstar) and you have to defeat some of the monsters by “praying”. Not symbolizing Mettaton at all—but rather Gaster, showing that the foreshadowing seen in Deltarune is indeed likely correct.
*The egg in Deltarune is a possible reference to the tale of Adam and Eve, as it aligns very well. A mysterious figure tempts someone behind a tree with a “fruit of knowledge”. Kris is offered the egg by “him”, presumably Gaster. Taking the egg to the Light-World doesn’t change it like all the other items in the game—it still exists in the Light-World—showing the forbidden knowledge that the world is all just a game. Even though it is a secret/not accessed by usual means, the egg is additionally a key item—that might prove more important by the end of the game.
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spacegate · 5 years
Gaster Blastober 2019 - Week Two
Participating in Gaster Blastertober 2019 put on by @gbpack-discord. I will be doing my best to write short ficlets every week. I’ll be adding them to the side stories fic on AO3 eventually. Hope you guys enjoy! Most will be kinda fluffy cause I feel icky and need some smiles <3
Fandom: Undertale
Warnings: None
Fluff-rating: 9999%
It’s crazy how fast time flies.
Grillby pondered this as he sat in his chair, surrounded by lots of other monsters. The auditorium they were in was packed, families crammed into every available space. A few whimsums and whimsalots perched themselves up in the ceiling rafters, clearly too intimidated to attempt to fight for seating below. Once in a while, he glanced towards the curtained stage along with a few other monsters, and then to their various watches.
Soon, it would begin, and Grillby would get to see something he never thought he’d get to experience.
Today, he gets to see one of his sons graduate from college.
“UGH.” To the right, Papyrus shifted in his seat, trying to be comfortable. “I WISH THEY WOULD JUST START ALREADY.”
“Patience Papyrus, this is a big day for a lot of people.” Grillby couldn’t help but softly chuckle. Papyrus was a monster who rarely hated anything. But his one true nemesis would always be having to sit still in a chair. He was simply too animated to be contained in one spot for long. He figured that out long ago, when his kindergarten teacher would call him in a panic, only to find Papyrus happily doing his schoolwork outside. How he managed to escape unnoticed proved he was the complete opposite of Sans, who enjoyed staying in one spot for hours at a time. Papyrus lived for the outdoors.
Angel above, kindergarten was years and years ago.
It was hard to believe that such a tiny little skeleton grew up into a monster that was easily taller than nearly everyone in the room. He stuck out terribly even when seated. A few monsters had to move around him just to see. It was clear how much he hated being here, but there was something far stronger keeping him there, and that was the bond he shared with his brother. Those two would do anything for each other.
Grillby allowed himself to slip back into the past for a while, tuning out the excited chatter and Papyrus’s fidgeting for now. It was difficult to understand just how much time had passed. Good memories and bad ones alike past by with speed. Nothing passed so quickly before to the old general. Not even the first few centuries of entrapment under the mountain went by as fast.
He could still vividly recall finding the two tiny skeletons rooting around in the trash behind his bar. How small and sick they both were. How long it took to get them to believe that not everyone was out to hurt them.
Sans was so fragile both in body and mind. It took years of finding the right therapy and medication before he can actually begin to live the life he was supposed to have from the very beginning. Scars faded, including those horrifying bar-codes, now only remnant grooves with no meaning to anyone else but themselves. Sans rarely spoke, rarely instigated anything, even just asking for something to drink was just too intimidating to him. There were many nights passed holding him and promising that nothing would ever hurt him again, and more time until he believed it.
But here he was now, years later, about to get his bachelors degree in theoretical physics. The first of many, he was told. Sans fully intended to collect plenty of PHDs under his belt, but this was the first stepping stone to that dream. He was happy with his smiles now reaching his eye sockets, all genuine. He had a large group of friends, including his dearest two, Undyne and Alphys. Alphys was in the same class as Sans, while Undyne went off to boot camp with Papyrus. All four made it a point to meet up as often as they could.
It was a transformation so subtle, it hit him then just how much the two have changed.
“Yes, Sans is very smart, but that piece of paper is what he needs in order to continue his dreams.” Grillby laid a hand on the taller skeleton’s shoulder to get him to sit still a little. “It’s like your certificate, you are now a licensed professional. His just….needs a lot more certificates.”
“It’s different for you. I am sure that they do not give out college degrees for tracking lost people and digging out cave-ins.”
Grillby laughed. For someone with past like his dear Papyrus, he turned out completely different than what most people would have expected. Born to be tortured and forced to kill, Papyrus instead has turned into one of the most kindest he has ever seen. Grillby did his best to nurture that in his youngest, and he grew up into someone who would help anyone regardless of who they were. It made sense he would go into his current line of work, search and rescue. His beastly form, designed to kill humans, instead helps him dig out trapped monsters and find lost children. Even as a powerful creature, he always looked kindly, and is adored by children.
Sans’ beast form was the complete opposite. Being so short and stout, he was like a large teddy bear. He would park himself in one place and not move for hours. He often ended up as a cuddle buddy for anyone looking for a nap, as he just looked so cuddly
Gaster did his best to design creatures of violence and death, but he failed. He completely and utterly failed.
And, Grillby was happy for that.
Before he could say anything further, the lights dimmed, and the current dean of New Home university floated to the stage. The crowd hushed and Papyrus did his best to sit still and pay attention. The dean opened up one of his mouths, and began to speak, and Angel above, was it awful to listen to.
Grillby heard all the boring introductions as the dean droned on about a story of a frog trapped in a bucket of cream and something about never giving up and butter and it related to science somehow. Grillby felt himself sighing along side Papyrus as they waited for him to finish the convoluted story and get on with it.
The ceremony didn’t even start, and already Grillby could see Bertram in the row in front of him, sobbing into a handful of tissues. Frank was doing his best to keep Gnash awake as the poor guardsmen kept nodding off. The crowd was doing their very best to stay seated and wait out the terrible story.
FINALLY the story ended, and one by one they began to call students out to retrieve their diplomas. Each student was met with applause and cheering, but then….
“Sans Fire!”
Sans stepped out, his graduation cap crooked and with a size too big robe. He of course, was met by cheers, along with the howling of the Snowdin Canine unit, and “THAT’S MY BROTHER!” shouted over the noise. Sans went to shake one of the many, many tentacles of the dean and took his diploma case. There was a soft ‘bzzt’ and said tentacle was pulled back sharply, as Sans showed off the joy buzzer hidden in his palm. The dean harshly pointed at one of the seats on stage, as Sans grinned. He then turned around and scanned the crowd before resting his eyes on Grillby. It wasn’t like he was hard to find, after all.
Grillby could feel tears of magma build up around the embers of his eyes as Sans winked and nodded, and went back to sit with his fellow students.
For a moment, he was speechless.  A strange feeling overcame him. The past and the present blended together for a moment, and he could almost see that tiny six year old Sans sitting up there instead of the adult he is now.
“FATHER! THE CHAIR!” Papyrus suddenly shouted.
Grillby jerked in alarm and looked down, to see that some of his tears had fallen and started to set the chair he was on fire. Bits of flame fell down and set the tacky carpet alight. A commotion broke out around him as fellow parents evacuated the space around the flame and Papyrus went into full ‘rescue’ mode. Grillby was trying to apologize as Papyrus moved him away from the flames as to not make them worse.
From his seat up on stage, Sans watched and sighed as Alphys patted his back. The commotion at least, livened up the ceremony, as now the dean was trying to calm people down with another long boring story.
The nature of growing up is a transformation in of itself. Time passes and things must change, sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But as Sans watched Papyrus put out the fire by dumping a container of pasta over it, he was sure that not everything has to change.
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 years
*Tired nyoom* I'm tired, stressed, and requesting some angsty Angel's Flower with that thing we discussed in Discord with Ink trying to basically get rid of Venus and take Heelies back home
fandom: Undertale AU
characters and pairing: Ink, Heliotrope, Venus - ocs by @izzy-the-bizzy Angel’s Flower
warnings: attempted murder, kidnapping
word count: 2,116
Summary: Ink is determined to save his poor, brainwashed son from the seductive clutches of Evil. Even if he has to kill to do it.
tagslist: @anxiety-is-married-to-depression @angelofthehalfmoon @trainwreck-of-skeletons @hisame-amadashi​ @therandomskelekey @capisnotonfire
Ink was pacing back and forth, the more that he thought about the argument that he had with Heelies, the more upset that he got.
“You do realize that Venus is Nightmare’s top spy! They are trying to turn you to his side, so that you will fight against us and spread evil!” Ink had pointed out with a growl, not wanting his precious son to be tainted by Nightmare’s darkness.
“Yes, I know that they work for Nightmare! But they would never hurt me, and I love them. They love me.” Heelies snapped back, his generally laid back and easy going demeanor having changed completely. The younger skeleton is glaring at his dad and his fists are balled at his sides.
Ink has never seen his son so aggressive before - further proof that Nightmare and this Venus have been trying and are succeeding in twisting his gentle, naive baby boy into someone dangerous and deadly. “Nightmare is an expert in breaking minds and twisting people to suit his will. I don’t want him to break you and turn you into a parody of who you are, Heelies. I love you dearly, and I want you to be safe.”
“I am safe! And you say that Nightmare is evil and wants to destroy the multiverse. He doesn’t - I’ve seen how he deals with some of the worst timelines I’ve ever seen. He negotiates with their leaders - the human and monster - in exchange for resources or space. Yes, he is interfering with the stories that the timelines are supposed to take… But he seems to be trying to interfere for the better.” Heelies huffed, glaring more at his papa, shaking with anger.
Ink’s eye lights widen, and he whispers just loud enough for his son to hear “By the creators… I was worried that things were bad, but I… I hadn’t thought that Nightmare and that seductive spy of his had twisted your mind so far…” He reached out to his son, but Heelies darted back, the scowl on his face darker than Ink had ever seen it.
“Ven hasn’t twisted my mind, and neither has Mr. Nightmare. Both of them are very different hen who you believe them to be, dad. I… This was exactly the reason why I never wanted to tell you that I was dating someone. I knew that you’d freak out about it, especially since Ven isn’t the sort of person you’d approve of me dating.” Heelies had hissed, hurt and frustrated and unwilling to let Ink reach out and hug the other close, to help him calm down.
“Heelies, please be reasonable. Don’t-” Ink began, trying to placate his son, but the other cut him off abruptly.
“I am being reasonable! You’re the one who won’t listen! I’m leaving and you can’t stop me!” Heliotrope had yelled, teleporting away and though Ink tried to teleport after the other, Heelies had used several portals through a half-dozen AUs, and Ink couldn’t track the other.
Ink had managed to find his wayward, manipulated son. Heliotrope was, of course, in the timeline that Nightmare had set up his main base - or at least one of them. It was the base that Nightmare held Dream hostage on numerous occasions, and trying to get into that timeline was always a pain, as the very magic of the AU seemed to resist his presence entering it. Ink was fairly sure that NIghtmare had somehow woven spells into the base code of the timeline itself so that he couldn’t enter timelines with liquids in them somehow.
But for now, the creative guardian wasn’t wondering how that was fucking possible. He had decided on a course of action. Venus was the one who had stolen his precious’ son’s heart, and as long as they were alive, they would have a pull on his heart, as Heelies was an intensely loyal and caring person (much like his papa, Blue)… So Ink was going to kill Venus and take his son back. He was well aware of the fact that killing them would hurt Heelies, but it would be for the best. Heelies would eventually forgive him, especially after the other forgot about Venus - as Heelies did have some of Ink’s own forgetfulness tendencies, needing to keep a pad of paper and something to write with in his inventory to keep track of important things.
He and Blue had argued about what to do for months and months. But Ink was certain that the longer that they hesitated and delayed, the more deeply brainwashed and darker Heelies would become, and the longer it would take for his son to recover from the awful misery that Nightmare was doubtlessly putting their son through. He wrote a note to Blue and Dream - in case either one of them stopped by the house before he was back.
I’m going to go get Heelies back! And make sure that the one who took him from us is permanently dealt with. See you later! ~Ink
With a roll of his shoulders, Ink concentrated hard on Nightmare’s castle, intending to appear on the roof, rather than inside one of the rooms, where someone could be in and then alert the rest of the castle to his presence. It took a solid ten minutes of focusing, but Ink felt his magic shift and twist.
He activated his eye lights and sure enough, the rust-red sky was overhead, the miserable bare dirt fields that extended in rolling waves all around the spikey, intimidating looking castle. Ink closed his eyes, a small smirk playing on his lips as he sensed Venus’s magic. They were alone from what he could tell. Good, that would make things easier. He teleported directly outside of the younger skeleton’s room, broom in hand. He activated a bit of his magic, the magical paint beginning to drip from the tip of broomy’s brush as he walked in.
Venus turned towards him, the smile on their face falling somewhat as they recognized him “I… Oh… Hello?” They looked a little cautious but confused. “Uhm… Why are you here?”
“To see you and Heelies, of course. It’s been months since I’ve seen my son, and I’m worried about him… You are in possession of his heart. He’s’ a gentle soul. Sweet, cheerful… Oh, he can pretend to be scary and bluster all he likes… But you and I both know that he couldn’t hurt a fly.”
“Haha… Yeah. Heelies is such a pacifist. It’s really endearing to see him try to spar against a couple of the others though. He tries really hard. He just… He’s wonderful.” The vile villain hummed, an amused smirk playing on their lips, a cruel parody of a loving tone in their voice. “He misses you and Blue. He won’t admit it easily, but I can sense that he does. He’d be so happy to hear that you’re in the castle ‘cause you want to talk to him.”
“Actually, I wanted to speak to you, first. As I previously stated, you hold my son’s rather fragile soul in your hands… And I just…” Ink sighs, shaking his head as he takes his brush from behind his back, beginning to lean on it, faux-casually “I’m just not convinced that you’re the right person for him. How many have you killed? How many AUs have fallen into NIghtmare’s control because of the intel that you gather? Dozens? Hundreds? I know that your LV is comparable to Dust or Killers, and they’ve both slaughtered their entire timeline - and that was before Nightmare got his hands on them.”
Venus flinched, looking away from him, shifting uncomfortably, their wings partially wrapping around themself in a gesture that would be a subconscious attempt at soothing themself if Ink didn’t know that they were a master manipulator - just like their boss, Nightmare. “I… I’d rather not think about how many people I’ve killed. I-I’ve killed many of them in s-self defense. Besides we’ve… We’ve been doing things differently in the past decade or two. Less murder and more negotiation. It helps that Papa and Sat drop by and visit. Their nagging helps Dad think things through a bit more logically. I… I know that I have blood and dust on my hands… But… Mr. Ink, sir. I… I really, truly love Heelies. He’s the light of my life, and I… I’ve never realized what it was like to be in love until Heelies came crashing into my life. I… I know that I’m not what you’d hope for in a partner for Heelies, but I try to be worthy of him. I… I know that I’ve become a better person, since I’ve gotten to know him.”
Hmmm… Venus had definitely been taught how to persuade others by Nightmare - that same silver tongue… Wait - dad. Papa. Whoever the fuck Sat was. Ink’s eye lights swirl in a chaotic swirl of colors and shapes as something that he’d been just about to connect for a while now finally slid into place “Wait… You’re Nightmare’s child? Not someone who he picked up in a timeline because he found you to be useful?”
“Yes. I’m his oldest child. Saturn is my younger brother… Did you not know that?” Venus responded, a startled frown appearing on their face.
By the creators, that added another layer of twistedness to all of this! It also explained why Dream was so… Strange when it came to Venus. He had a tangled past with Nightmare, and would of course be aware of Venus’s parentage. Why Dream knew so much about Nightmare, the positive guardian never said. But this… Perhaps with Venus’s death, it would give the dark and destructive lord of negativity a bit of pause to grieve, and give him and the other Star Sanses time to breathe and plan how to deal with the other’s charm offensive. “No, I did not. Is Saturn in the castle as well?” Killing both of Nightmare’s children would surely be a benefit to the multiverse - but he’d settle for the one who had stolen his son’s soul for now.
“No, Sat is usually with papa, or hidden away in some timeline that dad and I can’t get to, due to being negative beings. But papa’s gotten better about that as dad’s calmed down and the two of them have started talking instead of just fighting.” Venus responded.
Ink squinted at the other for a moment, before deciding that they were telling him the truth. He knew that Nightmare didn’t lie with every breath, though the creative guardian didn’t trust the bastard at all. He sent the other a warm smile “Well, this has been a very enlightening talk.  It’s just… It’s a pity that you are Nightmare’s child, haha. I was almost convinced that you actually love my son. Goodbye.” He struck as confusion filled the younger being, their movements slowed to the point where Ink was able to strike them down.
Venus had managed to dodge just enough to avoid a completely fatal blow, and the other screamed, their magic reverberating around the castle as a wave of pure negativity hit Ink hard, sending the creative guardian staggering backwards and falling to his knees.
Nightmare himself teleported in, confusion and fear on the other’s face at the gaping, paint-splattered wound, hissing as a couple of tentacles wrapped protectively around his child. “Ink-” The other growled, lunging for the creative guardian.
“Pfhaha… Good luck keeping your child from dusting, Nightmare. Perhaps now you will know the pain that you have inflicted on countless others. Ciao~!” Ink purred, a feral grin on his face as he teleported out of the room, reappearing next to Heelies - who was running towards the dying Venus. “Heeelies, my darling son! Time to come home!” Ink ordered, flicking his magic over his son, even as the other tried and failed to dodge, the other’s form losing cohesion as he turned into a purple puddle, the other’s soul floating on top. He scooped the other up and gently put him in a magically protected mason jar. “You be a good boy now and try not to reform. Papa’s got you. I’ll make sure that you’ll be all better. Besides, the wicked creature who stole your heart won’t be distracting you any more. Papa made sure of that.” With that, he teleported out of the AU, dodging several different bone and blaster attacks from Nightmare’s furious lieutenants.
Heelies was safely ensconced in his arms, bubbling and shifting in the jar in great distress, but the other would settle down soon enough. Ink was sure of that “Shhh… It’s okay… Papa’s got you… Shhh… Things will get better, I promise…”
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