#it woulda just taken extra steps
miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
11. heated.
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Fourth of July. 
"Well, I really don't celebrate white man holidays and shit, but if you find something cool for us to do, then I guess I'll come." Stevie shrugs and turns her attention back to the Living Single marathon on tv.
Tyler rolls her eyes and heads into the kitchen. "Me either. I just want a plate of food. Find those little sparklers and get drunk, ya know?"
"You like being drunk, huh?"
"Eh, I'd rather be high, but drinking is cool, too."
"Hm, my friends—" Stevie sits up on the couch, and stares through the wall like Tyler can see her.
"Girl, those bitches are not your friend."
Tyler comes around the corner, with a plate of eggs.
"Why you say that?"
Stevie's eyebrows furrow.
"That Melissa girl literally left your ass, the last time y'all went to the club. Amber's ugly ass boyfriend almost fought you over some petty bullshit, and don't even get me started on Lis—"
"Okaaaay! Alright!" She holds her hand up in the air, making Stevie stop.
"Melissa didn't leave me. Aaron was waiting on me—"
"Wasn't he just as drunk as you were? Irresponsible, but go on." She folds her leg over the other.
"Whatever. Amber's boyfriend is a bitch. I coulda taken his ass." Stevie places her fingers on the bridge of her nose, listening to her ridiculous excuses.
"That's not the point—"
"He's no John. I woulda handled it." Tyler rolls her eyes, watching Stevie's facial expression change.
"And, Lisa never did anything to me, Stevie. I told you that."
"Right. It's not like she hasn't lied to you before, or anything." Stevie shrugs and gets up from the couch.
"Just.... let me know if you find something. Without them being involved." Tyler raises an eyebrow. Stevie walks towards the steps.
"You know, cause I hate to go to jail on a holiday."
Standing in front of her full length mirror, Tyler messes with the frayed ends of her homemade, blue jean shorts. Her red halter crop top stops just above her belly button, and her hair is pulled up into a messy bun.
Stevie struts into her room, with a smidgen of attitude still evident on her face. Her gray striped dress hugs her figure, her light purple toes sit pretty in her black sandals.
"What are you doing to your hair?" Tyler says, not looking her way.
"What's wrong with my hair?” She asks, turning back toward the mirror to look at her messy bun.
"You're gonna leave it like that?" Stevie rolls her eyes.
"Yes. It’s like ninety-seven degrees outside."
Turning around on her heels, she leaves out and heads downstairs.
Stevie's irritation is stemming from many things. For starters, her cycle came yesterday, throwing her attitude into the pits of hell and making her hornier than ever, with no solution. On top of that, it's hot as hell outside and all she wants to do is stay inside, but both Rod and Tyler are making her leave her air conditioned house for a party at Tyler's cousins' house. And last but definitely not least, the argument that her and Tyler had earlier didn't help a thing.
"Rod's here," she yells, before opening the door and heading down the steps.
He looks up and blows out a rough breath. Between the scowl on her face and the switch of her hips, he's conflicted on giving her a compliment.
He steps out of the car and walks around to greet her. She wraps her arms around his torso, burying her face into his warm chest.
"Hey baby," he runs a hand down her back, "you look good."
"Thank you," she murmurs, "you smell good."
Moving away from his chest, she pokes her glossy lips out, pecking his juicy ones twice.
"Does your stomach still hurt?" She pouts and nods her head.
"I'm sorry, babygirl. I know this heat isn't making anything better, but I want you to have a good day." She pulls away and opens up the back door.
"It's cool. I took some medicine and I've got extra products, just in case. I just need a blunt or something." She sits down on the seat, watching Tyler come out of the house with two small carrier bags and a bottle of Bourbon.
Waving the bottle in front of her face, Stevie snatches it and knocks half of it back.
"Damn!" Tyler laughs and pulls the passenger door open, while Rod moves to where Stevie is.
"Why you sittin' in the back?"
"I'm gonna lay down. My head is pounding and there's more room to get comfortable, back here." Tyler tosses Stevie's bag in the back.
Stevie reaches inside and grabs her red sunglasses, sliding them over her eyes.
"Aight. I got you about that blunt, too." He winks at her, before closing the door. She smiles to herself, before a cramp comes and knocks it right off her face.
Pushing the bag to the other side of the seat, Stevie lays down and places her head in the middle of it. The car starts and they head towards their destination.
"So," Tyler starts, "this party is supposed to be fun. My cousins always know how to have a good time. Stevie can vouch for me."
"Yeah, she's right. They're the reason I started drinking before I was legally allowed to." She hums and rubs her stomach.
"Sounds like a good time. Is the house big?" Rod asks.
"Hell yeah!" They reply in unison. He laughs.
"Do y’all want me to stop and get some water or something? Chips? Water?"
"Yes, please." Rod pulls into the parking lot of a convenient store. He takes his seatbelt off and turns sideways in the seat, looking at Stevie.
"The salt and vinegar ones?" She nods, reaching inside her bag for her wallet.
"Uh uh, I got it. Put that back."
"How you know what I was reaching for?" He smirks.
"Cause, I know you. You want water or a soda?"
"Soda. I need a rush of caffeine through my system." He nods and looks over at Tyler.
"You want anything?"
"A water is fine, thank you." She stuffs a dollar in his hand, before he can protest.
"Alright," he chuckles, "I'll be right back."
"Thank you." They say in unison, again.
The door shuts and the mess starts.
"You love that boy, don't you?" Stevie blows out a breath.
"Tyler, can we please—"
"I just wanna know! At this point, you have to. I see how y'all be talking to each other. How y'all look at each other. Girl, if you don't be straight up and tell me."
"Okay!" Stevie starts laughing, sitting up in the seat. "I do."
Tyler squeals and swats her leg. She flinches.
"But, we've only been dating for a few months! I feel like that might be a little too fast." She shakes her head.
"Girl, life is too damn short to be putting timelines on shit. So what, y'all only been together for three months? You know what's happened in those three months? He killed a mothafucka for you. He's been your first every-fucking-thing. You've met his mom. He's met both your parents. He knows how ridiculous they are, and still comes around. He's dealt with your bratty ass, this long and still comes around. He's so sweet to you. I think it's totally okay that you love him. You'd be crazy to not have feelings for him." Stevie playfully rolls her eyes.
"I guess you're right. I'll tell him. Just not right now." 
Tyler starts to say something else, but Rod opens the door. Tyler turns around her seat, while Stevie stares out the window.
"Y'all alright?" He hands Tyler her water. She nods, sending a thank you his way. He pats Stevie's leg, making her look in his direction and grab the bag from him.
"Thank you, baby." He smiles and puts his seatbelt back on, starting the car back up. Stevie opens her bag and begins stuffing her mouth with the salty goodness.
On the way there, she dozes off. Tyler laughs and gets out of the car. Rod turns the car off and walks around to her side.
"Go ahead, I'll get her up." Tyler pulls her bag up on her shoulder and heads down the crowded block a little to find her cousins.
Opening the door, Rod gently shakes Stevie from her short slumber. She reaches for her shades, pulling them from her face.
"We're here, babe." She sits up and fixes her dress, before stretching a little and getting out. She grabs her bag and he helps her up on the sidewalk.
Locking the car, he grabs her hand and they head down the block to find Tyler.
"You're gonna love 'em. Watch out for Tasha, though." He looks down at her. She just laughs.
"Oh my gosh, Stevie!"
"Hey!" Two girls, about five foot seven, stand in front of Stevie. One has the same complexion as Tyler, while the other has an olive undertone.
"You look so good! We haven't seen you in forever! Where have you been hiding?"
"More like who has she been hiding." One of them points at Rod. Stevie tightens her grip on his hand.
"Who's the cutie?"
"Oh, isn't he? This is my boyfriend, Roderick." Stevie looks up at him, "that's Tasha and that's Tia."
He waves. "It's nice to meet you, ladies."
Tasha plays with the ends of her red hair, staring him up and down.
"Quit looking at him, like that." She thumps Tasha's arm, bringing her out of her trance.
"Oh calm down, girl. I ain't gon steal him." She scoffs and pulls Rod deeper into the crowd, introducing more of her extended family.
They find a couple of chairs in the shade. Stevie sits down, pulling her bag onto her lap.
"Can I ask you a question?" She nods her head, beginning to rummage through her bag. He sits down beside her.
"Have these past couple months been what you wanted?" She looks up from the bag, giving him her attention.
"Baby, they've been the best three months of my life." He grabs her hand and squeezes it.
"Why... is there something wrong?" He shakes his head.
"Nah. I just wanted to ask. I know we get kinda ambushed from time to time, so I just wanted to make sure you were loving this just as much as I am." She cracks a smile.
"You don't ever have to worry about that." Tyler walks up with two red cups, filled to brim with some kind of red and blue mixture.
"What's that?" She hands Stevie one and hands Rod the other. Stevie sniffs hers and immediately jerks her head back.
"Woah! How much alcohol is in this?"
"It's probably more than fifty percent. I made it special, just for you. It has strawberries, blue raspberry kool aid and Smirnoff in it."
She bravely puts it up to her lips and takes a sip, utterly surprised at how good it tastes.
Tyler giggles and sticks her blue tongue out at her. Stevie shakes her head.
"Wow... I was expecting it to be very strong." She looks over at Rod, who's still inspecting his.
"Try it! It's good!" Tyler slurs.
"We just got here, and you're already tipsy." Stevie points out. Tyler just shrugs.
"I never waste time, you know that."
Rod shrugs and knocks the drink back, licking the access off his bottom lip.
"See! It's just you who's being a party pooper."
"Well excuse me for having cramps!"
"You're excused, bitch." Tyler quips. Stevie brings her shades back down over her eyes.
"This why I hate when you drink." She finishes off her drink, sinks down in her chair and crosses her legs.
"Whatever. Try to enjoy yourself for God's sake!" With that, she stomps off.
"I don't mean to pry, but is she always like that?" Stevie sighs.
"Unfortunately. It only helps that she's under the influence and around her friends." She made sure to put air quotes around the word.
"Huh... does she know how you feel about them?" Stevie sits her empty cup in the grass and turns toward him.
"Yes. We actually had an argument about it, earlier. I told her that I didn't wanna be around them, because of x, y, and z, but she always makes excuses for them. I'm already in a bad mood as is, and I made it clear to her that if something jumps off, I'm going to jail."
Starting to say something else, he hears the song that was playing in the club on their first date. Stevie, however, is too heated to realize.
"Come dance with me." He stands up and holds his hand out. She grabs it, allowing him to pull her to her feet.
"I also got a stress reliever for you, back in the car." She lets out a satisfied hum, trying to suppress her smile.
"You're my ladyyyy..."
His hands find her hips, running soothing circles into her skin. Her arms drape over his shoulders.
"You feelin' any better?"
"Yeah, the cramps are finally going away."
"I'm glad, babe."
She lays her head on his shoulder, watching people interact. Some are smoking, drinking or dancing, while others are huddled in groups.
She leans up and pulls his face down to her level to place a juicy kiss on his lips.
He comes back in for another one, before pulling away with a smirk on his face.
She stifled a giggle, while he gently swats her ass.
"Hey! If I didn't think you were so dreamy, I'd smack the shit outta you." He chuckles and rubs his hand over her warm cheek.
"My bad, baby."
"Yeah, yeah,” she lets out another giggle.
"Back the fuck up, Amberrr!" Tyler slurs from wherever she's standing.
Stevie sucks her teeth and starts scanning the crowd for her drunk friend.
"I can't leave that girl alone for one— oh no."
Before Rod can question her, she's zooming through the crowd.
He chases after her, nearly knocking people over to try and catch up with her crazed pace.
"What the fuck? Get off of her!" Stevie grips Amber's arm, pulling her away from Tyler. Amber hauls off and smacks Stevie across her face, knocking her shades off.
Rod stops dead in his tracks at the sight, insanely baffled. He's conflicted, knowing she can handle her own but also not wanting anybody to hit his girl.
Stevie briefly touches her stinging cheek, before lunging at Amber, knocking them both to the ground.
Amber scratches at Stevie's face, making it bleed. The ring on Stevie's finger connects with Amber's left eyelid, slicing it. She grips her hair and punches her in the face, over and over again.
"Stupid bitch! I told Tyler, I don't like your ass! Then you wanna hit me?!" She continues to assault her face, until Rod forcefully pulls her away.
"Get off me!" She swings her legs, trying to make contact with her before she's completely pulled away.
"Stevie, what the fuck?!" Tyler appears in front of her with a crazed look on her face.
"You can not be serious, right now." Stevie looks her over. Her crop top dirtied up with grass stains, arms and knees skinned and hair all over her head.
"I am serious!" She hiccups. "Why'd you do that? I had it under control! You just gotta save everybody, don't you?!" 
Stevie tries to break away from Rod's hold, but he doesn't budge.
"Why are you talking to me, like I did something wrong? What the hell did I tell you, before we got here? Huh? I told you that if them bitches started something, I was gonna finish it. I was helping you out—"
"Oh, big and bad Stevie has come out to play, everybody!" She waves her hands in the air, causing everybody to look at her. She even starts laughing, infuriating Stevie even more.
"You're such a pest, you know that? I can't handle myself, so you're always right there to 'make everything better', right?! Leave me the fuck alone! I can handle myself, Stevie! You're not my mom!" She pushes her chest, roughly.
Stevie pulls an arm free and punches her in the nose, sending her to the ground.
"Fuck you, Tyler. Find somewhere else to stay, tonight. Maybe your bougie ass friends or your cousins can help you out, cause I'm done." She walks away, Rod in tow.
He allows her to walk ahead, knowing she definitely needs some space. He didn't wanna say anything stupid or anything that would trigger her.
"I've always done right by her stupid ass! She's never even said thank you. It's always about be fucking irresponsible and doing what she wants to do. Fuck me, right? I'm a pest, right?" She furiously wipes the angry tears away.
"Stevie..." she spots the car and walks towards it, yanking at the door handle. He sighs and unlocks the car, watching her climb inside and close the door.
Heading towards the drivers' side, he hops inside and sits sideways, facing her. She looks down at her chipped and broken nails, letting the tears slide down her face.
"None of those bitches are her friends. I've told her than many times, but she won't listen to me. Her cousins don't even like them. Hell, they probably didn't even know they were there."
"Some people just have to realize things on their own, babe. You can't help someone that–"
"Doesn't wanna be helped, I know. But, she's like a sister to me, and for her to treat me like this is beyond me. I never acted like I was her mom. Her own mother doesn't even act like that towards her, I just try and be the best friend I can be. I guess that's not good enough, anymore." She shrugs.
He blows out an exhausted breath, not knowing what else to say. He just starts the car up and starts driving away from the house.
"What about your bag?" She shakes her head.
"It was mostly her stuff. She can have it."
Stevie picks pieces of grass out of her hair, while Rod stitches her face up. She hisses and ashes the blunt in her ashtray.
"Stay still," she leans her head on the mirror, looking at him through her low lids.
"Alright," he closes the small first aid kit and places it back under the sink. "I'm all done."
"How does it look?"
He sighs, placing his hands on either side of her thighs.
"It looks better, now that it's closed."
She pouts and sticks her bottom lip out. He chuckles and pecks it.
"I've got something to tell you."
"Is it good or bad?"
She starts laughing, reaching out for his hand.
"It's great."
"Aight, lay it on me." Intertwining their fingers, he watches her facial expression soften.
"I uh.... I love you."
Stuck in his stance, his eyes dance across her face in shock. She sits up, staring right back at him.
"Babe, say something."
"Wow... you love me."
"Of course, I do. Are you shocked?"
"I'm not— I just.... I guess I underestimated how you felt about me."
"Why? How? I love being around you. I love talking to you. I miss you all the damn time, even when you're right in front of me...You're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for."
"I know, this is probably the first time I've told you this stuff, but I was scared. I've never been in a relationship before and I was scared that if I let how I was feeling, that you wouldn't feel the same, but even if you don't, it's okay." She rambles.
"It's a good thing that I do then, huh?"
Her eyes widened. "Huh?"
That boyish grin spreads across his face. He takes her face into his hands, pulling her closer to him.
"I love you, too."
Tyler drags herself downstairs to sit on her cousins' couch. She reaches up to scratch her nose, instantly regretting it.
"Ow, what the fuck!" Tasha comes out of the kitchen with an ice pack.
"Stevie socked your ass, yesterday. Put this on it." Taking the ice pack, she presses it against her swollen face.
"Damn, what the hell happened?"
"Oh, you don't remember?" Tia comes to sit beside her, giving her a disgusted look.
She shakes her head.
"Your stupid ass decided to get drunk, invite those skanky ass bitches that you know don't give a damn about you, and start cursing your best friend out."
"I thought you liked them—"
"No, we don't! We've told you that! Stevie told you that!"
"I'm sor—" Tia shakes her head, holding her hand up.
"Nah, you're irresponsible. You don't give a damn about anybody but yourself. Your best friend took your bratty ass in, cause you hated being around your parents and this is how you repay her? You do know that's her house, right? I wouldn't even let you come back."
"What did I even say that was that bad?" Tasha's eyes widened in disbelief.
"You called her a pest, Tyler. Said that she's always trying to save you from everything, like you can't handle yourself. Well let me tell you something..." Tia stands up from the couch.
"You can't! You're a fucking child! You think that because you got a job and you can drink, that you're an adult. Adults take responsibility for their actions. They don't blame shit on other people or push away the people that help them." Tyler pulls the ice away from her face, allowing a tear to fall.
"Tia, I said I was sorry!"
"You really are." She looks between her and Tasha, before walking away.
"Look," Tasha starts, "you can stay here, cause I'm sure Stevie doesn't wanna see you anytime soon, but don't expect us to deal with your bullshit."
Tyler sighs, tossing the pack on the coffee table. In all honesty, she knows that she messed up, but she doesn't wanna admit it.
"You know..." Stevie takes another hit from her second blunt, "it felt good to punch her."
She begins to laugh to herself, while handing the blunt back to Rod. His low and red eyes dance lazily over her face.
"Yeah. I've always wanted to hit her. She's always been a fucking basket case. She never took up for me, it was always the other way around. I always dealt with my own problems, on top of hers. It's never been fair.... ever."
"So.... what are you gonna do?"
"I don't want her coming back here. I don't wanna see her. That's where I'm at right now."
She places the blunt back between her lips, and runs her hands through her tangled hair.
Sitting upright, he watches her inhale the smoke through her nose and close her heavy eyes. He sighs.
"I know you don't wanna hear this, but at some point, y'all have to talk this out. You gotta tell her how you feel and make a decision on whether y'all separate or whatever." He stands up from the bed and leaves the room.
She stares at the ceiling, letting her thoughts drown out the sound of any and everything else.
Do I want her to leave? Do we really need to talk this out? Is she sorry?
"She's not sorry. I know she isn't."
"I meant— everything I said. I don't need to fuckin' apologize." Tyler turns up her third bottle of Scotch.
"If anybody should apologize... it should be her! She caused a scene!" She screams, tossing the now empty bottle on the floor.
"Tyler, shut the fuck up! It's your fault! You fucked up!" The door swings open and Tasha walks in with two duffle bags, tossing them on the bed.
"Stevie doesn't want you coming back for a while, so you'll be staying here. You have to work tomorrow, so you gotta sober up and shit. If I catch you going anywhere near that house, I'm beating your ass. Got it?" Tyler waves her hand and hops off the bed, stumbling around to pick up her mess.
"Ain't nobody worried about that girl. I'll go back, if I wanna go back." Tasha grabs her by the front of her shirt.
"Tyler, I'm not playin' with you. Leave her alone." Yanking away from her, Tyler sucks her teeth and tosses a bottle cap at her.
"I heard you!" She sits down on the floor and palms her pounding head.
"Stop drinking this shit." Grabbing the bottles off the floor, she leaves out.
"Mgh," she grabs a hold of the door and pulls herself up. Sitting back on the bed, she stares at a blank spot on the wall.
The next day.
Heading into the work was a disaster for both Stevie and Tyler. 
Stevie's tire went flat, which made her late for work and she ended up having to drive fifteen minutes in the opposite direction to put air in it.
Thank God for forgiving bosses.
Tyler still refuses to admit that she's wrong.
She ended up being an hour late, due to her hangover and stubbornness. Tia had to unwillingly drive her to work, since she was already headed that way.
"I wish you'd stop being stupid, and just apologize." Jetting into the parking lot, she unlocks the door and looks at Tyler.
"I don't feel like I've done anything wrong."
"Well kiss your friendship goodbye, then." Tyler scoffs and gets out, slamming the door behind herself.
"Screw you, Tia!"
“Slam my door again. It'll be me and you!” Tia yells through the window.
Heading inside, she storms behind the counter and pulls her apron on. A woman walks up to the counter and snaps in her face.
"Excuse me, can I get some service over here?" Tyler stares at her through her thick lashes.
"If you could give me a second and stop snapping at me, I'll be right with you." The woman rolls her eyes, but keeps quiet.
"I swear..." she mumbles to herself, before motioning the woman to come forward. "What can I get for you, today?"
"I want the French toast special, with scrambled eggs and bacon. For the drink, I want a black coffee." Tyler scribbles the order down on the pad, before handing it to the cook.
"Alright, that'll be $12.41." The woman pulls out a $20 bill. Tyler opens the register and gives her the correct change.
"Here's your change and your receipt. Can you sign this copy for me?" Printing her signature at the bottom, she gives Tyler the copy and stuffs hers in her pocketbook.
"How long will it take?"
"About fifteen minutes. Do you want your coffee now?" She shakes her head and walks toward the bench by the door.
"I can take who's next!"
"I don't know.... I'm just done." Claire rubs Stevie's shoulder, while she fills her in.
"Have y'all talked?"
"No, and I don't want to. If she's sorry, she knows where I am. She has my number."
"No well. It's been three days and I haven't gotten an I'm sorry, yet. She can keep it, at this point." She stands up and dusts off her skirt, heading back to her station.
Stevie, you've got a phone call." She huffs and grabs the phone from Alex, the only guy that works at the coffeehouse.
"This better be Tyler." She mumbles, before putting it up to her ear.
"Stevie, dear!" Her eyes pop out of her head.
"Joe?! Oh my God!" She covers her mouth and walks back towards the hallway.
"It's been quite some time since I've heard from you dear. How have you been?"
"I— I've been good. How have you been? How's everything?"
"Well, my daughter was able to take me in after I had to sell the house. Even though that was painful, I thank God for her."
"I'm sorry that I haven't kept in touch. So much has been going on—"
"Ah, don't apologize. Life has a way of doing that. I'm just glad you're doing good. I see you found a job!"
"I did! Can I call you, when I get off? We gotta have a heart to heart.”
"Of course, doll. I'll talk to you later."
They hang up and she walks back, putting the phone back on the hook.
"Why is it so slow today?" Alex asks. Stevie shrugs.
"A storm's supposed to be coming. I guess people wanna chill at home and make their own coffee, today." She jokes.
Claire comes out of the office and starts stacking the chairs up on empty tables. Stevie and Alex look at each other.
"Claire, what's wrong?"
"There's a storm coming in like an hour. We gotta close up early."
"It's that bad?"
She nods, still pulling chairs up. They shrug and start helping out.
"Said it's supposed to knock the power out and shit. I don't know about y'all, but I'd rather be at home instead of stuck at work."
"Yeah, we fell out over the weekend. She's just too pigheaded for me, ya know? Like, everything has to revolve around her." Stevie sits on top of some blankets by the window, watching the heavy rainfall on the street below, while Rod raids her fridge.
"I know, dear, but you girls have to talk about this. Even if you don't continue being friends."
She mentally cringes at the thought.
"Mhm... terrible thought, right?"
She sighs. "Yeah, but I don't know if I can continue to put up with this mess, Joe. She's become too much!" Running her hands through her hair, she grumbles to herself.
"It'll all come to you in due time, honey. Whatever's supposed to happen, will happen. Now, who's this young man that your mother has been telling me about?"
"Why is she spreading my business—"
"Hey, hey... all she told me was that you met someone, he's very sweet on you and you seem very happy. I just wanted you to confirm it, so I can ask where the wedding invitation is!" She laughs, feeling the blush rush to her cheeks.
"Yeah, I have a boyfriend. He's the sweetest guy I've ever met." She looks behind her to see him at her counter, chewing on an apple. She laughs and shakes her head.
"Where'd you two meet?"
"We met at school. He almost wiped me out and asked me for my number, and since he was so fine, I gave it to him."
"Ah, my baby's growing up. Tell him that I'm a black belt." She cackles.
"Cut it out!" He laughs, too.
"How long has it been for you two?"
"Three beautiful months."
"Oh, you sound like you're in love." Rod kneels down beside her, placing his elbows on the ledge.
"I just might be, Joe."
"Well, I've gotta get going. Sarah's taking me grocery shopping with her, before the storm starts over here. I'll talk to you later, okay?"
"Okay, tell her I said hi. I love you, old man."
"And, I love you, dear." Hanging up the phone, she wraps her arms around herself and stares at the rain.
"You alright?" Rod asks, rubbing her back.
"Yeah, I just miss him. He's like a second grandpa to me." She sighs and pulls herself up.
"I'm not sure if we should be sitting here, like this. Let's sit on the couch." She helps him up and they fall back onto the comfy cushions.
The phone rings again. Stevie sighs and drags herself to grab it off the blankets, pulling them up as well.
"Stevie, just listen to me, okay?" Stevie purses her lips, but rolls her eyes at the sound of Tyler's voice.
"I— I'm sorry, okay? I know I did you wrong and I said some shit that I can't take back. I just wanted to call you and let you know that, cause it's been beating me up and I know better. You're not a pest. You make me a better person and I hate you for it," She lets out a laugh, "listen... you don't ever have to forgive me, but I just wanna say that I lo—"
"Tyler? Hello?"
The line cuts out and Stevie pulls the phone away from her ear. She sits the blankets down.
"Hello?! Tyler!" She tries to call back, catching the dial tone. She frowns and walks back to the couch.
"Fucking storm knocked the line out!" She sits down and places her head in her hands.
"I'm sure she's fine. The storm's knocking the power out, all over the city."
Before she can nod, something hard hits the door making them both jump.
"Fuck was that?" It sounds again, this time harder.
"Open up, bitch!" A woman's voice comes from the other side of the door.
"You've got the wrong house!" Stevie yells.
"Nah, I got the right one! Where's my boyfriend?" She yells.
A confused expression finds its way into both of their faces.
"The hell? Who are you looking for?" Obnoxious knocking begins.
"I'm looking for Roderick! I know he's in there, his car is out here!" Looking over at Rod, she gives him a hard glare.
"Who the fuck is that?”
“Open this motherfucking door, before I blow it down!” She yells, clueing him in instantly.
“My psycho ex-girlfriend.” He sighs, standing from the couch.
Stevie scoffs.
"So, I gotta fight a bitch in the middle of a storm, is what you're telling me?"
@soufcakmistress @thegifstories @blackerthings @cocoa-puffs @chaneajoyyy @abeautifulmindexposed @twistedcharismaaa @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @cecereads209 @nayaxwrites @sheabuttahwrites @blackpinup22
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woodsfae · 2 years
Babylon 5 s02e09 The Coming of Shadows s02 Table of Contents • previous episode
I am very interested in finding out what G'Kar decides to do about the Centauri Emperor visiting.
As per usual, I am blehh about their sexually dimorphic haircuts, and could only sigh when it was revealed it's mandatory haircuts they all definitely make out of their own volition.
Will Londo backstab the Emperor that just gave him the gift of divorcing 2/3rds of his wives? I can't decide.
Haven't seen Kosh in awhile...maybe Kosh will pop up now that the Emperor has expressed an interest in the Vorlon.
If G'Kar actually stabs the Centauri Emperor I will be very surprised...
Poor Emperor, living the most privileged and powerful life on Centauri Prime. :( I do see how that life could give one existential depression, though.
Proselytizing in your will is a choice!
Strange, logical, and unsettling use of telepaths by Centauri. It makes them feel more alien.
G'Kar's armor definitely got prettier in this episode. Murderous calm suits him.
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He likes to look extra good and as blinged out as possible before assassinating heads of state.
Sometimes I think Delenn might be a telepath. Like when she eyeballs G'Kar's murderous intentions from fifty yards.
Oh, no RIP to the Emperor yet. Secret message from the Emperor! Doctor Franklin has a quest given by royal mandate.
So Londo has gotten over his earlier hesitations pretty quickly. Using Morden to wipe out even more Narns, knowingly this time, in order to instigate war, is several steps too far.
Poor G'Kar. It woulda felt so good to stab the Centauri Emperor and I do want that kind of joy for him.
Since we didn't hear the Emperor's message from him, it'd be pretty funny if it was more like "He wanted to stand in neutral territory by a Narn and say "haha, suck it"," and Dr Franklin was like "he is dying anyway, I may as well help facilitate peace between two interstellar superpowers," and made up this heartfelt speech.
I think he did send the apology, but it would be pretty funny.
Londo is racking up the war crimes like crazy. He's weakening one of the best and most fervent allies they have in the upcoming conflict against the Shadow. Which they have no evidence of also thanks to Londo actively collaborating with Morden that Shady Asshole.
G'Kar: "I've heard something and it makes me think there is still hope for us after all. I'd believed your people capable of only murder and pain...but apparently there's still a spark of decency in your genetic code. It's not much of a foundation, I'll grant you that, but - it's a start! I never thought I would be saying this, Mollari, but ... to the health of your emperor. And perhaps, to your health as well.
Yeah, make him feel guilty as fuck with your genuine hand of alliance, G'Kar!
Man, the colony really is wiped out. A lot of political turnover and turmoil going on across the main powers!
Sinclair!!! He looks good. The Minbari Ambassador position must be nicely restful.
My friend. I miss him.
He has rangers!! I love this arc for him. Secret association against the Shadows.
250,000 people wiped out or taken prisoner with no hope of seeing them alive again. I'd be fucken ticked at Londo, too.
Sinclair: "Stay close to the Vorlon and watch out for shadows. They move, when you're not looking at them."
G'Kar :( I support the Narnuan right to live their lives without being wiped out by the Shadows or the Centauri.
Emperor: "How will this end?" Vorlon: "In fire."
"Sheridan's rule number 29: always make your opponent think you know more than you really know."
Sheridan is a dork. Even if that's sound advice. Probably, anyway. Idk, I don't have enemies...
The info sharing is great.
Tell them off, dying old Emperor.
Or don't, and just die.
Londo: "[The Emperor] said, "Continue. Take my people back to the stars.""
I don't believe that for one second. And to lie so brazenly in front of telepaths. Londo.
"Mollari, what did he say, really?" "He said...that we are both damned."
That sounds more like it.
"Well, it's a small enough price to pay for immortality."
This other Centauri politician is less conflicted about it, but Londo just did a shitload of war crimes. Feeling a little weird about it is only proof of possessing a sad, dying, twinging conscience.
The Centauri are really hardcore slavers, huh. Just insistently keeping all the Narn civilians for forced labor.
Legal observers from Earthforce is a lot more than I was expecting from Earthforce.
But it did make the Centauri back down on keeping the civilians, at least, and I'm glad.
G'Kar is phenomenally moving in his unfathomable grief/rage state of mind.
It is completely unsurprising that Londo's death vision of him strangling G'Kar is actually the other way around with G'Kar stranging him. It does make it more infuriating that he's so into Centauri imperialism. What is it, "get them before G'Kar gets me?"
Awwww Delenn! And Sinclair! Hello old friend to you too, Commander Sinclair.
next episode
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
yakuza 3 is dumb for a lot of reasons but my favorite dumb reason is that this whole shitstorm started all because joji was getting a pen in the most suspect way imaginable
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minshookie · 3 years
All Play, No Work.
Pairing | CEO!Yoongi x reader
Genre | yandere,angst
Summary | “your secret relationship with Yoongi is all smooth sailing,until Mrs Kim gets in the way.”
!warnings! | mature language, workplace bullying, gossip, and infidelity. Also some pretty steamy scenes, for readers 18+.
| this is not in anyway shape or form a true depiction or representation of BTS, this is a work of fiction and is not to be taken seriously. For entertainment purposes only.|(this is my work, please don’t repost or steal)
Requested [open for request] words: 2k.
A/N | “I’m so happy you enjoyed “meetings at midnight.” I never really expected over 100 notes that’s crazy! I may have gotten a little carried away with this one but I hope you don’t mind & enjoy it as well. I’ll probably be making a part 2, please take any mistakes as love ❤️”
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The disturbing rattle of the air conditioner served as white noise while you toyed with the drooping noodles swimming in the savory sauce placed before you. A few of your coworkers droned on about their plans, their kids and undeserving husbands leaving you alone in the corner of the depressing break room to think about what to expect when getting back to your cubicle. Which was a little less depressing than the powder white painted room you resided in now.
“Y/L/N, Min is asking for you.” The conversations stopped and all three of us looked up into the door frame. Jimin,Yoongi's assistant stood with his hands buried in his stiffly pressed pants pockets. “I-I’m on lunch.” You slowly went back to your lukewarm meal, taking a few noodles into your mouth. Chewing, You waited for the heavy pitter patter of his polished leather loafers to exit, but You never get what you wish for.
“Y/N, please don’t make me have to run back up there just to run back down here and tell you the same thing….c’mon.” He came closing your tupperware, sighing as you pushed it into your lunch bag, embarrassment growing on your features as he stood over you. The stare of nosey coworkers followed as you stepped out of the bland break room. The clacking of Jimin’s shoes found your nerves rather quickly, closely he walked behind you like a school principal making sure you went where instructed.
Taking you past your cubicle to leave your lunch you could almost taste the jealousy being thrown at you like missiles. Disapproving and confused whispers and glares followed you out the area. Reaching the stairs, out of sight of your colleagues you out ran Jimin, the looks, noises and scoffs getting the best of you. You practically threw yourself through yoongi's door, your heart pounding in your ears.
“Hey! hey! Bunny, got here quickly didn’t you?” He walked over locking his loyal assistant out. Falling back on the couch struggling for your breath, closing your eyes, you heard him walk around you. “I told you I’d see you after work, we’d have all night together.” Sighing, he pulls you up by your arms. With a grunt he sat down and replaced your head on his lap. “I know what you said, but did you really think I was going to wait...why should i?” Opening your eyes you met his soft gaze. “Tell me you love me.” He whispers, almost ashamed in himself. Needy, needy,needy,always needy. “This can’t be why you called me in.”
“Why should I?” You laughed, obviously he didn’t share your sense of humor as he tugged harshly on a strand of your hair. “Well if I didn’t love you I’d quit Yoongi.” Rolling over you cuddled into his soft tummy inhaling his masculin scent, this here under him locked in his dim office was your safe place. “No you wouldn’t, I pay you too much.” He murmured petting your back with his large hands. “As if!” You giggled into his tummy, pulling back to look up at your lover. His signature smile displayed on his features, moving his hands from your back he places his limber fingers at the back of your knee. Locking eyes he slid skillfully under your skirt to massage your ass over your panties. “Who were you hiding from today hm?” Groaning you rolled your eyes, you hate how he knows you so well.
“Kim?” “Mrs Kim is the least of my worries now.” You grimaced playing with his buttons. “Mm good, can't be the new girl, maybe her boyfriend?” Your eyes shot open, “boyfriend?! Who?” He planted this topic in the conversation, knowing your interest in the drama of your workplace. “Yeah, she’s running around with the coffee boy.” Laughing, he cut himself off “Jungkook.” He laughed almost uncontrollably. “That’s so cute since when?!” He hums calming down, “uh since about last month, I’ve been watching them get all close and flirty jeon puts extra cream in her coffee, she blushes blah blah. And you know Jimin is the nosiest person in the population of this place.”
You chuckled Nodding in agreeance “learned that way before you did, he was my cubicle neighbor before he was your assistant.” Sitting up you go to his drink cart to grab a bottle of water. “Yeah they’re cute as long as they stay on task, Answer the question though, who’s bothering my baby hm? I hate seeing you that way.” He comes from behind gliding his hands around your front pulling you into his embrace “you have a whole cafeteria in the next wing, I made sure they served your favorite today, and yet you chose the shitty break closet.” His rambling turns into background noise as you look through the one way window. Watching as your coworkers attended their duties, Jungkook balanced coffees in his arms with skill the new girl watched in admiration...I wonder what he’s actually here for.
Yoongi’s breath fans your neck causing you to shiver against him. “I’m sorry what’d you say?” “You’re ok.” He turns you around swiftly kissing you passionately against the glass obviously you’ve missed something. Though unseen the act feels extremely dirty. Dropping your water you cling to his shoulders, legs around his Slender waist. “You're not paying me to make out with you I hope.” He pecks your nose, gnawing his bottom lip. “Huh looks like I am.” “Ah, as tempting as that sounds Yoongs-” “don’t ever call me that.” He nips at your neck in retaliation. “I have a stack of papers on my desk that Mr Jimin has been beating me over the head about.” Groaning he loosens his grip around you. Letting you gather yourself before going to his door.
“I’ll see you tonight yeah?” Pouting,he came kissing your lips once more. “I’ll be waiting.” He opened the door and watched you strut down the stairs.
Getting back to your respectful area, you notice something was off...where’d your lunch go? You could’ve sworn you threw it on your desk. Pulling out the rolling chair to take a seat, “I’ll find it later.” You whispered to yourself,taking a seat, directly in the cold remains of your lunch. “What the fuck!” A wave of laughter was given with your ill response. Noodles dangled from your backside as you turned to look at the mess on your office chair.
“Okay! What are we a bunch of middle school virgins?” Jimin shouted, his face turning a dark shade of peach. “I’m sorry y/n.” Rolling your eyes you tried to keep back tears of utter embarrassment turning away from you colleagues. “Uhm...it’s pretty bad, do you have anything to change into?” He takes off his styled coat and hands it to you. You can’t process over the harsh giggles and whispers, “yeah like I have a closet in my car, Jimin I don’t have shit to put on!” You hiss making him pull an offended expression.
“I could give you something.” Your head snapped in the direction of the quiet new girl in the far corner. “I have a few dresses in car I-I I’m in the process of…” she scans the room unsure of her words “moving.” You offer a smile to cover how distraught you are, unable to respond correctly. “Thank you luci, we appreciate it.” Nodding she smiles softly grabbing her bag going to retrieve the clothes. “Go to the restroom, please.”
Tying the coat around your waist you rushed with your head down to the bathroom, shutting the door behind yourself roughly. Taking off the grey coat Turing to examine your soup covered ass. You brushed the cold noodles letting them splat onto the tiled floor. Pulling coat off the conjoined sinks you found the spacious stall at the end of the row, stripping off your soiled skirt. Nothing better to do, but to sit on the cold stool and wait.
The creaking door of the bathroom cut your silent thoughts short, isn’t Luci a quick one? You chuckled to yourself getting up, about to tell her of your whereabouts…“maybe if the bitch didn’t have her head so far up Min’s ass she woulda saw it coming.” The unknown voice stopped you in your tracks. Her friend snickers. “Shh she could be in here.” “As if I give a fuck, she needs to know!” Peeking through the side of the stall you could see them in the mirror touching up their makeup. “Min’s probably got his head up hers too!” The quieter of the two spoke up.
“Ha that would explain my recent hours, I heard they fuck in the office, I wonder if the sluts any good.” She cleaned the edges of her lipstick, “I’ve fucked him, I know he’s good, really into all the rough shit, he’s crazy.” She tossed her makeup into her bag fixing her hair, “why’d you guys stop?” You felt your chest ache, yoongi never told you about him and Mrs Kim, what kind of fucked story is this? “Little miss pasta booty got the job, and Joon finally proposed...guess he didn’t want me any-” “y/n are you in here?!” Luci’s softened voice searched for you.
“I’m in here.” Responding slightly above a whisper, the soft steps of her pumps were trampled by the clicking steps of the two mud slingers who quickly bursted from the restroom. “I didn’t know what you would like, I have this blue one, it’s a cute summer dress.” She hung it on the door of the stall for me to see. “Or this white one, it’s a bit tighter but I think it’ll look great on you.” Randomly choosing you stripped of your top pulling the dress over yourself. “Thanks Luci, I owe you one.” Collecting your clothes and Jimin’s coat, you left the stall. “No no, I’m sorry Kim did that to you...I should’ve stopped her.” She coyly hangs her head, “not your fault...thanks Luci.” She smiles politely, leaving me alone in the bathroom.
Eunji That jealous bitch, yoongi has much explaining to do. You smooth out your dress bracing yourself for the environment behind the door. only to be pushed back. A deep blush pink shade covering his face, yoongi brings you back in, “you can’t be in here, this is the ladies.” He scans your body before looking at the dirty laundry in your arms. “This is my building. I can be anywhere in any room I want.” Scoffing you attempt to leave, grabbing your forearm he pulls you back. “What’s going on with you I’m here to check and see if you’re alright and here you are acting like an ass y/n” his face held a concerned stare.
“Yoongi the last thing we should be doing is huddling in the bathroom, we’ve drawn enough attention to ‘us’ already.” Unable to look him in the eyes you examine his posture, he propped your chin on his pointer finger bringing your face up. “And since when did you care?” “Ever since your ex painted my ass with my lunch.” He giggled darkly, “what?” Again you attempted escape, only to be overpowered and lifted with ease. “Okay sit the fuck down.” Placing you down in the sink like a child he took your skirt looking at the back. “And this just had to be the one I bought?.” He shook his head like a disappointed father. “What are you acting so mad towards me for, who’s supposedly my ex huh?” He took the skirt under the faucet scrubbing it harshly together with soap.
Why can’t he ever just leave you alone, drawing attention to your relationship was the last thing you needed today. It’s not like nobody knew, it was hard not to. But you hated the unwanted attention the favoritism brought you. “Who lied to you?” “You did.” He stopped the water, “y/n now you know I’d never.” He folded the cleaned wet skirt along with your shirt. “Yoongi, I heard Kim Eunji talking about it. She told her little follower about it while I hid in the stall.” You answered blandly, ready to be freed from the bathroom. His face shifted shades, “what? I’ve never fucked that bitch, all she does is lie and get into shit she has no concern for.” He gripped the sink roughly.
Like a switch, when the right buttons were pushed Yoongi’s temper was quick to strike….though never thrown at you. It can have harsh outcomes and you've seen it first hand. “She runs her mouth about you too much, I’ll have to help her out.” Aggressively released the marble counter, “Yoongi w-what, calm down.” He walked to the door, unsure of what to do. Naive of his wrath you followed behind. “She wants to get fucked? I’ll give her something that’ll fuck her up, something that’ll make her piss off for good this time.”
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Not my image
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archerdaryl · 4 years
I’ll Be Delicate
The reader shows Daryl Dixon that there’s still peace to be found in this world with soft words and delicate fingers.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Word Count: 2.1k (approximately) Tags: sweet and soft with some humour n gloom, sfw Notes: Anon requested a simple hair braiding fic and I had to be extra and turn it into an entire comfort fic. I’m not sorry. 
@bakedcrispss​ @phoenixblack89​ @btsiguess-kpop​
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Lanterns burnt low and the smell of sage and tobacco lingered in the air throughout the small but comfortable basement on the far side of Alexandria. In the middle of the room was a large sofa, plush with semi-clean clothes stacked up on one half while a sleepy Belgian Malinois lay on the other, still and complaisant. 
Daryl Dixon, on the other hand, sat at his makeshift desk by the window. In one hand, a sharp dagger, the other an arrow he had been cutting away at for the past hour. His skin was pink and freckled and his hair damp, freshly showered after a gruelling day outside of the walls that ended in blood and tears. 
Losing someone in the community was never easy. He almost felt he should have been thankful it wasn’t somebody he was particularly close to, but that shit hardly mattered since he and Rick had to go back and let the poor bastard’s wife know he wasn’t coming home. 
He couldn’t bring himself to think about it now that he was back within the safety of Alexandria, not with all he had waiting for him there. He didn’t think he could cope with where his mind would take him, so instead he took to working with his hands — carving and cutting until his mind emptied and he didn’t have to think at all.
Eventually the stairs creaked and Daryl glowered to himself, figuring it would be Carol checking in on him again. He loved her, she was his best friend, but sometimes she just did too much. When the inevitable knock on wood came, he looked up ready to grunt in acknowledgment. Instead, his features softened, his chest heaving with relief.
It was you.
The corners of your mouth quirked into a sweet smile as you stepped through the doorway. He noticed it didn’t reach your eyes and he reached out to you, taking your hand and gently pulling you closer to him where he could wrap a muscular arm around the back of your thighs and look up at you with those crystalline blues. 
You placed your arm around his shoulder, fingers immediately finding their way to the hair at the nape of his neck. You played with it absentmindedly, your sole focus on the man before you, eyes so full of curiosity and care. 
“Now how is it you’re cleaner than I am?” 
Daryl smirked in response and squeezed you lightly. You were certainly grubbier than he was, but he didn’t care one bit considering grubby was his default state. The old shirt you were wearing was torn at your midriff and it took him a moment to realise it was one of his. He pulled at the tear carefully, thankful only to find a graze rather than something worse.
“Yer back early.” He finally acknowledged.
You hummed in response, fingers now tenderly raking through the archer’s hair to reveal more of the gruff face you liked so much. You took in his features, tracing every scar and drawing together every freckle. 
“Mich’ radioed through. Hilltop had one too many people to spare anyway.”
He narrowed his eyes slightly, but didn’t question it. If Michonne wanted to grant him a little bit of peace after the day they’d had, who was he to say no? Besides, Hell itself would freeze over before he ever turned you away. 
“I like you like this.” You continued, “All soft and warm.”
A year or so ago he would have resented being called soft. It was a fighting word, something his idiot brother would use to provoke him into doing something reckless, but when it came from your lips it felt like he was being awarded a Purple Heart. 
Sure, you were talking about his shower fresh skin, but that didn't matter. You reminded him that he had been brave and let you in, that after years of being alone and afraid, he had earned the right to be soft. 
Pulling away from his grip, your hands came to your belt buckle. You unfastened it and slowly shimmied out of the dark blue jeans that were stained with speckles of old Walker blood. That old shirt of Daryl’s you’d been wearing, tucked in at the waist, fell free halfway down your thighs.
“Like a damn dress on you, girl.” 
You shot a playful scowl at him and sauntered towards the couch, moving the pile of clothes to another surface before collapsing onto the cushion with a grunt. Dog perked up and you scratched him behind the ears.
“Not like you to complain.” You sighed. 
Watching you like this, comfortable and free, Daryl felt something building in his chest. It wasn’t panic. Maybe it was fear? He wasn’t sure what it was, but he knew he wanted to wrap himself up in you like you were wrapped up in his shirt. Anything to keep you close so he never had to worry about you not coming home.
“Weren’t complainin’.”
It was your turn to reach out to him, coax him over from his attempts of escape. You may have been exhausted, but losing anyone from the community was a nasty reminder of how fragile this life really was. 
Daryl stood and mosied over. Dog was comfortable right where he was next to you, though Daryl wouldn’t try to get rid of him even if he wanted to. You shuffled up a bit, angling yourself against the inner corner before tugging on his forearm — a silent plea to give into you and just be. He spent so much of his time looking out for you, making sure you were okay that it also became a way of making himself feel better. You loved him for it, but you desperately wanted to take care of him too.
He finally sat. It was a start. You kept your fingers on his skin, your thumb caressing it gently and he turned his head to watch your hand at work. His eyes soon drifted to your legs. They were bruised but still strong and inviting. You pulled at him again and he finally met your gaze. 
“I’m right here.” You assured him, “I’m not going anywhere.”
But you could. That was what was tearing him apart.
Daryl eventually nodded and shuffled up, taking your legs and placing them over his lap so that you were practically sitting on him but not quite. He loved the weight of you, loved you dressed in nothing but one of his old band shirts so that he could flex his hand against the warmth of your thighs. You were his anchor, keeping him from spiralling just by being right there in your arms. 
With one arm wrapped around his broad shoulders, you used your free hand to trace the far side of his jaw with your thumb. He leaned into your touch and you sweetly kissed his shoulder before pulling him in closer to you, the hand behind his head now weaving into his hair again.
“Think Dog is getting jealous.”
A soft snort escaped him then, “I’d be jealous too.”
“Don’t need to be. You got me.”
He adjusted his position, allowing himself to lean into you a little bit more. You continued to play with his hair, twirling it between your fingers. The tension in his body slowly began to melt away, evident from the long exhale that drew from his lips. 
“Still don’ know how the fuck tha’ happened.”
And that was the truth. To this day Daryl had no idea what you saw in him. You could tell him to his face -- in fact you had -- and he’d still question it. He’d grown up believing he was no good but even if that were the case then, again, who the fuck was he to deny you? 
“The world works in mysterious ways Daryl Dixon.” A smirk tugged at your lips, “That and I had to make the first move.”
“Shuddup.” He retorted quickly, “Woulda’ done it eventually.”
It was your turn to laugh. Looking back on your journey together, it was honestly miraculous you’d ended up where you were at all. He was oblivious when it came to women and you weren’t exactly someone that was easy to pin down. Your affection for him snuck up on you, but once it hit you it did so with full force and you weren’t going to risk not knowing.
“I almost wish I’d waited now.”
“‘M glad ya’ didn’t.“ He confessed, squeezing your thigh with his calloused hand, “‘M glad you’re here.”
You pressed a kiss to his temple then wiggled, adjusting your position so that you could angle yourself against him comfortably. You could use both of your hands to play with his hair now. He didn’t even try to pretend he didn’t like it, because he did. He liked all of the attention you gave him. 
“So, how would you have done it?”
“Dunno. Don’ matter now.” His brow quirked as he glanced at you, “I kissed ya first. Don’ that count for somethin’?”
Well, there was that. It was one of few times Daryl had truly caught you off guard. You were pissed off about something, wouldn’t stop going on and on at him even though it wasn’t his fault. 
“In my defence, you kissed me to shut me up.”
“Worked didn’ it?”
“Haven’t gotten rid of me since.” 
Delicate fingers had taken a few thin strands of his hair, tucking them one behind the other aimlessly to form a subtle braid as you both reminisced. You sometimes couldn’t believe how long his hair had gotten, but you quite liked it. You never took too much off when he let you cut it. 
“Wouldn’t ever.” He mumbled shyly, “Ain’t gon’ get luckier than this.”
“Not sure I’d call it luck. Been through too damn much for the world not to pay it forward.” You truly believed your words as they spilled from your lips, “We deserve a bit of good. You deserve it.”
Whether he agreed or not, he wasn’t sure how to respond. If it were true, he had already gotten that little bit of good by finding you. He would be perfectly happy if that was all the good he ever got in this new world of blood and rot. He didn’t need anything more. He couldn’t help but wonder if you felt the same. 
You were partially preoccupied, braiding his hair gently piece by piece and savouring the sweet moment between you both. His hand caressed your thigh, traced circles with his fingers while you leaned into each other’s touch. It set your skin aflame, poked coals in the pit in your stomach, but you pushed that feeling down until when or if he pulled you in.
Truthfully, you didn’t think much about the future anymore. You couldn’t afford to. It put you on edge, made you panic and do stupid things. It was easier to live in the moment and appreciate what you had, and waking up to Daryl everyday was more than you ever expected to have when you were first taken in at Alexandria. Hell, you felt lucky to make a few friends after being on your own for so long. 
You sighed happily as you combed out the loose braid with your fingers and began again, taking thicker pieces of clean dark hair. He smelled like your shampoo which tickled you a little, but you didn’t complain. It wasn’t like he was going to seek out his own. Piece by piece, the braid grew and you could feel him relax further, the circles he was drawing on your thigh growing slower. You bet that if you turned to look, his eyes had closed. 
“The hell you doin’ girl?” He finally mumbled. 
He always called you that. The way he said it made it feel like there was supposed to be a my in front of it. Sometimes if you were being especially irritating he’d slip a lil in there as if that was supposed to deter you, but it never did.
“Shhh. Stay still.” The response came with a soft chuckle. 
As you finished another braid, you admired your work with a grin. His eyes flit open as if he knew you were up to something, brows soon furrowing as he looked at you. It wasn’t long until they relaxed, that smile of yours turning him into putty in your hands. 
“Do I wanna know?”
“Do you wanna know I’ve been braiding your hair for the last… however long.” Your words were dry, bordering on teasing, “No, probably not.”
That infamous scowl of his tugged at his grizzly features, though there was no bark to his bite. You cupped his face, gently coaxing it towards you. 
“This suits you.”
He thought you suited him too. 
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lacontroller1991 · 4 years
You’re Safe (Platonic!Daryl Dixon x Platonic!Reader)
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Anon Request: hi! If you’re not super busy, can you do a platonic twd imagine where the reader (15/16yo) is living alone in the woods and often sneaks into Alexandria to steal supplies, one day she gets caught and rick and the others take her in?
Anon Request: I’m not who requested reader sneaking into Alexandria but I'm excited for it! If you’re still taking requests I’m a sucker for anything father figure Daryl or the group taking in the reader, I just think that relationship is so cute and wholesome to read.
A/N: I am going to combine these two requests into one as they both follow the same narrative if that's alright.
Warnings: mention of rape
Walking. Walking is all that you do. Ever since your parents died a year ago, you kept on walking in hopes to find something or someone to rely on for a while and not yourself. So when you first came across Alexandria, you were skeptical. It looked too nice and too pristine for being in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. 
Walking around the outskirts of the town, you looked at the fences for any weak points in which you could exploit and possibly take some food or supplies. You had decided to wait for night to take over before nudging a small enough space to wiggle your small body into. You cautiously looked around the town, scoping out where most people would go for food and weapons. After noticing them going into a townhouse, you ran along the railing and hid below the staircase while the members of the community walked down the steps.
After waiting a couple of more minutes, you peered out from below the steps to look around. Once noticing it was clear, you crawled out and into the open air before tiptoeing up the steps and entering the building. Looking around, your eyes widened when you noticed all of the guns and ammo, and even more important all of the food. Searching through the rows of food, you started to shove cans of everything into your bag, making sure to take just enough to keep you going and hopefully enough that no one will notice anything missing.
You went every week like clockwork, always making sure that no one was around when you sneaked into the cabinets and out of the community, however, today you weren’t so lucky. You made your way to the small opening you had created a while ago and peered through the hole to make sure no one was around. Laying on your stomach, you began to crawl underneath the metal to the other side only to be stopped when you felt the barrel of a gun pressed against your forehead. 
“Get up,” a young masculine voice spoke as you looked up. Standing above you was a boy around your age wearing a hat and sporting an eye patch. He had his gun trained on your forehead as you raised your hands up. Putting away the gun back in its holster, the boy grabbed your arms and tied some rope around your wrists.
“I don’t mean no harm. Let me go,” you begged as he scoffed and glared at you before shoving you toward the street and leading you to a house. Guiding you up the steps, he opened the door before shoving you in, causing you to stumble across the door frame and into a room of many people, all eyeing you.
“Found the person who’s been sneaking in,” the boy spoke as a man with a beard and curly hair walked toward the two of you.
“Carl, I told you not to go out at night,” the man spoke as the boy behind you stood still but lowered his head.
“I know, I just wanted to know who was stealing the food,” he replied to whom you assumed was his father the way the two stood in front of each other. The man sighed before turning his attention to you.
“Who are you and why have you been stealing our supplies?”
“I’m nobody. I need food, which is not easy to come by out there,” you spoke in an aggressive tone, asserting the fact that you weren’t intimidated by the group.
“Who are you?”
“What? Are you guys with the Saviors? Do you want me to say ‘I’m Negan’? Not gonna happen,” you spat out as the man standing in front of you as well as the rest of the group looked at you in surprise.
“With the Saviors? We’re in a war with them.” Carl spoke as you whipped your head around to him and raised an eyebrow.
“You know Negan?” Another man with shaggy hair asked, eyeing you with slight pity, trying to imagine why a teen would know Negan and his group.
“Know Negan? That bastard? His men raped my mom in front of my dad and then killed the both of them in front of me. He just sat and watched,” you whispered, trying to suppress your emotions as the group looked at you sympathetically, “look, I’m sorry I stole from you guys. I really am. Can you guys just let me go, I won’t come back.” You spoke as the man with the beard looked at the guy with shaggy hair.
“What if you stayed here?” He asked gently while the other man untied the knot around your wrists, freeing you.
“That’s awfully generous, but I don’t know you guys. You could be with them,” you stated as the man with the beard looked at his son who shrugged his shoulders.
“We’re not with them. You’re welcome to stay with us,” the man stated as you looked around the room skeptically and made eye contact with the guy who had shaggy hair who simply nodded at you, giving you reassurance despite you still not knowing who he was.
“I don’t know you guys.”
“I’m Rick Grimes. You already met Carl, my son. This is Daryl,” he motioned to the man who had shaggy hair and who had nodded at you, “this is Aaron, Rosita, Tara, and Michonne,” he finished after pointing everyone out that was in the room, “what’s your name?” He asked softly as you looked down at your dirtied pants that were dotted with blood stains and mud.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N),” you replied, looking up at Rick who gave a small smile and nodded.
“You’re more than welcome to stay here,” he offered as Daryl stepped forward. “She can stay with me, I have extra room,” Daryl stated, shocking the group.
“Why don’t we get you settled in. Get you a shower,” Michonne mentioned, causing your head to shoot up.
“You guys have showers here?” The group chuckled and smiled, nodding their heads as you looked to Rick.
“I might stay after all.”
It had been two months since you had moved into Alexandria. You and Daryl had gotten close, him taking a more fatherly approach to you, knowing what it’s like loosing family. You walked by his side in silence as the two of you wondered around the forest, hunting for some food, a past time that you have taken up recently.
“You know, my first boyfriend hunted. Though it was more for sport,” you reminisced, frowning at the thought of killing all of those ducks for game and not meals.
“You’re what? 16? Ya had a boyfriend?” He asked in confusion as your lips curled into a small smile, keeping the bow in your hand taut.
“Yeah, the only one though, kinda hard to keep a relationship when he’s a walker,” you chuckled bitterly as Daryl quirked an eyebrow up at you.
“Ya happy ‘bout that or sum’?” He asked, sweeping over the trees and trying to find squirrels. 
“Yeah, just because he was a boyfriend, don’t mean he was a good one. Glad he got bit.”
“Damn girl, remind me not to get on ya bad side.”
“Dully noted,” you whispered, taking aim at the tree, releasing your arrow and stabbing a squirrel. 
“You’re getting better.”
“You taught me,” you replied as his lips turned up in a slight smile and shook it off.
“It ain’t nothin’,” he muttered as you rolled your eyes.
“Daryl, you’re the closest thing that I have to a father now, if you haven’t taken me under your wing, I don't know what I would have done.”
“Rick woulda taken ya in.” 
“Yeah, I know, but he already has Carl and Judith to take care of, it wouldn’t make sense to add another person to that mix,” you spoke, not noticing how he stood still and fell behind you.
“Would ya rather of had him take ya in?” Daryl asked through clenched teeth, trying to not let the hurt show.
“Of course not, I already told you. You’re the closest thing I have to a father and I owe my life to you for taking me in,” you responded, turning around and hugging him around his waist, waiting for him to hesitantly wrap his arms back around you.
“You’re welcome.”
A/N: This was so longgggggg. Hope you guys enjoy!
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symphonicmetal101 · 4 years
MC Struggles With Obsessive/Compulsive Behaviour
Ok, just to be clear.
I haven't been diagnosed with anything, which is why I refrain from writing "OCD" in the title. I've always known I'm a perfectionist- please be aware that there are some major differences between OCD and perfectionism, (despite what Youtube videos may say)- however I have had instances in which I have taken it too far and paid the price physically, mentally, and emotionally. Please be aware that these are all very real things that not only myself, but other people go through. I haven't had one of them in a long time, but my current circumstances make me feel like I might soon, so bear with me while I write another self-indulgent thing.
Or don't.🤷‍♀️
TW: compulsive/obsessive behaviour, a little self-deprecation as seasoning👌
At first, he's very happy to see that you are very organized and neat
One less thing for him to worry about
However, one day he walked past your room and saw you organizing your desk
He respected that, and continued on
The next day he passed by around the same time and saw you organizing your desk again
Odd, but perhaps one of his brothers had interfered and interrupted you, meaning you hadn't finished yesterday
It had been five days now, surely you weren't still cleaning your desk??
"MC, if my brothers bother you, you should close the door. Perhaps then you would be able to finish cleaning your desk properly. Unless you would like some direction in time management instead?"
Lucifer glanced behind you. To his surprise, your desk looked immaculate. He then saw your blushing face.
"Ah... well that's very kind of you Lucifer, however I'm afraid it's not an issue of time management or your brothers. Well, sometimes Mammon comes in and moves the pens around, so then I have to start over..."
"Start over?"
"Y-yeah." You explain your process to him, how you completely clear off your desk, to the type of cleaner you use, how many sprays, to how you like to stack your paper, to how you always have to have three paperclips to your right, and how the black pen is always in between the blue and the red.
"And when Mammon moves the pens...you start over?"
"Yeah. I do."
Lucifer has sympathy for you, put also struggles because it seems like a waste of time if he were to do it.
But he doesn't do it, and it seems to make you calm, so instead he buys you proper gloves for cleaning and a few more bottles of your cleaner
"Come on MC, I wanna show ya something in my room."
Oh no
You could feel yourself panicking a bit. Mammon's room was messy
Not messier than Levi's but still
But he looked really excited, so you reluctantly followed him
Oh wow. His room was spotless!
"I-uh, noticed ya only seem to be comfortable in yours or Lucifer's room. It-it took a while for me to figure out why, but...whaddya think? Will it work for ya?"
He smiled at you and you could see a hint of nervousness in his eyes.
"It looks great! You even picked up the water bottles that were by your bed!!"
He instantly became more confident, his smile growing wider and his cheeks slightly flushed.
"Of course it looks great! Why wouldn't it?"
You gave him a withering stare
"Uh..yeah. Y'know, if ya had just told me ya didn't like it being so messy I woulda tidied up sooner. J-just make sure ya let me know if it gets too messy again. I want ya to be comfortable in more places than just your room, so my room seemed like a good idea."
His face was incredibly flushed
"Thank you Mammon. It really means a lot.
You had only been in Levi's room twice
But dear god
You really really really wanted to tidy things up for him
But you also knew what it was like to be very particular and have things "just-so"
"Hey Levi, can I make you deal?"
He took off one of his headphones to listen
"What's up?"
"This might be kinda weird. Can I take pictures of your stuff so I can reorganize and clean your room? That way if you don't like it, I'll put everything back?"
You could see confusion and slight panic that crossed his features.
"I'm sorry, I know it's weird, you don't have to say yes I-"
"Um, what exactly would you be doing?"
He stopped his game to sit and talk with you for a bit.
"O-ok. Just that shelf is off-limits. And I'll stay in here to let you know if something isn't ok with me."
He watched in awe as you carefully rearranged his figurines by rarity as well as colour.
You crawled under his desk with velcro ties and made all the cords under there much more organized
You rearranged the pillows on his couch so that they were symmetrical on both sides, fluffing them and squishing them as you saw fit.
His manga was pretty organized, so you just straightened out the pile.
You organized his games in alphabetical order
The whole time you had been dusting stuff off as well
"There. That's better....what do you think Levi?"
"WOOOAAHH!!! I love it!! It looks really good MC!"
"Thanks for letting me do that."
"No problem...but w-why did you want to do it?"
You shrugged. "It calms me down? No, that's not quite it....I don't really now. As it is, I need to cut myself off otherwise I'll clean until I can't stand. Mind if I join you for a bit?"
He nods at you and hands you a control. As the game boots up he says, "Y-you're welcome to do that again if you need to...but that shelf is still off-limits."
You nod, grateful for his understanding.
He said he had a surprise date for you
So you followed him
To the Cat Cafe
Now, you love cats
And you love food
But the two of them together don't sit well with you
But Satan looked so eager and happy that you didn't hesitate much to go inside.
Everything was going really well until Satan asked if you wanted something to eat or drink.
You politely declined his offer, but he insisted on getting you something
You reluctantly chose a hot drink.
But as you watched the worker prepare your drink, you were horrified to see them carry a cat out from behind the counter, and then without washing their hands, snap the lid on your cup.
"Satan..I need to step outside for a bit."
He watched you in mild concern as you walked out the door and he waited for your and his order to be complete
You were pacing outside, trying to calm down.
Why did that upset me? I haven't even touched it yet. Besides, normal people don't usually care about stuff like that. And I can clean it??? Or grab another lid?? Fuck! Why am I like this?
Your train of thought was broken as Satan tapped on your shoulder, concern and curiosity apparent in his eyes.
"Are you alright? I noticed the worker didn't wash their hands after handling the cat, so I grabbed a couple lids on my way out. I was going to put it on for you, but I believe it would be best for all parties if you did it on your own."
You almost started crying as he handed you a paper towel with two lids in it.
"Why are there two?"
"Although it never particularly bothered me, I thought you may have wanted some solidarity. I can understand where you're coming from." He smiled sympathetically at you.
From that day forward, he paid extra attention to things while you were around to make sure you wohld feel comfortable. You two also managed to tackle the daunting task of properly organizing Satan's books so that you could spend more time in his otherwise clean room.
"Darling, you look wonderful in that outfit!! And it's so hot outside, it's perfect!! I was just about to head out, do you want to join me?"
"That depends. Where are you going?"
"Oh, I'm just gonna do a little shopping. There was a cute top on sale at the mall yesterday, I just want to see if it's still there."
You told him you'd be right back.
When you got to your room you threw on a sweater, and then made sure you had your wallet and your phone.
You walked out of your bedroom, checking again, wallet, phone
As you approached Asmo, you checked again. Wallet, phone
"Are you ready to go?" You nodded and followed him out the door.
He made idle gossip with you until he noticed you were looking a little pale
"Oh my goodness, love are you alright? You should take this sweater off, you'll get much too hot!"
"I can't!" You panicked a bit, and he was caught off guard by your reaction.
"I- I'm sorry. But I use the sleeves to open doors and hold bags and stuff. I don't like touching that stuff. Even groceries are hard for me to touch, so I wash the groceries before I put them away when I get home. I enjoy shopping with you though, because you always know what kind of stuff I like just by looking at it, or feeling it for me. It's the same thing I explained before, where it's difficult for me to model the clothes for you until after they've been washed."
"Aww honey, I'm sorry. Next time I'll see if Mammon or Beel can come and help with your bags, m'kay? But you cannot stay in this sweater in weather like this. What about gloves? Would you be ok wearing gloves? I know a place where there's some really cute ones!! And I'll handle the doors for now, ok?"
You took off your sweater and tied it around your waist.
"Huh. I actually do feel a little better....thanks Asmo."
You two laughed lightly as he held open the door for the next shop.
You had waited for Beel to get out of one of his extracurriculars to walk home with him
You two were planning to eat together
However when you walked into the kitchen, you were greeted with a sink overflowing with dishes, and a sleeping Belphie on the island.
"Oh, uh, before I eat Beel, I'm going to clean that up. You go ahead though."
Belphie piped up, "Just throw what you can in the dishwasher....I'll do the rest later."
Beel looked concerned. "We were late getting home. Are you sure you're not hungry?"
"Oh...uh" you contemplated lying when your stomach gave you away.
"Just eat. I'll take care of the dishes. It's my turn anyways. I'll get to it soon."
"It's not a big deal Belphie, I'll just do them."
"But you're hungry, aren't you? Just eat first? Or did I do something? Is it something I can fix? I can go if it makes you more comfortable-" Beel looked disappointed. Of course it wasn't his fault.
You shook your head. "It's not you. It's me. I just- I don't know- ugh." You felt close to tears.
How the fuck were you supposed to explain yourself?
Beel pulled you into a hug. "Hey, it's ok. You don't have to tell us what's going on, but if you do it'll make it easier for us to help you."
He let go of you enough for you to step back and wipe tears from your eyes.
"I-I don't know what it is! But whenever I know there's something to be done, especially if I can see it, I have to do it before I do anything for myself. That includes eating, getting a glass of water, even going to the bathroom! And if I find another thing to do half way through he first thing, I'll just continue to postpone the thing I need to do for myself until I'm done or I forget about it..."
Silence settled across the kitchen.
"We'll help you do the dishes so it gets done faster, then you have to eat, ok?"
You smile and nod graciously as the twins helped you feel more comfortable
"Come cuddle with meeee."
"Belphie, I need to study, please."
Belphie pouted. He was going to cuddle with you one way or another, even if he had to annoy you into it
Only what he didn't realize what he saw as "mildly annoying" was actually triggering for you
So he started messing with the postion of things on your desk.
"Stop it Belphie, I need to study."
"Yeah? Don't let me stop you, I'm just playing with your pen jar."
"But I asked you. To. Stop."
He huffed and put the pen jar down
But then he started to mess with your three pencils you had laid out, smallest to tallest.
"Why do you need three pencils?"
"Because. Now leave them alone."
He grinned.
"Because is hardly an answer and you know it. What would happen if I just took this one?"
"BELPHIE NO!" Your voice sounded between laughter and tears, butbhe figured it was just your way of begging.
"Belphie, please? I need that!"
He just grinned as he shifted into his demon form and passed the pencil to his tail and lazily flicked it back and forth.
Until he saw your face.
"Whatever. Do what you want, I'm done dealing with you." You walked out of your room, angry tears filling your eyes.
"W-wait! Shit! No, come back! I didn't-ugh." He groaned as he picked himself up to go after you, finding you on the outside steps of HOL.
"Hey, why're you crying? It was just a pencil. I put it back."
You pulled your head out of your hands.
"Yeah, but did you put it back right?"
Belphie looked at you perplexed...right? What the fuck was that supposed to mean?
"Look, I'm sorry for using that tone with you. It's really hard for me to focus unless I have things a certain way. It may seem ridiculous to you, but that's just how I am. I don't know what causes it, I just know that it's a part of me. I'm working on it, but if I say stop, I need you to stop. Please."
"....okay. I'm sorry."
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lizhly-writes · 3 years
i do not have anything very new for you this week.  i do, however, have this revised version of the first chapter of the ‘villainess’ side of my heroine-villainess isekai bodyswap story, which is, essentially, a full rewrite.  i have made some changes that have brought our pov character a little more in line with my mental image of her.  to quote someone that i had look at this: ‘Before mina seemed more refined like she kills u by poisoning u thru ur tea and then "ohoho"ing as u slowly lose consciousness and die, and now mina seems like she kills u by straight up ripping ur spine out lol’
i always did wonder why i never saw the ‘original’ villainess in otome isekai stories do some major physical damage for funsies, y’know?
warning: this thing is 2k+ words long. 
Why’s it so fucking loud.  Who’s screaming bloody murder in here?  Shut up, I got the worst headache and whatever slick steaming pile of shit you think you are, you ain’t making it better.  If you won’t keep that hole in your face quiet, what if I just heal it closed?  You won’t get a choice then, how about that?
I’m laid out flat on the floor, too. It’s wet, there’s something soaking in my shirt and my hair.  It better not be vomit.  Three fucking faces of Knight, how much did I drink last night.
I crack an eye open. “Th’ fuck’s goin’ on.”
There are people with the dumbest fucking faces staring down at me.  “You’re awake!” one of them exclaims, like everyone else has useless holes for eyes.  Course I’m awake, that something you really feel you gotta tell the world?
“Shit, really?  Wow!  Never woulda guessed,” I say as I drag myself to my feet.  Urgh, feels like I drank my way through the entire bar.  Did I get run over by a carriage or something too?  I’m real fucked up — balance off, arms and legs ain’t landing right, everything aches, and I got clothes on that look like I stole them from a crackpot fashion student.  
Though, hey, looks like everyone here is dressed like that.  Maybe it’s the crackpot fashion student side of campus. I’m in some really shiny cafe, by the looks of it.  The aesthetic here is… really something.  Didn’t know we had this kind of place at the university.
Let’s put that aside for now.  I crack my neck and ignore everyone talking at me as I give the entire place a once-over.  No sign of Emily or Asher, which doesn’t sound right.  If I’m this messed up, normally Asher’d be right there with me.  Emily, at least, would’ve tracked me down and tried to kick me in the head or something.  Not that I’d need a kick in the head, it hurts bad enough as it is.  Maybe enough that I can say that I’ve knocked something loose.  Hearing’s definitely off, it’s doing funny things to my voice.  Not liking that very much at all.
“How much is a drink ‘round here?” I say, because while alcohol got me into this, I’ve heard great things on how alcohol can get me out of this.
“I don’t think you need a drink,” says an absolute fucking killjoy from somewhere behind me.
“‘Scuse me?” I say as I do an about-face.  The killjoy in question looks boring enough that I’d forget him instantly if it weren’t for the eyes.  Real pretty shade of blue, nice enough that probably some asshole’s tried yanking them from his skull.  It’s a wonder he still has them!  Maybe he’s a good enough fight that people don’t bother, huh?
He doesn’t react when I step in for a closer look — yeah, there we go, left eye, the scars are barely there, but it looks like someone’s been using their nails to make an attempt.  Honestly, you’d think he’d flinch a little with me getting that close to his face, it’s not like his glasses’ll be any good at protecting him.  But no, he just stands there and says, “I think you need first aid.  You might have a concussion.  I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’re bleeding.  A lot.”
“Am I?” I say.  I reach for the bits of me that I’d hoped hadn’t been sitting in vomit and… yeah.  My fingers come away red.  
Trace a little further up to the back of my head, and there’s the head wound.  Not as deep as I’d think, but it’s there, along with a very long braid I don’t remember getting.
Maybe I am concussed.  Should’ve noticed both of those things a lot sooner.
“Yeahhhhh, okay,” I say.  “Lil later, then.”  After I fix myself up, maybe.
“I think you’re actually supposed to avoid drinking after a concussion altogether,” says Absolute Fucking Killjoy.
“Fuck you,” I say. Of all things, that’s what gets him to flinch.  Interesting priorities he’s got there.
About the drink, though.  He ain’t wrong.   I know how head wounds work.  But those rules on what to do with them?  That’s for other people.
“You need a doctor—”
Please.  Last time I needed a doctor was years ago.  
This kind of thing, it’s easy enough to take care of.  So easy that it should be already healed up, but whatever.  Just a little concentration, and —
...What's this?  
“That’s new,” I say, squinting at the crackling light running over the palm of my hand.  Real fancy, real nice to look at.  Doesn’t feel like much, but I bet I could make something like this hurt if I wanted to.  Nice little add-on, this.  I like what I got — I’m the best with what I got — but power is power.  Nothing wrong with having a little extra in your punches.
Except this ain't anything I can do. This ain't anything I should be able to do.  That’s pretty fucking strange, isn’t it?
“What are you doing,” says Killjoy, voice sharp.  
The face he’s making is probably hilarious.  It’s less interesting than the way light curls over my fingers, trailing over my wrist as I twist my hand this way and that.  If I let it, maybe it’d spread further up my arm.  How much higher could it go, really?
I don’t get to find out, because Killjoy snatches my hand, snapping his own fingers over it until only light you can see has to fight its way out from where skin meets skin.  And then it’s not even that, dying away until it goes dark completely.
Oh this bitch.  
“Well, ain’t you forward, huh?” I say, baring my teeth.  “What d’you think you’re doin’?”
“You’ve got a concussion,” Killjoy reminds me, like he thinks I forgot.  I ain’t forgetting nothing, got it?  It’s easy to take care of — just a little thought, and maybe it’s taking a little more effort, but the skin knits up just fine.
I sweep a hand lightly over the back of my head, just to make sure everything’s in order.  The swelling’s gone down, the bruising’s gone, eyesight seems pretty clear.  Headache and bodyache’s still there, which is annoying.  There’s been some improvement, but that’s not what I’m looking for.  It should be gone.  Is it not physical damage, then?  What, is it psychosomatic or something?  That’s a shit explanation.
It’s only after my self-checkup that I realize that Killjoy is still talking.  “— can take you to the clinic,” he’s saying, sounding very earnest.  He’s still holding my hand.
I shake him off impatiently.  “That’s unnecessary,” I say, and push open the shiny glass doors so I can find Asher or Emily or someone and go on with my life.
I don’t get more than a few steps outside before I realize I’m running headfirst into a problem. Namely, that the outside that greets me is not the university.   Not even close.  Not unless the mayor sent the entire city crashing down and decided to rebuild from the ground up.  Not unless everyone collectively decided to take overly-caffeinated fashion students’ advice when it came to everyday wear.  Not unless somebody made far too many innovations in automobile development and decided to implement them on every vehicle I can see here.  Not unless all of that happened while I was passed out.
No.  I should have noticed that before, too.  I don’t pass out.  Alcohol fucks me up, sure.  But I’ve never drunk so much that I got knocked unconscious.  I’ve never been able to drink enough to knock me unconscious.
…I remember now.  I didn’t go out drinking last night.  No, what happened was that some asshole attacked me— or, you know, tried to attack me for maybe a solid minute before I started beating the shit out of him for daring to ambush me.  I was doing quite a good job, if I do say so myself. I know I broke some bones, broke his face, had my hands around his neck, and it would have only taken me a second or so more -- just one good squeeze! -- to pulp his windpipe, and he would be dead. 
But I didn’t get to that part.  The last thing I remember was putting just enough pressure on his throat to make him choke, and then… nothing.  That’s it. That’s all I have before I woke up in the cafe.
I’m missing something.  I know I am.   It’s pissing me off.   
That fuckwad.  What did he do?  Clearly I made a mistake letting him breathe for more than a minute or so, I should’ve just killed him on sight.  If I find him again — no, when I find him again — I’m going to squeeze the answers out of him and grind his skull into paste, I’m gonna make him wish he was never born, I’m gonna make sure he’s in so many fucking pieces no one can tell his —
“Hey,” says Killjoy, because I suppose he followed me out or something. “We really need to get you to a doctor.  I know it doesn’t seem like a big deal, but even if it’s not a concussion, it’s safer to get it looked at, you know?  You said you were on university insurance, right? So it’s not like it’s even going to cost —”
And then he shuts up, because I have him by the collar of his shirt and he’s suddenly bent over enough that he’s barely an inch away from my face.
“Please.  Would you kindly keep your mouth closed,” I say.  “If not, I’m afraid I’ll have to make you choke on your own teeth.  Do I make myself clear.”
Killjoy doesn’t close his mouth.  It’s hanging open gently, his pretty blue eyes wide and shocked.  But I suppose he understands the spirit of what I’m asking for, because he doesn’t say anything, even when I let him go and kindly push him back upright.
Well, no, actually, there is one thing.  There’s a name he whispers: Allison.  But it’s so quiet that I can generously pretend I can’t hear it and let him keep his mouth in one piece.  I leave him standing there, and set off.
Where?  It doesn’t matter.  I walk through black-paved streets and stone-slab sidewalks, speed past too-tall buildings and too-bright colors and hoping for — I don’t know. One familiar building.  Something, anything, that I can recognize.
But… nothing. It’s like I’m an entirely different country.  An entirely different world.
How long was I out?  Am I missing memories?  What did that sad excuse for an ambusher do?
As if this day couldn’t get any better, Killjoy finds me at the entrance of a tiny, cramped alleyway, shadowed by buildings rising tall around.
“You just never fuckin’ give up, do you?” I say, sharp smile sliding easily across my face. I don’t know where I am, but I know I’m a fair distance away from where I started.  He can’t have just coincidentally run into me.  He had to have either followed me or known where I’d end up.  It doesn’t matter which.  Either option means that he’s still thinking of me.
He starts when I turn around and face him — he probably didn’t expect me to figure out he was there that quickly, huh? Well, I have to give him credit, he really is quiet.  And he stays quiet, too, even as he scrambles backwards when I start stalking towards him.
“You gonna tell me I need a doctor again, huh?”
Go on.  Say it.  I gave you a warning, I told you what I’d do to you, it’s not my fault you can’t listen.  I’m looking forward to it, actually!  Thank you for showing up just when I needed stress relief!
“… not Allison,” Killjoy says, so softly I barely hear it.
“You’re not Allison,” he hisses, and oh, is that a sight — his eyes are aglow, the light behind them illuminating their blue so that it shines against the darkness.  How pretty.  How valuable.  Even more so than when I thought the only thing that stood out about them was the color.  Really, how good of a fight must he be that he still has them?
I’m gonna find out.
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renaxwrites · 4 years
Hi! May I request headcanons for Oikawa, Atsumu and Kageyama who fell in love with the same girl?
Nekoma’s Manager Pt. 3
- (Oikawa/Atsumu/Kageyama)
a/n: HAHA this is perfect!! I know it’s no hcs, but it’s the perfect pairing for another part to the Nekoma Manager x Atsumu. Since some of y’all asked, why not continue 👀 pt. 1  pt. 2  pt. 4
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You were on the train back home, exhausted from this eventful week you had at the All-Japan Youth Training Camp. You yawn and stretch your arms over your head, careful not to hit the blueberry boy sitting beside you. He chuckles. 
“Tired, y/n-san?”
You breath out a sigh of light amusement. “That is a total understatement.”
Kageyama finds himself observing you in curiosity. He’s been feeling a little more giddy around you a couple days into the camp, with a newfound admiration at how hardworking and strong-willed you are. Not to mention, very pretty.
“If you want, you can nap. I’ll wake you up when our stop comes and walk you home,” he suggests. 
You blink, the thought of a nap already taking effect on your eyes. “Thanks, Tobio-kun. You’re an absolute life-saver.” After a few attempts to make your bag comfortable to rest your head on, no luck.
Bashfully, you turn to shyly ask, “Tobio-kun...can I...use your shoulder?”
“I know it’s awkward it’s just...my bag is uncomfortable...I’ll make it up to you I swear.”
He ponders for a second when a light bulb goes off in his head. “Well, we’re having a match against Aoba Johsai on Friday...you make it up by coming to watch. For the team, of course?” you notice a slight blush paint his cheeks.
You grin. “Tobio Kageyama, is this your way of asking me out?”
His face is almost as red as Nekoma’s color. “I-I mean, it sounded better in my head so, yeah I guess,” he looks away sheepishly. 
In response, you tuck your head onto his shoulder, and fall fast asleep. He holds his breath, afraid that any sudden movements will wake you up.
He kept his promise and gently woke you at your stop, then walked you home. 
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Friday arrived, and you were anxious to see this match. Sure, it’s going to be an interesting match between two teams, but today, it was a face-off between the Great King and the King of the Court. 
You make your way over to Karasuno’s side, when you hear an unfamiliar voice call out for you. You turn to find the Great King and someone else standing before you. 
“Hey, you must be Nekoma’s manager. I’m Iwaizumi. This is Oikawa. There’s been a lot of talk about you and your skills. Just wanted to make a point to introduce myself to you, hopefully we can become acquainted.” He stuck out his hand for you to shake. 
You shake his hand. “Of course! Nice to meet you Iwaizumi. Looking forward to the match! Maybe if you play good I’ll slip you my highly-requested notes.”
The Great King was practically bursting at the seams from wanting to introduce himself, and couldn’t take it any longer. “So you’re both super smart and super pretty. If Iwa doesn’t want his notes I’ll gladly take your notes. And you don’t need the formalities, Tooru is fine.” He seems pretty smug, flaunting his captain power. 
His smugness reminded you of a certain twin back at the camp. What is it with boys thinking being stuck-up to you was considered flirting? Time to put him in his place. 
“Well, Tooru, I said if you play well I would give you my notes. You need to earn them, captain.” And with that you walk away with a wish of good luck. 
“Hard to get, huh? That’s a new one for you, Shittykawa.”
Oikawa puts his hands on his hips, gaze following your frame. 
“...I kind of like that.”
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You walk over to Karasuno’s side, and are immediately greeted wholeheartedly by the team. You sit down on the bench and find the King of the Court plop down beside you. 
“How are you feeling, Tobio-kun?”
His face was monotone until he heard your question, to which he replied with a sense of determination. “Ready to show Oikawa that I’m not just his stupid successor. That I’m more than the name that others have called me.”
Something about his statement made you giddy. Maybe it was just his spunk that was contagious.
You put a hand on his shoulder in admiration, instantly making his face go haywire with blush. “I know you’ll do great. And don’t worry, I’ll make an extra set of stats for you if you perform well today,” you say with an innocent smile.
Someone else on the other side of the court saw this interaction. And he wasn’t having it.
Karasuno, usually a loud, rowdy bunch, went silent as the Great King strode up to where you and Kageyama sat. Both teams were as confused as you were. Needless to say, all eyes were on the three of you.
“So, y/n-chan. Seems like you and this ‘king’ are pretty close, hmm?”
You cross your arms, not ready to back down. “I guess you can say that.”
Kageyama rises, with him and Oikawa never breaking their battle of eye contact. 
“Well, y/n-chan, you can do much better than him, I think. Scratch that, I know. In fact, I’ll throw a little wager. Aoba Johsai wins, I take you out on a date, and vice versa.”
Before you could respond, Kageyama retorts. “She's not just some object to be won over. Where’s her respect?” He glances at you with a look of concern.
Just when things couldn’t get any wilder, you hear a smug voice of velvet.
“My my, glad I came. The battle for the throne is already more interesting than I was told it would be, and the game hasn’t even started.”
Atsumu Miya. 
“And what are you doing here?”
The blonde twin raises his hands in self-defense. “No harm in watching the so-called kings battle it out, right? Woulda came sooner if I knew you were gonna show up too,” he makes sure to include a wink, much to Oikawa and Kageyama’s dismay. 
“And who the hell are you now? We were having an important conversation with y/n-chan,” Oikawa spits out.
Atusumu shrugs. “What’s it to you? If you must know, I’m one of the top setters in Japan, so technically I’m more qualified to talk to her if I want.”
The two boys began to get closer, sizing each other up, continuing to banter until you stepped in.
“Everybody CALM the hell down.” You stop in between and pushed them on their chests in opposite directions. “The match is about to start, so get it together and relax.” By this point, everyone was watching. Even Hinata was recording on his phone, just in case.
You sighed in exasperation, with the three setters staring at you with intensity. “If anyone is deciding who I’m interested in, it’s myself. But right now, I’m focused on doing my job for this match. Period. And in response to deciding on who, I'll be fair to all of you by leaving it to what I told Atsumu.” They all lean in, anxious to know how to beat each other.
You grin. “No one qualifies to take me on a date until they beat Nekoma.”
The whistle blows, signaling for the match to start in a couple minutes.
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“Are you sure you’re okay? I mean you had not one, not TWO, but THREE of the prettiest setters pining over you!! How are you not nervous at what they’ll say?” 
You take the phone away from your ear a bit as Yachi screamed on the other end of the line. “Well, I don't really know how they’ll react. I’ll let you know once our practice is over, though. Should be interesting,” you giggle, glad to have a girl friend to share boy gossip with. 
You walk into the gym and find the whole Nekoma team lined up, all with their arms crossed. No doubt waiting for you.
Kuroo and Yaku step up. “Y/l/n y/n. Would you care to explain? Kenma, pull up the video.”
Kenma raises his phone to you, showcasing the video that was taken of you and the three infamous setters at the match on Friday.
You roll your eyes jokingly, and begin to explain everything, starting from the All Youth training camp to what happened on Friday.
Once you’re finished. Kuroo and Yaku nod, leading the whole team into a huddle. They stay this way for a while, no doubt making bets. Eventually, they break huddle, all grinning smugly. 
“Well, I guess we’ve got our work cut out for us boys,” Kuroo announces.
“Time to crush some pretty setters’ dreams.”
tags: @hihiq @edensxgarden
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kurlyfrasier · 4 years
Terrified: Part 8
Raph x Reader
Synopsis: Raph saves you from ruffians one night in an alley after watching out for you for weeks without you knowing. Which leads you to getting to know the guys and becoming part of the family. But Raph keeps a distance and you don’t understand why. 
Word Count: 1763
Warnings: None, I don’t think...it’s definitely starting to look up though (:
A/N:  This goes back and forth between raph and reader pov just fyi
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Three excruciating days after the transplant, Leo finally let me free. I had re-read most of my books, listened to all of my music on repeat more than I’d like to admit, and stared at the ceiling for countless hours. I was surprisingly relieved when he told me that he had to break our promise. At least I now knew Raph didn’t over-stress himself over the information. Plus, it was nice knowing there wasn’t much for him to break if he lost his temper during quarantine. I figured Mikey could hold his own against his weakened brother if it did come to blows. Thankfully, it did not. I heard he also took it rather well. Which simultaneously made me happy that he kept his cool and had me doubting what little effect I may have once had over him.
I could only hope he still cared about my welfare to get him to stay in the lair indefinitely.
Still, it was nice to leave my room. The first place I went was Raph’s room. Where I found there was no bed because they had carried him on his bed into the quarantine room. So he would be more comfortable when he woke. I hoped he appreciated his brothers’ thoughtfulness. I then peeked into the lab to find both Raph and Mikey snoring, disappointing me slightly. I would’ve liked to see how well he was doing for myself. With a sigh, I made my way toward the living room and plopped myself onto the giant bean bag and turned on the tv to enjoy my newfound freedom. A few minutes later, spaghetti was resting on my lap as if I had conjured it. I looked up to find Leo sitting on the couch, making it known that he wasn’t leaving until I had eaten at least a few bites.
He was really throwing off my groove with this whole ‘forcing me to eat thing’. How was I supposed to convince Raph to stay in the lair if I didn’t look sick? Plus, it was hard to eat anymore. Those weeks I went barely eating were affecting me more than I wanted to admit. But if it kept Raph safe, it was worth it.
A few bites in I expected him to leave. Instead, he flicked his gaze between my plate and eyes, raising a brow in challenge. I huffed, but continued eating. Spaghetti was my favorite, after all, so I figured a few extra bites wouldn’t hurt. Eventually he was satisfied and left the room for the dojo. 
I waited on bated breath until I heard the swishing of his katanas before sneaking off for the restroom. I needed to empty my stomach, and fast. Unfortunately, I bumped into Donnie on my way, who dragged me back to the living room area. His excuse was that he wanted to watch a movie with me.
This pattern continued for the following few days. To my utter frustration.
Today was the day. The day Raph and Mikey were finally going to get out of quarantine. The day he was going to get to see you, and he couldn’t wait. He was more anxious than the first night they went topside and that was saying something.
Three days after Leo had spilled his guts about what had been going on with you and Raph felt he was almost at 100 percent. Sure, he still needed a few extra hours of sleep, to get some muscle back, and get his cardio up a bit more, but he finally got the okay from Donnie to get out of this bubble. All Donnie had to do was some last minute blood tests to make sure there was no more poison in his system and that their immune systems were up to crack after the transplant. When he gave the all clear, Raph ripped the plastic down and asked where to find you.
Raph asked everyone not to tell you that he was going to be out of quarantine because he wanted to see you before you saw him. He needed to see how true the stories were. He needed to make sure he could compose himself before you saw him.
He stopped dead in his tracks when he found you sitting alone on the couch, watching tv. A banana laid next to you, untouched, and he wondered if you had eaten yet. You needed to eat. You were so small, waif-like really. The curves he so loved on you had disappeared. Replaced with fragile looking bone. You looked exhausted with dark bags and droopy eyes. Your skin was paler than he had ever seen and your hair looked thin, not that he knew much about that, but it used to have a mind of its own. Now it was flat and lifeless. His heart broke at the sight.
Slowly- quietly- he made his way toward you. You had yet to notice him and he needed all the strength he could muster not to go off on you. Why had you not taken care of yourself- especially when you found out he was alive and well. Why had you not slept better? Ate more?
Raph grabbed the banana from behind the couch and handed it to you.
“Not hungry,” you said with barely a glance.
“Ya look hungry ta me,” he rasped, unable to speak above a whisper looking at you.
Your head snapped up at the sound of his voice with so much velocity your entire body spun around, causing you to slip off the couch, arms flailing. He caught you though, and stood you up on the couch, now at eye-level.
“Raph!” You beamed up at him, wide-eyed, and threw your bird-like arms around his neck. Gently, he reciprocated with a loose hold around your waist, worried he might hurt you as he buried his nose at the crook of your neck. You looked so fragile, and he had always been like a bull in a china shop.
“Why’d you do this?” He didn’t mean to ask- he really didn’t- but he had to know. You stiffened in his hold and tried to back out of the hug, but he held you where you were. He didn’t want you falling off the couch. And he sure as shell did not want to let go. If he worried about your safety before, now he was even more concerned. There was no way he was going to let you out of his sight anytime soon. “Wha’ were you thinkin’ Swee’heart?” His voice was muffled and broken.
“I just- I wasn’t hungry, that’s all,” you shrugged in his hold as if it wasn’t a big deal.
“Y/n,” Raph demanded your attention with a growl, now looking you in the eyes as he held you steady by the waist. “There’s a diffe’ence between not feelin’ hungry and starvin’ yerself!”
“Don’tcha ‘Raph’ me, Princess,” he let go and stepped around the couch. You followed his every move, sitting back down while he paced between you and the tv. “Leo told me ev’rythin’. And Mikey. They were worried sick! Don’tcha know what ya mean ta them! Huh!”
Raph was fuming as my heart beat wildly in my chest. Two pet names in the span of a couple minutes? It was almost too much to endure along with the fact that he was saying more than three words to me at a time until my heart sunk at the mention of his brothers and asking what I meant to them. Not him. Them. Still, I couldn’t tear my gaze away.
He was awake.
He was moving.
He was alive.
And he was just as strong as ever before.
“They were startin’ ta worry you might hurt yerself, Y/n.”
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, bowing my head in shame. “I wouldn’t do that.” Unless he had died, I thought to myself, remembering that night he came back injured. My first thought at the time was that I couldn’t live without him. My second; that I wouldn’t.
“Good. And I appreciate ya stayin’ next ta me an’ all, but ya shoulda got betta sleep,” he continued ranting, burning a hole in the floor with his pacing. “What if I had hurt ya in my sleep? What if I woke up an’ panicked? Huh? What then?”
“I woulda neva been able to forgive myself if somethin’ had happened ta ya. And then I wake up without a peep from ya and learn ya lost ya job, and ya apartment. That ya haven’ slept or ate. Do ya realize how worried I was?” 
I couldn’t help but snap my head up at that tidbit of news. 
“And look at ya! Ya turned inta skin an’ bones.” 
“It’s not like I was that pretty before…” I muttered under my breath, fiddling with my fingers as I remembered all those times I wore something extra pretty to get a reaction out of him to no avail. I had secretly hoped the last time he would suddenly realize what was in front of him, but then-
Raph stopped dead, fists clenched at his sides, chest heaving as he raked his molten emerald gaze over my form. So much like he used to do when checking for injuries. In less than a beat those same eyes turned sharp as the blade that sliced his arm. “What. Did. You. Just. Say,” he growled out, sounding feral, enunciating every word with the same precision he uses with his sais.
“No-nothin’,” I stuttered out, attempting to sink myself into the back of the couch. Wishing I could disappear as he sauntered his way over, forcing me to meet his furious eyes.
“I don’t eva wanna hear that again. Yer gorgeous. The most beautiful thing I had eva seen. Do ya hear me?”
My heart stopped, mouth gaped, and eyes bulged. If he noticed my shock, he ignored it.
“I’m takin’ full responsability,” he said pointedly as I tried to remember how to breathe. “I’m gonna make sure ya get food in ya. That it stays in ya. An’ that ya get the best sleep of yer life, Swee’heart.”
Suddenly- before I could even process that he planned on becoming my caretaker- he was on his knees before me, arms wrapped around my waist as he set his head in my lap. “I wanted ta run ta ya the moment I heard. I wanted ta knock some sense inta ya. But now that I see ya...I’m neva gonna let ya outta my sight.”
Part 9
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Deep Blue Fantasy Part Four
Pairing: Merman!Tamaki Amajiki x fem!reader
Warnings: None
{Pt. 1}  {Pt. 2}  {Pt. 3}  {Pt. 4}  {Pt. 5}  {Pt. 6}  {Pt. 7}
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Tamaki followed you out of his room, keeping close to your side in case he stumbled. You were both alone in the hall, your footsteps echoing off the high stone walls. Tamaki marveled at the architecture, noting how intricately placed each stone brick was.
He'd been to various parts of the merpeople empire, witnessing incredible underwater palaces, but he was used to the simpler practice of living in caves or small houses formed from the muck on the seafloor. Tamaki loved seeing the attention to detail in each of your walls; windows perfectly spaced and letting the sunlight warmly spread across the floor. He couldn't help but wonder if all human homes looked like this, but a part of him figured they didn't.
His mind also began to question why you lived in a place like this, and had what you called a handmaiden like Brianne. Were you important in some way? Was it your father? You had mentioned him a few times. Maybe you happened to be from a very rich family. Tamaki felt a slight lump form in his throat. Of course, he had to fall for someone who seemed to be more and more out of his league with every new piece of information he found out about her.
Just what was a princess? Tamaki felt like he might have heard the term before, maybe in some kind of legend or story, but he couldn't remember where. The not-knowing nagged at the back of his brain, but he was determined not to ask in case he insulted you.
You led him through a big room with a large table, guiding him towards a door in the wall, which was nearly hidden against the cool tones of stone. The door swung open, and Tamaki found himself looking down at a flight of steps leading down into a warmly lit room.
You showed him the rail, letting him cling to it as you assisted in making your way down the small number of steps. Miraculously, Tamaki survived, and he felt very proud of himself for not tumbling down the stone stairs on his first try at them.
You confidently strode around a bend and excitedly led him towards a burly man who was washing dishes in the sink with his back turned to the two of you.
"Gabriel!" you called out. "There's someone I'd like you to meet!"
The man turned. He looked to be about in his forties and sported a brunet mustache, his eyes twinkling when he caught sight of Tamaki.
You pulled him closer to the new man, beaming excitedly. "Tamaki, this is Gabriel, our cook. He's very very sweet. I'm sure you'll also be interested to hear that he was the one who rescued you off the beach."
"Please tell me you didn't go there on purpose? The water there is dangerous." Gabriel's voice was gruff yet somehow smooth, words reverberating in his chest. Tamaki allowed the sound to resonate in his mind for a minute, savoring how it sounded so different from the women he'd heard before. It vaguely reminded him of the lower pitches of whale song he'd hear when the large mammals would migrate north in the spring and summer; when the waters would warm and the currents would slow.
He barely had time to nod before you jumped in at his silence. "He's a castaway. Apparently his boat went down out at sea and he happened to wash onto our shores." You turned and grinned at him. "You're not a complete idiot after all."
"I knew I didn't recognize him," Gabriel said, looking into Tamaki's face and making him go back to being generally uncomfortable. "It's rare for me not to know a fellow islander. I see pretty much everyone when I go off to market. Feeling better, son?"
He placed the back of his large hand over Tamaki's forehead, making him elicit a small squeak as he shied away. His touch was warm and gentle, but such factors were canceled at the fact Tamaki had never met him before.
"Jumpy thing, aren't ya?" Gabriel straightened, apology quickly flashing in his eyes. "Still shook up? You were in pretty rough condition. Must have taken a blow to the head on one of those rocks. But you weren't too bloodied up, thankfully. I've seen so much worse come of those that venture into the cold, dark sea . . . ." His voice trailed off, gazing at nothing as it looked as though his mind traveled to places unseen or heard.
You placed a hand on his solid arm, catching his eyes with yours as you gently pulled him out of his daze. "Hey," you softly crooned.
"Sorry, Princess. Got . . . distracted." He abruptly straightened and shook his head. "I'm glad we found you as soon as we did. Any longer and you woulda frozen to death. You really have (Y/N) to thank, here, for finding you."
You bashfully lowered your gaze and shrugged, toeing the stone floor. "Without you, I would never have been able to get him all the way back here."
"A team effort, then." Gabriel slid back into a grin and winked at Tamaki. "You best get plenty of rest. Did you enjoy the stew?"
Tamaki nodded. "Thank you," he said, trying to keep his voice above a mumble. "It was really good."
Gabriel squinted at him, suddenly confused. "What?"
Tamaki frowned and looked back up at him, opening his mouth to repeat himself before remembering the necklace that still hung around his neck under his shirt.
You'll be able to speak to the first human that touches you, so make sure it's her.
This must be what Nejire meant. Gabriel couldn't understand him. Tamaki briefly wondered what the man had heard come from his mouth, hoping it wasn't too embarrassing before you jumped in again.
"You ate it so fast!" you giggled. "Which reminds me. Gabe, could you get him another cup of water? I think he's still thirsty."
"Of course." Your friend pulled another metal cup from the sink behind him, giving it an extra rinse in the water of the basin before filling it with clean water from a pump. He handed it to Tamaki who gratefully took it and began to take small sips from the mug, enjoying the newfound taste of fresh water. "So where are you from?"
Tamaki faltered mid-sip, mind starting to spin. Should he lie? He didn't know what to say. How should he keep his secret? Gabriel couldn't understand a word he said but you could. Even if he told the truth, the name of his empire would be very difficult to translate. He was sure even you would have a hard time figuring out what he meant.
Tamaki just tried for a mildly distressed hum and shrugged his shoulders, going back to swallowing some water.
You and Gabriel shared a glance that went unnoticed by Tamaki's eyes, hidden from view behind the rim of his cup. "Were you . . . a pirate?" you spoke up, trying to work out his history.
Pirates . . . . The term was vaguely familiar to him. Maybe he'd seen it in one of the children's' story scrolls at the library. He hesitantly shook his head, trying to stay hidden behind his drink.
"Just a sailor that lived out at sea?" Gabriel asked, his voice suspicious yet equally hesitant.
Tamaki decided this would be the best one to roll with, finally peeking out and nodding his head.
"Sure are quiet . . . ." the man softly muttered, lightly stroking his chin as he studied Tamaki's face. "Are you mute or something?"
"He was talking just fine before," you said, resting a gentle hand on Tamaki's shoulder. "Do you need to go lie down again? It's been a long day."
Tamaki shook his head. He wanted to spend time with you. Just maybe you alone, without other people who might hear whatever nonsense came out of his enchanted mouth.
"He staying here?" Gabriel asked, relaxing his stance only fractionally.
"Yeah, in one of the guest chambers. We're waiting for the ships to the mainland to come back."
"That'll be some time," the man mused. "Oh well. If you ever need anything, you can always ask." This was directed at Tamaki. "And if you ever try anything funny—" a steely glint arose in Gabriel's eyes, making the boy gulp, "—you'll have to deal with me."
You smirked and caught Tamaki's gaze, mockingly giving him a sharp nod. Everyone in the room could agree that Gabriel was not a man to be messed with.
"Thank you, Gabe," you said, nudging Tamaki so he would know it was time to start moving again.
"No problem, Princess." Gabriel turned and went back to his work. He lifted something out of the basin that caught Tamaki's eye. It was a sponge. What was he doing with one of those?
Tamaki glanced at you, but before he could even think to try to subtly whisper something in your ear so Gabriel couldn't hear him, you pulled him back to the stairs. After a short moment of collecting his legs, Tamaki soon found that climbing stairs was much easier than going down them. He couldn't help but feel proud of himself for reaching the top of the landing.
"Yay!" you congratulated him when you were both standing together at the top. "You're really getting the hang of things!"
Tamaki blushed and smiled at the floor, nearly melting in the glow of your smile. How were you always so vibrant? You tapped him on the shoulder, making him look up to see that you had raised up a hand, level with your shoulder.
"High five?" you asked, giving your palm a little shake.
Tamaki hesitantly lifted his hand to press against yours, confused.
You giggled. "Do you not high five out at sea?"
"No," Tamaki answered truthfully. "What is it?"
You demonstrated on yourself, clapping one of your hands to the awaiting other. "Like that, except this hand is supposed to be yours."
You held out your hand again in the same manner, and Tamaki gently slapped his against yours.
"See, you learned something new today!" you beamed.
Actually, Tamaki thought, I've learned so many things today. I can barely keep up.
"Come on." You started walking and Tamaki hurried to keep up. "There are still some people I want you to meet."
The two of you didn't speak for a few moments, traveling together in companionable silence.
Finally, you broke it, making Tamaki look up at your pensive face. "Why didn't you want to talk with Gabe?" you asked, steps echoing off the walls of the cool hallway.
"I, um—" Tamaki tried to think of a good answer. He finally alighted on a half-truth. What could be better? "I get . . . really nervous around people and it's like I can't function," he admitted, keeping his eyes cast down. "It's mostly just around strangers I don't know very well."
"You're not like that around me," you said. "You talk just fine."
"Yeah, but you're just so—" Tamaki stopped himself before he could say any more. He didn't want to go too fast. He wanted your affections to be as much your choice as his were for you.
"I'm so what?"
"Uh, nice, I guess."
"Gabriel is really nice." Your voice remained soft and nonaccusatory. "He may look a little intimidating, but once you get to know him, he's a real sweetie."
Tamaki silently reeled at the idea he might have accidentally insulted your friend. "I didn't mean he wasn't! It's just that . . . I feel different when I'm around you." He dared look into your face.
Your expression was slightly flustered, yet you had undeniably been flattered by his words. Who was this boy? You had to wonder. Why was he so . . . strange?
The two of you remained quiet on your way through the halls. You had Tamaki meet a few more people who worked at your father's chateau before leading him outside. You gleefully threw off your flats, letting your toes sink into the plush grass beneath them.
Still barefoot, Tamaki followed after you, discovering the new sensation of sun-warmed grass tickling his ankles. He watched as you twirled around in the light, skirts flowing around your skilled, graceful legs. Someday, Tamaki promised himself, he would be able to have that much control over his new limbs. He imagined himself joining you, bouncing around almost as weightlessly as if you were underwater.
You came back and pulled him over to a small patch of flowers. Tamaki had never seen anything like them, and he hesitantly reached out a hand to brush the tips of his fingers over their soft petals.
A small creature burst into flight near his hands, making Tamaki jump back. It didn't look like a bird, and yet, its wings carried its tiny body effortlessly through the air. It was a light yellow, starkly showing up against the green grass behind it. It alighted on Tamaki's arm, making him freeze in apprehension, watching as little antennae brushed against the cloth of his sleeve.
"What is it?" Tamaki scarcely dared to breathe.
You laughed aloud behind him, carefully settling down beside him so as not to frighten it away. "That's a butterfly."
The two of you observed it wander over his appendage until a light breeze prompted it to flutter off.
You noticed Tamaki's face as he watched the insect leave. His eyes practically had stars in them as he looked after it, and you couldn't help but appreciate for the first time just how blue they were. At first, you had thought they were just kind of black, but now, in the setting sun, you could make out each sapphire hue. They reminded you of the ocean, and intrigued you just as much.
He really was handsome. You admired the way his blue-black hair fell between his eyes, following it with your own eyes to the little tufts that spiked up in the back. His ears poked out of the falling locks, and you noticed with curiosity that they were somewhat pointed. The urge to reach up and touch them struck you, but you fought it, stilling your hand so it remained in the grass. You went back to his eyes, and they met yours, heat suddenly growing on both your cheeks.
"So, uh," you began, finally reaching up your hand to place on the back of your neck. "Were you born on the sea or something?"
"Why do you ask?"
You smiled sheepishly, dropping your gaze to the dirt. "I guess you're just so . . . intrigued with all this. It's like you look at the world with so much wonder as though you've never seen anything like it before."
"I haven't."
You looked back up to him. "You've never been on land?"
Tamaki blew out his cheeks, trying to decide yet again how to answer. "Not really."
Your eyes widened. "How—?"
Tamaki abruptly stood. "I-I can't tell you. I want to, but now isn't a good time." His eyes contained fear and maybe regret, wincing as your face fell into confusion.
"Are you in trouble or something?" you asked. "If there's someone bothering you, I am capable of placing you under my protection—"
"I-it's not like that." Tamaki hated the way his voice shook. He wanted to tell you who he was, what he was, but now just wasn't the time.
"I promise," he said, shakily offering his hand to you. "I will tell you."
You looked at his hand dubiously. "I have my safety to worry for as well," you told him, glancing from his expecting fingers and back to his eyes. "Tamaki, I know I've just met you, but I want to be able to call you my friend."
His heart melted at your words. Friendship was a start. Could you like him as a friend already? "You have my honor," he said, and you finally placed your hand in his. "I will never do anything to hurt you."
You nodded, now standing. "When can you tell me?" you asked, dropping his hand. "I want to know more about you."
He chewed his lip, already missing the moment of contact you had briefly shared. "You consider me your friend?" he asked, hesitantly.
"I would like to."
"Tomorrow then. I would really like to get to know you too."
"May I ask what the purpose is of keeping this secret?"
Tamaki winced. "I don't want you to think differently of me."
You gently placed your hand on his shoulder. "I won't judge you. I'm not like that. As long as you're a genuinely good person, I don't care where you grew up."
Tamaki almost spilled his guts out to you right then and there, but a voice interrupted him in his tracks.
"Princess! There you are!" Brianne stepped out of the doorway. "You should do some studying before dinner. You know your father wants you to keep up with that."
You smiled, giving a light eye roll. "Coming."
"Hurry up," she called over her shoulder as she turned to go back inside. "You've already missed quite some time running around with this boy all afternoon."
Tamaki blushed, embarrassed at her reference to him.
"Wanna come with me?" you asked Tamaki. "You can keep me company."
"Can you read?"
It turned out, Tamaki couldn't read.
At least, not whatever script you showed him. He was used to a different, swirling type of print the merpeople used to write.
The two of you had settled in your study, and you had handed him a small stack of books for him to skim through while you did some work of your own, an ink pen in hand, occasionally jotting something down onto a sheet of parchment.
Tamaki thumbed through the bound pages, amazed at what was possible in the dry air. He tried to make sense of some of the words before him, but he remained clueless.
He found some drawings featured in one of the books, this one appeared to be on the creature from earlier you had called a butterfly. He delicately traced his hand over the ink, studying the anatomy of the insect's wings and small body pictured before him. Every few pages there was another drawing, and he would look it over. He hadn't even thought to wonder about how many different species there were. It struck him that you and he were like that; different species, but so tantalizingly similar all the same.
Finally Brianne called you down for dinner and the two of you ate alone together at the big table. You made conversation on what you had been studying, talking a bit about human history. Tamaki was deeply intrigued, hanging on every word and occasionally interrupting you with a question.
When you were both done, you walked him back toward his room. "Would you like a bath?" you asked him. "I can ask Brianne to draw you one. It might feel nice."
"Uh . . . sure, if it's not too much trouble." Tamaki had no idea what it was that you were talking about, but he was curious all the same.
"Not at all." You beamed up at him.
If a week ago someone had told Tamaki that he would be on the receiving end of so many of your beautiful smiles in one day, he'd have thought they'd spent too much time in the sun. You were so beautiful to him, and he wanted nothing more than to stay by your side forever.
Forever . . . that was a long time. And he now only had twenty-nine days left. He hoped he could come up with something soon. Maybe Mirio would help him again. You would wait for him, right? After you found out he wasn't a human?
You let him in his room and ducked out again to go find your handmaiden. Tamaki stood alone in his room, glancing toward the dark window. In the dim candlelight of the chamber, he saw something in the glass. He took a few steps closer and saw . . . himself.
He had seen his reflection before. One of his fellow townspeople had found a human mirror in a sunken shipwreck. Everyone had gathered around, curiously peering into the reflective glass. The window before him didn't work so well, but he was still able to make out just how much he'd changed.
His cheeks looked rosier and less pale than they had once been. His pupils were smaller, eyes not as big. His nose protruded from his face more, but not in an obnoxious way. Gills no longer lined his neck, and the small frills behind his ears were missing, although he had figured out both of these facts much before seeing it for himself. His teeth were flat like yours and his lips had filled out slightly, no longer just barely visible outside his mouth. He looked perfectly human, although he noticed his ears were still pointy, but they had always been that way. Even among the merpeople, they had been a little odd.
He heard his door click and swing open, making him turn around and see Brianne standing in the doorway.
"Come along, now," she said. "It was Tamaki, right?"
He nodded, following her into the hall. She led him into a room that held a large white basin, filled nearly to the brim with steaming water.
"Do you want me to take your clothes?" Brianne asked from behind him.
Tamaki thought for a moment, trying to decide how to respond. He cringed, remembering that if he tried to speak, she wouldn't understand him. He finally nodded, looking down to his shirt. Now to get it off . . . .
His fingers fumbled with the buttons, only made more shaky with Brianne standing there, watching him. A small part of him wished that it could be you instead. Not for any impure reason. He simply felt more comfortable around you. Adding to the fact he couldn't answer her or even begin to explain why, he couldn't help but feel horribly awkward around your friend.
He finally worked out three buttons and attempted to slide it off over his head. Now holding it, he handed it off to Brianne, who took it and draped it over her arm. Tamaki then started with the tie around his waist, finding it much easier to undo and tugging his pants down around his ankles.
Averting her eyes, Brianne took them from him as well and swiftly whisked out of the room, shutting the door tight behind her. Tamaki stepped over the rim, letting his toe dip into the water. He found it comfortably warm and fully submerged his foot, repeating the action with the other leg. He slid down, the warm water unfamiliarly soothing his muscles.
It was a strange sensation to be wet again. The idea of taking off the necklace and letting his tail come back floated hazily into his mind, but he decided against it. He vividly remembered the excruciating pain of transforming between species and decided that taking it off would only happen when absolutely necessary. Besides, what if Brianne walked in and saw? That would be a horrible way to be outed.
Now came the question of what he was supposed to do.
Tamaki shifted down, letting his head sink underwater. He briefly wondered how long he could hold his breath, now that he only had a slightly larger pair of lungs. The temperature made his eyes sting so he shut them tight, letting a dark silence press around him.
He already missed you. He wanted to keep talking to you. Your conversation at dinner had been so enrapturing to him, his mind couldn't help but go back to what you had said. It amazed him that two species could live on the same planet together for so long and yet have such contrasting, separate histories from each other.
He came back up, wiping some of the water from his eyes and glancing around. He noticed that on the rim of the tub sat a sponge. The second one he'd seen today.
He picked it up, finding it squishier than he'd expected. What were you doing with so many of them?
Hundreds of years ago, merpeople had seen male dolphins exchange sponges with female dolphins as a mating gift. It had become tradition to do the same; a male merman presenting a sea sponge to a mermaid he was interested in.
Tamaki blushed, thinking of you. How would you react to him giving it to you? Would it mean anything if you already knew of having it in this room?
How different could she be from the mermaids back home? Mirio's voice sounded in his mind.
From what he'd seen today, very, but maybe this could be something you had in common with him.
He toyed with it, squeezing it between his fingers. Maybe you would appreciate the gesture. He set it back on the rim of the tub, sinking back down into the water.
He let his mind wander, briefly stressing over things he would have to do in the future. The most pressing one was telling you about what he was. Tamaki spent the next several minutes rehearsing in his brain, trying to picture your reactions to various confessions he came up with. He scarcely noticed the water cooling around him as time passed.
Eventually, Brianne opened the door, preceded by a rapid knock before swinging it open. She laid out a different shirt, a pair of pants, and another rectangular strip of cloth before leaving again. Tamaki stood, trying to shake off as much water as he could, planting his feet on the cool stone below. With his skin still glistening with water, it was difficult for Tamaki to pull on his clothes, but he eventually managed. Pacing back over to the tub, Tamaki swiped the sponge that balanced delicately on the rim. He shoved it into his pants pocket and stepped out into the hallway where a waiting Brianne stood silently by the door. She gave his still-dripping hair an odd look but, all the same, led him back to his room.
He flopped into his bed, tiredness finally beginning to settle within his bones. In the dying light of a candle, Tamaki drifted off to sleep, hoping against all things that he would still be here by tomorrow night.
To be continued . . . .
[Part Five]
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@inumorph​ @engel-hageshii​ @milkteeboba​ @pansexual-potterhead​ @ure-a-sunflower​ @xeina​ @kingtamakimurder​ @basicaegyo​ @iiminibattlehero​ @pyrofanatic​​ @sokkasangel​ @xoxopam4​
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
Can I get a scenario for Zoro opens up to his s/o about Kuina?
Zoro/Reader: A Single Step
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It had all started when Zoro had been enjoying a nighttime bottle of sake with his s/o on the deck, laughing and looking up at the stars together. When Zoro turned over the bottle to find that it was empty, ____ had stumbled their way up to a standing position and headed to the kitchen to grab another one from the cellar below-deck. Zoro followed behind them, and the two of them slurred their words as they playfully nudged and shushed each other to not wake the rest of the crew. 
"Ok...Okay, you turn on th' light," Zoro said, "And I'll open the door to the booze room."
"The cellar," ____ corrected with a titter, flicking on the light to the kitchen and then moving to swat Zoro's head. "You can store stuff in a cellar that isn't booze, you know."
"Like what?"
____ blinked and racked their fuzzy memory for an example of one of the many things one can keep in a cellar. 
"You know...Stuff?"
The two of them laughed and made their way to the large wooden floor panel leading to the cold cellar underneath the kitchen. While Zoro leaned down to slide it, ____ took the opportunity to eye their boyfriend's backside with a grin while he was bent over and crouching. The panel easily moved aside, and Zoro took a step down the wooden staircase; suddenly, he felt ____ pushing up against his back as they tried to worm their way around him.
"First one down there gets to pick the sake," they declared, squirming to push past Zoro. "No more cheap shit; I'm getting the good stuff!"
Zoro tensed as they tried to maneuver on the narrow steps and groped around in the dimly-lit entrance to the cellar. Before he could snap at them to not rush down there, he saw ____ stumble on the next step and then start to fall backwards. They let out a sharp gasp that sent a cold chill down Zoro's spine; whether it was because of the sake he'd had, or from the sudden adrenaline rush as he saw ____ fall, time seemed to slow down to a crawl. They're going to fall. They're going to fall, they're going to die if they fall, just like--
Even if he wasn't sober, Zoro's reflexes as a swordsman were still lightning fast. He immediately grabbed ____ by the front of their shirt with one hand and jerked their body forward towards him, and then he immediately put his other arm around their back to keep them secure and close to him. His heartbeat was pounding in his ears, and he felt a thin layer of sweat forming on his forehead. The sound of his s/o's breathing and the small puffs of air against his skin helped calm him down slightly. Still breathing. Still breathing… Zoro's chest rose and fell, and he held them a bit tighter in his arms. They're still here.
____ snorted out a laugh and rested their head on Zoro's shoulder. "Whew, you saved my ass there," they giggled, their cheeks warm and the smell of sake lingering on their breath. They rocked back and forth against Zoro on the staircase while talking in a sing-song-y voice. "I need to be more carefuuuuul--"
They cut off their drunken little ditty with a small gasp as Zoro abruptly marched up the stairs while still holding them. When they were just about to ask what the hell he was doing, or where he was going, he firmly put his hands on either side of ____'s shoulders and glared at them. Now that they were no longer in the dim, barely existent light of the basement, ____ could see his features clearly; their eyes widened a bit when they saw the intense look on his face and the angry tears in his eyes. "Never, ever do that again," Zoro demanded. His voice was no longer relaxed and breezy the way it usually was when he was drunk, but tense and thick. ____ couldn't remember the last time he was this close to tears around them. He shook them a little bit as he held them, trying to put some sense into them and make them see how dangerous that was just now. "What if I didn't catch you? You could've broken your damn neck!" 
____ blinked up at Zoro, feeling a wave of shame wash over their chest. "It...Ok, sure, I won't," they said slowly, confused and taken aback by his extreme and emotional reaction. "Look, Zoro, I'm fine. Okay? Just calm down." They were hesitant for a second, and then spoke again. "Why are you acting like this over one stupid trip down the stairs? I mean, you're protective, but…" ____ looked up at them. "I probably woulda just fallen and twisted my ankle. It's like, five steps total! And--"
"That doesn't matter," Zoro snapped. "You can still die from a fall down a short set of stairs, and I would've...I would've…" He trailed off and looked away, relaxing his grip on their shoulders a bit before sighing through his nose. "Just...be more careful when you go down the stairs like that. Okay?"
____ furrowed their brows and gently cupped Zoro's face as they guided him to look at them again. "Hey," they murmured, their voice laced with concern. "Tell me what's wrong."
Zoro resisted a bit against their hand and refused to look at them. "Nothing," he dismissed. "I just want you to be more careful."
____ pulled him to look at them again, staring straight into his eyes. "Zoro," they insisted firmly. "What is it?"
Zoro was silent, clenching his jaw slightly as he stared back at them. He bit a part of his lower lip and wondered what he should say; he hadn't talked about what had happened to Kuina ever since...well, since it had happened. It was already painful to think about, so he'd always try to think of something else before he started to feel that weight on his chest that never seemed to leave him completely ever since he had gone to her funeral. Talking about it would probably be even more painful. 
Still, this was ____-- not just a friend, and not just one of his nakama either. He didn't want to keep anything from someone so close to him, they deserved to know the truth about his past without him closing himself off, just for the sake of his own feelings. 
He finally came back to reality and out of his own head when ____ took a step closer to put their head on his shoulder again, putting their arms around him. "I'm sorry," they said quietly, their voice a bit wobbly, just like their drunken stance as they swayed against him a bit. "I. Um, I dunno what...this…is all about exactly--" They gently pressed their hands against his back. "But whatever it is, I'm sorry."
Zoro leaned against them and wrapped his arms around them. "It's not your fault," he replied, holding them close. "It's because of…" He felt the weight on his chest slowly starting to sink further and further as he remembered Kuina. "Of something that happened a long time ago, to a friend of mine."
____ was silent as they waited for Zoro to continue, not wanting to interrupt him. Zoro slowly pulled away from them and led them to the two seats near the kitchen table. Zoro sat next to ____ and crossed his arms while he leaned forward a bit. "I learned how to be a swordsman from an old man who had his own dojo," he began. "And he had a daughter named Kuina…"
The entire time Zoro told the story of his childhood friend, ____ was dead silent and their expression remained largely unchanged as he talked. When he finally explained Kuina's untimely death from her accident, the weight on Zoro's chest had made it hard for him to breathe, let alone talk. Still, he simply clenched his fists and powered through that suffocating ache, wanting to finish what he'd started now that he'd finally decided to talk about Kuina. When he'd finished explaining, he could feel the sting of his palms from where his nails had dug in and left imprints on his skin.
____ was quiet for a long time after he'd finished speaking, and when they seemed to have gotten their thoughts together, they simply scooted their chair closer to Zoro so they could rest their hand against his and squeeze it gently. "I'm...I'm so sorry," they said finally, their voice cracking a bit. "If I'd known, I wouldn't have done that."
Zoro shrugged. "There wasn't any way for you to know," he replied, his voice a bit hollow and flat. "Not unless I had decided to tell you. But I didn't want to talk about it--about her." His chest burned with shame, and he looked down at the table between them. "If I wasn't so afraid of talking about it until now, this wouldn't have happened. It's my fault, in the end."
"No, 's not your fault," ____ insisted, slurring their words a bit. They smiled a bit. "Even if I didn't know about her, it was still a jackass move for me to play around on the stairs like that while I'm drunk."
Zoro's lips had the faintest hint of a smile as he glanced back up at them. "You are pretty stupid when you're drunk," he replied. "I should've just kept that whole bottle to myself, since you're such a lightweight on top of that."
____ rolled their eyes and playfully punched Zoro's shoulder. "We all have our flaws, you know," they replied with a grin. "I may be a dumbass when I'm drunk, which is pretty often when you've got my lack of tolerance. And you're a clueless dummy who couldn't navigate his way out of a wet paper bag, even when you're stone-cold sober." 
Zoro gently hit them back as they laughed a little bit, and then there was a beat of awkward silence. After a moment, ____ took Zoro's cheek in their hand again and gently squeezed it. "Hey...Is it weird if I thank you?"
Zoro raised an eyebrow. "For...what?"
____ moved closer and warmly kissed the other side of Zoro's face. "For telling me that, even when it probably hurts like hell to talk about," they replied plainly. "And for carin’ about me so much that you'd get this upset when I almost hurt myself for such a dumb reason. And for just bein’ with me, I guess." They smiled and kissed Zoro's cheek again, enjoying the lingering scent or sake on both of their lips as their mouth landed a bit closer to his this time. “Now...if I go extra slow down to the cellar, can I please be the one to pick out a bottle of sake?”
“You can pick it, but I’m gonna make sure you get down there properly,” Zoro said. He rose up from his chair and hoisted ____ over his shoulder before they could react. They let out a surprised laugh as Zoro walked to the cellar entrance and carefully escorted them down the stairs with the grace and dignity of a knight--a drunk knight, carrying an equally drunk and giggly sack of potatoes over his shoulder.
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coraxaviary · 4 years
My first actual x reader work. It was actually very fun to write except for my mini-breakdown when I couldn’t figure out how to force my fingers to type the word “kiss.” 
Summary: There is the forest, and an indescribable feeling of vitality. It doesn’t take long for you to realize the source of life is your proximity to Shifty.
Word Count: 1.9K
Warnings: None.
“Hey, Shifty,” you say, leaning heavily into his side, the light of the full moon making the night bright and luminary. Despite the relative dimness and landscape of shadows, you can still make out the shine of stars reflected in the sheen of Shifty’s eyes. He blinks, and then looks at you. You’re pressing close and for a fearful second you’re afraid he’ll pull back. He doesn’t, just answers.
“Yeah?” he says. The hard angular line of his shoulder is jutting into your arm, but you don’t mind it, just take the moment for how it is and try not to think too hard about any of the days before Zell am See, and maybe the days after, where you will be thrown into the boundless, bloodsoaked scatter-spray of islands that jut barely out of the Pacific ocean, on the other side of the globe.
Some of the memories have taken on a golden tint – like Toccoa, a happy medium between civilian mundanity and desperation-tinged fraternity. Toccoa is not that hard to think about. You remember when Shifty was smiling and laughing often, untouched by death and hunger in the good times.
“You ever think about how things woulda turned out if this war never happened?”
Shifty pauses for a second to look down at you, and then looks back out over the still lake, glassy surface only bothered occasionally by the meandering wind. The cicadas here are rising and swelling with the black of night. It must be late now, and both of you should head inside to get some sleep before you start training. Training to go to war – back to war, Speirs had phrased it, as if you’d somehow left.
The heavenly tint of Austria is deceiving, but no one ever forgets why they are here in the grassy knolls of a country that needed liberating, basking in the blue sky and the green lake and the emeraldine forests, where there are deer aplenty, bird in the air, and the deep, deep smell of earthy magic. It is enchanting, but it is not home. It does not possess the same familiarity of a shared language, American pavement, and the feeling of settlement and antique hope.
You wonder whether or not the American hope is a scam sold by the remnants of your fathers’ generation – a cheap marketing scheme to get as many young people as possible to sign up for a few years of shelling, killing, smoking, bleeding, and running. It’s not really important at this moment, though, so you refuse to ask Shifty something as heartbreaking as the dissolution of the American Dream in the face of world conflict.
“Yeah,” he finally answers. “I reckon’ everybody does.” He says it in that Southern, wild twang that settles in your bones as a souvenir of home, even though you’re not even from anywhere remotely near Virginia, or that small speck of town Shifty speaks so nostalgically about.
You move around a little bit, trying to make his shoulder less sharp in your side. It’s never been soft, because Shifty is muscled and unyielding like the other men, despite his rather gentle exterior.
“You think we’d have met?” you ask, and the question is loaded. What you really mean is to dig for any type of affection in Shifty, that old crush coming back with a vengeance now that you haven’t heard German shells in a month. You know he doesn’t really sense the underlying implication, the I wish we’d met in the calm part of the century, at least you don’t think. You tell yourself that the extra pause and the flick of his eyes to your face for a half-second longer is just Shifty being simultaneously thoughtful and languid and earnest like he always is.
“No, I wouldn’t wager. Not much of a chance,” he says briefly before fidgeting in his lap with some loose part of his uniform, as if some part of the answer bothers him. It bothers you, too, because you can’t have peace and friendship at the same time in any situation. And it’s sad, because you might even choose peace over meeting Easy, just for the chance to never have to do any of this… this rending, firing, and staunching ever.
“Hmm,” you say, because there’s nothing else to say. Shifty laughs emptily and you risk laying your head on his collarbone – something you haven’t done since you huddled in a foxhole together.
It sounds kind of weird to think, but you can hear him smiling in the dark: just the small sound of lips parting and saliva against teeth. You think it’s sad that you’ll probably never see that smile resurface when you’re done crawling up the sandy beaches under Japanese fire, but you smile too.
If his hand brushes against your waist, as if he wants to hold you but decides against it, neither of you acknowledge it.
He’s more like a fox to you than anything else, you realize, as you watch him with those sharp eyes and cheekbones and the set of his lips, always looking steady but piercing over the sight of his M-1. He waves at you to be still, and you stop walking, dappled glare of the filtering sun shining bright and bothersome in your eyes. Shifty is on the trail of something you can’t identify, and his look of concentration is almost animalistic as he fixates on the branches and bothered foliage. He looks at home here in the trees and leaves – illuminated with a yellow glow that makes his eyes bronze.
He nods and signals for you to mirror his line of approach, and you aim wide, the familiarity of flanking somehow overtaking the foreignness of hunting a deer. Suddenly, the both of you break into a clearing and there is a large doe standing in the center, eyes wide and ears pricked. It hears something – you don’t want to admit it, but maybe it’s your quiet gasp – and it bolts through the trees, leaving no trace.
Shifty’s eyes silently fade back from that wild look – the passion of hunting, you suppose – and he looks back at you. It’s a little disappointing to see him so earthly after getting used to hunter-Shifty for a while, the one that makes you think he might have some blood of Artemis in him or something, but you tell yourself that you are running away with strange metaphors.
“Sorry,” you try, knowing Shifty will try to blame it on himself.
“No, no,” he says, waving a hand, clearly disappointed but trying not to show it. “It’s alright.”
“I probably scared it,” you say.
Shifty doesn’t debate, but he looks down at his gun and back into the wilds, debating pursuit. He shakes his head. “Don’t be feelin’ bad,” he says. “I don’t really know if I’d feel right killin’ it anyway. What with all the food we got now.”
You both pause to process that statement. There is plentiful food in the kitchens, courtesy of the town, the farms, and the unhindered supply lines. It’s true, and you nod.
“We headin’ back?” you ask, and Shifty looks out, almost longingly, back into the greenery. You pause. “We don’t have to. I’m sure no one’s gonna miss us,” you amend, brushing your hair out of the way. You didn’t remember to tie it this time, and it spills out in neglected strands that you are constantly blowing out of your face. Shifty turns his head out of the corner of your eye.
“You think we can stay out for another hour?” he says, looking down at the ground.
“Yeah, sure,” you say, slinging your rifle back onto your shoulder. “Where d’ya wanna go?”
“Dunno yet,” he says, strangely avoiding your glance. Maybe he wants to ask you something and he doesn’t feel very comfortable about it, but you pretend all is well. Is he uncomfortable with you particularly? The possibility is dismaying, and you think that maybe you were staring for too long. “We can walk around,” he finally says, nodding at some invisible path he’s managed to pick out in the undergrowth.
You follow, watching Shifty meander with grace through the leaves. You are not so deft with plants, and are left ducking and wading and crashing through matter despite the gap Shifty is making, just a foot or so ahead. He pushes a stalk aside and unknowingly lets it go, and it whips back to lash your face.
“Ow,” you yelp, rubbing at the bridge of your nose. You’re not irritated, just surprised.
“What happened?” says Shifty almost immediately, turning around and moving a step closer. “You alright?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you say, watching him come closer through your fingers.
Shifty reaches out and takes ahold of your wrists, pulling them away from your face, and he looks intently at the place where you are rubbing. “Oh, was that me?” he says, leaning in, and you realize just how close the two of you are, his fingers around your arms and almost touching your uniform where you hold your hands up to your chest.
Shifty is not really naive, but you are convinced that he is absolutely childlike in certain moments of concentration, like now. You can hear his breathing quite clearly over the shifting of foliage, and his eyes slowly lift to yours, only realizing now how you have started to hold your breath. You feel your cheeks start to heat, and you watch Shifty look a little harder at you with gradual realization.
There is silence between you, and only your eyes watching each other. Your heart is pounding in your throat as you try desperately to divine Shifty’s thoughts through his wide, keen eyes.
“It’s gonna leave a little bit of a mark,” he murmurs quietly, almost whispering, because it doesn’t take much volume for the words to go between you two, with the inches of separation. And very cautiously, like you’ll crack under him, he removes one of his hands from your wrists and reaches over the space, to brush very gently at your nose.
You aren’t holding your breath now, but you feel as if you are breathing very loudly, because it’s all you can hear with the pounding of your heart in your head. His eyes flick downwards slightly, over your face, and you don’t want to dare to hope anything. But in a move that seems daring for Shifty – because he’s never sudden with you, at least not on purpose – he surges forward and presses his lips to yours.
It’s sudden and it’s brief, but you break apart with wide eyes and panting breaths. You extricate your arms from his grasp, and reach up and over his shoulders to slide your hands into his hair, pressing your forehead to his and breathing in the scent of the forest – of life, of leaves, and of sun. His hands go to your waist; he smiles first, and it’s bright and magnetic, somehow even more warm than the filtering sunlight.
You smile without care, just for the moment, and you stay in the moment for as long as you can, just enjoying. You think, for a moment, that in this small slice of time, it is possible to choose both love and peace, even if that peace is fleeting.
And then you lean in for another kiss, surrounded by the living fairytale forest of Austria, and encompassed, all around, with the vitality of nature that is wild and free.
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fellkrieger123 · 4 years
Prompt #18: Panglossian
To say Iiro wasn’t nervous would be a lie. She watched at the ivory spires of Limsa Lominsa came into view and her heart soared with excitement even as her stomach jumped with nervousness. This was the first time she had ever been away from home, after all! She wondered if her mother and father were worried about her, but she would be fine! She had done all her research, and she was ready! She’d become a great adventurer, know throughout the realm! Hells, maybe she’d even become more famous than the Warriors of Light! She found the nervousness being shoved down by the wave of giddy excitement that filled her.
She was quick to rush down the gangplank the minute she had a chance, looking around, her eyes sparkling. She lifted her arms, taking in the warm sun and the salty air, smiling ear to ear. Limsa Lominsa was rebuilding quickly, considering the Calamity was not that long ago. People were bustling about their days, laughter filled the air. There was a hopeful sort of energy in the air, and it was infectious.
“I’m here, M’aja,” she whispered, looking around. “I’m going to make you proud. Just you watch.” She took a moment of silence to remember her friend before shaking her head and rushing into the crowd. After a few minutes of walking, she realized she was quite lost. There were so many people! And so many decks and levels and... What was she going to do? She couldn’t even figure out where the Aetheryte was, and she remembered that was the first thing she had to do when she entered a new place.
She must have looked very lost because she was soon discovered by a slightly older Hyur man. He stepped in front of her, stopping her slow trek down the road. He smiled pleasantly at her, raising a hand in greeting.
“Ho! Hello there, miss. You look lost. Can I help you find something?” He asked her, and Iiro fidgeted shyly, looking away.
“Oh! Uh, yeah. I’m lost! I want to become an adventurer, but I’ve never been to Limsa so I don’t know where anything is!” she laughed nervously and the man nodded in understanding.
“Oh, yes! Limsa is a winding maze when you first get her. Have no worries, I’m more than happy to help you! I’m a bit of an adventurer myself, you see!” He winked at her. “Now, follow me, and be sure not to lose me, alright?” She nodded. Goodness, what a nice man! Her journey was off to a great start! She followed him carefully. He easily navigated the crowd and led her to the Aetheryte, even helpfully telling her how to attune to it.
He then led her to the Adventurer’s Guild where she met a gruff but nice man named Baderon. He was more than happy to help her register with the Adventurers Guild and show her all the points of interest on a map of Limsa Lominsa. He looked over at her new friend curiously, and looked back at Iiro, his cheerful tone dropping to a wary grumble.
“Well, that’s everything you need. You be careful out there, miss. We’ve been havin’ some kidnappings recently, and a pretty girl like you would be a prime target.” Iiro blushed but smiled confidently at him.
“Don’t worry! I’ll be just fine! I’m going to be a great adventurer!” she bragged, and though Baderon seemed hesitant, he nodded, shooting a look to her friend. She skipped away, giddy with excitement that she was now officially an adventurer when the man approached her.
“There we go! Welcome to the Guild, miss,” he said pleasantly. “What are you going to do now?” Iiro paused and thought, tapping her finger against her chin as she looked up to at the ceiling.
“Hm, I think I’ll go find some jobs and get my career into motion!” She said, and the man nodded.
“Well, if you’re going to do that...” he said, and she looked at him curiously, tilting her head. “Why don’t you join me and my crew? We could use an extra hand, and we’d be happy to help you out.” Iiro’s eyes practically sparkled. They wanted her in their party? That was great! She heard it could be hard to find people to party with as a new adventurer, and she had already found a party! She nodded excitedly.
“Yes! Yes, that’d be great! My name is Iiro Iro, by the way! A name to put on the papers, right?” She couldn’t hide her excitement, and the man smiled.
“My name is Murphy. Nice to meet you, Iiro!” he said. “Well, let me tell my party and get the paperwork in order. Why don’t you meet me in say, four bells...” He looked at her map in her hand and pointed to a small dock on the Lower Decks. It was a little out of the way, somewhere near the Fisher’s Guild, but she could probably find her way there with little trouble. “Right around here? We’ll figure out what to do then and you can get ready for the job we pick.”
“Alright!” Iiro folded the map and tucked it into her pocket. “I’ll see you in a little bit, Murphy!” He nodded and walked off. Iiro dug into her pack and pulled out her gil purse. She had saved up for this very moment! Quickly calculating what she needed, she rushed off to the Upper Decks. She took a moment to stop by the Arcanist Guild to get herself registered and then proceeded to the markets. She bought herself a shiny new book, some fancy new armor, and a handful of potions. She still had enough for a warm meal and was happily munching on a sandwich when the time came to meet her new party.
It was dark now, the sun having set about a bell ago. People had found themselves home, and the city was much quieter than it had been earlier. She found herself on a quiet, barely lit deck. It was a little eerie, just hearing the sound of the waves brushing against the pillars of the deck. She looked around. She couldn’t see Murphy or anyone else! Where was everyone? Was she too early?
Just as she thought this, something smashed against the back of her head and she staggered, her vision going white for a brief moment as she fell to her knees. She blinked, turning her head to see what had hit her, completely surprised to see Murphy standing behind her with a small group of men and woman, dangerous smiles on their faces as they began to crowd around her.
“Murphy?” She questioned, her voice shaking, her head spinning. “Why’d you hit me?”
“I can’t believe she actually came,” the Roegadyn woman to his right sneered. Murphy snickered, crossing his arms.
“Told ya she was stupid,” he said, leaning over Iiro. She looked up at him, confusion all over her face.
“W-what’s going on?” She asked. “Weren’t we going to party together...?” The group behind him laughed, a few insults being thrown in her direction that she couldn’t hear, her ears ringing from the blow to her head.
“Party together? Gods, you are stupid,” he said crouching down and reaching out. He gripped her long hair in his fist and she whimpered, tears coming to her eyes as fear filled her. He was going to hurt her! “We ain’t adventurers, luv. We’re pirates, and you? You were an easy target.” He reached out and forcibly pulled her pack from her. She let out a cry and reached for it, struggling in his grasp, but he shoved her away. When she fell on her back, he held her down with his foot, and she gasped for breath as she struggled under the pressure. He opened her pack and made a face.
“Psh. Not what I thought there’d be,” he grumbled, throwing the pack to another Hyur, who caught it. “Well, that’s fine. Those robes and that book look rather nice. We’ll be taking those.” Iiro’s face paled and she flailed.
“N-no! Please! That’s all I have,” she sobbed, fear filling her as he reached down and tore off the clasp of her robe. She struggled valiantly but was only rewarded only with a few blows to her face and body as his party joined it, forcibly taking everything she had, leaving her only in her small clothes.
“Careful, boys,” Murphy said. “Don’t hit the face too much. She won’t sell for as much if you bruise her up too much.” Iiro let out a sob, her chest aching. She had definitely broken something, and her limbs went limp as he stomped his boot into her midsection, knocking the air from her. Her vision blurred, but she was vaguely aware of the Roegadyn woman pulling out a coil of rope, preparing to tie her up. Was this how she died? Was she going to be killed on her first day of adventuring?
Her vision began to turn white around the edges as she felt the rope being tied around her wrists, cutting into bare skin, her ankles following. She tried to struggle one more time but was struck on the head once more. Her vision darkened, and though she tried to stay conscious, she found she couldn’t.
She mentally said goodbye to her mother and father, apologizing to M’aja as darkness finally overtook her.
She awoke later in a warm bed, her wounds treated and her body sore. She looked around, confused. The sun poured in through a small window to her left, and on a table near here was a small meal of stew and bread, still steaming and warm. She blinked, sitting up and whimpering as her chest protested. The door opened and she flinched, covering her head as a Miqo’te woman dressed in green walked in.
“Oh! You’re awake!” she said, walking up to Iiro. She was holding some more medical supplies and walked up to Iiro’s bed, placing them on the small nightstand. Iiro looked up at her, shaking, and the woman blinked. “Oh! Oh, no, don’t worry, you’re safe now. You took quite a beating. It’s a good thing Jacke heard you screaming or else you woulda been taken away by those wanna-be pirates.” She rinsed a cloth in a bowl of water and slowly reached out to dab at Iiro’s face. The Lalafell flinched and the woman recoiled.
“W-what happened...?” Iiro whimpered, and the woman tilted her head.
“You were mugged, and almost taken away to be sold. Those guys were pretty bad though. I can’t believe they tried to do that in front of the Guild. Here, let me clean your wounds.” Iiro was nervous but nodded as the Miqo’te continued talking, changing her bandages carefully. “Name’s V’kebbe, by the way. You’re safe in the Guild. Jacke was quick to make sure those idiots were punished for breaking the code.” Iiro stared up at her, confused, and V’kebbe sighed. “You’re probably still tired. I’ll tell the Guildmaster you’re awake. He wanted to talk to you. Then you can go back to sleep, okay?” She motioned to the table as she stood to leave. “You try to eat. I won’t be long.”
Iiro watched her go and walked carefully over to the table, sitting on the seat and looking at the stew. It was a simple meat stew, and she didn’t realize how hungry she was until the smell hit her nose. She quickly dug into the food, ripping a piece of bread with her teeth when the situation hit her. She had nothing. She was nearly taken away. Tears filled her eyes and she let out a choked sob, still shoveling food into her mouth as she cried. What was she going to do? She had no gil, nothing. They took everything. She only had the too-large clothes they had dressed her in, and no weapons. She couldn’t become an adventurer like this, and she couldn’t get home without gil...
“Yer awake,” a gruff voice said at the door, and Iiro looked up. A young man sauntered in, V’kebbe close behind him. “Good. Knew you’d wake up, but still, ye’ve been asleep fer two days. How ar’ ye feeling?” He looked over her and winced, noticing the snot and tears that dirtied her face. “Ah. Bad question. Sorry.”
“W-what do I do?” Iiro sobbed, dropping her half-finished bread and covering her face. “I don’t have anything. I don’t have any gil, or clothes or even a way to defend myself! W-what am I supposed to do now...?” The man watched her, arms crossed as he watched her cry for a moment.
“Ye could give up,” he suggested, and she looked up at him, shocked, eyes puffy and nose running. She shook her head fervently.
“No! No, I can’t! I have to become an adventurer, no matter what!” She sobbed. “I made promises. I have to! I have to!” The man watched her for a moment more and uncrossed his arms, walking up and kneeling next to her.
“Ye still want to fight?” he asked, and she nodded, rubbing her eyes as she tried desperately to dry her tears. “Ye want ta make a difference?” She nodded again and he huffed, smiling slightly and standing.
“Good. We can’t ‘elp ye with much, but we can help with that.” she looked up at him, confused. “Name’s Jacke. I’m the Guildmaster of the Rogue’s Guild- th’ very building yer in right now.” He made a sweeping motion to the room around them. “Ye wanna fight? We can ‘elp with that. Give you a pair of stabbers. Teach ye to protect yerself.”
“W-what?” she asked, eyes wide. Jacke sighed.
“I’m tellin’ ye to join our guild,” he told her. “We’ll help you, Give ye weapons, teach ye how to defend yerself. So long as ye want.” She sniffed, and he looked over her meal. “Ye don’t ‘ave to make a decision now, ye can rest-” Iiro blew her nose loudly before jumping up in her seat. Her body screamed at her, but she ignored it, staring at him, determination in her watery eyes.
“No. No! I’ll join. I have nothing else,” she said, her voice shaky. “Teach me how to fight! I want to defend myself! I won’t let anyone do this to me again!” Jacke grinned, crossing his arms.
“Alright. V’kebbe? Get this girl a pair of stabbers. We start lessons the second ye heal.”
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justjessame · 4 years
If Only Someone Looked At Me Like They Look At Guns 8
The next hours were a blur. Connor and Murphy were arrested, as was Romeo. They were wounded, and apparently the MacManus patriarch had died. I was sitting in an interrogation room facing the most pompous asshole I’d ever met. Kuntsler. Honestly, these jokes write themselves.
“You’re telling me you knew NOTHING of the brothers’ plans.” He asked for the millionth time it seemed. “You were fucking the two of them and no pillow talk?”
I glared at him. Disgusting pervert. “Do you tell all to the sad sacks that are desperate enough to screw you?” I bit back, feeling like I wanted to throw up. “No, I knew nothing about their plans. I didn’t want to and they wanted me to be safe.”
He laughed at me. “How did that work out for you?” He returned, looking so smug that I wanted to hit him. “My men found you tied to a fucking bed, princess. Wonder why you’d be taken?” He tapped his lip in mock contemplation. “Maybe because you fucked the wrong bad boys. Aren’t you a little old for that stereotype?”
Great first you insult my choice of relationships. Now I’m an old spinster. “Am I being held for something? You didn’t read me my rights, so I imagine I’m not.” I stood up and so did he. “I’m leaving. IF you plan on charging me with being a victim of kidnapping, please let me know.” I opened the door with more force than he expected then slammed it behind me. Fucking asshole.
I called a cab when I got outside. The station was too far to walk, now that I felt like I was going to pass out from the stress. When I got inside the car, I told the nice man my address, then sat back and contemplated how to contact them. I knew they wouldn’t want me to visit them, wherever they’d been taken. I still had Special Agent Bloom’s card, but from what I could gather from the moron who interrogated me, she was gone. Sighing, I handed some cash to the cabbie when he pulled in front of my apartment building, then rode the elevator up. When I got inside my apartment, my eyes fell on the pad by the phone in my living room. They told me to call her.
Picking up the phone, I brought the pad closer and dialed. It was time to call their mother.
The phone rang several times before she picked up. “‘Ello.”
I cleared my throat and closed my eyes. “Hello? Is this Annabelle MacManus?” I knew I sounded shaky, because I was.
“Ah, dey tol me ye’d be callin’.” I heard a deep throaty chuckle come over the line. “Tessa, is it?”
I smiled, feeling a tear run down my cheek that they’d warned her ahead of time. Told her about me, even. “Yes, ma’am, it is.” I sighed, and brushed the tear away. “They told me to call you if anything happened.”
She sighed, a mother’s worst nightmare, this kind of call. “Dey make it out?”
I nodded, and felt foolish for it. “Yes, they did. But they were arrested.” I gasped, my heart clenching at the thought of them being locked up with criminals. “And their father-”
“Aye, didn’t tink he’d make it dis time.” She replied. “Dey want ye ter come ter me, Tessa.” It wasn’t a question.
“I know, but I have a business, and family.” I said, thinking it was such a lame and worthless answer. I didn’t want to try to return to the old normal. Without them coming in daily for coffee, and kissing me senseless.
“Do yer wan ter stay der?” She asked, clearly reading my mind through the phone. “Will ya be safe wit out dem?”
Would I? If one vendetta bound asshole had found me, why couldn’t others? “I’ll have to make arrangements. I should go see them. And I’ll have to sell everything.” Easily fixed, I thought. Too easy.
“Call me tomorrow.” Annabelle ordered. “Call me anytime.”
“Thank you.” I whispered, feeling like my heart was breaking.
She chuckled, not a happy sound anymore. “Yer family, Tess. Me boys love yer, and so will I.”
We said our goodbyes, after I gave her my cell phone number and my landline at the store. They had given her the apartment number. Making promises to call each day, I hung up and made a new list. A list of how to leave my life behind and begin a new one.
I walked in, worried about how they’d receive me. Every phone call we managed, between calls to Annabelle, had been tense. They were worried that me coming would put more in more danger, and I think they feared me leaving. When they walked into a room that I’d had to make God knew how many calls to get, the fear left me.
Connor and Murphy looked the same, well with a few extra scars, taking me in just like the first day we met. We stood just drinking one another in, until a guard reminded us that we didn’t have a lot of time. Sitting across from them, when all I wanted to do was fall into their arms was the most difficult thing I ever had to do.
“Tessa.” They breathed, in unison, just like I felt their conversations in their own heads must sound.
I tried to smile, but I was sure I was failing. “Murphy, Connor.” I answered. They reached across the table with their dominant hands, and I took each one in one of mine. “I’m sorry.” I said, feeling the ever present tears gather in the corner of my eyes.
“Whatcha sorry fer?” Murphy asked, his thumb trying to sooth my tenseness away.
“Twasn’t yer fault.” Connor agreed. “Woulda gone after ‘im even if yer weren’t der.”
Murphy nodded his agreement. “‘E wouldna quit, Tess. Not til Da was dead.”
That broke me, their dad was dead. “Did you know your father put me in charge of his remains?” I asked, gasping for breath. “I’ve never met him. Why would he?”
“Musta done it before we went.” Murphy muttered, glaring at his brother.
Connor agreed. “Sorry, Tessa, we didna know.” His thumb was rubbing my other hand.
“I didn’t think you did.” I replied, my voice thick with tears. “What should I do with him?” I was so confused, did I ship him back to Ireland? Did I have him buried here?
I felt them looking at one another and didn’t have the fight in me to argue with their internal conversations.
“‘E’d wanna be buried back ‘ome.” Connor whispered.
“We’ve da money.” Murphy agreed.
I held up a hand I took from Connor. “It’s fine. I can take care of it.” I nodded and took my other hand from Murphy. “I’m going there soon anyway.” I looked up at them and saw them smiling. “Annabelle wants me to come.”
“Our mudder wans to meet ya.” Murphy said, his smile growing.
“Musta impressed ‘er.” Connor agreed, matching Murphy’s smile.
I grinned through the pain of leaving them. “Yeah, I guess so. I’ve put the store up for sale. I have a few offers, and the rest is going in storage.” I shrugged. “I should be ready to leave by the end of the week.”
“So soon?” Connor whispered, taking my hand back.
Murphy took the other. “Dis is our firs visit.”
I nodded. “I know. I have to go now though.” I couldn’t tell them, not here, why time was of the essence. “If I don’t, I may talk myself out of it.” They nodded their understanding, even if they didn’t really know the truth. “When you get out of here,” I knew there was a plan, I didn’t know the details, but Annabelle had given me enough to guess, “come home.” I stood up and the guard stepped forward. “Could I,” I looked up at the guard and pleaded with my voice and eyes, “could I say goodbye to them properly, please?”
The guard looked conflicted for a second, but then he relented. He knew my boys weren’t the type to harm me, or him. Stepping back to the wall, Connor and Murphy stood and walked to me. Wrapping me in their arms, I kissed them both goodbye. When I turned from them and walked away, I felt a part of me stay behind with them.
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askdawnandvern · 5 years
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Dorian: Iffin' we're bein' honest...I...Sweet Sawgrass I shouldn't be sayin' this. It'll more than likely just sound like I'm bein' personally biased cause of who my daughter in-law is, and how I lost my best friend over it fer years...but... in all my years of livin’ and workin' in the North Meadowlands, I'd have to say Aster Bellwether was the worst mammal I had the misfortune of knowin' in any capacity.
Yuri: C'mon Pa, the mammal was a drunken abuser sure, but y'all can't tell me that's the evilest mammal you've tangled with.
Dorian: I knew Aster. Granted, I know most of the mammals around these parts, but Aster...I was forced to learn about him, and what he did to Clover. What he did to Dawn. So many nights I had to drive out to that address even before I was a cop, and...find Clover crumpled to the ground. A black eye, a broken arm. All the while she's apologizin' to that ram. Beggin' me not to call the police, and later when I was a rookie, take him in. Whenever the law actually got involved, she’s refused to press charges. O’course even when I was an officer she would call me personally to help settle him...not to take him in...just to calm thangs down because she knew I was her friend first...but there were plenty o' times I had to take that ram in despite her protestin'.
Trenton: Sweet Sawgrass Pa...
Dorian: He was always drunk, but never so drunk he didn't know what he had done. I could see it in his damn eyes, in that crooked, malice filled smug smile I'd see gleamin' back at me from my rear-view mirror. Always sober enough to make jokes about Clove's “Leashed Lapdog.” Laughin' gleefully about the next time he'd see me. He knew...he knew it got a rise outta me...how wrapped around his hooves he had Clover...he knew the whole thing made me sick. But he enjoyed it. Her pain, my pain. If he was sufferen' from his own demons, he was more than happy to share that sufferin' to those around him...
*Dorian shakes his head, letting out an uneasy sigh* I remember the last night I ever went out to the ol' Bellwether house. The pourin' rain, the pool of blood settled on the hall floor...blood that was still pourin' from Clover's snout while she pleaded with that bastard of ram. Holding her hooves up and beggin' him to 'think of their lamb.” *Dorian shuddered* I hadn't known they was expectin', not till I heard that...and I just...I snapped.
Yuri: You snapped? YOU, snapped?
Trenton: Even the calmest wolf can reach a breaking point.
Dorian: I just pounced on him, no protocol, no mercy, wailing on the ram as hard as I could. Clawing and punching...feelin' flesh give way to blood and bone.*The older wolf seems to be trembling now*  I woulda kilt him...I shoulda' ...But...Clover managed to pull me back from the brink of thangs. I left that ram bloodied and battered, loosened some of those crooked teeth o' his, even managed to fracture one of his horns clean off. It was a tune-up that ram had comin' fer a long time but...all it did was get Clover furious with me. I hurt 'her mate', I 'overreacted'. It...it was all I could take...
Trenton: That's when you walked away from it?
Dorian: I told Clover I was done. That I was leavin' any domestic disturbances to the other officers in the area. I told her I was done helpin' a ewe that refused to help herself. And despite that beatin' he took, despite the blood and brusin' that ram managed to laugh at me. Callin' at me as I stormed off that I was proof that wolves couldn't 'be anythin' more than monstrous brutes.' As if that weren't the pot callin' the kettle...*Sighs* I regret it now...I should have kept my paw out fer Clover. I should have made sure she knew she had a place to go when she wised up...maybe...maybe then...I dunno...thangs coulda' been different fer her and Dawn...But I was a rookie cop then...still comin’ into my own when it came to learnin’ how to keep my cool. And Auddey, well we was expectin’ our first litter. I had to make sure I was there fer my family first and foremost.
Trenton: That's...I'm sorry Pa.
Yuri: Glad Vern wasn't around for this one eh?
Dorian: I...said too much...I shouldn't have...*Sigh* Don't tell them about this alright? No need to dredge up old wounds now that everyone's happy. It ain't worth discussin'...
Trenton: But Pa...
Dorian: We're movin' on Trent. Y'all got somethin'?
Trenton: Well...I...eh...no...
Yuri: I er...I have a story. It's not as...personal. But it's a little...in the ballpark.
Dorian: Go on son, tell it...
Yuri: Well, let me say, fer as bad as that...ram was, he didn't go that extra step. Fer better er' worse Dawn and Clover are alive. He never...look, I had this one fella who decided to set fire to his apartment with his wife and two daughters inside.
Trenton: Teeth to tails!
Dorian: Oldwyn's great grey muzzle...
Yuri: The fella had a history of abuse, but his mate just kept takin' him back. *Sighs* I wasn't personally invested though, I'd never even dealt with that otter before, but taken him in...*shudders* He was giddy. He was laughin'. He told me and Lance about how their screams were 'music to his ears.'
Trenton: How did you deal with that? I mean no offense Yuri but I mean...you...I could see you...y'know...like Dad and Aster.
Yuri: *Chuckles* Let's just say he should be thankful he was in the back seat, behind the grate before he started singin' like a canary. Though I did bloody my knuckles punchin' back at the panel a few times tryin' to shut him up.
Trenton: What about when you got to the station?
Yuri: Lance locked me in the wagon, so I couldn't do any 'tunin' up' myself. Although...somewhere between the parking garage and the holding cell the fella picked up a black eye. *chuckles* Not sure where that came from, but when Lance got back he was in way better spirits than when he hauled that rat off.
Trenton: Ever find out why he did it?
Yuri: Not really...courts said he was crazy. The fella ended up bein' committed to an asylum fer the criminally insane. But the way he was talkin' in the car...well...he seemed purty lucid to me.
Trenton: Well...I'm actually glad that for once I don't have any stories to top either of you. The evilest mammal I've ever dealt with was an aggressive litterer.
Yuri: Ah the perils of bein' a state Trooper. What's that thang they always say? About the banality of evil and that junk?
Trenton: If that we're true, then the Tri-burrows is the fifth circle of Hades...
WT: What an extraordinarily and unexpectedly dark ask to end on for the night....er...sorry guys...That ask...took my brain places...
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