#it wouldn't have a got a headline otherwise
statementlou · 1 year
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"A SOURCE" this fucking fandom I swear- the source is the tabloids (and before that Liam's PR team) but the real omitted info here (other than WHERE, WHAT SOURCE, WHY) is that the articles are primarily focused on Liam and his influencer girlfriend Kate Cassidy announcing a split, for anyone actually wanting to keep up with all the Liam news; yes they will have done that to get the music news into the papers but it is also information that exists and I would like to be informed about. The articles say that she moved out of his house and back to the US.
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kelvintimeline · 2 months
I'm actually, uh, kind of concerned for the lack of empathy people have when sharing news via meme. The "officer down" stuff or using the destiel meme format being used during the election all was kosher because the news was, in fact, meant to make you laugh. Whether it was made to punch up at cops or the queen or just celebrate how fucking crazy a cultural moment was, those formats were used to response to and to create levity.
These formats were not made to spread tangible information. Part of what made them so good is that they cannot provide proper context, so you just get a burst of SURPRISE and then you're left wondering wait HUH?? Just a burst of elation.
So, to be clear, these memes are used to in some way make fun of how ridiculous the moment is or demonstrate how little we care about the person/thing being reported on.
These formats are NOT meant to spread awareness of things like Neil Gaiman sexual assaulting (at least) five women. Or about fucking genocide.
And I am deeply concerned that people don't realize that?
Because, again, to put it simply for people who are really struggling with this BASIC form of consideration for other human beings, a. this meme is TO MAKE PEOPLE LAUGH which is not appropriate for serious topics and b. this meme is to spread as little information as possible, turning the news into a sort of surprise gut punch or almost a funny jump scare.
News that requires context and empathy, or at least feigned consideration, cannot be shared via meme.
"TRUMP GOT SHOT!" meme. funny gut punch--we hate that guy, we don't really need more information but anyone that wants to... will easily find it. It's an extremely disrespectful to break the news. That's the point.
The memes are reblog-bait, not respectful, not informational. Why does this need to be said?
"Oh but people wouldn't get the news otherwise." This isn't true but even if it were true... they aren't getting the news with fucking memes either?? It's like skimming a headline. It's like a stranger walking past you and shouting a skimmed headline and just saying "Trust me, I know my shit." It's net negative information, even when it's technically correct. It's news illiteracy.
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watchyourbuck · 4 months
I get the feeling Eddie will isolate himself after everything unravels and it takes Buck, Chris and his family to help him out of the darkness.
Maybe another breakdown as he finally let's Shannon go??
Because I can't see a world where Buck would let anything happen to Eddie or Chris, unless they really had a bad fight, but then he wouldn't leave Chris...
I agree with you, anon. I think that’s actually why the headline of that article said that Eddie will feel isolated from everyone.
I don’t understand these theories where people say that Buck is going to banish Eddie from his life and only talk to Chris, or worse, that he’ll take Chris? It makes no sense. For starters Chris is older now, he’s not a child, and even if he was, Buck would have absolutely no rights to take away someone’s child, no matter how close they are (because the will thing would only operate if Eddie died, not before that). And even if for whatever reason Chris was really in danger, Buck could still not take him, he’d have to call SS or the police, otherwise it’s kidnapping.
On the other hand, I think Buck will be most likely be worried about Eddie because this is clearly a delusion, and he’s cheating on his girlfriend (which Buck did as well at some point in his story so I don’t think he’ll take a moral high ground), and he’s holding onto the memory of his dead wife and projecting it onto another woman who’s got nothing to do with it. He’s clearly not okay.
My take is that Buck (as soon as he finds out), will let Eddie know that what he’s doing is wrong and that he’s worried and that he should seek help and I think Eddie will not like that, and in this rage/shame haze he’ll tell Marisol and she’ll break up with him, and Chris will hear this and also be upset with him, and Eddie will just— feel alone.
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papa-evershed · 1 year
Hey! If you’re interested in doing so For Science or something, I could go a run down on your favourite moments from the Act On interviews. I really feel like Rob is so comfortable and engaged in those, they’re a delight.
I can definitely do this! This is right up my alley because I completely agree, I feel like the Act On This interviews are when we get the best glimpse of him just being him because it isn't press related. And quite frankly, him just being himself is more interesting to me than watching someone answer the same five questions over and over again on a press tour. (Not that I'd complain if he did do more press. I'll take whatever I can get, I'm not fussy.)
I'm going to apologize ahead of time for the length and because this will most likely be a very unorganized list. I considered doing video clips but Tumblr just makes that too much of a pain in the ass. 😩
(* I decided to really only do the most recent Act On This because otherwise I'd be here all damn week trying to make a list and ain't no one got time to read that. 😂)
First off, it's not exactly a moment but like previously mentioned—just the general vibe of these interviews. It's so much more laid back and less professional (in a good way) so we get to see The Hot Mess Express™ in all of his glory and who wouldn't appreciate that small glimpse into his unfiltered chaos? These gifs literally happened within seconds of each other. Between him dropping his phone, struggling to set it right, then immediately breaking into dance, I get whiplash just watching.
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2. I won't gif this one because he's so understandably private about his kids, but the moment when one of them bursts in not long after the above moment. And honestly, there isn't anything there to gif (again, not that I ever would) because boy was quick as lightning to turn that camera to protect his kid's privacy. 100/10. For all of his goofing off, Dad was quick to Dad™. And even with that distraction and the speed with which he remedied it—he still kept up with what Ross was asking and saying to him. For all the talk of how much of a class clown he is, it appears he can still handle his shit without missing a beat when it really matters and this was a prime example of that.
3. When he pretty much just admitted to being drunk during the Christmas trivia. Keep it real, that's how we like it. 😎
4. This one may be considered a boring choice but another one of my favorite aspects of the Act On This interviews is hearing him get to speak so candidly about his acting process. It's not something most actors really get to discuss in great length with traditional press anymore unless they're the pretentious, insufferable, method sort that make headlines with their extremes. But hearing him discuss how he tried to find ways to bring warmth to the character in The Inheritance made me even more interested in seeing it—to see how much of it they kept, to see if the attempts were even successful. He talked about adding humor because otherwise the audience might grow tired of these fighting siblings and he's right. When he finally does settle down and get serious, he gives incredibly insightful answers and I feel like his approach to most characters is just spot on. So yeah, a thoughtful answer that also increased my interest in an upcoming project is a major win.
5. It's happened over the course of a few different Act On This interviews so it's a bit hard to gif or anything but when either he or Ross mentions how frugal he is. 😅😂 He's got a five year old IPhone (which shouldn't be remarkable but lbr), his laptop supposedly only works if it's plugged into the wall, he'd rather have the money than a make-up artist, and I'm almost positive there are examples I'm missing. Love me a frugal king. 👑
6. I wouldn't call this one a moment really, more so just another example of why I love Act On This—for little pieces of insight and perspective like this. I like learning how people cope with different things and what tools they use, this one is also just very relatable because it's something I find myself also doing as I get older too (although not in audition rooms, obviously).
7. Similar to the last one, whenever he talks about how he's found ways to deal with nerves. It's especially interesting to me because I feel like I've seen a lot of chatter among fans as to whether or not he gets nervous but he's pretty transparent about how his nerves have sabotaged him in the past. It's something else that's relatable, when he discusses finding methods that work for him (mindfulness really is slept on). It takes a certain level of vulnerability to admit when you've been actively searching for ways to cope and it's admirable to hear anyone not just admit it but to encourage others to do the same. Plus, don't we all watch these hoping for those honest moments?
8. Because I'm a trash person and I wouldn't be me without admitting it...every single moment when he has the audacity to just exist looking like this. 🤷‍♀️ He was 🔥🔥and I'm honest enough to admit that the eye candy is certainly a perk of any Act On This interview.
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Honestly, I could keep going but I will spare us all.
Of course there's the obvious mentions too, like whenever he breaks into song and/or dance. The Christmas trivia was a pleasure. And like most people, I also enjoy just any little personal tidbit he's chosen to share throughout the years, even something as simple as what beer he wants to drink or his love of house plants.
Overall, I appreciate these interviews because like you said, they're just so comfortable and engaging. Once he gets the wiggles out there's usually some really great advice or tidbits shared so I really watch these always waiting on those moments and anything else is just icing on the cake.
Hopefully this was somewhat of a satisfactory answer and bless anyone that's read this far. 😳
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sporesmoldandfungi · 5 months
Flip City - Sued
Author's Note: This rewrite of my original sequel is heavily inspired by Channel Awesome's video on how they would fix the Ghostbusters 2 movie. I'm going to use roughly the same plot points from that video because it's more appealing to me as a writer, but I'm going to make it my own with Genevieve's relationships with everyone, especially Egon. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the first chapter!
Dana Barrett walked down the streets of New York, her heels clicking against the city pavement. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a gentleman selling today's paper. She stopped to read the headline "Ghostbusters V. The State of New York, Trial Today". She stopped in front of the small stand and picked up a copy, quickly skimming through the first few paragraphs.
The man poked his head up from reading his own paper. He took a deep sigh before speaking. "Drives me nuts, ya know? Those guys put their lives on the line for the city and how do we repay them? By suing the shit out of them. Property damage be damned, they saved my life and my family's lives, as well as countless others, that should be enough."
Dana smiled softly, "Yeah, I know what you mean."
The man took another sigh, "Man, I wouldn't wanna be them right now."
"Well, it's not that fun for me either." She replied.
"Why do you say that?" He asked.
"I'm engaged to one of them."
Across the city, in a courtroom full of people, The Ghostbusters sat waiting for the trial to begin. Genevieve sat in the audience in the front row, leaning over the railing to speak with Egon and the others.
"Where the hell is Dana? She's a key witness." Genevieve whispered to the four boys, frantically looking back at the doors, waiting for Dana to come running in any second.
"Relax, she'll be here." Egon reassured her.
Genevieve shut her eyes tighter than she ever did before, shaking her head slightly, as if when she opened them again, this whole mess would be gone, and things would be how they were before. But when she opened them, all she saw was Egon's worried expression. "I can't lose you, Egon."
"You won't." He spoke.
She shook her head again. "It's hard enough having to deal with the aftermath of having my entire mind and body taken over by a Babylonian god and watching from the front row as I almost killed everyone I loved. But to sit here and watch the four most important people in my life get locked up for fixing MY mess, I can't do it."
"Sumerian." He corrected, making Genevieve look at him puzzlingly. "You said Babylonian, Gozer is a Sumerian god. Gosh, you should know that above all." He teased, earning a sly smile from her otherwise worried expression.
"Well, when you suddenly get possessed, your main focus isn't what kind of god they are. So, excuse me for my ignorance." She quipped back. Her attention suddenly shot back to the matter at hand. She looked her wristwatch, showing her there were only five minutes until the trial began. She tapped Peter on the shoulder, "Venkman, where is Dana?"
Peter turned around, still looking unimpressed even though his whole future depended on the trial. "Dunno, she's supposed to be on her way. And by the way, would you cool it, Gozy? You stressing back there isn't helping us. We got enough on our plate. We're pretty much royally screwed with our attorney."
Genevieve looked confused until Louis Tully came stumbling into the courtroom. His arms full overflowing with documents and folders, almost dropping a few as he approached the Ghostbusters. With all of them being strapped for cash, he was the best they could do. He dropped his things on the table with a loud thud then leaned into the group, quietly and worriedly whispering, "I think you guys are making a huge mistake. I got my law degree at night school."
"That's alright, Louis, most of this happened at night," Ray said, promptly slamming his head on the table afterward.
The judge banged his gavel a couple of times, gaining everyone's attention. The Ghostbusters looked over to the prosecution and saw Walter Peck sitting with a few other lawyers, a smug smile plastered across his face.
"Before we begin this trial I want to one thing very clear. The law does not recognize the existence of ghosts. I don't believe in them either. Don't wanna hear a lot of malarkey about goblins and spooks and demons. We're gonna stick to the facts in this case and leave the ghost stories to the kiddies, understood?" the judge spoke, taking off his reading glasses and fixing his documents.
Winston scoffed, turning towards the others, "Sounds like a pretty open minded guy."
"They call him 'The Hammer'." Egon replied. Genevieve groaned and placed her head in her hands, her hope fading away with each second. Egon turned around, gently lifting her head up and caressing her cheek. "It'll be okay, no matter what. I love you."
She smiled into his hand, kissing it gently, "I love you too."
The gavel came down again, "All right, all right, let's get on with it."
Louis nervously approached the judge, fixing his glasses messily before speaking, his voice wavering with anxiety. He cleared his throat before speaking again, "Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen of the- of the audience. I don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds! Okay, so the blackout was a big problem for everybody, okay? I was stuck in an elevator for two hours and I had to make the whole time. But I don't blame them! Because one time I turned into a dog and they helped me. Thank you."
Chuckles were heard echoing in the courtroom and Louis held his head down in shame, walking back over to the Ghostbusters.
"Very good, Louis. Short but pointless." Egon said.
The trial seemed to drag on. City rep after city rep went on and on about the damages and costs the Ghostbusers caused. Walter Peck went on his usual spiel, claiming the Ghostbusters were frauds and no good liars. Louis made a fool of himself, Peter couldn't care less in his testimony, Ray cared more than anyone.
Egon couldn't even focus on what was being said, all he could hear was Genevieve's foot bob anxiously behind him. She hasn't been the same since Gozer. Sure, he was overjoyed to finally be in a romantic relationship with her, and she felt the same. But even that wasn't enough to stop the panic attacks, the nightmares, the anxiety that followed her every day. And he couldn't do much to help. He was stuck watching the love of his life morph into a shell of her former self, and it not only broke his heart, but it scared him beyond belief. Would she ever be that girl again? Or is this the new norm?
Below the city where the old Van Horn station used to be, a blood-red river of slime flowed directly below them. Churning and pulsating, fueled by the fear of every New Yorker, which nowadays, there seems to be a lot of. As the trial came to a close, the slime began to travel upwards, inching its way closer and closer to the surface, fueled by the fear and anxiety of the five Ghostbusters and the judge began to read the verdict.
"Peter Venkman, Raymond Stantz, Winston Zeddemore, Egon Spengler, stand up. Get up! You too, Mr. Tully. I find you guilty on all charges! I order you to pay fines in the amount of $25,000 each! I sentence you to eighteen months in the city correctional facility at Rikers Island! On a more personal note, let just me go on record as saying that there is no place for fakes, charlatans and tricksters like you in decent society! You prey upon the gullibility of innocent people!  And believe me, if my hands were not tied by the unalterable fetters of the law! And I would indulge in the tradition of our illustrious forbears reach back, to a purer, sterner justice, and have you burned at the stake!" The judge roars, fully rising from his seat with the last sentence.
As soon as the judge finished reading, or screaming, the verdict, the slime had finally penetrated the surface, slipping through a crack that lay directly beneath the judge. A loud explosion made the entire courtroom shake and a bright ray of light revealed two cackling ghosts, one tall and lanky, the other short and stout. Full-blown chaos broke out, people began screaming and ran out the doors, leaving only the Ghostbusters, Louis, the judge, and Walter Peck in the room.
The eight of them quickly ran for cover, trying to find a way out. The judge cried out to the Ghostbusters, "It's the Scoleri Brothers! I tried them for murder, gave them the chair! You gotta do something!"
"Why don't you tell them you don't believe in ghosts?" Egon quipped.
The ghosts cackled louder, chasing more people out the courtroom. The judge looked white as a ghost, shaking with fear, "You gotta do something, help me!"
"Don't talk to me, talk to my attorney." Ray said.
"And that's me! My guys are still under a judicial mistrangement order! That blue thing I got from her! They could be exposing themselves!" Louis said, waving documents in the judge's face.
"And you don't want us exposing ourselves!" Peter added, making Egon and Winston roll their eyes.
Walter Peck intervened, "Your honor, you can't actually be considering this."
As the judge, Peck, and the other Ghostbusters all argued with one another, Egon turned around to see Genevieve, shaking and holding onto herself tight. He approached her, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her close. She quickly grabbed onto him, holding on as tight as she could.
"I can't do this, Egon. I can't be a Ghostbuster." she said into his chest, a tear escaping her eye.
He held her close, stroking her auburn hair gently. "I'm afraid we don't have a choice, darling." He pulled her back so he could look at her in the eyes as he spoke. "We are the only ones who can stop things like this from happening. And you, Genevieve Stratford, are one of the bravest people I know. You have to take that fear and channel it into something deeper, something bigger than us, something that can light that fire in you and make you strong. Do you think you can do that for me?"
He saw the confliction in her eyes, but still, she nodded. "You're right, you're always right."
He smiled, "And I promise you, I won't let anyone, or anything hurt you, ever again, okay?"
She nodded again, "Okay, I trust you."
By the time Egon got a remnant of the old Genevieve back, Peck was being ushered away by the judge and the remaining Ghostbusters began walking towards their proton packs. They all suited up, groaning as they pulled the heavy proton packs over their backs.
"Oh… oh, I always hated this part of the business. You know, it's been a couple of years since we used this stuff. I hope it still works." Peter said, groaning as he adjusted the pack on his back.
"It should. The power cells have a half-life of five thousand years." Egon said, situating his and Genevieve's packs.
"Well, there's no time for a bench test! Heat em up!" Ray said excitedly.
Peter was the first to switch his on, a low musical hum ringing out. He smirked and sang, "Doe..."
Ray followed suit, smiling and joining in with a "Re..."
Egon followed, adding "Egon!". The others looked at him, but he just smirked, proud of his play on words.
The room began to vibrate with that familiar uneasy feeling whenever a ghost was present. Chairs soon began to fly up in the air, moving quickly towards the five Ghostbusters.
Ray quickly opens fire, the others following but they all miss. The Scoleri reveal themselves briefly then disappear. Thinking the job was already done, they slowly broke out into quiet chuckles and giggles. Peter got cocky and began to imitate the fat brother, but was caught off by the Scoleri joining in on the laughter, revealing themselves again.
Peter quickly fired and got a good grip on the fatter brother. "Come on big boy! Let's go! Let's go! I'm gonna take you home to my private zoo!"
"You got him! You got him! Spengie, bring out the trap!" Ray shouts excitedly.
The tall one, quickly flew behind Ray and Winston, catching Egon's attention as he grabbed the trap. "Behind you, Ray!"
Ray and Winston fired, catching it in a tight confinement stream. Genevieve ran towards Peter, seeing him struggle with the fatter brother. She fired and her proton stream wrapped around the waist of the ghost, dancing in harmony with Peter's confinement stream around the ghoul's legs. The two teams began to herd the ghosts towards where Egon was setting up the trap.
Before Egon activated the trap, both of the Scoleri brothers' heads turned to face Genevieve. In two deep and strangled voices they roared, "Join us, Genevieve."
Her eyes widened and she sceamed, "The trap, Egon!"
He quickly activated it, the portal blinding the five as the Scoleri Brothers got sucked into the trap.
The four boys laughed triumphantly, huddling around the trap. Genevieve was laughing too but was still trying to register what those ghosts just said to her. No ghost had ever spoken to her, let alone know her name. Egon held out his hand, and she accepted it, joining the huddle.
"Two in the box!" Ray began.
"Ready to go!" Peter and Winston chimed in.
"We be fast!" Egon and Genevieve added.
"And they be slow!" They all cheered.
They walked out of the courtroom, greeted by hundreds of reporters and onlookers. As Peter declared their victory, Genevieve stood back, trying to grapple the ghosts' message, "Join us." Egon looked over to her, giving her a reassuring smile. She returned it, smiling at the reporters and at Ray as he cheered triumphantly, but the Scoleri Brother's voices still echoed in her head.
"Join us, Genevieve."
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taffywabbit · 7 months
I generally agree with most of the things you post about, but that recent reblog just really rubs me the wrong way. I think I understand the frustration's the OP got, but I don't know, it sorta comes across to me as "I just WISH people would've came to this realization in THIS SPECIFIC WAY" which is just...unrealistic? I feel as though it's almost a slap in the face to Bushnell himself, who probably knew exactly why he had to do what he did. He knew a lot of people WOULDN'T pay attention unless someone like him did something. An unfortunate reality, but, one that seems to at the very least worked. It is sad that he had to do such a thing, but at the same time I don't think it's in the right place to blame such people for not coming to this realization beforehand. I feel these people are vindicated for having been able to be drawn to whats happening. HOW they were drawn in really shouldn't...matter? I think there are people far more worthy of criticism and scorn than those whose eyes were opened by something closer to home than our own. And I think it's extremely disrespectful to Bushnell's act to look at the reaction of it and complain that it served as a catalyst for some people when they should've been more aware from the get go. Should they have? Yes. Is it realistic to expect the vast majority of the North American populace to be that aware of whats going on? No. Sadly. It isn't. Which is exactly why Bushnell did what he did.
i didn't really take it that way, i read it more as merely regret that it took this long AND such a blatant, violent display of protest for the reality of the situation to finally reach a lot of people (particularly in light of how much western news media outlets have been trying to keep the specifics and severity out of the public eye). i looked at that post not as any sort of disrespect towards Bushnell's sacrifice, but rather a frustration with how numb people often are to seeing faceless numbers and statistics in connection with tragedies these days. most american/canadian/british/etc news media LOVES to focus on "main characters" - people you can easily put a name and face to and plaster all over the headlines for people to discuss - and until there's someone like that to latch onto, folks are conditioned to feel like it's none of their business and those big numbers are merely an ongoing fact they cannot change.
if Aaron Bushnell's public suicide was the tipping point for someone to take more active interest in the Palestinian struggle, and reconsider the distorted/suppressed information they may have been receiving about it, that's undeniably a positive outcome and it would be wrong to assert otherwise. that was the goal, that was what he set out to accomplish. the risk comes from overemphasizing him as an individual martyr in all of this, at the cost of pushing the direct victims of the genocide out of the spotlight. considering (as far as i'm aware) the OP of that post i reblogged IS Palestinian, has personally lost loved ones to Israel's violence, and has been a consistent and invaluable resource over the past few months for educating people about the context and history of Palestine's struggles, i'm inclined to try not to take their post about this in bad faith. it doesn't really feel like my place to police their tone, frankly.
ultimately i can't speak on OP's behalf and i also can't control whether other people take away the same things i did from that post. but my personal belief is that Aaron Bushnell's act was bold and selfless and it's deeply unfortunate that things have reached a point where he felt it was necessary. i just also believe that he didn't do it to make himself the center of attention. i have no doubt that his status as a white american military serviceman is a factor in why many people are finally taking this as a wake-up call when they ignored all the previous ones, but i also think he understood that himself to some extent, and used that position of privilege (as well as the shock factor of defying what many americans expect from a man wearing their flag on his shoulder) to help ensure the message was heard by demographics of people who otherwise might not listen. to treat his sacrifice as a singular unique act, rather than one in a chain of many, and to give it special attention and fanfare when that energy could instead be turned to those who are still in need of it, feels like it runs directly counter to his goals. i think we should acknowledge and appreciate Bushnell's effort to sway more people in Palestine's favor, but not let it derail the greater conversation too much for those of us who are already engaged in this cause and do not need further convincing. he used his position to reach people, and it's our job to continue the momentum and help make sure those people know what their newly altered perspective should lead them to do. mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living, as they say
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visibleclosedeyes · 2 years
Sevika Cyberpunk 2077 Solo AU
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Sevika hates this side of Night City, the NID that is—a district of lightness, strangely silent with an occasional steady hum of factories run by machines. With choices, she wouldn't set her feet anyway near Northside—unfortunately, this gig pays well and Sevika isn't a woman known to say no to some easy eddies. 
Kidnapped case, need solo for a rescue, Maelstrom as our culprit, no stealth required—sounds like free money to her. She pulls out her phone again, looking at your photos—the girl who she was supposed to rescue. Clean face, nice clothes, has some chrome in your body but very minimal and done rather tastefully. Hmm, looks like some corpo daughter, whose last name is Fischer. Probably running away from home, having fun, and being rebellious on Friday night, then the shit hits the fan and gangers go too far—Sevika thinks filling in the blank of the basic premise of what might happen. It might not be the case but who cares? The solo was only hired to retrieve the girl then delta with eddies. 
"So where should we chrome her up then? " 
"Remove her arms and chip her in with the one we got from that cyberpsycho bitch yesterday, that would be funny as fuck, " 
"Ugh, her 'ganic eyes' are so watery when they move. So fucking annoying, we should pluck it out first,"
"Hey, be careful with the brain this time. If you fuck it up and she went brain dead, it wouldn't be fun otherwise,"
You hear a digitized human voice that seems to come right out of second-grade metal synth vocal cords. It took you several minutes for you to realize it came from one of the female Maelstromer. They're chatting among themselves about where exactly in your organic body they should replace, which part should be the most fun—most painful for her. 
You slowly gain more consciousness, and the brain starts working again, taking all the sensory stimulation far from anything nice. Fuck, well—should have actually gone back home when things started getting rougher, should have listened to your friends who still had some in that chrome skull of hers. But that's just that—shoulda, coulda, woulda. Your fate here is sealed—daughter of the Fischer family, died at the age of 22, stuck with ugly scavenger-grade cyberware by Maelstromers lunatic. Oh, yeah—you can see the headlines now. Actually, you might not be discovered at all. Nah, there's no way, you're their sole heiress—you're important. So, whoever sent by your parents better be hurried then 'cause you're about to be ripped apart—literally speaking. 
" Sleeping beauty 'wakes," one of the gangers announces as she sees your eyes rolling frantically in desperation for an exit. Then you hear something—like the sound of something getting hit hard by a blunt object, the other 'borg fuckers immediately lost focus on her to focus on whatever is attacking them right now. You're praying, whoever that is will not consider you a target as well. 
You look from beyond your tired body on a ripper chair to see someone who appears to be a muscular and rather well-chrome individual, she is an edgerunner that's for sure. She dressed rather…plainly, just a simple shirt with leather pants and a jacket. Then it all happened in a span of a few seconds, the first ganger was dropped to the ground by the sheer force of the woman's fist into their guts. The other Maelstrommers come to their comrades' aid but the results are pretty much the same. Soon enough, no one was left standing against her anymore.
"You Fischer?"
"And you? A solo? Did my kins send you?"
"Yeah, and we should delta quickly. Before more will come, " the woman with a dark and the most handsome features you have ever seen on women extends her arm to you. You take it, take a mental note on how toned her organic arm is—although the other one seems to be just a regular prosthetic that was a few decades behind the current market. Damn, She was a really fucking good fighter then—underchrome but yet highly effective. Badass. 
I'm sorry this is really short and not of the best quality I could write. I have been struggling to even write anything for some time now and I feel like I have to get something out there for my own sanity.
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sleepy-shutin · 1 year
this dude is a non-professional who cites merely two papers and says that there's no way for him to write such that "liberals and leftists will listen [to him]", so i think it's pretty fair for me to say this guy is biased against people he doesn't like, especially teenagers with brightly colored hair, and wants to do anything he can to make himself feel like he's right about hating them.
don't get me wrong, there are valid criticisms to the way that tiktok handles mental health, but he's very clearly not going after the misinformation as much as he's going after the young people/liberals themselves for their political ideologies rather than advocating against the commodification and sensationalization of mental illness on the app itself.
see the way he goes with such a non-definitive headline of "DID probably isn't real". with a headline like that, it's pretty easy to imagine him very smugly, yet butthurtedly, talking and saying "yeah, well DID probably isn't even real so take that, liberals!" he's not even really confident in what he's saying. it's pretty obvious he just wants to own the liberal teenagers on tiktok.
toward the end of the article, he goes on a rant about how nobody is allowed to criticize (young) liberals because they'll just brush you off, and says that trigger warning policies are allowing college kids to skip any material they want to, and that taking a more positive and accepting approach to mental health is damaging young people somehow, and all of this shows that this isn't even as much about DID as much as it's about him trying to pwn the libs with an article that cites two papers and has an unsure headline. he's just looking for reasons to dislike what the wokes are doing next more than he's actually looking to have a reasonable discussion on whether DID is real or not.
overall, interesting read, but the guy has a stronger bias against liberals and tiktok teens than he does against DID existing. wouldn't recommend using this one as a source to argue your point.
there are plenty of papers out there arguing against the existence of DID or otherwise criticizing its existence that are written much better than this, and reading the back and forth between professional researchers is much more interesting, though it's been a while since i've done that myself.
if you've got anything stronger than this, i'll take a read through because it's fun, but overall this one wasn't very good, lol.
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causticsunshine · 1 year
Reading your tags, what happened with Andrew Cushin? (just woke up, totally confused catching up with the disaster, I’m so sorry for everyone affected!! How horrible, hope everyone is safe!!)
he deleted the original tweet, but i found a screencap:
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(btw the screencap is set to someone else's time; red rock's time zone is only an hour ahead of mine and he DID get to perform)
he has apologized in a few tweets since saying he wasn't aware of the severity of the situation and that's why he deleted the original tweet. but, even if he claims to have not known the severity of things, he was still aware it was hailing HUGE chunks of ice on fans who didn't have any cover over them, as well as the original weather warning that had fans and the show on standby... idk kind of seems like common sense to me that things may be a little more serious?
and seeing that headliner line, which i think is what really got people (myself included) going seeing as this tweet popped up when us non-attending fans were already getting updates about the turning weather from people actually at the show?
like sorry to say but my dude.... you wouldn't have gotten said opportunity to play at such an iconic venue if louis and his team hadn't extended the offer in the first place? it was also a HUGE thing for louis to play there and to, lighthearted or otherwise, make a comment that could easily read like 'rip to the guy who invited me out here, at least i got to play lol!' while fans who largely came for that guy are literally being pelted with ice and had next to no cover or aid to combat said ice storm—or sudden flooding!—and you're already at least kind of aware of the situation.... 😬
sure i think several factors including his timing and wording played him a bad hand here and while he very likely wasn't at all intending to be dismissive, callous, etc. of the overall situation, he was still kind of making light of things and doing so at the worst time possible, only to the come back later and say sorry for a 'little joke made before i understood the severity of things' as if he hadn't pointed out in his original tweet just how crazily it was hailing outside.... at an outdoor venue.... with fans in the stands... idk common sense my friend!
but anyways i hope everyone is alright and was able to receive any aid they needed, as well as get back home/to wherever they're staying safely! 💗
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Does anyone want a Chortle... a... does anyone... yeah, I'm not going to do a Chortle headlines roundup this week, looking at that mess of a front page. It appears that shit is going down on the front page of Chorte at the moment, and the more serious sides of that shit do not need another person who did not actually witness any events commenting on them, so I'm going to sidestep those and . I guess no one needs that. Fucking hell it looks like some things are fucked up, but I'm going to sidestep the serious ones and just post the more amusing gossipy type of the shit that is going down:
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The main thing I have to say about this and the related stories is: Did people not know that the Pythons all fucking hate each other? I thought we all understood that the Pythons hate each other, but we were all just refraining from saying so because they hadn't technically quite come right out and straight-up said it, and I guess you're not supposed to make assumptions about relationships of people you don't know, even if the conclusion of "They fucking hate each other and are barely disguising that for the media" seems fairly obvious. You know, like with Lee and Herring.
I remember watching one of the 18,000 Python documentaries when I was probably about 12 years old, so over twenty years ago, and being struck by how hard they all seemed to be trying to not say they fucking hated each other. All the talking heads were just various Pythons talking shit about various other Pythons, and throwing in the occasional "but of course, you get conflicts like that with so many big personalities trying to work together, we respect each other really" and not sounding like they meant the last bit at all. They sounded like they just threw it in for diplomacy's sake, because they wanted to be as honest as they could about how annoying they found the rest of them but didn't want the news headlines to be "Pythons fucking hate each other", so they threw in the thing about respect.
That's what I thought when I saw a documentary when I was about twelve. When I was about thirty, I read Monty Python Speaks, a book that was first published in 2004 and updated in 2019. It's an absolutely fascinating read, I highly recommend it to anyone who's interested in a history of Monty Python. The author did significant research, bringing in quotes from all the Pythons who were still around when it was first written (Cleese, Palin, the Terries), plus Graham Chapman's partner to give what he knew of that side of the story. Plus interviews with Carol Cleveland, and a bunch of people who managed the Pythons and otherwise worked with them, and it's a detailed story of all the years they worked together, plus the history of who came before/influenced them and how they came together, as well as what they did after splitting up. A very good book, and I learned a lot from it, but one of the things I learned is that the impression I had as a kid was right. All those guys sounded like guys who were asked how they felt about people they hated, and tried to give an answer that wouldn't cause a "Pythons all fucking hate each other" headline, so they didn't quite overtly stay that, but still got in lots of little digs.*
(*With the exception of Michael Palin and Terry Jones, who seemed to have a lovely friendship and I hope they were very happy together right up to the end. Also, by all accounts - and that book gave a lot of different accounts - the thing about Michael Palin being the nicest guy in a cutthroat world is true.)
Anyway, I sort of thought most fans made the same assumptions that I did, which is why I'm surprised to see some people treating it as news that the surviving ones are now feuding on Twitter like a bunch of teenagers. It would probably be good if they all just went away except Michael Palin could have a minor role in a new Armando Iannucci film every few years, that would be nice.
(Okay I do have one thing to say about the other more serious shit going down on the front page of Chortle, the shit that does not need anyone else weighing in on it if they didn't actually witness the event, it's that I've literally heard three different Jewish comedians in the past two weeks speak in support of Palestine, because there is nothing inherently Jewish about being anti-Palestine and therefore there is nothing inherently anti-Semitic about attacking someone for being anti-Palestine. And if you do equate "person with anti-Palestinian views" with "Jewish person", then maybe you're the one who's anti-Semitic. And that remains true regardless of what any one comedian might have done on any one night and whether it was right, which I don't know because I wasn't there. Okay I'm done now.)
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steveinscarlet · 2 years
I don't think I've ever seen this interview before? It's from a free paper called Soundcheck! in Nov 1983. Transcribed below because the layout is hard to read and the spelling is bad! Like misspelling both parts of Steve's name bad 🙄
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Talk about keen. After a gruelling ten-month trek of the States, followed by a short tour of Europe which precedes a pre- Christmas mini-tour of Britain (sheesh, it's tiring enough just typing about it!), Def Leppard guitarists Phil Collen and Steve 'Steamin' Clark have filled their precious few days of rest in between by doing a whole pile of interviews.
This includes yours truly, SOUNDCHECK! staff reporter Pete Makowski. This year saw the massive US success of the group's third and greatest album Pyromania, which has established them as Superstars in America, where audiences scream and general hysteria is the norm at one of the group's stadium-size performances.
Phil Collen is the band's newest member and fits in comfortably with the Leppard sound. He also works very well with Clark. In fact, their musical tie has developed into a solid bond of friendship and they seem to spend all their working hours together.
Both firmly believe in maintaining the axe image and hopefully after the release of their next album will show audiences all over the world that solos do not have to be long, boring and monotonous. They have an idea they feel will revolutionise the concept of guitar playing.
As expected, they were tight-lipped about this new baby but otherwise proved very open and entertaining as a team in the interview that follows......
PM: The tour has been promoted partly by Why Bother Ltd, which is your company (one of them, that is). Has that moniker got anything to do with your feelings about touring this country? 
PC: Yes. 'Cause when we tour over here, we always lose money. 
SC: Yeah, the title of the company speaks for itself.
PC: If you're touring somewhere, and you're losing money, why bother doing it?
PM: Will you ever concentrate your energies on crackin' it over here?
SC: We obviously are! We wouldn't be doing a tour here after 10 months of playing America, would we? It's still a bit steep though, because now it's not Phonogram anymore who are backing us for these ventures; we're actually forking out our own money, as we've cleared our debt with Phonogram.
PM: What could you credit for the mammoth success of the last US tour?
SC: Lots of different things, you know we don't look like we're one of the Metallica bands. In fact, we made a conscious effort of not trying to look like that. We just tried to look normal and it seemed to work. Mums ain't scared to send their kids to our shows, where they'd probably have second thoughts about an Iron Maiden tour or Judas Priest, something like that, thinking their daughters would get raped or something. 
PM: Why do you think groups like Quiet Riot have recently enjoyed mega mammoth success?
SC: Because we opened it up a bit; I don’t think it's just because of that. We've definitely opened the gate for other rock bands and they all seem to be doing quite well again. You know how it goes.
PM: Do you still enjoy touring the States? 
SC: Yeah, when we come back and toured Europe, mainly because of the weather. Everyone immediately got 'flu. America was good and we had a good summer on our side. The tour got bigger and bigger, we started off thinking 'are we big enough to headline?' We have a top ten album and we were supporting Billy Squier. Then we got bigger and bigger and half-way through the tour we had to play two nights in some places; the further we went on the bigger the band became. 
PM: Did you make a conscious effort to pace yourself on this, because I recall the last two times you played there everyone got worn out halfway through? 
PC: We done alright. Actually, I was surprised.
SC: The big difference was that we headlined everywhere. This was the first time we'd headlined everywhere.
PM: Has it made that much difference? On your previous marathon treks it seems it really took its toll, physically speaking?
SC: It's probably because you weren't there (laughs). Keep Makowski out the way and you'll be alright!
PC: I remember our manager, Peter Mensch, saying: 'I realise Phil that this is your first American tour but Makowski won't be here so you'll be alright'. 
PM: Was Pete Willis (Leppard's former guitarist) missed? I mean, what difference has his absence made to the group? 
PC: Well it's the difference between half a million and six million.
SC: Pete had more of a cult following. 
PC: I got some iffy fan mail, didn't I. Things like, 'you should be dead'. I got some fierce ones.
SC: When people saw the videos it helped to advertise the fact that Pete had gone and now Phil is with us. So kids, when they think of Def Leppard now, they think of Phil Collen as being an established part of the band.
PM: Your last album Pyromania was a mega mammoth success; have you started thinking about having to follow this up?
PC: We haven't really thought about it. We've got some ideas. A lot of bands do that, they think right: 'the last album was successful, this is what we should do to follow’. We haven't done that.
I mean, we may even do a keyboard album, as an example. I very much doubt that that's gonna happen. It's all down to how we feel at the time, really.
PM: How have things worked out between you two, because after America you should know each other pretty well by now and ironed out any problems that needed to be dealt with. 
SC:I think we were worried about things at first, but I think that Phil's better and all the numbers sound much better than they ever could have with Pete. We're best mates now. 
PM: That was quite a crucial change in personnel for the band.
SC: Yeah, and we were worried regarding how it would work out, because you don't really know what you need until you experience the change. When you've worked with someone for three years, initially things will be a bit strange; but as it's happened, things have worked out better than we'd ever expected. 
PM: Is it still necessary to keep touring the States?
PC: I just think it's important to play where people appreciate you; you know for a fact that you lose money in England and you have to draw the line somewhere. As it happens, we made a bit of money in the States and it becomes very apparent that in other places we lose money when we go on the road. Hand over fist you have to fork out cash from your own wages.
PM: You've been getting a lot of teenybop- type fan hysteria in the States. How do you feel about that?
PC: It's great fun. Just take it with a pinch of salt. When it first started happening we just looked at each other and burst into hysterics thinking 'are you sure?'. It is a bit weird and we didn't accept it as the norm. We just thought this is a fluke, take it with a pinch of salt; it just kept on getting worse or better, whichever way you look at it. 
What helps though is the attitude of the band. There's no ego problems here, which is what always screws other groups up. People start getting really weird. We're in a good position in as much as we're a younger and newer band and you can see all that crap going on while bands like AC/DC are getting on.
SC: When we're their age we'll have seen all the bad sides and have experienced all the problems when we were a lot younger. So it's taught us a lesson. So when we're their age we'll know what to do and what not to do.
PM: You do have a very strong band image.
PC: Yeah, it's not run by one person. The only way that you're gonna make good is if you all stick together and you all pull together.
PM: Have any of you got individual aspirations?
PC: Only within the band really me and him. Personally, there's some guitar things that we wanna do, but we can do them within the band. It works out great.
PM: Will the next album take as long to put together as Pyromania, which was 14 months in the making? 
PC: It may do.
SC: We're not jumping on the Pyromania bandwagon: ‘oh, we want a hit album, let's bung out another one quick'. We're not going for a formula and trying to make forthcoming products sound like Pyromania because after a couple of albums we'd be finished. We're gonna take our time, do another album, which will retain our quality, and if it doesn't sell as well then tough shit! At least we'd know that what we did we wanted. But we're confident that it will do well anyway.
PC: Pyromania will be a hard one to follow up, but we ain't even thinking about that at the moment. We've got our own ideas and we're just going to do them. If no one likes them then bollocks!
PM: How about recording a live album? 
SC: We have no plans for a live album.
PC: That usually comes at the end of a band's career or record contract; when they peak. Live albums are basically bullshit time. We haven't really got enough material to do one.
PM: You seem to separate yourself from the whole Heavy Metal bandwagon. Is that a conscious move?
PC: Well, it doesn't really bother us if we're associated with it. I don't really think that we're like the rest of them. We don't wear all that stupid regalia; we don't get all the studs and leather on, 'cause that's really false isn't it? I mean, could you seriously look me in the face if we was to like stick all the gear on?
SC: We've never tried to dress like that and it used to worry us. But we don't care anymore.
PC: The way we look at things is that we fill a great big gaping gap between bands like Journey and Foreigner and bands like AC/DC and Iron Maiden; we're right in the middle. 
SC: We're almost like a Zeppelin or Queen -right in the middle! Well, that's what the press in America compare us to. We never said anything. We'd like people to take us for what we are... 
And the beat goes on.
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serpent-of-hope · 2 years
I'm still thinking about Andor (fantastic show), and specifically about the cruelty and cynicism of Luthen's efforts and his willingness to sacrifice other's lives and livelihoods as fodder for horror and spectacle, as his own hands cup the Empire's to squeeze the chokehold on the populace ever tighter.
And it got me thinking about Eve Sedgwick's brilliant essay on Paranoid Reading and Reparative Reading, specifically this quote: "Only the exclusiveness of paranoia's faith in demystifying exposure: only its cruel and contemptuous assumption that the one thing lacking for global revolution, explosion of gender roles, or whatever, is people's (that is, other people's) having the painful effects of their oppression, poverty, or deludedness sufficiently exacerbated to make the pain conscious (as if otherwise it wouldn't have been) and intolerable (as if intolerable situations were famous for generating excellent solutions)."
We live in a world saturated by violence. Each new exposure of oppression, each new headline of structural and sensational violence has, in many ways, ceased to affect change. But it is that self same paranoia, that belief that if only everyone would listen to you as you draw back the curtain - then truth would be known and set to rights, that drives Luthen through much of Andor. And it's deeply sad to watch.
The people of Ferrix, of Narkina 5, of the Empire, are largely not ignorant of their own oppression and suffering. What they lack are solutions, direction, a plan for what to do about it. That's why Maarva's speech from the grave is so immediately answered. And that's what makes Cassian so thoroughly Luthen's foil- the directive to "Climb."
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28whitepeonies · 2 years
Hi bea
Hope you're doing well. Do you have a ranking of all tracks for fitf yet? I am curious to know, if you are comfortable sharing of course. :)
Hello anon
Indeed I do, and if you don't mind I'll commentate my ranking choices because I haven't ever been succinct!
Silver tongues - I think this is potentially my favourite song he's made ever. I think that live experience really comes through on the very best songs
Written all over your face - a very, very close second. I live for the kind of snarky lyrics and early Arctic Monkeys vibe
That's the way love goes - I think this was done a bit dirty by the songs preceding it, I bought the 2 vinyl deluxe and I can only assume it was a deliberate choice to have D side with four quite slow, ballad-y songs but I think it didn't do this justice. Anyway, I love it, it is very reminiscent of the streets to me and I spent a while listening to nothing but a grand don't come for free as a teenager.
Chicago - won't hear any slander, it's a banger to belt out in the car, in the lift, in the shower, literally anywhere
Lucky again - Okay was interested in the changes between the leaked version and this, this version defo fits the album a lot better and the lyrics give me all the feels
Out of my system - wasn't my fave as a single but hearing it on the album I enjoy it more. It's short and punchy and I think the drumbeat will slap live!
The greatest - Great opener, not my fave but think it will be banging for live shows and does a pretty good job at setting the tone of the album.
She is beauty we are world class - the chorus reminds me a lot of The Killers - 'are we one or are we two/are we me or are we you'/'are we human or are we dancer'. It got a lot more interesting after the toilet story because I enjoy how very silly and British that feels, so it has moved up about 5 places as a result.
Holding on to heartache - I think if it was a tiny bit faster or louder I'd bump it up a few spots. Lyrically it's pretty great, the whole 'you say I wear it like a crown' it's just a bit slow and in my humble opinion had it been placed elsewhere on the tracklist I might have been more generous.
All this time - When it comes on I enjoy it, but I am liable to forget it exists otherwise so it gets a mid spot
Face the music - I want to love it for the line 'I don't wanna face the music but I still wanna dance with you' but it feels a wee bit cliche for me personally
Common people - How do you name a song after the banger that is that brit-pop classic and then release what is a lyrically great song but imo just way too slow? I think it could have punched you in the guts but it's more of a wet slap.
Saturdays - Every time I see the title I think of Sam Fender's song Saturday, and they share some similar themes - 'if Saturday don't come soon I'm gonna lose my mind/we used to say Saturdays take the pain away' and I wouldn't be surprised to hear that was part of the influence, it's just that I like Sam's song more.
Headline - We obv got the lyrics way ahead of the songs release and I expected this to go hard and be like noisy, which is obviously a me problem, but it didn't live up to expectations for me. It's fine, I love the way he sounds when he sings the second verse it's just not one I'll play on repeat
Angels fly - I think it's fine, I just don't connect to it a lot
Bigger than me - sorry but I think it's really boring, it's the only song I sometimes skip and in response pls enjoy my favourite scene from Gavin & Stacey
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Two things to add overall
First is that I am of course a hater and more likely to comment on stuff I don't like than the opposite so I wanna be really really clear that I do actually really really like this album. There are a couple of things I think will change by LT3 and I am very very excited for tour and for what comes next.
Second, I am really excited to hear the live arrangements and wonder if he'll make any changes - one of my fave songs is Regretamine by Louis Dunford and on it's initial release it was a proper slow one but he really amped it up for live shows and it slaps so much more. Louis can perform his songs however he wishes to, but I am looking forward to hearing his set live because I think it is clear he has really crafted them with that in mind x
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fanconianaemia · 2 years
The simplest way Online News Assistance Can Increase Internet business
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Everybody is always interested in innovative ways to boost their business, to enhance the amount of traffic to the websites and other tips their name, their own brands, services and products to your consumers that will use these individuals. One of the latest excitement applications in the Network marketing sector is Internet News Submission.
Just what it basically is usually, is a company designed to take your organizations details, list of assistance, products, what you complete, how you do it together with where you are. Then they jazz your information up; distribute it through to that PR department, certainly where an clever writer invests together a out of this world, but informative news release about your company. Car approved the pr release, they go live and additionally upload it on the web, through countless internet portals in addition to online news products and services all over the world and automatically your product offers reached millions the idea wouldn't have been ın a position to otherwise.
Not only accomplish the companies prepare your entire press release, part of ones own package is On line News Distribution, which means without you difficult search for platforms around where to release ones news article, section of their service is actually that they do all the for you. They have already a well coupled data base associated with outlets and some sort of unprecedented ability to get to a diverse sphere of journalists, blog owners, online news tools, potential customers and customers.
It doesn't matter if you have for no reason written a report or news posting before, you don't have to travel and learn how to make it happen, or employ a copywriter or journalist as such, an Online Press Service Company will do so much for you. It will be just like employing an entire PAGE RANK company to take on ones own media and press coverage without having to hurt your pocket book,
Social media, express press coverage, SEO articles and national along with international press are platforms and vital that a unique assistance like this will release your company, services together with brand from. Simply by reaching the right families in the right significant your brand could headline and get through to the best people, people that need to know.
Many industries, sectors and additionally professions can gain from this kind of publicity. Independent business and sole house owners will be able to target readers around the world, with the establish of a few organizing press releases that will accomplish a niche target market. Consider how we search for organizations, companies and solutions today. Do people haul out a site directory; look all of them up in our native telephone directory? Zero, we search for these online, using an array of search engines to get a a number of sources.
Once we get made a short set of our preferences everyone then search social media marketing and social media community forums to get the good, this bad and the disgusting references and thoughts from consumers that need tried and got and let the earth know what it is them to thought. Doesn't that make sense then to employ an online thing submission type business that will take care of the necessary PR needs, thereafter strategically place your data in the right palms using online info distribution methods? Could you actually afford to not ever?
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hirayths-blog · 3 years
Tokyo Revengers: Supposed to protect her
• She swore to support him as long as she could, she just didn't think that it'd break her by the end
• Mikey x f!reader
TW: rape, non-con, trauma, slurs, heavy angst
Part one ; Part two
Chifuyu x Reader
Reader / Y/N is called Ray
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It wasn't a surprise to Mikey's friends and family when he got himself a girlfriend a little more mature and older than him.
Sure, as the invincible Mikey and the leader of Tokyo's largest gang he has to be tough and strong, but at the end of the day he's also a 15year old boy who likes flags on his kids meals and needs someone he can depend on. And Ray knew that.
"A bigger flag just for our favorite customer, sir Mikey!~" With exaggerated Hand movements, she put the plate down while her boyfriend's face light up when she put one big premium flag on top of it.
"You're the best, Ray!" Mikey grinned, quickly digging into his food while Draken let out a sigh, turning to the barely two years older woman beside him with a frown.
Draken never expected his best pal to make the fucking barista his woman.
"Stop spoiling him, he'll get used to it otherwise." Draken warned.
"Says the guy who carries him around whenever he falls asleep and has his own sets of flags on him like drugs. You're worse than me, Darken, so sit down." She smiled down at the taller boy and before he could continue, Mikey hugged her around the waist pulling her towards him, crumbs still on his cheeks.
"You're food is always the best, Ray!"
"Now now, I'm still at work." She chuckled, softly wiping his face with a napkin while Draken just stared at his best friend give in to her without shame.
"I may be worse, but you have a bigger affect on him." He whispered under his breath, too quiet for the love birds to hear.
Mikey'd always act so immature around her.
No-one forgot the time when Mikey came to a gang fight saying he had places to be, only to finish in 30 minutes, to go try the new menu in his girlfriend's store.
They fought a lot over the smallest of inconveniences and often almost broke up too. He worried she wouldn't be able to protect herself and she worried about all the things he gets himself into.
They promised to protect eachother in their own way, especially Mikey.
"I'll protect you, that's a promise." Mikey declared, while munching on his free kids menu. His significant other washed the dishes in the store while the sun already began going down, with only the two of them there.
He'd always wait and eat while she cleaned at the end of the day, just so that he could walk her home.
Draken would sometimes tag along and tell Ray she should scold him for making her wash more dishes, but the young woman really didn't mind.
"Yeah, yeah..." She smiled, drying off her hands and walking towards the blond who now looked offended.
"You're not taking me serious! I'll have you know I'm really stro–" a kiss was planted on his cheeks as he froze. Looking up at her, he saw her lovingly look down at him while holding his face, slightly squishing his cheeks.
He knew that look.
"Thank you." She smiled, calming him down on the spot.
Turning a little red, he looked away, still frowning slightly. "You still don't believe me." He whispered under his breath, not wanting for her to hear and stop showering him with love.
He loved her. She loved him.
And that's exactly why the headlines were big for enemy gangs: The invincible Mikey, leader of Toman, has a lover.
So, what other way to attack Mikey, but to go for the people he loves?
Mikeys mates are all strong guys, his sister is always with him or his vice-captain so all that leaves is his girlfriend or his grampa.
And preferably, they'd love to have some fun with his girl.
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Upon hearing the bell over the door ring, Ray quickly walked out from the back of the shop, quickly tying her apron back on as she put on a small smile: "Good evening! I'm sorry but the shop has already–"
"Damn, she's a looker, how old's she again?" The first guy asked as a group of men walked into the shop behind him, it being way past opening time. Everyone looked around and deliberately ignored the closed sign while the door closed behind them.
He obnoxiously leaned towards her with his hands still in his pocket, not even hiding how he was checking her out.
"16? 17? I guess Mikey likes em' wrinkly, huh?"
"C'mon, older women are hotter man, just look at her curves." Ray subconsciously covered herself and leaned back. One of the guys snickered. "Point taken."
Another one wasn't even paying attention to her looked around the shop, excitedly sliding his hand along the wall and letting several of the pictures fall to the ground and shatter.
"Hey! What're you–" the second she stepped away from the counter, one of the guys hit the wall beside her, stopping her in her tracks and making her flinch.
It was already late, so Ray naturally thought Mikey should have come, but she certainly didn't expect seeing guys older than her, walking in like they owned the place.
The sun was starting to go down by now too, so the fact less people were walking around made Ray even more concerned.
"U-um... could you... please leave?" Ray looked away and took a step back, feeling rather intimidated with how many of them there were. She held her hand over her now fast beating heart, desperately hoping the men before her were just Mikeys friends, but she knew better.
Sure, she should be a little more polite, but if this has to do something with Mikey, since they mentioned his name when storming in, than she knew this was much too dangerous.
Leaning forward, the next guy rested his elbows on the counter while giving her dirty looks. "Is that how you treat customers here?" He grinned "I guess I gotta leave a bad customer review behind."
"I'm sorry, but we're way past closing time and–"
"Yeah yeah, is someone in the back?" Their leader interrupted not even looking at her, while one of them was now starting to walk behind the counter.
It was now or never.
Gathering all of her courage, she bumped against his shoulders, sprinting as fast as she could past him and out the back door, but those Ideas were cut short when a third guy ambushed her from the side, pulling her along with him while covering her face as his back hit the wall.
She struggled under his grip as he held both her wrists, making breathing difficult for her.
"Got ya. Ya really thought you had a chance, huh??" He mocked while chuckling, watching her desperately stomp on his feet in any attempt to free herself but fatigue overcame her rather quick as her kicks got weaker. She barely even reached up to his shoulder so it was amusing to watch for everyone present.
"Don't start yet, I see a couch in the far back, let's go there." Their boss walked ahead not even giving her a glance as he pulled out a cigarette.
The boy pulled her along with ease to a room the workers normally rested on their breaks. When finally able to somehow open her mouth she bit the hand on her mouth with full strength.
As soon as the guy let loose with a cry of his own, Ray glared up at their boss before speaking up.
"I don't know what you're trying to do here, but you're going too far and I can sue you for this." They didn't even answer her, only for her to be roughly thrown on the sofa as she let out a yelp.
"Heard that guys?" Their boss snickered as his underlings quickly went in to hold her down, this time not letting her bite him as the two pinned her down by her hands and feet. "She's gonna sue us."
The back-door was right beside the sofa, yet so far away.
The young woman didn't know what they were after. Whether they wanted to get information from her, beat her up because they wanted to mess with Toman or just for the thrill of it.
She knew from the beginning that getting together with a gang leader, even if he was a nice kid, would someday bite her in the ass. She just didn't expect it like this.
Ray anxiously watched their boss walk over her, taking out his cigarette as he puffed out the smoke at her face. She whipped her head to the side in disgust as the man took this opportunity to suddenly put his cigarette out on her neck, making her yelp and squirm in pain.
Quickly grabbing her face, he turned her back, squishing her cheeks as he glared down at her. His underling let go of her as she instinctively tried to pry off his hand and kick him to no avail.
"The name's Nobutaka Osanai." He spoke, smiling down at her before spitting at her face, watching her strungle to get away from him.
"The camera's ready." One spoke up. Turning his head to him, Osanai looked at the phone laying on the table before he pulled Ray up by the arm making her sit.
"Now, just for the record, we–" he was interrupted by a harsh slap on the face as his members held their breath, the phone still recording.
With tears in her eyes and shaking hands, she glared up at him as he still held her left arm in his grip. "What on earth did your parents teach you?" She knew she shouldn't provoke him, that it could cause someone like him to lose it, but the words slipped out before she knew it as her voice broke. "How weak must you feel in that little gang of yours to go for someone obviously even weaker?"
Osanai looked at her for a second, feeling his cheek burn as his mates stared in contempt. "You know..." He continued, gripping her arm much tighter before giving her a much harsher slap with his free hand, making her fall right back on the sofa without a sound. "...here I was, about to tell you how we're actually after Mikey, but honestly woman..." After seeing her eyes, and how she looked down on him, Osanai forgot all about it. "...you had it coming."
"Boss, want us to–"
Turning her to the camera in one swift move, he sat down behind her and ripped her apron and shirt off in mere seconds.
The girl felt a shiver go down her spine, unable to do anything as her upper-body got exposed to the camera and got hit by the cold air of the room.
"Stop!" she desperately tried pushing him away to no avail. His hands crept further up her body, groping her boobs and pinching them roughly.
The rest of the guys just chuckled, some sitting down to fist their own cocks. Every single one grinned as the young woman whimperd under the grip.
"Don't touch me!! Mi–" she stopped mid sentence when she felt a wet tongue slide up her already shivering shoulder and a hand between her legs.
She tried scratching him but he just gabbed both her wrists and bound them behind her, forcing her to turn to him as he kissed her.
She was on full display for both the camera and every man in the room now.
"S-Stop..." She held back her tears, not wanting to cry, but the lump in her throat wasn't doing her any justice.
Ray silently cried, turning her face away from the camera. All the young woman could do was take it and wait for it to end.
"I'm sure the invisible Mikey will love to see this." one of the extras grinned, before he came right on her, his cum all over her body.
They wanted to send it to Mikey, to show how much superior they were, compared to his kiddie-gang.
"Fuck dude, how fast did you come?"
"Shut up man, her tits look decent, 'kay? I mean, look at 'em jiggle."
"Decent? I personally like her tears more."
"You sick bastard hahaha!"
It was just too much for her. She let out a small cry, tears streaming down her face.
"C'mon lady..." Another one spoke, coming all over her hair and face as she let out another sob, Osanai getting off just from her misery. "...why don't you just give in? You could have had some fun too instead of whimpering and moaning, if you hadn't hit our boss."
"You're 17, right?" Another one grabbed her by the chin, turning her to him, her tears staining his fingers. "You're our age so why would you get with a kid like Mikey?"
"Our dicks can at least make you feel good, so stop acting like you don't enjoy it." Another one joked, followed with his buddies laughing.
"Unless you're into small dicks or sum' "
"Haha, right? Probably into small guys too as it seems..."
"Let's take it further." Osanai grinned, unbuckling his pants, his mates getting excited.
She tried getting out of his grip one last time, only to be thrown on the couch with him hovering over her as she tried hiding her face under the sheets.
"P-please..." She begged between sobs, trying one last time, hands on his chest in a poor attempt to push him away. "...I... I won't tell anyone... so please stop..."
Osanai didn't even bother answering to that as he continued, enjoying how she begged to be let go. It fueled his ego as he started pushing into her, watching her painfully take him between cries and sobs.
Meanwhile, Mikey was confused by now why his girlfriend wasn't answering her phone.
For once he was the one complaining that she wouldn't pick up the phone and that it's late. "Hey Ray! You around?" Mikey came in through the front door, surprised how she left the door open and not seeing her running around to close the shop, which she should have done an hour ago.
When seeing the completely empty shop from the front, Mikey figured this may have been her very first slip up.
Smiling to himself lightly, he got his phone out, intending to tease her that she forgot both him and her shop.
This was her first time standing him up so Mikey wasn't too angry at her, not to mention he had a spare key for the shop so he could just close the shop for her.
He figured she may have been so tired she went home, but Mikeys eyes instead landed on the several broken glass picture's on the ground, making him raise an eyebrow.
He walked towards it with his phone to his ear as his eyes then landed on the small dent in the wall, obviously made not too long ago. When hearing his girlfriends phone ring in the back of the shop loudly, Mikey stopped in his tracks.
If Mikey knew one thing for certain, it's that his girl probably loved her phone more than him and wouldn't just forget it.
Afterall, it's always in her back pocket or her hands.
Feeling a shiver go down his back, Mikey first slowly walked towards the sound of her phone, over the glass and eventually running to the back of the shop.
Aside from all the mashines, he began to hear other voices as he made his way towards the back.
"He's calling the 5th time in a now, does this kid not have a life?" One of the guys picked up her phone, his trousers slagging off as he pulled it up by one hand, the other hand holding a cute phone.
Taking a step back while trying to pull his pants up, he bumped into Mikey. "Ah, sorry man-" his eyes wandered down to Mikey as he quickly took a few steps back to compose himself, giving the blond full view of the room.
"Dude, did you just get scared of a kid?"
"He came out of nowhere, dammit!"
"Yooo, the invincible Mikey!"
5 guys from Moebius, all of them getting their pants on and in the middle there is his girlfriend, laying on the sofa, naked and covered in cum and tears.
"Mikey..." She hiccuped, feeling like crying yet again, desperately trying to cover herself with her ripped shirt.
"C'mon Mikey, you're late." Osanai chuckled, grabbing Ray by a chunk of hair and pulling her close as she whimpered. "She had a lotta' fun with us."
Normally, Mikey would have asked her to look away, since she doesn't like violence, but with the state he saw her in, the boy moved before even thinking.
"Fuck off kid, we've already had our way with yer' bitc–"
Mikey didn't let him him end his sentence as he kicked him right in the head, watching him fly to the floor, knocked out cold right then and there.
Before any of them could jump him or even react at this point, Mikey was pounding down on every single one of them.
"How's he so fast?!"
"It's just a kid, move, I-"
The whole room was in shambles.
They were all laying on the floor, bloody, beaten with several broken bones in mere seconds.
All of the 5 guys laying motionless on the floor in their own blood, table broken, couch upside down while the phone continued recording the ceiling and the sounds of repeated punching.
Sitting on their leader was Mikey, punching him repeatedly, letting further blood colour the floor. Not an ounce of remorse could be seen in his eyes as Osanai was long out of it under him.
"Mikey..." Ray spoke, but was tuned out by him as he kept punching him, not even noticing her calling out.
"Mikey." She said again, slowly making her way towards him in pain as he still hadn't heard her. It was getting really dark by now.
"Mikey!" She cried out, voice cracking as she let the ripped shirt fall to the floor. Her feet and knees landed on the broken glass on the ground as she grabbed the back of his shirt and hugged him from behind.
The second he heard her voice and felt her embrace, Mikey finally stopped.
"Y-You'll kill him Mikey, please stop..." She trembled behind him. Her usual cheery voice sounding hoarse and barely coming out from crying and pleading before.
"D-Don't." she interrupted, scarred he'll continue. "You'll go to jail if you do, s-so please Mikey..." She sobbed, burying her face in his shoulder and grabbing him by the front of his shirt. "...please just take me home... I-I... I wanna go home Mikey..."
Mikey stayed silent, feeling his heart ache when listing to her voice break and her continued sobs, begging for him. Usually, it was always Mikey who got comforted, so seeing her break for the very first time and because of him at that, completely broke the blonds heart.
Mikey felt his chest tighten as he felt his heart ache.
"I'm... sorry..." He apologized, head down while still sitting on Osanai who had long stopped breathing and his girl crying while hugging him. "...I'm sorry I broke my promise..."
And with those words, the phone went out of battery and stopped recording.
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 3 years
Because it seems to need clarifying;
"Lewis wasn't there, why wasn't he there?, how disrespectful!!"
Lewis would've been there but his flight got delayed which is out of anybody's control. Regardless, he's been more than open about his support for Ukraine, missing this doesn't erase that.
"FIA did this deliberately -"
It was the Grand Prix Drivers' Association who organized it (so primarily Seb and George), not FIA. It's likely that they scheduled it for today so that it wouldn't be overshadowed by whatever drama and headlines that will crop up during testing (especially as dts is being released too so a lot of journalists will be extra blood thirsty for a sensational story based on the "new" so-called drama from the show which will draw a lot of the attention from the actual issues). You can't predict a plane getting delayed, Lewis was by and large going to be there otherwise.
"Why didn't they reschedule it?"
We don't know that they didn't try, they might've discussed it with the drivers and majority voted to stick with today or they might've talked with Lewis himself and decided with him to continue as planned even if there was no way he'd make it in time. They also might not have had enough time to reschedule (again can't predict or control a plane being delayed and there's little anyone can do after the fact) or they might not have another time free/available to do it with the majority of the grid before testing ends (every driver has a packed schedule and they're all coming and going at different hours, so getting almost all 19 - now officially 20 again with Kevin Magnussen rejoining the grid - schedules to line up is no easy feat).
Finally, finding ways to support Ukraine and to help the people of Ukraine is what matters the most right now.
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