#it’s … sommmething
fideidefenswhore · 9 months
Every single JS novel follows the same blueprint of Jane being appalled and horrified at Thomas More’s execution in 1535, she cannot believe evil skanky AB ~made~ Henry do this…. and then by May 1536 she’s always chilling in Chelsea (More’s house which was seized by the crown) like… tehe.
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batshikns · 4 months
gonnnnna redo my pinned artttt to sommmething
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trolloled · 2 years
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/\/You know what worst part of this design is? Not how expensive it is, not how commmplex it’s going to be, not how I won’t live to see its commmpletion.
/\/It’s the fact I also have to design this stupid thing to be capable of self-mmmaintenance, at least as mmmuch as possible.
/\/The skin should be able to regrow, but if sommmething mmmetal breaks? That’s going to require opening the thing up.
/\/Ugh. I guess I’ll add ‘upload schemmmatics to on-board mmmemmmory unit’ and ‘include stand-by mmmode for repairs’ on top of ‘add access ports for mmmaintenance needs’ to the fucking plan & bill.
/\/People always think ‘oh wow robots are cool’ but they don’t fucking remmmemmmber everything falls apart eventually. People don’t appreciate how their body rebuilds itself frommm fuck all each night.
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lilitophidian · 6 months
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Gonna get some replies out on here, then randomly send stuff on Alastra lmk if you want sommmething.
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focusfightwin · 4 years
woke up a mess of bangawraith feelings so that’s what we’re workin on rn fellas 
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I’ve been exercising a lot more which is good but god exercising is so fucking boring 😭 like I wish I was into uppers or sommmething how do people do this for hours a day it’s so dull
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macklives · 5 years
session 75 end
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NICE cool, another fucking CG and john convo. 
excited but CG talks a lot. because hes just in a constant ranting mood who so happens to be angry at the world rather than at a certain individual. i can sense why people do like him, and im coming to terms with the fact that i too, may think that way despite this constant denial of me saying CG sucks bc hes mean.
so sassacre died because baby grandpa had guns and shot him and thats that, thats homestuck. thats the only thing ill say bc shit be damned. 
i find it weird to refer to him as baby grandpa. can i name him smth?
patrick harley?
but to keep the pattern of the kids, maybe just patr...or patk.... tric... rick RICK RICK!!!
HIS NAME IS RICK short for patrick okay good got that sorted out now, hello rick harley
jk.. haha.. unless?
anyways, diamonds is the reason for the games being brought to jade. not SSUUURE entirely what his plan is considering he shouldnt know about jade... but if hes following jack’s orders now, does this mean jack is trying to make the kids play the game? he knows about them? potentially??? so sommmething specific will happen? a little plan? ill keep my good right eye on that fella 
aaand AR has learned the secrets of nanna and grandpa which should probably have been useful for john but no, AR holds this secret now. he’s in on the ectobiology shit. he is the one to piece everything together and i believe in him. just now wondering if we’re.. gonna clone bec from halley??? maybe DD will use the code of rose’s book to “restore the animals” or smth, right? so will that be used??? IDK MAN im sensing thats probably gonna happen based on the previous clonings. 
mmh and then CG explained the whole kid schtick on ectobiology and that convo was the funniest thing ive ever had to read
jesus fuck
point of THAT convo was CG stating that the kids were on those meteors similarly to superman bc he’s their daddy
how did they survive? WHO FUCKING KNOWS magic its magic okay they survived but like chill right
did the guardians expect the kids then??? considering how bro had those small mini shades with him similarly to his own??? still confused as to where the fuck he got them and knew it was time to bring those mini shades as if he was expecting this. legit he said “oh no my fav record store got destroyed, a meteor u say? mh. convenient. a child is on that meteor? i wont think anything of it. i have mini shades just for this occasion. good thing i went by that local weeb store and bought my new son/brother tiny gurren lagann shades, just like mine. oh what a family we will be. nice that my puppet porn industry is doing pretty well so i can get enough finances to procure NO necessities for this child of mine, haha”
bro strider is confusing
that was fun, ttyl
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evilhorse · 5 years
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Sommmething beaaauutifull.
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godkilller · 7 years
@simpletool  |  continued.
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          ❝ I do wonder what that irritation’s at, then, ❞ the snake replied in a casual air, kansai-ben flowed well from upturned lips, and he shrugged cloaked shoulders as he billowed beside his partner. It was amusing to witness the different reactions his unsettling behavior and untrustworthy origin village drew from even the most composed. Who could deny the discomfort, the poison, that Gin weaved through the air with a constant grin? Ah, though, the Uchiha had none of the serpent’s ill will.
          But ill will was in every breath he took in, in the power brimming from slender shoulders, in hidden hands drawn within lengthy sleeves, with every flowing motion, every rare glint of azure beneath silver-lined lids. It was his lover, his enemy, he went to bed with it and awoke with it, heavy, a ghost, each day for the past 15 years. Wrath found him as a child.
          His comrade’s distaste for the village he had defected from was shared----hatred brewed beyond its borders with ease, however, within its walls did wrath swell all the more.
          What cruelty those bastards bestowed upon a mere child, a hunger-weakened girl, that still burned hatred in Gin’s veins to this day. Tears wept and screams cried were caused by every intake of air that man was able to make----greed for power wrought suffering of innocents that no one gave a damn about. Oh, Gin wouldn’t rest until he was dead. Ill will was his namesake now; a silver tongue and blade best suited him. If Itachi were to openly insult his origins--well, Gin would gladly join in.
          Who, indeed, was a man without his honor?
          ❝ I haven’t. ❞ He met the other’s gaze with hidden eyes. A wanderer’s lie, albeit the brief journey to its outskirts years ago hardly counted. Was he ever stepping a single foot anywhere? His sense of self was as heavily cloaked as his body, and even as he swayed to keep in constant flowing motion around the other----his footsteps did not unsettle the earth below him.
          ❝ ----why don’tcha lead the way, boss. ❞
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templeofshame · 5 years
just saying with a week to build up expectations, i hope we get sommmething pride content
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Amm I being accusssed of sommmething?
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trolloled · 2 years
Xrumon, talk about Priori and Friday
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/\/People say Priori is weird, or strange, or that there's sommmething off about her.
/\/She knows things she shouldn't. I'll agree on that mmmuch.
/\/I never breathed a word of being a legislacerator to her, but she knew. She probably knows mmmore, and just hasn't mmmentioned it yet.
/\/She's okay. People should learn to shut the hell up. So what if she knows shit, or acts odd? I'mmm a real piece of shit, I'mmm sommmeone worth avoiding.
/\/All she does is fix things and say sommmething screwy once in a while.
/\/MMMy only real problemmm with her is that she'll say sommme shit about Ammmprus getting sad if I kick it, or asking why I want to die.
/\/She doesn't even say it to... convince mmme. Just to say it. It's like she knows the words that dig through mmme the mmmost.
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/\/Friday's like if you ripped a mmmad scientist right out of a commmic book. She's annoying as shit, almmmost as mmmuch as Ammmprus is.
/\/But I can't really bitch that hard about her, considering she's helping mmme pro bono. She even talks to mmme sommmetimmmes. Has mmmy phone nummmber for texting and everything.
/\/I think she could be a real good doctor, or scientist, or whatever the fuck, sommme night.
/\/She's gotta learn to hold herself back first, though. Not every god dammmn idea is worth running with.
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howmental · 4 years
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Drop three ❤️❤️❤️ in the comments if you feel this! 🥰 I have a friend who would always send me her "gratitude lists" to inspire me to write them. I'm not gonna lie - I didn't keep it up as a routine, but gratitude is definitely a big part of how I ground myself when things get a little too much. Being grateful sounds tough, but I always find sommmething to be thankful for. Whether it's the sunlight on my skin or the fingers that let me type or the mind that lets me live...there's always something. The more you find, the more vibrant this life can be. Make it full of colour. Why? Because you CAN! 😘 If you're looking for support, tap the link in our bio! @HowMental has partnered with some amazing apps, organisations and therapists that can help you with your specific needs. 👉@HowMental 📸: @thehoneydesignco #mentalhealthawareness #anxietysupport #growthmindset #youcantstopme #depressionrecovery #depression #motivationnation #motivationalwords #motivationalpost #selfgrowth #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #mindsetmatters #encourageothers #anxiety #recoveryquotes #depressedquotes #selfesteem #perfectlyimperfect #depressionhelp #mindfulnessmeditation #mindsetshift #mentaltoughness #feelthelove #youcanmakeit #positivequotes #bodymindsoul #takeadeepbreath #emotionalhealth #mindfulliving
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radroller · 4 years
I mean they could just do a straight up Golden age Wonder Woman now since the comics are doing movie-synergy with the whole "Diana's been around before Superman & Batman" now.
Actually i heard they aren’t doing that anymore! Apparently DiDio was the one who was pushing that stuff the most and now that he’s out...well. Idk maybe sommmething will happen after Death Metal??? Please??? Can i get that Society?????
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trolloled · 2 years
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“/\/I don’t see what the point of it is.”
“/\/There’s probably just sommme nonsensical ‘scary’ shit in there, sommmething stupid like ‘oh no all mmmy teeth have fallen out’ or whatever.”
> You’re seated in your hospital bed, looking up at the air next to you where absolutely nothing at all is. You hadn’t gone insane, naturally. You were talking to your undead friend.
> So, maybe, the more accurate statement would be ‘You had not gone *more* insane.’
“/\/But whatever. It’s your timmme to waste. Just don’t commme out thinking I’mmm actually scared of whatever mmmy head thinks I’mmm scared of.”
> The medication to aid your sleep was still in the process of being tested for your... unique condition, so you couldn’t take any to immediately knock yourself out. But falling asleep wasn’t the hard part.
> You still felt exhausted for most parts of the night, after all.
> You push yourself fully onto your bed, grabbing a pill bottle from the stand next to it and tapping out your usual soporific dosage into a palm before popping it tastelessly into your mouth with a swig of water.
> You really don’t want to imagine how bad your sleep could get if you stopped taking sopor.
> It’s a little awkward just... going to sleep with someone watching you, but it helps you at least can’t see them. You squeeze your eyes shut and pretend they’re not there, preferably somewhere not even close to you. Within a few minutes, your breathing begins to slow down as your body succumbs to its exhaustion.
> . . . .
Entering the dreamscape, Amprus would find themselves somewhere unfamiliar. They would be in a normal looking hive, to be sure, but certainly not one they had ever visited. They were standing just inside the front door, the night outside so thick with darkness that to venture out would be foolish even for a nocturnal creature.
The hall in front of them was decorated with a few photographs and artistic pictures, but none of the faces in the photos were recognizable. Like almost all faces in dreams, they were just distorted enough to be completely unremarkable.
The hallway split off into various rooms on its sides. There was movement coming from one of the rooms, along with a hushed, guttural voice. Judging from the edge of the room that was visible, it might have been some sort of living room or study - there was a bookcase partially within view.
Next to the door there was an umbrella stand, some shoes, and a coat rack. The rack held a rain slicker, still dripping wet. A familiar teal symbol was stamped onto the collar.
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trolloled · 2 years
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“/\/Wake up mmmoron, it's timmme to rise and smmmell the ashes."
> Friday had let you into Ullane's recovery room after only a little persuasion. It wasn't like you were planning on committing violence.
> You rolled yourself in, looking around the room for a moment before zeroing in on the doctor herself, still laid up and recovering from surgery.
> Her horns were now tipped a jet black, with violet spots on her cheeks and newly colored eyes to match. White streaks ran through her hair.
> You took all this in as you rolled over to where she lay.
"/\/Ammmazing. I get possessed and all I got was irreversible traummma, you get possessed and now you've got clown paint to mmmatch your lifestyle choices."
"/\/You can hear mmme, right? Should I switch frequencies to sommmething mmmore guttural and mmmenacing?"
> You squint at her, feeling your temper on its usual edge.
"/\/You want to give an explanation, or should I just jummmp to the part where they dragged you back here an inch frommm oblivion?"
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