#it’s been every four days or so. ofc i haven’t been following this very hard but that was the intent. from now on [at least for this month]
wingsofwater · 2 years
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[full image under cut …]
[day 3 : possession | goretober prompts by avianreptiles]
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big fan of drawing weird gangly hands as practice. practice for what? oh, you know.
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[id : a digital drawing of calamity the capefang, a wings of fire fantribe created by me. calamity is a wingless dragon with dark grey, almost black scales, with black eyelids, fingers, throat and shoulders. he has purplish teeth, eyes, and large ears that are pale purple in the inside. he has two sets of black horns, the front set being short and straight, while the back set is curved and long. he is looking up at the viewer, teeth bared, jaw clenched in pain as he clutches at his head. his eyes are bloodshot with blue veins, entirely blank save for pure white pinpricked pupils. one of their eyes is wide open, the other wincing with their brow furrowed. thick ultramarine blue blood drips from their eyes, leaking into their mouth, which is also leaking blue blood. ghostly pale purple claws dig into their neck, which is littered with more claw marks and stained with blood. the palm of his right hand is smeared with blood, coating the side of their face with it. the background is a stark blue color, with a bolt of white striking across the image, a burst of white spikes at the left side of their head indicating pain. end id]
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chicken-fifi · 4 months
Overtime | Jay Park Imagine (NSFW)
Pairing: Jay Park x Fem!Reader
Requested by anon: hi, i hope u are well! could i ask for a smut with aomg jay park please? the reader has been busy recently because of work and has to work overtime at her office that night, and he brings her dinner. one thing leads to another because they miss and haven’t been able to be around each other. lots of flirty banter and detailed smut (only if u’re comfortable ofc) thank u for ur hard work! <3 i read ur guidelines a few times so hopefully i didn’t ask for anything bad for u…
Genre: NSFW
Warnings: NSFW, p-in-v, riding, fingering, unprotected sex, office sex, a few curse words i think, orgasms
Word Count: 923 words
A/n: took me a while to write this one since i was swamped with work at school that i put off until the last possible second. when i tell you that junior block has hit me like a brick since last semester, i mean it. if junior block is killing me i don't even wanna think about my senior year....
Tunes: no tunes again, watching demon slayer though :)
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The plastic bag rustled in Jay’s hands as he raised it to press the button for the elevator. Looking around the lobby, he couldn’t help but notice just empty and desolate the normally buzzing area of the office was. Granted it was late - nearly four hours past the end of the work day - but it wasn’t really out of the norm for this place to still be busy, especially given the launch coming up for a new product. 
Still, surely overtime was no longer a necessity, given the fact that the office was silent, save for the ding from the arrival of the elevator. Stepping into the enclosed metal interior, pressing the sixth floor button and leaning against the wall as the elevator began to ascend. Humming and tapping his fingers on the railing, he looks around shifting the bag from hand to hand, pushing off the wall just as the elevator comes to a stop on your floor. Quickly exiting the elevator, he beelines to the main office floor looking over the many cubicles that are spread out on the floor, searching for any signs of life - or light, whichever he sees first.
The sound of keys being pressed grabs his attention at once. Turning around he spots your cubicle towards the back of the floor - in the complete opposite direction he had originally been going in, had your cubicle moved since the last time he had visited you?
His feet carried him as fast as they could in your direction, the bag rustling loudly and drawing your attention.
“Is that food?” you quip completely ignoring his presence.
Jay froze in place as he watched you rush towards him, hands reaching for the bag with the dinner he’d picked up as a surprise for you. He would be lying if he said it didn’t hurt a bit to be second to food for you at that very moment.
“‘Thank you so much Babe!’” he said in what should’ve been your voice. “You’re very welcome Baby! I knew you would appreciate my token of gratitude.”
His words seemed to go unheard as you waltzed back to your desk with the bag gushing over everything you could see inside the bag and the things you were pulling out. Jay followed after you and pulled the office chair of the cubical directly beside yours to sit in, watching as you dug into the food with gusto. He smiled softly as he watched.
“You didn’t have to come, you know,” you said after a few bites. “You’re not going to get lucky just because you brought me dinner.”
Jay snapped his finger, feigning hurt, “Damn, and here I thought I had cheated the system.” He smirked, leaning his head on his closed fist as he set it on the desk. “Have I ever told you how hot and sexy you look in pencil skirts?”
“Still not gonna get lucky, Jay.”
He pouted, throwing his head back. 
You chuckled and continued eating, bickering playfully with your boyfriend every time he made a suggestive comment. Neither of you made any more to go further, despite the lingering gazes and touches you sent one another. That is until Jay’s hand settled on your thigh, inching to your core and sinking your hole, fingering you diligently. Pushing your pencil skirt up your legs until it bunched at your waist, he stood up from the chair he was in, pushing it back as he pushed his pants and boxers down his thighs. Lifting you from your chair, he sat down setting you on his lap, your arms and legs holding you up above his cock as he aligned himself with your entrance. One hand on your waist, the other holding himself, he guided you onto him, the two of your moaning as he slipped inside. 
Both of you sat still, foreheads pressed against each other as you adjusted and he basked in your velvety walls. You began moving first, rocking back and forth against him before lifting yourself up and sinking back down onto him. Jay thrusted up into you, hands both settled on your waist helping you meet each of his thrusts. You could feel every ridge and curve of him rubbing against your walls wonderfully as you bounced on his lap. The sound of skin hitting skin echoed throughout the floor, the scent of sex beginning to fill the air as you essance merely made the squelching sounds of your hole being pleasured by his cock fill your ears, edging both on even more. 
Jay’s thrusted picked up in pace and rigor as you forced yourself to  bounce faster to match his own pace in order to reach your high. Hands finding purchase on his shoulders you threw your head back as one of his hands began rubbing your clit pushing you to your climax, your walls pulsing around him, bringing him close to his own. Grunting, he thrusted into you a few more times before lifting you off, ribbons of his cum spurting out from his slit and onto your clothed torso.
“We need to do this more often,” he laughed, hands beginning to massage your thighs. “There’s no cameras here right?”
Your eyes widened as you came out of your fucked out state and looked around desperately, relaxing only when you were sure there weren’t any cameras on your floor that would’ve undoubtedly picked up your indecent act of passion.
“When’s the next day you work overtime?” he asked, unphased by your panic with a cheeky grin.”
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nerdzzone · 3 years
-More Hearts Than Mine-
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Summary: Raising a child is hard. Raising a child with one of Hollywood’s biggest stars is even harder. And raising a child with one of Hollywood’s biggest stars who you’re not actually in a relationship with is even harder still.
Especially when a global pandemic is sweeping the world.
With lockdowns and stay at home orders looming on the horizon, the uncertainty of their situation becomes almost too much for Whitney Taylor to handle. Chris suggests that they quarantine together to avoid any potential separations but, given what happened the last time they spent more than a few brief moments in each other’s company, that could cause more problems than it solves…
Chris Evans x OFC
Sequel to: Once Bitten - Twice Shy
Note: I’ve decided to make this five parts instead of four. I was originally going to combine this part and the next one, but I feel like it flows better with a bit of separation between them!
Part One
Part Two
The rest of our first afternoon together was spent lazing around. Grayson was tired, but continued to refuse his nap so we kept things low key to avoid any exhausted toddler meltdowns. By the time the evening rolled around, I was tired from the stress of the day myself and since I still had to unpack, I went up to my bedroom shortly after we'd tucked Grayson into bed.
I slept a lot better than I thought I would given everything that was on my mind and when I woke up, I could already hear the sounds of breakfast echoing up from the kitchen. Taking a few minutes to let myself wake up properly, I checked my phone and scrolled through social media before getting up, stretching and heading downstairs.
"Good morning," I smiled, finding Chris and Grayson sitting at the island eating some scrambled eggs while Scott leaned against the counter with a cereal bowl in his hands.
"G'morning, Mama!"
Grayson's greeting was said through a mouthful of food and Chris reminded him that wasn't polite before greeting me himself.
"Help yourself to whatever you want," he insisted. "There's some eggs left in the pan or cereal, whatever you can find. Maybe Grayson will even share his apple slices with you if you ask nicely."
Grayson gasped at that suggestion and frantically shook his head.
"No, Daddy!" He protested. "I don't want to share!"
I laughed as he reached over his plate to move the little bowl of sliced fruit closer to his body where he could keep it guarded.
"Not even one slice?" I asked. "But I'm so hungry!"
"Over there!" Grayson giggled, pointing at the counter.
I turned around and saw a few more apples in a bowl, making me smile as I turned back to the boys.
"But they're not nicely sliced like yours," I pointed out. "How can I eat those?"
Grayson shrugged and plucked one of his apples out of his bowl. He looked smug, thinking he'd won, but he was so distracted while he took a bite that he didn't see Chris' hand sneak over until he'd snatched one of the slices and tossed it to me.
I did as Chris instructed and Grayson's jaw dropped. An indignant huff fell from his lips as he looked between the two of us.
"That's not nice."
Chris laughed, but I bit back a smile and returned his apple.
"You're right, baby," I agreed, kissing the top of your head. "That was mean, but we were just tricking you. You don't have to share your apple."
"Thanks, Mama."
The frown on his face turned back into a grin and I scraped the rest of the eggs that were in the pan on the stove onto a plate before turning back to the boys once I’d pulled a fork from the drawer.
"So, how do you want to work it with things like groceries while I'm here?"
"Just tell me what you want and I'll order it," Chris told me. "They've started doing curbside pick up pretty much everywhere so I was thinking I'd just do that."
"Oh, that's handy, but I meant like money wise. Should I just transfer you my share or do you want to alternate who pays?"
Chris stared at me for a moment as if he was trying to figure out if I was joking before he chuckled.
"I'm not taking any money from you, Whitney."
His voice was firm, but I furrowed my brow in confusion.
"What? Why not? I can't let you pay for everything."
"You're not still working, are you?" Scott asked. "Or is it different since, as a photographer, you're so far away from whoever you're taking pictures of?"
"I'm not working," I admitted. "I think it would be doable if it was, like, family portraits or something like that, but the big photo shoots involve too many people. Everyone cancelled on me last week or delayed my contracts until at least the summer."
"So, don't worry about paying for anything then," Chris shrugged. "It's not like you're going to eat that much, I think I can handle the cost."
He was trying to do a nice thing. He was a very generous person with those that he cared about, but I wasn't going to take advantage of him.
"I have savings, Chris," I insisted. "I'm not completely helpless."
As if sensing a rising tension, Scott put his bowl in the sink and grabbed his coffee mug before turning to Grayson.
"Hey, Gray, let's go see what cartoons we can find."
Grayson nodded eagerly and Chris helped him down from the tall stool so he could follow Scott out of the room, taking his little bowl of apples with him.
"I wasn't trying to imply that you're helpless," Chris assured me once they were out of earshot. "But you're tiny, I don't think that buying you a few groceries for the next couple of months will financially cripple me."
I tried to temper my defensiveness before I answered him, reminding myself again that he was trying to be helpful.
"I know that, but I don't feel comfortable living here for that long without contributing," I told him. "You already give me more than you need to every month for Grayson."
It was true. Since our custody agreement was that Grayson spent fifty percent of his time with each of us, he wasn't required to pay me any child support. But he did anyway. It was something we’d argued about on and off over the years because the amount that he gave me was way over the top. I appreciated his generosity and I did use all the money to buy things for Gray, but most of it ended up in a bank account that I'd opened for him because there was no way to spend it all in one month without Grayson becoming the most spoiled child in all of Massachusetts.
"I like to make sure he's taken care of."
"Which I am capable of doing with my own money when he's in my care," I reminded him. "But I don't want to start that whole conversation again. I just want to feel like I'm doing my part while I stay with you."
"And I appreciate that gesture, but it won't be necessary," Chris insisted. "You can clean, you can cook, do anything like that to help out, but I won't accept any money, especially while you're not working."
I sighed as he stood up to put his plate in the dishwasher while I put mine on the counter, too distracted by our conversation to eat. I knew it would be a struggle to get him to agree to take money from me, but I wasn't ready to back down so I thought of a compromise and hoped he would accept.
"How about we drop it for now," I suggested. "But if this thing goes on for more than a couple of weeks, can we talk about it again?"
Chris paused and crossed his arms. I could tell that he wanted to argue, but I was relieved when he agreed.
"Alright," he nodded, hesitating for a moment before adding a stipulation to the deal. "But we're going to talk about your car too before you leave here."
"My car? What about my car?"
"Grayson told me that it's not working properly," Chris admitted. "He said it sounds angry sometimes and that you haven't gotten it checked out yet."
I rolled my eyes, guessing that was one of those 'secrets' that he mentioned.
"It's fine," I assured him. "It made a weird sound one time last week when I tried to start it, but it's still working. I was going to take it in, but then all this virus stuff happened and I didn't have chance."
"You need a new one," Chris informed me. "That one is getting old anyway. I'll take you car shopping when things reopen."
I laughed at the absurdity of that statement, but I could see the annoyance on his face at my reaction.
"You're not buying me a car, Chris. The one I have is perfectly fine and if it's not then I will take myself car shopping, thank you very much."
"Why do you get so defensive when I try to help you?" He asked, his eyes shifting into a glare. "I'm not going to accidentally think that you're in love with me just because you accept a nice gesture from me. I can take a hint, Whitney, I get it."
My jaw dropped and I couldn't hold back a disgruntled scoff at his insane change of topic.
"What are you even talking about? This has nothing to do with that," I argued. "I wouldn’t have accepted your invitation if I knew you were going to hold that over me and throw it in my face all the time."
“All the time? This is the first time I’ve mentioned it!”
“Yes, but I’ve not even been here for twenty-fours hours and you’ve already brought it up!”
Perhaps it was my harsh, snappy tone that did it or my very valid criticism of his low blow, but Chris' body language softened.
"I just don't get why you get so worked up when I'm trying to help you..."
"Because I don't need help, Chris," I explained. "I might not be Captain America rich, but I do just fine and I can take care of myself. I can buy my own groceries and if I really needed to, I could buy myself a new car. You throwing money at me for things like that makes me feel like you don't value the success I've had in my career or my ability to manage my finances which is, quite frankly, offensive."
Chris dropped his arms so they were no longer crossed and his shoulders relaxed. Clearly, he'd been getting quite defensive as well and had realized it, whether he would admit it or not. I held my head high, proud of myself for explaining my feelings so well and taking him down a notch, but that feeling disappeared as soon as Chris spoke.
"If you were the richest woman in the world, I would still want to buy you a car," Chris started, looking more nervous than the dismissive, self-assured attitude I was getting moments ago. "I'd still want to buy you anything you could ever need because making you happy makes me happy."
My face fell at his confession and my heart clenched again, knowing what the underlying sentiment behind his statement was. It stung more than any hurtful words could have as the sincerity, the genuine care and appreciation, in his voice was heartbreaking. I regretted not adding a condition to our cohabitation that specified he wasn't allowed to say such nice, guilt inducing things as I stared at him for a moment, trying to think of a way to get out of this conversation that was more polite than just bolting out the door. 
Too much time was passing as his words hung between us so, short of any good comeback to his words, I shrugged.
"If you want to make me happy, let me contribute for the groceries."
It was Chris' turn to look shocked now, as he was obviously expecting a more thoughtful response to his rather vulnerable admission, but he pulled himself together quickly and a dry laugh fell from his lips.
"Nice try, Whitney," he smiled, shaking his head. "But that's not going to happen."
Without giving me any more time to argue, he turned on his heels and walked out the door leaving me alone to wallow in my guilt and wonder how much longer I'd be able to keep up my act of nonchalance.
There was a weird sense of restlessness in the house that day. Usually, killing a few days at home would be no big deal but, as soon as the stay at home orders came into place that morning, the knowledge that we were now unable to do anything else made it feel slightly more suffocating.
Chris wasn't lying though when he said that he planned to make this lockdown as enjoyable as possible so we managed to keep ourselves entertained as we planned out some of the things we could do. Chris and Scott were compiling a list of old movies they wanted to watch again, I ordered a bunch of puzzles and books (some more child appropriate and some for the adults), Chris dug out an old wiffle ball set he had from when they were kids and Scott organized Chris' video game collection, pulling out all the good ones like their favourite: Mario Kart.
By the end of the day, we were all feeling much more optimistic about how our time at home would go. Especially Grayson. It was finally starting to sink in for him that he got to spend the foreseeable future surrounded by all his favourite people - something that was unfortunately a rarity for him given our situation. He was bouncing off the walls as he threw his ideas into the mix and couldn't wait to get started on all the fun.
The excitement of the day led to another early night for him and I excused myself shortly after, declining the invitation to start practicing my Mario Kart skills.
After our conversation that morning, I was trying to keep a bit of distance from Chris. I wasn't mad and it didn't seem like he had any lasting feelings of annoyance either, but our earlier discussion proved to me that there was still tension and resentment between us. I wanted to let it settle and give him some space so our small disagreement didn't turn into a full-blown argument. Living together after everything we'd been through would be an adjustment period and easing into it would probably be the safest route.
So, I took myself off to my bedroom and lounged in bed watching some new mystery show on Netflix. I started it thinking it would just be a good way to pass a few hours until a reasonable time to go to bed but as usual with Netflix, I got sucked in and before I knew it, it was almost midnight.
I closed my laptop, knowing I needed to get some sleep as Grayson was an early riser, but I noticed the glass of water I'd taken upstairs with me hours ago was empty and my mouth was dry. With a sigh, I dragged myself out of bed, taking the glass to the kitchen to fill it up.
I crept down the stairs, assuming everyone would be in bed already, but I was surprised when I got to the kitchen to see the light on. I poked my head into the room and saw Scott sitting at the little island in the middle of the room, a drink in his hand and a melancholy look on his face.
"Hey," I greeted him, alerting him to my presence. "You're up late..."
"I was just FaceTiming with my boyfriend. He's in LA so it worked with the time difference."
"Boyfriend?" I questioned as I headed over to the sink to fill up my glass. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend."
"It's pretty new," he sighed. "We've only been together about a month now."
"That's so exciting! You didn't want to stay in LA and quarantine with him?"
"No, we thought it was too fresh for us to, like, fully move in together and if I was in LA and not living with him then we wouldn't see each other anyway, so I decided I may as well come here."
"That's really hard," I frowned as I pulled out the chair next to him and sat down. "I'm sorry that you had to make a decision like that."
"It's alright," he shrugged despite the sad look on his face. "A lot of people have had to make much tougher decisions than that lately."
"That doesn't mean you can't be upset anyway."
"I know, but I'll be alright. I'm just glad we've got so many ways to stay in touch." He flashed me a smile and I was glad to see it. Scott was a good guy and one of those people who was usually so positive and upbeat that it was hard to see him feeling down. "What about you? How are you doing with everything?"
"Oh, I don't know," I sighed. "Do you mean the deadly virus plaguing the world? Or the fact that I'm in lockdown with the father of my child who I have a fairly complicated history with?"
"Both," Scott chuckled as he sipped his drink of what looked to be whiskey. "But I was more referring to being here in lockdown with Chris."
"It's hard, but I'm doing okay. It's just a weird situation."
"It'll definitely take some time to get used to for both of you," he nodded. "He felt really bad this morning. He told me what you said about how offensive it is when he throws money at you all the time and I totally agree, but I hope you know his heart was in the right place. He tells everyone how talented you are, he would never want to belittle your career."
"I know," I winced. "I overreacted a little bit."
"No, not at all!" Scott assured me. "He needed to hear it. I've been on the receiving end of it too so I know how you felt, but he doesn't realize how it comes off some times. He's just trying to be generous and help the people he loves."
I nodded and I knew that I should just end the conversation there. Tell him that I understood what Chris' intent was and leave it at that. But my heart overpowered my brain and I found myself opening up before I could stop myself.
"I just don't exactly deserve to be on that list," I reminded him. "And I shouldn't take advantage of any feelings he might have for me after the decision that I made."
"You really do deserve to be on that list," he told me with a smile. "He's really in love with you."
"Love might be a bit extreme," I scoffed. "He's made his feelings clear, I know he cares about me, but it's not love."
"He's not made his feelings clear enough then," Scott countered. "Because he's been head over heels in love with you since pretty much the moment he met you."
My mouth went dry as my brain fought to comprehend that claim while all my instincts were telling me that it wasn't true. Scott wouldn't lie to me, he wasn't that kind of person, but he could be exaggerating especially since he had been drinking. There was an honesty in his eyes though, a look that told me he was telling the truth, but I couldn't accept it, it just didn't make sense.
"That's not true," I argued. "He only ever saw me as a friend until that one night and that night was a mistake."
But Scott was confident in what he'd shared and he shook his head.
"He never saw you as just a friend. You were his endgame from day one."
Perhaps it was a delaying tactic, perhaps it was a nervous response or I was subconsciously trying to buy myself some time to make sense of what he was trying to tell me, but a giggle slipped out at Scott's choice of words.
"Endgame? Is that an Avengers joke?"
"It wasn't intentional," he assured me with a laugh, but he was quick to get us back on topic. "But I mean it. We had a conversation just a few weeks after you met and he was talking about you like you hung the moon. He's been enamoured from the start."
I couldn't wrap my head around it. He was speaking with such confidence, but the words he was saying might as well have been another language. Knowing what I knew about our situation, how things had unfolded between us, how that first night together went down and the aftermath of it, there was no sign that Chris had been in love with me. He cared about me, that much I knew, but to be in love? That didn't add up.
Especially when I'd had those feelings all along as well. Surely, I would have noticed had they been reciprocated.
I'd fallen silent as my brain buzzed, scrambling for any gesture or obvious evidence that I'd missed that might prove Scott's claim, but when he spoke again, I was pulled from my thoughts.
"Do you not feel the same way about him?" He asked. "And there's no judgment here, I can see both sides. I love Chris and I want him to be happy, but I respect what you're trying to do."
I felt my heart rate spike again as my palms grew sweaty in a way that was becoming annoyingly familiar.
I was aware of the importance of this conversation, but I was also aware that I wasn't having it with the right person. If Scott was being honest then Chris must have had his reasons for not sharing the depth of his feelings with me and it felt sneaky and deceitful that I was finding out from someone else. It also felt wrong that the answer to Scott's question was on the tip of my tongue. Chris deserved to know before his brother, but I was tired. Fighting through this mess all by myself was wearing me down and Scott had always been one of those people that compelled you to pour your heart out to him. He was a better listener than most and I needed someone, anyone, to give me some kind of guidance. So the words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.
"I do feel the same," I admitted, my eyes firmly locked on the glass of water on the table in front of me as I worried I'd be too anxious to speak if I looked Scott in the eye. "I love him very much."
"Then why are you so scared to give him a chance?" He questioned. "Just because of Grayson?"
I nodded, but even I was starting to doubt my own motivations.
"We work together so well right now, but if we give it a shot and someone ends up getting hurt then we might not be able to put our feelings aside and keep things peaceful."
"But aren't you hurting each other every day that you spend in love with each other, but not together?" He pointed out. "Yet, you manage to put Grayson first through all that pain."
His words hit me like a bucket of ice water had been dumped over my head.
It was an excellent point.
We were both hurting from being apart, it was clear from how defensive we got over silly little things like we had that morning. I could only imagine how Chris felt, but it was hard for me to be around him all the time and just keep things friendly when in my heart I wanted more. I ached at the sight of him every time I dropped Grayson off or picked him up, but we still managed to be friendly and polite through that.
"How many of those drinks have you had?” I teased earning a laugh from Scott. “They’ve made you too wise.”
"Not enough," he joked. "But it's true, isn't it?"
"It is true, but it's different," I insisted. "If we were together and broke up, that kind of hurt can come with a lot of anger. Right now, we might be sad or disappointed about the situation, but there's no anger."
"Oh, there was anger," Scott informed me, grimacing slightly. "After Christmas, when he came back from dropping Grayson off at your house there was definitely anger. He slammed doors, stormed around the house, got drunk off his ass and ranted about it for hours. I've never seen him that upset over being turned down before."
My heart sank at that news. I knew that he'd been upset, but I didn't think he'd taken it that badly. I thought he was just a bit sulky, but now my guilt intensified.
"Why are you telling me this?" I asked, my voice thick with emotion. "I feel bad enough as it is..."
"Oh, honey, I'm not trying to make you feel bad," Scott assured me, reaching over to rub my back as I forced back the tears that had sprung to my eyes. "But it proves that even if one of you ends up heartbroken, you can still put Grayson first because you just did it."
"I didn't, Chris did," I pointed out after clearing my throat. "If it wasn't up to me, if Chris came to his senses and ditched me for some beautiful actress, then I'm not sure that I could be so forgiving."
"Why would he ditch you?"
As promised, there was no judgment in Scott's voice, just genuine curiosity and I shrugged as I answered.
"Because he could have any woman in America."
"Maybe not any woman, let's not get carried away," Scott smirked, his teasing tone making me smile. "But for such a relationship loving guy, don't you think it's interesting that he hasn't been in a serious relationship in about five years?"
That wasn't something I'd put much thought into, but it wasn't the 'gotcha' moment that it seemed like Scott had hoped it was.
"Not really. He's been busy with work the last few years," I pointed out. "And having a baby with me must have complicated his personal life a bit."
"You complicated his personal life the moment he met you," Scott insisted. "That's my point."
He sounded so sure of himself, but the words he was saying were still hard for me to comprehend. I'd always been so confident in my understanding of our relationship and if I was to believe him, it would shatter everything I thought I knew.
"I just don't see why he wouldn't have mentioned this by now..."
"You know how he gets with his anxiety. He's not always the over confident hotshot that people assume he is," Scott reminded me. "But you'll have to talk to him if you want more information than that."
I let out a sigh as I knew he was right.
"There's a lot that we need to talk about," I admitted. "Thank you for this though, Scott, you've given me a lot to think about."
"Anytime," he smiled. "And I completely respect that you're willing to put Grayson first despite whatever feelings you have. You're a wonderful mom and I would be proud to call you my sister-in-law."
I laughed at his outrageous leap from even considering a relationship straight to marriage and shook my head.
"You need to go to bed, Scott," I instructed. "You've clearly had too much to drink tonight."
"I probably have," he agreed. "But I meant everything that I've said. Think about it, okay?"
I nodded as I slid off the stool I was sitting on, wrapping my arms around him in a quick hug.
"I'm here for you too, you know that right?" I asked as I stepped back. "If you ever want to talk about your situation or vent and complain about the distance, whatever you need, I'm here."
"Thanks, Whitney," he smiled before dragging himself off his stool as well. "Goodnight."
I returned his smile and mumbled a 'goodnight' of my own before heading back to bed with all the new information that Scott had provided echoing around in my head. While it had been a very informative conversation, I wasn't quite sure whether I came away from it with the clarity I was looking for or just more confusion.
Part Three
Tags:  @maggotzombie @moonlacebeam @mizzzpink @zaylaugh @flowery-mess @flowerjewels @njrronaldo7​ @hockeychick10
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Leave No One Behind
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Chapter 16: Endings Beginnings
Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Summary: Ari and Hannah settle into life back home, but it isn’t all as smooth as they’d have hoped…
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairings:  Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
Word Count- 4.5k
A/N: It was recently brought to our attention that in a few other chapters there have been a couple of things that Ari has said/done that are not technically accurate for someone of Jewish heritage. First up, it was reference to Ari observing a ‘Sunday Roast’ when he visited Mama Navon. We just wanted to remind people that Hannah is of Catholic Christian and Jewish heritage (Spanish Catholic Mother, American Jewish Father) and her and Sammy’s upbringing has always been a combination of the two. So, when Ari visited Mama Navon when he was home from Sudan, clearly this was her tradition he was observing. Secondly, in another chapter Ari was praying to the ‘God and the Saints’. Of course, Judaism does not have saints, so there’s a slip up on our part with that one. As with the third point, when we described Ari rushing Sarah to the alter. He would have rushed her to the hoopa.
Regarding all of the above, we would hasten to add, that Ari grew up in the USA, leaving when he was 18. From what little we learn of him in the film, we know was taken by a British Soldier, who married an American Nurse. From the way he talks about it, we don’t get the impression his ‘adoptive’ parents were Jewish, so that alludes us to suspect he had a largely Christian upbringing, whilst clearly  being aware of his heritage. Therefore, we don’t think it is beyond the realms of possibility that he would pick up the odd little thing such as the above three points.  
That aside, we hope the above didn’t distract anyone else from the narrative as it did the reader who brought it to our attention.
Now, just a personal plea from myself in general. Myself and Storm do this for free, and not being a person who pays much attention to religion at all (that’s another debate in itself) it is for this reason I was VERY nervous about continuing this storyline beyond the plot of the film. We certainly don’t have the time, nor brain capacity to be researching things into any kind of huge depth. It’s why most of my story lines centre along similar types of things that I have a good background in. This fic was never supposed to focus on the ins and outs of a particular race of people, just the lives of two dumbasses in love. As all writers on here, we do this for free, and the moment it becomes hard work or unenjoyable, we won’t be continuing. So any other little slip ups, please, unless they’re offensive, give us a little leeway and put it down to Ari being exceptionally Westernised as pointed out above.
Sorry if this comes across as being a little harsh, but this has been playing on my mind a lot over the past few days, to the point I was seriously considering if we ended the fic where it currently stood. That said, I think we have a lot left to tell of Hannah and Ari’s story so, I’ll shut up now and let you read it…if you want that is.
Leave No One Behind Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Part 15
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“You haven’t forgotten tomorrow?” Hannah heard her mother ask, as the woman stood up from the table while holding the teacup and saucer to place them in the sink. “You do remember you have to pick Sammy up from the airport tomorrow afternoon, right?”
 Hannah rolled her eyes at her mother’s back. “No, I haven’t forgotten,” she sighed as she played with the crumbles of the pastry she had been nibbling on, “I mean, it’s not like I’ve got anything else going on, is it? Seeing as Ari is with Maya and according to Sarah’s stupid rules I can’t be there with them…”
 At that, Maria Navon turned, giving her daughter a sympathetic look and Hannah snorted in anger.
 It had been four months since they arrived back in Tel Aviv, and Hannah had to concede that for the first few weeks it was fine. She and Ari settled nicely in the apartment Mossad rented in Ari’s name once all the paperwork following the end of the mission had been sorted. Ari had asked Isaacs for an upgrade of his living quarters, given he was now having Maya over to stay every other weekend, plus numerous nights of the week. Not to mention the fact Hannah was moving with him. When Isaacs had asked Ari to put a justification forward, he had simply shrugged, “I fucking earned it, Isaacs.”
 So he got it. Just like he usually got what he wanted, one way or another.
 Hannah was back working at the clinic. Her hands and the experience she had acquired while in Africa were needed more than ever now that it was only her mother and her to run it, although how long it was before her mom decided to retire fully was anyone’s guess. It had been a couple of busy months, what with interviewing for new nurses and locum staff, but Hannah would be lying if she denied having enjoyed every minute of it. She might have Mossad secret agent skills, obviously passed down by her father, but she was a doctor at heart. And that hadn’t changed in the two years she had been away.
 The team had split up within a month of arrival back in Tel Aviv.  Ari and Max had been working to help the refugees. Many of them had simply melted away post their arrival, still not trusting the mysterious white men who had come to their aid. However, some had stuck round; being housed temporarily in hostels, and was those who Ari and Max were tirelessly working for. They focussed their efforts on obtaining them permanent, legal status along with finding them better places to live and jobs of sorts to help them fit in their new reality. 
 Jake had headed back overseas to continue work as a diving instructor, this time in Jamaica, whilst Sammy had been in the States with Rachel for almost two and a half months now, and was, as Maria just reminded Hannah, due back the following day. Hannah suspected, however, not for long, fully expecting him to move there permanently to be with Rachel.
“Sammy is lucky, you know? He has none of this shit with Rachel’s ex.” Hannah grumbled, “Sarah is just being a pain in the ass. And I know for a fact it’s because we told her we got engaged. She was fine with me being there when Maya was until that point.” Hannah finished her rant as she placed her teacup and saucer on her mother’s extended hand. 
“You can’t be sure about that, sweetheart. Maybe there’s something else."
“No, she’s being a bitch.” Hannah quickly stopped her mother’s attempts at justifying Sarah’s behaviour. “She seems perfectly fine with us having dinner during the week and going out and stuff but won’t let Maya stay when I’m there on a weekend, basically just preventing us from spending those days together, for no reason other than she’s bitter.”
Maria Navon sighed. She knew where her daughter was coming from but, being the gentle and caring woman she was, she couldn’t help but try to put herself in the other woman’s shoes. She saw Hannah bite her lip and twirl her engagement ring round her finger, a rounded blue sapphire as deep as the ocean set against a halo of smaller white diamonds on a white gold band, before she spoke again.
 “I wouldn’t mind mama but they’ve been legally separated for years! The terms of their divorce are basically already been agreed. All they need to do is sign the damned papers but recently, well, Ari seems afraid to even raise the issue in case Sarah starts making it all awkward again and stops him seeing Munch.”
“Hey, sweetheart. Listen to me.” Hannah’s mother caught her attention as she pulled out a chair to sit next to her. “Everything is going to be ok, she’ll sign eventually. She knows there isn’t anything she can do about it, she’s just grieving.”
 Hannah’s brow creased at her mother’s choice of words. “Grieving for what? She left him, years ago!”
“She left him because she couldn’t cope with his lifestyle anymore, and he wasn’t winning any awards for being husband of the year, Han. That doesn’t mean she didn’t love him,” Maria woman spoke softly as if to appease her daughter’s raging tone.
“So, basically, I’m just stuck here waiting until she gets her head out of her ass?” 
“Have a little patience, honey. You two have waited over a decade, one way or another, to be together. You sure can wait a few weeks more.” Maria smiled as she reached out for Hannah’s hands who were fiddling with a teaspoon. 
“That’s the thing, Mama.” Hannah sighed as she looked up to meet her mom’s eyes. “I don’t think it’s just going to be weeks.”
“You don’t?” The woman frowned. “Well maybe she’s more stubborn than I thought.”
Hannah shook her head and then noticed her mother’s features had suddenly softened into a smile and she was looking straight over her shoulder. Hannah turned to see Ethan walking into the kitchen in his signature crisp work suit.
“Hi Ethan,” Hannah smiled at him and then looked up at the clock over the fridge before standing up and shrugging. “I should go. Spend the night with my fiancée before I’m banished back to my childhood home for the weekend like a love sick teenager.”
As she left the kitchen dramatically, she heard Ethan ask Maria. “That bad?”
“She’s pissed off,” Hannah heard her mom whisper back, “can’t say I blame her but she needs to make an attempt to see this from the other side, so to speak.”
With an angry growl, Hannah slammed the door and set off walking back to their apartment, in even more of  bad mood than she’d been in when she arrived at her mother’s. 
 Why was anyone treating her like she was the spoiled brat?
Ari was getting ready for Hannah’s arrival. He had been cooking, or sort of, making an attempt at dinner for a while and was now setting the table for two. He wanted to make tonight special as he knew this week was going to be the third weekend out of six that he and Hannah would be apart thanks to Sarah and her fucking rules. 
He was finding it hard himself. He’d gotten used to sleeping besides his Firefly since they had got together in Sudan, especially at night. But he knew Hannah was finding it harder. He was sacrificing their time together so that he could spend his allotted weekends with his daughter, which lessened the blow a little, but Hannah was basically being banned from living her life as it was for two days every two weeks, and that make his heart ache. 
And the worst bit about it all, was that he had seen it coming a mile off, and had been powerless to prevent it.
It was a bright Friday morning when they told Maya about their engagement. The previous evening Ari had proposed to Hannah for a second time after buying her a lavish ring. Thus, they had decided to take Maya for a walk and ice cream to break the news to her.  The little girl had been over the moon with the idea of her dad and Hannah getting married, which hadn’t surprised Ari seeing as his daughter had been all over his fiancé ever since they had met at Mossad headquarters the morning they had arrived home.
Now, as he approached Sarah’s apartment to take Maya back, he was about to tell his ex-wife and he was not particularly looking forward to it. But, he was being cautiously optimistic. Sarah had, after all, been amendable since they’d gotten home and seemed okay with Hannah being a part of Maya’s life.
Still, he felt his stomach churn as Maya walked up the apartment they had all shared once upon a time, and rang the doorbell.  No sooner had Sarah opened the door, Maya bounced in blurting the news out without hesitation.
 “Mom, guess what? Dad and Han are getting married! He asked her yesterday and she said yes!”
Ari groaned internally to himself, “Sarah, I didn’t ask her last night,” he smiled bashfully as he explained himself, “and I certainly didn’t do it in front of Maya.”
Sarah shook her head and brushed it off.  “Don’t worry, Ari and … erm, congratulations, I guess.”
“Erm… thanks.” Ari blinked. “I just thought you should hear it from me first… even if you technically did hear it from Munch.”
Despite the civil exchange, Ari could tell that Sarah was hating she didn’t have time nor the privacy to digest the news, and that wasn’t what he’d planned at all. He’d wanted to tell her, quickly, and leave, but Maya had put paid to his plans. Ari could feel coldness of his estranged wife’s stare, along with the tell-tale faint twitch of her nose and upper lip. He knew Sarah well and he, also knew how she deep down felt about him and Hannah. 
“She seemed cool about it but I know her, Han. Too cool for Sarah.” Ari told Hannah that night over dinner. “I can’t help feeling this is going to be bad…”
For once, Ari wished to God he’d been proven wrong. But, Sarah ended up doing what he feared, reverting back to being petty and petulant. She called him the next day to announce from that moment on, when Maya stayed with him, be it during the week or on her agreed weekends, Hannah wasn’t to be there overnight because, as Sarah had put it, it wasn’t appropriate for Maya to be around when they were… well, “up to stuff.
Hannah went ballistic, telling Ari his estranged wife was being ridiculous and she could go to hell, but Ari knew Sarah well enough to know she needed to get this out of her system. He tried his best to explain to Hannah that until she did, there was nothing he could do but roll with it, certainly for the time being. Making Sarah angry would not only risk her going back on terms of the divorce they’d set out in their separation degree, but also, he feared, make her get pissy about him seeing Maya. And that simply wasn’t something he was prepared to risk. He’d already missed too much of Maya over the years, admittedly through his own fault, but he didn’t want to miss a single second more than he had to.
Just as Ari was turning down the heat under their dinner, Simon’s ears pricked up and a second later Hannah’s key was heard in the door. Air smiled at the dog, who let out an excited whine, and leaned to give him a scratch behind his ears.
“Mama’s home, buddy.”
The pooch looked up at his master almost like he was pondering his words and Ari scoffed. 
Yeah, home. Bar the weekends when she’s banished to her mother's…
 Simon trotted off and soon after Ari heard Hannah greeting him. A moment later she walked into the living area and gave him a tired, but genuine smile. 
“Hey Lobo.”
 Ari beamed at his fiancé as he walked to meet her and without warning, he grabbed her face with both hands and stamped his lips on her plump ones, kissing the hell out of her. Hannah moaned in surprise but melted into his hold, her hands instantly reaching for Ari’s bearded cheeks.
“Hey Firefly.” He whispered when he broke the kiss.
She smiled at him as her hands travelled upwards and tangled in his hair. “Something smells good.”
“Thanks, I just showered.” Ari drawled, a cheeky smile on his face.
“I meant the food, you ass.” Hannah laughed as one of her hands slapped Ari shoulder, but his grin never faded.
“I’m a whole meal, honey.” He continued, playfully. Hannah rolled her eyes and stepped back. “But yeah, I’ve been cooking or rather mixing things in pots and pans.”
“Hmmm should I be worried?” She shrugged off the light jacket she was wearing to shield her from the summer showers.
“Well, Simon tasted everything and he’s still breathing.”
“Simon used to eat jellyfish, Ari. That’s not a bar to measure your cooking with.”
“Hey, I tried, okay? Give me some credit. I’ve never cooked for a woman before.” He grabbed her hips and pressed her to his body, one of his big hands splaying over her back.
At that Hannah smiled at him lovingly. He was right. She suspected he had never cooked for Sarah and he certainly hadn’t cooked for her, not once. Never in the brief amount of time they had been secretly dating, and at the resort it had been Chef Aziz's job to cook for everyone.
“I’m honoured, and I’m sure it’ll be great. Give me five to go wash up okay?”
“Sure, babe. I’ll plate the food and open the wine.” He winked at her and Hannah stood on her toes and gave him another quick peck before she headed into the bedroom, Simon following her.
True to his word Ari had done a pretty good job and thirty minutes later they were both sat at the table after having enjoyed a dammed passable and tasty attempt at a beef stroganoff on Ari’s part that left Hannah pleasantly surprised. 
She sighed with satisfaction as she left her fork on her plate and when she looked up she noticed Ari was looking at her intently, his eyes shining under those long eyelashes.
“You trying to seduce me before my carriage turns into a pumpkin tomorrow, Levinson?” Hannah asked before bringing her glass of wine to her lips.
“Hannah...” he sighed.
“Please don’t, sweetheart. I don’t want to argue.” 
It was her turn to sigh, heavily. Ari’s words were more of a plea than a warning to her, but she couldn’t help the way she was feeling. Granted, she wasn’t quite as pissed as when she had left her mother’s house, but she still had a sour feeling which was nagging at her. 
“I don’t want to either, Ari. I just don’t like the prospect of spending my weekend away from you. Again.”
“And you think I do?” He asked, reaching for her hand over the table. “Honey, this won’t be forever. Sarah just needs to get her stupid tantrum out of her system.”
“Yeah, I know and I don’t want you having trouble with Maya because of me, I wouldn’t keep you from Munch, ever. But you’re my fiancé and I just...” she trailed off, shrugging, “I don’t want us to be apart.”
Ari licked his lips and pondered for a moment as he looked at their entwined hands. “Okay, I’ll talk to her when I pick Maya up tomorrow.” He nodded with determination when he looked up at her. “See if I can reason with her and...”
“Don’t Ari. You’ll only set her off.” Hannah rapidly cut him off.
Ari groaned and let go of her hand, his look and voice growing harder. “Well then, what do you want me to do? You literally just said-“
“I know, but I don’t want you to poke the bear! I just want this fucking ridiculous situation to be over.” Hannah shook her head. She knew she was riling Air up, but she was sick of everyone trying to get her to accept the situation they were in without so much as a word of complaint. “I’m not blaming you, it’s just…forget it, can we just pretend we are a normal couple who are having a normal evening dinner?”
“We are a normal couple. Well, as normal as most anyway.” Ari took her hand again, his features softening. “Look, I’m sorry. I really am. I just don’t know what I can do.”
“Love me.” Hannah stated after a while.
Now that puzzled Ari. Was that a request or was she doubting him. She couldn’t be doubting him, right? With concern written all over his face he pushed his chair back to stand up and hurriedly crouched beside Hannah, his hands grabbing her thighs firmly as his eyes searched for something in hers. 
“Firefly, I do love you. You know this… I mean, at least, I hope you do.”
“I do.” She nodded as she looked down to him. “Just don’t stop loving me, no matter what crazy ideas Sarah comes up with.” 
“Hannah, that’s not gonna happen.” He assured her after swallowing hard. “I promise you. Nothing she says or does is gonna change the way I feel about you.” 
Ari meant what he said and took it upon himself to make sure his Firefly was left with no doubt as to his feelings for her all through the night. And then again he made sure she hadn’t forgotten the following morning too before she left to pick Sammy up from the airport.
Ari collected Maya, as arranged, from the summer holiday camp run by her school and then, throwing caution to the wind, took her to Maria’s to see not only Hannah, but Sammy and the family. Hannah was surprised, but pleased to see them both and hugged Maya tight as the girl threw herself at her, chatting away about her day. They ate a lovely dinner, courtesy of Maria, and later, retired to the shared garden in the warm, July air. 
As Maya sat with Sammy, who was telling her stories about the states and Rachel’s kids, Ari found himself watching Hannah. She was sat with her mom and Ethan, the three of them sipping wine as the dusk drew in. It wasn’t long before the first little twinkles around the tree flashed through the darkness, signalling the fireflies had come out to play. 
Ari’s mind quickly travelled back to when he first met Hannah, how those little bugs had been present in the garden, earning her the nickname. His nickname for her, which had stuck and become a term of his love for her, symbolised by the pendant round her neck. It was that pendant, or more specifically how he had given her that pendant, which had fixed the idea on how to present her with the sparkling sapphire and diamond ring on her finger…
It was a Thursday morning, and Hannah walked into the bedroom after her morning shower. Ari looked up from where he was fastening up his short sleeved shirt and smiled as she grinned back at him. 
“You really do suit that colour, pretty sure Ethan’s secretary will approve.”
“Ethan’s secretary?” Ari continued, stopping two buttons under the collar.
“Yeah, that’s what I said Lobo.” 
“Ethan’s secretary is nearly a hundred years old, Firefly.” Ari rolled his eyes with a chuckle, his hands on his hips as Hannah frowned.
“Well who was the young, blonde girl at her desk the other day when I called in?” She picked up her hairbrush from the top of the chest of drawers that served as her vanity unit.
“Lorraine? She’s an intern, Mrs Goldman is training her.”
“She likes you. I can tell.” Hannah hummed, combing out her locks which had been piled on top of her head to prevent them getting wet.
Ari rolled his eyes as Hannah pulled her hair back into a neat ponytail. “Whatever.”
“You can whatever me all you want,” Hannah sang as she picked up a bottle of lotion and sat on the bed, “I can sense these things.”
Ari snorted, looking down at his girl as she sat on the bed applying lotion to her legs. “You getting all territorial on me?”
“Do I need to?”
“Don’t be an ass!” Ari snorted, leaning down to kiss her. 
As they moved around the room, Ari took his time, a lot longer than usual, dragging his morning routine out as long as possible. If Hannah noticed he was making a meal out of tidying his beard up, something he had taken to doing since returning to civilisation, she didn’t notice.
He was stalling for one reason, and one reason only. The surprise that was waiting for her in her underwear drawer.
After what seemed like an age, she crossed the room and pulled it open. Ari held his breath as she reached in for a pair of panties, but instead she gasped, he hand flying to her mouth.
When Hannah spun around, the red, velvet box in her hand, Ari was waiting on one knee, beaming up at her. “Still wanna marry me, Firefly?”
Tears brimmed in her eyes and she nodded, her voice thick with emotion, “yes, you know I do!”
“Had to ask with a ring, sweetheart.”
He watched as she opened it, her mouth dropping open once more as she stared at the ring. 
“Lobo, it’s gorgeous… I… I love it!”
As Ari rose to his feet, he sighed with relief, “good, ‘cause I had a hard time finding something worthy of my girl.”
“It reminds me of the ocean,” she smiled up at him, “and your eyes.”
“Kinda why I bought it, the ocean that is.” Ari smiled as he took the ring from the box, slipping it over her knuckle, watching as the sapphire settled at the base of her finger. “Hannah Maria Navon, I love you, baby girl.”
Hannah glanced at the ring before she beamed, her hands cupping his cheeks, “and I love you, Ari David Levinson.”
Ari smirked a little at the memory, they were totally late for work after getting a little ‘distracted’ so to speak celebrating their engagement once more, only this time in a bed and not the back of a shitty jeep in the Sudanese desert. 
“Dad?” Maya bounced into his lap, drawing a huff from him as she accidentally elbowed him in the ribs, “Are those fireflies?”
“They are Munch.” He nodded, kissing her head as she watched them zipping around. “Can you see now why I call Hannah my Firefly?”
She grinned, “yip!”
Hannah, who had been watching them, cleared her throat. “Ari, it’s getting late. Shouldn’t you two be heading back to your apartment?”
Ari looked at her pointedly. “Our apartment, sweetheart.”
Hannah was about to shoot a response back but then remembered Maya was there so she merely sighed. “Ari, look, you shouldn’t even be here now anyway. It’s not worth the argument if she finds out.”
“Why can’t we stay here, dad? I wanna stay with Han!” Maya piped up and Hannah groaned a little, shooting Ari a look.
“Because Han needs to stay with Sammy tonight, she’s not seen him for a while. You can stay some other time, okay?”
“I’m not gonna say anything to Mom if that’s what you scared of.”
At that, Ari and Hannah exchanged a look. “Why do you say that? Why would we be scared?” He asked and Maya shrugged.
“I heard Mom say some things.”
“What things, Munchkin?” Ari smoothed her long hair back and waited for her to reply.
“Well, I was upset, because at first I thought Hannah didn’t like me anymore as she always left when I stayed over. But one day last week, I heard Mom tell Grandma on the phone she had made you and Hannah spend the weekends apart because I was with you.” Maya paused and looked at Hannah, “Is that why you don’t stay with us at the apartment?”
Hannah blinked, she was stuck. She didn’t want to lie but also didn’t want to start bad mouthing Sarah in front of Maya, no matter how tempting. “Erm, it’s, well it’s complicated, sweetie. You and your dad need to spend time together. But I promise you it’s absolutely not because I don’t like you. I do, I love you very much.”
At that Maya stood up and launched herself at Hannah.  “I love you too, Han.”
Ari and Hannah could do nothing but exchange a look, which Hannah broke as she leaned down to hug Maya, tears visible in her eyes.
And it left Ari feeling even more like shit than he already did.
No, he had to fix this, even if it meant pulling Sarah up on her attitude despite Hannah asking him not to. Whilst he understood Sarah’s anger, and that she had every right to direct it at him, the fact that it was clearly having an impact on Maya was something he couldn’t let slide.
With a sigh, he stood up, instructing Maya to bid everyone good night. Before he left, he pulled Hannah into a kiss, his hands cupping her face.
“I’m gonna fix this,” he whispered against her lips, “trust me, baby.”
“I do.” She sniffed a little, her nose bumping his. “Go, go on. I’ll see you Sunday.”
As they walked the few blocks home, Maya’s hand locked in Ari’s, he was only partially listening to his daughter as she spoke. 
“Dad!” Her voice drew him from his thoughts about how exactly he was going to approach the subject with his soon to be ex-wife. He glanced down at her.
“We’re you listening to a word I just said?”
“Honestly, no!”
“Daaaaaad!” She whined and Ari chuckled.
 “I’m sorry baby, what were you saying?”
“I was saying that I should get Hannah something for luck.”
“What do you mean?”
 “Well, Mom was talking to Auntie Louisa, and she said that Hannah was going to need plenty of luck being married to you so…”
Ari took a deep breath, anger flashing through his system, rolling his eyes. “Oh, did she?”
“Yup.” Maya nodded.
“And, do you think Hannah’s gonna need luck?”
Maya looked at him, and grinned cheekily. “Well, you are an idiot!”
“Rude!” Ari narrowed his eyes playfully, “mind you, technically, you might look more like your mom but you’re half me. Guess that makes you half an idiot, huh?”
Maya went to dig him in the ribs and with a chuckle, Ari swung her up and onto his shoulders. Her hands tangled in his hair as she giggled, before she leaned down, fingers threading into his beard.
“Han’s right, you do look like a wolf.”
Ari laughed, his hands tightening around his daughter’s ankles as her heels lightly bounced against his chest with each step he took.
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migilini · 3 years
Hiiii! I liked how you did the road trip one shot and was wondering if you could do a request for Charlie Gillespie where the reader and Charlie are dating but have been living in different states due to COVID and the boys do an Instagram live and the reader wants to be on the live with them and Charlie gets so excited and it’s fluffy?
So far apart - Charlie Gillespie
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A/N: ofc i can! Thank you so much, hope you like it :) I will proofe read it tomorrow.
Words: 1.5k
Tiredness was your new default state. College alone was stressful and hard enough plus it didn't help that you had to do it online from your little NY appartement that you shared with three other roommates. But you had too. You were in your last semester ever! That was motivation enough to pull through.
Currently you were trying to facetime your boyfriend Charlie. You haven't seen him in about four months but if someone would ask your roommates, they would say it felt like an eternity of you moaning and pouting about not seeing him. When COVID started, the two of you seriously debated about moving in together. However, at that time, your classes were not online yet and you couldn't move away, he also couldn't move to New York with you because he still had meetings with the JATP Cast.
You stared at your ringing phone, desperate to hear his voice. You knew that he should be awake, you had the time zones imprinted on your brain.
Sorry babe, have a meeting in 5… Will call you after okay? <3 the message that just popped up on your screen made you frown a little. You weren't mad, you just had a really awful week and missed him like crazy.
Sure thing <3 yout texted back and threw the phone onto your bed. Deciding that instead of waiting for him to call back, you could use the time usefully and start studying for your next test in two days. 
It was an hour later, you were completely engrossed in the textbook, so you barely heard the ringing of your phone. Maybe a bit too quick, you tossed all your books to the ground and launched yourself on the bed to find your phone. 
His pretty face filled your screen “Heyyy!” “Hello beautiful!” You two grinned at each other.
“How are--” A knocking on your door interrupted your question. “Yes?” The door opened and revealed one of your roommates Alexis with a sheepish look on her face “I’m really sorry to interrupt but Tara just broke off with her boyfriend and she needs a hug.”
You looked up at your red haired friend “She broke up with Tom?!” Alexis nodded “It's an emergency” she claimed. Charlie understood this as his clue to end the call saying a quick goodbye and a don't worry about it, when you shot him an apologetic look. 
This is how it went nearly every time. Something always came up, either you were studying non-stop and he didn't want to distract you or he had actor things and meetings going on. It was truly tiring. The last time you really had the opportunity to facetime was a couple weeks ago and even then you fell asleep inert 15minutes. When Charlie accidentally lulled you to sleep with a song he's been working on. 
Still the two of you made it work. Charlie had started writing you weekly letters with his perfume on it. And you being your crafty self, sent him a little care package with letters, some self made food and paintings, every now and then.
You just finished all your tests and essays for this semester and you felt free again. Taking a deep breath, you opened your bedroom window and put your school books away. Sinking down on your bed, you closed your eyes temporarily, enjoying the moment. You got up again to get yourself something to eat and a coffee. Your roommates were currently away, probably getting groceries or books at the College Library.
You mindlessly scrolled through Instagram, the sandwich you made yourself still laying next to you on the nightstand. Ever since Julie and the Phantoms released, the cast's accounts blew up like crazy and Charlie always showed you off like a queen so of course people found your page as well. You didn't mind though. Most of the people were really nice and respecting, protecting your relationship from all the not so nice guys
You just answered some DM’s, chuckling at a meme that Maddie had sent you, when you got a notification that Owen was live. Naturally you clicked on it, knowing that Charlie most likely will be in the live as well, due to the fact that he was currently at Owen’s with Jeremy.
You were one of the first ones. Owen grinned when he saw your name come up in the chat. 
“Guten Morgen everybody.” You chuckled when you heard your boyfriend singing in the background, writing in the chat that Owen should say hi to Charlie. “Are all of you streaming JATP?” he asked the live audience while you nodded to yourself, your laptop open beside you. It was a bit embarrassing to admit how often you saw the show, but every time you felt lonely you watched it. It had some really cute guys in it after all.
He read the chat “Do you like watching the show you participated in? Thats a good question. Charlie, Charlie! I have a question for you.” The camera turned and it showed the canadian boy you fell in love with. 
“Eh…” he said as he walked into the kitchen, Owen following close. “It was very weird at first. Guess I'm more used to it now.” he answered honestly. You weren't even listening, you just stared at your phone in trance, the light making him look so incredibly pretty.
Suddenly you got an invitation to join the live from Owen. You sat up a bit straighter and blinked a few times before accepting. 
“Helloooooo!” he screamed, making you laugh. “Hi Owen. Yall are up early.”
“Yeah… you know Char. That dumb early riser.” he complained. “Yeah I feel you. Though he lets me sleep so he must love me more than he loves you.” you teased making Owen pout in a childish way.
“Charlie! Who do you love more, me or y/n?” the statement made your boyfriend laugh and for a moment your breath hitched, it was music in your ears and once again you realised how much you missed it.
“I’m really sorry bud, but definitely y/n…I want to...” Charlie just wanted to explain why when he heard your chuckling from Owen’s phone. “See told ya.” It was truly a blessing that the camera was still turned to your boyfriend, making it easy for you to see his reaction. He nearly let the fork he was holding fall out of his hand, his eyes widening while his mouth grew into a big grin. “Is that y/n?” he asked cautiously. Apparently Owen nodded, because before you knew, the camera turned and you were face to face with your boyfriend. 
“Baby!” he screamed, a wide, toothy smile on his lips. “How dare you go on live with Owen but not with me!” he jokes. “How was the history test? As hard as you thought it would be?” you cut off his rambling “Hi! Nice to see you too. No, it was way harder than I expected. Let's hope for the best, I get the results sometime next week”
“I bet you killed that test baby! No, Owen you don't get the phone back… I don't care that it's your live.” The chat was freaking out over Charlie's happiness by just seeing you, talking about how they want love like that.
“Little explanation for everybody. Me and Charlie haven't really been able to facetime so were just really excited right now. Sorry if it's boring.” you explained to the chat. 
“Don’t ever say that ever again.” he said in a serious tone “it's not boring.” you held your hands up in surrender. “Sorry sorry. Can I talk to Owen again? I mean he is the one who invited me.” you teased, poking your tongue out. With a pout he gave the phone back to Owen.
“Are you also streaming the show today?” he asked you. Charlie was in the background, looking at you over Owens shoulder, making silly faces. “Of course! Who do you think I am? I’ve been watching it everyday since it came out.” Owens' face fell “You're kidding… that doesn't… that doesn't seem healthy.” you shrugged “Well i don't really care. I have this massive crush on someone from the show, just can't get enough of him.” 
The camera shook and a couple crunts later you were once again faced with Charlie. “I sure hope it's me or you're not allowed to wear that shirt anymore.” he pointed to the shirt you were currently wearing and that was in fact one of his.
“Not gonna tell you babe. My mouth is shut.” you winked, making him blush. “I miss you.” he blurted out with puppy eyes. “I miss you too. Can’t wait to see you.” he grinned at that excited for the surprise he had planned. 
“I think i'm gonna go, let you guys actually comment on the show. I love you Charlie.” You sent him a kiss and he pretended to catch it with his free hand.
“Eww that's so cheesy.” Owen muttered from somewhere in the back.
“I love you too.”
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The Green-Eyed Monster
This is a sequel to Water Seeks Its Own Level, although you probably don’t have to read that one for this one to make sense. It’s set a few months after the events of that story. I originally intended to write for someone new but I am just totally smitten with Eddie. He called me back to him. 
Pairing: Eddie Kingston x OFC
Word count: 3,836
Content advisory: a healthy dose of smut and cursing
“Son of a bitch!” You jerk your hand back, wincing in pain and you smack the side of the toaster oven, as if it’s the appliance’s fault you haven’t yet figured out that food coming out of the oven is hot. To make things worse, you actually feel a little guilty for taking your anger out on the inanimate object. You’re in a bad mood. The toaster oven is just the latest thing to make your day worse. 
You run some cold water on your hand before you go back for another attempt at removing the leftover pizza slice that you don’t even want but you figure you should eat something because you’ve poured a couple of beer down your gullet and if you don’t eat something, you’re going to get a headache. 
So you gnaw joylessly at your pizza slice, trying not to notice that reheating it has not made it taste fresher than the three days it’s been in your refrigerator. None of this would have happened, of course, if you’d just gone out with the rest of the crew like you’d assumed you would. There was a Korean barbecue place that a few of the AEW gang had heard good things about and finally someone had taken it upon themselves to get a side room reserved so that you could all go together and have a good time. You’d been looking forward to it. 
But earlier in the day, you’d found out that the group that was going included Eddie, along with his new so-called family: the Butcher, the Blade, and the Bunny, also known as Andy, Braxton, and Allie. It shouldn’t have bothered you. They’d known each other a long time. You knew them all well. They’d all been bugging you to come along whenever they were going out together, or at least they had until recently. 
As things too often did for you, it came down to Eddie. After he’d shown up in AEW, the two of you had rekindled the fuck-buddy thing you’d had going when you were both on the indies. The problem was that now you weren’t just hooking up when you happened to be on the same tour or show: you were together every week, living in the same city, working the same schedule. So your casual, no-strings-attached thing had become a very frequent thing. It had become a leaving stuff in each other’s apartments thing. It had become a casual understanding of at least one night of the weekend together thing. 
What it hadn’t become was a relationship, at least not in the articulated, public, monogamous sense. You didn’t have anyone else in your life. You didn’t want anyone else in your life. You’d spent years telling yourself that Eddie was just someone you could go to for a good time in the sack, and even though you were aware that he always stirred up feelings in you that went beyond a fallback booty call, you kept telling yourself that was all it was. 
Now that the two of you were actually stable in terms of work and living space, though, you’d started to wonder if maybe you did want things to be a bit more stable with Eddie as well. Although you’d never discussed your status, you didn’t have anyone else in your life and you didn’t want anyone else in your life. Even though you were surrounded by beautiful people at work, people who had their shit far more together than Eddie Kingston ever would, it was like they didn’t really exist. You didn’t say that to him because you didn’t want to risk embarrassing yourself. If it was going to happen, it would come out naturally, by which you meant that he’d have to get around to bringing it up. 
Things had been fine until recently, until Eddie had taken it upon himself to reunite Braxton with his estranged wife Allie, the Bunny, so that they could have each other’s backs. At least, that’s what he said he was doing. But it actually seemed that Allie was spending most of her time with Eddie. He was the one on television calling her “the beautiful Bunny” and taking credit for wooing her back to the fold. He convinced her to join them. He was the one she seemed loyal to. Even backstage, when the four of them were around each other, Allie always seemed to be hanging off Eddie’s arm, laughing extra loudly at his jokes, and insisting that he come along wherever she was going. It made your blood boil. 
You didn’t say anything because it wasn’t like you had reason to think that Eddie wasn’t going to have anyone else in his life. And you were even sure if he did, because cuckolding his friend right in front of his face would be bold even for him. You’d gone out with the group of them a couple of times but you’d felt nauseous from jealousy, watching him talk about how great it was that they were all working together again. 
So you’d ended up begging off and just spending time with Eddie when you could be alone. More recently, you’d just started avoiding him because thinking that he was leaving your bed to have a quick shower and then run off to another woman had you crying your eyes out on several occasions. You never said anything, you just stopped returning his texts and stayed clear of him at work. And after a while, he’d stopped messaging and trying to talk to you. Things were over. 
You throw the remainder of the pizza in the garbage. Thinking about everything that’s happened in this weird, hopeless thing with him makes you feel rejected and miserable all over again. You miss him. A lot. But now it’s pretty clear that he doesn’t want anything more with you, that he wants to keep things open, and you know you can’t deal with that. 
The doorbell cuts through the fog of frustration and self-pity, startling you so much that you give a little yelp. You old place had one of those systems when the bell was hooked up to your phone but this one had a buzzer that sounded like an aircraft engine and you didn’t feel like you were ever going to get used to it. 
“Hello?” You mumble, hoping that it isn’t another homeless person looking to sleep in the hallway downstairs. 
“It’s me, can I come up?”
He doesn’t even have to say his name because you’d know that almost cartoonish accent anywhere. It figures that he’d just show up unannounced after eleven, like nothing had been weird between you. Maybe for him, things hadn’t been weird at all. 
“Yeah, sure.” You press the release to open the front door and wait, pacing a little and trying to stay calm until you hear a knock on your door. 
And when you open it, there’s Eddie, his face and jacket sprinkled with rain, sporting a fresh-looking bruise on his left eye that he turns to try to hide it. 
“We haven’t hung out in a while,” he grunts, his eyes a little suspicious and resentful. 
“True. Guess we’ve both been busy.”
You motion for him to come inside, quietly pleased that he remembers to take his boots off. You reach over to take his jacket so that you can hang it up and he looks almost offended. 
“I know where it goes,” he snaps, opening the closet and putting it on a hanger himself. 
You grip his jaw and turn his face so that you can get a better look at the damaged eye. 
“What happened?”
He steps back, pouting like a child who’s been caught doing something he knows he isn’t supposed to. 
“We went out to a bar after the restaurant. Archer offered to buy me a drink, and I said I wanted to buy him a drink. I guess it got out of hand.”
“Two friends try to buy a round at the bar turns into a fistfight. That is so you.” 
You can’t help but laugh at your own joke because it is such an Eddie thing but he doesn’t seem amused. 
“You got something I can put on this?” He grumbles. 
“I have a couple of ice packs in the freezer. Come on.”
He follows you over to the open kitchen with its little breakfast counter while you start lifting frozen entrees out of the way to find the artificial ice. 
“So how come you didn’t come to dinner?”
“I don’t know,” you lie. “My stomach was a bit upset and I probably wouldn’t have been much fun.”
He gives a low cackle. “You just don’t like it when you can’t have me all to yourself.”
You pause from digging through the back of the freezer to shoot him a scornful look. 
“You just want me there so you can have a larger audience,” you retort, standing and producing the ice pack. 
“Who said I wanted you there?”
You slap the cold pack into his cheek, giving a cruel little smile when he winces at the impact. 
“Thank god you never decided to become a nurse,” he growls. 
You can feel his eyes digging into you, searching for an opening. He knows all your fault lines so well, but he knows that there’s something going on with you that he hasn’t seen before. Your body twists under his scrutiny, trying to make it less obvious that you’re avoiding meeting his gaze. 
“So what’s up with you anyway?” he asks, still studying you too closely for comfort.
“Not much. I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine with me.”
“What?” You finally look back at him, eyes wide with fake surprise. “Did I say something that made you think I was pissed at you? Did I do something to get you pissed off?”
“Come on. You know what I mean. You barely talk to me at work, you never go out if you think I’m gonna be there. You won’t answer when I message you, or it’s two words long like I’m annoying you. I thought things were going ok with us for once.”
“They were. They are,” you counter desperately. 
He places the ice pack on the counter and arches his brows at you. When you reach to remove it, he grabs your wrist and pulls you between his body and the counter, shaking his head as he presses it hard against yours. 
His hands graze down to your hips and under your shorts, gripping both of your ass cheeks hard and you feel yourself melt against him, as you always do. You incline your head forward until your lips are against his, your arms winding around his neck, and you let yourself fall into the kiss you’d told yourself you were going to avoid. Everything that Eddie does with that mouth of his is magic and every second you spend locked in that embrace, you get drawn further in. 
“I missed this,” he growls softly, giving a hard squeeze for emphasis.
It’s almost painful to pull yourself back from what you want so much but if you don’t extricate yourself now, you’ll be going crazy over him forever, so you force yourself to do it. 
You try to pivot a little but he has you locked in place. 
“Please, just let me put the cold pack back in the fridge.”
“No,” he whispers, giving you an evil little smile before nipping at the skin of your neck. “That’s gonna stay right there and melt and make a mess until you tell me what’s going on with you.”
“That’s not fair!” You whine, trying fruitlessly to reach back so you can at least throw the stupid in thing in the sink. 
“Kinda seems like the Princess has decided she’s too good for me again.”
His lips lock onto the base of your throat and you main loudly. He’s doing it on purpose, tweaking your sensitive spots with his caresses and his words. 
“You know that’s not true, Eddie.”
“I don’t know. I thought maybe you were afraid someone might find out that I was your dirty little secret.”
“It’s not that, I don’t give a fuck who knows.”
That draws a guttural laugh from him and the sound makes your stomach flip. You don’t offer any resistance when he eases your tank top over your head and trails kisses down the center of your chest. 
“So tell me,” he insists, twisting a nipple hard between his fingers, “why I haven’t been getting any of this.”
“Why does it have to be something wrong with me? You’re the one with your new faction or family or whatever, making all sorts of plans and wooing Allie to join you.”
He lifts his head and as soon as you see the smirk on his face, you know you’re done for. 
“Wooing Allie?”
“I don’t know what you call it. You got her to ditch what she was doing and go back with you guys.”
“I call it talking to my friend’s wife and making her work things out with him. That’s not what most people would call ‘wooing’, princess.”
“Whatever, I just meant that you’ve been busy so maybe I’m the one who should feel neglected.”
You fold your arms in front of your chest because the only thing worse than trying to salvage your stupid comment is trying to do it half naked while he gives you that amused look. 
“I don’t believe it. You’re fucking jealous.”
“No,” you whine. 
“Oh yes you are. You think there’s something going on with me and Allie.”
“I guess it seems like you have a bit of a thing for her, at least. You’re always talking about how beautiful she is and all that.”
“Princess, has anyone explained to you that not everything you see in wrestling is real?”
“It doesn’t matter. I just said that you’d been busy and-“
He kisses you again, little ripples of laughter coming out as he does. You return the kiss, diving in and hoping that you can just shut him up and make him forget what you’ve said, and to shut yourself up before you say anything worse. 
“I like this,” he chuckles. “You’re jealous because you think I’m hot for someone else.”
“Fuck off, I never said that.”
The two of you continue kissing, more passionately and hungrier than before, but the next time he pulls back to catch his breath, he goes back to his new favourite subject. 
“I am never letting you live this one down.”
“You can leave any time, you smug asshole.”
He chuckles again, his hand sliding under your clothes, between your legs. He buries his face against you, his lips pressed against your ear as he drags one finger, ever so lightly, from the back of your slit all the way up to your throbbing little nub, repeating the gesture and using his hip to hold you still and stop you from thrusting against him to get more friction. He just keeps up with that ghost of a touch, humming with pleasure the more he can feel your frustration. 
“You want me to go? Really? Because it feels like maybe you’re not so sure.”
You just whimper in need, while at the same time trying to force the desire you’re feeling out of your body. 
He lightly strokes and taps at your clit as he whispers to you, “I like that you’re jealous. But you need to tell me these things, not deprive both of us, ya silly brat.”
His attention then shifts, two thick fingers swirling at your entrance while the two of you bite and lick at each other. You hold out as long as you can, which isn’t long at all, before begging. 
“Don’t do that. Stop teasing.”
“Well what do you want me to do?” he rasps, grinning as you thrust against him, trying to force some more pressure. 
“Fuck me. Stop talking and fuck me through the mattress and into the goddamned floor.”
He lifts you up by your thighs, smiling when you wrap your arms around him to secure yourself as he carries you to your bed. As he places you down, he removes the rest of your clothing in one smooth movement before discarding his own. You kiss playfully for a moment before you tap his thigh. 
“Get up here,” you order. 
And he is most happy to oblige, kneeling over your body and letting you take his thick cock in hand, easing the swollen tip past your lips, sucking and licking while you slowly move your hand along his shaft, occasionally letting your thumb flick delicately along the seam, relishing the yelps this gesture never fails to elicit from him.  
“So you want that even if I’ve been giving it to another woman?”
You growl but the vibrations only increase his pleasure and he starts to thrust a little, pushing himself further into your mouth and throat. 
“Aw, don’t worry,” he purrs, “I’ll always have some use for you.”
At that, you punch him hard in the hip and rake your nails down his ass. He eases down your body, sparkling, mischievous eyes meeting yours. It’s like there’s nothing else in the whole world for you but you know better than to say so. 
“You know what you need to do, Kingston? You need to shut the fuck up.” You push on his shoulders to direct him where you want him to go, and while he takes his time getting there, the journey involves him working his way down your body, like he’s worshipping you. 
“This what you want?” he asks, licking at your soaked flesh. 
“Mm-hmm.” You squirm in anticipation, suspecting that he might try to draw this out longer, so when he dives in and starts fucking you with his tongue, lips and teeth, you let out a loud moan and clench at the bedsheet with both fists. You’re already so close.”
“Lucky for you I have such good stamina,” he hisses. “So I can handle all of these women I’m fucking.”
“You’re still talking,” you groan. “Why are you still talking?”
He gives a harsh bite on the inside of your thigh. “Look at me.”
You glare down at him but immediately feel a little unnerved by the deadly serious look in his eyes. 
“You know damn well there aren’t any other women. I haven’t fucked another woman, haven’t kissed- hell I haven’t even beat off thinking about another woman in months. So let me enjoy this for a few hours until you go back to thinking you’re too good for me.”
With that he goes right back at it, letting you feel the full skill of that constantly moving mouth. You let yourself go, feeling for the first time in ages like you have exactly what you want, what you need, right here in your bed doing everything to make you happy. Your whole body trembles in ecstasy, the tide rising steadily within you, your whines and moans growing ever louder. 
“I love you.”
It slips out so naturally that you almost don’t notice that you’ve said it until he pulls back. 
“I’m sorry, what was that?” 
“Get back down there!” You push his head but he shakes you off and now you’re aware you have a problem. 
“Oh no, I want you to repeat what you just said.”
“I don’t remember,” you whine. 
“Sure you do.” He moves to his side next to you, running his fingers over your skin so that you stay worked up, frustrated, and desperate. 
“I fucking hate you.”
“No,” he scolds, “that wasn’t what you said.”
You exhale in exasperation. 
“Let me get you started. You said ‘I’... come on, repeat after me.”
“What makes you think I even meant it?”
“Well you have to tell me whether you did or not, don’t you, princess?”
His finger traces a curved line between your hip bones that only accentuates your overwhelming, unmet need. 
“I’m not hearing anything,” he coos, flicking his tongue over your nipple. 
“Fine!” you roar, hitting your breaking point. “I said that I love you, and yeah, I meant it.”
Grinning, he moves back down your body. 
“Now was that so hard?” he asks just as he buries his face between your legs again. 
You’d love to give a sharp retort but the second he’s giving you what you want, every other thought leaves your mind. You are one pulsating nerve waiting for release and he is expertly guiding you there. Within minutes you’re screaming his name, tears leaking from your eyes as you come down from the best orgasm you think you’ve ever had. 
By the time you can open your eyes, he’s hovering over you, the tip of his cock throbbing against the lips of your pussy. 
“Say it again.”
You groan a little and push against him but it doesn’t work. 
“Say it again and look at me this time.”
His incredible eyes bear down on you and it’s very different than before. This time, you can’t hide the truth of it behind sarcasm and annoyance. This time he can see into you. You’re vulnerable. 
“Come on.” He prods at your face with his nose and lips before once again locking you with that killer stare. “Let me hear you.”
“I love you,” you stammer, trying to read his reaction and more than a little afraid of what that might be. 
He moans a little and pushes himself part way inside you, rocking his hips slowly. 
“Again,” he rasps. 
“Don’t be like this. I said it. I said it twice. What the hell do you want?”
He grabs a handful of your hair and thrusts his face even closer to yours. “Five years. Five fucking years I’ve been waiting for you to come around. So I want to get the most out of this that I can.”
“Eddie Kingston, I love you.”
He lifts one of your legs over his shoulder and thrusts into you harder. 
“Are you going to say it back?” 
“Sure,” he laughs. “When I feel like it.”
He pounds into you with increased vigor, laughing more when he sees your face contort somewhere between fury and ecstasy, your pussy contracting involuntarily around him. 
“You are such a bastard,” you yell, fighting the second orgasm that’s about to overtake you. 
The phrase is barely past your lips when your whole body spasms, pulling him right along with you. 
“Yeah, you’re right,” he pants after a couple of minutes. “I am a bastard. But you finally managed to figure out I’m the bastard you want.”
You can’t help but laugh, wondering if he really did know ages before you did that you were in love with him, or if he was just hopeful. You run your hands over the back of his head and pull on his earlobe a little with your teeth. 
“God help me,” you whisper.
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gainingexjock · 4 years
Harry had been a great athlete in high school, the typical jock type. He did football, wrestling, basketball and occasionally a bit of soccer. He always had a love for food but his activities meant he still had a trim and athletic physic. As he began his final year in high school he found exam stress and work meant he had to stop doing so much sport, in fact he decided to stop altogether until his exams were out of the way. But he hadn’t altered his diet to match his new found laziness, and so the weight began to pile on
Harry came home after school in September after a long day and revision after school, the first thing he did was head to the fridge and cupboards . He grabbed some coke, a bag of share Doritos, two chocolate bars and a bad of haribos. He ran upstairs quick and closed the sort to his room, he removed his clothes until he was just in his boxers and sat in his gaming chair snacking away while playing Xbox with some friends. Half a hour passed and he had finished all the food so headed downstairs to grab some more, as he was rumadging through the fridge his mum came through the door. “Hey bby sweetie, what are you doing?”
“Just grabbing some snacks mum”
“Well don’t eat too much cause I am making lasagne for tea”
Harry nodded and headed back upstairs to finish his snacks, 1 hour passed and he could hear his mum call from downstairs that dinner was ready. He chucked on some joggers and made his way downstairs his belly having a slight jiggle to it, his mum was a good cook but didn’t eat a lot herself. Instead she made a nice big lasagne for Harry with garlic bread and pizza on the side, while she had a salad. Harry finished the whole dish as well as the rest of the food. He sat back in his chair to let his belly hang out, it was firm and stuffed to the brim with food.
“Oh darling, I am glad you have a good appetite”
“Me too mum *burrppp, oh sorry pardon me”
“Why don’t u go sit down and I will bring you some dessert”
Harry took his plate to the dishwasher and went to sit in the couch, he found it discomforting to find a comfy position. He was too full and his belly to firm, his mum came over with some chocolate cake and ice cream.
“Here u go sweetpea”
“Thanks mum but I think I am too full to eat anymore”
“How about I rub your tummy while you have it hmm I don’t want to see you go hungry”
Harry obliged knowing he did want that cake, so he sat there scoffing his face while he felt his mums warm hands massage his stomach. The peace didn’t last long as his mum had something she needed to say
“Hun, I didn’t want to say anything and I have fed u up tonight so u didn’t feel bad but I think stopping your sports was a bad idea, you have gained a lot of weight scince”
“I know mum but tbh I am too busy for sports and plus it’s kind of nice not having to do it anymore”
“But you were so good at it, I don’t mind you gaining weight in fact you were maybe too skinny but I don’t want u to fell unhappy in your body”
“I don’t mum, in fact the size is nice. I feel more comfortable and we haven’t had nice moments like this for years while I did sports”
“Yes I guess you are right, it’s nice to spend more time with you”
“I want to tell you something, I actually want to get bigger and I hope you will help me do that mum”
“Ofc I will Harry, if that’s what u want sugarplum”
Harry was quite surprised his mum had agreed so easily, but he knew she was a feeder, she always had made big meals for everyone that came round and he knew she wouldn’t deny him what he wanted.
All the parents stared as an obese Harry came waddling out the school doors. The last few months had been endless food and laziness for Harry, his mum had definitely pulled through and was helping him gain weight. When he told his mum about his want to gain he was about 230 pounds but now he was edging 350. It wasn’t long till all the parent and kids saw Harry’s mum pull up in her big suv, she got out and helped Harry into the back giving him some snacks to eat on the way home. They where driving the way home and Harry noticed they had pulled into a drive thru, his mum ordered and passed the three bags into the back
“Here u go darling, u look stressed so here is some food to make u feel better”
Harry gobbles it all up before they got home, his belly popping out from under his small t shirt every time they went over a pothole or speedbump. They pulled up onto the drive but there was another car there, to Harry’s surprise his dad get out. Harry’s dad left home four years ago and was again a typical high school jock kinda guy, Harry hadn’t seen him for just over a year
Harry’s mum helped him out the car, his dads face turned to a look of anger and surprise
“Wth happened to you Harry !!”
“Don’t shout at him please james”
“Last time I saw you, you were a successful sports player and now look at you, a huge butterball who probably can’t run across the playing field ! You are a disgace”
Harry could feel his tears beginning to form in his eyes, he ran as fast as his fat legs could carry him to his room where he stripped down and lay on his bed. He could hear his mum shouting and then his dad slamming the car door and driving away
There was a knock at the bedroom door and his mum came in, he was completely naked but his new belly hid his private parts so he wasn’t too fussed. His mum sat down on the bed next to him and passed him a Swiss role she had brought from the store.
“I’m sorry hun, you know I love you and I think you still look as good as ever”
Harry felt better feeling the support from his mum and embraced her with a big hug. The months that passed were great, he continued school but as soon as he got home his mum would feed him whatever he wanted and he got bigger and bigger every day. He started getting comments at school from his older jock friends but he was soon gonna be leaving so he didn’t care too much. That day when he got home from school, he saw a furniture moval van pulled up on his neighbours driveway, he knew their house had been up for sale but had no idea it had sold. He went inside to see his mum had just finished baking a nice big chocolate cake, he dropped his bag on the floor and headed over to lick the icing
“ no Harry, this isn’t for you. It’s a moving in present for the couple next door. We are taking it over in a bit, I hear they have a son about your age maybe you two could become friends hmm”
Harry was annoyed at being denied the cake so just nodded, grabbed some Doritos from the cupboard and headed upstairs. He didn’t particularly want to meet this new kid as he would probably take the mick out of Harry and his ballooning size which was now over 400. So he was anxious to hear his mum shout from downstairs that it was time to go welcome them
Harry quickly chucked some joggers and a white tee on and headed downstairs, him and his mum walked round to the neighbours house which looked a lot less chaotic than earlier. Harry was puffing from the walk over and was really not liking the idea of meeting this kid. His mum knocked on the door and after a few seconds it was opened my a big man, with a large beard and a even larger stomach. Harry guessed he must have been around 300 pounds, he was quickly joined by a smaller more petite lady with brown hair.
“Hi, sorry to disturb you cause I know you must be busy unpacking. But we live next door and wanted to bring this cake as a welcome gift. This is my son harry”
“Well that’s very kind of you, it looks delicious” the man said
“Sorry my husband is forgetting his manors, I am Julie and this is my husband Charles, our son Sam is around. Why don’t you come in and I shall grab him”
Harry and his mum came in and sat on the couch by the kitchen, as Harry sat down his shirt rode up leaving the softest part of his belly exposed. He quickly tugged it down hoping no one saw. In the hall he could see Julie come down the stairs, and following her at a much slower pace came Sam. Well Sam’s belly, Harry couldn’t quite see his face yet. Harry was in awe , sam must have been around the same size as him but with blonde curly hair and a huge double chin. He was wearing shorts that let his big wobbly thighs loose and a black tee that stood no chance of slimming the big belly down. He smiled and sat down next to his parents
“ so how long have you and Harry lived here?” Julie asked
“About 7 years now, Harry goes to the local school which I presume sam will be joining ?”
“Oh no, same finished his exams before we moved so idk what he is gonna do yet, perhaps get a job somewhere local. In fact sam why don’t you take Harry to your room you two can get to know each other better”
Sam agreed and signalled Harry to follow him, it took a couple of tries for both of the boys to get off the couch. Harry couldn’t help but look at Sam’s big jiggly ass as they walked up the stairs, it really was very plump
“Here is my room, it’s nicer than my last one a lot bigger”
“It’s really nice” Harry replied
“Take a seat”
The two boys sat on the bean bags sam had in his room, Harry knew it was a bad idea as it would be hard for him to get back up again after.
“Do u wanna play some Xbox” Sam asked
“Yeah defo”
“Let me just grab some snacks, why don’t u put a game in”
Sam soon came back up with two big bowls of crisps, chocolate and some coke for them both. They spent a good hour eating and playing some video games, Harry reached back into the bowl to grab some crisps to find it was empty
“Oh sorry mate, I have quite a big appetite I shall grab some more” Sam said as he patted his belly
He tried to get up, getting a bit flustered in the process. He pushed himself up with his left arm trying to get onto his feet, but his weight betrayed him and he came crashing to the floor again with a huge thud, spilling his coke all over his t shirt in the process
“You okay mate?” Harry said while quickly supporting sam back onto the bean bag
“Yeh thank you, I dunno why I couldn’t get up”
Harry could see sam was getting upset
“Don’t worry, listen I probs will struggle to get out this seat as well. U ain’t the only one with a big belly in the way haha”
Sam smiled a little
“Haha thanks, yeh I guess we are both big boys. I need to change my top though”
Sam slowly made his way over to the dresser, deciding to just shuffle over as he couldnt quite get the energy to push himself off the bean bag
He opened the drawer and grabbed a t shirt
“Sorry this too is a bit small but I haven’t unpacked the rest of my clothes yet”
“Don’t worry mate”
Same heaved himself up and slowly removed the soaking t shirt exposing his stretch marked belly to Harry. Harry didn’t quite know why he was so attracted to Sam, perhaps it was because they were so similar in size or maybe Harry had never seen such a big boy before apart from himself. Sam had a beautiful body, a big belly that hanged over the waistline of his shorts and moobs that dropped either side, he slid the new top over his large belly but it didn’t quite cover it
“I figured as we are both big it didn’t matter if I took my top off in front of u haha”
“It’s fine”
Sam came over and lowered himself again
“Listen, I wanna speak big guy to big guy. What’s it like for you? I have been big for a long time and I can’t really remeber a time I wasn’t overweight. I hope you don’t think me rude but you are a big guy and honestly man you look great” Sam said
“ well tbh sam I love it, I have really plumped up this year after stopping football and all my other sports. Mate you look great as well, I don’t really know what to say but the belly suits you”
“Thanks man, shall we get some more food, I bet my parents won’t mind if we order pizza”
“Sure let’s do it”
The boys pigged out massively that evening, not moving from the bean bags on Sam’s bedroom floor, in fact Harry stayed there that night as they where both too full to even try and get up. They both slept there in their briefs with their belly on show.
The boys became good friends over the next few months, Sam had gained a lot as he didn’t get the job his parents were hoping he would. So he lived a life of laziness and eating. Harry had just finished his exams and began his holidays, his mum fed him well when she got home from work and during the day he did the same as Sam
One day Harry was laying on his bed now weighing a colossal 500 pounds, he was watching netlix in his briefs while stuffing his favourite, a chocolate Swiss role. Suddenly Sam came bursting through the bedroom door
“Oh shit sorry man, your mum said to come up I had no idea”
Harry quickly tried to adjust himself but he hadn’t moved for a good few days and was weighed down by his belly
“It’s okay mate”
“I just , ugh he grunted” he began to sweat and his breath quickened
“ I can’t get up”
Sam came over
“Oh shit mate, let me help you”
Harry pushed and pushed while sam pulled and eventually he was now sat up right, his huge belly hanging between his legs. Sam sat next to him making the bed creak so much they thought it would break.
“Thanks man” Harry panted
“ no worries dude I mean you have seen me in this situation before haha”
“I am such a disgrace, you must think me such a slob”
“No Ofc not, I do the exact same thing when I am home. In fact let me be a slob too”
Sam stood up and began to remove his tight joggers and top that barley covered his belly anyway, Harry couldn’t believe the sight, Sam looked amazing so huge and obese. His briefs cutting into his huge thighs. He came and sat next to him, their bellies pushing together as they where both now released from the constraints of clothing.
“See we are the same” Sam said
“Listen mate, I don’t want you to think me disgusting but you look amazing and honestly I just wanna fuck that big ass of yours right now”
“I thought u would never ask”Sam said
Harry turned laying down next to Sam, they pushed their bellies together each helping the other to remove their tight briefs from their body.
It was amazing, they laid there next to each other after having the best sex in their life, both panting and tired from the exercise. The door opened, Harry’s mum had never looked so shocked in her life !
“Boys what, what are you doing?!”
“Mum, me and Sam we love each other and we want to grow big and old together. We want to grow fat together”
His mum called round Sam’s parents and they explained it all. They all agreed, both parents already knew their boys love for food it was just now they would be doing it together. The boys where brought food by their parents as they lay in bed together and grew in size.
Years later the bed was reinforced with steel to take the weight of the two boys, growing fatter by the day. Harry a colossal 900 pounds and sam a huge 850, they where both now 23 and had been living their dream life. They planned to keep on growing with the help of their parents
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harley-sunday · 3 years
Encore [01]
Summary: The new Disney+ show ‘Encore’ brings together former castmates of a high school musical, tasking them with re-creating their original performance in a high school reunion like no other. Emotions run high as you face faded friendships, long-forgotten controversies, killer choreography, and an ex-boyfriend you haven’t seen in eighteen years.
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader [unnamed OFC, nicknamed ‘Ace’)
Warnings: None
Word count: 8.4k
AN: So, here it is, the re-write of Encore. For those of you who have read it when it was first published, there are some subtle changes in this first part, but the real fun doesn’t start until part 2, which will be online tomorrow. Hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think :)
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Cursing quietly you set out in a jog, one hand holding your purse close to your body while the other is clutching the double espresso that made you late in the first place. You make a mental note to check if they’ve replaced the coffee machine in your hotel room when you get back tonight, because you really don't want to go on another early-morning Starbucks run tomorrow in case they haven’t.
Still, you’re parked relatively closeby and so it’s only a short run to the double doors which you all but burst through, coming to a sudden stop when there are two people in your way who look like they’ve been waiting for you. They introduce themselves as part of the crew and help you with your microphone, telling you to keep it on as much as possible and not to forget to hand it back at the end of every day. You only half listen because all of a sudden the familiarity of the place hits you and you’re surprised to see nothing has changed, not really anyway. It’s almost like time has stood still and the sense of melancholy that washes over you makes you a little weak in the knees. 
There’s no time to reminisce any further though, because once your mic is in place they tell you everyone else is already here and waiting for you in the theater room, and so you’re off again, running towards the other end of Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School for the first time in eighteen years. 
You’re a little out of breath when you get there and want to allow yourself a moment to catch it again, maybe calm your nerves a little, but you know they’re waiting for you and so you take one last deep breath and open the door. 
There’s a group of nine people on the stage who, like you, are the show’s main cast. They’re all talking to each other amicably and you wonder if they’ve kept in touch all these years. One by one they turn to you as you make your way towards the front and it does absolutely nothing to calm your nerves. Some of them look surprised to see you and you don’t blame them, because once you left Sudbury after graduating high school you had no intention of ever coming back and so you cut ties rather vigorously. 
Two of the four cameras that are spread out across the room are now trained on you, but you try your hardest to act natural, because that’s what it said in the production brief they sent you last week, and so instead you try to focus on the people you haven’t seen for so long. 
It’s Nicole Matthews who greets you first, running towards you as you walk on stage. She presses a kiss to your cheek before she gives you a hug, a quiet, “So glad you made it, babe,” whispered into your ear. You hang on to her just a little longer because now that you’re finally getting to hug your best friend again for the first time in eighteen years it’s hard to let go. 
After Nicole you make your way down the line at a steady pace, greeting everyone with a hug, except for Michael Pratt who insists on doing the secret handshake he taught you during rehearsals all those years ago. You hand your coffee to John Ryan on your right, because unfortunately you’ll need both hands for this. It takes a little practice but then you remember the full routine and you can’t help but laugh when you nail it on your third try, earning you a wink from Johnny when he hands you your coffee back, “Still got it, huh kiddo?” 
All too soon there’s only one person left to greet and you know all eyes are on you when you walk towards Chris, the talking from before quieting down to a hushed whisper. It’s fine. You get it. You would want to know what happens next too. 
He seems unsure what to do and after a second or two he pulls you in for a hug that’s a little awkward and might have not been such a good idea after all.
You give him a quick pat on the back before you pull back, and step to the left, trying to hide from view a little. There’s a whole range of emotions you’re going through right now and you’re not sure which one to settle one. If somehow you could walk out of here and just forget this ever happened, you probably would, even though you are sure Nicole would never let you. 
It’s then three more people walk in and so everyone’s attention shifts to the newcomers before they have a chance to ask questions you don’t have any answers to. 
The two men and one woman introduce themselves as the director, choreographer, and musical director for this project and tell you there’s a lot of work ahead of you, even though from tomorrow there will be some professionals to fill some of the minor roles and help with the choreography. They seem so unfazed about having a celebrity there that you can’t help but wonder if they got instructions from production or if they’re just used to working with well-known actors. You suppose, and hope, it’s the latter. 
“So, Grease,” the director, Coy, comments with a smile when he hands the scripts to Nicole to pass down the line, “that was already a classic by the time you performed it.” He asks everyone to tell him who had which role in the original production, taking notes and nodding fervently when he hears who played who. 
Coy looks up and smiles, “So, we have a lot to do, of course, if we’re gonna do a show in five days, but Grease doesn’t work unless you have fun. Unless you’re having fun, the show falls flat.” He looks to Adam, the musical director, “So today we’re gonna have a little bit of a singing session. That’ll let us know where you are, vocally.” 
Adam has the group form a semi-circle and hands each of you a piece of paper with the lyrics of ‘I Want it that Way’ by the Backstreet Boys on them, because, as he reasons, it was one of the biggest hits the year you performed Grease and you all need to go back to that place in time. 
Nicole starts, a little hesitant at first, but then she decides to go for it and it’s amazing and, like nineteen years ago, you are absolutely in awe of her voice. As more and more people sing their rendition of the song, you are actually surprised at the level of singers in the group and how serious everyone takes this. That is until Johnny and Michael decide to remake the song into a duet once it’s Johnny’s turn and their very serious facial expressions and interpretive dancing have you crying from laughter in no time. 
Chris is up next and finally you get to take a good look at him. He’s wearing a dark blue sweater that stretches across the muscles in his arms and chest, paired with black jeans, and sneakers, and it suits him. His voice is soft but clear and you can’t help but wonder why he never did more musical theater. You’ve followed his career, of course you have, and you’re proud to see what he’s accomplished, because you know how hard he’s worked to get there. 
It’s your turn then and instead of butterflies it feels like there’s a herd of elephants stomping around in your stomach. You step up anyway, because, with the exception of the three professionals, they’ve all heard you sing before. You haven’t sung in a long time, but you still know how to carry a tune, although you never really take any risks, and so if anything your rendition errs a little on the boring side. Still, you make it through the song without any real struggles and at the end Adam praises the group, saying he’s impressed at everyone’s vocal capabilities. 
Coy looks up from his seat then, where he’s been taking more notes ever since Nicole started singing, and informs you that they have decided to honor the original casting.
And so here you are, once again playing the Rizzo to Chris’ Kenickie. 
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The rest of the day passes by in a blur of read-throughs, choreography, and more singing, and even though you know you’ll be dead-tired once you get back to your hotel tonight, you also can’t help but feel excited. You never pursued a career in acting or performing and so Grease was both your first and last venture out into the theater world, but God, did you like it.  
You’re a little lost in thoughts, watching a scene you’re not in from the side of the stage, thinking back on your days as a theater kid, when Chris comes up beside you, “How you holding up?” 
You know what he wants you to say, because this has been your spiel whenever you found each other in the wings, but you just can’t get the words out, there’s eighteen years worth of pain and heartache that needs to be dealt with first. Instead, you keep looking straight ahead at the scene in front of you, shaking your head ever so slightly to let him know, what, you’re not exactly sure.
He takes a step back and doesn’t say anything else until it’s his turn to enter the stage.   
There’s no time to unravel what the hell just happened because Nicole comes off stage and joins you then, gently bumping her hips against yours, “You ok, babe? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“The ghost of my fifteen-year old self,” you mutter quietly. A little louder then, hoping she’ll let it go, “Don’t worry about it, Nic.” 
“Well, at least no one’s gonna complain about the age difference between you two now,” she says with a grin, nodding towards the stage where Chris is going through his scene. She shakes her head, “God, I still can’t believe it was such an issue back then, only because he was, what? A year older?”
“Almost two,” you offer. You remember Mrs Linton pulling you aside to inform you there had been complaints about you being cast as Rizzo. She told you there were some people who were worried the age difference between you and Chris could be perceived as inappropriate, especially because you shared one very steamy makeout scene right before intermission, that went on for at least a few minutes. You were just a junior and so shocked to learn people had a problem with you that you offered to step down, but it turned out Mrs Linton was on your side, and she told you she’d kick your butt all the way back to second grade if you even so much as thought about letting them win.
You never found out who she meant by ‘them’ but you always thought Jessica Mullen, the girl playing Sandy, and Fiona Warren were behind all this. Jessica and Fiona were best friends, two of the most popular senior girls, and it was no secret Fiona had a huge crush on Chris back then. She also auditioned for the part of Rizzo, but Mrs Linton favored your approach to the character and so Fiona ended up being offered a role in the ensemble, which she declined with a temper-tantrum unprecedented by anything any two-year old has ever thrown. 
Ultimately, as a compromise, Mrs Linton made you and Chris skip the makeout scene during rehearsals, which seemed to stop the protests somewhat. You've often wondered if she would have done things differently had she known Chris and you were already dating for two months by the time rehearsals started and so steamy make out sessions were part of your daily routine anyway. Then again, you always had the feeling she very much knew about your relationship and was just playing her part. 
Nicole nudges you then, pulling you out of your memories, “It’s your cue, go!”
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The producers thought it would be nice to have all of you go out to dinner after the first day back together, and so you find yourself at the Oak Barrel Tavern, sharing a table with Nicole, Johnny, Michael, Eric, and Chris, enjoying what everyone still considers to be the best burger in Sudbury. Funny how some things never change, you think, as you take a bite of your fries. 
Except for you and Michael, the rest of the table all graduated in the same year and are already two beers deep into a play-by-play of the many senior stunts they pulled. You watch Chris as he animatedly tells the story of how he, Johnny, and Eric toilet papered the principal’s house the night before graduation. Two cameras circle your table and you are certain some part of this story will make it to air, because it’s too good not to. Johnny tries to chime in, but instead keeps letting out these roaring laughs whenever he remembers another detail of that night and you can’t help but smile at the familiarity of it all. 
It’s strange, you think, how something as insignificant as performing a musical together made you form a bond with these people which even after nineteen years is still there. Sometimes you wonder if leaving Sudbury all those years ago really brought you the peace of mind you were looking for. Maybe you wouldn’t feel so restless now if you had just accepted that this would always be your hometown and this group of people would always be here. You realize then that there’s hardly been any catching up going on tonight and so you figure they must have all kept in touch in some way or another.
You and Eric get to talking then, during a lull in the conversation, and he easily admits that hadn’t it been for Chris he would have liked to asked you to go to Senior Prom with him, revealing that back then he had a  major crush on you. Your cheeks heat up at his confession and you can’t help but glance at Chris, who quickly adverts his eyes when you do. Turning back to Eric you try to make a joke about how he should have, because at least then you would have had a date, but the moment the words leave your mouth the awkward silence that follows makes you wish you hadn’t said anything.  
Chris throws you an angry look and Nicole just stares at you in disbelief, before coming to your rescue and telling everyone that it’s getting late and maybe it’s time to go home. 
You throw her what you hope is a grateful smile and get up, following the rest of the group outside, where the same crew that fitted you with your mic this morning is waiting for you and so you hand everything back to them like they asked you to
With a wave and a, “Goodnight everyone,” you head towards your car, not completely surprised when Nicole catches up with you.
“What the hell was that?”
“I-” you shake your head, “I don’t know. It came out before I knew it.”
“Well,” she says as she puts her hand on your shoulder and kisses your cheek, “we’ll discuss it over dinner tomorrow night.”
“Can’t wait,” you answer, a hint of sarcasm in your voice even though you are in fact looking forward to it. “See you tomorrow, Nic.” 
“Bye, babe,” she says as she opens her car door and lowers herself into her seat. You wait until she’s backed up out of her parking spot before you give her a little wave and continue on towards your car while you rummage through your purse to try and find the keys to your rental. You push the button needed to unlock the car and are about to open the door when you hear someone come up behind you. Of course. You let out a sigh, “I know what you’re gonna say-”
“You don’t,” he says, hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans and his foot kicking at the loose gravel near your tire. He looks up at you, his voice much softer when he says, “I can’t believe it’s been eighteen years, Ace.”
Hearing him use his old nickname for you sends a shiver down your spine and you hate how it brings back an onslaught of memories. You don’t say anything, just look at him, wondering where he’ll go with this. 
“Eighteen years is a long time.” He looks up at you, a sadness to his eyes that would make you a little weak in the knees had it not been for his next words, “Do you think that maybe it’s time to leave the past behind us? Maybe we could just start over?”
“We could just- Sorry, what?” You open your mouth to say more but find yourself at a momentary loss for words after what he’s suggested and so you stand there gaping like a stupid fish, which makes you even more angry. You shake your head and get in your car, “Goodnight, Chris.” 
The drive to your hotel only takes a couple of minutes, which means you’re still pretty upset when you get to your room. Your purse ends up being flung into a corner somewhere before you make your way to the minibar and grab all four of the miniature bottles of whiskey that are in there, taking them out onto the balcony with you. Downing the first makes your throat burn in not an entirely unpleasant way, although it does nothing to relieve you of your anger. 
Putting your feet up on the railing you lean back in your chair, head resting against the wall, and uncap the second tiny bottle. To hell with your good intentions of going to bed early, you think, knowing you won’t be able to sleep now anyway.
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Today’s run to the theater room is almost a carbon copy of yesterday’s, down to the Starbucks cup in your hand because they didn’t replace the coffee maker in your room like they said they would and of course you forgot to check. The only difference is that you have a pounding headache and might just be a tad hungover. Oh well, there’s a first time for everything, you think as you make your way down to the stage once they've put your mic on.
Nicole eyes you suspiciously but doesn’t say anything, although you do see her glance in Chris’ direction not much later, the rest of the group just nodding and some of them mumbling a “Good morning,” to you. Chris keeps his distance, probably thinks you’re still mad at him, which, you know, you are. Sort of, anyway. It sounded so casual when he suggested leaving the past behind you, like none of what happened matters anymore. Then again, maybe it doesn’t. It’s all just very confusing and you guess that’s what annoys you most of all.
Adam steps onto the stage then and tells you his plans for today, wanting to go through the songs in order, with choreography, for now not bothering with the scenes in between. It’s the only thing you’ll do today, except for some wardrobe fittings after lunch, and so he warns you it’s going to be grueling and that you won’t get to stop until everyone’s at least ninety percent there. A few more people come on stage and are introduced as the extras, professional actors who will make up the ensemble and help with the choreography where needed. 
Your headache-induced bad mood helps you pull off ‘Look at Me, I’m Sandra Dee’ with an attitude your sixteen-year old self wishes she had and even ‘There Are Worse Things I Could Do’ goes as well as it could. But then ‘We Go Together’ has you paired up with Chris for the first time and it’s awkward, and stiff, and when Coy reminds you that Rizzo is no longer mad at Kenickie at this point, you just nod and try to put in some extra effort to make it seem like there’s nothing going on between you and Chris, wanting to get it over with. 
Coy doesn’t comment on it any further, but pulls you and Chris aside at the end of the day, when the rest of the group is dismissed after what Kelly, the choreographer, deems "A great day of work."
Both you and Chris are sitting on the edge of the stage, Coy standing in front of you, looking from one to the other and back, almost as if he’s studying you. He waves his hand around then, “What am I missing here?” 
You shrug and out of the corner of your eye you see Chris do the same. You can’t help but smile when you realize it’s still very much you two against the rest of the world, even now, even when you’re sort of fighting.  
“Fine,” Coy says with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose, “you don’t have to tell me. I’m just sensing some history here that I hope won’t get in the way of your performance.” He looks up at you, “Don’t let this become about you two, ok? There are eight other people who deserve this to be a good show. So whatever it is, work it out.” And then, before you have a chance to respond, he walks away, muttering something that sounds like, “High school drama, man.”
Next to you, Chris sighs and looks at you, “Maybe he has a point.” 
“Hmm,” you shrug in a very non-committed kind of way. Your headache has reappeared, and you’re tired, and honestly, you just want to get back to your hotel room and take a quick nap.  
Chris seems unfazed by your attitude, like he always was, “We really should talk about it.” He jumps down from the stage, “Why don’t you come over? We could get some takeout and, I don’t know,-’
“Chris,” you scoff.
“You rather do this here?” He raises his eyebrows and nods towards the camera on your left, which, no doubt, is still rolling.
“I’d rather not do this at all right now,” you mutter quietly, although you know it’s not fair. A little louder then, “I’m having dinner with Nicole tonight, so-"
He just nods, “Fine,” even though his jaw sets in a way that tells you it’s anything but.
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“Come in, come in!” Nicole steps aside to let you pass and tells you to walk straight ahead to the kitchen, where you are greeted by the rest of her family. Her husband introduces himself as Keith and tells you it’s great to finally meet you, before he points at the two little boys sitting at the table, “That’s Leo, and the other hooligan’s Robby.”
“I’m five!” Leo exclaims proudly, holding up four fingers.
You chuckle, “That’s awesome!” 
“The boys wanted you to sit in between them,” Nicole says from somewhere behind you, “hope you don’t mind?”
“Are you kidding me?” You wink at Robby, who looks at you expectantly, “Best seat in the house.” 
Dinner is spent catching up with Nicole, or trying to anyway, because Leo and Robby keep interrupting, wanting to tell you about anything and everything they deem important enough to share. Which, as it turns out, is a lot. After dessert, Nicole asks Keith to take the kids into the living room, because, as she puts it, “Mama needs some peace and quiet,” and so you find yourself, glass of wine in hand, on the back porch not much later. 
“You have a gorgeous family, Nic,” you tell her before you take a sip of your wine. “It’s really nice to finally get to meet them.” 
“Thank you.” A mischievous smile then, “So. You wanna tell me what’s going on between you and Evans?”
Never one to beat around the bush, you think and laugh, “Nothing’s going on, Nic.”
“Uhu,” is all she says in reply, folding her arms in front of her chest as she keeps looking at you, one eyebrow raised for good measure. 
You just shake your head but her looking at you like that makes you a little nervous and so, against better judgement you offer, “It’s complicated.”
“It is,” you reply, your voice suddenly an octave higher. You hesitate for a moment, but then you figure she knows most of it already anyway, and so you turn in your seat so you can face her, “You know I haven’t spoken to him since we broke up, Nic, and I don’t know it’s- It’s weird.”
She nods, encouraging you to go on.
You sigh and rub your temple, “Eighteen years is a long time, Nic.” 
“It is,” she agrees, “but maybe it’s time to bury the hatchet and at least try to be friends?” Her eyes grow kinder then, “You were always so good together.”
“I don’t know, I mean- And I know I keep saying this,” you hold up your hand when she starts to protest, “but it’s been such a long time. So much has happened. And none of it we went through together, you know? Does that even make sense?” You shrug and shake your head, “I guess our history together is both a blessing and a curse at this point.”
“You need to get out of your head, kid,” she offers with a stern look. “You’re setting this up for failure before it has even started.”
“Oh come on,” she shakes her head, “don’t tell me it never crossed your mind.” She sits up, “I’m going to ask you something and you need to swear on Bubbles’ life that you won’t give me some bullshit answer.” 
“Nicole,” you gasp, hand to your heart in pretend shock, but laughing at the same time. “You want me to swear on Mrs Linton’s dead goldfish? That’s fu-” but then you hear the french doors open and see two little boys running towards and so you have to adjust quickly and throw her a look for good measure, “-funny. Super funny. Funny haha. You’re funny.”
Nicole lets out a laugh and throws you a wink before she holds out her arms and smothers her two boys in kisses once they jump onto her lap, “Goodnight my little rebels, I love you.”
A chorus of “I love you, mama,” makes you smile and you watch the boys run back inside where they give you a quick wave from behind the door before they disappear upstairs. 
“So?” Nicole asks, as if nothing ever happened.
You glare at her, knowing she’ll never let it go, “Fine.” 
“Would you have come back to Sudbury to do this show if it weren’t for Chris?” 
You let your bottom lip roll between your teeth while you contemplate your reply, but of course you know the answer already. It wasn’t just for shits and giggles that you searched all the gossip sites for any information on his relationship status when you first agreed to do this. And so you shake your head, “No.” 
“You know I told Keith I wasn’t sure you’d even come back, right?” Nicole shakes her head, “After all you’ve been through after you and Chris- You know-”
“I still have all your letters,” she confesses with a smile. “Every single one of them.”
“It was my way of keeping you close,” she says and shrugs. She tries to act as if it’s no big deal, but her voice catches on the last word and when she tries to smile it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. She clears her throat, “I’m just glad to have you back.”
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They’ve replaced the coffee machine in your room while you were out yesterday and so there’s no running towards the theater room once you make it to Lincoln-Sudbury this morning. You walk through the hallways at a leisurely pace, enjoying how much everything still looks the same, down to the blue color of the lockers lining the wall. 
You’re actually a little early and so you’re one of the first to arrive, only finding Johnny and Michael on stage. Michael insists you give the secret handshake another go and you can’t help but laugh when you nail it on the first try this time. 
Johnny gently pats your back, “It’s really good to have you back, kid.” He runs a hand through his hair, letting it rest at the base of his neck and looking a little flustered, “We always wondered what happened to you, you know, after you and Chris broke up and you left Sudbury-” 
“Thanks, Johnny,” you reply with a smile, “that means a lot.” 
“But you’ve been good?” Michael asks.
You nod, “I am now. It’s good to be back.” 
The door opens then and you see Chris and Jessica walk in together, Jessica telling him something that makes him laugh and all of a sudden you feel a pang of jealousy that you’re not necessarily proud of. You try to get back into the conversation with Michael and Johnny, but they’re talking about last night’s football game and so you just stand there, trying your hardest not to stare as Chris and Jessica step onto the stage. Before it can get awkward though, the rest of the group walks in and so all of a sudden there are nine people surrounding you and your attention is diverted elsewhere. 
Nicole waves at you from the other side of the stage and you smile back at her, mouthing a, “Morning,” at her.
Coy, Adam, and Kelly walk in next, followed by the ensemble, and not much later you find yourself reciting your lines over and over again because Coy wants to do a complete runthrough of the show this afternoon to prepare for the two dress rehearsals planned for tomorrow.
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You find Chris on the side of the stage in between scenes and stand beside him, not saying anything because you’re so nervous you don’t even trust your own voice right now. But, you promised Nicole you’d do this, promised her you would try to make things right, and so here you are, reaching for his hand, your finger’s brushing against his skin before you gently tap the inside of his wrist four times. Tap-tap-tap-tap.
Meet me after practice
It’s been nineteen years since either of you last used this shorthand, but he must remember what it means because he nods in reply. 
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You wait for him in what used to be your usual spot, all the way in the back of the parking lot where there’s a bench tucked away in the tree line. It’s been a while since you were dismissed by Coy and you worry he might not show up making your stomach turn. 
Letting your eyes fall to the ground you distract yourself by trying to get your breathing under control, hoping it will help you calm your nerves. When you look up again you can’t help but smile, because there he is, walking towards you and looking just as nervous as you feel, “Hi,”
“Listen, Chris-” you start, just as he says something that you don’t quite catch. He nods for you to go first and so you clear your throat and start again, “You were right. We should talk-”
“Come again?” He grins, “Did you just tell me I’m right, Ace?” 
You stare at him, shaking your head, but there’s a smile playing on your lips because this is the best response you could have gotten and so you shrug, “I guess I did.” 
“I guess you did,” he echoes. A little more serious then, “What do you have in mind?”
“I don’t know,” you reply, because honestly you didn’t think this far ahead, “maybe grab a bite to eat somewhere?”
He smiles apologetically, “I have somewhere I need to be tonight, but why don’t we do this tomorrow? That way we can both think things over a little and-”
“I’d like that,” you admit easily. 
“You want to come over to my place or should I book a table somewhere?”
Biting your lip you weigh the pros and cons, quickly realizing you much rather have this conversation in the privacy of his home than somewhere in a restaurant and so you nod, “I’ll come over.” You give him your phone number and watch as he saves it in his phone, smiling when he puts you in as ‘Ace’.
He pockets his phone when he’s done, “So, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow morning?”
“Yeah,” you nod. It’s a little awkward then and so you turn around, a quick wave over your shoulder to tell him goodbye.
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You hear your name being called from somewhere behind you when you walk from your car to the entrance of the school and can’t help but smile when you see Nicole hurry to catch up with you. You kiss her cheek once she joins you, “Morning.” 
“Hi, gorgeous,” she beams back, “you excited about today or what?”
“Dress rehearsal?” You shrug, “Yeah, I guess.” 
You raise your eyebrows and look at her as you push the double door leading into the building open, unsure if she’s saying what you think she’s saying. You shake your head when she starts laughing, “How do you even know?”
“I didn’t,” she holds up her hands to let you know she’s telling the truth, “but I saw you in the parking lot together after practice yesterday and I just figured, you know, maybe you kept your word about wanting to work things out with him. And then you totally gave it away just now, so-”
“I hate you,” you mutter quietly as you pick up your pace.
“You love me,” she counters, easily catching up with you. “And you’re going to tell me exactly what you’ve got planned for tonight.” 
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Like he promised, Coy wants you to run through the entire show at least twice today, choreography, outfits changes and all, and so you take your place, not particularly looking forward to all the dancing. The first half of the show goes as well as it could, although Johnny keeps forgetting his lines, and Jessica takes too long whenever she has to do an outfit change, and ok, fine, you mess up the choreography more than you care to admit too. 
When you finally get to the part right before intermission, where you and Chris have to make out for at least two minutes, Nicole is quick to inform Coy that you never rehearsed that scene when you first performed the show, and wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t do it this time around either? Coy seems interested as to why and so Nicole gives him an abridged version, and to your surprise he quickly agrees to skip the scene until the show tomorrow, because, as he reasons, it will add some drama. 
A quick glance at Chris earns you a wink from him and you know he’s probably just as relieved as you are. 
You find Nicole in the dressing room not much later, where she’s getting fitted for her Frenchy wig and when you walk up to her all you say is, “Thank you.”
She nods in response, “Of course.”
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At the end of the day you’ve run through the show almost three times and Coy seems somewhat confident that you’ll manage to pull it off tomorrow. He has some kind words for everyone and tells you all to get a good night’s sleep and to meet back again here tomorrow afternoon at five, for a last dinner together. 
Chris texts you his address after practice and tells you he’ll have dinner ready around seven, with a smiley face at the end that lets you know he’s just as nervous about this as you are. It’s funny how easily you can still read him after all these years, you think, as you connect your phone to its charger before you hop in the shower. 
Your outfit of choice is simple and not too dressed up, but still nice enough for whatever this is. Definitely not a date, you think, but then again, maybe it is. You grab your phone and purse before you head out, nerves suddenly taking over and for a moment you wonder if you should just cancel. You’re going back to Philadelphia on Sunday anyway, so maybe it’s better to just leave things the way they are, you reason. You give yourself a very stern talking to then, because you can’t keep running away from this. You’ve been doing that for the past eighteen years and look where that’s gotten you. No, time to get some closure, you decide as you close your hotel room door behind you and head downstairs to your car.
You pull up to a heavy iron gate about fifteen minutes later, only the roof of his house visible from the road. Pushing the call button you tap your steering wheel to the beat of the song that’s playing on the radio until he answers with a kind, “Hi.”
“Hey,” you reply with a smile and watch as the gate opens in front of you. After about half a mile the house comes into full view and you let out a quiet, “Wow,” because it really is a beautiful farmhouse. You park your car next to his not much later and just as you step outside his front door opens and a dog comes running towards you. 
“Dodger, sit,” Chris says from where he’s standing on the front porch and the dog does as it's told.
“Hi cutie,” you say as you walk up to the dog and scratch behind its ears, “hi.” It gives you a moment to take a deep breath, because you’re so nervous it feels like there are hundreds of butterflies fluttering around in your stomach right now. 
Dodger runs back to Chris then and so you follow him, meeting Chris on the steps, where he holds out his arm and pulls you in for a side hug, pressing a kiss to your temple. 
“Chris,” you protest quietly, although you don’t really want him to let go either. 
“I know,” he whispers, “I know. I’m just glad you’re here.” He lets go then and motions for you to follow him inside. He leads you through the house to the kitchen, where the opened French doors reveal a large deck where a table has been set for two. 
“Come on,” he says and walks outside where he pulls out a chair for you, “sit down. I’ll be right back.” 
You watch him walk back into the kitchen, curious to find out what he’s up to but then Dodger sits down next to you and gently puts his paw on your knee to let you know he’d like some more scratches, thank you very much and so you don’t really see Chris come back with two glasses of champagne until he puts one down in front of you. 
He sits down on the opposite side of the table before he raises his glass and smiles, “It’s good to have you back.” 
“Yeah,” you reply, before you clink your glass against his and take a sip. 
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Dinner’s a little awkward, both of you not quite ready to stray away from the small talk and so you mostly just tell him what you’ve been up to these past eighteen years, albeit it a slightly abridged version. No need to tell him about how you’ve never really seemed to have been able to find your place in the world and still feel like an outsider everywhere you go just yet. 
He tells you about his career, how much everything has changed once he agreed to play Captain America, and how he secretly would like to do more behind the camera from now on. Maybe step away from the spotlight a little because he still gets these bouts of anxiety and your heart goes out to him because you remember how much he struggled in high school. 
To lighten the mood you tease him about doing this show because it seems so small in comparison to what he’s been doing, but he assures you he never even had to think about it when they asked him to take part. 
“I’m guessing you were a little more hesitant?” 
You nod, “I was.” 
He doesn’t push it any further and you’re grateful for that. 
You offer to help him clear the plates after he suggests to maybe move things inside because it’s getting colder. It takes two trips to the kitchen to clear the table and once again you compliment him on the amazing pasta dish he tells you he made from scratch. You believe him, only because you know his mother taught him well and you fondly remember her cooking. 
He tells you to make yourself at home while he clears away the last things and so you find yourself in his living room, smiling when you see the wall filled with family pictures. Most of them are recent, but there’s one of him and his brother Scott that you know for a fact was taken at his parents’ house right before Chris’ Senior prom. You know this because you were the one that took it. And because you were his date.
“That was a good night,” 
You look over your shoulder to see him walk towards you, holding a glass of whiskey in each hand, and can’t help but smile, “It was.” 
He hands you one of the glasses and touches it with his then, “To all the good memories.”
“I know,” he says, “but it wasn’t all bad, Ace.” 
“No, it wasn’t,” you agree easily. “It was good, Chris, right up until the very end.” 
“Yeah, about that-” He clears his throat before he speaks again, “I just want you to know that I’m sorry. For everything.” 
You want to tell him that it’s ok, that it was no big deal, that maybe you overreacted at the time, but you guess you both know that’s not true and so you just say, “Thank you.” 
He nods.
You take a sip of your drink then, relishing in the way it burns your throat, as a welcome distraction to the tears that have started to form in your eyes. You let your gaze drift back to the same picture when you say, “I wish you would have just told me.”
He lowers his head, “I know.”
“That’s what hurt me the most,” you swallow back a fresh set of tears. “Because it wasn’t so much that you couldn’t make it to my Senior prom, I mean, I understood working on your first movie was more important at the time but- To find out you were at some random B-list celebrity’s party- And not because you told me, but because someone shoved a magazine with your picture in it under my nose-” you shake your head trying to rid yourself of the memories, but failing -”draped over some girl.” You lift your glass and put it to your lips, fully intending to finish whatever’s left in one go. 
He starts to say something but you hold up one finger to let him know you’re not done yet. A tear rolls down your cheek and you’re not sure if it’s because of the whiskey or because of everything else, but it doesn’t really matter anyway. There’s something you have to admit, “Maybe I should have reacted differently, or at least given you a chance to explain, but I-” a sob escapes you then, “I was so angry. So hurt. For me breaking up right then and there was the only thing that made sense.” Another tear spills over but you don’t even try to wipe it away, knowing more will follow soon. Instead you let out a humourless laugh, “But then suddenly every single thing in Sudbury reminded me of you and every memory was like a knife to the heart, and so I had to- I just had to leave.” 
He nods and from the corner of your eye you see him run a hand through his hair. 
“Turns out it hurt all the same no matter where I was,” you continue softly, “but it took me years to figure that out.” You clear your throat, trying to find the right words. Yes, it still hurts, but maybe it’s time to let the past be the past. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m sorry too, Chris. I should have-”
“Don’t,” he says, his voice kind. “There are a lot of things we both could have done differently, but we were still so young and, I don’t know, I think we both did what we thought was best. We can’t change what happened,” he turns towards you, “and I don’t want to make excuses for what I did, because,” he clears his throat, “it would be far too little, far too late.” He lowers his eyes, “All I know is that it’s been eighteen years and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you.”
He looks back up at you and smiles, “It’s my turn now, Ace.” A hand on your arm then, his touch soft and a gentle squeeze to let you know what he’s going to say next is important, “I know there’s still a lot left unsaid, but we’ll get there, eventually. And this might sound crazy, and I’m not saying we should forget what happened but, I don’t know, maybe we could try to start over and just see where it leads us. What do we have to lose?” 
You let the weight of his words sink in, wondering if you are able to just forgive and forget this easily. It’s then you remember admitting to Nicole that you wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Chris and the possibility to get some closure and so you agree with a quiet, “I’d like that.” 
He seems a little unsure of himself then, so you put down your glass and take his hands in yours, draping them over your shoulders before you wrap your arms around his waist. He holds you tight, presses a soft kiss to your temple that feels maybe like the most intimate thing he’s ever done, and quietly whispers, “I’ve missed you, Ace.”
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He offers you his guest bedroom after another round of whiskey and some smalltalk, because somehow you’re both still hesitant to open up completely. It’s ok, you tell yourself, you’ll get there eventually and there’s no need to rush. You find yourself in the ensuite bathroom not much later, putting on one of his Patriots shirts to act as your pyjamas for the night. It’s all a bit surreal and you’re grateful you’re on the opposite side of the house, because it would be too weird otherwise, even though you know that doesn’t really make sense either. 
Sleep comes surprisingly easy once you’re under the covers and so the next thing you know there’s a knock on your door and for a moment you’re confused because this isn’t your hotel room. You hear his familiar chuckle on the other side then before he lets you know breakfast is ready if you’re up for it and it’s then you remember where you are. 
You take a quick shower before you make your way to the kitchen where you find him leaning against the counter top, enjoying a cup of coffee, Dodger at his feet. He pushes a full cup towards you and smiles at you from over his, “Morning.”
“Sleep well?”
“I did, yeah,” you admit, even though it still surprises you. You pick up the steaming hot cup and wrap your hands around it, the smell of freshly brewed coffee waking you up even more.
He motions to the kitchen island where there’s a plate of pastries, “I got you some Danish,” he almost looks embarrassed then, running a hand through his hair, “you used to like those, right?”
“I did.” You’re quick to correct yourself, “I do. Thank you.” 
“You got any plans for today?” 
You shrug, “Not really, maybe drive around a bit to do some sightseeing, you know, see how much has changed over the years.” You grab a pastry then and immediately Dodger’s attention shifts from Chris to you. 
“No,” Chris warns him and Dodger’s quick to lie down again. “Good boy.” He looks back at you, “Until when are you here?”
You’ve just taken a bite and so it takes a while before you answer, “I’m flying back on Sunday.”
“To Philadelphia.”
He nods appreciatively, “That’s not too far.”
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You spend a few hours driving around the area, thankful that he didn’t ask if he could come. You guess you both needed some time alone. 
The trip down memory lane is nice, but after a few stops you don’t really know where else to go and so you drive back to your hotel, where you have a few hours left until you need to get ready. You kick off your shoes once you’re inside your room and sit down on the tiny balcony before you fish your phone out of your back pocket and call Nicole, who picks up on the first ring. 
“Tell me everything!” 
“Hi Nicole, how are you,” you mock, but can’t help but laugh. “Lovely weather today, isn’t it? Are you excited for tonight?”
“I hate you,” 
“No, you don’t.”
“No, I don’t,” she agrees, “but you better start talking, babe, or else.”
And so you do. You tell her about dinner, about the talk you and Chris had after, about how you spent the night, laughing when you hear her curse quietly after you’ve told her nothing happened, and how you and Chris agreed to start over. 
“Oh honey,” is all she says, but you know exactly what she means.
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 18
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2354
Warnings:  Pregnancy, smut (fff threesome, pregnancy sex, sex toys, multiple orgasms, vaginal and anal penetration with toys)
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 18: Girls’ Time
After talking with the others I decided I’d wait a little while before meeting my mother.  In the end, I felt like I needed to be sure what she was doing was genuine or not before I agreed to see her.  It wasn’t like I didn’t have other things that were more important to think about.  I had the ultrasound coming up to check for abnormalities and where we could find out the sex of the baby.  I had had this feeling that because three of us were pregnant, and because we already had two kids that there wouldn’t be enough excitement to share.  Often with second children people aren’t quite as hyped as the first one, partially because they’re busy with the first one, partially because all those baby things you need to buy you already have, and partially because the other people in your life don’t share your excitement.  With that on top of the fact, there were three people pregnant and I was the least pregnant, I thought by the time I hit all the milestones everyone would have been a little burnt out.
To my surprise, that was not the case.  I don’t know if it was just that there were ten of us and we were all excited about the new family members that we fed off each other to keep that going, if the others were trying to make it up to me from last time, or if the fact that when I was pregnant with the twins so many of them weren’t around and I had nothing to compare it against, but everyone was buzzing.  They’d go from happily feeling Natasha or Wanda’s stomach for kids, to saying how they wished they could feel kicks from the baby I was carrying too.  They’d talk about potential baby names for the three girls and then start speculating what sex the baby I was carrying was so they could name it too.
It felt good.  I loved how buzzed everyone was.  I loved how special they made not just me feel but Wanda and Natasha too.  I couldn’t wait to meet the four new members of our family and I was buzzed to find out what I was having.
Wanda, Natasha, and I all now had crazy cravings too.  Wanda was craving a lot of food she made with her mother.  She was vegetarian now, so she was adapting recipes that included bell peppers stuffed with pork to be vegetarian.  She was also making desserts from puff pastry and quark cheese.  Interestingly, her usual aversion to hot food had gone completely and she was enjoying all these things warm and fresh out of the oven.  Natasha’s were completely different.  She was craving high fat and high salt, which delighted Clint.  Pizza.  Burgers.  French fries.  Natasha was ordering them all hours of the day and night.  Her cravings annoyed her.  She was careful to try and balance them with salad or at least something less processed and she hated that she didn’t have the willpower to ignore them completely.  For me, I was craving sugar and things that were high in iron.  I was drenching spinach in honey mustard dressing and eating every dessert that was offered.
The men were all very keen to take care of us too.  If we had a craving they were rushing to the kitchen or ordering in takeout to cover it.  It wasn’t just food we were craving.  Our sex drives were out of control and with the kids at school we were spending a lot of days dragging people off to bed with us.  Interestingly our sex cravings were all different too.  Wanda was completely off penetration of any kind but if you went down on her she came so hard and so quickly it would make your head spin.  Natasha really, really liked being spooned.  Which was another thing that annoyed her, because she normally liked being so dominant and in control.  That didn’t annoy her nearly as much as she started getting weepy when she climaxed.  And for me?  Well, I was really into anal.  I had no idea where it had come from, but I could climax from anal alone.
The day before my ultrasound, Wanda, Natasha, and I were spending some rare time where it was just the three of us.  We’d dropped the kids off at kindergarten, come home via a nail salon where we’d gotten mani-pedis, and then come home to have a very mismatched lunch that catered to our different cravings.
“Please stop thinking about sex, Elise.  It is very distracting,” Wanda said in a tone that was half scolding and half playful.
“Don’t worry, Wanda,” I teased.  “I’ll take care of you.”
“Elly!”  She squealed and threw a dinner roll at me.
I laughed and caught it, tearing it in half and feeding a piece to each dog.
“Elise,” Natasha scolded.  “Don’t feed the dogs from the table.”
“Why not?”  I protested.  “Clint does.”
“Oh yeah, Clint’s who you want to model your behavior on,” Natasha snarked.  Wanda started giggling and Natasha wrapped her arm around Wanda’s shoulders.  “I bought you a new toy, by the way,” she said.  “I think given your current desires you will like it quite a lot.”
“Natasha,” Wanda whined.  “Why are you teasing me.”
“I’m not teasing you,” Natasha said, nosing at Wanda’s cheek.  “We haven’t had girls time in forever.  Let’s go upstairs.”
Wanda wrinkled her nose and nodded.  “Yes, please.”
Natasha smirked and stood, offering Wanda her hand.  Wanda took it and let Natasha lead her away from the table.  “Elly, are you coming?  I got a nice present for you too.”
I got up as quickly as I could and followed after them, curious about what Natasha had in store for us, and already a little wet knowing it was going to be good.
When we got to the bedroom we helped each other strip off.  It was pretty far from sexy.  We were all different levels of pregnant.  Wanda was huge.  Probably as big now as Natasha would be full term.  She was finding it hard to even get her pants on and off by herself these days without help from someone else or using her powers.  Natasha wasn’t as big, and she was more mobile, but she was still a little awkward and she wasn’t exactly able to pull off a sexy striptease anymore.  I wasn’t quite as big as her, but it was like my body had realized it was pregnant and just gone straight into the third trimester despite the fetus I was growing not being anywhere near ready yet.  So I was not exactly co-ordinated as I got out my maternity sweats.
When we were finally all undressed Wanda and I climbed up onto the bed while Natasha went and gathered the things she had ordered.  She laid out a selection of toys and lotions on the bed before getting up on the bed.
I think that all three of us were having trouble with actually feeling sexy.  It is hard when you feel slightly awkward in your own body.  But the way they looked at me, it was easy to believe I was the most desirable person in the world.
“I think we might need to take turns,” Natasha said. “It’s a little awkward otherwise.”
“Let’s start with Wanda,” I said.  “She’s gonna get off from just us anyway so we should get her before it becomes too much.”
Wanda giggled.  “So thoughtful, El.”
Natasha lay down so she was spooning her.  She took a little vial of gel and squirted a blob onto her index finger before slipping it between Wanda’s folds and rubbing it slowly onto her clit.  I began to kiss Wanda and massaged her tits.  Wanda moaned softly into my lips and held onto me.
“Oh,” Wanda gasped, breaking the kiss.  “That tingles.”
“Mm-hmm…” Natasha hummed taking her hand away and grabbing the vibrator.  It was small and pink with a white cap on the end.  She turned it on and it hummed softly as it buzzed in her hand.  Natasha slipped it between Wanda’s legs and pressed the white end against her clit.  Wanda hummed softly but that didn’t seem to be the reaction Natasha was looking for.  She kept moving the toy, just a little wriggle as she upped the buzz.  “Fuck!”  Wanda gasped and covered her mouth.
“There you go,” Natasha said, holding the vibrator in place. “You foul-mouthed girl.”
I leaned in and started to suck on Wanda’s breasts.  I’d suckle and nip at her nipple until it was hard and then move to the next.  Wanda started panting very quickly and her hips jerked out of her control.
“Nat...Natasha, please,” she begged, her voice soft and needy.
“It’s good, isn’t it?”  Natasha hummed.  “Hitting that exact need, right?”
“Oh god, yes,” Wanda moaned.  Her orgasm was coming on very fast and seemed to be hitting her much more intensely than normal.  Her whole body had begun to jerk and her legs were shaking.  Natasha held her in place and upped the buzz on the vibrator.
Wanda’s body seized up and she cried out as she squirted hard.  Natasha didn’t ease up though, and as Wanda’s orgasm passed, a second hit immediately and her legs kicked out wildly as she moaned loudly.
Natasha pulled the vibrator back and kissed Wanda’s neck.  “You want one more?”
“No, no… I need a break.  That was…”  Wanda babbled.
“Fast.  It got you fast,” Natasha teased.
“Seriously,” I laughed.  “That had to be five minutes and she squirted.  What the hell is that?”
“Satisfyer pro,” Natasha said.  “It has suction.  I got one for each of us.  And you’re next.”
“Oh goody,” I said, as we moved around.  Wanda was moving slower and her eyes looked a little glazed as she moved in front of me.
Natasha handed Wanda a different vibrator that looked just like the one Natasha had used on her and Natasha took another toy and showed me.  “Wanda’s going to use the vibrator while I fuck your ass with this.
The toy in her hand was beautiful.  It was a clear, shimmering glass dildo.  The shaft was wavy and it had a thick round end.  Running right through the center was a blue feathered design so it almost made it look like an icicle.  It looked more like a sculpture than a sex toy.
“Pretty,” I said.  “That’ll be the prettiest thing I ever had in my butt.”
“Elise!”  Wanda scolded and spanked my thigh playfully.
“What?  It’s true,” I laughed.
Wanda took some of the stimulating gel and rubbed it into my clit, obviously trying not to laugh as she did.  The gel was warm and made my clit tingle.  Behind me, Natasha lubed up the toy.  We were pressed closely together.  Wanda’s stomach touched mine, while Natasha’s pressed into the small of my back.  Wanda and I began to kiss and she turned on the toy and pushed it between my folds.  I hummed at the soft buzz and Wanda tilted her head and moved it around and increased the intensity.  When she touched it on my clit, the small device sucked the sensitive bundle of nerves and vibrate around it.  I gasped and tense up, digging my fingers into Wanda’s side.
Behind me, Natasha teased the cool glass toy over my asshole.  She was patient, and even as the toy sent pleasure rippling through me, making me muscles clench and spasm, she didn’t start easing the dildo in until I’d relaxed enough to take it.
She began to fuck my ass with the toy as Wanda sucked on my breasts and held the suction vibe on my clit.  My cunt clenched and spasmed, and my toes curled.  I wasn’t going to even last the five minutes Wanda took.  It was intense and every single one of my pleasure centers seemed to be hit at once, with such perfect accuracy.
“Oh god… oh fuck…” I babbled, cursing over and over.   My whole body seized up and I jerked hard between them and came, my clit twitching under the toy.  Neither Wanda nor Natasha eased up though.  If anything Natasha seemed to start to fuck my ass harder.  Wanda turned the toy up and pressed her teeth down on my nipples.
I came again, my toes curling and my hips jerking.  My belly bumped into Wanda’s but even still they didn’t stop.  Wanda turned up the vibe and I screamed - my third orgasm hitting me hard.
They both stopped and kissed me softly as they let that last orgasm shudder through me.  “Natasha’s turn,” Wanda said.
I moved behind Natasha and took a thin g-spot vibrator from the collection.  Wanda took the other suction vibrator and applied the gel to Natasha’s clit as she kissed her deeply.  I kissed Natasha’s neck and lubed up the vibrator.
As Wanda pressed her vibrator between Natasha’s fold, searching for her clit, I sunk the g-spot vibe into Natasha’s cunt.  I fucked her with it as Wanda held the other vibe on Natasha’s clit.  Natasha rutted her hips slowly between us, moaning into Wanda’s lips.  I sped up my pace, angling the toy so it would hit her g-spot and vibrate against it.
The sounds Natasha made kept getting louder and more primal.  She jerked between us and came gushing onto my hand.  We kept going, fucking her with the toys, kissing her neck and breasts.  Her skin became flush and sweat clung to it.  She came again, and even as that orgasm rocked through her a third hit, making her whole body shake.
“Stop, stop…” she begged and Wanda and I took the toys away immediately.  They were both a sticky mess and we put them with the others to clean up.  The three of us lay back.  Wanda and I giggled as Natasha panted between us.
“Shit,” she sighed.  “Why don’t we do girls' time more often?”
“I don’t know,” I said, rolling over and kissing her shoulder.  “But we definitely should.”
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Mister Cavill, your dog is kinda fat - Chapter 3
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Summary: Veterinarian Olivia Tran has zero time for bullshit. After becoming a mom at age twenty three, the one thing she wants is a good life for her daughter Vanessa. Her ex didn’t want anything to do with her nor the baby and she decided that man are officially banned out of her life. But then she meets Henry Cavill at her clinic and her ban slowly starts to crumble apart. Henry on the other hand is looking for one thing: a family. And when he meets Olivia Tran, he finds just that.
Henry Cavill x Olivia Tran (ofc)
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 3.9k
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It’s still beyond me that I told the famous actor Henry Cavill that his dog is kinda fat. The entire time from three till six a.m. was a dream to be honest. I noticed the second he walked in how handsome this man looked, not realizing he was Henry Cavill, though I thought he looked familiar. His curls were disheveled, his coat hung open and he looked pretty out of it, something that is completely understandable. However, he wasn’t just a snack—this man is a full course meal.
When he placed his dog on the examination table and stared at Kal with that concerned look on his face, was also the exact moment I felt something crumble deep inside of me. The aversion I had against all men (minus the one and only Keanu Reeves of course) was falling apart. I felt so stupid for thinking about him and how handsome he looked. Two days later, I still feel stupid.
He is a client with a dog who was sick. Had the other clinics picked up, I wouldn’t even know how handsome he was in real life. And on top of that, he is not just any client. He is Henry Cavill. The Henry Cavill, with an ass that looks good on screen, but even better in real life.
Yes, I looked. I’m still a person with a pulse who lets her mind wander from time to time and his butt definitely is part of my dreams nowadays.
Though I let my fantasies take me to certain places with Henry, I couldn’t help but turn into a soft pile of mush, as I watched him hold Vanessa in his thick arms, allowing her to play with his curls. I watched him listen intently as she started counting from one to hundred. He listened from the first number to the last and seemed genuinely impressed.
It’s rare to find a man who is willing to give a young child his full attention. In those six years I’ve been raising Vanessa, he is the first one that I encountered that is like that.
A quick Google search while he was chatting with Vanessa told me he was single. Somehow I stumbled upon multiple articles saying that he really wants a family of his own.
My mind almost wanted to think about how maybe… He could become someone important for Vanessa, because he was such a natural and the older Vanessa gets, the more I think that she needs a male figure in her life. Since she has reached the age of five, she has been bugging me about having a dad. The years prior to that moment, I was perfectly capable of being both the mother and the father. At least that’s what I thought. I came to the bitter conclusion that I’m her mother and that is it.  
But then I also realized that I should keep one one thing in mind:
Henry Cavill is dying to have a family of his own.
And Vanessa is not his own.
I want to think about something else, but I can’t. I simply can’t stop thinking about Henry Cavill and his strong arms. I’m convinced I was hallucinating when I thought he was flexing his arm muscles, when he carried Kal.
When I told Belle about this, she began rambling something about how that man oozes family man and how he makes her ovaries shake and ache for babies. I shrugged it off, thinking she was being ridiculous, but now…
I never thought I’d meet someone else. I knew that I’d be raising Vanessa by myself, though I secretly wished she wasn’t born to a single mom, who obviously had no idea what she was doing. I wished that she was born into a happy family, with a mother, a father, siblings, uncles and aunts and grandparents, but that wasn’t the case, so I tried my best to give her the best life I could possible provide for her.
And I shouldn’t think about Henry Cavill like that. I know for a fact that he has already forgotten about me and my daughter.
However it’s hard to forget about him. Especially since Vanessa can’t shut her mouth about how amazing Superman is and how he is the strongest man on earth because he carried his overweight dog into the clinic with no problem.
Vanessa and I walk back home, after I picked her up on Monday. ‘Nobody believed I met Superman,’ she says. For a second I’m afraid she is defeated, but then she simply shrugs. ‘But I know better than that.’
That’s my girl. ‘Very good, sweetie.’
‘Miss Sue send me out of class today,’ Vanessa then says.
‘Why?’ This isn’t the moment to become the overprotective mother goose. This is the moment to let her tell me in all honesty what happened.
‘I wasn’t doing what she told me to do. We had to read four pages out loud with the class, but Nicky is really slow, so I read the next page by myself, while I wasn’t supposed to.’
‘But why did she send you out?’ I ask.
‘Because I did it four times.’
‘Right,’ I say. What do I say about this? I understand my daughter completely, because I used to do the same. Besides, I think miss Sue is a bit uptight to be honest. I don’t like miss Sue. She’s always pretty condescending to me, probably because she’s ancient and thinks a child should have both a mother and a father, like the perfect housewives do.
I really hate every parent who has a kid going to that school, but on top of my hate list, is miss Sue.
When Vanessa senses my lack of reaction, she says: ‘I made you another drawing.’
I prepare myself for the well known drawing, that I can dream by now, but all the air is knocked out of my lungs when I see what she drew me today. I stop in the middle of the curb, earning me some annoyed groans from two old ladies who were apparently walking behind me, but I don’t care. I really couldn’t care less at the moment.
Oh my God, what is it with this kid and desperately wanting a father?
Okay, now I get that she wants a dad, I do, but did she honestly have to draw a Superman and a dog (where she wrote underneath KAL) inside of our house? Superman stands next to me and she tried to make it look like Superman and I are holding hands.
Oh my God, what goes on inside Vanessa’s head?
‘What did you draw?’ I ask her, though I know exactly what she drew.
‘My new daddy.’ She smiles, revealing the empty gap where her tooth was this morning, but it fell out during recess today. It’s her third tooth and I’m too much of a realist to tell her about the Tooth Fairy, since I had severe nightmares about that. She doesn’t care about the Tooth Fairy being fake (but she had to promise me to play along when kids in school talked about it), only about the money that I have to give her.
‘Your new what?’ I ask her.
‘My new daddy,’ she says. She pretends like she is talking to an idiot, but that attitude is apparently something she saw me doing and made it a personality trait of herself, since Belle once said that she is just as sassy as I am.
‘You can’t just declare every man you meet as your new dad,’ I tell her.
‘But I haven’t asked for a new daddy in so long,’ she says and to be fair, that’s true. The only thing she does, is draw me the same picture daily with the exception of today. ‘I want Superman to be my new daddy.’
‘It’s an impossible wish.’
‘But I want him as my new dad,’ she says, stomping her foot on the ground.
This is the moment she chooses to have a temper tantrum? Great, just what I need after a long day of not putting one pet to sleep, but three. ‘Vanessa, I’m not having this conversation with you. That man is not going to be your new dad.’
Am I telling her this or myself?
‘Why not?’ she whines.
‘Because not every man you like can be your new dad, so that includes Henry.’
Vanessa starts to pout, but I turn away, not being able to look at her when she looks like that, because if she stares at me with that face for a little too long, I’m breaking into the office to look for Henry’s number, so I can call him and literally ask him to be Vanessa’s new dad.
Goodness gracious, what is happening to me? What happened to my strong independent woman mindset? I don’t need a man, like the Pussycat Dolls told me growing up and I don’t need them for anything. I have managed to become a great veterinarian and a pretty okay mother, without the help of family. I’ve done so much, but I’m willing to let all that go, just so I can have one more glance from Henry. Just one more smile from him.
A bark pulls me out of my thoughts and I look over my shoulder. I not only see the chubby American Akita, but also his owner. Henry looked handsome Saturday morning, but he looks even hotter today. He wears a dark blue jeans that shows the world how thick his thighs really are and a cosy sweater, but not a coat, since men are apparently too cool to wear coats in the beginnings of autumn.
Henry notices us and holds up his hand, while a wide smile creeps on his face. Vanessa wants to rush towards him, but I grab her arm before she can run away. Seriously, my mom reflexes are no joke. Today, when a salamander wanted to wander around the examination table and nearly fell off, I caught him just in time, while I had my back turned to him. The nine year old boy to whom the weird pet belonged to, almost cried out of happiness because I saved his salamander from breaking his neck. ‘Not a word about the new dad thing,’ I tell her sternly.
She nods, recognizing the look on my face and knowing that I mean it. I let her go and when she is close enough, she jumps in Henry’s arms. He catches her easily and I hear him say: ‘What a greeting, miss Vanessa,’ followed by a lovely chuckle of his.
This girl really needs a male figure in her life, I think to myself and if it were up to me, that role model is going to be Henry Cavill.
‘I missed you, Superman,’ she tells him and I have to resist the urge to bring up the new dad thing myself.
‘I missed you too,’ Henry says to her and that earns him a kiss from Vanessa on his cheek.
There is this saying that the only ones that tell the truth, are drunk people and little kids. What if Vanessa is right? What if this man should be her new dad? She always drew a man with a dog, outside of our house.
I never saw her with another man like this. Belle’s brother is nice, of course and they are best buddies, but it was never like this. This look Henry and Vanessa share with each other.
Vanessa wiggles herself out of his strong arms to cuddle Kal, who looks a lot livelier than he did a few days ago. He excitedly wags his tail. ‘Doctor Tran,’ Henry says to me when I walked over to the three of them.
‘Please, call me Olivia,’ I tell him. ‘We’re not in the clinic.’
‘Right.’ Henry has a faint blush on his cheeks. Is it because of me or did my child say something to him that embarrassed him when she hugged him?
‘How is Kal doing?’ I ask, scratching the big dog behind his ear, while Vanessa pets his back. ‘He looks a lot better than he did on Saturday.’
‘Yeah, I’m giving him the meds you gave me and he has been his normal self again. I also bought some Purina One and he seems doing really well with the sudden change of kibble.’ Henry clears his throat and he says: ‘It’s hard not to give him as many snacks as I want to, but I’m trying my best.’
‘Oh, you’re that kind of owner,’ I smile, before shoving my hands in my pockets. ‘Well, he looks happy and better than Saturday, so that’s good.’
I honestly have no idea what I can say to him, so for the first time in forever, I’m hoping Vanessa can break the ice here. I just pray she doesn’t force us to sing that Moana song, because that girl will get her way, especially when it comes to singing songs. I once had to sing “Love is an Open Door” (both Anna’s and Hans’ part) to her, when she locked herself in the bathroom at the library because something scared her.
Our eyes meet for a second and it’s like she understands me without words. ‘Mister Henry, what were you doing out here?’
Very good, Vanessa.
‘I was walking Kal,’ he says to her, crouching down so he doesn’t tower over her.
That’s adorable and all of the sudden I understand that shaking ovaries comment Belle made a whole lot better. I’m willing to give this man the family he wants, but I need to stop thinking right now.
‘We will walk with you.’
I wasn’t hoping for that kind of ice breaker. ‘Sweetheart,’ I say to her, ‘we can’t just say that. Maybe he has an appointment or something else that is important.’
‘I don’t mind,’ Henry on the other hand says, completely disregarding my parental efforts. ‘We could use some company actually.’
While my common sense is telling me that this isn’t a great idea (he is a client at the clinic, he just wants to get into your pants, he is just being nice), my heart is pounding like crazy, loving this idea.
‘Please, mommy.’ Vanessa folds her little hands together and pushes out her bottom lip, blinking her eyes like she’s some sort of puppy. This kid knows what she’s doing, because the chance I’m saying no now, is basically non existent.
‘Okay, sure, but you stay close now. No wandering off. If you want to go somewhere, ask me.’
‘We can go to a nearby park,’ Henry suggests. ‘Kal can run free if he wants and we can keep an eye on them.’
We can keep an eye on them. Don’t start hyperventilating now, Olivia Tran. ‘Sounds like a plan.’
Vanessa squeals and walks in between us, holding not only my hand, but also Henry’s. Oh my, we look just like one happy family, especially when I look to my side, to see that the most gorgeous looking man on the planet earth, is already looking at me, flashing me a beautiful smile.
Secretly I hope that we run into some parents from school, miss Sue or even my parents. I’m really tempted to rub this in everyones face, though it’s probably only a once in a lifetime moment.
‘Mister Henry,’ Vanessa says, ‘my mommy had to kill two cats and a dog today.’
‘Not kill,’ I quickly correct her. ‘I had to put them to sleep, remember? Those animals were old and sick and they needed a little help to go to heaven. I don’t kill them.’ I look at Henry again, who seems amused. ‘I really don’t.’
‘I believe you,’ he laughs. ‘You just tell owners their pets are fat.’
I involuntarily let out a laugh. ‘You are the first one in two months with a fat pet, so I just save it for the famous actors with who can’t say no to their chubby dogs.’
Henry licks his lips, before he sinks in this top teeth in his bottom lip. Goodness gracious. Next time I run into Henry Cavill, I should bring some extra pair of panties.
Olivia, that is terrible, I shouldn’t think like that.
My daughter is here for crying out loud.
‘Mommy, have you seen a cuter dog today?’
‘Cuter than Kal you mean?’ I ask her.
I chuckle. ‘Well, I’ve seen cute dogs, but no one is as cute as Kal.’
‘I think so too,’ Vanessa says. She pulls her hand out of mine, before holding out her arms for Henry.
I want to tell her that she can’t just expect him to carry her, simply because he is strong and he is Superman, but without any difficulties he lifts her up with only one arm. If I tried that, I’d dislocate my shoulder, but obviously it’s a piece of cake for him. I spend my fair share on Pinterest and YouTube, admiring his arms. And that clip of him building that PC? That was the hottest thing on earth and is nearly illegal.
‘I lost a tooth today,’ Vanessa says, showing off her teeth, probably sticking her tongue through the gap.
‘Wow, that is awesome,’ Henry says, leaning in to check if there is already a new tooth coming in. ‘You’re going to put it underneath your pillow, so the Tooth Fairy can give you some money?’
I can feel Vanessa’s hesitation. She looks over her shoulder and ushers me to get closer. ‘Mommy,’ she asks, still loud enough for Henry to hear, ‘should I tell him the truth?’
‘About what?’ I ask her.
‘He still believes in the Tooth Fairy.’
I bite my lips, to prevent myself from laughing out loud. ‘I think you should tell him.’
She nods and wraps an arm around Henry’s neck. ‘Mister Henry,’ she says, ‘the Tooth Fairy doesn’t exist. Mommy just gives me money when I lose another tooth.’
Henry looks at me, also visibly holding in a laugh. ‘The Tooth Fairy doesn’t exist?’ he ask in almost believable disbelieve, but then I remember: this man is an actor. ‘Are you serious?’
‘I need to call my mother, to ask her why she lied to me all those years?’
Vanessa shakes her head. ‘Well, lots of kids still believe in the Tooth Fairy, so it’s okay that you did too.’
‘It was just time for you to know the truth,’ I add.
‘Well, thank you, miss Vanessa,’ Henry says. ‘Thank you for being honest with me.’
We arrive at the park and Henry and I sit on a park bench, while Kal runs wild, followed by a giggling Vanessa. I flinch a few times, thinking Kal is too wild to be playing with Vanessa, but he actually tones down a bit, checking in with her to make sure that she’s alright.
‘You have a sweet dog,’ I admit, not being able to look at Henry just yet. He is really close, I can almost feel the heat he is radiating through my coat, right onto my skin.
‘Yeah, he is sweet.’
‘And fat.’
‘Are you ever letting that go?’ Henry laughs.
I simply shrug. ‘I’m a vet, I just want the patients to be healthy.’ I try to look serious, but I can’t help but chuckle. ‘But I don’t think I can let it go, until Kal is sixty kilograms.’
‘But what if he is just a larger model?’ Henry tries, still not wanting to fully admit to the fact that he was overfeeding his pet and thus the main reason Kal is at least ten kilos too heavy.
‘He isn’t,’ I tell him. ‘He is large, sure, but I’ve seen American Akita’s who are a whole lot bigger than him, but still within the acceptable weight range.’
‘You’re one tough doctor, Olivia,’ he says with a smile. ‘You know, your daughter has quite the personality. Figured she’s just like you.’
I can’t help but laugh. ‘Yeah, people often say we’re basically twins.’
‘The fact that you told her about the Tooth Fairy being fake is admirable,’ he says.
‘I wanted her to spare the trauma I experienced,’ I say. ‘Besides, I don’t like lying to her, though everyone says it’s part of growing up.’
Henry nods and I can feel he wants to ask it. It’s always in people’s body language, when they want to know about the family situation. They clear their throat, avoid eye contact, rub their hands together and when they ask the question, they tilt their heads.
I decide that I’m not ready for a head tilt by the one and only Henry Cavill. ‘Her biological father didn’t want her,’ I say. ‘He broke up with me and disappeared out of my life, if that’s what you wanted to know.’
He sighs, a blush on his face, as if he is embarrassed that I caught on, before he even asked. ‘I don’t think I can ever understand those kind of men,’ he admits, staring at his dog and Vanessa. He leans forward, his elbows on his knees. ‘I mean, she’s a great kid, very in touch with her feelings and pretty smart too. Her biological father doesn’t know what he is missing out on.’
I don’t think I can ever understand those kind men. Did he honestly just say that? My entire body temporarily forgot how to function. Henry Cavill out there trying to steal my heart and with the rate he is going at, I’m willing to hand it over to him without putting up a fight. Her biological father doesn’t know what he is missing out on. That one went straight to my soul.
‘Well, he was an idiot anyways,’ I mumble. ‘Think I’m better off without him.’ I stare at Vanessa, who is chasing Kal, whose tail is wagging and he jumps around her like an idiot.
‘You are really better off without him,’ he says to me. ‘I don’t know the asshole, but I do know for a fact that you are better off without him. And Vanessa for that matter.’
I feel giddy, like a child before her birthday. ‘Listen, Henry, I’m sorry if she’s overstepping any boundaries. If you don’t want to pick her up, you don’t have to.’
‘I don’t mind, Olivia,’ he says. ‘She’s not overstepping any boundaries.’
I nod, not sure what to say. This isn’t helping with my fantasies, that I keep pushing back, postponing them to completely erupt when I’m in bed tonight. Belle is right: he oozes family man.
‘You’re doing a great job,’ he then says.
‘With what?’
‘Raising her.’
My cheeks flush. When was the last time I heard this, from someone other than Belle? I don’t think anyone has ever told me really… Except that one nurse in the hospital, when Vanessa was three and shoved a bead up her nose and I couldn’t stop crying. That event totally made me doubt my parental skills, until the nurse said that she dropped her infant on his head and he turned out to be fine.
‘I’m trying,’ I say, looking at my hands.
‘And that’s good enough,’ Henry whispers, but loud enough for me to hear it.
I need to contain the urge to just jump him, kissing his soft looking lips and allowing him to do things to me that I hadn’t done in such a long time.
Thankfully I have Vanessa, who always knows the exact moment I need her. ‘Mom, I had a little accident.’
When I look up, I see that she didn’t pee herself, but that she fell into the mud.
Face first.
Taglist: @thelastsock​ // @flhorah​ // @sausagefest1996​ // @laufeysodinson​ // @xxxkatxo​ // @memoriesat30​ // @henrythickcavill​ // @crimsonrae​ // @henryobsessed // @madbaddic7ed​ // @summersong69​ // @lyrafraiser​ // @peakygroupie​ // @coldmuffinbanditshoe​ // @mary-ann84​ // @thereisa8ella​ //@crazyandanonymous4u // @xuxszx​ // @emmaofgreengabbles​ // @jimmypagesandbrianmayshair​ // @onlyhenrys​
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greekgrad07 · 4 years
favorite things about your mutuals? its positivity hour, go!
it would be a fucking honor 😭 i tried to get all my mutuals this time but i’m sure i forgot people. i’m sorry if i did pls don’t hate me 🥺
this is in no particular order btw
marisa (@skaterbeth): my fellow short asthmatic <3 i love you bruh 😭 i remember being nervous to message you at first bc i thought you would find me annoying. now look at us 😌 i can message you without fear bc i know you find me annoying 🤍you’re so talented and beautiful and incredible. i love your enthusiasm and you’re so funny. every time i get a notification that you’ve sent me a meme on instagram i get excited (and idk how but there’s one almost every morning when i wake up. i’m not complaining though)
erica (@skateryue): MY TWIN ILY 🤍🤍🤍 i forgot to tell you this but i took a which female atla character are you quiz and i got yue and thought of you <3 you’re so sweet and supportive and deserve all the love! i’m glad our mutual love of the parent trap, our mbti types, and how we’re both jeff goldblum brought us together lol. the vibes are immaculate 😌
adi (@bitcheusjackson): adi you are so smart. THE TAGS I LEAVE FOR YOU ARE WELL DESERVED! you’re such a good writer and your love of musicals is so cute! i also love getting to be an annabeth simp with you (as we all should). you’re also a talented artist! i know you don’t post a lot of your art but when you do i’m always blown away <3<3<3
fátima (@deepestempathllamalawyer): my adopted child 😌 i love you sm 🥺 you’re so sweet- like seriously, i appreciate every self help posted you tag me in and every cute animals post as well. i absolutely love seeing you in my notifications! you’re also the reason i became a malconnor shipper to thank you 😭🤍 (also i still have no idea wtf your url means but at this point i’m too afraid to ask)
ashna (@silenabeth): fun fact, you were the first “big” pjo blog that followed me and i absolutely lost my shit so there’s that <3 you’re such a talented writer and editor bruh i don’t tell you that enough. also, the queen who brought us connabeth i will forever stan 🤩 you’re so funny and one of the most supportive people ever <3<3<3 (also love all of your call out posts about marisa 😌)
sarah (@perseusjackkson): i told you that you were too cool to be following me and i stand by that. you’re so chill and funny, i vibe with you sm. really, your blog is full of so many different fandom and i vibe with almost all of it. you really made your blog for the people <3 i love reading your tags on the things you repost bc they are usually hilarious. also, i couldn’t be more supportive of your engagement to my twin 🤍
regina (@bisexualzia): regina you’re so sweet and genuine and funny and the fact that you associate me with cookies still makes me 🥰 and idk why. your tag has 🔥 by it and i told you it’s bc of ouat. idk if you get that but it’s my favorite show and one of my favorite characters is named regina so <3 also i’m glad there is someone else that can agree suki is superior 😌
zitz (@four-names): another reason why i ship malconnor <3 lol you send the most random asks and they always make my day! and your tags are everything btw stop hiding them 😂 you’re not afraid to speak your mind and you’re a very genuine person :)
drew (@cubanpercyj): you are so caring and passionate! i love your replies and tags to my posts and i’m glad we agree that percy can’t swim lol. you’re super chill and i vibe with you very much. and i’m sure you’ve heard this a lot but i love your aesthetic. the water header is so pretty <3
kayra (@awkwardteenwriter): you are so sweet! and YES ofc you have a tag bruh. i remember when i first tagged you in a post and you said that it made you happy aljdkhagf i tag you in like everything now i’m sure it gets annoying. you’re one of the most caring people ever though! one of our first interactions was you sending me a virtual hug during a hard time for me and i’ll always be thankful for that 🥺🤍
jaina (@jainadurron): you are so nice. every interaction we’ve had has been nothing but absolutely lovely and i’m glad that you joined the pjo fandom! you like almost all of my posts and i love seeing you in my notifications. also! i forgot to tell you your new avatar is so cute 🥺
haania (@padfootno): i love you and i’m sorry the fic isn’t out yet pls don’t hate me 😭 you’re literally the sweetest and most helpful person ever! i’m so thankful for your help on writing hijabi silena and ever since you’ve been so nice! i also love when you tag me in posts :)
@perca-beths: you give me such good vibes idek how to describe it. also, you’re insanely talented! i found your fic on a03 and when i realized it was you who wrote it i was blown away. anyways you’re awesome and i can’t wait for your next update :)
@percabethica: again, YES you have a tag 😂 you’re so nice! i remember i asked to be on your taglist for your fic and you were so kind. speaking of your fic, i loved it i loved it i loved it! you’re incredibly talented. i always end up seeing your reblogs from me on my dash before seeing it in my notifications and there’s always a second after i notice it where i’m like “omg that’s me. i posted/reblogged something she liked.” also your aesthetic is so pretty, i love it
gray (@bbyannabeth): idk why you’re following me. what do i have to offer? when i tell you i binged your masterlist after you posted it i’m not kidding. you’re so talented and seem so chill. also i just saw that you posted a new fic and bruh, i’m about to create a reblog that has so many tags
@ohmydamgods: i’m not above admitting that i’ve stalked your instagram. your posts are so fucking funny and so are you! i also see people posting your textposts on instagram and i’m always like “*gasp* does she know?” and then i see you’ve commented and it’s all good 😂 also you’re so nice :)
@mydramaticflare: YOU ARE SO TALENTED! when you comment on my fic there’s no time to unpack all of that i lost my shit bc your fic Quiet Moments inspired me to write a percabeth sleepover fic in the first place. also you seem so sweet and you show up in my notifications a lot :)
brin (@skatersuki): first of all, suki supremacy <3, secondly, you’re so smart like wtf. every time you go off about photokinesis and all that i’m like 😐😣😐 also every time i see the book circe by madeline miller i think of you bc you’re the first person who i have seen recommend it
teriza (@wasithard): we haven’t really interacted but we have a lot of the same mutuals so i know you’re cool. lol fr though you do seem very nice and fun and chaotic in the very best way, plus you’re blog is awesome
kayla (@eggplant-avenger): hi kayla :) we met through the connabeth agenda and you are super chill. also i hope that you know whenever i read your tag i hear chris mccarrell’s voice singing ‘being a half-blood, it’s scary, it mostly gets you killed in very nasty ways’
charlotte (@sonofsallyjackson): you are the most supportive person ever. every time i read one of your comments on my fics, my heart swells. you’re too kind for this world <3
taylor (@saltyypercy): another one of my connabeth friends 🤩 speaking of connabeth, your memes are everything! you’re hilarious and your content is awesome
@getwokescullyy: you are such a talented writer!! and you’re so nice and supportive! :) we also have a lot of the same hc’s for post canon percabeth 😌 super excited for your next update btw!
olivia (@thegraystreaks): you are so talented idk why you’re following me. it had to of been a mistake. if, so pls don’t leave 🥺 you’re such a supportive person and seeing you and liz interact is so funny. fr i love your writing sm and i’m obsessed with your url 🤩
aya (@percasbeths): again, WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME? seriously i have some of the most talented writers following me and idk why but i’m not complaining. all of your au’s are beautiful and i’m always blown away <3
@judoflipped: you introduced me to Apartment 305 so i’m pretty sure i owe you a kidney or something now lol. fr though you were so nice to me during our first interaction <3 you’re so sweet and you seem super chill
emma (@jasongrape): first a foremost, a superior url. you’re posts are hilarious, especially the ones of you and ash going back and forth lol.
@clr-stan: we haven’t interacted much but your posts are so good!! and you seem super sweet :) also, you’re right. if the pjo movies weren’t based on the books i would have been invested
@writinglettersaddressedtothefire: i’m pretty sure you’re also a mutual of fátima’s which makes you awesome. plus your writing is so good! also i see that you’re having a great time with taylor’s new album coming out so i’m glad you seem to be doing good 😂
lexi (@multifandom-420): one of the other three malconnor shippers on this cite 😭 you seem so sweet and your posts are top tier
@esistkeinponyhof: you are literally always in my notifications and it’s so fun lol. we’ve never really interacted but i’m glad that you like my blog :) also you’re a fellow directioner which is amazing 😌
@himbolin420: how does it feel to have a canon url? apart of the bolin defense squad and connabeth nation? we have no choice but to stan <3 i remember you kept a count for all of your mutuals when i first followed you and i thought that was absolutely precious lol
@twilight-hours: you’re in my notifications a lot and i'm not complaining. lol you always reblog the funniest stuff and i love seeing it on my dash. i know we haven't really interacted but i know we would vibe 
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nerdzzone · 3 years
Only For A Moment: October + November [part one]
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Summary: A series of shorter one shots from Chris and Whitney’s life together throughout the pandemic. Some happy times, some harder times, some fluff and some things a little more sexy - they work through it all as they try to get settled in their new and blossoming relationship.
Chris Evans x OFC
Part of the Once Bitten/More Hearts series
Only For A Moment: September
Note: I was originally going to post this as one longer one shot, but I’ve split it into two. I haven’t finished writing the last part of the series yet and I’ve had a really bad and busy week so I haven’t had much time to work on it. It’s planned out, I just need to write it, but posting November as two parts gives me more time to finish it.
Thank you to everyone who has read and commented on this story. The support has been amazing!
October 2020
"Hey," I greeted Chris as I poked my head around the door of his office. "Are you busy? Can I talk to you for a sec?"
He put down the script he was reading - something for a project he'd be starting as soon as the pandemic allowed - and nodded his head.
"Sure, what's up?"
I moved into the room, feeling strangely nervous about what I was about to ask.
"How would you feel," I started. "About me going to New York for a weekend for work?"
He raised his eyebrows, seemingly surprised by my inquiry and I rushed to assure him a bit more.
"They sent all the protocols that would be followed along with the job offer and it seems like it would be as safe as it possibly could be these days and I would drive up, not fly, so that would cut down on the chance of exposure a bit too," I assured him. "But I know that there's always a risk at the moment and it affects you and Gray too so I won't go if you're at all concerned."
Chris was smiling by the time I finished my long explanation and I felt a glimmer of hope that he wouldn't shoot down the idea immediately. I missed working and while Chris at least had 'A Starting Point' to focus on and various scripts to read through, I'd been completely out of work for months and I was ready to get back into it.
"Whitney, you don't need to convince me," he assured me. "I trust you. If you think it's safe and you want to do it then go for it."
"Okay, thank you," I let out a breath of relief. "I really do want to do it. I miss working."
"I know what you mean," he agreed. "What's the project?"
I couldn't hold back my grin as I answered that question.
"I get to go hang out with your friends," I informed him. "It's a promo shoot for Sebastian and Mackie's new show."
"Aw, man! That's great," Chris laughed. "Would you mind if I tagged along? I won't get in the way, I'll stay out of the photo shoot, but it would be nice to have a change of scenery."
"You wouldn't be allowed to come to the photo shoot at all," I warned him. "That was part of the protocol - no guests - and I don't know how many places are open there right now, there might not be much for you to do."
"I can keep myself entertained," he shrugged before flashing me a smirk. "We can leave Grayson with my mom, it'll be nice to have an adults only weekend."
"That would be nice," I agreed, matching his smirk as I followed his train of thought. We did fairly well making sure we got some quality time together, but we had to be quiet and quick and we always had the threat of Grayson interrupting in the back of our minds. "It's just a one day shoot so we'd have the Sunday together too."
"That's great," Chris grinned. "It'll be nice to get away."
"It will," I agreed, walking around his desk to lean down and capture his lips in a kiss. "Our first romantic getaway."
He slid his arm around my hips to keep me close as he smiled up at me.
"I can't wait."
November 2020
Leaving Grayson was harder than I anticipated. Considering I used to leave him with Chris every other week, I thought leaving him for a weekend would be easy, but I was a weepy mess. I held it together in front of Grayson so that he didn't get upset too - even though he was completely unbothered as he skipped off into Lisa's house - but once we got in the car, I let a few tears slip.
Of course, Chris teased me about it, but there was something in the way that he slipped his hand in mine and squeezed it reassuringly that told me he was feeling it too. We’d all adjusted to our new normal and Chris and I had really embraced having Gray by our side all the time so while two days was not a ridiculous amount of time to be apart, it felt like a momentous occasion. However, after giving ourselves a few minutes to wallow in the sadness, we agreed to do our best to push those feelings aside. We deserved a weekend away. No matter how much we loved him, parenting twenty-four/seven for almost ten months was hard work especially while trying to build our new relationship.
By the time we arrived in Manhattan in the early evening, our melancholy mood had shifted. The drive, spent playing silly little car games like ‘I Spy’ and singing cheesy duets, had put us in a wonderful mood and kicked off our weekend nicely. It was a fairly long drive though so I let Chris check in while I scampered off to use the restroom in the lobby. He had the keys by the time I found him again and when we got up the room, I was shocked. It was a fancy hotel - Marvel did tend to be quite generous when it came to accommodations - but it wasn't until we walked into the room that I realized we had the penthouse suite.
"Holy shit," I gasped, looking around at the luxurious space and amazing view out over Central Park. "This has to be a mistake, there's no way Marvel would pay for this!"
"No, they wouldn't," Chris smirked as he dropped our bags and moved over to the bottle of champagne that was already chilling in an ice bucket. "But I would."
"What?" I giggled. "What are you talking about? We already had a reservation booked in my name."
"Yeah, and I upgraded it," he grinned. "I just paid the difference between the room Marvel booked and this one."
He popped the champagne and poured it for us before coming to join me at the window and handing me a glass.
"You didn't have to do that, Chris. This is a pretty nice hotel, I'm sure whatever room they booked would have been fine."
"Oh yeah, it would have been fine," he shrugged. "But fine isn't what I'm aiming for this weekend and since we can't do much outside of this hotel anyway, the least I can do is make sure we have a good room."
I was looking forward to getting back to work, but suddenly I wished that I didn't have to as the idea of a romantic weekend hidden away in our gorgeous suite seemed like the best thing in the world. But, I knew we wouldn't have come without an excuse, so I tried to focus on being grateful for the time that we did have together.
Slipping my arm around his waist and stretching up on my toes, I pulled him in for a kiss, trying to convey my gratitude and excitement for the weekend.
"Well, I can think of several things we can do in this room that will keep us very busy," I teased once our lips parted again. "We better get started now or we might run out of time..."
Chris chuckled as he took a sip of his champagne, but shook his head.
"Not yet, Winnie," he denied me, despite his raspy voice. "Why don't you take that champagne and run yourself a nice bath while I order us some room service?"
I felt a frown slide onto my face and I would have been embarrassed at my childish pout had I not been so confused about him turning me down.
"Why?" I asked. "I would have thought you'd be raring to go now that we can finally enjoy ourselves with no interruptions..."
"I am but I want to enjoy it,” Chris informed me, leaning down to nip at my neck before letting his lips hover next to my ear. "I want you relaxed and well-fed so I can take my time while I make you scream my name over and over and over."
His low voice sent shivers down my spine as his plan for the night sent a wave of arousal through me. My mouth suddenly felt dry and my brain forgot how to make words as I choked out an 'okay' and took myself off to the bathroom to do as he'd instructed.
When I wandered out into the living room area of our suite almost forty-five minutes later, I was thoroughly relaxed. Wrapped in a very fluffy white bathrobe that was at least two sizes too big for me, I announced my entrance with a contented sigh. Chris looked up at the sound and let out a laugh.
"What?" I giggled, striking a pose as I had a good idea what he found amusing. "They only had one size."
"You look adorable," he grinned at me. "C'mere, let me top up your drink."
I did as he asked, walking over to where he was sitting and noticed the cart full of food that was next to him. He'd ordered my favourite - mac 'n' cheese - and I felt a rush of love for him when I saw it. A lot of people had teased me over the years, insisting that it was more of a child's dish - something not refined enough for an adult’s palate - but it had always been one of my top choices and I was touched that he'd remembered.
He'd ordered a steak for himself and we both eagerly tucked into our meals, eating until we were almost painfully full and just barely saving enough room for the peanut butter cheesecake that he'd ordered for dessert. That was another favourite of mine and I got a stern warning from Chris - as I moaned through every mouthful - that I needed to control myself until we'd had a chance to digest our large meal. I bit back a smirk, almost tempted to continue my noises of pleasure just to antagonize him, but I reluctantly decided to behave.
After we ate, we curled up on the couch with something meaningless on the TV as we recovered from the large meal. We were half-watching it, half just basking in the contentment of our full stomachs until Chris eventually decided that we'd waited long enough.
My feet were draped over his lap as we lounged and I felt his hands slowly move from lazy stroking the tops of my feet to higher up my ankle. At first, I didn't pay much attention as I mindlessly scrolled through my phone, but as his hand trailed higher up my leg, his intentions became more clear. I fought to keep a straight face as I continued to ignore him even as his hand slid up to my knee. He kept it there for a few moments, rubbing his thumb against my skin, but he quickly lost his patience as I continued playing it cool. Letting out a soft growl, he returned his hands to my feet and with a swift tug, he moved me down the couch.
"Chris!" I giggled as my head slipped from the arm of the couch onto the cushion where my bum had been moments before. "What are you doing?"
"You were ignoring me," he smirked. "So, I took matters into my own hands."
"Maybe I was reading something important," I teased. "You're so rude."
He pulled again, moving my hips up onto his lap.
"I'm rude? We're on a romantic getaway and you're starin’ at your phone."
"Well, maybe you weren't being very interesting."
He chuckled at that, but shook his head.
"You're such a brat," he scolded. "Maybe I should just flip you over and teach you a lesson."
He moved a hand down and pinched my bum to emphasize his point and I gasped as a wave of intrigue flooded through me. Using the back of the couch for leverage, I pulled myself up until I was sitting on his lap, but the positioning was a bit awkward so I shifted and straddled him instead.
"I'm not sure if a spanking from you would be much of a punishment..."
My words made his eyes darken as his hands rubbed up and down my thighs.
"Oh, really?" He questioned and I nodded with a smile. "Well, that is very interesting information to have."
"I'm surprised you haven't brought it up before," I teased. "Since you're such an ass man."
"Shut up," Chris chuckled before forcing me to do so by pressing my lips against his.
It started off as a sweet, playful kiss, but the mood of anticipation between us quickly transitioned it into something more.
His hands moved from my thighs up to my hips as I let mine slide behind him - one rubbing the soft hairs on his neck as the other held the back of his head, keeping it firmly against my own. Our lips parted, letting our tongues bump and glide against each other and I felt a fire started to burn inside of me already.
Our position and the fact that I was wearing nothing, but a bathrobe meant that there was nothing between us other than Chris' jeans. I was pressed bare against him which became apparent when he used his firm grip to pull me even closer towards him. A gasp fell from my lips at the friction the denim caused and Chris pulled back to grin at me.
"Does that feel good?" He pressed my hips forward again as he asked the question and my eyes fluttered shut as I nodded. "Then keep going."
He titled his chin to capture my lips in another kiss as he loosened his grip on me, but his instructions had been clear. Taking matters into my own hands, I started rocking my hips slowly against his enjoying the sparks I felt every time I rubbed against him. I could feel him harden, the bulge underneath me growing bigger with every pass of my hips, and the feeling had me moaning into his mouth. I almost stood up - I almost pulled myself off of his lap and dragged him to the bedroom as my body craved him and wanted him inside me - but I remembered what he'd said. He wanted to wait, to take it slow and savour the experience so, with a smirk to myself, I continued my actions with the knowledge of his growing arousal only adding to my pleasure.
As if Chris could read my mind or feel my misguided sense of control, he tightened his grip again and pressed me even harder against him. I moaned at the sensation, pulling my mouth from his as my head fell backwards. I tried to find something to focus on, something to help me regain a morsel of self-control, but nothing in the room could distract from the pressure that was building quickly as the rough material dragged against my clit. A part of me was embarrassed to be rubbing myself against him like this, but with each thrust of my hips, a much bigger part of me grew too desperate to care.
Taking advantage of my exposed neck, Chris latched his lips onto the skin, nipping and sucking gently before tracing kisses up until his mouth was beside my ear.
"You're almost there, aren't you?" His voice was low and the way my fingers dug into the back of his neck was all the answer I could muster as his hands forced my body to keep up the steady rhythm. "I bet you're almost soakin’ right through my pants. You're so needy. Go on, Winnie, take what you want."
A whimper fell from my lips as his words sent shivers down my spine. My movements, supported by his hands, became even more frantic as I felt my release building to a peak and after a few more shifts against him, I let out a strangled moan as I crashed over the edge.
Chris continued his mumbled words of encouragement as his hands continued to force me to move until I melted against him and let my head flop onto his shoulder. My breath against his neck drew goosebumps up on his skin and I placed a soft kiss on them as I fought to control my breathing.
"How're you feeling?"
I sighed softly in response to Chris' question, fighting to make my brain function enough to form words.
"Wonderful," I purred into his ear after taking a moment to compose myself. "But I'm really dying to have you inside me..."
Without another word, Chris used his grip on my hips to lift me off his lap and onto my feet. My legs felt shaky from the strength of my recent orgasm, but they held me up as I stared down at Chris, a bit stunned by the fast movement. He looked up at me for a brief moment before raising an eyebrow and nodding his head towards our bedroom.
"Do you need me to carry you?" He questioned, his tone laced with sarcasm as he clearly noticed the quiver in my legs. "Or can you walk?"
I giggled and playfully rolled my eyes, but turned towards the bedroom. Trying to regain some semblance of power in the situation, I undid the robe that was still tied around my waist and let it fall to the floor. The action left me completely naked as I walked away and I heard a growl of approval from Chris followed by the sound of him jumping to his feet behind me. I scampered off with him hot on my heels, but he caught me in his grasp when I was a few feet past our bedroom door.
He easily lifted me off the ground and I let out a squeal as he tossed me onto the bed.
"Wow," I giggled as I flopped onto my back, leaning up on my elbows to look at him. "That was a graceful landing, real sexy."
Chris smirked as he pulled his shirt over his head.
"You're always sexy," he insisted, moving to the bed and crawling over me. "I can't get enough of you."
Before I could respond, his mouth was back on mine. I smiled against his lips and took a moment to run my hands over his toned muscles, but quickly moved them down to the belt on his jeans as I was eager to get things moving. Almost immediately, he pulled away with that damn smirk still on his face.
"Not so fast," he warned. "I said we were going to take our time."
"We already did," I whined. "Please, Chris, I want you so bad."
He dipped his head and kissed along my jaw until his lips hovered by my ear.
"And you'll have me," he assured me. "Eventually."
I let out a groan of frustration, but as he trailed his kisses lower until they reached my chest, the groan became one of pleasure. A hand slid up my side until it was level with his head and while his mouth captured one nipple, his fingers pinched the other. I gasped and arched my back up towards him, desperate to be as close to him as possible.
His actions started off soft. His fingers and lips worked in a gentle, almost teasing way that had me almost ready to whine for more, but just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, he increased the pressure. His fingers pinched and tweaked one as he nipped the other and the sensation had my hips pressing up against him almost of their own volition. He chuckled as I lifted a leg to hook it over his hip, pulling him down in an attempt to find any friction as he moved to rest his chin between my breasts.
"You're so impatient," he teased. "I'm not gonna fuck you yet."
His voice was thick and rough from his own aroused state and it only made me more desperate.
"Please, Chris..." I whined. "Why not?"
Chris let his teeth graze against my skin briefly before moving further down my body, my question apparently going unanswered. He kissed his way over my stomach, an affectionate smile appearing on his face as he watched the muscles under his mouth quiver and twitch from his actions. It appeared he was intent on taking his sweet time and I really was about to start begging again when he finally settled between my thighs, pulling my legs to rest over his shoulders.
A snarky comment about him taking so long was on the tip of my tongue, but any attitude I was feeling disappeared as he pressed his tongue against me, licking upwards until he settled against my clit. I couldn't hold back the moans and gasps that poured from my lips from the sensation and for a moment, I worried I was being too loud. However, from the way Chris' fingers dug into my ass to lift me higher against his mouth, he seemed to find it encouraging.
He was focused and determined, his lazy mood from moments earlier seemingly gone and I wasn't complaining as I was already practically dripping on to the bed with need. He knew my body almost better than I did and the way his lips were locked on just the right spot, sucking with just the right pressure was driving me wild.
In a few mere minutes, I was already teetering on the edge, but when I gasped out a warning to Chris, he instantly pulled away.
I lifted my head as I let out a growl and scowled down at him - the cocky smirk on his face only adding to my annoyance.
"What the hell, Chris," I huffed. "Keep going!"
He kissed my thigh as I felt an almost painful ache between my legs.
"Patience, Winnie," he warned me. "You need a lesson in patience."
The overwhelming feeling I felt in response to that comment was frustration, but there was a hint of intrigue as well. I was at his mercy, being teased and toyed with until he decided otherwise and I'd be lying if that knowledge didn't turn me on even more.
"Do you-" I gasped as he blew against the wet place his mouth had been moments before. "Do you want me to beg?"
"It wouldn't hurt," he grinned. "But there is something appealing about the thought of seeing how long I can keep you like this..."
That idea filled me with dread. As enticing as my helplessness in this scenario was, the thought of it lasting more than a few minutes seemed painfully cruel.
"No, please don't," I pleaded. "Please touch me, Chris. Please, please. I need it so bad."
He groaned, letting his forehead rest against my thigh for a moment before looking up to meet my eyes.
"The way you say my name when you're like this drives me crazy."
He moved his hand to flick his thumb over my clit and his name fell from my lips again as a desperate whimper. That seemed to be all he needed to hear as he quickly attached his mouth back to that sweet spot.
Instantly, my hands shot to grip his head as mine fell back against the pillows. He held down my hips that were pushing up towards him, desperate to increase the friction, but it didn't matter. I was so close already, so worked up from his previous actions, that it took no time at all for the pressure he'd built up inside me to boil over as I finally found my release.
As always, he coaxed me through it, only moving back when he was sure my orgasm had faded. By the time it was done, my chest was heaving and Chris dragged himself off the bed, giving me a moment to catch my breath as he rid himself of his jeans and boxers. I smiled at the sight, but I was in a daze. My whole body felt like jelly from the two amazing orgasms I'd just received, but that didn't stop me from the moment of clarity that hit just as he was climbing back over me.
"Wait! Condom."
Chris cursed under his breath before hopping off the bed and quickly rifling through his bag. He found one - which I knew he would as I'd reminded him several times to pack them so we wouldn’t be caught without them in a moment like this - and returned to the bed.
"Hurry," I panted. "I need you."
A quiet growl rumbled from Chris' chest as he quickly tore open the condom wrapper and put it on. I was still sensitive from our previous activities, but as soon as he was on top of me again, I was pressing up towards him. He filled me with an almost insatiable need and it seemed his patience was also thin after being so hard for so long as he slid inside me with impressive speed.
I groaned from the sensation of him filling me so quickly, but any discomfort quickly shifted into pleasure as he rocked his hips against mine. My fingers dug into his shoulders as my legs wrapped around his waist pulling him closer as he quickly established a steady rhythm. As much as he wanted to take his time, his restraint was clearly waning as he kept up a vigorous pace. My over sensitive state and his purposefully angled thrusts, hitting all the right nerves with just the right pressure, had me writing beneath him as I basked in the sensation.
Chris was always rather vocal, but as his moans, grunts and whispers of filthy commentary grew louder and more unrestrained it became clear that he was also edging closer and closer to his peak. His hips snapped with more ferocity and all I could do was hold onto him tightly, giving him all the control and riding the waves of pleasure he was causing.
“I’m close,” he groaned, his voice strained as his breath hit my neck.
Unable to form words, I made a noise that I hoped would convey my agreement and his movements seemed to become even more pointed and more deliberate. With every thrust, he made sure to rub against every sensitive spot inside me and moments later, I felt my release hit me. It felt like every muscle in my body tensed as I quivered and clenched around him, a sound leaving my mouth that was so lustful and unrestrained that I could hardly believe it was coming from me. He gasped out a moan of his own from the sensation of me coming around him and quickened his pace through my orgasm until eventually he stilled, the sound of his pleasure echoing through my ears.
Once we had both recovered, Chris rolled off of me, pulling the condom off and disposing of it in the garbage can next to the bed before he settled on his back, chest heaving from exertion.
I let out a happy sigh as I curled into his side and his arm wrapped around me, pulling me close.
"That was amazing," I smiled, placing a kiss against his chest.
He chuckled, squeezing me even tighter as he answered.
"See? Patience. It makes everything better."
I nipped at the skin underneath my mouth.
"Shut up."
He leaned down to place a kiss on the top of my head and I smiled.
"I love you," he practically whispered in the darkness. "I'm so glad we get this weekend together."
"Me too," I agreed. "I love you too."
He squeezed me closer again as we laid there curled up in each other, basking in our post-orgasmic glow.
No one had ever made me feel the way that Chris did. I’d never felt as safe with anyone, I’d never felt so able to let my guard down, and the physical aspect of our relationship clearly benefited greatly from the closeness that we shared. It was an amazing feeling to know that we were so in tune with each other and that there was so much room to explore the things that made us feel good and, despite being fully satisfied for the time being, I couldn't help but let my mind wander to other things I would be interested in delving into as I drifted off to sleep.
November [part two]
Tags:  @maggotzombie @moonlacebeam @mizzzpink @zaylaugh @flowery-mess @flowerjewels @njrronaldo7 @hockeychick10 @partypoison00 @theladybiers @sidepieces @firoozehmoon @patzammit @sparkledfirecracker @mytbel0st @chvntelle-99 @mjey12
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch36: I Bid You Farewell And Good Luck, Morons. Part 1- It’s Like A Pirate Had A Baby With An Angel.
Intro: Thor wakes up on a strange ship, surrounded by even stranger people, a talking tree and a rabbit. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the fight to save Vision is won and the group make their way back to the compound to understand what exactly it is that they’re facing. 
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: So I HAD to write Thor and Tony’s POV over the IW chapters too, because, frankly, they had some of THE best scenes in Infinity War, and I love that freaking Norse God Himbo and chaotic Stark chemistry so bad! I know this is Katie and Steve’s fic, but Steve had so little screen time in this film all things considered…we were so robbed!!! Once again, I can’t thank @angrybirdcr​ enough for her edits, they’re awesome!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 35
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Thor wasn’t dead. But he felt like it. Every inch of his body ached and when he was jerked back to consciousness for a moment, just one split moment, he thought he saw Little Stark. Only it wasn’t her. The woman had dark hair, yes, but as he focussed he realised she looked nothing like the woman he loved dearly as a sister. This wench had huge eyes and antenna dangling from her forehead. And, whilst he knew it had been a while since he had seen his friend, she wouldn’t have changed that much.
Finding his feet he looked around, chest heaving, at the band of people stood in front of him; a woman with green skin and red hair, a man with grey/blue skin covered in red designs, a tree creature- a Flora Colossus unless he was mistaken- which was off to the side draped over a chair, some kind of furry, animal thing- a rabbit maybe- and finally a man who appeared to be a normal, human being. That was until he opened his mouth and Thor realised he was probably the most stupid human being he had ever encountered.
His rescuers had offered him soup, and then when he had explained about Thanos, the green skinned lady called Gamora had told Thor what the Titan wanted the stones for.  Which she knew, because she his daughter.
Thanos had a daughter. Interesting.
“Families can be tough,” Thor spoke wisely, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Before my father died, he told me that I had a half-sister that he imprisoned in Hell. Then she returned home, stabbed me in the eye so, I had to kill her.” He shrugged. “That’s life though isn’t it I guess? Round and round, but I feel your pain.”
The human, Peter Quill, pushed his way between Gamora and Thor, and looked at her “I feel your pain, as well, because, I mean it’s not a competition, but I’ve been through a lot. My father killed my mother, and then I had to kill my father. And that was hard. Probably even harder than having to kill a sister. Plus, I, came out with both of my eyes.”
Thor wasn’t paying attention. The man was clearly a moron, and he’d just noticed he had bent the spoon in the bowl of soup and was having a flashback to the time he had tried to bend the Captain’s shield. Little Stark had laughed so much at how annoyed he had gotten when he failed that she had cried. And then, to make it worse, a few days later the Captain had managed to move Mjolnir. Just a fraction, but it moved. No one had seen it, bar Little Stark of course, but there was something there, Thor was sure. Steve Rogers was a man worthy of a lot of things, but his hammer was complicated. You have to prove your worth. That had been explained to him by his Father the day he had given it to him. Of course, he hadn’t realised then that Eitri had actually made it for Hela first.
Eitri… Oh, yes!
“I need a hammer, not a spoon.” Thor mumbled, as the idea took hold and he looked at the pod at the back of the ship. “How do I open this thing?” He began pressing random buttons on the screen next to the door. “Is there some sort of a four-digit code? Maybe a birth date or something?”
"What are you doing?” the rabbit animal, Rocket asked.
“Taking your pod.” Thor replied nonchalantly.
And then there was an argument in which the moron Quill tried to imitate Thor’s deeper voice telling him he could not take the pod, but Thor was going to take the pod anyway because he was the God of Thunder after all, and then the lady Gamora cut them off quite rightly directing the focus back to Thanos by stating they needed to find out where he was going next.
But Thor had already thought of that. “Knowhere,” he answered as he brushed past Quill and over to the refrigerator he had seen Gamora get his soup from.
“He must be going somewhere.” Mantis argued innocently.
“No,” Quill shook his head and Thor noted his stupid voice was back to normal. “Knowhere? It’s a place. We’ve been there. It sucks. Excuse me, that’s our food.” He jabbed,  suddenly noticing what Thor was doing.
“Not anymore.” Thor shrugged, stuffing it into a backpack he found.
“Thor!” Gamora cut across the pair of them again. “Why would he go to Knowhere?”
“Because for years, the Reality Stone has been safely stored there with a man called the Collector.” Thor stated.
“If it’s with the Collector, then it’s not safe.” Quill snorted. “Only an idiot would give that man a stone.”
“Or a genius.” Thor shrugged.
“How do you know he’s not going for one of the other stones?” Gamora asked.
“There’s six stones out there.” Thor began to explain, “Thanos already has the Power Stone because he stole it, last week, when he decimated Xandar.”
He didn’t missed the shocked and horrified look the group shared with one another.
“He stole the Space Stone from me, when he destroyed my ship and slaughtered half my people. The Time and Mind Stones, are safe on Earth. They’re with the Avengers.”
“The Avengers?” Quill asked.
“They’re Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.”
“Like Kevin Bacon?” Mantis called out.
“Errr he may be on the team now, I don’t know.” Thor shrugged, having no idea who the man named after a breakfast meat was. “I haven’t been there in a while. And as for the Soul Stone, well no one’s ever seen that. No one even knows where it is. Therefore, Thanos can’t get it. Therefore, he’s going to Knowhere. Hence, he’ll be getting the Reality Stone. You’re welcome.”
“Then we have to go to Knowhere, now.” Gamora stated, looking around.
“Wrong. Where we have to go is Nidavellir.” Thor picked up the backpack.
“That’s a made up word.” Drax, the blue man countered.
“All words are made up.” Thor smiled, slinging the backpack onto his back.
“Nidavellir is real?” The animal called Rocket’s eyes grew wide and he jumped up onto the table and looked at Thor. “Seriously? I mean, that place is a legend. They make the most powerful, horrific weapons to ever torment the Universe. I would very much like to go there, please.”
“The rabbit is correct.” Thor grinned at Rocket’s excitement. “And clearly the smartest among you. Only Eitri the Dwarf can make me the weapon I need.” He turned to the furry animal. “I assume you’re the captain, Sir?”
Rocket grinned and nodded, “You’re very perceptive.”
“You seem like a noble leader. Will you join me on my quest to Nidavellir?”
“Let me just ask the captain. Oh, wait a second, it’s me!”  Rocket grinned. “Yeah, I’ll go.”
“Wonderful.” Thor beamed.
“Uh except that I’m the captain,” Quill chipped in
“Quiet!” Thor was now beyond bored of the moron.
“And that’s my backpack.” Quill continued pointing to the bag that Thor was stealing.
“Quill, sit down.” Rocket tapped at the pad and keying in the digits to open the pod.
“Look, this is my ship. And I’m not going to - wait, what kind of weapon are we talking about here?” Quill looked round.
“The Thanos-killing kind.” Thor smiled.
Boy, was it going to be a big, fucking weapon like no one had ever seen before…
“Don’t you think that we should all have a weapon like that?” Quill frowned.
“You lack the strength to wield them. Your bodies would crumble as you minds collapsed into the madness.” Thor shook his head.
“Is it weird that I wanna do it even more now?” Rocket asked.
“Erm, a little bit weird. Yeah.” Thor looked down at him, frowning.
“If we don’t go to Knowhere and Thanos retrieves another stone, he’ll be too powerful to stop.” Gamora stepped forward.
"He already is.” Thor shrugged.
“Look, I got it figured out.” Rocket interrupted, looking at Gamora. “We got two ships, and a large assortment of morons.  Me and Groot will go with the Pirate Angel here, and the morons will go to Knowhere to try and stop Thanos. Cool? Cool.”
“So cool.” Thor grinned before he climbed into the pod.
“For the record,” Quill said leaning down to Rocket, “I know that you’re only going with them because it’s where Thanos isn’t.”
“You know, you really shouldn’t talk that way to your captain, Quill.” Rocket smirked, walking backwards and gesturing outwards with his arms. “Come on, Groot. Put that game down. You’ll rot your brain,”
As Rocket sat down Thor nodded out of the pod to the rest of the people on the ship. “I bid you farewell and good luck, morons. Bye.”
It wasn’t hard for the team to track Wanda, her red power flashing bright against the dark sky over Edinburgh City Centre, and as the jet followed her movements, the four friends saw her spiralling through the sky with Vision and crashing through the train station roof, just as Sam put the jet on the ground.
Within seconds the Ex-Avengers were sprinting off the jet.  
“Katie, Nat, take the side!” Steve yelled, as he vaulted over the railings at the edge of the road running down onto the bottom half of the concrete ramp which led to the station. “Sam, up high and remember, we protect Vision at all costs!”
“Got em.” Sam spoke over the coms. “Platform seven, near the café.” 
Steve vaulted over another set of barriers, the station now deserted thanks to the evacuation taking place by the local police. As he ran onto one of the walkways over the lines, he was just in time to see two of the aliens crash through the station roof. Weighing up his options, he realised it was going to be quicker for him to hop down onto the platform he was currently overheard, and jump across the lines to help. He swung his legs over the railings and landed easily, looking up. Across from him he could see Natasha and Katie emerging to the right, as Wanda stood and moved protectively in front of Vision, building power in her hands. An express train whizzed past him and he stood still, waiting and it wasn’t long before the taller, blue looking woman spotted him, and she launched her spear over the platform. Steve easily snapped his left shoulder back whilst leaning over his body with his right, catching the staff in his hand.
“Heads up.” Sam muttered, and as Wanda and Vision turned to see Steve step out from the shadows, fury lining his face, Sam swooped in and kicked one of the aliens across the platform and through a closed café’s security gate, causing tables and chairs to go flying, before he spun and started to fire on the other alien.
Steve launched the weapon he had caught across the tracks where Natasha caught it and stabbed the second assailant in the gut as Katie moved in to head off the other who was stalking back towards them. The weapon Natasha had been using flew back into the alien’s hands and Katie ducked as she swung, jabbing her in the back of the leg with an electric powered escrima stick. The alien let out a yell, stumbled slightly and Steve cleared the platform in an easy leap, rolling and scooping up the second assailant’s staff from the floor, holding it up to block the blow that the creature aimed at Katie. He grit his teeth, planting his legs to absorb the power of the hit, as Katie rolled to the side, jumped up and the two of them began to fight the alien, joined shortly by Natasha. Steve had to admit, the woman (if you could call her that) was a force to be reckoned with, but the three of them were just about getting the upper hand when they heard Sam yell.
The three of them did so and Sam flew in hard, kicking the woman backwards where she fell and scuttled over to her fallen friend. Sam landed next to Katie, drawing both his submachine pistols on the couple.
“Get up” The alien instructed to her fallen partner, her voice was deep.
“I can't.” His gravelly, robotic voice replied.
“We don’t wanna kill you.” Natasha spoke coolly “But we will”.
“You’ll never get the chance again.” The female levelled them, with a cold glare and with that a beam shot down from the hole in the station roof and the two were transported upwards. The weapon Steve was holding also shot out of his hand. He frowned in surprise for a moment, looking at his hand then upwards as the beam of light disappeared and the ship sped off.
“Can you stand?” Sam asked Vision as Katie replaced her sticks and walked towards Wanda and the android. When Vision shook his head, Sam moved forward to help him up.
Supported by Wanda and Sam, Vision looked over at Steve, Natasha and Katie, electricity shimmering over his surface. He’d been badly damaged in the fight, and as he spoke his voice distorted.
“Thank you, Captain.”
Steve took a deep breath and nodded. His face stern, but his eyes were much softer than his expression and Katie knew why. It had been a while since anyone other than Sam, Nat or Wanda had called him Captain.
Steve looked at the android, he might have been damaged but they had the stone, and that was the main thing. Nodding, he spoke. “Let’s get you on the jet.” His voice was soft and he moved to let Sam and Wanda support Vision on their way past him, Natasha following.
Katie hung back a little, trying to stop the light-headedness she was feeling from washing over her.
“You okay?” Steve turned to her as she blinked.
“Yeah, just took a whack that’s all. “I’m fine.” She assured him as they took up the rear of the group, her fingers lacing into his.
Once Vision was safely settled in a seat at the side, Sam dropped into the pilot’s seat. Katie hit the button to close the ramp as the Jet rose into the air.
“I thought we had a deal.” Natasha spun angrily to Wanda. ”Stay close, check in. Don’t take any chances.”
“I’m sorry. We just wanted time.” The younger woman said gently.
Katie glanced at Steve, he was stood up in the middle of the jet, hands on the buckle of his utility belt, staring seemingly at nothing but clearly contemplating something.
“Where to, Cap?” Sam asked.
Steve looked up, he glanced at Sam then locked eyes with Katie as he spoke one word, one simple word that they had all been waiting to hear for almost two years.
After a few hours, with the morning sky being the only thing in sight, Sam started to lower the jet through thick white clouds and Katie couldn’t help but inhale sharply when the compound began to take shape as she watched out of the front window. It looked the same. The buildings, the grounds…she wasn’t sure why she had expected anything to change, maybe because it felt like everything had changed for them, but either way, there it was. The exact same as the last time she had seen it.
Steve noticed her demeanour change slightly as they landed. She stood up straight, her shoulders squaring as if she was about to face an onslaught. And they were, in a way. On their way Steve had called Bruce to tell him that they had Vision and were heading back, but had had no idea what they were heading back to, nor did he care. Be it Ross, police, the army, whatever, Steve was done bowing to anyone’s will, he was over playing other people’s tunes. The two years they had spent hidden had shown them all that they could operate on their own if required, and he wasn’t afraid to fight anyone who got in his way.
They stepped off the ramp and strode over the lawn, Katie taking a deep breath as she looked around. So many emotions flooded her system, she couldn’t explain or identify half of them. Memories flashed in front of her eyes, visions of long summer nights spent outside in the garden and on the BBQ patio until sunrise. Laughs during team dinners. Sam and Wanda collaborating on pranks. Training sessions with the team and Vision reading Tolkien aloud to Wanda before asking questions about humanity’s love of fiction. Walks and picnics and other things in the ground, just her and Steve. Their wedding, God their wedding! Frequent visits from Tony, bringing in new ideas and improved gadgets. Getting back safe after being out on a long mission. Feeling relaxed and at ease.
Feeling at home.
Steve’s arm curled round his wife for a moment before he pressed a kiss to the side of her head as Vision opened the door.
“Still no word from Vision?”  
“Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh.”
“On a stolen Quinjet with four of the world’s most wanted criminals.” “You know they’re only criminals because you’ve chosen to call them that, right, sir? “
“My God, Rhodes, your talent for horseshit rivals my own.”
The sound of the call between Ross and Rhodey echoed down the corridor reaching the group that were making their way through to the lab.
“If it weren’t for those Accords, Vision would’ve been right here.” Rhodey shot back and Katie glanced back at Vision as the sounds the voices grew louder as they neared their destination.
“I suspect it will be a Hollo Call.” Vision said gently, answering Katie’s unasked question.  His suspicions were proven correct as they rounded the corner and the lab came into view. Rhodey was stood across from where the holographic image of Secretary Ross was facing off against him.
"You have second thoughts?” Ross was challenging Rhodey, who smiled simply as his eyes shot sideways. Steve strode forward, his presence as intimidating as ever, and the first thing Rhodey noticed was just how dark he looked. Gone was the upstanding, All American Hero, and in its place was someone much harder, far rougher round the edges. Kiddo looked different too. Her hair was shorter and she looked slimmer.
“Not anymore.” He grinned.
The holographic Ross followed Rhodey’s gaze and his eyes fell on Steve who was stood next to Katie at the front of the group, Natasha, Wanda, Sam and Vision behind them. Steve raised his chin a little defiantly and moved to take his power stance, feet apart, hands on his belt, before he greeted Ross politely.
“Mr. Secretary" 
Katie couldn’t help the smirk on her face as she watched Ross attempting to cover up the shock he had clearly felt at the group of outlaws turning up again. She locked eyes with Rhodey who gave her the smallest of winks before he glanced back at Ross who was shaking his head slightly as he approached Steve, his holographic form almost trying to square up to him.  Steve simply raised his chin further and looked down from the steps he was stood on.
"You got some nerve.” Ross sniffed, staring up at him “I’ll give you that.”
“You could use some of that right now.” Katie shot back bluntly, Ross turned his head to face her for a second. She held his gaze and arched an eyebrow until he turned back to Steve.
“The world’s on fire.” Ross said incredulously. “And you think, you can just walk back in here and all is forgiven?”
Steve levelled the secretary with a firm gaze. “I’m not looking for forgiveness.” his voice took on a threatening tone as he spoke “And I’m way past asking for permission.”
At that point the smirk on Katie’s face grew even wider as she stole a glance up at her husband, pride swelling in her chest as he continued, stoic and unyielding. 
“Earth just lost her best defender, so we’re here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way,” he stepped down to be at level with the hologram, and stared it square in the eyes “We’ll fight you, too.”
Ross was practically foaming at the mouth as his eyes went to Rhodey and he spat out his order, “Arrest them.”
“All over it.” Rhodey promised nonchalantly before shutting off the hologram, shortly after a beeping noise sounded from the computers.
“That’s a court-martial.” He informed the group as he slapped the back of his right hand into his left palm, though his tone said told Katie that he blatantly couldn’t have cared less for Ross’ demands. There was a short pause as the group glanced down at their friend, Steve smiling softly, before Rhodey’s face split into a huge smile of his own.
“It’s great to see you, Cap.” He stepped forward.
“You too, Rhodey.” Steve answered, taking the last two steps down before he shook Rhodey’s hand. Katie threw herself at her brother’s best friend and he gave her a huge bear hug before he looked down at her.
“You do something to your hair?” He teased.  Katie smiled, stepping back from his embrace while he looked the rest of the group over.
“Well. You guys really look like crap. Must’ve been a rough couple of years.”
Steve looked round, an amused smile on his face as he glanced at his wife then to the rest of the team.
“Yeah, well, the hotels weren’t exactly five star.” Sam quipped back cheekily, the banter flowing between them like no time at all had passed.
“Uh, I think you look great.”
Steve turned at the new voice to see Bruce inching his way into the room nervously wringing his hands together.
Steve and Katie remained silent, exchanging a glance. In the rush around and the fray of the fight, we’d forgotten to explain exactly who it was that called.
“Yeah. I’m back.”
Katie glanced over at Nat, she had her gaze fixed solely on the scientist as she spoke “Hi, Bruce.”
“Nat.” Bruce answered inclining his head towards her slightly as he fidgeted.
“This is awkward.” Sam piped up. Steve and Katie looked at one another, before they both smiled and looked back up at Sam.
“Any news on Tony?” Katie asked gently, interrupting the silence that had fallen.
“Not yet no.” Rhodey said. “FRIDAY lost him when he left the atmosphere. We got NASA running scans and we’re trying to track his trail but…” He shook his head. 
“Typical Tony.” Katie rolled her eyes “Always has to go one bigger and one better doesn’t he?”
Her blasé tone wasn’t fooling anyone.
“Banner.” Steve said gently, looking across the room at the scientist. “Can you fill us in on what we’re up against here?”
“Yeah sure,” Bruce said nodding hesitantly.
Without so much as another word, the group all started to make their way out of the room. As Katie turned to follow Natasha, Steve’s hand gently fell on her shoulder. Without looking at him, she reached up and gently wrapped her fingers round his, giving them a squeeze before she left.
Steve took a deep breath as he glanced around the room once more, before he too followed on, that sick feeling in his gut was getting worse.
**** Chapter 36 Part 2
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saiilorstars · 3 years
Dare To Forget Me
Ch. 31: Impeccable Timing
Previous chapters // Montserrat's masterlist
Fandom: SVU // Pairing:  Rafael Barba x OFC
Warnings: Due to the nature of the series’ plots, I do have to rate this as ‘mature’ for constant mentions of rape.
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel​ @stareyedplanet @perfectlystiles @averyhotchner [If you’d like to be added to this specific OC’s stories/edits, send me a message!]
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Chapter Summary: Once again, Montserrat and Rafael find themselves in the situation that has almost become a 'tale as old time' and this may be the last time Montserrat puts herself out there again. It's all in the timing.
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Montserrat sat on a metal table with her brother on the opposite side. She felt terrible for bringing the bad news, even more bad news than what he already had. "I'm so sorry, Gael. I promise we're trying to figure it out-"
Gael reached for one of his sister's hands and gave her a small smile, the best he could do right now. "I know you are trying. You don't need to remind me. The bail money is excessively high. I don't want you or anyone else to waste it on me."
"We just need $5,000 more. I know we can raise it I just...I haven't figured out a way to do it," Montserrat shook her head. And it wasn't like she wasn't trying. For the past two days she'd been going over her own finances along with her father's and even Casey's but between the three there wasn't any more money they could gather. Each of them had already put up a substantial amount, including Damian's own offer...and it still wasn't enough.
"Montserrat, when's the last time you slept?" Gael's question confused Montserrat since it wasn't pertinent (in her opinion) to the situation.
"I-I don't know," shrugged the detective. "Who cares."
"I care," Gael said, and sharply too. "Because you're spreading yourself too thin. What about your job? Have you gone back already?"
"I'm on an indefinite leave," Montserrat said casually.
"-I'm just meeting with Calhoun to know your situation and I'm working to get some more evidence with Damian, alright? I can sleep when you're out of jail and free of any accusations."
"Montserrat," Gael gripped Montserrat's hand, urging her to stop and listen to him even if it was for just a moment, "I really appreciate everything you're doing for me. I know you hate Calhoun-"
"-eh, it's more of a frenemy thing," Montserrat cut in but Gael went on before she could discard everything else he wanted to say.
"But you're paying her big bucks to solve my case. And then you're taking care of my girls and God knows that's not an easy job."
"Yeah, I never knew putting a four year old to sleep involved...so many things," Montserrat wanted to yawn just thinking about all the tricks she had to pull so Ivana would fall asleep. "But it's okay, because you're my brother and I know these accusations are false."
"Are they?"
Montserrat blinked at her brother. Why was he looking so serious?
"I've seen the pictures, okay? I know everything that happened and...I can't help wonder...what if it is my fault those people got hurt?"
"Shh!" Montserrat quickly went. This was a tactic she would normally love if she hated the perp but this was her brother and he was innocent. "Shut up! Anything you say here can be used against you!"
"I'm only thinking-"
"-no!" she snapped. "You know for a fact you did everything by the book. You did all the evaluations, followed every code. You know that."
"So then why did people get hurt?"
Montserrat shifted in her seat. It pained her to know that they still didn't have an answer. It was an outright mystery why that building collapsed. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out. In the meantime, just stay put and...be a bit patient with me. I'm gonna get that money to get you out of here."
"Thanks," Gael sighed. "Before you go...can I ask how my girls are doing?"
Montserrat smiled. "Ivana is fine. The thing about being 4 is that she is in an endless blissful bubble. She thinks you're just away."
"Thank you...and Juliana?" Gael shared a meaningful look with his sister. Teenagehood was already hell; he was sure he was only making it worse for his daughter right now.
"She's….uh...taking it hard," Montserrat swallowed hard. It was a bit of an understatement but she wasn't going to worry her brother more than he already was. "But we're handling it - I'm handling it."
"Handling a teenager is not an easy job and Juliana already has a temper…"
"She's going to be fine," Montserrat assured him despite not knowing it herself. "I'm going to make sure of it."
"Thank you," Gael gripped her hand again. "Really...thank you."
"What's family for?" Montserrat's smile would only last until her brother was taken away. Because as soon as she left, she handled yet another call from Juliana's school. She made a quick trip to the school and walked straight into the school's main office. She informed the first secretary she saw that she was there for Juliana and was immediately directed to her niece sitting outside the principal's office.
"Are you frikin kidding me?" she hissed at Juliana as she hurried up to the teenage ginger. "It's only noon!"
Juliana sat with her legs tightly closed and her arms crossed just as tightly against her chest. She looked like a four year old who'd gotten a scold...and she just might get one.
"What happened?" Montserrat bent down in front of her niece, letting go of the anger for a minute in hopes of getting the story from Juliana before she got it from the principal.
"I just did what I had to," Juliana curtly answered.
Montserrat tilted her head, then. "What did you do?" her voice sharpened.
Juliana did not answer.
The principal's door opened up to reveal a short, brunette woman dressed in a formal gray dress. Montserrat had come to know the woman in the past week as Principal Jannae Cams. "Miss Novak?"
"Yeah," Montserrat straightened on her feet. "Here I am...again…"
Cams turned away and led Montserrat into the office. Montserrat closed the door and inwardly sighed. She prepared herself for whatever Juliana pulled now.
"You should know, first and foremost, that we do not tolerate any type of violence in this school," Cams took her seat and left Montserrat to figure it out and take her own seat. "Which is why Juliana is suspended for the next three days."
"What?" Montserrat blinked. "What did she do?"
"Got into a fight with another of our students. Juliana was seen by at least three other students when she threw the first punch."
"My niece would never hurt anyone," Montserrat tried to say but Cams already had the story prepared and so cut her off.
"She broke the other student's nose. And when we asked Juliana about it, she admitted it. Juliana initiated the fight. She's suspended."
"I don't...I…" Montserrat drew in a deep breath to calm herself down before she too initiated a fight. "I have no idea what happened but I know for a fact that Juliana would never act like this unless she was provoked. What did the other student have to say about this?"
"That she was punched," Cams said, overly sarcastic which only fueled Montserrat's own anger. "In the nose. The family's pretty upset, as you can imagine."
"Well, I'd like to talk to this student and know what happened."
"Miss Novak, I understand that your family is currently undergoing some...problems, and I think it's affecting Juliana negatively. Perhaps you should take these 3 days of suspension as a way to talk to Juliana or, at the very least, get her some help."
Montserrat may have wanted to throw her own punch, but that wasn't like her either. She closed her eyes for a second to take another breath in. "Juliana's father, my brother, is being falsely accused so...yeah, it might be affecting Juliana but do you know what? She never fought before and even now...I know she wouldn't ever hurt someone so I'd really like to know what that other student had to say."
"I'm sorry, but that would be up to the parents."
Montserrat pushed herself up from her seat. "Fine," she practically spat before leaving the office. She grabbed Juliana by the arm on her way out of the main office, ignoring the teenager's cries to be let go until they were in the school hallway.
Classes were still in session which gave them the perfect chance to talk freely.
"I want to know what the hell happened that would lead to you breaking someone's nose!" she demanded from Juliana. "And don't you dare huff at me. What happened?"
"I already told Principal Cams that I punched Eleanor's nose!"
"Yeah, got that, what I want to know is why!?"
"Because she kept talking about my Dad like he was some criminal! She said he was a murderer and that he should rot in jail so you know what? I punched in her nose," Juliana folded her arms again, "And if I hadn't been pulled off her I would've gladly punched her again."
"Oh God Juliana," Montserrat pinched the bridge of her nose. Yeah, she should've seen this coming. "She was riling you up-"
"-of course she was! I'm not stupid!"
"No, but you were stupid enough to fall for it," Montserrat couldn't help but snap. "And now you've been suspended for 3 days. What the hell am I going to do? I just told your Dad I had things under control-"
"-you saw Dad?" Juliana's eyes widened. Her entire face lit up. "Can I see him!?"
"No! Because you're grounded!"
"What?" Juliana snorted. "You can't ground me. You're not my Mom."
"But I am your aunt and your current guardian so guess what? Grounded. And be grateful that I'm not mentioning this to your father. He's worried sick about you and Ivana."
"Well I'm worried too, but I can't do anything about it can I?" Juliana turned away, nearly letting her hair whip Montserrat's face. "I can't even see him!"
Montserrat had to pray that Juliana would see some light and be patient, otherwise there would be another type of hell coming for them.
~ 0 ~
As soon as Montserrat had gotten Juliana back home, the teenager locked herself in Montserrat's bedroom. She and Ivana had been staying there while Montserrat took the couch. But even then, Montserrat couldn't dwell too much in the suspension because she had to meet up with Damian about the bail money. Once more, they went through each other's finances, Casey's and Montserrat's father but they were still coming up short.
"Woah, what happened to my kitchen?" Kara's voice pulled the two from work to see her and Sonny walking into the apartment.
"We're just trying to figure it out again," Montserrat groaned and crumpled up an old bank statement in her hand.
"You guys are still short?" Sonny came over to see the handful of papers around Montserrat's immediate area.
"Yeah, the same 5 grand and no matter how we look at things...it doesn't add up."
"I told you guys I could put up 2 grand," Kara offered but Montserrat shook her head. "No. You need that for your salon's expenses."
"You're putting up your entire life saving's, girl," Kara countered but Montserrat still wouldn't give in.
"I'm sure, with a couple more days, we can figure it out," Damian said.
"I don't want Gael to spend another day in there," Montserrat sighed. "There's enough problems already and if I can get Gael out...that would really be nice. I just picked up Juliana because she's been suspended for 3 days."
"What happened?" frowned Sonny. The girl seemed like such a sweetheart.
"She punched a girl and broke her nose."
"Ha," Kara smirked. "Been there, done that."
"Yeah," Damian scowled at her and brought a finger to his nose as if it were still broken. "Watch out, Sonny."
The detective in question threw a concerned look at Kara.
"Juliana's getting picked on because of what's going on with Gael," Montserrat brought them back to the story. "So if I can get him out then at least he can be here to help them because obviously I'm not doing a good job."
"Hey, you're doing what you can," Damian got up from his chair and moved to Montserrat's side.
"Dad has Ivana right now because I couldn't pick her up on time from school," Montserrat brought her hands to her face. "I'm crashing here."
Damian gently pulled her hands from her face and squeezed them in his. "You're doing good. Why don't you get some rest? I can take things from here."
"Are you kidding? I can't go to sleep right now-"
But Damian pulled her right up, bringing them just a bit too close that had Sonny eyeing them. "I can take it for a couple hours. Get some rest."
"Yeah, he's right," Kara stepped forwards. "Take my room and if Juliana comes out we'll make sure she doesn't get into more trouble."
"I...I guess…" Montserrat gave the two siblings a soft smile. "Thanks. Really." She gave each a hug though it seemed to linger a bit more with Damian.
Once more, Sonny noticed it and had to hide his frown.
But before Montserrat would leave, she turned to her partner. "I've been meaning to ask, how's Nick?"
"He's good," Sonny answered her with a small smile. "The charges got dropped, actually. And, Olivia's acting commander again."
"What? What happened to Declan?"
"Some undercover mission, I don't know. But Liv's back in charge. And we're all waiting for you to come back."
"Believe me, I really want nothing but this nightmare to end too," Montserrat gave him a quick hug before leaving for a nap.
Kara waited to speak until Montserrat closed the door to her room. "Okay, now that it's just us...how bad is it?"
Damian threw a weary look at the papers left on the table. "We've gone through it dozens of times and...we are just out of money. Not to mention the fact Montserrat's solely paying Calhoun. She can't put up her entire savings for this."
"So what can we do?"
"Any of you guys got 5 grand just lying around?"
"I wish," Kara sighed. "My 2 grand still stands."
"You need that, though," Sonny reminded her. He'd love to help out but he was stuck with bills as well. Plus, he had a feeling Montserrat wouldn't he accepting his money anytime soon.
"We'll come up with something," Damian insisted. "But for right now I'm gonna head back to work. I know I told Montserrat that I would stay here and focus on the bail money but I think I would be a little bit more useful if I tried to find more evidence to help the case. Bail money becomes useless if the defendant is no longer a defendant but a convict."
"Yeah," Sonny nodded. He had mixed feelings about the guy but at least he knew Damian's heart was in the right place. "I need to head back to work too," he told Kara.
"Thanks for having lunch with me," Kara gave him a hug and a kiss before sending him off. Of course no one told her that she would be left to pick up all the papers from her kitchen table and floor.
"So she's not coming back anytime soon, then?" Olivia was disappointed, yet understood, to hear Sonny's relay of Montserrat's situation.
The detective stood in the middle of the bullpen's desks. He'd come in a few minutes before they were to discuss a new case potentially going to trial. They were only waiting for Rafael to get there.
"Nah, she's got way too much on her plate," Sonny said. "Juliana just got suspended for 3 days."
"What she do?" Amanda asked, looking just as surprised as Sonny had when he initially heard the news.
"Broke another student's nose."
"Teenagers," Fin said as of that was a reasonable explanation for anything.
"Those faces worry me," Rafael said as he came in. "Did the case go south already?"
"Everything's still intact," Olivia eased his worries. "We were only talking about Montserrat's troubles."
"Right," Rafael did a poor job looking casual. Truth was he hadn't heard from Montserrat in days and he didn't have the courage to call her. If she hadn't reached out to any of them, it was because she was too busy. He just had to learn how to control himself. "How...is she doing?"
Olivia gestured to Sonny since he had all the information. The detective shook his head. "Not so good. Way too many problems for one person to handle."
"Is no one helping her?" there was a sharp tone to Rafael's words that Sonny, and pretty much everyone else noticed.
"Well, yeah, but...it's a lot. Right now Montserrat's just focused on that bail money."
"She still hasn't collected it?"
"$5000 short."
"Oh…" Rafael let a moment of silence pass by before he moved the group onto business, but it didn't mean he'd forget what Sonny told him. And much less that it would stop bothering him.
When he was to leave, he managed to pull Sonny aside while everyone went onto their assigned tasks.
"Exactly how much does Montserrat need?" he asked very quietly once they were out in the hallway.
"About $5000 but listen, councilor, I know where you're getting at and believe me I've thought of doing the same thing," Sonny admitted in the same hushed tone Rafael used. "But I think we both know Montserrat would kill us if we tried giving her the money. Kara already tried doing the same and she got the same answer."
"That's insane. She needs help and we can give it to her." But even as Rafael said it, he knew there was no way Montserrat would take his money. She was too proud. Plus, if roles were reversed he wouldn't take money from her either.
But the thing was…
He didn't care.
He needed to help her and he had the means.
So he'd take the chance and be smart about it.
"Kara, I'm going out," Juliana was adamant despite having the blonde woman standing in front of the apartment door.
"No, you're not. Your aunt said you were grounded!"
"And I said that I wasn't!"
Kara blinked. She couldn't get how the hell Juliana turned into some temper-tantrum teenager - well, she had an idea but it still wasn't cool. "Your aunt is resting and you really need to let her. She has been spreading herself thin just to make sure you and your sister are okay."
"Well I'm not okay!" Juliana snapped. "Because my Dad isn't here! He's being accused of murder, haven't you heard?"
With a sigh, Kara leaned away from the door and walked up to the girl. "And your aunt is working so hard to prove he's innocent. Now you have to do your part and be a good listener."
Juliana scoffed and practically pushed past Kara to get to the door. Kara called for her to stop but of course Juliana never even looked back. She only slammed the door shut behind her. With a groan, Kara hurried to the door and opened it, only to bump into Rafael instead.
"I'm curious, do you or Montserrat ever just say a normal 'hello'?" he rubbed his nose with a common frown on his face.
"Sorry," Kara rubbed her own face. "You didn't happen to catch Juliana out there, did you?"
"Yeah, she looked mad as hell."
"She is." Kara sighed and let her hand drop to her side. "What are you doing here, anyways? If you came for Montserrat, good luck. She's finally getting some sleep and I doubt she'll be waking up anytime soon."
"I actually came to speak with you," Rafael admitted, reasonably surprising her since they hardly crossed words.
"Me? What for?"
"About Montserrat. Are you sure she's asleep?"
Kara nodded and motioned him to come in. "She hasn't slept in days. Trust me. She didn't wake up with Juliana's screams, so...we're good."
"Good," Rafael drew in a breath, letting Kara notice that he was nervous. That was novelty.
"What's going on?" she finally asked.
Rafael decided to just come out with it. He always blurted things out anyways. "Sonny told me that Montserrat was having trouble collecting the last of the bail money for Gael."
Kara sighed. "Yeah. She's going crazy."
"Alright, well...I want to help her with it. But I also know that…"
"Montserrat's too damn proud to take money from any of us?" Kara smiled sarcastically. "Yeah. I know her oh-so-well. And because I know her that well, I know that she won't take any money from you." Especially you, she thought.
"I know," sighed Rafael. He thought about it long and hard all day until he came up with an idea that could would work. "Which is why I'm giving you the money."
"Me!?" Kara blinked with wide eyes.
"Yeah, because she'll take the money if she thinks it's coming from you."
"No, that won't work," Kara shook her head. "I tried giving her 2 grand and she rejected it."
"Because she thought it was money that usually goes into your business. So just tell her that it's from somewhere else."
"I don't know…" Kara didn't feel right lying to Montserrat, but she also knew that maybe she'd be the only one who could actually get Montserrat to accept money from him.
Rafael reached for something inside his coat's pocket and pulled out an envelope. "It's the 5 grand."
"You walked the streets with 5 grand in your pocket!?" Kara exclaimed.
Rafael rolled his eyes. "Focus please. Take the money and make Montserrat use it."
"But she'll think it's from me and...that won't be right."
"That's the point. She'll never take money from me and I really want to help her, so…" Rafael motioned Kara to take the envelope.
Kara studied his face and realized, very quickly, that there was a desperate urge to help. She could identify with that because if Sonny was in dire need of money, she would want to help him by any means possible...and she would do whatever it took to help him. For that, she accepted the envelope. "I'll make sure she takes it," she promised for his concern.
There was an instant relief in Rafael's face. "Thank you. Really."
"You're welcome," Kara went to leave the envelope on the coffee table. She wanted to hand it to Montserrat first thing when the latter woke up.
"Thanks," Rafael headed for the door since he'd finished business, but at the last moment he turned back. "How...is she? For real?"
Kara could appreciate his attempt to be casual and discreet, but his feelings were visible from a mile away no matter what he did. "She's….she could be better. Her brother's being falsely accused of murder, so...you can understand that...it's difficult."
Rafael nodded silently.
"But I know that your help will definitely do her some good," Kara added in hopes of helping him as well.
"Wish I could do more," he blurted.
"You could," Kara wasn't afraid, like most people, to say things how they were. "But that's all up to you."
Rafael pointed at her as if he was going to say something, but in the end he opened the door and left.
"Nobody escapes Kara Mackie," Kara proudly said.
~ 0 ~
It was evening when Montserrat finally woke up, but even when she did she still felt rather tired. She emerged from Kara's bedroom to a quiet apartment. Kara was busy watching television but quickly paused the screen when she saw Montserrat.
"Hey!" she swallowed down the last of her popcorn before sitting up.
"Ivana isn't here, is she?" Montserrat assumed first. A four year old would never be this quiet.
"Uh, no. Your dad's keeping her tonight."
"And Juliana?"
Kara bit her lower lip. Yeah, she'd been debating how to go about that part. "Umm...she's...sort of...out…"
"Out?" Montserrat picked her phone from her back pocket and saw the time. "It's seven o'clock. Wait, she's not supposed to be out! She's grounded."
"Yeah that...sort of didn't take," Kara apologized with a small smile before bursting into a fit of rambles. "I'm so sorry! I tried to stop her but I really forgot what it's like being a teenager! She didn't listen - she was so mad!"
"Kara, it's alright," Montserrat sighed and sat down next to her. "I know Juliana's sort of...in a funk right now."
"But don't worry, I got your friend - Claire Wilson? She's with Juliana and she's keeping me updated in case they get into trouble."
"Well thanks," Montserrat leaned back against the couch. "But it still leaves so many other problems." She rubbed her hands over her face and groaned. Maybe she should just go back to sleep.
"Listen," Kara grabbed the remote control again and shut the television off, "I was...doing some digging through my own finances and…"
"Oh, Kara, no…" Montserrat presumed where her friend was headed. She watched Kara reach for an envelope on the table.
"I got the money, Montse," Kara put on her best smile, a hopeful one at that. "All $5000 of it. It's right here." She held the envelope to Montserrat but, as expected, Montserrat wouldn't take it.
"I can't do that. Where'd you even get the money from, you didn't have it before."
"I, uh, dug for it," shrugged Kara. She pushed the envelope to Montserrat's chest, but the ginger shook her head.
"Absolutely not. I can't take it."
"Oh!" Kara groaned. "And why not? You took it from Damian-"
"-because he's Gael's friend! You're my best friend and I know that you need this money!"
"Trust me, I really don't," Kara waved the envelope in front of Montserrat's face. "What I need is for you to take it."
"I can't do it, I'm sorry."
"Montserrat, stop being stupid. You need it - Gael needs it!"
"Gael needs me to figure it out," snapped Montserrat. "He doesn't need me taking money from other people."
"I'm not 'people', I'm family. And you know what? It's not even the reason you should take the money. You should take it because…" Kara licked her lips nervously, "...because the person who came up with this money really wants to help you." Her voice softened when she added, "He really does."
Of course that earned Kara a puzzled look from Montserrat. "What?" the ginger asked.
Kara sighed. "He's going to kill me," she concluded in a whisper, but she figured if she was killed because she tried helping her best friend it would be a worthy death.
"What the hell?" Montserrat wearily said as she dreaded what Kara was up to.
Kara drew in a deep breath as she shifted to face Montserrat. "Okay, so, that money...I'm not supposed to say, but...it's not mine."
"What, did you steal it?"
"No, Sonny would kill me, first of all. Someone gave me that money-"
"-Kara, please tell me that's not dirty money."
"Oh my God, would you just let me talk!?"
Montserrat pursed her lips together then motioned Kara to go on. "Look, I'm telling you this because I think it's only fair that you recognize the intent. I didn't come up with the money - hell, it's not even my money. Rafael stopped by this afternoon."
"...don't tell me," Montserrat narrowed her eyes on Kara, almost making the latter gulp on the spot.
"He wanted to give you the money himself but he knew you wouldn't take it-"
"-damn right I wouldn't!" Montserrat practically threw the envelope to Kara's face. "How could you accept that money!?"
"Uh, because you need it? And because Rafael was pretty insistent that you take it."
"Rule number 1 when it comes to Rafael: never listen to him!"
"I can see where most of your problems come from."
"It's not funny, Kara!" Montserrat was furious. She jumped from her seat and turned to glare at Kara. "I would never take money from him. So I'm going to give that back to him right now!"
"No you are not!" Kara hugged the envelope to her chest.
"Yes, I am!"
"Give me one good reason why you shouldn't take the money?"
"Because...because…" Montserrat shifted on her feet, the frustration getting to her as she came up with no good answer.
"Aha," Kara tilted her head. "See? You should take the money and use it to get Gael out of that hellhole."
"But I can't!" Montserrat threw her hands in the air. "It doesn't feel right!"
Kara shook her head. "Montserrat, quit being so proud and just accept the help." She patted the open spot next to her and called it a win when Montserrat actually sat down again. "Don't be stupid and please don't be proud. Rafael came with the most honest intentions and he specifically asked me not to say anything. He didn't want you to know that the money was from him."
"Well you sure screwed that up, huh?" Montserrat gently jabbed Kara on her side.
"Yeeeeah. Please keep me safe, he scares me a bit."
Montserrat laughed. "Oh c'mon."
"No, I'm serious! He's nice and all but he's scary," Kara's face only made Montserrat laugh harder. "I don't know how you do it."
"Cos he's not scary," Montserrat sobered slowly despite hearing Kara's continuous accusations of the opposite.
"Alright, so...will you take the money?"
Montserrat looked down at the envelope between them, looking unsure. "I don't...I don't know. I feel like I should just return it."
"Montse, I know I tease you and all but, being serious...he really did look worried and he was just doing what he thought was best. And he asked about you - how you were doing? C'mon," Kara now bumped shoulders with Montserrat. "Don't tell me it doesn't make your heart beat just an itty-bitty-" Kara raised her hand with an index finger just above her thumb to show the amount, "-tiny bit faster?"
Montserrat shook her head but said nothing. She wasn't going to give Kara any reason to actually tease again. "I'm over it. I'm over him. I said that a long time ago-"
"Regardless, before you take that money back...just think about it for a bit. Maybe just...consider it." Kara gave Montserrat a quick side-hug before getting up to leave.
Montserrat brought a hand to her curls as she once again looked down at the envelope. It was so stupid. There laid the solution to one of her problems and she was being too proud to take it. "Goddammit," she sighed and got up from the couch.
~ 0 ~
The last thing the detective in question thought he'd see in the D.A's building was his partner who was meant to be taking a leave from SVU. Sonny turned back in the hallway to see Montserrat coming into the building in a rush. She was bundled up in a beige-colored coat.
"Montserrat what are you doing here?" Sonny checked his watch for the time and raised his eyebrows when he realized it was a bit late for her. "It's ten o'clock."
Montserrat shrugged but her pursed lips and a gaze that couldn't seem to look him in the eyes indicated something else was at play. "I just...needed to talk to someone."
"Casey?" Sonny jerked a thumb over his shoulder.
"No, well, no…" Montserrat sighed. She would have to be a little more truthful. "I need to speak with Rafael. Is that where you were headed?"
"Yeah, uh, Liv's got me on a case and…" Sonny got the feeling she wasn't really paying attention to him. Her eyes kept flickering in the direction of Rafael's office. "Montse? Are you okay?"
Montserrat licked her lips and exhaled. "Look, Sonny, can you just give me like...5 minutes with Rafael? And then you can go in and talk about your case."
"O...kay…" Sonny looked her over and noticed she was a bit shifty. "Are you sure you're okay? Did something happen? Is there anything I can do to help you-"
Montserrat raised a hand to stop him talking. "Just give me those 5 minutes I'm asking for and we're good."
"Al-alright, go ahead," Sonny stepped aside and gestured for her to go. She gave him a grateful smile and went on her way.
In his office, Rafael was doing what he normally did each night. On one side he had the usual stack of papers and on the other side, he had the trusty glass of alcohol. He heard a noise - footsteps - outside but before he even thought of looking up, they spoke up.
"You paid my brother's bail money."
Rafael shut his eyes as if hoping this was just a hallucination. Maybe he'd finally had too much to drink. But when he opened his eyes and looked up, he saw Montserrat by the door. "Dammit," he muttered. He put his pen down and stood up. "I honestly thought Kara might manage to keep it a secret," he admitted as he moved around the desk. He had to make a compelling argument now before she killed him. Luckily, this was what he did for a living. "I know you're mad but I know you needed the money. And before you throw it at my face-"
Montserrat rolled her eyes and strode up to hug him, surprising the hell out of him. He was frozen in his spot, arms to his sides as he debated if this was real or not. Montserrat couldn't care less how he reacted or how she should react. She'd thought long and hard about what she'd say or do when she saw him and this was the only thing she felt was right. So, that's why she wrapped her arms around his neck and let that need finally be quenched.
"I'm...very confused here." It pained Rafael to admit it but he just couldn't understand why she was hugging him and not screaming at him.
Montserrat pulled away but never let go of him. "I can't be mad at you. Not when you gave away $5000 from your own pocket."
"...so you're keeping the money?"
"Well, I did think about giving it back to you but...I need to swallow my pride and use it to get Gael out. But I am going to pay you back, every last cent."
Rafael rolled his eyes at her. "Don't worry about that-"
"-but I am because it's the only way I'll truly feel okay with this."
There was no way he was going to get through to her but he didn't want to argue with her. He gave in with a nod and it definitely got a smile from her.
"Thank you so much," she said and hugged him again.
This time, he hugged her back. He held her tight as if she were going to disappear in the next second. He never really noticed how easily she seemed to fit between his arms; like she belonged right there with him.
Every time, he thought. Every time he had Montserrat that close to him he remembered how much he needed her with him. All those previous thoughts that they couldn't be that close were dismissed, forgotten, pushed away. He couldn't be that careless, not when it came to her.
Montserrat pulled away only slightly. She seemed more nervous than before, her eyes even seemed like they were struggling to look up at him. "Hey, um...I know what you said before...I know that we agreed…" she couldn't find the right words to express her feelings, no matter how much she tried. Screw it.
She kissed him. And there went his caution...again. His arms instinctively tightened around her waist, keeping her firmly pressed against him. She had the sweetest lips - even though they often threw some insults at him - and he wanted nothing more than to kiss her forever.
But he needed to remember what he was trying to do for her. He was only able to regain some type of control when he pulled away. "Montse, we can't," he whispered, but the mere fact he'd said a nickname he hardly every used was proof enough that he wasn't entirely convinced with his words. Because he really wasn't.
"Please don't say that again," she begged. She had her eyes closed and maybe it was for the better. She could feel his nose nuzzling her cheek. "I told myself before deciding to come here that I was over you and everything, but...I'm not. I'm really, really not. And I dare say that you aren't either...right?"
Rafael drew away to look in her shiny brown eyes. He tilted his head slightly, a soft smile spreading across his face. "I never said that I was."
~ 0 ~
Out in the hallway, Sonny stayed behind just like Montserrat had asked him to. He was checking his phone for an update from Liv when he heard footsteps nearing him. He looked up to see a familiar woman coming. It took two seconds flat to recognize Yelina.
Oh crap. For some reason, Sonny didn't want to let her in...or at the very least, he thought she shouldn't go into Rafael's office until Montserrat gave him the 'ok'.
"H-hi!" he practically jumped in front of Yelina without a clue of what he was going to say or do.
"Hello?" she gave him an odd, yet reasonable, look. "Do I know you?"
"Um...I'm...a friend…" Sonny said, pretty much making it up as he went along.
"Not my friend," Yelina was quick to say. "And I'm sorry but I have somewhere I need to get to." She tried moving around but Sonny quickly followed in suit to block her way.
"I'm sorry ma'am but Mr. Barba's a bit busy right now!"
Yelina tilted her head at him. "How do you know I'm here to see Rafael?"
You didn't think this through, Sonny inwardly sighed.
~ 0 ~
"It's hard, Montserrat but it's the truth. It's better if we don't do anything. I'm not good," Rafael wanted to sound as convincing as possible but he wasn't doing it right. He could've started by letting Montserrat go but his arms seemed to be on another plan.
"You say all these things like you're no good for me or that I may crash down because of you but guess what?" Montserrat's eyes became even more tearful, some of them threatening to spill from the corners of her eyes. "I'm not with you and I'm still crashing. There's no one to help me pick up the pieces."
Rafael's heart broke at her frail voice. She wasn't falling apart, but she certainly wasn't in her best state.
~ 0 ~
"Ah, so you were one of the detectives who helped put my husband on trial," Yelina's face went sour as she finally recognized Sonny. "That's nice, but...I need to go see my friend."
Once more, Sonny took the same step with her. He held his hands up just as she was becoming irritated with him. "I'm really sorry but he's with someone important right now."
Yelina raised an eyebrow at him. She had a sharp look that gave Sonny chills. "Business?" she asked.
"Uuh…not...really." Truth was that Sonny wasn't sure what was the nature of Montserrat's visit but whatever the answer was, he was sure it wouldn't please Yelina.
"Well, business or not Rafael has some explaining to do," Yelina straightened up, expression more fierce than ever. "Thinks he can blow me off without repercussions? I don't think so." She moved around Sonny and threatened him with a glare not to try getting in her way.
"Dammit," the detective muttered with a hand on his forehead. He quickly pulled out his phone but he wasn't sure who to text: Montserrat or Rafael?
~ 0 ~
"Montserrat, I'm only trying to do what's best for you," Rafael insisted but she humorlessly laughed.
"Do I look okay to you? I'm not. And I thought, that maybe - just maybe - we could finally work something out," Montserrat let go of him but she stayed as close to him as they were when they hugged. "I'm tired of pretending, tired of denying things...aren't you?"
Rafael would love to say 'yes' but that would go against the point he was trying to make. "I do care for you. It's just…"
Montserrat gently put her hands on both sides of his face. "No more long speeches, just tell me the truth."
"The truth about why you don't want to be with me. Because all these speeches just sound...like speeches. Like something you rehearse for your job. I'm not a jury you have to convince. I just want you to be honest here."
"You want honesty? Fine," Rafael sighed. He couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't keep lying to himself and much less Montserrat. The truth was right in the fact that she made him lose control with just one kiss. He had his thoughts organized when it came to this subject. He had plans to keep himself away from Montserrat but then she comes right in and makes those thoughts and ideas disappear. There was no point in trying to build plans when it didn't matter in the end. He would just have to face it, face her. She got him.
"Not business," they heard from the doorway. Yelina looked a bit...fascinated by what she saw. "Definitely not."
Montserrat withdrew her hands. The expression on her face indicated an expectancy of answers because Yelina's presence made zero sense to her.
"Well, I can assume this is why you rudely left lunch early on Monday."
"Monday…?" Montserrat repeated just before it hit her. "Gael's arraignment." She laid eyes on Rafael again with a growing anger. "You were late." He was supposed to be on time, to be there with her when Gael was taken out for arraignment...and he'd almost missed it. Because he was having lunch with her.
"Yes, but I…" He really didn't have a good explanation for that one since Yelina basically beat him to it. But she said it all wrong and now he was screwed.
Montserrat exhaled as the weight of regret began hitting her. She stepped away from him. "I get it now."
"I don't think you do," Rafael said, sounding almost afraid of the conclusion she'd come to. He tried reaching for her arm but she yanked it away.
"There's the truth," she spat.
"It's not that, I swear-" he made the mistake of attempting to touch her again.
"Don't touch me!" she hissed and pushed his hands away from her. The humorless laugh that came next did not bode well. "And here I thought…" she laughed again then shook her head. "Forget it. I get it now. So sorry-" she gestured to both Rafael and Yelina, "-I got in the way. You won't have to worry about me again."
"Montserrat," Rafael called but she was storming out before he could even finish her name. There he went again screwing things up.
~ 0 ~
Sonny caught Montserrat coming out into the hallway a sprint, almost running really. "Montse! Hey!" he barely caught her arm but even then she wrestled to get free from his hands. "Montserrat, it's me!"
"I know! Let me go!"
Sonny only did so because he didn't want her yelling in the middle of the hallway. "Montserrat, what's happened?" She was in tears and he could only assume why. "Hey," his voice softened, "It's because of that woman, huh? I'm sorry. I tried to stop her-"
Montserrat laughed through her tears. "Sonny, you are the least person at fault here. This whole thing is just a mess - it was a mess from the start and you know what? I am so tired of it."
"And I know that I've said this many times before but this time I really mean it: I hate—" Montserrat's voice truly snapped while she pointed at nothing in particular, "—Rafael so much. I wish I never met him."
"Montserrat, I don't think you mean it—"
"Try me, Dominick!" she frantically snapped. Her hands reached behind her neck and in two seconds she had taken off the ballerina necklace Rafael gave her and chucked it at Sonny. With such speed she used, he scrambled to catch it before it would hit his face. "I mean it with every fiber of my being. I hate him!" she turned away and left in a storm.
Sonny sighed deeply. He felt like he should at least drive her home or make sure she got home safely in whatever she came in...but he wasn't stupid to believe that she would let him or anyone else near her right now. So, that just left the other side of the party.
~ 0 ~
"So I guess now I know why you cut lunch short," Yelina made it in three steps before Rafael ordered her to leave.
"You and I are done," he spat and pointed at the open door.
"I didn't do this," Yelina said what she assumed he was thinking. "You did. You always had a tendency to know better and it always backfired."
"Get out!" he shouted at her. "I don't understand what the hell you wanted from me since the beginning! And frankly, if I was even a little bit curious now I'm not! Because you just cost me the one good thing I had in my life!"
"It didn't look like that to me," Yelina cautiously approached the desk Rafael was retreating behind. "She was already upset before I walked in. I was just the tip of the iceberg."
Rafael rubbed his face in exasperation then slammed them down on the desk. "What—" his voice had sharpened, "—do you want from me? Just tell me so you can finally leave me the hell alone. What is it? Money? A hand in Alex's trial? A job? Just tell me!"
But to his mighty frustration, Yelina said nothing. She only tilted her head and studied him. His darkened expression, his narrowed eyes, his heavy breathing. He was outright furious, perhaps the most furious she'd ever seen him...and she'd known him for a very long time. "Oh my God, that detective's responsible for this?" she pointed him up and down. "That tiny thing has got you...so wrapped around her finger."
Rafael gripped the edges of his desk because otherwise, he might have actually thrown her out of the office.
With a sigh, Yelina leaned forwards on the desk but the mere action made him straighten away from the desk. "Truthfully, I don't want anything. I didn't mean to cause you harm. In fact...up until last week, I had no intention of seeing you. I thought I had made a fool out of myself plenty the last time we saw each other. I certainly had no intention of causing this...problem with that woman. She seemed nice the last time I met her. Not quite your taste but that's beside the point."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"The truth is, Rafael, you need to watch your back...as does that detective." Yelina looked around as if someone were going to eavesdrop on them. "Someone paid me good money to come see you. Don't ask me who, because I don't know. I just got a request with the promise of a decent amount that could help me and my girls get the hell out of this city."
"What do you...what do you mean? Are you joking?"
"No," Yelina shook her head. "Why else do you think I had no answer when you asked me what I wanted from you? I mean, yes, it was nice to see you but...I had no face to ask anything from you. Someone wanted me to come and see you, make sure to cause some problems with you and Detective Novak."
Rafael wanted to call her a liar, but if there was something about her was that she was no liar. And she didn't appear to be one right now. "Why are you telling me this now?"
"Because...I was not a good person to you, during the investigation and before...I blamed you for many things when the truth was I had a fair share of the fault. You and I...we didn't work. We just didn't. I wanted more. But I gambled and lost with Alex and now I have no right to take that chance away from you nor Detective Novak. I'm really sorry. And if you want, I could try to talk with her—"
"You will stay away from her," Rafael warned, leaving no room for arguments. "I don't want you near Montserrat, do you understand? If everything you just said is true—"
"It is—"
"Then you need to leave. Leave me alone, leave Montserrat alone and just go. I don't want to see you again."
"That's fair," Yelina nodded her head. "But I am taking the money because I need it. My girls need it."
"Sure," Rafael couldn't care less. He didn't wish her any harm but he certainly didn't care what happened in her life.
"Goodbye Rafael. Take care," she said then turned to leave. Only a few seconds after she was gone, Rafael received a visit from Sonny.
"Goddammit," he muttered. What more could this night throw him?
"Yeah, I know, not a place I expected to be," Sonny sighed. "I just came for the warrants you promised Liv. I didn't expect to be right at the center of all...this…"
"I will send them, get out," Rafael returned to his seat.
"Don't do that."
"I'm not doing anything. I have a lot of work to do so please get out." And maybe a lot of drinking too. Who knew.
Sonny drew in a deep breath, mumbling an 'oh boy' before he started off with what could either be his death sentence or the solution to Rafael's problems. "Listen, I'm not speaking to you as a co-worker, I am going to speak to you as a friend because right now you need one. What the hell are you doing, Rafael?"
Rafael could honestly say that he had no idea. "It wasn't like I planned it," he said as a means of defense.
"No, because that would be incredibly stupid," Sonny's flat tone wasn't appreciated in the least. "Can I just ask, in all seriousness...why?" Rafael gave him a confused look. "Help me understand because as much as we both hate it, the reality is I know everything. Literally. Why make all this trouble if you actually do like Montserrat? I don't get it."
Well it was bad enough Sonny knew everything, but now Rafael would have to explain himself? Again? He rolled his eyes. "I'm not doing this, Carisi. You can go."
"No," the detective flatly refused. "Because each time you screw up more than the last time and you should know that this time...you royally screwed up. Montserrat despises you."
"I didn't plan this - I actually had a very different plan in mind...but Yelina cut me off. She has terrible timing. And now Montserrat hates me."
"Yeah she does."
Rafael paused to glare at Sonny. "Aren't you supposed to be helping here or did I misread the conversation?"
Sonny rolled his eyes. "Alright, alright. Truth is, if Kara told me she hated me I'd lose my mind. I need her just as I'm sure you need Montserrat."
"Let's not go confusing things." This time, Rafael's arguments wouldn't win against the detective.
"I'm not. Because it's not a question of 'want' anymore, you have a 'need'."
Sonny took a seat down as he began to explain. "Look, I don't 'want' to see Kara. I need to see Kara. Every day. I don't want to spend time with her, I need to. It's a need that I can't push away because...because I love Kara. The 'want' fades away fairly quick but the 'need'...that doesn't go away. That's what you have with Montserrat now. You need her."
Rafael didn't like that Sonny actually thought he knew what he wanted - needed. It was ridiculous...wasn't it? She makes you throw your plans away, he reminded himself. You have no control when she's around.
Sonny watched the internal struggle for a few minutes before he took pity and further explained. "You remember those times where you asked me to find Montserrat? Because you wanted to see her? Well, you didn't want to see her. You needed to see her. You needed to make sure she was okay. And right now, do you want to see Montserrat? Or do you need to go and make sure she's alright?"
Well, the answer was evident, wasn't it?
"And listen, I wasn't going to say anything because it's, well, childish but...you should know that you're not the only one who has eyes on Montserrat."
Now that piece of information was surprising. Rafael tilted his head, for a second almost accusing Sonny.
"Don't get any ideas, councilor. I meant someone else. Uh, Damian." Sonny knew that alone was shocking but it did feel good to finally tell someone the secret that'd been gnawing at his mind.
"What?" frowned Rafael. "He wouldn't—"
"-oh but he would. You know that Kate Spade watch Montserrat proudly wears? Damian got it for her. He knows that's her favorite store. He likes her and if you continue to act like this, you're going to push her straight to him. Is that what you want? Is it really what you want?"
"Well of course not," Rafael found himself blurting. He shifted in his seat after realizing how fast that'd come out. "I already told you that I did plan on telling her. I was seconds away when Yelina made her...presence known."
"Well that's good," Sonny nodded. "Because we have a lot of work to do here." He reached for something in his pocket then put it down on the desk, revealing the ballerina necklace Montserrat had practically thrown at him. "If there's one thing I've figured out about women is that you can't outsmart them. But maybe two of us can and we can get you five minutes with her. Your fast mouth might just save you."
Rafael smiles for the first time. "With any luck."
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roguesandsaviors · 4 years
Little Exceptions
Fandom: Sweet Virginia
Characters: Sam Rossi, Maggie, Madison (OFC)
Pairing: None
Summary: Sam is a little more aware of those at his motel after the mess with Elwood and something about the new woman in 133 catches his attention. He couldn’t have anticipated what she was really hiding. 
Word Count: 2,198
Rating: SFW
Warning: None
A/N: Mistakes are all my own as it is un-beta’ed. Hope everyone enjoys.
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Sam squinted as he looked out of the window. After the mess with Elwood, he was a bit more conscious of who was coming in and out of his motel. The headlights that had shone through his windows at such a late hour had caught his attention. The new renter in room 133 had just pulled in. The woman was unassuming, quiet, and kept to herself. He didn't make it a point to know everyone's business but knowing something was more comforting than knowing nothing. And he didn’t know a lot about the woman in 133. 
She had been staying at the motel for almost a week now. A long term renter but supposedly she was a new resident to town and looking for a place to stay. That was what he had heard from the few town gossips at the diner. He hadn’t asked as much. It took a few days for Maggie to confirm that. Not too many people willingly moved to Fairvale so it was intriguing all the same.
He could make out her form, the silhouette against the only light out there really, getting out of her car and hurrying to the passenger side of her car. She whipped her head back and forth, Sam only assuming that she was glancing around to make sure that she wasn’t seen. That was enough to justify his watching, at least to him. His brow furrowed as she pulled a box from the car and tucked it under her arm. What the hell was that? He shifted, having to move so he wasn't leaning too much weight on his bad leg. 
What was in the box? Sam rubbed at his cheek and wondered if he really should be focused on that. For all he knew, she was skittish because it was late at night and she was alone in a parking lot. In a town that was still new to her. It was understandable that she would look around and be cautious. And he didn't know what she was doing for work. It could be food or something just as benign in the box. He was being too cynical. Chiding himself as he watched the woman enter her room, he stepped away from the window. He needed to get some sleep. The made up worries could be focused on tomorrow. Until he had a reason to have an issue with her, he wouldn't. Though, he would keep a closer eye on her. For his mental well being at this point more than anything else. 
Sam didn't expect to find the woman chatting with Maggie in the office. Maggie seemed relaxed and to be enjoying the conversation. He didn't catch what they were talking about as it died down when he entered the room. He cocked a brow and shot a look at Maggie, who barely gave him the time of day. 
"Thank you Maggie." The woman gave Sam a quick nod and smile before ducking out of the office. 
"What was that about?" Sam tried not to sound too interested. He could hide it behind the facade of business. Right? Maggie was jotting something down in the reservation book.
"She's staying another week." It wasn't the time of the year that they were particularly busy. She was lucky when it came to that. The room would likely be open for however long she needed for the next two months. Though if she was staying, hopefully she wouldn't be stuck here that long. 
"Say why?" 
"Something wrong?" She turned to look at him, concern written all over her features. Sam felt bad for saying anything. He was different after the incident but Maggie was as well. He was quick to shake his head and give her shoulder a small squeeze.
"No, not at all. Just been some time since we've had any long term guest. Thought I heard she was moving here." 
"Oh, Madison is. The search hasn't turned out all that well. Obviously. It isn't like there are a lot of places for sale right now though. At least nice places that you would want to stay," she hummed before finishing up in the book. "Coffee's fresh if you want a cup." 
"Thanks," Sam murmured before moving to get himself a cup. Caffeine was very much needed to be able to get him through the day. He didn't get as much sleep as he had been hoping to last evening. He let his thoughts wander a little too much. "Don't you have class you need to get to?" Maggie shook her head.
"No. Some administrator day so no classes at all." Sam chuckled and sipped his coffee. 
"So, day off then?"
"Yep. Figured you wouldn't mind me hanging around and picking up a few more hours."
"Not at all," he murmured. "Gives me some time to set down new carpet in room 132."
Sam had the carpet nearly complete when an odd sound came from the room next door. He frowned and slowly pushed up to his feet, giving himself a second before moving. The woman's car was still there, meaning she was in the room. He inched closer to the wall and waited, wanting to see if the sound repeated itself. 
Several long seconds passed and he didn't hear the sound again. Maybe he was just hearing things. Rubbing a hand over his face, Sam shook his head.
"Get back to work," he chided himself. He was looking for there to be a problem now. That was why this was happening. If he got himself under control, it would all stop. "There's nothing going on in that room. You are being paranoid and need to get over it. Or else you are going to scare the poor woman." He settled himself back down on the floor, stretching his bad leg out to be able to nestle into the corner. 
Ten minutes passed and he heard the sound again. It almost sounded like a cry. But not quite human? Finally, Sam abandoned his task. It was time to figure this out once and for all. Leaving the door open to the room he was working on, he moved over to the front of 133 and knocked. Something bumped in the room, like an item had fallen over. He frowned and waited for the woman to open the door, prepping what he was going to say to her. 
The woman seemed flustered as she opened the door just a bit. Sam didn't miss the flash of panic that crossed her face when she realized who was at the door. It felt like it was confirmation of his actions. 
"Uh, Mr. Rossi, hi." She wiped her hands against her pants nervously and gave him a small smile. "What can I do for you?" He still wasn't great with confrontation and Sam nervously held his hands in front of him.
"Yeah, good afternoon. There were a few complaints of some odd noises coming from your room." She tried to play it off but was failing miserably at it.
"Odd noises?" She shook her head and she couldn't maintain eye contact. It was a sure sign that she was lying. It set the man a little more on edge. "I'm sorry, Mr. Rossi. They must be mistaken. It's just me here. I haven't had any guests and for the most part, I've been out of the room. I'm not sure what they have heard but it can't be coming from my room." 
As if on cue, the sound came again. This time it was more distinct with the door opened. It was definitely a tiny cry and definitely not human. Madison's shoulders dropped and her head hung. 
"That isn't an odd noise?" He cocked a brow and watched as she began to scramble to make up some sort of explanation.
"I know the policy says no pets and I'm sorry. But," she moved into the room and came back with a small thing. It barely fit in the palm of her hand. "I had a small litter that ended up rejected by their mother. No one else was able to take care of them. They need to be bottle fed every few hours. They aren't making a mess in the room, I swear. They are kept in a small kennel. And their bathroom habits are, well, controlled at best so there won't be a spot left anywhere in the room." Sam realized it was a puppy she was holding. The thing couldn't be older than a week or two. It's eyes were barely open.
"A littler?" He blinked and looked back up at her. 
"Yeah. Uh, come on." She motioned for him to follow her into the room. As she said, she had a small kennel on the floor. Three other puppies were wrapped up snuggly in a towel. There was not a chance that they would be able to get out of the set up that she had. Four bottles were lined up on the nightstand. "You, uh, you wanna hold one?" Sam didn't expect that but found himself holding both hands out. He was a little worried about potentially dropping the small thing. 
"What do you do that you ended up taking care of them?" He looked up at her, pulling his eyes away from the adorable thing resting in his palm. It squirmed a little before settling into the warmth, content it seemed. 
"I'm the new vet." Sam nodded, a new sense of understanding dawning. He couldn't be upset with the situation. She was being responsible and ensuring that nothing happened in the room. And the babies couldn't be abandoned. They needed the help. He had to use a single finger to be able to pet the puppy in his hand. 
"Guess that makes sense," he chuckled. "I didn't realize Chuck retired." Madison smiled and moved to pick up one of the other puppies and a bottle of milk. 
"Well, on his way out. He is giving me a month to get used to things. And clients time to accept the idea that he won't be around. I think some of the large animal owners are a little hesitant."  She started to feed the puppy. 
"You do large animal too?" She was a tiny woman. Imagining her standing next to cattle or caribou was comical. The question garnered a laugh from her and Sam felt a little more relaxed as she did. He didn't have it in him to give her a hard time over the little ones that she was taking care of. 
"That tends to be the reaction I get from most people. But, yes. Large and small animal medicine. It's part of the reason I am up here." She glanced up from the puppy. "Grew up on a farm in Iowa. There weren't any jobs in the area and I knew I wanted to be somewhere with a lot of land. So I ended up with my first job just outside of Anchorage. This position opened up and I jumped at it. It's a little more permanent than my previous job. I am inheriting clients from Chuck, which makes life a little easier. The staff is fantastic and the area is quiet. So, I couldn't really ask for more." 
"Sound reasoning," Sam offered. "How long do you have to bottle feed these guys?" 
"Until about four weeks. They need to get fed every two to four hours so it's a pretty around the clock task. Did you, uh, did you wanna try? The other two still need to be fed."
"Yeah, it's easy. They do all the work." She grabbed another bottle and handed it over. "You can set him down and grab one of the others. They'll be a little squirmy but you can't really hurt them. Just hold the bottle up and they'll do the rest." Sam was a little hesitant but hearing the other two start to cry was enough to spur him into action. Carefully settling the boy in his hand down, covering him up with the blanket, he grabbed one of the others and a bottle. As instructed, he held it up and the puppy was quick to latch on. He laughed again, the eagerness even in such a small one amusing. 
"I guess I'll have to make an exception to the rule this one time. Can't have these little ones have no care." He looked up at Madison with a smile. 
"Thank you so much, Mr. Rossi."
"It's Sam," he corrected her. "You're doing a fine job or taking care of the place so I can't be upset. I've had worse done here for less reasoning." Madison nodded her understanding.
"Still, I really appreciate it. I wasn't trying to be underhanded. I just, I still don't have a place to stay and couldn't just leave these guys with nowhere to go." 
"It is hard to say no looking at them, ain't it?"  It was definitely a good exception to the rule this time. The whole thing turned out better than Sam thought it would have. Puppies certainly weren't the worst thing he had ever had at his motel.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
His first choice
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Summary: Months after breaking up with Steve you still don’t feel better. While Bucky and your best friend try to make you leave your apartment, Sam and Natasha fight at a different front.
Pairing: Steve x Reader, Bucky x Reader (platonic), Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, OFC Portia
Warnings: angst, sadness, Bucky being a good bro, just like Nat and Sam, comforting, fluff, language, arguments, remorse, tears, the usual heartbreak, tooth-rotting romantic crap
A/N: Sue me for giving second chances. If not, enjoy...
Requested Sequel to: Never be your first choice
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Months, it has been months since you closed the door behind Steve and sank to the floor, crying the whole night while Bucky tried to soothe you.
Along with Portia, your best friend since childhood he tried anything to make you leave your apartment for more than grocery shopping and work, but so far no plan worked out.
Today is no different. Your purse and two grocery bags in your arms you rush toward your apartment. Wanting nothing more than hiding in your apartment, your fortress.
Close to tears as your anniversary, the day you met Steve for the first time, comes closer you sniffle a few times before you open your door only to find Bucky, Portia and your cat sit on your couch, waiting for you.
“Y/N…this is an intervention…” Portia says, and you laugh as they pinned a banner with “intervention” written in different colors about your couch. “We need to tell you that we both love you first.”
“Ports…” You sigh, glancing at Bucky who crosses his arms over his chest. “I know you want me to go out and meet other people, but not this week…”
“I know your anniversary gets closer, one more reason to go out and forget about Steve and the shit he pulled.” Portia exhales as Bucky tries to stop her.
“Doll, we are worried. Is all.” Bucky shrugs, getting up to carry your groceries into the kitchen. “I know you suffer, but you can’t hide in these four walls for the rest of your life.”
“I bet Steve already moved on…” Portia blurs out and you flinch, sniffling as you thought the same.
“Portia! That’s not true.” Bucky gasps, knowing you forbid him to mention Steve or anything according to him. “Rules…”
“I know…I know. Just look at what he did to my friend. I hate him for hurting her like that…” Pointing at you she shakes her head. “We need to make her see he was a worthless bastard.”
“STOP!” Panting you ball your hands into fists.
“I know you mean well, and you only see my side of the story, but Steve is not worthless, nor a bastard. He didn’t treat me the way he should, maybe he tried to love me his way, but Peggy’s shadow…” Sobbing you clear your throat. “This doesn’t make him a bad person. Steve is still a hero, a good man and would die for any person out there.”
Bucky gives you a quick smile as hope blooms in his chest. For months he stayed by your side, hoping you still love his best friend. 
The whole time Bucky tried to make his friend see he needs to show you his love.
Steve thought to lose Peggy hit him hard and that he will never get over her loss. He thought he would never feel worse pain than that very moment – he was wrong.
Losing you burned a deep, dark hole into his chest. The place where his heart used to be is an empty place, rotten and unused for months. Every time he looks around his apartment he finds something reminding him of you, the love he let slip through his fingers.
Steve wishes he could blame someone else, but the truth is you were right. He never showed you how much you mean to him. He treated you like he took you for granted. 
Since he met you that rainy day in Brooklyn, helping an elderly lady find her house, you were always around.
Now his life is empty, and he doesn’t know how to fill the void in his heart. The only thing he’s able to concentrate on is missions. So, Steve runs from mission to mission, chooses every fight over being alone in his cold apartment.
“Steve, you should let Dr. Cho check on you.” Leaning against the doorframe Sam hates seeing his friend like this. “Just…” 
“I’m fine…” Jaw tense, hair a mess Steve looks around his apartment once again. He found all you left behind and placed it onto his nightstand to have it close to his bed. Eyes tired, just like his mind Steve refuses to look at his friend.
“You are far from being fine, bro. Just look at what you did! All things she left are placed all over your nightstand. You didn’t change the sheets since she left only to still smell her. Dude, go and talk to Y/N. She’s a good person and loves you…” Sam tries to reason with his friend but Steve scoffs.
“I think Bucky and she are a thing by now. He spends most of his free time with her and even picks her up from work.” Gasping Steve realizes he just admitted he followed you for months.
A smug grin on his lips Sam nods, pushing off the door frame to walk into the room. “Steve, I can tell for sure Bucky is not with your girl. He’s rather interested in her best friend. Get your act together and talk to your girl. If you found the time to stalk Y/N you will find the time to talk to her like a grown man.” 
“She’s not my girl any longer. I treated her like she’s not the most important person to me. I should’ve told her how much I love her, but I thought there’s still time. Now I lost her…” Hiding his face in the palms of his hands Steve sniffles silently.
Sam is awkwardly glancing at his friend, not knowing how to react. Men do not hug other men or talk like women about emotions. Despite being a 21st-century man Sam is nervous to talk about feelings with his friend.
While Sam stands in the room, just staring at Steve, Natasha walks into the room, cursing as she can see your stuff on the nightstand.
“Do you have an idea what day is today, Rogers?” Steve’s head snaps upward and he pants heavily. “Do you?”
“The day we met for the first time.” Smiling at the memory Steve forgets about his heartbreak for a moment. “She was guiding an elderly lady, handing her the broken pink umbrella she always carries in her purse while she got wet. I just watched her helping the woman open her door before she said her goodbyes.”
“Exactly, Steve. What are you going to do about that, Rogers? Sit here, grieve and sniff at the sheets you should’ve changed months ago, or will you go out there, buy flowers and beg that girl to take your stupid ass back?” Natasha purses her lips as Steve drifts back to the memory.
“Y/N wasn’t looking where she was going and bumped into my chest. Squealing before she apologized repeatedly. I told her it’s alright, that she only stepped on my foot, but she insisted on buying me a coffee, not even recognizing I’m Captain America. I brought her home later and she was sweet, quiet and I just…” 
Steve smiles as he touches his lips. “I kissed her, and she let me. I was sure she’s the one back then…”
“Get your ass into the shower and shave…” Natasha warns but Steve keeps on telling her about you. “Jesus, Steve I have to be painfully honest then…you reek! Go in there and wash your stinking ass! We are done watching you grovel for months.”
“I messed up, Natasha…so badly. Scared to get in too deep, just like with Peggy, I pushed her away and now…” Shrugging Steve stands helpless in his bedroom, glancing at your few belongings. “She’s gone for good. I can’t blame her, tho…”
“Last warning. If you do not move your ass over to her apartment, I’ll kick your balls.” Sam laughs at Natasha’s comment, but Steve finally walks toward the bathroom to have a shower.
“I need to try…right?” Steve clears his throat, glancing at Natasha as his friend’s nod. “Even if she sends me away…”
“Portia didn’t mean to hurt you.” Bucky tries, knowing you fought with your friend.
“I told her after what she said about Steve I need a few days without her. I know she meant well but he’s still the man I love, idiot or not.” Giving Bucky a cracked smile you get up to grab your purse.
“Where do you want to go, doll?”
“I promised Mrs. Grant to check on Daisy while she’s gone.” Glancing out of the window you see it’s raining. Just like that day…
Making your way toward Mrs. Grant's house you sniffle as your pink umbrella reminds you of your first meeting with Steve. He was so different back then. Steve was the one cupping your face to kiss you outside your apartment complex in the middle of a thunderstorm.
You still remember his lips on yours and the way he smiled at you after breaking the kiss. He invited you for dinner and you agreed without thinking twice. Not as he was Captain America, no, as he was the first man making your heart flutter since you lost your first love.
“That’s one shitty weather for sure, Daisy…” Picking the freezing cat up you give her an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I’m late Daisy furball. I had to talk to a friend first. Not only you had a shitty day…”
“Y/N…” Your name on his tongue makes you gasp. For a moment you believe it was your imagination, but you turn around to meet sad blue eyes. “Please…”
“Steve…” Dropping the umbrella you press Mrs. Grant's cat to your chest, not knowing how to react to Steve standing right in front of you.
His hair is longer, even darker. He grew a thick beard but he’s still your Steve. The one taking your breath away, the one breaking your heart. “You shouldn’t be here…”
“I shouldn’t…” His voice is hoarse, sad as he steps closer, showing you a bouquet of red roses. “I didn’t forget our anniversary, Y/N. I…” Kneeling he moves his arms around your smaller frame, sniffling against you.
“Steve…you should go…”
“I can’t…please…” Desperately holding onto you Steve clears his throat, shuddering as the rain pours mercilessly down on you. 
“I can’t be without you. I haven’t changed the sheets to smell you at night. I can’t eat, sleep or think about anything but you. I need you like oxygen and I know I don’t deserve it but please…take me back.” Now he looks up at you while the rain runs down his face – or are these tears?
“You broke my heart, Steve. How could I take a man back not…?” He up in no time, shaking his head furiously. 
“I love you…please. I know it might be too late or you think I’m lying but I swear I loved you the moment I met you right here, in the rain.” Freezing you glance up at Steve, not wanting to let him break you even more but the way he looks at you makes your knees wobble.
His lips are on yours and you feel like back then as he kissed you for the first time. Daisy protests as Steve is pressing her between you and his body but you can’t let him let go of you now.
“I love you, Y/N. I swear you will always be my first choice from now on. I can’t lose you, I’ll do anything…please…” Your body reacts to his touch and you want to run away…so bad, but he holds you in his arms as the rain soaks your clothes.
“How can I know I will be your first choice? How shall I know you don’t still hang the biggest part of your heart on Peggy?” Your voice is trembling as Steve cradles your face, choking at his words as he can see your red and puffy eyes.
“You make me feel as though I am enough. I don’t need to be a hero, strong or perfect when I’m with you. Please say you don’t leave me.” Hands trembling you touch his face, not knowing what to say you just stare up at him. “My heart is only yours, all of me is yours…if you want me…”
“I want you, Steve. I always wanted you but is that enough…?”
“Punk, doll, I hate to disturb you, but people start staring, one even wanted to call the cops. Get into the apartment and let me check on the poor cat, guys.” Bucky chuckles as you gasp, just now you look around to see people staring at you and Steve.
Daisy fights her way out of your grip, running toward Bucky who picks the wet cat up. Steve doesn’t care about people, all he can see is you and the confusion all over your face.
His hands grip your waist to pick you up. Legs around his waist, hands in his soaked hair you kiss him fiercely, not caring the people around started to cheer for you.
“I guess Bucky is right…” Panting against your lips Steve nods, walking you toward your apartment as Bucky grabs your pink umbrella, shaking his head.
“The show is over, guys. Nothing to see here but two love-birds making up.” Smirking he walks toward Portia, finally finding the guts to cup her face and kiss her. “Will you go out with me?”
“I thought you’ll never ask, Barnes.” Portia laughs before she kisses Bucky back, not caring people stare at her and Bucky now…
You made quick work of your wet clothes to have a hot shower. Steve insisted on sharing the warm water and you agreed, but only if he doesn’t try anything.
“I swear that I’ll never forget any date or do not put you first. I can’t…please…” Your hands slide over his chest, carefully touching a few red lines. “Cuts and a bullet hole…” Steve admits and you gasp.
“When did that happen, Captain? Since when are you that careless?” Scolding Steve you have a closer look at the fading wounds. “How could you let anyone hurt you…?”
“I was just…”
“Careless? Steven Grant Rogers! If you ever!” Silenced by his lips you try to mutter but you melt against him, still, you tug at his hair. “Promise me…”
“I promise to put you first and to be more careful. I got you in my life after all.” Steve waits for your reaction, searching your face as you walk out of the shower.
“We should get dry and…”
Sleep, all you did after the shower was to curl into Steve’s side. Surrounded by his warm body you finally found the sleep you missed for months.
He, on the other hand, is still wide awake. Having you finally by his side he needs to look you all over. Memorizing your skin in the dim light, every freckle, the way your nose brushes his cheek when you turn in your sleep.
“I love you so much, Y/N…”
“Hmm…” Humming you pat Steve’s chest before burying your face into his neck. “Love you too…Rogers…” Muttering you kiss his neck and he melts into your touch. “Now shut up…”
“Yes, ma’am…” Arms wrapped tightly around your body Steve kisses your temple, pressing his lips to your skin to make sure it’s not a dream. “Now you are back in my arms you will always be my first choice…”
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All works Tags
@yolobloggers​​​​​, @meganywinchester​​​​​​, @shikshinkwon​​​​​​, @miraclesoflove​​​​​ ​, @mogaruke​​​​​, @shatteredabby​​​​​, @soryuwifeyxx​​​​​, @letsdisneythings​​​​​, @i-love-superhero​​​​, @psychicforest​​​​​, @thevelvetseries​​​​, @deanmonandnegansbitch​​​​, @sabascio​​​​, @goodgodimaweirdperson​​​, @that-place-called-middle-earth​​, @the-broken-angel-13​​, @trumpettay​
Marvel Tags
@stuckys-whore​, @notyourtypicalrose​, @voltage-my2dlove​, @thedoctorscamanion, @officialmarvelwhore​, @randomgirlkensy​, @juniorhuntersam​, @lumar014​, @doctorswife221b​, @sister-winchesters99​, @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​, @the-soulofdevil​​, @chonisberonica​ , @redroomproperty​​, @natura1phenomenon​​, @chaoticfiretaconerd​, @heartislubbingdubbing​​, @hhiggs​​, @sea040561​​ , @midnightsilver16830​
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans Tags
@roonyxx​​​​, @stylesismyhubs​​​​, @multisuperfandom​​​​, @mrspeacem1nusone​​​​, @shadowcatsworld , @fallenoutofrose​​​​, @rynabarnesrogers​​​​, @denisemarieangelina​​, @gabifernandessn​​
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