#it’s not getting revenge and not giving a shit
nastyenemyeater · 1 day
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Rockstar Choso 🫣👹🎸🥁- FANFIC
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I saw some tiktoks about Choso being a drummer and it gave me some ideas.
Here are the links :
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either way here's the plot : basically Y/n got cheated on by her bf at a club and she got revenge by kissing the drummer of 'The curses' rockstar band .
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“Look Y/n isn’t that Nathan?” asked your best friend, pointing at a guy during a hardcore kissing session with a random girl.
The blasting music, the heat in the club and the moving people passing by and occasionally shoving you to pave their way, were not helping you in any way digest the scene you just witnessed.
Your knees felt weak, your heartbeat increased considerably, memories flashed by, tears started overflowing and millions of questions exploded inside your head “why? Am I dreaming? Why did he cheat so easily? Did he even love me?”
“Go confront him Y/n! What are you waiting for? The fuck??” shouted your best friend, shaking you fervently and bringing you back to the hell.
You couldn’t. Or you thought it didn’t matter anymore.
“That motherfucker” you seethed in anger.
Alcohol was all you could think about. Yes, you needed to drink a shit ton of it. After all, you came to the club to enjoy your Saturday night. You didn’t plan on having your heart broken but … life never goes how you want it right?
You made your way to the bar, jaw clenched, eyes burning with anger and determined to drown the night’s misery in alcohol. The bartender handed you the strongest shot of vodka, and you backed at least five of them. Each one went down smoother than the last, but the pain refused to fade.
"Maybe I should just make out with the first guy that comes along," you thought bitterly, resting your head on your arms as you looked to your left.
Unexpectedly, a pair of dark, hazy eyes were already locked on you. He sat back against the bar, elbows resting casually behind him. His dark, messy hair clung to his sweaty forehead, framing his sharp features – a defined jawline, high cheekbones, and tired, yet piercing eyes that studied you intently. Tattoos snaked up his neck and down his muscular arms, accentuated by the sleeveless black shirt that clung to his broad frame. His legs were spread wide, exuding a quiet confidence and control.
Without thinking, you locked eyes with him, staring intently with no thoughts, just an empty, heated gaze. A faint smirk played on his lips as he stared back, silent but sharp, as if he was waiting for you to make the next move.
“Whatch’you lookin’ at?” he asked with an amused tone, breaking the silence between you two.
You didn’t have the strength to engage in any conversation yet, and all you could do was stare at him. Being in that inebriating state made easy for you to prolongate the eye contact.
He let out a low chuckle, stood from his seat and made his way toward you.
But before he could take another step, 2 other guys suddenly pulled him away, dragging him toward the other side of the bar. A chaotic stream of girls followed, screaming some names as they swarmed after them.
You watched as he winked at you before disappearing into the crowd. Despite the commotion, you remained rooted to your spot, an amused smile playing on your lips as you took in the scene.
“Wow, they must be somebody for them to get followed liked this” you wondered. You groaned loudly as you realized your mistake “Fuckkk ! I just blew my chance … fuck fuck fuck … Uh give me another one please” you said, asking for another shot to forget about this massive fail.
By now, the alcohol coursing through your veins made you feel more at ease, braver, and a little reckless. Confidence surged with every beat of the rock music that pounded through the club, filling your body with raw energy. The tension that had been building up inside you needed an outlet, and before you knew it, you found yourself weaving through the crowd toward the dance floor.
You moved with purpose, shaking off the accumulated stress with each step. The crowd was electric, and soon you managed to slip right to the front of the stage, where you spotted the two guys who had dragged your "new friend" away earlier. They were performing, and you finally recognized them as The Curses, a rockstar band.
You also spotted your "new friend" as their drummer. His name was Choso apparently.
The music reverberated through your body, each beat syncing with the rising tension inside, a strange mix of hurt, anger, and alcohol pushing you to the edge. By the time they finished their set, the adrenaline was pumping so hard it was like a shot of fire to your system.
Without thinking, you somehow climbed up on the stage. The crowd’s roar faded into the background as you grabbed the microphone, your voice raw with emotion as you shouted, “FUCK YOU NATHAN!”
The audience gasped, some laughing, some unsure what was happening, but you didn’t care. Your mind raced as you continued, “GO FUCK YOURSELF NATHAN! YOU DON’T DESERVE SHIT IN YOUR LIFE”
The two guys from the band rushed over, trying to calm you down, but most importantly trying to yank the mic out of your hands. One of them put a hand on your shoulder, but you jerked your arm away and continued, “YOU HEAR ME, NATHAN? YOU MANWHORE”
Someone grabbed your arm, pulling you slightly back as a voice whispered, "C’mon, miss, don’t embarrass yourself. Get down from the—"
But you cut them off, shouting, “DON’T TOUCH ME! I HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK!” Your voice rang out, fierce and defiant. Then, you turned and realized it wasn’t a stranger—it was Choso. His intense, steady gaze met yours, silently pleading for you to calm down. For a moment, everything else faded, and it was just the two of you, his eyes trying to pull you back from the edge.
The noise and chaos seemed to fade into the background. Staring into his captivating eyes, you thought, It’s now or never. Your gaze flicked from his eyes to his plump lips, and without hesitation, you acted.
You dragged him down toward you, while rising up onto your tiptoes, and then you kissed him fervently, all the pent-up emotion pouring into that moment.
His pink-haired friend cackled into the mic, “You hear that, Nathan? You fucked up! Your girl’s gone now!”
“yeah you son a bitch! look at me eating up this guy’s mouth!” you thought, deepening the kiss.
You would be a total liar if you said that making out with Choso was just any other chore to get back at your ex.
No, no, no, no… that man was a beast. The second your lips touched his, he yanked your body against his, your breasts colliding with his large, hard chest.
Every inch of him was solid, muscle-packed beneath his shirt like he was carved from stone. His body radiated heat, and the faint sheen of sweat from his earlier performance mixed with the scent of his cologne—a powerful, intoxicating blend that made you want him even more. The mix was engulfing, dizzying, wrapping around you like a drug, making it impossible to pull away.
What started as a kiss turned into something deeper, more intense. His mouth was commanding, his lips moving over yours with a hunger that sent a shiver down your spine. His tongue was battling against yours, and all you could do was respond.
He was devouring the fuck out of you.
His hands slid down to your waist, his grip tightening as if he couldn’t bear to let you go. The feel of his body against yours – strong, immovable – made you crave more. Your fingers roamed up his shoulders, desperate to feel more of him, to get closer.
This wasn’t just some kiss to get back at Nathan. Choso’s kiss was raw, overwhelming, and consuming – everything you didn’t know you needed.
“Ok ok lovebirds! time’s up! you both can finish this later” suggested his sexy black-haired friend.
The crowd's reaction to your passionate kiss was a mix of emotions. Some voices rose in anger, hurling insults, while others cheered loudly, celebrating your bold move. The air buzzed with a clash of discontent and admiration. Some of them even started chanting “fuck you Nathan” in chorus.
But eventually, all good things must come to an end … and you had to shed yourself from Choso’s addictive body. You were both panting and staring at each other’s soul trying to figure out what just happened and what was going to happen afterwards.
“So ... do you make a habit of kissing random guys on stage?” he asked with a smirk, his eyes lingering on your face, taking in every detail.
“I … I have to go …” you stuttered, pushing him slowly away.
“Oh nah you can’t go now. There is no way I’ll let you leave after what you just did to me” he said, pulling you closer.
“I acted impulsively … I’m sorry … I need to go” you said, still trying to get out of his grip.
“Oh, so you’re just going to run back to Nathan?” he spat bitterly, holding you even harder.
You immediately frowned upon hearing his name again.
“Fuck you” you gritted, putting all your almighty force to push yourself away from him.
“That’s perfect, I have a 20-minute break anyway” he said, grinning. Before you could respond, his strong arms encircled your waist. In one swift, fluid motion, you were lifted off the ground. Panic surged as you were hoisted over his shoulder. It wasn’t a gentle lift; it was firm and unyielding.
“Guys, if you don’t mind, I have something to take care of” he informed his friends.
“Man, do whatch’ya gotta do, we lost you the minute she got on stage” said the black-haired guy.
You kicked and hit desperately, your fists pounding against his back. “Put me down!” you screamed, struggling against the grip holding you. “Let me go!”
“I don’t know about you, but I like to kiss a little before fucking. That being said, if you like it rough I can do that for you baby” he said, spanking you.
“The fuck??? did you just spank me?? how dare you??” you screamed at him, outraged.
“oh so we were literally dry-humping each other on stage 5 minutes ago but I can’t spank you now? That’s bullshit! You’re mine now!” he said, pushing an exit door.
When he finally set you down, the cold night air jolted you back to reality.
“Listen, I’m sorry, I didn’t think this through, ok? I just saw my boyfriend kissing a chick and I saw you as an opportunity to get revenge … I’m sorry please, just let me go” you pleaded.
He leaned in, slammed both of his hands on the wall, caging you with his body “So you’re telling me you didn’t enjoy our kissing session?” he asked faking a pout, but clearly amused.
“I didn’t say that” you shyly admitted, looking away.
“Then why are you running away?” he whispered in your ear, his lips now dangerously close to your neck.
“Please understand my situation here, I still have to deal with my feelings” you said, trying to get your neurons to work.
“I know for sure I can get him out of your head and give you new feelings to think about” he whispered against your neck.
“Look, I’m not trying to fuck … I told you I acted impulsively, I’m sorry” you asserted. Your mouth said no but your body craved this man with every alive and dead cell.
“Hey, as much as I love sex, I’m not going to fuck with you if you’re not willing. What I’d really like to do, though, is to get to know you better. So, what’s your name” he asked, his tilted curious face looking at you.
“I … uh … Y/n” you sighed. You knew there was no point in faking a name. You would have forgotten about it anyway.
“Y/n ... I can see myself moaning your name”
“Shut up. Choso.” you said, trying to hide your fluster.
“I definitely can see you moaning my name” he added, with a smirk.
You could see yourself doing that too. Just thinking about it, sent tingling signals to your pussy.
“Can I get another kiss before going back to stage?” he asked with a demanding look on his face. He looked so adorable, with his pleading eyes and his slightly parted lips. He held your chin up with his hand, forcing you to look up to him.
That bastard … He wasn’t playing fairly …
“if you keep looking at me like that I might have to bring you home, and keep you all for myself” he whispered again in your neck.
You couldn’t speak. You were unable to focus on not acting impulsively again and trying to formulate long sentences. Your brain was in a total meltdown.
“Just so you know, I still plan to get my revenge and kiss you first, and when I do, you’re not getting out alive” he added, gently kissing your neck.
“Please ... say something, you’re driving me crazy” he whispered, desperation lingering on his voice.
His hands slid on your back, pulling you closer to him.
“Fuck … baby … please … don’t give me the silence treatment …” he whined, holding you harder.
“Ok …just one peck” you sighed, finally making a decision. You had surrendered to this man’s desires.  
You got on your tippy toes and gave him a 4-second peck on his soft lips. But no light brush of lips or polite peck was enough for Choso. As soon as your lips touched again, he kissed you back with everything he had, hungry for so much more.
“Hey! C’mon man, we need you back on stage. Sex time’s over” interrupted pink-haired guy busting the exit door open.
“Fuck off man” Choso growled between kisses, as you both slowly came to a stop.
“I want to see you again baby. Gimme somethin’ more than your name” he asked, visibly frustrated.
“How about you look for me here next Saturday at your concert?” you suggested, smirking unknowingly, your hands roaming on his broad chest.
“And when I catch you,” he said with a grin, “you'll see the things I’m going to do to you.” he finished, with a hard squeeze of your ass.
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i hope you liked this story ❤️ don't hesitate to comment and reblog !
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amazingmsme · 2 days
(Elpenor Anon)
I have this thought of literally The Epic God Siblings (y’know, Apollo, Ares, Hephaestus, Athena) literally chasing Hermes down to fucking tickle him for the amount of times he tickled them at random moments.
Hermes may be the god of travelers and mischief, but he’s also the youngest sibling (besides Dionysus), and older siblings have an obligation to bully their younger sibling.
Hermes will literally pop to random places, trying to get away, only for them to chase him down. He’s basically running away.
But they’re determined. They’re going to get their hands on their mischievous little brother and they’re going to teach him a lesson.
And Hermes knows the moment they catch him, his wings will be tingling for days.
But he knows they will catch him in the end.
Kdvaandbkx it’s their right as siblings to band together & absolutely WRECK that smug lil shit! I can totally see him having a mischievous streak where he’s been going around from one god to the next to go bother them & tickle them til they scream & then dips tf out right before they can get their revenge. & that’s just not fair, & you know they’re gonna hunt him down & give it back to him 10x as bad. I feel like Apollo & Ares are the most ruthless with their attack. Apollo because he’s close to Hermes & loves to bully him; Ares because a tickle fight is still technically a fight, & NO ONE walks away from a fight with him unscathed
Athena & Hephaestus are just barely better & are the ones who make sure he can actually fucking breathe. They only give him 5-10 second breaks, but that’s more than enough for a god! Hephaestus is slow & meticulous while Athena jumps from spot to spot to keep him guessing & keeps her touches light because she knows Hermes can’t fucking stand that
I feel like Apollo would tip him off just to make him nervous & paranoid & trigger the chase, knowing their other siblings are just waiting for him to mess up while trying to run away. Hermes knows he can’t actually escape his fate, & he’s just delaying the inevitable. But tbh he wouldn’t have it any other way! If this is what it takes to get them all to spend some quality family time together, then so be it. He’ll happily be the sacrificial lamb
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joellescardigan · 1 year
currently in my reputation era— learning to come to terms with who i am as a person and what i want to do and be. surrounding myself with those who give me positive energy and accept the energy i give them in return. although i may not be finding love in someone else during my darkest moments, i’m finding love within myself 🫶
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buck-up-buck · 5 months
7x09 is titled "Unfinished Business" ....
Tell me that is not a revenge plot against Bobby. TELL ME. You can't. If I was not convinced before, I AM NOW.
hErE mE oUt.
I'm not saying they are going to burn down Buck's loft, I AM NOT... BUT, imagine Bobby is dropping a patient off at the hospital with Hen and Chim (I know this hardly ever happens but roll with me guys), and our friend, the Burn Unit Nurse, sees him, and is like...
"Bobby?" BECAUSE, he recognises him, from all those years ago in Minnesota. He lived in Bobby's apartment complex, they were somewhat neighbours, and he saw Bobby go into that vacant apartment that night (the night we do not DARE talk about), on his way to work, and was working a night shift at the hospital when suddenly, they get an influx of patients with burns and smoke inhalation from an apartment fire downtown, and he hears in passing from a nurse the address, and his heart sinks because no his fiance was at home asleep at that address and he hears from someone a few weeks later that the fire started in a vacant room due to an electrical issue with a space heater and HE JUST KNOWS.
And Bobby turns around to face him and is like "Sorry, do I know you?" Because Bobby was going through it back then, he doesn't remember this guy, and the guy is like, "Sorry, no, I was mistaken." And he walks away leaving Bobby all like huh.
Then the episode ends with the truck pulling into the firehouse and the camera pans out and we see BURN UNIT NURSE GUY STOOD ACROSS THE ROAD STARING UP AT THE FIREHOUSE BECAUSE DUN DUN DUN- He has some Unfinished Business to attend to.
If this so happens to lead to the burning down of Buck's loft because this guy does his research and he does some stalking and he sees a connection that Bobby has with Buck that he doesn't seem to share with the other members of the team, then well, ya'll didn't see it here first but I fucking called it if so, because you're telling me that is not a CRAZY storyline right there.
BUT, even if not, even if we do not get our beloved loft burning down scene that we have been writing and praying for on Fanfiction for years, you cannot tell me that there is not going to be some kind of dark revenge plot going on in the last four episodes. This nurse is about to cause some HAVOC I CAN SENSE IT. MY SPIDEY SENSES ARE TINGLING GUYS.
Anyway, @whollyjoly and @thetangycheesemanwithaplan had the absolute joy of hearing this from a very sleep-deprived me last week and now that the episode titles have been released, Buck's loft burning down and Burn Unit Nurses revenge plot is going to be my new personality trait. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU.
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aryomengrande · 10 months
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after getting support cards for like five or six times in a row i finally got a character and it’s ran…the way the sleeves of his oversized sweater go past his hands is so ariana grande coded lol ( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ഒ
arana what are u doing here?!
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eikichi-supremacy · 5 months
one thing that never gets old is yusuke losing his shit over kuwabara dying just to realize he's actually fine and then beat his ass over making him so worried in the first place
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arsenicflame · 1 year
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getting real worried about this one lads
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kimasousparky · 1 year
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dumps maitake on your face
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syn4k · 3 months
im out here doing ap level analysis on this series of events trying to figure out how and why a thing happened in a decade old minecraft series
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i csnt think about my childhood too long or else i get old testament angry
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bitacrytic · 8 months
Korean school violence dramas are always like:
see this poor girl? she's been beaten everyday and dragged across the classroom floor because her mother sells fish. Look at her, she can't afford a new uniform because the rich bullies have torn hers and now she's coming to school in sportswear. Her family is about to be thrown out and she's just watched her older sister sleep with a loan shark to keep the family's debt at bay. She can't read, can't eat, can't think because she's poor and the bullies are ruthless.
being rich isn't fun because... when the rich bully goes home, he has to sit at the huge, beautiful dining table and eat alone because his father is too busy to eat with him. uwu.
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bundyshoes · 1 year
Thinking of how quiet and hesitant peter was when rocket asked about nebula and how bloodthirsty he was on the High Evolutionary’s ship when the guy started blowing it up and thinking how peter probably assumed nebula was still on planet when it was blown up and the usual talkative starlord being unable to finish his sentence to rocket but then the absolute relief in his face and voice when he sees nebula’s code and hears her voice over comm
just thinking about how far they’ve come from since the beginning 🙃🥲
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clownprince · 11 months
idk maybe i'm just mad people dislike my Special Little Guy but like... the way that jarley shaped cultural perceptions of joker as a character (read: established the idea of him as a domestic abuser (of his female partner) furthering the associations with gendered violence/general misogyny that were (primarily) started by tkj/tdkr) feels homophobic in a way that's difficult to articulate
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s0fter-sin · 9 months
rudy hides his feral nature behind his soft eyes and thumb hole hoodies, he aimed to shoot soap’s neck in the safe house - a slow and messy death - and in the prison, he tackles a shadow to the ground, throws haymakers at him then shoots him, man is unhinged
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
rating some rezero ships by um. how good they could cover up murder together
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(feel free to read my tags for some explanations T^T)
#rezero#um. given the Various Moral Codes of these characters i figured this would be interesting to give my shot at..... and YES garf shaula and#cecilus are too fucking obvious HAH#not otto being in every single Success tier... except for the selling each other out / revenge one. yeah. yeah hes a bitch alright.#ok but i put rein/emilia there bc... ok i know their energy kinda similar to reinjulius but like i put rein/emilia there bc i feel like#theyd be like OH GOD OH GOD WE JUST DID THAT ON ACCIDENT OH MY GOD IF THIS GETS OUT THISLL BE BAD FOR ALL OUR LOVED ONES like theyd be#panicking and shit#while reinjuli would be like hahaha i am SO NOT OK but we gotta take accountability :(((((#ottosuba is like. literally not even a question that theyre all the way up there. theyd like pull similar shit to sunny and basil from omori#like theyd try to take their secret to the grave and theyd never be functional with each other ever again and then theyd go insane over what#theyve done. either that or theyd just murder some totally evil guy with basically next to zero regrets. otto was already the getaway driver#while subaru was killing petelgeuse in the back LMAO#i feel like with felix itd be like. if theres NO OTHER CHOICE hes gonna whip up reinhard and julius into shape and get them to actually do#it. we saw how he was when subaru was possessed by petelgeuse T^T#emilia rem are put that low bc i feel like theyd have no braincells to use to get out of this and of Course emilias freaking the fuck out so#i feel like whenever otto is paired with someone who has like More doubts and guilt and Panic about it otto would be like GET YOUR SHIT#TOGETHER WE HAVE TO DO THIS. which i feel is also what ram does with certain pairs.#damn... now i want fic where some random pair is trying to cover up murder for whatever reason...#i nearly put garf mimi higher up bc i feel like mimi Could and Perhaps Has gotten away with murder before already. but garf would be TOO#OBVIOUS....#rip mimi. ur a queen for being such a gaslight gatekeep girlboss.
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octoooo · 1 year
It’s finally time for Magical Girl au yaaay! I’ve wanted to make one since I started watching Sailor Moon (& rewatched Magica Madoka) a couple months ago 🐙
I use the term Magical Girl loosely, but it doesn’t mean everyone has a skirt & highlighter color palette. Really it only means you get a cool outfit transformation & magic for fighting demons.
The breathing styles are like different forms of magical girls. Different divisions that Magical Girls train under I should say. (Aka if canon Slayer corps cared more about having strong highly trained members from the start instead of the final arc). The most popular/prevalent Breathing Styles have their own division (which is why Insect or Love doesn’t have one, since those were created recently and used only by one person)
There’s a bigger emphasis on teamwork (because that’s usually how the protagonists overpowers enemies that would definitely kill them otherwise) so just about every mission no matter your rank is with at least one other Slayer.
I also use “Division Leader” & “Hashira” often but don’t get them mixed up. Out of the Hashira, only about 4-5 have led their own divisions.
All Division Leaders are Hashira, but not all Hashira are Division Leaders if that makes sense.
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Division Leader’s Estates are for housing (temporarily) and training of the lower ranks of their breathing style.
The non-Division Leader Hashira don’t have personal Estates. But because teamwork & friendship is important, they all share one Estate. Its the size of an average personal Estate, just split between the rest of the Hashira. It’s big enough for them to live comfortably without overcrowding each other
Out of the non-division leaders, Mitsuri, Uzui, Muichiro and Obanai share that estate. Shinobu stays with Kanae in the Butterfly Estate.
(The Kakushi are same as in canon)
Main divisions:
Magical Water Division, led by Giyuu & Sabito
Magical Wind Division, led by Sanemi
Magical Stone Division, led by Gyomei
Magical Flame Division, led by Kyojuro
Magical Flower Division, led by Kanae (yes she’s alive)
I know that Thunder Breathing was one of the original five, but I can’t find a suitable Leader or purpose for their Division. Zenitsu isn’t near powerful enough, Jigoro retired before the era of our current hashira. So I replaced their division slot with Flower because Kanae <3
As far as weapons go;
Every magical slayer has a sword and learns their respective breathing style, and each one of them has a specific ability/magic set.
I’m Introducing magic as a stand-in for the Pretty Guardians’ specialized attacks. (Like how Sailor Moon has ‘Moon Spiral Heart Attack’ that’s specialized to her usage only.)
In the au, Everyone has a Sword and their Breathing Style, but everyone’s magic abilities are different.
Sometimes you just need that extra slap to take out demons. This would definitely help when swords break mid fight. While magic alone isn’t enough to take out a demon, it can weaken them which could give slayers time to call for backup or retreat.
Also you pretty much sell your soul to become a Slayer
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