#it’s not giving me save suggestions
whittingsonder · 1 year
Pinterest is having a stroke right now
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It’s still stuck in my head….
but unfortunately after doing boy math, and some prayer... I doubt it's a onesie... but I'm always happy to be delusional anyways^^
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miutonium · 5 months
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Hi hi I have returned once again to dress up my sillies in clothes they deserved to be in
Anyway timelapse undercut :3
Anyway sorry for my indecisiveness when I was drawing this I planned on making the timelapse and then I was like nah but then I was like wait a minute maybe I do wanna record so I finally give in and hit record timelapse while I was doing the shadow base 😅
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pal1cam · 2 months
decolonization presentation
So for context, this is regarding a conversation I had a few weeks ago with one of the cofounders of an international organization that I volunteer at.
I spoke to the cofounder, and we were discussing the Palestinian cause in general, but more specifically the ongoing Gaza genocide.
From our conversation, I understood from her that she as a cofounder of this organization had the means to speak out about Palestine and have the organization and all of its platforms, be a space and a place for raising Palestinian voices, yet as she is not extremely educated on the topic, she does not know where to start or what would be the proper way to advocate for Palestine… (especially that doing so could get the organization into legal trouble because it’s in a European country with very strict pro israel policies and laws)
We agreed on having an online meeting where I create some sort of presentation to educate her on the Palestinian cause, and why it’s historically and morally important to speak out about Palestine and educate her on some of the highlights in Palestinian history, especially modern Palestinian history.
As a Palestinian myself, it is quite hard to pick and choose what are the most important points and bullet points that I should include in this presentation that i’ll be making very soon, so I thought that I should take this to Tumblr to take ideas from everyone on here, because I would also love to hear from non-Palestinian folks that are educated on the Palestinian cause to any degree what they think on how I could educate this individual on the Palestinian cause…
so I need your thoughts and opinions on the following points :
What are the most significant reasons why one should speak out about Palestine from a moral perspective?
What are the most important historical events in Palestinian history that I should mention besides the 1948 Nakba?
How do I convince this person of the importance of speaking out about such a humanitarian crisis? (because it’s important to me that they advocate for Palestine because they’re convinced of the importance of this cause, and not only because of me being a Palestinian active member of the organization)
How do I emphasize on the point that speaking out about such a cause is more important than worrying about the criticism that comes with being pro Palestine?
What are some easy-to-understand & informational/educational and preferably short pieces of media that I could recommend to this person so that she would be motivated to learn more about the Palestinian cause?
I would appreciate all & any suggestions by anyone on here wether you’re Palestinian or Non-Palestinian, and if you feel like sending me a message with all of your ideas rather than leaving them in the comments section, please feel free to do so !!
PS. if the meeting with this cofounder is successful, there will probably be another meeting held for me educate other staff members of the organization including the other cofounders, so by contributing to this initiative you’d be making a change in the mindsets of many people who come from various backgrounds and cultures, which means they might also spread that awareness and knowledge in their own wider social circles, and that way your contribution doesn’t stop only at changing 1 person’s way of viewing the Palestinian cause :)
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p1nqu3 · 5 months
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the duality of a woman
left bubble says “Come eat.” right bubble says “Don’t waste your food.”
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moongothic · 6 months
You know, I would love it if we could see Mihawk just. Get slightly fucked up by someone, have his sword stolen and watch him figure out how to fight with some random ass sword instead
I just think. It'd be neat.
Like we kinda know how The World's Greatest Swordsman fights with his itty bitty knife, we know what kind of damage he can do with his iconic Yoru
I just think it'd be fun to see him fight with a regular katana and try to get his stolen sword back or summin' IDK
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planning on writing good omens meta soon, so:
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lilaccatholic · 7 months
how do i do it though. how do i let go of the bitterness and the hardness when they kept me "okay" for so long? does it come when i finally leave? can it ever?
#babes i actually relate to the frigid angry woman more than im comfortable with but this time there's no prince coming to save her and idk#i was never beautiful but i was and am angry and capable and that's served me well but being angry is exhausting#it's a birthright i can't give to a younger sibling. it doesn't transfer.#i dont inspire devotion. there's no version of this that ends with me waltzing with a true love.#im not the type you launch a thousand ships for.#so what's left?#who am i when i have no one? when ive spent my life making *me* less to make others more? when im nothing but a useful piece of furniture.#i know God loves me! i love Him! but it's not the same. i want *people* to love me. i want to be someone that theyd fight for.#im feeling that 'women have minds and hearts but im so lonely' scene from little women 2019 so much right now.#except im not jo. my family loves me but theyd never do for me what jo's would do for her. theyre also all focused on surviving.#i feel like a military ration. there to be consumed but cast aside the moment something more palatable comes around.#how do i become consumed with joy? how do i let go of the cynicism? its all thats kept me safe! but its choking me too.#its like tony stark in iron man 2. the thing thats kept me alive this far is killing me. i need to find an alternative but its looking like#ill have to synthesize a new element to make it happen and that freaks me out.#ive always been derivative. never an individual. how do i become a trailblazer when my job was always to hold the hand of the one blazing#the trail? how do i become myself happy and free?#because i WANT to be more#i WANT to be more than anger and coldness and a useful idiot. i WANT to be me and be so so happy#but i dont know how to get there#and if someone suggests therapy im shooting you. i dont want to listen to one more person pretend to care about me and tell me#all the things i need to change and spend even longer not learning how to think for myself#i want to be more than this. but i also cant stand the thought of taking up any more space than i do#anyway.#anyone who's read all this thank you and i promise im fine im just in my feelings today lol#im going to work out and get some happy brain chemicals flowing and then ill take a shower and itll all be good.#please dont worry about me! im just having A Moment TM#lilac rambles
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emblazons · 1 year
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[Jesse & I] both love talking about why people feel the way they do, and trying to convey [that]. That’s why I like filmmaking and acting in general: it’s kind of a narcissistic version of psychology.”
I feel differently about stuff all the time, so it’s kind of wherever it’s gonna take me. I’d love to direct again, keep writing music, and I wanna travel as well—to get out there in the world, get inspired, and meet new people. - Finn Wolfhard for Women’s Wear Daily
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demi-pixellated · 2 years
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Leorenz Commission for @aurora-boring-alis --
Commission Info Here
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stardestroyer81 · 1 year
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Pizza Tower features a wide variety of foes for Peppino to plow his way through, though if I had to chose my ultimate favorite enemy in the entire game, I'd have to go with the Bad Rat. I love literally everything about their animations and I always get super excited whenever I come across one!
It was when I first attempted to draw a Bad Rat that I realized the potential of taking one and making it into my very own Pizza Tower OC... enter Brat the Rat, the punkish and portly rival to Gustavo's right-hand rodent, Brick the Rat!
(Check under the cut for some insight on Brat's character as well as concept art!)
We all know that Peppino Spaghetti has his fair share of rivals, and while it's unanimously agreed upon that his ultimate foe is the villainous Pizzaface, I've always thought that the Noise made for a better fit as the Italian's evil double. I mean, they do hate each other with a passion.
But how cool would it be if Brick the Rat had his own rival (Gustavo doesn't need a rival, he's too precious to have one)? There's a distinct difference between Brick and the Bad Rats (I.E. tail color, ear length, messier whiskers, etc.), and I thought it would serve as a neat basis for a Pizza Tower OC!
Brat the Rat is the commander of the Bat Rat brigade in the Pizza Tower, and sent Brick out to dispose of the intruders of their domain. However, after Gustavo and Brick's eventual friendship, Brat takes it upon himself to disregard the incompetence of his inferiors and go after the true threat to the tower, Peppino, personally.
He is best described as a conniving though lazy figure of authority, and spends most of his time snooping about The Pig City or at home in the fittingly named sewer level. In spite of his mean demeanor and meaner intentions, Brat also has a seldom-seen (At least to anyone besides the Bad Rats) gentler side, and can be a complete and total cuddle bug if he trusts you enough.
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I find that Pizza Tower sprites are easiest to draw if you sketch them out beforehand, and that's just what I did with Brat! I wanted Brat to be larger than the standard Bad Rat by a longshot, and that he'd tower over Peppino when sitting upright, so I made conceptual sketches of the such before going into spriting.
Honestly, it took me a little while to figure out Brat's body shape when he isn't laying on his front, but I've since perfected it and can safely say he is easily one of the easiest and most fun of my OCS to draw! Seeing how big of a hit he was to some of my mutuals outside of tumblr, I figured I'd show him off to y'all on tumblr as well! 🍕✨
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chuluoyi · 4 months
Chu, just wanted to ask, did y/n or gojo put any safeword during their late night actives? and if so, did they ever use it?
hMMM now that you said it… yes i think they do have and there’s one occasion in which the reader uses it😦
…i love hurt/comfort and this fits my criteria perfectly so nonnie—
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2-wuv · 3 months
i may be hyping mtself up too much but the ideas i have for skills bracket 2 already are killing me it'll be soooo funny
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caffemochachoco · 7 months
band milgram au stage names
these are so generic im so sorry :(
btw all of these are the english translations, the actual ones are in japanese :,)
es gets their warden title lmao
haruka's one is 'blue butterfly'
yuno's one is 'sweet cherry blossom(s)'
fuuta's one is 'fire god' (tysm borealis <3)
muu's one is literally just 'honeybee'
mahiru's one is 'strawberry' (the shortcake from ily ruined me)
amane's one is 'pear child'
mikoto's one is 'double eclipse' (placeholder for now)
kotoko's one is 'wolfberry'
shidou and kazui don't have stage names
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leon-doggo · 10 months
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Something is stirring in this little brain of mine and it is a comic series 👀👀��� I plan to make references and points sheets for this comic. I hope y’all will enjoy it!!! I just have to come up with a name for it… it will mostly focus on Leo having to navigate hearing loss and other symptoms of a TBI (traumatic brain injury)
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Edit: I’m gonna call it the Actions Speak Louder AU!
Transcriptions for blurry words:
First slide, second page: “Leo!” “Oh my god, Leo?!” “Quick! Call Dad and April!”
Third slide, second page: *many beeps*
Sixth slide, second page: “Leo! You’re awake!”
Seventh slide, second page: “Donnie should be here any second! How do you feel? You hit your head really hard! You were asleep for a long time. We moved you into your bed two days ago.”
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teddybearty · 3 months
DEAR teddybeatry pls draw my singing monsters by big blue bubble i 💜 u
Don’t know what that is so no…
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