#it’s really gross like my teeth are rotting
blnk338 · 1 year
No context spoilers
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(Last image is me writing this goddamn thang)
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leaderwonim · 9 months
pairing. nonidol!enha hyung line x fem!reader
genre. teeth rotting fluff, established relationship
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never letting your hand touch the door handles and drives you everywhere
“What are you doing?” You say in disbelief as you watch Heeseung practically trip over his own feet to open his passenger car door for you.
“Opening the door for you,” he says breathlessly, letting you settle inside the passenger seat which was already warmed up and decorated in pink, your favorite color. “Can’t let my princess open the door by herself.”
You roll your eyes, blushing heavily even though Heeseung always said things like that.
“Thanks Hee,” you say as soon as he gets comfy in his seat, leaning over to kiss him.
“No problem baby,” he smiles. “Now, where to?”
“The movies! I wanna watch the new Mean Girls.”
Heeseung shakes his head, grinning as he pulled out from the parking lot, one hand on the steering wheel and one on your seat.
always cooking and taking care of you
You woke up to the smell of pancakes, rubbing your eyes tiredly as you make your way out to your boyfriend’s apartment living room.
“Smells good Jay,” you say, placing your chin on his shoulder, slightly dozing off. “Whatcha making?”
“Soufflé pancakes and bacon.” He smiles, positioning his head a bit over so he could give your head a small peck.
“You’re the best Jay,” you mumble sleepily, and he can only laugh at your state as he finishes cooking up, letting you lay your body on his.
always talking and thinking about you
If Layla was a human instead of a dog, she’d probably tell Jake to shut up from how much he was talking about you.
“that’s your mom Layla,” Jake coos to the dog, pointing at you who was currently running to pick up the ball jake had thrown earlier. “and she’s your only mom, I am never dating anyone else.”
You run back to your boyfriend and his dog a few minutes later, breathing heavily. “Here you go Layla girl, here’s your ball!”
and Jake can’t help but watch with heart eyes as he watches you play with his dog, heart leaping as it falls inlove with you over and over again
covers pointy edges whenever you’re near, has your picture on the back of his phone
“Hey, is that a Polaroid of Y/N?” Sunghoon’s friend, Seonwoo questions as he flips over Sunghoon’s phone.
“Yeah,” Sunghoon quickly takes his phone back from his friend. “She’s really pretty, isn’t she?”
“Mhm,” Seonwoo’s eyes drift to you, who was currently making your way over. “There she is.”
“Babe,” Sunghoon says, standing up to wrap an arm around you. His hand automatically comes to rest themselves on the pointy and sharp edge of where you were standing, which only Seonwoo notices.
He raises an eyebrow at this, but doesn’t question it because Sunghoon’s already too occupied with asking about your day. He still keeps his hand there, unconsciously making sure none of your body comes in contact with it.
How sweet, Seonwoo thinks, but how gross at the same time.
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halfvalid · 1 year
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alternate title: the pet name 'kitten' is gross when used by men but it's cute when a woman nami says it
rating: general audiences
characters: live action!nami | fem!reader | live action!roronoa zoro
pairing: live action!nami x fem!reader
word count: 4.4k
description: nami is aware you've got a crush on one of the straw hats, and she's determined to find out who—but she's completely oblivious to the fact that you actually like her.
tags: strawhat!reader, female reader, fluff, kissing, confessions, no use of “y/n”, pet name "kitten", banter, absolutely tooth rotting amounts of fluff, a little bit of (affectionate) zoro slander
author’s note: i interrupt your regularly scheduled zoro fic posts to provide you with a sapphic nami oneshot instead because she is my wife and i love her dearly.
zoro accidentally popped up a bit too much in this because he's always on my mind. my apologies <3
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You’d always liked astronomy. The current-world navigation had nothing to do with the stars, really; at least not when it came to the Grand Line. Unnatural magnetic fields and the odd weather was reason enough for that—but celestial navigation wasn’t even often used in any of the four quadrants. Too finicky, people would say; you know the practice had stopped being in use in the Marines years ago. 
Nami knew it all, though. She was the only one of the Straw Hats who could read the stars, the sky spreading out as a map that only her eyes could read. 
Your interest in it had always been more… artistic. While Nami babbled on about angles and reference points and sextants, you liked to talk about the planets and heavenly bodies blanketing the sky. It was dusk, and the sun was kissing the horizon good night, dull hues of pink and orange spreading alongside the sea with a golden shimmer as it tucked safely away. 
You’d been lying out on the main deck for a good few hours, stretched like a cat along a hammock you’d strung up forever ago, when you heard footsteps. 
“There you are, kitten,” Nami said with a laugh, and you sat up to appraise her. The evening glow cast fire to her orange hair, a blazing halo surrounding her head and painting her skin over in gold dust. “I’ve been looking all over for you.” 
“Hi,” you said with a soft smile. “What for?” 
“Well, for one, you missed supper.” Nami gingerly took a seat on the side of your hammock, the canvas cloth rocking from side to side with the motion. “Avoiding your crush again?” 
You let out a sigh, half-exasperated as your bottom lip sucked in between your teeth. You nibbled at the flesh there, not responding. Nami had figured out a few weeks ago that you had a crush on one of the other Straw Hats, and she brought it up every so often, although all it did was cause a crease in your brow bone and a flicker of annoyance on your face. 
“What, am I not supposed to bring that up?” Nami teased. The light shone in her crystal blue eyes, clear like the sky during midday, not a cloud in sight. “You still haven’t told me who it is.” 
“Because you’ll pull something if I do!” you protested. “Don’t try to deny it, you conniving little witch.” 
Nami gasped in mock-offense, a hand plastered to her chest. “And destroy your dignity like that? I would never.” 
“I don’t trust you,” you answered, and Nami clicked her tongue. “What did Sanji make?” 
“Fish. Soup. Rice.” 
“You’re so undescriptive,” you said with a wrinkle of your nose. Nami just laughed. 
“Not everyone can be as artistic as you, kitten. Come on, everyone left the kitchen already. You don’t have to worry about running into your mystery man.” She winked at the last sentence, and your breath caught. Nami seemed to notice, because she laughed, stepping up from the hammock and grabbing your hand to help you off. “You’re hilarious.” 
“I didn’t say anything!” you protested. Nami just gave you a look, and you rolled your eyes, but let her drag you along the ship until you reached the kitchen. “You’re so mean to me,” you said, slumping into the nearest chair available. 
“Mhm. Here.” Nami started serving up a plate, loading it full of food before passing it over to you. It was quickly joined by a bowl of soup. “Eat. We’re docking tomorrow, so you should get your energy up. We’re going shopping.” 
“Shopping for what?” you asked, bringing the bowl of soup to your lips. Seaweed. “If you say rope and boat parts I’m going to scream.” As much as you liked the pirate life, there was only so much of the technicalities you could take. You weren’t very much a practical soul, lumped in very much with Luffy when it came to your general attitude of your job description. Pirating consisted of adventure and art, in your opinion. 
“Rope and boat parts,” Nami said with a straight face. She’d always been the exact opposite, all focused on maps and making sure everything was running smoothly. “Well, only partly. I’ve been sent to go clothes shopping too. And to pick up a few other supplies.” Her eyes sparkled. “You’re coming with me, right? Well, unless you want to join your…” 
“Shut up,” you said, making a face at her as you set your bowl down. Nami just laughed. 
“Just putting it out there, kitten. I’m sure you might be more interested in going with Usopp to talk to the stevedores. Or Zoro to the local tavern. Or Sanji for the—” 
“Nope, nope, and nope. I’m going with you,” you said firmly. There was a whisper of a smile at your lips, but Nami didn’t seem to notice it. “And I still don’t get why I’m a kitten.” 
“Because,” Nami answered, propping her elbows on the table as she gazed over at you. “I’m the cat burglar. You’re the kitten.”
“Why isn’t Luffy the kitten?” 
“Luffy’s the captain, and I don’t like him as much.” Nami straightened, starting to clean up around the kitchen and load the abandoned dishes from when everyone else had eaten into the sink. You smiled at that. “You don’t like him, do you? I feel like you could do so much better.” 
“My lips are sealed,” you answered. Nami gave you a sidelong look.
“That better not be a yes.” 
You just shrugged, raising the bowl of soup again and finishing the rest of it before turning to the rice and fish. “Let’s not talk about it. What about you? Any romantic prospects—” 
Nami turned so abruptly you almost choked while eating. “I just barely started learning how to make friends. Maybe we wait a few months before we get to that,” she said. You coughed, palm pressed to your lips as you cleared out your airways.
“Okay. Aggressive.”
Nami scowled. “That was not aggressive.” 
You pulled a face. “Kinda sounds like you have something to hide, Nami,” you teased, and although you didn’t actually expect her to react, she did. To your surprise, Nami turned away again, the very edges of her face pinkening. You stared at her, heartbeat slowing to a steady thud in your chest. There was a faint taste of panic at the back of your throat, slightly sour and acidic like blood or rust. “Um, what was that?” 
“What was what?” Nami asked evenly. Too evenly. You gaped at her back, organs wobbling precariously inside of your chest. 
“Kitten, if you want me to understand what you’re talking about, you’re going to have to be a little clearer than that,” Nami said smoothly. “Now it’s getting dark. You should get to bed. Last chance to shove yourself with your crewmate of choice.” 
“I’m still going with you,” you said stubbornly, shoveling the last of your rice in your mouth before slipping off your chair. You moved around the table, setting your bowl and chopsticks into the sink. “You want me to do them?” you asked, nodding at the dirty dishes that’d piled up. Nami shook her head.
“Go sleep,” she said gently. “I’ll get you in the morning.” 
You watched her for a moment, lips twisting before you finally relented. “Night, Nami,” you said, and she turned away. You were safe there for a moment, admiring how the soft backlit glow from the windows etched shadows along her face. She really was beautiful, and your heart thudded fast in your chest. 
Nami was the strongest person you knew. The smartest person you knew. The Straw Hats wouldn’t be the same without her, and sometimes you found it funny how she seemed so convinced you had a crush on one of the other members of the crew when it was so obvious that she was your north star. 
Ah, well. She’d just have to keep on guessing. 
Nami woke you at the crack of dawn, where the hazy rays of the sun just started rising up from the sea shore. You’d traveled to shore while asleep, and everyone was already up and running. 
“Luffy left already,” Nami was saying, tying a bandana around her head as you gathered up the rest of the supplies you needed. “And we’ll probably spend the whole day out, so we can get lunch in the village.” She eyed you. “I packed breakfast. Come on.” 
You followed her off the ship, savoring the early morning wind along the harbor. The dock men were all already hard at work, milling around the dozens of boats with tools and equipment propped on their shoulders. “Where to first?” you asked. 
“Boat parts,” she said, casting you a sympathetic smile. “Some rope, extra sails, some other stuff. After that I’m thinking groceries—I put Sanji in charge of bulk stock this time, so just stuff like soap and necessities—and then clothes.” She grinned. “And some fun stuff.” 
“Sounds good to me,” you said. Nami did most of the talking, but you were content to watch her barter, leaning back on your heels as she argued with sellers and eventually left with a satisfied smirk on your face. She hired some of the dock men to carry the ropes and items to the Going Merry, looking her arm in yours and going off to your next stop. 
“You know, you’re basically stealing from them like this,” you told her, a smile evident in your voice. “Forty-five thousand berry to thirty thousand. That’s actually terrifying.” 
“I said take it or leave it and he took it.” Nami shrugged, but you could see a beam of pride shine through her face. “But enough of that. The market’s up ahead.” 
The entire village seemed to have been brought out, because true to Nami’s words, there was a fair going on. Stalls boasting all kinds of wares lined the streets, and you peeked through all of them, even at Nami’s urges to hurry up and focus only on your shopping list. She watched you with a soft smile on her lips, the expressions interlaced with ones of exasperation. 
“I should’ve just picked a random man and carted you off with him,” she said with a click of her tongue as you spent far too much time glancing through a stand of knick-knacks and jewelry. “Currently either Zoro or Sanji are my top contenders.” 
You barely suppressed a snort, fingers carefully combing through a bowl of baubles. There were various items inside, from earrings missing a sister to pins and little statuettes. “How come?” 
“Usopp has Kaya, so I would hope you don’t like him,” Nami said. You raised an eyebrow, glancing up to meet her gaze. 
“Kaya’s all the way back in Syrup Village, Nami. She can’t do anything, and who knows when we’ll return there?”
Nami gave you a horrified look. “Kitten, that’s a terrible thing to say.” 
You just laughed, dropping your gaze again and picking at the bowl. There was a dull gleam of something at the bottom; it wasn’t gold or brass like anything else there, and was instead a shining, milky white. You dug through the pile, trying to get to it. “You’re such a romantic.” 
“Does that mean it is Usopp?” 
“I do not confirm nor deny a thing,” you said, finally plucking out what had captured your attention. It was a necklace, the pendant a glittering star on a gold chain. “And I want reasoning.”  
“You’re not buying that,” Nami said, gaze flickering down to it before meeting your eyes again. “Zoro because he’s conventionally attractive and Sanji because he can cook.” 
You scoffed, studying the necklace. “Those are terrible reasons.” 
“I can’t think of any good ones,” Nami protested. “The only thing I can think of are reasons you wouldn’t like any of them. Because they’re all kind of losers and you could do much, much better.” She tilted her head imperceptibly upwards, and you saw a little glimmer in her eye, a reaction that bore uncanny similarity to the one she’d worn the day before. You swallowed, throat suddenly dry. 
“You think Zoro’s conventionally attractive?” You turned towards the stand seller, motioning at the necklace. “How much?”
“You’re not buying that,” Nami repeated, shooting you a look. “It’s a waste of perfectly good berry.” 
“It’s five hundred at most,” you scoffed, fishing a wad of bills out from your pocket. Nami sighed, but she didn’t argue. “Barely anything. Do you think Zoro’s conventionally attractive?”
Nami looked distracted. “Hm?” 
“You said Zoro was conventionally attractive,” you repeated, voice firmer this time. You tried to suppress the little tremble in your cadence as you passed the money to the seller. He counted it and gave you a firm nod. Carefully, you dropped the necklace in your pocket. “Do you think he is?” 
“Well—from an objective standpoint—” 
You pushed past the swarm of patrons milling around the stands, Nami having to quicken her pace to keep up with you. “Attraction isn’t objective.” 
“Kitten.” Nami grabbed your wrist, forcing you to slow down, and you flinched. She tugged you in the direction of another stand, probably something off her list. “Why do you care so much? Am I right? Is he the one you like?” 
You wiggled your wrist out of Nami’s grip. “I don’t care, I’m just curious. Because you’ve been blushing for the past half hour and you mentioned Zoro was conventionally attractive. And if you say he’s conventionally attractive that means you think he’s conventionally attractive. So assumedly you are blushing because of—” 
It clearly took Nami a moment to unscramble your honestly entirely nonsensical words. “Kitten, I’m trying to figure out whether or not you have a crush on Zoro. You’re not supposed to be trying to figure out if I do. And I have not been blushing.” 
You relented, but still couldn’t suppress the pout that threatened your mouth. Your teeth pressed against the flesh of your lower lip, running alongside the skin but not fully biting. “You said Zoro was conven—” 
“If I have to hear you say the words conventionally attractive one more time, I swear I will lock you in the hold,” Nami said sharply, and you had to choke back your laugh. “And the reason I said that is because every single time we go out, at least five people turn to stare at his stupid face. Do you not remember that time on Mirror Ball Island? We practically had to fight women off of him.”
“Okay, fine,” you said, a glimpse at her features seemed to support her words. She was as guarded as ever, and clearly irritated, though her vexation didn’t seem as bad as the annoyances she’d hold over the rest of the crew. They never did, really; Luffy always liked to say that you were Nami’s favorite. “I’m hungry. Can we eat?” 
“You didn’t answer my question.” 
“I neither confirm nor deny anything,” you repeated for what seemed like the thousandth time in the past week. “Restaurant. Please.” 
Nami didn’t look away from you, but relented, and the two of you went to the nearest restaurant to have lunch. You were mainly silent during the meal, replaying the conversation from before over and over again in your head. There was a buzz of uncertainty in the pit of your stomach, one that you entirely disliked. 
Before you’d been fine with keeping quiet about your crush—you never felt too threatened or upset, under the impression that your feelings wouldn’t be reciprocated and that Nami wouldn’t fall for anyone in the near future anyway. And you didn’t mind her guessing between your four male comrades to find the one who’d stolen your heart. 
But the reactions and the blushes were a development. And you were starting to think that Nami herself had a mystery beau. 
Nami talked about work during the meal, going down her grocery list and checking off the things she’d gotten. You watched her as she glared down at her notebook, pencil caught between two fingers as she scribbled down notes to herself. “You’re not eating,” you said gently. 
“Sorry. Distracted,” Nami answered. She shot you a smile, but it quickly fell as she turned back to her notebook. “What about Sanji?” 
You suppressed a sigh. “Are you still on about this?” 
“Yes,” Nami insisted. She finally shut her notebook, slipping it into the bag hanging off her waist and picking up her chopsticks to return to her soup noodles. “You’d never go hungry with him around, at least.” 
“I think you need to raise your standards. I already don’t go hungry with him around, I don’t need to date him for that.” 
Nami clicked her tongue, but it was good-natured. “You’re making this so hard for me.” 
“I don’t want to talk about myself anymore,” you insisted, setting down your chopsticks. You’d basically finished your bowl already; there were only the final remnants of broth and rice noodles at the bottom, the soup seasoning darker in color; more pungent. 
You fiddled with your hands, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in your stomach that persisted even as you thought back to what Nami had said about Zoro. Her reasoning had been sound enough, but you still felt vaguely sick, that bitter taste of sour iron at the back of your throat again. 
“Are you okay?” Nami’s eyes met yours, and you flinched away. “You’re acting weird.” 
“I’m fine,” you muttered. “I think I’m going to head back to the ship and take a nap. I’m kind of tired.” Before Nami could say anything, you got up, chair scraping along the restaurant floor. “See you later?” 
“What? Kitten, wait—” Nami called, but you just swallowed, glancing over your shoulder to shoot her an apologetic look. 
The Going Merry was a breath of fresh air as you stepped foot back onto her deck. There were some dockmen milling about, setting material along the deck as Usopp directed them as to where everything went. 
You brushed past them to veer towards your hammock, slipping onto it and kicking your legs up along the cloth without pause. Your eyes closed, and you let the sun melt down on your face, the tension in your chest easing as you embraced the beam of the sky. 
You stayed there for a while, knowing you were safe as Nami wouldn’t come find you until she’d finished with all her actual tasks. Although this was occasionally irritating if you were in real desire for attention, you appreciated the responsible side of her now. You didn’t have to confront her for a few hours yet, so you spent the time on your hammock, watching the clouds drifting in the sky and picking out the dull stars that shimmered as the sky got darker. 
It was just before suppertime when you remembered the necklace you’d bought. Stars were just beginning to materialize, dark blues and purples replacing the cerulean hues that previously blanketed the Earth. You fished the star necklace out of your pocket, peering at the pendant again. It was made of some sort of shimmering stone you didn’t recognize—perhaps opal—that made it glow like an actual star, iridescent when light hit it. 
“Hey, kitten.” 
You looked up, watching as Nami made her way across the ship deck to where you lay. She looked tired, but still bore a soft smile on her face as she met your gaze. “Hi,” you said, tucking the necklace back into your pocket. Behind her you could see the last of the hired work carrying barrels down to the hold. “Get everything done?” 
“Mhm,” Nami said. “Wanna talk about earlier?” 
“Not really,” you muttered, the sharp tang of rust dancing at the back of your tongue again. “Sorry about storming out. I felt unwell.” 
Nami studied you carefully, arms folding unconsciously over her chest. “I can stop bothering you about your crush, if you want,” she said finally, a gust of a sigh leaving her lips. “I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” 
“No, it’s okay,” you said, getting up and climbing your legs over the edge so you were sitting on the hammock. “You didn’t make me uncomfortable, Nami, I swear.” 
“You walked out in the middle of a meal, kitten,” Nami said, and you could hear her voice starting to get upset, even as she tried to level her tone. “Clearly I did. Was it because I kept trying to figure it out? Was I right with Zoro? What—”
“It’s not because of that,” you interrupted, trying to keep your voice gentle even as your chest squeezed inward. You were powerless to your muscles; to your heart as it did a pathetic little thump-thump thing inside of you. 
“Then why?” Nami leaned forward on her heels, and the setting sun caught her eyes, kaleidoscope blue glittering a thousand different shades like the opal of your necklace. “Just tell me, kitten. So I won’t do it again.” 
“It was because of you,” you mumbled, shying away from her gaze. Nami sighed. 
“Yes, we established that I did something to upset you already. I’m trying to find out what—”
“You called Zoro attractive and I was jealous,” you blurted, before you could even think to stop the words from falling out of your mouth. Nami froze, and you lifted your eyes up hesitantly to see her reaction. 
Her shoulders were all tense, face guarded, eyes blank from their usual expression. “Oh,” she said evenly. There was an ugly purse tightening at her lips, and she fought to keep them in an even line. “So it is Zoro, then. Thank you for telling me.”  
She turned away then, her movements abrupt as she started walking. A pulse of panic captured your heart, and you called desperately out to her, volume far too loud in the late hour. You didn’t find yourself caring. “I wasn’t jealous of you!” you cried, and Nami’s entire body went still. 
She turned back towards you, so slowly that you found yourself capturing your breath in your throat waiting for her. 
“I wasn’t jealous of you,” you repeated once her eyes met yours. “I was jealous of Zoro. Of you thinking he was attractive.” Your fingers fumbled together, trying to find something to occupy themselves with as you choked out the final sentence. “My mystery man is you, Nami. I like you.” 
It took a long while for Nami to respond, and the Going Merry rocked as you waited, a soft sway of delay and building panic. There was a shimmer of something in Nami’s eyes, and her lips tugged downwards. 
Her voice was hollow when she spoke. “What?” 
“I don’t like Zoro or Usopp or Sanji or Luffy, Nami,” you said, hands tightening around each other with every word spilt out from between your lips. “I like you. I like you when you call me kitten. I like you when you complain about me buying things but let me do it anyway. I like you even when you’re teasing me about my crush.” Your voice dropped to a low mumble. “And I was jealous because you thought Zoro was attractive.” 
“Oh, kitten,” Nami said, and you glanced up to see her right in front of you, bent over to meet your level sitting down. She reached for your hands, and you let her take them, exhaling as her tender grasp clasped around your palms.
“Nami,” you whispered, horrified to hear how wet your voice sounded. You blinked rapidly, trying to keep the tears at bay. “Nami, you may be the ship’s navigator, but you’re my north star. I like you.” 
Kitten, I do not think Zoro is attractive,” Nami said, and you had to choke back startled laughter at that being what she was focusing on. “That is the least of your worries.” 
“But—you seemed so annoyed when you thought it was Zoro—don’t you like—” 
“You’ve got it all wrong,” Nami said, a soft laugh leaving her lips. They were trembling. Her entire body was trembling, even her hands as she cocooned yours in them. “I was annoyed because I thought you liked Zoro. Because—I like you too.” 
You swallowed, surprise forcing your jaw to fall slack as you met her gaze. “Really?” you whispered. Nami nodded; she coaxed soft circles into the skin of your hands, a supportive smile edging up her lips. 
“I really thought you liked someone else, kitten, I would’ve said something before if—” Nami let out another gentle laugh. “If I knew. It wasn’t until you told me about the crush did I realize. I got a little… too overprotective, and then… well, it wasn’t very platonic at that point.” She ducked her head, hiding her smile, but you slipped one of your hands out of her grasp to push it back up. “God, you’re too good for any of them.” 
“I don’t want to talk about how the rest of them suck,” you murmured. “I want to talk about how amazing you are. Oh—and—” You dug your hand in your pocket, pulling out the necklace. “This reminded me of you. I got it for you.” 
“Kitten,” Nami breathed, as you unclasped the necklace and carefully put it on her. It swung around her neck before you adjusted it, golden yellow bright against the white of her pale skin. The opal glittered, catching the moonlight that’d steadily glowed brighter from behind you. “Thank you. It’s still a waste of money though.” 
“Not for you,” you said, grabbing her hands to squeeze her fingers. “Never for you.” You took in a nervous breath, your chest tightening inside—but it wasn’t all bitter and sour, nothing like the taste of panic. 
Nami met you in the middle when you finally leaned up to kiss her, your hand slipping up the side of her face, fingers curling in her orange hair. She smiled when she kissed, soft and carefree for once, that serious facade she always took on melting away in the moment. She kissed softly; tenderly; like the moon shining gentle waves on the East Blue below or the sun in the hazy morning sky casting light across the world. 
There were footsteps approaching from behind Nami. You opened your eyes, tilting your gaze up to see Zoro staring down at you both. Nami broke apart from you, glancing over her shoulder. None of you said anything. 
“Okay,” Zoro decided, and then walked off. You barely managed to stifle your giggles until he was out of earshot. 
“God, he’s such a loser,” Nami said, and then kissed you again. 
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© halfvalid 2023
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ckret2 · 2 months
After TBOB's release I got asked pretty quickly whether I'd be rewriting how much of a desperate ex I write Bill as around Ford. And no, not really; I think he's already the right amount of desperate ex.
But do you know what I am rewriting in light of TBOB? How many gross things Bill says about the human body.
"MEAT! I'm MEAT, Stanford! I'm a greasy trash bag of raw leather filled with meat and bile! My body is rotting off its bones as we SPEAK, in a few years I'll be dust!
"That or it's because I've only had a handful of cereal for the past two days." Ford stared at him. "You what? Why?" Bill shrugged. "Chumbo wouldn't let me get more down. Wasn't my idea." "What's 'chumbo'?" "Hallucinatory anthropomorphization of my body's loathing for me. He looks like a..." Bill had to catch his breath just to finish the sentence, "a boil with teeth, on your small intestine." Ford wondered if that was normal Bill crazy or some new stage brought on by hunger and exhaustion, and worriedly suspected it was the latter. "To hell with what Chumbo thinks."
This body was a prison, this body was a punishment. The padded cell had been less claustrophobic than this straitjacket of phlegm-seeping flesh. The legs didn't work, because the body was doing something to him. These weren't his tears, his grief, his fear. They were the body's. Which hormone was at fault? Which wretched gland was squirting it over his synapses?
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fizzywashere87 · 2 months
notes: OMGIE YESSSSS THIS IS CUTE (it has been rotting in my inbox for a few weeks months and this i apologize for) also i didn't know if you wanted hc's or a fic so i js went with a fic for this one BUT I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING THIS TYSM FOR REQUESTING ML I HOPE YOU ENJOY!! 🫶🫶
Warnings: Gn! Reader, Fluff? Slight crack ig, Rushed at the end kinda
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Think Babes, Think!
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Raphael and his brothers were training in the dojo, as usual. Nothing new, nothing to bat an eye for, though Raphael was somewhat distracted. This was not usual.
What was he thinking about that made him so distracted you ask me?
Who's them?
He's gonna try and flirt with them today, that's why he's so worked up.
Raphael is put against Donatello today in their sparring matches, and while they circle each other just waiting for Master Splinter to give them the 'go,' Raphael can't seem to shut his thoughts up.
They probably don't even like you back.
You're an ugly, gross mutant, they're human and just perfect, no human wants to be with a mutant, nonetheless one like them.
Ugly green freak-
His anger was beginning to show on his face. Donatello noticed, raising a non-existent brow, he started, "Uh- Raph-"
Raph lunged at Donnie right away, which the taller turtle narrowly dodged, causing Raph to tuck and land on his knees for him to quickly get back up again. The rest of the sparring match was a blur, Raphael was just angry.
He came back to his sense when he heard Donnie groan from the floor as he stood over him panting slightly. He wasn't as angry as he was a few seconds ago, but the feeling of anger definitely lingered. Donnie got up, Leo and Mikey were already seated on their knees, Leo having won that match. "Uh, Raph, you look, like extra angry dude-" Mikey spoke up prompting Raph to whip his head at his younger brother and send him a glare.
"I am not angry." He spoke through gritted teeth, Mikey put his hands up in mock defense as Donnie and Raph go to sit on their knees beside their two brothers. Master Splinter stands in front of his four sons his hands clasped behind his back, the boys wait to hear what he's about to say, Raph, with an angered look on his features.
"You boys did-"
"Casey! Cut it out!"
"I didn't do nothin' red!"
"Say on God, we both seen you Jones!"
Master Splinter sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose at the certain ruckus going on at the new arrivals if you'll call them that, Leo also seems to sigh, the rest of the brothers unphased.
At the sound of their voice, Raph's anger was immediately lifted a ton, and he thought about his plan to flirt with them today. He didn't know how he was going to do it, but he was going to. His attention turned back to his sensei when he heard another sigh come from him. "You boys did well today, remember your strengths, hide and let go of your weaknesses. We will resume our training tomorrow."
"Hai sensei!" The boys say together, bowing slightly before getting up and meeting their human friends who're in the living room.
As the four boys walk in, April gives a warm smile and wave, (Name) flashes their usual grin, and Casey continues munching on popcorn. Donnie runs to April first much to Casey's dismay and he gets ready to pick a small fight. Mikey, as usual runs to grab a comic book and he plops on the couch next to Casey, giving (Name) a fist bump, Leo also walking over to greet and join his friends. (Name) looks to Raph who seems to be taking the soul out of that poor punching dummy.
(Name) walks over to him, smiling slightly. "Hey Raph, what 'cha up to?" They ask talking over his quieter grunts. He pauses for a moment, looking at them and sighing slightly, (Name) didn't pick up on it.
"Nothing, just punching." He replies, crossing his arms, they look at the dummy and back at him, nodding in understandment. He really wanted to say something sweet to them, something that would give them the hint. This was so, so, not like him. He's not supposed to care about this, the only thing he's supposed to care about is punching aliens and taking down Shredder. So why, why was he so persistent with this?
Although now that he thinks about it, he may have to be a bit more straightforward with (Name). There was that one time...
"Hey." Raph says as a greeting, seeing (Name) walk into the lair, they plop down on the couch next to him, and he sets his comic down.
"Hey Raph! What's up?" (Name) smiled and started idly tapping their foot on the ground. This was his chance, why was he doing this? Never mind that he's doing it, no matter how soft he comes off as.
"You," he clears his throat, "you look cute today." Raph says mentally cursing himself at the way he sounded and how they easily could've taken that as him implying they don't look cute everyday.
(Name) pauses for a moment, taking in his words. A bright smile etches across their face and she gives him a thumbs up. "Thank you Raph! You look pretty good yourself!" They stay quiet for a moment before speaking up. "You okay? It's totally not like you to give out compliments like that!" (Name) tilts their head a wave of concern washing over their adorable human features.
Raph was dumbfounded, shocked even. He stayed quiet for a moment as he processes how his flirting just flew over your head. Were they playing dumb with him to avoid rejecting him? he wouldn't blame them... (Name) was a human and he was an ugly green freak!
"What do you mean?! I can't compliment people?!" He plays the angry and defensive card to get out of that one.
(Name) watches as he punches the dummy, looking over how his muscles flexed at certain points, taking it all in. They wished he seen them the way they do. Why can't he like them back?
Raph stops his punching and turns towards (Name), he took a deep breath and sighed. "(Name), can I ask you something?" He sounded almost nervous? What was wrong?
"Of course Raph! What's up?" (Name) asked slightly concerned, it could be anything at this point. (Name) was hoping he'd get it over quickly so they don't have to wait any longer in suspense.
"Would you," Raph clears his throat, "Would you want to go out sometime?" His tried not to wince as his voice took on a higher pitch at the end.
(Name) thought for a moment, was he asking them out? Probably not, either way they would love to go. "Sure!" They smile, "Any specific reason?" They ask curious as to why Raph of all people would want to go out with them.
Raph sighed audibly through his nose. Welp, this was going to be all or nothing. Time to rip the bandaid off for this one. "I was asking you out on a date." He crosses his arms he scoffs. "Forget it, you wouldn't want to go on a date with an ugly green mutant. Stop playing stupid with me." Raph walks off, angry and a little sad.
(Name) pauses for a moment, as if something wet had just hit them in the face. "What?" They mumble. "Raph wait!" They call out and Raph pauses.
"What do you want?" Raph turns around to face them again, although he didn't really want to. (Name) lightly jogs up to him. "I would love to go out with you, I just didn't think that you liked me like that..." (Name) says rubbing the back of their neck awkwardly.
Raph raises a brow, a small smirk on his face. "You really are that dense." He said crossing his arms, getting an eye roll from (Name)."Where were you thinking we go?" (Name) asks, referring to their up coming date, completely disregarding his (lighthearted) insult.
"Mr. Murakami's place, it's not like I can go anywhere else." Raph says as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. (Name) shrugs and nods. "You do have a point there." They smile at him and plant a kiss on his cheek.
"Pick me up at 8 on Friday!" (Name) skips off to go hangout with April who was seated on the couch engrossed in her laptop for school. Raph was left there with pink cheeks and wide eyes, his jaw slightly agape.
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@fashionablysouly @serendipitous-girl
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bee-ina-boat · 9 months
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heres a collection of concept art for the rest of the entities for the mythos au!! if you're wondering where the eye is, they've been drawn already!
they are all FAR from done. keep in mind these are all just my initial concepts and i plan to do in-depth design sheets as i go to explore their designs more.
(also au context: the magnus mythos is an au where the entities are all gods, similar to various religious mythology, rather than paranormal entities that feed on fear)
design thoughts for each of them under the cut
The Web - God of Fate (she/it): im pretty happy with her design atm, shes meant to be a half spider half woman thing and i love that for her. shes probably the one ive thought the most on so far given her importance to the story. i want her to wear silks and shiny silver jewelry that just sparkles like wet spiderwebs do, not sure if im gonna keep the veil?
The Dark - God of the Dark (she/he/it): probably my weakest concept at the moment. it doesnt do the dark any justice. i mean i like the cloak idea but i want them to be very tendrilly, all consuming, shadowy, but i dont know how to properly portray them :/
The Desolation - God of Destruction and Fire (they/it): i have a neat vision for them! i want them to be made of coal and ash and smoke, to be burning and glowing on the inside, and their body is decorated with melted wax to look like clothes. not quiiiiiite sure about how their melty candle dress is now? i want it to be less constrictive
The Stranger - God of the Unknown and the Whimsical (he/she/they/it): it's meant to be this. weird wirey creature hidden behind masks and a lot of fabrics, like the framework of a poseable plush doll? i like the way the masks look but im not so sure about the body.
The Vast - God of the Above (she/he/they/it): im not so sure about his design at all im gonna be real. i want them to look like the atmosphere and be covered in clouds and have mountains for feet and an ocean cape but i feel like it might be a bit?? idk??? im just not that happy with it :/
The End - God of Death and Time (they/it): ugh i love this concept sm, making death read as less scary and more divine is so fun. theyre based on a seraphim and a sand timer,
The Buried - God of the Underneath (she/he/they/it): ANOTHER OF MY FAVORITES!!!! i love them. theyre inspired by hermit crabs!! and they have silver chains holding their shell to them. they look so endearing with their lil lopsided eyes ;; <3
The Flesh - God of the Body and Meat (she/he/they/it): i have so many ideas for the flesh y'all- im very excited to do a concept sheet for them. theyre meant to have no skin, just exposed bone and muscle, large limbs, hooves, exposed heart underneath a ribcage, teeth that close around their abdomen. white bandages that wrap around like clothes. a teeth/horn crown? i dont quite know whether to go for a more animalistic look or a more human one? like- theres so many ways to go with him idek!!!
The Hunt - God of Predators and Pride (they/it): see, i like this design but i feel like its too werewolf like? yknow? thats cool!! but itreads more monster to me than God :/
The Corruption - God of Nature, Rot, and Disease (she/they/it): i love this weird bug thing. this one i was really inspired for (mostly because. corruption aligned. so obviously im gonna think about this one alot) theyre this weird bug thing, the veil is inspired by the one from the art on the wiki! i want to maybe make them a bit more gross and weird because nature is like that sometimes, a moot on tiktok suggested that i add animal bones!! and i think thats SO smart im absolutely going too
The Spiral - God of the Incomprehensible (it/its): this weirdo is so hard to pin down istg. i imagine them as this spiral thing. body is kindof liquidy, arms are spindly and long, multiple shifting faces, overall just constantly changing and moving and like!!! how am i meant to draw that??? when my brain cant even wrap my head around what its supposed to look like yknow??? bruh jrdbhgfjdldgfh- that being said i think the main problem with the design is that it just gives me too many Michael vibes!!! is it the hair? the arms? its probably both.
The Lonely - God of Solitude and the Self (they/it): i like what this one has going so far! theyve got fog hair, fog tears, their body is meant to be splotchy like turquoise marble, i vibe with it so hard. not so sure what to do with their outfit tho :/
The Slaughter - God of War (he/they/it): another one of my more stronger designs i think! centaur with weapons sticking into them, face concealed, medieval armor and antlers- it vibes
the extinction isnt drawn because i literally have no idea what they should look like aside from color palette-
once again any and all suggestions will be taken!!!! i need ideas!!! plese!!!!
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frogchiro · 1 year
I just finished the world quest with Jeht and Azariq and please I'm in love with the Stone Enchanter model. I need him to pin me down and crush me istg
If this makes you uncomfortable feel free to ignore it, but I'm imagining MC being this sheltered Rainforest scholar hiring a group of Eremites to escort her on a mission, only for the weather to turn bad and oh we all have to hunker down for an extended period of time and she's worried that the Eremites will leave once the money runs out but they're just taking the opportunity to get close to their little lady.
Alternatively, doctor!MC who is the primary medic in the camp and she's always there to take care of everyone. What do you mean that Daythunder tripped face first into her tits on purpose? Can't you see that he's hurt??? Yes he needs to squeeze her hips, it's for balance! Honestly 🙄
Alternatively alternatively, barmaid!MC who serves a certain group of Eremites and she's theirs alone. No one else touches her except them, and they love playing with her regardless of who else is looking. Groping her tits when she bends down to pour drinks, grabbing her ass when she turns around, biting her nipple through the sheer fabric of her top if she doesn't escape fast enough etc. (I feel like you wrote this before? I think)
I really just let my hands run away from me adfhk I hope you're doing well! 🌺
darling, I am so incredibly normal about this you have no idea i'm currently biting at the bars of my enclosure
also this turned out way longer than I intended but the brainrot was real for this one ;; the barmaid!reader hc turned out to be the longest and the smuttiest of them all but in my defense it was my absolute favorite one to write and I'm seriously asking begging you guys to please indulge me and send me all your possible barmaid!reader thots (different men, eremites, aus', whatever comes to your mind ;;)
fem!reader, nsfw, reader is implied to be chubby/curvy, LOTS of perviness and big gross pervy men <3
Rainforest Scholar!Reader who hired a group of Eremites because of an important study needing to be conducted near the dangerous territory of the Apam Woods which is known to be inhabited by dangerous fungi and other possibly hostile creatures, not to mention the ever-changing weather environment. For someone who has little-to-no combat training it's basically a suicide mission so you did the next best thing and hired a group of Eremite mercenaries, four big and scary looking men with weapons seemingly bigger than you, wild grins full of sharp teeth and smug voices telling you "It's gonna be okay Little Lady, we've got this".
Well, turned out no one 'got this'. Dear Gods no one got this. The whole journey ended up in a near disaster with a sudden wild storm striking the woods in the middle of studying a group of fungi not only making them hostile and attacking you but also during your and the mercenaries' escape and frantic search for a reletively safe place to wait out the storm you managed to slip and fall straight into a large puddle of water effectively drenching you and ruining your travel clothes.
Although you truly noticed this major detail only after holing up in some beat up shack left to rot in the forest when the cold finally started to seep into your bones. One of the men, Daythunder you believe others called him, pointed out your violent shivering making all the men in the group turn towards you with slight concern on their masked faces.
And indeed you were shivering like a scared puppy, wet clothes clinging at your form, combined with the howling wind making it almost unbearable and the small fire they managed to start did little to keep you warm.
"You need to get outta these clothes Little Lady or you'll catch your death here", a slightly smaller man of the group gruffly said and vaguely motioned towards your figure. You flushed slightly and looked down bashfully, 'Little Lady' they called you, a nickname meant to tease you at first but over the long days of your journey turned into some sort of endearment from the men towards you.
Your thoughts of embarrassment were quickly thrown away by another wave of unpleasant shivers due to your drenched state. You were well aware that if you didn't do something soon, you'd catch pneumonia and only gods know how long you'll be stuck here in the middle of nowhere with a raging storm outside. The only logical thing to do was to strip, let your clothes dry and get warm by the fire but you were surrounded by all these big men and while you trusted them to not make any unwanted moves, it was still a mortifying thought to be almost naked in such a small space among them.
However, even these thought were dissipated quickly enough when Daythunder gently lifted your chin with his finger, making your heart flutter with warmth and look up at his handsome masked face and listen to him quietly murmur that they'll keep you warm and make sure no danger will come for you, please Little Lady.
And so before long you were stripped down to your underwear, sitting in the warm lap of the large blond man, his beautiful tanned skin hot under your slowly warming body as his sturdy arms wrapped around you. Actually, the men surrounded you with their big bodies in a sort of cuddle pile, warming up not only your body but also your heart and lower belly, the tingling sensation only amplifying when you felt the sudden touch of warm, calloused fingers of Daythunder on your knees, slowly traveling up your thighs and massaging along the tired muscles making you let out an embarrassingly pleasured moan that caught the attention of all the other men, making them grin wildly again.
"Maybe being stuck here for a little longer won't hurt-" you thought to yourself before getting interrupted by ravenous hot lips of one of the men and letting out another pleased hum as you felt other big calloused hands join the others on your soft body.
Medic!Reader who is the resident healer of the tribe, and while it might be considered relatively small, her hands are almost always busy due to the group being made up by men who are considered to be hunters/mercenaries; always on the move, rarely setting camp for more than a week. Plus, life on the desert can't be considered an easy one, food and water rations are scarce, danger is common here and if you're inexperienced with this kind of environment or travels it's best if you just stay in a village or travel in a larger group.
And then there is little ol' you, a real delight to the men of the tribe, kept like the biggest treasure in the camp. Always cherished and spoiled with the best cuts of meat during meal time, gifted the softest and most delicate silks from their 'adventures', not to mention all the hot, reverent, hungry touches to your skin as they slowly mouth at the expanse of your naked, glistening bosom.
Oh yes, the life of the 'Treasure of the tribe' is good, very good even, but first and foremost you are a trained, skilled healer, your skills being utilized unfortunately almost everyday as your men just seem to not be able to keep out of danger if even for a day and you hate seeing your boys hurt.
After returning from yet another successful hunting trip all the returning men loudly announcing their arrival; loud, boisterous laughs and cheerful bellows can be heard from the enterance to the camp. You sighed deeply although a small smile made its way onto your face, judging from the loud joyous commotion outside it was a successful hunt and probably no permanent damage was done but it still meant looking after the men, cleaning and stitching cuts, applying cooling salves and balms and bandaging smaller wounds. While you were undoubtedly proud of your buys you swear that their pride and want for showing off will drive them into an early grave.
Making a last check-up on the stacked medical equipment you gathered, you got up and walked out into the blazing sun of the desert, although the scalding hot temperature slowly cooling down into a pleasant warmth with the incoming sunset.
Your enterance was met with loud greetings and whoops, the large men showing off their hunted prey, a large furred beast with claws the size of your fingers. While you definitely appreciated the sentiment and admired their strength and prowess in battle to be able to take down such a creature, you were more worried about the blood staining Daythunder's clothes. Making him sit on an wooden stump you quickly got to work as he seemed to be hurt the most; while definitely nowhere near deadly, that cut on his chest worried you.
Out of all the things you learned as a healer of a tribe full of men is that they're surprisingly childish and clingy, especially when hurt. The second he heavily sat down, Daythunder immediately grabbed onto your full hips and dragged you close to him so that no space can be between your bodies and with a heavy sigh the big tanned man shoved his face right into your tits, for the lack of better wording.
All you could do is sigh heavily, comb your hand through his braided blond hair and coo at him. The insistent touches more than familiar and no more embarrassing you, more like making a small pleasant flutter bloom in your belly as you gave the man a bit more time watching him nose along your barely clothed breasts and nuzzling against you much like a big cat.
What you didn't see, so preoccupied with Daythunder nuzzled deep into you, are the former joyful faces of the other men sour with ugly jealousy. Why weren't it them you were paying attention? They just slayed a beast too! But don't you worry pretty little Treasure, as soon as you finish with that big oaf they'll have their turn with you too.
Who would have guessed that Eremites could be so jealous~?
And now for the grande finale and my personal favorite, Barmaid!Reader!! Working as a barmaid at the only tavern in Caravan Ribat is one hell of a busy job. Living and working in a place that is literally in the middle of nowhere and simultaneously always busy with passing by merchants, mercenaries, travelers and adventurers alike can be definitely often hectic and at times even messy but it has its perks! Being able to listen to various stories, some of them sounding almost like a fairytale with how whimsical and fantastic they sound and yet they are all true is definitely one of those perks.
Another perk (definitely the best) is a particular group of Eremite men who seem to frequent Caravan Ribat, specifically the tavern you work at is their target. Not only being regulars, but also knowing them more...intimately, they are a delight to be around even with their burning jealousy and possessiveness; perhaps even more so with it.
Almost always you hear them before you see them, their loud talk among each other, deep booming voices almost reverberating through the local and just as you serve a patron their meal they enter in all their glory. Even with the crimson bandanas covering their eyes you can feel their eyes on you, burning with lust and want for their pretty little barmaid.
Greeting them with a warm smile and a warmth to your cheeks you tell them to sit down at their usual table (which by now is almost reserved only for them, no one dares to sit where they always touch down). Luckily it's a relatively slow night; all the patrons are already seated and busy either talking among each other or drinking their worries away in a bottle of ale of fire water.
With an almost jump in your step you quickly walk up to the table with the Eremites, their covered eyes never leaving your curvy figure and when you finally stand before them you can almost hear their deep growls of delight and ravenous apetite for more than a regular meal.
Deciding on being cheeky today and wanting to tease them a little, treat them as if their just another regular customers. You pull out a small paper and pencil from behind your belt and ask these 'gentlemen' for their order. They seem to catch on immediately, their grins widening, licking over their sharp canines as they relax and spread their thick muscled thighs wide open lounging around, deep gruff voices laced with lust listing of their order.
As you're diligently jot down their choices on the slip of paper, a small smile appears on your face as you feel the strong arm of Stone Enchanter slip around your middle and pull you closer to him, his enormous build making your stomach on level with his face even when he's seated, his big and rough with callouses hand caressing and grabbing onto your full hips, snapping the material of your skirt (the long material obscuring only your intimates and ass while exposing your thighs, you know this cut drives them crazy) against your hips and they laugh loudly as you take in a quick quiet breath, followed by the gentle scrape of teeth on your waist as the large man starts mouthing at your skin and to be honest you're quite embarrassed by how quickly this simple touch can get you wet.
But with this group you're so used to this that when they don't visit for a longer period of time you actually long for it. They are always like this; loud and boisterous, clingy, unapologetic and absolutely shameless with their touches and so so possessive over you.
You barely manage to write down their order with a small 'be right back sirs' when suddenly a swift swat to your bottom is delivered and the table erupts in laughs and jeers at Sunfrost that he managed to get you. It's even worse when you get back and start setting their cups down, when the hot touches and gropes come.
Your low cut top is made of a light material, almost sheer and you almost always forgo wearing a bra due to the almost unbearable heat due to the closeness to the desert and the stuffy inside of the tavern doesn't help, and you can be sure that these men take full advantage of it.
Large scarred hands grope your tits the second you bend down to pour their drinks and you almost spill it when they pull down the loose neckline and the mouthing at your waist and hips starts again.
Suddenly, you let out a small shrill cry as you're suddenly hoisted into the lap of Stone Enchanter and moan loudly at the feeling of hot lips trying to mouth at your nipples through your top, the straps falling from your shoulders from all the sudden movement much to the delight of the men at the table.
The loud atmosphere of the lively tavern concealing the lustful act, all the other patrons are either so deep into laughing with their companions or way too drunk to even look your way, but even if there are some curious eyes looking at your figure, you are way too deep into the hot, fuzzy headspace to care.
The dark skinned man holding you made you suddenly straddle him and you flush even deeper at the feeling of his hard cock grinding up against your barely clothed pussy and you can't help but moan helplessly and grab at his dark braids to pull him closer to your nipple which he's still insistently mouthing at, the scrape of his sharp teeth causing you to let out a delightful moan which only seemed to spur the turned on men further on.
This was definitely going to be a long, long night~
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asskickedbygirl · 2 years
Hello I have jealous Knoxville brain rot and I was wondering if you could write a Knoxville x fem!reader where the reader is bams best friend and they grew up skating together attached at the hip but Johnny is fully into the reader and she’s into Johnny (he does not see this) but he thinks she and bam are going to date because everyone thinks they would make the perfect couple. It can take whatever direction you would prefer from there I just would die for some pining jealous Knox 😭
Going Up
[Johnny Knoxville x F!Reader]
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Desc: Anon covered it but I made it smutty! As in elevator sex smutty...
A/n: need to put eyeliner on johnny rn. also I'm trying to do something different in all of my smuts so they don’t get boring or repetitive to write so lmk if you like it!! comments and reblogs make my day fr <3
Warnings: smut (18+), p in v, public sex (sort of), alcohol
3.4k words
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Bam and you were fucking around on your boards, doing stupid tricks and just wasting time until you were called to set. You always thought it was stupid that your call times were so early when you were never really needed until the afternoon at least. Nonetheless you showed up, bored and hungover. 
“Fuck I’ve almost got it.” You bitched, irritated that you couldn’t succeed in the easiest tricks when your head was throbbing from the night before. Bam laughed, 
“Yeah, sure you do.” This earned him a prompt thump on the arm from your fist, your teeth grinding. 
“Shut up, dickhead.” He still laughed, only holding the site of injury this time. He looked up behind you and raised his eyebrows. You spun around to see who he was looking at only to see Johnny Knoxville staring over at the two of you, quickly shifting his gaze once you spotted him, pretending he wasn’t looking. 
“Hmmm.” Bam hmmmed. 
“What?” You asked, skating in circles around him. 
“He’s got the hots for you.” 
You rolled your eyes, “You think everyone’s got the hots for me.” 
“Because they do!” 
You scoffed, “Your ego for me is bigger than my own. No one even asks me out anymore.” 
“That’s ‘cause they think we’re dating.” 
You pouted in contemplation. “I guess. Well why won’t you date me then?!” You brought your arms around Bam’s neck in mockery as you skated past him, laughing as he attempted to shoo you off. You planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek like a drunken aunt. 
“You’re gross. You’re like my sister, freak.” You giggled as Bam attempted to wipe your spit off his face, arms still wrapped around him.
Johnny swallowed thickly as he observed you acting all coupley with Bam, sipping the crappy cup of coffee he got from the catering table when Ryan wandered over to him and looked to see what he was gawking at. He sighed, 
“You know they’re not dating, right?” Johnny was snapped out of his daze upon hearing his voice. 
He cleared his throat, “What? Oh, uh. Yeah.” He scratched the back of his head, feeling caught. He bit his lip, looking back over to you, his heart beating a little faster the wider you smiled. 
“She probably likes you dude. There’s not many women that don’t.” Johnny took another sip from his styrofoam cup, eyes still on you, shrugging. Ry just shook his head, chuckling under his breath. He patted Johnny reassuringly on his shoulder and walked away, leaving him to yearn a little longer. You glanced up to see Johnnys eyes still drinking you in. You smiled and waved at him jokingly, causing his cheeks to flush as he hobbled off. Maybe he does have the hots for you after all.
“She probably likes you dude. There’s not many women that don’t.” Johnny took another sip from his styrofoam cup, eyes still on you, shrugging. Ry just shook his head, chuckling under his breath. He patted Johnny reassuringly on his shoulder and walked away, leaving him to yearn a little longer. You glanced up to see Johnnys eyes still drinking you in. You smiled and waved at him jokingly, causing his cheeks to flush as he hobbled off. Maybe he does have the hots for you after all.
A few days later you were in your hotel room applying your makeup, ready to go hit the bars after filming on location in New York. Bam and you were sharing, not the same bed but still, it didn’t help the rumours. You carefully lined your lips with liner as Bam lay on his bed staring at the ceiling, bored out of his tree waiting on you. 
“The bars are gonna be fucking closed by the time we leave.” You rolled your eyes, rubbing your lips together and tousling your hair. 
“It’s not even eleven yet. We’re gonna be early freak.” Bam pushed himself off the mattress,
 “Fuck this, I’m leaving with Ryan it’s too late to be this sober.” 
He grabbed his jacket and key card and swung the door open only to be met with a tall figure, hand raised and ready to knock. 
“Johnny.” Bam spoke, leading you to snap your head to take a look at the supposed man at your door. 
“Hey.” The often confident man’s voice wavered awkwardly, as if he had been caught in a trap. Bam leaned back to look at you, then back to Johnny, smiling like an idiot.
 “I was about to head with Ryan, you can come if you want or uh…” Bam raised his brows suggestively, something you didn’t spot. Johnny cleared his throat and swallowed thickly, contemplating for a moment whether or not he wanted to let it out that he’d rather stay with you. 
“I can stay with her while she gets ready. Bring you down if you want.” He called out to you, biting the bullet. You flicked your hair away from your face, grinning, 
“Sure. I’ll be ready in a minute anyways.” Bam shrugged and left the two of you to it, Johnny stumbling in and seating himself on the edge of your bed, observing you through the mirror as you smudged some more eyeliner in your waterline.
“That looks like it hurts. Is it not going into your eye?!” Johnny gritted his teeth together while you giggled. 
“I’m used to it. Here let me put some on you.” You held the eyeliner pencil between your fingers and turned to face him though his hands were already raised up, refusing.
“Oh come on! It doesn’t hurt and you can wash it off if you really hate it!” You flashed your best puppy dog eyes which ultimately worked as he simply couldn’t say no to you when you looked like that. He rolled his eyes as you grinned, moving closer to him. His breath hitched as your knees brushed against his, hands holding himself up as he leaned back slightly, eyes peering up at you. You took your bottom lip between your teeth in concentration and rested your hand against his cheek, Johnny swallowing right after. You used your thumb to pull his eye down just a tad, enough to see his waterline and went right in to apply it, accidentally poking him straight in the eye. 
“Ow!” The jabbed exclaimed, pulling away from you and holding his hand over his eye dramatically. 
You rolled you eyes. “Alright sorry. It was only a poke! C’mere it didn’t even get in your waterline.” Johnny was about to protest but felt he couldn’t once you pulled his face forward again forcefully, tongue poking out of your mouth as you concentrated on the task at hand.
He looked up to the ceiling and pretended the situation wasn’t incredibly uncomfortable as your raised leg kneeled on his lap in order to get the job done, face so close to his own as you tediously worked on coating his under eyes with black eyeliner. He couldn’t help but let his eyes drift to take you in, somehow you looked even more beautiful when you were in concentration. Your eyes met his and you smiled with your brows knitted together, a little unsure on why he was gawking once again. Well not really unsure, you were fairly sure. As you got back to it, Johnny posed a question,
“So you do this with Bam a lot huh?” You rolled your eyes at the insinuation of it. 
“Well yeah, ever since he saw Ville with it he begs me to do it all the time. He fucks it up whenever he tries to put it on himself.” You pulled the pencil away to admire your work as the first eye seemed done. 
“Looks good.” You smile, Johnny trying to move his head to take a look in the mirror but your hand pulling his face away. 
“Not yet. Lemme do the other one.” You repeated your movements of pulling his eye down slightly with your thumb to do the next one, brows knitted together.
Johnny looked up to you, sunken eyes boring into your face. 
“So you and Bam huh?” You scoffed, that was a sentence you heard practically everyday. 
“No. Not me and Bam. How long have I known you at this stage?!” 
Johnny smiled. “I dunno. You’re sharing a hotel room so.” His southern voice drawled. You continued penciling in the makeup. 
“Different beds idiot. MTV’s budget must be tight this year.” 
Johnny bit his lip. “So there’s nothing going on there.” 
You shook your head, “Nothing.” That’s when you finished the job, pulling away to admire your work. 
“Not bad huh?” This time you allowed Johnny to look at himself, standing up to get closer to the mirror. 
“Christ I look ridiculous.” 
You laughed, “No you don’t! This is so in right now.” You folded your arms and came up to the mirror as well to look at his face through the reflection. 
“Yeah it’s in for twenty year olds. I’m old remember?” 
You rolled your eyes. “You’re only like nine years older than me.”
Johnny flashed you a ‘careful’ look, but you smiled it off. He looked fucking hot if you were being honest, and that little crush you had on him was coming back in full force. You bit your lip as you and Johnny stared at each other for a little too long until he bustled off to the bathroom to attempt to scrub the liner off. His efforts were almost futile, a faint black still present in his waterline. 
“That’s hot! No, seriously it looks good like that.” Johnny sighed as he realised he’d have to go out with a trace of makeup on his face. 
“Are girls gonna think I’m gay?” 
You laughed, shaking your head. “Well you’ll have me on your arm so, hopefully not.” Johnny raised his brow at you but you ignored him, grabbing your purse, ready to hit the bars.
The bar everyone was meeting at was busy and bustling, a live band playing. You and Johnny arrived together of course and hit the bar immediately to get some drinks, already far too sober compared to the likes of Chris and Steve-o. You sat together in slightly close quarters, chatting amongst yourselves. You were enjoying his company, he smelled nice and the more you drank the more flirty you got. You had already punched Steve-o square in the arm when he made a dumb comment about Johnny’s ‘new look’ and an hour later his arm was draped over you. That was until Bam stumbled over to you all, clearly very drunk. 
“You have to come dance with me. Now!” He reached out and grabbed your hand, forcing you up and away from your arm candy. 
“Hey!” You called out but Bam was already pulling you onto the dance floor, hands grabbing your waist to dance with you.
You reluctantly pulled your arms up around Bam’s shoulders. Sure you loved to dance but when you did with Bam and you were drunk, the rumours were only set ablaze. You tried to catch Johnnys eyes as you swung your hips, only seeing him grit his teeth and practically glare at Bam. Was he… jealous? You looked at your dance partner who was too inebriated to have any sort of spatial awareness, simply blindly moving you around. Out of the corner of your eye you spotted an attractive looking girl dancing by herself and so you hatched a plan. As Johnny continued to glare you pushed Bam off of you and practically shoved him towards the other girl. 
“This is Bam!” You called out to her and she looked rather thrilled, must’ve been a fan. 
As the new couple began to dance once more you strutted over towards Johnny who was now looking at you like a deer in the headlights.
“Come on. You wanna dance with me right? Well dance with me now!” You slipped your hand in his and pulled him up, dragging him behind you as you set off for the floor. 
Johnny was in slight shock, his hands finding their way to your waist in a daze as you brought your arms around his neck, moving your hips with the beat. You looked up to Johnny and flashed a smug grin, 
“Were you jealous Knoxville?” 
Johnny blushed, laughing and shaking his head.
“So what if I was?”
You smiled even wider, taking Johnny’s hand from your waist and moving it down to cup your ass.
“You don’t need to be.” 
You chewed your lip as his hands felt you up on the dance floor, not caring that people might see your skirt riding up and exposing your ass. Johnny looked especially attractive as he appeared almost flustered, cheeks burning red and eyes blown out. As the music changed you moved yourself around so your back was pressed against his chest, letting his arms drape around you and push you closer to him, feeling the outline of his dick press into your ass. You grinded to the beat of the loud music, feeling his breath on your neck and his stubble grazing your skin. It felt almost too intimate right there in the middle of all the bodies, sweaty and drunk, but god did you want him. You placed your hand over Johnny’s as it pressed into your stomach to hold you there and turned around so you could whisper in his ear,
“Wanna get out of here?” 
Johnny only nodded, allowing you to lead him away from the crowds and out of the bar towards your hotel. Boy were you glad it was so close by as the desperation was radiating off of your hot bodies, clammy hands holding each other as you made your way through the streets, no talking necessary. 
You both smiled politely at the receptionists as you wandered inside the hotel, trying to act as if you weren’t as desperate as you’d ever been, silently praying no stranger would join you in the elevator on your way up. Alas you were left alone, standing side by side as the doors shut. One second later Johnny flipped himself around and slammed his lips onto yours, forcing his leg between yours so they were parted and making out with you roughly. Your hands flew up to hold his face, letting out quiet whimpers as he took you with such force. His hands were already roaming over your body, fisting the fabric of the back of your skirt in his hand and pulling it up. If you didn’t know him any better you’d think he was about to fuck you in the elevator.
That’s when you felt it jolt, stopping on whatever floor you were on. You opened your eyes and pulled away from Johnny’s mouth in a panic, thinking something had broken but instead you were met with his hand over the emergency stop button, manical grin on his face. You covered your mouth with your hand, half shocked but entirely bemused.
“Are you serious?!” You laughed, completely bewildered.
“Couldn’t wait any longer.” is all he said, immediately diving back in to kiss you once more.
As your skirt had already been pushed up over your ass, in fact bunched up around your waist, Johnny’s fingers were smoothly tucked into the band of your panties, waiting for the moment he could finally pull them down. He took the opportunity as soon as your hand reached down to palm him over his pants, pushing your body against the wall of the elevator at the same time. You let out a groan as you frantically unbuckled his pants, him eventually giving in and shoving them down to pool around his ankles instead. 
After some more hot and heavy making out, you felt Johnny’s hard cock press into the inside of your thigh and so you took matters into your own hands, freeing the member and urging him to fuck you against the cool metal walls of the box. You moaned as he entered you, his stubbly chin grazing your neck and lips kissing the skin tenderly as he began bucking his hips forward. He dug his thumbs into the skin of your waist to hold you still, your arms wrapping around his neck to brace yourself the faster he went. 
Johnny’s grunts and your whimpers echoed around the elevator, it even jolted slightly with every thrust and it almost felt surreal that heart throb Johnny Knoxville was fucking you in a hotel elevator. You hid your girlish grin in the crook of his neck, kissing and sucking on it all the while. 
“You think Bam could fuck me like this?” You whispered into his ear.
Sure it was evil but god did you love provoking the men that fucked you, it just makes everything more fun. Johnny laughed, more of a ‘fuck you’ sort of chuckle but he laughed nonetheless.
“You gonna talk about Bam while I’m balls deep inside of you?”
Johnny pulled his lips away from your neck to look you in the eye, yours as blown out as his. You grinned playfully.
“Well this means you don’t have to be jealous anymore. Your eyeliners fucking hot by the way” 
Johnny laughed.
“Shut up.”
He continued to fuck you hard, his thrusts only increasing in pace and his moans only getting louder along with yours. It wasn’t long until he got you to that familiar place, head leaning back against the wall as you were worked to the edge.
“Fuck I’m gonna come.” You managed to get out between pants, holding onto your breath as you felt the sensation creep forward. 
Johnny continued his relentless pace until you came hurtling down, the wave of pleasure washing over you and making your legs shake. The feeling of you tightening around Johnny made his breath hitch as you brought him closer to the edge.
“Can I come inside you baby?” 
You nodded, head still reeling from your orgasm. Johnny gripped your hips tightly, pushing even further into you as he came with a loud groan into your neck, the hot breath sending shivers down your spine.
The two of you remained in the same place, panting and fucked out, sweat dripping from your foreheads. Johnny’s head was still buried in the crook of your neck.
“You alright there?” You laughed, poking his cheek.
He pulled away grinning.
“That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever done.” 
You both laughed until Johnny kissed you again, your heads all foggy.
“You know we can do this again once we’re out of this elevator right?” You pulled away once his kisses got more needy, practically ready for round two already when his dick was growing soft inside you. 
He laughed as he pulled out of you, the sensation making you wince slightly. 
“Sorry.” He murmured, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
He bent down to help pull your panties back up and smooth your skirt out after buckling up his own pants. He fixed himself up a little more before pressing the emergency stop button once again as well as another button.
“Shit.” He muttered. 
Johnny bared his teeth.
“I accidentally pressed the reception floor.” 
You rolled your eyes and scoffed.
“Christ I hope those poor workers don’t see us again.” 
Just as you attempted to fix up your hair the doors opened to reveal none other than Bam Margera himself, arm sleazily hung over the same girl you threw him at on the dance floor. You and Johnny must’ve looked like a deer in headlights right then but Bam was far too drunk and oblivious to notice just yet.
“Oh hey guys!” He grinned, entering with his new chick, her hand dragging over his chest.
“Weird the elevator wasn’t working for a minute. What were you guys doing already in here, I thought you left like thirty minutes ago?” Bam asked but his face dropped once it dawned on him.
He observed the pair of you, your makeup all messed up with tangled hair, skirt all wrinkled and Johnny with his messy hair and lipstick stains coating his neck and collar. 
“Let’s not.” You interjected before Bam could say anything that would make your skin crawl. 
The rest of the elevator ride was painfully awkward and silent, even Bam’s girl noticing the horrible tension. Once you finally reached your floor after what felt like forever Bam spoke up.
“So uhh... can we take our room or do you want to-” 
“Take our room.” You sputtered, leaving the damn elevator as soon as possible and darting towards Knoxville’s room, desperate to escape. 
@gnarkillknoxville @jackussy420 @spoookyberry @steve-osahottie @izzaaaaaa @lovexjoe @jackassvivalabam03 @kristinee
764 notes · View notes
slay-the-heroine · 1 month
Of course that's it. She's dead.
The Narrator:
Yes. Exactly. It's over.
The Narrator:
With your work done, you make your way back up the stairs, closing the door to the basement behind you.
Voice of the Prince:
It felt cruel. Was that truly what had to be done?
The Narrator:
It was not in vain. However, greater good or not, you did kill someone. That does not sit lightly on the soul. But, it was for the greater good. One of these days, the burden will lessen. The ends justify the means, as they say.
Voice of the Prince:
... Yes, well, that day is not today. Let's be on our way.
The Narrator:
You open the door, ready to return to a world saved from certain doom.
The Narrator:
Only, a world saved from certain doom isn't what you find. Instead, what you find is nothing at all. Where a lush forest stood mere minutes ago, the only thing in front of you now is the vast emptiness of some place far away.
Voice of the Prince:
Where... did everything go?
The Narrator:
Everyone is fine. It's just that you and the cabin are now far away from them. Don't worry. You'll be safe here. This is good. Everyone is happy. You'll be happy.
Voice of the Prince:
Do you... Not have anything to say about this?
The Narrator:
You don't. Like I said, you're happy. This is what's best for everyone, trust me.
The Narrator:
Time passes. you can't be sure if it's days, or months, or— Wait, what is going on?
Voice of the Prince:
Months are going by? Well no wonder the cabin is starting to look so... Warped.
The Narrator:
What's happening to it? It's not supposed to get all gross like this...
Voice of the Prince:
What are you talking about? Do you not know? We need to get out of here before it falls apart. The walls are creaking and I'm not a fan of the mold creeping in.
The Narrator:
There is none of that! Don't be ridiculous. The cabin is fine, and you're very, very happy, because the Heroine has been slain.
Voice of the Prince:
I might be happier in a cabin that wasn't rotting. Now, are you going to start describing things accurately or do I need to do your job for you?
The Narrator:
I-I am doing my job! Time is passing, and it's wonderful and boring.
Voice of the Prince:
Alright, that's enough of you. Hey, we're not just going to wait in this mess, right?
Voice of the Prince:
Hello? What's going on with you?
The Narrator:
Voice of the Prince:
Whatever, we're not going to sit here while this place falls apart.
The Narrator:
And what do you think you'll be doing instead?
Voice of the Prince:
We walk back over to the door and head down the stairs.
The Narrator:
No you— Stop that!
Voice of the Prince:
The steps are creaking under our weight, the dampness of the air has left them moldy and disgusting. It really was a good thing we slayed her, isn't it?
The Narrator:
Quit it with that, this is no joking matter, you—
- - -
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Voice of the Prince:
We reach the basement. We see — Ugh, good Lord! I'm not describing that!
The Narrator:
She... The Heroine's corpse lays in various stages of decomposition. Blistering here, bloating there, liquifying... Despite it all, her skeletal teeth peek through enough to make her seem like she's still smirking. The air is acrid with the smell of rotting meat and sourness. Your blade is still in her chest, untainted by the decay around it.
The Narrator:
Something crashes upstairs.
Voice of the Prince:
You hear that? We need to get out of here. Grab the knife.
The Narrator:
And what, pray tell, would you do if you did grab it?
Voice of the Prince:
Quit messing around! Do you hear the thumping in the walls? It'll cave in any second. The decision-maker seems to be out of commission, so... We take the knife, and we stab ourself.
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The Narrator:
Everything was going to be happy and safe, and you're just going to kill yourself!? Ugh, the blade sinks into your heart, and you die. There, now are you happy?
Voice of the Prince:
We'll be fine. It's better than whatever this cabin is being damned to.
The Narrator:
Fine. Whatever. No more rotting cabin. The end.
50 notes · View notes
munsonmuses · 6 months
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Cold as Ice
Part Three Here
Synopsis: Eddie and yourself are settling into the domesticity of being a couple, which is strangely easy after all these years
Themes: domesticity, teeth rotting fluff, love and loss, lesbianism, Eddie being a pervert
Warnings: drinking, cursing, nudity, smutty behavior but not direct smut, Eddie being a perv
Word Count: 5.3k
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You groaned lightly to yourself as you tried to drag yourself awake, feeling incredulously warm as you stared down at the very nude Eddie Munson lying on top of you. Patting his cheek lightly as you watched him grin lightly. Clearly playing asleep as he turned away to mask his amusement as you scoffed. “Edward Munson get off of me…” you muttered softly as you frowned to yourself. Earning a drawn out whine from Eddie as he nuzzled into your chest. “Why would I when your beautiful breasts are right here~” he crooned as you gagged. “Just call them tits-“ you insisted as you pushed him off and went to the restroom, closing the door on a chasing Eddie who leaned against the wood.
“My love…my light…the air that I breathe!” He cried dramatically. “I need to see you…please~” he whined as you carefully got cleaned up, brushed your teeth, and washed your face. Patting on toner as you grabbed your robe. The thick fleece decorated with embroidered puppies as you pulled your hair back behind your ears. “I’ll be right there honey…you’re as clingy as a goddamn leech.” You teased as you pulled open the sliding wood door, immediately feeling Eddie latch onto you as you hummed lightly. “Hey baby…” he crooned as he kissed you lightly, working on untying your robe as you pat his pawing hands away.
“Cmon, let me see them…” he begged as he peered down the front of your robe, finally getting a clear look at your tattoo. His eyes going wide as you cleared your throat nervously. A heart tattooed right above your right breast, in typically tattoo cursive was the word ‘succubus’ as Eddie hummed, leaning it and licking up from the point of the heart to your jaw as you squeaked in mock disgust. “No no don’t act all grossed out, you like the whole succubus thing…you like that I call you a demon, a vile energy sucking succubus…” he crooned as you laughed lightly.
“I do, I really do but I didn’t think you’d actually ever see it-“ you insisted as he laughed. Kissing your temple as he hummed. “Well I have, which means I should get one to match. What I am upset about is that I didn’t give it to you…” he insisted as you dismissed his amused upset. “Yeah yeah, you’re welcome to give me my next one.” You insisted as he smiled. Pressing his chest to yours as you grit him beginning to harden up against your thigh as you nipped at his lower lip. “You’re so fucking pretty Eddie…” you cooed, before being interrupted by the door opening as Eddie immediately ran for the bed, leaping under the covers as you fixed your robe and hummed nervously. Expecting your mom, or worse, Marilyn, but this was strangely even more humiliating. Sara, Steve, Robin, Rhiannon and Libby in the doorway as you coughed nervously. “Morning…?” You murmured.
“No way…no fucking way.” Libby whispered as she pointed at Eddie, then you, then back at Eddie as she scoffed lightly. “You spend all this time hating on Eddie just to fuck him?” She hissed between her teeth as you covered your face, whimpering in shame as Eddie hummed in pride. “No no, we didn’t fuck or whatever, we made love, like couples do-“ he crooned as Rhiannon ‘awed’, putting a hand on her heart as you scoffed. “Whatever, what the fuck are you guys doing here? How did you even get in?” You muttered as Sara raised her hand to interject.
“You didn’t tell any of us if you made it home, and your mom called me to check in on you since you hadn’t called her to check in with her…and you gave me a spare key that one time I brought Lynnie home.” She reasoned as she hummed. “Sooo, Steve and I picked up Robin, and Robin was over at Rhiannon’s house, and Rhiannon called Libby…” she finished as you raised a brow. “And what was Robin doing at your house…?” You questioned with Rhiannon who slowly linked pinkies with Robin, earning a curt nod of understanding. You wouldn’t pry, there was always a natural queerness about Rhiannon, and everyone knew it, so it was nice to know she’d found somebody.
“And that’s what led us here, to you covered in hickeys and Eddie currently hard under your sheets.” Sara finished as you scoffed lightly. Eddie covering himself with the pillow as you sighed. “Okay well…I’m gonna get dressed, and uh, you guys can go wait downstairs okay? I’ll make us breakfast.” You offered as Steve shrugged. “Only if you make home fries.” He insisted as you waved him off with muttered agreement. Watching them leave before looking at Eddie. Smacking him with a pillow.
“Making love? What the fuck is this some shitty romance novel?!” You hissed through laughter as he covered his face and snorted lightly. “Yeah but it was endearing…” he insisted as you climbed into bed, kissing him gently as you straddled his hips. “I’m gonna go get you some comfy clothes…and you’ll stay for breakfast.” You state, Eddie just humming in agreement. Watching as you walked off and closed the door behind yourself.
At the click of the knob, Eddie slipped on his boxers and hummed to himself lightly. Snooping around as he poked through your bookcase. Pulling out a photo album with ‘Camp Love’ printed on the front with a gold foil. Carefully flipping through it as he stared at pictures of your brace ridden face, freshly fourteen with long pigtails and a stark red shirt with the camps logo on it. Arms wrapped around a young Rhiannon and Elizabeth, before she’d decided to start going by Libby. The next few were of the three of you on different little adventures, then one with a young Sara and Steve, the last few with him and yourself. Young and cuddly, awkwardly holding hands, then one where the two of you hung from your dads flexed arms, dangling a bit as you both laughed. Had you guys really been that small? Had he been that happy before? Was the girl he left behind two years ago still that small? Was she still inside you?
Eddie’s trip down memory lane was broken by you clearing your throat, carefully reaching out with a sage green sweatshirt and some black basketball shorts. Specifically your dad’s sweatshirt and basketball shorts. “I um…I think you’ll fit into these? I know daddy was a little wider…though he would’ve been surprised at how big you’ve gotten. He’d say you’ve got hair like a hippie, he would’ve loved Corroded Coffin Eddie…” your voice was breaking as he carefully pulled you into his chest. Holding you tight as you sobbed into him.
“I am so sorry I wasn’t there…I should have been there…” he whispered as he made sure to stay as close as he could. Holding your sobbing form close as he kissed the crown of your head. “Honey I am so fucking sorry.” His own voice breaking as he pulled back to look at you. Seeing the sweet face of that fourteen year old girl, small and broken, left behind by him. Looking into the small mirror to the side of yourselves, he saw that same fourteen year old boy. He would know what to do.
He wrapped his arms tighter around you as he nuzzled your neck. Holding you till his arms ached from the squeeze. Hearing your sobs. Had you sobbed that hard on nights he wasn’t there? on days where nothing felt like it was going to get better? Begging him in desperation to fix the ache in your heart?
He gently lifted your chin as he wiped your sleepy and sad eyes, humming softly as he kissed between your brows. “Let’s get dressed okay? But we can take all the time we need to go down there.” He reasoned gently, earning a curt nod from you as he walked you carefully over to your closet, helping you pick out a sweatshirt and some shorts as he smiled lightly. “Now that I’m back, you can’t really get rid of me…” he informed with a soft laugh. “I don’t want to get rid of you Eddie…never did.” You murmured as he sighed and helped slide the sweatshirt over your head. “I know sweetheart…I promise I won’t leave, it would take something supernatural to take me from you at this point.” He laughed as you rolled your eyes. “Go get dressed baby…”
Eddie did as asked, slipping on his own sweatshirt and bottoms as he looked at himself in your vanity. Taking a hair tie as he pulled his hair into a low bun and hummed to himself as he took your expectant hand. Heading out and downstairs to the smell of turkey sausage quarters and waffles. Sara at the stove with Steve wrapped around her, Robin and Rhiannon in the living room setting up tv trays. Libby on the couch instructing them where to set everything up.
“I was gonna make breakfast you know?” You told Sara gently as she waved you away lightly, humming contentedly as Steve nuzzled into her neck. The two were attached at the hip which was always nice knowing both of their struggles with finding the one. “I thought it would help a bit if I made it, but Steve won’t stop bitching about how all you have is turkey meat rather than pork or beef.” She mused as Steve nodded. “It’s weird? Are you guys like…a religion that can’t eat pork that I never knew about?” He asked as you laughed lightly.
“We’re not religious, Steven . We’re just conscious of dangers. My mom’s a nurse. Apparently too much red meat will give you a heart attack or something.” You explained as Steve quirked a brow. “That sounds like a load of bull but…okay.” He murmured softly as you rolled your eyes.
While the three of you were talking, Eddie had taken it upon himself to work on coffee and call Wayne to tell him where he was. Starting the coffee pot before picking up the landline off the wall. Dialing the number carefully.
“Hey Wayne…did I wake you up I’m sorry if I did? I uh, I’m at Josie’s. Just wanted to tell you…yeah that one.” he looked over his shoulder at you. “Yeah we’re gonna be okay…” he insisted softly as he smiled to himself. “I’ll be home later.” He promised. “Oh uh…yeah I can bring Josie over, if she wants…” he offered with a soft smile as you nodded silently, working on getting plates ready. Working in tandem with Sara and Steve who were finishing off breakfast and placing it all neatly.
Eddie hung up quietly as he carefully walked over to you, slipping his arms around your waist as he hummed to himself, kissing at your neck lightly as you squealed with laughter. Batting him away as he continued. “Don’t fight it, it’s like a heat sealing missile-“ he insisted as you pulled him into a regular kiss. Holding him tight as Libby scoffed. “All of you are gross, so so gross…” she muttered with a grin as she carefully came over to pour herself a cup of coffee. Breakfast getting on its way as you all ate and caught up with each other, grateful for one another’s company. The two other couples and Libby leaving around two in the afternoon. Leaving you and Eddie to your devices.
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His hands lazily worked their way up your shirt, rubbing your sides under his calloused hands as he hummed to himself lightly. Carefully tracing along your ribs as you hummed down at him. “Whaddya wanna do with our day?” He asked gently as he nuzzled your jaw lightly, earning a contented hum from you as you kissed the crown of his head. “We’ve gotta get ready to go see Wayne…you told him you’d bring me over…” you reminded gently as he sighed. “Okay yeah…uh…should we shower or? Should we just go?” He asked as you snorted lightly. “Go shower Eddie-“ you murmured as you sent him on his way upstairs, working on cleaning up the living room as you heard the shower start up. Turning on the radio by the sink as She-Bop played through the speakers, humming along as the front door opened. Your mom coming in with Marilyn in tow, the young girl racing over and wrapping her arms around you. “Hey, kid…” you greeted softly as she hummed softly. “Do you have a rash on your neck?” She murmured as she pointed to the hickeys splotched across your neck and shoulders. Grateful for Marilyn’s innocence to the depravity of the adult world.
The rash comment immediately caught your mom’s attention, setting her bag down as she carefully walked over. “I think they’re bites…” she commented softly as she caught your eye and hummed in a knowing manner, like all mothers with daughters do. Understanding the severity of the situation. “Lyn honey go put your dirty laundry and sleeping bag in the laundry room please…” your mom insisted, making sure she left before gently holding your face.
“You um…you just need to be careful okay? I know you and Eddie are adults, but you’re still finishing school honey…you need to make that a priority. I’m not saying you can’t date okay? You’re more than allowed just…be careful. Don’t um…” she chewed on her inner cheek, nerves running high. “Don’t get pregnant?” You asked softly as she nodded swiftly. “I’m still on the pill mom, I won’t risk it okay? No babies.” You promised softly as she exhaled in slight relief. Finding compromise in the situation.
“So uh…are you guys staying here? Or are you going out for the day?” She asked as you smiled lightly. “We’re going to see Wayne…and I think Eddie has band practice? It’s a Sunday. So I might go to that too.” You explained as you put the dishes on the drying rack. Hearing the shower in your room shut off as you smiled. “I’m gonna go get dressed, there’s a plate for you in the fridge.” You kissed her cheek before padding upstairs. Eddie sliding into his jeans, droplets of eager running from his hair and down his shoulders as you worked on finding something to wear. Slipping on a color block sweater and some wide inseam shorts. Working on a belt as Eddie smiled lightly. “I like those shorts…make your butt look tight.” He insisted softly, earning a snort of laughter from you as you worked on your rings and pendants. “Is Wayne wanting me to bring anything oooor?” You prompted in your reflection as Eddie scratched the stubble on his jaw. “Mmm, no…don’t think so. But you could bring those awesome fuckin’ lemon squares? He likes those.” Eddie insisted as you carefully applied mascara. “I mean…I can do that but you’ll have to help me.” You bargained as Eddie fixed his hair carefully. “Deal.”
Heading downstairs, Eddie trailed immediately after you as Marilyn peeked out of her room and chased after the two of you, grinning big as she squeezed in to walk beside Eddie. “Can I help?” She squeaked as Eddie hummed. “I dunno Lynnie, can you keep up?” he asked as she furrowed her brows, deathly serious as she nodded. “I was born for this Eddie,” she insisted as you laughed lightly, getting to work.
Eddie worked on making the graham cracker crust as Marilyn and yourself worked on making the filling, mixing the condensed milk, egg yolks and lemon juice together. Squealing loudly as Eddie swiped some off of the edge of the bowl. Marilyn following suit as you gasped playfully. “You’re like children, stop it-“ you insisted through a fit of giggles as Marilyn licked the filling off her finger. “I am a child, what’s his excuse?” She insisted as Eddie shrugged. “I’m young at heart?” He attempted to excuse as you rolled your eyes. Working on filling the crust filled pan and slotting it into the oven.
Leaning against the counter, you watched as Eddie tossed a bit of flour at Marilyn, causing a wave of giggles to leave the two as they made a mess, though the mess was worth it. Marilyn hadn’t smiled this big since everything had shut down in your lives. Watching Eddie pick the girl up and swing her around as you laughed, walking to the living room and grabbing the large camera off of the knickknack shelf. Turning to face the pair. “Smile big-“ you insisted, the two flour covered fools grinning wide as you snapped a few pictures. Looking up to see the two stalking towards you as you backed up carefully. “Hey, whoa no no I really like this sweat-“
You gasped loudly as Eddie pulled you in tight, pinning your arms as he smattered powdery kissed all over your face as Marilyn shook the excess flour off her hands into your hair. Laughing and kicking as you tried to get away from the two. “Stop it stop it! Oh my god!” You squealed as you were pulled back into the kitchen, reaching for your sister in false distress as Eddie grinned. “Oh no, you’re not going unscathed~” he laughed as he pinned you to the counter, kissing you lightly as you held his face. Leaving fingerprints in the powder dusting his face as you heard the camera shutter. Turning to see Marilyn grinning as she set it down. “It’s a good picture, don’t worry…” she assured as you hummed. “Thank you Lynnie.”
Once the giggles settled, the three of you worked on cleaning up the kitchen while the lemon squares baked. Humming along to whatever Fleetwood Mac song was playing on the radio as Eddie worked on getting the flour out of Marilyn’s red curls with a wet napkin. “I think this one might warrant a full shower Annie…” he spoke, tone deathly serious as the young girl gasped dramatically. “No, say it isn’t true-“ she cried in feigned distress as Eddie threw a hand against his forehead. “I’m afraid your case is critical, only shampoo can save you now~” he teased as he pat her shoulder. “Head on to the bathroom Lyn.” You insisted as you kissed her head and watched her disappear as you sighed. Turning to face Eddie as you wiped his face. “Thank you for playing with her…I’m sure she appreciated it.” You whispered as you kissed him lightly, continuing with the light pecking as he smiled. “Of course, Annie’s my protege…someone’s gotta raise hell after the two of us walk the stage.” He insisted gently, staring into your eyes as he smiled. “Hey honey I uh-“ he was cut off by the timer going off as you pulled away to grab the oven mitts and free the snack from the oven. Setting them down to cool. “You were saying?”
Eddie wanted to continue. Tell you how much he loved you, he wanted to give you the world then and there. But his mouth had gone dry, the moment had passed, his muscles felt stiff. He couldn’t say it now, the words dying in his throat. “I uh…I love lemon squares.” He insisted as you quirked a brow. “I figured…” you insisted gently as you smiled to yourself. “You’re the only person who might like them more than my mom,” you added as you shook the flour out of your hair. “Okay I’m gonna go get my shoes on, and we can take these with us,” you offered as Eddie nodded. Joining you in slipping on your shoes as he smiled. “You look so pretty…” he complimented as you quirked a brow in disbelief. “I’m covered in flour but…thank you hon,” you pecked his cheek before going to grab the squares. “Let’s go,”
It wasn’t too long of a ride to the trailer park, staring at the dusty blue and white trailer you’d known so well in your early teens, now a ghostly memory that was coming back into relevance. Two paths coming back together after the fork in the road. Wayne peering out past the screen door as you got out, carrying the Pyrex dish as Wayne grunted lightly. “Boy, carry the ladies dish,” he insisted as Eddie took it slowly. Wayne immediately pulling you into an embrace as you smiled lightly. “You are not that tiny lil lady with the braces and braids anymore…” he lamented as he smiled. A familiarity in the whole situation.
Wayne was family to you, your own family unit having been so small your whole life, that Wayne had just filled a portion of that. “Yeah I um, I’m twenty now. I’m not a little girl anymore…but growing up has been interesting,” you answered as you entered the trailer, grinning as you headed into the kitchen after Eddie. Searching for a knife as Wayne looked over in curiosity. “Josie made lemon squares, you remember those?” Eddie asked as Wayne grunted in agreement. “I do, I remember I nearly had to go up a size in jeans…” he laughed lightly. “Thank you Jo.” He insisted as you carefully sliced them. “Of course Wayne, anything for my number one fan.” You joked as you handed him his plate, Eddie whining as you shushed him. Getting him a plate ready as Eddie grinned. “Thank you baby…” he whispered as you nodded. “Anything for my number two fan,” you tease as Eddie feigned disbelief. “I’m your boyfriend.” He insisted as you shrugged. “Yet Wayne loves my baking more~” you teased, heading to sit on the well loved couch with the guys as you ate.
The three of you made decent small talk, catching up with Wayne as you all ran through the sweet treats. Working on cleaning up as Wayne cleared his throat. “Hon I’m uh, I’m sorry about your old man. He was a staple in town, a big loss.” Wayne started as you grew still, quiet. “Yeah uh, it was hard. Still kinda is?” You laughed nervously as Eddie awkwardly picked at the crust left on his plate. “Is your mom okay?” Wayne asked as you smiled nervously. “We uh…yeah, now we are. I was out of school for about two years to work? Until mom got her promotion. Shifting incomes was hard.” You whispered as you scratched your neck nervously. “Are you okay?” Wayne asked as Eddie gently kicked his shin. “I’m fine, but I do wanna stop talking about this please Wayne?” You insisted as Wayne nodded softly. “You still work at the arcade?” He tried to change the subject. “Yup, with Sara, we make good money. I work after school, then go home, same routine each day.” You insisted as you hummed nervously.
Eddie cleared his throat lightly as he rubbed his thighs. “We’re gonna go over to Gareth’s…see you later Wayne.” He insisted as he took your hand, heading back to the van and helping you in, albeit in a bit of a rush. Running around and hopping in himself as he exhaled slowly. “I am so sorry about Wayne-“ he started carefully as you shut him down. “It’s okay, he was being sympathetic…it’s okay Eddie.” You promised as he smiled nervously. “It’s okay honey, I promise. He’s trying to be there for me.” You defended as Eddie carefully reversed and sighed lightly. “Yeah well he shouldn’t have pried-“ he insisted as you scoffed.
“Maybe I wanted him to pry? Like I wanted you to pry?” You snapped as he frowned to himself. “That’s not fair.” He shot back as you sighed. “Eddie I appreciate you trying to defend me, but you don’t get to decide how I feel dear.” You whispered as you took his hand carefully, Eddie pulling away in muttered frustration as you frowned. “Eddie.” You tried to get his attention as he drove to Gareth’s house and you grew quiet. Swallowing your guilt and frustration. “I’m sorry.” You whispered softly as he frowned. “Fuck, don’t apologize, I’m mad at myself…you don’t deserve to be treated like shit because I’m mad.” He insisted as you frowned lightly. “Baby I’ve forgiven you. You don’t need to beat yourself up. I shouldn’t have thrown it in your face.” You insisted as you kissed him lightly at a stop sign.
Pulling into the Emerson family driveway, you stared in at Grant, Jeff and Gareth getting set up as you got out. The guys sharing glances as Eddie raced around the car to put you back in the van, then open your door and help you out as he kissed your knuckles. Earning a half hearted laugh from you as you stuck him to hip. His hand in your back pocket as you were guided to a couch in the corner. “Hey guys…”
“Hey uh…what’re you doing here?” Grant asked softly as you shrugged. “I dunno, girlfriend things? Coming to band practice and stuff…” you said softly as Jeff quirked a brow. “Don’t you guys hate each other?” He whispered as Eddie laughed. “Hate is just passionate love…” he crooned as you snorted with laughter. The band seemingly loaded with questions which the two of you gladly answered. The guys foregoing practice to snoop around in your personal lives, getting fully up to date with the relationship you both had. Gareth going inside and grabbing a six pack of beers for the five of you as he hummed.
“So each of us gets one…but the last one? We can either ignore it? Or we can play for it…” Gareth challenged as he drummed on his thighs, humming lightly. “Okay, what do we wanna play for it?” Jeff mumbled as you grinned wide. “We could play mercy…” you whispered with a grin as Grant laughed. “Mercy? What are we? Seven?” He asked as you leaned forward, nose to nose with him as you grinned. “What are you? Scared?” You crooned as he shoved you back gently with a laugh, Eddie pulling you into his side. “Let’s do it., winner has to shotgun their beer in celebratory success” Gareth insisted.
“Me versus Grant, Josie versus Jeff, then Gareth will go against the winners of each of those rounds. Deal?” Eddie asked as everyone came to an agreement, getting situated on the floor as you each got to work.
Jeff interlocked hands with you as you hummed softly, letting Gareth count you in before getting to playing. Pushing back against Jeff’s fingers as you struggled to bend one another’s hands back, panting lightly in frustration as you locked eyes. “I don’t go down easy Jeff…” you warned as he rolled his eyes. “Yeah but I’ve got strong fingers.” He argued as you kept pushing, shoving his index finger back as he hissed, calling mercy as he backed up a bit. “Fuck me man…” he murmured as you laughed lightly, fixing your hair back as Grant beat Eddie, Eddie muttering to himself in bitter loss as you laughed. Sipping from your beer as you watched Grant and Gareth start. The two pushing hard as Gareth’s fingers were bent back, hissing in pain as Grant grunted in discomfort before yelping lightly as his wrist was bent back. Gareth grinning wide as he looked towards you. “Cmon Josie.”
You furrowed your brows as you slammed back the rest of your beer, humming lightly and setting the empty can down. “Winner has to shotgun the beer yeah?” You asked as Gareth nodded, Eddie coming in to referee. “No dirty business, no cheating, so no bending back the middle of ring fingers. Calling for a re-grip ends the match. Ready. Set. Go.”
You pushed hard, Gareth was definitely stronger, he had insane grip on your hands, but you were stubborn, pushing back with fervor as Gareth grimaced lightly. The two of you maintaining intense eye contact as you scowled. “Fucking hell…gareth give in.” You pressed as he shook his head. “No fucking way, you’re not getting my beers.” He insisted as you bent back his thumb and he cried out, pulling away before realization donned. “Fuck! No that’s not fair-“ he whined as you picked up the beer carefully, taking Eddie’s keys and pulling his pocket knife over. Notching the side of the can and popping the tab as you chugged down the beer. Humming excitedly to yourself as you pulled away with a laugh. “Get fucked Emerson,” you hissed as he flipped you off. Eddie grinning big as he pulled you close.
“That was so fucking hot-“ he muttered as he kissed you deeply, pushing you to the floor as the rest of the band gagged, shouting ‘get a room’ and other shared sentiments as you rolled your eyes, pushing Eddie off of yourself and sighing. “If this is what band practice is always like, can I keep coming over?” You asked as the three looked between each other. Holding their thumbs sideways, before one by one flipping them upwards. “You may come and go as you please. The council has decided.” Gareth declared as you hummed contentedly. “Thank you, oh wise and noble council, I, Succubus Josie of the depths of hell thank you for your generosity,” you played along as Eddie growled against your neck. “Keep up the nerdy talk that’s so fucking hot-“ he insisted as you laughed. “We’re gonna leave…thank you guys for letting us come over,” you hummed as you helped Eddie off of you and back to the van as he hummed.
“Do you wanna stay the night with me? At the trailer?” He asked softly as you hummed in thought. “Yes, but we have to go pick up my car from Rhia’s.” You bargained as he slowly nodded in agreement.
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After a mildly awkward exchange with Rhiannon for your keys while she was occupied with ‘something’ that she wouldn’t disclose, you made the drive to the trailer park. Parking beside Eddie as you padded inside. Wayne having left for his night shift already as you padded into Eddie’s room. The smell of incense and weed having soaked into the carpets and walls. Eddie searching through his closet before tossing you a well worn Def Leppard shirt and some boxers as you smiled.
Eddie turned around, frozen at the sight of you stripping. He’d expected you to go to the bathroom, or even turn your back to him, but this was okay too. Watching with a grin as you slipped on his shirt and boxers. Flopping into his bed as he crawled on top of you. Pressing light kisses to your jaw. “Hey princess…” he cooed as you ran your nails over his scalp. “Hi honey…do you wanna smoke a little, eat the last of the lemon squares, play a lil guitar?” You asked softly as he hummed in agreement. “Sounds like a great night.” He insisted softly as he got off to prepare a bowl in his very well loved bong, letting you go and gather lemon squares.
Padding down the hall, you smiled at a few pictures on the wall of a young Eddie with Wayne, and two with you at camp love and your freshman year homecoming dance. Terribly awkward looking young teens with eyes wide, full of anxiety. Grinning at the sight as you carefully worked on plating the squares, grabbing two beers from the fridge as you went back to the bedroom.
Eddie was getting an early start, taking a decently long rip from the bong, and pulling back as he exhaled upward. Looking utterly ethereal as you slid to sit behind him on the bed. Slotting him between your legs as you followed suit. Taking a smaller but still fulfilling rip as you kissed the crown of his head. Opening up the beers and smiling to yourself as you both got comfortable for the night. Eddie picking up his guitar carefully as he strummed out the beginning chords for ‘Hungry Like The Wolf’, bobbing his head as you chose to sing along a bit.
‘Darken the city, night is a wire. Steam in the subway, earth is afire’ you started as he continued carefully, letting you set the pace as he grinned lightly. The two of you naturally in sync with each other as you worked through the music. Eddie finishing you out before looking up at you.
“Hey Josie?…I love you…” he whispered as you smiled lightly.
“I love you too Eddie.”
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Tags: @munson-blurbs @kimmberleeex @tlclick73
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mj-iza-writer · 1 month
I'm going to call this series "MJ is a Whumpee", what better way to get writing experience than to actually get the experience in real life.
Of course not everyone will get to experience everything so why not share it.
So "MJ is a Whumpee" will be updated as regularly as I can. Plus I will explain what a Whumpee might experience and what they may want or need from a Caretaker or even Whumper. Some may even contain a story.
-MJ 💚
Today's (Friday, Aug 16) experience... getting a tooth pulled.
I have had a broken tooth since March 2020. I was starting to see the dentist and getting my dental health back together when covid started. Because of that I canceled my dental cleaning, and right after that my tooth broke, and had been rotting away since then. My dentist wanted to continue fixing my other teeth before any of them could break away, then send me to the oral surgeon to have it pulled.
A few months ago, I went to him because I was in so much pain. He said he believed it was the broke one causing the pain. He gave me the order to get the tooth pulled, but I had to wait for about 50 days still because of the long schedule. I was given antibiotics and painkillers to last.
This is my experience.
For most of this week I was nervous, but I think the excitement of getting it out of my mouth overpowered my nerves.
Appointment morning Friday. I woke up nervous, and the nerves get stronger as the appointment time gets closer, 1pm.
Now, I am a Whumpee without a Caretaker, I have people that will help me when I need it, but most of this I am doing on my own.
I am shaking during my drive to the oral surgeon.
Go in and get checked in. Sit in the waiting room and try to relax knowing everything would be alright.
Warning: I will be going into detail about the extraction here. I have a cut off as I will be explaining the process, and I know that could gross or squick some out.
There will be a story under here as well.
I get sat down and talk with the dental surgeon, then sign some paperwork.
I received the shots to numb, and I waited for 10-15 min for the numbing to fully take affect.
The surgeon finally comes in and makes sure I am numb before they get started.
I am given a spacer to keep my mouth open, and gauze is put their as well.
As the dentist starts to work, a third person comes from above my head and says, "I am going to support your neck and head". I then feel hands around my throat and chin, not to choke, but they do have some pressure here.
Even while getting my tooth pulled I'm thinking about Whumpee and what would happen with someone holding their throat while two other people are pulling a tooth out. Like flashbacks, PTSD, crying, past trauma. You can really add some nightmare fuel here.
So I can feel pressure as they are shaking my head. Pulling the tooth, moving it back and forth.
The sounds.... Oof, I cringed. Just imagine the sound of a tooth getting pulled from your jawbone and skin. It sounds like shredding and wet.... ugh. Then it is right there by your ear, just 🤢
The oral surgeon tells me that I will hear the sound of the dental drill like at the dental office. It's almost louder though.
It's sensory overload, taste, sound, people in your mouth.
I know I moaned a few times. I couldn't feel anything, but I was imagining how painful it would have been.
She then went into stitching... now I can't feel anything going on, but I could only imagine what that felt like without numbing.
I had to bite down on gauze for around an hour during my drive home on my own. I needed to go to the pharmacy first to get medicine. I bought myself a gift for being so brave though.
Story time... though I do not have a caretaker, I will be giving Whumpee one in this story, because I love my Caretakers.
Caretaker made a small breakfast for Whumpee. They said they weren't really hungry, but Caretaker wanted them to have something in them for later.
Whumpee slowly picked away at the breakfast.
Caretaker watched as Whumpee's shakiness made it hard to function.
"It's okay to be nervous", Caretaker patted Whumpee's shoulder gently, "it's a new experience."
"I think my excitement is making me less nervous, but I'm so scared still", Whumpee admitted.
"I'm glad you're excited. You've come a long way. I'm glad your dentist said it was time to get this done now", Caretaker smiled as they cleared the table, "we will leave in about an hour, the paperwork is done. But they need to scan a few things before the appointment."
Whumpee nodded.
Later on, Caretaker was reviewing Whumpee's records to make sure they had everything in order. They were going to a new place to have the tooth removed.
"I can't believe you've had all of these visits already", Caretaker reminisced, "we are finally getting somewhere."
"Whumpee if you would, please brush your teeth", Caretaker called.
"Okay", Caretaker heard Whumpee get up from the couch and head to the bathroom.
Caretaker thought back to the timid patient they had taken in only two years prior.
Whumpee had come out of a long term hostage situation. They had a lot of medical needs, but their dental was a big issue.
Caretaker had to take them in every couple of months to have their teeth checked and cleaned. This broken tooth had been watched closely and it was causing major pain now. So the dentist said it was time.
Whumpee was finally taken back and sat down.
After consulting with the dentist and Whumpee getting a full run down on everything that would be done they decided to start numbing Whumpee's mouth.
The dentist left for a few minutes while the numbing took affect.
"You heard the part about an assistant holding your neck", Caretaker reminded Whumpee.
Whumpee nodded, "I don't really know how I'm going to feel about that, but I know it needs to be done."
Caretaker nodded, "I will be right here with you, and I will react as we have practiced in the past for when you have an episode."
Whumpee nodded again.
When everyone came into the room Caretaker went over what would happen if Whumpee had a flashback or anything of the sort. Then explained to them what steps they would need to take to keep Whumpee safe.
Once agreed upon, everyone got into place.
Whumpee moaned while the dentist harshly wiggled the tooth.
"I know you are feeling pressure, but is there any pain" the doctor stopped for a moment."
"Nu-uh", Whumpee mumbled.
Caretaker stayed down at Whumpee's feet and gently squeezed their toes. They had done this multiple times during Whumpee's appointments.
Whumpee said it helped them be able to focus and know they were not alone.
The tooth was finally out and everything was set. Whumpee just needed to rest for a few minutes before they could get up.
They smiled weakly when Caretaker came around.
"I am so proud of you", Caretaker gently ran their hand through Whumpee's hair and straightened a few snarls, "you did so good."
"Thankyou", Whumpee tried to talk with a giant piece of gauze in their mouth, "they said I can keep the tooth."
"Yes I heard them. I know you wanted to keep it", Caretaker smiled, "when you feel ready we can head to the pharmacy and go home."
"I think I feel alright", Whumpee started to sit up.
Caretaker laughed at Whumpee during their drive. Whumpee sat in the passenger seat poking their cheek.
"It's so numb", Whumpee poked at their cheek a few more times, "I don't know if I like it, it feels weird."
"Yes I don't much enjoy getting numbed myself", Caretaker agreed.
"So what else are we doing today?", Whumpee looked around.
"Well we are going to the pharmacy to get your medicine the dentist sent out, and you may pick out something for doing so well", Caretaker smiled as Whumpee's eyes lit up, "then we are going home so you can rest."
Whumpee nodded, "may I pick out a toy or maybe a coloring book?"
"Yes, you can pick out anything you like", Caretaker nodded.
"I wonder if I'm to old to be wanting toys though", Whumpee frowned.
"No one is ever too old to enjoy toys", Caretaker frowned, "adults can enjoy toys just as much as anyone else."
Whumpee now sat in the living room happily looking at the item they had chosen.
"How are you feeling?", Caretaker peaked in at them, "is the numbing waring off yet?"
"I think it is a little now", Whumpee felt their cheek.
"Okay, let's get that medicine in you, and I have a surprise for you as well", Caretaker smiled.
"A-a surprise?", Whumpee's eyes lit up.
"I'll be right back", Caretaker turned.
Caretaker came back with a huge grin and a container with Whumpee's meds.
"What is the surprise?", Whumpee eagerly took the medicine.
"Just a few minutes more, and I'll bring it out for you", Caretaker chuckled.
Whumpee set their item to the side and watched the doorway for Caretaker to come back in.
"Alright Whumpee", Caretaker came in carrying two plates, "I stayed up late making this for you, so I hope you enjoy."
"Is that your jello?", Whumpee's eyes sparkled, "you haven't made that in so long."
"Since your last major procedure.... I feel like it's a bit of a tradition now to have jello after you have something major done. This will also be easy for you to eat."
Whumpee looked excitedly at the plate they were holding. This jello was almost a comfort treat for them. It was the first treat Caretaker had made for them when they first came to live with them.
Whumpee had to have a several surgeries around their mouth and jaw so they were very limited. The jello became a sweet treat that Caretaker made them multiple times.
Caretaker sat down across from them.
"I, of course, have to have some as well", Caretaker smiled as they remembered eating the jello with Whumpee after the procedures. This way, Whumpee could enjoy it with someone else.
Whumpee quickly scooped some into their spoon, then jiggled it a little as they lifted it to their mouth.
They giggled happily at the familiar safe flavor.
"This brings back so many memories", Whumpee smiled as they scooped up more, "it taste so yummy."
"I'm glad you like it. There was a while when you ate this daily after meals... I'm surprised you didn't get sick of it", Caretaker laughed as Whumpee played with the treat.
"The one food that it is okay to play with", Whumpee giggled again.
"Yes, but I do need to put a small damper on things", Caretaker sighed, "I would like you to take a small nap after eating this. You used up a lot of energy with your nervousness and stress. Plus it will let your body have time to heal. Are we okay with that plan?"
Whumpee looked up and nodded, "I do feel a little tired."
"I can imagine", Caretaker smiled.
Caretaker sat across from Whumpee while they slept. They were organizing Whumpee's care chart.
"Such a brave soul, everything you went through. I'm so proud of you", Caretaker smiled as they set the book aside, "it's an honor taking care of you."
Notes from the last day.... movement of my mouth is limited, and I am very sore. 🥲
Yes, I absolutely kept my tooth that was pulled out. I also ate blue raspberry jello that night as well.-MJ 🦷
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
@sausages-things @clevah-girlboss
@isikedmyself878 @daffyduckcommittedtaxfraud
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drhenryblack · 10 months
Guys I can't art
I can't art :( But I can write :) Speaking of which, here's a little something for the hungry Showtime nation. Basically how Human! Caine and Human! Pomni met: From Pom-Pom's perspective: "There I was, pathetically sobbing in the mud, next to my car with the car's keys locked inside the car. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. And then the rain stopped and my head jotted up, that's when I first saw him. Caine. He was about the same height as me, with a build like one of those typical old cartoon ones. You know, the cartoon style that represented men with very broad shoulders and chests and slim waists. Well, he was like that, but humanoid. He was slim, yet still had a broad chest and shoulder, trim waist and thin muscular legs. He had slightly curly red hair and a boater hat with a red elastic strip on it. His skin was fair, and freckles adorned his cheeks. His eyes were mismatched, one a beautiful deep sea blue, and the other a forest green. He was wearing a red coat over his white shirt and black pants. His black shoes were surprisingly shiny in the mud, and he had the umbrella in his hand. But then there was the lower half of his face... I probably screamed as I backed out and pressed myself against the car. It really was a horrible sight. Imagine the face of a rotting corpse, but only the bottom half of its face pasted onto this man's. His skin was a sickening red, almost as if it was muscle. There were a couple holes here and there in his cheek, allowing one to see into his mouth. And he had no lips. Literally, no lips, just a set of unusually perfect teeth. I can't even describe what I saw. My breath hitched, my heart pounded, and soon I hyperventilated and fainted on the ground. But not before I felt two strong arms lift me up and carry me away..." And here's our Ringmaster's perspective: "God no... My mask, I'd come out into the rain without my mask. My face aglow for all to see. I almost rushed back for it, but not before I met...her. The girl was crying in the mud...rather...pathetically I must add. But I approached her. I stood with my umbrella next to her and she looked up. She had a short yet unusually...plain body. Like the plainest of plain bodies. Literally, nothing about it was unusual or special. Like the perfect human body diagram in a biology book. Just like that. She had dark brown hair which was short and tied in a small ponytail. She was wearing a dark blue hoodie and brown pants. Like a typical depressed loser-like outfit. Her skin was pale and nose button-like. But her eyes... Oh lord... Oh Mary, in the name of all that is holy... Why... Why were her eyes so...special? They were a reddish blue in color. A very, very special color. And her eyes were very big too. And there in the mud, with her pupils blown wide, thick tears running down her now red face, and lips turned down. She looked...so...cute. You could see each strand of muscle in her iris. And I could make out a couple threads of purple and yellow. So pretty. So beautiful. So so freaking good. But then...she screamed, and I realized. My face. She probably saw what all others saw in me...a monster. A gross disgusting monster. She was probably disgusted beyond measure, guessing by the way she fainted. I dropped the umbrella. I picked her up, and I made my way back to the tent."
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roosterscockpit · 2 years
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x reader P. 27
click here to see the master list
Hi, lovelies! In the last chapter, Leia was shipping us with our good ole buddy Austin, he also was totally hiding some feelings for Phoenix, Leia was calling daddy Brad, Bradley, and Bradley is MIA again. What more can we take? I hope you’re enjoying the story! Thank you for being here! I love you all! 💕 Happy reading and enjoy! ❤️
A/n: With all the chaos that's been happening, you and your friends spend some quality time with Leia. She learns a thing or two in this chapter 😘
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: cursing, sexual jokes, sadness, annoyance, jealousy, awkwardness, nudity, some hitting, but as always a whole lotta LOVE 🫶🏼
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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You all made it outside and sat around the fire pit making s’mores. The girls were sitting together on the patio sofa and the guys on the two single chairs. Bri got up and went and sat on Billy’s lap. 
Bri waved over to Austin, “Go sit with your girls, Austin. I’m fine in this seat.” She gave Billy a kiss on his cheek. She laughed and pointed over to you and Leia. 
She looked at you and mouthed, “You’re welcome!” And put a thumbs up.
You rolled your eyes and motioned for Austin to come to sit with you and Leia. He sat next to Leia and put his arm around her. “You cold, sweetheart?” She nodded. He started to rub her arm. “Let me help you make the best s’more of your life.” He leaned forward to grab a skewer and put a marshmallow on it. He gave her the skewer to hold. He wrapped his arm around her and put his hands on hers and guided her closer to the fire. “Now you just hold it here, until it's brown.” The marshmallow caught fire and Leia screamed.
Leia’s eyes went big, “NOOO! Austin! It’s on fire!!” She was panicking. “it’s going to taste gross like Auntie Bri’s chicken!”
Bri stared into space blankly. Everyone started to laugh. Billy was laughing the hardest. She turned to him slowly. She was upset.
“What babe? It was a little burnt…” he shrugged his shoulders. “I mean I still ate it.”
You all continued to laugh. Austin went back to the s’more, “Sweetheart it's okay.” He was laughing as he tried multiple times to bring it close to his lips to blow it out. He started to build the s’more with Leia, “There now you put some chocolate on a graham cracker, put the marshmallow on it, and then smash it with another cracker.” He handed it to her. “Try it, sweetheart.” He smiled at her.
Leia took a bite and her eyes lit up, “Oh it's so good! Thank you, Austin!” She took another bite, “The next one has to have more chocolate! I love chocolate!” 
You nodded and started to prep a marshmallow on your skewer. “She definitely gets that from her dad.” 
“Momma, there is no such thing as too much chocolate!” Leia angrily bit her s’more.
You looked at her with narrow eyes, “There is if you want to keep your teeth from rotting.” You smiled deviously at her.
Leia gasped and covered her mouth, “It’s okay. These are baby teeth anyways, momma.”
You all made more s’mores and ate them together. Austin helped Leia make another one with extra chocolate. Leia took a bite and sunk into the sofa. She closed her eyes as she ate her s’more. She was really taking in the taste of it. 
She propped herself onto her knees and wrapped her arms around Austin's neck. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, “I love you, Austin.” 
He smiled and patted her arms, “I love you too, Little Lei.”
“It looks like I came at a bad time.” Bradley was standing in the sliding doorway holding a pilot bear for Leia. He was still in his flight suit. Once again, pealed down halfway and tied it around his waist. His black undershirt tight around his strong thick body. 
He slid the screen door open and Leia squealed.
She ran with her arms open with a huge smile on her face. Bradley squatted down as his daughter jumped into his arms. She kissed him all over his face. “I missed you!! I thought you would never come!!” She gave him more kisses. He handed her the teddy bear and she squealed again, “This is for me!?” He kissed Leia’s cheek and then picked her up. (You know like the scene where Goose was reunited with Bradley and Carole and he Kissed Bradley and picked him up. *sobs*)
“Yes it’s for you baby, I missed you so much. Daddy’s been super busy at work. I’m sorry I haven’t come to see you.” He gave her a bunch of playful bite kisses on her cheek. “But I was just dying to see you, sweetheart.” He put her down.
You looked at Austin shocked, “What the hell did you send him, Austin?”
He smiled and shrugged, “Oh nothing, Darlin.” He laughed and ate his s’more.
Bradley came over and greeted you, “Hey, beautiful.” He leaned down and kissed you. He went to go greet Billy with a handshake and placed a kiss on Bri’s head. He came to Austin and stuck his hand out, “I don’t believe we’ve met yet. I’m Lieutenant Bradshaw.” You kicked Bradley’s leg and looked at him annoyed. He looked at you, “ow!” 
Austin stood up and shook Bradley’s hand. “Nice to finally meet you, Lieutenant.” He smiled at Bradley.
Bradley bowed his head slightly and placed his hand free hand onto his chest, “Please, call me Bradley.” 
Austin laughed a little and nodded slowly, “Bradley. I’m Austin.”
Bradley looked him up and down. “Austin, nice to meet you.” 
Austin went to go back to his original seat. He looked at you and smiled. He shook his head and laughed quietly.
Billy scoffed and leaned into Bri, “This cockatiel isn’t freaking serious, is he?” He said it loud enough for everyone to hear. 
Bri slapped Billy’s arm, “What!?” Billy threw his arms out with confusion. “Big bird is being weird, babe!”
Bradley sat next to you and threw his arm over your shoulder. “Hey, baby.” He said seductively and in a low tone. He winked at you and bit his lip slowly.
You looked at him slack-jawed, “Bradley Bradshaw, what has gotten into you.” You poked your cheek with your tongue and shook your head slowly. 
He furrowed his brows and scoffed, “What are you talking about? I’m just happy to see my girls?” 
You narrowed your eyes at him, “You need to go and shower, Lieutenant Bradshaw. You smell like a sweaty cock. pit.” You said the last word slowly and emphasized it as if it were two words. 
He looked at your lips and licked his, “All right mama, I’ll go shower. Don’t want to be smelling like a sweaty cock, don't we?”  He pecked your lips and went into the house. 
As he made his way to the sliding door he looked over at Austin, “It was great meeting you.” He make a clicking noise and winked at him.
Austin had his fingers loosely interlocked together, elbows resting on the armrests, and his index fingers against his chin. He smirked at him and bowed his head slightly, “You as well, Bradley.” 
Bradley passed the threshold and entered the house.
You buried your face into your hands. “My goodness.” 
You looked up and saw that Bri was looking at you befuddled. “What the hell was that?” 
Billy took a bite of his s’more, “Well that was fucking awkward. Sorry Austin, the bird guy is kind of weird bro.” He shook his head.  
You just closed your eyes. “I have no damn clue. Austin, I’m so sorry for the hostility. I have no idea what’s gotten into that man.” 
He laughed, “No need, y/n.” You opened your eyes and looked at him and he winked at you. “Completely fine, Darlin.” He took a bite of a s’more and leaned back in his chair.
You all started to make s’mores and you excused yourself. You guided Leia to sit with Austin. She started to show her bear to him. 
You made your way inside and to your room. You swung the door open to a butt-naked Bradley.
“Bradley, what the-” The door hit the wall and there he was, butt ass naked and wet. “OH MY GOD!” You put your hand up to hide his naked exposed private parts, “BRADLEY NICOLAS BRADSHAW. HOLY CRAP!” You looked away still holding your hand up. 
He threw his hands up, “Y/n, do you mind closing the door? I’m feeling a draft.” 
You closed the door and still keeping your hand up, “Why are you butt-ass naked in here? And you’re dripping all over my floor!” 
He rested his hands on his hips, “Sweetheart, you act as if you’ve never seen me naked. Please put your hand down. You’re being childish.”
You put your hand down and looked at him. You tried your hardest to not let your eyes roam. You look him straight in the face, “Where is your towel? God, what if someone else walked in here and not me?”
“You look so uncomfortable, you can look if you like the view, honey.” He laughed. “Why would anyone else come in here? What? Do you let Austin just come in your room?”
You scoffed, “Are you being serious, Bradshaw?” You shook your head in annoyance. “Your daughter could have come in here and would have been face to ass with your ass!” 
He laughed, “My poor girl.” He went into the bathroom and grabbed a towel. He came back out and wrapped it around his waist. “Is that better, sweetheart? I really thought you would have been happier with it off. Y’know with all that cock talk you had out there.” he raised his brows and chuckled.
You sat on your bed and pinched the bridge of your nose, “Bradley, what the hell was that out there?” You mocked him, “I’m Lieutenant Bradshaw.” You looked at him annoyed.
“That’s how I introduce myself to everyone, babe.” He rested his hands on his hips again narrowing his eyes at you. 
“You didn’t introduce yourself that way to Leia.” You were blank-faced and rested your chin on your fist. 
He ran his hand through his hair and sighed, “Leia isn’t everyone y/n.” 
You shook your head and patted the spot next to you on the bed. “I need you to tell me the truth, Bradley. Why did you act that way to Austin? Please just be honest with me.” 
He sat down and held his breath. He blinked a couple of times and let out his breath, “Hearing your daughter tell another guy that she loves him before she says it to you doesn’t exactly make you happy.” He leaned forward and rested his forearms on his knees. “I got really jealous. She hasn’t even acknowledged me as her dad yet.” He bit his lip and hung his head.
You draped your arm over his shoulder and placed your other hand on his cheek. “You know she loves you, Bradley. Don’t think that way. Just give her some time. Just like you, Leia is adjusting too.”
He looked at you, “But how long has he been in your life? What is he to you? What is he to Leia? Does she call him dad?” He was hurting.
You placed a kiss on his wet forehead, “Bradley, Austin has not been in my nor Leia’s life long. To me, he is a caring and loving friend. I’m not going to lie to you, there were some feelings between us, but I don’t want to be with him. I love you. He has been there for me and I don’t want to ruin what he and I have, he’s a great friend. He knows everything about you and I can tell you everything about him. To Leia, that’s her best friend outside of her Auntie Bri, Uncle Billy, you, and I. He’s always here to help her, play with her, and watch her when Bri and I need a little time.” 
You pushed his wet curls from his forehead, “And she absolutely does not call him her dad, he has just done a lot for her, and I know she appreciates the time he spends with her. It’s someone new. You have to remember, she was only around Bri, Billy, and me for a long time.”
He looked at you and nodded, “I get it, sweetheart. Austin is your Phoenix. I just don’t want to lose you.” 
You placed a kiss on his lips, “Yes, Austin is my Phoenix.” You kissed his lips again, “I’m not going anywhere, bird boy.” You smiled reassuringly at Bradley.
He smiled back at you and kissed your hand, “I love you so much, sweetheart. More than you’ll ever know.”
“I love you, Bradley. But, if you love me as much as you say you do, you will go say sorry to Austin and be nice.” You poked him in the chest.
He raised a brow at you, “What will I get in return, beautiful?”
You shook your head, “Maybe, I’ll let you stay with me tonight.” You winked at him.
“Deal, I just need to put clothes on.” He stood up and looked around. “Yea… I uh, actually don’t have any y/n.”
You stood up and walked to the door, “I guess you can go home then, Lieutenant Bradshaw.” You saluted him and walked out the door.
“Shit.” He looked around and grabbed one of your big shirts and loose-fitting oversized sweats. He put them on and looked in the mirror. 
“Holy fuck I look like the Hulk.” He shook his head. “The things I do for you y/n.” He started to walk, “God if I do something as little as breathe I’m gonna tear through these clothes.” He walked to the sliding door and opened it slowly making sure not to bust a seam.
Leia, who was sitting on Austin’s lap, looked over at her dad and started to laugh super loud. She pointed at him, “Why are you wearing momma’s clothes!”
You turned to see him practically stiff as a board, “Lord forgive me.” You bit your lip trying to hold in your laugh. “This is freaking gold.”
Bri looked over and huffed out a sigh, “Oh my god.” She palmed her face.
Billy leaned back in his seat, “Damn Bradshaw, what the hell? Where did all that come from?” 
Bri looked at Billy, “I told you he was significantly bigger than you. He can crush you with a finger.”
Billy covered his eyes, “I am just going to act like you didn’t say he was significantly bigger than me.”
“You know how I meant it! You’re such a child.” Bri scoffed.
Bradley came out and stood before Austin, “Hey man, I just want to apologize for being an ass earlier. I didn’t mean any harm.”
Austin held Leia and stood up, “Hey man, it's really no problem. No need to apologize. We are all good.” He shook Bradley’s hand. 
“No, I really need to apologize, man. It was uncalled for-”
Austin waved him off and laughed, “Seriously, we are good.” He patted his shoulder. “I totally get it, Bradley.”
Bradley nodded and pressed his lips into a line, “Okay, yea. Good. Good. I’m glad we are good. But uh, now if you will all excuse me, I feel a rash forming on my balls from the tight-ass pants.” He walks slowly back into the house. 
Leia looked at Austin, “Austin what are balls? And why are they getting a rash?” Leia asked Austin bluntly confused.
Billy bursted into laughter. Austin was puzzled, “Um, I think you should ask your dad that, sweetheart.” He patted her belly. 
Austin looked at you, nodded, and mouthed, “Thank you.” 
You nodded and mouthed back, “You’re Welcome.”
Austin carried Leia over to you and sat with you again. He leaned into you, “Y/n. You didn’t have to do that. He was just being a protective guy.”
“No, Lieutenant Bradshaw was being an ass.” You rolled your eyes and smiled.
“Does that guy realize that you two were together? Or does he even know?” Billy called over to you and Austin.
“Together?” Austin jerked his head back confused, “Us? Y/n and I? Together?” His eyes shifted between you and Billy.
“I’ve already told him our past, Austin.” You looked over at him and patted his shoulder.
“You did what!?” He sat back against the sofa, “You said we were together, y/n?”
“No just feelings. But I didn’t want any more than to be your friend.”
Austin put his hand on his eyes.
“Ouch, Aus. Fucking kick to the balls.” Billy laughed at Austin.
Austin wiped his hand down his face and looked at Billy, “I already knew we were just friends. I didn’t mind. I love y/n and Leia too much to potentially ruin what we have.” He straightened out his back and set Leia on the sofa next to him. “I am going to go talk to Bradley. Clear some more air. I don’t need to get beat up.” 
He looked at Leia and winked at her, “Help me make some s’mores for you dad, to soften him up.” 
She started t clap excitedly as she grabbed for the marshmallows. Austin grabbed her head and kissed her hair. “Maybe your extra chocolate ones will help me out.”
Leia started to roast the marshmallows. Austin wrapped his arm around her and helped her bring them into the fire so she wouldn’t hurt herself. He kissed her temple, “Thank you for helping, Darlin.” 
Austin started to assemble to s’mores. Leia roasted one last marshmallow. She wanted to try and do it on her own. You watched her closely. “Okay, baby I think it’s been in there long enough.” You put your hand on the skewer to pull it back. 
Leia held it in the fire, “No momma, a little longer!” She smiled and her eyes were wide.
Austin looked over and pointed at the roasting marshmallow, “Sweetheart it's about to” Then the marshmallow fell off the skewer into the fire. “…fall off.” 
Leia looked disappointed. She stood up and looked at the fire. She took the skewer and started to stab at the fire. You pulled Leia back and Austin snatched the skewer. 
“Woah there, sweetheart! What are you doing?” Austin put his hand on Leia’s chest.
She pouted in your arms. She crossed her arms and looked mad. “The stupid fire melted my marshmallow!” She huffed, “I wanted it back.”
You laughed, “We can get a new one, babe. That one is long gone!” 
She pouted louder, “But I want that one! It looked so good!”
Bri laughed, “Baby! That one was burnt to a crisp!”
Leia looked at her angrily, “Like your chicken!” She pointed and laughed at Bri.
Bri leaned back against Billy and waved off Leia. Everyone laughed at her again.
“You walked yourself into that one, Bri.” Austin cried out as he laughed. He gave Leia a high-five. 
“You are definitely sassy like your dad.” 
Not a jealous daddy 😭 but I really feel he had the right to feel the way he did. What do you think? I’ll see you in the next part, babes! 🫶🏼
The tag list is in the comments! I hope it helps somewhat with the tagging issue! 😭
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stvrchaser · 2 years
omg omg omg ur such a lifesaver w ur requests for jay kelso being open! but how about going to the drive in movie with jay!! maybe a lil kissing here and there 🤭 n e ways i appreciate all your work! <3
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( note ) : ahh!! i loved this prompt sm. it gave me an excuse to write teeth-rotting fluff and temporarily retreat to a fandom i abandoned a while ago. the it miniseries had two episodes (I think??) and idk if drive-ins usually show series. if not, let’s say they do for plot purposes. the two episodes are like 3hrs total anyway so it’s a somewhat passable movie length. i just wanted to include a horror movie moment (because jay canonically gets scared easily and i couldn’t not use that to my advantage)… so here we are. have fun!!
oh. and can you tell by reading this that bullying is 80% of my love language? /j
( pairing ) : jay kelso x reader
( words ) : 1700
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There’s a certain charm to Point Place. Most people dream of living in the city where time slips by faster than they can keep up with. They seek the thrill in busy streets and sleepless nights. Personally, you don’t think small towns are too bad. Point Place isn’t too bad. Of course, you might be a little biased.
The city doesn’t have a Jay Kelso. It doesn’t have the local ice-cream shop Jay took you to on your first date. It doesn’t have the old gazebo where you waited out the rain on your one-year anniversary. It doesn’t have a weekly drive-in at the local park where you spend hours critiquing movie plots and laughing at stupid jokes over milkshakes and burgers.
There’s only one place you’ll find that — home.
There’s a loud boom over the speakers, the kind they pair with a loud crescendo to evoke that sense of suspense. It shakes the ground and everything that touches it, startling your boyfriend. His hands find your own and grips them tight. When you look up, you see his eyes are squeezed shut.
“Why do they keep doing that?” Jay sounds breathless, his cheeks flushed from knowing that you’d definitely felt him flinch. It’s endearing, really.
“Why do they keep doing that?” Jay sounds breathless, his cheeks flushed from knowing that you’d definitely felt him flinch. It’s endearing, really.
“It’s a horror franchise, babe. If you wanted something more quiet, you should have just asked me to read the book. Less sound effects and pointed teeth.” You make a show out of baring your teeth, imitating the snapping jaw of the werewolf on-screen.
“There’s a book?” he asks, finally opening his eyes. You think he’s joking, at first. Like he’s about to say something about how waiting for the movie is just so much easier. But his brows are settled into that look he gets when he’s really confused. You sit upright, startling Jay with the suddenness of your movement.
“There’s a— What do you mean ‘There’s a book?’ It’s Stephen King!” He stares blankly. “You’re kidding. He’s published like thirty novels.”
“Well, none that I’ve read.” You roll your eyes.
“Well, duh. When was the last time you picked up a book?”
“I read!” he bristles.
“Comics don’t count.”
“I read other things! I don’t have an A in English for nothing.” You want to say something about how class novels don’t count either but you decide against it. He is smart, really. He’s easily distracted, sure, but Jay is a lot more knowledgeable than he lets on. He’s particularly good at reading people, what they like and don’t like. It’s probably why he gets along with everyone.
“Alright, fine. But please tell me you’ve watched some of his other films.” He shakes his head. ”No? Not even Carrie? The Shining?” You think your pitch rises with every question, baffled by this new revelation regarding your boyfriend’s lack of horror movie knowledge. “Jay, I don’t know how I feel about this.” He rolls his eyes at your dramatics.
“I’m just not a big horror fan!” That, you know, is a gross understatement. Jay can get scared by so much as a light breeze. You refuse to confirm nor deny whether you find pleasure in taking advantage of that very fun fact.
“Fair enough. Some people just scare easily, I guess.”
“Not me, though,” he huffs a defensive, albeit nervous laugh.
Oh, that’s cute.
“Really?” you challenge.
“Uh-huh. It’s gonna take a lot more than a movie to scare me.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“Just imagine this happening in real life. I mean, it’s terrifying. This guy can just get inside your head. Sure, ghosts and stuff can be scary. But at least you can move out or… perform an exorcism for that. How do you tell an ancient omnipotent alien to get out of your head? I don’t even have to be afraid of one specific thing, but if I’m creative enough, who knows what I could come up with? Like… a flesh-eating centipede the size of a crocodile. What do you think he’d shape-shift into if he was trying to scare you?”
You’re only slightly thrown off to be met with silence. Your mind is running through a thousand words a minute, theorizing about hypothetical evils and mind-reading. The absurdity, all too welcome, is only manageable to the extent that you’re still aware of where you are, who you’re with, and how said person seems to have stopped breathing.
“Jay? Ja-ay!” you try to snap him out of it.
“Nothing, duh. I think I’d know if a creepy clown was trying to manipulate me, thanks.” He’s pale as a ghost, clearly unnerved. You’re cruel, and he’s unlucky.
“Really? Not even if a spider started crawling on you?”
“Y/N,” Jay warns, sensing the mischief in your tone, low and taunting.
“I wouldn’t go to sleep with my mouth open tonight, if I were you.”
“No, no, Y/N don’t put that into my head,” he whines. You grin.
“The creepy crawlies are out to get-cha!” You reach for the nape of his neck, fingers crawling upward to imitate his eight-legged foe. Jay’s eyes widen in horror. Before you know it, he’s scrambling for his car keys.
“Nope! Nuh-uh! Not doing this. Going home now, thank you!”
“Oh my god, Jay!” you call after him.
The couple to your right hisses an angry scolding in your direction. In your opinion, that was a hell of a lot scarier than the face-painted clown with a preference for human flesh. Jay doesn’t seem to notice that though because he’s climbing into the driver’s seat, face pale. He looks a little bit sick.
“Jay, baby, I was just messing with you.” He shakes his head profusely.
“First it’s centipedes, next it’s spiders. I don’t even wanna know what else you can come up with. I’m already not sleeping tonight. I’m gonna try to keep it to a one-night maximum.”
“Jay.” He looks at you through the rear-view mirror. “Ja-ay. Can you look at me for a sec?” You crawl after him, wrapping your arms around the backrest of his seat. There’s only an inch of space between your mouth and his neck. Your steady breath, and the softness of your voice, eases the tension in his shoulders. “How about this? If you watch the whole thing with me and still feel scared, I’ll sleep over at your place tonight. I’ll protect you from any killer clowns and creepy insects, hm? What do you think?” He takes ahold of your hand, looking at you through the mirror again with a slight grin. You can tell he’s holding back, biting at his cheek to keep the corners of his mouth from turning upward.
“Is that a promise?” You press a kiss to his knuckle.
“Cross my heart, hope to die. I can throw in a pinky-swear in, if you need it.” With your free hand, you raise a pinky to his face.
“Oh, shut up.”
“You love me.” He grumbles through your fit of laughter. When your breath evens out again, you’re surprised to see his expression change. Jay's eyes crinkle with a smile. Not his usual teeth-baring grin, but the blissed-out turn of the mouth that holds all weight in his gaze, alone. Sincerity. Admiration. Love.
“I do, don’t I?” You’re momentarily stunned by the intimateness of this moment. The sudden vulnerability is so unexpected that all you can do is press a kiss to his cheek – a silent acknowledgement of his affection as if to say ‘I love you too.’
Like most days, you slip back comfortably into childish banter.
“But I still don’t get why you like this movie so much.”
“It’s a classic. Besides, doesn’t The Losers Club kind of remind you of us? Tight-knit friend group in a small town, spending the summer together?” He tilts his head to the side, seemingly deep in thought.
“Does that make you Beverly?” You open your mouth, but hesitate to respond. Jay raises his brow, intrigued by your tentativeness.
“I was thinking Richie.”
“Huh. You know what? That checks out. Trashmouth Tozier’s got nothing on you.”
“Damn right.” You clap an approving hand for his shoulder, reaching back to the abandoned meal you’ve left in the back of the car. Jay, with his impeccable timing, decides to return the attempt of humiliating you just as you reach for your milkshake. Admittedly, it’s well-played. You’d be proud if it wasn’t you he was trying to make fun of.
“You sure it’s got nothing to do with your crush on Bill?” Your jaw drops, surprised.
“I do not have a crush on Bill!” Your voice gives you away, sounding undoubtedly guilty, almost reminiscent of the turbulence in Jay’s voice when he insisted that he wasn’t scared. Turns out, you’re both terrible liars when it comes to each other. It’s quite humbling. “Well, maybe a little.”
“I knew it!”
“Hey! I’m allowed to like things for multiple reasons.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m sure you’re here for the power of friendship.” He waves a dismissive hand.
“See?” You play dumb to his sarcasm. “Now you’re getting it.”
“You’re so lucky I like you.”
“Does that mean we’re staying?” You flash him a sickly sweet smile. With a sigh, Jay finally surrenders.
“Fine. But I’m holding you to that promise. You’re coming over.”
“Good.” You shift back to where you were seated, facing the large screen again. “I really wanted to get through all of the scenes with Bill.” He gasps, feigning offense with an exaggerated hand to his chest.
“First of all, how dare you?”
“You love me! Remember that!”
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slithymomerath · 8 months
Let’s normalize hearing “I know I should do X, but it’s hard for me because Y” and responding with kindness and understanding, in all contexts.
For one example, I have ADHD and appetite issues that make me have a hard time brushing my teeth before bed. For the longest time, I was too ashamed to say to anyone, “I know I should brush my teeth before bed, but it’s hard for me” because I was afraid they’d say “ew, you’re so gross!” or “you have to change that, your teeth are all going to rot”. Now I have a really great roommate who responds with kindness when I say things like that. And you know what? That made me follow it up with “hm, my appetite problems aren’t so bad anymore, and also probably brushing my teeth before bed is better than not brushing them at all even if I keep snacking afterwards, so I’m going to try to start doing it”. I just needed a non-judgmental space to explore what was blocking me.
A similar thing has happened with my relationship with homeless people. For a long time, I felt really bad about not giving to homeless people when I saw them, but the idea of stopping and taking out my wallet on a crowded street made me really anxious. Also, I was worried that I couldn’t possibly know how much to give people, because on one hand they all definitely need it more than me, but on the other hand I’m trying to pay off college loans and be able to get dinner with my friends, and I don’t want to live a completely destitute life where I give away everything I have. I was talking with someone who gave me the space to say “well, maybe I just need to give money to people once to get past the anxiety. Or maybe I can work around it by giving people snacks I have in my bag if they’d like those, which also solves the “how much money” problem.” Now I regularly give out granola bars and handwarmers, and I hope to keep moving in the direction of giving out money.
Now to bring these examples back to the issue I’m really addressing: I don’t think it’s productive to shame people for not boycotting or donating money to important humanitarian causes. Notice I didn’t say it’s not nice, I know a lot of you don’t care if it’s nice. (And I totally feel you! Who cares about being nice when people are dying?) I think it’s not productive, because very few people in the “I know I should do X but Y stops me” camp are going to change their behavior because you shamed them. They’re just going to unfollow or close the app. The best way to get them to do what you want is to engage with kindness and empathy, and wait for them to get to where both you and them want them to be. The important part of “I know I should X but Y” is “I know I should X”. We just gotta give them a little patience and help.
If you still have problems with this idea, I’ll just say: let they who has never neglected an important social justice cause cast the first stone.
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Chapter eleven: Anyone Else But You —✧
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Chapter Warnings: pregnancy, kissing🤭, teeth rotting fluff, cursing
Author’s Note: I was smiling the entire time I wrote this ngl. Mostly all of the rest of season one is going to be original work written by me so please be patient!! You guys are amazing! Eat up!! Don’t forget to like comment and repost!!
I NEVER REALIZED HOW MUCH I LIKE BEING HOME, unless I've been somewhere really different for a while. Physically and metaphorically I’ve been gone a lot lately. Home just seemed to do the trick. Pulling into the driveway after spending a gross amount of time at the barn with Stan, and then deciding to come home around 3 in the morning. I had a few missed calls from my parents, even Shelley texted to ask if I was okay. Stan had called them a few minutes ago to let them know I was fine, and would be home soon. It felt like all the air I had been neglected of re-entered my body when walking into my home.
“Hey, Dad.” I said softly, making my dad smile as I walked in the door.
“Hey, big puffy version of Junebug. Where you been?” He asked, missing the phone call my brother reserved for my mother, who would most likely be the one to freak out at my absence. I wasn’t quite sure what my dad was even doing up in the first place, but it didn’t surprise me too much either that he was.
“Oh, just out dealing with things way beyond my maturity level. Where is everybody?” I asked, sitting down across from him, as he gestured to the door.
“Your mom’s asleep and Stan’s at the barn. Something about his creative juices.” Dad explained, shaking his head, not even trying to understand what Stan had meant by Creative Juices.
“God, when will you guys learn that creative juices just means piss?” I said, pinching the bridge of my nose with annoyance as my dad chuckled lightly.
“You look a little morose, honey. What's eating you?” He asked, making me sigh as I sat across from him.
“I'm just, like, losing my faith with humanity.” I explained, making my dad sigh in response.
Now I know that Randy Marsh isn’t the best father, definitely far from it. Stan Shelley and I, and even my mother had gotten very close to finally giving up on him. But we didn’t. And somehow, somewhere along those lines he changed. It must have been all the bull crap that came with the pandemic. My dads weed business nearly cost me my life, and I think he realized that quick enough. Because now he was my dad, like he was when I was a kid. Getting shoulder rides and ice cream, and playing the stick of truth with Stan as we’d defeat my dad who’d pretend to be the evil dragon. It was the time of my life, and I know he missed it just as much as me. Because now he was my dad again, and it was great.
“Wow, can you narrow that down for me?”
“I just wonder if, like…Two people can stay together for good.” I asked, making his eyebrows furrow as he stopped what he was doing on his computer to look up at me.
“You mean like couples?”
“Yeah, like people in love.”
He shifted in his spot, closing his laptop and folding his arms.
“Are you having boy trouble? I gotta be honest, I don't much approve of you dating in your condition. That's kind of messed up.” He teased, making me roll my eyes playfully, shoving him slightly as he laughed.
“No, Dad, it's not…”
“That's pretty skanky. Isn't that what you girls call it? Skanky? Skeevy?” He asked, making me scrunch my nose up as I cringed.
“Please stop.” I said, giggling as he continued.
“What? No, I’m hip. I’m a cool dad. Tore up from the floor up? Is that it?”
“That's not what it's about. I just need to know that it's possible… That two people can stay happy together forever.” I asked, making him retreat a bit, nodding slightly.
“Well, it's not easy. That's for sure.” He stopped, scratching the back of his head as he thought. It was kinda a funny thing I always realized my dad did. “And I don't have the best track record in the world, I know, you know. But I've been with your mom for 30 years now… sure we’ve had our ups and downs but I'm proud to say we're very happy. Once I got over myself, we realized when you love someone it overweights all the silly bickering.” He explained, sighing when he remembered our rough childhood. I could tell he felt remorse for everything, that he was trying again. “Look… In my opinion, the best thing you can do… Find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty… Handsome, what have you. The right person's still gonna think the sun shines out of your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with.”
He smiled to himself, laughing slightly when he caught eye of the family photo that sat above our coffee table. I couldn’t help but smile too. I think my parents must have been the most in love people I knew. No one could yell at each other so much, and not care enough about the other to keep coming back. Cause that’s what it means to live someone, to care enough to yell, just because of love.
“Yeah. Yeah, and I think I've found that person.” I smiled to myself, a certain Jewish Ginger clouding my mind.
“Yeah, sure you have. Your dear old D-A-D. I'll always be there to love and support you… No matter what kind of pickle you're in.” He explained, tapping his chest as I chuckled.
“Obviously. Dad, I think I'm just gonna, like, shove out for a sec. But I won't be home late.” I said, getting up and grabbing my keys and wallet.
“Okay. You were talking about me, right?” He asked, turning to see me. I nodded my head, ruffling his hair.
“Oh, yeah.”
“Was it Stan then?” He asked again, catching the sarcasm in my voice. I smiled at him, kissing his cheek as I hugged him.
“Yeah dad, you and Stan.”
I CALLED KENNY AND SOME HOW MANAGED TO GET HIM OUT OF BED AT 5:00AM TO INDULGE IN MY RIDICULOUSNESS. The great thing about Kenny is that when I asked him to help me buy 212 mini containers of orange tictacs (the day I knew I loved kyle), Kenny didn’t bat an eye at the idea. So we made our way to the 711, managed to derail all the strange looks we received, and made our way to stuff said 212 packs of orange tictac’s into Kyle’s locker.
So the next day at school, I managed to waddle my way into Kyle’s basketball practice, Kenny Stan and Cartman all excitedly waiting and watching by the door. He caught my eye, saying something to Tolkien as he passed him the ball before jogging over to me. I loved the was he looked at basketball practice. His hat was off, his orange/red curls clung slightly to his face, controlled slightly by the sweat and hair gel he previously applied. On a rare occasion he’d be wearing a sweatband around his head, or even tie his curls back into a tiny bun to keep them contained. But this had to be my favorite look by far.
“Tictacoholic, hey.” I said, smiling at Kyle with my hands in my pockets, as he wiped his forehead of sweat.
“Hey, did you put like a hundred things of tic tacs in my mailbox?” He asked, laughing slightly. I nodded, seemingly smiling even more as my cheeks reddened.
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, that was me.”
“Well, you know, they're your fave. And you can never have too many of your favorite one-calorie breath mint.” I explained, making him nod, smiling back as he scratched his neck nervously.
“Well, thanks. I think I'm pretty much set until college on the tic tac front.”
“You know, Kyle, I was thinking. And I'm sorry I was such a huge bitch to you. You don't deserve it.” I explained, making him frown. He sighed, looking back at me as he shook his head.
“It's okay. You know, it's okay. It’s warrented, I mean I’ve sort of ruined your life so I can understand your anger..and you have every right to..”
“I think I'm in love with you.” I blurted out quickly, interrupting his rambling. His cheeks turned a crimson shade of red, and he shook his head again, giggling nervously.
“What, you mean as friends?” He asked, and I shook my head, still smiling at him.
“No. I mean for real. Because you're, like, the coolest person I've ever met… And you don't even have to try, you know.”
“I try really hard, actually.”
“You're, like, naturally smart. Like so mind blowingly smart, I can even wrap my head around it. But you aren’t like a huge dick about it, your so kind. And you're not like everyone else. You don't stare at my stomach. You look at my face. And every time I see you...The baby starts kicking super-hard.” I put a hand on my stomach, confirming what I had said as the baby started attacking my hand once again.
“It does? Really?” His face seemed to light up with joy, his eyes quickly glancing down at my bump then back to my eyes.
“I think it's because my heart starts pounding every time I see you.” I explained, holding a hand over my heart.
“Mine too.” He sighed, looking down at my stomach again. “Can I um, can I feel it?” He stuttered, but I didn’t give him time to answer, instead grabbing his hand and holding it to the place where the baby kicked. His eyes lit up, and for a split second while looking at the smile on his face, I felt home.
“That’s all I could ask for.” I replied quietly, feeling if I spoke to loudly I would ruin the moment. “You're golden, man. Can we make out now?” I asked, holding my hands on his cheeks. He nodded quickly, making me laugh.
And with that, I connected my lips to his. His other hand found its way into my hair as we both melted into the kiss. It was entirely perfect, and whole. In its entire entity, it was euphoric and more. An indescribable feeling, it was love.
“Hey, you know, you can go into early labor sucking face like that.” Kenny yelled, making me hold one hand out with my middle finger, hearing Kenny and the boys snickering in the background.
“Careful, don’t wanna make a twin!” Cartman yelled back, this time Kyle pulled away for a moment.
“Shut up fatass!” He shouted in Cartman’s direction, before supporting a hand on my lower back, dipping me slightly as he continued to kiss me.
“Aye!” Cartman shouted back, causing me to pull away, my forehead pressed to Kyle’s as we both started laughing. I couldn’t tell you what was funny, just the feeling of euphoric joy that filt my system. And besides, the look of disgust that was covered on my brother's face from witnessing this exchange was too funny not to laugh.
LIFE WAS GOOD, and I think for the first time in a long time, I really truly was home. Sitting with Kyle at the old house near the barn, just sitting, listening to the vintage record player that played in the background as I cuddled into his side.
“Ah shit.” I grumbled, holding a hand on my stomach as I felt a few rough kicks against my ribs.
“What? What’s wrong?” Kyle mumbled against my hair, jerking his head up slightly with worry.
“Fucking, jerk.” I groaned again, throwing my head back, this time worrying Kyle, who sat up fully in his spot.
“What is it Jo?” He asked softly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear lovingly.
“Nothing just, the baby won’t stop kicking me.” I groaned again, and he smiled, putting a hand over my bump as he pressed his lips against it softly.
“Hey little one, you gotta be nice.” He mumbled against my stomach, as the baby pressed an angry kick against his hand. He laughed, realizing the kicking pattern that the baby had.
“What?” I asked, and he just smiled and shook his head.
“They aren’t trying to kick you, they’ve got the hiccups.” He explained, causing me to furrow my eyebrows at him.
“How the hell do you know that?” I asked, and his eyes widened, his cheeks blushing with embarrassment.
“I looked it up. Usually these moving and kicking fits means the baby has the hiccups.” He pressed a soft kiss against my stomach.
“How to I get it to stop?” I whined, rubbing my bump softly at the bottom. He shared a look with me, before turning back to my stomach.
“Hey Buddy, I know you’re excited to come out and all but you gotta calm down, you’re freaking yourself out.” He spoke softly into the fabric of my shirt, making me laugh slightly.
“I don’t think they can hear you.”
“They definitely can. Just follow your daddy’s voice, hold your breath, like this.”
Kyle held his breath, before releasing, and suddenly the hiccups stopped. Kyle looked up to see the soft look on my face.
“Oh, Juno I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say that it just kinda came out..” he stuttered nervously, before I just smiled, holding a hand over his on my stomach.
“They stopped.” I said, ignoring his apology. He looked up at me nervous, before nodding.
“Yeah.. yeah they did.”
“I really like the sound of that Kyle.” I said, making eye contact with Kyle.
“The sound of what?”
“Of you being a dad.” I said softly, and there was that light that returned to his face.
“Really?” He asked, laughing nervously.
“I think I wanna hear it forever:” I looked over at him and he jumped in his spot, looking back at me with a look full of hope.
“Actually? You mean it? We can keep them?” He asked frantically, and I nodded, holding his face in my hands.
“They’re already ours.” I said, and Kyle pulled me into a deep kiss.
“You have no idea how happy you just made me.” He said, hidding me tightly. We stayed like that for a while, until I felt him falter.
“Not to you know, ruin the moment or anything, but how are we gonna tell your parents?” He asked, making me pull away, my eyes widened as I looked at him.
“Oh f*ck.”
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