#it’s the lilo and stitch quote get it
woahhersheybars · 9 months
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winter belongs to THEM
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
imaging early charlie's struggles with newly not-as-much-of-a-murderer vaggie like-
Charlie: (shows of a doodle of vaggie) "This is you!"
Vaggie: "Okay?" (she drew FANART of me???)
Charlie: "And this red color-" (points to doodle) "-is you anger level."
Vaggie: "....all of me is in red."
Charlie: (contemplative) "Yes. It's unusually high, for someone of your size."
Vaggie: "Look. If this is about that demon from yesterday-"
Charlie: "It's about that demon from today."
Vaggie: "What, her? She bumped into you! On purpose!! She basically walked herself right onto my spear-"
Charlie: "You threw it at her head from across store!"
Vaggie: "And if it wasn't for her stupid, perfectly-timed sneeze-"
Charlie: "You're lucky she sneezed right then- she was giving you weird looks the whole time I was yanking the spear outta the wall and dragging you away!!"
Vaggie: "I could've taken her."
Charlie: "She was an overlord, Vaggie, and six feet taller than you."
Vaggie: "She'd've been a foot and half less taller with her head missing."
Charlie: "Okay."
Charlie: (drawing a new doodle of vaggie) "This is you ALIVE. THIS-" (taps doodle aggressively) "-is our long-term goal!"
Vaggie: ".....our?" (gay) (disbelieving)
Charlie: "..." (bi) (desperate)
Charlie: "...SO! WHO WANTS PIZZA!?"
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Told you there’d be more. And I’m still not done BWAHAAHAH
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So I was rewatching Eddie Begins and (this isn’t going to be the most eloquent so hold on) when Eddie is drowning and all the memories are flashing before his eyes, they use the song ‘Carry You’ by Ruelle. This song is the same song they use in MayDay in season 5 when the team goes to save Bobby and May.
What makes this so cool to me is that when it comes to both scenes, both men have dealt with a reality where they thought they wouldn’t be able to have a proper family; Bobby because of losing Marcy, Bobby Jr, and Brook (and not wanting to overstep w/Athena and the kids) and Eddie because of Shannon and his parents and his own struggles of feeling inadequate and not wanting Christopher to suffer, so putting up a wall of some sorts.
So in Eddie Begins, the song swells when he has decided to keep going. He keeps going despite being at deaths door because he doesn’t just have Christopher (although thats the main part of it) , he has an entire family that he and Chris are a part of and he accepts that. That he has a family that loves him
Bobby sees May as a daughter but doesn’t necessarily expect her to see him the same way as a dad. Also, while he has gotten 100x better ever since his infamous, “We’re not a family” in season 1, he still has that doubt when it comes to his team; 2021-22 had been hard on his team, the family aspect of it especially crumbling and he has been having to hold it together. But then he’s in danger, and as the song swells, his family which had been broken reaffirms that they are family that he is a crucial member of it, and they pull him and May out (and we get the scene of May affirming that this is her dad).
And at the same time we also get Eddie, who tore himself from his family because he thought it was the right thing to do (because of overwhelming trauma about to pop off like mentos in soda) coming back to his family and realizing that is where he is meant to be.
Anyway, Bobby and Eddie being mirrors of each other makes my chest fill with emotions and they both get families and happiness and I thank god for the 9-1-1 writers we have.
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So I was thinking abt Ballister going straight for the throat in their training fights when he was younger and accidentally on purpose hurting a bunch of kids. The only way he knows how to fight is with his life at stake but that’s not conducive for a classroom setting. And then this happened
*the director brings young Bal to the queen to knock some sense into him bc she is at her wits end w this child*
Ballister: I hit Todd Sureblade today
Queen Valerin: you hit him??
Ballister: after I bit him
Queen Valerin: you BIT him. Ughh, Ballister, you know you can’t-
Ballister: people treat me different
Queen Valerin:
Queen Valerin: they just don’t know what to say
And now I’m crying
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Horizon: Forbidden West #043
Source: Lilo & Stitch
Gerard: Ah. You're vile; you're foul; you're flawed. Zo: Also cute and fluffy. (Use the image of her stabbing him)
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
Danyal Al Ghul: Incorrect Quotes and Miscellaneous Thoughts
Incorrect quotes-style snippets specifically for my danyal al ghul au here (which i really need to come up with a unique au name for atp). Because I thought it'd be funny. And also some miscellaneous headcanons thrown into the mix. Some context for the au: - Danyal is 5 years older than Damian (so 10 and 15) - Danny faked his death when he was 10. Talia knows and helped him with it. - Jazz, Sam, and Tucker do not know he's an ex-assassin.
-------- Snippet 1
Danny, dryly tapping his temple: I have, as the Americans say, irreparable psychological damage, right here.
Jazz, an older sibling first and foremost: well, it's good that you're self-aware.
-------- Snippet 2
Danny, aged 10, in the American foster planning to just age out of the system: *emanating Bad Vibes. Pure, Little Orphan Tom Riddle Energy*
Jazz, aged 12, coming in to adopt a new sibling with her parents: Him. This is my brother now :)
Danny: ...what
Lilo and Stitch is Danny's favorite Disney movie. He watched it when he was 11 with Jazz when she was attempting to connect with him, and by this point Danny was becoming receptive to her efforts. They had a movie marathon in the living room one night.
Safe to say? It resonated with his little 11 year old heart strongly, and he related very strongly with both Nani and Stitch. He got unexpectedly emotional and hid in his room for the rest of the night. Jazz felt really bad, but it had the intended (but kinda unexpected) effect of him trying to be nicer to her afterwards.
-------- Snippet 3
Dash, aged 12, causing trouble again and getting intercepted by Danny: *scaling up a desk* AHHHHH! GET YOUR LITTLE FREAK, FOLEY!
Tucker: Hey! Danny is not a freak!
Tucker, was the kid Dash was messing with: ....whats in it for me
-------- Snippet 4
Danny, saying some questionably immoral shit: What. Why are you looking at me like that.
Tucker: Bro. I mean this as kindly as possible; what the fuck?
Sam: yeah, I'm with Tuck on this one.
-------- Snippet 5
Danny, ranting about Vlad: if it weren't for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered him
Sam, painting his nails black: I'm pretty sure you'd slaughter him regardless of the laws of the land -- and quit moving, you're gonna mess me up.
Tucker: we've literally seen you debate yourself about this, Dan
Danny: ...you are correct, but it is the principle of things.
-------- Snippet 6
Vlad: I have experience my child, and the money and power attained through using those powers for personal gain, you say. I could train you, teach you everything I know! And all you have to do is renounce that idiot adoptive father of yours.
Danny, was already contemplating committing a Violence: ....
Danny, internally: I'm going to stab him *turns into Phantom*
Funny contrast I realized between Danyal and Vlad that iirc I haven't pointed out yet is that imo, Danyal doesn't rely on his powers nearly half as much as canon Danny does. He falls back instinctually on his League training, and thus sometimes forgets to use his powers in battle. This was prevalent especially early on when he was still getting used to the whole 'halfa' thing.
He incorporates them more often after a year, but still for the most part relies on his own physical hand-to-hand combat. He trusts those skills much more than he does his powers. I'm not sure where he is on a technical level compared to canon, but just to stay safe I'll say he's similar in power skill as canon Danny. Perhaps a little more finessed than him because his League training would probably have him trying to figure out his powers as soon as possible.
But in summary? Danny is strong in hand-to-hand combat, weak in powerset.
Meanwhile Vlad is the opposite. I can't recall if he even knows hand-to-hand in canon, but it makes total sense to me that Vlad Masters wouldn't because he's so confident in his monetary influence and ghost abilities that he sees no need for it.
And he's kinda got some merit behind it. He's very powerful and has 20 years of experience to experiment and fine tune his powers. He's got bite to follow up his bark. He's perfected long-range combat and his ability to phase through walls makes it impossible to corner him, but if you can manage it, then one good hit could probably knock him on his ass.
So in summary, Vlad is strong in powerset, weak in hand-to-hand combat.
And it casts a good contrast between the two of them in that regard. Danny, as a fellow halfa, can follow Vlad when he phases through walls and is fast enough to land a hit on him. His league training as an assassin, albeit rusty, is still deep ingrained enough in him that he can hold up as a rather veritable threat against Vlad without needing his powers.
But Vlad can force Danny to use his powers more often through use of his own. The duplication is the first thing to come to mind: Danny's fast enough to dispel them on his own without powers, and smart enough that he could figure out who the real one is if given a few minute. But that's not always efficient enough.
Good foils for each other that way. Also Vlad's Plasmius design mimics Ra's juuust enough that he looks like Ra's knockoff loser second cousin no one talks about, which only fuels Danny's hatred.
-------- Snippet 7
Danny, ranting about Vlad for the first time: --and it's only made worse by the fact that the little ingrate resembles a cheap knock-off of my grandfather!--
Sam, choking on her water: he what--
Tucker, doing a spittake: HE DOES?
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yumeka-sxf · 1 year
An analysis on Anya (an Anya-lysis!)
As promised in my Twiyor season 1 wrap up post, it's time for me to give Anya time in the analysis spotlight – an "Anya-lysis" if you will! (yes, I've been waiting to make that pun!)
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*I apologize in advance for the length of this post. I felt that splitting it into two would have hindered the flow of the analysis, so I kept it as one long post. But I promise it's not as long as it seems...the high number of images make it seem longer!*
Before I get into my analysis, I wanted to preface this post with a fantastic quote from @incomingalbatross, who perfectly describes the unique role Anya has in the series.
"Realizing that Spy X Family really is The Anya Show to me, and not just because "oh look, cute baby child" but because Anya is the center of the story. She has so many secrets resting on those tiny shoulders. She is juggling so many agendas. She's the one who knows everything and her choices drive the plot—she chose Twilight, she chose Yor, she chose Bond—and even when you look at the other characters and their relationships she IS the star they orbit around! Twilight and Yor's relationship is built on their shared care for Anya! And more than that, at the core of it all, Anya's goals are the ones we're invested in.
The center of this story isn't the superspy trying to do his job, or the assassin trying to do hers. It's the little girl who said "FAMILY" and pulled the building-blocks of one close around her with all her tiny strength, and everyone else in this story keeps being moved and changed and redirected by the force of Anya's attachments to her family.
And at the same time she is SO SMALL"
While Twilight may be the protagonist, and Yor the deuteragonist, Anya is definitely the main character in Spy x Family. Not only would there be no "family" without her bringing Twilight and Yor together, but her status as the main character is quite unique among shonen series, or even media in general.
Typically in stories where a little kid (like, below the age of 10) is the main character, either the majority of other major characters are also little kids, or the kid's main purpose is to be a cute comic-relief foil for the adults. But while there are kids Anya's age in SxF, the other important characters in the plot, namely Twilight and Yor, are not. So rather than the typical scenario of the main kid character constantly being surrounded by and working off their fellow kid characters, Anya is more often interacting with her adult parents. And it's not just for cutesy moments and comic relief – the true heart of SxF is about a fake family that could any minute be destroyed, with only little Anya being aware of this grim reality and doing everything she can to keep things together...all without the ability to be truthful with anyone, not with the adults or her fellow kids. While her parents are each secretly fighting for their own vision of world peace, Anya is too…the "world peace" of the family she doesn't want to lose. It really is a one-of-a-kind scenario for a little kid character.
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But having such a special main character role doesn't necessitate a well-written character. But in Anya's case, she definitely is. In fact, I think she's the most well-written little kid character I've ever seen.
Too often in media little kids are portrayed as being overly cutesy, overly bratty/whiny, and/or act much older than they should. A key factor in making a little kid character believable is that you can't just make them cute and/or emotionally immature...they have to also be weird. Anyone who's spent time with little kids knows all the weird stuff they say and do because of their less restricted child brains and ignorance about the world. A good example of this is Lilo from Lilo and Stitch (another well-portrayed kid character). The movie does a good job showing all the weird habits Lilo has, like the bizarre origins of her favorite doll, the freaky voodoo stuff she does to the local bullies, and how she totally buys the fact that Stitch is a dog. Likewise, Anya has tons of little endearing weirdnesses, starting with her wanting a spy dad and assassin mom simply because she thinks it's "cool," to the funny lingo she develops like "ooting" (odekeke) and "ohayou-masu" ("happy morning," a.k.a, an adorably incorrect way of saying "good morning"), to thinking it's acceptable to give George a leaf as a parting gift (then wanting it back later), to her comical remarks whenever she thinks Loid and Yor are being "flirty."
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Another realistic aspect of Anya's character is the fact that she's not super-smiley and overly cheerful/bubbly like many other main character kids. Not that she doesn't smile and can't be cheerful, but her default expression is a look of uncertainty or wide-eyed cluelessness, which makes sense considering her upbringing (I'm talking about her default expression in canon, not in merch or other marketing as characters tend to always smile in these even if that's not their usual expression – just look at Yuri's merch!) Most of the time when other characters are talking, she looks perplexed, like she isn't sure what's going on but she's really trying to learn/understand.
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These expressions make more sense to me than a child who smiles all the time, because she's at an age where she still doesn't understand the right emotions to feel at the right time. A fantastic example of this is when she punches Damian – her face is totally blank! No anger, no fear, no embarrassment...because she still hasn't learned the proper emotions to feel in a situation like this.
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All she knew was what Yor told her and that she was bothered by Damian's attitude. In fact, the iconic smug smile that she shows in that scene is the result of her not knowing how to properly react when faced with bullying (cry, get angry, etc).
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Similarly, she has a very bored expression when all the kids are upset about George's plight, as if she doesn't really get what all the to-do is about. This also creates good contrast to how the other Eden kids from their rich families were probably forced to grow up fast, and thus act more like 8-10-year olds than the 6-year olds they're supposed to be. Meanwhile Anya, who's supposedly younger than them, stands out with her more childlike mannerisms.
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This all makes sense not just because she's still a little kid, but because her view of emotions has been skewed by the fact that she can read people's minds. So she has to not only learn the socially proper way to react to people's actions and words, but also when she should, or should not, react to what's on their mind. I believe this is why she has such a wide variety of expressions compared to the other characters – her mind reading has forced her to experience way more emotions at such an impressionable age, though not always with enough context and guidance to identify when they're socially acceptable to express.
There are way too many examples of Anya's incredible range of expressions, so I'll just have to pick a few!
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Put all this together – her childlike reactions to situations, but with a twist because she can read minds, plus her endless array of comical faces, and you have one of the funniest characters I've ever seen.
Because Anya has such a wide variety of expressions, and her default expression is that of uncertainty, there's a lot more meaning when she does smile. The shining smile she has when Loid praises her for getting a stella, when she plays with Bond for the first time, and when she meets up with Becky after their shopping trip, have a lot more significance because that's not an emotion she expresses all the time. Since happy/cheerful isn't her default mood, the emotional impact of scenes where she does smile is all the more stronger.
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Likewise, considering her age, Anya isn't much of a crier either. Having a kid character burst into tears and throw temper tantrums is common, but the amount of notable times Anya has exhibited this behavior is relatively few. She did have a tantrum early on when Loid stopped her from going into his room and when she demanded that Bond be her dog…but those are the only notable cases in my opinion. She has shed tears here and there, but again, not a significant number of times. Similar to the scenes where she smiles, when she does cry (in a non-comical way), like when she's reminded about her mother at the Eden interview or when she's finally reunited with Yor after the bus hijacking, it has a lot more meaning.
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Another common trait for little kid characters is that they're usually a representation of total purity and innocence. While Anya doesn't have the same dark ulterior motives and immoral occupations that the adults have, she's not shown to be a complete angel either. Even though good intentions are what drive her, she can be a manipulator, mischievous, and even cocky at times, like when she insists on being called' "Starlight Anya" after getting her first stella, when she was being overly competitive with Damian after the bus hijacking, when she was joking around on the bus after finding out the bombs were fake, and when she almost attacked Bond after he chewed up Penguinman. But all of these examples only serve to make her a more fleshed out character as opposed to just being the cutesy, happy series mascot all time.
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Obviously because of her mind reading powers, she manipulates the adults around her all the time, but again, there's never any malice involved…it's clearly the result of a little kid doing everything in her power to keep the happy family she's created. And due to her mind reading ability, she's learned to be much more proactive than reactive – she knows what people are going to do before they do it, and what their intentions are without them saying it. This has allowed her to become resourceful way beyond her years, which has led to her saving the lives of both Twilight and Yor on more than one occasion.
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One emotion Anya does have an abundance of is empathy. Typically children don't start to develop empathy – the ability to understand and relate to the intentions and feelings of others – until a bit past Anya's age. But because of Anya's ability to read minds, it makes sense that this part of her development would take priority over something like proper speech and school smarts. Her empathy extends to all the adults around her, her fellow kids, and even animals. While a lot of her empathetic actions stem from her need to help keep Twilight's and Yor's identities secret and thus maintain the peace of the Forger family, there are many examples where this isn't the case and she's simply acting out of nothing but concern for others: comforting the Eden cow because she understood it was scared, worrying about the well being of the Project Apple dogs, leaping into action when she heard someone drowning, and comforting Damian when she knew he was scared during the bus hijacking.
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Even when identity reveals aren't at stake, she still comforts Twilight and Yor when they need it, like when she thought Twilight had a nightmare after his backstory reveal, and when she knew Yor was concerned about Loid's relationship with Fiona.
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The bus hijacking was a prime example of Anya being empathetic, but not to an unrealistic degree. She empathized with Billy enough to diffuse the situation, but not on a deeper level because, again, she's a little kid. She understood he was upset, but she didn't have outpouring sympathy or deep, introspective thoughts about his situation – that's something an adult would do, not a little kid who's still learning what emotions to feel at what times. What she eventually does is something that makes perfect sense both for her personality and age. With some great resourcefulness on her part, she was able to figure out what she had to say to manipulate Billy the right way, but at the same time she was playing it by ear and basically clueless as to the depth of the matter, yet mustered up all the courage she could…typical Anya.
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There are a lot more examples like this of Anya's sense of empathy, too many to list. But the bottom line is, although Anya does use her powers to manipulate people to benefit her own situation and those she cares about (who can blame her?) it's clear that even at such a young age, she's a genuinely good girl who wants to help others and do good in the world, even if she's too young to realize it yet. Not unlike her parents, really. I think we'll be searching a long time before we find another 1st-grade aged character as awesome as Anya.
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prythianpages · 10 months
Stuck On You | Part Three
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cassian x reader | Cassian can't seem to forget about you since the night you met seven years ago. he thought he would never see you again but when he does, he's determined to make you his. this time for good.
“Don’t worry. She likes your butt and fancy hair. I know, I read her diary.”
[series masterlist]
A/N: I debated on splitting this into two parts since it came out longer than intended but I wanted to leave the bulk of the angst in this part. Some more scenes and quotes from Lilo & Stitch since I couldn't help myself. just one more part! I have a rough outline of it so I probably won't be able to finish it tonight but definitely by some time this coming week.
Warnings: angst, some fluff if you squint, mentions of violence/abuse
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“Cassian said he would take me out for ice cream if you said yes!” Seraphine beamed, removing her boots at the foyer of your small, humble home. “I’ve never had ice cream before. Have you?”
“Sera,” you said with a sigh, concern laced into your tone over how attached she was to him. His month-long absence had given you a glimpse of the consequence of the effect he had on not just you but Seraphine as well and you didn’t want her to get hurt. She wouldn’t understand. 
“I think it’s best if we don’t see Cas anymore.”
She turned to you with a pout. “He’s our friend! You have to say yes.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?” Seraphine’s lip quivered, her tired eyes brimming with tears.
You didn’t answer, couldn’t bring yourself to.
Instead, you threw your aching body onto the small loveseat in the living room. This week had taken both an emotional and physical toll on you, as you tirelessly kept Seraphine up to date with her studies, managed the tavern’s monthly expenses and wrestled with your inner turmoil concerning Cassian. The constant restlessness in Seraphine only added to the mountain of exhaustion, her unbridled excitement buzzing incessantly over everything.
You knew you should draw a bath for the both of you and then head to bed, considering your fatigue.
However, you were well aware of your little sister’s stubborn nature as it was one you also exhibited. It must run in the family. Once she was fixated on something, there was no distracting her and judging by the intensity of her little sister’s sobs, you braced yourself for a long and challenging night.
“You’re so mean!” She cried. “I hate you!”
“Please don’t be a pain tonight,” you groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“You should just sell me and buy a rabbit instead!” Sara shouted at you with her finger pointed at you, referring to your empty threat of replacing her with a rabbit every time she misbehaved. You hadn’t brought it up in months, years even, and were surprised she remembered.
“At least a rabbit would behave better than you,” you muttered. 
“Go ahead!” Seraphine exclaimed, making you wince at her sharp tone. You hoped your neighbors could not hear her, fearing what they’d do if they did. You heard her angry stomps as she made her way to her room. “Then you’ll be happy! It will be smarter than me too.”
“And quieter!”
“You’ll like it because it’s stinky like you!”
“Go to your room!”
“I’m already in my room!” Seraphine screamed as she opened her door just to slam it shut again, irritating you further.
You grabbed the nearest pillow and brought it to your face to muffle your scream.
Guilt began to settle as your initial anger faded away. You knew you had overreacted. For many years, it had just been you and the small family your mother had created. Neither you or Seraphine had made any friends in Ironcrest yet, unless you counted the friendly old male who you purchased spices and groceries from every Sunday. 
Your small family of four had unexpectedly and significantly reduced to half, leaving just you and Seraphine. Of course, she was excited when Cassian came along. You’d deny it if asked but a part of you was excited too.
He was sweet and kind but your worries crept in about what it meant to allow him into your tightly-knit world. What if things didn’t work out between you? What if the burdens you carried were too much for him to bear? You couldn’t allow him in further when your sister was already so attached to him, unable to bear the thought of having her witness another loved one disappear from her life.
You had to end this, whatever it was that you and Cassian had and you had to end it soon. Before any further damage could be provoked.
Throughout your life, stability had been a luxury, and the haunting fear of attachment loomed over you. The constant uprooting had instilled a deep seated fear of getting close to people. Every bond you had forged was inevitably followed by a painful goodbye. The walls safeguarding your heart, constructed since childhood, grew higher and stronger with every move. You had hoped that your mother’s marriage would bring a lasting change, a nice and needed break from moving, and for a while, it had.
However, the universe had a cruel way of reminding you that stability was a luxury you couldn’t afford. You would’ve never expected your one night stand with Cassian would lead to something more–to this. 
Cassian, with his unwavering determination, posed a threat to the walls you had carefully built around your heart. Love. It seemed like a beautiful risk but the fear of losing what was gained, overshadowed its allure for you. Your heart had never felt so heavy.
You took a deep breath before knocking on your sister’s door. The lack of response didn’t surprise you. She must still be upset. The soft glow of faelight seeping from beneath her door confirmed she was awake. Balancing the two mugs of hot cocoa in one arm, you opened the door and slipped inside.
Your stomach churned at the sight of your little sister, clutching the pegasus doll that Cassian had gifted her. Tears streaked her face as she gazed down solemnly.
“I brought you, your favorite. Hot cocoa,” you offered, hoping to bring a glimmer of cheer to her troubled expression.
“We’re a broken family, aren’t we?”
You frowned, setting the tray down on the nightstand, hesitating before answering. “Maybe but only a little…”
You settled yourself onto Seraphine’s bed, gently cradling her into your lap. “I’m sorry for earlier. I shouldn’t have raised my voice at you.”
“I like you better as a sister than a mother…” Seraphine sniffled.
“Yeah?” You tenderly brushed her long, dark hair away from her face in contemplation.
 A pang tugged at your heart–the weight of becoming a mother figure pressed on your shoulders. As a sister, you also played a nurturing and protective role in Seraphine’s upbringing, offering support when it was needed. You were the one Seraphine would run to for comfort after your mother's scolding or being stern with her, but now you were the one that had to be stern. It was a struggle finding the delicate balance between fulfilling the motherly duties Seraphine needed and preserving the sibling bond that meant the world to you.
“And you like me better as a sister than a rabbit, right?”
“Oh, my sweet Sera.” You replied, pressing a kiss to her forehead, your arms wrapping around her smaller form with a gentle squeeze. “Of course I do! I would not make my special hot cocoa for just anyone. Only you.”
You handed one of the mugs to her, smiling fondly as she inhaled the rich aroma of the hot cocoa.
“Cassian says ice cream is like frozen milk,” she mused softly. “I wonder what hot cocoa would taste like frozen but then it would no longer be hot cocoa, right? We would have to come up with a new name for it but I don’t think I like the sound of frozen cocoa…”
Her innocent dilemma made you laugh, finding it utterly endearing. You wanted her worries to always be like this. Small and trivial.
“Perhaps we should leave the cocoa out to freeze and find out for ourselves? We can decide on a name then.”
The night air was chilling, the cold wind biting at your cheeks. You hugged your coat closer to you, sparing at glance at Seraphine to make sure she still had hers on and the scarf you had bought her was snug to keep her neck warm. You couldn’t help but giggle when you caught Cassian, who had been persistent on walking you home, was constantly blowing his hair out of his face.
“Did you lose all your hair ties?” You quipped, digging into the pocket of your pants and offering a hair tie to him to alleviate his struggle. He reluctantly took the elastic from you and tied his hair up into his usual bun. You noticed he wore it down more recently. “You can keep it, too.”
“I just wanted to let it loose, try something different.” He replied with a casual shrug of his shoulders.
You let out a small hum, stuffing your hands back into your pockets to keep them hidden and fell into a thoughtful silence once more. There was a knot in your stomach as you three neared your house.
Seraphine, who once again had chosen to skip ahead of you two, paused. She turned around with a knowing gleam in her eye. Her lips curled up and she opened her mouth to speak and if you hadn’t been occupied in the tempest of your thoughts, you wouldn’t have missed Cassian bringing his finger to his lips to keep her from exposing him.
“Fancy hair,” she giggled, despite his plea.
“What was that?” You said, turning your head toward your sister.
Both Seraphine and Cassian exchanged a look before turning to you, responding in unison:
Your eyes narrowed at the two in suspicion but you decided not to question it.
When you three finally reached your home, Cassian was surprised at your invitation to come inside. You had never invited him inside, always bidding your farewells at your door. He walked in, overwhelmed by the sweet and delightful scent. It smelled just like you. His eyes darted around the living area curiously, taking in all the small touches you incorporated to make this place feel like a warm and inviting home.
 You instructed Seraphine to change and pick a book for you to read to her before bed. She politely said her goodbye and goodnight to Cassian, her movements slow as she was reluctant to follow your instructions. She had no desire to go to bed, not when Cassian was inside your home for the first time and you found the glare she sent you amusing.
Cassian was staring at the wilted and dead flowers resting in a small vase you had placed on the kitchen table, recognizing them as the ones he had gifted you so long ago. You never threw them away.
He loved the way you said his name. But it was different this time. He pulled his attention away from the kitchen table to look back at you. You leaned against the back of the loveseat in hesitation, your eyes revealing the weight of the decision you were about to make.
His throat tightened. “Yes?”
“I think it’s best if you stop coming here.” Your voice was laced with a vulnerability you hated and before Cassian could reply, you were speaking again. “I have to take care of my sister. I can’t risk her getting attached, more so than she already is and–and neither can I. We’ve lost so much already…”
A tear escaped your eye. You brushed it away with a trembling hand and then Cassian was bridging the distance between you both, his hand gently cupping your cheek and coaxing your gaze to his. 
“Y/n,” he gently whispered. “You’re not going to lose me.”
“How can you say that? What if something happens and–”
“Please don’t push me away.”
 “They call you the Lord of Bloodshed. You’re the commander of the High Lord’s armies. You made a name for yourself. And me? I am no one. I’m not worthy of love. Of you. You’ll soon realize it and grow tired of me–”
“Stop.” Cassian interrupted, bringing his other hand up to cup your face. His touch was both comforting and agonizing. “You are worthy of love and so much more and I want to prove it to you. There could be a room full of others but just like that night at the bonfire, I want you. I choose you.”
A heavy sigh escaped you as you gently removed his hands from your face. “But I can’t choose you. I have to choose Seraphine. I always will and right now, I can’t afford to have you both.”
The weight of your words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the responsibilities that anchored you, pulling you away from the love that beckoned.
Cassian grasped your hands in his, refusing to let them slip away. He did not want to let go of you. He understood the depth of your worries and the distress etched onto your features was breaking his heart. Why couldn’t you see yourself the way he saw you?
“I won’t force you into something that scares you, y/n.” He reassured you with a soft tone, his thumbs tracing soothing circles on the back of your hands. “I only want what’s best for you and Seraphine.”
Your lips trembled as you managed a small, strained smile.
“But you have to know that I love you–both of you. And this love, it’s not going anywhere. It’s a constant. A promise that will never waver.”
Cassian hadn’t returned and although you had asked for it, you couldn’t deny the lingering void in your heart. Seraphine sensed something was amiss when your voice wavered as you read her a bedtime story shortly after he left. Surprisingly, she refrained from asking about Cassian until a week later, almost as if she dreaded hearing the news that he wouldn’t be coming back. 
When she finally did, tears welled in her eyes and you comforted her, convincing yourself it was for the best. However, the attempt of reassurance was futile and did little to ease your own pain.
Seraphine sighed, absentmindedly nudging the green vegetable on her plate. Scrumps was propped on the table, facing her with its stitched eyes. “At least I still have you,” she murmured to the pegasus plush. “You’ll never leave me, right?”
You frowned at the sight, feeling helpless and unsure how to alleviate your sister’s sorrow. This was precisely what you had tried to shield her from and it stung to realize it was too late. The damage had already been done.
Your attention was then pulled away as the creaking door to the tavern swung open. The room fell into silence. The dining Illyrians, previously immersed in their conversations, cast furtive glances toward the entrance.
In stepped the formidable son of Ironcrest’s war-lord, Kallon. Another Illyrian stepped in behind him but he was overshadowed by Kallon’s commanding presence. His gaze swept over the room, eyes like steel, assessing every face, every corner of the establishment. The tension in the air was palpable. He was looking for someone.
The regulars exchanged subtle nods, acknowledging the unspoken command to show respect. Whispers died down, and the muted sound of footsteps echoed as he advanced further into the tavern. The atmosphere had shifted from one of amiability to one of quiet deference, all eyes now focused on the figure who seemed to hold the establishment in the palm of his hand.
Your eyes were wide and you felt your body tense. You almost forgot how to breathe when Kallon’s cold eyes found yours. Seraphine, who sensed your distress, hopped off her chair and ran to you. Her tiny hand found yours and you guided her to stand behind you as Kallon continued his approach.
“Kallon,” you managed to find your voice, forcing a smile onto your face as you bowed your head in respect. “Should I prepare a table for you and your companion?”
“There’s no need.” He replied. He then turned his head at the eavesdropping Illryians, his gaze a silent warning to them. It wasn’t until the menacing look on his face prompted a couple to abandon their tables and those that remained to resume their conversations that he turned his attention back to you. “I came here to speak to you.”
“Me?” You echoed, your voice daring to break. The male behind Kallon remained quiet but you caught the way his gaze had flickered to your little sister, who hid behind your skirts. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“It has come to my attention that you have been fraternizing with an Illyrian male from Windhaven–” Kallon’s lips curled up in disgust and you felt Seraphine’s grip on you tighten. “– who just so happens to also be the High Lord’s general.”
“His name is Cassian.” Seraphine said, peeking out from behind you to scowl at Kallon.
Kallon looked toward your sister with a scoff. You pressed Seraphine into your hip to keep her from speaking again, worried of the consequences that may unfold. “He’s just a friend.”
Kallon’s attention drifted back to you, his gaze burning into you. “It seems you and I have different understandings of a friend because friends don’t kiss each other now do they?”
Your breath hitched. The two of you seldom interacted with each other. The last time you did was to report your mother’s murder. You cursed yourself at that moment, disappointed with yourself. You had failed to recognize that Cassian was well known throughout Illyria and to make it worse, he was from Windhaven. A rival camp to Ironcrest. You wondered how long Kallon had been following you and why he waited to confront you about it now, several months later since Cassian’s first visit. 
“It’s not a good look for you, y/n.” Kallon shook his head in disapproval with a small tut. “You of all people should know the consequences of whoring yourself out. Finding a husband will be troublesome for you and if you continue down this path, it is not a good example for your dear little sister.”
Your blood grew cold at the insult and you forced yourself to look up to keep the tears that were threatening to spill at bay. “I’m s–”
“It seems I may have failed you in some aspects.” Kallon interrupted, raising a finger at you in warning. He turned his attention to the empty glasses lined at the counter. “It is my job, after all, to help my father run this camp and it seems that I have overlooked you. Poor little y/n. You have been running this business and raising your sister all on your own.”
His fingers danced along the counter, a wicked gleam in his eyes. The sound of breaking glass echoed through the air, a sharp and crystalline shatter that reverberated through your bones and had Seraphine wincing into your body. You stared at the shattered glass at your feet, heart pounding through your ears.
“But it is not your place to do so.” Kallon reprimanded, his voice seething with a barely contained intensity. “It is his.”
You lifted your gaze.
The Illyrian male that had been quietly observant finally stepped forward. His features held a strange familiarity you couldn’t quite place. His eyes were cold and distant, lips pressed into a taut line.
“This is Aerik. Seraphine’s uncle.”
The wind was knocked out of you as the day you had dreaded finally came. Kallon had tracked down your step father’s only living relative– his brother, Aerik. The illusion you had so carefully crafted was unraveling and you found yourself at the precipice, forced to surrender the tavern and Seraphine, as if she were a mere object, to him.
But you knew the future that laid ahead for Seraphine if she stayed with her uncle. To you, she was your precious little sister, the one you had devoted your life to. To him, she was disposable, reduced to nothing but a bargaining tool once she was of marrying age. 
She would not have the freedom to be a child as she did with you. She would be groomed to become a submissive wife and soon enough, her wings would be clipped. A tradition that had been banned but not enforced in Ironcrest. You could not allow any harm to fall to your sister, not when you were alive and capable of taking care of her. You wondered if this is how your mother had felt when she had you, cornered by the cruel world.
Kallon had left moments ago, along with the remaining customers, but now without a warning. A threat to harm you and Cassian in unimaginable ways if Kallon heard of Cassian meeting with you again.
"I don't give a fuck if he's the High Lord's pet. This is my father's camp and as his son, I have the authority to punish those who dare cross us as needed."
You had instructed Seraphine to go to the kitchens to help tidy up, leaving you and Aerik alone. Your eyebrows knitted together in an exasperated manner, bewildered by his demands. 
You were a half breed–half high fae, half Illyrian–and a bastard. You were of little significance to Aerik–to any male in this damned camp, if you were being honest–and his plans with Seraphine did not include you. He wanted to take her away from you. For good.
He shifted, directing himself toward the kitchen and you were stopping him. Your hand gripped his arm desperately. “Seraphine needs me.”
Aerik tore his arm from your grasp with a snarl, using it to grip yours instead in retribution. His grip was hard and bruising and had you grimacing. “Is this what she needs?” He seethed, vividly gesturing to the tavern and lack of order in Seraphine’s life.
 “It seems clear to me that you need her a lot more than she needs you.”
Cassian told himself he would give you space, as tortuous as it was for him. It’s what you had asked him for. He missed you dearly, often wondering if you were feeling that painful ache in your heart too. Despite the temptation, he resisted the urge to ask Azriel to check in on you with his shadows, not wanting to bring his friend into this tangled messy emotions he found himself grappling with. He couldn’t shake the desire to check up on you one more time, hoping that you might've change your mind.
A week later, when an overwhelming sense of unease gripped him, he set off for Ironcrest.
Cassian pushed open the door to the familiar tavern, his second home as Rhysand had teased him weeks ago. His eyes scanned the room in search of you like they always did, but he couldn't spot the one person he was hoping to see. His head was then turning to the table Seraphine often occupied only to find it empty. 
An unsettling feeling knotted in his stomach when he couldn’t spot either of you, not missing the glare the male behind the counter had sent his way. It confirmed his suspicion that you weren’t here. Growing concerned, he decided to look for you, hoping you were safe and sound at home.
The journey was swift as it was one he knew by heart, his footsteps echoing through the quiet streets. When he reached your door, he hesitated for a moment. He could see the subtle glow of a light, coming from the small window that he knew faced your living room. He heard a squeak come from inside, recognizing it as Seraphine’s, and then he was knocking on your door.
There was a faint rustling inside and then the door creaked open. Cassian’s confusion set in as he initially saw no one at the other side. It wasn’t until he heard a sharp gasp that his gaze shifted downward, relief washing over him as he spotted Seraphine.  
“Cas Cas!” Seraphine’s expression brightened, reveling in his presence and wrapping her tiny arms around him when he crouched down. “I thought I’d never see you again!”
“It’s good to see you too, munchkin.” Cassian smiled fondly, lifting her up with ease. He had missed her so much too.
“Sera, it’s time for your ba–Cassian?” You blinked, your grip on the towel in your hand tightening. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“Can I come in?”
You looked past his shoulders worriedly and hesitantly nodded.
Cassian stepped into the foyer, crouching down to let Seraphine down. She grasped at his hand, guiding him to the living room where you stood with a forced smile on your face.
His worry deepened as he looked at you. "You weren’t at the tavern so I came to–to see you.”
To make sure you’re alright, is what he wanted to say but within seconds of seeing you, he knew you weren’t. Yet, you still attempted to dismiss his concern with a casual shrug. “My step-uncle is taking over the tavern now.”
“Oh yeah, Cas! I have a step-uncle now and he’s so nice to me. He bought me a new coloring book and so many toys! Do you want to see?”
Cassian realized that the glaring male from the tavern must be Seraphine’s step-uncle. He caught the way you bit the inside of your cheek at your little sister’s words, sensing something more beneath the surface.
“Sure.” He replied to Seraphine.
He waited until she disappeared down the hallway to take a step closer to you. “Is everything okay?”
A fleeting moment of hesitation flickered in your eyes that you quickly concealed, hoping he didn’t notice. But he did.
 "I'm fine, really. Just a bit tired but thankfully Aerik offered to step in to help.”
Despite her attempt to reassure him, Cassian couldn't shake the feeling of unease. The lines of worry etched on his face as he spoke, "You can tell me anything, you know that, right?"
“Yeah,” you nodded your head nonchalantly at him.
“Y/n.” His voice was gentle but stern and he reached out for your hands.
His fingers accidentally brushed against the bruise Aerik had left the other night and you couldn’t mask the wince that followed. Cassian stilled, eyes glancing down and widening at the marking of your skin. “Y/n, Sweetheart–”
“It’s nothing.” You were pulling your arm from his grasp and out of his view, clasping them behind your back. “I tripped and hit my arm against the counter the other night.”
Cassian felt a burning feeling in his chest, his teeth clenching. Someone had touched you--hurt you.
“Does this have anything to do with the sudden appearance of Seraphine’s uncle?”
“No.” Your response was too quick to be anything but a lie. “Aerik has been kind to us. So kind that he offered to help me find a husband.”
More lies. Your fear and anxiety grew with every passing moment that Cassian remained in Ironcrest. Kallon’s menacing warnings echoed in your mind, threatening dire consequences for both you and Cassian, if he ever returned. Since he had gone to the tavern to look for you, you were sure Aerik had seen him. Cassian was not one to easily blend into the crowd with his imposing stature, striking features and seven siphons. It was only a matter of time before he would run off to go tell Kallon.
You knew Cassian was a formidable warrior from all the gossip and tales you'd heard at the bonfire. Still, you couldn't shake your fear. Cassian was in enemy territory. Vastly outnumbered. He had to leave.
Cassian shook his head in disbelief, swallowing hard. “What?”
Stepping forward, he closed the distance between you, his intense gaze burning into your skin as you actively avoided it. “Is this what you want?”
“It’s what is best,” you told him, sidestepping his question. “So please leave. I don’t want Aerik to get the wrong idea by having you here in the house alone with me.”
“I’m so sorry, Cassian.”
Walking away, you felt your heart begin to shatter, unaware that you had also shattered his. You wiped at your eyes once you knew you were out of his view, holding your breath as you moved down the hallway. Seraphine ran past you with her coloring book and you couldn’t bring yourself to stop her.
Seraphine paused, her chest heaving as she caught up with her breath. Her lips curved into a deep frown when she spotted Cassian heading for the door. “Cas Cas, where are you going? I was going to show you my coloring book…"
"I thought you were here to stay.”
Cassian couldn’t bring himself to answer her and as young as she was, she recognized the look in his eyes. It mirrored the expression on your face before you had to deliver bad news. 
“You can leave again if you want.” Seraphine said as realization dawned on her. She casted her head down.
“I’ll remember you though. I remember everyone that leaves.”
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[series masterlist]
A/N: don't hate me for breaking Cas's heart. I just live for the angst 🫠 if it's any consolation, this will have a happy ending 🩷
tagging: @kemillyfreitas
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khisoka · 1 year
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"This is his badness level!"
The name and idea of the art are taken from the cartoon “Lilo and Stitch”. Frames from there and from the film “Captain America: Civil War” were used as references.
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I've been thinking about this idea for a long time. But I wasn't sure which style would be best to use for the characters. So when I finished the art (in cartoon style), I was wondering what it might look like in my own chibi style. And I did a quick manipulation))
My sister then quoted to me something from a fanfic she was reading at that moment. There was about a level of stupidity there. I exclaimed that this suits Steve and Bucky and changed the picture in Tony's hand)
//B: Don't do anything stupid until I get back.
S: How can I? ... We should do all the stupid things together!
T: And that's the level of stupidity you both have!//
lollollol 🤣
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agent-cakeshroom · 9 months
AAAAAH FIC IDEA "Nobody Gets Left Behind" quoting Lilo and Stitch. Basic premise, John comes back from hiking the Neverglades the day of Trollstice, when the trolls escape. In the ensuing chaos, he sneaks his way out of Bergen Town and has Rhonda(still fairly small?) Track down the other trolls by scent. He rejoins them, and finds that Bruce and Floyd had reunited with Branch but Grandma was dead and Clay was missing.
The idea that it was easy enough for the Brozone bros to sneak out of the tree, but no one else was mentioned doing it beforehand, always struck me as odd. So in this, it would be INSANELY difficult, but doable alone and of you know what you're doing. Brozone's dad had snuck out to the Neverglades before, and that's how John knew how to sneak out that way. Bruce and Floyd, still working out what exactly they were doing. Clay went to stay with his fellow Sad Book club members. Grandma still gets eaten like in the movie, but someone finds Clay to let him know so he can go take care of Branch. Which he does. (Sidetrack, did Clay like. Join the Putt Putt trolls later? Or was he just in the tree, unaware of Grandma dying. So many plot holes in Trolls 3 lmao) at some point, Bruce and Floyd return to the pod.. the three older brothers work on helping Branch heal, and trying to understand each other better. But the whole time, they feel like a chunk of them is missing, and they just really want their big brother back. The escape happens, Clay gets separated with Viva, Spruce(I forgot he wouldn't change his name here) and Floyd are stunned with grief and horror, but they have to pull together for Branch. He suggests they build a bunker instead of a pod, and the two older brothers agree. This is about when John comes back, heartfelt reunion. He decides to take Rhonda and go hunt down the lost trolls, riding on top since she's still too small to be used as a van. It takes a while, but he eventually does find them and helps lead them to the new village.
Viva is reunited with Peppy and Poppy, and Clay is reunited with his other brothers. Cue adorable moments of brotherly bonding and embarrassment. I dunno, I lost steam.
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hanafubukki · 1 year
"Ohana means family. Family means no one get left behind"
They want to make me cry. A Lilo and Stitch event fit so much to Lilia. I still have in mind the quote "This, is my family. It's little, and broken. But still good" It's totally something Lilia could think in a doubt moment after taking care of Silver. "Yeah. It's a baby human. Yeah. Sometime I kinda suck at parenting and end up being yell at by Baul's daugther. But the simple fact this child still smile at me, so fearless and innocent, will be enough to make me protect him for the rest of his life"
Anonie🌺🌷💕, you’re going to make me cry 🥹🥹
Lilia and stitch movies fits diasomnia family so freaking well I want to scream. I was talking to Mumble how every card this year released has been a family oriented card for Lilia and then we have this event. Which means that they have been waiting until book 7 and certain lore was revealed before they dropped all these Lilia cards on us, such as him being an orphan and his view on family.
Lilia who was the Phantom General who was adopted into the draconia family and then later made his own family with diasomnia. Lilia who learned how to be a family man through how love changes a person with time and the people in his life 🥹
Him and Stitch have so much in common. They are also both menaces lolol
And I love that quote!! It’s one of my faves and made me tear up. Because we have Lilia who didn’t want children, suddenly raising a baby and a human at that. Yes, he raised Malleus but Malleus is more…durable. Humans are much more fragile.
But we have Baby Silver, our precious Silver who is full of love, smiling at this fearless general despite his mistakes. Who despite all the yelling he gets from Mama Zigvolt, he tries his best just because Baby Silver Smile at him.
Didn’t we also have a similar scene with Malleus in Halloween? Where Lilia says the four of them are family and he can depend on them? That reminded me of Ohana right away. How it means family and no one gets left behind. 🥹💞
Also Anonie, Anonie, those last few lines Anonie. My heart 🥹🥹 “But the simple fact this child still smile at me, so fearless and innocent, will be enough to make me protect him for the rest of his life" 🥹🥹💞💞💞 -shakes Lilia- this same child wants to protect youuuu, stop breaking hearts damnit.
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thedivineerotic · 1 year
The 4th House Experience Pt. 1:
(The Ugly Duckling)
Case Study: Lilo Pelekai
“Home is where the heart is.” - Anonymous
“Home is not where you live, it is where you belong.” - African Proverb
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Out of all the water houses (4th, 8th and 12th), the 4th house is given the least amount of attention in online astrology circles, ironic considering that is the only one of the three houses to also serve as an angular house. It doesn’t share the dark, esoteric reputation that makes the 8th and 12th houses such popular houses, but just because it deals with relatively “lighter” topics such as family, the home, ancestry, roots and history doesn’t mean that it isn’t deep. As a matter of fact, one could argue that it is the deepest of the water houses seeing that it is the only one below the horizon. When I first delved into astrology, admittedly the 4th house was not one that garnered much of my attention and for a while I actually considered it one of the more boring of the astrology houses but upon further growth, study and reflection the depths of it became very apparent.
And they were presented perhaps no better than the little girl whose character won me over more than any Disney princess both as a kid and now. 
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The movie lilo and stitch ironically starts with Lilo swimming in the depths of the ocean. She rushes from the beach to make it to her hula dancing lesson. Upon getting there she is immediately singled out for being late, being wet and the seemingly strange explanation of why she had to feed the fish Pudge a peanut butter sandwich as he has control of the weather. Her instructor nor the other girls in the class understand the reasoning behind why her routine with Pudge the fish is so important and ostracize her, with the defacto leader of the small girls’ group Myrtle going as far as to call her “crazy.”
And immediately getting her ass beat because of it.
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Unfortunately Lilo is ostracized by her peers, robbed of a sense of belonging from a very young age. Aside from her sister, her sole sense of belonging comes from her doll “Scrump” whose appearance scares the other girls and further causes her to feel like a misfit. 
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Later in the story we get the explanations to her seemingly strange behavior, we see that her Tuesday routine with Pudge and the importance of him controlling the weather comes because her parents died while driving in the rain. Her being nostalgic and an old soul sets her apart, her favorite artist being Elvis Presley. She latches onto “Scrump” because she is lonely and has no friends. She makes a wish on what she thinks is a shooting star and prays for a friend (wishes being an 11th house theme) and she is sent Stitch, an alien posing as a pet dog, fitting considering pets are a 6th house theme and the 4th house being 6 spaces from the 11th house. Although he too is different, something that uneases her older sister Nani almost immediately, and does not seem like a normal dog, Lilo embraces him from the very beginning, again speaking to Lilo’s nature to offer other misfits a sense of belonging like she herself doesn’t have.
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The two misfits go on a series of adventures around the island, but even in that we can still see Lilo’s desperation to belong as she apologizes and still attempts to befriend the girls who have bullied her and treated both herself and Stitch as pariahs. 
Later in their adventures we see them eating at Nani’s job. The 4th house is representative of the sign of Cancer, opposite of the 10th house which is representative of the sign of Capricorn. Nani displays many themes of the 10th house, tirelessly bouncing from job to job to provide for Lilo and although she initially wanted to fulfill Lilo’s wish and give her a companion, Stitch threatens her job search and the already flimsy structure of their house so much that she can’t afford the sympathy in gifting him a sense of belonging like Lilo can. She is just about to throw Stitch out of the house when Lilo brings up a quote from her deceased parents, Ohana. 
“Ohana means family…”
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Despite being a young girl, Lilo is very attached to the memory of her parents, keeping a picture of them underneath her pillow. She also keeps a physical book copy of the “The Ugly Duckling”. In it she explains the story of a baby duckling that is sad because “he’s been left behind by his family and nobody wants him. But they hear him crying and they find him and now he is happy because he knows where he belongs.”
The night when Stitch threatens to run away, he takes her copy of the Ugly Duckling with him. Lilo tries her best to convince him to stay, fearing losing the only friend other than Nani that she has ever had. When he still leaves, though disappointed she says that she will still never forget him as she “never forget anyone who leaves” before looking at the family picture with her parents again and tucking it back underneath her pillow. 
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The next morning Stitch comes back, trying to escape capture. Naturally she misses her friend and helps him to evade from Jumba and Pleakly trying to arrest him, even going so far as to sacrifice her doll “Scrump” to blow up in the latter’s face. Things unfortunately go too far when their literal house ends up being blown up. When Stitch finally reveals himself to be an alien, she feels betrayed, as if Stitch took advantage of her need for belonging with his need to escape (the 4th house and 9th house themes again being at odds as the 9th house is 8 spaces from the 4th house, the 8th house signifying deception and destruction). When she is taken instead of Stitch she feels defeated, fearing losing her older sister and her home of Hawaii, she officially belongs to nothing.
Someone that gave her a sense of belonging has left her behind once again.
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Finally at the end, upon being rescued and securing Stitch as her pet and best friend for good, Lilo has finally found her sense of belonging. Despite being robbed of a life with her parents, her natural family, she is able to find a family, a tribe, one made up of her older sister along with fellow misfits and aliens just like her.
No one got left behind and no one got forgotten.
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As a 4th Houser, depending on the conditions of the house, your sense of belonging has likely fluctuated throughout your life. No one knows to highs a sense of belonging brings and the low a sense of not belonging brings like you. 
You may some severe abandonment issues and may have fought to be included, to feel you belong in circles where others were seemingly accepted easily. And if you have it, you fought hard not to loose it.
But in the end, you stop fighting to belong and another alien, or group of aliens, find you.
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So even if people have left you in some circles, even if people have pushed you out of others, here's to finding and holding tight to your own “Ohana”.
And keeping onto those memories along the way!
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Signed, The Divine Erotic (4th House Moon)
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mayhapsmayo · 10 months
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Here's some messy doodles of scar (and some guest appearances) to try and get me out of a bit of a drawing ditch. The doodles are also prompted from different lilo and stitch quotes >:3
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svt-nari · 1 year
what tattoos does nari have?
a/n: thank u SO MUCH for requesting! i hope you like this and nari’s tattoos! much love to u, bae <3
nari’s tattoos and its’ meanings !
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— she has 5 tattoos! as soon as she was of age, nari did her first one and since then she LOVES doodling on her skin, though she wants to get even more tattoos on her body.
1. left rib tattoo — ohana.
nari’s a really family oriented girl, she loves her family and everything she does she does for them including her members, who are her second family. also, she LOVES lilo & stitch, one of the biggest stitch enthusiasts out there. so, putting these two together, she decided to tattoo the word ‘ohana’ on her skin, which means ‘family’ in hawaiian and is a quote of the movie itself.
2. left arm tattoo — butterflies.
since her nickname is ‘nabi’ and it means ‘butterfly’, she decided to get it tattoed as well. she also loves this insect, she thought and decided that it had to be on her skin as well — it also reminds her of her trainee days, when she was afraid of being alone and, on her first day there, she even got a nickname, it being her most meaningful and dear one.
3. left wrist — whatever.
when nari’s sexuality was exposed by her to the public and she got a good response, she just thought ‘whatever’ to the bad comments. she couldn’t care less about their opinion and problematic minds, all she could care about was her love for herself and the people who accepted her as she is. so, to mark on her skin that she is proud of who she is, she got the ‘whatever’ tattoo on her wrist, with the pride flag colors.
4. nape — svt units tattoo.
she adores this tattoo, it represents each unit by the drawing – arrow; vocal, heart; performance, “plus”; hiphop. she got it because she loves her group and their history together, they mean so much to her that she had to get it tattoed.
5. right arm — kidult.
‘kidult’ is one of the most meaningful song of theirs to nari, it represents her a lot. she is a kidult herself, she is wants to have no responsibilities but has to be responsible all the time because she is an adult wishing to be a kid. it’s a song that really messes with her and means a lot, so she got it on her skin — it’s probably her most favorite tattoo too, since she really relates to the song.
examples of how each tattoo looks like:
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all rights reserved © svt-nari, 2023
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bucky-h0e · 2 years
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Yes, I used Lilo and Stitch to quote the family that Bucky makes in this fanfic. Honestly, I think it just fits them so well.
There is a taglist, just respond if you'd like to be added! These are headcannons and scenarios revolving around Bucky and Human! Alpine. I'll be used she/her pronouns for the character and there will be a vague description of her in some scenarios.
Enjoy the series!
Serendipity Masterlist
Main Masterlist
How Bucky Met Alpine
It all started when Steve went back to Peggy. Steve was Bucky's family and now he was on his own.
He and Sam worked together sure, but that didn't mean there wasn't any tension there.
They definitely weren't on the level of living together, so Bucky found a place in Brooklyn after he got is pardon.
Quiet, the landlord didn't ask a lot of questions, cheap. It was perfect.
Almost perfect.
There was one neighbour that seemed to annoy him, though they'd never really talked before hand.
They lived opposite each other, so it was a surprise they hadn't seen each other before when Bucky was viewing the place
He'd seen a glimpse of her on moving day, lugging boxes onto his floor and dumping them inside the open door of the apartment.
On his second, maybe third run up from Sam's car - not that there was actually that much to move in - the lift had been occupied so instead he went up the stairs.
He was a super soldier, it's not like it would tire him out too bad.
Walking through he door, he caught a glimpse of his neighbour.
A young woman, maybe 21? 22? Long hair, wearing an all white outfit
In New York? That was brave.
She kicked the door closed behind her before he got a better look at her but he didn't care, he was more annoyed at the fact he had a young neighbour.
he didn't know if he'd be able to handle loud music and parties every night
he was stereotyping of course he knew that but he couldn't help it
a young girl living on her own with absolutely no parental watch, you just know there's going to be some sort of rebellious action
little did he know, his neighbour was a social recluse
and very
so nosey in fact that whenever she hears Bucky's door go, she's up and looking through her peephole wondering what the fuck is going on
she's bored and this is her only form of entertainment because how does this man function
she never sees a lot of groceries, never sees any takeout's delivered to his place, and only ever sees him with his friend or with Yori
and yes, of course she knows Yori
they gossip together on the weekends when they do their laundry at the local laundromat
but she knew who he was, knew who James Barnes used to be, what he used to do, who he lost
she knew he was on his own
like her
so, why couldn't they be on their own together?
she had watched him adapt his life from war to peace, and felt bad that he had no one to talk to about it
yeah she was a kid but she wanted to help her neighbour
she just couldn't figure out how to interact with him
not like she could just knock on his door and say "hey you have trauma and I have trauma lets bond over trauma together"
that would just be way too mentions of trauma
she could say "hey I've been watching you for a couple of weeks and you seem just as depressed as me lets be best friends"
but that would more than likely end up with a door slammed in her face and a restraining order
luck was on her side when one day, her pizza was delivered to the wrong address
she'd been waiting for an hour, normally she wouldn't have even gotten it delivered, she would have gone out to get it herself but the poor baby has a cold
fuck going out
she heard the knocking on the door and couldn't help but get to her feet and look out the peephole at the two people in the hallway
she may be on deaths door but she'll be damned if she doesn't know what on earth is happening right outside her door
"Yeah this ain't mine"
"bro c'mon just pay for the pizza, my boss will kill me if I get this delivery wrong"
"it's not mine, i'm not paying for it."
opening the door she grins because finally
her pizza is here
and she can interact with the Bucky Barnes
"it's mine"
she tried to seem cool
really she did but there's only so much you can do when your face is all red, snot dripping down her nose and her hair in a greasy messed up bun at the top of her head
the pair looked at her and she handed the delivery boy the money, sniffing hard as he left
neither of them had closed their door, neither of them had spoken
somehow they had gotten into a staring competition
it's really no wonder because we know Bucky loves those
but Alpine was STUGGLING
"Why are you staring"
"Dude seriously"
"Okay you're making me sweat, can you stop?"
she starts panicking and opens her pizza box to stuff her face, not taking her eyes of him
"See what you're making me do? Stress eat. this is all you, i can't stop staring- will you just blink?!"
she felt like she was in an interrogation
like all her deepest darkest secrets would come out
and some of them did
the fuck
bucky can't help the quirk upwards his mouth does, a small chuckle leaving his mouth before he can stop it
"This is really uncool of you man, why are you laughing at my MISFORTUNE"
"you steal coupons i don't think you can really talk about being 'uncool' kid"
This girl all but choked on the pizza slice she'd been stress eating
Bucky Barnes just called her uncool
"I am the coolest person in this building"
"you just confessed to to theft"
"i didn't even say anything to you"
braincells hard at work trying to reply
"....I-..... shut up"
"What's your name kid?"
"You called me uncool, you don't get to know my name"
she turns and closes the door, Bucky laughs and does the same
they managed to somehow bump into each other even more after that, with Bucky asking if she stole anymore coupons and Alpine challenging him (and losing) to staring contests
it always ends with her telling him to fuck off and closing the door annoyed that he wins
does he get paid to stare or something
she practices in the mirror because god dammit she will win one of these days
she loses to her reflection
how is it's even possible she doesn't know
but she swears at that mirror every day for a week after
he still asks for her name, she still doesn't give it
annoyed that he called her uncool and hasn't even apologised for it
or taken it back
"Seiously, I can't keep calling you kid, you gotta have a name"
"I'm not telling you my name, you'll just have to guess."
too much effort
with a frown he shrugs
"Fine, I guess I'll just call you.... Alpine"
"You just named me like I was your pet, shocking behaviour Sarge."
That was when he realised she knew who he was
she knew who he was
and still talked to him
he can't help but keep his distance after that
but, she keeps watching him nonetheless, making sure he's looking after himself
he still doesn't eat properly, she thinks
and it annoys her
if he starves to death before she wins a staring competition
she will kill him
it all came to a boiling point when he came home, mumbling angrily about his therapy session and about having no food in the fridge because he was too annoyed to go to the store after the session
his door slammed close and she stopped for a minute
she'd never seen him that angry
so, with all the determination a 21 year old can muster to care for a 106 year old
she cooked him dinner
it was simple, she'd say if he asked
she'd cooked to much
that old cliche
but in reality, she had no idea what she was doing
in the end she made some sort of chicken fried rice
it wasn't much but it would do
when Bucky heard the knocking on his door he contemplated not even answering
probably a lost delivery boy
when it happened again
and again
and again
a genuinely panicked screech from the hallway
groaning he opened the door and stared at the girl, catching her hand before she could bang on the door again
"You're very persistent"
she nearly went to hug him, but he stopped her by putting a hand on her forehead, keeping her at a distance
"You're a weird kid"
"Shut up and come eat dinner with me, I made too much"
and he would have said no
but she looked genuinely upset at the fact she thought he was dead, a hand resting on her heart
"i'm taking silence as a yes."
with that she grabs his arm and drags him to her apartment, barely letting him close the door
Whilst she went about sorting out their dinner, serving it up and getting them some drinks
in the meantime, Bucky took a look around, awkwardly, as you do
it was a normal apartment for someone living in their 20s. Not too clean but not too messy, nothing indecent thrown around the place. a few empty cans but that was it
mail on the counter in the hall
Bucky took a chance and glanced at it, maybe he could get her name if he just looked
what the fuck
"What are you doing?"
man drops the letter and looks like a deer caught in headlights for about three seconds, looking at the grinning girl
wait- grinning?
"You're a bit late sarge, I looked at your mail the first day you moved in."
"You looked at my mail?"
"You can't exactly talk now can you? now come on, foods up."
they sat and ate the dinner she cooked together, talking and getting to know each other, teasing about the fact she thought he was dead
it was nice
it felt like... he had Steve back
he had a family
but he couldn't help his curiosity
"You aren't... scared of me?"
she shrugs
"You could have broken my whole damn arm when i tried to hug you earlier, you're not a monster Sargent Barnes. I trust you"
there it was, the words he'd always needed to hear
you are not a monster
he nods silently, looking up at her as she takes their dishes to put in the sink
"Hey kid?"
"yeah old man?"
"You're pretty cool, y'know that"
"Nice try, I'm sticking with Alpine"
"Damn it"
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