#it’s usually either him or Amy Grant
skyward-floored · 1 year
Ah the dulcet tones of Michael W Smith fill the air once again, as a sure sign that my mom is baking cookies of some sort
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sorry-apsalar · 3 months
Frender Drabbles: Games
Summary: i'd like to see bender acting like a depressed widow, like he always does when fry is even a little bit angry at him. or maybe leela acting as their message transmitter when they're angry at eachother 'n don't want to communicate in person, so she gets fed up and forces them to reconcile.
“I don’t even know what they’re fucking fighting about anymore.” And now that she thought about it, Leela wasn’t sure they’d ever bothered to tell her. “They literally live together but when they want to say something to other they text me, telling me to relay the message. It’s driving me crazy.”
Sitting at the bar next to her, Amy patted her on the shoulder. “Have you tried not playing their games?”
“Well… yes but then they don’t talk to each other at all and that’s only gonna make it worse, right?” Leela wanted them to make up, both for their sakes because usually their friendship brought them happiness but also for her own sake because then they could stop bothering her as much.
“Girl, you need to stop being such a people-pleaser. Let them sink or swim on their own for once.”
“I don’t know, that doesn’t feel right but… maybe you’re right.” Playing their games certainly didn’t seem to be helping them reconcile. “Maybe it’s finally time to start putting my foot down.”
As if testing her, her phone pinged. It was Fry. She took a long drink from her rum and coke before opening it. Just to read in case it was actually important.
‘could you tell bender to turn his emo music donw its making it hard ot sleep thks’
It took more effort than it should’ve to close the chat window, turn off the screen, and pocket the phone but Leela did it. They could figure their own shit out for once. She was done with their bullshit. … “Or perhaps maybe, instead of playing their games, I could force them to play my game… metaphorically anyway.”
Amy raised an eyebrow. “Like force them to talk?”
“Yeah. I mean, the ship’s pretty small and Fry’s a good enough polite by now that he probably won’t crash it if it’s just him and Bender aboard.” They’d gone on delivery mission without her before and been fine. Granted those times had been when they’d been on good terms, them fighting might change things.
“Ooh, and if it’s a long enough mission, they’d for sure either kill each other or come back as friends. Either way they’ll finally be out of your hair.”
“Or they might crash because they’re distracted by fighting.” Which would be a good reason not to do it. “Though, the auto-polite just got updated again so it should be even better at preventing crashes so… it’d probably be fine as long the space around them isn’t too populated.”
“So it’s decided then, next delivery mission you’re gonna get seriously suddenly very sick right before boarding, leaving them to go alone and hopefully finally sort their shit out?”
“I guess so, yeah.”
“Cool, if you need a good fake vomit recipe I know several. How good’s your fake retching?”
“Uh… not great.” Leela had never had to fake being sick before.
“That’s okay you can practice when we’re sober. I’ll show you how it’s done.”
“It’s a plan then!” Leela raised her glass to clink against Amy’s before downing the rest of it in one go. They’d come here to have a good time so by golly she was gonna have a good time.
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nightfurylover31 · 2 years
I’ve been listening to the new song for Frontiers “Vandalize” a lot, and the lyrics got me thinking of a not so crazy theory...
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What if this isn’t the real Amy?!
What if this is just a copy of her created by the real villain of the game to trick Sonic in getting what they want? And Sage is trying to prevent that.
They lyrics almost feel like the betrayal of someone.
Shatter me like glass Covered in scars But roses are coming through the cracks
This definitely feels like Sonic getting corrupted by the cyberspace travel, searching for his friends. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who immediately thought of Amy and the "roses" bit. As it seems she's the first friend Sonic finds.
Time that you killed you promised to help me reveal Feels like you planned it Took us for granted
Sounds like "Amy" might seem like she's helping Sonic, but is actually manipulating him. If he did lose his memories, she could be warping them or leading him to false conclusions.
Said you’d keep me safe now you’re tearing me down
That part reminds me of a line from “Follow Me,” Team Rose’s theme from Sonic Heroes (I only want to protect you). The opposite of what Amy usually tries to do. Like leading him into dangerous traps or something.
You're freaking crazy Hate me Love you
That really feels like a callout to have Amy used to be. Always chasing after Sonic, wanting to marry him, and him running away. Over the last few games, she's mellowed out (which I am grateful of) and it could be this is Sonic thinking back of the past.
There's another thing that makes me think this is possible, or rather lack of: TAILS. He has not been in any of the trailers, and it seems like he wasn't in the demo either. We know he came to the Starfall Islands with Sonic and Amy, so where is he? It makes me think both he and the real Amy are being held captive.
There are other lyrics that I think could support this theory, but these are the main points that I want to address. Also, I wanted to keep this post unbiased, in regards of a SonicXAmy relationship thing. I'm pretty neutral, so let's just keep this simple.
Maybe Sonic will realize she's a fake, or think she did end up betraying him and not learn the truth until later. What do you guys think?
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hexellent · 5 months
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@already-know-this-story asked: [Weighing Pros and Cons]
❣ for Team Sonic!
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Can and Will build/fix anything you want, even if you don't ask. He'll overhear you complaining about something breaking or wishing some tech or another existed to make your life easier, and within a week you'll have that exact thing fixed or created, and probably better than the original.
Cuddly as all fuck. Loves hanging off his partners and just being around them all the time. Quality time is his love language and he does NOT mind body doubling, or just cuddling on the couch watching tv. As long as you are either in the same room or within arms reach, he's good.
He's also pretty understanding for the most part. He lets a lot of wild shit that would otherwise scare other people off slide. As long as you aren't actively hurting yourself, him, or his family, there's a good chance he really won't care. Might even hit you with a 'pop off queen/king'.
Does NOT take care of himself well. Junk Food King. His insomnia takes a hard toll on his mental health. A lot of the time he's left exhausted and tries to wear himself out by overworking in the lab. He's done that a lot less nowadays due to Sonic, but it still happens. He becomes incredibly irritable and more apt to fly off the handle in frustration.
Possessive tbh. He is very much the jealous type, and wants your attention all for himself. Depending on your reaction to that, he'll try to tone it down, but expect him to be very clingy and grumpy at the minimum. He will deny it, but he's absolutely jealous.
Morally gray. Now this might not be a con for some, but he's more likely to let wild shit slide, and even commit his own crimes. King of tax fraud and stealing from people's bank accounts, granted the stealing is usually from shitty, overly rich people. He also smokes weed and drinks, but again, may not be a con for some.
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Very physically affectionate when comfortable enough. A huge step because he is very very sensitive to touch.
Not a whole lot of drama. Probably won't have to worry about much with him since he doesn't really go to crowded places often, nor is he trusting of others. Just keep him in the loop on what you're up to and its all good.
Chao. Like bro you can hang out with Chao, who doesn't want that?
Though he is incredibly loyal, it's not hard to lose his trust. Disrespecting his island, heritage, duty, harming the chao, or putting his family in danger is a good way to get him to turn on you quick.
Pretty stubborn tbh. A hardheaded man that's trying his best.
Is not always good at communicating. Sometimes he genuinely doesn't know how to voice a problem until it becomes a big thing, and then he explodes over it. He struggles a lot with social interactions, especially if he doesn't know you well, and it's frustrating not being able to articulate when something is wrong.
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Actually really good with kids. He's got a pretty good balance of childishness and responsibility when it comes to them. He just treats them like the tiny but intelligent people they are, but also works to make sure they're safe.
A good cook. Though Amy taught her, she's actually really good at cooking and is more than happy to make you anything if you ask. At least, within her abilities. She's still learning some stuff.
The fact that he's gotten therapy is probably a pro in and of itself tbh.
He can still be self-sacrificial at times, despite having toned it down. He genuinely can't stand letting others get hurt and it's not something he can let go of easily.
Having a lot of sexual partners can be a con depending on how its thought of. He's not at all shy about his promiscuity, and while he doesn't outright flaunt it, he doesn't hide it either. If his partner doesn't want her with anyone else, he will respect that, but the fact that it's something she's done at all may be a con for some.
Commitment may mean two different things between the two of you. To her, it means he'll always come back to you, no matter where he goes. It means you're one of his top priorities, but second to Tails, because that's their kid. Means that he might go sacrificing himself again to save the world and he refuses to let anyone, even his partner, stop him. Means he still needs to do his own thing, regardless of if you're involved or not. And none of it is out of malice. He just can't compromise certain things about himself for someone else. It feels too much like changing who she is.
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Starring Jason Statham, Aubrey Plaza, Josh Hartnett, Cary Elwes, Bugzy Malone, Hugh Grant, Eddie Marsan, Peter Ferdinando, Lourdes Faberes, Max Beesley, Bestemsu Özdemir, Kaan Urgancıoğlu, Antonio Bustorff, Tim Seyfi, Nicholas Facey, Sam Douglas, Ergun Kuyucu, Oliver Maltman, Matthew Hawksley, Aksel Ustun, Zaid Muhammad Lashin and Amy Jackson.
Screenplay by Guy Ritchie, Ivan Atkinson, and Marn Davies.
Directed by Guy Ritchie.
Distributed by Lionsgate. 114 minutes. Rated R.
You basically know what you’re going to get with a Guy Ritchie movie. There will be a team of wise-cracking British toughs (usually criminals or spies) traipsing across some spectacular locations, spinning some slightly sketchy plans, shooting up the place in an attempt to achieve their mission – which usually involves a boatload of money, drugs or black-market arms.
And the leader of the pack will usually be Jason Statham.
Statham is not necessarily the world’s most nuanced actor – in fact, to paraphrase an old quip about a different actor – he runs the emotional gamut from A to B. Which is okay in this type of situation, Statham stays in his lane and is very skilled at this type of role.
He always plays a tough guy who never quite raises his voice, but he has a way with a one-liner, and he can beat the crap out of a whole army. His character here, super-spy Orson Fortune, is allowed some quirky character traits – he is a fine wine connoisseur, believes in holistic living and needs to have an expensive vacation after every mission – but otherwise it’s pretty much standard Statham.
You know what you’re getting from the guy and thus, even though he is usually the lead in the film, it usually falls to the supporting cast to make the film either stand out or fall down.
Luckily for him (and for us), Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre has a strong supporting cast. More specifically, just four actors basically raise this above the formula film that it otherwise would be. Those actors are Hugh Grant, Aubrey Plaza, Josh Hartnett and Cary Elwes. They are – by far – the most entertaining parts of Operation Fortune.
Which is lucky, because honestly without them, the movie would be pretty underwhelming – a slick but formulaic action thriller which we have seen (and seen done better) often before.
However, because each of those supporting players brings something different and eccentric to the party – particularly Plaza and Grant – Operation Fortune turns into a relatively amusing way to spend a couple of hours.
The plot – as if it really matters – has a group of British spies (Statham, Plaza, Bugzy Malone and Elwes) using a Hollywood star (Hartnett) to infiltrate the lair of a billionaire philanthropist who just may be an arms dealer on the side (Grant). However, they are thwarted at every turn by the billionaire’s staff, criminals, and a nemesis group of spies.
Grant’s cockney billionaire Greg Simmonds is an odd mix of ruthless and fanboy, and Grant seems to be having a blast drilling into his contradictions. Plaza’s snarky computer hacker brings a much-needed burst of Americanness and estrogen to the proceedings. And Hartnett good-naturedly lampoons his own role of a shallow Hollywood action star.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre will not make anyone forget Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, but in Richie’s very inconsistent body of work, it turns out to be one of the better ones. And really, what more can you ask or even expect at this point in the filmmaker’s career?
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: March 3, 2023.
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rmd-writes · 2 years
wip wednesday
As usual, it’s Thursday here but @stereopticons tagged me and I’m sharing this one to put a little pressure on to keep writing it. I’m struggling a little and getting distracted by certain people in other fandoms (you know who you are)
Anyway, enough about that:
Stevie snatches the phone from him and he lets her. “David, this says he can get you grants. That means more money, what are you waiting for?”
“I don’t know! I can’t pay him to do anything.”
The truth is, David is wary of relying on anyone. Even letting Patrick look at his business mood board and the other documents he’d sent had been wildly unnerving. All David’s known is betrayal when it comes to business, and in life too, often enough. Between his parents propping up his business and letting him think he was successful and fucking Eli ruining them all, he’s wary of accepting assistance from someone he doesn’t know.
“Just talk to him,” Stevie says. “You can say no.”
David makes a non-committal noise in response, but he lifts the corner of his mouth enough to make a dimple pop, so that Stevie knows he appreciates her talking him out of a spiral, without either of them having to acknowledge it.
Tagging @weathereyehorizon @maxbegone @doublel27 @welcometololaland @three-drink-amy and anyone else who wants to play!
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jouska-the-deer · 1 year
I'm finally watching Sonic Prime and I guess I'll do that thing where people give their thoughts as they watch, mostly because it'll help me keep my terrible attention span in check. However, it annoys me when people do it by continuously reblogging their own post to add comments, so I'm just gonna do it all in one post, at least for each episode, and keep it under a "Read More" to both keep the post short and avoid spoilers for those who care.
Before going in, I’ll share that I saw quite a few things about Prime in various places, but not like, actual reviews or anything. Basically I know what themes the currently shown universes are, what the characters look like, and the basic plot. I’ve also heard it’s canon to the games which I 100% doubt based on the small amount of stuff I’ve seen, but I guess I’ll have a better idea of that once I actually watch the show.
So, here we go I guess. Episode 1. (Oh, and this is awkward, but, Sonic Frontiers and Forces spoilers ahead.)
So yeah, the first line of narration out of Sonic’s mouth and it’s already obvious this isn’t canon to the games. None of Sonic’s friends live in Green Hill. HE doesn’t live in Green Hill (granted, he technically doesn’t live anywhere, though I’d assume he treats Tails’ place as his own). I know Green Hill is a fan favorite (or at least SEGA thinks it is) but like, come on. 
Are they using clips from later in the show in the place of flashbacks? Man, they went from showing “sad” flashbacks to five minutes ago in Frontiers to straight up predicting the future with them in Prime. I could be wrong but if I’m right this is kinda funny. 
Sonic’s relationship status with Shadow is “it’s complicated”, I guess. I mean, it seemed like a pretty normal friend/allyship in Forces, so I’m gonna headcanon that they had an awkward date and don’t know how to talk about it, at least until it’s revealed that “it’s complicated” means Sonic is in the wrong about something and he either doesn’t know or doesn’t want to admit it. 
Ah. 10 seconds pass and I figure out what the flashbacks are about. The show is gonna give flashbacks that explain what lead up to the events of the opening fight. Guess they didn’t want to have him already fighting Eggman and reuse the “you’re probably wondering how I got here” trope since it was already done in the first Sonic movie, but still wanted the opening scene action. I still think it’s funny to use show scenes as flashbacks, since we’re gonna be seeing them again pretty soon.
Has Eggman ever expressed that he hated nature? Just because he exploits nature to further his own goals with little care for the environmental repercussions, that doesn’t mean he actively hates it or anything. I don’t think game Eggman would sneer at the thought of greenery. Another point in the “not canon to the games” tally. 
If I didn’t already know that Rouge is only here because she wants the Paradox Prism, I’d put another point in the “not canon” tally for her being randomly inserted into the usual group. Knuckles both not guarding the Master Emerald and supposedly living in Green Hill also warrants a “not canon” mark, but honestly, at this point, I’m starting to question if Angel Island is even where he lives and guarding the Master Emerald is even what he does, because given all the mundane crap he leaves it for in every canon, I have to wonder if that whole backstory is just a fever dream I had at some point. 
Amy seemed a little too happy when asking Sonic “where have you been” considering she was among the group complaining he was late right after he arrived. Nice smooth talk Sonic’s got there though. It’s a shame I know from the trailer that he’s about to make a smooth brained decision. 
Haha! Sonic learned that trick from Knuckles! 
As Sonic’s floating through space, the glittery images of the people he knows speaking in the void, the only word that’s going through my head is, “PRESENTATION!” 
Oh god it’s not even been five minutes and I’ve written over 500 words. If only I could write fics this quickly…
Did the truck stop chili dogs give him food poisoning so bad he hallucinated? 
Dog npc looks cute. Well, all the animal background characters are cute, but that’s just because rubber hose animals are cute. It feels strange to see properly animated background anthros after all this time. I almost felt like I was watching Boom again.
Okay so yeah Prime is definitely not game canon. Plenty of Eggman’s robots haven’t used flickies in the games. Heck, where would he even fit flickies inside of Orbot and Cubot? I’m 90% sure it’s a convenience thing. They’re a good power source when around, otherwise, he powers his robots in other ways. Again, I don’t think he actively hates nature, he just doesn’t have any qualms with exploiting it. 
I think every person on the planet agreed that Sonic having an electric motif kicks ass and so now he just has electric effects to his running in Frontiers and Prime. (I’m usually against mixing canons because I like them having distinct characteristics, but I have to agree, the electric motif kicks ass.) (Also I’m aware that in Prime it’s more a dimensional glitch thing but like, come on…)
Stormtrooper aim on these robots. I guess it works out for Sonic since he can barely run and doesn’t have rings atm. 
Had the thought earlier but forgot to write it down; This has the same tone as Colors. People hated that but I’m not ashamed of enjoying kids’ media so I don’t care. Besides, this is clearly a different canon so it’s not like it even matters. As long as things stay consistent within its own universe (or set thereof I guess) then it’s fine. 
Yeah so, Tails’ lab is in different places depending on the games/canon. But in the mainline console games, it’s definitely in Mystic Ruins and not Green Hill. At this point, I can easily say anyone, regardless of supposed credibility, would be wrong to say game/Prime canon flows in either direction. Games can’t be canon to Prime because Eggman’s built robots without flickies, and some massive justifications would have to be in place to explain Eggman and Sonic’s personality differences and the characters’ living situations. Prime can’t be canon to games because of the previously said personality/living situation. Prime holds as much weight in the game canon as Boom, so like, maybe a Prime exclusive character might be inexplicably mentioned in a game cutscene, but that’s all you can expect in terms of crossover. 
So we’re doing Lost World’s plot then? Prime should’ve been made sooner so they didn’t feel the need to contrive this conflict in a mainline game. 
Ah shit he hit a fault line, lol. 
I am not used to Knuckles having this deep of a voice. 
Tails never gets upset, except, you know, all the times he’s gotten upset. Also how the hell were they able to see his expression from that far away? Did he fly the Tornado off in an especially sulky manner? 
Oh shit he really did hit a fault line. That’s funny. I was joking. I thought the impact was that large because of the combined force of the giant robot and Sonic’s dense skull cracking the earth alone. 
Wow. Tails is so upset. More upset than he’s ever been before. You can tell by how he’s… just kinda doing what he normally does but with a flat voice. 
Okay, Eggman also needed a speed amplifier to get Sonic to crack the fault line. That’s what the device was. I think I saw a clip of Tails explaining that but then just forgot about it. Oh well. 
Just as I already knew, Rouge is only here because of the Paradox Prism. She’s not a part of the normal group. She just wants some backup so she can get to the shiny. 
It straight up seems like Eggman’s main motivation is destroying Green Hill, with creating his empire being a second thought. Yes, the end goal has basically the same result, but the distinction is important. Eggman is sounding more like what I imagine a Captain Planet villain is rather than like his game canon self. I think it’s fine for him to have more cartoony motivations in this show, but again, it’s a clear distinction between the two versions of him. 
Okay, Sonic, you can roll into a ball to protect yourself. Like, come on. You don’t need to be faceplanting like that for no reason. 
Oookay. It looks like I read that right last week. Knuckles has two different VAs. For some reason, he just… has a completely different voice in the Eggman Dystopia universe. I honestly like this voice more, but that probably has more to do with it being a less jarring switch from the voices I’ve been used to for… my whole life…
Did… Nine just… not hear Sonic come in? And talking with his outside voice?
If Forces was able to actually show what the planet was like after it was conquered by Eggman, I imagine this is what it’d be like. Also when Knuckles said Tails “lost it” or something like that, I imagine if Tails was acting like Nine instead of a coward, people would’ve complained less. This is the year of SEGA trying to make people forget Forces ever happened while taking the ideas they had for it and freshening them up for new content.
I know it’s basically always been Tails’ backstory that he was bullied for having 2 tails, but the pixel art sequence is clearly based on the Origins animation. Also, that pixel art uh… doesn’t look great. I guess this is a good example of why more simplistic doesn’t necessarily mean easier to create. 
The Tornado isn’t Tails’, it’s Sonic’s. The other versions of the Tornado are his, but Tails just holds onto the Tornado, probably due to Sonic’s whole not having a house thing. 
Sonic’s got his own inhibitor rings now. Neat. 
Birdie is blue in the games. I think I’ve even seen someone say that already.
“Sonic! Wake up! You’ve fucked up big time!” “Shadow?” (Yes, I stole that.)
Okay I really feel like game Sonic wouldn’t just run off right after his friends say they should stick together, so again, this isn’t canon to the games. Game Sonic has always enjoyed keeping around them, especially when things are serious, and the only times I can think of that he wasn’t like that are Colors and Lost World, two games that are criticized for their portrayal of Sonic constantly. 
What? Did Rouge think it was too chummy to hang onto the wing of the Tornado like Knuckles, or did the team actually force her to keep up with a plane? Either way, not cool. 
I know chili dogs are Sonic’s favorite food and he probably does need the calories, but dang, he can’t just have them for every meal! This poor guy’s gonna get scurvy before he even reaches the pirate universe. 
Ah, so romantic! Getting punched in the face out of nowhere! (This is sarcasm. I’m making fun of the people who looked at Shadow punching Sonic and decided it was Sonadow bait.)
Not a fan of the cliffhanger, and not just because of the whole “wanting to see what’s next” thing. I hate how the Netflix model of dumping batches of episodes and measuring success off of whole series instant viewership has forced shows to end every episode on a cliffhanger to facilitate unhealthy watching habits for the sake of getting their show to survive. It is a detriment to creative storytelling and critical analysis, as the plot has to be built around constant cliffhangers and binging a series means not having the time to digest the information being shown. 
Overall, first episode is alright. I like Nine and wish him all the happiness. I wish Sonic a very ‘get punched in the face by Shadow for breaking the universe’. I’m vaguely interested in whatever Knucks and Rebel are doing. I hope that literally any arc concludes before these 8 episodes are over. 
Honestly, I think the only reasons anyone has tried to argue that Prime is canon is just because the characters look a lot closer to canon than they have in any other Sonic cartoon, and because one of the hundreds of people working on the show said there is/will be influence across the different canons. If anyone important actually does consider Prime to be canon and it does have a significant impact on the games, then I’ll rescind my opinion and have to consider it a horrible mess that absolutely failed to capture the characterization of the games.
Anyway, I might do this while watching the other episodes… whenever I get around to doing that. It’s like 3AM and I’m tired, so I’m done for today I think. 
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the-real-tc · 2 years
Review: Heartland Season 15 Finale: Leaving a Legacy
I'll keep this (relatively) short and sweet.
I loved the finale. I cannot believe Season 15 has sped by so quickly, so thanks are once again in order to the entire cast and crew who stuck out some incredibly grueling conditions to make it happen. Your efforts are fully appreciated.
First things: I am so pleased I was right about how Amy would use her "windfall". Naming the Centre after Ty was really the only logical thing to do. Now kids like him will get another shot at a future, just like he did at Heartland. I made comparisons years ago between Heartland and another old Canadian TV series "Neon Rider", but I think enough time has passed since that show was on the air to keep up that comparison, and the Dr. Ty Borden Equestrian Therapy Centre is bound to be its own unique thing.
On a related note: the character of Logan has been a revelation this season. Drew Davis is extremely charming in the role, and I like the ultimatum Clint gave him, which bodes well for the character to return for potential future seasons.
Secondly: I've always been "Team Peter", so it was great hearing Lou say the things she said about their relationship, and it was great hearing Katie's heartfelt words about how her camping trip with her mother went down. (Baye McPherson is rocking the role as Katie 4.0!) It seems all Lou needed was someone like Rick in her life to call her out on her B.S. and force her to confront her true feelings. (Rick's facial expression when he left Lou's office to make Lou and PW finally hash it out... LOL, Aidan, you campy idiot! 🤣)
Third: I wish there had been more time in this short 10-episode season for a good lead-up to the Platinum Bow storyline. I would have liked to have felt more anxiety for the horse's race. Winning the Kentucky Derby is no small feat, but it sort of felt like any other race he might have won. But Yay, Lisa, and Yay, Fairfield Stables, and Yay, Carlos, jockey-in-the-waiting. (I imagine the photo they teased earlier of Jack and Lisa toasting each other at Heartland was a post-Derby celebration. Alas, another cutting room floor scene for JISA fans to lament... le sigh.)
Fourth: Jess has been avoiding phone calls since coming back from selling her condo in NYC, and Tim is suspicious, especially after he picks up her phone and it's a doctor calling... It's almost a replay of when Lisa had a health scare a few seasons ago. Thankfully, Jess is clear, just as Lisa was, so disaster averted.
All through Season 15, I've been wondering about the very curious choices in how the moon phases were depicted. It's like it was always a full moon, regardless of the time of the month. Now I get it: the moon is a reference to Lyndy's moon drawing, and her line that it's her Dada—Ty. The moon hanging over Heartland is symbolic of Ty's presence hovering over his loved ones, which was felt very strongly this episode with Amy's discovery of his final anniversary present. Someone started chopping a bunch of onions in my room when Amy read Ty's card, so I'm sure I missed a few important words, but it was great that Graham Wardle was able to provide some voiceover work for that scene.
Okay, I lied about keeping this short, but it's shorter than my usual treatises.
Overall, I've loved Season 15 and the "maturity" level of the stories. There were some serious issues, and I feel like several characters were *finally* given permission to say things and do things they were previously unable to do and say, either out of plot contrivance or sloppy writing.
I certainly hope we get a 16th season, because I have to admit I have long lived with the thought Heartland would call it quits at 15, if it was ever granted that long a life. There are still lots of stories to tell, because Heartland is about life, and life goes on. Life goes on even when loved ones leave or pass away. We might not like change, but change is what makes life interesting.
So thanks once again to everyone involved with bringing this show to our screens, and blessings to Jessica Steen, aka Lisa Stillman, who celebrates her 56th birthday today (Dec. 19).
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suituuup · 3 years
that's the kind of love i've been dreaming of
Has Beca mentioned that she hates his guts? Everything is just too… annoyingly nice. His charming smile, his messy but not too messy hair, his sense of humor, and well, his taste in women, as he’s dating the girl Beca happens to be in love with.
Word count: 2005
Rating: T
Entry for Bechloe week, day one: “Because I'm in love with you, dumbass.”
Beta by the lovely @snowonebutyou and thanks to @green-eyed-weirdo for bouncing ideas with me <3
The muffled giggle greeting Beca when she steps through the door makes her groan. The deep voice that follows confirms that Chloe is indeed not alone, and Beca briefly considers turning around and… going for a walk or something.
But her feet are about to fall off, she feels gross from her overcrowded subway ride home where she’s pretty sure a dude sniffed her hair, and she is really fucking tired.
She’s just flopped down face first on the pull-out couch when the door to Chloe’s bedroom opens, and two sets of feet grow closer.
“You alright, Becs?”
Beca grunts something inaudible in acknowledgment before she rolls on her back. “M’fine.”
“Hey Beca,” Chicago greets her with a soft smile, and Beca somehow manages to leash in her sneer.
“Hey,” she mumbles, the best she can muster when it comes to Chloe’s boyfriend.
Has she mentioned that she hates his guts? Everything is just too… annoyingly nice. His charming smile, his messy but not too messy hair, his sense of humor, and well, his taste in women, as he’s dating the girl Beca happens to be in love with.
Yep. It’s only been four years and a half; not a big deal.
She was this close to admitting her feelings to Chloe, still reeling with adrenaline after her solo performance, when Chloe ran to Army Boy instead. Beca doesn’t think she knew what a broken heart felt like until that very moment.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Chicago asks, setting his hands on Chloe’s hips.
“Yeah,” Chloe agrees and leans up to kiss his lips. Beca rolls her eyes, grabbing her phone from her back pocket as a distraction from the display of gag-worthy affection.
The door finally clicks shut behind Chicago, and Beca hears Chloe sigh. That kind of content sigh that has jealousy flare up within her because Chloe should be sighing like that because of her.
“I thought he was leaving tomorrow morning?” Beca asks as she scrolls through her Instagram, not really registering the photos zooming past her eyes.
“Not anymore,” Chloe says, biting on her bottom lip like she’s trying to prevent a smile from breaking through. “He’s um, going to be stationed in Brooklyn. His request just got granted.”
A huge lump forms in Beca’s throat as she registers the news and an uneasy feeling seized her stomach. “That’s--” she swallows with difficulty, swiping her tongue over her dry lips. “That’s great, Chlo.”
She soon exits Instagram, opening her safari to look for apartment listings.
Finding an apartment in New York City within her price range, as it turns out, is pretty fucking difficult.
You would think Beca was aware of that given the fact that there used to be one more person living in her current studio, with a simple curtain acting as bathroom walls.
(she definitely has PTSD from that night Amy had food poisoning from Taco Bell.)
When Amy moved out, Chloe took her room, because Beca is the night owl of the two, usually coming home late from work or cooking dinner after Chloe has gone to bed.
It’s pushing eleven by the time she makes it back that night, and she prays that Chloe is already in bed. The past couple of weeks following the news have been… weird, to say the least. Beca has been avoiding Chloe, coming up with excuses whenever Chloe asks her if she wants to hang out.
She makes herself a quick dinner (okay, makes might be a bit of an overstatement: she just pours some hot water over instant noodles. Don’t come at her.) and messes around on her laptop for a while, turning the lights off just after one am.
A moan reaching her ears just as she feels herself dozing off has her eyes fly open. A moan that very much belongs to Chloe, and Beca just wants to disappear off the face of the earth. Quiet laughter follows, and when the bed starts squeaking, leaving no doubt regarding what they’re doing in there, Beca ponders smothering herself with her own pillow.
She grabs her headphones instead, hastily placing them over her ears before she hears something that will most likely scar her forever. It somewhat cancels out the sounds, enough for Beca to fall asleep. She flees the apartment before either of them is awake, drowning her sorrows in a double espresso from the corner coffee shop.
Over the next few days, she excels in avoiding Chloe. She knows Chloe’s schedule well enough to come back when she’s either asleep or not there. Or at least she thought so.
Beca freezes as she closes the door, looking over her shoulder to find Chloe popping her head out of the fridge.
Beca clears her throat, rubbing her nose with her knuckle as she stares down at the scuff of her shoes. “Hey,” she echoes, setting her keys down on the counter.
“Long time no see,” Chloe says as Beca sits on the edge of her bed to take her boots off.
“Yeah um, I’ve been busy,” Beca mumbles as she undoes her laces.
“Busy avoiding me?”
Beca’s spine snaps straighter at that, and she looks up to meet Chloe’s eyes. “No, just--” her shoulder lifts in a half shrug. “I figured you and Chicago might enjoy some private time together.”
Chloe hums like she doesn’t believe her. “You’d tell me if-- if something was bothering you, right? I feel like I’ve done something wrong.”
Beca swallows. “It’s not you, Chlo. I’m just--” she sighs, feeling her frustration rise as she scrapes her brain for a believable lie. “Work sucks and I feel like I’m getting nowhere, so I’ve been crankier than usual.”
Chloe nods, her lips curving in a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry you’re having a hard time at work,” she says. “We should go out tonight! It’s been forever.”
Beca’s rebuttal lies on the tip of her tongue, out of reflex. She swallows it back, because Chloe is giving her those puppy eyes she’s mastered so well, and Beca knows damn well she can’t resist. Besides, she could definitely use a drink. Or ten.
“Yeah, okay. Sure.”
That’s how they find themselves in an overly too loud, busy club a handful of hours later. Beca is definitely tipsy, and Chloe has just ordered shots, so she knows she’s likely to finish the night with her head in the toilet. But she hasn’t laughed like that in a while, and it feels amazing to be… Beca and Chloe again.
It’s ruined just after Beca downs her first shot, when Army Boy shows up.
“Hi!” Chloe exclaims, springing up from her stool to hug him.
Beca grits her teeth so hard that she’s half-concerned they might break, her eyes throwing daggers at Chicago’s head.
“Hey Beca,” he says, apparently oblivious as he slides on the vacant stool.
Beca simply tilts her chin towards him, along with a tight-lipped smile. As Chicago orders his drink with the waitress, Beca shrugs her jacket on. “I’m gonna go,” she announces over the music, not caring one bit that it’s obvious as to why.
She doesn’t wait for a reply, letting her legs carry her towards the exit as quickly as possible as tears burn her eyes. She bumps into someone in her haste and mumbles a disoriented sorry, sucking in a much needed breath as soon as she steps outside of the club.
The music gradually fades away as she starts down the sidewalk, tugging her jacket tighter around her frame when a chill rolls down her spine. She’s not even sure in which direction she’s going, set on hailing the first cab she finds.
“What the hell is your problem??”
Beca freezes at the familiar voice, swallowing around the forming lump in her throat before she turns around. She barely meets Chloe’s eyes. “I’m just tired, Chlo.”
“Bullshit,” Chloe spits out, a scoff flying past her lips as she shakes her head. Her typically warm eyes are bone-chilling icy. “You left the second he got here.”
Beca sighs heavily, her hands forming fists by her sides in an attempt to tame her growing irritation. “Yeah well, maybe I didn’t feel like being the third wheel. I thought it was just going to be you and I, tonight. But you two have been attached to the hip and all you can talk about is Chicago this, Chicago that.”
“Well I’m sorry if I enjoy his company,” Chloe fires back. “You know, the least you could do is be happy for me.”
“Oh great, the guilty card,” Beca says, eyes rolling skyward. She sucks in a sharp breath. “I can’t be happy for you, Chlo.”
Chloe staggers back as though Beca’s words slapped her in the face. “What?”
“I said, I can’t be happy for you,” Beca repeats, her tone rising along with her frustration.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Chloe asks, a mixture of anger, hurt and confusion surfacing in her features. “Why can’t you be happy for me? That’s what best friends are supposed to do, you know. I mean, are you even still my best friend? Because you haven’t been acting like one those past--”
“Because I’m in love with you, dumbass!” Beca finally blurts, a lot louder than necessary. Her declaration catches the attention of a few bypassers, but Beca is too focused on Chloe to care.
She watches as realization dawns in Chloe’s eyes, and all she can hear is her heart beating madly in her ears. She swallows, glancing down at the crack in the sidewalk. “And I’m the biggest idiot in the world,” she mumbles, roughly wiping at her cheeks when she feels a few tears rolling down her skin. “I’ll be out of the apartment by tomorrow.”
Beca is thankful Chloe doesn’t follow her when she turns around and resumes her journey home. She ends up walking all the way, too embarrassed to break down in a cab like in those stupid rom-coms. She texts Amy when she makes it back to ask if she can crash at her fancy apartment, fishing out her suitcase as soon as her friend agrees. Tears keep leaking out, and Beca wipes them away with her sleeve before she starts shoving her clothes into the suitcase, trying to ignore the way her heart aches.
A key slides into the lock just as she’s done packing. Beca straightens and hastily wipes her cheeks dry, even though she knows her bloodshot eyes will betray her.
“You’re really leaving,” Chloe murmurs, her voice barely audible.
Beca sniffles as she heaves her suitcase off the bed and sets it down. “Yep.”
Beca bites back a humorless laugh. “I don’t know, maybe because I’m not a masochist?” She deadpans. “Seeing you and Chicago together isn’t exactly fun.”
“We broke up.”
Beca’s breathing halts as she registers the words. Her jaw slacks. “What?”
Chloe clears her throat a little, taking a step closer. She’s fiddling with her keys, something she does when she gets shy, nervous or nervous, or excited. “Well, I broke up with him.”
“You did?” Beca croaks out.
Chloe nods, the corners of her lips upturning in a sheepish smile. “Because it’s always been you, dumbass.”
Beca’s lungs flood with oxygen, and her shoulders slump, releasing the tension at once. “Oh.”
“Oh?” Chloe echoes, raising an eyebrow as she takes another step.
Beca closes her eyes briefly, her head tilting as she frowns. “Sorry, I think my brain needs to be re-booted. Could you um, could you say that again?”
Chloe chuckles, finally closing the remaining distance between them. She cups Beca’s cheek and joins their lips in a soft, lingering kiss. Beca’s knees quake as a bunch of butterflies release in her belly, and she can’t quite believe this is really happening.
She licks her tingling lips when Chloe pulls away, feeling a bit dizzy. “Um, I’m not sure I quite got that one, either. Care for an encore?”
The first of many, many ones.
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woodchoc-magnum · 2 years
L*ne St*r Hate Watch 3x18
Disclaimer: as usual, don't read if you love the show, have a great day
Eddie Diaz! To sustain us:
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Also I'm spoiled for the thing at the end but pretty much nothing else
Let's see how they turn Judd's storyline into Owen's storyline
Okay so Judd isn't in the elevator when the building collapses, he's talking to the absolute douchebag CEO guy
I was momentarily horrified thinking that we were cutting to a shot of Owen in bed with Amy Acker's character, but it turns out it's Lisa Edelstein in a flashback
Ohhh it was a 9/11 flashback – for a second I thought they were actually going to do a CGI shot of the plane going into the building but thankfully they didn't
Also to age Rob Lowe down they had to smear Vaseline on the lens of the camera and make the shot as soft as possible
There's another mass in Owen's lung, hopefully he dies
TK is upset that Carlos was updating his will, proving once again that TK is a fucking moron
And then they got into a fight about it
TK thinks the only reason he survived both his near death experiences is because he doesn't have a will, proving twice in less than five minutes that TK is a fucking moron
Grace knows that Judd is in the building
But we instantly cut to Judd and he's OKAY
10 bucks says the CEO dude gets crushed/smushed at some point in this episode
I will say that ain't no one do building collapses like the OG
Okay I might be wrong about the CEO guy, he's now actually showing signs of humanity by helping Judd
Here I thought he was a soulless monster
All right so… it's like 8.21 in the morning and I am still waking up, and I decided to do this now because I wanted to get this damn show over and done with, so I'm pretty sluggish right now but… my brain literally just went, "oh that's why they did the 9/11 reference at the start, because of the building collapse, and now Owen's lung cancer is back and he's going to almost die in this building collapse and it's like a full circle thing"
So sometimes my brain just takes a little while to catch up, but after 16 minutes of the episode it just clicked in, so we should be good now
Owen just said there's probably some pockets of gas left in the building which is almost definitely foreshadowing
Like I know he's not going to die, obviously, but it'd be fun if he did
Owen's going in ALONE
Marjan and Paul are literally just stuck up a ladder together doing nothing
Judd's OUT
Look this is the only thing we fucking care about right
Owen is still inside
Come on building, COLLAPSE
Where's Billy when you need him, you know he could make that shit happen
TK is registering absolutely no emotion
Owen is unfortunately still alive, everyone booed
Getting "Owen trapped in a mine" vibes
Imagine if zombie Tim turned up, that would be amazing
Is it bad if I fast forward this
No I won't
So he's been rescuing this dude – and I don't know what's happened because I wasn't watching, but I think Owen's either hallucinating or unconscious, because he's having a flashback to 9/11 and a guy he couldn't save
He's now talking to this 9/11 ghost about his cancer
Look I know this is a heavy fucking topic but we've been here for over ten minutes and it's so boring
Now he's waking up in a hospital bed?
But I saw in the preview that they were carrying him out – no this is a dream, Lisa Edelstein's back
I mean granted they kill her off but damn do they still give her stuff to do
Oh my god you guys I cannot begin to tell you how fucking BORING THIS FUCKING EPISODE IS
I genuinely want to fast forward
Oh there's the flashback and Vaseline filter again
Okay they found him in the rubble and he's unfortunately still alive
Oh my god there's a fucking CHOIR SINGING
Way to turn an episode that could've been about them rescuing Judd into thirty minutes of Owen's fucking trauma
I mean this could've been tense and so much better but instead we got Owen man pain AGAIN
Ugh TK's here kill me now
Ok so Owen didn't tell TK about the new spot on his lungs and TK is upset/worried, I guess? It's hard to tell, everything is in a monotone
Oh I think this is the big TK and Carlos scene
TK's ready to make his will omg!
TK just asked Carlos to marry him
Carlos instantly tries to talk him out of it
If I roll my eyes any harder I might do so some serious damage
He said yes omg wow amazing this is so beautiful wow you guys everything we've always hoped and dreamed of right?
I maintain that Carlos can do better
Judd's got screws in his leg – lawsuit 2.0? LS edition? Let's go!
Owen's going to make Judd the captain of the 126 when he finally retires/dies, whatever comes first (hopefully death)
Oh there's some kind of engagement party ugggh
How is there still five minutes to go
Wow Marjan has lines in this episode
Owen and Tommy are having a little meeting
Owen has a fungal infection in his lung, damn it
THIS HAS BEEN THE WORST EPISODE EVER, what an incredibly disappointing ending to an incredibly disappointing season of mediocre television
I hate Rob Lowe and everyone and everything
Hopefully they take another huge hiatus, I need a break
In conclusion, a total wasted possibility in a season of boring bullshit, Judd and Grace continue to be the only reason I'm still watching this show, I hate Owen more than anything and I don't give a shit about TK and Carlos
See you for Season 4
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obsidiancreates · 3 years
The Wrong Realization (But A Welcome One)
4,012 words long
Jonah wakes up with a headache like he’s got a hangover. He groans, putting his arm over his eyes as the dim light of his bedroom tries to burn out his retinas. Even with all of his thickest curtains closed and fastened together, the sunlight is still too harsh. Must be the way it’s reflecting off the snow.
He falls out of bed more so than gets out of bed, and lays on the floor for a moment. He reaches up to his nightstand and manages to pull down his phone, which bonks him on the temple on it’s way down. That gets him to wake up, with a shout and a dash of fight-or-flight response.
He sighs, rubbing his eyes. He doesn’t even feel very rested! Granted, he did stay up most of the night listening to a new podcast he discovered... fascinating stuff, wonderful deep-dives into mythologies and legends from all over the world. Something a little lighter to relax to than his usual political commentary go-tos.
He stands up, and scrolls through his playlist until he finds a good morning podcast. He heads into the bathroom, ready to grapple with his hair to get it nice and presentable-
He looks into the mirror and freezes up. His hair is perfect. Exactly how he always strives to get it to look, and always falls just one stray strand short of. But now? Not a flyaway in sight.
“I could have sworn I took a shower,” he mumbles to himself. Maybe he just forgot to use shampoo? No, he would never. Maybe too much conditioner, then. But he’s always so careful not to overuse...
“I guess it saves time,” he says aloud. “No looking a gift horse in the mouth.” He picks up his toothbrush and gets to scrubbing, but pauses when he feels something stringy in his mouth.
He spits out the toothpaste foam, expecting a hair.
Instead, it’s a scraping of plastic from his toothbrush, and several bristles.
He stares for a moment, and then opens his mouth. Does he have something completely alarming stuck in his teeth? Did he somehow eat something metal?
... No, not as far as he can see. Nothing is out of the ordinary. Absolutely nothing. Completely fine.
On an unrelated note, the two little cuts in his lower lip that are perfectly aligned with his canines are starting to sting from the mint, so he hurries up and finishes brushing his teeth.
The sun blinds him as he drives to work, and he has to manage mostly by listening to the traffic around him (which is absurdly loud today, he can hear it with his windows rolled up).
And the sunlight is harsh on his skin, too. Does he need to invest in better sunscreen? Maybe he should revisit that article he read about SPF effectiveness and how to choose the best one...
He gets into the parking lot and parks his car. He opens the door, and promptly slams it shut again with a yelp. His hands didn’t just feel burnt, it did burn!
Definitely needs to up his SPF! And research sudden sunlight sensitivity... his hand is bright pink.
He sits in the car for a moment, trying to figure out what to do. And then there’s a knock on his window. He startles, but relaxes when he sees it’s just Glenn. He rolls his window down just a bit. “Um, hi. Good-good morning, I mean.”
“Heyyyy, Jonah,” Glenn says with a smile. “So, um, I noticed you’re stuck in your car?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, no, I just um. Well you see I-I, um-”
“Need a hand?” Glenn’s smile is a bit strained, for some reason. “Because of the sun?”
“... Well I mean if-if you’re offering then it would be... rude to say no...”
Glenn opens up an umbrella, making Jonah shout in surprise. “Where did that-”
“Come on in under the shade!”
Jonah hesitates a moment, put off by Glenn’s... odd, energy. But he can’t stay in his car forever, so he gets out and walks in with Glenn under the safety of the umbrella.
“Thanks,” he says when they get inside. “I just um, I need to update my sunscreen, you know? And I just didn’t want to risk... my skin...”
“No, no, I completely get it,” Glenn assures. “The warm, life-giving rays of the sun can be very harsh sometimes!”
“... Y-yeah. Yeah.”
“Hey, um, Jerusha and I got you a gift, actually. She was so upset by the whole attack thing yesterday-”
“Oh, you guys didn't have to get me something-”
“Well, we wanted to, so um, here!”
Glenn hands Jonah a very, very wide-brimmed hat. There’s a little bat needle-pointed onto the sides. 
“Oh! Wow! Um, it’s... so big!”
“Maybe it’ll help until you update your sunscreen?” Glenn sounds hopeful. Too hopeful for Jonah to turn down. And... it would be functional, at least...
“Yes! Yes, I think this’ll be great for that, um, thank you! Thank you both, send Jerusha my-my thanks. For this. I can um, see she put some effort into customizing it! Just-just out of curiosity... why a bat?”
“Oh, well um, because of your situation.”
“... Situation, I don’t-”
“You know. The reason you burned?”
“... I still don’t understand-”
“HEYYYY, GUYS!” Amy butts in quite enthusiastically. “How’s it going this morning?”
“Oh, good!” Glenn says with a smile and a nod. “I was just giving Jonah this hat Jerusha made for him, because of his whole condition about being a vam-”
“OH HEY, Glenn, I actually really need your help with something!”
“Yes! Come over here, with me, to... softlines!”
“Oh, okay. I’ll talk with you later, Jonah!”
“Okay! Buh-”
Amy drags Glenn away, leaving Jonah with his hand up in an unfinished wave.
“... Bye. I-I was saying... bye.”
Jonah looks at the hat, and heads off to the breakroom.
“So does Jonah have them?” Cheyenne is saying when Jonah enters the room.
“I mean, he looked like he did when he was chasing that lady-”
“Do I have what?”
Mateo and Cheyenne startle. “Oh, Jonah! We didn’t see you there! You were like... really, quiet,” Cheyenne says with a slightly strained smile.
“Yeah. So... sneaky.” Mateo looks similarly stressed.
“Well I, I did just get new ultra-soft shoes, very comfortable but I’m not sure about the long-term arch support... but um, what do I have?”
“Um... standards, for your fashion. Sometimes you have them, sometimes you don’t... usually only when you’re chasing, after... someone to flirt with.”
“Oh. ... You-you thought I was trying to flirt with that woman, last night?”
Cheyenne shrugs. “You did literally chase her into the parking lot.”
“I-I guess I did. But I wasn’t attracted to her I mean, I wasn’t attracted to any customers yesterday, even though there were a few good looking ones, that made me laugh... but-but I’m not- I mean, I wasn’t flirting with anyone-”
Jonah babbles on for a good five minutes before Glenn finally comes in and starts the meeting.
Jonah sighs and rubs his eyes as he mops up a puddle of... it’s either slushie vomit or watered-down blood (though he’s leaning towards slushie vomit, something in him just says it definitely isn’t blood).
He leans against the mop and closes his eyes for a moment. So tired... he felt okay this morning, but as the day creeps on he feels less and less awake...
“Excuse me?”
Jonah startles, yelping and dropping the mop. The customer jumps back as the mop drops.
“I am so sorry!” Jonah exclaims. “I um, I-I think I feel asleep, um, how can I-”
Jonah pauses, at a loss for words.
The customer, a man around Jonah’s age, looks concerned. “You alright, man?”
“Huh?” Jonah’s face feels hot (the first bit of warmth he’s felt in two days). “Oh, um, I-I just, that was very unprofessional of me.”
The customer shrugs. “It’s a Cloud 9, professional isn’t really expected.”
Jonah chuckles. He clears his throat. “So, um, how can-can I help you?”
“I was looking for the recycled paper towels?”
“Oh, yeah, um... let me help you find those. They’re only half recycled, though.”
“I know. But you do what you can on a budget, right?”
“Right, yeah,” Jonah laughs. He can’t stop looking at the guy’s face... why does he feel all jittery?
“Um, here we are. The closest Cloud 9 gets to activism.” Jonah sticks his hands in his pockets and rocks on his heels. His mouth feels dry. Why is his mouth so dry? He licks his lips quickly while the customer isn’t looking.
“Better than I’ve been doing lately. Haven’t done a protest in months.”
“What kind of protests do you go to?” Why did he say that? He’s going to embarrass himself, oh no-
“Mostly wage labor ones, workers rights kind of things. Trying to get a union going at my job.”
“Yeah, well, I know unions don’t have a great reputation in a lot of places but-”
“No! I mean uh, I love unions! I-I’ve been wanting one here since I started working! Just uh, don’t tell my boss that, hah.”
The customer smiles at Jonah, and Jonah wonders if the floor actually fell out from under him or if that’s all in his head.
“Well, thanks for helping me find this. Maybe we can talk about helping each other’s unions efforts if I see you again.”
“Yeah!” Jonah flashes a bright smile. “Sure! Sounds-sounds great! Um was really nice to meet you!”
The customer smiles again and walks away, and Jonah needs to lean against the isle.
He lets out a heavy breath, wondering what the hell is going on and what he is feeling. He looks down the isle to see if anyone is watching him.
Mateo, Cheyenne, Marcus, and Dina are all staring.
Jonah quickly walks away, shame burning his cheeks. So they noticed something, too.
“-looked like he was about to eat him alive-”
He’s too busy being completely embarrassed by hearing them whisper that to wonder how he just heard it from three isles away.
Jonah wakes up with a start as a cart rolls right over his leg. He shouts in pain and surprise, and then sighs at himself.
He peels the glue trap off of his face with a grimace. Cleaning the rat traps is a terrible time for his sudden and new case of what seems to be narcolepsy to strike. He sits up and rolls up his pant leg, expecting something nasty to greet him based on the crack he heard.
... Nothing. He frowns, and touches his leg. It doesn’t even sting.
“How did-”
Jonah looks up at Amy’s voice. She’s standing over him with a clipboard. “Oh, um... hi.”
“Hey. ... Why are you on the floor?”
“I was uh, cleaning the rat traps. And I... maybe fell asleep.”
“In the middle of the day?”
“... Yes...”
“Okay then. ... So um, I just... wanted to check in, for a minute. How’s it been going with customers?”
“What do you mean?”
“I just mean, have there been any... notable interactions, maybe, to throw an idea out there,” Amy says in her ‘I’m-hiding-the-real-reason-for-asking-this’ voice.
Jonah’s cheeks burn, and he’s sure he’s blushing. “They told you about that?”
“I... might’ve heard some gossip.”
“It-it was nothing, Amy. Really.”
“Are you sure? They said you keep looking at his neck-”
"Well I mean, he had a nice neck I-I guess but I was more looking at his face-”
“And that you licked your lips at him?”
“That-! My mouth was dry, and-and you know I hate chapped lips!”
“... And the hovering over him?”
“Well, I wouldn’t say hovering, more like just watching and... admiring... but that-that’s normal! I’ve been doing that since high school! A good ally normalizes these things, and-and when straight men, yeah, can admire other men in a-a completely! Normal way! Then it um, it helps... break down! The stereotypes!”
Amy looks... perplexed. She shakes her head. “Wait, what are we-”
“I mean, everyone does it, too! Like-like you! I’m sure you’ve looked at-at other woman, and admired their appearance, without feeling feelings for them, right?”
“Well, I guess, but- wait, Jonah, did you-”
“I mean we all wonder in college, right? But I don’t like, I mean there’s nothing wrong with liking both I just- I don’t, I wondered but I never-”
“Okay, um, this isn’t what I came over here to talk to you about-”
“Maybe there was a moment or two where I thought it might’ve been a thing but I-I never acted and if I did like both I would have acted on that, I think-”
“Okay! Um, you’re working through something right now, that is, not what I thought you were working through, so um, I’ll just check up on you later...”
Amy backs away as Jonah keeps recounting half-baked thoughts and unfinished sentences about his time in college and his roommates one friend who maybe had the best hair Jonah’s ever seen but their friendly hair-war was not flirting he swears...
Jonah doesn’t chew the carrot, just rolls it in his teeth as he stares at the wall, lost in thought.
“... Not hungry for you lunch?” Sandra asks tentatively.
Jonah shakes his head, only half-hearing her.
“... Are you hungry for something else? Like... a customer?”
Jonah stops, and pulls the carrot out of his mouth. “You heard about that too?”
Sandra’s eyes widen, and she shakes her head.
“You did! Did- does everyone know about that?”
“Well, it-it’s been sort of, floating around-”
Jonah groans, putting his head in his hands.
“... So um... are you?”
“What? No! No, I am not hungry for him, that’s objectifying. Not that I- I mean, I’m a straight man, I can’t, objectify another man, because that implies attraction. ... Unless I’m playing into toxic masculinity stereotypes by believing that...”
“I don’t think you have to worry about falling into masculinity stereotypes,” Carol pipes up from another table.
Jonah looks at her, annoyed. Her eyes widen and she looks away. 
Jonah puts his head back into his hands. “This is a nightmare...”
“For all of us,” Sandra whispers.
Jonah sighs, slumping over onto the customer service counter. Garrett just looks at him, waiting for whatever Jonah has in store.
“... It normal for straight guys to admire other straight guys appearances, right?”
Garrett blinks. “Wow, just some casual conversation, huh?”
“Just- I mean, I know people are talking about-”
“You eyeing up that dude earlier like he was a steak?”
“... Yeah. That.”
“Dude, I don’t think this is the issue you should be focused on right now.”
“I know, I know! I’m in my thirties, I should have this figured out and be focusing on more important things-”
“Not what I meant, actually, I meant the superpowers-”
“-but I don’t know, I’ve never really had anyone point it out before! And-and now I can’t stop thinking like, am I? Attracted?”
“You know there’s nothing wrong if you are, right?”
“Yes, I do, I’ve been to a bunch of rallies and stuff.”
“Did you oogle dudes at those rallies?”
“NO! ... I mean I guess I observed and-and appreciated-”
“Yeah, you might just be on the gay spectrum, dude. I don’t know what else to tell you. Except that, uh, you just accidentally slapped my shoulder and you’re as cold as a bag of ice, so maybe that should be your crisis of the day.”
Jonah is staring off into space, rubbing his arm. It doesn’t seem like he heard Garrett at all. Garrett just sighs, and rolls away.
Jonah stays there, contemplating, for quite a while.
“Okay, no more dancing around it.”
Jonah jerks awake. Again. God, why can’t he stay awake? ... Probably because he stayed up all night.
“No, Cheyenne.”
Jonah looks around. He peeks into the next isle, and then the next. 
... Where the hell are Cheyenne and Amy? He can hear them so clearly...
“He’s like, totally oblivious to it!”
“He’ll realize it eventually, okay? It’s not some truth bomb we can just drop on him.”
“My friends drop truth bombs on me all the time, and it just brings us closer. Best bitches don’t lie to their best bitches.”
“... Right. But, it’s kind of something for him to take the time to process.”
“What if he doesn’t? He’s just gonna like, wander around forever making excuses and being all nervous and confused.”
“Well... then we’ll give him a push. But for now let’s just... give him some space. Let him come to terms with it on his own.”
Jonah is startled out of his accidental eavesdropping by hearing himself sniffle. He quickly wipes his eyes, sticks his hands in his pockets, and hurries away. He still doesn’t know how he heard them, maybe some kind of really weird echo or sound tunnel. So he goes to the other side of the store entirely and finds the chattiest customer he can.
He can feel Dina and Mateo staring at him as he restocks softlines. They whisper to each other, and he sighs and hangs his head. “You know, it makes it worse when you talk behind my back.”
Mateo yelps a little. He clears his throat and quickly composes himself. “Sorry. Uh, we were just talking about-”
“Yeah, no, I know. I’m... aware, okay? And I just would like to stop hearing about it for now, please.”
Mateo looks taken aback by the tiredness in Jonah’s voice, the... weary tone. Dina, however...
“Yeah, well, not exactly something to brush under the rug.”
“Why do you even care? It’s a me problem, okay?”
“Really? You think this doesn’t impact everyone?”
“How! Would it even do that?!”
“Well, let’s see! It made Mateo afraid, it made Amy all somber and worried about you, it made Glenn cry even more than usual-”
“It did?”
“He started a trust fund for your soul.”
“... Oh.”
Dina stops, her frown slowly becoming more confused. “You... didn’t realize that would happen?”
“... I don’t know, I guess I thought... thought he’d be more open-minded.”
Jonah takes a deep breath. Ugh, why’d it make his chest hurt? Why do his lungs feel like they don’t want the air? 
The next thing he knows he’s done with softlines (it felt like he got done in the blink of an eye) and walking away. He swallows down the lump in his throat, and the urge to comfort eat. God, he’s craving a snack now. Well, he has all day, but he’s been... a little distracted.
“Excuse me? Hello? Hey!”
Jonah looks up at the customer, still feeling drained and empty.
“Finally, god. How useless do they let you people be around here? I’m looking for the shock collars, my dog keeps licking me when I tell him not to.”
“... That’s a really, really shitty thing to do to your dog.” Jonah doesn’t really mean to say it, but he’s just sort of on autopilot now.
For some reason, the customer doesn’t reply. Just stiffens.
“Follow me. I’ll sort you right out.” Jonah thinks he smiles at them. But he can’t be sure, because at that moment he blacks out.
Jonah shrugs his coat on, not looking anyone else in the eye as they all file out to clock out.
He waits until the very end, and clocks out last. Maybe he can avoid them all by waiting long enough?
Ugh, he can’t. He feels restless. Looking like another sleepless night already. Two in a row, great. Maybe that’s why he had that blackout. He still isn’t sure where the customer went, nor how he ended up in the No-Go zone of the Gardening Section...
Whatever. They were a jerk, anyway. Maybe he talked some sense into them? He did that during a blackout yesterday. Maybe it’s stress, then?
He keeps his head down as he thinks about it (trying to avoid some other, more introspective thoughts) and walks out.
He lifts his head as he exits the breakroom to find everyone standing in a group, smiling softly.
“Um... what’s going on?” He claps his hands behind his back. Please don’t let this be more teas-
“We know we’ve made you uncomfortable today,” Mateo pipes up. “And after talking to Garrett about your guys’s conversation, we realized we had the totally wrong idea about everything.”
Glenn steps forward and hugs Jonah. “I accept you no matter what,” he says firmly. “I would never start a fund to save your soul for being gay, that was a complete misunderstanding! You like whoever you like, Jonah!”
“And I didn’t mean to badger you,” Dina admits with her shoulder a little sunk. “I didn’t quite understand what you were going through in your head, and I made some assumptions. Wrong ones.”
“We all care about you, Jonah,” Amy says, prying Glenn off of the poor man. “Okay? We just want you to know that. Today we were being really, really shitty. But it won’t happen again.”
For the second time today, Jonah isn’t aware he’s crying until he hears himself sniffle.
“I just- I feel really, really stupid,” he admits, wiping his eyes with his palms. He laughs, not quite bitterly, but not happy. “I mean, I’m in my thirties. I-I had... so many obvious moments where I should have realized! How... oblivious, am I?”
There’s a bit of an awkward air to the group after that comment. But Amy hugs Jonah, and he feels a little... spark, in his chest. It’s nice. 
His chest has felt pretty heavy and empty all day.
“Everyone comes to terms with stuff at their own pace,” Amy says. “I lived in an unhappy marriage for years because I couldn’t accept the obvious. What matters is that you got to this point of realization, okay?”
Jonah hugs back. He thinks he feels Amy shiver, but he brushes past it. They pull apart, and Jonah sniffs and wipes his eyes again.
“And I um. I-I don’t think I’m... fully, gay,” he says slowly. He hesitates, mouth open, the words stuck. “I think... I think I’m Bi.”
There’s a moment of silence. He smiles a little, and stands a bit straighter. That feels... really right. “I think I’m Bi,” he repeats.
Sandra claps for a second, but no-one joins in. She lowers her hands slowly.
“Wow! Hah! That feels- wow! God, that feels good! Um,, what-what now, though?”
Garrett shrugs. “Flirt with some dudes? Some people in-between dudes and chicks? I don’t know, man, it’s your life.”
“Your long, long life,” Dina mutters to herself.
“Right! Oh, yeah, uh... that guy! From earlier! I-I think I want to see him again. Okay, uh, I’m going to go home, and-and maybe research some local protests he might be at-”
Everyone groans a little.
“Protester Jonah is the preachiest Jonah,” Garrett says, shaking his head.
“Can he still be preachy? Wouldn’t that hurt?” Cheyenne whispers to Glenn. 
Glenn shrugs. “I’ll ask Pastor Craig,” he whispers back.
Jonah doesn’t even notice. “Okay! I’m going to head home! I kinda feel like, I don’t know, like this is a whole new chapter in my life! Um, how do we- I mean how do- do we do a group hug, or-or maybe a high-five-”
“Or we just head home.”
“Yeah, no, Garrett’s right, head home. Let’s all head home!”
They all head out to their cars. Jonah gets into his, plops down into the drivers seat, and grins.
What a freeing realization! He doesn’t know how he missed it, it was all so obvious! 
Well, as far as he knows, there’s no other huge life-revelations waiting for him. He’s figured it all out, finally.
He starts driving home, humming along with the radio as the car next to him keeps pace, despite being in the faster lane. He never understands why people do that when the roads are empty. He chuckles to himself. Maybe he’ll realize that Life Mystery tomorrow.
What he doesn’t realize, neither when he gets home nor when he wakes the next morning, is that he never turned his own radio on. 
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crusherthedoctor · 3 years
Can you list anything you unironically like in the games (and cartoons and comics) that you don't like?
I won't bother mentioning music, since that goes without saying and is to be expected for a Sonic game... unless you're Chronicles.
Sonic Adventure 2 (mixed gameplay-wise, annoying story-wise) - While I prefer Sonic's SA1 levels for a number of reasons, I still think his and Shadow's gameplay in SA2 is fun on its own merit. I also don't mind the treasure hunting gameplay returning or how big the levels are this time around, since Knuckles and Rouge are still fast and not '06 levels of slow. It's mainly the gimped radar that creates the unfortunate domino effect of making them a problem.
- Introduced Rouge, one of my favourite characters for how playful she is and how she's a lot more nuanced and intelligent than you'd expect.
- Some genuinely good scenes, like Eggman's trap on the A.R.K and Sonic escaping from the G.U.N. helicopter.
- Had some good ideas going for it, like the Pyramid Base and the Biolizard as a scientific monster instead of an ancient one.
- Despite my thoughts on the backstory itself (or rather, its execution), Shadow has enough depth and subtle qualities and occasional unintended hilarity to stand out from the typical dark rival characters you see in media.
- The Last Scene's music in particular is one of my favourite cutscene tracks in the series.
Sonic Heroes (mixed gameplay-wise, loathed story-wise) - The gameplay is fun when you're not being screwed over by repetitive combat, overly long levels and/or ice physics.
- Boasts some of the most consistently Genesis-worthy environments in the 3D games, up there with SA1's and Colours'.
- The in-game dialogue that isn't the same tutorial drivel repeated ad nauseam can be interesting, funny, etc.
- Reintroduced the Chaotix, which provided me with another character I quite like in the form of Vector.
- Bringing Metal Sonic back in full force and front and center in the plot after a long absence (not counting cameos and the like) is a perfectly fine idea. Just... not like this.
Sonic Battle (decent yet repetitive gameplay, mixed story-wise) - Emerl's arc is compelling, and it earns the emotional weight of having to put him down at the end.
- While some characters are iffy (read: Amy), other characters are extremely well-handled. Shadow is probably the prime example.
- Gamma's belly dance healing animation is fucking hilarious.
- When I was young, and the game was first announced, I was really excited about being able to play as Chaos. This proved to be my downfall when it turned out he was arguably one of the worst characters in the game due to being slower than me during the writing process, but I still recall that excitement fondly.
Shadow the Hedgehog (comedy classic) - The sheer amount of legendary stupidity this game has going for it makes it practically impossible to actually hate. It helps that it's not quite as white-knighted on the same level as '06... usually. You know you're in for a unique experience when you hear a gunshot every time you click something in the menu.
- By extension, Black Doom never gained an unironic fanbase like Mephiles/Scourge/Eggman Nega did, which means I'm a lot more willing to take Doom's dumbass brand of villainy in stride. He even has a unique design... a terrible one that rips off Wizeman granted, but alas, even that is a step-up from Fridge Shadow and Bumblebee Eggman.
- Despite being... well, Shadow the Hedgehog, some of the environments would fit right in with any other Sonic game, like with Circus Park, Lava Shelter, and Digital Circuit. Even the Black Comet levels look pretty cool.
- This game understands amnesia better than IDW does.
Sonic '06 (what do you think?) - The obvious one: Shadow's character was handled pretty well, even if it came at the cost of everyone else being a dummy and being forced to interact with Mephiles.
- Like SA2, there are some good moments, like the Last Story ending sequence with Sonic and Elise.
- In the greatest form of irony ever, I like Solaris as a concept and design(s), and its backstory has potential to serve as a parallel with Chaos without being a complete ripoff. Iblis sucks, Mephiles sucks, but I'm fine with Solaris.
- Introduced legendary characters like Sonic Man, Pele the Beloved Dog, Hatsun the Pigeon, and Pacha from The Emperor's New Groove.
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The Rivals duology (apathetic outside of Nega-related grumbling) - There were some cool zone ideas in both games that were sadly let down by the restrictive and limiting gameplay. I particularly like Colosseum Highway for thus far being the only full-on Roman level in the series instead of merely having a couple minor hints of Roman, and Meteor Base for the unique scenario of the space station being built into an asteroid. These level concepts and others deserve a second chance IMO. (At least Frontier Canyon got a second chance in the form of Mirage Saloon, amirite?)
- Ifrit has a better design than Iblis. Not saying it's amazing, but the Firebird motif it has going on is a lot more interesting for a fire monster than the Not-Chaos schtick they had with Iblis.
Sonic and the Secret Rings (a very frustrating gaming experience) - Erazor Djinn, A.K.A. Qui-Gon Djinn, A.K.A. Dr. N. Djinn, A.K.A. I'll Take It On The Djinn, A.K.A. Not From The Hairs On My Djinny Djinn Djinn, is one of the best villains not associated with Eggman in the series. He's a Mephiles-type character done right, and there's actual weight and reason to his actions, however sinister or petty.
- I don't have strong opinions either way on Shahra as a character, but the Sonic/Shahra friendship is sweet and well-handled.
- The ending is one of Sonic's greatest moments. The sheer contrast between how ruthlessly he deals with Erazor and how comforting he is towards Shahra speaks volumes... Still gonna make fun of the mountain of handkerchiefs though. (Before anyone lectures me, I understand the significance of it and can even appreciate it from that angle... doesn't mean I'm not allowed to poke fun at it. :P)
- Another game with some redeeming environments. I love the aesthetic of Night Palace, and Sand Oasis looks gorgeous too.
Sonic Chronicles (my personal least favourite game in the series) - Uh...
- Um...
- Er...
- I like Shade's design?
Sonic Unleashed (overrated game and story IMO) - The obvious two: the opening sequence and the Egg Dragoon fight deserve all the praise they get.
- Seeing Eggmanland come to life was an impressive moment to be sure. While part of me does feel it didn't quite measure up to what I had in mind (ironically, the Interstellar Amusement Park ended up being closer to what I had in mind), it still looks badass and works well for what it is. I also don't mind the idea of it being a one-level gauntlet... key word being idea.
- Obviously, the game looks great. Not a fan of the real world focus (real world inspiration is fine, but copy-pasting the real world and shoving loops in it is just unimaginative), but it can't be denied that the environments look good.
- This game pulled off dialogue options a lot better than Chronicles did, since they didn't rely on making Sonic OoC.
Sonic and the Black Knight (just kind of boring all around) - Despite my gripes with the story (Merlina wasn't nearly as fleshed out as her unique anti-villain status deserved, which ends up severely undermining the ambition of the plot in more ways than one, and the other characters go from being useless yes men for King Arthur to being useless yes men for Sonic), I will admit it provides interesting insight into Sonic's character.
- Like '06 and Secret Rings, the ending is very nice... well, aside from Amy being an unreasonable bitch ala Sonic X at the very end.
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (apathetic) - The admittedly few new concepts sprinkled within had promise. They may not have been as fleshed out as they could have been, but level concepts like Sylvania Castle and White Park, bosses like Egg Serpentleaf and the Egg Heart, and story beats like the Death Egg mk.II being powered by Little Planet, all could have been brilliant had they been better executed.
SatAM (apathetic outside of SatAM Robotnik-related grumbling) - I'm not a fan of the environments on the whole due to them looking too bland or samey, but there are some exceptions that look pleasant or interesting, like the Void.
Sonic Underground (apathetic) - The character designs make me feel better about myself.
- Does "large quantities of unintentional meme material" count as a positive?
Sonic X (mostly apathetic outside of Eggman's handling) - Helen was a better human character and audience surrogate in her one focus episode than Chris was throughout his entire runtime.
- Actually, most of the human characters not named Chris were legitimately likable. Including everyone in Chris' own family not named Chris. Hilarious.
- Despite arguably having the most Chris in it, I actually don't mind the first season that much, partly due to slight nostalgia from seeing it on TV when it was new, but mostly because Eggman actually acted like a villain for the most part, and certain other characters weren't quite as flanderized yet. It's season 2 and onwards where things started going off the rails IMO. (Incidentally, Helen's episode was part of season 1...)
The Boom franchise (apathetic) - Along with Chronicles, the games provide yet more proof that just because someone isn't SEGA/Sonic Team, that doesn't mean they're automatically more qualified to handle the series.
- The show had some good episodes here and there, and Tails' characterization was probably the most consistently on-point out of the cast.
- Despite not exactly being favourite portrayals for either character, even I'll admit that many of Knuckles and Eggman's lines in the show on their own were genuinely funny.
Archie Sonic (pre-reboot is mostly terrible, post-reboot is mostly... bland) - Whenever I doubt myself as a writer, I think back to Ken Penders, and suddenly I'm filled with a lot more confidence.
Sonic the Comic (apathetic) - Fleetway isn't a comic I tend to recall much of aside from how much of a loathesome cunt Sonic is, but IIRC, Robotnik's portrayal is pretty good. Different, but good.
IDW Sonic (stop pissing me off, comic) - Putting their handling aside (and being too obviously "inspired" by MGS in the latter's case), Tangle and Whisper are good characters IMO.
- Same goes for Starline, before he was killed off-screen and replaced with Toothpaste Snively.
- Execution aside (noticing a pattern?), the zombot virus was a fine concept on its own and an interesting new scheme for Eggman.
- I get to remind myself that I've never drawn scat edits and posted them publicly on Twitter.
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ashenpages · 3 years
Current Projects & Emoji Voting Key
Quick disclaimer: I’m a romance writer in all aspects of the term, so most of my works will contain mature content. Engage at your own risk, you know the rules, you’re responsible for curating your own experience of the internet, blah blah blah.
This post serves as a current mock up of fic ideas I’m either actively working on or considering working on next. You can drop me an ask about any of them, or just vote via the emoji combo I’ve assigned them.
Voting lets me know you’re excited about an idea and makes it more likely I’ll actually work on it. You can vote anytime, there’re no deadlines or winner announcements, just me gauging your interest by what I see in my ask box most often.
You can also ask me about the original stuff I’m working on currently. The current WIPs are Medusa centric and the emoji for them is: 🐍
Support my original work on Ko-fi and Patreon.
- Lupin: 🤑🤠💍  These are all oneshot ideas, between 5-15K each. If you want to vote for a specific idea, send me the emojis and the number of the idea.
Born from the idea that Goemon and Zenigata probably couldn’t be an item, my brain decided to come up with how I could write for them. Goemon’s teaching an ikebana class as part of his training, and Zenigata shows up as a student on forced recreational leave for his health from the ICPO. Zenigata wins the samurai’s heart through flowers. But what happens when Lupin and Jigen find out? (Only good sexy things, I promise. These beans are in a healthy polycule--be gay, do crimes) (WIP)
Jigen/Lupin, but it's Jigen deciding to seduce Lupin while wearing his own Lupin disguise. The thief is waaaaay too into it, and some artistry is taken with the sex so that they don't mess up the disguise too much during their encoutner.
Jigen/Zenigata/Lupin where Jigen has some fantasices about Zenigata, but is pretty sure they'll never happen. Tells Lupin about them. Suddenly the fantasies are coming true, in the middle of a heist, and Jigen doesn't what to do except get swept up in the moment and enjoy. Plot twist, it's Lupin dressed up as Zenigata granting all his gunman's dreams. Plot twist again, Zenigata catches them at it.
Zenigata/Lupin, where Lupin keeps doing good things in illegal ways and Pops has to find a way to punish him for it. Good thing for Pops Lupin's a masochist?
Trans!Lupin and Trans!Jigen premise: Jigen cares for Lupin after the master thief has top surgery, since Jigen has Been There and Done That. Caring, sweet, and a little sexy. Lupin is a much better patient than Jigen.
The one time Zenigata caught Lupin in an alley and kissed him and it was Jigen in disguise. Things get sexy anyway, and Zenigata has crushes on two thieves now. Lupin and Jigen "kidnap" him later for an evening of taking care of their inspector.
The background plot of Jigen's Gravestone where we see Jigen think he's done for and try to leave Lupin. Our thief has none of it, and we get to relish in the inherent eroticism of Lupin sitting in sniper fire, knowing Jigen's got his back. This is the moment I think Jigen finally believes he can be with Lupin forever.
I love the idea of something longer and more plot driven like a Lupin special where Lupin ends up in hot water and Jigen and Fujiko have to work together to save him. Jigen and Fujiko have such an interesting relationship. They're both partners of Lupin, they don't really like each other, they constantly screw the other over, but when it really matters they take care of each other. I'd like to see that highlighted a little more and also give them space to call each other out and bicker. Nothing sexy between them, but maybe a really interesting threesome with Lupin and Fujiko in a strap on once they save their boy.
- Sonic Vampire Novelist Coffee Shop AU: 📚☕💐
Shadow is an immortal vampire who has seen the world change for the worse too many times. These days it feels like he only lives for his coffee dates with Rouge, another immortal who loves each new era they encounter, warts and all. He has to admit that the book series she got him into speaks to him, at least. If someone in this era can understand him without meeting him, it can’t all be bad. But he hardly expected the goofy blue barista at the new coffee place to understand him the way those books do.
This is a novel length romcom romp with some big feelings about what it means to watch as things change, grow, and die. Expect lots of Big gothic feelings from this one, emotionally charged kissing, and overly-adoring sex. But also expect shenanigans from everyone in the coffee shop, which include Rouge, Amy, Tails, Knuckles, Cream, and more.
- Sonic Blazamy, "Like the Sun": 💖🌸💎
Amy Rose has been in love with Sonic for a while.
Or has she?
When the Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, and Silver are trapped as the fuel sources for Doctor Eggman’s newest evil scheme, Amy teams up with Blaze, Rouge, and Cream to save them. With Sonic out of the picture and Amy fulfilling his role, was she ever really in love with him? Or did she just want to be like him?
This is a novel length epic romance with lots of competent women and lots of romantic Blazamy content. Expect flowery hopes and dreams, badass self-actualization, and glancing hand touches that give way to cuddly and sweet sex.
- Persona 5: 🗡🍛☕
After bringing down the Metaverse twice, Ryuji didn’t think graduating high school and figuring out what to do with his life would be so hard. Akira’s back in town, and the gang’s more-or-less all in Tokyo, but everyone else seems to have a plan while Ryuji just floats. How’s he supposed to change the world when he’s not a phantom thief anymore?
This is a novel length fic that addresses how powerless one can feel being just one person in the face of all the corrupted systems and bigotry the world has to offer. It’s about holding on to what you believe in, working through the doubt, and fighting your way to a better tomorrow with the power you do have. The whole gang is queer, featured relationships being Mako x Ann, Ryuji x Akira, Futaba & Yusuke as platonic life partners. Akira is polyamorous and omnisexual, Futaba’s asexual and aromantic while Yusuke is demisexual and very romantic, Makoto’s a lesbian, Ann and Ryuji are bi, and Haru’s pansexual, demisexual, and aromantic. They’re one giant band of queer Phantom Thieves, and even if they’re not really doing the Metaverse thing anymore, they’re still gonna save the world!
Also, I’m gonna make Makoto not a cop. That super didn’t age well. Zenkichi and his boss can work on making them better/abolishing them for other better organizations.
- Hades Game: ❤️‍🔥💀
Oneshot. I just really need to elaborate on the threesome you can have with them in-game, okay? Healthy and canon poly relationships are so few and far between, so often I have to do a ton of groundwork to explain why it’s working in the fic, but NOT WITH THESE KIDS!
Get ready for Meg helping Zag and Than be better at expressing their feelings, lots of kissing, and probably pegging.
- Castlevania Animation Trevor/Sypha/Alucard: 🧛🏰🛌
Castlevania gave Alucard a threesome last season, and I just really need S4 to give me him being taken care of by his partners. They’re probably not going to give it to me, so I’ll need to do it myself. This is just an everybody loves Alucard oneshot, with the gang’s signature banter (to an extent), Sypha being sexy, and Trever being remarkably sincere. This fic is gonna feel like that Ann Hathaway picture with Trevor kissing Alucard and Sypha holding the end of Trevor’s whip while she leans her head on Alucard’s shoulder adoringly.
- Devil May Cry Nico/Lady/Trish: 💋✨😈
Nico’s gay, okay? Like really, really gay. And Lady’s bi and not into men who make her pay bills, but very into women who make amazing guns for her and demonesses with hearts who fight by her side. Trish is ace, but loves people and is pretty attached to Lady at this point. Plus it’s cute when Lady blushes and says nice things like they’re insults. I don’t have super solid ideas for them yet, and I envision these more like a polycule where Lady’s with Nico and with Trish but they’re not with each other more than seeing it as a threesome, but who knows what might happen. This is probably 1-2 oneshots depending on ideas, but might turn into a series of oneshots if people are interested (or I can’t control myself and inspiration strikes).
- Post FMA:B Blind Roy & No Alchemy Ed: 👀👑🙏
This is actually an old novel-length fic I wrote ages ago and didn’t post that didn’t turn out well because I was new to writing sex when I first wrote it. The plot is good, and is all about Roy learning to work with his blindness to reclaim his ambition of being Fuhrer and changing the system to something that actually cares for its people. He and Ed reconnect, fall into bed, and both set about working through their respective traumas about being “useless” having lost their sight/alchemy. They go to Xing as an ambassadorial party to offer Amestris’s collaboration on Al and May’s Alkahestry experiments--and uncover a plot that might threaten both kingdoms.
- Age of Calamity continuity Mipha x Revali: 🦚🐟💘
The first time Revali noticed Mipha, it was in the heat of battle. She stole his mark, taking them down with a flurry of quick blows from her spear. Violence rained from her like water--and then she healed him on her way to her next battle. No questions, no conditions, just pure kindness. The usual need to measure himself against those around him was quiet in her wake. And Revali couldn’t understand it. But how to get to know more about her? A fish and bird may fall in love, but where would they live?
This fic could be a oneshot or novel length depending on how far down the hole I fall. I need it to cover time, but it could be done in linked vignettes or with actually covering events in detail. I may elect to do a oneshot just to get it done and out of my system faster. So much fic to write, so little time.
Expect trans!Revali, polyamorous Zoras, scary competent Mipha, songbird Revali, love confessions that are made up entirely of berating Link for not loving Mipha the way she wants him to, and breaking these characters a little outside of their assigned roles in BotW and Age of Calamity. Background Link x Zelda, and Urbosa x Zelda’s Mom.
- Epic desert romance about Urbosa and Zelda’s mom: 🏜🏝⚡
I just think Urbosa should kiss women and Zelda’s mom should get more development and maybe a name or something. Also, lightning imagery/metaphors/play.
It also went way over my head that Riju wasn’t Urbosa’s daughter the first time I played BotW, so now I want to write about the Gerudo queen who refused to produce an heir. The Gerudo are fascinating and have a very interesting cutlure, but I think it could be examined from a nonbinary perspective that rejected pregnancy and wanting to find a husband. Not in like a hateful way, but in a way that examines if that’s really right for everyone. There’s that shop in town that sells Voe armor, after all. Maybe finding a husband and having children isn’t something you have to do if you don’t want to. And Urbosa really doesn’t want to.
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letsperaltiago · 3 years
even in a crowded room, it's just me and you
Summary: Jake and Amy spend their date night staking out a nightclub in Brooklyn. It's safe to say that it doesn't go exactly as planned.
Rating: T-M ish (for now 😌)
Words: 10.3 k (welp)
Read on AO3 here
Pink, blue, green, yellow, purple. Every color imaginable cuts through the dark venue like a knife, quick strokes of light appearing only to disappear just as fast, to the beat of loud techno music that definitely doesn’t strike a chord with the two young detectives, Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago.
See, they’re not exactly here to party - there are so many other places, places that aren’t Club Enzo, they’d much rather pay a visit on a Friday night - but rather to work. They’re here to stake out the location and hopefully gather evidence that can put their perp, Axel Manson, in jail for handling and dealing a new drug called ‘Kandy’ - yes, with a ‘k’. Very creative. 
It isn’t exactly the date night they’d planned but Holt really needed their help and at least they’re spending time together - plus, there was no way Amy would ever deny their captain her help. The second the captain’s name flashed up on her phone screen, Jake knew date night was about to take a turn. 
Having just arrived at the nightclub and watching Amy shrug off her coat to give it to the cloakroom staff, thus introducing him to her undercover outfit, he doesn’t mind the sudden change of plans. Not one bit. Sure, the instant he’d met her outside the club and could see her bare legs, he knew she wasn’t exactly wearing a pantsuit or her usual jeans. Although her coat was hiding everything down to her knee and he didn’t know what to expect. It’s safe to say that he in no way, shape or form expected this. 
A dress, not too short but without a doubt short enough to make him do a double-take, clings to her body molding all the right places (which is everywhere, if you ask him) and, to top it off, it’s red. A deep, burgundy red that has him biting his lip to keep his jaw from falling to the sticky floor. Being the talented detective that she is (plus, Jake is shamefully bad at hiding his excitement) Amy notices the response, and in the darkness of the street, there’s no hiding the blood that immediately rushes to the apples of cheeks. 
“Looking much, Peralta?” Even if he’s the one to make her blush, he’s still the one who’s dropped his jaw on the cold pavement and there’s no way she’s letting him off the hook. A few months ago she would’ve swept gazes or subtle compliments under the carpet, rationalizing by telling herself that he was dozing off, not minding what he was doing, or simply being friendly. Although things have since then changed. Now Amy knows for sure that he likes her, thus doesn’t have to shrug his actions off with stupid excuses to protect her hopes and feelings, and can allow herself to act on his advances. A dynamic that’s been there since the day they met but has blossomed into honest to good flirting. Butterflies take over her belly every time she catches him looking at her, but She collects herself and her cloakroom number. 
“Was I that obvious?” He grins much like a kid getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar but is quick to recover because this is good - they are good - and he doesn’t have to worry about loving the way his girlfriend looks. Especially when she’s got her back turned and grants him a view that has him questioning his professionalism. 
“Yes.” In the meantime, she’s turned on her high heels and it all happens so fast, so smoothly and Bond-like. It offers Jake no chance of keeping up with her which means it’s safe to say he’s surprised, very pleasantly so, when she closes the gap between the two of them to help him unbutton his coat. His nice coat, she notices, compliments a sleek, navy blue button-up shirt that comes into view once enough coat buttons have been popped open by her nimble fingers. Having already dropped his jaw in the street outside and never fully recovered, there’s no way he can allow himself to do it again. Although a small hitch in his breathing does make an appearance and outs him. The sight of his girlfriend focusing on opening his coat for him as if it were part of their mission will do that to him. She’s too good, he thinks. 
Finally, she gets to the last button without her eyes straying, not once. Looking into his eyes as she pushes the coat - the first layer of more to come, later, he hopes - off of him, another hitch, one that travels through his entire body, shakes him to the core. Brown eyes and lipstick coated lips smirk at him, up through her dark lashes, because she knows he’s obsessed and she’s about to leave him hanging in that moment, all by himself. “You good?” 
“Uh- uhuh.” Jake swallows loudly, unable to speak. Five seconds later he’s proven right: she spins on her heels, away from him to hand his coat to the cloakroom staff, and creates yet another torturous distance between them. 
Jake is equally frustrated and thankful - frustrated because she should never be allowed to look at him like that and then turn away as if nothing happened; thankful because it gives him the time to reassemble himself. 
Amy stoves their cloakroom tickets away into her little clutch and then, for the first time, gets a good look at her boyfriend’s full attire. God, she loves it when he’s cleaned and dressed up nicely. He’s freshly shaved, hair is washed and as wavy as the length will allow, and has it paired with his nicest button-up shirt and black trousers. There’s no doubt, in her or anyone else in that club’s mind: Jake Peralta cleans up more than just nicely (when he wants to).
“This is giving me mad James Bond and Maxi Pads-vibes.” He’s the first to break the momentary silence between them, thumping bass in the background, and it’s as if it brings them back in the zone. Not a very sexy remark but definitely funny and, work-wise, probably pretty smart. 
“Shut up,” she chuckles immediately getting the reference, remembering Jake in his fancy three buttoned-tux and them tiptoeing around an abandoned building (and their feelings for each other) in an attempt to catch her nemesis, Minsk. As she hooks her arm with his, slightly leaning into him as they walk further into the club, lights, and loud noise, she wonders why she back then backed out of her initial plan to ask him to dance and used Gina’s grandmother as an out instead. Luckily, that’s in the past, and tonight, she has nothing to be afraid of or back out of. It’s them, him and her, against the world - or this loud club and Axel Manson, at the very least.
They walk into the dancing crowd, a sea of drunks, Amy comments making Jake laugh. After being bumped into multiple times, never being apologized to, they arrive at the bar where they’ll have to order anything but a tempting and delicious-looking cocktail. They should go out for cocktails someday, when they’re off the clock, Jake notes to himself as the woman next to him walks away with two enormous drinks while he on his part is left ordering sodas. Orange for him, a coke for Amy.  
“Thanks.” As silly as it might seem the butterflies in Amy’s belly make a reappearance at the thought of Jake knowing exactly what to get her, without even asking her, and it reminds her, bittersweetly, of the past boyfriends who’ve thought they got her what she wanted only to end up serving her what they thought she wanted. In more mays than one, Jake constantly reminds her of exactly why she’s with him.
“I would’ve gotten you Orangina but this club has the decency of not serving poison to their guests.” Jake hides a smirk by taking a sip, knowing she won’t punch or shove him, risking his nice outfit being ruined. When it comes to joking and messing around, something they’ve been from day one and won’t ever change. they’re just kids, both of them, It’s an eternal dynamic that can’t be changed. 
“Ha. Ha. Very funny.” She sips on her coke, leaving Jake hanging with a first-row experience of her lips perfectly enclosing the edge of the glass. “Anyways, what is the plan?”
Can’t she just tell him what the plan is? Sure, he could think of something but she’s already one step ahead of him, she always is, and has probably already thought of something brilliant - also she’s just that much hotter when she’s telling him what to do. 
“I’m thinking…” 
Thank God - his prayers have been heard. She picks up right where she left off. 
“... We play it cool, act like regular guests. Then we can split up, hope that either Mason himself or one of his men seek one of us out to sell us drugs. That would be proof enough for us to take him down. Although, objectively speaking, there’s a higher chance of them approaching me since I’m-”
“Super hot?” Wow, he certainly hasn’t gotten any better at holding back his first thoughts, has he? Proud of it or not, the words are out in the open and have earned him an amused look in return. Amy featuring a crinkled nose, grinning lips, and, all in all looking, cute as ever. Cute and hot at the same time ’cause his girlfriend has range. 
“I was gonna say “Since I’m a woman” but good to know where your head is at, Peralta. Very professional.” 
There’s that voice again, the sultry one he can’t act casual around; the one that gets him all hot and bothered even during times like these where it’s rather inappropriate and not very HR-friendly. Clearly, she’s joking around, messing with him on purpose, and normally he’s okay with that but not tonight - not when she’s looking like this and talking to him like that. On a night like this, there’s an extra-fine and fragile line between professional or personal. 
 The shape of a smirk on her glowing face paired with the insanely gorgeous dress and her let-down hair? She must know what she’s doing to him, right? And while it isn’t her responsibility whether or not he can control himself, the evening has just barely begun and he’s already miserable. There won’t be a lot of solving crime on his part if this moment sets the tone for the night. Damn his smart, incredible, gorgeous girlfriend. 
“If either of us makes contact with Manson, the goal is to lure him outside while the other calls for backup. If Manson is here then the rest of his gang surely must be here too, and the club will need to be ransacked. Sellers and buyers must be arrested. Our priority is to arrest Manson though. Got it?”
“Got it.” 
Drink in hand, plan agreed upon, they dance their way into the big crowd. Even sober, trying to keep up with the rhythm of the music whilst balancing liquids isn’t nearly as easy as everyone around them makes it look. A few songs later, having gotten used to the crowd’s unpredictable swaying and their cups gradually being emptied, Jake and Amy get into it. They feel themselves being a part of the sea of drunks and, even sober, it’s pretty fun. It’s been a while since they’ve gone out just the two of them, and despite the fact that this isn’t their usual spot and they’re on the clock, the sentiment remains the same.
Amy has her own, very unique, dancing style, and Jake is very much aware of this. It’s safe to say he’s grown to love her dancing, finding it adorkable (Amy told him that it’s not a real word but he doesn’t care) and another good reason to think of her as the coolest human being alive. Amy is a pro at getting caught up in people’s opinions but when she’s dancing? She forgets everything around her and simply has fun. Tonight is no exception: Amy’s limbs are kicked, punched, thrown right and left to the beat, accidentally hitting a couple of guests who, luckily, are too drunk to care. It’s her very own form of art and Jake is her biggest fan. 
“Dance with me!” She yells over the loud music, smile as wide as the Joker’s. She knows there’ll be missteps, she’ll fall out of the rhythm and eventually step on him. That hasn’t changed and probably never will. Although what has changed is the fact that now she doesn’t care. Now she’s confident in Jake’s feelings about her, knows that he finds her small missteps adorable, never annoying, and nothing she can do will push him away. 
“Is that a work tactic of yours?” He speaks into her ear once he’s finally closed the gap between them and they’re moving in somewhat synchronization to the beat of a remix of a song that was better off in its original format.
“Sure.” A giggle fights its way through the obnoxiously heavy bass and Jake is very thankful. Every sound she makes equals a spectacular symphony. One that he doesn’t want to miss. “Makes us look more legit. Will keep out cover intact.”
“Wow, look at you throwing around slang, Santiago. So legit.”
His teasing grin deserves a playful punch to fight off his smartypants comments.
“But do you think Manson will approach us if we come off as a couple?”
“Who says we’re a couple?” She grins devilishly, leaning in close so that their noses a pressed together. “We’re drunk. We don’t know what we’re doing. We might as well be strangers.” 
This time around she can’t hear it over the loud booming but his breath gets caught in his throat at the thought of Amy Santiago being his scandalous one-night stand. Of course, one night with Amy would never be enough for him but there’s something about this specific roleplay, undercover role, and the way she’s looking at him with luring dark eyes that has him fumbling into unprofessional land. Focus, Jake. He counts down from ten and Amy, oblivious to her boyfriend’s internal fight, pulls back, offering him a chance to collect himself. The bright lights illuminate her as she moves with a confidence that completely erases the dorkiness and leaves her looking like a goddess clad in red. Red as wine and all he wants to do is get drunk on her. 
The couple falls into a comfortable rhythm of moving about the floor, somewhat dancing, as they keep an eye on the constantly switching crowd. In the back of their minds, they have a picture of Axel Manson keeping them alert. Hopefully, it’s enough for them to be able to recognize the criminal if he were to show himself. 
“I wish we worked cases like this more often!” Jake yells, trying to make himself heard over the music. Even basically pressed up against Amy, hands on her waist, focused, she can’t make out what he says.
“What?” She yells back, leaning in further to listen as she tries to keep up the dancing, letting Jake’s hands lead her around the floor. 
“I wish we worked cases like this more often!” 
“You look really hot in that dress.” He emphasizes his point by stroking her hip, getting a good feel of the red fabric hugging her beautiful curves. Curves that under more intimate circumstances would have him explicitly worshipping her. 
“Shut up, Peralta.” She rolls her eyes and tries to shake off his compliment, because, in reality, it does something dangerous to her. Dangerous and unsuitable under the given circumstances. 
“You do! In anything you wear but tonight is like... Wow, my mind is extra blown, babe.” 
She quickly pecks his lips in thanks, the light in her eyes enough for Jake to know that she appreciates his flirting - even when she tries to shrug it off. 
To allow herself some space, she takes a step back and thus the dancing recommences. Her very own moves are throw up, do, left and right while Jake stands back and admires the goofiness unraveling before him. Fortunately, everyone around them is too hammered to care and he’s got the view all to himself. He sticks to doing the bare minimum to look like he’s dancing. Shufflin on the spot at best. This way he can surveil the club (and Amy). 
“Incredible,” he cheers on, meaning it even though this kind of incredible isn’t for everyone. Although her moves indeed are questionable, Amy herself deserves every positive adjective in the dictionary. Wow, did he just make a grammar-based compliment? The Santiago-gene has really rubbed off on him, huh? 
Everything is easy, like fun and games, or at least it is right up until some drunk idiot, tall and handsome, Jake will admit, accidentally stumbles into Amy. She’s a trooper though: shakes it off and keeps dancing as if nothing had happened. Instead of apologizing, said man apparently sees this as an opening, a prompt for him to act on, and smoothly allows his hand to travel across the sleek fabric hugging Amy’s hips which, upon noticing the touch, abruptly stops moving. 
“Why’d’ya stop dancing, babe? You looked so good.” The strange’s voice is as sleazy as his rapprochement. Overall representing the kind of person no one deserves to be approached by. Drunk or not, Jake doesn’t care the least: this kind of behavior can’t be excused. No woman, or just person in general, should have to put up with this. Admittedly, the fact that the subject of this stranger’s idiocy is his girlfriend doesn’t make matters any better. From the feeling of his fists clenching, he can tell it makes it much worse. 
“Excuse me?” Amy challenges the stranger, takes a step back, not even caring that she bumps into someone else in the process of doing so. Her priority is to make sure that the unwelcomed hands let go of her. 
Then they both see it, both Jake and Amy, and like lightning coming from a clear sky, it takes them by surprise. It takes everything within them to not flinch or freeze in a way that’ll come off as suspicious, because this? This is without a doubt Axel Manson. 
“No need to be prissy, babe. Take it as a compliment.” 
Amy’s got her arms crossed in front of her chest and it’s clear as day, at least to Jake, that she’s in a standby position - a position where she isn’t fully sure of what her next move should be. On one hand, the perp’s moves are extremely inappropriate, especially with Jake around (even though he knows it’s a part of the job); on the other hand, she can’t act out and risk scaring Manson away. Now that he’s fallen right into their lap they need to figure out how to go about this in the smoothest way possible.
If they weren’t currently undercover, working a case that very much relies on being discreet and staying unnoticed, Jake would tell the prick to get lost. Instead, he has to take on a different role that he definitely hasn’t prepared for: the role of the random bystander that won’t intervene.   
Amy still has her back turned to Jake, facing their perp, and unfolds her arms to instead put one behind her back. Firstly, it makes her look less defensive and closed off; secondly, it allows her to send Jake a signal with her fingers: a thumbs up. Jake notices and even though he wants nothing more than rid his girlfriend of this creep, Amy is now his partner and not his girlfriend. Now is not the time to act on emotions, instead, he has to go along with whatever she leads him into. He trusts that she’s thought of a playbook to follow and knows what she’s doing. 
“Sorry, I was just... surprised, I guess,” she laughs off the momentary tension, at the very least tries to, praying that Manson won’t see right through this innocent, flirty act she’s about to put on for him.  
“That’s alright, baby. I can take it - especially when you’re as beautiful as you are.” 
Right amid people dancing and pushing their way through the crowd around them, Jake makes sure to stay at safe distance, hopefully staying out of the scene Amy and Manson have proceeded into. On his part, Manson has reached over to grab the hand of his newest catch and gives it a gallant kiss. Charming but not at all representative of his overall behavior, Amy thinks, meanwhile she acts as if the move truly impresses her. If it wasn’t for the fact that she had to stay in character for the sake of the bust, she would’ve told him off the second he bumped into her. Jake, feeling rather exclude but know it’s how it has to be, discreetly stays behind and watches the scene unfold. Sipping on orange, shuffling on the spot, acting as if some creep isn’t making a move on his girlfriend and colleague. An unpleasant feeling boils in his gut, but it’s not exactly jealousy - or so he tells himself because it’s his least favorite emotion and, more than anything else, he trusts Amy. There’s no reason for him to feel jealous. Amy is just doing her job and so she should. 
… Although he does feel unquestionable mistrust towards the other man and the urge to push him off of her is even stronger. Scum like him don’t deserve even a second of attention from a woman as lovely as Amy - undercover persona or not.  
“Wow, thank you. I sure don’t mind my view either.”
From a time preceding their current relationship and up till now, Jake has witnessed a bit of everything in terms of Amy’s flirting skills. Not that his own are any better but Amy’s can sometimes be… awkward and questionable. In reality, Amy Santiago is a natural but as soon as she’s consciously flirting, she gets all weird and fidgety about it. Her game is much stronger when she’s doing it unconsciously, going with the flow, like with him. As if they only know how to flirt with one another. 
Yet here she is, completely nailing this coquettish act, and even though it should bother him Jake also feels… captivated. This bold and cutthroat side of Amy that usually only appears when it’s just the two of them, within the intimacy of their bedroom, is suddenly out in the open and luring in a stranger with so much ease. Amy Santiago is without a doubt the best detective slash genius.
Mason takes a step closer, smooth to a point where it’s embarrassingly obvious that he’s done this a lot, and puts a hand on her hip. It isn’t until he can taste fresh blood that Jake realizes he’s been biting his lip. Focus, Jake, he tells himself and joins the random group of dancing people next to him, hoping this will keep his cover intact while he can keep an eye on the situation. Hopefully, he hasn’t noticed him and Amy dancing together before bumping into them. Amy knows what she’s doing, he keeps repeating to himself, completely drowning out erratic beats, people singing off-key to some pop song, and other distracting sounds. 
“What’s your name, gorgeous? And even more importantly, are you here with someone?” Manson’s dark eyes drill into hers with great, sleazy purpose. In all honesty, it throws her off a bit to be looked at like that by someone who’s not Jake, even worse a criminal. Concentration is key and Amy falls right back into the game with ease. On the outside nothing unusual is to be noted; on the inside, she fights to ignore the stranger’s strong fingers digging into the flesh of her hips as if she were his property. 
“Cassidy, and no. I’m just here to… explore my options.” Amy gives him her best flirty smirk, personally hating the reaction it earns her but, professionally, happy to see him fall right into her sensuous trap. 
“Well, Cassidy, I’m Axel and that sounds right about perfect to me. I also love to… explore.” He emphasizes his ulterior motive so obviously that it falls right under the category of an explicit plan. 
It’s funny to see someone who couldn’t be leading a more different life from her own think they have something in common, Amy thinks. It sure helps the fake smile she currently has plastered on her face, even when Manson strokes her hip and causes the soft fabric to bunch up around her thigh, revealing more of her golden skin. That’s her cue - it’s go time. No more fooling around. With the hand behind her back she signals towards the club’s exit and prays that, in that very second, Jake happens to be looking her way right. Get him outside echoes in her mind and she hopes it does in Jake’s too. 
What Amy doesn’t know is that Jake hasn’t left her out of sight for even a second. On the contrary, he’s quick to notice the signal and knows exactly what it means: things are about to start moving. His galloping pulse confirms it and he’s ready to follow them wherever they go. 
“How lucky for both of us, Axel. Should we, you know, get out of here then?” 
Amy feels like she’s in a movie, coming up with one smooth line followed by the next. Dropping line after line, spontaneous and mysterious, to a point where she almost can’t recognize herself. Although she can’t wait to bust this guy and be back with Jake, she does have to admit that it is very satisfying to see just how easy and indiscreet criminals are. It’s a fine line to walk. 
“Nothing would make me happier, doll.” Axel promptly places an arm around Amy’s waist, a bit lower than expected and the move is as smug as Axel’s grin. A grin that only grows from the satisfaction of having his arm around a beautiful woman who, he thinks, will get him laid. 
In the momentum of the turn they do, directing themselves towards the exit, Amy catches a glimpse of her boyfriend’s stare. There’s no begrudging his displeased demeanor, Amy thinks imagining if it were her in his place. There’s a lot of trust between the two, never any reason to feel jealous, but this kind of situation is different and (luckily) not circumstances any regular couple would ever encounter. There’s no room for jealousy - this is a matter of doing your job properly whilst also keeping your partner safe and unharmed. A partner which you more than just care for. Jake certainly has begun to entertain himself with the thought of love and this only enhances the pondering about his feelings for his co-detective. 
They share a look of mutual understanding, brief but it’s there, and it puts Amy at ease to know that he’s got her back in these most trying times of their operation. Manson’s hand keeps sliding further and further down her waist, obviously and shamelessly yearning for her hip and ass as if it were his right, and if it wasn’t for the fact that it was a matter of making the bust or not, Amy would’ve smacked his hand. Alas, she lets it slide, plays the role of the infatuated prey, and doesn’t flinch under the foreign palm taking a handful hold of her dress and the flesh beneath it. 
“Sarge?” Jake speaks into his phone, never letting Amy and Axel out of his sight. He can physically taste the disgust he’s feeling upon seeing his girlfriend be felt up but he’s putting his anger to good use. “Amy and I have found Manson. We’re currently luring him outside. Send back up and catch them the-”
Jake feels himself flinch at the sight of this criminal having his hands all over Amy while feeling more than just delighted by this conquest. Jake knows Manson has set himself up for great disappointment, but still, he can’t help it when the sight of Axel being a major creep has his word’s caught up in his throat. 
“I- uh, yes, sorry. Just keeping an eye out for Amy. They’ll walk out onto Fulton Street. Meet us there with backup ASAP. Not sure if he’s armed or not so be careful. He’s got Amy with him.” 
He hangs up the second he sees Axel and Amy make their way to the cloakroom. Needing to be sure of what to make her next move, without Axel noticing, Amy runs her hand up the perp’s strong arm, wardrobe number in between her index finger and middle finger. 
“Just need to stop by the lady’s room and... “ She bites her bottom lip into a natural pause. “... get ready for whatever you and I are gonna do once we leave this place.” 
She bats her long eyelashes at him. Past experiences with Jake have her trusting the simple but sultry move and its effect. It should work wonders. “Grab my coat for me, please? And perhaps I’m even lucky enough to find some candy in my pocket when I come back?” Cocked eyebrows suggest Manson read between the lines.
“What’d’ya mean, princess?” 
During the course of her career, Amy’s seen a lot of perp bluff which means Mansons already steps behind her. Even with a hand on her hip and trying to play it off as confused, the detective doesn’t fall out of character. She needs proof. 
“Oh please, Axel…” Amy grins before leaning in, lips almost grazing his ear. Lucky for her their perp can’t see how her legs are trembling from the adrenaline. “I know what you do around here. Share your candy with me and I’ll share mine with you. No one will know.” Her vixenish whisper echoes in her ears while her lips tease to touch the sensitive spot. Amy cocks an eyebrow playfully and there’s no way Axel can say no to that. 
“Of course, babe. I’ll be right here waiting. Don’t be too long though.” Axel’s warm, alcohol-drenched breath hits her face when he pulls back and it takes every fiber in Amy’s body to not pull back from where the man is leaning in close, smirking like he’s got her figured out. “I’m getting impatient.” 
“I’ll be quick.” She promises. 
Even from a safe distance away, Jake’s glowering gaze certainly doesn’t miss how Amy seals the deal their perp and how he runs starving eyes up and down her body as she walks off. While Jake would prefer that it was him she was torturing like that, he also feels confident about this operation. It’s going to work, he’s sure. Then he’s going to need a lot of making up for how little he’s gotten to enjoy her company tonight.
Purposely brushing past Jake, discreetly bumping his shoulder, Amy makes her way to the bathroom.
One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Jake spins around on his heels and follows her into the bathroom, making sure to do so unnoticed by Axel. 
“We’re in the clear,” Amy informs him when she sees Jake peep his head into the room. 
“You’re brilliant, Ames!” Jake beams, stepping up to her and instantly earns himself a proud smile in return. Amy can’t help but notice how right it feels when he places his hands on her lower arms, almost as to make sure she’s safe and really there with him. Her warms skin feels so good in his hold and it hits him how much he needs her to be okay and… his. “You okay?”
“Yes, I’m okay. And I think he’s buying it, Jake! I tried to lure him into giving me some drugs. I will let you know if he does… Did you call Terry?” 
Jake can tell she’s proud of herself and can do nothing but nod in agreement. So she should be. “Yes, backup should be here within a couple of minutes, ready to take him down when you exit the club. Also of course he’s buying it! That act you’re putting up? Impossible to resist.”
“You been thinking about that a lot, babe?” 
They’re on the clock, Jake is aware, but she sends him a teasing wink (oh, she knows), and before he can even wrap his mind around just how turned on he is, she’s moved on as if nothing had happened. Moved on to apply lipstick in the reflection of the dirty bathroom mirror as if he wasn’t even there. The red tip of her lipstick traces her full lips oh so slowly, taunting him with every inch and curve, and it has very unprofessional, untasteful per se, scenarios flash before his eyes. The muffled sound of the bass is momentarily replaced by the remembrance filthy sounds. It all crowds his mind so fast, making remaining focused almost impossible, and if they hadn’t had a major drug lord waiting for them then he’d definitely taken advantage of how Amy was currently leaning against the sink, back turned to him, in an attempt to apply the lipstick as precisely as possible.  
“Oh, Ames…” Though he really shouldn’t, he allows his hand to wander onto her hips, the ones he’d hated Axel so much for touching… Besides hating him for the obvious stuff, like being a criminal and whatnot. “You’re all I ever think about.” 
Even with her hair let down, falling in raven waves and covering some of her exposed shoulder, neck, and arms, there’s little left to the imagination. As animalistic and primitive it might sound, Jake internally thanks Amy for her pick of dress, a spaghetti strap dress that shows off her strong upper body. Handling perps might just be the best workout.  He does realize that he’s only making it worse, more agonizing, for himself to wait out their mission however he simply can’t help himself, and before he can bring himself to cease, his lips are attached to her shoulder blade… then back nape of her neck… then the other shoulder. Her skin tastes like a mixture of her vanilla body wash and the smoke-filled air of the club. 
Their eyes meet in the reflection of the mirror, both smirking knowingly; they’re both fighting the urge to throw professionalism out the window and tear each other apart - right here, right now. How wonderful it would be to simply unhinge, give in to the vicious atmosphere of the club. Take each other home like a spontaneous hookup on a night out. Alas, right now is not the time for adulterated play pretend. Right now, even with his hands feeling dangerously good on her, closing in on the zipper running along her spine, their duty and urgent matter at hand is somehow stronger. With one last kiss to the skin of her neck and a shared look in the mirror, they wordlessly promise each other: later…
 He offers her hip a squeeze and clears his throat. Smiling to show support. 
“Let’s go get him.” 
“Y-Yes. Let’s.” 
After checking herself in the mirror one last time, she spins on her heels. Their eyes meet, outside of the mirror this time, and Amy feels confident walking out - Jake is right there behind her. Like always, he’s got her back. 
“You look great!”
Having already exited the bathroom, Amy knows not to turn around, risking looking suspicious, but she can still smile to herself, and oh does she. Blush, a lot of it, as well. Luckily said blush simmers down and impossible to detect by the time she’s back with Axel. From the dance floor, Jake keeps an eye on their every move and it’s with great delight he notices Axel’s wallet falling from his pocket when the man shrugs on his coat. Having already put on her coat, Amy checks to see if her flirting worked and to her happy surprise, it did. In the depth of her pocket, her fingers come across a tiny, sealed plastic back containing a couple of tiny heart-shaped pills object: kandy. 
Amy smiles to herself and Jake is quick to notice: she’s got the drugs and all the proof they need to take Manson down. 
To the detective’s advantage, the pumping music drowns out the wallet’s fall and Amy is quick to latch onto Axel’s strong arm thus prompting him to lead her outside, into her trap. Coats hanging off of their frames, walking side by side, they make their way through the front door. Amy’s lungs hitch for the fresh air outside, nervously so, internally praying that reinforcement is waiting for them outside as to not be left alone with the shady criminal for longer than needed. One thing is being told they’ll be there: another thing is actually seeing the familiarly blue-clad reinforcement there waiting for you. 
Click clack. 
Her black heels hit the pavement, they have officially left the safety of the crowded club, and this fact, along with the absence of the blinking red and blue lights, triggers a certain nervousness in Amy. An uneasiness screaming that everything is at stake right now - the case as well as her own life - and that there’s no room for indiscretion. 
It’s a well-known fact: Amy Santiago always brings her A-game. Although this specific mission demands even more detail-oriented and throughout thought decision-making on her part. One little misstep can cause a domino effect of danger and chaos, and she’s not about to topple over the first piece. 
On his part, Jake feels just as uneasy, if not even more, about the lack of backup. There’s a limit for how close he can stick to Amy and their perp; walking too close will only raise suspicion meanwhile walking too far behind could compromise the mission and, more importantly, Amy’s safety. 
“Where are you guys? Amy and Manson have left the club. They’re making their way south on Fulton Street, and I don’t know for how long I can trail behind them before Mason grows suspicious.” 
There’s an irritated undertone to Jake’s voice he simply can’t bite back - it’s not as if he’s trying to hide it - but his girlfriend is currently charming a dangerous criminal and no one but Manson himself knows where he’s taking her. If they get into a car this entire case will turn into a chase and ticking clock situation.
At this point, if Manson as much as hails a cab, Jake will have to do something. Step in, one way or the other, to free Amy from the situation or at least stall. There’s no way Jake is allowing a criminal to drag his girlfriend along as bait for a wild-goose chase. Alonge the thought is a hard pill to swallow. He always worries when she’s working a case; the second she’s out of sight a thousand horrible scenarios flash before his eyes because he can’t imagine a world without her. Amy is very much capable, he knows, and she doesn’t rely on him for anything, nor should she, but if he can keep her safe then he sure as hell will. 
Then it happens. What he dreaded the most. Mason waves over a cab which immediately pulls over to park next to the couple. 
A hundred feet or so keep Jake, and Manson and Amy apart. Step by step he gains speed, gains in on them, with fiery eyes glued to his girlfriend in hopes of some kind of signal from her. Manson gallantly opens the door to the cab for her. Polite for a criminal, Jake thinks to himself as his fists turn white from clenching. 
Dutiful as ever, Amy she gets into the car. He catches a glimpse of her face and certainly isn’t met with what he had imagined; Amy’s shaking her head no at him, frowning and warning him with a harsh stare. Does she just expect him to keep his cool and step back from the situation? It feels very much like a punch to his gut. Can’t she see she’s in danger? 
His feet never cease, on the contrary, they pick up the pace, completely disregarding Amy’s deterring signals. The car door smacks shut capturing Amy inside the cab but even then, through the dirty cab window, she’s very clearly telling him off. Her expression only becomes clearer with every step he takes. 
Manson, still very much oblivious to the situation that’s about to be called into existence, makes his way around the cab and gets into the back with Amy. The sound of his door shutting behind him affects Jake the exact same way the sound of a gun going off would: adrenaline overrules his clear thinking and protocol for the given kind of situation is off the table. Protocol means nothing when a dangerous drug lord is about to drive away with your partner - partner slash girlfriend, that is. It doesn’t matter that she’s the NYPD’s best detective. All Jake sees is red and the following words come flying out without warning. 
He waves his arms in the air to hopefully catch Manson, or at least the cab driver’s, attention. Perfectly synchronized with Jake’s outburst, Amy’s eyes send him daggers but there’s nothing she can say or do… It’’ll blow their cover. So instead she sits back, acts as if she doesn’t know the lunatic who’s calling out for her date, and waits for the horror that is Jake Peralta’s improv skills. 
“You forgot your wallet back at the club. They’re holding onto it for you. They uh- told me to run after you and let you know.” He’s out of breath from running up to the cab and leans against it as he tries to catch it. Jake has to admit that he deserves the prize for the worst cover story in the history of cover stories. All he can do is pray that their perp will believe it - even if it’s with an inch of mistrust. 
“What?” Manson spits, halfway out the cab and sure as hell looking pissed - pissed like a man who’s getting momentarily cockblocked by a random stranger. 
“Your wallet. Someone’s found it and I was sent to tell you.” Jake stutters from his position on the sidewalk. He can feel Amy glaring at him from her spot behind the window, begging him to look at her so she can let him know exactly what she’s thinking: idiot!
“You couldn’t have brought it with ya, ya moron?”
All night they’ve seen him in nothing but a good mood so it sure does intimidate Jake, just a tiny bit, to experience Manson growling and scowling like an agitated beast. 
“I- uh, sorry. I’m just… super hammered. My brain is probably broken from all the vodkas and… orange drank and whatnot.” 
Jake doesn’t even have to look at Amy to know that she’s rolling her eyes at him. 
“Whatever.” Manson peeks into the cab. “I’ll be right back, darling.” 
Amy smiles without saying a word, but the second Manson is out of sight she’s practically kicking down the cab door. 
“What the hell, Jake?! What are you doing?” 
During their few months of being together, he’s never seen her this mad. Not at him, not at anyone. Even the mattress incident has nothing on the pure acrimony she’s currently displaying. The red color of her dress suddenly carries a whole new symbolism. 
“What do you mean? Ames, he was going to drive you off to God knows where!” 
Why is she so angry when he’s just trying to protect her? His expression slowly starts to match hers and he doesn’t like this color on him - not one bit. 
“Don’t Ames me! And I have my tracker and gun on me, plus backup is just around the corner!” She refuses to step down from her case and it’s as if they forget that Axel Mason will be back before long.
“You don’t know how far away backup is. Also, a tracker and gun won’t keep you safe against a man like Manson!”
It takes a clenching of his jaw to contain himself. Heavy breaths have him feel like an enraged bull, provoked by her red dress (even though technically bulls can’t see color - Amy told him so) and matching stubbornness - an attribute of hers he usually admires. Right now it’s hard to admire though. Even if he knows his girlfriend is very much capable of doing whatever she puts his mind to, he also knows he’d never forgive himself if she was to be harmed in any way, shape, or form; even worse if he’d done nothing to stop it. He’s read through Manson’s criminal record and knows what the man is capable of. 
“So what? You’re running interference because you, the great Jake Peralta, need to keep me safe and be the one to save the day?” 
She’s taken a few steps away from the cab to join Jake on the sidewalk. It’s not for the sake of keeping him company though. Oh no, her arms are very much crossed, body language very clearly cutting him off completely, and if it weren’t for the fact that they’re in the midst of quite a fight, Jake’s eyes would comment on how the crossing of her arms enhances her chest. 
“It’s not like that, Amy. It’s not about being the best or saving the day.” 
“Then what?” She barks and all at once everything around them seems to go silent. It definitely doesn’t ease the weight on the young man’s shoulder, the feeling he seems to be holding back for reasons unknown. How does he explain that he cares deeply for her, perhaps more than he’s ever cared about anyone before, without saying the three magic words? That would be too soon and most definitely the wrong time. 
Still, with Amy Santiago looking at him like she currently is, eyes begging to understand but also filled with fury, he knows that he’s in the wrong and she, as so often, is right. He had no right to interfere. She had it under control and he let his personal fears overrule his professional rationality.
“I’m-” the words get stuck in his throat and he has to clear it to continue. 
“I’m afraid of not doing enough. I know that you’re a total badass but it’s so hard for me to stand by and act like it’s all out of my hands, when my mind is telling me that I can do more and that I’d never be able to forgive myself if something were to happen to you. It’s hard to stay out of your way when I feel the way that I do about you - even if I know you’re fully capable.”
 His nervous shuffling on the spot and adverting gaze cuts right through his previous angry demeanor, a much more insecure side of Jake shining through at perhaps the most inconvenient time. Amy wants to listen and discuss this with him, she truly does, because no matter how much she pisses her off, she also really likes him too. 
Timing is damned, not on their side, and Manson is now once more walking out of the club as he lights a cigarette. Jake, back turned to the club, remains perfectly oblivious to the incoming confrontation. 
 On her part, Amy has a perfect view of her undercover admirer. “Shit.” It’s unclear and mumbled under her breath, enough for Jake to notice but without being able to see Manson, the detective remains confused. “We need to stall.” Manson makes his way towards them and an oh so familiar situation presents itself: they’ve got to think fast.
“Kiss me,” Amy commands through her teeth. 
 “He’s back! We need to stall till the 99 gets here so I need you to shut up and kiss me. Now!”
To an uninformed Jake, this very sudden order profoundly confuses him. The very specific kind of confusion and disorientation reminds him a lot of that time Johnny and Dora staked out the park - he can almost feel the tree pressing up against his back and Amy’s lips on his - and the similarity of the situation will soon catch up with him.
 Usually warm and kind but now burning and stressing brown irises glower at him and Jake knows: he needs to act now; trust her and whatever process her brain has mapped out. So he acts.
Like a whirlwind, he pulls her in by her dress’ soft fabric and shoves her up against the side of the cab, so hard that a thump can be heard. It’s a kiss that, in more than one way, takes her breath away. It’s warm, passionate, and quick but still deep enough to make her toes curl. In a perfect scenario, she would let Jake go on, deepen the kiss and take them where she wants to be, but an entire case is relying on her self-control. 
 “What are you doing, you perv?!”
She pushes him off of her, as dramatically as physically possible, and the anger in her eyes makes an encore.
 Jake has never heard her scream with such high pitch and power, and it’s an understatement to say that it takes him a second to recollect himself - both because of the insanely hot kiss and the sudden scream fit. 
 “Hey! What is going on!?” Manson’s cigarette is long gone, adding itself to the collection of cigarette buds in the streets of Brooklyn. Too focused on hurrying back to the cab where his sidepiece of the evening seems to be in trouble, he fails to notice the exchange glances between the two detectives. Glances that confirm that this is is - their new plan. Like an actor walking onto her stage, Amy quickly switches from Amy to Cassidy.
 “I wanted to smoke a cigarette while you were getting your wallet, but this freak forced himself onto me!” She makes sure to spew out the word freak, hoping it’ll cover up her true feelings for her partner. 
 Amy Santiago is unrecognizable, fully merged with her role as club girl Cassidy, and Jake can’t do anything but play along as they both embark on the craziness that is a very serious game of play pretend. Hopefully backup will make their way to them before Manson has the chance of reducing him to a pile of blood and bones.
 “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, you little shit?!” Their perp forces himself in-between the two, punching Jake in the shoulder, hard enough to have the smaller man trip backward. Only by a thread does Jake manage to stay on his feet. 
A threatening that has Jake backing up against, so much that he eventually hits the wall behind him. Now he’s really begging for backup to arrive. 
Yes, he does have his badge on him, hidden under his shirt, but flashing it could cause further hostility and threat to him and, of greater importance to him, Amy. Jake stares straight into the eyes of an enraged Alex Manson, scared but also mildly annoyed by the fact that this macho idiot feels such strong entitlement when it comes to Amy – a woman whom he’s known for approximately thirty minutes. 
Not that there’s ever a good time to feel entitled to decide over a woman.
 “We were just talking.” Hopelessly so, but still, Jake tries to reason with his opponent. Mason obviously caught them with their lips locked. All according to Amy this is the plan that will get them out of this disaster, safely and successfully, and, more than ever before, Jake really hopes she’s right.  
 “Talking? Do you think I’m blind!? I saw you making out against the cab, feeling her up with your filthy hands and lips!”
 At this point Manson has a strong hand on Jake’s chest, keeping him captive against the wall with what feels like a promise to not only threaten but also hurt. A million thoughts race through Jake’s mind. 
He’s not dying, not today, not when an idiot like Axel Manson thinks he can get away with miscellaneous criminal activity and treating women like garbage. Over his dead body, only metaphorically, of course, he thinks and bites the inside of his cheek.  
Over Manson’s notably broad shoulder he manages to get a hold of Amy’s eyes. For the first time since he, to Amy’s great dismay, chose to confront Mason, Amy’s death stare is directed at their perp rather than him. Discreetly, making sure to not make any sudden moves and draw attention to herself, Amy reaches down for the hem of her dress skirt. Her eyes never drop from Manson’s figure, even as she gently lifts the skirt a bit, revealing the handgun she’s been carrying around - Mr. and Mrs. Smith-stylez.
 By all means, even with his life is at stake, Jake takes a millisecond to notice just how fucking hot that is. If this is the last thing he sees before he goes then he won’t complain. If he does survive, then he’ll have to suggest that they buy her a nice garter for them to mess around with. He’s quickly snapped out of his fantasy when Manson pushes him harder into the wall.
“Did you hear what I said? Do you think I’m blind!?”
 Jake’s floundering. 
“It was- uh- an accident.”
 The weight on Jake’s chest instantly increases even further, threatening to crush his bones (or so it feels). Then he sees Manson’s free arms being lifted from his side and prepared to throw what Jake guesses is the first punch.
 “Don’t fuck with me, shithead. Me and a couple of friends from the club are in search of a new punchbag and right now you look like the perfect candidate…”
 Jake knows he should be fearing for his life but all he pays attention to is the fact that their perp has practically just admitted to his gang being inside the club. Just as he’s about to flash a self-satisfied grin, the first punch collides with Jake’s chin.
Amy hears Jake groan out in pain, the gun ready to go, out of the corner of her eye, she sees a familiar blink of blue and red lights around the corner. Backup - she can safely reveal herself and help Jake. 
 “NYPD! Let go of him and put your hands in the air!”
 In one swift motion, well-practiced and with ease, Amy has her gun pulled from her thigh holster and pressed into Manson’s back. The criminal freezes on the spot just as he’s about to throw another punch and allows Jake to free himself as three cop cars pull up to the scene and surround them. Amy doesn’t budge, continuously holding Manson at gunpoint. Her arms tremble from the rush. Still, she doesn’t cease until the sarge tells her to and two of her colleagues have Manson handcuffed.
 “We’ve got him, Santiago.”
 A heavy breath, one she’s held since Manson forced Jake up against the wall, is set free from her lungs. Newfound calmness and satisfaction rush through her veins. 
After carefully securing her gun and putting it back in its holster, slowly coming down from the adrenaline-driven high, the thought of Jake and the punch he just took floods her mind. Adrenaline and anger fully clouded her mind but now that she can think somewhat clearly again, worry takes possession of her entire body. It’s as if her legs, without her brain having to order them to, instinctually take her to where Jake is being taken care of by Terry and a first aid kit.
 “Jake! Are you okay?”
 He barely has the time to turn around. Amid his turn, she throws herself at him, arms around his neck and if Terry hadn’t been right there, holding the bloody cloth that’s been drying Jake’s bloody nose, she would’ve kissed him to the moon and back,
 Her hug punches the air out of him, and he should care (with being punched and crushed and whatnot) but he doesn’t, because it’s her and all he wants is for her to be okay. He recovers from the hug attack right away and naturally his arms come to wrap her up. The pounding ache in his lower face, nose, and lips, swollen and slightly bloody, somehow melts away under her touch. Technically, that doesn’t make sense but that’s what he does to her. A loud pounding reappears, this time coming from his heart rather than his head and he knows he’s alive and back with his favorite person - the most badass person he knows, too.
 “I’m okay, Ames.” A pleasant mixture of her lavender shampoo and the feeling of her soft skin (she always brags about moisturizing) lets him know he’s back in his safe house and for a second he closes his eyes, lets himself slip into a momentary trance where no one or nothing can touch him. Neither of them knows for how long they stand there, simply holding each other in silence but eventually, the sarge clears his throat, obviously feeling like the odd one out during this happy reunion.
 “Amy, you and I will head back to the 99 with Manson for your debriefing. Jake, I’ll have officer Wilson drive you to the hospital for a checkup and debrief you there.”
 The couple quickly pulls apart, brutally pulled back to earth, and realizes that there are other people, notably their boss, around.
The night is far from over. More than anything else, Amy wants to be the one to take Jake to the hospital, hold his hand while they wait for the final verdict, but she also knows better than to make professional demands based on personal needs. She opts for a simple “Of course, sarge.” Jake as well.
 To the couple’s relief, Terry sees right through them, smiles, and nods approvingly. Terry loves respecting HR-guidelines but, more than anything, Terry loves love. 
“I’ll give you five.” He gives them both a pat on the shoulder, then he walks off to help with Manson who’s currently painting the dark Brooklyn night with a quite colorful chain of curses. 
The blue and red light flash across Jake’s side profile, enhancing his bruised lip, as his eyes follow the Sarge. Amy watches him watch the scene unfold, and while she would’ve preferred no punches and bruises at all, it definitely doesn’t make undercover, dressed-up Jake look any less hot. She might even go as far as thinking it’s… extremely sexy.
 “You’re an idiot.”
 Her voice instantly catches his attention and him looking right at her only gives her a better view of the slightly split lip. So much for a solid plan, she thinks and cups his cheek in her hand as to inspect him. 
He winces a bit but never refrains. 
 “I know.” The sigh is one of defeat. 
Amy is quick to catch on a runs her thumb across his cheek in a soothing pattern. “But at least we got him,” she comforts. 
 “Yeah, but you were right. I was being reckless and impatient. I should’ve stayed back and let you handle it... Like I know you can. I’m sorry if it came off as me not trusting you or whatever. It wasn’t my intention to compromise you or the mission.”
 “I know…” Carefully to not hurt him her hand slides off his face to instead grabs his hands. “But I do appreciate you apologizing.”
 “Of course. I was wrong and you were right. The Jake and Amy story.”
 A warm, familiar chuckle is shared between the two, somehow resynchronizing them, because this really does feel like Jake and Amy – whatever story they’re currently writing.
 “But there’s one thing I’m going to need you to apologize for, detective Santiago.”
 A charming grin is enough to let Amy know he’s about to hit her with something for her to roll her beautiful brown eyes at. And he, on his part, can’t wait.
 “Oh, and that is?” 
 “I’m going to need you to apologize for looking so fucking hot tonight.”
 “Jake…” Blush instantly replace her normal skin tone. Even months into their relationship he still manages to do things to her that she can’t control. Especially looking like this, all dressed up, tussled hair and bruised face working in contrast. 
 “Like, even with Manson all up in my face, all I could think about was you in that red dress…” He runs his hand along the fabric hugging her hip. “And don’t even get me started on the thigh holster. I was so afraid that I’d die tonight and never get to peel it off of you.”
 “Jake!” She skips forward and shuts him up by planting her hand across his mouth. “The officers or the sarge could hear us!”  
 “Oh my God, your lip! I’m so sorry!”
 “It’s fine.” He winces once her hands fly off of him and free his sore lip. “I really should head to the hospital, huh?”
 “Yeah, you really should. Are you going to be okay?”
 “Totally.” Jake confirms, nodding his head yes. “See you at your place later? I’m sure the hospital will let me go home tonight.”
 “Sounds like a plan.” She nods, trailing off but then the opportunity for a clever comment presents itself and she can’t resist.  “If you can you stick to it this time?” 
A teasing glimmer in her eyes and cocky smile lets him know just how proud she is of her own comeback.
 “You got me, babe. But yes, promise I will stick to the plan this time. I’ve learned from my mistakes.”
 “Good...” Without further prompting his girlfriend leans in close, close enough for her breath to tickle her ear, and drops a bomb that’s been threatening to explode since they first walked into the club.
“... And if you can’t then I’ll have to teach you a lesson, detective Peralta.”
Oh, how the hospital better let him go home tonight. 
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chaosworthyarchive · 2 years
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↳ @lilbluespeedster​ asked: *It had been quite a bit of time since the events of that day...Perhaps a few weeks? During that time Lil' had taken to writing a letter for Arrow while Gold had gotten a few things for Arrow and Mina so the two could enjoy their time. They would have certainly made sure Arrow got it as soon as possible. When Arrow went to open the letter, he would be greeted by the following:*
Hey Big Bro,
I've been having Amy and Tenko keep me updated on how you're doing. I'm glad you're feeling better. Sounds like the emeralds are helping you heal quite a lot. I sure wish I could get some of that myself, haha. You're going to be back on your feet in no time, that's for sure.
I've been hanging in there. Unfortunately I haven't been released from the hospital yet, but the doctors say that I might be able to here in a few days. They want to make sure I have enough strength and energy to be able to move around in a wheelchair at least a little bit before releasing me. Thankfully Tails has been around to help me out and is planning on sticking around a bit longer to make sure I'll be okay with Ray. I kind of wish I didn't need to chair-bound, but not much I can do about that really.
I wish I could say it's been getting easier, but honestly without the pain relief I've been receiving I don't think I'd be functioning as much as I have been. Granted it's been a lot of sleeping, when I can, but it's something. The docs say that I'm extremely lucky, but I just told them that us blue hedgehogs have a nack of getting extremely lucky. Some of them weren't as amused as I was at the joke, unfortunately.
When I get out of this damn hospital, the first place I'm going is to see you and I mean it. Even if I have to roll my chair over the by myself. I'm not going to lie, not having you to talk to is driving me a little stir crazy. I wish you could be here with me, but I understand why you can't. There's a lot on my mind and I think only you could really help me make sense of it all.
Please enjoy the little goodies Tails and I got you and Mina. I hope they help a little. Maybe once we are all back to our normal selves, we can finally go on that double date we've been talking about. I'm split between karaoke or a hiking trip myself and I don't think Ray will be able to easily pick between those two.
Hope to see you very soon. I'm extremely grateful to still have you with us all. I don't think I can imagine life without having you to look up to anymore. I love you, brother.
Sincerely,Your Lil' Brother
P.S. Sorry about the pun, I couldn't resist.
P.S.S. Oh, and don't be surprised if I look a bit more different that you're expecting. That little stunt I pulled out of thin air seems to have changed my appearance somewhat.
P.S.S.S. I've been listening to a specific song lately. It's been speaking to me a little more than music usually does. Perhaps it will do you some good as well. I've shown the little "link" to Tenko so you can pull it up yourself when you want to.
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     {➹} – IT HAD BEEN A FEW very uneventful weeks, much to the elder’s annoyance. Deep down he knew it couldn’t really be helped, he was still far from peak health and still couldn’t quite get around on his own but he was back on his feet and that was something. Even if he couldn’t manage it for very long but, luckily, either Mina or one of his teammates were there to make sure he and the ground didn’t meet anytime soon. 
     Still, there was only so much to occupy the hero’s time in the base. Only so much television he could watch and only so many hours he could spend talking to the others. Apart from overseeing a certain project, a new addition to the chamber he spent more and more time in these days, nothing of note had happened and it was making him restless. The worst part was that no one was letting him leave the base, not for a little while longer anyway and he wasn’t in a very patient mood. 
     Nevermind that he wanted out, but he still needed to check on Lil. While he didn’t doubt any of the updates Amy and Tekno had been sending nearly everyday, he still wanted to see his alternate for himself. To given them a proper thanks, and then promptly scold them for being so reckless, hypocritical as it would have been.
     But it seemed Lil had beaten him to the punch, at least somewhat, and when the hero saw the letter amongst all the other gifts his curiosity had come full swing. Seemed a little archaic but it didn’t stop him from opening it and reading over its contents. Just the first three words had him feeling better than he had in the last few weeks. 
     Worry had come over him soon after, however. Hearing that the other was still in pain and going to be wheelchair bound caused a guilt to surge in the hero right along with it. He had been hoping it wasn’t that bad, but it seemed it had been wishful thinking. He was just glad that their version of the fox was there to help, not to mention Amy and Tekno if Lil needed it. Though he had to chuckle at the mentioned joke. Yeah, he imagined the doctors weren’t impressed with that one at all.
    At least it seemed they were on the same page with wanting to see one another, and Arrow was going to make sure that happened sooner rather than later. Even if he had to sneak out. Mina would have his hide, but it would be worth it. But it didn’t take long for a smile to come to Arrow’s muzzle as he read the rest. Right, they did still have that date, didn’t they? Although the four of them doing karaoke? Seemed a little one sided but it did pique the hero’s interest. 
     He was engrossed in the letter enough that he hadn’t noticed his partner coming to stand over his shoulder until she nudged his head with her own. The resulting jump made her give an apologetic look, and a small kiss to a tan cheek for good measure, before both of them turned back to the piece of paper. It didn’t take long for Mina to get caught up and the next words out her mouth weren’t ones the hero had been expecting. 
     “Think it’s time to go visit?” There was little to suggest she was kidding, and after looking at one another the hero knew she was being quite serious. It was due time, and she wanted to see Lil too. She had a lot to thank him for. 
     It was only because of Lil that she could still look into those eyes she loved so much, still far from their usual green but still full of the life she had been so drawn to. Especially now that a visit was in the works and she swore the hero’s smile could have lit up that whole room, even with the playful spark just under it all.  “I’d say so. ‘S long as you don’t mind supporting me on the way there, of course.”
     “How is that different than any other day?” The mongoose hadn’t missed a beat as she smiled at him, leaning forward to give wrap her arm around his shoulders for a hug, or as close to it as she could get with him sitting on the couch and her standing behind it. “We’ll go in a day or two, promise.”
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viltrumitesuperboy · 4 years
Like Real People Do (Eleventh Doctor x Reader)
Gender neutral. Somewhat inspired by Like Real People Do by Hozier, aka immortal pagan god. The reader dies when they first meet the Doctor, and he seeks them out afterwards. Haha River Song who?
Word count: 2000 (I edited so it would be perfect, that’s right i’m a Writer™)
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The Doctor stared at the psychic paper in his hands, the words "HELP, DOCTOR" and coordinates neatly displayed on it. Whoever left him this message had abilities, ones he didn't know about. He didn't like not knowing. So he navigated his TARDIS out of the time vortex to those coordinates and swung open the door to a blaring alarm with a few people panicking in front of him.
"Hello, I'm the Doctor! What seems to be the trouble?" he introduced himself cheerily.
"Doctor! Good, you're finally here. I would kiss you, but rules. Can't do that when we're in danger."
He turned to look at you, completely confused. You were dressed as if you were blending in with the ship's crew. You had clearly established yourself as the leader of the group because they looked at you like you would save them. It was the same way everyone desperately looked to him for answers in any of his life-threatening adventures.
"There is an attack on this ship, and every few minutes the other ship is firing at us. It's leaving holes and breaking the shields. There's not enough power to get them back up completely. I've only put them where they've broken the ship so that we don't lose oxygen. Like patching a hole in your pants but they just keep ripping somewhere else. Don't give me that confused look. Keep up."
"Sorry, ah... who are you?" he asked, following you as you led the group out of the area.
"Seriously? Time travellers. Forget that kissing thing. Anyway, no time to lose. We're going to try and communicate with the other ship because that's what you would do."
"Did you send the message on my paper?"
"Yes, of course. Like I said, keep up."
The other members of the group were questioning both the new person and the current leader of their group, and the Doctor went over a plan of what to say. You all moved forward into a narrow hallway, the Doctor following right behind you. Just then, a loud crack sounded as a shot landed right in front of you, and you cried out as the Doctor tried to grab your hand.
"No!" he shouted.
He wasn't close enough, and you were pulled out of the ship and into empty space against his will. He spotted a pad across the hallway and used his sonic screwdriver on it, bringing the shields back up where you had flown out. The hole was replaced by a dark film that covered the damaged area. It was a small blessing that he didn't have to see someone dying again.
"Who was that?" he demanded.
"We only just met-" began one of the group members.
"A name!"
"(Y/N) (L/N)," said a teenager standing in the back of the group.
"We can't mourn. Let's go."
As usual, the Doctor was able to fix the situation. He made a compromise with the other ship, led the ship with his TARDIS to the closest planet, and gave comfort to those who needed it most with his hundreds of years of wisdom. As he stepped back onto the TARDIS, he felt as though he had lost something. Well, he did. Another person's life. He searched for your name everywhere until he found you. A younger you. He didn't think you were human, but as you went about your every day life, you were blending in with the humans. You weren't wearing the clothing that blended you into the crew, and he liked your personal style. As usual, trouble came along and he was pulling you out of danger just in time.
"Hi, I'm the Doctor. Run!"
You followed him and didn't question him once. And when you followed him into the TARDIS after the threat was gone, you didn't ask about it. He knew you'd make one hell of a companion.
"Time Lord technology. Infinite space in an object," you mumbled, more to yourself.
"You... yes. And you're an empath with a telepathic field, according to the TARDIS's scans," the Doctor responded, and you nodded. "Lonely."
"One of the last of my kind. And so are you," you responded.
There was an understanding between the two of you that seemed to pass. You asked nothing about him, and he asked nothing of you. He didn't know much about your past, just the present you and what you were like. He decided you were one of the most beautiful mysteries in the universe. And for once, the Doctor didn't mind not knowing.
You traveled with him for a long time. He sometimes brought along his best friend Amy Pond and her boyfriend Rory. They became your friends as well. The Doctor would sometimes look at you with pain in his eyes, and Amy would notice. Whenever she asked what was wrong, he would instantly smile and brush it off. It was difficult for him to tell her that he was in love with a person who he already knew would die.
He taught you how to fly the TARDIS. Your smile that day seemed to brighten the room. It was either that or the ship felt the same way that he did about how wonderful your presence was. Your first idea was to bring him to a peaceful planet inhabited by only animals.
"I came here many years before I reached Earth. It's quiet and few know about it," you said.
You pulled him to a small hill to observe the field of flowers and small mammals running about in the grass. You sat down and plucked at the grass beside you.
"One of the few planets that hasn't been destroyed by another civilisation," the Doctor said.
"Oh, no, it does. In the future. Endings bring beginnings. I just liked coming here before that because I was around when other aliens started moving onto this planet. Good for us, you have a time machine, and we can come back here as many times as we want as long as our timelines aren't interfering."
He snorted and placed his hand on top of one of yours, moving it to his lap. He pressed his lips into your palm, and you gave him a small grin as he looked into your eyes. He didn't return it.
"I won't ask, but you always look so sad, Doctor. I wish I could help you."
"You look sad a lot of the time, too," the Doctor accused, "but I'm old. I'm allowed to be sad."
"I'm not as old as you, but I'm also not human. My lifespan could exceed yours and neither of us would know."
He smiled as you laughed, pressing his lips to your hand and keeping it there. Then he told you that he loved you for the first time. He giggled when you returned it, as he usually did when he was excited. There, on that field, he kissed you for the first time. And he realised what a curse it was to love someone dying.
You stayed with him even when he lost Amy and Rory. He let himself feel the pain of losing a companion for once and decided to retire. You joined him, of course. It seemed that he was experiencing many firsts with you around. You joined him as he found his Impossible Girl, who ended up becoming your Impossible Girl. This only became an issue when Clara stepped foot in the TARDIS after a few days of your own adventures, and you both shouted "Impossible Girl" at the same time. You coined her "our Impossible Girl" and the Doctor proceeded to be very mushy and soft with you, to which Clara pretended to gag and walked out of the blue box.
He never took you for granted, as you never did him. Every moment he could, he told you that you were the best thing to ever happen to him. Once in a while, when he was feeling particularly anxious after an adventure, he would face you and put his hands on your cheeks and give you a few words of love. You knew he was afraid of losing you, and you would return his worries with a squeeze of a hand or a kiss.
A day came when you told him you had some business. You entered some information into the TARDIS console and showed it to him.
"We've traveled a lot and I promised some of the people we've met some things. You can just drop me off, pick me back up when I call you," you said.
When he went quiet for a moment after checking the monitor, you started to step towards him. He looked back up to you with a grin on his face and ran around the console, slamming buttons, pulling levers, and sliding around on his boots.
"You need shoes with better traction. I love you, and I'll call you in a bit, okay?"
"(Y/N). My (Y/N)," the Doctor said, his hands now holding the sides of your neck in a gentle caress. "The best thing that has ever happened to me in all the universes. You are the best companion any Time Lord could want, and the best lover any being could ask for. I love you with your strengths and your flaws. I love you more than I could ever imagine. You finish that business, and you do it well."
"Hm. This is hardly the longest I've left you. We had a whole Earth month when I had to be there for a bit. I love you."
"I love you," he whispered back.
He pulled you into an embrace, which you returned automatically. He kissed you and you chuckled, taking the steps out of the TARDIS that would mark your final exit. This was a walk towards your death.
You, with your intelligence. You, with your empathy, no matter how well you showed it. You, with your timer ticking down. You, with both the Doctor's hearts. You, taking the Doctor's love with you.
It would only be a few days for you now, he knew. He put the TARDIS into the time vortex. The love of his life, gone within minutes upon meeting him and dying while trying to save other people. It was a death worthy of a companion and worthy to be his own. He remembered the room you shared. Bunk beds. You hated him for it.
"Doctor, we've been together for hundreds of years! Can you please, for the love of all the universe, tell the TARDIS to change it?"
"You're the empath. You talk to her."
"You're my lover, and she's your ship! Fix it!"
A bit of fiddling with the console redesigned the room. No bunk bed. Of course, you never really minded that much. You knew how much he enjoyed the human invention of a bed with a ladder. He could only laugh sadly, but it was much too early for him to be shedding tears. Perhaps he never would. He hurt and loved all at the same time. He knew the risks he took when he found you all those years ago, and he took them anyway. He never could resist a mystery, and you were his favourite one. He set his course for the first peaceful planet you brought him to, just one last time.
He pulled out the psychic paper. You began and ended your journey with him in just minutes, and began it again when he went back for you all because of the paper. His brows furrowed when he noticed that it wasn't blank like it should have been.
Coordinates. Just a fraction of a number's difference compared to the first time he saw the same message. An empath with a telepathic field.
This was your call.
"Oh, you're brilliant. You are amazing."
He changed his course, the last lever pulled with the one word that he always used in a time of need.
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