#it'd be scripted for fucking sure
brutlist · 11 months
bernie really should be the person who inherits heron after heugh passes but it's not realistic bc she's never in a thousand years accept it, and that it's passing on to eric, a trans man who looks up to heugh in an almost fanatic way, worries her so fucking much
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nqmonarch · 5 months
Blade in Yandere Fanfics
Content Warning: Talk about Yanderes, so mentions of violence against reader and kidnapping
The fanfics I read of Blade are few and far between for a few reasons. The biggest one being a lot of the story I read is yandere themed and man why do they always make Blade out to be such a violent guy, like yes he is, but I feel like there's more to explore?? Violent yandere Blade will always have a place in the world but where is the desperate Blade who has genuinely no idea of why he likes his partner so much but knows he needs to do anything to get them to stay with him.
Desperate Yandere Blade who at first threatens you to stay with him but can't handle the way you recoil in fear. He has no idea why one reaction from you has him in shambles but he doesn't want that to happen again. Like he is beyond terrified of you leaving him for any reason. Sure, he could break your legs but what if you end up hating him so much you find a way to die or end up becoming a shell of your former self.
You relieve his mara because whenever he's with you, you're all he can think about. You have no ties to his past. And when he's with you he forgets all about what happened on the Xianzhou. You wouldn't leave him in pain alone, would you? You're not that cruel. He probably wouldn't guilt trip you, instead that comes from Kafka. After all you just made her job a lot easier, and it's in the script you should stay with Blade, if you want the best ending for all of the universe.
Yandere Blade is fucking desperate. Sometimes his emotions get the best of him, he may squeeze onto you a bit too tight and cause bruises but after seeing them that panic stricken fear returns to him and he feels afraid to even touch you. He doesn't want to scare you, he's just a scary guy.
It'd be like having a big dog, except this big dog is a wanted Stellaron Hunter and a lot more deadly. He would tank hits for you if your life was ever in danger. He'll live no matter what, you on the other hand? You're fragile. Would overstress about you getting hurt and watch you just to make sure you don't, an added benefit is whenever he sees you he feels more calm.
But if you end up trying to be with someone else? Yeah, good luck. When you first mention someone else he acts indifferent, maybe he'll watch you a bit more, make sure this person is really safe. But the moment it continues he'll be trying to bargain to get you back to spending all of your time with him, if needed he'd probably beg albeit flustered, and if none of that works he'll just hug you and won't let go.
No, this isn't kidnapping he's just keeping you still. That is until Kafka comes, and she's nice enough to make sure nothing gets in the way of your and Blade's relationship!
And why is he doing all of this?
Because he loves you, of course.
Kafka is an enabler lmao
I saw one small post on how Blade might be desperate once and I was like this is my life now. I can get behind desperate Blade. Then I ended up accidentally making the post about Yandere Blade because Yandere content is about all I consume (didn't plan to write any though tbh). Oopsies?
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angelthemanspanker · 4 months
my most tinfoil hat AtS opinion is that legit straight up canon spangel was like RIGHT beneath the surface of season 5, like the show was ready to pivot in the direction of them being at least friends with benefits at a moment's notice despite fate and the censors' best efforts
Season 1 had shit like Angel's first power walk shot set against a pride flag and him awkwardly telling guys he wasn't hitting on them, going for a kinda Adam West Batman kinda gay thing where people assume that about him bc it's the early 2000s and his clothes fit VS Season 5 in the premiere alone giving us Angel correcting a guy who calls him a "little fairy" with "I'm not little" and the legendary, blog-inspiring "I have no problem spanking men" (one of which he says to a guy he's about to kill and one to a guy he knocked out, almost like Angel lets gayer behaviour slip if he's around people who can't bring it up later hm) followed by the only man we KNOW Angel has fucked literally appearing from thin air in his office
then you get Life of the Party where Angel's Whacky Magic Antics are set off by Lorne telling Angel and the person he's having sexually tense arguments with to get a room, causing him to have ill-advised hate sex he ordinarily would not have with someone he is reluctantly attracted to. and I believe in my BONES that at SOME POINT in the scripting process that that person was gonna be Spike. Even setting aside my admittedly subjective opinion that Angel and Eve had even less sexual chemistry than Xander and Willow, it just... scans. Angel and Spike have their "I need to get our faces within an inch of each other or I'll die" arguments in front of EVERYBODY in literally every episode of the season, so I feel like if Lorne was gonna say it about ANYONE it'd be about them. I will never budge from my belief that Spike still being a ghost at this point and early 2000s tv politics caused them to abandon the Angel And Spike Magically Fuck At The Party plot early in the writing process for the episode and slot Eve in there instead while Spike gets the easy-to-write-into-existing-scenes positivity thing.
and THEN. AND THEN. it becomes a plot point that the show Angel's friends are suddenly really on board with him getting back out there dating-wise (the unperson-ing of Cordelia helps here. whee.), with us all suddenly being in agreement that there is little to no danger of his curse being triggered by sex (even though both times he's lost the soul since his curse, real or imagined sex played a significant role in the moment of happiness). Like, Nina is one of the more one-dimensional characters in the Buffyverse and her midness seems to be for the purpose of setting the audience at ease that Angel's soul ain't going anywhere from hooking up with her.
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WESLEY is all for it! Wesley "Most Paranoid and Prepared For The Return of Angelus" Wyndam-Pryce is saying look man we're all rooting for you go have a relationship with a girl whose only flaw that I can come up with is that she's a werewolf. Like sir??? How can you be sure the Beautiful Engaging Young Woman Who Actually Wants You won't accidentally make Angel happy with her extremely inoffensive flavour of Nice?
Whereas if, say, there was a beautiful, engaging blonde who actually wants Angel and Angel wants but comes with the caveat that THIS beautiful blonde not only drives Angel up the fucking wall but recently had magical sex with Angel at the office party in front of the whole main cast, proving that as much as Angel gets off on screwing Spike that he is Not happy about it? I can see Wes giving the all clear on that one ngl
bonus points that Angel and Nina got the Official Couple upgrade in Smile Time which comes right before the Illyria tragedy forces Angel and Spike into the... maybe not friendly but LESS hostile dynamic they keep for the rest of the show, so the season structure of their relationship still follows a lot of the same beats. honestly besides getting a lot more moments of David Boreanaz and James Marsters trying to out-six-pack each other in their post-coital shirtless scenes the only thing you'd need to do is change the world-shattering "Me and Angel have never been intimate. Well except that one..." to something along the lines of "Me and Angel have never been intimate, I just shag the bastard"
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
Barry was starting to wish he had bought a suitcase with a handlebar and wheels. Lup and Taako's apartment was on the third story up and, much like Lup had told him, the elevator was still in its constant state of disrepair. At the very least, a suitcase with a handlebar would be easier to lug up here. His back was already aching from the ride over (his body was not fit for airplane seats anymore) and this certainly wasn't helping.
But it'd be worth it. Tonight, for the first time ever, he and Lup would meet face-to-face. And Taako too. He was excited to see Taako. He had heard lots of good things about Taako. But he had never really talked to the guy outside of voice or video calls with him in the background and Barry- well, he had a soft spot for Lup.
That's what he told Magnus, at least, when he bought the plane ticket. Leaving Magnus to housesit didn't seem like a great plan, but Barry had no one else to turn to. Asking his coworkers felt weird and approaching any of his neighbors with the idea seemed even worse. Magnus, at the very least, was capable of fixing anything he broke. Probably. And was willing to do it for free as long as he was allowed to bring his dogs with him (he was, but Barry was very much hoping he didn't have to clean dog slobber off anything when he got back).
Magnus had seemed… uncertain about his plan. Flying halfway across the country without telling the other person you'd be there was, admittedly, not always a good idea. But Barry had planned this through. He and Lup had talked a lot about meeting up one day. What they'd want to do together, where they'd go, the plans they had. She offered to let him crash on the couch and Barry was 100% okay with that. It saved on hotel costs, at least.
And Lup loved surprises! Most of the time! Lup loved the surprises that Barry came up with, at least.
Barry paused at the third story, leaning against the wall to try to get his breathing under control. He had tried to only pack essentials, but that had quickly turned into "oh, I wanna show Lup this thing in person" and, "oh, Lup wanted to have this but I forgot to mail it to her", and "oh, Lup would-", et cetera, et cetera.
After a minute, he finally got his breathing under control. He straightened up and his back popped in at least four different places. Pathetically, he started dragging his suitcase down the hall. 310, 311, 312…
113. Lup and Taako's apartment.
Barry knocked before he could start overthinking it.
Lup would be happy to see him, right? Right. Definitely. She was cool like that.
Seconds ticked by. Barry fanned himself, suddenly feeling too hot. It was from bringing the suitcase up, that's all. He wasn't nervous. He lov- he liked Lup a lot and he wanted to make a good first impression. Second impression? He wasn't sure what it was when you've been talking to someone for years but have only just now seen them in real life.
It must have been a full minute by now. Barry raised his hand, trying to figure out if it'd be a good idea to knock again, but the door opened before he could make up his mind.
It was Taako. All of his opening plans came crashing to a halt. He opened his mouth and just kind of made a strangled sound. He cleared his throat and went to try again, or at least try to ask if Lup was home, but-
"Barry?" Taako asked.
"Yeah," Barry said, hopefully sounding confident and casual. It came out a little like he was choking down a jolly rancher.
"Fuck," Taako said. He shut the door in Barry's face.
Barry… didn't know what to do in this situation. He was hoping for a "hey!" or maybe even an "it's Barry!". This was so wildly off-script from what he had imagined he didn't know how to move forward. Luckily, Taako opened the door again and practically pulled him inside before shutting it again.
The inside of the apartment was warm and cozy and exactly what Barry thought it would be. He recognized the couch where he and Lup often had long conversations via the internet. He could see the beginnings of the kitchen as Taako pulled him further inside. A man popped out from one of the other rooms. Barry vaguely recognized him as Taako's boyfriend. Kravitz, he was pretty sure.
"Barry?" Kravitz said incredulously.
"Hey," Barry said. Taako steered him towards the couch. It was so soft.
"But Lup-" Kravitz started.
"We're getting there," Taako said. He was standing in front of Barry now as Barry sat on the couch. Kravitz leaned over the edge of the sofa. Taako took a deep breath. "Okay. So. Wanna tell me what the fuck you're doing at our apartment, Barold?"
"Uhm," Barry said. "Visting?"
"Visting me?" Taako said.
"I mean," Barry said. "I- I would definitely like to hang out with you too, but, uhm-"
"Lup," Taako sighed. He rubbed at his temples, as if he was developing a headache. "Okay, Barry, I'm gonna need you and Lup to get like, a shared calendar or maybe like- any type of clear communication, 'cus she's not here."
"Like, she's at work, or-?"
"Lup got on a plane at nine AM this morning," Taako said, "to go to fuckin' Maine! to visit your sorry ass."
"Ah," Barry said. Okay. Okay, okay, okay. Sure, yeah, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This was fine. This was normal. This was an everyday thing to him. He was pretty sure stuff like this happened all the time.
"You," Taako said, "are gonna call Lup and tell her she's a dumbass."
"I'm not gonna call Lup a-"
"She'll call you," Taako said. "'Cus you're both real fucking stupid, y'know that? Like, if you're gonna visit your partner then at least call before you show up-!"
"We're not- we're not dating," Barry said, blushing despite himself.
"Uh-huh," Taako said. "Sure."
"We're not!" Barry said. It seemed Lup and Taako had the same "I don't believe that at all" face.
His phone started ringing. Taako's look intensified at the I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston ringtone. Barry's face got even hotter.
"It's a good song," he insisted, struggling to get the phone out of his pocket. The caller ID showed up as Lup.
"Answer the fucking phone, Barold," Taako said.
Barry sighed, answering it. He pressed it up against his ear, unsure if he wanted to laugh or cry at Lup's voice. Maybe both.
"So, uhhhh, we've got a problem," Lup said.
Definitely both.
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
i have never
See the full 14 Days Collection here! See my full list of works here!
Summary: When you reveal to your co-stars that you've never had a positive experience kissing anyone, let alone a good experience doing more than kissing, Tom visits you in your hotel room to rectify that situation.
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: steamy moments (this is 1 of the 2 non-smut stories from this collection); language; mention of bleeding
Things to be aware of: coworkers to lovers; reader isn't inexperienced but she's had horrendous experience
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"Okay I might need help with this, I gotta be honest."
You showed the page that you placed a little pink post-it flag on to your female co-stars, Scarlett and Lizzie, the flag pointing to the part of the script that showed your character had to kiss Loki and a look of 'contentment and relief' had to be visible on your face.
"Wait why? You've had kissing scenes before," Lizzie prodded, looking at the surrounding dialogue of the kiss.
"Yeah, I know, but those kisses were meant to be awkward and I had to be visibly uncomfortable, which is great because that's all I know how to be when a guy kisses me." You grimaced as memories of sloppy, teeth-knocking, way too rough kisses gone wrong began to flash through your mind like a train wreck slideshow.
"Oh sweetie…if you're worried that it's gonna be bad because Tom's going to make it uncomfortable, you got nothing to worry about," Scarlett commented with a chuckle. "Man's never had a bad kiss scene in his life. Ask Lizzie."
"Mmhmm. Yup. Can confirm," the redhead said with a playful grin on her face.
"Well that's all well and good but I'm not worried about him giving me a bad kiss. I'm worried that I will." You slumped your shoulders as they gave you doubtful looks. "Alright then let me put it this way. All the kisses I've had off camera are…fucking awful. On camera I can look past because it's supposed to be awkward and dorky and maybe even so cringe I wouldn't wanna watch it even if you paid me. But the guys I've kissed in private? Let's just say that the least traumatizing kiss I've had ended with my lip bleeding because the fucker bit me too hard."
"Babes, that's absolutely awful!" Lizzie looked at you with her jaw to the floor. "Are you telling us that every guy you've slept with is—"
"Fucking awful? Yep. They didn't have any redeeming qualities. And before you even ask, yes, that means that I have fucking faked it. For years. No one's ever got me to the promised land." You slumped in your chair from the admission. "So that's why I need help. I haven't the first idea how to even look like I'm content because every experience I've ever had is…subpar."
The two promised to help you until you three were called to set, imparting knowledge about imagining a wave of calm overtaking you coupled with the contradicting feeling of a wild fluttering in your stomach. Actions-wise, to pull him closer, as if you couldn't possibly be close enough, clinging to him as if your life depended on it. And the desperation that implied this was a last kiss, because ultimately it would be for your characters, considering the tragic death the Russo brothers had in mind for Loki.
It'd also be the first and last kiss you'd have with the man you'd had a raging crush on since years before you were even a blip on Marvel's radar, so you took all their advice to heart just to make sure that at the very least you didn't leave a horrible impression with him once this scene was over.
After all, you still had all of promo period to get through and considering that the Marketing team had already found your old socials from high school and had concrete evidence that you absolutely had a phase where you shamelessly fangirled over Tom Hiddleston, they would most likely test your sanity and pair you off with him for some, if not most, of the press junkets.
That was the whole reason you were currently in one of the dining tents, your head slumped down on a table as you watched a whole bunch of kissing scenes on YouTube while you furiously jotted down notes on the back of your script. Your scenes were finished for the day, and all you had to do was wait for someone in the costume department to assist you out of your costume. You retrieved your phone from security, meaning you were no longer allowed on any of the filming sets considering how careful all the execs were about spoilers getting out.
"Elizabeth told me I'd likely find you here." You jumped in your seat at the dulcet tone of Tom's voice filling the former quiet of the tent, quickly straightening your posture and turning your phone off, putting the face down on top of your notes. "Apologies. I didn't mean to startle you."
"No, no, it's all good, really," you chuckled out, the nerves beginning to peek through in your shaky tone. It was borderline impossible keeping your composure around him considering that he'd been in a tight-fitting black muscle tee, the rest of him clad in his character's leather pants and boots, putting on egregious display what exactly Marvel had to edit out during post production of the first Thor movie. "What's up?" you squeaked out.
"Truly, nothing. I just wanted to tell you I look forward to filming with you tomorrow." He placed a hand on your shoulder, bared by the rather revealing nature of your Enchantress costume, his thumb gently stroking your skin. "I'll see you tomorrow, darling. I'll see if I can get someone to assist you with your costume."
Your heart caught in your throat as you watched his eyes give you a once over, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, before leaving the tent.
Here lies Y/N Y/L/N. Cause of death? Sanity and ability to breathe were stolen by Thomas William Hiddleston.
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Knock Knock Knock
You looked up from your position on the couch, your neck and back straining from being hunched over and taking notes as you watched compilation after compilation of the "best tv and movie kisses" on YouTube. Every bit of preparation you could do for tomorrow's scene short of trolling through Tinder or Raya, you would willingly do.
After all, if you looked stupid in your hotel room practicing how to kiss on your hand but no one else was around to see it, did you actually look stupid?
Yes. The answer was yes.
"I didn't order room service!" you called out in the direction of the door and sending the mistaken server on his way, turning back to face the TV and somehow transpose in your mind that the actors in the scene were you and Tom, trying to plan out how to move your body the way theirs moved, to not lean in too much so that your teeth didn't knock together, and to not even think about any lip biting considering your own dreadful history--
Knock Knock Knock
You groaned at the insistent mistaken case of room service and turned off the TV, flipping your notes over so that in case they were of the nosy variety nothing could leak. The last thing you needed throughout production was Holland and Ruffalo greeting you tomorrow morning with open arms and goofy grins saying "One of us! One of us!"
"I'm sure you're mistaken, buddy, I didn't order any--"
You opened the door and realized it wasn't room service on the other side. It was Tom, looking at you with a soft amusement in his eyes, the mortification spreading through your system at the knowledge that he was seeing you clad in a loose cotton ruffle sleepwear dress that went down the length of your arms and fell to your knees.
The farthest cry from the allure of Amora. And yet the best possible representation of yourself in real life.
"O-Oh uhh…hi," you stammered, constantly shifting your posture in your attempt to seem casual. "What's up?"
You felt even more chagrined when those eyes that haunted your every dream since you were a teenager that was every bit the awkward dork that you were at this moment once again gave you a once over. Only this time the smirk graduated to him biting his lip. What is his deal? Is he really just trying to make me spontaneously combust? Burn off the final shred of sanity that I'm holding on to? Did he choose me as his use case for a scientific study to prove that death by swooning was most definitively a thing?
"Y/N I heard you earlier today with Scarlett and Elizabeth." Someone call the cemetery and have them erect my tombstone. "I didn't intend to, but I'd been walking by the area and--"
"Ohh fuck," you groaned, pressing your hands to your eyes and spinning in your spot trying calm your racing mind. "Look I'm really sorry maybe we could talk to Anthony and Joe and we could have them write the scene out comp--"
Your words caught in your throat in a hitched squeak as you felt his hands wrap around yours, pulling them away from your face. "Look at me, please." You opened your eyes and became stunned silent when you saw a tenderness in his as he framed your face in his hands. "I'm not here to ask you to talk to anyone about getting the scene written out."
"Then why--"
He silenced you by pressing his lips to yours, all the words beginning to melt away. What little knowledge you'd gotten seemed trivial now, as he coaxed you to kiss him back, as the world around you seemed to fade and a strange quiet washed over you. As you felt your entire body come alive with every tender brush of his lips against yours.
So this was what they meant.
He pulled away from you, one arm wrapped securely around your waist to keep you close, and the other hand gently cradling the back of your head. "I came here because you are a woman who deserves to be kissed breathless. Often. By someone who knows how." He gave you a soft smile before slanting his mouth over yours, tongue gently brushing along the parting of your lips as if asking for entrance.
It was as if your whole body weakened once you parted your lips and felt his tongue gently flicking against yours. His arm tightened around you as he lifted you up seemingly effortlessly and pinned you to the wall, his lips never once leaving yours.
When Tom broke the kiss you were both gasping for breath, the air once again leaving your body the moment his lips latched on to your neck, his hands roaming down your body until they hooked around the backs of your knees to wrap your legs around him. You had to clap a hand over your mouth to muffle the resounding moan that escaped you the second his hips rolled into yours.
"No, darling," he groaned against your skin, one hand reaching up to wrap around yours and pry it away from your mouth. "I want to hear you." He moved away from your neck and brought his face inches from yours. "I also heard one more thing. A downright sacrilegious thing. About how you've had to fake your pleasure with everyone you've laid with."
He placed your hand on his shoulder, which you quickly hooked around his neck to hold yourself up as he lifted you away from the wall and walked further into the hotel room, making your mind spin with what he intended to do next. "So you heard that, too, huh?" was all you could say as you did your best to remember how to breathe.
"I did. And I wish to change that, too. If you'll let me."
You could only nod before his lips were back on yours again as he laid you down onto the bed.
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A/N: I had to fade to black some of these stories if I wanted to meet deadlines, okay? 🤣
'everything' taglist: @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @imalovernotahater @mygfloki @lucylaufeyson3 @thomase1 @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @laliceee @xorpsbane @gigglingtigger @silverfire475 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @vickie5446 @salempoe @lokixryss @sinsandguilt @lokidbadguy @alexakeyloveloki @glitterylokislut @cakesandtom @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @huntress-artemiss @lilibet261 @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lovingchoices14 @devilsadvocactus @lokiprompts @sititran @ladyjames78 @kikster606 @evelyn-kingsley @kats72 @creationsbyme @coldnique @athalialaufeyson @simplyholl @tallseaweed @sarahscribbles @unlucky-number-13 @ozymdias @maple-seed @ladyofthestayingpower @wolfsmom1 @km-ffluv @psychospore @loopsisloops @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @lovelysizzlingbluebird
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simon-newman · 9 months
Another franchise intentionally ran into the fucking ground
So... I've heard before about the supposed "Alien 5" idea that got scrapped/put on indefinite hold.
Today it came up in a discussion with friends and I tried to look into it more.
Apparently the idea is not really new but not quite as old as the original four (sic!) movies.
The whole thing comes from 2015 and is a series of concept arts released to the public and a 50 page sketch of a script.
From what concept arts suggested the movie (sometimes called "Alien: Awakening") would erase Alien 3 and 4 from canon and continue with older Ripley, Hicks and adult Newt forming a resistance against WY who somehow obtained and were experimenting with Xenomorph samples.
Cool. Workable. If done correctly I am sure it'd be welcome addition by the fans.
20th Century Fox actually recognized the fans enthusiasm and greenlit the project before no one else but Ridley Scott got involved.
The idea was then shelved indefinitely with Scott instead gaining the right to produce more movies to his "Alien Prequel Story" started with Prometheus...
Now. We all know how Alien: Covenant turned out. Not great. Now there's third movie from the series coming up titled "Alien: Awakening". Sounds familiar? Worry not. It'll likely get released as just "Awakening" instead. And won't feature our beloved Xenomorphs.
Apparently Ridley Scott sees Xenomorphs as old idea that can't be of use in film anymore. According to him the Alien Franchise "Needs to move on" and away from Xenomorphs...
Like. Dude... You are making your movies riding on the back of the Alien Franchise - THE Xenomorph franchise.
If you want to make new "space monster" horror movies that's fine. But don't make them under the name of existing franchise of a different, beloved space monster.
Also - if you can't think of a new, interesting way to use the Xenomorphs that's fully on you. There's an entire de-canonized extended universe featuring it. A whole goldmine of ideas to be used, never before brought to the big screen. You really say there's nothing to do with it anymore?
Fuck off!
Hollywood needs to stop hiring directors who hate franchises they're supposed to work with.
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bittsandpieces · 3 months
Sooooo I recently found your blog and started looking into fauxcest. I wasn’t sure where to look. Still don’t know many places. Like the main sites I’ve seen don’t have a lot. Like the same 10 videos uploaded from different accounts. Never thought I’d have a tough time finding content on the internet lol any sites you suggest? Also, you have fully got me into this now 😂 the fantasy aspect of it is sooo intriguing and honestly super hot! So thank you for corrupting me lol
I.... don't watch porn. Like, basically ever? I find it to almost all be over produced and fake in a way that's very off-putting to me, largely because what actually turns me on is the mental side of things: arousal, intimacy, emotional connection. Those are hard to communicate in a 20 minute video of two strangers fucking according to a predetermined script
Also, the reason you're not finding very many videos is because depictions of illegal acts by real peopls (even if it's being acted out and not actually done) range from legal grey area to an absolute no, your porn company will get shut down and there will be charges filed situation.
The key here is to get into written porn, which does not have the same legal limits on it. Personally, I've been reading erotic fanfiction the whole time, regardless of me having any knowledge of the source material. Archive Of Our Own is the place to go, it has a comprehensive tagging system meaning you can search by specific kinks/story types! Personally, my usual filters are to go to whatever core tag I'm looking through (in this case it'd be "sibling incest") and then set rating to include only explicit ratings, exclude any fics with the rape/non-con warning, change completion status to complete works only, and set my word count to 3000-30000, as I've found that range is mostly likely to have well written stuff. Sorting by bookmarks rather than by date updated will give you the most popular fics first rather than the most recent, so you'll also find higher quality stuff that way! Sometimes I'll exclude the "established relationship" tag as well because I like first time sex best. Depending on your sexuality, you might want to change the "categories" section to m/f, m/m, f/f, or multi so match. The nature of erotic fanfiction specifically is that most of it will be m/m, so the filters might come in handy for that!
Hopefully this helps, I know it's more complicated than just like... searching for porn, but when you're into a kink that's genuinely not socially acceptable you've gotta put in a little extra work to get your rocks off lol
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cowgurrrl · 4 months
JUST WATCHED THE SAG-AFTRA FOUNDATION VIDEO WITH PEDRO PASCAL ANDDDD.....gotta mention her but the idea of actress!reader having a similar segment for herself, getting similar questions while rockstar!joel is there to support her?? YES PLEASE, it'd be so cute !!! and actress!reader would have some amazing answers and little stories to share about her career me thinks
I love this idea!!
Good Old Days
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: this ask!!
Warnings: unedited because I simply cannot be asked, the kids are so grown up in this :(, fun little reflections, I think that’s it!
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It feels weird to be at a point in your career to be able to do a Career Retrospective with SAG-AFTRA, but it also feels well-earned. You’ve been in the business long enough to have seen a thing or two and you’re excited for the opportunity to get to talk about it. Plus, Joel took the day off from working at the label and is sitting in the audience of other card-carrying SAG actors. The woman interviewing you introduces you to the crowd and you walk out to modest applause and an especially loud whistle from Joel. You blow him a kiss before settling across from your interviewer, Kate, who immediately gets into it.
“Thank you so much for joining us today. Should we start with the question everyone probably asks you? When did you get your SAG card?” She asks and you laugh a little at the memory.
“I got my SAG card literally the second I got my first gig in LA. It was mandatory for the project and the project was Sweet Water-”
“That was your first gig when you got to LA?”
“Yeah. My apartment wasn’t even unpacked when I got sent home with the script and they were like, ‘make sure you mark in your script’ and all that stuff and I didn’t have a dining room table. I was literally marking stuff while sitting on the floor.”
“That’s must’ve been a big leap.”
“It was huge. This was a tiny pilot that was coming onto this huge scene of TV medical dramas and it wasn’t supposed to be set in this big city, it was a rural hospital, and we didn’t know if it was gonna get picked up. So, yeah, it was pretty scary for a second. My family was terrified but they told me they felt a little better once I was a part of the union.” You shrug, not knowing how much you actually believe that, but their support got you to where you are for a reason.
“That’s surprising to know, especially now that it’s a huge success.”
“We didn’t know for a long time if it was gonna flop or not,” you admit. “I remember Carolina and I would always get stuck doing night shoots and we’d just be exhausted and covered in the fake blood or whatever and we would look at each other like, ‘what the fuck are we doing?’ But I loved that character and I loved that show.”
“How did you get into acting before all that?” She asks and you stretch your memory back as far as you can.
“I think I was always interested in it. I worked at a movie theatre for a while just so I could go see movies for free and when we read plays in class, I would always get really excited. I did theatre throughout high school and college but it didn’t really start to feel like a real career until I started working. Like I would act in little short films and get paid like $100 for a week of work and I thought that was what acting was. So, I just kept taking on projects and kept working and then eventually got noticed but I think even if I didn’t get picked up, I would still be acting in some capacity.
“And you went to NYU?” She asks and you nod. “What drew you to NYU?”
“I mean, isn’t it every young actors dream to go to New York? I just thought that’s where people were actors and artists and I wanted to be a part of it. I moved to the city and knew absolutely no one and it was a real starving artist kinda vibe for a while. Like I was a waitress at two different restaurants and one of them was in Midtown and the other was in the Upper East side so I was constantly jumping boroughs and spending money on subway tickets. But it was a really great experience and I met a lot of incredibly talented people.”
“Including Carolina Garcia-Long.”
“Oh, especially Carolina Garcia-Long!” You exclaim, excited to talk about one of your favorite people. “She’s such an amazing person and I’m so lucky I got to start my career with her. I just love her and Ryan so much.”
“Had you guys acted together before Sweet Water?”
“Yeah, so Carolina and I had been scene partners during class assignments and we were often at the same auditions for things. Ryan and I didn’t act together professionally until… I wanna say our first project together was Self Made Men? That was right when he was starting to pick up steam in his career and it was my first movie right off of Sweet Water and I played this super minor character named Sunday. I was really only on the call sheet for a few days but we had so much fun that he kept inviting me back, if not to work, then to learn and that totally changed things for me,” you furrow your brows as you think. “I might have to text him after this and ask because I’m almost positive we did something together before Self Made Men. But way before that, in New York, our paths just kept crossing and crossing and then Carolina and I finally moved in together in this tiny little apartment in Hell’s Kitchen with two other girls. I actually took Joel by there on our first trip to New York together and he was so shocked at how shitty the building was. Sorry, can I swear? If not, I think I’ve already broken that rule.” You cover your mouth and look around for someone to make a cutting motion at their throat to get you to stop but everyone just laughs.
“You can say whatever you want.” Kate says and you let out a relieved sigh.
“Okay, good,” you say. “But yeah, I remember him asking all these questions like, ‘wait, how many people live there?’ And I was like, ‘well four of us but sometimes their boyfriends or whatever would stay over so sometimes up to eight people.’ He was such a dad about it, just panicking about fire safety and whatever else. It was so stupidly endearing.”
“And he’s here today, right?” She asks and you look out into the crowd until you find his smiling face and point him out to her.
“He’s over there in that corner, trying to act like he doesn’t know we’re talking about him.” He blushes at your words and shakes his head but you just smile.
“Something I didn’t know about your husband is that he’s actually a card-carrying member of SAG-AFTRA.”
“He is!” You say, excitedly. “For like the first ten years of our marriage, he would come to set and just randomly get placed as an extra or a random character. I think he even said two lines once as like a barista or something but we did an episode of Things We Don’t Talk About together where they actually cast him as police officer and that entire production was a must-join so, yeah, he got his little SAG-AFTRA card and became a union man.”
“Did you ever think you’d get to do TV with your husband?” She asks and you laugh.
“I never even thought I’d be on TV, let alone my husband.”
“I guess that’s true because you did a lot of Shakespeare before coming to film and TV, what drew you to that?”
“I honestly don’t know. I think I just needed a job around the time I actually started doing Shakespeare so it was more of a necessity than anything. I didn’t really care about it in school and it was always confusing but once I got into shows and learning more about it, I was totally hooked. I did Shakespeare in the Park several times and did some off off off Broadway Shakespeare work, too, and I just love it. And we’ve raised our kids on it.”
“Have you really?”
“Oh, yeah. Our son and daughter-in-law actually just had their first little girl and she’s named after a Shakespearean character.” You say, beaming from just talking about Juno.
“Do we get to know the name?” She asks and you shake your head.
“I’m afraid that’s not my secret to tell, but she is very, very cute.”
“Well, congratulations to both of you.”
“Thank you,” you say. The rest of the interview goes well and you even get to tease the new project you’re working on with Violet. It feels good to recap such a fun and still running career, a feat not everyone gets to celebrate. It also helps that Joel is waiting in the wings with a big hug and kiss the second you’re off stage.
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cryptidghostgirl · 2 years
Omg <3
Well I’d be obsessed with a fluffy Tyler x reader fic where they both are in jericho’s theater, and they both get the lead roles in a romance play. Through a bunch of rehearsals and stuff they eventually catch feelings 🥰 the play can be whatever you want btw, just preferably a show with a cute romance lol <3
I love this prompt. We're doing and musical of Anastasia.
Once Upon a December (soft!Tyler x Reader)
Pairing: Tyler Galpin x Reader
Warnings: high school au. everybody is in school together. dont worry about it.
Word Count: 1794
Status: Unedited
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Tyler hadn't wanted to audition but, part of the punishment for his acting out meant that he had to start participating in extra curriculars and being an extra in some musical didn't seem so bad. Everything was going to plan, he had auditioned, sang the little song, massively fucked up the dance on purpose, and then, somehow, everything had gone to shit and he had gotten the male lead: Dimitri. Tyler had no idea how it'd happened but now here he was, at the first reading.
The school wasn't a very big one so even if you weren't friends with someone, you still knew who they were. For example, Tyler had never said a word to the girl but when she entered the room and sat in the seat next to him which bore the name tag 'Anastasia' during the first read through of the script, he still knew her name was Y/n L/n.
Tyler had always viewed Y/n as someone a lot more on the reserved side. She was a music kid, always hanging around with the other tortured teenage artists like Xavier Thorpe and Wednesday Addams. However, after only a few rehearsals, Tyler had begun to think that she was perfectly cast.
Anastasia as a character was headstrong, a little snotty, rude at times, and above all a know it all. So was Y/n. She always had to be right, correcting him when he forgot his blocking, whispering notes to him, even going so far as to grab his script right out of his hands and write things in it, muttering about how irritating he was all the while.
Tyler couldn't help but notice that he was the only one she acted this way towards. Sure, he was new to the mostly rotating group of theater kids the school was home to but he couldn't help himself wishing he was welcome to sit with Xavier, Bianca, and Y/n when they were given breaks or that he could even ask Y/n to go over lines with him.
The first time he'd performed his character Dimitri's solo song My Petersburg for the rest of the cast, he could feel her eyes drilling into him. Y/n, the perfectionist, even got yelled at when they were learning their duet In a Crowd of Thousands for not being able to get into character.
"You're supposed to be in love!" the music director had said, frustration evident in his every word, "act like it!"
After their first full run through of the whole show without scripts, the cast had held a party. It had been a Friday so of course there was loud music and too many drinks and even some drugs. Tyler was surprised he'd been invited at all, even more surprised still when Bianca who played the Countess Lily, dragged him off the front porch of whoever's house they were at and forced him to join a circle for truth or dare.
Everyone was drunk, doing stupid things and making too much noise. Ajax who was apparently part of the stage crew, was forced to drink a whole bottle of ketchup. Devina, the Dowager Empress, revealed she had a crush on one of the schools many football players. Xavier had to streak across the backyard. When Tyler got picked, he chose truth and had to admit why he even auditioned in the first place.
Now that it was his turn to ask questions, he turned his hazy gaze directly on Y/n who sat across from him, cheeks flushed and a mostly empty bottle in her hand.
"Y/n." he began, "Truth or dare?"
She turned away from Xavier who she'd been speaking to and looked lazily across at him.
"Truth." she stated after a moment, crossing her arms on the table and leaning forward, "ask me anything Galpin."
"Why do you hate me?" the words had slipped from his mouth before he could stop them.
Y/n looked incredibly taken aback and stayed silent for a moment before hiding her face in her arms.
"it's embarrassing!" she whined and Xavier patted her back as the rest of the cast and crew cheered her on.
"You gotta answer." Bianca laughed, elbowing Y/n who sat back up.
Her cheeks were somehow even redder then they had been before as she made eye contact with Tyler once more.
"I..." she looked away, "The truth is, I didn't audition for Anastasia. I wanted to play Dimitri. I auditioned for him and I didn’t get him but somehow you, who had never been in a single show before and were apparently being forced to be here, you who were trying to sabotage yourself and get ensemble, you Tyler got him. And I got Anastasia. I mean, I’m grateful, I love her character and I grew up watching the movie so it’s definitely cool to get to play her but….”
“why did you want to play Dimitri so badly?” Tyler asked and Y/n looked up at him.
“I answered your truth already Galpin.” she teased, her whole demeanor flipping in a matter of seconds, “my turn now.”
After that night, the pair seemed to have a little more space for one another. There were some kinder words shared and when they had to learn to do their kiss scenes, something the director had saved until the end, they even found a way to laugh about it.
Tyler thought they were just becoming friends at least, until they were all fitted for costumes.
Xavier and he were running lines while Y/n, Bianca, and Devina we’re getting fitted when they heard a shriek.
“do you think everything is okay?” asked Tyler, turning towards the direction the noise had come from.
“It’s just Y/n.” Xavier responded with a chuckle, “She loves getting costumes.”
There was the sound of rushed footsteps and fabric and suddenly, Y/n burst out from backstage. She was wearing a dress of sorts but Tyler couldn’t quite see it due to the way she was holding it up to run.
“guys!!” she squealed before dropping the skirt and spinning, “look what costuming did for me!! it’s an exact replica of her gold dress from the movie!! I don’t know how they swung this but like,, ahhh!! it’s so amazing!!”
It was then that Tyler realized he has never seen Y/n outside of her baggy jeans and tee shirts. He had never been to a show she was in, never seen her in a dress or something tight fitting before, never seen her so happy.
Xavier wolf whistled and Y/n laughed, walking over to them.
“you look great.” Tyler said and he meant it.
He’d never noticed how pretty she was before but here, eyes shining as she fawned over and explained all the detail in her dress, she was gorgeous.
At last it was their opening night. Tyler saw Y/n mouthing the lyrics to My Petersburg from off stage as he sang it. People applauded at the end of every scene. Before he even knew it, they were at their duet.
“I didn’t tell you that.” Tyler said as Dimitri and when Y/n turned to him to say her line:
“You didn’t have to, I remember!”
Tyler saw genuine joy behind her eyes. This was what she loved and having such a passion for something, Tyler realized, was an amazing thing, wasn’t it.
Everyone’s favorite scene and song had been quartet at the ballet.
Tyler had never really thought about the lyrics to that song before but as he sang them that night, something in them resonated with him.
someone holds her safe and warm
someone rescues her from the storm
simple things but ones things clear
it’s fate that brought us here
He and Xavier sang together and Tyler was glad for the stage directions saying he should be looking at Anastasia because he couldn’t take his eyes off Y/n.
They broke off into the four way harmony at the end and he could feel the power radiating off of Y/n as they all came together at the end for the songs final
find a way Anastasia
Tyler couldn’t seem to help it. As the play continued on, he couldn’t help but wish all of it was real. Y/n and he had become friends but that was only friends. Tyler was beginning to realize that maybe he wanted to be more than that.
i didn’t know she matter to me but now i can see she does
conman and princess get their wish and fairytale comes true
He sang, wishing the show to never end because somewhere in his head he knew the truth of it. Tyler knew the way she blushed on stage was just an act, the way she held him, the nervous glances. The kisses even, it was all an act and he knew that.
Three nights later and their final show was almost over. For a high school production of a broadway musical, they had done incredibly.
amazing set, wonderful costuming, stellar performances.
Y/n stood on stage, singing the shows third to final song with a passion Tyler had never heard from her before. It was amazing how much voice she could fit inside her body.
I should be glad I’m where I should be
but nothing is what it was
I didn’t know he mattered to me
but now I can see he does
As she sang, she made eye contact with Tyler from off stage. He thought he was imagining it but, maybe, just maybe, a little part of his brain though, maybe she was feeling the same things he was.
before he knew it Xavier was on stage and Y/n tore her gaze away from Tyler, fear taking over her frame and reminding Tyler once more that it was nothing but a show. He had to admit, she was an incredible actor.
After their final bows and the curtains fall, Tyler was surprised to find Y/n waiting for him backstage.
“hi.” she said nervously.
“hey, you did really well tonight.” Tyler responded.
“I was just wondering…” Y/n seemed so nervous.
Tyler had never seen her nervous before.
“Do you wanna go to the after party. With me I mean?” Tyler asked suddenly and Y/n looked up annoyed.
“Thats what I was gonna ask!” she whined, crossing her arms and looking away.
Tyler smiled.
“why don’t we get changed and head over then.” He said lightly.
“Fine,” Y/n groaned, “just one thing first.”
And she kissed him. It wasn’t for the audience, for rehearsal, for anything except herself and in that moment, Tyler knew: he was in big trouble.
A/N ngl I was really drunk when I wrote this, I am sorry. I will go back in and edit.
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mxrp-official-steve · 6 months
A quick preview of a super neat accessibility feature!
(Image ID: A long string of rainbow-colored text on the Light Theme background in latin with a slider in the top right above the active user lists. When the slider is pulled to the right, the colors get brighter and brighter, but when pulled to the left, they get darker and darker. Notably, when the theme is switched to the much darker Felt theme, pulling to the right makes the colors paler and paler to compensate for the dark green background.)
So when we rolled out the themes, one of the things that people were loud about was how text in certain colors (like say, Equius blue) could be hard to read on certain themes. Taking this, the eternally powerful Hex (really, REALLY fucking quickly might I add. Hex is terrifyingly fast at stuff like this) cooked up a super neat (And totally unique as far as either of us know) script! Basically, what this did is adjusted the saturation of the text color based on the background to make it more readable. It's actually like, SUPER fucking cool.
I later got THIS ask, asking offhandedly if there'd be an option to toggle it off. I brought this to Hex, and they said it'd be tricky but they'd see what they could cook up. I nodded, and started watching Please Don't Bully Me, Nagatoro season 2 with @churb, because that anime is cute as shit and we love it.
Four hours later, not only did they return with a toggle for this script, they made it a slider- so the color saturation can now be adjusted interval by interval to match your preference! It also does this cool wave thing where the text adjusts down the line. Me and Hex really like the wave its super neat.
That's your neat little feature update though!! Just something I wanted to show off! If we have more of these before the beta drops, I'll be sure to drop them on ya!
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angyo · 6 months
It's funny there seems to be people who think that Muu is a makima-esque master manipulator based on the information we have. Bro have you see her trying to manipulate? Her most effective move is just crying but half the time that one just feels unintentional. When it's up to her to actually use her charisma she blunders so hard. Sure she can read people very well, but her best attempt at getting her way when someone isn't laying down for her is to just say the information she has as if just saying it is how it goes.
Sure cliques are gonna be filled with blunt passive aggressive assholes, but she also doesn't seem to distinguish friend from foe and cliques don't generally like when people can't play the mind games. It may be me projecting a bit, but she seems to picture relationships as a little bit TOO transactional, her sheer inflexibility feels a bit autistic. She's got a script and she freaks out when people go off of it.
No fucking way she got those friends through sheer charisma, I'm betting they were all just sucking up to the rich kid for cash. Meaning that whatever dirt rei had on her, it managed to turn people who had already decided to put up with the rich girl. I'm leaning toward at least some of it being gay shit, like even if muu doesn't realize it she pedestalizes rei a lot for someone who thinks their revenge was justified.
But if it was just rei giving proof of muu liking girls I'd think the bullying would be more directly homophobic, so she probably had a few kinds of dirt on her.
She also seems dangerously out of touch with her emotions, while also being out of touch with other people's. People say her mvs are just straightforward but they seem to be affected by her inner turmoil she doesn't wanna think about. It's hard to verbalize but the words she says often contrast the video. In after pain she has a lot more doubt, while still not accepting any fault she thinks about it despite the info we get being the bullying she endured. Then in inmf, she sounds so sure of everything while also imagining herself as an insect and her victim as normal. She is not as confident as she tries to seem
Really she just seems like a teen who's been allowed or even encouraged to stay emotionally immature getting herself into something she can't escape. Yeah she did all that mean shit, but she also got sucked into the cycle. She shouldn't have killed rei but she was clearly losing it. Murder wasn't justified but things happen in the heat of the moment, especially if you're completely emotionally unstable and in denial of it. She wasn't lying about having a clique but she also wasn't lying about feeling suicidal.
She and haruka are perfectly matched to bring out the worst in each other. Unfortunately for her ratings, she's got an offensive mental illness. probably one of those where it's like "bad person disorder: you are a terrible shitty person and it will never change. Also you're banned from 30 countries now :)". Which is also unfortunate for haruka since he's got self loathing issues, and while audiences handle those a little better it's not enough to overpower hating a self aggrandizing girl.
Hope someone stops him. For character development i think it'd be cool for muu to panic and do it, but idk if she's aware enough of her emotions to realize she'd miss him. Tbh also worried if they're gonna use haruka as a red herring, he's acting off enough to attract attention but muu also has a history of suicidality.
Prisoners not in the know are already getting suspicious of haruka, which best case means they catch him in time. If the writers wanna be cruel it also means muu can just decide to kill herself split second if the decision hurts enough and no one will suspect her
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matrixxsystem · 1 month
Terrapin Soup Part 6 (2/2)
"Leo.." Usagi looked around, a bit unsure, "Id this what you meant when you mentioned your portals being a bit.. Unstable?" "Hm? Oh, no, I did this one on purpose. I uhm.. I thought it'd be nice to sit up here with you, maybe.. Watch the sun set? Since it's like the one thing the hidden city doesn't have." Usagi smiled seeing Leo try to hide his blushing, he'd gotten pretty fond of Leo in the short time they actually knew each other.. "I've never seen the sunset from a view like this.. How kind of you." He carefully walked closer to the edge of the building, waiting for Leo to join him before sitting down. "I wanted to give my brothers a bit more time to get the kitchen together since I'm sure it's a mess by now." They both laughed at that, knowing full how it was more then likely true. Leo glanced over, trying to play it cool as he reached his hand over taking Usagi's into his. "It's been a while since I did this, but it's a lot nicer sharing it with someone. I mean, I'm not really a big nature and 'look at the stars' kinda guy but I thought you'd probably like it so.." "I think it looks amazing, it's not often I'm able to do something like this. Thank you for sharing this with me Leo." "..C-Can I share something else with you?" "Yes, anything Leo." "You.. You have to close your eyes first though.. Okay?"  Usagi nodded and closed his eyes as Leo requested, giving his hand a little squeeze and their fingers interlocked. Despite being on the edge of a building that stood over one thousand feet tall, Usagi had no trouble trusting him. Leo had been overthinking it earlier, that he'd be far too shy to return Usagi's gesture later tonight when he was on his way home, he figured it'd be easier to do it here while they had privacy. And April told him a few times to "put his big boy shell on and make the first move for once" so there was that too. He took a deep breath leaned in, his free hand coming up to gently cup Usagi's face to hold it in place. Closing his own eyes like an idiot as he killed the distance between them till they met in a kiss, though he pulled back pretty quick after, in disbelief that he actually just did that.  Usagi's expression didn't shift as much as Leos would've if he'd been on that end, but when he opened his eyes again Leo felt his heart skip a beat, fuck his eyes were pretty.. He gave Leo's hand another squeeze, silent for a moment probably processing. "I like when you share things with me." He said after a moment. Oh frick he was cute.. And his smile and those big eyes and soft fur and his hand fits in mine so well and... I wanna kiss him again.. I really wanna kiss him again- "I-I like sharing things with you.. Uh- We should.. I'm sure the foods done by now so we should.." Usagi nodded and waited for Leo to let go of his hand before he stood up, watching from a few feet back as Leo made another portal, gesturing for Usagi to go ahead. And once they were on the other side Leo proceeded with his partly rehearsed tour of the lair, only going off script to introduce him to April and Splinter. It all seemed to go really well, even when Splinter tried to act tough or while Mikey barged in to give him another hug. Or when a mini food fight broke out during dinner because Donnie insisted on calling salt 'sodium chloride' when he asked for it to be passed to him. But at the end of the night everyone seemed to have a good time, they asked Usagi about his life, where he grew up, what plans he had if any for the future, what he thought of Leo. Which of course they were all met with vague honestly. Things like;
"I've lived in the hidden city my whole life. My teacher had been tracking a small band of killers, he found them at the end of a trail that ended with the lives of my parents. He took me in seeing I had no one else."
"I'm not sure yet, I assume I'd take over my teachers role, doing the jobs I do now just on a bigger scale."
"I think Leo is.. Unique. He's kind, and brave.. And despite hardships still strives to make people smile and laugh. I'm lucky to have met him the way I did."
Needless to say that last response earned a wide array of coos from the family, no further questions needed of course. Though.. What Raph had said not long after their first meeting still stuck in Mikey's head. He wondered why he felt uncomfortable that time, and if that feeling went away yet or if it was just his older brother instincts to be that way? Usagi seemed pretty genuine, and Leo did too, he'd never seem him more happy and 'at home' maybe ever? But no one else seemed to feel that way, even April who was an older sister to them or Splinter who as a dad should be more guarded then Raph right? It didn't make sense..
Part 7
Part 1
TS Master Post
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toa-kirhan · 4 months
TATMR Rewatch
Saw this post appear on my dash again and felt like rewatching the movie again. Thoughts while rewatching a twenty-four year old film about magic talking trains included below.
Btw, if you want to watch this fever dream for yourself, the whole thing is on Youtube w/ ads:
Starting off and- hey it's Diesel 10! You remember Diesel 10, right? What a "blast from the past," right? Right?
I miss the hammy, over-the-top New Jersey accent they gave Diesel in this movie. The slimy, manipulative voice they gave him later on is fine, but c'mon, the guy's got a giant claw coming out of his back. There's nothing subtle about him. Give us our big dumb tantruming baby back!
Interesting to see Gordon shake w/ fear after seeing Diesel, considering how much flak people gave the last couple seasons of the show over the engines 'gesturing' w/ their bodies (same w/ Thomas sneezing later on).
The two ends of the universe: Anytown, USA and a remote island off the coast of England (I know its implied that Sodor is part of a separate magical dimension in this movie, hush).
That said, filming in the rustic British countryside really doesn't scream America:
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Also what's that line about Shining Time being separated from Sodor by "oceans of time"? Dym like time zones (crossing the Atlantic) or time travel? The show is canonically set in the 50s-70s, afterall.
It's a shame that they didn't use the original Shining Time theme for the introductory shot. Not sure if it'd fit, but it's still a shame. Include it during the credits at least.
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Oh, that fish is not having a good time.
Stacy Jones! c:
Billy Twofeathers (wdym he aways looked like that, hush)! c:
S/o to James' androgynous voice in this movie.
Diesel 10 is going to dominate you... sorry.
I know they recut this movie after audience testing, but it is odd having the mystery of the lost engine w/ Burnett's backstory revealed to the audience right at the beginning of the movie, only for it to continue being treated as a mystery by the rest of the cast until the climax.
That said, they still did an admirable job w/ it, considering they cut out one of the main antagonists. There's a few repeated story beats (Burnett and Diesel giving Lady's backstory back to back) and lines that don't quite work (Burnett telling Diesel, the magic talking train, he'll fail bc he "doesn't believe in magic"), but nothing too distracting.
Jumping from that slow, melancholic scene w/ Burnett to Diesel w/ his fucking goofy theme playing is fantastic.
Mr. C Humming the OG theme tune is a really cute touch.
Free Moby Dick!
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"Stacy, where did you find this painting?" Mr. C, I'm pretty sure that's a drawing.
I can't get over Baldwin chewing the scenery in this movie, he's just constantly goofing off in front of the camera, picking up and talking to random props. I know all of it is prob in the script, it is a kid's film after all, but its just so silly that I love it.
I like the implication that Burnett was just a kid that Mr. C talked to and chose to entrust w/ Lady's secret, just like all the kids he'd (well, another Mr. Conductor), interact w/ on Shining Time.
Lily! c:
Bluebird! c:
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Now there's the America I know! Cars everywhere!
I remember too many of these lines.
The scene w/ the angry painting of Topham calming down each time they cut back to it after Mr. C puts back the hat was and still is the best one in the movie imo.
Lady Hatt's portrait is still just one of the wooden figures lmao.
I have a deep-seated memory of constantly repeating the scene of Mr. C reflexively batting the ball he was just roleplaying w/ out of his hand and scolding it.
Nvm the scene of Diesel busting through the shed wall still goes hard as hell, esp. when Mr. C's magic starts failing (same for all of Diesel's action scenes tbh).
Here it is, the infamous sugar scene:
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Also that face. :O
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Jesus, why did they put this scene into the movie?
Hearing Stacy say that and start sobbing is genuinely upsetting.
I didn't even notice the railway (sorry, railroad) got replaced w/ a road in this scene.
It's interesting to think about how in the workprint, an older Lily was the narrator, meanwhile Mr. C would still out here constantly breaking the fourth wall by talking straight to the audience.
Very interesting low self-esteem James moment b/w him and Mr. C. It's a shame that isn't explored more in the actual series. James is usually portrayed as vain, not insecure.
Mr. C, you're on a railway. Why are you hiking in the woods to get to a windmill?
Bertie saying "vroom vroom vroom" after every one of his lines is the best decision they ever made.
James: "Mr. C's not at the Windmill. I looked!" Point proven.
Even though they lean into the sick Henry angle, it's nice to see he still has that edge to his personality, at least for two out of three scenes.
Presented w/o context:
Why does Junior have a Scottish accent? Is he from Ringo's side of the family?
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Mr. C is in charge of this entire railway rn and he's just sleeping outside on the fucking ground having an existential crisis.
Hey Lily can play the harmonica! I need to break out mine again and harass people w/ my inability to play.
There he is! P.T. Boomer! I remember reading SiF all the time going over all the scenes left in after they axed that entire plotline like that freeze-frame of Stacy w/ the picture of Burnett, Boomer, and Tasha.
Lady's ghost whistling still works as is, but just imagine hearing it thru out the film w/o that knowledge. Much more haunting.
They did Toby so much justice in this film. Consistently a wise voice of reason that gets his own spotlight moment vs Diesel.
I... I forgot this movie included a version of "Really Useful Engine" in the middle of it.
I know the film was criticized for how much focus it put on its all new human cast, but I actually really enjoy these scenes. Maybe bc they're part of the quintessential Magic Railroad experience.
That said, w/o the inclusion of Boomer, the human plot lacks tension or stakes for much of the runtime. The Sodor plot (thru the character of Mr. C) is doing all of the tension-building for the whole movie. As it stands, there's little reason for an audience to actually get invested in that part of the story as is outside of just liking the characters.
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Man, this film's special effects have not aged well.
Oh yeah, Annie and Clarabel only get a single line in the entire movie. :/
Oh Alec finally gets to start acting serious towards the end of the film. It really helps the tension building.
Mr. C: "No he is not a dog. Let's just say he's a puppy in need of a good trainer," while Junior is kneeling in front of him w/ his tongue out panting. I get that it's meant to be a short little gag but wtf is this movie?
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It's my favorite character! Tumbleweed!!!
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CGI Thomas just out here chilling on top of a cliff in the real world.
Thomas falls down and almost dies and Lily doesn't notice at all.
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The smelter's yard continues to be the best set in this entire series. With the lighting turning the steam red it looks genuinely hellish.
Burnett: "Well Lady, this is your shining time too." Hey they said it!
The viaduct collapse scene is so good! It feels so real and weighty. Props to the props department.
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Burnett: "Now we'll always remember our shining time together." 🌈🌈🌈
God, this movie is so cute! Really fun watching it again in full some all these years later.
I've legitimately never heard this before. I must've just stopped watching at the credits as a kid. this movie just ends w/ a 2000s pop dance song. okay. sure.
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I've learned many things about the Japanese dub of The Boondocks
The OP music is changed to Megapolis Control by J-Pop group Soul'd Out and it completely alters the vibe of the original, but I don't entirely hate it
The dub cast is actually good when it comes to characters sounding a fair bit like their English counterpart. Also I swear Orochi/Hogback from One Piece has the same VA as Uncle Ruckus which is...something
The script changes and translations are so fascinating that it'd take someone more advanced in their Japanese studies to really dive into how you go about translating these dialects of English into Japanese and keeping the feel while also being accurate. Somehow it really works well imo. They tended to translate as directly as possible which may lead to Japanese viewers not understanding references some of the time, but I think a literal translation works best for a show like The Boondocks.
The question of most ppl learning there's a Japanese dub of the Boondocks: Sometimes they change it to another word that would be more familiar to Japanese viewers if it flows better, but they DO use the word and just pronounce it 二ーガ--presumably because there's no Japanese equivalent--the dubbing team didn't bother changing it, or fuck it maybe the American producers said it was fine. It largely depends on the context of the line: sometimes a character will say ばか in a sentence where a character is being dumb or use really informal slang when it's used as a term of comraderie, but in scenes where it wouldn't work to substitute translation-wise in Japanese (like the "N*gga Moment" scene), they go with the katakana form.
I would love to hear how the dub and tbe show in general is perceived by Japanese fans. Surely a few westaboos out there are into it, right? Either way it's kinda fascinating how a show centered around the very specific cultural experiences of Black Americans is perceived by Japanese viewers who may not get the cultural references most of the time. Especially when the show takes art influence from Japanese anime and aspects of Japanese culture like Huey's love of martial arts coming out in a lot of episodes. An interesting cultural exchange.
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phoebehalliwell · 7 months
Chris/Bianca spiraling? Always! How do you think Bianca would react in the chnged future if she found out about the old one?
i mean for starters i think it'd be like if you tell her she might blink like. once. then be like. okay..... and everyone would be a little underwhelmed by that reaction except for chris who would be like the only who could tell that her brain is absolutely fried by this information and honestly he'd probably laugh a little.
SO. three options / three timelines
She Finds Out Before Meeting Chris. and has a terrible time with it. maybe it was a backfired spell, maybe the phoenix granted her her memories, either way, she is not having it. because, um. What The Fuck Is That. Hey. Hey Guys. What The Fuck. bc she's bianca, master assassin. bianca, king badass, coldhearted killer, the best of the best, and now she has all these memories of like. feelings. and not just like. ooh not just that shit that she pretends like she doesn't feel like that Deep Deep Shit. like true love. with some guy??? with some Charmed Guy??? Oh No. Oh No No No NO!! No that is not who she is she would not turn her back on her coven on her lineage she would never risk a mission of love one of is not Thee Most blinding feeling there is. love and logic do not exist in the same room together she can't be in love. i mean. she's not. in love. obvi. that's a different her an unrelated her it definitely is a version of her but like. The Wrong Version. the version she needs to learn from to be strong in this reality. so i think she would definitely try to carve those memories out of her head to try to eliminate them because she can already feel them trying to skew with her judgement which she almost does but now she's just haunted by flashes of green eyes and a sick knot in her stomach telling her that she saw the truth, and where she is now is the divine lie
She Finds Out While Trying To Kill Chris. idk some potion or somehow maybe its their blood to blood contact that unlocks their memories in both of them. and i think chris would be the first to be like "bianca?" in a voice she realizes she knows all too well but No. No!! she's here to. She Has To Kill Him. but he's looking at her knowing she just got that full infodump that he did and there's this kind of glint in his eyes can you really kill me now? and she wants to say yes. but the answer is no. so she drives her blade in deep in a spot she knows will wound but not kill and hears chris laugh. it's pained, there's a damn athame lodged in his shoulder, but he laughs. and she knows she's gonna fall for him in this world too.
She Finds Out After Her And Chris Are Already Together. and she kind of wants to vomit. she's angry. she doesn't know why -- she loves chris -- but she's furious. so of course she tries to run away and of course chris finds her and she's so so mad because is this really all she is? is she just some pawn in the divine game? this entire time, she has felt so conflicted -- so (though she'd never admit it) scared, fucking terrified, at betraying all she is and all she had ever known for love -- but she it was her choice. for once she was thinking for her fucking self, she chose to broke the rules, to screw destiny, to take what she wanted, but it turns out that was just her following the script the entire time? everything she gave up was just her playing into destiny's hand? it was never even really her choice to make? and chris is like no, no, fuck destiny, you and i literally rewrote destiny right that's what these memories are. you and me. seeing the world. and saying fuck it. fuck it i'm not taking this lying down i'm not letting fate happen to me i'm taking it head on. and we won. twice, if you ask me. once there. once here. you picking me, that wasn't fate's choice. fate brought us together, sure. but you choosing to fight? that was always your choice.
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ultrvmonogamy · 8 months
so i just rewatched obi-wan kenobi n i think it was p fucking good actually so eff the haters n yes i would love another season thanks.
like, could it have been better? sure, ig, n maybe it would've been if they'd kept the original "darker" script or wtv, but ewan mcgregor just slays as obi-wan always, which is worthwhile in n of itself but also the dynamics in that reunion were definitely added value for the universe. the little girl's acting was p fucking top notch too (but yeah wow does she not know how to run) n that's coming from someone who can't stand when kids have prominent roles in smth.
but anyway even if they don't do another season, i think it'd be fucking great if they bring him back as one of the leads in a different spinoff series. same for hayden, especially after seeing him in ahsoka bc the way he inhabits the character at this point is also a thing of beauty. also at this point between disney n legends n novelizations n comics n games "canon" is so jacked that it's not even worth getting uppity abt, at least certainly not to the point of making it an obstacle that prevents us from seeing more of those guys fucking killing it as artists/actors in roles that they r so genuinely passionate abt.
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