#it'll get one at some point im sure cause im not gonna let this go i love this too much cause im trash
majorproblems77 · 5 months
Hi, Linked Maze fans! It's me again!
Ohhhh boy we are cooking and I am excited. Let's do a late-night ramble with yours truly
When I tell you I looked at these panels for a reasonable amount of time I was lying and it was longer than that.
Now a link to the comic page can be found Here! Please go give it some love :D
For the important stuff!
Linked Maze belongs to @linked-maze and its wonderful creator @frulleboi. (You should follow them, they are wonderful) And as a heads up, Linked maze is for more mature audiences! :)
As usual, you know the drill, Grab some water, Grab some popcorn and prepare for me to ramble at you for however long it is!
Here we go!
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Oh lordy it's the sun (you'll see why later.)
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He sniffin. Sniff Sniff
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Now, Everyone remembers the first rule of exploring. Dont run off! That includes you Wolfy!
Now I have a theory. Which I'll come back to in detail later. But just, Remember the shadow behind four for me. We'll get back to it.
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Warrior is the group Dad at this point. also, I love this side shot of him thank you.
Warrior. Speaking to Wolfie like he is a kid rather than a wolf.
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I dont think It'll be Sky. I think it'll be a hero we haven't met yet!
We interupt this comic analysis for unhinged analysis :D
Ready? Me too, lets go
Because, that shadow?
this one?
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I dont think it's wolfy, It can't be.
Wolfie's shadow has a definition to it. It has a shape.
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You can see the outlines of his tail, which is what we would see if it were him.
Where this one is a blob. Closer to a person.
Ie Winds's shadow
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the blob
In fact, if I had to give you a position for Wolfy right now. It's not there. Let me explain.
Remember the sun? (Me too, I miss it;-;)
The sun can tell us a bunch about time and stuff. But also where a person is (Because fun angles and maths that I know way too much about tbh)
So Wolfy's shadow hits another wall
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This wall looks flat so it can't be a corner. (Taking the grass as reference)
And his face isn't shadowed at all, So he himself isn't behind a wall. He's approaching one tho. So in this case I reckon Wolfie isn't visible at all to wind and Warriors at the point Four turns to them.
So who is this mysterious shadow?
It ain't angel. No way.
I reckon it is another Link group. And we are either going to meet the last of the Links we are yet to meet. Or we are pulling groups together.
You know what....
I think it's World or Spirit. And we are gonna see these guys interact before they meet the other larger group of heroes.
Though im leaning towards Spirit just because of the shadow's shape. (And the lack of Sheerow)
Let me know what you think because I'm not 100% sure and I'm interested in what you think.
Okay ramble over, but to be fair that's why your here right?
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Oh windddddd
the poor boy
I feel so bad for him he didn't deserve this. He probably tried to open his eye cause he was excited. :(
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The boyyyyyyy
He's trying to be a strong hero in front of these other heroes again. This poor kid i feel so bad for him.
They have expressive ears and it kills me to see wind sad like this.
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And his little ear lower of worry for the small I love him sm okay.
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Excuse me?
You can't leave it like that
Where's wolfy
Wheres four?
Will the small boy ever not be in pain?
I have questions!
Ahh okay okay I loved this update it was very fun. Im excited to see what's coming up in the next chapter.
Thats all from me!
Have a great night all! :D
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t3ag3rs · 6 months
g e n s o - 0 1.
↪element is translated to genso in japanese, therefore y/n's nickname/future hero name is "element"
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"wait up you guys..!"
the h/c haired girl yelled out of breath. "you're running too fast!" you stopped and put your hands on your knees steadying your breath. those two boys are so fast..! i cant even keep up!
"genso! hurry up! we have to be first in line for the new all might action figure!" exclaimed the ash blonde boy, katsuki bakugou, otherwise known as kacchan. "im coming!" you exclaimed picking up your pace to be beside him and the other green haired boy, izuku midoriya, otherwise known as deku.
"im so excited to get the new figurine!" deku exclaims happily, you laugh in agreement. the trio slow to a stop as they go inside the shop and find the display. "mommy! lets get it! pleaseee? i wont ask for anything else!" you begged, pointing at the shelf as deku and bakugou walked to the register with their moms following close by, getting ready to purchase the toy.
m/n grabbed the toy, "i dont see why you shouldnt get it" you smiled widely and gave her a hug repeatedly thanking her as she bought the toy. you and the two boys were smiling out of happiness, "hey kiddos lets take a picture!" exclaimed mitsuki holding up her camera. you got in between deku and bakugou and let out a big smile as the two hugged you.
well... more like just bakugou. he wouldnt even let poor deku wrap his hands around you. to him you were all his and no one else could be with you.
whats bakugous, will always be bakugous.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
"genso!" you turned and looked at bakugou, "my mom said to invite you and your mom for dinner tonight" you smiled enthusiastically, "really?? i'll tell my mommy!" you ran over to your mom and told her what bakugou told you. she smiled and agreed, so you ran over and told him you would be coming. "well.. we best head home now kacchan so I can shower and come over, i'll see you in a bit. byebye!" you wave and grab on to your moms hand walking away.
bakugou smiled triumphantly, "hey old hag! genso's coming over for dinner with her mom tonight!" he yelled, "KATSUKI BAKUGOU IF YOU DON'T STOP CALLING ME THAT I'LL PERSONALLY GO RETURN THAT FIGURINE" she screamed, unfazed at how he had invited you without her permission.
it wasn't the first time anyway.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you rang the doorbell and waited eagerly for bakugou to open the door. "oh hi there y/n and m/n! please come in!" mitsuki stepped aside and you walked in. you took off your shoes and placed it neatly in the corner, "wheres kacchan?" you ask looking around. "the brat should be around here somewh-" "GENSO!!" bakugou came running up to you and hugged you, taking both you and both parents by suprise.
you blush slightly, " h-hi kacchan..! " you hug him back, he pulls away and grabs your arm dragging you to his room. "lets go watch some all might footage!" you smile as he drags you away.
"looks like my little brat has a crush on your daughter m/n.." mitsuki chuckled, m/n just sighed and added "young love.." which caused both parents to laugh to themselves.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you sat with bakugou on his bed watching the footage and making comments about how awesome all might is. "im gonna grow up and become a no. 1 hero just like him!" bakugou commented while punching his hand up in the air. you giggled at his action, "me too!"
bakugou turns to look at you, "your so lucky you got your quirk early! i can't wait for when i finally get mine!" you grin, "well whatever it is, i'm sure it'll be great!" bakugou jumps out of the bed, "wait here, i have something to give you!" he opens his drawer and pulls out a bracelet he made with the colors from all mights costume. you gasp, "you made that for me?" he nods as he puts it on you.
"theres the letter of your first name, a heart, and a 'k' for my name to show that i made it for you!" he exclaims, you blush and give him a hug. "thank you kacchan!" he blushes and stutters, "y-yeah, yeah.. whatever idiot..!" he pulls away and grabs another bracelet and puts it on himself. "now we can match!" he smiles and you giggle.
soon after a bunch of all might footage, mitsuki and m/n walk into bakugous room to find you laying on bakugou as he hugs you. both your parents look at the adorable sight and take photos to show you two later. "look at their wrists!" pointed m/n, "so thats why the brat was making bracelets!" smirked mitsuki, she prepared to tease him about it whenever he woke up.
m/n gently picked you up and grabbed your shoes. "we'll be going now.. thanks for the food mitsuki.. tell bakugou we both said bye!" mitsuki walked your mom to the door and waved bye as you two walked away.
her brat had a crush on you!
"oh that brat wont ever stop hearing about this!" she chuckled.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
a couple years later.. (12 yrs old)
you stand there shocked holding your acceptance letter from icaru private junior high academy. i actually got in..!
your mom and your dad congratulated you, and started texting all your relatives to tell them the good news. you were happy.. of course you were. you had just gotten into the academy you've wanted to go to for years! but that meant you wouldnt be able to go to school with bakugou and deku anymore. the amount of stress on the academics would also leave you with no time for hang outs with them.
you sighed as you facetimed both of them, mentally readying yourself to deliver the news. "why am i in a call with pathetic deku, genso?" snarled bakugou, you kept your mouth shut. it bothered you how much he had changed just because deku didn't have a quirk. "i need to tell you two something.." you paused.
"i got accepted into that academy i've been ranting about" deku smiled, "thats great y/n! congrats!" you smiled, "thank you izu..!" you looked down sadly, "but that's not what i called about.. you see, i won't be able to go to school with you guys and hang out as much now..."
bakugous eyes widened, "what?! are you kidding me genso!?" you shook your head sadly, "oh no.. y/n.." muttered deku. "i just felt like i should've told you two before i left.." you fiddled with your nails. "my last hang out will probably be this saturday, if you guys arent busy please come, okay..?" you let out a sad smile.
"of course y/n..! anything for you!" you smiled and deku left the call, leaving you with just bakugou. "and you..?" you asked. he had been concerningly quiet during the entire conversation. "i'll come but it'll be after fucking deku leaves." he ends the call, and you sigh out, blinking back your tears.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
deku came by with his mom and gave you a all might plushie to remember him by. he stayed for an hour and left after giving you a hug and wishing you luck at your new school. you sighed out, one friend down... one more to go.
bakugou came by shortly after that with his mom. you opened the door and was immediately brought into a bear hug by mitsuki. "good luck at your new school hun'. i know you'll do just fine, you're a sweet girl, anyone will like you." you smiled and pulled away looking at bakugou.
you waited for mitsuki to walk away and took bakugou up to your room. he sat down on your bed and stared at you. you sat there in quiet until he finally broke it, "do you really have to go..?" he asked quietly. you sat next to him, looking at your hands, " my parents want me to go.. i need to make them happy bakugou.. "
he handed you a printed photo. you grabbed it and your eyes started watering.
it was the photo of younger you and bakugou sleeping on each other with the matching bracelets on your wrists. "i thought you should have somewhat of a reminder of us before you go.." he mumbled.
you turned and hugged him, crying into his shirt. "i don't wanna leave you guys here and be at a new school by myself..!" he just hugged you back, trying not to show how upset he actually was. "i don't want you to go either genso.. but this is what's better for you and that's all i want."
"HEY BRAT WE GOTTA GO!" screamed mitsuki from below. you wiped your tears and stood up. "genso" he called, "promise me you'll get into UA so we can be friends again." you looked at him, "i promise i will" you repeated.
you both walked downstairs and bakugou and mitsuki left, leaving just you and your parents there. "i'm gonna go back to my room.." you mutter, heading upstairs. you sit on your bed and look at the picture of you and bakugou.
right there and then you swore to yourself you would work yourself tirelessly until you got into UA.
and that's exactly what you did.
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previous part(s): pt. 00 next part(s): pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13 / pt. 14 / pt. 15
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jordansgarden · 2 years
the seas couldn't keep me from you ⋆。♡
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mommy? sorry.
AAAANYWAYS im in love, she and i are girlfriends and ning is our third shared girlfriend. and kazuha's my boyfriend.
cw: few sexual themes, stupid nicknames lmao, drunk beidou in the hcs, poly relationship w bei and ning, just some fun fluff
this woman oh my god she is so bossy but it's like a hot way ykwim like she'll order you around and you'll be like "yes mommy"
she uses stupid nicknames for everyone. shut up no one asked you.
beidou loves drinking, have you seen her??? ever??? sometimes though, she'll be drinking someone under the table and yeah her tolerance is huge just like her cock but she's still fucked up
you have to carry her home. no, no you have to. you're not weak, you're dating her. oh? you thought she was your big strong protector? no dumbass she's the one dragging you into shit and you get yourself out.
you two'll be out on some mission ning sent you on and beidou will be standing right next to a tripwire and she'll literally look right at it and be like "wouldn't it be funny if i tripped it?"
you have to either stare her down or beg to get her to not. one time she was going to waltz on into a fatui camp cause she thought it was funny and she could take them all (which she totally could but ning would crucify the both of you) and you went "i'll let you eat me out if you don't."
the way she got on her knees. this isn't even a joke i'm being fr she got on her knees and looked up with that starry look that screamed "i'm madly in love with you".
anyway, she would try to trip a wire on purpose and you'd be the one making sure she didn't try to face tank a bomb.
point is, you're strong and used to her. so you carry her back to whatever inn you're staying at and the entire time she'll be mumbling shit.
"mmmmhaha~! hi pumpkinn, how you doin'?" "ya'know what, we should get married in inazuma, 'cause eternity and shit! kazuha can be our flower girl!!"
"cherry berry sweetie pie?" goofy ahh nicknames left right and center. you knew beidou was about to ask something wildly stupid.
without looking up, you continued to rummage through the large pile of papers. who knew the fatui loved paperwork? "do not touch it."
"wha- you don't even know what i was gonna say!" "i know it'll be dumb and the obvious answer is no. don't trip any wires, don't pull alarms, nothing." "c'monn, this is so boring though! moralicious is just making us do this cause she's mad i let you finish and not her, even though SHE was the one who did without permission and-"
hearing a noise, you pulled her to the entrance, hiding on the edge and covered her mouth. "mmph-!" "shh." you whispered straight into her ear, keeping an eye on the entrance to the cave the two of you were searching. "someone's coming."
beidou pulled your hand off, sticking her tongue out at you. you stayed unfazed, keeping a hand on your dagger. she noticed, and saw a little tassel charm on the handle. the charm was the one she gave you!!
"you kept it!" "bei', shut up. you'll give us away ag-"
"..shit." laughing, beidou stepped out into the entrance and drew her greatsword.
"come and get me!"
you sighed and pulled out your sword, realizing you two were not getting out of this with just one casualty. she was going to get herself injured just for the fun of it and you gotta clean up the pieces, but it's okay because you secretly enjoyed it too.
but ning was not very happy.
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urfavoritedcwhore · 2 months
the russian boy//part two
warnings: alcohol usage, underage drinking, marijuana usage, and swearing
not proof read!
part two: boris’s house
after about twenty minutes of driving and answering boris's questions about new orleans, we finally turn into his driveway. i look up and notice i can see my own house, just two doors down from his. damn he does live close to me. i suddenly remember that i have to give my mom our car keys so she can go...do whatever, i honestly don't wanna know what she does during the night. "can you actually pull into that driveway,", i say pointing to my house, "it's mine and i need to give the car keys to my mom.". boris nods and backs out of his driveway, and parks into mine. "i'll just be a second.", i say grabbing the keys out of the ignition, "won't your mom be mad you skip last period new girl?", boris says looking suspiciously at me. how can i explain this to him without sounding like a whiny, trauma dumping, little kid. i'll make a joke out of it, easy and simple. "she's probably just waking up, she was pretty trashed the last..well few nights.", i say with a huge smile and small chuckle. to my suprise, he laughs at this. "ha! sounds like my dad and your mom have a lot in common, eh?", he says opening his car door, before walking around to open mine. thank God he didn't do some, "oh i'm so sorry your life is like that", speech. i laugh back, "maybe, does your dad go through a bottle of tito's every night?", i say still giggling. this makes him let out a sharp quick laugh, "HA! try two! he gets so drunk he cannot use feet!", he says holding up two fingers on his hand, then pointing to his feet. "shit yeah! my mom had to see a doctor once cause she had some weird nerve things going on in her feet from drinking.", i say thinking back to the time my mom had to go to physical therapy for a month just to learn how to use her feet again. "yes yes! my dad too. it was honestly little funny.", he says with a smirk. alright this boy is just trying to be sexy with the broken english and the accent. i don't know why but it's so fucking attractive. he holds out his hand to me, and i take it jumping out of the car. "i'll be back in like 2 minutes!", i say jogging towards my front door. i open my door and see my mom still sleeping on the couch. i go over to her and gently nudge her awake. "mom.", i whisper as she opens her eyes. i jingle the keys at her, "i'm home, the trucks all yours.", i toss the keys onto the coffee table by the couch. "thank you sweetie, was school okay?", she says in a raspy voice, rubbing her eyes and yawning. "yea yea, it was fine. i'm gonna go hangout with some kids i met, they live just down the street.", i say still whispering , so that i dont hurt her head from the killer hangover im sure she has. "ok hon, well last night i called around, and i found a job waitressing at a restaurant on the strip. im supposed to go in at 6pm for my first shift, so i should go take a shower and wake up.", she says sitting up and trying to cover the vodka bottle on the floor with a blanket, "i'll probably be gone all night, those restaurants on the strip are open 24 hours and i want the longest shift i can take, to start making some more money." i feel proud of her. im glad she found a job so fast, maybe it'll help since she won't have as much free time to drink. "good shit mom, i'm proud of you, i'll figure something out for dinner, i think we still have those microwave mac and cheeses in one of these box's.", i say hugging her and examining the boxes on the floor. she smiles at me and looks at the boxes on the ground, "we can start unpacking these boxes this weekend, ok? now go hangout with your friends lucy bug," she sniffs me as we both break away from the hug, "and don't smoke in this house ok? you smell like snoop dogg's bed room.", she's says giving me a quick smile. "i won't mom, love you!", i say turning away and walking towards the door. "love you too hon!", she calls out back to me as she walks begins walking upstairs to get in the shower. i open the front door and see boris leaning against my car smoking a cigarette.
i walk up to him and hold my fingers out as he passes it to me. i take a long drag and exhale then give it back to him. "let's go.", he says smiling and waving at me to follow as he begins walking to his house. i follow him and realize his car still isn't in his driveway.
"where's theo?", i ask as we approach his front door. "hmm, probably getting popchyk.", he says struggling to get his door open, it looks like it's been slammed too many times, and has started to jam on the door frame. what in the fuck is a "popchyk". is it like...you know what, i'm stumped, i have idea as to what that could be. i decide to voice my thoughts. "sorry but what is a "popchyk"?", i say with genuine confusion as he finally gets the door to open and leads me inside. "it is like..eh how you say,...dog? yes, it is dog.", he says, his face twisting as he tried to find the word. what kind of name is that. nevermind, im not about to question the dogs name. he takes my book bag as i walk into his house, and tosses it on the ground, before doing the same to his. his house looks bare, almost as bare as mine is. honestly his house layout looks really similar to mine, i guess this is the kind of neighborhood where the houses look just as alike on the inside as they do on the outside. he makes his way over to the fridge and opens it to expose empty shelves. well, almost empty. there's a pack of beers, two large bottles of Smirnoff vodka, and a few to-go chinese food containers. "beer or vodka new girl?", he says grabbing a beer for himself. i honestly want the vodka, but if he's drinking a beer, i will too i guess. "beers fine, thanks.", i say holding my hand out. he opens the beer bottle with his teeth, spits out the cap, and hands it to me. "impressive.", i say noding my head and looking at my open beer. "it's easy when you know how to do without chipping teeth.", he says smiling, as he takes a sip of his beer, his eyes never leaving me.
i take a sip of my beer, and jump when i hear the door slamming open letting a high pitched bark ring through the house. "go popchyk! go see your daddy!", i hear theo say call from the entrance room laughing. boris gets on his knees and in comes fly a small white dog through the kitchen directly to boris. this dog is fugly. he looks like maybe he's a maltase, but his fur is so dirty and knotted that he looks more like a tumble weed that blew in from the yard. boris scoops him up in the arm that his beer is not in, as the dog lays kisses on his cheek. "ohhh who is a good popchyk? you are good popchyk! new girl, come meet him!", boris says as he puts down his beer and rubs his head. i walk towards boris and hold out my hand for "popchyk"(still confused about that name btw) to smell. now that im closer to this dog, he's kinda cute. he's not cute in like a, "aww that puppy is so beautiful!", kind of way but more in a, "that dog is so ugly it's cute.", kind of way. popchyk smells my hand and lets me scratch his head, "he's so cute!", i say after popchyk barks at me to signal he wants more scratch's. boris laughs, "no no, popchyk is ugly, i will admit this, but he has personality! not a lot of dogs have good personality,eh?", boris says nodding at me and picking his beer back up. i laugh, "ok he's definitely not the cutest dog, but he's so funny looking that he's cute you know?",i say turning my head to the side inspecting the dog. "exactly! don't say in front of potter though, he thinks popchyk is cutest dog ever.", boris says smiling and lowering his voice as theo approaches the kitchen. i smile and make a "my lips are sealed" motion. theo reaches the kitchen and looks at our drinks, "fuck no, we're drinking heavy tonight, that physics test kicked my ass.", he says opening the fridge and pulling out a bottle of the vodka. he walks right by us and starts going up the stairs. he stops on the third step and looks back at us, "are you two coming?", he says waving the bottle at us. boris and i look at each other, put our beers down, and follow theo. we all end up on the floor of what i assume to be boris's room. his wall has a russian flag on the wall, and white Christmas lights strung all across his room. honestly my first day in Las Vegas really isn't so bad at all, these kids are pretty cool. we take turns passing the bottle around, giggling, and getting decently drunk. boris interrupts theo's drunken rambling, "i'm hungry", he says falling to his back. theo gasps, "bor food sounds so good right now.", he says laying a hand on boris's stomach and looking at him like boris is the smartest person on the planet.
we're all definitely too drunk to drive anywhere for food, and from the looks of boris's fridge the only thing he has is week old white rice. i get up and wobble for a second before i gain my balance, "i have mac and cheese!", i say slurring and holding up my index finger. the boys both shoot up so quick to their feet they almost fall backwards, which causes all of us to let out a long hysterical laugh. "follow me!", i slur, too drunk to care that i took both of their hands in mine. "popchyk come-on!", i call out to the dog who had been laying on boris's bed, he gets up and follows us down the stairs. i check to make sure the truck isn't in my driveway still, and i lead them over to my house. we stumble the whole way over drunkenly laughing, and falling more than a few times. we finally managed to make it inside the house, popchyk still following us. i take them to the living room, which is basically in the same room as my kitchen(there's no wall separating the two rooms) , and sit them down on the couch. i start digging through boxes until i find a box of mac and cheese. bingo. i'm about to close the box back up, when i see my purse that i had somehow forgotten about. i pick it up and look inside, hoping to find some loose money, but instead i find my weed pen almost completely full. i turn my head sideways. how did i forget about this? i must've just been so damn busy with the move it slipped my mind. i grab the pen out of my purse and run towards the boys. i stop in front of the couch as they sit laughing about something. they notice me standing there and look up at me, "lookey what i foundddd", i say holding up the mac and cheese in one hand and my pen in the other. "YES", theo says jumping up from the couch, as boris looks excitedly at the items in my hand. i take a hit from my pen and toss it to the boys. i start walking towards the kitchen as i hear them both laughing and coughing violently. i make the mac and cheese, at one point hearing boris say , "new girl has good weed.", which makes me giggle. when im done making the food i go to get bowls, only to realize the only silverware we have unpacked is a box of plastic spoons and knives. i laugh as i pick up the pot of mac and cheese and three spoons and walk towards the couch, "alright boys, we haven't unpacked any of the plates or bowls yet, so it looks like we're dinning family style tonight.", i say plopping down on the floor. the boys get off the couch, boris sits down next to me, and theo sits across from us. i put the pot of mac and cheese in the middle and hand them their spoons. we all sit silently stuffing our faces with the food. from what i can tell none of us have eaten today.
after we finish our food, i feel like im starting to sober up. i grab the pot from the floor and place it into the sink, before checking my phone and realizing its already 10pm. how has the time gone by so quick? we must have been in boris’s room drinking for longer than i thought we were. i head back into the living room and sit back down next to boris. “you wanna to swim?”, says theo looking at boris. boris looks at me, “if new girl comes with.”, he says smirking at me. “i don’t know, im not a good swimmer at all, and i have no idea which box my swimsuits are in.”, i say trying to think of something else we can do. “just wear bra and underwear, eh?”, boris says looking confused. i lift one eyebrow at him curiously. “not anything weird, is like…what’s the word…bikini, yes? potter and i unusually go in our underwear.”, i look at him and laugh, “that may fix the swimsuit problem, but definitely not the “i can’t swim” problem.”, i say nugding him playfully with my elbow. “i can make sure you don’t drown, i can carry you in deep end.”, he says shrugging. now i know water makes everyone lighter than they are, but im a chubby girl. i wouldn’t say im extremely big, but im definitely not a skinny girl. and this boy, this boy is so damn scrawny. don’t get me wrong, he’s sexy as fuck, but he looks like he would fall over if the wind blew strong enough. i sit and consider his offer for a moment, before he stands up and grabs my hand, “it will be fun, promise.”, he says pulling me up and motioning for theo to stand up. “let’s go, we’ll use my pool.”, boris says leading me out the door. shit ok i guess we’re doing this. “i’m definitely gonna need another drink before i get in that pool.”, theo says as he catches up with us. “i second that.”, i say looking at theo as boris walks up to his driveway, my hand still in his. theo stops for a second, “shit.”, he says before turning to jog back to my house. “what’s he doing?”, i ask boris, but before he can answer we both see theo jogging back out of my house, popchyk in hand. boris and i laugh at the sight of theo out of breath and popchyks ears bouncing up and down as theo carries him. we wait for theo at the door, and go inside when he catches up with us. “i’ll go get drink.”, boris says walking upstairs to his bedroom. theo looks at me, “i promise he’s not trying to be a perv, the first time i met him he made me strip to my tighty Whiteys to go swim. he just really likes the water, i don’t know why.”, theo says beginning to take off his shirt. boris comes back down stairs and waves the bottle at theo and me, “who wants first?”, he says looking at us. i grab the bottle out of his hands and take about 3 shots out of it. as my throat burns and my eyes tear, i hand the bottle to theo, who’s looking at me with large eyes. “ok new girl, you can handle your liquor!”, theo says taking the bottle. like mother like daughter i guess. before i pussy out, i take off my shirt and kick off my leggings. the boys look at me for a split second with awe before removing their clothes, leaving only their boxers. “lets go”, theo says grabbing me by my hand. i grab boris’s hand so that we’re all connected in a drunken line, running towards the open back door. boris, who grabbed the vodka back from theo after theo took his few shots, is chugging it like its water. we make it outside and theo disconnects from my hand, and jumps into the pool, leaving me a boris and me still holding hands. boris looks over at me, “you want?”, he says shaking the vodka bottle. i nod and hold out my free hand for it. “open”, he says using his index finger on his free hand to tap my lips, without thinking, i open my mouth and feel vodka running down my throat. he stops pouring for a second, but continues to when i make a “more” gesture with my hand. when he’s done i look up at him, my cheeks burning red. is it from the alcohol or how fucking sexy that was.
i honestly think a little bit of both. he smiles at me and rubs the vodka running down my chin with his thumb, before licking it so nonchalantly that im not even sure he knows the moves he’s making right now. if i was a betting girl, i’d bet he knows exactly what he’s doing right now. and trust me when i say, two can play that game…
end of part 2, part 3 coming soon!
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basicallysalad · 2 years
Help girl we're stuck in a candy store.
Yet another dumb frock fanfic by Basic lol.
"Alright little Timmy! Here comes the aeroplane!" The mother said as she moved the spoon of food towards the kiddo, but as the kid was about to eat the very yummy food,
The spoon was knocked out of the mothers hand by what seems to be a rubber band, worst thing yet, the food spilt on poor Timmy :( "OH DEAR!" The mother said as she quickly tries to wipe the stains.
From a nearby bush, a very evil laugh can be heard, "She never saw that coming! Oh and look at the little twerps face! Its PRICELESS!!" A certain yellowed faced jerk said as he cackles evilly once more. "Dude! Not cool, look how sad you made them," says a swell gravestone fellow hehe Im' having fun. "Well duh, that's the point! Its called a prank for a reason dude!" Frown said as he got out of the bush, Brock just rolls his eyes and gets up, it was just like any normal day really. Frown causes trouble and drags him along for the ride. Not that he doesn't like coming along, he loves tagging along to hang out with him. But maybe it'd be better if he would've told Brock it'd be a scheme thing. Cause he kinda doesn't like those lol.
"Well, that raps up my bucket list for today! Let's go home and celebrate my very awesome accomplishment!" The lil stinker said as he took out his car keys, "No way dude! You promised me we were gonna get me some snacks afterwards!" Brock said as he crosses his arms, clearly done with the others bullcrap probs, "Oh, yeah about that- can we get it another time? Its getting late and I'm pretty sure the stores are cl-" Frown stopped after noticing how upset Brock was, okay, if there was one person in this kingdom that he didn't want to see sad, it'd be Brock. I mean, they have a loonngg history together and as much as Frown may deny it, he kinda took a huge liking to Brock. Not in like, a lovey dovey way, like nooo pshh. No way. More like, a friend. Maybe. Frown just groaned and offers his hand to the other, "Fiiinnnee, we'll go get your stupid snacks.."
The other smiled brightly, so bright it was almost blinding. Brock grabbed frown and hugged him, even if frown absolutely hates it when he does lol. "Yayy! Thanks dude! It'll be super quick I promise." Frown just squirms in Brock's arms, of course he hates hugs. He was never a huge toucher. It was kinda nice though. But only when Brock does it if anyone else does he's choosing violence. "Yeah yeah whatever..now can you let me go?" Frown said being the lil grump he is. "Oh yeah- sorry-" he just drops the other down Man how do you elaborate. Then they just yeet to their car and vroom vroom to look for a store or something.
The traffic in the unikingdom wasn't as bad as the one in frowntown. Actually, it wasn't filled with traffic at all so they found a store pretty quickly. Speaking of the store, it was kinda like a mall but just a bit smaller. Think of the place to look like your local walmart. The place was loaded with lights which was just burning frowns retinas. He covers his eyes a bit from the lights. Sheesh, talk about over decorating. Brock just hops out of the car, "You wanna come with dude?" Seriously? Why ask that question in the first place? "NO!! The last thing I want is to be surrounded by a bunch of smelly idiots!" Frown said as he just sits in a more comfortable way in the car. "Pfft, of course. If you like, change your mind you can just go inside and look for me in the snack aisle. See ya dude!" Brock said as he waved bye bye to frown and went inside the walmart thing.
Okay so now frown's alone in the car park place. I mean, it was peaceful and quiet but he was bored out of his mind. Just looking at the people come in and out of the place wasn't very fun. Especially since he couldn't really like, terrorize any of them. He doesn't have the materials to do so. And then out of nowhere he gets the idea to hop out of the car and go look for something to do instead so he does exactly that. I mean he did find like, a giant rat just moving around and a bunch of people walking around and stuff but that wasn't very fun. So he just decides that it was too boring for him to stay and chooses to go inside the mall and hang out with Brock instead. It's at least less boring to be hanging out with your bro while shopping than it is to being alone in a car park.
Anyway he goes inside and looks around to see if he can find his buddy chum pal. Didn't take him long though cause a grey gravestone is very easy to spot in a vibrant background lol. He just runs over to Brock who was looking at a box of cereal and clings onto his arm. "Oh, hey dude. How'd staying in the car go?" Brock said as he puts the cereal in the lil cart thing he was holding. Frown just glares at him making the other chuckle, "it's okay dude. I mean now you can tag along with me so that might be more interesting for you."
"Actually it won't be that interesting. This was more of a last resort than anything! Don't think of this as anything else."
"Right, Gotcha. Oh by the way, which cereal do you think is better?"
And like that they were just chilling and shopping, nothing interesting enough that I can elaborate on. Until they stumbled upon the "toy" aisle. At that time it was pretty late, most people have gone home and stores near the area were being closed. Only like, a couple more were open. "Why are we even here? Aren't we just getting snacks?" Frown said as he crosses his arms grumpily, dude just wants to go home already. "Just a sec dude, I gotta look for something really REALLY important!" Brock was just looking through a bunch of shelves filled with lil cartoon figure thingies. He's a sucker for those. Frown never understood why he liked them cause you know, they're just toys that take up more space in their room than necessary. "Ugh! Just get the stupid toy already!" "Hey! Rude, it's not stupid it's valuable." "Ugh whatever! Just get the stinkin' thing and let's get outta h-"
And boom, before frown could finish his sentence the lights were off. Like, they were gone. Blooped. It was dark. And frown was a huge scaredy cat so as soon as that happened he immediately clung onto whatever was near to him, which was Brock lol. Brock blushed a bit and pats his roommates head to sorta comfort him? it was working so whatever heh, "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LIGHTS?!-" frown said in fear, the grip he had on the other becoming more and more tighter, "Its okay dude chill- lets just go look for a worker or something and ask them about this?" Brock said he tried to loosen the grip the other had on him.
After a bit frown finally came to his senses and let go of his roommate and turned away from him, possibly to hide his face which was tinted with some pink blush. Brock chuckled a bit and held his friends non existent shoulder, "Pfft- its alright dude there's nothing wrong with being a lil scaredy cat," Brock said teasingly, frown just turns around with the regular ol' frown on his face as usual and smacked Brock's hand off him looking at his direction, "Wha- NO WAY!! I wasn't scared you were- ugh- whatever let's just get out of here already-" frown said as he grabbed onto Brock's hand and pulled it with him.
After a while of walking in the dark and getting nowhere, "Dude? do you even know where you're going?" Brock asked frown who just groans and sits on the ground all angry and stuff. After frown was done throwing his fit, they decided to just hang around in the food aisle thing whatchamacallit. The food was just there on the shelves for free and there's no one to stop them so,, they just took some and ate it. "Soo,, you have any ideas?" Brock said as he ate a chocolate bar, frown just shrugs and drinks his coffee, "Its pointless anyway, NOBODY is gonna be here to help us! so we're just stuck in this- place, with everything we need, all for free, and we can't afford usually,,," Frown said as he came to the realization and looked at his roommate with an evil lil smile on his face.
Brock just raised an eyebrow at that, "What?" Frown went over to Brock and put his arm around him, "Don't you realize this dude? We have ALL this stuff to ourselves now!!" Brock wasn't to sure about that, being the good lil boy he was, stealing stuff wasn't really his forte. "I dunno dude, wouldn't that be like, stealing?" Brock said touching both his non existent fingers together. "Uh, duh! that's the point!" frown said as he rolled his eyes. "Don't worry about it, it'll be fine! no one's here anyway!" Frown said trying to reassure his friend. It took a bit, but Brock soon agreed to it. "Fine, but you better promise not to go too overboard on this."
Frown just made a lil victory gesture of sort which if you asked Brock, he'd call it pretty adorable. sometimes the reason why he even agrees to stick around with frown on these types of schemes is cause he likes seeing his friend all happy and excited, its nice. now that might make him sound like a bad person but can you really blame him? he's been crushing on frown for YEARS after all. Suddenly brock's daydreaming is interrupted by frown waving his hand in front of his face, "Uhh, dude? you dead or something?" "Oh- Oh uh- no- lets just go-" Brock said as he got up. Frown just brushed that off, it probably wasn't anything too important anyway.
Frown first started with the aisle they were in first. He took some cookies and a few sodas and put it in a basket (which he also stole). Brock wasn't really keen on the idea of taking the stuff. So he decided to watch over Frown and making sure he is um. Tamed? Picture it like making sure your dog stays on a leash and doesn't tear up your flower patch. Frown started giggling like an idiot at how evil he felt in that moment. He'd never stolen so much from a store as he was then, "Gosh the store is so gonna be bankrupt with all the stuff I'm taking!" you can insert another evil giggle here. Gosh, he loves that idiot. Brock keeps repeating that in his head everytime they go out and do this kind of stuff. But really, It's the truth. He'd never loved someone more than frown. If only he could just hold him in a more, loving way. As they maybe, sit on the couch. Watching a romantic movie. Well- they already do that but in more of a platonic movie night between friends way. He doesn't mind it of course but really, he could only yearn to be viewed as more than friends by his roommate. To be fair, frown is either ignoring his feelings or is just that dense and to be fair, he hopes for the latter. His daydreaming was cut short when frown accidentally dropped something he was holding. once he looked back at frown (in a less lovey state) only to find he had taken way more than he could carry. "DUDE THAT IS WAY TOO MUCH." Brock said, clearly that won't be able to fit in their car.
"Ugh it'll be FINEEE. We can make room and push it in." Frown said as he puts the overflowing basket down to stretch out his back a bit. carrying all that stuff was already doing bad things to his back. gosh, aging sucks. Brock just looks at him with a sorta 'I'm so done with you' look, but it was more softer of course. "Yeah right, and people wouldn't expect a thing when we're driving through the highway with a car full of items?" Frown stood there and thought a little. Okay, as rare as it is for this to happen, he might've overlooked that one. he groaned in an annoyed tone, "Fine whatever." He crossed his arms in a lil grumpy way which made brock wanna absolutely squish his cheeks. which he did. "Dawwww, don't be a lil grumpster now. Tell you what, how about instead of stealing, we just go and have fun in this place instead?" frown swatted his hands away from his face and looked at him angrily before thinking for a sec, "What kind of fun?" he said crossing his arms and looking unintrigued at Brock.
"Well I saw that there was a furniture aisle with tons of cool stuff to mess around with so like-"
"Ooohh!! Good idea! I could try and mess up the items and put them in the wrong places!! The employes are gonna be soo mad tomorrow!" frown said, interrupting Brock (rude) and doing that weird chuckle thing he did in the show when he has a dumb idea. FYI this wasn't what Brock was planning on saying btw. "Oh um, sure i guess. If you want." Brock said a little upset. He felt a little feeling of disappointment in his guts. Mainly cause he was mostly planning on just relaxing with frown there. But you know what, whatever it is makes frown happy, he goes with it. as long as nobody gets hurt of course.
"Well? What're you waiting for?! Come on!" Frown said impatiently, tapping his nonexistent foot on the ground and crossing his arms.
"O-oh- right- come on, follow me."
After a bit of just walking they finally arrived at the aisle and boy was Brock not kidding when he said there was tons of cool stuff in there. cause there was like, TONS OF COOL STUFF IN THERE. Frown's eyes had the lil hint of excitement in them. mostly he had the evil look though of course. he immediately began to unplug the tv's and move the vacuums to the blender section. Brock just lightly chuckled at how excited he was at just messing up the place. Though the lil feeling of disappointment was still churning in his guts. He felt as if he kinda screwed up a perfect opportunity. He tried not to overthink that fact too much. He'd only started feeling this feeling now which was weird to him. guess the darkness is really starting to set a mood in him or something. especially since it's just them. Alone. Brock went over the the beds part of the aisle and flopped onto one. he couldn't sleep obviously, not without his nighty night kiss. but it felt nice to lay down finally after standing and sitting all night.
Meanwhile frown was having the time of his life. He decided he was gonna misplace the pillows from the sofas. He laughed evily at the monstrosity of a sofa he had created. A grey sofa with bright neon yellow and pastel green pillows on each end, along with a bright blue blanket. Could bring tears to the eyes even, whether it be negatively or positively. Other than that he also misplaced multiple appliances in the place. He let out a content sigh, "Would you look at that dude! You could say I really outdid myse-" as he went to nudge his roommate, he realized he wasn't there hah moron. "wha- Brock?" Frown called out to his roommate. Brock never answered which compelled frown to go look for him. It's unlikely he got hurt. I mean, how could he. They're just in a mall after all.
After a while of just mindless walking, he finally saw Brock laying on one of the beds in the bed aisle. Frown felt a little angry that he didn't respond to his call earlier and decides to give him a little surprise instead.
Frown picked up a pillow and slowly tip toed his way towards Brock who looks a little dazed? Whatever it is, but he's definitely distracted. Maybe he took a nap. Frown just decided to not think too much of that. He smacked the pillow at Brock. Who jolted up in shock. Brock turned around towards frown and pulled him onto the bed.
"You little sucker!" Brock said lightheartedly as he held frown tightly. Like a bear hug maybe. Frown struggled to free himself for quite a while until he decided to just relax and lay in Brock's arms to the others surprise. Brock let go of frown who just slowly slid down Brock's chest which made him wiggle a bit from the weird feeling. He liked it though.
Frown then got up and looked at Brock with old grumpy expression. "What're you even doing here dude? It's so boring." Frown said as he crosses his arms and scoots closer to the edge of the bed. Brock couldn't just tell him 'oh I came here to try and distract myself from my fat crush on you!' no way. "Oh I uh, just came here to lay down, that's all." Brock said as he did the awkward gesture of rubbing his nonexistent neck. Frown looked at him in the eyes which made Brock look away immediately in response. Frown felt a bit uneasy about that. A feeling he feels so rarely he forgot how it felt. He felt bad. He knew that something was bothering him, but he can't really muster up the courage to try and ask him about it. His pride won't let him. But he knew if he didn't do anything about it, Brock would just continue to be upset and he wouldn't want that. After a solid minute of back and forth he decided to just shut out his thoughts completely.
Brock felt that the silence was a bit awkward and decided to turn back to frown to apologize. he assumed that maybe frown would be looking away grumpily and crossing his arms, waiting for an apology as usual. But this time, he was met with a much more, warmer presence. And by that I mean frown grabbed him by the sides and went in for the kiss. Brock was first overwhelmed by shock as his eyes widen by the sudden kiss but as time went on he slowly melted into it. It was a rare for frown to engage in physical touch like this. let alone a kiss that lasted longer than 5 seconds. They weren't going super hard at it or anything, it's just, a light kiss. but it was longer. after a minute frown pulled away. Brock looked at him and chuckled a bit, "Duuudee, what's with the sudden kiss?" Frown blushed after realizing what he did. How was he gonna come up with an excuse now. "WH- WELL- I-" he stuttered struggling to come up with a working sentence, his mind was practically just a blur at that point. Brock smiled gently at the other and grabbed frown by the place where his hips would be and placed him on his lap. they were in a sorta cuddle situation which made frown start to heat up from being flushed and somewhat anger too. but mostly being flushed.
"Well, if that was your own way of trying to cheer me up then, congratulations dude! You definitely did." Brock said breaking the silence. Frown wiggled a bit in the others grip, which made the other let him go. It wasn't cause he was uncomfortable or anything. He just, felt a bit restless. Especially since he suddenly has the blaring thought of him and Brock doing more gross lovey dovey stuff together, yuck. Maybe it's the darkness of the room or something, it's making him feel more mushy than before. author has no idea why he wanted to write him like this. Brock felt like he had to say something anything when all of the sudden, "Hey, dude?- I um- know this sounds super dumb but do you want to,,, uh-" Frown trailed off as he looked at Brock who was blushing as his eyes sparkled in a way that made frown's heart race and words to be stuck in his throat. He can't tell if that's part of his imagination or not. His face completely red as heart sparkle matter matter started to fling out all over the place. Brock knew exactly what's going on now which made him blush deeply as well. He brought up a hand to cover his mouth to hide his goofy lil smile. His heart pounding in his chest. Holy crap it's happening. But as he looked at frown, he looked like he had just malfunctioned. Brock chuckled as he leaned towards frown and firmly held frown's face as he kissed him. Frown returned it pretty quickly as he closed his eyes shut and grabbed brock by the sides.
This time, their kiss was much more deeper. Not deep enough to be considered anything sensual. After a minute or two, they finally pull away panting a bit. Brock looked at frown who seemed a bit dazed like he was just in a trance of sort. "h-hubba hubba!-" Frown blurted out which made Brock burst out laughing. Frown snapped out of it finally after that and immediately felt mortified at what he just said. He started smacking brock to silence him but that does nothing. Which makes Frown just grumpily look away from him. After a bit Brock finally calmed down a bit, "Pfft- wow dude- didn't expect YOU out of all people to say THAT-" Brock said trying to control himself, frown was still a grumpy about that which made Brock scoot closer to him an poke him playfully. "Naawwhh don't be such a grump noww. I thought it was pretty cute dude!" Brock teased lightheartedly. Frown stared back at Brock still with a frown plastered on his face. Brock pinched his cheeks a bit. "Oh cheer up maann, you know I'm just messing with you. Now come on, let's go watch a movie or something!" Brock said holding his hand out to Frown who sighs and takes it.
They managed to get the display tvs on and watched the amazing bulk together. Brock felt Frown's head fall on his nonexistent shoulder, Brock smiled softly as he turned of the tv. poor dude, must've been all tuckered out after all that scheming lol. Brock kissed him goodnight since he already got his nighty night kiss earlier. he fell asleep right there too.
The both of them were awoken by the sound of someone yelling, as they look around, the place was all bright again and they surrounded by staff members of the store. And they did not look happy.
Frown blinked for a bit adjusting to the brightness before his expression became more crossed.
This thing has been rotting in my drafts for too long.
Take it away from me.
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vtoriacore-rbs · 1 year
tw. ed + whatever the fuck is wrong w me in general. id actually advise against reading this but this helps get things off my chest.
me slipping back into old ed habits bc my intrusive thoughts actually ended up triggering me 💀💀💀 i went on a 2 day fast and only had mineral water and i feel both proud and horrified that ive allowed myself to do that so now im eating healthy things to kinda make up for it but anyways i weighed myself too even tho i said i wouldn't. like i know i shouldn't feel happy over the fact i starved and weakened my body on purpose but it feels nice to stick to something and actually have some discipline back in my life.
had a breakdown too earlier for no reason (altho im on my period so maybe that's why, fuck you uterus btw there is no us only u someone remove this thing PLEASE). like bro some bitch in college also was telling me how she was losing weight and she deadass told me that my ribcage sticking out was so aesthetic and it just enabled me, we only spoke 3 times before that and im pretty sure she has an ed too bc she kept trying to get my measurements??? she also said she'd sacrifice two of her ribs to get a waist like mine and i know she meant it as a compliment but i wanted to cry and felt low-key ashamed like i hate when people point out my physical appearance and i was stretching i didn't even mean for my shirt to go higher up it was so uncomfy. it's weird tho cause when i starve myself i feel happy abt it but when other people point it out and praise me for it i get really mad. maybe it's bc i discourage eds and im very pro-recovery but anyways that was a weird comment™ i think it played into the breakdown. she tried grabbing my wrist several times and i told her to stop trying to touch me but she wouldn't stop either and was like "just for a second please" like i felt so icky bc of that too like bitch hands off before i retaliate <3 so yeah now im trying to eat again but honestly i feel like im gonna throw up bc i didn't eat for 2 days lmao and the entire day today i felt so dizzy. like yesterday was fine but today ?? no. my muscles hurt so bad so im gonna have a 50g protein shake too ugh im so tired. gonna try get up to 1000 kcal at least and make the deficit up over the weekend bc my stomach physically hurts when i try to eat (but this strawberry yogurt bangs even tho im half full already).
ive been slipping back into an ed mindset over the last month tho even with my binges and i just wanna look ill enough for one of my doctors finally tell me im underweight enough they didn't even acknowledge i was severely underweight 3-4 years ago that felt so humiliating and now im thinking along the lines of "i need to be a better anorexic" even tho its fucked up and like im trying to just snap myself out of this mindset but it's not working so im gonna have to get a therapist potentially. bc i don't want my organs and bones failing but at the same time, i wanna make sure doctors take me seriously this time and maybe it'll be a fucking reminder to take eds seriously. it actually pisses me off hos insensitive some doctors are about eds and the fact they indirectly fucking allow it sometimes too like. just bc im not in a critical condition and only like 3/4kgs underweight doesn't mean i don't have an ed or that it isn't "severe enough" smh this annoys me so much.
if you read it up to here don't worry ill be fine, a bitch always pulls thru and these are just momentary lapses in judgement im not letting mental illness win im too fucking good for this (<- motivating myself kinda feel better after writing this NGL).
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imjustli · 11 months
so ive been thinking a lot about God and like my christianity and everything and i've decided perhaps it'll do me good to get the perspective of someone else who's also christian ?
yeah . so there's no doubt in my mind that God exists honestly. i really do think he's up there. it's just that im not sure about a couple of stuff
like with job in the old testament. that dude was like the Ultimate follower of God. sooooo good at following all the commandments and everything. he loved God with everything he had
and then as a test God decides to allow the devil take it all away. just to see what job does. & satan takes all his money his animals his health. he even kills off his kids (all of which God authorized)
and yeah job is faithful to the very fucking end and gets everything back (twofold ? tenfold ? can't remember which)
he even gets new children. which is where my main problem is with the story tbh
what about his old children ? did God not consider the fact that job might miss them a whole fucking lot ? that he might not want new children just his old ones ? and they died all because of a test of job's unwavering faithfulness . which God only engaged in to prove the devil wrong
why'd he do that anyway ? he's God . he knows the devil was wrong he coulda just ignored him ?? instead of letting him kill some innocent children for the sake of a test he already knew job was going to pass with flying fucking colors
like with abraham and isaac the kid was never gonna die and that was a test of Abraham's faith and like obedience but with job there was no hesitation
i feel dirty even questioning this rn bc im not supposed to have questions or opinions im just supposed to take everything as it is but i don't think i can do that
& i can ask this and people go "it's the old testament it doesn't matter" but then you have ananias and sapphira who died the fucking minute they lied and that's in the new testament . and that isn't exactly rampant in like present day but it is kinda scary
plus my mother's church always brings up 2 timothy 3:15-17 so like All scripture is still useful and applicable even the fucked up parts of the old testament that say to kill people for the littlest fucking things (not that they go through with it but y'know)
im not 100% sure what im asking here . i guess job's story (plus a million more in the bible) unnerve me. if someone as god-fearing as he was still gets subjected to all the shit he did just for a fucking test then what about the rest of us ? if i follow God's word to a T and he decides to test me by taking away people that matter so fucking much to me then am i supposed to be okay with that ??
all this stuff just makes it kinda hard for me to pray the way i used to y'know ? or to pray at all. it fucking sucks
I'll give this a go, but I was raised mostly atheist, and aside from choir and confirmation, my current university bible study group is the only christian stuff I've actually been involved in. So full disclosure, I have no idea what I'm doing. But I feel God's presence and i know Him about as well as I can as of now.
So first of all, there's 4 things I try to keep in mind when reading the bible:
The bible wasn't written by God, it was written by humans about their experiences with God
That was a really fucking long time ago
As such, the way my university priest put it, each passage should be read as part of the whole, rather than each sentance as exactly, verbatim, the word of God
Also, christianity/the bible/any at some point popular faith really, has often been used by powerful people as a tool to maintain/gain power, and that has caused alteration to the bible
I don't personally think that just going along with everything that happens to you as "God's plan" and never questioning it, is sustainable. Like yeah sure the bible says not to test God, but like. As stated previously, the bible has been used to keep people submitting to authority, so from an earthly source critical perspective, it should probably be questioned how much of this actually was in there from the beginning. And just in general being completely trusting can be dangerous, and sure God would have some understanding of that. He created us after all.
Not to mention, everyone probably has a very different relationship with God (like we've had an insane amount of wars over what relationship is the right one, but the answer is probably most of them), and those are deeply personal and connected to the specific circumstances of each person's experiences and understanding of themselves.
I doubt that was the reason Job got what happened to him, but I guess being a little to easy could be an option lol.
To be honest, there also are parts of the bible I just don't agree with politically, and the way children are often seen as accessories to the "main character" of a certain part is definitely one of them. I'm not sure there is any positive interpretation of this honestly, aside that it might just be a testament of the time. Though it's often still like that now, so idk.
Another option for why all of this happened to him, is that he simply deserved it. Like yeah sure, he is To be honest, there also are parts of the bible I just don't agree with politically, and the way children are often seen as accessories to the "main character" of a certain part is definitely one of them. I'm not sure there is any positive interpretation of this honestly, aside that it might just be a testament of the time. Though it's often still like that now, so idk.
Another option for why all of this happened to him, is that he simply deserved it. Like yeah sure, he is supposedly God's most loyal follower, but we never actually see that. It is written that he sacrifices a lamb for his children, etc, does all these rituals. But it's not really written why he actually deserves to have his prayers answered (full disclosure, while I was aware of the story, I've never actually read it. So I had a lot of homework to do for this post. I'll get to some of it further down, but I might've missed some).
I'm not sure I fully believe you need to earn God's love, or even His protection, but that is definitely an option. But what that means is that it's possible that the reason Job was tested, was to see if he would still be loyal if he didn't have everything he could want.
Also (NIV) Job 11:4, Zophar says to Job: "You say to God, 'My beliefs are flawless and I am pure to your sight'" [my swedish bible (B2000) says moreso something like: "You think you bring the truth, and that you are flawless in front of God". Which is another reason why each Bible verse can't be read verbatim. Since although those two says similar things, they are not synonymous]. And NIV Job 11:6: "and disclose to you the secrets of wisdom, for true wisdom has two sides. Know this: God has even forgotten some of your sin." [B2000: "He could reveal the hidden depth of wisdom -- there is wisdom in double measurements. Then you'd understand God doesn't demand all your debt."] These are both indicative of Job not actually being as good as he is portrayed, suggesting he kinda brought all his misery on himself (or at least some of it). Elihu also says something similar in chapters 33-37.
In Job 31, he talks a lot about why he doesn't deserve everything the devil did to him, but it feels kinda... idk. Less? Considering he starts of chapter 30 by talking about the people he disregards. Like he clearly truly believes he is in the right, but there's several chapters explaining why he's not.
I'm not sure where I heard this, but I remeber being told that the devil was originally just a personification of the greed and selfishness humans experience. But if that's who the devil is, it further suggests he let his greed (or judging by Job 38-39, it was moreso his hubris and self-centerdness) control him, and that's why he lost everything.
Yeah, the ending doesn't really sit right with me either. I guess he realised his mistakes and passed the test, and therefor deserved it all back. But like you said, the thing about his kids dying and him getting new ones doesn't really feel right. Human connection can be recreated but it will not be fully the same. I really don't have an answer for why this happened, other than that it's a really old story. I also wish we'd actually find out he'd learned.
I don't know if this makes sense, or if it's even what you were asking. I'm still learning what it actually means to be christian, at the moment i just have a vague feeling of a higher presence and a barely read bible, so I have a lot left to figure out.
To my followers and mutuals that have done the entire christian-thing for longer: do you have anything you'd like to add? Feel free to disagree with me completely
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cassyapper · 1 year
<3 thank u to everyone who has encouraged me now u get oc lore tonight rather than tomorrow
so, here's a collection of notes re characters and worldbuilding. some of this is stuff i already had in my head but im ready to share publicly now, and some of this is stuff that is genuinely as new to me as it'll be for yall but im set on it so. here we go
character updates
so i've mentioned arha is a solider*. the truth is arha is originally a soldier for the opposing country to ai/william/adalia's. in fact she and ai et al meet because arha is captured after a battle. arha is snapping at people and fully prepared to be either tortured or killed or sent to an absolutely abysmal prison and she is not looking forward to it so she's hoping for the best of the options (dying) by provoking them. shes honestly exhausting to deal with so she gets relegated to a tent as a makeshift jail for a while LOL. eventually ai comes in as part of her duties and is like "are you ready to be a normal person and go get dinner" and arha is like "what" and ai is like "it's dinner time. i was sent to fetch you. or did you want to see the doctor first." "arent you going to kill me" "why the fuck would we kill you when you surrendered already" oh arha mad af about that line she doesnt like being reminded of surrendering she's so prideful but she's also confused af. she grew up being told that if the enemy caught her she was for sure going to fucking die and be miserable while she did but here therye offering medical attention?? arha does not like being left in the dark so she just complies. to a point. basically she jsut follows ai around and makes her explain things and ai is like so fucking annoyed but arha wont leave her alone no matter how snippy she is or how much she ignores her so she figures answering her questions will get her to leave her alone (at least until they finish this campaign and return to the capital and arha in theory goes to actual jail. of course arha grows on her and vice versa. cause . im weak. theyre gonna be endgame whatever that means)
adalia kills a man revealed: the man is her country's fucking general. th set up: upon return to the capital after aforementioned campaign, another drafting occurs, and since this is common place seeing as they have been at war for 100 years now, no one is really surprised and it doesnt raise super big alarms however the rules have changed while ai adalia and william's troop were out; age of enlistment has been lowered. zoinks! so context for it: when they make it back to the capital, ai and arha return to ai's mother's house. ai's mom is really uspet over arha being there and she and ai get into a big argument about it. ai's mom is like "i just dont understand why you care, her country killed your father and brother" and ai is like "no YOU did when you refused to LOOK FOR THEM" and she storms out. arha of course follows but before she does ai's mom asks her to please look out for ai cause "she obviously chose you. you need to choose her too. you need to. i will never forgive you if you don't." arha is troubled by this but agrees and ai's mom lets them go. they go to adalia's house to spend the night but uh oh Adalia Has Killed A Man. while arha and ai clean her up as her family is gathering supplies for travel packs, adalia manages to shakily explain: when adalia came home, she found the general there and he was drafting her two siblings (twins, aged 12). adalia could not let that happen so in her panic, and in line with her training, she jsut swung a sword at her problems. this kills the man. uh oh! and now adalia has to flee cause like. she can't stay she has committed utmost treason. and the general is Going to be found and if her family tries to hide it they are going to Die and adalia is not gonna let that happen. so she will run. arha and ai go with her of course. and on their way out of the city william finds them cause already, when the general never appeared at the next house he was supposed to draft from, military personnel had been deployed over the city to investigate. william decides to go with them too cause he's just too soft and frankly he doesnt wanna participate in a military that engages use of child soldiers it's not what he signed up for. wow it's almost like both countries have their skeletons and both were employing fucked up tactics against their citizens...anyway. the silver lining is that adalia killing the general did in fact save her siblings form being drafted (for now) cause the houses were chosen at complete random it's kinda like a fucked up lottery thing. since adalia wont let her family cover up her crime and in fact makes them turn her in (just yknow once she's out of the house; theyre gonna be all "oh we woke up in the night and found the general dead and adalia gone") so that officials wont punish them by sending in the twins anyway cause like, as far as the law is concerned they had nothing to do with adalia turning rogue. but this wont keep them from being named in other drafts...but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
ther's gonna be an underwater arc and ai is . well. ai. (: m'beware the light. n'lol
qiu, due to being raised by dragons ie some of the most blunt species on the planet, just fucking sucks at human social etiquette. he is very forthcoming and his speaking tone is very flat and he does not Do minor facial expressions his face shifts from its resting state only to full-on smile or full-on frown etc. he is very honest in this way but he reads as very blunt and honestly? kinda mean. but he's literally not trying to be he's just standing there. if you know anything about deaf culture he's very similar to that. just no filter or what human hearing etiquette calls a filter. he also gestures in weird ways cause dragons do most of their gestures with wings cause theyre tetrapods and qiu obviously is bipedal. he's got constantly chicken wings going on also t-rex hands
im going to be candid btw arha and ai are based on my read on noritaro. so sorry. it's the only way i could get myself to think about these guys again after three years forgive me
william is 44. when ai's village was raided when he had just officially become a soldier, so he was called in to help reclaim the town and drive off the enemy soldiers. he and ai never actually meet during this because ai and her mom were long gone by the time reinforcements arrived, but he saw firsthand how fucking ravanged the village was and how indescriminate the killing was so when he finds out ai is from there and was a child during that, he just can't help but feel bad honestly. like he's nice in general but that's the reason he gives ai so much leeway. he kinda pities her. she hates him for it a little but eventually it evolves past pity and as such she stops hating him
the reason ai at el and arha's countries are at war is cause, okay. country a (ai et al's country) and country b (arha's country) are both world superpowers. there are others beside them but theyre big players in the game so to speak. both are very influential etc. however they're very different: country a is a xenophobic ethnostate that hates magic for religious reasons, and country b is based on a huge metropolis of many intersecting races and such, such as orcs, humans, dwarves, elves, etc. im still adding stuff. and theyre very big on magic. one day 100 years ago kingdom b accuses kingdom a of stealing a very important magical artifact in order to get an edge on them in terms of world superpowerism. kingdom a is very offended that they've been accused of wanting fucking anything to do with magic let alone dealing with kingdom b or lands that have people not of the same ethnicity and they accuse kingdom b right back of making shit up, esp cause kingdom b won't actually describe the artifact or what it does, just so they can use it as a bartering tool for their land (there has been a few land disputes over resources lately). so war breaks out cause neither side is happy and there's already a lot of judgement and irritation going in. so. yikes
magic! speaking of! let's discuss. it's something anyone can learn in this world but some people are more naturally inclined to it. it's a lot like being ambidextrous: some people just know intuitively how to do it and others have to be taught but either way both can do it and both can be very good at it. witches are magic users that had to be taught and wizards are magic users that had a natural affinity for it. witches tend to use wands/staffs as conduits for magic; helps to get from point a to point b. wizards tend to use staffs/wands as well but just to make their spells more powerful. everyone has a sort of magical energy just by being alive in this world. however the amount of magical energy you have in you is finite like ur body isn't just gonna keep making more on its own just like normal energy, and if you drain yourself of your own juice by using too much magical energy you will die! so to replenish the supply (think of it like a health bar) you can do various things that all amount to just, using other lifeforms' magical energy. like, you know how energy from the sun is traced along the food chain. it's like that here. you can like take something's magical energy by eating it, by rubbing it on yourself like sunscreen and absorbing things that way, or inhaling things, etc. just any way you can think of how you get a vitamin, it's similar for how you can take magical energy from things. what your magic is and what it does depends on what you take magical energy from
um yes i believe that's all. i didnt proofread this so sorry. if you actually read all of this i think youre a fuckin saint
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outcast-thingz · 1 year
Chapter 2:
Tell Me It's Just A Dream ...Fuck
Despite being told you have a choice it didn't feel like it. The creature was right; no one would believe you. You have no idea what they'll do to you or where they'll take you. You figured you should let -someone- know you won't be back for a while. Pulling yourself to your feet proved quite painful, but nothing was broken as far as you could tell. After getting turned around once or twice and nearly tripping, you return to camp. You'd left your phone behind. Once you find it, you hold your breath as you press the power button hoping it'll turn on.
"Fifteen percent, thank god… just one call" The ringtone barely has time to buzz the other side of the line when he answers.
"Y/N! Are you okay!?" Hearing a friendly put you at ease. Much to Jason's dismay, you just sat there soaking in his sound. He rambles off a bunch of apologies for not being able to prevent you from ending up where you were. "Y/n? Please answer… anything. So I know it's you actually there."
"Hi," you sniffle, "I'm here, Jason."
"Thank you. Jerk, I thought you were dead." You could hear a faint chuckle. You smile and wipe a tear from your eye.
"Yeah," you return the half-hearted laugh, "I thought so too." You clear your throat, "Hey, um.. They already gave me a new place to go. Don't need a medic if the bodies almost never come back… but it's top secret, so I can't tell you where-"
"Do you know for how long?"
"Ummm.. n-no. I don't. I promise I'll try to send at least a letter, okay?" It took everything not to give in to the tears. Your throat hurt from straining to sound calm, "Jason?"
"Yes, Y/n?"
"Tell my family I love them."
"I will. I love you, Y/n."
"You're the bestest friend I could have ever asked for… I love you," you end the call. Shortly after, your phone dies. You spent the next hour or two crying yourself to sleep.
"Figured you didn't have that many places to run to, but here" the creature shrugs.
As promised, a gentle hand grabs your shoulder at midnight to wake you.
"How'd you find me?" Mumbles slip from your lips as you sit up.
"Mmm…" you hum, unamused
"So, made your decision?"
"Yeah… I guess I'll go with you. No point in causing more trouble than necessary," you sigh. To your surprise, the man approaches and scoops you up. "Wait, Wait, I can-" You feel yourself lifted higher but not further from the man. "I don't understand wha-" beneath you the man and beneath him… the creature? She seemed so small, yet here she was, lifting two people like they were paperweights.
"It's like you said, 'no point in causing more trouble than necessary.' I'm gonna carry y'all to the truck."
"Well, by putting one foot in front of the other, duh. Is there any other way?"
"But you're so sm-"
"I'd choose your next words very carefully, angel." She threatens as she starts to make her way through the woods. You cross your arms and protest,
"Fairly sure that's a reasonable question. You're like 5-foot? How the fuck are you carrying us both?" The entire time the man shook his head aggressively, a pleading look painting his face. A sly smile creeps onto the creature's face.
"You haven't figured it out yet?" She chuckles. The man sighs. You feel his arms wrap tight around you, so tight it almost hurts.
"Now, why'd you have to go do a thing like that?" He finally speaks. Although irritated, his voice seemed refined and soft, strangely soothing.
Before you can retort, the three of you zoom through the forest. A gasp escapes your lips, silenced by the wind blowing past your face. What would have been a 15 min walk for her turned into a 6-minute sprint.
"I think you're getting slower," the man teases once the two of you are on the ground again.
"I was carrying two people!!!" The creature hisses. The man rolls his eyes and shrugs. "Ugh, whatever. You could at least show some manners and thank me. I did you a favor."
"Im not saying anything. I didn't ask you to do that. Nor did y- they" He started to say your name but backed out.
"Hah! All these lives, and you're still so shy when you meet them." A smug smile plasters itself on her face. "So what's your answer? I mean, I just showed off. I think that deserves at least a guess," you assume she asked you, but her eyes never left the man's. His face was scrunched up into a scowl.
"Strength like something I've ever seen before, impossibly fast, pale as fuck.. and a seeming fondness for chaos, carnage, and blood. I know what you are.." As terrifying as everything has been, you couldn't help but make a joke; maybe if you make fun of this and treat it like a dream, it'll go away. "You're.. you're a vampire." You pause between most of your words not just because you want to put mocking, dramatic spaces of silence but also because that run put your body through higher speeds, and you're use to outside of a vehicle.
"Im gonna puke. You sound like that fucking book series" She covers her mouth and looks away. You can hear her fake gag, "Please never describe me like that again. Next thing we know, you'll be having to choose between me and some fucking w- huhp.." she pauses to try to avoid actually throwing up. Being dramatic had its drawback in this case. "Wolf boy."
"Am I right, though?" You tilt your head.
"Yeah. Just never do that again."
"What reference tw-"
"Finish its name, and I'll give you a complimentary nap with the power of knocking you the fuck out." She finally composes herself. Then looks around, "where did-"
"He got in the truck while I was guessing," You shrug. "Was that complimentary nap just a threat or a promise?" Despite hoping being knocked out would wake you from this, the vampire just chuckles and hops into the passenger seat of their truck. You sigh and get in the back. A thought occurs to you, "y'know, I don't know either of your names.. but you know mine."
"Oh! Right, I'm Mediya! And this big boy-" the creature pats the man's shoulder, "is Adrisil." He huffs at the remark. Mediya smiles at him and giggles her words, "You love me."
"Doesn't mean I can't be mad at you," he glares
"OhKhAy," she rolls her eyes.
It was a long drive, but it wasn't like you'd notice since you were asleep for most of it. You sit up as the ~notorious~feeling of pulling into a driveway hits you.
"Oh, you're up." Mediya looks back. "I wonder if it's like thing where we just -know- when we're home, ya know?" You shrug, not being awake enough to really think about it, let alone know what 'we' she was talking about. "Are you... ya know, okay? You've been taking all of this like- really well. Well.. good for your circumstances this time."
"Mm now you ask.. mm'just gonna treat it like a dream till tomorrow. If I wake up 'nd m'still here I'll deal with it then. Future me problem."
"Oh- um alright I guess." She wasn't sure how to react to that. The three of you scramble out of the truck and into the house. You follow their directions to your room and proceed to pass out again.
The morning nearly passes you by as you dream about your family and Jason. Eventually, your eyes blink awake to stare at a brown wall painted with ivy and little Venus fly traps. You rub your eyes and pinch yourself to ensure it's all real. Yep.. it's real.
"Great.. so I guess that means vampires do exist. Wonder what else exists, hope they don't use the internet or fiction sites…" You say aloud to yourself, 'If there's a unicorn, I'm finding it and keeping it.' It's dark in the room, so you pull the sheets off and shuffle your way over to the window. "FUCK!" You yell after getting a face full of sun. You rub your eyes until you feel like you're ready to brave the light again. Through squinted eyes, you can see a green field with a few trees around it. Just beyond the side of the window, part of an animal pen can be seen.
A gentle knock came at the door, pulling your attention away from the window.
"You okay?" You recognized it as the man's voice.
'What was it.. adin, adele, adr- ADRISIL. Adrisil? What the fuck.. what kind of name is- you know what doesn't matter.' You give up and open the door. "Yeah.. sorry, I opened the curtains and didn't expect it to be so bright." You answer and then ask, "What time is it?"
"About twenty till noon. I have lunch made if you're ready for it." You certainly weren't going to deny food. Your eyes wander as the two of you make your way to the table. Most of the house had a rustic look, moss green walls, the occasional accent stone walls and staircases, wooden beams decorating the ceiling, and furniture you were sure had been around since your grandparents.
"Wasn't sure what you'd be allergic to, so I just went with bacon and egg burritos." He pulls you from your space out.
"Oh.. thank you." At the table were only two plates, "Where's umm."
"Mediya? Sleeping. You'll get a chance to talk to her again tonight."
It was an awkwardly quiet breakfast. Adrisil breaks the silence after leaving the table to grab something,
"We have something you can change into. We didn't know what size you were, so we just guessed. Mediya spent a while picking the outfit out. Let me know if anything doesn't fit right." He slides over a small stack of clothing. "There's a bathroom two doors down from your room. After you shower and change, we can head into town and get you something you actually want to wear." With that, he starts cleaning up the dishes he used to cook breakfast with. You pick up the clothing and head to the bathroom.
You stood with your head leaning against the wall and the water running down your back, letting everything sink in. Tears roll down your cheeks as you clench your fists against the wall. Years of war, not a life caught in the crossfire spared until you. Why? Why you? Will it all stop if you stay with them? Gods.. the friends you've lost, and all the people before your time serving. You're sure you'll never get to see your family again. This will probably be the last and only time they let you walk "freely."
Before you knew it, you were dried and changed. You catch your reflection in the mirror. It was creepy how to actuate the outfit to your preferred style. You'd think Mediya stole it from your closet if you didn't know any better. Your fingertips graze over the clothing; some of it was a tad big, but that was better than it squeezing the life out of you. Pretty damn good for just 'guessing' sizes. You shudder. After shaking your head and thoughts away, you leave the bathroom. Time to go out shopping with a man you've known your whole life as a nation-slaughtering monster. What else we're you going to do? Run?
Tagging: @yeet-man @bisexual-confusion (if you want to be added to the tag list send me message or an ask 🥰)
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Tumblr media
also I think I might be lactose intolerant? but I only get really fucking bad headaches, nausea and the like from milk but am pretty okay with other dairy products and it...oh wait no ice cream and yogurt also make me sick after I pass a certain limit and is this why cheese makes my stomach feel weird sometimes? okay theory, I am not TOO lactose intolerant. main problem is milk and the rest I can have in limits. makes sense.
alright! CHAPTER 4!!
david loml it'll be fine...probably idk man I am really scared for y'all
Alright random person...I will fight you in an abandoned parking lot for this DO NOT DO THIS SHIT
David :((
First I cry over IALS mavid...now I have to cry over lbaf mavid. what is this happening
also there's this thing called Communication. Not sure y'all have heard of it though. Lmk if you need a dictionary :)
to the fucker attacking the institute, motherfucker I will literally push you off a building
maybe it's someone who wants him to not be the head of the institute for whatever reason?
Anyway Anjali so hot so efficient would literally die for her
david you good bro? God I love it when the kind ones go feral
no but srsly you good? Well no but like...Im worried. For his health. David :((
“Ask for help,” she said again. “And if you are feeling overwhelmed, take a break.”
“Revenge means you are being harmed in return for the suffering you’ve caused,” Anjali told him. “You didn’t do anything wrong. You did the right thing. So, even if it is Asmodeus, this isn’t revenge. This is an attack, David. And I intend to put an end to it.”
God I love it when women
Them :((
“Why do people call me baby boy or baby girl?” David wondered out loud.
petition to only call david baby boy or baby girl from now on
I've been watching The Crown (it took me three days to get through episode 1 but let's not talk about that) so I am literally hearing all the dialogues in with an english accent. It's...something
Some people drank alcohol to relax. David drank tea.
Bitch same.
I've lately fallen in love with Earl Gray. I drink it while I'm studying. I sit down at my desk with my tea and only then do I get to work. Helps me focus and keep my anxiety at bay. Good shit.
same energy as me realising how quickly I had been going through my tea. I...I've been way too stressed lately too, hon. NOT THIS WEEKEND THOUGH HHAHA
he would love a cake <3
oh to have someone buy me overpriced magic chocolate
that's so romantic though 🥺
in my relating a bit too much to david era kjkcuhud
Bitch I know you're stressed as fuck so like?? TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF?? Srsly, shit's really hard rn for you and it's gonna get harder. Take a nap or something
“Mon ange,” David chuckled and pointed at the screen. “He went back in time and is literally trying to sleep with his own mother.”
not the ICE CREAM
also yeeeeeeeeeee camilaaaaaaaaaa
david and anjali wedding CRYING SOBBING SHAKING LOOK AT THEM
that's a really long proposal dude you're not writing an essay
 “My fave power couple is getting hitched. Do it soon!”
Live footage of me
omg the talk with the parents huduifuifugiugf
I love rafe so muvh omg
anjali truly the best person out there
I am so soft rn no one talk to me
Marry me. Marry me. Marry me.
they're so amazing I could cry
how bout I punch Kingsley
Oooo marcus
marcus is kinda cool though. I'll probably not like him by the end of this but still
what...what is he working on
what the fuck you on dude?
i love camila so much
damn girl!!
oh marcus...Yeah I remember now what he was doing...
ah yes, the seashell
cool motives but like...that's not gonna happen
we don't live in a perfect world bud. exploitation and prejudice are the first two words that come to my mind when I think of his thoughts becoming a reality.
He didn’t like it when Mallory was in a bad mood. He wanted her to be happy.
Mal in a bad book ends horribly for every person she has ever interacted with
I was watching The Crown and George is LIKE SICK AS FUCK MAN IS DYING LEAVING BEHIND A DAUGHTER NOT PREPARED FOR THE CROWN JUST YET AND HE'S SMOKING. Sir you just went through a surgery to remove one of your lungs?? you have cancer?? You're coughing up blood?? AND YOU'RE SMOKING!!!
"I know," she smiled at him. "My destiny is Max."
Oh no...I will stab :)
“I’ll ask Jeff to ready the jet,” he smiled at her.
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The...what...that is so bad for the environment dude I'm pretty sure there is a beach in New York...I forgot how rich they were for a second there...Taylor swift core
Sometimes...you just wanna get stabby with someone...the someone is two someones...
If they do something to Anjali...
lexi...I love you so much but please...just talk to liv about this
I will repeat advice I gave in part 2 (?). Fly there, tell her, fly away.
gabriel and selena >>>>
“Relationship drama waits for no one,” Selena huffed. “Besides, stop making excuses, Lex. Just do it.”
putting off stuff like this makes it so SO much worse lex.
We threw a farewell for someone right? and that day my friends and I were all sitting together and one of us had a permanant marker so like rational people, we wrote on our hands. I wasn't sure what to write but then I remembered seeing an anon say that their shipname should be lixi so that is what ended up going on the place underneath my thumb. You know where you can feel the bone? I wrote "Lixi" right there. Nice day that was.
which reminds me I need to make plans for my birthday next week with my friends-
No amount of biceps or boobs will distract her today.
me to me every morning
and I love you guys <33
The man went to Idris to talk to the Inquisitor.
Good luck and god bless!
Lexi stared at the numbers. It gave her a fucking headache
Me in maths everyday.
“Wait,” Lexi said. “Are you saying these are not demon attacks?”
Imma get the knives
Lexi was going to help Gabriel figure this out. She was going to find out who was hurting her brother like this.
Hurting him with paperwork!
And she was going to kick their ass!
lots of blob thingies
“Have you guys seen shadow demons? They’re the demons of Lucifer.”
I am sorry they materialized WHERE
grabriel is so cool omg
She was talking about some issue with the warlocks in LA not being able to use magic
Lex I told you not to go with metaphors...sigh
this is really entertaining though.
Shit. white...who's magic is white?
and on this note a very good night I can't wait to sleep. LOVE YOU!
Evieeeee. I missed your live blogs so much 😭😭😭
Here is a meme that perfectly captures my reaction to it
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I like the live blog too akskskssm but the random gossip 😍😍😍
Your Lexi energy is unmatched 😎
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greydiminishing · 9 months
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im soo anxious today and i dont know why i feel so bad. Im going to write down all the things im anxious about or just things taking up too much room in my brain, cause I heard that helps. then maybe I'll make a plan.
Current anxieties:
Moving back to school next week after a year and a half. I knew i was leaving sometime mid-january. I know that it is now January. Yet it still comes as a surprise to me that I only have one week before I leave. Going back to school has been on my mind like 24/7, how did I let it sneak up on me?? Dont get me wrong, I'm so ready to get out of this house, but im not ready to say bye to my dog yet :(
Anxiety about my hair: I have pretty severe hair thinning from telogen effluvium. You can see my scalp. I've been hacking at it myself, keeping it short for the past year. Its uneven and choppy, which is fine when I'm holed up in my room everyday. But now I want to get it cut by professionals. I've been meaning to schedule an appointment for that, but never got to it. Im kind of embarrassed to even have someone see the state of my head. And now I only have a week. I'm hoping that cutting it a bit shorter will make it fluffier and harder to see my scalp, but what if it doesn't? In the 10 years I've been suffering with hair loss, this is the worst its ever been. And of course this is the point when I really, really, desperately want to make new friends and possibly even a relationship. But that's gonna be a bit difficult when the back of my head looks like gollum's.
Acne: For some reason, my acne has gotten really bad in the past few months??? Painful, cystic acne like I've never had before. of course, right before i make my debut back into society for the first time in nearly two years lol. And with my hair super short now, all my acne is on FULL display. I need some good skincare and color correcting makeup.
Me and my friend (T) want to "hang out sometime before break ends" but that's the extent of our plans. I LOVE her and of course I want to hang out with her, but at the same time, I dont want to hang out with anyone. I dont want to leave the house. Im bald and covered in painful acne, and im a ball of anxiety for no reason. But I feel bad because I do wanna hang out. And also because she is always the one who reaches out to me, not the other way around. I dont think im being a very good friend..
Dentist. I really need to get to the densist. I haven't gotten a cleaning in about 2 years... I brush my teeth everyday and floss most days, but I'm still prone to cavities for some reason. Recently, my crown has come off. I just pop it back in and it seems fine, but i know that's gotta get fixed. Thats another appointment I've been procrastinating. Especially with the acne that tends to bubble up around my mouth and lips, its sometimes painful to even open my mouth, let alone keep my mouth stretched open for 30 minutes. Also its embarrassing and ugly and i dont want the dentist looking so closely at my nasty pimples. But i really need a cleaning and to get that crown fixed and I only have a week left. Can you even schedule a dentist appointment the week before?
Apartment. Housing told me I won't know my housing assignment until the first week of January. I have no idea where on campus I'm gonna be living. Roommates or no roommates? One of the campus apartments comes unfurnished. Hopefully i dont get that one but what if i do? I move in next week, will i need to buy a bed frame? a desk? idunno?? Well, i probably won't get the unfurnished one, so im sure it'll be fine. I just hope i have no roommates.
Packing. I need to pack. Packing is always incredibly overwhelming for me. Its alot to think about. I always take my bass to school, but I've been playing guitar more and now I want too take both. I need a case/bag for the guitar cause I dont have one. I feel like my dad is gonna try to make me take one or the other, but i really want both. Im always scared of packing too much or not enough stuff or forgetting something important. I should start now so i dont have to stress so much about it.
clothes. All of my clothes are in a big pile on the bottom bunk. I need to wash all of them to get the bugs and dust off. Also need to pick more consciously what i want to bring, since most of that stuff i dont even wear anymore. I really need new clothes too. Most of my wardrobe is stuff from highschool. But new clothes are expensive :(
money. i have maybe $2000 in my account. Im sad because I really wanted to save all my money to put into renovating my van, but that didnt happen. I dont like asking my parents for money. I'd like to keep $1500 minimum pillow in my account at all times. That should be enough for groceries at ~$120 a month, but no spending money. Which sucks cause I really want to buy clothes and skincare and makeup and expensive rosemary oil for my hair. And i want to have friends this time around. You typically need a bit of spending money to hang out with friends; grabbing lunch/coffee, bowling, staying in and ordering a pizza, etc.
Job. I applied for a job on campus for spending money. On the application it asks you to mark the times you are available. This always felt weird to me that my boss would know exactly when im available. Maybe that's just a me issue. So on the application, i moreso marked the hours of my preferred shifts haha. That was a few weeks ago, and the manager finally got back to me, telling me my availability didn't align with what they needed. Thats totally on me :P oops. I think they will allow me to resend my availability though, I'll be less stingy with my time this time around. Though I am scared of getting stuck with late night or weekend shifts.
My roommate from when I was last at school left some of their things when they moved out. I was the last to move out, so i grabbed their stuff with the intention of bringing it back when we live together the next semester. I forgot to mention it to them. I ended up not going back and now i just have some of their stuff. Its a saucepan, a teacup and dessert plate, and a brita pitcher. I feel really bad about everytime i think abut it. Its been nearly two years, so I dont know if i should message them about this. I think they graduated already? but what if they didnt and i see them around campus? I should just message them and apologize and offer to mail their stuff back.
prescriptions. I need to change pharmacies so I can get my prescriptions while at school. that, or have my parents mail it to me once a month.
For the new year, I meant to write down all of my goals/things i want to do, like getting an internship, and making friends. and then write a detailed plan for them. But i haven't gotten to that yet and its just been another thing taking up space in my brain.
my phone camera stopped working a while ago. I didnt think my phone was that old (its a Samsung galaxy s7), but then my favorite alarm app stopped working. I tried to uninstall and reinstall, but then I couldn't download it cause my phone is too old 😭. I need to get a new phone. Hopefully with money from my job that I'll for sure get after giving them better availability lol.
My timeblocking schedule. I haven't been sticking to it as good as i'd have hoped. Some days (most days), i just really dont feel like studying calc or hackerrank and would much rather keep learning react. Those other topics have been neglected and im getting anxious about being super behind in my university physics course because its been years since the last time i calculated an integral. I'll take a whole day to refresh my calc skills, and that'll hopefully get me on track.
The other issue is that i dont get up as early as i hoped, or i stay on my phone for too long, and end up starting my day later than planned. And then I'll just say, "I'll get started after lunch/after i walk the dog", so my day really starts at 2pm instead of 8am. The other part of it is not blocking out days like Christmas, new years, new years day; days that I knew i probably would not be working. Then I don't work those days, even though work is scheduled, and when i come back i feel off schedule. If i cant follow this super easy schedule, how will i do will a busy schedule of classes and homework and work shifts?
Theres more i think, but im tired of writing now. I do feel a bit better. That could've been the adderall i took before this though.
oh also i think our house is in foreclosure. parents have been not-so-quietly yelling about it early in the mornings. I know there's nothing I can really do about this one, but its still stressful.
0 notes
haikyuu characters when the karasuno manager asks them to dye their hair pink with them
Basically, you're one of the 3 karasuno managers and you're in camp with nekoma, fukurodani and karasuno (obv) and you ask some of the characters to dye their hair with you. 💕
ft: nishinoya, bokuto & kenma
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-the team was having a break from all their matches and you were handing noya some water when you suddenly had the Best Idea
-"hey noya"
-"lets dye our hair pink"
-his eyes went big and started to literally ✨Sparkle✨
-"WE CAN MATCH!!!!!!!"
-you were both so excited and chaotic everyone started looking at you two like "???" and you both put your hands in each others mouths to shut the other down
-"shhhh. tonight, i'll find you at 11 pm"
-"got it"
-and you went your separate ways as if nothing had happened
-the next day everyone was like "what"
-"just how did you dye your hair Here" daichi was about to kill you two
-"mm? i've no idea what your talking about" you shrugged
-"y/n your hair is literally pink"
-"no??? it's brown" nishinoya joined the conversation and you smiled at him
-"anyways lets go to practice !!!!!"
-daichi will never leave you two alone since that day
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-you were so excited to go to camp for the first time, just thinking about all the cool people you could meet was So Amazing
-you literally had to warn the team that you would probably talk to everyone in there and that they should not be so overprotective (tanaka and nishinoya im looking at you two)
-"i swear i am Not replacing you guys i just like meeting new people"
-"noya pls dont cry"
-so it had been A Week
-And you'd gotten really close with some of the fukurodani students. Especially the ace-captain.
-He was too sweet, you couldnt resist
-Also he even let you play with his hair!!!! you braided his hair and did some pig tails that looked a d o r a b l e
-Which gave you a great idea
-"Bokuto. pssst. Bokuto, come here" you called with an evil grin
-he looks at you like 👁👁 "whats up"
-"i have pink dye and-"
-"OMG YOURE GONNA DYE YOUR-" you literally had to shut him up with your hands
-"We. We are gonna dye our hair pink. if you want" you whisper, gently removing your hand from his mouth. He nodded his head enthusiatically
-Let me tell you his smile was the most beautiful thing you'd seen in all your life. He's literally so precious.
-"Come find me in the bathrooms at 11 pm, i'll have everything ready"
-"Hell yeah, i'll be there and no one will ever realize i was gone"
-It was finally time and you were in the girl's bathrooms getting everything ready (no way you were going to the men's restrooms they're disgusting)
-And so the mess began
-Half the sinks were full on pink but thank god you two managed to clean it all before it stuck
-Next morning was chaos
-"Bokuto-san, what did you do" akaashi looked so tired man
-"DUDE YOU LEFT ME OUT OF THIS???" Kuroo was heartbroken
-"Aren't you supposed to be responsable? you're the manager"
-"Shut up Tsukishima, you're just mad because your hair doesnt look as cool as ours"
-Akaashi started sleeping with an eye open so he could make sure Bokuto wouldn't sneak out on him Ever Again.
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-you bonded over videogames and being friends with hinata
-also you are kind of similar to the tangerine so of course he likes you a little
-he will never admit it tho
-but the boy is still kenma
-so when you aproach hin with the idea his inmediate respone is a flat out "no"
-"Come onnnn it'll be fun" you were practically begging at this point
-"think of how much this will piss off kuroo"
-"so what color are we gonna use"
-even you were shocked at how quickly he changed his mind
-"um pink. its the best color !!" he nodded
-"is it okay at 2 am???" he didnt even look at you he was just looking at his switch
-"uh i think 12 am or even 11 pm is fine" he nodded in understanding, and you both continued doing whatever you needed to do.
-this was the least chaotic one cause our boy Knows how to apply the dye on your hair and the bathroom doesnt end up a total mess
-you took a bunch of selfies while having the dye on and it was the cutest thing ever
-"omg kenma you look so pretty 🥺🥺🥺"
-"uh thanks i guess" ALSKKSKS
-the next morning???? chaos
-"KUROO THERE ARE CHILDREN HERE" you yelled while covering hinata's ears
-Bokuto screamed
-"I dont think its a good idea, Bokuto-san"
-After yelling at kenma for "not being responsible at camp" he scolded you for leaving him out
-"i told you he'd be mad" you giggled at kenma
-"i have to admit it was a pretty good idea. Let's do it every camp"
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ssamie · 3 years
eight. i’m calling the police
oikawa tooru x fem langa!reader
(hq x sk8 the infinity)
warnings: spelling mistakes, swearing, 2k+ words, adam, u have langa’s blue hair sorry 
gen masterlist.            “snow” masterlist.
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"we're sorry!" the three boys exclaimed
"why are you sorry?" she asked in confusion as she stared down at them with furrowed brows "it wasn't your faults, oikawa-san, matsukawa-kun and hanamaki-kun." she reassured them "and you've been apologising the whole day.. its not like you need to anyways" 
"no, we still feel guilty" hanamaki chuckled "since it was our idea in the first place"
"well i was the one who skated so its fine. you don't need to apologise" she smiled at them
"but you're so sad!" oikawa groaned out dramatically "you look so heartbroken!" 
"im really not" she sweatdropped
"will you forgive us if we kneel down?" they asked "we already are, just in case!" y/n sweat dropped as she peered down at their grovelling forms and shook her head. "please don't kneel for me" she said
"its fine. i think i'll manage a few days without it" she said
"so why's your eyes all puffy?" iwaizumi deadpanned
"i cried" she replied with a straight face
"i see." iwaizumi hummed.
"hey, y/n-senpai!" kindaichi called out from the gym. "i think this is yours!" she looked up at him with a look of confusion ran over to where he stood. "what is it?" she asked 
"its your skateboard." kindaichi replied "it's in the gym for some reason" he said. y/n's eyes sparkled as she picked it up and hugged it to her chest. "wow! did you get it back?" she asked him 
"ah no.. it was just there when we entered the gym. kunimi found it" he said as he pointed towards kunimi who was too busy looking at his phone 
"thank you!" she beamed at them 
"no problem. maybe the teacher decided to give it back" he said 
she grinned and happily inspected it for damage just in case. though her smile quickly fell as her eyes trained themselves on a card plastered across the snow monster design's face. she plucked it off and wearily read over the neat letters written in gold ink. 
"you'll need this for later.. " she read with furrowed brows
she flipped the card over and paled as she saw the name that was signed. "love, adam" she shuddered 
"who's adam?" oikawa asked as he peered over her shoulder to read the card 
"um. he's-" she was cut off by the gym lights suddenly shutting off, causing her to jump in surprise. "what happened?" she asked oikawa, who shrugged in response and held her closer to him 
"my eve~" a voice cooed, accompanied by what seems like a sigh of delight and pleasure
she shivered and subconsciously backed up into oikawa's chest as she recognized the voice. "hey, what's wrong? you know that creep?" oikawa asked with a frown 
"its adam." she said 
everyone watched in confusion as the mysterious man entered the gym in an unnecessarily dramatic way. a red carpet rolled from the outside until the spot where y/n stood, and the gym lights turned on but were dimmed. 
"i hope you like my little gift" adam cooed as he skated towards her with a grin "you'll need i for what i have in store, as stated in my letter" he said 
y/n didn't answer but simply looked at him with a grimace, silently praying to whatever god out there that he just trips and dies or something. 
"though i have another gift for you, SNOW" he cooed as he came to a halt before her. adam grinned as he pulled out a huge bouquet of roses "these flowers are red, which symbolise one thing.." he said
"passionate love" adam cooed as he held it before her, making the petals fly around and making her hair sway. 
oikawa blinked once, and twice. he looked at the masked man in both fear and ick. just who the hell as he, anyways? "hey-what the?! aren't you like thirty?!" oikawa accidentally blurted out as he pulled y/n away 
adam simply ignored the brunette and kept his eyes trained on the girl. he waited patiently for her to accept the flowers. 
y/n pursed her lips and reluctantly took it from him. "thanks." she said. 
"you're accepting that??" oikawa groaned out as he looked at her in dread and confusion. 
she shrugged and gently placed the bouquet on a random bench. "adam--" she cut herself off with a squeak as she felt his hands gently grip her waist and pull her closer 
"come to this location i picked out." he whispered into her ear as he handed her another card. y/n stiffly nodded and quickly snatched the card from him, wanting nothing more than to get out of that situation.
"amazing!" adam exclaimed as he, finally, pulled away from her. "you never fail to entertain me, SNOW." he grinned "i knew coming here will be worth my while" he chuckled. 
"ah. right.." she muttered as she looked at him weirdly "wait, did you follow me?" she asked with a raised brow as the realisation finally dawned upon her. 
"other factors do not matter, my eve" adam mused as he took her hand in his and grabbed her hip with his other. "meet me later and let us dance like old times, okay?" he cooed with a smirk 
she looked away in discomfort and reluctantly nodded her head. "right.." she mumbled 
the boys, who were standing right there to witness the whole thing, looked at each other with a look that embodied the term 'what the fuck' and mentally agreed to step up and help her. 
"excuse me." iwaizumi cleared his throat, making adam side eye him with a look of disinterest 
"who are you and what are you doing with y/n?" he asked as he placed his hand on y/n's shoulder to try and pull her free from his grasp. "let go" oikawa said with a scowl as he pried adam's hands off her
"who are these nuisances, my eve?" adam asked her as he completely ignored their presence. "i thought i've already gotten rid of that redhead, and yet new names will be added into the list" adam hummed with a smile 
y/n gulped as she took note of the faint hostility behind his tone. "they're my friends." she said as she backed away from him and into oikawa’s arms once again 
"i'll meet you for a beef later but that's all" she said as she turned away from him "after that, please leave, adam." she requested with a sigh as she picked up the bouquet and her bag 
she gathered the boys and pushed them all out of the gym, quickly ushering them to run off along with her. she looked back one last time, only to be met with adam's eyes which seemed to be comically glowing red under his mask, paired with a grin 
she gulped and set him a curt nod. "bye" she said 
"goodbye, my eve" adam cooed as he watched her run off to the boys 
"hey hey! what the hell was that?!" oikawa exclaimed as he hugged y/n tightly in his arms "that creepy mask man came out of nowhere!" he said "and why'd he start touching you?" 
"yeah, who was that?" iwaizumi asked her
"his name is adam, or atleast that's what we call him" she replied "he's just like that, don't mind him" 
"uh no, i think i'm gonna mind him, thanks very much" oikawa scoffed "what did you mean when you asked if he followed you?" he asked with furrowed brows 
"oh.. well there's no other way he would've known i was here" she replied as she leaned back against his chest 
"also, oikawa-san.." she trailed off
"yeah?" he hummed 
"why are you still holding me?" 
oikawa blinked and slowly retracted his arms with a hint of reluctance. "haha, sorry" he chuckled 
"why does he call you eve?" matsukawa sweat dropped. "it has something to do with his name. adam, and eve.. like lovers" she answered with a look of distaste 
iwaizumi let out a sigh before pulling out his phone and dialling a number. "im calling the police." he said 
"ah, don't do that" she waved her hands dismissively "i don't think that'll do much anyways" 
"well, he's clearly sick in the head so maybe they'll take him somewhere else other than jail" matsukawa mused. "ya know.." hanamaki chimed in "like the psych ward or something" 
"well when you put it like that.." y/n sweat dropped 
oikawa had a frown on his lips as they chatted. he wasn't joining in like he usually would, and was simply thinking to himself. y/n side eyed him and nudged him with her shoulder. "would you like to have dinner together, oikawa-san?" she asked him 
oikawa's eyes widened as his head instantly snapped over to hers "what?!" he spluttered "did you just ask me out?" 
"... i asked if you wanted to have dinner" she said 
oikawa bit back his tongue as he yearned to say 'that's the same thing!' but fought against it. "ah, sure!" he agreed with a grin. she smiled back and nodded. "great. i needed to stop thinking about adam" she said 
"also, will you guys come with me later?" she asked them 
the boys raised laughed and immediately nodded. "well, i was going to tell you not to go but.. i guess it'll be fine with us there" iwaizumi said. "yeah. if that dude does something sketchy, i'll seriously call 911" hanamaki laughed 
"oh, you can't." she said. "or else you and i will get involved. the skating i do isnt really appreciated by legal forces." she chuckled nervously 
"its kind of illegal." 
"...y/n.." iwaizumi trailed off with a sigh. 
"no way?! cool!" oikawa exclaimed as he gave her a high five. "it is, isn't it?!" she grinned as she and oikawa laughed together 
"jesus christ." iwaizumi deadpanned 
"that dinner was great!" she grinned as she sent oikawa a thumbs up 
"ah you're right.." he agreed with a meek laugh. "though it would've been better without them." he muttered as he sent the iwaizumi, maki, and mattsun a glare 
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"oh cmon captain!" hanamaki mused "you love us!" he laughed. "no i don't" oikawa huffed and crossed his arms. 
"well, i love you guys" y/n interjected with an innocent smile
oikawa jumped and hastily waved his arms about. "no! no you don't!" he exclaimed. "why.. why not?" she sweat dropped 
"that should be saved for a special someone!" he said "cough. me. cough." 
"you're right!" y/n beamed with a grin "like reki!" 
oikawa dramatically sulked, kicking rocks by his feet and muttering under his breath as a gloomy aura surrounds him. "reki this reki that. why is it always reki? hmp" he muttered bitterly to himself 
iwaizumi sweat dropped and simply dragged him along "shut up, shittykawa. this is just getting sad" he said. "also, y/n where exactly are we going?" iwaizumi asked her as he looked around the dark and unsettling part of the woods they have entered 
"adam said he set up a course for us tonight" she answered with a shrug as she pushed her way through random bushes "it has to be hidden but we're very close, don't worry." she reassured 
"that's the problem. we're close." iwaizumi sighed. "just so you know, im still against this whole thing" 
"don't worry iwaizumi-san! it'll be fun!" y/n said with a grin as she pushed through one last bush, revealing a bright light from behind. 
"ah, there she is!"
y/n covered her eyes as a bright light shone against her "my eve!" adam announced followed by multiple cheers and shouts
"what the hell..?" matsukawa muttered as he looked around the abandoned looking part of the forest which was littered with skaters cheering and watching. "what the hell is this place?" she muttered as she recognised a few faces from S "is this S..?"
"my eve" adam cooed as he skated towards her "do you like it?"
"i've gathered everyone here to see you skate!" he exclaimed "everyone has missed you. but not as much as me" adam grinned as he tucked a single rose between her ear, making her shudder and warily poke at the flower.
"is reki here?" she asked with widened eyes as she looked around for a certain redhead
"that boy is not needed, is he not?" adam rebutted with a scowl "so there was no need to invite him."
her face fell at the statement and peered up at him with a frown. "don't say that about him.." she muttered
adam hummed and lit up a cigarette. "if emotions could be seen by the eye, what shapes would they be?" he mused
y/n brows furrowed as he listened to him. "i believe it will be a spring. and that spring will have different amounts of water depending on the occasion." he said "my spring is currently completely dry. because i don't have even one millimeter of interest in that.. reki..." he said with a grimace 
"but you.." adam trailed off as he threw the cigar away. 
he skated towards her and grinned, encaging her in a bubble her as he skates around her. "good.. you're good.." he said with a sigh of pleasure 
"it flows out... it gushes out!" adam exclaimed 
"that's right. the prize of this bet shall be you!" he announced as he gripped her waist and pulled her closer to him so their chest were touching "and what shall you ask for if you win, little y/n?" adam cooed as he tilted his head with a grin 
y/n sheepishly looked away from him and muttered. "if i win.. you have to go back and leave me alone.." she said 
adam's smile momentarily fell. he then grinned and nodded along. "what a cruel request" he mused "but if that is what you want then so be it.." he chuckled 
"but that just means i have to win no matter what, right?" 
y/n looked at him with dread. she didn't answer but simply turned away from him and faced the boys. "hey, i think we should leave" oikawa suggested with a nervous laugh "that guy is crazy!" 
"and what's with this place? i thought for sure he'd just bring you to a skatepark or something" he said as he eyes the various skaters who were chatting along 
"you'll see oikawa-san." 
everyone watched in anticipation as the lights blink one by one, a buzzing sound acting as a count down for them. as the last ringing of the buzzer filled the air, both adam and y/n skated off.
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"holy shit" matsukawa cursed in surprise
they had done so in immense speed and force, that they'd even left some skid marks and a trail of dust and rubble behind
"yeah! go SNOW!" "im betting on you, SNOW!!" "SNOW you better win!"
oikawa watched with widened eyes as the crowd around them cheered and hollered, shouting her alias along with some encouragement. "snow?" oikawa hummed in confusion "is that like a nickname or something?" he muttered
"yes. we like to keep our personal lives apart from our skating activities." a guy chimed in "and that includes our given names, so we make up aliases or nicknames, as you said."
oikawa looked up at the man with a mask and nervously chuckled "i see." he said "what's your name then, sir?" he asked, only to quickly correct himself "or ma'am? uh-"
"cherry." he answered
cherry looked oikawa up and down and brought his eyes up to the screen displaying y/n and adam. "also im a guy." he said with a sigh. "ah right, sorry" oikawa chuckled
"its the hair isn't it?" a new voice cooed followed by a laugh 
oikawa watched as cherry sighed and irritably glare at the green haired guy that skated towards them. 
"sup kid" joe greeted with a nod "i heard you came with our rookie over there" he mused as he stared up at the girl through the screen. "im joe. im a friend of hers" he said with a grin as he held his hand out for him to shake. "cherry here is too" 
"oikawa tooru" oikawa said as he accepted the hand shake "im also her friend" he smiled at them 
"stop talking and watch. she brought you here so you better make the most of it" cherry interrupted their conversation 
"right.." oikawa nodded 
"YEAH GO SNOW!" "she's speeding up!" "ADAM's totally catching up though!" 
oikawa's eyes glistened in wonder and amazement as he watched her sharply turn a corner and flip her board around, using the edge to balance herself from the steep curve of the concrete. 
"its here!" adam exclaimed in delight 
y/n turned back with a cautious gaze as she watched in partial dread and confusion as adam does some type of dance as he skates. though she wouldn't lie, it was kid of impressive for him to keep his balance. but still.. 
" here, here! right in my heart!" adam exclaimed with a light squeal, continuing to dance and spin around, only making her dread what was to come next even more. 
"now, little y/n.." adam cooed as he suddenly appeared behind her to grab her waist and drag her closer to him, causing their boards to bump. 
"dance with me!" he said with a grin as he took her hand and maneuvered their way through the curves and turns of the course 
"what the..?! that's dangerous! shouldnt this be against the rules or something?!" oikawa exclaimed as he watched the scene play out in fear 
"no. there are no rules when it comes to S." cherry explained. "it may be dangerous but, the moment she agreed to the beef was her brushing off the consequences she may face." 
oikawa gulped and look back up, watching on distaste as adam spreads her feet to make her lose her balance 
iwaizumi, matsukawa and hanamaki's expressions were just about the same. they didn't really know what they were expecting when she brought them here but it surely wasn't this. 
adam chuckled as he pushed her, making her stumble and almost fall off, only for him to catch her by the small of her back and dipping her as if it was a dance. 
"okay, this is going too far.." iwaizumi muttered as they watched her expression through the screen 
y/n gritted her teeth as she glared up at him, only for adam to smile at her in amusement. 
"y/n.." oikawa muttered with a frown as he felt the worry build up inside of him 
"we're approaching a big corner now!" adam taunted her. he intertwined their hands and grinned mischievously as he lifted her up and started spinning her around. "here we go!" he exclaimed with a laugh
it was a total contrast to her screams of pure dread and adrenaline, tightly gripping his hands so she wouldn't fall and injure herself 
"this is so fun, SNOW!" adam cooed as she finally was able to place her feet back on her board, although they were still spinning 
everyone watched as the camera zoomed in on them, showing her widened eyes and gritted teeth as she stared up at adam, who was smiling tauntingly at her. "oh? is something the matter?" adam cooed "please don't tell me youre scared." 
it seems everyone, including adam was pleasnatly surprised as a small but noticeable smirk carved itself onto her lips. maybe it was adrenaline, but it seemed like it was out of enjoyment as well. after all, it's been a while since she's skated properly against someone. 
y/n grinned as she narrower the space between them, pushing herself against him as she took turn to maneuver them against the turn 
"she narrowed the turn radius to speed up" joe said as he stared up at the screen with a proud and amused smile "still the same as always" 
the boys looked at him and gulped. they had no idea what was happening whatsoever, except for the fact that she can literally die or injure herself with one wrong move. 
"love-love-love-lovely!" adam exclaimed with a laugh "wonderful!". y/n panted as she pulled away and finally managed to get a grip of her board once again 
"he's gonna do the love hug" a new voice filled the air 
the boys whipped their heads around to see a redhead rushing towards the scene with two other guys, one younger. 
"love hug..?" oikawa tilted his head in confusion as he peered down at the vaguely familiar redhead. though his attention was averted back to the screen as the atmosphere seemed to have grown heavier 
adam was grinning as he spun back around, spreading his arms as he looked at her through his mask. "come here.. into my arms!" adam cooed "love hug!" 
"Y/N!!" reki exclaimed as he shifted anticipatingly in his place, dropping his own board in the process 
as comical as it was, she somehow managed to hear his scream. maybe it was because everyone else was quiet due to suspense. but reki's voice echoed throughout the cleared out forest loud enough for her to hear. 
"reki..?" y/n spluttered as she immediately jumped over adam, performing what looks to be a snowboarding trick. she stayed in the air for longer as she eyed the area she planned to land. 
"YEAH! GO SNOW!" cheers erupted among the audience, filling the tense air with noise yet again. 
"she did it!" reki grinned as he watched her through the screen 
"reki?" oikawa mumbled with widened eyes as he looked at the redhead with a new sense of intimidation and wariness. though his eyes were quickly averted back to the scene before him. as unexpected as it was, he'd still rather focus on y/n skating rather than some kid he didn't know. 
"adam's not having it." cherry sighed as he watch adam try to keep up with her speed but struggle due to the advantage she had received
"she's gonna win!" reki grinned as he watched the two skate in anticipation
and just as he had predicted, loud screeching of her board's tires were heard as she passed over the finish line. "ah-ah shit!-" she cursed as she lost her balance and toppled over, causing her to wince in pain 
"ouch.." she sighed as she sat up on the ground, rubbing her head and checking her board for damage since the course was rockier than usual 
"y/n-chan!" oikawa exclaimed as he, along with the three boys rushed over to her, given that the finish line was a few yards away from them. "oikawa-san!" she faced him with a grin as she opened her arms for him to drop into "i won!" she said
"i know! you were so cool!" oikawa gushed as he stared up at her in admiration
"ehem." iwaizumi cleared his throat
"oh right." oikawa muttered. "but that was really dangerous!" he scolded her, a total contrast to his reaction before. "are you injured? your hand is probably wounded with how much you skidded it against the rocks!"
she smiled sheepishly and shook her head "im fine, oikawa-san" she reassured him "my hands and feet are kind of sore but it's alright"
"also.. was reki here? i heard him" she asked as she looked around the place, trying to find the redhead 
"i've lost" adam said as he stopped before her 
"you.. you do remember what my request was right?" she asked him with a wary gaze. "of course, my eve" adam mused. "i'm not very happy with it, as you may know" 
she looked down at her shoes and gave him a quick bow "sorry." she said "but a bet is a bet. and i won." y/n looked up at him and sent him a faint ghost of a smile. "it was fun skating with you, adam. but you have to distance yourself from me.." 
adam gazed at her with pursed lips, not looking too amused about the situation, but nodded nonetheless. "im glad i've left you satisfied, my eve" he cooed as he took her hand in his and placed a quick peck onto her knuckles 
the boys around her sweat dropped as they witnessed the strange and awfully uncomfortable interaction. "right well.." iwaizumi cleared his throat as he hesitantly pushed them apart. "we'll be going now." he said "this place is dangerous and you shouldn't really be making her participate in reckless things like this. do better sir." 
y/n smiled at him and chuckled as he dragged her away along with the others, more that eager to leave that place. 
"you're never skating ever again." iwaizumi said to break the silence 
"what?! no way!" she whined "didn't you see that iwaizumi-san? it was so fun!" 
"that guy was a creep and you were on the verge of dying." 
"well.. it was fun though" she huffed as she realised she couldn't even disagree with his statement 
"well, i think it looked fun" oikawa whispered to her with a cheeky wink, making her chuckle and suppress a smile 
"anyways.." she started as they had finally reached the exit of the forest. "i asked you before but.. was reki there? i heard him" she said 
"reki? well..." oikawa hesitated as he nervously looks around the place. "was he there, oikawa-san?" she asked him with an innocent smile 
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i just used the whole beef langa had w adam on ep.5 here lol </3
sorry for the spelling /grammar mistakes if there are any :> 
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dolokhoded · 3 years
me starting to actually write this even though it still very obviously has some plot wholes
that ralbert au where race commits war crimes
i think it's really cute
so pulitzer is the big bad guy here for i'm basic reasons
has created some,, weird ass dumb ass evil empire
destroyed a couple towns
caused some battles
divided the world
y'know. stuff like that.
starting off with some spicy unfinished plot 🤩 but lbh it doesn't really matter anyways we're all just here for ralbert
anyways, race and al's families? pretty big part of that.
they're both supposed to take over their fathers' jobs when they grow up
said jobs basically being,, in charge of,,, unleashing people to raid entire towns and burn them to the ground
they grew up side by side, have always been best friends, never seen without each other
but understandably when they started growing up and understanding what was going on around them it,,,,,,, troubled them
and they dealed with it Very Differently
albert did Not like it
he was angry, and he was sad that this was what he was supposed to become and he was already never close with his family so it wasn't really hard for him to decide he didn't want anything to do with them anymore
race,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, okay look
deep inside him race knew what was going on was,,, s o wrong
but race was also from a big tight family, it was so much easier for him to just,,,,,, shut all of that out and pretend he was just doing what was better for them
it was hard for him, it was his family
still you can understand how well it went for them when albert left and race refused to go with him
they were 17 at the time
people against pulitzer's whole thing were obviously not very,,,,,,,,, well appreciated?
the moment albert ran away he was art of the defiance. he was a traitor.
but he was also still dasilva's son and they wanted them on their side, so they wouldn't seriously hurt him
doesn't mean they stopped looking for him
he shared an apartment with romeo and finch for a while, it was in a pretty lowkey neighborhood and they covered for him
and through them he met the rest of the newsies :) who actively helped in trying to help people who's homes were destroyed by pulitzer
there were people actively fighting him too but the newsies were mostly in charge of that
well, until albert and his non-existent impulse control arrived anyways
cause look,,,,, race was being trained for a reason, and eventually he took over
so when you see this ur ex-best friend who you're in love with but have a lot of repressed feelings for, both good and bad, that you decide to dump in the 'im angry' pile and just pretend you hate him and no longer care about him,,,,, fighting occurs
and there was a bit of controversy about albert joining them because "it's the dasilva boy romeo he was specifically trained to kick our asses" but that slowly turns into "yea ok he's very legit but for the love of god someone s t o p him the next time he tries to kiLL SOMEONE-"
that's a hyperbole, of course. even as rivals, albert wouldn't kill race. he barely even hurts him.
if anything, he even kind of looks out for him
he knows he's not supposed to but somehow he still can't bring himself to let race get hurt
besides let's be honest, most of their encounters are just an excuse to bitch at each other, they'd never do anything they know would seriously hurt the other
they know each other pretty well, they grew up together, they know each other's strengths and weaknesses
which is a pretty big advantage for them, honestly
enter,,,, albert dasilva's galaxy brain and the newsies' favorite game
Is Albert A Strategic Genius Or Is He Just In Love With Race
"no i've got this i know race!! i can use that against him!!!! i can guess his every move!!!! that's how well i know him!!!! i can recognize him in a room of like a billion people!!!!! it's my ultra strategic mind!!!! i can tell the sound of his voice from miles away!!!! it's because im so invested!!!!"
specs is like "in the mission or in race"
"you're chronically dumb"
"S T R A T E G I C M I N D."
albert really came in like well race's plan's gonna be ruined cause IM IN LOVE WITH HIM >:) what a fuckin loser
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all this aside,,,,,,, albert never stops trying to get race on their side .
now RACETRACK,,,,,,,,,
we have a WHOLE LOT of being an asshole as a defense mechanism from this boy
in race's eyes, albert abandoned him
in race's eyes, he was given up on. he just wasn't enough to keep him there.
he can't see anything but that and never in a million years would he bring himself to believe albert still cares about him
he'd be getting his hopes too high and letting down his guard, and he can't afford to do that.
race doesn't notice albert trying to help him, he doesn't notice albert very carefully avoiding injuring him, he doesn't notice how albert will never say anything that would hurt him
albert's always protective of race, regardless of if he's beside or against him
which leads us to how once race eventually does get hurt, seriously hurt, literally no one bats an eye when albert returns with race unconscious, demanding they get him help
which they do, cause albert has not shut up about race for like one second, the newsies might as well know as much about him as albert did
naturally when race woke up he,,, had questions
and then he saw albert
he was sat on a chair next to him, sleeping
and this is the first time he's seen him like this in ages
and he gets a little chocked up because holy shit he almost forgot albert was,,,,,like,,, a person
and it wasn't necessary to only see him when fighting
he still had a life and friends and people he loved and he wasn't just this dude who left them because he didn't give a shit about anyone
he could genuinely care for people and he could love people and race just remembered how much he wished he could be one of those people
and how much he wished he could be albert's favorite person again and just sit and talk and laugh with him like they used to
cause that's a part of albert he'd forced himself to just forget about
and then al wakes up and he sees him looking up at him and he's like
"how're you feeling"
and then he's sad cause it's much harder to know albert is a good person with real feelings and he's capable of loving so much and race thinks he's just one of the people who will never get that side of him and he just
"fuck off"
they fight
because of course they do
they're not really sure on what terms they are at this point, and there's so much they need to get out there
at first race is just,,,, stubborn
he won't listen, he demands they let him go back
"we can just let you go, idiot, i shouldn't have ever brought you here in the first place!"
"then why did you?"
and al just shrugs it away as if he hasn't been in love with him for years and would never forgive himself if he left him there to bleed
they just go yelling at each other back and forth for a while until inevitably albert's non-existent impulse control makes his return
and he,,,,, very angrily tells him he loves him
and everything just stops cause that's the one thing race though he'd never hear him say again
and race is literally holding his breath cause he's scared he'll ruin it if he moves in the slightest and it'll all turn out to be in his head but it's not cause when he tells albert he loves him back he's still there and he just,,
takes race's face in his hands and kisses him so softly it's like they weren't just screaming at each other's faces
romeo just fuckin pokes his head in like "i heard yelling but i also heard i love you so i'll assume some of those unresolved feelings were let out and we're all ready to have a nice long healthy chat, yeah? :D"
so they do
they talk. for,,,,,,,,, a long time.
needless to say, race stays
he loves his family and maybe he'll be back for them, maybe he'll help them but he recognizes what's the priority here
plus it's a little clearer now that he doesn't have all those feelings to worry about, and it's been a while since he was actually accepted and loved, which the newsies did instantly. it's pretty obvious where he belongs now.
this au still has,,,,, SO much to unpack, holy shit, but i decided to leave this post here cause,,,,, i can't do all of that now. i might at some point though, if people actually are interested, there's a lot of hurt/comfort from this point. there's the nightmares part which is v soft and i adore it, THERE'S JUST A LOT TO UNPACK. so yeah, i'm finally posting this, ralbert stans, come get y'all's juice.
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nofoodclub · 3 years
Tonight wasnt awful, i made it through. Only smoked once just now since before i went to blair so go me? I need to slow down on this shit but it makes me feel good even if i feel like shit so for now it can stay. I need to eat and sleep more in getting super jittery which is not good for the discretionary part of this. No one can know. Telling t was a huge risk that thankfully played out alright with him going to get his pipe lol i figured he would at least be ok with it after he told me about doing heroin. W and i are so protective over eachother and making sure our relationships are good and not causing to much harm. He looks out for me, as much as there's stuff about him that bothers me i don't on know how i would have made it out of the separation from r. Hes a wonderful person and i don't know how i got so lucky as to attract that energy to my life. I met him at just the right time. I was ready to see my doorway out but not quite ready to run. I do still wish we had fucked at some point but that woukd have changed our relationship and i would do anything to keep it as song as it is now. Hes too special to risk loosing for something i can get elsewhere. The only thing that irks me is the day after bad decision he told me i could have just come to him for that like bitch i wanted that for so long. Oh well doesnt matter anymore i think? I'm gonna be official with t in due time and i want to go grow that possibility way more than anything more with w. T is the 2 is youngest person ive been physical with and the youngest ive "dated" at only 3 years older than me wow go me healthy age differences rather than 13 and 14 and 15 year gaps like my last few. Older guys have more experience so they're quite a bit better in bed. T needs to find his confidence in it it takes a bit to start it out but once we get going it's GOOD not the best dick I've had but the most passion in the sex for sure.
Good enough for me (for now i still am considering fuckin e this weekend... that would be really shitty and i wouldn't be able to tell anyone bc they would probably agree that it's being quite dishonest to t. He told me today he's not messing around with anyone else and i didn't directly say it back but im not exactly doing that i came very very close to it...i hate missed opportunity and that is a rather fun one would really love to try it at least one more and not be as frighteningly anxious and awkward as the first go of it. With one round under us i can usually pull it together and actually enjoy myself a and help my partner enjoy themselves. That's what happened with me and t but that took t goes and a hell of a lot of cuddling to get there. It was worth it, i really enjoy him and i know it'll hurt him if he finds out i am planning on sleeping with e again but s long as we're nothing official i can try and excuse myself for it which i know will still let it eat at me i really should resist but where's the fun in that im 24 i should have a blanket pass to be a go if i want to
Fuck is 430 and i gotta be up around 930... there's s so much more i wanted to do tonight like folks my laundry wow how exciting it can wait till tomorrow. Same thing with this here post, i should call it for the night. It's helped me a lot to go over it slowly like this. Uhg i really don't want to go to bed but i know i need the sleep in practically falling asleep in the bathroom i for my comfy clothes and a heater in here is pretty nice for a bathroom tbh. Still feels so weird to invite people (j and t) to come hang out in the bathroom with me but it works no smell or cross contamination in the rest of my place and saves my kittens from having to be exposed to a much of it ty wonderful bathroom fan i put in youre welcome dearest landlords. But really yall are awesome this is my favorite place I've ever lived in happy here i just need to convince myself of that. Ok a couple more puffs then i need to go to bed here at go signing of...
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Buster & Rio
Buster: I miss you Rio: Guarantee I miss you more Buster: State your case then Rio: 😍😍 Buster: That's a strong introduction, how are you gonna follow it through? Rio: 🤤🤤 Buster: I like the thread of your argument, I can't lie, but I still miss you more Buster: 'Cause a girl was flirting with me in the gym and after telling her all the ways she doesn't compare to you, how incomparable you are was, and is, all I could think about Rio: As much as I probably shouldn't encourage you to be rude to random girls Rio: I love that you do so Buster: She embarrassed herself long before I embarrassed her, reckoning she had a chance Rio: I know what you mean Rio: the stalker has been getting inventive today Buster: Tell me Rio: We're doing this whole project in comp sci about viruses and shit Rio: and they've sent a meant-to-be-creepy spam type email Rio: it's got attachments but Rio: I've not looked yet Buster: Send it to me, I'll open it for you Rio: I know it's unlikely they're that smart Rio: but what if it does have some computer-killing 👾 attached? Buster: Smart enough that we haven't worked out who they are yet Buster: but if it's a virus, I'll buy another laptop Rio: it seems ridiculous Rio: this proves it has to be someone at school now, at least Rio: it's not like I've posted about my fucking homework anywhere Buster: How big's that class? Buster: Can discount my sister and your brother already, like Rio: Don't Rio: you're about the only person I've not thought it could be at my craziest Rio: probably about 30 odd though, standard Buster: Baby, they're the crazy one and I'm not letting them drive you even slightly close to the edge Buster: Who do you know and who don't you, percentage wise? Rio: I thought I knew everyone in this school, this town Rio: you'd think if someone was as creepy as this, anyway, that you'd know, they'd fucking stick out a bit but no Buster: It ain't a film, there's no creepy music playing to give it away Rio: if it was, it'd be dragging Rio: time for the resolve and happy ending Buster: Yeah, I know Buster: You wanna try calling that helpline again? Rio: Maybe Rio: I just wanna talk to you Rio: that's more helpful Buster: It's the least bullshit lead we've had for ages, I'll find a way to narrow it down more somehow Buster: We've got an obsession with you in common, it'll be me who figures it out if any cunt can Rio: Yours is the only one I need Buster: If you need to stay here for a while I'll sort it with my parents, yours, school, whoever Buster: You know that Rio: I know Rio: it's more and more tempting to not leave every time I go Buster: I just want you to be able to take an actual deep fucking breath Buster: Like you said, the amount of time this has been going on is ridiculous Rio: I can forget about it, most of the time Rio: but it's when something new happens, unexpected Buster: I'll kill him when we work out who it is Buster: 'Til then, stay with me Buster: He never does fuck all when you're here Rio: At least that's quick Rio: too nice if anything, babe Rio: always say that about you Buster: It don't have to be quick or nice Buster: Don't underestimate me, babe Rio: 🤤🤤 I rest my case Buster: I love you, that rests mine Buster: I'd do anything for you Rio: I love you so much Rio: I'd definitely be crazy without you, stalker or otherwise Buster: There's a fair chance I'd be stalking you too if things were any different between us Buster: I'd leave better presents though Rio: and I'd know it was you always Buster: 'Course Buster: I'd want you to know Rio: hence there's no world in which we ain't a thing Buster: [has bought her the most expensive and best ever anti virus software and all that jazz so sends her the deets like there you go] Rio: this really has everything Rio: thank you Buster: He ain't gonna be smart enough to get through that, I've been reading reviews since you told me Buster: And I have it too now so you don't have to worry about sending me whatever bullshit he does to you Rio: We can open it together then? Rio: [I think it shouldn't be camgirl moments but something @school to drive that home] Buster: Yeah, on the count of three Rio: [just some creeper shots all throughout the day up until that lesson] Rio: these are today, I'm 99% sure Rio: I swapped my bag Buster: Forget going there tomorrow, I'm booking you a flight here instead Buster: I'll think of a lie to tell my parents if you still don't want anyone else to know the truth Rio: there was always the possibility Rio: but now I know it's someone I really see in person Rio: every day Rio: jesus Buster: I meant what I said, I'm gonna find out who, whatever it takes Buster: I know it feels fucked, but it's good, that it's one of 30 classmates rather than the numbers of lads who watch your streams Rio: it's true Rio: but those lads could be anywhere in the world, not in the same room as me Buster: Which is why you shouldn't be in that room until we know which sick cunt it is Buster: Just give me some time, it's not like I don't have the money to throw at it Rio: I couldn't be there if I had to Rio: I don't even want to be here at home now Buster: How soon can you be at the airport? Rio: not for a while Rio: I mean, tonight, maybe Rio: what should I tell my mam? Buster: Tell her I'm having a breakdown, it wouldn't be the first time Buster: I'll trash the house for realism if it comes to it, like Rio: it'll keep her from being worried Rio: pissed off is fine, I'll deal with that when I can Buster: Exactly Buster: And Ava's at a friend's so I don't have to worry about scaring the shit out of her with my acting Buster: 'Cause it'd be stupid not to feed my parents the same lie Rio: You don't have to go that method Rio: but I wouldn't blame you Rio: I'm trying to keep my freak out internal because I'm looking after the twins and your sister is on her way Buster: I'm glad you're not on your own, even if the company is Nance Rio: I was kinda hoping someone took the homework too seriously and was pranking the whole class Rio: but nah, the email was more specific than I let on to her, of course Rio: even before the pictures Buster: 'Course you were Buster: He'd been quiet for a while Rio: really think he'd get bored at some point Rio: I never react, respond, everything they tell you Buster: Now isn't really the time for me to reiterate how stalkable you are again when I can do better with compliments Rio: the fact you can make me smile even at this time Buster: I can do better than that too, I'll make you forget about it Rio: yeah? Buster: Yeah Rio: I need that Rio: my head is all over the place Buster: You've got it, and whatever else you need Rio: I only feel really safe when I'm with you Buster: You are safe with me, but you won't have to leave until you're also safe everywhere else Buster: I'm gonna fix it Rio: yeah Buster: I know I've said it before but this time I swear Buster: He fucked up by giving us a decent clue Rio: it does narrow it down Rio: even if it isn't the class, and it's just the school in general Rio: that's the most we've ever had to go on Buster: Exactly Rio: but what do we do Rio: if we work it out Buster: I told you, I'll kill him Rio: so you're the only one that ends up in prison Buster: I'm not a fucking amateur, babe Rio: mm Rio: 🙄😏 Buster: Hilarious Buster: Nance will be a way more receptive audience though Rio: yeah, really in the mood for this study sesh now Buster: I can easily change hers if you wanna get out of it Rio: nah Rio: I need to keep things normal Rio: only just invited her over, it'd be weird to change my mind Buster: You can blame me for that as well, I don't give a shit Rio: I can't leave yet, like you said, distraction is probably a good thing Buster: Alright, what can I do to make it a more bearable one? Buster: [loads of her fave things getting delivered to this gaff like don't be scared to answer your door, look they are all from me, here's the order confirmations] Rio: I don't deserve you Buster: You don't deserve the bullshit he's putting you through, you've always deserved me Rio: I feel like I should just Rio: stop the streams Rio: I know you aren't meant to change your lifestyle and habits for them but it wouldn't have happened if I weren't doing that shit Rio: I know you aren't meant to change your lifestyle and habits for them but it wouldn't have happened if I weren't doing that shit Buster: Fuck that, we know he's from school Buster: Being able to see you every day pre-dates anything you've done online Buster: He could've known you since primary Rio: I guess Rio: but would he be bothered if there was less out there to stalk Buster: It's not your fault, Rio Buster: It can happen to anyone, you know that Rio: it's happening to me though Buster: Not 'cause of anything you've done Buster: Come on Rio: anyway Rio: I'm gonna enjoy all these treats Buster: Good Rio: how much should I bring? Rio: when I pack Buster: As much as you want, I'll send you money for if your cases are over the weight limit Rio: don't want it to look like I'm running away too hard but Buster: You're overthinking it, you never travel light anywhere, nobody'll notice Rio: I need options Buster: I'm not mad about it and I don't care if my parents are Rio: they're going to be Rio: you'll have to go to school, be 😇 to show I'm totally not a distraction Buster: You are, but I'll still go Buster: All that matters to me is that you feel safe Rio: I will do Rio: and I'll find ways to be useful to them as well as distracting to you Buster: Winning over Ava is basically the same thing as winning them over Buster: You've had loads of practice at that Rio: kids are easy Buster: She's easier than Grace, obviously Rio: wouldn't take much on Ava's part Rio: bless Buster: She'll be distracting at any rate Rio: I can take her to school and shit, free up some time for them Buster: Yeah, and once you've had some time, we can sort out getting your assignments and shit sent over Rio: I won't miss anything important Buster: It'll be fine Buster: I'll make sure it's fine, like Rio: I know you will Buster: You gonna facetime me into this study session or what then? Rio: depends Rio: are you going to be nice? Buster: To you Rio: well you're always nice to me Buster: Are you asking me to help Nance with her homework? Rio: how much do you think she'd appreciate that? Buster: She wouldn't, so of course I'll do it Rio: I can't with you two, honestly Buster: You love me, you don't even want her to come over Rio: I'm not getting in the middle of it Buster: You already are Rio: No I'm not, shh Buster: It's okay, I know you're on my side Rio: I love you more than anyone else in the world Rio: goes without saying Buster: I still really like hearing it Rio: You know you can hear it any time you want Buster: Is she there yet? Rio: nope, you remember how long that drive takes, even in an uber Buster: I'll call you then Rio: 🥰 Buster: [does obvs] Rio: I'll just be here counting down the minutes 'til you can hold me Buster: However long it feels, you'll be staying longer Rio: promise? Buster: I swear Rio: then I'm happy Buster: If you are, I am too Rio: I haven't even asked you how your days been Rio: I'm so rude Buster: Before and after I shot down gym girl there ain't much to report Rio: what did she look like? Buster: Every other girl in this postcode Rio: Blonde and skinny Buster: Yeah Rio: vaguely equine, dresses more like a nan than nan ever would Buster: I'll have to remember all that for the next one Rio: I can tell her myself if you like Buster: If you like Rio: Me? The jealous type? Buster: The jealous type and my type Rio: I better be Rio: only type Buster: You're the only one I've ever wanted or will ever want, you definitely don't need to add that to the list of shit that's worrying you right now Rio: I just like to hear it Buster: I'll tell you again then, I want you so much Rio: even without all this bullshit Rio: it's been too long Rio: I hate every second I'm not with you Buster: I know, me too Buster: I'm not gonna say he's done me a favour, but I am glad you're coming to stay Rio: I'll say it Rio: may as well get something good from it Buster: I'd rather you didn't have to deal with any of this bullshit, obviously Rio: of course Rio: I told you, I've never thought it was you, it's okay Buster: It's not okay that I haven't been able to do fuck all about this though Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Don't Buster: It's not good enough, I know that Buster: I'm gonna do better Rio: Stop it Buster: I mean it, Rio Rio: we've done everything we can Rio: it's not fair on me or you to act like we haven't Buster: I just hate this Rio: I know, baby Buster: You're the best thing that's happened to me, this shouldn't be happening to you Rio: It really could happen to anyone Rio: it's shit Rio: but you make me feel safe, that isn't nothing Buster: I'll calm down before you get here Buster: I swear Rio: you don't have to Rio: you can be mad, I am Rio: but you don't need to blame yourself, even if it's second to him, it's all on him Buster: I am angry but you've got the wrong twin if you reckon I'm willing to make any of this about me Buster: I'm here for you Rio: Trust me, I know Rio: she seems distracted herself recently Buster: Yeah? Rio: I'll try to work it out, not had time yet Rio: she won't say anything if you're on the phone though Buster: I don't have to be, if you wanna do some investigating Rio: I know you wanna know too Buster: I know if you get her started she'll talk about herself until you've gotten all of your own bullshit exists Rio: and you're a little nosy too, you can admit it Rio: I'll get the gossip Buster: She's still my sister Buster: 'Course I wanna know if she's being stalked as well or whatever Rio: You're cute Rio: and I do not think it's that Rio: obviously Buster: You know what I mean Rio: I do Rio: that's why I wanna know too Buster: Okay, tell me when you do Rio: 🧐 Rio: wouldn't suit the hat Buster: You'd suit anything, don't lie Rio: 😊 Rio: I mean if that's your thing I'll do my best Buster: If it was that wouldn't be the first you've heard of it Rio: be mad if it was Rio: you have to tell me exactly what you like so I can be it Buster: You are Buster: And I don't have, or want to have, any secrets from you Rio: secrets are boring Rio: and hard to keep Buster: Neither of us could ever be boring Buster: And I'll do whatever it takes to keep you forever Rio: You've got me Rio: not going anywhere Buster: Only closer to where I am, not further away Buster: Soon as your mum is back and your study session is over Rio: not that I need to do this homework now Rio: just be throwing subtle hints at Nance instead Buster: Be fucking typical her if she's getting bullied there as well Rio: I'd know if she was Rio: only have the two lessons with her but contrary to what the stalker suggests, I know most people well enough that they wouldn't Buster: Well Ava'll probably get a love life before she does, Christ knows what else it could be then Rio: ugh don't Rio: it's coming up with Edie for sure Rio: Jun is like Nancy and Billie isn't bothered thank god Rio: hate it Buster: Who's bothered about Edie then? Buster: Tell me your gossip Rio: It's just like the boys she hangs with are less useless stoner and more keep your eye on them types than Billie's friends Rio: and they aren't just friends types, I don't trust 'em Buster: Maybe I should be getting on a plane instead of you Rio: at least none of them are stupid Rio: especially not Eds Rio: have to hope anyway Buster: I've taught her how to protect herself physically, I reckon she can handle lads trying to get in her head Buster: Like you said Buster: She's no stupid kid Rio: Yeah, she has all the tools and advantages she can be given Rio: 💘 and hormones still make people stupid though Buster: I remember Rio: well yeah, ignoring the fact we'd be used as prime examples in that lecture Buster: Sure we have been, never too early for mum and dad to tell Ava what not to do Rio: As if we'll have started a trend Rio: if it wasn't you it'd be a really bad idea Buster: They should want her to have this, how I feel about you, how happy I am Buster: It's not as if they can actually judge us for who it's with Buster: This family are way past that Rio: You'd think Rio: I'm way past caring Rio: it was so Rio: I wasn't me without you Buster: I feel exactly the same, you know I do Buster: The only thing I've ever done wrong was not be with you, every bad thing I did or that was done to me can be traced back to that Buster: We're free now and this stalker isn't gonna make you feel otherwise any more, I'm not letting it happen for another fucking day Rio: we can get through anything, we've got the rest stacked against us and we're still strong Rio: as long as you love me, then there's nothing anyone can say or do Buster: I really fucking love you Rio: I love you Rio: endlessly Buster: [a flight he's booked her like this is happening no matter what excuse us fam] Rio: 🙏 Rio: I cannot wait Buster: Me either Rio: you can pick me up from the airport, right? Buster: Nothing could stop me Rio: Yay 🥰🥰🥰 Buster: You need me to help you with all that luggage Rio: it will be one suitcase Rio: and a sizeable handbag, thank you 😂 Rio: but I still need you Buster: I'll be early regardless Rio: you're the best Buster: No, I do my best, you don't even have to try Rio: You don't either Rio: but I will for you and I appreciate that you do Buster: I appreciate everything that you do Rio: you will Rio: that's the plan Buster: I do, whether or not shit goes to plan Buster: You're one of the strongest people I know, the least I can do is give you the reminder Rio: Buster Rio: it won't always be this dramatic, you know Rio: being together Buster: I don't care if it is, you're worth it Buster: And I'd endure the worst suffering I can possibly imagine to be with you if any alternative meant not being Rio: now you're just being hot about it on purpose Buster: I told you I miss you, nothing's changed Rio: I miss you all the time Rio: but I'm down for all the ways you make it worse Buster: [sends her a pic from when he was at the gym earlier like okay we're testing the waters but not very much yet lol] Rio: oh Rio: yeah, I would've flirted with you too Buster: What would you have said? Rio: Hmm Rio: ask you to check my form Buster: As long as you'd have time for how thorough I'd be, I don't have any problem with that Rio: Of course Rio: I'd ask you because you're clearly an expert Buster: And there's no need for me to hold back on my expertise as you're clearly so receptive to it, not to mention deserving Rio: Don't, I want you to show me exactly how you do it Buster: Never, I wouldn't wanna leave you with more questions than answers Rio: of course, but there are some things I could show you in return for all you're going to teach me Buster: Yeah? Buster: You've got yourself a deal, babe Rio: are you going to let me come to the gym with you really Buster: If you want to Buster: I'll try not to get too distracted at the prospect Rio: you look like that, obviously I want to Buster: [a pic of how he looks now like we can also stay in this bed where I currently am chilling] Rio: 🥺🥺 GIMME Buster: You're not meant to change your behaviour or habits for that cunt, remember Buster: Say please Rio: please Rio: please let me be in that bed right now Buster: [treat that gal to some more pics boy she's had a shit day] Rio: please be with me right now Rio: in me Buster: You know that's all I want Rio: you're perfect, Buster, you know that Buster: We're perfect for each other Rio: marry me Buster: As soon as we can, I will Rio: seriously Buster: I am being serious Rio: oh Buster: Once we're both 18 nobody can stop us Rio: yeah but Rio: nobody would come Buster: I only need you to turn up Rio: technically Buster: And actually, 'cause the rest of my family won't and like you said, I'm past caring Rio: if you were going to do it Rio: you'd want the big day, the venue, the clothes, the car Rio: everything proper Buster: If you were going to do it, you'd want your family there, you can say what you really mean Rio: we can't just do all that for two people Buster: We can do whatever we want Rio: I just wish people would be happy for us Buster: I know, I haven't properly asked you yet 'cause I want everything to be perfect for you and there's fuck all I can do to give you that Rio: it'll never happen, I know that Rio: I've accepted it, it's just hard to make total peace with Buster: There was a time when I reckoned we'd never happen Rio: yeah Buster: I don't care who or how many people I have to turn my back on for you, it'll never matter as much as us being together Rio: it shouldn't have to be like this Rio: it's bullshit Buster: Yeah, but it is, and I've made my choice Buster: You know the things I'd do differently and none of 'em are about not ending up here Rio: Me too Buster: Changing their minds is as likely as us changing ours, it's an old fashioned stand off, like Rio: True Rio: it's like, they forget they're meant to be anti-us sometimes though Rio: and it's just normal, like we're any other couple Buster: Maybe when we've has as many years as my parents, it will actually be considered normal Rio: you reckon? Buster: Worked for them Rio: I guess nan and granddad are sufficiently over it Rio: had competition though, didn't they Rio: don't think that's likely to repeat itself Buster: Fingers crossed Nance is hiding a dark enough secret to take at least some of my parents' attention nevertheless Rio: in your dreams, babe Buster: Why would I dream about her downfall when I could dream about your happiness? Rio: alright 😇 Buster: We're not married yet but in regards to that, what's mine is yours, babe Buster: And vice versa Rio: you know I want it too Rio: to be married to you, and have everything we want Buster: Then I'll make it happen, exactly how you want Buster: Where there's a will there's a way, yeah? Especially when it's my will getting involved Rio: I trust that Rio: you Buster: Good 'cause you can Buster: About this and everything else Rio: then that's settled Rio: and Nance is finally here Buster: I'll still be here if you need me Rio: 🧡🧡🧡 Rio: you focus on doing everything you possibly can before I get there so you can spend as much time with me as we've got Buster: Consider it done
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