#linked maze analysis
majorproblems77 · 1 month
Linked maze updated which means I'm back! :D
Hello Linked Maze fans! :D
Linked Maze returns with scent pt10, which means I am back to ramble about the small details in the comic because I enjoy it!
If you dont know what Linked Maze is, It's a links meet comic. About the links in a maze.... Self-explanatory really, but trust me it's amazing and I love it. It's great! But also for more mature audiences, so do take care and heed the creator's warnings before going in!
Importantly - Linked Maze and all the art belongs to @linked-maze and its artist @frulleboi, this chapter also had a guest artist, so the second page's art is done by @marenwithanm. And thanks again for the permission to do this! I really enjoy making them!
With that out of the way, My timer is set, grab some snacks and a drink of your choice! And lets get started! :D
We begin with the small bean
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He looks so happy, okay, I love him
Aww four, just wanted his sword back. Also here to straight up appreciate the detail with the little ticktacktoe on the scabbard of his sword i love him dearly.
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Wolfie looks both Done and worried at the same time.
Also, them discovering Sky's sailcloth! I'm so excited about this okay I want these two groups to find each other so bad.
Also, I was interested cause I dont think we've seen the sailcloth in the story yet. So it's fascinating that it's here. I blame Angel, she has shenanigans that I think work for this. Like imagine when we see Sky and he's like the fuck why do you have my sailcloth I've not seen it since I got here, type thing.
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Wind taking charge as he should be.
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There's a bunch to unpack here, so just give me a moment.
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That's not Sky's sword.
That's Twilight's sword.
The wrappings on the blade and the markings we see on it later match Twilight's sword. (From the character reference sheets.)
Do you have any idea how excited I was when I saw this? Then saw Wolfie's face like
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Why the fuck is that there?
I think this tells us two things.
Twilight/wolfie is now able to be armed. So he's got the capability to fight without the wolf form now. So he might transform soon!
Angel/ djævel are using the hero items to bring the groups together for some reason.
But now im considering the implications of having these specific items here. Like, Thats an item from a character from some of the major groups that we know off right now.
Twilight's sword(Twilight, wind) / Sky's sailcloth (Sky,wild,Time) / Four's sword (four, warrior)
Was the idea for them to find it, or for just one of the groups to find it so that they could find the others.
Something to think about.
Moving on!
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Me too four... me too
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Yes it does. He's sat about five feet from you
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Look at his guilty face, he know's but he can't say and he's sad about it.
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Warrior looks worried, you think he's thinking of war stuff right now?
A sword planted into the ground with an important item beside it... a sword who they dont know its owner. Its owner who to them could be dead?
Twilight is the only one who know's his sword after all.
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Good call Mr. Captain Warrior sir!
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Again with the sad wolfie ears, they give me life okay I love him.
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Good on Wind for being the one to lead the charge, we need a good vibe like Wind to get us through the shenanigans that I'm sure are going to ensue.
Again Twilight is looking towards his sword. When you think he would be looking towards Wind at this point. But his eyes appear to be looking towards the markings on the sword.
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I love his shocked face. He's like
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I can't track myself...
Totally not me going to be using this reaction when someone asks me to do something.
Wolfie is the real MVP of this chapter let me tell you right now.
I love this lot they are wonderful
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Yes, you look to your sword and think about what you've done.
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Sniff sniff out the cinnamon roll wolfie, find him!
Oh man, this update was fun, I got so unbelievably excited about the sword like it's great to basically have a confirmation about something that's been rotating around in my brain since we saw it before.
Thanks again for listening to me ramble my way through another comic update! :D
And thank you again @linked-maze for letting me do this, i will be continuing them (as long as you let me:) ) cause this was so much fun!
Thats me done for this update tho, so I'll be headed out!
Have a great night! :D
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linked-maze · 2 months
I wanted to ask if it would be alright if I started doing linked maze analysis posts, And if so, if it would be alright to use screenshots of the comic (with credit of course) :)
I really love the comic and would love to talk about it more but I wanted to check it would be alright with you first. As obviously it's your art and I wouldn't want to just hop into it without asking.
Hope you have a good day :)
AHHH YAS!!! OFC OFC!! I see a lot of people doing this with linkeduniverse! and it's so much fun to read!! my comic getting to that level is what I really want!! XDD you got my permission to use my work for analysis! hope you have such a wonderful day back!
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butchdonne · 4 months
i don't like any of the analyses of saltburn i've seen so far so here's my interpretation (spoilers below obviously)
at the core of the film is the way oliver’s loneliness and oliver’s desire for felix play off one another.
his desire for felix intensifies his loneliness because it highlights all the ways he is lacking – he wants felix, but does not have him, and he wants to have what felix has (friends, popularity, effortless beauty), which again he does not – he simultaneously wants felix and wants to be felix
his loneliness intensifies his desire for felix in the same way – it is because he has no one else that his obsession is so intense, and it is because he feels like a ‘loser’ that felix’s popularity is so stark in his mind
the setting of saltburn is vital in that it acts as an amplifier for these emotions, and becomes a physical manifestation of oliver’s inner turmoil.
it highlights just how much of an outsider oliver is, looking completely out of place beside the sheer luxury and scale of the place (his clothes are often awkward to contrast with the grace and opulence of the cattons, e.g. that ghastly blue flannel shirt he wore)
we also see this in the way the cattons treat him – he is a friend, but fundamentally Other and Inferior
after we discover that oliver’s family is much better off than we were originally led to believe, his being pulled towards wealth reveals itself to be less of a desire for that which he is deprived of, and more a striving for the remarkable – for intensity and passion, which he begins to link to saltburn itself – and an escape from middle-class mundanity (his thoughts, not mine!) 
the interesting part is how it affects oliver’s obsession with felix.
saltburn mimics felix in a lot of ways: he's perfectly at home and yet vaguely ill at ease with all of its pomp & archaic pride & expensive art. the house and his attitude to it mirror his easy grace, charisma and casual wealth, and how he tries to play all that down
therefore oliver’s desire for felix extends into a desire for saltburn
the entire place is built for voyeurism – the door is cracked open while felix is masturbating, seemingly on purpose; the windows are huge and easy to watch people through; the maze is entirely visible from the long gallery. everything is perfectly arranged to be admired all the time, adding onto oliver’s lust 
saltburn lets oliver feel at home (sunny, beautiful, time spent lounging in the gardens etc.) but at the same time ensures that he will always feel like an outsider or even inferior – creates this sense that what he wants is always just out of his reach, again intensifying his obsession with felix 
therefore oliver’s desire for saltburn both extends and replaces his desire for felix, and also originates from it. 
i don’t think saltburn was oliver’s original goal – while his narration certainly gives that impression, the evidence suggests that at first he was only concerned with felix 
however, his obsession extends over the course of the first half, and eventually when oliver realises he can’t have felix, he decides to take saltburn instead
we see him change and become colder, more confident and self-assured in how he acts and talks
saltburn ends up consuming him – in his mind it gets more and more tied up with both felix (the original object of his desire and obsession) and with his loneliness & desperation to fit in (the apparent root of all his fixations, and of his calculations)
thus oliver’s infatuation with felix and his deep loneliness are both twisted and distorted by the setting of saltburn into something far more sinister.
(this analysis is pretty unfinished i know and i will eventually add more it’s just. The Brainworms required me to post this)
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anonymous-dentist · 3 months
actually wasn't richas' placenta found to be just a chemical preservative that was coating his shell? i don't think that proves the eggs are artificial. sure, we've gotten enough hints to think they are but that's not one of them. also when pomme's saliva sample was analyzed, it came back saying it was 100% organic with traces of inorganic elements (which is actually not true, the whole list of genetic material that sofia gave baghera can be found in any human life form). if you're curious, this was pomme's analysis results: 65% oxygen, 18% carbon, 10% hydrogen, 3% nitrogen, 1.5% calcium, 1% phosphorus. minuscules proportions of: potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. traces of "unusual" elements (which aren't at all but sofia said they were): silicon, gold, cobalt, copper, palladium, cadmium, bismuth, and uranium. in this test she also said she couldn't find any link to known species, despite the composition being almost exactly the same as a human being.
But also the eggs are artificial because they have essentially been proven to have been created by the Federation for use in their experiments. Between Egg A1 and the “Hope” Egg and the story of the Maze Eggs, we can pretty safely assume that Eggs aren’t like. Born. They’re created. We’ve got Richas telling Bagi the other week that he basically doesn’t remember anything before blinking awake when the Brazilians first arrived- he didn’t even know Portuguese.
We have Egg Island, but that’s a Federation base. A farm, it seems, like how we have designated locations in our countries to raise cattle, or how scientists have secret kennels to raise dogs specifically for experimentation.
Artificial doesn’t mean inorganic. It just means ‘created’.
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cyberpunkonline · 5 months
Blasting Through the Controversy: The "DOOM" Effect on Society on it's 30th Anniversary
In the heart of the '90s, a digital revolution thundered through our living rooms, and at the forefront was the iconic video game "DOOM". This pixelated powerhouse not only changed the gaming landscape but also stirred up a whirlwind of media frenzy. Let's jack into the mainframe and decode the controversies that rocked the boat.
Digital Demons: Fueling Aggressive Bytes
The most buzzing feed in the circuit was the notion that "DOOM" could rewire players' brains towards aggression. The pixelated gore and adrenaline-pumping action were accused of desensitizing players, making them more prone to violent outbursts in the real world. Talk about a digital dystopia!
A Tragic Connection: The Columbine Nexus
Post the 1999 Columbine High tragedy, "DOOM" found itself in the crosshairs again. The perpetrators were avid players, prompting a media blitz linking the game to their heinous actions. It was as if the game had a hidden level influencing real-world violence – or so the headlines screamed.
Academic Alert: The Grade Drain
Then there were whispers down the school halls. "DOOM" was fingered for plummeting grades, with students trading study time for demon-slaying sessions. The game was painted as a digital distraction, a mind-melding vortex sucking in young brains.
Addiction Avenue: The "DOOM" Dependency
Our virtual journey takes a turn down Addiction Avenue, where "DOOM" was branded as digital crack. Reports of obsession and round-the-clock gaming painted a picture of players trapped in a never-ending loop of ‘just one more level’.
Reality Rift: Blurring the Pixels
The game was also caught in the crossfire of causing a detachment from reality. Could blasting demons in a virtual world make the lines between pixels and pavement blur? The media certainly thought so, drumming up fears of a generation lost in a digital dream.
Mind Maze: The Mental Health Debate
The '90s were a wild ride in the realm of mental health discussions. "DOOM" was thrust into the spotlight as a potential catalyst for mental health issues, including depression and anxiety. It seemed the game was more than just a battle against virtual demons.
The Anti-Social Network: From LAN Parties to Loners
Finally, we tap into the anti-social network theory. The game, it was said, turned players into isolated islanders, drifting away from social interactions and into a solitary cyber sea.
In the final analysis, this digital drama is a blend of fact, fiction, and a hefty dose of '90s media sensationalism. While the accusations made headlines, they often flew in the face of scientific scrutiny. "DOOM" was more than a game; it was a digital milestone – and every milestone attracts its share of moss. As we log off from this retro rewind, remember, the '90s were a time of tech-panic and pixelated perceptions!
- Raz
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poitypinky · 5 months
The connection of smell and instinct: a Pinky and the Brain symbol revision
How are you doing? Hyperfixating? I sure am! And today we go back to the beginning.
My first analysis was about the Pinky and The Brain Intro for the reboot, an interesting moment is when both main characters fall apart, then Pinky's nose follows a new path. About this, I said:
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As they walk opposite ways, the tail does not break, both fall apart before it does.
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This seems to give things a new direction, which Pinky's nose follows. The smell is the sense linked to memory, and I think it also has a connection to the intuition. Red is another symbol that has importance, a color that's all about passionate feelings, positive and negative ones. Here the maze looks more like a spiral.
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And I want to focus on this little part:
The smell is the sense linked to memory, and I think it also has a connection to the intuition.
I finally figured it out! So, let's keep in mind that our brains react better at bringing back memories with scent stimuli. It is also the sense that is most strongly linked to emotion.
A specific smell can bring back a memory of something that happened to you, but, and here I'm getting to my point, could you have a memory of something that happened to someone else? Psychology says that yes, we can, at least in a way.
The hidden memory
Jung's collective unconscious theory says there's a sort of invisible database of knowledge, so for what I understand, it could be seen as the memories of all beings, death, and alive, somehow reachable.
There's also another concept that might even be closer to what I'm trying to explain, but I can't find it anywhere! It is the idea that some kind of invisible net connects us; it attempts to explains why people invented the same thing at the same time in different countries, and when direct communication wasn't an option.
So, what if every time we consult our instinct we are actually reaching to the collective memory, or that invisible net?
That would explain why instinctual decisions like the ones Pinky makes can sometimes be more successful than an intricate plan such as the ones Brain's prefers.
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It is funny, because I've been looking really close, and noticed the “first reaction” the characters have, based on the enneagram triads. It is about how a person or character acts immediately to whatever happens: it can be an instinctual, emotional or thinking reaction:
Brain's first reaction is actually instinctual, but he gives value to intelligence and relies on it as he sees it is his biggest strength.
Pinky's first reaction is thinking, yes, I know it is weird to let that sink in, but that's because of the minuscule attention span he has.
Even if Pinky reacts to what happens by thinking first, his instinct is very developed, and so he has no problem acting on it. That's why his nose leads the way at the end of the Pinky and The Brain analysis intro.
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Or at least that's how I see it!
What do you think?
〰 Poity
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
Ray Ray I need to tell someone about these past few weeks bc it’s has been. A Ride. It’s almost been like a fever dream Ray and I need to tell SOMEONE so that I can stop obsessing over everything in my head. I have to let it out, to document this for posterity, sorry for ranting at you.
Let me set the stage for you. It's early September and the 7th anniversary of Undertale's release, as well as the 1st anniversary of Deltarune Chapter 2, are right around the corner and the UT/DR fandoms are salivating because Toby Fox, the creator, announced that there would be an event of some kind, as there has been for the past few years.
On the 5th one we got a magnificent orchestral concert and some lore tidbits. On the 6th we got an incredibly funny and wholesome stream of Deltarune Ch. 1 starring Toby himself, as well as the release of the aforementioned Ch. 2, so hopes were high
Let's tackle the events that followed in chronological order
First thing that happened, as I mentioned a few weeks ago, was that Sans Undertale becomes the Ultimate Tumblr Sexyman and kills the Queen of England (lol). Toby Fox posts a drabble on twitter to commemorate the occasion. Much fanart ensues
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2. Shortly after that, Fangamer announces the release of a highly anticipated plushie for a beloved Deltarune character. Said character is a funny psychotic trash gremlin, and is a personification of spam emails from the late 90s, so of course they're highly popular on tumblr (was even one of the contestants of the mentioned sexyman poll), so of course Fangamer somehow managed to capture their energy with the release trailer, which included: someone finding the plush in a literal garbage can, the plush apparently having a magnetized nose so that it can “sniff out” coins, and the plush being soaked in an entire gallon of milk, slurped on, and thrown against the walls??
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Despite the weirdness of the trailer, it seems Toby Fox and Fangamer know their people - The fandom goes WILD
3. On September 17th, Toby Fox announces that there will be a charity event themed after the previously mentioned spam character. Initially, we all think it’s just gonna some auctions or giveaways with a quirky design, but it turns out that Toby turned the website hosting the event into a maze chock-full of hidden links, easter eggs, new lore and teasers for the upcoming chapter 3. Also, new secrets and prizes were unlocked as more money was donated. The fandom goes APESHIT. There were people on watch for the entire 24h+ of the duration of the event, fancontent galore, hundreds of analysis posts, and a group of tumblr users made a 75 page Google doc compiling all the secrets and lore as they were revealed.
Btw the prizes included the gremlin’s “dirty socks”, him “after not surviving”, a body pillow, a “wedding ring”, toilet paper themed after him, and an “ass-scented” candle
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(no, I was not kidding about the candle)
I wonder who gets to explain to the kids benefiting from the charity that their lives were made better because over a million people liked this garbage man so much they donated over $320,000 for some of his backstory
4. About halfway through the charity event, we unlocked a Q&A with the gremlin, who had “taken over” Fangamer’s twitter account. Some of the tweets seem to imply the gremlin is bisexual and the ex of a character from Deltarune Ch 1?? Predictably, much fanart and fanfics ensue
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5. Near the end of the event, the last item to be unlocked by donations (which wasn't in the initial list of items available and appeared out of nowhere btw) was the gremlin’s “fate”, and we were told fans had to donate either towards “Freedom” or “Silence”. There was tons of speculation as to what this meant exactly for hours before finally “Freedom” won with ~$58,000 in favor
I saw several people among the donations towards Freedom saying stuff along the lines of "noooo he can't die he just came out as bisexual!", it was so funny 😂
Fun fact: out of the ~$29,000 for Silence, apparently around $15,000 were donated by Toby Fox and Fangamer with the caption "he can't get away with this!", which is so freaking funny asfdgfngfd his own creator lmao, top 10 anime betrayals
6. After the charity event was finished, there was an announcement that there would be a commemorative stream. We all thought it would be similar to the stream that happened on last year’s anniversary, especially since the people in the thumbnail were the same ones who participated in the previous one.
Instead, we got an unhinged, extremely cursed video where some guy wearing a costume of the spam character announced the winners of each item and narrated several poems praising the spam character, all in an old glitchy TV style.
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It included: the guy putting whole blue eggs in his mouth, infomercials for a fake product which was later said to explode, the assistant eating pasta with a vacant expression on his face, and several segments where they seemed to pray?? as if the gremlin was their god or something.
Near the end of the stream, the people in the thumbnail appeared and said that someone had illegally hijacked their stream and that the FBI were on their way to apprehend him. The guy in the costume then ran away saying that he was not actually the gremlin, and had just been hired to play the part BY the gremlin. The stream ends with the poor guy running away, attempting to call the gremlin, and then being grabbed by… something as ominous music played, leaving the phone hanging off the hook.
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So… the gremlin apparently paid a guy to impersonate him on camera so that he could get away scot-free while hosting his highly dubious giveaway?? Therefore, we the fandom gave him his Freedom but “killed” a man in the process adfgnasfgdhfng it’s so freaking funny
So concludes the deranged saga of this year's UT/DR anniversary. I still can't believe it all happened in like the span of 10 days.
Y'know, despite how crazy it was, I'm really glad I was there for all of it. It really Avengers Assembled the community too, we were all making theories about the new lore, documenting new findings, making art and writing fics shipping the gremlin with his ex 😂
I really do hope you play one or both of the games someday Ray, because even setting aside the fantastic storytelling, music, and characters, if you're careful and find your little niche of creators then the community is fantastic.
this is so much, so so much and I honestly love it
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unknown-carnage · 8 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Shibuya Arc Op Analysis pt.3
Link to pt.2
⚠️jjk Shibuya arc spoilers⚠️
Visual analysis in parts 1&2
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Lyrics / Music
Quick note, this section will be mainly analyzing the lyrics and making assumptions as to what they mean / stand for, as well as my opinion of who I think the pov is from. I couldn't find any info about the actual technical side of the song (bpb, time signature etc) if any info on that gets released I'll do a follow up. If you have any questions about the actual musical side I'll try my best to answer them by going off ear.
First thing to establish with SPECIALZ by King gnu is that this is a love song. If not evident from the repeated English lyrics, the song states so it's self in the bridge.
"No longer get drunk on this love song"
Similar to this the song is sung from someone's POV meaning that the song is basically a confession of the person's love to another.
With the type of song covered let's get into the lyrics and their meaning breaking it down from beginning to end. However before this in regards to the POV I think that it's heavily implied to be from Geto / Kenjaku's POV going off both the lyrics and the musical ques. I'll touch on the musical ques at the very end. (With the Geto POV I'm assuming it's about Gojo which would parallel the hidden inventory arc of "where our blue is" being of Gojo's POV towards Geto)
Firstly we start off with the intro of the lyric:
"You are my special."
This is related 3 times, usually in music and film when something is related 3 times it indicates importance to that particular thing. Meaning that the idea of someone being special is one of if not the most important aspect of this song. Taking this from Geto / Kenjaku's POV it makes sense as Gojo was Geto's best friend making him 'special to him' as for Kenjaku his view could be about how Gojo is special because of his importance to the Shibuya plan (the sealing)
Moving into the 1st verse we have:
"Enjoy the moment, let's dance."
"On the Frontline of Tokyo, the thriving city"
"Struggle on the verge of giving up"
"Show me your fearless side"
This is mostly from Kenjaku's POV as he talks about the shibuya ploy. This could be a dialogue from Kenjaku as he seals Gojo, as Kenjaku uses Geto's body deliberately against Gojo to seal him. Even asking Gojo to "show his fearless side" maybe referring to see if he could kill Geto again. Though the dialogue seems to be tormenting then anything.
Moving onto the Pre-Chorus we have:
"I love you, Baby"
"Let's keep eulogizing"
"No matter how ignorant"
"No matter how homeless"
"Every heart-burning move"
"Once we start running, it's unable to turn back"
"You are my special"
I personally think this part is mainly from Geto's POV but certain lines do seem to lean towards more of Kenjaku's POV. "Let's keep eulogizing" is a strange line, eulogizing means to speak highly of or to highly praise someone through speech or writing. A big theme of this song is the idea of someone being infatuated with another person, praising them, calling them special etc. I would say this mainly comes from Geto towards Gojo because of their arc together in hidden inventory with this idea that together they are the 'best' which is what makes them so special to each other. So while the song has a very heavy almost rock-esk sound, it's central idea is one the theme of love but you can interoperate it in your own way.
Next is the chorus that reads as follows:
"Could you mess these up more?"
"Devour everything heartily"
"A lifetime of wandering in a maze"
"Rendezvous, Dizziness"
""You are my special""
"A world spinning in ambiguity"
"No, no, no! No more compsure"
"A lifetime of wandering in a maze"
"No matter what others say"
""You are my special""
""We are special""
So there is a lot to unpack in this chorus. I think you could argue that a lot of the lyrics reflect Geto's ideology in regards to Jujutsu society and Jujutsu sorcerers. The chorus seems to be focused around Geto and Gojo's falling out as Geto defects from Jujutsu society to chase his ideology of creating a world without non-sorcerers. You could argue that the idea of him and Gojo being special is because they are Jujutsu sorcerers which because of his ideology and beliefs makes them better then other people. I would also argue that the dialouge regarding being stuck in a maze could be about Geto's / Kenjaku's views on Gojo's internal debate, which because of this Kenjaku is able to take advantage of Gojo and carry out the sealing in Shibuya.
(The post chorus again just states the lyrics "You are my special" which I've already interoperated the meaning for that so yeah.)
Then the second verse goes as:
"At the edge of the sumo ring, let's endure"
"Along the Tokyo frontlines, it's only chaos"
"Media rushes among the sea of corpses and blood"
"Calmness or detachment are both forbidden"
I would say this verse is mainly about Kenjaku and the chaos he causes using the Shibuya ploy. Similar to the first verse it's mainly about the destruction of Shibuya and the result of it.
The lyrics for the bridge are:
""Get lost in me""
"Only words that protect yourself"
"How long are you gonna keep doing this?"
""Get lost in me""
"Won't regret the way of life"
"This is the path I chose"
"Please answer me, I wanna feel your heatwave"
"Blue flame flow from hypothermia"
"Don't deceive romantically, just cut to the chase"
"No longer get drunk on this love song"
"I love you, baby"
"I love you, baby"
The bridge of the song is where it cements itself in being a love song. There are probably a million different ways you could interpret the bridge so I'll cover a few of what I think it is. The lyrics of "Won't regret the way of life. This is the path I chose" defiantly reflect on Geto's ideals and his reasons for defecting from Jujutsu society with him following his own path and not regretting it. In volume 0 before dying he still follows his ideals not regretting the path in which he took. The second two bars of lyrics could be interpreted to be Kenjaku's inner dialogue during sealing Gojo and his opinions towards Gojo, but that might be a stretch. But the bridge does have a very romantic undertone throughout the entirety it, if anyone has any other interpretations about anything, not just the bridge, I would love to hear them see what other people take away from the song.
Again the breakdown and chorus are repeated which has already been covered, and there are no lyric changes so not much to talk about there.
Then we get the post-chorus + outro:
"We are special"
"No more composure"
"We are special"
"Stay as who you are"
"We are special"
"Be special all the way"
"No matter what others say"
"You are my special"
Finally the song finishes with what can be assumed to be Geto eulogizing about Gojo. With this repeated idea that because he is a sorcerer and the strongest one at that, that he is perfect he will always be perfect and has no reason to change regardless of what others say.
A quick thing before finishing off, an interesting thing in the vocals of the songs is that the back-up singers' voices have been distorted in a way which reminds me of how the curses' voices in the actual show are distorted. I might be wrong, but if not it's an interesting detail.
Again if anyone has any other interpretations or would like to add something please do, I would love to hear other interpretations and opinions on the song <3.
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welshoot · 10 months
Twisted Wonderland Dorm Names Analysis
Each of the dorms have intriguing names that link them to their respective Disney Movies that were used to their inspiration as well as to various other references. I thought it might be fun to take each name apart, piece by piece, and analyze them funsies. Analysis is below the cut due to length.
Heartslabyul, for me, calls to mind two words, “Heart” and “Labyrinth.”  The Queen of Hearts  is most likely the inspiration for the heart part. At Disneyland there's an attraction called “Alice’s Curious Labyrinth, however the labyrinth section of the name could also be a reference to the veritable maze, or labyrinth, of rules the dorm members are expected to know and follow. 
As for Savanaclaw, Savannah probably references the pride lands from The Lion King while claw might reference lions or even just beasts in general. 
Octavinelle is a bit trickier, but the prefix Octa means eight, like the eight tentacles of an octopus. Vin has two different possible implications. There is the more common one, typically linked to French, that implies ‘wine,’ but I highly doubt that wine has anything to do with this dorm's name. The other possibility for vin comes from the Latin word ‘veni’ or ‘venio’ which means ‘come.’ Finally, ‘elle’ often implies ‘she’ or sometimes ‘they.’ Putting all that together you could interpret Octavinelle as “She with eight (tentacles) comes,” which might link back to Ursula from “The Little Mermaid.”
 For Scarabia the Scarab references the Golden Scarab Beetle that Jafar uses to find the Cave of Wonders and Arabia is where Aladdin is set.
 Pomefiore basically translates out into apple flower, with apple no doubt being for the poisoned apple. As for the flower part of the name, that could be referencing that Snow White is often used to name white varieties of flowers. Additionally, it is the apple blossom, or the apple flower, that eventually becomes the fruit so referring to this dorm as an apple flower could be a way of saying the students there are still growing. 
For Ignihyde, Igni is latin for fire (Hades’ hair) as for -hyde, many chemicals end with this suffix. Interesting ‘Hyde’ is Middle English for a measure of land and it’s plural form is ‘Hydes’ which is very similar to Hades.
Finally, for Diasomnia,  the prefix “dia-” has Greek connections to meaning through or across as well as Latin connections, via the Latin word ‘dies’, to meaning day. “-Somnia'' is Latin for sleep, sleeping, dreams, or dreaming. Thus Diasomnia could means something along the lines of across dreams, across sleep, through dreams, or through sleep. However, it could also mean something akin to day sleeping or day dreaming. Both meanings line up surprisingly well with “Sleeping Beauty” and, additionally, Silver. Additionally, one could argue that the happy ending of “Sleeping Beauty” is reached through sleep and/or dreams since it isn’t until after Aurora has slept, and possibly dreamed, that she finds out she can be with the man she loves.
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seoemea · 3 months
EMEA MARKETING: European Enterprise
European Enterprise SEO: Navigating a Multilingual Marketplace
In today's digital age, visibility is king. For European enterprises, navigating the diverse and complex landscape of online search requires a unique approach to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This essay will explore the key considerations and best practices for successful European Enterprise SEO, highlighting the challenges and opportunities specific to this region.
A Multiplicity of Markets: The European Union (EU) boasts 27 member states, each with its own language, culture, and search engine nuances. Targeting this multifaceted market necessitates a multilingual strategy. Optimizing content, meta descriptions, and website architecture for each relevant language is crucial for organic reach across borders. Tools like hreflang tags and geotargeting can guide search engines towards the appropriate language version for each user.
Cultural Nuances: Beyond language, cultural sensitivities play a significant role. Understanding local humor, traditions, and preferences is essential for crafting content that resonates with target audiences. Keyword research, competitor analysis, and collaboration with native speakers are vital steps to ensure culturally appropriate and effective SEO messaging.
Regulatory Maze: The EU enforces strict data privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which adds another layer of complexity to SEO practices. Enterprises must ensure their SEO strategies comply with these regulations, requiring careful consideration of data collection, user consent, and cookie usage.
Local Search Optimization: While global visibility is vital, local search dominance can be a game-changer. Optimizing for local listings on Google Maps and other platforms increases the chances of appearing in searches for nearby businesses. This involves claiming and verifying local listings, managing online reviews, and incorporating location-specific keywords into content.
Mobile-First Mindset: Europe boasts a high mobile internet penetration rate, making mobile-friendliness paramount. Enterprises must ensure their websites are optimized for mobile devices, offering a seamless user experience across all platforms. Responsive design, fast loading speeds, and user-friendly navigation are key factors for mobile SEO success.
Embrace Multilingual Link Building: Backlinks remain a critical ranking factor. Building high-quality links from relevant websites in various European languages strengthens domain authority and improves search engine visibility across borders. Collaborations with industry influencers, guest blogging on reputable websites, and participating in online communities can help secure valuable backlinks.
Investing in Expertise: Considering the intricacies of European Enterprise SEO, partnering with skilled professionals can be highly beneficial. Agencies or consultants specializing in this domain can provide tailored strategies, navigate regulatory hurdles, and offer ongoing support for maximizing online visibility.
Conclusion: European Enterprise SEO demands a multifaceted approach that acknowledges linguistic diversity, cultural nuances, and regulatory frameworks. By adopting a multilingual strategy, prioritizing local search dominance, and adhering to mobile-first principles, businesses can unlock the vast potential of the European online market. Additionally, collaborating with SEO experts can significantly enhance chances of success in this dynamic and competitive landscape. Remember, navigating the European digital landscape requires adaptability, cultural sensitivity, and a commitment to best practices. By embracing these principles, European enterprises can leverage the power of SEO to achieve sustainable growth and brand recognition across the continent.
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majorproblems77 · 16 days
Hi, Linked Maze fans! It's me again!
Ohhhh boy we are cooking and I am excited. Let's do a late-night ramble with yours truly
When I tell you I looked at these panels for a reasonable amount of time I was lying and it was longer than that.
Now a link to the comic page can be found Here! Please go give it some love :D
For the important stuff!
Linked Maze belongs to @linked-maze and its wonderful creator @frulleboi. (You should follow them, they are wonderful) And as a heads up, Linked maze is for more mature audiences! :)
As usual, you know the drill, Grab some water, Grab some popcorn and prepare for me to ramble at you for however long it is!
Here we go!
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Oh lordy it's the sun (you'll see why later.)
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He sniffin. Sniff Sniff
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Now, Everyone remembers the first rule of exploring. Dont run off! That includes you Wolfy!
Now I have a theory. Which I'll come back to in detail later. But just, Remember the shadow behind four for me. We'll get back to it.
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Warrior is the group Dad at this point. also, I love this side shot of him thank you.
Warrior. Speaking to Wolfie like he is a kid rather than a wolf.
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I dont think It'll be Sky. I think it'll be a hero we haven't met yet!
We interupt this comic analysis for unhinged analysis :D
Ready? Me too, lets go
Because, that shadow?
this one?
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I dont think it's wolfy, It can't be.
Wolfie's shadow has a definition to it. It has a shape.
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You can see the outlines of his tail, which is what we would see if it were him.
Where this one is a blob. Closer to a person.
Ie Winds's shadow
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the blob
In fact, if I had to give you a position for Wolfy right now. It's not there. Let me explain.
Remember the sun? (Me too, I miss it;-;)
The sun can tell us a bunch about time and stuff. But also where a person is (Because fun angles and maths that I know way too much about tbh)
So Wolfy's shadow hits another wall
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This wall looks flat so it can't be a corner. (Taking the grass as reference)
And his face isn't shadowed at all, So he himself isn't behind a wall. He's approaching one tho. So in this case I reckon Wolfie isn't visible at all to wind and Warriors at the point Four turns to them.
So who is this mysterious shadow?
It ain't angel. No way.
I reckon it is another Link group. And we are either going to meet the last of the Links we are yet to meet. Or we are pulling groups together.
You know what....
I think it's World or Spirit. And we are gonna see these guys interact before they meet the other larger group of heroes.
Though im leaning towards Spirit just because of the shadow's shape. (And the lack of Sheerow)
Let me know what you think because I'm not 100% sure and I'm interested in what you think.
Okay ramble over, but to be fair that's why your here right?
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Oh windddddd
the poor boy
I feel so bad for him he didn't deserve this. He probably tried to open his eye cause he was excited. :(
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The boyyyyyyy
He's trying to be a strong hero in front of these other heroes again. This poor kid i feel so bad for him.
They have expressive ears and it kills me to see wind sad like this.
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And his little ear lower of worry for the small I love him sm okay.
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Excuse me?
You can't leave it like that
Where's wolfy
Wheres four?
Will the small boy ever not be in pain?
I have questions!
Ahh okay okay I loved this update it was very fun. Im excited to see what's coming up in the next chapter.
Thats all from me!
Have a great night all! :D
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amplifyme · 8 months
(Disclaimer: this is looooooooooooong and probably riddled with grammar errors; but I've chugged down a few eps. and a book, so I'm not as bothered about those as I probably should be. ;)) )
Okay, so, in a weird way, these episodes were the most straight-forward for me in S2 (probably because of our discussions and Nan's excellent writing as a primer.) Not too many thoughts that are "new", but definitely some worth sharing and chewing over with you.
The Hollow Men: Cameron and Dale, what an introduction-- interesting that Dale, though he has less direct taste for it, seems to be affirming Cameron's quest for happiness by spearheading opportunities for him to kill (usually, dark eyebrow murderers are the "strong" ones in the dynamic while their blond friends are the loose link-- which they both are, but not completely.) The girls, bless their hearts. Joe warning Cathy about her lack of proof. Vincent, traumatized and avenging, trailing the boys like a shadow (he waits for them in the darkness)--and this time leading danger back to Cathy instead of the other way around (although... Cathy, you didn't learn your lesson again. Antagonism and blatant threats will do you no favors, especially when you give away a lot of your cards without anything in your back pocket to protect yourself.) The showdown in the theatre (CATHY), and Vincent taking a shot and powering through it, so different than that time in The Outsiders. The dull and boring and disconnected rich parents; and their shameless flaunting of their connections, power, and privilege.
What Rough Beast: Hated Spirko the moment I saw him. Paracelsus his cigarette reveal, and the lengths he will go is both impressive and a little amusing (and fascinating in its scope.) STEVEN'S BACK-- you baited his return; and seeing him and hearing his own twisted version of events was excellently worked into the episode. CATHY FINALLY WONDERED IF SHE WAS RESPONSIBLE AND FATHER DIDN'T ANSWER. Listening to the music Below is back. And, of course, Elliot's back; both in person and in impersonation. Vincent and Father's conversation about what Vincent is (and Father's uncertainty here is juxtaposed perfectly to "his" unabashed certainty in a certain climactic moment in the next episode) and setting up his "educated the man" for the finale when they discussed how books were all that kept Vincent from falling off the ledge all those years ago. "Father, I cannot control my thoughts. Father, I'm afraid"-- powerful stuff. Cathy believes Elliot is in the wrong the ONE TIME that he's in the clear (and her "we are beyond" statement-- including herself in the "otherness" that is Vincent-- is touching and disjointed, because she has only ever embraced the parts of him that are "human"... which she says as much in the finale to Peter after the blood analysis.) Spirko having the gall to still publish his evidence after Vincent spared him from death and Cathy tried to reason with him (also... JUST SWIPE HIS EVIDENCE AWAY BEFORE HE CAN LEAVE. I understand Vincent was too wiped, but I'm sure he could summon something up or Cathy could put up more resistance.) Cathy choosing to say goodbye rather than fighting for their romance is... huge and frustrating and makes me look even more forward to Diana in S3. (Which reminds me of Nan's AWTN where Diana spent weeks down Below with Vincent in the maze-- and more times before and after-- without batting an eye for him. Makes me ponder, makes me think thoughts.) Paracelsus merked Spirko, whoop whoop! Vincent staring into the abyss in his dark room is FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORESHADOOOOOOOOOOWING, and a great eerie cap to this episode.
Ceremony of Innocence: Full disclosure-- I knew Vincent/Paracelsus/Anna's backstory from Nan's work and even the twist of Paracelsus's death, but this episode was so well-acted I got confused and doubted myself. Excellent. The opening shot of Vincent is so, so eerie (picking up from the prev ep's close, I see.) Cathy's nightmare-- a lot to unpack: "He’s an animal-- what does that make you?” is probably why Cathy resists that aspect of Vincent the most, because their bond is a reflection of each other (Vincent staring at his reflection in the lake while her nightmare plays out, for instance) and more particularly, she fears, a reflection of herself. And horror and ugliness is something she broke down and shied away from in the first episode, the voodoo episode (which was a missed opportunity for Vincent's Otherness to be explored, a shame in retrospect), Trial, and this ep (directly opposite, I might add, to Diana's low self-esteem and "who cares?" attitude to her looks and "ugliness" in general-- I assume.) Nan tackles and "tames" that aspect of Cathy at the end of Beyond Words, Beyond Silence and in AWTN in Kansas... but I have to wonder: I don't think Cathy truly, fully loved Vincent as a whole before the finale (because there was always a part that held her back unless everyone else held back from Vincent too, which summoned her "call to action" or stubborn insistence of his humanity.) Father's "It's been a wonderful... dream" followed by Vincent's "No Father-- this is my tomb" certainly set up for the aborted plans George R. R. Martin had for S3, as did Vincent's wandering the catacombs for answers (twisted in death, as Narcissa calls it.) Cathy's lack of poker face continues, as does Joe and Elliot's endless supply of understanding and patience. Elliot exercising important brain cells by hiring a private detective saved everyone but Vincent in the end. Vincent "moping" around the tunnels while Father digs up old treasures and poems and literature to steer his mind off his troubles sets up perfectly for their conversation in the finale (about his past fugues.) Mouse's "he needs Catherine" practicality opposed to Father's longwinded rationalizations further emphasize how tied everyone's hands are. Paracelsus inviting Father to 666 (you dramatic man you) and challenging Father to fire a gun in the light (oh, the drama) and overpowering him and leaving him for dead while he goes to "release" his son from the imprisonment of civilized humanity was a great crescendo (not to mention the subtle hints of sending Vincent on a paranoid quest for more answers and asking the community for weapons and flawlessly transitioning from acting like "Father" to pressuring like Paracelsus.) Cathy was right-- that it was a lie-- but that's not what he needed reassurance about: what if it did, what would she do? Vincent's cruel birth story, scaring Cathy and sending her away, Cathy leaving but ultimately wanting to make Paracelsus pay and inadvertently saving Father (and leading Father back down), and the two arriving in time to see the aftereffects in Father's study. "You and Father-- you wouldn't admit the truth even if it stood right in front of you" is both right and very wrong: Cathy will deny it in the name of love, but Father does love if not embrace or accept fully that side of his son. Vincent driven to madness (to the Other, really, which at this point is pretty equivalent) and then dulled to near catatonic responses is the heavily necessary outcome. (A touch here that Nan added in BWBS was excellent and wrenching, will chat about it below.)
The Rest Is Silence: Vincent losing command over himself and running his body to the limit and sweating and tearing himself apart trying to contain the Other was fantastic to watch. Waking in the park, getting around Mary (who cannot read subtext for the life of her) to get to Father and his comfort and guidance, and pouring at his desperation and fear was an excellent way to start. Father's fear of Vincent's loosening grip (for his son and secondarily for everyone's safety) and steady reassurance added so much throughout, especially Vincent almost lashed out again: so similar to but completely different from the drugged scene in S1, Father showed no fear (as he had not then nor in the past with Lisa); and just exemplifies how much love and care and faith he has in his son and their relationship. They mentioned restraints again (one other time, I think) and Nan's written about the incident a little more clearly in her flashbacks, but I don't believe? I've heard the characters talk extensively about Vincent's previous incident (when he separated the Other from himself after injuring Pascal's wrist); so, maybe S3? Seeing the world through Vincent's eyes as he worsens was also fantastic; and Cathy did excellently herself this episode, asking him what she can do rather than pressing for impossible details, demanding more thorough answers from Father the right way, and keeping by Vincent's side when he broke into her apartment (kept chuckling because I remembered Nan's Diana laughing how he broke into Cathy's and out of hers.) Cathy's a very elemental and nostalgic person; and I wonder if her "flying" with Vivaldi was a reference (indirectly) to her memory of climbing the trees in the park while her father watched (or it could just be in-character, like her soaking in the sea or wanting to take Vincent to the mountains, or climbing a tree to reconnect with her dead father, etc.) Vincent so strung out that he talked out loud, snapped about Paracelsus, tried to insist the worst was behind them, tore his room apart, and rushed to and "attacked" Cathy's apartment in an irrational haze was excellent; but it kept getting better and better during his fever and "hallucinations" and the Other's hovering (now I know visually what Nan meant when she captured Buster's hovering and insistence) and Cathy's help and his progression to the bed and his waking better to watch the sun go down. Also, Vincent's finally in her apartment and for more than one day (noticed you had me take particular note of that so I've been waiting for that moment to happen.) I almost didn't notice how important Vincent's "love" was until BWBS (so thank you, Nan, for bringing that more thoroughly to my attention); but I did notice how he didn't directly agree to Cathy's request. And, of course, things are not better. Samantha and her book, wounding some members to get out, collapsing into Father's arms and sending him off, saying goodbye to everyone and leaving before he and Cathy return (what a moving scene-- they all love him in their own ways), and fleeing below the catacombs to potentially die in the attempt to master or free himself (a literal descent into darkness) was the cherry on top. Mouse following Vincent anyway made me want to cheer; and Pascal keeping up with him on the pipes made me want to cheer even more. Father staying back while Cathy insists on descending, too, sets up that puzzling little dichotomy: I believe Father loves Vincent more "completely" as he acknowledges all aspects of his son; but I believe Cathy loves Vincent more deeply? sacrificially? because she does not fear Vincent in his Other form, determined to believe he will never harm her. Beauty's love killing and then rescuing the Beast make a full circle here; and I'm glad the writers at least had a closed arc (in a way) before the restrictions for S3 upended the show (though not in a bad or worse way. Excited to dig into it~.)
On a separate note: I'm not in the habit of making everything about The X-Files, but I can see why a fan fresh off BATB would be drawn to this other show. Mulder and Scully had that near-instant connection between them that transcended words, social norms and expectations, and both of their fixed perspectives or parameters. But I think Mulder and Scully succeeded where Vincent and Cathy failed because they disproved, together, Father's assessment which Peter quoted to Cathy: "Maybe Jacob was right: when you go beyond definitions, scientific knowledge can only break down." The breakdown, or the hitch, was in the lack of complete acceptance.
And now,
Beyond Words, Beyond Silence: Nan ties these episodes together brilliantly. She also captures Cathy sooooooooooo well, building more on her self-doubt than the little bits of cursory examination we were given ("In telling her what he believed, he'd also been telling her what she desperately wanted to hear - that their relationship existed on a different plane from anything she'd ever known"-- I CALLED IT. Proud of myself.) Fleshing out Paracelsus's thoughts and linking in Vincent's waxing and waning confidence in himself and his relationship with Cathy (if it should continue or not) ties directly back to AWTN and her other book that I can't for the life of me remember right now; and it makes me giddy to see the throughlines (including the children and swimming, the Other and the cave-- both wanting that undivided, appraising attention.) Vincent's poem tying to back to Cathy and his fervency in tearing apart his room, breaking into her place, and driving himself into a fever until she quoted the poem back was superb. Again, Nan dug deep with Cathy; and these are a few powerful quotes that I couldn't pass up on: building on Cathy's toxic past relationships and tying it to her current pattern of behavior-- "...love that gave, and gave, and asked for nothing in return, she need never fear any physical aggression - from him or anybody else. A strong inducement to be oblivious"-- paired perfectly with "Absurd to imagine Vincent hurting anyone he loved.... Those were only dreams and had nothing to do with her and Vincent" and "Now she wondered if she'd been right to discount the unfitting things. If refusing to acknowledge all the anomalies - the number and scope of them! - she'd been dismissing the forest to see only the one preferred tree.... But they weren't deformities: they were Vincent. Maybe even the most of Vincent." Nan gives Cathy an arc where she marries her loyalty to both aspects of Vincent; but I shall have to wait for confirmation, denial, or nothing at all in S3 (I hope it's touched on a little); and giving Cathy the chance to explore that unfairness she expected or took for granted in her relationship with Vincent was refreshing and gave me another, brief glimpse what a functioning, healthier relationship between these two would have looked like.
As a final note, when Vincent speaks with shame about parts of himself and Cathy assures him those parts aren't him, I wondered how that would sound if he were a normal man with a comparable struggle; and the quickest comparison that I could think of-- though clumsy-- was mental illness. I'm mostly ignorant on this topic, so pardon my thoughts if they're too off target; but I sat wondering how it would feel if he were in the midst of a mental health crisis with everyone treating him like he needs to be "fixed", with restraints or with their love. And the shame and closed-in aloneness of that experience seems comparable in a few degrees, though of course you can't factor in his primal nature. Cathy's grand gestures of sweeping dismissal in the name of "this" not being "him" hits pretty close, as it would be denying an aspect of who Vincent is by pretending it can be weathered and then ignored-- and more tragic, because it would be spoken through well-meaning ignorance.
FINGERS CROSSED I miiiiiiiiiiiiiight? be able to squeeze in S3 Ep 1 (had lots of free time today~); but we'll see. Do you recommend I watch episode 1 separate or immediately follow it up immediately with episode 2?
I'm going to go ahead and chop this discussion up into separate posts just to to help me keep things straight in my own head. I'll dig into The Hollow Men here and then address the trilogy and BW,BS in posts of their own.
Follow me down...
Vincent, traumatized and avenging, trailing the boys like a shadow (he waits for them in the darkness)--and this time leading danger back to Cathy instead of the other way around
That was an interesting little twist, wasn't it? In hindsight it's another sign that all is not well with Vincent, and hasn't been in some time. Because if he'd been thinking clearly, he would have been able to think several steps ahead and glean that his actions might put Cathy in danger. And he would never willingly do that.
I completely understand his feelings of disgust, anger, and helplessness at the actions of these two kids. I have no problem rationalizing his desire to take matters into his own hands, and I thought his lecture to Father about the connection that exists between the two worlds was spot-on and something Father needed to be reminded of. But having said that, there seems to be a disconnect in Vincent here, when it comes to the risk to himself and the risks his actions may pose to others. And that's not at all like him. He's acting rather like Cathy here, jumping straight into the fray without thought of the consequences.
The showdown in the theatre (CATHY), and Vincent taking a shot and powering through it, so different than that time in The Outsiders.
Oh, Cathy; dear, dumb Cathy. Whatever possessed you to take the word of a person you don't know and duck into a dark, deserted theater when you know you have two killers on your tail? Oh, wait, I forgot. You also have very large, very strong, fanged and clawed protector at your literal beck and call.
Vincent is so done with everything by the end of this episode. I feel worse for him than I did at the end of The Outsiders. His "Nothing but madness, nothing but blood. When will it end?" is so heartbreaking because I know what's coming. And I kind of think he does, too.
Okay, gonna start another post for What Rough Beast. Stay tuned.
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mushr0oms-and-m0ss · 8 months
Ooh hi there! :D
I have a feeling that Warriors from Linked Maze, and Link from Limited Hero would get along together. Idk, they seem similar to me (then again, I'm bad at character analysis so)
Either Hyrule or Wind from Linked Universe, they'd be fun to be around!! (especially cus I relate to em :])
Tough question, especially cus the answer is actually all of them /j💚 But seriously, I like seeing Wild and Wind angst *glances at all the fics of Wind dying I've read* yep
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antigonewinchester · 11 months
15x01 (transcript @ the link) This ep is very clearly pulling from early seasons: not just the extended spooky ghost sequence that was much more common earlier on in the show, but literally bringing back ghosts who Sam & Dean had beaten in season 1.
Unsubtle with the symbolism of "spell it takes to trap ghosts is literally salt plus a human heart." It's love, caring around other people, all that jazz, that will help you trap and defeat the bad guys in the end. And, of course, it means someone has to die to get that human heart; sometimes protecting ppl comes at a sacrifice. One question I've had is if Dean's death really does 'come out of nowhere' as ppl say it does, but there’s arguably foreshadowing here in ep 1 of the season.
BELPHEGOR: I mean, the last time I was on Earth, I mean, I was human. Ah, it was a while ago. I mean, but, you know, we were all worshipping this giant rock that looked like a huge penis, and... Anyway, folks back then, you know? Had a lot of humps. I mean, a lot. Look at 'em now. I mean, look at you. I mean, you're, uh, you know, gorgeous. DEAN: What? Okay. When are you gonna get out of that body? BELPHEGOR: Eh, when I find another one.... So, uh... who was... he, anyway? DEAN: He was our kid. Kinda.
Even pulling in some (pseudo) incest subtext, hmm. Very early seasons indeed.
DEAN: Just when we thought we had a choice. You know, whenever we thought we had free will. We were just rats in a maze. Sure, we could go left. Sure, we could go right. But we were still in the damn maze. Just makes you think, if all of it... you know, everything that we've done... What did it even mean? SAM: It meant a lot. We still saved people. DEAN: Yeah, but what for? You know? Just so he could throw another End of the World at us and then sit back and chug popcorn? SAM: Maybe. Yeah, maybe. But... now he's gone. DEAN: You think? SAM: That's what he does. He gets bored and... and... and... and pulls the ripcord. I mean, that's what he did with Apocalypse World and... and probably with all of them. He moves on, starts another story. But you know what? Good. 'Cause if he bailed, it's just us. For the first time. It's just us. DEAN: And about three billion ghosts. SAM: Yeah, well, what's one more Apocalypse, right? But, seriously, if we win... When we win this, God's gone. Hm. There's no one to screw with us. There's no more maze. It's just us. And we're free. DEAN: So you and me versus every soul in Hell? I like those odds. SAM: Yeah, me too. DEAN: Well, you know what that means. We got work to do. [DEAN shuts the trunk, and the scene shifts to him shutting the trunk at the end of 1.01]
Most of the analysis of Chuck I've seen is as him as a metaphor for the creators/producers/metanarrative of the show. I think there’s also something of a deadbeat dad (the whole creating universes and then abandoning them for new ones) and, much more speculatively, as a "bad" fan, altho I'm going to expand more on that later.
Sam & Dean’s last exchange sets up the big questions of the season, meaning vs. meaninglessness, where does meaning come from if a shitty God can just wipe out all the things you did, or has been controlling your whole life. If Dean is the side of despair & hopelessness, then Sam is more faith & hope, and the show seems clearly to be on Sam’s side.
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gorge5 · 25 days
Stem Cell/Cord Blood Banking Global Market 2024 - By Growth, Trends, Share, Size, Forecast To 2033
The stem cell/cord blood banking market size is expected to see rapid growth in the next few years. It will grow to $18.83 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.5%.  The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to personalized medicine, emerging therapies, international expansion, investment in biotechnology, legal and ethical framework. Major trends in the forecast period include non-invasive collection methods, multiple banking services, transparency and regulation, collaborative efforts, storage innovations.
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To access more details regarding this report, visit the link: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/stem-cell-cord-blood-banking-global-market-report
Segmentation & Regional Insights The stem cell/cord blood banking market covered in this report is segmented – 1) By Cell Type: Adult Stem Cells, Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells, Embryonic Stem Cells 2) By Service: Collection, Processing, Analysis, Storage 3) By Bank Type: Public, Private 4) By Application: Leukemia, Anemia, Thalassemia, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Diabetes, Other Applications
North America was the largest region in the stem cell/cord blood banking market in 2023. Western Europe was the second largest region in the stem cell/cord blood banking market analysis. The regions covered in the stem cell/cord blood banking market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa Intrigued to explore the contents? Secure your hands-on sample copy of the report: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=2514&type=smp
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth Increasing number of cancer patients is a major driver for the stem cell /cord blood banking market. Cancer diseases such as leukemia and multiple myeloma can be treated by stem cell transplant. In stem cell transplant, treatment can be either done by autologous transplant in which the stem cells come from the same person who gets the transplant or by allogeneic transplant in which means the stem cells come from a matched related or unrelated donor. By using stem cells in the treatment of cancer, the blood forming stem cells which are damaged during chemotherapy can be restored. According to a report by WebMD,an American publisher of health related news, in 2021, 10 million people died of cancer worldwide. which can be treated by transplanting the stem cells.
Key Industry Players Major companies operating in the stem cell/cord blood banking market include AMAG Pharmaceuticals Inc., Cryo-Cell International Inc., Esperite NV, Americord Registry LLC, China Cord Blood Corporation, Cordlife Group Ltd., CordVida, Cryo Stemcell, PerkinElmer Inc., ReeLabs Pvt Ltd., Smart Cells International Ltd., Stemade Biotech Pvt Ltd., ViaCord Inc., Americord Registry LLC, LifeCell International, Cryoviva Biotech Pvt Ltd., Cytori Therapeutics Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Cord Blood America Inc., StemCyte Inc., Brainstorm Cell Therapeutics Inc., Cord Blood Registry Systems Inc., Healthbanks Biotech Usa Inc., Cryo-save Private Ltd., New York Cord Blood Center, CryoHoldco, Vita 34 International AG, Reliance Life Sciences Pvt Ltd., Maze Cord Blood Laboratories, Cells4Life Group LLP
The stem cell/cord blood banking market report table of contents includes: 1. Executive Summary 2. Stem Cell/Cord Blood Banking Market Characteristics 3. Stem Cell/Cord Blood Banking Market Trends And Strategies 4. Stem Cell/Cord Blood Banking Market - Macro Economic Scenario 5. Global Stem Cell/Cord Blood Banking Market Size and Growth ..................... 31. Global Stem Cell/Cord Blood Banking Market Competitive Benchmarking 32. Global Stem Cell/Cord Blood Banking Market Competitive Dashboard 33. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Stem Cell/Cord Blood Banking Market 34. Stem Cell/Cord Blood Banking Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis 35. Appendix
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