#it's 6.30 pm on a friday WHY are they HERE
shakespearerants · 1 year
Student dorm life is walking downstairs with 5 days unwashed hair in tights and ur rattiest sweater only to find 7 people you've never met who DO NOT live in the building cooking in your kitchen
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chaenqen · 5 months
more girly girl yn and niki! specifically (if u want) niki getting jealous because yn is oblivious to someone hitting on her?
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₋ ‣∝ ⌕ ❛. ⁸₊ˀ `⌯⌦ ⋆₈ ⁺, n.rk ⥽ female!choreographer!reader ⥽ oc “friend” ⥽ jealousy jealousy ⥽ enhypen x reader ⥽ swearing&cussing ⥽ friends₂more
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thursday. 6pm.
you went out with one of your guy friends, noah, on your way to the hybe building to go to practice. you didn’t notice the fact that there were quite a few cameras that had catched you two walking down the streets. you liked noah a lot because he was always so sweet to you, he bought you plushies and chocolate and he even took you out to eat occasionally.
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friday. 11.20 pm.
it wasn’t long after the dispatch article was released that riki had texted you. he was never a fan of noah yet you never understood why. you thought they even had some similarities.
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sunday. 6.30 pm.
riki and you decided to meet up at one of the practice rooms at the building since he told you that he had a plan to show you what an asshole noah actually is but you didn’t feel well about this at all… “are you sure about this, riki? i don’t think this is going to work, you know…”
your friends eyes roll back in annoyance as he crosses his arms and in front of his chest and shakes his head. he knew that you were stubborn but he couldn’t believe how oblivious you are, especially when it comes to noah.
“you’re going to see that it works when he’s here.” riki responds after a few seconds of silence and just about then the door opens and a brightly smiling noah walks right in “hey baby…!”
your eyes quickly dart towards riki in uncertainty and as you expected he just rolled his eyes once again, copying noah’s words in a mocking way. the other boy ignores riki’s words and engulfs you in a tight hug, arms wrapped around your waist to pull you closer to him. a surprised sound escapes your lips before you let out a chuckle “sorry for asking you so spontaneously to meet up…”
noah leans into your ear to whisper in a teasing and quiet voice “don’t be sorry, id leave everything behind for you…” a smirk is plastered on his lips as he leans back again, taking your hand in his. riki’s and noah’s eyes meet and you notice how intensely they are glaring at each other.
“so you do that with every girl, huh?” riki speaks up with a confident smirk as he glares at the boy who was still holding onto your hand. “what makes you think that? you’re jealous, aren’t you?” noah had the same giddy and excited expression again as soon as he noticed you looking at him.
as soon as he hears noah’s responds he pulls out his phone and seemingly searches for something on it. “you’re a bad liar, noah and you’re especially bad at being genuinely kind to any girl at all.” riki turns his phone around and shows us both the chat between him and one of noah’s friends which are basically saying how often he had cheated on his girlfriends, how often he talked bad about you behind your back and even worse. “even your friends started working against you.” your eyes slightly widen as you notice the way noah lets go of your hand and steps closer to riki until they’re face to face. “you really think you’re better than me, don’t you?” he asks with an angry expression on his face while his fists clench.
riki just chuckles at noah’s question before he answers him in a confident voice “obviously i am because i donr play with girls hearts.” noahs eyebrows furrow in anger and his fists clench even tighter. you feared that they would start fighting so you quickly pull noah away from riki “don’t you dare hit him.” you glare up at the boy you thought was innocent and genuine. noah pulls his wrist from your grip and glares down into your eyes before responding, his voice cold and filled with irritation “stay out of this, little girl…” he bumps his shoulder against riki’s as he storms past him and out of the practice room.
all you could do right now was stare at the door in disbelief, not noticing riki stepping closer to you before he stops right in front of you, softly holding your face in his hands as he speaks up in a soft voice “the chat was only to get him out of his act… what you saw just now was the real noah, the noah i’m always talking about.”
@squoxle @j-wyoung @echoofnoise00
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The cabin part 1
This is the first series of all the little in between stories after Fresh Starts.
It’s just romance!!Hope you guys enjoy xx 
Talks of a domestic violence case.
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*Knock knock*
“Liv can I come in?"
"Of course Y/N, What's up?" You walked into Liv's office and went and sat on chair across the other side of her desk.
"Would it be OK with you if I take a personal day on Monday?"
"Ah....yeah sure I don't see why not, we should be fine. But if anything happens I'll just call you to come in."
"No problems at all Liv thanks so much"
“That’s OK Y/N, go home now we will see you tomorrow."
It was 4 pm on Thursday and you and Nick had just clocked off.
"Where do you want me to drop you?"
"Oh, its OK, thanks anyway Nick. I have to pick some stuff up on the way to Rafael's, I'll just walk its still early, thank you though"
"You message me as soon as you get home, if you need me you call me" 
You walked out together, Nick got in his car and you walked away. While you were walking you called Carmen.
"Hey Carmen, it's Y/N, but don't say my name out loud, I don't want Rafael to hear you talking to me"
She giggled, “OK no problems, how can I help?"
"What do I have to do to get Rafael the day off on Monday?"
"Umm" she lowered her voice to almost a whisper "As long as it's just Monday, I can cover for him, but he would have to be back Tuesday morning."
"You’re the best Carmen, I owe you an iced latte. Just please don't let him know what’s going on"
"No problems at all. Thanks for calling the ADA's office, have a great afternoon"
You continued to walk towards Rafael's place. About 2 blocks before, there was a small boutique store that had some beautiful pieces, you always seen it when you drove past. You walked inside and were amazed by what was in front of you. Every colour of the rainbow, lace, satin, silk, leather, whatever your heart desired.
"Hello, can I help you?" Said a tall blonde lady with a small smile on her face
"Umm yes please"
About 40 mins later you walked out with a small bag with what you thought was just right. You had to ask her to put it in a small bag, how would you hide a box, it would give your plans away.
As you walked the last couple of blocks, you looked up cabins just outside New York. You didn't want to go too far away it would cost an arm for a car, but wanted to be out far enough that it didn't feel like you were in the city. You found the perfect place and booked on line for that weekend. You decided you wouldn't tell Rafael your plans until he got home tomorrow night.
The last week had been stressful. The squad had a domestic violence case come in that Fin stumbled on by accident while he was looking on the net. That caused a lot of tension with the squad and the DA's office.
For the first time during your time at SVU everyone was on different pages and it showed. Liv and Nick were all for putting him away, Fin and you were on the fence and Amanda said we should leave it alone. Rafael had no time for the fighting and bickering that went on when you were all in his office or if he was in the bullpen and would often lose his temper at you all often.
He wanted to put this guy away, this case was a trigger for him, and he didn't know how to deal with, and he hated how he reacted to you because of it. You guys hadn't been fighting, but you were bickering and he was snappy. It was getting to him. It went to trail and the man was found "guilty".
Rafael was over the moon as was Liv, you and Fin just kept mid ground, while Nick and Amanda got into a huge fight at a bar one night at after work drinks, which you had to step between them to stop it before Amanda pushed Nick over the edge. You wanted to surprise Rafael, do something special for him. So why not a weekend away, just the two of you to reconnect.
Your Friday was quite, nothing new came in, and you guys pretty much finished paper work all day. Finally 5 came around. Rafael messaged and said he was going to be home around 7 and he would pick up dinner on his way back and for you to meet him at his place because he actually had the weekend off.
Amanda knew about your weekend plans, she was the one that suggest the boutique in the first place,
"This case has wound him up tight, you need to get on top of that" she laughed at you one lunch time.
So she offered to drop you at yours to pick up your stuff and drive you to Rafael’s. Having some girl time was just what you both needed. She wanted to see what you brought.
"OH WOW. That's so beautiful Y/N, Barba is going to love it. Just a shame stuff likes this ends up on floor so quickly" you both burst out laughing
Amanda had just dropped you off, you had about half an hour before Rafael would be back. You walked into his bedroom to his walk in and went straight to his work shirts. You knew what you were looking for, you grabbed what you wanted, ran to your weekend bag and put it in under your cloths to hide it.
Just then you heard the front door close,
You walked towards the kitchen, his jacket was laying on the back of the couch, he was standing in the kitchen taking containers out of a paper bag, tie lose around his neck, vest undone, the first two buttons of his dress shirt undone showing off his under shirt, his sleeved rolled up and a red pair of suspenders.
"Hey mi Hermosa, I've missed you" he said with a beaming smile "I got you your favourite pasta from that place you like" he walked over to you, put his hands on either side of your face and kissed you
"Thanks Rafi"
"Hermosa, I’ am sorry for how I acted this week. This case brought out a horrible side of me, I'm so sorry. I love you"
"I love you too. I know Rafi, it was hard on you. But I have a surprise for you"
He raised his eye brows with a smirk, "oh yeah"
"Well...after dinner you need to pack a weekend bag. I have ordered a car for 9 am tomorrow to pick us up. We are going away till Monday. I spoke to Carmen yesterday and she said she would cover for you, but you have to be back Tuesday. Liv said I could have Monday off, but I'm on call."
"You planned this just for me, mi Hermosa?" He rubbed your cheek with his thumb, looking in your eyes with a side smile.
"I know this case brought up things for you. You need some down time Rafi. And trust me, there will be plenty" you winked at him.
Rafael was so excited for the weekend, after dinner you both showered and went into the bed room for him to pack. He started to go through his cloths and pulled what he thought he needed. You told him to pack one dinner outfit and the rest was just causal, but you didn't tell him that you didn't really plan on wearing cloths most of the weekend. He started to look through his shirts to pick one of his more casual one for dinner, you were sitting on the bed watching some show when he yelled from his walk in,
"I have a shirt missing"
You lifted your hand to your mouth so he didn't hear you giggling.
"Rafi, you have so many shirts, how would you know ones missing?"
"Mi Hermosa, I have been single for a long time, the only happiness I had for a while was buying new work cloths. It’s the pink on with the white stripes, you know the one? The one you can't keep your hands off me when I wear it"
You giggled behind your hands again "Maybe you forgot it at the dry cleaners last week"
"Hmmmmm.....maybe, I'll check on Monday when we get home"
The car drove down a long dirt road, you could see small cabins spread out around a meadow, all of them facing a large lake. Rafael got your bags out of the boot and you both walked to the office which was in front of a beautiful looking restaurant.
Rafael held the door open for you and walked in with a small man with glasses sitting behind the desk,
“Ah, you must be Mr and Mrs Barba"
Your cheeks went red and you went to open your mouth to correct him, when Rafael jumped in,
"Yes, we are Mr and Mrs Barba, we are looking forward to our stay here" Rafael looked at you and winked and you giggled with a bright red face. You never knew how nice it felt to be called Mrs Barba, it had a nice ring to it.
"Nice to meet you both. Lucky for you, you’re the only booking this weekend. Mrs Barba, I know you booked for dinner for 7 tomorrow, but I moved it to 6.30 if that's fine with you?"
"Yes of course no problems at all"
"Here’s your room key. You’re in cabin 6. We will see you at 6.30 tomorrow for dinner, enjoy your day"
"Thank you" you both said together, you grabbed the key and walked out of the office.
"I'm sorry about the confusion with the last names Rafi, I don't know what happened, I did put mine in"
He laughed out loud, "Why are you sorry Hermosa? Mrs Barba sounds good on you, I like it"
You walked along the path to cabin 6. Painted white, it had a little porch with just enough room for a wicker day bed to fit on it, behind the couch was a roof to floor window with sheer drapes that you couldn't see through from the outside. It had a light blue door with a stained glass window on it.
You unlocked the door and walked in, to your right was a medium size bathroom with a shower, basin and toilet,
"Damn no bath" you joked, Rafael laughed.
There was a small two seater couch inside with a two seater table that was an open plan lay out, there was another door which lead to the bed room, wasn't huge, but it had a king size bed with enough room to walk around and waist high cabinet which was for bags to be placed on, and a TV and mirror on the wall.
"Mi Hermosa, this place is beautiful. You picked well"
"Thanks Rafi, glad you like it. Now it's time to relax. How about you go and sit on the day bed, I'll make coffee"
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slvtbible · 5 years
I should’ve walked away | pt. 2
[In which he says everything he needs to say]
Warnings: mentions of terminal illness, tears, curse words
[If this sucks i’m sorry:/ i have never been good with part twos unlike some other talented writers out there, who are killing it lol]
[But anyways, i hope you guys like this. Sorry for taking this so long!]
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You thought that heartbreak will only last for a couple weeks. But you were wrong about that.
The night after you left the party was also the night you went back home to your small apartment. You blocked his number right after you reached your home, have no absolutely intention on rekindling the relationship,
You called your mother and told her about everything whilst your cried. She tried to calm you down but it didn’t work. You weren’t crying over the fact that your relationship with Harry had ended, but you were crying over how completely different Harry was that night. And how his friends were no better than him. That broke your heart to pieces, because you had been together for three years and expected that Harry was the guy that everyone talked about on the media. Yet, they proved you wrong.
Sobs were uncontrolled as you cried to your mom, cursing him over and over but surprisingly, although you told your mom how disrespectful Harry and his friends had been to both of you, she only sighed to herself and smiled softly. Knowing that this would happen either way, because your family were never been blessed with good wealth and people will always look down on you no matter what. She knew that already so she wasn’t disappointed nor hurt.
But she also knew Harry is a good person. Though only had a chance of meeting him once, he was the most polite and kindest man you have ever dated. She told you herself and she remembered how pink your cheeks were when you blushed, it was truly the most heartwarming and cutest thing your mother ever had to witness.
Now, those days were over. To you. You swore to yourself to never ever fall back to the arms of a man who is disrespectful towards your mother.
It is four months later after your break up with Harry and you’d be lying if you say you didn’t miss him. During work or during your sleepless nights, he would always manage to find his way to sneak in to your mind and it’s hard for you to get rid of those thoughts.
Harry is suffering just the same as you. Perhaps even worse.
He is not himself anymore. After he spat those terrible things towards the only woman he’s ever loved and he’s ever going to marry, he could never forgive himself. He blames himself for your departure, he curses himself for using your insecurities against you and that was not fair.
He’s very much aware of how privileged he is and so are the people around him, yet he decided to go and rub it on your face. Even made fun of your mother’s income. His mother would be livid if she finds out how terrible he treated you. Anne favours you very much, she always have.
This year, turns out to be a not pretty good year for you. Your mother had informed you four months ago that your sister, have been adapted with cancer. Both treatments and surgery costs $30,000 combined and you have no idea how to earn that much money in less than three months to pay for them all. Especially when you only have one job while you have classes to attend to. 
But you made up your mind. You decided to drop out of college and started to take three jobs—which are not really helping at all, the money aren’t enough just yet— to pay for the surgery. The university offers you to pay for all of your tuition including the living costs, in order for you to stay because you’re one of the best students and they don’t want to let you go.
However, you declined. It’s not fair and you have always been taught by your parents to work hard on your own. Earn your money and one day all of your blood, sweat and tears will pay off. Someday.
“Want me to close this one up, darling?”
Your lovely co-worker, Maria asks. She’s a couple years older than your mom and have been nothing but nice to you ever since you applied for this job. She knows all about your problem as well. Harry, his friends, the money, everything and she doesn’t judge you. You’re grateful for that,
With a smile, you nod your head softly at her as your eyes starting to get heavier. “Are you fine with that? Don’t wanna be a bother”
Maria scoffs, waving you off as she locks the cabinet. “You were never a bother, Y/N. Go get some rest, you do have another job to work at tomorrow don’t you?”
Again, you nod. Untying your white apron and fold it neatly, putting it inside your tote bag. You hug Maria as you thank her and kisses her cheek before walking out of the shop to walk home,
You see, for the past four months you work as a bartender on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, from 11 am - 3 am. A waitress at a diner on Wednesday and Friday, from 6.30 am - 12 pm and babysitting on Saturday. So the only day you don’t have work is Sunday, where you spend it almost everyday just sleeping. Wether in your bed or the couch.
Tired is the perfect description about your daily life. Though your friends are all dying to meet up with you, you know you can’t. You have absolutely no social life and you’re just waiting for all of this to end. But you’re not sure when.
As soon as you step inside your small apartment, you lock the door and throw your keys on the counter before walking upstairs and run yourself a bath. You decide to spoil yourself for a few moments then go to bed,
Harry is suffering.
His days are supposed to be the days where he should write new songs for his next album. But the papers are only filled with dozens of messages he wanted to say to you. Crumpled and ruined. In which he have no slight intention on throwing them away because the paper is the only source he gets to say what he wants to say. And he can’t no longer say them to you,
He knows you’ve blocked his number, he’s hurt to say at least. Numerous voicemails and messages he sent were left unopened. The thing that drives him even crazier is that he doesn’t even know where you live! He needs to know wether you’re okay or not, are you eating well enough, drink enough water or not. Or have you found someone else that can love and care for you the way he does?
The thought of you finding someone else hurt his heart but he understands why. He has to. You’ve put up with his shit—his friends included— longer than anyone else does. That’s why he loves you.
His tears hasn’t stopped either. Everyday he wakes up, and finds himself crying over you, wanting you back in his arms. Every night he falls asleep with the thought of you on his mind makes him cry while he hugs your perfume scented pillow tightly against his chest. If he can’t hold you close to his heart then maybe your pillow will do.
“You want anything, mate?” Jeff swings the door open, voice fills with concern and fear. Ever since that night happened, Harry has done nothing but cold to his friends. Except for his band.
He shakes his head, rubbing his slightly red nose with his eyes glued on the journal. “No.”
With his one simple worded answer only leaves Jeff to nod his head, grabbing his black coat from the sofa and walk out of the studio.
Mitch looks over at Sarah for a split second before settling his eyes back on the piece of white paper,
“Have you... tried to talk to her? Perhaps, reach out to her again.” Mitch asks, carefully looking up.
Mitch learns that whenever he or anyone for that matter mentions your name, he gets aggressive then cries. So he reminds himself everyday and to everyone to be careful everytime they want to speak with Harry. He’s a fragile human being right now,
Harry lets out a small sarcastic laugh, closing his journal and lean his back against the couch. “Of course i did. Many times. But she never even answered my call or text. Her friend Jenna left me on read when i asked her to tell me about how Y/N is doing. It’s hopeless, besides it’s months ago. I bet Y/N has already forgotten about me.”
His voice cracks as the last sentence comes falls from his lips. Grabbing a water bottle from the table, he takes a slow sip as his eyes begins to water and he has to inhale deeply to keep them from falling,
Sarah looks down, sighing to herself. “You’re saying that as if it’s her fault for forgetting about you that fast.”
“I wasn’t-“
“Need i to remind you that you were the one who compared her to Kendall. From her appearance to her income. Her job wasn’t fancy or popular, yeah i get that but she was struggling, Harry. Did you ever learn that your girlfriend was an immigrant when she came here? Finding a job with such a reputation was hard for people like her! They don’t immediately give you the chance to work as models, fashion stylists or musical producers like us! Think about that Harry. Or were you too wrapped up around Kendall’s or any Victoria’s Secret models fingers that you had the audacity to bring your ex girlfriend down like that!”
“Sarah” Mitch tries, trying to keep her calm,
But she isn’t having any of it. “No, Mitch he needs to hear this!” She protests as she looks over at Mitch then back again at Harry. “You out of all people should know that! You were her boyfriend for fuck sake! And she didn’t need any of you snobby asses to remind her where her insecurities lay! She already knows she don’t fit in! She knows her place Harry, and she knows she’s not as pretty as Kendall Jenner, Camille, or Georgia or Nadine. Stop moping around and hope that people will have sympathy for you because you don’t deserve mine!” She snaps, breathing in heavily and stands up to walk away, trying to calm her down,
Harry is struck. Sarah is known to be one of those people who rarely gets angry because she seems to be walking in a ray of sunshine everyday, a sweet smile never leaves her face. As if there’s nothing can bring her down.
But today is completely different, Harry watched Sarah as she outed everything she had deep down in her heart. You and Sarah have always been so close, you two are like one of those two best friends in high school. The Betty to her Veronica. And to see Harry broke your heart, played a insecurity against you made her cry too. She was disappointed in Harry.
Still, Harry can’t accept the fact that Sarah put all the blame on him when you were the one who chose to walk away.
“I love her, Sarah. What makes you think that i would intentionally hurt her like that? That night, she was the one who walked out on me. I told her that i would help her, support her, financially and emotionally. She was my girlfriend but she left!” He bursts, looking up at his bandmate with his nose flaring in anger,
Sarah looks at him in disbelief and lets out a sarcastic laugh. “And have you, really?” She questions, crossing her arms over her chest. “You know, she thought about leaving you for a long time Harry. Way before we celebrated your victory win at that club. But she stayed. Did you know? She fucking stayed. Because to her it didn’t matter if the world was against her, if the fans hated the two of you together, or even if your exes stared her down like she was a peasant. All she ever needed was you. You and Y/N against the fucking world.”
Sarah leaves it at that, before walking away from the two of them. She needs to cool down before she completely loses it,
Harry looks down on his lap, taking each and every word of hers and input them in his brain. He bites down his lip trying to contain the tears that are threatening to spill from his eyes. He presses the home button of his phone and see a picture of you laying on the bed, wearing nothing but a white duvet to cover your naked body. A toothy grin stretches over your pretty face with your eyes closes a bit,
He smiles sadly at the memory. He remembers taking the picture on the next morning after making love to you all night. It was the best night of his life, he got to hold the woman of his dreams and the dimpled smile never leave his face. He wishes he never let you walk away. He should’ve beg you to stay that night. He swears that the day after he met you, he would leave his career and dreams behind if it means being with you forever. Yes. He thought of forever and it doesn’t scared him. But it’s all too late is it?
“I miss you” he whispers, tracing a finger over your picture on his wallpaper. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m really sorry.” He gives a small peck on his phone where your lips are, imagining that you were also there with him.
It doesn’t matter if it hurts him. Because nothing compares to what he has done to you few months ago
“Here are your hot cakes and coffee?” You smile sweetly at the customer, placing her orders on the table,
“Thank you, can i have a napkin please?” The customer smiles back, reaching over for the coffee and take a sip,
You nod your head, telling her that you’ll be right back before going over behind the counter and grabs a pink napkin, handing it to her.
“Is lover boy coming today?” Maria asks, as she places the order on the tray and giving it to you,
Rolling your eyes, you tell her to knock it off. Earning a loud giggle falls from her lips,
“What? That man has done nothing but come here to see you. And he only comes to your shifts! Don’t tell me that he’s not in love with you”
“Maria, no!” You laugh, picking up the tray full of food and handing it to the other waitress, “he’s just been so... supportive of me. I mean-he’s been helping me taking care of my mom and sister. Did you know that he offers to pay Beatrice’s surgery?”
Maria gapes, halting her moves as she stares at you. “That’s amazing!”
However you give her a look and a slight chuckle. “Don’t get too excited, i turned that offer down.”
The answer you give, wipes the bright smile off Maria’s face. “What? Why? Y/N! A kind and handsome man who’s been there for you through these past difficult months offers you to pay your sister’s surgery and you said no? Are you kidding me, honey?”
Nope. You aren’t. Sure it sounds good to have someone pay for something so important and urgent but you can’t let him do it. Not when this man is associated with your one and only former boyfriend who has the same circle of friends that will tear you apart all over again. You can’t go through the same thing twice.
Yes. Former boyfriend as in Harry Edward Styles. Dean is his right hand when it comes to writing the lyrics. He participates 80% on his first solo album, meaning that he plays a big role on his music and that’s very important to him. Dean is one of Harry’s good friends as well, though you had never seen them hang out that much.
The two of you have become close after your messy break up with Harry. Dean reached out to you and sent his love, and truly you didn’t expect that. You’ve never interacted with Dean before then to found out that he called you by his number, left you surprised. In a good way.
Ever since, Dean has been very kind and supportive towards you. He takes you home sometimes, whenever he gets the chance. He brings you food at late night though you tell him numerous times that you weren’t hungry, he knows you’re lying so he did it anyway. He knows that you don’t have the best place to lay your head since months ago. The small and crappy apartment that you only managed to afford for now, isn’t exactly the best one yet. People are selling weed and hardcore drugs in the building, you’ve gotten sick of it but you have to hold on.
And again, he offered you to stay at his place because he can’t stand to see you at that state. But you were so head strong that it makes him upset and admired you than he ever did before, you truly are a gift.
You’ve come into a conclusion where Harry prefers to keep his toxic friends closer to him than the ones who actually brings positivity. Dean is obviously the most positive out of them all, well apart from Sarah, Mitch, Adam and you haven’t seen Clare that much.
Dean decides to keep this friendship of yours a secret between the two of you. He can’t risk of getting caught by Harry and neither can you, Harry will tear him to limbs if he finds out that his best friend is talking with his ex who he still loves dearly.
Harry does talk about you to him all the time. How he cries at night for hours and how stupid he was to let go the only good thing in his life. Sure, Dean feels guilty about it but Harry should’ve known better than playing the victim in front of him. You were the one who got walked over by Harry and his friends, the one who puts up with his shit despite the hate and the judgemental looks, you’re working your ass off to earn money though it’s not one of those jobs that you can be proudly show them off.
Dean maybe his best friend but he disagrees with everything that Harry had done. And he just felt so bad that he wasn’t there that night to stopped them.
Rolling your eyes again, you give her a lopsided smile. “I’m not kidding, Maria. I’m gonna work to get that money, by myself. I admit, i would be glad to take the money from Dean but it’s not fair. So I won’t do that.”
Maria sighs, but a smile is playing on her lips. She completely adores you, the hard work you have given throughout these past few months she has seen you, never fails to make her heart melts. The love you have for your family is completely indescribable. And she prays that you’ll hold on to that,
“Okay, then suit yourself. Now, go ahead and brings this order to the coupl right over there.” Maria points with her thumb, sliding the tray to you. “I think there’s someone outside would love to meet you”,
In confusion, you turn your head around and spot a familiar young man with brown hair smiling softly at you. He gives you a gentle wave as soon as you turn around, mirroring his smile.
You hold your finger up, telling him to wait for a minute before taking the tray off the counter and place it on the couple’s table next to the window. Maria glances at you and gives a playful smile which you silently tell her to knock it off,
Dean is leaning against his car with hands in his pockets when you walk out, smiling over at you before regaining his posture to stand straight. A shy smile casts over your lips when the two of you greet with a friendly hug,
“Hey. What are you doing here?” You ask soon as the both of you pull away from each other’s embrace. “My shift is almost over.”
He nods, shrugging. “I know, that’s why i’m here.”
You stare at him with a sketchy look on his face, baby blue eyes staring at your brown ones and you can’t read what is going on his mind. “Okay...? what is it?”
“Was just thinking that maybe... you can swing by at the studio today.”
After he mentions the word studio, your face fall. Does he really thinks by bringing you over to the studio where your ex-boyfriend works at is a really good idea? You are not ready to face him nor will you ever be.
You let out a small laugh, “you’re crazy Dean. The answer is no. I don’t want to see Harry”
The way his name rolls out of your tongue feel so strange, considering you haven’t spoken his name for months. And honestly, that name used to give you goosebumps and the cause of your blushing cheeks. But now it doesn’t anymore.
“You don’t have to interact with him! Just stay with me. Besides, it’s not like you will be all alone. Sarah is there, Adam and Mitch are too.”
“They’re Harry’s friends” you state with an obvious tone,
“at the moment, not really. They’re giving him cold looks lately. Won’t speak to him unless for rehearsals and songs writing. Apart from Jeff, Lucy, Don, Annie, Jordan, Kel-”
“Why am i not surprised? Those people are the ones who trash talked about me. Wether it’s in front of Harry or not, and he had no interest on defending me whatsoever.” You cut him off before he can finish, breathing in deep as you recall the last moments you had together with him. “i just-- don’t want to get hurt anymore Dean. And they are not even his friends! They’re using him. They use his name to get into clubs, restaurants, after parties, you name it. As much as he had hurt me, i don’t want him to get hurt. He’s sensitive, you know that.”
Dean only nods, he knows that his friends are nothing but utter scums. He has been observing them for months and he cannot believe that Harry is gullible enough to think that they actually cared for him. They don’t and they never did. It was always him or Mitch who looks out for their green eyed friend, but he shoves him off and tells him to mind his own business. So he left it at that.
Then to see how frustrated you are at this time, he can feel a tug at his heart. You have condoned so many things lately, seeing you’re drowning yourself in bills, taxes, jobs, sweats, tears, makes him want to take your pain away but he doesn’t even know how. 
Harry has hurt you deeply, yet he can’t understand why you still care about him. 
“You don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable.” he says after five minutes of silence. “If i had an ex who treated me like dirt, i wouldn’t want to see her ever again. Probably would run for my life if we were in a room together.”
You let out a small laugh, it’s not really funny but you think that he’s doing that to only lighten up the mood. You gotta give him credit for that.
“I’m sorry Dean, maybe next time yeah?”
Harry is now sitting on his car, parked in front of your mother’s house as he thinks about what to say as soon as he walks towards the small house.
He tries so hard to get rid of the redness that is clearly visible on his green irises, but it’s no use. The tears are still falling from his eyes, no matter how many time he tries to get rid of the thoughts when he had hurt you. Seeing you cry was the most heartbreaking sight he could have ever seen, and to know that he was the cause of your tears few months ago he could never ever forgive himself.
Before stepping out of his Range Rover, he takes a deep breath and looks over at the mirror to make himself look presentable. He doesn’t want to look gross or disgusting when meeting your mom. And he definitely doesn’t want her to think that he’s looking like this because of you, he doesn’t want to play the victim. He’s the one in the wrong,
Harry takes long steps towards the house, his body is clad with sapphire blue sweater and a beanie thrown over his head, so that the fans won’t notice that Harry Styles is around.
He doesn’t want to be that guy at the moment. He wants to be just Harry this time. The Harry that is about to ask your mother’s forgiveness in less than few minutes.
His heart beats louder as soon as he hears your mother calls after he knocks on the door. Leg is bouncing rapidly as he waits.
“Just a second!” She calls out, shuffling inside
He can hear her steps getting closer and he feels his palms are sweating. Bottom lip is taken between his teeth, waiting for her to open up the door.
The door swings open suddenly, and your mother’s exhausted face comes into view. Messy dark brown hair is pulled into a bandana, he can tell that she’s about to leave judging from her choice of clothing.
As soon as she looks up, her eyes are widen and her body freezes as she stands in the doorway. Taking in Harry’s appearance, glancing him up and down before letting out a shaky breath.
“Harry... what are you doing here, my love?”
His heart wrenches. After all this time. The talks, the looks, the whispers that had been thrown at both you and her, she still calls him an endearing nickname and nothing breaks him even more than that. He doesn’t deserve that, at all and he should be ashamed of himself
With a soft smile, he nods at her. Pulling his beanie off slowly. “Hi, Mrs. Y/L/N. Can i come in?”
Your mother is struggling what to say, and wether it’s a good idea for her to invite him in. But she knows that what happened in the past, stays in the past and she can never hold a grudge against him. 
Harry is a good man, is what she always says to you. Despite everything, she knows damn well that he is not a bad guy. And she believes that he has a good intention on coming here, she can’t reject that.
She softly nods, a smile pulling into her lips as she opens the door wider to let him in. “Of course, make yourself comfortable.”
He thanks her before stepping inside carefully, his eyes are observing the small place she called home. To say that he’s hurt is an understatement, he pays attention to every small details in the house and noticing that they aren’t in a very good condition. The ceiling has a hole on it and there’s a leak in it too, a big pink bucket sitting on the corner to capture the drops.
The kitchen is a mess. Vegetables are sprawl all over the counter, cups are messily falling over the place as well. He sees there’s a few papers laying on the coffee table, and his heart almost drops when it says ‘Eviction Letter’. There are five of them, and he doesn’t know where your mother will go from there.
He wishes he could help you and your family, but he knows that you won’t approve of him doing so. This hurts his heart more than it should be, he imagined it if it was his mom in this state. He knows damn sure that he will fills her bills with his money,
Your mother motions him to the small dining table, gesturing him to take a seat. “Here you go, mijo. Sit down” She smiles as she takes a seat as well. “Sorry if it’s a mess. Have no time to clean it today.”
Harry waves his hand off, telling her it’s completely fine before taking a seat beside her. Setting down his beanie, he clears his throat before opening his mouth to say something. But nothing comes out.
“What is it Harry? Are you okay, my dear?”
He flinches when her knuckle makes a contact with his cheek, seemingly concerned as she stares at the bags under his eyes and puffy nose which she can only assume that he had been crying for days.
Now, she knows why he’s here,
Looking up to meet your mother’s eyes, he takes a deep breath in as he reminiscing the words in his brain before pulling himself together to speak to her. He doesn’t understand how you mother treats him like her own child this moment, yet he let his friends talked shit about her and you. The love of his life.
“I’m sorry” he croaks out, sniffling as he feels his nose starting to get runny. “i shouldn’t have done it. I love your daughter more than anything in the world and i’m sorry for treating her like shit while we were together. I couldn’t find a reason on why i said all the things to her because i wasn’t thinking. Then i let my friends talked bad about you and that was completely unacceptable.”
Your mother closes her eyes for a while, sighing as she nods. She listens to every word he says to her. Her hand coming down to rub his arm slowly as he cries, fresh tears are running down his soft stubbled cheeks and he cannot stop them. No matter how many times he tries to wipe them off,
“She’s an amazing woman. And you are too, Mrs. Y/L/N. I’m sorry for being such a coward. I’m sorry for not defending you and Y/N. I’m sorry that i had the nerves to let my friends got away with the words they had thrown about you. Words cannot express how sorry i am because my mother would be livid if i treated the both of you this way.” He chuckles sadly, remembering the times where Anne would just love to give him lectures and scolds about how to treat a woman right,
‘You’re a handsome boy. Don’t go around breaking girls’s hearts, yeah? Because that will break mine too.’
“But, i hope you can forgive me Mrs. Y/L/N. I know i have no rights to say it but i hope you can.” He whispers the last sentence and lean his back against the chair, fiddling with his thumbs with his eyes looking down on his lap,
It takes a while for your mother to process all of this, and it’s not easy. She appreciates every word he had just said and she knows that Harry meant every word of it. She believes him. He’s a very good and well-mannered young man and sometimes she feels sorry of how his friends treat him like he doesn’t matter, how they can just use him for their own pleasure then discard him like a piece of garbage.
She can’t lie to him if you don’t love him anymore. You still do, but you just don’t want to admit it. Every day your heart breaks a little when the thought of not having him by your side anymore.
“I believe you, Harry. I do.” She speak with a soft smile. He looks up to her with eyes brimming red, face looking skeptical because he can’t believe the words just comes out of your mother’s mouth. “And... Y/N, she still loves you too.”
For the first time in months, his lips pulls into a genuine smile as he no longer bother to cry again. He sits up straight, leaning forward to place his arms on the table. “She does, huh?”
Your mother gives him a wide smile as she nods. “She’s just a little stubborn to admit that. You know how Y/N is, right?”
Harry lets out a small laugh, nodding his head eagerly as he remembers how hard-headed you were while the two of you were together,
“Classic Y/N” He shakes his head, suddenly missing you more than ever. “Are you going out, Mrs. Y/L/N?” He asks, changing the subject,
Your mother checks her watch and curses before standing. “I am, thanks for reminding me Harry. I appreciate you coming in here, Harry thank you.”
He hugs your mother and kisses her cheeks before pulling away from the embrace. “Where are you going? I can drop you off.” He offers, grabbing the keys from the table,
Your mother is quick to shake her head, grabbing her brown coat from the rack as she slips in on her body. “No need my love, i’ll walk.”
And in that time, she also panics. Panic because she can’t just say that she’s going to the hospital to see your sister. He’ll freak out and ended up insisting to drive her there,
“Nonsense, I’ll take you it’s fine. Just tell me where to go.”
She learns that Harry is stubborn as well. He looks at her pleadingly, and she thinks that it doesn’t matter how many times she’ll turn him down because it won’t work. He just keeps on asking and asking until she says yes. 
“To the hospital, my love.” She whispers, opening the door so the two of them can walk out,
But before Harry can take a step, the colour drains from his face and his rosy lips tremble soon as the word hospital fall from your mother’s lips. Thoughts are running on his mind as he thinks the worst possible reason on why your mother is going to the hospital with a sad look on her face.
Is your mother okay? Are you hurt? Were you in an accident or sick? Why didn’t you just tell him? Why did your mother invited him in when she was going to the hospital?
Smiling sadly, she extends her hand for him to take.
“I’ll explain in car, okay?”
“Maria! Can i take a rain check?” You call her out from the kitchen, busy dropping the dirty plates on the sink as you hurriedly pull the strings of your apron,
Maria barges in minutes later, her nose puffing as heavy breathe emerges from her mouth. She grabs her small towel and wipe the sweat that is forming on the crease of her forehead and down to her neck,
“Why? What happened?” She asks, eyes looking at you concerned with her hands settle on her hips. “Was it the landlord again? What was he saying?”
You shake your head, pulling your hair into a messy bun fast before checking your phone again to see if there is anymore messages from your mom,
“No. My mom told me to come to the hospital quickly. I don’t know why but it could have something to do with Beatrice. I have to get there quick.” You stumble with your words, thoughts are running through your head as you panic. Small tears starting to prickle from your brown eyes, you have no idea what to do if your mother is about to hit you with bad news. You can’t cope with that,
Maria rushes over to you and places her palms on your cheeks, trying to get you to look at her as she sees how much of a mess you are right now. “hey, hey. Stop it. Don’t over think something, Y/N. Everything is going to be okay, alright? Don’t stress this much. Your sister is fine, your mom is fine. She’s probably asking you to come over because Beatrice asked her to. You haven’t seen her in a while, right?”
You sigh, nodding your head slowly as she wipes off your tears. “yeah. Been so occupied with work i never got to see her in a month, i’m such a terrible sister.”
“You are everything but terrible! I have never seen a woman worked so hard in her life to help her family. I have never seen a woman sacrificed her school just so she can work to pay her family’s bills and sister’s surgery. I have never seen a woman so independent that she does not need a man to take care of her because she knows, she can handle herself well!” Maria snaps, eyebrows furrowing as her eyes stare at yours.
“Now, you’re going to take back everything you just said to me and get your ass to the hospital, sweetheart. Your family needs you more than this diner does. i’ll cover for you, don’t worry” She says, kicking her chin up to get you moving so you don’t have to take long.
She grabs your purse and jacket, shoving them to your hands then scrambles around the kitchen to find your house keys because she knows how clumsy you are with them. Good thing you don’t have a car, or else you would lose both of them.
“Here. Don’t rush okay? Take your time and let me know.” She softly says, kissing your forehead,
The love you have for her is indescribable. You look up to her after your dear mother, you rarely gets to see her these past few months and the only person that has the personality and mind as close as hers is Maria. 
With a nod, you hug her tight closely to your body. “Thank you so much Maria. I’ll pay you back, i promise.”
Maria rolls her eyes playfully and shushes you, “aish! No need to dear. Go on now. Don’t forget to text me!” She reminds you again, pointing her red manicured nail finger at you,
Without doing anything else, you swiftly turn around and head towards the exit to haul a cab. You usually prefer to take the bus than a cab or uber, but the station is 20 minutes away from the diner you work at and you have no time to reach there. 
Your mother has been blowing up your phone with dozens of texts, adding exclamation marks at the end of every sentences and nothing worries you more than that. Well not really. You’re scared that something already happened with Beatrice and then it would already be way too late to save her. Maybe that’s why your mom is sending you texts every minute...
To be honest, you have no idea why out of positive things that you can think of, the horrible thoughts manage to make their way to your brain and causes you much of a distress and nerves. You can’t contain them.
You’re pulling and tugging the strings of your jacket then switches to play with the hem of your diner uniform because of how nervous you get. Haven’t even realised that you’re biting down your soft lip too hard until your tongue manage to swipe your lower lip and taste a familiar metallic liquid, making you stop.
The driver parks the vehicle in front of the hospital lobby, and you’re way too deep in your thoughts that you really have no idea, you have arrived at the building. Pulling out a ten dollar cash, you shove the crumpled money towards the driver before stepping out of the car and rushes over to the receptionist and asks where your sister’s room is. 
And for Heaven’s sake! Can they go any slower?
“Room 187. Just straight towards the hall and the room is on your left” The middles age woman gives you a tight smile before resuming to type obnoxiously on her keyboard,
Muttering out a faint ‘thanks’, you fasten your pace quickly towards her room as you feel your heart beats louder and a small sweat forming on your neck as well on your forehead. You pray to God that nothing will happen to your sister.
She’s just a baby,
You waste no time to swing the door open when you spot the room already and soon your mother figure and your paled sister comes in view, they shifts their eyes to you and breathes out a sigh of relief. Your mother smiles at you and gives you a hug, letting it lingers for a while before pulling away.
“Thank God, you’re here.” She sighs, looking at you in the eyes. “What took you so long?”
Pulling your jacket off, not once your eyes leaves your mother’s neither on your sister’s. “What happened? Is she okay?”
Beatrice looks over at you and smile weakly before coughing furiously, lifting her arms slowly at you. “Y/N” She croaks, holding another cough in her throat. “I’m so glad you’re here”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you smile back, taking slow steps closer to the bed and gently wrap your arms around your baby sister’s fragile body. Sobs breaks out of you when you pull away from the embrace, but your hands still tightly wrap around hers, not wanting to let go.
“I’m sorry for not being around much. How are you feeling?” You softly ask her, moving your arm a little to not nudge her injected dorsal palm. 
She nods, eyes turning into slit and you can only assume that she’s pretty much exhausted. Perhaps from waiting for you and the dozens of medications they keep giving her. “I’m okay. Was just... waiting for you.”
You reply with a smile, gazing at her with much love and admirable in your eyes. The moment soon cuts off when your mother brings up a topic that had your eyes nearly pops out of their sockets.
“Pay her surgery? What? Who” You demand an answer from your mother, though you can see how she struggles not to say any word. But it’s too late to back out, your mother chooses to say it. “Tell me, who mama. Was it--was it, Dean?”
She’s quick to shake her head, moving her seat closer to sit by the bed so she can talk better with you. You watch as few strands of her dark brown hair falls to cover her eyes, causing her to push the hair back behind her ear.
“No, chica. it’s not... him. It was someone else” She speaks, hands intertwining as her voice gets lower, as if she’s afraid that you will break into a rage once you finds out who it is.
Feeling frustrated and annoyed, you give her a cold laugh. Eyes moving back and forth to look at her then back to your sister, who’s breathing is heavy and slow. You wish you can take the pain away from her.
“Are you just going to keep me waiting or what?” You ask with a rough tone in your voice. You don’t want to be mad or pissed, but you have sworn to yourself and to your family that you will pay your sister’s surgery with your own money. it’s a risk but she finds it better than to have herself rely on someone else’s cash.
The silence is driving you crazy. Because you try to get her to say what she wanted to say yet she can’t seem to find the courage in her to say it. Your mother looks down on her lap, debating on wether she should say it but mostly, she’s mentally beating herself up for speaking out too fast.
“It’s Harry.” You mother says at least, eyes looking up as she waits for you to burst out any second.
Then your face paled, brows furrowing as you retreat your hands from your sister’s causing her to whimper at the sudden contact. You cannot believe your ears! Is your mother insane or hallucinating?
“Harry? What the hell are you on about, Mom! This is not funny.” You snap, eyes burning in anger as you think to yourself how stupid and inconsiderate her mother is that she can pull out a joke at the time like this. “Come off with it, mama! Don’t fuck around!”
Suddenly your mother’s fear and concern turns into an anger soon as she hears you spoke the word. She sits up straight and lean forward. “Listen here Y/N. You will not talk to your mother with that kind of tone and words. You’re still my daughter and i’m still your mother. Respect me as your own or so help me God, i will kick you out of our lives!”
She finishes with a heavy breathing, glancing at Beatrice for a moment as she pleads to her to not start any fight. Your mother feels guilty afterwards, she shouldn’t have done it at the hospital. That’s just going to hurt your sister alot more.
You take a deep breath, nodding at your mother but still you’re upset and confuse of how your mother could bring up Harry this moment. You want to know why.
“I’m sorry. But please, explain to me what’s going on. What are you talking about? He didn’t even know you exist mom!” you jokingly add the last one but still manage to keep your tone firm. “Just tell me the truth. I won’t get mad.”
“He came to my house earlier. We... talked about something. Then he offered to drive me here and i told him why i had to go to the hospital. He broke down as soon as i told him what happened to Beatrice, my love. He cried... extremely hard and asked me how i was going to pay for all of this.” She explains, voice gentle as she traces her thumb over Sofia’s palm. “I told him that you’re paying. And that you had to quit school just so you can have three jobs to pay her surgery. He didn’t like the sound of that, chica. He knows how much you love your studies, so he can’t bare it. He wanted to pay for it all.”
“He’s a good man, Y/N. Please, you need to give him a chance.” Beatrice pleads, voice breaking as she speaks but you ignore her.
You sit there speechless. How dare for him to came to your mother’s house, asking for forgiveness and pay for all your sister’s medical surgery then hoped everything will turn out fine! That is not how it should goes and you can’t believe your mother would believed that man after he lets his friends said about your family. Your mother forgives way too easy and it has always been a trait of hers you particularly dislike.
“What the-” You stand up quickly, going to the other side of the room, pacing back and forth because you have no idea how to fucking deal with this. “How did he even find you? Mom, we can’t trust him okay? This has nothing to do with my break-up with him but who knows what he will about to say next! He would probably rant this shit out to his friends and i will no-”
“Carmen, i got you the caramel macchiato hope you like it. The espresso ran out. The line was super long.” A familiar voice cuts you off with a small chuckle follows after. 
It’s Harry.
His eyes moves from your mother’s figure to your eyes and shock is evident on his beautiful face. Breathing stops and mouth parts open as he struggles what to say next. He can sense that he’s about to loose his grip around the coffees.
You’re here. You’re really here.
“Y/N, y-you’re-” He says, still looking at you,
You scoff, not in the mood for any of this. “Save it. I’m gonna get some fresh air.” After that, you quickly move towards the door and shoves him with your shoulder, walking out of the room as you runs to exit the building.
Tears starts to stream down your face. After not seeing him for months, he’s finally there standing in your sister’s room. Thoughts are running on your head, not knowing how to face him nor your mother at this point. You should feel happy and grateful that Harry offered to pay but you don’t want to be someone else’s gossip anymore. This is completely bullshit and you refuse to even stand near him after your break-up.
“Y/N! Wait!” He calls out, you crane your neck briefly to see him running to you, nearly knocking a few people. “Slow down, please! I want to talk to you”
You don’t listen, you keep walking and walking as you finally walk out of the building. Breathing out a shaky breath, you pull out a pack of cigarette from your purse as you struggle to take one stick out.
You heart someone’s panting from behind and you don’t doubt for one bit that it’s not Harry. Hand running over his brown hair as he tries to get closer to you, a frown on his face after he sees you holding something that he hates.
“Y/N, love. Please listen to me.”
Shaking your head, you turn your head about to leave. “No. Leave me alone.”
You haven’t even take a step because Harry has already marches his way towards you and grabs your fore arms, turning you to look at him as you squeal and struggle to let go from his grip.
“Let me go! You don’t deserve to be here. Just go, Harry!” You shakily says, sniffling as your eyes meets his green ones. The eyes that you adore throughout your relationship.
“Not until you listen to me.” He states again, and he hasn’t notice that he’s crying until he sees you. Here, standing close to him with his hands wraps around your delicate ones. “I’m sorry.”
Closing your eyes you look down, shaking your head as you continue to struggle so he can let go of his grip. You don’t want to heart this. You had enough. He hurt you badly that the thought of you talking with him again had not once crossed your mind. 
You miss him but you don’t want to talk to him ever again.
“I was a fucking asshole to you. I was a terrible boyfriend and i let those people got into my head. You were so perfect for me that you’re willing to give up everything including your classes. But i was so blind to see that.” He whispers, sobbing but he keeps maintaining his posture and say what he needs to say because he does not want to lose you again.
“You have done everything for me. Sacrificed nearly everything as well and i didn’t give a single damn about it. They--they were wrong about you. They were wrong about your family, they were wrong about your mother, they were wrong about your background and it pisses me off that it’s all they care about.” He continues, hands slowly falling to rest on your hips and his heart moves a little to see you’re not pushing them away.
“It doesn’t matter, Harry. It doesn’t matter now, you’re too late. I-- i refuse to let you or any of your friends talk like that about me. You have no idea what it’s like okay?!” You yell at his face, hands on his chest to keep him from coming closer. “You have no idea what it’s like to have a mother who doesn’t have a decent job, a father who went to jail for something he didn’t do, a sister who’s life is on a line because i have no fucking idea if she will survives or not!”
You break out into sobs, pouring everything you haven’t got the chance to say to him. He looks hurt. Hurt because he had no idea about everything that has been going on in your family and he’s a fucking dumbass. Why? Why would he hurt you like that?
“People look down on me many times. Including your friends. But i stayed because i loved you, Harry. I loved you fucking much and you didn’t care.” Tears are blurring your vision and it’s pointless to wipe them away, knowing they just keep on coming. “We won’t work. We won’t ever work.” 
He shakes his head, hands grabbing the either side of your face as he forces you to look back at him again. “No. No, no, no, no. We will work. We will, okay? I-- i love you, Y/N. I never stopped, i missed you laying next to me and i missed seeing you looking at your laptop for God knows how long because of school’s paper and it breaks me to hear it from your mom that you quit. I can’t let you do that, i want you to do something that you love. That’s why i’m offering, Y/N.” he reasons, thumbs wiping the salty liquid falling from your eyes.
“I care about them and i care about you. I love you.”
There’s a million reasons why you should give him up at this moment. You can’t bare the thought of getting hurt again in the future, that would be a huge risk. Heartbreak is something that you had overcome for numerous times and you can’t say that it wasn’t a big deal. Because it was. And you don’t know how long you can pull this through. You’ve lost so many good thing in your life and you can’t ask to God to give them back to you.
But, you still love him. Despite everything he had put you through, you still love him. The love in his eyes is undeniable, it’s all for you and not even him can’t deny that. He’s a beautiful person, inside and out. He would never ever had the intentions of hurting someone on purpose. Especially the one he loves. And that is you.
Your mother always says, ‘beautiful person deserves second chances. But remember it’s not the beauty of appearance you should see. It’s their hearts.’ She always reminds you of that with every chance she got.
And maybe... you should.
“Harry... i would be lying if i say i didn’t miss nor love you” You watch as his eyes lights up a little but he knows deep down that he can’t get his hopes up. “I’m not sure how we’re going to do this but... i’m willing you give you a second chance.”
He breathes out a small laugh, nodding his head rapidly as he feels the butterflies erupts his stomach. He truly can’t hide the excitement over the fact you still love him.
“Okay, baby. Okay. I’m just, so glad to have you back. Also i wanted to let you know that i’ve cut ties with all of them. Told them to never speak to me again or there would be a hell to pay.” He assures, biting down his lips trying not to smile hard because he knows for a fact that his cheeks will hurt.
You nod, stretching your lips into a happy smile. “Okay. I’m-- glad to heart that but you shouldn’t hav-”
“No. I should. And i’m glad i did. Fuck them. They have no rights to say that about you.” He scoffs, cursing them over and over in his head. “You’re the love of my life, Y/N. Thank you. Oh my God, thank you baby”. He whispers, slowly leaning into your lips and presses his rosy ones to kiss you,
It catches you off guard but you kiss him back nonetheless, and you feel him smile against your soft lips because you decides to. Nothing truly makes him happier than this. Nothing.
As the two of you disconnect your lips, smile is adorn on both of your faces. Foreheads leaning against eachother, unable to contain the small giggle that escapes from your lips.
“Welcome home, baby”
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nutsabouticecream · 3 years
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Happy 4th of July Everyone! Spend some quality time with your family. We are going to do the same as we will be C L O S E D on Sunday 4Th July 2021. This is the first 4Th of July that we are closed, however we are not open later hours and not doing walk ins either so that’s fine. Our freezers are full and ready to go and so order early to avoid disappointment! Our Grand Pup was here and went to check out Liberty High School where her Daddy and Aunt and Uncles went to schools. We have been getting a lot of pushback and comments like Why aren’t your doors open why aren’t you open later and offering full menu Don’t you want to do business? I am vaccinated. To answer all above. We will NOT jeopardise and risk ourselves and our families and friends health. Who knows we may even be protecting you! To Order Go to Nutsabouticecreamonline.square.site Or call 610-861-7733. Thank You Our Hours: Closed Mondays and Tuesdays. Wednesday and Thursday 12.00 Noon to 6.30 PM. Friday and Saturday 12.00 Noon to 7.30 PM. Sunday 3.00PM to 6.30PM. Please Note : We are still doing only Curbside Pickup of prepackaged Pints. We are not open for walk in. Thank you for your support and Understanding! #exoticicecream #nutsabouticecream #homemade #allnatural #yesitsfresh #bethlehempa (at NUTS ABOUT ICE CREAM) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ1TAh2FhHf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lubdubsworld · 7 years
Lightning and Thunder ( Seokjin/OC)
Dear Diary ,
 Baby is the size of a cherry now that I’m 9 weeks pregnant. This week, me and baby have made two big accomplishments: I’ve made it to month three, and baby's no longer an embryo—now baby's a fetus.
I have headaches and just a little bit of nausea. My mood swings aren’t terrifying yet, but i do feel like crying occasionally. 
I miss my mother though.
Is it because I’m becoming one myself? 
I wish she would forgive me. 
Chapter 2
“We’re going to need  three photos, a letter of consent from your parents and of course a full physical report. And in addition, you’re going to have to wait at the least for six months and three weeks before a slot opens up. I’m really going to have to advice you to find accomadation elsewhere.”
I smiled politely, gathering up the rest of the files and slipping them into my bag before slowly raising myself off the chair. The moment I did, my head spun , the sensation foreign and frightening. 
 Dizziness in early pregnancy occurs  because of the hormones that get dumped in your blood stream causing your blood vessels to dilate. This makes your blood pressure go lower than normal and you feel faint...
it’s normal... don’t get scared...
i stood perfectly still, breathing carefully, evenly, trying to stay calm and not just freak out all over the place. i wasn’t even twenty yet. i was too young to go through this alone, i thought miserably. 
And it was stupid but the prospect of raising a child in the real world  scared me far less than the prospect of being pregnant. 
 I could barely keep myself alive on most days, often surviving on coffee and french fries and burgers. How was I supposed to raise a child  inside me? I was a reckless college student who ran on four hours of sleep and pretty much ran around like a maniac all day. 
The chances of my child staying safe inside me were very feeble.
Sighing, I took a deep breath and finally steeled myself.
“I’m pregnant.” i told the lady bluntly.
She recoiled a little, shocked. 
“I.. Sorry?”
“i’m pregnant. i have nowhere to go...i need a place in the dorms.” I said softly. 
She took a deep breath . 
“Are you married?” She said casually.
I bit my lips.
“in a relationship?” 
Oh, God. 
She looked up then and surprisingly, there was no judgement . just sympathy. 
“And the father?” She said gently. 
i considered that for a second.
“ Look, I don’t know who  you are ,i’m not going to take responsibility for some one else’s child, get  away from me...” 
“He’s... not in the picture.”  I said softly. 
She gave me a shake of her head.
“Look, there’s a clause for expecting mothers , it will give you a basic insurance for all your pre natal check ups and also help me bump you up the list for the dorms...”
I felt my heart expand in relief.
“Really? Thank you-”
“But...” She held a hand up and I blinked.” Your baby’s father is going to have to co-sign the documents. I’m sorry , that’s the way it is.” 
I blinked foolishly.
“but... why? What does he have to do with me needing help?” I said desperately. 
“i’m sorry honey, i really don’t make up the rules. You could even find a friend or someone else to sign . But said person would be recorded as your baby’s father in his/ her birth certificate as well.”
I scoffed.
“No one is going to sign a form like that!”
“I’m sorry.”
I sighed. 
“Thank you for your help.” 
I left the office with a pounding headache.
Kim Seokjin’s office was on the fifth floor of the Medical Sciences building , right next to the sprawling Seoul Multi Specialty Hospital and after wandering up and down a few corridors , i learned that Mr. Kim Seokjin was in fact, Dr. Kim Seokjin, and doctor not just in the sense that he did his PhD , but because he was honest to God, a-stick - a- needle- in -your- arm, listen-to-your-heartbeat kind of doctor. 
And a pediatric surgeon at that. 
I knocked on the bright , creamy white door set into a matte finish wall in pink and his calm voice called out, ‘ Come in’ about a minute later. 
His eyes went wide wide with surprise when he caught sight of me.
“Yeri? What a pleasant surprise. Come in..Come in..” He stood up, pushing some of the files away before stepping back from his chair and coming around to pull the chair out for me. 
I was such a sucker for politeness and my heart gave a traitorous lurch. 
“Uh.. Yeah.. Sorry Dr. Kim. “ i said awkwardly, settling down on the soft chair , sinking into the cushioned warmth. The room was painted in a nice peach with posters of popular cartoons. Seokjin himself looked like something straight out of an anime, dressed in a snow white shirt and coal black slacks, a black tie hanging loose around his neck, his coat slung over the back of his chair and his stethescope around his neck. 
I stared for a second, a purely selfish indulgence because honestly, it’s such a waste : not staring at someone like Seokjin who had clearly been sculpted by some higher deity for the sole purpose of blessing human eyes. 
“uh.. Yeri?”
Apparently, i’d been staring for more than a second and now Seokjin looked a little alarmed, rubbing the back of his hair and ruffling messy blonde hair as he stared at me in confusion. 
“Oh. Yeah. I was just wondering if i could talk to you about something. “ i said nervously. It had taken a lot of self pep-talk to pluck up my courage but i was really desperate at this point. i needed a place to stay. 
“Shoot. But first things first... How are you feeling?” 
“You do realize i’m not here to consult you, Dr. Kim.” i rolled my eyes. 
He flushed and smiled sheepishly. 
“Sorry... force of habit.. Go on then, what’s bothering you?” He said brightly.
I quickly explained about how Taehyung could help me out
“if you.. if he wants me to sign something to say i won’t approach him again after the baby is born or stuff, i’ll be willing to do that. He doesn’t have to get involved in anyway. i just.... I really need a place to stay and if he signed this it could be a great help.” I said , a little desperate. 
Seokjin flipped through the forms with a thoughtful look.
“I’d approach him myself but the last time he got really mad.” i whispered. 
Seokjin looked up then, sympathetic. 
“I’m sorry about this whole mess , Yeri. Taehyung’s been really diffcult right?” He said thoughtfully.
i shook my head quickly.
“I’m not blaming him or anything. i mean, he says he really doesn’t remember and honestly, I don’t want to wreck his relationship or anything. It’s just that i really need a place to stay and-”
“My offer still stands you know. You can stay with me, till the dorms open up.” Seokjin said firmly and I was momentarily thrown. 
“That’s... You’re my professor. “ 
Technically not mine. He was a guest lecturer for the Medical students but still, everyone knew Seokjin. 
“ Like , i said. it won’t be a problem. i keep very busy hours. I won’t even be home except when I’m in to change my clothes or stuff. You’ll have a place to stay . At least until you get a place in the dorms.”
He smiled expectantly and i suddenly felt mildly guilty for refusing him so many times. 
“Uh... Well, if Taehyung doesn’t agree to signing the forms, I’ll consider it.” I said finally , mostly out of politeness.
“I’ll try my best to convince him.”
Of course , Taehyung did not agree. 
Not that I expected him to . But still, it stung. I did remember that night . Most of it. And I was pretty certain that he  had  been the one to approach me. And i’[d just been one of those poor besotted fools, flattered that someone as beautiful as kim Taehyung was paying attention to someone like me and i’d pretty much bent to his will without putting up any fight. 
Which apprently was something both the Kim siblings were capable of doing because it was 6.30 PM on a Friday and Kim Seokjin stood in his Doc Martins and his Gucci silk shirt, looking drastically out of place in my tiny apartment. 
“Are you sure you need all these figurines?” He wrinkled his nose, picking up one of the tiny porcelain princesses from the tea party set.
“Yes, please don’t drop them.” i said primly. 
i was busy packing all of my clothes into my suitcases, pulling off the sheets off the bed and folding my favorite blanket , dropping them into the seven or so cardboard boxes that I’d managed to procure from one of the shops outside campus. The man had been about to toss the boxes and i’d just asked him for them, thinking they would help me move my things from my apartment to Seokjin’s. 
“Don’t lift that!” Seokjin called out and i immediately froze from where i was bending over to lift a bronze vase with paper and colored tin foil flowers. I straightened curiously and he came over tutting. 
“You don’t do this.” He bent over in half, hands almost touching the floor. “ You do this...” He crouched low and smiled at me. 
“Why? Because it’ll press into the baby?”
“Not at all. Your baby is safe inside the amniotic sac and it’s going to take lot more than you bending over to harm him or her but this will just  make sure you don’t fall over something.” He smiled and straightened again. 
“ Fine .” I said stepping back as he casually lifted the heavy vase and placed it in one of the boxes. 
Once everything was packed, Seokjin smiled brightly and carried the heaviest box. 
“Ready to move into your new home?” He smiled. 
I couldn’t help but smile because his was so dazzling and infective. 
“Okay.” i said softly. 
AUTHOR’S NOTE : i really like writing this fic... :) 
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asrarblog · 4 years
Dear Colleagues!  This is Pharma Veterans Blog Post #329. Pharma Veterans welcomes sharing of knowledge and wisdom by Veterans for the benefit of Community at large. Pharma Veterans Blog is published by Asrar Qureshi on WordPress, the top blog site. Please email to [email protected] for publishing your contributions here.
Ramadan comes every month and so does the confusion about work timings during the holy month. I think the variations have increased with time and it would be good to look at it.
I went on an employment to Saudi Arabia in September 2003. I was working with a company manufacturing medical grade PVC resin which was at that time used for making infusion bags, infusion lines, blood lines and disposable syringe plungers. Later, most of these were switched to other polymers like PP. Our business was B to B (Business to Business) and a fair portion was exports. We worked straight hours, 8.00am to 5.00pm, Saturday to Wednesday; 8 to 1 on Thursday; Friday was off. B to C (customers) businesses worked in two shifts; morning till 1.00pm and then 4 to 8 pm. The banks also worked in two shifts. Departmental stores worked straight while some were 24 hours.
After couple of months, Ramadan started. All businesses, offices, markets, even petrol pumps started opening at 10.00am. Before 10, it was almost dead silence everywhere; even 24 hours pharmacies were closed. We went to 10 – 4, all days of the week. Businesses went 10 – 1 and then from after Taraweeh till Sehri. Other than Harmain Shareefain, eight Taraweeh were prayed in all mosques and there was no plan to complete one Parah of Qura’an everyday, like it is done in Pakistan. Taraweeh therefore was a short affair. Shops which were open before Iftari also closed at Iftari and opened after Taraweeh.
I loved this routine. There was plenty of time after Sehri to take rest. That spared the night hours for long prayers if you wished to do so. It was so easy and relaxed. Even if you spent few hours shopping at night, you knew you still had time for night prayers before Sehri. There was no confusion in the morning as everything started at 10, even schools and other educational institutions. There were other good things about Ramadan like abundance of foods and fruits and price cuts and discounts. It was opposite to what we see in Pakistan.
When I came back, I campaigned for opening the office late during Ramadan. Finally, the management agreed to late opening; though not at 10.
It is true that Sehri and Iftar timings vary greatly during summer and winter. During Summer, there is plenty of time after Sehri while there is very little time after the long Taraweeh which is made even longer in some mosques. That reminds me of reaching for Isha and Taraweeh in a mosque attached to a very respected scholar’s Academy. There were still about 10 minutes to Isha. I saw that most people were coming with water bottles. In the middle of the hall, a projection screen was also being set up. I was concerned. I asked around and came to know that after Isha, there would be a summary review of the entire Parah to be recited on that night. Thereafter, a more detailed tafseer would be done after every four taraweeh. I asked when did they finish normally? Around 12 midnight was the answer I got. While the effort may be lauded, the fact remains that it was suitable only for those traders who opened shops after midday.
Back to what happens every year in Pakistan.
Few organizations show the courage to provide relief to their staff during Ramadan. It is translated into less working hours; whether starting early and closing earlier or starting late and closing early. The spirit is to reduce the number of working hours. While working in Karachi several years ago, our company experimented with starting at 6.30am and closing early. We reached office at 6.30am and had no clue what to do because the whole country was closed at that hour. We then decided to hold our internal meetings between 6.30 t0 8.30 and then started dealing with the outside world. It worked fine in the end.
Most offices and businesses do the opposite during Ramadan. They increase the number of working hours. It may sound cruel, but this is what it is. And it is done by a lot of apparently god-fearing, highly religious people. The first increase is by including lunch break time in working. This is about an hour increase, if nothing else changes. Some go a step forward and start opening earlier also. What is happening is that the staff is squeezed from both sides. The big boss comes late as usual and his life is not disrupted at all.
Why are we so confused about work timings during Ramadan? Why can’t we just have a more uniform kind of work routine? It may be same for same and different for different kinds of businesses. I see following sentiments prevailing.
There is a general sense of apathy. It translates into utter disregard for the ease and convenience of staff. I have seen many offices where the owner sits in an airconditioned room while the staff sweats outside under hot air swirling fans. Rest assured, this is much more common than you would imagine. Only a person with total apathy for other human beings would do that every day without remorse. These are the places where Ramadan timings are harder and longer than usual days.
There is a sense of greed. We see that the level of greed increases manifold during Ramadan in Pakistan. It translates into higher prices, extra profiteering, disposing off rejected goods in the rush of Eid sales and making staff work extra hours. Greed has no limits obviously. On a very famous and busy cloth shop with branches in Lahore and Karachi, the following was written in bold during Ramadan.
“Ramzan mein dukaan subah 6 bajay say raat 2.30 tak khulee rahe gee” [During Ramadan, shop will remain open from 6.00am to 2.30am].
What would you call this? I went there one day and I could see that the staff was almost on the verge of collapsing. I asked silently if they had hired extra staff to run such insane hours. I got the reply that no, they forced the same staff to work very long hours. The owners changed shifts, but the staff could not. Please note that the owners pose as highly religious and do not accept debit/credit cards allegedly for religious reasons. Is it religion or the effort to hide the actual income?
There is a sense of exploitation. All countries suffer from the same; countries like ours more so. Pakistan does not have adequate laws to protect workforce. The implementation of available laws is even more inadequate. In these circumstances, resourceful people get away with any amount of excesses committed. Fear of law is always more potent than fear of God and that is sadly missing. As for Allah, we could donate money to some charity or join the annual collective prayer and hope to appease Him.
Ramadan is a special time to seek and receive special Blessings from Allah. It is through prayers and through taking care of fellow humans; both in equal measure. May Allah show us the right way and help us to tread it. Aameen.
Work Timings During Ramadan – Blog Post #329 by Asrar Qureshi Dear Colleagues!  This is Pharma Veterans Blog Post #329. Pharma Veterans welcomes sharing of knowledge and wisdom by Veterans for the benefit of Community at large…
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It was banking holiday during my stay in Leeds. And after leaving behind the madness at Leeds festival (it was cray-cray), I wanted to spend my Monday eating my way around the city. Managed to do so, but a few places were closed. So I had to come back the next day, and eat some more before I took the bus towards Manchester. I was completely stuffed when I got on the bus (I think that was the first day of my ‘I gained waaaay to much holiday weight’ day). But hé, enjoyed every minute of it. And I enjoyed Leeds as well. So many universities, so many architecture (visit the library), and the view..yeah the highlands look like mountains comparing to the Dutch landscapes. Oh, and so many vegan options to find, don’t know why I was surprised by that, but veganism is growing. Let’s spread that vegan love around #winning.
Below a few places I visited during my short stay in Leeds. Oh, can someone take me back?
La Cafetiere
My first stop in Leeds was a Lebanese restaurant called La Cafetiere. As I walk towards the city from my airbnb, I passed the restaurant and walk in for a nice lunch. Beautiful restaurant, I loved the purple, and really vegan friendly. I had the falafel menu, with extra fries and a fruity mocktail, freshly made with mango and blueberries.  The restaurant is located a bit out of the city center. But when you’re in town, do not hesitate to drop by. Great staff and quick service!
| Monday – Sunday 10 am – 11 pm |
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B r e a k f a s t from 10am Iraqi breakfast Egyptian breakfast Turkish breakfast English breakfast.
A post shared by La Cafetiere (@lacafetiereleeds) on Dec 23, 2019 at 2:08am PST
Roots & Fruits
I forgot about the fact that it was bank holiday until it was Monday morning and quite a few places were closed. So I went back the next day. And as disappointing it was that my phone was once again stammering, the venue, service nor food was anything but disappointing. I had the carrot and coriander soup with some bread and vegan spreads, really tasty. Combined with a rose lemonade and a cup of thee and my lunch at Roots & Fruits was complete. But they also serve several types of salads, a delicious looking burger, nachos, spicy jackfruit and even a vegan version of the ‘fish’n chips’.  The restaurant is located at the Grand Arcade, a must visit on its own. When you’re in town, step by.
| Monday – Saturday 11 am – 7 pm | Sunday 11 am – 4 pm |
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Picture of our cafe! Find us in the grand arcade in Leeds 🌱 #vegansofleeds #vegan #leeds #yorkshire #vegetarian #veggie #food #foody
A post shared by Kay Jones (@rootsandfruitsleeds) on Dec 6, 2016 at 4:13am PST
Global Tribe Café
I had my last cup of coffee with cake in Leeds at the Global Tribe, but they offer so much more. I had to make choices where I wanted to eat, so I ordered a chai tea latte and a slice of coconut cake. Yes, they had coconut cake . It’s a really small yet cosy venue and I was lucky enough to find an empty spot for myself and my packed bag before I left the city. The atmosphere is very laid back, the staff is very friendly and they have many vegan options on the menu. Also, they sell many different types of cake, most of them are vegan. So if you’re craving some sweets but don’t know what to take, visit the café and see what the kitchen staff prepped that day.
| Monday – Saturday 10 am – 6 pm | Sunday 12 am – 5 pm |
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This Thursday is Light Night, so we'll be open late! Serving hot drinks and cake as well as crystal and book goodies. @lightnightleeds #hotdrinks #coffee #vegancake #glutenfreecake #books #crystals #mindbodyspirit #yoga #meditation
A post shared by GlobalTribeCrystals (@global_tribe_crystals) on Oct 9, 2019 at 10:40am PDT
Radisson Blu
Oh, this spot! Hidden gem this lounge. I was seated here with a dear friend of mine during lunch time. The staff is amazingly friendly, as it was a nice and quiet afternoon that gave us plenty of time to catch up and go over some ideas while enjoying our soups and drinks. I don’t know if you have traveled a lot, but hotel lounges are venues people seem to forget about while traveling, and looking for a really cozy spot to focus for a few hours. You don’t have to actually stay overnight in these hotels to get some work done with a pen in one hand, and a good coffee in the other. You can just walk in, ask for a table in a quiet corner, and start working. As much as I love to visit and support local cafes and restaurants while traveling, sometimes a fancy lounge is the ice on the cake. Because fancy lounges are ‘watching people spots 2.0’, I just love it. Plus, from the napkins till the coffee cups and sugar bowls, isn’t it just fancy?
| Monday – Sunday 6.30 am – 10.30 pm |
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Relax into teal tranquility at the #RadissonBlu Hotel & Conference Center, Niamey. Be inspired to explore your surroundings with the West-African designs and view of the Niger River. 📷 by @kinghotelphoto
A post shared by Radisson Blu (@radissonblu) on Jan 10, 2020 at 10:35pm PST
Stage Espresso & Brew Bar
  Monday – Thursday 7.30 am – 5 pm |Friday 7.30 – 7 pm | Saturday 9 am – 5 pm |
Vege & vegan friendly 🌿🌿
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Running Leeds half tomorrow? Head down to our new venue @stage_at_assembly with your medal and get a FREE coffee with any waffle to kick start your recovery! @assemblyunderground 📸@what.ed.eats #leedshalfmarathon #leedshalf #leedshalfmarathon2019 #freecoffee #leedscoffee #coffee #waffle #waffles #treatyoself #sportsrecovery #realsportsrecovery
A post shared by Stage Coffee (@stagecoffeeleeds) on May 11, 2019 at 1:05pm PDT
Caffe Nero, The Headrow
Caffe Nero is yet another franchise chain that you can find throughout the United Kingdom and in many other cities around the world. But where Leeds offers loads of historical and authentic architecture buildings, this Caffe Nero spot is located within one. Close to the universities, courthouse and main shopping street. Also, it has cozy corners to crawl away with a good book and a sweet cup of tea :).
Monday – Friday 06.30 am – 7 pm |Saturday 07.30 am – 7 pm | Sunday 8 am – 6 pm
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How many freshly baked cookies could you eat? 🍪 #caffenero #coffee #cookie #breakfast #winterwarmer #coffeelover #delicious #whatsforbreakfast #freshlymade #madewithlove
A post shared by Caffè Nero ☕️ (@caffenero) on Feb 19, 2020 at 2:14am PST
Pret A Manger, 10 Infirmary St
Since my very first visit to the U.K years ago, I became a fan of the Pret franchise chain. I love their coconut lattes and chai tea. And since the vegan scene is growing and growing, whenever I visit the U.K, I’m able to try at least one new delicious wrap or sandwich on their sweet menu. You can find Pret across the United Kingdom, as well some other cities around the world. I loved this spot in Leeds since it open pretty early and it has loads of tables to sit down and open your laptop to check your emails or write about the next chapter in your life.
| Monday – Friday 6.30 am – 4.30 pm |
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Bringing you unbelieva-bowl lunches since 2016 👊 📷: @mondomulia
A post shared by Veggie Pret (@veggiepret) on Feb 19, 2020 at 3:04am PST
  Cafes and suites located in Leeds to open your laptop and write away It was banking holiday during my stay in Leeds. And after leaving behind the madness at Leeds festival (it was cray-cray), I wanted to spend my Monday eating my way around the city.
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niftytrendin · 5 years
SGX nifty live has great impact on Option and Future trading
Before knowing the uses and impact of Singapore Nifty on Option and Future market first we should know what Singapore Nifty is?  Why technical and professional traders generally prefer to follow it? Why Option trader loves to track it before doing technical analysis? We will discuss here one by one with examples. Also you can know its impact on live market taking Nifty and Bank nifty trend in consideration. So read till end to understand the concept.  
Indian index future which is Nifty Future is officially listed in Singapore exchange and also traded there officially. So it is called SGX Nifty. Foreign trader can take position in Indian market by Investing in SGX Nifty. Indian index derivative Nifty future price is same as SGX Nifty live chart price.  Indian share market opens at 9.15 am and closed at 3.30 pm which trades for six and half hours but Singapore Nifty runs till 10.30 pm. SGX Nifty live chart runs for 16 hours. So Nifty future listed in Singapore exchange also traded till 10.30 pm from Monday to Friday. Due to long hour trade we can sense Global news impact from live chart. How? We will discuss below.
Let’s say there is positive Global news and has positive impact on Indian Economy. The news came after close of Indian market.  SGX Nifty is open till 10.30 pm and foreign investor can take position in SGX Nifty. So positive impact you can see only on free SGX Nifty Live Chart. Indian option and future trader can know the trend of market before market open without knowing about news as SGX Nifty opens at 6.30 am.  Option traders generally make strategy according to SGX trend to get all points in first one hour of market open. Some trader track SGX tickers in different websites which shows difference of SGX price from previous day but in live chart you can sense positive or negative news and analyze the impact of news only in live chart to do technical analysis. Also you can find free Nifty and Bank nifty trend posted daily here before market open for Option and Future trading to learn and know impact of SGX Nifty on Option trading. You can check accuracy for one month and then you can also take online training on Advance Technical Analysis.
How to analyze SGX Nifty live chart? Let’s take an example.
Singapore nifty index opens before Indian market @ 6.30 am. Open SGX Nifty Live Chart and live chart is indicating 60 point positive than previous day Indian market closing time. So there must be any news which has positive impact on Indian market and foreign investors are buying the SGX Nifty. So our Nifty future will open gap up 60 points. So here which strategy a technical trader should apply? Here technical trader can be alert much before and use “GAP UP” strategy as shown in Online Advance Technical Analysis training. A general trader will incur loss due to lack of knowledge on trend and blames his luck.
Example 2- Another case.
Let’s say some time in SGX Nifty live Chart you can watch SGX nifty is indicating 50 point positive but in pre opening Nifty future is indicating flat opening. So a general trader will think Nifty will be range bound but a technical trader can know that after opening of market Nifty will move 50 point up. So there he can confidently take that 50 point profit but a general trader can only watch but can’t take profit.
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sentrava · 5 years
What’s On in Copenhagen: May 2019
It’s finally May in Copenhagen! This means it’s time for the picnics and glasses of wine in the golden evening light, long bike rides, and sipping coffee on meandering walks with friends. Copenhagen is really glowing these days; the sun is glittering on the lakes and people are wearing big smiles on their faces. Markets, festivals, talks, exhibitions, and parties: there’s a lot happening this month.
Here are the best events happening in Copenhagen in May:
Wednesday 1st May
International Worker’s Day/May Day
Celebrate labor activism with other workers on International Worker’s Day. Demonstrations, speeches, and general shows of solitary take place at Fælledparken all day.
    Rød Havnefront 1. maj at La Banchina
Kick-start summer with the lovely combination of sunshine, sea breeze, and the first spritz of 2019 on La Banchina’s pier. Lowlife Brotherhood play bluegrass at 5.30 pm and Resident Selectors Giovanni and Antonio treat you to the favorites from their record collection at 8.30 pm. From 4 – 10 pm.
    Mad & Fad x Caribbean Housewife at KIHOSKH
KIHOSKH is collaborating with The Caribbean Housewife for a night of food and craft beer. The meal of the night is JACK LOVE, a jackfruit burger made with homemade BBQ sauce; it’s vegan but everyone will love it. Wash it down with a great beer; what a treat! Tickets are 100 DKK, but you can get them for only 90 DKK with the code SCANDILOVE. Get your tickets here – they must be purchased in advance.
    Gorda Empanadas Opening Day
Gorda Empanadas is opening its doors and is giving away a free empanada to the first 100 people to order drinks. Give it a try from 4 – 9 pm.
    Friday 3rd May
Human Flow by Ai Weiwei
The documentary “Human Flow” by internationally renowned artist Ai Weiwei explores both the scale of the refugee crisis and its profoundly human impact. It follows stories that stretch across the globe and is witness to its subjects and their search for safety, shelter and justice. AMIS Culture Club invites you to a free screening of the documentary, followed by a debate and drinks.
    Tech & Tonic Talks: How to be founders and friends? at Talent Garden Rainmaking
The founders of Frankly Juice, Christian Seiersen and Christian Bowall, talk about how to be founders and friends. Hear about their honeymoon phase, reality check, and the importance of giving each other space for what you are really good at from 3 – 4 pm. Free tickets are available via Eventbrite.
    Friday Food: Kulturtårnet meets Cph Village
See Copenhagen from a new perspective while a boat takes you from Kulturtårnet to Cph Village. Dinner is served in Cph Village Fælleshuset and there will be music and a bar. Cph Village is an initiative to provide affordable living space by converting shipping containers into student housing. The event runs from 6 – 10 pm and tickets are available for 195 DKK via Madbillet.
    &Tradition x 506 Friday bar
The courtyard café of Danish design company &Tradition celebrates the arrival of spring together with food lab 506. Be the first to get a taste of the new spring menu especially developed by 506. The celebration starts at 4 pm.
    Saturday 4th – Sunday 5th May
Forårsbazar Ydre Ø X Kelim Kiosken
Prep your home for the summer season or just browse the boutique. For this year’s Forårsbazar, Ydre Ø has partnered up with Kelim Kiosken, so make sure to also check out their colorful blankets and pillows from Kurdistan and Turkey. From 10 am – 3 pm.
    Saturday 4th May
Blågårdsgade Loppemarked
Locals and boutique owners have organized a few market days with special offers, food, and drinks over the summer. There will be an additional event on Sunday 26th May. From 11 am – 5 pm.
    Keramikmarket at Absalon
Yonobi Studio and Absalon invite you to browse their gorgeous, artistic ceramics, have a bite to eat, a cup of coffee and a drink. From 10 am – 3 pm.
    Urban Festival
Bring the whole family for music, food, and all kinds of activities when Remiseparken is turning into a festival site. From 11 am – 5 pm and entry is free.
    Black-Owned Business and Entrepreneurship Summit
Come network and form relationships across career paths, job functions, and industries, specifically for the black community in Scandinavia. The summit covers topics such as financing your business, social media, legal compliance, and customer service. Get useful knowledge and network! Tickets are available via Eventbrite. From 10 am – 6 pm.
    Sunday 5th May
Fashion Flea Market at Israels Plads
Trendsales is turning Israels Plads into a fashion flea market. Freshen up your summer wardrobe, have a coffee, and enjoy the weather while browsing pre-loved fashion. From 10 am – 4 pm.
    Monday 6th – 17th May
“Audre Lorde – The German Years (1984 – 1992)” at Cinemateket
Brilliant black lesbian poet, writer, academic, and activist Audre Lorde spent several years in West Berlin. This film documents that time, specifically her relationship to the German black diaspora, as well as Afro-German history and the anti-racism movement in the country.
    Pop up restaurant at Kulturtårnet på Knippelsbro
Over two weeks, each from Monday to Friday, Kulturtårnet på Knippelsbro turns into a pop-up restaurant with a maritime themed menu. Enjoy a four-course dinner with wine pairing by Rosforth & Rosforth in a unique location. Tickets are available via Madbillet.
    Tuesday 7th May
Mild Orange at Vega’s Ideal Bar
Let Mild Orange’s dreamy pop take you on an imaginary sun-drenched road trip. The band was founded by four childhood friends in Dunedin, New Zealand, and their sound is inspired by the optimistic color orange. The doors open at 7 pm and tickets cost 200 DKK.
    Wednesday 8th May
Workshop: Rødvin, Jazz & Gips at SMK
Get inspired by artist Sonja Ferlov Mancoba and create small sculptures of your own. While jazz music and an included glass of wine spark your creativity, artists of the museum help you to put your ideas into practice. The workshop goes one hour and costs 30 DKK in addition to the regular ticket. From 5 – 6 pm and from 6.30 – 7.30 pm.
    Thursday 9th May
Talk Town 2019
This festival provides a democratic platform to discuss feminism and gender equality in a number of talks, debates, films, art, and music. Entry is free and it will be a deeply inspiring day.
CPH Kitchen Race
Prepare and host either an appetizer, main, or dessert and enjoy the other two courses at other homes during the second edition of CPH Kitchen Race. The appetizer is served at 6 pm and there will be an after-party at 11 pm. Sign up via the link in the Facebook event until 4th May to receive your personalized itinerary.
    Friday 10th – Sunday 12th May
Fuglebakke Salonen
Kunstsalonen organizes public art exhibitions in private homes across Denmark. This time, Mette Helena Rasmussen and Anne Aarsland who stand behind the concept are hosting the so-called Fuglebakke Salonen at Fuglebakkevej 93 in Frederiksberg. Experience a curated exhibition in the home of Tine Møller and Jesper Romme who live in sculptor Anne Marie Carl Nielsen and violinist Emil Telmanyi’s villa in the Fuglebakke neighborhood. The vernissage is from 4 – 7 pm on Friday and the doors are open to everyone on Saturday and Sunday from 11 am – 3 pm. Admission is free.
    Saturday 11th May
Vild Vin Festival at Villa Kultur
Taste a wide selection of wines accompanied by food pop-ups, a variety of experiences, and music at Vild Vin Festival. The wines from small productions are usually organic and the festival is co-organised by Bite Me Crew, Kaoskassen, importers, producers, and chefs. Tickets for the festival tasting and the final winemakers dinner can be purchased via the Bite Me Crew website. From 2 pm.
    Loppemarked at Absalon
This is the place where you’ll find “alt mellem himmel og jord” (everything between sky and earth). Clothes, lamps, or a new item for your ceramics collection; go treasure hunting and enjoy some coffee and freshly baked buns. If you’d rather free up some space at home, you can rent a table via Billetto.
    Sunday 12th May
Mother’s Day Flower Crown Workshop
Learn how to make gorgeous flower crowns with Aiepathy Studio; the perfect gift for your mom on Mother’s Day! This workshop takes you through the full process, from choosing the flowers, to binding, to making the crown. Tickets are 425 DKK and include all materials, plus snacks and treats. Purchase tickets here. The event runs from 1:30 – 3:00 pm.
    Mors Dag at Glyptoteket
Glyptoteket celebrates mother’s day with a tour dedicated to the role of mothers in art. The tour starts at 1 pm and takes 45 minutes. There will be additional tours at 2 pm and 3 pm.
    Jægersborggade Loppemarked
Spend a sunny Sunday on picturesque Jægersborggade and browse the stalls. From 10 am – 4 pm.
    Transform the Norm – Book Club at Think
Do you struggle to prioritize reading? Why not do it with a group!? Think is hosting a monthly book club so we can motivate each other to read and reflect on thought-provoking books. Join from 4 – 8 pm. The event is free but donations to the center are welcome.
    Tuesday 14th May
Viva Varda – Kortfilm, Mindeord og Fransk Café at Cinemateket
Agnès Varda passed away at the age of 90 after having left her mark in film, photography, and feminist history over 65 years. In remembrance of her, Cinemateket will be screening her short film “Salut les Cubains,” a blend of film and photography based on Varda’s travels to Cuba in 1962-63. After the screening, Agnès Varda fan and francophile DJ Sofie Jekel plays her collection of 60’s chanson, beat, and yé-yé pop on vinyl. Stine Omega of the DJ trio Beat Mermaids, an institution of Copenhagen’s 60’s scene, will also be spinning. “Salut les Cubains“ will be screened with English subtitles.
    Wednesday 15th – Saturday 18th May
Skyggesiden by Teaterkollektivet Vi at Xenon
Teaterkollektivet Vi invites you to join an interactive exploration of pain, evil, and loneliness. Doors open at 7 pm.
    Wednesday 15th May
Pipilotti Rist at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
Meet the artist Pipilotti Rist in conversation with Tine Colstrup, curator of the current exhibition “Åbn min lysning (Open My Glade)” as they take a close look at Rist’s art. Pipilotti Rist has worked across a broad array of video techniques and themes since the mid-1980s and is considered a trendsetting figure in the international art scene.
    Thursday 16th May
HVOB (Her Voice Over Boys) at Lille Vega
Unconventional electronica duo HVOB combines the voice and piano sound of Anna Müller with Paul Wallner playing drums and DJ-ing. The resulting melodies will get under your skin. See them perform at Lille Vega, with doors opening at 8 pm. Tickets cost 200 DKK.
    Friday 17th – Saturday 18th May
Copenhagen Rosé Festival
Who doesn’t love rosé? It’s the perfect time of year to have a glass (or several), and this festival showcases the best rosé importers in Denmark. A ticket gets you a welcome glass, two tokens for tastings, a bottle of water, a festival poster, and the chance to buy bottles at a discounted festival price. Cheers to this summertime treat!
    Saturday 18th – Sunday 19th May
CLICK Festival in Helsingør
This festival celebrates contemporary art, science, and technology. Over two days, this year’s theme “death worlds” is explored through the work of artists and performers as well as scholars and philosophers. CLICK features installations, performance, hybrid art, poetry, music, film, and lectures. More information and tickets can be found via the festival website.
    Sunday 19th May
Danish on a Sunday: A Fortunate Man
On his quest for happiness, Per moves from his parents’ strict household in Jutland to Copenhagen. Next to his studies, he dives into the joys of city life and works on a visionary project involving wind and wave energy. However, his childhood keeps haunting him and his family doesn’t accept his new life and Jewish fiancé. The film is screened at 2:15 pm.
    Monday 20th May
No White Savior Panel Debate
Together Against Racism organizes an interactive, educative, and solution-oriented panel debate to improve practices related to youth volunteering abroad. The aim is to challenge the culture of white saviorism by dealing with topics such as the culture of “making a difference, social media,” and neo-colonialism. The event will be held in English. From 4 – 7 pm.
    Wednesday 22nd May
Charlottenborg Art Talks: New Narratives For Europe
In collaboration with ATLAS magazine, this edition of the Charlottenborg Art Talks invites Anne-Marijn Epker, Reka Kinka Papp, and Kristoffer Granov for a panel discussion about Europe.
    Thursday 23rd – Saturday 25th May
3 Days of Design
Discover new, inspiring work and innovation within lifestyle, furniture, and interior design during Copenhagen’s annual design event. Selected brands from the Danish and international design scene showcase their work in events all over Copenhagen, as well as open showrooms, industry events, and parties. Much of the festival is open to the public, so be sure to check out their program!
    Thursday 23rd – Sunday 26th May
Art Week CPH’19
Explore Copenhagen’s contemporary art scene in exhibitions, talks, performances, and events. Acting as a collective platform, Art Week strives to provide all visitors with an in depth insight into the leading artists, institutions, galleries, exhibition spaces and their programs and events.
    Saturday 25th – Sunday 26th May
BLOOM Festival
This festival celebrates nature and aims at making an often scientific topic accessible for everyone. Feed your mind and body with talks by scientists, philosophers, artists, and thought leaders. There will be walks, debates as well as food, concerts and art. BLOOM takes place among the trees of Søndermarken and it is a truly unique experience.
    Saturday 25th May
Banana Club Season Opening
As the days become longer than the nights, Banana Club starts the day party season with a grand opening. From 12 noon.
Music, food, activities, and a flea market await when Enghave Plads in Vesterbro turns into a playground for the whole family. From 10 am – midnight.
    Tuesday 28th May
Period Talks: Menstrual Hygiene Day 2019
The 28th of May is Menstrual Hygiene Day. For that occasion, Kvinde Din Krop, Kærlig Hilsen Underlivet, She for She, and Talerum are co-hosting a talk about menstruation and the way it impacts daily life around the world. The event is free and starts at 6 pm in Huset-KBH’s Balsalen.
    Wednesday 29th May – Sunday 2nd June
Distortion Festival
The 21st edition of Copenhagen’s Distortion brings street parties and a festival site to the city. It’s a booze-filled, music-drenched, kinda gross few days, but it’s a Copenhagen classic. Get out there and enjoy!
    Thursday 30th May – Saturday 1st June
Heartland at Egeskov Castle
Heartland combines live talks and contemporary art with music and food; what’s not to love? The festival takes place in the scenic gardens surrounding Egeskov Castle on the island of Funen. This year’s line up features music by Solange, Charlotte Gainsbourg, and Die Antwoord, as well as talks by Vivienne Westwood and Guy Standing. There will be art by Henrik Vibskov, Wolfgang Tillmans, and Olafur Eliasson among others. Find out more and buy your tickets on the festival website.
UP – The Rooftop Session
Start the weekend with a view over Copenhagen, great DJ line ups, and cold drinks. Every Friday all summer long, Hotel Danmark opens up it’s rooftop terrace for free. Go enjoy your Friday night! From 4 – 11 pm.
    Afgang 2019 – Exhibition by graduates from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts
The exhibition presents new works created by the graduates of The Art Academy. From video and painting to sculpture and performance art, you’ll get insights into the future of contemporary Danish art. The exhibition runs until 19th May.
    “Awakenings” at SIRIN Copenhagen
Former design shop SIRIN has become a gallery for one-of-a-kind design pieces and contemporary art. Go see “Awakenings,” a group exhibition focused on spring, cycles, beginnings, and endings. The exhibition runs until 22nd May.
    “Perfect Poses?” at Glyptoteket
In “Perfect Poses?“ the collections of Copenhagen’s Glyptoteket and the Museu Calouste Gulbenkian in Lisbon are brought together to present the French sculpture from a new angle, working from the poses of the sculptures. Admire works by such great artists as Rodin or Dalou while live activities focus on bodily ideals and the body as a means of expression. The special exhibition runs until 16th June.
    Åbn min lysning (Open My Glade) at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
Swiss artist Pipilotti Rist has worked with video technologies since the middle of the 1980s and has continuously explored, challenged, and exploded its potentials, rules, conventions, and limitations. “Åbn min lysning” is her first major presentation in Scandinavia. The exhibition is on display until 23rd June.
    Europa Endlos at Kunsthal Charlottenborg
In collaboration with CPH:DOX, Kunsthal Charlottenborg puts Europe and the EU on the agenda with a group exhibition that explores stories and themes central to the upcoming EU elections. Artists include Wolfgang Tillmans, Sara Jordenö, Olafur Eliasson, and Monica Bonvicini. The exhibition is accompanied by film screenings, discussions, and talks. Until 11th August.
    There I Belong – Hammersøi by Elmgreen & Dragset at SMK
A safe and friendly space? In this art project, artists Elmgreen and Dragset challenge our ideas about „home“. Enjoy masterpieces by the Danish painter Vilhelm Hammershøi presented in unconventional company, juxtaposed with international contemporary art. The exhibition runs until 1st September.
    The Vitality of Colour at Kunstforeningen GL Strand
Having been declared a “degenerate” artist by the National Socialist regime and a close friend of Matisse, Hans Purrmann was one of Germany’s most significant modernist artists. Kunstforeningen GL Strand is showing a retrospective of his works along with a selection of the artists with whom he collaborated or was inspired by. These include Max Liebermann, Henrio Matisse, and Mathilde Vollmoeller as well as writer Hermann Hesse. From 27th April – 15th September.
    “Bauhaus – #itsalldesign” at Designmuseum Danmark
Designmuseum Danmark takes part in the international celebration of 100 years Bauhaus with the research based exhibition “Bauhaus – #itsalldesign.” Developed by Vitra Designmuseum and Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, the exhibition explores all aspects of this design school’s activities and how contemporary design passes and builds on the heritage of Bauhaus. Until 1st December.
  If you’re a business or organisation that would like us to add your event to next month’s calendar, please contact us at hello [@] scandinaviastandard [dot] com. Thank you!
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  What’s On in Copenhagen: May 2019 published first on https://medium.com/@OCEANDREAMCHARTERS
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traveljaunts · 6 years
This time I touched upon a few parts of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. My route was Bangalore to Nagpur, Nagpur to Katni, Katni to Bandhavgarh, Bandhavgarh to Ajmer, Ajmer to Pushkar, Pushkar to Kumbhalgarh , Kumbhalgarh to Udaipur, and Udaipur to Kota. 15 days long tour and Mishra ji descended into our lives as our driver who picked us up from Ajmer.
As soon as I reached Ajmer, I asked Mishra Ji to take me to Ajmer Shareef Dargah without realizing that Mishra ji belonged to Allahabad (or is it Prayag Raj now?) and his Brahmin soul coupled with a Shiv Sena heart would be disappointed at my act.
Mishraji said, ‘We might get late, you really want to visit dargah’? I said, ‘Yes I want to visit Ajmer Dargah and Pushkar Brahma temple before we reach Kumbhalgarh.’
Mishraji, ’It’s difficult to take car near Dargah so will arrange for an auto (a 3-wheeler / tuk-tuk).’ I said, ‘fine’.
Now the Autowala enters the story. He too is a strict vegan but did take us till the Dargah entrance gate. That, is a confluence of narrow lanes with drainage on both sides leading to a comparatively thicker road, called the Dargah road. Definitely not a comfortable experience but the auto drivers sure have great skills.
It was a Friday (aka Jumme ka din) and I hadn’t realized what I was getting into. The road was overly crowded; everyone trying to jostle his/her way around to reach to the entrance. And in addition, there were plentiful beggars occupying their designated territories on the road.
Somehow and anyhow we entered. I bought a Chadar and some flowers. It was 3 pm and the main door was to open at 3.30pm so we waited as I wanted to really visit the main shrine that my hubby has often spoken to me about. Ajmer Shareef is the resting place of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, a Persian Sufi who had come to India in the early 13th century from Herat and stayed here forever.
  Like temples, here too we found some souls who consider themselves direct messengers of God. They usually position themselves near main gates, ready to bless you in return for the money you pay them. Below Rs 100 is not really respected, mind that.
My experience at the Dargah on a Jumma wasn’t great. I wasn’t able to pray peacefully for the same God send souls and my son had started crying inside due to the crowd almost at the verge of a stampede.
After we came out of Dargah, we called the Autowala to the same spot where he had left. We narrated our pain and spoke about the management in Dargah.
Autowala said, ’Madam even Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India didn’t go to the Dargah when he came to Ajmer, why did you go? You are a Brahmin. We Hindus bow down before everyone but others don’t. They don’t even take our prasad (religious offering). I am staying in Ajmer since long but not even once I have entered the Dargah.’
Anyway, we shifted ourselves back to the waiting car. Our conversation also shifted from religion to politics.
I asked Mishraji, ‘Have you visited this Dargah? ‘
Mishraji ‘Yes, just once when one of my clients from Hyderabad insisted on it. I don’t like the energy. People are different.’
‘Energy is not dependent on religion. It is the person’, I said.
Mishraji to me ‘Madam, have you seen the communal riots in India?’
I, drawing into the conversation, egged on, ‘on TV but never been part of the scene.’
Mishraji ‘I have and I know how people are. Problem is we Hindus are not united. When something happens to us, we don’t take revenge the way others join hands and come out on roads to kill us.  We, on the other hand, visit their Dargahs and Pir Babas.’
I was quiet. Thought, let’s do Pushkar now to cool Mishra Ji down.
At Pushkar, life was peaceful, the crowd being less and manageable; however, we took more than the expected time and it was 6.30 pm already. By the time we came out, Mishraji said, ’I called many drivers and everyone suggested not to drive to Kumbhalgarh at this hour.
Mishraji suggested that we should halt for the night and drive in the morning. ‘It would take 6-7 hrs to reach Kumbhalgarh and roads are not good. There are wild animals. By the time we get out of Pushkar and then Ajmer to get to the highway, it would be 8-8.30 pm. Which means reaching Kumbhalgarh by 1.30 – 2 am. Very dangerous.’
I said, ‘It’s ok. We in fact keep visiting jungles to see wild animals but don’t get to find enough of them. If we have to go through the jungle road full of wild animals, it’s even better. And I checked google, it won’t take that long.’
‘One should be scared of humans these days and not animals. Other than animals, is there anything else that worries you Mishraji?’
Madam, ‘have you stayed in jungles? Not in hotels as in but in the interiors of jungles.’
‘In Bori jungle in Satpura with a family and friends group including a forest officer. But there were four walls to sleep in.’
‘Madamji, I have stayed in jungles and slept on top of my car. This was in jungles of Chhattisgarh. I was the driver who would take tribal workers in the jungle to collect stuff like Rubber, Mahua, wood etc. Everyday, at the gate they used to count people as not all were expected to come back.’
Mishra Ji continued, unabated, ‘Jungles has many things…’
‘You mean ghosts?’
‘Yeah…they are there on highways too. Have you experienced it madamji?’
‘I have many times.’ Thereafter, Mishraji proceeded to explain the difference between a Chudail (Witch) and Pretatma (Ghost). In between, Mishraji kept asking my mum questions on Geeta, Hindu Dharma, meditation, our purpose and about mythological characters assuming that she was an authentic Dadi Nani (Indian Granny) character straight from an ideal Hindu household.
As a result, both my mum and my son slept as soon as we hit the highway after Beawar leaving me and Mishraji to do the driving, navigation & figuring out part. My son was tired and my mom chose to snore rather than answering Mishraji’s mythological missiles.
It was getting late and Mishraji didn’t seem confident in the dark given his age (55+) so we both requested Sir Google to show us the route.  I was on the back seat with my son in my lap. Since my phone battery was low I needed to use Mishraji’s charger which only worked when I would bend a little as the wire was short. You can imagine my plight!
By God’s grace, my phone didn’t ditch me for the first time. We drove past the highway, then couple of small villages and then Mishra Ji’s dreaded Jungle all in the dark with just one headlight in the car as the other one had stopped working since Beawar.
A little tension, a little discomfort, a little belief and a little prayer made this ordinary journey thrilling. We finally reached Kumbhalgarh at 12.30 midnight having learnt about all sorts of ghosts and how to identify them apart from seminal discourses on religion, Moksha and meditation, courtesy Mishra Ji from Allahabad. My two partners woke up only when we reached the hotel in Kumbhalgarh. They were oblivious of what they had missed.
Here are next day’s pictures on a bright sunny day, but obviously without Mishra Ji.
Ajmer to Kumbhalgarh in conversation with Mishra ji from Allahabad This time I touched upon a few parts of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. My route was Bangalore to Nagpur, Nagpur to Katni, Katni to Bandhavgarh, Bandhavgarh to Ajmer, Ajmer to Pushkar, Pushkar to Kumbhalgarh , Kumbhalgarh to Udaipur, and Udaipur to Kota.
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Digital books Powerrangers.
Situé au cœur du Mourillon à Toulon, Le COFFEE SHOP des Arts vous accueille avec chaleur et simplicité dans un staff moderne et distingué autour d'une food copieuse, savoureuse et bon marché. Not simply your regular health club with cardio equipment such as bikes, treadmills as well as rowing makers (though they are all there, also), yet a 120-station health club making up an entire series of the most recent health and fitness machines.I was especially pleased to find throughout a terrific series of modern toughness training tools, consisting of plyometric boxes (for getting on), an X-cubed useful training frame (which appears like monkey bars) and also a new workout logging system called Unity so participants can track their development. Over and over, Lee was informed in no unclear terms that white audiences just wouldn't approve an Asian male as a lead character in a film. Certainly, the oppositions asked EPA for full liberty to tap that method to adhere to the Clean Power Strategy's discharge price limits. Get More Info is clarifies how you can collect power as well as why some individuals get even more power than others. So the following time all the makers at the health club are taken, don't sweat it. Here's a full-body strength-and-conditioning exercise that'll build muscle and best motion patterns. You can't get by on a belief and also you can't manage on a feeling, yet when you pair an idea with sensation, (and it's not misaligned) you have The Power to attract your desire. This relocation aids boost explosive upper-body pressing power while decreasing the stress on your shoulder joints. Inning accordance with trade body Energy UK, there are 10 coal power plants left in the UK. One is currently shut for conversion to biomass, one just operates in winter season and an additional (Eggborough) only gives get power when required. Musicians like Narcissister, Leah Schrager as well as La Chica Boom integrate their bodies-- naked, sex-related and also in control -- into their photographs and also efficiencies, making money, power and prestige with their very own manipulated image. Individuals are most likely to drop hopping on and off, so the lift should stop momentarily more frequently. A lot of health clubs have currently been declared by a team however there is still a small chance you'll locate a 'empty' one, which you could assert on your own and your brand-new group. Lengthy moderate strength cardio exercises aren't essential to transform your body, as well as do not necessarily have to be a part of your fitness center set-up. Your group just wins a gym for itself when adequate triumphes have actually been declared to get the rival group's reputation there down to zero. Open: Monday from 5.15 pm to 6.15 pm judo for kids and also gymnastics from 6.15 pm to 6.45 pm; Tuesdays from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm judo for kids; Wednesdays from 2pm to 2.45 pm and 4:30 pm to 5.15 pm baby-judo and from 3pm to 4.15 pm judo for teenagers; Thursdays from 5.15 pm to 6.20 pm as well as Fridays from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm judo for kids. Gradually he leaned over as well as pressed his lips to Orn 's brow, and also as he increased, he lifted the girl's inflexible arm from the tawny back and took the pet dog by the collar to quiet him. Treadmills are a conventional piece of equipment in a fitness club, and also Anytime Physical fitness supplies a number of various options. At her one year Secondary school reunion, Kira is given the future by Broodwing where she, Conner, and also Ethan meet up with the S.P.D. Rangers. Ending, she placed her practical her hips raising her head to look skywards prior to with a soft sigh she lifted her hands as well as gently slapped. The charitable run of power bent around me like a mommy's hand tugging on the arm of a naughty child. The author's premise is to encourage ladies to lift heavier weights compared to 2-3 pounds. Savaria Concord ES-125 likely handicap system lift is additionally manufactured with some extra safety and security functions, these attributes are folding seats with the safety and security belt, 3 placement guidebook safety armrests, immediate quit control for any emergency condition, automatic 2 placement security armrests, portable pendent control externally, audio photo alarm, this lift has electric motor with electromechanical brake and it has fire service feature too. You could be doing your body an injustice if you are on a regular basis logging in time at the fitness center however cannot remember the last time you bought a new sporting activities bra. The gym teams have additionally needed to decrease the notification period had to terminate contracts that are longer than one year, and also will no more be able to describe subscription as being of a repaired period if the agreement instantly continues on a rolling basis after the preliminary subscription duration has actually run out. Labor's leader in the Us senate, Cent Wong, said no various other prime minister" required the lift. It is a functional thing of health and fitness devices which will certainly assist you in achieving your exercise objectives rapidly as well as lacking needing to fret about injury. And Landis must understand, since he wrote the introducing (but in my opinion rather overrated) 2012 found-footage superhero motion picture. Now it has 18, including this one, and also there are prepare for a more 17. This moment last year, Pure Gyms - another national 24-hour chain - ran just 12 electrical outlets. However when this mobility device lift van can not be discovered after that one of the most of the individuals depend on having any typical and also conventional van transformed to suit the mobility device into it. Area health clubs especially focus on group sporting activities, where teenagers can contend in basketball, swimming and even gymnastics. You sit, lie or kneel on a padded glideboard placed on the slope rails, after that control the glideboard's activity on the rails by pushing or pulling on the wing or leg pulley attachments that had the Complete Health club. Not only these fitness centers and also camps offer acupuncture solutions but also assessments connected to the same. When the coastline's clear, I summon the power of the Wind Ninja, and streak with the city and also right into the woods in a heart beat. A la maison, dans la cour de récré, en faisant la line up à la boulangerie ... il suffit de repérer les Power Tattoos pour trouver boy prochain adversaire! Despite having a max degree of 9999, make use of Transmigration to start throughout once again, however your characters will be also stronger each degree! While it seems a pity to educate indoors when the climate's good, the popular global health clubs have branches in Australia and New Zealand. If your primary objective is training for hypertrophy (muscle gain) as well as you are resting 3 to four minutes in between each embed in your exercise, you are going to be investing a great deal of the moment in the gym and also never obtain an optimum training effect. Guidance should be available to make sure children do not use tools that could damage them, like machines with heavy lifting needs. The other rangers returned their focus on the display, which currently showed an image of the place of the Command Center. Just what they say: We are a team of runners that think that health clubs are a waste of power. Gyms have actually essentially taken our most acquainted workouts, examined which muscle teams are functioned, what sychronisation is required, and afterwards created new routines that purposefully optimize effect and effectiveness. Yet with each other they tipped the scales at 755kg - greater than 120kg above the optimum weight limit in the lift at the Hilton resort in Bathroom, Somerset. The 1,000-megawatt brown coal-fired Loy Yang B power station supplies approximately 17% of Victoria's power demands. The insurance claim that the Strategy drives significant new problems on the states is based on the fiction that that the power industry is a or else stable and unchanging market. Holding a plank is one most reliable ways to raise your endurance as well as stamina at the gym and in the bedroom. Super-setting by exercising on two or more different tools prevents others from utilizing them.
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ashokkothapalli · 7 years
Window-shaped tunnel connecting Ram Rahim's cave to sadhvis' residence found IndiaFP StaffSep, 09 2017 16:23:37 IST Tweet Dera HQ search ops Day 2 LIVE: Window-shaped tunnel connecting Ram Rahim's cave to sadhvis' residence found Highlights 13:10 (IST) Window-shaped tunnel connecting Ram Rahim's cave to sadhvis' residence found In a disturbing development, dearch teams have found a window-dhaped tunnel connecting Ram Rahim's house, the cave, to the sadhvis' residence. Deputy director Satish Mehra informed the media that empty boxes, which are used to store AK-47 magazines, have also been found. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 12:38 (IST) Buried skeletons suspected underneath ground near Ram Rahim's cave Sources said that forensic teams will start digging the earth near Ram Rahim's cave, suspecting skeletons buried inside. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 20:08 (IST) Two minor children found handed over to local DCPO The two minor children are among the five found near the Dera headquarters in Upkaar Colony. They have now been handed over to the DCPO. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 20:01 (IST) Search operation peacefully ends for the day at 6.30 pm, will continue again tomorrow "The search operation began at 9 am and peacefully concluded at 6.30 pm inside the Dera headquarter premises. It will resume again on Saturday," said district deputy commissioner Prabhjot Singh. He also said the forensic team has begun its investigation in Gurmeet Ram Rahim's cave inside the Dera headquarters in Sirsa, Haryana. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 19:05 (IST) 800-acre Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters divided into 10 zones for sanitisation The Dera, spread over nearly 800 acres, has been divided into ten zones for the purpose of sanitisation and searches, with each zone under the control of a senior officer. - PTI 18:53 (IST) Haryana health minister Anil Vij orders inquiry into 14 bodies taken from Dera to a Lucknow medical college Following media reports such as those by News24, which said at least 14 dead bodies were sent from the Dera headquarters to a private medical college in Lucknow, Haryana health minister Anil Vij ordered an inquiry into the same on Friday. He has asked the Director General of Health Services to conduct the investigation at the earliest. News24 reported that the no rules were followed and proper paperwork was not done. The dead bodies were taken between January 2017 and August 2017. The news channel also claimed death certificates were not issued. "If this was done, the formalities should have been completed. The reason for sending the bodies must be ascertained. Orders have been issued to examine the matter and find out facts in this case," Vij said. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 18:22 (IST) Lexus car found inside Dera headquarters brought to Sirsa police station 18:10 (IST) Rooms sealed, hard disks, unlabelled medicines recovered In a mammoth search operation being carried out by security forces and district authorities, some rooms were also sealed and hard disk drives and unlabelled medicines recovered, Haryana's information and public relations deputy director, Satish Mehra, who has been authorised by the administration to speak to the media, said. "Some rooms have been sealed, computer hard disk drives, unregistered Lexus car, an OB van, Rs 7,000 of demonetised currency, Rs 12,000 cash and some pharma medicines without labels or a brand name are among other items which have been seized," he said. - PTI 17:54 (IST) Five people including two minors have been found inside In the ongoing search operation at Dera Sacha Sauda, five people including two minors have been found, said Satish Mishra, deputy director of Haryana public relations department. A walkie talkie was also recovered as well. 17:31 (IST) Black luxury car without number plate, 1200 new notes also found at Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters In addition to the above, some endangered animals were also found, reported India Today. 16:49 (IST) Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh's conviction for rape is ground for take over of Dera; why is Haryana govt pussyfooting? Today, this political patronage extends to Hindu organisations (and Hindu-adjacent organisations) as well. As Lord Meghnad Desai pointed out in one of his columns, had the DSS been “Christian missionaries, they would have to register, be subject to audit and FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) rules.” But in the case of the DSS, which allegedly abetted rape, castration and even murder, there is ample ground for the government to take over its assets and banish the current administration. Is the government not doing this because the DSS is a vote bank? Full analysis here 15:03 (IST) Police recover Rs 7,000 worth demonetised notes from Dera Sacha Sauda premises In addition to to the old currency, police have also seized one OB van and some unlabelled medicine from the Dera premises. Reported by Manoj Kumar, 101Reporters 14:31 (IST) Self-styled godman issued alternate currency within Dera premises Plastic coins, bearing little semblance to Indian currency were recovered inside Dera premises as the search operations were underway. The plastic currency had the words Dhan Dhan Satguru Tera hi Asara, Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa inscribed on them. The alternate currency carries actual value within the Dera premises and can be exchanged for real money. The 'money' however cannot be used anywhere outside the Dera headquarters. 14:11 (IST) Voice calls to continue despite internet ban 14:10 (IST) These were found inside the ashram... 14:02 (IST) Plastic coins bearing the name of Gurmeet Ram Rahim found in ashram 13:55 (IST) Recap: Haryana Police search for Honeypreet Insan near Nepal border after issuing lookout notice The Haryana Police came looking for Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim’s close aide Honeypreet Insaan in Kheri as she was suspected to have left for Nepal through the porous border. Additional Superintendent of Police Ghanshyam Chaurasiya confirmed the arrival of two Haryana police personnel at Gaurifanta border in Kheri. The ASP told PTI that the Haryana Police had shared some information with the Gaurifanta Police and inquired about her suspected movement towards the neighbouring country through the porous India-Nepal border. “However, when no clue about Honeypreet’s departure for Nepal could be gathered, the Haryana Police returned,” the ASP said. 13:52 (IST) State created vacuum of real spiritual leaders, helped flourish self-styled gurus like Gurmeet Ram Rahim ​The emasculation of the spiritual leaders took three stages. First, they were denied (through curbs on admissible expenditure) to become national voices. But, more importantly, the entrepreneur-gurus were provided two other big benefits without which they could not have become as large as they did. These benefits included large tracts of land. Without that land, they could not have had the place to assemble their audiences. They could not impress the common folk. With land came buildings, and facilities that the buildings offered by way of jobs, services (such as medicare, dispute resolution and financial help) and shelter. Second, the entrepreneur-gurus were granted the benefit of tax-exemptions. Like political parties, their funds could not be taxed. And while the mainstream temple trusts donations were accounted for each day, the money collected by these entrepreneurs were not audited, supervised, or even tabulated. They became sinkholes of cash collection, which could then be used to display naked power, win over affection, and command allegiance — through forced sex, castrations or murders. If they needed politicians initially, now the politicians needed them — for their vote banks, for fixing deals and for an assortment of jobs that could not be done by the government-appointed machinery. 13:41 (IST) Watch: A senior journalist talking about the ongoing operation in Sirsa 13:38 (IST) The forensic team from Roorkee arrives at the ashram Image courtesy: Sat Singh,101 reporters 13:34 (IST) Another Forensic team from Roorkee reached Sirsa Dera headquarters for further investigation 13:33 (IST) Read: The order suspending internet services in Sirsa Image courtesy: Sat Singh, 101 reporters 13:32 (IST) After JCB Machine, now Army crane is summoned to Dera premises Image courtesy: Manoj Kumar, 101 reporters 13:28 (IST) Mobile internet, SMS services suspended in Sirsa until 10 September The Haryana government has suspended mobile internet services (2G, 3G, 4G) GPRS, all SMS services and dongle services in the Sirsa district in view of the “critical situation” to curb the spread of rumours in Sirsa district in view of the ongoing sanitisation drive. The suspension will continue till 10 September. Reported by Sat Singh, 101 reporters 13:11 (IST) Schools run by Dera Sacha Sauda under the scanner now KK Khandelwal, additional chief secretary, School Education Department (Haryana) told Firstpost that the educational institutions run by the Dera Sacha Sauda are controversial and the decision about them would be taken by the Punjab and Haryana High court. About the students studying here, Khandelwal said that they would be given an option to enroll in other educational institutes to save their academic year. Dera Sacha Sauda runs six educational institute including an international school, where over 5000 students study. Reported by Sat Singh, 101 reporters 13:07 (IST) Security beefed up outside Dera ashram at 1 pm Image courtesy: Sat Singh, 101 reporters 13:03 (IST) Recap: Haryana Police investigates Dera functionaries' involvement in Panckula violence The Haryana Police is investigating claims that top Dera Sacha Sauda functionaries paid a 'supari' (contract) of Rs 5 crore to criminal elements to instigate violence in Panchkula and other places after sect chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh's conviction for rape. Haryana Director General of Police BS Sandhu said that the matter was under investigation. "We are investigating this. We are trying to nab two Dera functionaries, Chamkaur Singh and Nain, who are said to be involved in this," he said. 12:57 (IST) Dera Sacha Sauda mouthpiece admits to skeletons at premises, says they were donated According to News18, ‘Sach Kahoon’ had admitted on Thursday that human remains were indeed buried in the premises. However, the Dera newspaper defended the action of the management in burying the human remains, and said this was done as sect chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh encouraged followers to donate the remains to the sect for burial and prevent these from being immersed in rivers, which causes pollution. 12:54 (IST) Locals revere baba as 'god' A CNN News18 report noted that the locals surrounding the dera ashram revere Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh as a living god. According to the report, the poor villagers in the surrounding areas have availed of several social welfare schemes run by the ashram. 12:44 (IST) A heart surgeon recounts his experience with 'hyperactive' baba A heart specialist who now lives in Delhi said he was once called to check Singh by the Dera officials and was shocked to find him "hyperactive". "He had a great following of doctors, many from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and I wondered why he had called me. I was told he keeps shuffling his doctors. I found his pulse a bit erratic but nothing that would cause concern. I told him not to check blood pressure every 30 minutes and he should remain calm," said the doctor, speaking on conditions of anonymity. "But Singh kept on telling me that I should stay back if I wish to meet the God and attain total nirvana. I left." 12:31 (IST) A look at the unbelievable life on Ram Rahim Singh maintained a dual personality. During sermons, he wore a spotless white dress, common with all self-styled Godmen across India. But when he was before the camera for interviews or shooting, he would wear fluorescent colours on his bejewelled costume and fight off villains and toss flaming motorbikes into the air. He would even walk on air and tear tree trunks in half with his bare hands, while routinely singing his favourite song Love Charger. A Bollywood filmmaker who was once called at the Dera was told by Singh’s followers that he writes songs in 15 seconds, and completes a shot in less than a minute. It is because he is God. 12:23 (IST) Schools are closed after curfew in Sirsa The students of government school at Shah Satnam chowk were asked to go at home after search operation started in Dera. ​ Video courtesy: Manoj Kumar,101 reporters 12:18 (IST) No one permited to come out of Dera campus No one is permitted to come out of Dera campus now. Only officers on duty can come and go. Some of the parents whose sons and daughters study at Dera schools/colleges are also stuck inside the premises. According to police sources, some 700-800 people still inside Dera campus. Reported by Sat Singh, 101 reporters 12:09 (IST) Watch: Deputy director (information) Satish Mehra briefs media Video courtesy: Manoj Kumar, 101 reporters 12:05 (IST) What will the forensic team investgate? The forensic team from Roorkee would investigate whether people's doubts about a lot of skeletons being buried inside the dera holds any truth or not. The FSL Roorkee team would only investigate on this part of the story. Reported by Manoj Kumar, 101 reporters 12:01 (IST) Dera divided into 10 zones for investigation purpose A police officer on duty told Firstpost that the police search team had divided the entire area of Dera in ten zones and they have sanitised four of them by now. They have recovered 10 hard disks, some computers, while some rooms have also been sealed. The forensic teams from Roorkee, Kurukshetra and Madhuban and Karnal have reached the spot to investigate further. Reported by Manoj Kumar, 101 reporters 12:00 (IST) A glimpse of the security arrangement in Sirsa ​ Image courtesy: Sat Singh,101 reporters 11:53 (IST) Next course of action to be known in evening Deputy director (information), Satish Mehra told Firstpost that the operation is going peacefully and that the amount recovered is yet to be ascertained. The next course of action would be decided after meeting with officials with judicial officer AKS Pawar in the evening, he added. Reported by Sat Singh, 101 reporters 11:49 (IST) Watch: Security at Shah Satnam Chowk, 7 kilometres from Dera HQ video courtesy: Manoj Kumar 11:41 (IST) Media officer briefs about the situation Deputy director (Information) Satish Mehra said that the authorities have seized some cash from the premises. He added that the forensic team has also been called from Roorkee. Mehra said that some computers, hard disks were also seized from the dera. A few rooms have also been sealed, the media officer said. Reported by Sat Singh, 101 reporters 11:28 (IST) A forensic team from Roorkee will enter premises now 11:26 (IST) Roads are deserted in Sirsa after curfew Image courtesy: Manoj Kumar 11:25 (IST) Will Gurmeet Ram Rahim's influence wane in Punjab, Haryana? According toThe Indian Express, with the imprisonment of the Dera chief, there is a threat that his influence over a large section of the electorate in Punjab and Haryana may wane. A known political expert told the publication, "Given the state of affairs and the way people are motivated to go towards such religious spaces, they are not going to easily believe that the Dera head was wrong. It is not a question of him being convicted, the question is if the faith in him has been tarnished.” 11:19 (IST) Heavy machinery enters the premises Image courtesy: Manoj Dhaka, 101 reporters 11:12 (IST) Apart from court commissioner, paramilitary forces also help operations While the sanitisation process will be overseen by the court commissioner, Haryana police personnel, paramilitary forces, duty magistrates, executive magistrates and revenue officials will also be part of the exercise. Curfew continued to be imposed in the areas near the Dera premises, but relaxations were being given during morning and evening hours, officials said. As many as 16 nakas (check points) have been set up near the Dera. IANS 11:07 (IST) Heavy machinery enters premises Deputy director, Meida, Satish Kumar Mehra said that JCB machines and other heavy machinery are part of their team, as it can be used at a place where need arises. He said that all things are there as per orders of appointment juridical office. Reported by Sat Singh, 101 reporters 10:39 (IST) Court Commissioner to oversee search operation The entire sanitisation process will be videographed and overseen by retired district and sessions judge, AKS Pawar, who was appointed as court commissioner by the Punjab and Haryana High Court on Tuesday. IANS 10:37 (IST) Search operations continue inside the Dera 10:36 (IST) Watch: Vippasana Insan asks followers to maintain calm Video courtesy: Richa Kakkar, 101 reporters 10:28 (IST) Bomb disposal squad at standby at premises 10:20 (IST) JCB machines, blacksmith enter premises 10:12 (IST) Police says situation is normal IGP, Hisar Range, Amitabh Singh Dhillon reaches Shah Satnam Singh Chowk in Sirsa. “Situation normal,” says deputy director (information & PR department). Reported by Sat Singh, 101 rpeorters 10:11 (IST) Search operations began an hour back 10:01 (IST) Search operations under way in Ram Rahim's headquarters 10:00 (IST) Security forces enter Sirsa headquarters of Dera Sacha Sauda 16:23 (IST) Fibre tunnel also located State Information and Public Relations Department deputy director, Satish Mehra, who has been authorised by the administration to speak to the media, said, "A fibre tunnel too has been located during the search of the dera." The fibre tunnel is filled with mud, he said. Read the full PTI report here. 16:05 (IST) An NDTV video shows authorities collecting illegal explosives from the Dera campus in Sirsa 15:46 (IST) Govt begins inquiry into donation of dead bodies by Dera to private medical college The health department in Sirsa has begun an inquiry into the donation of 14 dead bodies by Dera Sacha Sauda to a private medical college in Uttar Pradesh between January and August 2017. Sirsa civil surgeon Gobind Gupta and a team of doctors from the district are presently in a multi-specialty hospital of the Dera to conduct the probe, as police and security forces continue conducting search operations in Dera premises. Health minister Anil Vij had directed a probe into this matter. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 14:44 (IST) Some of the goods seized from the Dera Image courtesy: Sat Singh, 101Reporters 14:42 (IST) Some of the crackers seized by the police from Dera 14:04 (IST) Some Haryana ministers at fault In this News18 article by KTS Tulsi, it has been opined that some Haryana ministers should face trial because according to some media reports, two or three of these ministers were heard telling Dera followers that Section 144 was not for them. "The moot problem is not the lack of legislation but its implementation. If existing laws are implemented in their full spirit, such incidents will definitely be fewer to witness. However, the implementation needs a genuine political will and an effective administration. Haryana government and particularly, Manohar Lal Khattar, have proven thrice, they lack both miserably," Tulsi said in the article. 13:10 (IST) 13:10 (IST) Window-shaped tunnel connecting Ram Rahim's cave to sadhvis' residence found In a disturbing development, dearch teams have found a window-dhaped tunnel connecting Ram Rahim's house, the cave, to the sadhvis' residence. Deputy director Satish Mehra informed the media that empty boxes, which are used to store AK-47 magazines, have also been found. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 13:03 (IST) More visuals from the mock drill at PGIMS Rohtak 13:02 (IST) Security personnel conduct mock drill at PGIMS Rohtak The mock drill is being conducted to shift Ram Rahim — who is lodged in Sunaria jail — to the hospital for treatment if the need arises. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 12:56 (IST) Two key Dera functionaries arrested for allegedly inciting violence Two key functionaries of Dera Sacha Sauda were arrested for allegedly inciting violence in Panchkula following the conviction of sect head Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh in a rape case, police said today. "Chamkaur Singh, who is the incharge of Dera Sacha Sauda centre in Panchkula and Daan Singh, who is also a key Dera functionary, have been arrested from Chandigarh," Panchkula Deputy Commissioner of Police Manbir Singh said. Both have been arrested in connection with the violence that took place in Panchkula on August 25, police said. A Punjab police commando Karamjit Singh, who was part of the Ram Rahim's security was also arrested by Haryana police from Patiala, police said. The commando was nabbed for his alleged role in hatching a conspiracy to free Ram Rahim Singh from the Panchkula court complex, police said. — PTI 12:47 (IST) 12:38 (IST) Buried skeletons suspected underneath ground near Ram Rahim's cave Sources said that forensic teams will start digging the earth near Ram Rahim's cave, suspecting skeletons buried inside. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 12:33 (IST) Separate SITs formed in Panchkula 12:00 (IST) Explosives used to make fireworks seized Security agencies and district authorities again began with search operations at the Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters near Haryana’s Sirsa town on Saturday morning amid tight security in the area. A factory manufacturing fireworks has been sealed. “Explosives used to make fireworks and crackers have been seized. A factory, that manufactured fireworks, situated inside the Dera headquarters has been sealed,” said deputy director, information, Satish Mehra. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 11:58 (IST) Updates begin for 9 September 21:23 (IST) Security forces stand guard at Satnam Chowk, the main entrance to the Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters, in Sirsa Journalists also were not allowed to enter beyond this point while search operations took place during the day. Image courtesy: PTI 21:19 (IST) Ravinder Kumar, a Dera Sacha Sauda follower, hangs himself in Ambala jail Ravinder, 27, who was lodged in the Ambala jail following the violence in Panchkula on 25 August, allegedly hanged himself on Sunday, said Ambala Central Jail officials, reported The Indian Express. He faced attempt to murder, rioting, damaging public property and assault charges. Held in judicial custody, he committed suicide in the washroom of the barracks where he was jailed with a piece of cloth. Superintendent of Police (Ambala) Abhishek Jorwal said: “The family members of Ravinder have been informed about his death. A judicial probe has been ordered by the jail authorities. Inquest proceedings are being conducted by district police. We have videographed the scene of incident, where Ravinder allegedly committed suicide. A post-mortem examination shall be conducted.” He was arrested in the violence that ensued in Panchkula after a special CBI court convicted Gurmeet Ram Rahim of raping two sadhvis. 21:06 (IST) Report on search operations will be submitted to the Punjab and Haryana High Court A report of the entire exercise will be submitted to the high court by the court commissioner, with a copy to the state government. - PTI 20:51 (IST) Licensed weapons were earlier deposited to the police by Dera Sacha Sauda followers The police and the Dera management have maintained that licenced weapons were deposited by most Dera followers at Sirsa with the police authorities. - PTI 20:45 (IST) Hisar IGP, Sirsa SP and district deputy commissioner were also part of search operations Hisar Inspector general of police Amitabh Dhillon, Sirsa SP Ashwin Shenvi and Deputy Commissioner Prabhjot Singh are also part of the exercise. Officials from revenue, health, education, Tourism and other departments also participated. Bomb disposal squads and commandos were also deployed inside as a preventive measure. With inputs from PTI and IANS 20:37 (IST) Photo of the black Toyota Lexus luxury SUV without the number plate seized at the Dera headquarters The vehicle was taken to the Sirsa police station. Image courtesy: PTI 20:25 (IST) Hospital, stadium, resort, bungalows: Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters have it all The Dera is spread over two campuses, 600 acres and over 100 acres respectively, about eight kilometres from Sirsa and 260 kilometres from Chandigarh. It houses a stadium, a hospital, educational institutions, luxury resort, bungalows and markets. Hundreds of people and sect followers permanently live and work in the mini-township. The premises, where the sect chief lived, known as the "gufa" (cave), is itself spread over an area of nearly 100 acres. It is said to have ultra-luxury facilities. The campus has palatial bungalows of his other family members, none of whom are in the premises since 25 August, when the sect chief was convicted of rape and sent to jail. - IANS 20:14 (IST) Rs 12,000 in new notes, computer, along with luxury car, hard disks, seized Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 20:08 (IST) Two minor children found handed over to local DCPO The two minor children are among the five found near the Dera headquarters in Upkaar Colony. They have now been handed over to the DCPO. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 20:01 (IST) Search operation peacefully ends for the day at 6.30 pm, will continue again tomorrow "The search operation began at 9 am and peacefully concluded at 6.30 pm inside the Dera headquarter premises. It will resume again on Saturday," said district deputy commissioner Prabhjot Singh. He also said the forensic team has begun its investigation in Gurmeet Ram Rahim's cave inside the Dera headquarters in Sirsa, Haryana. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 19:45 (IST) Haryana minister Anil Vij says Dera head has been convicted, not the organisation Asked whether he would reach out to the followers of the Dera Sacha Sauda in future to seek votes, Vij said, "We seek votes from all." "It is the Dera's head who has been convicted by the court and the Dera has not been declared illegal," he said. During the last Assembly polls in Haryana, the Dera head had announced support to the BJP. - PTI 19:32 (IST) "Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh would be killed by inmates if left alone without security," says jail inmate on bail A Rohtak jail inmate Somu Pandit said that the anger against the self-styled godman is such that he would be killed if left alone with no security. 19:27 (IST) 16 'nakas' set up near Dera Sacha Sauda's headquarters Sixteen 'nakas' have been set up near the Dera. Forty-one companies of paramilitary forces have been deployed in Sirsa district. - PTI 19:20 (IST) Duty magistrates, executive magistrates, revenue officials also part of search operations - PTI 19:05 (IST) 800-acre Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters divided into 10 zones for sanitisation The Dera, spread over nearly 800 acres, has been divided into ten zones for the purpose of sanitisation and searches, with each zone under the control of a senior officer. - PTI 18:58 (IST) Search team also found 1500 pairs of shoes, designer clothes and cash inside Dera headquarters 18:53 (IST) Haryana health minister Anil Vij orders inquiry into 14 bodies taken from Dera to a Lucknow medical college Following media reports such as those by News24, which said at least 14 dead bodies were sent from the Dera headquarters to a private medical college in Lucknow, Haryana health minister Anil Vij ordered an inquiry into the same on Friday. He has asked the Director General of Health Services to conduct the investigation at the earliest. News24 reported that the no rules were followed and proper paperwork was not done. The dead bodies were taken between January 2017 and August 2017. The news channel also claimed death certificates were not issued. "If this was done, the formalities should have been completed. The reason for sending the bodies must be ascertained. Orders have been issued to examine the matter and find out facts in this case," Vij said. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 18:44 (IST) Journalists not allowed to enter Dera Sacha Sauda Journalists were stopped at the Shah Satnam Singh Chowk, about seven kilometres from the headquarters. The chowk, which separates the heart of the city from the Dera, is also under heavy security. - PTI 18:41 (IST) Have a look into Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters sprawled across 800 acres 18:35 (IST) Curfew remains in place Curfew remains in force on roads leading to the Dera headquarters. The roads are also blocked and no unauthorised person is being allowed to move towards the Dera premises. - PTI 18:33 (IST) A deserted view at the main entrance to the Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters in Sirsa ahead of the search operations Image courtesy: PTI 18:25 (IST) Here are some pictures taken earlier on 6 September from inside the Dera headquarters in Sirsa ​ 18:22 (IST) Lexus car found inside Dera headquarters brought to Sirsa police station 18:13 (IST) Search operations being videographed by retired judge AKS Pawar The process, which began around 8 am, is being videographed and monitored by retired District and Sessions Judge AKS Pawar, who was appointed as a Court Commissioner by the Punjab and Haryana High Court on Tuesday to oversee the exercise. - PTI 18:10 (IST) Rooms sealed, hard disks, unlabelled medicines recovered In a mammoth search operation being carried out by security forces and district authorities, some rooms were also sealed and hard disk drives and unlabelled medicines recovered, Haryana's information and public relations deputy director, Satish Mehra, who has been authorised by the administration to speak to the media, said. "Some rooms have been sealed, computer hard disk drives, unregistered Lexus car, an OB van, Rs 7,000 of demonetised currency, Rs 12,000 cash and some pharma medicines without labels or a brand name are among other items which have been seized," he said. - PTI 17:54 (IST) Five people including two minors have been found inside In the ongoing search operation at Dera Sacha Sauda, five people including two minors have been found, said Satish Mishra, deputy director of Haryana public relations department. A walkie talkie was also recovered as well. 17:51 (IST) Forensic team from Roorkee has entered Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters in Sirsa 17:48 (IST) Two minors found inside Gurmeet Ram Rahim's "cave" at Dera Sacha Sauda's headquarters The search operation at the Dera headquarters have been going on for nearly eight hours now. The forensic team is combing the "cave" where two minors have now been found, reported Times Now. 17:40 (IST) Before AAI revoked Gurmeet Ram Rahim's airport access, he was VIP no. 51 Others given access to VIP lounge at airports list include attorney general, MLAs, MPs, Shankaracharya Maharaj of Shri Dwaraka Sharada Peeth 17:31 (IST) Black luxury car without number plate, 1200 new notes also found at Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters In addition to the above, some endangered animals were also found, reported India Today. 17:24 (IST) Despite being convicted, Gurmeet Ram Rahim is still hailed as "god" by his followers Kangkan Acharyya, Senior Reporter, Firstpost 17:12 (IST) Inequality in society is one of the reasons 'premis' flock to Gurmeet Ram Rahim and Dera Sacha Sauda The Dera also insisted the followers to change their surnames to 'insan'. It was seen as a rule devised to spread across the message that the 'Dera' was more respectful of humanity than any other quality. No wonder then that the Dera had a substantial following among the people from the lower rungs of the much abhorred caste hierarchy. Apart from a liberal atmosphere, the Dera also seemed to have the promise of a new social status to its followers. "A follower who successfully convinces a good number of followers from his caste or village was seen as their leader. That enhances his social status to a spiritual leader in a group of 400 to 500 people. Many came to the Dera to attain this status" he said. The leader would be the contact person between the Dera and the followers. He would pass all the messages of the Dera to its followers and would also ensure that the followers meet the guru in their time of need. Read more here. 17:11 (IST) Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh sentenced: Dera chief one of many self-styled godmen' embroiled in scandals India's self-styled "godmen" have legions of devoted followers, but several have been embroiled in scandals in recent years. Here are some of the more famous godmen: Rampal Maharaj ​ In 2014 the guru Rampal Maharaj barricaded himself into his ashram guarded by devotees armed with stones, petrol bombs and other weapons after a court issued a warrant for his arrest on a series of charges, including conspiracy to murder. It was days before police were finally able to clear the giant complex and arrest the guru, who considered himself an incarnation of a 15th-century mystic Indian poet. Six people died during the siege. Ashutosh Maharaj ​ Devotees of Ashutosh Maharaj, who died in January 2014, are preserving his body in a freezer and insist he is in a deep meditative state. The hugely wealthy founder of the multi-million dollar Divya Jyoti Jagriti Sansthan (Divine Light Awakening Mission) sect apparently died of a cardiac arrest. Read more here 16:57 (IST) A look at Deras and their famous political visitors Infographic by Network18creative Load More Sirsa: An unregistered luxury car and some banned currency notes were on Friday seized from the Dera of rape convict Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh during a sanitisation exercise which also involved forensic examination of his so-called cave where he allegedly used to sexually exploit women. A huge search operation, involving hordes of police, paramilitary and civil administration personnel, was launched at 8 am at the headquarters of Dera Sacha Sauda spread over 800 acres in Sirsa, two weeks after a CBI court convicted its head of rape and sentenced him to 20 years in jail in two rape cases. The Dera premises houses educational institutions, markets, a hospital, a stadium, recreational areas and houses. To prevent any untoward incident, curfew was imposed on the roads leading to the Dera and mobile internet services in Sirsa district have been suspended till 10 September for the operation, which will continue on Saturday. During the 12-hour exercise ordered by the high court, hard disk drives and unlabelled medicines were also recovered, said Haryana's Information and Public Relations Department Deputy Director, Satish Mehra, who has been authorised by the administration to speak to the media. Search operations continue at the Dera Sacha Sauda. PTI Search operations continue at the Dera Sacha Sauda. PTI "Some rooms have been sealed, computer hard disk drives, unregistered Lexus car, an OB van, Rs 7,000 of demonetised currency, Rs 12,000 cash and some pharma medicines without labels or a brand name, a walkie-talkie set are among other items which have been seized," Mehra told reporters. "Whatever articles are being found, the district administration has taken these in their custody and will follow the orders given by the Court Commissioner," he said. Teams of forensic experts from Karnal and Sonipat in Haryana, and from IIT Roorkee in Uttarakhand, also inspected the so-called 'gufa' (cave) at the Dera, he said. "The forensic experts were coordinating with other teams which were already inside taking part in the sanitisation and search operation," Mehra said. According to the rape victim, on whose complaint the Dera chief was convicted by a CBI court on August 25, Ram Rahim would sexually exploit women in the 'gufa', said to be the convict's residence. The woman, who had dared to complain against Ram Rahim, had alleged that she had been sexually exploited by the Dera chief after being called there. She had said that prior to her exploitation, she would see some of the girls coming out of the 'gufa' weeping. Girls were deployed as sDera HQ search ops Day 2 as it happened: Tunnel connecting Ram Rahim's cave to sadhvis' residence foundecurity persons at the entrance of a 'gufa', the victim had
రామ్ రహీమ్ గది నుంచి నేరుగా సాధ్వీల గదికి సొరంగ మార్గం
800 ఎకరాల్లో విస్తరించివున్న డేరా సచ్ దేవ్.. డేరాల్లో దాగివున్నరహస్యాలను చేధించటానికి నిన్నటి నుంచి మొదలైన సోదాలు ఇవాళ్టితో ముగిశాయి. పంజాబ్ –హర్యానా హైకోర్టు ఆదేశాలతో నిన్నటి నుంచి భారీగా పోలీసులు  , పారా మిలటరీ దళాలు , స్వాట్ సిబ్బంది , తదితరులు పక్కా ప్రణాళిక ప్రకారం జరిగాయి. 
ఈ సోదాల్లో రిజిస్ట్రేషన్ లేకుండా వున్న ఓ అత్యంత ఖరీదైన కారుని పోలీసులు స్వాధీనం చేసుకున్నారు.
    విద్యా సంస్ధలు , ఆసుపత్రులు , ప్రార్ధనా మందిరాలు , వసతి గృహలతో సహా ప్రతి అణువు గాలించామని పంచకులా డిప్యూటీ పోలీస్ కమిషనర్ మన్బీర్ సింగ్ తెలిపారు. ఇద్దరు డేరా సచ్ దేవ్ ప్రముఖులను  ఆగస్టు 25 నాటి హింసకు బాధ్యులుగా అరెస్ట్ చేశామన్నారు.                      వీరితో పాటు బాబా కు రక్షణగా వున్న పాటియాలాకు చెందిన కర్మజిత్ సింగ్ అనే కమాండోను అదుపులోకి తీసుకొన్నామని చెప్పారు.  రామ్ రహీమ్ కు శిక్ష ఖరారయ్యాక అతనిని తప్పించటానికి.. కమాండో ప్రయత్నించాడని ఆరోపణల నేపధ్యంలో  అరెస్ట్ చేశారు. బాబాకు అత్యంత సన్నిహితుడిగా భావించే డాన్ సింగ్ కూడా అరెస్టైన వారిలో వున్నాడు.                        బాబా  గూఫాగా చెప్పుకునే రహస్య ప్రదేశంలో సైతం సోదాలు జరిపి కొన్ని మందులు , రూ 70 వేల రద్దయిపోయిన నోట్లు ,  రూ 12 వేల నగదు , హార్డ్ డిస్క్ లు, వాకీ టాకీ , పేరు లేని మందులు స్వాధీనం చేసుకున్నారని హర్యానా ప్రభుత్వ ప్రతినిధి మెహ్రా మీడియాకు వివరించారు. 
కాగా బాబా దత్తత కుమార్తె హానీప్రీత్ ఇన్ శాన్ నివాసం వున్న గదులను కూడా సోదా చేశారు. బాధిత మహిళలు వుండేవారని భావిస్తున్న గదుల్లో కూడా సోదాలు జరిపారు. సాధ్వీలు వుండే గదిలో చొరపడటానికి వీలుగా రామ్ రహీమ్ తన గది నుంచే ఓ సొరంగ మార్గాన్ని ఏర్పాటు చేసుకున్నట్లు సోదాల్లో అధికారులు గుర్తించారు. మొత్తం ఈ సోదాలన్నింటినీ వీడియో తీశారు.                      ఎమ్.ఎస్.జి ఉత్పత్తుల పేరిట 2 సంవత్సరాల క్రితం ప్రారంభించిన..  బాబా ఫోటోతో కూడిన వస్తువులపై రూ 3 కోట్లు పెట్టుబడి పెట్టిన ఓ భక్తుడు భారీగా నష్టపోయాడు. దీంతో ఇవాళ ఉదయం  అతడు ఆత్మహత్య చేసుకున్నాడు.
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2eNTtGG
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mortenwrites-blog · 7 years
His fingers seemed attached to the coffee cup. Normally he would be listening to the radio at this time, eating dinner. It would keep him from thinking about work and his fingers would tap along with the rhythm of the song or he would drum with the cutlery on the table. Not this time though. He was exhausted. Even more so than last time. He also tried to keep his thoughts together, directed towards work but found it hard to do. A quick look at the clock that hang above the doorway told him it was 6.30 pm and only made him feel more tired.
At least tomorrow is a Saturday…
A small comfort, but one he allowed himself during this idiotic day. He had woken up this morning at 6:00 to make the journey all the way up North, a journey of four hours (or three-and-a-half if he was really lucky, which until now he had not been). They had insisted on him being there, saying that the Friday meetings were really necessary to get everyone’s mind set “on the same thing”. Daan, on the other hand, only believed it would cause two things:
1. Time was being wasted.
2. Money was being wasted even more.
Not that this was really a problem for him. If they requested him to be there, he would be there…. at his hourly rate. That was something he had made clear from the start. He was perfectly fine with working from a document, stating what they needed from him, what he should call the files, how it should sound and when the deadline would be. He had told them this when they first met. After that conversation, he didn’t hear from them for a week, until the next Thursday, when he had gotten a request to “be there at the next day, at 10:00 am”. He had thought they were kidding and had called them immediately, only to hear an overly enthousiastic producer explain why it was necessary for him to be there.
That Friday had been a drag. He sat there for a whole day, doing absolutely nothing, listening to all the nice things the producers and game designers wanted to do and how great everything was going to be. The first hour had been fine, he even had felt enthousiastic. The other seven hours were a whole lot less interesting unfortunately and he had wished he had known beforehand. He did not yet complain however. If they were o.k. with paying him money for being there doing nothing so be it, he thought. He had sat there the whole session, became more mentally aware again when he picked up some signs of the meeting coming to an end and left the conference room knowing exactly as much about the project as coming in. Stepping into his car, he had found out it had been seven in the evening already and he had decided it would be best to stop somewhere midway to eat something.
Around nine he had eaten everything edible in the car and couldn’t go on anymore without a bite, so he had stopped at a local pub somewhere halfway his journey. It was a small town and the pub was even smaller, but they had food and after looking at him eating half-minded, staring blankly ahead, the bartender had asked him how he came to be a zombie with a preference for a regular meal. Daan had told him about the meeting and the journey he had made and still had to make.
‘Bloody hell, you must be absolutely mad to drive all the way for that!’
Mad… and desperate for money. But that was too much to tell the man. He had payed for the food (which had been ridiculously tasty) and had stepped into his car, feeling only half ready for the last two hour part of his journey.
That whole thing was 3 weeks ago now. The next Thursday they had called him again and he had told them he would be there if they wanted it, but he would again charge his hourly rate and the travelling costs. It appeared to be no problem for them. They really wanted him to be there. They wanted him to be there every Friday, again stating this was very important. That day, they actually had had some information. At least enough to give him something to work on… For a day.
The next week though had again been a session like the first and now, after yet another session like those Daan started wondering himself if this was worth it. Yes, it paid. But he would actually like to do something for it, not only driving eight hours to be sitting still for eight hours. Today, the meeting had basically been all “It would be wonderfull if we could do this” and “we are going to be a great team!”. It didn’t feel even a bit like it and Daan started wondering if it had been worth immigrating to England especially for this job.
They had required him to do so and it had seemed like a nice opportunity. He had no ties in The Netherlands other than the obvious ones, no work that was actually paying well and when they had told him they would take care for everything they could it had seemed like a nice move in his career. When they had discussed his hourly rate, he even had become happy enough to do a little heel-clack in his mind.
Today however made him doubt it all. This was going nowhere and he had become more and more frustrated during this conference, listening to the producers whining on about all the things they could do, only able to play with the stirring rod in his coffee. He was not there to listen to this. He was here to discuss technical problems, organise things, make a plan or a schedule. It makes money per hour, he thought, not recognising his thought process as his own and when the meeting came to an end he rushed out long before the others.
‘Daan! Wait!’
One of his female coworkers, probably one of the 2D designers, had shouted after him but he payed it no mind. Not now. His mind was set on leaving soon. Before she was able to make it through the hallway and turn around the corner, he was already halfway down the fifteen story building in the elevator. In the basement, he stepped out, rudely put down his visitors tag on the caretakers counter and stepped into the parking garage. His car was somewhere in the middle and he slammed the door shut after stepping in. For a tiny moment he rested his head against the headrest, let out a sigh and then tried to start the engine.
Another try, again nothing.
Through his window he now saw who had followed him downstairs. It was Nataly. Annoyed because of the conversation he expected was going to happen he opened the door again.
‘Daan…. goddamnit….’ She had to catch her breath. Apparently she had chosen to take the stairs.
‘Daan, we are all really sorry for today. If we had known, we would’ve advised you not to come. This was ridiculous, even for us! And you had to drive all the way for this!’
‘It’s already to late, Nataly. And of course you guys couldn’t have known this. But maybe its a good idea to check with the producers next time. If I show up, I like to do something meaningfull, not sit around all day hearing how great and wonderfull we all are..’
‘I understand. We all feel like that. We will talk to them.’
Good luck with that… 'That would be wonderfull. Let’s hope it will also make a difference�� Can you at least do me a favor and send me some ambiences to work on? Some images or small videos? Just so I can start building some sample libraries. I’m afraid this is not going to work otherwise. If they are going to send me everything last minute, I won’t be able to design all of this. Not if they want something they can release to the public.’
‘I will. I’ll send you a mail on Monday.’
‘Thank you…. See you next week then I suppose.’
‘Yeah, see you next week.’
She seemed a bit more relieved and walked to her own car, a new red VW Beetle, started the engine and drove out of the garage. Daan, glad that the conversation went into the direction of apologies instead of another round of “We Are Great”, also tried to start his engine, which now apparently found it the right time to wake up but still was very reluctant about driving up the small incline, out of the garage. A right turn onto the street and into the late traffic. Two hours and we will have dinner at least. I wonder what they have today…’
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ashokkothapalli · 7 years
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Window-shaped tunnel connecting Ram Rahim's cave to sadhvis' residence found IndiaFP StaffSep, 09 2017 16:23:37 IST Tweet Dera HQ search ops Day 2 LIVE: Window-shaped tunnel connecting Ram Rahim's cave to sadhvis' residence found Highlights 13:10 (IST) Window-shaped tunnel connecting Ram Rahim's cave to sadhvis' residence found In a disturbing development, dearch teams have found a window-dhaped tunnel connecting Ram Rahim's house, the cave, to the sadhvis' residence. Deputy director Satish Mehra informed the media that empty boxes, which are used to store AK-47 magazines, have also been found. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 12:38 (IST) Buried skeletons suspected underneath ground near Ram Rahim's cave Sources said that forensic teams will start digging the earth near Ram Rahim's cave, suspecting skeletons buried inside. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 20:08 (IST) Two minor children found handed over to local DCPO The two minor children are among the five found near the Dera headquarters in Upkaar Colony. They have now been handed over to the DCPO. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 20:01 (IST) Search operation peacefully ends for the day at 6.30 pm, will continue again tomorrow "The search operation began at 9 am and peacefully concluded at 6.30 pm inside the Dera headquarter premises. It will resume again on Saturday," said district deputy commissioner Prabhjot Singh. He also said the forensic team has begun its investigation in Gurmeet Ram Rahim's cave inside the Dera headquarters in Sirsa, Haryana. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 19:05 (IST) 800-acre Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters divided into 10 zones for sanitisation The Dera, spread over nearly 800 acres, has been divided into ten zones for the purpose of sanitisation and searches, with each zone under the control of a senior officer. - PTI 18:53 (IST) Haryana health minister Anil Vij orders inquiry into 14 bodies taken from Dera to a Lucknow medical college Following media reports such as those by News24, which said at least 14 dead bodies were sent from the Dera headquarters to a private medical college in Lucknow, Haryana health minister Anil Vij ordered an inquiry into the same on Friday. He has asked the Director General of Health Services to conduct the investigation at the earliest. News24 reported that the no rules were followed and proper paperwork was not done. The dead bodies were taken between January 2017 and August 2017. The news channel also claimed death certificates were not issued. "If this was done, the formalities should have been completed. The reason for sending the bodies must be ascertained. Orders have been issued to examine the matter and find out facts in this case," Vij said. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 18:22 (IST) Lexus car found inside Dera headquarters brought to Sirsa police station 18:10 (IST) Rooms sealed, hard disks, unlabelled medicines recovered In a mammoth search operation being carried out by security forces and district authorities, some rooms were also sealed and hard disk drives and unlabelled medicines recovered, Haryana's information and public relations deputy director, Satish Mehra, who has been authorised by the administration to speak to the media, said. "Some rooms have been sealed, computer hard disk drives, unregistered Lexus car, an OB van, Rs 7,000 of demonetised currency, Rs 12,000 cash and some pharma medicines without labels or a brand name are among other items which have been seized," he said. - PTI 17:54 (IST) Five people including two minors have been found inside In the ongoing search operation at Dera Sacha Sauda, five people including two minors have been found, said Satish Mishra, deputy director of Haryana public relations department. A walkie talkie was also recovered as well. 17:31 (IST) Black luxury car without number plate, 1200 new notes also found at Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters In addition to the above, some endangered animals were also found, reported India Today. 16:49 (IST) Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh's conviction for rape is ground for take over of Dera; why is Haryana govt pussyfooting? Today, this political patronage extends to Hindu organisations (and Hindu-adjacent organisations) as well. As Lord Meghnad Desai pointed out in one of his columns, had the DSS been “Christian missionaries, they would have to register, be subject to audit and FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) rules.” But in the case of the DSS, which allegedly abetted rape, castration and even murder, there is ample ground for the government to take over its assets and banish the current administration. Is the government not doing this because the DSS is a vote bank? Full analysis here 15:03 (IST) Police recover Rs 7,000 worth demonetised notes from Dera Sacha Sauda premises In addition to to the old currency, police have also seized one OB van and some unlabelled medicine from the Dera premises. Reported by Manoj Kumar, 101Reporters 14:31 (IST) Self-styled godman issued alternate currency within Dera premises Plastic coins, bearing little semblance to Indian currency were recovered inside Dera premises as the search operations were underway. The plastic currency had the words Dhan Dhan Satguru Tera hi Asara, Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa inscribed on them. The alternate currency carries actual value within the Dera premises and can be exchanged for real money. The 'money' however cannot be used anywhere outside the Dera headquarters. 14:11 (IST) Voice calls to continue despite internet ban 14:10 (IST) These were found inside the ashram... 14:02 (IST) Plastic coins bearing the name of Gurmeet Ram Rahim found in ashram 13:55 (IST) Recap: Haryana Police search for Honeypreet Insan near Nepal border after issuing lookout notice The Haryana Police came looking for Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim’s close aide Honeypreet Insaan in Kheri as she was suspected to have left for Nepal through the porous border. Additional Superintendent of Police Ghanshyam Chaurasiya confirmed the arrival of two Haryana police personnel at Gaurifanta border in Kheri. The ASP told PTI that the Haryana Police had shared some information with the Gaurifanta Police and inquired about her suspected movement towards the neighbouring country through the porous India-Nepal border. “However, when no clue about Honeypreet’s departure for Nepal could be gathered, the Haryana Police returned,” the ASP said. 13:52 (IST) State created vacuum of real spiritual leaders, helped flourish self-styled gurus like Gurmeet Ram Rahim ​The emasculation of the spiritual leaders took three stages. First, they were denied (through curbs on admissible expenditure) to become national voices. But, more importantly, the entrepreneur-gurus were provided two other big benefits without which they could not have become as large as they did. These benefits included large tracts of land. Without that land, they could not have had the place to assemble their audiences. They could not impress the common folk. With land came buildings, and facilities that the buildings offered by way of jobs, services (such as medicare, dispute resolution and financial help) and shelter. Second, the entrepreneur-gurus were granted the benefit of tax-exemptions. Like political parties, their funds could not be taxed. And while the mainstream temple trusts donations were accounted for each day, the money collected by these entrepreneurs were not audited, supervised, or even tabulated. They became sinkholes of cash collection, which could then be used to display naked power, win over affection, and command allegiance — through forced sex, castrations or murders. If they needed politicians initially, now the politicians needed them — for their vote banks, for fixing deals and for an assortment of jobs that could not be done by the government-appointed machinery. 13:41 (IST) Watch: A senior journalist talking about the ongoing operation in Sirsa 13:38 (IST) The forensic team from Roorkee arrives at the ashram Image courtesy: Sat Singh,101 reporters 13:34 (IST) Another Forensic team from Roorkee reached Sirsa Dera headquarters for further investigation 13:33 (IST) Read: The order suspending internet services in Sirsa Image courtesy: Sat Singh, 101 reporters 13:32 (IST) After JCB Machine, now Army crane is summoned to Dera premises Image courtesy: Manoj Kumar, 101 reporters 13:28 (IST) Mobile internet, SMS services suspended in Sirsa until 10 September The Haryana government has suspended mobile internet services (2G, 3G, 4G) GPRS, all SMS services and dongle services in the Sirsa district in view of the “critical situation” to curb the spread of rumours in Sirsa district in view of the ongoing sanitisation drive. The suspension will continue till 10 September. Reported by Sat Singh, 101 reporters 13:11 (IST) Schools run by Dera Sacha Sauda under the scanner now KK Khandelwal, additional chief secretary, School Education Department (Haryana) told Firstpost that the educational institutions run by the Dera Sacha Sauda are controversial and the decision about them would be taken by the Punjab and Haryana High court. About the students studying here, Khandelwal said that they would be given an option to enroll in other educational institutes to save their academic year. Dera Sacha Sauda runs six educational institute including an international school, where over 5000 students study. Reported by Sat Singh, 101 reporters 13:07 (IST) Security beefed up outside Dera ashram at 1 pm Image courtesy: Sat Singh, 101 reporters 13:03 (IST) Recap: Haryana Police investigates Dera functionaries' involvement in Panckula violence The Haryana Police is investigating claims that top Dera Sacha Sauda functionaries paid a 'supari' (contract) of Rs 5 crore to criminal elements to instigate violence in Panchkula and other places after sect chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh's conviction for rape. Haryana Director General of Police BS Sandhu said that the matter was under investigation. "We are investigating this. We are trying to nab two Dera functionaries, Chamkaur Singh and Nain, who are said to be involved in this," he said. 12:57 (IST) Dera Sacha Sauda mouthpiece admits to skeletons at premises, says they were donated According to News18, ‘Sach Kahoon’ had admitted on Thursday that human remains were indeed buried in the premises. However, the Dera newspaper defended the action of the management in burying the human remains, and said this was done as sect chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh encouraged followers to donate the remains to the sect for burial and prevent these from being immersed in rivers, which causes pollution. 12:54 (IST) Locals revere baba as 'god' A CNN News18 report noted that the locals surrounding the dera ashram revere Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh as a living god. According to the report, the poor villagers in the surrounding areas have availed of several social welfare schemes run by the ashram. 12:44 (IST) A heart surgeon recounts his experience with 'hyperactive' baba A heart specialist who now lives in Delhi said he was once called to check Singh by the Dera officials and was shocked to find him "hyperactive". "He had a great following of doctors, many from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and I wondered why he had called me. I was told he keeps shuffling his doctors. I found his pulse a bit erratic but nothing that would cause concern. I told him not to check blood pressure every 30 minutes and he should remain calm," said the doctor, speaking on conditions of anonymity. "But Singh kept on telling me that I should stay back if I wish to meet the God and attain total nirvana. I left." 12:31 (IST) A look at the unbelievable life on Ram Rahim Singh maintained a dual personality. During sermons, he wore a spotless white dress, common with all self-styled Godmen across India. But when he was before the camera for interviews or shooting, he would wear fluorescent colours on his bejewelled costume and fight off villains and toss flaming motorbikes into the air. He would even walk on air and tear tree trunks in half with his bare hands, while routinely singing his favourite song Love Charger. A Bollywood filmmaker who was once called at the Dera was told by Singh’s followers that he writes songs in 15 seconds, and completes a shot in less than a minute. It is because he is God. 12:23 (IST) Schools are closed after curfew in Sirsa The students of government school at Shah Satnam chowk were asked to go at home after search operation started in Dera. ​ Video courtesy: Manoj Kumar,101 reporters 12:18 (IST) No one permited to come out of Dera campus No one is permitted to come out of Dera campus now. Only officers on duty can come and go. Some of the parents whose sons and daughters study at Dera schools/colleges are also stuck inside the premises. According to police sources, some 700-800 people still inside Dera campus. Reported by Sat Singh, 101 reporters 12:09 (IST) Watch: Deputy director (information) Satish Mehra briefs media Video courtesy: Manoj Kumar, 101 reporters 12:05 (IST) What will the forensic team investgate? The forensic team from Roorkee would investigate whether people's doubts about a lot of skeletons being buried inside the dera holds any truth or not. The FSL Roorkee team would only investigate on this part of the story. Reported by Manoj Kumar, 101 reporters 12:01 (IST) Dera divided into 10 zones for investigation purpose A police officer on duty told Firstpost that the police search team had divided the entire area of Dera in ten zones and they have sanitised four of them by now. They have recovered 10 hard disks, some computers, while some rooms have also been sealed. The forensic teams from Roorkee, Kurukshetra and Madhuban and Karnal have reached the spot to investigate further. Reported by Manoj Kumar, 101 reporters 12:00 (IST) A glimpse of the security arrangement in Sirsa ​ Image courtesy: Sat Singh,101 reporters 11:53 (IST) Next course of action to be known in evening Deputy director (information), Satish Mehra told Firstpost that the operation is going peacefully and that the amount recovered is yet to be ascertained. The next course of action would be decided after meeting with officials with judicial officer AKS Pawar in the evening, he added. Reported by Sat Singh, 101 reporters 11:49 (IST) Watch: Security at Shah Satnam Chowk, 7 kilometres from Dera HQ video courtesy: Manoj Kumar 11:41 (IST) Media officer briefs about the situation Deputy director (Information) Satish Mehra said that the authorities have seized some cash from the premises. He added that the forensic team has also been called from Roorkee. Mehra said that some computers, hard disks were also seized from the dera. A few rooms have also been sealed, the media officer said. Reported by Sat Singh, 101 reporters 11:28 (IST) A forensic team from Roorkee will enter premises now 11:26 (IST) Roads are deserted in Sirsa after curfew Image courtesy: Manoj Kumar 11:25 (IST) Will Gurmeet Ram Rahim's influence wane in Punjab, Haryana? According toThe Indian Express, with the imprisonment of the Dera chief, there is a threat that his influence over a large section of the electorate in Punjab and Haryana may wane. A known political expert told the publication, "Given the state of affairs and the way people are motivated to go towards such religious spaces, they are not going to easily believe that the Dera head was wrong. It is not a question of him being convicted, the question is if the faith in him has been tarnished.” 11:19 (IST) Heavy machinery enters the premises Image courtesy: Manoj Dhaka, 101 reporters 11:12 (IST) Apart from court commissioner, paramilitary forces also help operations While the sanitisation process will be overseen by the court commissioner, Haryana police personnel, paramilitary forces, duty magistrates, executive magistrates and revenue officials will also be part of the exercise. Curfew continued to be imposed in the areas near the Dera premises, but relaxations were being given during morning and evening hours, officials said. As many as 16 nakas (check points) have been set up near the Dera. IANS 11:07 (IST) Heavy machinery enters premises Deputy director, Meida, Satish Kumar Mehra said that JCB machines and other heavy machinery are part of their team, as it can be used at a place where need arises. He said that all things are there as per orders of appointment juridical office. Reported by Sat Singh, 101 reporters 10:39 (IST) Court Commissioner to oversee search operation The entire sanitisation process will be videographed and overseen by retired district and sessions judge, AKS Pawar, who was appointed as court commissioner by the Punjab and Haryana High Court on Tuesday. IANS 10:37 (IST) Search operations continue inside the Dera 10:36 (IST) Watch: Vippasana Insan asks followers to maintain calm Video courtesy: Richa Kakkar, 101 reporters 10:28 (IST) Bomb disposal squad at standby at premises 10:20 (IST) JCB machines, blacksmith enter premises 10:12 (IST) Police says situation is normal IGP, Hisar Range, Amitabh Singh Dhillon reaches Shah Satnam Singh Chowk in Sirsa. “Situation normal,” says deputy director (information & PR department). Reported by Sat Singh, 101 rpeorters 10:11 (IST) Search operations began an hour back 10:01 (IST) Search operations under way in Ram Rahim's headquarters 10:00 (IST) Security forces enter Sirsa headquarters of Dera Sacha Sauda 16:23 (IST) Fibre tunnel also located State Information and Public Relations Department deputy director, Satish Mehra, who has been authorised by the administration to speak to the media, said, "A fibre tunnel too has been located during the search of the dera." The fibre tunnel is filled with mud, he said. Read the full PTI report here. 16:05 (IST) An NDTV video shows authorities collecting illegal explosives from the Dera campus in Sirsa 15:46 (IST) Govt begins inquiry into donation of dead bodies by Dera to private medical college The health department in Sirsa has begun an inquiry into the donation of 14 dead bodies by Dera Sacha Sauda to a private medical college in Uttar Pradesh between January and August 2017. Sirsa civil surgeon Gobind Gupta and a team of doctors from the district are presently in a multi-specialty hospital of the Dera to conduct the probe, as police and security forces continue conducting search operations in Dera premises. Health minister Anil Vij had directed a probe into this matter. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 14:44 (IST) Some of the goods seized from the Dera Image courtesy: Sat Singh, 101Reporters 14:42 (IST) Some of the crackers seized by the police from Dera 14:04 (IST) Some Haryana ministers at fault In this News18 article by KTS Tulsi, it has been opined that some Haryana ministers should face trial because according to some media reports, two or three of these ministers were heard telling Dera followers that Section 144 was not for them. "The moot problem is not the lack of legislation but its implementation. If existing laws are implemented in their full spirit, such incidents will definitely be fewer to witness. However, the implementation needs a genuine political will and an effective administration. Haryana government and particularly, Manohar Lal Khattar, have proven thrice, they lack both miserably," Tulsi said in the article. 13:10 (IST) 13:10 (IST) Window-shaped tunnel connecting Ram Rahim's cave to sadhvis' residence found In a disturbing development, dearch teams have found a window-dhaped tunnel connecting Ram Rahim's house, the cave, to the sadhvis' residence. Deputy director Satish Mehra informed the media that empty boxes, which are used to store AK-47 magazines, have also been found. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 13:03 (IST) More visuals from the mock drill at PGIMS Rohtak 13:02 (IST) Security personnel conduct mock drill at PGIMS Rohtak The mock drill is being conducted to shift Ram Rahim — who is lodged in Sunaria jail — to the hospital for treatment if the need arises. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 12:56 (IST) Two key Dera functionaries arrested for allegedly inciting violence Two key functionaries of Dera Sacha Sauda were arrested for allegedly inciting violence in Panchkula following the conviction of sect head Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh in a rape case, police said today. "Chamkaur Singh, who is the incharge of Dera Sacha Sauda centre in Panchkula and Daan Singh, who is also a key Dera functionary, have been arrested from Chandigarh," Panchkula Deputy Commissioner of Police Manbir Singh said. Both have been arrested in connection with the violence that took place in Panchkula on August 25, police said. A Punjab police commando Karamjit Singh, who was part of the Ram Rahim's security was also arrested by Haryana police from Patiala, police said. The commando was nabbed for his alleged role in hatching a conspiracy to free Ram Rahim Singh from the Panchkula court complex, police said. — PTI 12:47 (IST) 12:38 (IST) Buried skeletons suspected underneath ground near Ram Rahim's cave Sources said that forensic teams will start digging the earth near Ram Rahim's cave, suspecting skeletons buried inside. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 12:33 (IST) Separate SITs formed in Panchkula 12:00 (IST) Explosives used to make fireworks seized Security agencies and district authorities again began with search operations at the Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters near Haryana’s Sirsa town on Saturday morning amid tight security in the area. A factory manufacturing fireworks has been sealed. “Explosives used to make fireworks and crackers have been seized. A factory, that manufactured fireworks, situated inside the Dera headquarters has been sealed,” said deputy director, information, Satish Mehra. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 11:58 (IST) Updates begin for 9 September 21:23 (IST) Security forces stand guard at Satnam Chowk, the main entrance to the Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters, in Sirsa Journalists also were not allowed to enter beyond this point while search operations took place during the day. Image courtesy: PTI 21:19 (IST) Ravinder Kumar, a Dera Sacha Sauda follower, hangs himself in Ambala jail Ravinder, 27, who was lodged in the Ambala jail following the violence in Panchkula on 25 August, allegedly hanged himself on Sunday, said Ambala Central Jail officials, reported The Indian Express. He faced attempt to murder, rioting, damaging public property and assault charges. Held in judicial custody, he committed suicide in the washroom of the barracks where he was jailed with a piece of cloth. Superintendent of Police (Ambala) Abhishek Jorwal said: “The family members of Ravinder have been informed about his death. A judicial probe has been ordered by the jail authorities. Inquest proceedings are being conducted by district police. We have videographed the scene of incident, where Ravinder allegedly committed suicide. A post-mortem examination shall be conducted.” He was arrested in the violence that ensued in Panchkula after a special CBI court convicted Gurmeet Ram Rahim of raping two sadhvis. 21:06 (IST) Report on search operations will be submitted to the Punjab and Haryana High Court A report of the entire exercise will be submitted to the high court by the court commissioner, with a copy to the state government. - PTI 20:51 (IST) Licensed weapons were earlier deposited to the police by Dera Sacha Sauda followers The police and the Dera management have maintained that licenced weapons were deposited by most Dera followers at Sirsa with the police authorities. - PTI 20:45 (IST) Hisar IGP, Sirsa SP and district deputy commissioner were also part of search operations Hisar Inspector general of police Amitabh Dhillon, Sirsa SP Ashwin Shenvi and Deputy Commissioner Prabhjot Singh are also part of the exercise. Officials from revenue, health, education, Tourism and other departments also participated. Bomb disposal squads and commandos were also deployed inside as a preventive measure. With inputs from PTI and IANS 20:37 (IST) Photo of the black Toyota Lexus luxury SUV without the number plate seized at the Dera headquarters The vehicle was taken to the Sirsa police station. Image courtesy: PTI 20:25 (IST) Hospital, stadium, resort, bungalows: Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters have it all The Dera is spread over two campuses, 600 acres and over 100 acres respectively, about eight kilometres from Sirsa and 260 kilometres from Chandigarh. It houses a stadium, a hospital, educational institutions, luxury resort, bungalows and markets. Hundreds of people and sect followers permanently live and work in the mini-township. The premises, where the sect chief lived, known as the "gufa" (cave), is itself spread over an area of nearly 100 acres. It is said to have ultra-luxury facilities. The campus has palatial bungalows of his other family members, none of whom are in the premises since 25 August, when the sect chief was convicted of rape and sent to jail. - IANS 20:14 (IST) Rs 12,000 in new notes, computer, along with luxury car, hard disks, seized Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 20:08 (IST) Two minor children found handed over to local DCPO The two minor children are among the five found near the Dera headquarters in Upkaar Colony. They have now been handed over to the DCPO. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 20:01 (IST) Search operation peacefully ends for the day at 6.30 pm, will continue again tomorrow "The search operation began at 9 am and peacefully concluded at 6.30 pm inside the Dera headquarter premises. It will resume again on Saturday," said district deputy commissioner Prabhjot Singh. He also said the forensic team has begun its investigation in Gurmeet Ram Rahim's cave inside the Dera headquarters in Sirsa, Haryana. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 19:45 (IST) Haryana minister Anil Vij says Dera head has been convicted, not the organisation Asked whether he would reach out to the followers of the Dera Sacha Sauda in future to seek votes, Vij said, "We seek votes from all." "It is the Dera's head who has been convicted by the court and the Dera has not been declared illegal," he said. During the last Assembly polls in Haryana, the Dera head had announced support to the BJP. - PTI 19:32 (IST) "Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh would be killed by inmates if left alone without security," says jail inmate on bail A Rohtak jail inmate Somu Pandit said that the anger against the self-styled godman is such that he would be killed if left alone with no security. 19:27 (IST) 16 'nakas' set up near Dera Sacha Sauda's headquarters Sixteen 'nakas' have been set up near the Dera. Forty-one companies of paramilitary forces have been deployed in Sirsa district. - PTI 19:20 (IST) Duty magistrates, executive magistrates, revenue officials also part of search operations - PTI 19:05 (IST) 800-acre Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters divided into 10 zones for sanitisation The Dera, spread over nearly 800 acres, has been divided into ten zones for the purpose of sanitisation and searches, with each zone under the control of a senior officer. - PTI 18:58 (IST) Search team also found 1500 pairs of shoes, designer clothes and cash inside Dera headquarters 18:53 (IST) Haryana health minister Anil Vij orders inquiry into 14 bodies taken from Dera to a Lucknow medical college Following media reports such as those by News24, which said at least 14 dead bodies were sent from the Dera headquarters to a private medical college in Lucknow, Haryana health minister Anil Vij ordered an inquiry into the same on Friday. He has asked the Director General of Health Services to conduct the investigation at the earliest. News24 reported that the no rules were followed and proper paperwork was not done. The dead bodies were taken between January 2017 and August 2017. The news channel also claimed death certificates were not issued. "If this was done, the formalities should have been completed. The reason for sending the bodies must be ascertained. Orders have been issued to examine the matter and find out facts in this case," Vij said. Reported by Sat Singh, 101Reporters 18:44 (IST) Journalists not allowed to enter Dera Sacha Sauda Journalists were stopped at the Shah Satnam Singh Chowk, about seven kilometres from the headquarters. The chowk, which separates the heart of the city from the Dera, is also under heavy security. - PTI 18:41 (IST) Have a look into Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters sprawled across 800 acres 18:35 (IST) Curfew remains in place Curfew remains in force on roads leading to the Dera headquarters. The roads are also blocked and no unauthorised person is being allowed to move towards the Dera premises. - PTI 18:33 (IST) A deserted view at the main entrance to the Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters in Sirsa ahead of the search operations Image courtesy: PTI 18:25 (IST) Here are some pictures taken earlier on 6 September from inside the Dera headquarters in Sirsa ​ 18:22 (IST) Lexus car found inside Dera headquarters brought to Sirsa police station 18:13 (IST) Search operations being videographed by retired judge AKS Pawar The process, which began around 8 am, is being videographed and monitored by retired District and Sessions Judge AKS Pawar, who was appointed as a Court Commissioner by the Punjab and Haryana High Court on Tuesday to oversee the exercise. - PTI 18:10 (IST) Rooms sealed, hard disks, unlabelled medicines recovered In a mammoth search operation being carried out by security forces and district authorities, some rooms were also sealed and hard disk drives and unlabelled medicines recovered, Haryana's information and public relations deputy director, Satish Mehra, who has been authorised by the administration to speak to the media, said. "Some rooms have been sealed, computer hard disk drives, unregistered Lexus car, an OB van, Rs 7,000 of demonetised currency, Rs 12,000 cash and some pharma medicines without labels or a brand name are among other items which have been seized," he said. - PTI 17:54 (IST) Five people including two minors have been found inside In the ongoing search operation at Dera Sacha Sauda, five people including two minors have been found, said Satish Mishra, deputy director of Haryana public relations department. A walkie talkie was also recovered as well. 17:51 (IST) Forensic team from Roorkee has entered Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters in Sirsa 17:48 (IST) Two minors found inside Gurmeet Ram Rahim's "cave" at Dera Sacha Sauda's headquarters The search operation at the Dera headquarters have been going on for nearly eight hours now. The forensic team is combing the "cave" where two minors have now been found, reported Times Now. 17:40 (IST) Before AAI revoked Gurmeet Ram Rahim's airport access, he was VIP no. 51 Others given access to VIP lounge at airports list include attorney general, MLAs, MPs, Shankaracharya Maharaj of Shri Dwaraka Sharada Peeth 17:31 (IST) Black luxury car without number plate, 1200 new notes also found at Dera Sacha Sauda headquarters In addition to the above, some endangered animals were also found, reported India Today. 17:24 (IST) Despite being convicted, Gurmeet Ram Rahim is still hailed as "god" by his followers Kangkan Acharyya, Senior Reporter, Firstpost 17:12 (IST) Inequality in society is one of the reasons 'premis' flock to Gurmeet Ram Rahim and Dera Sacha Sauda The Dera also insisted the followers to change their surnames to 'insan'. It was seen as a rule devised to spread across the message that the 'Dera' was more respectful of humanity than any other quality. No wonder then that the Dera had a substantial following among the people from the lower rungs of the much abhorred caste hierarchy. Apart from a liberal atmosphere, the Dera also seemed to have the promise of a new social status to its followers. "A follower who successfully convinces a good number of followers from his caste or village was seen as their leader. That enhances his social status to a spiritual leader in a group of 400 to 500 people. Many came to the Dera to attain this status" he said. The leader would be the contact person between the Dera and the followers. He would pass all the messages of the Dera to its followers and would also ensure that the followers meet the guru in their time of need. Read more here. 17:11 (IST) Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh sentenced: Dera chief one of many self-styled godmen' embroiled in scandals India's self-styled "godmen" have legions of devoted followers, but several have been embroiled in scandals in recent years. Here are some of the more famous godmen: Rampal Maharaj ​ In 2014 the guru Rampal Maharaj barricaded himself into his ashram guarded by devotees armed with stones, petrol bombs and other weapons after a court issued a warrant for his arrest on a series of charges, including conspiracy to murder. It was days before police were finally able to clear the giant complex and arrest the guru, who considered himself an incarnation of a 15th-century mystic Indian poet. Six people died during the siege. Ashutosh Maharaj ​ Devotees of Ashutosh Maharaj, who died in January 2014, are preserving his body in a freezer and insist he is in a deep meditative state. The hugely wealthy founder of the multi-million dollar Divya Jyoti Jagriti Sansthan (Divine Light Awakening Mission) sect apparently died of a cardiac arrest. Read more here 16:57 (IST) A look at Deras and their famous political visitors Infographic by Network18creative Load More Sirsa: An unregistered luxury car and some banned currency notes were on Friday seized from the Dera of rape convict Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh during a sanitisation exercise which also involved forensic examination of his so-called cave where he allegedly used to sexually exploit women. A huge search operation, involving hordes of police, paramilitary and civil administration personnel, was launched at 8 am at the headquarters of Dera Sacha Sauda spread over 800 acres in Sirsa, two weeks after a CBI court convicted its head of rape and sentenced him to 20 years in jail in two rape cases. The Dera premises houses educational institutions, markets, a hospital, a stadium, recreational areas and houses. To prevent any untoward incident, curfew was imposed on the roads leading to the Dera and mobile internet services in Sirsa district have been suspended till 10 September for the operation, which will continue on Saturday. During the 12-hour exercise ordered by the high court, hard disk drives and unlabelled medicines were also recovered, said Haryana's Information and Public Relations Department Deputy Director, Satish Mehra, who has been authorised by the administration to speak to the media. Search operations continue at the Dera Sacha Sauda. PTI Search operations continue at the Dera Sacha Sauda. PTI "Some rooms have been sealed, computer hard disk drives, unregistered Lexus car, an OB van, Rs 7,000 of demonetised currency, Rs 12,000 cash and some pharma medicines without labels or a brand name, a walkie-talkie set are among other items which have been seized," Mehra told reporters. "Whatever articles are being found, the district administration has taken these in their custody and will follow the orders given by the Court Commissioner," he said. Teams of forensic experts from Karnal and Sonipat in Haryana, and from IIT Roorkee in Uttarakhand, also inspected the so-called 'gufa' (cave) at the Dera, he said. "The forensic experts were coordinating with other teams which were already inside taking part in the sanitisation and search operation," Mehra said. According to the rape victim, on whose complaint the Dera chief was convicted by a CBI court on August 25, Ram Rahim would sexually exploit women in the 'gufa', said to be the convict's residence. The woman, who had dared to complain against Ram Rahim, had alleged that she had been sexually exploited by the Dera chief after being called there. She had said that prior to her exploitation, she would see some of the girls coming out of the 'gufa' weeping. Girls were deployed as sDera HQ search ops Day 2 as it happened: Tunnel connecting Ram Rahim's cave to sadhvis' residence foundecurity persons at the entrance of a 'gufa', the victim had http://ift.tt/2eNTtGG
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