#it's August and just KNOW i say thank you every day for this weather lmao
castielsprostate · 1 year
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hello dearest spouse, how are you on this august sunday?
hello my lovely partner i am so horribly cold and it is August summer so im snuggled under a blanket
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jeonqkooks · 3 months
Okay, maybe I'll try my luck with a plant again hehe. I'll keep you updated. Oh do you wanna name it? 👀
Arkekoejsuqi thanks you for keeping me in your pocket 😭😭 that was so sweet!!! -definitely not kicking my feet rn✨️-
Only 30°??? OMG do you wanna switch I'm so serious... this is hell 😭😭 it'll be up to 40 next week...... it's so over for me... Sweaters huh? Meanwhile I wish I could take my skin off 😵‍💫
And it looks like Jin is living in the studio these days. Do these guys know that the world isn't gonna end if they rest for a bit 💔 Like I'm just happy he's home and out of that place, I can wait a little longer for the album damn 😅
- 🎃
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the weather here is awful i'm telling you!! 30 degrees yes but it is also SO rainy and disgusting, the tradeoff isn't very good pumpkin 😭 the weather is not weathering in europe this summer lol
fr omg jin is doing the most @.@ i thought he'd say fuck uuu i'm gonna play video games for 2 months straight but no he's filming stuff every single day, photoshoot this photoshoot that, back in the studio (hello obs!jin), heading to paris for the olympics in august @.@
lmao not the insta creep. but you would let me name your plant?? 🥹🥹🥹 if you do get one ofc i would love to 🥹🥹🥹 our plant babies can be long distance friends 🥹🥹🥹
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il0veyoujk · 4 years
Unusual roommates
Summary: Nefeli (18) is moving to a new house in the middle of the forest in Seoul. The only thing she doesn’t know is that her new home is haunted...
Warnings: Light mention of harsh language
Notes: None
Τhis is a tickle related ff, if you are not interested in it, please keep scrolling
Lots of love Nef 💕
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Nefeli was currently peacefully reading a book on her apartment in Daegu. The weather outside was sunny so she was sitting on her hammock swing near her large window, a mug of fragrant hot chocolate on her other hand.
The 18-year-old girl was enjoying her favorite book, Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens to be specific when her phone started vibrating on the glass coffee table in front of her.
She looked at the ID but she didn’t recognize it and her face lit up. She only hoped it was the owner of the house she wants to move to, in Seoul.
You see Nefeli needed to move to Seoul due to her studies as a journalist and she needed a house as well.
“Hey, are you Nefeli? I am Min Sangwook, we talked some days ago for the house” the voice of an old man around his late 70s echoed the other line, with softness in it.
“Yes, this is me. Anything new about the house?” the young girl asked politely, with a cheery but calm tone. She was trying her best not to give hope to herself. Mr Sangwook had told her that it would be a little difficult for her to buy this house too soon since they didn’t know how long it would take them to find a new one.
“Yes, you can come to sign contracts even today and then stay in the house. We have already found our new home” he explained politely.
Nefeli used all her might not to scream or jump and fall off of her hammock swing. Finally, she was moving to start a new life!
“Thank you thank you thank you thank you! I will be there tomorrow afternoon! Thank you so much!” she exclaimed, the chuckles of the old man as a background.
“Then I guess me and my wife will see you tomorrow then”
“Yes of course! Thank you once again mr Min! I owe you!” she hung up and rushed to her bedroom to pack her things up. She threw inside her huge, red suitcase all her clothes, which were already folded, her jewelry, some photos and room decorations from her room.
She got out of her pocket her phone and dialed the first person she wanted to let her know what was happening, back in Greece where she was raised “Hey mum! You will never guess who called me!”
 Next day, afternoon:
Nefeli was currently in her car, driving to the house she was supposed to go to.
One of her favorite songs, Believe In You by Amanda Marshall was echoing the car cabin, relaxing the young girl’s souls and helping her calm down, giving her confidence and self-esteem up.
 I believe in you And all I want to do is help you to Believe in you
 As the song was coming to an end, Nefeli’s car was entering a dark forest filled with tall, somehow scary trees. It was almost night and the sky had golden and orange near the ground and as the vision was raising the colors were become darker and more bluish.
As the car was moving more into the woods, she spotted an old house, with a nice, wooden balcony. The building was on a glade, in the very middle of the forest, circled my trees.
She wasn’t gonna lie, the house was scary. As the sun was falling onto the walls, weird and terrifying shadows were forming, like they were young lads while the sound of a light, summer breeze was brushing the leaves was mixed with the nice smells of the fresh grass.
Outside of the house, there was mr and mrs Min, holding hands and sitting on the outside couch on the balcony, drinking some really tasty tea and chitchatting. They both seemed really sweet, warm, and lovable people.
Nef parked the car near the house, next to the owners’ car, and grabbed her backpack. As she was walking near the couple, she heard small giggles coming from the walls of the house and she felt shivers running down her spine. Let’s be honest, the house was a little -a lot- creepy and those sounds weren’t the best ones she could hear. I mean, it was an old house, in the middle of nowhere, in the forest, and it was dark outside. How idyllic! Note the sarcasm.
“We are so happy you are here!” mrs Min told me, shaking her hand. She was an old woman, around her early 70s, a little younger than her husband.
“It’s my pleasure” the young girl smiled warmly. “Can we sign the contracts please?” she asked excitedly, making the owners chuckle.
“Sure, here are the papers and a pen, we hope you like the house” mr Min said, smiling nervously.
To be honest, Nefeli always wanted to live away from the town, in the middle of nowhere, not having people and car horns annoying her and unhealthy smoke hurting her lungs, considering the fact she had asthma, and the fresh air of the forest was exactly what she needed. Plus she would live peacefully. The house may be a little creepy, but she could handle that. She didn’t believe in ghosts and all anyway.
She picked up the pen and scribbled on the papers her signature with excitement. However, as soon as she scribbled on the paper, she felt something scribbling on her lower back, making her squeal and giggle.
The old couple looked at her weirdly and she cleared her throat, shaking that feeling off of her mind, thinking it may only be some soft air.
“Do you want us to give you a quick tour?” mr Sangwook asked her, but she kindly denied, wanting to explore her new place by herself. “Alright then, if you need anything you have our phone. I have seen the money you gave us in my bank account, don’t worry about it. Tomorrow morning we will have our furniture moved so as you can have your own here” the man smiled kindly as she opened the car door for his wife to enter and then proceeded to go to the driver seat
“Thank you so much! Have a nice ride!” she waved at them as she was watching them exiting the forest, leaving her alone.
When they were out of her vision, Nefeli turned around to take a glance at the house and she felt shivers running down her spine. It was like the now almost dark sky was swallowing it and it seem more intimidating than before. And that was what she loved more about it. When her furniture arrives, the place is gonna look so vintage!
She took a deep breath and entered the old building, feeling a cold breeze brushing behind her shoulders and the back of her neck, straightening every hair she had on her body. But she still wanted like hell to live there. It was the best place she had ever seen!
She took a step inside the house and looked around. The inside of the living room was all old and wooden. The kitchen was in the same room as the living room and there were three bedrooms and one bathroom. The two bedrooms were simple, with no decoration at all, and the bathroom was white with a blue bath. Nothing special.
She closed the door behind her and set the suitcase on the floor next to her. She roam around the living room, a big grin on her face. Nefeli plopped herself on the couch, lying on her back.
As she took a better glance over the place, she spotted something weird. Hairbrushes, feathers, toothbrushes, and many other things which were usually used for... tickling.
The more she was staring at them the more she was feeling more agitated. The more she was staring at them, the more she was feeling pokes on her sides. Nefeli was probably too ticklish to even look at the tools. She had never experienced them, not even a feather, but she was getting nervous just by the thought. She was super sensitive. Like it wasn’t even funny how ticklish she was, and all of her friends were taking advantage of it. Like, they would poke her sides from behind every chance and when she’d something cheeky they would tickle her. (a/n true stories lmao)
The only thing is that she has never been tickled on her feet, and those hairbrushes were making her feel the most nervous. She knew she was extremely ticklish on her feet, but she had never received tickles there, except some foot rubs which was tickling her like hell, but she was trying her best not to show it because it was caused by her own mother, and she was feeling too uncomfortable.
“Nononononononoo” she squealed and jumped on her feet, grabbing all of them and hiding them in the first cupboard she saw, sighing in relief when they were out of her vision.
Just then she felt jabs on her sides, making her jump and start giggling alone, not knowing why. “Hehehehehe” she pressed herself onto the wall and immediately all the pokes stopped. “What the fuck was that?!” she exclaimed, unable to hide her leftover giggles.
“I guess I need to go to bed, I imagine things” she sighed and walked to the bedroom to change into her pajamas. It was still the middle of August, so she decided to wear her cropped ones. She set all her clothes into her new closet and plopped on the bed, pulling the sheets up to her shoulder, drifting to sleep.
 Some hours after that:
It was the middle of the night and everything was peaceful outside. Nefeli was sleeping on her bed, dreaming about her new house and how she is gonna decorate it when something woke her up.
Something feeling like she was being... tickled... on her knees.
Nefeli shot up and started kicking on her bed, trying to get that feeling vanished but she wasn’t doing much. She was only able to laugh and laugh and laugh and nothing seem to work to make the feeling stop.
“Whahahahahat ihihihihis thahahahahat?!” she yelled in-between her laughter. The mysterious touch was now moving behind her knees, digging there, making the poor girl throw herself back on the mattress and laugh loudly. Thankfully no one could hear her.
With all her strength, in a shift move, she sat up and reached down to the spot which was being tickled, only to grab... nothing!
She started feeling worried and weird and even scared. “Nahahahaha! Stahahahap” she laughed. However, it came out more like a command than amusement.
Lemme give you a fun fact about Neffie. When she says stops, and she means it, you always can understand that. It will come out as a yell and not as laughter. And trust me, she is able to scare someone with that tone.
As soon as she said that, all the tickling stopped and she heard giggles filling her room. A knot formed in her stomach as she heard those giggles. It was like ghosts were mocking her! ‘Is the house haunted?!’
Just as she thought that a boy appeared in front of her, with small eyes and a gummy smile, winking at her, and then vanished.
Nefeli’s eyes widened and screamed loudly, hiding under the sheets fastly, having a panic attack. She curled up in a small ball of herself, trying to protect herself from possible tickles, but nothing came.
Instead, she felt sleep circling her and her nerves relaxing. It was really weird how fast she felt sleepy in the middle of a panic attack, but she couldn’t help it. She felt an arm rubbing her lower back, helping her sleep more relaxing and without any more disturbing or fear at all.
Just as she was ready to fall asleep, she heard a heave voice whispering in her ear “Goodnight Neffie” and with that she passed out, sleeping sweetly.
 Next afternoon:
Her furniture was finally here and the old one was moved to Choi’s house and Nefeli was over the moon. She had already decorated her room with her favorite posters of her favorite band like Three Days Grace, Arctic Monkeys, and Linkin Park, she had set her bookcase in her room, next to the door, and placed small, fairy lights on her books, photo frames of her and her family and her friends on the window sill, her couch and armchairs in the living room, near the fireplace, and her favorite hammock swing on the balcony.
The young girl was currently sitting on this specific swing, continuing the same book she was reading two days ago, the day mr Sangwook phoned her. She had a faded memory of what had happened last night, believing it was a weird dream and she decided to continue her life without it messing her head.
The weather had started getting a little chilly so she was wearing her fluffy, grey socks and her black sweatpants along with a light hoodie jacket, along with a cub of mint chocolate chip ice cream on her lap.
Nefeli was on the part of the book where Sikes beats Nancy to death in a fit of rage when she heard whispers coming from her behind her. She turned her head, with fear running in her veins, to see who was there. However, behind her was only the wall.
She picked up her phone and dialed mr Min’s number, waiting for him to pick it up. The whispers were keeping going and the blood in her veins was turning cold as the seconds were passing by.
“Hello?” the old man picked up the phone faster than Nef expected.
“Hello, mr Sangwook? It’s Nefeli” the young girl said and everyone could notice the nervousness in her voice.
“Nefeli? Is everything alright?” he asked worriedly, expecting her to say something like a wolf is in her house or something like that.
“Um, I wanted to ask you if everything is alright with the house. Because I can hear weird whispering of giggles coming from the walls since I moved in” Nefeli explained, looking around her to understand who was whispering.
“Oh yeah, I understand what is happening. You may see some mice in the house, don’t worry, it’s not people” mr Min explained and Nefeli sighed in relief. She is not afraid of mice and she believes they are cute. And she knows they are making weird noises, so she believed it.
“Okay, thank you! Have a nice day!”
“You too Nefeli! And if you need anything, don’t hesitate to call us!”
They hung up and Nefeli, returned to her book, humming on Still Loving You by Scorpions.
She raised her vision to take a glance around the trees and her heart melted. The peaceful silence of the forest, the birds’ singing mixed with the light breeze which was brushing against the summer leaves was sending her into what felt like heaven.
All that she ever wanted was silence. Nothing else. Of course, she likes being with people, communicate, having fun, partying, and all, but when she is home, she just wants to be alone, in silence, doing whatever she wants. And this house in the middle of the forest was like his paradise.
She was ready to turn to the next page when her phone started vibrating next to her. She picked it up and it was her best friend, Zoe who was calling her.
“Heyooo!” she cheered happily and placed the book on the glass table next to her, not forgetting to mark the page she was at.
“You are coming over for a coffee and I am not taking no as an answer” her friend playfully commanded, making Nefeli mentally giggle.
You see Zoe was a childhood friend of Nefeli, but she had moved to Seoul some years ago. They were always meeting when Nefeli was coming there or Zoe was returning to Daegu.
“Okay, I will be there in fifteen minutes” Nefeli smiled and before she could, Zoe had already hung up. She rushed to her car, pulling out and driving to her friend’s house.
The car drive was short and fast. The roads were surprisingly almost empty and the music from her radio was the only thing she could hear. Bang Bang by Monophonics was echoing the car cabin and she was murmuring the lyrics.
However, the only thing which was in her mind was the giggles. She couldn’t believe that those giggles were coming from a mouse. Something was up with that house, but she couldn’t find what.
One thought crossed her mind. That the house was haunted. But she couldn’t believe it. Nefeli doesn’t believe in ghosts, supernatural things, next lives, and all. She believes only in what scientists can explain and only in what she can see or touch. So there was no way she would believe that the house she was living in was haunted. ‘Nonononono, something else must be up here’
She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t notice the tall, blond girl who was waving at her from the edge of the road.
Nefeli pulled over and rushed out of the car, into her friend’s embrace, a wave of happiness feeling her.
“I missed you so much!- I missed you too!” they said in unison and then burst into laughter. They had so much time to spend some time together. “Let’s go inside girl” Zoe threw her hand over Nef’s shoulders and they both went inside the house.
  After 30 mins:
“And I hear weird giggles and whispers from the house!” Nefeli had finally finished with the storytime and the two girls both took a ship from their hot chocolates.
“Wait, you mean you live at the house of the Hysterical Ghosts?” Zoe asked more seriously than ever, looking straight into Nef’s eyes like she was the teacher and Nefeli was a student.
Nefeli couldn’t help but start giggling hard. “The what? That’s the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard Zoe! What in the world is that now?”
The blond girl rose an eyebrow at Nefeli and stared at her in disbelief “You mean you don’t know the thrill of the town?” Nefeli shook her head, unable to contain her giggles. She believed that her childhood friends would know her better than that.
Zoe sighed and moved closer to the young journalist “It said that seven lads were living in that house some years ago. When they would come to the town, no one would talk to them and people would always be afraid of them. It was believed that they would torture innocent people just to have fun, that’s why every time someone would pass by that house, they could hear hysterical laughter coming from inside. It is said that it was their laughter of amusement. The locals still say that they were all killed by a young boy who was to be tortured by them and that the house is still haunted by their spirits”
As soon as Zoe was finished, Nefeli’s jaw was on the ground. To be fair, she absolutely and completely LOVES those types of stories. She doesn’t believe in them, but they are so interesting and they are fascinating the 18-year-old girl really much.
“Omg! Really?! Dude, this is the best myth I have ever heard!” Nefeli yelled in excitement, bouncing on the couch.
She was gonna write a story about it, for real. Nefeli has an account on Wattpad and she is posting her stories and this myth about the ‘Hysterical Ghosts’ was giving her inspiration.
However, as soon as Nef saw the clock on the wall, her eyes widened. It was near the time of the Curfew and her house was 15 mins from there.
“I have to go, I don’t wanna pay a fine because of Corona” the young girl laughed and collected her things to get out of her friend’s house, Zoe following close behind her.
“See ya later! And be careful of the ghosts!” Zoe remind Nef, not joking at all, which only made Nef giggle and shake her head. “Yeah, the ghosts are gonna eat me” she smiled and Zoe sighed. “I am being serious, be careful”
“See ya later Zoe”
“See ya later Nef”
And with that the young journalist drove away, going back to her new house.
The drive back home was silent. For the first time in her life, Nefeli didn’t need to listen to some music. However, what her friend told her about the ghosts couldn’t leave her mind. She wasn’t believing it, but something deep inside her was scared. Like, all those nonsense about ghosts was completing this weird puzzle.
‘What if I am indeed living in a haunted house?’ she asked herself, continuing driving, talking to herself driving the whole ride.
Suddenly the thought of her new house is already owned by those ghosts started scaring her. Especially the specific ghosts. Boys who were torturing innocent people for their fun. And now their spirits were haunting every new owner who was staying in this house.  She felt shivers down her spine but tried to brush them off of her mind ‘C’mon Neffie, you don’t believe in this, no one has ever proved that ghosts exist, you have never seen one, don’t let a stupid myth scare you’ she kept trying to calm herself down.
She entered the forest and immediately a weird and tingling aura surrounding her, straightening all the hairs on her body. Like the whole area was... enchanted... It was like she was being followed by something eerie. And that the forest locked when she entered
However, she shook it off and continued driving, trying to forget about what Zoe told her.
She pulled out next to her new home, having almost convinced herself that her friend was saying only nonsenses. She got out of her car, opening her phone to scroll through Instagram, her back still on her shoulder.
She got out of her black backpack her keys to open the door, still feeling that tingling on her spine, but trying to ignore it.
She opened her door and immediately she froze, letting her bag falling on the ground, her jaw along it. On the couch, there were three boys, their feet on the table in front of it, and four others were sitting crossed legs... on the air!
All the heads snapped towards her with shocked expressions on their faces. The four ones who were on the air fell on the floor brutally, and the rest of them shot up from their seats, looking at the girl with their mouths wide open.
“Um hi?” the tallest one, who was now on the floor, said, coming out more like a question than a greeting. He had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.
Nefeli let out an incredibly loud scream and rushed out of the house, trying to make it to her car. She was ready to grab the handle of the car door when she felt two strong arms being wrapped around her waist and being carried back to her house.
The young girl started screaming loudly and thrashing around, trying to get out of the grip “No! Lemme go! Please! Don’t hurt me!”
The strong grip put her down on the couch, not even caring to take in mind her protests. The lad placed her down on the couch and sat next to her with a cold expression. He was a short guy, with small eyes and cute lips. His eyes were dark brown, his hair had a mint green color and pierced ears.
A nice, a little taller boy with light brown hair and dark brown eyes kneeled in front of her, placing his hands on the couch, smiling softly yet worryingly.
Nefeli pushed herself on the back of the couch, as another boy with black hair and dark brown eyes sat next to her, equally short as the one on her other side. He had the same smile the one in front of her had, his ears pierced as well.
She had a terrified expression on her face, bringing her legs on her chest, hugging them tightly, and looking at all the boys who were circling her, everyone with the same shocked yet anxious expression on her face. She had started believing what her friend told her some minutes before and she was really scared.
“Please don’t hurt me, I’m begging you, I’ll do everything you’ll tell me, just please don’t hurt me!” she yelled, and placed her head n between her knees.
“Hurt you? Why would we ever hurt you?” a boy with red hair and dark brown eyes, with pierced ears and tattoos on his hand asked confused, with puppy dog eyes.
Nefeli rose her vision and looked at all seven of them, ready to burst into tears “Y-you won’t?”
The boys looked at each other confusingly, like Nefeli was telling them the weirdest thing “Of course not, why would we?” another one asked, with large shoulders and weird-shaped finger, blond hair, brown eyes, and a deeper.
“Don’t tell us you believe what everyone says about us...” another one said, with black hair and brown eyes, equally tall as the tattooed one, a hurt of disappointment and hurt in his voice.
“H-How do you k-know?” she shuttered, still not uncurling herself from the small ball she had formed herself. She was feeling truly afraid. Whatever she thought wasn’t existing, was now in front of her, talking to her like they were alive.
The lads shared a look and sighed deeply. “We are not going to hurt you, don’t worry,” the short, smiley one said, sadness taking a place on his smile and voice.
“Who are you?” Nefeli asked, gaining some confidence, but still hiding behind her legs.
“What do you wanna know about us?” the tallest one asked, seriously, trying to hide his emotions behind a stern voice. Nefeli was taken aback by the sternness of his voice and pressed herself more on the cushions on her back, making everyone understand they were scaring her.
“Namjoon, don’t scare her!” the sweet one in front of her scolded the tall, whose name is apparently Namjoon, and then turned to her with a soft smile, rubbing her leg.
And Nefeli surprisingly didn’t flinch.
“We are not what people think Nefeli, we never hurt people, neither physically nor mentally. We could never” he said, his eyes sparkling and screaming honest.
How could she trust them tho? She didn’t even know if they were real or if she was dreaming again. Wait- Was that indeed a dream she had had last night? Or was it them? What the hell was going on?
“We just wanted to make people happy! I mean, I am sure you have already understood and you know we are ghosts, I guess” he said, while everyone else remained silent.
“Who are you? What do you want from me then?” she asked, earning glances from every boy.
“I am Hoseok,” he sweet boy in front of her said “This is Yoongi, then Jimin” he pointed to the short ones “Jungkook, Taehyung” he continued with the red-haired one and the deep-voiced one “And then Namjoon and Jin” he finished with the tallest one the boy with the large shoulders and smiling softly at her, his sweet lips and nose making her melt.
“Call me Jin” he smiled warmly at her, giving her a feeling of hospitality and love. She smiled back and nodded her head
“And we don’t want anything from you Nefeli. We just live here as well as you” Namjoon explained with cute eyes sparkling.
However, except for melting, that made her more upset. There was no way Nefeli was gonna live in a haunted house. Especially with ghosts! Like, no! She bought that house because she wanted to be alone! Not because she wanted to live with freaking ghosts!
“B-But I moved here because I wanted to live by myself, not with seven um... boys” she was feeling weird to say in their face that they were ghosts. It was not polite.
“Don’t worry about it, we are not gonna have any communication if you don’t wanna! We don’t wanna be a burden to you” Jimin assured next to her.
Nefeli immediately felt really bad. It was like she was feeling like she was stealing their home. Where they had lived their life! Where they had spent and they still spend memorable moments. And they weren’t the ones who people were said to be. She could see it in their eyes. The moment she got terrified they were gonna hurt her, the sadness that filled their eyes and faces cannot be described with words. It was sure they could not even hurt a single ant, how could they hurt the young journalist? They couldn’t.
“No! You are not a burden to me!” she semi-yelled and sat crossed legs on the couch, holding a pillow.
How could she make them feel like that? It was terrible! She shouldn’t have said that! It was so mean...
However, the next words shocked her...
“Of course not, you are a burden to us” Yoongi hissed next to her, and then he vanished, leaving an unbearable silence behind him, filling the room.
Nefeli was beyond shocked, even tho the boys didn’t seem as much as her.
“I um...” she tried to say something but nothing came out. She was unable to. No one had ever talked to her like that. What had she done now?
“Don’t worry Nefeli, you are not a burden. He is just um, emotionally attached with the house” Jungkook explained, playing with his fingers, not daring to look at her.
And she only nodded. Like she could do something else...
“Ahhh, I think I may go and calm him down a little” Hoseok said, looking at the ground, “Sorry for that sweetie” and with that he vanished as well.
“Nefeli don’t worry, we are not gonna have much communication with you, you can have your life, and we can have yours” Namjoon explained and they all vanished, except Jimin.
“If you need anything, you can always call us, we will be around” he smiled and left too, leaving her more confused. ‘I guess I just found my new roommates...’ she sighed and went straight to bed.
 Next morning:
Nefeli woke up from hysterical laughing coming from... nowhere... And then it hit her. The boys.
She looked at her clock and groan in frustration. 10:26 in the morning. Nefeli was the hugest sleepyhead on the whole wide universe and she was planning on sleeping till midday, however, the boys had other plans.
She got up from her comfy bed and got inside her bathroom to do her business. She applied lotion on her skin and brushed her teeth before she goes to the kitchen to make some vanilla caramel tea. However, the laughter didn’t die down. It was being kept going. Sometimes some giggles, sometimes hysterical laugher. Sometimes loud, sometimes quiet. Sometimes hiccupy, sometimes airy. Sometimes normal, sometimes hoarse. But it never ended.
She was putting some honey in her tea, when it died down, making her relieved. Finally, her ears could rest. Too much noise for so early in the morning. She hoped that now she lived alone she could have the quiet she wants. But no...
However, she did not want to give in and leave the house. She didn’t have the money anyway. So she was stuck with them.
She turned around, taking a ship from her hot tea, only to spill it out in shock. Jungkook was standing behind her, ready to grab a glass of the cupboard, all red, sweat dropping off of his forehead and drained tears on his cheeks, as a grin was forming on his face. “What the hell?!” she yelled, almost dropping the mug.
“Oh I am sorry Nefeli, I didn’t mean to scare you, I just wanted some water, I am a little tired,” he said casually like he didn’t just appear out of nowhere.
“I am sure you are” Nefeli mumbled jokingly and took a sip from her tea, smiling softly. She didn’t mind the tickling, the laughter, and all, at all, she just wanted her sleep back tho.
Jungkook smirked and walked past her, to the sink to pour some water. Nefeli grinned widely and drank some more, enjoying the sweet flavor. But she didn’t have too much time to swallow properly because the mug was being grabbed off of her hands, placed on the table, and she felt hands kneading fastly her sides, making her scream and then fall into hysterical laughter, trying to pry the fingers off of her, without success of course.
“NAHAHAHA!” she cried and fell on the ground, kicking the air, laughing loudly.
“Hmm, jackpot” Jungkook teased, kneading faster but softly her sides and bringing his face closer to hers, smirking from ear to ear. He was clearly enjoying that. And it would be a major lie if Nef would say she wasn’t enjoying that too.
“PLEAHAHAHAHASE!” Nefeli tried to grab his wrist, but every time he would move his hands higher or lower her sides, driving her crazy.
She was rolling on the floor, rosy cheeks and a huge grin on her face as she was kicking the air and was trying to stop the fingers. However, she was doing it in a way where she wasn’t really stopping him. It wasn’t like she really wanted him to stop.
“Looks like someone is more ticklish then” Jungkook winked at her, bending down fastly and blowing a short raspberry on her side, making her scream even louder. One more positive thing about that house; no one could listen to her shrieks.
Jungkook proceeded and pinned her arms above her head, doing the only one thing which tickles her more than anything; he nibbled on her lower ribs and all the way up.
The lad continued nibbling on her hypersensitive ribs for good 5 more minutes before he decided to show some mercy on her. Jin pulled away from Nefeli smirking, leaving her panting and curling up in a small ball of herself, panting and leftover giggles escaping her mouth.
“Now you are tired as well” he chuckled and stuck his hand out for her to help her stand up.
“Good morning to you too um...” Nefeli dragged her sentence, trying to remember his name, with no success tho.
“Jungkook, I am the youngest out of them” the boy smiled softly.
The silence which followed was uncomfortable, with a hint of comfort. They were standing awkwardly, mug and glass on hands, but the atmosphere was merely. The silence was taking away all the ghost tickles away from Nefeli and was making Jungkook calming down.
Nefeli could still not believe what was happening. She was living with seven ghosts... Some hours ago, she wasn’t even believing in them and now she lives with 7. It was like she was in another universe, with all the paranormal things she had seen in Supernatural. The next thing she was expecting to see was Dean Winchester approaching her. But she kinda loved it. It hadn’t even been 24 hours since she had met them and she was already feeling okay with that and she was enjoying it.
“And what do you think you are doing?” a heavy voice broke the silence and her thoughts, making both their head snap towards the direction where it was coming.
The figure which was standing there sent shivers down Nefeli’s spine as these cold brown eyes were piercing her warm, chocolate ones. The polar glare was hiding an icy breeze behind it and his gaze was towering her, even tho the lad was short. Yoongi was standing there, glaring at both the poor girl and his friend, arms crossed in front of his chest.
“I didn’t see you there Yoongz,” Jungkook said casually, not meeting his gaze tho.
“I think we promised not to have any communication with her!” he growled, pointing a finger at Nefeli who was already feeling too bad. What had she done? Nothing. If she knew they were living there, she wouldn’t have come. And she never pressed or even asked them to talk with her.
“Calm down dude, I just came to drink some water” Jungkook tried to defend himself, even tho he knew Yoongi’s opinion. And he knew there was no way he would change his mind.
“And you were tickling her!” the shirt boy pointed out, his eyes burning. However, they were hiding something else behind that cold mask. There was sadness and hurt behind them. Like, he was missing something.
Nefeli didn’t dare to say anything. She was simply standing in the middle of the two lads, watching them arguing, feeling worse than ever. She could understand he didn’t want her there, and she was feeling too bad that she couldn’t do anything about it. She didn’t have the money to move again, and she definitely wasn’t wheeling to chat with Yoongi. It’s not she was afraid or something, no. It’s just that she didn’t know what to say. She would probably do something wrong and she would make him more upset. And that’s something she never wanted to.
“Jesus dude! We were just messing, chill!” Jungkook complained from behind her, making Nefeli feel even more uncomfortable.
Yoongi narrowed his eyes and then turned to the young girl’s direction, not moving from his spot. His gaze tho was enough to send new shivers down Nefeli’s spine.
“You” he pointed again at her “Are not gonna destroy everything! I was tryna hard to forget! You didn’t come here to ruin it!” he raised his voice, widening his eyes, making him look like he was ready to attack Nefeli. And with that, he vanished.
If we say Nefeli wasn’t taken aback by his tone, it would be a lie. She wasn’t expecting Yoongi to talk to her like that.
“What did he mean?” Nefeli asked curiously, unable to understand the young lad.
Jungkook sighed and set his glass on the kitchen counter, running his hand on his face. He sat on the couch, patting the space next to him for Nefeli to sit.
“Yoongi had a sister around your age,” Namjoon said, as everyone appeared behind her, except Hoseok, and Yoongi, making Nefeli flinch.
“Seriously you guys need to stop popping out of nowhere” she chuckled nervously as sat crossed legs on the couch next to Jungkook, everyone else taking a seat around them “And where is that girl now?”
The lads exchanged looks and sighed deeply, with hurt in their eyes and voice. It was sure that something was up with this girl... She probably had hurt Yoongi too much or they weren’t on good terms and they were fighting a lot. Nefeli doesn’t have any siblings but she knows how it feels to fight with your siblings. All her cousins have siblings and they are always fighting.
“Yoongi and Haeun were really close. She was a really shy girl and really ticklish as well. Yoongi loved to play fight and tickle with her. When he was with Haeun, he was a completely different person. Yoongi was tickling her to tears almost every day. It was their thing. He was so protective and caring for her. We weren’t close with her, because Yoongi was afraid that any of us would fall in love with” Namjoon chuckled at the memory, whispered loud enough for us to hear. His voice was cracking and a soft smile was playing on his face.
“However, one day everything changed,” Jimin said, taking a serious look “One day their house caught fire. Everyone managed to get out, except her. Yoongi tried to get in to save her but failed. They found her inside the house charred after a few days. From that day on, Yoongi could do nothing but cry. She cried for years, blaming herself for not being able to save her. And that’s why he got mad at Jin tickling you. He remembered Haeun”
“Hey! It wasn’t me!” the oldest one complained and all the heads snapped towards him “It was Kook!” he pointed at Jungkook who just rolled his eyes and ignored him “Whatever”
“Remember the hysterical laughter you friend was talking about?” Taehyung asked, ignoring as well his older friend, and Nefeli with confused and still wide eyes nodded “It was hers”
Nefeli felt her heart breaking into tiny pieces. It was so sad that a young person had suffered so much in his life. And even sadder that an even younger person lost her life in such a torturous way. Yoongi wasn’t the kindest boy she had ever met since yesterday, but she of course never wanted him to be hurt at all.
“One day though, we had decided to go on a trip to Berlin to help Yoongi snap out of it a little” Jin looked at her ready to burst into tears “The plane crashed. We all died. Since then, we promised ourselves that we would make people happy and smiling. Like Yoongi would want Haeun to be” he let some crystal tears roil down his cheeks but whipped them fastly with the back of his wrist, sniffling a little. “This house you are living right now is his old home, where she died and their parents rebuild them someday after that. The owners you met are their parents”
“We chose to live here with them because of Yoongi” he explained, looking at Nefeli dead in the eyes.
Nefeli’s eyes widened in shock and felt something inside her falling. This was the most sorrowing thing she had ever heard, but at the same time, she was feeling like she was living in a house which somewhen was filled with love. Yoongi’s love.
“And what happened to the girl? I mean you are all ghosts, they must have been reunited!” she exclaimed, bouncing a little on the couch, ready to cry as well.
“Nefeli it’s not that simple” Namjoon place a hand on her shoulder and sat down next to her “When you become a ghost you live inside someone’s love. But when the person who loves you the most dies you are vanishing forever. So when Yoongi died... We tried hard to bring her back. We really did. But we didn’t manage anything. He lost her forever, and we couldn’t do anything about that”
Nefeli couldn’t help but let the salty tears roll down her now rosy cheeks. She was feeling really bad. Like she had stolen and burn those memories from Yoongi. How could she be so mean? Of course, it wasn’t her fault, she didn’t know that, but she was feeling like it. Like she was so cruel...
“So that’s why he acted like that...” she whispered in realization and everyone nodded “I-I am so sorry, I didn’t know that. It’s all my fault, I think I need to move with my friend until I find a new house,” she said playing with her fingers. Of course, she didn’t want to live in this place, but she couldn’t stand the idea of making Yoongi feel really bad and sorrowful.
“Nononononononoo, it’s not your fault, please don’t think like that!” Taehyung sat in front of her, taking her hands in his own “Nothing is your fault, you couldn’t know about us. And you don’t have to move with your friend. We all know you like living away from town. Please don’t blame yourself about anything!” he smiled sweetly at her, trying to convince her with his eyes to stay
Jin smiled softly and pulled her in for a hug, her back on his chest “Don’t worry, there’s nothing you can do. We will try to convince him to at least be a little nicer to you. And you are not going anywhere!” he said as Nefeli snuggled onto him, making her giggle.
She felt really good in his embrace. Like everything was better. The boys were looking at her in awe and she couldn’t help but blush but she was feeling good. The boys really wanted her to stay with them. They didn’t have someone to talk with. Someone to play with and have some fun. When they were going out of town, everyone would recognize them, so they had to steal whatever they wanted from Yoongi’s parents or from stores.
But now Nefeli wasn’t seeing them as ghosts, but as normal boys. Her friends. And she wasn’t afraid of them anymore. She was feeling nice like she could trust them.
They stayed like that for almost two minutes, in comfortable silence, before Nefeli decided to speak again “Well... I guess we can spend some time together every day if you want as well” she said shyly and blushed a little as everyone’s face lit up and they rushed on them hugging her tightly in a group hug.
At least Yoongi wasn’t there to see them... He would feel really bad and even worse, get mad. And that was something Nef didn’t want at all...
 A few days after:
Nefeli and the boys had created a nice bind. They would eat all together and have movie nights almost every night. The boys were making Nef laugh really much and they would usually tickle her, only when Yoongi wasn’t near tho. They knew it would upset him.
However, Yoongi never appeared. And that was making Nefeli really sad. How she wishes she could talk to him. Learn more things about him and have fun with him as well. But he didn’t want the same things as her. He was always cold towards her.
However, today was a different day. Today all the boys had gone out God knows where and she was alone. Nef wasn’t feeling good tho. She was feeling really down. She wanted to cry but she didn’t know why. It was one of those days where she wanted cuddles and some cheering up but nothing had happened.
She was currently sitting on her bed, crystal tears rolling out of her eyes and down her puffy, now rosy cheeks as some Three Days Grace music was playing in the background. She was curled up in a small ball of herself, burying her face in the pillow.
Suddenly she felt a hand rubbing her back affectionately, making her breathing relax.
“Tae please, leave me alone” she sobbed and snuggled more into her pillow.
However, the voice which rang in her ears wasn’t Tae’s. It was a voice she would never expect to hear again. It was the same voice she heard that night when something was tickling her knees and then whispered goodnight at her. It was the same heavy but sweet voice.
“Why are you crying?” that voice tho was familiar to her from somewhere else. And she couldn’t make the connection then, but now she could. And she was beyond shocked.
She turned around and with her watered, red eyes she saw Yoongi sitting there, trying to calm her down, the same serious expression on his face, and completely taking Nefeli by surprise. You cannot blame her for not expecting Yoongi to be there.
“Wha- Why are you here?” she sniffled, rubbing her eyes and sitting crossed legs in front of him, clutching on her pillow tighter.
“I asked something, why you are crying?” he asked, scooping closer to her. And she didn’t move...
She sighed and looked down on her lap, playing with her fingers “I-I don’t know, I felt like crying, I am sorry, I didn’t want to upset you”
Yoongi sighed as well, taking her hand in his larger one, shocking Nefeli once again. He was showing her his soft side for the first time in so many days he was being rude and arrogant towards her.
“The boys told me that you know,” he said, making her raise her vision, looking at him with her big, doe eyes. “You remind me so much of her, the same hair, the same eyes, the same height... the same spots, you are almost exactly like my Haeun” his voice broke when he mentioned his sister, making Nefeli wonder whether he could help him or not. Whether her presence there was helping him or upsetting him more. “They also told me how you are feeling. And I am so sorry about it. But it was really hard for me to control it. When I saw my parents moving away I felt like a part of me was being uprooted from within me. Then I saw you. You look so like my sister that I felt like you were replacing her here. And I got really mad. I thought that if I were discourteous with you, I would think less about her. But I was wrong. The more I was being rude to you, the more I was feeling bad. And when Namjoon and Jin told me how you felt guilty and you wanted to move again, I- Nefeli I am so sorry. Please don’t leave!” Yoongi’s tears rolled down his cheeks, as he pulled Nef in for a tight hug, rubbing the back of her head and her back soothingly.
“Yoongi please don’t cry, everything is alright, I won’t leave!” she was really taken aback by his sudden action of affection and softness. He never expected him to apologize to her like that. And in such a short time. It had passed only some days since she moved in and it was the first time Yoongi was sweet and kind towards her.
Yoongi felt like he had gone so harsh on his own sister. Looking straight into Nefeli’s chocolate brown eyes, he could see Haeun looking back at him. And he understood that the young journalist wasn’t responsible for anything. He couldn’t stop anyone from having fun and messing with each other, tickling each other and laugh together. He was just missing those moments and he was jealous he couldn’t have them anymore with his sister.
Nefeli and Yoongi stayed cuddled, him in her embrace as Yoongi was mentally accusing himself for Nefeli’s wanting to move away again cause of him.
Suddenly Yoongi felt tears in his soft hair, watering his head. He raised his head and saw Nefeli crying tiny, bitter tears, trying not to make any sound so as she wouldn’t catch Yoongi’s attention. But she failed.
“Now why are you crying?” he asked her, sitting upon his knees in front of her, piercing her with his eyes.
Nefeli sniffled and wiped her nose on her sleeve “I feel really bad. It's my fault you feel that way and I reminded you of what happened and I hurt you so much” she admitted, feeling guiltier than ever. Her mind was being tortured with that thought and her stomach was formed into the tightest knot she had ever felt.
Yoongi’s heart dropped. What had he done to her? “Don’t say that Nefeli, it’s really not your fault...” he caressed her hair soothingly, trying to convince her.
But he was doing nothing. The young girl couldn’t stop blaming herself for what was happening and what she had caused in Yoongi’s heart and the happy memories that they now were dismal she had reminded him. It was all her fault, she was sure about it.
Droplets had stopped rolling down her cheeks and her nose was now unblocked, but she couldn’t help but feel guilty “If I wasn’t there tho, nothing of that would have happened and you wouldn’t have remembered all these, I am so sorry Yoongi” she whispered, playing with her fingers out of nervousness and regret.
“No Nefeli, it’s not like that! Haeun was, is, and will ever be in my heart and I will never forget her, but that didn’t give me the right to be a jerk to you!” he frowned his eyebrows together, his eyes pleading for her to believe him, and his hands gripping hers as he was trying to persuade her it was not her fault.
They stayed like that for a while. No one was talking and no one was doing anything at all. Yoongi was staring at Nefeli and Nefeli was staring at Yoongi.
Until them both burst into loud giggles.
I guess no one is good at starting competitions.
It was the first time Nefeli could hear Yoongi laugh. And he has a really cute laugh. His white teeth were making his gummy smile shining more as his shoulders were bouncing a little from the giggles. His eyes had formed into thin lines and his nose had scrunched up.
They continued giggling like maniacs and as the seconds were passing by, they would die down, but the smiles on their faces would remain still. Yoongi was like a whole another person when he was laughing. ‘He should be like that more often’ she thought.
“Nefeli, I am really sorry for what was happening these days. I was really cruel towards you” Yoongi apologized once again, his smile not leaving his face.
But there was something in that smile.
Something Nefeli hadn’t seen before.
There was pureness. Softness. Happiness. Emotions like them.
“It’s alright Yoongi, really” she smiled fondly and rubbed his arm soothingly.
Nefeli had completely forgotten that Yoongi was so rude to her since the day she moved in. She could now see a sweet boy who had completely regretted what he had done and was tryna make it up for her really hard. She had completely forgotten that he was a ghost. She was seeing him like an ordinary boy who was really pissed off at her. It was really hard for her to get used to living with supernatural creatures when she never believed in them.
Yoongi, on the other hand, was feeling guiltier than ever. He had made her wanna leave the house she was tryna to buy for so many months and she made her be afraid of him. At first, that was what he wanted to do, but then, when his friends told him how Nefeli was feeling, Yoongi felt something breaking inside him. He knew he must apologize and convinced her not to leave like that.
“Please, don’t leeeeeave” he dragged his words in a way like he was begging her to stay. Which practically was exactly what he was doing.
Nefeli chuckled and rubbed his head affectionately “For the last time Yoongi, I am not gonna leave, don’t worry” she said sweetly as he placed his head on her chest, in between her legs.
The two young adults cuddled together and if anyone saw them, their jaws would drop on the ground. Yoongi had always been a cold boy towards everyone except his friends and the fact that now he was showing his well-hid affectionate face to someone except them was more surprising and unexpected.
However, there was only one thing that was now torturing her poor mind. Something she couldn’t forget. That voice that night. That night it was Yoongi who was... tickling her. The same cold boy who was against tickling, that night he was tickling her.
“Yoongi,” Nef asked and he just hummed in response, not meeting his gaze “Why were you tickling my knees that night?” she asked, feeling a blush rising on her face.
“I told you, you remind me of Haeun. I felt like I was tickling her” he said casually, playing with the hem of her hoodie.
Nefeli felt so weird at that moment. She felt flattered and loved by Yoongi and that means a lot to her, but at the same time, she felt like she was replacing her in his heart. And that was something she never wanted to do.
Yoongi continued looking down at his fingers which were still playing with her blouse, when a wide smirk appeared on his face “I know you liked it” he asked, not even looking at her face, taking Nefeli by surprise.
“H-How do y’know that?!” she exclaimed shocked and brutally stopped playing with his hair.
Yoongi just chuckled and shook his head “I can hear people's souls. When someone is happy, I can hear a sweet-sounded bell coming from them. When someone is feeling sorrow, I hear a weird noise, like it’s screaming for help. Every feeling has its different noise. And that’s only when I allow myself to hear it, it’s my own special power as a ghost” he explained like nothing was happening like it was the most normal thing in the world. Nef stayed like that, staring at him with wide eyes and gasped mouth.
“Oh” was the only thing she said, as she felt embarrassment rising inside her. She had never told anyone that she likes being tickled and even if someone had understood something, no one had ever pointed it out. And now it was like someone was exposing her to herself and she didn’t know what to do.
Suddenly the duo felt two more presence behind their backs watching them. Nefeli and Yoongi looked behind them and they both smiled brightly at Hoseok and Taehyung who appeared out of nowhere, smiling softly and sweetly from ear to ear. Taehyung was leaning on the door frame with arms crossed in front of his chest and Hoseok was resting his torso on the wall next to the door, hands in his pockets.  
“Ahh, I see you two are getting along after all” Hoseok exclaimed proudly, taking a seat next to Yoongi and Taehyung following close, and sitting near Nef’s feet.
Yoongi and Nefeli looked at each other smiling and nodded happily. Ahh, who could imagine that an iceberg could get along with a warm girl like her? No one.
“I told you that they would become close after all” Taehyung nudged Hoseok’s arm and they both laughed.
“Apparently Yoongi is a nice company” Nefeli admitted and smiled at Yoongi who was still playing with that hem.
“Don’t tell me you are gonna forget us and stick with him!” Hoseok poked her sides fastly making her fall back with giggles. Her sides have always been probably one of her worsts spots and pokes are somehow heaven/hell for her. They tickle her so much.
“Nohohahahaha I promise ahahaha!” she giggled loudly and she tried to grab his wrists just when he stopped. However, Nef didn’t really want him to stop. After all that crying and heavy aura, she wanted something to lighten up the mood.
The other two boys were smiling smugly at the scene in front of them. Amusement was formed in their eyes and they were grinning from ear to ear. It was the first time Nefeli could see amusement in Yoongi’s eyes and it was probably the best thing she had ever seen. His eyes were sparkling and his cute smile was making his nose scrunching up a little. He was adorable under his cold mask.
However, his next words sent a shiver down her spine and she felt her face heating up in embarrassment.
“She loves it, I can hear her soul giggling” Yoongi smirked and the rest of the boys copied him.
“Is that so Neffie? You wanna get tickled?” Hoseok smirked down at the girl who was now lying on her back on the bed and started poking all around her sides again “That’s great!”
Taehyung felt so happy to see his friend smiling so bright after so long time. It had been many dedicates since they died and he and never seen Yoongi being so happy. Maybe that girl was a blessing after all.
He laughed loudly as he saw Hoseok trying to battle the young girl’s hands which were desperately trying to grab his wrists and giggling like a maniac. So he did the only thing he could think of. He grabbed her flying hands and pinned them above her head and sat on them, making everything 10 times worse for her.
“Nahahahaha lehehemme gohohoho!” she giggled loudly, shaking her head left and right from the ticklish sensations.
Tae wiggled fingers in front of her face bringing to the surface louder giggles. That was the most torturous thing someone could ever do. It tickles her without even touching her “But I thought you liked it” he teased from above her as put his wiggling fingers on her bare armpits, running them up and down softly like a feather.
“Come on Yoongz, join the fun” Hoseok called Yoongi by his nickname to give him more motivation. Everyone knew how much it means to him and they wanted to make him snap out of his thoughts for some minutes.
“Sure” Yoongi smirked and sat on her shins, clawing behind her knees the same way he was clawing that night, getting the same giggles he got then.
Nefeli was giggling like a maniac, not knowing what to try and stop first. It was like tiny bugs were running up and down her skin. Loud giggles were echoing the whole house as she was shaking her head left and right while the boys were only smirking widely down at her.
“Nahahahaha!” she giggled ringingly as the pokes on her sides, the circles on her armpits, and the clawing on her knees became faster. She kicked her knees up and down, trying to stop the feeling but nothing seem to work.
“Aww look how much you are giggling! You must really like this, right Yoongi? What do you hear?” Hoseok teased, poking her ribs fastly.
“Ah I cannot concentrate on her inside noises Hobi, her giggles are too loud” Yoongi replied mischievously as he dug fastly behind her knee, sending her into louder fits of giggles, almost hysterical “See what I mean?”
“She is so ticklish, it’s adorable!” a cute voice sounded from behind them and they both snapped their heads towards it.
Jungkook stood there smiling softly his famous bunny grin Jimin, Namjoon, and Jin who were copying his smile. They had heard all the laughter and they had come there to check what was happening. And to say they were surprised to see Yoongi in that position was an understatement. It was like a weight left over their shoulders.
“Ahh, I still remember her first day here when I poked her sides, how much she was giggling with a simple touch” the bunny-toothed guy continued as he folded his arms and leaned back on the wall, watching Nef squirming under their devilish fingers.
“WHAT?!” she cried but fell back again to hysterical giggles as Hoseok moved his hands to her ribs “It was youhouhouhou?!” she kicked her feet and legs more as her soft skin was being tortured.
“Ah yeah, I saw it too, she is just so sensitive! I bet a single feather could tickle her!” Jin exclaimed and giggled as he heard her giggles becoming loud laughter when Hoseok shook his fingertips on the middle of her tummy.
Namjoon shook his head at her ticklishness “Let’s test it then” he said and did something Nefeli could have never imagined; he moved his hand in a circled motion and a soft, white, long feather appeared.
Nefeli’s eyes widened for a second as she saw him approaching her with the feather in his hand but Taehyung who was now digging into her armpits didn’t let her. The sudden feeling sent her in new fits of pure laughter and a nice shiver down her spine.
“Nanananahahahaha!” she cried and shook her head, thrashing around as Namjoon raised her blouse more and the fresh air hit her warm skin.
“Already giggling girl? I didn’t even touch you yet” the young lad chuckled at her panicked expression and twirled the soft item in between his fingers “Ohokay okay, stop for a sec” he ordered the three boys and they immediately stopped, letting her breathe for a brief second.
Key phrase; a brief second.
Taehyung, Hoseok, and Yoongi had her still pinned down and the other three boys circled them to see what was gonna happen “Watch this” Namjoon smirked widely and kneeled next to her side, lowering his hand towards her tummy.
“Nonononono Namjoon please nonononahahahahaha Namjoohoon nahahahahahaha!” her giggles came out screamingly and she tried desperately to shot her arms down as she shot her arms down but she couldn’t. Those giants were keeping her pinned down for good. Namjoon dipped the feather in her bellybutton and twirled it around, destroying every nerve she had in her body from how much it tickled.
It was really surprising because she knew her bellybutton was not even ticklish when someone tickles her in there with their finger. But the feather... Oh gosh, it makes her feel so sensitive and melts her like ice under the warm sun. The giggles were running out of her mouth like a waterfall and her head was shaking from side to side fastly.
“Wow, even a simple feather tickles you? You are so ticklish Neffie!” Jin giggled along with her and squeezed her side twice, earning a giggly scream from Nefeli “Oh, too ticklish sides? This will come in handy” he pointed out smirking and everyone laughed, agreeing with the oldest.
“Agh plehehehase nahahahahahaha!” she thrashed around and tried to escape the tickles but nothing could stop them from attacking her mercilessly.
All of sudden, she felt Hoseok getting up and Yoongi taking his place before she could even react. Yoongi traced softly his index nail from her elbow down to her hipbone and up to her elbow again and again and again repeatedly while the feather was still twirling around her bellybutton. Never slower, never faster. Up and down. Again and again. It was driving her crazy!
“Mm I think her feet need a massage, don’t you think Kook?” Taehyung grinned widely at the youngest one, who simply smirked and rushed to get one of her tiny feet.
“I’ll get the other one!” Jimin jumped on his feet happily and grabbed gently her other ankle, sitting it on his lap and Jungkook did that same.
“NO! Dahahahan’t you dahahahare!” she cried before they even start, knowing from experience that her feet are one of her worst spots along with her sides and her ribs.
“We haven’t even touched you yet, chill Nef!” Jimin laughed and wiggled his fingers just above her sole to tease her even more.
“NO!” she yelled in between her giggles, causing every boy to stop and look at her with wide eyes.
The ponytail she had was now half-destroyed and pieces of hair were all over her grinning face. However, a small pout appeared on her face, replacing the happing face she had some seconds ago.
Namjoon clicked his fingers and the feather disappeared, Taehyung let her arms go and Hoseok stopped smiling. Instead, a pout formed on his lips, increasing how cute he already looked but at the same time, a hint of worry could be found in his eyes.
“B-But you like it...” Yoongi mumbled under his breath and looked around his friends to understand what was happening but no one was moving. They were all waiting for Nefeli’s reaction.
‘Oh no... I didn’t mean it! What can I do now? I cannot ask them to start again! Poor Yoongi, he looks hurt, I didn’t wanna hurt him! Look at him...’ Nefeli thought to herself, the pout she had on her lips growing bigger, still laying down and arms collapsed on her torso.
However, she felt a weird tingling before a chuckle of amusement came from above her tho and everyone’s heads snapped towards Taehyung “She didn’t want us to stop, it was only a reflex, she just said it” he chuckled again, this time everyone else doing the same.
Realization hit her when she understood what Yoongi said about powers. Apparently, he wasn’t the only one who had powers. Everyone had!
“Is that true Nef?” Jungkook asked, a hint of amusement playing in his as he held her ankle higher and tighter, careful not to hurt her.
“Wha- How do you know that?!” she exclaimed with wide eyes and everyone else laughed at her.
“I can read minds, little one, this is my special power” he smirked as he saw her eyes growing even bigger. That was the tingling she felt.
“I can move things with my mind” Namjoon explained “Hoseok moves faster than light, Jin heals wounds, Jungkook transforms into various creatures and Jimin cheers people up without them knowing” her jaw dropped to the ground as soon as she heard their powers. They were all so different but at the same time so unique and amazing!
However, Nefeli was concentrated on something else. She wanted tickles. And she wanted Yoongi to be happy. She was feeling like she had hurt him. She just learned how much it means to him but yet he stopped them brutally because of a stupid fear. She had never been tickled on her feet before, but she knows this is one of her most ticklish spots. Even the thought tickles her.
Yoongi and Taehyung shared a knowing look and grinned widely, signaling at Jungkook and Jimin to get her feet while she was still didn’t expect them to move.
Electric shots hit her body as she felt five fingers with sharp blunt nails scribbling all over each one of her hypersensitive feet. Nefeli screamed loudly and fell into hysterical laughter, thrashing around and punching whichever angle on the bed she could so as to stop the torturous sensations.
“AGH NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” she screamed loudly and everyone tried to cover their ears because of how loud it was, chuckling at her.
Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other, understanding that she was too sensitive there and they had gone too much since the beginning so they slowed down, enough for her to fell into hysterical giggles once again.
She could have never imagined her feet would be THAT ticklish and a simple finger could make her scream so loud.
However, to say she wasn’t enjoying that, would be a lie. She loves playfulness and she enjoys being tickled even tho she doesn’t really know why. She could feel butterflies in her stomach even tho she wasn’t in love with anyone and she could feel that she wanted more.
Yoongi tho sensed that and gave a nod to Taehyung to pin her arms again, sitting on them and everyone else positioned themselves around the squirming girl.
Jin sat next to her side while Namjoon clicked his fingers and appeared the feather again, taking a seat on her other side. Hoseok sat again on her shins and Yoongi on her hips while Jungkook and Jimin remained in their places.
The eldest one poked once her side softly, earning a mini scream in between her giggles which made everyone smile at her.
Hoseok tho didn’t start easy on her. He dug fastly his fingers behind her knees as she squealed and bucked her hip in the air, making Yoongi look like he was riding a wild horse.
Taehyung did the same to her armpits while her feet were being scribbled softly and her side was being kneaded by Jin.
Namjoon had dipped again the feather in her bellybutton and was drawing circles in it fastly, not missing to draw some around it before while with his other hand, he was squeezing her other side.
Yoongi on the other hand was doing everything he could to make her laugh as much as she can. With one hand he was drawing fast circles on her hipbone and was squeezing under her bellybutton, her lower tummy.
Nefeli was sent in the loudest laughter she had ever experienced. She was feeling like electricity was hitting her body. But it wasn’t simple electricity. It was an extremely ticklish one!
Everything seemed to be bearable till that moment. Till that torturous moment when all the teasing started.
“Aww look at you! You are so cute!” Namjoon teased, dipping further the feather in her bellybutton. She blushed really hard, harder than she expected.
Nefeli shook her head from side to side and laughed loudly, knowing that this wouldn’t stop the feeling. At least she tried to. She had never experienced any tool and now that a feather was tickling her, she could say that it was feeling like Heaven and Hell at the same time. Too soft yet too ticklish.
“NAHAHAHA AHAHAHAM NAHAHAHAT!” she laughed loudly, unable to open her eyes to look at any of them.
“Then why do you look like it?” Jimin teased from down there on her foot, pinching and wiggling each and every one of her toes.
Jungkook on the other hand had softly pulled back the ones on her other foot and he was scribbling fastly on her poor sole, setting on fire Nefeli’s nerves. Her feet are probably the most ticklish ones someone can meet. Even a soft massage can get her for good.
Suddenly she felt jabs and light squeezes on her other side. Nefeli would have fell off of the couch if the boys weren’t blocking her from how much it caught her off guard.
Namjoon. That evil ghost had used his powers and was moving the feather with his mind while he was squeezing with both hands her side.
“GAH NAMJAHAHAHAN NAHAHAHA!” she arched her back. Jinn saw it as an opportunity to trace her spine up and down, making her arch her back even more.
“There too? You are so sensitive Neffie!” Yoongi teased, squeezing fastly her hips. Yoongi had the widest smile the boys had ever seen. No one in all those years had made him smile so much. If his parents could see him, they would be truly proud and happy.
And this was the moment Nef got to experience Hoseok’s powers for the first time. What I mean by that? Lemme explain it then. Hoseok used his super-speed to scribble fastly her inner thighs, sending her into fits of really loud laughter.
“HOSEAHAHAHAHAHAK!” she tried to shut her thighs together so she would stop him, but she did nothing at all. She was only torturing herself even more.
“Yes baby girl?” the young girl blushed at the new nickname but she couldn’t help her body thrashing around from the new feeling.
“DAHAHAHAHAN’T TEAHAHAHAHAHASE MEAHAHAHA!” of course she didn’t mean it. Nefeli loves being teased and even tease people.
Her mouth had started aching already from how much she was laughing but she was enjoying as much as the boys.
“But whyyyy? You love it!” Jin teased, giving multiple kisses on her bare side. If Nefeli couldn’t stand at all was kisses. Even kisses on her face and cheeks tickle her.
“NAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAT KISSES AHAHAHAHAHA!” she wiggled like a worm, tryna escape the tiny kisses which felt like bugs were running up and down her warm skin.
“Aww someone is sensitive to kisses huh? How interesting” Yoongi smirked and bet down, kissing all over her belly as Jin kept going kissing her side.
A wave of electricity hit all over her body from her neck down to her feet and she let out a scream and started thrashing around, begging for some mercy.
“AGH PLEAHAHAHAHAHASE!” Nefeli hid her head in her shoulder as everyone cooed down at her.
“Please what? Please more? Well... We are not planning on stopping anytime soon, don’t worry” Jimin wiggled his eyebrows as he scratched the base of her toes.
Bad move.
Nefeli kicked out, almost hitting him somewhere she wasn’t supposed to, earning a squeak from Jimin. “Now who told you that you can kick me? You are in for it now!” he sat on her ankle and clicked his fingers, appearing a long, blue paintbrush.
He brushed softly yet fastly all over her hypersensitive foot. Everyone smirked widely as they heard her laughter going almost hysterical.
The six boys shared a look of happiness as they saw Yoongi trying to ride excitedly the roaring girl and he was still kissing airy her belly.
“Aw look at you! A little worm!” Taehyung whispered in her neck as he had bent down before he blew a short raspberry.
“TAEAHAHAHA!” she shrieked and bucked once again her hips in the air.
“Neffie!” he mocked her while her clawed on her hollows with his fingers.
The feather in her bellybutton was still twirling and Namjoon was still squeezing her side faster and faster as the moments were passing by. Lemme tell you that every hair on her body was straight now.
“You have such a soft skin little one,” he said as he poked her sides faster than the speed of light. He was really careful so it wouldn’t hurt her but only tickle her while Jimin moved the brush on her toes.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” her laughter at this point was able to break a glass.
“Yaaaaa don’t scream so much Nefeli! We are not killing you!” Jungkook teased while he was tracings multiple patterns on her sol non-stop.
The young girl couldn’t stop smiling and laughing her heart out. If she was ticklish before, now she was feeling way more sensitive that day. Not because she was being tickled by ghosts but because for some reason their fingers were touching some of her most sensitive nerves on her already too ticklish body.
“Look at this happy, gummy smile!” Yoongi teased and brought his fingers higher, reaching her ribs.
Nefeli let out an inhuman scream and fell into louder laughter as his fingers touched the skin of her hypersensitive ribs, pinching and massaging them. She didn’t know she had THAT ticklish ribs, and it tickled her way more than she could ever expect.
“Whoa, I think you hit the jackpot dude” Jin teased, digging deeper in her side, sending her in a new round of ear-piercing loud laughter.
“NAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAT THEAHAHAHARE!” she roared, not really knowing who she was talking to. Jin on her side? Yoongi on her ribs? Taehyung on the hollows of her armpits? Jungkook and Jimin in her feet? Hoseok behind her knees? The paintbrush on her poor toes? Or the feather in her bellybutton?
Nefeli heard fingers clicking from above her, but she chose to ignore it. However, a buzzing sound made her realize what it was. A toothbrush.
“GAH TAHAHAHAHAHAE NAHAHAHAHA!” she cried laughingly when the tiny toothbrush touched the soft skin of her armpits, sending her in fits of hysterics.
The toothbrush traveled from the flesh skin of her forearm to the sensitive place of her hollows in circle moves, setting on fire her nerves and bringing to the surface mostly screams.
“Agh, my ear!” Jimin complained playfully, playing with her tiny toes like they were piano.
“Okay, let’s count your ribs, I think you miss some” Yoongi smirked widely and before Nefeli could say anything else, the boy had already started massaging her lowest ribs “Oneeeee”
The young girl threw her head back in laughter, unable to even move. The rest of the boys had slowed down a little to the point they were only teasing her body with soft tickles so they could enjoy the scene in front of them.
“Twooooo” he moved to her second-lowest ribs as her laughter turned hiccup.
“PLEAHAHAHAHAHAHASE!” she shrieked and arched her back again, shutting her eyes tightly.
“COUNT FASTER AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” she begged as her tired body collapsed on the mattress again.
“Oh you want me to count faster?” his evil grin grew bigger and brought his fingers on her lowest one again. Then he did something truly unexpected “Onetwothreefourfivesixseveneight” he poked all over her ribs, without a specific order.
She had seen before on Tumblr people counting other’s ribs while they were tickling them, but she had never seen that anywhere before, and of course she had never experienced it.
After that tho, as soon as he finished, he bent down and nibbled on them. That was the worst thing someone could do to her. Nibbles. They were driving her crazy, out of her mind!
Jin, Taehyung, and Namjoon looked at each other and they gave a signal to each other. However, they didn’t do anything... They simply vanished... She was still unable to shot her arms down tho... Nefeli got confused but she couldn’t express it. She couldn’t even say a word, only shriek, and laugh.
However, she soon felt fast nibbles on her sides and neck. Yoongi and Hoseok almost fell off of her from how much she exploded and thrashed around. She literally shrieked louder than she ever had before and erupted into hysterical laughter.
The nibbles were mixed with raspberries and giggles from the boys could be heard as a background. Their breaths were tickling her as well and were sending shivers down her spine.
“PLEAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHA MERCAHAHAHAHA!” she begged, unable to form a whole sentence.
However, she knew that she couldn’t take any longer. She desperately needed a break. She wanted to experience more, but if she didn’t take a break soon, she would fade away.
“BREAK! BREAHAHAHAHAKE!” she cried and fell into silent laughter, shaking her head from side to side.
Taehyung, who read her thoughts, gave a signal to everyone else and everyone stopped immediately, pulling away from her.
Yoongi’s eyes widened and he felt anxiety rising inside him. Had he hurt her? Had we gone too far? Had he made her feel uncomfortable?
However, as soon as he heard her giggly soul, relief filled him.
Nefeli curled up in a small ball as soon as everyone gets off of her and the items vanished. Yoongi pulled her onto his lap and rubbed her back soothingly as she rested her head onto his chest, still giggling airily.
Jungkook clicked his finger and a glass of water appeared. He pushed the flying glass towards her lightly and that stopped in front of her. She chuckled lightly, still not believing that this was actually happening, and took it gladly, drinking it all.
“Are you alright? Did we go too harsh?” Namjoon asked with concern.
“No, don’t worry, I am completely fine” she gave them a big smile and snuggled more onto Yoongi.
Yoongi on the other hand could feel happiness rushing in him and a wide smile appeared on his face. He remembered how he used to cuddle with Haeun after tickles and she used to snuggle into him like Nefeli was right now. ‘Ah, Haeunnie... I miss you so much, sissy’
Yoongi felt a tingling and immediately understood what had happened. He raised his vision and he saw Taehyung looking at him with a sympathetic smile. Yoongi nodded at him and they both sighed deeply.
“You have to admit that you loved it tho” Jimin winked at Nef. She blushed deeply and hid her face in Yoongi’s chest.
“No, I cannot deny it” she mumbled and everyone’s face lit up.
“And Yoongi seemed to enjoy it too, right?” Jin pointed out.
All the eyes snapped towards him and he looked down shyly, nodding. To be honest, he loved it. And he loved even more that he made Nefeli happy.
‘Should I ask for more? Not too intensive ones t-tickles... Wow why is it really hard to pronounce th-’ she stopped her thoughts when she felt that tingle again. Taehyung.
She looked at him and she saw a smirk formed on his face as he leaned closer to Jungkook and Jimin, whispering something.
She gulped when smirks formed on the two as well and they turned their heads towards her. Did he tell them that I want more? They were up to something.
Before they could do anything, she was snatched from Yoongi’s lap and was placed in between Jin and Yoongi who held each one of her arms collapsed on her torso.
Jungkook then sent her a flying kiss and in a flash of light, he had vanished.
Nef’s widened as she looked at the boys with question “W-Where did he go?” she asked. However, she didn’t have enough time to react when Jimin sat on her ankles, pulling back her toes, fully exposing her poor, bare soles.
“What are you dohohoing?” she giggled loudly, sensing that something was up and that something was gonna happen to her feet, but she couldn’t understand what.
Surprisingly, she heard high-pitched giggles coming from down her feet and she felt something running up and down her poor soles and toes, and in between them. Something like a... Bug.
“Ahahahahaha whahahat ihihihihis thahahahat?!” she giggled loudly and kicked her knees up and down as she was desperately trying to set herself free.
“Be careful! It’s Jungkook!” Namjoon warned as he saw her tryna clap her feet together.
“WHAT?!” she exclaimed in between her giggles.
“He transformed into a ladybug!” they all explained at her, wide smirks on their faces. And as if it wasn’t already too much, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon started poking all over her sides and belly while Jin and Taehyung were tryna keep her arms down on her torso.
“NAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHASE NAHAHAHAOOOO!” she yelled in between her laughter and tried to squirm away, but at the same time not to move her legs and feet, afraid that she would hurt Jungkook.
Jimin on the other hand was helping Jungkook by scribbling all over her soles as the youngest member was running between, on, and under her toes, sending her into fits of hysterics.
As her most sensitive spots were being attacked, she couldn’t help but scream when Jin dug in her ribs from behind her, falling onto him.
“Coochie coochie coo Nef!” Hoseok whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine while Taehyung was tracing his finger on it up and down, now and then scribbling her lower back as well, and making Nefeli arch it.
“NAHAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAT THE WAHAHAHAHARDS!” ugh those three words are literally the worst tease she can ever receive. It drives her crazy and makes her shy at the same time!
“No? Seriously you cannot take it? Ah, I will keep that in mind” Yoongi teased while kneading fastly her side. Electric shots hit her body once again as she shook her head frantically from side to side, and trying with all her might not to move her legs.
“PLEAHAHAHAHAHASE NAHAHAHAHAHA!” she laughed loudly, dipping her nails and fingers in the soft mattress.
Jungkook had focused in between her toes, which were pulled back by Jimin with one hand, while his other hand was scribbling her feet. Jungkook’s soft giggles could be heard as a background along with the rest of the boys’ louder ones.
Yoongi and Namjoon continued kneading fastly her sides as Jin was digging in her ribs while everyone was cooing at her for how cute she was.
“Ah I think you absolutely love it, you are not even telling us to stop” Hoseok whispered once again in her ear before blowing a huge raspberry on her neck.
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli shrieked and threw her head back in laughter, as she fell onto Jin, completely exhausted as her laughter turned silent.
However, Hoseok was wrong.
Sweat was sliding down her face and tears had started rolling down her cheeks. Her hair was messy and her breath was stolen away. Her laughter had turned hoarse and her tummy and throat were burning.
‘N-no more...’ she thought, more like begging them to stop, in hope Taehyung would hear her thoughts.
And he did.
She felt the tingling and then Taehyung’s fingers stopping.
“Okay I think that was enough let her breath,” he told the others as they all stopped. They all do as Taehyung says since he can read minds.
Everyone let her go once again and Jungkook returned to his official look as a person. She curled up in a small ball as Namjoon was rubbing her back soothingly and Yoongi was putting pieces of hair behind her ears and massaging her head.
“Are you alright?” they asked her for the second time today and she nodded straight away as Jungkook gave her some water again.
“Ihihihi- I guess I reached my limits” she explained and sat up again, drinking the water. All the eyes were on her, making her shy.
She felt butterflies in her stomach as she thought of what just happened and she realized she had just been tickled by... ghosts. But she didn’t really care. She had fun. And she had made new friends.
“Yoongi, are you okay?” she asked Yoongi, catching him by surprise. How could a girl he had met some days before be so sweet and affectionate towards him when he had been an asshole to her?
He felt a smile appearing on his face as he nodded and kissed her forehead. He hadn’t done that since... Haeun’s death “Thanks for that,” he said and Nefeli copied his warm smile.
Yes, he was thankful. Nefeli had helped him realize something. He had made him realize that life goes on. Even after death. That we may lose people from our lives... but new ones are coming. Our favorite ones are staying in our hearts whether they are alive or not. And if they are dead, we must not stay stuck in their memory. We must move one. We will never forget them, but it will take us nowhere if we cry and refuse to move on from a situation we cannot change at all.
“So you are not gonna leave?” Hoseok asked with pleading eyes, fear in them. None of the boys wanted Nef to leave.
The young girl chuckled softly and rolled her eyes playfully at them “Of course I am not gonna leave!”
All the boys cheered and tackled her into a group hug as huge grins of happiness were reaching everyone’s ears.
That move then was definitely the best decision she had ever taken, and she wouldn’t change it for anything in the world...
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lumiereandcogsworth · 4 years
rules: tag people u wanna know better
tagged by @brian-zeller thank you my bro
your name and what you would have named yourself: lydia, and when i was like five i wanted to change it to jessie! true story! i did not like my name as a kid. but i’m glad i’m lydia i think i’ve grown into it.
astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if you know them): sagittarius and i do not know the other stuff
when did you join tumblr and why: january of 2019 because jess said lyd how do you not have a tumblr and i said i have no idea! i ran a successful superwholock instagram and pinterest for several years and just never made the jump i could not tell you why but i’m glad to be here now!
top five fandoms: beauty and the beast consumes most of my mind but... watcher entertainment, schitt’s creek, coco, and poldark
top five films: beauty and the beast 2017, forrest gump, coco, big fish, back to the future, pride & prejudice yes i know that’s six too bad
go-to song when you wanna Feel something: multipled by needtobreathe, even if by mercyme, annie’s song by john denver, fireworks by first aid kit, alive in you by jesus culture, idk, really depends on the mood.
what’s your religion or faith if you have one: christian! lutheran, specifically. but yeah
a song that makes you feel seen: eh i don’t relate to songs like that. annie’s song by john denver and multipled by needtobreathe hit me the most.
if you could have any career: a successful author or screenwriter or director or something
do you have a type? dev patel. lmao but idk, nice smile, nice eyes, nice hair?? respectful?? FUNNY????
what does your heart/soul yearn for? a soulmate and a love to last years
if you had to describe yourself in five words to someone who doesn’t know you: i’m kind and also sarcastic <3
favorite subjects in school: in high school i liked my electives most. creative writing, ceramics, painting, nutrition and wellness, life skills. i promise it was a normal shitty american public high school i just didn’t care much for the regular classes. although i did like a lot of my senior year classes, english, environmental science, government/economics— but i think that was cuz i was friends with everyone and we all had senioritis and were fuckin around the whole time lmao. anyway. i’m a comparative ethnic studies major now!
where does your soul feel most at home? surrounded by my family (both actual family and my close good friends <3)
top 5 fictional characters: adam, belle, morwenna, rafael barba, ben wyatt
top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry: bro literally every finale of any show i’ve finished??? especially schitt’s creek, friends, the office, poldark... finales get me every time. only specific scene i can think of right now was in poldark when dwight and caroline’s daughter died and dwight just went to ross and burst into tears and hugged ross sobbing. did some real ugly crying there.
the earth, the sun, the moon, or the stars: the stars!!!!!!!!!!
favorite kind of weather: sunny enough that i don’t have to wear a jacket but i’m not going to catch on fire standing still.
top 3 characters you kin with: uhh what did we say. ben wyatt, nick miller, and cogsworth. incredible combination.
favorite medium of art: to admire? i don’t know, paintings, maybe. movies? music? dance? it’s all good and i’m always amazed by people’s abilities and talents!!! to perform for myself, however? writing
introvert/extrovert/ambivert? what is the last one?? is that like something in the middle? root word: ambivalent? maybe i’m that. i usually say introvert, though.
a favorite literary quote: “music saved something inside them that might otherwise have been lost. imagination, power, a glowing spark in their chests that always reminded them: “don’t let the bastards tell you what to be, go your own way, dance badly and sing loudly and become the best!”” from Fredrik Backman’s Us Against You
some of your favorite books: well! anything Fredrik Backman has written. he’s my favorite author. particularly though: beartown and its sequel, mentioned above. I also like the first fifteen lives of harry august, the goldfinch, sam, and uhh... to kill a mockingbird.
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? i’ve no idea! i’ve been so few places!! i’ll go anywhere!!
if you could live in any time in history when would it be? dream aesthetic, i’m an 18th century noble’s daughter. though i wouldn’t really want to be a woman at any point except present day. but also gotta love that 1970s aesthetic babey!!
if you could play any instrument masterfully it would be: guitar or drums or both
if you have one, what mythological god or goddess do you feel a connection to: i do not have one!
and lastly, favorite recent selfie in your camera roll: here have a very random but accurate aesthetic board of me instead!
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tagging: @ilikebigassbuttsandicannotlie @enchanted-keys @joenicky @eccleston @hiddenblood @queenamidalas @ceasarslegion + anyone who wants to :-)
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depressed-sock · 4 years
Monster of the Week 1
Words: 4k
This work is entirely a self-indulgent throw a bunch of Oc's at the TMA world and see what happens lmao
Tw: dark and lonely fears, abandoning someone in the dark, brief mention of binge drinking, talk about feeling watched
“Investigation of The Woods that Whisper brought to the Archives attention by a woman named Lilith Kingson on August 4th, 1950. Investigation begins on an unspecified date in 2014 because I’d rather not tell my boss exactly when I’m not in the Archives.”
“Certainly not because she’d prefer her precious Psychic-”
“Don’t Jordan.” They throw a glare at him as they let the branch they were holding for him go. Unfortunately, it misses its mark as he ducks out of the way responding back with a smirk and a shrug. “Anyway... Investigation done by archival assistant’s Corwin Night and Jordan L. of the Magnus Institute, American Branch. And yes I do mean the whole American Branch because really who needs funding, Right? Just put everything into one place that is definitely not falling into decay and hope for the best!"
"Do you have to complain about this every time? At least we don't have to investigate from there," Jordan shivers as he finally catches up to them, rubbing his arms as if to brush away a chill that clings to him despite the sweltering heat of the day.
They snort in response, ducking under a low hanging branch while letting out a huff of laughter as Jordan doesn’t correct fast enough and instead runs into it. The hiking path they had found was much smaller than they’d have liked but with the woods almost seeming to be unnaturally overgrown it was really the only choice. "Oh no, we just have to go out and find the monsters instead of waiting for them to find us."
There’s a muttered curse behind them, “Technically you don’t have to Corwin. Remember you're our special little psychic.”
Somewhere in the back of Corwin's mind, they know Jordan's making faces at them behind their back as he says it. And right next to that place in their mind there are thoughts about how much they want him to trip and roll back down the hill. Both thoughts aren't helpful to the investigation, so they sigh and push them away.
“First of all," they stop turning fully back towards him with their arms crossed, "it's just a really shitty version of clairvoyance where I get a sense of danger and a flash of something that never makes sense. Second of all," they throw one more glare at him before turning back around, "my 'psychic powers' as you like to call them, are beyond useless with me just sitting still. Especially there.”
“Because it always feels like you're in danger there?”
They look back over their shoulder at him with a raised eyebrow. A silent question of, do you feel like that? Jordan just shrugs again in response but this time looks anywhere but at them. He's already looking like a mess of nerves and exhaustion. Like they've both been hiking for miles even though they've barely gone half a mile. Half a mile uphill, but still, they really need to get him out of the Archives more. Especially if he doesn't feel safe there.
They take a minute to really think about the question. Do they feel unsafe there? Honestly, not really. “I’d say it's more like I’ve never been able to shake the feeling of being watched.” Even being this far from the building, there’s still that feeling right on the back of their neck. Like someone’s been following the both of them. Watching from the shadows.
The accompanying silence speaks more than words ever could. Of course, they both know exactly why that watching feeling is there. Unintentionally joining a cult for a fear god had not been on either of theirs bucket lists and yet it had somehow ended up that way anyway.
At least their boss had been upfront about it. Gwendalyn had even warned them both that they might not be able to quit if they became archival assistants. Turns out that as long as there's not an Archivist in their specific archive, there was no real need to worry. Corwin had personally watched many people come and go as archival assistants. With only a few who ever came back to the position permanently until they either died or just mysteriously vanished.
Without an Archivist though, no one really focuses on bothering to keep the Archives organized. A pain for anyone actually searching for information or references but a blessing for those absolutely bored out of their minds. It’s become a game of pick a statement, figure out the fear, and if possible figure out a way to either beat it or save the people affected by it. Something that Gwen has actively encouraged everyone in the Institute to do even if they weren’t working in the archives. She'd even begrudgingly encouraged Corwin to do the same.
Corwin’s still not even sure what her interest in keeping them safe is. Everyone else says it's their abilities but they personally suspect that Gwen is setting them up for some kind of promotion. One which they'll politely decline in the end.
No monster hood for them thank you very much.
“So The Woods that Whisper." Jordan's voice cuts through their thoughts, "Such a spooky name that it almost seems too cliche. Is that what the witness called it or what the previous Archivist put it as?”
“Don’t know,” they shrug, “My bet would be the Archivist considering how many files are all sorted with weird names like that. I guess in the end it doesn’t really matter though, does it? Not like we’ve had an actual archivist in the last 60 years to explain it.”
“I heard it was longer than 60 years, which doesn’t explain why we’re investigating an incredibly cold case. You do realize we still get statements from this time period right?”
“It wasn’t that long ago.”
“It’s literally from a time when the Institute used to have an Archivist.”
They can feel him glaring at their back. So maybe it's a cold case that has no actual chance of repeating again. It could happen... In a one and a million chances. So maybe it's instead an excuse to be anywhere else while Gwen starts her monthly annual week of binge drinking and cursing out the London Branch and ‘that slimy bastard Elias'.
Her words, not theirs.
“You’re telling me the free trip back to California isn’t enough to satisfy you?” Their laugh strained as they stop to take in the view of the valley that stretches out from the cliff on their right side. “Oh wait, I forgot you just hate nature.”
He huffs a bit, breathing heavily as he comes to a stop next to them, “I wouldn’t say hate. Just respect for the fact that I was not made for hiking.”
They roll their eyes in response, passing a water bottle to him as they continue to take in their surroundings. The area looks nothing like how it was described in the statement but that was to be expected. Too many years in between then and their current investigation. It’s only the fact that the area feels like the statement that even tells them they’re in the right area. “We should make camp here. Supposedly we should start hearing it just as it hits nightfall.”
“Wait. Nightfall?” He stares at them, distress suddenly clinging to his words, “Please tell me we’re not staying here all night.”
“Okay, I won’t tell you.” They shrug off their backpack. Kneeling down to start double-checking their supplies and making sure they have enough flashlights and glowsticks. Getting caught in the Dark once was already one too many times for them.
“Corry please for the love of god tell me we are not staying here all night,” Jordan practically begs as he looks back towards the way they had come. His stance suddenly turning nervous, his feet shifting uneasily as he stands in place.
“I mean if you really want to try and navigate back in the dark?” they look up at him from their crouch over their bag.
He winces, gaze now eyeing the nearby cliff with trepidation. “Fuck.”
“Seriously, I’ve got enough flashlights to light our way back. We should be fine if you really want to.”
“Do you think it’s that... Whatever it’s called, Dark fear? Or something else?”
“Honestly? It’s got elements of it but I think it feels more like the Lonely one. You’ve felt it since we got here, right? That bone-chilling cold that's more inside you than outside?”
“Was kinda hoping I had been imagining it but I guess I’d take that over the Dark,” he sighs, finally setting his own bag down with a heavy thump.
“Are you ever going to tell me that one? You don’t seem especially afraid of the dark.” They still haven’t found the glow sticks as they search through their bag. They know they’d packed it. Canteen check, energy bars check, where is it?
“It’s… not so much about being afraid of the dark, as it is a fear of not knowing what's in the dark." He rubs the back of his neck as he sits down on a nearby rock. “Listen, I know it’s stupid so let’s forget I said anything.”
"It's not stupid. Fear is fear and we don't really get a say in what we’re afraid of. Also, if I'm wrong and it is the Dark I brought a bunch of glow sticks." There it is. They dig out a baggie of glow sticks from their bag, carefully handing the bundle to Jordan, "Not as powerful as a flashlight but less chance of it supernaturally going out."
Probably. They’re not going to tell him that though considering how tight he clings the glow sticks to his chest, shooting them a thankful smile.
"And if it's the Lonely instead, think happy thoughts?" He tries to laugh his nerves away but falters as he looks back towards the edge.
"No, I think it's more: think about someone or something you love." They sit back, looking up towards the sky while shielding their eyes. The clouds are already taking on a dangerous grey hue. Maybe they should have chosen a place with more stable weather.
“Okay I can do that,” he nods his head before another smirk makes its way across his lips, “Can you though?”
They give him a look of mock anger, hand coming to their chest, “Jordan how could you say that! Of course my vindictiveness and hatred is enough to bring me back to annoy all of you. How could you ever doubt that?”
His snort of laughter is quickly covered by his hand, “I thought you said love brings you out of the lonely?”
“I mean yeah, but it turns out wanting revenge on your evil coworkers works too.”
“Oh, we’re all evil now? And have you even tested this theory?” He raises an eyebrow looking at them with knowing skepticism.
Just because of that One time… okay maybe it was a little more than Ten times but still it’s not like they have any safe way to put theories to the test.
“Not exactly. It’s been years since we’ve encountered the lonely so no real chance for me to test it. But I did dig around and find a statement about a guy who was so pissed off that he was missing a chance to rub something in his coworker’s face that he literally just walked back out of the lonely.”
“And was this statement real? Or did you not bother to even check?”
“Really who has time to check things like that?”
He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose with a barely held back snort. “You know sometimes I wonder how these fears have any kind of power compared to the power of your vindictiveness.”
“I mean I’m just special like that. For everyone else though? There is a reason why there's what... 14? 16?” They pause quickly counting on their fingers before looking back up to him with a nod, “I think it’s 16 fear gods. A special flavor for just about everyone, and usually it’ll mix in other emotions to make the fear that much worse.” They lightly tap their chin for a second, “Or maybe it’s better to say that much tastier?”
“Right, ew. Also, I’m pretty sure it was 14, where’d you get the extra two?”
“Uhm, That one fear that mixes and matches all of the other ones together. Never got a name for it but I know it exists. Not entirely sure about the other one, just have a weird feeling about it. I don’t think it’s a normal fear anyway so maybe I shouldn’t count it.”
They lean back a bit farther, staring up into the sky as they try to remember why they counted it in the first place. Or even what it was. Maybe they had really just miscounted. It’s not long before they give up with a shrug.
“Well,” Jordan looks up at the clouded sun before looking back at his watch, “it’s only four o’clock and we’ve got till seven before the sun starts to set. Should we go over the statement again?”
“Depends… are we actually Reading it or just reading it?” They scrunch their nose in distaste as they even start to think about it. Either way it wasn’t going to be pleasant but actually Reading it was always the worst choice.
“I mean you did get a dusty old tape recorder out for this adventure, may as well Read it.”
“Too bad I didn’t bring the statement then.”
“Good thing I did though.” Jordan reaches for his bag, unzipping it and immediately pulling out a manila envelope.
“Ugh, fine.” They snatch it out of his hand. Bringing out the lamented pages and quickly readjusting the order. “Statement of Lilith Kingson, regarding The loss of her brother on a camping trip. Original statement given August 4th 1950. Audio recording by Corwin Night, Archival assistant of the Magnus Institute, America. Statement begins: …”
They’d like to say that they are trying to read it, that the words are just a bit too cursivy to understand. But that would be a gigantic lie because in all honesty they’d rather just set the statement on fire, “And yeah nope I changed my mind I already hate this.”
Jordan laughs, “You didn’t even read the first line!”
“Listen this shit feels weird enough reading it in my head. I don’t need to read it out loud to know that the experience was that.”
“Oh my god. Give it here, I’ll read it.”
“Alright, your funeral.” They pass it back, or maybe it’s better to say they throw it back trying to rid themself of the pages as fast as possible. Unintentionally causing the pages to scatter to the ground.
Jordan shoots them an unimpressed look before picking them back up, “No matter how paranoid you are Corwin, reading the statements out loud does not kill anyone.”
“That we know of,” their voice a bit too high pitched as they shot finger guns at him.
Which Jordan only acknowledges back with an eye roll. “Supplemental. Audio recording now by Jordan L. because Corry hates you personally eye god of the tapes.”
“Don’t call it that, you’ll inflate its ego.”
“Yes, I’ll inflate the ego of a massive entity we can’t even begin to understand. Of course. What on earth was I thinking?” The sarcasm drips heavily from his voice.
“Oh fuck you, just get it over with.”
“Fine. Statement Begins: ”
I didn’t know it would happen. It was just supposed to be a prank, a bit of sibling rivalry. It was just something we did. Alex would put salt in my drink when I’d complain it was too sweet and I’d get him back by throwing gum in his hair because he kept complaining about needing a haircut. Pranks. That’s all it was. Just a way to get back at each other when we got frustrated with how our lives were going.
It was never meant to be harmful. But, admittedly, sometimes it did get out of hand.
I just wanted to get back at him for locking me in the basement. It had been so dark, and I had been so terrified. It was like the walls had been closing in on me, and there was nothing I could do about it. Not even scream.
He didn’t even apologize to me when he finally opened the door to find me broken down and crying. Wouldn’t even acknowledge it was him who had locked me down there. So I decided he needed a taste of it himself.
It took almost a year of planning, but I’d finally had everything ready by the time of our annual camping trip. He didn’t even bat an eye when I changed the location and date. Just shrugged and said the view should be nicer from there. I almost wish he’d put up more of a fight against it.
We’d arrived just before dark, with enough extra time to find the spot and set up camp. The spot had been well worn from previous travelers and right next to the cliff, looking out across the valley. A nice view but also one I knew for sure wouldn’t have the lights from any houses or other camps.
Didn’t take us long to set up camp but the entire time something had felt… off. I’m not sure how exactly to describe it, it just was an overwhelming feeling that we were probably the only people on the entire mountain. It almost felt stupid to even feel that way because we had definitely passed other campsites on the drive up. Seen houses lit up and filled with families.
We weren’t alone. But at the same time, I guess we truly were. After all, it’s why I picked the spot.
It was nearing night and I’d finally grown uneasy enough that I decided to just put my plan into action. I told him I’d be just a second, that I had forgotten something in the car. And I left without even looking back.
He didn’t even offer to come with me. But he’d also been in a strange mood all day. Looking more distant and less chatty than usual. I shrugged it off, thinking the drive up might have tired him.
And anyway it wouldn’t matter. He’d wake up soon enough to realize I’d taken off with all the lights. Including the matches. He wouldn’t have been able to go after me once he’d realized what I’d done. It was a new moon that night, it would have been too dark to safely navigate the path. He would have to sit there in the dark, all alone, and wait for me to come back.
I’d promised myself that if he started yelling, or panicking I’d make my way back. I just wanted him to stew in that feeling of being alone and helpless. Make him see what he’d put me through. So I waited.
And waited.
Until I was starting to finally feel that uneasiness creep back into my spine. Being alone for that long was too much for me to handle, so it had to have been too much for him to handle too, right? So I started making my way back, even when a sudden fog started to settle over the path.
I should have stayed in the car. I knew better than to go wandering like that but I just wanted to see him again. To make sure he really was alright. I hadn’t heard anything from him, even though I expected to at least hear him cursing me out for taking the lights. Actually, if I really think about it, I didn’t hear anything. No bugs, no animals, not even the sound of my own footsteps crunching through the brush.
I tried to keep on the path, walked slowly to make sure it was still underfoot and I hadn’t somehow gone off track because of the fog. I must have though. Because I kept walking and walking and I still hadn’t found our camp yet. It shouldn’t have been taking that long. We didn’t hike that far away from the road.
I tried calling out for Alex but… It wasn’t him that answered. All around me I could hear people talking. It was like a crowd of people all mumbling at once in my ears and when I looked up from the path I couldn’t see them. There were shapes moving in the fog but I couldn’t make them out. They were just dark shadows against the white. It was around then I slowly began to realize it should have been too dark to see the fog like that. Even with my light.
It was like the fog itself was just naturally that bright.
It didn’t even dawn on me at the time that the shadows, the whispers could have been ghosts. I was just so desperate not to be alone. I called out again but none of them would ever get closer or acknowledge I was there. Just shadows talking in low murmured tones I had no hope of understanding. It was all words that weren’t really words. And I don't mean like another language either.
It was… It sounded like English but it just didn’t form the words right. And it hurt to think too hard on trying to make them into words I could understand. I tried running at the shadows, tried to catch up to them but they always seemed to get further and further away. I’d finally gotten to the point that I didn’t even care about the path anymore, I barely even remembered where I was or what I was doing.
“Jordan, stop I think I heard something.”
I don’t remember exactly what it was that broke me from the trance I seemed to have lulled into. I just remember the sudden feeling of missing my brother. I almost thought I could hear him yelling my name-
It's the shaking that finally makes him realize that Corwin's in front of him, shouting his name while desperately looking back and forth between him and the forest behind them. His brain feels like it’s working through a fog. Trying to focus on the present, on Corwin’s panicked expression…
He’s never seen Corwin panic before. Not in all the years they’ve worked together. Not even after the doppelganger incident.
It’s that realization that finally that lets him focus a bit back on the present. On Corwin’s hands firmly gripping his shoulder, shaking him slightly back and forth.
“Oh… Uh, What’s wrong?” he tries to sound concerned, but it comes out more as a mumble of confusion. He blinks again, trying to will away the sudden haze from his mind but it’s still there. That need to finish reading the statement. How had he forgotten this feeling? It's only been a few months since he recorded one.
“Focus Jordan. I heard something out in the woods.” They turn again, looking behind themself nervously, before turning back to him, “I’m getting a bad feeling, I think we should leave.”
“What? But-” he looks around then, coming to the sudden realization that it's now night. A very dark night. “I thought you said it wasn't the Dark fear?!" His voice squeaks out, fear already starting to clutch at his throat.
“It’s not that kind of Dark don’t worry. I just didn’t realize it was a new moon tonight. We’ll be able to use the flashlights just fine but I think we should-”
The sound cuts them off. A low deep rumble that suddenly turns into a vicious snarl accompanied by sounds of something in the brush growing closer.
Corwin's face grows a shade lighter before forcing him to stand with them. A single command forced out through gritted teeth, “Run.”
(The sound of a car door slamming and heavy breathing fill the empty space until finally the car ignition is started.)
(A man's voice starts to talk, wheezing heavily as if out of breath.) “Oh don’t worry it’s just the Lonely! That was definitely not the fucking Lonely Corwin.”
“To be fair the statement is definitely the Lonely. And anyway, how was I supposed to know that a Hunter was stalking this area?”
“What, you’re power didn’t give you a heads up?!”
“I already told you a million times that it was a shitty power and besides I don't think we were the prey it was after so we're fine.”
"Really?! Because it sounded really fucking close to gutting us."
"If it wanted us dead we'd be dead."
(A distant scream pierces the air. Causing a pause in the conversation.)
“...I can’t believe this, just… just fucking drive and get us out of here. And this fucking recorder is still on?!”
“What are you talking about? I don’t even have it anymore, I dropped it when we were running…That. That’s not the same one. I swear I only brought the one.”
“Right… Right, I’m just… going to go ahead and turn it off.”
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punpunsutatta · 4 years
I was tagged by @michrocosmos, thank u catherine! i filled this out last night but then fell asleep right after 😅
1. What do you prefer to be called by people?
My name! Ayesha (pronounced EYE-sha) seems to have a million nickname opportunities (just ask my family 🙄), but I’m also picky abt who can call me what (it makes sense in my head ok, i can't just associate u with someone ELSE's designated nickname!) so just Ayesha pls
2. When is your birthday?
August 7th!
3. Where do you live?
east coast, U-S-of-A
4. Three things you are doing right now?
Uhhh well I'm laying down bc it's late rn, I'm also contemplating what to watch because decent sleep schedule?? we don't know Her! and then of course i'm stressing about next semester (bc of COVID and other issues) in the back of my mind at all times 🙃
5. Four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
The Untamed (one day I will finish this show.. One Day) and tbh from what I’ve seen Richie Rich looks interesting. My Engineer is good but on hiatus rn. Lastly i’ve been waiting for Love, Victor to come out and it's finally here! I watched the 1st ep live on twitter earlier. the acting seems a little eh but imma still watch tho lol (EDIT: i rewatched ep 1 and... if he doesn't get with andrew or felix what's the point)
6. How’s the pandemic treating you?
tbh it’s been... pretty rough. Like from March until maybe 2-ish weeks ago it hit really hard where I am. every day a couple thousand new cases, easily. I personally haven’t lost anyone Alhamdulillah but I know people who have. Anyway yeah it's been getting better recently & everyone is taking that plus the weather as a green light to go back to normal. like tf, this ain't over!!
7. A song you can’t stop listening to right now?
Tala - Ace Banzuelo ever since that RamKing edit weeeeeeks ago (still waiting on a lyric translations vid 😔), After Hours- The Weeknd, and an old Punjabi folk song. i know, my brain doesn’t make sense to me either.
8. Recommend a movie!
Ok so i REALLY don’t care how dumb this sounds, the disney movie Hercules is my absolute FAVORITE movie and i love it so much. it's probably a mix of childhood nostalgia, love for the blatant SASS, & the gorgeous art style. older disney movies are so visually pleasing! i could talk about them forever. i actually watched The Princess & the Frog earlier today & man... the love & care behind the animation/ design of that movie 😭. soso pretty to look at.
9. How old are you?
23, almost 24
10. School, university, occupation, other?
college got me all the way Fucked Up
11. Do you prefer hot or cold?
Is this weather-wise? I'm a summer baby so i would rather be too hot than freezing cold. drink-wise i prefer cold
12. Name one fact others may not know about you!
Ummm it's kinda random but i was thinking abt it earlier today, so here goes. my grandmothers both have the same exact name! Noor Begum :) It’s so cute when they call each other up, "Noor Begum" this, "Noor Begum" that. it's like all these years later they still get a kick out of addressing someone else with their own name lmao
13. Are you shy?
I mean..... I think there’s a certain level of friendship u gotta reach to Unlock The Dumbass, ya feel me? In general it's not too too high bc i'm a clown at heart but it differs depending on the situation & how we met (online, in person, etc).
(OMG the voice challenge going around a little while ago?? I had to record mine like 5 times at least 🤦🏽‍♀️ take from that what you will.)
14. Do you have any preferred pronouns?
She/her *insert joke about how I prefer to go by HRH*
15. Any pet peeves?
🤔 ngl I have some obsessive compulsive tendencies so a lot does bug me, but for pet peeves I'd say knuckle-cracking & snapping fingers to get someone's attention
16. What’s your favourite ‘dere’ type?
LMAO this would’ve been a good question for 5 years-ago Ayesha
17. Rate your life 1-10. 1 is crappy & 10 is best it could be
idek how to rate my whole life, that's too hard. but, as of recent, life is....... it could be better. I’m usually not one to open up that much but like.... I’m feelin pretty fuckin low. feels like i've been in & out of a panic attack the past 5 days. so uh yeah, love that for me (EDIT: day 6 wasn't so bad! we're gettin there)
18. What’s your main blog?
LMAO no thanks, i can't be held accountable for anything on there pre-2016. not like for racist reasons but for "i've been on tumblr so long it's basically a timeline of all the cringey fandoms i've been in/ a testimony to how DEEP in them i was" type reasons 😓
19. List your side blogs and what they’re used for.
see above (just know there’s definitely a couple. i’ve been on this hell site too long y’all, i got bored along the way)
20. Is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you?
She a dumbass (also self-deprecating af lmao could u tell) but hey, She loyal!!
tagging: @babbyglitz @nerd-squash @tinewatleo @svt-district 💗
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wildpokemon · 5 years
(starting new bc it was getting long) Thanks for tagging me @chatnoirinette!! Sorry it took me so long to respond!! I really enjoyed reading your answers lol
•Answer 20 questions then tag 20 followers• (but tbhhh i think i’m so late on this that everyone i know has already done it? so i’ll probably skip the tagging)
Name: Kimberly
Nickname: Kim
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5′4″ (162ish cm apparently lol - sorry i’m trash)
Languages: English, some French, and I understand a teeny bit of Chinese (basically just common phrases - “have you eaten?” “when do you work?” “where is the” “i like etc”)
Nationality: American
Favorite season: Autumn? Tbh I’m sensitive to extreme temperatures so I’ve got gripes with the weather not matter what the season lolol. But i like the aesthetic of Fall
Favorite flower: Mmm, lillies?
Favorite scent: A brand new book
Favorite color: Pale pink
Favorite animal: Cats probably? lol
Favorite fictional character: Ohhh god don’t make me choose lol. I’m still on a pretty big Haikyuu!! kick rn though, and I relate HARD to Tsukishima, so I’ll say him
Coffee/tea/hot chocolate: Used to be milk tea, but lately I’ve been staying away from any caffeine, sooo hot chocolate
Average sleep: When I don’t get at least 12 hours, my body gets very angry lmao, but I can survive on 7 and be okay for a while too.
Dog or cat person: Ooo, tough. I like both, but cats tend to be less energetic, and I need that in my life lol - so probably cat person
Number of blankets: Only one. More than that is TOO MUCH lol, I feel suffocated
Dream trip: I really wanna see Japan. My boyfriend and I also have a goal to visit every Disney Park in the world at some point too - currently we’ve done California, Florida, and Paris.
Blog established: October 2018 for this blog, but I’ve been on tumblr on my old “personal” blog since, I wanna say, August of 2011?
Followers: 1810 (thanks for putting up with my days of inactivity only to be suddenly bombarded with reblog spams l o l)
Random fact: Uhhh when I was a kid in elementary school, the teachers would always have us fill out these “get to know me” things, and under the “random/extra fact” section i always wrote “my parents are divorced” because I thought it made me seem interesting 🙄. Now I just wonder if all my teachers thought I was going through some shit or something. Basically, I’m bad at the random fact thing lol
Thanks again for the tag Maryssa!! It was fun <3
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purplesurveys · 4 years
How many walls are in your bedroom? It’s your typical four-wall bedroom. What do you think about Fall Out Boy? I like their older stuff and my favorite album of theirs is Folie à Deux by a mile. Haven’t been able to keep up much with their new material, but I definitely don’t hate the stuff they’ve been putting out. Do you know where Guatemala is? I wouldn’t know where to find it on a map but I know it’s somewhere in the middle of North and South America? At least I’m pretty sure? Do you find musicians attractive? I mean being a musician isn’t necessarily a criterion for me to be attracted to someone, but sure I’ve come across good-looking musicians in the past. Do you like hard boiled eggs? They’re okay but I like soft-boiled more.
Do you know anyone named Hector? Nope. Would you move to another country for the one you love? We’ve had this conversation before and she has vehemently scolded me when I said that I honestly would, but idk that’s me. Then again, we’ve never been in that situation so I don’t really know how I’d actually act when it came to that. Do you own an instrument? We have a keyboard, but it’s for everyone’s use. I don’t own any of my own. What do you usually have for lunch? Ever since the quarantine started my family has only been having very late breakfast and dinner, so I’ve technically been skipping lunch for over a month now. But before this whole thing started my lunch would typically be whatever my mom can cook, which is pretty limited – fried chicken, sisig, and giniling with varied soups are her usuals, if I remember right. Ever had a pregnancy scare? I would have absolutely no reason to have one. What do you think about the Purple People Eater? I’ve never heard of this before. What the hell is that looool Are you pale or tan? Tan. What's the weather like right now? It’s windy, just a tad chilly, and comfortable enough during the night which I’m thankful for, but the days are excruciatingly hot. Sometimes it’ll be very humid and the air becomes too heavy and difficult to breathe in, and it usually means it will rain that night, but that’s seldom. I get headaches almost everyday now because of the rapid temperature changes, and it suuuucks because we’ve run out of Biogesic in the house. Do you like cats? No. We have such different personalities and I can tell all of the ones I’ve encountered don’t like me. But for the next few days I’ll probably have a brief soft spot for cats because my sister’s cat, Arlee, passed away last Sunday. We were never close and her tail always got bushy whenever she saw me, but it was the first time I had to deal with a pet cat dying and I was still pretty shattered by it. What's the best part about Wal*Mart? I dunno, I can’t relate. Do you think Akon is amazing or annoying? I think neither of him. I mostly don’t mind him. Do you like the buzz cigarettes give you? I’ve... never gotten a ~buzz from them before? Am I smoking wrong? Lmao. But uh idk it’s weirdly pleasurable overall, and now I’m ever so slightly disgusted with myself for even being able to say that now. Are you a practical joker? Nope, I hate pranks. Do you like pop? This is slang for soda right? No I don’t. I feel like my tongue is being cut off every time I try it out and that always ruins the whole experience for me. What are you looking forward to? Eating the box of sushi sitting beside me. Angela surprised me for my birthday and had the sushi delivered to my house :) Have you ever laughed so hard you couldn't breathe? I’m sure most of us have. What's your favorite band? This question has been everywhere recently. I like Paramore the most but just so I give a different answer for once, I also enjoy alt-J. Do you feel stupid when you spill things on yourself? My mom has conditioned me to think this way, so yes. I feel pretty stupid when I drop or spill anything. Are you excited for summer? In the current global situation? It’s hard to feel excited for anything, especially when experts have recommended closing everything down until at least August. Have you ever snuck out? No. My mom would’ve found out easily. It’s always easier to ask for permission cause she’s never said no anyway. When's the last time you were kissed? :( A month and two weeks. Would you ever eat popcorn & salsa? I’ve never tried them together; I think it’d be a weird combination plus salsa already isn’t my dip of choice anyway. Do you sleep with the television on? Nah but close. I’ll sometimes sleep with Netflx or YouTube playing on my phone, depending on what I feel like listening to before falling asleep. Would you ever want to be able to be invisible? I’ll fantasize about it sometimes, sure. What does your favorite shirt look like? Don’t have a current favorite shirt since I can’t go out anyway. What's your favorite scent? Gabie’s perfume or any freshly cooked food. Skype, Msn, Aim, or Yahoo? All of these are pretty much ancient now. What's your favorite time of the day? These days I’m really loving these hours in particular – midnight onwards. It’s nice to finally be alone considering I’m cooped up in a house with family literally all day, and it’s nice to use the alone time listening to lo-fi and answering a survey or two. Do you hate the phrase ''love ya'' when coming from a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yeah it wouldn’t sit well with me if it came from Gabie. But I say this regularly to my friends. What do you do when someone in the room has b.o.? Look away if I’m forced to be with them, or just move away altogether if I’m not talking to them directly. What movie would you like to see right now? Not really in a movie watching mood rn. I just watched Two for the Road a couple of nights ago and that’s enough for me, hahaha. How many times a day do you shower? Just once. What do you think of the name Chloe? It’s cute! It’s already common where I live so it’s not one of my top baby name choices, but I really love the name and I think this spelling in particular is cute. Do you like Hollister? When I was 14, sure. I was mostly invested in them because Louis Tomlinson of 1D’s girlfriend used to be a Hollister model HAHAHAHA. These days I largely don’t care for the brand. What's your favorite alcoholic drink? I always go for a Long Island Iced Tea whenever they have it on a menu. Do you like 80's music? Like, 0.0003% of it. Just not my decade for music. Do you have to wear glasses or have contacts? I wear glasses. I choose not to wear contacts. Do you play Halo or Gears of War? No for both. How do you feel about cleaning? I think it’s...necessary lol? I don’t really actively feel anything for it, other than it has to be done every now and then. What do you think of emo kids? I think we should leave ‘em be. Do you like the movie Grease? I don’t like musicals. Do you like singing? Only by myself or if I’m absolutely shitfaced drunk.
What's your favorite Jim Carrey movie? Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, WITHOUT A DOUBT. There's a knock at your door at 4 in the morning; what do you do? Welp, given that there’s been a recent disturbance in our village where a construction worker broke into a neighbor’s home, I’ll probably be more wary this time around and just ignore it. I’ll stay alert for a few minutes to see whether they start breaking in after being ignored or simply walk away so that I’m ready to wake up my parents and start screaming if they do the former. Do you like peaches? I hate all fruits. Ever lost a best friend? Not to death, but I’ve drifted apart from a best friend.
Ever heard of a town called Wadena? No. Only Wakanda, heh. Have you ever been to a funeral? I’ve never been to a funeral; I’ve only visited wakes. We were pretty sheltered when it came to death and I would dread the day I’d have to go to my first funeral because I don’t know if I’d be capable of processing the events. What's your favorite sport? Pro wrestling if it counts. If it doesn’t, tennis is my favorite to watch while table tennis is my favorite to play. What do you think about homeschooling? Egh the homeschooled kids where I live always turn out to be a bit weird or not very sociable, so I’m kinda biased against it. I don’t know if homeschooling in other countries can say the same, though. What do you think about French people? I don’t think anything of them. Thankful for their pain au chocolat though. Do you like your parents? Yes. They’ve worked harder than anyone I know to get to where they are now and to be able to provide as much as they have for their three kids. I respect them tremendously for that. I just wish we were more open and expressive and affectionate as a family in general; that would literally solve like 9732 of my problems. And I also wish that my mom wasn’t verbally abusive at times. What do you think about Minnesota? OMG nothing, stop. Do/did you like high school? It had its ups and downs. I’m mostly in the middle about it, like I can’t say I enjoyed it cause then that would betray the things I hated about it, and I can’t say I mostly hated it cause that would invalidate the good times. I did learn a lot though, that I can say for sure. Do you have any Asian friends? All of my friends are Asian. Is it cold where you live? Not even barely. Do you find accents attractive? No. I find most of them difficult to follow which is why I always need subtitles when I view anything foreign haha. Do you hate it when people make spelling mistakes? No, unless they act like a know-it-all but still fuck up their spelling. Would you ever let your boyfriend/girlfriend do your makeup? I would DEFINITELY let them do my makeup – she’d be the first person I would run to hahaha because I don’t know the first thing about applying makeup. Do you like to shop? Not like every week, but it is fun to fall down the rabbit hole and start grabbing clothes heh. How long are you on the computer during a 24 hour period? These days I’m not on it for long, which I’m really happy about! When the lockdown started I was really worried that I was gonna be too dependent on my laptop and never close it for the entire quarantine period, but the opposite has been happening. I really just open it in the evening when I take surveys, so that’s around 3-4 hours. Is money really that important? It is for me, and for everyone else in this third world Southeast Asian country. Have you ever broken a bone? Nope. Who is your favorite family member? My dog. What size bed do you have? Just a twin size, nothing special. Can’t wait to earn on my own and buy me a much bigger mattress. What age do you want to be married? Late 20s, if possible. I want to be ready for kids by the time I hit my 30s.   What's the last thing your wrote? A Facebook message for Gabie. What do you think of your town? It’s mostly uneventful here, but I think I prefer living in a calm city cause I suppose it would be exhausting living in a city that’s so hectic all the time. My situation also gives me a healthy balance of busy and quiet which I think has helped my wellbeing. When's the last time you played hide & go seek? Years and years and years ago. I think it was when we first moved into the house and it was still mostly empty.
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imacrowcawcaw · 5 years
@oblvions @shes-outta-sight @lazingonsunday @karrotkate @satans-helper thank you all for the tags 💗💕
A buttload of info about me:
Last thing I read: "Lovers" by @satans-helper 😍😍😍
Favorite Book: The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle
Favorite Movie: Beetlegeuse
Dream Date: Imagine this: a nice, plush couch, covered in down pillows and fluffy blankets. There is a fire in the brick fireplace, the wood smoke combines with the scent of Nag Champa incense and the homemade treats that cover the low table next to the couch. There are brownies, bread rolls, cheeses, bowls of fruit, dipping sauces, cakes, sandwiches - a whole feast of my favorite foods. My partner and I would cuddle up on that couch, listening to my favorite symphonies on the record player in the corner and talking for hours. This isn't really a first date thing, more like an established relationshil date, but god I'd love to just spend an afternoon surrounded with my favorite things and my favorite person.
Do I have a crush?: Not really. There are people I find very very attractive (a friend, Sam Kiszka, Duff Mckagan in his 20s, Lucy Lui) but nobody that I'm actually romantically and sexually into.
Hobbies: Swimming, observing nature, browsing Pinterest, daydreaming, writing, reading, making art, singing, listening to music, love to cook
My favorite time of day: late afternoon, right before the sun sets. I'm usually free to do what I like, the temperature starts to drop, I can watch the sun... it's nice
If I could choose what I looked like, anything, what would it be?: I want tattoos, and more piercings, I'd love to change my hair color again - it's been natural for awhile but I think I want either burgundy or bright blue. WINGS! I kind of want giant, strong fairy wings, and maybe glowing eyes, a forked tongue, and tattoos that move and change (kinda like Maui lol)
Am I romantic?: Yeah, I'd say I am. I love to treat people, friends and significant others, but I'd be especially affectionate and romantic for a partner. I'm constantly buying gifts and things that remind me of them, cooking for them, planning dates and buying tickets for things I know they like, quietly taking care of stuff I know they need to do, cuddling, complimenting... I love to shower my partner in affection 24/7
My favorite kind of weather: Late Autumn, generally. About 55ºF, cloudy but not raining, windy
What do I like to talk about?: Lol I talk a whole lot and I've probably talked about everything at some point. One of my close friends and I particularly love to debate religion, mythology, magic, history, and the intersections of those. We also regularly plan heists and crimes lmao
My turn-ons: Long eyelashes, pouty lips, dirty hands (motor oil, paint, flour, etc), sarcasm, seeing someone get excited about something, compassion, casual physical affection
My turn-offs: Nastiness without a reason, knees (I just think knees look weird idk), Trump supporters, 100% pessimism (I understand being depressed or doubtful or being generally a pessimist, but if you adamantly refuse to see anything in a good light and try to ruin it for others f u c k y o u)
If I got a tattoo, what would it be and where?: ohhh I want tattoos so bad but I'm saving up and I'm not certain about some yet.... but I know that I'm getting a tree of life matching with my mom, I want mushrooms, pine trees, lavender, wildflowers (all for personal reasons). I'd also like to make maybe a charm bracelet of sorts with little charms for my favorite bands, books, movies, and other peices of media. I know that interests change and I might not like something in 30 years, but I see my life in periods of interests and I want to catalogue the things that shaped me
My pets: I have 3 cats - Pumpkin Pie, Lady, and Sweetheart
My dream job: I just want to live a free life doing what I want. I want to grow my own food for the most part, and raise animals, and paint, and write, and play music, and go on random adventures, go antiquing, decorate my home from my travels, learn without expectations - I don't want to exchange a fulfilling life for financial security from some mundane modern job.
My dream place to live: Secluded, in the forests of Oregon (or maybe Pennsylvania idk) on the bottom third of a mountain, on my own little farm
My dream vacation: I just wanna go explore historical landmarks and buildings
My dream house: A beautiful historical house -- like an 1870s American farmhouse, or a craftsman cottage, or a Victorian painted Lady, or maybe a New York brownstone -- filled with antiques and records and books and artifacts that I've collected. I LOVE antiques so much, everything would be of fine craftsmanship, it would be lavish and inviting and packed with interesting items at every turn (I want my house to be a curios shop lol) I also want a big ass kitchen and nice woodwork, I literally get horny over original built ins
My piercings: Sadly, I only have my standard ear piercings right now, but I think I'll get more soon. A nose ring, eye brow bar (yes I know that's so 2000s but I like them), probably 4 more on each ear, navel, nipples
If I had kids, what would I name them?: I love older, interesting names, so - Euphemia, Hartford, Monroe, Malory, Louise (me lol), August, Fredrick
My worst traits: I'm incredibly stubborn; I love talking to people but I'm awkward; lazy and don't care; I'm a bit of a collector/hoarder; I bottle up any anger or sadness I feel so I don't inconvenience others
My best traits: I love to give and help; I try to make people comfortable around me/in my home; I have excellent taste; I appreciate quality, culture, and creativity; I have many interesting interests that I'm eager to share and learn more about; I'm very creative
My worst fear: a painful death - I'm not afraid of dying, even though I'd rather not, I just don't want it to hurt
What do I want to eat right now?: Well, considering that I just ate my first bit of solid food in 3 days and immediately had to run to the bathroom... nothing
My favorite vacation memory: *blushes* my first kiss AND nearly my first time (we went like halfway): making out with this dude, son of my mom's friend, at my family cabin
My favorite city: I really don't know. Timber, OR, let's say
My favorite social media platform: Tumblr or Pinterest (does that count?)
My favorite article of clothing: My leather motorcycle jacket. I can't actually ride a motorcycle (trying to remedy that because *sexy*) but I got it a few years ago and it makes me feel so fucking badass. It's heavy, about 15 pounds of good quality leather, has lots of secret pockets in the lining and some cool looking zippers and studs, but nothing crazy. It's hella warm and comfy, I wear it everyday it's cold enough to
Do I play any sports?: pfft no. I like to swim, and I'm interested in baseball and tennis, but I suck at them and also I just don't like team sports
My favorite meal: What I order when I go to Buffalo Bills - a pesto/feta/mozzarella/Italian sausage/basil/tomato/garlic pizza, with homemade potato chips and chunky blue cheese dressing for dipping. If I had room, I'd finish with Marionberry cheesecake pie from Sherri's (but I am incredibly sick and have no faith in getting better enough so I feel like I'll never be able to eat like this again)
What am I excited for?: The winter holidays! I'm atheist, so Christmas is all about the personal stuff and non religious family traditions for me. I love the decorations, the music, seeing my family, baking, giving and receiving presents, it's all just so fun
What am I not excited for?: Cleaning my room, it really really needs it though. Also just continuing to live like this. I'm not suicidal, I'm just in a lot of pain constantly and I don't know what to do
When was the last time I cried?: an hour or so ago, I'm in loads of pain right now
What is something I hate about the world?: There's too much to choose from
What is something I love about the world?: children and nature
My favorite scents: vanilla, lavender, pine, Nag Champa incense, BBQ meat, pizza with basil, rosemary, my Dad's cologne
Cats or dogs?: kitties 💗
What kind of sleeper am I?: A weird one lol. I can't lay on my stomach for more than 15 minutes without it making me incredibly nauseous for the rest of the day, but it's also my favorite way to sleep cause its comfy somehow... I can't lay on my back without a pillow either, 30 seconds in and the nerves pinch so bad I'm screaming. I snore, and I sleep deep, but it takes a long time to fall asleep and usually only beeping or banging noises wake me up??? Like I said, I sleep weird
How long would I survive in a zombie apocalypse?: I really don't know. I have some skills and the drive to learn to fight, but I am currently, as I'm sure y'all can tell, very sick and I don't think I'd be able to live with so much movement and so little medicine
Am I trusting?: Generally, I probably trust too much but I'm not gonna stop
What fictional characters do I identify with?: there are many I like but none I identify with
My most common labels: Mom friend, butch, that weird fat chick (doesn't bother me tho), the well behaved daughter, old soul
My life's anthem: I really am not sure if this is a good anthem song but I love it so so much... Take Me In Your Arms (Rock Me A Little While) by Kim Weston - you see where I get my love of long titles lol
Problems I'm dealing with: my health and whatever painful sickness is wrecking me, figuring out what to do with my life, saving money, getting my anxiety under control, getting the house to actually heat up because I'm cold as fuck
How can someone win me over?: let me express my interests and feelings, show kindness, be funny
What is something people don't know about me?: Idk
Not tagging anyone, this took over an hour
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amphtaminedreams · 5 years
VERY Late Festival Looks (Practical vs. Completely Impractical): Lookbook no.5
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Hi to anyone reading,
This post is kinda redundant, I know. It’s the end of fucking October. Festival season in the UK is looooong gone. I would be better off doing a Halloween lookbook. But there’s always people getting drunk in a field somewhere, right?
I PLANNED (planned being the key word) to do this way back in like late August/early September but in all honesty, my mental health has been a bit wack since the end of summer and then it seemed as soon as I got back into a good headspace, I started getting a load of overtime at work. So, late. Very late. I still wanted to do it though because we didn't end up going to Reading Festival in the end so I had to wear the outfits I’d planned somewhere, even if it that somewhere did just end up being in front of my shitty camera and Amazon lighting. My friend got jury service and though I was really disappointed at the time, it ended up so that I got back from being out of the country for over a month at 11PM literally the night before the morning we were supposed to be leaving; I don’t think 5 days straight of being out of it, surrounded by huge crowds and loud music was really what my stability craving self needed, incredible line-up aside. Next year hopefully!
Anyway, getting to the actual looks, I’ve done 4 “aspirational” (read: ridiculously impractical) ones and 4 more realistic ones. None of the clothes are new and even if they were, I doubt I’m in the position to influence anyone to do anything other than close the tab lol, but I’ve still put where they’re from just because the photos feel kind of empty without it. 
To start is these 2 totally wearable, mosh pit approved outfits:
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In reality these are obviously the impractical outfits. Good for a photo but pretty much nothing else if you really want to enjoy yourself. Those buns were precariously positioned enough to the point they dropped to resemble ballsacks just from standing in front of a camera so I’d imagine they wouldn’t do all too well jumping up and down! Heels also aren’t really gonna work. That being said, if you swapped the boots for some converse or trainers and lost the  harness, you’d probably be alright! The hat would be kinda impractical for me personally on the sheer basis that my giant head is much too big for it to stay on without me tugging it down every few seconds but any person with a normal sized head (lmao, I cri), a hat is probably a good idea if you’re trying to keep your face out of the sun.
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To make these two practical, I’d, again, lose the heels and maybe swap the top with the outfit on the right; if you don’t mind your nips slipping out, power to you, but that would be a concern of mine and the last thing you want to be thinking about whilst you’re trying to enjoy yourself is whether you’re inadvertently flashing your bobbies at strangers. The fringe belt could potentially be a bit of a hazard but I think I’d just grin and bear it because dancing around in that thing with tassels flying everywhere would be very-
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The next looks are the ones I planned on wearing a variation of to actually go to Reading so they’re a lot more wearable.
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See, I didn't really plan for anything other than hot weather which seems kind of dumb bitch like behaviour for a festival in England but IIRC it actually did end up being pretty pleasant around that time so let’s just call it me being a canny genius and efficient packer (though the things I DIDN’T pack for inter- railing versus the things I did probably says otherwise). My thought process was that at the beginning of the festival you’re probably not gonna mind putting in a bit more effort with hair and makeup and you’re not yet sweaty enough for wearing mesh to be a problem. I don’t know what it is but the moment I put one on my armpits go into hardcore excretion mode. Too much information, I’m sorry. 
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Day 3 and 4, I know my legs are going to be resembling cactuses. Damn having thick, dark hair. And as much as I’d like to make some kind of feminist statement, I’m personally not a fan of bodily hair. If you’re like me, trousers are going to be your best bet, plus a light jacket you can put on so you’re not shoving unshowered armpits in people’s faces. Festival etiquette, y’know. 
Realistically though, I don’t think that anybody really cares all that much how presentable you look, especially by the last day. Everyone’s just there to have a good time and even if festivals have kind of become a bit travelling fashion show on a field the last few years (online retailers who launch specific festival collections months in advance, I’m looking at you), as long as you’re not wearing those high vis trousers, you’re not going to get judged; I’m sorry but I really cannot get behind that “trend”. I really think that some buyer at Pretty Little Thing found out you could get construction worker jackets really cheap on some kind of builder’s wholesale website and was like “yep, fantastic, we’ll take 50,000″.
All in all, not a super long post as I'm conserving my energy to do a huge overview of the 2020 RTW shows and a winter lookbook. But if anyone did read this far, thank you! As always, if you have any other suggestions on things I can write about, send me a message on here or Instagram and I will definitely make a note of it.
Lauren x
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spxderman-s · 7 years
Apple Fritters {Part 3}
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{part 1} {part 2} 
word count: 2.5k
pairings: peter parker x reader 
warnings: some swearing, some angst, more mentions of apple fritters, some PG sensuality
a/n: oooooohhh boy!! this one is probably my fav one i’ve written so far. THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE! i can’t believe how much love Apple Fritters has gotten–i feel like it’s my child and im watching it grow lmao. you are all the reason i keep doing this, what keeps me writing!! i love each and every one of you guys. xxxxxx
tagging: @tronnoristheotp @nedthegay 
Days flew by as you grew accustomed to your new life. The days turned into weeks, the weeks turned into months. Pretty soon, August and September had bid you farewell, and October fell upon Queens in a blanket of falling leaves, cloudy skies, and crisp autumn air.
You didn’t have any more encounters with Spider-Man after that odd evening, but that didn’t mean you stopped thinking about him–or how he knew where you lived. You felt oddly drawn to the masked stranger, you longed to know the truth about his identity and his story. Did he know where everyone lived, in a protective vigilante way? Or was he just another creep, who happened to beat up bad guys on the side? But the one question that constantly burned the brightest in the back of your mind–who was he? You had kept the encounter to yourself, not confiding in your new friends just yet. You didn’t want to sound insane.
You were acing all of your classes, staying on top of your work as usual. You were the perfect student. Impressive test scores every single time, and your teachers were beginning to notice. Soon, most of your superiors had joined the growing list of people who encouraged you to join the Academic Decathlon team.
“I get stage fright easily!” you protested to Peter and Ned one day in the quad during lunch. The three of you sat in a circle on the grass, enjoying the chilly weather.
“You can’t even see the audience with all the lights that shine on you,” Ned urged, flipping through a comic. “Peter–tell her!”
You looked at Peter–who had become somewhat distant since the day he walked you home. He no longer walked you to your apartment, but rather the corner street where you parted ways. He was always in a hurry to be somewhere else. You were still reeling from that tender moment you shared with him, still feeling the fire his fingertips left behind on your skin when he softly grazed your cheek. You couldn’t stop thinking about him either, or the way you suddenly felt very shy around him, or how his beautiful brown eyes looked when the sun caught them.
He looked absolutely worn down today–dark circles under his eyes, falling asleep, and wincing every time he moved, like he worked his muscles too hard the day before. You grew increasingly worried about him. When he didn’t respond to Ned’s right away, you quickly changed the subject.
“Do you guys want to come over to my place after school and study for a little while?” you asked, pulling your sweatshirt tighter around as a crisp breeze blew through the quad, shaking the red and yellow leaves from the trees.
“I’m free,” Ned said excitedly. “I’ve never seen your house.”
You grinned, looking at Peter in question. “What about you, Parker Pete?” Your nickname for him hung in the air.
Peter rubbed his eyes tiredly. “I wish I could, but I’ve got the–my–my internship with Stark Industries.”
You bit your lip and turned your gaze away from him. “Yeah–yeah, it’s totally okay. I understand.” But you look like you seriously need a day off from that.
Before you could say another word, Ned broke the silence. “I could bring over my PS4, and we can play some video games!”
“I asked for you guys to come over to study,” you laughed, playfully pushing him over. “But bring it anyways–just in case.” You stole another glance at Peter, who was staring off into space, not paying any attention at all. The bell rang out across the quad, and he was the first one up and walking briskly back to his class without a hint of a goodbye. You stared after him, an unwelcoming feeling of anger and frustration bubbling in the pit of your stomach.
“What’s his problem?” you grumbled to Ned, standing up and brushing yourself off. “He was fine a few months ago–but now…he’s a totally different person.”
“He really is under a lot of pressure with his internship,” Ned replied. “Don’t take it too personally.”
“I just thought that he…that we…” you trailed off, swallowing the lump in your throat. Why were you crying?
Ned put a reassuring hand on your shoulder as the two of you walked back towards the main building. “Don’t stress about it, [Y/N]. Peter is…complicated. He’ll come around again.”
It was nearly midnight, hours after Ned had left your house after studying for a quick minute, and then spending the rest of the time playing videogames together. You wrapped yourself in a thick blanket, stole out through your window onto the cramped fire escape, and sat in solitude. You had brought your Biology textbook with you, to get some actual studying in, the light from your room filtering out over the pages. But you still couldn’t concentrate.
Your mind was swimming with thoughts of school, how Peter was acting, and trying to figure out Spider-Man’s deal. Your fingers restlessly drummed on the open page to the book, until you let out an exasperated sigh and closed your eyes.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket. Fishing it out, you answered the call with a weak, “Hello?”
“[Y/N]? It’s Peter.” Speak of the devil.
Your eyes immediately opened. “Peter–hey–I….what’s up?” You pinched the bridge of your nose, knowing how ridiculous you sounded.
“I’m sorry to call so late–I didn’t wake you up or anything, did I?” His voice sounded strained.
“No, no, I was still awake,” you replied. “Are you alright?”
There was a moment of silence before he answered. “Uh–not exactly….but I’m fine! I’m fine. I’m actually in your neighborhood–could I stop by for a second? Just–just to say hi.”
This was very strange. But he sounded like he needed help with something. “Of course, I’ll wait downstairs for you.”
You let him in when he arrived, noticing a very slight limp in his step. Putting a finger to your lips, he nodded and you bother entered your apartment, sneaking very quietly back into your room. He collapsed at your desk, sighing in relief.
“Peter,” you started, sitting on your bed across from him. Before you could finish what you were about to say, you noticed the purple, mottled bruises across his cheekbone. A few more peeked out from underneath his grey sweatshirt along his neck. “Peter, what the hell happened to you?”
He gave a weak smile. “Sorry–a guy got tough at the ATM this afternoon. I just got in his way.”
“I thought you were at your internship this afternoon?”
“I…I was,” he stammered. You knew he was lying through his teeth.
“You need to tell me what exactly is going on with you,” you demanded, crossing your arms. You could feel the hot tears welling up in your eyes. “You don’t look like one guy beat you up, you’re tired and slow every day now, you’re falling behind in your classes….” You bit your lip and looked away, silently cursing your emotions as the tears spilled over your cheeks. “I thought….I thought we had something, but–but everything you’re doing is telling me otherwise.”
Taking a shaky breath, you furiously wiped away your sorrow. Looking up at him, he was staring at you with those eyes….those damn, beautiful brown eyes–with a crushed, pained look on his face. His mouth was opened slightly, frozen, not knowing what to say.
“Please say something,” you whispered. When he didn’t–he just kept looking at you with that scared, horrified expression–you stood up angrily with your hands balled in fists.
He looked up at you, defeated. “[Y/N]….I can’t tell you. Just please–please trust me when I tell you that I’m okay, I’m just a little tired.” Peter closed his eyes and lowered his head, as if in prayer. “In the few months that we’ve known each other, I feel like I can….I can be myself around you. I don’t have to put on a mask or pretend to be someone I’m not. I feel–I feel safe when I’m near you….you have this aura, this presence–something about you that I’m just drawn to.”
You stared at him, feeling your cheeks beginning to heat up. Was he…confessing his feelings for you? You were speechless for a moment, until the anger and frustration sank back into your chest. “After all this time, all these days and weeks and months of wondering what you could possibly be going through, this is all you have to say? After putting not only me–but also Ned–through this unnecessary bullshit? We’re both worried sick about you, Peter. You can’t just change the subject and–and–”
He lurched forward out of your desk chair, his hands gently but firmly grabbing your cheeks. Before you could register what the hell he was doing–his lips were softly kissing yours. Completely and utterly taken aback, your hands fell to your sides. Your eyes closed, your heart was racing, and you gave in to the kiss–your hands sliding up and wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer to you and deepening the kiss. You were enveloped in him, his scent smelling of musk with a hint of cocoa, feeling the heat radiating off of him.
You could tell he was trying to figure out how to kiss you as he went, his hands gripping your waist at first, but moving to the small of your back a few moments later.
He pulled back, all too soon. Your eyes opened slowly, to see him looking at you with a stunned expression on his face, his soft lips swollen from the kiss.
Peter took a step back, beginning to panic. “I am so sorry–I didn’t mean to–that was….that was crossing a line–”
“Peter….Peter, stop!” You reached out, your fingers gently tracing the bruise on his cheekbone, silently wishing you could take all of his pain away in one second. He froze, leaning into your touch with a relieved sigh. “It’s okay. You’re okay.”
“I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you that day on the subway,” he murmured, sending shocks of electricity to your very core.
“Me too,” you admitted with a laugh.
Peter leaned in towards you again, brushing your lips very softly. “I gotta go–although I really don’t want to….I’ll see you again soon.”
“Two apple fritters, please,” Peter politely asked the man working the bakery stand. After paying him and receiving the pastries, he handed one to you with a smile. “Now my debt is paid.”
You let out a laugh. “I guess now we’re even, Parker Pete.”
The two of you began to strolling along together, hand-in-hand, enjoying the brisk October weekend. It was nearly dusk, the lights of Queens beginning to twinkle in the dimming night sky. The two of you had a long talk about what happens next the night Peter had kissed you, about prioritizing everything correctly. You both agreed to keep your newfound relationship on the low, spending time together on the weekends–Peter had his internship during the week still, and you began to understand the importance and secrecy of it.
You enjoyed every minute you spent with Peter, your life finally feeling like it was back on track again. But you were dying to know all about his internship–you learned that Tony Stark was a genius, a billionaire, and philanthropist who doubled as the superhero known as ‘Iron Man’, a secret he came out to the press about. Peter gushed all the time about working under Mr. Stark, but he always kept it strictly confidential–and you were starting to get curiouser and curiouser.
“So,” you asked as you both walked together, giving his hand a playful squeeze. “Are you absolutely sure you can’t tell me anything about your internship? Like, not even a tiny little detail?”
Peter chuckled, rubbing the back of his head anxiously. “I’m sorry, [Y/N], you know how the rules are. I wish I could tell you, though.”
You knew not to push, but you couldn’t help it. “Do you work with that high-tech alien junk I saw in the news?”
His smile slowly disappeared. “You know I’m not allowed to say.”
“I know, I know,” you whined, giving up. “Top secret stuff.” 
A crash and a shout sounded suddenly, breaking the silence. Looking up, you both saw three men clad in all black, complete with black ski masks, holding a poor shop owner hostage in his floral store a few blocks down.
“Holy shit,” you breathed, pulling out your phone. “I’m calling the police.”
Peter let go of your hand, taking off in a sprint towards an alley. “Call them! I’ll be right back!” he shouted over his shoulder.
“Peter, stop!” you cried out, taking a step forward. “Where are you going?! Peter!”
He disappeared around the corner, shouting again, “I’ll be right back!”, leaving you standing there, utterly stunned and speechless that he would just leave you there, stuttering out a few words to the 911 operator on your phone. His words echoed in your mind. 
A group of people began to crowd across the street, watching the three robbers. You pushed past them, hearing the sirens in the distance–but you knew the robbers were going to get away before they arrived. Looking around, you had to do something.
“Hey!” you shouted, running full speed towards the three robbers. You had some pepper spray in your purse, and you quickly pulled it out, spraying the man closest to you right in the eyes. He screamed in agony, falling to his knees, clutching his burning eyes. The second man was stuffing cash from the register into a bag, and the third was holding the shop owner by the collar.
“Well, well, well,” the second man said, his voice sending chills down your spine. “Looks like we got a little hero.” He tossed the bag of cash to his partner, and moved quickly towards you.
Before he could take a step further, before you could blast him with the pepper spray, a flash of red and blue appeared and knocked him out with a swift kick to the face. The last man holding the shop owner dropped the bag of cash and tried to run, only to be stopped with one of Spider-Man’s web shooters.
Once the shop robbers were incapacitated, Spider-Man turned to you almost angrily.
“What were you thinking?” he bellowed, stabbing a finger at you. “You could’ve gotten yourself killed!”
Your mouth opened in a shocked O, hot tears spilling over your cheeks. “I–I was only trying to help, the police were never going to make it in time–”
The masked hero shook his head. “[Y/N]–don’t do that again.”
“How do you know….” Before you could finish your question, Spider-Man ran out of the shop, and disappeared into the city with a few swings from his web shooters. You were completely shocked, and right back where you once were–who was Spider-Man?
The police asked some questions, took some notes, and turned you loose. Breathing heavily, you exited the growing crowd and immediately pulled out your phone, dialing Peter. He didn’t answer, so you left a very quick and angry voicemail.
“Peter Parker,” you growled into the phone. “You have a lot of explaining to do.”
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dahliias · 7 years
hello children it me theye. i am playing my love, my life, dahlia. you can read about my trash monster below n as always pls come plot w me ,,,,, u all know how i feel about plotting 
lmao so. this is dahlia day hayes, aka twin sister to dexter hayes, aka the sensible one
jus call her dahlia . there are nicknames her Favorite People can use (dee namely) but if ur not someone she actively likes she’ll probably pour her drink on you lmao
ok so dahlia is 22, bisexual but its like a men 5 / 95 women thing , like she can appreciate the male form but 100% if u dont eat ur girl out she will 
so dahlia grew up in new york with a really irresponsible mum and a constantly growing family; her dad abandoned her, shes got 5 younger siblings she helped raise, it was a real fun shitshow
basically her entire life up until about 16 was her family -- dexter, her siblings, her mother, she was consumed with morning routines, bedtimes, diapers, sick children, dishes, laundry -- she had almost no personality outside of “caretaker”
except .... dahlia is lowkey p freaking amazing up in her head ? she’s amazing at engineering and math. she can fix microwaves, toasters, ovens, driers, cars, blenders. if something broke in the hayes household, it’s dahlia you’d hear little voices screaming for. 
she also has a calculator up in that head of hers. she’s been doing advanced calc since 8th grade, and senior year she was bored in two different ap math classes.
when she was 16 she decided that she wanted to try to make something of herself. she thought if she could claw her way out of the poverty-stricken mess, she could eventually bring her siblings with her and they could live a good life
so she applied for hundreds, hundreds of scholarships, met with college representatives, took her s.a.ts three times to get her 2300, -- all behind her family’s -- and dexter’s -- back
mid senior year, she found out that, against all odds, she had managed a full scholarship, living costs + relocation fees included, to berkley. with this knowledge, she pushed herself, and graduated with a 4.5.
she didn’t know how to tell her family, so she waited until a family dinner a few nights after her 18th birthday that she’d be leaving them. it broke her heart, but she desperately wanted to pursue her dreams, she wanted to know more about the world, and see more things than just the view from her crowded bedroom. 
she left for berkley in august -- and it was nothing like she expected? it was horrid. overwhelming. her dorm room was too empty. she missed her family. it was like they were inside of her, ripping her to pieces trying to drag her back to them.  she loved berkley, and finally had found a place she truly felt like she could belong and flourish, but she couldn’t handle being so far away from her twin, her babies, and her mother.
during spring break, when she finally saved up through work study to return, she dropped out and stayed with her family again; she hated herself for giving up something she was so excited and passionate about, but she felt like she couldn’t justify leaving her kids just to be selfish
so she adapted. she started working, although illegally, at a little nightclub as a waitress -- it helped, some, that she looked young, because sleezy drunk men were always willing to tip a young-looking blonde a little extra. 
she did a fair bit of illegal shit too -- she stole, she cheated, she pickpocketed, she conned, -- and eventually she ended up in underground fighting
she’s good, too. at first she came home with the shit kicked out of her every night, but she learned to anticipate the throws and learned where to hit to make it hurt, and how to use her body to hurt other people. 
she only fought on the weekends, but it was enough at the time
dahlia also grew angrier. every morning when she got home from a fight at 5 am and had to slather drugstore concealer all over her face to help get the kids up for school and out the door, she hated that -- once a genius with potential -- she let herself become a criminal. 
when dexter left the family, she grew hard; it’s hard to learn that you can’t even trust your family, but she learned that. she started working double-time, with half the time to sleep, waitressing and pickpocketing, fighting in safe rings on the weekends didn’t cut it anymore, so she started to go to rings where she would be pit against grown men; it was riskier, but the pot was much larger. 
eventually, one of the various dads of her siblings came back into their lives and tried to push in as “father,” and her mother, a wreck, let him. he told dahlia he wanted her to work on moving out because she was a bad influence on his kids, and dahlia was furious -- who was this man? a stranger who had left her family in the first place?  she refused, obviously. 
as time went on, the man became more and more aggressive with her, leading to an actual physical fight. she hurt him, and he kicked her out of the house she’d been raising her siblings in basically since she was a first grader.
she had literally no one -- so she took what money she had from the last few weeks, and put it together on a debit card. her plan was stupid and half-baked, but she decided that she would track down her wayward twin and force him to return with her so that she could get back the only purpose she had anymore -- her family.
dahlia’s not a nice girl. she doesn’t pretend to be. she’ll be perfectly cordial and nice, but if you pull a tone with her she’ll go 0 to bitch in ten seconds lmao. 
she’s not afraid of very much at all, and she has literally like four switchblades on her at any given moment, even though she’s definitely dressed like some mannequin at forever 21 lmao
she always has a lighter or a box of matches on her, and when she gets restless or agitated, she starts striking the matches, shaking them out, and throwing them on the ground, or flicking her lighter open and lighting it over and over again
she’s v unimpressed w the male population. thank dexter and her dad for that lmao 99% sure her favorite water bottle dead ass says “male tears” on it
honestly dee is so ?? edgy n mean n tough ?? but she dead ass dresses like any other lil preppy thing w her shorts n skirts n her sheer ass shirt and heeled boots, she loves the hot weather in marbella so far so she’s just like yes please i love shorts and i hate jackets
she had never actually seen the ocean before bc berkley isn’t in beach county, so when she got to marbella and saw the ocean in person the first time she finally found the one thing that scares her and takes her breath away lol
so sometimes she just sits in the sand looking at it bc she hasn’t plucked up the courage to go and play in it yet shes honestly so intimidated by the ocean . she’ll never admit it bc she is the Man Of The House but still 
it took her a while to hunt down her brother, she started in france and ended up here via hitch hiking and sneaking into trains, she has no fear its insane , so she’s probs only been in town like 2 weeks. 
she’s currently staying at a lil youth hostel so she only really has a nice army backpack full of three or four mismatched outfits and a toothbrush and a phone + charger that only works w wifi. she’s stealing toiletries from tourists and makes a living pickpocketing atm 
she’s probably going 2 be too easy to convince to kick back bc she hasnt had a goddamn day off in 4 years
when shes mad move anything breakable out of the way and do not stand close to a bar because she will throw a beer bottle at your head and she will destroy everything you own
the only ppl in the world who see any gentility to her are her baby siblings and they’re not here are they ????? 
if she Adopts u she will show u how soft and sweet and lowkey maternal she can be, but otherwise nah
i genuinely am so brain dead now i cannot think of many plots but i have 3 i really want below so pls:
someone who she can stay with in the longterm -- just because she’s gonna be here for a while and there’s only so long she can pay the fees to stay at a youth hostel and live out of a bag honestly she’s gonna want to buy a bra and wash it regularly; i’d love if these two actually get along well whatever that means. like she’s not a horrible roommate bc shes spent her whole life cleaning up after other ppl but she’ll probs steal ur clothes bc shes not gonna buy her own lol
someone who can help her just fucking unwind for two seconds like girl needs to chill i swear ?? like get her drunk. get her to actually stand in the ocean. let her listen to music and eat good food. she’s never got to be a teenager, she needs that
a person who lowkey caught her with their wallet in her hand and was like dude wyd?? and instead of throwing a punch or calling The Law Enforcement Officers they actually stopped for a sec n now the two are unlikely bffs and they are her Emotional Support even tho shes mean and bitchy and likely is gonna be like “sad??? sad?????? i do not feel that emotion. nut the fuck up.  ‘sad.’ what a pussy”
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thysurveys · 7 years
717 ft my sister
j: me r: my sister
Do you have a pair of Beat headphones? J: no, I used to though. R: no.
How was your week? J: okay.  R: pretty bad.
Are any of your electronics not working properly at the moment? J: not that I can think of? R: just my earphones, really. and my ipad.
Are you excited to pick out your wedding dress one day? J: sure, one day. R: don’t really care.
When was the last time you felt relieved? J: today.  R: hm, i don’t know. maybe when i get my drama homework done.
Does it bother you when artist remake a song that one has previously done? J: not really. R: nope.
What brand of chapstick do you use? J: none. R: none.
Do you really think someone could be perfect? J: nope. R: nope.
When was the last time you cried? J: tuesday. R: tuesday as well.
What’s a food that you like every once in awhile but not often? J: I can’t say I am “big” on food, so there is a lot of food I can’t have often. R: liquorice 
What letter is the song you’re listening to under? J & R: i’m not listening to a song.
Would you rather visit the 60s or 70s? J: maybe the 60s. either or tbh. R: 70s.
Are you the type of person that enjoys getting hugs? J: not always lol. R: no. i hate them.
Do your socks say anything on them? J: im not wearing any. R: im not wearing any either.
Name a TV channel that only has three letters in it.
 J: SBS. R: ABC.
Have you found out who your true friends are? J: i guess. R: nope.
Gray or Grey? J: i don’t know. i spell both ways. R: e.
Will you be buying concert tickets any time soon? J: nope. R: nope.
Have you seen the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower? Did you like it? J: yes, I loved it. R: no I haven’t seen it.
Is there something you’d fall apart if you didn’t have? J: yeah, most likely. R: maybe.
How many weddings have you been to? J: about 4. R: 2.
When you smile, are you confident? J: nope. R: no lol.
Have you ever not done something b.c you were afraid of getting in trouble? J: yeah lol. R: yes.
Was the weather beautiful today? J: it’s sort of cold. R: i haven’t been outside yet so i don’t know.
Do you have to have a fan on when you sleep? J: always.  R: sometimes.
Would you rather have an orange, red or gray bedroom? J: grey.  R: grey. 
Would you ever dye part of your hair blue? J: I wanted to, but not now. R: nah.
Have you ever gone to a private school? J: nope. R: no.
Is Finding Nemo a favorite movie of yours? J: yes! R: yeah, it is.
Does/Did your school have a uniform? J & R: yep.
Turn on the TV. What channel are you on?
Does your house have security cameras? J: yes. R: no.
Does a popsicle sound good right now? J: no thank you. R: no.
What’s your favorite exercise workout? J: any strength exercises, really.  R: skipping.
What’s your favorite thing to do? J: be out. R: read.
What did you do for your 17th birthday? J: i don’t remember lol. nothing, I think. R: i’m not 17 yet.
Does your local Walmart have benches in them to rest? J & R: we don’t have a Walmart.
Was your favorite stuffed animal really a teddy bear growing up? J: nope. R: no.
If your house was haunted, what would you do? J: cry and run away. R: move out. 
Are you crazy in love currently? J: no. im not crazy in love, but i am in love. R: no.
Are you good at swimming? J: im okay. R: kind of. i cant swin, but not too well.
What’s worse: Slow internet or slow walkers? J: both are pretty annoying. R: slow internet.
What is the rudest thing a guy has ever done to you? J: ugh. who knows. R: tell me to move out the way when he was in my way tbh.
Do you sleep with the sheets tucked in or out? J: out R: out.
What do you do to fall asleep faster? J: i close my eyes and try and think of things i know will make me sleep. R: i rub my feet together or listen to music.
Do you carry a bottle of water wherever you go? J: i sometimes do yeah. R: nope.
Are you afraid that one day you might get cancer? J: yeah... R: yes.
Are you a fast or slow walker? J: neither. R: in between.
Do you usually have to wear a belt with your pants? J: nope. R: nope.
Does it bother you when people’s underwear hangs out? J: yeah. R: YES ITS ANNOYING. like why do you do that?
Are you usually the person to try new things with your hair? J: not always lmao. R: nope. my hair’s the same every day.
When’s your birthday? J: march 27. R: august 1.
What age do you look forward to reaching? J: im happy where i am, but if anything, then 25? R: i want to go back to 13 lmao.
Name a state that begins with the letter M.
What’s the first thing you do after a car accident? J: make sure everyone’s okay. R: it depends if i die lmao.
What do you use to get rid of bad breath? J: brush my teeth? R: toothpaste or chewing gum if im out.
What exercise do you hate the most? J: i dont like running. R: running.
What do you do at a party? J: idk. anything lmao. R: nothing LOL
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nztdream · 4 years
On Sunday 13 August 2017 I had a dream.
So exactly what was the dream about?
I’ve got no clue to be honest. At one point it became my point of view and I’m me? But at the start I was actually some other person, and then at another scene I was a man? If I remember my dreams, it always turns out weird.
The whole dream was actually a zombie, undead, virus apocalypse kinda dream. It is probably the first time I’ve dreamt about a zombie apocalypse even though back in my teen days, I’ve watched countless zombie and survival themed shows and games thanks to pewdiepie.
Anyway, I didn’t really remember the start of my dream but I guess I was someone in a group, trying to escape from a building. I remember vaguely being separated from a bigger group because there was some sort of flood or rain or something and my smaller group were thinking about whether or not to just cross the huge flood but were scared that maybe the zombies or whatever creatures might just emerge and we’d die. We also had thoughts on whether or not we should turn back and go through whatever we’ve avoided back there (which I don’t remember but I assumed it’s bad). Apparently, somebody was carrying a huge light just like those studio lights we have in pose@moberly. It looks exactly like one and ‘feels’ like one because I remember the hook thing at the top but it ‘felt’ lighter than ours because I could carry it for a long time. And yeah it seemed like I knew what I was doing and I asked whichever dude to bring out the light (from his bag, looks like the one from moberly too) and I pointed the light to the water and switched it on and off consecutively. Just like a blinking light at the zebra crossing lmao. I don’t even know how it got powered in the first place. I mean the place is flooded and it’s a zombie apocalypse so how in the world did we even find the power socket?
I don’t even know why I did it but in my dream I have a fuzzy memory of someone saying something like “to draw out the creature” or “attract it” but then nothing came? And the water just drained away after who knows how long? And at one point I was thinking to myself “it was all for nothing” hahhahha well, the water reached knee height but we still decided to wait on until it was like puddle height and the journey to escape the building continued. I also remember somebody said something like “see there’s nothing after all” LOL.
What happened after was very indistinct but at one point everyone was rushing down a set of old wooden staircase like as if they were used for construction and every step was very rickety so we (at this point I still don’t know the people I’m with or even the number of people I’m with) went down the steps slowly. There were people who didn’t care much and just rushed down the stairs so you could actually feel the whole structure shaking and going up and down and I could feel my stomach churning. The reason as to why everyone was rushing, I assume, is because there was an army troop who came to save(?) the people in the building.
“To the west wing” or was it “west side” or was it “west area” I can’t really remember but it was somewhere between those lines. And I also recall looking out the window to see tanks and army lorries. However, by the time we reached the 2nd storey, we heard loud screams and gunshots (this probably did not take place in Singapore and I am probably not me) and people getting attacked by zombies and turning into zombies that instance. Scary. We ran back up as fast as we can and heck the whole structure of the staircase truly felt like it was barely hanging on and I could actually see and feel the debris falling so by the time we reached the 3rd floor, me and two other people didn’t give a damn and just jumped and grabbed onto some wooden plank that was covering the access to the third floor and the whole flight of stairs collapsed behind us. We were saying something like we were so close to the next floor which is probably the floor we were supposed to go to I guess.
From here on it became fuzzy again, I do remember the coast of the 3rd floor being fairly clear and we just had to carefully make our way to the floor above us. At some point we met a lady soldier, almost like the one in World War Z and I was led to someplace where other people were held up at. It looked like a dormitory because I remember the beds and I assume this was all still happening in the same building. I never described the building before but it did have a hospital feel to it but I’m not too sure if it was really one. Remember the two other people I was with? Yeah I don’t even know what happened to them or how we got separated. I was told to, or more like forced to, stay in one room with two other people who seemed more relaxed or like they’ve given up? Immediately after I was placed in the room, I decided to eavesdrop on the conversation among the army women (for some reason all the soldiers were female). And yeap as cliche and typical as it is, the troop is actually planning on abandoning the building including everyone there and leaving first thing tomorrow morning. But the character in my dream was pretty disbelieved even after the other two people in the room said they already knew it and couldn’t care less where the army troop will go. And I was all like wtf they can’t do that to you, what about all the people here blah blah blah like as if we can’t live without their help. But I was still persistent and I knocked on the door so the World War Z lady opened it and I asked her if it was all true and yea it was and we were whispering and all and she was like “I’ll do what I can to ???” it’s really vague but I assume she was gunna leave us more food rations to keep ourselves alive?
I was like damn depressed and at a lost and stuff? And the three of us—me, some other girl and a dude—started conversing and it seemed like the both of them had been held up in the dorms for a long time and actually knew the place better than I did, including those around the building and how to get to some place I mentioned. Apparently, the character I am in my dream had somewhere to go, but for what reason I’m not too sure. And like I didn’t know how to get there and that the only way I know was blocked and the dude was like “but she knows” referring to the other girl and I was like ????? and they were like surprised and questioned “how long have you been in here” and I was more ????? and was like “how much has it changed outside” and the girl went ahead to explain some route to me and I was “ohhhhhh!” like as if I knew but I guess I really knew. It seemed as if I was in the building long enough for buildings to be constructed and roads to be built. How is that even possible? Did I wake up from a coma in the middle of the apocalypse? It might actually be a possibility hmm 🤔Everything was really vague but they did mention that the route was overrun by zombies and that the only way to get through was to cover myself with zombie guts. Just like in walking dead! And next thing I knew, I was walking among the dead.
I think at this point I may have woken up? I did wake up like twice and went back to the same/similar dream. Oh boy, lately it has been raining in the morning so the weather has been pretty cold. I'm loving the weather but it can get kinda creepy and chilly especially when I'm getting these kinda dreams and then writing about them.
So the next part of my dream that I can recall wasn’t exactly from my point of view? It seems as if I was watching television but I was actually at the scene itself, so I guess you can say my soul was at the scene? The scene took place in a mall that seemed a bit run-down and was already overrun by zombies. But for some reason, a clinic was still in operation and there were a lot of people held-up in there. The clinic was definitely not on the ground level, I’d say the 2nd or 3rd? There were glass doors protecting the people from the outside but the level seemed clear of zombies. There was still electricity running and the patients still needed to take a queue number in order to meet the doctor LOL. However, the main character, a man in a black suit, was unable to get a queue number. Assuming that since he didn’t have money or didn’t have a reason to be there, the lady at the desk couldn’t give him one. At that moment my soul was questioning things like “is he gunna tell the doctor how to camouflage from zombies”. So i just assumed he wanted to meet the doctor to talk to him.
Days or even weeks passed and the next scene was of the doctor, the nurses and the front desk lady looking through the security cameras and discussing that the guy in the black suit has been there for days. Things got very vague from here on but I do remember the doctor checking all the patients till he’s the very last one and that they had to escape from the place for some reason but they wouldn’t know how. And I’m wondering how the patients who got checked up, left in the first place lmao. I remember the mall becoming dark so I assume the electricity wasn’t running anymore which was why the staff had to escape the building? This was when I was in the man’s point of view and I was saying something like “bring out the lab coats” to use as zombie gut covered coat for us. So that we can camouflage from the zombies and walk pass them. The staff sure had doubts but the doctor ordered them to bring out the lab coats anyway and I volunteered to take down a zombie body. I remember passing the lab coats around and putting it on but I don’t remember what happened after that LOL. How anti-climatic. Oh I do in-distinctively remember climbing out a window? What did I do that for?
Perhaps this was when I woke up yet again? And when I went back to sleep I was truly me but unfortunately, still in a zombie apocalypse. The scene took place at home where our family has decided to stay at. My brothers and I are the ones who collect loots and do the grocery shopping LOL. It seemed like I used the knowledge I gained about camouflaging through zombies from my past dreams? and made use of the technique in this dream. And guess what mall we go to, it is none other than the mall with the clinic lmao. There’s really nothing that looks like that mall anywhere near my house and the route that I used to get there was the one that I learnt from my first dream? So somehow everything linked? Apparently my go to camouflage coat is the Team SP jacket, the black one with neon green zipper and yellow wordings. It had a hood so I could smear zombie gut on it without getting any on my hair I guess. We needed clothes as well? And my brother was saying something like if we don’t get the right one we can always make a trip back to the mall and I was all glum and salty and saying “that is if we ever got back home alive”. Wow Zaf. My mom and I were discussing something about her wanting some Uniqlo pants? When in real life she doesn’t even use any Uniqlo stuff, so how in the world would she know about Uniqlo pants. But right before we left... I might have woken up hahhaha.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Where was the last place you drove to? Other than home, I drove to Bonifacio Global City with Gab for a day out. I also drove to her dorm to drop her off after. What is your favorite move franchise? The Twilight Saga or Toy Story. What was the last fast food you ate? We had Wendy’s earlier. I was honestly kinda relieved to just have fast food for lunch because I just needed something greasy as fuck to shed off the hangover from last night, and something quick because I was so tired and was in no mood to even go out to begin with. What is your zodiac sign? Taurus. Do you think you're a good dancer? When I’m drunk enough and when it’s dark, yeah. Hahaha
What is the saddest book you've ever read? I don’t know if I’ve read any sad fiction; AJ’s memoir was sad enough though. I remember having to take breaks every so often because some of the content was just too heavy to take in one go. How old will you be this time next year? I will be 22. What subject do you think you are best at? History. I have a number of relatives who have worked/are working as researchers and historians, so I’m not surprised I got bitten by the bug too. Do you prefer heroes or villains? Heroes, unless the villain’s story is endearing or if the role is played good enough. That’s the case with a number of heels (wrestling talk for bad guys) who are AMAZING at being assholes, like CM Punk or Triple H. What is something you think is overrated? I love milk tea, but it’s definitely hyped up way too much in the Philippines. A lot of people like to brag how they skip water in favor of milk tea and it’s just? what? How are you genuinely proud of that? I mean whatever floats your boat and all, but still????? What political cause are you most passionate about? The SOGIE/anti-discrimination bill that for some reason is being debated on to begin with. How anti-discrimination is still a cause of conflict is the most Filipino thing I’ve ever seen and it’s shameful. What country would you most like to visit? Morocco, Turkey, or India. What is the worst job you've ever had? I haven’t had any so there’s nothing to rank. Who was your best friend as a child? We would change sections every year so my best friends used to change often. There was Kaye, Jaynie, Raegan...but it was Angela for most of my childhood. What is the hardest thing you've ever had to do? Having to keep going when my grandfather died mere days before the UPCAT. That, or seeing Nacho in his coffin. His slight smirk made it easier to deal with, but I still had a good cry about it. Have you ever considered having children? Yeah, I’ve thought about it more and more as I got older - a far cry from my hatred of kids when I was a frustrated 13 year old lmao. If you ever took field trips as a child, which was your favorite? I’ve always been a museum lover so our field trip to Intramuros/various Manila museums in 5th grade, and our field trip to Ayala Museum/The Mind Museum in freshman year were amazing. Do you have any weird family traditions? Not really. I will say that my mom’s side has a very weird, very distinct humor that takes some getting used to (but once you do you’ll realize they’re all funny as fuuuuuuck on that side) but it doesn’t really count as tradition, so idk. Have you ever considered acting? Not at all. I never liked having to do it. Who was the last person you slept next to? Gab. Do you think you can be in love and still cheat on your S.O.? That’s messed up, dude. Do you subscribe to any streaming services? I have a Netflix and Spotify but other people pay for them. Do you consider yourself a crafty person? That’s a big fat nope for me. What is your ideal weather? Cold enough that I don’t need to turn on the electric fan. If there’s a thunderstorm, even better. Have you ever been in a physical fight? With my cousins when we were kids, yes.  What is the most embarrassing thing anyone has on video of you? Angela has questionable footage of me when I got too drunk at Gabie’s party last year; she’s tried showing it to me but I’ve always refused to know what she caught on video lmao. She can keep it if she wants; I just don’t ever want to see it hahaha. Gab also took a video and photos of me all hunched at the toilet and throwing up after drinking too much from earlier this year.
I’m clearly not the best drunk; in the same way, my best friends clearly know their priorities lol. Did you ever get lost as a child? No. If I got ‘lost’ it was only because my parents would intentionally hide from me at malls to see what I would do when I realized I was lost/to mess with me. What is your favorite condiment? Mayonnaaaaaaise. On a scale of 1-10, how attractive do you think you are? I’d give myself an 8 tbh. Minus two points for my two crooked teeth and frizzy hair. Do you prefer horror or romance movies? When it comes down to it, romance. I feel like they have more leeway since romantic comedies (which if you still don’t know by now, is my favorite genre) is under that genre, whereas horror can be just right or way too corny or cheap for my liking. What was the last film you saw in theaters? Hello, Love, Goodbye last August(?). But I think that’ll change soon because I plan to see Charlie’s Angels this month - and can I just say, only for Kristen lol.
Have you ever been to a concert? Sure, I’ve been to several, but I keep my ticket purchases to artists I have REALLY been wanting to see, like One Direction and Paramore. There’s a bunch of acts who’ve gone to Manila but I wasn’t religiously obsessed enough to want to see them, like Troye Sivan, The 1975, The Japanese House, etc. Have you ever had an existential crisis? No. I try not to think about that stuff. Where is the farthest from home you've traveled? Bali. Do you like country music? Ugh, no. Can you play any instruments? Other than the basic recorder, which I don’t really count, no. What color are your eyes? Black. What color are the eyes of the person you love? The same. What is your favorite kind of flower? Idk I don’t have one. Baby’s breaths are cute though. Have you ever had your heart broken before? For various reasons, yes. What town were you born in? I was born in, if I’m not mistaken, the district of Sta. Mesa in Manila. Do you believe you had a good childhood? I know my elders tried to shield me from harsher realities, and I’ll give them credit for that. I had the latest toys and gadgets and we had cable TV, so I had access to the cool shows of the time, to give a few examples. I’m grateful for all of those, but nothing could ever protect us from acknowledging the reality that I had alcoholic relatives who also happened to wake me up everyday with the smell of their cigarette smoke; and relatives who would resort to physical fights and screaming whenever they got too drunk, which always made our house a hot topic within the small neighborhood and a source of embarrassment for me, my siblings, and cousins. What was the last dream you had? I’m not sure. I think I was just hanging out with Gab in it. Do you know how to play any card games? Other than solitaire, no. Have you ever taken a taxi before? Yep but I can count those times on one hand. I’d rather use a ride-sharing app to get a driver than hail a Filipino taxi driver. What is something about your childhood that you miss? Half-days in school. What are you currently most looking forward to? Sleeping tonight, tbh. I want to stay up for a bit but I can’t wait to sleep too. Did you ever have MySpace? Do you miss those days? I had, very briefly. It was never a big trend in the Philippines so I didn’t see the big deal. I was more attached to Friendster (which I never got to have because of the 16-year-old signup requirement, which my parents made sure I followed) and Multiply. What is the best television show you've ever watched? Breaking Bad. Are there any songs you can't listen to because they bring back memories? I can’t listen to O by Coldplay anymore because it was the song I kept on repeat when I repeatedly harmed, starved, and tried to kill myself a couple of years ago. Have you ever saved someone's life? I hope I have in some form or another. I know I failed with Nach, though. Do you tend to sleep well at night? Sure, unless I had reason not to. What do you believe is your weirdest habit? I lock my car doors three times before I feel comfortable. When was the last time you were sick? This question is on almost every survey, along with the what-instruments-do-you-play one. Uhhhhhh 2017. What color are your parents' eyes? Black. Do you have any credit cards? I don’t. Have you ever broken any major bones? Nope, thank goodness. Have you ever had a surgery before? ^ Same. Are you ever afraid people will just stop talking to you one day? I never thought about that, no. Can you tell me the last deep thought you had? Meh, it’s too triggering to go back to at the moment. Are there any websites you've used for over 10 years? Twitter, Wikipedia, and YouTube, for sure. Do you have any siblings? If so, what are their ages? Yeah, they’re 19 and 16. What is the best movie you've seen this year? Liway. Did you ever make straight a's in school? Sure. What color is the shirt you are currently wearing? White, with maroon text.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Where did you go on new year’s?: I believe we only stayed home and had a big dinner with family. We’re usually home during the New Year since our rooftop already offers a fantastic view of the fireworks around the city and in Manila, and also because my dad usually isn’t home on December 31st/January 1st.
Who kissed you on new year’s? I didn’t kiss anyone when 2020 hit. Gab and I always celebrated holidays and spent weekends separately...in retrospect, both already should’ve served as a bit of a red flag for me.
Did you have a New Year’s Resolution this year? I didn’t. I thought I had it together. Oh well.
Does it snow where you live? It never snows here.
Do you like hot chocolate? It’s comforting and I order it a lot, but as I’ve said before I don’t like hot drinks haha. No restaurant or coffee shop serves lukewarm chocolate, so I usually just get an order of hot chocolate and then wait for it to considerably cool down.
Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop? I’ve never been to New York and they don’t show that program here.
Is January anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) My dad’s birthday is on the 31st. I also always remember my aunt and uncle’s wedding anniversary on the 11th since theirs has so far been the only wedding of an immediate family member that I’ve attended, and so I remember the preparations and the actual event being really hectic but fun.
Were you single? No. I was in a happy, committed relationship at the time.
Who was your Valentine? My girlfriend at the time was, but I remember we agreed to make Valentine’s a little lowkey last year because we were both low on savings at the time. Still, she got me a street food bouquet and I got her a pretty flower bouquet in return. I think we also had an Italian dinner somewhere between Valentine’s Day and our anniversary.
When you were little did you buy Valentine’s for the whole class? No. I don’t see the point.
Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not? I really don’t care about this in general. It’s not a thing we follow here.
What did you receive for Valentine’s day? Like I said, Gab went to my favorite street food stall and she manually made a bouquet herself, fancy paper and ribbons and all. The ~bouquet had chicken isaw, pork isaw, barbecue, Betamax, and Walkman in it, which are my favorites.
What did you give for Valentine’s Day? A big bouquet. She was shooting for a school requirement that day and was at her best friend’s house, so I spoke with that friend in secret so I can plan out a surprise visit and hand her the flowers.
Is February anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) I used to look forward to February because it was mine and my ex’s anniversary. I’m not threatened by the date this year and I will just make plans for myself. Or I can also ask Angela to hang out with me. Idk yet, but what matters to me right now is that I’m no longer sad about it.
MARCH 2020
Are you Irish? Not one drop of it in me.
Do you like corned beef and cabbage? I haven’t tried these together but I will sometimes eat my samgyupsal with cabbage, so I doubt this combo would be bad.
What did you do for St Patrick’s Day? We don’t celebrate that here.
Are you happy when winter is pretty much over? We also don’t have winter.
Is March anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) My late grandpa celebrated his birthday on the 11th. March will also forever be burned in my brain as the month that 2020 ended for me.
APRIL 2020
Do you like the rain? Love it. Rain makes me feel calm and peaceful.
Did you play an April fool’s joke on anyone this year? I don’t think so. I just enjoy watching prank videos on social media sometimes, but I don’t pull them myself nor is there anyone who pulls them on me.
Do you get tons of candy for Easter? That’s not really tradition here. Most families will just go to church on Easter Sunday, and only families with young kids will have Easter egg hunting games.
Do you celebrate 4/20? Nope. I celebrate the day afterwards, which is my birthday haha.
Do you love the month of April? I do get a childlike excitement for it every year because I always get excited for my birthday, no matter how small my plans may be for it in a given year. The only thing I hate about April is the weather, because this is when it starts to get unbearably hot in the country. Is April anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) My birthday, my parents’ anniversary, my brother’s birthday (at least I was excited for it until I stopped talking to him). April is also usually Wrestlemania month, and something I will always look forward to regardless of how detached I’ve gotten from pro wrestling.
MAY 2020
What is your favorite flower? Roses and peonies. Sunflowers make me feel hopeful, but I wouldn’t say they’re my favorite.
Finish the phrase “April showers…”: I don’t know.
Do you celebrate May 16th: National Piercing Day? That’s a day? I always remember May 16 as being Katreen’s birthday lol. Anyway, no I definitely do not celebrate it. I don’t even have piercings beyond my earlobes.
Is May anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) It’s my favorite cousin’s birthday. May also marks the end of the school calendar, so back in college I had always looked forward to the 3rd or 4th week of May. In 2020, Andi and I also wrapped up our thesis in May.
JUNE 2020
What year did/will you graduate from high school? I graduated in 2016. Happier, simpler times.
Did you do anything fun during this Month? I learned how to use iMovie so I can make a surprise birthday video for Gab, where I collated video greetings from her closest friends and also asked them to put photos they have with her in a Google Drive. That was exciting to learn and make, even though my efforts ultimately went to waste. We also got Cooper last June!!!!! when he was still a small small tiny bean of a pup, and I could still carry him with one hand.
Have a favorite baseball team? I don’t even know how baseball works.
Is June anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) Yeah used to be her birthday but I obvs can’t celebrate it with her anymore. Otherwise, pretty uneventful month overall.
JULY 2020
What did you do on the 4th of July? We don’t celebrate that here. This used to be the date of our Independence Day back when US still had a much tighter grip on us, but I believe a former President shifted it to a different date (the one we have now) to serve as a sign of our independence from that country.
Did you go to the fireworks? We don’t have fireworks on July 4th, nor do we have fireworks on our own Independence Day.
Did you blast the A/C all day? I wanted to but was not in the place to, given that I did not earn my own money yet to help with the bills.
Is July anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) Last year, my college graduation was held in July.
Did you have a sunburn? No. No reason for me to get one considering I stayed at home from March to September, except for the time I went to the doctor in May.
Did you go to the pool a lot? I didn’t, but my parents did blow up the inflatable pool that we keep and placed it on the rooftop so that we can cool down. Summer this year was unforgivable.
Did you go out of town? I don’t believe we did in August.
Is August anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.) My university-wide graduation. My school has quite a large population so we get two grads - a more intimate one with our own college where we can be called one by one to go up the stage; and a larger, more general, university-wide grad, where the university higher-ups and a chosen summa cum laude student make speeches and there are multiple music/dance performances.
Are you attending college/school? Not anymore.
Do you like fall better than summer? We don’t get fall.
What happened this month? Man you had 8 other months to ask this, why pick my worst month?? Lmao. September was the month of the quick deterioration of my relationship and its eventual breakup, my first job interview (that I got ghosted by), Nacho’s first death anniversary, opening my first bank account, and the start of my internship.
Is September anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.): Angela’s birthday, my mom’s birthday, Nina’s birthday.
Whats your favorite candy? Fruitella. I got soooooo many Fruitella packs from my relatives this Christmas because that was what I put on my wishlist hahahahaha.
What was your favorite thing(s)about this month? October was terrible. The only thing that kept me alive was my internship and the people in it, our Halloween party, and Good Mythical Morning. But in general, September through the first half of December 2020 is a period I would like to bury permanently.
What are you planning to be for Halloween? I don’t have plans for Halloween 2021 yet.
Are you going to be trick or treating? Nope.
Is October anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.): I don’t think so.
Whose house do you go to for Thanksgiving? Sigh. I don’t care for Thanksgiving.
What are you going thankful for this year?: Too early to tell, but on the second day of the new year, so far, I’m thankful for the positive people around me, the kindness and patience they extend to me, and myself for powering through and living to see 2021.
Do you love stuffing? No but I’d like to try it.
Anything exciting happen this month? Again, November was still shitty times for me.
Is November anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.): I got employed and started my first real job.
Do you celebrate Christmas? Yeah, but it clashes with my non-belief so it’s something I’m still figuring out.
Have you ever been kissed under the mistletoe? No.
Get anything special last year? I got one too many bottles of soju and packs of Fruitella, hahah. I also got the wooden portable table that I’ve been eyeing for a while.
What do you love most about December? THE HOLIDAY WORK BREAK ZZZZZzzzzzz I can’t believe it’ll be over soon :( I’m not yet ready to go back to work ugh.
Is December anything special to you? (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Vacations, etc.): Two of my aunts’ birthdays, my godson’s birthday, my grandma’s birthday, and get-togethers with different sides of my family.
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