#it's almost 11pm i gotta sleep
why tf did i agree to going to the chickens at 6am 😭
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jadeneppy · 2 years
Took a nap at a very bad time GDJENEMME
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౨ৎ good morning ౨ৎ
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summary: reader and bucky are very much in love and have their morning routine down to a tee. bucky manhandles the reader a lot but not in a weird way, just in an "i love you and can't live without you" kinda way.
warning: fluffffff (bucky and reader are EXTREMELY in love and love to show it)
wc: 1.8k
pairing: domestic!bucky x reader
a/n: I wrote this between the hours of 11PM-1AM when i was feeling especially psychotic. I am so sleep deprived I’m sorry. But I just came up with this sweet little scenario and had to write it down. This is why I shouldn’t be allowed to daydream.
You opened your eyes, groaning as soft sunlight filtered through your open blinds. You tried remembering the dream you had just abruptly woken up from. Something about a tall, muscular, brown-haired man. The man of your dreams. The man whose arms were now around you from behind, caging you to his warm chest.
You turned around to find Bucky gently stirring in the light of the sunrise. You reached your arms out around his shoulders as he slowly blinked his eyes open. You were both morning people and were glad for it because it meant the two of you were in sync. Neither of you got much sleep, what with Bucky being plagued by his nightmares and you by your insomnia. However, you were in it together, making hell sightly more endurable.
“Good morning, sunshine,” he mumbled with a sweet smile, burying his face in your chest. You squirmed slightly in his arms as his thick beard scratched your chest. You were coming to like his grown-out facial hair. It made him look like a soft teddy bear rather than a violently beautiful Greek god. Yes, you quite preferred this look to his freshly shaven one with his chiseled cheekbones and jawline of steel on full display. With his beard, he looked somewhat more approachable, more domestic, and more lovable than ferociously intimidating.
“Good morning, my moonlight,” you whispered. He was the moonlight to your sunshine, the darkness to your light. He complimented you so perfectly that it sometimes made you want to cry.
Bucky interrupted your thoughts by pulling your body on top of his. “Mmh, I love you so much,” his voice was slightly muffled as his face was still smushed against your chest, and he wrapped his thick arms around your back, securing you in place on top of him.
“I love you too, baby boy,” you combed your fingers through his hair. It was much shorter than it used to be, but it was starting to grow out like his beard. You were not complaining, however. The long summer days the two of you spent swimming in the pool caused his hair to curl at the ends, and it was a lighter shade of brown now than it was during the colder months.
“Wanna stay here with you forever,” Bucky mumbled into your chest, peppering sweet kisses to your neck and jawline before lazily moving his lips all over your face.
“C’mon, Bucky, you say this every morning,” you giggled. “We gotta get up soon, bubs. We have things to do and people to see.” You pushed his face away, scrunching your nose when you caught a whiff of his morning breath.
“They can wait,” he muttered, half-heartedly batting his arm at the air like a petulant child. You almost giggled but caught yourself. You couldn’t encourage him on like this. You actually did have a lot of errands to run later in the day and a long to-do list to accomplish. While you wanted nothing more than to indulge Bucky (because, duh, why would you want to do anything but lay here in your soft bed, basking in the morning light with the man you loved), you knew you needed to be an adult and put your responsibilities first if you wanted to prevent your life from falling apart. You decided to give him ten more minutes. After that, you would force yourself to get up.
You almost fell back asleep, tangled up in his arms. In fact, you probably would have if it hadn’t been for your grumbling stomach. You were past the point in your relationship where this embarrassed you. In fact, you were grateful to your stomach for choosing to be so loud because otherwise, you might not have gotten out of bed all day.
But before you could leap out of bed and berate Bucky for almost making you fall asleep again, he leaped up, carrying you like a child. Of course, he would get up when you were in danger of being hungry. “Can’t let my pretty doll starve, now can I?” he smirked down at you.
“Barnes, you have five seconds to put me down!”
“Five, four, three, two…,” Bucky ran into your shared bathroom, clutching you in his arms like you were a football. “…one! Touchdown!” he plopped you down on the toilet’s closed lid, holding onto your shoulders for balance as he let out a belly laugh.
“I hate you,” but you were smiling a mile wide even as you said it.
“Aw, that’s too bad, doll,” Bucky fake-pouted at you, backing away out of the bathroom. “Because I lava you very very much.” He said the last part in his silliest baby voice, scrunching up his face to give you air kisses as he turned to leave.
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help grinning like you had won the lottery. Truthfully, you had won the lottery because if wealth was measured in happiness, you were ecstatic, floating above everyone else. It was the same silly routine every morning, with Bucky forcing you to cuddle him in bed for at least a half hour and then bolting up with you in his arms whenever your stomach grumbled. He knew you were grumpy when you didn’t have any food in you, so he started on breakfast when you got ready in the bathroom. When you offered to switch roles, he said this was optimal since you liked to brush your teeth before breakfast, and he brushed his teeth after. Your heart melted at the memory. Your boyfriend got your breakfast ready for you when you came downstairs. Every single morning, without fail. It was the little things that made you fall in love over and over.
You finished your skincare routine and headed downstairs to find the same scene as every morning: Bucky with a kitchen towel over one shoulder, plating whatever he made for breakfast. Today, he had made a fluffy stack of pancakes and scrambled eggs. He had even gone the extra mile to put spinach and chopped tomatoes in the eggs and had added fresh berries and banana slices on top of the pancakes. The sight of the sticky sweet syrup oozing down the sides of them was enough to make your mouth water.
You snuck up behind him and snaked your arms around his torso. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” you punctuated each one with a kiss to his shoulder blades and neck. “Did I tell you how grateful I am to have you in my life?”
“Only about a HUNDRED TIMES A DAY,” he turned around quickly in your arms, grabbing you under the thighs to lift you up. He clasped his arms together, forming a sort of seat in midair. You threw your arms around his shoulders and crashed your lips onto his, melting into him, his pillowy lips warm on yours.
You barely noticed that he had backed into the fridge until you felt the cool metal against your back through Bucky’s thin cotton T-shirt. You continued kissing him voraciously and suddenly remembered Tony scarfing down a Burger King cheeseburger when he had returned from his brief kidnapping in the desert.
You broke away laughing at the mental comparison you made of yourself kissing Bucky to Tony when he was starving after being in the desert.
“Whatcha laughin’ at doll?” Bucky panted, a slight smile creeping onto his lips.
“Oh, nothing,” you panted back. “Just shut up and kiss me.” You were back to business, your lips back on his, feeling like a dog deprived of its bone. Bucky opened the refrigerator door, never once breaking the kiss. You kept your eyes closed, one hand still raking through his soft hair as you used the other to grab the milk carton from the door. You secured it in your hand without faltering, then brought your hand back to rest against his shoulder blade as Bucky shut the door and walked you back over to the counter. Once you safely sat down, you pulled away, gasping for air, desperate as a fish out of water for more of him. His hands were on your hips, his name was on your lips, over and over again like your only prayer.
Bucky grabbed his mug of coffee from where he had left it in the coffee machine and brought it to where you sat, a bright smile adorning his face. You returned the grin and poured a smidge of milk into his cup. When you had first started living together, you were aghast to find that Bucky drank his coffee black without a single drop of milk or spoon of sugar. It had taken some convincing, but you were thrilled when he finally agreed to stop torturing himself and drink his coffee with milk like a normal human being. Although he still used less than a tablespoon of milk and no sugar or creamer, it was a start.
You, on the other hand, were the exact opposite, preferring matcha as your morning drink of choice, which required your mug to be 95% full of milk with the other 5% being, of course, the matcha powder, ice cubes, and copious amounts of honey to satisfy your sweet tooth.
“Oh, I heated up some water and mixed in the matcha powder for you already,” Bucky pointed at the mug beside you, his other hand still warm on your thigh.
“Thank you, bubs,” you leaned down to press a chaste kiss to his lips. His cheeks pinked at the suddenness of it, and he ducked his head, shying away from your gaze.
“Aw, it’s nothin’,” he smiled up at you, eyes sparkling beneath his thick lashes. “Here, lemme get you some ice.”
The momentary loss of his hands on your thighs made you whine slightly, but he was back as soon as he left, ice tray in hand.
“Here you are, babycakes.”
You took the tray, beaming at him, then plunked precisely three heart-shaped ice cubes into your cup. You handed the tray back to Bucky, and he left to return it to the freezer before returning to stand between your thighs from where you sat on the countertop. You poured a generous amount of milk into your cup and reached for the honey to drizzle some in. Stirring your drink, you clinked your mug with his before taking your first sip.
You sighed reveling in the mild sweetness of your drink. It was just the way you liked it.
"Alright, doll, let's get some breakfast in you before we run today. We doing intervals or easy?"
"I actually wanted to go for a long run, Buck," you held his gaze from behind your mug.
"Cold plunge after?" he smiled already knowing your answer.
"Yes," you nodded your head vigorously, giddy at the prospect.
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s1m0nth3swag · 4 months
Gotta yap about my Dead boy boyfriends sorry chat
I physically need to talk about them but my friends haven't watched the show yet (WATCH IT OTS SO GREAT AAHHHHH)
Some short imagines/ short scenario type of stuff? Idk
Not proofread (atp I don't know what that word means ngl I never proofread my studf)
It is currently 11pm for me, I am tired, this probably sucks but I do not care actually
☆ Imagine meeting the two for the first time and you genuinely cannot speak because they're both a little too gorgeous, I mean, Edwin slays his outfit and Charles has the biggest brown eyes. Pretty boys fr
★ I just think that, if you're another ghost, Edwin would like you more at first, if you're alive, Charles would (because of the whole Charles hates being dead thing and Edwin doesn't like being around the living)
☆ In this scenario, let's play with you being alive and (mostly) well. Involved in one of their cases, maybe, or you went into Jennys shop to get meat or something (if you don't eat meat pretend you're cooking a meal for a friend or something)
★ Probably immediately you kinda notice a strange aura (totally not Charles staring you down because he's never seen someone as cool and swag as you) - and let's be honest you aren't even surprised when you meet Crystal and she's looking at the corner all weird.
☆ meeting them again however, you probably just had some near death experience (maybe you wandered into a haunted house, or you somehow got involved in the whole Esther business) and you probably don't even care that ghosts exist because yeah, kinda checks out
★ Charles is probably immediately on your heel (Edwin is just the tiniest bit jealous) asking you all sorts of questions (Edwin is just the tiniest bit interested as well)
☆ getting to know them better, Edwin finds he quite likes yapping about cases with you (my autistic ghost boy needs someone that ACTUALLY listens to what he says) he will be overjoyed if he starts talking about a case and you go "Oh wasn't that the one where.." because yes!! It was that case! You remembered!! Good job!!!
★ I feel like the whole relationship would come along naturally at some point. Just you complaining how you can't sleep because your pillow is too warm and both of them offering to stay with you since ghosts are pretty cold
☆ they have the mutual agreement that they're somewhat sharing your affection since you give both of them the same. They'll just have conversations like "did you already tell them [...]" and "Oh, yeah I did could you do [...] for them?" Already being fully in the mindset of 'we can and will make this work with three people'
★ I think Charles would actually have a more difficult time when the relationship officially starts though. He just has so much affection for you and Edwin that he's almost bursting, but Edwin doesn't always like touch so he has ti be careful and look for the signs and you actually have to keep yourself up and cared for instead of being able to cuddle 24/7
☆ Just a silly boy struggling with not kissing and hugging both his partners at all times (though he has two hands, and will be the middle part whenever the three of you walk somewhere.)
☆ Edwin is more a acts of service type of guy while Charles, obviously, is big on physical touch, so whenever Charles holds you back from doing laundry or the dishes, Edwin will do it for you so you can chill out
★ doesn't mean you don't do things for the boys, though. You regularly get books for Edwin (which he's happier about that he shows) and always give Charles the chance to talk to you without any judgement (same goes for Edwin, though he doesn't use that offer as often as Charles)
☆ Imagine Charles rescuing Edwin from hell and that night the three cuddle up with each other even though Edwin and Charles don't sleep, just so you can hold both of them to make sure they're still there and well
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imashoe69420 · 1 year
Hello! I'm having a bit of a rough time so I thought I'd send this ask. What would the turtles be like with a S/O that has anxiety, depression and PTSD? How would they help them if their depression is bad enough that on some days they can't get out of bed, forget to eat, etc? Bonus if S/O is plus-sized/kinda chubby and insecure about it.
So since I’m doing all the boys, each mental illness/self-image issue will be separated by turtle. I hope that’s okay!
The reader’s symptoms are also closely aligned with my own as well as outside research. If you feel that something could be more accurate, let me know! :)
Rise!Bros X Reader Headcannons★彡
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Genre: Fluff, Angst
Relationships: Dating
Pronouns: Gender Neutral (They/Them)
Timeline: Post Movie
Warnings ⚠️: Language, Mental Heath Issues, Brief Mention of Medication (Mikey)
Leo // PTSD
• Leo would be the first the know how to deal with PTSD.
• Well, not necessarily know, but empathize with you because of his time in the prison dimension.
• Both of you had vivid nightmares, so most nights, you two would stay awake together.
• The first time this happened, Leo caught you with your head in the refrigerator picking at some leftovers:
• “Nightmares?” The blue turtle asked, sleep lacing his voice.
• “Nightmares.” You nodded.
• You two finished some leftover spaghetti, then trudged back to Leo’s room, spending the rest of the night under the covers watching TNTL videos.
• This became a normal occurrence, talks eventually getting deeper:
• “It’s just… I feel so stupid sometimes. It happened years ago. Why do I still think about it almost every day?” You sighed as you laid on the blue clad turtle’s plastron.
• Leo shrugged. “I dunno, it’s more annoying than traumatic now.”
• There’s a pause when Leo took your hand in his own.
• “But I don’t think you’re stupid for it.”
• You smiled as he rubbed his hand over your knuckles.
• “Thanks, Lee.”
Raph // Anxiety
• Being the oldest in the family causes a lot of anxiety, especially in the Hamato household.
• You were also stressed being the oldest sibling as well. One of your siblings was in the hospital, and although it was just for a broken leg, it had you worried.
• Sleeping was a battle. One night, you were in the lair in Raph’s room.
• You slowly watched the clock tick by.
• 11PM… 12PM… 1PM.
• And you were still tossing and turning.
• Eventually, you started to think about your sibling and if it was right for you to be with your boyfriend rather than being in the hospital with them.
• It didn’t take long for the tears to start flowing as you had convinced yourself that you were a bad sibling.
• The snapping turtle eventually noticed your sadness and sleepily asked you what was wrong.
• “I should be with them, not here.” You said tearfully. “What if something happens? What if they dropped the remote to contact the nurse? What if—”
• “(Y/N), (Y/N)… don’t worry so much. They’re gonna be fine.” Raph tried to quell your anxiety.
• “But what if—”
• “Ya’ can’t live a life on ‘what if’s, (Y/N).” He interrupted you, speaking gently. “I know how you feel. You think I’m never worried about these knuckle heads? Ya’ just gotta trust them and the doctors.”
• You pushed your hair back from your face and sighed. “I… I know. It’s just…”
• “I know.”
• Raph scooped you in his arms and held you close. “You don’t have to explain. Just try to rest so you can see them tomorrow.”
• You snuggled up against him, attempting to hold back your tears. “Okay… I’ll try. Thank you. Really.”
• “What’re big siblings for?” He said sarcastically before you both eventually fell asleep.
Mikey // Depression
• Despite being medicated, there were moments when you would have a depressive episode.
• This consisted of staying at home, ignoring texts to hang out, not showering for days at a time, and overeating while watching a random Netflix Original.
• Mikey respected that you sometimes needed time away, although he was naturally clingy.
• After about three days, he’ll come visit you.
• It’s always a gamble with you. You either let him in graciously, or simply act like he’s not there.
• When you would let him in, he would bring snacks and DVDs of your favorite movies.
• Most of the time, you two would huddle under a blanket and watch those DVDs for hours.
• Other times, he would beckon you to come outside. And when you obliged, you two usually had a good time exploring New York and the Hidden City.
• When you were out of your funk, you were back to being physically affectionate.
• You were always grateful for your little orange weirdo.
Donnie // Plus Size
• Donnie never quite understood people’s hate for plus sized bodies, nor did he understand your misplaced desire to be skinnier.
• Your insecurities really stood out when you guys would go out or on dates.
• “We’ve been walking for a while. Are you hungry?” Donnie asked you as the two of you walked the streets of New York City.
• “I mean… are you hungry?” You asked bashfully.
• Donnie shrugged. “Not especially.”
• You shook your head. “I’m good, then.”
• It took Donnie a couple of minutes to become curious as to why you only wanted to eat when he was eating.
• “Why didn’t you want to eat?” He asked out of the blue.
• You sighed and shook your head again. “It’s nothing, Dee.”
• “No,” the purple clad turtle stopped walking, “I wanna know.”
• “Well… I dunno, it’s embarrassing.” You thought about how to formulate your words to help him understand. “When people see us eating together, they’ll just think that we’re hungry. But when I’m the only one eating…”
• Your words trailed off, and it took Donnie several seconds to finally understand what you’d meant.
• “That’s nonsense.”
• “Yeah, well, that’s how people will see us: a guy and his fatass girlfriend.”
• To say the turtle was angry at the absurdity of the world’s mentality on plus sized people was an understatement.
• He quickly took hold of your hand and pulled you back to the hotdog stand you’d just passed.
• “Two plain hotdogs, please. And some ketchup on the side.” Donnie told the vendor.
• He had really meant that he wasn’t hungry and only ended up finishing about half of the hotdog, but your comfortability meant more to him.
• After the meal, you started walking again before you took hold of Donnie’s bicep.
• “I really appreciate that, babe. I mean it.” You rested your head on his shoulder.
• The turtle leaned his head so it was on top of yours. “Anything for you.”
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samandcolbysturniolo · 9 months
at the bar-Matt Sturniolo
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Warnings: drinking, nothing else.
Matt sturniolo x female reader
Summary: y/n best friend has a boyfriend...and his brother's come along too. As y/n walks too the bathroom...someone really handsome saves her.
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My best friend invited me to meet her new boyfriend Chris. She invited me with them at the bar. His 2 other triplet brothers were coming too. We were gonna meet at 8pm at the bar down my street. So I was getting ready. I just put some make up on and u cute skirt with a t-shirt. I grab my purse and double check if I have everything. Yep, I'm ready to go. I grab my jacket and get out the door.
I walk around 5 minutes until I arrive. It's pretty cold outside but I didn't mind. Once I arrive I see me bestie waiting for me. She waves at me and give me a sign to come to her. "Hey girl it's so nice to see you," my best friend says. "Yeah so nice to see you too," I say as I give her a warm hug. "So this is my boyfriend Chris," she says as Chris walks up from behind her and shake my hand. "Hi I'm Chris, it's nice to meet you," he says as we shake hands and he smile. "Hi I'm y/n it's nice to meet you too," I say while we stop shaking hands. I'm a bit confused since my bestie told me his brothers were coming to....and I didn't see them. But I don't mind it.
As we drink a few drinks, I needed to go too the bathroom. But almost tripped, but luckily a guy catches me right in time. "Hey are you okay?," a male voice said, he's pretty tall, around 5,8. Beautiful brown hair and blue eyes, exactly my type! "Uhmm yeah I'm okay...thank you for that," I say as I get up from his muscular arms. "I'm matt, its nice to meet you," matt says as he let go of me. "I'm y/n, are you the brother of Chris perhaps?," I ask cause they look alike a lot. "Yeah I am, and there is nick our other triplet brother," he says as he points put to nick. "Wow you guys really look alike," I say kinda surprised. "Yeah, well were triplets after all," matt says with a caring sweet voice. We make eye contact, for a really long time...he started into my eyes, and I started into his... "uhm I gotta use the bathroom, maybe I'll see you around?," I ask as I make my way too the bathroom. "Yeah sure, bye y/n," matt says as he walks back to nick, he was playing games and stuff. "Bye matt," I say as I enter the bathroom.
Me and my best friend had fun the entire night, well I was most of the time alone drinking cause she was always kissing Chris and clinging onto him. I wanted to go to matt but I was a bit scared. So I just stayed at my seat next to my bestie and drank a few more drinks. It's now almost 11pm so I decided too head home. So I gave my best friend one last hug before I headed home. Once I arrived home. I put on my pj's and went to my bathroom to take of my make up and brush my teeth. Once I did that lay in my bed and I couldn't stop thinking about matt...he's beautiful blue eyes, his brown fluffy hair and not to forget muscular body... as I think of him I start to feel sleepy so I shut down my night lamp and went too sleep...
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The next morning I wake up at 9am. I garb my phone and see that I got a message from a number I didn't recognize...
~Hi y/n, its matt from yesterday at the bar. Everything okay?~
I couldn't believe it...but how did he get my number?
~Yeah everything okay and you? But how did you get my number?~
I immediately got a response back.
~uhmm that's quite a long story...but yeah everything is fine with me as well. Do you have any plans today?~
~no I don't have any plans today, why?~
~wanna go out tonight?~
~sure I don't see why not, where are we going out?~
~just at the club, it's near my place:). I'll pick you up if you want?~
~sure my address is...~
~I'll pick you up at 8pm, sound good?~
~Sounds great! See ya:)~
~Alright, see ya;)~
Omg! I couldn't believe it! Did matt just asked me out!? HE DID OMG!!! I immediately texted my bestie.
~guess what! Matt asked me out!~
~wow, Chris's brother right?~
~yeah, btw did you know how he got my number?~
~well last night Chris asked me your number cause matt asked for it so yeah I know how~
~alrighty just wanted to let you now cause I'm so excited!!~
~you have a crush on him don't you?~
~uhm...okay maybe I do but look he is a hot guy ngl~
~I'm mean he's cute if you think so but Chris is hotter~
~yeah yeah if you think so, anyways bye girlll:)~
~Bye girl, have fun! :)~
Part 2 will be out soon💋
THope you like part 1 so let me know what you think!💋
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4townie · 1 year
Road to 4☆TOWN
It was nearly 11pm. The boys sat around the tour bus impatiently, Taeyoung asleep in T’s lap.
“Courtney,” Robaire whined, “are we there yet?”
Courtney sighed. “We should be at the hotel in another ten or fifteen minutes.”
T, Z, and Robaire all groaned.
“We’ve been sitting here for hours.” T complained. “I can’t sit still much longer.”
“And my neck can’t take sleeping on this window much longer.” Z rubbed his neck.
Courtney glared at them. “Why can’t you just be quiet like Jesse? He’s behaving?”
“He’s sulking.” Robaire glanced at Jesse, who was staring out the window.
Jesse let out a melancholy sigh.
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter.” Courtney rolled her eyes. “Right now, Jesse is my favorite because he’s not—”
“SELINA!” Jesse ejected out of his seat when his phone started ringing.
Taeyoung jumped awake. “Ugh, I was having the best nap.”
“Great, now you woke the cat.” T shook his head.
“Sorry, guys.” Jesse maneuvered out of the seat row. “The love of my life is calling me, I’ll be right back.” He headed into the bus bathroom and shut the door.
The bus fell silent.
“So,” Taeyoung sat up, “are we almost there?”
Courtney groaned loudly.
“Hey, babe.” Jesse said as he picked up the phone. “How are you and Marcel holding up?”
“Well, uh…we’re interesting.” Selina said awkwardly. “I mean, Marcel’s fine. He misses you like crazy, but—”
“Awwww, I miss him too.” Jesse smiled. “I miss you both a lot. I know it’s past his bedtime, but is he still up? I wanna talk to him.”
“Jesse, we need to talk.” Selina got his attention. “And I know your bottom lip is quivering right now. Calm down, I’m not breaking up with you.”
Jesse sighed with relief. “Lina, you gotta stop opening conversations like that, especially if it’s not gonna be serious.”
“This is pretty serious actually.” Selina said quietly. “Remember the night before you left for the tour?”
“You mean when you dragged me off the couch and made me finish packing?” Jesse furrowed his brow. “I told you I wasn’t sleeping, I was just resting my eyes. I was gonna get up in a second.”
“Actually,” Selina’s voice got awkwardly high pitched, “I was talking about what happened after that.”
Jesse froze. “Why are you bringing that up?”
“Because…I’m pregnant.” Selina finally said. “Surprise.”
Jesse stared at the wall in shock, completely silent.
“Oh, not again.” Selina groaned. “Baby, I need you to actually respond so I know you didn’t pass out or something.”
“Are you sure though?” Jesse narrowed his eyes. “I mean, maybe you’re late because you’re stressed about being alone with Marcel for two months.”
“Honey, I went to the doctor’s office today.” Selina crossed her arms. “The ultrasounds confirmed it.”
Jesse got quiet again. “Okay, well I’m gonna tuck and roll off this bus, walk back home, and—”
“No, babe, it’s totally fine.” Selina stopped him. “You’re only gonna be gone for a little while longer at this point.”
“It’s only been, like, three weeks. I’m not gonna be back until two days before Marcel’s birthday.” Jesse reminded her. “And the tour isn’t as important as being there for you. I mean, you’re gonna need someone to watch Marcel while you’re hunched over the toilet.”
“Jes, it’s really gonna be fine.” Selina calmed him down. “I’m gonna call Daunte in the morning to let him know, plus my dad’s retired now so he should be able to help until you’re back. All you’re really missing is the part of the pregnancy where I don’t want you near me.”
“But even during that phase, you needed to sit on my lap while I told you how pretty you are.” Jesse whined. “I just wanna go home and be with you guys.”
“Five more weeks.” Selina sighed. “Just five more weeks and we’ll be together again.”
“It’s gonna be the longest few weeks ever.” Jesse ran a hand through his hair. “Well, other than the first six weeks after Marcel was born. That was torture.”
Selina giggled. “Well, I’m gonna have to go now, babe. I just smelled what the neighbors are cooking and I’m probably gonna be sick.”
“Awww, that’s my pregnant wifey.” Jesse said with a giddy grin. “Go on, go throw up. Love you lots.”
“Yeah, yeah, love you, too. Bye.” She hung up quickly.
Jesse quietly smiled to himself. “I hate it here.”
Act II
Late 1998–First (American Only) Tour
Robaire—20 going on 21 in ‘99
Jesse—22 going on 23 in ‘99
Aaron Z—20 going on 21 in ‘99
Aaron T—19 going on 20 in ‘99
Taeyoung—15 going on 16 in 2 months
Aaaaand we’re back! Did you miss me😁
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gracie-gloom · 2 years
When Worlds Collide
Story where a new Overwatch agent (you) and Junker Queen are on a new mission together and are forced into close quarters.
Junker Queen x fem reader
My first story/idea (:
A mission was to be set out on Monday morning, you were a new Overwatch recruit that had been rushed in last minute. Arriving at a house that held the agents who were assigned to the mission, Tracer cheerfully welcomed you in and showed you around,
"Sorry love, we needed more backup than we had expected! I hope this will suffice..." she looked at you nervously, opening the door to a small bedroom, a desk, bed and wardrobe, with not much remaining space, it wasn't much but it was enough.
After checking something on the tablet quickly, Tracer made a worried face and looked back to you.
"Uh.. about what I was saying.. seems that I've miscalculated how many agents were really on board for the next set out. We had to pull in reinforcements from other locations so you'll be seeing a lot of new faces from new places, and you may or may not be having some company, hope you understand!" She gestured to your room then promptly walked out.
It was 11pm now, after dinner, you washed up and changed into your nightgown. Returning to your room, you begin putting away your things until you hear a knock on the door frame.
"Am I? In the right place?" a tall, muscular woman with blue hair stood with a blank expression on her face.
"Odessa! Or do you prefer Junker Queen? I was expecting you.. I'm (y/n), I believe we'll be sharing a room. But I could talk to Tracer to arrange something else if you're uncomfortable, it's a little short notice, they barely had enough room for me already." you said with a laugh, shrugging your shoulders.
Junker Queen thought to herself, man.. well she is pretty cute so, why not.
"It's alright, I don't mind. And yeah, you can call me Odessa" she responded eyeing you up and down.
"Did you bring much with you? I've already set down most of my things." Odessa looked around before responding with a gesture to a duffel bag she was holding. It was almost midnight and you had a long day of documents and research papers ahead of you to prepare for Monday. You didn't want to lie down yet, the thought of having Odessa so close beside you made you nervous, you trusted she was one of the good guys since she had been called to help. But there was something else about her that made your heart beat faster.
Hm, seems she's heading off to bed now, I guess I should too.. I've travelled a long way today already, I'm exhausted. Junker Queen thought to herself, she felt out of place and hoped that she didn't scare you. Reaching for the light she turned it off and fell back down beside you.
C'mon (y/n)! You gotta get some sleep, you only have tomorrow to prepare then we set out Monday, it was Autumn but you felt like you were breaking into sweats right now, the Queen breathed slow and steady next to you, lying on top of the covers while you laid underneath them. This is gonna be a long night.....
Junker Queen POV:
Sighing as you lied down, the bed was nice and much more comfortable than what you had in Junker Town despite being the Queen. You were naturally warm so you laid on top of the covers, not wanting to make things more awkward.
She has a soft look.. big innocent eyes with a cute smile, you thought to yourself, glancing over at the girl beside you.
"Yeah, definitely," you chuckled to yourself before nodding off to sleep, leaving (y/n) to wonder who and what you were talking about.
Part 2
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irondad3000tk · 1 year
True tickle story! About yesterday evening ....
I scrolled through a looot of tickle content on here and by the time my body grew more and more sensitive. My boyfriend and I really like to randomly tickle each other but not entirely to the extent I'd love it the most. Meaning: bondage, tickle tools etc. Either way the ticklish tension inside of that Lee (me) that screamed to be wrecked by someone was enormously high so I eventually convinced me to show him one picture that gave me severe butterflies. Me who is destroyed in seconds when given raspberries to the tummy. 🦋🦋🦋 (sfw tho, didn't want to overstrain him)
Art by @stardrips very talented tickle content creator :)
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So I showed him the picture, we cuddled a bit and I told him: "You know what I'm thinking about? What's in my head right now?"
"Hm?" He answered. I giggled.
"You and me lying on a very comfy giant mattress with tons of blankets and pillows in a house far away from everyone else."
Just us two leaving a ler and a lee alone under those circumstances. No one would be able to hear my laughter, my screams ... or my moans ...
He grinned and left it without any comment. We continued to cuddle. He laid to my left, his head rested on my left arm.
Lost in my thoughts, I almost didn't realize him slowly taking my right arm and and holding it with his big hand firmly over my head.
"Wahaait what are yoUHUHUUHU HAHAHA..." Without any warning, his free big hand collided with my tummy. Fingers spread, each one digging and crawling on this sensitive spot. I nothing but erupted into a puddle of laughter. Some squeeches in between the laughter.
"Oh dear why are you laughing so much? What's wrong?" He asked feigning innocence. Teasing me while reducing me to a laughing mess...BIG WEAKNESS..
He trailed his thumb over my ribcage but kept tormenting my sides with the other fingers. He smiled as I started to laugh even harder.
"Shhh you gotta be quiet, remember?" He placed his pointing finger on my mouth.
Oh did I forget to mention that it's 11pm and everyone around in their rooms are sleeping and I don't want to wake anyone up ... well he certainly used this as an advantage to turn me into a flustered giggling mess.
"Nawwww." He teased with his hands moving down to torture my sides and my tummy once again. I tried to pull at his grip he got on my wrist but to absolutely no avail. His tickle attacks reduced my defense to the bare minimum. I had no chance to physically defend myself.
"Nohohoshahaha stohohohh"
Suddenly he ceased his assault and rested his fingers on my tummy. I was still panting, breathing heavily.
Suddenly his head approached my tummy, further and further, my butterflies are slowly reaching the speed of a tornado. He reached his target. I closed my eyes.
But he didn't attack... he laid his head on my tummy. His beard slightly scratching against my sensitive skin. I giggled in anticipation.
We both knew what was about to happen...
I kept on writhing and giggling under his hand and his head lying on my tummy unaware on when he'd do the one thing that could eventually make me go nothing but insane ...
Breathing heavily, in and out.
He dug his head in my poor sensitive tummy, scratching nibbling and playing with his teeth, tongue, lips and beard.
"AAHAHAHAHAHAAAA NOOOAHAHAHA STOHOWHUCKANWHCKSVQOU" I screamed! All I could utter were incoherent words and sounds.
"AHHAAHNFSJHXYXJS NOHOHOOOOAAAA" Hysterically I shook my head from side to side, kicking my legs out uncontrollably.
"You know the save word..." He cooed playfully.
Oh I knew it but I wouldn't give him that satisfaction. Somehow I felt the arise of my last resistance, the strong will to face him, to mess with him.
He paused his assault. His gaze was fixed on my flustered face, trying to gain a sense of reality. He tilted his head "So? You were saying?" He sang.
I looked him straight in his eyes.
"Youhuuhuuu cahahan shove yohour save word up your aHAHAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAA NAAHAHAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHHAA!!"
Apparently he didn't want to hear that ... his mouth disappeared in my tummy again making me scream. Simultaneously all of his ten fingers were kneading at my sides.
I had to muffle my reactions tho because we weren't the only ones at home ... I somehow managed to free my hand and pressed it on my mouth, stifling my loud laughter.
My last mental resistance shattered into pieces.
"SAHAHAAAVE WOHOHOOOAARD!! SAHAHAVE WORHOHORD!!" I screamed. (Yeah our save word is save word ... we weren't that creative then XD ..)
"Awwww you're so cute." He purred. "But I'm not finished with you..." He said, hovered over me and dug his head in the crook of my neck. I slammed my head back, screeching.
"AHAHAAAAAAAAHAHAHA STAAAHAHAAAAP! NAHAHAAOOAHAHAAAA!" Hysterically I slammed my hands against his back. He didn't mind at all. At the contrary, it might even turn him on ...
He nibbled with his lips and tongue at my sensitive skin, holding my flailing hand down, firmly pressed to the mattress.
He eventually stopped, laughing at my flustered, heavily breathing sight. He placed one last kiss on my neck making me flinch. He giggled.
"I love you."
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iroissleepdeprived · 9 months
IRO DO NOT BE FOOLED. Maybe it's 6:30pm now,, but before you know it it's gonna be 7pm, and then 8pm and then 9pm and then you'll end up in my current position: it's almost 11pm anD I GOTTA WAKE UP AT 5-FUCKING-AM. AND I NEVER LEARN FROM THIS.
Iro we believe in you. Get that good sleep,, you deserve it :'D
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power-rings · 11 months
Till Death Do Us Part Chapter 3: Talk To Me
A/N: Yeah I actually finished the next chapter already. Hadn't been this eager to write in awhile. So enjoy the next chapter, everyone! If you like listen while you read along, this is what I was listening to while I wrote!
Weeks turned into months since Shadow and Amy had spoken, they would occasionally see one another in the city; or at the school when Amy dropped off the children. Throughout the awkward silence Amy couldn't get her mind off of him. How was he doing? Was he mad at her? Random thoughts popped in her head concerning the dark hedgehog. She also wondered how his Chao was doing, Echo certainly was a cute companion. It seemed like they were the perfect match for one another. At least Shadow wasn't completely alone; not that he minded. 
Honestly, she missed him. Every once in a while, she lay in bed staring at the last conversation via text message, and she'd start typing but froze in mid-typing.  Instead, Amy would end up shutting her phone off to get some much deserved rest. Anytime her phone would sound off the day after that, she hoped it was actually him. Amy stood at the kitchen sink daydreaming while her dishes were soaking. She jumped back into reality when Lily came rushing downstairs, "mom! We gotta get to the game!" Oh yeah, Lily started playing soccer a couple weeks ago. She was pretty good for being unfamiliar with the sport. Her friends played alongside her, and she  adored it. Amy probably loved watching her as much as Lily enjoyed playing. She also had a great coach on the field, it was her uncle Knuckles. He also would coach football in the fall, if he was needed. Deep down Knuckles preferred teaching football when given the chance, but the previous coach for soccer had to move all of a sudden, and the school was in dire need so Knuckles was hired on the spot. 
The game ended around 9pm that evening, the home team taking another win for the season. In reward, Knuckles took the players out to celebrate to get pizza and some ice cream. About 11pm that night, they said their goodbyes and departed back to their homes. Amy was relieved that tomorrow was the start of the weekend, so her and the kids could sleep in. 
The following morning, Amy woke up around 10am that morning to find her children curled beside her. When did they join her last night? She couldn't remember, nor did she mind whatsoever. She held them close and tight against her; soaking up every moment with them. Eventually by noon, the three of them got out of bed and had a late brunch at Vanilla's Cafe. She never made the family pay their bill whenever they ever ate there. Vanilla claimed it was because Amy works there, but the pink hedgehog knew otherwise. Amy was tickled to see Cream coming from the back of the cafe to greet them. Amy and Cream hadn't been able to catch up with her clothing line going so flawlessly. Her nearby boutique was booming with business. So much so, that Cream had to close to restock the shop. This was why Cream was relieved she finally hired some help there. She couldn't have done this alone, that was for sure. 
Vanilla closes earlier on every other Saturdays to make sure they have enough inventory, and to go through their finances they've collected. After a busy lunch hour, the older rabbit turned the Open sign to closed. Other employees were working in the back to fulfil some online orders, and then boxed the contents up, and bagged each of them before heading out to the destination that was sent to them the day before. Vanilla asked Lily and Mach if they could assist her with some other duties around the cafe, they were more than happy to help so they jumped at the opportunity. Amy and Cream cleaned off their table, and made their way behind the counter to clean up and do a count of items they were needing for the upcoming order. "I saw you and Shadow together." Cream suddenly broke the silence. Amy almost dropped the container of cream cheese that she pulled from the huge fridge. "It was a long time ago, but... are you and him a thing?" Cream's eyes widened, when she met Amy's jade eyes. 
The pink hedgehog felt her cheeks growing hot, but Amy shook her head, "No. We're not anything, Cream.  I felt... lonely.. so he walked me home after work." She jotted down something on the notepad in her hand. Cream nodded, Amy breathed out in relief when her friend didn't continue to ask more questions. Cream knew her very well, if Amy wanted to talk more about whether anything was going on, even if just a hint; Amy would definitely tell her. Cream quickly changed the subject, talking about her upcoming clothing projects, but mentioned she was gonna focus on selling out what she designed already. Especially since her next project was focused on fall attire. Amy was so proud of her, the younger rabbit lost count of how many times Amy had told her that. Of course she didn't mind the compliments, and the encouragements without her she wouldn't even be a clothing designer. Once they gathered their list and sat together checking things off. This helped Vanilla tremendously. Once the children sat with them, they all enjoyed a hot cup of tea, and chatted for hours.
Weeks flew by, filled with soccer games, meetings with teachers, pizza nights, and movie nights to name a few. Near the end of August the family took a trip to the mountains, all of them were there for week out of school, and work. Knuckles, Rouge and their family, Tails, Cream and her mom as well. The cabin was full of laughter, and chaos. It was like the good days... when Sonic was with them. While the children played amongst each other, Mach and Knuckles' son occasionally getting into trouble for roughhousing, eventually pairing off to join Knuckles and Tails at the pool table. Amy was standing outside on the balcony admiring the stunning view of the mountains before her. "Hey sugar." Rouge greeted, slipping outside of the sliding door of the cabin. She gave Amy an warm arm hug. "You're missing him right now, aren't you?" Amy almost wondered if she was actually talking about Shadow. She quickly pushed that thought out of her head. 
"Everyday.." She leaned into her shoulder. "Earlier this year I wouldn't even come along with you guys." Amy gave her a pained smile, and Rouge returned it.
"You're making progress, girlie." The girls distanced themselves. "Sonic would have been proud of you, Amy. He would want you to live your life, even if he couldn't... enjoy it with you." Amy's ears pinned back in sadness, and her eyes stung with fresh tears. The two embraced in a teary hug. Pushing such emotions behind them, they joined the others inside the coziness of the cabin, they gathered together to play some tabletop games, video games, dancing games like they use to do as kids, the room filling with laughter once more. When the children went to bed, the adults decided to play a game with alcohol shots. They wouldn't drink enough to get wasted, but just for the hell of it. Amy on the other hand after 6 shots she felt funny, thankfully they ended the game shortly after and started to get ready to head to bed. Some of them taking turns having a quick shower or a bubble bath before going to sleep.
Now alone in the dark bedroom, Amy glanced at her phone her finger hovered over Shadow's contact number. Just text him. It won't hurt. Invite him for coffee on Monday. Amy sat at the edge of her bed, her fingers tapping away. She simply sent him a "Hello", and then shamefully laid her phone down on the nightstand, tucked herself under the comforter. She was out like a light within 20 minutes.
Around 9 the following morning, she peeled her eyes open, and her ears twitched in annoyance to the sound of her alarm going off. She reached for her phone to turn the racket off, she rubbed at her eyes,  trying to focus on the notifications that displayed on her phone. One of them was by Shadow. Her face turned hot all of a sudden. She scrolled to open his text message.
Morning. His message read, it showed that he read her message around 1 that morning, and he didn't respond until about 7 that morning. Perhaps he was doubting talking to her, too? She was relieved he even texted at all. 
She bit her bottom lip, and started texting back. "Are you gonna be free on Monday? Would you like to have coffee at my house?" Amy inserted a emoji of a coffee inside the text. She almost wanted to admit that she missed him, but that would be pushing it. To her surprise, he was already typing back. While she waited for his response,  Amy quickly got off the bed, and started to find something to wear for the day ahead. She overheard commotion from her friends, Cream and Vanilla was probably prepping breakfast for everyone. Her phone made a noise, and vibrated to indicate she received a text.
...Sure. He responded back. All that wait for him to reply with one word? Damn, Shadow. She texted him the time to come by on Monday, and then rushed out the door to meet her friends for breakfast. Her mind felt fuzzy. What was she doing? She didn't want to hurt her daughter's feelings, or give her the wrong idea when she told her months ago that Shadow wasn't going to be around more often. It was just catching up over a cup of coffee. That's all. She told herself over and over in her head. While she was fighting with these thoughts, unaware to her friends, they talked amongst themselves, and devoured the delicious breakfast prepared for them. Amy stayed pretty quiet at the table. Only making small talk every once and awhile. Once everyone was finished up, Amy, and Lily helped with the dishes, and Mach stubbornly helped sweep any messes on the floor around the dinning area. The big group of friends gathered some of their belongings and headed out into the shopping area downtown. It was a nice change compared to the shops back at home. Amy found a new handbag, while the kids found some candy, and Mach found a toy or two that he wanted. They stopped for a snack after noon that day, before hitting some more stores. They found a familiar mountain overlook where they recaptured some pictures that they once took here years ago.  When they returned with handfuls of bags, they all slouched on the couch to catch a movie. While the movie played, Rouge, Amy, and Cream, started packing up their things. They will be heading back home early in the morning. Once everything was packed up, and the children's belongings were packed away, they relaxed in the hot tub together. Catching up some gossip here and there. It felt like things were back to normal once more, Amy gave a sigh of relief as Rouge and Cream talked amongst themselves. 
They returned home bright and early that Sunday morning, Amy went through the children's belongings and started a load of laundry, while they snoozed on the couch together. Amy had to stop by the store so she could get some groceries and some other random needs. Lily and Mach tagged along, picking out things they wanted for the school week ahead of them. Mach got bored so he ended up riding in the cart and begged his mom to let him play on her phone, which she didn't allow. They left the store, stopped for a quick bite to eat and headed back home for a lazy evening. Mach had to catch up on some last minute homework that he had forgotten to bring during his vacation, while Lily drew on her sketchpad. The nightly routine went smoothly from there, and they wished eachother a good night. While they were in a deep slumber, Amy was wide awake for several hours... thinking about Shadow visiting in the morning. He would be coming by after the kids were already in school. She texted him one last time that evening, but he didn't respond back until midnight saying he was busy at the moment. Amy respected that, and rested her head while her mind continued to race.
Monday came and Mach put up a fight about getting up and going to school, Amy was concerned she was gonna have to literally drag him out of bed, and out the door. It was a frantic start of the week. Lily already went ahead with her friends at the school, Amy watching closely before turning to go back home because Mach forgot his lunchbox, once home he quickly retrieved it from the kitchen and walked back to the school with his mom. His teacher and Amy spoke a few words, and Amy kneeled to his level telling him to respect his teacher and follow her instructions. He wanted to roll his eyes, but thought against it, so he just nodded before joining his classmates. Waving bye, Amy departed the school. She made a quick errand before returning home, it was just after 9:30am by now and Shadow was waiting outside her house. Startling her slightly. "You really shouldn't leave your front door open, Amy." He warned. Amy slapped her forehead, walked passed him going inside her house. 
"It's been a crazy morning, ok? I wasn't that far." He grunted in response, as he inched further into the house. "Mach forgot to do his homework, so we were up late, and then he left his lunchbox this morning." She laughed, "don't you just love Mondays?" Shadow raised a brow, not sure if that was a hypothetical question or not. "Sorry, I know I was running behind. I didn't realize I ran out of coffee and some creamer."  Amy knew she had forgotten something at the store on Sunday. Mom brain. She unpacked everything, and tossed the plastic in the recycling bin. While Shadow sat down at the bar, she sat down a thing of cookies she made earlier that morning. He watched her prepare some coffee. She felt his gaze on her back, and shivered. "Any creamer for you?" 
"Just black coffee."
"Boring." She said with a grin, as she poured out the freshly made pot of coffee into a mug for him, he got up to retrieve it from her. Their eyes briefly met, before she turned to make a cup of joe for herself. 
"How was vacation? I thought I was the one known for silent treatments." He muttered the end of that sentence, as if he didn't mean to say that outside of his thoughts. Amy shot him a look, she reached for the handle of her mug not noticing how hot it had gotten. 
"I had fun- OUCH!" Amy's squealed, she let go of the cup and it shattered to the floor, spilling the contents all over her shoes, and her floor. Shadow quickly responded, and put his cup back on the table. Amy glanced at her hand, thankfully it didn't look too bad. Her gloves probably protected her from too much damage to her skin. She bent down, "can you grab that broom...?" Before she got it out of her mouth, he was gone to retrieve the broom, she picked up a bigger piece of the shattered cup. She dropped it on the floor and backed up. Taking note that this was indeed Sonic's cup. She didn't realize she grabbed that cup for herself, she just now noticed that the mug on the counter was still there. It read "wifey" on it. While Shadow was trying to get the pieces up with a broom, she started bawling. 
Shadow stood tall when he noticed she had been crying. What just happened? Did she get burned? He wondered. "Let's get your boots off..." He said, trying to soak up the liquid with a towel. He encouraged her to let him help her with her wet boots, but Amy jerked away. 
"I am so damn clumsy!" She screamed out a curse, beating herself up for this little incident. She stubbornly wiped at her tears, and walked over to the remains of the cup that Shadow had scooped up in a dustpan for her. She picked up the piece that had part of the "h" engraved on it. She slammed her fist on the counter, and cried harder, her body shaking with grief. Hands touched her by the shoulder, as she was brought away from the counter. 
"It's just a cup." Shadow whispered. His left hand ran down her arm. "We can get it fixed. Or a new one.." 
Amy abruptly turned to around fully to face the male hedgehog, "no! It wouldn't be the same!" She pushed him away. "It's gone. Just like him..." Normally, Amy would wonder why grief would hit her like this. She was doing great! Or at least she thought so. "I wish it was me who died, Shadow..."  She slumped against the counter. Her face red from all the crying, and her eyes bloodshot. "Why couldn't it have been me?" She brushed her bangs away from her eyes, staring at the floor.
Shadow didn't have an answer for that. He always wondered why Maria had to die, instead of him. But, that was a question that would never get answered. "Maria always said when someone died... they were sleeping. Perhaps.. Sonic needed to rest." Shadow words were barely audible. "Perhaps, it wasn't your time because... you have more to do here." Shadow looked away when her teary gaze met his, he rubbed at the back of his head. He hated confrontation such as this. Battles he could do any time of the day, and brush it off but having a deep conversation like this was a different ballgame. 
Amy sniffled, "Sonic sure did carry a lot on his shoulders." The pink hedgehog exhaled. Maybe Shadow was right? It was easier to think about death after what he said. "Lily and Mach would have been without a mother. I couldn't even imagine..." Amy's heartbeat seemed to have returned to a normal pace, and she started to relax. Shadow offered to fix her a cup while Amy went to remove her shoes, and let them dry outside. She turned down the offer; for she couldn't stomach drinking coffee right now. For the rest of the evening, Amy and Shadow sat in silence scanning through the channels provided on the television. When they saw something that caught their attention, halfway through the film Amy fell asleep on the couch. Shadow quietly got up, and made his way to the exit. Double checking to make sure her front door was locked before leaving. 
Later that evening, Amy decided to pick up a shift at the cafe to ease her mind and help her friends. Cream actually ended up getting sick after they returned from their vacation, so Vanilla needed help with closing up the cafe. A few costumers lingered while reading a book, and sipping slowly on their coffee. Amy of course didn't rush them. They'll be closing at 9pm tonight, so they had an hour at least. The bell at the door rung when a familiar face walked inside. Amy doubled back when she witnessed Shadow walking in the cafe. He glanced at the menu, while she quickly put the mop away, so she could greet him behind the counter. "Hey you." Shadow scoffed at her greeting. "What would you like today?" Her costumer voice taking over.
"I... didn't plan on buying anything." Amy rolled her eyes and started wrapping a couple pieces of fudge up for him. Encouraging him to try it, at least. His brows furrowed, but he presented his payment anyway, but she waved it off, then returned to her cleaning. Before unwrapping the treat,  Shadow dropped some cash into the tipping jar. He took a bite of the chocolate fudge, as if he was a picky child trying something new. Amy looked over to see him walking over. Her eyes went to a box in his hand, how had she not noticed that before. She wiped some sweat off of her brow, and pushed the mop aside. 
"What ya' got?" She motioned towards the box under his arm, from behind Shadow she witnessed the couple get up to leave. They waved bye, and thanked her. She took a sip of water, waiting for Shadow to respond. Before he did, he ate the remainder of his fudge.  
"It's for you." Amy blinked in surprise. Without her trying to turn this gift down, he handed it to her. Amy glanced around the cafe, not like she should be worried because the cafe should be closing soon and the other employee with her is working on a 5 layer cake. She opened the flap of the box to reveal something wrapped securely in bubble wrap. While she took the item out of the box, Shadow inhaled the peanut butter fudge that he had. It appeared to be a mug. It was a black mug with letters engraved on it that read "A-hole." Amy blinked at the other hedgehog in confusion. "You can keep it at your place, if I visit for coffee."
Her lips spread out into a warm smile as she admired it, "ok. Thanks I guess?" Amy shouldn't be expecting anything romantic, at least. It wasn't like there was anything romantic going on, anyway. She wrapped it up and put it away. "It's nice and all, but it shouldn't say that..." She knew he was trying to be humorous because on her contact list he is listed under "Asshole", her eyes softened and she inched closer to him, their bodies touching when she him into a hug. "you're not an asshole, Shadow. At least not to me, anyway." She could feel his heart beating faster almost so fast she thought it would pound out of his chest. Amy felt warm against him, her cheeks growing hotter the longer she held him in an embrace.  When their eyes met again, she could have sworn she saw redness building on his cheeks. Amy pinched his cheeks, "so...take it back." Someone behind them in the cafe had coughed, making the hedgehogs part from eachother. Ciara looked to Amy in surprise. 
"Oh! I'm sorry... whose this fella, Amy?"
Amy laughed nervously, and distanced herself further from the male hedgehog. "Oh, just a good friend. That's all." Her burning cheeks said differently, a friend wouldn't make you feel this way, right? "Shadow, this is my coworker Ciara." Shadow acknowledged with just a nod in her direction. Ciara nodded back in acknowledgement, her smile turning into a playful grin. Shadow whispered that'll he'll be leaving now, and within seconds Shadow was gone. 
Ciara grinned back at the blushing Amy, "I didn't know you were dating now." She walked behind the counter to remove the remaining treats from the display. Some of which will be taken home with them, or given away.
"We're not dating." Amy sighed. She felt defeated. 
"Really?" Ciara looked at her, conflicted. She wasn't convinced whatsoever. But, this wasn't her business. "If you say so, Amy. " Ciara smiled back at her. "Is there anymore cleaning that needs to be done?" She looked around the room. 
Amy swallowed the lump in her throat, "this table should be the last one." Her coworker nodded. 
"Amy, if he makes you happy. Go for it." Ciara stopped infront of the booth that Amy was cleaning.
The pink hedgehog slumped into the booth, "I can't. There's no one that can replace-"
"Who would be replacing him? Honey..." Ciara sat with her. "No one will ever replace your dear husband. I'm sure if you go further with this Shadow character, he would know that."
Amy gave her a faint smile, then looked down to her feet. "Lily saw him, and I can't do that to her. I can't just bring a strange guy into our lives like that." Amy glanced out the window, watching the rain patter against the window. "It feels way too soon."
"I'm sure she can get use to him, and start to love him for who he is. She doesn't have to see him as a replacement for her dad. But, if she sees that HE makes you happy, I'm sure she would learn to accept him, so will Mach as well." Ciara hugged her close, Amy gave a deep sigh. "If you feel like its too soon, take your time. Don't be trying to make little brothers and sisters for Lily and Mach, now." Her pink friend gave her a look, and Ciara laughed. 
"Chaos..." Amy hid her face, and quickly got up from the booth. "He... does make me happy, Ciara. He has brought me out of my emotional funk." Once the table was cleaned off, Amy walked over to collect the tip on the counter, noticing the cash that Shadow left. She smiled. "But, he's not exactly a very open kind of guy, though. He's so hard to read. Much harder to understand than Sonic was." She locked up the cash register, and disposed of any receipts from the day. 
Ciara switched off some lights in the cafe, then walked back over towards Amy. "What guy is, though? If it doesn't work for you, then it's not meant to be.  I wouldn't hide him from your children though, if things get serious. That'll hurt even worse, and hurt their trust for not only you but your new fella." Once the lights were completely turned off inside, Ciara opened the door to move the sign and placed it indoors. Amy followed her with a set of keys, and exited with Ciara. A few blocks down they made their way to an old couple that owned a store that sold all sorts of fruits, veggies, and various home grown items. After each shift if they had anything from the cafe, they always brought them free treats. Everytime they wanted to pay for it, but their money was turned away. They made some small talk, before leaving. They visited a couple more stores down the street, gave some out to the staff at the hospital, until they were empty handed. They paused at the bus stop. "I'll see you in a couple of days, ok?" Ciara hugged Amy. "Don't forget what I said, ok? You deserve happiness, Amy. If this Shadow guy provides that happiness ... don't miss this opportunity."
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purplethign · 2 years
im gonna vent a bit here and delete it later
so i am pretty sure i have adhd, took a quiz from mha and here were the results:
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so i was like "hm, ok" then forgot about it for some time
then i saw a post that i related to a ton and glanced at the tags, which said "#adhd"
and i was like "HM, OK" and decided to search it up
and lo and behold, i scrolled through and found that i related to a ton of posts, mostly inattentive but also a few hyperactive/impulsive ones, looking at articles, and then it was 11pm and realized "bro i gotta sleep"
so there i was at 2am staring at the wall and rethinking some stuff and realizing BRO??
"you're perfectly normal just a lazy dumbass lmao" was what my family and i've been telling myself for a while so I'm thinking more and more about this,,
its almost 3am
i can't sleep
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snailfriend777 · 2 years
almost 3am on new years day and I haven't gone to sleep yet because I have once again gone down the Will Wood Live Preformance Videos rabbithole.
I love ww but the hyperfixation needs to chill after like 11pm bc I can't do this
I gotta sleep
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brokenbutunbowed · 9 months
I'm officially being hired on at work (had to get into this place via temp agency) and it comes with an almost 3.50/hour raise. Unfortunately it means moving to 3rd shift for who knows how long, but I'm hoping I'll be able to worm my way back on first by this time next year. Large majority of first shift is almost-old-enough-to-retire peeps, so it's really just a waiting game. This isn't a job I'm passionate about, or find fulfillment in, but it's incredibly easier than any job I've ever had, and once I get that raise, the best paying.
I start 3rds on Monday (well, Sunday at 11pm) and was gonna use this weekend to flip my sleep schedule. I found out last minute this morning they're forcing me to work 1st shift tomorrow (we don't usually work weekends) and it's ruined my whole sleeping plan. They're supposed to announce weekend overtime by Wednesday, and overtime isn't generally mandatory for temps, only voluntary, so I'm honestly pissed. Won't even be getting paid ot because we had Monday off. So I don't even get a real day off and I have to figure out how to flip my sleep in one day instead of two.
I am pretty excited to finally have health insurance that I can use for the first time since I aged off my mom's health insurance two years ago. I'm sure I'll never fucking use it anyway because doctors suck and adhd makes appointments hard, but ya know...
My goal for this year is to finish paying off enough of our house to make the stupid PMI go away, so we no longer have to piss away an extra $200 per month for "insurance" that literally does fuck-all. I'm not sure if it's technically possible to do that in one more year, but it'll be fucking close.
After that's gone, I'll feel a lot less guilty about throwing more money into hobby related stuff. Gotta finish overhauling the basement room, tear down and reinstall new wood panels in the wall that got damaged, I wanna repaint the floor and possibly walls, a drop ceiling would be a dream (or whatever ceiling it would be called that covers up the beams and pipes and whatever). It's going to become my snake room when it's ready, which is going to be a fucking expensive multi year project considering I'm going all pvc enclosures, bioactive, halogens, uvbs, etc for every snake. I keep accidentally adding more snakes to my wishlist and it's become silly. But hey, something to dream about, right? Moving the snakes downstairs will give me more room in the current tarantula-gecko-snake room for other stuff, too, like expanding into some new gecko/lizard species and diving back into tarantulas more. Losing Xerxes two years ago hurt so bad it was hard to feel passionate about my Ts for a long time, but I can feel the joy coming back now more and more every time I'm with them.
Which reminds me, tomorrow is feeding night for the sneks and gecks.
I probably should be asleep, but my original plan was to stay up tonight as long as I possibly could to try and get ready for my new schedule, and my stubborn brain doesn't wanna shut off.
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thegenderfluidace · 1 year
yes! I've definitely looked some stuff up because of that!
anyways, I'm gonna go sleep!
I'm tired and it's almost 11pm anyways
I hope you have a nice day!
bye until tomorrow <3
Ah yes go sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
Gotta make sure you aren’t too tired tomorrow!!
Night and sweet dreams!!! <3
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emptylittlebug · 1 year
In: 785
Out: 1994 (11pm)
Total: -1209
Right before bed binge and I still lost half a lb? Wtf.
Today I’ve had 1 Cutie and a rice crispy. Also some diet mtn dew.
I bought a Java monster this morning around 8am to drink instead of iced coffee but it’s still sitting beside me unopened and it’s almost 12:30 haha. Maybe I’ll have it tomorrow? 180cals just seems a lot for a drink. But my normal ice coffee is the same or more and that doesn’t bother me? My brain is effed up lmao.
I’ve been watching Bailey Sarian today and her endless ads for Hello Fresh has me seriously considering it. Like I really need to spend more money ha. I gotta see if they have low cal options. I need to eat more veggies.
Now that my a/c is working I’m freezing in my house. I’m so happy it’s working that I’m annoyingly refusing to turn it down. But it’s honestly making me WANT to exercise.
Also, my period still hasn’t started. Was supposed to be 6 days ago. I haven’t had sex since Jan/Feb last year so it’s not that lmao.
I ate a hugeee bowl of watermelon for lunch and it made my chest hurt so bad. Idk what happened. I’m estimating 3-4cups of watermelon… that’s never happened before.
For dinner I ate some chicken and fries with my kids. I’m still under 1000 so I’m okay there.
I want to crochet but I have zero motivation to. I know that makes no sense. It doesn’t to me either. Like, I’m sitting on my couch staring at the yarn, wanting to make a caterpillar, all the right colors are there… but I can’t make myself get up to walk the 3 steps to pick it up.
I never did crochet anything. It’s 10:45pm and I’m going to sleep.
I did, however, purchase an elliptical machine from Amazon… and a basketball pump… MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. I’m broke af but I just dropped $200 of my savings in 30 minutes. THIS IS WHY IM BROKE. I’m supposed to be saving for a mortgage down payment.
Screw being bipolar dude. The manic both is awesome and suck sooo bad.
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