#it's also very lucky that i saw this when i woke up this morning in my notifs under the notes for one of my birthday dean posts lol
theoldsports · 10 months
Coriolanus Snow x Reader. 6.1k words.
18+ some smut, but it’s dicey. dubcon, biting, fingering, nudity, nonconsensual touch, drugs/alcohol? rehab discussion briefly, threats of violence, the shower, struggle against media, one reference to a line from scripture, possessiveness, manipulation. it’s dark. prolonged exposure to it is bad for you.
longest one yet! chronologically follows Married 1+2 in the TRUCULENT series fairly rapidly. i really learned to love this one. upon editing, this story became way more about gaslighting and headfucking someone good and hard into relying on you. special thank you to @heavqn for beta-ing and ridiculous amounts of support and ideas. a lot of our pre-editing convos made this make much more sense to me. + votes are in: next installment/current WIP will be the wedding.
The hand against her shoulder shook her for a moment, then much faster. The shaking lasted seconds or even minutes before [Y/N] pried her eyes open. Everything in the bedroom looked too real, too clear. Coriolanus stood above her. His hand had been doing the shaking. He looked like he had just returned from a run due to his clothes and sweat-stained hair. His hair had grown back more beautifully than before. [Y/N] remembered seeing him when she saw him in the stacks of Philosophy books at the library right after he had returned from Twelve. It was jarring. She had always fancied him a pretty boy even if she loathed him throughout their childhood. He was much different upon his return.
Coriolanus pulled himself up out of the comfort of their bed almost every morning, far too early, to go for a run. [Y/N] didn’t know how she would endure a lifetime of his too chipper morning behavior once they were married. Coming down after a night on morphling was hard and still, she did it over and over again. Coriolanus knew he couldn’t stand in the way of a little fun, but he wouldn’t allow it in their home, so [Y/N] had become involved in using it socially when it was available to her.
“Great. You look like a bum.” Coriolanus said, noting the dark and sunken crescents under her eyes.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning. You look like a bum.”
“I’m not a bum.” [Y/N] replied tiredly. She rubbed her eyes.
Last night, [Y/N] had gone out dancing with some of her friends. It was not a bachelorette party in so many words, but it filled the same purpose. It was also a stretch to call the people she went out with friends in so many words, but they filled the same purpose. [Y/N] hadn’t felt that she had people other than Coriolanus for sometime now. She had gotten very drunk and very high the night before, resulting in frustration from Coriolanus when she returned home. He always waited up by the front door when she was gone so long. Coriolanus did not like it when she wasn’t home with him. She would make it up to him somehow— she always did.
“Come on, up with you.” Coriolanus commanded. He sat on the edge of the bed and pushed her up to a sitting position. His voice was harsh, but his touch was soft. [Y/N] adored Coriolanus’ careful, yet guiding touches. Unless his dick was in her, he only touched her with care like she was a porcelain figurine.
“Why all the rush?” [Y/N] yawned.
“You don’t remember?” Coriolanus sighed. He was upset in that pompous way of his. He rubbed his creased forehead. “Seriously, [Y/N]. I ask so little of you and you can’t even behave well enough to remember that we have an interview in…” he checked his watch. “Three hours.” Coriolanus said. It was false that he asked so little of [Y/N]. Sometimes, he asked too much.
An hour exclusive on Lucky Flickerman’s daytime chatter joint. Shit. That woke [Y/N] up. “That’s today!” She exclaimed. That was the only caffeine she needed to wake her up. “Fuck, I’m sorry, Coryo. I didn’t think—“
“No. No Coryo. No, you didn’t think,” Coriolanus said. He needn’t elaborate. “Shower. We’ve got to beat downtown traffic.”
[Y/N] swore Coriolanus scheduled things like this at the worst possible times just to make her look worse than him.
She pushed her shaky legs off the bed. As soon as she stood, [Y/N] felt like she was going to fall. Perceptively, Coriolanus stood and placed his ever-vigilant hand on her lower back to steady her. “You’re a mess.” He said flatly. [Y/N] could tell that Coriolanus felt damp from his run. It crossed her mind that Coriolanus drank bitter coffee, did his work on time, smoked very little and went on a run daily. [Y/N] regularly got too high to see straight and cried when she didn’t get her way. Some pair they were.
“‘M not.” she protested messily. She didn’t want to admit that Coriolanus was right.
Coriolanus huffed indignantly, but did not reply otherwise. He walked her to the bathroom like marching a child to the naughty step. [Y/N] was set down on the low counter-top. “I’m concerned you’re going to slip and give yourself a black-eye,” Coriolanus said. “I don’t want people to think I hurt you.” He pulled his track jacket off and dropped it on the floor and reached over to take her short magenta teddy off. She felt desperately bare in front of Coriolanus as she was striped mechanically like a child’s doll. The teddy she wore was one of her favorites, with the delicate lace on the bust. She appreciated that Coriolanus was equally as delicate as the lace when handling it. He must have remembered how much [Y/N] liked it. Coriolanus remembered everything.
[Y/N] was simply impressed she had gotten herself into pajamas after last night at all.
“You’re going to ruin yourself if you keep doing this, you know.” Coriolanus said, starting the shower water.
“So you keep telling me,” [Y/N] shivered due to her bareness against the bathroom tile. “I’m sorry.”
Coriolanus deflected with a shake of his head. He turned to her. Coriolanus was obviously thinking about speaking as the water heated up. Hot water whenever desired was Coriolanus’ number one favorite thing about rebuilding the Snow fortune. That’s why he took his showers too hot; to prove that he could. The thought gave him the confidence to speak. “Do I make you feel so ill that you have to run around and treat yourself like this? Did I do something?” The insecurity of that question made [Y/N] raise an eyebrow. Sometimes when she looked at Coriolanus and realized he was still a boy in many regards. Twenty-three wasn’t very old at all. His frontal lobe wasn’t even finished developing. His primary desire was to be enough for himself, for her, and for everyone else too. [Y/N] feared that he worried he hadn’t figured that out yet. The girl was far from figuring that out herself as well. She rarely saw vulnerability slip through the cracks in the finished marble exterior that built Coriolanus Snow. But who knew if what he said was a true feeling of his or not.
“No,” [Y/N] said. She looked down at her manicured toes. “I did this before we were, y’know… You’ve seen me at house parties since the Academy. You know it’s not you.”
“It has to stop,” Coriolanus started, dashing that fear from his mind. [Y/N] permitting a discussion without blocking him out unpowered him to share his concerns. “It worries me when you’re out late with who knows who. With so many people seeing you. It’s not just part of an act, it’s bad for you.” He said, but what he meant to say was it’s bad for me.
“I knew you had jealousy problems, Coriolanus, but being worried you can’t personally compete with your girl’s partying habits is… hilarious.” [Y/N] attempted a joke. She saw the vein in Coriolanus’ neck throb. His eyes got cold when his vulnerability, no matter how shallow, was met with rejection.
“Get in the shower.”
[Y/N] cast her eyes down, took off her panties and did what she was told.
“It’s so hot!” She all but screamed.
[Y/N] let the water scald her skin. She didn’t want to complain at his trying to help her. “You’ll deal with it,” Coriolanus said, sliding the shower door shut behind the both of them. [Y/N] hadn’t even noticed him undressing, but here they were. They had never been in the shower together before. It wasn’t unpleasant, but the circumstances were. “For the record, I don’t have a ‘jealousy problem.’” He said after a moment of allowing [Y/N] hair to get damp enough to shampoo.
“Really?” [Y/N] bit back, reaching clumsily for her shampoo bottle with slippery fingers.
“Really. Jealousy isn’t a problem when you understand what’s rightfully yours,” Coriolanus said. Normally, she blocked Coriolanus out when he spoke like that. Maybe it was physical proximity or toxic prolonged exposure to Coriolanus, but that made her blush red in the face. Ignoring it, [Y/N]’s fingers closed around her pink and brown shampoo bottle, but Coriolanus snatched it out of her fingers effortlessly. “Let me. I want to be sure it gets done,” He muttered with a passive aggressive edge. That attitude seemed like a put-on to [Y/N]. She wondered if he wanted an excuse to be close to her. She made those up sometimes to be close to him. Maybe she was just flattering herself. Coriolanus squeezed some shampoo into his palm and set the bottle down on the shower ledge. “Who were you out with anyway?”
“Um… Some of the girls. Lysistrata. Oh, Clem. Some others.” [Y/N] braced a hand against the damp wall to steady her feet on the slippery ground.
“Clemensia?” Coriolanus asked, sliding his fingers into her hair, careful as ever. It felt newly intimate in a way that Coriolanus typically avoided with her.
“Who else?”
“I see. You know she’s—“
“I know you don’t like her.” [Y/N] said. Coriolanus was silent.
“I don’t like when you go out without me. I just worry.” He finally said.
“I’m sure you do.”
It was silent between them. Coriolanus worked the shampoo into her hair easily. A man known for his rough intensity being gentle with anything was a surprise to her.
“Did you see anyone else?” He asked nonchalantly.
[Y/N] sighed. Even casual conversation turned to interrogation. She wasn’t sure if he meant it, or if it was all he knew how to do. “Do you mean… Was I photographed behaving in some unsightly way? I dunno. I probably was. I wasn’t unfaithful, if that’s what you’re implying.”
“Stop.” Coriolanus said, leaving no room for further argument.
It was quiet again. “Thank you for washing my hair. That’s, uh, it’s very kind.”
“Don’t mention it.” He replied, coaxing [Y/N] back under the water to rinse out the suds. His long fingers combed back through her hair over and over again. [Y/N], soapy, turned around and stared at Coriolanus’ wet face and hair. Even when appearing like a drowned animal, his imposing figure was statuesque.
[Y/N] leaned up and kissed him quickly. “I’m sorry I forgot about the interview,” she whispered, barely louder than the shower water. She apologized more than he did, but he responded well to knowing someone other than him was in the wrong. “Do I really look like shit?”
Coriolanus sighed, more familiarly this time. He loved when she needed him. He would insult her all day long if it meant he got to give her more validation later on. “No,” he slipped a hand under her breast and gave it a squeeze, his thumb danced across her nipple. “No, you don’t,” His other hand wormed its way across her cheek to brush away that disgusting makeup residue from the night prior. “You just needed a little polish. Let’s finish up. Go get dressed. Coffee’s on in the kitchen.”
“You poison it?”
Coriolanus frowned exasperatedly. He reached the hand cupping her breast around to her ass and gave it a hard, wet smack. “You bitch.” He smirked.
Sins almost all forgiven.
Every time [Y/N] was in a car with Coriolanus, it felt like a coaching session. Hand on her thigh with, don’t say this, say that instead, let me speak first, don’t embarrass me.
No point in elaborating on the most familiar part of their normal day-to-day since it really was habit at this point. [Y/N] always ached to snap back at him after these times. One day, don’t embarrass me was going to hit so hard that she did.
When they got out of the car a few blocks from their destination, [Y/N] had dawned her bright purple sunglasses. Coriolanus hated them and had tried on multiple occasions to buy her new ones to no avail. The daylight was still too bright for her tired eyes, so they were going to be worn on the walk to Capitol News.
After half a block (and so close to a news building), they were swamped by people clicking away at them. It made the bright sun burn hotter. Coriolanus’ white blonde hair and intimidating stature was much too easy to pick out in a crowd for their sunglasses and long jackets to disguise much.
Right now, besides Games news, they were the hottest topic of discussion in the Capitol. Their engagement party had been wild, [Y/N] was typically wild, and Coriolanus was characteristically unwild. It made for good TV.
Coriolanus leaned in to whisper something. [Y/N] couldn’t hear it. All she could do was smile and tell any reporters with microphones ‘no thank you,’ or ‘you’ll have to watch Lucky’s to answer for that.’ Coriolanus merely smiled a smile that was not his smile and said ‘not now folks, we’ll be late,’ or ‘don’t worry about them, Darling.’
[Y/N] was leashed by Coriolanus’ hand on the back of her neck as he guided her through crowds. He had two dressbags of clothes for the show tossed effortlessly over his shoulder as they walked. They were a newsroom’s wetdream. She was exuberant and he was magnetic. And they were both trouble. Power, wealth, youth, stability and status. Everyone liked to watch them at their best and loved to watch them at their worst.
“How do you put up with it, Mr. Snow!” A bland-looking man with a microphone called.
“How was the party last night, [Y/N]!” Called another. They always called [Y/N] by her first name because, frankly, she was fairly certain they didn’t know her maiden name and technically she wasn’t Mrs. Snow yet either. Coriolanus’ grip on her tightened at the question.
She smirked at how the power of her own name took away power from her family and their name; the thing they desperately wanted a morsel of.
Considering a future where she inevitably became Mrs. Snow, she thought about how her lifetime of indiscretions would be tied to Coriolanus forever. She smirked wider at their folie a deux.
[Y/N] felt like a doll again, being pushed by Coriolanus like that. She didn’t hate it entirely, though. She liked it when he manhandled her a little. It helped with all the noise that surrounded them these days to be able to turn her brain off and let Coriolanus handle it for her. She would never admit it, but being a good doll for Coriolanus for the foreseeable future didn’t seem too bad. Her stomach churned wicked for thinking that. It made her antsy to not have an exciting retort in front of reporters. [Y/N] usually did, but her head ached too much this morning. Instead, she looked helplessly up at Coriolanus. He glanced down at her, an eyebrow raised. “Overwhelmed?” He asked quietly, but not too quietly. [Y/N] nodded. “Don’t worry, my dear. We’re almost there.” Coriolanus said like a good husband should. [Y/N] thought about how he was rarely such a good husband when other people weren’t looking. Then why had he seemed to care so much that morning? She must’ve been mistaken about one part or the other.
[Y/N] leaned up and kissed him for in part for his kindness. The crowd aww’d. Kisses were a good way to distract a man. Any man, receiving or watching. Coriolanus’ hand slipped down from her neck to the back of her waist. Her fingers went into the soft hair at the bottom of his neck. She felt him inhale sharply. She knew he hated that. “What was that for?” Coriolanus asked when he pulled away, referring to the kiss.
“Wanted to make sure you were real. None of this feels real.” [Y/N] laughed dizzily. It was true, but she felt stupid saying it. She had spent a lot of time feeling stupid recently and this morning was no exception. The hangover and the whirlwind of voices and flashes had emptied her brain completely. Coriolanus leaned in to whisper in her ear again. This time she caught what he said:
“Stop this. We’ve ten steps until we’re in the building. I’ve told you not to touch my hair.”
He pulled away from her and put on his brilliant, effortless smirk that rich boys his age always had. Coriolanus yanked [Y/N] the remaining distance into the news building.
As soon as they entered, they were whisked away to dress for that afternoon’s broadcast. [Y/N] was dropped into a beautician’s chair to make her face look like someone else’s. She groaned at the duty she held.
Makeup brushes and blowdryers and curling irons and spray bottles of who knows what clouded [Y/N] of vision.
She wished Coriolanus was in her immediate vicinity so she could glance over him and laugh cruelly about how stupid all this is. He was always good for a laugh at the expense of things like this.
“Honey, who does your hair on the regular? I suggest you switch to someone else.” The obscene-looking woman pulling her hair back asked.
[Y/N] laughed, but said nothing. [Y/N] wanted to strangle her.
Not long after that, [Y/N] was pulled up to her feet and forced into a dress that she at least knew she liked. Tight around the waist and thighs, capping off at the knees. It was higher necked, but was so tight that it left little to the imagination. She knew Coriolanus would get frustrated with a fluffy dress, so she picked one that would make his eyes bug out instead. It was off-white with a delicate floral pattern outlined in a brighter white.
[Y/N] looked great. She knew this as she admired the contrasting bulk of the shoulders and flowing sleeves with the clinging exposure of her curves everywhere else. She didn’t exactly look like herself, though. Especially with her hair and makeup done so precisely. She wasn’t precise, she was messy. Precise didn’t suit her.
[Y/N] wondered if the her that stared back in the full-body mirror was the real her now. Messy her was gone. A Capitol wife remained. A doll.
She slid her black ankle-breaking heels on and shook the thought away as she entered the sound stage.
[Y/N] always forgot how noble Coriolanus was capable of looking, considering he was distinctly the opposite. She stared at him. Mauve coat, black trousers, crisp white undershirt, white tie, white rose. Clearly, he had let someone touch his hair. Even if it was a stylist.
Coriolanus gestured for her to walk over to where he stood and Lucky sat. It was difficult to walk with the dress clinging around her knees and the height of her heels. Her short, intentional steps felt demeaning. Most things in her life felt vaguely demeaning, but she kept turning a purposeful blind eye. The stage lights were too bright. Coriolanus’ teeth were too white for the amount of throats he’d ripped out.
Capitol magic.
“Hello Darling. You look lovely.” Coriolanus said as she approached. He took his hand in her and kissed it. Coriolanus’ eyes never looked up at hers because they were too busy looking at how her body fit the dress.
“Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself,” she replied neutrally. “Hi Lucky. Green’s really your color.” [Y/N] lied. Lucky’s green, wintery tux was vile and everyone with eyes and a modicum of taste would see that.
Coriolanus coughed into his shoulder to cover a scoff. He wrapped a strong arm around [Y/N]’s waist.
“Thank you, [Y/N]! Good to see you, pleasantries, pleasantries, yada yada. Shall I call you [Y/N]…? Mrs. Snow… The network doesn’t really know what the hell to do with you.” Lucky beamed from his chair.
“Oh, uh… I’m not really Mrs. Snow yet. It’s not necessary. My first name will do. I’m not picky, though.”
She felt Coriolanus deflate a little beside her as he dropped her waist and folded himself into the gaudy patterned armchair the network provided. [Y/N] felt a sting of guilt. Maybe she should have let him carry on with the Mrs. Snow thing. Coriolanus would have to get over it. “Sure thing, hon. Anyway, go ahead. Take your seat. Some of these questions are tacky, tacky, tacky, but do your best and humor us. Panem wants to know the real you.” Lucky beamed.
“I’m sure they do.” They don’t. And they won’t.
“You kids really are… Wow, lovely to share the stage with. You make me look old and sad comparatively, damn,” Lucky joked. “It’s been a good while since I’ve had the pleasure of sitting alongside Coriolanus like this. You were a child then. Crazy, the passage of time.” He continued.
“Lucky, it’s always an honor.” Coriolanus said. Coriolanus hated Lucky. [Y/N] marveled at his ability to lie so gracefully.
A group of production folks stepped out of the shadows to give them bottled water and let them know the show was about to begin. The studio audience poured in through side doors.
[Y/N] quickly leaned over to Coriolanus. “I thought this was a pre-tape.” She whispered frantically.
“You didn’t remember this interview existed three hours ago. You’ll deal with it.” He replied, with a note of his own panic he was unable to squash.
Fifteen minutes of seating and then a live camera inches away from [Y/N]’s face. “Well, we really thank you for having us on your show, Lucky.” She smiled. The audience analyzed them like vultures. This was the most wicked game designed for them, but Coriolanus didn’t lose. [Y/N] would have to be perfect.
“Of course! Always a pleasure, [Y/N]. Let’s get to some of these questions on my handy little list of questions, huh?” A few shallow questions about what designers they were wearing, what their morning routine was like to look so gorgeous, Coriolanus leaning over to hold [Y/N]’s hand across their chairs (the audience sighed lovingly). Coriolanus curls, stubborn as he was, fell out of the hold of the hairspray like they always did. She smirked and reached up with her left hand to push them out of his eyes. Oh, he hated that. [Y/N] could tell. Lovely.
“Oh, look at that ring,” Lucky said. “The ring we’ve all been talking about. Let’s get a closeup on that rock,” the camera pushed in to [Y/N]’s hand obediently. A large ruby mounted on a white gold band. She had been assured it was real. [Y/N]’s other jewelry, silver, sat patina-ing in a wooden box because of it.“Beautiful. Must’ve cost you a pretty penny, Coriolanus.”
“Yes, Coryo, how much did it cost?” [Y/N] asked. Coriolanus shifted in his seat. Money was not a thing Coriolanus discussed.
“A bit.” He replied stiffly. [Y/N] grinned.
“Uh, you both are mighty famous for that ring. I suppose it’s time to discuss that crazy engagement party. I was there to witness the whole thing firsthand, of course.”
The Snows-to-be nodded.
“These questions can get uncomfortable, but I’m sure you’ll answer all the same. So, your relationship seems… Alarmingly happy today for two people debating splitting over infidelity at the celebration of their engagement.”
“Please, we only debate it when I’m drunk, Lucky.” [Y/N] said much to the audiences joy. They laughed heartily.
“Which is too often, if you want my opinion.” Another laugh from the audience for Coriolanus, never one for being outdone. She knew, in his mind, she deserved that.
“Rehabilitation is always an opinion.” Lucky joked darkly, not knowing what to say.
“Being wild is fun, though, isn’t it? I’m not from privilege and grace as much as my fiancé. He’s always been elegant. I’m learning; I have a good teacher. But you only get your youth once. You would know, I’m sure, Lucky. When someone loves you as much as Coriolanus loves me… He always forgives my mistakes. He’s too good me. He’s patient.” [Y/N] said. He was patient, but it came out in the way that he played the long game. His impulses along the way were markedly less patient. Coriolanus squeezed her hand tightly as a warning.
Lucky smiled bitterly. “Well, I’m sure he’ll learn to keep you on a shorter leash eventually. Actually, I hear you were out last night as well.”
“Yes, bachelorette party, you see.”
“The studio’s telling me,” Lucky clutched his earpiece. “They have some photos from your last wild night as an unwed woman.”
“Oh. Is that so…? Haha,” [Y/N] said. Coriolanus squeeze her hand until her own knuckles were white. Neither one of them had a clue what they were about to throw up on that screen. Coriolanus inhaled shakily, but maintained neutrality. “Can’t be worse than the sides you saw of us a few months back at the—“
It was worse.
The dress was short, but Coriolanus had known that when she stopped into his office to tell him she was going out. He had responded with a “That? Really? Okay…” with quiet anger that the dress wasn’t being worn for him.
Then there was the dreaded miniature morphling vile empty between her fingers. It was obvious she was trying to talk with her friends under the flashing lights. They were all wearing similar fare. Six or seven drunk, high young women pictured together wasn’t that bad, even for some of the old school Capitol prudes.
None was more damning than the strange man’s hand planted firmly on [Y/N]’s ass. His smile was too wide. The [Y/N]’s in the picture’s grimace at the stranger over her shoulder was uncomfortable. It screamed DON’T-TOUCH-ME. She looked like she was telling him to stop, but her eyes were wide and her lips were pulled into a frown. The subtext implied by the woman in the photo was Coriolanus is going to kill me. She sighed. The crowd gasped. Coriolanus inhaled sharply.
[Y/N] had said her behavior the night before was inherently not unfaithful. Coriolanus didn’t feel the need to not believe her since she was the one who brought it up. The apples of Coriolanus cheeks grew red with rage. The stranger’s smile was too big. He knew he was touching Coriolanus Snow’s fiancée. He knew was taking advantage of a helpless girl and her friends. He knew he was defacing someone else’s property.
Coriolanus Snow was going to find this man and ruin his life.
[Y/N], humiliated, looked over at Coriolanus. She had a hazy memory of telling some guy to “knock it off” the night before. Truly, she did remember this, but of course, she hadn’t thought this would be a big deal. This was a part of her life she had had to deal with since she was a young woman. This man’s action was undesired, but not unexpected. Taking in the photo and the look on his fiancée’s face as she shook her head slowly at him was enough for Coriolanus to determine that this touch was unwanted. [Y/N] looked guilty, but she had little reason to be. He hated seeing that look on her face in a situation he didn’t create.
[Y/N]’s only crime was going out without Coriolanus. She knew he hated when she did that. If he had been there, he would’ve handled the situation there and then. She was never going out alone again. She needed him. Right now, he was going to be the man she needed.
“Take that off the screen.” Coriolanus said firmly to Lucky.
“Well, first, let’s have—“ Lucky tried.
“I don’t think you heard me. I said take it down,” Coriolanus continued. He turned to the cameras and those behind them. “Now.”
Coriolanus watched a young woman at a screen immediately buckle at his demand and begin scrambling to pull the image. The show’s graphic was returned to the monitor. “Thank you,” Coriolanus said in the woman’s direction. [Y/N] stared at the floor, beet-red. She was trying not to cry, but what would it matter if she did? Coriolanus knew too well the meaning of her tell-tale sniffle and avoidant eye contact. He turned back to Lucky. “I think that was extremely rude of you and your production group to put up an image, without consent, of my fiancée getting touched without consent. It’s apparent to me from looking at that photo that my fiancée did not welcome that touch. Would you agree?”
“Possibly, but since the engagement party—“
“I think you forget I trust [Y/N]. Are you the one marrying her?”
“… No. But hey, this is my show, kid. Let’s get back on track with—“
Coriolanus knew better than most people that what was said and done on live television was as good as forever. He would use that to his advantage. Nobody came for Coriolanus’ belongings and left with the hand that tried to snatch them.
“I’m not finished,” Coriolanus snapped. [Y/N] reached for Coriolanus’ hand again to signal that that’s enough, dear. He took it and looked over at her. He was angry; normal person righteous angry. Not manic, not cold. That was a new face. Coriolanus had so many pretend faces that clipped on and off. [Y/N] had previously thought she had seen them all. “Were you wanting that touch, Princess? Did you know him?” He asked [Y/N]. She shook her head with her eyes damp and downcast. “As I implied, you don’t know us. Don’t ever embarrass my fiancée like that,” or me, [Y/N] assumed his subtext as he spoke. “Whoever this moron in the picture is has another thing coming. What kind of self-respecting news network aims to humiliate guests for something they couldn’t help?” Coriolanus said. [Y/N]’s heart raced. He cared. Maybe it was for selfish reasons, but his support mattered. No one else was going to do it.
Sometimes he was absent, yes, but Coriolanus always came through when [Y/N] needed him. She was grateful that he wasn’t angry with her, even if that part came later in private. She was grateful for now that his way of easing his own pain eased hers too. She could get used to that. [Y/N] let out tears of temporary relief and reached for the box of tissues on the round table between guests and host.
Coriolanus stared Lucky down and settled himself further back in his seat with a sigh. “Next question?” The blonde man said.
The ride home was nearly silent. [Y/N] had started crying the second she sat down in the car. Coriolanus hadn’t say anything, but he kept his hand in hers the whole time. He didn’t even fight to let go when his palm got sweaty. [Y/N] pulled his hand close to her chest. She had done nothing wrong, yet she felt that everything was her fault. She had failed Coriolanus. This media wreck wasn’t just a game for photographers and journalists, this one embarrassed her genuinely. This one embarrassed Coriolanus and she was constantly told she was not supposed to do that. Don’t embarrass me rang against every corner in her brain.
The car stopped in front of their building. Coriolanus, as he always seemed to, opened her car door before the driver could get out. Coriolanus thanked the driver and put an arm around [Y/N] and led her up the stairs to their townhouse. The door closed behind them. Coriolanus locked the deadbolt with a heavy clunk. Safe from eyes that watched every failure with glee. They could be people again.
“I’m sorry, Coriolanus,” [Y/N] said, mascara down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know him. Really, I didn’t. I told you this morning. I—I didn’t know him.” She backed herself protectively towards the couch and away from Coriolanus in learned preemptive panic.
“I know,” Coriolanus said. “Nobody but me gets to touch you like that. I know you’re smart enough to understand that. I cannot fathom how another man thinks he can do that to you and get away with it.”
“That’s… That’s been happening my whole adult life, you can’t magically make that—“
“I don’t think you understand, Darling. I can. I don’t want to know that anyone has ever touched you like that. I swear on my mother’s grave. I will fucking murder them.” His winter blue eyes could vaporize a perpetrator on the spot.
“Coriolanus, that’s extreme.”
“Not to me. Not when you’re involved.”
“You can’t hurt people that looked at me funny. It’s hardly a crime.”
“Isn’t their some old line about not coveting another man’s wife?”
“…Yes. You have a future. You can’t interrupt your opportunities because some shithead—“
“It won’t interrupt anything. Wouldn’t it make you feel better to know that a creep like that was off the streets?”
“Well, then we agree. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Don’t you worry about a thing.”
[Y/N] blushed and looked down. “I’m sorry.” She didn’t know what else to say.
“Don’t be. I’m not angry with you about this. I know I can trust you. I do. You know I do. I don’t worry about that. I cannot trust other people around you, especially when you use that filthy drug,” Coriolanus said. He extend a hand to [Y/N] as he approached like he would approaching a scared animal. That hand went slowly to [Y/N]’s waist. Coriolanus pulled her in closer so they were chest to chest. “You are not going out without me to some party like that ever again. Disrespecting you like that means disrespecting me, too. I won’t stand for either.”
Coriolanus was going to get what he wanted all along: [Y/N] alone with him always. How could she need anyone else? Everyone out there wanted to hurt her, touch her, make her feel bad about herself. Not Coriolanus. Perhaps, he should be thanking that man instead of cutting his fingers off one at a time. “No. Let me keep you safe. That’s all this is. I want you safe. I’m to be your husband. That’s my job. Won’t you let me do my job, [Y/N]?” He said too calmly. His blue eyes stared deep into hers. Coriolanus had a fantastic talent for telling someone something and letting them think it was a question; letting them think it was their idea— letting them they had a choice.
He was right. He did make her feel safe. Holding on to her like this made her melt. In Coriolanus’ arms, [Y/N] felt secure. He was moody, but Coriolanus was frustratingly reliable. He wanted to make himself the bedrock of [Y/N]’s life. She had no choice but to allow him that. [Y/N] breathed out and he felt her breath fan out across his face. “Let me take care of you. I won’t let that happen to you anymore. I promise.” Coriolanus muttered.
He tipped his mouth slowly into her neck and hungrily sucked at the place below her ear. A gasp caught in [Y/N]’s throat at the surprise sensation. Her knees wobbled and her dress and shoes didn’t make it any better. She put her arms around his neck for support. “Coriolanus…” she whispered. Coriolanus loved the vibration in her throat beneath his lips.
Helplessly, [Y/N] tipped her head back to give her fiancé what he wanted. Coriolanus had sucked a few hickeys on her neck and chest before, sure. Never before had he bitten her. This time, he bit her hard enough to bruise and scab. It was harder to cover an indent with makeup than a simple bruise. If she were to go out even to the grocery store, other men had to understand that [Y/N] was off the market. If an engagement ring wouldn’t do it, this would. Coriolanus bit her with such force that the tears started to well again.
The position they were in felt like a dance. His hands on her waist, hers on his neck, their bodies flush together. [Y/N] fell deeper into the black hole of Coriolanus Snow. This must have been on purpose. He knew she loved to dance with him and made it a weapon. Damn him. She would always say yes to a dance, wouldn’t she? Wasn’t this whole relationship just a fucked up dance?
The man reached one hand down and pulled up [Y/N]’s dress as much as he could get it up and tore it the rest of the way. [Y/N] could swear she had been torn out of a third of her clothing recently. Coriolanus pushed her panties to the side and pushed his fingers into her. It would have hurt if she hadn’t been so wet to begin with. She bobbled on her heels. Once Coriolanus has pumped himself fingertip to hand in and out of her a handful of times, [Y/N] was holding herself up entirely by his neck and shoulders and the fingers that impaled her tenderly. Coriolanus had complete control over the situation. The only thing left for her to do was moan and she didn’t hold back.
Coriolanus was unrelenting. He marked a disturbing black and blue column on her throat the way he liked. Slowly, the pair rocked back and forth from foot to foot, as Coriolanus nipped, fucked and sucked. A fucked-up slow dance to the song of the traffic on the other side of the window.
@badwicht @stelleduarte @cinnamongirl127 @prettyppetty @soulessien @bejeweledreverie @jjstyles @arminsarlerts @chmpgneprblem @co1dmountains @miscellaneousmoonchild @lille999 @pumkinnxsmut @taykorsyogurt @ndycrls @watermelonharry @nananarwhal @ohantonia @catlover420sstuff @justaproudslytherpuff @notarabellasstuff @scarytiger111 @zucchinimalfoy @secretsicanthideanymore @h-l-vlovesvintage @dannydevsbbg @clintsupremacy @lookclosernow @10ava01 @or-was-it-just-a-dream @lucielsstuff @fairyydvst @spencereidbasis @a-mellifluous-life @daenerysqueenofhearts @heavqn @dangelnleif @lapisthelovely @wotcherpeak @24kmar
apologies as always for the little tags that couldn’t.
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therealcocoshady · 2 months
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Coco!! Just wanted to say THANK YOU for indulging another one of my requests and so QUICKLY too. I know you’re busy, busy and I really appreciate it! This was everything I ASKED for and more! Love me some sweet and sexy Marsh 🤍💪🏼🧘🏻‍♀️💦💋🌶️🥵🧸
Hope you enjoy a ☕️ or 2 on me! 😉
A/N : Hi bestie 🌟. Thank YOU for supporting me and being my first ever commission ❤️.
For those of you who didn’t know, you can support my writing by giving tips on my Ko-Fi account and I am now open for commissions as well 😏.
@shady-577 kindly allowed me to post the commission on this blog, too, to I hope y’all enjoy 🌟
Sweat Session
Marshall was a very healthy person and it showed. On your very first date, he’d told you about him trying to lead a healthy lifestyle by maintaining his sobriety, eating well and exercising and, two years into your relationship, he was more than consistent. You had recently moved in together and you got to see just how seriously he took it. And as he was getting ready to drop a new album, perform regularly again and do some promo, he started exercising even more. Not only it kept him fit, but it also helped him deal with his stress. He got up even earlier in the morning to hit the gym and, even though you enjoy the fruits of his labor (what with him being even more buff than before), you were a little grumpy not to have your man in bed with you when you woke up. And since he spent even more time at work, polishing the album and working on the promo, you didn’t see him as much as you liked, which made you a little frustrated.
- You know, you could hit the gym with me, he suggested with a smile when you told him about your annoyance. Might do some good.
- Is this a sneaky way of telling me I’ve gained weight ? You asked as you side-eyed him.
- What ? No ! He immediately said. I’m just saying it’s healthy to exercise. You could wake up a little earlier and join me in the gym.
- Or you could skip a day and stay in bed with me tomorrow morning, you suggested with a charming grin.
- Not happening, doll, he said with a smile. Need to be consistent.
- Fine, you groaned.
With the public appearances and photo shoots he had planned, as well as music videos to shoot, he wanted to look buff. At 51 years old, he didn’t want to be seen as some « aging rapper who let himself go ». And sure enough, the results were there. His chest was chesting and he had Twitter go feral over the outline of his pecs, clearly visible on the latest pics of him at Dre’s Walk of Fame ceremony.
The next day, you woke up to the sound of his alarm going off and let out a groan. He whispered an apology and kissed your forehead before going to the home gym in the basement. You tried to fall back to sleep but without your man by your side, the bed felt cold and empty. That’s when you decided enough was enough. You got up and put on a cute working out outfit, which looked more like underwear than clothes you could actually work out in, consisting of a bra and the tiniest shorts ever. Just enough fabric to highlight your figure and make your ass and breast pop out. When you got downstairs, you saw him working out on an incline bench, absorbed on what he was doing. He was wearing simple sweatpants and sneakers, not even bothering with a teeshirt. The view reminded you of how lucky you were. You looked at him from afar for a good while, him so focused that he didn’t even notice you standing there, practically drooling.
- Hi handsome, you said seductively. Mind if I join you ?
- You decided to get up after- he began. Jesus Christ…
- Yes ? You said innocently.
- You’re gonna work out in these ? He asked with a raised eyebrow.
- You don’t like it ? You asked.
- I don’t think that’s enough fabric for me to critique, he hummed.
- Far be it from me to distract you, you said with a smile. Unless…
- I have to work out, babe, he said with a frown. But you’re welcome to join.
You shrugged. You’d been dating for a while but, clearly, he should know better than to assume you didn’t have more tricks up your sleeve. You kicked off your sneakers and grabbed a yoga mat, strategically placing it so that he’d have a good view. You started stretching, going from pose to pose. He kept on working out next to you, though you could see his gaze.
- Like what you see ? You hummed.
- Making sure you’re doing it right, he said with a grin.
- Sure, you giggled.
He got up while you were in downward facing dog and put a hand on your hip, helping you stretch your back a little.
- You know, these tiny shorts don’t hide much, he whispered in your ear. Especially not in this pose.
- Oh yeah ? You asked as you switched to a three-legged down dog that gave him an even better view.
- Fuck, he muttered under his breath.
You kept your flow going under his watchful eye, looking at you as if you were a snack.
- I think my flexibility is not too bad, you remarked.
- It’s really good, he mumbled. Really good.
- Thank you for correcting my posture, my love, you said innocently. Let me repay the favor and spot you.
He hummed and laid back on the inclined bench, grabbing some halters, working on his arms. You gently ran your hand on his biceps, feeling how much bigger they had gotten in the past weeks.
- So muscular, you said seductively. You are so strong…
- Am I ? He mused.
- And that chest, you continued. It’s all for the « Stan » shirt lift for your upcoming tour, isn’t it ?
He looked at you with a grin, knowing this particular move drove you absolutely crazy. You watched him exercise. He clearly didn’t need you to spot him, and you knew it, but this allowed you to stare. He sat back up and grabbed his water bottle, taking a big gulp. You were staring at each other with « fuck me eyes » and you could tell he was trying hard not to give in to the temptation.
- You’re awfully distracting, woman, he said.
- Maybe you need to take a little break, you suggested. I think it’s time you were shown some appreciation for all this hard work…
He smiled and playfully shook his head before taking another gulp of water. Some of it missed his mouth and trailed down his neck and chest. You stepped closer and ran your tongue on his neck, catching the iced liquid. He let out a groan, letting you know how pleasurable it was.
- Let’s not be wasteful with water, now, you said seductively. Oh, I think I missed some…
You proceeded to kiss his chest, catching the water with your mouth. You took advantage of the moment and placed a kiss on one of his pecs. He chuckled and pulled you to him so that you’d sit in his lap before kissing you passionately.
- You’re impossible, he hummed between kissed. I can’t focus.
- And you’re a fucking tease, you retorted as you kissed him back. I’m only human, you know ?
- I’ll give you teasing, he grinned.
With one movement of his knee, he had you spread your legs for him, before running his fingers on the inside of your thigh. You hummed in pleasure as his hand got dangerously close to your pussy, eventually cupping it over the thin fabric of your shorts, making you sigh in pleasure.
- Is this what you wanted ? He asked playfully.
- Yes, you whined.
There was nothing more you loved than to sit in his lap, his arms around you, free to run his hands across your body. He knew it and he happily obliged, keeping on teasing you over your clothes, cupping your breasts and grazing your nipples with his fingers. He freed one of your boobs from your sports bra and pinched the nipple, making you moan in pleasure. You automatically started grinding against his thigh, your body desperate for some release.
- Look at this, he chuckled. You don’t need me to take care of you. Looks like you’re doing it on your own.
- Please, you asked breathily. Marshall.
- Patience, love, he whispered in your ear before letting his hand go back to your pussy.
He played with you over the fabric, no doubt feeling how wet you were. His head was buried in your neck and you could feel his smile against your skin. You kept on moaning, desperate for more. Eventually, you took matters in your own hands and knelt between his legs. You decided to put him through the same misery and stroked his high through his sweatpants, going higher and higher with each motion. Even through the fabric, you could see his growing bulge. You looked up to him and saw that he was looking in the mirror across the room, admiring the view of you, kneeling for him.
- You’re so beautiful in this position,he said as he ran a hand through your hair.
- Keep enjoying the view, then, you suggested with a smirk.
You tugged at his sweats and he lifted his hips to allow you to lower them, eventually kicking his sneakers so that you’d remove the whole thing, along with his boxers. There was something about him, naked on the bench, his massive erection showing you how excited he was. You stroked his cock and gave it a few pumps before approaching your face.
- I could leave you like this, you mused. Like you’ve left me alone in our bed…
- Babe, no, he pleaded. Please.
You thoroughly enjoyed reversing the power dynamic. By the look he was giving you, you could tell that he was wrapped around your finger, eating in the palm of your hand. You gave him a mischievous grin and started licking the tip of his cock, earning sighs of pleasure in the process. You kept on stroking the length while kitten licking the head, knowing it drove him crazy, that he wanted nothing more than for you to take all of him in your mouth. Eventually, you did and he moaned loudly, still holding on to your hair. You kept on sucking him, hollowing your cheeks to pleasure him even more. You took as much as you could, making you drool all over his cock. You stared at him from below and saw he was bemused by the reflection of you sucking him in the mirror. You could feel him twitch inside of your mouth, a sign that he was about to come.
- Stop, he warned.
- You can come, you said as you kept on stroking him.
- Don’t want to, he said. Not yet.
He helped you get up and kissed you hungrily before undressing you. He sat back and pulled you so that you’d straddle his lap, giving him an opportunity to suck on your tits while grabbing a handful of your ass. He lined himself at your entrance and inserted himself, making you whimper. There it was. What you’d been craving. The sole sensation of him inside you was heavenly. His mouth traveled between your nipple and your neck, proving that he knew your sweet spots all too well.
- is this what you wanted ? He asked breathily.
- Yes, you whispered.
He started thrusting his hips slowly, making sure to bottom into you and hit your sweet spot. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him sloppily, dying to be close to him as ever. The making out was hotter than ever and you always wanted more, desperate for some release, knowing this man could make you come like no one else before him.
- Faster, you begged. Harder. Please.
He gave you a smirk and carried you to another bench that was slightly higher. He had you on your knees, ass up and face down and penetrated you roughly, making you scream before thrusting violently. He was going so fast that you had trouble catching your breath. But at the same time, it was so good, so hot to have him use you. His thrusts became slower again and he put your hair in a makeshift ponytail, forcing you to look in a mirror in front of you. You could see your faces twisting in pleasure. His gaze met yours and he gave you a smirk before quickening his pace. He closed his eyes and all hell broke loose. His hips moved faster than ever, hitting you deep. There was no doubt that you’d be sore for the following days but, in the instant, neither of you cared, lost in the pleasure. You moved your hips in sync, trying to keep up with him. You didn’t want it to end and, yet, you could feel you were both so close to climax. The coup de grâce came when he looped a hand around you to reach and rub your swollen clit, making you cry in ecstasy. You could feel your juices flowing, forming a puddle underneath you, in which you inevitably collapsed, Marshall on top of you.
The both of you stayed still and silent for a minute, taking the time to catch your breath. Marshall buried his head in the crook of your neck, placing a chaste kiss there that made you shiver.
- Are you alright, love ? He asked as he got up.
- Y-yes, you replied as you were still struggling to breathe properly.
He chuckled and got up with a grunt, grabbing a towel to clean you and a water bottle to help you hydrate. You let him clean you and sat up on the bench, taking a good look at his naked form. In spite of rocking a buzz cut, he still looked disheveled and insanely sexy.
- You’re so hot, you said lovingly.
- Is that why you jumped on me ? He asked with a smirk.
- Maybe, you giggled. Been missing you, lately.
He gave you a smile and wrapped you in his strong arms before kissing you.
- Missed you too, he said. But you do realize you’re the main reason I’m doing all of this for, don’t you ?
- Am I ? You mused.
- Of course, he hummed. When I’m making music, I think of how much I want you to be proud. And when I’m here… my main motivation is you. I want to look good for you. You’re always on my mind.
You cooed and kissed him tenderly. He was too adorable.
- Well, I am proud of you. And I do think you look incredible me you complimented. I’m proud to be yours.
- I love you, he said. How about a shower before you need to go to work ?
- Ok, you said with a pout.
You got up and he grabbed you by the waist before leading you out of the home gym.
- I like fucking you in here, he hummed. I can’t believe we waited so long for this, though.
- We’ll have to do it again, you said with a smile. I can think of a few creative ways to use that gym equipment.
- Oh believe me, next time I’m putting those resistance bands to good use, he chuckled. I guess it completes the tour of the house. We’ve officially done it in every room of the house.
- Does that make me a permanent resident ? You grinned.
- It does, he chortled.
- Oh no, there’s one room missing, though, you said.
He looked at you with a frown, knowing exactly where you were going with this. He sternly shook his head as he led you to the stairs.
- Nope, he said. Don’t even thing about it. We’re not doing it in the hope studio. I have rules.
- We’ll see, you grinned.
- I’m not going to cave in, he warned.
- You know I like a challenge, you said innocently. Besides… you love me. You wouldn’t be able to refuse.
He chuckled, failing to keep the annoyed look on his face. You knew he loved you being all needy, and that there was only so much charm offensive he could resist.
- We’ll see, he hummed before bringing your hand to his lips and then placing a loving kiss on your ring finger.
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lovinglokilaufeyson · 5 months
Catastrophe - A.A.
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Pairings: Astarion x Fem!Reader (Druid)
Warnings: BG3 Act I spoilers, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Suggestive, Angst if you squint, NOT proofread, Reader is a chronic people pleaser/SIMP/really oblivious (and a little bit of an idiot with initiative), Astarion is a bit oblivious and also a SIMP, use of Astarion’s classic pet names, as well as “kitten”
This is a similar concept to a fic I have read before, although I can’t exactly remember the name or the author. If I do find it, I will link it here.
Wordcount: 2,415
Summary: Astarion meets you as a cat, and you find it an easy way to be around him while maintaining your crush. You maintain your cover for weeks, until suddenly the team gets ambushed, and you are forced to reveal your identity.
Astarion was very intimidating to you. He had revealed himself as a vampire to you, only after he tried to drink your blood late one night. You let him, of course. You were too worried about the wellbeing of the rest of the team that you seldom worried about your own needs. So, even though you were scared of Astarion drinking your blood, you wanted to please him even more. It didn’t help that you happened to have a massive crush on the man, which always tempted you to say “yes” to him.
You learned of Astarion’s love for cats one night when you had decided you needed some cozy time. It was after a long trek back to camp, late at night where you had stripped yourself of your clothing before transforming into a simple feline, a black housecat. Your form had simple white patches along your back, neck, and face. You peeked outside the back of your tent, trotting stealthily towards a nearby stream. Suddenly, you were plucked up from the ground, and you mewled out on instinct. “Oh, kitty kitty. You – are coming with me.” Astarion held you up above his face, and you stared down at his crimson eyes. Should you reveal yourself? You wondered. You ultimately decided against it, letting your chartreuse-toned eyes hit his, and he looked up at you in – love? Admiration? What was this feeling?
That night, Astarion took you back to his tent, and he couldn’t keep his hands off of you. Your fur was so soft that he was nearly intoxicated by it. Astarion really did love cats, there were many nights outside of the bars he frequented that he attempted to get away, if only for a moment, to pet one – or a few, if he was lucky – of the cats in the alleyway. It was always the highlight of his night. When he saw you nimbly walking around, his eyes lit up like a child’s on Christmas. That night, he fell asleep in his bedroll, with you curled up on his chest, purring incessantly.
When he woke up the next morning, you were gone. Thankfully for him, it was the sweetest sleep he had had in centuries. After that night,  you made it your mission to approach Astarion late at night at camp. This particular evening, you had returned from Emerald Grove, and had exhausted all possible resources. There were very few nights where Astarion missed out on cuddle time, but you wanted to make sure that he was the one to hold you tonight. You sauntered over to his tent expectantly, pawing at the curtain, meowing gently. That was his cue to open it up for you. “Hello, pet” he spoke in a voice that was barely above a whisper, taking you into his arms. He placed a chitter of kisses into your cheek, then laying down once more. You climbed up on top of him, careful to be gentle with your claws on his bare chest.
“I missed you, dear.” Astarion spoke, bringing his hands to pet along your back, popping your butt up when he got too far back, to which your response was to mewl. “Sorry.” He murmured. “You know, sweet kitty. I don’t know what will happen when we leave the grove.” His words cut you like a knife. What would you do? Showing up to the team’s next camp out would certainly be – suspicious. He would have to take you with him, but that would also require you – in your human form – being missing from the group. You figured that would cause some problems.
“You should just stick around, and I’ll take you with me.” He spoke, trotting his finger along your whiskers. You purred in response. “You know, if I could just buck up and really talk to her, we wouldn’t have to be cuddle buddies.” Who was she? You hissed, pulling away from him, retreating further away from him. “You are a smart one, aren’t you? Here, kitty kitty. I didn’t mean it. You, me, and Y/N can all cuddle together, how about that?” You nearly shifted out of excitement, Astarion had not released this information to you prior, even in cat form. Astarion was fairly difficult to read. You figured that his attempts to flirt with you were all – fake? In jest?
However, perhaps he was telling the truth. That, or maybe he knew. No, no, no. No way. Astarion would have confronted you by now. Or said something. A snide remark. Anything. You still stood further away from him, timidly. “Oh, kitty kitty. Come on over. Please?” He tutted in disappointment, bringing a hand out towards you. You couldn’t resist those soft, veiny hands of his. You purred, staggering towards him once more. You pushed your whiskers against his pinky, as he fluttered his finger up and down within your mane. He clicked his tongue in approval, as you drag your frame against his arm. In the midst of your lovely purrs, you were startled by a conglomeration of shouting, and then a loud “boom” coming from outside of the tent. You cowered as Astarion peeled the curtain of his tent back, where he was greeted by an abundance of smoke. He exited quickly, careful not to let much of the cloud infiltrate his space, where you were still housed.
“We’ve been ambushed!” spoke Karlach, loud and boisterous. Fuck. Of course. Astarion thought. You were thinking similarly but didn’t know how to best approach the situation. It would be quite incriminating to exit Astarion’s tent now, out of cat form.
Astarion, Wyll, Karlach, Shadowheart, Lae’zel, and Gale stood outside, clearly shaken from the impact of what had come along. There were many goblins that had infiltrated the area. 5 at least, for each member of the party. The smoke dissipated after a while, and you were able to peer out and see the confrontation. The party was doing alright in battle until Shadowheart collapsed from an impact. “Where is Y/N when you need her?” Wyll shouted, bringing realization to the group, and to Astarion. You were nowhere to be found. Fuck, where is she? He thought. He attempted to maneuver over to your tent to find you, which is when you decided you needed to act. Now. Which, maybe you should have swallowed your pride and done so earlier. But now your companions were getting hurt, which made you want to act more defensively.
You shifted out of cat form, grabbing the nearest piece of clothing (which happened to be one of Astarion’s dress shirts) and covering yourself with it. It was long enough to cover you somewhat modestly, although team would likely see parts of you that they weren’t exactly used to. Alas, it was a do or die situation, and you had let your anxiety get the best of you for far too long.
Meanwhile, Astarion had gotten slashed several times in his attempts to reach your tent. Not only did he want confirmation that you were okay, but if you were, he wanted you to please heal the rest of the party, himself included. You dashed out of his tent as Astarion was hit again. This one was hard, a thud to the gut. His eyelids became heavy as his vision blurred. But he could see you, finally feel your presence. And you were wearing… his shirt? Something within him clicked, and he realized everything. Of course you were that damn precious feline. In a sudden moment, you had cast cure wounds on Astarion, who was clearly in the worst shape of them all from tumbling across the camp to check on you. You watched as life came back into his eyes, as he stared at you in awe. You entangled the remaining enemies, leaving them helpless to move. There was one goblin who had just struck Astarion, and you cast thorn whip to tug the creature towards you. “There she is!” Karlach grinned in excitement and admiration.
It was apparent that your release from Astarion’s tent was not pertinent at the present moment. However, you recognized that it would definitely be something that would be mentioned later once combat had subsided. The rest of the battle went considerably better than the first half, and you were able to heal Shadowheart once it was all over. “Well, we might want to reconsider camp placement” you stated to the rest of your companions. They all nodded in agreement. Suddenly, you felt a hand slither around your waist from behind, and breath on your ear. “We should reconsider the placement of your tent – next to mine” he whispered, then followed up, “or, how about you just never leave my tent. I’m good with that too, kitten.” This was proceeded with a gentle nibble on your ear. You nearly gasped but managed to cover it up by cupping your hand over your mouth in a quick motion.
You almost went to scold him, but refrained from doing so, since you were also deserving of scolding at the present moment. You spent the remainder of the night moving the camp to a more remote location. It was past midnight when you were able to reconvene at the new campsite, everyone was fairly exhausted after the events of earlier in the evening.
Astarion hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off of you since, and he took special care to walk behind you on the way to the new campsite, admiring your rear end. You were still fairly coherent of the fact that you and Astarion would need to have some sort of conversation regarding your previous actions. After all, you had been snuggling together every night for several weeks. To your knowledge, not so much to his. However, now that he knew, he was going to go to any length to snuggle your form in his arms tonight, that was for certain.
Astarion’s festering admiration for you had been going on for a few weeks. He hadn’t realized just how much until his feelings were revealed to be reciprocated. Clearly, you snuggling up on his chest every night was no accident, and he was grateful for that fact. He just wished he had approached you sooner in your human form.
You wondered if you had overstepped with Astarion or if he was upset with you. Instead of walking next to you towards the new camp, he walked behind. It made you feel like perhaps he didn’t feel like talking with you. Or needed to process things.
This caused you to make a beeline directly towards your tent once you were set up. The rest of the party had gone to bed shortly after, aside from Astarion, who stood, looking confused that you hadn’t approached him after camp was set up once more. His eyebrows scrunched together, indicating the thoughts that puzzled him deep within. He wondered if perhaps you were simply using him, or if you were not as fond of him as he truly believed. He looked at his bedroll, approaching it, kneeling down, and then laying on his back as he usually did to fall asleep. Except – he couldn’t. He couldn’t, for the life of him, allow his heavy lids to fall and send him into slumber. He couldn’t sleep without you. He sighed, finally surrendering, and leaving his tent in search of yours. You had put up your tent close to his, which is something that he indicated he wanted. Maybe that was a good sign? Astarion wondered.
Alas, Astarion was quite correct in his assumptions. You were absolutely wide awake. Your eyes were agape, which would be heavily attested to the “lack” of Astarion in your presence, at least until now. Your body turned towards the entrance as you felt the moonlight pour into your tent. You stared up at the shadowy figure that housed Astarion’s carmine coated irises. “Oh good, you’re awake. I didn’t want to have to be that creep that you woke up next to in the morning.” You sent a puzzled expression his way in response.
“I can’t sleep without you, darling. And I know we have lots to talk about, but I know right now we both need sleep. So please, just let me revel in your cuddles.” You nodded in response this time, opening up your bedroll and ushering him inside. You were still delicately dressed in his button up shirt, and the sight nearly drove him mad. But he had to stay relaxed. You needed to sleep. Both of you.
He began to undress himself, which was not a big deal to you at all, of course. You had seen him naked these past few weeks more time than you could count. He left his underwear on of course, and you could see that he was slightly erect underneath. It made you a little giddy that you had any kind of physical affect on him. He nearly dove into the bedroll with you, excited to hold your human form. Don’t get him wrong, the cat was lovely as well, but he definitely enjoyed your human form a bit more. Your supple legs glided along his until he allowed you to entangle your legs with his. He was cold, naturally, but he was addicted to the warmth that radiated from your body. Similarly, you felt drawn to his cool skin, how it managed to alter your temperature so that you could mold together perfectly.
You were faced towards one another, and you analyzed every perfect feature on Astarion’s face. He did the same with you, He reached his hands towards your chin, holding it with the pad of his thumb and the lower portion of his index finger. “Darling” he caught your attention, and you gazed at him, meeting his eyes where they were taking in every part of you.
“Yes?” You replied. “May I kiss you?’ He asked tenderly, and all you could do was give a gentle nod. “Please.” Astarion’s lips seemed to hit yours before you could even say the word, your lips colliding in an imperfect, exhausted exchange. However, it was the most tender, real kiss that Astarion (and yourself) had had in a long while.
That night, you both slept the best you had in years, the presence of one another seemingly protecting you from any incoming nightmares, anxieties, or fears. Astarion didn’t know what would come next for you, but he knew he wanted it to be together.
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missvelvetsstuff · 3 months
As per usual, I'm a bit stuck on my current story, No Benefits(don't worry, I'm working on it but progress is slow.) And this idea popped into my head. Well, the truth is I rewatched the Newsroom and it gave me an idea. If you've seen the show you might see the similarities but it's not identical.
If you haven't seen the show, you really should.
Here's a draft of the prologue, LMK what you think and if you want more.
The Situation Room
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: After a mission almost gone wrong, Tony brings back Bucky's former assistant, who is also Bucky's ex. Can they work together without hurting each other? Will the whole truth about their break up finally come out?
Avengers AU where Thanos never happened.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, cannabis usage
Buckys motorcycle roared up the driveway of the Avengers compound, returning from a two week vacation after a mission fiasco. Tony had sent him to his house on Loon Lake, upstate. It was bigger and fancier than Bucky ever needed but secluded, quiet and on the water. Very relaxing. Pretty girls at the bar down the road helped pass the time.
He felt himself tensing as he parked and turned his bike off. Flashes of the drama went through his mind and he shook his head in an attempt to clear it.
His goddamn assistant had risked the mission when she didn't make sure he was fully  equipped. She was cute and not bad in the sack but had only lasted a few weeks before forgetting his favorite knife and guns, causing him to be unarmed and unable to protect the civilians he was trying to rush from the building. Thankfully Sam had been close by and able to get them to safety.
Bucky was lucky no one was killed. Well, no innocents were killed but a couple were seriously hurt, including a young girl, maybe 10 years old. He was shot as well but that was healed before he had headed upstate.
The press had a field day and the anti Avengers crowd went nuts. It didn't help that he lost his temper at a reporter who pushed a camera into his face, which he grabbed with his vibranium hand and crushed before returning it to the reporter with a big grin.
Bucky strode into the building, nodding at security as he passed, and went straight for his room to drop his backpack. Then he headed to the common room, just in time for dinner. Most of the team was there and Tony reminded him they needed to meet about the assistant situation.
Obviously his old assistant had been fired but a new one would need to be hired and Bucky hated that whole process. Tony expected him to at least sit in on the interviews since the first three he had were only interviewed by Pepper and washed out within the first week.
After he ate Bucky cleared his plate, confirmed he would meet up with Tony first thing in the morning, and went to bed.
His sleep was interrupted by nightmares of that mission, they had eased while he was gone but were back now that he was home. In his dreams, he failed and innocent people died, he watched that young girl bleed out in his arms before he woke up yelling.
Bucky was up at 5am, worked out, showered, ate and headed to Tony's office. When he arrived Tony's secretary waved him into the office.
Bucky sat across from Tony and waited for him to finish his phone call "Perfect, I really appreciate your help on this. I'll see you in a few minutes?" He paused, listening "No, that's no problem, I'll keep him here."
Tony hung up the call and looked at Bucky with a big grin on his face. "I believe I have solved your assistant problem. I found the perfect person and she'll be here any minute."
Bucky nodded "Great, so I can go now, right." Standing up from his seat, Bucky turned around and saw her. He did a double take, then glared at Tony
"NO! Hell no. No fucking way, this isn't happening Stark. I'm not working with her! Not after what happened. What she did."
Y/N smirked and winked at him while her gut wrenched at the hate in his eyes, she wouldn't let him see her pain. "Nice seeing you again too, Barnes."
Tony shook his head "Sorry pal, you don't get a vote in this. You've gone through 13 assistants in 6 months, not to mention the dozens in the 2 years before that. Y/N was the last one who knew what she was doing. The rest just wanted to get in your bed."
Y/N chuckled "That won't be a problem with me. I wouldn't have even come but I could use a break. Madripoor has been worse than usual since the Power Broker showed up"
Bucky flinched at the mention of Sharon Carter but pushed it aside then smirked "Well we agree on that, you're not getting anywhere near my bed." He looked at Tony "Can I go now?"
Tony nodded. Once Bucky was gone Tony hugged Y/N "Sorry about that but you know how he is better than anyone."
She shrugged sadly "It's fine. I mean he could have gone violent. I'm gonna go get my room unpacked. I'll see you at the team meeting tomorrow morning."
Bucky stalked to his room where he paced angrily for a few minutes before yelling into a pillow then changing and heading to the gym to work it out.
He started on a punching bag and his mind wandered. Why did Tony have to bring her back? There had to be other people out there that could do the job, the rest of the team all had long time assistants and didn't go through all the drama he seemed to. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't hear the door opening.
Steve walked up to him at the same time he broke the punching bag which slid across the room and threw sand everywhere. "You alright there punk?"
Bucky glared at him "Do you know what Tony has done? Did you know?"
Steve sighed "Tony told me this morning. Said he didn't want me tipping you off. I know you're not happy about it but she was the last competent assistant you had. Your mission gear, appointments and paperwork were under control so no goofs like with every assistant you've had since, you know." He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably, not wanting to open any old wounds.
Bucky scoffed "How am I supposed to deal with her every fucking day. After everything that happened. I don't know if I can do this without losing it."
Steve nodded "I know but maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe you two can talk and find some kind of closure, even be friends again."
Bucky snorted "Thor been visiting with his fancy liquor? You can't possibly say that and be sober. How can I be friends after she-" he couldn't say it.
"I know jerk but just give it a shot. If it's awful then we'll make changes but at least you'll have tried."
Bucky sighed "I was gonna marry her."
Y/N went to her bedroom, Tony was kind enough to find her a place far from Bucky's quarters, where she had practically lived before everything blew up. She sighed and looked at the boxes stacked up next to the sofa, in her little seating area, before falling into the sofa.
Being in Bucky's presence for just moments was exhausting, forcing her to wade through all the heartache from two years ago. For a long moment she questioned her ability to deal with seeing him again, every day and still so pissed at her. Obviously he still hadn't learned the truth about that day but she wasn't going to try to tell him. She already did that, tried to get to him before anyone else could spin what happened but she was too late and what she found when she tried to go home had blown her life up. She had no reason to expect him to be open to hearing anything from her.
She shook her head to clear the negative thoughts. Bucky might hate her but he needed her, even if he would never admit it. Once his life was back in order and his reputation polished she would disappear back to Madripoor.
When she was done unpacking and organizing her room, Y/N grabbed a sandwich and iced tea from the cooler on the coffee table and sat back to enjoy her dinner. As she cleaned up, she ate a special brownie hoping it would help her sleep but knowing that it wouldn't be enough to stop the nightmares.
Tomorrows meeting would be interesting.
Chapter 1
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fluffysucker · 10 months
Battered and Bruising.
Bucky Barnes x Reader (AU) Boxer/Biker! Bucky Barnes x Chef! Reader Part of the Miss Americana & The heartbreak Prince. AKA Bucky and his princess ALL ONESHOTS CAN BE READ AS STAND-ALONE
You received a distressing phone call.
Written in Third POV. No use of Y/N. However, the reader is referred to as a female. Likes, comments, reblogs are VERY VERY highly appreciated. Opinions really matter to me.
Also I'm very bad at describing places. Please forgive me. Hope it's clear to picture.
Main Masterlist
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You couldn't sit still. You kept squirming and fuzzing in the taxi's seat. You were sure the driver was giving you dirty looks, afraid you would wear down the material of his vehicle. But you couldn't care. You were close to biting your nails off. You were so worried. Anxiety filling your body like the darkness of the sky at midnight. Tension running through your muscles and veins like water in oceans.
It was supposed to be a normal day. just like any other.
You woke up to the feeling of soft kisses on your neck and strong arms wrapping tightly around you, pulling you closer than you were already. Sweet words filling your ears with your boyfriend's sleepy voice.
You lived for mornings like this, which is why you wouldn't be able to recall the last time you woke up alone in bed. It was either your place or his. A drawer in each of your dressers is now officially dedicated to the other's stuff. Pieces of each of you were spread at each other's homes. Because you became each other's home. Bucky was itching to ask you to move in together, but he was waiting for the right time.
After the blissful morning you shared together at Bucky's place with breakfast and your joint getting-ready routine, you left to start the day. It was a big bonus that both of your workplaces were separated by a wall. It gave you both a lot more time to spend together. Not only did you get to arrive and leave together, but you also got the chance to sneak in and see each other whenever you liked. You were lucky.
The minute you stepped in, you had so many things to do. Customers were following your tail as you walked in. Your business was growing, and you could never complain. As the day carried on, you got busier and busier. However, that didn't stop you from checking the time every now and then, so you didn't miss it. You would be sad if you did.
So when it reached five o'clock, you were throwing your apron off and leaving the restaurant. Ten minutes wouldn't hurt anybody.
You opened the gym's door and greeted MJ, who will be taking on the receptionist role since Peter was going with them tonight. You reminded yourself to stop by and drop off some food for her in a couple of hours. Maybe even a dessert.
Once you walked into the main area, your eyes were scanning the place for the person you came for.
"He is the locker room." You turned around as you heard Sam's voice.
"We could have left an hour early, but he refused. I wonder why." The smirk on Sam's face was big. Of course, he knew why Bucky didn't want to leave earlier than he told you.
"Have a good day, Sam." You walked towards the locker room with a smile on your face.
Bucky and the others had their own locker rooms other than the ones for the regular gym attendees. It was the one in the very back. Bucky chose it for privacy reasons. And since you got together, he had been enjoying this choice more and more.
As you were about to knock on the door, it was opened by Steve, who was walking out. A smirk, just like Sam's, found its place on his face as he saw you. Both men enjoyed watching their best friend being so head over heels in love, who was making them all wait for you because he never wanted to see the somber look on your face like he saw it once when he left before you stopped by. Never again. Everything could wait for you.
Steve stepped aside, letting you get in, and closed the door to give you both the time you needed.
Your boyfriend had his back to you as he was zipping up his duffle bag. But your sugary perfume and the smell of hours of cooking made him turn around. He would never miss your unique scent. the one that put him at ease and soothed his being.
"Hey, princess." He started walking towards you, and you met in the middle.
"Hey, you." You wrapped your arms around his neck and reached up to give him a peck on the lips.
"All ready?" You asked, keeping your arms around him.
"Yeah. Did the final training. Had a shower. Got everything I needed. We are ready to go." His arms were around your waist now.
"You are going to be so great. You are always the best." You gave him another peck.
"Just want one last thing." You looked at him, ready to help with whatever he needed.
"My good luck." Bucky easily lifted you up of your feet, kissing you passionately.
This is your routine now. Whenever Bucky had a fight, you would show up and wish him good luck before he left. He hadn't lost one since.
You were happy with this routine. Bucky was still strongly against you ever watching him fight; while you disagreed, you knew it was his choice, and you respected that. So you enjoyed whatever he gave you.
In return, Bucky let you in more. He brought you to some of the team gatherings and hangouts. He wasn't surprised when your sweet self managed to win all his friends over. They loved you. Who could ever meet you and not love you? Bucky certainly wasn't the one to answer this. And you loved them. Your ability and capacity to love everyone didn't exclude the rough people he thought of as family.
While he refused to let you anywhere near the brutality he called a job, Bucky learned to compromise. So he started opening up. He started telling you about his days, fights, and sometimes opponents more. He knew you worried a lot about him and about the stuff he never shared. So he was trying to find common ground. And if wishing him good luck before every fight was going to put your mind in the littlest of ease, Bucky could do that.
And that was the last time you saw him for the day.
Bucky told you pits and pieces about his opponent today, but nothing much. All you knew was that Bucky was training hard, and he spent lots of late nights at the gym. Some nights, you would close your restaurant and then join him and watch as he trained. Any support you could provide him with, you weren't going to hesitate. even as little as keeping his company.
Your worry about his well-being during the fights was growing each time. It grew with your love for him. And you were madly in love with him.
You busied yourself in the kitchen, letting your emotions under control while you went from recipe to recipe and from dish to dish as you waited for Bucky's text.
Another thing Bucky picked up doing to help ease your nerves was texting you right after the fight. Usually, he would tell me that he was fine and what he was doing after. Whether he was staying and going to Nat's bar or coming back to you, You only joined them in the after-fight victory parties a number of times. Usually, only when the fights were easy. Because parties after big fights weren't just for the team. There would be lots of outsiders, other boxers, and teams. You knew Bucky wouldn't be comfortable if you were there.
So you waited for him. He preferred your place after these kinds of days. You would have a meal ready in the fridge for reheating. The bathroom would be filled with soap and water. Clean, silky-smooth sheets would be in place, covering the bed. everything to help him relax. And you checked on everything before you left for his place last night.
The only thing you had to do now was wait for his text.
But it never came. Instead, you received a very distressing phone call.
That was what led you to where you are right now. Your mind racing, your knuckles white around your bag, and your leg bouncing up and down in the backseat of the taxi.
Stark's property was huge. You couldn't miss it, even if you wanted to. It made sense why it would be so deep into the city. It took a very large space that only such locations offered. The street was all dark except for the neon lights with the name Stark above the entrance. Other than that, it was nearly black.
You were able to work out the figure standing under the lights right next to the entrance. He was pacing back and forth on the pavement. You paid the driver once he stopped as you got out of the cab.
"Peter, what is going on?" With quick steps, you were standing right in front of the young man.
"Is he okay?" The slight shake in your voice was obvious. The question had been haunting you ever since Peter called and didn't answer it the first time.
"Yes," Peter replied, already seeing the worry all over your face.
"Physically, at least." Peter continued. Because if Bucky was okay, why were you here?
Before you could ask any more questions, Peter led you in. The bouncers at the door let you in immediately as they saw Peter. The inside of the place was nothing like the outside. It was loud, bright, and full of people. There were small food trucks, side bars, merchandise stations, and everything. You could see different kinds of sports and entertainment exercises scattered all over the place, with people around. However, the main area of the property was occupied by a huge boxing ring. It had the most people around it. There are lots of people.
You couldn't inspect more of the place as Peter was rushing the both of you to the back area. It was very clear since you got in here that you didn't belong at all. Your choice of outfit and aura were making you stand out among the sea of people. Peter put his hand around the small of your back, respectively, to guide you through the place. He was trying to get you inside as fast as possible. He wasn't as intimidating as Bucky or some of the others. And if anything happened to you, even as little as a snarky comment, Peter couldn't imagine the wrath he would have to endure. To say Peter was panicking would be an understatement.
The breath of relief Peter let out as you entered the back area was audible. The back area was similar to the one in the gym but much larger and busier. Peter led you to the one room in the back, which you suspected was the largest in the place. He opened the door for you, and you had to close your eyes for a second from the contrast of the lightning. The back area was dimly lit, while the locker room was bright white. You got used to the lights, then looked around to find everybody in here.
As Peter walked you in, you could feel the high tension in the room. The first thing that caught your eye was bleeding Peter Quill and Thor. You didn't know Peter Quill that well; you only met him when you met the team and never passed the greetings stage, but you were more familiar and friendly with Thor. And the sight of both big men holding their noses to stop the bleeding, with bruises forming on their faces, was troubling. Lots of the others were trying to help them.
Only did you take your eyes away when Peter kept moving further into the room until you noticed the small room separated from the big one with a door. You found Sam and Bruce talking beside the door. Peter came to a stop when you reached both men.
"Thank God you are here." Sam spoke quickly as he laid eyes on you.
"Sam, what is going on?" Up to now, you had no idea why you were here. Peter rushed you in and then brought you here with no explanation. You could feel your nerves starting to burn from anxiety.
Before Sam could say anything, a sound of something breaking coming from behind the door rang through the place. You shared eye contact with Sam for seconds, and you started to form an idea about what was happening.
You stepped towards Sam, indicating that you wanted to get inside. Sam looked at you, and you gave him a nod to assure him, and he nodded back. Sam turned and knocked on the door.
You flinched, from surprise, as your boyfriend's angry voice echoed around, shouting that he didn't want to see anyone.
However, the door was unlocked, and Steve stood in the doorframe. You couldn't read the hard expression on his face. But his eyebrows softened slightly when he saw you.
The shouting from your boyfriend made everyone wince in their places. You stepped forward to take Sam's place and stood in front of Steve, determination in your eyes.
Steve signed before he moved aside to let you in, closing the door with the three of you.
The room was small. You thought maybe it was for medical purposes, if needed. But you didn't have the time or mind to pay any attention to your new surroundings.
Your boyfriend was sitting on a chair, his head in his hands, grabbing his hair tightly between his fingers, and his breath was short and angry. Brokrn stuff and objects were scattered all around the room.
"Bucky." You called for him softly to make your presence known.
His head shot up. His eyes were red, bruises were all over his face, and his breath got angrier.
"You called her?" His voice was quiet, but it was deep, hiding many emotions.
"You called my girl?" He stood up, keeping his eyes on Steve, not looking at you at all.
"You brought my girl here?" His breath was getting shorter, with every word coming out as a growl.
"Bucky.." You tried to speak and find the right words to say so it wouldn't escalate.
"You made her come here all by herself and walk in here?" He started walking towards you and Steve.
"YOU BROUGHT HER HERE TONIGHT." Bucky shouted, his angry voice ringing in the small room.
Out of instinct, Steve stepped forward to stand in front of Bucky, keeping you behind him.
That seemed to snap Bucky out of the spell he was in. His red eyes are now coated with hurt. His breath stopped for a moment. Frozen in his place, he couldn't help but think of it. Did Steve think he would hurt you? Did Steve think he needed to protect you from him? Did Steve think that even in this state, he would cause you any harm?
It felt like a knife driven deep into his heart. Betrayal from his best friend, who brought you here against all his wishes, and then thought you needed a shield to be in the same room with him.
But no, that wasn't why Steve did it. He didn't want you to see Bucky lose his temper like he did numerous times tonight. Steve couldn't remember whose idea it was to call you, but he could remember the collective agreement that approved of the suggestion. All aware of the effect you have on the boxer. So Steve expected, like the others, that once you walked in and his best friend saw you, all the insanity that was tonight would come to an end.
But Steve should have known better. Bringing you in here would only make Bucky madder, and you would get to see a version of your boyfriend that Bucky tried so hard to keep from you. Steve regretted agreeing to bring you here.
The tension in the room got thicker. The only sound was the heavy breathing of the three of you. You weren't able to see the look on Steve's face, but Bucky's expression was crystal clear.
"Steve, can you give us a minute?" You stepped away from behind Steve, so you could be in Bucky's eyesight.
Steve turned to you with an unsure look on his face, and you immediately rubbed his shoulder to assure him you knew what you were doing.
Steve nodded and left the room silently. Now, it was just the two of you.
While Bucky looked anywhere but you, his eyes moving all over the room, you finally got to look at him. He was in a pair of black sweatpants, his chest left bare, making all the bruises and cuts on his upper body exposed to your eyes.
You signed, your heart breaking at the sight of your boyfriend battered like this. But it wasn't his physical pain that you were only worried about.
Bucky's eyes finally moved to look at you as you put your bag on the nearest table and started to move around, looking for something.
Bucky was confused. He wanted to ask you what you were doing, but he couldn't find it in himself to talk to you. Too many emotions are tormenting him.
Your little, quiet squeals told him you found what you wanted. You moved towards him with the first-aid kit in hand.
You grabbed the closest chair and positioned it in front of the chair, which Bucky was previously sitting on, and pulled a small table closer as well, where you put the first aid kit and started to empty its contents.
"You will catch lots of infections if you don't get the wounds clean." You spoke when you noticed that Bucky was standing still in his place.
"And God knows you become a big baby when you get sick." You joked. You tried to lighten the mood. to tell him that you were here to help. You weren't judging him. You would never judge him.
And he heard you. So, he came and sat back in the chair in front of you. This time, he sat with his back straight so you could patch him up.
You sat in silence, but there was so much hanging in the air between you. You didn't want to push him. You knew he would start talking when he felt ready.
"Who called you?" And he did.
"Does it matter?" You didn't look at him, sticking to cleaning his wounds.
"To me, yes." He regretted raising his voice immediately, even when you didn't move.
"You shouldn't be here." He continued when he knew he wouldn't get an answer from you.
"But I am." You looked up at him.
"And I want to." Finally, your eyes have met since you got here.
"Don't you see it? the damage I'm capable of doing. the chaos I can create. the pain I put others through. The mess I am."
Today's game was cruel, to say the least. Bucky's opponent played dirty. So dirty, that wasn't against the rules. Because this was never mentioned in any rule book. Mental hits.
Bucky's opponent not only studied Bucky's style and techniques so well, but he did some research as well. So, he would be able to defeat Bucky's strength. And he did.
The second he knew Bucky was winning, he ran his mouth nonstop. He brought up stuff that should never again be brought into the ring. Family stuff. Bucky's life before boxing, the team and their families.
It was shocking. Bucky almost lost his footing once or twice. Was this allowed? Well, it wasn't prohibited. Bucky tried to keep his head straight and not focus on the words coming from the man in front of him. However, it was getting harder and harder as the man kept getting more personal.
Until his opponent mentioned your restaurant's name, Every little drop of blood in Bucky's body ran cold. The noise around him became an annoying ring in his ears. And the opponent took his chance and started landing his punches.
Bucky was trying to regain his composure, but the man's words and punches didn't stop. He was talking nonsense about your restaurant, but he made a mistake that he never estimated.
"I heard you got soft because of that place and wanted to know why. I will tell you what. I would go soft for an adorable thing like her. What a shame that you are the only one who gets to ruin her."
That was the nail in the man's coffin.
Bucky was unstoppable. A monster. a beast with no restraints. You weren't a subject to bring into such a rotten place, and that man was going to pay for even thinking you could be involved in this circus.
Bucky only stopped when he heard the whistle and the referee breaking them apart. Bucky knew that if he didn't stop, he would have to face a penalty of sorts. So he did. But the mental troll has already happened.
The team was taken aback by Bucky's actions once they got out of the lights. They saw him angry after fights before. But this was different. He had lost his mind, and he wasn't willing to talk or tell anybody what happened. And he was getting worse by the second that they had to lock him in the medical room so nobody more would get hurt. They had no clue what to do.
And desperate times call for desperate measures.
So here he was, shame and guilt eating him as you were, once again, showing him kindness he had never encountered before.
"I never wanted you to see that."
"I didn't want you to think that I could hurt you."
"I would never hurt you, I swear."
His voice got smaller with each word. It was why he never wanted you anywhere near this. so you wouldn't get scared and run away. So you wouldn't see what he looked like when he lost control. And today, he did, and you saw it.
The opponent's voice is still ringing in his ears. He was ruining you. Everyone could see it. You being here just proved it. Because if it hadn't been for him, you would have never stepped a foot in here. Maybe he was already hurting you.
"Bucky." Tears were starting to form in your eyes. You put the stuff down and put your hand on his cheek.
"You can never hurt me. Never."
It was painful to hear the person who became your source of safety and security, the one you relied on the most, think like this.
"The only person you are hurting is yourself, and I can't stand by and watch." It was time you told him the truth.
"You need to stop living these two versions of yourself. You need to stop hiding from me."
"I love you, Bucky. I love you more than I have loved anything in my life. I knew who you were when we met, and it didn't change anything. I still got to fall in love with you."
"Nothing you do is going to change that. I know you think that I won't be able to handle it, but I will, and I want to know. all of it. Everything."
"I don't want you to feel like you have to hide parts of yourself from me. like you have to be someone else. I love everything about you and everything that made you."
"I want you to be able to share stuff and talk about your day freely without thinking too much about it, without keeping parts that you think I won't like."
"I want to sit in the front row and cheer for my boyfriend as he beats people up. I want to get to brag about my strong man." That brought a small laugh from the both of you.
"Nothing is ever going to make me leave or hate you. Nothing. So whatever you think is going to drive me away, it won't. Never."
You meant every word you said. You didn't want to be in a one-sided relationship where Bucky felt like he couldn't be himself. No, you wanted to be his safe place. You wanted to be the person he came to, and poured his heart out. You wanted to take care of him. You wanted him to let you love him. all of him.
"I love you so much that I won't care if you turn out to be a secret assassin."
"You won't?"
"I will bring you the knives in the kitchens."
Bucky thought he couldn't fall in love with you more than he already was. But he was wrong.
Bucky could feel his eyes getting glassy. All his fears weren't real. You weren't going to run away and leave him. You wanted to do the thing he believed he could never have. You wanted to share his life with him. You were giving him something nobody ever allowed him. to be himself openly.
Bucky never thought he had good luck. It turned out he had all the good luck in you. And he couldn't be happier.
Bucky was glad they called you.
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taurussbabe · 8 months
hey !! its my birthday today and i was wondering if you could possibly write a joao fluff where him + reader just celebrate the reader’s birthday ?! i love your work 💗
a/n: happy belated birthday! i know it's superrr late but i hope you like it anon!❤️ wc: 1.3k
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Today was your birthday, you were happy, sure, but honestly, you wished someone else was here. João had a game away so that meant you woke up to an empty bed, you turned around, seeing the sun illuminate the bedsheets and half of your bedroom.
You reached for your phone, seeing a couple of messages from your mom, your dad and some other family members, but your attention diverted from all of those when you saw a text from your favorite boy in the world.
“happy birthday!!!” read one, followed by few others: “and good morning”, “have the best day”, “sorry I can’t be there”, “love you to much bebé”
You smiled to yourself as you read them all, quickly typing a thank you message , alongside with one where you said you wished he was here too.
You got up, showered and got ready, you didn’t have work today because you had called in for a day off, it was your birthday, and you deserved a little bit of time for yourself before you had your party with your friends that night.
The doorbell sound brought you back to reality, stepping outside, only to find a huge flower bouquet and a box. You picked both the items up as you read the little cart attached to it “happy birthday, linda. Sorry I can’t be there, call me before opening the gift :)”
You placed the flower on the counter and smiled to yourself as you tapped on the little facetime icon, setting the phone up while you filled the vase.
“hi angel” his voiced echoed in the house, making you look at the screen “how’s my favorite birthday girl?”
“you didn’t have to, in fact, you shouldn’t have, they must have been so expensive”
“oh c’mon, you really think I wasn’t going to do anything, you know I wish I could have been there, but I love you so much”
“I know” you let a beat of silence run between the two of you as you admired his face before speaking again “and I love you too”
“I have to go soon so can you open the box?” he asked softly
“oh yeah sure, how are you feeling about the game?” you spoke while unwrapping the little box.
“good. Confident. A little nervous, but confident” he said “oh and just so you know, that’s not your real gift, that you get tomorrow, this is just a little something”
Tears filled your eyes as you opened the box only to reveal so many envelopes in there, each one of them had a little description saying ‘open when feeling sad, angry, anxious, insecure, happy, excited….’, inside the box were also your favorite chocolates, bath bombs and face masks.
You didn’t know what you had done to deserve this boy, but it must have certainly been something incredible because never in your life you thought you would be so lucky as to have someone like him.
“oh god, are you crying? please don’t cry, I didn’t think the gift was that bad” his voice echoed again, by now, tears were streaming down your face
“shut up, this is so perfect, I love you so so so much, thank you for being you”
After your reassurance, you could teel that he took a breath of relief, but you didn’t get to talk much more, because soon enough he was called.
It was now the afternoon and you were getting ready for your birthday party, your friends had arranged everything for a dinner at a restaurant they knew you loved, you had just finished watching barça and you were so happy because they had a good game, you loved seeing joão so happy in this team, even when they were losing he seemed genuinely happy to be there, but it was, of course, better when they won.
You laughed as you took pictures alongside your friends, no one else in sight since you were in the most private part of the restaurant, obviously you were very happy to be there but also a bit worried because joão hadn’t answered ever since before the game, you had congratulated him after, praising his performance but he hadn’t even seen it.
You couldn’t think more about that, though, because your friends dragged you, claiming they had a huge surprise waiting for you.
“okay, you have to keep your eyes closed, promise?” one of your friends said
“yes, I get it”
You stretched your arms in front of you as to try to find out what your surprise was, you smelled a cologne that seemed familiar to you, but didn’t think much of it, until you felt a pair of hands grabbing yours, and those you immediately recognized.
“damn, I thought you would take longer” he hugged you tight, pressing a kiss to your cheek as all your friends applauded.
“oh my god, what are you doing here? I though you were away” you smiled at him when he let go a bit, still not completely letting go of you.
“I had to be here for your birthday” he kissed your forehead, smiling through the kiss
“thank you” you smiled up at him, your eyes full of tears, your hand clasped together with his
The rest of the dinner was spent laughing and taking and awful lot of pictures, until the time to sing happy birthday came. You sat on João’s lap, his hand immediately wrapping around your waist, is thumb rubbing against the material of your dress.
“happy birthday,  bebé, I love you” you heard as soon as you blew the candles, thank you for being born”
You were gonna turn around to thank him when you felt him reach for cake’s icing and place it on your cheek, you audibly gasped when you felt the cold it your skin and soon heard everyone’s laughter.
You said your goodbyes to last person to leave as you left the restaurant, holding hands with João, turning around to meet his smiling face.
“did you have fun today?”
“I did, it was the best day, thank you for being part of it” you got on your tiptoes to kiss him “I love you”
“you’re welcome, you deserve it, you deserve everything” his hand came in contact with your cheek, gently caressing it, instantly making your jaw relax. “wanna go home?”
“yes, please” he pulled at your hand, leading the way to his car.
You felt his hands at your waist pulling you to stay on the opposite side of the road and smiled to yourself when you realized.
“Amo-te” (I love you) he whispered, hugging you from behind as you reached the car “muito” (a lot)
“I love you too” he opened your door, letting you in before getting in himself
During the ride home you were blessed with João’s singing voice, his hand on your thigh and yours on his hair, playing with it.
“dance with me” you whispered, your chin resting on his shoulder
“dance with me, please, it’s my birthday” you looked at him through the mirror, your arms wrapping around his torso.
“of course” he turned around, his hands finding its way to your waist and your arms around his neck
You both started to sway dancing in the middle of the bathroom, he leaned in for a kiss, soft but passionate, and a million little pecks after, making you giggle.
He did a little dip in the end, causing you to laugh.
“thank you, for today” “well, thank YOU for existing” he lifted you up, your legs wrapping around him “close your eyes for you gift”
And you did, and soon felt him peck your lips multiple times “that’s one for each year you lived”  he kept giving you soft, little kisses
“and what are those for?”
“for all the years I’m gonna be spending with you”
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talesofesther · 2 years
sweet calamity | ch 2
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Series Summary: It was something people described as the sweetest pain, the feeling of when the soul that's destined to find yours is closer to you. Wednesday saw it as a curse, promised herself she would hate whoever was chosen for her; but it's easier said than done.
A/N: Slowly, the story is shaping itself, hopefully y'all will like it. Also thank you so much for 7.5K followers, love ya. <3
Masterlist | Read ch 1 here
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It was rare the times where you woke up before your alarm, given that you weren't exactly a morning person. But you could barely sleep last night, excitement and apprehension twirling inside your stomach; so it was no surprise when you woke up with the birds this morning.
Today was your first official day at Nevermore, the place where, supposedly, you belong. You were lucky to already know a few of the students here, Eugene for one, who had given you a basic tour of the school yesterday.
To say that Nevermore was big would be an understatement, the ancient, castle-like structure had your anxiety spiking as soon as you walked through the gates. It was a given that you'd take your sweet time getting lost here.
Just as you are right now.
You were leaning back on one of the stone walls on the quad, cell phone in hand as you read one of your mother's latest texts; have a good first day darling, remember to make friends and don't isolate yourself, love you.
With a soft sigh, you typed back the generic response you always gave your mom, a sweet thanks and I love you that usually did the trick so she wouldn't press the matter.
Stashing your phone on your backpack, your gaze roamed over the hallways and doorways, searching for any clues on where the hell botany class was supposed to be. Technically, you could just ask someone. Your fellow outcast colleagues came and went, passing by you nonstop. Yet part of you didn't want to be the lost newbie.
You pushed yourself away from the wall, turning around on the spot, forcing your peers to dodge you as you took a slow step backward to get some new perspective.
And that's when it happened again, so suddenly this time that it got you stumbling on your own feet.
It reminded you of when you accidentally touched that hot frying pan when you were seven. The burning, sharp and angry against your skin; right on the pulse point of your wrist. The same one you felt for the very first time just yesterday, and maybe that was the main reason for your restlessness today.
Your mother always talked with you about soulmates, about how she was lucky to have found hers and that maybe you would be too. But at the end of the day, she was also a realist. She had never once allowed you to dream too big, hope too much. Because she knew it wasn't a reality for everyone.
You grew up in a world of maybes. Maybe you will find yours, maybe you won't; both are okay. And that was your truth, you were content with any outcome.
Until yesterday.
It's strange how a few seconds can change a lifetime.
You had never cared much about having a bond with someone, but then you felt it. It was almost palpable if you focused enough, that fragile red string tied around your finger, sending shockwaves to your heart and changing its rhythm.
Overnight, the thought of breaking this bond became almost unfathomable.
Your backpack bumped into someone when you lost your footing, you quickly turned around with an apology on your lips, but the person spoke first;
"Whoever it was, do it again and I will break each of your fingers." She spoke lowly, with a bite to her tone that gave you goosebumps.
You could tell she straightened her tie before turning around to face you, and once she did so — ever so slowly — any words you had tangled on your tongue faded completely.
She was all raven black hair and smooth pale skin, her lips had a dark shade of burgundy to them, shaping the lines to perfection; if you squinted, you could see freckles over her nose; her eyes were just as dark as her hair, lashes kissing the corner of her cheeks as she blinked once, twice and then kept her gaze on you with a faint frown to her eyebrows.
Something about her got your heartbeat going haywire. It was addictive.
Only when the silence was bordering awkward that you found your voice again; "shit, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you." It didn't help your nerves that you could feel the eyes of the passing students on you, as if they were watching a live decapitation ceremony — plus the ever-present ache on your skin.
Talk about an eventful first day.
All the girl did was angle her chin up, her eyes skimming up and down your body. "Stop walking backwards and maybe it won't happen again."
You pursed your lips, nodding once. Touche. "That's great advice, actually." You attempted a smile, but when you got no response back, you continued; "uh anyway, I have to go to botany class so, I see you around?"
If you looked closely, you could tell she acknowledged your words with a nod of her own. Figuring that's all you were getting, you turned around and took a step the opposite way.
A beat or two passed, almost as if she was considering if you were worth her time of day or not.
"I'm heading to botany as well," the raven-haired girl's voice called after you.
You looked at her over your shoulder.
"And that is not the way." She told you pointedly, raising a perfectly styled eyebrow at you.
Good one, idiot. Was all you could think to yourself.
You stood in the middle of the hallway with six feet between you and the girl whose name you were already itching to know, unsure if she wanted you to tag along or not.
"I'm not gonna wait on you forever," she said then, impatiently, and you scrambled to fall into step beside her.
You followed by her side as she left the quad, passing through Nevermore's gardens — which were breathtaking this time of year, the huge trees with a mix of faded green and yellow on their leaves, some of them already forming a blanket on the grass beneath them, old stone paths for you to walk on and a cold breeze in the air, countered by warm sunlight; you could spend hours out here — until you saw the big greenhouse in the distance.
"Thank you for this," you spared a timid glance at the girl beside you, "really, I would probably still be walking in circles if it wasn't for you."
There was no response other than a blank look in your general direction; you wanted to hear her voice though. "I'm Y/N, by the way." The question about her own name went unsaid.
Did you always have the need to speak so much? Wednesday wondered.
By no means, she was one to care enough in helping newcomers find their way around. They could be bothersome, asking too many questions and delaying her routine.
Yet there was something about you that got her feeling uneasy when she considered parting ways. For a second, she wondered if it was your soul that was doomed with hers, but you had already bumped into her and the cursed burning was still there; with no pattern to it, ever unpredictable, resembling the push and pull of waves on the oceanside yet never going away entirely.
And Wednesday wanted to be annoyed, she should be annoyed, shouldn't she? Because the sooner she finds out who her other half is, the sooner she can put an end to it.
She wasn't. She wasn't bothered that it wasn't you. Because the thought of hating you was slightly unappealing.
Her jaw was tight, sunlight framing her profile and reflecting on her pupils as she said; "Wednesday."
Were you going to be another Enid? Talking her ears off every given minute only to warp your way inside her cold heart eventually?
Wednesday let out an indignant scoff at the mere thought of it.
Her response lit you up like a Christmas tree; "Enid's roommate?"
You reached the greenhouse and Wednesday stopped in front of the glass doors. She turned to face you, her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
"Uh, we're friends," you were quick to elaborate, eyes focused on the way Wednesday's fringe flowed with the wind, "well, our parents are friends so we became friends too, she talked a lot about you on vacation. I almost feel like I already know you."
To that, Wednesday sharpened her gaze daringly, sure that Enid's version of her had the potential to be twisted into something sweetly inaccurate.
And was it bad that your panicked face was somewhat adorable?
"Not trying to imply that I do," you hurriedly said, eyes a tad too wide, "I'm just saying that I've heard a lot about you."
You amused her; the same way a cat finds it amusing to play with its prey. There was a ghost of a smile on Wednesday's lips; "yes, we do share a room."
The greenhouse was already partly filled with students when you walked in together, its glass walls almost entirely covered by plants, allowing only little bits of sunlight to come through as the smell of several different flowers engulfed your senses.
There were a few seats empty, but when you settled on a table at the back, Wednesday felt compelled to follow suit, making herself comfortable on the chair beside yours.
You kept surprisingly quiet during most of the class, taking notes in your notebook and occasionally tapping your pen against the paper but other than that, quiet. Wednesday felt strangely at ease in your company.
Wednesday had her hands neatly resting on the table, half listening to the new teacher's boring explanation about a poisonous plant and half counting the new species added to the greenhouse since she last came here.
She had counted twelve by the time her attention was captured, by you, no less.
There was a potted orchid resting by your side, it was a small thing, its soil a little too dry and its petals a little too pale — apparently the new teacher wasn't as attentive with her plants.
Wednesday watched the way you raised a hand to the poor flower, fingertips grazing the tip of its petals, and from each place you touched, a burst of life erupted. Slowly, the flower regained its bright colors, the leaves standing tall again in a deep shade of green at the same time that a loving smile came to your lips.
"Interesting," this time, Wednesday was the one to break the silence.
Her voice made you flinch, as if you had been in your own world for a moment. You took a deep breath before saying; "she was looking a little sad."
With her eyes still on the colorful orchid, Wednesday asked; "you make things come to life?"
"Uh, plants mostly," you shrugged, like even you didn't know the full extent of your abilities, "but yeah."
You looked up at Wednesday, not expecting to find her eyes already on you; dark as the night, if you looked closely, you could find galaxies in them to get lost in. You couldn't remember ever becoming this quickly infatuated with someone before, so much so, that it got you wondering — hoping — what if it's her?
The hairs on your arm stood up, a shiver going up and down your back. Could it be her?
"Enid always loved it," you forced out, at the same time that you forced the what-ifs out of your head — because you could almost hear your mother saying; hope is dangerous, don't ever let it overcrowd your senses. "She used to tell me that I'm lucky, that I could just conjure up any bouquet I'd want when I find my soulmate," you grinned at the memory, "and I always told her it was not that simple, that I can't make things out of thin air."
"Enid can be naive," Wednesday stated, tone a tad too tight, "she often times sees the world through rainbow lenses."
You chuckled, "do I sense some disdain?"
There's a beat before Wednesday says anything; a beat where she just looks at you, wondering when you got so comfortable with her, and why she let you.
"Quite the contrary," she tells you then, "Enid is one of the few people I tolerate here."
You smiled faintly, eyes downcast and focusing on Wednesday's hands instead of her eyes, "not for Enid."
Wednesday blinked slowly as understanding downed on her, she straightened in her seat; "most people fail to realize that having your soul linked to another is nothing short of a burden." Her words rolled off her tongue easily, that was her truth.
You nodded, not agreeing but acknowledging her view, "why would it be a burden?"
"Because no one asked for it, it's an inconvenience that's forced upon you. And people expect you to just accept it, love it, even," Wednesday told you, her eyebrows scrunched together in anger, "why would I ever want something like that?"
Your lips parted as you felt her hatred as if it was choking you, her black nails tapping against the table at the same rhythm your heart pumped blood. "What happens if you meet yours?"
"For their sake, I hope it never happens."
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Read ch 3 here
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I'd appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @gayestfeels26 @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr @imlike-so-gaydude @user284747 @dreifhraniquo29 @emeraldevan @witchyhs-blog @tobylikesfire @simp4nat @boobabietch @impossibleliv1031 @deadpool-in-a-snood @rainbow-love4ever @maria-403 @pompompuri @halleest @wandaromanova @marveloussimp @rainbow-hedgehog @left-and-right-up-and-down @get-the-fuck-outta-here @awolfcsworld @elduster @alexkolax @georgi-salva @imdumbhi @ladey @youralphawolf72 @reginassweetheart @justyourwritter69
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ovaryacted · 9 months
hey love!! i was thinking about number 53 with childhood bestfriend!Leon ??
also i loveeeee your writing omg you are sooo talented !!! <3 xoxo
Hey boo!! Thank you for requesting! I think it's crazy I haven't written anything about childhood best friend! Leon when that's the cutest fucking thing ever omg. For this one, I imagine RE2 Leon for the most part in age and appearance, just some very cute fluff with brief pining so I hope you like this because I really had fun writing this out! For context, there's no Racoon City or trauma, just a normal timeline, and Leon lives in Boston in a house where the reader can climb up to his bedroom window from the backyard. And thank you for saying you like my writing, really made my day. :) [ prompt game ]
#53 - "Who crawls through someone’s window at 4 am to go for ice cream?” PAIRING: Childhood best friend! Leon x reader [cw: Fluff, childhood history, little bit of pining] - 1.1k words
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Leon was fast asleep in his bed, tucked nicely into his fluffy navy sheets face down in a pillow with drool slipping out of his mouth. He could hear some rattling coming from his window, the noise beginning to stir him from his slumber as he opened his eyes. Disorientated and groggy, he sat up in bed, hair a complete mess and rubbing at the corners of his eyes as he woke up.
Ears perking up to the sound of consistent tapping on the glass of his window, he looked in the direction he heard it, spotting a silhouette that was all too familiar to him. There you were, right on the roof of his bedroom window, the same way you’ve done so many times it became second nature to you. With a sigh and a roll of his eyes, he moved towards you, lifting the window to let you inside.
“Do you know what time it is?”, Leon grumbled, running his fingers through his hair to put it back in place but knowing he there was no point.
“It’s like 4 am, why?”, you said it to him as if it were nothing, offering a teasing grin.
“Some of us actually need to sleep. We can’t all be vampires like you”, he said to you, crossing his arms over his chest as he saw you go towards his bed, flopping onto it as if were your own.
“I couldn’t sleep and I was bored. So I came to bother you”, you replied, closing your eyes and exhaling a deep breath.
“At 4 in the damn morning?”, you gave him a playful shrug, finding enjoyment in his slight irritation. Even if Leon sounded like he was angry, you knew he wasn’t. He could never be mad at you even if he tried.
This wasn’t something out of the ordinary for either of you. Both you and Leon had known each other for so long that anything considered strange to others was seemingly defined as standard in the bubble that was your friendship. It all started with a funny instance at the age of 5, finding Leon on the playground during recess in kindergarten. Curiosity drew you to the young blonde that sat by himself, doodling in a coloring book on one of the picnic tables.
You sat on the opposite side of him, simply watching as he colored in the drawing haphazardly. You didn’t say anything to him, and he didn’t say anything to you, but the both of you developed a form of silent communication. Sometimes, you would draw along with him, silently of course, and rarely, you got lucky and Leon would give you one of his crayons. It became a routine where you both sat at the same table, at the same time, simply sharing a space with each other in a way you both understood.
Until one Thursday, you didn’t come to school because you were out sick. Leon was at his usual spot, at the picnic table with his coloring book, looking for you and wondering where you went. When he couldn’t find any sign of you, he moped for the rest of the day, his mother wondering what had her son in such a weird mood.
When you came back to school the next day, you met with Leon again at the same table, sitting in front of him with the toothy smile you usually wore.
“Where did you go?”, he asked you, speaking to you for the first time since you started to sit with him two weeks ago.
“Got a booboo”, you told him, lifting the sleeve of your shirt to show him the Batman bandaid you had stuck to your skin. His eyes widened the slightest bit, somehow fascinated by the intricate pattern of the adhesive material on your shoulder.
“Woah. Cool!”, and for the first time, you saw Leon’s smile, noticing how he was missing one of his front teeth.
He passed you a piece of paper, watching as you unfolded it to see what it was. It was from yesterday, a stick drawing of you and Leon that he had made when you weren’t here. You cherished that piece of paper as if it were the Monalisa, and when you showed it to your dad the minute you got home, you excitedly told him you had made a friend.
You two have been attached to the hip ever since. From elementary school to high school prom and starting college, you’ve done it all together. And now, here you both were, young adults exploring the world with an unbreakable bond. Some people would pay to have a life connection like that, and it was something neither of you took for granted.
“Can you tell me now why you decided to wake me up this early and didn’t just text me?”, Leon caught how you were wearing one of the many hoodies you had stolen from him. He gave it to you once a few years ago when you were cold, and you never gave it back. Not that he complained, he’d buy as many hoodies as he’d like just so you could steal them later.
“I wanted ice cream, thought you might want to tag along”, you were mischievous, always teasing and bubbly no matter the time of day. 
“Who crawls through someone’s window at 4 am to go for ice cream?”, he scoffed at you, thinking this was all unbelievable to him when in reality you were very much in character.
“I do smartass. Are you coming or not? We could go get Dairy Queen, I know you like their sundaes”, you suggested, kicking your feet at the edge of Leon’s bed, already knowing he was going to say yes regardless of the time.
“Fine. But you’re buying me lunch tomorrow for waking me up this damn early”, he sighed, admitting his defeat to your schemes. 
“Yeah yeah, grumpy pants. Now go clean yourself up, you have some drool on your cheek”, you said back, hearing Leon chuckle under his breath as he went to the bathroom to freshen up before heading out.
You were his best friend, someone he cherished and wanted in his life for as long as he could have you. He’d do anything for you, absolutely anything you asked or wanted he got for you because all he wants is to see you smile. It’s even better if he’s the reason why you smiled, entranced by the way your cheeks perked up ever since he first saw it when you were kids. If only you knew what he was willing to do to make sure you smiled so much your face grew sore.
Whatever you wanted, you got, because he wants you happy. So long as he was the reason why, that's all that mattered to him.
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©️ ovaryacted 2024. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
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silentcryracha · 1 year
❍ ‗ Golden Hour (H. Jisung) ‗ ❍
Pairings : Jisung x gn Reader
Genre/warnings : fluff and smut. (Unprotected sex, reader receives oral) No plot :) 18+ ONLY
Summary : You and Jisung enjoyed your day off in your own way <3
Word count : 1,5 K
A/n : I have absolutely no explanation or context for this. With this being said, enjoy and stay #h0rny
ps: Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
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It was a day off for Jisung, a Sunday specifically, so you decided to enjoy the day to the fullest doing what you like most; chill together sprawled on the couch watching whatever you felt like that day.
You stayed up late the previous night so you allowed yourselves to sleep in the morning. Around noon you woke up, taking your sweet time, and just ate whatever leftover that was left in the fridge.
After that you moved to the couch and he turned on the tv, switching channels a little randomly to see in anything got his interest. one arm resting behind your head on the edge of the couch. You on the other hand cared little for focusing on something specific, so you got caught up scrolling through different social media.
About five minutes later Han huffed dramatically, waving a hand to his face, trying to get some air.
"It's so damn hot today, I'm all sweaty and disgusting" he complained, getting up from the couch and getting your attention.
"Where are you going?" you asked casually, looking up at him. He leaned down again to give you a quick kiss on the lips.
"To take a quick shower. I need to freshen up. It won't take long." he responded, already disappearing in the corridor towards the bathroom. You shouted out a " 'kay" and went back to your business, getting comfortably on your belly and taking up space on the couch.
Han's shower took about five minutes, plus all the hair drying and skin care after, around ten. He hummed softly to himself, deciding to stop by the kitchen to get you both some iced tea. When he came back, he stepped into the living room with a drink in each hand, gaining a smile from you.
"Thank you, baby" you said cutely, making him mirror your smile. He placed them down on the coffe table and plopped down on the couch again. You were still on your belly but now your legs were bent up, kind on carefully swaying around.
"Of course, baby. Thanks, for the air con." he thanked you in return, pointing up to the air conditioner that was now turned on. You hummed, sending him a flying kiss and making him chuckle.
He picked up the remote again, this time finding a live music program that he liked, increasing the volume a little. You turned your head, giving a quick glance to the tv and stretched out your arm to reach the glass of iced tea.
Jisung saw you struggling a little so he leaned in and gave it to you, laughing softly at your pout. You grabbed it from his hand and thanked him in a purposefully cutesy voice, lowkey eyeing him up and down.
"I really do have the sweetest and hottest boyfriend." your words made him smirk a little, shifting the attention from the tv back to you. He looked at you smugly, raising an eyebrow jokingly.
"The hottest boyfriend? Tell me more." you laughed, laying your legs back down to rest on his lap. His hand immediately going to rub your thigh gently.
"Of course! Look at those strong arms in that sleeveless t shirt, or the luscious hair, or that handsome face. The nerdy glasses are just ten extra points." you winked, giving him your best bedroom eyes.
He laughed again, slapping your ass teasingly, but without putting force into it. That made you yelp and laugh at the same time, squirming slightly on him.
"Well, thank you. This boyfriend here is also very lucky, by the way." he responded, his smile still big and smug on his face. You stretched your torso and arm to put the iced tea back on the table before replying.
"Ah, really? And what do you like about me?" you asked, humor in your voice. He suddenly shifted on the couch so that he was kneeling behind you, now both his hands were sliding up and down the side of your legs and hips, almost like a massage.
"Of course your ass, what else" he said it like it was obvious but it's clear that he wanted to tease you. He laughed when your mouth went agape in an overdramatic way, reaching out to give one of his hands a slap.
"You horny bastard" you shook you head, feigning disappointment. Jisung chuckled again, straddling you by putting his knees at each side of your lower body. He then leaned in, his head closer to yours.
"For my beautiful, smart, kind, hot, special baby? Always." the cheesiness made you giggle and hide your face on the couch pillow in front of you. He nuzzled his face into your hair, chuckling with you.
"Ah, you know that you don't get to be all romantic and shit without having payback" he started to leave small gentle kisses on the side of your face, jaw and neck. This elicited a soft sight from you, understanding the mood change.
So you decided to tilt you head to the side, giving him more access. He took the chance and started to slide his hand under your t shirt to touch your naked skin. In return you slowly started to sway your hips, rubbing your butt on his crotch.
He let out a small moan at the action and continued his ministrations, touching your waist, stomach, and then teasing one of your nipples with his fingers. Your breathing started to get a little deeper, and his too.
Quickly enough you managed to turn yourself enough to capture his lips in a lazy, deep kiss. After a couple of seconds though you stopped to take his glasses off and place them on the table nearby, to then go back to his mouth.
At this point you were groping and making out like two horny teenagers but you didn't really care. After some minutes Jisung was fully hard, so he decided to take the action to the next level, detaching himself from you and standing on his knees again.
You were looking back at him with hungry eyes and a glossy, slightly swollen mouth from all the kissing. Without a word he gently slid down both your pants and underwear in one go up to below your knees. You gulped, breathing heavily when he straight up placed his face between your legs and started licking you.
Your back automatically arched, basically pushing yourself onto his face more, making him moan. One of his hands grabbed one of your ass cheeks and the other went inside his own pants to touch himself.
You wanted to reciprocate, or at least touch him too, but when you tried to move he groaned, tightening his grip on your side to keep you still, making you gasp.
"My God, Ji..." you said breathlessly, buying your face in the pillow, gripping it tightly with your hands. He just hummed against you, and kept eating you out like a man starved.
"Pl- ah, Jisung I want to touch you, please" you pleaded. He finally detached himself from you, sliding his own pants and underwear down. Then leaned back with his face next to yours, hovering over you and stroking himself.
"I want to be inside you right now, Is it okay?" he murmured, his own voice dripping with arousal. You nodded quickly, managing to get out a 'yes please'.
Jisung stood back up behind you, wetting the palm of his hand with his spit before making sure that you were ready to take him. After a couple of seconds you felt the tip of his cock touch you, but he played around for a bit before actually entering you slowly.
You both dragged out a long moan, as he stilled inside you. He waited for your sign to move, and you did that by moving your hips around, making him groan. He gripped your waist with one hand, while the other rested on your lower back, pushing you down even further.
His thrusts increased in speed gradually, and after a while you were just both moaning and gasping frenetically. You clenched around him after a particularly deep stroke, making him borderline choke on his spit. That made you involuntarily laugh and you felt his hand squeeze your side for a moment to admonish you.
"Stop that or I'll come quickly than I'd like" he joked, his voice breathless. You smiled mischievously, following his movements with your body, as if to encourage him.
"Do it, come for me" you breathed out. The hand that was previously on your back slid to your front and started to touch you, speeding up your own impending orgasm.
"You first" he replied, his voice deep. The combination of his cock and his hands on you quickly made you reach your release, moaning his name and clenching around him, again.
That definitely did it for him, as he gave another couple of deep and fast strokes and then groaned, coming inside you. He stilled for a couple of seconds before sliding out, a deep sigh leaving both of your lips.
He laid on you, pressing his chest to your back, but still somewhat keeping some off his weight off by supporting himself with his arms. His face buried in your shoulder, and your own hand coming up to stroke his hair with your fingertips to soothe him.
"I'm sweaty again" his defeated tone made you chuckle, your fingers lightly scratching his head lovingly.
"We can take another shower. In a few hours."
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Vacation Mornings
Summary: What does it look like when you get to spend mornings together when pablo is on vacation <33
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Reader
Warnings: none just pure fluff <33
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You woke up first so you turned around in Pablo's arms smiling at his peaceful sleepy face knowing just how much he needs sleep after the draining season he had.
When you look at him, he was only your Pablo, an 18 years old sleeping baby, but then you remember all of his achievements and how he has to spend most of his year being the professional player.
When he finally had a break, you wanted him to rest up and recover as much as possible so you decided to let him sleep in for as long as he wants to in the next month.
Your hand touch his face gently careful not to wake him up as you slowly start leaving kisses to his cheeks, then his neck and chest getting a little too much into it. You heard his giggles looking up feeling guilty for actually waking him up but he didn't seem to mind.
"Mmm I love vacation mornings..." he said and you blush moving up and kissing his lips lovingly as he pulled you on top of hi deepening the kiss and holding you tightly in his arms.
"I'm sorry I woke you up cariño.." you say but he shook his head kissing your lips again while his hands went through your curls down your back slowly.
"I could never complain being woken up by your kisses anjo..if only I can always wake up like this" he said sighing and you smiled touching his face and pecking his lips.
"Then I am going to wake you up like this every morning during this vacation.." you said and he smiled nodding his head before you kissed some more.
"Y/n! Should I wear this dress?" Aurora just rushed into the bedroom and Pablo jumped putting the blanket over you on top of him instinctively although you weren't even naked.
"Don't you know how to knock!?" Pablo said and you giggled when Aurora flipped him off and walked to show you the pictures of the dress she was talking about. It looked very nice on her and you said she should wear it.
"Oh and I knew you weren't naked since for the first time there was no noises and I could sleep!" Aurora said before rushing to the door as Pablo threw a small pillow at her.
"I love staying at home for vacation with you but maybe we start locking that door preciosa.." he said and you giggled nodding your head kissing him again.
"This is where we left off, isn't it cariño??" you said and he smiled kissing you again this time with a bit more strength and you moaned quietly.
"Mhmm..morning besitos..I'm going to get hooked on them" he said and you smiled into the kiss nodding your head before laying down on his chest and just cuddling up some more until it's the time to start your day.
When you walked downstairs finally meeting his family already done with the breakfast, you walked up to Belen who giggled at her sleepy son who saw searching for a cup to make himself coffee.
"So grumpy in the morning..like his papa" Belen said and you chuckled walking up to Pablo taking the cup and telling him you'll take it and he should go eat something.
"Te amo princesa..graciass" he said like a whiny child and you giggle nodding your head as he pecked your lips and sit down with his dad to eat some breakfast. You asked Sr. Gavi if he wanted coffee but he politely declined saying he already had his earlier.
"Made you and me some oats, hermanita" Aurora gave me the bowl and I sent her a kiss before finishing Pablo's coffee while munching on it and then bringing it to him kissing the side of his head.
He took it smiling and pulling me to sit on his leg which I obliged as we talked to his dad while finishing our breakfast. He kissed my shoulder softly before sipping on his coffee and finishing his breakfast.
"You kids want to have a pool day today??" Belen said and Aurora nodded at the same time as me while Pablo whined but seeing how excited I was about her he also agreed.
"You're lucky yo te amo muchisimo princesa!" he said and you giggled nodding your head and kissing his lips before you both went upstairs to change into some swimsuits and have another amaizng day on vacation together <33
I know it's short but I really like this idea of Pablo being grumpy in the morning hehe <33
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bellebridgerton · 1 year
His Diamond: Chapter 8 (Anthony Bridgerton x plus size!fem!reader)
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✨Previous Chapter✨
A week passed without much change from Y/n, she was still unconscious.
Anthony couldn't relax at all. What little rest he did happen to get was in his study, once pure exhaustion had taken over. He was at her side every now and then, but the guilt was eating him alive. His siblings and mother rarely left Y/n alone, Violet often slept in a chair in case Y/n woke up in the night.
On a bright Thursday morning, Y/n stirred, causing Colin to sit upright. Colin had been hopeful that she'd wake up soon, he missed his sister-in-law. Y/n's eyes fluttered open, "Colin? What happened?"
Colin moved to sit on the edge of her bed, "You hit your head, worried all of us. You've been asleep for a week. How does your head feel?"
Y/n sat up a bit, "My head feels alright. Where is Anthony?"
Colin kissed her head, "I will go fetch him, Thank you for waking up, I have missed you, Sister."
Y/n blushed, "Thank you, Brother." She was happy to have her family.
Colin left the room to find Anthony. He knew Anthony would most likely be in his study.
Colin knocked on the door, "Brother, Y/n's awake and asking for you."
Anthony looked up from his work, "Thank God." He abandoned his work, racing up to his bedroom, "Colin, call for the doctor!" Colin did as instructed.
Anthony opened their bedroom door to see Y/n sitting up in bed, "Y/n, how are you feeling?"
Y/n looked up at Anthony, "Tired."
Anthony nodded, "The doctor is coming to make sure you're okay." He was about to break down, "I'll be right back." He left the room and came eye-to-eye with his mother, finally breaking down in tears, finally feeling everything he's been repressing for so long.
Violet caught her eldest son before he could fully collapse, "Anthony, dearest, what happened?" She feared the worst, but made him sit down on the sofa.
Anthony held his face in his hands, his body wracked with sobs. He looked at his mother, "She's awake." Sighing shakily, Anthony continuted, "I was so scared she'd slip away from me, like Father did. I swore I'd never let love into my marriage, so I could avoid causing my wife the pain of my passing, the pain Father caused you."
Violet stroked Anthony's hair, "I am so sorry I was not fully present when your father passed, I regret it every day. And yes, the pain of losing him remains every day, but only because I love him so much. That is not a weakness, to love and feel pain. I see so much of Edmund in you, and I am happy for having gotten to love him in the time he was mine. The day he died, I saw a wall go up inside your heart. The only person who has been able to crack that wall is your lovely wife, even before you married. Don't push her away to try and spare her, cherish her while you're both here."
Anthony's chin trembled, "The day I found her, the doctor said she was with child. What if our child is not alright?"
Violet held his hand, "Then we will be there for her."
Anthony wiped his tears, even as new ones fell.
The doctor walked into Y/n and Anthony's bedroom, followed by Eloise.
Anthony looked at his mother, "I cannot go in there right now."
Violet stood up, still holding his hand, "You will go in there and be with your wife, support her."
Anthony knew his mother was right. He stood up and kissed Violet's cheek, then walked into his bedroom.
Y/n turned her head to look at him, "Anthony, please," she held her hand out to him. As upset as she was with him, she needed to hold his hand and feel him there with her.
Anthony was at her side at once, taking her hand in his. He watched as the doctor examined Y/n, nervous for the news.
As the doctor stood up, he announced, "Lady Bridgerton, I recommend at least a few more days of bedrest. You are very lucky that fall you took did not cause more damage. It is also my pleasure to inform you that you are with child, congratulations."
Anthony took a deep breath, "Is our child alright?"
The doctor nodded, "Your child is perfectly fine, but Lady Bridgerton, I must advise that you don't go horseback riding until you're recovered from childbirth."
Y/n hummed in the affirmative, still processing the news that she's with child. She looked up at Anthony, she didn't say anything, but she didn't really need to.
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After everyone left the bedroom and it was just Y/n and Anthony, he kissed her forhead. Anthony stroked her cheek with his thumb, "I am so sorry for the way I treated you. I was a fool and a coward. I love you so much, and I'm so sorry it took me this long to tell you. Not another day will pass without you hearing and feeling how much I love you, that I will make sure of. Almost losing you scared some sense into me, I only regret that's what it took to be honest with you."
Y/n held his hand, "You are a stubborn man, but you are my man." She sat up a bit more, "Anthony, I knew what I agreed to when I married you, but I had hoped I could open you up. I have loved you since we were children, that has never waivered."
Anthony cracked a smile, "Thank you, for coming back to me and for not giving up on me. I am an imperfect man, I know, but I will do my best to be the perfect husband and father for you and our child."
Y/n giggled, smiling fondly at her husband, "We do not need you to be perfect, we just need you." She leaned her face into his palm that still cupped her cheek, kissing his palm, "Our child, I suppose we should start thinking about names." She couldn't hide her excitement over becoming a mother.
Anthony kissed her temple, "What are some names you like?"
Y/n looked up at her husband, "It must start with an A, we have our traditions, do we not?" That brought a grin to Anthony's face and he felt like he could finally breathe for the first time in thirteen years.
Taglist: @unholyhuntress @faatxma @sarahskywalker-amadala @ilovechickenwings @m-rae23 @budugu
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axelsagewrites · 9 months
Jan Maas*Buttercup
Pairing: Jan x pregnant!reader
Word count: 2479
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Warnings: accidental pregnancy, morning sickness, petty arguments, mentions of childbirth but nothing detailed, Jan being the biggest girl dad ever
Requested by @hypocritic-trash-baby (sorry it took sooo long)
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There were many, and you meant many, downsides to working in a pub but one of the upsides just walked in. the Richmond coach Ted lasso and beard came in pretty regularly already but recently Dani, Sam, and Jan had also become regulars with the latter being the only thing you can think about. Jan mass was tall, handsome, and his jersey number was 13 which was basically fate since it was your lucky number.
“Hello,” his adorable Dutch accent greeted you as Sam and Danni claimed a table. “Three pints please,”
“Hiya and no problem,” you grinned, already holding the first pint in your hand since you knew their order by heart not that it was hard to remember, “How are you?”
“Better now,” he smiled, sipping on the first pint you slid him. “I was wondering if I may ask you something?” he asked, his smile dropping for a second as he glanced to his friends.
You tilted your head but smiled anyway, “Course you can. What’s up buttercup?”
Jan chuckled at this, always finding your expressions funny for some unknown reason to you. however, everyone on the team knew why. The boy was absolutely smittened by you. “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
You almost choked on the pint you weren’t even drinking and for a second his smile faltered before you quickly began to splutter, “Well yes that sounds I mean yes I think I mean fuck-“ you paused, sitting the final pint down before smiling, “I’d like that yes,”
“Okay great,” he said but it came out as a laugh, “Could I pick you up tomorrow? Say seven o’clock?”  he asked as he handed you the money for the drinks.
“Seven. Perfect. I can meet you here if you’d like?”
“Okay,” he said, picking up the tray of drinks before adding, “Buttercup,” with a large grin.
You watched him walk to the table for a moment before turning to Mae, “Could you- “
“Yes, I’ll cover your shift you little pest,” she rolled her eyes before finally grinning, “Told you he bloody fancied you,” As she said this however cheers came from the Richmond players who were now patting a very happy look Jan mass on the back.
The first date had gone so well you woke up in his apartment the next morning before he whisked you out for breakfast and a second date. You didn’t actually sleep in your own apartment for the first four days after the date you were that wrapped up. Thank god for the off season.
Jan mass was everything you could hope for. He was sweet, kind, honest, and downright gorgeous which helped. You had been dating for 8 months now before the first problem arose. Sure, you had had petty arguments, but this was far more serious. Two pink lines stared back at you in the bathroom.
“Honey, I need to leave now or ill be late!” Jan Mass called through the flat you had now moved into with him. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah!” you called back, wrapping the stick up in a ton of toilet paper before stashing it in the back of the bathroom cabinet behind the spare toilet rolls. You’d deal with it later you told yourself as you quickly washed your hands and pressed the cold backs of them to your eyes to try depuff them.
You ran out the bathroom with a forced smile, but Jan mass was angrily pacing the room, “I cannot be late,”
“We won’t be late,”
“We will,” you began to bicker as you both ran out the building to the car. The whole way there he complained as you drove, but you saw the way his leg was bouncing. After all each of these games were important if they wanted to make it back to the premier league but his constant petty jabs were not helping the delicate situation.
When you arrived at Richmond he basically ran out of the car, ditching you to find a parking space. Technically he’d been right but by the time you parked he was only 3 minutes late but only to the recommended early start time Ted recommended to get them ready.
After another quick cry in your car, you headed up to Rebecca’s office to meet her and Keeley. “You alright babes?” Keeley asked, her head tilting like a puppies when she saw your eyes.
“Yeah, I’m fine just allergies,” you smiled. Somehow you managed to dodge the rest of their questions as you headed to the stands.
“Look at your man,” Keeley grinned, nudging you as Jan Mass ran onto the field. You smiled lightly and just nodded making her sigh. “What happened babes?”
“Nothing- its just he was being annoying today that’s all,” you tried to assure her, but she gave you that look like Rebecca screamed her team on. “He was just getting all bitchy cause he thought we were gonna be late,”
“Maybe he’s on his period,” she joked, and you felt your stomach drop as you tried to laugh along.
Richmond tied, again, which even though was technically a good thing was just starting to get everybody down. You’d decided to head home before Jan and when he arrived you were in no mood to talk to him. Especially not since morning sickness decided to hit your mid game instead of the expected 8am.
By the time you made it home you honestly just felt like crap and collapsed onto the bed. At some point you must’ve fallen asleep because when you woke up Jan was sat beside you on the bed stroking your back. “Hey,” you muttered, your head falling back onto the pillow.
“I’m sorry. For earlier. I shouldn’t have snapped,” Jan said as he moved to lay in front of you, wrapping his arms around you, “Everything has just been so stressful you know? especially with another tie,” he half laughed but you knew it had been weighing on him, “You disappeared half way thought though. I thought you’d already left but I saw you just before we finished,”
You tried your best to smile but you could tell he didn’t believe you, “Just didn’t feel very well but id never miss a game. You know me,”
“I do,” he smiled, wrapping his arms tight around you and bringing you into his chest, “My little trooper,”
You knew you should’ve told him, but you didn’t know how. As you searched online for ways to tell him you fell down a rabbit hole of unhappy reactions. He was already so stressed with football a baby wasn’t exactly going to help with that or fit into his busy schedule. What happens if he has an away match when you’re in labour? Or if he wasn’t ready to settle down? Or if it throws him off his game?
Eventually you snapped under the weight of it all and broke down and told Keeley. She came over in a heartbeat to help you hug it out and try get you excited. “We should go baby shopping!” she said suddenly grabbing your arm, “Cmon it’d be so cute! We can pick up a baby Richmond jersey or something,”
“Okay alright,” you laughed as you tried to pick yourself off the couch to get ready, “And thanks for coming over, babes. It’s just been so hard wrapping my mind around it,”
“I know babes,” Keeley said as you both got ready to leave. You sent Jan a quick text saying you would be back around 5 since he was still at practise, “But hey once you tell him it’ll be a thousand times easier,”
“I hope so,”
“I know so,”
Shopping defiantly helped lift your spirit and Keeley even agreed to stash the baby things at her place, but you did take the baby Richmond jersey with you and stuffed it in the bottom of your handbag. You came home all smiles as you opened the front door. “Honey I’m home,” you jokingly called as you tossed your keys in the bowl by the door. “You home yet?”
“In here,” Jan called from the bathroom. You sat your bag down and wandered to the open door, seeing Jan standing in front of the sink looking at something. “I was looking for bandages,” he said softly as you walked in and went to wrap your arms around him, pressing your cheek into his back.
“Oh no are you okay?”
“Yeah um. I hurt my ankle a bit but its fine. What is this?” he asked, his voice coloured in shock however when you looked past him the colour drained from your face.
You started to stutter, all the joy vanishing when you saw his blank expression. “It’s a pregnancy test,” you eventually managed to say, swallowing the lump in your throat.
You unwrapped your arms around him as he turned to face you. “And its positive?” he asked as if he wasn’t holding the literal evidence in his hands.
“Yes,” you said, your eyes falling to the floor as you felt them start to well up.
Jan sat the test down and you have expected him to push past you and straight out the door. but instead, his hands moved to cup your face, his thumbs rubbed over the tops of your cheeks, “I love you. so much. I cannot wait to meet them,” he whispered as you noticed his own teary eyes.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little as you lent up to kiss him, “I was scared to tell you,”
“Encase you hated me,” you confessed, seeing his face fill with guilt, “I didn’t want to ruin you career or throw you off- “
“Football is a job,” he interrupted, “one that yes, I love and yes has become my life. But you are my family. never for a second think you don’t come first,” he said before he tightened his arms around you and you allowed yourself to cry into his chest while he stroked your hair, “We’ll make it work baby. We always will,”
After a few moments you pulled away, “You wanna see what I bought?” you asked while leading him into the living room to get the tiny jersey out the bag.
You turned and showed it to Jan who’s smile somehow got even wider, “See,” he said as he took the jersey, “How could you possibly ruin anything? We’re going to have another player on the team,” he said, and you both laughed this time.
You did however make him promise not to tell anyone about the baby however keeping it a secret was hard. Jan’s birthday was coming up however and with the whole team really needing a chance to blow off some steam you both decided to invite them over and tell them at the same time.
The players had completely taken over your flat, every seat was taken and half of them were sat on the floor. Jan however made sure you had a seat. As everyone was sat around the room Ted stood up to give a birthday toast to Jan. “So, a very happy birthday to you my friend,” Ted finished his speech, all the boys giving a small cheer or a clap.
Jan stood up from where he’d been sitting next to you on the couch to take Teds place at the front of the room, “I would also like to thank you all for coming however I have a confession,” he said, looking at you with a wide smile, “I have an announcement to make,”
“Now you better not be quitting on us,” Ted joked making you and Jan both chuckle.
Keeley sent you an excited grin when she realised what was happening, “I’m not going anywhere,” he laughed, “No actually there is someone coming to meet the team. And they are very special to me, so I hope you love them just as much as I do,”
“Is it Zava?” someone asked causing a flurry of conversations and a very loud ‘shut it’ from Roy.
“Someone even better,” Jan said once he finally had their attention again. He pulled the tiny jersey out of his back pocket and held it up, “We’re having a baby,”
To say the team erupted in cheers was an understatement. You were suddenly being hugged by about 20 different footballers all at once who were all congratulating you both. Even Roy gave you a hug it was wild.
However, it was not easy being pregnant. Especially not when your stomach suddenly became the size of a large watermelon that weighed what felt like 100lbs. between the stress of Jan’s job and the constant pressure on your bladder and joints there was defiantly some struggles but some how some way you managed and now you were holding a baby girl in your arms.
“She’s so beautiful,” Jan whispered as he sat beside you on the bed. “Just like her mother,”
As you leaned in for a brief soft kiss a nurse knocked on the door, “Hi you have um some visitors?” she said making you look at Jan.
“Who did you tell?” you sighed but he just gave you a sorry smile. “How many are out there?” you asked.
The nurse popped her head out and did a brief count before giving you a sorry look, “20ish people?”
You groaned but internally smiled since you knew your daughter would be surrounded by love. You turned to Jan, “Two at a time. two minutes each. No one gets to hold her, but they get to see her,” he nodded and instantly got up to fulfil your wishes.
The first in were Roy and Keeley. Keeley instantly rushed to give you a hug on the side that you weren’t holding your daughter while Roy slowly wandered over to look down at the small bundle in your arms. “She’s fucking beautiful she is,” he said, voice choked with tears making you and Keeley chuckle.
Jan however was less than impressed, “Hey! Language,” he said rolling his eyes.
“Sorry, sorry. Effing beautiful,” you let that one slide, however. Half an hour later the whole team had finally met her and were content enough to finally leave though they all left some kind of gift for her ranging from baby cleats she wouldn’t be able to wear for months to a massive panda bear from Isaac.
Finally, though it was just you, Jan and your baby again. “Can I take her?” he asked and you of coursed passed her over, “Hi baby,” he cooed as he held her to his chest. “I love you so much. Both of you,” he added, kissing the top of your head.
You smiled up at him, watching how he awed over your daughter. “I love you too,”
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Ted Lasso Taglist: @marvgrrl @saay-karani @meg-ro @ringpopdust @thejediprincess56 @flora157 @scrumptiousroadponymoney @scaramou @strvngestark @slay-queer @hypocritic-trash-baby @gee72sstuff
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
Can you do more sugar baby evan x sugar daddy male reader
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Sugar baby!Evan Buckley x Sugar daddy!male reader
● you met Evan at a bar known for sugar babies looking to find sugar daddies
● he had talked to a few men throughout the night but as soon as he saw you he knew exactly what he wanted
● "haven't seen you around here before," You say when you hand him another glass of the drink you had seen him drinking all night
● "I'm new in town and looking to meet new people"
● "well then why don't we go somewhere more private and get to know each other"
● you got to know each other very well that night
● in just a matter of weeks Evan was enjoying all the benefits of being your sugar baby
● fancy dinners at the most exclusive restaurants while dressed in the nicest suit and ties
● shopping sprees with your credit card
● a brand new luxury car
● and weekend getaways on your private jet
● Evan absolutely loves the water
● he does laps every morning in your pool that overlooks the city
● he always gets out of the pool like a damn model (sometimes he's wearing a very tight speedo and sometimes he's wearing nothing at all)
● which leads to plenty of hot morning sex
● he loves day trips out on your yacht
● not only does he get to go for a swim in the ocean but he also gets pampered by all your staff
● and his favorite vacations are those that are beachside
● Evan loves his designer robe you got him
● he's always sending you pictures of him wearing it, teasing you with his exposed chest
● you'll be in a meeting at work in the middle of the afternoon and you'll get a picture of him with the caption 'just woke up, still thinking of all the fun we had last night''
● he has a huge following on social media
● his thirst traps have accumulated a lot of attention from other sugar babies who want to be like him and sugar daddies who want to date him
● he also posts a lot of pictures bragging about all the expensive gifts you give him
● of course he has plenty of skimpy lingerie he wears for you
● you come home from work and he's walking around your house in just a thong (occasionally paired with a matching corset)
● Evan has the stamina to go all night in the bedroom
● and his oral skills are out of this world
● he will happily spend hours between your legs making you cum again and again
● he knows how much you love his tits and his ass
● so he loves to tease you by showing off his best assets especially in public
● wearing short shorts or tight pants that make his ass look even bigger
● and mesh shirts that you can see his tits through
● you can't even count how many public places you've fucked him in because he makes it so impossible to keep your hands off of him
● Evan spends a lot of time at the gym, you have a home gym in your mansion but he likes going to a private gym with lots of other rich guys you know and make them jealous that they aren't the lucky one dating him
● you get so many texts from them begging to let them take your baby out on a date
● you asked Evan once if it was something that he would be interested in
● but his response was "You're the only daddy that I need"
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foxzai · 4 months
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Birthday Surprise
Note: This is a story I'm making for one of my favorite writers on here. This is my first Chuuya fic, so I'm sorry if it's not good. Anyway, this story is about Chuuya having a surprise for the reader since it's her birthday.
You woke up in your bed with your ringtone blaring in your ear. You grumbled, reaching for your phone seeing it was your lovely boyfriend, Chuuya Nakahara calling you. It wasn't too early since you decided to sleep in with it being your birthday. You answered the call hearing Chuuya speak, "Good Morning, Princess. How is my birthday girl?" Hearing his voice wakes you up fully and you chuckle softly before responding, "I'm doing good, Baby. I just woke up, your voice is the perfect alarm for me." You hear Chuuya chuckle on the other end of the phone before replying, "I'm glad, princess. Now, I want you to do something for me. Can you do that?"
You stayed silent for a moment wondering what he wanted you to do. After a minute you answered, "Of course, Baby. What do you want me to do?" You could hear the smirk in Chuuya's voice when he answered, "I want you to get ready. I'm taking you out for lunch." You looked at the clock on your nightstand showing the time to be 11:30 a.m. You gasped in shock at how late you slept. You quickly sit up in bed and reply, "You are such a sweetheart but, yes I'll be ready." On the other end of the phone, you hear Chuuya chuckle and respond, "That's a good girl. I'll pick you up in 30 minutes. Also, wear something nice, princess."
Before you could say anything he hung up on you. You quickly jump out of bed and go to your bathroom to take a shower. After getting clean and blow-drying your hair, you look through your closet for something nice to wear. You spot a dress you recently bought that you thought Chuuya would like. It was a dark red dress with a slit through the side. It was perfect for the occasion. You slipped it on and quickly worked on your makeup. Just as you finished, you heard your door open, signaling that Chuuya was here.
You walk out of your bathroom and into your living room where Chuuya is waiting. Chuuya is wearing a sharp-looking black and red suit. He looked very handsome and you felt lucky he was yours. As you entered, Chuuya turned to look at you, blushing slightly as he took in your appearance. He walked closer to you and ran his hands up and down your sides. He had a smile on his face and said in a loving tone, "God, you are gorgeous, My love. Truly Divine. I am so lucky you are mine." You blushed slightly from the compliments he was giving you. You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and replied, "You are too sweet, My Angel. I'm the one who is lucky that you are mine." Chuuya blushed even more after hearing your response and chuckled softly before responding, "You are perfection, my princess. Now, come I wanna show you off today."
You giggled softly and wrapped your arm around his as you followed him outside to his sports car. Chuuya opened the passenger door for you and closed the door after seeing you were seated comfortably. Chuuya quickly walked over to the driver's side of the car and got in. Chuuya started the car and drove to the fancy restaurant where he had a reservation for you both. He parked the car and ran to open the passenger door for you before he said, "I hope you enjoy your lunch today. I only reserved the best for you, my princess." You exited the car and walked with him to the restaurant. You held his hand interlacing your fingers with his and replied, "Anywhere with you will be the best, Baby." Chuuya chuckled softly before he opened the restaurant door for you and responded, "That makes me happy to hear, My Love."
You saw him then look at the hostess and say to her, "We are under the name Nakahara." You saw the hostess blush and look at your boyfriend causing you to cling onto Chuuya. Chuuya noticed straight away and placed his hand around your waist, pulling you closer. The hostess looked away awkwardly and said, "I'll show you to your table then." She then had both you and Chuuya follow her to the table on the balcony where you could see the ocean. You looked over in awe and said to the waitress, "Thank you, if me and my boyfriend need anything else we will let you know." She nodded her head and walked away while Chuuya pulled your seat out for you, making sure you were comfortable before sitting down himself.
You saw Chuuya smirk slightly and said, "You look so cute when you're jealous." You blushed slightly and said with an annoyed tone, "I didn't like the way she was looking at you." You could hear Chuuya chuckle and was about to say something else before your waiter came and asked, "What can I get the lovely lady and good sir to drink?" You heard Chuuya immediately respond, "Bring out two wine glasses and a bottle of your finest 1964 Romanee." The waiter smiled and before leaving, he said, "Excellent choice, Sir. I'll be right back while you look over the menus."
After a few minutes, you both decided what you wanted to eat, just as your waiter came back with the wine. The waiter poured some wine into both glasses and put them down before asking, "Have you both figured out what you wanted to eat?" Chuuya gestured for you to order first. You cleared your throat and said, "Umm... Yes, I want the filet medium rare with a side of broccoli and butter." The waiter put that down and asked, "And for you, Sir?" Chuuya looked at the waiter and said, "I'll have the same thing." The waiter nodded and went to put in both of your orders.
You and Chuuya sipped on your wine as you both conversed. You laughed and smiled having fun with your boyfriend, until the waiter brought over your food. He placed both plates on the table and asked, "Is there anything else I can get for you?" You and Chuuya shook your heads and said, "No, thank you." Before the waiter left, he placed the bill on the table and you and Chuuya started eating.
After you and Chuuya finished eating, he paid the bill and said, "My Love, I've been waiting all day for this moment." You looked at him surprised when he got up and got down on one knee. Chuuya pulled a small ring box out of his pocket and opened it, revealing a small diamond ring. You gasped in pure shock with a huge smile on your face. Chuuya looked up at you with the most beautiful eyes and said, "Princess, Happy Birthday. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. I love you. May I put this ring on you, My Love." You quickly nodded your hand and held your hand out.
Chuuya took the ring out of the box and placed it on your ring finger. You smiled brightly and said, "I love you, Baby. You always make me the most happiest woman in the world." Chuuya stands up and leans in, placing his lips on yours in a sweet, gentle kiss. You wrap your arms around him and kiss him back with the same amount of love he gives you. After a while of making out, you and Chuuya separate as the need for air arises. Chuuya chuckles and smirks slightly as he says, "I would say you really liked your birthday surprise, Princess."
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deansapplepie · 11 months
Till THE DEAD do us part | Chapter 8
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A/N: This story will take place in all the seasons, but it’s not exactly a rewriting cause I’d have to re-watch everything to use the exactly lines of the characters, also I think it’s better if I tell a side story without changing the main facts of the story.
This story has a Female Reader, but I don’t describe her appearance, so anyone can identify with her.
Chapter 7 Chapter 9
Chapter 8: Because it’s you
Summary: Rick finds Y/N and Daryl sleeping all cozy and cuddling. The Grimes’ Siblings have a heart to heart conversation and make sure to each other that they care and that they’re there. While the group go train with guns, Y/N and Daryl pass some time together that brings some answers but also more questions for then. Some secrets a revealed.
Warnings: swearing, little angsty, violence, mentions of violence, mentions of cheating, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of abortion, a hot kiss 🥵 . Minors do not interact. (If I forget anything else, let me know)
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Grimes!Reader (Rick’s Sister)
Word Count: 4,806
Extra notes: I proofread the text, but English is not my first language, so feel free to correct any mistakes, of course with love. I’m consulting a timeline of everything that happened, but it can happen that I put events out of order, but I don’t think it’ll make much difference in the story. ALSO, I’m praying my Daryl isn’t too out of character.
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Rick didn’t see you be so comfortable around a man like you were with Daryl for many years, and the archer wasn’t the type he would judge to enjoy cuddles. Also, he couldn’t help but feel concerned about you, he already saw everything… he knew you were falling for Dixon and also knew that you didn’t do any of this love, relationship thing or even anything casual for years. He was afraid you’d get hurt or have mixed feelings. He feared to see you ‘destroyed’ like you were in the past and he couldn’t afford that, specially now that the world was upside down.
Daryl or you didn’t seem to wake up, so he cleared his throat again, this time louder and exaggerated. Daryl woke up startled and saw Rick at the end of the room looking at both of you. To say Daryl was embarrassed wasn’t the correct word to describe what he was feeling at the moment. “Wake her up.” Rick asked, ordered, him.
“Y/N” Daryl called for you squeezing your arm a little.
“Y/N/N” he called again, you hummed snuggling a little more into him. Blush ran to his cheeks, you weren’t making his job easy.
“Puppy” he called the nickname he gave you, but cringed a little about using it in front of Rick. Daryl was looking at you, so lucky him, he couldn’t see Rick’s bitchy facial expression of ‘seriously, you already have pet names?’.
You opened your eyes and were surprised to see his face looking at you, so all the coziness you were feeling was him. You couldn’t help but give a sleepy smile. “Morning D. Sorry for cuddling you, but I have to say, there’s a long time I don’t sleep this good.”
“Er… no problem…” he just wanted to disappear, Rick was watching all of this and he couldn’t just not answer you.
Rick cleared his throat again and you jumped startled at the noise and looked in direction of the noise. “Jesus! Rick! You scared the hell out of me! Why are you being all creepy and watching we sleep?” You said, your heart was beating fast because of the scare. Very reluctantly you left Daryl’s embrace and sat on the bed.
“I… I wasn’t watching you.” Rick was embarrassed and got moody with the situation. “I came to see how the two of you were. Apparently, you’re pretty good.”
“We were just sleeping Rick. And it’s probably my fault, you know that I move a lot in bed.” You said, and it wasn’t a lie. He knew, when you were younger and needed to share a bed, you ended kicking and stealing his covers and sheets. In fact he was surprised you didn’t steal Daryl’s sheets.
“I know. Really. Just embarrassed to find you two all cozy and cuddling.” He confessed.
“Man, I was respectful I swear.” Daryl sat holding the sheets to his chest. He felt like a teenager being caught with his girlfriend by her dad, the only thing is they were not teenagers, she wasn’t his girlfriend and they didn’t make anything.
“I know Daryl, it’s ok.” But wasn’t ok, he was worried as fuck and already had many problems to solve and still he had to deal with his younger sister and make sure she wasn’t going to bring trouble to herself. “Also, Carl is already on his feet and I think you two can go back to the camp and end the recovery, we shouldn’t abuse the hospitality we’re receiving.”
“Ok, so I guess I fucked up a little bit and Hershel isn’t happy.” You concluded.
“Yes.” Rick confirmed. “You two should rest to recover. Daryl I brought you a clean shirt.” He threw the shirt to Daryl, that catched it immediately. ‘Awww’, you thought, ‘Rick is so cosiderate about D.’
“Alright, thanks.” Daryl answered and then looked to you, he didn’t want you to see. You knew it.
“So, I guess it’s my time to leave.” You got up of the bed. “I wonder what we might have for breakfast today.”
After you had breakfast Rick and you went to your tent so you could talk. You were worried about this conversation, because you didn’t do anything wrong in your eyes. Rick was anxious and also worried about everything, he wanted to protect you and everyone, but how could he protect you when he barely made time for you.
“So…” you tried encouraging him to start the conversation.
“I never saw you so out of control as I saw yesterday. I’m not saying she didn’t deserved, but that’s not you.” He started, you had to take a deep breath to not over react.
“Maybe, I didn’t have the courage before but now I have. Maybe, this is who I should be in this world. I’m not talking about hurting or sacrificing innocent people, but… if I can’t defend or protect the ones I care about, what am I supposed to do, Rick? Let the people do whatever they want with me and with the ones I love?” You took a look at his deep blue eyes and they were sad, and you hated to see he directing this look at you, you’d rather have him angry at you than see sadness in his eyes.
“Andrea is part of our group, actions like that will just separate all of us and it’ll be difficult for both of you to live with each other.”
“Well, so is Daryl. And guess what? She could have killed him. She didn’t because she doesn’t even know how to hold a damn gun correctly, but she could have hit him. And then, what would we do? Accept her apologies and her destructive behavior, and keep going? It could have been anyone Rick, it could have been me, Lori or even Carl! What would you do?” You felt alone again, like even having your brother back let you in the loneliness. You didn’t know anymore if you were wrong or right, you just knew that no one could hurt who you cared and go with no punishment.
“I don’t know, it didn’t happen.” He said, he didn’t know what he would do. Otis for example he could have killed him or beat him, but he didn’t, and even by accident he hurt the most precious person in the world for him. “She just lost her sister Y/N/N, you can understand it better than anybody else.”
“Well, I didn’t became an uptight bitch that goes around making shit and putting people in danger.”
“You were not alone. She is…” You talked before he finished, because you couldn’t take it.
“You weren’t there Rick, you have no idea of how lonely I was.” Just remembering made tears come to your eyes, you looked down trying to hide it. You didn’t want him to know, but you had already said the words. You heard his breath, he was probably choosing the words to say.
“Shane and Lori…” you felt a knowing pain in your chest and slowly brought your eyes back to him. Did he knew? You waited him to complete. “You were lonely because they were… having something?”
“Did you know?” Your voice was shook and you knew your tears were about to fall.
“I’m not dumb Y/N. I could see the signals. I-I can’t blame them, I was dead to them…” He also had teary eyes, and you knew how it pained him.
You hugged him and let him cry, and you cried too. All the tears you still had to drop since the day you discovered you were alone and you hadn’t had your brother to hug and tell you it was going to get better. God! You didn’t want to see when he discovered Lori’s pregnancy, it is… if she was going to tell him. He hugged you back and could finally bring all his emotions about it out, he had all of this stuck in his chest since the quarry and he didn’t have the time to deal with all this.
“I’m sorry.” You said, he was probably alright with the fact that you didn’t told him, but you had to tell how sorry you were. “It was so lonely, I couldn’t understand, because I was still mourning you and… when I discovered I… I couldn’t cause a scene, I couldn’t confront them… not with Carl there and I had nobody, I only had…”
“Daryl.” He said, he pulled from your embrace and looked at your face sweeping the tears you still had on your face. “Was that the moment you got closer to him?”
You just nodded, that was the moment and now you knew that another speech was coming. If this kind of conversation was already embarrassing with the women in the group… you should brace yourself because it wasn’t going to be better with your brother.
“Yes, I mean… I already knew him, but we didn’t interacted much. Till the day I told you he found me in the woods…”
“He’s a good man.” He said and it surprised you, you were not expecting it. “He’s just… rough on the edges.”
“I thought you were goind to lecture me.” You said relieved.
“I’m not. You’re a grown woman. I’m just a few years older, I should stop treating you like a kid.” He said, and you smiled at him. You knew it was being difficult for him, it seemed like Shane and him would always see you like the annoying little sister that would try to go with them everywhere. “But it doesn’t mean, I don’t worry or care about you.”
You continued in silence, cause you knew more were to come, he had just started. And to be honest you didn’t know what to say in the moment.
“Don’t say you’re just friends.” You remained silent just waiting for what he had to say. “The way you look at each other? This is not what friends do. Also, I see how he’s protective of you, and after yesterday I have no doubt you’re of him too.”
“Well, I’d do the same for any other friend.” You tried to find an excuse.
“You look as you have the hots for each other.”
“He’s an attractive man, what should I do? Take my eyes out?” Rick wasn’t buying your bullshit, so he had to use his last card to make you talk seriously to him.
“I saw you two making out at the CDC.” He dropped the bomb. HE REMEMBERED. Your eyes got wide and he knew now he got you in this conversation. “You were sleeping like a couple today.”
“It has been many years since I saw you get this close to a man, and don’t get me wrong what I want the most is for you to be happy, to live even in this shitty world… you passed all these years without being in any kind of romantic relationship, not even casual. And now it’s like you jumped from an airplane with no parachute and I’m just afraid you’ll hit the ground and it’ll torn you to pieces.”
“Rick, I… I don’t know how to explain, I just can’t stay away from him, and it feels so right to spend time with him, talk to him, NOT talk to him… it’s like a chain reaction and I can’t control. All this years, I never felt like this.” You confessed, but you didn’t wanted to tell the words that scared you so much. There wasn’t even 3 months you knew him, and it felt already like a lifetime of emotions. “And… he’s such a good person and he doesn’t see it. He doesn’t know how good he is.”
“You know what all of this is. When you were trying to justify your actions towards Andrea, you used the word love.” You were surprised, because you didn’t remember it, you just told Rick whatever came to your mind. “I just ask you to be careful, I’ll not try to prohibit you from experiencing life, just take care… and please, please close doors or whatever when you decide to make out with him again.” He gave you a half smile and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“Rick, I don’t want to put names on what I feel, not yet. Thank you for talking and to go easy on me, I was expecting a whole lecture like Shane used to give me back at the quarry. But I forget that you’re best friends, not the same person.” You squeezed his hand, you were happy you could have a heart to heart conversation like in the old days. You missed it and you barely had time to have it with him after he came back. “You know, you can come to me whenever you need to talk. Don’t burden yourself, share it with me.”
“Thanks.” He said and prepared himself to leave. “I love you, you know right?”he turned to you before leaving.
“I love you too big bro.” You gave him a smile, you were so glad to have him back. He left and you stayed a little bit more in your tent, it was strange to be alone when you were always surrounded with people or with Luna, who at the moment was entertaining Carl.
While everyone, or almost everyone was going to learn how to use the guns, you couldn’t do anything but stay in the farm. You were clearly bored, with nothing to do. You decided to pay Daryl a visit. When you arrived to his tent he was laying there, also bored as fuck. “Come in” he said just as if he was really in a room or a house.
You entered his tent and sat on the floor, the injured leg straight, while the good one you brought to your chest and rested your chin on it. “Are you also bored?” He obviously were, you just wanted to make conversation.
“Bored’s not the correct word to describe it.” He talked while he spin an arrow on his hand. “Andrea came here earlier to apologize. Ya really were tough on her. Nasty job ya did.”
“Thanks?! I guess…” were he complimenting you or did he think you overreacted? “Did you accept her apologies?”
“Yeah, I mean… I ain’t dead. She was just trying to protect the group.” You scoffed in disbelief, even him?
“Good thing I don’t have a good heart like yours.” You stated, because you were still pretty much angry at the woman.
“Did Rick give you the lecture?” He was curious to know what happened in your conversation, but he was also apprehensive of what was the outcome of it.
“Yes, and No…”
“Or he did or he didn’t.” He said, there’s no way to happen both at the same time.
“Yes, he tried to lecture me about the fight yesterday, but he listened to my reasons.” You laid down on your side, head resting in your arm and observed him. “He couldn’t convince me I was wrong, but I also couldn’t convince him I was right.”
“I forgave her, but she deserved. Ya were slightly right.” Slightly? Why? Did he really think you shouldn’t have done that?
“Or I’m right or I ain’t, Dixon.” You mimicked what he said before.
“Are ya mad at me?” He turned to you.
“I’m not.” You answered avoiding his eyes.
“You’re pouting and called me Dixon.”
“Isn’t that your name?” You looked at him and he had a smirk on his face, you were cute. That was what he thought. When you were angry, but not when you were ‘I’m going to kill you’ angry, you were the cutest pretty thing he had ever seen. “What’s the smirk about?”
“Nothing…” he wouldn’t tell you how he thought you were cute, no, he couldn’t.
“Tell meeee! It’s something, I know.” You insisted, you poked him multiple times in hope to annoy him and get your answer.
“Stop!” You didn’t. “Stop!” He asked one more time, and you didn’t. So he took your pulse in his huge hand and yanked you, making you speechless, only a few inches apart from him and it was efficient to make you stop poking him.
“Daryl…” you said weakly, if you wasn’t this close to the archer he’d probably not listen.
“I was just thinking about how cute ya look.” He confessed, the words came from his mouth without thinking, and with the help of the little annoyance you were causing.
You scanned all of his face to see if he was joking, but you saw nothing. His face was serious and his eyes were soft. You were never this impulsive, but apparently the apocalypse was bringing it out of you. The first thought you had, was to just crash your lips on his and let it be, but you didn’t want to risk lose the close and comforting proximity you had right now. You looked from his lips to the wound he had on his forehead. You propped your elbow on the floor and curved to give him a delicate kiss where it was hurt, going back to the same position you were before.
“What ‘re ya doing?” He asked, not used to this kind of demonstration of affection, it was new to him. He couldn’t quite understand it, but at the same time he knew deep down that he kind of liked it.
“Kissing it better…” you answered, did he never had someone to kiss his boo boos when he was a kid? No, he didn’t and that was why he didn’t understand. He released the hand he was holding in his and put it on the side of your face caressing it, he looked at the scratch marks on your cheek and even with them he thought you were adorable.
He got a little bit closer to you and kissed your cheek, it was quick and tender, and made you all flushed. How could the all gruff Daryl be so soft. You moved your hand to his head and let your fingers run on his short hair, he closed his eyes in appreciation, his guard was down and he could just enjoy the sensation. Again you looked at his chapped lips and couldn’t help but come closer, your hot breath hitting his face making him open his eyes and look at you. Feeling his eyes on you, you looked back at his eyes waiting for some signal or even a voiced permission… he just looked down at your lips and you took that as your cue to close the gap between both of you.
Your lips delicately encountered taking your time and lazily kissing him, he reciprocated he was dreaming to repeat this moment again, to have the opportunity to kiss you one more time, and he qas so glad neither of you were drunk at the moment. At first it was just lips, just the delicious feeling of being so close to each other, feeling the mix of your bodies heat. Then Daryl licked your lips, he was the one to initiate it this time and you slightly opened your mouth giving him permission to deepen your kiss. It was slow and intimate but still sensual and intense. His hand descended to your waist holding a firm grip there, feeling a little of your skin as your shirt got a little up. You hummed in satisfaction with your intimacy and the heat of his big hand on your waist. You had a strong grip on his upper arm, holding yourself as if you could fall from somewhere. His other hand, close to the ground, stayed in your face caressing it with his thumb. While your other hand was resting on his chest. When the intensity of kiss was increasing he impulsively pulled your body against his, you gasped in surprise and with the sensation, while he winced in pain.
You felt it and broke the kiss, resting your forehead against his, heavy breathing on both ways. “Damn, forgot yesterday I got an arrow through me.”
“I’m sorry” you returned your hand to his hair.
“For what? For kissing me real good?” He raised his eyebrow and said with a teasing tone.
“For making you feel pain.”
“Nah, I was too enthusiastic.” He kept his arm around you, enjoying the feeling just like he enjoyed cuddling with you in bed. “Why d’ya keep kissing me?” No matter how much he liked when you did it, and how afraid he was to not have it anymore. He had to ask, because he didn’t want to be used just like Merle’s voice had said.
“Because it’s you.” You answered, you looked in his eyes and you saw confusion. He was trying to understand what you meant, because he never thought anyone would want him just because it was him. “I’m not doing this because I don’t have options, if that’s what you’re thinking. I… I had options in the old world, if I wanted to. But it have been years that I didn’t even do casual shit. So, what I want to say is that you aren’t just someone I want to have fun.” For a minute you thought you had said too much, that he’d distance from you, because who’s the freak that don’t have any kind of relationship for years? Well, you were.
“Who hurt you this bad, pup?” He looked at you with tenderness on his eyes, his hand lifted to put a lock of your hair behind your ear. A beautiful sweet young woman like you, all alone and in no relationship for all this years, something bad had happened, that was the only explanation. You were probably around his age, that was what he thought, maybe a couple of years younger, since you’re younger than Rick, but even like this, if you had more age, you’d still be all the things he thought about you. You looked like you’d age well.
“It doesn’t matter, the son of a bitch is probably already dead.” You hoped so. “Do you wanna me to stop being physical with you?” You had to ask, maybe he didn’t want you to continue, even though he seemed to enjoy it. Daryl and you had a lot of layers, but he had more and you’d hate if you crossed his boundaries.
“I don’t. I like yer company and… ya’know the thing that’s going on.” He also didn’t want to name things, just like you had said to Rick about yourself. He was also afraid, but at least for now he knew that hallucination Merle knew nothing about you or your group.
“Ok, so I’ll not stop.” You affirmed and put your arm around him, being careful to not touch where he was injured.
“Come here.” He used his right arm to bring you to him, making you rest your head between his shoulder and chest, you gladly accepted it, because you’ve never been as peaceful as you were in this morning by being on his arms. “So now, what we do?”
“We can take things slow, let’s cross each other’s boundaries when the time comes.” You said and looked at his face waiting for his answer.
“It sounds good to me.” He ran his fingers on your hair.
“Also, we should remember to close doors when we kiss or anything else. Rick told me he saw us back at the CDC.” Daryl almost choked on his saliva, just thinking about people catching them made him all embarrassed. This morning you were just hugging and he was an embarrassing mess because Rick caught you.
“Yep, we better close doors. Can’t stand being caught again.”
“Well, I wouldn’t mind if it meant you’d have blush on your cheeks. You’re cute when you are all shy.” You teased him, but you’d also feel better if your brother didn’t catch you making out with Daryl.
Soon, they came back from the shooting training and you only knew it because Luna invaded Daryl’s tent showering both of you with her love, which means licking you and swinging her tail happily. You took care for her not jump on Daryl because of his injuries, but she didn’t she was delicate when needed. It seemed as if she knew when she could and when she couldn’t do things.
“I think I’m going to take a walk and see how things went on training.” You said sitting up.
“Are ya gonna come back?” He asked fingers brushing your hand.
“Do you wanna me to come back?” You returned the question to him, just because you could, it didn’t mean you had to spend all time with him or that he wanted you around all the time.
“I want ya to come back.”
“So, I’m coming back.” You leaned in his direction and gave a peck on his lips before living, unfortunately not followed by Luna that decided to stay with the new love of her life.
When you found the others you learned Shane and Andrea had gone look for Sophia at an old abandoned compound. Glenn looked upset and Maggie seemed like she could kill someone. You looked for Rick and saw Lori and him far on the fields. ‘Why do I have the feeling that shit hit the fan?’, you thought. After some time they came back, but went separated ways afterwards. You saw the tension and approached Rick. “Hey! Rick! Is everything ok? You seem a little tense.”
He just hugged you, and for the second time that day he cried. “Lori’s pregnant…”
“Aren’t you happy? I mean, I understand the circumstances and all the questions about paternity, but this baby is going to be yours, right?” You caressed his back, maybe you shouldn’t have said the paternity thing.
“I’m happy, it’s… it’s mine, no matter what. It’s just… she tried to take the next day pills to abort, she didn’t even consult me.”
“She did what?” You got a little pissed, you know that a woman have the right to choose if they keep the pregnancy or not, but not telling Rick? He should at least know about her decision and also about the pregnancy before, they were married after all.
“She puked it, but… I wouldn’t even know if I didn’t found the pills in the tent or if she didn’t puke it.” You couldn’t understand well his feelings, but you tried to the maximum, because what Shane and her did, was already enough to shook him. “We’re gonna raise this baby and it’s gonna grow happy and well…”
“Yes, of course. We’re gonna love this baby so much, and protect it. It’ll have big crazy familly, but the baby will grow happy. There’s just one thing worrying me.” You said.
“What?” He looked at you concerned and worried that maybe you thought about something he didn’t.
“I’m not going to be the only aunt anymore, how can I be chosen the favorite with so many competition?”
He laughed, even with his teary eyes. He was expecting you to say something serious, and you came with the worry of not being the favorite aunt anymore. “Thank you.”
“I said you could always count on me, always.”
“We aren’t telling anyone yet, so I’d appreciate if you didn’t tell the others.” Well… it would be a little problem, because Glenn was the first to know about it, and you were almost certain that he probably already told Dale.
“Top secret, I’m not telling anyone.” ‘Maybe just Daryl’,you thought, ‘but he doesn’t talk much to anyone, so…’
Final Note: I know Daryl and Y/N gave a big big step with this one, cause they kinda admitted want to be physical with each other. But as we all know, Daryl has yet to mature a little and grow, well so does Reader.
Taglist: @sunnybunnyy2 @royaltysuite
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imnotjaesblog · 1 year
Loving You Is Incomplete and Risky
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Staring: Jung Jaehyun
Genre: Vampires, Friends to Lovers, Smut, Angst, Fluff, Mentions of Poly Relationship
Warnings: Smoking
Words: 11k
You woke up with the sun peeking through the dark curtains. Your arm felt around searching for Doyoung. You sat up seeing the empty spot on the bed. You stood up your back feeling better after the tea you finished. You looked at the small table seeing your toothbrush and hairbrush. Doyoung must have brought it for you. You walked into his bathroom and started your morning.
When you returned to his bedroom you picked up the teacup off the nightstand, walking towards the door. You opened the door ajar peeking your head through. When you saw no one in the long hallway you stepped out closing the door behind you. You felt much better than you did last night. Feeling a rush of energy through your body you smiled. You felt so well-rested and had the most amazing dream.
You hummed to yourself as you walked down the hallway Yuta's shirt still wrapped around your body. You were also wearing a pair of comfortable shorts that were hidden by his black blouse. As you walked down you felt a gush of air past you causing you to stumble back. The force was strong almost making you drop the glass. You looked around confused. Nothing in sight you continued to walk down the hallway. Why do the oddest things happen to you when you arrive in the hallway?
Just as you went to turn down another hallway you felt the same strong wind. This time turn to see a figure standing behind you. You wasted no time in running away. You kept running hearing his loud footsteps behind you. Boots stomping on the glass floor. You passed a new room you hadn't entered yet. A large golden statue of the earth was placed in the middle. In this room, there were four pathways one on the far right leading to the maze on the opposite side of the garden. The other was behind you where you came from. Another on the left leads down a dark hallway with very little light. And the last was the path in front of you, it was a shorter hallway with a turn to the left. You heard the footsteps behind and low grunts. "Do not run. I will not hurt you," it said as it came closer to you. You hadn't looked back just took off down the front path.
The hall was different than the others it was filled with old paintings and cobwebs. It felt like a very long and old attic. You kept walking checking behind to see a shadow. Your eyes widened running again. You pushed past the cobwebs and continued your journey. Your running came to a halt when you realized you had hit a dead end. You shook your head panicking. "No no no," you said to yourself turning to see the man coming closer. His grunts lingered in the dark, gloomy hallway.
Then it hit you. You remembered the secret door above the ballroom. Surely this place was filled with secret rooms. You began to pull and press on different statue heads and press on the walls. Nothing had opened making you worry. You looked to your right seeing the statue of a horse pulling its tail. When you pulled its tail a door shot open. You jumped inside letting it close behind you. Before you could check the room you had jumped into you heard footsteps approaching. You held your breath keeping your voice quiet. You heard his grunts of annoyance. Then you finally heard him walk away.
You let out a sigh of relief turning around in the dark room. The minute you turned a thousand candles lit up. The room was filled with light. Yuta sat at a table a cup near his arm and glasses on his face. He smiled at your presence closing his book. "Well, this is a nice surprise," You sighed sending him a half smile. You're just lucky you weren't lost again. While Yuta made you a little uncomfortable at least he wasn't chasing around his house like a madman, well not again.
"Come in," he said gesturing his hand forward. You walked towards him sitting beside him. You pushed your chair back eyeing him closely. You bite your lip, he made you nervous and not even in the fun kind of way where your heart flutters. No, instead it was like a student having to talk to their teacher. "You look out of breath. What chased you?" he asked crossing his leg over the other. He fixed his shirt then his eyes met yours. Yours were already on his raising a brow. "How did you know I was being chased?" you questioned hands at your side ready to flee.
"I can hear your heart beating as well as your pulse. You were running very fast so I assumed it's because you were being chased and besides," he said. "I can smell fear," he paused watching your face change. He chuckled opening his book again and going back to the page he left off. "Relax baby I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just teasing. No need to run," he said referring to your butt sitting halfway off the chair.
You eyed him sitting normally in the seat. "I'm not your baby," You said crossing your arms over your chest. "Don't call me that," you spat at him. He chuckled adjusting his glasses. "Take off my shirt then," he said not even looking into your eyes. You puffed out your chest looking away. You scoffed standing up in front of him. "Listen I don't know who you think you are but I'm not afraid of you," you said crossing your arms over your chest. Your hipped turned to the side and Yuta turned taking a glance at you. He chuckled flipping the page of his book.
"I know you I make you nervous baby no need to get angry," he said causing you to scoff. "You don't," you lied. You can't let him know the small power he had over you. He will never view you as weak and you'll never give him the chance to. "I can't stand you and the way you talk to me and your brothers," you said.
"Oh? Then how should I talk to you?" he asked. "Harshly your ex? Stern like a King? Scary like a monster? Caring like a mother? Or…" he stood up walking closer to you. Your back hit the wall eyes widened as he hovered over you. He wasn't as tall as Doyoung or Jaehyun but he was just as imitating as they were, maybe even a little more. You gulped when he got close to you, lips hovering over yours. "Soft like a lover?" his tongue touched his lips emphasizing the L. You pushed away from him. He chuckled shaking his head, red tips of hair falling above his head. He took off his glasses cleaning them.
"Why don't you go see Jaehyun? He's in his study now and I'm sure you're hungry. He can have something prepared for you," He said snapping his fingers. A tall woman came from the dark holding a black box in her hand. She opened the box to a pair of sunglasses. Yuta thank her taking off his glasses and replacing them with the dark shades. She closed the case holding it in her hands. "I'd do it myself but I have important things to tend to," He said walking past you. Before he left he grabbed his coat then turned to you. "Don't worry you won't get lost. If you pull that book forward it will take you to Jaehyun's Chambers. His study is in the middle of the hallway, you've seen the room before," He said sending you a cheeky smile then turned to leave. "Joy, make sure the car is ready," he said to the woman on the way out.
You turned to the green book he pointed to reading the title.
Two Truths And a Lie
You shrugged pulling the book back. When you let the book go the door slid open revealing a hallway. You stepped outside watching the secret door closed. A Satute of a head stood in front of the wall that was once a door. You turned away from it walking to the middle of the hallway. Jaehyun's study was next to a statue of a horse that had fallen. When you saw the statute you went up to his door. You knocked on it waiting for him to open it. You heard some rustling around. Sound of books closing and papers flying around. You looked down seeing the shadow of footsteps move around until they walked towards the door.
The door swung open revealing Jaehyun. You looked up from the floor, he looked pale and tired. However, he smiled at your presents. He stepped aside motioning his arm to the inside of his study. "Come in," he said. You slowly walked instead cautious of where you stepped. You didn't want to bump into any of the potions on his sleeves or step on any cords on the floor.
"I'm sorry for the mess I was unaware of your presence," he said cleaning up some more papers. He tossed them away dusting off his hands. His sleeves rolled up forearms on display. He let out a huff after fixing his glasses. He looked up into your eyes placing his hands on his hips. "So are you hungry?" he asked. You shook your head but your stomach betrayed you. Your belly rumbled loud enough for him to head. "You sure?" he asked tilting his head. You chuckled patting your stomach. "I guess I can't hide it," you said sending him a smile. He chuckled walking over to the bell at the front of his study. "I'll send for Irene she'll have something made for you," He said walking to the bell.
"What about you?" you asked. He rang the bell and then turned to you. "Me?" he asked touching his chest. "What about me?" his hand fell. You shrugged dusting off an empty chair. You sat down relaxing in a seat for the first time today. "You seem tired and pretty pale, paler than usual. I figured you were hungry as well," you said. He walked over to you cleaning off the table of papers and books. He shook his head waving his hand. "I'll be fine. You need the energy to help me today," he said. You raised a brow smirking. "Help you?" you scoffed. "I told you I'm not good at science," he chuckled shaking his head. "No in the garden. I need to gather some things for a spell I'm working on," he said.
"What's the spell?" you asked picking up one of the books he left on the table. You mindlessly flipped through the pages of the dusty book. "A ritual spell. I want to see if it works," He said walking to the door to thank Irene for bringing the food.
Your eyes widened for a moment. Ritual spell? Was it about what Doyoung told you? Jaehyun came back placing the plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes in front of you. He placed a glass of orange juice down as well. He looked into your eyes concerned. "Y/n are you okay?" he asked. You nodded placing the book down. "I'm fine," you said grabbing your fork to eat.
Jaehyun sighed. "He told you, didn't he? I guess it's good that he did, it's better you know now than later," he said. You chewed slowly on your food watching him closely. He let out another sigh picking up a glass that was next to him. He gulped the thick liquid down placing it back on the table. You saw the blood spill from the side. "You know it's your decision right?" he asked clasping his hands together that rested in front of him on the table. “We will not force you to do anything you don't want to do. You know that right?" You nodded sipping your orange juice. He smiled, "Great. Now finish up so we can go to the garden," he said standing up to clean up the rest of his room.
"Oh and by the way," he said causing your head to perk up. "The ritual I'm working on has nothing to do with you. It's a ritual that involves time, I'm just doing it to find some old research papers I lost years ago," he said assuring you that you had no reason to fear him or his brothers. You nodded returning to your breakfast. Secret Doors? Vampires? Spells? What had you gotten yourself into? Although this would make a great book.
Jaehyun had left you to change your clothes. Once you returned wearing shorts, sneakers and a T-shirt you were ready to help him in the garden. You walked beside the hallway to the spiral staircase. You both walked down the spiral staircase reaching the ground floor. “It’s the middle of the day. You can go outside?” You asked him. He nodded “As long as I’m covered I’ll be fine,” he said. “And besides we won’t be out long. I just need some blueberries,” he said walking towards the garden.A woman stood by the door holding a black box. He opened the box took the sunglasses and put them on.
“Y/n this is Yeri. She is my personal assistant and will be tending to us in the garden,” he said motioning to Yeri. She bowed and then returned her arms clasped with one another in front of her body. She stood straight and held a stern face. You bowed back politely. “It’s nice to meet you,” you said. She nodded but didn’t say a word. She turned to the side grabbing a white umbrella. Opening the door she opened the umbrella holding it over Jaehyun’s head.
“Come on the blueberries aren’t far,” he said stepping outside his feet touching the green grass. You followed behind him covering your eyes from the sun with your hand. Once you passed a bunch of flowers and fruits you searched for the blueberries. During your search, you looked to the opposite side of the garden seeing a red maze.
The château was of significance. How could you not want to explore such a place?
“Here,” he said handing you the roses. He smiled holding them out to you. Confused you blinked looking into his eyes. “They are for you,” he said handing them to you. You smiled taking them from his hands. You smelled them taking in their scent. Jaehyun watched you. You were so radiant, so flawless. I mean of course you had physical flaws but not to him. He saw you as perfection. You would be perfect for him and his brothers.
“You are very beautiful,” he said. You looked into his eyes a smile forming. Little creases under your eyes formed as your cheeks rose. It had been so long since someone called you beautiful and meant it. “Now let’s go I have some things I must take care of,” he said extending his hand to you. You took his hand letting him lead you to his chambers.
Once you stepped inside his room he turned you around placing a kiss on your lips. Surprised you stumbled but didn’t let go. He continued to hold you close kissing you passionately. The roses began to slip from your hand. But Jaehyun didn’t mind. He placed a hand around your waist and another around your neck. His kiss was different than Doyoung’s. Doyoung’s was tender and sweet Jaehyun’s was frustrated and full of energy like he had been waiting for this.
You pushed him away coming to your senses and hoping he’d come to his. You placed the roses down and touched his chest. “Jaehyun I’d love to but,” you looked into his eyes. “I was just with your brother yesterday and that would be unfair to all of us,” you said hoping he’d understand. Jaehyun nodded head falling in disappointment. Shameful in himself for not treating you or himself fairly, and his brother. “You are right. Forgive me,” he said touching your hand. “I have gotten carried away,” he said kissing your hand and then letting it fall. He walked away to the fireplace in front of the brown leather sofa.
“Why don’t we relax for a moment then we will begin attempting the ritual,” he said smiling at you. You stepped towards him sitting beside him. You nodded watching the fireplace in front of you. “I’d like that,” you said. Jaehyun’s head turned to you. He watched your face light up from the fire. He smiled even if it was unfair to kiss you or even touch you he couldn’t help but let his feelings wash over him. He absolutely would let you love him and break his heart for the chance to kiss you again. ————
After the passing days, you hadn’t seen Yuta or Doyoung since you got here. Instead, you’ve been locked in with Jaehyun trying to work a gold machine in his study. Turns out the blueberries were also for you in case you got hungry during the time you spent with him. He just wanted an excuse to spend more time with you. What he really needed was in his study and now he was using the incantation from the book of spells to open something called a rift gate.
“It’s very simple Y/n. This is called a rift gate it will allow you to travel anywhere in the house. There are three located throughout the manor. However, I am unaware of the location of the third, I have suspicions it is located past the blood maze,” he said opening the book to the right page. He held up a golden coin with purple magic flowing through the outline of the coin. Your eyes glowed purple under the light and Jaehyun smiled.
“There is something I need and this rift gate can take us there. However, it hasn’t been activated in years so I have to perform this ritual in order to open the gate,” he said holding the book and the gold coin with a purple glow to the rift gate. “What do I have to do?” You asked standing behind him.
“There are two gears on the side. Once the rift turns on we will stand on opposite sides. Unanimously we must turn the gears to open the portal,” he said turning to the rift gate. He turned his head checking outside the window. The sun was setting and the moon was soon to replace it. He nodded to himself. “Okay it’s time,” he said holding the book open and up high.
He read the spell out loud the coin beginning to jump in his hand. He continued to say the spell out loud and you watched as your purple glow flowed through the coin and toward the right gate. A symbol on top of the gate similar to the sun glowed purple. Jaehyun’s eyes were shut as he read the incantation out loud. You felt the ground underneath start to shake. The weather outside had changed. Thunder and lightning crashed together the night appearing fast. The bell by Jaehyun’s door rang loudly as books and bottles fell off the shelves in Jaehyun’s study. You were pushed back by a strong wind. You tried to hold your ground by walking towards it. You touched Jaehyun’s shoulder to hold on.
He opened his eyes seeing the purple magic form around the sun. He smiled setting the book aside. The sun began to glow purple and he stepped forward. “It worked,” he said to himself. He jerked his head to you. “Quick we haven’t much time,” he said running to the left of the gear. You ran to the right holding onto it. “On the count of three, okay!” he shouted over the destruction of his room. His eyes meeting yours you nodded. “One, two, THREE!” He shouted signaling you to turn. You both turned the old rusty gears. You gritted your teeth putting all your strength into turning the gear. Once you felt it stops you both stepped away. “Let’s go,” he said stepping inside. You followed behind the portal closing behind the two of you. Jaehyun’s study fell back to the way it was.
When you looked around you were in another chamber. Accept this one was a lot older. You looked around at the wooden room. Stone all over the walls. You explored while Jaehyun searched around for his important papers. You stopped seeing a window with no frame. It was a curved window that allowed you to see the moon perfectly. When you walked towards the window you looked outside taking notice of the place you were in.
“This is a castle?” You asked out loud. “A tower,” Jaehyun responded. “I wasn’t allowed to leave in the castle so they left me this small room in the tower,” he said the papers in his hand. You frowned it must have been terrible up here. So dark and so lonely it must have been for him. “Did you speak to no one?” You asked feeling sorry for him. He nodded “Very few people. Most just wanted me to cure their illnesses. I couldn’t cure them all and had failed as a teacher of science. Most people here believe in religion. Science means nothing to their ignorant minds,” he said sitting down in a chair near the small fire.
The room was much smaller compared to his living space now. It had a table in the middle a couple of shelves, one window, a very small fireplace, and a bed that was all. “I had discovers beyond their time. But people are afraid of things they don’t know. They wanted to exile me from the kingdom for my studies. I fought against it. I had nowhere to go, even if they hated me my home was here. So they burned it. They burned my knowledge, my work, my everything. Which is why I’ve come back,” he said standing up to gather some more books.
“This is the day they burn everything. If I take what I need now they will not destroy it. They can burn some to make themselves feel good but not this,” he held up a white paper with scribbles on it. He held it tight in his hand. “They will not take this,” he said.
“What is it?” You asked. He sighed letting his guard down for a moment. Becoming less passionate about his work and more focused on the note. “It’s a letter from a lady in the castle. A servant girl who I fell in love with. She left me this when she fled with her family to marry a man named George. A farmer's boy,” he scoffed throwing the letter on the table. He sat down legs spread out in distress. “She did not approve of my methods. She believes science to be the evil works of the devil. I tried to tell her it was not true. That religion had purged her mind into believing anything she didn’t understand was the devil. She and her father did not want to hear it,” he said head falling down in sadness.
“They are the ones who snitch on me and have my home destroyed,” he said picking his head back up. You walked over to him placing a hand on his shoulder. You rubbed his side sighing. He touched your hand holding it over his un-beating heart. “I do not even know why I want to keep this letter. I do not love her anymore but I feel as if I must keep it. Why?” He asks you eyes looking into yours. You frown walking around him and sitting on the only other chair. It was hard and made of wood. It hurt when you sat down but you bore it.
“Maybe because she broke your heart,” you said. Jaehyun’s glossed eyes found yours. He chewed on his lip nodding his head. “You are right,” he said standing towards the fire. He held the paper in his hands looking at it once last time before he chucked it into the fire. “It is done,” he said turning to wipe the tear that threatened to fall. He fixed himself walking back to a book. He held it in his hands. “I have what I need. We may go,” he said extending his hand. Just as you were about to take his hand you heard loud banging on the door.
“Jung Jaehyun we know you are in here. We will no longer be bewitched by your magic anymore. The king has ordered your death and you shall meet Judgment for what you have done,” the captain says from behind the door. Jaehyun began to panic looking for a way to escape. There was only one door and it was covered by guards.
“Where is the rift gate?” You asked. “Just below us. I hid it in the cellar,” he said and you nodded running towards the window. Jaehyun watched you fearful you’d fall. He held your side. “What are you doing?” He asked eyes wide.
“You can’t die right?” You asked him. He shook his head but didn’t understand the importance of this. “Yes so?” He said. “Then jump,” you said but he shook his head. “What about you? I can not leave you here,” he said.
You shook your head. "I will be fine, go ahead," you said ushering him to the window. He could barely fit through it but still managed. “How will you escape? Do not take this by offense but you aren’t exactly a woman of this time,” he said trying to make you understand that not only your clothes but possibly your mouth could get you in trouble. An intelligent woman here with thoughts here wouldn’t survive. You shook your head placing a hand on your hips and tilted your head. “What? You think I can’t act like a lady?” You asked. Jaehyun shook his head. “It Isn’t that but look you aren’t even dressed for this,” he said beginning to panic as the banging on the door continued.
"Jaehyun do you trust me?" you asked looking into his eyes. Your hands were over his as he hung out the window. He huffed and puffed beginning to lose his grip on the cold stones. He looked back seeing the dark sky behind him and then the ground below him. He looked back into your eyes wind blowing through his hair. "Jaehyun," you called. He sighed nodding his head. He looked into your eyes and said, "I trust you," he said swallowing hard. "Do you trust me?" he asked and you nodded the banging on the door becoming louder.
“OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!” A man shouted from outside.
“Use a spell and make me a dress or something,” you said. Jaehyun thought about it for a brief moment but gave in. He needed you to live and he trusted that you would return safely back to him. He spoke a simple spell and you were transformed. A gold and white dress framed your body. It puffed out a small tail forming in the back. Makeup on your face and a corset to choke you dead sat around your waist. Jaehyun gave you a beautiful dress, he was going to make sure you looked good even if it was to save your life. “Go,” you told him placing a kiss soft kiss on his lips.
He jumped down the minute the door was busted open.
Guards holding torches came inside but were stopped by their captain. “Halt,” he said as they all stopped seeing you by the window. “Who goes there?” He asked stepping forward. One of his men stood beside him. All the men stared at your figure. Now you were a woman dressed for the time. It was just odd Jaehyun gave you a ball gown. “I am lady Y/n,” you responded a small frog in your throat. You had to come up with a great lie. The captain put down his sword. Sliding it back into his pocket. He walked towards you his men standing aside. “Funny. I’ve never heard of a Lady Y/n. Where are you from?” He asked suspicion rising in his tone. “I am from New Hampshire,” you said. You had to come up with something quickly.
He raised a brow. “I’ve never heard of this New Hampshire. Men,” he said turning to the group behind him. “Have you heard of this place?” He asked. They all shook their heads. He turned back to you getting ready to draw his sword again. “Where is this New Hampshire located?” He asked. You breathed in and out calming yourself. “It has not been discovered yet. Which is why I am here today,” you said sending him a smile. The captain's features soften. He let go of his sword. He extended his hand out to you. When you placed his hand in his he bowed on one knee kissing your gloved hand.
“My sincerest apologies. I did not know a lady of such status was in our present,” he said motioning his hand for his men to bow. They all jerked forward in slight surprise. They bowed while the captain knelt in front of you. Once he rose back up he softly let go of your hand. You dusted yourself off. “If you do not mind may you direct me to the ballroom,” you asked. He nodded bowing again. “Of course. Right this way,” he said gesturing to the door. You followed entering the large ballroom.
When you stepped inside you saw many different people of different status socializing. You knew from many history classes this party wasn’t to have any sort of fun. This was a business event where fathers would pick the best man for their daughters and have them wed. You were doing your best to avoid catching anyone’s eye. You searched for the exit finding it just down the path. You thanked the guard and walked further into the crowd. The orchestra played while people swayed with one another on the dance floor. Couples dancing together for the first time after arrangements were made for their wedding.
“Excuse me,” you said walking past many different people. They stepped out of your way whispering to one another about your dress and your looks. “Where did she have such a dress made?” A woman asked fanning herself. She stood next to another woman who gawked at your dress. She covered her mouth with her green and black fan. “I do not know but a lady wearing such a dress must be of high standards,” she said. The woman chuckled together watching you walk into the crowd. “Excuse me,” you said walking past a newlywed couple. “Oh congratulations,” you said to them. They smiled thanking you walking off to dance.
With the number of people in your way, it seemed the exit was getting farther and farther. Where did all these people even come from? You stopped for a moment looking for a shortcut. “I don’t believe we’ve met,” a man said from behind you. You turned around to shoot him down. You had no time for flirting or arranged marriages. He was an older man with grey hair on the top of his head. He smiled at you his yellow teeth on display. You wanted to barf. He smelled like old cheese as well.
“I am the Duke of France,” he said holding his hand out for you. You hesitatingly took his hand letting it lay flat in yours. He brought it to his lips placing a gentle kiss. Thank God you were wearing gloves. “And you are?” He asked. “Oh, I’m Lady Y/n of New Hampshire. We are a new country so you haven’t heard of us yet,” you said smiling awkwardly. You continued to look around for a way out. His eyes followed yours grabbing your attention back with the snap of his fingers.
“Where are you looking Lady Y/n? What has distracted your mind?” He asked. You scoffed shaking your head. “Oh I am just searching for my husband,” you said. His eyes widened he even jumped a little. “Oh! I was not aware you were married. Tell me where is your husband so I may speak to him?” He said. You shrugged. “I’m searching for him now. I shall have someone fetch you when I have found him,” you said. He nodded smiling showing his yellow dirty teeth again. “That would be best,” he said.
You walked away turning quickly. “Oh!” You said after bumping into someone. The man jumped as well dusting himself off. “This has happened too many times. Sir, please watch where you are-“You were cut off your eyes meeting his frame. “Going…” the words died on your tongue. He looked so handsome in his suit. His hair was pulled back and a golden crown covered his head. He dusted himself off eyes not yet meeting yours. You felt your mouth go dry. He looked so different.
“I must watch where I am going. Do you have no sense? I was simply-“ his words were cut his eyes meeting yours. The words in his tongue dying as well. “Walking away…” he said. He fixed his posture standing tall in front of you. He placed a hand on his chest and bowed to you. You curtsied head bowing in response. “Your Highness,” you said in the most polite way you could. When he rose he saw you still bowing to him. He chuckled hands clasping together behind his back. “Please mysterious woman, call me Doyoung,” he said. You stood back up. He wasn’t king yet, he was still the crown prince. But most of all, was he still human? “What is your name?” He asked pulling out of your mind. “My name?” You asked. You still couldn’t believe the odds of you running into Doyoung. You went to tell him your name but held back. What if this messed with the future? “I’m sorry to trouble you but I must go,” you said walking past him. “Wait!” He called but like Cinderella, you kept running.
You were high on your toes as you ran to the ballroom doors. You tried to turn the knob guy your gloves prevent you from opening the door. You turned seeing Doyoung coming towards you. Wasn’t he married during this time? Why was he chasing you? You turned away removing the stingy gloves. You held on in your arm dropping the other. You didn’t bother picking it up. You took off outside, down the stairs, and to the side of the castle where Jaehyun was waiting for you.
“There you are!” He said leaning off the stone wall. You shook your head, “I’m sorry I got stuck in the ball,” you said walking to the rift gate. He shook his head. “It’s alright. I’m just happy you're safe,” he said. Just as you began to turn the gears you heard footsteps approaching. Doyoung appeared from the shadows eyes glowing when he saw you. Then they shifted to Jaehyun and he frowned. “Why are you with him? Are you two married?” He asked. You shook your head but didn’t respond. To focus on the forming portal. “What is this? Sourcer is this another one of your spells?” He asked a smile evident on his face. He walked closer to the portal. “Move Doyoung!” Jaehyun shouted as the wind picked up. When Doyoung refused to leave Jaehyun used a spell to send him off. Soon the portal opened and you both walked through.
Once you made it back to Jaehyun’s chamber he changed you back to your normal clothes. “That was fun,” you said walking further inside his room. Jaehyun chuckled, “Maybe for you, you went to a party,” he said following behind as you sat on the leather couch in front of the fire. “This old man tried to chat me up,” you said. Jaehyun sat down letting your legs drape over his his. He massaged your claves and you let him. The feeling of his fingers felt nice on your body. “Oh yeah? Was he ugly?” He asked. “He wasn’t attractive but he was nice. I could tell though if we were married my only job would be to have his children,” you shuddered in disgust at the thought of only being used as a machine. You have such high respect for the women of that time you endured all that pain.
“I saw Doyoung,” you said fiddling with your thumbs. You smiled to yourself. Jaehyun continued to massage your legs listening to you speak. He watched your face carefully the fire illuminating the space and your features. “He looked different,” you began remembering his face perfectly. “He looked-“
“Alive?” Jaehyun said. You looked over at him and he switched legs, taking your left in his hands. “You met Doyoung before he transformed. A couple of days before he met Yuta,” Jaehyun smiled remembering the time they all met. It was Jaehyun's last time to prove he could use magic and science to save someone. It was his final shot at showing magic and science could coexist in the same world. Luckily Doyoung let him prove his point. “He was only nineteen then,” he said smiling remembering their past. “I was eighteen,” he said.
“How old are you now?” You asked curious. He chuckled shaking his head and adjusting his glasses. Dimples formed on his cheeks. “You do not want to know,” he said. He let your legs fall motioning your body forward. You obliged coming closer to him. He turned you around and massaged your neck for you. Your eyes fluttered shut. His hands worked wonders on your body. You didn’t realize how tense you were. It’s probably from all the action you’ve seen today and these last couple of days, including the time you were chased by that strange man. “Have you thought about what my brother told you?” He asked. Your eyes shot open. You didn’t move away but sucked in a breath. “I haven’t yet but I’ll let you know,” you responded. All he did was nod and continue working on your neck. After some time you relaxed under his touch again closing your eyes. Your mouth slightly opened letting out a moan. Surprised you didn’t move away but your eyes opened. Jaehyun leaned forward coming close to your ear. His hands moved up and down your sides, fingernails gently grazing your skin. “Do not make such sounds. You’ll rile me up,” he whispered into your ear. The faint of his warm breath tickled your skin. You chewed on your lip turning your neck to him. “I’m sorry I couldn’t help it. It felt too good,” you said eyes big when they looked at him.
“I’m glad. I want to make you feel good,” he said. You turned your body hands touching his bicep. He moved back slightly as you came closer unsure of what you were doing. He wasn’t uncomfortable with your closeness just you became unpredictable. You smiled lashes batting at him dusting your cheeks. You crawled to him straddling his waist. You felt that same drawn feeling with Jaehyun like Doyoung. Like you had to kiss them, touch them and feel them. If you didn’t the heat in your body would set you on fire. His hands placed themselves on your hips. His head resting on the arm of the couch. You placed your hands on his chest. Covered by a white button you slowly unbuttoned every button on his shirt.
He thought for a moment thinking of the moment you both shared earlier. "Do you trust me Jaehyun?" you asked him. He thought about how fast he replied to you. How with no doubt in his mind he trusted you. And how fast you answered him and how in no doubt in his mind you trusted him. He smiled to himself the memory and your words once again easing his heart and mind.
His chest moved up and down watching you undress him. You opened his blouse exposing his toned chest to the room. You licked your lips feeling and seeing how strong he was underneath you. You leaned forward sucking and kissing on his neck. You kissed down from his jaw and found the sweetest spot on his neck. There you licked teasingly. Soon your licks turned into sucking the cold skin. Jaehyun groaned hand moving from the small of your back to your ass grabbing a handle in his hand. He moved his head to face yours pulling you down for a kiss.
The kiss was passionate and full of heat. Jaehyun groaned against your lips enjoying the way you tasted. You felt a small pinch on your bottom lip. Pulling back you brought your fingertips to your lip. Tasting the metal you pulled your finger away seeing a drop of blood. “I’m sorry,” Jaehyun said sitting up you still sitting on his lap. You turned to the fireplace, getting a better look at the blood. It remained on your fingertips and Jaehyun apologized again. “I didn’t mean to. My teeth are pretty sharp,” he said watching not your face but the tip of your finger. He licked his lips sucking on the lower lip. You turned back to him finger still in the air blood on the tip. Your lower lip is also evidence of a cut.
You leaned forward regardless kissing him and letting him taste you in the slightest. He felt himself become hard underneath you at the very taste of your blood. He only had the littlest bit but it was enough to awaken something in him. Your sweet, fresh blood graced his taste bonds and he had to return the favor. He had to taste you everywhere. He stood up your legs wrapping around his torso. He held your close hands on your ass as he walked to his bed. He laid you flat removing your shorts and t-shirt leaving you in a bra and panties. He licked and sucked your neck his blouse tickling your warm skin.
You giggled from the sensation but when he sucked below your neck hand palming your breast you let out a moan. His other hand skillfully unclasped your bra letting it fall somewhere in his room. Head lifted he made contact with your body, seeing you in your most vulnerable but glory for the first time. He had watched you from your window for many nights and had always turned away when you weren’t dressed. He had only seen you fall asleep and then wake up. He would watch you talk on the phone and apply your makeup at your vanity. He’d watch you read a book or play with your cat. Now he had you in his room naked, laying on his bed. He couldn’t be any happier than this moment here with you.
“Y/n do you trust me?” He asked swallowing hard. You nodded touching his arm and rubbing back and forth with the pad of your thumb. “I need to hear you say it, my love,” he said sucking in his lip. It popped out more plumped than ever. You sat up capturing his lips with yours. Bodies moving together, molding to become one. You pecked his lips a final time before letting go. “I trust you,” you said looking into his eyes. He smiled capturing his lips with yours again. He laid you back down moving his lips from your jaw, to your neck, and then to the valley of your breast.
He took one of your breasts in his mouth sucking and licking on the nipple. He palmed the other, your legs wrapped around him. He took your other breast squishing them together and licking both nipples with his wet tongue. You lifted yourself enough to rut your hips against him. He groaned at the slight friction. Feeling your clothed pussy against the dick concealed by his dress pants. He held a hand on your hip steadying you. He brought you back down and instead grind into you. You moaned frustrated at the very little friction hands finding the button of his pants and pulling them down his waist.
Left in a blouse and boxers Jaehyun kissed down your belly reaching above your pussy. He placed a hand flat on your stomach as he moved his way down. Kissing from up your ankle sensually he kissed the rest of his way up your leg, sucking on the skin. He sucked a little harder when he reached your plush thighs not leaving an inch of skin out. Determined to kiss and taste you everywhere, including your wet dripping cunt concealed by your damp purple panties.
He pulled your panties to the side darting his tongue out toying with your clit. You moaned head falling back against his silk-covered pillows. Your hand reached down grabbing his long brown locks in your hand. You pulled on his hair as he stretches your panties out a tight grip on them making sure they didn’t fall back. He used his other finger to spread your folds focusing directly on your erected clit. Jaehyun wasted no time caring for the bundle of nerves. Sucking and licking on your clit while you above were a moaning mess. “Fuck,” you cursed your eyes closing at the feeling of his wet mouth. He chuckled underneath you enjoying ruining you just by his tongue. He pulled away and you whined frustrated. He just smiled sliding down his boxers exposing his hard cock to you, the tip leaking precum.
He fisted himself spreading his slit all over his dick. You spread your legs drooling at the sight of him naked and hard, body glistening under the warm fire light not far from his bed. Your body lost in a haze jerked when the crash of lightning could be heard just outside his window. You hadn’t bothered to look towards the window. Instead, you kept your eyes focused on his. He leaned down placing a tender kiss on your lips. You kissed back savoring the taste of his lips on yours. While kissing you he aligned himself using his hand at your entrance. Without warning he inched himself inside of you your walls tightening around him as he pushed himself in. He groaned breaking the kiss of the feeling of your velvet walls sucking him up.
He could cum just from you squeezing around him. Letting out another groan he held himself back from cumming too quick. He shook his head eyes falling on himself and disappearing inside you. You looked down as well watching his cock sit fully inside you. Moans escaped past both your lips letting out a satisfied sigh. He felt so deliciously good inside you. Your hands couldn’t help but touch him. Touching his thighs, ass, biceps, neck, and face. Your mouth fell open when he slowly thrusts inside you. Hands reached to hold onto his dark locks gripping the hair in your hands. His mouth slightly fell open as he moved faster inside you. Hips met yours with every thrust he made. You could feel your body start to rock back and forth with the way he thrust into you.
“Fuck Jaehyun you feel so good,” you moaned out into his ear. You could feel his grin on your shoulder, his head on your neck. He kissed and sucked on the skin of your neck kissing over any spot he sucked too hard. You wrapped your legs around his waist pushing him deeper inside you. Your eyes widened at how far he reached. Letting out a loud moan you felt your cheeks get warm. Hopefully, nobody had heard you.
Jaehyun groaned when you squeezed around him again. Moving faster he placed a hand on your hip pulling you forward and flipping you around. Your ass was in the air as he pushed your head into his pillow. He aligned himself again at your entrance sliding in with ease. Your wetness mixed with his making it easier for him to enter. His larger veiny hands fondled your ass. Molding the flesh as he fucked you from behind. You moaned saliva slipping past your bottom lip and into his pillow, as he pounded into you.
“Fuck Y/n you doing so good,” he groaned spreading your ass cheeks apart groaning at the sight. He smacked your ass leaving a red print as he fucked into you. You let out a moan your eyes beginning to shut. Jaehyun pounded into you hard and fast and from this angle, he was hitting deep inside you. Your head turned to the side you could see his face. Eyebrows furrowed and lips between his teeth as he watched himself disappear in you. He leaned forward still fucking you and placed warm kisses on your back. He smiled against your warm skin. Beads of sweat fall down your neck and forehead.
“Fuck baby you gonna cum? You're taking me so well,” he praised from behind. You nodded against the pillow feeling yourself get closer and closer to your climax. He grunted reached forward grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled your back. Your back again this front as he pounded into you. His hand reaches around, past your tit, and around your neck. “Fuck,” he groaned in your ear feeling you tighten around him. “Fuck Jae I’m gonna cum,” you groaned from in front of him. He reached around heading below to rub your clit. He matched the speed of his thrust fingers doing wonders to your body.
You released all over his cock. You could hear the squishing sounds of your cum mixed with his pre cum. The room smelled of sex but none of you could even notice. Jaehyun was not too far from his climax and wouldn’t let it bother him. He continued to fuck into you riding out your high. You continuously squeezed around him starting to feel sensitive. He groaned a series of groans in your ear as he spilled inside you painting your walls white. “Fuck,” he groaned jaw falling as he pumped every drop of his cum inside you.
He pulled himself slowly out of you. Holding onto your body so you wouldn’t fall. He turned you around laying you on his bed. He walked off to his bathroom and after some time returned with a warm washcloth. He cleaned you up placing a kiss on your forehead as he walked back in the bathroom. Once he returned you went into his bathroom to pee.
He lay on his bed with boxers on when you returned. He smiled seeing you walking to him still naked. His arms rested behind his head and flexed glowing under the firelight. You giggled shaking your head. You grabbed his blouse from the floor and wrapped it around your body. You buttoned up some of the buttons. You climbed into bed next to him laying under his arm. He leaned down neck craning as he kissed you. You kissed back pulling back from his lips slowly, looking into his brown eyes. You both smiled and you reached up touching his face. “I guess I’m staying here tonight?” You asked giggling. Jaehyun sighed looking away at his ceiling.
“I suppose you can stay. I won’t kick you out,” he said looking back into your eyes. You both chuckled and got comfortable with each other. Soon you both drifted off into sleep.
When you woke up the next morning your legs were sprawled out. One barely on the bed and the other on the other side. Your arms are spread out and your torso is on its side. Drool hung from your lip as your eyes slowly started to peel awake. You were a hot mess in simpler terms. But you had slept well and that’s what mattered. However, you were alone. Jaehyun no were in sight. You slowly lifted off the bed looking around to see if he was in another spot of the room. He wasn’t but you didn’t stress too much about it. Maybe he was just busy and needed to handle something. You stood up feeling your knees buckle. Instead of falling like last time, you held onto the bed frame. You noticed your clothes folded on the side and took them in your hand. Sliding on your socks you made your way to Doyoung’s room where your clothes were. Speaking of Doyoung you haven’t spoken to him in a couple of days. Every time you saw him in the hallway it seemed like he was avoiding you. He’d walk away or only greet you with a “Hello,” and keep it moving.
You didn’t understand why Doyoung was keeping his distance and you wouldn’t lie it kind of hurt. You thought you had something special with him. You also had something going on with his brother. Maybe that’s why he was acting so strange. But didn’t he tell you before that this was the only way he could have you? That his brothers also desire you and they agreed if only one could have you no one could? A stupid rule but it was a rule they made. You didn’t mind being with both him and his brother. You just didn’t want Doyoung to mind as much.
You made it to Doyoung’s room knocking before you opened the door. When you heard nothing but silence you figured the room was empty. You slowly opened the door stepping inside. You closed it behind you but stopped in your tracks. Doyoung was asleep in his bed. He laid straight arms crossed over his body. You tipped toed around his room not to make noise and disturb him. You had no choice however to get to his nightstand to gather your oral products. Carefully you briefly glanced at him while he slept. You grabbed your toothbrush quietly closing the drawing door.
You went to walk away but could help but watch him. His lashes faintly on his pale cheeks. His lips slightly parted and soft noises every now and then escaped his heart-shaped lips. His hair sprawled around and his body clothed in silk pajamas. You smiled hand daring to reach out and touch his forehead gently moving a piece of hair out of his way. But before you could touch him you hear a voice from behind.
“You know it is rude to stare,” you instantly recognize his voice. A huff escaping your lips turned your body around. You were still squatting on the floor as you made eye contact with Yuta. You rolled your eyes toothbrush flying around when you spoke with your hands. “I wasn’t staring,” you lied standing up body turned fully away from Doyoung. Yuta chuckled arms crossed over his chest. His hip stood up, his tongue licking the inside of his mouth. “Really?” His brow raised. He motioned his finger to you and Doyoung. “Because I’ve been standing here for a minute and I saw you bend down to watch my brother sleep. But I guess it is not that weird. We watched you sleep too,” he said emphasizing on the o. You felt a chill run down your spine. That only happens when you're around Yuta. Your voices slowly started to wake Doyoung. Eyes wide then slowly calming when he realized it was just you and his brother in his room. However, neither of you noticed he had woken so he let his eyes close remaining awake.
“That is not something to brag about,” you said pointing to him as you spoke. You were starting to become frustrated with the way Yuta irritated you. Yes, he was very kind in letting you stay in his place while your bed got fixed but why did he let you? You could have stood in your guest bed but he convinced you to stay here, why? You knew why. So that he could convince you to spill blood for him. You had forgotten about that until now. Remembering who Yuta and Doyoung were you sucked in a breath feeling the tension start to rise in Doyoung’s chamber.
“What’s the matter, baby? Why are you so tense? Do I make you nervous?” Yuta asked stepping closer to Yuta. You remembered all three of them could smell fear and possibly read your mind. You didn’t know how much or little Yuta could sense from you but if there was one thing for sure you would make sure to never let him know you were scared of him. You couldn’t let him have any sort of power over you and that includes being fearful of him.
You stepped back turning away from Doyoung’s bed and out of Yuta’s direction. “I’m not tense,” you said walking to Doyoung’s bathroom. You stopped arms crossing over your chest. “And stop calling me baby. I’m not your fucking baby,” you said. You felt a rush of air pass by you. In a blink of an eye, Yuta was standing in front of you.
“No your not tense?” Yuta said chuckling. He stepped closer to you lips hovering over yours. He shook his head and you gulped. “Don’t lie to me baby,” he began tongue licking the inside of his mouth. “Or are you a liar?” He asked pulling a cigarette out of his pocket. He lit it up in front of you placing it between his lips. He took a puff from the cigarette letting the smoke escape his lips. He turned his head away from you so it wouldn’t get in his face. He held the burning stick between his fingers.
“I’m not a liar,” you said holding your ground. Yuta chuckled. “You know I saw you that night of the club when you confronted your ex,” he began telling you the story you already lived. “The way you spoke to him and confronted him should some real fire in you baby. It was impressive the way you handled it. Even when you threw his shit out of your window,” he said bringing the cigarette back to his plush lips. You shrugged arms falling. “What’s your point?” You asked already dreading this conversation. Why couldn’t he just leave you alone to take care of yourself in the bathroom and then for the rest of your stay?
He grinned showing you his teeth for the first time. “My point is Y/n your beautiful and if I knew you would have done that to me. Embarrassed me in front of all my friends like that I would have never cheated on you,” he said. Your eyes widened then you realized what he said. He watched your face change and chuckled.
“Then again I wouldn’t have cheated on you period, regardless of how shitty I would have felt for doing it in the first place. And if I were Jeno I’d be begging to have a girl like you back, but instead you here in my manor with me. Why? Am I that good-looking?” He asked smiling. His cockiness was getting to your head. You knew deep down guys like him were never that perfect. He could just be sweet talking you to get in your pants. But if it were true he thinks you are beautiful. He usually calls you a “prize” or “cute” He makes your skin crawl most nights with his words and now he calls you beautiful. His blunt behavior was something you were always able to fight against and ignore him or shut him down but now something felt different.
“First of all, no you not,” you lied to yourself as you puffed your chest standing straighter. “Second I know what you're doing,” you said crossing your arms over your chest the bottom of your toothbrush squishing into your armpit. You clicked your teeth getting his attention. “You know nothing about me so how could I be someone you’d beg to have back? Yours just trying to get into my pants,” you said. “You don’t see me at all, so how can I be beautiful to you?” You asked tilting your head. You thought you had him cleared. Proud of yourself you watched his jaw clench. Before he had the chance to speak, Doyoung stood up.
“Let’s end this here, shall we? It is early this morning and Y/n seems like she wants to disperse into the restroom,” he said ushering his brother away. He followed behind him smiling at you before he left leaving you to tend to yourself. ——-
Bonus Scene because I like you guys :) “Brother, must you insist on doing the opposite?” Doyoung asked walking next to his older brother down the hallway. Yuta shrugged cigarette fading from his hands and landing into a nearby trash. He shook his head turning down the long hall next to Doyoung. “It’s just…” Yuta stalled. Doyoung widened his eyes shook his head and raised his brows waiting for his brother to finish. He sighed letting his head fall.
“How do you and Jaehyun make it look so easy?” He asked stopping in his tracks. He turned to his brother holding in his arm. Doyoung looked down seeing his hand. He pulled away walking ahead. “Because we are ourselves and if you want her to agree to the transition then she must trust you,” he said. Yuta followed behind as they entered another room. This room was filled with knights' armor and an old treasure chest. Like a medieval exhibition at an art museum. Each knight's armor is from a different kingdom and decade.
“But how? How can I be myself when she is afraid of me?” He asked. Doyoung stopped and sighed shaking his head. The windows from the high ceilings closed but allowed light to come in. Each thought of brightening up the room's protective glass allowed the sunlight to shine through without burning them. A spell Jaehyun used to protect them when they first moved in.
“Well let’s start but not sounding so menacing when you are near her,” he said placing a hand on his shoulder. “Dear brother, do you hear the way you sound when you speak to her? I would be frightened by you if you spoke to me in such a way. You have to try and speak to her normally, maybe even try being yourself,” he said but Yuta shrugged him off. He shook his head walking to sit on a nearby throne. He leaned his elbow against the rest placing his head on his fist. He let out a frustrated sigh. Doyoung walked over sitting on the queen's throne next to Yuta’s.
“Brother you must try for the sake of our future. She needs to desire, trust and not fear us in order for any of this to work. She can not fear you anymore if you do your absolute best in securing her heart,” he said touching his brother's arm. He shook it a little to steal his attention. Yuta sighed letting his elbow fall he looked into his brother's eyes hopeful he’d find an answer.
When he didn’t he huffed turning away. Why was this so hard? Why were you so complicated? Normally if he wanted to be with a woman it went smoother than snowfall. He’d tell them they were beautiful and they’d run off with him. Why now was it so difficult? Maybe because this time he actually liked the woman he was speaking to. He enjoyed when you spoke to them when the four of you hung out together in Jaehyun’s study or the dining room and sometimes even the garden. He felt himself smile when you smile and laugh when you laughed.
He didn’t recognize this feeling he felt in his chest. The way his heart swelled when you were gone. Even now that he was on the other half of his manor and you were in Doyoung’s room bothered his mind and body. He’d rather you here where he could see you and protect you. Jaehyun appeared from around the corner stealing Yuta’s attention. He and Doyoung sat up in the attendance of their brother. He looked panicked searching around the room. When he saw his brothers he walked over to them pacing rather quickly. “Have you seen Y/n? She wasn’t in bed this morning?” He asked. Doyoung nodded letting him know you went to his room to change. Jaehyun content with the answer decided to wait for you to find them.
So you had been with him too Yuta thought as Jaehyun continued to talk to Doyoung about you. He talked about how smart you are and how humorous you could be. His dimples deepened if even possible and his eyes sparkled at the mention of your name. Doyoung seemed to be having the same effect as Jaehyun, eyes twinkling in the light from the ceiling.
“Yuta why do you look so down?” Jaehyun asked stealing your focus. “Hm?” He asked not hearing Jaehyun’s question so lost in his own thoughts to listen to anyone else.
“Why do you look so upset? Who has upset you?” He asked again concerned for his brother. Doyoung chuckled beside him standing up. Yuta followed standing next to him. “Our dear brother is in love,” he said placing a hand on his shoulder. Jaehyun smirked nodding his head. Yuta rolled his eyes pushing Doyoung off. “I am not in love with Y/n,” he said defensively.
The boys chuckled. “We did not mention Y/n,” said Jaehyun. Yuta’s eyes widened but he quickly covered it scoffing. He waved his hands crossing them over his chest. “That is insane you did not have to mention her. I know she is the only woman you are speaking of,” he said avoiding their eyes. They both gawked at him chuckling. In Yuta’s mission to avoid their gaze, he saw you appear from around the corner. Dressed in a purple floral summer dress that fell just above your knees. Your hair is neatly done and your face bare eyes are slightly swollen from your rest. You were white socks on your feet as you wandered into the room.
Your eyes lit up seeing the amor still oblivious to the vampires in the room. Your hands touched the glass of old figures and furniture from the time written below them. 1654 one read you smiled getting a closer look at the sword behind the glass. It had the same symbol as the rift gate you used with Jaehyun yesterday. Your eyes concentrated on the symbol. You didn’t even recognize the sword. Never seeing it in any history books you took a mental picture of the sword keeping it in your little file of notes.
“That sword I discovered a long time ago,” said a voice from behind you. You turned your head slightly to see Jaehyun. You smiled looking into his eyes and smiled looking into yours. He placed a hand around your hip and used the other to point at the other objects that lay in the glass case. He told you the history of some of the items and you listened laying your head on his chest unable to hear his heartbeat. "Tell me more about the sword," you said pointing to it. "I've never seen it before," you said. Jaehyun smiled eyes moving towards it.
"The sun symbol on top is an ancient rule of protection. That sword has been around longer than all of us," he said motioning to everyone in the room. "I found it buried under the deepest parts of the Earth's land many decades ago from a tribe off the coast of Mexico. They allowed me to take the sword home to keep safe in my display," he said, motioning his hand to the rest of the room. You were wowed by the art and old things surrounding the room. Old pieces of clothes, furniture, art, photographs, and more. You looked back at the sword eyes glowing when you stared at it. "It must be special if they buried it away. What does it do? What can it kill?" you asked sure that if this sword was hidden away it must hold some great power. Why else would they bury it so deep underground where no one can find it?
Jaehyun gritted his teeth, "Would you believe me if I told you?" he asked. You nodded sure he'd tell you its correct origin. "Well, it kills monsters. Designed to be able to kill Demons, Werewolves, goblins, and-"
"Vampires?" you asked. Jaehyuned nodded "Yes. Which is why I have it. If it gets into the wrong hands who knows what can happen?" he said sending you a slight warning of his power. His eyes followed the direction of his brothers coming closer. You kept your eyes on the sword jumping when it glowed purple. Jaehyun turned to see what made you jump but the glowing had stopped. Had the sword just glowed? Did you really see that? And if so was it because of you?
Turned away watching as Doyoung and Yuta came closer. Doyoung bowed when he finally reached you. “Please forgive me for my behavior. I know I have been avoiding you but trust me it was for good reason,” he said returning from his bow. You let Jaehyun’s arm fall from behind your waist. You went up to Doyoung and punched his shoulder. He rubbed his shoulder surprised he felt any pain from your punch. A thousand-pound man could hit him and he wouldn’t feel it so why was it so different when you hit him?
“Don’t ignore me again. This is your first and last strike you treat me poorly again and I’ll avoid you forever,” you said sternly looking into his eyes. He rubbed his shoulder still surprised at how hard your punch was. He nodded squeezing his eyes shut turning his head away and then back to you. “I understand It will not happen again,” he said. You nodded a “Good” leaving your lips.
Yuta remained quiet the whole time unsure of what to say to you until you turned to him and placed both hands on your hips. “Yuta,” you said bowing your head. He bowed back but you were taken back by his lack of words. Normally he’d say something slick or a little alarming but he didn’t this time. In fact, he didn’t say anything at all he just walked off leaving you with Jaehyun and Doyoung. You decided not to dwell too much on it and returned to your conversation with Doyoung and Jaehyun. However, you couldn't help but let your eyes wander when Yuta turned the corner and into the dark hallway.
“I will make sure you are not frightened by me,” Yuta said to himself as he walked off back to his clambers. He was the third and final brother and he would not let his lack of self ruin this for you or his brothers, and that included himself. When he reached his chambers he locked his door deciding he wouldn’t come out until he had the perfect plan in his head.
“You will no longer fear me,” he said looking out his window and watching as you stepped out towards the blood maze curiously stepping inside. His eyes widened completely discarding his plan and running out of his chambers. He ran down the long hallway and to the stairs. He ran down another hallway reaching the room with the giant golden globe of the Earth. There he turned in the direction of the blood maze to find you.
To Be Continued….
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Hope you enjoyed this part and please stay tuned for the four-part of my five-part series!
The next part of the series Come To Me Like You’ll Swallow Me Up
Starring Yuta Nakamoto will be coming soon
Also, fun fact I'm sure you if you made it this far you noticed I used rift gates and a sun symbol in my story. I wanted everyone to know that I was inspired to use, women guards, the sword, the sun symbol, and rift gates from my favorite video game called Primal. To make a long story short in the video game there are four realms, in one domain there are vampires who live in a chateau, which I used to loosely base Yuta, Doyoung, and Jaehyun on. Also, the sun symbol is a sign of protection which will play a bigger role later on. The rift gates are used as portals to travel to different realms I used them for time travel here and the soldiers are just badass so of course I had to use them here! Lastly, the sword in the game doesn't have a symbol but it does glow purple to match the character's demon power, however, it will be used differently here.
I just wanted to clear that up and that's it for now!
See you soon ;)
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