#it's done i just want to show it when the shop is opened again :)c
xitsensunmoon · 7 months
I like when I spend 3+ hours on rendering something that in the end result is not visible at all😭😭😭 my mistake but... It's so pretty..
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Sneak peak for y'all I guess
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inupibaldspot · 4 months
From you, For him
| Part 2 of At him, For him
Note ₊˚⊹♡ : Normal like no curse and stuff AU where Gojo is in love with Geto’s lover but this time he has the chance to change everything. This contains time travel!
I wrote it in a way you can understand what’s happening even if your don’t read part 1 btw
·:*¨༺ Part 1 ༻¨*:·
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Gojo Satoru feels as if he can’t breathe.
He inhales. His chest hurts and he has a horrible attempt at keeping his glazing eyes in check as he fakes a smile and claps his hands together; there was a blur silhouette of Geto and you in a distance in tears ,both wearing matching rings.
“Woah—! Congratulations you two.” Shoko smiles wildly as she brings her hands close to her mouth,cheering. She briefly turns to Gojo and looks back at the couple. “Keep it together,Gojo… you’ve done that for years so why bother showing it now.”
Gojo lets out a laugh. “How cruel…” of course Shoko knows he has had this unrequited love for years. He breathes out. “I’ll head out for a second.”
Shoko nods as she reaches out and puts a cigarette and lighter in his pocket. He mutters a ‘thanks’ as he opens the door, cold breeze immediately greeting him. He breaths in again as his hands search for warmth in his pockets, turning to the alleyway.
Once when he is secluded, he brings out the piece of cigarette Shoko handed him earlier as he places it in between his lips, his hands bringing up the lighter with one on the lighter as the other hand wraps to protect the small flame.
He did not smoke often—more like he didn’t even the last last time he did. Gojo sucks in a breath, his throat feels hot but his chest is lighter, no-he remembers smoking back in high school simply because of Shoko and Geto. His only two friends would leave him for smoke breaks and he didn’t want to be left alone so he simply picked up the habit. 
Gojo quit after he met you since he didn’t feel the need to tag along Geto and Shoko anymore.
Somewhere in between college,meeting you and now, he didn’t seem to care anymore.
“Hey kid.”
“Fuck!” Gojo jumps, his teeth biting into the cigarette as his eyes glare sharply in the direction of the sound. A man sits along the far end of the alley way, away from him.
The white haired man contains his jumped heartbeat as he walks over the man who called him over. His eyes trail the dress he wore; it was a traditional dark piece of clothing and beads around his hand. This man was cosplaying as a Priest. 
He didn’t say the word ‘cosplay’ lightly because first, to begin with, the man in front had a ‘magic ball’ in front of him as if he was waiting for people to share their future and second, he wasn’t too serious because boy—! That monk had thick hair on his head, not the shaven look you’d normally see.
Gojo met scammers; near the shopping center, outside popular restaurant and tourist attractions, by his house ringing on his doorbell and right now, infront of him.
“What‘cha gonna tell me,old man.” Gojo says as he peers in, with also taking in a puff of smoke. “That I’ll be having a wife and two kids in my 30s… If it’s not that, it means one of you is lying.” By ‘one of you‘ refers to the scammer-I mean fortune teller he let in his house because he was bored. 
“Hahaha-! That’s not it.” The man laughs as he faces Gojo directly, it was then when he finally notices a stitch mark which stretches across his forehead. “Just wondering if you’d ever regretted things… ‘things’ which you wished you could go back and change..”
Gojo laughs as he drops the half-piece of cigarette on the ground, stomping on it. No long interested. “Of course. I still wish I could go back in time and not erase my answers because my teacher made all the answers to the MCQ ‘c’ just when I didn’t study.” 
Fuck—just why did Yaga REALLY do that? Gojo thinks back at the thought.
“That’s what I like to hear.” Gojo turns when he hears the man speak. 
The man stands close—very close to him as his hands were making a V-sign (a peace sign) , fingers pointed near his eyes before the old man was stabbed into his eyes.
“Oh my god— shit! That hurt, old man.” Gojo places his hands on his eyes as he tries to soothe the pain from it. “What are you trying to do—huh…?”
He blinks once.
He takes a deep breath. ‘It’s fine.’ He thinks to himself. ‘I’ve just lost my mind a tiny bit because y/n and Suguru are getting married.’
Gojo let out the breath and opened his eyes. Same scene. He was by a tree, near a building; he remembered this place being behind the building for the Class 1-3 who were studying the normal curriculum whereas advanced classes of class 4-5 students were in another building. 
“What the actual heck is happening?” Gojo grumbles as he looks at the calendar on his phone. He was back in high school. He was sent back in time by about 7 years. “Fuck… I guess that man wasn’t a quack….”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“That’s why I need you to help.” You wiggled your toes in your shoes as you stand, smiling. The teacher,Yaga Masamichi, was in front of you, sitting on his chair as he continued to talk- maybe complain would be a better word- about a certain boy from the advanced class. “The boy is smart but he lacks discipline! He needs someone as hardworking as you and maybe it’ll rub on to him.”
You’ve heard of Gojo Satoru. You’ve never seen him but he was very infamous in high school . First, for being the son of the Gojo Estate. Two, for being a very tall, conventionally attractive boy. Third, for being a delinquent. 
And that last part bothers you a lot, you’ve heard him get into fights, rumors of him smoking along the alleyway, ripping love letters into pieces and recently he skipped over all his tests making him fail his mid-terms. 
You gulp. Hope he doesn’t beat you up… 
Just then the door to the staff room slides open. You see enter, he was tall with white hair and lashes and the eyes in the most beautiful shade. No way this was Gojo right? He was so— beautiful.
Did he just make eye contact with you?
“Gojo come here.” Yaga calls out as he huffs. Gojo clears his throat as he walks to the teacher. When he was close enough Yaga continued. “This is y/n and I’m assigned to be your teacher. She’ll make sure you get all your works done plus make you study for the reassessment for the exam you skipped on.”
You watch Gojo who was towering beside you raise his hands and brought it up to his face, but from the angle you see the upward turn on the corner of his lips. Why was he smiling?
“Isn’t this -he points at you- from the normal department?” You huff when you were referred to as ‘this’. “You sure she is smart?”
“Don’t mess with y/n just because she isn’t from the advanced class— And also! In the last exam she was placed third overall , right below Suguru.” Yaga shouted back.
Your eyes trail back to him when the boy beside you seemed to still, You’ve heard of Geto Suguru too. Apparently a boy from the advanced class who was also popular for his good looks. But not only that— he had a delicate aura around him which makes people like him and to add on he was very much academically smart.
Gojo lets out a breath, as if it were more of an amazement in your opinion. You watch him take a small step back as he turns around and gives you a smile, god was unfair when he crafted this smile. “Then please take care of me, my tutor.” His face was close to yours.
‘My.’ You face almost burst with heat.
“Gojo stop bothering y/n.”
“Ouch—! That hurt sensei.”
Ever since then, once you hear the bell ring indicating school was over for the day, there would be Gojo poking his head into your class with a boyish grin plastered on his face, he takes your book-filled bag, slings it over his shoulder as you guys would walk to the library.
He sometimes passes by your classroom which is in the opposite building whenever he wants to go to the restroom in between classes—I mean he never did specify which restroom, hoping to catch a glimpse of you.
And when he does, his gaze flickered towards you, taking in the way your gaze reflected the warm sun from outside.It becomes clear to Gojo then that even now, despite everything—in between ever but of confusion, anger and guilt, he doesn't actually want to lose you. To his best friend. To anyone else.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
The way the curtains fluttered from the gentle wind, letting in a cool breeze and a glow of the evening sun and you. You sitting not even an arm's length away and just like the pace of his heart which picked up, pushing every worry he could still have further and further away because there was no space for those in that moment.
There was just you. And he could feel your presence a lot closer now, her warmth not far away from him.
God, you were beautiful.
So beautiful, he would not mind spending the rest of his life memorizing each feature belonging of yours.
“Stop staring at me.” You let down the pen you were holding, looking away from your homework.
“I can’t stop.” He admitted.
You huff, the smirk on Gojo widened as he could see a faint color rush to your cheeks. “Just do your work…” you wave him off as you grumble.
“I’m already done,love.” He continues his teasing.
You pink as you let out a small shriek at the nickname; you rush close to him as you cover your hands on his mouth. “Shut up—Gojo, I don’t want to be murdered by your fangirls because of this.”
He pecks your hands by pursing his lips forward, into the palm of your hands making you shriek once more pulling away.
“Gojo!” You glare at him as you reach your hands out and comically wipe your hands on his blazer as he laughs at your reaction. He leans forward as he looks at your books. “What’s this?” He asks.
“Ah…” you say as you bring out a book closer to him. “I’m studying for my entrance exam for this university.”
“Already?” But that’s like months away.
“Yeah.” Your voice is laced with a smile, gojo almost sees shining glitters surrounding you. “It’s like… kind of my dream as a kid to go here.”
Gojo laughs at how adorable you sounded. “Why that university though?”
“My parents-“ you turn almost too quickly to face him but then you stop yourself as you clear your throat. “My parents went there and that’s how they met and fell in love.”
“Ah…” Just like you and Geto… His heart pains again as he is reminded.
You bend down as you lean your head on the table, letting out a sigh with your hands on your sides. “I hope I get in though…”
“You will.” He says confidently. He knows you will. “Nerds like you will get in.”
“Gojo, I’m not a nerd.”
“Whatever you say, princess.”
“I’m not princess either!”
“Sure thing, love.”
“Oh— Gojo,stop that!”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“I need you to be serious, Satoru!”
He listens to you shout, even without turning to your direction he could basically sense you ‘huffing and puffing’, a habit you took till adulthood. He reaches out into the bushes, pushing the leaves away. “I am—! Sheesh, let me breathe.” Gojo laughs.
You two were currently near the patch of grass by the football ground; you had lost your key to the music club room—a room which was basically unused but you guys needed a room so you two can continue on with your study lessons. 
You bend to look over the bushes while Gojo does around the bushes checking every shrub. “Oh lucky— someone’s cigarette and lighter is hidden  here.” His smile widens as he reaches out for the gift, someone had kept here. “Satoru, don’t steal others' stash.” He puts it down upon hearing your words.
“So this where you go after classes,Satoru?”
He knew it was inevitable but he hoped he could extend it for as long as he could.
In front of him, holding a key was Geto Suguru, smiling at him with Shoko, a lollipop in her mouth peers over from beside him. “What you doing?”
Geto throws him the key at him which is catches instantly.He wanted the two of his friends meet you but he selfishly hoped it would be after like maybe, after you and Gojo date. Wow—what an optimistic! Gojo gulps, afterall what would he do if the two of you fall in love again? 
“You found it!” You jump, unaware that the two figures were his friends. You turn your head to look at him, at him. Despite Geto Suguru standing near you, you looked at Gojo. The white haired boy’s heart pulsed, the slow and steady pump now erratic and heavy with emotions. Just you looking at him with a smile, at him like he was the only one on the planet m. For the first time.
“Who is this?” Shoko says as walks to to the bush and sticks her hands in. You laugh. “That cigarette was yours?” Shoko nods.
“This… this is y/n.” Gojo grumbles, speaking low. “She is helping me with my reassessment.”
“That’s what you get for skipping assignments and test.” Shoko teases. 
Geto laughs.
Gojo eyes at your reaction and sighs in relief when you were still acting the same. Thank god, there was nothing of that ‘love at first sight’ going on. “I don’t need to take those test.Even Yaga knows I’m smart.”
Your roll your eyes. “I guess we won’t have those study sessions of now on, Gojo.”
“Wha— no! I need it.” Gojo jumps, as he comically starts shaking you, as if he got the most shocking news of the century. “No- nope! You can’t do that. I need you—!”
“Geto, let’s get going now.” She turns. Shoko looks over to Gojo, they make eye contact and the brown hair girl smiles. 
He knows that smile. 
That’s the smile Shoko gives when ever she figures out something. And equipped with a teasing look, Gojo is certain she knows that he is in love with you. “Good luck,Gojo.” With his studies or with you? Geto gives you guys a wave as he also turns around and walks way. 
From then onwards, it’s as if the friendship which you guys have in the future,college days were happening now. Hanging out, study sessions, sometimes sneaking into parties and café date; the four of you. Just like right now as you’re in Gojo’s room, a flat rented nearby your future college.
“No way.” Shoko starts. “We’re all going to be attending the same college.” Her smile widens when you cheer and jump into her arms, she quickly looks over and sees a fond smile on Gojo’s face…hilarious!
Geto laughs as he takes a sip on his coffee as the two girls snuggle closer to each other. “Did you know about this?” He peers over to Gojo who finally seemed broken from his trance—you.
Gojo nods. “Yeah… I mean I’ve seen her study for her exams.” He clears his throat. “Have you played the new ‘digimon’ game?” He changes topic, whenever Geto speaks of you or to you, it makes him feel small. This isn’t good. He relishes this yet it was suffocation. Gojo would never hate his best friend—never, but sometimes it’s insecurity and sometimes it’s guilt which swallows him whole. ‘Is this okay?’ 
Shoko breaks away from the hug and she pulls on your cheeks fondly, she thinks you’re the most adorable human as she turns to Geto. “Smoke break.” Geto smiles and nods, following behind Shoko who led the way.
Gojo turns to you, eyes carefully trying to take in your presence that is before he notices something—your eyes are ‘lingering.’ He follows your gaze, carefully in the direction.
You were looking at Geto.
All emotions are wiped from his face. Gojo knew this could happen, you can fall in love with Geto all over again. He was the one who was messing with fate and time, yet— it hurt.
You turn to Gojo, your face tilts up to meet his gaze as your lips turn into a teasing smile which quickly flatters when you see Gojo’s expression. Your heart settles and softens, you relax and reach over the table to grab one of his hands. “…Satoru?”
He turns to you, and smiles. “Yes?”
“Are you okay?”
“No…just thinking.”
You gulp wondering why it felt as if suddenly there was a huge rift when they were barely centimeters apart; for someone as big as Gojo his voice was so—so small. “…About?” You were almost scared to ask.
“Are you in love with Suguru?” Gojo beats himself for this, he has gone and done it now! 
You tilt your head. “where did that come from?”
“Friends don’t give each other love-filled lingering looks.” He scoffs. “So tell me-“ no he was being pushy. Gojo felt so backed into a corner for a moment but when he locked eyes with you, he was hurting you with the way he was acting.
He stands up. “I think I need some fresh air.”
“If I did love him, what would you do?” 
Were you testing him? 
“Please—please don’t fall for anyone but me…” he mumbles.
You watch as he slumps down on the floor, on his knees, burying his face into his hands, curling up almost as if to protect himself. Gojo is no longer confident egoistic boy you know, right now he seemed so weak; as if he was tired after a long journey. “I have surrendered myself to you for all of time; past, present and future I am yours…”
Your head is dizzy with all this information. You need time, you need clarity. Gojo feels like he is losing himself in his thoughts and also rambles with no coherence to what his mind has to say. “I don’t know what do do with this emotion but if I try to stop them they overflow and-” 
His heart seemed to thud to a stop in his chest and then start up again erratically, hands seemed to be incapable of doing anything other than hang close by his sides.
“Satoru, I love you…” you whisper and it is only then when he realizes you were also on your knees in front of him, thumbs wiping tears from his cheeks. “I’m sorry for joking— I don’t love Geto. It’s you I love. Don’t hate me?”
How can he hate you when you were still his everything: you were his everything even when you were intertwining hands with someone else?
“It’s me?” He breathes out. “Did you say you’re in love with me?” 
You nod.
“Oh wow.” He says which makes you laugh.
“I love you…” He says, years of these words inside the depth of his heart, was dug out. “From the bottom of my soul, I’m head over heels for you, my love.”
You almost cry at his tone, so gentle.
He caresses your hair, tenderly, running his fingers through the soft, silky strands. When he eventually has his hands on your cheeks; your cheeks flushing as he gazes at you, captivated by your presence. Your eyes sparkle with wonder, your lips plush and rosy. 
You are flawless, perfect in this moment and beautiful in his embrace.
Gojo didn’t even realize when he started to get so close to you. His lips pressed against her pulse in a kiss before he nipped the skin.His limbs burned where he touched you, you were warm. So it was cold after all, he realized somewhere along the line. His hands were freezing, clinging to your lower back. 
Gojo wants to stay like this, holding you for a minute longer or forever.
A whisper in his head was telling him to let go—that it wasn’t right, but Gojo wouldn't. He was hanging onto a life line, it hurt, but if he let go now, he would drown.
Gojo was vulnerable. And you kiss him back. Kiss him till he is fine. Kiss him until all his worries fly— till he understands, you are equally so stupidly in love with him. 
Unbeknownst to you two, Shoko peeks over inside the door, a small crack reveals what’s inside “You think they’re done?”
Geto laughs. “Of course not…but give them more time and they’ll be in bed.”
Shoko laughs lightly making sure she isn’t spotted yet as she then peers over to the taller boy beside her. “What about you? You good?”
“Yeah… it was just a crush.”  Geto looked at Shoko from the corner of his eyes and his lips curl into a smile. Shoko was always so observant. 
Taglist ˙✧˖° 🫧 ⋆。—I tagged people who voted for time travel! Hope you guys don’t mind: @uuu55r64z46 @leviswifey-act62 @royaleashlyn @bakananya @bejwls @ritsatoru@washeduphasbeen @satorus-babygirl
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drak3n · 7 months
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CONTENT WARNINGS: unestablished relationship, smut, public sex, mentions of body modifications, cunnilingus, implied blowjob at the end, choso has a prince albert-, tongue- and a vertical eyebrow piercing
sena’s note: i know there’s a lot of tattoo artist choso already but i folded — anywaysss up next is my man gojo 🖤
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➩ TATTOO ARTIST!CHOSO who was very well-known for his talent despite being so young; who was always pretty gifted with his hands and used peoples’ skin like a canvas, gracing it with the prettiest designs, simple and small, or detailed and large
➩ TATTOO ARTIST!CHOSO who shared a studio with a few fellow tattoo artists and piercers, but had a goal of having his own studio someday
➩ TATTOO ARTIST!CHOSO who had just finished a 5h back piece on his last client and walked towards the front desk to retrieve his cigarettes and take a break, just for his hooded, brown eyes to set on you
➩ TATTOO ARTIST!CHOSO who saw you standing next to your friend and encouraging her to hand in her data sheet for her tattoo, and who watched as your friend was immediately guided into one of the rooms by a tattoo artist, just to leave you all by yourself
➩ TATTOO ARTIST!CHOSO who came back from smoking minutes later to see you sitting on one of the leather seats, flipping through pages of the shop’s magazine that showed many different designs of tattoos, and also piercings
“you want to get anything done?”
nearly flinching at the cold voice sounding a couple of feet away from you, your eyes met choso’s, who was leaning against the wall, revealing fully tattooed forearms through his loose-fitted t-shirt. he looked very… unique, to say the least.
“oh, no, i’m just waiting for a friend,” you smiled kindly, “she’s getting tattooed right now. think it’ll take some time.” you felt guilty that you stared at the man like he was some kind of alien. his features were just really captivating, the plethora of tattoos peeking out from his short sleeves and from the collar leaving little to the imagination that they continued even beneath that shirt.
his eyebrow tattoo shone under the light, but when he opened his mouth, your jaw nearly dropped at the sight of a tongue piercing.
you suddenly remembered what they said about guys with tongue piercings, and felt deeply ashamed about getting such thoughts about a hot stranger.
“come,” he invited you towards the room he usually worked in, “you’ll get bored here. you’ll get a piercing on the house.” he didn’t know why he offered that. maybe, just maybe it was because he didn’t want the other piercers and tattoo artists to charm you first.
at the end of the day, you left the studio with your freshly tattooed friend and a pierced nose.
➩ TATTOO ARTIST!CHOSO who hoped you’d walk in again, and whose shoulders nearly slumped in disappointment upon seeing your friend coming in by herself a few days later to get her tattoo checked, without your company
➩ TATTOO ARTIST!CHOSO who — totally on accident — saw that the studio had been tagged in multiple stories on instagram, one of which being yours, a spontaneous picture taken of your side profile that showcased the gem he had pierced into your cute nose
➩ TATTOO ARTIST!CHOSO who absolutely didn’t follow you after that, just to see mere minutes later that you did, and before he could stop himself, he followed you back
➩ TATTOO ARTIST!CHOSO who really wasn’t the best texter, which left you wondering if you should even try and talk to him at all; whose eyes went wide in surprise when you waltzed into the studio to get your thigh tattooed weeks later
➩ TATTOO ARTIST!CHOSO who showed you that same day how it felt to get eaten out by someone with a tongue piercing
“c—choso… fuck— what if someone—”
your hand clamped in front of your mouth to stifle a moan threatening to force itself out when the ball of metal on choso’s wet muscle bumped against your bundle of nerves. you were seated on the couch he’d previously tatted on, both of your bare legs thrown over his shoulders as he feasted on your delicious pussy.
“let them,” he spoke gruffly into your cunt as his tattooed hands dug into the underside of your thighs. he didn’t hide the smirk displaying on his lips at the way you drooled from the sensation of his piercing coolly gliding against your wet pussy lips.
“c’mon. use your words. i’ll let you cum if you do.”
“pleasepleaseplease let me cum… please choso.”
“cute. you want to feel what the piercing on my dick feels like?”
➩ TATTOO ARTIST!CHOSO who totally did make you beg on his thick dick adorned with a shiny prince albert piercing, and who couldn’t even be mad at you when you flashed him a tongue piercing you had gotten at another studio to surprise and make him see stars just like he’d done for you
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11cupid-tarot11 · 21 days
What has your future spouse been dreaming about lately?
For the divine feminine seeking the divine masculine •°. *࿐
1 -> 4
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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I'm open for readings!
2 questions for $5.55 until July 4th!
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Tips appreciated!
C@sh tag $minnieplant3
P@yPal @janellec03
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Pile 1- The Chariot, Two of Swords, The Hanged Man
I'm getting the feeling your spouse really wants to make a move on you! He's dreaming about what it's like to be all in your space, he really wants to know what you're like. I was thinking at first that maybe he wants to spend time with you and know what it would be like to do mundane things with you like grocery shopping, but I think this guy is more curious than that. I think he wants to know just about you in general and what you like doing, he's the type to watch what you pick up and glance at during shopping just to get a feel of what you like. He wants to know your schedule, how your day went, he'll probably ask this a lot.
I feel like this person has a crush on you? He feels kinda stuck, like the hanged man lol. I'm not sure the circumstances or the dynamic of the relationship/how you'll come together but it surely feels like this person is very secretive with his thoughts of you, like he's very open telling me but he's scared to tell you? Like maybe this is someone you know of and you guys are friends and they're secretly crushing lol, that was very specific so it's okay if it doesn't resonate with everyone. This could also be a secret admirer for some.
But he's dreaming about changing something with you, planting roots and something stable. I'm not sure what the change will be, but I am seeing him thinking of different approaches to overcome whatever hardship is happening between you two, it could also be something on their end like maybe shadow work still needs to be done or they're still dealing with a karmic relationship of some sort.
It seems to me like they're sorting through everything, they might fantasize about things finally coming to an end and being able to start something with you. I know as soon as this is finished they're spreading towards you. I think they really just want you to know they're still coming? I got this rush feeling, like an adrenaline rush feeling? I think this person just wants you to know they're still clearing through some things! "Just hang in a little longer!" I'm hearing with a cute little smiley face ☺️. Your person is adorable! I think they love acts of service too!
I think if this were to be a 18+ reading they'd definitely tell you about all of the things they'd love to focus on your body and needs lol.
I have to make an 18+ version of this now 😂 stay tuned!
Don't forget to do the poll below! Talk again soon!!
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Pile 2- Six of Coins, Eight of Swords in reverse, The moon, Temperance, Ten of Cups.
Your person dreams about spoiling you, pampering you, taking you out on really fancy dates (plus showing you off 😵‍💫) just treating you like you are their everything. I hear it's because you are their everything! They adore you so much!
This person talks a lot too and wanted to pull extra cards when I usually only do a three card pull spread lol.
This card makes me feel like your person kinda feels like a spider stuck in it's own web right now, they're really in their head :( I getting your person has a negative mindset? For some of you it could be specific as they feel like they're not on the same level as you whatever that might mean to them. They dream about cutting out of their web, I think for the benefit of the connection really but also for their piece of mind, yk?
Maybe this person feels like they have to achieve a certain amount of wealth before they come to you, which goes hand in hand what I was saying about really wanting to spoil you lol they want to save up a bunch so they can have a great future with you and for those of you who want children they also want to build a family for you so of course they want to save for this too.
They dream about having a steady home with you, I think they like to fantasize about your future a lot lol. They say it won't be perfect but it'll be the definition of love like a real family should be lol. They want a balance with you, they're also the type to be very balanced in a relationship, they'll balance work and you at the same time. I honestly get the vibe that's why they're working so hard right now, so they can spend the rest of their time with you more!
I think this person dreams about the day you two unite! With the ten of cups I feel they dream about a happy home with you a lot, but also a happy relationship. I can guarantee this relationship will be very fulfilling and healing and loving. Their energy feels so excited to meet you if you guys haven't already, a healthy and loving relationship could be something they've always wished for so this is a wish fulfillment for them, they can't wait to experience real love with you. 🩵 The color blue might be specific for a few of you?
Don't forget to do the poll below! Talk to you soon love :))
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Pile 3- Knight of Coins, Justice (clarification cards- Death, and Strength), Two of Wands, Seven of Cups (clarification cards- Ten of Cups), and King of Swords (clarification cards- Knight of Wands)
I needed so much clarification for this group xD
Every time I look at the ducks eyes they always look so full of administration, anyone else see it? It's adorable. I channeled right away your person will adore you like this picture so I chose it!
I heard they think about this every day straight away lol.
Your future spouse fantasizes about putting hard work into you, really showing up for you I'm feeling. Like I feel like it's deeper than a materialistic matter, I feel like he really wants to support you emotionally. He doesn't want to be your therapist or anything it's like he just wants to make sure you're okay, he really cares about your well being. A better way to put this is that they really want to show up as a man in your life, one that doesn't have a toxic sense of masculinity and really respects women and wants to understand your needs, wants and boundaries I'm hearing. He likes to solve your problems because your problems are his problems.
He's dreaming about justice in a situation, I'm going to pull clarification cards for the Justice card to help understand a bit better because I want to know possibly in what situation, I can't figure that out on my own I'm not hearing much channeling on this card. The clarification cards just are making me feel it's probably a too personal situation they don't want me to know about, but maybe when you meet this person you will know because it's making me feel like it's linked to you, he probably doesn't want you to understand much either right now but he says he's working hard on getting justice in a situation he really wants to come to an end soon, I think when it's over it'll bring a lot of happiness, a shift in energy, a really big change :) He wants you to encourage him to be strong as he encourages you, it's a very tough situation maybe? Heavy energy kind of just came through me, like a little random rush of sadness just thinking about the question so I will move on now :)
This person fantasizes about making everything perfect a lot in a way, he really likes to plan. You'll notice this about them right away lol. They probably have a hectic schedule right now I'm hearing. They're possibly planning on how to get to you? This feels like a soulmate connection, something that's just supposed to happen because it just makes so much sense because you two love each other and really care for one another. This is someone who you can spend the rest of your life with because they're confident you two are a perfect match. Very equal in the relationship which is why it would work perfectly I'm hearing. He's just doing a bunch of planning right now, lots of thinking things over and through.
He dreams about probably having a lot of money, a level of fame? Maybe he's a celebrity or wants to be, he could be very creative and expensive. He dreams a lot very dreamy they could have water in their chart, they do feel emotional. They're so cute 😭
This person dreams about picking a path and advancing in it basically, they really want to be the boss, be at the top of their game whatever career or field it might be. They want a lot of abundance! They fantasize about being given an opportunity to present themselves, show off maybe. They could be a really good singer/rapper or some kind of performer. They could play an instrument.
I feel like they really want to settle down with you for sure though, they want to offer you a lot as well so they work really hard to show up financially, they could've grown up in poverty I'm hearing a specific message for some of you so being financially stable is everything for them. They want you right by their side ;)
This person was kinda hard to read but I think that's cause how dreamy they felt, thoughts kinda bouncing around everywhere haha, so take this how it resonates with you!
Don't forget to do the poll below!! Talk to you soon!
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
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Pile 4- Seven of Coins, The Magician (clarification cards- Three of wands), Seven of Wands (clarification cards- Death and Queen of Swords)
This person wants to start off with the seven of wands first even though it was the last card to be pulled lol.
They want to maybe draw attention to dreaming about fighting for something? They are very protective and will stand their ground and fight for what's theirs. I can't really tell, so I'm going to ask for clarification ;) I don't know why but I feel like they want to sabotage a relationship between you and someone else? I feel like they fantasize about this a lot! I feel like your energy is the Queen of wands but you don't really see this person! This could be a clue your future spouse is someone you already know!
They dream about making you theirs lol stealing you away. 😋
So with that, they're also dreaming about the future with you! Working on their finances as well, but also thinking about what it would be like in the future with you. This person feels like they're confident they will have a future with you lol. Maybe they're not making a move right now because they want to build up their finances more for the long run with you, because when they do make a move on you they plan to commit deeply and I'm hearing they fell hard for you, and you possibly don't even know it 😵‍💫.
😭 🩷 you probably drive this person crazy lmao
He's probably manifesting you lol?
I asked for clarification for the magician as well and it just makes me think he's really brainstorming a lot right now? I think every pile had a lot of thinking in them but never really being too specific on what and I'm always left with so much quietness so I'm left in the dark😭
They're just really thinking a lot which makes me think it's only about you. They seem shy, they could be younger than you? They seem like they're too scared to tell you how they really feel. Could be scared of rejection? But they really do fantasize about you a lot! They think about you constantly and different ways to impress you, how to get your attention. They really want you my pile 4's and they're fighting hard hehe. They won't back down either!
They think you're very pretty, like the bunny in the picture 😻. Hehe cute.
They might call you princess a lot, or other cute little pet names. They feel very affectionate, they have a lot of love to give! This person isn't someone to be scared of, they do care about you! It's not all about lust, there's love here as well as admiration! They do adore you!
Don't forget to do the poll below!! Talk again soon love!!
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munivrse · 8 months
༺☆༻ Luxurious
bada spoils her baby
c/w: spoiled ass reader. down bad bada. suggestive. a little more than suggestive? not full on smut though. what does bada like more than checks? money!
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── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
bada likes to spoil you, loves it, even. the way your eyes lit up when you saw a piece of clothing, shoes, or jewelry that you liked… that was priceless to her. so naturally she takes you out, hands you her card and tells you to “go get what you want, baby.”
she’ll stick with you for a bit- today she helped you pick some items out. she asks an attendant to find them in your size. once she receives the clothes, she guides you to a dressing room. when you open the door, she hurries you and herself into the tight space,
she shushes you and makes her way to sit on the bench in the room. she tells you it’ll be fine and that she wants to make sure everything fits right. the first dress you put on is white with lace trim. bada groans at the sight. where would you ever wear that?
“is it pretty?”
bada looks you up and down, “of course it is sweetheart, everything is pretty on you.”
you roll your eyes, “i should’ve never asked.”
you continue trying some items on, but your final piece of clothing from this shop catches bada’s eye. Its a miniskirt with a zipper accent in the front that is fully functional.
“come closer.”
you walk up to her and her hands are on your hips, moving up to your waist where the the waistband sits. she thumbs the fabric, feeling how thick the material is.
“this is nice.”
one hand reaches for the zipper, pulling it down slowly.
your hands fly to her own, “bada lee!”
she looks up at you, pressing a kiss against your upper thigh, “trust me pretty girl.”
she fully unzips the garment letting it fall to your feet, “such easy access, we’re definitely buying this one.”
she leaves wet kisses above the waistband of your panties. you let a breathy sigh leave your mouth. bada stops and pinches your thigh,
she goes back to kissing your lower stomach, sucking marks into your soft skin. a small moan makes its way out of you and bada stops again,
“you wanna be caught don’t you? wanna let everyone see how pretty you are?”
your thighs rub against each other and bada notices. she leaves one soft kiss against your panties,
“say the word and i’ll do it.”
her hand squeezes your thigh as she continues to press her lips against your clothed cunt. you’re whining, legs shaking and bada cant decipher if you’re turned on, nervous, or just cold.
“cmon baby. tell me what you want.”
you shake your head, “not now.”
bada removes herself from you, hands withdrawing immediately, “good girl. buy what you want today. i’m gonna wait in the car for you, call me when you’re leaving, okay?”
you smile down at her, hands moving her bangs out of the way and cradling her face. she looked so pretty from this angle.
“of course. i love you.” you press a kiss to her forehead.
a light blush spreads across bada’s face,
“i love you too baby.”
she leaves you to your own devices.
when you text her to tell her you’re on your way, she pulls around to the front of the entrance, gets out of the car, and leans against it, waiting to help you load your bags. when you come from the double doors, she smirks when she sees your multiple designer shopping bags, she doesn’t even want to think about the potential damage done to her bank account. a lazy smile makes its way on her face as she rounds the car to grab the bags from you, opening the trunk and setting them inside.
“did you have fun?”
you grin, “yes! can i show you what else i got when we get home?”
“of course baby.”
bada is sat on the couch when you come out from changing. she thinks she might die when you come out in your first outfit. Its a very short black dress with lace trim on the bottom which shows off your legs, something that bada believes should be criminal.
“very pretty. how much was this?”
you let out a nervous chuckle, “don’t worry about that… it looks nice right?”
bada shakes her head, “very nice. what’s next?”
the next outfit is more conservative (thank god). it’s something bada thinks even she would wear. you’ve got a nice pair of black cargos on, a cropped tighter top, and mauve air jordan 1’s on your feet. she distantly thinks she should ask if she could borrow them in the future.
bada gives you a nod of approval, “twirl for me pretty girl.”
you do as you’re told of course.
bada hums, “those pants fit you really well. come here.”
bada spreads her legs to make room for you to stand in front of her. she pulls you closer to her and puts her hands in the back pockets of your jeans, squeezing.
you yelp and grab her hands, “you are such a pervert!”
bada throws her head back and laughs “I can’t help it. i just wanted to make sure they fit.”
you glare at her and leave the living room. when you return, you have a small bag of cosmetics with you. you fish through them and pull out a lipstick.
“i’ve seen this all over tiktok- apparently this lipstick is supposed to be really durable and long wearing,” you put it on your lips, “isn’t it a pretty color?”
bada is just so enamored with you. she gleams up at you, nodding her head.
“can i test them out on you?”
“anything you want honey,” bada grabs you by your hips, pulling you to sit on her lap, “show me.”
you kiss her cheek and notice a little mark left on her. your face morphs into a frown, “it left a mark…”
bada takes this as an opportunity to see you in more lipstick colors- “maybe it’s just that color. try another one?”
you huff in response. you already had one on!
“can i put it on you instead? I don’t want to take this one off.”
bada sees this as an even better opportunity. she tries not to show her excitement at the idea of leaving marks on you on purpose.
you turn around in her lap to dig through your bag. you pull out a cherry red and show it to her, “this would be so cute on you!”
your hand cradles bada’s face as you delicately put the lipstick on her face. bada’s lips twitch. the way you look so serious and focused on the application was so fucking cute it took everything in her not to lean forward to kiss you.
you finish and put the cap back on the lipstick, “okay - kiss me!”
bada giggles and places a kiss to your lips. after your lips she kisses your cheeks… and after your cheeks she starts kissing your jawline…
“bada-” you sigh. your hands grip her hair to pull her away from you, “i told you to kiss me just to test it out. why are you trying to seduce me right now.”
bada looks up to you, eyes already hooded. she makes direct eye contact as she dips her head down again to kiss down your neck. in between kisses she mumbles out, “jus’ checking on the… durability of the lipstick.”
841 notes · View notes
Hello once again! Ive recently had motivation for writing so.. here! Take some scenarios for RTC Kids on a Carnival Date with the reader! In this AU, the accident has not happened.
Also! My requests are always open, and any character is allowed, but if i feel uncomfortable with the request i will disregard it. Anyways, onto the writing!
TW // Heavy kissing for one of them, and a LOT of fluff.
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Ocean O'Connell
- Ocean would take you on the bumper cars, but you'll be holding on TIGHT to the safety bar. She's a reckless driver.
- You'd play the balloon dart game and win her a stuffed animal and she just overall adores it more than anything. She holds it tight and refuses to go on any fast paced rides in fear of losing it.
- YOU. BOTH. GET. DEEP. FRIED. OREOS. If you're allergic to chocolate, or don't eat junk food, she'd definitely buy you both some healthier snacks like veggie straws and such.
- Walking around holding hands while she drags you around to whatever catches her eye! (I think she's adorable guys.)
Noel Gruber
- He definitely critiques the live bands and food. He'd have his arm around your waist as you guys walked around.
- He'd take you on the Ferris Wheel, and you both laugh and tell jokes to one another. Definitely gazing at him while he stares at the scenery!
- You'd have matching bracelets/henna tattoos too and he'd show the choir at the next meeting and brag about you to them. This guy adores his boyfriend/partner to no end.
- "Do you want to go check out the shops nearby?" "Hell yeah!"
Constance Blackwood
- She'd get you whatever you even show the slightest interest in. Rainbow cottan candy? In your hands, but you're sharing because she deserves it. A necklace from the vendors? Done deal!
- Definitely takes photos of you when you're playing games! She likes being able to look at the pictures when she's down, and it's with her significant other!
- You guys definitely had a sleepover after and watched some silly rom-coms. I feel like Constance would absolutely LOVE Adam Sandler films, and binge them with you.
- "Hey, I saw you look at the jewelry at the small shop in the corner and got you this!" "Awe, you're the best!"
Penny Lamb/Jane Doe
- She takes you on the "horror" themed rides, and you both love that thrill! Anything fast paced that gets your brain going is definitely something you two will do.
- You buy her anything and everything. As a play on her last name, you bought her a cutesy little lamb stuffed animal, and she laughed and kept it close to her the entire day.
- Expect little kisses on the cheek when it feels like it's nobody but you and her in the entire park (despite the obvious crowd). She's not big on PDA in my opinion, but will definitely let you know she loves you.
- "Do you like it?" "The lamb is going to stay with my doll. Thank you for it!" <3
Ricky Potts
- He was iffy to go at first, but you both went on the merry go round mainly, and would sit in the spots that don't move.
- You know sign language and order for him, but he ends up paying and you can't stop him. Well, you could, but it makes him happy to do something in return for you.
- You guys would sit on a bench and he'd explain his Fictional fantasy world, and you'd listen and encourage his creativeness! You don't think it's gross because it's quite sexual, but you do offer ideas for it!
- 'You don't find it weird?' "Of course not! I think it's fascinating!"
Mischa Bachinski
- You guys definitely made out in the corner sheilded away from the crowds. Lets just say you had to hide your neck with your school uniform collar the next day.
- You guys had a competition on who could win the most games, and of course he won. Loser had to do whatever the winner wanted, but there were limits of course!
- You bought him dinner, and he got you a giant stuffed animal from the 'athletic' games. Like hanging off the pole for a certain amount of time. It was a giant stuffed bear with a red bow!
- "I'll carry this for you коханий!" "Awe, thanks love!"
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Could you maybe do Darry Curtis x fem! Reader sfw alphabet please? I love your writing btw! :)
Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoy!! Out of personal preference, I am keeping my SFW Alphabets pretty gender neutral, but you can totally read them as more fem. Sorry, love.
Also, this man is one of my favorite characters in this damn book. I want nothing but the best for him. For some reason putting hcs into words was killing me this time, I'm so sorry if it's noticeable!!!
SFW Alphabet : Darry Curtis
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Not huge on PDA aside from holding hands and a kiss on the cheek. Pretty private about personal (especially romantic) relationships, people will know you two are together, it will be obvious in how you interact, but there isn't much open affection.
Around close friends, the gang, and his brothers, he's a bit (but not much) more affectionate. He'll call you a few pet-names (hun/honey, sweetheart, beautiful), might wrap an arm around you when you're sitting together, little things.
All alone, he'll pull you onto his lap or wrap his hands around your waist while you're doing the dishes, resting his head on you and giving you a quick kiss.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You know Darry from yalls school days. You two were good, but never quite friends. You interacted with each other, but more in passing or in group settings.
After graduation, you two just didn't really interact at all. You two weren't close or anything, there was never a reason to keep in touch. Later, you cross paths again and catch up a bit.
Being close friends with Darry is just a lot of little things. Having a scheduled day a week where you come over for coffee, going grocery shopping together, hanging out with his brothers a ton, etc. Also, hearing him vent. You're hearing about every single time Ponyboy is an idiot, in great detail. And he also trusts you as someone he can talk out his more serious problems with, because dude is going through TOO MUCH for his age (I'm 22 and my only obligations are myself and 2 cats, I could not IMAGINE being both younger and in charge of anything more serious than the shit I'm dealing with right now, give this man some support and a break, holy hell). He doesn't expect or want you to help with anything at all, he just wants to have an outlet to verbalize whatever is going on. You're there to listen.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Isn't one to cuddle often. That would require him to stay relaxed for an extended period of time and that's rare. Besides being a fairly busy person as *literally the only person in the gang with actual obligations and an ounce of responsibility* and essentially having to be there to put up with all of their bullshit, he is the type of person that needs to do something with his time or he doesn't feel productive. Even when he's going to bed, he is asleep so fast that cuddling isn't really an option, you can cuddle into him but he's already dead asleep so you aren't getting anything back.
If no one is expected to come around (which is rare because the door is always unlocked, his brothers are usually around, you're working with the assumption that someone's going to barge in whenever) he might have you sit on his lap while he reads the paper or something.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Pretty good at cleaning. Things aren't perfect and sometimes life is just hectic so things don't get done, but nothing generally gets absolutely disgusting when he's around. Doesn't mind cleaning, actually quite enjoys it. There may be piles of dirty clothes sometimes or laundry might not get folded or put up right away, and "weekly" chores might be a bit late, but it all gets done.
Good at cooking the basics. Darry is good enough in the kitchen to tweak a recipe on the fly and make it a bit better than it otherwise would be, but he isn't able to make entire meals based on what sounds like it would work out well. Isn't inventing any new dishes or anything.
If he met the right person he'd be willing to reconsider, but Darry mostly sees himself having a pretty traditional life in the future, not really by choice but more because its the 60s and thats whats expected. He's the provider, he works long hours. He would expect you to do the housework and cooking and such. Isn't 100% conservatively split about it, would still absolutely help out some and make dinner on his days off. Again, if you were like "yeah, that's not going to work out, we're going to be tag-teaming on this domestic stuff, I'm going to have my own money" then he'd be totally okay with that. It isn't preferred because there's more of a chance that you'll both be too tired from work and things won't get done, but if it's important to you then it's a compromise he's willing to make.
(I also like making him a househusband. I think if you made BANK and convinced him that you were okay with being the breadwinner, he can be convinced to stay at home and do the domestic work while also doing freelance. He wouldn't have the pressure to make money, so he'd be able to prioritize the home, but he'd also want to not be unemployed so he'd do odd-jobs fixing things for shorter hours than a normal job would have. Less realistic, perhaps, but man's been through it so he deserves to just be taken care of instead of having to take care of others.)
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
The most logical/mature about a relationship ending, but it can come off as a bit cold when you're hurt by it. Darry will sit you down and basically discuss whatever problem there is. He'll say "we either fix this or break up" and mean it. He'll definitely put in the work to solve whatever's going on, but if he feels that he's doing most of the work then it's over. Is disappointed by a breakup, is absolutely sad about it in private and a bit more irritable for a while, but life goes on. Sometimes relationships end, and he frankly doesn't have time to mope about it when that isn't fixing anything.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Would incorporate you into his life pretty quickly (having you stay over and doing dinner/chores/life stuff together). Introduces you to his brothers fast. That's pretty decent commitment because, like I touched on above, Darry can deal with a break up well but it's harder to separate when there are three people that are kind of attached to you rather than just one.
The entire gang really gets along with you, so they're all constantly asking when you and Darry are getting married. Hard to tell if that has any influence on when he proposes, but it's probably about a year or two in. Quick, but not irresponsibly so. Yall stay engaged for a long while, he wants you to be able to have a nice wedding (small and simple, but still nice) so he waits until both of his brothers are actually out of the house and he can *attempt* to save up the tiniest bit for it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Pretty gentle, but in a stereotypically man way specifically emotionally, if that makes sense? Like, genuinely an amazing boyfriend, treats you so good. But emotions aren't a strong point for him, he likes things that have reason and sound logic behind them. Likes to rationalize things. He'll give advice that you didn't ask for it and you just wanted him to listen, or will tell you that you're problems really aren't urgent/major. Will be very confused when you get upset by that. If you aren't the emotional type, then it's all good!! If you are, then he'll really try to learn when to just not try to "help" when you need him to be more gentle.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Likes hugs. Darry usually wraps his arms around you from behind when you're doing something. Any time he's in a good or sillier mood, you're getting picked up. Loves doing that thing where he, like, lifts you up and spins you around. If he's in a bad mood, he'll get a tiny bit clingy with you and tends to end up in long, silent embraces with you. They really give him comfort.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
A few months, maybe 4? He doesn't want to take things too fast or really anything, so it takes a bit. The gang (especially his brothers, ESPECIALLY Soda) tease the hell out of you two for being so in love way before then, and he usually tells them to shut the hell up. But one day when you're making dinner he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist like always, and he just says it. Shocked the hell out of both of you, he had a long day and just kind of blurted it out without even really meaning to, but obviously you love him too (how couldn't you?) so it was alright.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Trusts you fully. Does not get jealous hardly ever. If someone was clearly into you and flirting with you, he wouldn't care at all because he's confident you wouldn't be into it. Even if he caught the vibe that you were cheating or you were getting REALLY friendly with someone else, he wouldn't get jealous so much as frustrated that you would cheat instead of just breaking up with him. Very quick to want to talk out any issues, so misunderstandings are usually put to rest there. On the very rare occasion that he does feel jealous, he doesn't even mention it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Usually a kiss on your forehead or the top of your head, quick and sweet are most common but slow, lingering kisses on the mouth aren't rare either.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Good with kids. Definitely the most responsible with kids, more strict than most. While not the "most fun" for kids out of the gang, Darry is way better than a lot of the gang gives him credit for. If he was in a position where he knew he was going to have to watch some younger kids for a day, he'd make plans to keep them entertained. Take them to the park and for some kind of small treat, would be rather active in playing with them if they wanted him to.
He doesn't want kids for a WHILE, after both of his brothers are out of the house he would prefer to have a few years at least. But kids are an eventually thing for Darry. Just one, maybe two.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
You two wake up fairly early so that he can get ready for work (he doesn't even work THAT early, he's just one of those people that likes to not feel rushed in the morning), you start some coffee and maybe get started on breakfast. Breakfast is eaten, and Darry goes to read the paper while you get ready.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
On an average night when yall don't have any other plans, usually dinner and hanging out with his brothers a bit. Pony goes to bed kind of early if he doesn't have anything better to do because he's a little bitch he has school the next day, and Soda usually finds something to do with his late evening/night. After they're gone, you climb into Darry's lap as he's sitting on his chair and yall just talk for a while until he's literally drifting off mid conversation so you two go to bed.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Doesn't get emotionally vulnerable early on, but also doesn't know the difference between basic information and deeper stuff. You'll say "tell me a bit about yourself" on the first date and he'll instantly start kind of trauma-dumping. You expect some hobbies or something and he'll start getting into how he had to give up on college to take care of his brothers after his parents died and your just sitting there like "damn... I really thought you would just tell me your favorite color or smth..."
Kind of doesn't know what to say, so will just give you various bits of his entire life story whenever something makes him think of some story to tell.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Easily frustrated or annoyed. Harder to properly anger, more likely to happen because it's been building up over several different things and he hits a breaking point.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Would remember most things, but also has the tendency to temporarily forget them. They just slip his mind, the second you mention it he gets hit with an "OH YEAH, I DID KNOW THAT" but he might forget things. Too much stuff, not enough brain space. It's a stress thing, a symptom of anxiety. He tries to remember everything. Big on intentionally doing things to help, he writes dates in a calender and if anything is important he'll make a note and kind of repeat information to himself.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you guys made your relationship official. You two had been friends for a little while before even dating, then dated a bit before you had to ask if you two were actually together or not. Darry was already pretty in love with you, tbh, he just wanted to take things slow because if you two were really together then there would be more expectations that he was afraid he couldn't meet. He felt that he couldn't give you the attention that you deserved in an actual relationship. You basically had to say "listen, my love, I *KNOW* that you're going through some shit, and I know your brothers are your top priority, and I know that you can't give me all of your time. I am signing up for this, I care about you and I want to be with you." And, holy fuck, he needed that so damn bad.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Will absolutely protect you if you need it, but hopes you don't need it. Like, if someone is treating you badly when you are literally just minding your own business then he's by your side INSTANTLY. If something happens when he's not there, he is one call away. He'll call someone to check on you usually, but in an emergency he will drop what he's doing for you instantly.
If you were being unsafe, being super unaware of your surroundings or picking a fight or something, he'll obviously still be there for you but will be mad about it. Will tell you to be more careful because that was easily avoidable.
Darry would prefer to just tell anyone messing with you to politely fuck off. Very "is this person bothering you, darlin?" and usually it works because he's a big guy, people aren't usually going to double down on being nasty/creepy/rude to you when he comes over. If need be, he will absolutely kick some guy's ass for you. The second some dude so much as touches you (whether pervy or violent), that dude is getting several broken bones.
If you found yourself in those situations often, he'd probably get you to carry a small knife or a makeshift pepper spray for self defense (pepper spray was invented in the 60s, but wasn't sold to the public until the 80s, but I feel like he would have you carry something similar because it's non-lethal and can be used at a longer range) because he can't really be around you all the time.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Always gives the relationship everything he's got, but what he's got varies wildly. There are going to be periods of time when he is able to put small bits of money aside for gifts and anniversaries, makes sure that he schedules out one date a week just so you two are guaranteed to see each other alone, does what he can around the house so you don't have to do it all, etc. There are also times when he doesn't get to see you or take you on dates, forgets anniversaries and has to make it up to you, etc. It isn't out of lack of effort at all, he feels terrible about it when things get like that, but it happens.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
It takes a lot to convince him to accept help. I think a lot of the guys have this problem, it's a problem that a lot of men have in general and in the 60s the gender expectations went even harder, but Darry can be especially bad about it.
Not only will he not let you help him with things, but he will also get too overwhelmed by having to put energy into a relationship too and will probably want a break (especially in the beginning) if he gets too stressed about other things. After you fight him on it, he'll realize that you actually signed up for this and are totally down to stay with him even when he's busy or exhausted or just doesn't have any time/energy/money to spare for you. He'll still feel hella bad about it, wants you to have someone that can give you the attention that he feels you deserve, but he's not putting your relationship on hold over it anymore.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Knows he looks good as hell, all of the Curtis brothers are super conventionally attractive and they know it. Darry also takes a lot of pride in his body. He isn't vain or overly caught up in his looks, but he isn't oblivious to them either.
He knows he's fine, he cleans up really well when he wants to, he does not care if he looks rough or unfashionable sometimes.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
No. He's whole outside of a relationship, a partner is extra. Very much of the mindset that a healthy relationship is when two whole people create something bigger than themselves.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Loves to know things, very into learning. Always looking into classes (though he doesn't have the money or time to take them, he just likes seeing what's there), huge on the importance of keeping up with the news and current events, reads a lot of nonfiction and watched documentaries. Likes facts, especially history and sciences like biology and earth science. Has a lot of skills that he's picked up and is always looking to pick up more. If you need anything done or you need to know anything that could be considered useless trivia, check with Darry first because there's a good chance he'll have an answer.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Lack of damn common sense, not being able to take a rational and honest answer. He REALLY tries to be understanding about it with the people that he cares about. It's a major issue between him and Ponyboy especially, but it could be a problem with any more emotional person. He doesn't get it at all, so it's SO frustrating when he has to stand by and watch someone make a stupid decision because they just refuse to by logical about it. Even worse when it turns into an argument, because he's usually objectively right but it's so hard to win against someone so intensely emotionally charged even when his points are completely sound and valid.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Sleeps in chairs 80% of the time. Doesn't mean to, he sits too long and he's out, though. Between that and work, he has no right to wonder why when his body is fucked up. No way it isn't catching up to him as he gets older.
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callsign-phoenix · 8 months
I wrote this as a part of my falltober fics, I hope you like it!
It is a Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x gn!reader imagine.
Thank you @famfan-1034 for proofreading!
Day 18: Dancing in the rain
Warnings: none
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You really liked Bob, but the date he had asked you on was uncomfortable to say the least.
He had been pining for you for a while and he was so nervous when he finally mustered the courage to ask the question, just like he was now.
Bob was sweet and charming and funny when around his friends, but he was neither on your date at the café.
He had done a great job at choosing the café and he was nothing but a gentleman, but he was incredibly nervous on your first date.
The tips of his ears and his cheeks were tinted in a blushed pink and he didn’t manage to talk much, just a stuttered mumble here and there.
It was sad because you knew Bob for a while now as a part of your friend group, but you had never been together on your own.
The café itself was beautiful, small and dimly lit, with charmingly mismatched cups and saucers, delicious cakes, and comfortable and inviting furniture.
Music was playing softly in the background, it was broadcasted by a small speaker outside the coffee shop as well, so the guests sitting outside could hear it as well.
You were sitting inside, and if you weren’t speaking the music was the only thing you could hear.
Bob was just too nervous to talk and his anxiety built up further, until your drinks were gone, and you didn’t know what else to talk about.
So you decided to leave, asking Bob to join you.
Maybe it was the intimacy of the enclosed room that scared him, so you gave him another chance.
When you stepped outside both of you stopped to take a breath, the cool air refreshing you and waking your spirits.
Bob was just a step behind you but you turned around when he spoke up.
“I think it might begin to-“ he wanted to say ‘rain soon’, but it was as if the floods had opened, and the heavens showed you all they had to offer.
You had never experienced such a sudden downfall of rain and it made you laugh, especially when you saw Bob scrunch his nose in distaste.
He had a crease in between his brows and you were sure it was because he thought he had blown it.
On the contrary you quite loved how worried he was, so your laugh turned into an honest smile.
The rain was still heavy and you were already drenched, so you acted on instinct.
You moved quickly towards Bob, pulling him against you and connecting your lips.
Bob was caught entirely by surprise but he didn’t pull away, instead he tried to press himself even closer when he finally realized what was happening.
You reached down to connect your hands when you pulled away, the awe and utter confusion on Bob’s face was priceless.
You wanted to reach out and smooth the crease between his brows out, instead you just ran your thumb over the back of his hand.
“I like you, Bob,” you said softly, your eyes never leaving his.
“You could never blow this. Relax,” you added softly.
Bob’s shoulders visibly relaxed and the confusion made way for utter awe.
It was then that you started to register the outside world again, feeling the rain fall onto your upturned face and hearing the sound of it as well as the music from the café.
There was a pause in music, and when you finished speaking ‘Singing in the rain’ began to play.
The two of you looked at each other and after a second you both began to laugh.
Bob slowly let go of your hands to hold onto your waist, starting to sway from one side to the other with a playful gleam in his eyes.
You were confused at first but after a second you realized you were dancing in the rain.
A wide smile spread on your lips and you leaned over to kiss his cheek softly.
From then on Bob knew that he didn’t need to be nervous with you, and he was only once, to pop the question.
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tagging: @starkleila @mayhem24-7forever @green-socks @letsfvckingdance @shadeds-library @klmpun @yespolkadotkitty @whateverbagman @neptunes-curse @sweetheartlizzie07 @top-gun-rooster @iloveprettyboysblog @ateliefloresdaprimavera @imjess-themess @littlebadariell @angstyjellybean @marchingicenotes7 @midget713 @supernaturaldawning @gspenc @adorephina @gigisimsonmars @tipsykeen @bespinnn @airedale17 @malindacath @aerangi @luckyladycreator2 @kwanimations @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @marvelandotherfandomimagines @luckyladycreator2 @mavericksicybabe @kendra-rose @desert-fern @mavrellover91 @allivingstone01 @rhettabbotts @withakindheartx @trikigirl271 @cherrycola27 @atarmychick007 @bonitanightmxres @ratcatcher2world @glowingtree @wingmanvenus @jewels98 @oliviah-25 @natasharomanoffisbaebby
(please tell me if you want to be added to the taglist, or use this link)
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queenofhyruleee · 1 year
Link/Reader Story
I tried to write a one-shot today but got carried away and ended up with the first chapter of a short story. I've never posted on Tumblr before but hey, there's a first time for everything, right?
Summary: After being shrouded in Twilight and tormented by monsters for so long, Hyrule is finally recovering and returning to normal. And what's more normal than a shitty relationship? You're a potions-maker's apprentice who is dating someone who is... less than ideal. While you're struggling to navigate your deteriorating relationship and dwindling self-confidence, your good friend Link is determined to help you see that you deserve better.
The sun dipped lower in the sky, and as it fell so did your spirits. You sighed, dropping your chin into the palm of your hand. He probably wouldn’t show. 
You decided that you were only going to wait for another ten minutes before calling it a night and going home. Frustration bubbled in your stomach, and as the minutes passed you found yourself fighting back tears of frustration. 
Why hadn’t he come? Why does he keep doing this? 
You had been romantically involved with Elis for the better part of a year. It had started off strong and sweet, with him dropping by the potions shop where you worked nearly daily with some sort of sweet treat or pastry. Eventually, those days came fewer and farther between, but you hadn’t thought much about it because it made sense that maybe the excitement of the new relationship was wearing down. You weren’t worried because he still treated you with kindness and was happy to spend the weekends wandering around Castle Town or down by the lake. But recently, it was as if you didn’t exist. He hardly made time for you anymore, and when he did he didn’t even show half the time, later claiming some issue or another had come up suddenly. 
Like he would probably do again after today. 
Through the tavern window, you watched as crowds strolled past, chatting animatedly and munching on various foods that were being sold in the different stalls that currently lined the roads of Castle Town. Today was the Autumn Festival - the first one since the strange monsters had been eradicated and Princess Zelda restored her rightful place on the throne. The entirety of Hyrule was celebrating not only the beginning of a new Autumn, but its freedom as well. 
Yet despite all of the happiness and celebration, you felt as lonely and dark as ever. 
Sighing again, you decided you had spent enough time looking pathetic alone at the table, looking up hopefully at the door anytime you heard it open. Standing up, you caught the attention of the barkeep, Telma. 
“Headed out?” She asked, a knowing look in her eye. You nodded as you walked up to the bar, digging around in your satchel to try and find your wallet. Telma reached across the bar, resting her hand in front of you and making you pause. “No need, hon. This one’s on the house.”
You looked up at her, eyes wide. “No Telma, I-” 
“I don’t want to hear it,” she said, waving her hand in the air. “It’s the Autumn Festival today, and everyone deserves to have something nice done for ‘em.” 
Your look of protest melted into one of gratefulness. You smiled at the older woman, feeling appreciative that at least someone cared enough to be kind to you today. 
“You know, speaking of which..” Her tone had changed to one a bit darker. She grabbed a dirty cup from the pile at her side and began to clean it with a rag she held in her other hand. “This is the third time in a month I’ve seen you sitting there all alone for a few hours, looking more anxious than a man whose girlfriend just told him she missed her monthly bleed. Wanna tell me anything about that?” Her eyes bore into yours, waiting for an answer you had a feeling she already knew. 
She was aware that you and Elis were together, and she expressed from the beginning that she wasn’t entirely happy about the fact. Telma was one of the first people you met when you moved to Castle Town from your family’s farm just outside of Kakiriko Village. She immediately took you under her wing and helped you adjust to and navigate the fast-paced life of the city. Even though you were there as a potions-makers apprentice which gave you housing and meals, she still insisted on doting on you and taking care of you as if you had nothing. And in a way, you had had nothing. You were forever grateful for her kindness, her hospitality, and her unwavering friendship. You knew that she cared about you more than maybe even your own family, so you absolutely hated the feeling of knowing you were disappointing her. 
Elis was the son of one of the richest businessmen in Castle Town, and maybe even Hyrule. And he… did not have the best reputation. You of course had no way of knowing that being new to the area and all but Telma, as the owner of the most popular bar in the city, was privy to all of the hot gossip and drama. And apparently his name was one that came up with the patrons of her bar. A lot. 
When you first caught Elis’ eye, and Telma started to catch on to what was happening, she had given you a warning. 
“Now I’m not your mother, so I’m not here to tell you what you can and can’t do, or who you can and can’t do. But honey.. I’d think twice before you get involved with him.” 
Of course you had thanked her for her concern and promised it wasn’t that serious, but now you were regretting not asking more questions. You had fallen in way too deep and before you realized it, you were telling yourself you were different from the other people he had been with. You would change him. Surely you wouldn’t be one of those bitter ex-lovers, drunkenly rambling on to anyone who would listen about how awful he was to you. 
Well, you hadn’t made it to the drunken rambling part quite yet, but you were certainly starting to catch on that maybe you wouldn’t be the one to change him after all. 
Telma continued to look at you expectantly, waiting for any kind of answer to her question. You averted your eyes, knowing you wouldn’t be able to lie if you had to look at her face. 
“No, everything is fine. I just have been feeling a bit suffocated at the shop lately. So I’ve been coming here to get some time alone.” Now that the lie was out, you met her eyes again and gave her a very non-convincing smile. 
Telma raised her eyebrows and gave you a very deadpan look to show you that she did not believe you in the slightest. You were certain that she was going to keep pressing for the truth, but much to your relief she instead just gave a resigned sigh and shook her head. 
“It’s just hard to watch you settle for this when we both know you don’t have to.” 
“It’s fine, really!” You tried to sound upbeat. “He’s just been super busy lately, and things keep coming up.” 
Telma rolled her eyes as she grabbed another cup and began to scrub. “‘Things keep coming up’ my ass,” she muttered. Then louder, “You actually believe him when he says that?” 
You bit your lip, knowing it wasn’t even worth the effort of trying to lie. So you remained silent instead, which was answer enough for your friend. 
“You deserve better than this, sweetie. You really do.” She cocked her eyebrows, and a small smirk suddenly replaced her annoyed grimace. “You know, you deserve something like a knight in shining armor. Someone who would treat you like royalty.” Her emphasis on certain words gave you the impression that she was trying to imply something, but whatever it was it went right over your head. She continued.
“Someone who is loyal, and kind, and would ride to the ends of Hyrule for you.” 
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. “Yeah, okay Telma. Find me a man like that who would be interested in someone as plain as me and then we’ll go from there.” The sarcasm dripped from your voice, hiding the painful emotions that were beginning to stir again as you thought about how little Elis really seemed to care about you. Ride to the ends of Hyrule for you? He couldn’t even walk a kilometer away to meet you for dinner. And maybe that was all you could hope to get. 
Telma froze, giving you an incredulous look. She set down the items she was holding and put her hands on her hips, scoffing. “Now really?” 
You shrugged, dropping all efforts to hide your true emotions. “I’m a nobody who works as a potions-maker with nothing significant and no money to their name. Sure, a knight in shining armor sounds great and all, but someone like that would surely be sought after by all kinds of people with more to offer than me. And if they’re an actual knight then I know for a fact they’re one of the most desirable bachelors out there. I mean, take Link for example. He has women and men alike practically throwing themselves at him.”
Though you knew that comparing Link to a normal knight was hardly accurate. He was anything but normal. He was one of the members of the Royal Guard and recognized as a hero by the people of Hyrule. You weren’t sure you understood all of the details, but you did know that he had played a major role in expelling the monsters from the land and restoring peace to the kingdom. Once the major damage around the kingdom had been fixed and things began to settle back into a normal existence, Princess Zelda had held a large ceremony open to the public where he was officially made a member of the Royal Guard. You had laughed so much that day, knowing just how uncomfortable the guest of honor was with all of the attention. 
Aside from being a famous knight and hero, Link was someone you would consider a close friend - maybe even your best friend (of course you would never tell Telma). You had met him for the first time back when the monsters still roamed and he frequently paid visits to Telma and her tavern to speak with members of the Resistance. 
You had only heard stories about his bravery and heroism from your friend until the day she came crashing into the shop where you worked, speaking frantically about needing a health potion. She didn’t explain much, but you didn’t ask any questions either as you quickly got to work and provided her with what she needed. She promised she would explain more later and rushed out as soon as you had placed the bottle of red potion in her hand. You spent several hours after that as a ball of anxiety, creating the worst scenarios in your head about why she could possibly have needed the potion. 
It wasn’t until you were about ready to close the shop for the day and rush over to see her that the door had opened and in walked a face you had never seen before. The man certainly looked as if he had seen better days and was in desperate need of a nap, but regardless you were slightly taken aback by how handsome he still appeared. He was tall and lean, with broad shoulders and (you assumed) muscular arms that were hidden underneath a loose, white long-sleeved shirt. His hair was a beautiful dirty blonde, tied back with a simple leather band that left loose strands framing his strong jawline. His face had been rather pale, and dark circles sat beneath blue eyes that you suspected were dulled due to exhaustion. But despite his obviously not wonderful condition, he had still exuded a sense of strength that was almost intimidating. 
“Um, h-hello,” you stuttered. “I’m just about to close up-” 
“Are you the one that I have to thank for saving my life?” He asked, taking a step forward. You froze up, and then frantically looked around the shop, trying to find the other person he was obviously talking to, because there was no way he could have been talking about you. A warm chuckle brought your eyes back to his face, where his soft smile nearly made you breathless. 
“Are you the potions-maker?” 
 Mouth slightly open, you continued to stare. “U-uh yeah, that was me I guess.” 
He nodded and continued to walk further into the shop, closer to you. You noticed that he seemed to be walking with a slight limp. 
“Well, I just wanted to come here personally and give my thanks. Without that potion I’m not sure I would have the opportunity to be standing here now.” 
You were certain that the look on your face was ridiculous, but you had no idea how to respond to this situation. It was your job to make potions, you didn’t need any thanks for it. 
You wanted to say thanks, but instead when you opened your mouth you said, “Why are you standing here right now? If you needed that potion less than 12 hours ago, you should almost certainly still be in bed.” You gestured to his body, “And no offense or anything, but you really look like you should still be in bed.” 
His colorless cheeks turned a bit pink then, and he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, almost shyly. “Well, Telma is a wonderful person and all but I was starting to feel a bit…” 
“Smothered?” You finished for him, stifling back the laugh that threatened to come out, knowing how your friend was. A look of relief washed over the stranger’s face and he nodded, seeming to realize that you understood how he was feeling. 
“Yeahhh,” you drawled out, nodding sympathetically. “I understand that all too well. I actually had to put a lock on my bedroom door the last time I had a small sickness to physically stop her from bringing me medicine and food every hour. I love her to death but I can only take so much soup in one day.” 
He laughed then, and you wondered how in the world a laugh could sound so nice. Pushing those thoughts aside, you introduced yourself then, holding your hand out to the man. He smiled and took it, his hand calloused from years of hard work but gentle nonetheless. 
“I’m Link.” 
A lightbulb went off in your head then. “Oh, you’re Link? I’ve heard so much about you!” 
“I could say the same about you.”
It was the start of a beautiful friendship from that point onward. Whenever Link was in town, whether he was restocking his supplies, working closely with other members of the Resistance, or doing whatever it is that heroes do, you always made sure to make time to see him. And he did the same. He probably became your number one customer, always putting in bulk orders for various potions. You always joked with him about how often he needed health potions, but truthfully you were very worried about him and how he was constantly out in harm’s way. It was a lot of work, filling his large orders, but you were happy to know that you were helping to keep him safe in some capacity.
“And you’ve never.. stopped to consider why Link never takes anyone up on their offers?” Telma asked, still staring at you with an incredulous look. You couldn’t understand why she was acting so strange all of the sudden. 
“Not really,” you shrugged. “I just assumed he’s too busy for it or that he does and nothing comes of it. He doesn’t talk to me much about his conquests, work-related or… otherwise.”
Telma shook her head. “No, honey, I don’t think he’s out there conquering anyone. He seems to have uh.. a specific goal in mind.” There it was again, that tone in her voice that made it seem like she was implying something that you just weren’t understanding. It nagged at you, but you chose to brush it off. Who knew what was going on in your friend’s mind. 
“Well, regardless. I just don’t think I’m the type of person someone like a knight is trying to settle down with. But who knows, maybe I’ll ask Link if any of his fellow knight friends are available and interested.” You laughed, the joke seeming ridiculous. But your friend, on the other, didn’t seem to find it so funny. She stood, her mouth slightly open as if she couldn’t believe what you were saying. 
“You’re joking, right?” 
Frustration was starting to build up within you, unable to understand what you were doing that was so hard to believe. Why was Telma treating you like you were an idiot today? You were slightly kidding when you ragged on yourself about not being good enough, but did your friend genuinely believe it so strongly that even a joke about asking a knight was too much? She was the one that started the whole thing in the first place! 
“Of course I’m joking Telma,” you snapped. “I know my place. Elis is probably the best I can hope to get.” 
Telma closed her mouth, pursing her lips with an unamused look. She shook her head slowly and turned around to organize the newly cleaned mugs and glasses. “It’s not my place to get involved,” she said quietly, more to herself than to you. Still feeling frustrated, you huffed loudly and turned to leave. First Elis, now Telma. This was not shaping up to be a good day. 
Before you could fully turn around though, she glanced back, stopping you with the serious expression on her face. “Really. You can do better. There is better out there. Waiting to love you the way that you deserve to be loved. You just need to open your eyes.” 
Your sour emotions were already set though, and you were in no mood for cryptic messages. “Alright, thank you fortune-teller Telma. I’ll see you later. Thanks again for the drink.” And without looking back, you walked to the door, opened it, and took a step into the darkening evening. 
The air was crisp and cooler than it had been since the spring, signifying the exit of summer and beginning of a chilly autumn. Very fitting weather for the night of the Autumn Festival. 
You crossed your arms tightly against your body as you walked, the thin shirt you chose to wear not doing a good job to protect you from the chill. You felt your temper cooling as you walked as well, gradually being replaced by a feeling of deep sadness and loneliness. All around you were people enjoying the festival, happy to be surrounded by those they love. Grandparents lovingly watching their grandkids laugh and play as they ran through the crowded streets playing tag, friends walking together and sharing stories that made them snort and grab their sides from laughing so hard, new couples attached at the hip and so engrossed in each other they hardly watched where they’re going… it was isolating. Here you were, recently stood up for the umpteenth time by someone who was supposed to care about you, walking through massive crowds of people and yet never feeling more alone.
You felt an all-to-familiar tightness in your throat, and the tears began to prick the corner of your eyes, blurring your surroundings into blobs of shimmering color. You fought hard to keep your composure, determined to make it back to the shop so you could run to your small bedroom upstairs and never come back out. But the loud voice in your head was determined to break you. 
Why? Why am I not good enough? Did I do something wrong? How can I be better?
The strong feeling of hopelessness that came with those though breached the dam you had built to hold back the tears, and with a loud sob, they started to spill. A few people within your vicinity turned to look at you curiously, likely wondering what could have caused the noise that came out of your mouth. You put your head down and covered your mouth with your hands, hoping to muffle the sound of the sobs that continued to come involuntarily. 
Luckily for you, there was a small alleyway directly to your left. You were able to shove past the poor innocent people who were in your way and beeline for the abandoned area. Once you were in the alley, you began to run, desperate to get as far away from people as possible. You weren’t able to make it very far though as a dead end blocked your escape. Incapable of thinking of any other alternatives, you resigned to this being your stopping point and slid down the wall until you were sitting with your arms wrapped around your knees, legs tucked as closely to your body as you could physically get them. Dropping your head down, let all of the feelings you had been holding in for the evening out. 
It was overwhelming yet cathartic. The force of your sobs wracked your body for what felt like hours, the thoughts of inadequacy and rejection running through your mind on an endless loop. But eventually, you found it easier and easier to take deep, measured breaths and the body shaking sobs gradually slowed to a halt. No longer did you feel… well, anything. The only thing you could feel now was numbness. A quiet calm to replace the raging storm that had been going on. 
You sat up, leaning your head against the wall behind you. You stared up at evening sky, the sun out of view as it dipped closer to the horizon. You’re not sure how long you sat there, relishing the feeling of feeling nothing at all. You knew you needed to get up, but you worried that once you stood the feelings would come rushing back. 
Your solitude was ruined by the loud crashing noise of a door being opened with extreme force close by. The sound startled you, making you nearly topple over with surprise. 
You heard a whiny, high-pitched voice over the thundering beat of your heart. “Come on, it’s about to start!! We’re not even going to get a good view at this point!” 
A few meters away, a young child came running out of the small apartment door that you hadn’t even realized was there. Had they heard your crying? 
“Leon, slow down. There will be plenty of space available. The procession goes all the way from the city gates up to the castle. Certainly not everyone will be crowded in the same area.” An older woman stepped out after the child, her smile conflicting with the stern tone in her voice. She didn’t even glance in your direction as she shut the door behind her and followed the child down the alley to join the festivities you had so desperately escaped. 
Ah yes, the procession. You had almost forgotten all about that. 
As a closing event of the Autumn Festival, the royal family traveled in procession through Castle Town, waving and acknowledging their loyal and loving subjects. It was not just them, however. The royal carriage was last in line in the procession. Preceding it were several (and in your opinion, more interesting) groups. Professional jugglers, wowing the crowds as they showed off the impressive skills they have while on the move. Bands of Gorons who marched in step, beating out different tunes powerfully on large drums. One year, when you were young, there was a fantastic group of Zora dancers who mesmerized the crowds with their movements, as smooth on land as they were in water. It changed from year to year, but since this was the first Autumn Festival celebration after years of being terrorized by monsters, it was sure to be a big one. 
You continued to sit, looking towards the crowd as it continued to grow, their excited voices bouncing off the walls of the empty alley. Normally, you would be one of them, jumping up and down with excited anticipation to see what that year’s procession has in store. But now you couldn’t imagine standing there, surrounded by happiness and laughter. 
The crowd roared as the first part of the procession finally appeared, slowly crawling through the street. You listened as people cheered for the performers who walked, “ooh”ing and “ahh”ing as they did whatever it was that they were doing. You couldn’t see through the crowd of people who now blocked off the entrance of the alley, so you could only listen and imagine, picking up bits and pieces of conversations as it drifted down to your ears. 
You didn’t need to be able to see when the Gorons arrived, however. That you could feel. The vibrations rattled your entire body as they beat their drums in sync, the unfamiliar tune sinking into your very bones. It was an oddly relaxing feeling. You were happy to close your eyes and rest your head on the wall, soaking in the feeling. You were left with an achingly empty feeling in your chest when the Gorons were far enough away that you could no longer feel their drums. 
You decided that even though you were tired, you would wait until the end to get up and begin making your way home. With the crowd the way that it was, there was no way you would make it anywhere anyways. So, you continued to sit. 
As you waited, your mind drifted to Elis. If he hadn’t come to meet you, then where was he? Was he just lounging lazily in his bed as he so often liked to do, unable to be bothered to come meet you? Or was he out there in the crowd, standing with his friends, cracking jokes without even sparing a single thought for you? 
Your heart dropped as another thought crossed your mind. Was he out there in the crowd with another girl? Had he spent the evening whisking someone else around to the different stalls, sharing all sorts of sweet treats with her? Feeding her fresh fruit as they walked? Whispering things in her ear, making her giggle and blush? Did he give her his jacket when she began to shiver because she was only wearing a light shirt? Was he going to take her home once the festivities ended? 
You could feel the emotions coming back, much to your displeasure. You didn’t want to feel anything. You liked the numbness. But the thought of Elis leaving you to look foolish while he was out entertaining another girl was too much to handle. 
You decided that you needed to get home. You couldn’t stand to be out any longer. You would shove people out of the way if you needed to. 
Standing up quickly, you made your way back to the entrance of the alley where the crowd was currently a wave of excitement. You began to push your way through, but you were only able to make it to the front of the crowd before you realized you were stuck. There was rope that stretched down the street as far as you could see on both sides of you. To block people from crossing the road and potentially getting hurt or messing up the procession, you assumed. 
Frustration bubbling and exiting your body in the form of hot tears that welled up in your eyes, you turned to push your way back. But once again, you quickly realized that wasn’t going to happen. A large Goron stood behind you, happily oblivious and chatting with another large Goron besides them. Considering you had to crane your neck to look up at their faces, you assumed that you would not be able to get their attention with all of the noise and distraction. Groaning inwardly you turned back and stood miserably, knowing that your only option now was to stand and wait for the procession to end. 
Luckily you didn’t have to wait long before you heard the sound of the horns, signifying the arrival of the royal carriage. Once again, the crowd around you came alive, everyone excitedly standing on their toes and moving around to try and get a look. 
The horses were the first thing to come into view. Beautiful white horses donning colorful, bedazzled bits and draped with navy and gold saddle blankets made their way past you. Children and adults alike stuck their hands out, reaching to try and get a touch of the magnificent creatures as they passed. You wanted to be excited, but the heavy feeling in your chest and tightness in your throat remained, and you knew it was only a matter of time before the tears began to spill again. You just hoped you could hold out until you were able to get away from people.
Something heavy suddenly pushed up against your right shoulder, nearly toppling you over. Luckily you were able to keep your footing and straighten yourself up before falling. Pushing the hair out of your eyes, you glared in the direction of the mysterious force. 
Two girls, probably just a few years younger than you, were standing there, staring at you with wide eyes. 
“So sorry!” One squeaked, genuinely looking scared. You held your glare for a few more seconds before turning your head back to the procession, not even bothering to accept her apology. Her and her friend did not seem bothered for too long, however, and began to chat animatedly. They were so close that you couldn’t help but overhear. 
“Do you think we’ll see him?”
“Of course we’re going to see him you idiot! He’s like, Princess Zelda’s shadow! Wherever she is, he is!”
Suddenly the conversation you were trying very hard to ignore grabbed your attention. You realized, with slight amusement, that you had a good idea as to who they were probably talking about.
“I mean, I don’t blame her for always wanting him around.” 
“Oh I totally agree. If I had a knight who looked like that, I’d never let him leave my side.”
The girls burst into giggles, and you rolled your eyes. But also, you knew you couldn’t blame them either. There was no denying that Link was very easy on the eyes. 
The girl closest to you sighed wistfully. “He just seems so dreamy. He’s brave, and strong, and he’s so kind! One time I saw him buy a whole basket of bread that he then passed out to the line of people who had been waiting for hours to see the doctor. This was when that horrible sickness came through Castle Town a few months ago and everyone was sick! He risked his own health to make sure people were fed while they waited.” 
You hadn’t heard about that, but you were not surprised in the least. Link was an absolutely selfless man who consistently put other people’s needs before his own. He had done it a time or two for you as well. One of those times was actually during the sickness that the two girls were referring to. 
You had managed to stay healthy for awhile, but you found yourself extremely overworked during that time, trying to keep up with the mass influx of orders of health potions and other remedies that came pouring in from desperate townspeople. You had averaged about an hour of sleep a night for days on end, and were lucky if you were able to eat a single meal. Luckily, Link had offered to help you with deliveries which took a massive load off of your plate. However, it still took a major toll on your body physically. Luckily, Link was there to save the day. You know, like heroes do. 
The bell dinged, signaling that someone had entered the store. You didn’t even bother to turn around, busy cutting and weighing the ingredients in front of you. It was a very precise recipe, and even the slightest miscalculation or mess up could change the effect of the potion entirely. 
“Hey, I’m back.” His calm and gentle voice was a welcome break from your frantic muttering out loud to yourself as you worked. You simply grunted and waved the hand holding the knife into the air to acknowledge his arrival. 
His laughter was followed by footsteps as he walked behind the counter, coming to a stop beside you. His presence seemed to bring you comfort, and you could feel yourself starting to relax slightly. “You know, waving a knife at a member of the Royal Guard could be seen as a threat. Be careful where you point that thing.” 
You rolled your eyes and finally turned your head to face him, your exhausted smile meeting his boyish grin. “At this point, there is nothing you could do to me that is worse than what I’ve been dealing with the past few weeks. Go ahead and lock me up or chop me up, either is preferable at this point.” 
His smile faltered, and you could see the concern in his eyes. Suddenly, he looked very serious. “Have you eaten today?” 
Sighing, you put down the knife and stepped away from the ingredients. You decided a short break wouldn’t hurt. Running a hand over your face, you tried your best to stifle a yawn. “What time is it?” 
“It’s a few hours past midday. Have you eaten?” He repeated, eyes boring into yours. You worried your bottom lip, nervous to tell him that you had not. 
“Well, Elis told me he would bring me lunch an hour before noon.” 
Link’s eyes hardened. “And did he?” 
You laughed timidly, shrugging. “I’m sure something came up and he was too busy.” 
The blonde did not look impressed in the slightest. “So, no.” 
You waved a hand nonchalantly. “It’s okay, I’m not super hungry anyways. Too busy to be hungry!” With fake enthusiasm, you made to turn back to your ingredients and continue working. Link’s hand gently touched your arm, stopping you from moving. 
“You need to take care of yourself. You need to eat.” The concern in his face made your heart skip a beat. 
You nodded finally, giving in. “I know, I will. I guess I won’t be any help to anyone if I die of starvation huh?” 
Link shook his head, his expression still very serious. “I’m not worried about other people. I’m worried about you.” 
You froze, your breath catching slightly in your throat. Your brain seemed to malfunction as you tried to figure out how to reply. But Link was suddenly distracted, rummaging around in the satchel that was slung across his body, a concentrated look on his face. Finally, he seemed to find what he was looking for and pulled out a small brown bag, which he then held out to you. You looked at it, then back up at him. He nudged it forward again, prompting you to take it. 
You didn’t have any words as you gingerly took the bag from his hands. Slowly, you opened it and peered down at the contents. Bread, cheese, a few slices of dried meat, and a large red apple. You looked back up at your friend. 
“I can’t take your lunch from you!” You exclaimed, trying to push the bag back into his hands. He was having none of it though. He grabbed your hand with both of his. He gripped it gently but firmly, closing your fist over the opening of the bag and pushing it back towards you. 
“It’s not my lunch, don’t worry.” 
“Oh, so you just walk around with spare lunches in your bag?” Though when you really thought about it, he did always seem to have literally everything inside that bag..
Link looked away, suddenly seeming shy. “Well, no. I brought it. For you.” 
“For me?”  For what felt like the millionth time that day, your chest swelled with gratitude for the blonde. 
“You know.. just in case.” 
It was both charming and upsetting. It was extremely sweet that Link was concerned and thinking about you. But it made your heart sink to think that Elis, someone who claimed to love you, couldn’t even be bothered. You tried your hardest to fight back the tears as you nodded and accepted the meal. 
Link seemed to let out a breath of relief, smiling gently as he watched you pull the bread out and nibble on the edge. 
“Please promise me you will take better care of yourself.” 
You just nodded, your mouth full of bread. He narrowed his eyes and leaned down, his face just inches away from yours. You froze, suddenly feeling nervous at his proximity. 
His face was once again serious, but his eyes were soft. Caring. 
You swallowed the bread you had been chewing and nodded again, genuine this time. “I promise, Link.” 
He continued to stare, unmoving. “You promise what?”
You groaned, making a face. “Really?”
But his stoic expression told you that he was not joking. 
“I promise that I will take better care of myself,” you muttered, feeling like a child who was being scolded. He still didn’t move for a few moments, however, continuing to search your eyes with an unreadable expression. Finally, he stood up and nodded once. 
“Good. I expect to see you eating every day from here on out. On your own,” he added. “Not waiting for a meal that will never show.” 
The meaning behind his words cut deep, and once again you were reminded that the one person who was supposed to care about you didn’t seem to. 
But at least you had Link. 
 A loud squeal brought you back to the present, where you hadn’t even realized you zoned out. 
“Oh here it comes!”
And sure enough, the royal carriage came into view, pulled by two gigantic horses. What little sunlight remained reflected beautifully off of the gold exterior, the different jewels that decorated it sparkling magnificently. The fabric top was not in place, giving the crowd an unobstructed view of the figure standing inside. 
Princess Zelda was the vision of beauty and grace as she smiled and waved to the crowd. Her blonde hair was pulled out of her slim face and back into an intricate braid that was adorned with flowers that matched the white and lavender dress she was wearing.  A small but genuine and warm smile graced her lips, and her eyes were sharp and alert as she scanned her surroundings and took in the sight of her subjects. She exuded a sense of strength and unity, which was something the people of Hyrule had desperately needed for so long. 
Once again, your train of thought was broken by an obnoxious squeal. 
“There he is! I told you! I told you we’d see him!” The girl next you jumped up and down, not even realizing that she bumped into you every time she did so. Her friend was leaning heavily over the side of the rope, trying to get the best view possible. You held your breath, feeling anxious all of the sudden for a reason you didn’t understand. 
His hair was the first thing you spotted, the navy cap contrasting heavily with the blonde locks that weren’t quite as well tamed as the rest of him. The pristine white trousers and navy and crimson tunic hugged his athletic figure generously, showcases the strength he had built over years of hard work and fighting. His sword was strapped to his back, ready to be pulled at a moment’s notice if needed. But what you noticed most about the knight was the way that he carried himself as he marched alongside the carriage. 
He held his chin high, shrouded with an air of confidence well earned from countless successful battles. Despite his tall and muscular frame, he was endlessly graceful, almost gliding along the ground. His bright blue eyes were alert and sharp, and he scanned the crowd continuously, making sure there were no imminent threats to the princess or otherwise. 
Your breath caught in your throat as you watched him, suddenly finding yourself enamored with everything about him. Telma’s words from earlier came back to you as you continued to stare. 
A knight in shining armor. 
There was a phrase to describe Link if there ever was one. From his strength, to his courage, to his generosity, to his kindness. He was the embodiment of a true knight. 
Suddenly, you found yourself once again reliving the memory of the two of you in your shop, concern etched into his face as he stared down at you. 
“Please promise me you will take better care of yourself.” 
“I’m not worried about other people. I’m worried about you.”
An intense feeling of loneliness and longing washed over you, making it harder for you to breathe. You bit down on your lip as you fought to hold back the tears that suddenly welled up in your eyes. 
Whoever Link chooses will be the luckiest person in all of Hyrule. To have someone who cares so openly, someone with such a good heart.. Not someone who would continuously abandon plans and give half-hearted excuses for why he can’t come. 
But what you had told Telma was true. You were a nobody with no money to your name. You had nothing to offer anyone. Elis was rich and had status. For someone like him to be with someone like you was almost unheard of. It would be silly to get caught up on something as silly as feelings when you were being given more than what you deserved. 
It still hurt though. And the tears still came, spilling over and sliding down your cheeks. 
“He’s getting closer! Oh my goddesses, he’s almost right in front of us!!” The girl next to you grabbed her friend, shaking her with excitement. You watched from the corner of your eye as they quickly rushed to fix their hair and straighten out their dresses that had been ruffled in all the commotion. 
You found yourself annoyed at their behavior, but appreciated the heads up. With you being in the front, there was a very good chance that Link would see you. And he couldn’t see you crying. You turned away, trying to hide your face as you wiped frantically at the tears. But it seemed like the more you tried, the more the tears came. You began to panic, which only added to the strong emotions that you were feeling and made everything worse. 
You turned back around, planning to just sneak a quick peek to see how much time you had before he walked by. If he was too close, you planned to just turn around and stay turned around until he was well past you. Sure it would look funny, but he wouldn’t know that that was the back of your head in the crowd. 
But unfortunately, just like it had been for the entire day, luck was not on your side. As soon as you turned around, piercing blue eyes met your red and watery ones. 
You immediately straightened up, wiping frantically at your face and trying to plaster on a smile that was horribly unconvincing. Link’s eyes widened as he took in your appearance, and you could see that he was visibly struggling to keep his facial features calm.
“Annessa, he’s looking at you! I can’t believe it, he’s looking at you!!!”
The girl’s voices sounded far away as she screeched at the girl next to you, whose name was apparently Annessa. The only thing you could focus on was Link and the pained expression he worse on his face as he fought against whatever emotions he was currently feeling. 
Once again you tried to give him an unconvincing smile, but it was the ultimate failure as your lips quivered and you had to put your hand over your mouth to hide the sob that came out. 
Did he know? Did he know how pathetic you were? How you weren’t even worth your own partner’s time? Surely he had to know that, as someone who was one of the most popular men in the entire kingdom. He was only nice to you because that’s who he was. He was a nice person. 
You maintained eye contact with him for as long as you could, but eventually you had to turn away, embarrassed by your emotions and how unstable you appeared. When you brought your head back up, Link was no longer looking at you. He looked forward as he continued to march on. 
Exactly. He knew that you weren’t worth it. That you were an embarrassment. 
But what you weren’t expecting was for him to turn his head, glancing back over his shoulder to get one last look at you. You weakly waved, and he frowned before turning back around and continuing to look forward. 
“Did you see that?? He even looked back at you!! You made the Link do a double take!!!” 
The girls next to you jumped up and down in excitement, squealing on and on about Link and something about marriage and children. You weren’t sure because you tuned them out. You tuned everything out. That feeling of numbness returned, which you were grateful for, and you spent the rest of the procession staring at the ground, blissfully unaware of anything happening around you. 
Eventually the procession had ended and the crowd began to clear, excitement still in the air as the chatted about the day’s events to each other and made their way home or to the bars. It was nighttime now, so the party would likely continue for most of the adults, whether that was in the tavern or at private parties around the city. 
For you, you were just happy that you could finally make your way home. You did not want to party, you did not want to socialize. You wanted to crawl into your bed and never get out. You wanted to physically become one with the pillows. 
As you approached the shop, you had a stupid hope in your heart that maybe Elis would be there waiting for you. That he had come late to the bar to meet you, and when he couldn’t find you in the crowd he decided to wait for you at your shop. But, of course, you were met with disappointment and darkness when you arrived home. Nobody was waiting for you at the door, and there were no explanations about why he never showed. 
You entered the shop and barely remembered to lock the door behind you before dragging yourself upstairs to your bedroom. Master Shido was out of town, traveling to who-knows-where for some rare ingredients, so you did not have to worry about the noise you made as you collapsed on to your bed. 
Today was awful, and you wanted absolutely nothing more than for it to be over. You lay in the dark, staring up at the ceiling, but sleep never came. Instead, your mind whirled continuously about Elis. 
What was he doing at the moment? Was he with another woman? Did he even feel any remorse for standing you up? How would you confront him? Should you even confront him? What would you say if- 
Your froze, your racing thoughts stopped by a loud, muffled noise downstairs. You held your breath as you waited, in the silence and in the darkness, for more noise to come. But it never did. 
You were starting to believe you had simply imagined it when it came again.
Thud. Thud. Thud. 
Someone was knocking on the front door of the store.
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t-n-c · 1 year
A Comprehensive List of my Thoughts on Elemental (STILL WITH SPOILERS!)
So here's the rundown I promised of my feelings toward Elemental
The Good
The music--I found it memorable and unique; the main theme had soft vocalizations that felt almost ethereal, like it was an ancient hymn. I also found the song that played during the montage of Ember and Wade's dates catchy and fun. It was pretty great soundtrack imho.
The design of the world--I really loved how they creators took into account how all these different elements would move and interact in the city. It made the setting feel, for lack of a better term, more "real" to me. It also set up some of Ember's conflict as a Fire element living in a city that wasn't made with her people in mind.
The designs of (most of*) the characters--for the most part, the characters looked unique and, even better, they looked like average people (for lack of a better term) to me; call me a sap or whatever, but I've always preferred characters that have all the "flaws" of average folks than the ones that look like some iteration of "perfect," they just feel more relatable to me I guess. I also found it fun to see how design features such as "hair" were incorporated in the characters and how those same features varied between the elements. If there's one thing I can consistantly praise Pixar for it's for not being afraid to play around with design.
The animation---I loved how the characters moved and interacted in the world. The felt like living things and I appreciated that.
Wade and Ember are adults implied to be in their mid-to-late 20s--This is probably just a me thing, but I find it nice when I see shows where the protagonists aren't adolescents or barely-18 young adults going through some sort of coming-of-age scenario; there's nothing wrong with those kinds of stories of course, I just find them a bit boring and over-done myself. That and whenever I see films like that it always feels like they're insinuating that people over XYZ age can't be protagonists, so I tend to avoid them these days. On a related note, here are some other reasons why I like that Ember and Wade are adults: a) They both still live with their parents but neither of them is shamed or mocked for it--I've seen waaaay too many "comedies" that pick fun at the "25-year-old-living-in-their-mom's-basement" so I found it nice to not have to sit through that kind of "joke" again, b) Neither of them have got their lives "figured out" yet--Wade's gone through multiple jobs, and Ember's just begun to understand what she actually wants for her life--as someone who's gone through multiple jobs, earned 2 bachelor's degrees and is in the process of getting a master’s, and is still trying to make sense of their life, I found their struggles extremely relatable; it's nice to see adult protagonists be allowed to struggle with figuring out who they are and what they want to be, c) They're allowed to have fun and goof off--in a lot of films I've seen, the adult characters are always depicted as being so serious and "boring" it's nice to see adult characters actually have fun and enjoy life.
Ember' relationship with her parents, specifically her father--I found the interactions they had very sweet and moving; it made Ember's conflict between choosing to take over her father's shop or pursue her romance with Wade all the more relatable, imo.
How Ember and Wade's romance developed--it wasn't a love-at-first-sight kind of thing; they actually had to spend time interacting and getting to know each other before they fell in love--and most importantly, they showed us on the actual screen how/when they started to fall for each other. They went on dates, opened up to each other, fought with each other, etc--all the things that normal relationships have; while sure, there's still an aspect of "forbidden romance" to their relationship, it's more subtle and in the background than the trailers implied it would be. It also doesn't end with marriage and kids--they leave together for Ember’s internship and it’s implied that they’ve moved in together but that’s all; idk I thought it was nice that they could just be a couple.
The Bad
1. The blink-and-miss representation LGBTQ+ representation--I've gotten reeeeeeaaaally tired of how LGBTQ+ characters are treated in films; to clarify, there's a scene where Wade introduces Ember to his family and he introduces her to his youngest sibling, Lake (who is described as being nonbinary in supplemental materials) and her/them girlfriend, Ghibli. Lake's identity as nonbinary is a bit ambiguous in the film (Wade does refer to them as his youngest sibling, but that's all we get--without the tie-in material it's to mistake them for being WLW). Further, between them Lake and Ghibli have at most 2-3 lines in the entire movie--like I appreciate that us LGBTQ+ are being recognized and put in films, but I'm tired of all our rep always being the side characters that hold no weight in the story; I think they can start making shows with LGBTQ+ leads now, thank you.
2. Wade's fake death--I'm not a fan of having characters (and the audience) go through huge, life-changing events only to have the events "fixed" and everything be all hunky-dory again--imo, it's a cheap trick to manipulate the audiences' emotions at best, and at worst, it's a disrespectful act that not-to subtly implies that the audience "can't handle" seeing the characters go through heavy stuff. I'm a firm believer that if you're going to have your characters go through something as serious as having one die on screen you need to commit to it--you need to take it seriously, pulling a 180 and undoing all that development is cliche to the point of annoyance. Now, I'm not saying I wanted Wade to die, I'm not even saying that I think he should have stayed dead--what I'm saying is that I don't think there should have ever been a "death" scene in the film at all--there are plenty of other ways they could have had Ember realize her feelings for Wade/be honest with her father.
Mixed Feelings Section
1. Ember and Wade's designs*--it's not that they're terrible or anything, but they are a bit generic imo. In comparison to their family members and the background characters, they both have that "typical protagonist" look that I find a bit cliche
2. Wade's family being 'good' rich people who don't mind that Wade's in love with Ember vs Ember's father who spends most of the film being aggressively anti-water--I'm kind on the fence with this tbh; on the one hand, if both sides had been against Ember and Wade's relationship, I feel it would have put too much emphasis on the romance and taken away Ember's story as the child of immigrants, and it's not like Wade's family weren't bigoted at all--they threw plenty of micro-aggressions at Ember when she first met them; that being said I do have to side-eye how they made the ones more accepting of fire people Wade's rich, probably-descendents-of-the-founders-of-Element-City family and made the one most aggressively against water people Ember's immigrant-built-his-family-a-home-and-business-from-scratch father. Idk, it feels iffy to me.
3. Most of the Wade and Ember's interactions takes place within a week--As much as I felt that their romance was pretty well-paced, I can't deny that they still fell for each other very quickly--I get that the main plot point had set it up that they only had a week to fix the broken water-spill doors, but I don't know why it had to be a week; why couldn't it have been a couple of weeks or a month? It would have made a lot more sense both for the romance and the main plot, but I digress, I still found their relationship adorable.
4. The experiences of immigrants is homogenized--The culture of the fire people draws on a lot of different types of immigrants, the Irish, different Asiatic groups, maybe some Middle Eastern groups, etc--and while I appreciate that the story was about immigrants and experiences they share in common I also felt a bit iffy about taking all these different cultures and merging them together. I feel it would have been better they made the fire people's culture more of a unique entity than a combination of cultures.
Like I said before, I highly recommend this movie; it's cute and tugs at your heart-strings.
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
something warm / lee chan
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➝ Reader & Chan (platonic) // feat. a lot of other idols
➝ coffee shop!au // slice of life // fluff // nonidol!au
➝ word count: 3.4k
➝ haven cloud masterlist (can be read as standalone)
➝ What’s playing in Haven Cloud
➝ A/N: didn't mean to upload this now but i wasn't in a good mood so i hope this make someone feel better out there. i suppose haven cloud is finally open for business! thank u @twogyuu my luv for beta reading
it's almost been a year since you started working in Haven Cloud and you look back to the day you find yourself on its doorstep.
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“It’s already been nine months since you started working here, huh?”
You jump at the sudden voice, having been busy zoning out as it’s a pretty slow day in the cafe. You turn to see Chan leaning on the station, his boyish smile and messy hair reminds you once again that this boss of yours is younger than you are.
Other than the fact that he’s literally the owner of this cafe you’re working at, the way he carries himself often makes you forget that he’s younger than you. He’s very mature regardless of his age, and you often find yourself admiring him when he readily solves unexpected problems in the cafe.
Be it logistics because your supplier somehow messes things up in the warehouse to entitled customers who would show up from time to time, Chan is always ready to face them; always engaging the staff if they have other alternatives even though you all know you almost always go with his opinion because it is the best one.
It’s only recently that you’ve become a full time worker, the first six month passed by in a blink of an eye even though you’re initially just here to find something to do. Being in the last year of university, you’re left with only a few classes to attend as you focus on your final paper. Perhaps you should be more thankful you don’t have any classes to redo, passing them with good enough scores that your worst grade is a C+ (Statistics be damned). 
That’s good enough.
But that means you’d be a little too free for your liking; and it was months ago that you were talking to your roommate about wanting to take a part time job so you could find things to do and some side earning because why not. You’re not interested enough in academics to apply for the TA or tutoring role so those two are a no go.
“Mm. I think Mingyu mentioned his friend recently opened a cafe or something, do you want me to ask?” Lisa had offered, and you tried to recall a Mingyu even though there’s too many in your university. She’s probably referring to Mingyu from the basketball team (he’s one year above you, you think, but you’re not really aware of people who aren’t in the same department as yours), and she confirmed your assumption when she mentioned she’d ask him after he’s done with practice.
Next thing you knew, you’re already starting day one in the cafe with Chan patiently helping you through the week. He’s the owner, you were told since the beginning, having established the cafe just a little over a year ago. But because the cafe is still small and it is his main job, Chan still runs the cafe on a daily basis. He does just about everything; covers for the barista when he’s not available, cleans the table when you’re too busy in the cashier, even keeps track of inventories when he has free time.
That said, you’re only the third full-time worker in the cafe, the first one being Boo Seungkwan, the barista, and Yoon Jeonghan, the pastry chef. Later on, you found out that the three of them started Haven Cloud together. Jeonghan is actually the co-owner though he preferred to bake and serve than do “his fancy job” (his words, not yours) as the co-owner, while Seungkwan helped invest a little and offered to be the barista instead because he’s just finished taking a course for it.
“It has, huh?” You grin before going outside the station to help Ryujin clean the tables.
Ryujin is a part timer that has joined before you, though she says she’s happy with being a part timer when Chan asks if she wants to work full time with him. She’s a very attractive girl who also works part time in a hair salon (she’s been asking if you want to dye your hair because she’s just perfected a new technique), and you think that’s why Ryujin refuses Chan’s offer; she likes to try new things and she doesn’t want to be chained to one job (or anything, for that matter).
You talk some more with her and Chan as the three of you do your own stuff, your resident barista nowhere to be found–presumably in the kitchen with Jeonghan. It’s around three in the afternoon, which is a weird time for the cafe to be slow, because usually at least your regulars are already in around these hours. Right now, there’s only one customer in the cafe, a regular that’s basically a friend to all of you at this point, and he had his headphones on, focused with something on his laptop (which is why the three of you can just talk without having to worry you’d bother him).
The familiar tinkling of the bell echoes through the empty cafe, and Ryujin readily greets the customer as you get back to the cashier and Chan goes to call Seungkwan from the kitchen.
“Hi, how can I help you?” you smile at the newcomer, a pretty girl with long, black hair that you’re sure have never been here before. You’ll remember her if you have; she’s easily the most beautiful girl you’ve ever laid your eyes on.
“Hi! Saw this cafe by accident and thought I’d drop by,” she happily indulges you in small talk, eyes busy roaming the menu board on the wall. Gosh, even her voice sounds nice. “What’s your specialty?”
“Do you want caffeine or?” You’ve always liked this question, happy that someone trusts you with their order. Also, to you, it validates your position in the cafe; like, wow, someone look at you and think you’ll know what’s good. Maybe it’s a little weird to think of it that much, but you just like to know that you are a part of this cafe. That’s how dear Haven Cloud is to your heart.
“Mmm, I don’t mind either but I’m not really in the mood for a cold drink, to be honest.” She blows air into her cheek, and you almost embarrassingly squeal at how adorable she looks. Gosh, it’s not funny the amount of cafe crushes, as you and Ryujin label them, you’ve had since you started working here. There are too many people dropping by here who are way too attractive for them not to be celebrities.
Sometimes you get giddy when they return for a second time, though you don’t give them any special treatment or anything. At most, you’re just more friendly and smile a little wider when you talk to them.
You hum, pretending to consider it for a second even though you already know what you’re going to tell her since she’s said she wants something warm.
“If you like something tingly, our hot rum mocha is always a favorite even during summer.” You offer with a smile, and she just nods and says that she’d happily have that–asking for an extra cinnamon on top. “Do you want anything to go with it?”
“Our dark chocolate chip cookies are to die for.” You jump at the sudden voice, and you turn to see Jeonghan with a fresh batch of croissant (when did he even come out of the kitchen?), a flirty smile on his face as he winks at her. “I’d know.”
You roll your eyes at this tendency of his, though your customer seems to not think much of it as she shakes her head and tells him she’d get some if you recommend it. You laugh when Jeonghan mocks a broken heart, telling her he’s hurt and she’s not allowed to order the cookies for that comment and then trots back to the kitchen after he’s successfully put the tray on the rack.
“Sorry, he’s always like that.” You scrunch your nose in amusement, glad that the girl simply grins and says she doesn’t mind at all and finds him funny.
“I’ll get that dark chocolate chip cookie then,” she muses as she scans the pastry display.
“Sure. Can I get your name?”
“Oh! Jisoo,” she informs you with a smile, muttering something about how she would be coming back to try out the pastries because they all look appetizing.
You thank her when she hands you the bill to pay for her orders, and it’s then that Chan comes out of the kitchen and says that Seungkwan is apparently out to the minimarket down the street because he needs to stock something real quick. You’re not sure when did he go, but you assume he might’ve left from the backdoor and that’s why no one but Jeonghan is aware that Seungkwan’s left.
“It’s fine, I can make the drink by myself,” you shrug nonchalantly, though the thought of making a drink still makes you excited everytime it happens. “It’s one of the recipes that I’ve perfected, anyway.”
Chan grins in amusement, though he nods and leans on the station and says he’ll watch you make it. It has been quite some time since he saw you make a drink; the chance doesn’t present itself often enough because Seungkwan is there most of the time, and Chan is better at making most drinks than you are.
“To think you used to be scared to even touch the foam machine,” the younger guy teases you, and you laugh as you start to prepare the drink, your mind taking you back to approximately nine months ago when you’ve just started working in the cafe.
The weather was super nice that day. But you’re inside Haven Cloud as you sat awkwardly in front of the younger guy, having some kind of interview though you guessed he’s really just trying to see if your personality matched well with his. In a workplace this small, you suppose it’d be better for him to be with someone he knew for sure he could work with. Skills could be trained, but attitudes were another thing altogether.
Lisa had kindly offered to come with you, and she’s currently talking to Seungkwan at the counter about the pastries within the display because everything seemed delicious to her.
“I don’t… know anything about working in a cafe,” you confessed right from the beginning. Chan intimidated you for reasons that you didn’t understand, because he seemed very warm and nurturing despite his age, so you really didn’t know why you’d feel intimidated.
But you were. And you thought it’s his sharp eyes and the aura surrounding him that made you want to just bow a little and give respect to the guy. Even though he’s smiling and there’s nothing threatening about him, you know he’s not the type of person that you’d want to be enemies with.
“Always a first time,” he shrugged with a kind smile. “Do you at least know the difference between latte and mochaccino?”
“Mochaccino contains chocolate, right?”
“That’s enough basics then.” The grin he gave you was so assured, like he’s not gambling if he decided to take you in. What if you’re extremely clumsy and you ended up wasting a lot of his ingredients? “Plus, you won’t be working as a barista though it is necessary that you know the difference between our menus. Just consider it an oral exam or something.”
“What… would my work entail, exactly?”
Chan hummed, as if wondering how to answer without scaring you away. “I need someone to help me, basically. Mostly, you’d be in the cashier; but you’d need to help around with just about everything because we’re still small and I only have one part-timer at the moment.”
The way he looked at you was the first time you felt that he’s a little unsure–would you be okay with this agreement? He probably thought. You appreciated his honesty though; glad that he didn’t feel the need to conceal that you’d be working as everything you need to be if you decided to work here.
Frankly, it’s a better strategy than to trick someone into working only to find out later on that you’d have more baggage than you signed up for; who knows how long someone would stand being in such a position? He’d have a harder time looking for a replacement for god knows how often if he decided to go down that road. 
“How many of you are there?” you dared to ask to get a picture of how much you’d be helping out exactly.
Chan smiled sheepishly before he answered. “Just 4. Me, the barista, the pastry chef, and the part-timer I told you about. Sometimes my brother helps when the cafe is extra busy; but it doesn’t happen that often because it’s only been a few months since we opened. We’ve picked up a few regulars though, so I think it’s a safe enough time now to recruit another help.”
For all its worth, you really did appreciate his honesty. You liked knowing what you're up against, even if it might be overwhelming at times, and you’re starting to warm up to the idea of working in this small, cozy cafe due to the fact that the owner had this much integrity. Though you’re a little worried that he might be taken advantage of one way or another by how open this guy seemed to be. 
Plus, you had always wondered how it’s like to work in one after watching one too many romcoms.
After talking some more about your shifts, salary, and so on, you promised Chan you’d come back in a few days after thinking a little more. You’re not even sure what you’re going to ponder over, but you felt like it’s necessary for some reason. The pay was good considerably, and Chan even said you’re free to arrange your shifts with Ryujin as necessary, and that you’re allowed to do your assignments in the cafe too if it’s not too busy.
Maybe you’re just scared you wouldn’t be up to this job because of the vague description of ‘helping around’; the line between questioning whether you had it in you to do it and whether you wanted to do it was a little too blurry at that point.
The next day, you dropped by as a customer because Lisa had apparently fallen in love with the cafe after one visit and wanted to try the Lemon Cake that’s apparently this month’s special but wasn’t on stock yesterday because you came when Jeonghan was still baking a fresh batch.
“Oh, hi!” Chan greeted you happily, and you told him you’re here to try their delicacy and maybe some latte. “Sure! It’s a little busy today but you shouldn’t wait for long.”
Evidently, there was no line at the cashier; but it’s true that the cafe was pretty packed. You counted only three empty tables, the rest full with customers though it’s not noisy. They’re all talking in hushed tones, the soft song playing in the background still vivid in your ears despite the fact that these people were talking.
Lisa told you to find a seat after asking for your order, telling you she wanted to ask a few things to the cashier and the barista so it might be better for you to do so. Sitting down on one of the empty tables by the window, you had only just realized that you liked the ambience of this cafe. It’s not those kinda crowded, boisterous cafes even when it’s busy.
You didn’t really get to look around yesterday, but now that you had the chance, you noted that Haven Cloud was the kind of cafe you’d go to when you want to be alone with other people. You wondered if it’s because it’s still small and fairly new, but the mood of the cafe made you warm inside. You wouldn’t make a business appointment here, it’s much too homey for that. But you definitely would bring your laptop and sit down to focus by yourself.
The sound of something breaking brought you out of your mind, and you saw a little girl tearing up at the glass shards on her feet. She almost bawled when Chan came by, her mom already apologizing profusely because she accidentally dropped the plate when her kid continuously tugged on her dress.
He smiled kindly at her, you noted, telling her it’s fine then you saw him squat down to meet the little girl’s eyes. You couldn’t really hear him, but you assumed he told her there’s no need to cry and that he’s not angry at her. He looked up to the mom and, at her nod, he carried the girl in his arms so Ryujin could clean the shards; you could hear her apologizing to the customers for the inconvenience.
“Do you want a cookie?” Chan’s soft voice traveled to your table as he stood nearby, the mom too apologetic to let Ryujin clean by herself. Perhaps he asked her if he could take the kid with him for a moment–who knew? “I’ll give you one if you promise to not cry and not bother your mom when she’s holding glassware, okay? What if you got hurt?”
“You’re not mad at me?” her small voice asked, sniffling a little.
“As long as you promised to say sorry and be careful from now on,” he patted her head. You almost melt at the way she offered him her tiny pinky, and you could see that Chan himself almost squealed at how adorable the exchange was. He accepted her promise, and you saw her hug him shyly before telling him, yes, she would like to have a cookie.
You heard the woman offering to pay for the cookie, but Chan shook his head and said it’s fine and it’s an honest mistake so he’s not blaming her for anything. She still felt bad though, you suppose, because you saw her drop way too many tips on the jar that Chan definitely couldn’t refuse.
“You okay?” Snapping out of your memories, you turn to see Chan looking at you in question. He looks almost worried, though you shake your head and tell him you just zoned out for a bit there. “Mind sharing your thoughts?”
“Mmm. Just got reminded of Hanna,” you grin as you finally work on Jisoo’s order.
“Little Hanna? Mrs. Jang’s daughter?” He tilts his head, unsure why you’d suddenly thought of her.
You nod, hands busy as you tell him you just returned from a walk down memory lane. Nine months seem so long ago now that you’re here. Chan sends you a questioning gaze, but you tell him you’ll tell him later and call for Jisoo because her order is ready.
“I don’t think I’ve told you,” you start, leaning back on the counter right next to Chan as you both watch the cafe. You see Ryujin wiping the glass door, and you could’ve sworn you can hear Jeonghan cursing faintly from the kitchen followed by the sound of something thudding. “But I decided to give working here a try because I saw how you handled that situation with Hanna.”
“Really?” He seems surprised, his eyebrows shooting up behind his fringe.
“Yup. I knew you wouldn’t get mad at a kid. But I didn’t expect you’d be so gentle about the whole thing?” You reminisce, still remembering how your admiration for the guy begins to grow from that point onwards.
Chan doesn’t seem to get it, his brows creasing with a confused smile.
“You think it’s just the obvious thing to do, don’t you?” You guess with a coy smile, which Chan answers by a sheepish grin and a scratch on the side of his face. Gosh, can he be more adorable? “Well, you could’ve handled it much worse. But you didn’t. You did more than good and I admire you for that.”
“Thank you, I guess?” he says with a hesitant tone. You always find it funny how bad he is at receiving compliments no matter how deserving he is.
“Thank you,” you counter back, a genuine smile etched on your face. You’ve never expected to talk about this with Chan; not because you meant to hide it but because you simply didn’t think the chance would present itself. But now it’s here, and you’re glad it is because you think you owe Chan a lot for giving you a chance. “For letting me join the cafe.”
You pause for a second before you continue, meeting his eyes as you do so with the warmest smile on your face.
“For letting me find a home in Haven Cloud.”
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©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved.
A/N: ahh it's been so long since i write anything for chan so i hope this wasn't too ooc?? excited to start this series and pls do tell me your thoughts <3 tried playing around to make the banner but lol i had too much fun doing it without considering it's good or not jsdhfbds well, anyway.
🏷permanent taglist: @kyeomjjigae @stantrash171819 @sebongmochi @luveveryonewoo @thinkinboutwonu @kpopjackie @ursweetener @lavenderautumnx @itsveronicaxxx @shuahoshiscoups @sunshinein17 @leechanniee @twogyuu @hoe4wonwoo @h3h3tm0n @noraehey @seokshook @rubyhoons @02psh
🏷haven cloud taglist: @berriesandjunnie @boowanie @honeymoondelicia @joshuahongnumbers @bbymatz @baldi-2 @justasoftstan @lechanters @darl-ings @17kwans @heesunki @13956789 @yoonguurt @yoonzinosworld @alicehatter457
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charmsandtealeaves · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tags @theresthesnitch & @annabtg. I'm finally sitting at my laptop so I can do this (and have given up with the formatting being all over the shop).
How many works do you have on AO3? 72 total, but 31 are currently hidden away in a private collection and can't be seen.
2. What's your total A03 words count?
According to the stats page 308,146 3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just HP 4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? A.) Brown Boots & Breakfast Bagels Rated M, jily AU. Complete Multichapter. Lily’s love life was a tragedy of epic proportions and she had no brilliant strategy. But a chance encounter ends in a one night stand that blows her mind and leaves her wanting more. There’s just one problem… she doesn’t even know his name.
B.) One More Sleep (currently hidden) Rated G, Sirius raising harry oneshot. Three year old Harry Potter is very eager to stay awake and catch Santa Claus delivering him presents.
C.) Call Me By Name Rated E, Jily AU. WIP Multichapter. After a not-so-great breakup with a not-so-great boyfriend, Lily comes to the conclusion that if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. Whether mechanically, hydraulically, or auditorily? She WILL find the key to that currently unreachable pleasure.
D.) Evans Guide To Quidditch (and seducing James Potter) Rated M, Hogwarts Jily, oneshot. It had all started out innocently enough, a small wager between housemates on the outcome of the Arrows Vs Catapults game over the weekend. Lily hadn't intended to let slip she knew more about quidditch than she was letting on. Or to set up a fantasy quidditch league with James, but well... what's the harm?
E.) Stripped Back To Basics Rated M, Jily AU, oneshot collab with @athenasparrow In which Petunia probably regrets telling Lily to "put herself out there." Or: A Jily "Naked Attraction" AU (YES NAKED ATTRACTION IS A REAL SHOW!!!)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I used to respond to some comments, but these days I try to respond to everyone who comments even if it's just an emoji as a like "hi yes thank you for your comment I see you I just don't know what to say!"
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angtiest ending? I don't know if I've ever written an angst ending... nothing springs to mind anyway. 7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I think most of my fics end up with happy endings or at the very least open hopeful endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I wouldn't call it hate... but I did once get a couple of people debating in my comment section that Lily couldn't be friends with Sirius before dating James because it would be "taking away from jily's relationship"
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind? I don't really understand the second half of the question, but yes I do write smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Nope
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't know if stolen is the right term, but there was a period years ago where some on my one-shots kept being posted on Instagram. Sometimes with credit, others not. 12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I'm aware of.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before? Yes! and I would love to do it again. I did Stripped Back to Basics with @athenasparrow and june jilychallenge Ice Breaker with @jamesunderwater
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? This will surprise no one, jily. 15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Previously I would have said the fic I started over a decade ago... but I am actively trying to finish it and it is one of my publishing WIPs (we're gonna ignore the fact it's in desperate need of an update). It is currently publishing under a new name tho: Wake Me Up (When September Ends)
16. What are your writing strengths? I manage to sprinkle a little humour into most of my fics.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Sticking to an update schedule... even though I always start with the best of intentions.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I don't think I've ever done it but I can barely English to be fair. I don't mind it in other peoples fics.
19. First fandom you wrote for? HP
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? I answered this as Stripped Back To Basics yesterday... I'm struggling to like my writing at the moment. But I enjoyed this first ever collaborative project and now Athena is a much beloved friend. tagging (and apologising if you've already been tagged): @merlins-sequined-hotpants, @uncertainwallflower, @practicecourts, @abihastastybeans
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Yorkshire husband opens up about 20 years of violence and abuse at the hands of sadistic wife
This was posted on March 12th 
A Yorkshire husband who endured two decades of violence and abuse in one of 'the worst case of controlling and coercive behaviour' a judge had ever seen at the hands of his sadistic wife has opened up about his life with her in a harrowing interview.
During Richard Spencer's wife Sheree Spencer's shocking campaign of violence and intimidation she spat in his face and hit him with whatever was at hand — using a bottle, a mobile phone or a TV remote control.
He told Mail Online how on one occasion she defecated on the floor and then forced him to clear it up, while during another attack she beat him with a wine bottle so hard it permanently disfigured his ear. During the two decades long ordeal he was subjected to daily beatings and verbal attacks that left him cowering on the floor in the foetal position.
However, after an old friend of Richard's finally intervened, the 46-year-old shared videos of abuse which were captured on a security camera in the children's playroom with police and she was was charged and issued with a retraining order.
Richard handed police a total of 36 videos, nine audio recordings and 43 photographs of the abuse. She was jailed for four years at Hull Crown Court last week after admitting coercive and controlling behaviour and three counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.
He described how as, as the mother of his three daughters was sentenced he just focused 'on a spot on a piece of furniture' to get through it.
"I felt absolutely nothing the few times I glanced across at Sheree," said Richard. "I didn't feel anger. I didn't feel scared. I didn't have any emotion. But I was hyper-conscious of how my family was reacting when the judge described the horrific things she'd done.
'To hear the judge use the same language Sheree used — the f-word and the c-word — the things she called me like 'bitch'. 'When I think about those memories I don't feel associated to them. It's like they happened to someone else. I know it was me but in my mind I can't understand how I could have allowed that to happen.'
Richard, a network designer for BT, had videos showing Sheree, formerly a senior manager at the Ministry of Justice, threatening him with a knife, dragging him to the floor, then kicking and punching him while yelling 'get the f***ing chicken on! Get to the f***ing shop. 'You will learn,' as he cowers, pleading with her to stop.
When officers from Humberside police interviewed him at the family's seven-bedroom home in a village near York in June 2021 the investigating officer was so disturbed by what she heard she had to leave the room.
He said: "When the things that have happened to me upset someone else I feel guilty. I just feel that no normal person would have let that happen. I want as many people to read about my thoughts and feelings and think, 'that sounds like me or that sounds like my partner' because this was so incremental."
He described the first couple of years of his relationship with Sheree as '95 per cent nice times and 5 per cent not nice times'. "It evolved. By the time she was punching me so I was having to wear make-up to hide the bruises, the abuse had become the norm," he said.
"I felt I deserved to be punished. I lost my independence and willpower and just accepted that was how my life was going to be. In the end she controlled everything from which room I could sleep in to which toilet I could use. I was no longer me."
The violence began a few months into their relationship at his flat in Ipswich and the arguments would start when she had been drinking. "They could be about anything," said Richard.
"Normally something I'd done or not done. In the early stages it was pushing me, breaking things and slapping me. The next day she'd be extremely apologetic and say she wouldn't let it happen again. She'd write little notes saying she loved me. I'd apologise too because although I wouldn't have been the one shouting, I'd feel I played a role in the argument.
"Sheree would explain her behaviour by saying, 'If you hadn't done that, then I wouldn't have done this.' You'd think, 'OK, I can see why she's saying that.'
"I've got quite a lot of blank periods in my mind. I felt like I was in love with her probably for years and I thought she was with me but looking back now I don't think I'd call it love any more."
After she had affair with a friend of Richard's in January 2007 he forgave her because 'it was my fault for working long hours and neglecting her'.
"I had an internet business I worked on in the evening because I wanted us to be financially secure," he added. "She said I had also been disloyal by putting my family before her because I'd gone alone to a party at my auntie's, that she didn't want to go to, on the night the affair began. She said I deserved it — how could I have thought she was right?"
Following her affair, Richard's relationship with his family, whom Sheree said 'judged' her, became more and more distant and he saw friends less and less.
He said: "I have found lots of emails from Sheree telling me how much she loves me and that I am her soulmate. So I think the period after the affair and deciding to make a go of things must have been a nice, calm time leading up to our marriage."
They married on December 2009 at a luxury beachfront hotel in Thailand's Phi Phi Islands without a single friend or family member present.
"It wasn't the best of days," said Richard. "Sheree got drunk and angry with the people who came to do her hair and told them to get out. I made an excuse in my mind that she was being like that because of the pressure of the day. I even said to her, 'everyone has butterflies'.
Their eldest child was finally conceived in 2015 and Richard fell in love with his daughter, however ever things deteriorated again. Richard said: "She started really attacking me a year after we moved when our daughter was about 14 months.
"It would go on over a period of hours. She'd attack me and then sit back down. I'd try to placate her, then she'd get back up and start hitting and punching me again. Eventually she'd go to sleep on the playroom floor because she'd been drinking.
'When she got angry one of the ways she used to hurt me was smashing my laptop on the floor. Once she picked one up and put it straight in the washing-up water. I probably got through five or six laptops, so I used to hide them.
"That was about the time when she began to threaten me about our daughter. She said she was going to smash her face in the mirror and cut it then call the police and say I'd done it so I wouldn't be able to see her.
"So I started gathering the recordings from the camera in the playroom and take photographs of my injuries because I thought I needed to protect myself.
"Still in my mind, I wanted us to be together. I really loved the family unit. We had one embryo left. Sheree didn't want our daughter to be an only child. I rationalised in my mind, 'If we have another baby we'll get through this.' It's crazy, isn't it?"
Their middle daughter was conceived during the first cycle of IVF and within four months of her birth Sheree was pregnant again with a child they had conceived naturally.
Richard said: "Sheree had always wanted three children and once she was born that's when what I now know they call 'the discard phase' began. She wanted the house, wanted the kids and wanted me to pay maintenance. She'd whisper in my ear, 'You'll never win. Watch this.'
Sheree would then open the bedroom window and shout, 'Richard stop it. You're hurting me. Don't hit me,' and shut the window, saying 'I told you you'll never beat me. I'm much cleverer than you'.
As the the violence and drinking escalated Sheree would lie on the sofa drinking as much as three bottles of wine a day and slap Richard awake in the middle of the night to make him drive to the garage to get more.
he said: "At night when I was alone in bed either in pain after being beaten with a bottle or completely demoralised I'd imagine a switch on the wall and that it could end all the pain and the feeling of hopelessness. I'd visualise getting out of bed, pressing the switch and the darkness turning into pure light. Nothing else would exist, just the bright warm light and I would be absorbed into it.
"I felt guilty I'd become estranged from my family and thought it might be easier for them if I wasn't here. Then I thought about the sadness they would feel if I was gone and how it would affect my children - so I knew I'd never get out of bed and press that switch no matter how bad things got."
It all finally came to a head when Tony, an old friend of Richard's who worked as a military policeman intervened and reported Sheree to the police.
Tony had gone to the family's home following a drunken phone call from Sheree who had called to say that she was being abused. When he arrived Richard finally confessed the truth, sharing the video footage and images of his injuries.
Sheree was arrested later that night - their eldest daughter, woken by the noise, wandered downstairs and saw the police.
Richard said: "I took her to the spare room and sat with her while Sheree got some clothes. My daughter was stood at the window and could see her mum being put in the police van.
"When the police came back that night to take a statement I made excuses for Sheree.
"They were so empathetic. All the fears I'd had about not being believed disappeared but I'd spent half of my lifetime trying to rationalise her behaviour. It was natural for me to defend her, even to the police."
The following day two officers and a social worker told Richard that Sheree was being charged - however he was stunned when he was told of her reaction to a video the police showed her when she threatened Richard with a knife.
He said: "They told me they'd played her a video - first without sound - of her telling me she was going to burst my car tyres because I'd looked at her in a certain way. She'd gone outside, cut the tyre and came back holding the knife which she held against my neck.
"She watched it and said, 'OK, so what's happened is I've got a knife because I've been telling him I want a divorce and that he may as well kill me if he won't give me one. I'm trying to hand him the knife because I can't take it any more'.
"They then played the video with the sound and asked her, 'Have you got anything to say?' She just shrugged and said, 'there's not much I can say, is there?'
"I thought when she saw the video she wouldn't believe she was capable of that and would get very upset. But the police said she never showed any emotion. I knew then her whole life was a tapestry of lies."
Richard knows it will take many year for his mental scars to heal but is focused on giving his daughters a stable upbringing before their mother is released from prison. He said: "I've been struggling because everyone has been so kind it's overwhelming.
"There was no kindness with Sheree. I can still hear the girls crying and want to show them life shouldn't be like that. They're flourishing in a safe, secure home. It's what they deserve."
So originally, I saw a video about this and of course I have some comments to show y’all 
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I have to wonder what she would say if this was about a woman who was being abused by another woman. 
Here’s the thing, a lot of people underestimate the damage a woman can inflict. She doesn’t necessarily have to be stronger than him. You can catch people by surprise, you can hit a delicate spot (and I’m not just talking about the private area),etc.  Plus, he likely couldn’t just defend himself because it could have been spun around and he would have been ‘the abuser.’ 
The comment is just so disgusting and unnecessary. It’s very ironic when you read the last sentence about how the hardest thing to do is to walk away....and before that she’s just blaming him 
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I wish people would stop asking victims that question 
It isn’t easy by any means to just leave. I know a lot of people would like to think they wouldn’t put up with it, that they would pack their bags and leave (or just breakup if you weren’t living together) at the first sign of abuse--but it’s just not as simple as that for everyone 
Some people are still in denial that they’re being abused. They just might not see it. They might be getting told it’s their own fault anyway (if you wouldn’t do this, I wouldn’t do that). Some are embarrassed that they're in the situation in the first place. Some don’t have anywhere to go, no real friends or family they can count on to help them. They might not have access to resources that would help them. They might be manipulated by their abuser into thinking that no one would believe them, that they’re never going to find anyone that loves them like they do. They might be threatened into not leaving. There might be kids in the mix which makes it a lot tougher than if it was just the one person. 
Those comments, those are just a couple of the multiple ones just like it. And I know it’s not really exclusive to men only, people are asking women the same question. 
A lot of those people think they know exactly what they would do until they’re in the situation themselves 
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jhilsara · 4 months
Ooooh, those notes were super inciteful, I love that it goes at a slower pace and isn't just a copy of the original. I smell an enemies to lover's trope brewing and I'm living for it! If you want to provide more notes, that would be super cool! But again, it's totally up to you<3
Thank you for reading it! It makes me happy you enjoyed it even though it's just some draft notes. Anyway here is pt. 2- Again this has not been proof read,,, I just word vomit on the doc then clean it up later also I now have MC in place of Mika... I was debating on doing y/n with this or not.
She’s bonded with all the boys in one way, except Sam.
Damien and Matthew were easy. They loved the human world and wanted to know so much. They also just had bright personalities and were eager to finally meet Howard’s granddaughter.
The three of them had done many things together. Movie nights, video games, going out to the mall or a bar. She even introduced her friends to them one night.
Explaining her situation to her friends was wild. Too many prying eyes and a story she tried to keep straight.
They were a group hired by her grandfather to travel around to do research for his company. He had offered his home in exchange for some elderly care.
MC said her grandfather always was an odd bird.
With some demon power help her friends believed it.
Erik and MC go shopping a lot. Erik, she learned was into fashion. He was also great at sewing. He worked full time as a seamstress in a local shop.
They also were very into RuPaul’s Drag Race and watched it every Friday.
They’ve been to the local drag shows and have tipped GENEROUSLY.
James has been planning the reveal/debut of him as CEO with MC. Their plan was for the very beginning of May. Invitations had been sent out and RSVPs were coming back. Including a few news outlets.
Including her father.
James reassured her he wouldn’t touch her. But her father’s words were always more painful than any hit.
Sam was… illusive.
He avoided her like a plague. She mostly saw him at family dinners and grocery shopping he never missed.
Honestly it kind of hurt her feelings.
The next time they needed to go grocery shopping all of the boys were busy except for Sam. So, they had to be alone.
The car ride -silence and awkward Buying food, Sam took half the list and left her. She was in the freezer section contemplating depression ice cream when he came back with his half of the list. “Are you not done yet?” his tone accusing. “No, I am.” She sighs. “Just thinking about something for me to veg out with later.” He quirks a brow. “isn’t ice cream like, I don’t know, sad food?” She nods. S I L E N C E crickets if you will She grabs a pint of lemon custard. “Lemon custard?” Sam She side eyes him. “Yes. It’s my favorite. I’m not big on many other flavors.” “Don’t people usually get like chocolate when they’re sad?” Sam She rolls her eyes and puts her ice cream in the cart and starts pushing. “I like lemon custard. I didn’t know I was gonna get grilled for my depression ice cream.” “I’m not grilling you!” He groans throwing his head back pushing his cart. “I’m trying to have conversation…” He mumbles. She whips herself around in irritation, “Then why didn’t you just stay and shop with me? Or why did you literally say nothing in the car? You’ve had opportunities. OR MAYBE the million times you’ve avoided me?!” Sam steps back, furrows his brows, “What’s that supposed to mean?” She takes a deep breath and turns back. “Just forget it, let’s check out.” She can feel him fuming next to her as they check out and pay for their groceries and loading them into the car. Once inside the car he presses her again. “What did you mean inside?” he all but snaps at her. “Exactly what it sounds like Sam. You avoid me. All the time! So, I find it hard to believe you when you say you’re trying to start conversation when there have been better opportunities to talk to me.” Sam opens his mouth but keeps shutting it. He can’t really argue with the truth. “Point proven. Now can we just go back to you ignoring my existence.” Sam jolts forward in his seat glaring her down. “I don’t ignore your existence. In fact, I’m more than aware. I can’t get away from you.” “That doesn’t make any sense! We never talk, about anything! You’re always hiding somewhere on the roof. Or when I come into a room and you’re with one of your brothers you promptly LEAVE.” “That’s not- fuck.” He groans in irritation. “I’m sorry okay.” Sam “What?” “I’m sorry. I swear-” he sighs “I swear I’m not trying to be a dick to you. I just didn’t want to irritate you more after the whole… kiss situation and then…I don’t know a whole week passed and I didn’t know how to talk to you.” He sighs and runs his hand aggressively through his hair. She sits in silence for a moment. “Are you saying that you were to embarrassed to talk to me?” Sam’s jaw drops and he stutters, “I- no! No that is not what I’m saying!” She’s giggling at him now and teasing, “I think that’s exactly what you’re saying.” Sam scoffs and crosses his arm but a smile tugging at the corners. “Fine. I was embarrassed are you happy?” Sam “Yes! I am actually. Because it was bumming me out that you weren’t talking to me or looking in my general direction… like at all.” Sam sighs, “I really didn’t mean to just avoid you. I didn’t know how to talk to you after a very embarrassing event. Damien and James chewed me out.”
Life gets a little easier with a truce between her and Sam.
Then the announcement party comes.
MC is frantically pulling things together worried something will go wrong. James tells her to breath. All the boys are helping her. “You are just going to make the announcement and I can take it from there okay?” James “While yes that is frightening, I’m more worried about my dad.” MC “Just stick with me. I’ll just be like your guard dog.” Sam “Sam can frighten anyone away.” Matthew Sam shoves his little brother away by his head. “Hey! I just styled my hair dude…” Matthew complains and runs to find a mirror. “Go get dressed okay? We got this.” Erik shoves her upstairs. The beginning of the party goes by way too fast for MC. It’s mostly meet and greet for people she doesn’t know and her friends who she asked to come so she isn’t alone. The boys actively are working. She does constantly feel Sam’s eyes, so she knows he’s actively watching for her dad. When her mother and father enter she clams up. He barely acknowledges her. The event is spent mostly with her mingling with company people and media coverage in the back of the room. It comes time to make her announcement. James stands next to her. “Welcome everyone from Anderson Toy Company! I’d like to say thank you for coming for not only the announcements we will be making tonight, but also for the celebration of life for my grandfather Harold Anderson. We will be doing a candle light vigil for him later this evening.” MC
“Tonight, I know all of you are here to witness me telling you that I am stepping into the CEO position of my grandfather since he selected me. I am here to tell you tonight I have picked and hired a new CEO who will be taking my place in the company.” GASPS and her father’s ANGRY ass face. Like the man is red. “I know you all were expecting me to step into this role, and I was prepared too. After consideration I cannot in good faith take this role. My grandfather left me the option to be CEO but he would have never made me take it if I didn’t want to. He wanted me to follow my heart and find something I was as passionate about as he was making toys. So tonight, I welcome you to regard your new CEO with the warmth my grandfather would have. Please welcome James Anderson.” 
James goes into a spiel about the company (and his not relation to MC even though same last name) James also provides for the public documentation that he was very close with Harold and that they had talked about this as an option.
MC steps down as James discusses the future of the company. She tries to find her friends to fuck off and find a drink but her father corners her behind the massive staircase.
“You ungrateful brat!” He grips her arm. “You were left everything and you take it all for granted! You have let our family name tarnish within this company!” Father “Let. Me. Go.” She growls out. “Not until you understand the biggest mistake you’ve made! What are you going to do with that business degree now! And don’t think I’ll be paying those student loans! HA!” Father She starts to shrink back into herself trying to look for anyone to help her. But they’re all engaged with James. Her father knows better than to be yelling in public to make a scene. Suddenly his bruising grip has left her arm and she can see the familiar back of Sam. Sam has stepped between them, gripping her fathers’ hand in a death grip she can hear his bones cracking. “She said let go.” Sam tells her dad in a low but demanding voice. She can see the fear in her fathers’ eyes. “How dare you!” her father growls out as he looks around frantically to see if anyone sees them. “How dare I? I’m not the one threatening and physically attacking their own kid, am I?” Sam has yet to let go of her father’s hand “I’m not hurting her and this is family business!” her father tells him with a glare. His voice cracks though. “Oh yeah?” Sam gently guides MC’s arm up to show the already forming bruise on her forearm. “She fell.” There’s another bone cracking as Sam’s tightens his grip on her fathers’ hand. Her father almost yells. “It’s in the shape of your hand. Now I suggest you apologize and leave before I shatter the bones in your hand and convince James to fire you from your family’s company.” Sam “MC! He can’t do that! I’m your father!” he’s shaking in his shoes. She grips the side of Sam’s sleeve and he looks at her. “He needs to apologize to you. It’s unacceptable.” Sam “I’m sorry! I’m sorry okay just let go of my hand!” Sam releases instantly and glares at the man. “Be a better father. Or she’ll never talk to you again.” Sam He glares at both of them and runs off. He’ll probably make an excuse to leave. Sam turns to look at MC and her whole bodies shaking. The bruise is darkening too. Sam holds her gently to him, rubbing her back gently. “It’s over it’s okay.” He whispers into her hair. She lets out a shaking breath. She pulls back and looks at her arm and frowns. “I can’t cover this up…” she mumbles. “Stay here, I’ll go ask Erik if he has anything he can do okay?” Sam She nods and loosens her grip on Sam to let him find Erik. They both come back in less than 2 minutes. Erik hums in irritation and gently escorts her to his room. “Foul man, I have something to fix this dress wise, but that’s a nasty bruise love.” Erik finds some gloves that go up to her elbows and hides her bruise and also acts as a good accessory. “If anyone asks you had them the whole time. Just gaslight them.” She huffs out a laugh. “Thank you, Erik.” ��It’s more than fine. Make sure you go back to Sam before you mingle again. He’s worried, and more than furious about your less than savory father.” Erik She nods and goes back down. Press are surrounding James and he’s taking it like a champ. They have another few hours before her grandfather’s vigil too. She looks around to find Sam and her eyes meet his in the back of the room against the wall. “You good?” he asks her. She nods. “As good as I can be.” He grunts in acknowledgement but his eyes burn where he knows the bruise is developing. “Thank you, Sam. I don’t know what he would have done if you hadn’t come in.” He looks into her eyes, silent and burning. It sends a chill down her back. “I should have been faster.” She grabs for his hand and holds it gently. “You were plenty fast. He could have said or done a lot worse. He has before.” Sam looks over her shoulder and smiles softly back down at her, “Your friends are looking for you. Go on. We’ll talk later.” She turns to look over her shoulder and a couple of them are raising their brows suggestively at her. She rolls her eyes but blushes furiously. “I uh- yeah. We’ll talk later. Thank you Sam.”
The vigil is successful too, everyone who stayed for it, which was a lot, said wonderful words about her grandfather.
After every guest leaves the boys and MC are sitting on the stairs exhausted.
Okay listen, I have so much... like so much more but I can only add so much text to an ask. So again, just let me know if you want more.
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wanderlustspider · 2 years
Hey there.
I am very new to all of this. I had a reading done by someone (primarily Norse) and it made a lot of sense what she said, but she pointed me the Celtic (she said The Dagda showed up for the reading and Lugh) when I had been paying attention to what I’d interpreted as Odin, Freya, Fenrir, and Tyr, with some interest in Hel. Last week, I asked someone in a shop I now frequent if they had any books on Freya and they said no, but that if I was interested in knowing who was showing up and where to start, to talk to a particular person (J). When I talked to J, she immediately said The Morrigan and Sif were present but that Sif was indicating I wasn’t ready to work with her yet. But that The Morrigan was right there and wanted my attention. I had seen a random video several months back that indicated Her, which my (now) wife showed me after I had seen it on my own, and books mentioning Her have been drawing me. So I finally got the Celtic Lore and Spellcraft (Stephanie Woodfield) book and have been reading it. J mentioned some other things, some very personal to me, when recommending that book, most of which were things that no one could know unless they knew me. I have no clue where to go from here and have no legit experience with witchcraft or paganism or anything. I grew up conservative (to be mild) and know that may impact how I initially view things so I’ve been trying to be open to wherever this may lead. Once J said Her name, it all fit and made sense. I see crows all the time, I’ve felt drawn to black crystals and amethyst, I’ve always been drawn to wolves and crows and ravens and horses, and etc. But I don’t know what it means to pray or offer a prayer? I also don’t know what to do now that I am reading about Her? I feel like I’m in over my head.
WELL, then. There's a lot uncover here, so let me see if there's anything that I can do that might offer you some decent advice.
Feeling like you're in over your head is actually something that's very respectable, and it's actually more common than you think. Most people I've spoken to, especially in regards to The Morrigan, mention feelings of being overwhelmed and lost. But She's also a very overwhelming deity. Fate. Magic. Death. Love, and sex. Personal sovereignty, and personal power. It's A LOT to take in, especially if we have a history of feeling powerless or out of control of our lives. As a side note, I also am not surprised that you had interest in Odin, Freyja, and Fenrir. I have worked (and still work) with 2 out of 3 of these deities, and in my personal experience they all share a very similar energy to the sort The Morrigan puts out. She is wise, passionate, and can be very savage.
My ultimate advice, if you take nothing else that I say or that my page has to offer in terms of reference, is to try not to think of speaking with The Morrigan as having to throw yourself into witchcraft and paganism. Yes, one of Her pieces is magic - and Fate, which to some people could be interpreted as magic such as divination and the like. HOWEVER, in my personal experience, Mama (The Morrigan) looks for a relationship before anything else. She is someone for you to take. your. time. in getting to know. There is a sh*t ton that you can learn about Her by simply giving Her space in your life - and also just by learning about yourself. Self-reflection is MASSIVE, with Her.
Again, this is all based upon my own experience, and other people might not agree with me. But you asked me, so that's what I have to say about it.
Mama is... well, She's essentially a powerful motherly figure. She will push you to learn about yourself, as you work together to find your strengths, your weaknesses, and the boundaries that you need in your life. I say need, because what we need is not always what we want. And Mama does not give us what we want, unless it aligns with what it is that we need in order to become a more powerful and sovereign version of ourselves. She doesn't coddle. We are Her children, but we are Her battle crows/ravens/wolves. My first few years of working with The Morrigan was mostly about self-reflection, and learning how to divine and discern what I needed to get rid of in order to allow myself to grow into my higher self. Habits that need adding, changing, or removing. People that need adding or subtracting, and the behaviors you tolerate from yourself and others. It is a constant effort, and the work is never over. But it does get easier over time.
The Morrigan chooses Her warriors, because She sees our potential. Sometimes the battle seems impossible, but if we hold true to that knowledge - and have faith in Her guidance - She will not let us hit the ground until it's our time to do so. You say that it felt right, when you heard Her name. So absorb that feeling, and accept it. Use it, and learn as much as you can about who you are. What do you fight for? WHO do you fight for? What do you need to remove from your life that might be keeping you from becoming the person you want to become? As you learn these things about yourself, She will give you whispers and hints in your everyday life that can help you reach those goals. You just have to be willing listen.
One thing I always say is that Mama only shows us the doors to walk through. It's up to us to choose to actually take those steps, and conquer the battlefield. Just remember that you don't have to go through every door all at once. Start small. Go slow. Enjoy the experience, even when it hurts. Because that means you're growing.
As far as prayers go, the easiest advice I can give is to just be open. The Morrigan isn't one to yell at you, especially if you don't have a receiving heart and mind. She whispers, like I said before. But when you hear Her, you just know. So do what you feel drawn to do. Gift Her a stone. Offer Her incense. Give an offering in the form of saying something like "Show me how I can be better today than I was yesterday." As your relationship grows, you'll hear more specific requests, and then you can adjust accordingly.
I don't know if ANY of this is really helpful, but it's what I felt called to say. Please feel free to look at any of the references/correspondences I have on my page, and you're always welcome to message me privately if you need help on anything - or better explanation of anything. I'm not always quick to respond these days, but I will. And don't be scared to check out #caw squad or #the morrigan tags, along with #na morrigna and #na morrigu. Those tags, and the people that use them, are always willing to share their experiences and journeys.
Also, sorry for the ramble! *sweat drop*
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fragileizywriting · 1 year
kitty.... kitty is really excited, right? she's so excited. jagged is finally going on tour and he's super excited, he's cheering and celebrating and is telling ten-year-old kitty about all of the places he's going and what he'll bring for everyone, including her, of course, because the chengs and the couffaines are family.
new york! las vegas! mexico city! tokyo! rio! hong kong! berlin! sydney! rome!...
anarka looks up from where she is in the kitchen, over the countertop bar where marinette is sitting silently at the dining table. she's got a teacup in her hand, staring at the placemat, lost in thought.
"kitty?" anarka asks. her head snaps up when she calls. "how come you're not playing with jules?"
"she's taking a shower."
"and luka?"
"oh. uhm." she looks around. "i don't know where he is."
"what are you doing all alone, sweetie?"
she slept over the night before. she'd brought her toy carry-case that pops open to reveal a little shoe shop for the doll that can be stored in the 'fitting room' inside. she'd been so excited to show off her new barbie with black hair and brown eyes and looked just like her and just like juleka.
hopefully she didn't lose any of the shoes. the last thing anarka needs is to get a phone call from sabine asking if she'd found the tiny plastic-rubber things. luka always manages to spot them hidden under the couch and keeps them in a container on his nightstand so he can give it to her, but sometimes they get unlucky and jean steps on one barefoot and starts groaning.
marinette shrugs. "nothing. just waiting for you."
"waiting for breakfast, you mean," she teases.
"no, no." but she has that smile on her face. marinette is terrible at lying.
"it'll be done soon and then the whole family can eat together." anarka does her best not to scrunch her brows together when the girl goes quiet again. "what's wrong?"
"nothing's wrong."
"are you sure?"
"i'm sure."
"you look worried about something."
"no," marinette lies, "i'm okay."
"how come you're not smiling, then?"
it's how she always gets her. every time, the girl puckers her mouth and makes a face of full concentration; she's not like juleka or luka who are so good at speaking about what's bothering them. marinette needs some work.
"i'm excited," marinette tries.
"about what?"
"for uncle jean to go on tour."
"really? you don't look excited."
"oh." this poor girl looks like she's buffering, trying to figure out what to do. "but i am. i promise."
the eggs are done. they're not as runny as jean's, but they're still pretty tasty. might as well get the ketchup out of the fridge— it's a terrible habit juleka's picked up from jean, and it disgusts her, but hey. whatever it takes to get her children to eat.
"okay, convince me. why are you excited?"
"because he's going on tour and he's excited!"
"that's all?"
"oh." the way she says it is always so funny, but anarka does her best not to laugh. "yeah, i think so. is that not good enough?"
"it is... but... you just don't look happy about it, kitty." she sits down next to her at the table. "you look sad."
"i'm not sad."
"if you had ears, they'd be flat against your head," anarka tells her. marinette's eyes are wide and big. "i'm not your mom, but i know when you're happy." it doesn't take much. when she's happy, she's loud. when marinette is over the moon, she's in the stars. the girl is so loud, so active, so full of energy that she makes luka look like a dead battery. "and you're not happy right now."
"but... aren't you happy for uncle jean?" she asks, small and confused.
"a little. but i'm more... disappointed than anything." when marinette tilts her head, she continues: "well, he's my husband, right? i don't want him to go, even if it's for a few months. i'll miss him."
"but he's happy."
"sure," anarka tries, "and i'm so proud of him for getting this tour he's wanted for a long time as a fairwell-for-now so he can focus on the family again for the next ten years or so. but i can still feel sad."
"that's okay?"
"of course it is. you can feel sad even though someone's happy, as long as you don't try to make them sad about it." so anarka tries again. "what are you feeling right now?"
"i don't know," she replies honestly. she takes a sip of her teacup— she loves tea, always drinks it, never caffinated because she doesn't need it— "i think i don't want uncle jean to go. i want him to stay because i like it when he's here. when i think about him leaving, i get..." she frowns. "i get...?"
"you get?" anarka goads.
"i get a feeling," marinette explains. "a big one. a big feeling."
anarka tries not to smile. she'd noticed this for a long while, never knowing how to bring this up to sabine; marinette struggles with empathy. she struggles with explaining her empathy. she definitely has it— running to her when luka skidded his knee and was doing his absolute best not to cry from how much blood there was— and marinette had been in tears herself.
but she hadn't been able to say i'm scared! or i'm worried! she'd just been asking luka if his leg was okay for the entire day.
she doesn't seem to have the words for it.
maybe she should talk to sabine about this? it's very strange that she's not able to figure out her own thoughts and feelings; maybe there's something wrong?
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