#it's fine haha
Tea Picrew Tag!
I was tagged by the lovely @minutiaewriter to do this super tag <3 thank you!
Rules: Use this picrew to make some of your WIP Characters!
I decided to go with characters from Nite & Daye that I don't usually talk about!
We have Caecis (top left), Soz (top right), Vell (bottom right), and Micrathena (bottom right) <3
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I'll no pressure tag @memento-morri-writes, @sanguine-arena, @mr-writes, & @inkspellangel as well as an open tag!
tagging @bloodlessheirbyjacques for the sprinkle of Soz content (also an invitation to do this too <3)
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pynkhues · 2 years
34 Kate & Anthony
34. Washing the other’s body
It’s strange, she thinks, her breath catching when Anthony’s fingers tentatively brush the scar at the base of her head, the things that simply do not cross a mind until they happen.
“Surely you have seen it before,” she says, craning her neck behind her in the hopes she might be able to see him, but it’s hard like this – sitting between his legs in the lush, claw-footed bathtub, her back to his chest, or - - no. He would not have seen it if she hadn’t leant forward to catch one of the lilies, its petals dipping beneath the water’s surface, catching fine trails of soap and oils in the process.
They are still new to this, their wedding mere weeks ago, and this particular event – bathing together – is a first entirely. Kate had been unsure at the prospect – used to the womanly intimacy of bathing in tandem with her mother and sister, rather than the vulnerability of doing so with a lover – but Anthony had seemed tender in the suggestion, and so she had agreed. The pale length of his body had seemed different somehow in this room, the day breaking at his broad shoulders, light curving around his hips as he’d sunk himself into the water, and she’d had to remind herself she was allowed to stare now.
Had to remind herself he was too, as she slunk out of her robe and crossed the tiles towards him.
There was reverence in his look then, and somehow, despite the tentativeness of his hand, reverence in his touch now too.
“Your hair usually covers it,” he offers, running his fingers over the raised flesh, and she supposes that’s true too, for her hair is bundled atop her head, away from the water’s surface.
They have rarely spoken of her accident, not at least since the night at the Featherington Ball where their lives had seemed to finally weave together instead of tangle, the first stitch of a future made in the fabric of them, but sometimes Kate still thinks of it. Wonders what these last weeks would’ve been had she not ridden that horse into the storm – if Edwina and Anthony both would’ve been lost to her forever had they not almost lost her.
She moves her leg slightly, the water sloshing against the sides of the tub. There is no use in wondering, she reminds herself, insanity lies in the realities unlived. So she says:
“And we are both lucky for it,” finally catching the lily and sinking back against his chest, feeling the water part to make way for her, feeling the warmth of him at her back, the steady rise and fall of his steady chest. “Scars aren’t so fondly observed on women as they are men.”
She thinks of the ones she’s found on him over the last few weeks – a recent one from fencing with his brothers, an old one from a hunting accident when he was little more than a boy – the first expedition he had taken after his father’s death. The latter she had pressed her lips to the first time she had seen it, had tasted an old hurt and hoped to swallow it whole, leave him light and unburdened, and when she had looked up at him, his gaze had been wide, chest still, like maybe he was.
As if he is thinking of it too, he leans forwards, brushing his lips against the scar at the top of her neck now, and Kate’s eyes slip shut, her hand still hovering beneath the lily in the water, feeling the silky leaves of it, her legs parting ever so slightly, just to press firmer into his.
“I am fond of this one,” he whispers. “For it shows how you healed.”
His voice is so soft it seems to echo in the quiet chamber of the bathroom, and Kate can hear it mingle with her own breath, with the gentle motion of the water, with the tender beat of his heart which seems to ricochet through her own chest, and she is unused to this. The openness with which he offers her himself, like he trusts her with these fragile parts of himself.
“I feel I carry you in it sometimes,” she tells him, trusting him, perhaps, with one of her own. She opens her eyes, seeing her brown thigh flush against his creamy one, painting the image to her memory. “That is odd, is it not?”
He doesn’t reply right away, and she worries she has overstepped, spoken too generously, but then she feels the water move, feels his hand slide around her body and move not for her breast, her belly, her sex, but instead to cup her own hand, still hovering beneath the lily.
“Do you know why I wished to bathe with you?”
And well. She smiles wryly at that, rocking her hips back until she can feel him half-hard against her lower back. “I have my suspicions, my lord.”
A laugh is exhaled into the nook of her shoulder, the warmth of it making her shiver.
“I wish to smell you on me,” he says. “These lilies, you. Wish to feel there’s not a moment we are truly apart. You’d carry me sometimes, I’d carry you always.”
It’s almost too easy then, to turn her hand from the lily and into his, entwining their fingers in the water, so firm, so strong, they could be sculpted there in stone.
“You are a romantic, Anthony,” she tells him, rubbing a small circle on the back of his gentle hand. “What would your brothers say?”  
“They would not believe you,” he replies. “And I must implore you, Lady Bridgerton, please do not mention my brothers here.”
It’s her that laughs this time, the sound lyrical even to her own ears as she tilts her head sideways, and this time, he kisses her properly.
Touch prompts
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ysabellious · 2 months
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you are coming down with me / hand in unlovable hand.
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1smolbean · 11 months
barbie movie: is marketed as “haha barbie has to go to the real world with ken and mattel wants them to go back to barbieland haha funny adventure movie!”
me after watching it: is sobbing hysterically and undergoing an existential crisis, a breakdown, and a metamorphosis into a more confident and secure individual with the knowledge that under the patriarchy it is next to impossible to appease others and that you just have to go “fuck it” and be your genuine self while doing what makes you happy
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shaniacsboogara · 10 months
liking dnd is so funny because yeah you play the actual game sometimes but mostly you just think about the game and watch other people play the game and slowly go insane thinking about how much you wish you could play the game and hoping that buying more shiny rocks will fix everything
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salamispots · 8 months
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something something giant isopod sharing is caring pass the detritus
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choochooboss · 4 months
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"Top tier trainer & his ace!"
I was initially shocked to see how big Archeops is when I saw him flapping next to Emmet in Pokémas the first time!! Had to draw him smaller to make this idea work (normal archeops height is 4'07"/140 cm).
Archeops also weighs 32kg/70.5lbs, about the same as an average 7~8 year old kid. Emmet sure could carry him around for a while, if he doesn't wobble around too much! (Which I'd imagine to happen often, Archeops turning his head around like a periscope surveying his surroundings before leaping off to chase something and leaving Emmet catching his balance.)
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 5 months
If you are a person who doesn't like Frodo Baggins I am taking you by the shoulders. I am shaking you gently. I am asking you if you've ever had to try to do something overwhelming. I am asking you if you've ever had to carry on in the face of insurmountable despair. I am asking if you've ever carried burdens no one else could know of. I am asking if you've never seen yourself in the monstrous. I'm asking you if you've ever been unable to trust your own mind. I am asking if your mental health has ever made you unreasonable. I'm asking if you've ever been too weak to take care of yourself, too weak to do the right thing in the end, too weak to do what, in your heart of hearts, you want to do. I'm asking if you've ever been too small to make a significant difference and if you tried anyway. I'm asking if you've ever faltered under something heavy placed on your shoulders. I'm asking if you've ever taken the next step despite never wanting to move again.
If you haven't yet, you will.
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lethologicaee · 1 year
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bruce wayne dilf agenda
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dramiserable · 5 months
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Square Enix let them be together pls
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suntails · 3 months
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starwarjotta · 6 months
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“Not that I’m complaining (quite on the contrary, actually), but you couldn’t have waited for two more minutes until the end of the battle to do that, sir.”
“How could I, with you giving me a smile like that, my dear?”
“...fine. I’ll allow it, this once. Sir.”
my second @codywanfirstkissbingo work, for “battleground kiss”
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keferon · 15 hours
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Every day I decide to continue reading Crime in Crystals turns into a fanart day. It's...I don't know what to say. It just happens :т
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somerandomdudelmao · 7 months
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(Hope you're doing fine)
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iknowicanbutwhy · 27 days
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@chipper-smol I couldn't get the thought out of my head of dragon loop flying on unfamiliar wings away from their problems because obviously that's why they have them haha ha ha
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salamispots · 1 month
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a rug hook commission for @stickynotebirds! :O (who also drew the original sketch/design and I tweaked it a little bit)
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