#it's gonna be similar in vibes to The Happiest of All
hedwig221b · 29 days
WIP Wednesday
Wonderful @eevylynn tagged me, thank you 💗 Here's a piece of the requested Bone Witch!Stiles + guardian!Derek AU
“You don’t have to do that,” Stiles murmured, tracing the edge of the cup with the tip of his finger.
He blushed at the glare the wolf gave him and pursed his lips.
They had this conversation many times, to the point where Derek just ignored the topic altogether.
Stiles told him he didn’t have to come. Derek kept showing up.
And, after everything that happened, Stiles couldn’t help but admire the wolf’s loyalty, his dedication, and unyielding stubbornness. He truly didn’t have to come and defend him from all those fools, didn’t have to roam around Stiles’ tower and glare into the dark. Yet, every time, his strong and silent silhouette among the trees made Stiles’ heart stutter.
He just wished the wolf came to him because he wanted to, and not because of the sense of duty.
Even then, it didn’t matter that much.
Stiles just wanted him here. Close.
Tagging gently 💗 @dear-massacre @renmackree @arver7 (feral omega pleek) @endwersed @thotpuppy @salty-fryingpan
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9800sblog · 1 year
pick a card tarot reading - which version of you will meet your forever person?
what's your character development before they come along? or have they already arrived?
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from left to right, up to down: red nails - pile 1, yellow helmet - pile 2, kitty - pile 3, pool - pile 4
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pile 1
cards: knight of swords reversed, 7 of wands, ace of swords, ace of cups, 10 of cups
this is one of your happiest chapters, the end of a book that has a sequence, a teenager in the end of a coming of age movie. you're not prepared for your whole life or done developing, but you have gone through rigorous moments already. this is a new beginning, you're stronger, smarter, happy, but irresponsible or scared. you think you're better than everyone, you have better ideas and values, you might be right, but there's no need for a fight, you're a rebel in a small idle town. you are unique, you bring freshness into the world with your talents and experiences but you may not have the exact type of support you need to succeed with those right away, your person will be that support, you're gonna have to rely and trust on them to be the backbone of your newest story. you're a little cynical, sarcastic and defensive. you may be very into a specific social fight but not know enough about the subject to actually take part in it. you know this is your person because they're gonna go against tradition to take care of you and make sure you're safe and happy.
gilmore girls vibes! the whole show and all characters fit this description, if you see yourself in them at some point in your life, that might be when ;)
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pile 2
cards: king of wands, 2 of cups, 5 of cups reversed, 2 of swords reversed, the hermit
introspective, experienced and major respect to the elderly, understands the value of interchanging informations and respecting others' boundaries. probably a loner tho, you have accepted your fate as the old neighbor with 5 cats, whatever these cats may represent for you. ironically, you're so comfortable alone that you're attracting many people to you. you're someone that others are curious about, you're different than the rest and they wanna hear your opinions on different things, you may be the quiet kid that somehow got friends without saying 2 words. you're seen as wise and confident, you feel like it's a lie, that you ain't nothing special, you're just different from this batch but there are others similar to you out there; that's your person. your person has these same life experiences and you'll know it's them because you've never met someone as similar to you before. they'll probably surprise you because you're so used to being alone you plan a whole future of loneliness.
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pile 3
cards: page of wands, the emperor reversed, the world, page of pentacles reversed, the devil reversed
childlike wonder, you're almost crude, if this word can be used for people. someone who refuses to grow up and be an adult for whatever reason. you're probably focused on inner child healing - that may be as simple as watching childhood movies, playing on an inflatable bed or more thoughtful as allowing yourself to make mistakes and exist as a regular person. this is giving me the feeling of summer, so this may be a version of you who knows how to have fun and forget responsibilities or goes to your family's for a while and allow yourself to be taken care of. you engage in worldly behavior without any shame, it's literally harmless in this case, it's good and healing to your soul. if you have a position of power, you'll have stepped down from it because it's too much pressure and you wanna enjoy life more. you'll know you wanna be with them forever because it'll feel easy, they are perfect, an angel sent from above and you may feel a little inadequate at the time, but you'll get over it because you're cool as fuck.
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pile 4
cards: the magician reversed, 4 of cups, queen of swords reversed, judgement reversed, the star reversed, 8 of cups reversed
your whole life is upside down, this is probably a depressive episode. you don't have patience, energy or hope even for the near future, you may be physically sick too. you know you're worth more than this, you wanna change but you think you don't have the resources. you feel lazy and bored, harsh on your words with yourself and others, you may have a creative outlet that you don't share with the world yet, it may be the thing that's gonna change your life. you're scared to show people you're unwell, but you desperately need help and you feel like you're making a wish on a dead star. your person shows up during your darkest time to help you get out of it, they'll give you that nice butterfly feeling, tingling on your tummy and warm on your face ^^ you'll know this is your person because you usually like nobody, including yourself, but this soul is just like yours and you think they're the most beautiful thing you have ever seen in your entire life, maybe too good to be true - they're not. you like the same things and match very well, this person deals with emotions in a different way than you and you will start seeing the world in a different perspective.
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idkaguyorsomething · 7 months
Two personal preferences for the Jojolands: it does not end on a downer note and that the author does not play Jodio's mental illness for horror.
definitely gonna agree with you on the second one, though slight disagreement on the first one. part nine could very well be the last jojo’s we’re ever gonna get, so it makes a lot of sense that people are gonna want it to end on a happy note. and traditionally, every part has ended with the characters at least reaching some level of satisfaction and personal fulfillment, but there has ALWAYS been casualties along the way, ranging from that one side character to the entire core cast minus a literal child. the happiest ending we got was in part four, which definitely had a more relaxed slice-of-life vibe to it than part nine, which already parallels part five, a story where literally half the cast gets killed off as they brutally slaughter all their enemies. having everyone in the main cast survive to the end seems unlikely, and tbh, i do enjoy the fact that in a lot of jojo stories, anyone can die. even if i love these characters with all my heart, it is an effective narrative choice to kill them off in order to raise the stakes. nearly every death in this series feels like an emotional gut punch without sidelining the actual agency of the character being killed (rip george jr, the least important joestar). depending on what kind of story araki wants to tell, a bittersweet ending could be more effective than an unconditionally happy one. but hey, if it’s his final outing in the world he created, ¡he might actually feel like being merciful to his characters for once! and if it’s not, well, i’ll look forward to all the fix fics everyone writes where everyone lives.
as for jodio’s mental illness, this one has me a bit worried. araki has made a lot of dubious writing decisions in the past on sensitive topics like this (overuse of sa, “curing” johnny’s disability, side characters that come off as dated ethnic caricatures) but he has made a consistent effort to include a lot of demographics that don’t show up in a lot of manga, and his writing of characters from said demographics has considerably improved over time. tracking the women in his stories, from erina to lisa lisa to trish to jolyne to yasuho, and how they’re treated tells a fascinating story in and of itself. johnny has a lot of emotional depth and character beyond his disability. this series honestly has more black characters than any other manga/anime i can think of (though i haven’t watched afro samurai yet). there are absolutely problematic elements here to critique and pick apart, but i kinda prefer this flawed approach to representation than the nonexistent state of it in other similar stories. but getting back on track, araki has written a lot of shit in the past, so he could definitely fumble the ball again here. however, i personally think there’s currently more setup in the story for jodio to become more of an antihero in line with giorno or johnny. he’s on good terms with at least two of his family members, an achievement hitherto unheard of in this series, and he’s depicted as more of a goofy teen who makes bad decisions somewhat in line with the criteria for antisocial personality disorder than an irredeemable monster. it’s far too early in the story to tell where this is headed, though, so overall we just have to cross our fingers and hope that araki goes for a more sensitive, nuanced portrayal of a protagonist with aspd instead of going all “lol he’s joDIO what did you expect”
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myriadeyed · 28 days
Legitimately really curious about the music question from that kin ask meme you just reblogged. I'd love an answer about any of your kintypes, but I'm especially interested to know if there's any music that you associate with/really resonates with your experience as an isopod.
See, here's the thing, I never really associate music with any of my theriotypes. Animalistic species specifically. I get into an animalistic mindset by being in nature or acting out instincts, and music (or any other form of art) is going to take me out of that, especially if there's lyrics. There's no bird music to me, no bug music or mustelid music. I just don't associate it, positively or negatively. I guess no, to answer your question. To be in an isopod shift I'd rather be by the ocean or eat foods similar to what we eat in the wild (seaweed salad I guess), since that's what feels the most animalistic to me. Especially for isopod shifts, an animal that does not have a traditional chordate's sense of hearing, I'm not going to vibe with music. I'd share MyNoise generators that have those vibes for me before any songs.
Music-related shifts for me are all about the sapient kintypes, i.e. computer, Novakid, or fictotypes. But I liked this particular ask meme's music question because it differentiated songs, bands, and genres! And I love to talk genre so!
Individual songs are gonna be (Link) Blame by Air Traffic Controller, Never Existed by Keldian, Take 3 by Inner Wave, Lonesome Dreams by Lord Huron, (for Novakid) S.T.A.R. Child by The Orion Experience, Lightning Riders by AWOLNATION, Space Western by Rich Aucoin, Propane Nightmares by Pendulum, Nova by VNV Nation, (...other) Dreams by Joakim Karud (I cannot concisely explain why it puts me in a computer mindset)
Coincidentally, today (after reblogging that!) I just happened upon a song I didn't know about before, from a band with only 1 album and 10 listeners on Spotify, only available for streaming on a single website in the depths of the obscure music Internet, which catapulted me into a Novakid shift, so here's that, obviously
But I feel like I've listed those songs a million times and never mentioned that genres in general are what "computer kintype music" is for me. My computer kintype is an IBM 7090 so I heavily associate it with 1970s electronic music particularly, so that playlist is a lot of vintage electronica, Space Art, Mort Garson, moog synths, songs with Casio instruments, and recent stuff that takes inspiration from that era like Eyeliner, Jack Stauber, MNQN, and certain synthwave artists. I also associate it a lot with computer animation (pre-Disney-Pixar) so that's a lot of vaporwave and also every soundtrack album for all the Mind's Eye films (those are by James Reynolds, Jan Hammer and Thomas Dolby). I've never been able to find a really good version online of the song from Fabricated Rhythm, which I think is just called Fabricated Rhythm, but I like that too.
Post-punk reminds me of autumn/whatever my weird cryptic kintype is that's associated with the season, but maybe that's just because I'm happiest in fall and I love post-punk. However if anyone can help explain why Figure In the Background by Snake Pool gives me species euphoria lmk
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spacebarbarianweird · 3 months
Writer interview
Tagged by @vixstarria Thank you! I am going to write about AO3, my original writing is a story for another post ^-^ Though you know where to read them!
Tagging @themadlu and @queenofthespacesquids
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Little Bundle of Darkness - Astarion and Tiriel become parents to their dark princess Alethaine!
Beloved Monsters - One of two fics about OC Tiriel with second pov! A very fluffy winter story - no angst. no hurt. Just their little family.
Heartbeat - The other 2 POV OC fic! Tiriel is pregnant with Alethaine and Astarion feels their daughter's heartbeat! PS - Dhampirs don't breathe but they do have a heartbeat
Puppet Master - Astarion/Reader fic. Astarion is enchanted with Dominate Person spell and almost kills Tav
Temperance - Astarion x Tiriel smut. Tiriel has a lot of body issues aftet giving birth - and Astarion proves her she is still gorgeous
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YES! I respond to all of them!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmm... I usually write good endings but The Tainted Past had a terrible angsty ending! Oh, and also Death, Worthy of a Barbarian - Tiriel dies and Astarion becomes a widower.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
They mostly all have happy endings but Baby Fangs has a very light one!
7. Do you write crossovers?
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I did get hate on my original works but it was due to political reasons - but I pretended I didn't understand what the issue was
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do love writing smut about Tiriel and Astarion. Tiriel has similar body issues and sexual history like me and it's fun to explore new things! Gonna write breeding and period fics soon!
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Probably not.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I I'd like to try!
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Astarion x Tiriel\Tav. But I also stanned Luke Skywalker x Mara Jade for years (fun fact - Tiriel inherited a lot of features from Mara)
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I am afraid I will never finish writing about Alethaine Ancunin (Dhampirs of the Swords Coast)
15. What are your writing strengths?
Horror, emotions, dialogues. Traumas of different origin.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action. I hate writing it, I can't do it properly even in my mother tongue!
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don't mind but it often destroys the vibes. Like, why on earth fantasy characters would speak French? Sure, it would be fun to make Alethaine swear in Russian - but it will ruin the setting.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Baldur's Gate. I was too ashamed to write fics before
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Maybe one day I will be able to write something about Harry Potter (since it was my first big obsession) but I don't want to be involved in political issues (I have too much of that when I write in my mother tongue)
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I am very proud of the whole Alethaine series !
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saucedlx · 11 months
Metafuckery in videogames
This is pretty much just copy pasted from my steam review of AI The Somnium Files: Nirvana Initiative. It contains major spoilers for that game, so don't click keep reading if that's something you want to avoid.
tbh i don't know how to deliberately make the post cut off so i'm just adding a buncha line breaks and hoping that's enough
seriously there's spoilers for ai the somnium files nirvana initiative below. and also vague allusions to a twist happening in metal gear solid 2. which i know most people prolly know about cause it's been 22 years but i genuienly didn't know that was gonna happen my first time playing last year cause i never was that deep into metal gear
Okay the real post starts here
It's understandable to not like the story but as someone who loves the sorta mindscrew pulled by Metal Gear Solid 2, this is the only other thing that even gets close, so I loved it for that. More specifically the way it slowly builds up the meta fuckery going on, with small incongruent details slowly becoming more noticeable until the big reveal. I could totally understand not liking this sorta thing, since the story very much has to contrive itself to not reveal this too early on (two mizukis) and the game is very intentionally tricking the player. But I think it's worth it if you enjoy media that in part is about its own status as media, that relishes in its own ability to portray things in deliberately unintuitive ways. And personally I think some (not all [two mizukis]) of the misdirections are really clever. For example, the weirdness of 'the two halves of the same body being found 6 years apart' is mentioned with the first body the player finds, but then is never brought up again for the subsequent bodies despite them being presented in an order that would lead you to assume the same thing is going on. I could totally see that being annoying, "I never said the rest of these bodies were found years apart" "come the fuck on you obviously wanted to believe that" "but I never SAID that was the case outside the first one". Personally I loved that kind of stupidly simple trick, but if someone thinks it's just kinda bullshit that's a totally justified reaction.
I love the small details that lead up to the realization the game's initial description of the timelines is inaccurate; the lack of reaction to Date's supposed 6-year disappearence, the offhand mention of Komeji's bowtie being bought a year ago despite him supposedly having been dead for 6 years. Also there's the whole Frayer ending but it's the slow buildup that sticks with me the most. It reminds me of the slow realization of how similar MGS2's plot/progression is to MGS1's, of initially thinking something might be a minor oversight but eventually concluding that it's too blatant to not be deliberate. (although tbh i still don't think the prototype machine suddenly not needing eye removal is a deliberate part of the story).
Anyways this doesn't really go for the same vibe as MGS2; compared to that, AINI feels more lighthearted about its trickery, with the whole Marble scene where the game comes clean about it. The Frayer ending gets closer to that eeriness MGS2's reveal has, but it also feels less consequential to the overall story, and more like a little bonus thing that gets really meta but only within its own space where the game asks "would it even be that interesting for the 'true' solution to be the neatest happiest one". This sequence as well as the Ryuki hallucination moments also do the other thing I most love about MGS2's fuckery; the feeling that the game is collapsing on itself.
I still think MGS2's meta fuckery has something special and unmatched in anything I know of (emphasis on "I know of"; if you know anything like this feel free to give me recommendations cause i love this sorta thing), but at least now I have one other example of a game that does something similar in a way I enjoyed. Also if you're thinking of Undertale/Deltarune now, I love them too but I don't put them in this category of thing because they're way more upfront about their metanarrative stuff from the start. Also there's the Zero Escape series but that does more to try to justify meta gameplay stuff in-universe (the fields, babyyyyy).This kinda turned into a whole essay but TLDR the story does some unconventional stuff, and it's totally understandable to not enjoy it but personally I really like it.
Footnote: Two of them
Maybe I should write something like this except more focused on MGS2. It's been out for way longer and is way more known so I didn't feel compelled to, since people prolly already analyzed the shit out of it. I guess I love most of its ending except the main conclusion of "behind all the conspiracies, there's some shady group that has 99.99% perfect seamless control over everything and if you blink it's because they planned for you to do that a couple decades ago". While personally I'm more of a "there's no big master plan, people in power try to maintain their power through fucked up means but they're not superhuman, they're capable of fucking up" truther. And it feels like a decent amount of people do respond to MGS2 with "this is literally whats happening in real life the Patriots are just like wokeness". And I don't feel like dealing with that shit. But yea I love metafuckery in games.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
yena !! i hope u still remember me ʕ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ it's the wind chime anon !! 🎐
how have u been omg (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) i had my exams last month n i have da notifs on for way too many blogs on here so i just uninstalled tumblr instead,,, but im back now (i was about to send this ask sooner (2 days ago ?) but i was a bit scared lmao,,, but i just saw ur post about shua so i had to come and say hi >:3) but wahh congrats on all ur milestones ! before i left i think u were about to start ur 500 followers event ! ! n i think u crossed 1234 already !! and probably even more ! that's supa cool n 'm so so proud of you ☆૮꒰ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ა also i love love love ur new theme *ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩
ooo n about finding jeonghan's colour,,, u looked at his pictures to figure out what colour he is ?? that's super intriguing actually. bcs the thing is idk if i have this type of synesthesia,,, im afraid what im doing is just strongly associating colours with people ? like the aspects of their personality play a major role in determining their colour but similar to the process of getting to know someone, it's v hard for me to decide on their colour. for example, jihoon. it's like, , the more i see him the more i feel like i don't even know him yk? for hansol, even tho i don't know what his colour is, i can at least tell that his colour would most prolly be a cooler shade. but for jihoon n sometimes even mingyu i can't rly figure them out? it's like i have options but i don't know for sure. n i don't rly know if this is synesthesia ?? lmdoajdjska i think i should just take the test by synesthesia battery but im just scared lmao </3
anygays i read the rest of your synesthesia posts and wahh, , yena ur just so talented. ur so cool ! ! i rly don't know what else to say. you have a way w words and it's as if i can feel the colors permeating through the descriptions. honestly it's such a gift to be able to share your vivid perception with others and i just wanna thank u for that (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) i have sm to say about each member's colour and esp shua's but this got rly long so i'll do that in another ask ?? heh >:3
i hope you've been doing okay!! how did your exams go????? literally i'd be sitting here and just thinking :(( i hope wind chime anon is doing okay in this world :(( haha ive missed you sm
it's okayy there's no need to be scared im super nice!! (i think?) thank u sm for loving my new theme too haha i love it a lot as well
and abt jeonghan: yeah! honestly synaesthesia is a really really different experience for anyone so i like to think of it as one of those sexuality labels. if you feel like it fits, then you're allowed to use it! those tests online are sketchy af anyways unless you wanna pay for a Real and Scientific Test
i think assigning colours to vibes and personalities is very interesting though!! i don't think i could do that haha, personalities have always just been so complex and different for me that a colour just doesn't come to mind at all (i don't think my synaesthesia works in that way lmao) so that's really really fascinating! honestly tho,,, im also struggling w jihoon too and maybe that's bc i haven't spent several minutes just Staring at his face yet but i just have a gut feeling that he's gonna be one tough cookie
aww thank u so much please that's so lovely to hear ^^ that really makes me the happiest oml, being told that people are able to feel my writing and my descriptions <3
aww yess please do lmk what you think of the others !! it's so nice to see you in my inbox again 💗
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diffuserlover · 1 year
🌸 Hiii I’m new here on tumblr so I don’t know how these kind of things work, but I wanted to request ships with the groups Txt,stray kids and enhypen. Oh and also please make the Description private if that’s possible. Also could u add a little description with it if that’s okay.🌸
I'm very shy around people I don't know, but once I'm really comfortable with someone I'm very outgoing and talkative. I think I have a pretty calm personality but my mind is more energetic as I can't really express how I'm feeling even when I'm really happy. When I meet new people I always do a vibe check with them, although I don't consciously do it. I’m not really interested in people that give me bad vibes and I avoid them most of the time. However, I trust the people who give me good vibes right away. I’m the happiest when I get to have some time to myself, but I love going outside with people that I love. Im constantly trying to understand myself better. I think people see me as a reserved and cold person, I think it's because of my calm face and “don't approach me”-attitude. But I'm really generous to the people who are close to me. Im a person that needs Harmony in her life, which means I’m the loudest around quiet people and the quietest around loud people. I used to be very close to a lot of people, but now I'm quite a loner. I have some friends but I'm not really close to them, we're just good friends. Im a optimist and my goal in life is just to be happy and be the best version of myself.
I'm also good with technology and numbers, but I don't do it on purpose, I just do it and somehow it's right. I love music and everything that goes with it because I truly believe that music makes me a happier person and I can't go without it for very long. I prefer upbeat songs to slower ones, unless the lyrics are meaningful. I also love to dance, but only when I'm alone. In general, I would say that I prefer to listen to music alone, simply because I'm not that comfortable with other people. I also love backing especially cakes, even tho I’m rlly messy it somehow turns out to be good. I also like cooking but I don’t like cooking for others because, again, I cook messily and majority of them always complain about the shapes of the food tbh 😭. I also like to work out but like only if it’s in the morning because I don’t rlly have enough time for them afterwards. But like I’m not a sport freak or smth I only really do it for my health and to be fit not because I rlly enjoy it itself. I also like playing games it doesn’t rlly matter if alone or with friends, like you can always count on me that I’m gonna play with you. Also once I’m starting a game I ain’t stopping until somebody doesn’t want to play anymore.
I have a hamster, her name is Megan, she is so fluffy and and cute. My favorite part of the day is probably when I’m doing my night routine especially my skin care routine, because I don’t have time everyday to do it but every time I do I just feel so pretty. I love to wear anything that makes me comfortable but at the same time pretty. Generally you could say that I like every color but my favorites are pink,green,yellow,white,bluish mint. I also love doing makeup, but I don’t wear makeup everyday I only do on special occasions or when I’m going out. I am now at a makeup school and am trying to become a makeup artist in the future.
I don’t like the following things : loud voices/screaming, rudeness, bad manners, wasps, not being honest, making fun of others to look better, being mean for fun,
Thank you so much in advance and I hope ur having a wonderful day.🌸
I’m so sorry if that was too much of information :(
Hi!! So sorry this took so long I hope you like your ships! Thank you so so much for being so patient!!! <3
I ship you with…
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I ship you with Taehyun
I feel like you and Taehyun are similar yet so different but in all the good ways
Genius couple
You guys work out together in the morning before he goes to work
I see you guys doing that tik tok challenge where your boyfriend lifts what you lift(I hope you know what I mean)
Taehyun is a quiet extrovert while your a loud introvert I think that’s so cute
He loves your cooking to death but can’t help but laugh when the cake you made is tilted he loves it
He seems like the type to want to cook you dinner whenever he can but also wants to do it together
He would adore your hamster but he still wants a snake💀
Imagine doing little spa nights with face masks and those big headbands
You guys do your skincare routine together whenever you can
He would always let you practice doing makeup on him
Overall I just think you guys compliment each other:)
Stray Kids:
I ship you with…
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I feel like you would calm him down
He’s kinda dramatic a lot of the time and you would be be the calm sensible one
He was drawn in by your intimidating looks but was too scared to talk to you
You two baking would be so funny and such a mess, imagine flour and batter everywhere
He jokes around and acts scared and disgusted to eat the weirdly shaped food you make but he always loves it
He would cuddle with your hamster more than you💀
Hyunjin always makes sure you do your skin care routine with him
He’s definitely bought matching outfits for the two of you!
He is a hopeless romantic and loves going for a cute nature walk with you hand in hand
He adores your optimism and it helps him a lot on stage
He loves when you do his makeup
Overall, I think you guys are an unexpected pair but work so well<3
I ship you with…
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You guys are the couple that scares people when you walk down the street
You both are the definition of cold on the outside soft on the inside
Sunghoon is your baby hardcore
He doesn’t really know how to cook and kinda follows your lead like a puppy
He looks up to you when it comes to your optimism
He calls you before any big performance for a little pep talk cause you help calm him down
Surprisingly you guys are loud as hell
I can see karaoke every Friday night at your house and it being a complete mess ahaha
You guys have matching pjs it was his idea and they are mint
He prefers his dog over your hamster but will still love it
Another face masks and skincare routine with you
If your tired he will literally do it for you
He loves watching you do your makeup
But also loves doing your makeup and messing it up cause he finds it funny
Hell make it up to you I promise
You guys are so freaking cute:)
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zozo-01 · 2 years
I’m having such a hard time with this so I’m gonna rant here
Half of me wants to tell everyone to wait and see what happens because , like it has been said before , there is probably going to be lots of character development—David had development in a similar way, just like Sam did with the shift in storylines. But the other half of me agrees that something needs to change with Cutie and Geordi. What they said wasn’t okay, the way they made him feel wasn’t okay, going into his mind anyways wasn’t okay. The only thing that gives me hope is knowing that Cutie pulled themselves out of him mind - still wrong they were there in the first place - but hopefully they realize how bad what they did was and will work on themselves . We’ll see though
Anyways sorry if this is out of nowhere but you have good thoughts so I figured I’d ask
It's ok! Feel free to dump ideas on me whenever!!
I've said it in another post, but they are giving early David/Angel vibes and look at how their relationship turned out. But we also heard Geordi plead with Cutie twice about going into his or other people's heads without consent.
I trust that Mr. Redacted has a plan in mind about this storyline, one that will end both satisfyingly and the best scenario for all parties involved. I personally, don't want them to break up, I really do want Cutie to learn from their mistakes. As of right now though, them breaking up is the best option.
I do agree that we can only wait for this story to end, but that also means accepting that the outcome may not be the most happiest.
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junityy · 3 years
dates with enhypen
# PAIRING. ot7 x gn!reader
# SYNOPSIS. basically what kind of dates they would take you on.
# GENRE. fluff
# WC. 683
# WARNINGS. mentions of food
# NOTE. might be a bit messy but since im not in the place to write a fic rn i wrote some hcs,, i hope you enjoy !! <3
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probably just staying in, watching something and eating
you either order food OR even better
heeseung makes you ramen <33
it would be so chill. like SO chill but still fun
you might be invested in whatever you're watching but after some time you just talk
about literally ANYTHING
may go from small things to having a whole existential crisis,, like you talk about the most random things bc its so comfortable with him
and maybe cuddle too :((
plus you'd probably continue watching whatever you started after missing like half of it but hey
that's okay :,,,) for both of you
rest of the members are under the cut !!
⋆。°✩ JAY
late night dates
oh my god where do i START
late night drives walks talks and stargazing just all of it
it'd be at the most random times too
i mean i know thats kinda normal but RANDOM random
sometimes you have to be careful to not be too loud whenever you're walking by some houses or whatever tbh
could stay the whole night not even gonna lie to you
you'd probably find a random place, maybe sorta abandoned and it'd be your own place to go to
a little hill or a rooftop from which you'll have a good view overall
⋆。°✩ JAKE
library dates
like study dates ykk
spoiler: jake isn't studying tho. not even close to it
mans is staring at you the whole time while you are actually trying to study
whenever you catch him staring he acts like h really is going to learn stuff for school now
spoiler #2: that energy lasts for 20 seconds maximum
hes back to being distracted by you <33
will eventually try to REALLY study when you somewhat scold him but he gives up
literally cannot stop thinking about you when you're right next to him hes so <///3
ice skating dates
we all know it.
he would absolutely make fun of you if you can't ice skate tbh
man he would have so much fun only watching you already </3
but he'd also try to teach you how to ice skate
would 100% say things like "this is BORING" in the most dramatic way when he's teaching you
bc you're obviously going slow yk
also you will never not see him flexing with his skills
however if you seem like you can't get the hang of it he'd act dramatic i just know
⋆。°✩ SUNOO
picnic dates
i can absolutely 101% see this
the vibes :(( ugh im SOFT
it's simple but regardless, it'd be a lot of fun
just overall very soft vibes if that makes sense
you'd talk about the most random things and basically laugh about everything
you're probably the happiest when you're eating and with sunoo together??? hell yeah
also if there are some bees every now and then sunoo would probably crack up if you'd jump
maybe its only a personal experience okay idk
also i feel like sunoo would put a lot of effort into it to make it look as pretty as possible
if that makes sense yk
after watching his vlog i feel like he'd simply take you to the park
and do something there yk??
might do a little picnic or something similar
just sit down somewhere and watch a movie
or simply talk overall
and oh my god yes you'd absolutely watch the sunset together
take a few walks too
a overall very chill date
although you may be not doing THAT much it's a lot of fun
and the both of you absolutely love it
⋆。°✩ NIKI
arcade dates
a 100% i do not take any criticism
would battle you every two minutes idc
he would have the time of his life let's be real for a sec
would refuse to SHUT UP for even a second
probably doesn't care about how loud he is either
i can lowkey see him being sad when the arcade would close bc he could stay there all night
his goal is obviously to beat you and i kid you not
this boy would do ANYTHING just to get first place if we're honest
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TAGLIST @koishua @igyus @hoonluvs @iuwon @eternallyhyucks @sungsunnie @sooblvr @yourlocalhotgf @tyunni @yjwfav
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mayoiayasep · 2 years
please tell me what the alkurei solos should sound like i trust ur thoughts
ok. so im also gonna compare them to the solos that were already released bc thats how i organized these thoughts in the first place
crazy b
rinne: smthn upbeat for sure considering his "leap before you look" lifestyle, i cant think of a solo with a similar beat that like, properly conveys what im thinking here (feather heartache or poison strategy maybe?) so like idk, i think maybe hints of traditional instruments as a nod to his life at his hometown
niki: this shit has to be the happiest thing i've ever heard like i want to be hearing a smile a smile the entire time, probably magicians play time of beat, or higher higher, i think he should sound like he's having the time of his life<3
himeru: smthn jazzy and slower tempo would suit him i think, like rei's. im probably not going to talk about lyrics in a lot of these but like, ogmeru crumbs in the lyrics of his song would be nice but unlikely
kohaku: many thoughts on this one!! for most of it the tempo can be like most crazy b songs as a reference to how he used to mainly feel more connected to crazyb as a unit, but i would also love if during smthn like the bridge he got to sing like how he does in double face, and if near the end the tempos like, even out as a way to symbolize how now he feels like both crazyb and double face are his home, that would be great i would cry
alkaloid time!!
hiiro: kinda stumped me bc i forgot what i originally had planned for him but like out of all the characters in alkaloid i think he suits the alt/rock sound of hysteric humanoid the most so maybe something similar in sound? idk maybe something like both nagisa+chiaki's solos or kanzaki's maybe
aira: another upbeat pop like one! fantastic days mixed with little little prince star maybe. i think the lyrics would be about his love for idols and how he wants to be one i think it would fit him i would like that<3
mayoi: im going to be honest i do not have a clear idea of what i want his to sound like its like trying to look at the sun for a long time. but like. i'll know it when i hear it. if i were to try to string together words rn maybe like, mid tempo?? a bit spooky sounding, if i were to say smnthn like kohaku to ruri no rondo would that be my mayoi in valkryie bias peeking out or..?
tatsumi: not solo related but like the first few songs of feathers of ark where the chorus was sounding?? yeah, main vibe i think. i do not want to say gospel music bc the mere thought of that would give me psychic damage. zutto soba de (yuzuru solo) tempo maybe?
if any of them could carry a ballad i think i could be kohaku mayoi or himeru
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sitp-recs · 3 years
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Two Zinnias and the Scent of Lemon by @the-starryknight​
Harry/Draco (2021, Mature, 16.6k)
The Ministry didn’t turn bad overnight. Harry didn’t suddenly turn rogue either. Between covert Legilimency links and Polyjuice disguises and running and running and running, Draco has forgotten what it is like to have a safe harbor that isn’t a person. If there’s an art to fighting back, then they’ll find it hand in hand.
I haven’t experienced the weight of writing “the perfect rec” since doing Far From the Tree back in January. I feel similarly about Two Zinnias (aka mindblown and utterly obsessed) and of course that made me almost give up on this and let other people talk about it better than I will 😂 but as much as I wanted to save you all from my babbling, sadly I don’t know aideomai and they don’t even dream about my existence, while Starry is a close and dear friend so this fueled me while I wrote and rewrote this rec as a humble and grateful birthday gift.
I feel like I should take a minute to talk about her first, so at the risk of getting sentimental on main: Starry, you’re a true gem. I’ve never met someone so genuinely kind, supportive and proactive in fandom. You do everything you can to make everyone feel welcome and appreciated, coming up with new initiatives to promote lesser known fics, encouraging self-recs, finding time to do massive beta and mod work, reclists, side events and book binding (!!!), on top of your brilliant writing - apparently your talent has no limits and I’m not one bit surprised that you excel at everything you do. 
It feels like ages ago even though it’s been a few months, but I feel so lucky that I got to check A Room Up There - falling in love with it was the first step to meet and fall a bit in love with you, too. That fic stole a piece of my heart with its lovely house restauration imagery and soothing winter vibes, and now it’s impossible to imagine this fandom without your equally lovely, soothing presence. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your generosity whenever I need a friendly ear to vent to, a piece of advice, a good laugh, or just a smutty rec feat Charlie or Teddy (taste twins! 👯). You’ve always been there for me and for others, thank you for being YOU and for doing so much for the fandom!
I’ve screamed so much about Two Zinnias in your DMs that I’m sure you already know everything I’m gonna say here; it’s one of the few fics I’ve read as soon as it was posted, and it compelled me to leave a comment before reveals (I’m still working on commenting better, and more often), but what you don’t know is that I still think about this fic, like. All. the. time. I close my eyes and am immediately transported to that fascinating, dangerous anarchic universe you’ve created - one could say it’s because I’m obsessed with the delicious “enemies of the state on the run” trope (ok, I admit REVOLVEVLOVER ruined me a bit before this) but whoever reads your fic will see it goes so much deeper than that!
Two Zinnias is an absolute masterclass in short form - it packs SO MUCH plot, character development, raw emotion and breathtaking action within JUST 16k, I still can’t believe you pulled it off. The fast-paced narrative and little inventive details create a thrill and immersive atmosphere, full of palpable tension and yet the urgency contrasts beautifully with the slow, quiet emotional burn. Despite their uncertain future, the way Harry and Draco meet, learn and love each other while defying the system is so damn inspiring. There’s this quiet fierceness about their characters that takes my breath away, and their connection - of minds, bodies and souls - is so intimate and tender that at times I felt like I was intruding into something not meant for my eyes. Ahh the power of storytelling!
All Starry fics become my new favorite thing, but this one is my favorite read of the year so far, and it might be my biggest Starry fave of all! To think such a dark plot could be told through the gentlest romance in less than 30k is a miracle. For those who have been following Starry for a while, this is also a testament of her talent in exploring a wide range of plots and genres, mixing Polyjuice and Legilimency with a brilliant fighting style, without letting go of that soft, tender and evocative atmosphere that encapsulates her approach to the ship.
While rereading Two Zinnias to write this down I remembered that famous quote from Jane Austen’s Persuasion, because it feels like the perfect way to describe this particular love story: “There could have been no two hearts so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison”. If you haven’t read this gem yet please do yourself a favor and go feast on this glorious romance! And don’t forget to check the rest of her fabulous catalogue, and to leave some love and appreciation not only on this fic, but for everything Starry does for our fandom. I wish you the happiest of birthdays my lovely!!! 💜
(now excuse me while I go read her new Harry/Teddy fic as a treat to myself!!!)
Read on AO3
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bisluthq · 2 years
it's basically #bisluthqisoverparty at one of the blogs I follow today so if things are worse than usual in your inbox, that's probably why
So I don’t know the exact blog to which you refer but I’ve had like a few people idk I guess feel quite strongly about stuff I say and like block or unfollow me which is absolutely 100000000% fine.
I think everyone should curate their fandom experience in such a way that they’re genuinely happy. That means following blogs that make you happy, making content that makes you happy, and like avoiding shit that’s triggering or upsetting or yk what? Just no fucking fun for you. Like this shit should be FUN. Any pop culture exercise - whether you’re in fandom or reading Buzzfeed or watching films or listening to music - should be fucking FUN.
So idk I run my lil blog and my lil community the way I do, and I don’t say it’s perfect because it’s not, and I don’t say I’m perfect because I SO am not, and if you don’t find it fun as I’ve always said run your own. Like the fucking fun of the internet is everyone gets a voice and a possible platform. Shit, I’ll promo you if you explain what you’re doing and it’s a vibe I like as - most recently - @craicvacuum did and she legit started something I’m not that interested in but is imo dope.
If you want to run a blog on similar topics to mine but in a different way I get it! That’s cool! Again genuinely happy to say “so if you like my blog but you don’t like X here’s Y” and people’s feeds aren’t limited to one thing! Go forth and have fun babes like that’s all there is to it.
Tbh I’m not even gonna ask people not to shit talk me because as Karlie says “at least I trended” and weirdly since this has ~allegedly~ become a discussion I’ve been gaining followers in a way I haven’t in ages - could be something else - so like idk besties idk. I’m not saying it’s that but 🤷🏻‍♀️💀
What I will say is if you have actual things you want to discuss with me on like specific things you feel I’m wrong about, I’m always listening. And what I have heard through like rumblings of this little cancellation and being sent vagues and stuff is people don’t like Grammygate discussion (their problem tbh I don’t talk about it that much but lmfao what a mess), and think I’m mean (I’m actually gonna take that on board and try to be nicer and block/delete more like that’s very fair I think I could try be a nicer person online). If there are actual issues then those can be addressed with me directly. That ideally means a DM but if you wanna @ me in a call out like I’ll read it idek where to look for this stuff.
And also if you wanna like vaguepost about me being a mean bitch on your blog fucking aces babe live your best life and genuinely do whatever makes you happiest.
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fairymint-archive · 2 years
🌟Thread Wishlist! 🌟 
1. He needs to practice his spellcasting powers, tbh. Basically, he’s going to learn how to do it, though the teacher may vary. Also, he could learn others’ moves, which could be interesting. 2. His new super strength manifesting sounds funny as fuck. Boy can break rocks, tear down cliffs, and move trees all on accident if he eats well- jdfkdslfj. can’t believe with this and the first plot combined Villager is basically a pokemon now. 3. At some point this boy is gonna flirt blatantly again, it’s been a while- it’s all been super subtle. But, him using the disney princess charm would be funny even platonically. He just owns those femme vibes when he’s in the mood. 4. as a muse, he also needs to catch up in confidence, typically. it’s wibbly wobbly, but he’s even shyer than I am and holds back a shit ton.  also, there’s always stuff he’s not telling people, monologue wise. Mayhaps somebody will confront him sometime. 5. Always trans/LGBT+ stuff. confiding in each other for sure. maybe someday he’ll be Out, we’ll just have to see, but he’d have to be semi-stealth to match IRL. 6. Being chronically ill, he could always use a little care. any kind of help is good help for him, even if he’s not the type to ask. 7. him nerding out. video games come to mind, but he’ll infodump about food, biology, other stuff. 8. seems like the older he gets, the more he has a propensity to love gossip, lmao. This hasn’t happened since he was 9, but of course he’s much........Much more sophisticated now than back then. 9. When it comes down to it though, his true self has a hero complex- so him helping others would be very casually common, just haven’t come up with much lately. 10. Threads with the younger verse always sound fun as hell; whether it’s in the Actual Past, like pre-established, or his younger self running around among his present version due to the power of smash. While there’s some similarities, he’s like an entirely different little person... 11. 1000 self indulgent points go to putting him in a Hot Spring, anytime. that’s probably one of his happiest moments.
1. My muse’s wings are actually in recovery; so writing him flying someday would be a treat.  2. similar story for his ability to read- he originally curses his lacking of it as a death regret, so he did resolve to learn post game. Of course, he’s never going to stop making the joke though, especially since he has ADHD and tends to skim through and make mistakes. 3. This iteration is Actual Cupid baked in so.....could do stuff with that. Sounds like yet another funny meta thing if it has to do with shipping. Otherwise....that greek god vibe. 4. His close friendship with Felix, Samus, and Shulk is defo worth exploring.  5. I would definitely not mind, in some way, giving him his ‘machine gun robot girlfriend’, because that line is funny as fuck and i will applaud the good taste there. 6. I write his goofy side so often, but he is actually pretty serious in game. A capable captain indeed...
Robin (male)
1. totally cannot wait to make Chrobin canon on the blog, once we get the voice lines and we know how they work canonically. We only have a single special attack line to go off of, and those are usually the cheesy lines anyways, unlike tap and confession lines. So, definitely up for that shit and adjacent threads starting next week. 2. He needs more friends, lol. Poor dude self isolates/self ostracizes himself-- 3. I also haven’t gotten much into the bookworm aspect. 4. Robin would well adjust to modern commodities and concepts- but the reaction would still be funny. I just love Robin’s reactions in general, my muse is just so easily surprised- 5. it seems that Robin is taking a real interest in cooking lately; it’s an immensely helpful life skill, and especially post-war he has the time and energy to actually practice it immaculately. Whether for friends, or because of his crush on Felix, who has a special interest in food.
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zosonils · 2 years
hello 😱🤝🤷‍♀️🎵🐺 for rhythm man i want to kiss him so badly
😱 [any fears?] - he absolutely hates white noise or similar sounds without any rhyme or reason to them. since his purpose is to analyse audio to find patterns or muffled sounds within it, he tends to panic if he's listening to something that he can't pick anything distinct out of because it makes him paranoid that he might not be working properly. there's also the fact that psychic cry [which he's weak to] is just a blast of white noise at a frequency strong enough to damage his internal components, which after everything is over and done with upgrades the discomfort and paranoia into actual fear
🤝 [approach to intimacy?] - as friendly as he is casually, he actually gets pretty nervous around legitimate emotional intimacy - he kinda puts up this front of hey it's ya boy rhythm i'm fine no undiagnosed adhd here just your cool pal rhythm man being totally cool and normal, and he struggles to be honest about his real feelings if they're anything less than cheerful and relaxed. he definitely appreciates getting the opportunity to be emotionally intimate! it's just quite a way out of his comfort zone and he doesn't really know how to approach it
as for physical intimacy, he's fine with it so long as it's on the casual side! it's worth noting that he's aroace and a little put off by the thought of romance in general, so anything with overtly romantic vibes is gonna freak him out a bit and lead to him shutting down the interaction fairly quickly, but he's super chill with physical affection between friends! he would accept your kiss if it is a strictly platonic one on the cheek
🤷‍♀️ [approach to strangers compared to friends?] - rhythm's default course of action is to be nice to everyone he meets, so he acts about the same way around strangers as he does around people he actually knows. once he's gotten to know someone more personally, though, he starts to pick up on what makes them laugh or feel comfortable around him and develop inside jokes, and adjusts his approach to specific people accordingly. he's also more likely to try and suppress his jokey attitude around strangers who intimidate him for whatever reason, but given time he'll either relax into how he normally acts or at least figure out where he can push the envelope and dare to be a little snarky
🎵 [songs associated with them?] - ain't nothing like a funky beat is my theme claim for him! by extension i think hideki naganuma's composition style fits rhythm man really well - i haven't actually listened to any jsr music yet, but i'm intimately familiar with the sonic rush and rush adventure soundtracks, and i think the combination of banging drum beats and basslines with crunchy vocal samples fits him so well
🐺 [thoughts on being alone?] - he likes being alone but hates being lonely, if that makes sense. rhythm definitely likes and needs to have time to himself sometimes; it gets tiring for him to maintain the high-energy cheerful personality at full blast all the time, and he's at his happiest when he's just chilling out by himself making music or playing video games and not worrying about his job or what people think of him. on the other hand, he really craves validation and wants to feel emotionally connected with people, so there's a delicate balance for him to maintain between having enough time alone to recharge his [metaphorical] social battery without getting isolated and sad. his success at maintaining said balance varies
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likeadevils · 3 years
hey! for your post about sun moon and rising but with taylor albums, can you list out the characteristics of each album? i'm having a hard time associating them and it'd make it a lot easier, if you could do that :)
oh totally! Its really all about your personal association, so i’ll give vibes for the era and the album. a good rule of thumb is to read the prologue if you want the tone for the era quickly. honestly, there’s no set system, go wild
taylor swift (2006) “debut”
era: blue and teal and brown. cowboy boots and sundresses, wild curly hair, trucks and mud and wildflowers. very 2006, very high school, very country
album: swings between pining from a distance and wanting to destroy a boys whole ass life and feeling like you have no friends and no one understands you in the whole world. like I said, very high school, but also full of whole ass bangers
fearless (2008)
era: yellow and white. 24/7 prom. she’s got the fairy tale aesthetics set in high school, she’s got calling your ex boyfriend out on national television, she's got so many headbands. god to be 8 years old when the joe jonas/taylor swift drama was going down
album: again, fairy tale set in high school. lots of crushes, lots of realizing men aren’t shit. it’s about the pull between childhood ideals and real life tearing them down, and deciding how much you should cling to your dreams and how much you have to let them go. it’s also a pull between knowing that these little moments are kinda ridiculous but also taking everything so goddamn seriously
speak now (2010)
era: purple purple purple. she’s starting to grow up! her look has evolved out of sundresses and prom dresses and into a more preppy style. she’s moved out of fantasy and into this like. circus aesthetic? 30s movie type thing? watch the mean music video, idk how to explain it. her hair is still curly and but under control, and she’s solidly Famous at this point. the idea that she can’t sing is Big, and the man-eater stereotype is starting to get popular 
album: she’s starting to grow out of country. she’s experimenting with rock, but her pop sound is starting to take off. it’s all about Dramatics: she’s experienced her first heartbreak, broke someone else’s heart, and was in an emotionally abusive relationship all within two years. she’s moved out of her parents house and is both infantilized and forced to grow up to fast by the media.
red (2012)
era: its 2012 hipster style. her hair is Straight and she’s wearing vintage dresses everywhere, and she’s posting sketches of red lips and quotes from fitzgerald about heartbreak and finding yourself on instagram. she is dating and breaking up with harry styles Very Publically, and its the last major relationship she’ll have for two more years. the idea that she dates to much is everywhere, and she’s being slut shamed to an insane degree, while also being dismissed as a goody-two-shoes
album: it’s designed so each song has the opposite emotions of the song before it. it’s dramatic and it’s heart wrenching and it portrays these relationships that were toxic and messy and captivating. has the last vestiges of country, some more rock, and the first pure Pop songs, all nestled against each other to give you the epic highs and lows of being 22
1989 (2014)
era: its the height of her stardom, and she’s more beloved then she’s ever been and (probably) will ever be again. she’s cut her hair and moved to New York, she’s wearing high waisted stuff and taking polaroids, and she’s been single for two years and it’s has given her the freedom to find a “tight” group of friends and herself. shes talking about third wave feminism all the time, she’s papped every day, and she started dating c*lvin h*rris; they date for a year, he was the first boyfriend to be posted on social media, and the one she was with the longest (until her current bf). publically, she’s the happiest and most successful she’s ever been. personally, it’s more complicated, especially by the last few months. “she lost him, but she found herself and somehow that was everything” and “from the girl who said she would never cut her hair or move to new york or find happiness in a world where she wasn't in love”
album: single handedly brings 80s pop into the mainstream. (like seriously, her only contemporary influence is lana del rey, and even that is only on a few tracks. listening to this when it came out was a religious experience). it sounds basic now but only because she influenced all of the pop music that came after her. its also her first sonically cohesive album since fearless. subject matter wise, its very 80s movie. it’s the first album without a break up song that ruins a man's whole career— no cold as you, dear john, or all too well type. the relationship is on and off again, but more muted and mature then the tumultuous ones portrayed on red. its very star crossed; two people who just can’t find the right time. she’s also writing about how fame has affected her— blank space, shake it off, and i know places all directly reference it, but the idea that the whole world is watching is woven all throughout the album
bleachella (2016) 
this isn't an album but its definitely an era
taylor has become so oversaturated that people are starting to turn on her, and her mental health is suffering. her relationship with c*lvin h*rris is falling apart, she's changing her hair every couple of moths (most notably she bleaches it, and goes to coachella. so like bleachella), and then all of a sudden The Phone Call happens. kim and kanye release edited footage of a phone call that makes it seem like taylor swift is a liar who intentionally plays the victim to stay in the public’s good graces, and the world pounces on it. between that and the idea that her friend group is super cliche-y and exclusionary, her reputation is ruined and she goes in hiding for months. before going into hiding though, she breaks it off with c*lvin (he throws a FIT on twitter) and starts a whirlwind romance with tom hiddleston that includes them flying all over the world on vacations and meeting each others parents super quickly. this all happens in one summer.
reputation (2017)
era: black and white and gold. very edgy, very rich, lots of snakes and casual wealth. there’s the aesthetic of her being very hurt and defensive and lashing out, but the reality of her being the happiest she’s ever been. she’s still famous, but she’s learned how to have a private life and healthy relationships. the tough times have shown her who and what’s important to her
album: pretty much that. the first half is brash and bombastic and playing off what people expect her to be like, how they expect her to fall in and out of love quickly and manipulate those around her to see her as a good person (while exploring sounds that no one expected her to explore) and the second half slows it down and shows her falling in love more explicitly and sweetly and under cover. “in the death of her reputation she felt truly alive” and “finding love through all the noise”
lover (2019)
era: bright pink and pastels and bright colors and happiness and butterflies!! she’s in love and beloved by the general public again, but all of her past albums have been stolen from her by a man she thought she could trust. sadly cut off short by covid. “step into the daylight and let it go”
album: her messiest album (sonically) since red. a popular saying when it first came out was that it had the writing of speak now but the sound of 1989, which is... understandable? its the kind of thing you have to form your own opinion on. it’s on the surface all bubblegum pop and being in love, but it has some of the absolute saddest songs of her entire discography. a 18 song long rollercoaster
folklore and evermore
preface: these are definitely two separate albums and there’s a definitely a difference but this girl has so many albums and it’s taken me an hour to answer this ask and it’s 1am right now so i’m gonna smush them together. go listen to them, and we’re in the era right now
eras: it been covid so all we’ve got are a couple performances and the album visuals. cottagecore, a return to the small town setting of her first two albums, very understated and timeless. one noteworthy element is that both albums were surprise releases (especially after lover had almost a year of build up that kinda worked against it). she’s reached a level of artistic respect that she’s never had
albums: folklore is a level of sonic and thematic cohesion comparable to 1989, as well as having a similar feeling of like. oh god we’ve been waiting for you to make an album like this for years and you’ve still exceeded every exception and made it surprising. evermore is mostly a continuation of its sound, though it’s a bit more experimental. both albums are incredibly mature, and move into non-autobiographical storytelling for most of the songs. it’s easy to build your own world based on one or both of the albums. their main themes are also mostly divorced from relationships, and more tied to personal identity and mental state (though there is quite a bit about divorce and heartbreak in both)
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