#it's higher education it's a thing you pursue not a condition you experience what?? what do you think is going on here
lefthandofscaevola · 9 months
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I see the point yet reminds me of when a guy told me I was imposing punitive instead of restorative justice when I said he couldn't be listed as co-editor on a publication he hadn't worked on for four months
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talisidekick · 2 years
Why Signs Showing Safe Binding for Children/Teens Is A Good Thing
Yes, this is going to stir some TERF's, gender criticals, rad-fems, and other transphobes into a bit of a frothing and angry mess, but good, because it needs to be said.
First off, no one is trying to tell your cisgender kid to bind. Signs that give steps for careful binding for under age teens or children just entering puberty aren't for cisgender kids.
What they are is informational posters for transgender and questioning kids that do bind and may be looking at binding products without a lot of information because of a lack of social support from their family or community. To re-state: No-one wants to encourage your cisgender kid to try binding.
Ideally, the solution that is the best is puberty blockers until the child or teenager has had time to consider how they feel about life. Puberty blockers are harmless, and allow any person on them to either pursue HRT at a later date (when they can sufficiently make an informed decision themself, or get approval earlier after lengthy psychological evaluation), or resume natural puberty later on in life. Whichever the individual lands on. Base point of this paragraph: easy access to transgender medical care via informed consent is necessary and the best solution, not bureaucratic hoops.
However, since many countries, and parts of other countries have decided the high rate of suicide amongst transgender and queer kids is an acceptable loss for the 'protection of cisgender children' in a situation (or situations) where cisgender children have never been at any sizeable risk, many transgender children and adults will take up the practice of binding. Why? Because they've been given no other option either by family, society, or due to a financial barrier.
So back to: why are these signs good? Because it means those binding who are unaware of the long term effects of it can be informed ideally bind a little more safely in a situation where it's their only option to be themselves. It's not propaganda for cisgender children or adults to be turned or fooled into being transgender, but rather to stop trans children and adults from causing extreme long term damage to themselves. Ideally, the best solution is to eliminate the need to bind at all; by providing sufficient medical care for a documented issue with literally decades of study behind it, and a satisfaction rate (99%~) higher than that of knee surgery (85%~); a practice that despite the amount of surgery's performed that end up leaving dissatisfaction in the resulting situation of the patient, no one seems to have a single issue about.
But I can already hear the argument coming of "what about those cisgender few that DO end up thinking they're transgender but aren't, that would bind or try transitioning?" And I'll give you three answers to that:
What about the transgender adults and children that commit suicide when sufficient medical and social care isn't provided? Are their lives worth less?
This also isn't a question that actually supports NOT having transgender care or information on it publicly available, but one that supports having more knowledge and psychological study being done on transgender care, the overlap of other medical conditions, and the easy access and publication of that information for the education of children and adults. Why? So adults, parents, and their children can understand more about transition and transgender peoples situation and make informed decisions with the aid of well trained and knowledgeable medical professionals who are supportive in helping the child make the right decision for them.
The number of cisgender folk that do unfortunately get lead to believe they are transgender and attempt transition is exceptionally small, and can be further reduced with the accurate publication and easy access to education on transition, transgender experiences, and possibly overlapping medical conditions as discussed in answer two (2) above. This doesn't mean stricter psychological requirements, but rather, more easily obtainable factual public information.
The end point to this: binding posters help transgender kids and adults reduce the level of harm to themselves in situations where the ideal options aren't available to them/have been deliberately removed to harm them.
If you are against these kinds of posters, that means you're for the deliberate harm of transgender and queer children and adults, not the protection of cisgender people.
You're just out to cause harm, and if you dislike that fact, perhaps consider what you could be doing instead to HELP without harming other people in the process.
Every person on earth is capable of good, but the line between doing good by causing evil for others, and doing good for all is a thin one. Make sure you're on the right side of it. Always double check. Transgender people need help being themselves, and ideally if we can eliminate any chance of cisgender folk thinking they too might be transgender, that's the goal. But one should never be at the cost of anothers life. Cisgender people aren't 'first' and transgender 'second', we're equal, we're all just people. Denying transgender people the care they need causes deaths. Lets all do better. Let us make sure transgender adults can live long productive lives in society as their true selves, and transgender children can make it past graduation.
Bind safely. The signs are there to help.
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shraddhamatre · 1 month
How to Pass the GATE Mechanical Engineering Exam: A Methodical Approach
One of the most prominent tests for engineering graduates in India is the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE). The Mechanical Engineering (ME) paper stands out among its many fields because of its widespread appeal and the numerous chances it provides for pursuing higher education and advancing one's career. The GATE Mechanical Engineering test is an essential step towards being hired at prestigious PSUs or getting into prestigious universities like IITs and IISc.
Comprehending the Exam's Structure The GATE Mechanical Engineering exam measures a candidate's comprehension of fundamental mechanical ideas and their practical application. Multiple-choice (MCQ), numerical answer type (NAT), and multiple select (MSQ) questions are all included in the test. These inquiries address a wide range of subjects, such as:
1) Engineering Mathematics: A foundational subject that covers linear algebra, calculus, differential equations, and probability.
2) Applied Mechanics and Design: Topics like engineering mechanics, strength of materials, and theory of machines fall under this category.
3) Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences: This section tests knowledge in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and applications like refrigeration and air conditioning.
4) Materials, Manufacturing, and Industrial Engineering: Topics like manufacturing processes, materials science, and operations research are covered here.
Tips for Strategic Preparation Understand the Foundations:
 In the field of mechanical engineering, a solid foundation is essential. Rather than only learning formulas, concentrate on comprehending the underlying ideas. To address complicated issues, subjects like fluid mechanics and thermodynamics require conceptual clarity. Sort High-Weight things into Priorities: The GATE test weights things differently. Examine past years' publications to pinpoint topics with a lot of weight, such as manufacturing processes, fluid mechanics, and thermodynamics. Give these subjects top priority when you're preparing to get the best results.
Practice Numerical Problems: A thorough comprehension of topics is necessary to answer the numerical problems in the GATE test. To increase the accuracy and speed of your problem-solving, practice a range of numerical puzzles. Because there is no negative marking on NAT questions, they are very significant.
Take Mock Tests Frequently: Mock tests are crucial for determining your level of readiness. They assist you in becoming acquainted with the format of the test and in efficiently allocating your time when taking it. Examine your answers to these exams to see where you may improve.
Edit Frequently: Editing is essential to remembering what you've learnt. For easy review, make brief notes and summaries of every subject. Frequent revision sessions can help you retain the information and strengthen your comprehension of the material. Keep Up with Syllabus Updates: The GATE syllabus occasionally experiences small revisions. Make sure you stay informed about any changes or additions to the curriculum so you can modify your study schedule appropriately.
Keep a Healthy Schedule: Although long study sessions are vital, it's just as necessary to keep up a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you consume a balanced diet, get adequate sleep, and take quick breaks to clear your head. Maintaining a healthy habit can help you stay motivated and concentrated while you prepare.
In summary
The GATE Mechanical Engineering test is a difficult but worthwhile undertaking. Through a methodical approach to studying, perseverance, and regular practice, you can ace the test and get access to a plethora of career and educational prospects. Recall that smart effort is just as important to success in GATE as hard labor. To reach your objective, concentrate on comprehending ideas, practicing frequently, and sustaining a well-balanced schedule.
Start Your Preparation With: https://gameacademy.in/ / https://clppenny.page.link/cTBm
Recommended: https://www.youtube.com/@gblions / https://www.youtube.com/@gblionsaeje 
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dav-ing-blog · 1 month
journal 05 06/2024
June 12 2024, 1: 59 PM
People start off under the assumption that when you are good/ capable and talented, you will live a confident and fulfilling life. But this is more complicated than that. Lots talented people not knowing they are talented. or rather everyone are talented if they discover the truth, the truth that allows our uniqueness to be expressed. The confusion is not that they are not relatively smart, but in what realm he finds himself in that his talent gets affirmation.
June 12 2024, 1:33 PM
The less intelligent mass may be conducting themselves aligned with values like Pyae Phyo Aung said their people don’t kill rat/ life. But they are not doing it because they feel love for anything that is life. They are doing it because of tradition or social conditioning, what he has been brought up to know how to conduct his life. Within this there is motive not to upset the social norm, to keep oneself in good book of others. Tradition and culture is for consumption of less intelligent mass. 
June 12 2024, 10:21 AM 
To win over a highly intellectual person is easier for me than the many years trying to win over yawen. For her I have to come down to her level and always found myself in situation of befuddlement, lack of inner consistency, self doubt that my way is connected higher source. 
June 12 2024, 10:17 AM
Social voice would push you to accept your situation in the name of well behave and not be a trouble maker. Actions you take decision you make in your longing for life, would be seen as misbehavior. Social voice in a way ask you not to live. 
We tend to explain historical events and stop at some individual as The Cause, as if without him, it would not happen. Take cultural revolution for example, the notion of negating education. It is the 4 bad persons and perhaps Mao too. we get better to the truth if we see from the perspective of the dynamic of human collective knowing, the sense of uncertainty and suspicion to the notion of learning (exclude science), the meaninglessness of life after all
June 12 2024 8:41 AM
Spark of truth comes, and if I don’t it down I won’t be able to recall it in just matter of 10s of seconds. The reality we inhabit is more akin to a pool with each concepts we hold dear to the h2o molecule. Language gives things and concepts we can concur a name, such as “blue”, immediately we see it (the blue sensation) differently. We come under illusion we command it, we understand it, because we get affirmation from others who concur with is blue, the sensation, the name the language assign to it, the image of its spelling, its pronunciation, we are deluded that we know the reality. It is inevitable that spark of truth slips through us within seconds, because each of the h2o molecule in the pool are hard to differential, there is no “handle” to identify it, and they are vast. 
Shallow listener has tendency to seek out conclusion if the experience you are sharing is good or bad. The truth it is neither good nor bad. 
Jun 12, 2024, 2:12 PM 
I realise many seemingly successful life are averagely intelligent people who live by the social notion of success. And it is this kind of drive in life that these men attract girls. The attractive girls seems to filter out complicated nature of human psyche and opt for a notion of reality that is sanitized and cut for what others are capable to understand. The part of our soul that no one seems to be able to understand are deemed as not real. This is especially prevalent in Malaysian society. People tends to be on the lookout for others for clue what life is about, what is the reality we are experiencing and they seems have be so certain they have the answers, because they sanities it, they assume only that tangible part that is socially agreeable is real. Others are not. The net result is the pursue wealth and physical beauty.
Jun 12, 10:56 AM
The problem with average middle class worldview that center around pursuit of wealth, is  that we enter a realm where it affects our ability to transcend it. In simple words we tend to be nervous, shy, lose of confidence in face of higher statue people or wealth. 
Jun 12, 8:17 AM
It is not to say that the imposing building is not real, no doubt it is human construct, but it is real. But this is more complicated than that. What is not real is not sense we perceive by it, the imposing feeling that kills your confidence, when your confidence is built on existentialism. 
Jun 11, 5:03 PM
if you see life without conceptions, you see effect of time on life, and it is kind of automatic you feel love, be it for animal or human 
Jun 11, 10:57 AM
To succumb to temptation of food is where we get it wrong about when and where we should live the moment. To be tempted by pleasure of food is our failure to see that the pleasure is short lived. It has not future value. In fact to live as if this is the moment you have, is about future well being, is about overall well being of your life, it is because you yearn for a life of well being. It is it a form of hedonism. Pleasure of food or other types are hedonism. 
Saw the dragon boat race with fat senior age untie beating gongs enjoying themselves. I suspect that at high level of movement of collective human psyche, the china in 19th century was kind of allowing choosing suffering without them realizing it. it is partly the invasion of the British and western imperialism but to small extend they chose suffering, as too much of comfort is meaningless and makes one’s life empty. In this modern peace time abundance of wealth to be around for everyone, we come to a sense that comfort for many people is so empty and meaningless. What is it so good to be rich? 
Jun 11, 10:31 AM
We tend to be either full of willpower or less so. If we do or we don’t, we extend this to everything. This is where the problem starts. It got to be selective. If you are so determined to pursue a partner (which is where you need to let go and leave it to determinism, that we lack free will in this aspect), why aren’t you use your willpower to keep yourself fit? 
jun 11, 2024, 9:38 AM 
You see it means you act it out. One does not commit evil because he simply does not see it. One who is extremely objective or pride himself to be objective, risk seeing the negative side of things and inadvertently acting it out.
People who are living in conflict and with much positive assertion, will appear as pretentious.
On one hand I am aware the human society establishment is just human creation, that gives me a sense of self that is connected to something larger. On the other hand we are psychologically pulled into the nervousness of gigantic establishment such as its imposing office, the statue of its celebrated leaders, etc. in face with them I can not help but be nervous. I would think that the imposing statue in a way is a lie. The truth is still the human existence from which any construction and establishment can start. The nervousness is not the truth, it is a result of mental projection. 
I tend to drop easily into that mental images, that is where mental habit change and meditation is required. To internalize with crystallized clarity that human exist first before everything else, and how the false mental projection works.
We must also realize that a lot of other people acquire their sense of confidence from the sheer weight of the establishment they are affiliated to. They may not be pulled into your nuanced way of socializing, have the confidence to stand for himself, because of the weight of social system where one is part of (said for example china or western culture).
The wealthy Chinese senior age lady at immigration asked me to help her fill up the form and ended with saying “Kan En” (gratitude). I spontaneously responded with non reply, I largely feel this is another one with positive assertion approach to life, and she likely is not one that will be grateful when pushed situation changed.
We should speak only to lighten social atmosphere. Not to speak to glean for unimportant information, confusing that as what socializing skill is all about.
When one fully comprehend the working of economics, how our collective economic behavior swift and how even our seemingly permanent nature such as desire for wealth and fame, can swift with larger nuance of environmentalism. If we probe deeper we realize this consistent with Sartre kind of existentialism, the lack of essence prior to existence. 
If you are born prince  George, you will have no need to positively assert yourself to be friendly, for example. I notice an uncle in the immigration queue are chatting, curious, and helpful to others, and it appears to be that he is not inherently curious or friendly, it is a positive assertion. I realize one should speak only to lighten the mood of others, as a form of kindness, not curious about things and asking unimportant matters as a way to obscure one’s struggle with social skill.
With that understanding of economics and human collective change in behavior and value system, we see the mechanism of influence and how we come to behave as we are.
Jun 11, 7:05 AM
People feel intuitively repulsive if your confidence is rested on anything, any idea or concepts. Even though the concept seems to describe the truth correctly. That is why people don’t like others who speak too much of life wisdom. To speak about it is a way to gain confidence in the process and it seems that this man is confident because he ignorantly thinks he got into the right concept. We intuitively know the right way (or rather there is no right way) is one that one connect to the source, the truth.
Jun 10, 2:13 PM 
People get what to approach with self care wrong. while we need to live for the moment, not engaging in mindless desire that is equivalent to living for future gain, which is illusive. on the other hand, when it comes to one need to delay gratification for future fitness, one engage in food pleasure and binging. it is ironic. the delay gratification truly has future value, in that it gives you fitness, physical and social well being. in that aspect we should live for future. but people simply get it wrong when they can not quite see it that indulging in desire is a form of living for future gain that is illusive. it is unlike physical fitness. 
One need to be able embrace the uniqueness of oneself. We tend to incline towards uniformity in modern society. we are living without concept of what is going on, why is there this living, this consciousness. nobody knows and nobody tells us. we fill the void with our various thoughts about it, these are concepts, primarily among them is we start looking around to others for clue,and we expect that what others can do, we too must be able to. this is practical and is not wrong to most extend, but this is at the heart of our human problem. we commoditise human being. it all starts with the unknown nature of existence, and every steps we take from there simply leads us to misery. every generation revered people in every discipline becomes memorable because they allow what is uniquely themselves to be discovered and flourish. they have the gut to be themselves, and accept that in some aspect they are not comparable. they may not for example become famous, become wealthy. 
you can only feel love is your mind is devoid of concepts and you are connected to the raw facts of human being, the yearning, longing for life, pain and suffering.
Jun 9, 8:15 PM
as i am talking to the kids after noticing mood problems at home, they are feeling some pain from my messages. but pain is good. pain is when the shell of your understanding is cracked. 
Jun 9, 8:08 PM
learning is a learned skill. if you read a couple of books, reading becomes easy, becomes familiar experience. you will be lack of resistance towards it. just like after listening to online lecture presentation for the cidb, i found myself becomes familiar when i listen to the AI deep learning video from desmond. there is no fear that produce resistance that typical confront me when i try something unknown. 
Jun 9, 2:26 PM
the biggest challenge to become successful for most people is to overcome the predisposed conception in way of thinking, and watching others who are successful such as jensen huang, i notice a few pattern and social capability which seems to me a challenge to emulate. this is only difficult because of the pre-existing pattern or mindset or mental habit in me. i can imagine to some people, doing what he does, such as socially confident, never fall into awkward situation, embarrassing quiet or inability to reply, are such a non issue for him. this is a matter of our consciousness. we are inflicted with consciousness that counter our social ability. we are in a situation we need first to reverse the pre-existing problem before we can start doing what jensen does. this goes to show that to learn any skill, the first thing to do is to start without any conception. remove pre-existing conceptions, pretend like a baby and dumb person. all skill learning should pretty straight forward and easy to acquire, looked from the perspective of people for example jensen children. it is just common sense thing. 
Jun 9, 9:28 AM 
People suffer because they don’t realize the nature of the consciousness we inhabit. We see that us ours against others. We are not good, we desire something others don’t have. dave feels the pain that he found himself living for the future. He sees it as his failure but fail to see in that complex mess of consciousness, he simply inherit it. Yawen father are just the same. Living for future event and fail to realize he does that.
Jun 9, 9:01 AM
People who use positive assertion has in them lack of intellectual confidence, lack of confidence that they can actually fully comprehend the concept, and lack of desire for truth, and has higher tolerance for lies. They accept that even if this positive assertion is a lie, it is ok as long as it achieve her desired outcome. The negate all concepts, one will arrive at truth. 
Jun 9, 8:20 AM
If whole mystic experience of life that we keep being proven wrong, is much like the myth of monkey king in Buddha palm. we may feel we have the truth, only to be upended and feel like the truth is dissolved when we rise above the perspective in life. From the larger perspective of life, a lot of truth are dissolved, even the biggest worldly success. We live in magnified sense, as if that is everything life is about. Even with much social approval and affirmation from establishment, they do not quite represent truth. Such as an entrepreneur engage thoroughly in his business effort, this is his world, but the truth is the world is larger than each life. One day we will come to realize it. It all boils down to fact that the life is meaningless in nature. When I was engaged deeply with the Sabah court case, I was in a sense feeling that it is the world for me. Losing it is like the end of the world. I was like the monkey king in the Buddha palm. 
Jun 9, 8:01 AM 
If the Mandurah doctors form judgment of any simple type about my marital problem with Yawen, that only shows they’re lacking in worldview and they’re simplistic. A life as long as it is, so many years passed, the truth of the marital problem can not be what is being framed as this husband refuse to talk to the wife, he change heart, he blames, and that is. That is simplistic. 
Jun 9, 7:50 AM
Fearful people live a life of duty, and call it faith. It is as if fulfillment is at the end of duty, as if this is life all about. 
 Jun 9, 7:25 AM 
Time heals because time let truth sinks in. The fact that time let truth sinks in, it also means time makes us no longer obsessed with our experience to at we magnified as if it is life, as if it is end of the world, or even for sense of euphoria or pride of achievement. People tend to reminisce on moment of glory as if life ends there, as if one already has lived. Truth sinks in that that achievement is no truth anyway, in the face of truth of life. One’s glory in one occasion does not represent all future success. The pride has no future value. One is still subject to possibility of failure in future time. But we live as if that achievement is all about life. They are not. The truth of life that sinks in is that there is no end to life. This includes dating and marriage, which people mistook as all life is about. They don’t see life is a process. 
Jun 8, 9:01 PM
listening to american speaking in jensen huang and morris chang conversation, i realise they do not have fear or nervousness. anyone with nervousness is acquired social consciousness. it does not belong to us. our nervousness is triggered by thought in form of images we dont create. 
Jun 8, 8:32 PM
it is when we step outside to construct a life and tick checkbox that we suffer pain of failure and misery. once you internalise the worldview that life is only this moment, even when you are in middle of misery, this moment is not miserable. this comment can not be pain, this moment knows no suffering, or pain 
Jun 8, 7:56 PM 
People who are too eager to improve and obsessed about self improvement, can not even listen to joke. Listening to joke is not about enjoying it, but to glean secret of being funny. The art is taken so seriously. Much like at one time Singapore troubled with not matching Hong Kong in art and drama, vow to take art seriously.
Jun 8, 1:57 PM 
the problem with many people is that the have not firmed and coherent and deeply integrated concept that they are living now, they are existing now. without this they lack a foundation to ground on in self image, and tend to see themselves as non existing, minimising self worth, unsure of why one should be confident in the split second of spontaneity in social interaction. their confidence, if at times the have, is rooted on talent or material wealth, not direct self worth. 
menu is not meal, such an analogue is wide and deep. to live for wealth and talent, material success, is to confuse menu with meal. the wealth (menu) becomes the source that feeds one's self worth, instead of the self worth from our mere existence and life (meal). the menu version that feeds confidence, is conditional. 
Jun 8, 2024, 12:40 PM 
Dave should not misunderstanding what I said and skew toward winning over people. While on one hand we want to be ourselves, we start to form concept that to be ourselves means likable, then we step too much ahead and now start to pursue winning over people. It is overdone. To be ourselves and to be truly living does not necessarily mean you are likable. But most likely you will be. 
Jun 8, 2024, 12:13 PM
if the dr friend from rockingham clinic prejudge me with negativity, that i am wrong, whatever she heard about my relationship with yawen, that only shows she is shallow in her worldview. if anyone has deeper worldview of life, one see different thing from what one see at lower level. at lower level one follow the social convention, follow what respectable people and majority said is the right way of conducting life. at higher level, one realise one wants has longing for life, that means one wants to experience the beauty of it and beautiful love. this may at times come at odds with the social convention. shallow minded people lack ability to see deeper into this. 
Jun 8, 10:41 AM
I got trapped by the wrong notion that any random can be kind and good, partly because I judge based on the superficial, such as Yawen would stop me from throwing rubbish, kind to others all these behavior only when convenient and take place at conscious / cognitive level/ calculated level. 
Jun 8, 10:18 AM
To say that the choice less awareness is one with movement of attention, is spiritual. The net result is one show up as able to be socially vulnerable, which is what psychology covers.
We can only describe the “landscape” of truth. It can not be put in a statement. The correct description will convey to listeners a sense of consistency with reality we live in.
Jun 8, 7:16 AM
If you are able to resolve much of your psychological problem, it has its roots at what you think or define as yourself. To stop yourself from engaging in the desirous thought, one realize the self is the moment, not the future. To be able to manifest a sense of confidence without get entangled by said for example your wife psychological lacking, means to be able to see that that is not yourself, despite she is your wife. 
Jun 7, 1:58 PM
Fearful people has the tendency to live by ticking checklist. they fear the mystery and uncertainty of living, and always in the state of mind to wonder is that already enough to get to live a fulfilling life. They approach life reservedly. As such they are likely to only do enough to product the menu but not the foods, tick the checkboxes but not the living.
Jun 7, 1:23 PM
People who are lackluster and lack of depth, likely end up living as if menu is the meal, Facebook profile is your life, likely step out to construct a nice life. to truly enter the realm of living means energy and depth is required. The Malays with the general characteristic of lacking in enthusiasm towards life, are likely putting in effort enough to produce the menu but not cooking foods, so to speak. To step to construct a nice life is easy way, even though you put in great effort to tick all the beautiful boxes, doctors, wealth, etc. it is depth of understanding that one arrive at the consciousness of truly living life. To follow the socially available path of life (by seeing what others are doing, without thinking deeply ourselves), one arrive at notion of wealth pursuit and ticking the boxes. 
Jun 7, 2024, 12:00 PM
If you understand the nature of desire, you will kind of see it as not being you. The desire is not you. Thus self care is abandoning desire. 
Jun 7, 10:33 AM
I should ask dawn to reflect on her conversation with Sidney where I notice she JS completely at ease, and she should reflect whether it is true that at the time of chatting like this, one’s awareness is choicelessly Tailong the movement of your attention. It is true this reflection that we extend this good mastery and completely master the skill. 
Jun 7, 9:38 AM
Why does time heal? It is not time heal. Time allow truth to sink in without us realizing it. This goes to show the nature of truth. The truth is always larger in context, is about existentialism and is connected to the reality of being alive. 
Jun 7, 2024, 8:06 AM
It is an illusion that any random girls are always good. I just fall for it all my life. It is not that these girls don’t have at all the quality of goodness, but they attach condition to it. And if she is banal, she get lose of how much she has misuse her conditioning. 
Jun 6, 10:47 PM
People just wrongly think they need to be kind to everyone, otherwise he is being inauthentic. That is the confusion. It is not so. You can be unkind yet authentic. You can be kind yet inauthentic.
The point about stepping aside to construct a beautiful life, is just like one living for the beautiful Facebook profile. They confuse the Facebook profile as real life. It is just like menu is not meal.
To achieve oneness of choiceless awareness and movement of attention, it also means one surrender desire. Desire to impress people with planned words are example the attention is separated from awarenesss.
We fall for people only because we fail to see there is aspect of them that is disgusting. It must be under some fantasy that we think we fall in love, as if that is savior of life. It is likely irrational action. If during the time we fall in love, we imagine any aspect of this person that is ugly, disgusting, it will kill the fantasy. even if your attention is at body of a person, which are many aspects of disgusting stuffs such as fat wrapping the organs. That would also kills any fantasy of physical beauty. We are simply oblivion to it when we fall for it.
If one being fully himself, and fully embracing himself, whatever he does, social talking or interaction with stranger, it is not a skill, it is just natural thing and there is absolutely no reason to lose confidence or feel awkward. Only injured people has this notion that talking can be stressful, potentially tripping and embarrassing oneself, thus losing confidence before doing it.
If your understanding and source of consciousness is starting from the experiencing the profound mystery of life, you will find yourself in the state of mind that you embrace yourself fully, good or bad. The ugly past of yourself etc.
To be experience the mystery of life, and embracing oneself, also means elimination of lies. Why do you need lies and manipulation if you are not alive to win over people.
If you are living for future fulfillment, you see admiration character in strangers you will find yourself can not help but keep dragging to steal a watch. In watching you are filled with envy. In self care you realize you don’t want to destroy this moment.  Despite that being admirable, your awareness is drawn to this admiration and envy in you.
So to be socially skillful, it is not something you learn, some tactic and doing you pick up from others. It is more like being that self that you fully embrace.
Alex Thng can not help but keep addicted to watching my talking and interaction with others. He is not mindful that at that instance he is filled with envy. A mature person with self care would wonder why one wants to be torturing oneself with that psychological pain. Someone a person who think life is about achieving and comparing, can not help but get drawn to watching it non stop despite the pain.
Not living the moment is related to obsessive desire. Desire is about future gain. People mindlessly desire something and becomes obsessive about it. They can not help to suffer the torture of the moment to yearn for that future gain.
What we can not help but keep wanting to catch a watch is not only attractive person but is whatever you yearn for in life. I notice in aeroplane there is this senior age couple being healthily connected and I can not help but want to catch a look of the wife. It is the desire that we are drawn to. It is a state of mind that postpone living for future gain that we desire.
I reflect on conversation with the Perth cement plant engineer from Malaysia during the dinner, I see that to be able to converse naturally, one need to have the courage to totally let go, let the thought to come to you instead of you creating them, have the courage to receive whatever may come like deng gong put it to president LIEW Shaoqi. It is a state that one does not force attention, but let attention to move with one’s awareness.
If not because we have many concepts in the mind, we would be able to learn so much faster. Much of the thing about learning is to sort out the mistaken concepts in our mind. To finally understand something most of the time is about realising that the old concepts in us is wrong.
Jun 6, 10:43 PM
Kindness is a good business strategy. It should be viewed not as something inherent in you. Meaning you don’t pretend you are kind to everyone. Then we need to be authentic, not faking. that may seems to be contradictory, but they are at different levels. Even when we are unkind to people, we can be authentic, even when we are kind to people, we can be inauthentic. 
Jun 6, 6:57 AM 
Yawen is lost of what life actually is. That is why she alternate between physical need, her desire and ego and then the law. To live is to negate social conditioning, to negate the laws. To negate the law one needs to know the spirit of law, the nature and characteristic of it, as opposed to fearing it deep inside you. 
Jun 5, 5:57 PM 
I think we acquire the notion that any random Chinese young girls even without education, by being their natural self, would be a good candidate as wife. That notion I probably acquire from movies during the childhood. Why is that so far from the notion of banality of evil. People simply in the pursuit of their own desire and longing to be alive, that is enough to harm you inadvertently. The ladies may have stronger desire to keep peace, that probably is the source of the notion the wife must be right. 
Siblings rivals starts when they are not living the moment. When there is a notion that live starts after some achievement in future time. Then there is sibling racing to achieve it. The truly living siblings are not racing 
Jun 4, 7:10 PM 
we live obsessed with small things such as achieving, scoring in exam, dating, but and think that is the starting point of life. as if only if i got this then life starts. this is akin to the child who think the world ends when his ice cream drops. the point about existential philosophy is to connect with reality that life does not start with dating, with scoring in same, or achieving, but it starts when you are infant, that mystery of life is the starting point. we live life as if our life only starts when we achieve. 
Jun 4, 2:07 PM
in that split second to respond to social challenge, the moment you focus on the need to respond, you will surely fall for the awkward way, the fear one. the wise and savvy one allowing themselves process through all the information, and allow themselves to not responding, to keep process it, understand it, and acknowledge it, but not responding it. 
Jun 4, 1:48 PM
i read this about malaysia ---" experts warn that Malaysia’s aim of maintaining geopolitical neutrality while expanding its semiconductor industry could expose local firms to sanctions"
then i imagine if it were me trying to bring forth this point in my company management, the immediate problem i would face is that the malays people and government officer or even judge in courts are too lacklustre to comprehend anything of complicated twisted concepts. for that i encounter difficulty to implement much. then i realise despite malay lack of ability to understand complicated concept, they will understand it when it comes to US government rules and sanction. then i realise it is not that the malays are weak to understand but they are incentivised not to understand. 
in comparison, it garner less charism with talk of great concepts or idea, than to perform it. i should receive all social interaction challenging situation with excitement than with fear of stumbling. such as when thrown with the fact that dawn is 3 days short from able to drink beer. at the split seconds, the moment that demand quick response, you lack ability to think and plot, you need to tip over to one side. if you hold in you the sense of excitement in face of social challenge, you will just go that way in cool reply. if you see only fear, fear will be magnified
Jun 4, 11:55 AM
The paychological thought that underlie your confidence, such as wealth, profession, smartness, makes you unconsciously one that seems to be carrying the air of something quite indescribable.
Jun 4, 8:55 AM
The tactic for social interaction with people you don’t like is to consciously (at cognitive level, the ego level) polite and kind, but let your body language reveal the message to him he is not the one in the room I want to be friend with the most. With body language people just can not say you are rude even if you reveal sign you don’t like him. You are only called rude and anti social if you cognitively show behaviour that want to teach people a lesson. 
Jun 3, 10:31 PM 
I wanted to speak to dawn about something and it was interrupted and minutes later I saw her outside the dining table. I wanted to speak but I sense I don’t want to parrot and I want to connect to the source, but what exactly is this source? I guess it maybe the reason or driving force for speaking that. It
May also be that the source is the NOW. The present moment. 
Jun 3, 6:53 PM
it is in reading historical account and stories of others that we realise the unfairness and injustice we suffer, does not only happen to you. this is a norm rather than exception.
Jun 3, 5:56 PM
I said to dave we can not solely use our willpower for learning, we must work along the nature of the mysterious mechanism of mind. The point is that you need to organise your motivation and driving force such that you get energy in doing what you do, not in pushing yourself with willpower. 
Jun 3, 1:57 PM
Dan now score 100% in spelling. It was just months ago teacher complained that he is below requirement of his year standard. One thing we learn from this is that the original unpleasant task or spelling suddenly becomes pleasant. What you master you enjoy doing. What we enjoy doing or dislike doing is a function of our mastery of it.
Jun 3, 1:33 PM 
Because I don’t have experience with girl being unkind to other people, I filled that void with imagination that Yawen would be always kind to other people. I remember this comes to my consciousness early years together with faced with uncertainty about other people, I referred to her for her opinion. Now I become more alert when see people like the ladies Malaysia doctors in Mandurah. You really won’t know to your surprise again, girls are capable to be unkind to other people. When I seek Yawen opinion about other people, the part of the brain in her that is triggered to provide answer, is her cognition which is her conscious part of her brain. She would not consciously choose to project herself as unkind to other people. She would not want to see herself that way anyway. You can not ask straight way for people mental quality, you can only test it out.  Dave should not be overly unconsciously obsessed about the expectation of others and of himself. He should know that he is only answerable to himself. This means to take up the responsibility for oneself. In other words, to rely on expectation of others is the easy approach towards life. It is fearful in nature. It takes courage and fearlessness to take one responsibility for oneself. To think through and create our own path, that has nothing about other people expectation, it requires a period of emptiness and acceptance that we are nothing to begin with. That is work of courage. 
Jun 2, 9:48 AM
Because I have no concept of western people that are for example like the Malay kind of prejudice and irresponsibility, I fill in the imagination with what I know the western people what I know. I unconsciously assume that they are responsible people without any trait of Malay kind of filled with hatred and animosity. 
The problem with the Malay society is that their trait of animosity leads to their collective failure as a society. That is what we looked down at. But when faced with Australia similar discrimination and unfairness, the same animosity and discrimination and false judgment against you, can not lead to conclusion or logic that that is why they fail as a society. You can only form a conclusion that she did her job and myself likely do wrong. 
The western society make its citizen to follow their intuition with the premise that intuition leads to truth. The Perth airport security lady stop me likely for walking in hurry and she uttered the weak reason, she question impolitely if where is my luggage. In her intuition I may forget my luggage because I have a trolley for that small hand carry. She remain confident to throw around her confidence and that confidence is rested on the might of the system that she quietly know encourage her to spot suspicious persons in airport following her intuition.
Because I lack of experience, I fill that void with nice thought of other people. I see people wrong behavior as them being authentic or they are simply free to be themselves. I did not see that possibility of that is sign of misuse of tactic or other more ominous. I only see that whatever bad behavior is expression of authentic self and after all she lead happy family life and that tendency to be angry should be tolerated. This is same with me felt about the airport security policewoman who clearly wronged against me but because I lack experience with western society and she seems to be authentic, I did not imagine that something in her likely lead her to failed life one day. In the opposite end, I don’t afford Malays these benefit of doubts.  I will straight away conclude that a Starbucks malay lady bad attitude must lead to her misery life. As for myself, I have deeper self examination than average, because I know first I start off from broken family. There is nothing I can simply act as like and think it is safe to do so, it is authentic and it will lead to the good result.
Jun 1, 10:38 PM
My misconception about zen Buddhist made me think they are wasting a life for not engaging in the social and material world. But the true is we are actually nothing. To mess in the social world even if you excel in it, you suffer too. Your desire never ends. You finally realize you are nothing. At least the zen Buddhist free themselves from the mess of the otherness and at least they get the chance to experience the mystery of life.
dawn is superficial and she relies heavily on external prominent clues to form her opinion. She can not quite open her mind to consider what I said. I can imagine people like her, many people are like this, will only hurry to something when it becomes popular. If only I am publicly recognized that she will start to take me seriously. That is problem with superficial mind. They never discover gems of things. Their doubt stops them from embracing gems before other people.
Jun 1 2024, 8:14 PM
One is filled with desires, or ashame of themselves etc, but if one truly see it, all these will dissolve and it is all play of a larger force and we lack free will despite all the determination and willpower. When it comes to matter about life, we better surrender to the hidden force. 
Society and establishment does not educate you that “other people” are the problem. They are better not around then your problem are solved. The society only teach you to be considerate. It is the inner voice and in spark of truth we notice this reality. And as with many sparks and truths we discover for ourselves, to many others, our thinking message suppress them. This shows 1) example of how and why we have tendency to suppress the inner voice or truth spark that arise in our thinking 2) the sparks is almost always correct despite on the surface it is anti social. 
Using this same example, we are conditioned to be considerate and kind. Alright. And when you are in aeroplane and a stranger are around and you don’t feel like to be considerate, you only feel annoyed, yet the conditioned mind says you need to be considerate, isn’t it conflict and confusion of mind? Lack of clarity to act confidently. The one able to continue to be confident is the one that has explored and understand the conflict of social conditioning, and how his deeper desire interact with it. The one never spend anytime examining this in his life, continue to clinch to simple notion of “being considerate” and hope this seemingly correct value will make one live happily, will only suffer in the conflict and confusion and not able to rise above it. 
Kuomintang Chiang can be compare to people like tan kok Cheong primary classmates. They learn from the society and and assume this is how things work, this is what it is called life. People exist in this world simply has no idea what life is, they acquire that notion from society. The false idea just get bounced around and evolve. Chiang said think get hook up to attractive girls is what life means. Power and people respect is what life is about. Success to him is to struggle within the system and excel in it. This is antithesis to philosophical view of life that rise above the human fallacy and its system and discover what is meaningful thing to oneself to engage in.
The second wife of Kuomintang Chiang Yao yecheng showed something about nature of life. When it comes to fate of life, If one fights, you bring yourself down. You accepts, you are at least giving yourself energy and time to pick up whatever remain you have. 
1 Jun 2024, at 11:07 am
Reading the story of Chiang Kai shek manipulated about his second wife and marriage to soong Mei ling, I see that it is lies or habit of telling lies that brought him down in life. He lost china power for that. It is same pattern with Malaysian society that internalise lies. I also realise the importance of clarity of mind has to do with it. Obvious lies are easy to point out and for one to self correct. It is half truth that people can rationalize that is the problem. And this brings to importance of clarity of mind. 
1 Jun 2024, at 10:01 am
For one to allow thoughts to flow naturally, like the Ancient Greek people or what Alan watts said about Zen, it is practice to confront whatever good or bad thinking within oneself. Especially the bad one. The bad thought is what we start to deny and cover up.
1 Jun 2024, at 9:00 am
The problem we let social norm and law and regulation and culture to guide our decision, we simply don’t get it when you face with many human situation it does not go along that norm. For example yawen would think since legally I am still her husband, but deep inside me I already decided we are not, and she can not use the legal status to expect me to attend to her family matters, for example. We are bound to acknowledge human nature despite it is at odds with norm. 
1 Jun 2024, at 8:09 am
When I was young, i seems to think the monk must be not living because they are celibate and they don’t seek to be rich and famous. Now it turns out that the opposite is true. 
31 May 2024, at 6:17 pm
there is some deep philosophy in fractal, it is natural way of things developing to it is that we see. hide in the concept is the power of time and great number, which also means in the microscopic level hides the secret of how the atoms deposit to form the product. 
May 31, 2024 at 3:54 PM
for morris chang to said in the interview that "he got impatient with the panelists" etc. one has to has good degree of self image about oneself that one is not unnecessarily, or misuse of impatience. to rest a point on the ground of one's emotion, is akin to spending capital of one's credibility. another person who has frequently misused his emotion, said for example frustration or impatient, and expect others to toe the line because of this, is to pretend that one emotion is credible assessment of the situation, that the panelist has been something that ought to be treated with impatience. for that one better make sure we dont misuse it and we have that credibility
May 31, 2024 at 3:11 PM
the problem is micro projects in our life, many of them, the subconscious mind conjured plan to achieve, to impress, and gain admiration, to win over others. in the frame of concept from alan watts about brahma, according to him, we construct and we are the one that destroy. this concept is not truly referring to big thing in life, but the micro projects (i coin the word). and according to him, the answer to this human mind fallacy is not realise only moment we have is now
May 31, 2024 at 2:45 PM
so imagine if you are a lady of dating age in malaysia, ethic chinese, and with ok physics, i think one would want to correctly or wrongly (who cares) to fill oneself with mentality that men are to be hated for sexualising me. she would be naturally motivated to this, as it makes one feel confident, and likely land with the man with quality and sincerity as the result. the ladies likely misuse this psyche, they are motivated to bias towards it. so why me man wants to fall for it, get siphoned up into it, and being labelled (unconsciously trapped) as dirty and dishonourable
May 31, 2024 at 2:29 PM
listening to morris chang, he commented about japan without fear of being seen as wrong in anyway, he said he got impatient sitting on the floor listening to the panels, etc. one has to have good connection with one's motivation in talking, and has rooted out unhealthy motivation. this sort of consciousness clearly is inflicted, if one lives all his life within environment that is honorable, one will catch it. one must also have healthy self image and strong sense of living life without enlarge ego of self and "i" from the point of view of others. one is not obsessive about himself, how other sees him, and is able to be himself. 
May 31, 2024 at 12:54 PM
The shrewd China strategist would react to USA high technology sanction, but quiet about where the USA has yet to sanction against them. This little example shows the reality of the world is not bias towards truth, but hang in balance with some aspect not revealed to others, letting that be the status quo. The naive one naively think truth is the ultimate status and all event will bias itself towards. It will not. 
31 May 2024, at 8:15 am
For anyone to achieve anything great, it ironically needs one to not really seeing or aiming for that greatness. Because the ambition may cause anxiety and thus lack of ability to take small steps to achieve it. See morris chang said about his thought during the time starting Tsmc. It is a thought that focuses on immediate task in front of him. 
30 May 2024, at 11:54 am
We are living in the world that centers around money and we kind of forget that there was long chain of exploration before we come to this state. 
We don’t see the world from the first principle, which is to understand the reality we inhabit, the mystery of our existence and consciousness, and realize wealth is far down the chain of human creation. Money is not first principle. With that you afford yourself chance to navigate, such as to give wealth its proper place in our life, realize that we have made money psychological need on top of survival need. 
30 May 2024, at 9:47 am
I notice how the ease with me feeling stress, is prohibiting me to take on task, i feel urge to get rid of them. Especially when tasks (minor one) are piled up and queue waiting for me to do. There is sense I may miss it, or worry I forgot. I feel the urge to do it, thereby limiting my ability to take on more task. The capable one will be chill enough not to be bothered by workload. 
30 May 2024, at 8:51 am
It is the rid notion of self as provided by others liking that we start to know we are worthy to celebrate the life we already have. 
30 May 2024, at 8:16 am
We are especially desire for limelight and achieve fame and wealth, if and when we see ourselves as how other people see us. The more we are locked in the notion of self, which is a reflection of how other see us, the more we desire limelight. 
30 May 2024, at 6:57 am
Watching the video of nvidia Jensen Huang and big shot friends walk the hawkers night market in Taiwan. He looks confident. Here is the point. Anyone watching it would admire him. Because we wrongly conclude that attention on us equals affirmation of our existence, that we are something. This is what we fight for our whole life. This fight is an illusion, likely encounter more misery and pain because if you are Jensen Huang, you have to realize that you are nothing. Everyone is nothing. To want to become something is an illusion. To want attention to reaffirm the self existence, is illusion. Because it is just a concept. It is not real. and ironically, once you have this foundational worldview right, you are better able to achieve or become somebody, and become something
29 May 2024, at 7:43 pm
i notice there is unexpected pattern of correctness of your momentary thought, the thought that arise, that i grew up being taught to deny, turn out to be correct again and again. it is this probably point to the power of writing journal
May 29, 2024 at 7:27 PM
it is highly questionable we have free will and it is notion of free will and illusion that we can determine our own destiny, and the social stigma and taboo to blame parents and our gene, that pushes us to not accept who we are. if you grew up in poverty, you better owns up your fate, otherwise you may fall into the illusion that you can rewrite your history, and people can not see the trace of your childhood background. in other words, to accept determinism has same root as knowing our root, and never to abandon it. in this aspect of personal history, we accept determinism, yet when it comes to future, we have free will to reshape it. determinism makes one more authentic
May 29, 2024 at 4:46 PM
you blame yourself for your mistake and shame, misdeed, failure to achieve etc, and the rationale is that other people around you can do it, why not you. this notion is questionable, overlook important fact about our inherited situation. it is modern society tradition to make it a taboo to put blame on others. but the opposite is something to seriously explore. imagine if you are born a malay in malaysia, born to low class family, you will be hard pressed to ever rise in social ladder, lamost no chance, just like if you are born in bangladesh village, not expose to education. in this view, free will is questionable. 
dont get suck into the social sickness that your intent to befriend opposite sex is viewed as dirty. since this society holds that view, you blindly insist on pushing this direction, pretending like a western society, you get suck into and being viewed as dirty minded and shirt seeker. the malaysian chinese lady community has this bias, (whatever the reciprocal cause, is not for me to bother), if you keep pushing in that direction, you only internalise that dirtiness about yourself. you soon view yourself lower in value. in that realm of dating and mating market, indeed you are snubbed. soon you form the view that you are unworthy. but you miss the point. this unworthiness is not truly about you, but the society. are you truly unworthy? did you have past achievement that made you feel so confident? of course there is. the confusion here is the realm we are operating in, that our consciousness is filled with, and we mistakenly extrapolate it to larger reality about ourselves. what is truly about yourself, your worth, that the ladies does not know, let it be quietly buried, let them miss the jewel
May 29, 2024 at 1:03 PM
the thing about truth is that, it is what we experience or the spark that comes to us when for example we listen to music, when we are in the middle of reading a paragraph, middle of listening to someone talking. but the thing is that this spark is what we tend to suppress as noise, and we overrule by our thought, by the thinking from us, acquire from outside, such as someone we respect told us we need to be selfless, which words overrule our inner voice- the truth
May 28, 2024 at 1:34 PM
Felt strong sense of understanding why people wants attention. It is a desire to prove oneself is existing. 
It seems we are constructing our understanding of the reality of everything, much like we understand scientific concept, and we can still feel, know and enjoy life without this understanding at all, but does not mean we are adding to the truth we construct
28 May 2024, at 7:46 am
Clarity of mind can not mistaken as wrongful conviction. Some people feel convicted about some ideas not so much out of clarity of mind, that they truly see something, but out of inability or refusal to test the idea for deep consistency.
27 May 2024, at 9:38 pm
When you approach stranger as dating partner, the girl form judgment that you must be problematic by mere fact of you being not on demand. They fill the imagination with negative possibility of you. It is akin to the Chinese saying that the infertile soil nobody want to farm, once farmed, everybody wants
27 May 2024, at 12:19 pm
Desire is felt as not a purpose of life, because achieving it is questionable whether it fulfils a life. Especially those male desire. In this view the purpose of life is one beyond desire. 
We should connect with people like hand gesture but to remove the trail we need to acknowledge it. Not acknowledging it let the historical trail haunt us. 
The likely outcome the kids learn from me is not what I said or share but the sense of level of depth I go in comprehending life. 
To desire for other people and dating means at the moment you are not conscious of other facts about yourself that you are worthy of confidence, etc. that is projected out
27 May 2024, at 9:06 am
If I were to spend all my time in reading spiritual material, and not engage in any modern society matters such as building a career, I guess I would be filled with anxiety for wasting away time and anxious that I would regret later. That I don’t do what is necessary to build a career or network etc. but then as it turn out to be, the building of a career is not absolutely the correct answer. It is more like you build sand castle and you will destroy it too one day. Because it is simply meaningless. Yet you still want to build a career despite this, because after all it is meaningless and you want to spend time for something worthy. There is no perfect things to engage in in life except whatever you find it is meaningful, and you dive into it. What is important is we don’t take it from other people the purpose of life, and we don’t indulge it in gratification and consider that the sole purpose
26 May 2024, at 4:18 pm
Social problem can be traced to people living mechanically, living dry, going about with a layer of identity strongly adhere to their talking and behaviour. With this “layer” I refer to the self consciousness that I describe Chun gong got caught in when being praised on the stage. It affects his subsequent expression and mental focus. People generally don’t realise they ho about life with a layer of this intentionality, a concept underlie their expression. If you are able to see it and as such remove it, you come across as real and unpretentious. It concerns me when dave operates mechanically, likely on a concept of his gained confidence from success in school system
26 May 2024, at 12:51 pm
everyone are motivated or calculated to some extend, but people dont repel if you are "calculated" at a higher order motivation, such as desire to live a beautiful life, desire to feel love. as such one needs high order understanding of life / existence, so that all our action can be traced to, connected to. without it we are left to base our action on low level need and desire, and come across as calculated in disgusting and repulsive way. 
there is a state of mind where you seek love as a matter as important as living, and you are totally unconscious of social version of acceptance or rejection. you dont seek to improve yourself, but you simply think you are worthy, oblivion to social version of dating match. in the final analysis, it is the western social norm of social politeness and friendliness that brings to true love, that is more consistent human nature. we simply desire it but we want to let the human connection and love to surface. without that norm or tradition, we are left with desire but no way to fulfil, we proactively seek out dating target, thus come across as lacking of sincerity, true love, but only to satisfy his desire. the looking or staring at stranger is creepy because it signals an acknowledgement of one's intense conscious of self lacking, lack of existential understanding or cultivation
May 26, 2024 at 10:25 AM
Consider what Chun gong said about President xi being the patient one among the warmonger team and he is under pressure too. He frames it was Lai Ching te inaugural speech is a slap on the face of president xi. All of this are likely and probable situation but we will be wrong to take it was reality. The reality can prove to be different and completely collapse this version he put forth. It is same with all other realities we have since childhood took at it is. They are formed starting from probable sounding. They are not necessarily reflecting the truth
26 May 2024, at 10:14 am
We have to reconstruct a reality or worldview in our mind, starting from zero, similar to us learning theory of science. If we don’t construct it, we don’t have that notion. But people don’t seems to see it that way. When it comes to the nature of their behaviour and psyche, they see it as something they have access to, we don’t have access to that reality, we construct it. 
The Taiwan veteran political commentator Chun gong listening to other speakers after him in a forums. When I saw his face, my imagination is that he listens words to words, he follows like description of the gesture of hand, there is no trail remaining, and as the result he lets truth surface in his mind. This is my imagination. The truth may be different, given that he speakers just shower Chun gong with compliments. He may be brought to self consciousness, which means his mind keep lingering “how others see him” kind of notion.  This also shows that when we imagine what in other people, it is good way to construct a worldview because we start with clean plate, we pick relevant facts to construct the reality. It may finally prove to be inaccurate because reality is more than the factors we use to consider
25 May 2024, at 7:52 pm
people speak with an image of who they are. when you have no doubt people see you as expert and respect your view, you speak with that image underlie it. you already know it, you can not unknow it. you can not unhear the compliment from others. but perhaps it is a mental strength that testify to your mental engagement and quality of your presence. the now moment you are living in, to be able to overcome the images (good or bad, compliment or dislike) that people have of you
Sat, May 25, 2024 at 3:22 PM
julian kuo jeng liang (the taiwan yale professor for politics) commented that in politics, it does not matter what political leader sincerely and truly think, what matters is what he choose to let it expressed out. he remarked that about lai ching te and chen sui pien. it seems this is the spectrum we are operating without realising and get it wrong often, when we need to be sincere, we skew towards far end of the range under the impression that what juliang kuo said is universal true, or when in political realm, we naively choose to be truthful and become sheep to be misused. 
we are alive and come to existence into the reality as it is, and starting from infant, we start out constructing the idea of what is going on to be alive, and the reality we inhabit. we dont have access to the reality except to construct it bit by bit, on top of each prior understanding / construction. but in living, we are so confused and could not see clearly this truth, but wrongly come under impression that since it is in our mind, it is within our ability to access it and to know it. we dont quite see it is separate compartment / realm and we truly dont know what is that. any knowing is ego knowing itself, the word ego here refers to the part of ourselves that is chosen and within reach of cognition. it is because we lack access to the truth nature within our behaviour and choice that we actually are without free will. what we thought is our free will, we dont realise the consciousness as basic as what is blue color is given to us by the collective consciousness. we dont create any of our thinking, we think in images not created by us, it is passed down my the society
Sat, May 25, 2024 at 8:17 AM
If one does not construct a worldview that is consistent with truth, one is devoid of guide and context of the reality as basis for one’s choice and decision, and they tend to skew towards what is possible dependent on her assessment of her the other party involved, to what extent he can bear her own action, there is no moral guide other than what is possible. In this frame of mind, one encroach on moral infringement without realising herself.
24 May 2024, at 3:22 pm
the freewill and unpurposeful approach of learning or reading, is same as ability to put signature in coherence with mood. to sign elegantly, one needs to let go, not clinching to perfection. when you let go, your signature looks best as a signature.
May 24, 2024 at 3:18 PM
when we label someone as calculated, or an action is calculated, it is to mean that it is motivated on some motive rather low level in cause and effect. the fact is all action are motivated by something. we dont perceive that someone as calculated if they are sort of motivated by higher order (and connected to truth) human motivation, such as to truly life, appreciation of beauty of life, etc. 
May 24, 2024 at 10:10 AM
what the taiwan political commentators, despite being wise, are actually doing, is to get into the mind of people that lead and decide. they try to read the mind of president xi, whether the war game and exercise is just facade, etc, which is exercise in vain because reading it is fluid, and an exercise antithetical to good living. the risk is getting into unconscious habit of mind state, of reading other people's mind. this shows the demand of the life in modern world is incompatible with spiritual well being in fundamental way. we are grappling with this dynamic and difficult balance. this is the reality we are in. 
people tend to live in illusion, because there is always cacoon that sustain it, give impression the illusive reality is true reality. that is why people are missing it.
May 24, 2024 at 8:45 AM
i think to realise the vastness of knowledge that we come to know in life, we release ourselves from the unnecessary tampering with our ability to learn, such as rote memorization. we need to realise that there is never possible to know it all, and get a sense how vast the ocean of knowledge is. just see this, we need to know, we need to know who else know, we need to know from where we know it, we need to know how we know it. the wise way is (a form of negation, again) to let go of the notion of demanding oneself to overachieve in learning
May 24, 2024 at 7:54 AM
it seems to be all pains, can be traced to lies of someone around you or yourself, if you were to call it a lie for anything blemish that has not crossed the social normal threshold, but at the far end of the spectrum of lie. in the opposite direction of cause-effect, any minor tint of dishonesty will lead to pain one day, to yourself or someone around you. 
intentionality. notice that naming nantong carries notion of reference. at least not shanghai. imagine in this time, if they were to name nantong, they will refrain from calling it nantong, given the closeness of the sound of the nantong, and modern accessibility to shanghai. shanghai doom prominent now. that provides a background, an aboutness to our consciousness when doing everything, including naming the town.
May 24, 2024 at 7:11 AM
What is truth is not what is said, despite it is good description of truth. What is truth is the moment of spark of understand when you listen to whatever truth being told. 
The news ceo of Broadcom being ranked the highest paid ceo of the year caught the interest of many in Malaysia because the ceo (tan hock Eng) is Malaysia, a Chinese man like many of us in Malaysia. So many people of this type in Malaysia that we are so familiar with here. This is unlike news that someone from USA ranked highest paid or richest. Because when it comes to foreigner, there is a layer of myth in our mind that we use to justify their success. When news break that tan hock Eng is the one, the myth is kind of broken, we are confronted with the reality that people like one of our kind is possible to achieve it
24 May 2024, at 6:47 am,
I can imagine during a hypothetical social chat with Jeremiah and others at home, and as Jeremiah like to do, he would set trap for me socially such as why am not quiet, that I speak a lot, etc. and the hypothetical me would think how best to response. That already is wrong. The healthy and mind-empty-of-thought one would naturally focus on raw facts and let that raw facts get expressed out on his face. This comes across as purity of your soul. The fact in this case is that Jeremiah is ill-intentioned. Such is the consciousness that makes one seems to be pure and likeable. There is sharpness and intensity of focus on what is
24 May 2024, at 6:26 am,
What is written that you read is not the truth. The truth is what comes to your mind as you read them. The moment of realisation is the truth.
23 May 2024, at 6:03 pm
Yawen lacks access to her true motive in her action. That is why she did many to test me but not realising why she did that. She angrily wanted divorce, block me from Facebook etc. all are done without clearly see why she did that. She was just intimidating and testing me but she thought she truly mean what she did.
23 May 2024, at 3:39 pm
 i wish that my children should not feel shame in front of peple and relative because of their mother, and their parental marriage problem. the way to handle it is to detach from identifying ourself with those consciousness. and realise that for example the lacking in her mother, is actually a product of her original family lacking, that makes it illogically to think oneself as shameful in front of people like her younger brother yi lek. it is only lost mind who can not see it that becomes confused and take on the shame not of her/ his fault. yawen problem is indeed traceable to childhood excessive fear tht stop her from venturing out like a true living is, but seek out comfort and mistook it as living. this is really the case of inflicted consciousness that is flawed. it is indeed singular consciousness, and one does not own the shame. it is true htat depression is not sickness with a person, but social inflicted problem. notion of life overly skew towards procedure and system, law and regulation, cultural norm or tradition, is not consistent with the nature, if you see it from the light of safari life and die survival nature. it is more a fit of chance, or little edge and win, of minor misstep and die
May 23, 2024 at 1:12 PM
when greeting dr prakash in mandurah during the lunch, there is a strong feeling of confidence in me, like stephen chow kind of consciousness. i wonder what is that. it is deep confidence of self. the reality of our life is more akin to lion in safari, lion eye and target deers, chase and run and escape, live or die, food or empty handed, is an art, chance dependant. we can not organise matters related to life into rigid steps, procedures, system
May 23, 2024 at 11:13 AM
A person speak unnecessarily and lost of direction in demeanour because he lacks holistic worldview of the reality he is inhabiting, and he fill that void with his imagination and he most likely see that other people are rejecting and disliking him, as the result he reacts with need to show sign of confidence, show Himself worthy, by way of talent etc. 
The speaker shockingly utter that since the Japanese already invented the iso concept, we just follow. Don’t need to be painstaking. This is the baby step we take that we stray to the wrong side. Because to live does not work with imitation. We need to process the ideas and produce outcome from our own understanding.
23 May 2024, at 10:26 am
The reason people are disconnected from the truth when speaking, is they are mentally disengaged and this is related to habit of adopting and rehearsing what parroting what other people has said, so that they can utter without processing them. I notice this listening to the iso speaker, quoting the pioneer of iso from USA who work in ford motor. 
We first need to acknowledge and see that reality that we don’t know what we don’t know. Then we ask this: what if what we know is just little compare to the vastness of what we don’t know. With this perspective, we are connected to a truth, it will prove to be a valuable guide in our life choice and decision
23 May 2024, at 9:45 am
The way dawn is not bother by the Yaris car scratch shows she is postponing living to some future objective/ aim. Not
Living now.
The iso speaker shows his disconnection to truth when he express the simple point that whenever you do project, in Japan, Korea, abu Dabi and the keep giving as many as 10 countries. That destroy what he wants to express. It shows his psyche is less focus on the message but on trying to energise listener. That is a form of lie. Malaysia malay society normalise subtle lie. They are ok to manipulate and they call it is their culture
23 May 2024, at 7:34 am
We long to be truly living because life is rare and precious. But some are showing themselves not rare or not worthy to experience the best in life. They lack confidence and would only admire and stare at stranger that is attractive, and lack courage to act. That itself shows oneself as ugly soul, inconsistent with the rarity of life
22 May 2024, at 7:16 pm
just see how the community of malays grow up to work the way they do, rather similarly, the normalise the notion of work life balance, scope of work and indifferent to other aspects of the organization they work for. this is effect of singularity of consciousness. the short time dav engineer Anas uttered that "he knows how the young people work these days" as he tried to say i can not get better candidate. this is the knowledge in him about how other people works, that shape his own attitude towards work. the herd together to form a collective pattern
May 22, 2024 at 10:30 AM
The notion that we are afraid of some people such as the lim chairman of Pelangi neighbour, the serdang Ss Fabricator boss, is due to lack of knowledge of human nature. Because of this we fill that void with false imagination that this man must have some special quality etc. that is the cause of fear and lost of confidence.
22 May 2024, at 10:07 am
We all test the limit in our life. In many aspect. When younger I don’t realise too much eating harm my body and make me sick. I overeat only to realise it and now I see the limit. It is same with all other aspects of life. It is the consequences that change us. We think we can be selfish until we see the repercussion of it
22 May 2024, at 8:01 am
To have the answer usually does not mean anything. I listened to the video the speaker said in case of difficulty with Taiwan unification, mao and Deng already had the answer ready. That is philosophical wrong way of putting it. Anything think you can have answer ready for you, is bound to discover that the answer is not working in your case, even though the answer seems to be correct way forward. This is because the nature of human action can not be condensed into single point but is a vast array of adjustment and tuning, only one who sees the big picture and philosophy of the matter, can truly act on it
21 May 2024, at 4:24 am
If there is no seeking of pleasure and all people in a country are enlightened such that they spend large part of their consciousness wondering why this universe and consciousness, like the image of ancient Greek society and philosophers, and when it comes to voting, the thoughtless malay will not vote for something that point to their self interest. They would vote for what truly lead in this wonder of universe. The truly enlightened one. A leader that truly live up to its name, leading. Their vote will not be circling around their interest and pleasure seeking, as if this this is ultimate purpose of living. In this point of view, we see what is wrong with the society today. At the roof of it is people are dabbling around the wrong notion of living and is total waste of time even to the upright politicians. Despite fighting for justice, they merely fine tune, there is not holistic revolution to this problem of collective consciousness. Any worthy change is one that holistically alter and revert us back to deeper question of life. In this respect, it means to resign from all the noise is the way, to retire from politic and social organisation is to see some deep truth about life
17 May 2024, at 8:29 am
Why is the subtle difference between unhealthy suppression of reality, such as people disliking us, vs dissolving it, disregarding it with healthy confidence? Imagining that the wa dr alvin decided not to invite us for Chinese new year dinner, I don’t feel depress about it. This is the advantage if you see the whole, knowing the truth is that you are not being lacking like your ego is being hurt. Perhaps it is when your ego is dissolved.
17 May 2024, at 8:14 am
Lack of total understanding of the interconnected factors and mechanism of how human behaviors and motivation works, people fill in the void with their biase and self serving illusion as reasoning. That is where they stumble in life. Yawen could not see that the dr li cheng friendliness is not something like she simply like to befriend her, but the dr way to navigate social events, by interacting with under privileged, or less intellectual or smart or confident, like yawen was. It says more about the dr herself than yawen, without this whole picture, yawen simply got it wrong. Now this becomes a black dot in her social experience.
Difficulty of the modern world life is not something that is fixed and one must understand it’s nature. It is a product of interaction with other people effort. If you are a hacker, the difficulty of your work is in proportion to effort of opposing force to counter you.
It seems there is contradiction when I know thinking is the culprit yet I know we need to have active mind, without which we are doomed to enter into illusion and lack of confidence. In social interaction, it is my deep connecting of facts, deep connection to intuition, and the confidence that my thinking and deep connection will lead me to good reply, that give me confidence not to rehear answer / reply but to be spontaneous. Then how this contradicts with the idea thinking is the problem. It looks like they are different kind of thinking. The former is one about conjuring / creating mental images, which is an illusion, the latter is about clarifying
16 May 2024, at 10:04 pm
i just wonder for pearl bucks to insist and move with courage in promoting and fighting for a course such as asian war children plights, mix race adoption and racial equality, she could not be motivated by self gain or one that keep a constant watch at others or the society, mentalling trying to catch a appropriate way to move forward with her career in calculated basis, by way of judging what other people perceive, such an individual consciousness will not produce anything great, because one will lack of courage along the way. courageous soul does not conduct herself by seeing what others think. precise because she does not have the habit of such mental habit, she have long discover what is in her deeper consciousness, what she see as her cause, something she is convicted to, and with this as one's motivation, one will not easily compromise because of others' people opinion
May 16, 2024 at 3:11 PM
The practise of reading and learning is important. There are aspect we need to acquire and familiarise ourselves with that is hard to put in words. For example, as we continue to attempt to understand deeply and face difficulty, we come to realise what works is letting go of thinking and let the answer surface, and that such an truth that surface only happen after deep contemplation.  These are aspect of learning we can not pass down to other people except they live through it themselves
16 May 2024, at 1:28 pm
if you are obsessive in watching and seeing your achievement how others will see and admire or celebrate for you, you will not have the gut or gumption to proceed to full potential. anyone achieving anything great, they almost always do so not conscious it will one day be called a great success, they simply live their life follow their heart. the lack the consciousness of how other view that sort of "success", they are not conscious of social status
May 16, 2024 at 12:37 PM
it isnt just being smart that we are caught in spiritual entanglement. the whole modern social world are built on such premise. look at design of architecture, a good designer is trained to think what the viewer see with all the exterior covering up the structure.
May 16, 2024 at 9:58 AM
when listening to the safety conductor sharing a story of someone successfully manage the attitude of workers by buying them drink. i was moved to send a thumb up in the zoom but then thinking comes in, how other people will view it, it seems this is not appropriate for people in this culture. the word appropriate is when you are self conscious. this thinking is hindrance. if i send the thumb up immediately, this will be viewed as sincere move, driven by the urge of agreeing to the story. once the time lapse, any sending is already interpreted as mind manipulated action
May 16, 2024 at 9:28 AM
The lacking of understanding of the reality we inhabit, the reality of existence, makes us rely on external input (which is a manipulation in many cases) for what is consider the reality. We scroll Facebook, headline “breaking news”, (just saw one billed as “cnn made huge announcement!!!”, and delve inside, it is Biden and trump agree to date of debate). and we read, in the split of second we skip one step of our consciousness in unconscious manner, we unconsciously adopt the reality the news publisher creates for us, that this is breaking, this is huge news, the world shake with it, we should live and assume the “reality” is the world circle around these news makers. Kind of they are living. The net yet unconscious result is that we too need to attain some status otherwise we are not living. Because they own the reality, we want to be part of it.
16 May 2024, at 9:11 am
people enter the realm of thinking and shaping own image, out of the name of smartness, they are not doing it out of stupidity. that is why every smart people are caught. young people  subconsciously think it is smart of them to speak in such a way that win people admiration, to reply in a way that makes oneself sound smart etc. 
people filled with fear live a timid life, at the root of the problem is that he has not yet come to term with his own existence. he basically is still in the realm of watching what is going on with this world, the mental image sort of not fully acknowledging his existence is real, he is equally eligible to taste of fruits of being alive, he does not have to play second fiddle. when one comes to term with their own existence, that reality dictates every totality of his consciousness, and guide every aspect of his behaviour. 
one has to proactively show social politeness, kindness, not showing it is already a show of one lacking it. this is our people interpret and sense you if you are not positively assert that you are polite and kind, you must be one with some character problem. this is the default how people see you
May 16, 2024 at 6:08 AM
It is just like meditation, if you can not quite see the complete logic and power of meditation, you listen to someone you respect and you give it a try, (in other words, you believe it) whatever you do is an action of assertion, you will wear you out. But if you are so intense in your living that you see the mechanism of how our mind suppress, focuses on shaping our image, how that “l”, “my image” is an illusion, you find automatic and immensible energy to meditate. 
Once you get in the habit of suppression, even being happy becomes less pure, you are not sure if you are truly happy or you are just on stage showing happiness
16 May 2024, at 5:52 am
Once you can not accept your self and you acquire the habit of suppressing your feeling, you are damned. You will never get rid of it. Even when you are letting out and bursting in anger, you wonder inside you if you are suppressing some aspect of your real self, that you need to act certain way and control your action to shape certain image. 
To rebel is to struggle inside getting rid of any form of mindset to conform or rather to shape others opinion of us, to act like the boy in dating scene. 
Once you see something as truth, there is immediate action and that action does not consume mental energy, does not drain you out
15 May 2024, at 9:14 pm
when you find yourself too confident, and you wonder whether it is appropriate for your age to be so confident. i delve into the basis of your confidence and whether it is founded or lie on illusion
May 15, 2024 at 7:21 PM
If we live a painful and misery life, then it so logical we are okay to just die. But why people love struggling life and they fight to live on? Because the nature of the pain and misery of their life carries a notion of unfulfilling life purportedly because one has yet to achieve something, has yet make it rich, got married, or strike lottery etc. in this respect their logic is to continue to live despite the pain because dying means no more hope for the transcendence
15 May 2024, at 2:57 pm,
we can not confuse achieving our desire as our purpose. that is a kind of purpose which is not making oneself truly living. a purpose here means some healthy one that is connected to our existence, which when one living passionately for it, our second nature is manifestation of it. imagine premier zhao purpose to serve his country.
May 15, 2024 at 1:40 PM
the way we live our self unconsciously desiring to fulfil oneself, we see others and admire and compare and desire the same, the whole mental exercise actually lose connection to our own existence. our mental image of reality becomes as it we are not real. we sort of viewing unless attain that we desire, that some others enjoy, the pleasure, the dating, we are nobody, as if we are not real. 
May 15, 2024 at 12:50 PM
listening to the cidb safety lecturer razali, he talked about he took master degree to upgrade himself. people in malaysia build their career on top of social institution, his unconscious motivation is that it pays to do it. he lacks connection to reality of what next from the angle of overall economy. the safety does not directly produce value, (not to mean it is not important). in the same light, we can live a decent life by building on the "i" and every aspect of our life is built on this, our money, our safety, house, career, pleasure, narrative of life, friendship, but it will be way more fulfilling if one is seeing pass this limited version of life,
it is having a purpose that one becomes less obsessed with how other judge oneself, and it is from getting rid of this "i" concept as basis of consciousness that one slowly find his purpose in life. when i watch and catch myself from the "i" or reflective nature of consciousness, i realise if not that realm, i actually is empty in my mind. compare to deng xiaopeng, what i lacks is a strong sense of purpose that one finds for himself that is not constructing his own life narrative. to construct one's life is illusive, is in the realm of time, it is not reality, is a waste of time, and cause of misery. 
May 15, 2024 at 11:08 AM
with this in mind, when we talk, we should be mindful of this nature of listeners. we should share what is truly ourselves. not motivated by desire to manipulate and shape how other people view us. 
we see people from our point of view. we dont see them as individual human with desire and longing for life. that is the reason some man see girls only from the point of view of his sexual satisfaction point of view, which inevitably focuses on physical beauty and attraction. they dont see other aspect of the person, her behaviour can ruin this attraction that starts everything. 
May 15, 2024 at 10:39 AM
if you are listening to someone talking and it triggers your sense of truth, what you see engender action. it does not drain energy. this is as oppose of listening like a noise, and conflict, a desire to get away, that drains energy. 
May 15, 2024 at 8:58 AM
once we catch the mental habit of obsession with thinking on the foundation of the concept of "i" and build every thoughts on this illusive concept, our action becomes viewed from this angle, to win over people, how other judge me. and that is said to not being oneself. but to the mind that live in that realm, they dont see what they dont know. this is dunning kruger effect. they let it be themselves, which means live in the mental habit and obsession, and think this is being oneself. 
May 15, 2024 at 8:34 AM
the subtle and healthy outcome of the internalised thought that life is meaningless, is that we are left to use our life and energy to serve, to produce, to venture. all noise, conflict, and desire are also killed, together with the illusive notion of purpose of life 
May 14, 2024 at 5:57 PM
truth is the perception or understanding you get unexpectedly, not when you are seeking it, middle of reading, or what movie makes you feel during the watch. notice this differs from what you can conclude with words. whatever you feel the truth that comes to your mind, you try to wrote them down, it differs and deviate the moment you try to write it down ot conclude it. 
May 14, 2024 at 1:22 PM
Talking insight and ideas makes one hated and less likeable.  But insight is the key to greatness. Deng gong use insight for success. What is hated is Insight without action. Because insight is always clouded in suspicion of its true value, becomes great only after proven. 
May 2024, at 11:50 am
precisely because of people knowledge that the authority is capable of lies and manipulation, we react with suspicion of news we are fed with 
May 14, 2024 at 11:48 AM
when people do kindness to you, what you see is the action, what you feel is your intuition of the whole action, which predominantly is motive or motivation of his action, the history of this person, what he is capable of. all these goes into your intuition of his action. 
May 14, 2024 at 11:45 AM
I watch documentary videos of China evolutionary history, and I saw that character of Deng xiaopeng, i realise purity of your thought determines purity pf your consciousness, that it is emanated in your eye movement. Your eyes movement shows up content and purity of your thought. The actor for Deng gong is different from the real him, real Deng gong did not have unnecessary mouth movement, eye contacts that is less wondering around. That wondering shows content of your thought. 
May 2024, at 11:27 am
the western news are capable of lies such as framing government data as leak, but purposely so to sway public curiosity and gain attention. they are good with propaganda war. every new generation without a lot of reading, will not realise this
May 14, 2024 at 10:07 AM
if you listen to your inner voice, and sense the truth, you will feel that the way starbucks claim the coffee selection and plantation is a kind of lie. it is akin to lying. if you overrule this inner message, it is because you rationalise. you rationalise with mental message to yourself that it can not be lie, lie is a word associated for bad people. they are successful they can not be associated with lie. 
with the context about people capacity to access to your facts, we see why we should never talk bad about ourselves, as if others will see it too if we dont tell. we need have the ability to keep to ourselves yet have the worldview or internalised notion of no inner conflict that betray our words. this seems to be the opposite of what i always think we should behave knowing that people can see into our inner psyche. but they are not opposite. while we lack consciousness of facts of other people, we are deep in caapbility to see into psyche of people. 
yang jiechi said of usa, he said "we construct too beautiful an image of you". this is typical of people, we simply lacks in our consciousness of full facts of other people. 
starbucks story is example of how western civilisation win the higher order, and as such, have the capacity to project high moral ground. they occasional show high ethical standard, thereby give the impression and 
in fact, if we really want to dig, a person being conscientious, is a sign of dissatisfaction with life, lack of spiritual understanding. being studious and hardworking is natural outcome (at least the initial trigger, the heavy lifting part) discontent with life and longing for transcendence. 
May 14, 2024 at 9:15 AM
I navigate how much to allow myself to be inauthentic or lack of sincere motive, like a blind man. I did not see to what extent people consciousness are lacking in reaching to see the facts and history of everyone. We are far from able to reach that. Other people are too equally lacking. To project love and kindness is good business, this can be summerise so, a good business. It means a calculated one, without care if you are sincere or not. Not wanting to allow this conflict in you, becomes a defeat you declare yourself before going to battle. It allows others, despite their lacking in judging and seeing facts of you, to conclude against you because you tell it, they simply believe it. 
13 May 2024, at 3:27 pm
given what i wrote earlier, we have to approach and interact with people confidently such that people are like community of dog that will not judge you, that will love you, yet intermittently mindful there are element of bad consciousness out there. what should not happen to you is a state of unconscious mindset or deep rooted fear that people are predominantly judgemental. the deeper subconscious of us should view people as predominantly pet dog like, but the outer cognitive part of the brain view people are potentially judgemental. 
May 12, 2024 at 3:14 PM
true learning is to internalise concepts, contemplate and connect as much as possible, so much so that take for example, the concept of the word "reality", truth etc. when you read this words among a sentence, or you hear it, or utter it, it trigger the immediate mental image of the concept of it, thus you are better able to grasp what the message of the sentence, or better able to connect to other concepts, when it is being mentioned. this becomes a reservoir of your philosophy. 
May 12, 2024 at 12:33 PM
if my consciousness is contaminated with the notion of "i" that is starting point of all the thinking, where there is this infinite regression of thinking about thinking, instead of thought arising like grass grow by itself, you lose the childhood cuteness and innocence. even your gaze is interpreted as manipulative, rooted in the consciousness of "i". this makes you different from an infant. 
May 12, 2024 at 11:06 AM
Looking at the photo of the expression of old age premier zhao in shanghai, it condenses all the vast experience and all consciousness he could not utter. It becomes an art because of this man consciousness lacking of ego, self and concept of “I”. His expression condense the many years of pain and struggle in china revolution. There lacks blemish of “I” (such as how he would be judged, viewed or respected). but his deep rooted purpose of serving the people. From this we see that art is expression of what words can not, too vast for words and language.
May 12, 2024 at 10:34 AM
As I grew up, I wondered why is there human relation problems. It should not be. Now I know why. The simple answer is that we a collective consciousness and that whole has skewed towards unhealthy side of the spectrum, such that we become part of that unhealthy and our unhealthy conduct is seem as normal. More specific example if we are a community of lovely pet dogs, and we know no bad people or the concept of it, and one day there is one mother dog tell her puppy not to speak to stranger dog, the mere act of the mother dog would be seriously and unnecessarily distrustful, she would be condemned. But we in human society readily say this to our children not to speak to strangers. This is acceptable given the state of reality of the society. The mother who uttered that, and to daughter that listen, would be confused but rationalise that the mother words are out of love. Here you see, thinking add to confusion. The sense is the truth. The sense that there is something not so right about mistrusting people, is truth. I told dawn we grow up and wonder why is the baby self of innocence is lost. The answer is we inadvertently suck up the bad energy and rationalise it as love and care.
so in this context, we see that it is not that we remove our ego, and carelessly and without consideration, speak as we like, without care for our image and reputation and comfort of other people. we need to watch and navigate this realm, which is already a realm of self consciousness. we need to be mindful never get lost in the whole context of it. the context of sickness in human collective consciousness. imagine a consciousness where people are not sick, no blemish, people dont judge, they are just like community of pet dog, then you can be yourself without being self conscious, you dont need to be considerate to begin with. 
May 11, 2024 at 4:44 PM
there is moment of truth when you perceive that an individual love target is deserving all your care and love, for she is the god create perfection of being human, living into a family that she does, you feel sympathy and sense of duty to care for her. but this is what i felt for yawen when during dating. how that perception disappear? the reason is simple enough, when we perceive, we lacks some aspect of consciousness in the calculation. i did not think of the dark trait that she has and her capability harm me, that my sense of beauty of her life, is a perception built on assumption and foundation that she is decent person. 
May 11, 2024 at 2:18 PM
there is a sense of beauty and likeability if someone is consciously connected to existential question, that is being who they are. in that consciousness, one lacks aspect of social comparison, self diminutive worldview, which to average observer who lacks depth, the person is seems to be confident. this is shallow observation. deeper truth about them is a consciousness like a infant, shower in the beauty of existence, self confident for that reason, not self confident for one is more talented than others. one exude true beauty from a consciousness that sees no concept of "i", the thinker, the observer, which are accumulation of identity stored in memory, but only thoughts or perception and beauty that is being observed, with that one connect with the eternal source of the moment, connect with the beauty of being alive, from the deep source of this moment, with hidden acknowledgement of wonder of this reality at presence, an acknowledgement of why is there something instead of nothing. that deep eternal connection is source of presence and it is where beauty exude. an infant before sucking up the notion of "i", which hide in it an acknowledgement of existence of other people, has care and concern she is fat, less smart, not physically attractive. in growing up, we learn but in this learning, we actually internalise concept that is antithetical to true living, which are all result of reflection of element of consciousness that is divisive in nature. we learn not to talk to stranger, which already is acknowledgement that there is divisive and harmful element in society. if society is all loving, there will be no parents wanting to depart to their children such notion of society, which would be unnecessarily distrustful. 
May 10, 2024 at 6:59 AM
To be focusing on how you feel, is ironically not seeking pleasure. In fact seeking pleasure is neglecting how you feel, it is focusing on how you look, it is focusing on future gain and gratification, at the cost of how you feel now. It adds conflict into you at this moment. 
9 May 2024, at 10:11 am
smart people like richard feymann said nobody know why there is consciousness, and what is the true reality we are living in. but why is there important that we are conscious of this fact of "not knowing". the average seek answers and when there is no answer, they dont bother to wonder about the question, since nobody knows. but if one is conscious of this question, despite no answer and he knows there is no answer, that becomes a valuable guide to our life, in social interaction and choices in life and when internalised, we find energy in things we do, because the doing now becomes anchored to some deep source. 
May 8, 2024 at 7:40 AM
You regret later and wonder why you made the mistake because you see from one perspective and fail to see another. Just yawen could not see her conduct towards me is terribly showing her dark side and showing she is capable to harm me, yet she demand I treat her aligned with what standard loving couple should be. She could not see the perspective of her conduct. She only sees others and the standard it should be. This is typical pattern of human behaviour that leads to regret later.
8 May 2024, at 7:01 am,
The usage of Chinese language for the intellect class shows that one has to mentally engage in order to understand. I believe this is true for English and other language
7 May 2024, at 3:39 pm
lower class asian society like to teach children to be kind and considerate to other people, such as parents, and the reason is almost always others are subject too, like us. we have feeling. but the reasons ar mixed and sometimes left unsaid, leaving it to openly developed and people arrive at notion of kindness or considerate out of fear, fear of reprimand and future setback, revenge, karma. there is a conflict hidden we dont quite realise it. there is a state of mind that people are by themselves knid and considerate, such as infant are not harming or inconsiderate, because they lack sense of "i"/ self. 
May 7, 2024 at 3:06 PM
to say someone is too pessimistic, or too hasty, too impatient, imply there is some standard out there that makes one not too pessimistic, not too hasty, considered patient enough. but these standard are merely human construct, reflecting the level of average others. the person at the receiving end of this message would tune his action along the illusive range. what is more workable is to say that one's hastiness, impatience, or pessimism is affecting others psychologically, and is a disturbance, discomfort to others. then the receiving person would see the where to tune his action and behaviour about. you become more attractive, more likeable and more truly living is your consciousness is one that you are not desiring dating to fulfil yourself. you are living the moment, and make the moment feels good. 
when we imagine others, we naturally and logically do not go deeper than what actually happen in the psyche of the person, as such we are likely to oversimplify or underestimate the complicity of another person, like for example may think someone is less complicated, more spiritually healthy (out of the perception that they live the moment, less desirous). this also show that to be healthy in our psyche, we are actually less, not more. human starts with the basic, the appreciation and wonder of living, thr perception, then the more advanced level, we no longer satisfy with wonder of existence, but start to seek fulfilment and satisfaction and we sense that satisfaction is to be found in dating, in fulfilling our desire. 
May 7, 2024 at 7:25 AM
The conservative Chinese women bind their feat. This can be seen as energy to live and longing for life that express itself. Despite the pain they don’t give up under pain and suffering. Unfortunately in this case, it is unworthy pain and suffering. It is a collective social illusion. Behind the psyche and soul to do this, one has connection to the a sense of meaninglessness of life, or a sense what is the purpose of life, and they listen to adults idea, hoping the answer is in doing what they said. The collectively got wrong. Despite so, if there were people without determination, they will give up life with the suffering in their feet. they would eat and take pleasure to compensate for the pain. It is life energy wrongly used.
6 May 2024, at 5:35 pm
you can not sincerely celebrate for others if your worldview is too individual. you need some degree of singularity of consciousness. i listen to historical video of deng xiaopeng celebrate ye zeying 80th birthday, and he add 9th candle to his cake. he added that so that their friendship is chang chang jiu jiu. one can imagine his state of mind, he is not rigidly or nervously guarding against his self interest, not to misstep. that shows state of his consciousness. 
May 6, 2024 at 4:48 PM
People who are quick to learn up new tricks of gadgets, like finding out new feature introduced by WhatsApp, spend less consciousness into connecting to why is that useful, the social and personal aspect of that new features.
Lei Jun can only perform in Beijing car show with some degree of consciousness like there is only one in the world.
Our most private thought is not our own
May 5, 2024 at 9:04 PM
there is a sense that if i view lei jun or president xi with fear and marvel, i am not seeing the truth. they are just like you and me. even lei jun ability is nothing but something you can do with the right timing and circumstances. to think these people are powerful, the consciousness hide the acknowledgement that we realise people around us on average are not achieving this much in life. that conflict in us that we feel nervous if we meet these successful people. if you are clear with your consciousness and memory, you will realise, on one hand, these are extraordinary superhuman, and on another hand, you know some times in your childhood, before you see so much, you see you are just as capable to do what great success need to do. in fact the growing up and unintended consequences of reading and fact finding, shape us into mediocre human being. it reinforce us into a position of watcher, a sort of in planning stage to "start living" 
cognitively disconnect is the problem, our overwhelm that make use not to bring to consciousness some facts, and not connecting to it. being overwhelmed with the reality we are living in, we dont question why we decide to eat, but simply go my habit or social norm, some or at one stage, we eat because we can afford, or it is time to eat. then we see how people become slim and fit, if it comes because of desire for positive body image, then it is another positive assertive fighting against your temptation. one consciousness fighting another. but better result is achieve by negation. we dont want to burden our consciousness with many voice and instruction. by negation it means we question why and how we come to behave as such, and the mere questioning produce action, this is what krishnamurthi said true intelligence. understanding bleed action in immediate manner. 
steven chow performance is pleasant to watch, partly because, as i see it, his consciousness is so fluid and changing even as he talk along a statement. that is authenticity. he is not appearing as day dreaming, disconnect, inauthentic, attempting to impress. 
May 5, 2024 at 7:05 PM
lei jun of xiaomi said about differentiation of electric vehicle and innovation, he said the way to do it is to dig into the source of product innovation and features. this is same as in life, if you were to excel in life, you can not rely on what is being done, but to dig into the source of social norms and human behaviour, and you come out authentic. because you will appear as not imitate. the key is still the point i know so well about living, it is mental connection. 
May 5, 2024 at 5:32 PM
To see truth is to see pattern of events and facts around. To discern the pattern that underlie the facts.
The problem with answer and cause as we assign it, is that at different level of connection to reality, we get different causes
The core about interacting with other people isn’t about offering help, self minimizing, because that is also rooted in sense of self. That one see self prior to everything. 
The way is to watch the feeling inside you and don’t spread the trigger to others. That is kindness thing you can do to others. That at least does not show you put self as paramount
5 May 2024, at 8:41 am
When you are buying stock, you realise in the face of unknown as the complex situation unfold, to be delusional is the way. Which means to insist on what you see as value (primary force) will eventually manifest itself. 
To see the chart is to rely on secondary signal
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gsuniversityofficial · 11 months
Top Career Opportunities for MS ENT Postgraduates
Are you an aspiring medical professional with a passion for Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) care? Pursuing an MS ENT degree opens doors to a world of exciting career opportunities in the medical field. In this article, we will explore the various career prospects for MS ENT postgraduates and shed light on why GS Medical College stands out as a beacon of career development in Uttar Pradesh.
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What is MS ENT exactly?
let's talk about what MS ENT is. MS ENT stands for Master of Surgery in Ear, Nose, and Throat. It's a higher-level medical degree where doctors learn how to diagnose and treat issues with the ears, nose, throat, and nearby areas. This includes things like hearing problems and sinus issues. It's like a specialized training for doctors who want to become experts in these areas.
During this program, doctors learn about surgeries and treatments specific to ENT problems. They also study how to use advanced equipment like scopes to see inside the ears, nose, and throat. This degree helps doctors become skilled in handling a wide range of ear, nose, and throat conditions.
So, in simple terms, MS ENT is a medical degree that makes doctors specialists in taking care of your ears, nose, and throat, and it involves learning about surgeries and treatments for these areas.
Why Choose ENT Specialization?
So, why might someone want to specialize in ENT? Here are some good reasons:
Diverse Cases: ENT specialists see many different kinds of patients and problems, which keeps the job interesting and varied.
High Demand: There's a strong demand for MS ENT graduates in the job market. This means you're likely to find good job opportunities and competitive salaries.
Patient Impact: Helping patients improve their quality of life by addressing their ENT issues can be very rewarding, both professionally and personally.
The Journey to Excellence: GS Medical College
Before we explore the many career paths available to those who have completed their MS ENT postgraduate studies, it's important to acknowledge the significant role played by Best MBBS college in UP, GS Medical College in preparing the next generation of medical professionals in Uttar Pradesh. Best Medical college in UP Particularly, GS Medical College is widely recognized for its dedication to providing top-notch education and a well-rounded learning experience. It has established itself as a premier medical institution in the region, known for its commitment to excellence.
The college has a strong reputation for delivering high-quality education, and it is considered one of the Best medical colleges in Uttar Pradesh. This reputation has been built over years of dedication to producing skilled and compassionate medical practitioners who serve their communities with the utmost professionalism. GS Medical College's contribution to the field of medical education is invaluable, and it continues to shape the future of healthcare in the region.
Students who have the privilege of studying at GS Medical College benefit from its comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities. This institution not only imparts medical knowledge but also instills in its students the values of empathy, ethics, and a commitment to improving healthcare outcomes for all. As a result, GS Medical College stands as a beacon of excellence in medical education and plays a vital role in shaping the healthcare landscape of Uttar Pradesh.
Why choose GS Medical College?
Unmatched Faculty: GS Medical College boasts a team of experienced and accomplished faculty members who are dedicated to nurturing the talents and skills of their students.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: The college is equipped with cutting-edge medical facilities and laboratories, ensuring that students receive hands-on training with the latest technology.
Research Opportunities: GS Medical College encourages research and innovation, providing students with a platform to contribute to the field of medicine.
Clinical Exposure: The college offers ample clinical exposure, allowing students to interact with patients and gain practical experience.
Global Perspective: GS Medical College believes in providing a global perspective to its students, offering opportunities for international collaborations and exposure.
With GS Medical College as your launchpad, let's now explore the myriad career options that await MS ENT postgraduates.
Clinical Practice
Working as a clinical ENT specialist is a common choice for MS ENT graduates. As an ENT specialist, you can work in private clinics, government hospitals, or even start your own clinic. GS Medical College provides thorough training to equip you with the skills needed to diagnose and treat various ENT conditions.
In a clinical setting, you will interact directly with patients, assess their ENT issues, and recommend appropriate treatments. This hands-on experience is essential for developing your clinical skills and building a strong foundation in patient care.
Whether you opt for a hospital position or establish your own clinic, your role as an ENT specialist involves conducting examinations, performing procedures like ear surgeries or tonsillectomies, and offering medical guidance to patients. This career path offers a fulfilling opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals dealing with ear, nose, and throat problems. GS Medical College's comprehensive education ensures you are well-prepared for the challenges and responsibilities of clinical practice in the field of ENT.
Surgical Specializations
In the realm of ENT, there exist various surgical specializations, including Otology (ear surgery), Rhinology (nose surgery), and Laryngology (throat surgery). GS Medical College offers a robust educational foundation for those interested in delving into these specialized areas, ensuring you acquire the necessary expertise to thrive.
With the guidance and resources provided by GS Medical College, you will gain a deeper understanding of these intricate surgical fields. For instance, in Otology, you will focus on surgical procedures related to the ear, which may involve addressing hearing loss, ear infections, or balance issues. Rhinology concentrates on surgeries concerning the nose, such as correcting nasal deformities or addressing sinus problems. Laryngology, on the other hand, centers on throat surgeries, including treatments for voice disorders or throat cancers.
Research and Academia
If you have a passion for research and education, a career in academia and research can be deeply rewarding. GS Medical College provides ample opportunities for research and actively encourages students to contribute to the growth of medical knowledge.
Within the academic sphere, you can engage in research activities that explore new treatments, diagnostic methods, and solutions for ENT-related issues. Your findings may lead to breakthroughs that benefit both patients and the medical community as a whole.
Furthermore, as part of the academic faculty at GS Medical College, you can share your expertise and insights with aspiring medical professionals. Teaching allows you to impart your knowledge, mentor students, and shape the future of healthcare.
ENT Pharmaceuticals
MS ENT graduates are highly esteemed by the pharmaceutical industry for their proficiency in product development, medical affairs, and clinical research related to ear, nose, and throat conditions. GS Medical College's well-rounded curriculum equips you with a strong foundation in understanding the pharmaceutical requirements specific to the field of ENT.
With this expertise, you can actively contribute to the development of pharmaceutical products tailored to address ENT disorders. Your knowledge will be instrumental in various pharmaceutical roles, including product development, regulatory affairs, and clinical research.
Telemedicine Opportunities
Telemedicine is a growing field that allows healthcare professionals like ENT specialists to connect with patients remotely through video calls, phone consultations, and online platforms. With the knowledge and skills acquired during your MS ENT program at GS Medical College, you can offer these telemedicine services effectively.
Patients can seek your expertise, discuss their ENT concerns, and receive guidance from the comfort of their homes. This not only provides convenience to patients but also expands your reach as a healthcare provider.
Medical Devices Industry
The field of medical devices is always changing, and there's a continuous need for devices related to ENT, like hearing aids and endoscopes. If you've completed your studies at GS Medical College, you can be part of the latest advancements in medical technology.
Graduates from GS Medical College are well-equipped to work on cutting-edge medical devices used in ENT procedures. You could be involved in designing, testing, and improving devices that help ENT specialists diagnose and treat patients more effectively.
International Opportunities
If you aspire to have a global career, you're in the right place. GS Medical College has a strong reputation that goes beyond our borders, offering you access to exciting international job prospects.
Many countries around the world have a shortage of ENT specialists. This high demand for skilled professionals makes it relatively straightforward for graduates from GS Medical College to find positions abroad.
Working internationally can be an enriching experience both personally and professionally. You'll have the chance to learn about different healthcare systems, cultures, and medical practices. It's a path that can broaden your horizons and offer you a unique perspective on the field of ENT.
Final words
In conclusion, an MS ENT degree from GS Medical College not only equips you with the knowledge and skills to excel in the field of Ear, Nose, and Throat but also opens doors to a world of career opportunities. Whether you choose to provide direct patient care, conduct groundbreaking research, or contribute to the development of medical technology, your journey as an MS ENT postgraduate is bound to be rewarding.
Private Medical Colleges in Delhi NCR for MBBS, With GS Medical College as your partner in this journey, you can be confident in your ability to make a significant impact on the world of medicine. In a world where excellence in medical education is paramount, GS Medical College remains the beacon of career development for aspiring MS ENT postgraduates in Uttar Pradesh. Prepare for a bright future, and let GS Medical College guide you on your path to success.
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digitalwhiteboard · 1 year
Advantages of Digital Whiteboards and Why Should You Invest in Them
Technology has boosted the education sector, and various technical tools and techniques have influenced it. Since everyone is talking about the technical infusion in this educational sector, digital whiteboard plays a crucial role in making teaching and learning easier.
One can find several advantages when used during the teaching process. Some of the best advantages of the digital whiteboard have been mentioned here.
Flawless communication
Digital whiteboards come with several technical features, and they can store the latest updated, marked-up presentation or lesson on the cloud. It has the ability for the presenters to share it at the conclusion of the meeting quickly. There are plenty of such cases where not everyone can be in attendance for a vital brainstorming session, or perhaps an impromptu teaching moment arises without the ability for many to jot down their own notes. With the internet whiteboard, one can easily continue flawless communication without any additional fuss.
Allow everyone to communicate.
When it comes to the traditional lecture setup calls for the presenter to a market in the front of the room, the audience has to follow them attentively. The smart whiteboards are the best option to get everyone on the team involved, particularly in cases where coworkers are tuning in from home.
It will completely revolutionize your thoughts that are known through the real-time notes and annotations on the existing canvas, which is completely simple. It provides the students pursuing online learning with hands-on experiences throughout the curriculum. It also allows the team members to quickly amend marketing or any other messages, design plans and other key initiatives without any disruption.
Better interaction and engagement
Since whiteboards have the ability to engage the audience much better than others, it makes them valuable compared to others. Most of them use PowerPoint Presentations to make the audience understand the topic, and this is what makes it a much more interactive way of resolution with the higher value of the current teaching and learning method.
Smart whiteboards change the game entirely, and it allows the presenters to integrate videos, provide interactive games while highlighting the key information and, importantly, allow the students and workers to markup and engage with the presentation from their own screen.
No more worry about losing the steam of hard work.
A presentation is made with sheer hard work, which probably takes several hours and even days. This is why no one would like to waste hard work without reaching their audience, and in such a condition, it would be great to invest in digital white boards. They allow the presenters to present what they have prepared thoroughly, and in such a regard, it would be great to come up with the right kind of things that can perfectly meet the requirement.
Whiteboards have the option to export essential data to an external drive for added peace of mind, and that data can be used for teaching purposes later. In this way, no additional issues will be created when it comes to using the online whiteboard. These are some of the outstanding devices that would rightly meet your needs.
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techdata1 · 1 year
Achieve All Your Dreams With Data Analytics Course In Pune
A generation has changed and people are looking for more opportunities. Having degrees are not enough to earn money, fame and prestige. That is the reason people are looking for new courses. You should do a Data analytics course in Pune so that you can try your luck in top MNCs.
Several candidates are enrolling their names on our coaching centres. The reasons are quite obvious. It is because of qualified faculties and different types of facilities. Contacting us will be the best decision for you. These courses will change your life forever. You will overcome all the obstacles and hurdles in your life by doing Data analyst course.
What is the speciality of these courses?
Several people are opting for higher degrees. Even after pursuing higher degrees people are unable to get jobs. Those who wanted to see themselves in a greater position can or for these courses.
The Maharashtrian people can easily do this course after the completion of their graduation.
The specialties of this course are as follows.
You will get to know all types of new and interesting facts. These things were unknown to you. All the Data analytics course in Mumbai can provide you with the courses.
Other than  that, the time of Data analytics training is flexible. You can easily manage it with other works. We have different durations for all the students. If you wish then you can opt for a batch or self-study. The decision is entirely yours.
All the teachers are highly qualified. They come from reputed backgrounds. The best thing is that they have sound knowledge regarding the course. The teachers will make you learn everything.
There are special doubt-clearing classes. You can attend those classes to clear all your doubts. If you have anything to ask then you can ask the faculty. This way you can solve your problems.
Regular mock tests were also held. You can participate in those tests and see how you are improving.
All types of books and other materials will be provided as well as suggested to you. Follow those books. These books are highly efficient and you can gain your knowledge.
We can assure you of our service. One of the best things which our centre provides is the CCTV camera. This camera will capture all your movements. Everything will be recorded. So if any disputes occur, we can easily bring those to your notice.
Let's talk about the payment structure. The payment is very reasonable. There are various modes of payment. You can choose at your convenience. Another thing is that you can also pay partly. We can understand that people often face problems giving the entire amount at a time.
We have bigger classrooms and are fully air-conditioned ones. You can come and take the lesson here. Several candidates come from different places.
Will Data analytics course in Mumbai
Change Your Life?
Yes, of course. The Data analytics course in Mumbai  will help you to change your life forever.
Data Science Course in Mumbai offers you to learn all the programming languages which include hands-on knowledge and you can gain experience. It is also offering you to learn through live interactive sessions. You can also engage yourself in discussing with faculty and peers. They are ready to assist you at any time of the day. All the classes are taken by professional faculties.
Classes are held in videoconferencing and it reinforces learning. It will help you to brush up on your knowledge and give you tips to polish your overview and give you a chance to land your dream job. Other than that it also offers Mock interviews and walk-in-interview questions with industry veterans which will make you ready to face any sort of interview in your further life. You are getting the chance as it provides you with dedicated industry leaders and their outstanding recommendations will prove to be helpful in your educational and career inquiries.
What Are The Main Features Of Data Analytics Security?
The main elements or features of data security are as follows.
Confidentiality- Confidentiality is the most important element of data security. It ensures that the important data is accessed only by authorized users. Moreover, users should use the proper credentials.
Integrity- The second important element is data security. It ensures that all data compiled is reliable, accurate, and durable. Moreover, those data are not subject to unwarranted changes.
Availability- Availability ensures that data is readily and safely accessible. Moreover, these should be available for ongoing business needs.
How can you get success in life with the help of Data science courses?
If in future you want the topmost MNCs to hire you, then you should enrol yourself to learn the process. The Data Science course is specially designed to assist you to master the language processes. Programmed Automation, Data Analytics, will make you profitable in your job. Other than that it gives you face to face interaction with the toppers. Moreover, you are also getting the opportunity to interact with scientists on a live video. Full guidance will be provided to you and you will be able to overcome all your shortcomings. You are also getting 24x7 Access to study material videoos lectures.
Many students have learned these courses and after that, they have shined in their future. We are sure that you too will also get success after taking admission for these courses. If you are from Mumbai or Pune then you can easily avail of these courses. These courses will give you the actual essence of the skill.
To conclude, it is important to state that a Data analytics course in Mumbai will help you to get all types of success in life. We are assuring you that you will achieve all your dreams with the help of Data analytics classes. Moreover,we also offer Power BI Courses In Mumbai and Pune.
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ahz-associates · 2 years
What Students Should Know About Studying Social Health in UK University
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A very significant area that receives far less discussion and attention than it should is public health. Those who are committed to working in the health and social care industry, however, make it their duty to seek pertinent higher education in that sector.
With the use of research into health promotion, risk prevention, policy creation, leadership, design, and evidence analysis, public health attempts to improve the health of populations around the world.
What prospective students should know about pursuing a social health degree at a UK university is provided below.
Reasons To Study Social Health at UK University
A person's knowledge, abilities, and confidence can be improved through this training, enabling them to pursue a job in social care or health. Numerous programmes exist, and they are all created in compliance with the requirements laid out by the NHS's Skills Council.
Following graduation, you will be able to amaze employers by using the talents you have acquired and showcasing those advanced skills that adhere to the National Occupational Standards. The ability to study the context and processes of change and new methods of collaborating across agency and professional barriers will help the students grow as independent and reflective learners. According to a recent poll by Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE), 96% of 2017 graduates found employment or enrolled in graduate school within six months of graduation.
While studying Social Health at UK University, students will learn many things, such as-
The main purpose of the NHS is why the NHS is so valuable to the UK.
There are many different health and welfare systems all over the world.
All kinds of traditional and non-traditional forms of treatment for a patient’s health conditions.
How do mental health issues affect people?
Anyone interested in playing a protective role in enhancing the care provided to vulnerable people of society would find this topic to be ideal. The UK's health and social care programmes are quite knowledgeable about how students behave both domestically and abroad.
They feature a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere where students can learn from subject-matter specialists. They provide a flexible degree structure, a variety of specialisations, and a wide range of options, allowing them to customise the degree to the needs and interests of the students.
With an emphasis on the development of practical abilities in observation, interpretation, information processing, and presentation, they employ a variety of teaching strategies.
Health and social care courses in UK:
So many courses are offered by UK universities, such as
BSc- Psychology with Clinical and Health Psychology
BA-Health and Social Care
BSc (Hons)- Adult Nursing
BSc (Hons)- Biomedical Science
BSc (Hons)- Children’s Nursing
BSc (Hons)- Healthcare Practice
BSc (Hons)- Learning Disabilities Nursing
BSc (Hons)- Mental Health Nursing
BSc (Hons)- Nutrition (Exercise and Health)
BSc (Hons)- Nutrition (Human Nutrition)
BA (Hons)- Social Work
BA (Hons)- Social Pedagogy
What You Will Learn from This Course
You can analyse significant social care and public health issues using the skills and knowledge you get from a degree in social health care. You will gain knowledge of the recent and upcoming developments in the UK's healthcare industry, the expanding technologies that healthcare professionals need to use, and the increasing cost of providing healthcare.
This degree combines rigorous academics with real-world experience, giving students the chance to put their newly acquired knowledge and skills to the test.
International students can enrol in part-time and full-time programmes at some UK universities. The same health and social care courses are studied by part-time students as they are by full-time students, but over a longer period of time. Students who enrol on a part-time basis typically finish 60 credits per year as opposed to the 120 credits required of full-time students. They will attend classes with full-time pupils.
Careers in the Health and Social Care Sector
A profession in these fields can be pursued with the help of this degree. Any of the following professions is open to you if you pursue a degree in social health at a UK university:
Social Worker
Charity Worker
Youth Worker
Human Resources Officers
Health Services Manager
Service management
Health promotion
Community work
A master's degree and additional expertise may be necessary for some of these professions.
Post Graduate Study of Social Health in UK University
According to a research by Skills for Care from 2018, among social work specialists, 74% of postgraduates found employment as social workers six months after graduation, compared to only 67% of undergraduates. Consequently, a master's degree is advocated for those in the social health field to improve work prospects.
Research study:
The degrees are primarily influenced and improved by research and innovation, which also propels new discoveries and guarantees that students are taught by academics who are actively involved in their fields of study.
Researching can help you comprehend why people have those specific issues and how researchers are sharing remedies because researchers are working on such a wide variety of various topics. Researchers from the UK can collaborate with counterparts in nations like Vietnam, Canada, China, and India.
Entry requirements:
An honors degree from a higher educational institution; if from the UK, then you have to earn a minimum of 2:2.
Some public/health service experience
An ability to demonstrate skills of applied learning
A minimum of five years working in a public or health services organization.
IELTS score of a minimum of 6.5
Best Universities for Social Health:
Keele University
University of Nottingham
The University of South Wales
Robert Gordon University
Cardiff University
This health and social care degree in the UK offers the chance to acquire advanced theoretical knowledge and skills in practice and management in the industry, as well as a critical grasp of integrated welfare structure and process. Students studying health and social care have taken part in extracurricular activities like volunteering for neighborhood support groups and going on domestic and foreign excursions.
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kirtikasingh100 · 2 years
Music Therapy Training
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Music Therapy Training can be a great way to help people in a variety of settings. Whether you're looking to help people in a hospital, schools, or even in your own community, music therapy can be a great way to make a difference.
There are a number of different music therapy training programs available, so it's important to find one that's right for you. If you're interested in helping people in a medical setting, you'll want to look for a program that offers an internship or externship in a hospital. If you're more interested in working with children, you might want to consider a program that offers a placement in a school.
No matter what your interests are, there's a music therapy training program out there that's right for you. With the right training, you can make a real difference in the lives of those you work with.
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How to Become a Music Therapist – Training and Certification Requirements
In this blog post, we will discuss the steps necessary to become a music therapist. We will outline the education and certification requirements, and provide tips for those interested in pursuing a career in music therapy.
  If you are interested in a career in music therapy, there are a few things you need to know. First, you will need to complete an accredited music therapy program. Second, you will need to become certified by the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA). Finally, you will need to find a job in a music therapy setting.
Education and Certification Requirements
  In order to become a certified personal trainer, you will need to receive a degree in exercise science or a related field from an accredited university. You will also need to complete a certification program from a reputable organization such as the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) or the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). These organizations offer a variety of certification programs, so be sure to choose one that is best suited for your personal training goals.
What Does a Music Therapist Do?
  A music therapist's job is to use music to help people who are facing physical, mental, or emotional health challenges. They work with people of all ages, from newborns to seniors. Music therapists use different techniques, depending on what the person needs. For example, they might sing to a baby to help them relax and fall asleep, or work with a teenager who is struggling with anxiety to help them express their feelings.
How Much Does a Music Therapist Make?
  A music therapist typically earns an annual salary of $47,000. However, salary can vary based on experience, location, and position. For example, a music therapist in New York City may earn a higher salary than one in a rural area. Additionally, a music therapist with more experience may earn a higher salary than a beginner.
Tips for Pursuing a Career in Music Therapy
  1. Pursue a degree in music therapy.
A degree in music therapy is the best way to pursue a career in the field. This will give you the necessary training and knowledge to work with patients.
2. Get experience in the field.
It is also important to get experience in the field. This can be done by volunteering or working as an intern at a music therapy clinic.
3. Network with other music therapists.
Network with other music therapists and learn from their experiences. This will help you learn more about the profession and find mentors.
4. Stay up to date on the latest research.
Stay up to date on the latest research in the field so that you can continue to improve your skills as a music therapist.
5. Get involved in professional organizations.
Get involved in professional organizations such as the American Music Therapy Association so that you can stay connected to the music therapy community.
Final Thoughts
  After all that has transpired, I have some final thoughts. First, I want to thank everyone who has helped me, especially my friends and family. I would also like to apologize to those I have hurt. I know I have a lot of work to do to make up for my mistakes. Finally, I want to say that I am grateful for the second chance I have been given. I promise to make the most of it.
The steps to becoming a music therapist can seem daunting, but with the right preparation and commitment, it is definitely achievable. If you are passionate about music and want to help others, then a career in music therapy may be the perfect fit for you. Visit our website for more information on our training sessions! https://www.santoshghatpande.com/music-therapy-training-and-courses
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vicky-blogger · 2 years
Top reasons to apply to IIM Calcutta
IIM Calcutta is undoubtedly one of the best options among all the IIMs. After all, it was the first IIM to be established and has consistently remained near the top of the NIRF rankings for years. The IIM Calcutta courses attract students from all over the country, which also makes IIM Calcutta one of the most coveted business schools in India. With that said, you might want to consider joining this institute for your higher studies. 
What makes IIM Calcutta a preferred choice?
With 20 different IIMs to choose from, you might be wondering why IIM Calcutta is one of the most preferred options. Well, here’s what makes this institute special:
Firstly, the IIM Calcutta campus offers a top-notch infrastructure to promote a modern and comprehensive learning environment. The library here holds more than 1 lakh 60 thousand volumes and hundreds of business journals, besides 40,000 full-text journals in its online database. A Financial Research and Trading Lab was set up in 2008 too, to give provide the students with more practical and hands-on education. The academic blocks are highly sophisticated too, with audiovisual capabilities and air-conditioning in all classrooms.  
The faculty team at IIM Calcutta is one of the best things about this business school. IIM Calcutta boasts an impressive 1:10 faculty vs. student ratio, which ensures adequate attention and mentorship for every student. Moreover, the faculty members here have 10 to 20 years of work experience on an average. Thus, students learning here would gain practical knowledge from industry professionals. 
The several prestigious accreditations that IIM Calcutta has earned so far make it one of the top business schools too. In fact, this is the only Indian institute that happens to be a member of the Community of European Management Schools (CEMS) group. Besides that, IIM Calcutta also earned the international accreditations of EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA. This once again proves that IIM-C is a business school that offers world-class education. 
Career opportunities
Another factor that counts towards IIM Calcutta’s position as a leading business school is that the students can enjoy lucrative career opportunities. Every year, the IIM Calcutta Campus draws recruiters from top companies during the placement drives. The placement drives here also record some of the best salary packages among all the IIMs, with an average salary of INR 34 LPA recorded in 2022. The batch of 479 students that participated in this placement drive received 640 offers in total, from more than 190 companies. 
What courses can you pursue at IIM Calcutta?
Being one of the largest IIMs, this institute offers a number of popular programs that you might be interested in. The IIM Calcutta courses that you can currently apply to are:
MBA Executive
The institute carries a flawless track of academic excellence record for all its programs. Hence, you may feel free to choose whichever course aligns with your current academic stage and career goals. Check out the fees, eligibility criteria and admission process for the course of your choice and prepare for admission during the next window. 
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nowis-scales · 2 years
CF Playthrough Part 38
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Honestly that could be a better ending for you than staying in Fódlan, Thea. Especially with your whole nobility-crests thing, it might be good to get an outsider perspective from a different country... and just leave behind the stuff you don’t like about your own home. 
I bet you could even make a great living as a performer, there, too. It’s always fun to see culture from different groups of people! 
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He’s not wrong. The people need something to grow from, even if you insist on tearing it all down. The plans for what this something will be have not been clarified by Edie, apart from the reign of an Emperor with... seemingly centralized power? You know the exact thing people didn’t want her dad doing? And while I get that the guys who perform the Insurrection are supposed to be “bad guys”, but overall, centralizing power on one person doesn’t seem like a great move imo. The nobles of Adrestia are still dicks, don’t get me wrong, but they’re more so dicks for potential Crest experiment involvement and perpetuating the nobility thing way harder than the likes of Faerghus or Leicester.
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But high performance is based on numerous factors, often including things like their environment. While free education for all is an important and wonderful thing, not every student who could not perform highly in your school would necessarily be unable to thrive or support your government. Environment, as mentioned, is an important factor in how students are able to pursue their education. A child with a difficult home life, such as a child with a sick sibling or parents who have fallen out of love with each other, will naturally be more distracted than others and potentially not perform as well. That’s not even to mention that some children might have mental health conditions or operate differently. A child with depression could be amazing in a higher position someday, but if they could not perform in school, they wouldn’t be getting the position. These are the kinds of things you need to consider when you say stuff like this.
The one thing that’s important to remember, in all matters of these social situations, is this quote from Celeste Ng:
“You didn’t make good choices, you had good choices.”
I got kinda real there... My current career plan is to try and become a teacher, so that’s probably why. Gotta keep these things in mind if I want to do a good job, right? Same goes for the folks here.
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I’d love for Ferdie to be that for you. I’d also love if it happened anywhere but this one support.
It has been 0 days since I was last passive aggressive about this route.
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So serious question albeit random. Advice on quitting a job with no back up plan? Or just thoughts? I’m seriously dreading going back to work tomorrow. I audibly gasped when I saw tuxedo cat drabble and it has been the only shining beacon of my day. 🥴🥴🥴
Financial independence is important, both in order to have the necessities and/or disposable income. Planning for and having reasonable financial independence relieves a lot of stress in life. It should not come at the expense of your physical / mental health.
I would not advise quitting your job without some sort of plan. If you are at a point that you have saved enough money to last you about 3-6 months (covering everything, rent, utilities, food, etc), then that is the best scenario to quit cold turkey. However, depending on the economy and where you live, such a thing might be impossible. Heck, even saving money in it of itself might be impossible right now. If you have someone in your life (parent(s), spouse, friend(s), etc) willing to front your cost of living while you are looking for a new job, then that could be an option. However, such is a privilege, and not everyone is lucky enough to be in that situation.
A job could be but does not have to be your passion. That being said, I do understand there are many factors that could make your job unbearable: bad management, shitty co-workers and/or customers, poor working conditions, etc. Some money is better than no money. It really depends on how bad it is. If your life / health is being compromised, then those are reasons to leave ASAP.
You can do the bare minimum at your current job while looking for other options (did I just say that? *whistles*). You might get lucky and find a better opportunity elsewhere. You may have to take something of lower pay for a while if only to protect your mental / physical health. Personally, a good work atmosphere is more important to me than how much money I make. Still, I would have some sort of back-up plan if I wanted to change careers, either pursuing further education to get a better job or having another job lined up so I don't have a gap in income.
Sadly, living costs money... TㅅT
There is a saying, "Choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life". I call bullshit. Even people who love their jobs have days where they are tired and just wanna go home. XD There will be days that feel like work and that's okay. That's life. It all depends on how you look at it. Work-life balance is different for everyone. Some things that may be your deal-breakers are simply minor inconveniences for others. It is important to find a job where you are comfortable and where it doesn't constantly stress you out.
But don't stress yourself out either, dreaming for an ideal rather than keeping your options open. Many people stumble upon their jobs / careers by accident, giving something "random" a chance. You never know, right?
Here's what I think. Work doesn't feel like work when you find people that you love working with. If the actual job itself becomes stressful, having people who understand and help you shoulder that turns a shitty situation into a funny story later. Keep an eye out for those that you want to work with during your next job hunt.
You will feel much better when you have a plan on what you want to do - learn a trade, go back to higher education, switch jobs, etc. If you need a temporary solution to get out of your current situation, look for a seasonal / temp job. There are many options available and, although they might not be desirable at the moment, it may be better than your current experience.
Cat-man Yoongi is always here to help, right?
... RIght?
*pokes tuxedo!Yoongi*
He grunts and rolls over, ignoring me.
I think that means yes. XD
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4thdegreelibra · 2 years
saw you were doing some interpretations!! would love to have you do mine if you'd like 😊.
Leo sun, 12th house, 21°
Gemini moon, 10th House, 17°
Leo rising, 1st house, 22°
gemini moon twin <3
Leo sun; warm and bright, naturally attracting an audience wherever you go. The sun is especially strong in Leo (domicile), feeling at home, you'll notice that all the power of leo comes easily to you. Whether thats a natural air of confidence in the things that you do or feeling the need to lead over something - you will have a much easier time channeling this energy. Leo's love to preform and have an audience, you'll have a very charismatic warmth that draws others in and lets you whisk them away. I've noticed many leo's have a big personality with lots of love to give. You talk with lots of passion and energy and this type of charisma really draws others in. In contrast to your bold leo sun, the sun sits in the 12th house of unconscious desires. Here, your sun craves alone time, after being around large groups of people you may feel like you need time to yourself to recharge. You also may have a keen interest in psychology and the human condition - you want to understand others and what makes them tick. You also may feel like people don't understand you or aren't really hearing the things that you are saying. You also may be subjected to lot's of projection from others putting their own conflict onto you. With the sun in a sagittarius degree you will feel some Sagittarius influence within your chart. Whether this is traveling or exploring, or even looking to pursue higher education - you have that sag flair.
I love gemini moons - and not just because I have one- but I really think that they are misunderstood. You loveee to learn and talk about new things, small talk comes very easily to you. Exchanging ideas and dissecting them is stimulating for you, if people are unable to have a conversation with you, chances are you won't really like them. Although the way we process our emotions isn' t the most effective, it sure is the most logical! Who said you needed to actually feel your emotions to fully experience them?? It seems a lot more practical to over analyze everything and then bury it deep down to never be acknowledged again. I also just know you're the funny friend wherever you go, people love your quick wit and comebacks. The moon in the 10th house signifies someone who wants recognition for their work/career or social status. You want to be acknowledged for how hard you worked to get to where you are. You may find work to be soothing for you, as you love to complete goals and tasks. You may have an easier time achieving fame ;) The moon in a leo degree, wow, lotssss of leo influence, lots of charisma and charm.
Lastly, a leo rising. ever the performer, others perceive you to be loud, bold, and dramatic. It's not a surprise when you unconsciously attract a large audience to whatever performance you are giving. Leo, known for its lion mane may give you great or noticeable hair - it stands out to others. You may notice you gravitate towards shades of gold. You may have a feline like appearance LOLL like a really pretty cat or like cat like eyes. With the rising sign in a Capricorn degree, you may be a very hard worker and work towards success.
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firelord-frowny · 3 years
my mamma staaaaaays watching CNN or MSNBC all day every day and today i was in the room while they were covering all the many protests that are going on in various workers unions across the country and how a lot of workers are finally drawing the line and demanding stuff they obviously deserve in terms of safer working conditions, more reasonable hours, higher wages, better health care, blah blah blah, and how the ~corporate world~ is trying to push a narrative of Labor Shortage instead of Shitty Jobs, painting workers as just being lazy and entitled and counting on people’s utter desperation to fill shitty jobs because $8/hr to still be unable to afford rent and car payments is better than $0/hr,
and i told my mom that all of that is a HUGE part of the reason why i’ve been unwilling to ~just take any full time job i can get~ when Any Full Time Job I Can Get isn’t actually going to earn me enough money to provide a comfortable life for myself despite working 40+ hours per week,
and then of course, as moms do, she starts lecturing me about how ~you need to just get over it and do what you have to do like everyone else~ 
and i’m like!!!! 
i mean, i Get It. i do. People take shitty jobs because they don’t have a choice, and if I didn’t have my mom to keep me housed, I wouldn’t have a choice, either. And she has the right to throw me out if she ever feels like it. Like, she doesn’t HAVE to let me be here. 
but i’m like, moooom, you REALIZE that ~people not having a choice~ is exactly why employers have been able to get away with this shit for so long, right??? The fact that a bigass corporation can pay full time employees poverty wages and STILL have people snatch up those jobs is the reaaaaasssoooonnnnn why they keep the wages so low, and the hours so long, and the workplaces so unsafe. If nobody took those jobs, they wouldn’t be able to keep that shit up. 
so hell naw to the naw naw naw i’m not about to participate in that madness Just Because!! there is 0 virtue in slaving away at a full time job with criminally low wages Because Integrity or whatever. If you genuinely HAVE to, as in, you’re going to be homeless and starve if you don’t, then obviously you’re going to choose soul-sucking poverty wages over homelessness and starvation. But if refusing to work such a job is NOT going to leave you homeless and hungry, then you may as well just remain unemployed until you have a legitimate opportunity. Bc like... people can’t fucking Save Money when each and every paycheck is totally eaten up by critical expenses: rent/mortgages, utilities, insurances, car payments/transportation, food, phone bills, paying back loans, etc. And if you’re not able to save money, HOOOOOWWWWWWW are you ever supposed to get Beyond where you are currently?? How are you ever supposed to move into a safer neighborhood? HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO PUT MONEY AWAY FOR YOUR RETIREMENT??? HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO MAINTAIN AN EMERGENCY SAVINGS FUND??? If you aspire to pursue higher education, how are you supposed to finance that?? Lmao take out even more loans with an even higher interest rate thanks to the shitty credit score you’ve earned from BEING BROKE??? 
i’m supposed to put myself through all that shit because Personal Integrity??? bitch you THOUGHT!!! 
and hell fucking yes i am entitled! and the people who’ve crafted the narrative that ~entitlement~ is a Bad Thing are the saaaame people who manipulated an entire labor force into believing that it’s Unprofessional to tell your coworkers how much you’re getting paid. They’re the same people who decided that “experience” is a legitimate currency they can use to pay workers a la Unpaid Internships. They’re the same people who made everyone believe that it’s Bad Business to leave your job and go work for a competitor who’s able to give you more of what you need in exchange for your labor. They’re same people who tricked workers into believing that they should WANT to ~go above and beyond~ without getting anything in return. it’s Bad And Lazy to stop working and go home when your shift is over. you have a Good Work Ethic when you take work-related calls at any hour on any day when you’re not actually at work. 
i am ENTITLED to a comfy, living wage. i am ENTITLED to being payed well to do the things I’m good at. i am ENTITLED to have ample time and energy to enjoy a life outside of work. I’m entitled to getting enough sleep. i’m entitled to being able to dedicate time to pursuing my hobbies. And so is everyone else in the gotdamn world. Give me a living wage, or give me righteous unemployment! Not as catchy as “give me liberty or give me death,” but same fuckin deal. 
and honestly, it’s so fucking WILD lmfao that this isn’t even the first time america has gone through this exact turmoil. like, we already FIXED this shit decades ago, at least partially. And now people wanna act like workers are shallow and lazy for demanding that employers make good on the responsibilities that were already agreed upon and enacted YEARS ago. We’ve done this before!! We’ve fought this fight already! I’m so upset!! 
honestly like! I feel like today’s employers are counting on younger generations being ignorant about the history of labor movements. they’re counting on us not knowing that we even have the option to demand the most basic necessities. 
So like... 
the more people who can choose to be unemployed instead of being held captive by a predatory corporate world, the better. And frankly, the people who wind up having to support someone who’s unable to make enough money should ALSO be loudly in favor of higher salaries and better workplace conditions. Like, don’t be mad at your 29 year old son who’s still under your roof because his job doesn’t pay him enough to live a dignified lifestyle on his own. Be mad at the multinational corporation whose higher-ups are raking in millions of dollars PER HOUR while leaving your son destitute.*Twisted Sister Voice* NO! We’re not gonna take it!!
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rwbyconversations · 5 years
Rooster Teeth Glassdoor Crunch/Overtime Accusations #AnimatorsFirst
EDIT: Georden Whitman, former creator of Nomad of Nowhere, has come out and publicly confirmed the Glassdoor reviews are true.
Original story:
Rooster Teeth’s Glassdoor reviews have recently made serious allegations against the company, with people who work for the company claiming that the company engages in practices involving heavy crunch periods, a resistance to providing benefits, eighty hour work weeks, a management team trying to justify crunch and unpaid overtime that, according to some, led to as much as a third of RWBY and gen;LOCK’s recent seasons being made effectively for free. 
Below are screencaps and exact quotes from the pages. Any emphasis made is done by me.
From May 23rd this year, as written by an employee with three years experience at RT:
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Program scheduling department has no idea how to time budget for animation, has resulted in unnecessary, preventable crunch Company takes on projects that are too big for it to manage effectively Not the highest pay compared to Anim Guild standards Open office space, gets noisy
Advice to Management
Management has been using a weird method to try and deescalate hard feelings about crunch. They’re acting like counselors who are “there to talk” and to try and find “coping mechanisms” to deal with crunch. This is a terrible idea considering that none of them are trained counselors as far as I’m aware, but more-so, they’re obviously going to be biased in favor of what they want from us. It makes me want to communicate with them even less. This past review, my manager criticized me for having “negative energy” during a terrible crunch period where we were working over 80 hrs s week, and told me I should “look for the silver lining” which is just bad advice. Advice to management is to stop pretending you know anything about mental health and also be less passive - fight harder for your team.
From May 13th, an employee with a year’s experience at Rooster Teeth:
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The management is terrible. Artists are lead on with the promises of "full time employment and benefits" dangled in front of them without ever being addressed and ultimately are never given, there is no paid overtime, artists had to fight for their right to time off between productions, and good luck getting any form of benefits despite them being plastered on the wall.
Advice to Management
You're not a group of guys playing halo in your apartment anymore. Please run your business and look at what's happened to it.
From June 11th this year, from an employee who has been working at the company for five years:
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- Extremely poor management (Some of it is negligence, some of it is just accidental from the sheer amount of work. Upper management is also extreme bro/friends club.) - Insanely high expectations (animate a 10-14 min episode in 2 weeks) - Very low compensation (I've worked here for years and make entry pay. Some people have gone MULTIPLE years with no raise) - No overtime pay (Every season of RWBY and GL gets about 1/3 or less made for 'free' because no one gets paid over time and it's not uncommon to work hundreds of hours of overtime) - Toxic work environment (there are a lot of cliques, complaining and even making fun of other people and depts here. It never gets punished so it always happens. Not professional)  - You know something is going right when after many complaints HR reminds everyone you have "unlimited" mental health doctor appointments... I could honestly go on and on like an emo on Myspace in 2007 but I'll reign it in. I'll leave it at this since I've seen many fans read these and be skeptical. It's not great. You can deny it but there is a lot of evidence if you just accept it. And the reason you work here is cus you get stuck and are promised "It'll get better". The work is low quality (hard to get jobs elsewhere), pay is low (can't save money) and life/work balance is a joke. We have a bit of balance now but it's only for a couple months out of the year when production isn't in full swing. Then it's back in the meat grinder.
Advice to Management
You NEED to listen to the workers and make hard decisions and actually fight for better conditions. It's been far far too long of "it'll get better" or "we know what to do next year". This isn't sustainable and I think we all know it. But someone has to be the guy to say "no" when things aren't good enough. If you don’t say no, hundreds of people suffer. Please.
From May 18th:
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Crunch has gotten to an unacceptable level. Productions have been completed with over half of total hours unpaid overtime, especially impacting the comp and editing department. Management cares more about their ego than the quality of the work they put out— letting the crunch caused by their irresponsible decisions fall solely on the shoulders of the artists while they enjoy a forty hour work week. Pay is laughable compared with the amount of mandated, unpaid hours of labor. No career advancement, and contract workers are given empty promises of full time employment before being shown the door once production is done.
Advice to Management
Stop saying the crunch issue is “getting better” or that you’re “working on it”, and start actually owning up to your mistakes.
From May 19th:
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-A lot of employees brought on, if not all, before the last development cycle were promised permanent positions after a 90 day trial period. As those dates approached those artists saw no change, asking their leads what was going on. The guidance from higher ups was vague at best, and some felt like they had been forced to lie to employees during the interview process. - A lot of processes went over-scope due to poor planning. -Lack of actual production experience in the management side of things is no longer something that can be glossed over as the company tries to take on more industry vetted employees. -Crunch is extreme and overtime is not compensated for, nor is that time given back in any fair amount.
Advice to Management
-Clear and concise communication -Re-structure your upper level management
From May 12th:
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Crunch here is out of control. No Paid OT. Expect to work A LOT for free. 70-80 hour work weeks. Mandatory 10-12 hour work days sometimes with no days off. Management is more interested in telling you what you want the hear as opposed to the truth.
Advice to Management
Fix the crunch issue and stop saying 'we're working on it'.... because you're not. Layoffs are certain. Will layoff bad employees and good employees in the same breath, completely eliminating any reason to work as hard as you're required to do. Fix your transparency issue and stop overworking your employees otherwise your reputation will severely suffer.
From April 5th:
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-No paid overtime. -Crunch is a major problem in the animation department due to unrealistic deadlines, poor planning, and indecisiveness. (Mandatory 10 to 12 hour days for multiple months are common.) -Stress levels are often very high due to harsh deadlines -Some of the producers tend to lie. -Promotions are used as a morale booster, not actual career advancement. -Hardly any time for Professional Development -Professionalism can be a bit scarce (for example people would draw penises on the boards throughout the studio)
Advice to Management
-Management needs to seriously figure out how to deal with the crunch issue. A question was asked at an all hands meeting: "How are you going to handle crunch this year?" Instead of giving a clear answer, the head of the RT animation department completely dodged the question. If you don't know how you are going to tackle a problem, try saying, "I don't know. I will get back with you ASAP." Then actually pursue a solution to the problem. Dodging questions makes you look shady and untrustworthy. -Improve production plans and make sure you have enough resources to complete your projects. If you are going to work on two shows at the same time, then you need to double ALL of your teams along the pipeline, not just one. If you can barely get one project done with your current resources, you certainly cannot finish two. If you can't get the resources needed to complete the projects, then it's probably best to keep them small or to simply not do them at all. Pushing your teams beyond the breaking point is not the wisest decision. If you continue with your overambitious ways, it will backfire in the long run. Telltale Games' closure and Bioware's Anthem debacle are examples of what's to come if you do not improve your production practices and get crunch under control. -Get more training on how to manage people. There are plenty of programs out there that can help management understand how to work with various types of personalities. There were some situations where I noticed that some leads and producers simply did not know how to talk to a person when there was a problem. Despite all of the criticism I just wrote, I feel the majority of who work at Rooster Teeth Productions are decent people. However, the management is just terrible. Put some of that ambition you have into fixing your problems internally instead of putting it into meeting those unrealistic deadlines.
From March 25th:
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- Massive amounts of unpaid overtime. All while touting the importance to the company of a life/work balance. They promise to give you the time back, but it will be impossible to take. - Management is just a joke. They can’t schedule or stay on track to save their lives. Total amateur hour. - Zero followthrough on promises made. How about a pizza party? - Pay much lower than standard. Don’t expect real raises. Promotions with increased responsibilities don’t come with comparable pay bumps. - Most promises of advancement and opportunities are hollow wishful thinking. - Almost zero followthrough with meaningful investment in employee education. You can access a Udemy account and that’s about it. - Management will blame the artists instead of taking responsibility and will even through people under the bus to cover themselves. - Internet celebs are more valuable than artists.  - Their awards are called “cockbite of the month/year” and it’s what they call their employees. You may not want to be called that but that’s too bad. It’s their culture. A few guys draw penises everywhere to be funny. - Not very much diversity in management. Feels like you need to be a straight white male to be appreciated.
Advice to Management
Hire some actual seasoned industry professionals to upper management in Animation. And demonstrate there are some consequences for them, instead of taking it out on employees.
From April 11th: 
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-Overtime, and hours will cause any person to slowly become something they don't like. -Management is typically made up of "talent" and treats other employees poorly, not to mention 0 years of previous managerial experience. -Management also blames other employees for the problems they create, and don't show actual leadership. -Echo chambers within management. -Stress levels incredibly high -Lack of professionalism
Advice to Management
-Get rid of "talent" in managerial roles, it's clear they're costing the company serious problems and money. The ones who end up being hurt are the employees who knew and constantly warned about problems ahead of time that were ignored. If the company stays the same a huge incident is bound to follow. -Try to respect creatives that aren't "talent" within the company as well. It's clear management doesn't and goes against the entirety of the company's "core values." those who have had previous industry experience should be listened to and considered instead of being shrugged off and given responses like "Well that's just how we do things." -Collaboration doesnt seem to exist for a majority of managment here. If this one massive change happens the company could really grow far and do much more than create crude content with a lack of care/heart for the final product. -If people are able to sleep and have a normal schedule more thoughtful input will also happen, and your content can only get better. -A multitude of people and lives have been hurt from management at this company, from in house employees being mentally abused to freelancers that are ghosted. So many immature and poor practices have taken place within the animation department I'm amazed a lawsuit has yet to happen. -Management should be leaders not bosses.
It’s almost darkly funny that most of the positives are just “They give you free food on Mondays and the people are nice.” 
But these are all from just the last year alone. Most reviews from before the start of 2019 don’t speak of crunch barring one from April 2018, one from March 2018 and one from June. This is a problem that has been affecting Rooster Teeth for at least an entire year, and since the start of the new year, the problem has magnified tenfold. Most reviews mention that the heads of departments are aware of the crunch and unpaid overtime but refuse to do anything about it beyond offering platitudes or dodging the question on what the company is going to actually do to fix the crunch problem.
Crunch is a problem plaguing many companies, especially in the western hemisphere. In gaming development there’s a story nearly every month about what apathetic upper management think they can get away with by forcing employees to spend dozens of hours every week slaving away on their product. I hoped that Rooster Teeth would not be one of these companies, but I am saddened to see that they were not. 
Crunch’s negative effects on mental and physical health have been well documented, alongside the basic fact that crunch isn’t worth it and doesn’t work. Employees forced to crunch are unable to work as well as employees who are well rested and have time to go home to their families. 
To anyone working these impossible crunch hours at Rooster Teeth right now, I hope your suffering ends soon, that eventually basic human empathy wins out and hours are lessened while you receive your just rewards for your work.
For @roosterteeth? This is appalling and a slap in the face to the fanbase you conned into thinking that you were a company that cared for everyone within as a huge family. Your entire management team should be ashamed of the environment you signed off on. No profit margin is worth the suffering you have subjected your crew to. Shame on you. 
As a fan of RWBY, it disgusts me that a product I enjoy was made through blood, sweat and tears. And as a fan of RWBY, I wish to make a public call to the fanbase, be it on Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter or Youtube. I want to make a public statement to Rooster Teeth that we are willing to wait longer for new shows if it means that they are made ethically. I can’t in good conscience support a product if it was made by putting the workers through hell. Maybe I can’t change anything on my own, maybe ultimately we’ll just be ignored, but I refuse to stand by and stay silent on the matter, maybe even get Rooster Teeth to make changes in their workflow (I won’t say “I hope they respond” because they seem to respond in-house to complaints about crunch without ever actually changing anything) 
I encourage you to share this around as much as you can. Share the accounts of the Glassdoor reviews as far and as wide as you can. We love and enjoy media, we love the people who make it- the animators, editors, writers and voice actors, and we as a community want them to not have to resort to RT’s seemingly unlimited mental health coverage or “find a coping mechanism to deal with crunch.” As much as it pains me to admit, I’d rather see RWBY die instead of seeing continue to be made on the back of crunch.
Thank you for reading. Again, I encourage you to share this around as much as you can. Let your voice be heard if you stand against this. 
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techdata1 · 1 year
Dream High And Make It Success
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