#it's just a sign of poor writing
mionkings · 3 months
The Deep Lands 🏕
Amity Park is strange; even without the ghosts' destruction, the ectoplasm is enough to change and make things strange. The residents just as eccentric and weird. But they can be friendly when they want!
However, the national parks near or in Amity Park are terrifying.
People disappear mysteriously to never be seen again without explanation or are found eventually either dead or alive in the most unexpected places ands strange circumstances.
Those that do come back, become different. There is no true explanation.
Amity Parkers or Ghosts take notice that there is just something— ancient and primal deep in the mountains, where stone and trees older than humanity bleed with energy of even the most deepest parts of the Infinite Realms. It is enough to ward ghosts to indulge in their obsessions away from nature and into Amity Park, something familiar.
Has the land changed with them? Or has it always been there, untouched until now?
For when Phantom flies by the large vaste land, he takes caution. Entering in with the respect one would have towards a home, or rather a haunt.
It calls to him.
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kennyomegasweave · 8 months
Listen! Tharn has horrific trust issues and doesn't trust anyone, not just Phaya okay!
Like he clearly doesn't even trust Yai and the Abbot because of his issues! Because yes he knows Yai, basically his brother, believes Phaya would rather die than hurt Tharn so much he flat out told Phaya he can't die cause he already gave him Tharn to protect. And yes he knows the Abbot, who raised him, has continuously told him he needs to fully trust Phaya will take care of him. But he has trust issues okay! Those just don't go away! He can't just trust Phaya okay!
Though he does trust Chalothon and thinks he's a good guy. Even when he knew about Phaya's dreams that only Tharn knew about and basically accused Phaya of losing his mind, clinically, in front of everyone at their work at a crime scene. But it obviously makes complete sense he trusts him implicitly and never questions anything cause he's known him his whole life! That's not something you can just throw aside for some boyfriend, soulmate or not, you know!
But then, wait...why doesn't he trust Yai and the Abbot the same?
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But I'm glad he knows Chalothon is the problem now. Sucks for him about everything because of it. Hope it works out for him in the one remaining episode. Don't really care either way anymore regardless.
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the last time reigen let dimple possess him, it was, well, — it felt fucking great, despite everything. standing in the eye of the storm, indestructible, fast, strong, agile, powerful, together; having entrusted him with reigen's useless old little body and gotten a 200% return on the investment! so what if he wanted to feel something at least a little bit like that again, if he missed the crowdedness under his skin? so what if he's been feeling kind of lonely lately, especially when off work, what with mob being busy, and himself not being all too close to tome-chan yet, and not letting himself get all too close to serizawa? so maybe reigen starts letting dimple possess him from time to time, just, casually. most of the time the possessions aren't even justified, but it's not weird if they don't talk about it. dimple enjoys being able to breathe, and says exactly that; reigen enjoys being together, and says nothing of it.
reigen never admits any of his reasons, obviously; neither does dimple admit that he deeply appreciates what reigen does for him. it's just a weird little thing that happens between them, largely unacknowledged, mentioned either not at all or through crude lighthearted jokes, with emotions welling in the whitespace between words.
over time, reigen gets his head out of his ass, and him and serizawa become good friends, best friends, boyfriends, even, and later move in together. the thing with dimple continues to happen because there's no real reason for it to stop, and frankly it's not like they ever discuss that; it just carries on. katsuya's been noticing for quite a while that Something has been happening, but he never felt like it's his place to ask, especially when it seemed so silent — nearly non-existent, despite being very real. well, whatever arataka chooses to do with his free time, right?
one night katsuya stays out drinking with his school friends a little later than he was expecting, and comes home a little drunker than he was going to. he finds arataka in the kitchen, chopping some vegetables, main lights off and over-the-counter lights dim and amber around his frame; he's so, so pretty, and katsuya hugs him from the back, reaching to try and place a kiss. arataka turns around, his face flashing a wide grin and very bright red cheeks. "oh hi," dimple says. katsuya backs off clumsily, and stammers, "ah, i'm so sorry! i was expecting arataka to be here, but it's you, ah-h-h, this is awkward, again i'm so sorry!"
"no big deal," dimple waves off, and turns back to chopping. "fyi, usually when i'm here, it doesn't mean reigen's not — i don't displace him, yanno? just hanging around in his head, it's like buddy time." he grins again. "right now he isn't, though: i'm just puppeteering the thing. he passed out on the couch waiting for you, and i thought y'all wouldn't appreciate not having shit to eat for breakfast. i'll whip up some stir-fry for tomorrow and dump this back where i found it for a good night's sleep, dw about it"
"ah," katsuya says eloquently, "thank you."
he doesn't leave the kitchen, still — changes positions, getting comfortable, leans on the counter, and watches dimple work. his quick movements, his(?) elegant hands, his concentrated expression, his(?) golden hair, his red cheeks. he looks so handsome like that.
"you look so handsome like this," katsuya says before his brain-to-mouth filter catches up to the rest of him.
dimple puts the knife down and stretches his(? arataka's?) hands out before him, admiring. "it's a beautiful body," he admits. it's not a grin, but smile, softer this time; private, even. "don't tell reigen i said that, but — i really enjoy this; being like this. not just the whole getting to be alive, running around and breathing and eating thing, though of course that too, but also — you know what i mean," he shifts a shoulder up. "possessing anyone is fun, but possessing reigen..." he runs one of his(?) hands down another of his(?) arms, lightly — almost reverently. "it's nice."
katsuya's breath hitches.
he's standing closer than he remembers being. arataka is so pretty like that, in this soft lighting; dimple is so pretty like that, in this soft body.
"i still want to kiss you," katsuya whispers.
dimple's breath, just for a flashing moment, hitches too; he wouldn't admit it. "go ahead," he says, louder than a whisper, but way quieter than his voice.
katsuya does.
it's not chaste and not desperate; gentle-slow and quick-curious, soft, warm, almost exactly the same as every kiss he'd had before, just like this, but so unlike them, and almost tangibly new.
it feels great.
"it feels great," dimple breathes. "it's been a long time, and i've kind of... forgotten what it's like. so i've always wondered how it would feel if i did it."
"you mean, kissing in general, or?..." katsuya makes a terrible, embarrassed pause. "...kissing me?"
dimple shrugs, and turns back to the cutting board again. chop-chop-chop! katsuya stares, maybe a bit dumbly.
katsuya wakes up in the middle of the night, slightly less drunk but significantly more disoriented, and stumbles towards bathroom, and gets arataka's phone flashlight shone right into his fucking face (and then quickly towards his feet with a bit-louder-than-necessary apology).
" 'm going to the bathroom", katsuya explains.
"ah, i'm just heading back. samesies moment!" arataka jokes.
katsuya buffers.
"i kissed your boyfriend last night and i'm so sorry!"
"...you are my boyfriend, tsuya," he raises an incredulous brow, and then a hand to brush at katsuya's forehead. "you alright, buddy?.. uh, do you mean you gave me a kiss while i was asleep? if so, it's fine, you shouldn't worry about little things like that-"
"no! i mean kinda yes? agh, i mean dimple-was-posessing-you-while-you-were-asleep-and-i-kissed-him-and-he-kissed-me-back-i'm-so-sorry!"
"ah yea he does that someti- you What? dimple WHAT? wait, did you just call dimple my BOYFRIEND?"
the conversation that ensues is horrible. not because anyone's fighting — no one is even angry, unless you count violent bafflement as a subtype of anger — but because a honest, serious, 3-way conversation regarding dimple, gayness, feelings, and gay feelings for dimple, by definition can not be not horrible. arataka takes a smoke break in the middle. (he quit 5 years ago, but a guy needs exceptions). katsuya feels the closest he's ever felt to a heart attack, and that's including all his previous life experiences. dimple grows out a weird little perfunctory foot to tap it in the air.
but they try their best, and they figure things out.
in the end, not much changes; they still don’t talk about too often, but now it feels more like comfortable lack of necessity rather than avoidance; they all just get it. and occasionally, dimple possesses arataka while he kisses katsuya, and oftentimes vice versa.
it's nice.
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
have you ever asked yourself "what do i have to contribute to the aliens keeping humans as pets" subgenre? because i have. and the answer is johnny shouting and yelling and lunging with teeth bared at every alien he sees so none of the bastards try and take him home and ghost taking one look at him and going "cute. i want that one."
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utenixx · 4 months
Cagalli and Athrun writing up a prenup and fighting over who gets to keep Meyrin in the case of divorce
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llitchilitchi · 10 months
western, native english speaking internet needs to be more normal about broken english. like genuinely. there are tons of posts talking about how english is such a hard language and how non-native speakers "shouldn't apologise for not speaking english fluently because they are making an effort"
and then when we turn around there are posts and youtube videos making fun of broken english. "this story is so hard to read ugh this is such poor prose I don't know what the author meant half the time" well maybe the author doesn't speak english so well. maybe the author never had to write long prose in english before. maybe the author wanted to share something they love with a wider community and the easiest way to go about it is writing in english because that is the most commonly spoken language in fandoms. maybe the author is trying their best and you are mocking them for it not being Good Enough for your standards as someone raised with the language the author started learning two years ago
it's not even in writing, really. it's the mocking of accents or the incorrect tenses and strange grammar, the strangely worded set of instructions posted online
everyone always talks inclusion and how this should be fine but the moment they actually see someone not do well and don't have it spelled out to them that the author isn't a native speaker? the internet turns to ridicule. and that needs to stop
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ophillya · 9 months
im going to hold everyone's hand while i say this, i hope i dont sound rude, but saint you better sleep with one eye open because how the fuck do you have your "im going to protect phaya even if that means dying for him" character turn around and PUNCH HIM COLD BECAUSE THE COCOMELON DOCTOR IS BEING AN ASS TO HIM?
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You notice a lot of common interpretations and adaptations of Sherlock can be found i, I believe the 2nd, sherlock story The Sign of (the) Four and I even have a classmate who talks about how rude Sherlock is in the chapters we read meanwhile me (and turns out a few quiet classmates who feel awkward hearing this take on him. Bless you my love. The vindication is real.) are just falling a little in love with how adorable and sweet Sherlock is in this book.
Dude waxes poetic about the sunrise while in the thick of the chase TM and serenades Watson to sleep after bringing his own exhaustion to Watson's attention. Sweetest man alive alert. And this is the same day he sasses Scotland yard for deciding who was guilty of the day's murder before he even showed up at the scene. 10/10. No notes
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ellalalala · 2 months
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I feel like maybe I shouldn't share so much of this chapter before I've even posted it but I am having a lot of fun so. Regret can come at a later time
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madtomedgar · 2 years
Nobody is allowed to complain about 17th and 18th c historical fiction making their female characters too "masculine" by having them have academic interests until they've embraced female characters who haven't been taught to write. Sorry but if you want a pean to ~glorious femininity~ then your girl should have to sign her name with a mark, and brag about not reading too much, but it's fine because here embroidery is sooooooo nice.
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margridarnauds · 7 months
If. If I was considering. Getting a Streamily Raphael print. To go with my Streamily Heisenberg.
...what. What would be good. To request?
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ev1lmorty · 7 months
i have to speak my truth n my truth is i wish owl house was a good show. pains me that it isnt. i do love it tho 10/10
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dearreader · 7 months
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firewoodfigs · 1 year
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krakaheimr · 1 year
I just learnt that my portrait of Wheels is.. on an unofficial SCP Wiki? Not the actual one, one of the Fandom/Wikia ones. They've used it as his wiki article image??
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flower-seller · 2 years
"What do you think, Tough Guy? You think he was just 'investin' or whatever?" Ginter asked the little Shinx in his lap, the man scooped him up from beneath his arms to look the little creature in his bright eyes.
The two of them stared at each other intently for all of two seconds before Tough Guy decided to be just that. The feline surged forward and nipped the old man right on the nose. There was an undeniable force behind the tiny chomp that sprung forth a dampness to the guild master's eyes as he practically yelped in response. 
"Offa me ya brat!" He barked sharply as he just as quickly wrestled the little electric type off of his face and covered his now sore nose, "I told ya to quit that shit already, damn it!" Ginter's nose throbbed, but thankfully there was no blood this time at least. The elder glared down to the little beast, only to be met with a wry and playful little bastard wriggling at him. He felt the anger escape him with a deep sigh, the damn thing just cute enough to be forgiven. 
"Boy, get me the lil feather toy, would you?" Ginter ordered, his hand already extended as he kept eyes on his little monster growling playfully at his feet. When he was met with silence, the elder then finally turned his head to where Volo had been. So when he suddenly wasn't there, Ginter stood up in confusion. 
"Volo?" Ginter called, his cool eyes rapidly searching the shrouded scene for the man.
That bastard always seemed to wander off at the worst of times. It was the smallest glimpse of blue that he finally caught, the giant stature no doubt distinctly Volo. He watched the visage of his underling disappear around a corner, Ginter's brow quirking as he moved to take a step forward himself. Tough Guy had other plans as he swatted and nibbled at the old man's boot, much to Ginter's chagrin.
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