#it's just that i can't upload the whole video in one go so i'm editing the ones with rafito on it
zingaplanet · 2 years
Insight to Federer and Nadal's private convo during the Match In Africa + the in-laws reuniting:
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simplydnp · 6 months
Why is everyone rooting for it takes two? Tbh its one of my least fav gaming videos. I havent even watched the whole thing bc i get bored… why do yall like it so much??
i am so sorry you feel this way bc it takes two is one of the Best dapg we have ever gotten--revival run or otherwise.
despite dnp's arguably most popular playthrough (undertale) being composed of long videos, dapg doesn't generally post Long videos. so it's sheer length of 52 minutes is a revelation.
combine that with gameplay that both of them get to partake in, and you already know you're in for an excellent ride. again, they don't generally play a lot of 2 player computer games, despite us knowing they spend a Lot of time gaming together, so already it feels special since they both get to play.
the game itself is very dnp-coded, which they even comment on. it's a creative exploration through an emotional and difficult time, and yet, it still has time for humour, teamwork, and enjoyment. this game is a Journey--that's the whole point. and dnp are Very good at navigating it, in the way they do things best: together. (and you can't tell me phil's multiple 'i am your husBaand' didn't rewire your brain)
the grandness of the it takes two video is in their synchronicity. we've got video evidence of them struggling to play co-op games together--they even think it's going to go poorly, as it takes two has a Reputation for being quite difficult, particularly the boss battles. there's a reason it's the marraige counselling game, in a sense. and yet they skated through it. constantly on the same page. it's symphonic.
alongside that it's just a pleasure to sit down and watch. the bants are on point, the vibes are focused but chill, and the length of the video plus the quick turnaround upload speed during gamingmas meant that there wasn't a lot of editing to distract or disrupt the vibe. it's a very raw and unfiltered dnp--it's cozy. there's something about it that's just calming for the soul.
i enjoy getting to feel the Flow of a story, especially alongside the people i'm watching play it. despite the varied environments and quick-paced sections, i never felt lost in regards to the narrative (unlike their Brothers video). but still, there was high-octane moments! space for bants! a little bit of a respite in all the chaos.
maybe i need to say it with my full chest but trust and communication are my kink and no dnp upload demonstrate this better than it takes two. as fond as i am of dan's outbursts and yelling, there is nothing like watching dnp on the same page just absolutely crushing a task. there's a time and a place for both, but i much prefer them both having a good time as opposed to constantly bickering over something (hence my preference for the it takes two gameplay compared to the bread & fred video, though i'm curious your take on that particular video as it's quite the contrast)
almost everyone Knows what we come to dapg for, and it's not usually the gaming. this video takes that and makes the gaming Part of it in the best way possible.
plus, i'm eagerly awaiting them clickbaiting us with another insane title like 'dan and phil get divorced' was. truly excellent no notes.
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cookiesupplier · 11 months
Hell Ain't So Bad - Part One
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pairing: Noah Sebastian x ofc (Ellie) 
warnings/tropes: slow burn, smut (eventually), angst, fluff, mentions of death, mentions of torture, thoughts of religious ideology, and swearing. – potential more to be added at stories progression
summary: Ellie is lost in the world, homeless and has been out of the world for so long in her mind she has no idea what to do and nowhere to go.. When the perfect opportunity falls into her lap, she doesn’t want to pass it up.. Turns out though, it might be a little bit stranger than she ever expected. Who would have thought that one day, she’d end up working in hell itself.. And what does this even mean?
author’s note: This first part was originally written as Reader/first person, but re-edited as Ellie/third person as its what's I'm used do if I missed anything please, feel free to let me know. Unbetaed, readers beware..
Warning, this is a slow burn... I scream at my computer with slow burns... so how well I will handle my own slow burn I have absolutely no idea... lol but as per my notes... I can't even promise Ellie will even meet Noah for um. a. few. parts. Don't lynch me.
ALL COMMENTS ARE WELCOME. (my replies are broken I will reply via reblog to yours)
tags: Tags are open if anyone is interested.
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The day Ellie sold her guitar was the beginning of the end. It had been all going down hill for a long time. Ellie knew, of course, she knew. The whole world knew it to be honest, it isn’t just her that was struggling but she had dropped out of college and had been picking up work wherever she could find it just to get by and pay rent. Ellie had even tried Only Fans, but not even taking off her clothes and videoing herself for strangers on the internet had gotten her the money she needed to keep her from the predicament that she was in now. Not being able to even pay her monthly phone bill had put a stop to uploading the videos and images to continuing getting money from Only Fans for the bill, she had tried to get around it, but trying to access the free wifi at the library had been nixed the moment the librarian saw exactly what she was doing.
Boy had Ellie been banned there so fast anyone would think steam was about to come out of the librarian’s ears.
She didn’t blame her for that, but a girl had to eat, and eventually, when she stopped uploading the little content she had managed to get to her account, the money that she had had coming in from her subscribers, had dried up very quickly, and then she had nothing to even scrounge for the slightest morsel of food. Ellie hadn’t eaten a decent meal in what felt like…
Screw what felt like. She hasn't had even a scrap of food that hasn’t been begged, stolen, or fished out of the garbage in weeks.
Months since it was anything but dollar packs of noodles. Dry unless Jake let her borrow his camp stove to cook them.. She always shared if he did. He brought the kettle camp stove, and she bought the noodles and they ate huddled under the overpass, pretending they weren’t homeless, down on their luck, beggars.. Bound to get chased away, or worse, the next time a cop patrol came riding by. Jake was a good egg though, he could get into a shelter so much easier than her, but he never went, always saying there was too much noise, too many people. He was a veteran with PTSD, he’d lost the lower half of one of his right leg last time he was on active duty, and she was always willing to listen to the story, even if she heard it every time they shared a pack of noodles.
It had been a few days.
The overpass.
Ellie wished she could say that actually sleeping here was a new development, but it had been where she had been calling home for some weeks now. There used to be a tent city in the park for so many like her, but then the council had decided that was an unlawful assembly and chased them out. Sadly in that chaos, Ellie had lost the, admittedly flimsy, tent covering that had kept her at the very least dry of the night. That had been a few weeks back. Now, the overpass was usually where she spent her nights.
If she was lucky.
That’s right, if she was lucky.
If she wasn’t, she would go out and look to find a park bench. The other option was possibly huddled up somewhere random in a shop stoop and praying to whatever deity out there, if there was any at all, and hoped that it didn’t rain, and she woke up before the shop owners got in and chased her away the next morning.
Not that it really mattered. She could never get properly warm anyway, despite the fact Ellie was wearing literally every layer of clothes that she hadn’t sold. She just couldn’t stay warm, and that cough she’d had for weeks now just didn’t want to go away. If she couldn’t afford a place to live, it wasn’t like she could afford the treatment the doctors said she needed. The free clinic was pointless. No, sorry, that was horrible of her to even think. No it wasn’t, It had a point, but so far the drugs they’d given her only seemed to help much for a short period of time, but at least they did help, for a little bit. Still, the cough was relentless, it always came back despite the fact she always tried to do what they told her. She tried everything she could to stay as dry, and as warm as she could. Unfortunately every time it came back, and it made sleeping extremely difficult when every night she woke up feeling like she was trying to cough up her lungs from her chest, barely able to breath. It felt like something was sitting on her chest.
Today, Ellie seemed to have dozed off mid afternoon, she didn’t remember doing it, but she must have with the way she awoke with a start this afternoon. She hadn’t even realized that she’d drifted off, damn she was so tired, it happened when her coughing got so bad that she couldn’t manage to sleep more than tiny cat naps.. Probably about time to go back to the free clinic and see if they could give her some more meds and get just a little bit of relief, even if it was only for another short time, anything was better than nothing.
Waking up coughing, she raised a gloved hand to her mouth.
It was instinct.
Who didn’t cover their mouth when they coughed?
However, the pressure in her chest, the ache, the pain in her throat, then the drops of blood that she spots on her fingers when she struggles to pull a breath in and drop her hand from her mouth as the coughing eases slightly.. And her stomach drops.
That isn’t good.
Definitely free clinic time.
“Hey, you okay?”
Looking up from her hand, Ellie’s fingers closing in a fist quick as she swallows looking to the frankly clean, neat, man with bright eyes, a kind smile, more than a few tattoos, blonde short hair and is squatting down to her level,
Ellie’s voice was rough, her throat feeling like a cheese grater from the coughing, but clearing her throat a little bit gently she continued,
“Yea, just really tired, I’m probably just getting a cold.”
Liar. Bold faced liar. She sees the man smile a little more, glad he accepts the white lie. Least she hopes he does anyway.
“Best get you to the clinic then.. Here, have a sandwich until then, fill that belly, and when you go, maybe check this place out too, it’s right across the street, I have a buddy over there, I think he could help you. Ask for Nicholas. He’s one of the nicer ones, I promise.”
That smile was winning as he stood up and walked the way he came. Ellie saw it then, the truck he was walking towards, he came from a homeless shelter.
She didn’t recognize the name though, that was weird. Looking at the card, the writing was fuzzy, like her eyes weren’t working properly for a second, and, and then the words formed. Oh, there it went. Huh. It was an unemployment agency. That’s funny, she thought she’d been to every single one in the city, she didn’t recognize this one either. That was really strange, he wasn’t acting like he was new to the area. New people had this way about them, she'd noticed, very buddy buddy, trying to be everyone's best friend. Now this guy, yes he’d been nice, but then he’d left her with the sandwich, holding the card in her hand, slightly blood smeared from her fingers, and then gone back about his work.. Like he was an old hand at this.
Looking down at the card, Ellie sighed. Nicholas.
Well, she obviously needed to go to the clinic anyway right. Even if she had a strange feeling about it, Ellie tucked the card into her ratty jeans pocket and opened up the sandwich. She’d only eat half now and save the other half for tomorrow, for before she’d go and see if she could get in at the clinic.
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Ellie had been waiting hours to get in at the clinic.
Just her luck. There were too many people and she had already this morning been waiting there for so long that she knew she would end up sleeping on the front stoop if she continued on trying to wait to see a doctor. No matter how many times she tried to get the nurses attention, there was always someone who was yelling louder than her, and not even when she had another coughing fit did that get her attention..
It was late afternoon by the time that Ellie was finally taking a time out from the chaos and a short break to get some fresh air by the door, just trying to breathe, that you spotted the friendly man from the day before.. Waving at you from the building across the road.. That was where he’d said the agency was, across the road.
He was waving her over.
Glancing back into the clinic, she’d be waiting here for hours still and she knew it, and she wasn't even sure the nurse had ever put her name on the list of patients despite already being here, for hours already. Signing in this morning had been the strangest thing, she’d set the intake form down, and yet, nothing.
Walking across the street towards the guy, he was still smiling..
“I was wondering when you’d arrive.”
So, he was that sure she’d come, strange. Swallowing, her throat hurt so much from all the coughing, but she didn’t want to complain, not if she could get a job, any job right now would be better than nothing.
“Come on in, I’m Steven by the way, let’s find Nick, he’s the guy for you, I know it.”
Ellie followed him, she felt obliged to this time, not sure why, like she was being tugged along. The building wasn’t anything strange, just an office building.
“Ah, here we go, right though here.. Nicholas Ruffilo. He'll be able to help you.”
Well, here goes nothing. What did she have to lose right?
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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littlemissclandestine · 5 months
hey ꒰(・‿・)꒱ I just saw your Adler edits and I luv them sm !! your blog is amazing too I read you have ocs that you wanna publish and made me wanna do it myself but I’m shy 🙈 but i do want to see yours ! is your oc from cw and modern warfare II ? also which one is your favorite. i love ocs x canon too and i have met a couple of them i enjoy sm !! you have any fav oc x canon in the fandom ?
srry if it’s to much!!! I love your blog 💗
Hello dear lovely Anon!!
Dude i love your energy first of all. Like i'm getting noice vibes from you haha 💜
And OMG i'm so glad to hear that you love my Adler edits! 😭 I don't really post my edits on here because it feels like tumblr is more for fanart and fanfic etc. I might upload them all to youtube when i get a chance for lols. But honestly thank you for that! You've given me a motivation boost 🫶
Over the moon that you think my blog is amazing! I think it's chaotic tbh but happy you love it! Mwah 😽
Aww that's cayoot, you wanna see my OCs? Soon, promise. You should share your ocs with the world when you're ready too! <33
Kind of answered some of your question(s) on OCs in this post but here ya go anyway:
In terms of my OCS, I have 2 for the MW universe (reboot), 2 for the BO universe (mainly CW though because of ✨Adler✨ ) and 2 for some other video games. But you know what? I swear I just keep making random ones in my head so i may have more in store. -> That rhymes hehe. See it? O...kay i'll stop. AHEM
My favourite OC out of my collection would be...
NOPE can't choose. That's pure evil Anon. It's like picking your favourite child. 😭
And then out of the whole COD fandom? Yeesh that's a tough one because I love loads if i'm being honest. People are so creative and it just puts a huge smile on my face seeing them in their element and vibing. Though, the ones i'm currently following the most are sleepyconfusedpotato's Jade x Ghost pairing and alypink's Aleks x Adler pairing. They both bring me immense joy tbh. Like I actually scream whenever I see a post about them and my family look at me like wtf cbkdksjsk
Honourable mentions: iamcautiouslyoptimistic's Helina x Mason, alexxmason's Selena x Mason, alypink's Aly x Price & efingart's Mila x Woods. Y'all i could go on and on tbh. You'd think I love BO more but i don't looool.
Wasn't too much at all! Ask as much as you want, my love. Thanks a bunch, honestly. It makes me all giddy when i get an ask. I find it cute that you wanna interact with but feel a lil shy. YOLO Anon, YOLO.
Best wishes! 🌠
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lutiaslayton · 10 months
Hello! You seem to be knowledgeable about Japan-exclusive Layton stuff so I wanted to ask if you knew how many chapters were there in Mansion Of The Deathly Mirror? I tried to look it up myself but I couldn't find an actual answer
Thank you for all your translations btw I really appreciate them!
Hi, and thanks! <3 There are six chapters in total. For more info, I will simply give you (and anyone else who reads this) a Reddit post:
This post explains everything we know about Mansion of the Deathly Mirror and how to deal with the fact that this game is lost media.
That link aside, I have a transcript planned for Mansion of the Deathly Mirror just like I did with Chelmey's Casebook and London Holiday, but I don't even have the full first chapter completed yet, so I'll have to catch up whenever I have the time and materials to do so. I haven't had the time to work on it in many months, but don't worry, I haven't forgotten about it and I WILL make a better, FULL version of the translation, as soon as I can get to it (but right now I'm kinda supposed to be preparing for my PhD defence hahahahaha).
Now for some ramblings related to the above-linked Reddit post. Long story short: we have chances of securing the game. But for that to happen, we need to be patient, and we need to be silent. If you ever find footage of the game on youtube or elsewhere, no matter what you do, leave the player alone.
Let them upload at their pace and gather the crumbs as they fall off the table, because asking for them to let you eat the whole cake has never worked in the past. By that I mean: asking someone who owns the game "hey can I see your cool shiny thing asap plz plz plz" will result in that person blocking you, no longer posting any footage or content related to that cool shiny thing, and possibly disappearing off the face of the entire internet forever. I am neither joking, nor exaggerating.
I'm not talking that much about MotDM because we don't want to get too much attention drawn to it for the time being. But don't worry, if this game ever is found (and we have a whole team searching for it, we're just secretive on purpose -- for the reasons I mentioned here and for those that are explained in more detail in the Reddit post), we WILL make sure that the fandom knows about it. It's mostly just that right now, the only person we know who has the game and is somewhat willing to make a playthrough does not want any unwanted attention, and this person is not a friend of ours. They will stop uploading if people ask for them to upload faster, and they already threatened once to delete all their videos when someone asked them if they could "share the ROM." (No. No they won't. And even if they were willing to, we can't even make anything out of a ROM yet because of the hardware being stupidly complicated anyway.)
So there you have it -- your answer is "6," and I could have left it at that because I have no strict obligation to say anything more since you didn't ask for any other info haha.
Unless you want to dive into this endless rabbit hole, I highly suggest you just keep that answer, leave it at that for now, and go about your day minding literally anything else. We will get back to you and the rest of the fandom once we have real news about it! It's just that for now we're all stuck in limbo hahaha, there's some stuff done in the shadows but nothing worth hyping about until we're done with it. I mean -- we can't do anything until the one (1) person who owns the game decides to upload more footage of it. Given how desperately lost this game is, we should actually be happy we get to have anything at all, even if even NWoS might come out before it.
[EDIT] Needless to say, the player who is sharing some gameplay footage does NOT know that I have a website with the beginning of a fan-translation, and if they learn even so little that it exists, they are going to have a heart attack and will likely delete their entire playthrough. And nobody wants that.
I personally won't celebrate and heave a real breath of relief before footage of the full game from start to finish with as much content as possible is secured, which is why I don't talk about it a lot. I'm just paranoid that something might go wrong like it already has multiple times in the past hahaha
DO NOT show my website link around at random until I say it's ok to do so. And if you share it with friends, ALWAYS mention that I am the one running it. That way if you or your friends have questions, you know who to ask for explanations.
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tokyokookmin · 2 years
Have you seen the super long video someone just uploaded of jikook from 2013-2021? If not here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y6RhdFIE-g
I've noticed so many things and have so many thoughts but if you've seen it what are your take aways seeing everything in one place like this in chronological order?
Hi, anon!
I have seen this whole video a while ago, this video is dedicated towards the growth of jimin's and jungkook's relationship. It was beautifully edited and all of jikook's moments were compiled together in chronological order from 2013 (when they first debuted) till 2021.
Well, anon, feel free to send in another ask or you can also hit me up in the DM's! I will gladly give my take on the moments you have thoughts about! Since this video is extremely long and full of moments, I can't possibly give my observation for every single moment. If you were more specific on which moments, I will not hesitate to elaborate more about it.
Nevertheless, here's a quick run-through of jikook's dynamics throughout the years.
looking at 2013 chemistry, we have seen jimin being very brave to acknowledge that he's affectionate towards jk. He likes to call jk cute and does like to compliment him but bear in mind that this was just only the beginning of BTS's debut. Jimin didn't have much time to connect with the members as he was one of the last members to join :)
Based on my observation, Jimin felt more connected towards Jungkook as he was the group's maknae and is from Busan which I where Jimin's from (Im not ignoring the fact that Tae also played a big part as a close friend towards him) Jimin just wanted to build and establish a great bond with jk. (just too attached)
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For JK, it's not like he never liked jm, it's just that he was more reserved and was getting into the zone. He had always endeared jm and valued jimin's presence. He has always had those shiny eyes for his hyung ever since the beginning!
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Then in 2014, we saw the equations developing gradually.
Things were going on as usual, the normal teasing was going on, the same old wooing and casual chats, jimin wanting to go on a trip with Jungkook.
2014 was just a slow process for the dynamics to progress.
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I believe jikook's relationship hit a milestone in 2015. Things started to show very much. It was a turning point.
We saw jungkook turning vocal. His body language and expressions were clear enough for us to know that something was up between them. The sudden praising and flirtiness coming out of that guy were crazy.
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We saw them being closer and more flirty throughout 2015. The back hug-slow dance that not many noticed.
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The year when jungkook started praising jimin numerous times!
( CONTEXT- here, jk is saying that jm eyes are beautiful)
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Jungkook's description of Jimin in Malaysia's press conference (MY armies, where are yall, lol)
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Their moments in public started developing even more and we had lots of intimate hugs and moments that year. Not to forget, we also got many selcas and jikook lives!
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There's no possible way to exclude the 2015 OSAKA JIKOOK moment, am I RIGHT? 😂
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2015 was a year great for them, things began to be great between them, and the intimacy between them grew. They also were exploring their feelings that year, which I think is a great thing!
Even more giggles and flirtiness. Just jikook being very obvious that year. But first, check this out.
If you're lazy to run through that post, here's a quick recap for you.
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this incident was a year before serendipity.
Apart from that, Jikook received a term from karmy and the media. Karmy started calling Jikook the Sun and Moon duo in 2016 after the coming-of-age ceremony. Jimin is known as the moon and jk as the sun.
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We got amazing selcas that year and plenty of interactions as well!
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They went on a break together around early 2016.
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Them talking about their shopping experience together while shopping for Jk's birthday.
fast forward
Oh boy, this one has got to be one of my favourite years of jikook chemistry. This was officially it, you know? From serendipity, gcf-t to award shows. Good lord, save my heart.
We got the iconic gcf-t in Tokyo which was a phenomenal video jk made (no one expected that coming) "running, running just to get my hands on you". Jimin through Jungkooks eyes <3
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I genuinely feel so happy for both of them!
Then we got the Serendipity MV. Serendipity has A LOT OF DETAILS! It's connected to jikooks relationship. I find that song very therapeutic and full of warmth and love.
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If you remembered what I said (linked my Zico post) in the 2016 timeline, you would notice that the "you are me and I am you" has a connection with serendipity. That trail of 너는 나고 나는 너야 ( Neoneun Na Naneun Neo) began from there. Jikook's never-ending usage of that quote will forever be our favourite 🥰
serendipity post (1)
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Of course, we will not forget jikook in Bon Voyage, lol. We got so much of jikook crumbs that year. Damn, it's crazy, lol.
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Oh man, this one screamed LOUD! We got jikook as a pair for the SUMMER PACKAGE 2017! Was it intentional to use the rainbow unicorn floaties?
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This one is quite scandy, lol. We got jikook wilding in the People interview.
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Just Jk saying things, don't mind him 😂.
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jk, what you tryna tell oml.
OOPS. Well, I ran out of the pic and link usage. I will continue the 2017 - 2021 timeline as soon as possible. Thank you again for bearing with me. I had this post in the drafts for an extended period. Anyways, this is only my observation, it might be right or wrong, but all we know is that we are all jikook supporters.
This post took me quite a long time to collect information and links. I hope that you guys will enjoy it 💕🥰
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
Y'all I love free software so much y'all don't even know. Have a list of my favorite free programs I have used lately when creative juices are flowing:
Giphy Capture: Very very easy to use (you will figure it out in no time). You can't recolor anything here, but I've found the compression options allow me to retain enough quality that I am not repulsed by the idea of posting gifsets made with this tool. They will never be as pretty as recolored gifs made in photoshop, but if you just want to make a scene and it not look horrid, this shit will get it done with a learning curve that's as flat as they come (Mac only tho sadly).
ezgif.com: Swiss army knife of gif making in your browser. You can crop, add effects, adjust brightness, saturation, hue, etc., trim, cut frames, and optimize file size. You can upload a set of images to turn into a gif, upload a gif you've already captured to edit it, or upload and video clip and render and edit into gifs all in your browser.
Davinci Resolve (18.5 Beta) - I am very excited about this one. Davinci Resolve is a professional-quality video editing software available for free for personal uses. It is stuffed full of video recoloring options, and they recently added gif rendering. This means you can recolor a whole scene all at once, split it into clips representing each gif in your set, then batch export a whole scene of short clips as gifs at the same time after adding text, cropping, cutting frames, and recoloring them as desired. Compression options on export are minimal right now, but I'm hoping as this new tool develops and moves out of beta... *rubs hands together evilly*.
Davinci Resolve - As above—professional-quality video editor available for free for personal use. Tbh the video editor pre-shipped with your OS will get you real far, but this one has a plethora of options you won't find in there, and typically will not ever find for free at all.
Ffmpeg - Need to batch convert .mkv files to .mp4 because your various softwares or maybe your PLEX server isn't playing nice??? ffmpeg has your back! If a command line is too intimidating though you can always go with Handbrake (if you can stumble your way through a command line though—ffmpeg will convert a whole season of TV to .mp4 before handbrake finishes a single episode).
Autodesk Sketchbook - I have had this puppy for a very very long time—I had it when it was actually a one-time purchase desktop app back in the day and I paid $50 and it was worth it. HOWEVER, Autodesk Sketchbook is now completely free! You can use everything I paid $50 for when I was like 16 years old for free! It runs on phones and tablets too! There are a lot of awesome free digital art tools (i.e., ye olde classic GIMP) or ones you can get for very cheap one time purchase, but this is just a free one I am fond of.
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murfeelee · 1 year
Get to know you - Sims Style
Thanks @descendantdragfi here and @obscurus-noctem here for tagging me! ❤️
What’s your favorite Sims death? Every death is hilarious--fire and drowning are iconic, ofc. My fave sims GHOST, however, is the Haunted one from SN, and the Hologram one from ITF.
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Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Alpha CC. I don't mind Maxis Match in TS3, but EFF NO in TS4--get that clayfied crap out of my face, alpha all the waaaaaay~!
Do you cheat your sims weight? YES, I use a weight gain mod.
Do you move objects? MOOOOOOOO! 🐄🐮
Favorite Mod? I juuuuust made a whole post drooling over my faves.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? TS1 Makin Magic. Iconic.
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Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? My avatar sim, Sakura Rain, the time-traveling Japanese cherry-tree faery of the Unseelie Court. (She's inspired by all my fave pink-haired anime characters.)
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Have you made a simself? Yes, but only when I play The Sims with my family members, and we take turns making each other and our home. It's so much fun.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? White. Especially after TS4 came out with no CASt or color wheel and I couldn't even recreate my main sims like wtf. I have a type, EA!
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Favorite EA hair? PFFT! 🙄 I can't stand most of the hairs EA makes in general, especially not the ones for male sims, as most of mine have very long hair.
Favorite life stage? Young adult, by default. But as more mods have been made for kids (No Stretch, Child Magic, Toddler Interactions) I have been enjoying child sims FAR more than I used to.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I'm a builder--that's how I got into TS1 way back in the day. I like decorating interiors--my exteriors are usually sad, I suck at using CFE--and just cluttering up my lots. As a fandom-inspired storyteller, I rely on in-game interactions to give my sims the poses/scenes I need, so having deep and immersive gameplay that allows me to recreate whatever fandoms I want is key.
Are you a CC creator? Unfortunately.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? A "sim squad"???
Do you have any sims merch? No, but I want one of those plumbbob headbands so I can dress up as a sim on Halloween. XD
Do you have a  Youtube for sims? Technically no. I got into making TS3 machinimas inspired by my favorite music a few years ago, and would upload them to Youtube cuz that's what everyone did, but omfg all the recent changes in copyright and music policies has made it SUCH a headache uploading ANYWHERE--including Tumblr!
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Like, my most recent IWTV insp. machinima on Tumblr has that stupid Copyright Guidelines thumbnail on it, even though Tumblr ACCEPTED the video and let it go through--it plays! It's not removed, so wtf??? No matter how many times I tried reuploading it I got the same problem--this BS is more trouble than it's worth, tbh.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? My gameplay will always look a bit pudding, but I think/hope I'm getting better at recreating different fandoms, and getting the level of detail down just right.
Who’s your favorite CC creator? It takes a village. There is no ONE creator--especially since all my OG faves retired a long time ago: Luna, @qingshuangtongzi, Hekate999, etc. And new simmers pop up everyday that blow my mind, so yeah, it's just the community at large, really. 💚💚💚
How long have you had Simblr? 2013--this July will make it a full decade. Tumblr's trash but it's also the absolute best, LOL.
How do you edit your pictures? I suck at editing--in GIMP I just tweak the "Curves" brightness & saturation when the in-game lighting is hot garbage, then call it a win.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite? (TS1) Makin Magic, (TS2) Apartment Life & Night Life are tied for witches & vampires, (TS3) Supernatural, (TS4) Vampires. Like, Supernatural changed my life, I seriously doubt I'd've kept playing TS3 as long as I have without SN. I also love World Adventures and Into the Future of course, but Supernatural gave us Witches, Faeries, Werewolves, (I'm not even gonna talk about TS3's busted Vampires like how the EFF were they "updated" or "fixed" when we STILL didn't get a functional coffin, like what frikkin vampire would sleep on a frikkin altar exposed to the sunlight like a effing BUFFOON, EA?!) and all kinds of fanciful content that I just can't live without. Hands down. 🧙🪄🧙‍♀️✨
Y'all know me--if y'all want to do this, too, just say I tagged you! <3
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dolokhoded · 5 months
one time on instagram i saw a screenshot of a tweet that was like "oh my god oh my god i posted this in 2013" (with the tone of cringing) and the picture attached like. an edit of one of the guys from dan and phil but it was like an anatomy meme thing and i remember there was an arrow to his crotch that said "place for dan (?) to touch" so from the photo and that comment i assumed they were like. youtubers or otherwise indie content creators that unfortunately got the larry treatment. also the comments on that instagram post were talking about 'the hat fic' which i did scroll through threads of comments trying to understand what it was. that's genuinely all i know about dan and phil though <3 absolutely nothing else
oh you were subjected to the retired demon phannies that's lovely ! don't worry the entirety of the internet is paying for their past crimes dan and phil are back and making sure of it.
this is like an A grade opportunity for me to infodump fifteen years of dan and phi lore but explaining dan and phil to tumblr makes me feel what i think mansplaining is like, so brief internet history lesson at dolokhoded:
dan and phil are internet PIONEERS they met on youtube when it was still some small quirky platform for every random person to upload their random videos, very soon after they met they became dan and phil (singular entity) rather than dan and phil (separate people who sometimes make videos together), youtube started becoming a Whole Thing that people were making money out of, this was the 2010s CLEARLY they got the larry treatment, if anything larry got the watered down phan treatment, and for a while these guys were everywhere they were the internet, they wrote books, they did world tours, and then 2019 comes around. they've finished their interactive introverts tour, they both come out, dan makes his iconic 40 minute "basically i'm gay" video that nobody has Ever gotten over, and disappears from youtube. their joined gaming channel goes on hiatus for five years, lives were changed. and i genuinely think that if they chose to just completely commercialize their whole thing there wouldn't be a person in the world who didn't know who they were right now. but in a very surprising route that these kind of internet figures don't usually follow, dan and phil were decent genuine people who weren't trying to sell themselves out ! so they completely fuck off the face of the earth for a while. phil's technically still there making videos and y'know he still has his audience and people enjoy his channel still but we can't ignore the elephant in the room which is what's going to happen to Dan And Phil (singular entity). lo and behold in the year of our lord 2023 six months ago danandphilgames comes back to life, lives were changed again, they're back, they're gay, they're unhinged, they keep saying all the type of shit they couldn't when they were closeted and everyone is begging them to stop, it's great. they might not be in their Peak Fame anymore but this 100% the absolute best period in the dan and phil timeline, they are thriving, they built a house, dan wrote a book, he went on tour, they summoned the devil, what's better than this.
and now you've been enlightened. don't look up the hat fic.
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blaiddfailcam · 10 months
Hi! I really love your work with gifs, they're always so cool. How do you record what you do with Bloodborne? I'm very uneducated about gif making but I usually only see that stuff from games that are available on PC? Or at least a photo mode?
Oh wow, thank you so much! 🥲
Yeah, it's a bit complicated recording GIFs for Bloodborne without a PC—less so the recording part, actually, more the camera trickery.
As for recording, downloading, and converting, these are the basic steps I follow:
Find whatever I want to make a GIF of in the game, then set up the shot. I play without the HUD to make sure I get as much screenspace as possible, so it takes some deep familiarity with Bloodborne's gameplay as a whole.
Using the PS4/PS5's feature to save previous gameplay, I retroactively record the last 15-30 seconds after I get the shot I wanted.
I've downloaded the Playstation App on my phone. The PS4/PS5 will automatically upload saved gameplay there, which I can then download directly to my phone's storage. (I'm definitely operating on a low budget, lol.)
Via my phone, I trim the video to get only the exact shot I want to convert into a GIF. I'll also mess around with contrast, saturation, sharpness, etc. to get a clearer image, and ideally to minimize the resultant GIF's file size.
This is where it gets laughably cheap: I upload the video to a site called ezgif.com. It's a little hokey, but true to the name, it's very easy to use and has a good bit of options when it comes to resolution and framerate. Most importantly, it's free. I haven't had any issue with it thus far! (🤞)
Once I have the GIF I want and under 10 MiB, I just download it straight to my phone. I might edit this GIF later, but it's essentially finished.
That's it for the technical side, but as for how to actually go about recording gameplay in lieu of a photo mode? Well, there are a myriad of techniques I'm still experimenting with, but most rely on one simple in-game mechanic:
Gesturing. Specifically, the Sit Down gesture.
Since there's no way to obscure the player character (at least not entirely), the simplest solution is to have them sit down so you can either crop them out of view, or hide them entirely by having them sit by a wall or object that forces the camera close to them.
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You can also sit while using the monocular, which drops the player character out of view so you can get close-ups of the environment, or simply record pristine images without need for a wall.
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There's a lot more I've learned as far as camera movement, but those are the basics of simply removing that pesky hunter from the picture. No modding necessary!
Of course, this means there will always be a degree of diegesis, so I can't easily get high-angle shots or slip out of bounds. Furthermore, enemies will still try to beat my ass, so I have to be careful. It's a bit like wildlife photography in that sense, lol. (But that can be a good thing!)
I hope I was able to answer your question!
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clowngames · 3 months
Nature is healing. Cw: big sad like a rain storm.
My first thought is why would the title and description both say "full vid on tiktok and insta" and nowhere is there a link to the full video. What do I even search to find it? The youtuber handle and hope it's the same handle on other platforms? And then I scroll through their feed to find the right video, which I can't find by title because the title is "full video on tiktok and insta"???
Look I know that's not what you want me to say about the video but honestly the most important way I can contribute is by telling any prospective creators out there that your job as an Internet Person is to make viewing your shit as easy as possible. I hit the meatball menu to open the description to hopefully find a link and that's still more work than 90% of youtube shorts viewers are willing to go through even if the video literally ends mid-word. I'm willing to bet most of the commenters never ended up seeing the full video.
Also, like, if you're gonna cross-post onto youtube in a format with a limit of 60 seconds, and you're making a video with an extended metaphor, you can pare down that metaphor, cut out some of the middle sections to make the whole message land on youtube. Just upload the longer versions on other platforms. This is common practice.
StreetcraftShorts will take a clip from his longer videos on the Streetcraft channel and re-edit it to cut some of the fat so he can fit one idea into a 60-second clip and not have to cut things off mid-sentence, and even he fails to link to the full videos. The only reason I was able to find his main channel was because it's featured on the StreetcraftShorts home page, and the only reason I did that is because I'd already watched all of NotJustBike's content and this scratched a similar itch.
This was supposed to be a micro-rant before talking about the video itself but honestly at this point I think it'd be weird if I gave it a genuine response as if I hadn't just gone off.
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amiharana · 2 years
yeah streamers au!!!!! :D i'm thinking all of them also upload their own videos on youtube too, but some originated as streamers and some as youtubers (more streamer au hcs under!!)
like i said in the other post, i think zelda would be analogous to someone like pokimane or valkyrae, and does variety/just talking streams. i don't think she would take advantage of or even be aware of her simps/e-girlism, she's actually very sweet and a just bit naive :'>. she probably already collaborates a lot with urbosa, and has on done a video or two with mipha. i would say she probably started off streaming first and then eventually starting doing youtube to post her vods, then make her own videos
mipha would kinda be like the qtcinderella and urbosa would be like. corpsehusband lowk ☝️😳 mipha does a lot of cutesy stuff like acnh and stardew valley playthroughs, maybe cooking & baking videos, and also like lifestyle videos like GRWM or 'day in the life' vlogs. her first video was a first aid video because she wanted to be a pediatrician when she was younger 🥺 urbosa started off as a youtuber and is one of those like old legendary youtubers who's still around so she's seen the rise and fall of the internet fr. she's very wise and she's zelda's favorite youtuber growing up, role model, and mentor 🥺 mipha probably also watched some of urbosa's videos growing up and cites urbosa as one of her inspirations when she started her own youtube channel :)
revali absolutely started off as a streamer but he excels as a youtuber, as expected. he does a lot of speedrun or challenge streams/videos of video games and i lowkey think that he has beaten quite a few speedrun records, only bested by link who he has an ongoing rivalry with because they keep beating each other's records. revali mostly does stream highlight videos, but every once in a while he'll do a fun little collab video with someone else or on the rare occasion, a vlog or a grwm 😧 someone asked him how he keeps his hair so nice on stream and he was so proud he ended up making a whole video about his haircare routine, what products he uses, etc HAHAHA
link is definitely the type of guy who made dumb little videos as a kid but eventually evolved into a full-fledged content creator with high quality videos and excellent ideas. he definitely does a lot of nintendo game videos (people adore his acnh playthrough series and his collabs with mipha 🥺), but i think he would also upload a lot of like. scenic videos of places he's traveled to or hiked at because he's pretty good at filming and editing. link def found his love for streaming and speedrunning on accident by, get this— watching one of revali's streams 😳😳😳 but he forgets that it was by revali 😭 link is like, This looks fun I want to try, so he does and is actually really good at it. so he ends up streaming the same exact games that revali did and beating his records, and revali would get pissed that his records were getting broken, and thus the rivalry was born!
what daruk does as a streamer or youtube still escapes me though like i just don't know what he would do. i can't even see him streaming KDJHFKJD like what would he do? maybe make reviews videos about old gaming systems, retro games, or reviews on his favorite restaurants or something LOL feel free to offer any ideas for him bc i'm lost lowkey
my brain is stewing with ideas for growing sexual tension between streamers revalink...... imagine them slowly starting to do collab streams together........ collab videos........ the champions going to twitchcon and doing a panel...... revalink meeting irl right before twitchcon because champion meetup and not knowing what to say because wow they're even more attractive irl....... revalink sexual tension in the airbnb all the champions are staying at because link got out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around his waist because he forgot his clothes and revali's eyes bulging out of his head 😭 UGH I THINK I MIGHT WRITE THIS AS AN ACTUAL AU HAHAHAHA
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theradicalace · 1 year
I used to be a user on TV Tropes, but a few years back, I was banned for something that wasn't my fault.  Here are the details:
I was a frequent contributor to the Complete Monster forum (the old one, which was closed last year, with a new one opening on January 16 this year), but one day, we started talking about some seasons of Kamen Rider that had no Complete Monsters, and another user said that there were more.  I asked which ones, but before the user could answer, my post was thumped, and a third user told me to stop asking pointless questions, which, because we'd been talking about Kamen Rider and other users had asked about it, confused me immensely.  I tried to explain that I'd been responding to the last post, but the third user apparently thought that I was talking back, and they hollered the mods.
Now I'm unable to participate in any forums (that also includes the Edit Banned/Suspended thread, so I can't make an appeal), edit or create any pages, read, send, or get any messages, write any reviews, upload any videos, or use the Wishlist, Ask the Tropers, Trope Finder, You Know that Show, the Trope Launch Pad, the Cut List, or Submit a Bug.  The Contact Us function is useless to me as well, because the only people who can reply to messages sent through that feature are the mods and the staff, and they won't reply to my asks.
Fortunately, I remember the (user)names of some people who use the site: ACW, Lightysnake, and TheMadCr0w.  If you really want to help me, it might be in our best interests if you follow everything that I'm about to say below to the letter.  Here's what I'd like you to do:
First, go to the mods of TV Tropes and ask them if it's possible to remove a thump from a post on a forum.  If they say yes, ask them if it's also possible to remove a thump from a post on a locked forum.  There are two ways that this can go.  If they say yes, ask them to go to Page 6082 of the old thread and remove the thump from Post 23 of that page (and Post 152048 of the thread as a whole).  If they say no (that it's impossible to remove a thump from a post on a locked thread), ask them if it's possible to unlock a thread, and if they say yes to that, then ask them to go to the page and remove the thump.  Tell the mods nothing of our conversation, my involvement in this matter, or of your plans to tell other Tropers to compare any posts.  Don't forget to specify that the thread you want them to go to is the one that ran from 2010 to 2022.
If the mods remove the thump, contact (in this specific order) ACW, Lightysnake, and TheMadCr0w.  Send each of them a message that lets them know that you have a few things to tell them and tell them to follow your instructions to the letter.  If they respond, tell each of them that the thump on Post 152048 of the Complete Monster thread has been removed and ask them to compare it with the previous post to see how they actually relate and then ask the mods for their input.  (Again, don't forget to specify that the Complete Monster thread that you're talking about is the one that ran from 2010 to 2022.)  Tell none of them anything of our conversation on Tumblr or my involvement in this matter, but do tell each of them to tell the mods nothing of your involvement in this matter.  Inform each one of them that you're contacting the other two and that they should send messages to each other as often as possible and make sure they cooperate.  After that, keep an eye on Ask the Tropers in case a conversation arises.  If it does come up, take part in the conversation so that (in case it's made private) you can tell me what was said.  (I don't want you to make an Ask the Tropers yourself; I just want you to look out for one.)
Remember to tell me exactly what you tell the mods and each user, and tell those users to tell you exactly what they send to the mods (and each other).  Don't forget to tell me exactly how they respond, and don't forget to tell each user to tell you exactly how the mods respond.
PS: There does exist a user called Lightysnake; they've just not made a Tropers page.  If you want proof, simply click on their Edits button.
hm. no, i don't think so. something about this seems incredibly sketchy to me, and i get the feeling you're leaving something out. your stating that the mods and staff "won't reply" to you and your insistence that i remain quiet about who all is involved strike me as especially suspicious.
i get rancid vibes from this entire thing, anon, and i'm not going to risk my own tvtropes account over it.
i'm sympathetic to your plight, but i won't be assisting you. kindly find someone else to bother about it, and don't contact me again, as i won't be replying.
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
i’m in a karaoke mood rn and imagining going karaoke with nilou, cyno, and tighnari. i imagine this as a college au and that they’re going karaoke to celebrate passing their exams or smth.
nilou’s definitely in it while the other two need some convincing. anyways, nilou is definitely the person to sing the most. i am most CERTAIN that she’ll dance while she sings or just stop singing and dance to the song. i just feel like she’s the one that hits the most high notes out of the four of them. i have this headcanon that nilou’s the type of person to record every moment she has with the friend group. then she gathers all the vids and edits it into a nice video for remembrance <33
tighnari occasionally sings but after awhile he loosens up and sings his heart out. he says he probably can’t hit high notes, then he hits it. after he did that he’ll probably be surprised and stop singing, then everyone will bust out laughing of amusement that he actually did it.
now for cyno, i just have this headcanon that he’s really good at rapping. I MEAN WITH THAT VOICE OOOOO. imagine him just busting out the sickest, baddest verse. then after that everyone’s hyped and jumping up and down in the small karaoke room.
anyways yea that’s all. i got this random idea after hanging with my friend group. they’re always so chaotic and full of energy then i got this idea after our annual hangouts. tighnari and cyno’s part is kinda short and i don’t have much ideas for them when it comes to this situation 🧍‍♂️hopefully you have some ideas! and definitely add on to them if you wanna hehe
sincerely, fluff anon
Just a warning, from this post forward, I am super exhausted from my five hour trip so I apologize if I missed out things:
Nilou would be the type to sing kpop songs and do the whole choreography while singing all the high notes perfectly yes! And she live posts her friends singing on social media, with one video of them all singing!! DEFINITELY her idea and the one that dragged everyone in
AND YES TO TIGHNARI, ALL OF IT, but when hitting the high note he goes "OHMYGOD-?! Wait shit-" and then go back to singing as he missed the next lyrics while the others are hollering or laughing at the mistake
And Cyno - he's the shy type who cradles the microphone while making himself small, hesitant, always looks away and puts a hand up to cover his face when he realized Nilou recording. His song choices are also those mellow classics, a bit on the somber side like he picks them because they're kind of memed on (Photograph by Nickelback off the top of my head, hey at least his gruff voice fits).
So with all three combined,
This actually reminded me of when I hang out with my friends to Karaoke before the pandemic (*sobs*) and added some things here from it, specifically Nilou (I miss my roomie) *sobs more* Wait my roomie actually did upload shit to her Insta for that, I'm gonna watch that after this lol
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tequitoclown · 1 year
I have listened to this video a few times. It's the credits theme to Akira (1988). I just now scrolled to the comments and read the fucking description. This is the best, most aggressive thing I've ever read.
(Long, angry description below the cut.)
I bought the DVD back in 2018 and got the idea to edit some of the OST in the film a short Music Video.
Copied the file and edited it on my FREE Da Vinci Resolve 16 Editing Software.
I really don't fucking care if I got demonetized, really, I'm not even here to make money,
This is my second channel anyway so go ahead claim my fucking video, Make money off of this or whatever the fuck you usually do to even ORIGINAL content creators, Just don't fucking remove this video from your half-asses copyright detector bullshit.
Like it's a 1988 Film it's just ridiculous,
Even the Romeo and Juliet copycats play that was initially made in the 1500s could get their own copyright.
How the fuck can't I get a Fair-Use excuse?
Anyway, personally, I don't believe this shit really gets brought up in the US Courts I mean come on, I'm halfway across the fucking continent.
What the fuck are you going to do if it were somehow proven to violate the copyright law? Delete my channel? I could get another one. Send US Marines across the ocean just to imprison a fucking boy who just uploaded a fucking video on youtube?
Get a grip on yourselves you fucking clowns.
I REALLY, don't need to provide my "Rationale" excuses for your bitch-ass conglomerate sissies, In fact, it should be you whom I should question your rationality.
Are you really going to remove this fucking video? Less than 5 minutes Music Video with no bloody fucking view made by yet another insignificant person in your whole fucking Scamming Empire? Think about it will you?
and uhh, while you're at it I must go to take care of some BUSINESS,
Because unlike YOU what so-called HUMAN who claimed to have a full-time JOB,
My profession actually provides a REAL impact on the society of which you live in,
Of which people that served you on the McDonald Drive Thru,
Of which people that sent your package you bought online,
And of which of those people that working their asses off during this Global-Fucking-Pandemic.
So here's my conclusion in case you have a short attention span, (Assuming you have one to begin with.[which is very fucking unlikely.])
FUCK YOU, Yeah? FUCK YOU. And your fucking Copyright System, Policies, your MONEY-MAKER PUPPETS those called themselves "CREATORS" With their Perfectly-Crafted-Informative-Totally-Not-A-Clickbait Videos that YOU COUSIN-FUCKERS put your AD on. (So you can make money off of that Hell-Hot Fucking GARBAGE, ain't you sneaky BASTARDS.) FUCK YOU. Your whole, FUCKING, Empire. Fuck. you.
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arataki-neato · 2 years
I used to be a user on TV Tropes, but a few years back, I was banned for something that wasn't my fault.  Here are the details:
I was a frequent contributor to the Complete Monster forum, but one day, we started talking about some seasons of Kamen Rider that had no Complete Monsters, and another user said that there were more.  I asked which ones, but before the user could answer, my post was thumped, and a third user told me to stop asking pointless questions, which confused me greatly.  I tried to clarify that I'd been responding to the last post, but the third user must have thought I was talking back, and they hollered the mods.
Now I'm unable to participate in forums (that also includes the Edit Banned/Suspended thread), edit or create pages, read, send, or get messages, write reviews, upload videos, or use the Wishlist, Ask the Tropers, Trope Finder, You Know that Show, the Trope Launch Pad, the Cut List, or Submit a Bug.  Worse yet, I can't even change the email address I'm using on my account, and whenever I try to use it to create another account, I get a message saying, "This email address is already in use.  Please try another".  I'd delete my account if I could, but that will only make my account permanently inaccessible, so I'll still not be able to use my email address for another account.  The Contact Us function is useless to me as well because the only people who can respond to email messages are the mods and the staff, and they will not respond to my messages.  None of this would be a problem if I had access to another email address, but I don't.
Fortunately, I remember the (user)names of some people who use the site: ACW, Lightysnake, and TheMadCr0w.  Here's what I'd like you to do:
First, go to the mods of TV Tropes and ask them if it's possible to unthump a post on a forum.  If they say yes, ask them to unthump Post 23 of Page 6082 (and Post 152048 of the thread as a whole) of the Complete Monster thread.  Tell the mods nothing of our conversation, my involvement in this matter, or of your plans to tell other Tropers to compare any posts.
If the mods unthump the post, contact (in this specific order) ACW, Lightysnake, and TheMadCr0w.  Send each of them a message that lets them know you have a few things to tell them and tell them to follow your instructions to the letter.  If they respond, tell each of them that Post 152048 of the Complete Monster thread has been unthumped, and ask them to compare it with the previous post to see how they actually relate, and then ask the mods for their input.  Tell none of them anything of our conversation on Tumblr or my involvement in this matter, but do tell them to tell the mods nothing of your involvement in this matter.  Inform each one of them that you're contacting the other two and that they should send messages to each other as often as possible and make sure they cooperate.  After that, keep an eye on Ask the Tropers in case a conversation arises.  If it does come up, take part in the conversation so that (in case it's made private) you can tell me what was said.  (I don't want you to make an Ask the Tropers yourself; I just want you to look out for one.)
Remember to tell me exactly what you tell the mods and each user, and tell those users to tell you exactly what they send to the mods (and each other).  Don't forget to tell me exactly how they respond, and don't forget tell each user to tell you exactly how the mods respond.
PS: There does exist a user called Lightysnake; they've just not made a Tropers page.  If you want proof, simply click on their Edits button.
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