#it's named after the meme lol
caracarnn · 3 months
Every single time they both went home all that everyone asked and wondered about was the thought of whether or not he and Mat had found respective partners out in the city. At first it had just been the usual offenders that had even pestered Rand's father but then it had extended outward towards those that he never expected to hear it from. That included his own father. He looked at Rand expectantly as the years drew on and on and that was beginning to grow frustrating. Especially after Perrin had gotten married the conversation of it had only gotten worse. He ought to teach Perrin a lesson for making it harder on the rest of them. But then Egwene had come home with a fiancee' and everything had become even more burdensome.
It was during one of those slow nights in the city that Rand and Mat had come up with a plan over far too many drinks. They had decided that the two of them should just declare that they were in the throes of a deep relationship with one another and marriage was on the horizon. Whether that was a shock or not, Rand wasn't sure, but he knew that it would ease the barrage of questions that they were constantly attempting to field. That was good enough for the both of them. Rand was glad that they had decided on it completely before heading back home for a Spring weekend.
He had been attempting to read the room as Mat reached over to take up Rand's hand and they had announced it to the room full of both their families. Rand had wanted to laugh, actually laugh, but he had managed to keep that in check. They were rather convincing, he was sure, and the looks on everyone's faces had been worth the performance completely. They had left the two of them alone now and Rand waited until they were far enough from the door before he turned to look at Mat, letting out a small laugh.
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"Do you think that they believed us?" He asked once he had dropped his hand from Mat's, looking out towards the door that was closed. "It does seem that they were utterly speechless. Have we ever gotten that kind of response before?" Probably not. It was something unheard of here: silence in The Two Rivers. What a bloody thought! - @luckhissoul
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genshins1mpact · 2 years
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Just another typical day for the 4RCHON squad
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artist-rat · 1 year
grabbing my da ocs to give them an og story in an og setting. testing some new looks. barbie meme is the first thing i draw
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this has been my announcement
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deluweil · 14 days
We said telenovela vibes? @funnylovepuppis 👀😂
La Usurpadora- The imposter.
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Now do 911 style:
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Seriously 🙈
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nbnaruto · 2 years
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Memes that only make sense if you live in my brain, Danny Grayson edition
Edit: no amount of begging or growling will get me to write. There is no fic. Feel free to write anything based on my brain worms tho
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can-of-slorgs · 2 months
Im dying at your tags on that last anon 😭😂 youre now the dr.sloth pinup artist that neopets needed
Not the title i wanted to craft for myself when i started this blog but hey, it brought us such good memories like
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gregrulzok · 2 months
Love is when your DM writes you into the campaign as an NPC, then looks at you anxiously and impatiently as they wait for you to figure it out
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alangdorf · 4 months
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Ok I swearrrr I’m almost done with that big project and I’m not spending all my time extensively editing memes to make them into Tsubakura vagueing Suzumi on twitter… I wasn’t gonna actually make this one (especially since I haven’t posted my Suzumi design yet) but then I thought of the Hoojiro pull and it was too good lol
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liquidstar · 8 months
Are you comfortable with AT fake quotes style fanart? Because there have can several times I know Finn Mertens the human would say that :) if not that's okay too love your content :D
ACTUALLY THATD BE AWESOME i fully endorse it lol
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coquelicoq · 1 year
I don't know if it's rude to ask, so apologies in advance if I sound mean, but… how come you repeatedly bring up old posts of yours from three or more years ago? Do you remember each original post you make and intentionally bring them back? Like, I don't think there's anything wrong, your blog can be whatever you want, obviously, and your stuff is always funny or curious in some way, just… I'm kind of lost as of how it came to be, I guess? I don't think I remember my own posts after 6 months, much least if I have to go back to 2020!
ahaha no it's usually just because i'm going back through a tag looking for something else! i recently went back through my entire "my posts" tag (which contains...1468 posts, dear lord) and while i was doing that saw several posts that i felt like reblogging for whatever reason. so it's usually not that i remember them and go looking for them on purpose, it's that i come across them incidentally in the course of doing something else.
if you want to know why i reblog them after coming across them, 1) usually i don't! you are seeing the tip of the iceberg lol, and 2) it's mostly because it's hard to resist the "sooo true, bestie" urge, even when the bestie is just...yourself.
#sometimes...things that are written by me...are things i agree with#but oftentimes they are not once a few years have passed lol. i mean i just looked at 1468 posts by yours truly#and queued probably 1% of them#oh i also went through my asks tag which was another 500 or so posts#if you want to know why i'm putting myself through this it's for a really ridiculous reason#namely: several nights ago i had insomnia brought on by (get this) being too excited to sleep because my brain wouldn't stop#coming up with crosslinguistic french/english puns#and a couple of them in particular i was like oh god this would be a great tumblr username!#however as i've said before i had no plans to ever change my username (even though i don't like it)#because doing so would break any links that contain my current username#i had resigned myself to just living with this username forever. but once i thought of some usernames i actually like#it became harder to resist the urge to change it...#so now i have this convoluted plan to try to identify and tag as many of the links as i can#so that after i switch names i can go back and fix the links#however i'm not sure how feasible this is. there are a lot of links#and no matter what i do short of going through all 45k posts on this blog i will be bound to miss some of them anyway#(i think getting a domain would solve this problem but i don't wanna get a domain bc i'd have to give wordpress my legal name)#indecisive superhero meme w the buttons 'the need to have punny username' vs. 'the need to be able to find things on my blog'#asks#anon#actually anon probably the majority of the time i rb something i wrote 3 years ago it's bc i forgot about it#i come across it and am like oh yeah! this! and it's like a brand new discovery so i put it back on the dash lol#anyway thanks for your ask! i got a kick out of it 😂
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thewinedarksea · 2 years
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dnd characters: ori
ori entered emporia on a flood of river water. she left it on a flood of light. but we're getting ahead of ourselves—the river water came first, and it came fast and frothed with prayer beads and bits of kindling, rushing into the wellspring at the center of the city. she had been all of ten (or maybe eight), wrapped in the mainsail of a wreck gone down off the coast of calimshan and quietly dark-eyed. when the god of the lanterns plucked her from the pool she had fisted one small hand into the front of his coat until the fabric would never be the same and refused to let go. the flames he cast had flickered in her eyes long after she’d looked away.
he had taken her home with him.
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shivunin · 1 year
🙤 Unusual OC Associations 🙧
Tagged by @greypetrel---thanks for the tag! This is so cool :) I also might do this for all of them gradually---I enjoy this unique way of thinking about these characters. I added Arianwen under the break here, and I'll likely make a separate post for my bounty of Lavellans. (Also--I'm just putting this out there--I'm adding a Tarot section for mine because I kept thinking about cards for them as I was writing these, but it wasn't part of the original list c: )
Maria Hawke
Seasoning: Something warm and sharp, like ginger or cinnamon. The kind of thing you can add to a hot drink when it's cold outside.
Weather: Snow that falls in big, puffy flakes that make you feel grateful to be inside and warm. Not a storm, but snow that makes everything feel a bit closer than it was before.
Colour: The crimson of heart's-blood, vivid and unmistakable
Sky: When it's very cold and clear outside and there are ice crystals shining in the air. You can only see them when they catch the light, but they're there nonetheless, like clouds scattered at ground level
Magic power: Fire that soothes and sears: a healing heat that is like knocking back a finger of whiskey in the bitter cold, or a blush on a first date.  The agonizing pain of reaching for a pot too fresh from the fire or overlooking the burning candle you've just tipped over in your negligence. 
House plant: Aloe vera: you can forget about it, it can withstand too much sun or rain for a time, and as long as it’s cared for every so often it’ll keep taking out the sting of your hurts
Weapon: A staff made of dark wood and bronze, polished to a gloss by decades of use and her father’s hands. 
Subject: History—but mostly the salacious or embarrassing bits. Hawke loves a good story, and she definitely tells the bawdy ones when she’s tipsy.
Social media: Despises it. Has a hard time reading tone on the internet. Probably runs a personal blog about her life Kirkwall that she never updates, and rarely responds to comments; she’s too impatient to work to understand a format or website culture. 
Make-up product: An anise oil treatment she rubs into her hair before she sleeps at night to keep it glossy and tangle-free
Candy: Chocolate-covered roasted almonds; a study in contrasts, with the sweet, melt-in-your mouth richness of chocolate and the crunchy, faintly bitter and salty almonds. 
Fear: Failure; that it was actually her fault that Malcolm and Bethany died, and that it will happen again if she isn’t quick/clever/good enough
Ice cube shape: Perfectly square, rattles nicely when you shake it in a glass
Method of long distance travel: Carriage; she can nap, read, and take in the sights exactly as much as she’d like to. 
Art style: Impressionism; trying to capture the fleeting through the suggestion of detail, but ultimately only capturing the impression of what it once was. The finished result is still beautiful, if full of nostalgia. 
Mythological creature: A church grim; guardian of its domain and foreteller of death. 
Piece of stationery: Handmade paper with pieces of dried rose petal or herbs pressed into the paper itself; slightly ragged around the edges but thick and sweet-smelling. 
3 emojis: 👀 💅🏽 😶
Celestial body: The harvest moon on the horizon, golden and full and looking impossibly close despite the distance
Tarot Card: The Hanged Man; Intuition, trials, and self-sacrifice
Tagging: @star--nymph @zenstrike
(and really, anyone who wants to do this--I know these things have the power to make one feel like the kid picked last for dodgeball, but I feel like I'm overstepping if we've never really interacted. Tell me if you want to do these things and I will tag you forever. Really.)
(I put Wen under the break, insert "nobody puts Baby in the corner" joke)
Arianwen Tabris
Seasoning: Oh, salt, hands-down. No elaboration.
Weather: Gathering cumulonimbus on the horizon, with that especially purple-grey tinge to the bottom that tells you it’s going to be a really brutal storm. There are streaks of lightning every now and then, and you can see the streaks where rain has already begun to fall in the distance. (It leaves destruction behind, but come back in a season or a year---the fallen trees grow moss now, and house animals, and the fields have grown back all the greener for the rain)
Colour: Gunmetal grey; dull at first glance but lustrous and brutal nonetheless. 
Sky: Red at first light
Magic power: Reopening hidden hurts and forgotten wounds
House plant: Cactus in a terracotta pot. Sometimes you wonder why you’ve still got it on the shelf there, when all it does is poke you and look menacing. But then you look at it after a multiweek depression fog and it’s still there, unwilted, kicking ass. 
Weapon: a throwing knife, painted matte-black, all but invisible at night until it hits you
Subject: Applied physics; she likes the practical reality of numbers, and the application of an object in motion can really only benefit her. 
Social media: Has a private Youtube account where she saves all her favorite Lockpicking Lawyer videos. If anyone posts a picture or video with her in the background, she hunts them for sport. 
Make-up product: Cover up/foundation; if all your scars and tattoos are covered, it’s more difficult for people to identify you
Candy: Rebanaditas (watermelon chili powder candy) (and hey, this is how I found out that lucas powder contained high levels of lead and that’s why it was discontinued?? If you ate a bunch of it like I used to, just a heads-up.)
Fear: Loving someone as much as her father loved her mother (as much as she loved her mother) and losing them anyway.
Ice cube shape: Circle K ice (the little crunchy ones people like to chew on)
Method of long distance travel: Foot. No chance she’ll have to climb off or down from something and get taken by surprise. 
Art style: Charcoal sketches; they seem straightforward, even simplistic at first glance, but are capable of unexpected depth and dimension
Mythological creature: Cŵn Annwn; a hound of the Wild Hunt in Welsh lore. Their howls were a death portent that grew quieter rather than louder as they approached. Sometimes regarded as guides to the afterlife.
Piece of stationery: Scrap of paper torn off a larger text for convenience
3 emojis: 🔪 🤨 🐺
Celestial body: Mars
Tarot Card: The Tower; a symbol of abrupt and violent change, for better or worse
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thelostboys87 · 9 months
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subconsciousmysteries · 9 months
teaching men basic emotional intelligence is exhausting.
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theflamesbeyond · 1 year
6, 15, 39 and 50 from the fifty oops list!! 😍
Thank you, Valentine!!! For making the list and sending an ask! :o)
6. What's the first thing a person notices about Shepard's appearance?
Assuming Mara's wearing casual clothes, the first thing a person's likely to notice are the scars on her face. During Mass Effect 1, she has one over her right brow and another on her chin that she got in MMA cage fights before she joined the Alliance. Then, of course, from Mass Effect 2 onward she has several scars from the Lazarus Project in addition to those.
15. Did they have any relationships pre-ME1? Are they still around?
While Mara was working for the 10th Street Reds, she lived in a condo with three other members: Devin, Finch, and Lexi. When Mara was moved in at 11 years old, Devin was 15, Lexi was 13, and Finch was 12. Mara's relationship with each of them was complicated. She didn't particularly like them, and they didn't particularly like her, but for the first 5 of the 7 years that she lived there she spent a lot of time with them. When Mara was 15 years old, she decided that she didn't want to associate with them or the Reds any longer, and spent most of her time on the streets or at the beach. A couple days before her 18th birthday, she "borrowed" Devin's car and drove to the nearest Alliance recruitment center, where she left it. She hasn't attempted to contact or been contacted by Devin or Lexi since, but during ME1 Finch tried to blackmail her, and during ME2 he sent her an email. Mara didn't reply to his email, but she considered it. Additionally, while attending the Interplanetary Combatives Academy, Mara befriended two other students: Sergio and Serena. Sadly, Mara and Sergio stopped speaking after he dropped out of the academy, and Serena died during the Skyllian Blitz.
39. What would Shepard say their flaws are?
In Mass Effect 1, she'd say it's that she has difficulty forming and maintaining personal relationships. Once she becomes captain of the Normandy, she wants to get to know Joker and Kaidan better — she's worked with them for years, but barely knows them — and realizes that the years she spent withdrawn from everything except her work have made her socially awkward. By the end of Mass Effect 1 though, her social skills have improved, and she feels satisfied with them. So in Mass Effect 2 and 3 she'd say it's the fear and doubt she feels. After her death and revival, she's more afraid of death than she used to be, and doubts her decisions and abilities more, both of which she considers flaws.
50. What was the last thing (non-email) Shepard read?
Mara's subscribed to several digital newsletters and magazines about topics she's interested in: galactic news, poetry, and wrestling to name a few.
Link to ask meme.
Previous ask: 1.
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sysig · 1 year
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Decided to dig up an old OC for funsies
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