#it's normal to have some trans kids in your class now
violet-snail-sfw · 6 months
The first time I saw a trans woman was in porn. I was pretty young then, in early middle school I think. My first thoughts about trans women only existed in a sexual context, since that was the only place I saw us mentioned
The next time I saw trans people mentioned was a TV show presumably about trans people and transitioning. I didn't watch it, only saw the description because even as a kid I had already internalized the idea that it was taboo and I would get in trouble if my parents walked in and I was watching it
Eventually I saw enough TV and cop shows to see an episode with the dead trans hooker trope. It further reinforced the building idea that trans women were something else, separate from "normal" people and always on the outskirts of society
And then Caitlyn Jenner came out. At my Catholic middle school there were few kind things said about her and plenty of nasty comments, but this was the first time I saw trans people being publicly talked about
In high school my views on trans people started to fracture. On one hand, I was being pushed the idea that gender was about what's in your pants, that if you've got a dick your a man and there's nothing that can be done about it. On the other hand, early high school me had stumbled across some gender change erotica and quickly became obsessed with it. While it wasn't great representation, it was still pretty positive about transitioning. The people in those stories were always happier afterwards
I struggled to reconcile what parts of society were saying about trans people with my daydreaming about what I'd do if I woke up the next morning as a girl. Eventually I decided that it was just a fetish. I just thought it was hot, there was no way I could be trans because I was just a normal person. I wasn't weird or a spectacle for others to gawk at, I was just a person
Around that time I also met a trans person in passing for the first time. One of the trans guys at my high school was in one of the musicals that I went to because some of my friends were also in them. When I was talking to my friends about it after someone mentioned the trans guy and that he was trans. I wasn't really sure what to think so I kinda just didn't think about it. Thinking back, there were a few trans guys at my high school but I don't think there was a single out trans woman
Eventually in college I actually met some trans and nonbinary people. In some classes we introduced ourselves on the first day with names and pronouns which was my first exposure to people using pronouns other than just he/him and she/her. I had a few classes with trans and nonbinary people, including a survey of transgender studies class I took in my last semester. I had plenty of excuses for why I was taking it (I needed a few more credits to graduate. It still had room open. It fit with my other classes. It seemed interesting. I'm trying to be a good ally.)
Around this time as well I found some trans creators online like ContraPoints and Philosophy Tube (whom I had watched before she came out as trans). I was weirdly excited and interested when Odyssey Eurobeat came out as trans and I went to go listen to some of her music right after I heard. I was starting to have examples of trans people just being people. Not just porn stars or public spectacles, but people
Later I met and befriended a few trans women, one of whom was extremely open about her transness and happened to share a video which started the initial steps of my egg cracking and figuring out who I am now
If I had actually known any trans women, if the world had been kinder to trans people, if representation of trans women as people existed and was well known, I might have been able to realize who I was sooner. I would have been able to exist as myself for more than a tiny fragment of my life so far
Representation matters, both in media and in daily life. Trans people being out and open about who they are made it possible for me to realize that about myself. Please never stop being who you are
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aluria-sevhex · 3 months
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I CAN KILL SIFFRIN. WITH ANAPHYLAXIS. but... will have i have to do the second floor again...
Notes time~!
-please the child say it's yummy
-:D Mira can unfreeze people
-gonna stop for the night
-my break lasted all of yesterday but now i'm back baybeeeeeeee
-i still love the title screen music
-are the enemy names in French?
-yeah i think they are
-eh i feel like dying
-hm looping forwards costs memories... another incentive to fight! yippee i actually like fighting in this game
-i get the kid's drawing every loop :]
-asked Isa about "the hand thing"
-hmmmm methinks there may be... ☆gay☆ :3c
-:0 mysterious 4th hand shape?
-time to loop forward. plantain peel time
-i feel so bad for the frozen people...
-i got a pair of garden scissors! <insert joke about how i've said that Siffrin reminds me of Basil here>
-aw... Mira's anecdotes about the frozen people...
-lol Mira's dying plant
-ooo the Head Housemaiden's office
-love how Vaugarde isn't a monarchy but they call the King that because it's the title he chose and calling him something else would be rude. Vaugarde unsurprisingly supports trans rights
-oh nice a helpful icon to indicate you've fucked up
-i feel like Loop has some sort of weird thing for Sif...
-exploring elsewhere on the floor
-oh hey a classroom
-how many classes have you taken, Mira? >:)
-"Someone wrote on the board "Don't stay with your mistakes! Don't be afraid to start over!" You nod! What a true little fact!"
-"no eating snacks" live Bonnie reaction: chomp
-why yes i am writing commentary on a bunch of little bits of narration, it's my notes and i get to make the rules
-bonding earrings? hmmmmmmmm
-oh cool Vaugardians tend to give people multiple names
-fuck yeah trans rights
-oh? Odile has another name?
-Isa doesn't want to tell his because "if i do change again, i want it to be a surprise" again? 👀
-fuck. another weird Sadness
-aight looping time
-my favorite part of the game was when Siffrin said "it's looping time" and looped all over the place
-Mira and Isa: getting hopeful and romantic about how this couple's reunion might go.
Bonnie and Odile:
-hmmmm why u wanna know what a bonding earring is, Sif?
-:0 library? LIBRARY
-"people don't REALLY kiss in plays, do they?" Bonnie. actors do a lot of things.
-your honor they're friends
-the fuck happened to the island. does this have something to do with Loop and/or the King
-how fitting that a game centered on time shenanigans puts so much emphasis on change
-ah yes the Opposite Sides of the Age Spectrum Alliance vs. the Beauty Alliance
-bruh. i picked the wrong way
-"grape juice for adults"
-bonding earrings explanation!
-"I wanna know what happens when prople love each other very much, no one's ever told me!" XD oh, Bonnie
-"And if the bonding is between three or more people, you'd make as many earrings as there are people!" VAUGARDE SAYS POLYAMORY IS COOL
-kinda cool that they basically do wedding earrings instead of rings
-"Not my kind of thing" eh fair
-Isa, Mira, and Bonnie are now overthinking the normal earrings because Siffrin pointed it out
-Mira doesn't seem to want to get bonded... hmmmm... 🟩⬜️⬛️?
-:0 Mira has beef with the trap room guy? >:O he stole her shit!
-that was a tricky boss
-hehe Isa is hungry
-ISA WHAT KIND OF A QUESTION IS THAT... fair actually. what WOULD they do with any bodies?
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vncannyvalleygrrl · 3 months
Stuck In The Closet (Birchum x Karponzi)
(disclaimer: i do not support the show, the daily wire, or conservative ideology)
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includes: smut (mdni), semi public sex, trans mr.birchum, internalized homophobia, implied/ref cheating, vaginal fingering, (rough) oral sex, hate sex, barely any plot. homophobia but it's like super not serious.
He couldn't believe this.
He really couldn't fucking believe this.
Mr.Birchum decided to stay late after school had finished for the day to clean up his woodworking shop. Normally he would let the janitors do it for him, but he knew they would just tamper with the saws and smoke weed in his classroom like the woke brain-rotted babies they were.
He walked over to the closet by the end of the room, letting the door close behind him as he searched for a broom and a dustpan. He froze as he heard a *click* behind him. Grabbing the door handle, he quickly tried to open the door, but to no avail. His hand went to pat his pockets for his keys, a certain dread filling him as he felt nothing within them.
He was stuck in the closet. Shit.
This was just what he needed. After a long day of irritating students being on their phone, recording TikToks in the middle of class, and dealing with his mortal enemy -Mr-Fucking-Karponzi - and his woke bullshit, this is what he needed. To be stuck. In the closet.
'Isn't this what the kids call a 'gay joke'? I am NOT a gay joke! I-I mean.. I'm not gay.' Birchum cringed at his homoerotic invasive thoughts. Even the idea of him kissing another man made his stomach feel tingly, nauseous, nervous, all at once.
Something outside the closet had interrupted his stream of thoughts. Footsteps on the linoleum floor. Someone was coming! He wasn't sure if he should be happy someone was coming to free him, or if he should be ashamed that he needed the help of someone else.
He heard the doorknob turn, and...
Oh. It's him.
Mister. Fucking. Karponzi.
"Mr.Birchum? What are you doing in here?" His voice rang through the closet, like nails on a chalkboard to Birchum. He could feel his face grimace at the sight of him.
"Just... getting a broom. Now get out of my way." He grabbed the nearest thing he could see, a screwdriver, and pushed Karponzi away from him, about to step out, before Karponzi held an arm up.
"Oh no sir. Students have been coming to me saying that you won't let them be on their phones during class? Is this true?"
Birchum wasn't even paying attention to whatever the hell Karponzi was spewing on about, he was more focused on the door shutting and locking behind him.
He couldn't believe this. Now they were both in the closet.
"Oh, damn you!" Birchum felt his fists ball up with anger, his voice booming in the small closet. "The door locks automatically you woke dipshit!"
Karponzi gasped, clutching his pearls.
"Excuse you?! I came in here to inform you of your toxic teaching patterns, and you call me that?!?" Karponzi's voice was much more shrill than Birchum's, his brows furrowing. "I would rather you just call me a slur, Mr.Bigot-chum!"
"Are you telling me to?" Birchum rolled his eyes. "Snowflake..."
"I cannot believe you sometimes. It's amazing how immature you are." Karponzi groaned. The closet was so small, the two were practically pressed together chest-to-chest. Birchum would feel Karponzi's breath on his shirt. The feeling of closeness made his stomach churn. The air around them felt hot as they argued.
"Oh, I'm immature? Just because I don't want to be- infected by your gayness?"
Karponzi shot him a look behind his fogged-up glasses.
"Gayness?! Is that what you think of me? Infected like some kind of animal?!" His voice cracked.
"In fact, I do!" Birchum shouted back. Where the hell are the other teachers?
"That's not what your students have been saying, mister!"
"Do you seriously believe those cockroaches? They're teenagers, of course they're going to say that about me!" Birchum pressed himself against Karponzi to intimidate him, to make him step off, but it only made the bugs in his stomach flutter more. He felt his body heat up, his cheeks tinting pink. Shit.
Karponzi's jaw fell open as Birchum pressed himself tightly against him. The sight of Karponzi, a man Birchum despised for seemingly years now, looking up at him through foggy, askew glasses, face beet red... this was doing it for him. Better than anything his wife ever did for him.
Birchum let out a restrained sigh. The nerves in his body were going haywire, his blood seemingly rushing south. He laid his clenched hand next to Karponzi's head, pinning him against the closet door.
"I... I am not a gay. Get that through your head." He muttered in a deep, rough tone, his nose mere inches away from Karpozi's. As they stared into each others eyes, one full of malice and the other full of fear, Karponzi gulped to himself.
He always kind of had a thing for Birchum and he always hated himself for it. After they argued over the next dumb thing the school was doing, yelling in each other's faces, he would run to the bathroom to fuck his own hand, claps resonating through the walls as his hand smacks against his tightly held cock.
He really didn't want to think about that right now. Especially with Birchum right in his face, breathing angrily against his ginger beard. Domineering was the first word to come to his mind. The next word was erotic.
Slowly, Karponzi raised his hands and laid them on Birchum's bulky shoulders. Birchum's heart skipped a beat in his chest, his brown eyes widening. With a nervous sigh, Karponzi replied.
"... I'm sorry, but... do I have your consent to kiss you?"
His words fell out in a whisper, though Birchum heard it easily. His stomach turned into a knot, his boxers soaked with his own arousal. Neither could take the building tension anymore.
Birchum moved the hand next to Karponzi and laid it on his cheek, quickly moving into position. Their lips met, the two started to come undone faster than either expected. As their tongues danced against one another, facial hair moistening with saliva, Birchum was already unbuttoning his red shirt, the scent of sweat and masculine odors stuck to the fabric. Karponzi's hand put itself on his nude, hairy chest, fingers gently caressing over the scars beneath his chubby pecs.
Birchum closed his eyes tight, groaning in his lover's mouth as Karponzi's hands made his way across his chest, groping and kneading his firm tits.
The air around the two as they fondled and explored their bodies was hot, filled with the aroma of androsterone and sex. Birchum's mind was numb, yet brimming with word vomit. He was trying to do anything to convince himself he wasn't gay, that he was a faithful conservative man...
But damn this felt good.
Karponzi left the kiss first, bending down in front of Birchum. He puckered up his lips, planting kisses down Birchum's sternum, his lips being tickled by chest hair. One hand stayed on his breast, grasping desperately, the other slithering down his waist.
"Do I have your consent to-"
"Just fucking do it, Karponzi." Birchum cut him off, his body shuddering as his coworker toyed with his man melons.
Birchum went and undid his belt buckle, haphazardly dropping it to the floor and pushing his trousers down to his ankles. Karponzi quickly kneeled down in front of him, gazing up at Birchum's soaked boxers. His mouth watered.
Birchum felt like he was going mad! This isn't right, he has a wife and kids! Sure, he was a trans man, but at least he's not a gay. His body seemed to act separately from his brain, thinking with his throbbing T-dick.
Karponzi couldn't help but to smirk behind his steamed-up glasses, pushing the hair that had fell from his manbun out of his face. His fingers ran over the wet spot, slick with Birchum's arousal, toying with his clit.
A whine vibrated through Birchum's throat, his hands came up to hide his blushing face. He peeked through his fingers as he felt the boxers slowly being pulled down to his knees.
Karponzi's finger slid between Birchum's cunt with ease, feeling more like a slip-n-slide than an organ. Birchum shivered at the feeling, his wife never touched him like this. He's pretty sure she was a useless lesbian anyway.
"Someone's excited." Karponzi giggled to himself, his digit retreated from Birchum's sopping boy pussy.
"Shut the hell up..." Birchum gritted his teeth, staring down at him with an anger filled glare. Karponzi only replied with a humph, leaning forward to slide his tongue between Birchum's folds.
Birchum's bulky thighs tightened around Karponzi's head, one of his hands leaving his mouth to reside on his manbun, holding onto it with a vice grip. He always dreamed of cutting off his stupid ponytail just to watch him cry, but now he was using it as a bike handle, Karponzi's face as the seat.
The closet was full of groans and the lewd sound of squelches as Karponzi ate Birchum out. Birchum was feverishly bucking his clit into his partners mouth, needy to burst the dam building in his stomach. Karponzi didn't hold him back from humping his face, his beard damp with Birchum's juices got him harder than anything else he's ever jacked off to. He slid his hand between his thighs, stuffing his index finger in lovers warm, plush insides.
"Ohh, fuck.." Birchum's eyes fell to the back of his head, his hips rolling in sync with the quick pumps of Karonzi's digit. His breath was harsh and hot, sweat beading down his flesh. He swore he was seeing stars as he felt a second one enter.
His climax arrived like a tsunami, both of his hands tightly grasped on Karponzi's head, tugging at his hair in balled fists. Karponzi slowed down his movements, his tongue pressed flush against his abused T-dick. His fingers curled inside of Birchum's pussy, letting him ride out his orgasm. He slid them out with a slick pop.
The two didn't say anything to each other, both too tired and embarrassed to talk about anything. They sat down on the floor, Birchum's chest heaving and mouth agape. The reality of the situation slowly hit him, a heavy weight on his chest.
He just face fucked the man he despised, and he was still stuck in the closet.
Birchum looked over to Karponzi, who was busy licking his lips. Birchum cringed at the sight. With a hoarse voice, Birchum was the first to break the silence.
"I can't believe this. I'm still trapped in the closet and there's no way out. Do you have your keys?"
"I'm also stuck in here with you. We're in this together." Karponzi smiled at him, sliding his hand next to Birchum's. Birchum reluctantly intertwined his fingers with his, feeling a strange twinge in his chest.
"... That's sweet and all... but I don't want to be here much longer."
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How to Survive Picture day
oc story warnings: swearing, bullying (nothing to harsh), Patricks in here so he's your warning I'm dyslexic so sorry for the horrid grammar
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ring ring ring *wake up* ring ring ring *wake up* ring ring ri- The normal sudden ringing that fills Bethany's room before she wakes up is silenced causing her to stir and roll onto her back. She wipes her hands over her face before groggily opening her eyes only to be jump scared by her moms face hanging over her. "morning sunshine, its picture day.~" Those words made a chill go down her spine, Bethany hated picture day. she was always forced into some stupid preppy outfit and pressured to smile into some dumb camera just so her parents could PAY for a photo of their own daughter. how stupid. What she hated most was the fact her brother Belch could wear whatever he wanted but she had to dress up. "come on honey you've got to see the outfit me and your father picked out its adorable" with that Bethany sits up. her eyes searching for todays tool of torture….. the collard shirt. She dramatically groans as she sees the outfit, all laid out on her messy desk she never uses. Its a white button up with a grey and blue sweater vest that looks like it belongs to some nerd her and the rest of the gang make fun of at school.paired with a blue plaid skirt and knee high grey socks. "god what a drag" she thinks to herself.
"are you going to get up or am I going to have to dress you myself" Bethany rolls her eyes. "yes mom I'm up now go bother reggie" After some blabbering about respect from her mom she eventually leaves and Bethany begrudgingly puts on the outfit, and does her own hair and makeup. if she's gonna have to look like a nerd she's gonna do it her way. she walks over to her desk, looking into the mirror propped up against her wall with a sigh. "could be worse-" is all that she gets out before a yell comes from downstairs. "Beth get your ass down here we gotta go!" The gruff voice of her brother yells out.
"COMING!" She yells out annoyed before grabbing her bag and headphones and jogging downstairs. After some goodbyes to her parents as a response to all the "oh my precious little angel"s from her dad she jogs outside after sliding on her converse.
A whistle comes from her brothers blue trans AM. "wow looking good short stack"Henry chirps sarcastically.
"where'd ya pick that getup from?" vic joins in. Bethany flips them all off before sliding into the back as she always does because Patrick refuses to get out to let her in (he always sits on the side she has to get in so she has no choice but to slide against him) any other way.
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after a long torturous ride to school because of the boys teasing they all spill out and enter the school, although she isn't really sure why they bother coming its not like they stick around for classes. as she walks through the hallway she gets a few looks from the other kids but none dare to say anything because they know they'll get a right beating from her "big brother". she makes it to her locker and opens the door before it slams shut infant of her. "why isn't it Bethany bitch face" the annoying voice of Greta Keene drawls. "haha real original Greta" Bethany says sarcastically knowing greta can't do anything but cuss her put cause of she touched her one of the boys would fuck her up. "nice outfit whore, your mommy buy it"Greta laughs as her little goons join in. "better than all that" Bethany snickers motioning to the entirety of Greta. Greta huffs and is about to retort until she see's your brothers little crew walk over. "hey hot stuff, wanna skip 3rd period with us" Patrick practically purs out. "can't that's when I'm getting pictures done" Bethany groans as she grabs some stuff from her locker, her back towards the group of boys. "oh come on just do it on the redo day stop being a pussy" Henry says. "love to, but can't my mom would kill me, bowers" "oh what would you do if you ever disobeyed mommy~" Henry says teasingly. "I mean just look at this outfit." Patrick chimes in with a laugh"I think its nice. just look at these hips~" he drawls as his hands rest on her hips before sliding his arms around her waist and pulling her into him. "ugh fuck off Patrick im not in the mood" Beth barks out. "you were in the mood back in 8th grade~" Patrick protests. "that was ONE TIME get over it" she wriggles out of his grasp as he frowns, but before he gets a chance to say anything belch chimes in. "better get to class shrimp" he adds before tussling her hair and walking off with his friends.
After they walk off she sighs and closes her locker before turning only to become face to face with possibly the worst (or best) person to run into in this situation Honey Wilson The schools resident crybaby. "HEY BETH!" she yells out as she smiles sweetly. "thought I told you not to call me that" "well yeah but I saw you and Patrick and how Patrick grabbed you so thought id come over. I mean yeah he's a bit of a perv and sometimes a bit grabby but im sure at heart he's a kind soul who's just lonely. he comes on a little strong but- blah blah blah" Thats all Bethany hears as she tunes Honey out, walking through the halls as Honey goes on and on. "yeah I know what pats like I've known him for years, but he's just so hung up about that little makeout sesh. I mean like dude you PAYED me to do that and like yeah I shouldn't sell myself out like that but 25 bucks is 25 bucks" Beth grumbles.
"… why would he pay for kisses, shouldn't kisses be free?"Honey says confused.
suddenly a familiar chuckle comes from behind them…. its Pat. "oh they defiantly should be~ why don't you give me a little kiss right now to heal my cold heart, crybaby~" He purs in her ear as he circles around her stopping infant of her and leaning over. "OF COURSE! everyone deserves kisses." "Honey no. that's not what he mea-"Beth gets cut off by honeys sweet voice. "hope you feel better Patrick" she smiles before kissing his cheek. "anyway I better be off to class bye bye Beth!" she says before waving and prancing down the hall while humming. "that's…. not exactly what I meant" Patrick says slightly annoyed slightly amused. "that's what you get for being a perv" Beth glares. "you know you love me, sugar tits~" Patrick laughs.
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after third period and after the photos Bethany sits outside of the school smoking and listening to music oh the walkman belch bought her for her birthday when she hears a familiar voice yell out. "BETH!" Honey yells out before running over. a worried look on her face. "you shouldn't be out here class is still going on! and smokings bad for you!" she yammers on about danger and health shit before bath cuts her off.
"ive had a boring, shitty day I need some me time" She hums before sitting up. "oh well….. ya know I think you look nice today" Honey smiles as she speaks…. god she always smiles. unless she's sobbing that is. "yeah yeah I know it sucks don't have to rub it in" "no really. you look pretty today Beth"Honeys voice is just like her name… like honey. "yeah whatever fuck off" Beth reply before standing up and throwing her cig at Honeys feet before walking off. doing her best to hide the smile growing on her face.
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
Does anyone else remember in 2008 when there was an entire national (international?) news story about the "first pregnant man" and it was just like... a random, non-famous trans man carrying a pregnancy because his wife couldn't get pregnant.
And like... he clearly wasn't the first trans man to get pregnant, wasn't even the first post-transition trans man to get pregnant, but it was such a big thing?
2008 was such a fucked year to be an LGBT person, especially an LGBT teen. Cause like, he was seen as an oddity, he was mocked, but peopel were like "Sure, fuck it, he's a pregnant man, I guess." (Not all! But like... the headlines called him a man, his manhood was sort of a face value thing in a lot of reporting?? Even the cruel, freakshow-esque reporting??)
And it was the year of Prop 8 in California. Gay marriage was a topic your civics teacher would think was fine having kids argue over in class. Regularly encountering flat out homophobic ads was liek... a common thing? But so were parodies mocking them. A Gathering Storm parodies were everywhere.
Looking back at that 15 years later, it just feels really... overwhelming to think about how much things have changed and how much they haven't. How some things are even worse than they were then.
Like... idk. The first pregnant man story just feels so emblematic of the moment (he wasn't the first pregnant man! it was normal to call him a man! it was also normal to mock him and calling his paternity photos disgusting on tv! people were voting on gay marriage rights during his pregnancy! the same people who would misgender him and call him a woman would then also be opposed to his marriage to his cis wife! who he was legally married to!) and it feels like such a curdling thing as well--how a fraught moment sitll felt optimistic (people were learning about trans people! the conversations sucked but they were happening! hey we lost prop 8 but we could rebound and we DID) and then all these years later here we are.
Idk, it's just really fucking sad. I just feel... grief over what that cultural moment could've led to but ultimately didn't. I was 15 then and I'm 30 now, a lifetime bisected by that single year and it's like... man, we have so much to show for it but also what the fuck do we have to show for it?
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cy-cyborg · 1 year
Sometimes think I had a normal childhood for someone growing up in the Aussie country (you know, when you ignore the disability and trans stuff lol) Then I talk to my sister and remember the absolutely ridiculous things that happened back home...
My school's cross country course (a sporting event where you walk/run several kilometres on dirt tracks) passed through a park that had a helicopter landing pad. During cross country one year, there was a helicopter parked there. Someone in my sister's year group stole it... or tried to. I don't think he was successful, but that depends on who you're talking to lol.
A guy stole a bulldozer from a roadwork site and used it to steal a coin machine at the car wash by just scooping the machine up in the little tray thing. The theft was caught on camera, as was his escape back into the closest thing we had to a busy suburb and yet, the coin machine, nor the bulldozer were ever seen again.
There was a ghost who lived at the showground, or so the story goes. Everyone greets her when we use the hall for community events. This makes the church across the road very angry. So much so a pastor used to go to the primary school to tell the kids not to talk to the ghost. Now I'm pretty sure everyone in my generation at least does it out of spite. From what I know about the ghost, I think she'd approve lol.
During my time in high school, 3 bodies were found on the beach. One was found by our school's beach walking class (also we had a beach walking class, it was an elective sport). Things continued as normal.
My high school had an elective marine biology class and part of the course was to get your scuba licence. I learned after graduation this is not normal, most schools don't have this class as an option. Did some digging and learned that it's whole reason for it being included was to make it easier to teach kids to scuba dive because people keep throwing things in the lakes around town/the ocean and they literally can not hire divers fast enough to clean it up. The class got cancelled after my year group because a girl in my class tried to fight a shark (this shark would approach divers but was known by the instructor to be really placid, so they just let her be, but this apparently spooked the school. Fair).
Our geography teacher was a conspiracy theorist and dooms day prepper that believed the whole 2012 thing. His approach to giving us tests was "we're all going to be dead in a few years and it's ridiculous they're even making you come to school so here's the answers so you don't have to waste time studying" - we had to re-take our year 10 final exam because of him...
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porterdavis · 2 years
All in the family
I finally broached the subject of Fox News and the Big Lie with my Trumper sister. As I suspected, being a Fox-only viewer, she had never even heard of the Dominion lawsuit and exposure of Fox and its 'talent' as bald-faced liars. Here's what I wrote her in response:
I know it must be hard to realize there is a TV network that to all outward appearances is a normal news outlet but is in actuality a sophisticated propaganda operation. Trump, as Joseph Goebbels before him, knew that if you repeat a lie enough times people will believe it because...well...they've heard it so many times it just must be true. Fox follows the same strategy.
Trump's inauguration had the biggest crowd ever. Remember that? The lying started on the first day. Crime is rising and out of control. Cities are too dangerous to go out at night. Lies. NYC is safer than Tallahassee and Atlanta. You'd never know that watching Fox News. Convoys of criminals are swamping the border. False. In any event, the US needs immigration. Who will clean the pools and pick the strawberries?  Yes, current laws are a mess, but that's because the GOP torpedoes every attempt to fix them. Why solve a problem that provides such a juicy cudgel to beat your opponent with?
The US is a broken system right now and I'm not sure it can be fixed. One side is trying to conduct business as usual, even if they are flawed humans and make mistakes. Bridges and roads are finally getting repaired. LGBTQ+ problems are being addressed instead of condemned. Do I agree with every policy the Dems have? Christ I don't even understand some of them. I have to stop and do a mental walk-through to get it straight in my head what a trans woman is. But the other side is destruction and division. Marginalize the poor. Restrict women's right to control her own body. Banning books? The people in history who have done that never come out as the good guys. 
Turn away the refugee, despite what their Good Book says. Look the other way when thousands of innocent children are mowed down into grotesque chunks of meat by weapons of war in the hands of other children. It's not 'mental health', it's not 'too soon' to talk about it. It's too many guns of a kind that should never be in civilian's hands. 
I have to include one chart, but it pretty much explains why the country you and I grew up in is no longer. The ability to raise a family, buy a house, send your kids to college, and take a vacation every year on one income is long gone. Why? Here's your answer:
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Yes, the chart ends in 2010 but the damage had already been done. What it shows is that the profit made by producing goods and services was diverted away from the people producing them and taken instead by the 'rentier' class -- the owners. How? Well, Reagan broke the unions in his first months in office. (Air traffic controllers strike). The SEC bowed to pressure and for the first time allowed stock buy-backs, meaning companies could direct profits straight to the owners, bypassing the workers. The new oligarchs discovered they could buy the lawmakers and the courts and cut taxes drastically. The gap between the two lines in the chart represents trillions of dollars that were diverted from the workers to the owners. They should have just stuck to share-and-share alike and not gotten so greedy.
I could go on for a long time. There has been so much damage done...
As Jon Stewart said -- I guess I'm woke. I just thought I was good in history.
She basically replied "both sides are dirty" and told me to fuck off.
Oh well.
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x-soapbox-x · 5 months
Sigh vent post. Tw transphobia
So I work for [unnamed] and we do screenings for law firms to see if people meet criteria for different class action lawsuits/victim compensation. And I’m in a meeting, and supervisor goes “oh I know this is a sensitive subject, but some of the clients we are getting on [recent case] identify with different genders then the ones in their file. We still need to know [relevant medical info] and they might not like that we have to ask them these questions” and then she proceeds to tell a story about a case she did where a ‘Gentleman’ wanted to go by a woman’s name, and in explaining her story was like he this, he that, you know. Which does grate on my nervous, like obviously that’s a woman right? And she basically ends like You Just Have to call them what They Want to be Called. So at the end of the meeting she asks for comments or questions and I jump in like “hey in regards to having clients with different gender identities, if anyone doesn’t know how to navigate that or the language to use, I’m a queer advocate in my area and I’m extremely comfortable with these kinds of situations so I will gladly speak with any transgender clients or answer any questions anyone may have.” Very non hostile, very helpful. And she just seemed taken aback like, oh we’re professionals so I think we are capable of talking with anyone. But then she was like maybe we will have you do a training for those situations or something but I don’t think she was serious. I just hate when anytime the topic comes up and I’m like. Hey if your unsure about this I can help :) I hate how it’s like suddenly I’m holding a lit dynamite the way the tension in the air goes. I accept and understand that cis people who never (knowingly) interact with trans people are ignorant and clueless, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing in all cases. I’m down to teach. I’m patient and good at explaining things if you’re down to listen. But I hate that people bristle. Like I get why, it’s a Political Topic. But like hello this is my nice ‘we are employed by a law firm’ face. Knowing that they’d run for the hills seeing me in my off days all trans rights punked out isn’t as satisfying as I’d like it to be. And I hate that the default in the meeting was “trans people are Other” like, no one who works here could possibly be queer. I hate that the assumption is that cis and straight are Normal and we are all Normal here. I hate that the default is unwelcoming. Like if only you guys knew the beauty and the art and the humor and the strength of queer people. But they’ll never see it and tbh they don’t deserve access to that. I’m just tired of everywhere I work it becoming an issue to the point that even this minor shit has my patience thin. My last job was really bad about it. And I think what gets me is that otherwise, these people are good people. And I think I hate that most- like a bigot is a bigot, but I hate that regular good people get infected by that bigotry, and it’s no less evil for being there bc it upholds the status quo (aka systems of oppression) But how the fuck do you hold onto the two world views and not split in half? I came to the political stances I hold bc as a kid I was compassionate and I saw pain and it led me from feminism to queer politics to class politics and now I’m just left as fuck bc I CARE about the other people I share the planet with. How can a person preach about respect when it’s…superficial at best? idk I’m glad I offered my knowledge if it means our trans clients won’t have to deal, but as a nb adjacent worker I’m like. Oh shit I beefed it, no one is gonna listen to me and now everyone knows im queer. I’m sure that won’t have any consequences.
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tommstic · 1 year
Being trans in the south
Hey all! I’ve finally accepted myself, and I think that now is a perfect time to share my story. This post will contain transphobic language, descriptions of dysphoria, and other possibly triggering things. I think it’s important to read just to get a look into the life of a trans kid in the south, but if it makes you uncomfortable, please skip if you need!
I live in the southern area of the USA. It’s not really a secret, I talk about my state and the whether pretty often so it’s not like I’m trying to hide who I am. Because of that, I feel comfortable sharing this story with some more personal details.
I live in South Carolina. The state is no stranger to anti-lgbtq+ corruption in the local government and in the citizens. SC is one of the states which has currently banned LGBTQ+ topics to be taught under the umbrella of sex ed. With this info, you can probably infer what life as an lgbtq+ teen is like in the dead centre of a red state.
I realised I was trans during late 2019 - early 2020 (my memory is fuzzy due to unrelated matters, so sorry if the timeline feels fuzzy sometimes). I decided to identify as bigender at the time. I only came out to my close friends, and that was after months of being scared they wouldn’t accept me. Of course, they accepted me, being lgbtq+ themselves.
Later on, somehow, word began to spread that I was trans and people at school began to ask me questions about it. It was scary. I remember being so anxious every time someone would come up and talk to me during that time because I was afraid they would harass, hurt, or judge me because of my identity. And naturally, whenever someone would ask, I would tell them I wasn’t trans and they’d heard wrong. It felt weird to act like I was “the victim of gossip” when in reality it was true. I was trans, but I wasn’t ready to talk about it.
Time passes, blah blah, unimportant nonsense. Nothing really significant to my identity happens, I still identified as bigender. I was trying to accept myself more by being more public with my identity. I wanted to believe that the south wasn’t as hateful as the media portrayed it, so I was public about my identity online and would tell people I was trans if they asked. My first instance of experiencing genuine transphobia was when I was banned from my friend’s house by their dad due to me being trans.
I felt so sick that night and I cried so so much- I couldn’t wrap my head around the idea that my identity had gotten me banned from seeing them again. I felt like I was the problem.
Then I entered my freshman year. I started wearing pins on my ID because I wanted to try again. Plus, I assumed that if I was in a public space I’d be safe. I wasn’t entirely wrong, but in some instances it didn’t exactly work out.
There were certain classes where I took off my trans pin from my ID. Mostly classes overrun by country kids and openly trans/homophobic people. I would put the pin in a small pocket in my bag and wear my ID as normal.
One day I did the same as usual, putting my pin away, and I noticed this kid looking at me weird. We leave the classroom and when we come back to pack up I check my bag and the zipper is opened and the pin is gone. Now I’m not completely sure it was him, but someone stole my pin and I know it wasn’t out of jealousy. There was a sticky note with a shitty cross drawn onto it. Losing the pin sucked, especially considering the motive, but it was the least of my problems.
People from my school would occasionally send me DMs via Instagram telling me I need God and how I’m disgusting. I was even threatened a few times, which was sadly no surprise. I’ve always prided myself on not taking cyber bullying seriously when it’s aimed towards me. I don’t typically let it affect me. But when you’re already surrounded by an environment that seems to absolutely hate you, having your online spaces being invaded the same way hurts like hell.
During the same class I mentioned earlier, I was called slurs both to my face and behind my back. Two kids were talking saying that “the class had been ruined by the tr*nnies,” while nodding in my direction. Another kid had asked me straight up if I was a tr*nnie.
It was around this time that I felt like giving up on my identity. I still felt sick looking in the mirror and looking at my body. I still hated everything remotely feminine about myself. I still hated being a girl but I decided that it was just easier to suppress my identity and go back to being “normal.”
In other words, being told that Id never be a real man was the straw that broke the camels back.
I still mentioned being trans in passing when I was talking with my friends, but generally I kept it a secret. During this time, I began to feel even worse about myself. I considered suicide because I felt like I would never be a real man. I felt like I wouldn’t ever be able to free myself from this prison that I had built for myself by rejecting my identity. It was shitty and it felt awful. I kept holding on to any piece of femininity I could find in myself because of how much I started to hate the idea of being trans. I hated it so much I just wanted to stay “normal.”
I relapsed. The only other trans friend I had at the time was a fucking enabler who I should have cut off forever ago, so it just got worse. I started doing stupid shit that I can’t even say on here for my own safety. It was bad, it put me in danger, and it was disgusting.
I began to calm myself down after a few months of not thinking about it and I decided to wade back into the waters of my trans identity by identifying as genderless. I just thought “hey, if I don’t have a gender, then there’s no reason to feel dysphoria right? I’m just me.”
Yea well no surprises here, it didn’t work. Another year of suppressing my real identity and I still hadn’t learned anything. I suppressed my identity for 3, almost 4, years because I was so scared of who I really was. I suffered from so much internalised transphobia for the past years due to the environment I grew up in. It changed how I perceived myself for the worst, and in the end, it didn’t stop me from being trans.
I have VERY recently come to accept my identity. I’m a boy. I’m FtM and that’s okay!! I wanted so bad to be able to hang on to my cisgender identity that it made me feel miserable for years. Finally I can really say that I’m trans and proud. I feel like I actually fit my identity and I no longer feel like I’m faking anything. It feels so freeing-
However, now that I’ve finally let go of my internal transphobia, I still have to face that of the world around me. I’m anxious to be public about my identity, I’m anxious to even come out to my parents (AGAIN.) because of what they might think.
I know there’s people out there who’ve had it worse than me, and that scares me the most. To imagine that there’s people struggling with the same issues as I am but with genuine violence in their lives, it’s worrying. As a country and as a society we have to understand that our views on young lgbtq+ members is crucial to how they view themselves. We’re just kids, we shouldn’t have to “toughen up” because we’re being told to shoot ourselves. We shouldn’t be getting told all these terrible things in the first place.
It’s fucking awful and I don’t think people have a real understanding of how passive transphobia affects people in the real world. There are dead trans kids because of this. There are dead queer kids because of this. It’s not easy to be surrounded by hate no matter where you look. I was lucky enough to have my friends as a support but not every kid has that. We gotta fucking fix this, it’s hurting innocent kids who just want to figure themselves out.
This was longer than I expected,, I tried to keep everything very linear. This isn’t a sob story or whatever, I just want to raise awareness for kids in the south because what I experienced was honestly so mild compared to what some other people I know have gone through. If you made it to the end, that’s awesome because I would’ve gotten tired by now Hah- thank you so much for reading-
if you’re of legal age to vote PLEASE do research on who you’re voting for because our leaders, local or National, determine the future of this country.
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stuckphantom · 1 year
Hey, Pinkroboticunicorn here! Decided to post my Danny Phantom AU here as well, so people can catch up with the story.
Note that this is an unfinished fanfiction that is for Tumblr, and a Prologue, more story to come, anyway here ya go!
Prologue: Danny Phantom.
Danny was always a ghost hunter, through and through like his parents, he never really quit or retired, but he got outted big time, and not in the way you would expect.
It was a seemingly regular day, he was now a sophomore in school, and had just returned from summer vacation, when in the middle of class he just out of the blue transforms into his phantom form, and can't change back. It was COMPLETELY out of the blue, and he kinda panicked, and by panic I mean PANIC! Everyone knew Danny Fenton was Danny Phantom, the reaction wasn't too bad, but it led to a life altering path.
Firstly Danny was stuck in phantom form permanently, but he learned how to alter his clothes from the usual jumpsuit he'd wear, so he could wear normal clothes, but anything he wore had an eerie after glow to it. It's whatever though. 
Valarie needed some space after learning what she did, she just couldn't face Danny until she was ready, but she came round in the end, and even embraced him, and his powers.
Danny's parents were shocked, but not surprised, and apologized for trying to hunt him down, and in solidarity of their son proudly dyed their own hair white.
Vlad, after finding out panicked big time that it might happen to him, so he abducted Danny and studied him for the short amount of time he had him, to make sure it wouldn't happen to him.
Sam, Dani, Tucker, and Jazz absolutely defended him and had their guard up around everyone, but let their guard down when people started to accept him for what he was, a phantom kid.
Dani also found a home with the Fentons as the youngest kid, and officially got adopted from Vlad, else Vlad would suffer the wrath of Maddie Fenton, which is something he didn't want to do, since then Dani has had happy times ahead with her new parents.
Of course during High School they discovered, and rediscovered themselves, Valarie after coming back from her much needed space, began to catch feelings for Danny again, but not just Danny Sam too, and vice versa, so they entered a Poly relationship in their Senior year of High School, and have been going strong ever since.
Dani is still discovering herself, but finds she crushes on boys, girls, and anyone in-between as a pan teen, but it's only crushes.
Now Tucker is a curious case, for the womanizer he was, it was merely a compensation for his real self, he was gay, but didn't want Danny or Sam to know at all, because he was afraid, he was bullied by his last friends for his interests, so he needed to make no one knew he wasn't straight, and only managed to come out officially during Senior Year, when he saw Danny's relationship, and knew he couldn't hold back any longer, he had to come out, and started to date Paul.
Paulina had come out as trans Sophomore year, before the Phantom incident, he changed his name to Paul and everything, and his friend group oschrisized him, and kicked him out, since then he kind of just drifted towards the "loser table" AKA Danny, Sam, Val, and Tucker, since then Paul was a bit of an awakening for Tucker, as the hottest "girl" in school became the hottest boy in School, and he protected him from everyone who would try to bully and mock him, and the like, and they just fell in love.
And when Tucker came out, Paul made his move, and they've been dating since then.
Danny and his friends have fought many villainous ghosts! Danny has also fought villainous ghosts with his family, and he's been doing it still as a now 18 year old, however sometimes you do gotta take a break from time to time, like maybe after graduation, and going through all those tests a nice relaxing cruise with your family?
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pinkroboticunicorn · 1 year
Coming soon after the third and final Prologue, thank you for your patience.... roll prologue!
Heroes AU: The Cruise
Prologue: Danny Phantom.
Danny was always a ghost hunter, through and through like his parents, he never really quit or retired, but he got outted big time, and not in the way you would expect.
It was a seemingly regular day, he was now a sophomore in school, and had just returned from summer vacation, when in the middle of class he just out of the blue transforms into his phantom form, and can't change back. It was COMPLETELY out of the blue, and he kinda panicked, and by panic I mean PANIC! Everyone knew Danny Fenton was Danny Phantom, the reaction wasn't too bad, but it led to a life altering path.
Firstly Danny was stuck in phantom form permanently, but he learned how to alter his clothes from the usual jumpsuit he'd wear, so he could wear normal clothes, but anything he wore had an eerie after glow to it. It's whatever though. 
Valarie needed some space after learning what she did, she just couldn't face Danny until she was ready, but she came round in the end, and even embraced him, and his powers.
Danny's parents were shocked, but not surprised, and apologized for trying to hunt him down, and in solidarity of their son proudly dyed their own hair white.
Vlad, after finding out panicked big time that it might happen to him, so he abducted Danny and studied him for the short amount of time he had him, to make sure it wouldn't happen to him.
Sam, Dani, Tucker, and Jazz absolutely defended him and had their guard up around everyone, but let their guard down when people started to accept him for what he was, a phantom kid.
Dani also found a home with the Fentons as the youngest kid, and officially got adopted from Vlad, else Vlad would suffer the wrath of Maddie Fenton, which is something he didn't want to do, since then Dani has had happy times ahead with her new parents.
Of course during High School they discovered, and rediscovered themselves, Valarie after coming back from her much needed space, began to catch feelings for Danny again, but not just Danny Sam too, and vice versa, so they entered a Poly relationship in their Senior year of High School, and have been going strong ever since.
Dani is still discovering herself, but finds she crushes on boys, girls, and anyone in-between as a pan teen, but it's only crushes.
Now Tucker is a curious case, for the womanizer he was, it was merely a compensation for his real self, he was gay, but didn't want Danny or Sam to know at all, because he was afraid, he was bullied by his last friends for his interests, so he needed to make no one knew he wasn't straight, and only managed to come out officially during Senior Year, when he saw Danny's relationship, and knew he couldn't hold back any longer, he had to come out, and started to date Paul.
Paulina had come out as trans Sophomore year, before the Phantom incident, he changed his name to Paul and everything, and his friend group oschrisized him, and kicked him out, since then he kind of just drifted towards the "loser table" AKA Danny, Sam, Val, and Tucker, since then Paul was a bit of an awakening for Tucker, as the hottest "girl" in school became the hottest boy in School, and he protected him from everyone who would try to bully and mock him, and the like, and they just fell in love.
And when Tucker came out, Paul made his move, and they've been dating since then.
Danny and his friends have fought many villainous ghosts! Danny has also fought villainous ghosts with his family, and he's been doing it still as a now 18 year old, however sometimes you do gotta take a break from time to time, like maybe after graduation, and going through all those tests a nice relaxing cruise with your family?
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nightmare-deer · 1 year
I’m not sure that I have any followers where this is going to be a thing they actively care about. I’m not going to explain the whole situation/context this is going to be a If You Know You Know thing. 
But on the topic of Dee Snider I just find it increasingly obnoxious how cis straight, I'm assuming, people will come into our community and feel like their opinions are equal to people who are in the community and have queer experiences. 
Cis people will speak on trans issues when they cannot see beyond their mindset of being a cis person who has never struggled with dysphoria. So to them waiting on treatment is seen as a neutral choice but for people who experience transness waiting is not neutral, it takes them through real bodily changes that can have a physical and mental effect on them that are excruciating and could possibly affect them for a lifetime.
The point of puberty blockers is to halt undesirable characteristics that come out of puberty like voice changes. Because going through puberty also gives trans kids physical changes that are harder to change after they happen. It’s not like  hormone therapy is the only thing that can do that.  No matter which path they decide they are making a change to themselves, the only reason it's seen as neutral is because cis people see being cis as normal or baseline. Trans youth know what they need more than a cis person who is completely removed from the lives of trans people. 
Trans healthcare has been implemented for trans youth for decades it's not a trend, it's just that certain people are just now hearing about it and it’s a new concept to them.  Trans youth who have parents that support them on their journey to receive gender affirming care are incredibly lucky because there are so many kids needlessly suffering, who were going through changes they don't need to be going through because their parents refuse to support them or because their state will not allow them autonomy over their body and that is a bigger tragedy to me. 
I find it so frustrating to see these older white men believe their opinion on something they are not educated about is as important as the people in that community and then bristle at the thought of someone not letting them claim the title of ally.
It reminds me of a tumblr post that has since been deleted from  makingqueerhistory. https://www.tumblr.com/dear-indies/175855407461/makingqueerhistory-ally-is-not-a-word-you-can?source=share
Ally is not a word you can take, it is not something you stab your flag into and declare you have earned because you found it. Ally is a word given. A word that is not trustworthy if it only comes from your own mouth.
Ally is a passport; you may travel in these spaces but you must follow the law of the land. The word has no meaning if it has not been approved by the proper authorities. And the authorities are us.
We are citizens of this land and we continue to live here when you have gone home. You can read every travel guide, and know every intersection in our roads, but if you are not a citizen you are a visitor.
Ally is not a ticket, a pass to sit down and enjoy the show. Activism is not a spectator sport, you are either playing or you are on the opposing team. If you want to enjoy the game you are going to have to shoulder some tackles for the players. Because we have bruises all over our bodies and you are wearing a suit of armor.  
Ally comes with a class. We are the teachers and you are the student. You will listen and will only participate when you are called upon. If you want to be an ally you have to first realize that your voice is not the most important one in the room. You are there to listen, and we will know if you didn’t do the reading.
Ally is not a part of a gift bag you get for coming to the party. If you want the word you must come to the funerals as well as the parades.  
The word comes with work. It comes with struggle, inconvenience, and time. Ally is something you do. Not someone you are. It is a job, not a title.
So thank you for your application. We will review it and get back to you in a couple of weeks.
I need people who want to call themselves allies to throw less temper tantrums that they are not being allowed to occupy queer spaces and instead get serious about understanding queer issues and understanding that it is not us who needs to fall in line with your privileged cishet white man worldview but it is you who needs to educate yourself about the struggles and issues our community faces and to listen to our stories and our history and our past and where we are coming from. Because this is not about you. This is about us. 
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I’m so fucking close
In like two months I’ll be done
I’ll be out of this fucking hell hole of a high school
And I hope I can get out of this house
I want to leave and never look back
But god
Oh god dude I wish
I wish my entire high school experience wasn’t wasted on this fucking cult
Growing up in the Mormon church as been living hell
I missed out on so much just having to survive
I still remember shit of having to constantly be afraid of my own well being because I didn’t know if my family was safe, the people at church where safe, if my own friends where safe
Dude my parents OH MY FUCKING GOD dude they home schooled me for middle school then signed me up for a fucking Mormon private school taking their online course
I was so fucking isolated from anyone outside the fucking church
It was wake up, go to seminary at 5 FUCKING 30 AM, than listen to your classes talking about Jesus and how you can find him in every subject there is, after that go to a church activity, still have some time? How about we invite the MISSIONARIES over for a small FUCKING DINNER PARTY.
Im an atheist
I’m gay
I’m trans
I’m half Mexican
The treatment I’ve mostly gotten has been micro aggressions at best and physical/sexual assault at worst
I will never know what it’s like to just be a normal kid because of the people that preach they want “kids to just be kids” 
It’s so fucking shitty
Ever since I was outed at the age of 12 or 11 it’s been hell
At first I was fine because I still had my best friend that supported me
It was funny even
You’d be minding your business, then someone would try to talk you out of being gay, try to argue why it’s wrong, get mad at you for being gay. You’d fight back
Laugh at them with ur friends. Poke the bear with a stick
Then the tide would shift
Suddenly they didn’t try to pray the gay away, they weren’t trying to argue you out of it
Now they saw you as a threat
A threat to their friends’ sexuality, a threat to their kids’ sexuality, a threat to their own sexuality.
They where more aggressive
Often yelling at out, picking on you, singling you out, even threats that they love to call jokes
But that’s okay,
You’ll hold your head high
Stand your ground
you won’t swallow your pride
so you’ll fight with your words
And if they decided they didn’t want to play with words
Then you’d fight with every tooth and nail you have
You’d be very really win a fight
Like ever
They usually get broken up by adults or they’d get the upper hand and stop when they’re bored
A rare occurrence actually having to fight
But it changes you
Before you where creepy
Now you try to be off putting, to appear as batshit crazy as you can
But it’s okay because when it gets too much you go to your friends
The tide shifts again
Your friends are closer to other friends than before
They stop hanging out
Then the excuses come
“My dad thinks you might be making me gay. Sorry. Yeah I’m going to have to block you.”
“My mom said if your mom weren’t friends with her, that she wouldn’t let me hang out with you, can we maybe stop hugging?”
“Being gay is one thing, but being trans is a bit much. You’ve always been a girl and i can’t see you any other way.”
“Are you just trying to be a guy so girls can like you more? That’s really creepy.”
And the worst of all you best friend
“I just think marriage should stay between a man and a woman.”
“But you said that you’d support gay marriage despite what your parents say. Your aunt is gay, and you’re a witch.”
“changed my mind.”
Now it’s harder to hold your head high
To stand your ground
You start to retreat
You cant appear normal for the life of you
But now you laugh at their jokes
You play along with them
Make yourself small
You’ll expire soon
It doesn’t matter
You promised
You took away life now it’s your turn
But you can never actually mange to do it
Then your friend finds out
He makes you stay
You decided to brake that promise but now it’s too late
Now your sister knows
You make another promise
Before you know it there’s too many promises to brake
They watch you like a hawk
Make sure you get better
But it doesn’t erase the fact that they pushed to here
You’re at this point because of them
And now it’s less than three months from graduation
You’ll never have a real high school experience
You’ll never be able to be a real teenager
You’ll never be able to be a real teen boy
What are you going to do about it
You graduate in less than three months
Can you make it to crawl out of this hell hole?
Or will you lay there in the grime you’re so well acquainted with?
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“Hey Kid, Don’t Tell Your Parents.”
Got your attention yet? This website, along with sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit, are a danger to kids. A lot of people may go, “I used social media when I was young and I’m fine” and sure. Maybe you are fine. But in a world so torn to shreds and divided by insane people, predators, zealots, and moral absolutists, there’s a much bigger threat now. 
Fact of the matter is, as of just recently there has been a trend of radicals saying, “Hey kid don’t tell your parents about this, they would not understand.” And while we know that phrase is normally reserved for predators, it’s also reserved for groomers. Or in this case people who are telling your kids that if they are not happy in SOME way, they are trans. Why prompted this? What else but this:
Tumblr media
This to be stacked on top of a recent video that proves CHILDREN are being fast tracked into transitioning. Which can be shown here. And is being done to SMALL children. Who are NOT getting mental health help. They are just being pushed through the Big Pharma pipeline. And congrats for everyone pushing that. You’ve created a class of people who will forever have to live off Pharma companies, and Surgeons. 
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And in the video you clearly see people are being harmed by this. Children who are NOT EVEN OLD ENOUGH to understand the consequences of sex, are being taken advantage of, having their bodies pumped full of hormones and having body parts cut off. HOW THE FUCK are they old enough to make that choice if they are not old enough to consent. AND DON’T TELL ME that shit is different because it’s not. YOU just need it to be different because that way you can make more people like you. 
OH. And before someone comes to me and says, “Oh well you can’t convince a person that isn’t trans to be trans”. TELL THAT to the thousands of detransitioner. We are sterilizing and mutilating KIDS! Many of whom will forever be dealing with mental health issues BECAUSE of the whole situation as well as probably body dysmorphia. And it’s because of people like you. 
If you see this and you are under 18 and you believe you are trans. Let me give you some advice. If a person ever tells you, to NOT seek mental health help. Or they tell you not to tell your parents about something.......Assume the person you are talking to is a predator. Because 9.9/10 times, they will be. And contrary to the false studies you see. We don’t actually have YEARS of data backing up that transitioning helps people. Because prior to now, it wasn’t really a big enough thing to DO research on. 
More than that. Imagine if you thought you were a chicken when you were 8. And your parents had your arms cut off to affirm your identity. It’s the same thing. And lastly. Hormone blockers  are NOT reversible. Any amount of puberty you miss while taking hormone blockers? Does not just come back. When you miss it, you miss it. And if you take blockers for years, and come mid-late 20′s you want kids? You might not even have the ABILITY to have them. 
If you are a guy and take blockers as a kid and end up with a micro penis. YOU BETTER PRAY you find a woman that loves you for you. Because sex likely won’t even be an option. Also girls. No. You breasts will NOT grow back. And there have been stories of 14 y/o girls having their breasts cut off, regretting it, then asking if they will grow back. No. They won’t 
And before anyone says anything, NO. This isn’t an anti trans rant. 
This is a rant against radical activists, who’s only goal is the transition of as many people as humanly possible even if they are not trans. And that should scare you. Because these people are now the reason we see fast tracking. How many people have to be scarred by you, and or kill themselves because they were not trans and wanted an escape? HOW MANY BODIES are you fine with?
Because I can bet, if we brought back all the people whom activists claim took their lives after “Not being affirmed enough” the problem would have been that they were depressed, not trans, and the transition only made things worse. How many kids and teens have to die until it’s enough? 
We need to put a stop to this. Laws need to be put into place barring kids from being put on hormones. Laws need to also be put into place saying that you need 2 years of mandatory mental health help before surgery is even allowed. Why? Because this is a mental health epidemic. And it needs to be handled PROPERLY by mental health professionals. (Oh and any of the ones that have signed off on fast tracking? And ones that are caught doing so in the future? Revoke their creds, and throw them in jail.)
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fallouttboy · 1 year
i feel bad just having one post for trans sam supernatural soooo.
he figures out he’s not a girl when he’s around 13. he knew for a while, how he didn’t identify with the other girls his age (as come and go as they came, what with moving all the time) and he didn’t identify with whatever john was putting onto him, he wasn’t a girl. he wasn’t john’s daughter or dean’s sister.
so he starts going by sam instead of samantha. it’s what dean’s always called him, ever since he was a little kid. it always made him warm on the inside, getting called the nickname made him feel loved in a world where he was so desperately trying to be, at the very least, noticed.
john didn’t take it well, but then again no one expected him to. it took dean a little bit, getting used to having a brother and not a sister anymore. after a few months he warmed up real fast, making sure to always remind sam how badass of a brother he is. dean didn’t really fully get it until they were much much older, living in hotels and sharing clothes as adults. he didn’t quite get what it meant for sam to be Sam, brother, son, boy. because that’s all dean’s ever been, he’s just been A Guy, that’s what his life has been. he didn’t grasp the implications and intricacies that went into sam’s transition, both physically and emotionally/mentally. he loved hearing sam talk about it though (most of the time, he did want to throttle the kid more than a handful of times. sleeping in a chevy car together for a majority of your lives will do that to a guy).
my personal headcanon is that sam’s top surgery is actually from dean. so “surgery” is a bit of a stretch, it’s more akin to a fourth grader using normal scissors instead of safety ones. the scars are jagged, angry red lines where fullness used to be. they’re not pretty, they look like a botch job by a drunk doctor, but that’s also kinda what makes sam love it. they could never afford actual healthcare, let alone a proper hospital visit. their idea of high class medicine is name brand cough syrup from a grocery store instead of store brand from a gas station. he’s given dean stitches with dental floss and a sewing needle, he’s put his foot in the snow and sat outside bundled in more cotton than is necessary when he sprained his own foot on a jog as an adult. this is the norm.
and so when dean came home a little while after john, showing up with a vicious grin and hands behind his back, sam knew something was up. they’d just raided a dentists office run by vampires (ironic, right) and dean snuck back in, grabbed a tank of the laughing gas and a few tubes of numbing cream and a mask, and hooked sam up. it was stupid, incredibly dangerous, very very bad idea and sam would never, ever recommend this to anyone, ever, literally in the whole of time forever and ever. do not let your 18 year old brother gas you up and chop your tits off. but once the cream was all over (literally, completely all over, down to the waist of sam’s jeans), it felt so fucking weird to not have a chest. he was gassed up and couldn’t feel his chest, but when he woke up, he was bandaged in a shit load of gauze and flat chested. he hurt, like a bitch, a real fucking bitch, but he was Sam now, he was a boy.
luckily, john decided that was the time for him to fuck off and fight some demon or something, leaving the brothers at a motel in des moines. sam got to lay in bed for weeks, watching shitty motel cable and making dean be his personal assistant. after a long while, dean was the one to cut the bandages off, sam was too afraid to look. “holy shit, i didn’t do bad!” “what, really? how do i look?” “like my brother, man.”
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kellysrippdcock · 1 month
Yesterday was the first day of school.
I’m out front with my kids taking first day pictures, talking to them, and just normal parent stuff. My ex’s neighbor, some fat gross guy who doesn’t shower, just comes up to me and fucking outs me as trans in front of everyone and this is a very country-conservative crowd of parents. Idk if anyone heard or noticed because I just got so angry and I was shaking trying to be cool. I haven’t talked to my kids about this yet, I’m still easing them into the idea of all of this, and I don’t like a fucking stranger just coming up to me like that. I’m upset my ex is just telling random people that I am trans.
Anyway I ignore the fuck. This dude and his girl have approached me before and they’re super weird. One time, while dropping the kids off at my ex’s, the girl followed me all the way to my truck trying to hit on me. Apparently the dude wants to watch me fuck his wife and then fuck his ass, according to my ex, and he seems the type. They have this super toxic, openly verbally-abusive, poverty enforced relationship and they have this delusion that they’re so cool and hip when really I think they need on a fucking sex offender registry. Dude is 💯 the “doesn’t matter how old she is if she consents” type.
This dude is so weird. I was at the pool with my kids once and they were also there and dude just ignores his girl and their two kids to hit on every girl around and I fucking watched him check out underage girls. I’m in the pool, trying to keep away from people and float on my back, and these two swim up and basically corner me. When they failed to get my attention they started fighting with each other like apparently it’s cool for dude to creep on underage girls if he can convince me to bang his girlfriend? If they see me anywhere they approach me even though I have made it clear I have no interest in these trashy people.
Anyway, back to the school bullshit. Apparently dude listed my ex as his daughter’s emergency pickup and I’m like “ok, but that doesn’t involve me” like dude implied I would be the emergency pickup on days I have MY kids or I’d let his creepy ass do the same for mine. Hell no, this dude screams groomer. He works at a smoke shop and like… I don’t care and I know you get shitty weed anyway, I contract for your boss. We are up on the front doors of the school, you know where they have all of the “Tobacco Free School” signs, and dude is hitting his vape rig which like really gets on my nerves. I chain-hit my vape nonstop but even I can put it down for the kids and this 300+ pound cocksucker is hitting his while trying to talk to me making me look like I’m associated with this trash.
Doors open time to take kids to their rooms. Dude just leaves his daughter with me and I am a stranger to this kid! Like I know we were at a school but what kind of parent just leaves their kid to the whims of someone they barely know? So now I have dumbfucks kid tagging along because I guess he only even came up with her to talk to me. I’m showing my kids their rooms and I turn around to this girl dragging my oldest away and I break her grip and I said “these are my kids they come with me, you go where you go, but not with me” and I told my son to never go anywhere alone with this girl because, to me, she’s the type to lead a kid out to the woods and Slenderman them. She didn’t say anything and waited until we hit a corner to try and get my son away from me without me noticing.
Since my oldest son and his daughter are neighbors and my son is new they were sat together. After school I picked my kids up and did the usual “how was your day”. Here’s where I want to get violent: This fat little, mountain dew accent having bitch raises her hand in the middle of class to tell EVERYONE my son has “girly things” and “girl toys” and likes “girl stuff” and has a “girl dad”. Why the fuck does this kid know about MY life and yet alone think she can talk shit about MY kid? First day of school and this bitch has to make things harder for my son? He considered her a friend. What pisses me off is I know the dad is talking about me and his daughter is picking it up. Obviously she is conditioned to think this shit is funny.
So I called my ex about it (they came and left the school before I got there) and she went the fuck off on her weird ass neighbors. I’m still upset she even told these people things about me but at least she doesn’t fuck around when it comes to the kids. I still feel like I’m gonna have to beat dad the fuck down but he smells so bad like legit I’d throw up if my skin touched his. But this fuck does not respect any boundaries for anyone. There’s just something so off and creepy about him even without his weird trans-fetish bullshit. The girl, wife or girlfriend or sister idk, is like clearly learning disabled and verbally abused into having no personality. This bitch is as spicy as water and thinks she can fuck ME?
I am a parent first and myself second. My transition is my own thing and does not reflect upon my kids or imply anything about them. I don’t beat my kids for touching Barbies like I was. I don’t homeschool my kids for being friends with too many girls. I teach my kids not to hate or make fun of other kids for their interests or how they dress. It just irks me so bad this whitetrash kid in her Goodwill clothes is going to raise her hand to spread shit on my son. His clothes were worth what her dad makes per paycheck. And I grew up in poverty. I know how it is, and I know it doesn’t excuse being a shit person. I work hard to make sure my kids have what I didn’t and I’ll be damned if they are made fun of for it.
Today was the second day of school.
My ex said her neighbors won’t talk to her anymore, and like the shit parents they are, told their daughter she deserved the hate and like NO! teach your kid to be better, tell them why people are upset, do something corrective! All he did was make his daughter feel unlikable for repeating something he probably said in front of her. They took her to school crying I guess. Am I happy the girl who made my kid have the worst first day of his life cried over it? HELL YES! But I’m sad too that her parents are doing nothing for her. They’re too busy being depraved pervs to give their daughter valid attention so she pulls these stunts on school. I just see 0 affection from the parents and they’re always too busy being perverts to be decent parents for 5 minutes. I don’t want to make accusations without any real evidence or anything, but the way dude treats his daughter is a major red flag and having seen him checkout obviously middle-school aged girls makes me wonder…
Anyway, I pick my kids up and ask about their days. My oldest told the girl she’s not his friend, she’s not allowed to come over, and not to talk to him or about him. He said all day she basically stalked and nagged at him which again I can totally tell is something she learned from her toxic parents considering her mom basically followed me out to my truck to nag and make puppy faces trying to get sex. I guess, for attention, the girl today decided to eat erasers and put them in her nose which grossed my son out (we don’t eat erasers in my house) so he talked to the teacher and moved him. Now the girl is the isolated weirdo in class which isn’t good. This girl clearly has been under-nurtured (she seriously speaks like she is 3), expects attention from negative behaviors, doesn’t respect boundaries, and has control issues.
Next time dude sees me he better know his fucking place because I can get OR’ed from jail for beating his ass and be back out in time not to miss any days of work. It’s one thing to just fucking out me at the school like a piece a shit but when your kid is repeating it solely for the detriment of one of mine then I’m not about doing some psycho shit. I am living my life, I don’t fucking know you, and don’t think you can hookup with me because my ex babysits your kid because you’re a deadbeat parent. I don’t fuck dudes especially ones that look like rejected-juggalo air duster addicts. I hate how dudes find out you’re trans and think they can use you to live out their creepy fantasies. Fucking annoy me some more and see how quick I find some internet predator hunters to come catch that ass. I am not that tranny, honey. I WILL fuck you up. Grow the fuck up and be a parent. Stop trying to look good by associating with me. I look good because I don’t associate with you.
God that was such a long cunty rant but aaaaaaagh! Dudes think being horny is being tolerant. It’s not. Being tolerant is leaving me the fuck alone like everyone leaves you alone. Let me do me in peace and leave my kids out of it. I don’t care what you think you know about me because you don’t know me.
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