#it's not as bad as I thought and i do in fact feel vindicated
ikemenomegas · 4 months
Everyone is so Upset but this latest chapter lol
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liquidstar · 1 year
look this site really is awful for ppl with OCD so i just wanna reassure anyone that you are not Tainted Forever for consuming a piece of media with questionable content. the fact that youre able to recognize it speaks to your critical thinking skills, which is good, certain depictions should be critiqued. but you dont need to ruminate on it to the point where you begin to feel guilty for simply witnessing gross or creepy writing choices. you dont have to vindicate yourself to the fictional tumblr discourser inside your head, saying that youre now a bad person bc you watched the wrong anime. your actual response to it still matters of course, but thats that and this is this. just seeing it is neutral, you didnt commit a thought crime. its literally fine.
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why do so many people keep calling ed izzy's abuser? I thought it was kind of funny how wrong they were at first because I love being right but at this point I feel like, if you really believe that why do you even like this show? where the main love interest is a violently abusive indigenous man? that sounds boring as shit. what would possess the writers of the show for them to make such an awful decision?
but then I think, if this many people believe it does that mean I'm the one who's wrong? or is it that the creators fumbled that storyline when they should have been clearer about it? or maybe it's just that most people on here have had their reading comprehension scorched away by Sherlock Holmes conspiracy theories and Steven Universe discourse. I can't tell. sometimes I think the internet may have been a mistake.
No they're wrong here's what's going on. People all read this shitty fic called Hell or High Water where Ed was everything the Izzy stans say he was and then instead of realizing that Ed is sad everyone regressed into thinking that the Kraken Era TM was going to be incredibly violent, like serial killing blond men because they look like Stede levels of violence. Even if you didn't read HoHW you saw art or read fic from people who had engaged with this fic and succumbed to it's premise. So there's been this background radiation of misunderstanding what the Kraken is on the fandom for several months. So inevitably when Ed did some mild violence and then attempted suicide by threatening murder until the crew took matters into their own hands, which is not abuse or torture by any stretch, btw, it's a murder-suicide at worst (I say at worst because I consider it fuckery-suicide I don't think Ed was trying to kill people I think he was trying to force them into a situation where they thought it was kill or be killed so that they would choose to kill him, but that is my interpretation and you are free to think it's a botched murder-suicide I have no problem with that), which, murder is something the show has never condemned and if it did it would be horribly inconsistent. So anyway, Ed's whole Kraken Era was categorized in the show by him being sad and doing so many drugs and begging someone please god anyone to kill him and trying to break Ned Low's record out of the evil boredom, but because it had a murder-suicide element to it and Izzy's toes were getting removed and he waved a gun around at everyone once (in a way that felt to me like he was trying and failing to work up the nerve to blow his own brains out but I digress) people who liked HoHW and were mad that people had called it out were like "see hes being violent HoHW author vindicated" as if anything Ed did rose to the level of that fic
And you want to know how I know this read is bullshit? Because when I watch the show with people who don't read fic or interact with the fandom and then I gauge their reactions without showing my hand they all implicitly understand that Ed is reacting to Izzy in a way appropriate to how pirate captains react to threats from subordinates. The spectrum of reactions has been from "hey isn't it weird how Ed was the Kraken because his dad was abusive and now he's the kraken because of Izzy? Maybe there's something there but idk" to "I don't think you can apply the logic of domestic abuse to a pirate captain and first mate but also Izzy had it coming" to "I cannot feel bad for Izzy after last season, I'm sorry." To "lmao Izcel" and I've showed this show to roughly everyone I know. The only thing I can conclude from the fact that people who don't engage with OFMD fic almost unilaterally thinking that Izzy is in the wrong and then coming online to see people thinking the opposite is that Izzy as victim and Ed as abuser is pure fanon, like how Stede is a cinnamon roll who talks like Azeriphael.
But anyway yeah you're completely right about the fact that this would be a bad show if they decided to make Ed into a domestic abuser. I don't want to watch a rom com about a domestic abuser falling in love and I don't want a show that decided to make it's indigenous lead abusive when the stereotype of indigenous men as abusers is still to this day used as an excuse to separate indigenous children from their families and put them with white Christians in order to erase their culture. Good thing OFMD didn't make Ed abusive, so I still like the show.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 10 months
I wish I didn’t care this much. When I thought about potential bad news I knew I would be disappointed but I feel a bit like I’m being crushed and no-one understands why, and I think this is in many ways a reminder of the way so many people don’t view the things we are so vibrantly and beautifully passionate about as things worth being passionate about. But our passion is wonderful, it is bright and strong and it produces art and emotion and community and we deserve that. I adore these books so goddamn much but I think on some level when a book has an adaptation and the name becomes recognisable, the people who don’t understand our pain can at least acknowledge what it is and that’s unfairly vindicating, like I’m allowed to enjoy it because it’s recognisable so I’m not weird for doing so. That shouldn’t be the case and it’s not fair that it is, but it doesn’t change the fact that people are more reactive to me saying “there’s a TV show of it on Netflix!” than they are to me saying “it’s a powerful book series that changed my life”. I feel like I’ve had something taken away from me. And I feel like the knowledge that the show got cancelled will breed an idea of the books not being worth the time because the show wasn’t, and that’s just so so so not true. I’m reminding myself that these beautiful, life-changing books have always been the heart of this fandom and losing the show does not mean less love for the books, they mean the world to me. But that doesn’t stop this from hurting.
Anyway I needed to get that out, I don’t know, maybe I’ll delete this later. But there’s really something magic here, and I will love it forever. To have had an adaptation is a wonderful privilege and I’m so glad we got to see it, I just wish we’d been able to see a little more.
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asykriel · 3 months
I know I'm not the only one who thought the Aemond brothel scene was wack and completely out of character for someone as vengeful and prideful as him.
Are you telling me that Aemond held a grudge for years against Luke for taking his eye and executed revenge on him with the first chance he got.
But he would willingly return (not once, but multiple times) in the arms of the woman who SA'd him at just 13 years old without feeling any ounce of anger for her or desire for vindication? And confide in her with his most deepest feelings that he never told to anyone else (closer) to him before???
Not only that, but he willingly showed himself in such a weak and vulnerable state in public? For someone who's all about appearance and how he's perceived, Aemond would never do that with an audience even if it's a brothel. Information would still spread and people would start talking. Do you think someone like Aemond would want people in King's Landing to gossip about how he needs to be cradled like a pathetic baby and how he needs to drink warm milk before sleepy time?
And no the fact that he has "mommy issues" from Alicent's shit parenting and he (may) have an inclination towards older women because of that, doesn't excuse the fact that he was raped and doesn't invalidate his vengeful character, it's part of who he is.
Overall, bad writing and a lot of contradicting things in that scene which is disappointing because he had such a nice character development in the show up until that point
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yandere--stuck · 4 months
Fun fact: Most of this was written 2 years ago!
"I hate you," You sneered, feeling your nose crinkle as you glared up at the troll.
Her psionics hadn't put you to sleep, not like the last few times, but had forced you to your hands and knees in exhaustion. She'd been practicing, apparently, wanting to hone her abilities to control the minds of humans just as she did lowbloods. Part of you was terrified at the thought, but another was far too tired to even care.
If she learned how to control your mind, at least you would no longer be aware of the horrible situation you were in. But, for now, you still were, and you could at least get back at her in some small form.
It seemed this time you had twisted the knife exactly where it hurt.
"What?" Her voice was soft, tinged with pain
The look on her face… It should have vindicated you. But, it only left a heavy, dark feeling in your stomach. The furrowing of her eyebrows, the look of sadness and hurt in her slit eyes, the soft downturn of her lips, even the way her form tensed up at your words… For a moment, only a moment, you forget everything she's done to you.
You forget the kidnapping, the forced sleeping spells, the lies, the insults, how she would hold you over the pit where her lusus resided, threatening to let you fall in. For just a breath, you were able to see the small intricacies of Vriska Serket, a glimpse at the more vulnerable side of the Troll.
And then that moment ended.
You yelped as a hand yanked at your hair, claws twisting into your locks and digging harshly into your scalp. Your head was yanked to and fro, your scalp aching and burning with each tug. You could hear Vriska's grunts of effort and rage. You didn't dare look up, afraid of your captor's ire - and that she might snap your neck if you so much as turned the wrong way. 
She moved her arm as if to toss you away, forcing you to rear back, only to swing her arm toward herself, pulling you back toward her on your hands and knees. Your tears dripped to the floor as you cried in silent pain. Your mouth opened wide in a silent scream.
“Now, what do we say?” Vriska asked through grit teeth.
Your throat squeezed tight. You knew the words she wanted to hear, but your body wouldn't let you make a sound. All you could do was stare up at her, eyes bleary and stinging with tears.
“I said speak!” Vriska spat. 
One of her legs suddenly kicked out, impacting your arms and sending you scrambling to the ground. You gasped out in pain as Vriska held you up by your hair. Your scalp screamed in pain.
“I'm sorry!” You blurted out in a sob. “I didn't mean it, I'm sorry!”
The troll simply stared down at you for a moment. You could feel it - the judgment, the scrutiny. Your breathing was shaky, taken through long, heaving breaths as you fought through the pain, trying desperately to keep still long enough for her to make a decision. Maybe if you did it right, she'd stop punishing you. Maybe if you stopped fighting back, none of this would happen. Maybe you should just give up trying to escape entirely. 
It seemed like she was going to hold you there forever. That is, until Vriska unceremoniously dropped you to the ground. You laid there, halfway into the fetal position as you massaged your poor scalp, hoping to ease the pain.
You jumped as Vriska knelt beside ypu, but she quickly corralled you into her arms, shushing you as she did.
“You apologized, it's okay,” Vriska flashed you a sharp grin. “I don't have to be the bad guy anymore.”
You didn't respond, merely sniffling and trying to avert your gaze.
One of her hands rubbed at your back, while the other captured the side of your face and turned you to face her again. The look she gave you was almost... Tender. Loving. She smiled at you with the brightness of the Alternian sun - bright and filled with warmth, but deadly all the same. Well, so you've heard.
"You know I love you, right?" She asked.
Taking a breath, you nodded. You didn't fully believe her, of course, but an affectionate and calm Vriska was better than a Vriska with a grudge. And you definitely didn't want to make her upset all over again. So, you smiled as she embraced you fully. You tried to relax into her arms as she began to rock you back and forth.
Maybe if you shut your eyes, you could pretend that this was what your relationship - if you could even call it that - really was. You being comforted by your loving alien girlfriend and living together in her home while definitely not having been kidnapped. And maybe it'd be for the best if you tried actually believing it.
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yikes i feel sorry for the villain who tried to hit on the aroace hero but just got rejected. could you make a sequel where the villain gets back at the hero for being such a heartbreaker, or maybe where they find someone who loves them back?
This genuinely isn't anything against you personally, anon, but...you hit on a pet peeve of mine or something. Dun dun dun!!! Now I'm going to talk about it. Sorry, so not sorry.
The hero in that story isn't being a heartbreaker (at least in my opinion). What they did was communicate very clearly that they were not interested because of their identity, also thus not leading the villain on. They did not do so in a cruel way. They are aromatic and asexual. That's just a fact.
If the villain punished them for that, they would absolutely be in the wrong. And yes, I know, they're a villain...but if they were that kind of villain, that whole story would have gone very differently in the first place.
Even if the villain's feelings were hurt (the feeling of hurt is in and of itself valid) that doesn't make the hero a bad person for rejecting them or not feeling the same way, and it doesn't make them responsible for the villain's feelings. If they'd been mean about it, sure, not cool. But they weren't.
People are allowed to not return feelings. Love or lust is not owed.
People are allowed to set boundaries and say no to relationships or experiences that they don't want. More than allowed, this should be encouraged. There is no consent if no is not an option.
Like, seriously, what's the alternative?
Because, as a queer asexual woman, every option I come up with is horrifying to me in some way. It's living in a world where I'm either forced to do things and be with someone I'm not interested in or...what? Have someone retaliate against me because I'm not interested in them in that way? Possibly violently?
Like, at the best case scenario end of the scale, maybe the hero is just in a relationship that never feels quite right but they grow to care about each other in their own way, and the villain is very nice and charming in their way too, and nothing bad happens. That's still not a happy ending. There will always be the secret-kept, and the lingering question of 'well, what would they do if they ever learned the truth about me?'
Being rejected hurts, but the dread that comes with always weighing up on if it is safe to say no, or to tell someone something as basic as your identity or who you are attracted/not attracted to, is so much worse. Because, you know, on the bad scale at best they reject your identity and tell you that you are not what you think you are, are not valid or real, and they know you better than you. At worst, they kill you.
The story was fiction, and in that story the hero did not stop to worry about what the villain's response was, other than that they might not know what aromantism or asexuality is. They didn't have to, either because (unlike me!) they're a fictional superhero who could drop kick anyone who tried to hurt them, or because I liked the thought of writing a story where people may fight and threaten murder, but not over that. Not in a way that feels entirely too real and close to the bone.
Does the villain deserve someone who loves them back? Sure.
Do they get to take it out on the hero for not returning their feelings? Absolutely not, and I don't think you'd enjoy or find any vindication/satisfaction in any story I wrote covering that.
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deluxewhump · 29 days
This isn’t about any one thing specifically, but in my 4+ years here and 3 million years in fanfiction circles it’s something I’ve thought about more than once regarding dark topics in fiction and harassment (and if you're sick to death of the subject, i feel you, skip the read more, it’s just my opinions)
I try to imagine what I would think if I was someone who anonymously (or not anonymously) harasses and tries to censor writers on the internet. I assume I would feel pretty righteous. And if you’ve ever felt righteous you’ll likely agree, it feels really good. I wouldn’t do something like that if I didn’t think that I was clearly in the right. This would probably come from the idea that the content in question is harmful. Harm itself is a large, ambiguous concept. If I believed that writing certain things was inherently harmful (not just to certain individuals who don’t want to see it, which is their right, but in general), I would certainly feel vindicated in my behavior.
Personally I think harm is more complex than that, and I think a majority of people here believe censorship is more harmful to society than any illegal, immoral, or disturbing thing someone can depict in fiction. The issue with crying “harm” is that it is so subjective when it comes to fiction. I’m not saying fiction exists in a vacuum, but it is not the same thing as real world harm, which unfortunately can also be leveraged in bad faith to distort arguments with hyperbole and diversion.
If I was in the business of trying to censor writers on the internet, and I was a stickler for nuance, I might say that the *way* someone depicted something was not correct, responsible, or heavy handed enough in the moral messaging of “X is bad.” This might be a mental compromise I would make in order to justify to myself the fact that I’m advocating for censorship. Criticizing someone’s handling of something is fine by the way, it’s the harassment and trying to get them to stop writing it bit that I’m taking issue with. I would probably feel really good about harassing and criticizing people I thought were wrong for depicting serious things in a way that didn’t sit well with me. I would probably secretly feel (because to admit it plainly would be embarrassing) like a bit of a vigilante. It might come from a deeply personal and complicated place, or just a place of general beliefs I’d picked up. I’d bet money that I would consider myself left leaning on most things, maybe even strongly so. I wouldn’t like to consider that my goals are ultimately conservative, because that would cause me mental discomfort. But “conservatism and liberalism” in the sense we’re usually talking about them is not a binary. It’s more of a circle, and you can find yourself batting for another teams tactics real quick if you’re not methodical and honest in your thinking.
These conversations often devolve into and circle back to “for the love of god just please tag everything” which I agree with. But that is not the reason why people continually harass other people. It’s more that they think the content should not exist at all, which is what I just don’t fundamentally agree with. I also think human beings tend to enjoy feeling like they have intimidated someone they’ve decided is wrong or bad. I try not to be too dug in on absolutely everything I think. If I’ve put personal biases into my little profiling opinion feel free to suggest where I’ve gone wrong lol. One other thing— there’s all kinds of things in books these people would have to say, to be true to their own logic, should not be in print. What do you say then, should we pull it? I wonder if they’d say that with their chest or if it’s relegated to the internet for them.
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raifuujin · 5 months
M27 Spoilers
Okay, so. My thoughts.
First off, the cousins thing. I'll be honest, I fully thought the movie was going to go with a common ancestor route instead of the more direct dad's being brothers. Obviously that didn't turn out, but considering they also brought in Okita and his face, it would have made a lot more sense to just go further back and also leave explanation for the other same-face Gosho boys that are scattered around. But I guess that wouldn't have been dramatic enough, so oh well.
I'd still probably ship KaiShin. The cousins thing really doesn't bother me when they don't even know (because nobody in this series talks about any family until it has maximum audience whammy). I see some people who are lamenting, because it makes things uncomfortable for them, and that's fair. I don't see it quite as bad as like. Leia and Luke from Star Wars, or the more personal Layton and Descole from PL, both pairs being direct siblings instead of first cousins, but plenty of people still probably view it as too close. Also, if anyone is familiar with the hiimdaisy Ace Attorney comic with Apollo and Trucy and Phoenix is supposed to tell them they're related and Does Not time it well. -finger guns- It would make a great parody comic idea for this KaiShin situation. (I might do it myself if no one else does, but would Not be soon.)
Other people bring up that Gosho mentioned much, much earlier that there was a reason Kaito and Shinichi look alike. Which I did remember, but the thing about that is. That I don't trust Gosho in the slightest. Like, did he actually plan out Yuusaku and Toichi's separated twins backstory at that time, or did he have a general idea that he'd be making them familial related somewhere in their tree? Some people truly thought Kaito and Shinichi could be the brothers, with the Kuroba's adopting for some various fandom-created reasons. Or other, far more dramatic direct relation. Could Gosho's comment have just been him making a joke that the 'reason' was him thinking about them having the same inspiration? How serious was he meant to be taken 20 years ago?
Many people saying 'of course they're related, they look exactly alike':
1) Sameface syndrome with characters goes well beyond Kaito and Shinichi. There were so many protoypes of characters, or just matching looks to character types, of course not everyone is gonna hop on the 'well duh, they must be related' train. It's nice to feel vindication for headcanoning them as family, but don't make it sound like people are stupid for being upset. There's very little to tell what's lampshading and teasing vs 'no, really, they're gonna be related to each other'.
2) The common ancestor explanation would have worked perfectly fine, and honestly, the fact that Toichi and Yuusaku are twin brothers separated through divorce who happen to both have stayed in the Tokyo area (mostly) while both being internationally famous and maintaining contact with each other and sending gifts even when one of them is publicly dead. Sounds goddamn stupid. (The brothers idea would probably have been fine and plausible, it was all that Extra that pushed it into 'okay just stop, this sounds like a load of contrived bullshit'. How did no one during the 'reveal' of that go 'um, I know this is how you want this connection to go, but can we make it sound more plausible/real?')
Because, Gosho clearly didn't plan on them being related all along. That's probably what actually bothers be about the contrived connection (since the real impact to KaiShin is relatively small). It's very obvious that he just drew his male protags for quite a few stories looking very similar. (Usually in his image, to an extent, though that's usually just mentioned for Kaito, specifically.) It was also clear that when he had Kid make a surprise appearance in DC, there really wasn't supposed to be a connection. Did he come up with it on his own? Only after people asked about it? Did he go 'you know, I might could connect the two for fun'? I don't know. I don't trust a man who created Sera's concept based on a cool female detective and wrapped her up with Akai and made the whole stupid family thing, and who changed Amuro's planned role as a bad guy on a whim because he was too cool to be bad, to have actually planned out this family connection all along.
And even with all that, there's also the issue of revealing this information in a movie. People have had arguments about movie canonicity for years, and yet this all gets mentioned for cinema shock value. I don't mind the using extra characters, or making things more action packed than the manga would allow, or even stupid things like Kidnichi 200 times. But this? This is asking for chaos. It feels like a big clusterfuck of yes, no, maybe, for how important this is going to be going forward, because we don't even know if Gosho means to make use of this info for the mangas at all, or if it's going to remain background information from a movie that may or may not even be relevant to know. Except as a wink to the audience and a middle finger to shippers, I guess.
(There are pluses to this, which is general thinking about the implications of this family dynamic and how chaotic things could actually get or how things got to be how they are already. I'd like to know what exactly Yuusaku knows about his brother's status and if his 'friend from interpol' could be used to connect to Toichi's whole. Legally died but is still alive and being an a-hole to his son by letting him go into the profession that was trying to kill him.) ((Yes, we're still gonna murder Toi, especially since his amnesia out is clearly off the table. We don't know enough about what Yuusaku knows, but I can't even say he's on thin ice because the chances of him knowing a lot about Kaito's situation is too damn high to let him off the hook.))
...Anyway, that's obviously the main drama, but side note that I'm also mad because movie being canon or not aside (I adopt movies as canon, especially newer ones, but people can also ignore them without loosing manga compliance really), the issue I have is the further blurring of MK and DC connection. At this point, it literally is just Akako being the crux of the 'are they the same universe or aren't they' argument, and it's literally never gonna get answered because Gosho refuses to even let her show up in DC for anything. You truly can argue either way when she's just not shown. And even though it won't happen, it's to a point where they feel so obviously the same universe that I hope Gosho just let's Akako do a cameo at the end of DC just to mess with people. But regardless, making MK only characters directly related to DC characters is. Maddening for that whole argument. (Sure, Toichi has appeared in DC before, however, the movie goes out of the way to add that extra 'fuck you' to the audience by revealing not just Toichi being alive and texting Yuusaku casually, but the reveal is in his fucking. Corbeau outfit. Which. Corbeau is 1000% MK only knowledge, so there's not getting around that no one would know that character unless they've read MK.)
And last note, the one other spoiler I've seen mentioned is the failed Heizuha confession and just. The reasons for failing get dumber and dumber and just add to the mess of spoilers coming from this movie. Oh no, Iori, the former government agent dude working for the rich girl love rival for Heiji's affection, dropped a flashbomb at the exact time Heiji confessed, so Kazuha never heard it. I don't think the spoilers I saw ever clarified if he was doing something and it was coincidence, or if it was intentional, but. God the fails being turned into elaborate jokes is getting. Ridiculous. I don't even care if they get together in canon, I'm not super invested in the ship, but I feel like even if I did want them to get together, there's. Literally zero hope for any build ups at this point. You can't keep leading up to it and pulling it away, people are gonna stop caring. At this point, half the people invested are just going to give an exasperated 'finally' when it happens, instead of actually being excited at this point, it's just tiring.
I hope the rest of the movie is at least entertaining. Fun action packed eye-candy fluff to help numb the stupid 'important' scenes. Spoilers might feel ick, but it's in a vacuum of reading words about scenes on their own. (Which probably won't change the Yuusaku scene at all, but Heiji's confession is. Probably an 'okay, here we go, what happens this time' thing that's better if you're already just there for entertainment.)
Edit: Someone has now basically confirmed with their own watch that the movie is fun, and the bombshell of lore is at the very end.
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bangtannism · 1 month
this space is filled with jm solos and people who give too much thought to jm solo narratives
which is why i'm confused that jk biased jkkers (as that anon said even ones that are critical and weird towards jimin) were also upset with the way jk was acting. if it was just jm biased jkkers and solos, i could see it as people using jk for a ship and not liking/supporting him if he steps out of that "perfect boyfriend" and "jm's caretaker" narrative that isn't true or at least isn't ALL he is, but JK BIASED twisting his intentions and actions? that's just crazy....
idk if it's people now seeing jikook (and more so jk) outside of edits and fics or just taekook interacting, but it needs to stop before people become even worse jk (and tae/taekook) antis
i'd love to look at the jikook tag after a ays episode without being made to feel like i'm insane or "supporting bullying and abuse" 😭
there's a few things going on here.
like i mentioned, jm solo narratives permeate this part of fandom. it sucks, but it is what it is, and unfortunately these people tend to flock together, creating an echo chamber that can look to those outside of it as a popular opinion or consensus. the infantilizing of jm is not only maddening, but deeply disrespectful, and if these people really loved him, they wouldn't be doing it.
people are far too impressionable. this goes hand in hand with the first point, but people are swayed extremely easily and the more they see the same sort of opinion, the more they convince themself that the opinion is right. when ays episode 1 first dropped, the first few hours were peaceful and it was clear that the majority of people came away with a positive feeling. once a couple of negative opinions got posted, people started to latch onto that negativity, letting other people's feelings tarnish their experience, and soon it was all over the tag. jk was being weird, distant, uncaring, mean, etc.
the seedier people in this fandom feel vindicated whenever someone says some nasty opinion about a member/ship they dislike and it prompts them to get louder. think about how much more outspoken bigots get when they think they're around like minded people. every single time a shitty take gets posted, be that an original post or an anon message, more people feel that it's okay to also be shitty. this happened bad when tae was announced to be joining jkk in jeju. the tae antis were suddenly all over the damn tag like cockroaches. 🥾🪳
i do think there is a lot of people who are being forced to contend with the fact that jkk are not story book characters living a sacharrine sweet perfect fantasy life where all they do is cuddle and sing each other's praises. sorry to break it to these people (i'm not), but jm and jk are very real people who are a lot more complex than that. they are going to tease and joke and complain and argue and all the rest of the stuff that every other person does. they are also not going to be in the same mood 24/7 and that too is going to affect how they behave and interact. there is nothing concerning about how jkk (or vmk) have interacted on ays so far, let alone something that constitutes the label of abuse. that accusation actually pissed me off beyond belief, because abuse isn't a fucking term to throw around over someone being jokingly sprayed with water.
my best advice to anyone at this point is to use that block button freely and curate a good fandom space for yourself and others. and also just to remember that vmk love each other dearly and no amount of sad internet hate is going to change their reality.
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billpottsismygf · 5 months
Episode 7 (The Very Long Stairway)! I didn't put it in my last review, but I had a strong feeling we were going to get a flashback to the start of Edwin and Charles' relationship in this one. I had wondered if it would start with it, Good Omens style, so when it didn't happen immediately I thought maybe I was wrong. I was vindicated, however! And I love the use of the Night Nurse's already established powers as a framing device for it. I got so into what was happening, though, that I forgot that was how it started and was surprised when the camera panned to her watching everything.
So, oh my god, Edwin sat and talked with Charles as he died!!!! Edwin is so incredibly kind to him and it's heartbreaking that he knew this boy was going to die in front of him, and decided to make sure he had the most calming death possible. And Charles instantly decided to stay with him. I think it's very telling that he latches onto Edwin so quickly. Charles is someone who values kindness and helping people - he literally just died because he saved another boy from being bullied - so when he understands what Edwin did for him, he knows this is a person to hang onto.
I had wondered for a while if Charles had been the one to rescue Edwin from hell, given that they met 30 years ago, the same time he got out of hell. Turns out that no, Edwin had already just got out of hell by himself, but this was still a really satisfying flashback. Speaking of their relationship, we also finally got the love confession. I really didn't want Edwin to say anything, but it went about as well as it possibly could have. Still, gah, reeling from the secondhand embarrassment and the fact that this is not the time, Edwin! I was about to be so annoyed if the thing 'worse than a demon' had caught them because they spent so long dawdling on the staircase.
The scenes in hell themselves were really effective. Loved the page ripping punishment, very Sisyphean, and in fact the entire scene that followed with Simon was so touching I had to watch the whole thing again immediately. He was a stupid boy who didn't know what he was doing, and their reconciliation reminded me a bit of Pat forgiving the boy who shot him in Ghosts. Anyway, it seems that everyone has a crush on Edwin apart from the one boy he wants. Still, Edwin and Simon reconciling and Edwin telling him that 'if you punish yourself enough, everywhere becomes hell' but that being queer doesn't have to be a punishment, was incredibly moving. Again, Edwin has empathy for him and shows him kindness.
Relatedly, I also loved the scene with Despair. The moment she came on screen, even with her face obscured, I realised who she was. She barely features in Sandman, far less than Death anyway, but I recognised her instantly. Obviously I'm intrigued about the whole 'I'll call you if ever I need you' thing, but for the purposes of this episode I really love how that scene solidified the importance of Edwin having compassion. Edwin can be very bitchy (which I love him for), and he had every right to be mean to the boy who sent him to hell, but he chose kindness instead.
Conversely, Crystal got to choose violence and I love that for her. It was very satisfying seeing her literally get to bury David. It's fitting, as well, that David once overpowered her mind and now she's using her mind to overpower him. It is, of course, 'bad for the tree' if he stays there long, so I wonder if we'll see repercussions from that further down the line.
What else? Oh, the opening scene! The Cat King is such an interesting figure. He's creepy in the way he pursues Edwin, but it feels like they're on slightly more level ground now. He's a wild card character who's not exactly a villain, but will always act in his own interests. I'll be interested to see where his character goes from here, especially now it's been established that he's less powerful than Esther. His line about how strong and great Edwin is and who does Esther think she is trying to beat him, while obviously a problem in terms of giving her ideas, was also interesting in its own right. He clearly knows a fair bit about Edwin and genuinely thinks highly of him. Until this point we've only really seen him interacting with Edwin, where he taunts him the whole time, so this has made me all the more intrigued and invested in him.
Small things:
Edwin explaining to Charles that he doesn't fall through the floor because of the vague and weird ghost rules once again gave me strong Ghosts vibes.
I continue to love Mick, so really hoping he'll be okay after his confrontation with Esther.
Maxine in hell was interesting! I thought we'd learn more about her after her death, but it was a very fleeting appearance.
I thought Jenny might actually learn about ghosts and demons and psychics (oh my), but it seems not, alas.
Simon got a blue light after Edwin left, so does that mean Death came to him? Can people in hell get closure from unfinished business and move on? Or is it something Edwin specifically is good at doing for people?
Monty's still around and doing Esther's bidding! Someone turn him back into a human, please! Maybe Crystal?
I loved Niko getting to save the day (for now) through the power of reading comprehension!
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 11 months
ofmd s2e4 rewatch where i pause to jot down my thoughts and other random shit
it's been a busy week since last thursday and shit's only gonna get busier for me after tomorrow so hopefully i can get through these two episodes out before i go to bed lol!!! anyway once again these posts are just me rambling so i can process the insane amount of information in these episodes and if u want to read them too that's fine.
s2e1, s2e2, s2e3, s2e4, s2e5, s2e6, s2e7, s2e8
rip everyone who wanted homoerotic sword fighting in the gentebeard reunion. have a headbutt as a consolation prize.
obsessed with stede holding raw room-temperature meat against his bruised face bc that's not even a little bit how that works. i love this show.
ok so jim saying "he'll probably get around to killing you after he's rested" in response to stede saying ed needs to regain his strength actually gives some pretty good context to why they want ed of the ship so bad. bc they DID fully try to kill ed and now he's here and alive and like. if i were jim i would be pretty worried abt ed holding a grudge abt that.
wont lie stede being like "we dont just banish people, that's not us!" makes me thinkg abt how they fully banished izzy from the ship in e6. i mean technically izzy banished himself on accident but. lol.
also izzy's absence in this scene indicating he is not yet considered part of the entire crew
roach: i need that steak back, it's dinner stede: (pulling the steak away) oh, right fang: maybe let's put the banishment to a vote? stede: (steak back on his face, apparently having forgotten he was literally just about to give the meat to roach) aw do we have to :(
ed chained to the ship is doing. a lot for me. i wont lie.
buttons saying he's been to the gravy basket a few times... how many times has this man almost died??????
it is deeply funny to me that they edit the split second flashback of the drowning and mermaid hallucination to look all creepy as if that whole scene wasn't set to an incredibly sappy 80's love song (said with immense affection)
OBSESSED with stede trying to be like. encouraging to izzy. and being like "he cant hear you he's got no head" about izzy yelling at the ruined figurehead. this fucking dork.
so ive seen ppl talking abt how the crew's in a deadlock abt banishing ed and which ppl they think were pro-banishment and which were against, but the scenes with the crew make it look like everyone's voting for ed to get kicked out. so tbh i think like either of the following interpretations are pretty valid: the crew is split 50/50 on if they should banish ed OR the crew 100% wants to banish ed and stede was gonna try and leverage izzy's vote to try and get more ppl to change their mind. doesnt rlly matter either way tho
also the fact that izzy was the one to keep ed's body is. interesting. the others must've known abt it and helped izzy hide the body in the secret room. but izzy being the one to be like "no we're not throwing him overboard" is. something. no conclusions abt this atm im just rotating this fact in my brain.
i also just have a lot of thoughts abt the mutiny and the fact that like, jim's a trained assassin and the others are also pretty experienced killers and they probably knew they hadn't completely finished the job. and there was plenty of opportunity for them to do something about that. but instead they hid his body and waited for ed to succumb to his injuries. it feels kinda like ed's "technically i outsource the big job" rule. idk. thoughtssss.
frenchie in this scene is so funny bc he seems both actually apologetic abt kicking ed off the ship but also very relieved/vindicated to see him go.
didnt realize olu almost said smthng to ed lol i thought ed was just saying "fuck you" to him for no reason ghfjkghjkfh
"first time i've ever been on this side of a walk of shame" wee john i have so many questions. how many times have you been banished from a ship.
obsessed with archie just being like "way to make this awkward brah." her shitty boss put her life at risk in an attempt to make her and her coworkers kill him in a weird roundabout suicide attempt and her summary of the situation is "well, this is awkward :/"
"shitty sailing with you" sick burn, jim
"you're making it really hard to look up to you, man" LOVE how black pete is still a blackbeard stan. despite everything.
just ONCE i want someone to appreciate roach's sandwiches :(
"dont you want your sammy" STEDE I WOULD DIE FOR YOU
also i disagree with the subtitles here im like 99% sure says "you're no fuckin mermaid" not "you're not a fuckin mermaid" but that's just me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
stede looks SO sad abt not being a mermaid
love how everyone in this episode just sort of nods and is like "yeah okay" every time buttons tells them he's turning into a bird
altho with stede in this scene specifically im convinced that he's just jumping at the chance to follow ed to the island. he was absolutely gonna come up with some shitty excuse to go ashore anyway but it's nice of buttons to give him plausible deniability
i love how much ed hates nature
why do the subtitles say "gyp-" this has been bothering me all week. the line is "like a drifter"
i also love ed's line delivery of "a wolf?"
anyway dumb posts abt the spider tattoo backstory: 1, 2, 3
i love to see ed getting hugs... wish i could give him a hug :(
ok also buttons talking abt the gravy basket made me think ed needed like some sort of spell or smthng to snap out of it but instead it just kinda wore off by the end of the episode (maybe, depends on how you read the whole buttons turning into a bird scene). this is very funny to me for some reason
anne rubbing the cup she's holding against her tit. queen.
stede bonnet idiot dumbfuck moments
i LOVE anne's line delivery of "eddie motherfuckin teeeeach" like yeah that's cj's girl alright. or was cj's girl. who knows.
SECRET HANDSHAKE im cryinggggg. i love them.
stede's voice sounds so weird when he says "i wasn't looking for you" and that's because he's fucking lying through his teeth
LOVE how anne and mary look at each other after the "shipmates" "former" interaction like they are immediately on the same wavelength. and that wavelength is fucking with ed and his ex. they sniffed out a messy relationship dynamic and were like "oh hell yeah we need more of this in our lives"
ed is SO bitchy this whole scene i fucking love it. ed's face when he says "him?" fdhjksgfjhdgkj
ed: whatever 🙄 anne: whatever? 👀 mary: whatever! 😈
wee john getting more goth is so good
drunk izzy rambling at the ship's figurehead is so funny to me tho i miss drunk izzy
ed's crew lady macbeth "out damned spot" moments
i like how there's a goat in the background of this scene in anne and mary's house and it is unexplained and also never seen again.
ed's face after stede says "that's romance" is soooo good this bitch is so pissed. like oh would you have met me at the docs if i peeled the guard's face off instead of just paying him off? is that what fuckin does it for you???? not that it matters bc i dont care. but. cunt.
yeah im just focusing in on all of ed's faces in this scene. "quite the shift going from wearing people's faces to antique collectors" gets ed to freeze in the middle of bringing his drink up to his lips and just kinda stare off into the distance.
"how did you meet" has ed kind of frowning for a split second before stede starts answering and then he rolls his eyes very dramatically and sighs deeply
ed immediately being like "actually i was gonna kill him myself!" trying to undermine stede's meet-cute story. also anne and mary nodding along in complete unison bc this is just normal pirate conversation to them.
also as someone who has been team "no ed was dead serious abt the plan to steal stede's identity" this was very vindicating for me. it's a bad plan and it doesn't make any sense but logistics literally dont matter in this show. what matters is giving this story the "falling for the mark" trope makes ed's character arc in season 1 that much tastier!!!!
ed and stede going back and forth telling their story i cant fucking wait until theyre happily together telling this story and instead of ed trying to downplay it and ruin the meet-cute-iness of it they're just building on each other and being sappy and adorable
"more like i relented" one of the biggest lies i've ever heard this man say fjhkgjkfdhk
"until he completely boned it" SAY IT. FUCKING SAY IT. SOOOOO TRUE ED.
auauhghgh the beard bit......... crying
THE!!!!! QUIETEST LITTLE "thank you" OF ALL TIME. TIED MAYBE WITH ED SAYING "thank you" AFTER "i think you're very sophisticated" IN 1.05
i dont blame stede for trying to get ed to open up right after that bc that was the first bone ed's thrown stede's way since he woke up. unfortunately ed is not in the mood to talk abt his near-death experience and mermaid hallucination sequence.
LOVE anne's little gesture when she says "rabbit" and the little hip cocking
stede being like "uhhhh we could leave" during the knifeplay exhibitionism moment
i giggle every time at the way the crew is instantly like "fuck closing our eyes we're doing any fucking surprises"
ngl idgw the crew yelled abt the piñata reveal. but ok
loooove stede's half of the crew just blowing past all the screaming and tension from ed's half. jim screams "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!!" abt the blindfold and roach is like "you won't want to stay the fuck away from this caaaake!" like roach fdhsjfgdhfjkghkj read the room?????
i love how much stede just. completely misses all of annie's flirting
ed coughing during the blunt session i love himmmmm
ok but ed's trying to be like "im totally over stede i dont even like him" and then ed reminiscing fondly with a distant smile abt the 1.06 stabbing scene
"and that was the... second time you left your wife?" underrated line
love how annie's been all quiet and seductive and then when she goes to make her move she's just like "WOUND THIS" and aggressively sits in stede's lap
also ok. "they're gonna be so jealous" is that annie talking abt ed and mary or is that annie using they/them pronouns for mary.
also i love how they have that one medusa painting just. in their kitchen. im obsessed with the interior decor of this lesbian antique store that annie and mary live in
the way she's so touched by the poisoning attempt hjfgfjksghskjhgjkh
buttons being like "aahhhhhh do i give her... this bowl......????" fhjkghkfsjhk
"yeah, babe" TEALORANGES WIN
im honestly sad izzy's pathetic wet beast moment only really went for like three tiny scenes in one episode bc this shit was so funny to me. crawling away saying "you're born alone you die alone" over and over again. sir what are you even doing.
god buttons in this episode is so fucking funny bc i keep forgetting he's there. also why is he even there. like was he even invited to dinner or did he just sit down and annie and mary were like "oh ok i uh. guess we'll go make another plate??"
ed's face after buttons says the bit abt "i can tell this rabbit was intelligent" is soooo funny why is he so fucking pissed fdhsjkgyjdfkghjk
stede talking abt the sea when what he's actually talking abt is ed part 2 electric boogaloo
ed very calmly. standing up. and smashing the chair. im obsessed with him.
stede bonnet stupid dumbass moments
ed's voice is so quiet at the start of this scene he's not even yelling at stede until stede says "it's not fair" ohhhhhh my babygirl is so fucking sad........
"you ditching me without a note or anything" ed's literacy confirmed
"expecting me to just melt back into your arms" eddie my man. stede has not given literally any indication that he expected this at all. you are telling on yourself fhdjskghfkjshd
this scene is so fucking good i barely have anything to say abt it. just. u can rlly tell david jenkins wrote this ep himself lolll
"i was all in, mate. i was all in." IM SOBBING
oh nooooo i forgot that ed's line delivery of "im sorry my horrible naked chin disgusts you so much" isnt actually as sarcastic as the words itself make it seem. like it feels like ed wanted to say that all angrily and bitter but instead he just sounds sadddddd
ok ok but the way stede says "i love your chin naked or otherwise" and then after a pause (during which ed is keeping INCREDIBLY still bc u know otherwise he's just gonna burst into tearssss) stede whispers "ed" and ed is immediately like "don't" and then. stede going in for the "i love you" but like the way he's so slow with it?? he's literally like "i. love." and idk if it's bc he's trying to make this as clear as possible or if he's giving ed enough time to cut him off if he doesn't want to hear it
and ed DOES he DOES cut him off with "you don't get to say that to me" and he like. keeps glancing at stede out of the corner of his eye but not quite looking at him directly bc he knowwwwws it's like staring into the sun baby and ed knows if he looks at stede's face it's literally all over.
but also ed's face after stede pivots to "i love everything about you" he's SO pissed. he quietly groans and rolls his eyes bc this bitch. finding stupid loopholes to not being allowed to say "i love you." fuck this guy ed hates him so fucking much (lying)
oooooh when stede says "you don't have to say it back to me" ed's mouth opens and closes a bit before "not about to" bc this man is trying. SO hard not to cry (so am i but it's not working sorry there are tears on my face right now)
idk idk idk smthng abt "it's nice. feels good." makes me hurt so fucking bad bc the entire time since ed's woken up stede's been getting headbutted and snarked at passive-aggressively but stede's still like "i love being near you it makes me happy :)" brb i need. a fucking moment.
honestly tho how did annie and mary even overhear that bit bc they were on the other side of the room and stede was whispering SO quietly. opposite of when ppl in this show dont hear things despite the things being said like two feet away from them (1.03 geraldo and jackie talking abt how blackbeard was looking for stede, 2.01 zheng saying the indigo was worth way more than she spent on it)
LOVE how anne being like "stede likes the ladies" is how ed figures out "ohhhh wait ok theyre just fucking with us, got it" bc this guy??? liking women????? lmao
this also HAS to be why he gets over mary like his brain mustve gone "wait hang on why the fuck would he go back to her he doesn't even like women. guess maybe he really did panic huh" hdjksghfckghkjsh
obsessed with these TINY tiny details abt the ed/jack/annie/mary polycule dynamics we're given. ed would've expected as much from annie bc she's a fucking psycho. mary apparently used to not be like this. im putting the pieces together im connecting the dots.
ed and stede's knowing smug looks at each other. im obsessed.
annie being rlly sensitive to the word "bitch" im considering that more hints abt the polycule backstory
yayy fanny newspaper
"really? i mean she stabbed you, you poisoned her, and then she jumped on my face" stede this is all part of their very elaborate and deeply toxic sex life ok stop kinkshaming them
curious if ed and stede are too distracted by mary spelling out their worst fears to comment on all the smoke coming into the room
"everything must go" like a fucking clearance sale. this is such a silly line. this is a silly show. i love it here.
wait are they crying while they hug??? bro these girls are so fucking messy i love them
ed saying "see you guys" before he leaves them in their burning house. i would die for him
ok team arts and craft time while making a prosthetic for izzy. obsessed with how the b plot of this episode is literally "the crew struggles to get along but they eventually set aside their differences and work together when they realize there's someone even more cringe and pathetic than any of them"
"YOU ARE!!! HARASSING A CRIPPLE!!!!!!" is suchhhh a funny line im sorry im gonna miss izzy at his lowest fhsjkhjksf. literally they just knocked on the door my dude calm downnnn
obsessed with izzy being genuinelly touched and expressing it by saying "fucking cocksuckers." this man is allergic to having feelings.
stede and ed painfully talking over each other bc everything is awkward and difficult. i love them.
ed's face when stede offers to let ed stay. his very quiet "yis." the way he says "might be nice" and then VERY QUICKLY looks away
stede yelling GREAT at the top of his lungs fhdsjkguydfgfjkhl
i love when these guys try to play it cool bc theyre so fucking bad at it hgdfgvjfxdkgjjdkkgjhfdkh
stede bonnet dumb idiot moron moments
ed staring off lovinglyyyyyy
buttons jumpscare
also is that fucking sage. are we doing cultural appropriation here
buttons saying "Earth Wind and Fire i wanna go higher" hfjkhgfdjkhgjkh
i love how ed. does not question this "fuck yeah, brother. fly."
ed teach lovesick fool moments
i love how happy ed sounds telling stede abt buttons he sounds like his old goofy self for the first time all season.... im gonna cry
also i like how the crew adopts izzy as their new creature. 10/10
post credits scene is annie and mary at dinner with buttons. i guess it's after stede goes to comfort ed but before they go eavesdrop on that convo.
buttons enjoying his last meal as a human. and also he's like "there's too much fucking on that ship i need to get away from it all." and his way of doing this is becoming a bird. love that.
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talisidekick · 7 months
My life is on Tumblr. Not all of it, but enough. Why? Because I finally broke out of the illusion I made for myself growing up. I felt like a monster because thats how I was told to feel for feeling what I felt, and so I lied to myself until I believed I didn't feel the things I did. It was a self-made, bunker thick, mysoginistic and misandristic shell of toxicity that made me miserable for the purposes of others convenience in upholding a fantasy world of simplicity. Upon rediscovering truth and having to face all I'd lost in making unappreciated sacrifices, I started to learn how to reclaim and rebuild myself. I want to show people it's okay to be yourself. That being transgender doesn't make you inherently evil. That I, at the end of today, am human, a person, like any of you.
I've shared my thoughts, my frustrations, some of my joys, my hardships. I've made statement pieces, analysis, and even science posts. I've, on occasion, written papers on here with citations/links to my sources. I've put a sizeable amount of time and energy into letting everyone on this site into my life in some small way to combat the idolization and demonization political actors on the local, provinicial/state/territorial, national, and global stage are doing to transgender people. Because the term "transgender" is not synonymous, a thesaurical equivalent, or a replacement for the words "predator", "pedophile", "rapist", "adulterer", "monster", "assaulter", "victim", or "survivor" to name a few. It means "to identify as any gender other than the one assigned at birth". Thats it. Someone could literally decide "I'm just not the gender the doctor said I was" or "I'm not just what the doctor said I was" or " I'm just me" and that's enough. Those are people you know, love, talked to, interact with, laughed with, but maybe also argued with, had a heated discussion with, fought with, or got mad at in traffic for not using a turn signal to change lanes (we've all done it by mistake). Transgender people are just people. Capable of making mistakes, helping others, needing help, and fucking up like everyone else. We all make bad calls, and stupid decisions. We learn, we correct, we hold eachother accountable.
Logging in today to see a long-standing transgender persons blog getting nuked for the either the stupidest idle threat ever made (or so thats the official reason by the Tumblr CEO) or for simply being transgender (as other and numerous members of the public claim) has made me personally a bit wary. The way I see it, it's both. An idle threat was made to a Tumblr executive and because of the prejudice thats become common place world wide, Tumblrs CEO felt vindicated in going to the excessive lengths of full account deactivation on a transgender persons blog. It's absolutely expected to have a zero-tolerance policy on issuing threats, especially to staff. It's not okay in an online forum of supposed neutrality to utterly silence a person completely without fair warning of a Terms of Service failure and a chance to remove, redact, or re-edit a response. We ALL get heated, even myself, and do stupid things in a reactionary moment of passion. What the issue here is, is the disproportionate response. Given I and numerous other transgender people have recieved threats, those on our very lives in fact, which have gone completely ignored, why is there suddenly a zero-tolerance immediate ban policy on a threat that was, in comparison, the kind of insult you'd expect from a grumpy five-year-old?
I see why this is blowing up, because it's a clear display of power privilege. And rather than going through the established review path, as far as anyone can tell, this was a direct response. This sends, whether intentional or not, a clear message: if you're transgender, you're on thin ice here. And it's not just transgender people and queer and cisgender allies who are getting the message. The transphobes, the so called 'gender critical' crowd, the terfs, are seeing it too. That is why I'm calling for Predesterone's account, all associate blogs, be reinstantiated.
The constant misgendering, libel, misinformation, verbal violence, abuse, and conjecture transgender people of all identities face on this site without any reprocussion to those responsible has, for a long while, helped set a clear standard that users of this platform are afforded the privilege of a degree of disrespect towards marginalized groups and minorities. Ableists attack the disabled and neurodivergent, Nazi's attack Jews, Transphobes attack Transgender people, homophobes attack the gays, lesbians, and bisexuals, and racists attack people of colour with -very- little the victims of such hate can do to make it stop. The bigots know this. And this ... this is going to make it worse. Bigots are going to try and instigate harsh responses from minority groups with the intent of forcing queer people and other minority groups off Tumblr. It has already begun in the reblogs of several posts like this one directed at transgender people. Predestrogen is already getting misgendered and disrespected outside the scope of the issue. Conjecture is already being made enmasse.
I'm on Tumblr because Reddit and Twitter were too unsafe. I'm not on any other blogging sites because Tumblr has, for the moment, a supportive queer community. That can change, given this whole situation has been done in such a way that it's being interpreted on all sides as an attack on transgender people.
Tumblr has no obligation to listen to me or others, but Tumblr has always struggled to get by, and I have to ask: is one persons dumb 'threat' really the spark you want to make to get people to leave. Is becoming a truly unprofitable cesspit and hate-haven like Twitter what's desired? Because this is the exact kind of rallying cry to make if you do.
I'm adding my voice to this. Bring back predesterone, this response is out of proportion. No, the CEO does not deserve to be threatened to have hammers thrown at his car until it explodes, or whatever. The point has been made: DO NOT THREATEN TUMBLR STAFF. But neither does a long-standing account deserve to be wiped off the face of Tumblr permanently for a blog post that is so benign compared to what the average transgender site user has to deal with on a regular basis with no recourse. Someone threatened to actually shoot me, kill me, if I was walking down the sidewalk and they saw me, and that post is still up and so is the account despite being reported. It's been 2-3 months or more. If I'm expected to stomach that, you can stomach someone saying they'll throw hammers at your car from a person who in all likelyhood is paying so much into transition she can't afford to buy one tiny kids-sized hammer. The person who threatened me actually openly admits to already owning guns.
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ezrisdax-archive · 1 year
Do you have more thoughts on Star Trek: Aventine? I know your pinned post is older but I’m always so enchanted by it when I visit your blog
oh! thank you! it's still my pinned post cause I love it so much.
I do have a few more ideas, like Ezri having to visit her brothers again when something she's investigating leads back to them and I wanted to really go more into a deep dive with Trill and explore Ezri eventually getting rid of symbiosis commissions laws in some areas. I know Discovery goes into it with Adira but I want Ezri to feel something about the fact that she has to keep this secret that any Trill can be joined as shown with her. also she's vocal about that time she was a murderer, hey symbiosis commission remember when you fucked that up? And talk more about the other hosts, we know a little about some of them and a bunch more about others but my god am I curious.
I def wanted to do a thing where Harry and Ezri worked their way to Captain together on Geordi's ship and thus have this camaraderie but Ezri hadn't met Seven before she was assigned to her ship and is like 'wow you're so different than Harry's stories' 'Captain Kim has a tendency to embellish', I think Ezri would set up little things with her command crew for bonding but when it comes to her and Seven it's just complaining about having different voices in your head and coming to terms with it a) suddenly being gone for Seven and b) suddenly existing for Ezri. and when it came to Seven being there it's because the Borg had shown up in the Gamma Quadrant for unknown reasons. I don't wanna make them the big bads like in TNG and VOY but I wanted some throwbacks to them, just in here and there episodes. I think if I was gonna make a big bad it'd be that Odo's talks with the Changelings created a division down them (look I'm not immune to the Geth division from Mass Effect) and now some of them are wondering why they're still not controlling what they had.
I dunno if you ever read this comics called Divided We Fall but in it Ezri has this sudden need to find Lenara after she goes missing but then the comic just...doesn't do anything with that, like Ezri finds her but there's never a conversation we get to see and the plot moves on which is why I wanted to ignore that completely and go with an episode where Ezri runs into Lenara, I just thought Lenara now going through the pain of losing a Dax twice and knowing neither that she loved can ever come back and meanwhile here's the new one in front of her is just something so interesting.
also I wanted to have anything where Molly or Naomi was the central character have a thing where it's them writing messages to Jake/the O'Briens/Kirayoshi or Samantha/Janeway. and an episode where Naomi works with Seven and makes a joke about it being just like old times and the two of them still get together for Kadis-Kot, maybe they've somehow found a technology that lets them get a message out to Neelix or Naomi has been writing all these reports to her godfather to one day share everything with him because Naomi believes in seeing her whole family again one day. meanwhile Molly's much more used to station life/earth life and is having some trouble adapting to the ship and wondering if she's cut out for it, I wanted to give her some more depth but not go full Barclay anxiety levels. It'd also be nice to have Molly get an episode where Kirayoshi is in trouble somehow and Ezri shares her wisdom when it comes to having a sibling.
Worf absolutely shows up too and Ezri is a little too gleeful he's admitting to all the changes that needed to be done on Q'onoS. 'Jadzia would not do such a vindication celebration' 'Yes she would'.
I also had a vague idea of a flashback where Ezri meets with Deanna and Deanna is the one who inspires her to make the move to join command and then she runs into Deanna again and thanks her. I'm a sucker for mentor-to-Ezri!Deanna type deal.
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themarginalthinker · 1 year
That Boy Ain't Right: Lost Boys edition:
-David has control issues. David needs to be either in control of his environment, or in control of himself and the people directly around him, which he's managed so far thanks to the Boys being willing to let him be the default leader of their pack. David is a good leader, mind you, but the stress of being one under the pressures of his environment (ie, Max's abuse and control, the Santa Carla territory being a place he doesn't really like, Max holding Michael and Thorn above his head) does get to him, meaning he wants to exert more control to feel safer, and it leads to things like what happened with bringing Michael to a feast hunt, scaring him off. Bad decisions made in desperation to regain lost control.
-Dwayne has codependency issues. Dwayne needs to feel useful and like he's helping, but moreover, he can't function well outside of a group. He doesnt show it outwardly, but he has a hard time without someone beside him to vet or vindicate his movements and ideas. Dwayne was the first in the pack to gain his mate, Thorn, and thus the pair didn't have any other examples of a healthier pairing. Combining that with the fact Dwayne's very introverted, his animal communication abilities, and Thorn's dog form, you have the ingredients for a really, really codependent relationship, that when torn apart by Max, sends Dwayne into an absolute spiral without that constant person at his shoulder to 'allow' or 'disallow' his actions and thoughts.
-Paul. Oh boysie, Paul. Where to even start. First off, it's funny to joke that he's a party boy with an endless supply of whatever gets you high (and yes, that includes a Lot of harder substances) but his substance use is abuse, with no alternatives to help cope with his sensory and psychological issues. Not like he can get a steady prescription of anti anxiety or antidepressants that will work, given the nature of their vampiric bodies. Paul is a man of very high peaks, and very low valleys, with little in between. The movie is mostly depicting him in a manic streak that can last for months, especially in the busy, active time of year for the Boardwalk, but he will drop, and drop like a brick through deep water once it's over. Paul also cannot stand something being in a grey area, meaning he also tends to see the world in blacks and whites. Something that feels good is something he wants to have always, and the moment it stops feeling good, he will do anything in his power to get it out of his sense range or just straight up destroy it.
-Marko. Ironically, for all that the fandom (and my writing partner and I!) headcanon Marko as being possibly the most outwardly aggressive member of the pack, Marko is actually not the one you may be in the most danger around. Marko came from, aside from Michael, the stablest home life of any of the Boys. His parents loved him a lot, he was an only child, and they didn't have many financial or emotional problems. Marko's issues lie more in things the world outside has done to him. A child of first generation immigrants, gay in the 70s and 80s, and it's a small (ha) thing, but Marko knows that he doesn't cut a very imposing figure. Marko has learned that the best offense is a good defense. He goes for the throat before the other person can even think about baring their fangs, so to speak. This unfortunately has led him to the restrictive view of himself as a weapon and incapable of real gentleness anymore.
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lightningonatether · 2 years
So much for Sam beginning to see Dream as Not A Monster, lol.
But maybe Punz changes up his revenge tactics and starts being nice. Maybe he realizes that he’s vindicating Sam, and giving him his martyrdom position just as Sam secretly craves. Maybe he starts being good to him after that realization out of spite, to rob him of his desire to be a victim.
Maybe it works.
you're right, Sam flips right back to being angry at dream. how COULD he, he's letting Sam get hurt, the hypocrisy, isn't this what dream was complaining about??? the fact that Sam let HIM get hurt??? so why is HE doing the same thing now?? but dreams also somewhat of a safe haven. dream hasn't ever actually put a hand on Sam outside running a few experiments but none of that was painful, just like. humiliating and uncomfortable. and the few times sam's actually gotten badly hurt dreams begrudgingly taken care of him. so he's a guaranteed respite. dreams Literally been nothing but nice when they interact. first before when dream thought he was just a creeper and even now, when he dresses any wounds, he pets over Sam, and he's gentle.
plus, dream...
dreams having a Very Uncomfortable Experience watching it from the outside in. he even tries to tell himself sam really deserves it. taste of his own medicine and all that. but somehow watching.. punz.. take quackitys role. and hurt sam because he did something "bad". doesnt sit right with him. for multiple reasons.
first, dream knows that the way he's trying and failing to justify this to himself is exactly how Sam justified his mistreatment in prison. he did something bad, so he deserves worse. he's mine to control, so I can let punz hurt him. he needs to be put in his place, he needs to be trained into obedience... dreams spent Hours picking apart every reason Sam had for letting quackity in and telling himself exactly why every one of those reasons is just stupid. he knows how it feels to be on the losing side!! and he honestly doesn't think he can do what Sam did and just stand by and watch it happen.
plus, again, the situation reminds him Too Much of pandora. it makes him Nauseous. at first he thought he'd be okay with punz taking his anger out on Sam cause- well, punz *does* need to take his anger out somewhere (see the attack on LN in canon- u can see just how worked up punz gets, he's finally applying himself to something instead of sitting by, he needed that), and punz is an ally, and hurting Sam doesn't hinder the plan, and it's not like sam's going anywhere, and it's not like sams done anything to earn dreams favor, so why not like... just let punz have his chew toy, or whatever....
but the problem is dreams Trauma tee em. he can't work with punz if he's afraid of punz. and seeing punz take revenge on something that can't really fight back? OHH TOO MANY PARALLELS. dreams basically having a weeks-long Pandora's flashback post reveal because Too Many Goddamn Things triggered Too Many Goddamn Memories. when he starts flinching back from punz is when he knows he needs to stop it.
and like. Sam notices all this. he's not blind to dream having some sort of second thoughts. and then dream proves him right by telling punz to back off? dreams like, actually an angel, or whatever.
dont think Sam can ever Stop viewing himself as a martyr or a victim without like. professional intervention. which is severely lacking on the smp sooooo... that's here to stay until someone gives me an idea otherwise I guess lol
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