#it's ok right. it's not spoiling a surprise is it
eorzeashan · 1 year
Wip Wednesday
Awawa, it's upon us again! Wow, it's been awhile. I'm sure I've missed too many of these I've lost count, but if I've ever been tagged I love and appreciate you and am sorry my writer's gauge ran empty at that time. Now, onto the wip.
It's Nathema Conspiracy hours in my brain, specifically thinking about that botched Watcher 2 reunion and then the whole deal with Eight's version of the Traitor arc where he goes with Theron and...lots to think about. lots to unpack.
“You!” Vinn Atrius bristled at the sight of Theron, who quickly drew his blaster and answered in kind. The Zakuulan knight shrieked as the bolt impacted against the exposed portion of his armor, sparking and smoking. He spun and tumbled to the ground, motionless. 
“Been wanting to do that for ages,” Theron grit out, his expression flinty and hard. Betrayal was a two-headed snake, but he was more than happy to bite the hand that fed him. What was it Vinn said to him? ‘Know your place?’ 
He knew his place. Exactly where it was. 
Theron glanced back at Eight and Lana just a breadth’s width behind him. 
Eight’s stare was steady, razor focused as ever. Yet behind those dark, murky eyes was a man who devoted himself to causes beyond the pale, to people he loved, and Theron’s gaze softened.
Even when the world was against him, Eight had chosen to follow because he hadn’t wanted Theron to be alone. Words didn’t even begin to explain what Theron felt for the other operative, who had broken through the walls he'd built around himself as a spy just to make sure Theron wouldn’t regret his choices.
Theron set his jaw. A soul like that deserved more than what the Alliance had burdened him with. 
Lana locked eyes with him next, pulling him away from Eight. 
For a moment Theron could sense the uneasy mistrust behind those intense eyes of gold. He’d left her hurting and confused ever since Umbara, and if Lana was anything, it was frighteningly driven when her anger was given form. He couldn’t say he deserved her friendship at this time, nor the trust of the Alliance. For all he knew, she’d come here specifically to choke the life out of him. Letting her was a stretch, but…
As if sensing the guilt gnawing at him from inside out like a worm that had buried itself in his guts, Lana’s tight-lipped demeanor gave way to a flicker of emotion– and she nodded.
To the end, whispered the memory of those heartracing moments when they promised to die fighting together seizing the throne. He tightened his pistol grip.
Right. To the end. 
Emboldened, he quickly turned his attention to the remaining offender, only for his advance to be stopped short by the hexagonal net of the rayshield activated by GEMINI 16. 
Theron banged on it with the butt of his pistol, frustration mounting in his blows- it didn’t give. 
“Theron,” Eight called to him, anxiety painting his usually collected voice in an odd note that Theron had never heard  before.
“Organics fight so hard for their survival. But you’re too late–the thrones have been filled. Zildrog is summoned.” GEMINI 16’s monotonous voice grated against his ears. Theron banged harder against the forcefield, futile as it was.
“Theron!” Eight sounded desperate– frantic, even. Theron whipped around. 
Eight’s gaze was trained on one of the pods. It contained a woman in an Imperial uniform, her eyes closed as she sat unnaturally still in the seat of her cage. 
Theron recognized her from the holo as the one who had set the guardian droid on them. Shara, Eight had called her, with a wistful air that bordered on nostalgic. 
His voice contained none of that gentleness now, all previous softness cut away like the dull trim of a knife on a sharpening block as his attention turned to their enemy. “What have you done to these people?” Eight leveled at Gemini 16, the midnight of his eyes compressed into fine points of lethal focus.
The promise of death, the ring of metal removed from its sheath- a silent fury so intense it raised goosebumps on Theron’s forearms roiled beneath that smooth veneer like ink released into water, and the SIS spy felt nothing but pity for those who had ever earned Cipher Eight’s ire– an honor not even Emperor Arcann had been subjected to. 
Unphased by his intimidation display, GEMINI 16 continued. “They served a purpose they hadn’t anticipated– fuel for Zildrog’s awakening.
First, he will destroy the shackles that kept me enslaved to your kind. Then he will obliterate your pathetic Alliance as a reward to Atrius for playing his part.”
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kirbyliker12 · 9 months
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redraw from 4 years ago..sneef...and other witchs house things because i recently reread the 9 chapter manga and had the most agonizing experience (would def recommend) contentwarnings in tags....ehehe
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doobydoobydoowau · 6 months
OH MY GOD JON SNOW pls just shut up and go back to fucking sam off screen
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edettethegreat · 1 year
#Not saying which piece of media this is about bc it’s regarding the latest installment#But AAAASSJDHDJHSJKS THAT NEW CHAPTER#I’m losing my mind I’m gonna cry and scream#And no one has even heard of this manga so idk why I’m hiding the name to not spoil it#But still#i did not see this coming#In hindsight I should have but I didn’t#And that’s what makes it a great twist#I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out to be a double twist#Like the character who revealed it turns out to be lying#I wouldn’t even be mad about that bc it makes sense in story#But seriously though those last few panels#Getting emotional over a character who I actively did not like prior to now#Ok fine fine he’s not so bad I admit it You don’t have to make me cry over him#But unfortunately now I’m protective of him Let’s get you away from these people my guy. Let’s get you to safety.#The manga/anime is Munou na Nana btw if you wanna suffer with me#Anime’s pretty accurate to the manga but it just barely touches on the main plot#Like the stuff covered in the 13 existing episodes is just barely getting to the point where the story picks up#That final arc in the anime is right about where I’d say the manga really picks up with the story#The beginning bits aren’t bad they’re just introductory#Like they’re necessary for introducing the plot and giving overview on what sort of environment these characters are living in#But the actual story itself is insane#You really really need to read the manga after you watch what’s currently out
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strawberryseeded · 1 year
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been thinking sm abt this ch !! brooooo soichi is so cute sometimes. i love his character so fucking much
1st of all he has sm personality. like even when hes being terrible he acts so freaky hes still likable in a way, but also he IS creepy af and he IS rly unlikable lol i feel his character portrays how primary school kids with grudges r like so well skdsjfkjksdfjkfs
i re read all of his oneshots recently and hes 4 real sooooooo much fun.. 
his character is so interesting cos hes always simultaneously playing 2 roles, and his dynamic w other characters flips around constantly as well.
hes the weird kid no1 likes (i actually rly like the small moments in which u kinda empathize w him bc of this reason) while also being a spoiled brat that thinks hes the shit. hes a pretty annoying and whiny, but ultimately normal, kid while also being a dark powers menace creature. he can be both harmless and extremely dangerous 2 others. he can be so relentlessly petty and evil while ALSO 99% of the time being the butt of the joke ..hes so lame lol ToT..... hes so poweful and so powerless at the same time. i seriously think hes such a relatable character for kids
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obxsprincess · 5 months
nerd!miguel x nerd!reader during exams | requested
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by the time 3am hit your eyes were glossy and your head all blurry from the countless hours of studying you’d been cramming in. you had six hours to study for your exam, six is enough right? right? of course you convinced yourself is wasnt, you just had to keep going :(
plopped on your plush couch with your computer resting on your lap, trying to study even when the bright words refused to register, and god, the couch felt so comfortable. all warm, and soft. the fuzzy blanket sprawled over your lap was definitely a bad idea, that you didn’t realize until then.
you didn’t even realize you fell asleep right then and there, but it’s ok, because you didn’t have to notice. because miguel did.
for a few moments, he just admired your pretty face. trying not to smile to himself when you snored softly, and like the boyfriend he is, miguel gently moved your laptop off your lap. just trying not to wake you as he scooped you up in his bulky arms.
Miguel forgets how much larger is in than you when he plops you down onto the bed, wrapping his arms around you and curling you into his chest. he hadn’t slept all night either, while he would never admit it, he couldn’t without you — and humming as his lips gently meet your cheeks, your neck, your nose.
it’s no surprise as your eyes fluttered open “mhm, migs?” you yawn, realizing your snuggled in your boyfriends arms, his lips spoiling your neck in gentle affection.
“wait I need to study-“
“necesita dormir,” (you need to sleep) his tired voice is raspy and deep. and you laugh as his kisses only get more feverish as you try to wiggle from his grasp
“migs sto-stop that tickles!” you giggle. he laughs with you as he watches you squirm underneath him, thinking he’s all sly as he curls his body into yours, trapping you in his arms as his kissing attack becomes softer — you being all dramatic claiming “great, now my stomach hurts migs!”
“you’ll survive ma,” he gruffs. smirking to himself when you finally realize your snuggled in your boyfriend warm embrace, your giggling finally subsiding, somehow cuddled in your twos comforter. you never wanted to leave
“miguel-” you whine “wait no please, m’ only have six hours! I need to look over my-“
what a shame he’s nuzzled in your neck, feeling his smile fanning agaisnt your skin as he hushes you like the perfect asshole he was. you both knew there was no use trying to squirm from him, not when he was about twice your size, and especially not when he whispered deep, sweet nothings against your skin. feeling sleep again gloss over your fluttering eyes. you were trapped so technically you had to sleep.
“sleep, princesa. you’ve studied enough.”
and of course the next day he met you after your exam with a big bouquet of your favorite flowers.
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11hedonistic · 6 months
Astrology Observations 🌴
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air venus/air mars are usually the type of people to fall for the friends or find nothing wrong with having a fwb (friend with benefits)
venus touching the ascendant (no matter the aspect) can manifest a beautiful appearance (same with mars but with mars, i would say this gives more of a sex appeal vibe)
scorpio moon/mars definitely wins the title for holding grudges the longest/being the most unforgivable if you cross them
i realized that a lot of aries mercury people don’t really think before they speak😂
taurus mercury people are those type of people to repeat what they already said just to make sure everyone understood
my gemini mercury people.. i know how hard it is for you to stay focused. you’re doing great reading this sweetie
cancer mercury people have craaazy intuition
if you’re looking for someone to tell a good story, find you a leo mercury!! these people are such good story tellers 😂
virgo mercury people can be brutally honest people when giving advice, which can hurt people in the process but that’s not their intention most of the time!
if you need a mediator during an argument, find u a libra mercury. they’re always looking at both sides of an argument
scorpio mercury people can become very rude/disrespectful if they feel annoyed or bothered. especially if they have sag/cap placements.. scary
sagittarius mercury people almost always come off as too blunt
capricorn mercury people, how often are you put in leadership positions? 🤔
aquarius mercury people and their way of coming up with ideas no one else could think of >>
pisces mercury people.. you and that imagination of yours. always in your head. i know you enjoy living in your imagination dont you (my neptune 3rd house can relate so you’re not alone lol)
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taurus moon + scorpio venus lovers >>
the best omg this guy that im talking to right now has this combo and he’s always spoiling me with gifts, mind you we’re not even dating 😂 and they’re SO observant. like i play my music around him sometimes and yesterday he literally surprised me with a playlist of my favorite songs & his favorite songs (he’s moving away so he made it for me to listen while he’s gone when i miss him 💔) but wow. if you want real love, these people are it
pluto 4th house people.. how’s your family/home life?
pluto 1st house people.. how many times has it felt like you killed your old self just to make a new one? coming back stronger and stronger each time of course
im soo tired of this gemini venus slander and saying WE CHEAT! we dont cheat we just lose interest fast if you’re boring or fail to keep our brains stimulated. just dont be monotone/boring, make us laugh & we’ll be willing to work on the connection 😁 its also just that we dont really deal well with a bunch of intense emotions being thrown at us. give us time
capricorn moon people.. are you ok? and dont lie to me
scorpio suns.. how is your relationship with your father?
i saw someone say how saturn in 1st house people hate the inverted filter & they were nott wrong. my sister has this placement and she despises it. always picking at every single flaw she has whole time she looks fine lol
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dandelions4us · 3 months
Party’s Over
Regina George x Reader Summary: Where Regina ends her own party for her cramping lover Words: 1,1k A/N: Is it noticeable I’m having period cramps and need some comfort from the prettiest (and meanest) queen bee of all? I hope not
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As the night went on, Y/N couldn’t believe how many more people could crash into her girlfriend’s party. To say the house was full would be an understatement. She sipped on her solo cup, something she could not pinpoint, even if her life depended on it, and searched for Regina with her eyes.
Spotting the blonde head among the croud was easy, though, she could recognize the girl with her eyes closed. She was talking with some people, standing confident in her beautiful maroon dress – it hugged her soft curves perfectly –, her signature smirk adorning her crimson lips and she gently flipped her hair off her shoulder.
Y/N smiled to herself, feeling lucky to have such a wonderful girlfriend. But it faltered quickly as she felt the pressure she knew way too well right at the bottom of her belly. It wasn’t surprising, giving the ache she felt on her lower back since the moment she woke up.
“Fuck.” She mumbles, walking off towards a bathroom to make sure she didn’t just start her period. She didn’t, which was good, as she sighs in relief. Washing her hands and splashing a bit of cold water on her neck, she embraces herself ready to play it cool for a few more hours, not wanting to ruin the party for her girl.
“Hey, I was looking for you. Everything ok?” Regina asks when she finds her, hands gingerly resting or her waist. “Yeah, I’m good. Just went to the bathroom to freshen up a bit.” Y/N smiles, placing her own hands on the blonde’s shoulders.
“Good. Come here, I have a few people I’d like to introduce you.” She responds, kissing her girlfriend quickly before pulling her by the hand to a small group of peers.
To be honest, Y/N did a fairly good job of play pretend for two hours, but it was starting to get to her. The cramps were just getting stronger, making her whole body achy and tense. But she kept her facade as better as she could, not willing to spoil Regina’s fun, knowing she would drop everything to make sure she was fine.
They were now sitting outside by the pool, an array of chairs and couches, talking animatedly with everyone else. I mean, most likely Regina talked and Y/N just agreed and nodded along, smiling every now and then.
When a strong cramp came, she scrunched her face and pressed on the pillow covering her stomach. The blonde must have felt how her body tensed under the hand she had on her girlfriend’s thighs ‘cause she turned her head, a concerned look on her eyes as she looked in hers.
“What’s wrong, baby?” She whispered, her thumb caressing soft shapes where it rested. “It’s nothing, don’t worry.” Y/N tried reassuring, but it wasn’t as convencing as the previous times. Sensing her discomfort, Regina excuses both of them and walks away to a more secluded area, hand now on the small of her partner’s back.
“Wanna try again and tell me what’s bothering you?” She asks softly, looking down with honeyed eyes. Y/N sighs and relents. “It’s just cramps. I have them a few days before my period also. Nothing too bad, I promise.” Right after she ends her sentence, another wave of piercing pain stabs at her womb, making her fold and frown.
“Oh, I can see that.” Her girlfriend says, sarcastically, but sighs, concerned. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I would’ve got you some painkillers and a hot water bottle, maybe also put you to bed.” “Thay’s exactly why.” She furrows her eyebrowns, confused. “I didn’t want you to step out of your own party just to take care of me.”
“That’s nonsense. Baby, I would drop everything to take care of you, gladly.” She takes the shorter girl’s cheek on her hands, soft but firm, to prove her point. “You’re my girlfriend and I love you. Of course taking care of you and making sure you’re ok is my priority. Not some silly party that wouldn’t be as joyful if you weren’t with me, ok?”
Y/N couldn’t help but tear up a bit, but she blamed her hormones. “Okay.” She agreed quietly. Regina smiles, leaning in for a brief but passionate kiss, trying to show all of her love and care through it.
“Now, come on, let’s get you upstairs. Somewhere quieter and confier.” And holding hands, they both walk up Regina’s room. She sat her girlfriend in her bed and then rummages through her closet for comfortable clothes she could wear.
“Here, love. Change into these while I go downstairs to grab you some medicine and put an end to the noise.” She hands her the pile of clothes. “You don't have to end the party just because of me, Gina. I can rest just fine.” She frowns. “Don’t be silly. I’m coming back to cuddle you so there’s no reason to keep randos in my house. So stay put, I’ll be right back.”
She leaves, closing the door and Y/N can’t help but smile like a school girl over her affectionate lover. She changes clothes, relaxing breathing Regina’s perfume on them. She also puts a pad on, just in case her period comes while she sleeps – she’d die of embarrassement if she bleeds on her girl’s bed.
The noise disappears quickly, Y/N can hear the commotion of people leaving and a faint voice of her girlfriend shouting. In about ten minutes, she returns, bearing meds, water and snacks.
“I have no idea where my mom put our water bag and my heating pad broke, so I’m sorry.” “Gina, it’s okay! This is more than I could ask for, thank you.” “Only the best for my baby.” She smiles and walks over to the bed, giving her partner a few pills and the water.
The hurting girl drinks half the water bottle and nibs on the snacks so her stomach wouldn’t be so upset because of the meds and alcohol she consumed.
“There you go. You should rest now. I’m sure you'll be feeling better tomorrow.” She fluff the pillows and covers her sweet girl with the thick duvet before climbing in bed herself (now in her sleep attire).
She scooches closer, tangling their legs as she holds her tight against her chest, kissing her head lovingly.
“Thank you for taking such good care of me, Gina.” Y/N whispers, face nuzzling oh the blonde’s neck. “Of course, baby. You don’t even have to thank me. I’d do it over and over again, just for you.” She responds, one hand scratching her girlfriend’s scalp while the other held her as close as possible.
“I love you.” Y/N says, feeling relaxed, loved and safe. “I love you, too, princess. Sleep tight, I’ll be here when you wake up.” Regina whispers, kissing her temple tenderly.
And just like that, they both fell asleep in each other’s arms, secured in a cocoon built with pure love and care.
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A/N: I had to take matters into my own hands. I could not go any longer without more fanfictions of my favorite blonde. Hope you guys liked it! <3
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summerssover · 3 months
𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 ⊹ ִֶָ ❲ 𝘥𝘰𝘮!𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬❳
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘, in which you can’t sleep and chris has a idea to help you out
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆, dom!chris x spoiled!reader, chris x poc reader
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒, suggestive content, language, angst (if you squint), fluff
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𓏲 🎀🎱 𓂃 ✦ 💒
half of the night consisted of you alternating from the warmth of the blanket to, the warmth of chris’s body then, to the freezing air conditioning.
you felt uncomfortable in your own skin, one minute you were hot the next you were cold and all of the tossing and turning was really getting you frustrated, chris’ legs tangling up with your own was just the cherry on top leading you to roughly kick his feet away, which was also the breaking point for chris. he was fed up with having to feel your elbow, knees and feet jamming into his back side for hours on end.
“alright what the fuck is all of this moving for ma, what’s the matter?” he flipped over to face you with a soothing rasp in his voice before nudging your side gently.
you letting out a whiney groan, throwing your head up to face the ceiling. “i don’t know.. i can’t sleep for some reason, did i wake you?” chris let out a dry chuckle and responded “nah, you’re good baby, just checking up on you”
you huffed a deep sigh and attempted to close you eyes. you began to think you were finally getting some quality sleep till you felt your body start to shiver once again.
“this shit is getting on my nerves, oh my god”, you mutter out while sitting up and covering you hands over your face in frustration, ripping the blanket away from chris in process.
your boyfriend huffed and sat up just as irritated as you were “y/n”, he forced your name through his teeth sternly.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry”
chris noticed the shakiness in your voice and looked up to your face being met with you wiping tears from your eyes while a couple more flooded down your cheek. you didn’t want chris to see you in this pathetic state, crying over something so stupid. plus he seemed annoyed with you enough to deal with anymore of your shit.
chris whispered and quick ‘ok’ and got up from the bed to turn the ceiling fan on.
“chris but im cold—“you don’t know what you are right now, you’ll want it later, trust me ma”, he cut you off and flopped back into bed but this time only way closer to you.
he leaned up to your face and brung his thumb up you your cheeks, helping you wipe some of the tears. as they kept flowing he began to kiss the salty droplets away then slowly moving down to your jaw then to the neck, his lips gravitating to that place you loved the most, leading you to let out a satisfied sigh.
chris rubbed up and down the side of your thick thighs before proposing, “d’ you give me permission to fuck you to sleep pretty girl”, he whispered against your neck and you quickly nodded your head while weaving your manicured nails through his shaggy locks.
“give me words”, he commands.
you barley managed to squeak out a “please”
chis almost immediately reached under one of his shirts that you wore to bed and pulled down the tiny piece of fabric that covered you and went to see how wet your were. to no one’s surprise he pulled his index and middle finger out of your folds and brought them to his mouth.
“fuck, you’re so wet for me right now, dripping all over my fingers, is this all you needed baby?”
you were at a lost for words as you squirmed under his touch til it was finally your turn to make a move. you tugged at his boxers, making them fall to his ankles after arching your back at the lack of attention to your aching pussy, “hurry baby, put it in, i need you right now” you cried out, anticipating the moment his dick got the chance to collide with your cervix.
“stop acting like a fuck brat before i treat you like one, just be patient mama”, he mumbled that last part as he picked up his dick and glided it through the layers of folds between your legs. you let out a soft moan full of pleasure as chris mimicked similar sounds. “i knew this was all you wanted, some dick to knock you right out”
you hands warped around his vainey arms placed on either side of your head as he slowly and sensually slipped himself in and out of your pussy your parted wide and eyebrows knitted together while you felt every bit of texture run through your walls. “ugh, yes baby”
he kept a slow steady pace, thrusting harder into the small hole while going to attach his lips to your own, allowing you to swallow the grunts he releases in your mouth. he went deeper and slower with each powerful thrust until he saw his bulges at the bottom of your stomach.
“fuck, fuck, fuck, chris i’m so close”, you whined and tears from pleasure started to well up. chris grabbed both of your hands interlocking your fingers together as they were brought over your head.
“mhm make a mess for me”
right on que you started to feel a knot from in the pit of your stomach just as quickly as you released your cum all over his member as chris watched the white rings of com form around his dick with drowsy half-opened eyes. shortly after he gave himself a few thrust and left ropes of cum all over your pelvis.
chris collapsed down next to you and brung your face to the crook of his neck. this time you tangled your feet with his before whispering a soft thank you, then letting slumber take over your peaceful body.
after making sure to place your bonnet back on your head, chris smirked to himself knowing he got to help you out and would get to do it all over again in the morning.
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₊˚ˑ༄ؘ      ❪  𝙰𝚄𝚃𝙷𝙾𝚁'𝚂 𝙽𝙾𝚃𝙴  ❫  ✩₊˚.  ◛ ·˚ ༘ ᝰ
⁀➷┊ ‧₊˚. this is my first time writing smut ahhh idk how to feel about it rn but hope you enjoy feel free to reblog and like/comment and send in reqs
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sucker4colby · 7 months
Warm hands
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Anonymous Request : Hi! I was wondering if you could make an imagine with Colby and his s/o is 6-7 months pregnant. And what he would do with your baby bump, how he would take care of you, and what it would be like? I hope that makes sense.. lol thank you!
Warning: fluff! fluff! fluff! Pregnancy.
Word count :725
“Here babe let me help you” I heard Colby from behind the couch before I saw him. Letting out a sigh of relief I nodded accepting his help with putting my shoes on as I threw my head back against the back of the couch trying to catch my breath. My eyes screwed shut as air filled my lungs again relief settling over me as Colby helped me slip my sneakers on. “ I’m out of shape” I tried to joke opening my eyes to look at him kneeling in front of the couch. He snorted giving me an unamused look before going back to tying my laces.
“Yeah cause it’s not the whole human you’re carrying inside of you.” He sassed patting my knee as he finished helping me and joining me on the couch. The heat from his body sending shivers up my spine making me want to stay in and steal his body heat as we snuggle but we had promised Sam we’d help him run errands so that was out of the question. I smiled rubbing my 7 month baby bump that laid under my grey hoodie. “ he’s only 3 pounds right now.” I retorted giving in and snuggling into his side as he replaced my hands with his on my tummy.
There was not a moment when Colby wasn’t jumping at the opportunity to touch my bump ever since he found out we were expecting. The moment he found out, he was rubbing over my then flat belly cooing about how he was excited to meet our baby. It was crazy that I had kept it from him scared that he wouldn’t want to be apart of our lives but he had proven me completely wrong with how hands on he has been and how clingy he had gotten but I loved every ounce of attention.
My heart sped up as Colby’s warm hands crawled under the sweatshirt caressing my bare skin causing me to blush. To this day I still found myself acting like a school girl with her crush as if I wasn’t carrying his child three years into our relationship, it’s just the effect Colby Brock had always had on me from the moment we met. But I wasn’t the only one excited by his touch, the baby shifted as he felt Colby’s familiar presence. I giggled in excitement my head snapping up to look at the man beside me who was in a fit of laughter at the sensation.
The baby had only just began kicking a week prior catching us by surprise. With this being our first pregnancy I never anticipated what the baby kicking would feel like but the fluttering had scared me half to death ( Colby along with me) as I wailed about something being wrong. It was only when his mom reassured us over the phone that the baby was simply kicking that we knew what was going on happy tears replacing the ones of worry.
“ I can’t get over him kicking.” He mumbled shifting his body so he could lean down towards my stomach. I shivered as he rolled the material up under my breast the cold air causing goosebumps on my skin. He noticed right away rubbing his warm hands up and down my stomach placing kisses all over. I had no idea how he did it but it was coming in handy that his hands always were warm.
“You’re getting to heavy for mom in there huh big guy.” He cooed causing more kicks. I scrunched my face at the weird sensation still getting used to the alien like feeling. He moved his hands to grip mine worry etched on his face thinking I was in discomfort. I quickly reassured him I was ok knowing he would panic instantly.
Colby had been nothing but perfect always making sure we were both ok and comfortable, making midnight runs for snacks to settle my cravings, offering massages when I’m feeling sore, and putting up with my mood swings. I knew I was utterly blessed with the man in front of me and he never failed to spoil me. All my nerves and worries about our future always melted away knowing Colby was there to carry the weight of parenthood with. We were far from perfect but this life was perfect for us.
Hi guys it’s been a while !
My tablet has been getting fixed and most of my stories are saved on there and I just didn’t have the energy to try to recreate everything 😅
I will be trying to post more during these holidays and I’ll be revisiting old stories and editing so feel free to requested!
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sharkorok · 11 months
all eyes on you (enhypen)
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or the moments that make everyone think you’re dating
cw/genre: idol!reader, reader doesnt have specified gender but implied to be a female, fluff, so cute bye, secret relationships, humor, u have delulu fans
requested: naurrr
a/n: ehe thx for 100 followers :) I hope my writing makes u happy because knowing people read my works makes me super duper happy! luv uuuu
-at an awards show your outfits were matching, like very obviously matching
-matching bracelets, you had one on your left wrist and he had one on the right, the colors matched each other, same style and aesthetic…
-he gets v nervous but also you were in some dating rumors with another idol so…he wouldn’t be mad if he was next tbh….BUT THEN UR GROUP WAS ASSIGNED NEXT TO HIM??
-dawg was sweating the whole time trying not to admire you and how cute you two looked
-but no every one of those “enhypen mma reaction” or “heeseung reaction focus” showed him very clearly staring at you 😭, twt had a field day with you two
-he can’t help it, you looked so good and how can he keep his eyes off his lovely s/o when they’re all dressed up + matching?? seriously his management was insane for putting him so close to you
-and when all groups were leaving he was seen literally sprinting to be closer to you
-ya dispatch didn’t even need to confirm anything after that awards show
the others r below!
-during a live he got his guitar out and started playing all your favorite songs
-and this was literally a day after you named your favorite songs
-then to make it worse he was like “yeah these are y/n’s favorite songs don’t they have good music taste?” and then he kept talking about you and staff was sweating while watching istg
-the way he talked about you tho,,he either had a massive crush on you or you two were dating
-the ship edits the next day were insane honestly some of your fans need to get into the editing business because you genuinely believed a photo of him holding your waist was taken at inkigayo
-he doesn’t even try to hide how much he likes you istg, he goes out of his way to talk to you at awards shows and always films challenges with you, he gives the shippers so much content
-then another time jay cooked your favorite food in a vlog and specifically said it was your favorite food, name dropping and everything
-literally no one is surprised that you two are confirmed dating after a while.
-accidentally went on live while talking about you
-he fully believed he closed out of the app when he was talking to jay and saying stuff like, “I’m really excited to see her at the performance, I hope we have time to hang out…” and then he hears notifications and sees that he was streaming and he nearly faints
-plays it off like he fully intended for everyone to hear that and continues like he planned on going live
-he’s also trying to hide the way his eyes flickered up to your rapid texts being like, “JAKE WHY ARE WE TRENDING ON TWITTER??”
-jay is behind the camera just trying not to laugh becuz how do you even recover from this one, literally all the comments are talking about you and him
-“y/n…? yeah ahahah I know her uh huh mhm anyways moving on” and his horrible deflecting skills are making it even more obvious
-and when you go on live?? oh u bet the comments are “did you see jake’s recent live?? are u cheating on us y/n?”
-u desperately distract by spoiling your comeback but there’s already 14k Tik toks analyzing every interaction you had with Jake and why you two are cosmically intertwined
-describes you to a T when asked about his ideal type
-he meant to just mention the broad details but he gets excited talking about u ok :(
-“yeah a good heart and around (your exact height), with (the hex code of your eye color) eyes, born on (your birthday), hobbies include (every single one of your hobbies) and also…(literally all the information under your kprofiles page)”
-ur fans catch on and are like “isn’t this literally y/n” and he’s like “omg nooo coincidence”
-it is NOT a coincidence bro he was fully thinking of you and only you during that interview
-anyways you don’t help the situation by describing him too when asked about your ideal type, but ur at least a tad less obvious 😭
-“yea I love guys who ice skate and stuff”
-u two definitely get scolded by management
-sometimes he forgets to care about keeping things secret (like that lipton tea thing he did)
-so he’s showing fans his camera roll and he shows selfies you never posted before…in his camera roll…never before seen by anyone but him and you to the camera and is like
-“y/n’s visual is so perfect, right?”
-and yeah duh ur stunning and gorgeous but fans are distracted by your beauty for a second before being like “hm…how did he get those selfies and why r they in his camera roll”
-ur fans r thankful for the content tho so he kinda did everyone a favor
-but it’s a LITTLE suspicious…but neither of you address anything so it just festers a little
-until you two do a tik tok challenge together and he captions it with a heart emoji like oh my god 😭
-you’re not innocent either when you said “sunoo’s visual is so amazing” like both of you get some media training I beg
-everyone loves how obviously whipped you two are for each other tho :,)
-accidentally exposes your polaroid in his phone case
-thankfully he has photos of his members and maeum but why were you there??
-he completely ignores it tbh he shows the photos to the camera and is like “these r the polaroids in my phone case. anyways.” n he’s playing it cool but internally he’s PANICKING
-“hopefully they didn’t see the heart I drew on the Polaroid,” he thinks foolishly
-we did.
-so you try to do some damage control on your own live when asked about why he has ur photo in his phone and ur like “oh we’re really close friends!!”
-n honestly that’s a good and healthy response because everyone has the right to their platonic relationships
-but jungwon’s heart he drew on your Polaroid was just a little bit tooooo suspicious…anyways this leads to fans over-analyzing every single interaction to the point you two weren’t allowed to be seen in a ten foot proximity at events for a while
-but at least it reminded jungwon to be more careful lolol
-accidentally rizzes you up on live television
-you’re an mc for smth and you’re interviewing enhypen and you’re like, “oooh, some burning questions, what is your ideal type?”
-and Niki, with no hesitation fully goes, “you lol” and you see ur career flash before your eyes
-ur co mc is nervously laughing and niki realizes like oh wait we’re being broadcasted so he’s like “oh just kidding haha!!!” even though you two are making awkward eye contact while you’re mentally scolding him
-he’s so used to teasing and flirting with you in private so it’s a little hard to shake off in public
-anyways fans notice he’s looking at you a little too lovingly and being a little too genuine when he responded so it’s not long before you see ship edits on Twitter and tik tok
-doesn’t help when you answer the ideal type question with “someone who is playful and funny” thinking it was broad enough but ‘twas not <3
-he doesn’t really care too much but thought it was funny, even if he had to take a media training class again afterwards >:T
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faithshouseofchaos · 3 months
Hi could I request a Lance x reader where they had a one night stand or something and she ended up pregnant, he doesn’t know till a few years later he sees her in the paddock with a kid and he starts to put things together. Only if you can, no worries if not 😊
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One night stand— Lance stroll x reader
Scheduled post
You don’t remember much about that night. You and your friends had gone out for drinks at a local club and he was there with a large group of friends sipping on a beer and laughing. later that night he was taking you back to his hotel room. You couldn’t remember his name or what he did for work. All you did remember was his dark brown and his dark brown eyes and when the light hit them just right they were the color of whiskey. That’s all you remember about him because they are the same features that your son inherited from his father.
Your son Liam was the pride and joy of your life even if he was the product of your one-night stand. You wouldn’t change a thing. Liam was a big fan of cars. You don’t know where the interest came from but you weren’t going to complain. Your grandfather loved all forms of racing so your son was happy to sit in his great-grandpa's lap and watch whatever race was playing on the TV while eating popcorn.
When you got to your grandparent's house your son Liam was happy it was race day his favorite, because it meant he could see his grandpa.
“Are you ready Liam?” you asked the three-year-old boy
“Yes mama,” he said
“Ok Bubba let’s go” as said as you got him out of his seat.
“There’s my favorite grandson,” your grandpa said, walking out to your car.
“He’s your only grandson papa remember” you said smiling.
“And he’s still my favorite,” he said, picking up the boy.
“Please be careful papa” you wince as you hear your grandpa's knees crack and pop.
“I’m always careful”
“Your knees tell a different story old man” you joked
“Ok smartass, let's get inside before your grandma comes outside to investigate why it’s taking so long” your grandpa complained.
You walk into the house with your son following close behind. Your grandpa sits in his recliner and holds out his arm for Liam when he sits down on his lap, taking a seat on the couch.
“Is our usual show on papa?” Liam asked, settling down into the soft recliner.
“Yes my favorite grandson it's on” your grandpa says.
“Good” Liam smiles and turns his attention to the show on the television.
You smile and sit down on the couch taking a minute to watch your son. The show your grandpa was watching was a compilation of old F1 highlights. Your son was really into race cars at the moment and could tell you pretty much everything there was to know about the history of them.
Liam was your little boy, and he was an adorable one at that. You just had to make sure you kept an eye on him around your grandpa. He had a tendency to spoil the youngest generation in your family, and if you didn't watch, he would have Liam eating snacks all day long.
“Did you see that mama?” Liam asked pointing to the tv with his thumb.
Your hand went to your chest as you felt the sudden rush of your son’s excitement.
“What is it baby?” you ask
Liam points to the television, watching the race. “That’s a McLaren.” He says excitedly.
“Oh really?” you say trying to act as surprised as you could.
“Yes!” Liam excitedly says pointing to the television again and waving his hands in the air a bit.
“Is that your favorite car?” you ask hoping that Liam will stop telling you random car facts.
“Yes mama!” Liam gets so excited and claps his hands softly.
“Do you know who drives it?” you ask hoping you remember the correct answer
Liam looks up at you and tilts his head to the side a little bit, his brown curls falling into his face slightly. “I do! Can I tell you?”
“Sure go ahead baby” you encourage him.
Liam smiles and looks back at the television before looking back at you. “It's Alonso!” he exclaimed, his voice being a bit louder now as his excitement was growing.
“That’s right baby, it’s Alonso.” You smile watching your son get so excited.
“You know so much about cars,” you say giving your son your attention now instead of the highlights playing on the television.
“Do you know what team Alonso drives for?” you ask trying to make him show off how smart he is with cars and F1 lore.
“Alpine!” Liam exclaims proudly getting all of the answer correct this far. You see a smile break out on your grandpa’s face.
“Well done Liam, you’re so smart!” you say happily and Liam is giggling happily now.
“I have a question for you” you say
Liam nods his head.
“Who else drives for Alpine?” you ask hoping he can remember the full team.
“Esteban Ocon!” he said without hesitation.
“Good job baby!” you exclaim happily as you see grandpa smile.
“I have another question for you,” you begin
Liam nods his head again.
“What are you going to be when you grow up?” you ask.
Liam looks off to the side and stays silent for a few seconds before shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders.
“You don’t know yet?” you ask a bit surprised by his answer.
Usually, children have a pretty good idea that they want to be a fire truck driver, policeman, astronaut, etc. but Liam seemed stumped.
“No mama, I’m not sure” Liam finally answered.
“That’s ok baby,” you respond and reach over to squeeze Liam’s hand reassuringly.
“You have plenty of time to decide what you want to be” you say to Liam who nods his head a little bit.
Not long after that the actual F1 race began. Liam was excited if you were to ask the three year old who his favorite driver was he would tell you Fernando Alonso.
What ever team Alonso went to that’s the team your son rooted for.
You watched your son cheer as Alonso passed another car. Liam was so adorable the way he would get so into the race and root for Alonso. He was a bit young to understand the complex strategies, tire management and other aspects of F1 but he liked the fast cars.
“Come on, Fernando!” you hear Liam rooting on the television.
“C’mon, C’mon, C’mon” your grandpa was cheering along with your son too.
As the race went on you could see the tension build up in your son and grandfather as Alonso was stuck behind a few cars. Liam was on the edge of his seat and jumping up and down trying to yell at the drivers to let Alonso pass through.
Liam couldn’t understand the rules of racing but he knew one thing. Alonso was the best so all the other drivers needed to let him go faster and win the race.
Alonso was trying to overtake a driver to get to first place and your son was cheering him on as loudly as he could.
The race was over and Fernando placed third at the Zandvoort GP. Liam was excited that his favorite driver had won third place.
As the three of you watched the post race interviews there was one driver who stood out more than the others.
He had the same eye color and hair color as your son. Looking back at Liam and back at the guy on the tv your heart sank and you realize that the one night stand you had was in fact not with a random man but with a f1 driver.
Your eyes are glued to the man being interviewed.
He looks just like a grown-up Liam.
You watch him answer questions about the race and his performance. You watch the way he holds himself, the tone of his voice, and the way he looks into the camera.
You watch him look into the camera with those same whiskey eyes you remember and a part of you breaks.
It's then that you notice that your grandpa is also staring at the T.V. and that he seems to be a bit pale.
“Tell me that’s not—“ your grand pa began to say.
“I think it is” you said looking at him.
"You... you slept with a F1 driver?" your grandpa ask in an incredulous voice.
"I... I- I mean yes but I didn't know who he was," you say in a low voice hoping your grandfather wouldn't judge you.
"It was a one-night stand. I was wasted and it was a huge mistake. I barely remembered anything," you admit, feeling a little bit ashamed and embarrassed but mostly scared of what your grandpa will say.
"Just tell me you used protection," your grandfather asks a bit sternly as he raises his eyebrows.
“I think the answer to your question is sitting in your lap” you said
"Well, now we know who Liam's father is," he says quietly as his hand runs through his graying beard.
"What?" your grandpa asks surprised at your sudden tone.
"How can you just accept that with no questions?" you ask him, shocked he isn't livid with you at the moment.
"What do you want me to do? Shame you for it? Make you feel terrible? It already happened, I can't change the past," your grandfather says firmly.
You are taken aback by his response for a second. You were expecting him to be mad at you but instead he seems understanding about it.
“Lance stroll really?” Your grandfather says joking with you
“I’m not talking about this with you” you said
Your grandpa laughs loudly and pats you on the shoulder. “I’m just messing with you,” he says, trying to lighten the mood.
You give him a slight glare, indicating that it’s not funny and that you’re not in the mood for his jokes.
“Alright, alright, I’ll drop it,” he says, still grinning and messing with you.
“Just promise me one thing,” your grandfather then says.
“What’s that?” you ask curiously
"Promise me you'll find out if he actually is Liam's dad or not," your grandpa says sternly.
“And how am I gonna do that?” You asked.
“I have no idea but I’m not letting you let this kid go without a father. So figure it out,” he says, pointing a finger at you in a way I like to think a grumpy old man would.
“I can’t just text him and say hey I had a one-night stand a few years ago and your the dad. It doesn’t work like that” you say to your grandpa trying to explain how awkward it will be.
“Go to a GP” he said shrugging his shoulders.
“With what tickets?” You asked
“With These tickets” your grandfather said taking them out of his table drawer that was next to his recliner.
You look at the tickets in his hand and see that they are for the upcoming Belgium GP.
“Those are VIP tickets,” you comment, surprised he’s giving them to you.
“I got connections,” your grandpa chuckles
You look at him shocked by his connection.
“You have connections in F1?” you ask surprised
“Of course, I got a ton of friends in the paddock,” he grins.
“Fine,” you cave, realizing that these tickets were too good to pass up. “But I’m not going to just go up to Stroll and ask him if he’s the dad. I need a strategy.”
“Well you better develop one pretty damn quick” your grandpa snaps
“But—“ you begin to argue but his look is enough to make you stop dead in your tracks. Your grandpa doesn’t play around when he means business.
“I know the paddock pass will let me enter the paddock but that still doesn’t mean I can just walk up to Lance and ask him to do a paternity test,” you say as you still try to brainstorm ideas.
“I don’t think you would need one Liam looks a carbon copy of Lance” your grandfather jokes
You roll your eyes at your grandpa's joke. “Okay so what? Should I just ask him if he remembers sleeping with me 4 and a half years ago?” you ask sarcastically
“Yes!” Your grandpa says without hesitation.
You shoot you grandfather a wide eyed expression “you do realize how awkward that would be right?” You ask him.
“Who cares. That’s the only way I can see that you figure out if he is the father or not. It might be awkward and weird but that’s the only way I can think of” your grandpa says shrugging his shoulders.
“Yeah easy for you to say, you’re not the one who might have to go talk to him,” you say feeling nervous at the mere thought of approaching Lance.
“I get it. It’s not gonna be easy but you have to do it. For the kid’s sake. You understand that right?” your grandpa says to you in a very firm and stern tone.
“Yes, grandpa. I understand.” You say with a sigh. “Fine, I'll go talk to him. But if things get awkward or I back out, don't mock me okay?” You say to your grandfather.
“I won’t mock you, I promise. Just go and talk to him. It's for the kid's sake," your grandpa says once again giving you a firm nod.
“Fine,” you concede. “I’ll talk to him. What’s the worst that could happen?” You think to yourself as you prepare to go talk to Lance.
You make your way down into the pit lane looking for Lance. Your heart starts to pound as nerves set in. You start to wonder if this was really the best way to go about it. Should you do it differently? What if he finds it rude?
Despite all these thoughts, you see Lance walking with a few other drivers. You start to slowly inch your way towards him and the group of Drivers.
“Mama look Fernando Alonso” Liam yelled excitedly tugging at your shirt.
“I see him sweetheart,” you reply gently pulling your hand out from his grasp so you can try and focus on your task at hand.
Liam looked over at you surprised by you pulling your hand away quickly. “But- But I want to go see him,” he said stubbornly, not yet understanding.
“No, not now, honey. mommy has to talk to someone first,” you reply.
You look over to see Lance getting asked questions from the Journalists and you can’t hear what they are asking. You do notice that Lance is looking in your general direction a few times but he just keeps answering questions and going through the motions.
Eventually, Lance finishes talking with the Journalists and he begins to make his way through the pit lane. You notice his path is taking him to where you are and you hope and pray that he doesn’t notice you as he walks by.
You hold your breath and do your best not to make any sudden moves as he walks closer to you. You can tell that the Journalists are now focusing on Lance and that he appears to have seen you and is coming towards you and your son.
Lance stops just a few feet from you. He looks down at your son and then at you. You feel your heart skip a beat as your eyes meet his for a brief second.
"Is that your son?" he asks with a small smile on his face. You notice that he looks more attractive up close since he still has that camera ready smile but with his smile there is a bit of a smirk and you can't help but see the resemblance with your own son.
"Yes," you respond nervously, not sure what else to say.
"He looks a lot like me, I can't help but notice" Lance comments, still smiling.
You can't help but flush from his comment and look down towards the ground, not sure what to say or how much to tell him.
"He has my eyes and your hair" Lance adds and even the way he says that makes your heart skip a beat. He reaches out to ruffle your son's hair and Liam looks back at him with excitement.
"How old is he?" Lance asks as he continues to ruffles your son's hair. Your son giggles from his touch and he looks towards you.
"He's 4" you say in a shaky voice. You are getting butterflies in your stomach and you are already so nervous. You keep waiting for him to say something more.
Lance continues to ruffle your son's hair for a moment before he stops and you notice him looking at your son more closely.
"Can I hold him?" he asks and you nod hesitantly as you hand your son to Lance.
You watch as Lance picks up your son and holds him close to his chest as the two of them smile at each other. You feel butterflies in your stomach and suddenly you are reminded how handsome Lance is. You notice for the first time how muscular his forearms are and you feel slightly flustered.
"Remember what?" he asks playfully as he continues to rock your son back and forth.
You try to remember just how drunk you were that night.
"The one-night stand," you say hesitantly, hoping his response will let you know if he remembers or not.
His smile quickly faded and he went completely still as you mentioned the one-night stand. His eyes dropped down for a moment before he quickly looked back up to meet your gaze.
"Wait, you're the one from the bar?" he asked you quietly.
You nod your head slowly, unable to speak for a moment. Your stomach is in knots and your heart is racing. You're not sure how he's going to react and you're worried that he doesn't remember but is trying to cover up for that fact.
"How old is he again?" he asks, looking back down at your son before looking back up at you with serious eyes.
"He just turned 4," you say nervously, still not sure how he's going to react to the fact that your son might be his.
"He looks just like me," he says quietly as he looks down at your son. He isn't a very expressive man but something about him is telling you that he's getting nervous about the thought of Liam possibly being his son.
"Do you remember me? That night?" you ask tentatively.
He doesn't say anything but he seems to be debating something in his mind as he stares down at your son.
His gaze drifts from your son to you several times before he finally looks back at him with a soft look in his eyes.
"Yeah," he says simply after what seems like an eternity. "I do remember that night."
“Do you remember we didn’t use protection?” you ask, biting your lip and waiting for his response.
Your heart starts to beat out of your chest as he seems to be thinking about how he’s going to respond. He seems to think for a moment before he breaks his silence.
“Yeah, I do remember that” he responds quietly.
“This is my son?” Lance whispered
"Yes..." you answer him quietly. The feeling of butterflies in your stomach returns as you watch him continue to look at your son. You are still waiting to see how he is going to handle all of this information.
"He looks just like me," Lance continues to say as he looks back down towards your son. “He even has my eyes.”
This was not the reaction you were expecting. Most likely you thought he would be more mad at you for not doing a paternity test sooner or just outright not believe you but it seems like he’s being fairly level-headed about the whole situation.
“He does,” you comment as you watch your son giggle as Lance holds him.
You watch as Lance holds him gently and softly as if he's finally processing that Liam could be his son right now.
“Can I say something?" Lance says suddenly.
You nod your head and wait nervously as he takes a deep breath.
“Where do we go from here?” he asks, keeping your son close to his chest.
“I mean, do I do a paternity test or something? Is that how it works? I honestly have no idea.” he says honestly. “Whatever is best I’m willing to do it, I just don’t know what to do.”
“Yes, you should do a paternity test, or probably better that I do one. Just to 100 percent make sure,” you say nervously. “But first I’ve got to ask you something”
“What is it?” he asks. You can see that the reality is slowly starting to sink in for him as he keeps a secure hold on your son. “Ask away” he says, giving you encouragement.
“Would you want to be involved in his life if he’s yours?” You ask him, hoping that he says yes.
“What do you even mean, of course,” he answers immediately not even giving it a second thought.
It would seem that your fears of him being not involved were just a result of your overthinking and anxiety about the situation.
“And if he isn’t?”
“Same answer,” he says simply with confidence. As if he’s not even considering that the results could be coming back as negative. He must be very confident in his answers so far.
“So no matter what the results come back as you’re gonna be involved in his life?” You ask once again just to be sure.
“Yes. What kind of person do you think I am?” he asks with a playful smirk on his face. “That’s my son and I’m not going to just abandon him if he is mine now am I?”
“I-I just thought maybe you were going to deny it or refuse to believe me” you stutter.
“Well, you thought wrong. I’m not that much of an uptight prick that I would just deny him if he turns out to be mine, and from what you are saying and how much he looks like me it seems very likely he is my son,” he says very seriously, all joking aside.
“So you think there’s a good chance he is yours?” you ask him, not even fully admitting you believe him yet.
“I mean, he does look very much like me. I would certainly say the possibility is very high” he says and it seems like he’s pretty confident in this answer.
Your heart skips a beat as he says this. You’re still not ready to take the next step just yet and accept the fact that your son could really be Lance’s but he seems to be ready to take this as a very real possibility and even wants to take responsibility regardless of results.
Tagged — @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @amatswimming @67-angelofthelordme-67 @a-casual-romantic @alwayzbeenale @bblouifford @bbtoni @badassturtle13 @barcelonaloverf1life @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @clowngirlsstuff @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @embrosegraves @faithsotherhouseofchaos @formulas-bitch @formulaal @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @lollypop90907 @llando4norris @lightdragonrayne @lipringlrh @laura-naruto-fan1998 @moss-on-tmblr @natailiatulls07 @norrisleclercf1 @omgsuperstarg @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @scotlynaurora @starkwlkr @taylorswifts-cardigan @toasttt11 @uluvjay @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivwritesfics
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headcanonenthusiast · 6 months
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Valeria Garza NSFW headcanons. 
This was made with fem readers in mind.
Also quick note, I apologize in advance if this isn't as detailed as my headcanons on some other characters. It was definitely harder for me to come up w/ stuff for Val, especially bc girlie is nowhere near one of my favorites (I'm sorry 😔) but what better way to expand on writing then doing headcanons of characters you rarely think about? So, without further ado, I hope you enjoy! 
(I completely understand that this type of content is not everyone's cup of tea, and that's ok! But, please scroll and ignore if this type of content isn't your thing as opposed to leaving any sort of negative comments.)
NSFW under the cut.
-THE brat tamer.
-Absolutely will not take your shit if you disobey her in any way, shape or form. 
-"What did you just say to me? Do you have any idea who you're talking to?" 
-Gets this look of absolute disbelief on her face if you dare to act like a brat, then her eyes turn dark and she's suddenly dragging you to bed. 
-"I'm the woman who decides whether or not you get to cum every night, querida. And if you're gonna keep acting like a fucking brat, then it looks like you won't get to cum for the rest of the week." 
-Her favorite forms of punishment include anything to do with orgasms. Whether it be edging you, overstimulating you or even denying you the right to cum entirely, she loves making you squirm and beg to release. 
-Shakes her head and clicks her tongue, as if you begging to cum is the most ridiculous thing she's ever heard after you've misbehaved. 
-"Oh, so now you're sorry? Chica, a sorry isn't going to cut it. I warned you about acting like a little brat, but you didn't listen. You never fucking listen to me." 
-Proceeds to lecture you and switch between degrading you in English and Spanish as she either forces a strap down your throat or harshly plays with your clit. 
-"Perra estúpida. Never listening to me and then acting surprised when I don't let you cum." 
-Will also partake in bondage, cuffing up your wrists to the headboard before she runs a vibrator painfully slow over your pussy. 
-As rough as she is when it comes to sex, if you're genuinely feeling upset about something, her gaze will turn more sympathetic (which she refuses to show to anyone besides you.) 
-"What? What's wrong, amor?" 
-And you're welcome to tell her about all of your troubles while she gently eats you out. 
-Probably has multiple straps. Prefers buying the thickest one possible but she does have one that's much longer for when you really piss her off. 
-Is very willing to spoil you with new sex toys and lingerie. Anything to make her pretty girl happy. 
-Also, I feel like she'd switch between wanting to see you touch yourself and not letting you at all. 
-When she's not there with you, she probably encourages you to masterbate and send her tons of videos of you doing so.
-But, if she's actually there and catches you touching yourself, it won't be pretty. 
-"Oh, can I not satisfy you enough anymore? Is that it?" 
-Then she fingers you so well your legs are shaking as she rants. 
-"Look at you, cumming just from my fingers. What a slut."
-"And you really thought you could make yourself cum the same way I do? No, no, estás loca por pensar eso, querida." 
-She wants anything sexual to be completely dependent on either her or toys she picks out for you. 
-In other words, very dominant. 
-In other other words, if you ever asked or God forbid tried to make her submit, you're a dead woman. 
-"Thats it. You're getting too fucking bratty for your own good. Get over my Goddamn lap right now if you know what's good for you." 
-And when you are on her lap, she'll switch between spanking your ass and spanking your pussy. 
-Leaves hickeys on the most visible spots on purpose. 
-Smirks when you get all shy about it, gently brushing your hair away as she chuckles. 
-"Don't worry, amor. I won't make the marks too visible." 
-But then she does, so she buys you the prettiest necklace with her name engraved on it as an apology, and another reminder of who you belong you. 
-Some translations for the Spanish stuff, chica = girl, querida = darling, perra estúpida = stupid bitch, amor = love and "no, no, estás loca por pensar eso, querida" = no, no, you're crazy for thinking that, darling. 
(Also I apologize if anything in Spanish is incorrect, online translators can only get you so far 😕)
Look at me go, writing about a character I don't even like and am not even attracted to because I'm straighter than a wooden ruler 🙃
This was honestly fun to write though! Valeria takes up like 0% of my thinking space, so coming up w/ headcanons for her when I barely remember she exists nor am attracted to her at all was a bit more challenging. Hoping y'all enjoyed this! 
Rudy NSFW headcanons r coming up next, so be sure to lookout for those in the near future 🤭
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charlesf1leclerc · 6 months
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Summary: Christmas morning and surprises in the Leclerc family. 
Warnings : suggestive content but no smut 
A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY. Hope you all have a wonderful day with your family or whoever’s you are celebrating with. I wish you all the happiness and hope that this fic serves as a little gift from me to you. Xx
It was all quite to begin with. But that would never last long especially on Christmas morning. You and Charles were close to each other in bed Charles had his arm around your waist. You were both sound asleep. Until..
The sound of footsteps came from down the hallway then your door opened and the there was the shaking and the sound of voices.
“ wake up , he came he came” 
Your groaned and rolled back in your pillow you knew Christmas was exciting and you weren’t annoyed at your babies but sometimes you liked your sleep. 
Charles arm slipped from around your waist as he rolled over to look at the three kids standing on his side of the bed.
“ who came? “ he asked obviously teasing them.
“ SANTA papa “ Sicily screeched 
“ presents!” Remy yelled
“ ok ok shall we go downstairs and see what he brought” Charles said moving to get up
“Yes!” All the kids ran downstairs.
“ Darling “ Charles shook you and you rolled over to face him as you obviously hadn’t gone back to sleep.
“Come on let’s go downstairs I’ll make you some coffee” he laughed
You groaned but got up out of bed as you wanted to spend this morning with your children. He then wrapped his arms around and gave you a kiss on the head as you both went downstairs. 
By the time you had all gotten downstairs and you and Charles were settled on the couch your three children were ripping into their piles of presents. With many different new toys coming out from the wrapping paper. With the occasion shrieks of joy and the show and tell to you and Charles. As well as the numerous demands of “open it papa” only for the toy to be unboxed then left behind to unwrap more presents.
“ Santa really spoiled you guys this year” you smiled as you watched Remy play with his new dinosaur toy on the ground, Indy inspecting her new roller skates , and Sicily with some slime that was in her stocking. 
“ what about you mama and papa what did Santa bring you” Sicily asked.
“ Santa dosent come to adults ��� Indy said in a obvious way
“ that’s right but it’s ok because mama and papa got each other presents “ Charles smiled.
You had been nervous about one of Charles presents for the late couple of days as you had been feeling off for awhile so you decided to take a test, a pregnancy test. It came back positive. Of course nothing was planned but you were sure Charles would be just as happy and supportive as all the other times.
“ merry Christmas my love” Charles handed you a pile of gifts and leant over to kiss you on the lips
“ ewww “ Indy and Sicily groaned , as Charles replied by sticking his tongue out at them. 
The first gift was a refill of the perfume you wear every day and could never get enough of. The next gift was a beautiful silver bracket with a love heart and engraved in the heart was a I, S , R and C. And then the final box made him smirk and you were immediately suspicious of what was in there. When you opened it you immediately put the items back in the box closing the lid and giving Charles a death glare.
“ in-front of the kids Charles” 
“ something special for you and me “ he smirked proud of the silk set within the box
“You are such a teenage horny boy”
“ ok my turn” you sang as you passed him his pile of gifts
You were getting more excited at sharing the news with him. 
He opened the two first gifts revealing some clothes as he was in need of some more suitable day wear they wasn’t carry blue and white tye dye jeans, next was new AirPods and a new travel set of mini suitcases for race weekend. Then he finally came to the final box, the box which contained the next chapter of your lives. He slowly opened it and revealed the stick from under the tissue paper.
“ what’s this mon amour” you just continued to stare at him. 
He picked it up examining it closer. Then his eyes grew wide
“No” he looked at you
You just nodded your head smiling  
“ your pregnant!” 
“ yeah”
“Cherie” he smiled leaning over to kiss your lips and hug you. Then leaning to put his hand on your stomach.
“ this is amazing , the best Christmas gift”
“Surprising this is your fault for not being able to keep your hands off me” you laughed as his hand was still on your stomach
“ you’re just irresistible Cherie” he kissed you again.
“ 4 kids we are really outnumbered now”
“ we’ll be okay” and you believed him you would be ok
“ what did you get papa” Sicily asked as now the two youngest kids were standing in-front of him
“ well mama is pregnant there’s gonna be another baby” he smiled
“ yay! A new girl” Sicily shriek alerted the youngest who didn’t quite understand the idea of a new baby
“ well we don’t know if it’s a girl baby” you laughed 
“ well I know it is “ she smiled going back to her toys
Charles looked at Remy picking  him up , placing him on his lap then snuggling further into you basking in the fact that it was Christmas and the fact a new baby was on the way. It was all ok though for now you would bask in the comfort of your family of 5 before next year the family would grow and Christmas will become even more special.
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tarjapearce · 7 months
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Summary: Gabi gets her period ~ Comfort ensues.
A/N: Based on a couple of asks in my inbox ❤️✨. (Haven't forgot about them c: Comments or reblogs are highly appreciated ☺️)
The arising time was always at six thirty, school days at seven yet Gabriella had ignored Miguel's wake up calls.
And now it was twenty minutes past seven.
"Is Gabi awake yet?"
You mumbled half asleep, Miguel however grumbled underneath his breath as he took his towel to get himself ready to start the day.
"Let me."
With a sigh he went to Gabi's room and knocked the door. Voice firm yet gentle.
"Gabriella, you'll be late for school."
"I don't wanna go to school!."
That was a new tone he didn't know, a tone that made his bushy brows to instantly furrow.
"Gabriella O'Hara."
His voice didn't mean to sound harsh, but the sniffle behind the door made his sudden parenting anger to melt instantly, morphing into an alert.
"I... I want Mama."
"Solecito, are you ok?"
"God, just get mom!"
Her voice also didn't mean to sound disrespectful, but her emotions were into a raging fit that she didn't know what to feel, and Miguel's urgency only made it worse.
She knew her beloved Papa meant well, but she didn't want him to handle whatever this thing in her hands was. This was something beyond her control, but she had seen you go through it so many times, it was dumb to not call you.
Miguel however just stood there on the door, perplexed. Both at her angry words and the sudden urge she had for you. Not that he bragged about being her favorite parent, but most of the time Gabi seeked him either for advice or random talks, not that she didn't talk or bonded with you.
Hell sometimes you'd stay past sleeping hours talking about little things, she just felt more inclined to Miguel cause he was a bit more lenient on her and let her get away with little things. But this was different.
She needed you and needed you now.
He didn't need to wake you up, since you were already next to him, a concerned look etched on your face.
"Gabi, bebé are you ok?"
Upon hearing your voice, her door creaked open, and closed on Miguel's face. And before you could reprimand her for her attitude, she pulled you in closer and fiddled nervously with her fingers.
"... Mami."
"Wanna tell me what's going on you slammed the door on your dad's face?"
"I'm... Im sorry. I panicked and..."
Her eyes turned glossy, and you sighed while taking her shoulders.
"You know you can talk to us, mi amor. But disrespecting your dad like that isn't right."
"I know" She sniffed and hiccuped, worry blooming in your heart, "I'm scared."
"Why are you scared?"
"I'm... I don't know. I just..." She hiccuped, a soft frown came into your grimace, but instantly widened in surprise upon seeing the back of her pants, stained. Little spots that made the clear colored fabric to focus the attention in the dark red stains nearby her inner thighs.
"Ay, mi niña. Come here."
"I'm all covered in blood, Mama"
Her crying voice only made your heart wrench as you hugged her and wiped her tears.
"It's something completely normal, ok?"
"Is it? It hurts and I just... feel so moody and I didn't mean to yell at Papa."
"I know, mi niña. I know. Let's get you help ok? You'll be fine."
"Does this means I am a woman now?"
"What? No, corazón. You're still a child, ok? Your body is going through natural changes. Now, go shower, take warm bath. It'll help you ease the discomfort in your abdomen."
She nodded but looked nervously at the bed.
"I stained the bedsheets"
"It's totally fine, mi amor. I have stained the sheets too."
"Have you?"
"Yes. Dad always spoils me around those days. And now we get to spoil you too."
There was a nervous smile while she grabbed her towel.
"Can I tell your dad about this? Or-"
"It's ok. You said it's a normal thing, and he's a scientist so... yeah."
"Alright. I'll tell him to prepare you something nice and warm for you, ok?"
She nodded and headed for the shower. You removed the bedsheets, leaving the mattress bare. Thankfully the stains had only reached for the fabrics you now held, and not into the mattress.
When you came out, Miguel's eyes settled on you and the bundle of linens in your hands. The little spots of blood made realization hit harder than a train wreck.
"Oh... She's..."
"Yup. Can you prepare her something nice and warm? I'll get her the pads."
"Is she ok? I mean, feeling ok? I've got some painkillers if she needs them."
"Yeah, bring them over. I noticed she was a little bloated."
Miguel could just nod a bit shocked but his thoughts would be assessed later during pillow talk with you. Right now, he needed to make his little girl feel better and comfortable. He headed to the kitchen as you rummaged into your monthly drawer. Full of pads and tampons, ugly yet comfy underwear, and snacks.
While Gabi was on the shower, you changed her bedsheets for something more plush and warm. Just like Miguel had done for you plenty of times in the past. And when she came out, you explained how to wear the pad, then left her to change.
Miguel came with a tray with a freshly made raspberry tea, a banana and a pair of ibuprofens.
You tucked in Gabi in the sheets and Miguel knocked on the door.
"May I come in?"
She nodded while you sat on the edge of the bed.
"How are you feeling, Solecito?"
"Weird and pained. Like a dull ache in my lower belly."
"Its completely normal, Mija. I've got you some tea, a banana and painkillers."
"I didn't mean to yell at you or being disrespectful."
"I know. I'm sorry too for coming out like that."
Miguel placed the tray next to her bed and urged her first to eat the banana.
"It'll help you to ease the cramps a bit. In these times, you loose blood and that will make you tired, moody and even crying."
"Yeah," Gabi gave him an awkward smile, "Noted."
"Bananas have potassium, and it helps to keep the cramps at bay. You gotta drink alot of water, ok?"
"Oh... OK."
"And if it hurts too much, you gotta tell your Mama or me, ok? This is a completely normal thing in girls your age."
"But... Raquel said that her parents told her she was already a woman."
With a shake of your head your squeezed her hand
"Mi niña, a period does not make a girl to suddenly become a grown woman. Again, you are still a little girl that is going through puberty."
"So... am I allowed to play and stuff?"
"Of course you are, princesa! The only thing period changes in you is your hormones. Some days you'll be really tired, other days you'll have mood swings and the like."
"I see."
Gabi took the mug from Miguel as she sipped the tea.
"Feeling better?"
"Yeah, Thanks you. I'm sorry about school."
"Don't worry baby, Mama's got you. Is your abdomen cramping too much?"
"I... don't know?"
"In a scale of one to ten how bad you'd describe the pain?"
"I think it's a six."
"I see. After you finish your tea, take one pill and sleep, ok?"
Miguel kissed Gabriella's forehead and got ready to work. He was already late, so he took his time, knowing that you'd take care and pamper Gabi.
When he returned, the first thing he did after kissing you hello, was to go to her room and give her a little snack bag, with the condition for it to last the upcoming days, along some pads.
Once the night had settled in and everyone was on bed, you could see Miguel on the bed, staring at the ceiling, with a hand behind his back. Eyes too focused on a spot above, thinking.
Until you snuggled next to him, breaking his focus to set his attention on you.
"I'm scared too you know?"
"She's... growing so fast."
"Yeah, I know."
"In a few years she'll be dating and then she'll move out to college."
"Miguel, mi amor, look at me."
Soft and half lidded eyes stared at you.
"I know this means so many things for us, but we still have her. She still needs us. And we will be there until she decides otherwise."
You kissed him and his shoulders slumped.
"I know. Just wished I could stop time."
You gave him another kiss and he curled into your chest, hoarding you in his arms.
"Even though we can't, we can create the best memories together. We still have a lot of time, amor."
"How was she today?"
"Hungry, sleepy and her usual self."
It was his time to kiss your chest and close his eyes.
"I'm scared too you know? I know teenagers are a handful, but we've raised her well."
"Don't remind me."
A little chuckle escaped your lips.
"She's a good daughter."
"One of the best."
Your hands caressing his hair made him sleepy.
"Still, couldn't help to feel I could've done more."
"Miguel, you did your best today. And that's all your daughter needed. She's happy, loved and pampered."
"You think?"
"Yeah. She was literally panicking because she yelled. Don't rack your brain on it. We did good. I'm proud of us. And guess what?"
A sleepy grunt came from him.
"She trusts you. Which is good. Other teenagers don't even speak up, but she did."
That did the trick enough for him to let a deep relieved sigh.
"She adores you. So rest assured that she's not going anywhere any time soon."
"Te amo. No se qué sería mi vida sin ti." (I don't know what my life would be without you.)
He mumbled between sleepy and slurred words. You kissed his forehead with a giggle.
" A mess, probably. But también te amo."
Gabi slept soundly, like Benjamin and Rosie. And so like you both.
In Miguel's office however, there was this little calendar, where all the milestones his family were tracked A new entry was added. He had marked the day as a special one. Gabi's first period .
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zipora666 · 3 months
something I need to share with you guys..its been on my mind for months ..I HAD WH O’’C BUT NEVER SHARE IT AND NOW IM DONE WITH IT SO :>
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Do you feel like your pocket got empty a bit? You want adventures and do silly pranks? BUDDY MONKEY ITS JUST FOR YOU!
So the story is buddy monkey is a character show on the summer episodes and whenever there is adventures and danger! He’s a pirate lives in a ship and he always like to find shiny stuff and treasure! he will treat you like as your big brother! He like to be sneaky and if you find your wallet missing you won’t be surprised it’s from him but dw he will return it to you (eventually) he like to do silly pranks and make others smile (but remember! He will never go far with his pranks or do on. People that are more sensitive) he is a gentleman and good “mama’s boy you can say!
some stuff they never knew: where he came from who was his family or his real name and if you look closely at the episodes at first he was ok with wally darling but with the time you can see he barely talk to him...something is off ..BUT ANYWAY LETS CONTINUE!
Ship design
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More lore to know yes he do have a rare bird..the story behind it he say like this:
buddy moneky: I find the bird when I travel to a land full of birds that was going to be doomed or destroyed when I got there and I saw all the creatures panic and the birds flew off but i hear someone was in danger I run and cut the trees with my swords to make my path easier and found a majestic unknown bird..not from this world look like and was injured on the wing then I look up saw a tree will fell on them I immediately grab the bird and go to the ship Idk what happend there ..but right when I was on the ship looking behind me ...the land got destroyed.
monkey buddy took her as his new travel partner he realize it’s a female bird called her “dimly diamond” Bc the moment the sun hit her feathers they shine like 1000 of diamonds
(The design)
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dimly diamond is a rare bird and may be the last one..they can live many years and buddy monkey like to spoil her with jewels and everything she needs so this bird very close to him and will protect him in any danger!
Now Bc I like to spoil my fav artists so..here ya go!
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(Damn it’s been long time I did anime guys-)
Hope you all enjoy I had this character for idk..2-3 months or more lol
Forgot to mention he can stretch his body very long!
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