#it's one am and I jst realized this
ani-bunnie · 1 year
happy october first.
to all the people who love wet and rainy seasons as much as i do.
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skunkes · 9 months
stuff keeps happening Around Me that's like influencing my Worldview and its unnerving me like why am i in a villain of the week "and the moral of the story is-" production. Can we skip to the end of it
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canwehavehextonite · 16 days
i hate u ptsd
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amaranthdahlia · 26 days
again ,, im ur friends cousin who looks up to u very much now revealing myself ^_^ back here to say that i realized i had 5 arts of yours saved in my gallery b4 i even knew u & im so glad that i found out we had a connection thru my cousin !! ur so cool tbh i adore ur art smm1!! im literally fangirling rn auahhdhd when i found out ystrday i screamed so loud the whole fam woke up
aaaa im jst genuinely so happyy (^∇^)i love kudoichi smsmms and u were one of the reasons i started loving it a lot!! i actually freak out abt them so much i wrote a whole 2000 word paragraph abt them once (im so sane)
nywayss im dehydrated of kudoichi i feel like ive saved every single kudoichi art in the world 1!? i’d love if you drew them more :33
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(attaching this here too!)
HELLLOOO ITS SO NICE TO MEET YOU !! its actually a genuinely crazy coincidence that my best friend just so happens to know/is related to a kudoichi-er 😭😭 ive always considered actual mha fans (who arent casual fans) to be a rarity irl (atleast where i live specifically), so to know this and especially as someone who even LOVES kudoichi (like its literally a rarepair) ?????! its really crazy 2 me !!!!
and thank you sososmuch !! ur words touched me :')) i rlly am passionate (cough Cough insane) about this ship and it makes me so happy to hear that !! so heres a kdch doodle i made for u :D
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revisitingfandoms · 7 months
Idea Prompt 6- The remains of the truth are told in lies.
(Plops onto a couch with the boys are back in town play, I take a shoe off and throw at the radio) Guess whos make rent free in my mind.
It started out as something simple- he was bored.
Tired and bored of this prison- of Eternal sugar either ranting like a madwoman or sleeping, of Burning Spice antagonizing anyone and everyone (namely any of the other four- include him.) Salt spent half the time jst swing his sword into the random silver trees of this endless forest in the name of training- while Mystic Flour did anything she could to destory the place. It was never not loud.
So he was heavily annoyed, pissed and bored when it happened.
One minute he was so very alone- and in the next it was like he was sharing apart of himself. He felt his soul sink as it hit him; The witches- those bastard witches- chose to give his soul jam away!
(He doesn't remember his manic- desperate and broken laughter he let out and no one heard him- atleast not one of the other beasts.)
(He freezes as he feels something that feels so much like concern and wellwishes flow over him as his laughter calms and his tears for another. Hie smile sink away as that feeling increases- Warm, comforting, almost addicting-)
(He hasn't felt this way since his own creation. As much as they were created to live and support each other and be the virtues for all cookies... They never were quite that.)
(Salt silent was almost always by Burning Spice's side- while Mystic flour and Eternal sugar had weekly 'girltime'. He could understand everything to a degree- but he felt.... left out.)
(Shadow Milk cookie had people yes- but did those people have him?)
He swallows as it burns into him- this was his replacement. He should hate him with everything in, for taking away his power for stealing what is not his, for-
That concerned bubble as it felt almost reaching.
(He finds it inside of- he can't hate this cookie.)
He doesn't quite manifest, but he does come to meet his counterpart.
He looks at the blond fluffy haired, closed eyed cookie before him. He doesn't form as he speaks, "Greetings, I am the light of truth, It is good to meet you." The cookie gives a bright- warm smile, "I am Pure Vanilla Cookie, it is good to meet you Light of truth."
Pure Vanilla- a cookie so full of warmth, so full of kindness.
Pure Vanilla cookie- so much like he used to be.
(Shadow Milk cannot bring himself to hate his replacement- cannot even bring himself to indifference.)
(So he becomes the Light of truth- it spite of all the lies he's told.)
(What he doesn't see is the other beast don't notice him missing for what is months- and the moment they realize they go searching, what they find with horror is comatose- crack filled almost husk of his body.)
(He doesn't see the beasts shake as it happens- the fear that forms.)
(They believed themselves too high- yet here is one of their own almost dead because they left him alone.)
(How twisted of the witches)
(and how cruel of them to only realize the issue now.)
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 2 months
hello pmd9, I am interested in hearing your thoughts about monitoring ones media intake, screen time etc .. I've been doing a digital ""fast"" lately that has increased my clarity. I'm coming to realize seeking a more healthy relationship with tech without withering away seems like it will be enduring & lifelong... seems to me there is a need for a digital diet these days and was wondering if you have struck a balance or if this presses you aswell
hello :) my thoughts are that ... its crucial !! to be a little distant
For me it's like. hard to be online as i used to. part of that is surely jst getting /old/ and no longer feeling 'fomo' when i,m offline because Well i've already seen/experienced So much from the online world lol. Sadly nothing can compare to the way the inernet felt to me 10+ yrs ago u_u it doesnt hook me in like it used to, its like building a tolerance to a drug or st
but i still try to be online a little bit and maintain balance by scrolling the dash a few times a day so i dont completely lose touch.. keeping it real tho i usually cant make it past 2-3 mins of scrolling before i lose interest cus yeah idk nothing Hooks me anymore ! This makes me feel like a bad online friend sometimes that im not very active in ppls notes i dont see a lot of things ....... but it is what it is! i just like being irl or thinking in my mind more than being online now unless im Posting
Basically my main reason for staying online is to Post because Posting is fun and engaging. And in that sense the internet is still my most effective portal to the outside world. i feel a responsibility to keep posting. But i also feel more than ever its important to be a little distant & offline, for everyone. U can def have a healthy relationship w social media and use it in benevolent or even just neutral ways when u have strong boundaries !
U must use the website, not let the website use U . . .
This Pochita incident has also been a big dosage of reality-check, like, i want to be present irl even more now, because life is precious and fragile and i want to really know the moment. know every moment vividly & intentionally
But yeah the internet is just neutral to me, it's good as a tool, u must be aware of your limits and able to step away when u feel frustrated or overwhelmed. times when i was REally addicited to the internet i was not enjoying myself. i enjoy it now because i figured out a way to use it that feels personally fulfilling. That method will be different for everyone ^_^
Thanks for the question anon, good luck in maintaining your digital boundaries ~~~PMD9
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inuyashaeienni · 3 months
I didn't realize today was posting day!! I read the instructions wrong!! 😆😆😆
Take 2!! I am taking part in the Tanabata Inu-spiration Bang as a writer with the lovely @mayarab!
Ahem! So Without further ado!!
Here is: @inu-spiration
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Shikon Cafe!!!
“Hey Inuyasha. I tried calling you but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you didn’t answer.”
12:00 pm JST
“We need to talk. Call me when you get this message”
12:01 pm JST
“This bitch is going to drive me crazy,” Inuyasha muttered with a sigh as he leaned his head back on his sofa with deep annoyance as he took his eyes away from a text he received an hour ago. His long silver hair softly cascading over his sofa, he stared at the ceiling with deep thought and a frown on his face. It is a beautiful Tuesday afternoon in Tokyo, with high sunny clouds, but not even the bright, warm summer day can change this dog boy’s sour increasing mood. It's like a kettle pot ever so slightly tipping over by the minute.
His sharp, dog-like ears started twitching in irritation as flashbacks from his last interaction with her 6 months ago didn’t go so well. Now a random text from his ex-girlfriend Kikyou had put him in a foul mood, and his usual scowl had deepened to a near-permanent fixture.
"Man, you've got to let it go," Miroku sighed, leaning back in his chair opposite Inuyasha. He could practically feel his growing irritation from a mile away. He ran a hand through his dark hair, the prayer beads around his wrist clinking softly. "It's been months. You need to move on."
"Easy for you to say," Inuyasha growled, sitting up from his sofa, his fingers tightening around his phone. "She just texted me out of nowhere, acting like nothing happened. She says she wants to talk. What's there to talk about? She already made her choice."
Miroku raised an eyebrow, used to Inuyasha’s outbursts, wondering how that phone was still intact. That is one tight grip. "Perhaps she's regretting her decision. Maybe she wants closure." He leaned his head back against the chair, letting the AC freeze away the heat radiating off his body.
"Closure, my ass," Inuyasha muttered. "She just wants to mess with my head. And why should I give her the satisfaction?"
"Inuyasha, demanding an explanation isn't going to help. Just hear her out. It might be good for the both of you," Miroku advised, his eyes still closed, though his tone suggested he knew his words would fall on deaf ears.
"Whatever," Inuyasha snapped, shoving his phone into his pocket. "If she thinks she can just waltz back into my life, she's got another thing coming."
Miroku sighed, standing up and stretching, hearing a bone crack or two in satisfaction. "You know what? Let's get out of here. We've been cooped up in this apartment for too long. There's a new café down the street, Shikon Café. Let's check it out. A change of scenery might do you some good."
Inuyasha grumbled but reluctantly agreed. "Fine, but if I see one more message from Kikyou, I'm gonna lose it."
Miroku chuckled softly. "I'll keep that in mind. Come on, let's go."
6 hours earlier
"And here's the final touch for a scrumptious Mocha Chai Latte!" Ashira exclaimed with excitement as she whipped up a drool-worthy dollop of whipped cream on top, finishing up the steps to make the drink. Kagome, wide-eyed yet determined, nodded her head to show she was listening, but she couldn't help but wonder if she had been caught daydreaming during Coffee number 52.
“So any questions?” her co-worker asked without losing a beat. So much energy for 6 am. Kagome shook her head, “No, Thank you for your help! I think everything will just come with practice,” She chuckled awkwardly. ‘I don’t know how these people remember all of these coffee combinations.’ Kagome thought to herself.
Ashira smiled and chuckled alongside her, her bright attitude shining through, “Absolutely! Not to worry, in time, everything will just come naturally. Now we should be having customers soon. If you need help, I’ll be right over there if you have any questions!” With that, she bounced off to the back of the cafe, leaving Kagome to take care of the front counter. They just opened up, so there wasn’t any foot traffic yet, surprisingly.
Arriving home for Summer break after a long junior year at Asthan College, Kagome didn’t want to lay around at the Shrine all day. She loved her family, but one more history lesson would drive her insane. She groaned as she mentally relived the agony of her grandfather’s stories. The jingling of the bell jolted Kagome out of her moment of flashback, and right into action, “Welcome in!”
About mid-day afternoon, The two friends made their way to the Shikon Café, the warm summer air doing little to improve Inuyasha's mood. As they approached the café, the scent of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods wafted through the air, momentarily distracting Inuyasha from his anger.
After finishing her first morning rush, Kagome was busy arranging pastries in the display case. She had to call Ashira for help once or twice, spilled coffee, and dropped a few muffins on the ground from touching them with her hand after pulling them out of the oven, but she felt pretty confident in her newly acquired skills. She was determined to make a good impression despite Ashira assuring her that it was ok to make mistakes on her first day. With her back turned to the entrance, she didn't see the newcomers but called out automatically, "Welcome in!"
Inuyasha, not paying much attention, saw a sudden glance of long black hair and he immediately saw red, assuming the greeting came from someone he knew all too well. "Kikyou, what the hell do you want now?" he barked, his voice loud enough to turn a few heads.
Kagome straightened up, startled by the outburst. She turned around, her brown eyes wide with surprise. "Excuse me?”
Inuyasha blinked, momentarily thrown off by the unfamiliar voice. He looked up and his eyes met Kagome's fiery gaze. The resemblance to Kikyou was uncanny, but there was something different about this girl—something warmer, more vibrant.
"Who the hell are you?" he demanded, his tone still rough but less certain.
‘Oh Kami give me strength.’ she prayed inwardly, trying not to make a scene. "Excuse me?” She repeated. “Who wants to know," she replied, crossing her arms over her chest.
“The one asking, wench” Inuyasha replied his stubbornness getting the best out of him not willing to admit his mistake.
Her eyes narrowed harder, matching his stubbornness and attitude, manners begone. “The name’s Kagome,” She leaves her previous position and approaches the counter, pressing her palms down on the counter and leaning towards him in a boastful voice. “And who the hell do you think you are, coming in here and yelling at people? If you want service in this cafe, you better watch your attitude, mister." Gold meets brown in an even-matched eye contact.
Miroku, ever the mediator, stepped in with a charming smile. "Hi there! Kagome, is it? Please forgive my friend, he's having a bit of a rough day."
Kagome's expression softened slightly at Miroku's polite demeanor, but she wasn't ready to let Inuyasha off the hook just yet. "A rough day doesn't give him the right to be a jerk," she retorted, turning her glare back to Inuyasha.
Inuyasha's scowl deepened. "Look wench, I thought you were someone else, alright? Just drop it."
Kagome huffed and laughed in disbelief, clearly unimpressed. "It's Kagome. Ka-go-me! Not wench and Maybe you should think about that before you speak next time."
Before the situation could escalate further, another customer walked in, diverting Kagome's attention. She gave Inuyasha one last pointed look before walking towards them to take the new customer's order.
Miroku chuckled softly. "Well, that was interesting. She’d definitely put you in your place."
Inuyasha grumbled something under his breath but didn't argue. Instead, he watched Kagome from the corner of his eye as she interacted with the customers, her smile warm and genuine. It was a stark contrast to Kikyou's often aloof demeanor and from their previous interaction just 2 minutes ago.
As the café settled back into its usual rhythm, Inuyasha found himself unable to focus on anything other than the strange, fiery girl who had just told him off. He didn't know why, but something about her intrigued him.
When the café quieted down again, Kagome took a deep breath and blew out the tension in her body. Her eyes zoned in on the table of two that occupied Inuyasha and Miroku. She initially procrastinated approaching their table due to another random rush of customers, but it was her job after all. With a hint of curiosity in her eyes, she walked over. "So, are you two going to order something, or just take up space?"
Miroku smiled. "We'll have two coffees, please. And maybe a slice of that strawberry cake."
Kagome nodded, jotting down the order. "Coming right up."
As she walked away, Inuyasha couldn't help but watch her, his mind a whirl of confusion and curiosity. He didn't know what it was about Kagome, but he had a feeling this wasn't the last time their paths would cross.
Minutes later, Kagome returned with their order, setting the coffee and cake down on the table. "Here you go," she said, her tone more neutral but still holding a hint of the earlier annoyance.
"Thanks," Miroku said warmly. Inuyasha muttered a gruff thanks as well, still feeling slightly off-balance.
Kagome gave him a brief nod before heading back to the counter. As she worked, she found herself sneaking glances at the silver-haired, brash-talking customer. There was something about him that piqued her curiosity despite his rough demeanor.
As the day wore on, the café began to empty, and Kagome found herself with another moment to breathe. She glanced over at Inuyasha and Miroku's table, noticing that they were still there, talking quietly.
‘He was rude, loud, and disrespectful. She thought to herself with renewed annoyance, and then with a sigh, she proclaimed to herself, ‘Well my behavior wasn’t a 5-star either no matter how much I felt he deserved it.’ She concluded, always one for leading by example. Taking a deep inhale and exhale breath, she decided to approach them once more. She saw his ear twitch the closer she got to their table, signaling that he was aware of her approaching presence. Her fingers twitched in a sudden desire to feel them and pet them. Odd. Arriving she took a beat and spoke, “Listen," she said, standing by their table, drawing their attention. "I know we got off on the wrong foot earlier. And I'm sorry if I was a bit….harsh."
Inuyasha looked up, his expression softening just a fraction. "Yeah, well, I shouldn't have assumed you were Kikyou. Sorry about that."
Kagome smiled slightly, her earlier irritation fading. "Apology accepted.” Curiosity getting the best of her since he did ruin her afternoon, after all. ” So, you had a fight with an ex?"
Inuyasha sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, something like that. It's complicated."
Kagome nodded, understanding the sentiment. "Breakups are never easy. But maybe a fresh start isn't such a bad thing."
They locked eye contact for a moment and the air slightly shifted. He can't explain it; he’s not sure what it is, but this feels…different. Inuyasha glanced at her once more, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Maybe you're right."
Miroku watched the exchange with a knowing smile, glad to see his friend finally opening up a little. "Well, it's a start," he murmured.
As Kagome returned to her duties, Inuyasha found himself feeling a bit lighter. Maybe, just maybe, this summer would turn out better than he expected. And perhaps the fiery girl at the Shikon Café would have something to do with that.
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erial-c · 6 months
my top ten redacted boys (because i am but a bandwagoner of trends)
1. sam - took me a bit to like him ( haven't even finished his playlist yet) but god his character hurts me, he and darlin have gone through so much shit . the video talking about the future with your vampire mate basically sealed the deal on him being my favorite character, and after reading one of the bright eyes series transcripts, it makes me even more interested in his character . (and his southern accent may or may not have awakened something in me)
2. avior - is it obvious i like tragic characters yet . his series is one of the first ones i've listened to fully, and the chokehold that the plot twist had on me was insane . the realization that he had loved starlight so much that he deus ex machina'd them out of the hellscape, and then was silently YEARNING when they were pulled back . i was sobbing you don't understand officer. also love his early sarcastic personality (despite it being a facade) and his constant need to wax poetic, i wish we still saw a little bit of that in his newer audios though
3. guy - ohh the love of my life . the only comfort character ever . babygirl . he does exude millennial cringe sometimes but i can gloss over all that because i love him  🫶🫶🫶 also love his dynamic with honey they r so cute together . his flashback audio is so good AUGGHH the tension . personal favorite audio of him though is his first sick video , because i am THE guy angst enthusiast and it's the closest i'll ever get to it . he is sooo silly idc i always binge his playlist when i can't sleep (ironically i always listen to the one where he attempts to help honey sleep and it works 🫶)
4. lasko - babygirl #2 🤞🤞🤞 love him he is just an overall sweet character . i've also said this before but, him being labelled early on as submissive irked me because i usually found those character tropes annoying and they tended to be infantilized . but the thing is with lasko its not his entire characterization , he's still a very good professor at the academy and ughhhqhh i know how 2explain it i jst love him (also. his slip up in the hot boi summer audio. he is freaky .)
5. geordi - his and cutie's story is so interesting . i love their storyline so much even if it hurts to listen to the audios . they're both flawed characters in a relationship but they're still taking the necessary steps to be better. additionally, while i definitely don't stand for the shit cutie did, i can relate to them in the sense of needing to know what people are thinking to function properly, which is probably another reason why geordi and his storyline hits so close to my heart . (is that corny. maybe)
6. asher - one of the reasons im in the fandom tbh !! he's one of the first characters i got into, specifically his valenweek flashback audio i ate that shit up . . i don't listen to him that much now but still !!! i owe me being here to his character lol
7. hush - creature/babygirl . i was kinda intimidated to listen to his playlist (for god's sake his title is "mysterious stranger") but ohhhh i love him he is so strange. tying doc up in one video and then asking them to hold his hand a few videos later??? love that . him showing up in carpe deus and fucking wrecking vega kinda sealed it for me . love theorizing about him too, if that's not obvious 🫶
8. porter - when i heard the voice that this character had. i can't even explain to you what my reaction was . he's such a fucking diva i love it so much , this guy is like 80% snark, and he just fucks with vincent for no reason .(when he said he was gonna bring treasure to the summit but didn't 😭) he's also so interesting . while ya he was sent to go to the summit and assassinate a clan king (which he succeeded in) he told sweetheart about the bennets discussing their partnership with closeknit so they could get necessary info, he provided an alibi for vincent, he also stopped grilling sam when darlin told him to . (also his 2nd video with treasure . killed me tbh)
9. marcus - not proud to admit that marcus is the first character i came across on erik's channel . marcus is weirdo number 1 (derogatory) and i just find his storyline so interesting. yeah its sad why he did what he did, but overall he knew what he was doing , he fucked everyone else over, and compromised a project, of which the failure could mean life and death, just because he wanted to get freaky with the robot . his obsession and little impulse control being overrun by the asset's obsession with him. GOD . . the satisfaction i felt when he was taken away 🫶
10. caller - weirdo (compliment) . again as a horror enthusiast i love this guy . he's like ghostface but if ghostface could phase through walls/was already in your house (and also weird and obsessive) . his audio made me have the same reaction when watching horror content : "holy shit i love this but also i hate this" 10/10 . he's only last because he has one (1) video . 💔
honorable mention:
gavin - GAVIN LOVE OF MY LIFFEEEE . i really did wanna put him on my list but i haven't listened to the freelancer series properly yet!!!! this is not a matter of him being my least favorite but rather not knowing much about him in depth yet !!!!
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dhmis-autism · 2 years
I’m actually praying if season 3 comes about that it is more Duck focused. Not in the screen time sense but like, lore sense?
Also if the trio are given the choice in some season finale or other to ACTUALLY leave the house and escape to the real world. I’m praying Duck says no. This may sounds weird but hear me out. Can you imagine the drama?? Red having to debate whether freedom is worth it without Duck, Yellow offering to go on his own but the other two can’t bare the thought, Duck having to debate if he truly does hate change enough to stay.
I know your a big duck appreciator so I thought I’d share lmao
LOL I've said before I hope if there is a third anything it still doesnt focus on Duck at all. Because 1. it'd be so funny 2. i like him so so so much as he is now where the other two are going thru crises and questioning the very nature of their reality he's just in the background getting mad at small details like yellow saying he has a child.
I think what it really is is that I love his attitude and I love his little one-liners so much that if they try to break him down character wise I WILL CRY. I already almost cried at his family song on my rewatch, I'm jst soft. Reminds me of that fanart of him by hugduckhesgay where he's crying and sort of doesn't realize what that even is. BREAKS MY HEART I WANT HIM TO JUST BE FUNNIE FOREVER.
On your second point, I TOTALLY agree so much it isn't even funny. I had a talk recently with one of my friends about Duck and we were talking about how if any of them said they wanted to leave Duck would take it SO personally. The idea was Duck thinking like "well if they don't like me, they can just leave" and then being confused when the other two want him to go WITH them.
I might have said before? I think even if they did all get out and go to their big ol fabled "Community" and get their own separate houses, he still wouldn't want to live alone, he'd be insufferable. Literally walking in and out of their houses at 3 am like he owns the place.
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Absolute menace.
I think you're right in that he'd be the one to say no to the offer of leaving, because I think he's the one most attached to their current situation.
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voidcat · 2 years
congrats on the 900 followers, ill make sure to buy a cake im celebration once you hit the 1k mark👀
and for the event i'm asking for hugging headcanons with makima because of course i am 🥲
Hi there love<3 I’ll hold you to that promise then ahahaaha
And for what I’m about to write… ik it’s cliche at this point but the whole maternity vibes w makima- yea…
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Makima + Hugging headcanons
needless to say Makima is a very good hugger, exceptionally so... when she hugs, she hugs with her entire body, being and soul, making the other party feel the warmth radiating from her, feeling her muscles move with each breath she takes in and out–
of course, all of that to her hugs and more is intentional. because jst like everything she does, her hugs are a weapon on their own, a way to utilize her means, to achieve certain wishes from others.
she inspects people and knows how to hug them accordingly. big, tight hugs, small ones with a hint of hesitancy that allows a little space to create a fake sense of privacy, hugs that make you forget about everything else, a hug that says it'll all be alright, a hug you didn't realize you missed your entire life... the list goes on as makima wears a faint smile, her chin resting on your shoulder.
and that said, makima hugs only when she sees it necessary, practical to her cause, and in private too. anyone to claim they got hugged by her or that she is a very good hugger wouldn't be very convincing (unless they're someone known to never lie or make things up)
and as comforting and "just what you needed" as her hugs feel, they leave the person with a sensation they cannot seem to shake of. because when she leans in for the hug for the first time, you are overcome with surprise and shock, as her arms are wrapped around you, hands on your back, trailing patterns with a finger– it all feels unreal, some sort of fever dream, a fractured reality you wish was real but it can never be, right? right?!
the control devil hugs with intention and agenda hidden behind, full control of her body and how each of her muscles formulate the hug, what kind of hug you need and at what moment exactly; there is tenderness, there is love, there is care, she is everything you have been craving for since day one out of the vomb, she is everything you have been missing your whole life without knowing at all.
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skuiive · 3 months
the more i unlock memories of my childhood (haha cs trauma..) erm the more i realize how much of a wolf i am-
literally grew up as a wolf furry, played a lot of wolf roleplay games, MY FURCOAT WAS ALWAYS EITHER GRAY, BLACK, OR WHITE- thought i was a wolf, thought that my tail wagging or my ear twitching was jst a “osdd headspace thing” and didn’t realize later that it was in fact phantom shifts, thought that i could talk to dogs because i can bark and howl
its just one thing after another :,))
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darishima · 26 days
remembwr when i said this
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i am home now!!!! here is a pic of both shelves
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its a little messy n not well lit.. shelves are a little disorganized too especially the bottom two but its fiine ! lucky star shelf i showed you before is third down on the left. im gonna take better pictures to post here and on mfc once my sega power figure comes in and i move my toga and midari sections around
basic explanation, starting from the top on the left shelf: -combination toga and midari section, with my full ohshc manga set in the back -jiro section, with all my mha manga -lucky star section <333 -misc section, largely demon slayer, w assorted manga -another misc section, kinda where i stuck my least favorite figures LMAO im sorry guys right shelf: -mostly one piece section, partially disgaea section -yamato shrine plus kakegurui section runoff -mainly my edward shrine plus funkos lined up along my tokyo ghoul + tg:re manga sets, but my NSO section is slowly growing. plus miku -hxh section! mostly meruem, komugi, and neferpitou- theyre my 3 favs. couple misc figures next to them too -red box on the right of the lowest shelf is where i stash all my weed LMFAO isnt it a genius spot.. nobody would ever look or suspect. im soo smart.. anyway rest of that is misc manga and its kinda cluttered just pretend you dont see that
speaking of midari and toga sections! here are closeups of both !
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midari section is currently cramped and messy.. usually has kakegurui manga behind it (hence the empty spot) but hunter is borrowing the first few volumes rn so it looks sad and empty :( need to move the midari section to another shelf because it and the toga section next to it are getting too large to coexist on the same shelf anymore they need more room. and speaking of toga section
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wonderful angel.. also getting crowded mostly because banpresto always makes giant ass bases which take up lots of space on shelves </3 take a hint from pop up parade bp your base game SUCKS.
also just now realizing how BADLY tumblr annihilates quality... pls click on the pictures nd zoom in i promiseee they are better quality than that pls..
here is my jiro section !
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gets a whole shelf all to herself (except for the dabi figure.. who is my bookend). im on a quest to get every single (non-gk) figure of jiro EVER made and so far i am missing seven out of sixteen :( most of the rest are trading figures and funkos except for the bellfine scale figure which is hella expensive.. like $100+.. but she will be mine eventually. here are the ones im missing
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top 3 are trading figures, middle is still on preorder i think so it cant be mine yet , jst need to track down the other two somewhere. on the bottom are two of the funkos which are easy to buy but i dont LIKE having funkos and i dont WANT them but because its jiro i have to buy them anyway :/ im just putting it off. i almost ordered the first one the other day but decided to wait for the price to go down a bit. middle one is a gamestop exclusive thats bundled with a t shirt and i could easily buy it rn at, yk, gamestop, but i dont want the t shirt so i gotta buy th funko individually off ebay. last pic on the bottom is the bellfine scale, found it for $90 on a site recently when it usually goes for $120/$130+ so hopefully it'll be mine soon!1 anywayy sorry 4 yapping.. just love jiro will collect all her figures 4ever. wish i could do that for toga but she has too many :( 62 compared to jiro's 16 :( anywayyy more shelfies
the midari section was formerly just the kakegurui section but i had to boot these 3 figures out cause they wouldnt fit:
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mary nendoroid (which i got for a STEAL at $28 unopened, they usually go for like $70 or more), plus mary and yumeko pop up parades (they are holding hands). and next to them:
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yamato section! my beautiful prince yamato! the angle of this one sucks.. wtv. the big figure between the manga is the most expensive figure i've bought so far at $45, not counting the kangel L pop up parade figure i preordered for like $64 (doesnt count cause i dont have it yet). and SPEAKING OF KANGEL...!
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kangel pop up parade!!! i got her yesterday!!! and the goodsmile bonus p-chan (the sad kitty)! put her in front of my nso manga + switch game, im so so happy i got her :3 and i'll be even happier when i get the kangel L figure, which is wayy bigger and imo prettier
anywayy hope you liked my yappings bonesy if you see them n read them.. ^_^ and also anyone else who saw this on their dash and checked it out,, sorry for clogging your dash :(
figures are my passion my love my light my one true joy.. would love to answer any questions u have about them ever. need to take more closeup pictures also bc its so hard to see details in that shitty ass full shelf pic i took.. will take better pictures another time <3 shldve taken a closeup of my hxh section its so good,, or my edward section,, oh well
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akiraiscute · 10 months
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(I jst realized I made a whole BOOK, and didn’t finish it the way i wanted to on wattpad. Shall we do that shit??? [im doing it…])
{ A Slow BURN, of Aaron Hotchner & Fem! Reader. As of right now, you jst look like you!! Not any race color. }
New Episode, Criminal Minds. Which comes with,
Tw ; Gore, Description of Dead Bodies, Slow Burn, 2022 writing (that im fixing rn!), use of You(s) instead of I(s) and her!!
New Case.
As the sun hits your eyes, you could only rub your eyes while you are waiting up. Groggily as well.. You turned over to your side, grabbing your phone that was playing (F/M) {favorite music} which was your alarm clock for today. It reads ;
6:07 AM.
Sunday - October 10
You let out a soft groan. Realizing the time before you got out of bed, the lost of the warmness from the blankets shook you right up. You walked to the bathroom, checking yourself out a bit before starting to do your daily routine and as you start to get done, you hear another song playing. You jump immediately, getting scared out of your whits from the music blasting on full volume.. you let out a overdramatized sigh before pausing whatever you were doing and walked to your phone, which was still on your nightstand.
7:23 AM.
Sunday - October 10
Second Alarm.
As you stare at the time, it changes slowly but you start to get out of your haze and run to your closet. Picking out the most business class looking outfit you have ever seen really, you don’t care as of right now though..
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You immediately grab your coffee cups, well. Five for, Garcia, Morgan, Spencer, JJ, and.. Hotchner. You kept speed walking to the HQ, groaning at the feeling of your feet hurting already from your heels. The moment you got in and reached the elevator was a blessing itself, now with your good luck.. you should not spill the drinks nor will you. As you finally reached the doors of your department… You start to put the coffee on each desk and not caring until you get to hotcner’s drink, you let out a soft and quiet
As no one but you and a few more people have came in, maybe Spencer came in.. You look around before smiling at the area where the coffee marker is, you walk to it, getting out your marker and writing down.. “Hotchner’s drink.” in thick and bold (H/W) {ur handwriting} trying to make sure no one would take his drink really. You didn’t know why you cared.. Maybe you don’t want him angry! Yea.. that’s- it and the coffee here is sorta horrible, you’re not crushing on your boss.. no! You are not crushing on him, he has a wife- well.. does he? You question that alot sometimes- but!
Morgan comes walking in, which is always nice and perfect!
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I swear, idk how i haven’t gotten writer block, im not usually so excited to write smth again- its so weird!! Anyways, the way im reading back on what i did in 2022… buttt~ do y’all want me to do more of thisss…? Or! Start another book, that i did on wattpad? Let me know!!!!!
- Akira… Akira. Logging, Logging.. Off.
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bahllinsqrews · 9 months
i do understand why ppl are mad at u abt writing riki smut n stuff (hes literally so young) but ion think they realize they are being unfair to someone who jst wants to express themeselves. i don't think u spend ur days and nights fantasizing abt riki n doing weird shit, u just get an idea popping up in the middle of nowhere and decide to write for ur followers. also, those ppl telling you to kys n stuff just like to cause chaos n stuff so don't let that affect u 'cause at the end of the day, riki is an adult (i hope you are too) and every single smut about him is legal and there are real ppl consuming those.
I am indeed an adult, a year older in fact and like you stated in your post, he is an adult at the end of it all. You made a few good points here and it makes me happy that you actually came to a good conclusion instead of joining the crowd of people who don't think about other people's feelings. You are right, I don't just randomly fantasize about Riki. Hell I didn't even know he existed until one of my friends showed me. My followers are happy with what I'm writing and it's expanding my horizons to make others happy with my work and a lot of people may disagree, and that's okay, it doesn't really affect me anymore because I half expected this, I just didn't expect this magnitude of it.
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
the archer, soon you’ll get better,miss americana & the heartbreak prince,i forgot that you existed, lover with crhsyijacks? <3..
YAYYY, you chose the one i was thinking of hehehe
The Archer: Has you f/o had a positive or negative relationship with love in the past and how has that affected their relationship with you?
jacks has so many issues w love <3 and it’s so funny bc most of them stem from chrysi herself, in their first life… but yeah, he has issues with believing in real love, and his current interpretation is definitely more of a possessive one—which makes his relationship with chrysi be attempt after attempt of keeping her like a trinket, when she’s actually a whole person. thank god chrysi doesn’t take that shit—she’s forced him to realize that he feels so much safer and relaxed when it’s jst being with each other and taking pleasure in each other’s company <333
Soon You’ll Get Better: How do you and your f/o take care of each other when one of you is sick?
chrysi’s out here, making homemade soup, tucking jacks in w blankets, holding him and running her hands through his hair, reading him books, letting him nap in her arms, running to the store and getting him medication, doing it ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! jacks. doesn’t know what to do <<3 ummm, he holds her :) he’s so good at this, he’s going to get a good grade in nursing chrysi back to health! (he has an f.)
Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince: If you and your f/o ran away together, where would you go? 
thinking abt this makes me think of the moulin rouge au… oh no…. hmmm, but i always think of a cute little coastal town! they’d move there + they’d frequent a local bookshop, the local cafe, they’d walk along the beach in the early morning bc jacks got them a beachfront property, theyd go to the lighthouse a lot!!! their house would be two stories, but modest, and chrysi would have so many hanging plants on their balcony (bc of course they have a balcony <3). chrysijacks is soooo northern pacific coastal town coded. all bc i was visiting my friend’s family up north when i confessed that i shipped chrysi w jacks!!!
I Forgot That You Existed: How does your f/o handle being wronged? Do they hold grudges or are they the type who lets everything roll off their back? 
NOT WELL!!!!! he probably tries to murder ppl that wrong him. why am i saying maybe? he totally is 💀 he totally HAS. and he holds grudges over the tiniest things.. he remembers his first life and is pissed at azure for nearly scaring him out of that apple tree, even though that was CENTURIES AGO??GET OVER IT, HONEY.
Lover: What is your favorite part of the life you’ve built with your f/o?
chrysi loooooves that she’s domesticated jacks <3 he’s an excellent gift giver + kisser, and like… she likes that their collective fucked-up-ness balances out to a weirdly normal life??? like they both have decided that the fated stuff is too stressful. jacks is happy to be a trophy wife while his gf is working on her work reports at the local cafe <3 he’s her pretty princess!!!
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ii-viixx · 2 months
tw: venting, self-harm/sh, blood mentions, mommy issues ranting (if that’s an actually trigger, sorryyyy), family issues, ect
sorry for this long ahh vent or wtvr the fck i wrote was. also idk i jst started to add other stuff to it, i got bored & jst wanted to vent even more. sorry if it doesn't make much sense, its 4 in da morning
Why’d I let him do that. Did it even happen.. ?? Every day that I don’t speak about it,, or when I do it feels like guilt swallowing me whole. Was it real? Was it real? Was it real? Was it real? FUCK…. Or is it another of my little ass stories. Fuck, I’m so stupid. So very stupid. FUCKKKK !!!! UGHHHH. Why’d I let him touch me,,,, he touched me he touched me he touched me he touched me… Maybe??? IDK,, I wanna rip the skin off my flesh & cry.. fuxking start laughing like the fucking Joker when I do. Did it even happen? Did it? Did it? Did it? Did it? Was it real Was it real was it real was it real… I lwk be feeling like that one line, it went smth like: “pretty enough to be sexualized, but not pretty enough to be loved” 🤯 Lmfaooo (am I going crazy???? idk am i am i am i am i am. no im not… right? maybe i do need mental help, maybe I really do…). I get stared often. It’s strange but I sometimes like the attention. I sometimes think that I’m not worthy of love. It’s weird being horny almost all the damn time? is it cuz i’m a teen or did my constant exposure & most likely SA experience fuck me so bad that I became hyper sexual???
.. Gosh, I feel like a freak whenever I think of myself in that way… yk that reminds me.. when I was younger, around 7,,, I was taking pictures or jst plain staring at my budding chest… Even though I wasn’t deflowered, I still felt like my petals fell anytime I was stared at by older men or getting touched by him,,, Him him him.. Him. Did he did he did he did he? I need answers. Maybe I’m just sick in the head for thinking he touched me,,, did he? Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. In the end we were jst kids. Enough abt that. Let’s go onto how I became who I am today. I grew up to a single mother. Typical. My dad left us before I was even born (rude but whatevs). We moved at least 3 times before settling down. Whoo… She was a fucking mess my mom was a mess. A pretty heavy drinker & smoker. I was surrounded by it from her, her boyfriend (now ex), his lil friends & maybe hers? idk. She used to kick me out & lock me out the door, I got used to it but I got lucky if her ex decided to open it for me. She was abusive, physically, maybe ? idk but i’m pretty sure she did. I blocked out a ton of shit from my childhood 💀 growing up she used to call me names & hit me even tho i didn’t do nothing. wrong. She’d talk to me abt her feelings & venting. (Wow way to do a number to a fucking 3yo). She’d vent abt her troubles. I had to learn how to feed $ dress myself when she didn’t want to. I don’t think she likes me as a person but she definitely loves as a daughter. So hypocritical, but sometimes so am I. Ive come to realize that I’m almost like an exact copy of her. from her face, hair, personality, the way we present, ourselves, up to the way we fucking talk. My family even says so. But as much as I hate to admit, I can see the almost uncanny resemblance, well obviously i’m aware of the whole: ’YoU’Re boUnd to LooK liKE YOur MoTHer, yoU cAME fROm hER’ ik that but it’s annoying to hear it almost every fucking day, I live & breathe. It’s annoying as shit. But that’s also why I was piercing & highlights. Jst to have at least some type of different between us, jst so I can’t hear other ‘OMG!!! U look *jst* like ur mother! Like a little mini-her’. It was cute the first 3 or 7 times, but after what.. almost two decades of hearing that sentence. It gets pretty annoying. What I despise equally as much is when ppl say ‘Dang you looked jst like her sister’ (towards my mom). She looks pretty young yea, but it’s annoying too. Though in the end. I love her, I’m proud of her. She’s really trying to better herself, and whatnot. But fuck, please for the love of god; go to therapy woman. U need it, I need it, even nana (grandma) needs it. Almost everyone in my family needs ts. We’re all fucked up in a way. more shit cuz y not.. i started self-harming/sh around the age of 3-5. It was jst simple: hitting myself, hair pulling, scratching, bruising. I did it when I got stressed w home life, when I was angry, sad or jst felt like it. I stopped for a bit, but then it was a whole cycle once more. On & off typa things. Though,, one summer after going crazy abt whether to cut or not. My friend showed her twt feed, I saw video after video of ppl cutting, slicing, bleeding, ect. I was skhakjng, basically tweaking out like how Tweek from SP/South Park does (not exactly but similarly). I bit my tongue. After the skool yr was over, the first official night of summer, I decided to grab a pencil sharpener, unscrew the blade & I gently swiped it across my thighs. No blood, it stung like crazy doe. i barely even cut the skin. That’s when I started to go a bit deeper, jst out of the blue. That’s when I hit blood, no styro tho. Something went over me & I went deeper, pushing the blade onto my arms. I checked the wound. My first styro, my heart was racing, pounding. I was excited. I did even more styros, some a bit deeper than others. I still have every scar to show it. Even the little 4 straight-ish ones that look like little slopes or rows of corn.
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