#it's phenomenal
renbyten · 8 months
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I've watched The Thing probably a dozen times over the years, but somehow MacReady's hat catches me off-guard EVERY TIME
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red-catmander · 2 years
the charr have some really cool things going on musically. it's sometimes a little hard to discern what goes where on the overworld map because stuff gets assigned to odd places to fulfil the need for battle themes, etc, but there are a few interesting things.
the charr starting instance has this music playing which is a good summation of the kind of things that follow the charr around, that is to say strings, brass and driving percussion. these things aren't unique to them, certainly, but if it sounds particularly warlike it's probably associated with the charr in the ost. if that melody seems very familiar, that's because it is, it shows up again in charr triumphant (you've probably heard it during tequatl). there are a lot of songs associated with the charr and it's worth skipping around the og ost for them. that low, kind of oppressive music you hear in the citadel is actually smodur's theme. again, low horns, sweeping strings, heavy percussion but like way off in the distance. industrial sounding. all this to say that legion charr, specifically, have a really distinct sound to them. but these songs are from when the game initially launched and things change, as everything does, in time
in the beginning of season five, they make a point to reinforce these elements and how they're specific to charr. the grothmar songs are full of these things to really hammer it home. you probably don't notice you're making the association.
when the frost legion arrives, it takes all your associations and breaks them over its knee. it's like charr music times 1000%. to hammer home just how freakish and unnatural they are, electronic synths get introduced, as does the shrill, horror movie strings you hear in bjora marches. as you creep further and further down the soundtrack the charr elements eventually melt into a kind of indistinct mess. this is a charr theme that has completely forgotten how to do its job, it's slurry, slush, core components running and bumping into each other and never getting anywhere because jormag has completely subsumed their legion. about five minutes in horns briefly trill like it might get started and it never does. why would it? they're not charr anymore
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judgeitbyitscover · 3 days
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Authored and illustrated by Robert J. Blake
Philomel Books, October 2002
Togo wasn't meant to be a sled dog. He was too feisty and independent to make a good team member, let alone a leader. But Togo is determined, and when his trainer, Leonhard Seppala, gives him a chance, he soon becomes one of the fastest sled dogs in history! His skills are put to the ultimate test, though, when Seppala and his team are called on to make the now-famous run across the frozen Arctic to deliver the serum that will save Alaska from a life-threatening outbreak of diphtheria.
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
I turned one of your ideas into a one-shot. Hope you don't mind!
They all heard the lock turn. The night guard had arrived, and the missing children were ready. What was this security guard to them? Not a single one of them had been protected, and if the security guard couldn't protect himself, he couldn't protect children. At least, that's what he said.
The boy never introduced himself to the other missing children. He sat and listened to their different stories, explaining their various deaths, and he would tell them, in a hard voice, not to trust the adults. Especially the ones in charge. He seemed to hold a particular grudge against this security guard, however, for reasons he would never explain. His injuries did not line up with murder, or so the children believed.
He'd killed the last night guard with one of the spare suits in the back. The boy had finally lost his patience with the man talking on the phone every night.
"He doesn't deserve to retire," the boy told the missing children. "He abandoned us to this torment. He should join us."
They readily agreed, and on his final week of the job, the man with the phone was dead.
The missing children had originally been curious about the strange injury on the boy's face, on the fact that he seemed to be constantly crying, but they quickly learned that he would never talk about it.
When the new security guard showed up for his shift, some guy called "Mike Schmidt," the boy's guard was immediately up. He told them that this guard had to die as well. They didn't question it. Why would they? He'd done more for them than any adult had ever tried.
He was the one the bad man fled from.
The children quickly learned that the new security guard was better than the last. He was oddly alert, scanning the cameras with intense detail. He was familiar, somehow. And he seemed to know about them. Schmidt was the toughest challenge to crack, and the boy had just told them to dispose of him. He hadn't offered any aid, and the children were afraid to ask why.
They almost got him one night, when the power went out. But he stared into Freddy's glowing blue eyes as the clock hit 6 a.m. He didn't seem smug about it, actually almost seeming disappointed by the end of his shift. Like he'd been expecting something.
Eventually the children had to tell the boy about their experiences. He seemed puzzled, and almost frightened by the stories they told. The fact that the man seemingly was waiting for something bothered him. The children told the boy that they were afraid of this man, worried about what he would do. After all, if he wasn't afraid of the animatronics, what could they do?
The boy nodded his head. "I'll take care of it," he said.
So now it was the night. The children listened as Mike Schmidt entered his office for what seemed like it would be the final time. Nobody escaped their boy. Nobody.
They were expecting him to approach like he had with the last guard, through the hallways. He did not. Uncertain, the children started their own assault, hoping they still had time to drain the guard's power.
Doors shut, and the missing children were out of luck. Until they heard the guard's screams.
i wouldn't mind if you hadn't LEFT ME ON THE WORLD'S WORST CLIFFHANGER, OH MY GOD-- (/joking)
No but this genuinely makes me so ecstatic because you perfectly captured what I was envisioning when I made that post
I don't think I even mentioned it in the post, but the idea of Evan being the de facto "leader" of the spirits; Evan as a lonely guard figure who treats the kids with kindness but doesn't really interact with them as a "friend"; Evan being so isolated from the other spirits that they don't actually know anything about him except that he's the one they turn to in their times of need because without fail he will do whatever it takes to keep them safe; all of that is stuff I was imagining in my head, and you perfectly illustrated it all!! I just!!! *incoherent screeching*
"He sat and listened to their different stories, explaining their various deaths, and he would tell them, in a hard voice, not to trust the adults. Especially the ones in charge" -> goddd, this line made me emotionalllllll! Like Evan, most of the kids here probably died on birthdays or other important events when they were supposed to feel happy and loved; the idea of Evan giving these children a listening ear to get out the trauma haunting them and comforting the others through it, but never actually telling them his own story is just. it just. OW. And then Evan telling them never to trust adults!!! I've talked about this multiple times, but it infuriates me so much that none of the adults at Fredbear's stopped Michael from putting Ev in Fredbear's mouth. And Evan's father never stopped Mike from hurting him, Evan was probably bullied heavily at school and none of the teachers there ever stopped it, and in Evan's eyes, Michael was an adult-figure: his older brother who was in charge and supposed to (emphasis on "supposed") keep him safe and make everything okay. And yet, Mikey relentlessly tormented and ultimately killed him. As painful as it is, it makes total sense that Evan would be bitter toward adult and authority figures, and the idea of Evan telling the other kids not to trust them...
The kids' experience with Phone Guy is heartbreaking too. Evan claiming Phone Guy is "abandoning" them there, and having his belief that adults don't help but rather hurt you get further reinforced. Evan deciding that someone who would do something so awful to them doesn't deserve to live (although, would Evan even trust him if Phone Guy had tried to help?). And, a part of me wonders if Evan didn't just want Phone Guy dead as punishment for not helping them, but also because if PG isn't helping them, then he won't protect any other kids either, and he refuses to let any other kid in the outside world have the false hope that PG might protect them in their time of need. Evan knows how much it hurts to be let down by someone you think might protect you, and in his experience, it's much better not to have hope at all than to have false hope and be left to suffer by someone you thought would protect you. After all, the kids outside of the pizzeria don't have an Evan to protect them from the Phone Guys of the world, so Evan might take things into his own hands.
"They didn't question it. Why would they? He'd done more for them than any adult had ever tried. / He was the one the bad man fled from." -> *incoherent screeching*
"He'd killed the last night guard with one of the spare suits in the back." -> okay, this line really sparks my imagination, because... suits? Plural? I feel like you're probably just talking about the extra fnaf 1 animatronic suits that we see throughout the nights ingame plus the Golden Freddy suit, but for some reason, my brain saw the plural of suits and immediately went "what if the Golden Freddy AND Spring Bonnie suits are back there?" Just thinking about poor Evan, not wanting to go near the Fredbear suit for obvious reasons, but he knows that the Spring Bonnie suit upsets the others, and he'll be damned if he's the reason the others are upset and scared when he's supposed to be protecting them. If he doesn't protect them, no one else will, so he chooses the Fredbear suit every night, for them. Or, possibly, there are other suits in the back, too; Evan avoids the Spring Bonnie and Fredbear suits at all costs, until the night Mike Schmidt comes. When Mike Schmidt arrives and Evan has to be the one to deal with him, Evan chooses to possess the Fredbear suit rather than any of the other extra suits for the very first time.
"Eventually the children had to tell the boy about their experiences. He seemed puzzled, and almost frightened by the stories they told. The fact that the man seemingly was waiting for something bothered him." -> I could be wrong, but I think this line to meant to show that Mike was half-hoping he would be killed by the animatronics and was disappointed when 6 am rolled around and saved him, and Evan is bothered by Michael apparently wanting to die. Which... oof. Big oof. those poor kids.
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v01dless · 4 months
I just finished Penacony's storyquest... I cried..
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bettsfic · 2 years
Re: your post about your tbr and not liking Gideon the Ninth. I wasn't loving it on first read but I had to read it again for a book club and that's when it clicked for me. I also think that if you get through Gideon, Harrow will be absolutely up your street. It's a very enjoyable mindfuck of a book with not a single redeemable character in sight but just chockablock full of very jnteresting relational dynamics!
enough people whose tastes i trust have recommended it that i'm going to make an earnest effort at it. sometimes i have to do the same thing, where i have to read the thing twice to read it once, you know? because the first time you're learning the world and the characters, and the second time you're going into it with a lot more context and affection for the material.
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missroserose · 22 days
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Currently taking odds on this guy showing up as Sam Reich’s evil twin in the next season of Game Changer
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birdrights · 9 months
if you guys aren't listening to case 63 you're seriously missing out
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hamletshoeratio · 8 months
I loved the Zeus - Posedion conversation so much because it is the most sibling tm scene in the show so far (after Posedion intervened and stopped his brother from literally murdering his son). They're literally at war one second, there's some levity a second later when they decide they're on the same side and then the youngest brother has to rub in the fact that he won and that he's going to tell everyone else in the family ASAP much to the older brother's absolute annoyance as he rolls his eyes. Not to mention "Who knows about father?" "... Hermes " "So... everyone knows?" Hermes canonically being the biggest blabber in Olympus lmao.
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friendly-jester · 9 days
chappell roan being told by a photographer to "shut the fuck up" and then her turning around and telling him to "shut the fuck up" is iconic. nothing but respect for my queen.
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frownyalfred · 9 months
I love that identity reveals between Jim Gordon and Bruce in fic almost always go the same way. Bruce goes "How did you know? Was it my acting?" and nine times out of ten Jim says something along the lines of "No, your acting was phenomenal. You gave yourself away by caring too much, Mr. Wayne."
Because the billionaire playboy cover was perfect and damn near airtight until one Bruce Wayne leapt in front of someone else during a holdup at a gala and "accidentally" got shot. No self-involved airhead with that much money riding on his life would ever -- ever -- let himself think of someone else in that moment.
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re-reclass · 5 months
Creating a more unhinged clone of Kristen has been such a boon because she gives Beardsley a way to fulfill their impulses for absurd bits without compromising the real Kristen's arc of realizing chaos isn't cute.
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ghostbird-art · 14 days
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Sleepover Gothic
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threehorncircus · 2 months
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it's for you
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isjasz · 9 days
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🌕Total Eclipse🌑
Writer: @zipzapzooooooom Editor: @onawhimsicot
Assistance: @gingermaple @kunehokki @corvidaearts @/mybrotherjoso7
and THE AMAZING COVER by googly88fancy!!
NO WAY HERE IT IS part 1 of MY TEAM'S COMIC!! FOR @hotguycomiczine !!!!! :D
I pour my blood sweat and tears into this one fr. HGCZ is the most insane project i've been in and I am so so proud of it <3 Big giant shoutout to everyone that ended up in my team, without any of you I couldn't have done it and ty for putting up with my shit HASHDSAEHEGLP. <333
If you haven't yet checked out the entire monster of this amazing zine, def do so here! 🏹
Part 2 will be posted tmr but if u dont want to left on a cliffhanger. pspsppspssps🪤
[ MERCH ] [ MISC ]
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daily-smallishbeans · 2 months
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177: Bad boys -1
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