#it's rare that i dream about kpop idols
nettlestingsoup · 2 years
had a dream about hoshi in which we'd both turned into tigers to cross a desert but we wanted fried chicken from a greggs we found (yes, in the middle of the desert) and couldn't order as tigers so we had to make jeonghan go in and order for us?
for context, greggs is a cheap chain bakery that you'll find all over the uk, and they do not sell fried chicken.
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neopuppy · 1 month
i think this is a fun question i like to think about in regards to a lot of the members, like obviously all of them play into the parasocial kpop boyfriend bit to varying degrees but i feel like with some of them you actually see a lot of their real personalities, like imo mark, taeyong and ten. they’re obviously guarded about their personal lives but i feel like i’ve got a good grasp of their personalities still.
imo jeno is the other sort i can’t really place, just like jaehyun, taeil and winwin. they seem a lot more intentional with what they put out there about themselves and i feel like they have a good grasp of their separation between their personal and idol lives. any of them could be up to anything in their personal time and i probably wouldn’t guess it lol. i’ll say as far as jeno goes i think he’s probably a lot more normal and boring than we’d think. probably on his computer a whole lot and games lmfao
one person that keeps surprising me is renjun! imo he’s always felt mysterious, guarded and introverted but so many times i’ve watched nct dream content and been surprised by how (seemingly) real he can get.
I’m actually really pleased by the normal messages I am getting abt this so I’m glad I asked bc sometimes I feel so out of place within the kpop realm like god damn these fans are fucking weird…..(says the fanfic writer).
I definitely think people are missing the parasocial aspect here which is what kpop tries to sell and feed off of to make their pockets fat. I was saying bc even parasocially I do not feel like…..crazy about *who* Jeno is at all. he really is just some guy to me.
BUT THAT IS WHERE WHAT YOU MENTIONED COMES INTO PLAY HERE AS WELL!!!! bc I have always judged my friends for trying to tell me what their bias is ‘like’…..and they bias Taeyong/Mark😅😭 half of me rolls my eyes but half of me is like *shrug* well he did say that…
there’s this one crazy Mark stan I seen quoting bible verses on her posts abt him and this is like a prime example of thinking you *know* this man just bc you stalk him and half had 18482@929292 fan calls/signings/concerts etc. to me that was beyond weird but that’s also how I feel often abt most idols fans I’m like ????? K even if Mark shares information abt his religious beliefs we don’t *know* him. and to be quoting bible verses on ur pics of ur fucking kpop dolls is crazyyyyy. anyway that was judgemental /intentionally/.
sometimes I feel bad for those idols who do give us a glimpse of who they really are like Chenle with basketball/Stephen Curry thing, or Jisung and his love for NASA/space etc, bc fans turn that into *their* obsession and beat it like a dead horse as if thats the way to their biases heart. DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN????😅
I’m actually really happy Jeno is not like that. like yes I’m curious about who he is as a person but also I don’t know him so why does it matter…. I fell in love with watching on perform on stage and that is still why I love and enjoy his existence.
I think Renjun is one of my fav idols ever bc it’s too rare to see any of them stand up for themselves(and they should bc clearly their useless companies will not). I want what’s best for him always, but I hope he knows many of us truly love and appreciate him for his talent and could give a fuck abt anything else.
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babymorte · 1 month
‘you need to stop equating the most bare minimum effort (like treating people nicely) as this some kind of amazing, rare thing worth celebrating. do you realize how you look, making a big deal out of something so little?
these standards for men are literally on the floor, for you to praise any small thing’
i saw this in the comment section of a kpop video talking about unrealistic views people have of male idols because of their parasocial relationships and it honestly hit me like a tonne of bricks reading this. like fuck kpop and male idols and parasocial relationships that’s not what this is about.
i’ve always accepted the bare minimum because to me it was better than nothing. i would never dream of complaining because im just happy to be here, be involved, and get any amount of someone’s time and efforts as they’re willing to give.
because at the end of the day even if we only had one exchange i was still being included and thought about and prioritised.
i need to start holding myself accountable for how i let others treat me.
actions will always speak louder than words and this silence is deafening.
dont misunderstand. i am so beyond grateful for who i do have in my life and honestly i wouldn’t have made it past sunday if it wasn’t for them so i quite literally owe them my life but i can’t rely on anyone but myself to pick up the pieces and put them back together.
im in a constant cry for help without ever wanting to bother anyone even though im constantly bothering everyone with my problems and the one person i know could fix everything has been dead for nearly 10yrs.
i think that’s my problem. after everything ive gone through these past few weeks im just remembering how things used to be when people did actually care more than just surface level and i wish i could have that again.
but i want it to come effortlessly. i don’t want anyone having to make a conscious effort for me i want it to come naturally. the former just seems so performative.
i would rather zero effort than to be lied to.
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authorhjk1 · 3 months
I agree with the sentiment about fics not going back past BP and twice. But I’m glad you’re helping bring this back. I’ve been hoping for more Yoonas fics ever since their anniversary comeback and she basically came back with a new body lol. She finally achieved her dreams of gaining weight and it all went straight to her ass, hips, and thighs and I’ve been hooked ever since. Haha
I wouldn't consider myself "new to kpop", since I've started listening to blackpink and red velvet since 2017, I think. But I believe at that time SNSD had their five year break or something. That's why, except for a couple of songs, I never really got into them, until maybe a year ago. I only knew Yoona from her drama "K2" and Seohyun from "song of the bandits" which came out last year, I believe.
But I really enjoyed getting to know them through Soshi Tam Tam, channel Soshi and some Knowing bros appearances.
I think it's a shame that, despite the fact they have been in the industry for over 15 years now, there is way less fics about them compared to newer groups. I hope I can change that just a little bit. I did start writing on here, because I wanted to read about idols I couldn't find/that were rare in the first place so this is kinda what I wanted to do anyways. Also including Dreamcatcher and Fromis_9 as well.
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k-tarotz · 10 months
hey! could u do a reading on what male idols and female idols think of newjeans minji pls
have a nice day🌺
Thank you for the request, lovely <3
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Knight of swords, of cups and of coins & 3 of swords
What do other kpop idols think about new jeans Minji?
"Direct / straightforward "
"Impatient "
"Impulsive "
"Rebellious "
"Confident "
"Creative "
"Sensitive "
Some definitely have a crush on her
"Stubborn "
"Conservative "
"Hardworking "
Most of those seem to come from male idols since all, expect for 3 of swords, cards represented males. No female card fell out, perhaps I will make a separate one just for this later if another such request comes up!
Most of them seem to view her as a nice person who is working hard and putting efforts to reach her dreams and someone who is creative and smart, regardless of that can come off as a bit too blunt at times, but I don't think that's an issue. Some of them might have been rejected by her which explains the last two points as it was also the 3 of swords. No one seems to view hee as negative person though or at least very rarely.
Please keep in mind that our readings are made for entertainment purposes and not to spread hate or anything of the sort and is to ge taken as grain of salt, thank you!
- Hun
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First of all, I love your blog. I am so happy to see you active.
Second of all, I agree with that anon about finding Jimin fascinating. I have never been this intrigued by any other celebrity. I find him different but I don't know why. He is good looking but so are other idols. I mean it's Kpop. Most have to be good looking to make it. It's just such a weird thing. Like you can't help but notice him. Everytime I watch a BTS related content, he is the first person I notice. He isn't even my favourite but my eyes will instantly see him before anyone else. He also somehow leaves the strongest mark in any mvs or performances or even simple content. It's weird. I don't get it.
Hi Anon, 💜
I saw your ask come in days ago, just as I was logging out of the app and felt a bit bad because I knew I wouldn't have any time for Tumblr for the next few days. Lately, I've actually wanted to remain active here, but life keeps getting in the way. I know it's not a big deal but I really am thankful that so many of you understand that I'm active here only when I can afford to be. 💜
On to more interesting topics, yes to everything you said about Jimin. There's no other member I write about here more than Jimin and it's something I don't ever feel like apologizing for because that man is infinitely captivating.
It's rare to see someone who recognizes exactly what he is, as young as Jimin did. There are many points over the years that Jimin has done something, and it registered in my head that this man is different. It's human to be a bit self-indulgent, to be a little self-absorbed, a little self-deception is a very natural mechanism that sometimes shields us from other people's projections and malicious intent. And so it struck me as almost inhuman in how acutely aware Jimin was to recognize his need to be seen, heard, in the most audacious format available to him as a 13 year old boy in Busan, South Korea.
His depth of self-knowledge, indicative of his unusually high intelligence, is at the source of his magnetism and charisma. In my opinion. You can see it in his eyes and it amplifies his already unnatural beauty.
I recently started speaking with a Jimin-bias on Twitter and we've become good friends. She described Jimin like this (and I've linked in sources):
"Jimin of BTS is the man who wrote a detailed essay that convinced his parents to let him study dance over science or law, who landed an esteemed dance and martial arts scholarship, who went against his teacher (Lee Hwa Sung’s) wishes of going the more secure route excelling as a professional modern dancer given his talents, to instead pursue his dream to become an idol, who called his dad once a month as a trainee of a nearly bankrupt agency saying “don’t worry dad. Even if I don’t make it this way I’ll make it another way”, who debuted as main dancer and lead vocalist with what is now the biggest group in the world despite having the shortest training period in Big Hit’s history and one of the shortest training periods in all of kpop to date."
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That is one reason I am ecstatic about FACE. The music itself is one thing and we'll deal with that when we get there - I may or may not like the music (though given what he's released so far, the fact he's in BTS, and him working with RM and PDogg, I doubt it). But the subject matter of FACE: Park Jimin, would interest me even if I was on my death bed with only 10 KB of data available for me to use one last time.
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I'm not very good at explaining what I mean, but I hope those who love him don't take offense when I call Jimin a freak. Because that is what I'm absolutely convinced he is. I don't know how else to express just how beastly I think he really is. Looking at him for me is like looking at one of those lenticular prints that shift into different things depending on lighting - like you turn your head one way looking at Jimin and you see a panther, turn your head another way and you see a dove, turn yet another way and you see a snake. And each animal is the most perfect expression of its form. He hones every quality he expresses with a meticulousness that scares me sometimes, because every example of that sort of personality I've seen in music has burnt out or passed before 40 (Prince being the only exception). The rapline have an identical quality but they seem less volatile than Jimin to me for some reason.
Anyway, I'm rambling. I'm excited about FACE and Anon when I saw your ask come in days ago, I suspected you were fishing (lol), but also I love Jimin and will take every excuse to talk about him. It's also way easier to talk about him than it is to talk about Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok for me lol.
Speaking of which, it goes without saying that Jimin's evolution in self-awareness is also a result of his relationship with the rapline in BTS, as well as some other members. Jimin's comments about how he relies on those three, of what he thinks of their characters, and about how those three have assisted and influenced him, are consistent with how I see them too.
Back to Jimin, he's a once in a lifetime personality and there's nothing wrong with admitting it.
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(Me too, Jungkook. Me too.)
Make sure you've pre-saved FACE, stream On The Street, and stay hydrated. 💜
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thesingingrevolution · 4 months
the way winwin carefully scheduled his year around the wayv comeback but sm suddenly switched the comeback dates up on him and he ended up not being able to participate ... and THEN he cant make it to the versache event cus he has to talk all of this out w the company.
yunquis r so strong... i would not be able to deal fr. how do u do it???
first of all thanks for your message 🙇🏻‍♀️💌
personally, i felt so upset and disappointed when the news broke :( it was bad enough it was gonna be an ot5 comeback, but when it was revealed it was because sm changed their pre planned schedule it made me angry. i understand that winwin has other important activities and if it was his own choice to sit this one out, i would have respected his decision and happily supported the other five members. but the fact that he went out of his way to ensure his schedule would align and they couldn’t even respect that.. it made me really sad. as far as we know, there is no reason this comeback had to me moved up. they just did it. and i’ve never seen anything like it, how can a company not respect their artist in this incredibly basic way? it’s heartbreaking.
i wish winwin stays in nct because i truly love him and i love his friendships in the group and his contributions etc etc but stuff like this makes me wish more and more than he only does what he needs to do for his career and happiness, regardless of how we feel. these transgressions are too serious in my opinion, to the point that when wayv were promoting on my youth during the last few months of 2023 as a proper group it almost felt like a fever dream. a full group promoting a comeback together should not be a rare occurrence. it’s so so so sad and wayv as a whole deserve so much better. the fact that i felt absolutely no excitement over this cb and haven’t even looked at concept pics or listened to any songs says so much. i will eventually, but it hurts right now :( i will need some time to get over this. not the fault of any of the members, of course!!! will always love and wish then the best.
moreover i hate that this feeds into the idea that winwin doesn’t care about his group. it’s such a common sentiment in the (toxic/misinformed/immature) parts of the fandom. if anything, winwin’s actions and deliberate desire to partake in the cb tells us the EXACT OPPOSITE. if he didn’t care, he clearly wouldn’t have gone through the trouble. like you’ve said, it’s causing more issues for him. so why would he do it if he didn’t care? i’m glad some clarifying posts went semi viral, and there was a decent amount of outrage. rightfully so.
as for how i do it….. my friend,, it’s not easy. to be honest, i have had periods where it wasn’t good for me (last summer, for example, i had so much free time to dedicate to kpop and it started affecting my mental health when i saw my fav neglected and disrespected all the time). thankfully i am better now and have been for a long time, it’s really embarrassing to admit kpop can mess one up like that lol but i hope people can be honest about how they feel since it’s very real in my experience. i try not too think about it too much and keep busy with other things, i took a huge step back from stan twitter and i only follow a few yunqi accs who post updates/positivity and don’t engage in fanwars and spread aggression across the internet. as for his company, it’s a bit more complicated. i feel as though his potential has never been fully realized, which is sad for a seasoned idol so many years into his career. but it also gives him so much space to grow, every now and then i am so surprised by his incredible work in other areas, because he was held back so much. i am so glad there are people who recognize his potential <3
i also try to remember that even though i love nct and its a huge part of my life, it’s just music and no matter what happens things will be alright. we will always have the good times and memories and that makes me feel better when i get upset. lastly, i learned to primarily focus on my own friends and my own thoughts. just last night, i told a friend i love winwin the most and she said she likes him and that he suits me as a bias. all my irl kpop stan friends have been nothing but supportive and sweet. and in my own head, winwin is the best, i dont have to think about his company and random people online to hold that opinion, and at the end of the day my thoughts are the only ones that really matter when it comes to this.
i’m sorry this is so long hahahha, but hopefully it explains a little about how i feel about all this!! once again thank you for your message 💖
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have you ever dreamed about atz/idol(s) before?
i had a dream not long after txt's tnc:temptation was released. i was a main role (??) of some sorts in txt's cysm and we were shooting the mv (i was watching content from tdc:eternity era before sleeping so i guess that explains it)
so blah blah blah, terry and i become best friends, blah blah blah, i end up going home after the shoot. next morning i wake up to what seems like a studio choom behind ep, and its txt's reactions when they find out i wont be filming with them anymore??(somehow we skipped a whole 4 albums and came back to tnc:temptation?) so soobin, beomgyu and yeonjun were spinning in a t-pose with the fairy dust sprinkling around them, terry and kai were watching them, and then they were like all sad when they found out i wasnt filming anymore, then started sending hearts and blowing kisses to the camera AND TERRY SAID I LOVE YOU😭
so i started crying in the dream and posted the clip of yunjin saying 정말 감사합니다 on my twitter 😭😭 then i woke up and got really sad that i wasnt actually friends w taehyun
in all my dreams of txt, taehyun is always my best friend and its so sad when i wake up to realise it was just a dream and ill never be friends w him 😭😭😭
omgg i can feel the heartbreak from here 😭😭 that was wild tho and dreams do be like that they literally make no sense esp with the timeskips inside a dream like what is this a kdrama 😭 funny that your subconscious has friendzoned taehyun for good LMAO
i dream a lot actually, so much it's almost a problem bc they're so vivid and i rarely ever feel well rested bc of them oops BUT i've had a few crazy kpop dreams too:
a similar friendzone situation happened to me where me and taeyong were supposed to be best friends? in the same college and he was angry about sth on our way to clg and i was trying to calm him down but he ended up being mean and i was like find me when you're calm 💀 and then he felt sorry or sth and we were in class (some auditorium kinda setting) and he kept looking at me with those sad apologetic eyes and when i finally met his gaze he mouthed 'sorry' and i gave him the 👌okay sign AND THEN THAT MF MOUTHED 'I LOVE YOU' AND ISTG I SOBBED RIGHT THERE (i guess i was in love with him 😩) AND I MOUTHED ILY BACK BUT ISTG MY HEART BROKE.
an ateez dream that keeps me awake tho it's a funny one i think i've told someone on another ask too but what happened was yungi and i are a best friends trio and yunho had been away for some time and he was back in town so mingi and i were going to meet up with him in some park right and it was late at night so not many ppl were around and when i saw yunho waving at me i literally dropped everything and ran towards him and he spread his arms and i jump-hugged him and he picked me up and i was hugging him and he was spinning me around (i'm losing it if you can't tell already) and i was still in his arms, my legs wrapped around him for support and i broke the hug to look at him aND IM SO STUPID I JUST GIGGLED AND SAID "so this is how the air feels like from up here" JKFHGJSFDHGKJDFHGKJ (i want to cry every time i think about this dream bc a) it's funny and b) that hug was so warm and i haven't had a good hug in years))
my recent fic guerrilla (serialkiller!yunho) was also a direct result of me dreaming about serial killer yunho actually slitting ppl's throats and well... he's hot
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wnjunhui · 1 year
bias tag game!!
you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10. then answer the questions below! try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
thank you for the tag, @h-aelz​! i’m tagging a few people, feel free to ignore it if you don’t feel like doing it. @joanwtsn​ @nunuboo​ @jlnyoung​ @raplinenthusiasts​ @userjungkook97​ @sugarushride​ 
as for my answers...
1. Jun (SVT)
2. Soobin (TXT)
3. Wonwoo (SEVENTEEN)
4. Yunjin (LE SSERAFIM)
5. Wooyoung (ATEEZ)
6. Seokjin (BTS)
7. Chenle (NCT Dream)
8. Jay (Enhypen)
9. Yoshi (Treasure)
10. Mark (NCT 127)
1. Between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
Oh, it was Wooyoung. Even though I’m more of a casual fan of Ateez, they were one of the first groups I liked and I immediately fell in love with Wooyoung... Iike loud people. 
2. Between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
Jin was my first kpop bias, so it’s definitely him. He’s my comfort idol, he is so similar to me and I’m just super attached to him. Even now that I don’t listen to BTS as much, he’s always in my mind, and I miss him :( 
3. If you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
I guess Jun, he’s my #1 and we also are so similar. I would love to hang out with him, talk about animation movies, go out to eat spicy food (I can definitely keep up with him) and just talk A LOT. I also think he would probably know some cool and fun places that are totally my style. If I can cheat, I would ask him to bring Wonwoo with him 🫢
4. What is your favorite physical feature about 9?
I love the mole under his mouth! It what made me recognize him when I first got into treasure. I also need to say that his face overall reminds me of Gerard Way.
5. What is your favorite part of 6's personality?
I love everything about his personality, but I think his humor is just what I love the most... he is so unserious and I love that. I like that even when he is being serious, he is able to be calm and even joke around to ease the pressure/tension.
6. If you were to tell 8 anything you wanted, what you would you tell them?
I want to tell him that he is doing great, that I hope he keeps true to himself, no matter what. I also want him to know that I admire him so much for all the effort he puts to be better at what he loves and also that I’m a harry styles fan just like him.
7. Between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid?
ignoring the fact that i’m waaaaaay shorter than both of them, I think I would go with Jun’s closet... there are a few pieces that I’m obsessed with. I also think both of them have a pretty chill style, which I like.
8. What is a style that you want to see 3 try?
i have two things in mind, either a classic rock vibe, like a rock ballad or more of an emo/pop-punk vibe, with raw vocals and relatable lyrics... i also have to say that i’m super biased because i want that for almost all my biases lol, but i really think it would suit wonwoo the best
9. Between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
anyone in that list is way taller than me. these two are almost the same height, but it’s yunjin. apparently she’s 1.72, which is almost 20 cm taller than me lol
10. Between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
this is such a tricky question. i think I’ll go with treasure, I LOVE their style and I just enjoy most of their songs. i rarely get into a group first just because of the music, but i did with them.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Im sure you’ve probably heard that Yacht and Santa are going off to join a kpop survival show. Survival shows are not my personal jam, but from a more scientific standpoint I am interested to see if their BL influence carries over. I also wonder a lot about what this will mean for pair branding since Santa and Earth seemed like a solid duo.
I also feel like the circle has finally been completed. The awkward singing that has always poked through BL shows always seemed like they were edging into idol territory for me.
Is this the beginning of the BL to kpop pipeline? (I’m not counting the kpop idols who started as idols and then do BL).
I have no idea and I never will, honestly.
I wish them luck, I'll miss both of them in BL as they're both very good and I hope they have success.
As someone who doesn't listen to Kpop, doesn't watch reality/survival/celebrity shows and, frankly, doesn't tend to focus heavily on actors except rarely...
I mean, that's the most I can do?
I hope they do well, I hope they get success, I hope they can live brightly and happily and that's about all I got.
I'm not surprised since most of the actors are being picked for being a 'triple threat' aka acting, dancing and singing so yeah. Several BL actors have chosen musical careers over acting and I've seen a few more that seem to be picking that so... I'm not surprised.
What I want is a true circle.
BL actor in Thailand to Kpop Idol back to BL actor in Korea once they're famous there. That would be the true dream.
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skinzchoerim · 2 years
I couldn't sleep so I was thinking about why the project was called undergrOund idOl and its relation to queerness. Here's some ramblings of a sleep deprived person.
At first, the name of the project suggests something about OOO's experience as not very well known idols. However, the characters in the MVs aren't idols, they're regular people living regular lives. So why the name?
Another side to being an idol, other than musician, is a person who is looked up to and respected, revered even. But this idol is an underground one, meaning they're hidden from the rest of the world, probably not even of their own volition but because others fail to recognise them, so it's impossible for them to become the idols they're meant to be.
The things that would make them an idol, make them respected and looked up to, are their art, their thoughts, their self expression, their bravery, their perseverance. Things they feel they can't share with the world.
Queer people in history (and even now) felt like they didn't have a voice, like someone else would have to speak up first in order for them to find their own words and the courage to say them. But rarely anybody said anything, and even if they did, they were not celebrated for it. So, most people chose to say nothing.
"Underground" acknowledges that queer people had to live in hiding, even if their talents and skills would've made them role models to others who had the same dreams and aspirations. They had to stifle their art and all that would've made them admirable, that would make them remembered today. They're an unseen, unrecognised and (unfortunately in most cases) lost good influence on the world.
This project brings queer people and artists to light, shares their untold stories and allows them to want and go after what they want. It shows both their aspirational traits - courage, confidence, the need to share love - as well as the results of flawed human nature - miscommunication, causing disappointment, I'm sure there'll be more in the rest of the solos.
After all, despite what many fans like to believe, OOO strive to show that idols (and that applies to kpop idols and queer role models alike) aren't perfect, but their flaws don't make them any less worthy of being looked up to. They have a message and art to share, and they might remain underground to most people, their voices just a few encouraging forces echoing in a world that doesn't want to acknowledge them. But those who seek out to find their own voice will hear their message, recognize themselves in it and be encouraged to live in a way that's true to themselves. By some at least, they're finally recognized as idols.
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loevhyuck · 1 year
hi loevhyuck 🥰
last night i dreamt SMtown was performing in my city and for some reason all the idols were staying at my house?? haechan and mark and i were sitting at the kitchen table, and i told them it feels like i know them even though I'd never met them before, and they asked "who do you think would be more likely to wake the other up if they were oversleeping?" and i said i thought haechan would be the one to wake mark up but they shook their heads and haechan said he'd let mark sleep in and mark said he'd wake haechan up so they wouldn't be late. it was interesting! and then later on i was talking to mark about my favorite nct songs, and he seemed so grateful that we could just have a normal conversation and i wasn't one of those creepy fans like on fancalls. i also met baekhyun and suho, and i texted baekhyun throughout the dream and everytime he'd reply there'd be so many emojis and cutesy little phrases, it was so funny. suho wanted to make sure i got a good seat at the concert. overall it was a really interesting dream, just to be able to hang out with them as if we were all friends.
have you ever dreamt about kpop idols?
i hope you're doing well :)
- hyuck-xix
hi hyuck-xix 🥺 i really like the guests in your dream to be honest. and the fact that even while you are sleeping you feel respect for them from fan to artist and that they are real people. but it's cute :( and even as if it coincides with what kind of people they really are. i thought about this not long ago, that i dream about mark and donghyuck most often together. it happens very rarely when they are apart. i always have such vivid dreams. i still remember two of them, one in which they were walking around my city and it seems there was a bickering between them, and in the other where they were in the countryside, and a black cat was crowded next to mark. our markitty. but then again they are 'lovebirds' even in my dreams. but I have too many strange dreams because i wake up a lot at night and sleep for an hour at a time and therefore I forget a lot.
you promised to show me your arts! i glad you are here. a big hug.
with much love, loevhyuck.
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papirouge · 2 years
I know u dont like kpop idols, but what about japanese ones??? Like morning musume or momoclo??
Anon, the entire idol industry is corrupt. No exception.
I liked Momoclo but when I heard one of the member who freshly graduated from the group announced (Momoka Ariyasu) marrying one of their manager, I got like "obviously"....
First generation Momusu had their load of scandals but they were pretty tame (dating or smoking scandals) though it's a well known thing that many idols get 'messy' with their (married) manager or producer. Most idols are underage when debuting, some are even children (eg °C-cute, another group produced by Tsunku, debuted with members as young as 13 years old...). And it's not rare that idols are signed into their agency as young as 10....which leaves a wide room for predator to groom them from inception.
I'd say Perfume are the perfect achievement of idols. They are an outstanding case of idols in their 30s. Their story is super endearing too. They weren't supposed to go past their first album (hence why it's called "Perfume -Complete Best") which was a compilation of their indie hits as kid idols from Hiroshima....until they got a surprise hit with "POLYRHYTHM" and they've now become one of the most popular japanese female pop band in Japan AND internationally. They are branded like idols so they have a VERY polished aesthetic & public image and never got any scandal. But their aesthetic shifted into something very robotic and cold.
Perfume had those strong dancing routines since forever but they still had something lively (such as "Dream Fighter" or "Baby Cruising Love"), but since a while (I'd say JPN album era) I'm getting strong transhumanism agenda/robotic coming from them.
"Spring of Life" MV literally have them as robots with spread out body parts...
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...a shame cause the song is a bop and those LED outifts were gorgeous (it's one of my favorite dance routine of them)😭🤍
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"Spending all my Time" MV also always gave me mind controlled teas. The dance routine is the most impressing but extremely robotic and kinda....nonsensical and disturbing(?) It's actually very fitting with the song which has a very intoxicating chorus though. And the song is a bop so.....🥴🥴
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I would have A LOT to say about Ayumi Hamasaki (aka Japan's biggest pop star) who got marketed as an idol when she debuted but if I did have to expose all the secret coding/symbolism of her MV (and there are MANY), I'd have to write a whole essay anon, so since I don't know if anyone is that interested in jpop tea like that, I'll refrain from now👀
I'll just leave it that here...........
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sex kitten programming aaaaaall the way🥴
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cantalooprat · 2 years
Fanservice Paradox
What I Liked
hhhh the romance concept of pts and fjx is rly rly right up my alley, philosophy×mathematics with the core of "true self", it rly... rly ticks all my boxes. how do i describe itttt its like, its like... basically, the pursuit of truth is the most romantic of all lmao its like how i think that physics is inherently romantic, philosophy and math are like that too. basically. i love the abstract metaphors and the in-character but non-public knowledge allusions, they way they integrate and make parallels of each other in their own fields of study (moon of entelecheia, point on the number axis). ngl i didn't expect this kind of thing in my idol-setting showbiz wn.
i feel like pts and fjx rly embody the quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction". pts didnt hate fjx himself but hated how passive he seemed despite being at the eye of a storm of rumors, and fjx avoided him bc it’s his natural reaction to someone who doesn’t like him. but at the core they have similar values and outlooks in life, just different ways of going about in preserving them. so once the ice between them starts to melt into warmth, it's rly... fairly easy for them to fall for each other.
i love how zhichu wrote fjx. i feel like true socially awkward introverts r super rare in danmei-sphere. there r mostly taciturn ppl who don't like to speak (hello stoic cold mls) but they're not lacking in the social capability department. when i read abt fjx i lowkey think, wow, i feel like that too sometimes lmao. it's also nice that zhichu wrote how there r ppl who questioned if fjx has psychological problems and responded that there r ppl who r naturally more introverted, and ngl i'm guilty of thinking of that too, even though i myself am an extreme introvert and should have been able to understand and identify more w fjx sighs
ling yi is an entire precious disaster bb and yybl would not have been the same without him
tbh yybl brings back all the sweetest memories of my kpop stan days, reading it is like experiencing ur fav nugu group blow up into stardom. they even come w their own edgy boygroup title tracks lmao. hnn but yeah, there r so many memorable moments. the accidental cp fancam (exid's fancam that made them famous!), faulty audio that catapulted them to stardom (gfriend's infamous slipping performance when they danced on a wet stage?), fjx's mic box almost falling off and him saving it flawlessly (shinee's dream girl perf w minho's broken mic stand), their first win, their first concert... i cried reading the last 2 chapters abt their concert, it rly made me nostalgic. anw. the point is. stan kaleido.
night trip tho it became so meaningful im so shook, it was a drama ost n they described the scenes where the song was used n i got Goosebumps n then the hidden meaning of the lyrics was also revealed n how it's all referring to pts and fjx's love story sigh sigh sigh
ok ok ok but i can't not mention the absolutely beautiful imageries that kept being used to reference these two. from math to philosophy to the moon to spring/winter... they're fantastic, i love the beauty in the writing.
w a t e r f i r e im so! fukin!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! g o d that set of extras they're not even done yet n im so!!! ok i believe the audio drama team will rls daydream for waterfire they cant not rls daydream!! waterfire is s o . . . their sexual tension is off the charts n i was even like ho they have fwb vibes n then they actually became fwb n i was Still Shook like wtf me anw their romance is a whole different flavor compared to tingjue, they're like a more adult tianwang actually. he ziyan was like "mb im someone who cant keep someone else" n i had moumou war flashbacks. fak i had no clue waterfire is a thing in the main text, if it wasn't for other readers mentioning i'd rly have no idea. n then they have a set of extras just for them n i was like mygod... they can be their own wn... they rly have that vibe of "a relationship that wasn't quite complete when they were young, then they reunited x yrs later n finally get together" n like thats just moumou vibes adkfks
What I Disliked
the...pacing is kinda wack. tbh nearing the end of the story i was kind of tired of reading it, and not bc i'm bored (like for ghfod i was actually bored near the end). the ups and downs were just really... quite extreme. idk how to quite describe it, but it was tiring.
pts's attitude screams entitled a lot of the times. tbh he can't get away w most of the shit he does if he wasn't so rich. at least he's not a stoic ml ig
the author mentioned it too but it's def a v idealistic view of the entertainment industry. not rly a con but its also not rly a pro, but having come from kpop n seeing the netizen reactions for kaleido, i just think that they must be living in a much warmer, kinder parallel world compared to this one.
icb heartbeat paradox wasn't actually a song from the wn /unreasonable
would i read zhichu's other works? probably... i think their writing concepts and romantic philosophy is right up my alley, but the pacing of yybl rly did make me tired at the end lmao
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sincerely-krp · 5 months
if krp wasn't an issue why does it have it's own isolated rp subgenre and ask yourself why are you gravitated to south korean/east asian faceclaims specifically? /
agreed with the last part but disagree with this logic. it has its own isolated rp subgenre bc the fandom is so large for it, the same way anime rp has it's own subgenre and systems. and the reason why it's so large is because it's being pushed by its industries and government to continue to grow this way. there's creative concepts coming out of this industry every month, photoshoots to match, it's like giving character concepts on a platter to people (when it comes to oc). people gravitate to south korean/east asian faceclaims because they belong in industries that belong to that similar creative output.
when it comes to gen, it's also because of the industry itself, and its effects and promotions globally. it's much more...entwined into problematic, real life issues in my opinion. people are gravitating to south korean/east asian media, and the same escapism that hits us all when we were young preteens to teens wanting to date or marry the idols we followed, or making krp fanfics with y/n in it, or dreaming of being a kpop trainee, or even wanting to be inside of an anime world or tv show world (hence all the fanfics) has only gotten more cultish and damaging. these are the groups of people that are more likely to do it due to wanting to self-insert themselves into a life that's 'better' than theirs, or date the idols they want to date irl.
a subsection of those writers are likely to fetishize east asians irl, but let's not act like the kpop industry itself being so fast moving, chock full of creative intel, and constantly shoving groups that are meant to make people want them or want to be them, has nothing to do with it. i disagree with people who make it sound so simple, because it really isn't.
east asian studies both in and outside of east asian discuss soft power, especially how nations like japan and korea have mastered it. you check any amount of reported, peer-reviewed journals and they've got articles discussing it; air, carnegie melon, mit, korea economic institute of america, the list goes on and on about the phenomenon and more specifically how it's closely linked to the government's funding, pushing, and plans. the goal is to make these groups more desireable, more infectious, people talk on here about fast food- it's hyperpalatable, and so is kpop. and they're good at what they do, they're good at having that effect, so we keep coming back. they cater to the digital world we live in, and the radicalized youth of our time too.
all poc and non poc are fetishized somewhere in the world, and there are (often disgusting) sources for it that are plain as day. both manga and kpop industries market to have a desirable effect on the viewer, and the more people considering these kinds of medias and products or people desirable, the more this disgusting behavior will show up. understanding the context is important to understanding why the behavior shows up: it's not an excuse, because it's fucking disgusting and we all know that, but it's also...weird, to choose to ignore the reasons why oc writers use korean/south-east asian face claims, and assume it's a fetishizing thing.
it's a shared interest and culture and is often intellectual in some capacity as well. very rarely do i encounter an au writer who considers it about the races present vs the culture it comes from. people grew up reading fanfics, writing fanfics, eventually found a plac e they could write stories collaboratively with others, and here we are.
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whynotjust-die · 1 year
i’m honestly really on the fence about taekook being actually real.
don’t get me wrong. im a huge fucking shipper, but somehow i always end up with doubts about their relationship being real.
hear me out:
1. obviously they have moments where it seems like there could be no other explanation but lets face it, so do so many other ships.
2. owing to their situations right now, where they live separately and (publicly) meet up pretty rarely for an actual couple, i’d say they either never dated or they actually dated in the past and now are broken up and that breaks my heart to even think about so no.
3. even though they have gotten a fuckton amount of exposure, they are still korean. and, well, i’m not saying that there are no lgbt idols or people in korea but it greatly reduces the probability as compared to them being artists in america i’d say.
4. these boys fucking worked so fucking hard to achieve their dream from the start. i doubt ANY of them had the time to start a relationship.
on top of that their dedication shows that they would try to minimise anything they could that would lead to them having problems achieving their dream. dating within the group, i think, would definitely make things harder for them and they would probably want to avoid that i feel.
because obviously if any of them are in a long term relationship with each other, they’re gonna have problems, they’re going to fight, and that absolutely changes the dynamic. plus the threat of them breaking up is too huge.
5. sometimes when you believe something, you try to find it even in the most irrelevant things. with taekook, sometimes stuff that would seem platonic otherwise tends to make me feel like there’s something more behind it. i’m sure many shippers face that.
6. they have been in the same band for 10 fucking years, as friends, as family. OBVIOUSLY they’re very close. and sometimes being this close makes it seem like a romantic relationship but i’ve always believed that you can have that kind of closeness in a platonic way too.
7. they’re in the kpop industry. they have been taught to please the audience and there has been a lot of taekook content i’ve seen online that could easily be a part of the fan service they have been taught to give. i won’t give you the guarantee that it is, but i’d say it most likely is.
saying all this makes me very sad to be honest. because i’ve ALWAYS loved taekook. and believe me when i say, i’d be so fucking happy if they’re actually together, but even if they are, i doubt we’d ever know.
also in no way am i saying that they’re not close. i detest that thought and for sure know that can’t be true. i’m just trying to say that there is less chance of taekook being real.
i too get so confused because of some instances and that really makes me believe that they have to be real.
if in the future, these beautiful people decide that they want to tell us about their relationship being real, i’d jump to the moon and back i swear.
okay enough for now, i should free you from my rant.
goodbye peeps!
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