#it's still being worked on it hasn't been cancelled that would never happen
ilaiyayaya · 5 months
I am so excited to read through so much mediocrity I love wading through garbage in search of a slightly shinier piece of garbage! Honestly my favorite hobby. I've downloaded a bunch of free and cheap English visual novels, as well as like, 20 demos over the last like 3 months in preparation for just going through and binging a bunch of them over a month or 2. Most of them I know literally nothing about, I found a lot of them through just random sources like single Twitter posts or forum posts, or like Steam games with like 10 reviews. Realistically most of them probably won't be amazing given the sheer quantity I've queued up and how unknown they are but like, if I find a single one that's even like a 7/10 it'll make it all worth it. Outside of a few really popular ones like Doki Doki Literature Club and uhhhhhhhh (i'm sure there's others but it supports my point to not be able to even remember any others!) English VNs are like, super niche, like VNs in general are already kinda niche, but English VNs are like, even further beyond like nobody gives a shit about them at all (including me, until now) and that sucks I'm sure there's gotta be some really good ones, but because they're not made in Japan the losers in my silly Discord servers HATE them.
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Most of them are also really short, even the longer ones aren't like, 50+ hours which is like, average for what I'm used to. Plus since I'm doing this for the sole purpose of finding new cool stuff I have absolutely no issue with just dropping one like an hour in if it doesn't click with me I WILL NOT FORCE MYSELF TO FINISH THEM IF I'M NOT HAVING FUN JUST BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE NOT FINISHING THINGS I WILL NOT DO THAT sorry I need to create a public statement in order to hold myself accountable for anything or else I will 100% force myself to 100% literally all of these even if I hate them because I'm stupid and insane. I already played a few of them, namely Without a Voice and Milk Inside a Bag of Milk (not Outside a Bag of Milk yet tho, also I know that one technically isn't an English VN it's Russian but like, I don't care about your language, I only care about Cookie's Bustle) and they were both pretty good, so off to a pretty good start so far, hopefully the rest are equally good :). I'm not reading the fucking bird dating simulator I don't even remember what it's called I'M NOT READING SHITPOSTS THIS IS SERIOUS TIME I ONLY READ SERIOUS VISUAL NOVELS
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stuffforme2 · 6 months
Okay listen I lvoe the pjo books and series with all ym heart but.. everyone talks about them like they're perfect WHICH THEYRE NOT any problems are kinda brushed under the rug and I find thst kinda werid? Like you'll see other books and TV shows get dragged and canceled for the stuff in Riordan books and yet pjo doesn't?? So.. uhhHHHH yeah that's jsut something I noticed.
The weird relationshipd ynamics. Rick is like allergic to someone bring okay with being single or jsut aromantic like you can say Reyna but her having a crush kn Jason?? Yes she rejected Apollo but her relationship with Jason deterioted brcuz she had a 'crush' on the guy and that doesn't really amke sense to me (I can go into so much detail kn this)
AND LEO AND CALYPSO OMFG that is a toxic relationship. The age gap. The way calypso treats Leo. The fact Leo SHOULD NOT be with someone like this man hasn't dealt with his attachment and Abandonment issues like st all?!
The literal only black character in the pjo books being beckendorf.. then he dies. Then the Korean/Asian (I'm not sure sorry) character dies, Ethan. And like I understand Percy is hinted st being Hispanic (have seen many ppl talk about this dont mnow if it's common knowldhe) but it's never confirmed or added??? I know Rick fixes it later but it's still weird to me lmaoo
Rick unable to keep consistent personality. Woobigying Nico OH MY GOD NICO HE BECOMES GAY AND THSTS WHDT EVERYONE FUCKING FOCUSES ON AND HE SHOULD'VE NEVER GOTTEN WITH WILL ATLWAST NOT THAT QUICK it's not healthy. Their relationship was rushed and didn't make sense I felt like people only like ot becuz it's a gay relationship??
And oh mygods— Samirah. I am not Muslim and I am not an expert on the Nuslim religion but there is so much shitbthatbeas wrong in thst book that I even knew was incorrect and jsut weird to happen?! The AMOUNT OF TIMES HER HIJAB CAME OFF and I'm also like "yaayyyy representation" but it could've been as easy as one Google search. one.
Jason. Jason as a whole. He had the most potential out of ANYONE and personally I think he had more potential then Percy like his story is so INTERESTING and then.. Rick knocked him iut with a brick multiple times, didn't work kn his sotry or trauma at all, then KILLED HIM. Same with Ethan. I am so Vitter about these two.. HELL EVEN LEO AND FRANK.
Also the way he made Annabeth first quest (first quest SHE IS LEADING AND IS HER PROHECY) all about Percy. I was reading it and I was like "bitxh— this is Annabeth Quest?!" LIKE he it pissed me off that Annabeth was swept to rhe side as Percy's lvoe interest giving her knly enough personality and stary to make her jnteredting enough to eb loved but never delving jntk it into Mark kf Athena and even at Mark of Athena it all rounded back tk her and Percy's relationship LIKE JESUS CHRIST DO THESE MFERS PASS THE BELLDAN TEST?!
The low key incest at the beginning ricj writing that all the demigods had the same impish features at rhe start and then.. jsut.. CHSNGING IT?!
Not letting a virgin goddess who has no history of having children have.. children.. NOW you may be wondering 'but then how would we get Annabeth?'— JUST GiVE ATHENA HER FAVOURITE CHOSEN PPL LIKE SHE DID WITH ODYSSEUS let her stay childless. Jsut let her choose some children she'd like as hers wonce they're Bron and she then blesses them as her heroes, that's how she treats them any way and it also gets rid of the incest?!
Also the fact it's implied that Annabeth is only smart becuz she's a child of Athena.. Rick made a virgin goddess technically have children so he can have a smart women character and that's just.. EuGGHHhHHh JUST LET HER BE SMART IT NOT THAT HARD "Oh, no, I'm not smart because Athena chose me.. Athena chose me because I was already smart" Smacks you with common fucking sense.
The whole apheodite cabin. The whole aphrodite cabin. The whole aphrodite cabin.
The fact it's clear Rick doesn't think girly girls cant be strong or into fighting or able to wield a fuckign weapon. The way he makes nearly every girly girl into a total mean bitch or ruins their characters.
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gremlintheslut · 1 year
Forever theirs
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Chapters 4, 4.5 and 5
(i wanted to make up for missing 2 posts but i would of posted 4 and 4.5 together so heres 3 chapters)
Master list
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Chapter 4 safe?
Finn thrusts in and out at an inhuman pace. I feel the coil in my stomach tighten for the 9th time today. We have been doing it like rabbits in my boss's office all day. Then I hear a timer go off. "home time baby girl" Balor utters against my neck and before I know it I'm in well... Somewhere else.
We're laying down on silk sheets, the place looks like a sex dungeon and my mind is going a million miles an hour. "calm down we're at my place" he says as he continues to fuck me. I nod my head and try to focus on how good I feel but the weird stomach feeling is back.
A part of me wants to tell him to stop or to take us to my house but nothing will come out of my mouth. The coil in my tummy finally breaks and I come undone for the 9th time. Next thing I know Finn is painting my walls with his seed. He pulls out and lay beside me. "I know I probably should have asked before I took us here but I think you will have a lot of fun here," he says and I look at all of the toys surrounding us.
I know what he says is true as my eyes lock onto a toy I recognize. "not today baby get some rest your gonna need it for tomorrow" he chuckles before getting up and returning a little while later with a washcloth.
After cleaning me up he kisses me and climbs into bed next to me. "I'll never take another client again" he whispers. I don't know what to say. Obviously he means not me included. I decide to stay silent and try to fall asleep. It's hard to ignore his previous words but after a few minutes, we fall asleep but I can't help but feel upset when I wake up.
I'm home. In my bed. Alone. He has left and I wonder if he tricked me into thinking he cared so he could fuck me and leave. His euphoric effects are quickly canceled out by anxiety and fear. My head is still foggy but I'm no where near happy. this has never happened so quickly before i never knew the euphoria could leave so fast. I Get ready for work and check the date to make sure it wasn't all a dream. it wasn't. All of it was real and I guess I'll find out if he really cares today.
He hasn't gone a single day without popping up and fucking me or at least trying to. When I get to work I'm shocked that my boss isn't waiting for me so she can ridicule me. Then I'm even more shocked to find out that everyone is looking for her.
The last time anyone heard from her was yesterday when I was in her office for half the day with the door locked. The only excuse I can think of is that she was screaming at me for violating the dress code and wouldn't let me flaunt myself around the office so I had to stay with her the whole day.
I told everyone that story and that she looked pale and she might be sick and being her normal bitchy self by ignoring everone. The whole day I can't stop thinking about what Finn said. He was sure she wouldn't be back soon. What did he say to her? What did he do? Those thoughts distract me for most of the day until I leave my desk to go to the bathroom. Usually, Finn would pop up and try to have a quickie in a stall but he doesn't.
He hasn't shown up at all today. Or maybe he has and I haven't noticed. No. I would know. he hates being ignored and he wouldn't leave me alone if I didn't notice he was there. Wait. He hates being ignored. This could just be pay back for not saying anything last night.
Then the tears fall as i think of how stupid i was to say yes. Then i know this isn't pay back. If he wasn't a liar than he woupd pop up to comfort me. He'd never want to make me this sad. I was right. He used me and now my boss is missing and people might think I did something to her. No one saw me or her leave. I am filled with anxiety, sadness, and confusion. I wipe the tears from my face and leave the bathroom.
Warning: omorashi(piss kink) there will be an alternate version after this
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The second I sit back down I realize that I didn't pee and I need to go pretty badly. The office is full and everyone would notice if I got back up. I sit silently squeezing my thighs together. The need gets worse and worse but my shift is almost over and it is nowhere near an acceptable time to go back to the bathroom.
I might actually piss myself on the walk home. I check the time and I can finally leave. "hey y/n can you stay a little longer?!" I hear the co-worker that's covering for my boss call out. "no!" I reply quite loudly and scramble to the door.
I get out of the building and begin to run. Then I leak. A decent-sized wet patch is left on my panties and I'm forced to slow down. At this point, it's dribbling out of me and I hobble as fast as I can into the ally I use as a shortcut. Another spurt comes out and it goes down my legs.
Then I bump into someone knocking me down and making me lose control for a few seconds. I'm sure there's a wet patch on the butt of my skirt. "you alright there love?" I hear a very familiar voice say. One I've been wanting to hear all day but suddenly want to be left alone by.
He's been watching I know he has, he always does before he pops up. There's no way he doesn't know I'm about to piss myself. He grabs me by the arm and pulls me up. He is holding most of my body weight as my legs are shaking and I can't keep myself up. My face is red and I grab onto the wall with one hand and push Finn away with the other.
He lets me and steps aside as he watches me try not to release the liquid in my bladder in front of him. I keep trying to hobble down the ally with my hand pressed hard against my cunt eyes glued to the ground.
He creeps up behind me and grabs my right leg bringing my knee to chest height. I use both of my hands to hold myself. But he moves his hand from underneath my knee and replaces it with his inner elbow. Now both his hands are free he can restrain me properly. "no" I whimper out as I lose control again for a few seconds but I can barley gain control. There's a mini puddle growing beneath me.
I hear a chuckle in front of me and I look up. There are three people in front of us watching me piss myself slowly. 2 men and 1 woman. The woman gets up from the crate she was sitting on and walks towards me. She has a big grin on her face as she stares at my terrified one. She has sharp fangs and I know immediately she is Rhea. I take notice of the fact she's as pale as a ghost.
She puts her hand out and her fingers poke at my bulging bladder. Her smile widens her fangs more visible as she watches drops of piss go down my leg and into the puddle. I can hear the 2 men laughing at me but I'm too scared to look at them. I can hear Finn laughing at me too.
I squirm and whine as she puts more pressure on my bladder. I can tell they love what they see but I haven't gotten a single confirmation from Finn that I am safe. I think about my missing boss for a second before I'm brought back by the feeling and the tall woman's palm squeezing my bladder.
I lose control fully and for 2 whole minutes, I pissed and moaned at the relief. Whilst They all laugh at me.
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Chapter 4.5 safe? Alt
Finn thrusts in and out at an inhuman pace. I feel the coil in my stomach tighten for the 9th time today. We have been doing it like rabbits in my boss's office all day. Then I hear a timer go off. "home time baby girl" Balor utters against my neck and before I know it I'm in well... Somewhere else.
We're laying down on silk sheets, the place looks like a sex dungeon and my mind is going a million miles an hour. "calm down we're at my place" he says as he continues to fuck me. I nod my head and try to focus on how good I feel but the weird stomach feeling is back.
A part of me wants to tell him to stop or to take us to my house but nothing will come out of my mouth. The coil in my tummy finally breaks and I come undone for the 9th time. Next thing I know Finn is painting my walls with his seed. He pulls out and lay beside me. "I know I probably should have asked before I took us here but I think you will have a lot of fun here," he says and I look at all of the toys surrounding us.
I know what he says is true as my eyes lock onto a toy I recognize. "not today baby get some rest your gonna need it for tomorrow" he chuckles before getting up and returning a little while later with a washcloth.
After cleaning me up he kisses me and climbs into bed next to me. "I'll never take another client again" he says. For a moment I'm shocked. Obviously he means me excluded. I don't know what to say so I jsut try to fall asleep. Of course it's hard to ignore his previous words but after a few minutes, we fall asleep but I can't help but feel upset when I wake up.
I'm home. In my bed. Alone. He has left and I wonder if he tricked me into thinking he cared so he fuck me and leave. The euphoric feeling he gave me is quickly canceled out by anxiety. My head us still foggy from it but I'm no where near happy. I never knew the euphoric feeling could leave so fast. I Get ready for work and check the date to make sure it wasn't all a dream it wasn't. All of it was real and I guess I'll find out if he really cares today. He hasn't gone a single day without popping up and fucking me or at least trying to.
When I get to work I'm shocked that my boss isn't waiting for me so she can ridicule me. Then I'm even more shocked to find out that everyone is looking for her. The last time anyone heard from her was yesterday when I was in her office for half the day with the door locked. The only excuse I can think of is that she was screaming at me for violating the dress code and wouldn't let me flaunt myself around the office so I had to stay with her the whole day.
I told everyone that story and that she looked pale and she might be sick. The whole day I can't stop thinking about what Finn said. He was sure she wouldn't be back soon? What did he say to her? What did he do? Those thoughts distract me for most of the day until I leave my desk to go to the bathroom.
Usually, Finn would pop up and try to have a quickie in a stall but he doesn't. He hasn't shown up at all today. Or maybe he has and I haven't noticed. No. I would know he hates being ignored and he wouldn't leave me alone if I didn't notice he was there. Wait. He hates being ignored. This could just be pay back for ignoring him last night. No if it was pay back he'd be watching and he'd pop up when he noticed how upset i was.
Then the tears fall. I was right. He used me and now my boss is missing and people might think I did something to her. No one saw me or her leave. I am filled with anxiety, sadness, and confusion. I wipe the tears from my face and leave the bathroom.
The day passes slowly. I finally get to go home. The walk is lonely and I keep getting the weird stomach feeling. I turn into the alleyway where all of this bullshit started and I fight off the urge to turn around and take the long way home. Then arms wrap around my waist. "miss me, princess?" the Irish voice reaches my ears and for a second I am happy before I remember everything about today.
I want to pry his hands off and slap him. Then a second set of hands rest on my shoulders. I look up and see a tall unfamiliar woman. "I have been dying to meet you, sweetheart," she says staring into my eyes and smiling. I can see fangs where 2 normal teeth should be and i know this is rhea. I feel one hand leave my shoulder but I am too afraid to look at what it's doing. 
A wet cloth is then placed over my mouth and I try to hold my breath. I feel lightheaded and I am forced to breathe in. Then I feel relaxed and weightless. My knees buckle and the 2 sets of arms catch me. I am slightly aware of 2 other people standing near us. I close my eyes and they dont open for a while.
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Chapter 5 unknown and uneasy
I wake up in a small dark room. It's cold but not freezing. I can feel eyes watching me but my body is so sore from sleeping on concrete I don't bother to look. I have been kidnapped. By a demon. of all things a demon. I can't leave. I probably never will.
"I know you awake," a deep voice says unlike Finn's from the corner. I turn my head and look at the man. He's tall as fuck and hairy too. if there was any chance of me getting out of here there isn't now. "what do you want?" I snap. There's no point in being nice they're going to kill me.
"Excuse you?" fangs on the top and bottom if his mouth show. he stares at me and I shrink back. The words 'I'm sorry' get so close to leaving my mouth but I stop them. He continues to stare at me expecting an apology. I turn my head away from his cold frightening eyes. He scoffs at me astonished that I had the nerve to not answer.
I hear him leave his spot in the corner. "let me rephrase that for you-" he grabs me by the hair pulling my sore limbs up. I grab at his hands and he swats me away with the other hand his slightly overly long nails scratching me. "apologize. or. regret. it." he says through his teeth. "I'm sorry" my voice wavers. "I won't say anything like that again." he drops me to the floor. "good bitch" I can hear the smile in his voice.
"This is how this is gonna work," he says grabbing my arm his nails scratching me again and pulling me up. He turns me to face him and he squats down in front of me. "you call me sir or daddy nothing fucking else got it?" he says sternly I nod my head. He grabs a hand full of my hair. "Got. it?!" he says louder. "yes" I squeak. He pulls harder. "yes who?!" he yells in my face and I flinch away. "yes sir" he lets go of my hair.
"you've met Finn properly, i guess you met Rhea but you still need to meet dom" he says "is rhea the woman I saw the other night?" He slaps me in the face. "that's not what you fucking call her you hear me?" he says. "yes sir" I repeat the same phrase from before. "you call her mommy, you call Finn master and you call dom Papi," he says and I nod my head to show him I'm listening.
"you can call any of us daddy we know you're into that," referring to the fact I'm a little. They must have been stalking me. They wouldn't have to for long before they figured it out but still. I can feel my face get hot and I look at the ground. They don't want to kill me. Do they?
I'm hesitant to ask. "sir?" "yes sweetheart?" my stomach churns at the nickname. "are you going to kill me?" I ask the question. He chuckles. "we don't want to. We really don't but, if you become a problem we can't just take you home" I look at the ground again. He puts 2 fingers under my chin and lifts my head. "we'll take good care of you" he says. Then he leans in and kisses me. I don't kiss back. I don't pull away I'm too scared to.
This is my life now. All the way until the end this is what it will be like. My eyes glass over with tears. When he pulls away he sees my fear and looks at me disappointed and seemingly disgusted. I try not to let the tears fall. I really do. But they fall. I cover my mouth with my hand as i begin to sob. But when Damian sees this he does something unexpected. He sits down, pulls me into his lap, and hugs me. HUGS. ME.
I'm sorry but what the actual fuck is going on. I cry harder and try to pull away. He holds me still and shush's me. Then the door opens.
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I know this is the shortest chapter yet sorry love ya-gremlin💞💋💗
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peterparkouryo · 1 year
lies between us | *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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prompt: You and Peter have been frenemies for as long as you can remember.
warnings: fluff, banter, confessions, flirty peter cus why not, typos maybe, no kissies this chapter :(
word count: 3.4k
a/n: still very much in the bahamas but i felt very bad, also pls ignore how trash this is i'm so focused on my vacation lmaoo
"MJ, it hasn't even been a day." 
MJ rolls her eyes, completely ignoring your words as she opens her textbook to the given page the teacher assigned.
"Knowing you, it'll take until the deadline to get this project done." She glares at you, breaking her attention away from the textbook in front of her.
"It's better to procrastinate than to do it as soon as it's assigned." You shrug, scooting close to her as she subtly furthers your bodies apart, you pout at the action.
"I don't understand how or why I managed to get you as a partner of all people." MJ sighs and you show her a sarcastic smile.
"It's cause we're soulmates." You joke, removing yourself from her bed to look around her room curiously.
Despite the two of you being (best) friends for the better part of two years, you had never been in her room. Whenever you did come over, she always insisted the two of you hung out in the living room or spent your hang out time in the city, so it really surprised you that the girl drags you into her room the minute you step inside for a project you had been assigned.
Her room amazed you and had been everything you expected from the girl given her closed off, dark, and sharp-eyed personality. MJ being the advocate reader she was, had tons of books (some which you had borrowed), posters of subjects that mattered to her, and pretty much anything you would least expect to be in a girl's room, not that it bothered you.
When you first met MJ, she was very closed off and it took a lot of hard work on your end to break down her walls just to get to know her. It still surprises you (herself included) and a lot of people who knew of MJ and were aware of your friendship how you of all people managed to crack her shell and squeeze your way into her tight circle of friendship.
"No, but you and Peter are, which is why I'm still confused about how you aren't his partner, you two are perfect for each-other." You break your gaze away from the small box on her desk to glare at her words, the girl not sparing you a glance.
"MJ." You warned.
"What did I say?" She asked in faux innocence, bringing her eyes to meet your annoyed expression. 
"I'd much rather partner up with Flash than ever be in the presence of Peter Parker, and that's saying a lot." You tell her, crossing your arms over your chest, walking back over to her bed.
"Weren't you two just friends yesterday?" MJ asked, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
You stay silent, not giving the girl an answer, thinking upon her words. You settled for an eye roll as your answer.
"Right, I still have no idea how you two aren't a thing. It's almost painfully obvious you like each-other." The girl tells you, her attention on the textbook now, leaving you exasperated, digesting her words in your brain.
You and Peter have been sort of friends for a good half of your childhood, almost best friends if you thought too hard about it. You two were inseparable when in grade school up until the end of your middle school years. It happened a little too fast, your fallout was over something incredibly stupid (Peter's words, not yours), and to you, it was a serious subject you had managed to hold off, but inevitably, you couldn't take it anymore.
That something stupid being about his lack of care for your feelings, continuing without awareness to break your heart when it came to things the two of you planned, and at the last minute cancelling them for whatever that reason may be.
The excuses he gave you were half ass, so when it came time for an event you two planned, it wasn't a surprise when he said he couldn't make it, saying something about May needing him last minute or anything that deemed unbelievable.
The fact that Peter had the audacity to call your argument "incredibly stupid" when you had finally had the courage to confront his lies made your blood boil in the anger you tried so hard to keep at bay. It evidently did end your friendship for a short amount of time, and it was you who eventually apologized to him in your freshmen year of high school, because truth be told, you did miss him.
Though when your friendship was in mist of healing itself from its long deprived attention, he continued with the same broken promises he said he would plan to fix, your plans going undone because as always, he would cancel last minute.
Peter's excuses did get more believable, you'll give him that, but it didn't change the fact that it still happened. You only wished he'd be honest with you with whatever it was he did that had him abandon you when you knew he was aware of how excited you would always be whenever you two had plans to hangout.
This was an ever ongoing habit he did, which led to your on and off again friendship for what is now three years deep. You were glad when Peter introduced you to his decathlon team, allowing you to meet MJ, who, dare you say is a much more promising friend than Peter would ever be.
Not that the two of you are friends, not even best friends, but sometimes you can tolerate him on your good days when he wasn't being a borderline idiot or liar.
"I don't like Peter, like at all." You say, MJ shrugs her shoulders, and if you knew her, it was obvious she didn't believe you one bit.
"You were just making heart eyes at him yesterday, I don't wanna hear that." MJ waves off, holding her hand out, expectingly waiting for you to hand her another pencil crayon, you do with a huff.
"I hate you." You mumble, plopping down on her bed, grabbing a pencil crayon yourself.
"But you love Peter." She jokes, dodging your attempts at throwing the coloured pencil in your hand with a laugh.
Why's it always math? You hate math, and its a fact everyone who knows you, know. You were glad the decathlon team had it easy for you and made at least some units of the stupid subject understandable.
If you were on good terms with Peter, you would ask him for help, but you knew that wasn't going to be an option, anytime soon.
"Ned, what did you get for number six?" You ask the boy across from your desk, watching Ned look up at you quickly, Peter does as well.
"I'm not even past number three." Ned groans, shaking his head in defeat.
You nod, understanding his frustration. You don't know why your math teacher was out to get you, it's not like you were already failing his class, and it didn't make it better that you had other class courses to stress about either.
"I can help." Peter shows you a smile, hoping to get on your good side, all you do is glare at him.
"No." You respond, the boy's face dropping into a pout, and Ned lets out a laugh, quickly straightening his demeanour when Peter shoots him a glare.
"You're still mad at me?" Peter quizzes in confusion, putting his pencil down near his paper.
You take your time with your answer, trailing your eyes onto his paper, taking notice of his far progress. You really needed his help.
"I'm not just mad Peter, I'm furious, which is why we're not on speaking terms." You tell him, picking up your pencil just as Peter does too, with an eye roll at your words.
Ned is visibly uncomfortable, no matter how many arguments the boy has been in the middle of or witnessed between the two of you, he is always left without a say. It makes him upset you two couldn't properly work through your problems and just admit your tangible feelings for one another.
It might have something to do with that stubborn personality of yours. It was clear Peter had harboured a deep affection for you, and it goes unsaid if you liked him back or not, but given the fact you were always willing to forgive and forget, falling back into the friendship stage with Peter was a sign you might just like him as well.
"You're speaking to me right now." Peter points out, fighting back his smile when you give him a not so impressed look.
"I'm this close," You pinch your index finger and thumb together for demonstration, "To hurting you." You finish, and Peter shrugs off your words.
"You're distracting me from completing my work." The boy scolds at you in his joking manner, and you groan in annoyance, tempted to flip him off.
Both Peter and Ned laughs, and you ignore the boys, trying to figure out how to do quadric equations instead.
There's a few minutes of silence, something you're very thankful for. Eventually, Peter stands from the desk he settled in, grabbing his now finished work to turn it in. You and Ned share a look, both suffering on different problems from the same page.
When Peter returns you focus back on your work, not that you made it far, it's been a good ten minutes and now you're on number seven and Ned was on number five.
"Do you guys want to come over my house and I can help you with this worksheet?" The boy suggests, sitting back down.
"Can't, I have to help my Lola move." Ned answered, packing his things as the bell was two minutes away from ringing.
Peter nods at his best friend's words, turning his attention on you, who hadn't taken one glance at him or Ned, your gaze still on your paper.
"You can stop pretending like you're working, I know you don't understand it." Peter countered with a smirk when you roll your eyes, still not breaking your attention away from the paper.
When you don't response, Peter takes that as a sign to try and convince you a little harder, really opting to get on your good side.
He approaches you, standing next to your desk before huddling down, leaning over your figure to scan your paper.
You subconsciously scoot away from him, blocking his gaze from your paper, shielding it with your hands.
"You know, you'll have to forgive me eventually right? You always do." Peter shakes his head as the bell rings, and you grab your bag from the empty desk next to you, standing up and shoving your worksheet into Peter's chest, the boy stumbling slightly at the impact.
"Fine, but you're keeping my paper until I get there." You give in, walking pass a smiling Peter and out the classroom with an irritated mindset.
"I knew it." Peter smiles when he opens his apartment's door to you.
It took a lot of debating to be where you were now. MJ was no help either, joking about how you two were "meant to be", so it was no shocker you that you would give in.
"You have my paper, dumb ass." You tell him, pushing pass the boy and entering his apartment.
"Yeah, but you could've like, not showed up and I would had done it for you anyway." Peter argues, closing the front door before turning to face you.
You try not to dwell too hard on that logical statement, opting to shake your head at the boy instead.
"Can we please just get this over with, so I can get back to my bed?" You plead, and Peter laughs at your question.
You follow Peter to his room, taking notice of how different it was the last time you were here (two months ago to be exact). The polaroids you had taken with him a few years back laid on his desk along with other useless items, probably related to some nerdy project he always mentioned he was working on. His Star Wars collection was getting relatively smaller as well.
You close the door of his bedroom, turning to Peter who grabbed a worksheet from the backpack that sat in the corner of his room, you blink, realizing it was your math worksheet you gave to him earlier.
Peter walks over to his desk, grabbing two pencils and you watch the boy sit on his bed, bringing his attention to you.
"You gonna stand there and look pretty or are you gonna come sit down so I can help you with this work?" Peter questions, an eyebrow raised expectingly. You grimace at his words, ignoring the annoying heat rising to your face.
You drag your feet to his bed, sitting next to him, leaving a fair, and respectful space between the two of you, accepting the pencil the boy gestures toward you.
"You understand how quadratic equations work, right?" Peter asks, and you nod with a shrug.
"I got to question seven, didn't I?" You snide, tilting your head at him in amusement.
"Yeah, and every single answer you put is...well, wrong." The boy says, and you feel embarrassed at his words.
"Nothing to be embarrassed about, it's a hard unit." Peter reassures, placing a hand on your shoulder for comfort.
Your head turns, lingering yours eyes where his hand laid upon your shoulder. Peter, who sensed your hesitance removes his hand to his lap, clearing his throat awkwardly.
"Let's uh," The boy gestures to your worksheet in his hand and all you do is nod, mumbling a quiet 'yeah'.
The atmosphere around the two of you shifted into something cumbrous. It was definitely something new, that much you noticed. Undoubtedly, you and Peter have had your awkward, and gainsay moments, but nothing could quite reach this level of uneasiness.
You decide to ignore the evident tension, choosing to solely focus on getting your worksheet done. The sooner, the better.
Finally after, maybe one or two (you weren't paying any attention to the time) torturous hours, Peter had somewhat managed to help you complete the majority of your paper, and you were grateful, despite not letting that appreciation show.
"Thanks." You smile, it not quite reaching your eyes, taking the paper from Peter's desk as the boy stretches.
"Yeah, don't mention it." Peter mumbles with an eye roll, following your swift figure out his room and to his front door.
Peter calls out your name and your irritation toward him is visible, which doesn't really make the boy feel better, but he thinks if he tells you what he's been withdrawing himself from confession for awhile now, you might change your mind about this hatred phase you have for him, or it might make things worst and if anything, have you loathe him even more.
When you turn around, it reminds Peter why exactly he felt the way he felt about you, despite your on going frenemy relationship, but he'd be lying if he said he hadn't caught feelings for you throughout the years.
You were just so beautiful, effortlessly so. You have such a vibrant, headstrong, and imaginative personality, it was fairly easy to be attracted to you. 
"I have to tell you something.." Peter starts, and you notice his nervous habit of fiddling with his fingers, and it makes you uneasy.
There's a prolonged heartbeat between you and it makes you impatience, the boy taking a relatively long time to say whatever it is he wanted to say.
"Are you gonna tell me what you have to say?" You ask him.
"We're not exactly friends right now, so if this is one of your many apologies, I think I'll pass on that and I'll be on my way." You countered, turning around without giving the boy a chance to reply.
Your hand connects with the doorknob, and you were just about to twist it before something catches you completely off guard, and you swear your eyes are practically out of your socket when they gaze to the sticky substance stopping you from your attempt of leaving.
"Okay, listen, I know this looks bad, but you have to hear me out." Peter defends himself, holding out a hand and you shoot him a look as if you're a dear in headlights.
"What the hell is this?" You exclaim, using your free hand to gesture to your stuck one.
"I'm Spider-Man, but that's not what I had to tell you." The boy says coolly.
You're sure your eyes are out of their sockets at this point. It baffled you how calm and collected Peter seems as if he didn't just say a life changing sentence.
"You-, you're Spider-Man?" You question, unsure if you had actually heard the boy right, but you know you did because he said it with such ease.
"Yeah, but that's not what's important." Peter argues and you have to fight back an eye roll.
Instantaneously, something in your brain just sort of click, you raise an eyebrow as a question forms in your head.
"Is that why you can never make it to your hangouts?"
Peter blinks at your question, he squints his eyes at your question.
"Uh, yeah?"
"Peter, what the fu-"
"And I also like you!" He exclaims, almost purposely blocking out your almost vulgar language.
You don't want to believe his words, considering it's, Peter, but with the way he was looking at you with those golden brown eyes, you force yourself to give into his confession, digesting his words  slowly.
There's no doubt that somewhere down the road of your on and off again friendship, you didn't think upon what it would be like to be in a relationship with the boy, but those weren't serious, more fantasy like thoughts if anything. And it's not like you had a crush on him, maybe. You'd be lying if you didn't think of Peter as more than a friend.
Maybe you did have some sort of affection for him. Maybe it was when he had helped you get on the decathlon team, or when he gave you his hoodie (which you still had) because it was raining and he didn't want you to get soaked, though you did, it was a still very thoughtful thing Peter did. Possibly you started seeing the boy in a new light in this exact moment of his confession. All it took was for him to tell you, to have you realize maybe it's been him all along.
You stare at Peter, who looks anywhere but at you, for an agonizingly long time, racking up an answer in your brain, you can tell the boy is extremely nervous of your answer.
"I like you, too." You smile when Peter does, his eyes lighting up as well.
"I knew it." He quips, and you glare at him.
You two gaze at each-other and you have to break the staring contest as a curious thought pops up in your head.
"So, let me get this straight," You start, Peter listens intently. "You lied for years about being Spider-Man and had me believe it was because you didn't want to be my friend anymore?"
Even if what you had asked was true, it didn't help the fact that no matter what you would always find your way back to Peter, but with the same given excuses told differently, you couldn't help but think he got easily bored of you and lied about not being able to hang out, then when the two of you had a fall out, it was no wonder why you so easily forgave the boy.
Peter frowns at your question.
"No, it's way more complicated than that. I only lied to you to protect you." Peter argues sincerely.
"I would had totally understood if you told me the truth though." You shrug your shoulder, and Peter nods.
"Yeah, but I couldn't risk it." He explained.
You nod, somewhat understanding his reasoning. Your entire friendship came and went because he was a superhero. You should be mad really, but you're all burnt out. Maybe when you're thinking more rationally, you'd find it in your heart to be more furious with the boy.
"So, what now?" You ask, and you briefly glance at the web that still contained your arm before looking at Peter.
"Well, I was thinking, um.." The boy trails off, unsure on how to ask his question, and if you knew any better, it didn't take a rocket scientist to see exactly where his question was going.
"Sure." You decide to save the boy from embarrassment. 
Peter's eyes get a shade brighter, relief coursing through his body at how quickly you understood where he was going.
"Only if you get this web off me."
"Oh!" Peter swiftly approaches you, tugging off the substance off you as if it was as light as a feather.
You smile in thanks, flexing your hand from the uncomfortableness it settled in for way too long.
"Can I get a kiss?"
"Save it for the date, Parker."
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boxturret · 2 years
"One Sec Lol"
[disclaimer]I'm not insulting anyone's work on the project, everyone did amazing work and the project was shaping up to be amazing with everything I had seen.
I worked on the fan game Bionicle Masks of Power for nearly 2 years. I worked really hard on it, learned many things, used a lot of programs I'd never done before, actually worked up the nerve to use a mic for the first time, etc. Over time I got promoted to the head of two departments, 3d art and level design, basically because I was around a lot and kept things organised.
Then one day, with a "One sec lol" I was completely demoted, in a dehumanising, buzzword filled message. It called working on the game a "Journey". Now the reason I was demoted I won't really dispute, I was under a lot of stress, and sometimes I'd get upset, but these things don't happen in a vacuum, I don't get stressed for no reason.
The team was for the most part a bunch of really good, talented people that I enjoyed working with immensely, but there were some who were more focused on the glory (of making a free fan game for a 20 year old dead toy line... look, getting 200k views on the teaser went to their heads) so there was this constant push to get things...not done, because that wasn't really their concern, it was get things in a state where they could be shown off. And not a "here's a work in progress asset" sort of shown off, a "2 Paragraphs of fluff about the game, talking like it's already done, not actually mentioning the assets we're meant to be showing off" sort of thing.
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The image in this tweet was meant to show off the newly (semi) completed UI, you know, that thing on the edge you can't see?
The 80/20 rule seemed foreign to them, where 80% of the work takes 20% of the time, and the final 20% of the work takes 80%, so someone would get a quick rough draft of an asset done in like a day, and they'd start pushing us to get it complete so we could show off, even though it would normally be months for something to get there.
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This image here, of Pohatu in the desert. Do you know what it was supposed to show off? If you guessed the desert, no! That whole scene was thrown together by one person in like a day, it's completely fake, no work had been done on the desert at all. It was supposed to show off the Toa, as we'd just reached a pretty big milestone of completing and texturing all the parts and most importantly the masks. You know, that tiny thing that's facing away from the screen?
Originally the idea was to just show off the Toa in all their glory in their biome, but it mutated in to that...thing. There was work on a second one, but everyone finally realised that it was just looking bad so it was cancelled, thankfully.
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This constant push to get things done to show off was so pervasive, and always seemed to fall on my shoulders, being the 3d art and level design lead, even though the real bottle neck was programming. We only had 3-4 programmers of very limited availability. When I first joined the team as a 3d artist I was basically given makework tasks to do, things of no real consequence, most of which got thrown out. (why make random set dressing objects for Ta-Koro, a place that hasn't even been roughly sketched out yet, for example)
This only got worse when I was put in charge of level design. The levels themselves are the prime thing to show off things in, so there was this constant push to get the levels finished, which I always pushed back against because, and I need to really stress this, the game was in a suuuper early state, and still is. If you've played the stand alone game Trials of the Great Spirit, that area was initially supposed to be the intro to BMOP proper, but the gameplay evolved so much that it became unplayable. At one point there was even the suggestion of keeping the TOGS area with the old player movement. As this was supposed to be the player movement tutorial this was dire and shows the danger of putting work in to making a level look nice too early, you run in to the sunk cost fallacy. Making a level look nice takes a lot of work, it's very fiddly, moving around little decorative objects and getting textures right, and you don't want to have to redo it a lot, which is why most games are blocked out first, meaning that the basic level geometry is created with basic shapes, and once everything is refined then they move on to actually making it look nice. As level design lead I insisted that we do this, because most previous attempts at making levels had spent way too much time worrying about the looks.
One of the first things I was tasked with as a 3d artist was to make a series of modular tree bits:
I was given nothing but a pair of images as guides of what they wanted.
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So I worked really hard to try and make a modular system that would allow some interesting level layouts. Once I made the rough version pictured do you know what I was asked to do? Texture it. Make them in to final assets. No testing at all, no time to see if they'd work for the levels they wanted, nothing. Just rough>final for platforming assets immediately.
Well I knew that if I did that it would just end up getting tossed out eventually so I refused, and guess what? These were made before the movement refactoring so they're completely useless now![emphasis added because people keep missing the important part]
So now you see why making sure everything was finalized before doing final art was so important, which is why I would always fight against moving on to set dressing in the demo, because the demo wasn't and still isn't done, not even close. Having been put in that situation where I was told to work on something that would inevitably be tossed out later, I didn't want to put anyone in the teams I was responsible for in that situation, it's not like there wasn't a shortage of things to work on anyway.
Basically I was put in the situation where I had to constantly say no to all these, I'll call them what they were, marketing ideas, due to the game not actually being in the state it was being presented as. The video released on 8/10 this year was cobbled together from a bunch of unfished assets, barely functioning in an area that was designed just as a goal for set dressing to reach in a real level. It took the poor dev who had a computer good enough to run it hundreds of playthroughs until they got one good enough to show off, avoiding most of the bugs. And now seeing all this, know that I had to spend literal DAYS trying to convince everyone we should have that tiny disclaimer on the screen (every one else was worried about the aesthetics).
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So this was the source of most of my stress, trying to focus on making a game while fighting against those that wanted instead to act like we had made a game. That's what lead to my stress and occasional outbursts, and me just in general getting fed up with working on the game.
After I was demoted, for the next week or so I was miserable. The way it was done just completely destroyed any sort of comfort I had in the team. I'm very shy and introverted, it takes me a long time to warm up to people or a place, and when something like that happens, it's all gone in an instant.
I didn't feel comfortable in the chats anymore so I left, I tried to explain myself to the person who demoted me and they just ignored me for several days at a time, leaving it to all spiral out of control in my head, another person said conflicting things that just made it worse. "It's not a punitive measure" "We appreciate your work" "You should be thanking me you didn't just get kicked off entirely" forcing me to grovel at their feet etc. It was all so much.
The final straw, and what got me kicked off, was do do with a document I had spent 9 months creating, that outlined a possible way of structuring the whole game. Before I started trying to get some structure in to it, the game design just seemed to be a big question mark. 6 playable characters needing to collect 11 upgrades, it's quite a complex thing that doesn't really track to any other game I've seen. The first version, Legacy, was simply a fully open map with the masks scattered about, but that wouldn't do with the level of detail and gameplay complexity we were aiming for. I eventually worked out something I thought would work, using a system of context sensitive gates, and I wrote and did many diagrams on the subject.
After I was kicked out of the leads, not a week later they announced big sweeping changes that were basically what I had been pushing for for months. There was something I was unclear on, a sort of gate for Kopaka involving wind, and I asked what it was. The new level design lead, the person who I had explained the concept of gates too, then proceeded to tell me what a gate was.
This was it. I was done. A week after I get kicked off the lead team and I'm treated like I didn't do anything. Then later I was confronted by another lead, and forced to post PROOF that I'd actually posted this document I'd spent 9 months publicly working on, that we'd had a whole meeting about with the story team, the document that got me promoted to level design lead.
In the moment, was too much for me, with everything going on with the game project and stuff in my personal life being stressful at the time, I genuinely didn't want to be around anymore, it was too much for me, I wanted to disappear. I tried to tell one of the leads this, and was ignored, I tried to speak openly to the team about it, I was censored, probated, then the next day, before I'd even woke up, kicked off the team. For being "negative". I was then told that if I didn't want things I'd made to be used I could ask them, but the only things they listed were the makuta totems and some jungle assets which I didn't even know what they meant.
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So 2 years of work, and all I'd done for them by their account was a noodle and some wood.
[clarification]I'm not implying that they stole anything or are using assets without my permission, it's more that I've worked on this game for nearly 2 years and made sooo many things, yet all they could list were the things I did in the past month. Sorry for any confusion.
Just keep working like a good little drone, no matter how much disrespect we throw at you. This is Team Kanohi.
I wanted to put this all behind me, but someone on the team had the gall to request the very document I was accused of pretending to have made (I mean who ever asked for it on the team, not who asked me personally, just to be clear) , so I'm just so fed up with them. I was paying to host the bulk of the parts and 3d assets out of my own pocket, and it took them like a month to bother moving things, by which time I got charged.
Here's a quick overview of some of the things I worked on, it's not comprehensive at all, it barely mentions the atlas system, but I'm so emotionally drained that I don't really want to bother with all that. It's also not just a noodle and some bits of wood though.
I want to reiterate that I genuinely enjoyed working with most of the people on the team, and I wish them well.
I just want to add one more note: I was personally asked to join the team, I was asked to be 3D art lead, I was asked to take on the Level design leadership role, and even after I was demoted it was still seemingly thought that I would do everything I had been doing up until that point. I never asked for these roles, I accepted them because I believed in the game project and wanted to do everything in my power that I could to make the game as good as it could be.
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arcaneglitch · 2 years
I Nearly Got Art Scammed
Hey guys. I wanted to share this story with you as a precautionary tale for artists that take commissions. It's one of those things you think will never happen to you until it does
So here's how I was almost a victim of an art scam and what you can to prevent scams from getting the better of you
This one started on ArtStation, which makes sense as a target since it's primarily a portfolio site for artists rather than a typical social media. It began with a standard question about commissions.
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Nothing out of the ordinary, right? I replied that I was and asked if she would like a link to my commission form. In hindsight, her response should have alerted me that something was off because she didn't ask for the form. Instead she offered to pay $300 for a drawing for her son's birthday (just over a month out).
Still, if you're an artist desperate for commissions, you might overlook any oddities. We corresponded a bit more, sorting out details about the piece. That's when she sent this:
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That's the first warning sign. These days, it's practically unheard of not to have an account set up with an online transfer service (think PayPal, Zelle, etc). Still, you might write it off as someone being a bit old-fashioned.
This is where the first tip comes in: be specific about how you accept payment and don't immediately compromise
At that point, we switched to email. She agreed to a pose for the commission on November 9th, then was silent. Two days later (November 11th), I emailed asking her to confirm additional details.
She didn't get back to me until November 14th.
This is another indicator of a scam (listed as one of the warning signs in articles). If someone was confirming details for a time-sensitive commission, it's highly unlikely they'd go radio silent for days, especially when they were responding consistently before.
A day later, she emailed to tell me that there was a problem with the check.
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I replied and she gave me the details.
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What she's attempting to do is execute an overpayment scam. They typically involve generous offers paid through atypical methods such as credit cards or cheques. Then the scammer will admit to some mistake with the payment (as above) or admit to overpaying you from the start while giving you a fake excuse. The excuse she came up with was fairly detailed, but I don't think there's any reason someone wouldn't be able to cancel a cheque that hasn't been cashed.
Later, she sent me this:
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Also typical of an overpayment scam. You're asked to refund the extra money through an online transfer (she suggests Zelle later). If you follow through, you'll discover that the scammer either used a fake/stolen credit card or that their cheque bounced.
DO NOT SEND THEM MONEY. If you send them money, you will not get it back. Same goes for whatever you might have sold to them.
The part that tipped me off was her telling me I could send the money back through Zelle. Not that the stuff leading up to that wasn't fishy, but that's what drove it home.
She revealed that she has access to an online transfer service, yet she didn't offer to pay for the commission that way, despite it being much more convenient. I suppose one could argue that she wanted to send money from a specific account that wasn't set up with Zelle. But if that was the case, she could pay from the Zelle account and then cover with a transfer from the other one at a later date.
I asked her if reimbursing her was the only way, suggesting that using Zelle would be easier. She completely ignored the suggestion.
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Again, in what situation would you not be able to cancel a cheque that has not been cashed?
By this point, I was pretty much positive that it was a scam. I shared screenshots of the emails with another artist friend of mine, and she agreed that it sounded like a scam.
In my last email to the scammer, I told her that it sounded like a lot of hoops to jump through and that I typically collect payment through online transfers. I said that unless we could work out an alternative form of payment, it sounded like she needed to find someone else.
Anyway, I figured I'd share the story here. Hopefully, it'll help my fellow artists and warn people about the dangers of scams.
Thank you for reading! You can find more information on overpayment scams here and here is a link to spotting the signs of an art scam.
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observeowl · 1 year
Her Assistant | Chapter 3 - Bruce Banner & Stark's Party
Summary: After losing her family, Natasha Romanoff builds her company from the ground up. During the rise of her company, she decided she needed an assistant, one that works in her office and her house. That's when she saw your resume. After working five years for her, how was it like working for her? Or more importantly, how things progress?
Series Masterlist
Your POV I was cleaning up Miss Romanoff's office as she came in after finishing her meeting with Mr Fury. I had no idea what they were talking about, I was never allowed to be in the same room as them but the times after the meetings are always fun.
"Cancel all meetings after this, we are going to pay Tony a visit."
"Anything else Miss Romanoff?" She shook her head before stopping herself. "I would like my chocolate mousse cake an hour early today." She ordered.
I closed the door behind me after leaving. "What a stupid order." I muttered under my breath. Miss Romanoff must have known that I hadn't stocked up the kitchen and there wasn't any chocolate for me to use. Plus, she wants her dessert an hour early, this has to be on purpose.
"Bucky! Take care of the house, I'll be back in half an hour." I took the keys and drove down to the nearest mart to get all the supplies.
Bucky POVAfter Y/N left me alone in the house with Miss Romanoff, I didn't know what to do. I've never been left in charge before, all I knew before being hired in by Miss Romanoff was how to hold a gun. Knives were used to kill and not cook, I've never used it on a non-living thing.
I've never cooked except the time where I first joined and they stationed me at the kitchen. I set the kitchen on fire and dinner was still midway preparing when it was already time for dinner. Y/N came in and put out the fire before salvaging what's left. In a blink of an eye, dinner was served as if nothing had happened. I've never heard of anyone of her calibre, it's like she dropped from the sky like a gift.
I did some digging and heard some gossips here and there, apparently, the Romanoff's were pretty famous years ago but a huge fire wiped out most of her family and only she survived. Miss Romanoff came back one day and Y/N was already assisting next to her and she created the business she has today.
Y/N came back holding all sorts of groceries bags in her arms and I went forward to help her unload. She passed them all to me and quickly took off her coat and rolled up her sleeves before starting her work in the kitchen.
Like magic, she finished the dessert Miss Romanoff asked for in an instant and the kitchen looked like it hasn't been touched by the end of it.
Natasha POVTime was ticking for her. I love giving Y/N challenges without allowing her to prepare for it and sad to say, she always nails it. How boring. I would love to see her fail for once.
"Come in." I said after hearing a knock on my door. Y/N pushed a cart in with the chocolate mousse cake resting in the middle together with my second coffee of the day. She cut up a slide and plated it before setting it in front of me on my table. Grabbing the fork she presented to me, I plunged in mercilessly and savoured the contents.
Dang it, she makes such a delicious mousse cake under pressure too. What can she not do?
I finished the rest of the slice before licking the residual chocolate on the fork and dropping it on the plate. She cleared it and poured fresh coffee in my cup.
"We have about two hours before we have to leave for Mr Stark's party." She informed me.
I nodded my head before going through the reports I received from my employees. "Push it back, we're meeting Bruce first." I decided to change my schedule on a whim. I heard her mumbling something in the quiet study but it wasn't clear enough.
"What is it? Speak up!"
"Nothing Miss Romanoff, I'll be heading out to prepare for our trip."
Your POVI sighed as I closed the door. Changing the schedule as she pleases, it's not as simple as it looks to be. Does she think others will clear their schedule for her? Who does she think she is, Queen of England?
"Miss Romanoff made changes again, we are heading out earlier." I told Bucky who was the one preparing the cars.
"That reminds me, your new car you ordered is already in the garage. It came while you were preparing Miss Romanoff's dessert." He informed me.
Finally one good thing today. I went to the garage to see my new car under the spotlight of the garage. And she looks good, my grey Porsche Caynne.
I got in excitedly and felt the leather on the seat. I can't wait to bring her out for a drive. Well, technically I am in a couple of hours but that would be with Miss Romanoff. I couldn't contain my excitement as I toured the interior of the car.
We arrived at Mr Banner's house and managed to catch him before he left for Mr Stark's party as well. See what I mean by planning?
Miss Romanoff started talking to him about something I've never heard before. I knew whenever Miss Romanoff and Mr Fury had a talk, we would end up investigating a lot of things. Well, I would be the one going around collecting information while she sips her coffee.
"The corpses are not complete..." He began and brought his hands together nervously. This was in contrast with Miss Romanoff's confident behaviour. "The corpses are well... all women... with their wombs gone."
Mr Banner looked at all of us before continuing, I think we were taking the news a lot better than he expected. "This kind of corpses have been increasing rapidly. It's very likely that the murderer is an expert. He will keep committing crimes, he definitely will, until someone stops him."
"I won't be scared. No matter what methods I need to use, I will solve them all." Miss Romanoff stood up and walked towards the exit without being sent off. "See you at the party, Dr Banner." She greeted him before walking off.
"So Mr Fury came to talk to you about Jack the Ripper?" I asked as it was painfully obvious from the methods of the murderer.
"I assume you're heading to the party for the same reason?" I asked again but when I didn't receive an answer I started the car and drove to Mr Stark party. 
I got Bucky to bring Miss Romanoff to the party as I went to park my car. I know that valet service was provided, and I could have very easily asked Bucky to do so as well, but it was the first day I received her, I wasn't going to let anyone drive her.
After parking at an empty spot, I entered the energetic party and searched for Miss Romanoff. As I made my way around, a lot of people went to greet me. I thought it would be easy to spot Tony since he attracts a huge group around him, but I was having a hard time making my way through.
Suddenly a hand wrapped around my arm and pulled me aside. I looked at who was the one pulling me and I've never seen her before. "Come on, let me get you a drink." She began pulling me to the bar and ordered a Martini for both of us.
"How come I never seen you before?" She asked while having a hand on my thigh, rubbing it up and down.
"I'm here with my master." I said with a smile as I accepted her drink.
"Ohh, so you're one of those literate people." She seemed to lose all interest in me all of a sudden.
I ignored her comment. "Are your friends here with you today?" I asked.
"They are off with some other guys or ladies." She shrugged.
"Have you noticed your friends or people within your circle went missing?" I questioned her. "Like they just vanished one day." I elaborated further.
"Yeah, they missed some of their appointments and I haven't seen them since." She said nonchalantly, resting her elbow on the counter. We continued chatting for a while and talked to some of her friends when they came over to look for her.
Natasha POVEven after I was done talking to Tony, Y/N was still nowhere to be seen. Usually, she would be around me after she was done with her things. Surely parking her car wouldn't take long of a time.
I asked Bucky where she was and he looked around before pointing towards the bar. I clenched my jaw when I saw her surrounded by many women and laughing having her best time. They seemed to be leaning on her all around.
"What are you still standing here for? Go get her! We're leaving!" I stormed off after ordering Bucky. Why do I feel like killing the people for putting their hands around her? Who she's with has nothing to do with me.
"Sorry Miss Romanoff." Her car appeared in front of me while I was waiting at the front. She got out of her driver's seat and opened the door for me.
"Go away." Confusion plastered on her face at my unusual request. "Find out the possible suspects. If you can't do it, don't come back." I glared at her before getting in the car.
She whispered something to Bucky before he got in and drove off. "Why did you ask Y/N to leave? I thought she always drives you around?"
"She's got better things to do during her free time."
Your POVShe just chased me out of my car! How am I supposed to go around collecting evidence? Wait, why am I taking her order so seriously? What is she so mad about anyway?
I ruffled my hair and groaned in frustration as I started thinking of a way to get around. I let out a huff and straightened my clothes before moving out. Stupid orders, stupid contract.
Bucky POVThe atmosphere in the house was tense, I was walking eggshells around her. I have no idea how to calm Miss Romanoff down and she requested for coffee even though it was already night time. I drink coffee but I have no idea how Miss Romanoff liked them. I only see Y/N make it for her everyday but I know it was different on some occasions.
I sighed about not being able to make it the way Miss Romanoff has it but I really have no idea how to do it. I made them to the best of my abilities and fractured memories of how I've seen Y/N made it but it looked different.
Apprehensively, I brought it into Miss Romanoff's office. She was flipping her papers with much force, almost ripping it out of the binder. I gulped slightly before proceeding inside and placing it on her table.
She took a sip of it before sipping it out. "What the fuck is this?" She shouted before slamming back on the table, liquid slipping onto the saucer due to the impact. "Forget it. Just fetch me a glass of water."
"Right away." I picked up the coffee and left her room immediately. I took a sip of the coffee I made, it doesn't taste that bad. I decided to keep it for myself and get Miss Romanoff a glass of water. It would be a waste to throw out the coffee. Let's just wish the water is the right temperature too.
I just wished Y/N would be back soon, I have absolutely no idea how Y/N endured her outburst during her entire employment period.
Natasha POVI stayed in my office for the remainder of the day without getting much done. I couldn't get my mind to focus as Y/N was outside. Was she getting things done? Is she able to manage? Is she getting the correct things? How is she going to get back?
After saving the documents in my computer, I proceeded to my room to sleep. Who cares if she comes back tonight. I changed into my nightgown and got in bed but sleep was not coming to me. Tossing and turning in bed until I was making a mess but I couldn't calm down, my mind was running a thousand miles an hour. I ended up picking up a book from the nightstand and turning on the bedside lamp to read.
After flipping and reading through a few pages, my eyelids got heavier. I tried staying awake since I haven't heard Y/N coming back yet but I couldn't open my eyes any longer.
I could feel someone tapping my shoulders in the morning and in a swift movement, I reached under my pillow and grabbed my gun and pointed it at the person.
Y/N stared at me with a shocked expression with her hands up. When I realised it was her, I dropped my gun to the side and relaxed. When did she get back?
Y/N noticed the book I was reading before I fell asleep and chuckled before pouring the freshly brewed coffee into my cup. The scent of coffee calmed my mind and I swung my legs to the side of the bed. "Why did you read a horror book before you went to sleep?"
"It's none of your problem." I took the cup from her after she added sugar. "Did you get what I asked for?"
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theskategatsby · 1 year
Heartbreak Olympics: Beijing 2022
It's decided; Kamila Valieva, Alexandra aka Sasha Trusova and Anna Sherbakova will represent Russia at the 2022 Olympics. They are all under the same coach, the infamous Eteri Tutberidze.
First up: the team event. This event consists of 8 parts, a short and a free program for each discipline. Surprisingly enough, Kamila Valieva, the favourite to win it all, is chosen for BOTH the short and the free program. This is surprising, seeing as both Anna and Sasha missed out on an opportunity to win a gold medal here. To nobodies surprise, Russia wins the team event. However, right before the medal ceremony, the ISU releases a statement saying that the medal ceremony will be postponed. After a while it becomes clear that someone on the Russian team has tested positive for a drug test. This is none other than the 'perfect' Kamila Valieva. While the investigation is ongoing, Kamila will be allowed to practise and compete, but if she ends up on the podium, there will be no ceremony.
With Kamila possibly out of the way for the gold medal, everyone looks at Sasha to win first place. When, on the 15th of February, the short program rolls around, Kamila places first, to nobodies surprise. Anna places second, and on third place we have the Japanese Kaori Sakamoto, and on fourth place, Sasha. Sadly, Sasha fell on her triple axel, which she had not been able to land even a single time in competition that season. This ended up dragging her total score down by a lot.
Next up: the free program. From the three Eteri girls, Sasha is up first. Her performance contains 5 quads and she lands them all, therefore making her the first woman in history to land five quads in the olympics. Sasha is pleased with her performance and thinks she will win the gold medal. This is because Eteri promised her that if she landed those 5 quads, she would win.
After Sasha, it's Anna's turn, she delivers a near perfect performance, landing all her jumps including two quads. At the kiss&cry, when Anna receives her scores and Sasha realises that Anna has more points than her, she breaks down crying and screaming "YOU ALL KNEW ". While this is all happening, it's Kamila's turn.
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Everyone expects Kamila to deliver another perfect performance, but to everyones surprise, she delivers the worst performance of her life. She falls on most jumps, and the ones she does land are wobbly. As soon as the gets off, Eteri starts scolding her for her performance. When Kamila receives her scores at the kiss&cry, and realises she is off the podium, she says 'at least the medal ceremony won't be cancelled now' and breaks down in tears.
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Anna Sherbakova is the new olympic champion, with Sasha Trusova second, Kaori Sakamoto third and Kamila Valieva in fourth.
Anna, who has just won the competition that she worked for her entire life, isn't celebrating. Her coach and all of her other trainers are busy trying to comfort either Sasha, who is still crying and saying she never wants to skate again, or Kamila, who broke down under all the pressure from the public. Anna later said that the first feeling she had when finding out she won, was empty.
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Sasha, who hasn't won a major competition in three years, thought that this would be her moment, especially because Eteri promised her that win if she landed 5 quads. Some of the things Sasha said are: "Everyone has a gold medal, everyone, but not me. I hate skating. I hate it. I hate this sport. I will never skate again. Never," and "I haven't been winning major events for three years. I always try to reach a goal, I always add more quads,". This entire situation is even more heartbreaking when you add that Anna and Sasha used to be best friends, and they share their room at the olympics. Since the olympics, there have been no signs of them still being friends.
Anna, Sasha and Kamila have all endured years and years of abuse at Eteri's camp, from skating while injured to not being allowed to gain any weight. All of this just leads me to wonder, was it worth it?
Anna Sherbakova: short program, free program
Alexandra/Sasha Trusova: short program, free program
Kamila Valieva: short program, free program
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gamesception · 14 days
I've seen a lot of posts and comments and videos and what have you dunking on Sony for the absurd price point of the PS5 pro and how the screencaps of pro vs regular look exactly the same and, yeah, it's fun to dunk on a corporation for being obviously bad and dumb. People are like filling buckets of popcorn to watch the pro crash and burn like it's the second coming of Morbius, but, like, not to rain on the parade but sadly I don't think the PS5 pro failing would even matter.
Nintendo hasn't been competing in the AAA gaming space since the Wii, and XBox is actively collapsing - with the mid gen update that the PS5 pro was supposed to compete against being cancelled outright. Even PC isn't meaningfully holding Sony in check right now - between Intel's ongoing cpu disaster, AMD's incredibly disappointing new offerings, NVIDIA's own price gouging and hard pivot into AI, and everything Microsoft's been doing to Windows, now isn't exactly a great time to buy a new gaming PC. The main alternative for gamers who want a AAA experience but can't stomach the PS5 pro's price is the original model PS5.
Like, seriously, I've seen more than one person post something like 'at that price I'll just buy a regular ps5' as though giving Sony half a grand was somehow a bad for them.
Sony can eat the ill will now since they won this gen already and are only really competing with themselves at this point, and an overpriced PS5 pro - even if it fails - still primes customers to expect and accept a higher price for the PS6 than they otherwise would have.
Best case for Sony (ie the worst case) is that gamers get over the sticker shock and buy the PS5 pro anyway when GTA comes out, in which case they'll do the hard work of brainwashing themselves into accepting $700 for a console, priming themselves to pay even more for the PS6 a couple years later without all the wailing and gnashing of teeth.
The more likely scenario is that the market rejects the PS5 pro, but that's no big loss for Sony. The dev cost for the pro was already sunk and, again, at this point they're really only competing with themselves. If that happens, Sony can target a slightly lower but still absurd $600 or even $650 price point for the PS6 and start the next console gen with a mountain of good will for 'listening to consumers' and 'lowering prices', despite the fact that in a parallel universe where the pro had never released people would be nearly as angry at a $600 PS6 as they are right now at a $700 PS5 pro.
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About Judgment: In short, I think RGGS was intending to continue the series. There were indeed rumors at one point that the series would end at Lost Judgment due to a disagreement with Kimura's agency, Johnny & Associates, about porting the games to PC--I'm unclear on why, there was speculation but I don't think it was ever stated. Obviously the PC ports are out now, so either that wasn't the issue or they moved past it. There's also just general disbelief around there being a third entry simply because there's this idea (joke?) that Kimura never does three of anything, which isn't true at this point. It is true RGGS historically hasn't done three of anything in terms of spinoff series (Kurohyou, Mobile+Kizuna, and arguably Kenzan+Ishin), but it's also true that none of their past spinoffs have been as successful as Judgment, and we're seeing a lot of "firsts" from the studio lately. The fact is that Yokoyama himself said something along the lines of "and of course, we won't forget about Judgment" (not literally, just the closest English expression I can think of that can be misinterpreted in the way I'm about to explain) while talking about future works. But for some reason, people took it as if he meant it "in mourning" rather than an obvious confirmation of more to come, I guess? A TV show was also announced, so I really don't get why they'd invest so much into a series they were going to end. I know Kurohyou got a show too, but this seems different. Anyway, that's the most recent information, but it's from some years ago. There is a major new development, however: J&A talents' contracts are being cancelled left and right as of the last couple of months due to the agency's dogshit handling of and response to an investigation into Johnny Kitagawa's serial abuse of allegedly hundreds of his talents. That's been going on since the man died in 2019, basically, but a lot's happened this year.
This has left the talents with the incredibly tough decision of either remaining at an agency that refuses to even change its name and is rapidly breaking down or leaving. It has historically been very difficult to do the latter. On top of what you'd expect, J&A controls their talents to an insane degree and has leveraged their control of the media to suppress the careers of those who leave.
Broadly, in terms of how media companies have responded so far, I understand not wanting to associate with J&A and that J&A would likely benefit from the contracts more than the talents, but it still feels like the talents are the ones being punished... I have to imagine at least some of them were victims, so to be victims of the blacklist on top of that... That, and some of these companies kept the truth from coming out for decades.
With J&A losing its foothold in the media, though, there may be no better time than now to leave the agency. I don't know if Kimura will--rumors have been circulating ever since his idol group were forced to break up years and years ago, but while they all went independent, he never has--especially because a lot of seniors like him feel a responsibility to stay and change the agency for the better. As of right now, I'm not aware of Kimura's contracts getting cancelled, so I can't say one way or another if that'd have an effect.
I don't know what happens from here. I'm not sure if RGGS will look at it as collaborating with J&A or with Kimura or both, and how they'll factor in what's going on right now into working with him. Hypothetically, it would be possible to continue the series even without Kimura (any of the other mains do or would make great protagonists), but at the same time, Judgment is hugely reliant on Kimura's charisma. That's why people who play the dub (or people who don't like Kimura) often come away with the impression Yagami's kind of a dick or doesn't stand out much.
So... that's the state of Judgment right now. We won't know until we know, I guess.
OHHHHH OK saucy... sucks about J&A- it'd be cool if yk. they could face the consequences of their actions LMAO but that Could involve displacing hella workers now wouldnt it
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What’s your opinion on this?
I love joe and will still support him but I think there might be some truth in this
(If I interpreted something wrong in your post I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention).
I agree with the premises but I don't agree with the conclusion or the general sentiment.
I also think that Joe wants to build his career in a certain way and that he hasn't really been able to reach the level he hoped to reach (I personally think he absolutely has the talent to, but he lacks the confidence in himself and a will to play the game).
I agree that seeing Taylor be so successful and always come back stronger after every single bad moment (everything that happened in 2016, the critique of reputation, the reception of the Lover singles, the cancellation of LoverFest + the pandemic...) must have generated some sorts of... let's call them "bad feelings" in him, and honestly? It's understandable. Everything Taylor has touched since the summer of 2020 has turned into gold, and the few "scandals" she's had (MH and the jets, mainly) have not made a single dent in her career or reputation, long-term. [And hey, after years and years of being criticized and thrown to the wolves for every single step she'd take, I'm glad that she's able to do whatever the fuck she wants without needing to apologize for existing (this does not change how much I hate the fact that she dated MH, btw)]. And when your partner is the epitome of success and you struggle to even get one good review of your performance, I think it's normal to start feeling uneasy or frustrated. NOT at your partner, but at the situation.
A couple of months ago I did a stupid BuzzFeed quiz with some of my flatmates. One question asked "How would you feel if your partner was much more successful than you are?" (or something like that). The answers were like "I'd be proud of them!", "I'd be proud of them but I'd feel inadequate" or "I could never do it" (again - something like that). Three girls and two guys aged 20-24 answered: they're all in college, some of them are more "successful" than their partners, some less, and one is single; some come from a family where the two parents earn equal money, one comes from a family where the father is much more successful, and one comes from a family where the mother is. This is just to point out that they have different backgrounds. Well, they ALL chose the second option.
I don't agree with the idea that Taylor pulled away from the spotlight and decided to appear less successful to spare his feelings. I see this theory around a lot but I'm yet to see a single convincing proof of it. To me the way she reacted to Red TV and Midnights's success and she promoted her work from 20221 until now is very much a reflection of the way she is right now as a person, not of the way she had to be in order to appease Joe. I really don't think she made herself smaller or anything like that. And hey, I'm ready to be proven wrong, but I just feel like it's a bit of revisionist history.
All in all, if he felt wrong or inadequate or stressed or sad while seeing Taylor's career explode and his "implode", I don't blame him. I'd blame him if he treated her badly because of it, but I don't see any proof of that (YLM, TO ME, is proof of entirely different things).
Hello, anon! I forgot to say that at the beginning haha.
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theonethatyaks93 · 1 year
Where I've Been These Past Few Months
Hello Tumblr. I'm back! You have probably been wondering where I've been these past few months. I mean, no major posts, no re-blogs; I basically went cold turkey. Well, a lot of things happened that kinda drained my energy. I had some hellish friend drama, my family life hasn't been the best, and I just needed to take a posting break from both Tumblr and AO3. I also took a break from the PaTB fandom so I could expand my horizons with other things I'm interested in. But now, for the 30th anniversary of Animaniacs, I'm returning to posting for the fandom until the end of the month. I'm going to be hopefully writing some more PaTB fanfiction (there's an idea in particular that I'm excited about) and my goal is to get ideas that I had planned done (i.e. more essays, ranking lists, other special posts). I also have a few announcements for my followers that are listed below:
After September, this blog will be changed so that all my fandoms can be incorporated. So, this blog will no longer be dedicated to solely Pinky and The Brain. For everyone who came for my essays, I thank you so very much for all your support and appreciation. And I'm hoping you'll stay for all my other hyperfixations. Don't worry! I'm not leaving the Animaniacs community; it's just my blog will include more things I'm interested in. I'm also hoping this will get more people to see my work.
A few ideas I had planned are now cancelled due to lack of interest. Brain Week is the biggest cancellation on my list. I just don't have the time right now and I've lost interest in the idea recently. My fanfiction "When He Loved Me" will also not continue for the time being. I've had so many other ideas for other, much better fanfics, that I haven't have time to work on this one. Some ideas are still ready to go, such as my reviews of the PaTB comics and my ranking of every reboot episode/song. And of course, new essays about certain aspects of PaTB and Animaniacs are in production. Also, I have a new multi-chapter fanfiction currently in planning, so the first chapter will probably be released in the upcoming weeks.
Below are some introductions to a few fandoms I'm planning on exploring (Ps: for some posts I'll make for these fandoms, you don't need to be in the fandom to understand what's going on):
The Owl House is a show that was released in 2020 on Disney Channel. It's famous for it's LGBTQ+ characters and it's insane world building. The magic lore, beautiful animation, and memorable characters have made this show a phenomenon with millions of fans and a dedicated community of people who use this show as a comforting tool. I've been involved with the fandom since 2021, where I fell in love with the show after discovering the LGBTQ+ themes. As someone who recently discovered their sexuality, this show connected with me. I even made some close friends through this show. I'm very excited to start discussing it with all of you, and maybe I can get some people into the show.
The Rock-afire Explosion is an animatronic band dating all the way back to 1980. For people who follow me that are familiar with the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise, you may or may not know that these guys are one of the major inspirations behind the video game. The restaurant the band performed at was called Showbiz Pizza Place. The RAE became staples of many people's childhood (including my mom's) and were beloved icons. Though their rival company Chuck E. Cheese would replace the band, their memory lives on through private collections, and even a few public venues. This is actually the oldest fandom I've been involved in aside from My Little Pony. I've loved this band since 2019 and have been wanting to discuss them for a while. I know many people on Tumblr aren't familiar with the band, but that's my goal. To give my followers something they've never seen before, and might become interested in. Seriously, The Rock-afire Explosion have some great music and are so full of character. I might even make a series reviewing their showtapes along with old Chuck E. Cheese tapes. This show is underrated and I believe that giving you guys some exposure to them might give you a new topic of interest or just something new to learn about.
I also might do some reviews for other shows that I want to watch like She-Ra, Dead End: Paranormal Park, Steven Universe, The Looney Tunes Show, Amphibia, The Ghost and Molly McGee, DuckTales 2017, The Dragon Prince, and more. So, basically, this is becoming a generalized animation review blog on occasion, with my fixations being places at the forefront. I'm hoping these expansion plans help to give me motivation for posting more, and will give my followers a wide variety of content to look forward to.
That's about it for updates to the blog. And yes, I changed my username. Once again, I sincerely apologize for my absence in these past few months. This break was what I needed for my mental health and I feel motivated enough to continue posting. Thanks to everyone who's stuck with me, I'm eternally grateful. So, to everyone who views this post, I'm back and more than ready to be active again! I'm excited to engage in fandom things again! See y'all soon! Narf!
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Hi.I will say right away that I do not understand the situation with Patrick very well, but for several years I was thrown information that he wrote with the words:"look at what Patrick writes, he has secret sources, he owns insider information," but I'm such a person that I don't take his word for it, so every time I started checking how reliable it was, and every time I came to the conclusion that this Patrick is just a stupid talker who doesn't own any secret sources. I will give a small example:last summer, Patrick wrote that Jared will have a new project not on the CW and that Jared has three projects: Walker, Windy and a new one not on the CW.And Jared's poor stans spent the whole summer wondering where their precious whiner would be filmed, in fact it turned out that Jared was just going on vacation, so he canceled the convention, and not because he was working.This is just a small example of how Patrick gives out wishful thinking for insider information .We all know that Jared's stans doesn't like Walker and they're jealous of Jensen, so they want other projects for Jared.So when they send me something with the words:"look what Patrick wrote," then I tell them to "fuck off with this stupid cunt"
Yeah, it's literally years ongoing of vaguing, stalking, denial, and wishful thinking.
The guy once in a while hears something vaguely convention relevant that actually happens but he tries to pass his convention socialite nonsense as real production connection or a viable method to maintain meritful intel. Or blurs the lines of those connections.
Like basically sometimes he'll vague at some guests that seem to come true. Fair enough. His whole life and that of his friends revolves around being consumers in the convention market, so I'm unsurprised they hear news about what will be consumable to consumers in the consumer market at that level of involvement.
It's the overall stretching of that awareness--and hell, it's ability to fail, like your example, or the fact he just got busted outright lying about M&G contents and is known for it on the lowkey to people that rotate in and out of those greets by the dozens and watch him lie and butcher what's said in them for years.
The guy has never had a meaningful piece of intel land much less about the shows, much less about THIS show. Like this one in particular, any canker sore that had given him viable info in mainbody SPN seems to have been yeeted. He literally hasn't had a single thing right about The Winchesters and has failed at every denial to date so far but still can not be compelled to shut the fuck up, because he wants the attention so damn bad. And the free gold tickets he grifted out of people with the shit.
Man has been a consistent leak failure for 6 years but people lost to their delusional psychic landscapes of self importance just like hearing what he says and imagine if they wish real real hard, THIS TIME he'll be right about something.
Also frankly his con sources aren't even that good, apparently mine outrank his, and that's all I can say, because he'd also be shutting up even from a con angle at this point if he had a real clue. If ANY of his CE connections were even worth a damn he'd have the context and information enough to know one of the several reasons I keep saying TW/CM is fine.
in hindsight it's genuinely funny that for all his work and posturing, the market i've made clear I give a shit about the absolute least and ignore until he and his friends fuck up on main, i still somehow have better ears on the wall at than him. without paying a dime. bless.
if the man stayed in his own lane and just admitted he was only a con coverer, I wouldn't mind. I'm sure he'd still butcher con coverage, but everyone butchers con coverage. But it's his desperate need to pretend it makes him Somebody That Knows Something, even when he's proven a hundred times to the opposite. Nobody would bother him if he just reported shit, it's him pretending he can talk in the production box by proxy that turns him into a living clown.
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Outlander Season 8:
This was always the end?
The eighth and final season
Starz's Outlander series was officially cancelled at the end of season eight, which is likely to be released sometime in 2025 or later. The news of the finale comes ahead of the Outlander season seven release, which will bring back many familiar faces. Season 7 will release 16 episodes for the penultimate season. This means that Outlander has 26 more episodes since the last season will have 10 episodes. When the show wraps up at the term of season 8, Outlander will be one of Starz's longest-running original series.
Outlander season 7 is still in production, and there's no denying that the possibility was raised in recent months that season 7 could be the last season on Starz. The 16-episode season 7, and the increased costs associated with the show at this point in its run, have generated much speculation.
Outlander's cancellation comes after a tumultuous year of TV and movie cancellations (see Batgirl and Westworld). Could this be the reason STARZ took so long to announce it? Also, the news about season 8 was perhaps delayed due to the complexity of the negotiations to agree to continue and not extend the series beyond season 8. Perhaps looking at the original 8-book Outlander collection set by Diana Gabaldon, considered the initial contracts of the main actors Or the Exec Producer status for CB and SH, was part of the end of the deal to continue.
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The main actors’ current situation could have defined, the agreed commitment to continue until season 8, always it’s better to have a small secured…” a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”. Regardless of what one thinks of Outlander's ending, it's hard not to argue that in season 8 someone is in such a rush to end there.
Since have been announced the eighth as the last season, the reactions may be mixed. The show hasn't been good in some seasons. Once they got older, the stories got boring and so did their chemistry. With ten episodes to wrap up this show, Outlander’s fans will hope for an abbreviated last season for a reason: the rushed storylines, disappointing endings, and hasty character deaths might leave some viewers cold. Diana Gabaldon still has another book to write to complete her list set, but she goes 4-5 years between books. The book will go ahead with SH’s supporting.
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The show-runners and main cast of Outlander aren't eager to move on after Season 8. Outlander was cancelled and attention now turns to the 'Blood of My Blood' prequel series. Starz's goal is to deliver to their target audience a series with a long way to go (because nothing is written yet, they have no source material (i.e., the books) to fall back on) but with the same creators; they found in Outlander fans a niche to present what they want.
The new series will be in development — this doesn’t mean that it will see the light of day, overnight, but that it is being planned behind the scenes. While the project was being worked on, they didn’t realise it would move to the next stage so quickly. All of this is very much bizarre for a multitude of reasons. Why would Starz green-light the prequel at this point? A part of it may just come down to trying to strike the Outlander fans while the series is still trendy.
The fans will be disappointed when Outlander ends up picking its pace at breakneck, absurd speed and reversing some of its best character arcs and plot lines in a clear race to the finish line. We've learned with the TV business that they rarely like to wait, remembering the last season eighth of Game of Thrones aired before George R.R. Martin completed the final books. Although, many people would rather read Gabaldon's completed material than watch a prequel series on a similar project.
.......It's just a thought
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This is ironic … Outlander Author Diana Gabaldon Vowed That What Happened to 'Game of Thrones' Writer George R.R. Martin Will Never Happen to Her — 'They'll Never Catch Me' …We’ll I Think STARZ series caught up with her…before she could finish the book, which it will caused the divisive final season.
#Outlander #STARZ #lastseason #season8 #Blood of My Blood #Diana Gabaldon
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nevalizona · 1 year
use this as an excuse to talk about Aldridge and Marshall (and OCs)
You're amazing! Thank you✨️
Okokokokok so my brain is all over the place but I will try to make this coherent as possible! Will be using bulletpoints to help guide me.
•Thinking a lot about him visiting Montana. He wants to visit his parents and brother but also doesn't? He feels guilty about that. But works been hard and he just wants to relax. He doesn't need his mom making him feel bad for being him. But he also genuinely could use some of her kind words, but she hasn't been soft with him in years and he doesn't want to take the risk of her saying the same stuff over and over again.
•Also thinking about him and John. Working together. Hanging out outside of work. Aldridge's smug smile when John cancels all his prior plans so they can spend time together.
•For some reason, Aldridge meeting Harvey, Jorge and Andy (my brother's oc) has been on my mind. I know technically there's no possible way for it (maybe only Jorge bc I believe he would have been in Vietnam longer than a year) to happen bc they would be past Aldridge’s time but Eh I still like to think about it. Harvey is so sensitive and I think he wouldn't handle Aldridge well at first. But maybe Aldridge would see that Harvey's different and just kind of leave him alone? But also maybe not idk. But also the idea of Andy meeting Aldridge is so bananas to me because they are so different?! Poor Andy! I don't feel like that would go well sksksksk. Jorge is a nurse so I just would like to think about why Aldridge would have met him in the first place.
•Of course I can't mention Aldridge and not bring up Genevieve. I try not to mention them anymore too much on my blogs but I've been thinking a lot about them and just them starting their family and what that would be like. Very fun. BUT also thinking about their late night talks when Aldridge is on an assignment. Both just talking so late into the night, both can barely keep their eyes open at some point. It's sweet and genuine. They're literally saying nothing and could go to bed whenever but they just want to hear the other's voice.
•Of course I'm also thinking about him and Marshall!!!!! I think they were pals before they weren't. They'd never admit that but they actually spent a ton of time together. Their girlfriend's know each other well. They just, spend a lot of time out of work together. In my mind, Marshall and Aldridge worked together A LOT.
•Sometimes I like the idea of Marshall having a daughter. Idk why. I just do. He'd be a grea-rrible dad. The things he does good, he excels. The things he doesn't do good at he SUCKS. But he tries. And that certainly isn't enough but he does.
•I think Marshall hates seeing people sad. Like I genuinely think it makes him uncomfortable so he always tries to cheer the person up. Whatever that means. He just needs to see them crack some kind of smile and he feels he's done his job.
•Marshall doesn't have a lot to do when it comes to bounty stuff. Somedays are boring as hell. He reads a lot of magazines and westerns to pass the time.
•He would listen to the blue station in m3. I do not know what his favorite band or song would be but he always has the station on.
•He spends SO much time at the bar. Especially when he's in New Bordeaux and not in California with his family. If he's not at work, he's usually at the same bar with the other barflies. Easy to find him though.
•I personally do not think Lincoln and Marshall got along very well. So Lincoln is hesitant about doing more work for him. But sometimes does it when he has nothing better to do.
•Marshall is a terrible boss. He doesn't make Ivy Nicole do shit. Luckily she works pretty hard on her own but days where she just wants to fuck around and do nothing, he let's her and doesn't see what's wrong with that.
•He is TERRIBLY unorganized. He can't find shit in his office. Ivy Nicole reorganized everything when she first started working there and he absolutely does not keep it up.
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weabooweedwitch · 2 years
Honestly, sometimes these things happen for the better. It wasn’t meant to be right now. February is literally right around the corner, so your friend will still have something to look forward to! You’ll be able to plan better, it won’t be rushed and the trip will be a success then.
Like I said, February is really close and sometimes these things just happen. You can still go, just not right now.
Yeah :( but I still feel like I let him down. He even told me last night that he actually bought like 4 ounces of weed for us to dig into while I was there and we had all these fun ideas 🥺 he even asked me to buy this kind of canned soup for him and bring it to him because for some reason they weren't selling it in Canada despite being a common thing and I was like literally going to take cans in my checked luggage for him and hopefully buy him gifts too
I just. I hate myself so much right now. I really needed this, he really needed this, I'm just constantly crying. Everything was finally put together and arranged and this passport was the final step and I was never even warned there were limited appointments and they won't let you even CALL for the appointment in advance until the 2 week deadline so I waited until the literal last minute like I thought I was supposed to only to be told "sorry theres nothing unless you wanna fly to arkansas" and I was literally pricing that and the money and the flights and times just never matched up
Im stupid. I should have known it was going to be booked up because of Christmas but my dumb ass thought this year would be... slower? I scheduled my hotel and flight as refundable and I have until the 30th, the day before my departure, to see if a passport appointment opens up, because if its urgent they can get it to you THAT day
I just really hate that I got confused and thought the "within 14 days" was the ONLY way I could apply. If I had applied last month when he first suggested this idea I would have it by now. Like. This is such a stupid mistake I made. There were multiple ways to apply and I got confused and some things on the website were worded weird and just 💔
Im also worried because neither I nor him know WHEN in February his break is and im afraid i will learn that information too late or work will not want to let me off for a week again OR what if the break is st rhe beginning of the month and I don't get my passport in time. and I just. I'm sad. This whole thing is my fault. He told me he was looking forward to this. I was looking forward to this. It was already all set up and RIGHT HERE IT WAS ALMOST HERE and. Poof. It's gone. My fault. Heartbreak.
So now I'm gonna keep calling the passport agency several times a day and hope someone cancels. I have this, I dunno maybe it's denial but I have this weird feeling in my heart that someone will cancel and I'll make it. The weather hasn't been good so flights have been getting canceled, people are getting sick, all of that stuff, so. Im holding on to hope. He's been really cool about everything but my heart is broken. I hate myself for this.
I just. I'm gonna keep trying but this is getting me so so sad 🥺 I wonder if calling every hour would help... what if I don't call enough and someone snags it from me though....
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