#it's such a simple song. it's sooo simple. I love it. oh. so them
camellcat · 11 months
starlight by weezer is such a post-doomsday tenrose song... every time I listen to it I just see ten curled up on her bed in the TARDIS desperately clutching at something of hers
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to6ge · 1 year
Various atsv men x gn!reader
Pairing : Miles Morales, Pavitr Prabhakar, Miguel O Hara, Hobie x Gn!reader ( separate )
Summary : When they realize they fall in love with you and what they do to make them realize it
Mainly headcanons
Cw : None! This fanfiction is purely fluff
Gwen’s note : I dont know what to do for 100 likes special HAHA but maybe requests will be opened uppp, idk yet but most likely that. I got this idea from prompts I found.
Possible ATSV spoilers.
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Pavitr was a dumbass when it came to love,, he didnt realize his own feelings. He constantly showered you with gifts and compliments, he would also be very touchy with you and he’d be hugging you almost every time he sees you if you’re comfortable with it! He would constantly talk about you to Hobie and Gwen, “Oh, you know? [Reader] is sooo cool, like oh my god? I’d like to live with them for my whole life! No-no, I’d love to! They are the absolute best and they’re so so stunning.. there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for them!” he rambled about how cool you looked and how cool you were every time they spoke to each other, and when he does speak about you, Gwen and Hobie would just give each other looks and whisper how dense and how idiotic he is for not realizing his own feelings. He would constantly take you out to “hang outs” and he even introduced you to auntie Maya! And you immediately got along with auntie Maya. Then one day, Pavitr spoke to Gwen and Hobie nervously, “I think I like [reader]” then after he said that, he tells why and he could never stop talking about you. And Hobie just replied with “Congrats, you’re the last one to know!”
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Miles realizes once he feels his heartbeat picking up speed when he has a conversation with you, even just a simple “Hi, Miles!” His heart feels like it was gonna explode. He doesn’t know when exactly to bring it up to you, but boy will this guy try to talk to you and stick to you every time. When he sees you, hes gets so nervous and can’t focus at all. He will never stop drawing you in his sketchbook, he’ll probably draw you two together and hang the drawing on his wall. He probably also non-stop talks about you. His parents probably know and he will always ask his mom and dad for advice on how to kinda get with you. “Mama, I kinda have a crush.. and I want to get with them but, I don't know how to!” he asked, “QUE?!!” He always made sure you were okay and you weren’t hurt if you got in trouble. He’d doubt that you like him unless you tell him like 5 times that you do like him!
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Hobie probably just developed feelings for you midway, you had a great friendship with him and he just kinda started to develop feelings for you, once he realizes that he does like you, he’d wait for maybe around 2 days and drop out several hints like “G’day mate, wanna hang out? Call it a date,” and he’d wink or smirk after that, then he’d actually confess. I’m telling you, this man is bold as hell. He’d confess in the middle of a “hang out” and he’d be like “Y'know what, I like you, you’re stunning and I want to be yours,” and once you tell him you like him back, he’ll want to be with you all the time and he’d be practically glued to you. He’d wrap his arm around your shoulder all the time if he doesn’t wrap his arm around your shoulder, He’d wrap his arm around your waist! He’ll play a song for you, he’d always make sure you’re safe and unharmed. He’ll be there when you need it, he promises!
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He’d smile around you, but Miguel would never notice he did till someone points it out. He’d just smile at you randomly till someone, most likely Hobie, Miles and Pavitr says “OOOH!!MIGUEL O’HARA IS SMILING!!!” and they’d shout that out loud. After they say that, Miguel would just frown like usual. He is unintentionally kinda touchy with you, like, he’d unconsciously touch your hand as a signal of “canwepleasepleasepleaseholdhands?” and whenever you both sit together somewhere, maybe on the sofa or something, he’d scoot a little closer to you. Hes wayyy more gentle, considerate and kinder with you, he’ll try his best to be calm around you. He would never ever try to hurt you, never. He cares about you a lot but he never realizes. Then he starts thinking about you, sometimes he’d even smile when he thinks about you. When he talks with other people like maybe Miles, he’d say [reader] instead of ‘Miles’ like “Hey [reader]” “What? my name’s Miles?” then Miguel would say “Oh I meant Miles,” ( no apology ). ( If you wear perfume / have a signature scent ) He’d smell you out of nowhere even though you’re not there, but he wished you were. And that’s when he realizes he’s so madly in love with you, when he starts thinking about you.
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tonowarii · 2 years
can i request the beloved catboy quaritch purring ITS NOT A WANT ITS A NEED MMMM
COMPLETELY okay if u dont have motivation, or if u just dont wanna do it!! Write whatever you feel like writing love ♡
kisses 😚
im just keeping this short and simple bc i need to experiment on writing quaritch 👹 also wrote this w a human reader in mind sooo
gif is not mine, credits to the owner!
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Quaritch relished in moments like these where he finally gets to spend time with you. Needless to say, since getting his avatar body, he never felt better, faster, and even playful. But god forbid the lessons he had to go through in getting used to this. But yada yada, all this, all that- it finally paid off as he now gets to spend more time with you.
However this one particular morning, he was enjoying having you huddled on top of him, one of his arm wrapped around you so you don't fall.
It was like that when suddenly he was staring at you, seconds after you've just given him a decent uppercut with your head as you looked at him with wide eyes, as if you saw a ghost. It looked like you've just got shaken up by one hell of a nightmare.
"The hell was that for?" He grumbles in his old grumpy manner with a 'What the fuck?' look at you, his usual scowl returning.
But this discovery had your mouth wide and a mischevious glint in your eyes as you gestured all over in excitement.
"What? You forgot to speak?" He snarkily replied.
Quaritch watched as you lay your head on his chest a few times, making sure you weren't hearing things.
Then he hears your laugh, he was starting to get annoyed at this point, with his chin slightly aching and with you looking like a crazed scientist.
"I can't believe- oh this is great." You finally speak, looking up at him with one of your smiles that had Miles' features softening.
"What's so great? Me?" He chuckles. Although nothing could prepare him for what you said.
"I didn’t know you guys could purr!"
Miles' expression drops, blinking. "Huh?"
"You're purring!! I can't - oh this is amazing." You laugh, leaning your head against his chest to hear the low rumble emitting from it, giving you a warm and comfy feeling.
Miles' huge hand raises to carefully pry you off his chest and not to accidentally flung you across the room.
"Come again?" He asked.
"You don't know? I mean can't you feel it? Or is it like a - what do you call that again-" You look up in thought as he simply stared at you with a puzzled expression. You give up on trying to search for the word, turning your attention back on the avatar in front of you, whose tail was flicking in curiosity behind him, ears flicking.
"Okay, do you... Feel anything?" You ask.
Miles simply shakes his head no. You roll your eyes. "Come on, cooperate with me Miles." The way his name rolls off your tongue had him complying.
He takes a moment to feel what he was feeling. He felt happy, content even— but he wouldn't admit that. Still, he then registers the low rumbling coming from deep in his chest. It was roaring- like an engine if you will.
His brows furrowed, is that what it was?
He thought you wouldn't be able to hear that... Has he been doing that for a while? That's weird, he only notices it when he's with you but he rarely pays attention to it. So that's what got you acting like a crazed scientist.
Miles looks at you, and he swore the roaring in his chest got louder. He didn’t even knew the makers programmed them to be able to do that.
"So you are just a big cat after all." You teased as you watched his face contort into realization.
"No I ain't, pumpkin." He was not going to accept this.
"Just accept it Miles," smirking playfully at him. "I wonder... If the other recoms know that their commander's just a big huggable cat that purrs." You teased.
"Stop it." He glares at you.
"Would you look at that I'm on my way down to inform the others."
You sing-song, about to jump off the big bed when you're suddenly hoisted back up on the bed on your back, with Quaritch's intense gaze meeting your eyes as his huge body hovered above you.
The act sent your heart thumping, Miles definitely picked up on that as he chuckles followed by a smirk at your sudden silence.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue, pumpkin?"
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behoright · 1 year
lightning on my skin l k. dach
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there's nothing I can do / I just can't resist
summary: kirby + you + a house full of family members + an empty car...
wordcount: 3.2k
song: where would I be? - gwen stefani
warnings: 18+! smut sooo minors begone! unprotected sex, dirty talk and semi public sex. whoopsies. oh also cursing.
a/n: i'm sl*t for this man but no I will never admit it in public. enjoy.
𓇽 ⊹ ᨘ ִֶ໑𓇽 ⊹ ᨘ ִֶ໑𓇽 ⊹ ᨘ ִֶ໑𓇽 ⊹ ᨘ ִֶ໑
“You’re such a dumbass, Kirbs.”
“What? He was just being annoying so, I had to do it.”
The sounds of the crickets consorted your laughs as you and Kirby sat eating in his G Wagon, recently coming back from a lovely date at the nearby park. Despite being your second year of dating, this had been the first summer you had fully spent together. Staying at the Dach household had been an interesting but nonetheless exhilarating experience; you found out just how quickly chaos could ensue when Kirby and Colton were left to their own devices under the same roof. Proving that age was just a number, from day one it was plain and simple that they naturally retreated back to their little child selves, most of their interactions ending up with a playful physical altercation of some sort.
“You can’t tell me he wasn’t being entirely too cocky, Y/N.” he said with his mouth full of fries, his eyes widening over at you.
“He is your baby brother!” you exclaimed.
“Well, he’s no longer a baby. It’s a fair fight, that’s all I’m saying.” he chuckled.
Kirby hadn’t been this excited for a summer in a long time. 
Your internship now having wrapped up, he finally had the time to steal you and your newfound free time. He knew as soon as the season ended that he was going to keep you in his hometown all for himself. 
Seeing you interact with his family made Kirby’s heart flutter; cooking with his mom or ice skating with his dad and brother after their practice. 
You had met them before, but these were novel circumstances for the both of you. 
Any nerves he might have had swiftly vanished as you both settled in, making yourself at home in the most respectful way possible. 
He was able to forget about the stress of hockey and fitting your schedules together, and just revel in the normalcy of slowly waking up with you, knowing that you had virtually no strict plans for the day. 
“You guys are insane. These are full-on fights!” you laughed.
“You should have seen them when we were younger. They were actually much worse.”
“Oh, don’t worry. Your parents told me all about that.”
You naturally clicked with everyone in his family, so much so that his grandparents came fastly to meet you as well. It astounded him how you were able to pull everyone in so genuinely, leaving his introverted soul wrapped up in admiration. 
He was proud to have you with him. You completed each other nicely and in very practical ways.
“Oh god, please don’t remind me of all the embarrassing stories they brought up.” he blushed.
“Why? You really don’t want to talk about that little bath stor-”
“No, no! I’m changing topics! I’m pulling that card out!” he exclaimed.
“Alright, alright.” you laughed, throwing your head back against the headrest. As much as he was blushing, you could see him hiding a smile underneath it all. 
However, his house perpetually rustling came with its downsides. He enjoyed it most of the time, however, he missed the privacy of your shared apartment back in Montreal. 
When he watched you walk around his family home every morning his mind couldn’t help but flash back to seeing you strut around naked, getting your coffee ready, all from the comfort of his messed up bed, underwear, and clothes scattered on the ground from the night before. 
He missed that. A lot.
It was hard to have some alone time knowing his family members were around you both constantly. 
The last thing he wanted to do is make anyone uncomfortable. Not when there were literal months left in the summer.
So, Kirby decided to get creative. 
Much to his surprise, it ended up sparking a newfound love for public affection, in more ways than one, for the both of you, which just pushed him to explore more. 
Your first date of the summer that started with a picnic at the lake, and lovingly ended with you both hiding behind some trees for a while. The feeling of getting caught rushed through you equally as you consummated your love truly in public for the first time. 
So you unconsciously kept it going for most of the summer, looking for new places every day to spend time at. 
“You know, you’re bad for making me eat this.” he snickered at you.
“Oh, c’mon, tell me you don’t miss eating this junk during the season.”
“I do, I do.” he said, wiping his hands clean. “You know what I miss more though?”
“Mmm?” you asked, piling all the trash together.
You turned your head up to find Kirby staring at you, his signature smirk peering over at you. 
“You’re so sweet.” 
“I mean it.” Kirby took his fingers to move to your hair behind your ear, gazing over your features. “I just wish I had a little more time with you every day.”
“Hey, we still make it work pretty well, right?”
“We do.” Kirby’s fingers lingered on you, now cupping your cheek. “I’m still going to enjoy this summer. As much as I can. I’m not letting you out of my sight, baby.”
His eyes trailed down to your mouth before he closed the gap between you two. 
The kiss was smoldering, both of your intentions clear as your brought each other closer despite the console dividing you.
“Baby..?” he said, his lips grazing against yours.
“Mm… here?” you asked.
“Mmhm.” Kirby answered in between kisses. “The back windows are tinted anyways.”
You turned your face to tentatively look at your surroundings, Kirby’s hands beginning to mess up your clothes already, his fingertips at your exposed bra strap. The parking lot was mostly empty, all families in their homes as the sun began to set. 
“You sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure about anything before.” Kirby said, his eyes dumbfoundedly fixated on your cleavage. 
“About doing it here, dingbat.” you snapped him back to reality, playfully hitting his arm.
“It’s more private than the park...” he said, smirking again. “...and the lake, and the rink, and the boat, or the mal-”
“Okay, okay.” you laughed, rolling your eyes. 
“C’mon, baby.” Kirby winked as he stepped outside while you moved in giddiness to the backseat over the middle console. 
You came face to face as he quickly shut the door behind him, your hot breaths colliding as he began to crawl above you, sending your back to lay against the warm leather of the seats. 
“Hi, beautiful.” he said, a smile appearing on his face.
“You’re quite the charmer for someone who’s about to take me in the back of his car.” you uttered, eyes focused on his lips, inching closer to you.
“...take you?” he asked, millimeters away from you. “I’m not going to take you, baby. I’m going to fuck you.”
Kirby wasted no time and aggressively sent his tongue inside your mouth, his pelvis already rubbing against your jean shorts. 
The walk in the park had been nice, but it had left you both a little heated and damp, in every way imaginable.
“That’s the Kirby I know.” you moaned, his tongue now trailing behind your ear and neck. “Always so hot and heavy.”
“Hey, I can be sweet.” he uttered defensively against your skin. “You want me to make love to you?” 
His head snapped up as he asked you, his questioning and piercing eyes looking for an answer in yours.
“Fuck no. I like you hot and heavy.” you said, bringing his face back onto yours, chuckling into the kiss.
He adorably kept giggling as he planted loud and silly kisses on your chin, moving down your chest and further lowering himself down the axis of your body. 
He had a tough exterior at times, but Kirby was playful at heart, and he didn’t leave that outside of the bedroom either. You found yourselves laughing and joking during your sexual escapades quite often actually, and it fulfilled you in the most endearing of ways.
“You’re smoking hot, babe.” he uttered against your belly.
“It is pretty hot outside.” you said, sitting up on your elbows. 
“Oh, you’re funny.” he laughed, sitting up as he began to undo the button of your shorts. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
“And you know I don’t know how to take compliments. Not even yours.” you lifted your hips up, Kirby ripping your bottoms off of you. 
“Well, let me tell you a different way then.” he smirked.
“Kirby Dach, you are the cheesi-.”
You were hastily interrupted, Kirby licking up your pussy vigorously before bringing your hips all the way up to latch his mouth against your heaving sex. Forthwith, the sensation took you back to the countless nights your boyfriend had spent buried in your pussy, relentlessly getting you to the point of having to pull him off of you before your legs twitched hard enough to accidentally hurt him. 
The truth was that time stopped for Kirby whenever he lowered his face in between your thighs. He loved to get his jaw wet with spit and juices; even more, he loved grinding against the mattress for hours, sending tingles up his spine every time. Knowingly playing an edging game with his body, and your own at the same time, taking you both closer to the edge with controlled and precise force.
Despite not having enough space in his beloved G-Wagon for you both to lay down, he wasn’t going to skimp out. Bringing you all the way up to him was a risky move, but he wasn’t up for much thinking when he had you so bothered underneath him like this. 
He held your body securely, his biceps flexing around your ass and hips. As his tongue lapped in circles, he couldn’t help but trail up your body with his gaze. The nature of your position allowed for your shirt to bunch up, showing the softness of your stomach that he adored so much. However, seeing your breasts up to your chin, flushed just as much as your cheeks were, your face overcome by pleasure, had him gripping your hips extra tightly.
“God, baby.” he whispered against you, covering your skin in goosebumps. “You’re going to make me bust.”
“Fuck me, Kirby.”
He dropped your hips immediately, letting it hurt as he unzipped his pants, his erection serendipitously springing onto you. 
“I love you so much, baby, that was so good, but I-, I simply can’t wait.” you pleaded.
“I love you more baby; a couple more seconds of you wriggling like that in my arms and I wouldn't have been able to wait either.” he answered, removing as much clothing as possible.
Kirby was hot and heavy in every sense of the word. And it felt so good as it slapped your pussy whenever he pulled himself free of his clothes. 
“God, take a look at that.” he growled.
He set his blue eyes on the tip of his cock, parting your folds, glistening with his saliva and precum. The sun was lowering itself beautifully on the other side of the park, its rays peeking through the trees and his seats to create shimmering windows of light on your bodies. He felt the ridges of his member dampen as he kept plunging himself back and forth on top of you. He could feel the lust of his heartbeat in every single one of his veins and quickly into yours as he slowly dipped his cock inside you with a groan. 
You were mostly sure he had never realized it, but Kirby loved to push the tip of his dick inside you first and pause, just for a handful of seconds. 
Inadvertently, filling your cunt up with his body was one of his most cherished parts of fucking. 
There was something about the overwhelming feeling that took over his entire being when he felt your walls surround him concretely, soaking himself in all the gushy desire that had been building up inside you. 
He felt as if you had been waiting for him, and he loved to feel responsible for absorbing the aching that resided inside you as he bottomed himself out. 
Continuously, Kirby never took his eyes off you when he first thrust; the first time you had sex, he had to immediately take a break, the look on your face almost sending him over the edge completely. 
The sigh. 
The way your eyes rolled back. 
And he could always hear your vocal cords contract in the back of your throat in the slightest moan, but never strong enough to let it out.
It was almost inaudible, but it was there, and it drove him mad.
He loved being the only man that got to see you like this.
And you loved being the only one that got to notice the ritualistic thinking in your boyfriend, without fail.
His legs trembled as his pelvis came flush with your legs, pushing himself all the way inside you after feeling you clench once around the ridge of his head. 
Right underneath it, squeezing around him so deliciously as a signal for more. 
As soon as he saw that lovely look on you he was quick to throw your legs on his shoulders before he began thrusting steadily inside you. 
He tried to resist himself every time, and his efforts were never futile, but you knew they never lasted long. 
The more you showed your pleasure, the more he lost it. 
Kirby liked it deep and fast, and you were never one to complain about it. 
He let his head lull forward as he anchored a rhythm in his thrusts, his eyes squeezing shut in pleasure. 
“Oh, Kirby.” you moaned. “That feels so good, baby.”
He didn’t dare to look, feeling your hips begin to tilt forward already as you arched your back in the delight of his shoving inside you.
His brain went offline completely, letting all of the muscles in his face relax entirely, preoccupied only with the movement of his cock. 
“Keep talking, baby.” he uttered, almost whispering. “You sound like a fucking angel.”
The tremble in his deep voice was crystal clear, the knuckles of his fingers turning white as he gripped onto the flesh of your thighs. 
“I thought I was going to lose it today, babe. I wanted you so fucking bad.” you moaned, the leather quietly creaking as you angled yourself closer to him again. 
Kirby’s chest began to rumble, attempting to hold his moaning back as he stayed transfixed in the physical sensation of your bodies uniting. 
You could see him begin to sweat, flushing deeper every time he pulled out of you with a low, tight-lipped groan; a droplet lovingly trickled down the long hair strands that hung in front of his face before falling on your stomach. Every time they dripped onto you, it felt like you could hear a sizzle, your skin enveloped in lust as it flinched back with every single thrust.
It was nearly lovable how much he tried to control himself, always to no avail, but you could tell today, through your half-open eyes, that it wasn’t going to last long.
The reality was that the more he focused on the physical sensation, the hotter he got. 
The more relaxed you felt his whole body, the harder he became inside you, growing against your most sensitive spots. 
Quite curiously, the slowly blinking of his eyes open happened to come at the time your head fully tilted back, a glorious arch in your figure as your eyes fluttered closed. The muscles of his belly tensed at the coiling that he felt growing inside him, the only thing that was now softening being his jaw as he opened his mouth at the reverie of the woman reaching a  climax in front of him and underneath his touch.
“Oh fuck, like that, baby?” he asked, speeding up his movements just enough to let his skin stickily slap against you. 
Unfortunately for you, speaking was never your forte as you reached your edge. 
Fortunately for Kirby, it made him so horny he involuntarily hunched over, his body spasming as he swore he could see your pupils at the back of your head underneath your fluttering eyelids. 
He took the hint to increase his pace, slowly but surely, your shoulders trembling all the way down to your hips. His rough pubic bone came in contact with you, rubbing against your clit and exquisitely sending you over the edge. 
Your system went haywire as you came, sweet moans filling up the steamy car as you shook in pleasure underneath and around him, scratching his beloved leather seats. 
Any attempt to moan his name was inefficacious, but the effort was noticed by your boyfriend who pushed your convulsing legs further down, coming close to your face.
He had officially lost it, now dedicating himself to keeping you in this state as long as possible.
Kirby was able to somehow plant his feet against some steady surfaces of his luxury car, having the fresh ability to speed up, his eyes still stuck on your delirious elation that wouldn’t concede.
“Fuck, baby, you look so fucking good like this.” he moaned.
His muscular thighs tensed as he pounded into you, your cunt now gushing liquid all around him; you could only turn your head around as you sharply inhaled, letting the glee send sparks throughout your nervous system, your body moving on its own. 
It was so much that you both failed to feel the car shake with the power of his thrusts as he recognized the familiar creeping sensation begin to move inside him, his orgasm not far behind yours.
“This is-, this is-, fuck, baby, I can’t hold back.” he groaned, letting his forehead fall next to your head, his wet hair seeping sweat into yours. 
Finally, you managed the find the strength to move your fingers to the back of his neck, holding onto his hair for dear life as you began to descend back to earth.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Kirby came loudly as he let himself go, shooting his hot and milky seed inside you with deep thrusts; roaring, he was noisy enough to be heard outside of the vehicle, but neither of you cared as he stayed inside you, flesh to flesh, his cock still twitching and painting your insides white. 
“Oh my fucking god, Y/N.” he said with his head still down before placing a kiss on your shoulder.
“I could say the same thing to you.” you laughed, smart enough to reach slightly above you and open the passenger door only a crack. 
The evening, fresh air barged its way into the stuffy car, the fog on the windows starting to disappear slowly. The change in temperature made Kirby snap up, deeply inhaling almost unknowingly before finding you.
“Good?” you asked, Kirby’s favorite smile looking right at him.
“Better than good.” he coaxed. “You’re a dream, Y/N.”
“You’re not so bad yourself, Dach.” you chuckled, an adoring kiss planted on your forehead.
“I love you.” he whispered into your skin.
“I love you.” you answered just as lovingly.
“Where do you want to go tomorrow, baby?”
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orgxnas · 1 year
The Fellowship and their favorite Classic Frat Party Bangers™️
No Hands by Waka Flocka Flame
This is pre-Ring Frodo, ofc
Y’all remember how he was dancing at Bilbo’s birthday? Yeah dude def likes to get down
I just feel like after he’s had a few drinks in him and this song comes on, he grabs Sam and loudly says “OMG ITS MY SOONNGGGG!”
Can sing the whole song with no breaks (just like me fr)
Everything by Pitbull
Sam actually doesn’t really like the music they play at parties. He thinks some of the lyrics are crass
One time this song came on at a party that Rosie was at and she danced with him the entire song. He has not stopped thinking about it since
The next day he went straight to Merry (the Pitbull expert) and asked him what the song was called and then he immediately went and bought the song and listened to it everyday for the next two weeks
Now he requests it every time him and Frodo go out just in case Rosie is there
Shots by Lil Jon
He is the Snooki of the Shire let’s be real here
Loves lil Jon. Thinks he’s a lyrical genius
He’s always up on the damn tables and the bar
“IF YOU AINT GETTIN DRUNK GET THE FUCK OUT THE CLUB” and Pippin took that personally
Spills his drinks on everyone. Gets into a verbal altercation bc of said spillage. Merry comes in to back him up. Now Frodo and Sam have to break up a fight
Hotel Room Service by Pitbull
Pitbulls no. 1 fan
Right up there on the tables with Pippin
Also spills his drinks but not as much
Has in fact been decked in the face for asking a girl if he could take her back to the hotel room for some *service*
Pepas by Farruko
This man has never gone to a party of his own accord. He has only gone just to make sure that Merry and Pippin don’t die
BUT once he’s got a few drinks in his system and this song comes on, he’s ready to let lose
I feel like he would love the Spanish songs (he can speak fluently I just know it)
Does his own lil dancy dance while Merry and Pippin cheer him on
Legolas records it for when he’s sober and they can all laugh about it
Hips Don’t Lie by Shakira OR Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado
Oh he defff likes the “girlier” songs
Once he has enough in his system to get that lil tingle in his hands, bro is right in the middle of whatever dance circle formed around him
That man LOVES to flip his hair all over the place like he’s really got his hands in his hair feeling the music and everything
Learned all this from his father I just know that Thranduil made sure his son was properly educated
Gimli gives him shit for the entire night
Get Low by Lil Jon
Oh bro definitely likes to get low
His drunk self gets SO HYPE when this song comes on
Climbs right up on the table with Merry and Pippin (falls off soon after)
The rest of the fellowship watches in absolute terror as he tears up the dance floor
Danza Kuduro by Don Omar
Will he dance? Who knows
But one thing for certain is that his heart is filled with so much joy watching the Hobbits go absolutely crazy for this song
He thinks it’s so fun and endearing watching them dancing and enjoying the night
It’s one of those simple things that he loves so much. Watching a group of friends enjoying each others company and celebrating their friendship with music and dancing
You know what he WILL dance let him get in the middle of that silly little circle
DJ Got Us Fallin In Love by Usher
He may be daddy’s favorite, but being daddy’s favorite is stressful
At the end of the week, he just wants to cut lose and get drunk
And drunk he gets
He just likes to feel the musiiicccc
Has never gone home alone LMAO
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tialinffxiv · 24 days
FFXIV Writing Challenge 2024
Prompt #1: Steer
Kicking it off with something bigger and also very important to those two characters of mine~ Warning: it's emotional (I was sobbing writing this but I'm a big softie, sooo there's that y_y; Also: mentioned psychological abuse and child neglect. Wall of text incoming, read below!
“Do you think this is funny?”
Tia flinched for the ice-cold tone of voice behind him and turned to see Kai, who entered his office, closing the door behind him. Eyes gray like storm clouds were piercing Tia, who frowned in response, crossing arms on chest. “What do you mean?”
“Stop playing dumb.” There was a hint of growl in Kai’s voice. He stared Tia down, towering over him. “You know exactly what I mean.”
“You are always annoyed by everything I do, so no, I don’t know what you mean this time.” Tia barked back and only after seeing the slight change in Kai’s expression did he realize that maybe it wasn’t the best thing to say right now. He knew, of course, what could possibly piss him off but he didn’t assume that Kai would actually confront him so openly about it. Tia sighed, frustrated. “Okay… I guess you are angry because I was hanging out with your friends? Ava mentioned that you are busy and both she and Kult are kinda bored, so I offered to spend time with them. Is it such a bad thing?”
Kai’s lips turned into a thin line and his brows furrowed even more. Tone of Tia’s voice, sounding as if he wanted to shrug it off like something not important, was making his blood boil. “You did that on purpose.”
Tia chewed on his cheek. Well… Kai wasn’t totally wrong about this. This was in fact a little petty display of Tia’s annoyance for having his helping hand slapped away once again. Which doesn’t change the fact that Kai always reacts in a similar way to everything related to Tia, no matter what he would do. “You should know by now that I always try to take some time to hang out with everyone in this house. I would be glad to do that with you too if you only allowed it. And really… Why are you so angry about that now? I only spend some time with them. What’s so wrong about cooking with Ava? Or taking Kult to Ul Dah, so he could play at Quicksand and just have fun? Why are you being so childish about such innocent things…”
It took all of Kai’s strength to not just straight up punch Tia. Adam sighed somewhere at the back of his mind- this was going bad and he was readying himself to step in. As much as he would like to avoid it…
When Kai managed to speak again, fighting with rage making his hands shake, his voice was much louder than usual and filled with so much anger that Tia did a small step back. “Do you really think I’m stupid? Do you think I cannot see that there’s another motive for you behaving like this?” Kai paused, rage bubbling inside of him making it a bit difficult to put thoughts into words. “Innocent things, huh… And what about that thing with Kult when you two came back at night. I saw you there, at the gate.”
At first Tia frowned and tilted his head, pondering over Kai’s words. A thing with Kult?… He tried to recall the clouded memories of yesterday’s evening- they went to Quicksand, Kult played for the crowd there- Tia joined him for a song or two- then they had a drink. One drink turned into a few more~ They came back home quite late, both in great moods. Tia was a bit more than just tipsy perhaps, giggling over the cuddly Miqo’te purring at him and stroking his cheek~ And then…
Tia swallowed slowly, slightly flattening ears on his head. That’s right… Kult managed to steal a kiss from him, which was perhaps a bit more than a simple smooch on cheek. And was in fact still nothing serious- Tia chuckled over it, once he shook off the first shock and Kult, well- it was a very Kult’ish thing to do and he for sure didn’t mean anything too serious with that beside, as he called it, ‘a thank you for the lovely evening’.
But… the fact that Kai actually saw it…
“Kai, listen… I know what it may look like but there’s really nothing serious behind it…”
“Is it some kind of punishment? Because I don’t like you, like everyone else does, so you go and try to steal friends from me now?”
Tia’s eyes went wide. “I…no! That’s absurd… Kai, really…” Tia swallowed, suddenly hit with how bad of an idea it was to let his annoyance guide his actions. “That was never my intention! I just wanted to–”
Tia jolted. He couldn’t recall hearing Kai shout like this, ever. He opened mouth to try and calm him down, to explain himself. But then a sharp, splitting pain clutched his head and Tia staggered, as the room around him turned into a blur…
When he opened eyes again, he was in a different place. It took him a moment to recognize it- and the kid standing in front of him. There was no mistake who those big gray eyes belonged to. Tia looked over little Kai- it was so long ago…
Kai looked up at him with pleading eyes… No… he looked at someone standing behind- the younger version of Tia. How old was he back then?… 18? 19? Kai was no older than 10 for sure.
“Can I… go with you?” Kai’s voice was so quiet, so frail and shaken. “I… I want to see the world and learn all that… just like you. Could you ask your dad? If he would take me with you… please…”
Tia grit his teeth. Of course Echo would show him this moment now… And he knew what’s coming- what his younger self would do and say. He didn’t forget.
Younger Tia flicked his tail and looked down on the kid, pondering over something for a moment. “I don’t think it’s a good idea. You are still a little kid, Kairen. You have a family and safe home here.” He smiled a bit at Kai.
“But… but you were also still a kid when you first traveled out with your dad! I can do that too… I can learn!…” Kai protested, clenching fists. “That’s… not fair…” The resolve he had in him for a split moment seemed to deflate suddenly as his chin trembled.
“Stay here and listen to your mom, Kairen.”
Kai stared down at the floor, holding back tears. Miqo’te petted his hair and turned away to leave the tavern, not gracing him with another look.
Then the scene changed slightly and Tia blinked- there was a little Kai again, this time with his mother. And Tia’s heart sank hearing her words. She was scolding the kid for the ‘idiotic ideas that he was bothering Tia with’. Calling him stupid. Telling him to go back to his room. And so Kai did- and once in his room, he sat on the floor in front of the window. At first motionless- but then Tia noticed how his shoulders were trembling and he could hear the quiet, muffled sobbing.
…he told him then to listen to his mom. That he has a family and safe place here. But those were all lies… How one could feel safe being treated like this… That was in fact very unfair…
Tia wanted to reach out for him. To run to this little kid and hug him… to apologize. Do something he failed back then, when he could change this kid’s life…To steer him in the right direction.
But a sharp pain returned and Tia gasped, curling under the weight of another wave of dynamis.
He opened eyes, with a struggle due to pain drilling his head and a nauseous feeling of sudden swap back to reality. He blinked trying to clear his vision- in front of him stood Kai. It took Tia a moment to be able to speak again.
“Kai… I’m so–”
“Do you still see me as just a stupid kid? As someone below your level?” Kai’s voice was quiet and trembling now. And yet every word was like a needle right into Tia’s chest. “Are you doing all this because you want to show off even more? Of how great and caring you are, right? Is that why you asked me to move in here?”
“No…” Tia shook his head. He wasn’t sure what to say. That wasn’t the truth- but how he could best explain himself to Kai? “No, I invited you here because I wanted to somehow repay you… for what I did in the past. Or rather… what I failed to do.” He paused, avoiding Kai’s gaze. “I realized it way too late… and I still don’t really know how to fix that.”
“Do you have any idea how much it hurts to be sent away like that? And by you- who I always looked up to. Who was praised so much by everyone… Who I wanted to be like. But you were just the same as all of them… seeing me just as a problem, bother. Someone not worth it…”
Tone of Kai’s voice made Tia look up at him and his chest tightened painfully when he noticed tears dripping down Kai’s cheeks. Guilt was clenching his heart in a steel grip. He remembered that moment and always knew of how big a mistake he made back then. But now, seeing it all and from a different point- it did hurt twice as much.
“Kai… I know that you have all the reasons to hate me. And rightfully so.” Tia closed eyes for a moment, before he continued quietly. “But I didn’t send you away back then because of that. I don’t want to excuse myself with that, because I was still in the wrong either way but… the real reason was that… I was sure that if dad agreed for you to join us back then, then his whole focus and time would be placed on you instead of me. And I didn’t want you to steal that from me- because he was the only family I had. And I thought that since you have yours- that it’s best for you to just stay. I failed to notice how they really treat you… Failed to realize that taking you with us would change your life for so much better. I was selfish and stupid in that… and you are right- I was never the perfect person as some may see me.” Tia paused, taking a deep breath. “When I finally grew up enough to notice all that- it was way too late to fix anything. But I thought I still can steer it back on the right track… that’s why I was pushing on you to come live here, with us. I just want to help you now… even if you will never forgive me I still want to try to pay you back for all that.”
Kai stood there, motionless, staring on the floor. His cheeks were wet from tears. “Then why are you doing things like this…”
“I’m not trying to steal them from you, Kai.” Tia looked all over Kai- he really wasn’t sure how to deal with him to not do even more damage. But telling the truth seemed like the best option. “I was angry with you because you were so stubborn about that burned hand. So, when Ava said they are bored and you are busy I thought that it’s a nice idea to entertain them… and annoy you with that. And that was stupid and I’m sorry for that. But that was all to that, really…”
Kai was avoiding Tia sight, rubbing his arm nervously. Tia could guess just by looking that he’s trying to process his words and it’s rather a difficult task. He wanted to comfort him somehow… but what else could he do beside talking? He felt so powerless when it came to Kai…
There’s a thing you can do, silly you~
It worked on him that one time, back then, right? When he was stressed about his other soul- you even managed to put him to sleep, so he could rest and you could talk with Adam. Remember?
…yes, but…
What are you afraid of? He may not like it- but he sure needs it right now.
Tia clenched fists, bracing himself for possible consequences… and slowly walked closer to Kai.
If he would ask for permission then Kai surely would say no to that, right…
So, he took a deep breath and gently embraced the much taller boy.
As predicted, Kai flinched, his body going all stiff and Tia could feel how he’s all shaking. But he couldn’t let go now, even if Kai hated it. Instead, Tia leaned forehead on his chest- he could clearly hear his shallow breaths and fast beating of the heart. Among all that anxiety shaking him, Kai remained silent- beside the stifled groan at first. Tia closed eyes and purred softly- two things that were making this calming effect stronger were physical contact and vibrations of his purring. He tried to calm his own breath, daring to tighten his arm around Kai’s waist.
Kai was standing still. He didn’t push Tia away, which he assumed to be the most possible outcome, so Tia let out a small sigh of relief and listened carefully as Kai’s pulse slowed down and his breathing calmed. At some point he could feel a few warm drops landing on his ears, so he hugged him tighter. And then, after a moment of silence, Kai raised hand and petted Tia’s back in an awkward gesture.
“Kai, you don’t even know how sorry I am–”
“Can I go sit somewhere… I feel sort of dizzy.”
“Oh, of course!” Tia nearly jumped and stepped away from Kai, gazing up at him. He looked much calmer but still avoided Tia’s sight. His face red and eyes swollen a bit from crying. “You can go to the workshop here, it’s a room behind this bookshelf” Tia gestured towards it and Kai nodded slowly. “There’s some comfy chairs. I can bring you tea if you want?”
Kai just nodded and walked to the other room. Tia ran down to the kitchen to prepare some tea- but when he walked back to the room, carrying a cup of hot, aromatic beverage, Kai was fast asleep on the chair. So he put the cup on the table and pulled a warm, soft blanket from a drawer of the desk and covered Kai with it. Then quietly walked out of the room and flopped on his own chair, behind the desk, exhaled heavily and rubbed tired eyes. But his rest got disturbed soon after, with a loud knocking on his window. Tia stared surprised at it- the source of noise was a big, black bird. He opened the window and let Adam hop inside and on his desk.
“You okay, buddy?” Adam asked, tilting the bird head to the sides, gazing over Tia.
“Yeah, I… I will be okay, don’t worry.” Tia petted the back of the raven, trying to smile a bit.
“I was wondering at some point if to not step in… but I think it was best that I didn’t.” Adam continued but at the same time leaned into Tia’s hand for pets.
“Do you really think it was all for good?… What if things get even worse now.”
“He didn’t push you away, right?” Adam tilted his head again, gazing at Tia. “You did well explaining to him your side of the past things.”
“Yes but still… I don’t know how I can help him. To repay all that.”
“Oh, it’s simple, really~” Adam chirped, hopping around the desk. “Just don’t help him.”
“Huh…” Tia frowned. That didn’t make sense…
“Let’s take the case of a burned hand as an example, so I can try to explain it. Kai got annoyed when you jumped to him to help, right? Do you know why?”
“He’s always annoyed by most things I do, so that’s nothing new. In fact it’s pretty expected at this point…”
Adam gazed over him with a dark, curious eye. “But that’s not exactly the truth, dear. He got angry over that because he in fact could take care of it by himself and yet you ignored that and tried to force your help on him. Does that make sense?”
Tia stared at Adam. A little bit of light was forming in his mind. “So… he got angry because I made him feel that he cannot do something by himself?”
“Exactly!“ Adam hopped around the desk again. “Now, another thing- do you recall how Kai was behaving towards the newly hatched dragon?” Adam paused waiting for Tia to collect thoughts and continued when he nodded. “He tried so hard to help the baby dragon with everything, almost spoon feeding it. Even when Ash made it clear, several times, that it doesn’t need that at all. Do you think he learned that kind of ‘care’ at his home? From parents that ignored him most of the time?”
“Uhh… no, I don’t think so.” Tia frowned, still not quite sure what Adam meant by that.
“The answer is- he learned it from you.” Adam flapped wings, creating a small gust of wind that lifted papers around him on the desk. Tia’s eyes went wider. “That’s right- you are always the one to run to anyone who needs help- or at least who do you think needs it. Most folks will be of course grateful for it, in most cases it’s maybe really the right thing to do. But Kai is different- when you go and try to force your help on him, he will feel that you think of him as someone not able to do a simple task like that. And it’s something he always wanted to disprove to family- that he’s in fact very able to do everything by himself. So, the way you act like a mother hen towards others and especially him- this is what annoys him the most.”
Tia pinched the bridge of nose, thinking. “That does make sense… But why then he repeats my actions, if he hates those?”
“Have you missed the part of him telling you that he always wanted to be like you?” Dark eye of the raven pierced Tia. “There’s some part of his mind that unconsciously does such things, because of the deep-rooted assurance that doing the things like you will get him the love and adoration he so long for. I don’t think he’s really aware of that… at least most of the time.”
“Okay that… explains a lot of things…” Tia sighed deeply and flopped on his chair. “I still don’t know how to make things right. But at least now I know why some things are the way they are, I guess.”
“Don’t try so hard, let things flow in their natural rhythm~ For now, go get some rest too. I will keep an eye on Kai.”
“Alright.” Tia stretched. “Thank you. I will also try to get a nice nap.” He petted the raven's head and walked quietly to the other room; gazed over Kai sleeping calmly on the armchair there and sighed, before leaving to his own room. Maybe this will finally help him to set things between them in the right direction.
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Favorite boss(es) in No Straight Roads?
Least favorite?
(Sincere apologies. I've been holding this one for more than a year in my box, so I hope you don't mind a really late reply ^^")
(Also Happy 3rd Anniversary, NSR!! 🎉)
I will tell ya honestly - they all are my favourites!
Tho if to be more specific I decided to set them up by TOP.
1. Sayu
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Oh Sayu, my beloved <3
The Best Virtual Idol and The Reason I bought this game in the first place!
Her music and style of battle was the most fun and dancy! I still vibe to it to this day-
Sooo many references to Internet Culture and Digital Art fills my heart with warmth and gives me determination just like her song itself as well!
Funny Useless Fact: She is the only boss I've beaten on Rank B on my first blind playthrough!
2. DK West
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My second favorite and at the same time the hardest for me to beat.
I personally didn't adore RAP genre at first and never seen anyone preform it as an actual entertaining battle until he showed up...
Anyway, despite damaged fingers - 10/10, would fight again!
Funny Useless Fact: When I was drawing him for the first time I listened to his theme on loop for 4 days straight in order not to get myself distracted or lose motivation, so I finish the piece.
3. Yinu
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Oh, sweet child...
I love Yinu and her theme lots even if I'm not that big of a fan of Classical Music. And her backstory...Gosh! It made me cry a lot.
And I'm still feel ashamed of breaking the piano ;;-;;
Love the pace of how music goes with the fight and it feels even better when you get into actual rhythm. There were issues that gladly wore off thanks to practice and fighting this boss over and over.
Tho those slamming cords haunt me whenever I listen to the song off-battle-
Funny Useless Fact: I didn't like her Mother at first but when I read more about her and relationship with Yinu my opinion completely changed. And this is why I would nominate No Straight Roads for The Best Storytelling and Character Design.
4. EVE
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Two-faced, tall woman.
Used to be one of my favorites but due to some circumstances I can't look at her the same way I used to but I still adore her as a boss!
I honestly love her style of the fight and music that changes depending on who you play.
Tho fighting her is literally like eating a lemon but eventually you kinda just accept your fate and roll with weird artistic antics happening around you.
And EVE herself as a character is so fascinating. Like this is the moment where I started to see that these aren't just bosses, they are actually characters that tie this little but complex story together bit by bit. And this is why I would nominate No Straight Roads for The Best Storytelling and Character Design AGAIN!
Funny Useless Fact: EVE was supposed to be a next character to have a complete and detailed art of but due to my forgetfulness, difficulties with her design (and many other things) - it was never finished but I hope to get that dusty sketch out of WIP folder someday.
5. Tatiana
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The Bitch. The Boss.
I don't really like her music and rhythm but I can forgive that since it is kind of fitting for conflict between her and the BBJ.
She tries to hide her true image throughout the story and the fight but ultimately crumbles cause escaping from the past isn't the best option to improve.
I love her design and personality and I wish there were more villains like her. Strict, simple, stoic and yet well-written.
Funny Useless Fact: I've never drawn Tatiana until NSR announced their release on Steam with addition of Fanat Graffiti Contest that I certainly didn't want to miss out on. It was difficult but I did it and ngl, I am still proud of the results.
6. DJ Subatomic Supernova & 1010/Neon J
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I can't really say anything much about both of them. Sorry, guys...
Their designs and personalities are fun and well-made but due to one of them being the first you fight as "tutorial" and the other appears only at the end of a fight. (1010 band doesn't count as an actual boss to me more like a part of it) They didn't struck me much as the others did...
I will say this thou: their backstories are interesting. One is an academy astrology teacher with a goal of achieving the stars and other is a war veteran who just wanted everyone to live in peace and he himself despite everything never stopped his passion for doll-making and making people happy.
Just simply, beautiful...
Cool Science Fact: Their VAs are GOLD!
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mrwoeful · 1 year
some Augustine x Henri headcanons
errrm at some point there will be NSFW but dw there will be a warning <3 mentions of homophobia and how horrid it was for gay ppl to live at the time :( also these are general headcanons too
Feel free to discuss!!
I see a bunch of people complaining about this ship about it being cheating cheating but let's take period typical homophobia into consideration. What if Augustine simply married a woman and had a child to keep his sexual identity safe?
Now I don't think Augustine did this on a whim. Cause in my mind, his wife knows about Augustine's situation, and she may be queer as well.
I know this is far fetched but hey.
They both clarified that they could have relations with others, because the sole purpose of their fake marriage was to keep suspicion away from Augustine or from the both of them. Even if it meant having a child.
Now In the game Augustine never mentions his wife, only his son. And the toy he bought for him.
While he does have a photo of both of them, it's possible that he has it so no suspicion can be pointed at him for being a homosexual. (Because being a homo at their time was not a good one
like "no, he cannot be gay. Let's point the finger at someone else." Type of deal. He's an imposter to the straights lmaooo
While Henri isn't a married man, we think, he's just vulnerable to "accusations" of being a man kisser.
Augustine would hang out with Henri as much as possible. They might have been friends before the war. Dare i say even when they where children?
Honestly with how these guys act I think henri lived with his mother and Augustine loved his father. If frictional games won't give them a past, I fucking will!
"But woeful!" You cry, "why would Henri trick Augustine if they where lovers??" Ah, I believe it is a few simple things. Trust, and a basic set of skills that he knows Augustine has. In the beginning of the game, Augustine has managed to stay stealthy the entire time, even going as far to sneak up on germans that where shooting at Henri.
That's some husband material amirite?
so Henri had all the right to believe Augustine would return safely. But when that wasnt the case, you knew henri felt horrible and throwing up from nausea almost at any minute. Eating repulsed him, even.
Now we have to deal with the monster Henri (accidentally) created.
Now! Let's get into more romantic settings!
So these two would find any breaks they could have in a war just to hang out.
I believe these two where definitely in love with eachother just way to fucking scared to admit it.
Like?? It's possible to be thrown into jail, killed, tortured, etc. Just for having feelings for the same sex.
It was worse for other countries I bet.
Enough history lessons! I just get so hyperfixated on the history of WW1 and amnesia the bunker's setting in history.
However they trusted eachother very much, and they have confessed their love to eachother at some point. Which is why I am to believe that Augustine was so adamant that they'd survive the war together. Introduce Henri to his wife as his new lover.
But. Y'know. That never happened. But atleast it did in my upcoming au :]
Mitski songs for these mfs (especially I bet on losing dogs. Please it fits them so well)
These two would lovingly prank eachother. Alot. Pissing in your partners flask is a weird sign of affection but we know that Henri still loves him after that.
they would tease eachother a lot, others in the bunker would shrug it off as boys being boys. Bros being bros. Doing it w the homies yk
Henri calls Lambert lamby or lamb, and Augustine calls him clem! But only when they where in a private and safe area.
they would sneak kisses sooo often <3 they didn't want to get too affectionate in the bunker or they'd get caught. They'd give eachother those come-hither eyes, flirting with nothing but body language and looks they give eachother.
you know that one mlm cover of Mr sandman oh my god,,,
Oh yeah I headcanon that Augustine's a himbo. Like. Look at him. If henris a twink then Augustine is a hunk.
Man these two make me go feral ok hold on.
Shenji's NSFW headcanons of these goobers made me go insane it made my mind go wild I???
Henri is definitely a crier in bed. Dacryphilia is making me write this. I'm sorry. But he's so whiny and vocal it drives both me and Augustine insane.
These two definitely are muscular. But c'mon. Henri's a twink through and through. Doesn't mean bro is weak cause reminder, he can carry a man 😭
Augustine is more built though, henri definitely stares when they are in the locker rooms changing. I'm drooling thinking about it. Augustine knows though.
Stop staring Henri! You twink! God,,,
These two sneak out at night, and go do some wild things.
i just searched that condoms where made in 1916. The military would be insane not to make use of these since condoms can carry a literal gallon of water. Anyways yea these two do it safe 👍
Henri is a solid 7 inches, but Augustine is a monstrous 10 inches. He laughed at Henri's reaction cause it was definitely a lot like his wife seeing it for the first time.
That thing is a fucking ass stretcher oh my god. Henri had to stay with the doctor for a bit cause he ached so hard after the first time. Augustine felt guilty.
Wall sex. Alot of wall sex at night. Messily making out as Augustine plowed that twink.
henri has to keep his mouth shut. Since he's so vocal and whiny teehee
Wanna know where Augustine gets those hickies? Yeah most of that is Henri biting into his neck to muffle himself. Henri does apology lick though, tbh Augustine doesn't mind at all.
But Augustine sure loves teasing Henri any time he can, and Henri lightly scolding him for making him moan so loud. Henri makes toe curling noises though??
If it was possible Augustine would listen to nothing but henri's filthy moans.
These two are very sweet to eachother though, but they do talk about getting. Rougher with eachother.
Dude at some point henri thought about being nothing but having his mouth as Augustine's cum dump. This came to reality so everyone's happy.
Dude Augustine would be such a dom. Maybe more of a soft dom?
Please the idea of Henri in some sort of shibari or bondage. Drools.
Augustine is lucky he gets to pound this twink.
Henri is lucky to get pounded BY this himbo.
But erm yeah
Thats all I can think of for these guys aughh pleaseeee can we talk about these guys more.
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crybabydraws · 1 year
I just listened to Hozier's album Unreal Unearth and I'm gonna explode. Holy shit what an amazing album and what an incredible artist. Here are my first impressions I got from each song.
De Selby (Part 1) - Very pretty. A beautiful song to start this album. A wonderful taste of what's to come
De Selby (Part2) - FUNKY! I'll be taking this and I will be listening to it on repeat til I'm sick of it or dead. Whichever comes first (probably death tbh).
First Time - Just a simple love song (I'm lying). It doesn't really speak to me on any kind of existential level (still lying).
Francesca - What a lovely sonG OH HOLY SHIT- (Also the ending portion of this song is heavenly, pun intended)
I, Carrion (Icarian) - I could only think about Crowley and Aziraphale when this song came on. It fits them SOOO well! Anyways, gorgeous song!
Eat Your Young - The sound of this song is so awesome and sexy for a song that uses a clever parallel to Chronos to keep the Greek mythology theme to make it about sacrificing the next generation for money and power. I live for it.
Damage Gets Done - Hozier and Brandi Carlile's voices are so pretty together. This song sounds like running through a flower filled field with someone you want to be buried next to.
Who we are - This song speaks for itself and what it has to say is beautiful and painful as shit. I love this song.
Son of Nyx - The animated masterpiece that I made in my head to this song was incredible.
All Things End - "If there was anyone to ever get through this life with their heart still intact, they didn't do it right." GODAMN SO TRUE! This song is so nice. Accepting that everything will end while still keeping hope that we'll begin again UGH! I LOVE IT!
To Someone From A Warm Climate (Uiscefhuaraithe) - Beautiful. Incredible. I'm speechless. I also cannot believe that word is pronounced that way.
Butchered Tongue - This reads to me like a poetic love letter to language, music, and to Hozier's hometown. It goes over his personal experience with growing up in his hometown and appreciating it even more as he experiences other places and recognizes even more how it has affected him. That's what I got at least. Lovely song ofc.
Anything But - If the previous song was about the love of things that make us human and connect us like language, this song is about the feeling of wanting to be anything but human or, better yet, nothing at all. So cool. I love this man.
Abstract (Psychopomp) - When I listened to this song for the first time, I didn't really pay attention to the lyrics. I still teared up. I still haven't really looked at the lyrics and I'm still emotional about it. I love music. I love life. I love that I get to experience this with my ears. I love that I can appreciate it and understand it. GOD THIS ALBUM IS SO GOOOOD!!!
Unknown/Nth - This song with a math reference in the title makes me lose my mind in the best way. "Do you know I could break beneath the weight of the goodness, love, I still carry for you that I'd walk so far just to take the injury of finally knowing you." That might just be the most emotional line I've ever heard in my life jfc.
First Light - The melodies he is singing in this song do something to me. I ascend every time that pre chorus/chorus comes in. LIKE DAMN, IF I BREATHED IN THIS SONG, I WOULD SEE INFINITY!
I need to study the lyrics of all of these songs in an academic manner soon. I could only dream of the artistry that Hozier achieved here. This album will probably change my life.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 6 months
hiya lola! how about 8, 15, and 24 for the ask game?
Hi Tam! 💕💕💕
I admit I really wanted to answer these ones, so they will be long, but hopefully the best ^^ Thank you so much for your ask
Guys read these please!!! I wanted to share them so much! Let me know what you think 😊
8. Pacific Rim Au Nozelena
15. Klance go to the Arcade
23. Wildest Dreams (although a lot of the fic was inspired by multiple songs overall)
8 . that hurt my own feelings to write
So this one is not going to be from Paper Hearts, because spoilers… those bits just happen later and surprisingly I actually bawled my eyes the most at a Solid and Nebra scene, not Nozelena (I think I had these scenes planned too well to get super emotional, while with Solid and Nebra I just went with it and started crying...)
So the excerpt I'm going to show you is in my opinion one of the best pieces I’ve ever written and it’s from the Pacific Rim Au, that myself, @thoughtfullyrainynightmare, @lyranova, @loosesodamarbleare and @koneko-pi are working on 💕
Angels like you song fits it perfectly Spotify Youtube and gosh it made me cry 
“Are you alright mi amor?” Helena blinked cautiously. “You don’t seem overly excited about us having a winning chance against Kaiju.”
“It’s just… not as simple as it seems,” Nozel answered quietly and looked down, not daring to meet her eyes. However Helena did not let him. She touched his chin and then lifted it up. 
“It’s not,” she admitted. “However I believe that we can manage. Without hope our chances are pretty slim.”
“Then what do you hope for?” Nozel asked and he just adored how another warm blush spread across her cheeks. 
She lifted her finger and twirled a single strand of her hair around it. 
“I’d love to show you Europe,” Helena spoke up. “Mi familia’s sunny hacienda by the Mediterranean Sea… And then after we rest, we can go to Madrid,” she smiled and with each word her eyes brightened, she let go of her hair. “And after we’re done with sightseeing in España, we could visit other countries,” her tone picked up its pace, swiftly accentuating the words, and she pulled out of his hold, because her energy was not letting her stay in one place. “Italy!” Helena exclaimed. “Or Greece,” she pondered and Nozel softly looked down at her. “Both of them actually. Oh, then we should go to Malta! They have amazing scuba diving sites there. Do you know how to dive?”
“I..?” he raised his brows and blinked, confused by how quickly this escalated. 
I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s Helena after all, one full of life idea after the other.
“You don’t,” she nodded to herself. “Don’t worry we’ll find you a fitting diving course. I mean you’re going down into the depths of the Pacific in a metal can, what’s eighteen meters to you?” she flashed a smile.
Helena then paused and chuckled to herself.
“They have moray eels there,” she said and grinned. “Sooo I know, that you’re not scared of kaiju,” she playfully pointed at him and winked, “but what will you do if a moray eel shows up?”
“Obviously I won’t be bothered by it,” Nozel stated arrogantly, but he felt, that it was just for show. Because he may not have been scared of moray eels, but something else clouded his mind. 
“So cocky mi amor. You know how to get a girl excited,” she laughed and the sound of it would have normally made his heart flutter, but instead the strained muscle sunk deep into his chest.
“After moray eels…” Helena continued on happily chirping, but as much as he wanted to listen he could not. It pained him too much to do so.
You don’t know that I won’t be there with you. That you will have to dive with moray eels by yourself and I won’t be able to scare them off for you. You will once again see Madrid and then hopefully go to Rome, before hopping on a plane to Malta. And I will be dead, because if I don't die in a jaeger, my poisoning is getting worse and worse with each day. It’s getting harder to hide it from you, but how could I speak and shatter your hopes? Especially, when hope is what we need right now. We need people like you, not run down by this war, people ready to happily move forward and build a brighter future, not the likes of me, stained by their past and living in their memories. The drift never lets me forget how I’m the cause… This is my punishment, the poison, everything that follows. I don’t deserve to be happy.
He gazed at her prancing around the room and shooting him excited glances with each new idea she came up with. The red scrubs she wore, so beautifully complimented her tanned complexion. Brown hair fluttered and dark eyes shone brightly. It was as if stars decided on a new home in the depth of those round, deep orbs. She was chuckling to herself and the sound was sweet, heavenly. 
I don’t deserve happiness, but you do. I am staining your life with my shades of gray. They may seem silver, but only after reflecting your light. You will be better off without me. You may grieve, when I die… Actually I’m sure you will, because I’ve already been selfish enough to let you care for me… to let you picture a future, where we… There’s no “we” in the future.
Nozel squeezed his eyes shut and looked down. He felt the blue Silva pendant bounce off the tip of his nose, only to hit it back a second later. 
“Nozel?” he heard Helena ask and he looked at her, angry with himself for letting anything show. She became very good at reading him, so the tiniest slip up would let her know that something much darker was lurking in the shadows. “You do not wish to go to Paris? I know that the Eiffel Tower got destroyed during one of the first kaiju attacks, but the city had been mostly rebuilt,” she paused and looked up at him hopeful. “I suppose that I’d like to take you there,” Helena said quietly and smiled shyly, twirling a strand of her hair around her index finger. “I know it may be a bit cliche, but it’s a city of love…”
Love?! She cannot love me! Nozel pulled back. I may have these feelings, that I cannot properly name, but she…
Helena blinked upon noticing him get startled. The round eyes darkened into a shade close to black and he noticed the corners of her lips fall down. Her jaw tensed and she looked at the floor.
“So no Paris?” Helena asked quietly. 
“No,” Nozel answered flatly and a tight knot squeezed his chest, not letting his heart free. 
Okay this still hurts :( every time I read it and the misunderstanding at the end! 😭
15. from an old piece that i like
Klance go to the Arcade from my old fic (this is so hilarious)
Because I love my other Red x Blue OTP
I hope you like them @iamatriangle 💕 and for the rest of you just read the funny gay ship 😂
From the upper side of the screen some low quality ships appeared and started soaring to meet them halfway. Lance's lion jumped into the fight. It shoot two of the incoming hostiles. Keith just snored and also got his hand in the game. His playing involved more calculated manoeuvres than Lance's chaotic strategy, but to Kogane's surprise they were both equally successful. When the bigger ships came lions needed to avoid getting hit with their Ion cannon blasts. Their score rose with each second and Keith noticed a small crowd behind them watching the game. On the right side appeared a small ship, more agile than the others. It aimed at Lance. Kogane pressed the 'SPECIAL' button and his lion blasted a big cascade of digital fire at the opponent. 
"Thanks buddy." Lance said a little too loud from the adrenaline. 
The next wave contained some small fighters, but also three ship like the one Keith took out a moment ago. He needed to admit that he had never reached a level this high in this game and Lance had probably something to do with it. McClain had also used his special blast, so they were practically defenceless, but somehow they defeated the wave. During the next one Lance was the first to get blasted. The blue lion flickered and boy shook his head in disbelief. 
"Quiznak! I barely had them. It looks like it's up to you Mullet." A cocky grin once again appeared on his face and this made Keith loose focus. Just for a moment, but a moment was enough to get hit.
"You're right quiznak it!" Said Lance and then he noticed people standing around them. A small applause came from them. McClain bowed and winked at Keith. "I actually don't hate you right now." 
"Gee, thanks Lance." 
'New high score!!!' A caption appeared and Keith watched it with disbelief. He turned to Lance, who was as cheerful as he could be. A wide smile spreading across his face made something change in Keith's own expression. He laughed as McClain put both of his hands on Kogane's arms and shook him. 
"Aw man we did this! Let's choose our duo name."
"A duo name?" 
"Yeah so it will appear next to DUO HIGH SCORE." 
A face palm was definitely the accurate reaction, but something stopped Keith from this. McClain not being rude or jealous towards him was something new, but quite pleasant. Why ruin it. 
"Got any ideas? Not connected to Hamilton."
"Aww buddy, why do you have to be so mean?"
"Sorry, not sorry." 
"Anyway it doesn't matter. I've already chosen our DUO NAME."
"What about Klance?" 
Keith rose his brows and then tried to give Lance the most unappealing look he could. 
"You just added K to your name," he said reluctantly. 
"Yeah I know. I'm not stupid." 
"But this name is." 
"Why can't you appreciate my efforts?" A tease was so easy to notice in Lance's voice and the puppy eyes he made. 
"You're the worst."
"So is it Klance?"
"No..." He looked at those blue begging eyes once again. "Yeees?" 
"Yes!" McClain shouted and jumped in the air to show his satisfaction. Keith just chuckled. "Klance it is." He started pushing accurate buttons and the caption appeared brightly on the screen. 
"So now the rival mode?" Asked Keith actually not willing to change from cooperation to different mode. 
"Well if you want to we can now play against each other, but there are so many games in which we have high scores to beat." 
"Are you suggesting to play 'Arcade's fast and furious' in cooperation mode?"
"Yeah!" Lance shouted. "Watch out high scores team Klance is coming." 
"I still think that this name sucks." 
Lance gave him a deadpan stare.
"You suck." 
23. that was inspired by a work from another medium (music, visual art, dance, etc.)
Paper Heart so much! There is this one singer who inspired a lot of this fic and I have a whole playlist made for it, but most of the songs fit latter chapters better (that vocalist’s as well, let me tell you, when I was coming up with it one song played 53 times one day -> Spotify summary told me that)
So actually this Friday’s chapter is the one I told you I made a whole separate playlist for and I will post the first illustration with that playlist tomorrow. But for now I’m letting you know that the vibes will set by this song.
Bailando by Enrique Iglesias (Spanish version please) Spotify, YouTube
As for what we have so far ^^
The whole of chapter 21. The waves was inspired by Wildest Dreams by Taylors Swift (this version please)
I’ll chose parts from it and show you as I paraphrased the lyrics:
“Where are you taking me?” Helena asked poking at his feathery mantle, that was not fully covered by the cloak.
“It’s a surprise,” he said determined. “Let’s get out of here, fly out of the city. Away from everyone,” his voice was low and made Helena shudder. He was extremely attractive at the moment. His lilac eyes pierced right through her. Helena’s heart was racing from excitement.
“I wish it could always be like that,” Nozel spoke up for the first time in a while. His voice was quiet and he looked down.
Helena lifted his chin and made him meet her eyes.
“Say that you’ll remember this,” she smiled. “Us.”
“I will remember you,” he said in a serious tone and Helena blushed. “We shouldn’t spend the whole night here, but I think that we still have time for a little stroll,” he changed the topic. “Are you interested?”
Also I already added this song in chapter 15
“We don’t have to go public with it,” Helena said and Nozel looked up curious. “We can just meet each other in secret. No one has to know what we do.”
And let me reblog the art with fitting song lyrics, because the art is just perfect.
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@afreakingdork Sooo here is my Weak Spot playlist; Donnie focused instrumentals, a lot of his POV to reader, some Reader to Donnie. So far one Donnie to Leo
I scoured my spotify for songs and ran out; i didn't want to clog it with TOO many instrumentals for now, so just a few.
I will continually add to it as i find more, hopefully i'll remember to update this post
Songs are listed with notes and my personal favorite Lyrics as an eye catch, purple for Donnie, Green for Reader!
@garbagemilkshake i used your WS Donnie doodles as the image, you're credited in the playlist description! Let me know if you'd like me to change the image!
Songs; in order of adding them. Feel free to shuffle the playlist!
Bear in mind some of these songs are NSFW
1. NGAHHH!! - Undertale ost
So many Undertale songs fit ANY donnie's Energy
2. Blah Blah Blah - The Oozes
Donnie @ Leo
"You've ruined the colour blue for me"
3. Honeybee - Steam Powered Giraffe
Donnie to reader
"You didn't have to offer your hand
Cause since I've kissed it I am at your command
But you did"
4. Dummy! - Undertale OST
This song is peak rise Donnie energy in general
5. Everyone But You - The Front Bottoms
Donnie to Reader
"I fell in love
'Cause no one saw me the way you did
And no one's seen me that way since"
6. Love Like You - Steven Universe
Donnie to Reader
"I always thought I might be bad
Now I'm sure that it's true
'Cause I think you're so good
And I'm nothing like you"
7. Blue Moon Motel - Nicole Dollanganger
Reader to Donnie
"Take me to the Blue Moon Motel
Carry me over the threshold
Treat me like I am your young bride
Together on our wedding night
Fuck me in the motel shower
Make my makeup run like a pornstar
Carry me naked to the bed
Fawn my hair out when it's still wet"
8. True Love Café - Nicole Dollanganger
Reader To Donnie
"You have such a beautiful face
I've been dreaming about it between my legs
Come over and crawl into my bed
Kiss me, get me wet, give me head"
9. Lil' Red Riding Hood - Amanda Seyfried
Donnie to Reader
"What a big heart I have
The better to love you with
Little red riding hood
Even bad wolves can be good"
10. This is Love - Air Traffic Controller
Donnie to Reader (big Bad Villain song in general doesn't fit to a T but it is mighty sexy)
"Oh I was hit as a kid
I was good but then I quit
Everyone that tried to fix me
Knows that I can't change a bit
I've got no shame, got no pride
Only skeletons to hide
And if you try to talk to someone
Well then someone has to die
Once you chase me down the hole
Yeah once you think you're in control
You'll believe that we are partners
And you'll feel uncomfortable
Oh then the darkness rolls in
And you'll forget who I have been
But you'll love, love, love it, this is love"
11. 10 Simple Murders - The Future Kings of Nowhere
A Villain song for Donnie
"By this time I had become accustomed to the kill
And I'm not proud about it but I kinda like the thrill
To feel the heartbeat in the throat, the terror in the eyes
The sorry choking noises as they beg you for their lives
Oh, strangulation music... that was number five"
12. Everything Black - Unlike Pluto ft. Mike Taylor
Donnie to Reader
"Baby, you
Should come with me
I'll take you to the dark side
Me and you
You and me
Do bad things in the night time"
13. Addicted To Love - Florence + The Machine
Reader to Donnie
"Whoa, you like to think that you're immune to the stuff, oh yeah
It's closer to the truth to say you can't get enough
You're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to love"
14. Cradle of Myriad Stars - Wolf Children OST
Romantic Track for Donnie & Reader
15. You Are My Beautiful Song - Wolf Children OST
Romantic Track for Donnie & Reader
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vhvrs · 10 months
oh my gawddddd i know i already went off in the tags abt it but SERIOUSLYYYY that pmv is so so sooo incredible. like i saw it 12 hrs ago now and im still in like stunned shock abt it. super super awesome. if u have any fun like behind the scenes info abt it id love to hear but if not just… WOWWW thanks so much for making it even. life changing genuinely
EEP THANK YOU. SO SO MUCH!!! thank you so much i got into a crazy fixation state making it in time n was worried abt the end result bc of it as the died but!! incredible relief now. going to babble at u for a sec as my form of gratitude gbgbvb
id share my thumbnails but i kindve deleted them bc they were lagging my phone + i tend to delete them for my pvs BUT i do still have this video here of the wip version of it i made w them! my process is really just lie in bed for hrs to the song thinking -> making thumbnails -> putting the thumbnails together in whatever (i used capcut in this case) to create a template ready to be inserted w the finals -> uhhh make the finals!
was trickier bc i cut like a minute of the song for the sake of the.... story?? of the pv flowing better. specifically the part where the song glitches out over prime lunging at c137 + where rick sees the beths. and bc i do NOT think i could do a 3min pv. ive never done one this long b4 as is fhfgvb
theres also arrow cues in the wip so i can complain abt how annoying it is capcut doesnt have a simple slide or zoom feature. i really wanted to have the living room & evil rick on the ground frames slide -_- this is also why the zooms kindve stutter bc i had to combine a zoom in and zoom out effect. but i have to cope w the programs im using
oh heres the variants flashing part bc in order to have it actually zoom how i wanted i had to make them a separate video to import in
BTW. THUMBNAILS (1st not finished bc it was from an old file but rest recovered from trash) (u can see i was actually planning to do the full song. the final page is misc glitch frames bc i had realized i didnt have enough)
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SORRY if thats way too much info i can talk abt any specifics too but i always wanna share my process w stuff so fhvbb thank you for asking + again for the epic words o7
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
Hello I hope you enjoy some ray questions :) what is your favorite ray solo, the most beautiful to you, and the one that in your opinion is his most technically and musically impressive. love and light and ray toro to u
oh my godddd i DO enjoy ray questions thank you thank you <33333
okay so honestly this tour has blown everything out of the water so if we're including the recent live stuff then. kids from yesterday is his most beautiful AND technically impressive. the thing about fast shreddy solos is that sure they're very difficult to play but they're also forgiving. skip a note? under/overdo a bend? hit a couple of wrong frets? no big deal, it'll barely be noticeable as long as you're able to recover quick. slow solos that focus more on emotion and musicality are often so much more difficult because every single note matters and the mood depends on you not only hitting every one but hitting it well, bending in tune, sustaining it, really putting feeling into it etc. like for example the summertime solo is super simple and easy to play, but ray pours his heart into it every night so it sounds beautiful, and if he hits just one note wrong it's obvious as hell lol. anyway ray's a master at both of those types of soloing (which is insane, and as much as everyone knows he's an incredible player i feel like his emotionality as a musician doesn't get enough recognition compared to his technical prowess and ability to shred). and kids from yesterday this tour like. combines both of those things at once. it's jawdropping every single night - and the fact that it's, like, semi-improvised some nights too. genuinely astounding like all else aside mcr getting back together is the greatest gift in the world just because we get to witness that. it's like the perfect showcase of how ray's grown as a musician over the hiatus because even though remember the laughter is relatively light on guitar, you can really hear how those solos and exploring that style influenced this new kids one...but it's still so my chemical romance, because ray's never played to show off or posture, he knows exactly what every single song needs to be as emotionally resonant as possible.
anyway. lol spiel on kids from yesterday over (genuinely the way it ROCKETED up my ranking of mcr songs from close to the bottom to close to the top after this tour....lol). if we're talking studio versions only......
favourite solo: this is genuinely such a fucking hard question so i'm going to have to go with my gut response. which is venom. it's probably not my favourite solo anymore, but it was originally - it was one of the things that really hooked me on mcr in the first place, and when my show got cancelled in 2020 i couldn't listen to it for like two solid months bc it was the one i most vividly daydreamed about seeing live LOL so i have a huge soft spot for it. and it's catchy. it's clean. it's classic. it's just fucking FUN like it catches my attention and gets a smile out of me every time lol. close runners-up are vampire money, flw, and the live version of destroya.
most beautiful: augh. fuck. fuck. easy answer is summertime and as much as i agree i think i have to say scarecrow....again, it's nothing overstated. the way it like. weaves around and reinforces the vocals on "love won't stop this bomb" too like...it has brought many a tear to my eye. jesus. side note frank's parts in both of these songs are fucking heart-wrenchingly gorgeous too. for an album that sounds less like a ~guitar album~ than all of mcr's others, danger days has some of the best guitar work of their whole discography man...
most technically/musically impressive: genuinely this one is impossible to answer...like i could make an argument for sooo many of them in different ways...but i think i'm going to have to say. i don't love you. she is criminally underrated and so deceptively simple-sounding but so technically complex AND so fucking emotive. like okay another thing ray should probably get more credit for is not only that he's able to play all these solos flawlessly and beautifully but that he's able to write them - it's truly like he speaks another language, every solo he's ever written is so perfect for the song right key, right chord progression, right scale, right energy. and he's comfortable playing in so many different styles too....his blues-ed up teenagers live playing my fucking BELOVED, his practically baroque metally to the end solo, classic rock or polka or fucking borderline-edm...we are so lucky to have him oh my god.
also if we're counting non-mcr solos. take the world and remember the laughter...oouguhghghhhughhhh SHIT. they tick ALL of these boxes (and you can see what i mean about the new kids from yesterday part growing out of them).
oh my god i'm SO sorry you asked a straightforward question and i rambled for like several hundred words adjkaljgdlksajgd. what's ur favourite <333
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crumboat · 5 months
hihihi do YOU have any favorite songs/why do you like them :)
okay so .. yes and no
I have current favorites but they change so frequently that it feels wrong to call them "favorites" but here's my current faves + why I like them
Gushers - between friends
I really like between friends generally, something is so tragic and messy but easy and simple about the kind of relationships sung about. It drives me a little crazy tbh. The gentleness about Gushers and the almost underwater quality of the music akdbsjs. I can't it's soosososo good
beautiful waste - Beauty School Dropout
Honestly the line "I get heart palpitations when I think of you naked" goes so hard. Once again it's tragic. It's one-sided. It's in my percico playlist for a reason.
Exit Wounds - Placebo
Again with the chorus being a banger line "want you so bad I can taste it" um ??? Excuse me??? That makes me feel physically sick /positive. Also! Another one-sided but this time! They're exes! Also the line "And at night, under covers, as he's sliding into you, does it set your sweat on fire?" HELLO???
Absolute devotion and recklessness and oh my godddd. This is also in my percico playlist cuz thats really all I listen to. The songs a banger or it wouldn't be in this list but like "let's get married in Vegas, we don't need a guest list, we dont need to think too much" nnghhh it's sooo good I love it so much.
Falling Behind - Laufey
Laufey is another one of those artists that I just really like their music. Falling behind is especially great bc it's about feeling like you're 'falling behind' bc everyone else is in a romantic relationship. "Cause the sun's engaged to the sky" even inanimate objects are depicted as being romantically involved and as an aromantic this really hits home
Hold Me Like A Grudge - Fall Out Boy
Honestly? This song was picked out for my percio playlist because it fit so well and after listening to it a couple more times it grew on me. It's a fucking banger. It's really good music to scream-cry to (or imagine ur fav charcters scream-crying to) Fall Out Boy has mid ass lyrics honestly but the chorus is good (ie the title of the song)
dui - estelle allen
Fully in love with this song. It has an eerie feel to it (amplified by the dhmis-esque music video) and something about the sound of blood-curdling screams really adds to a song. It kinda hurts to listen to though 💀💀
HAHA - Lil Darkie
"When the jester gets mad, put a gun to his head" followed by mocking laughter goes so hard. So hard. This whole song is amazing 10/10 no notes. I love me a good power-ballad. Especially when looking at his other music which is SO different
OXOX - Dutch Melrose, Lost Boy
here's where I reveal that I really like overtly sexual songs. "That push, that pull, that force that draws me into your direction" ughhhh it's such a good song especially to play on loop. Idk I listen to really sexual songs when I do hw to Pavlov myself into not hating it. It kinda works.
Sloppy Seconds (Ick Pt. 2) - Lay Bankz
And here's another really good, really sexual song that I listen to while I do hw. "Fuck her, flip her, bend her backward, baby put your back into it" banger!!! It's a good song!! Perfect for playing on loop (it's like three verses that repeat)
(There's probs more but idc go check out my Spotify @crumboat (it has the same pfp) if you wanna see more of my impeccable taste <3)
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aubreysheadspace · 2 years
Omg hi i cant remember which blogs i requested this from so if u already got this then just ignore this pls!! But, if its okay, could i request sunny with a reader who composed him a song for like his birthday or something? I was thinking something like glue song by Beabadoobee. Oh and gn pronouns pls! Thank you!
Im like 90% sure i didnt send this here bc i remember checking ur blog out nd being like omg their works r so good and i think i saw ur rq were closed?? But i cant remeber?? So um yeah if u already got that one then feel free to ignore this one lol, and thank youuuu <3 have a great day
don’t worry, i haven’t had this request yet!! your request is SOOO adorable hfjdjfbf <3 i just listened to the song and it’s definitely becoming my fave, hope u enjoy!
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SUNNY has already fallen head over heels for you, so how in the world did you make him fall in love with you again?
he never really expects gifts at all and even feels like he doesn’t deserve them, so when you surprise him with a gift, he’ll be, well.. surprised!
but once it turns out to be a whole song you composed just for him, he’ll be more shocked!
when listening to it, SUNNY would keep his stoic expression, so it makes it hard to see if he really does like the song
but trust me, he definitely does. the red in his ears and the light in his black eyes prove it.
he doesn’t care if it’s a really happy and bright song, he is so thankful for the gift but isn’t sure how to express it.
maybe a hug? yeah, he thinks a simple hug will show how much he loves the song and you
SUNNY’s gonna listen to the song every single day. when you’re not around, SUNNY would just lay on his bed and have the song playing in his room.
he closes his eyes and feels at peace whenever this happens, always thinking of you whenever he hears the song.
if the song is for his birthday, he’s gonna be more grateful than ever with your gift, and even considers it the best present ever given to him.
the day was finally over, it was now the nighttime as SUNNY was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling on top of him. a few hours ago, you and his friends celebrated his birthday through a party.
the memories still linger around his head. of course they will be, the party happened just hours ago. he turns his head to the side to look at the best present ever in his bed next to him… his phone! well, specifically something in his phone.
turning on his phone, he started to play what he thinks is perfection to his ears. a song: written, composed, and possibly sang by you. he then puts his phone of top of his chest as he looks up the ceiling again, closing his eyes but not going to sleep just yet.
the music was.. amazing. he couldn’t help but feel his ears and cheeks turning red just listening to it. he wishes that he could’ve expressed on how much he absolutely loved this song, and how his romantic partner composed it just for him.
covering his face in pure embarrassment, SUNNY rolls over to his sides. he felt like kicking his feet and legs but decides not to. after a while of slightly internally fangirling over the song, SUNNY eventually gets tired. before he gets his rest, he whispers something, something that he wants to tell you more often. "[READER…]"
"thank you.. i love you.."
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
So in the first story in the Stepney book, the dynamic between Percy and Douglas is really interesting. (Especially when I edit it almost beyond recognition, lol.)
Coz they're talking about, well, you know, how there's an actual genocide of steam engines going down on the mainline. And in such a conversation you'd think Douglas would be the more grounded and worldly, yeah? Coz he's fresh from that frying pan, himself. Or maybe you'd recall that, after all, it's definitely Donald who is the brain of our Caledonians, and predict that actually Perce and Douggie are on a level.
But in fact, in this of all conversations, it's Percy who strikes me, again and again, as the more aware and open-eyed of the two. And it's all the more remarkable because Percy himself is really playing up this "oh don't ask me 🙃 I am but a simple saddletank, I do not understand the ways of the cruel and confusing outside world 🙃 I like to sing daft songs and think as little as possible 🙃" shtick to the hilt. But... what he says and how he says it doesn't bear this out at all? He got the gist of what the Fat Controller told them at the staff meeting perfectly well, thanks. The "nuance" and correction in the author's note is literally corporate propaganda and Percy is right to have tuned that line out. And he is not insensitive at all to their mainland counterparts, he feels deeply for them, but he also shows a lot of sense about how he conducts himself. Douglas has been happy to ignore any updates on the mainland situation till now—I'm not criticizing him, just pointing out that in comparison Percy has in fact paid attention and kept himself well-informed even though he goes on living his best life on Sodor. Perce is doing fine. He's excited about their visitor, as he gets excited by most grand events, but it's actually Douglas who starts immediately romanticizing and lionizing this new idol in a way that I find kind of naive...
D: 'He's sooo brave to travel among all those hordes of murderous diesels just to see us! 😍'
P: '... He has his Controller with him??'
Douglas can't comprehend the idea of getting to Sodor with official permission, lol. Also, lookit him—he's already thirsty for Oliver before he ever meets him! My man is actually out here projecting his boyfriend fantasies onto a celebrity. How this lucky, lucky bastard had said fantasy just materialize in front of him in the moonlight at Barrow yards is beyond me. Douglas the Bullshitted His Way Onto the Island of Sodor Engine was truly built under a lucky star.
Mind you, I think Percy is right there being a short king. Like, Douggie. My babe. The way you immediately take Percy's remarks about 'it's really sad what's happening to our poor brethren on the mainland 😓' to 'yeahhh, fuckin' diesels, man. they're all devils' at the speed of light? Now I am criticizing you. Like I understand where you got this attitude but I am disappointed at your machine racism.
But Percy? Percy 💖. I will eternally love him for at once calling his friend out. 'douggie, what the fuck? you know that's not true. can it.' Like he's not super assertive about it and he doesn't press the point. But he does instantly drop the whole "i am so clueless and WHIMSICALLLL hehe" persona he'd been playing literally one second before to just speak directly and intelligibly and to the point—and he nails it. Douglas can't separate his fears about scrap from his feelings about diesels but Percy's is basically all 'it's literally so easy to not be a dick... so don't.'
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