#it's weird that to me Yareli feels like she's been around a bit now but Gyre is still like. new
silverchronicler · 8 months
Prime Report for January 2024
Hello, good fellows. Maybe at this point I should just wait until after the devstream, but I refuse. Let's predict what the future holds.
Prime Access
Gauss Prime has taken over Prime Access with Acceltra Prime and Akarius Prime, and there he should stay until April. Garuda Prime's relics are now in the vault, and Khora Prime (and Hystrix and the Dual Keres Prime with her) will be next up in April when Gauss leaves.
So, who will take over when Gauss leaves in April? As of today, we don't yet know. Will they be likely to tell us who it will be in friday's devstream? Almost certainly! But they may wait a while. So let's see who it SHOULD be.
With the pairing of Grendel and Gauss Prime, the male-male rotation is finished, meaning that next rotation should be female-female. But, the next batch of warframes will likely have a fun shake up.
After Gauss and Grendel, the release order of warframes goes:
Protea Xaku Lavos Sevagoth Yareli
While Xaku is nonbinary, they fill the second slot in the female release rotation, and likely will in the Prime rotation as well, with two male frames between them and Yareli. (Also, it would be QUITE a shake up for Yareli to jump the queue, and would mess up the timing quite a bit for future expected Primes as well.) But, Xaku can fill whatever slot they like.
Most likely we will be getting Protea first and Xaku after, unless the team decides they'd like to tackle the skeleton first. I find this unlikely, and people have been wondering how they'd go about Xaku Prime for a while, so Protea as our next Prime would make plenty of sense.
When we do see Xaku Prime though, they will give us an interesting look into how the lore may adapt for future Warframes of strange origin as well. Does Caliban, a warframe created seemingly by the sentients, have a Prime? Or was he created by the orokin and simply inspired by the sentients, and it wasn't clear before? Who knows! It may also allow us to eventually get prime trailers with voice overs by characters other than Ballas, which would be very fun. Maybe we will get Mother or Grandmother to tell us about Xaku Prime? The possibilities are endless and I will warmly welcome our new skeleton overlord.
Then, after Protea and Xaku figure out their order, they will be followed by Lavos and Sevagoth. Protea and Xaku should be released in spring and summer this year, with Lavos and Sevagoth taking the slots for autumn and winter of this year/early next year.
And then, if all goes well, next spring should bring Yareli Prime (to be followed shortly by Gyre Prime).
Obviously these warframes should all be accompanied by their signature weapons, but what other weapons do you think they'll have? What do you WANT them to have? What weapons will we never get primes of no matter how much we beg?? Some of these questions may never be answered (unless you want to).
Prime Resurgence
This week as part of the Prime Resurgence event, Varzia is selling Saryn, Valkyr, Atlas, and Vauban Prime and their associated weapons (Cernos, Venka, Spira, Nikana, Tekko, Fragor, and Akstiletto Prime). They will be in for another week until Feb 1st.
Starting Feb 1st and going until Feb 15th, all the Prime Warframes that showed up during the event will return, plus Rhino and Nyx Prime. This means that all of Mesa, Hydroid, Ivara, Oberon, Volt, Loki, Nova, Trinity, Saryn, Valkyr, Atlas, Vauban, Rhino, and Nyx Prime and their associated weapons will be in Varzia's shop for two weeks. At the moment it isn't clear what we will be getting after that, starting Feb 15th. Hopefully the devstream will give us some hints.
(Titania Prime would be a good answer I think.)
In the mean time, don't forget: January Devstream on Friday, Jan 26th at 2 pm ET! Twitch drop will be an Umbra Forma Blueprint, so make sure to tune in for the first Devstream of the year!
Any predictions for what topics we might get news about, other than the time traveling elephant in the room? Echoes of the walls??? Void Angels 3: The Revengening? Is the Krios Signa soon to be lost to time???? Feel free to tell me your thoughts.
See you on Friday!
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frostsinth · 4 years
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A yummy pinup of Yared, trying to snake his way out of trouble he probably got himself into, and part 1 of 2 is below for the very sweet @justasoftboi who requested a continuation of the story of these two. This was supposed to be flat colors, but those coils just needed a little something extra to show them off. I hope this is what you were looking for! 
@justasoftboi was the first place winner of my Monster Match Raffle! If you are interested in commissioning me for your own monster piece, DM me for details. Check out my MasterList for more monster romances, and feel free to BuyMeACoffee while you are there!
All the best!
I sighed, rubbing at the back of my neck. “I don’t know, Raz... “
She somehow managed to make her eyes even bigger, and clasped her hands before her. Shaking them slightly for emphasis. “Come on, please? I know it sounds a little crazy-”
“It sounds insane.” I admonished her.
“You know how parents are!” She continued, “And mine are the worst! It’s just one night, and then they’ll be gone. Please?”
I groaned, feeling my resolve weakening. “Why me?�� I asked, shifting my satchel on my shoulder. “Why not Hassan or Ondre? You know half the guys in this village would jump at the chance to be your boyfriend.”
She threw up her hands. “That’s exactly why I can’t ask any of them,” she replied, letting her hands settle on her hips from their descent, “I don’t want to send any mixed messages. You’re the only one that I know won’t do anything crazy.”
My lips twitched, and I almost laughed at that. “Well, you make a good point there.”
“Please?” She begged again, “I-I’ll take your shifts for a week! I’ll cover for you whenever you ask! I’m desperate, Kyros. I’m literally offering you my soul.”
I sighed again, shifting and considering her. “...Ugh, fine, fine.”
“YES!” She leapt into the air, punching it triumphantly.
“One night!” I told her firmly. “One night. One dinner. That’s it. And you’ll not only cover my shifts, you’ll bake me three dozen of your famous lemon squares.” I could think of one particular person who would particularly love that part of the deal. I almost smiled at the thought of his delight once he got a taste of them.
“Done and done!” She squealed, then lunged at me, standing on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around my neck and hug me tightly. “Kyros, you’re a life saver! I could kiss you!”
I untangled her, laughing lightly. “Let’s not and say we didn’t.” I returned quietly, shaking my head and wondering just what the hell I had gotten myself into.
She echoed my laugh, squeezing my hands in hers. “I’ll pick you up after sundown. Wear something clean, yeah?”
“I know how to meet my partner’s parents,” I scolded her, giving her an overly exaggerated frown which was quickly replaced by a smirk, “Don’t worry, I’ll kill it. You’ll regret having asked me later, because they won’t stop pestering you about what a great guy I am.”
Her grin was infectious and she patted my cheek fondly. “You’re the best boyfriend ever. I am very lucky.”
“Yeah yeah.” I said, taking her hand away and giving it a gentle squeeze. “See you in a while, Raz.”
“It’s a date!”
I waved her back off across the clearing, waiting until she was nearly out of sight to turn and duck between the trunks and vegetation at the jungle’s edge. My pulse was already thrumming as I made my way deeper into the thick throng of massive trees, my feet following a well worn and familiar path. I knew it would be hard, only having a few hours with Yared before I had to go meet up with Raz. It was hard ever leaving his side, almost torturous to have to do so. I longed for a day that maybe I didn’t have to go back to the tiny village on the riverside. It had only been a few months, yet I already couldn’t stand to be away from the snake longer than I had to be. What had he called himself? A Zmia? I smiled at the memory of late nights exchanging cultural bits and pieces. Those few months prior, the reptilian people of the jungle beyond my village were a silent menace; a distant warning against wandering alone. Though to me they had been more like a legend. Had I gone back in time and told myself I would be falling head over heels for a half man, half snake, I would have laughed myself to death and back. Now though, I couldn’t see him enough. Couldn’t keep my hands off him. Couldn’t imagine my life without him.
 And even when I was forced away from his company, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. More than once I had zoned out at work, nearly losing a hand in the process. I was already in hot water with my boss, having skirted so many jobs just to spend more time with him. I almost winced at the memory of his ire.
I remembered my first job at the river side logger, back when I had first moved here nearly a year ago. A new life. A fresh start. Far away from my own judgmental and bossy parents. I had scoffed at the warnings of the locals, and decided a stroll through the beautiful lush jungle was exactly what I needed to take my mind off of fresh calluses and sore muscles. How it quickly became my routine to take off into the deep vegetation whenever I got a moment to myself. Away from prying eyes and unspoken questions. After all, by most standards I was a handsome, hardworking, and available young man who, as of yet, had shown no interest in the local beauties. I meant to keep to myself, but the desire to just be alone made me an enigma to the locals. Many of whom had never left the riverside village. To them, I was the exotic. Even though the village itself was only a few generations old.
Raz had been my first friend, and so far remained my only. I suspected she had her own reasons, but she had never shown any remote interest in me. Had never done anything to make me feel uncomfortable, or put me on the spot regarding my preference in partners. And she had kept my secret faithfully when I had eventually opened up to her one drunken night. Not that it was outright forbidden or taboo; I just honestly didn’t feel like it was anyone’s business. Nor did I want to be some hot piece of gossip in a sparingly un-diverse town. So it was the least I could do to help her out of her own tricky situation. Though hopefully my situation would be only temporary.
When I had met Yared… life had become instantly better. He had slithered into my life so nonchalantly, and now I had everything I ever wanted. Well, almost everything. It would be nice not to have to leave him every few hours to maintain my presence in the town. The villagers were still deeply suspicious of their reptilian neighbors, and both parties preferred to keep to themselves. Which left little more than whispers of rumored sightings between the two. I grinned, thinking that maybe Yared and I might pave a whole new path for our two worlds. It was weird to think we might be setting a standard for future relations between our people. Assuming I could get through tonight, that was. I didn’t imagine the Zmia would be too pleased that I wouldn’t be able to spend that long with him. Especially after his promises from the morning. He could be a little selfish at times, though I wondered how much of that was a product of his culture. His people didn’t tend to live in villages or communities, so a life of solitude might certainly warrant a sense of one’s own self interests being the most important. I wondered if that was also a reflection of why he treated me how he did. I found I loved how clingy he was, how much he relished my time and company. How he lived for my attention and praise. I almost chuckled. No, he certainly wouldn’t be content with such a short visit.
But it would be worth it, I reasoned. Because with Raz covering my shifts for the next week or two, maybe I could spend the night with him. Or maybe a few nights… My stomach skittered with excitement at the thought, and I felt a flush at my collar.
I heard his coils moving along the forest floor before I saw him, and a grin was already lighting my face as I turned to greet him. Briefly I wondered what he was doing so far from his cave, but was just so happy to be able to see him again, I hardly cared. 
His long black tail was woven amid the tree he had just slithered out of, and again I marveled at him. Rose grey skin, raven black hair, scarlet red eyes. I loved the way his cream scales crept up his stomach from his serpent lower half, reaching all the way to the underside of his chin. He lowered himself to my level as I stepped over, and I trailed my fingers fondly over that soft underbelly of his. The scales were cool to the touch, as was his skin as I traced my hand over his abdomen along his ribs to rest my palm at his waist.
Slowly he slithered in a circle around me, and I pivoted in place as his long tail writhed, curling about us. I smiled again, feeling my skin zip with electricity. But when I looked up to meet his gaze, there was a slight frown on his thin lips. Not overly surprising in and of itself; Yared had a demeanor as cold as his temperature sometimes. Yet this time, I didn’t like the way those lips pinched together slightly at the center.
“You ok?” I asked, my voice laced with concern.
He titled his head to the side, distractedly tracing his fingertips lightly down my arm. Usually he would have completely enveloped me in his embrace by now, eager to steal my warmth. I found a frown forming on my own lips.
“...What is a ‘boyfriend’?” He asked, his voice a little tight.
I was surprised at the question and felt my heart skip a few beats. “Ah… that’s..” A flush rose to my cheeks, and I rubbed at the back of my neck. “When you’re courting someone, they are your boyfriend… or girlfriend, if they are a girl.” I considered him from the corner of my eye. “Where did you-”
“And a ‘date’?”
A tickle of realization hit me, spreading across my face. “Were you watching me?”
His frown deepened into a scowl. “What is a ‘date’?” He pressed.
“It’s… like… the time spent with the person you're courting. Like, if you go out to eat, or do some sort of activity together.” I struggled to find the right words, hoping my explanation would make sense.
He scowled more, and I felt his tail curling tighter around us. “Why have these things?”
I sighed, a little confused and exasperated. Though not overly put off by his blunt manners as they were rather commonplace. “Well, to get to know each other. To see if the two of you could be life time partners.”
“To see if you would be compatible as mates.” He offered coldly.
“Exactly!” I smiled up at him, reaching out with my free hand to run it over his tail. It was more like a dark chocolate brown, I decided, not black. I could see the color more vividly here in the sunlight that broke through the canopy of emerald leaves overhead.
“Do humans have multiple mates?”
I looked up at him, surprised. His scaly brow was knotted over his long slender nose, and his fangs flashed as his tongue darted out into the afternoon air.
“I suppose some do-”
“Zmia do not.” He hissed.
I realized then he was angry, his sharp pupils thin, his posture tense. His tongue flicked back out, and he bared his fangs at me again.
“Perhaps I should have mentioned before.” He cut me off before I could say more. “But I didn’t think I needed to.” His eyes narrowed. “I do not want to share you with anyone else. If you already have partners, I don’t think we should continue.”
A deadened feeling wrapped around my core, leaving me with a sinking feeling and a cold spot at the base of my neck. My mouth dropped open, and I couldn’t help but stare at him. He scowled back at me, seemingly unperturbed by my shock. My hand dropped away from him.
“You… I-I mean…” I shook my head, swallowing the painful lump that strangled my throat. “... If that’s what you want… did-” I caught myself, biting my tongue. But I decided I had to know. “Did I do something wrong?”
His ears twitched, and I saw the tip of his tail flick. “Perhaps not by human standards. It was unfair of me to assume you wished to be exclusive as my mate-” He seemed to choke on the word, stopping sharply. I saw him adjust his jaw before continuing. “If you already have that female-”
“What female?” I cut him off sharply, suddenly remembering what he had said early. “Wait, Yared, are you talking about Raz? Were you watching us earlier? Is that what this is about?”
He crossed his muscular arms over his chest. “She seems fond of you.” He replied bitterly.
I shook my head incredulously. “Raz is just a friend!” I tried to tell him. “We’re not-”
“She called you her ‘boyfriend’.” He shot back. “You are having this ‘date’ you explained. Why else if not testing her as a potential mate?”
I threw up my hands, shaking my head again. “That’s not- She’s just asking me to do her a favor!” I reached up, trying to touch his face. He jerked away, and I felt a stabbing pain in my gut at the rejection. “We’re just pretending, because she told her parents she was seeing someone.”
“You are helping her deceive her parents?” His thunderstruck brow deepened, “That seems unreasonable. Why perpetrate this lie? Why must she have a mate?”
“I don’t know! I guess her parents have been pressuring her, so she just told them that to get them to leave her alone.” I resisted the urge to reach out to him again, taking a step back instead.
“She said she would kiss you.” He hissed, and his red eyes narrowed. “She squeezed you with her body. She must like you.”
I felt my own anger beginning to bubble in my stomach, a stinging wave of backlash from the anguish he had caused. I scowled right back at him, crossing my arms over my own chest.
“She’s just happy she doesn’t have to fess up to her parents. Raz is just a friend, Yared. Nothing more!”
He bared his fangs at me, and his whole long body inflated slightly with his hiss. “She didn’t look like that.”
“Even if she was interested in me - Which she’s not, by the way! - I’m not interested in her. Not even remotely,” I snapped, “And you should trust me enough to believe me when I say that.” I threw up my hands again. “And you should trust me enough to ask me before you start throwing around accusations-”
“Hardly an accusation if I saw it with my own eyes-”
“You saw me agree to do a friend a favor,” I snarled, “You assumed it was something worse. You didn’t even ASK me! Just jumped to conclusions!”
That seemed to silence him, if momentarily, and he stared at me with his scarlet red eyes. I shook my head a final time, spinning and clambering angrily over his long tail. As my feet found solid purchase again, free from his coils, I pulled my satchel around and started digging through it.
“...You are not interested in being her mate?” He asked, his voice still icy but softer.
“No!” I practically yelled, spinning to face him again. “There’s only one person I’m interested in being my “mate”, and he’s being an absolute ass right now.” I yanked the bakery parchment from my sack, tossing it at him. “HERE! Take your damn treats, you big, dumb snake!” Now I was shouting, and he barely caught the parcel I hurled at his chest with surprising force. “I hope you like them. Sorry for thinking of you every minute of every day. Sorry for just trying to buy a way to spend more time with you.” I clenched my jaw, swallowing back tears. “I hope you enjoy yourself as much as you look like you do, because you’ll have none of me!”
With that, I spun on my heel and stomped out of the woods. I didn’t look back. Couldn’t bear to. The sting of his words and mine still ringing in my ears. My hopes dashed on the jungle carpet... But I still had a date to prepare for.
UPDATE: Final part HERE
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Josuke - Phone Buddies
This is cross-posted from Wattpad and available on AO3.
"Yare yare daze, I'll pay, don't bother."
Jotaro was in a generous mood as he decided he would pay for the meal he shared with his uncle and grandfather today. He took out his wallet and got up to pay for the order, but right as he opened it and got the cash out, a small picture fell from it.
Josuke noticed it but as he was about to call Jotaro out to tell him, he was already far gone to the cash register.
Josuke took the picture in his hands and decided it wouldn't hurt to take a sneak peek. Also, he wondered what kind of photo a man like Jotaro could have tucked so preciously in his wallet.
The picture showed two smiling girls. One little girl with her hair styled in twin buns and a cute dress with butterflies on it, and right next to her, a very pretty H/C H/L haired girl with beautiful E/C eyes that was holding the child close to her.
Josuke's eyes widened upon seeing the picture and was astonished at how pretty you were. Were you Jotaro's family?
Jotaro had never mentionned a teenage girl in his family. Josuke already knew about Jolyne and even though he had yet to see her in person, he figured she was the child in the picture.
But you? Who were you? He suddenly became so curious. Were all girls living in America this cute? He blushed at his own thoughts.
"What the hell are you drooling at?" Jotaro grumbled as he came back.
Josuke subconsciously wiped his mouth at the remark and got up, handing him back the picture.
Jotaro's expression shifted slightly and his brow furrowed as he didn't expect to have lost such an important photo.
"W-who is she?" Josuke stuttered as he pointed at the picture, now in the hands of its owner.
"That's my daughter Jolyne and my sister-in-law, Y/N."
"Y-your sister-in-law? How old is she? She's very pretty..." He mumbled the last part, quite embarrassed to ask Jotaro these intrusive questions.
Josuke rubbed the back of his head as he looked away, obviously flustered. Jotaro was quick to catch on what was going on in this hopeless romantic's mind.
"She's around your age, and yes she's single. Let's go now." The taller male huffed as he turned around to leave, Joseph already waiting outside.
Josuke gasped loudly, a deep blush adorning his face as he trotted close behind.
"Wha- I wasn't even gonna ask that!"
Ever since that day, Josuke couldn't stop thinking about Y/N, the girl never leaving his mind. He was so curious and infatuated with her, he really wanted to know more about the mysterious girl.
Even if he knew the distance separating them was a big obstacle, he couldn't help but find it even more intriguing.
Jotaro of course had quickly noticed how dreamy Josuke had become ever since he fell upon that picture and sighed at the teenager's helplessness.
"Here. Call her in the morning before 12 or at midnight if you're still awake."
Jotaro came in one day and slammed a piece of paper on the table in front of Josuke, making the boy jolt and forcing him out of his train of thoughts.
He looked at the paper and on it was a phone number, most likely yours, and Josuke's eyes widened. He jumped from his seat and called out to his comicly older nephew who was already leaving.
"Wh- Really?! Oh my god, Jotaro you're a real man!Thanks!!"
Jotaro only dipped his hat while muttering his catchphrase and just like that, he left the scene, his good deed done.
Josuke's palms were sweaty and his heart was beating fast as he dialed the number and listened to the anxiety inducing bipping sound on the phone.
Yes. Tonight, he was calling you. He would know about you and, even if he didn't expect a relationship out of this, at least he could make a friend, right?
But what was he supposed to say? Were you going to find him weird? You never heard of him after all, and he suddenly had your phone number. What if he messed up? He was fairly good at English, but what if his accent was too strong and you couldn't understand him?
He didn't have time to fret any further as you finally picked up the phone, making his heart jump.
His breath caught in his throat. Was that you? That was your voice right? This felt so unreal.
'Hello? Who is this?' You questionned and Josuke finally managed to blurt something out.
"H-hi! This is Y/N, r-right?" He stuttered uncontrollably and his hands were shaking.
'Get a grip, Josuke, that's so uncool for a guy like you!' He thought to himself. He wished Okuyasu would be there to give him a boost of confidence and some much needed bro support.
'Yes, it's me! Who's asking?'
Your voice was so sweet in his ears, he didn't expect that much honey in a single person's voice. A few words from you and he could already tell you were a kind person.
"I-I'm Josuke Higashikata! You don't know me, but I'm a relative of Jotaro." He was now calmer after introducing himself, the awkwardness fading slowly.
'Oh! Hi! It's so good to hear from Jotaro's family!' You chuckled lightly. 'How is he? Is he next to you?'
You sounded so happy to have news and his heart was restlessly hammering in his chest. But that was bad, the conversation was shifting towards Jotaro, he had to say something.
"Oh yeah, yeah he's fine, he's not here at the moment, it's pretty late in Japan..." He didn't know what to add. He was so shy, it was killing him.
'Oh I see, that's good. When you see him, tell him to give us a call, Jolyne misses him a lot!'
"Sure, I'll tell him!" He had to say something interesting, and quick, before you figured out how much of a weirdo he was. "U-um... So Y/N... You're... You're 16 right? Just like me!"
'Yes! I'm still in highschool. It's good that we're the same age Jojo. Oh- you don't mind if I call you Jojo? That's how my sister calls Jolyne.'
He blushed at the cute nickname. He wasn't very used to be called Jojo but coming from you it was almost tearing at his heartstrings.
"I-I don't mind!" He squeaked in an embarassingly high-pitched voice that he would have rathered not let you hear and you giggled.
'You sound so sweet! I wish we could talk more often, I'm sure you're a very nice guy!'
He wanted to scream at your cuteness but instead he resolved to balling his fists. Without even needing to meet you he was already falling hard in love with you. But at the same time it broke his heart that you two couldn't meet, or at least not until a very long time.
"Y-you too Y/N... You sound like my type of girl." He paused at his own words when he heard you gasp on the other end of the line.
'WHY THE HELL DID I SAY THAT WHAT THE FUCK ??!!!' He pulled at his precious hair as he cringed. Oh he messed up, just as he predicted. He goofed.
'J-jojo...! Y-you... Really? You think so...?'
You were embarrassed, but you couldn't deny that you were touched by his words, your heart racing as well as your thoughts. Nobody had ever said that to you before, and the mere thought of a boy, as far away as he was, liking you made you blush.
"I-I'm sorry! That... That was too much! Oh my god..." Josuke panicked and facepalmed, feeling so freaking dumb and not knowing how to save the situation.
'N-no it's just...' You trailed off thinking carefully of your next words. 'Maybe... I sound nice on the phone, but the reality may be disappointing, you know?'
"Huh? What do you mean?"
'I'm probably not as pretty as you imagine... Don't get your hopes up.' You laughed nervously his eyes widened at your words.
"N-no way!" He stopped himself before he could say something he would regret.
He couldn't let you know that he saw your picture. The last thing he wanted right was to seem like a major creep and that he only called you for your looks when he actually started to really like your personality.
He also sensed that you probably didn't have the best self-esteem, so disappointing you was out of the question.
"I... I truly believe you'd be nice to me if we met, regardless of what you look like. Also, if Jotaro trusts you then there's no way you can be a bad girl."
'R-really...?' Your heart skipped a million beats at his reassuring words and soft voice and you were glad he couldn't see you fidget in your seat. 'Ah, thank you Jojo, it's really sweet of you.'
He bit his lip and silenced himself from fanboying. You were just melting his heart by the second and he swore if you kept speaking with that airy voice, his brain would short-circuit.
'Actually... I think Jotaro has a picture of Jolyne with me on it, if you're ever curious of what I look like.'
"O-oh, really? I mean... Yeah, I guess I could ask him." He feigned ignorance and tried to keep his cool. "Should I send you a picture of me too?"
'You wouldn't mind? I kinda want to see what you're like, Josuke.'
"Oh, you won't be disappointed, I'm handsome as hell." He teased and you couldn't help but laugh at his boasting confidence.
'Ooh, I know I won't be, Josuke. I'll like you either way. I'm a simple girl.'
Oh no. Oh no. Your words had sent the boy reeling yet again, making his heart ache painfully in his chest and leaving him gaping in his seat like a fish out of water.
That was bad. So bad. He really didn't want to fall in love with you, but he guessed that was a huge failure on his part.
Why did you have to be so kind, so soft, and so far away? Did you feel the same way about him? Or was he the only one suffering in his bedroom right now?
Before he could add anything, he heard the phone beeping ominously, signaling his time with you was almost up. Damn, time flew way too fast.
"Y-Y/N, I'll have to hang up soon. I only bought two hours of phone time towards America."
'Ooh it has already been two hours? Aww man! It was so nice talking with you Josuke. Let's talk again like this soon, okay?'
You tried your hardest to conceal your disappointement, but at the same time you were hopeful to talk with him again in the future.
He was the only person that ever tried this hard to talk with you, and you managed to completely forget to ask him why he even called you in the first place.
You shrugged it off thinking that Jotaro must have talked about you to Josuke and tried to get him to make a foreign friend. If it was the case, you'd have to thank your brother-in-law, as you were really charmed by the young Japanese teenager and couldn't wait to learn more about him.
"Sure! Take care, Y/N..." He spoke softly to the phone, feeling all light and tingly inside.
He couldn't see it, but you were blushing at his sudden deep voice and tone.
'Goodnight, Jojo.'
He lingered a little bit, the phone still against his ear, then hung up. He sighed and held the phone close to his chest, his lips stretched in an unfaltering giddy smile.
"Oh my gooood..." He crossed his arms over his desk and buried his face in them, heavily flustered, your voice still echoing in his mind.
He took deep breaths to calm his excited heart. He couldn't even call his best friend Okuyasu and tell him what happened, it was already 2 A.M.
He knew he would regret having to wake up so early for school tomorrow, but the lack of sleep would be so worth it.
He just couldn't wait to speak to you more.
Do you guys remember when we had to buy cards with codes on it to call outside the country?
At the end of your limited time your phone would bip or tell you 'Time's up bitch, you have 5 min to say goodbye to your family'.
And it was so hard to say goodbye.
Damn, I feel old. The 90's man...
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shunsatan · 4 years
Headcanons for if Kaidou’s sister got a crush on Saiki
Fic time here we go babeyy. Starring the lovely Kaidou Sora.
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It was a rough and cold day. One with winds that whipped you back and forth with no mercy. It was the kind of day that would gain your trust by having the sun tickle your skin, and then destroy the fragile warmth with a booming and freezing breeze. Sora wished she had stayed inside instead of going to the store to buy eggs for her mother. She cursed under her breath as another dreaded wind came and tangled her hair.
"Shun...? Shun!" She spotted her older brother loitering outside of another grocery store.
"...Sora?" He jumped, turning to face the smaller female "Oh, hey. Heading home?" She nodded.
"Well, I have Saiki with me. I can drive you home though" he turns to the pink haired boy who was still eyeing a rack of coffee jelly from outside of the store window.
"Drive? You can't drive. This isn't America, dumbass. You're not old enough to get a license and you don't even have any type of vehicle with.... you..." she slowed her words upon seeing him walk up and start a motorcycle with some unappealing (not to mention, chuuni) decorations; only shun would decorate something to look that stupid.
"I forgot you had one.." she awed. Though, the last thing she needed was more wind slapping her face "But no thanks. I'll walk. You don't even have an extra helmet."
Saiki turned to the bike he had been pure pressured into bringing. 'Yare yare' he mumbled as he sat down too fast, causing his head to ache. This place was crowded, so it made sense that his head would hurt naturally- or, that's what he thought until he saw Shun's sister getting kidnapped. Good grief. No way to sit still after seeing that.
'Hey' saiki called out to her, placing a helmet on her head. 'You can ride on the back of mine. It's going to be dark soon and then it'll get even colder.' He said, walking back to his motorcycle.
"Alright, fine" she got onto the seat behind him. Shun smiled at Saiki before starting his bike down the road, and the psychic then followed.
The wind came strong and angry. Sharp and bitter. It threatened to kick her off of the bike and caused her to have to wrap her arms tighter around the boy infront of her. He didn't care much for the wind. Nothing special, no reason for his heart to race because with his powers, his instincts don't sense danger. It wasn't much painfully cold, either. With his pyrotechnics it wasn't a problem at all.
Maybe I should tell him to stop... this is too cold Sora thought to herself
Saiki sighed as he used his fire power very carefully to bring heat to her body as well. He can't have Shun coming to school crying about his sister everyday. Especially when it's so easy to avoid.
This feeling...
Oh no.
it's gotten so warm... next to Saiki.. no, it must be that I... I have a crush..?
Good grief... this is uncomfortable the psychic thought
And in days to come, the Jet Black Wing's sister would come to bother him about his friends. After that, her crush began to develop in a similar way to Chiyo. She would watch him with eyes that saw a round eyed prince. She would admire how smart and well mannered he is, and she would act especially polite when he made his presence infront of her.
Saiki Kusuo, was also thinking about her often. However; not in the way you might be thinking. He was forming strategies on how to avoid her. All of which were miserably failing. With her mother and his mother on her side, she couldn't fail. Discovering his family power structure, she would have Shun call Kurumi (his mother) and invite him over.
And with her own mother bothering Shun to hang out with his two "genius" friends everytime his grades would slip. Of course, Nendou rarely came because he was "always busy" (in reality, Shun didn't want Nendou and his mother interacting anymore in fear of her finding out that he's an idiot)
So, of course, this all worked out best for Sora.
The group of four walked home like usual. Kuboyasu, Nendou, Saiki and Kaidou. They were discussing which character in Shounen Jump is the weakest while Saiki was praying for Nendou to ask them to ramen so that he didn't have to go to Kaidou's house again. Sora had been coming up with gifts for her crush so that he would take notice and start a conversation with her. Of course, she had almost no idea what would peak the boy's interest.
"Hey, Saiki. I thought maybe it would be a good time to ask you" Kuboyasu, the former delinquent spoke up. "Heard there's somethin' weird behind that 100 yen store. Wanna come check it out?" He offered.
Saiki almost shook his head and provided an excuse on instinct before remembering his main goal (to bLow up and act I like dont know nobody aghaghaghaa.) So he simply nodded.
"I wish I could come see!" Kaidou beamed before looking back down to the ground dramatically "yes... I wish I still had time to question those weird things around me... to leisure in activities like such. Though, I have a sacred duty at hand..." he clenched his bandaged fist
"Gotta take a shit? Me too" Nendou chimed in.
"NO, IDIOT! I have cram sch-- I um.. I m..mean I have to meet with the phantom force! Th-that I'm helping train to work as soldiers against dark reunion!!" He stumbled all over his sentence before finally turning his body to strut off over to the direction of his house.
"Shun. I need you to help me with.. homework" his sister quickly requested and dragged him into her room, pushing him on the floor infront of the small table that sat in the middle of the room, just like his.
"What can you tell me about your friends? Start with Saiki kun" she reached for a notepad and a pen.
"Shouldn't you be referring to him as senpai or something because he's a second year?" He mentioned before being cut with her glare. "R..Right! Okay, sorry... he likes sweets an-"
"Sweets and what!? Why'd you stop??" Sora pressed
"Why do you need to know about my friends? Is this a homework assignment..?" He questioned her
"Yeah sure." She rushed "he likes sweets and what?"
"Ohh! I think I remember having this assignment in middle school, too! You're supposed to write about your closest friends and their interests right~?" He thought back to his middle school year and looked at her with warm eyes. Empathy began filling his soft face, adjusting his features on her. "Sora, I couldn't make any friends in middle school either, so...!" He began "I've noticed you've been really nice to Saiki.. so if you want to be friends with my friends-!"
"I can make friends. I'm not some lonely loser like you who needs a hero complex to interact with people his age." She interrupted, sending an imaginary arrow through the highschooler's chest.
"Guh-- well if you don't want my help then in leaving!!" He stood up and caught notice of a small hand stopping him
"Wait! I'm sorry.." She got onto her feet and bowed "I'm just... embarrassed about not having friends." She lied, not wanting her brother to know she had the hots for his bestfriend.
Her phone chimed, once, and then again. It was three of her friends trying to reach her to hang out at the movies. Then she got a phone call, interrupted by another phone call.
"You should answer those" shun said
She hesitantly picked up the phone and answered the call.
"Put it on speaker" her brother ordered.
<"heyyyy! Sora where have you been? Me and everyone else wanted to go to the movies with you. You're always knee-deep in studying so we wanted to help you relax a bit for once. You've been out of school for like, three days just shadowing and checking out Pk academy. It's still a while before we get into high school, grandma~! Anyway, the 7 of us wanted to show we love you by taking you to see that movie you mentioned wanting to see. So get ready, we want to be there by 7:30"> the girl on the phone ranted on before Sora could speak up against it, and hung up.
"SEVEN!?" he exclaimed as Sora rushed into another apology. This must be the first time he's ever made HER scared of HIM.
"Don't apologize Sora!! That's amazing, I'm so happy you have great friends... ahyuuu...." he teared up
"Oh... thanks, I guess"
"But one thing" he said and stopped her from leaving the room
"Why did you need to know about my friends for that project?" He tilted his head
She looked over to the door knob as if she was begging it for help as her face was overpowered by a dark red hue. "W....we-well-- Sh...shut up! Get out! I need to get dressed!!" She pushed him out.
"Ow!! Ouch~! I'll leave!!" He practically screeched as he was rushed out. "But I'll stand outside of the door until you admit!"
A few minutes later, she yanked open the door and sprinted down the hallway. She knew her small brother wouldn't be able to catch her with how weak and slow he is.
But her little brother could.
She tripped and landed on her face after having her legs caught and wrapped in bandages by Toki Kaidou.
"Now tell me why!" Shun stood proudly over her despite not having done anything.
Toki went back to his room as Sora nearly freed her feat from the poorly tied bandages, that is before Shun, someone who actually knew how to tie a knot, fixed them.
"Fine!! Just let me go!" She yelled at him "I... is there any reason for it? I think he's cool. You can always have new friends. You're just stupid and think that 7 is the max" her face was once again drenched in a dark pink color.
"Oh my god." He said
"You like him!!!" His eyes widened as he stood up frantically. "You have a crush on Saiki!!"
"Yeah, so what about it!?" Sora snapped at him
Shun gasped "Sora!! You're only in middle school-"
"Yet I'm more put together than you are" she said defensively
"But that's still kind of wrong.. we're about to be third years and you're not even in highschool yet..."
"I will be by the time you're third years though!!" She shouted, then slumped down.
"Yes- bu-" he began, getting cut off
"I know. I just... I really like him and I've never liked a guy before. I know it's stupid." She sighed, defeated
"No no, Sora I'm sorry... You can't control who you like, right? I was being mean-" he began
"It's fine, you're right about it being weird. Just untie me so I can go to my room"
"What about the movies with your friends?"
'Yare yare,' Saiki sighed, taking another bite from one of the homemade cookies Sora had anonymously sent him before placing it down and uncrossing his eyes. (he had checked with his powers and knows the cookies were from her)
'I guess it can't be helped' he sighed once more before sending out a telepathic signal
"Sora!" She sang as she knocked on the large door infront of her.
"Hello?" Shun answered and opened the door wider for the girl to come in "you're one od her friends!" He chirped "She said she isn't feeling well enough for the movies; I think you should try cheering her up."
"Oh, okay... um, where would her room be?" Upon entering the house, the girl suddenly grew nervous. For some reason.
"Here, I'll show you" Shun lead her to Sora's door and sprinted away to hide before the girl could knock on it.
"What do you want." Sora snapped after hearing the door knock
"Eek! Sorry, I just.. uhm...wa it's Yui! your b..brother let me in" she stuttered unlike how she spoke on the phone
The door opened and inside was a girl with messy hair and red eyes. An embrace came soon after.
I thought you might've needed a hug... Yui intended to say, but instead voiced out:
"You... h.,,hug. Yeah. Needed yes...mn"
Sora laughed, at first came a weak chuckle, then as the hug parted it became a strong belly laugh (upon seeing Yui's flustered face)
"Shun!" Sora called, making the timid boy jump and start shaking from fear
"Y-yes?" He was sweating bullets
"I'm going to the movies with my girlfriend." She took Yui's clammy hand and headed towards the door.
Shun blinked. "Wh--"
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New Kids - Kakyoin Noriaki x Fem!Reader
Yes, I finished my exam session. Yes, it was 1 month filled with so many exams, and my brain is shortcircuited. Yes, I watched 4 parts out of 5 from JoJo. Yes, I regret nothing. Yes, I got only top marks. Yes, I love Cherry Boy Kaky, Dio, Caesar, Rohan, Joseph, Jotaro. Yes, I will write about JoJo from now on.
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“Hey, Jotaro? Do you have any chores to do? Or any homework? Can I help you out with anything at all?” I ask Jotaro as I lean on his bedroom’s door frame. “You’re at it again?” he asks with a bored look from his bed. “Yeah...Sorry about that. I’ve already cleaned the whole house spotless and did my homework for all subject...And even studied in advance. I’m getting restless.” I sighed, looking down at the floor. “Maybe you should find a better coping mechanism. You look exhausted. Have you been sleeping properly?” he asks once again, raising his cap to take a better look at me. “...There’s no point in lying to you, you’d find out anyway. No, I haven’t really been able to sleep. I’m always on the edge, and I feel like if I don’t keep my mind busy all the time, I’m going to go insane.” I explain, scratching my arm lightly. “Have you spoken to Mum about this?” he suggests, but I merely nodded. “Yeah...She took me to the therapist, but honestly, she pisses me off more than she helps, you get me? Or maybe I’m just not meant to go with this type of healing. Well...Holly said she’ll take me out to the cinema and shopping this weekend, so I’ll take my mind off things, so I think I should be good, at least for this week.” I speak as I instinctively tidy up his study desk. “Yare Yare Daze...Have you tried using your Stand? Find out how you can perfect some moves or combos?” he suggested, which made me stop in my tracks and shift my gaze to his turquoise eyes. “You know...That’s not such a bad idea. Maybe it would be a good way to meditate and clear my mind. I’ve been so frantic these past weeks that I haven’t even thought to see my dear Kitsune. Thanks for the idea, Jotaro. I think I know what I’ll do. But...If you have anything to do and you’re not up to it, tell me anyway. Just in case.” I shrug, getting out of Jotaro’s room and going outside, taking out my Stand and trying to meditate a bit, under the tree shade.
The next day, at school, for some reason, I’m called by a random student to Jotaro’s class, only to find out that a new kid transferred to our Highschool last month. Well, no wonder I had no idea about this...I’m in 3rd year, while Jotaro and this guy are in their 1st year.  But even so, I wonder what’s it got to do with me? I got in the class as soon as the bell rang, and only the new kid and my old Biology teacher were there.
“Ah, Kat, it’s so good to see you! You look as beautiful as ever...But it’s no wonder you look so exhausted...What happened must have hit you quite hard. Is Mrs. Kujo  taking good care of you?” Miss Yui asks, petting my long, red hair. “Well...Yeah. She is a great mother. I was quite lucky, to be fair...Under different circumstances, who knows how much worse it could have been. But...Anyway, why have you called for me?” I scratch the side of my neck nervously. “Well, dear, this is Kakyoin Noriaki, Jotaro’s new classmate. He moved here from another city, and he has been doing great for all subjects, except Biology. Now, you were my best student, and I remembered about your ambitions to become a Vet, so I thought that maybe you’d like to tutor him. It might also be a great opportunity for you to be more sociable and take your mind off of the bad things that have happened.” Miss Yui’s dark eyes sparkled with kindness as she spoke, but I could only gasp in shock at what I was hearing. “Wh-Wh-What?! M-Me, a tutor? I-I-I think you’d chosen the worst possible person. I’m not patient and I don’t know how to explain stuff for others to understand...And I’m really bad at making friends or...Talking. Are you sure I’m not just going to make it worse for him? Th-There’s always Aiko, and she’s an extrovert...And she went to the Olympics!” I suggested as my cheeks became rosy from embarrassment, but she only smirked at me with a knowing look. “Oh, please, Aiko has nothing on you. You’re much smarter than her, and honestly, she would scare Kakyoin-kun here with her volcanic personality. You, however...Let’s just say I’ve never met a calmer person before.” the teacher praised me, which made me look away and bite my lip, feeling my heart about to burst from emotions. “I really don’t want to bother you, Miss, but I would appreciate all the help I can get. I promise not to give you trouble.” Kakyoin soothing voice called out all of a sudden, and I had to cover my face in embarrassment. “O-Okay...Okay...I don’t mind...Just...I hope you won’t be disappointed. I’m VERY bad with people.” I sighed, side-glancing him. “I truly appreciate you going out of your way to help me out, Senpai.” he smiled softly, bowing at me. “No no no no, don’t do that, it’s fine, it’s no big deal. And, uh...You can call me Katrina or Kat. I’m not exactly Japanese, so it’s really weird when people don’t call me by my first name.” I scratched the back of my head awkwardly, but he didn’t seem to have any problem with what I was saying. “See? You’re already getting along! Their next exam is going to be in a month, from the Nervous System, just so you know what to teach him. Good luck!” she waved at us cheerfully, as we nodded at her and left the classroom. “So, uhh...When and where?” I ask, already trying to make a plan for how to go with this. “Tomorrow I finish pretty early, so maybe...Tomorrow, 2pm, in the park?” he proposes simply, while I thought about the things I had to do. “Well...Tomorrow I finish at 3, so if you don’t mind waiting a bit by yourself...Then sure, I have nothing else to do.” I smile gently at him. “I don’t mind waiting. I actually quite enjoy my alone time, to be fair. I’m not a people person either.” he smiled back. “Well, then that’s perfect! I’ll see you tomorrow. Take care.” I give him a military salute before taking off.
Hmm...Kakyoin Noriaki...Not bad...Maybe this will actually be fun and I’ll manage to forget everything that happened.
As soon as I get home, I take out all the notes I have from Year 1 and start making a battle plan on how to tackle every lesson properly, how will every scheme and drawing help and so on. Gods, I sure hope I won’t stutter, I’m so nervous... The only people I’m actually comfortable around are Jotaro and Holly, and now, I have to do this... But maybe it’s for my own good, right? What could go wrong?
The next day, instead of paying attention in class, I doodled random things in my notebooks, as a way to cope with how incredibly nervous I was and afraid of screwing up and embarrassing myself, but thankfully enough, hours passed by faster than imagined, and I found myself already walking towards the designated place, where I found Kakyoin sitting down at the base of the tree, looking peaceful, and seemingly drawing in a notebook. He looked very...Pretty... He inspires me such a relaxing vibe, that I almost feel at ease just being around him. His voice is so calm and gentle... He really is cute.
“Hey, sorry for keeping you waiting.” I speak out softly, sitting down next to him. “Don’t worry about that. I enjoyed myself. The weather is very nice today, don’t you think?” he continues the small talk. “Yeah...It really is. I mean...The Sakura season is supposed to begin soon, I think?” I mention, looking up at the fluffy cloud. “I think it’s in 2 weeks. I heard there’s a pretty big festival, right?” he smiles simply. “Hmm...I think so? I remember Holly making Jotaro take me to see the Sakura bloom, but other than that, I don’t know. I mean, it was really beautiful, but with someone like Jotaro...I guess you can’t stay much and admire stuff, you get me?” I chuckled, remembering how much the boy would scowl at all the girls trying to cling on him. “I see you’re close to Jotaro. I didn’t really see him as the type to make friends easily, especially with girls.” he noted, making me giggle in amusement. “It was...Kind of a forced situation, in a way. The whole deal is pretty complicated, but we had to stay a lot together due to family circumstances, and now we’re like siblings, so to speak. I really want to say that he’s like my little brother...But considering how I look like a Pomeranian when I’m next to him, I guess everyone would say I’m the little sister.” I bite my lip, trying not too laugh to hard, but it greatly amused Noriaki. “I would actually kind of want to see that, I bet it would be pretty funny. Then, how about we go to the festival together, all 3 of us? It would be nice to experience all the new things around.” Kakyoin looked at me with a soft expression.  “Sounds good to me! Maybe this time I will actually get to SEE the festival too.” I chuckled, getting out my study materials from my bag. “So, here we go. I was thinking we could go with a bit of a different order to learning, seeing that the way things were taught is a bit broken and irresponsible. So, instead of first learning about the brain itself, I think actually learning about cells, the Neurons, more specifically, then go up the chain list with tissues, organs, organ systems, and their functions. Sounds good?” I suggest, already opening the notebooks at said lesson. “I have no objections. I’m in your hands, Katrina.” he leaned in closer.
Wow...My name, spoken by him, sure sounds good...
I begin explaining the first lesson, with every little detail possible and correlations that would help him understand things easier, and I didn’t realise how time flew so fast.
“Is this how you remember things? By doodling cute little things around the pages of your notebooks?” he smiled tenderly, making me gasp. “A-A-A-Ah...! Ignore them, please! I just like cute things and they kinda make me smile when I see them! S-Sorry, I know they’re silly!” I looked away, blushing faintly. “No, no, I think they’re really nice. I like doodling in my notebooks too. Makes me feel more at ease while studying. Say, would it be okay to ask you to lend me your study materials for a while so I can copy them?” he leaned back on the tree. “O-Oh, yeah, of course! Sorry, I completely forgot about that! Yeah, sure. Uh...They’re a bit heavy, sorry about that, will you be okay?” I bite my lip, taking out all the notebooks and portfolio filled with drawings. “Yes, nothing I can’t handle. Thank you so much for going out of your way to help me.” he helped me get get up as we walked towards the school. “So, when is the next time we can meet up? It’s uh...Kinda the longest and most difficult chapter, and it took me about half a year to understand it 100%...And we have a month now.” I explain, concerned. “Then, as often as possible, correct? I think tomorrow after class we can do this again, what do you think?” he took the bag from my shoulder, carrying it. “Here, let me carry it. It’s the least I can do to thank you for your trouble.” he smiled charmingly. “I’m not sure if you’re an angel, or if I just met a lot of mega-jerks, but I guess I’m glad I got to meet someone as nice as you. Yeah, tomorrow is perfect.” I grin at him.
He walked me to my home, and the whole day after this I could only think of how cute and kind he is.
Boy, I have it bad.
So bad that the whole weekend, Holly kept trying to make me speak, and when I finally managed to say something, she was fangirling so much...So much, even at home, that even Jotaro realised I have a crush on his classmate...
How V E R Y tragic...
Well, at least I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be better than last time.
And so, 2 weeks of meeting almost every day passed by, and in the weekend, we were supposed to go to the Sakura festival.  Of course, Jotaro wouldn’t be caught dead to that place, so it’d be only the 2 of us. Fuuun~!
Of course, Holly wanted to buy me a cute, pink Kimono and made sure that I look extra pretty for the day, but damn, I was a nervous mess. Jotaro was nice enough to walk me to the festival and wait with me until Kakyoin arrived, which was at 6 sharp, and made sure that he’ll walk me home, which was very nice of him, to say the least.
“See? I really look like a Pomeranian next to him, and now you had the opportunity to see it for yourself.” I chuckled as we started walking through the festival, carefully looking at each booth and what it has to offer. “It was quite the sight. I didn’t realise you lived with Jotaro. He must be a nice big brother, despite how cold he seems with everyone.” he chuckled, looking a bit absent minded. “Oh, yeah, he is. Well, if you’re curious, I can tell you why I live with him, but it’s quite a complicated story.” I shrugged slightly, walking up to him. “If you want to tell me, I would gladly listen. It does seem like an interesting story.” he spoke, before turning to me. “You know...Pink looks very good on you.” his tender smile seemed to light up the night like the Moon, as he put a very pretty pink flower hair ornament that made my side fringe stay out of my hair. “There, now I can see your beautiful eyes better.” he spoke, but my cheeks for so red that I had to hide my face with my hands from how embarrassed I felt. “C-Come on, don’t say that, it’s nothing of the sort...” I tried to say, but to no avail. “What are you saying? Well, I guess you can’t see how amazing you are, but I assure you, being in this position, able to see you, is the best. Oh, I heard there will be fireworks soon. Why don’t we go up the hill? I bet the view will be great.” he spoke nonchalantly as he put his arm around my shoulder. “S-Sure, sounds great...It’s really pretty, this place. And being able to enjoy it with someone else...It’s really nice. I haven’t been this happy in a while.” I bit my lip, looking away, smiling. “Then, I’m glad I have the honour of being the one by your side.” he chuckled lightly, as we leaned on the big Sakura tree up the hill. “Say...Kakyoin...Don’t you think something weird’s going on?” I ask in a soft voice. “Hmmm...? What do you mean?” he asks, looking down at me with a raised eyebrow. “The wind is blowing softly...And yet...There’s no Sakura petal. And...There’s nobody here. I mean...Don’t you think other people would like to see the fireworks from up here? Or...Put those love charms on the tree branches?” I walk forward towards the middle of the hill to look around properly. “Just relax, you’re thinking too much into it. Look, down there, everyone has smiles on their faces, so there’s nothing weird that could’ve happened, right?” but just as he said that, a pair of hands shot up from the tree, strangling Kakyoin. “Wh-What the hell...?!” I gasped, looking around. “It can’t be...Where is he...?!” I muttered under my breath, as a monster-like humanoid figure got out of the tree and slammed Kakyoin on it. “K-Katrina...Run...!” he tried to warn, but I merely shook my head. “Hang in there, Kakyoin, I’ll save you!” I tried to reassure him, but a dark voice from behind me called out my name. “Awww, look at her, how she grew up! You look even better than you did some years ago. Now you’re actually worth looking at! And to think that you’re all mine...Why, Kitten, what’s with that face? Aren’t you happy to see me after all this time?” the voice that I hated with every fiber of my being spoke, and I could only clench my fists in anger. “Let him go. He has nothing to do with this. If you want me, attack me, but don’t be so cowardly as to take hostages. Honestly...You’ve never been a man, and you’ll never be. Jotaro’s barely 17 and he is much more a man that you will ever even dream of being. You’re just a whiny and bratty little boy who always gets mad when he doesn’t get what he wants. Pathetic.” I turn around to face the man in front of me...My ex. “Stop looking at me like that, you’re ugly. Just be an obedient little girl and smile for me, that’s all that you’re good at. But you’ve been whoring around with other men while I was away...What a naughty girl, you deserve to be punished...” his smirk was so wide, it almost seemed like his face will split in two. “Jeez...Disgusting as ever...” I tsked, before taking out letting my Stand, The Trickster, attack him. “How do you want to die? By attacking your Stand, or attacking you directly? I will let you choose.” I rolled up my long sleeves so I would have better access to my hands. “Pshh, as if some weak bitch like you can ever defeat me. Remember how you used to squirm underneath me? You’ll look just as pitiful now!” he started laughing hysterically, but I could only smirk. “Man...You see...My Big Bro made sure to teach me how to take care of myself. Guess I’ll have to show you not to mess with me anymore....Kitsune, come!”  I said in a stern voice, as I and Kitsune’s hand touched, as we fused together. 
I made a huge circle of fire surround us, and from my hands, two huge snakes of fire came out, lunging themselves at the jerk.
“H-Hey...What the hell...Since when are you a Stand user too?!” he shouted at me with rage and shock. “Since before you knew how to speak, fuckass. Now go away and burn in hell like you deserve!” I let out an amused breath, before chasing him away. “Urgh...Lame as usual...” I rolled my eyes, before rushing to Kakyoin’s side. “Kakyoin, are you alright? U-Uh...I...I’m not sure what happe-” I tried to think of an excuse, but I was cut off. “You’re a Stand user too?!” Kakyoin’s eyes widened in shock, as so did mine. “Y-Yes...! Can you see Kitsune too?!” I leaned back a bit, shocked to hear that. “Clear as the day. What a pleasant surprise...Ah! Watch out!” Kakyoin put his arms around me, shielding me from something. “Hierophant Green: Emerald Splash!” he called out his Stand firmly, as I heard another scream. “Weakling never give up, do they?” he said in a softer voice. “I heard idiots never give up. I guess both are right, hm?” I gave him a side-smile, as he let go of me slowly. “Think he’ll come back again?” he asked, taking a deep breath. “Hopefully not. I’ve seen enough of him for a lifetime. Ah...Come on, I can’t believe it...You have hand marks on your neck...Damn, I’m sorry. Come here, let me heal you.” I spoke gently as I loosened the kimono from his neck area and put his own hands around his neck gingerly, closing my eyes and concentrating my powers towards my palms. “Is this your power?” he asks in a bewildered voice. “Yeah...I can heal people...My stand is called The Trickster. Her name is Kitsune, because she’s a fox and...And people used to nickname me that a long time ago. Mainly Joseph and Suzie, I suppose...Well. She can mostly create illusions and trick people a lot...But this is her actual, primary power. I supposed that’s why I wanna become a Vet, I don’t know....But...I’m sorry you had to be caught up into my problems like that...You deserve better than this. There, you’re all good. I will go home now. I’m sorry, again.” I sighed, about to get up, but he caught my wrists before I could. “Don’t say that. I’m glad I got to spend more time with you...And learn more about you. You’re a beautiful woman, Katrina, inside and out. You’re very kind and lovely...And I think your stand really suits you. I’m glad that I met you, Katrina.” he smiled softly, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on my lips, which made my cheeks flare up. “A-Are you sure about that? You may regret your decision...And the last thing I want is you hating me.” I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. “I don’t think I’ve ever been more sure about a decision. Will you be my girlfriend, Katrina?” he asked me sweetly, fixing the hair ornament from my fringe. “Man...I really scored the blackjack today, didn’t I?” I chuckled softly, looking at the ground, before shifting my gaze back at him. “How could I say no? You’re an angel, I told you before, didn’t I?” I joked before kissing him back. “Also...There actually aren’t fireworks today, they’re supposed to be on Sunday, but...” calling out my Stand once again, I make a Firework show up on the dark sky. “That can be easily solved.” I smirk slyly, leaning on his side. “You’re a work of art...” he muttered, as he put his arm around me, kissing the top of my head.
“Okay, so? How’d it go? You got your exam results today, right?” I ask Noriaki incredibly anxious, as we took out our bento, laying at the base of a tree in the highschool park. “Well...I guess it was decent.” he spoke mysteriously, reaching into his bag. “What does that mean? Come on, tell me, don’t leave me like that!” I whine, making him laugh. “Honestly, you’re more invested in this than I am, it’s amusing. Here, I hope you’re proud of me.” he took out a paper and let me take it. “Whoa! That’s amazing, yo got a 95%! You’re the best, I’m so proud of you!” I squealed in glee, throwing my hands around him, kissing his cheek. “It’s all thanks to you that I was able to get this mark, so thank you. Which reminds me...I wanted to give this to you, as a thank you gift. I hope you like it.” he smiled shyly at me, before he took something else from his bag...It looked like a dark green frame. “I began sketching it the day we first met up at the park...But as I got to know you better, I kept adding things, or changing them. Your face became much kinder, instead of the anxious one from the first time I saw you. You are dressed in the beautiful pink Kimono from the festival, instead of the school uniform, and you have the hair accessory I got you. You hold a fox in your embrace, as your stand is, and on the sky, the fireworks that you created are shown. You’re my muse, Kat. I love you, and thank you for putting up with me.” he put his hand on the back of my head, pulling me closer to him as he kissed me lovingly. “Man...You’re an amazing artist. Thank you, I love it...And I love you. I’ll hang it in my room, so I can see it every time I wake up. You’re the best, Nori.” I smiled at him with a soft giggle, before an angry noise was heard. “Could you keep that in private? Yare Yare Daze...You’re annoying...” Jotaro’s annoyed voice called out from above us. “Aww, how cute, Jotaro! But, you see, instead of complaining about us, I think you should run away before those girls catch up to you and go all over you. It’s not like Star Platinum can help you in that situation.” I winked at him, as he shot me a dirty look, going away. “Isn’t he adorable? What a cute little brother I have.” I chuckled, shaking my head. “Ah, that reminds me...Today that video game you talked about is getting promoted in our nearest game shop. Wanna come get it? It’s no big deal if we skip class and play video games all day, right?” I shrug nonchalantly, feeling over the moon with happiness. “I like how you’re thinking! Let’s go!” he took my hand and we sneaked out of that place, to the game shop, and thankfully enough, we managed to get the game just before they all ran out, so we hurried to his place to try it out, and thankfully, it was worth the wait and money since it was super fun and entertaining. That evening, as he walked me home, I remembered that I promised to tell him the story of how I got to live with Jotaro, and I started chuckling.
“Oh that reminds me...Remember when I said I’ll tell you why I live with Jotaro? I guess I kinda forgot to tell you about that. Basically, my family and his family have always been closed. I’m half-British, half-Italian, and my grandma is the sister of Jotaro’s grandpa’s best friend. Caesar Zeppeli...He died when Joseph Joestar was 19, while trying to save the world from some monsters, but Joseph, since then, has been very close with grandma...And in turn, I’ve been very close with my grandma too, and she’d tell me all kinds of stories, and she would take me see Joseph and Suzie very often in New York. It was always super fun. When I was in my first year of Highschool, I managed to score a scholarship and finish the whole year at this Higschool right here, and my grandma made me promise to speak to Holly, Jotaro’s mum. We kinda became very close, since she’s very sweet and all...But well, around the time we met, my own mother died, and my grandma asked Joseph to let me stay at his daughter...So, she’s been very sweet to take care of me ever since. And Jotaro has been trying to help me cope with the loss of my mother. He’s a nice guy, once you get past that snowman attitude. Besides...His Stand looks scarier than him!” I laughed merrily, having him join with a chuckle, and a kiss on my temple. “Poor dear, you have been through so much already, and yet, your smile shines brighter than the Sun. You’re a true work of art, Kat. Thank you for trusting me with your story. Honestly...I’ve always been such an introvert that even my mum would get annoyed with me. I’m really glad I met you. And I hope Jotaro won’t use his Stand on me...Ever.” he showed a side smile as we got in front of the house. “Thank you for walking me home, Nori. I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you.” I kissed him softly, before going into the house, only to be greeted by Holly, whose hands were on her hips, and her foot was tapping on the ground frantically. “Well?!” Holly asks with a frustrated look. “Well...? JACKPOT!” I said in a loud voice, high fiving her. “YES! That’s what I’m talking about! You go, girl, you got him!” she grinned at me giddily, as we went to the kitchen to gossip and do some sweets. “Yare Yare Daze...The two of you together are horrible...” Jotaro’s annoyed voice called out, leaving the place.
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i absolutely LOVE the way you write!!! your vibe? immaculate *chefs kiss* anyways, what are your thoughts/headcanons on first kiss with the jojos 1-6? i haven’t read parts 7 or 8 yet oops ):
y’all are too nice 🥺 
Seriously, my vibes are wack af in real life. and I’m sO sorry I took over a day to get to this and it’s really bad bc I couldn't focus well but,,, this is what I could do. I tried to write a lot to make up for the quality and time it took but ._.
(cut for length) 
Your first kiss with Jonathan would be something very sweet and romantic of course 
Maybe y’all’s first date is like a picnic in some flower field 
And it's the nicest thing you’ve ever done with someone 
You’ve both finished your food, so now you’re just sitting on the blanket, vaguely cloud-gazing and talking about various things 
Jonathan looks at you with the most loving eyes 
When you look into them, it's like you’re looking into a deep ocean. They’re full of such strong emotion, you feel as though you’re going to get lost in their tides, but you can’t help to get closer 
So you do get closer 
And they get closer to you 
Until both of your eyes flutter closed and your lips meet for the first time 
Jonathan’s lips are soft and cautious. This is his first kiss too and he doesn’t want to mess it up for either of you 
Because of that, it's also a short kiss 
Shorter than you were really hoping for 
When your lips separate and you pull back to look at eachother, Jonathan is all blushy and shy. You can tell he isn’t sure what to do from there 
He knows all there is about being gentlemanly, but he can’t quite say the same about first kisses. It’s not exactly something his father or tutors felt the need to teach him about 
You’re not 100% on what you’re supposed to do either 
So instead you do what you want to 
Which is bring him back into another kiss with a hand on his cheek 
This one is a little more long-lived 
Jonathan gets a bit more used to the feeling of your lips sliding together 
He’s a quick learner
But I mean… a little more practice never hurt anyone right?
Okay so we all agree that Joseph’s a dumbass, and that extends to relationship stuff, yeah? 
He would first kiss you while doing something dumb like...
You know the spaghetti scene from Lady and The Tramp? 
It's that. With squid ink pasta. You can’t change my mind. 
You’re sharing because he really wanted you to try this stuff, ever since he first had it he’s loved it, surprisingly 
You both take a forkful of noodles and… 
Oh no, it looks like they’re the same noodle, whatever will happennnn? 
Yeah, you kiss 
It’s kind of a quick peck, but you feel your cheeks heating up immeasurably as you avoid eye contact with him
Joseph looks pretty happy with himself 
“Hey, if you wanted to kiss me so badly you could just say it!”
(Your next line is, ‘you’re so dumb, Joseph!’) 
Joseph chuckles and grabs your chin 
“But let's try it for real this time, eh?” 
You both close your eyes and lean in 
Joseph is a pretty passionate kisser. You can feel all his jokes and sarcasm melt away during the kiss in favor of showing you his love 
It’s probably one of the longer first kisses; neither of you want to pull away from it 
But you are in public 
And you really don’t wanna get kicked out, this restaurant has great food 
So eventually you both lean back
Joseph bites down on your lower lip in the process 
You ask for the rest of your meal to be put in boxes, lips buzzing and hearts fluttering in excitement 
Joseph is just a good kisser :) 
I almost feel like you would have to be the one to kiss Jotaro first 
He’s just too shy ‘cool’ to make that first move, ya know? 
Take him to the beach 
While he’s marveling at tide pools and the little creatures within them, steal his hat 
When he looks up at you to snatch it back, give him a peck on the lips 
He’ll immediately flush and go to bring his hat over his eyes, before realizing that you’re still holding it 
Laugh at him. This is like torture for the poor boy 
Watch him struggle until he decides to just turn around in an attempt to hide his red face and still appear suave 
“Yare yare daze...” 
His voice sounds weird
Never let him live this down 
And don’t let him just brush you off and walk away 
Make him turn back around so you can give him a proper kiss and plop his hat back on 
His lips are the slightest bit rough bc he refuses to use chapstick unless you make him 
Jotaro is awkward as all hell, so please continue to take the lead here 
Once he’s used to your hands on his jacket lapel and your tongue dancing with his, he’s a brilliant kisser 
He’s just gotta get over his nerves real quick and then he’ll give you the most passionate kisses ever
You’re playing video games on Josuke’s couch, one of your favorite activities 
You’ve been dating for a few weeks now, still just getting used to the feeling of calling eachother your partner 
It’s not like Josuke’s scared to kiss you, he just… doesn’t know how to go about it 
But then you guys finally beat the last boss, the one that you’ve spent weeks preparing for and dying over and over against 
And you’re both just so happy 
Josuke looks over at you with stars in his eyes 
He’s such a dork 
You think he’s just gonna pull you into a hug 
But then he put both hands on your cheeks and brings your lips together 
It starts out as a quick expression of his glee, but then Josuke can’t make himself pull away (neither can you) 
It turns into a smooth makeout session, with Josuke’s hands moving to your hips and yours around his neck 
When Josuke moves back, he looks stunned 
Andddd then he looks embarrassed 
“Uh-sorry, heh, I didn;t mean for that to happen.” 
His arm goes to scratch the back of his neck 
“I wasn’t complaining.” 
Josuke’s blush deepens 
“Would you wanna… do it again then?” 
You agree obviously 
The video game is quickly forgotten about 
Giorno would try to plan for your first kiss, to make it something cute and romantic bc he doesn’t wanna let you down 
But then you go on a mission 
It's dangerous 
If it weren’t for Giorno, you might not have made it out alive 
As soon as the enemies are taken care of and the two of you are somewhere safe, Giorno’s healing your wounds with tears in his eyes 
You try to tell him it's okay, you’re fine, you’re still here 
He sets his jaw and focuses on using his stand on you
Once you’ve finished bleeding and the scrapes on your skin are basically gone, Giorno brings you into a tight hug 
 “I almost lost you,” is whispered into your shoulder  
“You didn’t. I would have been fine either way.”
“You don’t know that.” 
Giorno’s lost a lot of friends 
He doesn’t wanna lose the one he cares about most 
He pulls his face away from your neck  
His face is a gut-wrenching mixture of grief, anger, and desperation 
He presses his lips to yours in a bittersweet first kiss 
You can feel the tears on his cheeks transferring to yours 
The kiss is gentle, yet emotional 
Giorno’s lips are soft like the hands that come up to cradle your face 
When he pulls away, he rests your foreheads together 
“I care about you, okay?” 
It’s not the candlelit dinner he wanted it to be, but you think it’s plenty sentimental and memorable. 
Jolyne would probably kiss you before you even start dating, as her way of telling you she likes you  
You’re at her house for a sleepover 
It’s like 2am and neither of you are tired, but you don’t know what to do 
So you're just laying on your backs in her room, talking about everything and nothing 
“Hey.” She grabs your attention
“Have you ever… Kissed anyone?” 
You look over at her. She looks confused about something 
“No… But I’ve wanted to. You?” 
“Same. Sometimes I just, get this urge, ya know? To-to kiss someone, and I don’t even know why. It just pops up.” 
“Ar-have you ever… gotten that urge around me?” 
It felt like a stupid question. You’re just friends, why would she feel that towards you? 
“Honestly? Yeah.”
Jolyne rolled over onto her side and continued talking 
“There are times--kind of like right now--where, I dunno, everything in my body just screams for me to kiss you. Uh-I-I’m sorry that's probably really weird isn’t it? I--”
You interrupt her by putting your lips on hers 
Jolyne stalls for a second before kissing you back and bringing a hand to your hip 
Her lips are nice. They taste like the gloss you helped her apply earlier when you were messing around with makeup 
Like fruit and really cheap glitter (does glitter have a taste?)
The kiss lasts as long as you can go without oxygen, starting out slow and gradually intensifying 
You pull away to gasp in a couple of breaths 
You can barely see Jolyne in the darkness of her room, but you can tell that her eyes are lidded and her oh-so-pretty lips pulled into a smile 
“Can-can we do that again?” 
You eagerly agree 
And if the two of you fall asleep tangled together after your heavier kisses slowly turn soft again, who's to say?
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melinoe-writes · 5 years
sincerely yours — chapter four
Summary: Eisley Tusie was no stranger to Saturday detentions, but there was just something about that one Saturday that changed her.
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: suggestive themes, foul language
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THE NEXT LITTLE WHILE WAS SILENT AND MOSTLY UNEVENTFUL. John set his shoe on fire and used it to light a cigarette. Claire stared off into the distance, unaware of the nothing that was happening around her. Andrew was messing with the strings of his sweatshirt, pulling one to make the other shorter. Brian, bless the boy, put something in his lap and stared at Claire. Allison had found a thin piece of string around her pointer finger tightly, making her finger turn purple. Eisley, after fishing the screw out of her bra and tossing it over her shoulder towards the back of the library, had lied down on her desk on her back, staring up at the ceiling and quietly humming "Should I Stay or Should I Go" by The Clash. John leaned his head against her stomach after having lit his smoke, occasionally moving to do something weird like play air guitar for the music in his head. Eventually, having to wake up early got to Eisley and she drifted off.
"Wake up!"
Eisley stirred a little at the sound of Vernon's voice, but not enough to move or open her eyes. She was warm, much warmer than she had been before. When her mind came to a little bit more, she realized that at some point when she was asleep, John had gotten up on her table and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her back to his chest. Her entire back side was pressed flush against his front. She didn't mind; at least she wasn't cold. However, she could feel her cheeks burning ever so slightly.
"Who has to go to the lavatory?"
John's arm over her suddenly left from around her, so she used her newfound freedom to lift her arm as well.
After the bathroom break, everyone was back in the library. This time, Eisley found herself sitting with her legs crossed on Claire and Andrew's table, twisting the little silver ring on that she had on her left middle finger to keep herself occupied. Claire and Allison sat at their normal seats. Andrew was stretching, John was sitting up on a short shelf and ripping the pages out of a book, and Brian was standing behind a pillar a few feet to the left of John.
"That's real intelligent," Andrew said sarcastically to Bender.
Eisley sighed, murmuring, "Oh, God."
"You're right," Bender responded, "It's wrong to destroy literature and, I mean, it's such a fun read... and, " he stopped to examine the cover of the book, "Mo-let really pumps my nads!"
"Mol-yare," Eisley corrected, bringing Bender's attention to her. "That's how you pronounce it."
"I love his work," Brian added, and Eisley smiled pleasantly at him.
John threw a chunk of pages at the boy, making Brian hide behind the pillar. Eisley playfully rolled her eyes. "Big deal," John said, "Nothing to do when you're locked in a vacancy."
"Speak for yourself," Andrew said.
"Do you think I'd speak for you?" Bender snapped. "I don't even know your language."
Ignoring him, Andrew turned to look at Claire, "Hey, you grounded tonight?"
"I don't know," she said. "My mom said I was, but my dad told me to just blow her off."
"Big party at Stubbie's," Andrew told her. Eisley's eyebrows drew together and she made eye contact with John. "Stubbie?" She mouthed, to which she was met with a shrug. "Should be pretty wild."
"Yeah?" Claire asked.
"Yeah," Andrew said, "Can you go?"
Claire shook her head, "I doubt it."
"How come?"
"Well, 'cause if I do what my mother tells me not to do, it's because my father says it's okay. There's like this whole big monster deal, it's endless and it's a total drag. It's like, any minute," she paused, "divorce."
"Who do you like better?" Bender asked suddenly.
Claire looked at him, confused, "What?"
To clarify, he asked, "You like your old man better than your mom?"
"They're both strict," she frowned.
"He means," Eisley said, cutting in, "if you had to chose between them, who'd you pick?"
"I dunno," she said quietly, then added, "I'd probably go live with my brother. I mean, I don't think either one of them gives a shit about me. It's like they use me to get back at each other."
"Ha!" A voice suddenly exclaimed from the back of the room, and everyone turned to look at Allison. She blew her hair out of her eyes and looked smug.
Claire stared at her blankly before saying, "Shut up!"
Get some better material, champ, Eisley thought to herself.
"You're just feeling sorry for yourself," Andrew told Claire.
Exasperated, Claire said, "Yeah, well, if I didn't, nobody else would."
"Aw," Andrew cooed dryly, "You're breaking my heart."
"Sporto?" Bender called.
Jumping down from the shelf he was previously seated on and jumping over the railing to stand in front of Andrew, he asked, "You get along with your parents?"
"Well," Andrew said, "if I say yes, I'm an idiot, right?"
"You're an idiot anyways," Bender replied, "but if you say you get along with your parents, well, you're a liar, too."
As John went to walk away, Andrew followed and gave him a shove, making him stumble just the slightest bit. Eisley groaned to herself. Their constant fighting was beginning to give her a headache.
"You know something, man, if we weren't in school right now, I'd waste you," Andrew promised.
Bender lifted his hand, "Can you hear this? Want me to turn it up?" He twisted his hand around so that his fingers were upright; well, only one was upright.
Brian, in a valiant attempt to diffuse the ever growing tension, put his hands on both John's and Andrew's shoulders, but his hands were roughly shoved off by both boys. "Fellas," he said, unaffected by how they just shoved him off like that, "I don't like my parents either, I don't... I don't get along with them. Their idea of parental compassion is just, you know, wacko."
"Dork," Bender said, and Brian stared at him, waiting fo him to continue. "You are a parent's wet dream," he pat him roughly on the shoulder, making him sit on a table, "okay?"
As John went to walk away, Brian said, "Well, that's a problem."
"Look," Bender said, turning back to look at Brian, "I can see you getting all bunched up for them making you wear these kind of clothes, but face it. You're a neo-maxi-zoom-dweebie. What would you be doing if you weren't out making yourself a better citizen?"
"Why do you have to insult everybody?" Andrew demanded, looking up at John from where he sat on Eisley's table.
"I'm being honest, asshole. I would expect you to know the difference."
"Yeah, well," Andrew glanced at Brian, "he's got a name."
Eyebrows raised, Bender asked, "Yeah?"
"Yeah," turning to Brian, Andrew asked, "What's your name?"
"It's Brian," Eisley said, making all three boys look at her. "Sporto, if you want to take the high road like that, at least know the poor bastard's name," shooting a look at Brian, she added, "No offense."
"None taken."
"Well, what's your name?" Bender asked her.
Shifting so that she sat facing them, just to the left of Claire, she answered, "Eisley."
"Eyes-lee," she said slowly, emphasizing the pronunciation. "Eisley Tusie."
John stared at her for a moment, approaching her slowly. When he stood in front of her, just about a foot away with the table in the way, he said, "That's hot."
Snorting, she replied, "Thanks."
"What's your name?" Claire cut in, looking up at Bender.
He moved to the other side of the table. This time, he was behind Eisley, so he put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his torso. "What's yours?" he replied.
"Claire," she said again. "It's a family name."
"No, it's a fat girl's name."
Huffing slightly, Claire said, "Well, thank you."
"You're welcome."
"I'm not fat!"
"Well, not at present, but I could see you really pushing maximum density. You see, I'm not sure if you know this, but there are two kinds of fat people," John explained. "There's fat people that were born to be fat, and then there's fat people that were once thin, but they became fat, so when you look at them you can sort of see that thin person inside. You see, you're going to get married, you're going to squeeze out a few puppies, and then..." he removed his arm from around Eisley to better mime becoming fat. Noticing that Claire had flipped him the bird, he follows with, "Oh, obscene finger gestures from such a pristine girl."
Looking ever so resentful, Claire said, "I'm not that pristine."
Bender leaned forward so that he was closer to Claire, and asked quietly, "Are you a virgin?" Upon her silence, he continued, "I'll bet you a million dollars that you are. Let's end the suspense. Is it going to be a white wedding?"
"Why don't you just shut up," Claire spat.
"Have you ever kissed a boy on the mouth?" Bender asked, ignoring her. "Have you ever been felt up? Over the bra, under the blouse, shoes off, hoping to God your parents don't walk in?"
Speechless for a moment, she finally asked quietly, "Do you want me to puke?"
"Hey," Eisley said softly, getting John's attention, "that's enough. You're humiliating her."
Turning his attention completely off of Claire, John turned Eisley around by her legs so that he can look at her face. "What about you?" he asked. "Are you a virgin?"
"I don't see how it concerns you," she said, "After all, you're not my boyfriend."
"Over the panties," he continued, staring Eisley so deeply into her eyes that she thought that he could see into her soul, "no bra, blouse unbuttoned, Calvins in a ball in the front seat past eleven on a school night?"
Eisley leaned in real close to John so that their faces mere inches apart. She knew it was wrong to be a tease in public, but it was so fun sometimes. "Wouldn't you like to know, pretty boy?"
"Leave them alone!" Andrew suddenly said as John was leaning in to Eisley. Eisley turned away from him to look back at Andrew, who had stood up and began walking towards the front table. Having missed the opportunity to kiss Eisley, Bender put his face in the crook of her neck. "I said, leave them alone," Andrew repeated.
Bender took a step back from the table and faced Andrew, "You going to make me?"
Bender approached Andrew intimidatingly, "You and how many of your friends?"
"Just me," he answered. "You and me. Two hits. Me hitting you, you hitting the floor. Anytime you're ready, pal."
It happened so fast that it made Eisley's head spin, but one second, John was moving to hit Andrew, the next, he was face down on the ground, Andrew holding him.
"I don't want to get into this with you, man," Bender said, surprisingly clear for someone whose face was being pushed into the floor.
Andrew released him and stood, "Why not?"
Bender got back up to his feet before he answered nonchalantly, moving towards the back of the rows of desks again, "'Cause I'd kill you. It's real simple. I'd kill you and your fucking parents would sue me and it would be a big mess and I don't care enough about you to bother."
"Chicken shit."
The sound of a switchblade made everyone turn to look at John. He held it threateningly for a moment before he stabbed it into a chair at Allison's table.
"Let's end this right now," Andrew fumed, and John only stared blankly at him. "You don't talk to them, you don't look at them, and you don't even think about them," he said, getting progressively louder as he continued. Eisley was too busy watching in amusement as Allison reached over to take the knife.
John, on the other hand, said calmly, "I'm trying to help them."
Eisley only sighed.
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Love Potion
It's been about 25 days on the journey to fight Dio. Truthfully, it's getting tiresome, one stand battle after another. Getting bored of sitting in this hotel, I decided to take a walk. The small town we're in is a little creepy. Not many people here, and the ones that are, don't seem too friendly.
I came across a little store and decided to check it out. I got a warm feeling when entering.the sweet smell of lilacs and rise fill the air. As I look around at the hand made necklaces, an older lady comes up to me.
"May I help you?"
She asks with a smile. I smile back and kindly decline , telling her I am just looking around. She nods and goes about her business. As I go leave, she speaks again.
"Do you believe in love, Miss?" I turn around in confusion. Again she asks, "Well, do you?" I nod and walk towards her.
"Why do you ask?" I reply. She guides me to a small room.
The room is filled with apothecary tables and bottles. She hands me a small glass bottle. I give her a weird look. She laughs.
"Put this in someone's drink, and they will fall in love with you."
"Riight. And how do I know you're not just selling me some cherry soda?" I retort.
She shrugged. "That depends on if you trust me or not. Given of course, you did just meet me. But I feel that you have a big heart full of love for someone you might not thinks loves you back."
I swallow the lump in my throat. "What's the catch?" I ask, bluntly.
"No catch, I just work for love, and $35."
I hand her the money and thank her before leaving. I made way. Back to the hotel. Entering the lobby, Mr. Joestar and the others are looking for me.
"Oh my god, where were you!?" He asks me. " I was just taking a walk. " I reply. "Well, don't do that again, or at least tell someone first!" He says back. I roll my eyes.
Later on, we head out to grab food. I take my chance and put the potion into Jotaro's drink. Hopefully this actually works. But do I really want his love forced? Either way, it's too late, it was already mixed together. We all sat together and ate, chatting and laughing. About an hour later, and we go back to our hotel rooms. I go to unlock my door, when I feel a hand wrap around my waist. I look up and it's Jotaro. I blush before I could talk.
"Yare Yare Daze" he says, opening my door and allowing himself into my room.
"Not to sound rude, but what are you doing?" I ask, closing my door.
He shrugs. "I don't know, just thought maybe you'd like some company. He said.
I  smile. We've been stuck together on this trip for almost a month and we don't know much about each other. We stayed up for hours talking. Around 4.A.M I started to get really sleepy.
"I should probably go, you're tired." Jotaro said and made his was to the door.
"I mean, you could stay here tonight. I don't mind."
We climb into bed together . Feeling shy, I left some distance between us.
"Yare Yare Daze." Jotaro pulls me closer. I felt safe.
"Good night, JoJo." I heard a soft grunt before finally falling asleep.
I woke up to an empty bed. "Oh..It was just a dream." I say to what I thought was an empty room.
" What was just a dream? " I hear as Jotaro comes out of the bathroom. I look up.
"Oh, uh it was nothing." I finally get out of bed.
Jotaro comes up to me and cupped my face. "You're cute when you first wake up." And  placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment.
I look up at him. His features are rough but his eyes look soft. I sigh.  
"This isn't right."
" Why? "A small sound of hurt left his voice.
"JoJo, I want you to like me for me, because you want to." I say looking down.
"But I do."
"No, you don't. I put a love potion in drink at dinner. I don't want forced love. "
"Yare Yare Daze. Are you that dense?  There's no such thing as a love potion. He said.
I sigh again and pulled out the empty bottle. Jotaro laughs."You are as dumb as you look. That's a bottle of soda."
" Excuse me? " I ask. He rolled his eyes and grabs a similar bottle from the mini fridge.
"I paid $35 for a bloody soda?! Damn old woman." I grunted. " Wait, so you do like me? " I asked.
"Stop being stupid for 5 minutes so I can love you." Jotaro said and kissed me.
My heart melted. I wrap my arms around his torso. Suddenly, my door pops open.
"Hey, have you seen Jotaro?" Mr. Joestar asked, pausing at the last vowel of JoJo's name.
Our heads shot up at the door, faces red.
"Ohh, my bad." Mr. Joestar said. He started to leave when a flash shocked up. He held up the Polaroid picture and smiled. "You'll thank me for this later." He said as he finally left.
" Yare Yare Daze. " Jotaro says his infamous catch phase, I blush.
"Now, where were we?"
Jotaro leans to kiss me again. We deepen the kiss this time. He runs his tongue along my bottom lip. I grant his access. As the kiss gets rougher, Jotaro lays me on the bed. His lips leave mine and goes for my neck. He finds a tender spot between my neck and shoulder blade. Soft moans leave my lips. Jotaro then grabs my breast roughly. My moans get louder. I feel the warmth of Jotaro 's crotch against my hip. I could tell he was as into it as I was. I started to slowly buck my hips into him, earning me a small moan from Jotaro. Suddenly, he gets up.
"I've had enough of this."
I feel embarrassed . I knew he wouldn't actually want me. But I noticed Jotaro taking off his coat, shirt, and shoes. Leaving him in just his hat and pants. He comes back to me with pleading eyes. He helps me with removing my clothes, leaving me in just my underwear.
Jotaro climbed on top of me. My heart was racing. Such a gorgeous man was above me. His strong hand reached down my underwear to play with my clit. He looked at me, damn near drooling. My breathing hitched. He yanked down my underwear and started to kiss my thighs and folds. Jotaro stopped, I whined. He began to pull down his pants and boxers. I felt the tip poke at my entrance a bit.
"Jotaro..please" I begged.
He granted my plea and shoved himself into me. A loud moan came from both of us. Without letting me get used to his length and girth, he moves in and out of me. I grip the sheets, holding in an even louder moan. Jotaro grabs a hand full of my hair and yanks me closer to his face to kiss me. I bucked my hips again to follow his pace. A moan leaves his mouth.
He let go of my hair and started to move faster. His arms fall next to either side of my head, deepening his thrusts, that quickly becomes sloppy. The sound of skin slapping together fills the room. Jotaro 's grunts became for frequent. With a few more thrusts, a warm feeling explodes into my core. I gasp at the sudden feeling. Jotaro pulls out.
"Sorry..I didn't mean to do that inside you." He said. I giggle slightly.
" It's okay. I'm glad I made you feel good. " I reply.
I started to get up when he stopped me.
"I want you to feel good too." Jotaro slides his body down and becomes eye level with my pussy. He begins to lick up and down all over. His main focus is on my clit. He starts to lick faster, adding two fingers into me. I can no longer hold in anymore moans. I feel a knot in my stomach form. I tighten my thighs' grip around Jotaro's head in anticipation. His fingers move faster, matching the pace of his tongue.
My legs began to shake. The knot in my stomach grew. Jotaro takes notice and moves even faster. My head starts spinning as I release. Jotaro holds me down and continues to eat me out. High pitched moans come out of me. A giggle also came out.
"Jotaro, stoooop." I say. He releases me and wipes his mouth on his shirt. Catching our breathes , he lays next to me. I roll over , resting my head on his bare chest. He covers us with the blanket.
"Wait, does this mean we 're together?" I asked. " Yare Yare " I says. He rolled his eyes. "I told you to stop being stupid so I can love you. Yes, we're together. " A smile forms on my face. JoJo's cheeks turn pink. A light smile forms on his face. He adjusts his hat and we lay in bed together for the rest of the morning.
\\Yoo, super sorry if that sucked. I warned ya I can't write. Thanks for reading anyway. //
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rike-with-love · 6 years
Out of sight, out of mind? (chapter 1)
Summary: Okikagu week 2018 day 2: Unrequited Love
Pairings: Okikagu
Rating: T for bad language
Disclaimer: I don't own Gintama or it's characters, Sorachi Hideaki does. I only own this story.
Author’s notes: I have a link to my fanfiction masterlist on my profile. Please check it out for more chapters and fics!
Chapter 1
The terminal was packed with people. Left and right, everywhere Kagura looked, humans, amantos, friends and families reuniting. There was even an overly sweet couple kissing and hugging each other. ”Yuck! Get a room, yes!” Kagura yelled at the couple and acted like she wanted to hurl.
”Kagura-chan!” Shinpachi said and covered his face with a hand. ”You're embarrassing us.” Kagura rolled her eyes and tightened the grip on her umbrella. She didn't need Shinpachi's complaints today, she didn't need to see any annoying lovebirds anywhere, she just needed this day to be over.
”Yare, yare. Calm down you two,” Gintoki said and picked his nose without any shame, like usual.
”Gin-san, please don't do that in public.” Shinpachi said and poked Gintoki's arm a bit. The older samurai yawned lazily and stopped walking.
”Oi, oi! I'm not doing anything, what are you talking about?” Gintoki said and flicked his bugger behind him. Shinpachi stopped walking too and went on to rant something useless to Gintoki. After a short while Kagura noticed that her earth-family had vanished somewhere. She stopped her movement and looked around for them.
Few meters behind Kagura, Gintoki and Shinpachi were having a stupid argument. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but she didn't really care. Kagura glanced at the big screen showing departures. It was almost time, time for her flight to leave.
Kagura had finally made the decision on her 18th birthday, she was going to leave to space and become the most badass alien hunter in the whole damn Galaxy. She though that somebody had to continue the ”family business” Umibouzu had started. Kamui already held the title of craziest baka aniki and Kagura thought that he should stick to that.
Umibouzu had promised Kagura that he would come and pick her up one month after her birthday, and that day was finally here. Gintoki and Shinpachi were first against it, but they knew nothing would change her mind. Shinpachi had asked Kagura about her sudden decision to leave. She told him that this was what she needed right now, more than anything else she needed to leave earth.
Kagura closed her umbrella and placed it next to her bag. She let her eyes roam around the terminal. Big windows of the terminal revealed parts of her beloved home. She had so much there, friends, family, ”a job”, everything a person would need, she had here. So why was she leaving?
Kagura glanced at the clock on the terminal's notice board, time was running out. ”Oi you two! I'm going to be late, thanks to you two idiots!” she shouted, but Gintoki and Shinpachi didn't hear anything. ”Geez...”
Those two had insisted that they wanted to escort Kagura to the terminal and see her off. She liked the idea that her family would be the last people she would say goodbye to.
For the past week Kagura had seen everyone she knew in Edo. Many wished her a happy trip and pleaded for her to return. To return, she asked herself. Kagura hadn't really thought about her return to earth, maybe it was an option, maybe it wasn't.
Otae and Soyo had been the most difficult ones to see. A lot of tears were shed and beautiful words were said. She had said her goodbyes to everyone important to her...everyone but one. Him.
Kagura got fed up with Gintoki and Shinpachi. She cleared her throat and inhaled. ”LET'S GO IDIOTS!” she yelled. Amazingly, they still didn't hear her. All the people around her sure did, but she didn't really care if strangers looked at her weirdly.
”China?” an all to familiar voice asked behind her. Kagura gasped a little and turned on her feet. There he was, the man she had been avoiding since her 18th birthday. Her rival, Okita Sougo, the prince of all sadists. ”Yo! Where have you been hiding?”
Kagura looked at Sougo and tried her best to act casually and pretend that she hadn't been hiding from him for the past month. ”What's up Sadist?” she asked and crossed her arms over her chest.
”What are you doing here?” Sougo asked.
”Nothing much,” she said and shrugged her shoulders. Kagura had gotten so used to see Sougo in his Shinsengumi uniform, so it was quite weird to see him wearing normal clothing, a greenish yukata that suited him well.
Sougo eyed her suspiciously, his eyes dropping to her bag, then returning to look at her. ”Are you going somewhere?” he asked, face as deadpan as the bottom of Gintoki's shoe. ”China?” his voice slightly demanding this time.
Kagura turned her eyes away from him. ”So what if I am?” she muttered quietly, hoping he would just leave her alone.
Sougo's eyes widened for a micro-second, which went un-noticed by Kagura. He placed his hand on his neck and stroked it lightly. ”I didn't know.” A small silence landed between them, both wanting to say something that had been left unsaid. ”China, I-”
”Sougo! There you are!” Kondou said with a cheerful smile. He was approaching the young captain. Sougo glanced at his superior gorilla over his shoulder.
”Just a sec Kondo-san.” Sougo said and shifted his eyes back to his rival. Kagura was looking at him aswell. ”China, I don't know what you've heard, but-”
”I don't know what you're talking about Sadist,” she said to cut him off. She couldn't take it, this wasn't a thing she wanted to talk about. ”In fact-” Kagura said, but her words got stuck in her throat. Sougo frowned his brows a bit in confusion. Kagura's eyes were looking past him, over his shoulder. Her eyes are wide from...shock, he thought to himself.
Sougo turned around to see what was something so surprising that the loud-mouthed Kagura couldn't even speak. As he turned he saw Kondo and someone else. There was a young, fair-skinned woman standing next to Kondo. Sougo took a closer look at the woman. She had cerulean blue eyes and black hair, she was simply stunning.
”Here she finally is Sougo! I'm so happy!” Kondo said and squeezed his hands together and pressed them against his cheek. The young woman bowed shyly to Sougo and giggled sweetly. ”Sougo, meet your fiancée, Haru.”
Sougo bowed out of good manners and stared at the beautiful woman. He realized what or rather who Kagura had been looking at. His suspicions were confirmed then and there, Kagura had known about the arrangement. Why else she would have avoided him for the past month?
Sougo turned quickly to check on Kagura. Unfortunately, the only thing he saw was a crowd of people with meaningless faces. She was gone...Kagura was gone. Sougo wondered was he going to see her ever again, the thought pained him. There was still so much to say.
”Sougo! We have to get going now,” Kondo said and motioned for Haru and Sougo to come with him.
Kagura had run as the first change came to her. She was so shocked to see that woman, Sougo's fiancée. It was a very confusing feeling to experience, her heart couldn't bear the thought of him fit another woman. She didn't stop running until she saw her father standing near the gates.
”There you are! My daughter,” Umibouzu greeted Kagura. She ran to hug her father tightly, tears watering her eyes a bit. She thought that he would think that the tears were for him and nothing more.
”It's good to see you Kagura-chan,” Umibouzu said. Kagura pulled away from the hug and flashed a small smile.
”Are you ready to go?” Umibouzu asked. Kagura lifted up her luggage and hummed.
”Kagura-chan!” Shinpachi's voice called behind her. Gintoki and Shinpachi had finally managed to stop their argument and had tracked her down. ”You're really leaving, huh?”
Kagura turned to face her earth-family. ”Uh-huh, but I'm going to miss you guys so much.”
Gintoki pulled the trio into a huge bear hug. ”We'll miss you too Kagura. Just, remember to pay us a visit every once in a while,” Gintoki said.  Kagura remained silent, focusing on their family hug. She didn't want to admit that never returning was an option she had in mind. Kagura pulled away and walked to her father's side.
”Let's go, yes!” Kagura said and put on a brave smile, covering all the conflicting emotions. Umibouzu grabbed her luggage and the Yato duo entered the gates to the security check. Gintoki and Shinpachi were left watching the disappearing back of their beloved Kagura.
”Gin-san, why did I get the feeling...that she isn't coming back?”
”Have faith Shinpachi, I don't think this is the last time we'll see or hear from her.”
Kagura entered Umibouzu's spaceship after her father. She sat down on one of the passenger seats. ”Kagura, are you okay?” Umibouzu asked. She glanced at her father and silently lifted one thumb up. ”Good, we'll depart shortly, make yourself comfortable.”
”Yes papi,” she said and played with her short ponytails. This was finally happening. No-more seeing Sadist, no more thinking about him. The problem was that he seemed to be the only thing on Kagura's mind. She remembered the day that ruined everything, the day of her 18th birthday.
It had been a fun night, Kagura's friends had thrown her a surprise party at Otose's bar. Even Okita Sougo and couple of Shinsengumi members had been there. Drinks were flowing all night, Kagura had taken some, but not nearly as much as Sougo.
Kagura was supporting Sougo on their way to the Shinsengumi compound. He was rambling the entire way, he was telling her about his greatest plans to snatch the vice-commander position and how he loved fighting. Kagura listened and laughed at him, he was quite mellow when he was that drunk.
”CHIIINA! You're a great person you know. You're helping me home and I'm so drunk. You're so nice and pretty.”
”Shut up idiot!”
”So pretty,” he said and chuckled to himself. Kagura shook her head, she tried to remember that he was drunk and drunk people say whatever comes to mind.
”We're here Sadist,” Kagura said as they reached the gates of the compound. ”Let's get you to your room.”
”SHHHH! Remember to be quiet! You're not allowed here. No women, said Hijibaka-san,” Sougo said. Kagura shook her head again, feeling very amused about his dumb behaviour. They made it inside the main building. Sougo stopped their walking and lifted Kagura's arm away from him. He straightened his posture and dusted his jacket a bit.
Kagura stared at him, his eyes were no-longer drowsy, he seemed to be fine. ”What's up Sadist?” Kagura asked quietly. ”Sobered up already?”
”Heh, I observed how much you took and followed your lead,” Sougo said, voice quiet but perfectly clear. ”I don't get drunk so easily.
”Huh? Well I thought you were. On the way here you were mumbling such weird things, yes,” Kagura said.
”Such as?”
”You said I was pretty...” Kagura said and blushed, luckily the dim hallway hid her face.
”True, I said that.”
”Then, if you aren't drunk, why the hell am I here?”
Sougo smirked and glared at her so deeply that Kagura felt small shivers. ”I wanted to give you a birthday present, privately.”
Kagura had to swallow, her heart began to beat faster. ”Oh.”
Sougo moved a step closer to Kagura. ”Do you want your present, China?”
Without a moment of hesitation, she answered. ”Uh-huh.” Sougo inhaled at her answer. He took another step closer to Kagura and traced his fingers on her cheek.
”Are you sure?”
The he pressed her against the dark hallways wall with his body. Kagura gasped slightly, but not in a bad way. It felt good to feel him so close, like it was something she had been wanting for a good while. ”China.”
He cupped her cheeks and leaned to kiss her. His eyes were closed, but Kagura's were wide open from surprise. His lips felt soft on hers and her heart jumped at the feeling. He opened his eyes and stopped the kiss. ”Close your eyes.” Then he kissed her a bit more passionately. The pure feeling of his kiss forced her eyes to flicker close. She placed her hands on his waist.
This wasn't a birthday present she was waiting for, but it was the best one by far. He grabbed her hands from his waist and pressed them against the wall on each side of her head. She arched her back from the sensation of being under control, it was surprisingly exciting.
Sougo broke their kiss and Kagura opened her eyes. He was breathing heavily and Kagura couldn't help but smirk. ”Mmh, China?”
”What bastard?”
”Do you want to stay the night?” he asked. Kagura stared at him, eyes telling him of her surprise and slight hesitation. ”Don't worry, I won't do anything you don't want me to.”
Sougo let her hands go and she let them drop to her sides. Kagura thought about his sudden suggestion. It seemed a bit rushed, but her curiosity won. ”Maybe I'll stay,” Kagura said in a coy voice. He smiled at her and took her hand.
”Come, but quietly.” Kagura nodded and felt her heart racing faster. He lead them deeper into the hallway. When they reached a two-way turn Sougo stopped them.
”China, my room is in this direction,” he said and pointed her the way. ”Last room on the left, I'll be there in a moment.” Sougo let go of Kagura's hand and went to the other direction. Kagura sneaked quietly towards his room. She had to pinch herself. At that moment, everything felt like a dream.
She finally reached his room and was about to slid the door open. Kagura heard voices and froze on the spot. They were coming from a room across Sougo's room. Her curiosity won again. Kagura sneaked closer to the room and slid the door open just enough to peep in a little.
Hijikata and Kondo were sitting side by side, backs facing the door. ”It's best for him Kondo-san,” Hijikata said.
”Yes. I think so too.” Kondo said and nodded his head. Kagura wondered what they were talking about. ”She'll calm him down, I'm sure of it.”
”An arranged marriage is the best choice for him, he isn't going to settle down with anyone if we don't make him,” Hijikata said.
(”An arranged marriage? Poor guy.”)
”Then it's settled Sougo and Haru will meet in one month, we should let him know as soon as possible.”
”I agree Kondo-san.”
Kagura's eyes widened as Sougo's name came out of Kondo's mouth. They had arranged a marriage for him. Kagura felt sick to her stomach, she had to get away from the compound, quickly. Kagura ran, she ran across the halls and by instinct she found her way out. She ran all the way out and to the street.
He was spoken for, belonging to someone else. He never was hers in the first place, but still it hurt to think about it. For months before Kagura's birthday, there was something blooming between them. After the kiss, that feeling of something got bigger, but after what she heard, all of it came crashing down. Kagura wanted to get home, to escape the pain.
Meanwhile Sougo reached his room and slid the door open. ”China?” Unfortunately, no China anywhere. Sougo got worried and stepped back into the hallway. He heard voices coming from the room where Hijikata and Kondo were. Sougo opened the door and the two men turned to look at him. ”Yo! Did you by any change, hear or see anything out of the ordinary?”
Both men shook their heads. ”Sit Sougo, please.” Kondo said.
”I'm actually busy and it's getting a bit late so...”
”Sougo, sit down. We have something to tell you.”
”I really have to go-”
”We have arranged a marriage for you,” Hijikata blurted out. Sougo looked stunned. ”Would you sit down now?”
Sougo entered the room and sat in front of his two superiors. ”What are you saying?” he asked. Kondo and Hijikata explained to him all the details and why he had to accept the marriage. Sougo felt sick to his stomach. He wondered if Kagura had overheard Kondo and Hijikata. He hoped that wasn't the case, maybe she just got really tired and left...maybe?
When Kagura got home, Gintoki was already sleeping. She slipped into her closet and laid on her bed. She had expected the pain to go away as she got away from him. It actually felt worse. After hours of tossing and turning in bed she made the decision to leave. Escape the pain to space, become the best alien hunter and forget about him.
Kagura wrote her father a letter. He answered quickly and promised to pick her up in one month. She convinced herself that leaving earth was going to heal her heart. For the last month Kagura prepared to leave and made sure she avoided seeing Sougo. She seriously couldn't bear to see him.
She knew they only shared a kiss and nothing more than that, but it had been something that felt like it was bound to happen sooner or later. They had been partners in crime and rivals for such a long time already. Maybe she had been in love with him for much longer than she had thought. It wouldn't have felt that horrible if there wasn't love for him in her heart
After 3 months of intense alien hunting, Kagura felt a little better, still fragile but better. Umibouzu saw that her daughter's heart wasn't fully on the hunting business, but somewhere else. He tried his best to show her the most interesting planets to hunt and Kagura saw his effort and appreciated him for it.
The Yato duo was on their way to planet nearby earth and Kagura was watching her precious planet from the spaceship. ”Kagura-chan, I have something for you.” Kagura turned around to look at her father.
”Yes papi?” she asked. Umibouzu fumbled something from a pile of papers he was carrying.
”A letter from earth.”
Kagura's eyes lit up and her lips curled into a smile. ”Who is it from? Gin-chan? Shinapachi? Anego? Soyo-chan? Who?”
”It says, from the Shinsengumi vice-commander Hijikata Toushiro, for Kagura of the Yorozuya. Urgent matter,” Umibouzu read. ”Do you know him?”
Kagura snatched the letter. ”It's from Mayora, but why he would write for me?”
”I don't know, it came today.”
Kagura sat down and ripped the letter open and began to read.
I'm asking for your help. So, Sougo is missing and I know you two were sort of close. Maybe you know where he is. Yesterday was his wedding day. When I went to get him, he was frantically walking around his room, rambling that he couldn't do it, that he absolutely wouldn't do it.
I tried to calm him down and told him to stay in his room. I went to get Kondo-san to remind Sougo why he was doing the wedding in the first place. There were some political and financial reasons, but I won't bother you with those.
After one minute me and Kondo-san entered Sougo's room, he was gone. There was a small note on his desk saying: ”Sorry, I can't do this. I'm going to find her.” You are the only alive woman I know he cares about. So, I'm begging you Kagura, please find Sougo and make him return to earth.
His bride's family is long gone, they left on the same day Sougo disappeared, so he isn't getting married anymore. We are just worried. Bring him back to us, please.
Sincerely, Hijikata Toushiro of the Shinsengumi
PS: Kondo-san is crying here non-stop because he blames himself. I can't take it any longer.
Kagura was shaking as she read the letter. She was speechless. Sougo had run from his own wedding. Did he do it for her, Kagura thought to herself. She felt a rush of adrenaline pumping in her veins. There was no longer any pain, only enthusiasm. ”PAPI!”
Umibouzu almost fell off his chair. ”What?”
She ran to her father and jumped up and down. ”We have some hunting to do! We have to hunt down a missing person!”
”Okay, where was the person last seen?”
”On earth, he's actually looking for me.”
Umibouzu looked at his daughter and a smile forced it way on his face. His daughter seemed more like herself again. ”Let's start from earth then, buckle up.”
Kagura jumped on the co-pilot seat and squeezed the letter in her hands. ”I'm going to find you chihuahua,” she said quietly and smiled from her heart, something she hadn't been able to do in months.
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