#it's wild that they're all high and actively joking around while talking about this. it's wild that i laughed
bredforloyalty · 2 years
what the fuck am i saying. i should say that explains things because it DOES
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The End of the Year Trip Drama
get ready for this.
So, like i said on my post "The Chris Incident aftermath", Eric at first seemed to be blind about how he let me down and hurt my feelings.
Five months went by without neither of us changing our attitudes towards each other.
January, February, March, April and June went by. Eric was all smiles, and I was all glares and dirty looks.
Then the end of the year trip arrived. It was a week-long trip to the Pirineos.
I was super excited except for one small itching factor.
Eric was going. Because he was an assigned tutor, he was forced to tag along.
Everyone was thrilled by the fact that eric would be going. I mean, isn't it just great that the teacher who has to supervise the trip is the amazing and funny chemistry professo? Lucky us.
i was pissed because of eric's presence but i thought, "cass, it's the end of the year trip. One week and you won't see this guy again till september for the next school year."
So, with that in mind, i had formulated the plan of keeping my distance. Because, as much as i hated him, my anger towards eric drained me a lot. So, i would just avoid him. Easy.
well no, it wasn't fucking easy.
because guess what this fucking asshole did
the first nigh of the trip, all the students were rounded up in this room to play games and make competitions. I was having a great time. I was looking forward for the rest of the trip. I was also happy bc so far i had managed to avoid eric flawlessly.
well, i jinxed myself.
As we were playing games and laughing, the teachers told us to form a big circle while they planned the next game.
While we were waiting, i was chatting with my friend Claire. From the corner of my eye i saw that eric was stopping to doble high five each student individually. From what i could hear, he seemed to be asking them what they were thinking about the trip so far, if they were having fun, if they were looking forward to the upcoming activities and all that jazz.
I bit my tongue thinking that he would obviously stop to talk to claire and me.
And he did.
When eric stopped infront of me, with a broad smile and a kind-hearted look in his eyes, i never hated him more.
cause god, there he was once again approaching me all friendly when i had made it abundantly clear that i wanted NOTHING to do with me.
ignoring my "im so done with you" look, eric went "having fun?"
"yeah", i replied drier than the Sahara desert.
Eric remained all cheerful and proceeded to raise his two hands up in the air so he could high five me.
"No" i deadpanned.
I was not going to high five. I refused to even be next to him, let alone touch him.
and then, something happened, something that shifted EVERYTHING.
Would you believe me if i told you that OUT OF THE FUCKING BLUE eric's expression changed drastically? I'm telling you that as soon as the word "no" left my lips, eric's face dropped. Like, his eyes SOFTENED and his brows furrowed in concern, in worry.
Like guys when i tell you that i literally was rendered speechless I MEAN IT. like, i have his expression change tattoed on my memory storage bc WHAT THE FUCK
he then told me, in such a soft tone, "What happened? Why have you been so sad around me lately?"
and i was like "..."
i literally did not know how to responde. the chane of his expression, from being all happy to suddenly super concerned about me was WILD.
So, instead of actually responding, i said "Sad? Why would i be sad? Who could be sad when they're standing next to the beauy that is claire?"
and i turned to my friend and she laughed. and like, we continued to joke around and ALL THE WHILE, like, for some good TEN SECONDS, eric just stood there.
Watching ME
like GUYS
i was acting cool, laughing with claire but i could SEE him staring at me with those concern eyes.
after a couple seconds, he just moved on to the group of students next to us.
the rest of the night went swimmingy, we played games, laughed, all fun.
I had the interaction with eric branded onto my brain the whole time.
bc, understand, for me that was a game changer moment.
i had spent FIVE months hating on him, being cold, my behavoir brushing rudeness, avoiding him, being dry as fuck and almost holding out a crucifix when eric got near me.
I had spent FIVE months like that and never, not even ONCE, did eric reacted in a manner that gave away that he had noticed my attitude. NEVER. I literally used to think that either he honestly did not notice or simply didnt care.
and then, FIVE MONTHS LATER (i am really really surprised of how MUCH time had passed) he asks me, out of the blue, why am i said?
like im sorry WHAT
so you're telling me that you do KNOW?! that all this time you had ACTUALLY noticed?!
and NOW you are brining it up? ONE WEEK before summer?
bc the way his expression changed, the way his tone soften, the way his eyes stared at me in concern, the questions itself, the way that he just stood there and saw how i was clearly deflecting the issue by joking with claire. EVERYTHING pointed to him having noticed it all.
It seemed that after, once again FIVE months, something about my dry ass "No" made him snap and sum up the courage to kinda confront me about the obvious tension between us.
Im gonna leave this post here but, let me give you a heads up, the rest of trip was even WILDER.
That night, as dramatic as it may sound, was a turning point in eric's and i dynamic.
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lazaruspitreborn · 6 months
My first introduction to Jason Todd was the Arkham Knight game. From there I became a huge fan of him.
What was your first introduction to him?
So, here's the thing, I came into the Batman fandom completely blind (for the sake of the joke, you can say "blind as a bat") like five or six years ago when the Assassin's Creed fandom kinda went numb, stale and filled with small wars and people going all the way to some very heavy language that I prefer to don't get in details.
It was around that time that an old RP partner came back to their activity and they asked me if I was open to RP with their version of Dick Grayson, whose whole story at the time was based around the lore of Owlman, he was called Nightraven instead of Nightwing. It was, according to my friend, a version of DIck that they created way before the comics came out with the whole Crime Syndicate deeper lore, and I simply rolled with it.
We had interesting threads, but they went dark again after like three or four months and I didn't know what to do, because I things were just really bad in both fandoms with people not being all too open to give chances to original characters, or cross-overs, so I vagued around for a while until I landed having RP interactions with a Tim ( @strategiic ) and they started to guide me on how to find myself along the multiverse created by the comics; they'd talk to me about the comics and what happened on them, what was considered canon and what they liked and disliked and I began to absorb it all while going after more information on my own (blessed be every single person who makes compilations of what to read for what character and place it all in a neat and easy to understand guide).
A while later I also began to have RP interactions with a Jason Todd muse ( @rxsurrxcted ) whose mun was a sweetheart and taught me as much as she could about Jason so I wasn't all lost when we wrote our threads, she let me come to her to ask even the silliest questions at two in the morning. To this very day, my main-blog and muse has a verse where he has a relationship with that Jason and they're living happily in a polyamorous relationship with the cutest, softest and most generous paramedic ever ( @goodheartedfool ) while Tim ( @nerdybirdboy ) and my other OC in my main-blog date.
It's been a wild ride for me, because there are many versions of Jason, all fundamentally the same, but each with its own flavor and twist to it, but most of all he's just a character I can understand, his anger, his suffering, his need to prove himself, the feeling of always being judged by others regardless of how much he changes and grows as a person. He's, perhaps, one of the most relatable characters I've ever seen, hopeful, but down-to-earth at the same time, doesn't take shit unless it's really necessary, he sees the hypocrisy and points it out while still being self-aware enough that he, himself, has his own amount of it, he's been through a whole lot, and yet he's there, day and night fighting to get better and make the world around him better. Jason is a man of love and passion, which can backfire as rage and anger when things get heated, since the lines are thin and blurry when it comes to him, but even at his worst, he was still doing his best with what he had and thought to be good (yes, I'm looking at the pill-head version of Red Hood who tried to help Duella Dent as much as he could and tried to give her a better path than the one she was taking for herself).
In short, I love him, because I see him for who he is. Jason isn't a symbol of Justice or Hope like Bruce and Dick made themselves be. He isn't a genious kid who has potential to surpass Batman like Tim. He has none of the baggage and early training that Damian had. He also doesn't have a high profile set parent like Steph to use as a counterpoint to his morals and beliefs. All Jason Todd ever had was a desire for love, family and a will that's a force of nature in itself, powerful enough to get him through everything life throws his way; Jason was dragged into the war Batman wages against criminals out of love for him and passion for change, he wanted to make a difference, to make things better and fairer, and these wishes remained despite everything that happened to him and all the methods he implemented to get the results he wanted.
I love him because he's, simply putting, HUMAN BEYOND THE PAGES HE'S WRITTEN IN.
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Levi Ackerman - NSFW Alphabet
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A/N: i'm bored so i'm just writing these nsfw headcanons for all my comfort characters, don't judge me. feel free to request - i posted request rules so go check it out :)
enjoy! nsfw under the cut :P
A - Aftercare (what are they like after sex)
The first time you have sex, Levi needs a lot of comfort. He'd never been that vulnerable with someone before and it took a lot for him to open up like that, so aftercare for him is the priority. Once sex becomes more frequent and he gets used to everything, he's the one to clean you both up but he still needs more emotional reassurance than he'll admit.
B - Body part (fav body part of themselves/their partner)
He isn't a vain person, so he'd probably say his arms just because of how much you love them. He wasn't too fussed at first but because of all the attention you give them he's started growing fonder of them.
His favourite part of you is your neck and collarbones. He didn't even realize he had a thing for that until he met you, and whenever you wear chokers he can't take his eyes off you.
C - Cum (where do they prefer to cum?)
Levi prefers to cum on your stomach, purely because it makes it easier to clean up. (He's always very mindful of any mess.)
D - Dirty secret (self-explanatory)
It obviously couldn't happen because of his status, but it sends a shiver of arousal through him whenever he imagines you humiliating him in public. It's something he wants to try in private, though he's nervous to talk about it with you.
E - Experience (how experienced are they?)
Levi is a virgin, since he doesn't have sex with people he doesn't genuinely, 100% trust. You'll have to guide him through everything at the beginning, however he's a quick learner and picks it up pretty fast.
F - Favourite position (goes without saying)
He likes missionary a lot because it lets him feel close to you, and he'll melt if you wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. He also gets shy sometimes, so this position is perfect to hide his face in your neck.
G - Goofy (are they goofy or serious in the moment?)
Other than the odd sarcastic comment, he's generally serious. If he's in a vulnerable position then joking around doesn't calm his nerves at all.
H - Hair (opinions on grooming etc.)
Levi keeps his own hair neatly trimmed. He'd prefer if you keep yours vaguely under control but, as long as it's clean, it's up to you how you keep it.
I - Intimacy (how intimate are they during sex?)
It takes him a while to fully open up to you, but sex becomes one of the most intimate moments you ever share with Levi where he truly breaks down all his walls for you, just the two of you.
J - Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't tend to masturbate unless he's really desperate. Something about it just makes him uncomfortable, but he also has urges sometimes when you aren't available.
K - Kinks (again, pretty self-explanatory)
When you first started sleeping together, Levi had more of the control because he thought that was the way it was 'supposed' to be. However once you brought up the idea of him being submissive, your dynamic shifted. He was extremely hesitant at the beginning because he wasn't used to being in such a powerless position, though as soon as you managed to get him into a submissive headspace it became a regular occurrence.
Levi is a sub at heart who needs a soft dom more than anything. Some of the kinks you've explored that he likes are bondage, light impact play, praise, orgasm denial and marking (as long as the marks are hidden during the day.)
He also definitely has a bit of a humiliation kink but he's still working up the courage to tell you.
L - Location (favourite place to do the deed)
His favourite place is a tie between the shower and his desk. Sometimes when he's had a long day and doesn't want a full scene, he likes to have sex in the shower (also it makes clean-up easier). Although if he feels like subbing, as long as the door is locked, one of his favourite things is for you to cockwarm him while he's trying to work.
M - Motivation (what gets them going)
Showing skin is a sure-fire way to get him riled up. I personally headcanon Levi as demisexual, so he doesn't care when other people show skin, but if it's you? All you have to do is leave a couple buttons undone, expose your chest a little, and he is done for. Also, slipping casual praise into conversations will sometimes start pushing him into a submissive headspace, especially if you've done a lot of scenes with him recently because he starts responding to that tone of voice.
N - No (something they'd never do)
He doesn't like intense pain play - he's had enough pain the rest of his life so he needs you to be gentle with him. He also wouldn't want a harsh or strict dom, preferring to have you take care of him instead.
O - Oral (preference in giving, receiving etc.)
He enjoys both equally. Before you'd had sex you wanted to ease him into the experience carefully, so you gave him his first blowjob and he almost sobbed from the stimulation. Buuuuuuut alongside that he would also happily spend hours between yours legs - the praise you give him as he pleasures you and the feeling of you clenching around his tongue is almost enough to make him finish without any physical touch.
P - Pace (are they fast, slow, quick, rough?)
If it's just against the wall in the shower then it tends to be a bit faster, and on the odd occasion Levi feels more dominant he can get rougher, but he is usually perfectly content to let you decide the pace entirely.
Q - Quickie (opinion on quickies)
They're good sometimes, especially when you're both very busy with other duties. They're good to relieve basic urges, but Levi would never choose them over a full scene.
R - Risk (how open are they to risk?)
Levi is open to a bit of experimentation, but never anything exhibitionist. He can't risk the possibility of someone catching him in a compromising position, considering his importance in the military, so he insists that you keep all bedroom activities private.
S - Stamina (how long can they go for?)
As expected, at the start Levi had pretty low stamina since it was all so new and overwhelming. It gotten a little better since then but he also has a fairly quick recovery time to make up for it.
T - Toys (opinion on using toys etc.)
He doesn't particularly enjoy using toys on you, but adores when you use toys on him.
U - Unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
He'll only tease you a little when he's in a dominant mood and you've been doing something to piss him off, but the rest of the time it's not something he does at all. (He kind of likes when you tease him though.)
V - Volume (are they loud or quiet?)
Levi is cautious to control his volume so that other people don't hear, but his whimpers of pleasure can get quite loud sometimes.
W - Wild card (random headcanon)
During a scene once, while he was deep into subspace, he accidently called you mommy. When he realized what he said he was mortified, and almost started dropping. You had to quickly assure him that it was perfectly alright, that you weren't upset with him, and that you don't mind it if he wants to keep calling you that. He only uses that name for you when he's really, really submissive, and it's adorable hearing the tiny whimpers of "P-please mommy..."
X - X-ray (what's going on... down there?)
So many people seem to think that this man has a monster cock. He is 5'3 there is no way. He's a little smaller than average, in length and girth, but that just means you can hear him whine when you take his whole length into your mouth.
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is low most of the time. He has so many other things he has to focus on everyday, so sex doesn't cross his mind that much. Sex is more of a stress relief that he doesn't think too much about until it happens.
Z - Zzzzz... (how quickly do they fall asleep after?)
Being an insomniac, Levi takes a while to settle down to sleep, although it's always a little easier when he's comfortably next to you. (definitely the little spoon)
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zemarune · 3 years
I originally posted this on my Wattpad account but I've decided to also be active on here! If you see any misspellings then please do tell me. Nonetheless I hope you enjoy it~!
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•°☆°• Bennett Fluff Alphabet •°☆°•
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
The fact that you love him even though he often brings misfortune wherever he goes, makes him fall head over heels for you everytime again.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your/his body?)
Your hands, he loves it when you caress his head, back or literally any other body part of his with your soft hands. It feels like true home. He doesn't really like any part of his body, Bennett is rather insecure about himself, his misfortune doesn't help with that. Please be patient with him and assure him that he's precious.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
He loves to be held by you. While sleeping he'd definitely enjoy being the little spoon. You holding him close to you will make him melt when he wakes up. Other than that he also love to snuggle his head into your neck while you wrap your arms around each other.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Him being the unlucky boy he is, he would rather have a date with you where it's most likely very safe. He doesn't want to intentionally bring any trouble to you. A picnic in the wild, for example, could easily attract some monsters nearby. He'll most likely would like to have a date with you in his or your own home. What can possibly happen there? He thought.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Open. He's a very open person to you. If he's sad, then he'll seek for comfort within your arms. Where's the point in hiding if you're gonna find out anyways?
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
He sure would want one with you, though due to the fact that he's quite young, it'll take a while.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving?)
He would give you the world if he could. He loves giving you gifts, whether if it's homemade food or something else he made himself, he'll proudly present it to you. Even though it may doesn't look the best. Tell him you're proud of him and he'll be the happiest person in Teyvat.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
There's no second he wouldn't try to hold hands with you, even if it could get a bit embarrassing in his opinion. But he'd even try to hold your hands during a battle. He loves to intertwine your fingers too! A sucker for your affection.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Of course he'd be worried sick and would blame himself and his bad luck, even if he wasn't the cause at all. Definitely would try to patch you up but he'd bring you to a decent healer just to be extra sure and not to worsen things.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with you or prank you?)
He will joke around with you, you're technically partners in crime. Bennett would prank you but only in small and harmless amounts. His pranks towards you are more the kind of cute ones.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
You often initiate the kisses. He's still a bit shy about all that romantic stuff, so give him some time. You giving him some pecks on his forehead and or cheeks will make him flustered and he'll be at loss of words.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
By many ways actually. Little presents, affection and of course saying it to you, often even with a cute little stutter!
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
When you admitted your feelings for him as well. He never thought you would ever love him back, he's so clumsy, how can someone as great as you return his feelings? He thought they're unrequited, so you can imagine his happiness.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
You leaving him because of his misfortune. He's a little insecure about it and you leaving him because of it will tear his world along with his heart apart.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Definitely his bad luck. Even though he dislikes it, it's a very cute trait to him, that not everyone has to this extend. And let's be honest, bad luck isn't always that bad!
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
He suffered less and less from his bad luck since he's with you, so a nickname he'll give you will be his lucky charm. But he'll also call you his precious sunshine, because that's what you are to him. You lighten his day and mood every time he sees you.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
Alone at home during nighttime. He likes to be with you alone during a calm moment in his or your home at night. He can watch you without worrying about monsters or any other people that could ruin the quiet moment. He can admire you without any interruptions while he's in your arms all cuddled up to you.
R = Romance (how romantic are they? Clichè or rather creative?)
Considering the fact that he's quite timid and has bad luck, he's rather creative and romantic in his own ways. He'd try to put those little sticks with his signature thumbs up in a heart shaped food he made you. Probably his Teyvat charred eggs.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
There's no secret you don't know, he'll tell you even the most embarrassing ones. He fears that if he kept things for himself, it would only cause trouble between you two, so he is very open about secrets to you.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
Quite some time. He was, and still is, shy considering those matters, he had to built up the courage first. You almost even decided to confess first, if he wouldn't anytime soon!
U = Upset (how do they act when you're upset?)
He'll get even more insecure. Was it something he said or did? Or perhaps it's because of his bad luck? He'll try to talk with you to understand why you're upset. If it really was something he did, then he'll be dejected but tries his best to never do it again for you. Nonetheless, if it's because of someone else, he'll confront that person, no matter if it's a knight or any other high person, no matter how frightening they look, he'll stand up for you. You're his everything after all.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He's proud that you're his. He can't help but feel glad that you love him too. Showing you off happens rather unconsciously. Like, he would talk to his friends about how great you are and how kind, but not to make them envy him or anything, he simply does it because he's happy.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Worried. Everytime you fight he is feeling proud and worried at the same time. He would definitely fight for and with you, trying to protect you with everything he got.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
At the beginning he's a bit dense, one could say, but after some time he'll learn your body language and will be able to read you like an open book.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
He's young, it'll take him some time to build up enough courage to actually ask for your hand in marriage, he was super shy when asking you out, so this is gonna be a huge challenge for him.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
As said before, he loves getting affection from you. Cuddling with you will make him calm down and relax. Yet alone you being beside him calms him down greatly, he feels much more confident and at ease knowing there's someone who loves him even though he has such a bad luck.
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angloie · 3 years
> Percy likes to deceive. Lie, manipulate, more lies; it was a part of his job, after all. Annabeth has been deceived. Lied to. Manipulated. She's an woman of many secrets- secrets she'd rather not let anyone know.
> Assassin! Percy x CEO! Annabeth.
> Warnings: Mostly angst + fluff, character death and some violence. Nothing too explicit. Mentions of blood/mild injuries as well as alcohol. (characters are aged up!)
pt. 2 || pt. 3 || pt. 4 || pt. 5
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Percy's thumb rule was never do anything he didn't want.
To live a happy and healthy life, that was completely normal; especially for such a laid back guy like him.
Choosing this... rather wild career was something he wanted to do, willingly. Life was short, so why not make the most of it? It was getting awfully bleak with the normal civilian life. After all, no one would believe the nice young man who helped the old man carry the groceries to his car would be someone who killed for a living. A smile so bright that it could give the sun a run for its money and warm sea green eyes could hide so much more than just innocence.
The ceiling to floor windows of his penthouse showed a breathtaking view of the New York skyline, sun moving behind the tall buildings and moon replacing the orange hue. Being an assassin had its perks- despite endangering his life on multiple occasions. The pay was just out of this world. All that cash just to kill off some sleazy politician, or that one corrupt buisness man? Sign him up. Zero hesitation.
Percy frowned at the dried blood on his once pure white gloves. He was quick to peel them off. He shuddered at the unsightly view of a small stain of blood on his onyx-colored suit.
He would just buy a new one later. Small things like that didn't matter. Sure, that might've been a gift from one of his clients, but it wasn't anything he couldn't replace.
Hanging his coat on the rack beside the wide entrance, he sighed with clear tiredness. One night of forced politeness and smiles took a toll on him- Also due to the fact that he had just done his job as an assassin. It wasn't what you could call easy.
His muscles were aching and sore in all the worst places, every move throbbing with full pain. The shallow slash on his lower abdomen had soaked his shirt in a dark crimson red, most likely going to leave a bad stain. He would have to clean that later.
The penthouse was big and rather spacious. White Walls and abstract paintings lined them, reflecting off the almost pristine marble floors. It took a while for Percy to get settled in, it being a huge place and all that. But he soon made it feel like home with the help of old picture frames that held memories and the Nemo stuffed animals resting on the leather couch.
And Mrs. O'leary.
Mrs.O’leary- a huge, slobbering dog with thick black fur- bounded towards him in a frenzied greeting. She hopped up on her hind legs to lick his face, tail wagging at a unmatched speed. She barked again, this time more quieter.
“Yeah, yeah. It's nice to see you too.” Percy laughed as he tried to pull away. Once he went to the kitchen to grab a bone-shaped treat. “Who’s a good girl?” He cooed, tossing the snack in the air. Mrs.O’leary jumped up to snatch it before barking and padding away. Her tail still wagged with elation.
When Percy first moved here, it was quite nerve-racking. He'd heard that this place was an especially good spot for people like him- meaning people who did some illegal activity. Well, that was what he assumed. Percy was 99% sure that his neighbor just in the penthouse below him, (Leo was it?) had to be involved in some sketchy stuff. That creepy smile of his with a mysterious staining his shirt never meant any good. Or maybe when his other neighbor, had a odd looking duffel bag slung across his shoulder. Oddly human shaped, maybe. With a horrible smell of something rotting. Percy recalled introducing himself a Nico DiAngelo. A pretty reserved and quiet guy, usually having a frown of his face. Well, other than that time when he had his boyfriend over, a sunshiney guy with sun-kissed hair. He never got the chance to catch his name.
Wrapping a white cloth around his wound, Percy's met with a sense of familiarity. Fixing his own injuries by himself. It would bee nice to have some help once in a while, but that would mean exposing him. He's definitely not ready to risk that.
Other than his boss and a couple of really close friends, no one knows about this. Percy nearly slipped up once- when a old companion from high school came over to visit, and his small arsenal of weapons were revealed. The little compartment hidden behind a painting. Not another word wasmsaid about it. Percy made up some half-assed excuse about auditioning for a movie so they were fakes.
It didn't take much of a expert, but the were far from fakes.
His phone rang from beside Percy, making him jolt in surprise. The contact name made him smile just the tiniest bit.
"Hey, mom," Percy began. "Why'd you call?"
"Can't your mom check up on you once in a while? How are you?" Sally beamed, cheerful voice on speaker mode.
He walked over to the bathroom where he stood in the full length mirror. A hint of blood seeped through the white bandage; now full wrapped. "Good. How's Paul and Estelle doing?" He asked.
"They're doing great! Me and your step dad went out with Estelle yesterday to see the movies." Sally smiled. "Estelle is growing into such a energetic ball of energy." She joked. "Just like you."
"Is that so?" Percy laughed, splashing his face with water. It felt cool on his skin, causing tiny pricks of coldness to pop up all over.
For a while, him and Sally conversed. She told him about her day (mostly gushing about Paul and Estelle) while Percy smiled and listened. He did his best to hide the fact that he'd been fixing up his wounds in silence. He cursed silently in pain when he touched an sensitive spot on the slash.
"Percy? Are you alright?" Sally asked in concern.
"Yeah! I just... hit my elbow. Its nothing. " He hastily replied.
"Okay," Sally exclaimed in relief. "By the way, when are you going to visit your old woman? Estelle misses you, you know."
"Yeah, well tell her I miss her too." A sense of gloom over took the conversation. "Look, I'm busy now but..." Percy looked over to the mirror again. "I'll call you later. Maybe I can visit you guys over there soon." He exhaled.
"We're looking forward to it! Isn't that right,             Estelle?" Sally gave the phone to the little girl who was jumping with excitement.
"Come over soon Perce!" She garbled. It sounded like she was eating something halfway.
"I will. Talk to you later, 'Kay?"
A wave of guilt overwashed Percy as soon as he ended the call. It was killing him inside, to not be honest with them about his real job. They just thought he was a simple marine biologist who got one hell of a promotion. Yeah, he wished. That seemed easier than killing for a living. He was going to tell them sooner or later. He just had to. Not today- not anytime soon, that is.
Jolting himself out of his thoughts, Percy's phone rang. He was quick to answer it. Was it Sally calling again? Percy put down the metal spoon he was holding, letting it rest in the pot of soup bubbling on the flat stove. 
“Hey, Percy!” The horribly familiar voice rang from the other side of the line. Percy grimaced.
“What is it?” He groaned.
“Is that any way to talk to your boss?” He tsked. “But I have news for you!”
“Do tell,” Percy muttered and went back to his soup. 
“I have a mission.” Apollo grinned widely. “You up for it?”
“Again? Didn't I just do one yesterday?” Percy rolled his eyes. He was tired; completely tired. Usually the missions weren't this close together- sometimes they could be even months apart.
“Yeah, but this one won't happen for a week or so. And it ain't just the typical mission.”
“Yeah? And what's that?”
“Its a info operation. Meaning-”
“I know what that means!” Percy interjected. “Just tell me the details already. I’m hungry.”
“Jeez, okay mr. grump. Annabeth Chase. You know her?” Apollo said, scoffing at Percy's tone.
“You mean the owner of that one architecture company? What about her?” He asked.
“She’s connected with Thalia Grace and Luke Castellan.” Appolo explained. “Apparently people have been talking about their new heist that they're planning. By what I've heard, it's going to be huge.” 
Those three names- Thalia Grace, Luke Castellan, Annabeth Chase. Annabeth especially, was the most well known in the regular world. Her being the stoic founder of Athchase as well as being a crazy rich and famous person, that's a no brainer. Luke and Thalia, on the other hand, their heists were well known anywhere. Annabeth didn't have a criminal record of any sorts. That's a big reason she can keep up her reputation. It's not like the woman did anything wrong, its just that... the fact that she is connected with the two is enough to ensure suspicion. Growing rumors of her planning some of their crimes were spreading fast. Percy's heard of things like that, her being the mastermind of killing and stealing.
“Alright," He nodded. "Im interested. Go on."
“New York. That's where the three plan to meet up. Get information, maybe use your charms into getting her to trust you."
"N-new york..!?" Percy was left shocked at that.
"I've booked a flight there. 5 in the morning sharp tomorrow. I reccomend you arrive on time." Apollo chuckled.
"Yeah, whatever."
"And Percy?" He called out.
"You have my full permission to kill Annabeth when you're done." Apollo darkly said, hanging up without another word. Percy rolled his eyes for the tenth time on the call.
Well, all right.
Next destination: New York.
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"So, New York, huh." Annabeth swirled some of her cocktail in the glass, circling her wrist in a rotation. The blue liquid swirled together in a repetitive motion. Sapphire Martini tasted rather bitter on her tounge, but decent nonetheless. She enjoyed the slight orange twist.
"Why here of all places?" She asked.
"Its a golden opportunity, dear Annie. The Olympians only gather once in a blue moon, so we're going to make the most out of this!" Thalia sipped from her own glass, some regular red wine. She'd never had such a taste for 'Those fancy rich drinks'. Whatever that meant.
The Olympians, as Thalia said before, were a group of 12 of some of the wealthiest and prestigious people from across the world. Only a few select people could be a part- it was exclusive as to anybody who was just normal as a couple million rich. New York would be holding a auction quite soon on a famous opera house; and surprise, they would be there.
"Don't call me that." Annabeth winced at the name. "And who exactly is we?"
"Don't go all acting like you didn't agree, alright? Plus, you can gain a thing or two from all this." She grinned.
"I have a company to run, Thals, You know very well that I dropped that type of business years ago." Annabeth shook her head. "This is seriously risky."
"But you love that. Don't you?" Thalia pressed, standing up.
She truly did. The thrill, the rush of energy you couldn't get anywhere else. Thats what had driven her to join Thalia and Luke in the first place. That feeling alone made her eyes sparkle with desire.
"Yeah." Annabeth places her drinkdown back on the glass table. "I do."
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Okay I'm back with some more hot garbage!!! here's my latest thing-- a assassin au. I need to do a ship other than percabeth tho 😔😔
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abusivelittlebunny · 4 years
How do you think Tommy's men tried to woo him in the period AU? I can imagine Lord Changretta turning up at the Shelby house on the gorgeous black horse from an earlier ask ramble and offering Tommy a ride.
Ooooh I could talk about this for quite a while that's for sure. Sorry for all my earlier unanswered asks, I'm shifting into period au mode.
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Period AU moodboard
Let's take step by step.
Freddie, his best friend since childhood and of equal dirt poor social status, is the first one to court Tommy; they're still very young when it starts, Freddie 16 and Tommy 15, and Tommy thinks at first it's all a joke when Freddie comes to his house with a huge bouquet of wild flowers, that he shoves into Tommy's hands, and a basketful of cheese and meat and wine (already half drunk) that he presents to Arthur Sr as he officially asks for Tommy's hand in marriage. Tommy hits him on the shoulder and harshly whispers what is wrong with him but Sr just takes the basket with a heavy swig from the wine and says Freddie boy is a good lad... but. And his tone turns ice cold when he asks how does a little come from nothing factory worker kid supports himself a wife that can also bring nothing to the union? Despite Freddie's protests of how love is all that matters, Sr promptly kicks Freddie out the door, keeping the presents. Freddie still brings him flowers and meets him in the barn to press himself between Tommy's warm thighs and whisper against his lips how he'll gather enough money that they could marry and start again somewhere far away but Tommy just kisses the words out of his mouth and wraps his legs around him tighter to stop him from talking any more nonsense.
Campbell, similarly to how it was in my Pretty boy au, would be in similar new to town high police status as in the show, - let's say chief inspector although I am not at all familiar with the Victorian police system, - and would threaten Tommy's family with jail and even hanging for their illegal activities when Tommy comes back home from horse riding with his hair windswept, his cheeks flushed, his mouth cherry red and gasping for air, the sweat on his pretty freckled skin glistening and making his thin shirt stick to his body indecently and Campbell's brain short circuits from such beauty and stops midsentence of shouting at Sr to watch Tommy drink some fresh cold milk with trickles sliding from the corner of his whorish lips. When Tommy looks up at him with a questioning arch of his brow and a quick look over Campbell's frame the old man loses it and tells Sr that he will be lenient and even generous with not pressing charges against them if he would let the inspector borrow his son (the pretty one) for a few hours every week. From his tone and the way his eyes glued themselves to Tommy's waist as he left the room made it obvious that what Campbell had in mind was clearly prostitution but Sr didn't mind one bit if that meant all of them will be safe (And he doesn't have to skip town again). Tommy begrudgingly obliges, not outright refuses, because if he can help his family with selling his body so be it, besides, the old pig is not that bad to look at and Tommy has always been kind of interested in what it would feel like to lie with an older man, Freddie too fast and eager. Turns out it's quite satisfactory if not for the occasional beatings and rough treatment, Campbell can also be gentle and loving in bed if they pretend their arrangement is not a transaction. Campbell still uses him this way but takes Tommy to the theatre and tea rooms beforehand now days to make it more of a date and will murmur about how Tommy needs to act more decent or people will believe his wife is an unruly brat. Tommy curiously tips his head at these comments and reminds the inspector of how he's not his wife to which Campbell replies to as "No, not yet, certainly." But he already has the emerald engagement ring in his pocket.
Kimber didn't mean to court Tommy at first, he was just annoyed with the little gypsy' s operation of forcefully taking more of his land's outskirts with his little gang but then when confronting the little street rat Tommy bat his pretty eyelashes, bit at his plump lip as he talked in a honey sweet tone about how he admired Mr Kimber, the biggest land owner around town and how he could offer something as well so they could come to a mutually beneficial arrangement while opening his shirt collar. Who was Kimber to refuse bending the tight little tart over his billard table and giving it to him as he deserved? Only Tommy expected something a bit bigger and left the "meeting" quite frustrated, unlike Kimber, who got very quickly addicted to the sweet little thing withering under him which he took as more of squirming from the stretch while truthfully Tommy just tried to angle his mediocre prick to at least graze at his sweet spot. Tommy planned it to be a one time thing, enough to sate Kimber to carefully overthrow him and take all his land, Campbell would turn a blind eye, but things didn't go quite as he planned. Kimber wanted his ass hand in marriage, never met someone quite as pretty and slutty eager for his company and decided to keep the pretty little doll, offering Arthur Sr steadily rising sums for his son which Sr would be eager to take if not for Tommy ferociously fighting against it. He won't be locked down with such a repulsive 5 inch man.
Alfie came in the picture right after Kimber's first marital offer. Tommy knew Kimber was the most influential business man in town but he knew there must be some kind of rival of his, that could easily overpower him if provoked. Tommy hatched a plan to find this rival, pursue him to overthrow Kimber and strike a deal with him. His previous plan of overthrowing Kimber himself was much more difficult now as he was about to be sold off to him and he has to avoid the engagement at all cost. Mr Alfie Solomons, influential bakery chain and factory owner, also renowned scholar seemed to be the ideal help for that. Only Alfie had little to no interest in Kimber's empire, finding Birmingham no more than a shithole and reluctant to even agree to see Tommy. But oh when he saw Tommy his priorities immediately changed. Alfie was much more of an equal if not superior in intellect than Tommy anticipated and the man agreed to bankrupt Mr Kimber slowly, - it takes a bit of time treacle innit -, and told Tommy not to worry about the marriage. It's not like he'd let such an exotic flower slip out of his grasp. Tommy struck a deal with Mr Solomons on expanding the man's business beyond London and helping him with his people whenever called upon but Tommy was planning complete independency behind the scenes and that just won't do innit so the next time Kimber makes his offer to Sr at a quaint social gathering after a horse race he generously invited the Shelby family to, Alfie decides to give a visit as well, although uninvited, and raise his glass to make his own offering, tenfold of what Kimber said, and smirk at his ugly mug as he blurted out a slightly bigger price and their match went onward until Alfie said a number so high, he could buy all of Birmingham. Kimber crumbled to the ground in shame and said he'll take his offer back to which Alfie cheerfully turned to Tommy and asked "what you say sweetie? Wanna marry me?" Tommy gaped at him but shook his head that if he could he would like to think the offer over but now that Kimber publicly took back his offer it would give him time before the man would try again. Alfie just smirks that of course he hasn't even started courting him yet. Alfie's courting is fortnightly visits to London with museums, theatre and restaurants, not to mention the grand fucks, with weekly gifts of freshly baked goods and rum for the Shelby family that Sr scoffs at but accepts because it's not outright cash. But Alfie is patient. He knows that one way or another Tommy will want him just like he wants the cheeky little tart.
Luca is a more complex love interest. I'd like to imagine him as this Italian Lord planning to buy some business and land in England and while he's at it he might as well go hunting with some business partners... right where Tommy likes to horseride. So imagine Luca's surprise when he takes his horse down to the nearby stream to let it drink a bit, tired from all the hunting, and see this pretty little forest fae looking delicate creature bathing in the stream with his clothes and horse next to a tree giving just enough share for Luca to peek at the gorgeous boy without being instantly noticed. However he could barely hold back his desire and stepped right up to the edge of the stream to be closer and Tommy noticed, giving him quite the fright. Tommy rushed to get away and get his clothes but Luca easily caught him and picked him off the ground, wrapping him in his coat and chuckling at Tommy's meagre attempts to fight back. Tommy fumed and cursed, but also wildly blushed and not giving a serious struggle, since the handsome stranger didn't seem to want to hurt him, just hold him close and feel him up while sighing about what an exquisite little creature he was. Tommy yelped as he was put on Luca's horse and taken home like one of the wilds the men have hunted to Luca's new estate. Luca revealed his social status when he dressed Tommy in fine clothes to dine with him and Tommy didn't mind the luxury and pleasure filled weekend they spent together but did request to be let home after 4 days. Luca obliged, his beloved's happiness was most important after all, but began courting Tommy soon after, showing up in front of his house to take him to his estate almost every week and sending him flowers with expensive pastries and foods to win the family over. Tommy was quite surprised when Luca showed up with a huge black horse as a present to him but blushed wildly when Luca explained it's a gift to remember him by "Every time this beast is between your delicious thighs, I want you to think of me, as you ride it as expertly as you would me, amore mio." Luca presents Tommy with different engagement rings or jewelry or fine clothing with every visit, keen on buying the affection that Tommy feels for him for free.
James oh boy James. As I said before in a previous Ask, James would be some royal nephew or cousin so basically the biggest fish Tommy could catch among his suitors. They meet when James is travelling to meet some royal relative and his carriage breaks down - if it was maybe Johnny Dogs's aristocrat trap to rob them Tommy doesn't mention it - and Tommy rides by on his horse and offers his help with some financial help in exchange. It should be obvious to James that this was basically a hit but he's too enchanted with Tommy's beauty he doesn't even care. Tommy can see that the boy is harmless and cute an idiot and takes pity on him and doesn't let the others raid him and hides him away in the barn with his fancy carriage to be fixed (and also heavily de-decorated) by Curly and let's him spend the night in the hayloft where Tommy has his secret room. It's basically just blankets and pillows with some candlelight but James doesn't mind with Tommy helping him out of his fancy clothes to slip into something.... more comfortable. Tommy sees the boy's eagerness and he gives into him for the night, riding him with his voice muffled by their kisses so no one comes to investigate. Tommy ushers James out come dawn, if his family sees the little duke his life surely will be threatened but James can't be scraped off so easily. The boy comes back the next day with plenty of gifts for the family to thank Tommy's good heart and proposes on the spot. Tommy knows such an offer would be a lifetime's regret to miss but he still insists on being formally courted for pride's sake. James visits most often, with gifts aplenty and his affection growing by the second and it's hard not to fall in love with someone so charming and a couple of weeks later Tommy accepts the sapphire engagement ring. He knows he would be safe and in control with James as his husband even if the royals are strictly against it and his family will be in comfortable safety. James is also needy but is lenient to let Tommy do as he pleases which makes the other men feel as if Tommy was still on the market, courting him and pampering him while he's already married. The other men like to say that James is just a boy, not a man, so their frequent visits are justified but Tommy just leads them by their cocks just to get what he wants with James by his side as his loyal dog and greatest dear.
This au is so good I'm mad.
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shortstackum · 3 years
The Creatures do work like cleaning to earn money, there's a shop near the very bottom so they can buy stuff
Phineas actually takes care of the whales and other marine life, meanwhile Aurla tries to kill them
Spooky's and Eyth's magic seems to make people stop aging or at least stop aging at a certain age, which explains why Spooky is still 12, 15 years later
Speaking of magic involving Spooky and Eyth, they were brought back to life by the ssme thing (along with Taker), that thing being one of the specimen 1s, that being Jeli
The Demon child was a child that was murdered in the kid's hospital and was brought back by Jeli as a demon, although it seemd she's trying to resist the magic that's trying to make her evil by hiding in a mirror
Some of the kill counts for Specimens are inaccurate as those a few were actually caused by the 1s (E.i, Bab, Jasper, Chomper..)
Phineas / Fin really liked marine life, mainly dolphins, Jeli got an idea and used his magic to make him go wild, causing him to operate on himself, everyone thinks he did it for his love of dolphins but Fin was just mind controlled
Lines' body ends at the end of his torso
Lines' speech tends to get distorted (backwards speech, random muting, glitching)
Paina was AI for sunshine academy but got out via Spec.1 magic, yet she can still be developed further
Subject 5s are named 5 as they are the 5th Specimen 3s, the others died either in testing, having to be exterminated or they just. Dissapeared
Lisa and Bab tend to get along very well due to their shyness
Bekka likes to blast music just to make everyone mad lol
Jaime has honks own dimension, it sometimes goes to it to see how everything is going (the dimension being an abandoned theme park)
They let other Specimens, monsters, dolls and unknowns in to play, although xe makes them leave after a while, claiming that staying for too long is risky
Hooky was a runaway and went to the mansion for security, didn't work out as planned for her
Parry isn't just red, xey can be green and blue too
When Parry has a host, xey are asleep and someone enters xem, the host will have trouble knowing where the person is, only when under xey're control or when xey are awake can the host know exactly where they are
Parry and Stanely are like roommates, they get along sometimes but they fight and annoy each other a lot
Stanely also has a furry coat
When first encountering Parry, xey were a greenhouse, xey kept trying to scare him and lock doors but he just kept pulling through, xey tried getting him attacked by ferocious plants and only let him have a scythe but he still lived, Parry got angry and tried xeir last trick was to turn into a mansion and hang him, and it worked
In some of the crates, Aurla has some things like files, or just random papers, in others there's some beach toys, in others theres drawings Bab made for him, that's another reason he doesn't get on the crates, he doesn't wanna accidentally break them
Lines can travel via electricity (through telephone poles, computers, wires.. obv he can't leave the mansion tho)
Taker and White Face are one of the biggest frenemies, they usually only get along when trying to harm others and most of the time they just argue
Tirsiak used to be extremely cold and mean to everyone besides Kanerek, he wanted nothing to do with anyone fearing they'd hurt him or he'd get attached only to lose them, but after a while of basically forced friendship activities he warmed up to Bab first and then slowly to everyone, hes still a prick but he's doing better
The ones made their own mansion, they only took in monsters that were similar to the creatures from Spooky's or made their own
They were created as back up and to challenge the others. They represent what the originals (reffering to the ones in Spooky's) don't wanna be and their trauma. The ones liked to joke and call some of them coincidences and calk them rip offs
Lisa is welsh and has a bit of an accent
None of the hospital monsters have forgiven Eyth for what xey did, it affected them all and Eyth takes it as a joke, xey constantly make fun of the monsters for being "petty"
Bekka and Jon are the only ones fluent in Japanese but their accent shows sometimes
Bekka has a lot of medical and biology based knowledge but is still a complete dumbass when it comes to almost anything else
Lisa hasn't and never will forgive her ex husband for shooting her. Hell she's happy that he's probably dead
Lisa has frequent aches and pains all around her body
Bekka REALLY likes chocolate
Tirsiak is very good at archery and hunting, as apposed to Kanerek who's pretty mediocre
Tirsiak used a spell to give himself antlers and appear more masc
Tirsiak had died in the past but never realized, his necklace kept him somewhat alive and is what gives him his powers
Bab sometimes cleans his sword, he's dissapointed in himself that it got a bit rusty as that sword used to belong to his dad
Aurla can talk to marine creatures and loves to take care of the landsharks
Jasper was interested in how humans made food so he'd often steal recipe books and try making things himself and when he got to the mansion, Otto helped him out
Jasper doesn't like being viewed as a fast food worker or manager, he just wanted to protect his kin from constantly being used as food
Spooper sees Lisa as his mom because his old parents were abusive and Lisa is the mother he never got to have
This makes Lisa very happy
Kal is like an older brother to Spooper
Bekka's hands are black due to frostbite
Noah is very good at reading people, mainly because of his own experience. He's very good at telling if you're lying, sad, happy, sketchy..
Noah had to be bumped down to a hospital patient due to an incident and Bekka was his nurse
Noah usually has to change his bandages, he thinks he looks hideous but most people think otherwise (especially Jon)
Tirsiak used to be very cold and aggressive towards everyone as stated before, his best friend had died thanks to Ben in the past and he lost his tribe and family. He trusted no one
Once he learned how to speak english better he would learn to cuss out and shoo most people away. He only trusted Kanerek
Bab always tried to be his friend but was regularly pushed away even if all Tirsiak wanted deep down was a friend again, he was just afraid of losing everything again so if there was nothing to love there was hardly anything to lose.
It took a long time of lectures but one day he noticed Bab didn't seem to get the hint. Actually it never seemed like they did. Tirsiak gave in and let Bab just hang around, Tirsiak was surprised to find that he somewhat enjoyed Bab's presence.
He started to be less of an ass, he let Bab just hang out with him.
Maybe having friends again wouldn't be a huge risk?
He decided to be a bit nicer, he's still harsh and agressive but makes an effort to make friends and be nice
He found that he really liked Hooky and Ringu, at first he merely thought they were attractive but now he really does love them
Tirsiak learned english via the others teaching him and him repeating what others said. That's where he got his voice lines from, he stole them from Kanerek (and she ended up changing hers)
Lisa knows sign language
Bab's mom was trying to contact him in the afterlife via the cult and the cult tbought she was mother. One day her grasp and connection was slipping and she told thet cult that Bab was the new mother
Despite this, Bab never planned to be a mother, but then came the landsharks
Bab doesn't mind being their mother figure
Lisa sometimes gets carried away and will write their thoughts or make random doodles on notes made for chases
Lisa likes to listen to music while drawing, Bekka will let her borrow her MP3 and headphones when they're hanging out
Lisa has tourretes and autism and often hums and twitches
They'll flail their hands and tip toe as a happiness stim
Jasper has major sensory issues and the slightest High pitch, weird looking thing, anything that feels uncomfortable, or smells bad or extremely strong it'll will drive him off the walls
Lisa was taken away from the hospital while trying to hide from GLA and when she reunited with the hospital monsters, whenever they sense a GLA is coming they get hostile and if Lisa is over, Bekka won't let go of her until they're gone
The dolls sometimes disobey Spooky and GLA because of how bitter they are about what happened
Hooky tends to drown her sorrows in alcohol and it's become a regular thing for her
Because of how GLA treated him, whenever Charles feels any negative emotion coming on he'll go to sleep, it often results in nightmares but the emotions most of the time go away and he feels better when he wakes up
Frenzy has tried helping them but Husker knows all too well that there's no helping them
Clicky doesn't regret killing her dad, she always knew he was a bad man
She also just doesn't care
She never cared if her mom was unwell, she never cared if her friends were hurt. Sure she has some sympathy for the mansion residents but not much
Clicky likes waking people up with her constant clicking
She can detach herself from walls and walk freely, not very easily but she can still do it
Hooky, despite it being part of the reason she's in the doll, treasures hooks and many slim sharp objects
Although she also has an interest for anchors and morning stars
Frenzy often bakes small things like cookies and cupcakes for people and shares it's recipes with Jasper and Otto
Otto, despite seeming like he'd be a dumbass, does have common sense
He takes no shit from White Face, constantly triea to tell off Tirsiak for being a dumbass, gives Lisa the rudest reassurance and just ignores Spooper and Kal
He's friends with Jasper but even he admits that Jasper isn't very bright
Otto can swim and is warerproof
The pizza he gives you is poisoned, but it usually fails or takes a long ass while to kick in no matter how many times he's tried different poisons
Otto is aware of the whole FNAF thing and hates being seen as some FNAF rip off and being called the names of the animatronics from FNAF
Otto used to be a cook before he died and was stuffed inside of Otto The Otter
Spooper will sometimes change his costume to sort of socialize and copy others (dressing in all black because of Bekka, wolf outfit because of Tirsiak, face paint for Jaime..)
Hooky is drunk when he chases you
Husker is emotionally detached and has no desire to be attached to anyone, it just knows they exist and pays no mind to them
Jaime doesn't like scaring people and admits that she wishes she didn't look so ugly
WF used to be bullied to a breaking point
She gets overly attached and easily falls in love with whoever even tolerates her
She is aware people can die from her game but she just wants literally any fun even if it's for a short while
She loves to wear dresses and likes to appear femminine, and HER is unsurprisingly her favorite form to take
WF constantly picks on everyone due to her past, shyer and weaker people are often her main victims
She loves teasing Lisa all the time and is often super rude to them even though deep down, WF does care about Lisa a little
Bekka has a room saved for Lisa for whenever they come over to visit to the hospital
They love watching movies together and hanging out
They're also super comfortable with each other and will fall asleep together
The deformity wing in the hospital is a psychological torture chamber Eyth made
Some of the residents have tried exploring it but either got lost or got scared and ran out
Lector loves to make sure things are spotless and perfect, if it's body bag gets even the smallest stain it'll be pissed
Taker has a collection of stuffed toys but doesn't tell anyone
He thinks they're cute
Bab found out and hasn't said a word about it to anyone
Bab also thinks plushies are cute and will often help him in his collecting
Taker is surprisingly a good babysitter, the kids adore him
It loves to get into mischief with whoever it's supposed to be babysitting and pull pranks
Tirsiak has a stuffed toy of a wolf that Hooky made for it
It treasures it dearly and doesn't let anyone touch it
It even sleeps with the toy
There's a sewed on heart on it too
Sleeping with it reminds him of Hooky
Ringu and Hooky love cuddling Tirsiak because he's fuzzy and Tirsiak and Ringu Love cuddling Hooky because soft
Ringu is also cuddle material to them
Hooky is good at knitting and making plushies
If anyone tries flirting with the creatures it often times leaves them confused or angry or both
The most common one to take the flirt and possibly flirt back is White Face
Bab used to have a girlfriend but they broke up because her gf was an asshole to others
Fleshy is very good at reading people, they're even better than Noah
Kat can too but is too apathetic to care
Kat forces a smiley face and a good attitude when Fleshy is soon about to chase them to give the victim a false sense of hope
Fleshy often has to calm down or stop Kat from being overly angry
Fleshy can hear the other souls but is also capable of tuning them out
Kat is the spirit of a GLA who was used for testing and nya killed Fleshy out of rage
Kat is capable of giving souls and bodies to fleshy but doesn't want to because xe doesn't care
Kat fucking hates other cats, hell xey hate almost everything
Fleshy on the other hand loves everything but doesn't love some organisms enough to let them live
Fleshy loves to cause trouble and is a general nuisance
Bekka hates wearing pink
Ben loves making and trying on outfits and will willingly wear dresses and anything embarrassing
Goop can be mixed with other substances but it makes him uncomfortable
Goop boils and heats up when he's mad
Two and Three are capable of reproducing asexually, but choose not to because they know not a lot of people wanna deal with mini S3s
Lines is quick to anger and violence
Her body is electrical when she's angry
That's gotta hurt
Lisa has dyspraxia and autism
Bekka has ADHD
Whoa. (゜o゜;
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onrainynights · 4 years
So I'm about to tell y'all a tale, buckle up. Everything here is 100% true, except names are changed or shortened because duh. Also warning there is slightly nsfw content, nothing explicit and only mentioned but still warrants a warning.
So, I'm 17, almost 18. I'm a high school senior. The story starts almost two years ago, in the fall of 2018. I was a sophomore. One of my best friends, V, was in our school's show choir for the first time, and had made friends with a new guy one year our senior who was also in slow choir. I knew before I met him that he was gay, because V told me. This guy can be called E. One day, he sits at our lunch table and I'm not really paying attention to his conversation with V, I'm just eating my lunch. But then I look up and my first thought when I see him is "eyebrows" because he has really thick eyebrows and then "wow he's actually really cute." He was the first person I was attracted to in over 2 years. I proceed to ask V all about him while admiring him from afar for several months. At this point its nothing more than attraction because I've never really had a conversation with him. Then, in the spring, I volunteered at the show choir competition my school hosted. I ended up talking to him (yay), and he hugs me within minutes of meeting me. One of the first things I ever say to him is "I like your eyebrows." Things are slightly awkward, because I'm an awkward person, and so is he, but it's pleasant. Unfortunately I don't get to spend too much time with him because we both had things we needed to do and there was A LOT of drama that night not involving either of us.
After that point we would talk occasionally but never really got to know each other, UNTIL fall of my junior year and his senior year. By this point I had a crush, but it wasn't more than that and I didn't feel we knew each other well enough to warrant me telling him my feelings. We were both in the fall musical. At auditions, we were friendly. Except he asked me about J, a guy one year younger than me, who was also just as gay as both me and E. The way he asked me "Who is that?" I knew, immediately, that he was attracted to J. He sounded exactly like I did when I first asked V about E after seeing him for the first time.
Regardless, E and me talked a lot more during rehearsals, though we usually kept our conversations light in topic. We flowed well, and he was just as physically affectionate as I was. After a few weeks, I see him cuddling with J during rehearsal, and a friend informs me they started dating. I asked them both questions about how it started—a Snapchat story, go figure. At first I was jealous, but I saw how happy E seemed, and that was all that mattered. But I didn't really know J, like at all other than his name, so I started spending as much time as I could with the both of them. They were a cute couple, I have to admit, but they always did PDA because of J's homophobic family. They only ever saw each other at school.
The first time I talked to J without E there, we bonded. I don't remember over what. The next time, we were alone because I pulled him aside after he made a dirty joke that I honestly couldn't tell if he meant (he did. It was hilarious, and I told him up-front that I wanted to be friends with him. He enthusiastically agreed.) The time after that, it was because I decided he should know about my feelings for E. I didn't want him to potentially find out later on and think I was trying to steal his boyfriend. He was amazingly mature. He said he felt bad for taking E from me when I had liked him longer, but I assured him that E didn't belong to me by any means and besides, J made E happy and that was all I cared about. I think I was already in love with E by this point but I didn't know it yet. J and I joked about my feelings for E whenever we were alone. We got along really well and it was a great time.
One time I cuddled with them, and it was nice, and when E had to get up J and I kept cuddling and talked about how much we both just wanted E to be happy. It was really nice.
And then, closer to the opening night of the show when the set was being built and there were more places to be out of sight, something strange happened. Now, earlier when I said PDA I meant they made out in front of others frequently, and the first time they did anything sexual with each other was in a well-known security camera blind spot in the upstairs math hall after all the teachers had gone home. I know that because J and E (mostly J) liked to tell me about their sex life. In fact, I knew more about their relationship than most people probably did.
So we were backstage one day, when E wasn't needed on-stage much despite playing a main character. There were two prop chairs between the three of us. J sat on E's lap on the chair that had a higher back and I sat as close to them as I could in an office chair. They weren't kissing or anything, just talking.
It was innocent, at first. But then J started working E up, if you know what I mean. It wasn't really uncomfortable for me, because J somehow made me feel ~included~ in their activities. He would whisper something lewd to E, who would blush or say something back, and then would tell me about how affected E was, how hard he was. At some point I think E mentioned not wanting to come in his pants, but I'm not sure. I kinda forced myself not to look into this event after it happened, so the details are a bit fuzzy. Eventually, E made J stop because he had to go on stage soon and didn't want to have a boner while pretending to be straight. J and I talked afterwards, but I don't remember what about, and it was never mentioned between us again. I'm fairly sure that J was a bit of an exhibitionist, and that E wasn't really one but wasn't opposed to what J was doing, either.
Honestly, in hindsight, I'm not sure what to think about this, because I was always so certain they both viewed me 100% platonically, but then they included me in their "sexytimes" without hesitation. In fact, at one point a plan was in place for me to room with them on an overnight trip so that they could do the do without making their roommate uncomfortable. They were both fully aware that I was probably the only person who didn't mind their PDA, and that sentiment may seem incongruous for a love triangle such as this, but I never questioned it. I loved E selflessly, and so it made me happy to see him happy, no matter what—or who—was doing so. Also, I think perhaps I was crushing on J at some point, but I'm not sure. These screenshots are of me explaining the event to a very close friend a few days ago after the shock wore off that I hadn't told her about it as soon as it happened.
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At some point, a mutual good friend of mine and E's, who we'll call A, hosted a party for the cast of our musical. I'm not sure if this was before or after the casual exhibitionism incident, but I'm inclined to think it was before.
This party did not involve alcohol of any kind because theatre kids don't need any to make a party unique, wild, and totally unforgettable. It was small, with maybe 20 people at its peak. E and I were there and J was not, because his family thoroughly sucked ass. Anyway, at that party E told me he was in love with J, and wanted to marry him some day. I, obviously, thought that was kinda crazy to say after knowing each other for two months, but I held my tongue because E smiled so widely when he said it. Later that same night, everyone was sitting around a fire, playing a game somewhat similar to truth or dare. Due to a lack of seating, E ended up sitting on my lap for most of the game, which lasted over an hour, my hands around his waist. It was very nice, and when he got up he laughed and said he forgot he was sitting on my lap. He forgot little things like that a lot. I always found it endearing.
Then the show performed and then it was over, and I didn't get to talk to E again until a few months later, and I never talked to J again. Unlike most teens, I do not talk to people online /through text unless I already know them super super well. I hate getting to know people over text. By the time I see E again, because he's the student assistant in my choir class that semester, he and J have broken up. It was messy, and E is hurt. They're on-again-off-again for several months, but I can never forgive J for hurting E, not when he had talked about only wanting E to be happy. Despite that, I wish I could have spent more time with J. He was a good person, but he and E had a toxic relationship after the honeymoon stage, I think because J simply was not ready to be in a serious relationship. (A agrees with me fully on this.)
So E talks with me and a mutual "friend" (we're all friendly but I wouldn't consider this person a friend. Funnily enough, he also had a crush on E at some point, and we bonded over this. Funny how that happens.) about his relationship, and the things he says raise some red flags about J (including J doing something E didn't like during sex and then not stopping when E asked him to. I was very very angry at this but tried not to show it). It became clear to me that their relationship was toxic, but I didn't feel like I could do anything about it. In hindsight, I should have known their relationship was doomed a lot sooner.
Specifically, there was one point during the musical that J had to resolve things with his ex, who was a friend of mine (who I didn't know was queer and wasn't supposed to until E accidentally let it slip.) While J and his ex talked, I cuddled with E and reassured him that everything would be ok. He was convinced that J would cheat on him or get back with his ex. This lack of trust should have been a sign for me, but I didn't realize it until much, much later. I was focused on comforting E at the time and J couldn't have been farther from my mind.
Then, after E and J got back together again for the last time, covid happened, and school closed. I haven't spoken to E since, and no one knows what's going on with J. The only thing anyone knows is that they're not together anymore, and from what I can tell, they're not in contact at all and aren't going to get together again. E graduated, J is at a different school, and despite everything, I miss both of them.
Every day, I pass by a photo of E and A in the hallway of my school, and my heart swells, and I feel like crying. A graduated too, and she's moving thousands of miles away at the end of October for college. E is still living in our town, going to community college, but I never get to see him.
Our school is doing a fall play instead of a musical this year, and E and A are coming to visit and see a rehearsal before A moves away. It could be one of the last times, if not the last time, I get to see either of them. I'm going to tell E about my feelings, because for the first time since I realized my feelings for him were not skin-deep, he's single and not recovering from a nasty breakup. I'm not expecting him to return my feelings, but I'm expecting surprise. I've been very careful up to this point to keep my feelings from him—I thought it would be selfish to tell him when he wasn't emotionally available. A loves the idea—apparently she thinks someone confessing feelings for her after years would be sweet—but I know that if someone did that to me I might not be so happy. I would be shocked and surprised first, and then my reaction after that would depend on the person.
Also, to complicate all of this, I'm trans and he has expressed confusion about that before (poor guy is uneducated in that department, but not bigoted and certainly better than some gay men can be, but I still have no clue if my trans status would deter him from having feelings for me)
My feelings for this guy are deeper than anything I've ever felt before. I really love him, and I know that I'll regret it forever if I never tell him. His visit feels like it's as close to the right time as I'm gonna get, and it might be my last chance on top of that. I don't need him to return my feelings, but I need to know that I did everything I could to take my chances.
TL;DR: I'm a gay idiot but I'm finally gonna tell him how I feel
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