#italians beef really hard about food this is not a joke
pizzapasta23045 · 2 years
What their safe food would be except I read lore and shit.
Al Haitham: Omelette/Frittata, probably with some veggies. Usually just shoves whatever he has in the fridge in there.
Sucrose: Soup, she always has some prepped. Otherwhise an entire bag of candies.
Cyno: Chips. Also he would like this italian dish called arancin* (or arancino/a if you wanna look it up). You can, and usually will, make it with leftover rice so easy enough to make.
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Albedo: I can imagine him eating bags of those fried/roasted bugs like chips. Otherwise cake, like he buys a whole cake and eats that for lunch.
Faruzan: Likes their foods cooked in the oven, does not like culinary innovation, cares about appearence of dish a little bit, wants to be able to tell what's inside a dish without knowing what's in there. Is not sensitive to food so doesn't have one, in case she goes to this historic restaurants and eats one of her three usual orders.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Haha I just put together the random things I remember about you, but the eyebag will always be the main nickname 😅
Oh that's cute. That's like the room my niece has. She has a shelf for her plushies and since she has a lot, her mom also stacked the rocking chair with the rest of the plushies. I'm really to blame, cause whenever I see a cute plushy or a character she likes in plushy form, I buy it.
Wow a 9ft tree! That's really huge. I think the tallest I've ever had was 6ft. I remember when I was younger, I'm always the one decorating the tree and putting the decorations around the house. Maybe that's why now I don't do it much. And yes! Show us some pictures! I always enjoy seeing other people's Christmas trees and decorations.
I like sandwiches and baked foods. Oh I see, yes I do. But like in Italian foods. I haven't really had much Indian food because one time I tried it and it was so spicy, so I didn't wanna try any other.
Ok, I will try that chocolate 😌 but you'll have to try something that I recommend as well! I'm just not sure what though hahaha
This is one of my favorite jokes: when are you not american? When you are in the bathroom. (Because European). 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I would choose the personal chef. Because I want to have a meal ready anytime I asked for it hahaha I don't mind cleaning, but when it comes to cooking, I get so lazy.
Would you rather have rainy days or snowy mornings?
- CuriousGeorge
hahhaa yeah I know.. i like all the nicknames, they are so me. LOL.
she really likes plushies so she always buy them. When I buy her toys, I always pick the educating ones or books or anything for her to learn different languages.
ah i see yeah i got what u meant, because u been doing it for a while n now u r just done. hahaha. especially when u live by urself.. I love decorating my own place. I love soft lights n cozy feelings with dark colors.
what's ur favorite colors?
and here are some pictures.
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i looove sandwich! I prefer sandwich over burger. i think sandwich are better that burger. Especially if it's cold cut sandwich. what's ur fav sandwich or fav cold cut meat? do u have fav cheese?
I'm okay with Italian. Not a big fan of pasta. but I love bruscheta and my favorite italian food is mushroom rissotto. I want to try to make it someday, i checked it n it's pretty hard to make.
I love indian food or middle eastern food. I really want to learn how to make it. especially the rice dishes.
I guess that's it, i love rice dishes from any country.hahaha. especially if it's use bunch of herbs and spices. I saw some videos of different rice dishes from different countries n they all look so good. The best i can do is making Jambalaya. my friends and my best friend love the jambalaya i make.hahaha.
I remembered in indonesia, i went to this middle eastern restaurant, they have this rice dish, it's like briyani rice (maybe it is) but it's cooked with spices n it smells so good and they put cashew nuts and raisin in it n served with some beef or lamb curry with it and some bread like indian naan bread oh my god, that one bite was full of flavors that exploded in my mouth, I got foodgasm. lol. the crunchiness of the cashew nuts and the sweetness from the raisins paired perfect with the savory n a little bitterness from whatever the spices in it. it was bold flavor. i love food with bold flavor.haha.sorry i rambled. I love baked food too. so does it mean u like breads?
yes please do try the chocolate n i will try the ones u rec me.
hahaha that's a funny joke.:D tell me more jokes u have?
ah i see, i dont mind cooking, i love cooking..but cleaning after cooking actually hard. that's why i always clean the kitchen before I cook so it will not be so dirty after cooking and all the utensils or plates or bowls i use while cooking, i will rinse it right away before i stack it properly in the sink hahaha,, yeah i'm that weird.. you realize that you r making friends with a weird person who likes to write, right? hahahahaahah. u can still back out before it's too late. lol
i love snowy mornings if i dont have to live it everyday or if it's not too much. So for this question, i will pick rainy days. I just love rain so much, especially when it's cold n gloomy.
next questions? i hope u r still awake. sorry it takes time to answer this. :D
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Hi Steph!
Love you ♥️
Can you and your followers maybe help me out? I'm writing a story where John is Canadian, what are some Canadian dishes that he'd be easily scandalised over if done wrong? You know, in this joking way like when we butcher some Italian dishes for example and you get an Italian village throwing pitchforks (all jokes fam)
I think poutine is Canadian? What are some do's and don'ts?
Thank you :3
Hey Nonny!
AHHH what a fun question! Ahhhhh, funnily enough, a lot of our cuisine is very American, BUT the one I was going to suggest WAS the poutine hahahah. It’s legit one of my FAVE foods, and my city has a Poutine Fest every summer when we’re not in a pandemic, LOL, and it’s just the best thing ever.
It’s the one that is ALWAYS make or break for me personally! It differs by region and nowadays, because of the ease of “buy everything in a can” for food, but a poutine can be greatly affected by what type of the three main ingredients you use.
A proper “original” Canadian poutine (pron. POO-TEHN) is made with fresh potatoes skin-on, gravy made from beef broth (dark brown, THICK gravy... this REALLY REALLY matters), and cheese curds (NOT shredded or chopped up blocks of cheese). BUT because not everyone’s tummies can tolerate ALL THAT HARD TO DIGEST FAT AND DAIRY, obviously these days, any poutine is good, as long as it’s got good fries, hahah. Poutine Fest has trucks that sell “hamburger” poutine and “mac and cheese” poutines (I’ve had both, and they are delicious), so really, it’s all about what you like. But yeah, IF you can eat cheese, get it with curds.... it’s NOT the same without the curds. I know many Canadians judge a poutine by the curds you have in them. It’s because they melt and get SUPER stretchy, which is why it’s fun!! This website here, actually, has a pretty good rundown of how a good Canadian poutine should be made :)
These days I make my poutines with bagged frozen fries, St. Albert’s Cheese Curds (one of the local cheese farms that sells in-store), and St. Hubert canned Poutine gravy (very subpar, but it’s the best of the canned gravies for poutine), topped with bacon bits, green onions, and a dash of salt. TOTALLY not an every day snack, but it’s nice to treat myself once in awhile. Really though, there isn’t a RIGHT and WRONG way to make poutines, but I CAN say that Americans make very.... subpar poutines. Except New York Fries. Theirs is really good.
Ah, hmm, what else? Timbits (doughnut holes) are the perfect snack. Popular “group” snack, since you can order them in Party Packs. 
Maple syrup, very important! The best syrup comes from sugar farms, costs a lot, but SO worth it. There’s a BIG difference between pure maple syrup and whatever fructose crap sold in bottles on the store shelf. Canadians have “maple season” from February to April where you go to a sugar shack (cabane à sucre), pour hot maple syrup onto the snow to make maple taffy / candy and eat it. Best thing ever. Every Canadian kid who grew up in Northern Ontario of my generation has gone to at least ONE during a school trip.
And another one I am REALLY fond of and miss, are Persian Buns. It’s COMPLETELY a local thing in Thunder Bay where I grew up, and when I was a kid, you made sure you had money to buy a Persian on Persian Day at school lest you look like a LOSER. It’s literally a cinnamon sweet roll with strawberry sugar icing on it. They were the best, and I miss them so much.
AHHH sorry, I got super nostalgic there. That last one is completely not an all-Canadian thing, but it’s very VERY localized.
OH!! BEAVERTAILS. Americans call them Bear Claws / Paws, we call them BeaverTails, they taste better, and they’re shaped like a beaver tail, LOL. Staple of Canadian ice skating winters on the Rideau Canal. We actually have stands here where I live all year round, but yeah, people go NUTS for them. It’s literally a pastry with cinnamon sugar, sometimes with additional toppings (see the link above) and they’re HUGE, like the length of your forearm and about an inch thick.
OH!! A Tourtière (pron. TOUR-TEE-AIR, but faster and roll the ‘R’ because French people talk fast and all our R’s are rolled LOL), which is a meat pie made with beef and pork. Some Québecois will not be happy if you make them wrong, LOL. Traditional French dish my family has on Christmas Eve. 
OH. NANAIMO BARS. One wrong mess up in a recipe will ruin them. Trust me, I did this once, EEEEEE.
Montréal Style Bagels. The best bagels you will ever get, tastes like heaven, that’s why they’re shaped like halos.
OH! And Canadians are VERY VERY proud of our craft domestic LOCAL beers. Wherever John lives in your story, look up the local brewery, because that shit is important to some Canadians, and it will make the story more believable. Same goes for wines, especially if your John is from the Niagara region. They’re popular for their wineries and wine tours. And Canadian beer is better, and I don’t even like beer LOL.
Hee hee! I was just scrolling to see if there’s any other I have a comment on, and I actually found this great article about Canadian things you HAVE to try, so yeah, these are all staples of Canadiana! <3
Food Network Canada also has some here too! I have lots to say about all of them minus the seafood and the Caesar, but yeah, all of it is delicious, and just makes me proud to be a Canadian! <3 
AND finally, some a lot of the best-known Canadian cuisine comes from the French Canadians and from our First Nations People [see here for some make-at-home recipes] (bannock bread is AMAZING!!), so have a look see at that too – these are the cultures I grew up with and currently live around, so they’re the ones I’m most familiar with. I know that there’s regional food out west, in the Territories, and out east that I’m unfamiliar with, but do some research on Canadian food, it’s all very unique and amazing.
As I said, a lot of Canada has a lot of “local” things, so many of us make things in our own ways, and we’re pretty easy going about it all, because it’s food and we love food. But yeah, I think poutines are the biggest one. Most Canadians who love poutine will tell you every other poutine EXCEPT a French Canadian poutine is inferior, LOL. 
If any of my fellow Canadians have anything local to their region to share, or has some words about poutine because it is very divisive, please share LOL.
This was such a joy to write, and now I want Persians. :D
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2manyfandoms2count · 4 years
Friends who cook together...
I saw today's prompt for @auyeahaugust (College AU) and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to share the beginning of this fic I've been working on!
It's actually based on @e-milieeee's post, I couldn't resist the cooking trope 😬
Hope you enjoy!
Read on AO3 (gasp)
Lesson 1: Ratatouille
Adrien Agreste was the perfect man. Good-looking, hard-working, charming, he was the prime example of the son-in-law every parent wanted, and the people his age who didn't want to be him wanted to date him.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng wouldn't deny she might be classified in the latter category, although less so than when she was younger. She was good friends with the model now. Voluntarily so. You didn’t fight and defeat Paris’ number one villains for years, growing from a teenager into a young adult together, without getting close. Their respective crushes on each other had faded over time, but it didn’t mean they would’ve said no if all the circumstances aligned, although they wouldn’t have admitted it out loud.
The one thing Adrien Agreste wasn’t, though, was a good cook. Not that he didn’t have everything he could possibly need in his kitchen. The apartment he now lived in, although a huge step down from the Mansion that had once been his home (but what wouldn’t be), was still a lot bigger, and a lot more comfortable than what a normal student should have been able to afford.
It was a lot better equipped, too.
Marinette had told him the contractors were abusing his trust by installing things that were way more expensive than they ought to be, knowing he wouldn’t double check, but he’d waved her concerns away. With his father’s demise, he’d just wanted to move out as quickly as possible to avoid the crowds of paparazzi, and if signing a very large cheque could provide him with the knowledge the workers wouldn’t blab, then so be it. He couldn’t bring himself to sell the Mansion despite the knowledge it had been Hawkmoth’s lair the whole time -there were too many memories associated with his mother there- but he’d had some offers to rent it out for movie settings which would definitely cover the costs of keeping it, as well as his rent. He’d looked into his finances and put all the money he’d earned as a model in a bank account, and donated the rest to a fund to help Akuma victims. There was no way he was keeping his father’s dirty money when so many people had suffered at his hands.
Since then, Adrien had fallen into a nice little routine as he moved from Lycée to University. He made the most of his freedom by exploring every nook and cranny of Paris without anyone being able to say anything about it. No curfews, no limitations, but for his own tiredness and others’ private property, of course.
It left little time for him to learn basic cooking skills. He was often too tired to make anything when he came back from his nocturnal meanderings, so he went for the easy solution: food delivery. There were so many restaurants nearby he could’ve eaten something different every night for a month and still not have gone through all of the options. It was more diverse than anything he’d ever eaten, and it suited him just fine.
Little did he know that this habit would be disrupted by his best friend moving in next door.
Marinette had been looking for a new flat. Not that she didn’t enjoy living with her parents, but she found herself wanting a little more privacy now that she was at University. The reveal that she was Ladybug had brought a lot of attention to the Tom and Sabine bakery, which was good, but a lot of it was journalists prowling around in the hopes of getting an exclusive interview with her. She was tired of being pretty much mauled anytime she left the house, and although she could easily leave via the rooftops as Ladybug, she refused to let them dictate how and when she could get in and out. Which is why, when she’d seen the words “à louer” on a window of Adrien’s building as she visited him for their weekly game night, she didn’t think twice about calling the number. Adrien had been a step ahead of her, so the owners were expecting her call. A week later, she had officially moved into the flat across from his.
She hadn’t paid much attention to his habits at first. She was too busy settling in, and with all the planned evenings with Nino and Alya, plus the ones with the Miracuclass students who remained in Paris, she didn’t see how late he came back at night, and ordering in didn’t seem out of place. What better than a pizza for poker night? Or sushi for movie night? It was easy .
As winter settled in, though, and nights out dwindled to once every fortnight, she noticed the ballet of scooters and bikes that came almost at a fixed time every night. Generally when she was about to fall asleep, doing a grand job at waking her up. Groggily stalking up to the window one evening, she’d noticed Adrien meet the delivery person as he came back from wherever he’d been, paying his due and coming up. She’d dismissed it due to midterm season approaching, but exams had come and gone and things hadn’t changed. She kept an eye out, and after two additional weeks of seeing Adrien collect a brown paper bag, knowing fully well that he ate a sandwich every midday thanks to her father’s well-meaning gossip, she’d decided to take action. She couldn’t let her partner have such a questionable diet.
“What's it going to be tonight?” She asked, leaning arms crossed against her door frame one night as he appeared on the landing.
Adrien froze at the top of the stairs and looked at her like a deer caught in headlights.
“Er…“ He raked his mind for something, anything that would sound even remotely healthy, but nothing came. He sighed defeatedly. “None pizza with left beef.” He mumbled, his head lowered guiltily. He’d seen the meme the night before, and had wanted to try it out.
He repeated a little louder.
“Okay that’s it, you’re coming over to my place for dinner.”
He knew from her tone of voice there’d be no arguing with her, so he sheepishly followed her inside her flat, still clutching his pizza box. He wasn’t too unhappy about the outcome, if he was honest. Marinette was a good cook. He’d have a nice meal tonight.
“What about the pizza?” He asked weakly.
“We can use it as… bread, or something.” The girl suggested, crinkling her nose at the thought. For someone who came from a long line of bakers and was part Italian, calling the contents of the box pizza or even bread seemed inherently wrong.
Adrien trailed a little behind her as she walked towards her kitchen, marveling at what she’d done with the place.
Marinette’s apartment mirrored his in terms of structure, but whereas his decoration was very minimalistic, hers was a lot more eclectic, without looking cluttered. Her furniture wasn’t a set, yet fit together very well and gave the space a cozy feel. The painted walls, as well as the coloured posters, curtains, rugs and cushions made it feel very homey. He wanted nothing more than sit on her sofa and snuggle under the knitted blanket with her to watch a movie.
Platonically, of course.
Adrien walked into the kitchen and was greeted by the pastel yellow of the walls and warm lighting. Her utensils provided nice splashes of colour that brightened up the room. He particularly appreciated the Ladybug-themed colander that was drying next to the sink.
“If you look in that bottom draw,” she indicated with her foot before reaching for a jar of dried rice in a cupboard, “you should find some saucepans, if you could take two out please, Chaton.”
He obliged, resisting the temptation to lift her up to help her. He knew she wouldn't appreciate it.
“Can I put you in charge of cooking the rice?” She asked, handing him the packet. Adrien accepted it but looked at her quizzically.
“Sure!” He replied excitedly. “Do you have the instructions anywhere?”
Marinette stopped in the middle of washing vegetables she’d taken out of the fridge and squinted her eyes as she gauged whether or not he was joking. He seemed genuinely at loss for what to do.
“Have you never prepared rice before?”
“It’s like pasta.” His clueless face made her sigh defeatedly. “You’ve never made pasta either, haven’t you.”
“Does instant ramen count? Or pasta boxes?” He flinched slightly.
“How you’re still alive and actually fit is beyond me.” She rolled her eyes. “Right, I guess we really are starting with the basics then. Consider this lesson number one: pour some water in that saucepan.”
She moved away from the sink to allow him to access it, but stayed close enough to be able to turn the tap off for him. He clearly had no idea of how much water was needed.
“Right, now put the saucepan on the hob, and turn it on.” She saw a smirk spread on his face. “And don’t even think about making a joke, I know what it sounded like!”
“You’re no fun, Buguinette.” He pouted, pressing the button she indicated.
“Add a little salt, and then we’ll just let it come to a boil.”
Next, she handed him a chopping board and tomatoes. She hesitated before giving him a knife. “Can I trust you not to cut yourself?”
“Har har.” He grabbed the knife. “Joke’s on you, because salad is actually the only thing I know how to make. How do you want these?”
She resisted making a comment on how knowing how to make salad wasn't something he really could brag about. “Sliced. We’re making ratatouille.”
“Ooh, nice!”
He listened as she talked him through the recipe, impressed by the fact she didn’t need a cookbook to remember how to prepare it. She taught him how to prepare an aubergine, which he could recognise thanks to the emoji, but could not imagine how to bring to an edible form.
“We just want to sear them in some oil with the courgettes, then we’ll let them cook gently with the rest of the vegetables and the herbs.”
He’d been quite dainty on the amount of herbes de Provence he’d added, which had prompted her taking his hand and shaking the spice pot to cover the tomatoes with it.
He looked at her concentrated expression as she stirred the pan and couldn’t help but smile, his hand still hovering above the hob.
Marinette looked at him inquisitively. “What?”
“Nothing.” She raised her eyebrows. “I just forgot how cute you are when you’re bossy.”
Marinette stammered in response, her cheeks pinking. It didn't matter how at ease she felt with Adrien now, she still couldn't take a compliment from him. He grinned and took advantage of her distraction to steal the wooden spoon from her and taste the dish.
“Authorisation to add a little salt?” He asked, refilling the spoon with ratatouille for her.
She took it, trying not to focus on the fact his lips had been just where hers were. She let the flavours flood her palet thoughtfully.
"Authorisation granted."
She smiled fondly as Adrien excitedly added missing spices to the mix.
"See? I am a competent cook!" He added with a satisfied smile.
"Please, you're barely a sous-chef." Marinette snorted. She backtracked her slightly harsh words seeing her partner's pout. "Don't worry though, you'll get the hang of it! It's just a question of practising." She rubbed his back encouragingly. "Would making the plates pretty make you feel better?"
"I think so." He mock sniffled.
Marinette made a point of taking out her Chat Noir plates, which she'd been planning on keeping for special occasions. The way Adrien's face lit up upon seeing them made the fact they were her only dishes that couldn't be dishwashed seem irrelevant. Adrien made a mental note to try and find matching Ladybug ones, although he wasn't sure if he would be gifting them to her or keeping them for himself.
Marinette busied herself with tidying up the kitchen and laying the cutlery as he worked on the presentation. Had her phone been nearby, she would've taken a picture of him as he blepped in concentration.
"Does this look good enough for Madame la Chef ?" He asked as he presented the plates to her. He'd positioned the vegetables around the rice so as to make it look like a flower.
"It's perfect, Chaton." She kissed the top of his head as she passed behind him with a packet of smoked ham. She rolled the slices into little roses and planted them in the rice.
"A table?" She asked as she finally sat down opposite him.
Adrien dug in before she could say bon appétit .
When Adrien came home from his morning run a couple of days later, a fresh croissant in hand, he found a conscientiously wrapped package on his doormat. The black polka dots on the field of red were a dead giveaway as to who it was from. He grinned as he picked it up and opened the door.
Breakfast and washed hands later, he sat on his couch, facing the present. He was torn between tearing the wrapping, or being civilised about it. Before he could choose, Plagg flew nearby and obeyed his cat instincts, swiftly disappearing back into his Camembert cabinet with a grin to avoid his holder's reprimands.
"Je sais cuisiner." He read the title and laughed, holding the book in front of him. It was an old edition, a yellow hardback with a picture of the author on the cover.
A post-it note stuck out from the top of the book. He opened it to get to the bookmarked recipe.
For Adrien - saw this and thought of you! Since you're so keen on instructions, this might do the trick! Feel free to use it often ;-)
Love, Marinette
P.S.: I suggest we try this recipe next!
Adrien read through the page, and felt his stomach grumble. He was very pleased at the thought that something had reminded her of him and that she'd bought it for him. The "love" and the fact she was obviously looking forward to repeating their cooking experience were added bonuses.
He himself could hardly wait.
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antonirenaldi · 3 years
jantoni - two. (part one)
WHO ::  @antonirenaldi​ x @jayceelynd​ WHAT :: jaycee invites antoni to dinner. WHEN :: evening of march thirty-first. WHERE :: jaycee’s place. WHAT :: tw - ending of a fictional pregnancy ; no character mentions.
JAYCEE. She felt huge and so unattractive right now, not even trying with make up. She went to her kitchen and started everything so it could slowly simmer. Jaycee loved leftover pasta, always best the second day. Why did you have to almost say never again. Finding the remote to her surround sound she hit play and smiled as she heard the music fill her house up with life. Her hair was getting in her way so she grabbed a clip from her kitchen drawer and went about her way in her kitchen as she tried to calm any anxiety. Her dogs barking told her he was near as she walked towards her door. Probably being heard with her stern command to not move. “Stay..” she snapped her fingers at Kota, her tail was going side to side so fast. She forgot to take her apron off that was cheeky and said “we’re cooking” with a baby over her belly with a spatula. Slowly she turned the alarm code off and then unlocked the door. Opening it her soft smile went wider, as nodded her head to the side. Her dogs not moving an inch and she was a proud mama at that. “Olive, greet.” She snapped her fingers as she was still training her. Olive went where Jay had pointed then Kota followed. “Kota, is just a big ball of fur. If she doesn’t sense your dangerous she’ll be rude and just walk away..” Kota sniffed him and it looked as if she smiled and walked away. The dogs walked into the living room and just laid in a big bed they share by the fireplace. “Please make yourself at home..” she offered to take his items as she lead him to the kitchen, barefoot. 
ANTONI. If his GPS hadn't told him he was coming up on Jaycee's place, the barking dogs and her voice would have let him know he'd found his destination. He rapped his fingers on the door, hoping he didn't work the dogs into even more of a tizzy, although it definitely sounded as though she had things under control. As she swung open the door, Antoni returned her smile, taking in how casual she was playing the night, bare faced and barefooted. It made him feel better about wearing the same t-shirt and jeans as when they'd met at the store, which he'd been second-guessing on his way over, and the fact that he'd brought an opened, dented box of cereal as a hostess gift. "Hello ... ladies," he said, waiting patiently as Kota and Olive seemingly evaluated the interloper, surprisingly flattered when they granted him access. Following their owner into the house, he felt himself relax even more. He hesitated briefly in the entryway, unsure if her instructions were code to remove his shoes, ultimately deciding to toe them off. Knowing what he did of her, with the homemade ravioli right before her due date, she'd probably get on her hands and knees to scrub the floors if her tracked in anything from the New York sidewalk, and he didn't want that. "Wow, this place is fantastic ... smells fantastic ... sounds fantastic." If he was flirting, he might have added that it looked fantastic as well, but that's not what this was.
JAYCEE. Her girls were following him around, then sneak back to their bed. Kota would probably sit beside him at some point and beg for a hand shake. Her own way of begging for food. She noticed he took his shoes off and she smiled over at him. “Thank you, I love cooking and have made myself dishes I can just put in the oven or microwave after he’s born.” There was probably flour on her nose, as she turns the burners off for the pasta to let it rest. “So I separated them when I boil the Raviolis, there’s fresh ricotta and mushrooms, plain ricotta and then there’s beef. I just grab a few from each pan, enjoying the surprise of what I’m getting.” Waddling a bit to the fridge that was camouflaged with the same style as her cabinets. “Where are my manners.” She said with a thicker southern accent than she intended. Clearing her throat as her cheeks we’re definitely noticeably red by now. “I have different styles of beers, oh I have wine down in my basement.” She said as she pointed to the door that went to her dance studio for choreographing numbers for academy. Taking out some fresh garlic she went about dicing it, making them some sautéed onions and mushrooms. Something Jaycee loved more than her sauce at times. Grabbing a piece of bread she made, she dipped it in the sauce, holding her hand under the other as she brought it to him. “Be honest, I never stray from Nonna’s recipe. Faint memories of wooden spoons to the hand stops me.” She joked.
ANTONI. “That’s smart. And there’s always delivery.” He’d been surviving on such for longer than he’d like to admit, so he didn’t. “I’m sure people will bring you food, too. When Luca was born, everyone was constantly coming over to feed us, but I think they just wanted an excuse to see the baby.” His trip to the grocery store had been somewhat of a bust. Meeting someone who seemed as though she could be a true friend a definite highlight, but he’d been so caught up in her that he’d left without buying anything of real sustenance, again. Her list of the fillings almost made his stomach rumble, although he cleared his throat to camouflage any sounds. He was extremely glad she’d extended if not insisted on the invitation. “That sounds incredible.” “I’ll take any beer.” He wasn’t about to send the woman down to the basement for a bottle of wine she couldn’t share with him. An image of the two of them sipping a Cabernet over a nice dinner she’d prepared for him flitted through his mind, but he willed himself back to present, watching her bounce from task to task. “I was told you were just reheating pasta,” Antoni teased. “I wouldn’t have agreed to this if I’d known you were still going to be slaving away. Can I help, or would I ruin things?” “You too, huh? I was always smacked for trying to swipe things before they were finished. ‘Pazienza, Tony, pazienza ...’” His voice trailed off as he took the bit of food into his mouth, eyes meeting hers as the intimacy of the moment washed over him. “OhmyGod,” he groaned around his mouthful. “That’s incredible.” She was incredi- “Listen, you’ve done enough. Go sit down, let me get your plate.”
JAYCEE. Jaycee grabbed a few different beers and sat them on the island, centered in her kitchen so he could choose. Turning all burners off she cut the bread and smiled as he spoke. “Well a true Italian woman warms food up on the stove right. Why dry it out or the flavor gets ruined. Not when you cook Nonnas sauce.” She joked but did sit down, giving him a soft smile while she tried to get the apron off. Trying really hard not to think of the way he sounded when he groaned over her sauce, and needed to take a time out. It had been way too long for this girl and words are now being twisted in her thoughts to sexual. “We can eat here, or I have the living room and theater room.” She leaned side to side, telling herself she needed better chairs that were comfortable. Her stomach tightening a bit as she breathed through a small Braxton. Everything was where he needed it to make the plates as her feet rested on the bar stool across from her. Her dad had gotten the place while he’s be here working at the record company or recording a new album. Watching him take over only pulled at her strings to pull her further in, and she couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking about. As she smelt the sunflowers she’d gotten the other day still going strong on her island for decorations. “I think sunflowers are just happy flowers, they’re so pretty and bright. My dad..” she chuckled. “He planted so many rows before leaving for tour, cause he had to leave on my birthday that year.”
ANTONI. Seeing her struggling with the ties of her apron, he moved behind her chair, gently tugging the ties at her neck and back until they slipped from their bows and he was able to take the apron from her, folding it easily before tossing it on her counter. “Cute,” he commented, referring to the little joke on the fabric. The hitch in her breath made him do a double-take, but he decided not to pester her, assuming she’d let him know if she just happened to be in active labor - probably, at least. Maybe she’d just keep cooking right up until it was time to push. He prepped two plates the way she mentioned she liked it, with a mix of all three ravioli, covering them in some extra sauce and tucking a couple pieces of bread alongside the edge of the plate. “You tell me, wherever you’re most comfortable. Where would I find a bottle opener?” Antoni’s eyes found the flowers she was referencing them, assuming they were the same bundle she’d pick up earlier. It was wild, to go from noticing her to eating what was shaping up to be an incredible dinner in her home. If not for her pregnancy, it would almost feel like a date. “That’s quite the birthday gift, an entire field of sunflowers. It sounds like he loved you very much.”
JAYCEE. His fingers brushed against her skin when untied the piece around her neck, licking her lips at the jolts of electricity she felt through her body. “Thank you.” Spoke as she wiggled off of the barstool, giggling at herself. “Mylanta, that’s getting harder to do.” She snorted as she grabbed the basket to line it with paper and put the extra bread in and some olive oil and garlic. It was nice to have someone make her a plate and help her, she’s so used to just doing it all. Taking a few deep breaths as she rubbed her belly, hoping it’d calm the baby. Smiling at his words, she titled her head to have him follow her into the lightly lit theater room. “He was an amazing dad, and I hope I’m making him proud” she shrugged not really knowing if he would be. She knew he’d be heart broken over the mess their family is. There was a floor pit where her couches and recliners sat, a cute little bar that had lots of candy in big glass jars. “This room besides my room is one of my favorite lounging areas.” She spoke softly, setting the bread down then grabbing a big tray that laid on the couch to sit it up where it’d be in front of them. Sitting with her legs crossed and watched him, wondering what he was thinking. “I haven’t been home in so long, it feels nice to sit in here. Thank you for coming over..” she looked over at him with a soft smile. “So, what shall we watch? I have a variety of movies or we can just see what’s on?” She grabs the control pad for the room and turns the lights down a bit more, but left enough to be able to see one another. “I’m open to anything.”
ANTONI. He understood the desire to do right by her father. He was rapidly hurtling towards a month of separation from his wife, and he hadn’t told his parents. They’d checked in on him after the move, of course, and he’d - lied. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d lied to his parents. The reminder gutted him a bit, and a guilty sensation twisted in his stomach. What was he doing, fucking escorts and having dinner in another woman’s house? He should be in Boston, with his son, fighting for his marriage. This was not the right thing to do. He tried to shake the feeling, tried to find amusement in her candy collection and the comfiness of her couch. She was sweet. And she was about to be a mother. And maybe this was too much for either of them right now, whatever this even was. He was relieved when she mentioned a movie, hoping it would give his brain something else to analyze. “Give me your favorite movie,” he answered with a small smile.
JAYCEE. She had to get back up and excused herself to the rest room really quick, and washed her hands. Coming out she took her oversized sweater off, leaving her in her spaghetti strap shirt that was cropped a bit showing just a tiny bit of her belly. “I can’t believe how over heated I get.” She snorted as she sat down and grabbed the remote again. Removing the clip out of her hair, her long blond hair fell down her back. “Okay, but don’t judge meeeee.” She smirked as she typed in on the pad. “I loved this movie and would always say I was Baby and do the dances.” Pulling up dirty dancing and pushed play. “It was this or anything scary.” She giggled, shrugging while she grabbed her plate and took a bite. Moaning softly “Deliziosa, grazie a dio per la nonna” doing a little dance as she grabbed some bread, dipping it in the sauce. Her dogs came in and she snapped her fingers and they laid at the foot of the couch. “They think they need pasta.” She smirked, before humming along to the music and constantly having to move when music was on. “I love this soundtrack so much.”
ANTONI. “Well, you are cooking,” he reminded her, quoting the double-meaning of her discarded apron. His eyes remained very purposefully focused on his plate, rather than the neckline of her tank. “I think ... I’ve seen this whole movie in the sense of watching bits and pieces and filling in the rest with just pop culture knowledge of what happens, but I don’t know that I’ve ever sit down and watched it from start to finish.” When she took her initial bite, Antoni followed suit. It really was incredible, and not just because it had been so long since he’d eaten real food. He watched the way her dogs obeyed her, reaffirming how competent Jaycee really was. “To be fair, think everyone needs this pasta.” He could see why the movie would endear itself to everyone who loved it so much. It was charmingly sexy, and the love story was - quirky? Was that the right word? He and Jaycee laughed at all the same moments, and whenever he felt a slight tug at his heart strings, she provided an audible reaction that confirmed she felt it too. It was until the botched abortion that Antoni felt himself get restless, shooting a glance in the direction of his dinner date. Gabby had always hated watching any harm come to pregnant women or babies ever since she’d found out she was carrying Luca, and Antoni subtly took up the remote, just in case they needed to skip anything. 
JAYCEE. Catching his witty sense of humor, getting to see glimpse of that funny personality. Her jaw dramatically hung open at his confession, then smirked. “Then I guess it’s good I got your back.” She teased, before taking another bite. Putting the plate down after eating a few pieces to grab her bottle of water and drink almost half of it, sighing softly. “They get some pasta without sauce. I’ll add a little butter to it and they go to town. But I can’t all the time, spoiled babies.” Looking at her babies and shook her head giggling. “Ugh to have dance with Patrick.” She threw her hands up at the TV, smiled with a blush creeping on her cheeks. “I mean his mama did teach him.” She pointed out, yeah she’s watched this movie a few times you could say. “I always get so mad at Baby’s dad at this part. But you know, back then it wasn’t safe for women to do that. I think my dad and mom went to a school where a girl died from one of the under table abortions. She put her head down and realized she had dropped sauce between her boobs. “I guess I’m worse than a toddler.” of course she laughed at herself because honestly. It’s was so her to do something like that. “Mm..” she held her hands to her mouth to speak after popping a piece of bread in his mouth. “I have a lot of pasta and sauce so I hope you take some with. I’ll even throw in some your choice of wine from the basement.” Needing off her bum, she rolled to her hip facing him, but she was watching the tv as she ran her hand over her bump.
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supreme-sauteer · 4 years
Tagged by: @a-krelboyne
Name/Nickname: Hax
Gender: Male
Star Sign: Pisces ♓︎
Height: 6′... maybe?
Birthday: February 24th
Fave Bands/Musicians: hard to say anymore tbh 
Song stuck in my head: This
Last movie: uhhh all the way through, Lupin III The First, otherwise some detective conan movies my friend was scrolling through
Last show: I think it was Lupin Part I?
When I created this blog: waaaaaay back in 2012
Last thing I Googled: apparently something on google translate
Other Blogs: Don’t worry about it
Do I get asks: in 2021? nah lmao
Following: people and such
Instruments: i mean i tried to play guitar once but then the teacher was an asshole
Why I chose this URL: it’s an old joke me and a friend had together 
Nationality: Sadly Am*rican
Average hours of sleep: anywhere between 4 and 12 hours of sleep. depends on the day
Lucky number: 4 or 7 
What Im wearing: hoodie, Viewtiful Joe shirt, and pj pants
Dream trip: I don’t really know. California would be cool when it’s not on fire, Australia I guess, maybe Ireland? I don’t really have a dream trip I just wanna see the world
Favorite Foods: Beef Patties, Black and White Cookies, italian icies (or however tf you spell it)
Favorite Song: don’t even know anymore
Top 3 fictional universes: Magi, One Piece, Yu Yu Hakusho
I'm tagging @snorlaxlovesme @thedragonsung because i’m pretty sure they’re the only ones left on here lol
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rosesupposes · 5 years
Making Chinese Take Out to Propose to My Boyfriend (Newsiestober Day 25)
Albert is a YouTuber with a cooking channel. Finch comes home from work to find the kitchen an absolute mess. 
Please enjoy this poorly edited Jenna and Julien inspired Redfinch fic written for Newsiestober Day 25: favorite ship.
Read on AO3.
Finch opened the door to his and Albert's apartment slowly and quietly. Albert had texted him a little camera emoji to let Finch know he was filming, and, while Finch wouldn't interrupt him as long as he was sufficiently quiet, he had startled Albert on more than one occasion by coming into the apartment too fast. The layout of their apartment meant that the front door opened right into the large room that included both their living room and their kitchen, putting it in perfect view of Albert for most of the time he was filming.
Or in this case, giving Finch the perfect view of Albert sitting on the counter and scrolling through his phone next to a camera that was most definitely pointed towards the door.  "Al?" he asked, a little unsure, taking in the mess Albert had apparently left the kitchen in as he set down his keys and his work bag. "Why does it look like a tornado went through the kitchen?"
Albert looked up from his phone, grinning. "Finch!" He set his phone down and jumped down from the counter, crossing the living room over to Finch. "Hi, I need you to be in my video, please?" He kissed Finch on the cheek and gave him his best puppy dog eyes.
Finch laughed and let Albert drag him into the kitchen, to the other side of the island counter and Albert's normal filming set up. Albert pulled Finch in front of the camera where they adjusted themselves in the viewfinder until the frame looked about the same as it usually did when Finch joined Albert for his videos. There were various bowls and pans scattered around the countertops and the kitchen smelled vaguely like Asian food. "Don't tell me there's this many bowls and no edible food."
"Shut up, asshole," Albert answered, even as he still grinned up at Finch. "It's in the microwave staying warm because someone was late."
Finch couldn't help but to lean down and kiss his boyfriend. "It's real rude of you to be late to your own video, Al, not sure how you managed it."
Al rolled his eyes but turned toward the camera and and put his hand on Finch's chest. "So now that my Bert is here, we can finish this video."
"Hi! I have no idea why I'm here," Finch told the camera.
"If you don't know, this is my boyfriend, Finch. I call him my Bert because someone made a Albert and Ernie joke once but he's the one who wears vertically striped sweaters." It was more introduction than Finch usually got on Al's channel but he nodded through it and rolled his eyes at Albert's joke. "Okay, you're just tasting what I made so guess what it is.
Finch hummed as he glanced around the kitchen. Despite the open cabinets and otherwise tornado-like mess, Albert had left no actual ingredients or packaging out which meant that Finch had no good clues. "Italian?" he asked, mostly to mess with Albert. Albert's Italian videos almost always came with Race attached. 
Albert tapped the back of his head lightly but didn't actually look annoyed. "Try again."
"Well, something with a lot of soy sauce. Ooh! Did you finally try that egg roll recipe lola sent you?"
"I told you, that's for your birthday. Guess again."
Finch closed his eyes and hummed, a little extra dramatic for the camera and for Al. It really was mostly soy sauce he was smelling but it smelled more like take out than anything else. He turned to Albert and grinned, trying to convey that he was joking. "Did you order take out to prank me for a video?"
Albert rolled his eyes. "No but you're close. I did make Chinese takeout." Albert went to the microwave and pulled out several white takeout containers.
"Did you buy takeout containers for this video?"
"Amazon Prime, baby." Albert set the containers down in front of them and then pulled a wax bag with some spring rolls from the microwave as well. "There's cashew chicken and beef and broccoli," he explained, handing Finch a set of chopsticks. "And some rice, of course."
"Awww, like our first date." Finch grinned at his boyfriend and took the carton of cashew chicken he was offered. He turned back to the camera as Albert opened more cartons, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. 
"Wasn't our first date," Albert said.
"Guys," Finch said to the camera, "Chinese food was absolutely our first date and Albert has been wrong about it for the entire seven years of our relationship. He invited me to get Chinese food and go to a movie and he meant to ask as a date but he chickened out. So he wanted it to be a date and I thought it was a date but he still insists it wasn't. It was though."
"Because I didn't ask. And you didn't ask either. It wasn't a date." 
Finch rolled his eyes dramatically for the camera's sake and then took a bite of the cashew chicken. "Oh shit- this can't be legal."
"It's good?"
"Yeah, Ern, it's the best cashew chicken I've had since we moved to the city. You have beef and broccoli?"
After Finch had tried the beef and broccoli and the spring rolls- and gone back to the cashew chicken because it was his favorite- Albert turned away from the camera and pulled a tray from the oven. "I made one more thing actually. You can't have Chinese without fortune cookies."
Finch tried not to laugh when Albert set down the tray in front of him, he really did, but it was hard to resist. There was indeed a tray full of fortune cookies but maybe three of them were actually the right shape. 
"Go ahead," Albert said. "Laugh. I know they're terrible."
"No, they look great!" Finch assured him. "They look perfectly baked. They're just misshapen."
"Here, you have the good one. They may be the wrong shape but they do have fortunes." Albert handed him just about the only cookie that actually looked like a fortune cookie. "These were way too hard."
Finch took the cookie and snapped it in half. "You didn't learn anything from that episode of the Bake Off- Oh." The little paper in the cookie read Will you marry me? in Albert's neatest handwriting. When Finch turned to Al, he wasn't standing next to him but kneeling on the floor, a ring box open in his hand. "Oh my god."
Albert grinned at him, suddenly a little shy and a little teary. "I had a whole thing I was gonna say but I just forgot all of it. The important part is that I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I know we'll do that anyway but it'd be cool if the government knew too.  Will you marry me?"
They'd talked about marriage- they'd been together for seven years, of course they'd talked about it- but Finch hadn't thought it'd come so soon or that Al would be the one to get down on one knee and be so emotional about it.
"Yes, of course, Al. I could spend a million lifetimes with you and still be ready for a million more." Finch pulled Albert up from his knee and kissed him. When he pulled back he couldn't help but grin, leaning his forehead against Albert's. "We're getting married."
"You might have to put on the ring first."
Finch laughed and so did Albert. Finch offered his hand and Albert slid on the ring, a darker metal with a streak of gold. It was exactly what Finch had talked to Race and JoJo about wanting- something simple but unique and bright to remind him of Albert. "We're getting married," he repeated and kissed Albert again.
"Heck yeah, we are."
Making Chinese Takeout to Propose to my Boyfriend
October 25, 2019
Albert DaSilva
6.62M Subscribers
October 18, 8:12am
The video opens on Albert, with bedhead and bleary eyes, looking very much like he just woke up. "Hey, guys, welcome to today's video. It's gonna be a vlog one more than anything else. I'm proposing to Finch today, which I'm really excited and nervous about obviously." Al yawned and then looked back to the camera. "Sorry, Finch just left for work and I made him think I was sleeping in but I have a grocery delivery scheduled for half an hour from now and a lot of work to do so I'm going to get in the shower and shave. So yeah. Wish me luck today."
Albert slides into the frame, set up like his normal frame for his cooking videos. "Alright," he says, leaning forward on his elbows. "We back. So the plan is basically I'm going to get Finch on camera like he's doing a normal taste test for a video and then I'm going to propose. So I'm making Chinese take out and fortune cookies but I also wanted to do something special for after. You guys know I don't have the patience or the understanding of measuring ingredients to bake but I can work with chocolate so I'm gonna cover some strawberries in chocolate and do some other chocolates and caramels and stuff and I have like champagne and whatever Race said to get so that's the plan. Ooh and I have to charge all the camera batteries. I normally do a two, maybe three, camera set up for my cooking videos but I think I'm gonna use all five of our cameras tonight, so I have to make sure all the batteries are charged. So I'm gonna go do that and then probably time lapse my chocolate making except for the million times I'm going to burn myself with caramel. Okay. Bye."
The frame is empty for a second as Albert walks off but he's back only a few seconds later in time lapse. It only lasts a minute or so before he starts working on caramel and burns himself when the time lapse is interrupted by Albert swearing in real time. It happens four more times during the time lapse before the video changes abruptly to trays of decorated strawberries and other chocolate candies. "These are pretty messy," says Albert. "Finch would have done a way better job but they're done and they'll be good with champagne so they're going in the fridge."
After putting the strawberries and chocolate in the fridge, Al turned back to the camera. "So I'm going to eat lunch because I forget to do that sometimes and Finch just texted me to remind me. I think I'm going to have to start cooking and, unfortunately baking, around 4 so that everything is ready just a little bit before Finch gets home, so I'm gonna clean up the kitchen and get the cameras set up and everything and I'll probably see you guys again when I start that."
Albert's face appears close up to the camera. "So I got a little carried away. I'm feeling pretty nervous so I got everything set up super early and then cleaned the entire apartment. So I cleaned everything." The video swings around to show the kitchen and the living room, looking spotless before moving back to Albert's face. "I mean the kitchen's going to be a mess again because I'm a tornado but I couldn't stop myself. I also got the bedroom set up, which I'm not going to show you, ya nasties, but things at work have been kind of stressful for Finch lately so I have some stuff for like a really relaxing night tonight, like massage oils and bath bombs and shit that I set up. Ooh and I'll show you my camera set up."
The camera turns around to focus on the kitchen. One side is open to the living room with the other three walls covered in cabinets, with the oven and stove top on the back wall, the fridge on the right, and the sink on the left. There's a large island in the center of the kitchen. "So these two are what I normally use for filming while cooking," Albert says from behind the camera. He points to the larger of the two tripod setups. "This is just my normally stationary camera and this," he points to the smaller camera, "is what I use for close ups of cooking and the final dishes. So I'll use that normally while cooking but I'm going to point it towards the door when Finch comes home. And then these two," he points to the cameras on the counters on either side of kitchen, both propped up on small tripods, "are actually Finch's cameras for his photography so let's hope he doesn't notice I'm using them and get suspicious. And then I don't know what I'm going to do with the vlog camera yet because I'm using it right now but I'll figure something out."
The video turns around to Albert's face again. "So yeah. I'm nervous but almost ready. It's a little too early to start cooking so I think I'm going to write some fortunes and pre-measure the ingredients for the fortune cookies so maybe I won't mess up the baking as much with my tornado. Next time you see me will be cooking time so let's hope I don't puke in the next half hour."
Albert is standing behind the kitchen island wearing his chef coat with various materials spread out in front of him. "Alright, guys, if you're here for the cooking and not for the whole proposal thing, this part of the video is for you. On Finch and I's first date, we got Chinese takeout before a movie so I'm trying to recreate that here. Also, don't tell Finch I said that because I like to deny that it was our first date and it annoys him. This is essentially still our takeout order so I'm going to do cashew chicken for him, beef and broccoli for me, and then some spring rolls and fortune cookies. So it's cooking time which unfortunately means baking time."
The video cuts to a side shot of Albert whipping his head around to face it. "As always, you can find all of the recipes and quantities on my blog. Links are in the description." 
A shot of Albert whipping his head forward. "Alright, let's do this. Just so you know this is probably going to be a pretty quiet video because I'm getting really nervous. So, yeah. Let's bake, which is a thing I'm terrible at. Great."
Albert goes through the process of making fortune cookies, being uncharacteristically meticulous about following the instructions and measurements. His instructions, as usual, are basic and concise with plenty of jokes thrown in. He stops right before he puts the cookie tray in the oven. 
"So I'm doing these 4 at a time because they bake quick and need to be folded pretty quickly. Finch and I were watching Bake Off the other day, which is what inspired me proposing this way, and I know this step has to be done really quickly so I have my fortunes written out and my glass and cupcake pan ready for shaping so let's do this. These are going to go in for five minutes so I'll see you then."
The video cuts to a close up of the cookie sheet going into the oven and then to it coming out, with the edges of the cookies a nice golden brown. The video then cuts back to the normal frame, with Albert looking into the camera disappointed, with 15 or so broken or misshapen cookies in front of him. "So. This has not gone well so far. I've done 4 batches and still haven't gotten one that's the right shape but I am getting closer." He holds up the best looking of the cookies, still not quite a fortune cookie shape. "I've got to move on soon though because I don't want to be cooking when Finch gets home. So I'm gonna put in one more batch of just two and hope those turn out well. All the fortunes say 'Will you marry me?' so it doesn't really matter which one Finch opens."
The camera cuts to a close up of Albert's hands folding a cookie the proper way and then to the regular frame with him explaining the process as he does it. He places the cookie in a muffin tin and turns back to the camera. "Now that we're done with that tragedy, let's move onto the cooking that I will actually enjoy."
"So, we're going to do our beef and broccoli and cashew chicken first but I'm going to prep all the veggies for both before we do anything." Albert lists the ingredients in voice over as the video shows closeups of him preparing each ingredient. He goes through cooking the two dishes, with his instructions interrupted by close ups of the cooking food. He goes through preparing and frying the spring rolls in the same manner- a little quieter than normal but still with a bit of joking and his signature chaotic energy.
After several minutes of the condensed cooking process, the video cuts to Albert with the food laid out in front of him. "Now that this is all done, we have the most important part here on this channel-" He holds up a stack of takeout containers and a package of wax bags. "Presentation! I decided to go extra this time and I ordered these from Amazon, so I'll link them below. Let's hope Finch has been on Prime in the past two days. Oh, and I forgot to tell, I also made some rice in the rice cooker to go along with this."
The video cuts to close up shots of the finished food in the take out containers, including the handful of fortune cookies that sort of look like they're supposed to, before it cuts back to Albert. "Alright, so that's all the filming I'm gonna do before Finch gets back and we do the damn thing. All the food is in the warmer and I'm just gonna wait for him to get home. I texted him to say I was filming but he's kind of running late so we'll see when he gets home. I'm sorry this isn’t a great cooking video. Sue me, I’m nervous. Wish me luck!"
The video cuts to Finch opening the door. “Al?” He loosens his tie and sets down his bag as he takes off his shoes. He looks incredibly confused. “Why does it look like a tornado went through the kitchen?
The video cuts again to Albert’s normal frame, this time with Finch on the right of the frame. A grinning Albert puts his hand on Finch’s chest. “So now that my Bert is here, we can finish this video.”
Finch still looks very confused but he’s also smiling. "Hi! I have no idea why I'm here.”
"If you don't know, this is my boyfriend, Finch. I call him my Bert because someone made a Albert and Ernie joke once but he's the one who wears vertically striped sweaters.” Finch rolls his eyes. Albert is practically bouncing as he turns to Finch. "Okay, you're just tasting what I made so guess what it is.
The video cuts to a side view with Albert flashing a thumbs up to one of the side cameras behind Finch’s back before the video cuts back to Finch, closing his eyes and humming like he’s taking in his surroundings before making his guess. He grins as he turns to Albert. "Did you order take out to prank me for a video?"
"No but you're close. I did make Chinese takeout." The video cuts to Albert setting the containers down in front of them and handing Finch a set of chopsticks. "There's cashew chicken and beef and broccoli and some rice, of course.”
“Awww, like our first date,” Finch says as he picks up the cashew chicken. He wiggles his eyebrows at the camera.
"Wasn't our first date.” Albert winks at the camera, which Finch seems not to notice.
"Chinese food was absolutely our first date and Albert has been wrong about it for the entire seven years of our relationship. He invited me to get Chinese food and go to a movie and he meant to ask as a date but he chickened out. So he wanted it to be a date and I thought it was a date but he still insists it wasn't. It was though."
"Because I didn't ask. And you didn't ask either. It wasn't a date." 
Finch rolls his eyes dramatically and he and Albert both take a bite of their respective food. "Oh shit- this can't be legal."
"It's good?"
Finch turns to Albert, genuinely excited. Albert hasn’t stopped grinning since being in the frame with Frinch. "Yeah, Ern, it's the best cashew chicken I've had since we moved to the city. You have beef and broccoli?"
Finch and Albert both try the rest of the food, with Finch telling Albert it’s all delicious and Albert being hard on his own cooking, not an unfamiliar phenomenon in his cooking videos. It goes on until the video cuts to Albert setting the tray of fortune cookies in front of Finch, who tries not to laugh as he looks them over. “Go ahead, laugh. I know they’re terrible.”
"No, they look great! They look perfectly baked. They're just misshapen,” Finch says as he looks over the cookies, picking one up. 
Albert hands him the best one "Here, you have the good one. They may be the wrong shape but they do have fortunes. These were way too hard."
The video cuts to the side as Finch talks, showing Albert pulling a ring box from behind a cup of utensils and getting down on one knee, before cutting back to Finch. "You didn't learn anything from that episode of the Bake Off- Oh." Finch reads the fortune. He turns to Albert and the video cuts to the side, showing a surprised Finch with Albert kneeling in front of him. “Oh my god.”
"I had a whole thing I was gonna say but I just forgot all of it. The important part is that I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I know we'll do that anyway but it'd be cool if the government knew too. Will you marry me?"
"Yes, of course, Al. I could spend a million lifetimes with you and still be ready for a million more." Finch pulls Albert up and kisses him. “We’re getting married.”
Finch pulled Albert up from his knee and kissed him. When he pulled back he couldn't help but grin, leaning his forehead against Albert's. "We're getting married.”
The video cuts away from Finch and Albert in the kitchen to an old video of the two of them in front of the camera on a couch. They look younger and Finch is wearing an NYU sweatshirt that looks brand new.
“Hi, guys! Welcome to today’s video. It’s not a cooking video but you’ve been asking for me to do the boyfriend tag with my boyfriend so here we are.” Albert puts his hand on Finch’s chest. “This is my boyfriend. His name is Finch.”
Finch smiles and waves at the camera. “Hi.”
The video continues, a chronological montage of clips of the two of them from Albert’s previous videos. There’s clips from vlogs and tags and challenges but mostly a lot of them laughing and goofing off during taste tests at the end of Albert’s cooking videos. There’s a clip of them dancing wildly after beating Race and Elmer in a round of the newlywed game, a clip of Albert smearing frosting across Finch’s cheek, a clip of them celebrating Finch’s graduation and then Albert’s 1 million subscriber play button. There’s clips of Finch playing guitar and serenading Albert, Albert surprising Finch with breakfast in bed, Finch on his camera while they explore the city. There’s a whole series of clips pulled from the vlog of their 5th anniversary trip to Ireland. There’s taste tests and parties with their friends and lazy days at home, all leading up to the start of the taste test from Albert’s last video, when Finch had snuck up on him and hugged him from behind, resulting in a lot of laughter and Albert leaning back to kiss Finch on the cheek.
The video cuts back to Albert and Finch in the kitchen, standing with Finch’s hand on Albert’s chest so that he’s showing off his ring. “Alright, everyone, thanks for joining me on this very long and stressful day but you know I had to do it to ’em.” Albert puts his hands together and crosses his fingers. Finch rolls his eyes and slaps at his hands. “Finch and I are getting married, which I’m pretty psyched about.”
“Same,” Finch says, leaning over to kiss Albert’s cheek.
Albert grins at the camera, a little lopsided and blinding. “You all know the deal. Recipes are in the description, like, subscribe, find me on the socials, tag me if you make these recipes yourself. This is definitely the sappiest video on my channel but I don’t even care. We’re going to clean up a little and then celebrate. I’ll see you guys next time.”
“Bye!” they say together and the video cuts to an end card, displaying Albert’s first rendition of the boyfriend tag and his latest video, along with all his social media handles.
After the end card, the video blinks back to the kitchen, where Albert and Finch are cleaning up food to be stored in the fridge. “Sniper bet me I couldn’t. Of course I did box jumps during lunch.”
“Did you know I can box jump onto this counter?”
Finch stops cleaning. “Why do you know that?”
“I did it in my last video.”
“Albert, tell me you’re lying.”
“No, watch.”
“Do not-”
The video ends immediately after Albert box jumps onto the island counter.
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marshmallowatheart · 6 years
To All The Boys I've Loved Before (Part 19)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
"Are you picking up strays, little brother?" Trina says, arching a brow as she leans forward on the kitchen counter.
"I'll leave the stray picking to you, Trine," he rolls his eyes. Leaving his backpack on the couch, he walks with the little blonde girl to the kitchen. "This is Heather. Veronica's little sister. Heather, this is Trina, make of her what you will."
Heather gives Logan a quizzical look and her just gives an exasperated sigh.
"Ah, mini Mars," she eyes the little girl.
"The name's Heather, since you didn't catch it the first time," she remarks, sharp with a tight smile, much like her sister (Veronica, Meg is almost never less than polite).
"Ooh kitten's got claws," the redhead whistles. "Want a pop tart?" She offers, grinning.
"Ah, a tart from a tart," he dryly remarks. "Careful kiddo, accepting treats from the old lady cost Snow White her consciousness," he cautions, Heathers not entirely sure if he's kidding or not.
"Whatever, loser," Trina rolls her eyes. "I'm going shopping. And Mrs Navarro has the day off. So have fun fending for yourself," she snarkily says before grabbing her keys and heading out.
"Lasagne!" Heather enthusiastically replies, after Logan asks her what she'd like to eat.
He chuckles, her enthusiasm for food reminding him of her Italian food loving sister.
"Alright, Luigi's okay? Which lasagne do you want?"
"Can't we make it?" She asks, sullen at the suggestion of take out.
"Why would you wanna make it when we could just eat it? In no less than presumably thirty minutes," he counters, arched brow and phone in hand ready to make the call.
Heather pouts. "Food tastes better when it's home-made."
"Believe me kid, Luigi's will taste better than anything I could make," he assures her, chuckling and she dejectedly accepts. He sighs and says, "I don't even know how to make lasagne and you heard Trina, we're fending for ourselves."
"I know how to make it!" Heather beams, her whole body is up like a teacher's pet that raises their hand all the time to answer a question they've always known the answer to. "Well I know the layers. And most of the recipe," she amends, still bright and glowing with positivity.
Logan lets out a chuckle, he doesn't believe what he's hearing. "I'm not going to let you, an eleven year old, cook where there's sharp objects and hot stoves."
"I'm in the kitchen all the time with Veronica and Meg," she points out. "Besides you can do all the slicing and dicing," she bargains, her voice pleading for him to agree.
He sighs, he's not at all confident that this is going to end well considering he's never actually made anything that required any effort. "Okay, fine, but if it turns out horribly, don't blame me."
She looks at him bright eyes and wide smile, bouncing up and down. "Yay! Can I call Meg so she can help with the recipe?"
"I thought you knew the recipe?" He arches a brow.
"I do!" She emphasizes. "I just need reminders of certain things."
He rolls his eyes, nevertheless he passes her the phone. She quickly grabs a pen and page from her bag before she calls her sister.
"Hey Meg!" Heather chirps.
"Heather?" Meg questions, soft and confused. "Whose phone are you calling from?"
"Logan's," Heather dismisses. "Can you tell me how to make lasagne?" She says, pen and page in hand, ready to note down whatever her sister says.
"Where's Veronica?" Meg asks instead of answering the question which causes Heather to frown.
"At soccer practice," she says before continuing, "I remember all the layers but how do you make the mash so creamy? And how do we make the white sauce? Like I know it's milk and flour and butter and cheese and salt but how much exactly? And -"
"Whoa, Heather," Meg stops her. "Why do you wanna know how to make Lasagne? And why are you using Logan's phone?"
"Because I wanna eat Lasagne? And I'm at Logan's," she enunciates, feeling annoyed at her sister for not answering her questions.
"If Veronica's at soccer practice, why are you at Logan's?" Meg asks.
"Because," Heather blows out, feeling exasperated. "Dad's out on official sheriff business and I didn't want to stay at the station with Deputy McDouchey Lambutt."
"Heather," Meg chides. "Don't call people names."
"But Lamb really is so lame and he's mean to people so he deserves it."
"Heather," Meg sighs. "Does dad know you're with Logan?"
"Yes, God, Meg, you're making me wish I just used Google instead of calling you. You're lucky I like your mashed potatoes best otherwise I'd have hung up on you by now."
"Thank God for mashed potatoes," Meg snides and relaxes knowing that Heather hadn't wondered off on her own. "And I'm not sorry for caring about your well being."
"Logan's cool," Heather defends.
"Yeah, I know," she says, recalling just how cool he was in high school. "But cool doesn't equal responsible, Heather."
"Dad said it was okay," Heather frowns.
"I know that now," Meg lets out, trying to make her sister understand that she isn't against Logan (after all the fawning Heather has done, Meg knows just how much Heather has come to adore him) but rather she's worried because Logan's fun can often be the opposite of responsible. "You could have told me that in the beginning."
"Fiiiinneee," Heather drags off. "Can we get to the part where you give me the recipe?"
"First, can you give the phone to Logan, please?"
Heather sighs, knowing there's no point in arguing with her big sister. "She wants to talk to you."
He looks surprised at that, he knows Meg, she was popular, a cheerleader, overall essence of purity and he wouldn't admit it but he's kinda nervous talking to her under the title of Veronica's boyfriend because he knows that Meg is more than her big sister. He knows just how much Meg means to Veronica or else he wouldn't have had the title of fake boyfriend to begin with.
He nods, taking the phone and a deep breath before answering, "Hey Meg."
"Hey, Logan," she says polite as ever. "So forgive me if I'm wrong but since when do you hang out with eleven year olds and practise the art of lasagne making?"
"Since today?" He's not sure if she's teasing or not but he swallows and tries to explain, "Uhm well Mrs Navarro is off and Heather insisted on having home made lasagne. I mean I could always order from Luigi's but she wasn't as enthusiastic as your other sister would usually be."
"Veronica does love their lasagne," Meg chuckles trying to ease Logan's nerves. She's never heard the school's most popular boy sound nervous before. It's refreshing and assuring. "And Heather always did prefer home made food. But maybe that would be a better idea than attempting this? I mean lasagne's quite a meal and I have a feeling cooking isn't in your skill list."
He lets out a breath. He feels like he's dealing with a parent instead of a sister and he understands why Meg's concerned but he doesn't want to disappoint Heather. She looked so excited about making Lasagne with him so he tries his best to assure Meg, "I understand your concern but Heather wants home made lasagne and I'd actually like to try it out. I promise I'll use all the sharp cutlery and keep Heather from getting burnt."
Meg sighs, accepting Logan's will. "Okay, Logan. I'm sorry if I sounded a bit rude but I guess I'm more concerned since I'm so far now."
"It's okay. Totally, understandable."
"And thanks Logan. For taking care of Heather and also Veronica. She's always been closed off from boys but from what I hear and see, you seem to care for her. Just don't hurt her okay? I know you always seem to have this thing with Lilly where you guys are on and off and I don't want Veronica to be in the middle of that and be left heartbroken."
"I know, Meg, you don't have to worry about that. All I care about is Veronica," he softly says, sincere and honest. "And now making sure we have an edible dinner tonight," he lightly jokes - except it's not really a joke and hopes this doesn't blow up in his face (literally).
"I'm glad to here that," Meg smiles through the phone, happy to get assurance from the boy in question about his feelings. It's hard for her to not be there to help her sister through her first boyfriend, first date and however many firsts she decides to take with Logan. But it's easier knowing that Logan's feelings are genuine. "You can give the phone to Heather now, I'll give her the recipe," she assures him. "Bye, Logan," she lets him go, with a soft departure.
He thinks that conversation had gone well. He knows it. He's always liked Meg. "Bye, Meg."
Logan has to admit, cooking isn't the worst thing in the world. It's actually rather fun (minus the times he's stressing that Heather is getting too close to the stove). He finds that it's easy to follow Meg's explicit instructions (she gave them very intricate details that he's sure she added for his benefit and he's grateful - she should write a how to cook guide for dummies, he's sure it'd sell out).
And well it helps him that he knows how to make Veronica's favourite food because he's pretty sure that her stomach is definitely a way to her heart. And he's kinda giddy about her reaction to eating something that he's made. Especially something that she's so fond off - he really hopes he doesn't ruin it.
"Logan, honey, are you cooking?" Lynn asks, bewildered at the scene before her. "And who is this adorable young lady?"
"Mom, this is Heather," he introduces, mixing meat sauce with ground beef on the stove while Heather grates the cheese on the counter. "Veronica's little sister. We're making Lasagne."
"Hello, Heather, how did you get my son to cook something? I can't even get him to clean his room?" Lynn teases, she's down right stunned at the fact that she's seeing her son at the stove, working very dedicatedly and it makes her heart fill with pride.
Heather beams and quips, "It's the perks of him being smitten with my sister, Mrs Echolls."
Logan's eyes widen at her response and he chokes out a cough trying to hide his embarrassment while Lynn laughs wholeheartedly, happy that her son is happy. "That he is, I see. And you can call me Lynn, darling."
"It's grate to meat you," she smiles, chuckling to herself for her clever puns - Lynn doesn't seem to notice but Logan does and he chuckles along, letting her know that he got her joke.
"You too, dear. Can I help? I am pretty smitten with Veronica myself."
Heather giggles, completely taken with the woman before her. And Logan can't believe that his mother offered to help cook. He's still having a hard time believing that he's cooking somewhat successfully considering nothing has gotten burnt (yet anyway).
"Sure, mom," he says, trying to surpass his shock. "You can get started on the white sauce. There's instructions here," he says, pointing to the page stuck on the fridge door (it was the easiest place for them to see and not get it all messy like the rest of the kitchen).
They've got twenty five minutes before they get to eat the product of their struggles so Logan proposes, "Wanna play Mario Kart while we wait for the lasagne to bake?"
Heather grins, readily agreeing to being distracted from her hunger and the wait to satisfy said hunger.
"Honey, do you know where Mrs Navarro leaves these spices?" Lynn asks, curiously holding onto the bottles of basil, oregano, salt and pepper.
"Hmmm," he tries to think while playing the game. "Top shelf above the stove, mom."
He hears her say, "Ah, thanks, sweety," from a distance just as Heather says, "Ooh! That was awesome. Did you see that?"
"Hmm," Logan chuckles lightly. "Yeah, if you're Daisy or Peach, you can use a heart to protect you," he advises.
"If I had this game, I would play it every second," she says dreamily, already getting addicted to the game.
"You can have this one," he offers.
Her eyes bulge out and she gasps, "Really??"
"Yeah," he smiles, nodding. "I have another one set up in the pool house and this way we can have online tournaments."
"Oh my God, thank you, Logan," she says, jumping up from her seat and hugging him, happiness radiating from her. Logan's taken by surprise by the hug, it knocks him off to the side and he laughs. "Oh! We should have a right now tournament now."
"Yeah, I'm beating you as Peach. You need practice," he teases.
"Your life is so cool," Heather sighs dreamily.
Logan smiles softly and says, "I think it's better now that I'm with Veronica. You and your family, now that's what's cool."
Heather giggles, accepting the compliment with great pride. "We are pretty cool."
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maikimhuyeen · 3 years
Mama Mia! Le Tagliatelle
Growing up, I never got to know much about my mom's Italian side. Given, she grew up without a father and born in Vietnam. Although she has beautiful features of Asian-like European with her brown eyes, colored hazel green eyes, and light skin. We were more of a Hispanic-Asian mix culture in the household. The people we mostly surrounded ourselves and grew up with were Hispanic most of my life. Because of the neighborhoods I lived in growing up. So naturally, that's how I got to learn Spanish and their beautiful culture along with amazing food.
Ironically, my first language wasn't English. I still struggle with it nowadays. It was Vietnamese, Spanish, English. My sister is the opposite. It is English and Vietnamese. So we definitely are different when it comes to speaking, mix of cultures, and personalities. I became more aware of how I spoke as I got older. Realizing the many more mistakes of vocabulary and pronunciation. It's been one of my insecurities. I tried to fit in with everyone and how they spoke because I feared of being made fun of. Although being born in the US, it's a joke to myself that I feel like I was born in a different country.
Now I've learned it's just a part of myself I need to embrace instead of embarrassed. I finally spoke my authentic self at the age 19. Learning not to care about how I sound like or what others had to say. I've learned to laugh at my own mistakes, because I've also learned I'm pretty funny (inside joke with best friend, but still serious). I am still hard on myself, but with time, I have just been silly.
Throughout this last year, I've been more interested in my Italian side. I didn't really eat a lot of Italian food when younger. Besides pasta occasionally here and there. But we did eat tons of different types of breads that I now understand. Otherwise, it was just Mexican and Asian. Hence, the fusion that inspired in a lot of my cooking.
This year, I want to take a semi-break from that fusion and focus on experimenting and learning more about Italian culture and their foods. Including learning Italian. Good thing Ciao is hello and goodbye both in Italian and Vietnamese (Chào). Tortillas and rice is absolutely hard to just give up on. But I'll be focusing more on sauces and pasta. The origins of it and playing with the many exquisite flavors. Pasta is just so delizioso! Muah! I am excited for this learning experience. I do see my Italian side showing up in many ways that I never saw before. Definitely explains part of who I am.
Speaking with my hands, loud at family functions, the need to have bread with everything, canned anything is not considered "homemade". Food needs to be made and created with my own two hands, vino lover, shopping at local markets vs supermarkets, espresso is the true art of what coffee is. With the exception of a dollop of foam topped off if I want to be fancy.
Part of this weekend, I am making one of my personal Italian pasta favorites that I've actually been making wrong!
Tagliatelle al Ragù. Or Tagliatelle alla Bolognese. "Tagaliatelle" is a traditional type of egg pasta with fettucine shape. "Ragù" are sauces made for spaghetti pasta. Which is what I cooked. "Bolognese" are sauces made for more wider shaped pastas. The thinking behind this is, different sauces are better paired with different sized pastas.
I think that is incredibly beautiful.
What I've learned about this dish is it's known as "Ground Beef Pasta" to Americans. Which is quite offensive now! But it actually does not exist in Italy! A lot of of traditional dishes outside of America has been somewhat "Americanized" to become its own. Causing confusion with food and culture, such as to myself, when what I've always loved and thought I knew isn't really authentic and correct. But that's a separate rant.
Lightbulb moment: You know the pasta sauce brand, Ragù? Well it all makes sense now.. knowing what "ragù" means. Oy.
Making it correctly this time..
I started the ragù with a simple il soffrito, which is the process of diced vegetables (carrots, celery, white onion) being "fried slowly". Similar to sautéing which is what I've normally done. This process took longer, but it actually made a huge difference! I used vine tomatoes instead of roma along with a dry red vino. I let everything simmer and work its own magic, viola!
Buon appetito! Parla come mangi.
I didn't have fettuccini, so I subbed with what I had on hand: spaghetti. Technically, Spaghetti al Ragù.
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rnainframe · 6 years
Your Fallout and Overwatch OCs? Null, Nos, Zed, 16, Mihail, Cain, Ainsley, Morgan?
this is gonna get really fuckin long so answers under the cut
skipping some i don’t feel like doing cause i’m low on time
1: What’s your OCs favorite color?
Null: Red
Nos: Green
Zed: Orange
16: Gray
Mihail: Gold
Cain: Green, orange
Ainsley: Blue, pink
Morgan: Orange
2: Where does your OC work?
Null: He does merc stuff alongside Mac
Nos: Nowhere in particular, but he used to help out as a casino in New Vegas
Zed: They’re just wandering
16: He’s a courier that’s also kinda like a hired gun
Mihail: Talon
Cain: Overwatch
Ainsley: Overwatch, also a detective place
Morgan: Talon
3: What’s your OCs favorite food?
Null: This stuff that’s ground beef and mashed potatoes, but he hasn’t been able to really have it in literally ages due to the Commonwealth having much different food
Nos: Anything edible when he’s hungry enough, really
Zed: They originally don’t really need to eat, but they like sweets a lot
16: Any kind of fruit if he can find some that are edible
Mihail: Steak
Cain: Lemon-lime stuff
Ainsley: Raspberries
Morgan: Some kind of soup
5: How old is your OC?
Null: 22 (technically 232)
Nos: 34
Zed: Looks early to mid 20s, actually about 102
16: 30 (nv), 36 (4)
Mihail: 38
Cain: 25
Ainsley: 21
Morgan: 32
8: What are some of your OCs strengths?
Null: Knows a lot about pre-war stuff, pretty good with shotguns and sniping, somehow charismatic
Nos: Takes No Shit, tireless, uhhh, strong boy
Zed: Synth stuff? idk, durable 
16: i’m bad at this -- Doesn’t let morality get in his way, good with pistols, intuitive
Mihail: Pretty strong, good stamina/endurance, doesn’t give up easy, good with rifles, wolf stuff
Cain: Smart (though mostly about reptiles and chemistry), kind, has hope in a lot of stuff, resourceful
Ainsley: Good detective, her robot arm is Strong, used to be a really good boxer
Morgan: Strong gal, can climb pretty well, friendly
9: What are some of your OCs weaknesses? 
Null: Anxious, easily distracted, not very good stamina, clumsy, shaky, smokes
Nos: Doesn’t do much in terms of self care, unstable, anger issues
Zed: Somewhat nonverbal, easily frightened, sort of a recluse when on their own
16: Apathetic, doesn’t really understand morality or emotion too well, slightly alcoholic
Mihail: Doesn’t believe he’s anything but something to be used (mainly as a weapon) by others, hard to control himself when shifted
Cain: Insecure, gives up easily in some situations
Ainsley: Immature, tends to sometimes go too far with joking, has difficulty taking things seriously enough
Morgan: Paraplegic after her accident, has low self-esteem from that and is eternally in a crisis until she’s in a better place and can properly cope with no longer being able to do rock climbing
11: What animal does your OC relate to?
Null: Wolf
Nos: Snake, vulture
Zed: Raccoon, seal
16: Coyote
Mihail: Wolf
Cain: Snake
Ainsley: Cat? idk
Morgan: Bear
13: What is your OCs earliest memory?
Null: He’s finding it hard to remember things from before waking up in the vault due to repressing a lot from the trauma he faced in there, but he has fond memories of when he first came out as trans to people that accepted him
Nos: He can’t remember much from before becoming a ghoul
Zed: Being told that they’re special by the woman that made them
16: Waking up to that one doctor dude
Mihail: Shooting someone in an alleyway in Athens for a very early job he had as a teen
Cain: First discovering his love for snakes by visiting a reptile house at a zoo
Ainsley: Seeing news of the Omnic Uprising on TV
Morgan: Climbing her first rock wall in a gym class in school
14: Does your OC have a cell phone? If so, what kind?
Null: pip boy?
Nos: noup
Zed: nop
16: pip boy????
Mihail: closest he has is a comm for mission stuff
Cain: fancy future smartphone
Ainsley: something built into her robot arm
Morgan: something simple, since there’s comm stuff in her mech
15: What makes your OC angry?
Null: Certain noises
Nos: Raiders
Zed: Wes getting hurt
16: People being cheap
Mihail: Things getting in the way of what he’s supposed to be doing
Cain: People disregarding health of animals and nature and stuff
Ainsley: People assuming things about her
Morgan: She’s too tired to be angry
16: When is your OCs favorite time of year?
Null: Autumn! crunchy leaves.... good smells in the air .... chilly but not too cold
Nos: Summer... he doesn’t need to worry about overheating with how bony he is
Zed: Winter! snow is soft!
16: Whenever it’s not as hot in the Fucking Desert he lives in
Mihail: Autumn
Cain: Summer, warm n good
Ainsley: Spring, flowers n nice weather
Morgan: Summer, perfect time for rock climbing
21: Who is your OCs best friend?
Null: Mac, Dogmeat
Nos: Eliza
Zed: Wes
16: Arcade
Mihail: 22, Arvid
Cain: Dakota, Ainsley
Ainsley: Cain, Gari
Morgan: 22
23: Whats your OCs biggest secret?
Null: He doesn’t like talking about being from the past.
Nos: Him being a ghoul because of drug use and not radiation is a sensitive topic for him
Zed: Being a Synth
16: He hates who he used to be despite who he used to be being a much better person
Mihail: He’s not one for secrets
Cain: The dude he’s in love with is technically undead
Ainsley: How she lost her arm
Morgan: She’s insecure about her entire identity after the accident so she tries to hide her face and stuff in public (another reason why she was so easily manipulated into depending on the mech)
24: What does your OC smell like?
Null: Cigarettes, leather.... also faint cologne
Nos: Someone who really needs to shower
Zed: Metal and old books
16: Alcohol, gunsmoke
Mihail: Kind of earthy and like leather that’s been around metal a lot, like a guy that spends most of his time hunting in the woods except what he’s hunting is people and the woods are wherever Talon sends him
Cain: Fruity cologne and chemicals
Ainsley: Sugary perfume and aromatic shampoo
Morgan: Sunscreen, soil, sweat
27: What languages does your OC speak?
Null: English and a very basic amount of German
Nos: English, bits of Spanish from spending a lot of time around New Vegas gang people
Zed: English, can also easily figure out coded and crypted stuff
16: English, Italian
Mihail: English, Greek, some Norwegian learned from Arvid
Cain: English, Portuguese, a bit of Spanish
Ainsley: English, Scottish Gaelic
Morgan: English, Welsh
38: Does your OC have any pets?
Null: I like to imagine he has Dogmeat but instead of a German Shepherd it’s a Black Lab
Nos: noup
Zed: nah
16: nope
Mihail: used to have a malamute, left it with his family
Cain: A Brazilian Rainbow Boa at home and various venomous reptiles kept for his studies at Overwatch
Ainsley: A cat and a leopard gecko at home, she wants to get a cockatiel at some point
Morgan: nah
44: What color eyes does your OC have?
Null: Brown
Nos: Black (as a ghoul, green as human)
Zed: Blue-gray
16: Hazel (brown and blue type)
Mihail: Gold, naturally amber-brown
Cain: Green
Ainsley: Used to be green, now they’re bionic ones that are pink and blue
Morgan: Blue
45: Does your OC like reading?
Null: Mostly fantasy stuff
Nos: nah
Zed: They like reading old textbooks, encyclopedias, biographies, everything there is to know about anything, but mostly humans and their behavior
16: He checks out comic books he finds in his journeys sometimes
Mihail: He’s secretly a sucker for romance
Cain: Stuff on animals and sciencey stuff
Ainsley: Mystery, horror, romance
Morgan: Sporty stuff
49: What country was your OC born in?
Null: Missouri, USA - Moved to the setting where Vault 111 is at some point
Nos: The Commonwealth, USA
Zed: wherever the institute was a century ago, USA
16: Arizona, USA
Mihail: Greece
Cain: Born in Brazil, moved to Florida at a very young age
Ainsley: Scotland
Morgan: Wales
51: What is your OCs favorite genre of music?
Null: Diamond City Radio
Nos: Not much of a music person
Zed: Classical stuff or anything that doesn’t have words to it, easier to read to
16: Old swingy jazzy stuff
Mihail: we just don’t know 
Cain: Acoustic folksy stuff
Ainsley: Rock
Morgan: Pop
53: What is your OCs sexual orientation?
Null: Gay
Nos: Bi
Zed: Doesn’t really understand orientation but is in love with Wes
16: No preference but likes Arcade
Mihail: Gay
Cain: Gay
Ainsley: Lesbian
Morgan: Aroace
55: What gender is your OC?
Null: Trans male
Nos: Male
Zed: Agender
16: Male
Mihail: Male
Cain: Trans male
Ainsley: Female
Morgan: Trans female
58: Is your OC introverted or extroverted?
Null: Ambivert
Nos: Extrovert
Zed: Introvert
16: Ambivert
Mihail: Extrovert
Cain: Introvert
Ainsley: Extrovert
Morgan: Extrovert
59: What is the first thing that someone would notice about your OC?
Null: His fidgeting and sort of tired and anxious look
Nos: His horrible slouch and how bony he is
Zed: How bundled up they are no matter what
16: That kinda dead look on his face
Mihail: he’s HUGE
Cain: He’s got all this bright stuff on and has tattoos and piercings
Ainsley: Her arm
Morgan: probably the mech she’s in a lot of the time
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suddenly-n-octopus · 7 years
Your turn! Answer all!
I shall endeavor to do so :)1. Selfie: I’m on mobile but picture a guy with a medical mask on2. What would you name your future kids? Aiden, Dean, Harmony, Zuri —I know not very original3. Do you miss anyone? I do, always. It’s complicated since we have never met.4. What are you looking forward to? Finally getting means to get out to Nevada—and be healthy enough to handle it5. Is there anyone who can always make you smile? My best friend6. Is it hard for you to get over someone? Yes, we don’t tie ourselves to people with the idea that they are temporary...at least not everyone does.7. What was your life like last year? Stressing, anxiety prone and depressing. Lots of vomiting too.8. Have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? Yes. Who wears socks and sandals anymore?! Ugh.9. Who did you last see in person? My mother10. Are you good at hiding your feelings? My expressions give me away so no.11. Are you listening to music right now? Nay.12. What is something you want right now? To be healthier, much healthier and functional so that I can see my best friend 13. How do you feel right now? That I should get another bowl of the meal I made. Is that a feeling?14. When was the last time someone if he opposite sex hugged you? A few months ago.15. Personality description: I’m not good with these. Um, stubborn, patient to a fault. Loving. 16. Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? Yes. Many times.17. Opinion on insecurities? Everyone wears theirs a certain way. Some are governed by it while others coexist. Almost like a symbiotic relationship—or a parasite :P18. Do you miss how things were one year ago? No.19. Have you ever been to New York? No.20. What is your favorite song at the moment? Hmmm at the moment it’s “nothing lasts forever” by soulless 21. Age and birthday? 32/ January 23rd22. Description of crush: Brunette, long hair, thin lips, brown eyes, fluffy—likes to call herself a panda/shark/goddess. Is an author, violinist, jeweler, makeup creator, nail enthusiast, holo lover, bibliophile, big sister, loving daughter, mechanic, carpenter, pharmacy tech and soon to be dispatcher—but I mean...is she still considered a crush at this point?23. Fears? Many. To be forgotten. To be replaced. To never see her.24. Height? 5’825. Role model? I don’t have one. Anyone who is doing better than me is someone I want to be.26. Idol? Negative27. Things I hate? Myself, my body, hospitals28. I’ll love you if — you will love me, make me laugh, laugh at my jokes, feed me, pet me, brush my coat and take me out for walks.29. Favorite films? Sooo many but here are a few: Ladyhawke, Clockwork orange, my fair lady—most musicals, just about anything with gene jelly in it, meet joe black, and the first predator movie.30. Favorite tv shows? I don’t watch much tv but if I have to pick a recent one: star vs. the forces of evil31. Something you want to learn? Roller skate.32. Are your friends mainly girls or guys? Women. One legit guy friend. I’ve grown up around women all my life that it’s become a comfort zone. Only a hand full of men have influenced my life. Long story.33. Three random facts? If it fits it sits. Octopi isn’t the proper term for more than one octopus. Manatee are often referred to as sea cows34. Most embarrassing moment? Soiled myself during dialysis. 35. Favorite subject: Literature36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? Getting better mentally and physically. Seeing my best friend in person. Since it’s a dream, whisking her away from her troubles to travel around the world together for two weeks.37. Favorite actor/ actress? I don’t have one favorite but Anthony Hopkins and Angela Bassett come to mind. That’s off the top of my head.38. Favorite comedian? I don’t really have one? 39. Favorite sports? I don’t really watch any. I like playing soccer though.40. Favorite memory? Christmas when I was a child.41. Relationship status? Lonely, single, lonely42. Favorite books? There were a few magic then gathering books I loved long ago, by Jeff grubb43. Favorite song ever? I don’t have a single favorite so one of them would be “Bad dream” by Keane44. Age you get mistaken for? 1645. How you found out about you idol? I don’t have one to begin with. :(46. What my last text message says? “How is your dad?”47. Turn in’s? Confidence. Intelligence. Cynicism. Passion in what they love or believe in. Accents. (My woooord)48. Turn offs? Indecisiveness. Can’t decide on anymore at the moment. Lol see what I did there?49. Where I want to be right now? Parhump Nevada50. Favorite picture of your idol? Does not apply.51. Starsign? (Galactic pretty boy) Aquarius 52. Something I’m talented at? Grilled cheese sandwiches.53. 5 things that make me happy. My best friend, cooking, eating, hot showers, warm blankets54. Something that’s worrying me at the moment? If the money will get to me before things get worse.55. Tumblr friends ? You of course, kawaikunaii/uni and vacateyourmanyskins56. Favorite foods? Italian, Asian, chicken, beef, pork, pasta...the list goes on.57. Favorite animal? Octopus58. Description of my best friend? See my crush59. Why I joined tumblr? Well this blog started off as just a means or posting bears. Literally. I start years ago because it was a great way to see a lot of things around mostly like minded people.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Haha I just put together the random things I remember about you, but the eyebag will always be the main nickname 😅
Oh that's cute. That's like the room my niece has. She has a shelf for her plushies and since she has a lot, her mom also stacked the rocking chair with the rest of the plushies. I'm really to blame, cause whenever I see a cute plushy or a character she likes in plushy form, I buy it.
Wow a 9ft tree! That's really huge. I think the tallest I've ever had was 6ft. I remember when I was younger, I'm always the one decorating the tree and putting the decorations around the house. Maybe that's why now I don't do it much. And yes! Show us some pictures! I always enjoy seeing other people's Christmas trees and decorations.
I like sandwiches and baked foods. Oh I see, yes I do. But like in Italian foods. I haven't really had much Indian food because one time I tried it and it was so spicy, so I didn't wanna try any other.
Ok, I will try that chocolate 😌 but you'll have to try something that I recommend as well! I'm just not sure what though hahaha
This is one of my favorite jokes: when are you not american? When you are in the bathroom. (Because European). 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I would choose the personal chef. Because I want to have a meal ready anytime I asked for it hahaha I don't mind cleaning, but when it comes to cooking, I get so lazy.
Would you rather have rainy days or snowy mornings?
- CuriousGeorge
hahhaa yeah I know.. i like all the nicknames, they are so me. LOL.
she really likes plushies so she always buy them. When I buy her toys, I always pick the educating ones or books or anything for her to learn different languages.
ah i see yeah i got what u meant, because u been doing it for a while n now u r just done. hahaha. especially when u live by urself.. I love decorating my own place. I love soft lights n cozy feelings with dark colors.
what's ur favorite colors?
and here are some pictures.
i looove sandwich! I prefer sandwich over burger. i think sandwich are better that burger. Especially if it's cold cut sandwich. what's ur fav sandwich or fav cold cut meat? do u have fav cheese?
I'm okay with Italian. Not a big fan of pasta. but I love bruscheta and my favorite italian food is mushroom rissotto. I want to try to make it someday, i checked it n it's pretty hard to make.
I love indian food or middle eastern food. I really want to learn how to make it. especially the rice dishes.
I guess that's it, i love rice dishes from any country.hahaha. especially if it's use bunch of herbs and spices. I saw some videos of different rice dishes from different countries n they all look so good. The best i can do is making Jambalaya. my friends and my best friend love the jambalaya i make.hahaha.
I remembered in indonesia, i went to this middle eastern restaurant, they have this rice dish, it's like briyani rice (maybe it is) but it's cooked with spices n it smells so good and they put cashew nuts and raisin in it n served with some beef or lamb curry with it and some bread like indian naan bread oh my god, that one bite was full of flavors that exploded in my mouth, I got foodgasm. lol. the crunchiness of the cashew nuts and the sweetness from the raisins paired perfect with the savory n a little bitterness from whatever the spices in it. it was bold flavor. i love food with bold flavor.haha.sorry i rambled. I love baked food too. so does it mean u like breads?
yes please do try the chocolate n i will try the ones u rec me.
hahaha that's a funny joke.:D tell me more jokes u have?
ah i see, i dont mind cooking, i love cooking..but cleaning after cooking actually hard. that's why i always clean the kitchen before I cook so it will not be so dirty after cooking and all the utensils or plates or bowls i use while cooking, i will rinse it right away before i stack it properly in the sink hahaha,, yeah i'm that weird.. you realize that you r making friends with a weird person who likes to write, right? hahahahaahah. u can still back out before it's too late. lol
i love snowy mornings if i dont have to live it everyday or if it's not too much. So for this question, i will pick rainy days. I just love rain so much, especially when it's cold n gloomy.
next questions? i hope u r still awake. sorry it takes time to answer this. :D
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definegodliness · 7 years
Taggery things: food ‘n  self-love
Food: @sarahmariepardy asked ten food related questions and I simply cannot withstand any opportunity to talk about food. So thank you for thinking of me, I had so much fun replying! (Note: I’ve done this tagging game before, so I’m not going to come up with another ten questions and bug another ten people with them :’) ~ but anyway) here goes:
1. If they invented a pill you could take so you never had to eat again, would you take it or continue to eat food? Continue to eat food, else I’d feel like I’m really missing out on one of the joys of life.
2. Do you eat “fish and chips” with your hands (like a savage) or with a fork? Never had fish and chips to be honest. How do you eat fish without a knife and fork? Also, I’ve this sensory thing where I low-key hate it when my fingers get greasy and salty. So I’m not a fan of chips/fries, crisps/chips. Especially nacho cheese Doritos.
3. As we all know, goldfish crackers are salted on one side and one side only. What you may not realize is that goldfish crackers are a joke food. What is your favorite “joke food?” Y’know, junky or not serious food. Beef Jerky is the most glorious gift the New World has bestowed on the world. But I don’t know if that fits your question. It might be too glorious. So… string cheese?
4. If you had to pick one food to eat for the rest of your life, no loopholes, what food would it be? Dammmn this is a hard one. Let’s say nutritional value doesn’t matter and it will forever taste good: Pavlova.
5. Some people really don’t like beer and wine. Is it really an acquired taste, or is it all a conspiracy and people just pretend to like them? It’s an acquired taste that develops over time. I recently went to a restaurant with 150 different beers, which you could draft yourself; paying per centiliter. It was a great concept and I’ve tasted / sipped a lot of different pilsners, lagers, (Indian Pale) Ales, and beers. Belgium beers are my favourite. Not a fan of wine though, so I supposed some tastes can’t be acquired.
6. Is a hot dog a sandwich? @reinventing-wednesday recently asked this question. I’ll just copy / paste what my answer was because I actually put way much thought into it: “My theory is that a sandwich consists out of two separate elements of bread, stacked vertically, with contents in the middle. A hotdog is a bun, twisted 90 degrees, sliced (yet still intact as one single element!), with contents in the middle. This is what sets the two apart and makes them two entirely different foods. Following that logic one might say that if the bun were to be cut into two separate parts, it’d be a hotdog sandwich. I’d say if you can’t eat your meal by holding the bun sideways because the wiener would fall out, it isn’t a hotdog. By this standard a hamburger would be a sandwich, though. Food for thought.”
7. If you had to give up one of the following forever, which would it be? Potatoes, rice, bread, or pasta? Rice, no contest.
8. Rank your top 5 vegetables. 1) Broccoli, 2) Paprika (Bell pepper?), 3) Zucchini, 4) Kale, 5) Asparagus
9. If you had to veto one type of cuisine (Chinese, Italian, etc etc) from your diet forever - THAT YOU ACTUALLY EAT - which one would you veto? Indian food. All those spices. What’s wrong with simple, natural flavours?
10. Number 10, the most important question. IS PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA OKAY AND CAN YOU EAT THAT PIZZA WITH A FORK AND KNIFE? Yes, and yes. I never got what all the hubbub was about with pineapple on pizza. If people like it I’ll happily let them enjoy it. If the pizza’s pre-sliced you grab a piece, if it’s not you use fork and knife. At home with an ordered pizza it’s usually the first, and in a restaurant usually the latter. Of course I’m not counting some kind of munch-hut as a restaurant.
Self-love: The other tag read: “when you get this message you have to tell 5 things you like about yourself then send to 10 of your favourite followers :)”, it’s a tag that I tend to casually ignore because it’s always so confrontational how hard it is to come with five of these things. But one does not simply ignore a tag by the lovely @soulreserve (thank youuu :)), so here goes:
1. I like that I can get passionate about things. 2. I like that I have a good eye for detail. 3. I like that I have become a very decent cook. 4. I like that I am curious and eager to learn. 5. I like how I turn mundane tasks into games.
I will tag people for this one! In the end it is a nice tag, after all it’s good to promote self-love and positivity. So let me see, I’m tagging: @cravingwitandwisdom, @madworlddiary, @storiavitali, @yaamarhabibi, @mikefrawley, @rarasworldbro, @thespiandrummer, @denmysterywoman, @electricarmchair, and @pomegranatepithos. If any of you guys feel like doing this, by all means feel free to ‘casually ignore’ ;)
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snsmissionaries · 6 years
2/6/19 -- Sister Nicole Ritman, Spain, Madrid Mission
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The Story of Sany/I'm Officially a Cultured Citizen
Subject Line: This email will have two parts! The first is the story of our amiga Sany, who got baptized last Sunday, shared with permission. The second is just about my week.
 The Story of Sany
 Right about when I got to Málaga, we got a text from one of the members saying she had a friend we could go visit. She'd been going through some rough times, and so a few weeks back their other friend gave her a Libro de Mormón and just said "Sany, you mean a lot to me and I know you are going through a hard time. I'm giving this to you because this is what brings me comfort when I'm not feeling good and so I wanted to share it with you because you know I'd do anything to make you feel better and this is something that's important to me. You don't have to read it if you don't want, but I know it can help you." Sany started reading and once she told them she liked it, they invited us to teach her more. I don't know if you all remember, but like a month back I said that we had a first lesson with someone and I'd never seen someone change so much in just one lesson? Well that was Sany! Everytime we taught her, she was so committed to really studying and learning. She applied what she was learning to what she already knew and what she found the guide to the scriptures even though we hadn't showed her yet and looked it up there. She did the 21 day challenge of the Libro de Mormón diligently and really followed the commitments we extended. I don't think we ever had to extend a commitment twice and some she was already doing before we could extend (like starting on Ven Seguime as soon as she finished the 21 day desafío). 
A miracle that happened with Sany was that she lives here and has two daughters living in the Dominican Republic. Well one day Sany told us "I just found out that the church my daughter goes to is the same one! I didn't remember the name but she told me she told me three years back when her boyfriend introduced her to the church and got baptized. She's going on a mission in a few months and is getting ready to go to the temple." Well we were speechless. I'm not making it sound as surprising as it was, but seriously the member we had in the cita and both if us were like" what??!". It's so crazy how they found the church independent of another and gained their own testimonies and now are working to go to the temple together. I wish the missionaries that baptized her daughter would know this extension of the story! 
What I was most impressed with was that most people who work as internas (live-in caretakers for a senior) don't come to church because they work. Well Sany took her work to church. (I'm sure not everyone could but this was her solution). She would get up super early to get both the Señora and herself ready and would carry the wheelchair down the flights of stairs and push her all the way up the giant hill. We'd help her and the Señora loved going out for a stroll, yelling "venga, vamos, rápido! Rápido!" No quiero llegar tarde!" until I was practically running. Going down the hill is almost harder because you have to pull it from not speeding down into traffic. Good times jaja. The day of the baptism, she got permission to get off a few hours earlier to go to church and drop off the Señora. She was so excited! But then this Sunday she got super sick. :/ Good thing we had the baptism last week. 
 I'm Officially a Cultured Citizen 
 So I'll start this part of with a sad story. Three days after the baptism, we got a text saying the man who had baptized Sany had passed away. We hardly believed it, but we asked the Elders and the pres de Sociedad de Socorro and the Elders confirmed the text was talking about him. 
We actually were on our way to a cita with Sany so we gave her the sad news and she was so sad because she was so grateful to him for being a part of her step on the convenant path. We had a good discussion about life and death and the plan of salvation and I was feeling pretty reflective and pensive. 
Then, we leave the cita and see that the pres texted us. And guess what--it's turns out that he's not actually dead! He's not dead its his brother in law! Still sad for his family, but man alive we were so embarrassed. What a big fat fail. Probably the biggest one I'll ever have on the mission. I reread the original text and totally not our fault--it was written in a way that didn't clarify who they were talking about. But literally it was so crazy because lemme tell you it's a weird feeling to find out someone passed but it's a weirder feeling to find out that PSYCH they haven't. Like a TV show in real life except the jokes on you because you have to text the mission office and say "nevermind- we don't actually have to know what happens when we need a signature on the baptismal record of someone who's dead." I'm sure they think we're crazy jaja. And then when we texted Sany all she said was "ahhhh- vale." Luckily she hadn't brought it up since. I'm also glad we found out before Sunday when he would've walked into church alive and all three of us faint of shock. 
 So I chose the header because I felt like it has been a very *cultural* week! Yesterday, we went over for almuerzo with a Tibetan Man and his Moroccan wife and had cous-cous. Literally one of the best things that's ever entered my mouth! Basically you boil a bunch of tasty vegetables and pumpkin and halal beef and spices like cinnamon in a pot for an hour, and then pour it over a giant thing of cous-cous (tiny ball-shaped grain) and pour the broth, gravy all over. We were so close to finishing but we had a slice of pumpkin and some cabbage left. They gave us plates to help us eat the meat, but they wouldn't let us portion it out. We all used our spoons and ate from the same giant platter. They also wouldn't let us drink cold water until after the hot food because I guess mixing cold and hot is bad for your stomach. I suppose that's why they traditionally drink tea at meals, but since we politely refused the tea 50 times no lie (the wife didn't understand until I said it wasn't halal for us jaja and even after the husband would sip his tea and say "oh how delicious! Oh how healthy! Made with 5 herbs!" and made us smell it because we wouldn't sip it lol), we had mint infusion, which is just a fresh mint sprig with hot water poured on top and a little spoon of sugar. It was so good we bought fresh mint today to make it again! Maybe it won't be the same because we don't have the fancy Arab teapot they used to heat the water jk. Definitely an eating cita I'll never forget. 
 Then for Pday today I felt extra cultural because we went to the interactive music museum and saw instruments from all over the world! We stayed in the room with the piano, guitars and cello the longest and all played songs together. (OK in reality I tinkered a tune  while Hermana Zito played the cello. It's her major at BYU and it was worth my museum entry fee to hear her play lol We would all request songs and if she had the tune in her head she could just play it). I also loved the rooms where you jam out to crazy world instruments like the zither, the nose flute, double-guitars and even an ancient harp thing made from a human skull. (you pressed buttons to hear sounds of the instruments you weren't allowed to play). There was also a gladd floor with a medieval wall they uncovered and put a museum time capsule for 2033. I'll be back when they open that! 
 After we went to an Italian restaurant because H Mecca said it looked close to authentic. She ordered in Italian and chatted with the waiter and told us what to order. I felt a little less fake with her lol. We got gnocchi and margherita pizza and the other Hermanas got pasta carbonara which I tried and was probably the best. She gave it a 9/10 for authenticity so I figured that's as close as I'll get until I go visit her in Italy. 
 Then as we were walking back some guy stopped me (somehow he didn't notice the other Hermanas-just me) and in English (was Spanish but was determined to use only English) said "are you from the Mormon church? I love that church! I studied with the boys in Granada. I want to learn again." Hope he's cool and not creepy so I'll keep you updated if he ends up being cool! 
 Also something special about today is a finally debuted my pants! Hermana Mecca did too. Some pics mine don't look too flattering but they're not that bad in real life I promise. I didn't realize how cold my legs were all the time until I wore my pants! 
 Sometimes it's frustrating when you think of everything you should be doing as a missionary that you're not or you try to do but noon shows up (cough cough people who told us they would come to the capacitación H Mecca and I planned and didn't) but the mission is about learning to deal with daily disappointment and trying to find the little adventures. Like when we found a gorgeous historic Barrio in the foothills and the wind was blowing too much for wearing a skirt and it was too confusing to find a single address we wanted to pass by, but it was so gorgeous and so Spanish we weren't even mad jaja. And tip: if you ever accidentally offend a member, they will be appeased with brownies. I'm telling you brownies are the secret here! Convinced!!! 
 Os quiero, 
 Hermana Ritman 
 Contact Information
 Sister Nicole Ritman
Madrid Spain Mission
Avenida de Tenerife, 11
28703 San Sebastian de los Reyes
Madrid, Espana
 Malaga Week 8
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momof3grls · 7 years
Punta Cana - Honeymoon
So, Everyone has been asking me. Where are the pictures? tell us about the honeymoon! I honestly feel like this is the first time all week I’ve been able to concentrate on something other then work or mother’s day. There was also the small problem of my phone breaking while we were gone so I had to get the pictures off of Jared’s phone.  In fairness he did that on Wednesday, but like I said, it’s been a busy week. Anyway, enough of my rambling...Here are the highlights.
We woke up bright and early Monday morning excited to get to our destination. Our trip down was pretty mundane compared to the trip back to the states- but we will get to that later.  When we landed we found out that it has been raining since Saturday there and many of the streets were flooded. Some of the airport was even under water. The good part about that was most of our trip was humidity free. The weather was really nice up til about Saturday when we could feel the humidity coming back.(pictured below the Punta Cana Airport)
We got to the Hotel around 3:30pm. We stayed at the Majestic Mirage. It is a great resort. It opened up in late December/early January. You wouldn’t know this by looking at their construction work - another country=shortcuts. But over all it was very nice. When we were looking at where we would want to spend our honeymoon I had joined a Facebook forum group for this hotel. It was very informative with pictures people have/do take and lots of information about the resort and things to do in Punta Cana. The staff was helpful when we needed questions answered and when people have asked if we would go there again I joke and say “well, if we every visited a place more then once yes we would probably go back”. Although I think I would want to stay at one of their other resorts just to be able to compare (they have three in Punta Cana).
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The Resort: 
Our room was HUGE! We had a one bedroom Suite. When you walked in there was a half bathroom and a small hallway that led into the living room area with a nice sized couch, entertainment center that contained the mini bar (which was all included), coffee pot, and nespresso machine.  There was also a small table. Then you went into the bedroom which had sliding doors you could close to close it off from the rest of the suite. The bed was humongous. The bathroom had two sinks, a separate room for the toilet, and a walk in shower that had two showers. There was also a dressing area where you can keep all your clothes. Because of the facebook group I knew that the shower tended to leak water into the rest of the room because the door doesn’t reach the floor. We were prepared for this and used a towel to block the water. We were successful with keeping the water from over flowing every time(small accomplishment). The balcony on our room wrapped on both sides of the room and had a Jacuzzi tube (or as Jared ended up calling it a cajuzzi) 
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The resort is pretty big. There are four restaurants, two buffets (one located by the main building and one by the beach), a sports bar(which was open 24 hrs), and a coffee shop. They have a few shops, a theater for their night shows(which were great!), numerous bars and the pools run along side all the buildings on each side of the hotel.  Our favorite restaurant was probably their steak restaurant. My favorite buffet was the one by the beach(for obvious reasons). The sports bar was where we ate the first night and it was also good for a quick snack in between meals or late at night(a lot of fried foods). The coffee shop was also good. They had great coffees and their pastries were good. My favorite was the fruit cups and Jared liked the “canoli”(cream filled pastry).  The shops had a verity of things. Some of them were priced reasonably while others were a little expensive in my opinion.  We bought a painting on the last night we were there to hang in the house (still trying to decide where to put it). 
You also get a butler. Our butlers name was Serlano. We didn’t see him much but we were ok with that. They have an app that you can download to use to communicate with them and they also have a direct line.  Everything you use them for (making restaurant reservations, getting drinks, booking excursions) you can also do yourself which we had planned on doing anyway.  He did however get us a free dinner on the beach that ordinarily you have to pay for. All the staff is very kind. They almost always greet you when they see you and the wait staff was good at  making sure you didn’t need anything (although we did have a few forgotten drinks at times). They work hard for their money and work hard to keep their jobs.  The Dominican is a very poor country and people who have jobs count themselves lucky to have one. 
Jared and I constantly compared things about this resort with things about the resort we visited when we went to Costa Rica ( a Riu resort) with his family a few years ago. I will say that by far one of the biggest differences was the amount of alcohol they put in their drinks. Here, you knew there was alcohol in your drink...we will just leave it at that. My drink of choice was usually a pina colada. Jared’s was the Coco Loco which was a lot like a milkshake.  We also experienced the Dominican favorite “Mamajuana”.  It is a shot that consists of  Rum and Red wine. I also had what they call a mini beer ( its is a shot with 43 liquor and cream). Another difference we noticed is that the people of the Dominican are on their own time. Things run a little slower down there. It was something that us impatient Americans sometimes had a hard time understanding (LOL) 
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What we did:
When we got down there Monday we did not do too much. We ate at the sports bar because we had not had anything to eat  since like 9:00 am and we were also pretty tired from not getting much sleep the night before. Monday was honestly a blur. (Pictured below: the sports bar)
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Tuesday - We spent the day exploring the resort and sat on the beach. Your butler takes you on a quick tour of the resort while they walk you to your building when you get there,  but we couldn’t remember much of it so we used the day to figure out where everything was.  We did find a booklet in our room that also had everything in it as far as hours the restaurants were open. what their dress code was, what kind of food they served, etc. We also made our dinner reservations this day as well as booked a couple excursions. For dinner we ate at the steak restaurant - “Don Jaurne”.  It was very good. Most of the restaurants have a three or four course meal. You definitely do not leave hungry(unless you don’t like the food). Tuesday night after dinner we watched part of the show( I don’t really remember which one it was). This night was when we tried Mamajauna. Our waitress was great. She kept bringing them to us even though we didn’t ask..we will leave it at that! LOL!
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Wednesday - We went on our first excursion. Like I said earlier, we had done some researching before hand so we had a pretty good idea of things to do and what we might want to do.  For this excursion we took dune buggies to a beach where we could swimming. Then we went along and they took us to a “house” where someone talked about things they make in the D.R. ( Coffee, Mamajuana and other natural products).  After that they took us a cave that you could swim in.  It was a fun half day excursion and we enjoyed seeing some of the country side.  We don’t think the people liked us very much though because we did have to switch dune buggies 3 times through out our trip... in our defense they run these things at least 5 times a day as they do trips one right after the other.  For dinner we ate at the Italian Restaurant, La Rinascita. This is definitely not your typical Italian food but overall it was good. They are also open for breakfast which we did a couple mornings. After dinner  we went to the coffee shop while we waited for the nightly show to begin. The show that night was a Magic Show. It was not one of the better ones but it was ok.
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Thursday - We did a full day excursion. It was so much fun! We went to Sona Island which is on the south side of the Dominican in the Caribbean.   On this trip we took a Catamaran Party boat to the Island. The water was crystal clear and so shallow. On the Island we were served lunch. It was buffet style and they had chicken, beef and pork along with fruit, rice and some other sides. The food was delicious and this was really our only chance to have authentic Dominican food. After the island we took a speed boat to an area that is considered a national park.  It was a sand bar where you could find star fish. After that we headed back to the marina. Then the bus took us to a market. Here we got something for the girls. The best part of this trip was our tour guide. His name is Raymond and he was wonderful! We were the only Americans on our bus. When he striked up a conversation with us we told him we were from North Carolina so the whole trip he would say “North Carolina...” and then continue with whatever information he needed to tell us.  He told us his brother lives in New York and his dream is to move there one day. He said he took English lessons and he did a great job at making sure we understood what was going on.  When our trip was done he gave us his email address so that we could continue to stay in contact with him and we also took a picture with him. we got back to the resort around 7:00 pm so we ordered room service for dinner.  It was like any other typical room service and we ordered a lot of food for just two people. Although with as tired as we were we really didn’t finish it all.
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Friday/Saturday/Sunday- These days we spent at the resort. We had considered doing another half day excursion but nothing really stuck out at as as something we had to do. Friday was spent at the beach for most of the day.  Saturday was spent by the pool and Sunday at the beach. Friday night we ate at the Japanese Restaurant “Kabuki”. It is basically like Kanki. The chef was great and the food was good too. It was a four course meal with about 4 different main courses - and you get all of them! It was a lot of food!  The night show was their Rock n Roll show. it was pretty interesting to say the least. Saturday was our dinner on the Beach. It was nice and we were lucky because we got a front table right near the water. We did some star gazing and Jared downloaded an app that tells you where all the constellations are. Sunday we ate at the International Restaurant (French) - “L’Essence” This restaurant was by far the most interesting for food choices.  Jared thought for sure he would leave hungry but he ended up liking what he got. Again it was a four course meal. The pre- appetizer was a single shrimp! I had picked out a salad for my appetizer and when they brought it out it was been smoked so it was under a dome.  Jared had picked out some sort of mousse thing. For our main course I had duck and he had lamb chops. For dessert we both got the “Havana Night” which was basically ice cream rolled up in chocolate and made to look like a cigar.  It even tasted like a cigar. Jared wasn’t fond of it but I ate most of mine. The show this night was by far our favorite. I wish I had gotten pictures. It was a circus show. They did a lot of trapeze acts and flame throwing type things. It was really good! 
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Monday we headed back home. Jared was dreading this merely for the long day we had a head of us.  We were picked up from our hotel around 10:00am. The airport is about 30 min from the resort.  Our flight didn’t leave til 1:40pm and it only took us around 30 min to get through everything at their airport. Needless to say we had a lot of time on our hands. We ate lunch while sitting at the gate and I read a book Jared had bought for me before the trip about lighthouses. For no real rhyme or reason our flight didn’t leave til around 2:15 or so.  Our flight back home took us to JFK first. When the pilot had come over the intercom to talk about the flight he said we would be flying by Wilmington. Jared and I said at the same time, “Can you just drop us off there?” I had taken a short nap on the flight and when I woke up I looked out the window. I tapped Jared's arm and said “Isn’t that our coastline?” He confirmed it was and I snapped a picture. It was kind of depressing flying right over NC and not being able to get off the plane. When we arrived at the gate we had exactly 1 hour til our flight left and 20 minutes before we boarded. If you have ever flown internationally then you know that international flights usually have their own part of the airport at one end and then the domestic flights are in another part at the opposite end.  after rushing out of our plane (as fast as we could) we reached customs. It actually went fairly smoothly but then we had to get our luggage so that it could be checked back in.  when we got to the luggage drop off the lady at the counter was like “Your flight is boarding you need to run!” So we did..3 feet later we ran smack into TSA. There were a good 30 people in front of us. Someone in front of us was talking about how they were going to miss their flight. A person from their group had gone and grabbed someone from Delta who then came and grabbed them to skip part of the line. I grabbed Jared and followed behind.  Thank God for that woman because if we hadn’t of been able to do that we definitely would have missed our flight. Once we got through TSA we quickly found out that our gate was B49...we were at A1...Oh Boy! We both ran a few ways together before I was very out of breathe(I am NOT a runner). Jared took my shoes(yes I wasn’t wearing them because they were flip flops and no one can run well in flip flops) and our tickets which were in my hands. He said “Let me run ahead and just make sure they don’t close the door on us. I promise I wont leave without you.” I reluctantly agreed and he ran ahead. I finally got caught up after running/walking through the airport...with no shoes...the amount of looks i probably got! When I made it to the gate the guy said to me “You know he was going to get on with out you” I looked at him and said “He knows better then that.” the guy then asked how long we had been married. Jared replied “ A week and a day” The guy said “Well that makes sense. Give it a few years.” We got on the plan with about 8 minutes to spare.  Jared told me after we were on the plane that when he reached the gate he asked them how long we had. They told him 2 minutes. Jared said I’ll give you 5. The rest of my party is on the way. They asked who it was and he said his wife. They asked Jared if he wanted to go ahead on the plane and Jared told them no. When they saw my shoes they said, “Wait, shes running through the airport with no shoes? Why didn’t you just carry her?” 
When we arrived at RDU my dad was picking us up.  Our luggage (which they didn’t tell us until we finally asked) had gotten put on to the flight that was coming in right after ours. My car battery went dead while my dad was waiting for us so he was waiting for AAA while we were waiting on our luggage. After it was all said and done we finally made it in our house at 11:30. We were done for the day.
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Needless to say we had a great relaxing trip and it was very hard to come back to reality.  
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nochubunny · 8 years
Love Yourself | Pt. 2
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Genre: Angst
Pairing: (Personal Trainer) Jimin x Reader
Length: 3.3k
Warnings: M for some language. Don’t read if you’re sensitive about weight issues. Eventual smut not in this chapter.
It was currently storming outside and the sound of thunder jolted you awake. 
Lying in bed for a few minutes, you listen as the thunder slowly fades away into the distance, the rain now sounding more peaceful. You slowly sit up in bed to pull your curtains aside and was slightly shocked to see that it was dark out. You then grab your phone from the nightstand to check the time and mentally scolded yourself. The “nap” you had ended up being a nine hour one. Not only that, but you were pretty hungry because you skipped both lunch and dinner. As if on cue, your stomach starts growling and you finally get out of bed to stretch your limbs. Walking over to your vanity, you fix your appearance a bit before heading downstairs in search of something to snack on. When you make it into the kitchen you see your brother leaning against the counter while eating some chips. Once he notices your presence he shoots you a warm smile and holds the bag in your direction but you hesitate a moment.
“Don’t worry you know I won’t tell mom or anything. She’s not even here so take some.” He tilts his chin towards the bag and you finally relax and grab a handful.
“Thanks Hyuk. Did you guys have dinner already?” He simply nods while chewing. “I bet mom was happy I didn’t eat then.” You say bitterly and he looks at you sympathetically.
“I don’t understand why she’s so anal about you and your weight. I love your chubby cheeks and I hope you never lose them.” He says as he uses his clean hand to pinch one of your cheeks. He laughs as you swat his hand away, but he dodges it and ruffles your hair making you pout. “See? You’re so cute.”
“Thanks.” You didn’t know if you should smile or roll your eyes at him so you walk over to the fridge to see if there was anything you could eat.
“If you’re looking for leftovers, there are none. Mom only cooked a little bit.” Your brother says as he puts the chips away and starts washing his hands. “But I’m still hungry so do you want to go out somewhere?”
You close the fridge and turn around to face him with your eyebrows furrowed. “It’s already 8. I think it’s a bit too late to go out and eat somewhere.”
“Not for me. And don’t worry about money because I’m paying” He walks past you and into the living room to grab his keys. “C’mon (y/n), I know you’re hungry. I don’t want you to go back to sleep on an empty stomach.” He says while putting on his shoes. You remain in the kitchen as you contemplate whether or not this would be a good idea. Once he was done tying up his laces he looks up at your frozen figure and laughs. “Don’t think too much about it, you should go up and change. I’ll go start the car.”
“Okay.” You reply as you quickly make your way upstairs. You throw on whatever smells decent and combed through your hair a couple of times.
“Don’t forget a hoody or something! It’s raining and I almost got soaked! Don’t want you to get sick again.” You hear your brother yell from downstairs and you smile to yourself. If there was anything you were grateful for in life, it was your brother. He was always looking out for you. Back in your grade school days, he would protect you from bullies and whenever your mom started nagging you about your weight he would always make you feel better about yourself by showering you with compliments. Your thoughts were interrupted when you hear him yell to you again, “I’m going to go to the car for real now!”
“Alright, be down in a few minutes!” You reply as you look around for a jacket. Once you spotted one you quickly threw it on and grabbed your phone. You turned off your lights then rushed outside to your brother’s car. Once he sees that you put on your seatbelt he backs out of the driveway and onto the road.
“So…what you craving for?” He asks once the car reaches the first stoplight. He notices that you are deep in thought so he adds, “We can do Korean, Japanese, Chinese, or there’s that Italian restaurant a couple blocks away. I heard that place was pretty good.”
“I think I just want some Korean food. How about the one we always go to down the street?”
“That sounds good. I was actually craving some pork belly!” He says with a grin.
The restaurant had a bunch of cars and you were glad that you guys were able to get a seat before it got even more packed. The hostess sets down a couple of menus and takes your drink orders, letting you guys know a waitress will be back with the drinks soon before heading to the front. You grab a menu and see that your brother was already studying his with furrowed brows. You laugh at how serious he was before you start to study the menu yourself.
“I know for sure we’re getting pork belly and some marinated beef. Let me know if anything else sounds good.” He says as he put his menu down.
You look around a bit and the thought of soup entices you. “How about some kimchi jjigae? We should also get some rice with that.” You say as you look at your brother for confirmation. He gives you two thumbs up and you set your menu down next to his.
The waitress finally comes with your drinks and introduces herself. “Hey guys, my name is Hyeri and I’ll be your serv-Is that you, Lee Minhyuk?!” The girl exclaims all of a sudden and you both look at her. Your brother’s eyes widen in recognition before he grins widely at the girl.
“Dang it’s been a while! How you’ve been?” He says while handing her the menus.
“I’ve been good, and you?” She replies as she grabs them.
“Good too. I didn’t know you worked here!”
“Yeah, I get good tips here and it pays the bills so here I am.” The girl laughs a bit before taking out her notepad. “But before we talk about anything else, what can I get you guys today?”
Your brother places the order and she goes to the kitchen but shortly comes back to continue the conversation. You drown them out by looking out the window to your right. An SUV just pulled up to the restaurant and about seven guys quickly get out. It was a bit too dark to see their faces but you could still make out what they were doing. They all seem to be joking around with each other as they approached the building. One had their arm over another’s shoulders, others on their phones, and you let out a gasp as one slaps another’s butt so hard he nearly fell over. Feeling like you’ve witnessed too much, you quickly divert your attention back to your brother who just finished the conversation with the waitress.
“Old high school friend.” He states as he takes a sip of his drink.
“That’s cool.”
“Why are your ears red?” He asks and you reach up to rub at your ears.
“No idea.” You shrugged at him.
Before he could say anything else, the girl comes back again, but this time with the food he ordered. “Enjoy!” She says with a wink as she sets them down then walks over to another table.
You and Minhyuk both grab a tong but he quickly takes yours out of your hand and places it back where it was. You raise a brow at him as he places meat on the grill.
“I already ate so I’m going to grill the meat for you. Go ahead and start eating the jjigae.”
“Alright.” You smile at him as you taste a spoonful of the soup. “Oh my god, this is so good! Try some Hyuk!” You feed him a spoonful as well and he lets out a satisfied groan.
“They really gotten better. It’s been a while since we came here.” He said while cutting up the meat on the grill.
“Yeah much better.” You continued eating but then you felt a tap on your shoulder. You finished chewing and swallowing your food before you looked up at the person and your eyes widen.
“Hey (y/n), nice seeing you here.” Jimin says, his eyes turning into crescents as he smiles down at you.
“Yeah…” You say as your eyes wander to your brother who’s already staring Jimin down.
“Who are you?” He asks him with a straight face.
Still smiling, Jimin turns to your brother. “I’m Park Jimin and starting tomorrow I’m (y/n)’s personal trainer. And you are…?”
“Lee Minhyuk, her older brother.” Your brother replies.
“Oh, nice to meet you.” Jimin replies as he extends his hand and they both briefly shake hands. Your brother simply nods and goes back to grilling. “So, I’m looking forward to tomorrow.” Jimin turns his attention back to you with his hands in his pocket.
“Me too.” You simply reply with a nod as you awkwardly shift in your seat.
Finally sensing your slight discomfort, he points to the booth behind you. “Well, I guess I’ll join my friends now. Hope you two enjoy your meal!”
“Okay you too.” You say with a small smile and he gives you a quick wave before heading to his spot behind yours.
“Eat up.” You hear your brother say as he places some cooked meat onto your plate. You both continue eating in a comfortable silence for a while when he speaks up again. “Personal trainer huh? I guess that was mom’s idea.”
“Yeah…She heard a spot opened up at Jimin’s studio so she called him first thing in the morning.”
Your brother scoffs. “Of course she did. Does she even know if he’s any good?”
“Well, she heard about him from his previous client’s mom. Apparently the girl lost thirty-something pounds in six months.”
“I guess that’s impressive.”
“To be honest, I hope I can lose some weight too. I guess that’s why I’m not too against it.”
“As long as you’re okay with it I am too. If I knew you actually wanted to lose weight, I would’ve made Wonho help you!” He says with a smile.
“I don’t think I would’ve been able to keep up with him.” You both laugh at the thought.
“That’s true. He tends to get slightly overboard with his workouts!”
You nod in agreement as you finish the last bit of rice in your bowl. “I think I’m full now. How about you?”
“Yeah,” Minhyuk says as he leans back into the booth with a hand rubbing his belly. “I’m stuffed.”
“Wanna go then?”
“Good idea. It’s almost 10. We should head out.” He replies as he grabs his wallet and keys.
Once you slid out of the booth, you stretched a bit and your eyes couldn’t help but wander to Jimin’s table. You quickly recognize them as the group that came out of the SUV earlier and you feel a blush creeping on your face as you recall the whole butt slapping thing.
“Let’s go pay upfront.” You hear your brother say as he makes his way towards the front and you quickly follow behind.
The ride home was peaceful but once you guys pull into the driveway you panic a bit when you see your mom’s car already there.
“It’s going to be okay. If she says anything I got you.” Minhyuk assures you as he gets out of the car and heads over to your side to open your door for you.
“Thanks Hyuk. I know she’s definitely going to say something if she knows we went out to eat.”
“This is why the two of us need to move out.” He says playfully and you nudge his shoulder.
You guys make your way inside and see that your mom is sitting in the living room watching TV. Minhyuk motions for you to go upstairs first but as soon as you reach the staircase your mom calls out your name.
“Yes?” You say without looking at her.
“Where did you guys go?” She says in an eerily calm voice.
“We went to th-” Minhyuk starts but she interrupts him.
“Not you. I’m talking to (y/n).”
“But I was go-”
“Stop it Minhyuk. This isn’t about you.”
“No. And (y/n), go upstairs.” Your brother says as he gently pushes you to move forward but you shake your head knowing that your mom might get even more upset.
“You better not (y/n). I have a good idea where you both have been. (y/n) reeks of food.”
“If you would’ve let me finish I would’ve told you we went out to eat.”
You hear your mom laugh bitterly. “You seriously can’t miss a couple of meals can’t you (y/n)? How disgusting. Aren’t you disgusted with your own body?”
“Mom. I was the one who made her go. And quit saying shit like that! Do you know how hurtful your words are?!”
“Hurtful? How about how ‘hurt’ I feel as a mother?! It hurts me to see my own daughter turn into this oversized beast!”
“I seriously cannot understand you! Why don’t you talk to her like a normal person instead of putting her down like this?! I’m tired of hearing you degrade her on a daily basis.” Minhyuk argues and he takes a step towards the living room but you grab his arm.
“I’ve told her many times that she needs to stop eating so much and to exercise more often but look at her now!”
“She had a damn eating disorder and I’m pretty sure you don’t even know why!”
“So what? It shouldn’t have been serious enough for her to get obese.”
All of a sudden you hear something breaking. It was hard to see because tears were threatening to fall out but when you blinked they fell freely down your face. Once you wiped your eyes you see your brother’s bloody hand and part of the wooden staircase broken.
“Lee Minhyuk! Why did you do that?!” Your mom quickly gets up from the sofa and strides over to where you both were to examine the staircase.
“Because you’re being so irrational!”
“Irrational?! I’m speaking the truth! I seriously don’t understand why you stick up for her! Can’t you see that she needs help?” She says as she picks up some of the wood off the ground,
“No! You need help! You treat your daughter like shit without even figuring out the underlying problems.”
“You know what? I’ve had my fair share of problems. Do you think I have time to figure out what the hell is wrong with her? I mean look at her, she can’t even stick up for herself. What happened? Did she get bullied or something? Not surprising.”
“How can you even say that?!” Minhyuk yells to her. “You’re a horrible mom. I feel sick even calling you that right now.”
Your mom finally gets up from picking up the broken wood and looks at your brother. “If I’m such a shitty mom then get out. Both of you. GET OUT!” She says as she throws the pieces of wood she picked up at you and Minhyuk.
“Cool give us twenty minutes.” Minhyuk says as he turns around to face you. He gives you a small smile and gently motions for you to go upstairs and this time you do.
“I don’t care as long as you’re out by the morning!” You hear her say as she slams the door to her bedroom shut.
“Fuck her. Pack up whatever you can (y/n) we’re going to Hyun Woo’s place. I’m sure he’ll be cool with it.”
“Okay.” You reply softly as you quickly go to your room and pack your things. Looking around your room, you realize you don’t really have much anyways. You easily fit all of your clothes, electronics, and toiletries into a suitcase and your school books and stationary in another.
“Take your bed spread and pillows too. I paid for those anyways.” Your brother says as he stands in your doorway with a couple of suitcases. “I’m going to call Hyun Woo now.”
You nod at him as you went to grab the bed sheets and pillows and folded them neatly to make it easier to carry.
“Hey hyung, shit kind of went down at my place so (y/n) and I needs a place to stay for a while until I find my own apartment. No, I promise you it was my mom’s fault.” You hear your brother laugh while talking to his friend on the phone.
As you wait for him to finish you sit on your bed and examine your room. It was basically empty and it felt so foreign. Ever since your teen years you never really felt ‘at home’ here and now your heart was pounding in anticipation of what was to come.
“You ready? Let’s get out of this hell hole.” You hear your brother say as he went to grab his things but stopped midway to look at yours. “Wait. I’ll get your stuff first and I’ll go back to get mines. That way you won’t have to come back inside.”
“Okay.” You say as he takes both of your suitcases leaving you to just carry your backpack and beddings. You both silently stuff your belongings into his car and he tells you to stay as he goes back inside. He soon comes back and you get out to help him with his things.
“We should’ve done this sooner.” He chuckles as he closes his trunk. He turns to you and puts a hand on your shoulder. “Don’t worry (y/n), we can make this work. I promise you will never have to deal with that type of negativity again.” He says as he puts an arm around your shoulder to pull you into a hug. “Let’s get going.” He pulls away and gets his keys out his pockets. He examines them and takes one off of his keychain and throws it towards the house. “I won’t be needing that anymore.” He states as he looks at you with a huge grin. You smile back at him but raise a brow as he opens his eyes wide all of a sudden. “Oh wait! I forgot something!” He exclaims as he goes to grab the key he threw and went inside the house again. He comes back after a few minutes with a bunch of bags with food. “Can’t leave these here because I paid for them.” He smiles cheekily as he throws the key towards the house again. “Now I won’t be needing that anymore.” He places them in the trunk of his car and he comes around to his side and he motions for you to get in. Once you both are inside you sit in silence for a few minutes and he finally turns the car on. His hand was on the steering wheel and you notice that there was still blood on it.
“Your knuckles! You should’ve bandaged them up Hyuk.” You say as you reach out to grab his wrist.
He gets out of your grip and places his hand back on the steering wheel. “I’ll be fine. I’ll do that at Hyun Woo’s place. It’s just a little scratch.”
“Little scratch my ass.” You reply and he laughs a bit. You both continue to sit there for a bit longer and you watch the rain as it slowly pours down the window. “So…I guess this is real.” You nearly whisper.
“Yeah. But it’s getting late and I know you have school tomorrow. I guess we should leave now.” He replies as he changes gears and for the second time this night he’s backing out of the driveway.
However, this will most likely be the last time and with that thought, you look at your house until it slowly fades into the distance. You feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off of your shoulders and you couldn’t help the smile that began to form on your face. For the first time in your life, you were looking forward to the future.
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