#its a common brazillian name
bluberimufim · 8 months
The Caretos of Podence
Happy Carnaval!! Time for another cultural ramblie because I haven't done this in a while!!
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(I just think they're cool)
This was originally gonna be about multiple Carnaval traditions in Portugal, like my Halloween post, because I wanted to talk about a really beautiful festivity in my city but then I realized it was related to an entirely different holiday and I wasn't gonna scrap this idea (I'll do that one in August, I guess??). So I decided to make a post about the Caretos of Podence because I just really vibed with them.
disclaimer! None of this is from lived experience, just online research (although I tried to use sources directly related to it, specifically the Casa do Careto website). I am not from Trás-os-Montes at all and have little contact with this. Just like in my first cultural ramblie, this is just me trying to better connect with my own culture and sharing what I find with anyone who's interested. If you see any errors or want to add anything, feel free!! I'm always happy to learn!
Okay, but before we begin: what exactly is Carnaval?
You might have heard of Brazil's Carnaval. Portugal's is way less hardcore but still culturally important (although some brazillian-style Carnavais are celebrated here).
The actual day of Carnaval is the day before Ash Wednesday, but it usually lasts about a week or 3 days in more urban areas (Carnaval break is a real thing that schools have). The general objective is to have an all-out celebration before Lent starts because, after that, you're not supposed to celebrate until Easter rolls around.
The Caretos
The village of Podence is in the middle of Trás-os-Montes, somewhat between Mirandela and Miranda do Douro. It is mostly known for this celebration, which lasts for about a week.
The name "caretos" means something like "big faces" and comes from their very recognizable masks. They're made of either leather or metal and are meant to completely obscure the identity of the wearer. The costumes are made of rows of coloured wool and are usually made by the community. The red, yellow, and green pattern is not mandatory and it can have many different colours, but it's the most common since it's the colours of the flag. On top of the costume, they wear a lot of bells: smaller ones attached to the straps on their chest and 4 to 8 bigger cowbells tied around their waist.
During the celebration, the caretos dance through the town, accompanied by the jingling of their bells. Traditionally, the caretos were young men who chased after single women, but today anyone can wear the costume and chase after anyone they please. They also go around stealing any easily grabbable chorizos left hanging from smokehouses, and use wooden staffs to propel their jumps higher.
On the last day of Carnaval, the Entrudo (a giant figure of a man) is burnt to draw away the bad things of the old year and let in the next. Like this:
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This celebration has pagan roots, although none really know exactly where its origins lie. People seem to point to it being a pre-roman festivity, but we have few sources to go from. The most probable explanation is that it was a fertility ritual connected to the agricultural cycle, since this is generally the time in which farmers can start planting again after the winter.
I hope you enjoyed this little ramble. Because I very much did. Here's some more pictures:
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tf-comic-project · 5 months
Welcome, dear!
DISCLAIMER This comic has not yet been published.
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Thou Façade — temporary translation to its original name, Tais Feições, in brazillian portuguese — is a comic book project created and written entirely by @iobakena with a little help of @paradizekat working as a secondary writer.
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A fantastical hierarchy influences society as a whole, finding itself on the verge of collapsing through an anarchist plot.
Meta Information
Medium Comic book
Parental Rating Mature
Genre Fantasy - Medieval
Theme Power Dynamic
Writing Focus Character Driven
Planned Book Releases 8-10
Chapters per Release 10-15
Pages per Release 150-200
1st Book Release 2024-2025
Between Releases 8-14 months
AKA Synopsis
Centuries ago, a ritual was created in which all those who participated would enter in a hierarchy, which determined who was the strongest of them all.
As time went by, more and more people wanted to be part of this, thus making it a common practice. Nowadays, those at the top have control over society as a whole, often even above monarchies and governments.
The narrative will follow the strongest of all, as he opposes both governmental and hierarchical powers. While he takes advantage of his place in the hierarchy to express his concerns, an opposing group that wants to command the people as a single government tries to recruit his help.
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Follow us for further info!
Asks are always open for questions!
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averydeadshootingstar · 5 months
in my story i have a brazillian character and i wanted like a pet name or whatever you call it that she calls her boy toy
Currently its as amado but i very well may have found a spanish word instead of Portuguese cuz in stupid
SO ANYWAY suggestions?
amado is a portuguese word but... i have better ones. um "vida" is one ig? it's like calling someone "my life". the most common one is "amor" which means love if u want it to be "my love" then it's "meu amor"
i prefer "amor"/"meu amor" but it's ur story so :F
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mcclainwilla · 2 years
Writing Fight Scenes, Part 2
I'm back. Here is a non-comprehensive list of different styles of martial arts, their usefulness (in my opinion), strengths, weaknesses and common features
Disclaimer: Yes, I did five years of martial arts, but my curriculum was mixed so I'm a bit of a jack of all trades. Take that as you will
Usefulness: 6/10
Funnily enough, I rank this one a 6/10 on its practicality, yet this is the primary style I was taught.
Practitioners are flexible and strong in compromised positions (even when their muscles are stretched in ways other people would find uncomfortable - i.e, they have thrown a kick above their head level - they maintain their balance and ability to put some power into the hit)
Mentioned above, they have great balance
Taekwondo focuses a lot on kicks. 1. Kicks are slower than hand strikes, 2. they sap more energy than hand strikes, and 3. It's far easier to be knocked over when you're often standing on one foot
Taekwondo also focuses on big movements. Blocks utilize your entire arm and often travel the length of your face. Again, this is slow and takes up energy
Taekwondo is a 100% standing martial art, which means you spend all of your time on your feet and none of it grappling on the ground. If your character has a tkd-only background, they won't know what to do if they get knocked over (and, it's easier to fall down than it is to stand up. I'll elaborate on this in a later post)
People have genuinely laughed in my face when I admitted to having practiced taekwondo. Ouch
High, 'snappy' kicks
Broad, showy blocks and strikes
Generally exaggerated movements made to look impressive rather than to serve a function
Tldr; on a scale of martial arts, taekwondo is more 'art' than it is 'martial'
Brazillian jiu jitsu
Usefulness: 9/10
Bjj my beloved. Really, the only reason I won't give this one a 10/10 is that you have to wear your gi while you practice, which is sweaty and cumbersome. By the way, practice is called 'grappling' or 'rolling.' "Hey man, you wanna roll with me?" is an acceptable thing to ask your bjj buddy
Extremely practical. More likely than not, if a character ends up in a fight, someone is going to lose their balance and fall, and what happens then? You grapple
BJJ ends fights. If your characters are sparring, bjj matches end when someone taps out, either from a choke or some kind of arm/kneebar, wrist lock, etc. If your characters are fighting, bjj matches end when someone passes out from a choke or can't use their broken limbs <3
Despite the above bullet point, bjj is actually far safer than other styles of martial arts, as long as you communicate with your partner (if you get knocked out bc you didn't tap out on time, that's on you)
If your fingers get wrapped up in the material of your partner's gi, they're probably gonna get broken. Do not recommend
Very close proximity to your training partners. I cringe a little when I remember calling it 'aggressive cuddling' but that is truly what it is
Slower pace, more focus on short bursts of speed to maneuver from one position to another
Arm/kneebars, chokes
Side note: 'Grappling' can also refer to bjj performed in casual clothes (instead of gis); I rate grappling a 10/10 on the usefulness scale because, let's be real, what are the odds that someone would attack your character while they just so happened to be wearing their uniform?
Krav Maga
Usefulness: 10/10
This shit is mean I'm talking an unholy combo of elbow/knee strikes, chokes, arm/kneebars, and a whole slew of attacks directed at all your squishy bits (eye sockets, throat, left nut, you name it)
Jk yeah because it's so mean it's difficult for your characters to practice in real time. If you gouge out your buddy's eyes, you're a bad sparring partner
Elbow/knee strikes
Targets the face/throat/organs/vulnerable joints (human knees suck ass)
Muay Thai
Usefulness: 7/10
I'm not going to lie I don't know a TON about this one
Still pretty mean. When I think of muay thai, I think of the muay thai roundhouse kick (instead of hitting with your foot, you hit with your whole shin. It's a little like clubbing someone with a baseball bat) and a slew of throws
A lot of those aforementioned throws are, in my opinion, a little complicated. The more complicated the move, the more opportunities there are for you to fuck it up
Mean ass kicks
Cool ass throws
I don't love referring to this one as a martial art. But whatever
Usefulness: 7/10
Common currency. Sure, since a lot of people know the basics of boxing, your characters have to be a little above average to gain the upper hand in a situation, but if they know fuck-all they're gonna get their shit rocked
Can end a fight. All it takes is one good punch to the right part of your character's opponent's face, and they're out
Focuses too much on standing. What happens if you trip and fall? Bitch
More of a brawling martial art with less opportunities for smaller/weaker characters to succeed
Lots of punches, lots of blocks, lots of ducks
Emphasis on footwork (favors the lightfooted)
Emphasis on strength (favors the bulky)
Two notes. 1. Yes, I did martial arts for a while. No, I don't 'know' martial arts, and I never will; it's impossible to learn it all. 2. Your characters probably won't (shouldn't) stick to one style, because there is something to be gained across all styles. Even with silly little martial arts like taekwondo, it wouldn't exist if it didn't work, at least a little bit (so don't bully me about doing tkd!!)
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pearlydewydrops · 23 days
This past week I have been cleansing myself. For three consecutive days I drank a mug of peppermint tea, washed and moisturised my face, bought a new lip balm, cleaned my room, read two books at a time, and, on the first of september, I got my period.
Normally, I would be in complete despite over this (because starting a ‘ber’ month bleeding is torturous and unacceptable when its one of the top 4 best months). But, this week, I've felt like this has been a refresher - like a rebirth to my *pretty miserable* year. I've been taking more photos and I've been consuming, not just skimming through, but really consuming the art I watch and read.
On Tuesday morning, I thus far read up to page 103 of Still Born by Guadalupe Nettel and page 21 of Too Much of Life, which includes the entries from Clarice Lispector's old newspaper column.
From what I can recollect, Still Born follows two friends, Laura and Alina, who have always deprecated the concept of having children — an arduous trap that confines women to a sole devotion to their blood family and from discovering more at too young an age. However, later on in their 30s, Alina and her partner decide they want to have a baby. After a taxing struggle to do so, she gets pregnant but later finds out her baby is dead inside her stomach. When the time arrives for her to be delivered, her brain will be immobile, and they'll end up having to cremate her soon after. To add onto this grief, a big reason as to why she’s going through with the pregnancy would be to increase the unlikely chances of getting pregnant again. Despite this, Alina, following her counsellor's advice, still wants to prepare all the things she would've done with her child; listen to the playlist she made for her baby Ines; create a photo album of her pregnancy; write down in a diary all about her own life-story leading up to Ines’ birth. Laura finds this illogical. 'Why did she want to get to know her daughter if she was going to die straight away?' Commiting to this not-so-funny bit would only accelarate her grief for her child - a yearning that would ultimately lead to further despair and torment, especially if another pregnancy was implausible. But then she figured that, after all, love is illogical, so why wouldn't latching onto what remains of her baby be the most logical thing to do?
"Many of us do the same when we fall in love with someone who is very ill, or who lives far away, or with someone involved in another love story that has no room for us. Who has not plunged headlong into an irreconcilable love affair knowing it has no future, and clinging to a glimmer of hope as flimsy as a blade of grass? Pourquoi durer est-il mieux que brûler? wondered Roland Barthes, sceptically. Love and common sense are not always compatible. In general, one tends to choose intensity no matter how little time it lasts, and in spite of all that it puts at risk." - Page 101, Still Born
A piece of writing that stood out to me in Clarice's column was about a program self-titled Chacrina, the name of the show host and Brazillian comedian. As of 1967, it was the most popular show in Brazil. Clarice describes it as a 'talent show for amateurs', moreso a humiliation ritual towards the participants that the audience, Chacrina, and the participants themselves can't get enough of.
"The man wears absurd outfits, the contestant performs his or her party piece, and if he or she fails to please, then Chacrinha sounds his hooter and sends them packing. There’s something sadistic about Chacrinha, you sense that he gets a certain pleasure out of blowing his hooter. And he repeats the same jokes over and over—does the man simply lack imagination or is he obsessed?" - Page 20, Too Much of Life
The show creates an uncanny unity among Brazillians of all backgrounds and ages (even up to 70). The contestants frequently look undernourished, yet the audience emanate a wave of disconcern, and an unwavering support even. A support for not the contestants, but for the game. 'And in every one of them you see the same longing to appear on television, to show off, to become famous, even at the cost of being humiliated and making complete and utter fools of themselves.’ Clarice concludes the entry expressing disappointment towards the Brazillian public and a confusion towards the widespread popularity of Chacrinha.
"There are money prizes for those who guess the number of honks Chacrinha will give, at least that’s what happened on the one program I watched. Is it the chance of winning some money, like with the lottery, that makes the program so popular? Or are we just a mean-spirited people? Is there a sadistic streak in the viewers which allows them to take pleasure in Chacrinha’s sadism?" - Page 21, Too Much of Life
With the currency of social media present day, the phenomenon that was Chacrinha’s popularity has transformed into an ubiquitous normality across Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube. Now more than ever, people will do anything to get famous, whether its for one minute or what they think will be longlasting. I've always percieved this willingness to be globally demeaned something that originated from social media, perhaps from Youtube 'prank' videos (that was all most definitely a fraud). But now I think it’s just human nature. If an entry that Clarice wrote in 1967 is so reflective of the now of social media, just how far will our vulnerability and openness go to feel valued by the public? Is it all in the name of self-expression or is it the rewards we reap from such self-expression?
During Tuesday, I completed my first ever VET course on first aid. Something to add to my resume (when I finally finish it...)! We learnt how to aid a sprained or fractured muscle; treat anaphylaxis; help a person with asthma; relieve a person who's choking; bandage snake bites; and how to perform CPR with and without a defibrillator. I believe a defibrillator shocks the person if they're in cardiac arrest and their heart isn't pumping? Truthfully, I didn't retain any of the information from the course, so if I add this to my resume, I sincerely hope no one needs an EpiPen in Cold Rock Ice Creamery. I'm just glad I didn't have to do mouth-on-mouth CPR with the human-sized doll. The things I do remember is that you connect one pad of the defribillator to a teenager or adult's chest and the other to the lower side of their stomach; a baby only needs two pumps from the index and middle finger of your hands and one tiny breath when undergoing CPR; and you have to bandage all the way from the top to the bottom of the arm if a person has a snake bite. At least this course ensured I'm never doing anything medical as an occupation.
On Wednesday, I was many hours late to SYC because, admittedly, the activity just seemed more strenuous than it actually was in the moment. My attendance has also been far too low at the community centre, which only made me feel worse. I'm very appreciative and relieved that the people who work there are okay with my egregious attendance. I just need to get over it and take the bus in the morning.
After a Thursday of SYC, I went to the Royal Show to hang out with my friends. My bus trip to the showgrounds had some complications but I got there. I was there from 1:30 to 5-something I believe, and I took lots of photos from daylight to nighttime. My photos aren't great though — I still require plenty of improvement, which reminds me that I need to start reading the photography book I was given. There was nothing much that I observed to write about, as I was too engrossed with my friends. The friends were obviously the best part. Other interactions that come back to me were two tightly-knit couples in their 60s-70s sitting on a bench together. The two old ladies on the bench were scrolling and typing on their phones as they talked to each other, while the two old men were pointing in different directions, probably discussing the different areas they could go during the show. I wondered how long they'd all known each other, and hoped that maybe they lived out my 'The O.C.' fantasy of being four friends who'd known each other since their teen years. I also remember a mother holding four or five containers of cotton candy in a bag with one child on her back and her son next to her. The flavours were things that were personally sickening to my appetite; things like green apple, watermelon, pink cherry, bubblegum or maybe it was blue raspberry. I reckoned the mother ate two bites max of each when they got home, and I hope that those two kids were able to eat the rest over time. Or maybe I just assume that anyone above the age of 35 are disgusted by overly sweet things and maybe the mother did have her fair share of the cotton candy. I don't know! But, overall, the experience was very fun.
Friday was very uneventful. I ate leftover Korean food for lunch and got 30-40 minutes into Blue Velvet until things started to get weird (if you know you know I guess) while my sister was heating up the rest of the leftovers. It always pisses me off whenever people are in the kitchen while I'm eating for some reason, so now I was even more pissed off because I couldn't watch the rest of the movie! I say 'the rest of the movie' not just that part of the movie because I know the remaining minutes get increasingly sexually weird because hahahaha these filmmakers just LOVE Freud and his theories on psychosexual dreams.
Out of everything that happened this week, my curiosity sadly leavened most by reading, rather than my outdoor experiences. However, I think the balance of both kept my mind active and running, which is what matters most. I think my mind and writing is deteriorating as I continue to, so I'm leaving this entry as it is. I hope to finish Blue Velvet sometime and actually form some answer to the questions I've been asking myself on here. But for now, I'm learning to be in the moment and I'll ponder on the irrationalities of love laterrr bye!!
‘It might be hard to believe it now, but I’m sure you’ll feel OK again one day. You have to wait for time to pass.’ ‘I don’t know,’ she replied. ‘Right now, the only thing that excites me is getting to know Inés, touching her, looking at her little face. I don’t care what happens after that.’ - Laura and Alina in Still Born
(1/09/2024 - 5/09/2024)
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laurakinney · 3 years
what about yara flor, like shes new but shes brazillian
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jwslw · 3 years
An idea for semi-realistic monsters
I’m probably not the first person to think of something like this, but here is my take on a Cockatrice and Wyvern like creatures that evolved from raptors.
Cockatrice and Wyverns
An odd evolutionary offshoot of the Dromaeosauridae (raptor) family, The Wyvern and Cockatrice are unusual ambush predators, that can produce and spit venom for hunting.  Like most other Dromaeosauridae, the Cockatrice and Wyvren have three fingers on each hand, the first and second finger on each hand is surprisingly dexterous and used by the creature to help it climb, the third finger on each hand is elongated, and properly part of the creature's wing structure. Cockatrice and Wyvren are also digitigrade bipeds with a large sickle shaped claw on each foot that can be used to slash or anchor them to larger prey items.  At first glance, Cockatrice and Wyvrens do not look that different from modern reconstructions of raptor type dinosaurs, including a large plume/fan of feathers at the tip of the tail.   Unlike other raptors, Cockatrice and Wyvrens do not have normal toothy mouths, instead they have heavy beaks, similar in structure to, but not as robust as, the beaks of the Phorusrhacidae (terror birds), a large bright red wattle-like venom sac immediately behind their lower jaws, and a double row of serrated ridges running down either side of the tail starting half way down the tail's length and terminating just ahead of the fan.  Because of the rigid nature of their tails, a Cockatrice or Wyvren can employ their tail ridges in combat, but only to a limited degree, employing them as a defense against pursuing enemies, or occasionally, to injure larger prey in hit and run attacks.   Cockatrice and Wyvren are not true fliers, but, they glide quite well, with most studies estimating that both species possess a 6 to 1 glide ratio.  
Cockatrice and Wyverns mostly live in temperate to sub-tropical regions, Cockatrice prefer to live in forested foothill regions, while Wyvrens live in more mountainous regions or wide open plains.  Both species prefer to nest in caves or structures such as barns and basements were they have ready access to food.
The origin of the Cockatrice and Wyvern is not yet completely understood, some researchers have assigned them the speculative genus expuens accipiter, (spitting hawk in Latin) within the family Dromaeosauridae to the creatures and assigned them the  species names Africanus (Wyvern) and Pacifica (Cockatrice). These names and placing are not accepted by all researchers, with some arguing the creatures simply stem from the same common ancestor as Dromaeosauridae and modern avians. Fragmentary fossil evidence suggests that the oldest ancestors of the modern species evolved in Cretaceous south-west Asia some 78mya.  It is still not clear to researchers how the creature's survived the KT extinction event.  Researchers are confident however that the two modern lineages, first diverged at the start of the Pleistocene glaciation beginning 2.58mya, with the ancestors of the ea. Africanus (Wyvern), being confined to Africa, while ea. Pacifica (Cockatrice) were confined to the islands of the South Pacific, with their modern forms moving into the Eurasia as the glaciers receded.
In recent times researchers have proposed the existence of three additional species the North American ea. Leedsdiablos (the Jersey Devil), the semi aqutic ea. Amazonas (the Brazillian Boiúna serpent) of South America, and the ea. Oceanis (the Poukai bird of Maori folklore) said to be native to New Zealand and Australia.  These claims are however, dismissed out of hand by most researchers, with alleged sightings put down to hoaxes, miss-identification or illegally imported specimens.
Physical traits
Cockatrice are the smaller, and more social, of the two species.  A typical Cockatrices 91-122cm (3-4ft) long from beak tip to tail tip, stands 56-61cm (22-24in) tall at the shoulder, with a tip-to-tip wingspan of 3-3.1meters (roughly 10ft), and weigh 20-28kg (45-60lb), like birds, female Cockatrice are larger than males.  Cockatrice have predominately off-white, yellow, or brown feathers, males have dark green, red or blue feathers on their heads and tails for mating display, both male and female cockatrice have brightly colored red, green and blue feathers concealed within their breast and wing feathers for threat displays.  Cockatrice produce a potent neurotoxin that can paralyze their prey, that the cockatrice can project upto 4 to 5 meters (approximately 15feet), or inject it directly into the target through a pair of hypodermic fangs near the tip of the creature's beak.  A Cockatrice's neurotoxin is designed to cause a victim's joints to seize up, a creature that has been effected by Cockatrice venom will be unable to move for upto, 144 hours (six days). The venom will not absorb through normal epidermal tissue, as such, a Cockatrice will aim for a creature's face, attempting to contaminate the soft tissue of the creature's eyes, mouth or nostrils.  The common hunting strategy for a Cockatrice is to climb on to an elevated position, such as a small ledge or particularly thick tree branch to attack its intended prey, first by spitting on it and secondly by leaping onto the target, leading with its heavy foot talons.  Cockatrice have powerful legs it can sprint at upto 75kph (55mph) for three minutes, and can leap 7-8meters (roughly 25ft) from a standing start at ground level.   A Cockatrice will reach full maturity in three years and can survive upto 20 years in captivity, but, most live only 10 to 15 years in the wild.
Society and Child rearing
While not true pack hunters, as many as 15 mated pairs of Cockatrice can be found living in a single cave or building. Cockatrice mate for life and eggs are lain in clutches of 4 to 6.  Breeding season lasts from late spring to early summer and fertilized eggs take 8 weeks to hatch.  During this time, the mother will stay with the nest while the father hunts for food to bring back, and will continue to hunt while the mother guards the young for the first 4 weeks after they hatch.  At a round 7 weeks old, Cockatrices chicks will begin to accompany their parents on hunting trips.  A Cockatrice couple will chase away a current clutch of young when the mother begins to brood again, typically one year after their hatching.  While they are unnervingly quiet when hunting, Cockatrice are boisterous creatures when at rest or threatened, with a wide range of calls, similar to sounds made by both predatory and non-predatory birds.
Cockatrice are obligate carnivores, while they mostly stick to animals they can quickly dispatch and consume whole, such as small rodents, lizards or birds, they can, thanks to their neurotoxin, bring down prey considerably larger than themselves, while their mate is tending to their young, males will frequently pursue goats, beaver and other similar sized animals to bring back to the nest.  While single and mated pairs of Cockatrice will usually attempt to drive away other Cockatrice that come to close to their kills, a strange behavior can be observed when a single or mated pair brings down a particularly large prey item such as a cow or elk.  When this happens, the successful Cockatrice will begin making a peculiar high pitched wailing, this wail can be heard out to a range of 4-5km (roughly 3 miles) and will draw in other Cockatrice, which will be allowed to share the catch with them. When consuming large prey, Cockatrice have a “puncture and pull” feeding method, and can not crack bone, though, they can digest the bones of smaller animals when consumed whole.  To maintain ideal health, a Cockatrice must consume at least its own body weight each week.    
Physical Traits
Wyvern are larger and much less social than their smaller cousins.  A typical specimen stands 1.8-2 meters (6 to 7 feet) tall at the shoulder, measure 4.5-6.1 meters (15-20feet) long from beak to tail tip, a tip to tip wingspan of 9-10 meters (roughly 30ft) and a weight of 272-296 kg (600-650lb).  Like most varieties of bird, female Wyverns are larger than their male counterparts.  Wyvern feathers are a mixture of dark gray, rust red, and dull brown, giving the creatures a surprising degree of camouflage in their preferred habitat.  Unlike the Cockatrice, Wyvern do not have fangs and do not produce neurotoxin, instead, they produce a potent molecular acid that can cause serious damage to any organic matter it comes into contact with, including sedimentary rock, and is capable of scouring flesh down to the bone on unprotected humans or similar creatures and can even inflicting third degree burns to animals like hippopotamus and rhinoceros, or humans wearing thick winter clothing.  When stored in the venom sac, and when initially projected from the Wyvern's mouth, the acid is coated in mucus that prevents it from injuring the Wyvern producing it, the mucus will quickly dissolve once exposed to the air, once this happens the Wyvern is just as vulnerable to the acid as any other creature.  The venom sac of a typical adult Wyvern can produce enough venom to cover a 45 to 50 cm² (17-20 in²) area, an adult Wyvren can project acid upto 10-11 meters (roughly 30 to 35 feet).  Once a Wyvern has “spit” acid, it takes roughly 85-90 seconds for it to produce enough acid to do so again. Wyvren acid is however virtually ineffective against most refined metals and modern ceramics such as ones used in the production of bullet proof armors.  A Wyvern is fast, capable of running upto 68kph (45mph) for upto 3 minutes and can cover a distance of 10 meters (30ft) when jumping from a standing start at ground level.  When hunting a Wyvern will spit acid to cripple prey before leaping on to the prey to disembowel it with their talons.  A Wyvren reaches full maturity at six years old and can survive for upto 50 years.
Society and Child rearing
Wyvern are mostly solitary creatures, though they do mate for life and will occasionally tolerate Cockatrice or other small predatory animals sharing their hunting ranges.  Wyvern breeding season usually begins in late winter and lasts till early spring.  After mating a female Wyvern will lay one or two eggs and incubate them for the next twelve weeks.  During the entire incubation process and for the first three months after the Wyvern chicks hatch, the mother remains at the nesting site while the father hunts.  At two years old, the chick(s) will begin accompanying their parents on hunts.  For the first four years after the chick(s) have hatched, the mother Wyvern's body will produce hormones to suppress her reproductive cycle, however, after this period, hormone production ends and the mother will begin brooding again at the start of the next breeding season, at which point she will chase away her adolescent child(ren) as a potential threat to her future chick(s).
Wyvern are obligate carnivores, when tending chicks that are to young to leave the nest, Wyverns will content themselves with small game that can easily be carried to the den, like goats, gazelle, sheep or young deer.  When not tending to young or when the young are old enough to accompany their parents on hunts, Wyvern hunt large game, like cattle, adult deer, and in some cases, even giraffe or hippopotamus, while a Wyvern's beak and jaw muscles are not quite strong enough to bite through bone, they are strong enough to severe the cartilage, allowing them to bite off arms and legs to swallow whole.  Wyvern living near rural communities are especially found of domesticated pigs and donkeys.  To maintain proper health, a Wyvern must consume roughly twice its body weight each week.
The Boiúna serpent (Speculative)
While still regarded as a hoax or miss-identification of an existing animal by most researchers, a great deal of eyewitness testimony has been gathered on the hypothetical ea.  Amazonas has been collected and presented here.
Physical traits
In most regards a  Boiúna serpent is reported in one of two ways, either being similar in size to its Cockatrice cousins or to Wyverns, however, their wingspan is described as only 1.5 to 2.2 meters (4-7.5ft) from tip to tip when reported as being Cockatrice sized or 5-6 meters (16-20ft) when reported as Wyvren sized, however, its wing feathers are much longer and seemingly employed to create shade for attracting fish. The legs of a  Boiúna are usually described as longer and thinner than either of its two recognized cousins, with less pronounced cutting claws. The beak of a Boiúna serpent is described as being more like the beak of a Cormorant, long and thin with a sharp hook at the end for catching and holding fish.  The feathers covering most of a  Boiúna serpent are said to be mostly blue-black or purple-black, with a smaller tuft pale gray feathers on their chest and necks, the beak and leg scales are usually a dark brown color.  On the matter of their venom, accounts seem to be largely split between two camps.  While all accounts say that the  Boiúna serpent lacks teeth, and therefore can not inject venom, roughly half of all reported encounters claim that they possess a weakened version of the neurotoxin produced by a Cockatrice, with the effects wearing off in a matter of hours or after only a day or two, while other sources claim that the  Boiúna serpent produces not venom, but, a strong natural adhesive that can pin potential threats in place allowing them to escape or bring down the target, Boiúna serpent venom is believed to have the same range as Cockatrice venom when “spit”.  It is not known for certain, but, most researchers that believe in the  Boiúna serpent, think it is slower than other relate species estimating their top speed at around 59-60kph (40mph).
Society and Child Rearing
Boiúna, do not seem to be sociable creatures, traveling alone or mated pairs.  As most researchers believe young have never been observed, arguing that the Boiúna may experience indeterminate growth, it is believed that they are kept sheltered for much longer than with other species of  expuens accipiter.   However, in recent years, an alternate theory has emerged, suggesting that reports of smaller Boiúna are actually of young/immature members of the species and that the larger adults actually practice significantly less parental care than their cousins.  
Unsurprisingly, the primary diet of the Boiúna serpent is believed to be fish and small reptiles.  Boiúna serpents are also speculated to raid the nests of other birds as well as caiman and other reptiles.  Some witnesses report seeing Boiúna serpent kick snakes to death in a manner similar to Sagittarius serpentarius  (Secretary birds). Others have claimed to witness them feeding on large animals such a Tapir and Pudu deer.  If the latter stories are true, it is not known if they actively brought down the animal in question, or merely used threat displays to chase off the animal that actually brought it down.
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