#its a crack ship
monstrous-angels · 7 months
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Sephiroth when he finds out about Fanfics.
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izel-scribbles · 2 months
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save me detective noel
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(the newspaper says "butcher at large")
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and here he is with that other stinky bastard man (affectionate)
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pmpwbrrs · 14 days
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Clinging to a part of yourself that is poison, and deep down you know it. That's why you crave it
Or something
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Erratic pulse x five pebbles
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chiquilines · 2 months
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They will find each other again and again and again, and in one life, they will be happy
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strange0-0storm · 4 months
Chat... SMG8 just wants to order‼️‼️‼️🗣
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IM ACTUALLY GOING INSANE I'm becoming attached....
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ratective · 2 years
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chinelacanta · 5 months
(i dont) love you like i did yesterday
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SAKADRAGON BRAINROT!!!! tysm @haunteddelusionalonepiece for the little sakadragon amoeba that now lives in my head <333
(marine dragon’s hair is inspired by @/mangyraccoon ^_^)
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Frenchie stands next to izzy so much this season what is HAPPENING
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
Suddenly remembering the best and funniest Good Omens fanfiction I ever read which was set at a mutual Heaven and Hell "work party" and all the demons had bets to see who could bed an angel by the end of the night. It was hilarious and of course you read it presuming that Crowley will win but be gentlemanly enough to not claim the prize - which of course is what happens, but at the last minute it hits you around the face by revealling that Beelzebub hooked up with Gabriel
and well.
I think I'm gonna go reread that fic...
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this-fine-day · 1 year
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Bro really had a legit "gay panic" moment.
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Adam/Alastor is my guilty pleasure I wish there were more content with them
Ugh. I want it so bad. There's so little fics and art that when I do come across them, it feels like finding buried treasure.
I was screenshotting scenes of Alastor and Adam's fight (for...reasons 👀) and I think you'll appreciate this:
Alastor standing there like 🧍‍♂️
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And Adam's immediate reaction to seeing him:
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Look at that face. That's a very big (menacing) smile for someone you're seeing for the very first time. The way his entire body puffs up it makes him look so eager, and there's a lot I can do with that (¬‿¬)
Also just the fact that Alastor isn't even doing anything. He's just standing there, staring up at Adam (albeit also menacingly), and Adam immediately went over there, no hesitation.
There were so many other people he could've gone after first, like Charlie or Vaggie, but, nope, he's going to the freaky-looking smiling deer man first.
Love that for me.
Also, in case you haven't seen them yet, you should definitely check out mawdam's Alastor/Adam art on Twitter. It's what first got me into the ship and it is just 🤌so good. Even though I follow them, I check their page often to see if they've posted any new art.
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teafromthemicrowave · 2 months
Well. I started reading going postal and I am in love
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Gave him beauty marks and it was the most perfect thing I've ever done
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top surgery scar moist save me save me top surgery scar moist
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I am so gay
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idledearest · 2 months
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i genuinely dont know what this is
enjoy this crack scenario my sleep deprived brain came up with featuring my 5 eldritch neon husbands HAHAHA poor stinkies.. they have no idea how many kids i have.. all my lil ocs that i put through turmoil and misfortune 😩 - Idle
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izel-scribbles · 2 months
@atomkatzchen, @styrofoamdoor, @fangirlshipper, and @maplesugardoodles all requested dollins so here goes!!
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noel teaching collins to dance la bamba! (hes mexican bc i said so)
i remember my dad trying to explain la bamba to me but i have 3 brain cells and couldn't hack it (im such a disgrace of a mexican lmao)
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and collins teaching noel céilí dancing! which is usually done at large social gatherings (like weddings 👀) but they'll have to make do with just the two of them
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collins: i'm baaaack!!
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noel: don't get blood on the carpet
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here they are kissing gay style by popular request
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yeahg 👍
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eepy guys (even serial killers and grizzled noir detectives get the eeps)
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me and @ellamenop were discussing noel quitting the police force and becoming a private investigator, anf it uh. spawned this
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collins: killer must've hit 'im in the head ta make sure he was dead. 's what i would've done.
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noel: yeah, that makes sense
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collins: know what else i'da done?
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noel: ... what?
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collins: i'da pushed ya up against this here wall-
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noel: yeah, yeah, cool it, loverboy. we got work to do.
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misty-doodles · 23 hours
Do you ever just think up the funniest crack ship ever and laugh about it ?
Me when I thought up drunznoza: Punz/Dream/Techno/Philza
Its just techno and the three blonds he keeps on his arm.
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xuxudio · 9 months
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successfully choosing the most doomed ship in any media since 1999
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