#its a fanart of the ender dragon
that-sweet-jester · 1 year
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Drawing this caused me pain, but what Philza Minecraft wants Philza Minecraft gets.
Request by the streamer himself 👇👇👇, why did i ask ;-;
does this count as sick and eldritch ;-;
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end3rm0cha · 3 months
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Cute date idea for the end of pride month, go enderman sighting in the nether <3
This drawing made me realize how their origins clashes with each other whithout meaning to, since half wither is a Nether foccused origin while devine architect is an End centered one :o
I have so much more planned and finished for this au, just waiting for the right time to post things ! I even created a tag just for it yay
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clumsyhusky06 · 2 years
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has this been done already
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zero-is-nebulous · 7 months
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Grian THE horror
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wormyfool · 17 days
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Sovereign of the End
Heavy Ref from Dragon Village Collection Adult Makara
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furrysmp · 10 months
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decided to go sunbringer designs for once. I have so many words oh my god
so. uh,
I am so normal about sunbringer joel smallishbeans so normal I swear. he's planning to throw the o from his name at scott btw.
... he and scar are related but I'm not explaining further until the actual fic about it comes out because there's so much plot significance in the smallishbeans.
... grian. has a book. that he borrowed from the Library. it's very relevant I swear the concept of the library is a plot point.
Also grians eyes are technically green! With a bit of purple and just. a layer of Dark over them to make them less neon green. its not in his genetics to have neon eyes. unlike scar and I swear their eye colors are relevant but like in a weird queerplatonic scarian dl based bit in the grian chapter of the fic
Mumbo is a long cat and being held by me specifically those hands are how I draw my mc skin. I wanted to draw him as this meme since 2021 but he's very hard for me to draw so I took the one time I'll ever draw him and did this.
Jimmy is. a creature. that has bird features but also cod features bc again half of the plot of sunbringer is based on empires 1. Also the bird he's holding is singing. And joel is stealing the song bc he has music type magic.
Scott! Is the one guy I can talk about! Because he already appeared in the fic. He's part ender dragon and like. a child of stars? I have a lot of times I drew him before I think but idk how much of it I uploaded before so yeah. Please ask me about sunbringer scott smajor he's one of the only ones I can talk about and he has so much lore going for him he's so dear to me
impulse is. technically part ender dragon too? the specifics will be explained in his chapter of yhiwu (alongside. a lot of magic lore. like a lot. I have half that speech written already it's basically looking the empires fic in the eyes and going "fight me uwu")
And because impulse is aligned to shadows skizz gets to be some form of light dragon descendant? Like light isn't directly an element in the magic of this universe but it does have an equivalent in the element of Life, which connects to truth and love, whereas shadows and theatrics (and storytelling in general) is always aligned to whatever element is considered dark; in this magic system, being Void.
Tango is looking up at mumbo. thats all. I don't have a lot of notes because my tango is just a little guy.
(Etho is checking smth on his smartwatch and also doing his best to ignore bdubs rn bc bdubs is in his villain arc/hj)
... ngl the only note I have on the bdubs design is that it's accidentally inspired by my human design for the main character in the show I'm writing. Bracelets and sparkly eyes and a t-shirt and. Crimes.
also not much on the cleo design she was just fun to draw but the implications of her existence are spoilers and also not really visually indicative bc idk what a "zombie hybrid" would look like so she just looks. funky. her background is all stitched together btw I finally had a use for the dashed lines brush :D
martyn and ren are. BIG spoilers. But only to like chapter 5 of the current fic. I will say I highly enjoy their existence tho. Also my ren designs always have hawaiian patterned shirts its a personality trait he seems to possess. Also his glasses are like. a hologram? bc his ears are Dog so he cant have normal glasses w like. the things that go behind ur ears.
lizzie is. also very important. she gets the two animals thing like jimmy bc axolotl and cat were her empires animals. also her buns are heart shaped I saw some fanart of that and its really cute so I also have that. and she's also looking at the long mumbo! very confused.
bigb. scares me. like yeah secret life really be mans villain arc. I tried to reflect that by actually straight up mirroring his eyes and having him be. the only guy looking straight at u. he can see u. u can run but u cant hide. also he gets cookies. also also drawing facial hair is hard he's the only time I ever managed to make facial hair look. normal. ever. wont happen again.
gem is being adorable and also definitely a deer hybrid dont mind the magic or stuff its fine (her chapter is. third in the roster. I literally just need to finish the impulse chapter to convince myself that its ok to upload her immediately after ch2).
and pearl! who we know bc she gets first chapter of the fic and thats already out. her eyes are a bit like moons btw. also she's doing magic back at gem which is cute I think. idk.
also half of them have fancy hair shines. like joel having beans that get progressively smaller. or pearl having moons. :D
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thunderberryart · 10 months
It's interesting how some of the criticisms I've seen over on r/runefactory concerning RF4's writing--specifically those surrounding Act 3--are serving as inspiration for a potential AU to explore in fanart (and maybe fanfiction as well, if I ever get around to it.)
So, you know, even as someone who adores Rune Factory 4's cast of characters and the individual character arcs everyone goes through, I am not without my criticisms of the writing. One thing I am definitely not a fan of is the fact that all three acts of the main story are essentially "save Ventuswill: Parts 1, 2, and 3." It's not that "save the Divine Dragon" is a bad plot to have, but that it never really switches up the formula enough to keep it consistently interesting across the length of RF4's story. You can easily describe the three acts of RF4's story as "Ventuswill is secretly dying! You must save her! Oh, now she's dying again! Get the Rune Spheres back from Ethelberd and save her! Surprise! She's not actually dead! Let's save her for real this time!" And because of that lack of variation, the most interesting aspects of Act 2 and Act 3, at least for me, are not saving Ventuswill, but the stuff that happens with the other characters who are involved in the plot. Arthur, who cites frequently in his dialogue how much he dislikes having been born a prince, utilizes the resources he has at his disposal to get Selphia the support it needs from the capital because as much as he may complain about his position, he knows he has a responsibility as a member of Norad's royal family and the true prince who was supposed to run Selphia. Doug, who was revealed earlier in Act 1 to actually be a spy for the Sechs with a personal vendetta against Ventuswill, feels immense guilt for having believed in a lie that ultimately hurt the people he cares about, and he actively seeks to redeem himself to the point of getting injured multiple times across Act 2. And during Act 3, we finally learn that Frey/Lest is a surviving descendant of the Earthmates who have spent literal centuries trying to find a solution to the runes in the land dying out so that Ventuswill will no longer have to rely on the sacrifices of the Guardians in order to live.
However, a post by u/KamenRiderSekai, who I believe goes by @avenger-concerto here, highlights that Act 3 does, to an extent, potentially ruin the narrative themes of Rune Factory 4's story. Even as someone who generally prefers happy endings to sad or bittersweet ones (hell, the whole reason I originally bought Rune Factory 4 Special was because I needed a more lighthearted game after the literal rain of depression that was Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights), Act 3 does feel very... out of place. A lot of RF4's themes revolve around those of loss, grief, loneliness, and self-isolation, and how you need to make the most of the time you have with those you love instead of shoving them away because life is so short. Although it was upsetting to see Ventuswill die at the end of the Act 2 despite all the crap Lest/Frey went through trying to save her, it feels... fitting, especially since Frey/Lest's ending narration solidifies that although they and the rest of the town were in mourning for some time, they resolved to move forward with their lives because all Ventuswill wanted was a bright future for her friends and for Selphia, and she was absolutely tired of people sacrificing themselves for her sake.
But Act 3 comes along and you learn that Oh, not only was Ventuswill not ready to go just yet, but we still have a chance to save Ventuswill despite the fact that she's literally dead. I get that although it has its "dark" moments, Rune Factory is overall a fairly lighthearted series, but it just seems very shoehorned in for the sake of giving players a happy ending where Ventuswill is alive and well. And when you do complete Rune Prana and save Ventuswill, there is so very little fanfare to the point that there isn't even a credits roll like the first two acts; all you get is a commemorative illustration featuring Ventuswill in her human form down in the trophy room. It makes Act 3 almost feel like one big afterthought despite the important lore it contains, especially in regards to Frey/Lest.
With all that said, KamenRiderSekai did briefly bring up an interesting, alternate concept for Act 3, one that has been gnawing at my brain off and on again since I originally first read it. Taken directly from the original reddit thread:
"A more apt arc would have been maybe the birth or succession of a new "Ventuswill", which is something I've always thought of as an alternative for years on end."
This makes so much more sense to me on so many levels. First off: Ventuswill does state during Act 1 that, when she expires, the runes her body gives off will be enough to sustain the land for another 1000 years, during which a new Native Wind Dragon will be born to play their role as she did. A new "Ventuswill" being born, possibly as a result of the influences of the Rune Spheres as well as whatever efforts the protagonist and the Guardians put in, would 100% make sense from a lore standpoint. However, it also makes sense from a thematic standpoint in regards to the franchise as a whole.
A major theme prevalent in the Rune Factory series is the cycle of life, death and rebirth. In almost every game, the protagonist loses their memories, resulting in the "death" of their past self. They wake up in a new town that takes them in, where they create a new life for themselves; eventually, they fall in love with someone, get married, and start a family with their spouse. This lines up so well with the idea that even though the old Ventuswill is gone, she is not forgotten and her spirit will live on in the new Wind Dragon who will one day guide and protect the land like their predecessor.
If I were to make this into a full blown AU, there are other things I would like to explore as well. I highlighted in a post from August about how Arthur's Another Episode reveals that Selphia's relationship with the royal family is complicated because it is not actually ruled by the king, but by Ventuswill herself, and that her death should have had more implications in terms of Selphia's political status as well as in regards to Frey/Lest and Arthur's switch... which it doesn't because a major point of RF4's gameplay is that you're in charge of Selphia and even Arthur returning to his position briefly during Act 2 doesn't affect your ability to manage the town through the Order Symbol.
There is also the matter of the Guardians; although they willingly allowed themselves to have the Etherlink spell cast on them because they wanted to save Ventuswill, all four of them had lives prior to their centuries-long slumber and with her death, it seemingly renders the sacrifices they made pointless. So, you know, there is an incredibly great potential for angst as well as character development if this becomes a "Okay, we failed to save Ventuswill, but we can speedrun the birth of the new Ventuswill" plot.
I'm sorry for the massive ramble. It is just strangely satisfying knowing that some genuinely valid criticisms of a game I adore have the potential to result in some incredibly tasty fanwork scenarios.
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emptober · 2 years
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The 2022 Emptober prompt list is here! Sorry for how late it is but I promise its here!! It’s a thing!! Fanfic, fanart and other fan made media is welcomed!
[id: A prompt list for October titled ‘Emptober’. The background is in various shades of green featuring a cave, a campfire, a bridge with various statues on it, mountains and a faint sunflower just behind. At the front is the Minecraft Ender Dragon egg with a crown and two diamond swords stabbed beside it all in a nest. 31 prompts are listed on a background gradient of yellow and purple. /end id]
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megabuild · 9 months
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this was like a five minute doodle just to get the concept down but ive been thinkin about greggory..
obvious full disclaimer him being more human shaped is inspired by qsmp fanarts ofc. pushes that out of the way
ive talked a little about nl!olipix here and here but tldr oli ""dies"" at the end of empires and runs away and leaves olipelago to greggory. pixelle gets nothing in his will btw which he doesnt really care about on like a physical level because hes more upset about his boyfriend fucking dying but there is a part that stings that hes not even mentioned in the will despite them being so close he feels a little like oh so did that not mean anything to you.. but thags his issue.
the most immediate problem is that greggory is like not competent enough to live alone or maintain the olipelago. sorry. he's still in his shell at this point and like six months old tops he's baby. pixelle was already lowkey his parent because he babysat and hung out with oli a lot so it sort of happens naturally.. plus as a dragon its honestly a bit more like a slightly higher maintenance cat. who can breathe fire once hes out of the shell a couple months down the line. thats scary.
pix wraps up work on the ancient capital and moves back to the city to continue his previous job but things don't work out for .. various reasons. he's literally still like part ghost. but when he moves he takes greggory with him ofc because like he can't leave him alone... pix doesn't actually like children he was really bad with hermes but gregg grows on him. maybe in part because he's not really a child he's a dragon like i said. until. har har.
at about a year old greggory starts mimicking the humans around him a lot better than he was before. like. he starts walking on two legs. and at first pixelle is like lol how cute and then he seriouses because oh shit what the fuck raising dragons is sort of not really that common especially not in this sort of environment. on the rare occasions they've been tamed before they've been wiled beasts and this is an ender dragon which is nigh unheard of. (Violet from arc 1 still exists but is a very difficult and separate case that doesn't apply.) so suddenly instead of a little kittycat this thang is trying to walk and grab things with his little claw hands and vocalising (he doesn't have vocal chords capable of human speech but he does little grunts and stuff it's cute.) pixelle is equal parts fascinated from a scholarly pov but also like oh my god i am not qualified at all for this what the fuuuck
this is the point that makes pixelle sit up and go ok i need to unghost myself because i cant. raise my weird son like this. (his entire ghost thing is a weird metaphor for depression and trauma and grief because all the ghosts in aoyuer are about that. so yea) and then him and greggory go do that and its a whole thing i wont get into but it leads into him entering the land that new life is set in and meeting oli again who he had kind of figured out was alive and was trying to track down but didnt expect it to happen here. and so begins their divorce arc
fun notes though: pixelle calls greggory omelette sometimes as a cute nickname! he suggested that as a name when he was still in his egg. sort of mean. also since gregg can't speak english pix learns and then teaches him sign language ^_^ at the start of new life / arc 3 he's only a basic communicator but can get his point across usually.
oli is by no means a bad dad he's just not a great one either. it's clear he tries very hard and he does love gregg. part of the reason he leaves him is BECAUSE he loves him and he recognises he's not really able to raise him and it would be unfair to drag him along wherever he plans on going post empires... but that doesn't make it right etc etc. Hes aware of that too and feels generally awful about the whole thing... His and greggorys relationship is weird and strained at the start but he tries by god does he try. And they make it work eventually. They have to get through the horrors first though.
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bee-dot-exe · 9 months
"'Are you alright with your scar being in fanart?' Sure, that's fine, I did get it when I was in Manhunt and the ender dragon bit me and I pulled its jaws apart, of course."
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atlasllm · 7 months
proud of dream showing off his scar as i think its a very vulnerable thing to share and i am also proud of the badasses who decided to add it into fanart of him killing the ender dragon
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poorlydrawnmcyt · 3 years
Draw Grian and Scar with the dragon egg
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homophobicpunz · 4 years
i changed my mind, fic request about how punz got his necklace/pendant thing? a lot of fanart shows it as an eye of ender and i fuck with that headcanon sm
i like the idea that punz having a eye of ender chain in his dsmp design represents a connection between dsmp!punz and speedrunner punz so, um, heres this :)
With all the drama of war over, Punz had really nothing to do. This lack of quickly spiraled into the incurable boredom that now found him lying on the floor of the castle, scratching a pattern into the stone with his axe. 
“What did I say about scratching up my floors?” 
Punz rolled over onto his back to see Eret looming over him, hands on their hips. 
“You said not to do it anymore.” Punz replied with a sigh. 
“Exactly. It's a lot of work to buff out the scratches.”
“Is that what happened to my masterpiece from yesterday?” 
Eret laughed. “I don’t think a stick figure drawing of you on a throne being fanned by George is a masterpiece, but to each his own.” 
“Eret, I’m so bored.” 
“I know. That’s why I’m here. Dream left some chests and he wants us to go through them to find anything valuable.”
Punz perked up at that. Finally, something to do, and a job from Dream no less. Even if it was just looking through chests of junk, it was something. 
“Well, let's get going then,” Punz said, sticking out his hand. Eret grabbed it, pulling him up and Punz followed after Eret through the castle. Eventually, they made their way to a room that had quite a few chests scattered around it. 
“Just pick a chest and get started. Dream said we can keep anything that's not tools, potions, armor, books, or gemstones.” Eret said and headed over to the nearest chest. Punz surveyed the room for a moment. His eyes caught on a chest near the back of the room. Something about it… he couldn’t quite describe it, but it felt like that chest wanted him to open it. Punz figured it didn’t matter where he started anyway, so he walked over. 
At first, the chest seemed to be full of just junk. A bunch of random stone structures and plants. Punz pulled out all that, dropping it on the floor to the side, when he saw something shiny. He dug it out to reveal a strange orb. 
It looked to be some sort of eye, but it was dark blue with a green iris and a thin black pupil, almost like a cat. The orb was heavy for its small size, only a few inches across. An almost imperceivable purple mist swirled across its glassy surface. It was beautiful. 
“Eret! Come look at this cool thing I found!” Punz shouted across the room. 
Eret got up from his chest and walked over. 
“What is it?” Eret asked, kneeling down next to Punz to get a good look at the strange orb. 
“I have no idea. Isn’t it so cool though?” Punz said, staring intently at it, as if he could unlock its secrets if he thought hard enough. The orb’s eye reflected in Punz’ own. 
“It’s certainly interesting.” 
“You don’t think Dream would mind if I kept it, would he?” 
Eret smiled to himself. Something about this orb had Punz completely mesmerized. “I don't think so, it doesn’t seem to be useful.” 
“Where did you get that!?” Dream shouted. Punz took a step back, surprised by the other man’s sudden aggression. He followed Dream’s gaze to his chain, where he had wrapped the eye orb with a few stands of gold and attached it as a pendant. 
“This?” Punz asked, holding up the orb. 
“Yes. How did you find that?”
“It was in one of the junk chests you had Eret and I dig through. What, is it important or something? Do you want it back?” Punz tried to keep his tone relaxed, very unsettled by Dream’s seriousness. They had never been friendly, per say, but this was something different. 
“I- No, no. And you don’t have any idea what it is?”
“No. Do you?” Punz was sure Dream knew what the orb was, the real question was whether Dream would tell him. 
“That’s not important.” And the answer was no. Dream continued. “Um, you can keep it, if you want. Though, it hasn’t made u feel… weird, has it?”
It had, actually. But something told him that Dream wouldn’t be happy with that. The orb was special. He couldn’t let Dream take it away from him. So he went with a safe half-truth. 
“No, I don’t think so. I did fall asleep with it on one time and I had a really weird dream.”
“Oh, what was it about?” Punz couldn’t see Dream’s eyes, but if he could, he was sure they lit up at that. 
“There was this big creature, a dragon I think, and I was beating it to death with a bed? And for some reason I had to use the bed, not an actual weapon. I don’t think it's related to the orb though, I have weird dreams all the time.” 
“Yeah, that sounds like just a regular weird dream.” 
Punz knew it wasn’t possible, but it almost seemed like the smile of Dream’s mask got a tiny bit larger. 
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mythical-fangirls · 4 years
There are three ways they can handle the End in the Dream SMP
A. Its never opened
B. Its opened but doesnt get any kinda plot to it and is just a fun time
C. Its open and gets a plot
I’m low-key hoping for C, and considering that the game’s in easy difficulty, they’ll have to do something to make killing it harder.
Personal idea I’ve had is for the portal to take them to an end city rather than the end proper. So they have to travel to 0, 0 on their own. It also gives Philza the chance to get his Elytra and just imagine the fanart of Philza with his wings as he fights the dragon alongside everyone. It would also make an interesting ‘arc’ where everyone is preparing to fight this dragon and the realm it lives in. The climax of it all, they enter. Confused and afraid when they find themselves thousands of blocks away from zero zero. Philza gets his wings, everyone else gets a boost in gear because no everyone went in with diamond. Shulker boxes! Ender Pearls!
Once they get to zero zero to fight the dragon, something is different. This dragon is smarter, there are more crystals and- wait didn’t Sam just shoot down that Crystal? Why is it back?- WHY ISNT THIS DRAGON GOING TO MID?
That right, the dragon’s being controlled by a player, as another replaces the crystals when no one’s looking.
It makes the end fight harder and a plot AND makes it so that multiple players are required to fight it.
(note: am tired idk what im saying, this has been on my mind for days)
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greedygreedyphilza · 4 years
OOOOOOO OKAY, MORE HARDCORE LORE CAUSE I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS. Another thing I love to imagine is that the experience of gaining wings is different for every person but the single constant is that you must defeat the ender dragon, after which the world will deem you worthy of having wings after defeating a being with one's themselves. Some have a more drawn-out process or some have them overnight, its really all up to the author depending how painful they want it to be(I have a long time experience with angst so 👀) but everyone's wings are definitely unique! I also loved that fanart btw!! It almost makes me think if philza summoned his wings instead would it be through an ender type magic? Maybe?
But on more hard-core world building! The process of hard-core players revealing their single lives is one that takes an extreme amount of time and trust, and symbolically players will gift those they truly feel safe around feathers from their own wings!! :]]] typically these feathers are so recognizable and different than any actual bird that in unique circumstances other hard-core players can recognize when certain players have been "claimed" or under another hard-core players protection. It's not unusual to see kids with feathers decorating bracelets or necklaces or more older, experienced players having feathers tied lovingly to their weapons or attached to their armor somewhat :]]]
Hard-core players definitely carry a certain prestige, mystery, and even fear in certain spaces as its totally unknown how long they've been alive :o so that's why maybe they're targeted an unusual amount!!
- hard-core anon :]]
(I hope you've had a good day btw and if I ever fill up your inbox or you would rather me not just tell me I won't mind lol, but have a good day anyway :]]] )
i love these too!!! lay it on me >:D. but ooooo i love that, leaving it up to person to person is always an excellent take for me because it means you can play around with it a bunch and it leaves it open for the angst which i love (as long as there’s some comfort after, i don’t read straight angst stories). also this idea of defeating the dragon by yourself in the hardest difficulty when you only have one life is very very cool and it also makes it like this accomplishment among hardcore players or maybe even like a rite of passage kind of thing? i adore the idea that everyone’s wings are completely different and i think it would be super cool if some people’s wings were based of birds but some were like fantastical in design but like it also opens up the idea that everyone’s wings suit them. like for example i have always imagined phil with owl wings simply because when they swoop down they are practically silent, if you’ve never like heard it you should check it out, like a video comparing owl’s wing sounds to other birds. it’s really interesting stuff or at least it is to me lol. or maybe if we go this ender magic route, maybe when the enderdragon is defeated she imparts this wisdom of ender magic and that teaches people how to do the magic to give themselves wings. 
i love that concept!!! like it very much makes sense that it’s something only shared with the people closest to them and that to show their trust they give you a feather. it opens up so many possibilities with designs with where someone could put the feather or how they might use the feather. like for instance someone who is a writer or just enjoys calligraphy might make their feather into a pen because that would give them the most use of it and it would be the most special for that person. or even that someone else would take the feather and make it into a necklace to wear and always have on them right near their heart. 
but yeah i would think that hardcore players are sought after mostly because of fear of them and how long they have lived and their wisdom of the world. people are scared of these players knowing too much or maybe even these players being too powerful considering most have defeated the dragon by themselves and have the ability to fly. 
i have had a really good day, i did have classes which always sucks but philza was also streaming and those are always the best. i hope you had a good day too!!! but you could never bother me, thinking about all of this stuff is super fun and getting asks is always so nice and exciting so you could never bother me :D
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the-upper-shelf · 4 years
I miss your Enderal fanart. I hope you return to it one day. Keep up the good work. I've always loved your art and hope to see more like it in the future.
Oh same 😭
I haven't played enderal in a while and since i take most of my inspiration from there its quite difficult to come up with a concept.
My PC has started getting very laggy and heated whenewer i play a videogame (same goes for dragon age- the reason why it's still going strong on my blog Is because of commissions!) but i guess i can still use the characters for some pratice :3
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