#its about the effort the TEAMWORK the passion for the game the skill development
deadpooly · 1 year
i am going to talk abt sports in the tags
#edmonton oilers... leon draisatl#i mispelled his last name but whatever#anyways#he is so dangerously over hyped#like it makes me want to tear my hair out#tonight he scored FOUR GOALS which is insane truly#but all those goals he was stagnant in front of the net/around the net#it was very 'right place right time' kinda thing#and nobody really sees that#because during the rest of the game this man does not backcheck at all#he doesnt support defense#even in the offensive zone hes never skating as hard as his potential could even allow him#one pet peeve i have about him is if its going away from the net or there isnt an obvious chance where he could pull a goal out#he doesnt pressure any opponents or even try for the puck#people LOVE him and idk why#but as a player if i had someone on my team constantly getting credit for playing like that just because they put points up... id be upset#because hockey isnt just about the points#its about the effort the TEAMWORK the passion for the game the skill development#hes a very subtly selfish player and i think the casual fan doesnt notice it#but ive definitely had my fair share of playing with and coaching and reffing selfish players and he doesnt differ much from them#im not gonna lie mcdavid wasnt that stellar either#the second and third line showed more teamwork and hustle than they did#hard work beats talent when talent doesnt work hard#and the oilers have definitely lost their teamwork aspect#anyways i could dive into this deeper with more solid evidence than just my word but at the end of the day its just a hockey game#and its just an opinion that definitely doesnt effect their paychecks lol
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linuxgamenews · 2 months
Anima Flux at GDC 2024: Gaming Innovation and Dedication
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Anima Flux at GDC 2024 for this upcoming co-op metroidvania game on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Hats off to the skilled Anima Flux team for their amazing effort and dedication. Due to make its way onto both Steam and GOG. Let me walk you through the incredible journey of Anima Flux at GDC 2024. This event was a big deal for anyone passionate about video games and development. Since there are 30,000 people gathered, sharing a common love for gaming innovation and creativity. This year, GDC outdid itself with over 1,000 speakers and 730 different sessions. But let's also focus on the real star here: Anima Flux. Anima Flux wasn't just another participant among the 50 teams at GDC. They stood out, making it to the top 10 in the GDC Pitch! This was huge. Think about it, they had just 5 minutes to capture everyone's attention and they nailed it. The team showcased not only their title but also their journey and vision. It's not every day you see such talent getting recognized by top industry judges. The showcase itself was a whirlwind of excitement. While the developers were all ears, taking in every bit of feedback from players. They even presented an updated demo version, now available on Steam. It’s clear these guys are serious about making their mark on Linux as well.
Anima Flux and GDC 2024
As a title that deserves attention. The setting? A single human city on a space ark facing a mutant invasion. The story? A gripping story of survival against a theocratic totalitarian regime. Players are due to take control of two elite soldiers, each with unique abilities and skills. What's unique here is how you can finesse your way through battles, while combining these skills to outsmart the toughest foes. What sets Anima Flux apart at GDC is its take on the Metroidvania genre. It's like they've reinvented the whole concept, turning it into a co-op adventure that can switch to single-player when needed. The title evolves as you progress, challenging you to strategize boss fights and navigate grim locations. It's also about teamwork, strategy, and a whole lot of action. The world is a dystopian masterpiece. The story unfolds through hand-drawn animated cutscenes and dialogues filled with irony. It's not just about the action; it's also about the story, the moral dilemmas, and the twists that keep you on the edge of your seat. Visually, it's a nod to 80-90s retro sci-fi, blending futuristic 2D visuals with a dark cosmic atmosphere. This style gives Anima Flux a unique vibe that you don't see every day. For those eager to dive into Anima Flux, the GDC demo's already up on Steam. And for everyone else waiting for the full release, the co-op metroidvania game's set to hit Linux, Mac, and Windows PC by Q4 of 2024 onto both Steam and GOG. If you're into gaming and like a good story with intense action, this is something to keep an eye on. Trust me, this isn’t just another title; it's a game-changer.
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samwargacki · 3 months
Title: Elevate Your Soccer Game with a Simple Strategy: Anticipating Passing Options
Soccer, often hailed as the beautiful game, is a sport that thrives on precision, strategy, and teamwork. Among the myriad skills required to excel on the field, one stands out as particularly crucial: the ability to anticipate passing options. As a passionate player with over two decades of experience in the game, I've come to appreciate the profound impact that this skill can have on individual performance and team dynamics.
From the moment I first kicked a ball, I knew that soccer would become an integral part of my life. Over the years, I've played at all levels of the game, but it's futsal that truly captures my heart. The fast-paced nature of the sport and its emphasis on quick thinking and technical skill resonate with me on a deep level.
Understanding the importance of knowing two passing options before receiving the ball is paramount in soccer. It instills a sense of confidence and control, eliminating guesswork and allowing players to make quicker, more informed decisions on the field. This skill can be the difference between a successful attack and a missed opportunity.
I first learned about the concept of anticipating passing options through the guidance of experienced coaches and teammates. As I honed my skills, I began to see its impact firsthand, both in games and during training sessions. The ability to visualize and plan my next move before receiving the ball became second nature, empowering me to stay one step ahead of the competition.
To improve my ability to anticipate passing options, I implemented various drills and exercises during training sessions. I also took a hands-on approach with my team, emphasizing the importance of this skill and incorporating it into our scrimmages and game simulations. By creating a culture of proactive decision-making, we were able to elevate our performance on the field.
Anticipating passing options not only enhances individual performance but also fosters a stronger sense of teamwork and communication on the field. By knowing where teammates are positioned before receiving the ball, players can make more informed decisions, leading to fewer turnovers and more effective ball distribution.
While implementing this skill initially posed challenges, particularly in balancing multiple factors during gameplay, perseverance and commitment to continuous improvement were key. Through practice and repetition, I was able to refine my ability to anticipate passing options, ultimately improving my overall performance on the field.
For aspiring players looking to develop their ability to anticipate passing options, my advice is simple: learn it, think about it, and implement it. Half the battle lies in understanding the tactic, while the other half involves putting in the effort to incorporate it into your game. With practice and determination, you can and will get better.
As I look ahead to the future, I envision continuing to expand my awareness and options on the field while maintaining my commitment to strategic thinking and proactive decision-making. By continually refining my skills and embracing new challenges, I aim to maximize my effectiveness on the field and contribute to the success of my team.
In conclusion, mastering the art of anticipating passing options is a journey that requires dedication, patience, and a willingness to learn. By prioritizing this skill and incorporating it into your training regimen, you can elevate your performance on the field and unlock new levels of success in the beautiful game of soccer.
If you found this content helpful, informative, or entertaining, consider subscribing to our newsletter for more insights, tips, and stories from the world of soccer. Join our community of passionate players and fans as we continue to explore the beautiful game together.
Thank you,
Sam Wargacki
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edumetatheischool · 4 months
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Sports Day is an exhilarating and much-anticipated event in the lives of eduMIANS at eduMETA THE – I – SCHOOL, a premier preschool that strives to provide holistic education to its students. This day offers an opportunity for young minds to showcase their sportsmanship, team spirit, and athletic skills. Let’s take a closer look at how the curious and enthusiastic eduMIANS celebrated their Sports Day at eduMETA THE – I – SCHOOL.
Start with the National Anthem:
The event commenced on a patriotic note, as the entire school gathered on the sports ground, respectfully standing in formation, ready to kick-off the festivities. The proud eduMIANS started their day by singing the National Anthem, a heartfelt expression of unity and love for their nation
Preparations and Excitement in the Air:
Leading up to Sports Day, there was an air of excitement and anticipation among eduMIANS. Teachers informed them about various sports activities they would participate in, all aimed at nurturing physical development and instilling a passion for sports in these young minds.
Opening Ceremony:
The day commenced with a grand opening ceremony, where students proudly marched in their colorful uniforms. Parents, teachers, and special guests filled the atmosphere with applause and cheer. The national anthem echoed throughout as students stood tall, showcasing their respect for the country.
Challenging and Fun-Filled Games:
Various sporting events were organized, ensuring to engage every eduMIAN in activities according to their age and abilities. From classic races like sack race, potato race, and spoon race to team-based activities such as tug of war and relay races, each game instilled the value of teamwork, discipline, and fair play.
Demonstrating Agility and Balance:
eduMIANS displayed their agility and balance through the hoop race, hurdle race, and balancing acts. eduMIANS celebrated their accomplishments with thunderous applause, encouraging the students to reach new heights while promoting a healthy competitive spirit.
Parent and Child Bonding Activities:
Sports Day at eduMETA THE – I – SCHOOL goes beyond just showcasing students’ abilities. It provided a unique opportunity for parents to bond with their children through fun-filled activities such as parent-child races, pyramid building, and catching the ball. These activities not only reinforced the parent-child relationship but also fostered a sense of camaraderie within the school community.
Sportsmanship and Enthusiasm:
Throughout the day, the sports ground was buzzing with applause, encouragement, and cheer as the young athletes displayed their sportsmanship and enthusiasm. Every participant’s effort was recognized and celebrated, regardless of the outcome, instilling a sense of confidence and pride in each eduMIAN.
The Importance of Physical Education:
The Sports Day event served as a reminder of the importance of physical education in early childhood development. The day-long activities emphasized the significance of leading a healthy and active lifestyle, keeping in mind the holistic growth of a child.
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melvintart · 5 months
How to Become a Successful Football Coach - A Comprehensive Guide by Melvin Tart
Coaching football requires more than simply analyzing plays; an effective coach must possess a winning mindset and charisma to motivate their players.
Be a positive example to your athletes by teaching them the values of respect, humility, and sportsmanship - it will foster teamwork and lead them to success!
Know the Game
As elucidated by Melvin Tart, successful football coaches possess a passion for their craft that drives them to continually learn and expand their coaching abilities. They motivate their players through brutal practices and games and inspire success on the pitch. Passion is essential in sports teams as it inspires members to achieve victory and succeed!
While the rules of football are essential for any tutor to know as well as the back of their hand, there are other aspects to the game not formalized in rules which are important to know. In particular, there are various customs and traditions associated with certain teams, or their fans, and it’s important to be familiar with these when you begin as a coach.
Know Your Team
One of the keys to being an effective football coach is being knowledgeable about your team. This means knowing how to play the game, your players' strengths and weaknesses, and any training needed for performance improvement.
Melvin Tart emphasizes that as part of your team observation efforts, it's also crucial that you assess how they interact with one another. Doing this can help identify ways to improve communication within your group and ensure everyone has similar goals and expectations.
A successful football coach must listen to and acknowledge player concerns while adapting their coaching methods. This is especially crucial if coaching at the NFL level, as coaching may well become your life, and there may be limited time for other activities, like working, family life, and taking time to develop your skills to better fit the needs of your team. It’s better to be one stage ahead so that you aren’t on the backfoot with your coaching if your team takes off in the season.
Know Yourself
Successful coaches possess exceptional footballing ability and an in-depth knowledge of the game, its rules, player motivation, and how best to teach others the sport. A great mentor must always be open to learning new things and expanding their skill set through various means, such as reading books, attending coaching clinics, or even watching other coaches.
As a great coach, you must communicate well with your players and listen attentively, ensuring they understand you and everyone on the field is on the same page. Furthermore, ensure you set an optimistic environment during practice sessions and games by showing a positive attitude.
Melvin Tart Kenosha WI suggests that a great coach must recognize and exploit his players' talent, enabling him to devise strategies and formations explicitly tailored to their skill levels. Furthermore, they should evaluate each of their players to identify areas for improvement while using tools for player reports and analysis shared across teams.
Know the Rules of the Game
One of the critical aspects of being a football coach is knowing and understanding its rules - including position-specific regulations and overall game rules. You'll need a thorough grasp of these regulations to develop your coaching style and create plays that enhance team performance.
If you need clarification of football rules, consult a current coach or read some books on it. There are also plenty of helpful resources online, and watch NFL games while taking notes while viewing coaches' films to gain an idea of how the pros do things - this may also help your learning.
Melvin Tart Kenosha WI highlights that becoming a successful coach requires dedication and commitment over many years. Though sometimes you may feel nothing is happening, stay focused, knowing that all the hard work and effort will pay off eventually.
Network with other coaches and try to absorb as much knowledge from them as possible. Attending football clinics and conferences is a great way to expand your coaching knowledge while meeting fellow coaches - you may even meet potential job openings outside of the pitch! Reading books written by influential coaches is also invaluable - the more football knowledge you acquire, the better you will become at it - giving yourself an edge against other coaches!
Know the Players
Attracting, knowing, and building trust with your players is crucial to an effective football coach. Not only can this create good manners with them, but they may also open up to you about things on and off the field that affect their performance, which allows for communication about any issues on or off the field that might affect them.
When coaches remember players' names, it removes a layer of status hierarchy. It helps players feel they are essential members of the coaching staff - ultimately encouraging them to listen to and follow instructions given by their coach.
As part of becoming a successful football coach, gaining expertise in coaching all positions on your team is equally essential, Melvin Tart highlights. Coaching clinics allow you to expand your skill set and gain experience across all play areas. Many semi-pro and professional teams hire coaches based on their resume; therefore, as you advance as a coach, you build one as time passes. Earning a master's or doctorate in sports leadership may give you an advantage and open doors with industry leaders.
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wospacstagess · 9 months
Join WOSPAC's Boarding School for soccer excellence!!!
For aspiring soccer players, the journey towards excellence often involves making significant sacrifices and taking bold steps to refine their skills. One such transformative step is joining WOSPAC, a renowned boarding school for soccer that has nurtured talent from around the world. With a legacy of producing top-tier athletes, it offers a unique environment that fosters skill development, personal growth, and a genuine passion for the beautiful game.
Located in the heart of Barcelona, Spain, the soccer school is set against the backdrop of a city known for its rich football culture and storied history. This prime location provides students with the opportunity to immerse them in the sport while experiencing the vibrant Spanish culture. From the iconic Camp Nou stadium to the bustling streets filled with soccer aficionados, Barcelona offers an unmatched soccer atmosphere.
At the core of  program is an unwavering commitment to excellence in soccer training. The school boasts world-class facilities and a team of experienced coaches who understand the intricacies of the game. They provide personalized training programs tailored to each student's strengths and areas for improvement. This level of individual attention ensures that students can maximize their potential and sharpen their skills in all aspects of the game, from technique to tactical understanding.
WOSPAC's boarding soccer school goes beyond developing soccer skills; it cultivates well-rounded individuals. While soccer is the primary focus, academics are not neglected. The school offers a comprehensive education program, allowing students to balance their athletic and academic pursuits effectively. This balance instills discipline, time management, and a strong work ethic – skills that serve students well throughout their lives.
One of the unique aspects of school is its international student body. It means joining a diverse community of passionate soccer enthusiasts from various corners of the globe. This cultural exchange not only enriches students' lives but also broadens their perspectives, fostering a global outlook. Lifelong friendships are forged, transcending borders and creating a network of like-minded individuals with a shared passion for soccer.
WOSPAC places a strong emphasis on character development. Beyond the technical and tactical aspects of the game, students are encouraged to embrace qualities such as teamwork, leadership, and sportsmanship. These values extend beyond the pitch, shaping students into responsible and respectful individuals who can positively impact their communities.
In my opinion, joining WOSPAC's boarding football academy is a life-changing opportunity for aspiring athletes. It offers a holistic approach to soccer development, blending top-tier training with academic excellence, cultural immersion, and personal growth. With a legacy of producing soccer stars and a commitment to nurturing talent, it provides a nurturing environment where dreams of soccer excellence can become a reality. For those who are passionate about soccer and willing to put in the effort, WOSPAC is the gateway to unlock one's full potential in the world of soccer and beyond. For more information, consider the details as follows:
Phone: 0034 639 521 335
Website: https://wospacstages.com/
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daily-interests512 · 11 months
Bodybuilding or Football . What Should I Choose?
 Introduction :
Introduction : https://dailyinterestsandnetworks.blogspot.com/2023/07/bodybuilding-or-football-what-should-i.html
Choosing between bodybuilding and football can be a challenging decision for individuals who are passionate about fitness and sports. Both activities offer unique benefits and require dedication and commitment. By understanding the physical demands, goals, lifestyle factors, one can make an informed decision that aligns with their interests and aspirations 1 . Defining Your Goals 1.1 Personal
Choosing between bodybuilding and football can be a challenging decision for individuals who are passionate about fitness and sports. Both activities offer unique benefits and require dedication and commitment. By understanding the physical demands, goals, lifestyle factors, one can make an informed decision that aligns with their interests and aspirations
 1 . Defining Your Goals
1.1 Personal Aesthetics and Strength
If your primary goal is to sculpt a well-defined and muscular physique, bodybuilding may be the ideal choice. how ever if your aim is to be faster more agile and be better at football then bodybuilding would not suit you. 
2. Understanding Bodybuilding
2.1 The Art of Sculpting the Body
In bodybuilding, the primary goal is to build and sculpt muscles. It involves intense weightlifting routines that target specific muscle groups. Through progressive overload, individuals increase the weights and repetitions over time, leading to muscle hypertrophy and growth. Achieving a balanced and visually appealing physique is a key aspect of bodybuilding.
2.2 Nutrition and Supplementation
Proper nutrition plays a vital role in bodybuilding. To fuel muscle growth and recovery, bodybuilders follow structured meal plans that are high in protein, to support their training, such as protein powders, creatine, and electrolytes. 
3. Exploring Football
3.1 The Thrill of Team Sports
Football is a physically demanding sport that requires players to have excellent endurance and stamina. Matches can be intense and last for 90 minutes or more, Regular training helps players develop the necessary cardiovascular fitness to sustain high-intensity efforts throughout the game.
3.2 Skill Development and Strategy
Football emphasizes skill development and strategy. Players learn to read the game, anticipate opponents' moves, and make quick decisions on the field. Football provides an opportunity for individuals to enhance their coordination, agility, and tactical awareness.
4. Considering Physical Demands
4.1 Speed, Agility, and Cardiovascular Fitness
Football, requires a combination of speed, agility, and cardiovascular fitness. Training sessions focus on developing explosive speed, quick changes in direction, and improving overall endurance. Whereas bodybuilding targets specific muscle groups and enhances their size and shape . 
4.2 Teamwork and Competition
Football is a team sport that emphasizes teamwork, cooperation, and competition. If you enjoy playing with others and thrive in a competitive environment, football can provide a fulfilling experience.
4.3 Longevity and Overall Health
Both bodybuilding and football contribute to overall health and well-being. Bodybuilding promotes strength, flexibility, and muscle balance, which can support a healthy lifestyle. Football, with its cardiovascular demands and team dynamics, enhances endurance, coordination, and mental resilience.
5. Comparison
Bodybuilding requires consistent training, often involving                 weightlifting sessions several times a week. The focus is     on progressive overload and maintaining a structured workout         routine.  Football training typically includes regular team practices, matches, and additional conditioning exercises. The time commitment for football can be substantial, with weekly training sessions and competitive games.
5.2 Injury Risk and Recovery
Both bodybuilding and football carry a certain risk of injuries. Bodybuilders may experience strains, sprains, or joint issues due to heavy lifting. Footballers are prone to injuries such as sprained ankles, muscle strains, or concussions. Adequate rest, recovery are essential for minimizing the risk and promoting long-term health.
5.3 Competitive vs. Non-competitive Mindset
Bodybuilding can be a solitary pursuit, with competitors striving to achieve their personal best in competitions. While there is competition within bodybuilding, the focus is primarily on self-improvement. Football, being a team sport, fosters a competitive mindset where players strive to win matches and championships together.
5.4 Personal Interest and Enjoyment
Ultimately, it all comes down to personal interest and enjoyment in choosing between bodybuilding and football. Consider which activity resonates with your passions and motivates you to stay committed in the long run. The more you enjoy the journey, the more likely you are to sustain the effort and achieve your goals.
6. Making Your Decision
Consulting with fitness professionals, trainers, or coaches can provide valuable insights and guidance. They can assess your physical abilities, discuss your goals, and offer recommendations based on their expertise. Seeking professional advice can help you make an informed decision tailored to your specific needs.
6.1Trying Both and Assessing Your Experience
If you're still undecided, consider trying both bodybuilding and football for a period of time. But you will see visible change in your stamina and endurance while experiencing both .
7. Conclusion
Choosing between bodybuilding and football is a personal decision that depends on your individual goals, preferences, and circumstances. Bodybuilding offers the opportunity to sculpt a well-defined physique through resistance training and nutrition, while football provides the thrill of team sports, endurance development, and strategic gameplay. By considering factors such as physical demands, goals, lifestyle factors, and personal preferences, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your aspirations.
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acclevantmlm · 1 year
LiveGoodTour Jerry Stallings
MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) offers the potential for individuals to build their own business and generate passive income through a network of distributors. By leveraging teamwork, MLM provides an opportunity for financial freedom, personal growth, and flexibility in terms of time and effort invested.
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The Fastest Growing Best MLM Opportunity of 2023 is LiveGoodTour.
"Live Good Tour" is a revolutionary program that offers individuals the opportunity to transform their lives and achieve financial independence. With its unique approach to network marketing, the program has helped thousands of people across the globe achieve their dreams of financial freedom.
The Live Good Tour is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the network marketing industry and equip them with the necessary skills and tools to succeed. The program includes interactive workshops, expert coaching, and hands-on training that enable participants to learn about the latest trends and techniques in network marketing.
The Live Good Tour is not just about making money; it's about creating a better life for yourself and your loved ones. By participating in the program, you can learn how to build a successful network marketing business that provides you with financial stability, time freedom, and the ability to pursue your passions.
What sets the Live Good Tour apart from other network marketing programs is its emphasis on personal growth and development. The program's expert coaches and mentors provide participants with guidance and support to help them overcome their limiting beliefs and unleash their full potential.
Moreover, the Live Good Tour offers a range of rewards and incentives to motivate and inspire participants to achieve their goals. From cash bonuses to luxury vacations, the program rewards individuals for their hard work and dedication.
In conclusion, the Live Good Tour is an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to transform their life and achieve financial independence. With its comprehensive training, expert coaching, and unique approach to network marketing, the program is a game-changer that can help you achieve your dreams and live life on your terms. Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity - sign up for the Live Good Tour today!
Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) has emerged as a viable business model that empowers individuals to create their own enterprises and generate passive income through a network of distributors. By harnessing the power of teamwork, MLM offers the potential for financial freedom, personal growth, and flexible work arrangements. One MLM opportunity that has gained significant traction in 2023 is the LiveGood Tour. This program is revolutionizing the network marketing industry by providing comprehensive training, expert coaching, and a unique approach to personal development. So, the Fastest growing MLM Company ever Seen is Lovegood Tour.
  The LiveGood Tour: A Path to Success The LiveGood Tour is a transformative program that has helped countless individuals around the world achieve their dreams of financial independence. The program goes beyond traditional MLM models by offering participants a holistic understanding of the industry and equipping them with the necessary skills and tools to succeed. Comprehensive Training and Expert Coaching The LiveGood Tour provides interactive workshops, hands-on training, and expert coaching to participants. These elements allow individuals to learn the latest trends and techniques in network marketing, empowering them to build successful businesses. By honing their skills in areas such as prospecting, lead generation, and effective communication, participants gain a competitive edge in the MLM landscape. Personal Growth and Development What sets the LiveGood Tour apart is its strong focus on personal growth and development. The program's experienced coaches and mentors guide participants in overcoming limiting beliefs, cultivating a success mindset, and unlocking their full potential. By addressing personal barriers and fostering a growth-oriented mindset, the LiveGood Tour nurtures the entrepreneurial spirit within each individual. Rewards and Incentives The LiveGood Tour recognizes and celebrates the achievements of its participants. The program offers a range of rewards and incentives to motivate individuals on their journey to success. These rewards include cash bonuses, luxury vacations, and other exciting opportunities. By providing tangible incentives, the LiveGood Tour encourages individuals to remain committed, dedicated, and focused on their goals. Conclusion: The LiveGood Tour represents an exceptional MLM opportunity for individuals seeking to transform their lives and achieve financial independence. Through comprehensive training, expert coaching, and a strong emphasis on personal growth, this program empowers participants to build successful network marketing businesses. By combining business acumen with personal development, the LiveGood Tour equips individuals with the skills and mindset necessary for success. If you are ready to embark on a journey towards financial freedom, personal growth, and a fulfilling career, don't miss out on the life-changing opportunity offered by the LiveGood Tour. Sign up today and unlock your potential for a brighter future.
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ournationsdebt · 5 years
Animation For Games Is Different From Animation For Movies
My issue is that Im from Finland and I don't understand this part below. Also, one must consider another important issue. Also, online classes offer the student the flexibility of taking the course at their own pace, working around work, family and other obligations. One of the main drawbacks to taking your animation course online is that you can sometimes miss out of the collaborative effort that taking a course in person offers. The app can even be used by children to create animations, though is also a favorite with students, games developers and professional animators. Some individuals obtain this degree in order to teach at these prestigious universities and transfer their knowledge to up and coming animators. Its features such as simplicity, low production cost, less time consuming, easy error fixing capacity and the artistic freedom, makes it still the first choice of animators all over the world. Decide which features are important to you in a product.
Many animation and graphic design courses rely on the concept of teamwork to put together class projects and learn ways that a complete graphic design team sits down and designs the product from conception to completion. These certificates can offer you a glimpse into the complex world of digital media, animation and graphic design. Some Build notes: This is a basic build that you can build upon. Depending on the type of animation to be created, the storyboard consists of a set of rough sketches, models, or even in some cases it could be verbal description or list of basic ideas of the motion. The cost of your program can vary greatly depending on several factors. Private tech school programs often cost more, however, they are also accredited schools which are eligible for funds like student loans, scholarships and grants. Some people wish to obtain their degree in the fastest possible time and at the lowest cost.
Once you have narrowed down your animation school and program selections, taking the time to speak to an advisor is a crucial step in the process. IPS Panels have better Contrast and Color Display. If your passion extends to the height of wanting to pursue your Doctorate degree in Animation, you will have to look outside The US to find a suitable program. It is this passion and drive that brings many to the industry. Bob Godfrey, one of the most talented illustrators to ever grace the field of animation, has spoken often of his passion for bringing his drawings to life. While each procedure obliges illustrators to utilize a particular strategy or accumulation of methods to make the final product, most will can be categorized as one of two classifications: 2D Animation and 3D Animation. This versatile communication medium can produce outstanding results in short span of time. Computer animation is generally achieved through a series of geometric transformations-scaling, translation, rotation or any mathematical technique-to produce a sequence of scenes. 3D assets created in Maya have been seen in various films, TV series and games. Here, we will learn a bit about how 3D animation is made, and how you can look for a company to create 3D images from scratch if it is something that you would like to have made for your business.
You can take a certificate course to enhance an already existing degree, or to freshen your skills that might be outdated with emerging and improving technologies. I am a graphic designer from London with experience and skills to execute this job for you. There are schools devoted entirely to the pursuit of graphic design and animation as well as universities adding in comprehensive degree tracks in media arts, animation and graphic design. Most people who pursue a degree in digital arts at this level are often seeking to teach at universities or work at the highest level of the industry. But there are lots of other tasks in a Production Pipeline of an Animated Film that work very differently. But more than that, CGI has transformed businesses billions of dollars for the film industry, advertising and modeling. Graduates from these types of programs can expect to obtain entry-level employment in animation studios, advertising companies, design firms and other creative artist positions. At the pinnacle of animation education sits the Master’s Degree in Fine Arts with a concentration in Animation, Design and Production. In addition to selecting the level of education you desire, choosing the right focus can be even more important.
jasa animasi  jasa pembuatan animasi  jasa video animation
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Loredana Bourceanu, Modex Software Lead – ‘In partnership we trust: our motto regarding the future and necessity for data protection’
Next in the “We are Modex” series of interviews with our tech team is the energetic and high spirited Loredana Bourceanu. An avid traveler, book connoisseur, and amateur baker, Loredana will share with us glimpses from her personal life, highlighting the experiences that helped shape her as a person, hobbies, passions, and of course, her work as Software Lead at Modex.
Tell us a bit about yourself, who is Loredana Bourceanu? Share with us some of the experiences that helped shape you into the person you are today.
I believe that most good things in life were born out of negative experiences. It’s difficult to quantify exactly the range of experiences that help shape us as individuals because we are so different from one another, but for me, it’s when we are taken out of our comfort zone when we are experiencing that sensation of incertitude mixed with a tiny bit of anxiety.
Of course, I’m not actively searching for bad experiences, but when they are unavoidable, I try to manage the situation calmly and tactfully. I am also the type of person that treats people equally. I’m convinced that you can learn something from anyone if you just take a brief moment to listen to what they have to say.
Let’s talk about books. Do you have any particular book or authors that you enjoy reading accompanied by a hot cup of tea on a cold and gloomy autumn day?
I’m very “moody” when it comes to reading, as well as the music I listen to. I lean more towards psychology, personal development books, or financial education books, but this doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy fiction or history. I am currently reading two books in parallel, one of them “When Nietzsche Wept” goes very well with the “hot cup of tea on a cold and gloomy autumn day” scenario. The other one is “The Art of Negotiation” by Chris Voss. As I said, I like to mix things up.
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Care to share with us some of your hobbies and passions? What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t developing the next big tech solution?
I really like to travel around the world to discover and experience new places and cultures, alas this year everyone’s plans were turned upside down by the critical global situation we’re in. But I didn’t let this discourage me as I tried to take advantage of the good aspects of working from home so I geared up and relocated a couple of weeks to the mountainside in a pretty remote village. It was a beautiful and interesting experience.
Regarding my hobbies, I’m an active person that likes to do sports, beach volley being my favourite. I could play that game from dawn till dusk. I also enjoy dancing to the rhythm of good music. Oh, and baking all sorts of sweets, especially getting rid of evidence once they’re done.
Was becoming a programmer your first career choice? Also, what sparked your interest in programming?
I’m the type of person that has an analytic way of thinking. Since I can remember, I have always gravitated towards exact sciences like mathematics, chemistry, and physics. During the last years of high school, I already set my mind to attend a college with an engineering profile, and I think I made a wise choice, considering the current context. I enrolled at the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest. It was during my time there that I caught a taste for programming: as results slowly started to accumulate, I delved deeper into the topic, wanting to learn more.
The market demand for programmers has always far exceeded the number of available professionals. Today, a large segment of the workforce is working from the comfort of their homes. Many see this as an opportunity to develop new skills, and programming seems to be a top choice. Do you have any advice for people that want to take their first steps into this domain, but aren’t quite sure where to begin, or what to focus on?
I have a younger sister who has just finished high school. She is not attracted by this field of work, but many of her colleagues want to have a career in IT. Some of them are already passionate, others dream of becoming programmers. This industry offers many opportunities, the demand for specialists is still high, it all depends on the person, how much effort he or she is willing to put. It also depends on their ambition on how much they truly wish to succeed.
For me, it was easier because I had guidance during my time in college, after that, I had time to perfect my craft during the various programming jobs I had over the years. If you wish to be self-taught, I think it’s best to take a moment and do some research, ask yourself what is it you are trying to achieve. You need to test the waters first to find something that matches your abilities and inclinations and more importantly, something you will enjoy doing. There is a lot of information on the Internet, you can find the answer to almost every question or problem you encounter.
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Can you describe how the pandemic has reshaped the development process and the general workflow at Modex? What were the biggest challenges posed by moving “the office” to your living room? What is Modex’s strategy regarding working remotely?
I think we have adapted very well to the new way of working, we have daily meetings, and sometimes we also have meetings just for socializing with each other, where we chat, tell jokes and so on. It’s basically what we would do during our lunch breaks back when things were normal. Overall, our daily work was not affected, on the contrary, I think that our work life is progressing very well from home.
I consider social interaction an essential element of our work lives but realistically speaking, currently, there is no other option than to work from home. But once the pandemic situation is over, I believe that organizing a big night out with everyone from work is a must, especially considering the fact that we have new colleagues that I haven’t yet had the pleasure to meet in person.
You have been with Modex since the company’s early days. Can you talk about your experience at Modex, how the company has grown over the years, and how the internal dynamics evolved as the team got bigger and bigger?
True, I have been in the company for quite some time. Now that I look back, there have been a lot of fast-paced changes during my time here. One thing is certain, it’s not going to stop here. Things have evolved remarkably well, considering the fact that the whole team has grown a lot over the past years. This was made possible by our colleagues who have proved themselves as true professionals that quickly adapted to the company’s requirements. I also believe that teamwork is an asset of all our colleagues, we constantly help each other out and collaborate very well when the need arises.
As one of the key members of the development team, you got the opportunity to work on multiple projects. Please describe your favourite project and some of the challenges you needed to overcome during the development process.
That’s a difficult question. I can’t choose a favourite project, I don’t want to upset anyone (laughs slowly). All the projects I worked on were important and I treated them with the utmost care and responsibility. As I have already pointed out, I’m an analytic person, so I always try to successfully complete all my tasks, regardless if they are work-related or personal. Life is full of unexpected challenges, it’s important to have the right attitude and mindset to successfully overcome them.
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Blockchain is touted as a game-changing technology that will have deep ramifications across the enterprise and business sectors. How is Modex BCDB going to fit in the current blockchain paradigm?
Modex BCDB is a product with a wide range of features that are beneficial across a wide range of sectors of the business sphere: we can talk about healthcare, legal or governmental institutions and we would only scratch the surface of the areas where our product can be integrated. To an outsider, it may seem that we are overestimating the capabilities of our solution, but the fact of the matter is that the blockchain database layer we provide can complement and enhance the security of applications that utilize database engines. This is because Modex BCDB was designed to empower businesses by guaranteeing data immutability, integrity, and security.
“In partnership we trust” – that is our motto in the tech industry regarding the future and the necessity for data protection in the digital world of tomorrow.
Modex is well known in the tech community for the numerous workshops and tech events it organizes. You have often been an active presence in these events as a mentor. What is it like to attend these large-scale events as a representative of a tech company? Do you often scout for new talent during these workshops?
Indeed, I participated in several workshops; the last one took place during the pandemic. Of course we needed to adapt to the times we are currently living in, so it was an online workshop. My goal at these workshops is to get participants, who are mostly students, to leave with some information at the end: information about blockchain as a technology and its benefits, as well as a general overview of the Modex BCDB product. I enjoy this role, because at one moment I was thinking of becoming a teacher. This way I get to experience a more didactic approach to technology and programming.
The post Loredana Bourceanu, Modex Software Lead – ‘In partnership we trust: our motto regarding the future and necessity for data protection’ appeared first on Modex.
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haulix · 7 years
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New openings (October 23, 2017)
Executive Assistant (WMG - NYC) 
The Executive Assistant will support the President, A&R and Label Services, Worldwide & President, Arts Music, with day-to-day administration and support tasks, and help to support their direct reports when necessary, as directed.
Associate Producer, Entertainment Weekly (Sirius XM - NYC) 
Candidate will be responsible for assisting the Program Director and host with the producing of daily and specialty programming on Entertainment Weekly Radio. The candidate will assist with daily content prep, recording, editing, and planning of a daily show both in and out of studio. Also responsible for producing and assisting with specialty programming on the channel.
Associate Producer (Gizmodo - NYC) 
Gizmodo Media Group (GMG), which is part of Univision's digital arm, Fusion Media Group, is seeking an experienced, dynamic and highly creative associate producer for its flagship website, Gizmodo.com. The ideal candidate will be obsessive about technology, science, and geek culture, and has a passion for editing video content within these beats. Ability to produce and edit videos in a fast-paced digital blogging environment is essential.
Digital Marketing Coordinator (Live Nation - Beverly Hills, CA) 
The Marketing Coordinator assists the Digital Marketing team in day to day management of marketing execution for our National Touring division.
Programmatic Campaign Manager (Townsquare Media - Boston) 
Do you have a passion for problem solving and data analysis? Do you enjoy turning advertiser objectives into measurable KPIs and implementing campaign tactics to exceed those KPIs? If you answered yes, then we want you to join our team! Townsquare Media is looking for a Programmatic Campaign Manager who will be a core member of our Audience Extension team. The role will work directly with Local Planning & Account Management as well as Ad Operations, helping to develop tactical executions that align with Local advertising goals and objectives across our 65+ markets in the US. The Programmatic Campaign Manager will translate these tactics into physical implementations across multiple Demand Side Platforms (DSPs). They will also be responsible for day to day management of campaigns as well as identifying opportunities within each campaign to improve performance and take action to improve results. The Programmatic Campaign Manager must be very familiar working within various DSP interfaces and comfortable developing creative optimization solutions to exceed benchmarks. The Audience Extension team is responsible for end to end execution of programmatic buys from education and strategic recommendations to post campaign insights. The team is fast paced, quickly growing and performance oriented. 
Digital Media Coordinator (Gupta Digital Media - Boston) 
Gupta Media is looking for a Digital Media Coordinator to join our Media team. If you’re all fired up after reading the description below and you think you have what it takes, we would love to hear from you.
Gupta Media is an agency with three specialties - media buying, creative services and technology solutions. We do our best work when all three are working in unison. Our clients include record labels like Universal Music Group, Sony Music, Disney and Warner Music Group, television networks like AXS TV, festivals like Boston Calling, The Governor’s Ball and BottleRock and brands like sweetgreen and Red Bull.
Creative Project Manager (Pandora - Oakland, CA) 
At Pandora, we're a unique collection of engineers, musicians, designers, marketers, and world-class sellers with a common goal: to enrich lives by delivering effortless personalized music enjoyment and discovery. People—the listeners, the artists, and our employees—are at the center of our mission and everything we do. Actually, employees at Pandora are a lot like the service itself: bright, eclectic, and innovative. Collaboration is the foundation of our workforce, and we’re looking for smart individuals who are self-motivated and passionate to join us. Be a part of the engine that creates the soundtrack to life. Discover your future at Pandora!
Social media content coordinator (Venerate Media Group - Tampa, FL) 
The Social Media and Content Coordinator’s primary responsibility is to help achieve our client’s digital marketing goals. Responsibilities will include managing social media accounts (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest), composing blog posts, networking with other bloggers, reporting data, and other related functions.
Licensing Coordinator (TouchTunes - NYC) 
Research copyright ownership (publishing and master rights) via internet research, rights organization search engines, and label and publisher provided documentation
Match publisher clearances to existing label and publisher licenses
Data entry of album information into company licensing and royalty systems
Track progress of releases in a Licensing tracking Queue and send weekly clearance e-mail to department
Work closely with Music Programming and Music Marketing departments to identify priorities
Manage the review and processing of Harry Fox Agency publisher data files
Contribute to related projects and support as required, including system testing and special catalog projects
Events and Communications Manager (MIT - Cambridge, MA) 
Priorities include all facets of producing concerts and theater events; managing the department’s internal and external communications; working closely with the department head, administrative officer, faculty, and other academic staff to provide oversight of all performance ensembles and programs; managing multiple competing priorities and working collaboratively with MTA and MIT colleagues, including senior leadership; overseeing budgets for all performance ensembles; managing a team of three support staff; and serving as the principal manager of Killian Hall, MTA’s 150 seat rehearsal and performance space totaling approximately 500 occurrences annually.
Social Media Specialist (Bose - Westboro, MA) 
We have an exciting new opportunity in our Social Media team. The Social Media Specialist will focus on growing Bose’s social media presence and engagement through Community Management including: monitoring platforms for brand trends/keywords; testing new social platforms; and bringing Bose into relevant social conversations through active response. The ideal candidate will work closely with other members of the Global Social Media, Marketing, Website and Creative teams to execute brand and campaign content on Bose’s social channels.
As the lead Community Manager for all Bose social accounts, the Social Media Specialist will focus on managing the Bose global social media platforms, including calendar management, posting, responding and escalating customer service inquiries as needed. A successful candidate will have a passion for seeking out social media trends, innovations and tools, and have an eye for authentic ways for Bose to join conversations. Additionally, this person will work with brand ambassadors and influencers on how Bose-related content shows up within their social accounts.
The Social Media Specialist should be curious, obsessed with delivering amazing customer experiences, organized and not afraid to test and learn across all types of emerging social media (paid and owned).
Live Events + Digital Content Producer (New York Public Radio) 
The Greene Space at WNYC and WQXR (TGS) is looking for a Live Events + Digital Content Producer to join our team.
The Greene Space is the live, public embodiment of WNYC, WQXR and WNYC Studios' shows and personalities, producing 100+ shows each season for in house and digital audiences, including discussions, debates, concerts, game shows, podcast tapings, and theatrical productions. The Live Events + Digital Content Producer role is both creative and managerial, as it involves content development, research, casting, and writing scripts, but also creating line schedules, directing rehearsals and live productions, and some administrative tasks related to event production. We are a small staff with a workload that varies greatly from day to day and throughout the course of a season. You must have relevant production experience along with excellent judgment, ability to manage competing deadlines, strong verbal and written communication skills, team spirit, and good humor. Join us if you’re quick, curious, unflappable, able to thrive in a dynamic and evolving environment, and ready to do whatever it takes because “the show must go on” – and this can include anything from making friends with rock stars to unloading the dishwasher. Previous experience in live events is strongly preferred, but flexibility and willingness to learn prized above all.
Social Media Coordinator (Viacom - NYC) 
MTV is seeking a creative and high energy Coordinator of Digital Strategy & Fan Engagement to oversee social across platforms for MTV Shows. This candidate will craft and help to create groundbreaking social content that drives awareness and engagement for a select number of shows. Collaborating with on-air production, programming, brand creative, talent and press, they will represent the team day in and day out.
Program Coordinator (Rogerson House - Boston) 
The Day Program Coordinator shall plan, implement and coordinate operation of expressive therapy programs for participants within and outside the facility. This position is responsible for producing a varied program that meets the psychosocial needs of the dementia participants, enhances self-esteem, promotes positive emotion and contributes to their overall quality of life.
Legal Director, Music (Facebook - Menlo Park, CA)
Facebook seeks an experienced music licensing lawyer with a penchant for teamwork and technology to lead its music licensing efforts within Legal. This position will partner closely with internal business counterparts in driving licensing negotiations, as well as coordinating with product, engineering, operations, finance and legal teams in support of the company’s evolving music licensing needs. In this role, you will be responsible for solving cutting-edge licensing issues on a global scale, with an opportunity to help shape the future of music use on Facebook.
Music Curator (GetRockBot - California) 
We are looking for assistance in the creation of playlists for Rockbot. We provide background music for a wide range of clients in an ever-expanding network. What we are seeking is a curator with a master knowledge of a specific genre, or genres who can work within Rockbot’s framework to deliver quality playlists of 400-500 songs that fit the desired need. Ideally, this curator has a history of success working within the assigned genre and can provide timely updates to the playlist(s) when necessary. Please send along a resumé, social links, and any pertinent info on why you fit the role of a Rockbot curator. 
Manager, Music and Media Licensing (Viacom - NYC) 
Negotiate favorable rates and secure rights for material (music & other media) as needed in programming/projects produced by various Viacom channels (including, but not limited to MTV and VH1).   Work closely and communicate regularly with Production, Production Management, Creative Music Integration, Integrated Marketing, Intellectual Property/Litigation and the Business and Legal Affairs department.   
Finalize, record, and track rights information and all aspects related to licensing, including but not limited to drafting licenses and payment processing. Function as project leader on projects and assignments.  Supervise and train team members and interns as necessary.
Marketing Associate (Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas - Austin, TX) 
Mondo is looking for a Marketing Associate to join its marketing team. The primary goal will be to manage social strategy across all key platforms with additional marketing responsibilities to execute marketing campaigns and operations. Candidates must have excellent writing and communication skills with a passion art, movies, music and pop culture
Entertainment News Reporter (Pleroma Media - NYC) 
Pleroma Media is looking for social media-savvy entertainment news writers to join its fast growing team. The writer will be working closely with a team to develop, pitch and write daily entertainment/pop culture content that will draw and engage our target audience - the millennials.
A passion for and solid knowledge of music, entertainment and pop culture, ability to spot and write engaging and viral content, and experience in using social media as a source for content as well as a tool for audience engagement, are a must.
The writer should be able to spot trends and be at the forefront of what’s new in movies, TV shows, celebrity, women's health, fashion & beauty, and lifestyle.
Manager, National Entertainment (iHeartMedia - NYC) 
iHeartMedia’s National Programming Group has a National Entertainment Manager position open within the National Entertainment + Events Team. This team produces and executes over 100+ events nationally per year, including iHeartMedia’s marquee events like the iHeartRadio Music Festival, iHeartRadio Fiesta Latina, iHeartRadio Summer Weekend, 12-city iHeartRadio Jingle Ball Tour, iHeartCountry Festival, and more! The team also oversees various business-to-business events including the Cannes Lions Festival, CES, UM Summit, and internal summits, dinners, presentations and conferences. The National Entertainment Manager is an integral part of this department, assisting and managing ticketing for our marquee events as well as assisting and supporting various events throughout the year.
Older posts (7+ days)
Corporate and Foundation Relations Manager (Aspen Music Festival and School)
Reporting to the Vice President for Advancement, the Corporate and Foundation Relations Manager is responsible for supporting the AMFS advancement office by overseeing all giving from organizations and institutions, including private foundations, corporations, and local businesses, as well as local, state, and federal government agencies.
Promotions Producer, Programming (NPR - Washington D.C.)
NPR Programming is hiring a full-time Promotions Producer to create content for NPR Member Stations and the growing number of platforms where NPR can be heard. The producer will create stories and campaigns that will amplify and celebrate the value and values of public media, and deepen the listening connection.
This space is ripe for reinvention and fresh thinking, and the Promotions Producer has the ability to reshape the sound of public media – one promo and one break at a time.  Creative work at NPR guided by data and best practices, and the Promotions Producer will use both, along with guidance and intelligence from a closely connected team to help maximize audience.
NPR is looking for a producer/journalist who thinks like a marketer; someone who’s deeply connected to the news, and thinks about promotion as a “news responsive” activity. If you want to wake up thinking about how to get more people to listen to All Things Considered more often, this is the gig for you. If you have promo aspirations beyond “cuts and copy,” this is the gig for you.
Event Producer And Community Catalyst (Daybreaker - Portland, OR)
As a Daybreaker Event Producer & Community Catalyst (we’ll call you a “Producer” for short), you are the face of Daybreaker in your city! That means you will be the face of Daybreaker in your city, responsible for building an engaged and passionate community, producing mind-blowing experiences, and promoting the events to relevant audiences. You will be supported by the hardworking Daybreaker HQ team, who will coach and train you to be the best Producer you can be. We’ll provide you with the skeleton of what you need to produce Daybreaker events, grow your community, and uphold the global brand. It’s up to you to bring the hustle, passion, and creative zeal to create unique and refreshing events that participants will love. You’ll be in charge of finding venues, sourcing talent and performers, cultivating a volunteer production team, coordinating with vendors and sponsors, creating local partnerships, and producing monthly events. We’ll provide marketing, communications, operations, branding, sponsorship, financing, and PR support so that you can concentrate on creating experiences that participants will never forget.
Associate Creative Director (Malka Media - Hoboken, NJ)
As an ACD you will contribute to the development of branding, marketing and social creative, drive the collaborative efforts of the project’s creative, and inspire teammates on all levels to exceed expectations. You will also be responsible for managing the client relationship and expectations for all things related to creative, verbally and visually ensuring that creative concepts are understood .
You need to be fully dedicated to your craft, with a diverse focus and varied creative style. You should love to learn, think abstractly, and be willing to push the boundaries without fear of social prejudice. We need critical thinkers, and team members that want to be a part of a family that is telling stories in every way possible, without limits of a single medium. Good creative requires awareness, knowledge of what is happening in the world today, what is relevant, and what is coming. You should be thinking ahead of the curve, leading creative changes versus accepting the norm. We want boundary pushers…. If this is you, please apply.
Director of Marketing & Communications (Merit School Of Music - Chicago, IL)
Merit School of Music seeks a highly qualified candidate for the position of Director of Marketing & Communications to begin immediately. The Director of Marketing and Communications helps direct the development and creation of all marketing strategies, marketing communications, and public relations activities, both external and internal. The Director is also responsible for managing the implementation of all Marketing and Communications efforts and achieving strategic deliverables in terms of organizational awareness and visibility.
Director, Programmatic Media, Digital Advertising (iCrossing - NYC)
We’re looking for a Director to manage a team of programmatic specialists and drive business insights for our music and entertainment platform clients. You must be highly motivated, focused yet flexible, a strong analytical thinker and able to manage data, clients and teams.
Promotions Coordinator (Cumulus Media - Columbia, MO)
Cumulus –Columbia & Jefferson City, MO, an eight station cluster, is looking for an experienced Promotions and Website Coordinator to lead and manage the promotions effort for a competitive, award-winning group of stations. Responsibilities include digital marketing, coordinating and implementing on-air and on-line promotions, and developing events in order to promote the stations’ image and presence in the community. This position requires a high degree of organizational skills, attention to detail, time management and a personal disposition that works well with creative co-workers in both programming and sales.
Executive Director, Music Administration (Sony Pictures - Culver City, CA)
Sony Pictures Entertainment is looking for a dynamic Executive Director, Music Administration.  This role reports into the EVP, Music Creative Affairs and will be based at our Culver City, CA studio headquarters.
Campaign Specialist (Pandora - Atlanta, GA)
The Campaign Specialist will partner directly with Sales Account Executives and will be responsible for working internally and externally to ensure that we execute strategically and flawlessly for our advertising partners. The right individual will be a key contributor in Pandora’s Client Services team and responsible for operational development, implementing, maintaining and enhancing these campaigns.  This position involves sales and client support, project management, execution and reporting.  
Global Brand Music Marketing Manager (Vans - Costa Mesa, CA)
In partnership with the Sr. Director of Global Brand Marketing, the Manager, Brand Marketing – Music will lead Vans’ global initiatives and strategy in music and entertainment. Responsible for driving the development, implementation and measurement of global music marketing strategies and tactics, the ideal candidate will have the ability to work with high-profile artists, musicians and managers, while acting as an internal thought leader and resource to counterparts in the region as well as global creative and product. This is a highly visible growth opportunity to build on Vans’ established foundation and roots in music.
Programmatic Campaign Manager (Townsquare Media - Cedar Rapids, IA)
Do you have a passion for problem solving and data analysis? Do you enjoy turning advertiser objectives into measurable KPIs and implementing campaign tactics to exceed those KPIs? If you answered yes, then we want you to join our team! Townsquare Media is looking for a Programmatic Campaign Manager who will be a core member of our Audience Extension team. The role will work directly with Local Planning & Account Management as well as Ad Operations, helping to develop tactical executions that align with Local advertising goals and objectives across our 65+ markets in the US. The Programmatic Campaign Manager will translate these tactics into physical implementations across multiple Demand Side Platforms (DSPs). They will also be responsible for day to day management of campaigns as well as identifying opportunities within each campaign to improve performance and take action to improve results. The Programmatic Campaign Manager must be very familiar working within various DSP interfaces and comfortable developing creative optimization solutions to exceed benchmarks. The Audience Extension team is responsible for end to end execution of programmatic buys from education and strategic recommendations to post campaign insights. The team is fast paced, quickly growing and performance oriented.
Campaign Manager, CitizenNet (Conde Nast - NYC)
CitizenNet Campaign Managers at Condé Nast drive the success of social marketing initiatives for the biggest brands in Entertainment, Publishing, CPG, and more. Effectively implement client strategy on social, and create and execute their campaigns. Learn key marketing initiatives with hands on experience from multiple verticals, and gain from experience of working at Condé Nast, one of the most renowned media companies in the world.
Promotions Director (Cumulus Media - Fayetteville, NC)
Cumulus Media’s Fayetteville, NC location is offering a great opportunity to manage the promotional side of the radio broadcasting industry as a Promotions and Marketing Director. Our ideal candidate should possess an extremely good work ethic, be a self-starter, and highly organized with the ability to work in a fast-paced office environment.
Supply Strategy Lead, Music And Theater (StubHub - NYC)
StubHub is seeking a Supply Strategy Lead, Music, Theater & Arts (North America). This person will work within the North America business operations group and cross-functionally with strategy, marketing, product & tech, and finance.
Programmatic Account Manager (Townsquare Media - NYC)
Do you consider yourself a digital media expert who understands (and loves) first class account management? If so, then we want you to join our team! Townsquare Media is looking for a Programmatic Account Manager who will be a core member of our Audience Extension Team. This person can instantly translate complicated marketing concepts into tangible (and buy-able) line items. Heavy emphasis is placed on Audience Targeting tactics and Audience Extension practices. This role is a key contributor to our expanding Local, Regional and National Digital sales efforts leveraging data, technology and strategic buying platform partners in our extended portfolio. The Account Manager reports to the Manager, Audience Extension Operations and is based here in NYC Digital Media Headquarters. The Audience Extension team is responsible for end to end execution of programmatic buys from education and strategic recommendations to post campaign insights. The team is fast paced, quickly growing and performance oriented.
Business Development Manager, Apple Media (Apple - Santa Clara Valley, CA)
Apple Music is a single, intuitive app that combines the best ways to enjoy music — all in one place. You can stream any Apple Music song, playlist or album, and download it for future offline listening. Beats 1 is Apple’s first-ever live radio station dedicated entirely to music and music culture. Apple Music is available in 115 countries around the world, on both iOS and Android platforms. Apple is seeking a dynamic self-starter to develop and manage partnerships with 3rd parties to distribute and market Apple Music, and other Apple content services.
Music Programs Manager (University of Illinois - Chicago)
Responsibilities include overseeing and implement a comprehensive communications plan for the School of Theatre & Music, events promotion, and growing the school’s public profile and recruitment. The MPM will manage the website, social media and production of all marketing materials for the school and co-manage a team of student workers for front-of-house, box office and other marketing-related duties. The MPM will run front-of-house for all public music programs and will assist in the planning, development, and execution of various public programs, including concerts, master classes, youth programs and special events.
Director of Urban Programming, Detroit Region (iHeartMedia - Farmington Hills, MI)
Leads all aspects of radio station’s on-air experience in a leadership and operations role, responsible for talent, content, programming, promotions and online presence. The right person will have incredible vision to lead both winning Detroit Urban brands and continue our dominant position in the market.
Marketing Manager, Venues and Promoters (TicketMaster - Hollywood, CA)
The Marketing Manager is accountable for driving incremental ticket sales through the creation and implementation of strategic marketing plans for his or her assigned accounts, with a heavy focus on digital media.
Manager, Subscriber Communication and Engagement (Sirius XM - NYC)
Producer of the SiriusXM e-Newsletter and subject matter expert in email marketing, specifically email campaigns that drive engagement and loyalty. Responsible for creating targeted email programs that provide relevant programming information to drive engagement. In addition to publishing the current e-newsletter, this position will be responsible for evolving this communication for the purpose of optimizing its retentive value. This includes enhancements to the publishing workflow processes, strengthening its relevance by leveraging customer data to target the right content to the right audience at the right time and further optimizing the newsletters design for both mobile and desktop presentment/engagement. Reporting to the Senior Director of Communications /CRM, this role operates at both a strategic and tactical level.
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wlreports-blog · 5 years
GoDaddy India - The Fastest Growing Company 2019
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GoDaddy India - The Fastest Growing Company 2019
Category Chosen: Internet  Specialisation Category: Domains and Cloud Platform
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GoDaddy powers the world’s largest cloud platform and domain name registrar. With nearly 19 million customers worldwide, GoDaddy is the place people come to name their idea, build a professional website, attract customers and manage their work.
GoDaddy offers an integrated suite of products for small business owners and entrepreneurs, ranging from domain names, hosting, website building, to email marketing, security protections and an online store. GoDaddy offers 24/7 customer support, locally and in regional languages, to help guide customers in the growth of their venture, and to find the tools that best meet their needs. Company Vision: Our vision is to empower entrepreneurs everywhere, by providing all the help and tools to succeed online. Company Mission: Our mission is to give our customers the tools, insights and the people to transform their ideas and personal initiative into success. Ethos of the brand: Empowering everyday entrepreneurs around the world. Total Number of Employees in the Company: More than 9000 employees across markets. In India, GoDaddy has around 1100 employees. Countries the brand is present: Over 50 markets around the world. What would you define as the unique value proposition of the product: the functional, emotional and differentiating product benefits that have contributed to providing an enduring brand experience to customers? There are companies in India that offer pieces of what GoDaddy delivers, but what makes us unique is that we offer an integrated suite of products for small business owners and entrepreneurs, ranging from domain names, hosting, website building, to email marketing, security protections and an online store. Our award-winning, 24x7 customer care is a major differentiator for GoDaddy. In India, GoDaddy Customer Support is free of charge and offers support in Hindi, Marathi, Tamil and Telugu, besides in English, to help guide customers in the growth of their venture, and help find the tools that best meet their needs. What are the physical, character and personality attributes of the brand that have evoked and inspired consumers’ self-expression and personal identity? Everything we do at GoDaddy is centred on our customers. We are always striving to create a WOW experience for our customers through a sharp focus on their business journey and success results. We pride ourselves on offering complete online tools and solutions, backed by an award-winning 24*7 expert team of customer care agents including to help our customers along the way, as they go from setting up their business to finally growing it online. This instils a sense of trust among customers and reassures them that GoDaddy is committed to being a trusted partner for its customers, helping them at each step of their online business journey. Please provide an insight into the brand marketing strategies that have effectively penetrated consumers’ psyche, established a meaningful relationship with the target audiences and ensured positive brand perception. In India, we strategically focus on building awareness on the benefits of creating an online presence through our national marketing campaigns offered in 7 Indian languages, including the latest “Bijness Bhai” campaign, with Indian cricket star, MS Dhoni. Since, majority of small business owners and entrepreneurs in India rely on technical experts (i.e. web professionals) to create and manage their business websites, GoDaddy is invested in helping the web professionals in the country, with right online tools, programs, and partnership options to help their clients. Finally, we are a customer-centric company and are committed to continue listening to our customers, provide relevant and flexible product offerings and the right 24 x7 customer care to help them grow and thrive online.
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How has the brand extended its presence to the frontiers of internet advertising and social networking? What is the level of significance the brand accords to utilizing social media as a competitive edge? We use a range of media and advertising channels to execute our marketing campaigns, including print, radio, social and other digital platforms. However, we firmly believe in and support the power of digital, opening new avenues for business growth. Keeping in mind the expansive range and power of social media to drive engaging and relevant conversations, we are pretty active on various social and online platforms, encouraging people to turn their dreams and ideas into reality online. Please outline few key marketing endeavors in the past decade that you feel have been landmark initiatives in reinforcing the legacy of the brands' promise to influence consumer intent and enhanced the brands' propensity to drive affirmative consumer action. Last year, we signed in MS Dhoni as India brand ambassador, featuring in our latest marketing campaign as Bijness Bhai, to create awareness among small businesses in Tier 2, Tier 3 cities, about the benefits of having an online presence. The campaign was quite well receive and became one of the 10 most influential, creative and promising ad campaigns in India in 2018. This year, we have partnered with the ICC to sponsor the Men’s Cricket World Cup 2019, being held in the United Kingdom, aimed at further raising GoDaddy brand awareness and increase consumer love across Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities in the country.  How has the brand derived strength from innovation as a sustainable differentiating strategy adding to long-term brand equity? Please provide few instances of measures implemented towards this goal. Technology today, is powering the next stage of growth across business areas and digital has fast emerged as the medium of this movement. As digital penetration is booming in the country, the second wave of internet adoption is coming from Tier II & Tier III cities. At GoDaddy, we are tirelessly working to help bring emerged India (Tier 1) and emerging India (Tier II and Tier III cities) online, by giving them the right tools, insights and the people, in their regional languages, to help transform their ideas and personal initiative into success. As a result of our market localization strategy, over the last seven years, GoDaddy India has witnessed significant uptick in all its product categories, which has helped us reach over one million customers in India. What is the key leadership value that drives the brand. Our values make us strong.  They are witnessed every day in our company’s culture and are a declaration of who we are.  Our values are the North Start for every member of the GoDaddy team and power our success.  They help each of us be our best selves and are paramount to how we attract, hire, promote and reward the best employees. GoDaddy core values include: Extraordinary customer focus on the experience and achievement of our customers. Own outcomes working toward the best possible outcome for our customers. Join forces because together we celebrate our success and learn from our failures. Work fearlessly to innovate and take risks to achieve uncommon outcomes. Live passionately with a healthy life fuelled by fun and passion for a better world. What type of employee satisfaction programs are conducted by your brand? GoDaddy, as a workplace, is a natural fit for anyone who is self-driven at work. We constantly work to maintain a collaborative, co-creative office culture, built on teamwork, collective effort and mutual understanding. Amidst all this, we also find time to unwind and make work more fun. Be it indoor facilities like gyms or game rooms, cross-team events, or even opportunities to participate in our community or CSR focused events, we ensure that the teams are able to de-stress and zone out in the most fun ways possible. How much does your brand emphasis on employee training & development, kindly elaborate. We believe when imaginations run wild you can achieve amazing accomplishments. We work to make it happen.  Our diverse employee population reflects the customers we service. Since we feel our success is driven by the passion and potential of our talent, we work hard at enabling them, training them and supporting them, while at the same time, letting them be, so they can do their best work. We encourage our talent to strive for excellence in technical skill set, while maintaining the attitude of supporting and empathizing with our customers, to help them along the way. What are your brand’s most effective intangible motivational tools for employees? To constantly keep our teams motivated and passionate towards the incredible work they do every day, we encourage employees to make sure they’re living a rich, healthy, involved life away from work. We’ve had many initiatives where the team has worked together for social causes, taken up fitness goals and run marathons, all in an endeavour to help them broaden their horizons and stay committed to achieving the goal together. We’re also big on celebrating successes, so we ensure that all the hard work and impact created by our people is recognized and rewarded. Kindly elaborate on your existing & potential CSR activities. We enrolled ourselves to join the Indian government’s Self4society platform, an open digital space for all tech companies in India to share stories of how they are bringing social change in the country. In November 2018, GoDaddy India made it to the leader board of Self4Society portal, as one of the top 5 companies for their meaningful contribution under this initiative, through following activities: Conducting a school renovation drive, by cleaning a government school for kids of low-income groups, painting the walls and drawing inspiring messages on them. Supporting education drive, by distributing pencil boxes and notebooks among students in another government school. Promoting arts & culture Drive, in which GoDaddy team participated in a painting competition with government school kids, spending quality time with them, distributing prizes to the winners, and finally donating a printer to the school. Which area of social responsibility is more significant for your brand? Going digital is always a form of empowerment, be it for an individual or a business. GoDaddy takes pride in the fact that we are the agents of delivering this power to over one million people in India. As part of our market growth strategy, while going deeper into the country, beyond the metros and bigger cities, we realized that there is a rising hunger amongst students and women entrepreneurs to learn, adapt, and succeed independently. Soon, grassroots learning and community engagement for this section of the society became a key theme for all activities under our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) function in the country. Read the full article
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velmaemyers88 · 5 years
Building a world-class sales organization (VB Live)
Presented by Dell for Entrepreneurs
The quality of your sales force has a direct, accumulating impact on your business as you grow. Join this VB Live event to learn about the essential strategies, key best practices, and technological innovations that can turn your small or mid-sized company into a world-class sales organization.
Register for free right here.
A business is only as successful at its sales team. But building a sales team that doesn’t just sustain your business, but keeps it ahead of the competition, requires some doing: developing a sales culture that attracts and retains the best employees, resources focused on generating revenue, and carefully chosen, obsessively tracked performance metrics and more. Whether you’re just launching your business or you’re looking to take it to the next stage, here are just a few of the ways to make sure you have the kind of team that can turn your company into a world-class sales organization.
Start at the top
Out of the gate, your company’s leadership must establish the importance of your sales culture for your company’s growth, to ensure buy-in from every part of the company. Every facet of your organization should be designed to enable strong, lasting relationships with your customers from the get-go. Ensuring that your employees are all looped into your vision for your company’s growth and are part of the strategy from the start helps build an empowered, focused support team behind your salespeople. That’s the foundation that ensures every salesperson can work smarter, faster, more effectively, helping them land more sales by offering superior customer service, knowledgem and attention at every step.
It also goes the other way: defining the macro sales process in terms of your company’s strategy and its customer service philosophy at every stage of the decision-making process, and using that as a roadmap for your reps in every stage of the sales process.
The importance of sales managers
Don’t skimp on your sales managers — either the ratio of managers to salespeople, or their training, skills, and expertise. Because the amount that your sales teams sells is almost always directly impacted by the effectiveness of your sales manager.
Your sales managers are the lifeblood of your sales teams; each of them is — or should be — a people development expert, an incentivizer with an eye on the big picture and the individual metrics that are crucial to keeping your organization nimble and flexible, responding both to the market and to your organization’s needs.
They’re in charge of executing strategic goals, the hub where the larger organization’s blueprint meets your sales team’s objectives. They track leading indicators of success and translate them into an overall sales game plan for each of your team members. They set goals and expectations for both their individual sales reps and the team as a whole, and then they keep score, making sure your organization keeps hitting its marks, over and over.
And to be truly effective, your sales managers have to understand what motivates their team, from money to acclaim to advancing their careers. They need to tap into their team’s passions and learn what it takes to keep them engaged. That means establishing strong connections with each member of their team, learn what makes each of them tick, and help them figure out how to align their own goals with the future of the company.
Attract and retain the best performers
An effective sales manager helps you build an attractive sales culture, and that’s what helps you get the attention of the most committed, enthusiastic, and ambitious sales reps. And retaining your salespeople, again, directly relates back to how successful your sales manager is at motivating your team members individually and as a squad.
Internal competition is sometimes used to drive progress, including public leaderboards that keep them honest with a look at who’s pulling ahead and who’s falling behind and may need to rethink their selling strategy. But that kind of motivation isn’t always the most effective, because internal cohesion is the best way to build the strongest team. Healthy competition is great, but building a culture of teamwork helps ensure that best practices and success strategies go viral among your reps, that all holes are plugged and all bases covered, and that while sales is stressful, the environment you’re establishing is supportive, positive, and inspiring.
Money works, too. Team incentives and rewards, like great parties and trips to fabulous locations help build that sense of teamwork but you need to always reward performance with pay. It’s tricky work, building competitive compensation plans that are both consistent, accurate, and fair to your reps, and still preserve your company’s profits — but it is vital.
To learn more about how to make your company a world-class sales organization, including the tools, resources, and technology you need to support your team and build your record of wins, how to set nimble sales goals that meet market demands, ensure effort always translates to revenue and more, don’t miss this VB Live event!
Don’t miss out!
Register here for free.
Attend this webinar and learn:
How to effectively hire and train a top sales force
What the smartest sales quotas look like, and how to set them
How to create and implement business management systems
What motivates sales teams, and how to take advantage
What an effective sales culture looks like and how to build one
Burt Powers, Senior Director of Dell Small Business Sales
Credit: Source link
The post Building a world-class sales organization (VB Live) appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/building-a-world-class-sales-organization-vb-live/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=building-a-world-class-sales-organization-vb-live from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186641679452
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reneeacaseyfl · 5 years
Building a world-class sales organization (VB Live)
Presented by Dell for Entrepreneurs
The quality of your sales force has a direct, accumulating impact on your business as you grow. Join this VB Live event to learn about the essential strategies, key best practices, and technological innovations that can turn your small or mid-sized company into a world-class sales organization.
Register for free right here.
A business is only as successful at its sales team. But building a sales team that doesn’t just sustain your business, but keeps it ahead of the competition, requires some doing: developing a sales culture that attracts and retains the best employees, resources focused on generating revenue, and carefully chosen, obsessively tracked performance metrics and more. Whether you’re just launching your business or you’re looking to take it to the next stage, here are just a few of the ways to make sure you have the kind of team that can turn your company into a world-class sales organization.
Start at the top
Out of the gate, your company’s leadership must establish the importance of your sales culture for your company’s growth, to ensure buy-in from every part of the company. Every facet of your organization should be designed to enable strong, lasting relationships with your customers from the get-go. Ensuring that your employees are all looped into your vision for your company’s growth and are part of the strategy from the start helps build an empowered, focused support team behind your salespeople. That’s the foundation that ensures every salesperson can work smarter, faster, more effectively, helping them land more sales by offering superior customer service, knowledgem and attention at every step.
It also goes the other way: defining the macro sales process in terms of your company’s strategy and its customer service philosophy at every stage of the decision-making process, and using that as a roadmap for your reps in every stage of the sales process.
The importance of sales managers
Don’t skimp on your sales managers — either the ratio of managers to salespeople, or their training, skills, and expertise. Because the amount that your sales teams sells is almost always directly impacted by the effectiveness of your sales manager.
Your sales managers are the lifeblood of your sales teams; each of them is — or should be — a people development expert, an incentivizer with an eye on the big picture and the individual metrics that are crucial to keeping your organization nimble and flexible, responding both to the market and to your organization’s needs.
They’re in charge of executing strategic goals, the hub where the larger organization’s blueprint meets your sales team’s objectives. They track leading indicators of success and translate them into an overall sales game plan for each of your team members. They set goals and expectations for both their individual sales reps and the team as a whole, and then they keep score, making sure your organization keeps hitting its marks, over and over.
And to be truly effective, your sales managers have to understand what motivates their team, from money to acclaim to advancing their careers. They need to tap into their team’s passions and learn what it takes to keep them engaged. That means establishing strong connections with each member of their team, learn what makes each of them tick, and help them figure out how to align their own goals with the future of the company.
Attract and retain the best performers
An effective sales manager helps you build an attractive sales culture, and that’s what helps you get the attention of the most committed, enthusiastic, and ambitious sales reps. And retaining your salespeople, again, directly relates back to how successful your sales manager is at motivating your team members individually and as a squad.
Internal competition is sometimes used to drive progress, including public leaderboards that keep them honest with a look at who’s pulling ahead and who’s falling behind and may need to rethink their selling strategy. But that kind of motivation isn’t always the most effective, because internal cohesion is the best way to build the strongest team. Healthy competition is great, but building a culture of teamwork helps ensure that best practices and success strategies go viral among your reps, that all holes are plugged and all bases covered, and that while sales is stressful, the environment you’re establishing is supportive, positive, and inspiring.
Money works, too. Team incentives and rewards, like great parties and trips to fabulous locations help build that sense of teamwork but you need to always reward performance with pay. It’s tricky work, building competitive compensation plans that are both consistent, accurate, and fair to your reps, and still preserve your company’s profits — but it is vital.
To learn more about how to make your company a world-class sales organization, including the tools, resources, and technology you need to support your team and build your record of wins, how to set nimble sales goals that meet market demands, ensure effort always translates to revenue and more, don’t miss this VB Live event!
Don’t miss out!
Register here for free.
Attend this webinar and learn:
How to effectively hire and train a top sales force
What the smartest sales quotas look like, and how to set them
How to create and implement business management systems
What motivates sales teams, and how to take advantage
What an effective sales culture looks like and how to build one
Burt Powers, Senior Director of Dell Small Business Sales
Credit: Source link
The post Building a world-class sales organization (VB Live) appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/building-a-world-class-sales-organization-vb-live/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=building-a-world-class-sales-organization-vb-live from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186641679452
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melvintart · 5 months
Winning Together - Melvin Tart's Approach to American Football
Introducing Melvin Tart, a figure of immense dedication, knowledge, and influence in the realm of American football coaching. Before stepping into the coaching field, he was a distinguished athlete himself. Armed with an unyielding spirit, he was a three-year letterman in football during his high school years at Hattiesburg. His athletic prowess didn't stop there - he was also a standout performer in track, demonstrating his versatility. Post-high school, Tart took his talents to Pearl River Community College (PRCC) where he continued to shine on the football field. His passion for sports was matched by his academic pursuits, as he graduated with a degree in Exercise Science in December 2005. These experiences laid a robust foundation for his eventual coaching journey, shaping his unique perspectives and strategies.
As he embarked on his coaching journey, he encountered countless athletes, each with a unique story and distinct set of skills. His commitment to them was unwavering, understanding that every player was like a rough diamond waiting to be polished. He believed that everyone had the potential to shine, provided they were given the opportunity, guidance, and belief in themselves.
From PRCC, Tart embarked on his coaching journey, beginning his career as a volunteer assistant coach. For seven years, he poured his expertise into shaping the promising athletes at Pearl River Community College. His coaching prowess was evident as he was part of the team that won the MACJC state championship in 2005 and 2006, and ended as national runner-ups in 2006. His passion and dedication were key factors in these victories, demonstrating the impact Melvin Tart had on his team. His time at PRCC laid the groundwork for his subsequent success at Jones County Junior College, where he would further refine his coaching style and build on his legacy.
Under his tutelage, his players learned the importance of resilience. They discovered that adversity was not a stumbling block but a stepping stone to success. When injuries, defeats, or setbacks occurred, he reminded them that in football, as in life, the true test of character was how one responded to adversity. This coach encouraged them to get back on their feet, dust themselves off, and forge ahead with even greater determination.
But it was not just about discipline, inspiration, and resilience; this coach also emphasized the significance of teamwork. He taught his players that the strength of a chain lay in its weakest link. In other words, for a team to thrive, every player had to play their part, no matter how small it seemed. Each pass, tackle, and block contributed to the collective effort, and he instilled in them the belief that when they played as one, they were an unstoppable force.
However, his teaching went beyond the confines of the field. He encouraged his players to be leaders not only in football but in their communities as well. They were taught to be men of character, integrity, and honor. He would often remind them that being a true winner meant more than just hoisting a trophy; it meant being a good son, a good brother, and a good friend.
This coach's impact extended beyond the football field. His players were not just successful athletes but successful individuals in their respective lives. They went on to become doctors, lawyers, teachers, and community leaders, attributing much of their success to the life lessons they had imbibed under his mentorship.
Currently, Melvin Tart spearheads his fourth season as the wide receivers coach at Jones County Junior College. His deep-rooted passion for the game and firm belief in his unique coaching philosophy have continued to inspire a new generation of athletes. Nurturing talent, fostering team spirit, and emphasizing character development are at the heart of Tart's coaching approach, creating an environment where players can excel both on and off the field. His dedication to the sport and his players serves as an enduring testament to his influence and success in American football. Melvin Tart Kenosha WI
His approach to coaching extended to building a culture of family within the team. He viewed his players not as mere athletes but as his own children. He fostered an environment of trust, camaraderie, and mutual respect. It was this sense of brotherhood that made the players feel like they were part of something greater than themselves, a force that transcended the boundaries of the field and united them as a family.
Melvin Tart’s legacy was not just measured by the trophies and accolades his teams earned. It was defined by the indomitable spirit he instilled in his players, the values he imparted, and the profound impact he had on their lives. His players revered him not just as a coach but as a father figure, a mentor, and a guiding light. Melvin Tart Kenosha WI
In the annals of American football, his name may not be etched in gold, but his influence on the lives he touched is immeasurable. His coaching philosophy, which emphasized the importance of discipline, inspiration, resilience, teamwork, self-belief, and adaptability, was not just about winning games; it was about winning in life.
The story of this coach serves as a testament to the transformative power of sports and the profound impact a dedicated mentor can have on the lives of young athletes. His coaching philosophy, grounded in the values of character and integrity, continues to inspire generations of players to dream big, work hard, and strive for greatness both on and off the field.
Melvin Tart's unwavering dedication to his players' success, both on the field and in their personal lives, has earned him not only the respect of his team but of the entire football community. His philosophy transcends the game, teaching his players the value of perseverance, teamwork, and self-improvement. In doing so, Tart has managed to have a lasting impact on the lives of those he has coached, molding them into not just better athletes, but better people.
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weeklyreviewer · 5 years
Building a world-class sales organization (VB Live)
Presented by Dell for Entrepreneurs
The quality of your sales force has a direct, accumulating impact on your business as you grow. Join this VB Live event to learn about the essential strategies, key best practices, and technological innovations that can turn your small or mid-sized company into a world-class sales organization.
Register for free right here.
A business is only as successful at its sales team. But building a sales team that doesn’t just sustain your business, but keeps it ahead of the competition, requires some doing: developing a sales culture that attracts and retains the best employees, resources focused on generating revenue, and carefully chosen, obsessively tracked performance metrics and more. Whether you’re just launching your business or you’re looking to take it to the next stage, here are just a few of the ways to make sure you have the kind of team that can turn your company into a world-class sales organization.
Start at the top
Out of the gate, your company’s leadership must establish the importance of your sales culture for your company’s growth, to ensure buy-in from every part of the company. Every facet of your organization should be designed to enable strong, lasting relationships with your customers from the get-go. Ensuring that your employees are all looped into your vision for your company’s growth and are part of the strategy from the start helps build an empowered, focused support team behind your salespeople. That’s the foundation that ensures every salesperson can work smarter, faster, more effectively, helping them land more sales by offering superior customer service, knowledgem and attention at every step.
It also goes the other way: defining the macro sales process in terms of your company’s strategy and its customer service philosophy at every stage of the decision-making process, and using that as a roadmap for your reps in every stage of the sales process.
The importance of sales managers
Don’t skimp on your sales managers — either the ratio of managers to salespeople, or their training, skills, and expertise. Because the amount that your sales teams sells is almost always directly impacted by the effectiveness of your sales manager.
Your sales managers are the lifeblood of your sales teams; each of them is — or should be — a people development expert, an incentivizer with an eye on the big picture and the individual metrics that are crucial to keeping your organization nimble and flexible, responding both to the market and to your organization’s needs.
They’re in charge of executing strategic goals, the hub where the larger organization’s blueprint meets your sales team’s objectives. They track leading indicators of success and translate them into an overall sales game plan for each of your team members. They set goals and expectations for both their individual sales reps and the team as a whole, and then they keep score, making sure your organization keeps hitting its marks, over and over.
And to be truly effective, your sales managers have to understand what motivates their team, from money to acclaim to advancing their careers. They need to tap into their team’s passions and learn what it takes to keep them engaged. That means establishing strong connections with each member of their team, learn what makes each of them tick, and help them figure out how to align their own goals with the future of the company.
Attract and retain the best performers 
An effective sales manager helps you build an attractive sales culture, and that’s what helps you get the attention of the most committed, enthusiastic, and ambitious sales reps. And retaining your salespeople, again, directly relates back to how successful your sales manager is at motivating your team members individually and as a squad.
Internal competition is sometimes used to drive progress, including public leaderboards that keep them honest with a look at who’s pulling ahead and who’s falling behind and may need to rethink their selling strategy. But that kind of motivation isn’t always the most effective, because internal cohesion is the best way to build the strongest team. Healthy competition is great, but building a culture of teamwork helps ensure that best practices and success strategies go viral among your reps, that all holes are plugged and all bases covered, and that while sales is stressful, the environment you’re establishing is supportive, positive, and inspiring.
Money works, too. Team incentives and rewards, like great parties and trips to fabulous locations help build that sense of teamwork but you need to always reward performance with pay. It’s tricky work, building competitive compensation plans that are both consistent, accurate, and fair to your reps, and still preserve your company’s profits — but it is vital.
To learn more about how to make your company a world-class sales organization, including the tools, resources, and technology you need to support your team and build your record of wins, how to set nimble sales goals that meet market demands, ensure effort always translates to revenue and more, don’t miss this VB Live event!
Don’t miss out!
Register here for free.
Attend this webinar and learn:
How to effectively hire and train a top sales force
What the smartest sales quotas look like, and how to set them
How to create and implement business management systems
What motivates sales teams, and how to take advantage
What an effective sales culture looks like and how to build one
Burt Powers, Senior Director of Dell Small Business Sales
Credit: Source link
The post Building a world-class sales organization (VB Live) appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/building-a-world-class-sales-organization-vb-live/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=building-a-world-class-sales-organization-vb-live
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