#its also. how do i say this. childish in a way? big part of why i like it tho
kunikisss · 5 months
i <3 beneath the boardwalk
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doctorbunny · 8 months
MILGRAM THEORY: The Girl in the Weakness Drawings
So in Haruka's first song Weakness, we see a variety of crayon drawings he made. Most are characters we already know:
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Haruka and his (two faced) mother
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Godzilla (no copyright infringement intended)
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Snakes and butterflies under a big tree [I have no proof of this but it always invoked the idea of the garden of Eden in me] which also makes an appearance in Undercover on the drawing pad
But there's always been one uncertainty:
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Who is this drawing depicting?
This was a heavy point of discussion back in T1 and this post by @mrgoodenough254 suddenly reminded me of the discussion
The conclusion I came to back then is that it must be Haruka, after all he's standing in front of it. It could represent how he views himself now he's older and no longer recieving the attention of his mother. A self loathing monster~
Of course, this wasn't the only explanation, some thought it could be his still unseen father or something else entirely... But having gone back for a second look, I have a good guess
The girl (who might be Haruka's sister but we don't 100% know yet, either way the one he strangles)
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First: look at the hair At first I thought it was just messy like Haruka's But the part that would be Haruka's fringe trails lower, and appears to be tied into a green bow. More like a clumsy attempt at drawing how the girl's hair leads into a plait
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Second: The colour of the eyes Haruka's eyes are a blue-green. But the drawing has glowing purple eyes Now, we haven't seen the girl's eyes yet. But we do know someone who has a similar colour of purple hair to her. And she has purple-pink eyes
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So we can guess this is the girl's eye colour.
Third: the "mermaid's tail" The drawing doesn't specifically have legs, which is part of why I thought it looked like a monster or mermaid
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It looks jagged at the bottom and there's a bunch of lines running through it However, whilst in weakness the girl is wearing a nice dress, we know she died in a middle school sailor uniform, which often have longer skirts
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(you can tell because of the sailor collar, also look! her plait falls on the same side as the hair in the drawing, this will be important in a second-) This means the lines could represent the skirt folds
Final note: How the girl is drawn The first and most obvious thing to say is how she was drawn to look like a monster, what with her glowy eyes and spiky teeth And this is a common, if childish way siblings who don't get along may depict each other You don't like your brother? Draw him as a big ugly monster!!!
But I think the more interesting thing is everything else: Part of why I thought this was a drawing of Haruka for so long is because behind the hair is blue scribbling, which I figured was just part of the hair However, in weakness we see something else coloured blue
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Blood (We know Haruka killed her via strangulation but its possible when she fell back she hit her head on something? Or Haruka just associates death with bleeding) The drawing also shows the arms bent at odd, stiff angles And the neck is long and crooked The 'skirt' is also ripped and covered in something green (grass stains??)
This may not just be a drawing of Haruka's sister But one depicting her death
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(artist's rendition)
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mohgreal · 3 months
Miquella SOTE analysis  
SOTE spoilers + cw for incest (mentioned?)
As much as I could scream here about how much I hate the butchery of his character I decided I'm going to take Vaati's place early and attempt to make sense of it (i dont get paid for this)
Throughout the DLC Miquella is a big theme and he is mentioned a ton, both by his followers/npcs but some portions of it feel like direct traces to Miquella; That everything is leading you to him.
Now that the bewitchment theory is canon (sadly), this could also be seen as his allure bringing the Tarnished to him. He needs the Tarnished. Why? Because only a reddit mod tryhard as our Tarnished could possibly beat Radahn, kill Mohg, and drag their corpses to him.
During the boss fight with him and Radahn, Radahn traps the player in this weird hug, Miquella whispers to the Tarnished about his age of compassion; "I'll make the world a gentler place". This bewitches our Tarnished and if you get hug-bewitched-whispered twice you get a death screen that says "HEART STOLEN" 
Trying to make sense of why he would need Radahn; Miquella in order to become a god and take Marika's place needs a consort. Miquella seems attached to strength; Look at Malenia, Mohg, Godwyn and Radahn.
What do they have in common? Strength. Our Tarnished also has that.
When he asks presumably us to be his consort I have two theories on this;
Miquella is still trying to achieve his dream world, a gentle place where he can live with his family peacefully with no violence and everyone loves him. A childish dream metaphorically. In order to do this he would still need Godwyn, so perhaps he's still trying to do that and he's using Radahn as another tool to get there. SOTE still has strong themes of death and those who live in it. 
Miquella still refers to his "Lord brother" and assuming this is Godwyn, it's possible that this would be true. However, if this is not the case and Radahn was re written to be his lord brother;
2. Miquella still wants that dream I mentioned earlier, but without the Godwyn part. He can cleanse people of scarlet rot (that one npc says so) So this could all feed into that and how he is really is trying to become a benevolent god in which everyone loves him/eachother and everything is okay; The opposite of how things are in the lands between. However because its so childish people wouldn't agree to it, so he thinks the only way to get there is bewitching them.
One of the items says how Malenia whispered in Radahns ear (i hate this lore) So this would mean that she was aware of this, meaning this was Miquella's plan from the start and the way his followers and everything hypes him up is because it was a plan he tried too hard to make work and possibly bewitched everyone in the process. (Considering Miquella doesn't become a god in the end from what I can gather?)
Not my favourite analysis to be making knowing...certain...writers...but  I guess I didn't wait 2 years just to not at least try to see Miquella's character.
Hopefully this fuels your coping, and until another post of 
Coping with Mohgreal 
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couldn't find a scene with this clip from the trailer, will update/rb this post when i find out more abt it :P
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joels-shitty-puns · 1 year
The Key To Your Heart - Track 2
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Musician!Reader
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Series Summary: After writing your feelings for Pedro into a song, it gains a lot more popularity than expected. Ultimately it brings both criticism and support, with new possibilities around the corner.
Series Warnings: 18+ only (MDNI). Potential for puns/dad jokes (name of my blog, and the fic) should give that away. This is my first fic which should be its own warning, lol. Also some cursing. Mentions of masturbation (f) maybe more smut later idk. Sadness, reader is pretty depressed. Poor body image. Rude people. Bullying-ish and just lack of support? Anxiety. Age gap! Reader is in her mid 20's, Pedro is current age (48).
Other stuff: Reader is plus sized. AFAB. Inexperienced. Also has a dog, but you can pretend it is another creature probably. Further, in case it isn't clear, italics almost always are the reader's inner thoughts!
Word Count: 2.8K
Series List: Here!
Miss last chapter? Here!
I had a real rough time figuring out the proper voice for Pedro's dialogue and I hope I did him justice. Either way, the support I received for part 1 is astounding and completely unexpected! Thank you all for reading and let me know what you think :) I plan to continue until the story wraps up, but I don't know how many parts that will be. I hope to post every couple days, but with my work schedule it may be less speedy. Here we go!
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You walk in the door, unclipping Skip's leash, slipping off your shoes, and dropping your keys on the countertop before flopping onto the couch and unlocking your phone. No. Fucking. Way. 
Pedro Pascal (pascalispunk) replied to your message. 
You dissected each letter of the username, assuming it couldn't possibly be THE Pedro Pascal… but it was. It really, really was. You clicked the message, holding your breath.
Pedro Pascal replied to you: "Hey, you don't need to thank me. I didn't say anything that wasn't true. That guy was out of line. You deserve happiness and I'm sorry for the harsh words you've been hearing. I appreciate you sharing your vulnerability with the world and hope that you will continue to be your genuine self and ignore the comments trying to make you be someone else. Don't listen to those people."
You stared in disbelief at his words, once again wondering why he would ever be so kind to someone he doesn't even know. Someone so childish and stupid to write a song about a man she doesn't know. I can't imagine he'd think these things if he knew it was about him…
You: "Thank you Mr. Pascal. I'm a big fan of yours and hearing that you're in my corner has me completely at a loss. I can't imagine why you would risk damaging your image by defending a girl…" No… don't say girl, it makes you sound like a child. You want this guy to like you! You backspace with a slight feeling of ridiculousness over the whole scenario. Ugh it's all wrong… calm down... calm down… it's just a conversation. He doesn't know you. He doesn't like you. Don't make it weird like you always do.
You try again.
You: "Thank you Mr. Pascal. I really admire your work and for you to say such kind things to me… to think that you're in my corner, has me completely at a loss for words. I don't know what I did to deserve this treatment when you don't even know me, especially when coming to my defense could potentially harm your image… but thank you."
He read it almost immediately. Your heart was beating out of your chest and you felt like you could throw up from the anxiety and adrenaline. After a few seconds, those stress-inducing dot-dot-dots appeared to show you he was typing.
He's actually replying to me?? Again? Doesn't he have better things to do? 
Your mind wandered to what he might be doing while he's messaging you. Sitting at his home, relaxing, taking the time to reply to you? Why? Maybe he's on a plane or waiting for something and killing time. Maybe he's- *ping*
Pedro Pascal replied to your message:
"Please, you can call me Pedro.. and as far as defending you, it doesn't matter to me that we don't know each other personally. You seem like a woman with a good heart, and all you did was share your true self. Nobody deserves to be talked poorly about for something harmless that they feel. If something like that hurts my image… then my true self wasn't being represented. I think we all just want to be seen, and I hope that you will feel comfortable to be yourself and show yourself more."
You don't know when you started crying, but you hiccupped with the overwhelming wave of emotions. He sees me.. you had just scrolled to the bottom of the long reply, when you noticed the "..." of typing again. He has more to say?!
Pedro Pascal: "As far as the subject of your song.. whether you choose to reveal that to him, or the world, you deserve love and respect. Being vulnerable and putting yourself out there is a terrifying thing to do, and I myself tend to close myself off from relationships to avoid that potential for getting hurt. But if that's what you want, you've already taken a big step and you should go for it. I hope that whoever he is gives you the respect and love you deserve."
Holy crap…
He doesn't… he doesn't know it's him right?? No. There's no way. He's just being nice… he's too nice. He's too genuine..??
Your thumbs hover over the keyboard, doing a little dance in the air, pondering what to say. How much can I share with this man? Between this crush and his kind words, it's feeling tricky to hold back from spilling too much information.
You: "Thank you Pedro. You're too kind and I can't properly explain how much I really appreciate it. I'm having trouble coming to terms with all the sudden attention, and finding it hard to ground myself. But your words are helping me a lot. I - "
You hesitated over your next words, wondering if you should open up or just leave it. Don't be weird… don't scare him away like you always have with everyone else. As much as you think of disclosing your hesitation and lack of experience with relationships, as well as your reasons for trepidation, you decide to spare him of your self-hatred. Instead, you delete that last letter and hit send. 
Then you send another message, like he did. "And as far as the guy… I know I don't know him personally, we've never met, but I can already tell he would treat me right. I just hope maybe someday he will love me back."
Immediately after sending it you regretted it. That felt way too open and vulnerable. What are you thinking!?! Shit… what if he sees through you!?
You hold your finger down on the message, ready to hit unsend before he sees it. But it's too late. He's already replying.
Pedro: "He would be stupid not to love you back."
What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
You: "Thank you, Pedro. 🥺" Play it cool… Play it cool…
Pedro: "Of course, sweetheart. Feel free to message me if anyone else gives you trouble or you just want to chat. I enjoyed talking with you."
???!!!!!?????!!!!! SweetheartSweetheartSweetheart
You grabbed your nearest pillow and screamed into it. "SKIPPPPPEERRRRRRR!!!!!! I JUST HAD A CONVERSATION WITH PEDRO AND IT WAS MAGICAL AND AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!" You squealed.
Skipper lifted his head at you and sighed before setting his head back down. He was no stranger to your shenanigans. Napping after a good walk was a better use of his energy than to deal with your drama. He closed his little brown eyes again.
You lay back on the couch, kicking your feet and squeezing your pillow to your body.
Fuck, this is going to hit me like a truck if it goes sour. If he even realizes it's about him, probably. Crap… what am I going to do?
The next day, you woke up and checked your emails before work. Thankfully nobody at your workplace has seemed to place your singing voice to your speaking voice, or pieced together the fact that several people know you have a crush on a certain celebrity and are a musician. Thank goodness. That’s the last thing you need.
You closed your eyes for a few minutes, trying to calm your breathing, your nerves, and your heart rate, before relaxing and shaking out your body. Finally, you decided to get ready for bed and see what tomorrow brings.
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Your emails come in, one by one, with one intriguing email at the top, from a well known pop-culture show called The Jazz & Ally-Kat Show. They want to do an interview with you, live, as soon as possible. 
Great. They probably just want to see what I look like or have me spill my guts about my crush. You roll your eyes, and you can’t help but feel like the Mandalorian with his lack of face reveals. If only you had a cute little space baby to accompany you. I guess Skip is my own precious cargo in a way, you think, while looking at your still sleeping pup. You're being silly… Not everything needs to relate back to Pedro, you think with a sigh to yourself. 
Yet despite your anxiety, you agreed to their interview, with the exception that it was done as a podcast style interview, where simply your voices are featured. Surprisingly, they agreed. I guess everyone likes some drama, and what better way to get views than by having a little mystery.
The interview was scheduled for three days from then, and in the meantime you focused on work and your album, which was mostly finished after years of writing songs. All it needed was some editing.
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As the days went by, you wanted desperately to message Pedro again. You wanted to tell him your feelings. Have him confess that he loves you too. Ask him about his family, his friends, his favorite things. Meet him, kiss him, fall in love, and finally be happy. But ultimately you knew that was silly. You had one little conversation, and although it was nice, you still didn't know each other. There was no way he loved you back. Yet…? you asked yourself, hopeful, almost asking for permission to let yourself try and earn his love. 
Despite Instagram drawing you in like a magnet, you held back from messaging him. You didn't want to come on too strong. You messaged him first last time. He doesn't know you. Literally… he doesn't even know your real name, or what you look like. But maybe that's a good thing…
_____The day of the interview:_____
You woke up around 9:30 in the morning; nervous, slightly nauseated, restless, and jittery. Why did I agree to this??! 
You decided to pass on the coffee this morning, figuring it would make things worse, and instead decided to take Skipper for a walk. After some fresh air followed by a refreshing shower, you looked at the clock. 11:30 AM. With the interview at 1PM, you still had some time to kill and sat down at the piano, letting your mind wander to Pedro while you plunked chords out with nimble fingers. I wonder if Pedro has ever wanted to learn any instruments… I could teach him, you daydream.
Your hands dance across the piano while he reads through a script in the other room, eyebrows furrowed as he highlights another line. You look up over the grand piano and see his soft brown curls blowing under the fan haphazardly. The sun is shining in through the window, which Skip bathes under, and reflects a golden brown undertone with gray streaks in Pedro's hair. He really is beautiful, you think. His tongue swipes across his lips as he makes notes and erases, before finally feeling your eyes on him. He glances up from the script, giving you a soft smile and a wink; with those chocolate brown eyes that frequently cause you to lose your train of thought. Your eyes drift down to the keys again, feeling a soft blush creep over your cheeks. 
"That music sounds beautiful, baby.." he says softly while padding up to you behind the piano. He places his large hands on your shoulders, sweeping them down over both your arms before settling on your hands, still resting over the black and white keys. You look over your shoulder and he leans in, closing his eyes as he presses a gentle kiss to your lips. Just like that scene in Narcos… you think. Yikes, I really am obsessed… anyway… you think back to your daydream…
He sits down at the chair next to your piano bench, kissing your lips again gently, then the corner of your mouth, your cheek, and your jaw. Your stomach gives a wave of butterflies and you lean in more to kiss him deeper, tugging on his hair while his hands find the small of your back, gently running his palms up your spine. A chill overcomes you and he-
~Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep.~
Fuck. You snap out of your fantasy and turn off the alarm you set to go off ten minutes before the interview. At least I gave myself time to use the restroom and wash my face, you think, hoping to clear your head a bit now that you're slightly frazzled.
Unfortunately the feeling that replaced it was nerves as you sat down at your desk, typing into your keyboard, turning on your mic, and hoping that Skipper doesn't throw a fit over the wind or something while you're on this call.
Jazz: "Hi there listeners! We're joined by the artist of the moment, our favorite lovesick lady, the singer responsible for "Imaginary Love!"
Both women on the other end of the call applaud.
Well… not sure I like being called a lovesick lady but what else did I expect, really?
You: "Thank you guys for having me, I appreciate you wanting to get to know me better."
Despite the rough start, the ladies turned out to be really respectful and fun. You think that if the circumstances were different, you could actually be friends with them. You discuss casual things like your dog, your favorite activities and favorite pop culture topics (careful to avoid mentioning Pedro or any other actor that could be perceived as your lyrical subject), and they even mention celebrity crushes they've had growing up. 
At the mention of their celebrity crushes, you can feel the interview funnel into a dangerous alley with little to no escape. Jazz was the first to broach the subject. "So… we've just discussed our celebrity crushes, and I think I speak for all of us here when I say we're all very curious to know who-"
-an air horn blares-
What the hell is that? You wonder, both thankful for the interruption, yet startled by the disruption.
They both chime in: "Viewers!!! Do you all know what that sound is!?! We have reached 1 million listeners!!!!"
To say you were astounded is an understatement.
You: "You're kidding!? 1 million people are listening to us right now?"
Ally: "You bet they are! And listeners… I don't know about you guys… but I can't help but wonder if our celebrity heartthrob is one of those million?"
They turn their attention to you again. "What do you think? Think he's listening?"
You're thankful for the lack of a camera, because you can't help but blush at the thought. You'd be lying if you hadn't already considered (hoped) that he was listening too. 
Jazz: "So as we were saying… I think we all are in agreement that we want to know who he is. You sound like a nice enough girl, so what's holding you back? You've made it. You can contact him now and he'll probably reply."
I already have… you thought with a smirk.
Jazz continues: "Which brings me to the next point... I know you've had a lot of attention lately. You were signed to a record company, you were contacted by us, you've been mentioned by a few talk shows and celebrities. Pedro Pascal even publicly defended you. The radio has been playing your song nonstop and people can't get enough. What do you think of all this attention?"
You: "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit surprised and maybe a little scared," you answered with a nervous laugh. "But I am so thankful for the kind words that I receive and I love hearing from people who can relate to my music."
Ally: "You've certainly received your fair share of criticism too. It sounds like you received that before your song was ever published as well."
You: "I have, and it's been challenging to try and not let it get me down. But I'm trying my best, and the positives seem to be greatly outweighing the negatives," you state, your mind thinking of Pedro and how his messages were really the only positive you needed to get you through the dark storm of criticism.
Ally: "I guess what I'm wondering is.. among all these people contacting you.. has he?"
You try to play dumb: "Has who?"
Both interviewers laugh before Ally continues. "Nice try. You know who we're trying to find out about. Has he, the man of your dreams and star of your lyrics, contacted you at all? Will we see a romance blooming?"
Your stomach flipped. You were not expecting this question. Should you tell the truth??? It's not like they could know who has contacted you, short of hacking your account. You have had a lot of people contact you, after all.
You take a deep breath before answering. "I uh… I have received a lot of messages, some of them from celebrities."
They reply, and you can practically feel them leaning in. "Yeeeeaaaah?????"
You consider your next move, your heart really working overtime since this whole thing started. Finally you decide your answer.
"Yes. We've talked."
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Looking for Track 1? Read it here!
Next chapter: Here!
~Thanks for reading! Stay ~tuned~ for more!
Taglist: Let me know if you want in :)
@pedrotonin @starcrossed02
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catboylister · 4 months
hi iwbftblr i am going to yap about when/why i think listers addiction starts because i think about it a lot
cw for disscussions of alcoholism (obviously) but also sa and poverty and basically anything lister goes through at all. bro is living ROUGH
i don't believe that its as simple as hes just got an 'addictive personality' or he has the addiction gene. jimmy himself even says that "before we got famous, lister showed little sign of being into the party lifestyle, beyond being mildly disruptive at school." (pg 79.) so its most likely due to other triggers that his addiction began.
one of the most obvious things that triggers his alcoholism is having access to money after growing up in poverty. also on pg 79 jimmy says "as soon as we started making money, lister's love for the finer things reared its head." growing up in poverty is fucking rough, and lister is still a young teen when they start getting famous, he has no idea how budgeting, savings or credit actually works. its a very typical childish response for him to have. in the scene where they argue in the bathroom lister confirms that he was very close to living on the streets, so of course hes going to be excitable and reckless when he has access to the wild amount of money they get from being famous. and again, lister basically confirms that this wealth is a big trigger for him, drinking and parties for him is just "enjoying having money and being happy." (pg. 141)
as for when that actually starts, isn't the most clear, but you can sort of create a timeline by looking at some of the extra materials like 'the incident on showday' and the wiki pages alice has made !! while the incident doesn't actually have a canon ending, the things we learn about the characters and how the act tells us a little bit more the ark's life pre-iwbft.
starting with 'the incident on showday' lister is 17 and it's very clear that he's already struggling with alcoholism. it's very much passed the 'just social drinking' phase considering he's (very badly) drinking in secret already. also cecily's 'no drinking on show days' rule is already a thing at the point. (this is all on the starting page of the game)
skipping slightly forward, when you get to the part where you're in the supply cupboard with jimmy, and choose to apologise, lister begins to ramble about his alcoholism and reveals quite a bit.
"look, i just... i know this isn't the first time i've done this and i promise... i swear i'll try to sort it out." / "i just... with the drinking... i feel like i can barely control it anymore, i dunno, and i always do it when i don't want to-"
from this we know that lister knows he has an issue, and maybe that he's been trying to deal with it on his own, but it hasn't been working out. either way, at 17, its already an issue that has been going on for a while. which makes me think that it became an addiction when he was either 16 or 17
we know that at these ages he's been through a lot. he was for the first time when he was 16, and i'd say it's implied that it happened again with kevin but thats a whole other conversation. it would have also been around the time that the suitcase incident happened and rowan was ignoring him, so he would've probably felt very lonely, and partied more to try cope with that. these, plus the money are probably the biggest causing factors for his addiction, at least from my interpretation.
also, as for jimmy and rowan not intervening, through iwbft, especially at the start, lister's drinking habits are sort of portrayed as just this quirk of his. though jimmy's attitude towards it gets more serious as the week goes on. jimmy only comes to the realisation that lister is displaying obvious signs of alcoholism for the first time when he finds him in the bathroom. he does attempt to bring this up to lister, but ultimately it is considered and issue for another day, which results in the whole lister almost dying because red flags weren't taken seriously enough thing. again thats probably better for a whole other conversation too.
but anyway, timeline that makes most sense in my head is:
the ark start blowing up + making money -> the record their first album -> lister is assaulted -> album eventually comes out and they're preparing for their first european tour -> lister accidentally outs jimmy -> rowan ignores lister for 2 months, so probably that entire tour -> lister is extremely lonely -> he starts to party more to as a coping mechanism simply because he can -> he learns that if he's ever sad or stressed drinking 'fixes' it -> congrats !! alcoholism achieved !! -> 'the incident on showday' takes place somewhere here
do not try this at home guys
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troius · 7 months
I just want to say a few things before you get to the end. First up, it's been a pleasure to read your thoughts on the series; like any fan, you have your own unique interpretations and it's always good to read how fans see certain scenes. It's also been fantastic to see fellow fans respond to your posts adding on to what you've written, again bringing your thoughts out more and generating discussion.
Also, seeing your thoughts has made me appreciate scenes and characters I never thought I would -- Yamamoto for instance, who would've thought?! They've also reminded me of why I fell in love with the series as much as I did, from the artwork to the themes to the incredible bonds between the characters. You've reminded me that BLEACH has it's flaws that can sometimes take you out of the story, but when it hits, it 100% HITS! It's a manga that's about the bonds we form, how they can help us overcome challenges and be a source of light in our lives. It's about the ways we overcome grief and the fear of death, whether it's literally fighting your way through it or slowly coming to a state of acceptance as time goes on. It's about the 'hearts' of people, about what they look like and how they're shared between those you choose. I could go on and on, but then this would become an essay and we'd be here all day.
All of this is to say, thank you for choosing to create a Tumblr account and deciding to read the series and give your thoughts along the way. I can't believe you've finally reached the end, it almost feels like I'm saying goodbye to the manga again!! I don't think I'm the only one here who sees you as a big and valued part of the community on here, so I hope you'll be sticking around! :)
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Thank you so much Rays! Response under the cut because it went long.
This won't surprise you, but I too have grown in my appreciation for the series over the course of the uh three years that I've run this blog. Bleach has character concepts I've never seen elsewhere. It has moments of storytelling brilliance. It has truly, phenomenally astonishing art.
But more than anything else, I, like you, am impressed by the heart. For a story that's largely about the afterlife, Bleach is shockingly humanistic, locating virtue not in any system of belief, in any group or faction in the various conflicts that provide the setting for the manga, but in people. All people, whether they're our extremely relatable teenage protagonist and his friends, the occasionally sketchy adults in his life, or the various adversaries ranging from evil monsters to supernatural samurai to a regular-ass gang to a foreign apocalypse cult. Bleach never, not once, lets the viewer fall into the comfortable childish space of believing that there's good people and bad people in the world.
There's just people. Sometimes these people want to do bad things, like execute their sisters, or kidnap your girlfriend, or isolate you from your family, or destroy the entire world. Bleach doesn't flinch away from that either. But it (again, very humanistically) locates those bad actions not in the individual human beings, but in our relationships with one another through the systems and structures we've created to organize ourselves.
And yet in the face of the idea that humans do their worst work through other people, that's also where Bleach locates its greatest virtue. Alone, we're nothing. It's the bonds that we have with others that are what make life worth living, that are the source of everything good in this world. And navigating that dynamic, between spiritual bonds and structural shackles...that's really what adult life is all about, isn't it?
Anyhow, my adult life has been greatly enriched by all of you on here. But I'll take the chance to thank you specifically Rays, for being such a source of joy. Your positivity and passion are the sort of thing that makes a humble blogger want to come back for more, and I've deeply enjoyed hearing all of your thoughts, not just on my liveblog, but through your own posts and writing. I'll be sticking around for sure.
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ziminy · 1 year
Nightshift pt. 1
Having them as roommates was a problem
Tags: mdni, college au, f!reader , explicit language, a little bit of misunderstandings here and there for the plot, everyone is pretty dumb, inexperienced!reader, size difference, they toy with you the way they want, fingering, thigh fucking, both Geto and Gojo are playboys (cuz I want so) , idk I'll add it later if I missed something
Author's note: bro, I started writing this thinking it would be a small ff. I was giggling and kicking my feet and then I woke up 10k words in and I was like, nahh, gotta make this into a series. So enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it😘
Update: I re wrote this a little, just made some small changes here and there.
6k words(I thought there were more)
Masterlist part 2
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Gojo Satoru had all kind of connections. He basically knew everyone in the campus at this point, the campus you shared and many others. And who could blame him? People liked him. It wouldn't be surprising if someone goes at him for anything. That's how he wakes up in someone else business most of the time, it all starts with a small favor, and then he finds out its not that small as he thought it would be. And yet he still does it again and again. He's an idiot, isn't he?
Who could blame him. No one was in their right minds anymore these days. But an idiot will always remain an idiot. And so, he woke up helping someone again. A friend you happen to have in common came to him, asking if he knows any place available to stay at. And the idiot went around asking about it, only to find up things about you. Like what kind of person you are, how people viewed you, how you got in the situation of moving out. You were a quiet person, or that's what some people said. Other said how it was so fun to have you around. You were non problematic, or hat's how he liked to see it. You were a peaceful person who just happened to be in an unfortunate situation.
He would usually say no, but he met you in person. You looked tired, and small compared to him, you looked like you bearly got any sleep these days. He lives in a big house, doesn't he? It's not like he needs new people in there, the quietness was enough for him. He also clearly don't need any money from you especially. If you can't afford sleep, would you be able to afford a place to stay in?
And somehow you woke up moving into his house. After a lot of talking about it with him, just making sure you heard what you heard right you finally made a decision. Sure, he doesn't seems bad, so why not accepting.
Everything was so peaceful at first. He said he won't be there most of the times. Him and the unexpected housemate you found there were out almost all day. And when they were back everyone seems to be so careful around each other. No one makes fast moves and it seems that you adapted to that life there rather quick. Everything was like a dream, or that what it seemed like. Until you heard a rather nasty rumor about your so called housemates. Animals in heat, that's how you can call them without saying a bad word.
You can't see it. You just can't see it. Your roommates were two regular guys. Sure, one was ridiculously rich, but he was fine. Maybe a little childish. And the other guy was just so down on earth. That guy was softer than your damn pillow. The way he talks was definitely telling you that the rumors are fake. Defamation. This got to be defamation. I mean, no matter how much you think about it you can't see these guys as some fuckers who are.. Well.. Doing what the name says. Fucks.
But you couldn't help but listen to those false allegations. The nights they weren't home they were supposed to be partying somewhere until they leave with a girl. You never saw anyone bringing anything home. So where were they? Do they like spending times in hotels instead of their own house? And that's when you find out they almost never brings girls home because they go to ladies houses.
Everything you heard was true. It's an unwritten rule that they don't like to see strangers on their beds. So that means they spend the night there? No, they always come back no matter what. Fooling in someone else bed was alright, but staying the night was a no no. All those rumors made you think. What was so special about them? And so, you started to observe them whenever you could. It was like an small experiment in your head, it meant literally nothing more. It made you think about the situation. Were they really not as you see it?
Without even realizing you got out the room at the same time they were at home. When they were in the kitchen, you happen to be there, nothing happened that just a few words exchanged , small talk. However, it was bothering them.
They really don't understand why you're looking like that at them. No, they're actually full aware of the look in your eyes. It's was something they saw so many times, yet it was more. It wasn't just horniness, it wasn't that lust they're so familiar with. It was curiosity. You don't even have to say a word because it was clearly written on your face. Yet they don't want to admit that it was just something innocent. Both of them agreed mentally that you want them. It wasn't sure which one but it was clearly you wanted something from one of them. They were the horny ones. Your eyes studying them so openly, no thoughts behind it, no shame. They were indeed animals in heat, because they just couldn't keep it to themselves. And just like always, they were willing to give you whatever you want. That if you finally say something, do a move yourself. Not just looking and that's it.
"Y/N." you moved your eyes on who ever was calling your name, none other than your landlord. "Did something happened?" to him it seemed like you had something to say but you were to shy to say it. He was more than happy to give you a little push, help you to finally say something.
"Mno..?" he gulped, you looked right into his eyes. The looks you kept giving earlier wasn't helping either. He only heard stuff about how you were shy and you didn't go much out. Your friends don't even remember the last time you went on a date, that if you ever went on a date. "Ohh." you're reaction made both of them move their eyes straight on you. You finally was going to say it? "I apologize." you laughed. "I heard something and I wanted to see it myself." you had a sweet smile on you face, it really didn't look like you were undressing them in your mind. You were curious. And if you have the answers right in front of you, wouldn't you want to know what is actually happening?
"Rumors?" the dark haired guy sat down at the table you were sitting with a cup of coffee in his hand.
"Mhhmm." you nodded.
"Are you that interested in what other people say?" you shook your head.
"Not at all." you got up from your chair. "Sorry for making you concerned." and so, you went to your room. You can't figure out what's in their head, and they can't figure what's in yours. There were a lot of rumors about them, most of them being true, but you could never know. You haven't heard anything about your name yet, so maybe people don't even know you live there to begin with. Which is good. The last thing you want is someone disturbing your peace.
What you should have put in calculation was the two demons outside your door. Gojo only let you stay because he was interested in you, the other guy just started to feel a little curious. When they tried to show that they know you're watching, you did nothing more than continue to watch them further. You would look them right in the eyes like you did nothing shameless. And the answer you gave them was so vague that they're now asking for more. It's not like they disliked you there next to them, just looking at them and doing nothing more. It's that it made their imagination go wild.
You bearly went out if it wasn't for school. And up until not so long ago you wouldn't even get out the room when they were home. It was so quiet in there that they forgot about you. That until you got in that kitchen, you're steps were so carefully placed on the floor, the way you would walk around the table and sit at a spot they would have never guessed it was yours in the first place. It became like a routine to see you there in the morning, since that was the time of the day where they would be at home. Oh, but now you stopped. When they're awake you're sleeping safe and sound. Maybe they should have let you do your thing. Of course they would have answered whatever question you might had, but what they don't know is the thoughts you were thinking of. The way you would just smile like you didn't thought about what the hell they were doing when they were out.
You were just curious. And you're happy they finally said something, so that way you could stop looking for whatever you were looking. They're not happy tho. It's been a week since they didn't seen you even breathing around them. Everyone was tired. That's why they started coming home earlier. Which turned into an unfortunate event.
Stressed, everyone was stressed. And you became even stressed when you woke up in the middle of the night hearing noises. Was someone in pain? Did someone needed help? Then you woke up and realizing what is actually happening. The sounds you heard weren't from pain, they were moans, and bed moving. They weren't your moans, they didn't sounded like male moans. It was definitely a woman. You sighed as you went back to sleep, ready to complain about it tomorrow to your housemates.
You were so eager to complain about what happened. The moment you got in the kitchen you sat down next to the dark haired guy. "Suguru, have you heard that last night?" you sighed, yet you were thrilled to continue complaining. "Honestly, can't the neighbors chill?" you wanted to hear him agreeing with you, yet he didn't.
"It wasn't the neighbors." huh? Now you were confused.
"What do you mean?" you both looked at the person who just entered the kitchen. You looked at the guy next to you with big eyes when you realized what actually happened, you stood there bamboozled. He only nodded, like he could read you mind. He knew exactly what you were thinking of. "No way.." a hand was placed over your mouth to show how shocked you were. "I'm sorry! I didn't know!" you exclaimed as you ran from there to your room. So those rumors were true? But you could have never guessed. I mean, weren't they in some kind of mafia or something? Why else would they be out all the times if they weren't working? But didn't people said they don't get girls home? Then was that his girlfriend? What about all those shameful things you thought of? You have to apologize to his girl.
The next morning you got out your room and shyly went into the kitchen. Moving carefully and biting your lower lip, you sat down next to your landlord at the big table that was placed in the kitchen. You looked at him, then at your hands while you kept playing with your fingers. The other guy looked amused. He could only guess why you're acting like that, but he probably knows exactly what you wanted to say. The white haired guy keep moving his eyes from his phone to you. Was this a deja vu? Or perhaps not. This feels like it happened before yet so different at the same time. You looked only at him, you sat next to him, and the other guy seems to find it funny. Clearly, something happened that he's not aware of. He's a little angry now. How can he be left out? Especially when you don't even do much besides coming into the kitchen for a few minutes then run away from there. "Something happened?" this was definitely a deja vu. The same thing, same words, yet it felt so different.
"I'm sorry.." so something did happened? What could be so bad that you got to act like this? You weren't in this situation when you got caught for staring at them shamefully.
"I know it wasn't my business.. I should have probably shut up.. But please listen to me first." the guy that was sitting not so far from you was laughing his ass off. This was pure gold, comedy in its purest form. He couldn't stop you even if he wanted to. After all, you had to find things out yourself, and he didn't plan to give you any information. "I really didn't know. I wouldn't had said anything if I knew she was your girlfriend." now that was a twist that made even the hyena stop laughing. Now everyone was interested in what happened.
"What do you mean by my girlfriend?" your landlord was mad that someone is out there pretending to be his girlfriend. He might change girlfriends frequently, but at the moment he was single. So who would dare to present themselves as his girl?
"I heard that you don't get girls home unless it's someone important." never in their life have they bought someone home since you moved in there.
"I didn't bring anyone in here?" everyone was confused. No one didn't know what to say.
"The other day you came back with someone, right? I just wanted to apologize because I didn't know it was you. I thought it was the neighbors." the dark haired guy started to laugh again, this time not even trying to hide it. You got up from you seat and went to the door as fast as you could. "Anyway, I'm sorry. I just want it to say it in case of anything." and so, you disappeared from their eyes once again. Whatever you heard about them it was clearly bullshit in their eyes. You need to stop listening to whatever people had to say, they could answer to whatever question you had. Yet you never ask for anything.
A game of cats and mouse started. It was clearly who were the evil minds that came with the plan and who was the clueless victim. One day when you were at school, they happen to be there to switch everything in the house. Whatever you thought you knew was, now was in a complete another place. It was pitiful to watch them work so eagerly on this. It was hard to watch them being idiots, yet not even a second they stopped to think about it. All they had to do now was for you to come back.
It took you two days to finally see that something is wrong. In these two days they almost died of impatience because of how slow you were. Yet look at you, refusing to give up. You searched everywhere in the kitchen cabinets for whatever you were looking for, only to see with the corner of your eye that it was placed somewhere were you clearly couldn't reach at. You took a chair and tried to get it yourself. You don't need help from those fuckers after all. Why would you need it when they made your life so complicated.
"Need help?" the knight in shining armor was too late unfortunately, yet that didn't stopped Gojo from doing something.
"Not at all." he came next to you, took whatever was in your hands and put it back up, just to take it and handle it to you.
"Here you go." you sighed. But your misfortune continue to grow when the other idiot came in.
"You're stuck there? Is it too high for you?" the dark haired guy tone was like it was making fun of you. He picked you up and put you down. "There there, no need to thank me." all you did was to sigh.
"I don't need this anymore. Can you put it back?" you handed whatever you had in your hands back to them.
"You got the wrong thing? This happens if you try to reach high places alone." the moment they turned their heads away from you was the way you disappeared from there. Oh, but it was hell the next few days. Nothing was in their right places and it turned you crazy. You gave up. If that's what they wanted to hear then they win. Just like always, you finally showed up in that kitchen. You sat at another chair, choosing a different one from your usual one. Head and hands on the table as you waited for them to appear there. You were about to call it defeat when you fell asleep. It was morning after all, at this time you would usually sleep. Heck, even the bed under you was sleeping. If you were pulling out the white flag, now they were the ones doing it. Seeing you there once again made them realize their mistake.
They apologized ,not to you physically but mentally. You did nothing more than just being curious. Who wouldn't be? Some rich guy let you stay in his house when you needed a place to stay. He didn't ask for anything, the rent was even lowered to half the price it was to the previous place you lived at. And even after all those rumors you heard, you didn't had to see any of their dates inside the house. It was nice living there, they tried to make an effort somehow to not disturb you. And so you did to them. But maybe they didn't thought about it in the end. Sure, it was childish, but wouldn't you do the same if you were in their shoes? Just like you, they have questions. They also want answers. Their methods might be a little out of pocket, but try to think the way they do. They're too proud, you'll never see them asking for anything. They'll make you ask for it and then act nonchalant about it. Can't you see they're just some big fucks? They're fuckers and they're proud. They're literally dickheads.
The strategy changed. They'll get you out that room in other ways. That's when you started to wake up with all kind of food and sweets. They'll get home and the first thing to do is to go to your room to announce what they got. It made you instantly get out the bed and follow them. They played dirty all the time. They did it in such a way that when you hear the front door you instantly get out the bed and sprint to who ever came back. Big smile on your face and knowing absolutely nothing about whatever scheme they might plan next.
"I didn't got anything today." Suguru's words made you lose your smile instantly. "Satoru might come with something tho." and that made your smile to come back.
"Can I stay with you until he comes back?" his smile seems so innocent. It made him look innocent. That old fox isn't playing according to the books. No, in fact he'll get off the main path just to get to what he wants faster. He knew exactly that your so called landlord wouldn't come back home tonight. Yet he's not going to say shit.
"Of course." and so, you ended up with him on the big couch that was in the living room, watching some movie that was playing on some random channel on tv. It would be such a big lie if he says whatever he was after was just friendship. Is he trying hard? Maybe. But he wants to look like you're the one worked up about it. He wants to look like he just happened to be there and that's it. And oh man he got what he want. By the end of that movie you two ended up in your room. His hands moved so fast to get your clothes off the moment that door was closed. The big windows gave so much light that he could see very clearly where your bed was at.
"Suguru.." you whined his name so sweet and softly. It took all the control he haves to not jump on you in that exact moment, not like he wasn't all over you. If he knew that he could have got to this point sooner from a movie and some takeaways he would have got through this a long time ago. You sat at the edge of the bed, looking at him taking his clothes off and then he jumped back on you.
"Have you done this before?" he was placed in between your legs ,one of his hands placed on your thigh as the other was on the bed right next to you keeping him from not putting all his weight on you. You nodded your head slowly.
"But it's been a while so be gentle with me." animal in heat describes him the best. It looked like a big bad wolf was on top of its prey. If you still can walk tomorrow then that means he did a bad job. But your sweet words made him realize that's too soon. How can he get in your bed again if he scares you now?
"Alright." the hand he had on your thigh moved in between your legs. You were so wet after that little make out session you had on the couch. It should be a crime to leave you alone when you clearly need his help. He's only playing the bigger person so he won't fuck everything right now, so let him believe in his delusions.
Two of his fingers were inside you, moving them in and out of you for a few moments just to see how far he can go. And then he started to curl them, making you instantly squirm. Did the other guy you fucked not do a good job? Maybe that's why you had almost non existent experience in this. Maybe you were left disappointed. Well, aren't you lucky? He likes to hear only good reviews about himself. Oh, but he hopes you heard about his services. If you're so interested in what other people says then you should definitely listen to the people that ended in the same bed as him. "I know you like it, but stop moving so much." he stopped his hand movement for a moment to let you breathe. He's lying. He likes the way you're squirming and trembling at everything he does.
"You're so mean." you whined. If that was mean then he doesn't know how to call whatever he's usually doing. He likes it rough. He likes to see tears in the eyes of who ever he's fucking. He likes to relieve his stress in questionable ways.
"Am I?" he had this diabolical smirk on his face. Evil was too little to say. He looked like he let his demons out of leash. His face got closer to yours, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as he started to move his hand again. He'd go as deep as he can, discovering all kind of places, touching you here and there just to see you melt. "Come on, look at me, don't close your eyes." he'll rub your clit for time to time, just to remind you about it. It was mostly to see your expressions, and to remind you how mean he can be. If you said he is then he is, no? This was him just being the fucker he is. Toying with you just to show you how he can make you feel. And to remind you that if he gives, then he also can take away all these new overwhelming feelings. Beg for him. That's what he wants to hear from you after all. Cries and begs.
And you were falling all for it. The way you would cry his name was like good news to his ears, a melody that's he's so happy to hear. His fingers are always making sure to touch all the good places. But at some point it was too much, you felt like you were going over the edge, your vision completely disappearing when you came all over his hand. And he still kept toying with you. "Please-" you gasped. "No more.." you were so dumb for him that he couldn't help but want to over stimulate you, play with you until you're begging for more.
"You can take it, can't you?" it was an obvious no from you. It was the first time you felt this overwhelming, you clearly needed a break to calm down.
"Kiss me." you wanted to feel more than just his evil scheme. A kiss would go so good after that torture. But he stopped the moment you said those words. He just wanted to show you whos in charge of this, because he clearly didn't liked how comfortable you got with him. You didn't seemed to look mad at him for not fulfill your request, no, in fact you only sighed relived. Finally you were free from his cursed hands. He pressed your legs together and put them on his shoulder. You weren't ready for the big thing. You bearly can take his thick fingers, just looking at his cock made you almost pass out. "I don't think I'm ready for that.." you gulped, you only hoped to hear something about how you could do it if you wanted to or any words of encouragement.
"I know you can't." he said as his hand traveled to your pussy, collecting some of your juices to rub it on his cock along with his precum. "The moment I'll get inside that pussy of yours I'll make sure you won't be able to walk for days." he said as he slips his cock in between your thighs. He expected to get more than this in return, because in his head he deserves more than he gives, at least in that situation. But he's not that horny yet to forget about his morals. So this is enough for the moment, because he knows that in the future you'll be able to give him so much more than now.
He hated those eyes of yours. The way you would look so innocent, curious. Ughh. It just made him want to ruin you. Just look at the way you look at him right now. Big eyes, just as curious as always, yet he can see it more playful. It made him think that you're not taking him seriously. "Does it feel good?" he kept moving his hips back and forth, rubbing his cock on your skin. It felt so soft and warm. Your whole body was warm no matter where he puts his hands on you. He couldn't give you an answer, not because he couldn't, it was more because he didn't want to. Why don't you figure it out yourself? All he can do was to grunt, hopping you'll get the message.
His grip on your thighs was so tight that it might leave a bruise. He felt like your going to run away the moment you get a chance to. So all he can do was to grab you as close as he can. Keeping your legs in place as he moves his hips.
What was first a slow pace now turned into fast and desperate thrusts. He couldn't keep his head straight, he couldn't think anymore the moment he felt like hes getting closer and closer to that sweet release he kept chasing after. He wanted to hear something from you, it was too quiet. Yet he can't ask for it, because his ego is just not letting him.
He'll eat you up. The moment he would get inside that pussy of yours he'll make sure the whole neighborhood would hear his name. "I'd fuck that mouth of yours right now if I could." he let his thoughts out. He couldn't think of a single peaceful or good word to say to you. And you didn't said anything about it and took whatever he had to say. You watched him the whole time. You can clearly see that something is wrong with him. His face, his actions are showing so. "Fuuuck." he was so so so close. He had so many things to say yet he didn't said shit because it just didn't felt like it was the right time. You weren't in the same situation as him, you weren't going through the same rollercoaster of emotions. He really wanted to flip you over, fuck you from behind as he'd just call you a slut, or any names to degradate you. You could take it, can't you? You could take this load right here right now and thanks him for it at the end, won't you? Lost in his thoughts, he finally came all over your belly. Still moving his hips just to get everything all out.
What a night, huh. He felt into the bed right next to you, tired, and just wanting to get some sleep. Wasn't it surprising tho? He fucked differently for once and now he feels like he ran a marathon. And you had the audacity to look at him with those big eyes again. Looking so sweetly and ready to take him for real this time. "You'll sleep here tonight?"
"Who knows." he would do like always, he knew the answer yet he couldn't say that he was ready to leave in this instance your room to go back to his. He waited for you to fall asleep before he finally retreated to his bedroom.
He could only imagine how you'll react tomorrow when you can't see him. He thought you'll stay in your room just like always. But no, the next day you were in that kitchen, sitting next to him so shyly. It was like you were back to the beginning. You didn't want anything more from him than just ask if everything is alright between you too. Just to make sure everything stays the way it was before. But you can't really say anything since your landlord is also there. And this makes you feel so guilty.
"Ehh. You really done it, didn't you." the white haired guy said something. That scared you, your heart almost left your body. Does he knows? Were you in trouble? "Don't worry, Y/N. Whatever happened he probably doesn't even remembers about it." the dark haired guy only smiled like he didn't know why you were acting like that. Since his friend was so clueless maybe he could tease you about it a little.
"Hmm? What have I done?" you could see your soul leaving your body. All you wanted to do is to make sure that you're relationship stays the same. But this was too much. You were on the verge of crying.
"L- let's talk about it later!" you ran from there like always. How long would it last until you'll say something? He won't say a word until you do the first step. Why? Because he liked to see you cry. He didn't thought that he would bully you, but you clearly deserve it for playing with his head.
Imagine his surprise to see you the next day in the kitchen again. If he would be the first to come out his room, now he would make sure to come as late as possible. You could go to his room and say whatever you had to say, yet you didn't. You would go in that damn kitchen all the time to interact with them. Was that small talk enough for you? Didn't you wanted more? Because if you would come to his room he promise to reward you for your courage and give you a little bit of himself. You could even choose what you wanted from him. He would be glad to hear what you had to say. That if you stop going into that kitchen and just be straight forward. In his eyes you were a coward. Yet he loved toying you the way he wants.
You sat next to him again. This time more determined than before. You took out your phone and typed a simple question in your notepad.
'Can I ask you something?' you showed him your phone screen.
He acted like he didn't see it.
'I really want to ask you something.'
Still he acted like he didn't see anything.
This was pure madness. This was getting on your nerves. You stepped on his foot to get his attention. He gasped as he looked in shock at you. The nerves. The audacity. You point to your phone again yet he keeps acting like he doesn't see anything. He even turned his face away.
"Just talk already." Gojo only rolled his eyes. "What happened anyway?"
Geto looked at you. He didn't planned on saying anything unless you said it. He just wanted to fuck with your head after all. Nothing more besides getting on your nevers. You wanted to say it so bad. The words wouldn't come out your mouth when so many eyes were on you. It didn't matter if it were only them. You can't say it. So you did the only thing you had left. Retreat. At least for the moment. You got out of there and stormed in your room. Next time it's either a win or nothing at all. You swear to get an end to this and then you can live peacefully and go on with your life.
The next day you waited in the hallway for that stubborn man to come out his room. It was a long wait, yet you stayed by his door until he finally came out. "Are we good. Yes or no?" you went straight to the point. All these days of playing around made you sick of this.
"Why don't you come in so we could talk about it?" he wanted you in his room, he will get you there.
"I just want to know that nothing changed."
"What do you mean by that?" this damn wolf.
"Like. We're the same as before, right? I just want to make sure nothing changed between us. " he had that dumb smile on his face and he kept acting like he doesn't know shit.
"Come in and lets talk." this was making you so mad. He didn't wanted to talk when you tried before but now hes willing to talk about it? He grabbed your hand and dragged you in his room, pushing you against the door as soon as he closed it. Hands in your shirt going up as his lips touched yours. Here was your reward for taking such a big step.
"You said talk." you gasped for air.
"This is also a form of talking." his cold hands made you squirm. The way he's moving his hands up and down against your skin. He wanted to go all the way up to your breasts until you heard a someone knocking on the door.
"It's me. Just wanted to make sure you two are alright." this was clearly a way to get out of there before this situation gets worse.
"Ah yes. We're fine." a hand grabbed your arm, stopping you from going further away. That damn fox just can't let you go yet.
"Can I know what happened?" you tried to not panic, but you just couldn't. Your mind was still on whatever happened earlier.
"We watched a movie and we argued about it." it was far from the truth. But you'll just go with what Geto said. You can't think of a better excuse.
"Huh?" your landlord raised and eyebrow.
"It was a good movie. Right, Y/N?" the way this man haves to drag you through mud and hell before you could have a break.
You gulped. "Indeed." you can't even find your words.
"So we can go like how it was before then." this evil man said it like you weren't the one that kept trying to make sure everything is alright.
"I should put a parental lock on that tv." your landlord only sighed and turned around going back to the kitchen. You ran from there in your room. Only wanting a break from this madness.
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itsclydebitches · 7 months
Have you seen the posts going around saying shit like "If a mutual likes Hazbin Hotel I will block them"?? It's genuinely upsetting me tbh, not just the idea that people don't like the show, but that they despise it so much they can't even stand the thought of someone they know liking the show. It reminds me of the Steven Universe hate train only worse. They also say shit like "the show is just someone saying swear words and expecting you to laugh", and if for a second we put aside the fact that that is blatantly not true, what's wrong with that? I'm allowed to like something that's a bit trash, right? I've already seen two different people I follow reblog posts to that effect (and worse, someone saying all a character boils down to is "i love being sexually abused <3" and i don't know how they ever came to that conclusion) and it's driving me mad. And somehow I just know that they don't actually give a shit about any "controversies" surrounding vivziepop, that's just a convenient excuse for most of them. I don't even care if Vivzie is a bad person, that's none of my business. just live and let live, you know?
Sorry for ranting, you're literally the only blog i follow who posts Hazbin fan content
Rant away, friend! Luckily for me I haven't come across any of those posts yet. Plenty of discourse surrounding whether fans are allowed to make romantic and/or sexual content for Alastor, the expected shipping wars, and - as you say - vague references to Vivzie controversies (which I'm too new a fan to even be aware of yet)... but nothing that's a complete rejection of the show itself. That's probably because I've only engaged with blogs posting a lot of Hazbin content though.
I'm a big fan of old school Internet rules which includes an emphasis on cultivating your own online space. You know, the thing tumblr is explicitly designed for. So in theory I applaud anyone blocking users/tags for a show they're not a fan of. Performatively posting about it more as a way to guilt others for liking Hazbin at all... not so much. If you want to block something just block it. If you're mutuals with someone you both presumably like each others' content. Not all of it necessarily, but enough to have followed in the first place, and often being mutuals for long enough leads to friendship because you're both getting interacting with one another a lot. All of which isn't to say that people don't unfollow mutuals, or that you can't drop a mutual because they've started posting something you dislike. Obviously both situations do happen, but it feels like an extreme enough response that these posters probably aren't actually doing this very often. Most people will wait the mutual out until their interest gets hooked on something new, or block the Hazbin tag and keep the friend, or just block without making a big announcement about it. So posts like that feel more like a way to show off how much you dislike the show and guilt others for their enjoyment which yeah, can be upsetting to see. Especially when, as you say, it costs nothing to just let people like things.
Which might sound hypocritical on my part given my RWBY interests, but I think there's a big difference between critically examining a show while supporting others who genuinely love it, and simplistically blasting it. I COMPLETELY get why Hazbin wouldn't be to everyone's tastes and, like with the SU example, anything that gets popular enough is going to develop its haters (especially cartoons trying to tackle non-childish subjects. That's always going to be a fandom landmine). But if you're going to make claims about a show, at least watch it to ensure you can back up your stance? And if your takeaway is still, "This is the worst fucking thing I've ever watched"... cool. Go forth and write about that on your own, personal blog. But no one should be surprised when they're also blocked for bragging about how many Hazbin fans they've blocked.
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hyperactive-cowboy · 9 months
So that's the second chapter of the landoscar christmas series, I have literally no idea of how to make a link between this chapter and the first one, so if you want to read it then you'll have to search it yourself, but it is my last post so no big problem. You have probably realized it, but I got inspired to write this story by "All I want for Christmas", so the titles of the chapters are part of the lyrics. As always if you have suggestions or there are issues with the story don't be shy kidsss. Oh and if someone can tell me how to make the link I'd be grateful for my life. ENJOYYYY
Make my wish come true
Warnings: like one curse word at the start and one at the end (I don't even know if those are considered curse words), the littlest angst and fluff. Some words are translated with google because english is not my first lenguage. It's not beta read because I don't have the energy to do it right now as I had planned on finishing the series in 2023 but here I am.
Ship: F1 involved!Lando Norris × not F1 involved!Oscar Piastri (established relationship)
Wc: 3.3k
Chapter 1, 2, 3
Summary: Max and Logan help Lando in his little gremlin plan to propose to Oscar during their christmas party.
Max's phone rang in the exact moment his dream was at its climax, waking him up without letting him know the finale of it.
Max looked at who was calling at such an hour in the morning.
It was Lando. Then probably it wasn't important.
Max deactivated the sound and left the vibration on, trying to fall asleep again just to see the end of his dream, but the buzzing wouldn't stop.
With a mix of frustration and malcontent for his not-well-started Wednesday morning, Max took the phone and answered his best friend.
"What do you want" he asked abruptly
"'Morning sunshine, I also miss my best friend so much" Lando answered sarcastically and Max could perfectly picture in his head the wide tooth-gaped smile his best friend almost certainly had on his face. 
"It's not a good morning when it starts like this" Max returned. 
Lando, on the other hand, laughed at his friend's distress. Max knew that, sooner or later, he would've killed his best friend.
"Anyways, I'm sorry for your pain, but I've just got an idea" it surely wasn't a good start. Every time Lando said stuff like that, it didn't end well.
"Oh god"
"I want to propose to Oscar"
Suddenly Max was sitting on the bed, totally awake and vigile.
He didn't know what to say. Well actually there were too many things he wanted to say but couldn't choose which one to say first. Between the "when?" The"where?" and the "Why?"s. 
Instead, his mouth (apparently not connected with his brain) deliberately and on its own expressed all his emotions at once.
"What the fuck"
"Yep it was pretty explanatory" 
Neither of them knew how to behave. Obviously some people they both knew have got married before, but neither Lando nor Max have ever experienced a crazy idea like that. 
"So… when?" The moment Max started to metabolize the news, he also began to like it in some weird way. 
He knew the two have been together for some time and (at least for Lando) have also been pining over each other for even longer, so it was logical that one of them would've done the big step in a short time.
"Okay, well, that's my plan…" 
Lando started to explain The Big Plan to his best friend, who was more excited every new sentence he heard. 
Max had known him for so many years and has always thought of him as more immature and childish than other people their age, but he was sure Lando would've made the perfect husband to Oscar.
This train of thoughts continued and extended in every direction that included memories of Lando, the emotions took over him and made his eyes water a bit. But thinking about it, those words were good, he should've taken notes for his best man's speech.
"Let's recap it from the start once again" Max read on his phone. It was at least the 25th time Lando had asked him to repeat The Plan. He was sure he could've acted even other people's parts in the show. 
"Dear god I only have to say yes when he asks me about the party" Max texted back.
"It's not difficult" then he added just to emphasize the pointlessness of Lando's worries.
"Don't you dare make fun of me I'm just anxious, it's normal I guess" Lando's answer arrived in no time
Max smiled to himself shaking his head. Some things never change, he thought while unfolding all the memories with his best friend and rewatching every time Lando acted anxious. There were a few.
"If your calculus are right, he's calling me in ten minutes, so maybe I should get ready to answer him?" Max asked, trying to find an excuse to not leave his friend on seen in this particular situation.
Lando texted just a "yeah you're right" and then left the chat.
Max sighed and closed his phone, just to get his hands on his face and rub his eyes.
"Hey Osc, long time no see" is the sentence Max and Lando have accorded for him to say, and he did it spectacularly. As if he hasn't repeated it for the past twenty minutes without a single stop.
"Yeah it has been a tough period. We were planning a christmas party at our place on wednesday, are you in?" Oscar asked him.
"But isn't Lando away?" He was trying really, really hard not to abruptly laugh and scream at Oscar's ear.
"Yeah, in fact we wanted to do this thing together, but then he was called away and we can't postpone it anymore" Max thought he sounded a little exasperated.
He felt his lungs expand and contract without an order, his cheeks had become red and swollen, in his eyes there were tears for holding it back, but then he couldn't take it anymore. 
Max let out a soft giggle, but that giggle meant to him like the most powerful and exorbitant laughter he had ever had, mostly because he felt (he could literally touch it) the importance of his position in there.
"Yeah I think I'll be there" 
"K, thanks mate" Oscar sounded pretty hesitant with his answer. "And you can come with who you want" he then added.
"Great, thanks. Bye" Max hung up just right before exploding in what he thought was one of the biggest laughs of his life.
He didn't know the cause of this, but that situation was so funny to him. Maybe it was just the stress. Most probably it was just the stress. But why should he be stressed? It wasn't even his proposal. What would have happened when it was HIS time to take the big step? Max didn't even want to think about it for a minute.
He jumped back to reality and immediately opened his and Lando's chat to update him.
Max rang the doorbell of his best friend's house and waited for his best friend's boyfriend (and next-to-be fiance) to open the door.
"Never saw you awake this early" 
Oh right! Oscar's humor was something he could never forget about.
"I'm happy to see you too" Max stated with the biggest smile stamped on his face. He patted the boy's shoulders with both his hands and looked him down, trying to imagine the guy with a different surname (something like Norris) and a different look (a smoking might be ideal, and maybe a golden ring on that finger could be even better).
"Yeah" Oscar mouthed with a raised eyebrow and a confused expression.
 Max entered the house without needing a welcome. He treated it like it was his, he didn't care if the actual owner was okay with it. At least he could say the same happened every time Lando and Oscar were at his place.
"What are you doing here?" 
If there was another person in the room, they could've heard three voices ask the same question at the same time.
"No no no. I asked you first" Logan yelled at Max getting up pretty fast from the couch he was previously lying on.
"Well yes man, but really why are YOU here" he repeated.
"I'm here to help Oscar. And you?"
"I'm too" 
Max and Logan looked at each other with a slightly confused stare, narrowing their gazes and tilting their head to one side or the other.
Oscar cleared his voice behind them and just then he realized he couldn't tell Logan what he was about to. ("Well, actually I'm here to help Lando" would've been his response).
"Max, can I ask you to get away from my home? I already have enough help" The youngest boy looked exhausted. It must be tiring to project an event like this almost alone and with his boyfriend hundred of miles away from him. 
He could not understand, but he surely could pity him.
"I'm very sorry Oscar, but I'm not leaving this house until tonight" 
"Okay then" he looked more exasperated every sentence. 
"Don't worry. This will be the best party you've ever been to" 
"Do I have to remind you this is MY house? Maybe I should be the one preparing it" Oscar pointed out almost ironically.
"We will be better than you, trust me" Logan, who has been silent the entirety of the time, had stepped in the conversation to support him, and Max couldn't be more grateful.
With all due care, Oscar left his house in his friend's hands and headed to work. 
Max and Logan had only six hours and a half to transform that house into a HOUSE.
"So why are you here really?" Logan broke the silence, leaning on the shopping cart as he pushed it.
The two were at the mall searching for cute items and classic christmas stuff to hang here and there in the house to make it look more comfortable.
They have given themselves a specific and perfectly timed list to follow religiously: the times were calculated per second and the both of them had certain works to complete.
"Lando wants to propose Oscar tonight" Max let out.
"LANDO WANTS TO WHAT?'' Logan cried out in the middle of the cheese island, standing up like he was electrocuted and launching three slices of gruyere into the cart.
"SHHH why are you screaming?" Max whisper-yelled at him.
"Oh ya know? It's just my best friend getting married to yours, why aren't YOU screaming?" Logan replied in the same voice tone.
"I've already had my screaming session a week ago" he explained.
Max looked at his clock and calculated there were two minutes of delay in their schedule.
Logan looked around himself in disbelief, pinching his own cheeks to make sure he was not living a dream. 
He looked at Max right in his eyes for the first time in their entire lives. 
"Then we have to make sure we do the best of it" Logan stated resolutely, speeding even more than before, driving his shopping cart like a formula 1 car.
"You go bake the cookies, I'll get the house aesthetically ready" 
Max nodded at his newfound friend and sprinted into the kitchen to prepare all the ingredients he needed.
Right after putting on his freshly-bought apron, his phone started vibrating.
Max boringly looked at the screen and would've even hung up, but noticing Lando's nickname on it, he thought it was preferible answering, after all that work.
He accepted the call and put on the speaker while calling Logan to make him participate at the "meeting".
"Everything's okay?" Lando's altered voice sounded more worried than Max had ever heard him.
He took a moment to appreciate the fact that his best friend was giving this plan all his soul. You could know how much he cared about Oscar (or generally about his loved ones, even if he didn't show it that much) just by hearing his preoccupied voice.
"Yep, we're almost ready" Logan answered, just as joyful as Max.
"Wait, who was that?"
"It's Logan. I know everything and I couldn't agree more with you on this decision" his face was stamped with a smile from ear to ear and his eyes shone brighter than the stars.
"Oh hey Log sorry, didn't know you were there too. Does he suspect anything?"
"There is absolutely no way he could. We were silent as a grave" Max answered, almost kicking his feet like a schoolgirl.
"Well then-" Lando's sentence start was interrupted by a not a little hasty Max, who was sure he was about to scream.
"Now that you have secured yours and our wellbeing, can we finish our work? We have a pretty full agenda to follow" 
"Oh okay then, I'm halfway there anyways" 
"Yeah yeah, you know where I keep my second set of keys" and without another word, he hung up the phone just as fast as they both came back to their respective jobs in the house.
"Hey that chocolate dough looks fantastic" Logan laughed entering the kitchen, looking at a totally covered in chocolate dough Max.
"Where? I thought I cleaned everything" Max responded. 
Logan sighed and continued his laugh, then threw a clean kitchen towel at him, telling him where he was still dirty while taking a seat to taste what they had prepared during the evening.
"It's not that bad" he exclaimed, chewing the biggest bite of cheese and ham toast Max had ever seen.
Logan raised the volume of his phone when he heard the first bits of  "Last Christmas" were playing.
By then, the trust between the two was near to the one in a years-long friendship, after all those hours spent together and a common goal in mind. For this sole reason, Logan felt confident enough to start singing his favorite Christmas song.
Max turned around with a shocked look. Not because Logan's singing skills were terrible, well not only because of this, but because he didn't think Logan was one to start singing around what was a stranger until a few hours before. 
And again his emotions changed, his heart melting a little. Logan singing like this in front of him meant that he trusted him enough to show him his silly side.
Max decided to match his energy and start wiggling his hips and dancing a little around the room.
The two were so lost in the moment they couldn't hear the owner of the house entering firstly the place, and then the kitchen.
"What in the world you two?" Oscar looked totally agape.
 Max and Logan fastly looked at each other and the american jumped between his best friend and his new one to try protecting him from any crazy action the Aussie could have done.
Max and Logan both knew Oscar wasn't one for physical contact, (everybody around him knew it) and because of it they were used to him never touching them. This was why, when they saw him coming this close so fastly, they were scared Oscar was about to stab one or both of them with a random pointy ornament found in the home.
It must've been a particularly shocking period for Max.
First Lando's announcement, then Logan's new friendship, and now a hug from Oscar.
"Thank you for everything" Max and Logan heard Oscar's muffled voice buried in their clothes and both moved a little because of the little gesture.
"That's no problem mate, really" Max assured him.
"C'mon now, there's people arriving here to party" Logan tried to lighten up the mood, receiving the tiniest and cutest laugh from Oscar.
"I don't think it's the worst idea you've had until now" Max whisper-screamed at his phone in his best friend's kitchen while everybody else, including Oscar, in the living room was living their best life.
It was at least the fourth phrase he had heard from Lando about what he thought could be the best starter of his proposal-speech.
"Well, at least not the weirdest" he continued.
"Ehy!" Lando laughed at him, but still his stress wasn't relieved, not even a bit.
Max, for the fiftieth time, didn't know how to act.
Like, what did he have to say? Something funny to let the pressure decrease? Or something meaningful to be That One friend for once?
He decided that saying nothing was the best option. For both, him and his friend. He was, actually, not a hundred percent sure about it, but on the spot he failed to think about anything better.
"I think it's better if I go now" Max admitted after a few moments of silence.
He received a "yeah" as an answer and immediately hung up.
Max was totally sure there were more mature things to do than he, seconds after, did. But, unfortunately, less mature things are usually the more spontaneous ones.
This is why, when his phone turned on again, seeing the new message from Lando and texted him back, the only natural thing to do that came to his mind was to start jumping and giggling, just like a schoolgirl.
He got only one thing not calculated in his mind: the fact that Oscar might be keen on entering his own kitchen for whatever reason. 
So when he turned around to face the exit, he found there on the door an astonished Oscar staring at him.
Max couldn't tell what was open wider: Oscar's eyes or his mouth.
Anyway, he had to think about a not-too-much- suspicious reaction on the spot. And surely he had never been good at thinking on the spot.
That's the reason why the first thing Max did was rebuking him, closing the door on his face.
Just a single moment after he thought that maybe his actions were more suspicious than anything else he could have done. 
With a worried expression folding his eyebrows, Max took his phone from the marble table's surface again and fastly texted to his friend he might have done something wrong.
"I'm here"
This was the message he had been waiting for the entire time, but now that Lando had sent it to him, Max was starting to get agitated again, knowing exactly what it meant.
"Is everything ready?" Was the following text he received, to which he answered with a "gimme 5 mins" 
The only three things he had to do were: inform Logan, inform every other guest and prepare Oscar.
The guests heard the news with surprise and loving eyes, while Logan started to sweat a bit.
Last point on his list was to take Oscar in front of the entrance and then his work would be done perfectly. 
But where the hell was Oscar? He had asked Liam, Max (the other one) and even Niran, but they knew less than him. So he searched in every room of the house, even the bathroom, but when he had knocked on the bathroom door, Logan's voice had answered him.
Max asked his and Lando's long time friend to text the next-to-be fiance and tell him to wait.
He tried to think about what could have happened: Lando would have rang the doorbell and Max would've opened the door instead of Oscar and Lando would've found his best friend instead of the love of his life in front of him (already on one knee and with the ring box open and about to repeat the speech he had been talking about for weeks) and then Lando would've asked him "what the hell?" and then he should have answered him with something like "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but we have lost your future husband, we apologize for the unease" and what could've been Lando's reaction to it all?
Max's morbius thoughts were taking such a part of his brain, he didn't realize Logan had taken Oscar all the way in the living room, just right before entering the entrance.
When Max turned around and saw him, immediately looked at his friend Niran, winking at him as a way to give him the signal for Lando to ring.
All the guests were ready with their phones in their hands, faking sending and receiving messages or searching for something on google. Actually they were all about to flash the lights of their phones to make the atmosphere, using the devices just like in the 70s they used lighters.
Except for Charles: he was the one in charge of recording the video, in fact he had the best position of sight.
Max got out of the kitchen as the doorbell rang and Oscar (in a new outfit) rushed to open the door.
"My guest must've arrived" he announced looking at the young Aussie.
From his point of view, Max couldn't properly see all the scene, so he moved through the tangle of guests to crouch down one step away from Charles.
From there, Max could see everything perfectly: Oscar's (flabbergasted, he might add) expression, the fabulous ring, and most importantly his kneeling best friend and the biggest smile he had ever seen on his face.
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 4 months
The origin story of my unhinged big bro Jake hc that exactly one person asked for like months ago
It spawned from an interaction with one of my friends during Pirates of Penzance rehearsals back in 2018. I made some sort of joke that prompted her to cover my mouth, which naturally I licked. She recoiled for a second before recovering my mouth and saying something to the effect of "Do it, I have younger sibling."
Blorbo brain activated and I thought "Huh, it'd be funny if this happened with the squip squad." The plan was for it to appear as a banter scene for a fic but that fell through, as did my mental health. I had decided that Jake would be the one covering Jeremy's mouth (projecting at its finest) and wanted to think of a surprising number of siblings for Jake to have that were spaced out in age in such a way that most kids wouldn’t necessarily connect them easily. So I landed on the line "Do it, I'm the oldest of five."
But Jake is all but canonically an only child! How does that make sense? THROUGH CONVOLUTED CONSPIRING AND WACKY CHARACTER ANALYSIS/PROBABLY MAKING UP SOME SELF INDULGENT BULLSHIT :D like i said, the origin was entirely ridiculous and was Not based in canon at the time, but I like to think Parts of it Could Make Sense Kinda based on certain aspects of his character.
The idea of Jake needing to grow up faster because he's on his own more often than not is solid on its own, but needing to take care of younger siblings too?? That's definitely gonna exacerbate the pressure to be good enough for others, especially kids that depend on you. We see that he can be serious and sweet when it matters ("I don't wanna do every extracurricular at school. I just wanna do yours.") but most of the time he doesn't take things seriously or responds to them in a childish way (big blowout parties to avoid being alone in a big empty house), both of which would demonstrate roles as caregiver and fun older brother to play with.
But wait, Jake says "the house is empty," during Upgrade. Where are four other kids gonna be? This is where it gets convoluted bc Nostalgia-Fueled Coping (aside from these kids having other friends.) So Jake is gonna have some other family that catches wind of what's going on, right? In the case of my fever dream, it's his grandparents. They see that this high school kid is Struggling™️ and just take the kids into their place because we can't have horses babysitting dogs right? So Jake should just move in with them and Be A Kid right?
Weeell now he's got a slight responsibility complex and has to look after their parents' empty house just to make sure nothing bad happens. And so that he can tell them whats up when they come home and only find 1/5 kids there. Featuring projected insertion of my friend's mastiff Alice that he also has to look after bc I based a lot of Jake's humor off of him + his sister ok I TOLD YOU IT WAS SELF-INDULGENT
But he's got a dog! He's not alone! Pets are great and all but they are Not a substitute for friends or parents.
So why does he get all reckless and start throwing giant ass parties if he's trying to be the responsible one? He's a teenager, he runs on hormones, poor coping mechanisms, and "fuck it."
Sooo where were the siblings on Halloween??? Out trick-or-treating :)
So they just came back to a burning house and a broken brother??? :)))
I know I'm tripping on EVERY DRUG with this but hey. I told you the origin. It didn't start out that deep. It just became a thought experiment that I got way too attached to.
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make-your-own-evil · 2 years
may I request the different riddlers with a s/o who's a video game developer?
Also unesscary fun fact that I thought was cute and wanted to share:
A group of bunnies is scientifically called a fluffle
no, i think that fact was very necessary, thank you science side of tumblr
also im assuming you want some headcanons :) p.s. you didnt specify which riddlers you wanted so i just chose four <3 i hope thats okay!
note: feel free to reblog! just please give credit where credit is due :)
Riddlers w/ a GameDeveloper!S/O
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youre a game dev?! he is too!
....or rather he was.
ideally hes the best riddler to be with if youre a game developer. equal parts knowledgeable, helpful and caring
at first, he may see you as perhaps a rival, but if youre together, hes all for helping you out with whatever you need!
he unfortunately never got to see his own game "the riddle of the minotaur" come to fruition, so he may want to be more involved than what you would like
that game belongs to the both of you now, sorry
he adores that you have the same passions as him. but unlike his own past, he will see to it that NOTHING stops you from developing your game
just say the word and he will have your game downloaded onto every computer in all of gotham, the big simp 💕
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what would you like to know?
this man was the head of the GCPD's cyber crime unit, im sure he would be able to answer ANY question you could possibly have
these days he comes off as a guy who couldnt be bothered to help you create a childish game... buy hey, he loves you and isnt that what he technically does all day anyways? you just have to add in the possibility of actually dying to his games
he ends up helping you in his free time ❤
how could he resist? his darling needs his help coding and coding is his second language!
he acts very "put out" with you at first. throwing in the occasional insult because thats just how he talks when hes trying to explain something to someone
he is proud though! never will you ever hear him say it but he truly is. maybe you and he could incorporate some of his malware for the good people of gotham...
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helping you with your game is his second job now! even if hes not getting paid
its no secret that this riddler would be a giant simp, so anything you ask of him, he will deliver 😍
in between his job as a forensics accountant and also being the riddler, he will always find time to check in on your progress. do you need help? do you need him to check your code? do you want something to drink? okay! hell just be over your shoulder if you need anything 😊
he will patiently explain to you how to do something the best he can. computers are really just a second nature to him, so having to explain it isnt exactly a familiar thing to him. bear with him!
he will be the first one to play your game!
no matter how easy your game is to him, he sees it as his obligation to support you in any way he can. whether your game is for a phone, pc or whatever, hes keeping it on his device forever
he would give you lots of praise and he also makes sure you know how amazing he thinks you are
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this asshole may not care at first that youre working on a game... that is until he realizes you could join forces to bring gotham to its knees
sure! he loves you! but this eddie is a narcissist and a control freak (more than the other riddlers)
he is right there with you in developing your game
he insists that you make him your partner in all of this. he also insists that he create the basic premise of the challenges your game has.
your game is required to be intellectually challenging! its a must! no S/O of his will create something that caters to the simple-minded!
and maybe you could also let him install a few viruses and malware?
he doesnt mean to sabotage your game! hes just thinking of your common goals. why not create a game that also eradicates those who are unworthy to live in your city?
he calls the game "our baby" 😊
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minijenn · 8 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Spirit Untamed
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Why the fuck does this movie exist? No really, why does it exist? Who asked for a Spirit reboot (not a sequel, because it isnt a sequel, its a reboot for some reason) in the year of our lord 2021? Who asked for this to be released in theaters? And why is it honest to god one of the worst movies I've had the displeasure of watching as part of this marathon???
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Ugh, ok so we follow a girl named Lucky, who's visiting her estranged father for the summer alongside her uptight aunt Cora. While there, she meets a captured wild horse, which she quickly bonds with and names Spirit, while also befriending two other local Horse Girls (get ready to hear me say Horse GIrls a lot bc this is literally Horse Girls The Movie). When Spirit's herd is captured by bandits, its up to these Horse GIrls to go on a grand adventure and rescue them.
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Yeah, basic plot with insanely basic characters because this movie is for Babies and Horse GIrls. I don't know what else to fucking say. Everything about this movie screams childish and pandering, from the way these characters are written (its set in the early 1900s, but these kids use words like "totally" and make friendship bracelets omg besties, jfc shoot me) from the shitty pop songs to even how it looks (more on that in a bit). There's like... basically nothing appealing about this film if you aren't a very small child or obsessed with horses and even then, the horses element of it is just oh, look at horse make big jump! oh look at horse bond with horse girl! And it gets so damn old so damn fast.
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The characters here are all as basic as they can be. Lucky is your typical headstrong preteen, who is way too overconfident in her own abilities, to the point that she's kind of moronic imo? Her friends aren't much better and barely have personalities outside of being there to support Lucky and be her omg besties! Spirit is just... fuckin there, he has no real personality, unlike the original movie where he had a bunch, without even saying a word. Lucky's dad is the most Generic Dreamworks Dad with hangups I've ever seen, I guess Aunt Cora is probably the only semi fun character in the cast, and the bad guy, fuck he was so ineffective and boring I don't even remember his name. The only thing I do remember is his face is weirdly smooshed and he got defeated by a goddam Horse Girl, of all things, jesus christ man, that's taking a major L.
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The animation here is just plain pathetic. I understand that this was basically made to launch a Netflix spinoff series, but fuck man, this released in theaters. Does Dreamworks have no fucking shame? Even some of their earliest CGI movies looked better than this bland, uninteresting looking style they have going on here. The music is every bit as boring and forgettable, with again, shitty pop songs. Yay. Just what we need more of.
So yeah, this one fucking sucked. The only good thing I can say about it is it was mercifully short. But like... it was so goddamn boring, man. Even Boss Baby, for as bad as it was, was at least interesting to watch bc you wanted to see how batshit bad it would get. This was just... hard to even focus on with how dull and predictable it was. So thanks, Dreamworks, for releasing this second rate trash heap in theaters, because otherwise I would have never ruined an evening of my life watching it. Seriously, thanks for that. T-T
Overall Rating: 2/10
Verdict: Banished to Horse GIrl Country
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Next Review (The Boss Baby: Family Business)
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maybe the funniest way to resolve the Three Frat Houses AU timeline issues of having characters from Shadows of Valentia (takes place right at the same time as Shadow Dragon) and Awakening (takes place like 2000 years after Shadow Dragon) existing at the same time is to say fuck it and have two suspiciously geographically similar continents, one called Ylisse and one called Archanea. How are the coastline of two separate continents nearly the same. That's weird.
Actually wait would there be two sets of suspiciously similar continents? Do Valentia and Valm exist in tandem, as well? Or is it all just Valentia and Say'ri and Virion have to deal with the Duma Faithful as their neighbors. I think Valm and Valentia have to be separate continents because Valm has a volcano smack in the middle of what would be Zofia, which does not have a volcano next door to its castle.
That's even funnier, honestly. Science in this world knows about plate tectonics but no one has an explanation for Valm-Valentia or Ylisse-Archanea. Naga hit the copy-paste buttons and then tweaked a few things and said "good enough."
Also I know I said that I wasn't canonizing time travel in this AU, but I think actually one person has time-traveled, and that's Tiki. Tiki blurred between parts of the timeline and there is a tiny Tiki in Archanea and an adult Tiki in Valm. Little Tiki has vague awareness of the presence of her future self here in this timeline, but she's not all that worried about it. She has told Bantu and Marth about this, but Bantu is just relieved that Tiki managed to survive to grow up without any more weird cult stuff happening to her, and Marth thinks it's some childish flight of fancy that Tiki dreamed up and doesn't put any stock into it. Big Tiki is not about to enlighten him because Big Tiki is still thematically about the grief of outliving everyone you love and much as she wants to go see Marth and Caeda and the gang, she's still trying to decide whether she wants to burden them with the knowledge of her own future grief. Will her friends be happy to see her grow up so proud and strong, or will they be hurt when they see how she hurts to have outlived them by 2000 years.
Also she figures she's gotta take her time to steel herself for the inevitable point when everyone starts asking her what life is like in the future. There's gonna be so many questions about flying cars. She can feel it in her heart.
So Big Tiki's got some weird existential stuff going on and she's got a bit of a gay thing with Say'ri going on and she still lives in a tree. An icon, really.
"Hey Roddy so if Mila is the goddess of Zofia in Valentia, which is a totally separate continent, why's there a place called the Mila Tree in Valm--" Don't Think About It. Actually do think about it. Make it funny. Valmese legend states that the goddess Mila died and the Mila Tree grew up over her corpse, and they think that Zofia's Mila is an imposter. Papal schism but make it about the church of dragon milf. No, the other dragon milf. No, the other other--
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Amphibia Meeting the Human Realm is My Favorite Half Season of the Show So Far
And it's because it managed to push into new territory that expanded its themes harder through contrast and parallels, never forgot its stakes while keeping its identity, and yet still managed to give us a new vibrant cast of supporting characters so as to bring together an exceedingly satisfying half season. Not a perfect one but one that never quite felt as awkward as the low points of other seasons and is DRIPPING with good characterization, morals, ideas, etc.
One of the big things I think a lot of fans of the series miss by calling it filler, the same fans who I assume likely skipped S1 because they saw it as filler, is actually the importance of swinging back around to S1's concepts but with the Plantars. We get to see the changes to how things go because of how much Anne has changed, how much Anne has affected the Plantars but also how little Anne has changed. It makes it so that while we do keep getting told Anne is more responsible, we can see it more clearly than during any other part of the series.
But we can also see the seeds being set for why the ending will be what it will be (because there's no way I don't know how the series ends). Both Sprig's Birthday and You Give a Frog a Cookie show that while Anne is doing it for better people... She's still a people pleaser to her friends. She still has growth she needs to do. Growth that might require some amount of time away from those she's closest to to achieve because she needs time to invest in herself.
Not to say the half season is perfect. I can see a lot of reasons why some dislike Spider-Sprig even if I like the segment, Thai Feud has good character reasoning behind it even if I think it goes beyond just childish selfishness which is the saving grace for Anne during a lot of S1 and Hollywood Hop Pop is a good use of the fact that Anne lives in Los Angeles but it still doesn't change that it's awkward and clunky in the same ways that some Hop Pop focused episodes tend to be when he needs to act like an idiot. All three of these though have reasonable justifications, good lessons, are trying to put closure to things or say something about the characters... There's a point to all of them existing, regardless of if they're executed on the best. And even at its worst execution, each one probably still has at least one heartwarming moment and/or one real good joke, like Sprig breaking down about getting yelled at.
And that's one thing I do ADORE: Amphibia is still Amphibia. Despite True Colors, it did not abandon its own identity. It's still funny and over the top and kind of crazy and it's willing to let the human realm be its own sort of crazy to reflect that. I don't think people are right in saying it just forgot about True Colors though. Even while keeping this identity, you have them worrying about getting caught, Anne working herself to death, the weight of lies, etc. like that. It backs off a bit in the second half of the mid-season but only once it has gotten Anne and others to a healthier mindset and even then, no one except whoever is fucking up in a given episode is entirely forgetting what the final goal is. Hell, anyone who claims the show just forgets about True Colors isn't recognizing that this thirteen year old, multiple times, overloads herself by trying to trivialize all that happened. Anne's whole scope of conflict she's EVER been a part of increased a hundred times fold over the course of a single day so her not directly addressing it besides the one part she actually can do something about is GREAT. All the rest of the whispers are part of what's torturing her until finally she knows progress is being made by people like Doctor Jan and she starts breathing again once she tells herself she can trust others with the problem.
It's just... REALLY FUCKING GOOD. And that's without getting into the fact that despite most of the side characters like the IT Girls and Doctor Jan only actually getting like two minutes of screen time each before the last two episodes, they are wonderful additions to the cast and work great. Oum and Bee, Anne's parents, are the only real protagonist additions and the closest they get to a dedicated episode is when Anne goes to the movies. Otherwise, they're always supporting characters to the character drama or themes going on with Anne and the Plantars. And anyone who claims the Plantars are not main characters WILL BE BONKED. Sprig is literally the secondary main character people.
For new antagonists, we have Cloakbot who is a great way to introduce a new threat that goes well with the early focus of trying to adapt and hide on Earth like the Plantars are before then swapping to Mr. X who is SO full of personality and does well to prod the cast forward as they think they're ready to settle in for however long this takes. Cloakbot actually takes up way more time than Mr. X though as Mr. X only shows up like three times before the final episode and while he is the primary threat in each, he's not nearly as involved as Cloakbot was during their appearance. It serves well to build up Mr. X though before finally we see the FBI triumphant... Briefly. But triumphant nonetheless.
The last thing I'll touch on is Sasha and Marcy. Marcy... Marcy is the one part of the half season where I suspect rewatching makes it worse. Knowing this is effectively the final outing for Marcy and even Olivia and Yunan are treating her as just a brain and less as a character (I'm sorry but Marcy really doesn't have a found family) is ROUGH. Marcy has always been only kind of half a character with how she's written though and if I have one big complaint of Amphibia as a whole/so far, it's that Marcy so obviously is tailored for plot purposes more than she is to actually be a part of the show. The episode itself is enjoyable, the two newts have a GREAT dynamic and it sets up the terrifying might of Andrias and what is to come well but... It still is a real shame for the character.
Sasha on the other hand is great, as she commonly is. She genuinely has to ask if she is a conqueror or a protector. She has always seen herself as on the side of right after all. That she controls others for the sake of protecting them. It's part of why Reunion is so effective. Getting to see her at her lowest cause her to decide that and how it inspires Grime is great. Also seeing another big city slicker underestimating the townies and their capabilities is great, not only just a nice hurrah for anyone who loves Wartwood but a nice reminder of why Anne has so much adjusting to do because she underestimated all of this so much. It sets her up VERY well for what will make up the bulk of S3B, at least from my understanding.
So yeah, Amphibia keeps being fucking amazing and yet I STILL have hot takes that go against the opinions of the fandom. Go figure. XD
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yellowcry · 3 months
I can finally see
Dolores doesn't know what to do. Her only hope is that Tío Bruno will agree for a vision
Another thing for Sickened based off cursed gifts with the help of @miracles-and-butterflies
Despite a common belief, Dolores didn't have a problem with her gift. She loved her hearing, it made her far more aware of what was going on. What she hated was actually when she didn't know something. Maybe a habit, maybe a natural wish to seek the truth. And right now she didn't know why the thing were going the way they were.
Dolores heard strange noises coming from Luisa all the way back, starting at the morning that followed the ceremony. But she didn't bother to check if anything was wrong. Luisa didn't seem too bothered with this. If anything, the younger cousin tended to crack her fingers quite a bit from time to time. Which had always annoyed Dolores, but she did her best to ignore it. So it was easy to assume Luisa just kept cracking her fingers while working. Which was more than usual, but nothing too far from the limit. And Dolores herself didn't listen to her cousin up until when Antonio noticed a flickering door. She could assume many things from what she heard. Having Luisa be turned into a stone wasn't one of them.
And then here came her Tía. This was at least way more understandable. Her skin was open, sizzling with oil of an old oven. Red bursting out in a rapid pace, slipping under the teal clothes. Its wasn't Dolores' place to judge whoever had it worse. But with Tía it was at least something she knew. She heard people getting injuries and coming to heal them every day of her life. It didn't make her less sick from the loud opening slashes or blasting blisters.
And super hearing didn't provide Dolores any information of no-one actually knew what it was. The puzzle pieces were too distorted for her to get the image herself.  The only evident thing was that it was somehow related to the magic. The doors were acting strange. There was no situation before when they flickered like this. (or when they flickered at all). The Madrigal candle stable flame also was toned down just a little and didn't seem to shine as bright as before. There was really nothing to hold onto except for that.
But if Dolores didn't have an access to any useful information, somebody else could.
She wasn't very invested in this whole thing with Bruno so-called disappearance. He just... got into the walls at the next day after Mirabel's ceremony and that's it. And Dolores wasn't really bothered by it. Back in the days she had her own problems. School and other childish stuff. And later it just became something casual to her.
But even if Dolores didn't listen to Bruno in the walls that much she heard how he was getting inside of it every day. Enough to learn the right painting.
She had to admit, Bruno was making strange noises too. Just like Tía or Luisa. But Dolores could say this about ninety percent of the things she heard from the walls. It wasn't a big surprise. There was a small part of her that worried if something was wrong with Bruno too. But his door was fine. Or it wasn't fine bit it was in it's normal faded condition. Not flickering. And it was one of the most important information Dolores had. The only thing that united everyone who was affected.
The old floor cracked as she walked deeper. The hallway was confined, making movements somehow uncomfortable but possible. Rats rushed past Dolores, squeaking under her feet. Ouf. How does Tío Bruno live like this? From behind the smallest gasps in the walls Dooores could hear her family just a bit clearer. Which usually meant anyone could hear them without a super hearing.
"Felíx, Do you think this thing is really spreading like an infection?" Mamá breathed out so close but so far away. The tiniest snowflakes floated in the air.
"Juli and Luisa has different symptoms," Papá reminded. And that was exactly the problem. Whatever the magic did, the infection, way to hurt wasn't the same. And it was the reason why Dolores went to Bruno. She had to dig the lacking pieces out of the lime.
The doors closeted around a small door. Dolores crunched, getting past the creaking doorframe. It looked like it was standing on it's last power and would turn into rubbish if someone had touched it wrong.
She squeaked, announcing her presence. She wasn't sure if her Tío would get it, but it was better than nothing. And Dolores didn't exactly know what to say in this situation. She only winced, frowning her nose from the smell that stood in the small room. It shouldn't be a big surprise, Tío Bruno couldn't clean it properly all the time. But it still wasn't something Dolores wanted to smell for much longer.
The known lodger of the place sat crunched on the floor. Wind that howled around him puched his belongings off their places. Rats hid under the ancient armchair. Squeaking in distress. 
Okay, this was worse than what Dolores thought of. But she also expected Bruno not to be in he best condition. He looked around helplessly, holding onto the back of his chair, his hooked nails digged into the soft fabric, tearing threads apart.
"Tío?" Dolores crouched in front of him, blinking at the sight. 
"Ah!" Bruno gasped, half-jumping on the spot. "Who... who's here?" He shut his eyelids, reaching out for Dolores. "Are you really here or not? Sorry... I... I can't tell."
The thin fingers, the bones and joint were clearly defined under the skin grabbed onto Dolores' arm. Tight. She let out a short yelp of pain. There would probably be some bruises left. The world around started to spun, sending inpulses of headache to Dolores from the noices. Her hearing was getting overstimulated with sounds.
"Okay, okay, you're real." Tío Bruno exhaled, his glowing in green eyes snapped open. Didn't it mean Bruno had a vision at the moment? It would explain a lot. From the strange noises to a surprised reaction. He did have involuntary visions from time to time right?
"There's something wrong with the magic." Dolores explained, trying her best to ignote the jamming sound in her head. "You need to see what it is." Right now Bruno was their only way to see what was going on and how to stop it until the entire thing got even worse than it was already. 
"Can I stop having visions instead? It's too much! I can't... I don't understand a thing!"
Dolores' heart pounded. She didn't remember much of how Tío Bruno's gift was supposed to work. To he honest, she knew Bruno preferred Isabela to her back when they were kids. So she assumed it's how visions were supposed to work. Inconvenient and illegible for anyone becides Bruno. It would make sense, it was his gift after all. "This isn't a matter of a simple want. We need a vision." Dolores pulled her uncle, trying toget him out of this state. She remembered Tío Bruno used to make some ritual before visions. Maybe this would help them both. There was no time to avoid the problem. The magic affected Luisa and Tía Julieta in a rapid pace. Their gifts were misbehaving in a way nobody could predict. "Maybe use some bigger space? It will give you more way too see your visions!"
"It doesn't work that way!" Bruno barked at her, pulling away much to Dolores' relief when images stopped bombing her mind. "Space doesn't change anything! It's too..." He shook his head rapidly, narrowing his eyes. "STOP THIS!" His hand gripped onto his hair, pulling a gray handful out.
Dolores winced at the sound. It rung in her ears,  beating her with a hammer. Her arms dropped flat, she stared at the dusty floor in disbelief. If the way she saw and heard a bunch of inconvenient flashes was the way Bruno was seeing visions too... It sertainly would not work. The only thing that was able to clear this up wasn't available to them. And if they couldn't see the way out of this, how in the world were they supposed to stop the thing?
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damnfandomproblems · 3 months
Ahem i am back i slept
1st anon (after me I'm the technical first anon but why would i reply to myself)
I am well aware that everyone else is calling it "being civil" but nowhere in my submission was i directly attacking anyone here. It wasnt a debate. It wasnt even an argument although i knew people would argue with me. It was a vent. This blog is for you to vent out your problems with fandom. And yet people think they are in the right for tone policing me and telling me i should not swear. Saying its about "making my argument look better". Its not me putting words in their mouth. Its me calling it what i see it as. You are acting like i need to write every fucking thing here like its something serious. Like im gonna get a bad fucking grade if i dont. Thats not telling me to "be civil" thats telling me to "act professional".
Anon 2
I have to wonder if you guys have somehow... Convinced yourselves that i said "post" and are now thinking it means a literal "post" or "pole". I said "You can shove your passive aggressiveness back up your ass where you pulled out from."
So lemme get this straight. I curse and be angry in my own submission, anon decides to be high and mighty and passive aggressive about me feeling angry about the topic and my 8 swears and how they don't do that™️. I tell them where they can shove that attitude and suddenly im the bad guy here.
Itd make sense if i were telling them not to swear at me and not to act angry with me. But they weren't. Honestly i think this whole argument is stupid, it was childish for that anon to bring up or even care that i sounded angry and swore. Where are we? 2nd grade? Was it really such a big deal that so many of you felt like you HAD to be right about it and derail the whole conversation into just being mad about me being mad and swearing. (Simplified)
Pot calling kettle black.
I answered the second part well enough above I'm not writing it again.
Anon 3
I don't think it's just two. I also don't even think the first anon my submission got has even replied as they haven't made themself known or even spoken in a way that implied they wrote that ask. Which makes it even weirder that all these people care so much.
Also no thanks. I'm ace and I'd rather not.
Anon 4
Id watch that if i could handle south park lol. Im sure its funny but that show is one of my squicks lol
Could you describe it to me?
Posting as a response to a previous ask.
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